HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954 - 1969 Book RENTON, WASHINGTON - fttW i Ley 1954. MINUTES OF FIh*MNIS PEN/SION AND RETIhDIE:NT FUND BOARD MEETING. BOARD MEMBERS DOCTCfh PANEL Joe R. Baxter, Mayor - Chairman of the Board Dr. John Vukov Wiley Crook, City Clerk - Seccy of the Board Dr. Rudolph Heilpern John Alexander, Fireman Dr. M. J. Schultz. Donald Goodwin, Fireman Herman Freyman, Finance Committee Chairman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Retirement Fund Board eras called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of the City of Renton, Chairman of the Board at 7:15 P.M. Members of the Board present were as follows: Joe R. Baxter, Mayor and Chairman of the Board, Charles Delaurenti, temporary Chairman of the Finance Committee, John Alexander, Fireman, Donald Goodwin, Fireman and Wiley Crook, City Clerk and Secretary of the Board. Moved by DelagrerM, seconded by 080MM, that the minutes of Beeember R9; 195 , be approved as written. Carried. Movea by *a*)*ede"r, eeeonded by Wureati that i,he monthly pension, in the amount of $125.00 each, for the month of , 1954, be allowed and ordered paid to Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orphe MacDonald, Carried. The Financial Statement o ._the operation of the Firemen's Pension and Retirement Furl, naary `C�h Deaerebao was rgad ?s follows: Net balance as of January 1, 1953 67,957.22 Tax Receipts January through December, 1953 12,891.44 State Insurance Premiums, January thru December 2,629.72 Employee's contributions N " " 5,927.78 Interest on Investment " n " 1,550.75 Pension Paymente 3,000.00 det Balance 12-31-53 87,956.91 r, TO BALANCE...... $90,956.91 90,956.91 'freasurorls Balance 12-31-53 8,246.51 Invested in Govt. Securities 79,710.40 Aarrants outstanding 12-31--53 None Net balance 12-31-53 87,,956.91 TO BALAXE...... 987,956.91 &87.956,91 Moved by 9400dft, seconded by V$NniW, that the Financial Statement as real be included in the minutes of Mondayy,dlxlMvr-U, 1954. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seoonded by Delaurenti, that the name of Dr. Chas. B. Keigwin be dropped from the Doctorfs Panel in view of the fact that he has been missing and is ,resumed to have been killed in an airplane crash about the 1st of November, 1953. Carried. r There being no othor business to be brought before the Board, moved by Qolaurerit'i, seconded by=e, that the next meeting; of the Board be held the.40 Monday in -Yp�r, which will be, l'*" 1954, at 7:15 P.M., and that the present meeting be adjourned. Carried. `The meeting; adjourned at 7:30 P.M. Joe R. Baxter - Mayor Chairman of the Board Wiley Cr k - City Clerk Secretary of the Board. j' RENTON, WASHINGTON - June ?2, 1954 MINUTES OF FIREMENIS PENSICN AND R"TIREME.NT FUND BOARD MEETING. 30ARD MEMBE1j�S D:iC-.ORIS PANEL Joe R. Baxter, Mayor - Chairman of the Board Dr. John Vukov Vern Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee Dr. Rudolph Eeilpern ',diley Crook, City Clerk - Seely of the Board Dr. M. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Donald Goodwin, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Retirement Fund Board was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of the City of Renton, Chairman of the Board at 7:15 P.M. 14embers of the Board present were as follows: Joe R. Baxter, Mayor and Chairman of the Tjoard, Vern Morris, Chairman of the Finnnae Committee, John Alexander, Fireman, Wiley Crook, City Clerk and Seoly of the Board. Councilrwn !alt Reid was a visitor at t!le caeeting. Mimitea of the Kray 25th 1954 meeting were rears. Moved by A1ex,ander, seconded by Morris, th-t the minutes of the May 25th meeting be approved e.s read. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Alexander, that the monthly pensions, in the amount of „125.03 each, for the month of June 1954, be. a)lowed and ordered paid to Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha MacDonald. Carried. c. Thn Financial Statement for the month of 1954 was read as follows: Net balance: �I?//ter Tax Receipt vc... Fircments Con ribution # Pension Payments,41*h 1954 --_—_--— -�250.00 Net balance MO-34 1954 -----..._ _ To Balance i'rensurerls Balance IW#WW, j- Investment in Govt. Securities}Lj<</y 9j g 7y5- [+4' s N2..Warrants out �C- .JC - 5g -- - 3 7 2- 6110 '? To Bl,lance - 14(-ved by Alexander, seconded by Morris, that the Financial Stricpmnnt as read ')e approved t-.nd included in thelune22, 1954 minutes. Carried. Moved by Morrie, seconded by Alexandr�r, that tliore beim*, no Pirtb r business to be brought before the Board, that the meeting; rsd,journ ani to rReet for thoir July meeting the 4th Tua--ARy, which is the 27th dry Of July"at 7:00 o'clock, B,M., in the office of the Mayor. Carried. Joe R. Baxter, Aayor i Wiley Cro , City Clerk Seoretary of the 13onrd i OTON, ASHINGTCN - July 27, 1954 MUjT&,, ,F F114M I08 FENSIA AND F.E.TIi KWf M,1) H:.AIA IAXTUG. �"� 1aOLcD LS - pCGTCVS ?AHL Joe k. Haxte►r,llmyor - Cheirmn of the Hoard Dr. John Vukov Vern Morris, ChairmAn of the Finanoe Committee Dr. l�.udolph Heilpern Y/lsy Crook, City Clerk - ",soty of the Board Dr. M.J. '',chultx John Alwtunder, Fireman Donald Goodwin, viretM The regular *resting; of the Firemen's Pension and T ntimmeent Fund aoard was oalled to order by Mayor Joe Y.. Baxter of the City of fronton, Ghnirman of the Board at 7t3.1 P.M. Asmibers of the Boerd present were as followst Too r. Tinxter, '4syor and Chairman of the Hoard, Vern Morris, Chairman of the rinnnue Committees, John Alexander, Fireman, uoarrld Go-twin, ?irrmen Rnd 4111ey Groot:, (;1ty Clerk ':nd "cwly of the Hoard. "inuten of the hone 22nd 1954. mi�,oting :sere rend. ;-coved :iy Alexondor, Fteoonded by (;oodwin, th•^t the minut s of the Jcure 72mi moet.int,� be npprove,• an rend. Carriod. Aloved by Goodwin, snuondod by Morriss, thrt the monthly :)Pnaions in t1v Amount of 125.DJ eeoh, for the nonth of July 1954 be nlloved rnd ordered -,aid to Mrs. Earn Atulerson nad xre. Jrpha AnoDonsld. Carried. Moved by Morris, womiod by Alexander, that nn invoice from Or. Lloyd A. t:hite, optometrist, in the mmount of ;17.51 for the replaoennnt of frrauw nrtd the right lasses of eye flaesea of firm,on Janes A. Ashurst, which .rwre °,mkon in liras of •iuty 'uly 1.1, 1951„ be paid. Carried. Tho i'izrnnoi.al 3t-ttsrent fr-r tho month of %,.ly 1954 rrarc rear). ar follojo: at balance 5/31/54 911191b.05 i'wx !%Ooointe Jeune 1954 1,210.13 71rPmon's Contrihutions Juae 1954 4.93.17 i-ension Payments, J.no 1954 'S`t•�0 t :;alenos mune 30, 1954 1)1,372.35 To :was:rrr's t-elnnue 6-1)-51 J,r3''7.35 Investment in .:ovErrrraent `,oc.,rItirn G-3)-54 99,795.)7 lb rrr�r tm out 6-3)-54 25`00 {Ft F lanae 6_3(1-54 To nlanatt - Aved lry `+lexendor, onconded ;,y ,•>rrir, th1t the Fixvet;ci:d ^tr'ter'nnt IT!! i .e vn-mved and inclafiod in the July 27th 1951. minutes. Carried. r ;coved by Morris, eec:on'ed by t-,c wirt, that no ,x,r the 01rrkla su ;.-*?rtions Ntum finnnui-I stntoments shoe rewnipts ,ud 9isb=ii-two®uto yenr to tante, tnatee;i of month l y mrith ,rs tInrately. unrriod. :4oved loy Morris, secorxisci :;y Alexani^r, thr.t the —mrd invrptit;Pte ir, rvi'l—1 to V ie,-ality and fer•sibility of n torporary loan to the 'jity of i.enton to ':,e for the construction of the All.inns ^treat briove. Cpriled. rrw.re 'wing no Nrth-r `r�;sinecr to Le 1;rou;*ht 1,aforr the ;;vnni, rrrvod ':ry :­oodwir:, s;rcorrlod by Alorff.ndor, t1,nt the ;aeaetini c 'jcmrn meet .for their 4 -Ust Aeting thQ 4th Tuesday, arhich is the 24th day of P.Y., in thr, orice of the !iryor. C:3rriod. s _ Jot j , f�xter, Apyor r�`'*^-""" ` -e t� Chmirm n' of the ck>nri dies Crook .ity Claris tier- .-4ry ,f the T:o.­rd. 14 RENTON, WASHINGTON - AUGUST 24, 1954 MINU7M OF FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RETIREMENT FUND BOARD MEETING. BOARD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S PANEL r Joe R. Baxter, Mayor - Chairman of the Board Dr. John Vukov Vern Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee Dr. Rudolph Heilpern Wiley Crook, City Clerk - Seo'y of the Board Dr. M. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Donald Goodwin, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Retirement Fund Board was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter of the City of Renton, Chairman of the Board at 7:30 P.M. Members of the Board present were as follows: Joe R. Baxter, Mayor and Chairman of the Board, John Alexander, Fireman, Wiley Crook, City Clerk and Secretary of the Board. Due to the absence of Donald Goodwin, fireman, and Vern Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Councilmen George Swift and Steve Tamborini, were appointed to fill the vacancies. Minutes of the previous meeting July 27, 1954, were read. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Swift, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Alexander, that the monthly pensions in the amount of $125.00 each, for the month of August 1954 be allowed and ordered paid to Mrs. Enra Anderson and Mrs. Orpha MacDonald. Carried. The Financial Statement January let to July 31st 1954 inclusive was read. Net Balance 12-31-53, 87,956.91 State Ins. Premium, Jan. thru July 1954,... 3,252.17 Interest, Jan. thru July 1954.............. 509.75 Firemen's cttribs. Jan. thru July 1954,.... 3,487.19 Taxes-Jan. thru July 1954.................. 8,277.37 Expenditures Jan. thru July 1954,.......... 1,750,00 Net Balance 7-31-54........................ 101,733.39 TO BALANCE 122i4L,,Jq 103,483,32— Treasurer's 0 3 34._Treasurer's Balance 7-31-54............... 2,188.39 Investment in Gov't. Securities 7-31-54,.. 99,795.00 Warrants out 7-31-54...................... 250.00 Net Balance 7-31-54........................ 101,733.39 TO BALANCE 101,983.39 101,983.39 Moved by Swift, seconded by Alexander, that the Financial Statement be approved as read and included in the minutes of the present meeting. Carried. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Alexander, that there being no further business to be brought before the Board, that the meeting adjourn, and to meet for their September meeting the 4th Tuesday in September, which is September 28th 19549 at 7:15 P.M., in the office of the Mayor. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M. a� Joe R. Baxter, Mayor ~� Chairman of the Board r Wiley Cr—o'#, City Clerk Secreta. of the Board* I zq ale, ILi i i71 . y C 7 Renton, WnshinUton January 24, 1956 Y(RisM�+.�N'S ENS 8 RL`.L'7R.EPYiFNI' BOARD T3N.Pr) iF.T.IFIER.S: POCTORIS A,11371L Mayor Joe P. 1?axter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph heilpern 1l oyd :;haff, City Clerk Dr. M. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Marvin '�herertz, Fireman `File regular of the I'irener.'s Pension Poard was called to order by Chairman, Mavor Joe R. Paxter. All members of the Board were rresprt. T'inutes of the Previous mneting were read and approved. Moved. by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, the monthl�r pensions of Mrs. '�;nza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald be allowed and ordered nai.d. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. oe tt. Baxter Chairman a 1 oyc3 Shaft--Clerk i r i. �4 Renton, Washington February 28, 1956 F'TTEMPNI S PFTTfiTON RETTRF;TNT BOARD 0-TO S PAra?T, Mazror Joe P. Paxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. T?.udolrh Heilpern ?'load Shaff, �itv Clerk Dr. M. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman rarvin Sherertz, .Fireman The re-alar meeting of the Firemen's Pension. Board was called to order r . Chairman, Ms,!or Joe R. Baxter. All members of the Board were rTresnnt. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, the monthly pensions of Mrs. Fnza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. J e R. Baxter - hai man 'FI ovd d. Shaff-- lerk 9 z� Rentons Washington March 27, 1956 ^'TR.F T,N'S Prr.?STON PETIREMPNT ROAR.D BOAF?.1) i°"rrl3L"RS: l?OCTOR'c F'�r'F°7, Mayor Joe R. 'axter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heilpern Floyd Shaff,, Cit- Clerk Dr. 14. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Marvin Sherertz., Fireman `.l'he regular meeting of the Firenen's Pension Board was tailed to or(ier h�, Chairman, Mayor Joe R. Baxter. All members of the Board were present. Ifinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertzq the monthly pensions of Mrs. inza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. There being no further I-siness, the meeting was adjourred. � r ./Joe R. axter Chainnan r F10,4-/. a - e r l� Renton, Washincton April ?4, 1956 FTRREMEN'S Pr',NSTON k. RETIRR v1ENT f'OARD BOARD ivitFPTERS: DOCTORI S PANE'.T., Mayor Joe IZ. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heil Pern Flo7!d Shaff, City Clerk Dr. Ti. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Marvin Sherertz, fireman i The regular meeting of the Firements Pension Board was called to 1 order by Chairman, Magor Joe R. Baxter. All members of the Board were I nresent. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Moved by Alexander, seconded bz,r Sherertz, the monthly pensions of Mrs. naa Anderson and Mrs. 0 ha McDonald be allowed and ordered paid. . , Carr-.i ed. Motion made by Sherertz, seconded b-,i- Morris, that the medical bills of Goodwin and Connell be paid. Carried. There being no further business, the. Aeting was adiourred. oe R. Baxter Chairman ov •J. ',')'haff - Cler I D Rentor, 1a sh-i.r rtor Ma.•. 97, 1,056 T;'T INF I►S I'Rn?`. ION !ti?T:f�7'I:i':I I(.' BOARD T3(lARD Ml''MI?t?*3.5; DOCTON.I> "WIFT, ` Mayor Joe Ti. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heiloern "lo. ,d Shaff, City Clerk Dr. Pi. J. Schultz John Alexander, 'Fireman T'.arvin Sherertz, Fireman The re,,Tla.r meetinr of the Firement s Pension Board was called to order by Chairman, Iayor Joe ft. Paxter. All members of the Board were r.rescnt„ `Minutes of the previous meeting were read and 3n-proved. ! ov ed bIT Alesa rd er, seconded bv Sherertz, the morthl« rersions of _ Tars. t;nza Andersor. and Mrs. Ornha McDonald be allowed and ordered raid. Carried. Thr-re being no i'urthPr busi.r ss, the meetirr was adjourned. Ile`. oe R. Fsxter - Chair-man o; . "hoff CI i 4 ! 1� CT.FRK19 FINANCTAL REPORT OF TNF; FTRFMENtS PENSION & .13R21Rr=...NT FUNS AS OF MAY 31.3% 1956 Prnviou; Cash P-lance 10.3,?78.18 Receipts: Pmrert-y TriY $11650.0? Tntnrnst on Investments 135.90 F1.r^men1 s Contrih»ti.ons 604. Tnv :tments Rnturned 22,361 .10 ^tit(• Firnmonf:3 Fund 3,032.02 Total. Mgy Receipts 9 27,786.29 27 7P'6.?Q Tota] Balance & Receipts <11.,561+.1F7 »i.:�hnrsemento: Tmreitmonts Purchased $7,448.62 Transfers 250.00 Total Disbursements $7,698.62 7,698.62 Cash Balance - Mav 31, 1956 $33,865.85 T-westments, (as Listed below) Savings 98,500.00 91.-0ay, U.S. Bills (Investments) 7 41,.8.62 Total Cash Balance & Investment:. 0-39,81.1F.47 as Of May 33 , 1956 Invr':;tn:ent5, 91vi.nr,:s: ri rst Federal Savings and Loan of I?j nton : 10,000.00 Citizens Federal Savings and Loan, Renton 101000.00 F:ici fl c l.st Federal Savinps and Loan, Seattle 102000.00 ^eattl.e Feder-J. ^avings and Loan, Seattle 101V000.00 Mntropolit,an Federal Savings and Loan, Seattle 101000.00 ilnion Federsl. Slvin7s and Loa,.n. Seattle 10,000.00 First Federal iavinna and LEan of Seattle 100000.00 Ballard Federal Savings & L an Assoc. of Seattle 10,000.00 Auhnrn FedArra Savi.rps and Loan Assoc., Auh►irn 102000.00 IA ncoln First Federal Savings & Loan, Seattle 8.500.00 -TP98,500.00 CITY OF R .0 DT 1 O 1V KING Csr-JNTY, WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT. TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE ELTON L. ALEXANDER. CLERK G sHELLAN COUNCILMEN CY ATTORNEY VERN H. MORRIS, PRES. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN ASST. CITY ATTORNEY HUGH D. BRUCE DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE CHARLES DELAURENTI HEALTH OFFICER AVERY GARRETT ANG BUSATO ''{{ �jly OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE u1IIlO 27, 1956. RAY E. HEPPENSTALL F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER '1'^ n7,'� b'. THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. P F U FEiANCIPL RZ&ORT FOR FIR!12 i .V=S P 46ION FUND VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTILITIES MILY 31, 1956 DR. LLOYD A. WHITE LiV-'�'STI-10TS, SAVIlVG6: First Federal Savings and Loan of Renton $10.'000.00 Citizens Federal savings and Loan., Raitou 10P000.00 Pacific lst Federal Savings and Loan, Seattle 10,000.00 Seattle Federal Savings and Loan, Seattle 10,000.00 Metropolitan Federal Savings and Loan, Seattle 10,000.00 Union Federal Savings and Loan, Seattle 102000.00 First Federal Savings and Loan of Seattlo 10.V000.00 Ballard Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. of . eattle 10.,000.00 Auburn Federal Savings and Loan Assoc.,Auburn 10,000.00 Lincoln First Federal Savings & Loan, Seattle 5.500.00 X98,500.00 I:WEbTI�UNTS. U. 6. BILLS 91—day Bills 7.p448.62 Cash balance in fund $33,865.85 Treasurer. Renton, 14ashinr-tor Jvna 26, 1.956 FT,Yf,`117"TfS PF149TO"T I-ETTRYNTII T ROATID P-Tayor Joe R. Baxter Dr.John Viikov Councilman Vern Morris T)r.Thido?ph Hei:l_rerr E. L. Alexander; City 'Clerk Dr. Y. J. 1chilto John. Alexander, Fi rmmnn PTcrvin Sherertz, Fireman me-tir- of t'ne Firer^irf,-c T'el;,ion Rosx-i was ca.1.7ed to order Nfa7nr Joe.?. natter. 11 ^embers of. the Board were Present. !J wte�3 of the nrevi.ous meetintr acre approved as written. roved by Ale xander, seconded b r Shorertz, that the monthly Persions of* Y-:­,. ?'r'-;'t Anrl-;r.son and Yrn. Ornha YcDonald be alloy.►ed and ordered paid. l„1'^ri.Cd. -- t.bvc�rr. h•► "`crri^, ^econded by ^h_erertz, that the City Clerk request the City T r,�.t!,- .rer pr^rare a complete financial report on all the Fi.rement s Funds and i.temi z- the invrstmerts. Carried. 'Phe C'7 n.rk win i nstriintn.d to attach a cor`y of the T Iranci al Report to Vin ri nnte:, of this meeting and fon.ard same to each member of the 'Board. There bei.rn no Nrther busir,eco, the meotin! Renton, Washington July 10, 1956 FIREMENIS PENSION & RELIEF BOARD BOARD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Pr. Rudolph Heilpern E. L. Alexander, City Clerk` Dr. M. 'J. Schultz John Alexander, Yireman Marvin Sherertz, Fireman - The special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Pro-Tem Vern Morris at 7:20 P.M. All members were present with the exception of Mayor Joe R. Baxter. There was a discussion on the Actuary report & survey and the requirements of the Law. Moved by John Alexander, seconded by Marvin Sherertz, that the Pension Board hire Mr. James Curtis, of the firm of Marsh & McLennan,Inc. to conduct and make a survey and actuary report on the Renton Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund as required by Law. Carried Moved by Marvin Sherertz, seconded by John Alexander that the Renton Firemen's Relief & Pension Fond pay the cost of said Actuary & Survey report. The Secretary was instructed to notify Mr. Curtis to proceed at once. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M: i� l�< V rnorris, Chairman Pro-Tem I E. L. exan er, Clerk o o-arm a� �a Renton, Washington August 28, 1956 FIREMENtS PENSION & RELIEF BOARD BOARD MEMBERS DOCTORtS PANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heilpern E. L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Marvin Sherertz, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Pro-Tem Vern Morris at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Baxter arrived at 7-040 P.M. City Clerk Elton Alexander was reported absent. Both the other members, Firemen Alexander and Sherertz, were present. Zloved by Marvin Sherertz, seconded by John Alexander, that the monthly pensions of Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. Copies of the Financial Report will be forwarded to all Board Members as soon as they have been prepared. There being no further business, moved by Sherertz, seconded by Morris, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. -- Vern,Morris, Chairman/Pro-Tem John'.Alexander, Clerk/Pro-Tem. CLERKIS FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF JULY 31., 1956 ON THE FIREMEM S RELIEF & PENSION FUND Previous Cash Balance $33,865.85 Receipts - June & July, 1956 Property Tax 7,562.42 Firemen's Contribution 19208.90 Investments Returned 1,327.50 Total Balance & Receipts $43,964.67 Disbursements - June & Ju1y, 1956 Investments Purchased $31,500.00 Transfers 516.32 Total Disbursements 12?1016.32 Cash Balance, July 31, 1956 X611,948.35 Inve sure nt s $128$672-50 91-Day, U.S. Bills (Investments) 7,148.62 l' j121.12 Total Cash Balance & Investments $148,069.47 as of July 31, 1956 Renton, Washington September 25, 1956 FIREMENIS PENSION & RFLJEF BOARD ROARII MFMRF,RS DOCTORt S PANFT, Mayor ,Toe R. Rnxter Dr, John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heil.pern F. T. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M. J. Schultz John Alexander, Fireman Marvin Sherertz, Fireman The regular meed ng of the Firements Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Pro-Tem Vern Morris at 7:00 P.M.. Meyor Baxter and Fireman Marvin Sherertz rAnorted absent. Present were Fireman John Alexander, City Clerk E. L. Alexander and Councilman Morris. Yinutes of previous meeting approved. A communication from Fire Chief Lawrence regarding Fireman Bob Connell. wr s read. Dills as follows, were ready from Dr. Wagner in the amunt of $ 11.00, and from the Renton Hospital for $ 40.351 and on motion of John Alexander, seconded by E. I . Alexander, bills were ordered paid. The motion carried. A ration was made by E. L. Alexander, seconded by John Alexander, that the monthly warrants be paid to Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald. The motion carried. "ecretary Alexander was instructed to notify Fire Chief Lawrence to hold anelection for Board Member Representative from the Renton Fire Department, as the term of John Alexander expired in July, 1956. Iroved by John Alexander, seconded by E. L. ,44gxander, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7.;20 P.M. Vern Nlorri.s, Chair}n Pro Tem E.I. Alexander, City Clerk-SFCRFTARY R-rton, W,-.v7,h-ln7to-.1 October 23, 1956 F-TRIM., P7313TON PR�7, -TRF BOARD - NINUWN lull POART) TfilffRS DOCTOR119 PIPITFI, r Dr. John Vukov collnri I-" Ifern Morris Dr, Rudolph. '[nom tern Cit', Clerk Dr. M. J. Sihulil-,, Sherertz, Fireman meetin" or tll� Fircmnrls Pnr-ilrO'l I.)DIPLrd bfJS called to order Joe R. Ra xtAr at, 7:40 P.M. Cornallmar Vern Morris and 'Fireman Prnsnrt wr!re Firemnr TTpLrvin rtnd Fire L. Alexandcr -.tnrl Mw/or Jon R. Baxter. of thrn prnviol)s ?1e .tin!' w--r-#<+ approved as writton. Ivrarvin Sherortq; gefmilorl I-r, F. L. V ,Amandenr, that, the rior+.!,I.y r. .-tld to V-s. lwrna Andnrion and Mrs. Orpha McDonald. Motion carried, no Nrthcr bus-innss., w. vod bj Shere--Iv-z, seconded byAl.--�cander, Th.- montj ,.n!- adjotirned. at 7:55 P.M. JOR, It./PAXTEIR CJTATTUW� T, T.. AT,1?,XATJDF'R, (,TTY CT,MK S"FCR-'FTA17Y RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT MAKE EVERY WEEK FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Mill Street and Walla Walla Avenue Renton, Washington F. E. LAWRENCE, CHIEF M. C. WALLS,ASST. CHIEF Oct. 22 195,j Honorable J.R. Baxter Chairman Firemen's Pension Board Fireman Dave Walsh has been elected to fill the place on the board to replace Capt. John Alexander as his term expired in June 1956 bir. D. Walsh has been notified and I will see that he is at the next board meeting. Chief i %rtor., 7-41,shinmton Tlovonbor 27, 1956 PTRTi7A7Mj'7 T) TITIN.TOTIT q, PT,- (I-r- r,Trip -1 TTj I P0,17RT) M TrrT(IR"7 PAT,77 r,T--(-,r J— 7. nn-ntor I)r. John VnIr.0 v Dr, Thidolp), "cilnern r4tr ^1.,.+1, T11+ M J. 'Ichilltz r -ian Tlavc 7a1:3iI V4»mman he rc,�tir- of 41-ho ronsior Poard anl1crt to orrIor y7r (lb-t-Irmnr ,Toe 1. Pwtcr act 7:30 1 .M. Conrcil.-inn Vorn Mor--i:; and Pirvran Tlavo T.",_a 3 h Tlr�ncrt 1.!crn Piz-orrar ^^vin 7.horcrtz, City Clcrl: T,-',ltcn T,. :—Ioxandnr ar.-I Vlniror Joc 7. rla�t, ,,. Tlir,itcs of Vic m-,ctin- warc approvocl az ,mitten. T,,Iovcri Ir, 71-cr-:)rtr,, scconle,cl bvr that the irvoice from March P- ?.TcT,cnr,-.tn in the 'Tril"It of $,,500.00 h-, (',,-rrlc,!. by "horoxt-., 11,at tl,.e r warr,�rt,; for �"r:�. "O.mv� Orp ho pairl. Tho mtior carr—l. 'Ncrn ro ti-Tioimoz;, move,', by P2cxander, accondarl by r:hcrcrt7,, that t?,o Trcct--4.-- all-Imirn. I'arrinl. Tho nectJ.n,- adionmcd at 7;i;o r.r% 1 AYT, JOT; R. PA=,,R - CTIAIMAN -7CITY T,77!' - (I 7tMY TO: MEMBER!; OF FIRL-YENIS PENSION iXMDS. and FIRE DEPARTIEkNI' ?AVABERS Due to tkw rec-ont four dccisioas rendered in trio 6uprewa Court concerninj 'Firemen' s Pensions, and the introduction of le�jislatlon to cause re-e4nactment of the 1957 Act,, which waz de- clared unconstitutional, a fueeting of all State Pension Board inembers will be hold in Tacoma, on February 4, 1959, at ten o'clock A. m4. , at 46.4e Tacoma Athletic Club. TiUs meatirs� will be for tho discussion of all the Supreme Court decisions, and the possibility of securin,; the same intorprotation and odministration of the Pension Acts throughout tho stato of viashington. Your City Attorney and Pension Board Members are urgently requested to attend, 1-he expanw for thin, meeting has been allocated in the past from pension funds as administrative costs. : �;�`;`w,�` ,� Fratornally, 'ryIrk, A1.1 WALT LAMURT, Sacretary 3707 E. 36th Spokane, kashington Renton, Washington February 26, 1957 FTXT?,EN' 'r,IVfiTON RFLTF;F POAI"in - MTNUTRS TIOA RD WNT3ERS DOCTOR'S t)kNJ-;L 0 Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vul�pv Councilrnan Vern *Morris Dr. Rudolph Heilpern E. L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr, M. J. Schultz Mar1ri.n S'l(-rertz, Fireman Dave Wa1lsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by the chairman, Joe R. Baxter at 7:OOP.M. All members of the Board were present. '_14inu.tes of the pr. v"ious meeting; approved as written. Bills were presented on behalf of Paul Henry from Dr. J. C. Wagoner for 141.00, and the Renton Hospital for NM-50. It was moved by Morrid, seconded by Sherertz that the bills be allowed. Motion carried. WAM- It was moved by Fireman Sherertz and seconded by Walsh that the month- ly warrants for Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald be paid, motion carried. Fireman Sherertz asked the chairman if a quarterly ruport on all funds of t;ie Firemen's Pension Fund could be had at the next meeting. He asked that tiiey receive an itemized account of all investments of the Firemen's Pension Fund. Baxter stated that he thought that the City Treasurer would be glad to make such a report. There beinr! no further -iciness, the meeting was declared adjourned `y the Chairman Baxter at 7:10. f�IAY0 3 JOE 13. BA..,_Ti R - C'1AIRMAN 7% L. ALFU\'D)s t, C "'1'Y C1.5771, SEG .ETARY 24 FINANCIAL REPORT FUR FIREMEN'S Pii,NSION FUND: MAY 31, 1557 SAVINGS: IMSn AMOUNT: First Federal Sayings & Low , Renton Citizens Federal Savings & ljoan, Rento Pacific 1st Federal SavingsI& Loan, Sezttle ISeattle Federal vings de L an, Sec ttle IMetropolitan Fede al Saving Loan, S(at7le UTji6n Federal Sayings & Loari, Seattle 0 First Federai Sai�'ngs & Loanj Seattle 1: Ballard Federal 'wings & L an,Assoc. attie I.Auburn Federal S dings & Loap Assoc. At urn J�7p 11 IlLincoln First Fk ral Savin oan attle _ra —7 Eastside Savings & Loan AssQr-, Bellevue 91-Day, U.S.Biiis Investor E ts) Cash Balance in d: May 31? 1957 FIREMEN t S PENSION & RELIEF BOARDUi4INUTES A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 7s30 Y P.M. with Mayor Baxter presiding. After discussion regarding Capt. Charles Goodwin, it was moved by Strom, seoonded by Sherertz that Charles Goodwin be referred to a heart specialist for a complete heart check up. It was recommended that the secretary make an appointment for Mr. Goodwin with Dr. Michel. Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. Henton,0. ingtcn June 25, �.51 FIREIN:N'S Pe;NS10 & REL1Er' BOARD:----MJNTITE;S DuCTGRIS PANEL .r Joe R. Baxter Dr.Jonn Vokov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Heilpern City Clerk E.L.Alexander Dr.M.J.Schultz Fireman Marvin Sherertz Now Fireman Dave Walsh The R&gular meeting of the Firemenas Pension & Relief Board was called to order by Chairman, Mayor Baxter at 7:1U P.M. All members of the Board were present. Minutes of the previous meeting was approved as written. A letter from Chief Lawrence was read, regarding an injury to Fireman, M.C.Edwardson, and same was ordered placed on file. The clerk read the Fianacial report, showing investments and cash balance as of May 31,1957. ( Copy of which is included below.) Moved by Morris and 2nd. oy Walsh that the regular monthly warrants be allowed, motion carried: There being no further business, the meeting adjurned at 7:30 P.M. E.L.Ale xander, Secretary to Board FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THI' F.P.B R.B. NAME OF 9,A' dCS & LOAN AVIOUNT OF DEPOSITS Seattle Fed.Say.& Loan 10,000.OU Highline Say.& Loan 10,0()0.00 Fidelity Say.& Loan Assoc. 10,000000 Citizens Fed.Say.&. Loan 10,00000u Eastside Say.& Loan 10,000.Ou Everett Fed.Say.& Loan 10,('00.00 Shoreline Savings Assoc. 100w,00 � Union Fed.Say.& Loan 10,000,00 Pacific 1st.Fed.Savings 10,M),OU 1st.Fed.Say.& Loan (Renton) 10,000,Ou 1st Fed.Say.& Loan (Seattle) 10,000,00 Ballard Fed.Say.& Loan 101000.00 Auburn Fed.Say.& Loan 10,000.ou Lincoln First Fed.Say.& Loan 1U,000oW 143tropolitan Fed.Say.& Loan 10,000.00 -1:0,00 u.00 Cash valance in fund as of May 31,1957 16,149.43 Total of all funds WE,149.43 I GC: To all board members NOTL,: The above financial report is a true copy of the report as submitted by the City Treasurer to the City Clerk on June 25,1957. 1 -y i Renton, Washington September 24, 1957 FIR14EN'S PENSION & R:&.bTPF , 0.4RD --- fIi�1UT;S Mayor Joe R. Baxter DOCTOR'S Pk%L Councilman Vern Morris John Vokov City Clerk L. L. Alexander Dr. R. Heilpern Fireman Marvin Sheretz Dr. M. J. Schultz Fireman Dave Walsh The Regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension & Relief Board was called to order by Acting Chairman, Vern Morris at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. Moved by Sheretz, seconded by Walsh that the regular monthly warrants be allowed, motion carried. Pill from Dr. Vukov for services rendered for Marvin Edwardson was presented, moved by Sheretz, seconded by Walsh that the Dr. Vukov bill be allowed. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.111. i. L. Alexander, Secretary to Board i Renton, Washington October 15, 1957 FIIR �'VNP :S p i,I:g1:O1', EL�Kt FOA,'J - M 1.;TTTSS BCA t1) T' 7!T--1,FRS DOCTOR'S VANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heilpern E. L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M. J. Schultz -)1iO G� '�� - Marvin Sherertz, Fireman fell. i* ho-Dave ?,Talsh, Fireman The reg-ular meeting; of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by the chairman, Joe R. Baxter at 7:30 P. M. Fireman Dave Walsh was excused. Tile secretary of tine Board read the request of Captain C. A. Carbon of tiie Fire Department for a medical examination by the Panel Doctors. Moved by Morris, seconded by Sherertz that the request be granted and the secretary notify two Doctors giving reasons for examination and requesting conies of their report. Motion carried. :L't was suggested by Ca>)tain Sherertz that the Doctors notify the secretary of the Pension Board as to the time and place of examination and the secretary in turn will notify* Captain Carbon. Yoved by Sherertz, secr:)nded by Morris that the bills in connection with Fireman James Ashurst be allowed. Lotion carried. Moved '�y Morris, seconded by Alexander that the regular monthly war- rants for Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Mac Donald be paid. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. MAXI)a ja P.. BEC-MRV 'T-T.): -! 1%1 i II III Renton, Washington November 5, 1957 FIREMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF BOARD - MINUTES BOAxD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr, John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heilpern E. L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M. J. Schultz Marvin Sheretz, Fireman Dave Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Mayor Baxter at 7: 15. Special order of lbusiness was the request of C. A. Carbon for retirement. The Clerk read the reports from Dr. Vukov and Dr. Schultz. The matter was discussed thoroughly by the members of the Pension Board and a motion was made by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz that Captain Carbon be placed on retirement in accordance with the pension laws i.e. on an inactive statusfor 6 months on full salary and subject to re-examination at that time if the Board so desires. The effective date of the inactive status is November 6., 1957. The Pension Board will assume his salary from that date. The motion carried. A letter was read from Fire Chief Lawerence stating that Sherertz had been ree.iected and the letter was ordered placed on file. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh that the regular monthly warrants for Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Mac Donald be paid. Motion carried. The Board instructed the Clerk to contact the City Attorney relative to the legal procedure in connection with the retirement of Captain Carbon to determine if on his inactive status if with-holding tax snoulu oe w'.i.tci-held and if so what would the procedure be in so far as the City is concerned, also the matter of Social Security being pais :from the Pension Fund. There being no further business meeting closed at 7:40 P. M. ,x, EH,, CITY MERK.0 JD Renton, Washington January 28, 1958 FIRrMF,N'S PE`TSI CN Rc RELIEF BOARD - MINTUTFS ?�AR.n MF W RS DOCTOR'S P i1NFL Mayor Joe H. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. Rudolph Heilpern Alexander,, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Dave 'f:'al.sh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman, Mayor Baxter at 7:10 P.M. The Clerk presented Dr. Vukov's bill on behalf of Charles A. Carbon in the amount of �1�20.00. It was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh that the bill be paid. The Clerk also presented a bill from the Renton Hospital on behalf of Marvin Edwinson in the amount of -1112.50. A motion was made by Sherertz and seconded by Walsh that this be included with the other bill and ordered paid. There was a motion made b-. Walsh, seconded by Sherertz that the monthly warrants be paid to Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. MacDonald. The motion carried. There was considerable discussion on the matter of retirement for Captain Charles A. Carbon and it was the concensus of the Board that he would continue to draw his full salary from the Pension Mand for the 6 month period, which will end on Aoril 6, 1958. Prior to the expiration of the 6 month period the roa.rd will make a final decision on the matter and Captain Carbon will be notified. There being no further business the meetinn adjourned at 7:35 P.M. s e .14AYOR TOE R. BAXTER, CHAIRMAN 1 E.L. ALLXANDER, CI`T'Y CL72 , S CRETA:sY 1 Renton, vJashington March 4., 1958 FIREMEN'S PENSION & RELIFF BOARD - MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING BOARD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S PASTEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Heilpern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Dave Walsh$ Fireman The special meeting of the Firemen►s Pension Board was called to order by Chairman, Mayor Baxter at 7:30 P.M. The special meeting was called for the purpose of authorizing medical examinations for the 4 new firemen recently appointed to the Fire Department. It was moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz that the 4 new firemen be authorized to have a medical examination by one of the Pension Board doctors, report on said examination to be returned to the secretary of the Board not later than March 25, 1958. The motion carried. There was some discussion as to having all future firemen receive a medical examination and after considerable discussion it was moved by Sherertz and seconded by Walsh that all future appointees to the Fire De- partment shall have a medical examination by one of the Pension Board doct- ors, and report on the examination must be received before the appointee gets notice to.report to work; the Pension Board to receive a copy of the report of the official examination and the cost of the examination to be paid by the Pension Board. The motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M. MAY R JOE R. 13AXTER, C E.L. :4LEXANllER, K, ERE TARY Mayor Joe Dr, John Vukov Coiincll.man Vern '!'orris 5r, ',!udolph T'Oilpirn . F,L. Alevznder, City 1.1ork .r j-chul.te Tlarvin `hcrcrtz, 71.romen Dim Vlalmh Firc-man This iij to cortify that the Pension ',?.oard at twir mooting of March ',, authorized an exavdnation for the boarer, This axwnination roport must no returnod to t1he secretary of tho 'Reard Nfore march 1958 vlong with your i-in showing the cost of the enaninatione r-P1,11-14MIS PFqII'TON Alit) [?!-T.T*i:"' Ily F, L. noon 10h,, City TIall Renton,, ".'asI4nc,!ton COPY i mow Renton, Washington March 25, 1958 FL E11FAN I S P`,NSION & R�LILF BOARD - i,INUUZS BOA LD I°i i-IBERS DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe K. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern iiorris Dr. A. Heilpern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. 111. J. Schultz iXarvin Sherertz, Fireman Dave Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension 3oard was called to order by Mayor Joe Baxter, Chairman, at 7:30 P-1y1. The Secretary read the medical reports on iiichard Geissler, Franklin Todd and Ralph Niemeyer. It was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh that the doctors bills be paid. Motion carried. The Secretary read a letter from a Dr. McKay in Seattle which was written to the Board at the request of Fireman Joseph r. Conard. The letter was ordered placed on file. �... It was moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz that the regular monthly pension vouchers be allowed. Motion carried. There was a discussion relative to the retirement of Captain C.A. Carbon. It was pointed out that on the 6th of April he will have been re- tired 5 months and under the law he is to receive 30 days notice prior to being placed on permanent disability retirement. It was moved by Walsh., .seconded by Sherertz that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter so notifying him. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.ii. I�iAY JOS; R. BAXTER, CHAIRMAN E. L. ALEXANDER2 CITY CLERK, SECR TARP �r.r a Renton, Washington April 22., 1958 FTRFI.P9TT'S P'�;' 'SI9N R.F? F -CARD - MIl�\?iTTES BOARD TI PY TF S DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe R. Paxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern 'Morris Dr. R. Heilpern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Dave ?^Tal s h, Fireman The resrula r meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman, at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Joe Baxter and Dave Walsh were excused. The ,Secretary read the medical report from Dr. Heilpern regarding Fireman Art'•iur 2rin7le. He also presented the bill of i:,12.00 for the examination. It was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Alexander that the bill be paid. Motion carried. The regular monthly vouchers for Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McDonald were authorized paid. The secretanr reported that he has given Captain C.A. Carbon 30 days notice NEW of his permanent retirement which takes effect May 6, 1958. Being no further business the meetin,r adjourned at 7:0 P.M. COUNCILMAN VERN 1,110RRTS, AC N�' CKtJHKAN i E.L. ATEXIAP . ^ , C 6L'1T SECRETARY r... Renton, Washington May 27, 1958 FTREXENIS P.iI'TSTON ArJD FOARD - TTINU,,GiS ROAgD MgN- RH.RS TY)CI.ORIS P MFT, Mayor Joe R. Paxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Hei 1pern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. tf.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz" Fireman Dave Walsh, Fireman The re-a-La r meeting of the Firemen t s Pension Board was called to order by Councilman Vern Morris, Chairman, at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Joe Baxter was excused. The Secretary read the comnunication from Fire Chief Lawrence regarding the resi-nata_nn of vir. Joe Conard. Tt was moved lir 31-nrertz, seconded by Walsh that tre Board authorize a refund of all contri.bnt-ions by Mr. Conard, plus any accrued interest. T;)e motion carried. The Secretary was instructed to so notify Mr. Conard. ITr. Sherertz presented a bill for 4;10.00 for medical examination by Dr. Vukov for Jerr11 y Nichols. Tt was moved by Alexander, seconded by Walsh, that Jerry Nichols be reimbursed for the cost of the me,-Iical examination. The motion low- carried. The monthly tensions of Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McDonald were authorized to be id. Captain Srerertz stated that the payroll clerk had asked permission to bring i.r. Carbon's pension payment in line for regular payment on the lst of each month by raying, only 5/6ts of the pension for the portion of -May and the Board so uthori.zed. t'eing no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M. COOPTG LMAN `,TDR14 MORRIS, ACTTP CFAIRFIART F. T. 1! rXANDER, CITY Orr_ Renton, Washington August 26, 1958 FIREMEN'S Fr�NSI ON AND RELIEF BOARD - MINUTES BARD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Heilpern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Dave Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:10 P.M. Board member Vern Morris was excused. The Secretary read the communication from the Fire Chief regardinp, the acci- dent of Bruce Phillips. The communication was ordered filede The Secretary then read the bills. Dr. McClellan, $30.00 for Bruce Phillips' examination and treatment; Renton Hospital, X3.001 emergency treatment to Bruce Phillips; Jack Colombi, $$10.00. Mr. Colombi paid for his own physical examination and the 'Board authorized that he be reimbursed. It was moved �by laalsh and seconded- by Sherertz that all bills be allowed. The motion carried. After some discussion relative to Ralph Niemeyer it was moved by Sherertz and seconded by Walsh that Ralph Niemeyer be refunded all his contributions that he had made to the Firemen's Pension Fund. The motion carried. It was moved by galsh, seconded by Alexander that all monthly warrants be allowed. Being no farther business the meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. JOB R. BAXTER, CHAIRMAN i E. L. AL_,XAND CI CLERK, S�,CRETAFff ER., .January !'I., 191, .+orabcrs ot' Uie `�ircmcnvs Ponsion Cii7 of Hanton ";ryor Joo 'it, -Iayter VOM Morris, %C40. )=Iinmn - Alox.rznder., City �;Icrk !.4 Ir rrvin %- wrertz, � rim.in Givy. rttornov S�Lrcn,, 1-1,rwar, .',a to ncivise you diat v m --tiLar .,,vet*;,.r, , o' i. , t 7 -Y-m '',om,d will I-,, .incl -In V-&,, Baty k.'�L,�rk n I'VeadzW., Jm1avrf 27th. scvm impwt",t 'lusineas ,611 core up ror A'k*rd action and w"11 vq--iirc tho ottericionce of ;J-1 ".C61tril -Emlvme ,.,-Ory tru4 yourr;,, City of Renton City rionla 6anslon "cord wmw Renton, Washington January 27, 1959 - - FIREMEN'S PENSION AN 0 RELIE r BOARD ---- MINUTES BOARD MFABERS DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Heilpern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Karl Strom, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 7:10 P.M., Mayor Joe R. Baxter presiding, All members were present accept the City Attorney. The Secretary read a communication from Walt Lambert, secretary of the State Firemen's Association, concerning a meeting to be held in Tacoma on Wednesday, February 4th at 10 o'clock A.M., at the Tacoma Athletic Club. An invoice from Dr. Vukov in the anount of $5.00 covering service for Bruce Phillips (eye injury) was presented. It was moved by Morris, seconded by Sherertz that the bill be allowed. A discission was held concerning the illness of Charles Goodwin. The re- commendation of Dr. Schultz merely stated that because of illness he had ad- vised Mr. Goodwin to secure a month's Leave of Absence. After further dis- cussion regarding the requirements of the pension laws, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Strom that the secretary write Dr. Schultz for a complete diagnosis of Mr. Goddwin, also requesting the type of medication and treatment being given and whether the illness could be attributed to his vocation. Upon vote the motion carried. It was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Strom that the monthly warrants be allowed. Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M. MAYOR JOE R. WTER, CHAIRMAN E.L. ALEXANDER, CITY CLERK., SECRETARY Renton, WashinVton February 10, 1959 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF DOARD --MINUTES SPECIAL MEETTNG POARD MEMRERS DOCTOR'S PAIEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Heil- E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Karl Strom, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief aboard was called to order with Mayor Baxter presiding at 7:30 P.M. After discussion regarding Capt. Charles Goodwin, it was moved by Strom, seconded by Sherertz that Charles Coodwin be referred to a heart specialist for a complete heartcheck up. It was recommended that the secretary make an appoint- ment for Mr. Goodwin with Dr. Michel. Beim, no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:0 P.M. February 17, 1959 A special meeting; of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board way called to order by Mayor Baxter. All members were present including Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence. The Secretary read the letter received from Dr. Michel and gave a verbal rappert on the telephone conversation he had with the Doctor concerning Charles Goodi-rin. After hearing the report it was moved by Strom, seconded by Sherertz that Captain Goodwin be placed on inactive duty until further examination and final report could be had from Dr. Michel. Captain Goodwin is to be placed on inactive duty as of February 16, 1959 and is to receive his pay from the I,.remen's Pension and Relief Fund until further action by the Board. Being no farther business the meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. TIAYOR JOE R. BAXTER, CHAIRMAN . ' �//%��r-tel✓ i F. L. ALEXANDER, CIIYY CLH;RK, SECRETARY Renton, Washington March 24, 1959 .... FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD -- MINUTES BOA-RD TIEMBERS DOCTOR'S PANEL Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Vern Morris Dr. R. Heilpern E.L. Alexander, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Karl Strom, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Joe R. Baxter. Board members Morris and Strom were excused. The secretary presented a bill from Dr. McClellan in the amount of x$10.00 re. Bruce Phillips. It was moved by Sherertz, secondee by Alexander that the bill be paid. Carried. The Board also authorized the regular monthly vouchers be o.k.'d for payment. Being no farther business the meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. Mayor Joe H. naxter, Chairman E. L. exander, City Clerk., Secretary Renton, WashiAgton July 21, 1959 FIREMEN'S P,.,NSTON AN"') R"RT,II?F ROARD -- MINJTES HOARD TIRM77.RS DOCTOR'S PANEL M�.or Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Avery Garrett Dr. R. Heilnern E.L. Alexander, Uity Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultz A Marvin Sherertz, 'Fireman Karl_ Strom, Fireman The reryula r meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Paxter at 7:15 P.M. .,,,,.._._., A motion was made by Strom seconded by Sherertz, that Dr. Vukov's bila. on Don Goodwin in the amount of D6.00 be paid and the Renton Hospital bill on Jack Haworth in the t anount of `)'15.70 be paid. Motion carried. Motion be Sherertz, seconded by Alexander, that the bills submitted by Captain John Alexander of the Fire Department be Veld until more information can be obtained as to whether or not tiv.s was actually in line of duty. Motion carried. The matter of increasing the Widow's Pensions in accordance with State Legislation was discussed. It was moved by Strom and seconded by Sherertz that the increase be deferred until the report as to the beginning date could be obtained from the City Attorney. vow Mayor Baxter brought up the matter of the Sunset Boulevard Sanitary Sewer L.I.D. He asked ti-*-, Pension Board whether or not they would care to invest ?,1>,000 in L.I.D. warrants. After some discussion as to interest, it was moved by Strom, seconded by Sherertz that the Pension Board purchase the $1 ,000 in L.I.D. warrants at an interest rate of �'-�,-z providing the City Attorney says it is permissible for the Pension Board to do so. Motion carried. i no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:l5 P.M. Mayo Joe R. Baxter, Chairman "Alexander CityClerk3 Secretary saw July 2?0 1959 Mr,p Gerardt Shellan p p.7= '-.'ells St. Renton, WdslArr ton 1�cnr Jerry: Two itaas c.-no up before the Firemen t s Pension Board last nii.;ht in which thzy requested an opinion of the City Attorney. .... 1) They w€n t an interpretation of the State Law rararding the increns© in Firanen's pnsions, as to whether it is compul- sc)ry to take the increase to June 12, 1957 or whether it can be retroactive to January 27, 1959 when the Amendment legally bceame affective. 2) The Nmsion Board desires to purchase tim ;15,000 Sunset P,oulsvnrd Sanitary Sexier T..I.D. warrants at an intorost rate of 1, However, tYey wanted an opinion from the City Attorney as to whathor or not they can purelinse these warrants. I might szy that they City Treasurer has in the nast invested their funds with 90 day (Rav(,rnmcnt bills and similar investments, so we pre- s.mte that it taould be lef-al for the Fireman's Pension Board to purchase City Lbnds or 'Jarrnnts. The next Firemen's Pension Hoard meeting will lbe July 28th and we kvuld npprodate an answer to the two above items by thnt time* Ver s truly yours, CITY OF R"'VI ON E.L. Alex;ndor, City Cleric fZAs�n r---� cc: Fir n�s er. • on , � l� Y P �.. . ���� -�- 5 ��r -_ �� �... I i _,,,,_ 44 aenton, jashin�,ton !august 25, 1959 ttL111..!;F I;Ot„tD -- MINUTES 3Ura t.l) ii :M�3i:KS DOC`.00RIS PtiNla Mayor Joe .i. Baxter Dr, John Vukov Councilm,.:n Avery Garrett Dr. Ii. Heilpern Vcrn fl. Xorris, City Clerk Dr. M.J. Schultk, Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Karl Strom, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's I'c.nsion and .relief Hoard was ;_.alled to order by Chairman Joe ft. 3axter at 7:05 P.A., 3oard members present were iayor Joe K. haxter, Council President Avery Garrett, i'i.reman marl Strom and Vern H. Morris, City Clerk. It was raov-.d by Garrett, soconded by Stram to pay the bills presented by John Alex,+rder for Doctor calls--'18.00 and drugs--09021. Potion carried. 7n the matter of increasing the didoW s Pension in accordance with ACW 41.16.2300 1 wifter Lhe eecoiamendation of the City Attorney was read, it was moved by Strom, second;d by (larrat'c to pay the retroactive amount due Mrs. Andersen, Mrs. i� cDonald !�" and Ca t. C. �, and to raise the monthly pension to 150.00 per month. Carried. After clarification of RCI,T 41.16.0110 by the City Attorney permitting the Pension Hoard to purchase the City 1darrants,was read, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Strom to continue with the purchase of the warrants in connection 14th the Sunset Boulevard Sanitary Sewer I .I.D. #243. Motion carried. A stoten,ent presented by .o, "e Banasky amounting to �1p12.00 for treatment by Dr. C. David Heflin was di.acussed. It *•iris moved by Strom, seconded by Garrett to hold authorization for this payment up so that the matter could be discussed at their next reLular meeting. Carried. Tt was moved by Garrett, seconded by Strcri to pay the monthly vouchers to date;. Crrried. ' eing no further business to come before the Board the meeting udjourncd at 7:40 i'.J.. - 'a- t�.1 ria or Joe R. Baxter, Chairman H i ris, Z ' . cr,c_Scciretary �i Renton, Washington September 22, 1959 FIAj,;MEN 1 S ]'.;:NS .UN AN; RELIL-Y 80O,aD--1M1NLJTES .■.. BO,I1RD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S PliNL,1 Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John Vukov Councilman Avery Garrett Dr. K. Heilpern Vern N. Morris, City Clerk Lr. Z.J. Schultz Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Karl Strom, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief hoard was called to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:10 P.-O All Board Members were present. The minutes of August 25, 1959 were approved with the following correction: Captain Carbon was deleted from those participants receiving retroactive payments. It was :roved by Strom, seconded by Sherertz, that a bill from Dr. Heflen for services to i:eorge danasky in the amount of $12.00 not be allowed because it was considered in violation of the Pension board's rules and policies. Motion carried. It was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Garrett, that the bill of Jack Haworth for services on May 11, 1959 and May 12, 1959 for emergency room and office call and exam- ination by Dr. Vukov, in the amount of X10.00 be allowed. klotion carried. "NNW -.Lt was moved by Strom, seconded by Sherertz that the monthly warrants be paid. Carried. It was moved by Strom, seconded by Sherertz that the Pension board charge 6% interest for the financing necessary by the City for an L.I.D. Improvement on I Street. Carried. There being; no further business to come before the board the meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.11fe Ma'�yQr Joe K. Baxter, Chairman V ren Tr. Morris., ,Xty erk-Secretary J Renton, Washington October 27, 1959 FIRaEN IS PENSION ANT) RELIEF OWN BOARD MEMBERS DOCTOR'S P Mayor Joe R. Baxter Dr. John ov Councilman Avery Garrett Dr. R. eilpe2t Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Dr. .J. S tz Karl Strom j John Alexander The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:20 Y.M. Mr. John Alexander was elected to replace Marvin Sherertz on the Pension Board, Board Members present were Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Vern H. Morris, City Clerk, Karl Strom, Firemen and John Alexander, Fireman. The minutes of September 22, 1959 were approved as written. T It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the monthly warrants be paid �arried. It was moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander that the bill from Renton Hospital for services to Don Goodwin in the amount of $4.50 be allowed. Carried. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Baxter that the Pension Board approve all ..... Doctors now on King County Medical as Pension Board Doctors, also any Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon licensed in the State of Washington. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M. orJoe R. oaxter, Chairman n H. Morris,CityClerk-Secretary Now Renton, Washington November 24, 1959 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD**********MINUTES 60.4.RD IAEM3ERS Mayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom John Alexander- The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:15 P.M. Board Members present were Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Vern H. Morris, City Clerk, Karl Strom, Fireman and John Alexander, Fireman. The minutes of October 27th were approved as written. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the monthly warrants be paid. Motion carried. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander that the following bills be paid: a. Western Optical dispensary, inc. - November 17, 1959 - Pair S.V. Glasses complete for Mr. Kari Strom X33.02 b. North Renton Clinic -September 3, 18, and 19 - Office call and X-ray treatment for Mr. J. Alexander X21.00 Notion carried. The bill from Dr. David Heflen for treatment of Nr. George Banasky in the amount of °12.00 was again brought before the 3oard for consideration. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that payment of this bill be held over for consideration at the next regular meeting. After discussion on the importance of Physical Examinations for new em- ployees of the Renton Fire Department, it was moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander that the general 'Physical Examination' form used by the city of Yakima be adopted for use by the City for all new employees until such time as the Board might consider changing this form. A l`essli;on was held of the advisability of the City providing a form for the employees of the Department to have filled out during their calls to the Doctors which would be signed by the Doctor and returned to the Pension Board for their file. This matter to be discussed further at the next regular meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned .... at 7:40 P.M. llk,yor Joe R. Baxter, Chairman Vern H. Morris, City/Clerk-Secretary Renton' Washington December 22, 1959 FIRELiviEN'S PENSION AND R:j1IEF BOARD------------MINUTES BOARD M111BERS Mayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom John Alexander The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:15 P.M. All Board Members were present. The !Minutes of November 24th were approved as written. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the monthly bills be paid. il.otion carried. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the Board establish a policy that all new applicants for the Fire Department take a physical as required by the Board, before their appointment becomes effective. Motion carried. The Secretary was directed to contact the Ci-iy Attorney to find out if the_ Board is permitted to pay a fireman who has received treatment from an Crys�Fn `�..: -B6e-tctr -ho has not been certified by the Board. f-'/JY5iC'/ b'Ig- 5cl(iCr 'busine8s e--�7 There being nc fur'tto cane before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. i°o Joe A. Baxter, Chairman 7y,/xc�� I X C ern H. Morris, City-Cl k Secretary 6 Renton, Washington January 19, 1960 FIRE!0ENrS PENSION AND RELIEF 30ARD--------M I NUTES BOARD MEMBERS Mayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom John Alexander ti The regular meeting of the Fireman's Pension and Relief Board was cal led to Order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:10 F.M. All Board Members were present. The minutia of the December 22nd meeting were approved as corrected, It vrus roved by Strom, seconded by Garrett, to include a blood test and a cardiogram in the physical examination force adopted by the Pension Board, Motion carried. Moved by Strom, seconded by Garrett, to send applicants for the position of Fireman to Dr. J. C. Michel for the examination which Is required by the Board. Ahotion carried. Moved by Strom, seconded by Garrett, that the monthly bills be paid. Notion carried. The City Attorney was invited to be present at the Board Meeting of January 26, 1960 at 7:15 P.ti.. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.N,. / Mao Joe R. Baxter, Chairman Vern H. Morris, City Clerk, Secretary Renton,, Washington January 26, 1c)60 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND PELiEF BOARu-------MINUTES BOARD 1AZU'BERS 9,ayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern H. iAorri:, Cii-\,, Clerk Karl Strom John Alexander A special :neet i nq of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was cal led to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:1 C p.m. for the purpose of considering the physical examination reports of John Pringle, Kenneth Parks and Dou j le,s Haworth, applicants for the position of Fireman, which report is required by the Board. A motion v,as made by Strorr,, seconded by Alexander, to recommend the above applicants as being physically acceptable for appointment by the Mayor. There b;;i rg no further business to come before the Hoard, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p,,M- -7 Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Chairman Vern H. Aorris, ty Clerk, Secretary Renton, '.,lashington February 16, 1960 FI UEnN t S PENSION AND RGLIFF ------------I✓I?'dli`1'1_,S BOARD MI BE S Mayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery uarrett Fern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom John Alexander The regular meeting; of the Firi ir,en l s Pcnsion and Relief Board was called to order by Cl.airman Joe I3.. Baxter at 7:10 P.M. Ail Board Members were present. The minutes of the meeting of January 19th and of the spec-i_ul meeting of Januriry 16th were approved as read. It was moved by Strom, seconded by Alexande.e that tiie monthly bills be ,aid. Plotion carried. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the bills presented by Lr. Michel, for examinations of new applicants as required by the 3oard, in the amount of '41 .00 each, for John Pringle, Douglas Haworth and Kenneth Parkes be paid. Motion carried. The secretary read a letter from Mr. Paul Henry, presenting bills in the amount of $109.19 for treatment by Dr. Jacob C. Wagner from August 17, 1959 through October 27, 1959; by Lr. E.J. Bertoldi frog;, April la, 1958 through May 23, 1959 and by Lr. James J. Ahern. It was moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander that this matter be held over until the next meeting and that I-1r. Henry be notified of the meeting time so that he might be present. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. Mayor Toe R. Baxter, Chairman Vern H. Morris_,_ZTty_ .ee-rW— Secretary ' R too— 5 9 Renton, Washington March 22, 1960 FIRL4EN I S PENSION AND R LIEF BOARD------MINUTES 30AAD 1 LMBLi�S Mayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern H . Mlorris, City Clerk '-- Karl Strom John Alexander The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:00 P.M. All Board Members were present. The minutes of the meeting of February 16, 1960 were approved as read. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the pensions for the month of March be paid. Carried. I It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the bills in the amount of $109.19, submitted by Mr. Paul Henry, for the treatment of an ulcer condition from April 14, 1958 to January 20, 1960 be paid. Carried. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that the bill submitted by _ Mr. Paul Henry in the amount of ;,:11.18 for prescriptions for the treatment of acute sinusitis be paid. Carried. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, tinat the bill for X20.00 pre- sented by Dr. S.J. Vukov for the examination and Electro-Cardiogram for 11iarvin Edwardson on Iliarch 17, 1960 be paid. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting ad- journed at 7:40 P.M. May Joe R. Baxter, Chairn;an Vern' H. Morris, City erk 0ecretary Renton, Washin ;ton April 26, 1960 r.. Flit IS Y,,t 310N AND R1,111-,Y BOAZ--------�,UNliTES i3UAiill Mr.f7}3l+,itS mayor Joe it. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern If. i'llorris, City Clork Karl Strom John Alexander The ref.-�,lar meeting; of the Firemen's Pension and aelief Board was called to order by Chaixraan Joe it. Baxter at 7:15 P.M. Board merioers present were i'I.ayor Joe R. Jaxter, Council President +very (;arrett, Vern H. Mtrris, City Clerk, ana k!ireman John Alexander. The ininutes of march 22, 1960 were approved as read. It was moved by hlexander, sc:e- nded by Aurris to pay the pens:i.uns fur the month of March. Carried. it lc;�tter .t'rom F.L;. Lawrence, iirc Chief, was read infozmi.nE; the: duurd of trie injury to J.E. Ashurst, Hatt. Chief, who sprained tris ankle while on duty. Moved oy Alexander, seconded by Morris., to allow paynont of the .)ill sub- mitted ay South Lake Clinic for services to Jack it. Colombi in the amount of $52.00. Carried. A d scussion of the reported injury of Karl Strom was held. The Huard will request the Eire Chief to mukc :t written report of this injury and the Pension -joard : hysician is to present the Hoard with a report of the :Injury. i'hcre bean,., no iurtzcr business to come before tcie Juard the meeting ad- journed at 7:30 P.M. i%lai�or Joe A. daxLer, Chairman Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Secretary r i Renton, Washington May 24, 1960 ...�. FIREMEN*S PENSION AND RELIEF HOARD - MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Mayor Joe R. Baxter Councilman Avery Garrett Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom John Alexander The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called bo order by Chairman Joe R. Baxter at 7:15 P.M. All board members were present. The minutes of the meeting of April 26, 1960 were approved as read. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that the Board authorize payment of the regular monthly vouchers. Carried. A bill was presented from the Renton Hospital for services rendered Fireman Karl Strom in the amount of $279.50- Moved by Alexander, seconded by Garrett, to withhold payment until further information is obtained. Carried. The Board requested that Firemen David Walsh and Pat Walsh be present at their next meeting on June 14th, 1960 at 7:00 F.M. to discuss the accident of Karl Strom. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander, that the bills presented by Scotty Walls covering prescriptions obtained from K's Prescription Pharmacy, 2nd & Park Street, be allowed. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Strom, that the Board allow payment of the bill presented by Renton Prescription Pharmacy in the amount of 411.23, prescriptions for Mr. Paul Henry. Motion carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that the Board allow payment of a bill presented by Dr. James D. Hogan, M.D. in the amount of $19.50 covering professional services for James Ashurst. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Boa, sting adjourned at 7:50 .M. i Mayor Joe R. Baxter, Chairman ern H. Morris, ity Clerk Secretary Y Renton, Washington June 14i 1960 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD - MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Mayor Frank Aliment Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Kari Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Frank Aliment at 7200 p.mo All Board Members were present. Mrs. Dorothea Gossett, new Member of the Board, was recognized and welcomed. This being the meeting called for the purpose of discussing the accident and back Injury of Fireman Karl Strom, a communication was read from Fireman David C. Walsh stating that Mrs Strom had injured his back while accompanying him in answer to a fire call at Lena's Restaurant in August of 1.955• The Fire Department report, presented at the meeting of May 24, 1960, was again read stating that Fireman Strom had a back injury in the year of 1941. for which a claim had been filed with the State Industrial Insurance Boards The Secretary also read a communication from C. Sternagle# Claims Examiner, Dept, of Labor and Industries, informing the Board that a Cart Strom had filed a claim No. B-11358 for back injury on August 1, 194to According to these records he had been born in Sweden 39 years prior to the date of accident and it was therefore quickly determined by the Board that this was Fireman Strom's father* Moved by Alexander, seconded by Morris, to allow the Statement presented by the Renton Hospital, in the amount of 4279.50, for services to Kart Strom from April 26, 1960 to May 6, 1960, inclusive, determined by the Board to be a recurrence of his on-the.-job Injury of 19550 Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.a. NOTE: Next regular meeting will be on June 27, 1960 at 131.00 a.m* Mayor Frank went, aFi Irma Vern H• Abrr s, Cl larkwSecretary ►�� Renton, Washington June 21, 1960 OEM MINUTES OF FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD BOARD MEMBERS Mayor Frank Aliment Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman, Frank Aliment at 10 :00 a.m. with all Board Members present. The Minutes of the regular meeting of May 24 and the special meeting of June 14, 1960 were approved as written. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that the Board authorize payment of the regular monthly Vouchers. Carried. Bills were presented by Jack Colombi in the amount of $23 . 56 for prescriptions from Vale's Highland Drugs and A. & H. Drugs and from the Park Avenue Clinic in the sum of $18. 00 for services to Mr. Jack Colombi. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that the Board accept the bills as presented and allow payment of same. Carried. Forms were discussed for better control of Doctor and Medical payments and also for determining the inactive status of Firemen due to disabilities while in the performance of their duties. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Dorothea Gossett, that the Secretary secure estimates from the Printers on the cost of printing these forms and present them for consideration of the Board at the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 10 :45 a.m. / 1 Mayor Frank Aliment, Chairman ... .1 Fern H. orris,/ ,ity Clerk, Secretary Renton, Washington July 26, 1960 .... MINUTES OF F � 'N'S PESION AND RELIEF BOARD MEETING BOARD YU�MERS Mayor Frank Aliment Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Frank Aliment at 10:00 a.m. with all Board members, with the exception of Dorothea Gossett, present. `the minutes of the regular meeting of June 21 were approved as written. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom that the Board authorize payment of the regular monthly Vouchers. Carried. Letters from Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence and Marvin Edwardson were read by the Secretary informing the Board Members of Mr. EdwardsonIs resignation and requesting a refund of all contributions to the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fend as required by law. It was moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander to allow the refund to Mr. Edwardson. Motion carried. ?ved by Strom, seconded by Alexander to allow payment of the $ 10.00 bill presented °- - y Renton Hospital for services to Chief Floyd Lawrence. Motion carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Morris to pay the bill of $17.50 presented by Roger Anderson M.D., for services to Mr'. Karl'Stroit.« Motion Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom to pay the bill for $2.00 presented by D.J. Rohrssen M.D., for services to Mr. Don Goodwin. Motion carried. A bid was presented by R & R Printery for 5 forms to be printed in duplicate, the cost to be $160.00 plus tax for 500 forms each. A bid was also received by Swift Letter shop for $104.50 plus tax for 500 forms. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander to accept the bid of Swift Letter Shop for 500 forms for $104.50 plus $4.18 state tax. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Mayr Frank Aliment, Chairman Vern H. Morris, City�Clerk, Secretary Renton, Washington August 22, 1960 MINUTES OF FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MEETING BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Pro Tem Chairman Dorothea Gossett at 10:00 a.m. with one Board member absent. Moved by Alexander, seconded by that payment be authorized on the regular monthly Pension Vouchers. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Morris, to allow payment of $9. 31 for bills presented by Renton Pharmacy for prescriptions for Mr. Paul Henry. ('42 /!- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Frank Aliment, .Mayo ,Chairman` Do othea Gossett, City Treas. Pro-Tern Chairman Vern H. Morris, qty Clerk-Secretary Renton, Washington September 26, 1960 MINUTES OF FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MEETING BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Frank Aliment at 10:15 a.m. All Board members were present with the exception of Dorothea Gossett. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1960 were approved as written. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that payment be authorized on the monthly Pension Vouchers. Carried. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander, to allow payment of the following bills: K's Prescription Pharmacy and J. C. Wagner, M.D. , $1.25 and $5.00 prescription and service for Robert Connell, Jack Pringle, for Austin-Hen- drickson Pharmacy invoice, $8.32, Karl Strom, for Chas. Cullen Co. invoice, •.�• $18. 72, S. J. Vukov, M.D. $4.00 for Hospital Call for Floyd Lawrence, Ren- ton Pharmacy, prescriptions for Paul Henry, $35.57 and Swift Letter Shop, Printed Forms, $108.68. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that the printed forms, authorized by the Board for better control of the Doctor and Medical payments, and also for use in determining inactive status of Firemensustaining disabilities while in the performance of their duties, be distributed for use by the Department. Carried. Discussion followed regarding the filling of prescriptions and designation of one Pharmacy each year for this purpose. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander, that all prescriptions paid for by the Pension Board be filled at K's Pharmacy at 2nd and Park for one year from date of posting of the minutes of this meeting. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Strom, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. ' -Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Vern H. Morris', City-Clerk-Secretary % 60 Renton, Washington October 24, 1960 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor, Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk Karl Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Frank Aliment at 10;00 a.m. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the minutes of the regular meeting of September 26, 1960 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that payment be authorized on the monthly Pension Vouchers. Carried. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander that Fireman Leroy Smith be sent to J. C. Michel, M.D. for the physical examination which the Board requires for all firemen employed by the City and that Fireman Smith be so notified. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that Fireman Carl Strom be permitted to receive treatment and examination by Geo. D. Wilde, M.D. provided same is com- pleted prior to January 1, 1964. Carried. A Physician's Report for Douglas Haworth was received from D. J. Rohrrsen, M.D. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, to authorize payment of $3.38 to Renton Pharmacy for prescription issued to Fireman -Paul Henry. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Morris, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman 9 ar r ern H. Morris, C'ty Clerk-Secretary I Renton, Washington November 28, 1960 ..�. FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor, Chairman I:ttil)h°� Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk, Secretary Karl Strom, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen`s Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 10:00 a.m. with all Board Members present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the minutes of the regular meet- ing of October 24, 1960 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, that payment be authorized by the Board on the monthly Pension Vouchers. Carried. Fireman Douglas Haworth notified the Chairman of the Board that his illness, as reported in the Physician's statement presented at the Board meeting of October ... 24, 1960, was not job connected. For this reason, the invoice for Mr. Haworth's prescription, in the amount of $9.26, was rejected by the Board. Moved by Strom, seconded by Alexander, that Mr. Leroy Smith be notified by the Secretary that the Board is reviewing the Physiciants physical examination report in consideration of his employment status and if Mr. Smith wishes to supply another physical report from his own physician, the Board will consider same in making final determination. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Strom, to pay statements from K's Pharmacy for Bruce Phillips, $ 6.Z4, Paul Henry, $8.79, and J. C. Michel, M.D.,, $51.50 for physical examination of Mr. Leroy Smith. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Strom, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11;15 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor••Chairman Vern H. Morris, City Clerk-Secretary Rew:on, Washington December 20, 1960 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern H. Morris, City Clerk-Secretary L Marvin Sheretz, Fireman-12/1/60 effective date of 1 yr. appointment John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 1:30 p.m. with all Board Members present. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sheretz, that the minutes of the regular*meet- ing of November 28, 1960, be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Sheretz, seconded by Alexander, that payment be authorized on the monthly Pension Vouchers. Carried. Discussion was held regarding purchase of City of Renton L.I.D. 247 Warrants in the estimated amount of $16,500.00. .. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sheretz, that the Pension Board purchase the L.I.D. 247 Warrants at an interest rate of 4.75714 and the City Council be so notified. Carried. Moved by Sheretz, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 P.M. r [ / Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman 4�, J Vern H. Morriss City Clerk-Secretary I I 63 Rentor, Washington January 27, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank .Aliment,_ Mayor - Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Vern Morris, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin. Sheretz., Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 10:15 a.m. with all Board Members present. An error in the tenure of Mr. Sheretz' appointment was noted and corrected to read "2 year appointment"� after which it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Sheretz, that the minutes of the meeting of December 20, 1960 be approved as corrected. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sheretz, that the Board authorize payment of the monthly Pension Vouchers. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sheretz, that the report of Dr. Edward C. Calta, regarding the cardiac status of Leroy Smith, be accepted as reported by Dr. Michel and that Mr. Smith be considered by the Board as acceptable for appointment to position of Fireman, Carried. Moved by Sheretz, seconded by Alexander, that the City Treasurer be instructed and authorized to continue investing surplus moneys in the Firemerzs Pension Fund. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sheretz, to allow payment of bills which were read by the Secretary as follows: K's Prescription Pharmacy, Invoices Nos. 1838, 1946, 2041, 2067 and 2178, in a total sum of $39.15 for subscriptions for Fireman Pau], Henry, and Statement from Roger Anderson, M.D. and Ivan K. Loughlen, M.D., for medical services in the sum of $12.500. for Fireman Karl Strom. Carried. Moved by Sheretz, seconded by Alexander, to adjourn. The meeting was ad- journed at 10:40 a.m. Carried. A// Frank Aliment, Mayo "Chairman } Renton, Washington �- February 27, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor » Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Sec-otary Marvin Sheretz, Fireman John Alexaader, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Acting Chairman, HeI nie Nelson at 10,00 a.m. with two Board Members absent. With both absent Board Members being out of the City and one to return on the following day, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Sheretz that the meeting be continued to 10:00 a.m. on February 28, 1961. Carried y The meeting was recessed at 10:15 a.xn. ow Helmie Nelson, Acting Chairman Marvin Sheretz, Fireman Renton, Washington February 28, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor - Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, Acting City Clerk -Sec. Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The recessed meeting of the Firemen's Pension & Relief Board was called to order by Acting Chairman, Helmie Nelson at 10:00 a.m. with all members present with the exception of Mayor Frank Aliment. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Alexander, that the minutes of the previous meeting of February 27, 1961 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that payment of the monthly pension bills be authorized. Carried. The secretary read the report of Dr. Rudolph Heilpern, North Renton Clininc ; covering the illness of John L. Parks, Jr. Invoices received from K's Prescription Pharmacy were read as follows: No. 2290, No. 2459 and No. 2$50, all filled in the month of January for account of Paul Henry, in the total sum of $12. 53; No. 2182 and 2583, January and February for John L. Parks, Jr. in total of $23. 72, along with Statement from North Renton Clinic for services to John L. Parks, Jr. for January in sum of $55.50 and for February services, the sum of $13.00 and a statement from the Renton Hospital covering balance due on account of John Parks in the amount of $25.00. The Board noted that the King County Medical Service Bureau had paid $255.60 of the Renton Hospital bill for Mr. John Parks, Jr. Mr. Sherertz inquired, regarding the $25.00 balance for which the Pension & Relief Board had been billed, as to whether various medical and hospital bills incurred by illness or injury can be split with payment being made partly by the Pension Fund and partly by the Medical Bureau covering same. Question was also raised whether or not the Doctor's findings as noted on the Park's medical report would be adequate to warrant payment from the Pension and Relief Fund. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, to continue this meeting until 7:30 p.m. fir.. of this same day, requesting the presence of the City Attorney at that time. Carried Meeting was recessed at 11:00 a.m. Helmie Nelson. Acting Chairman M ruin Shere tz, -Fireman �� Anton, Washington February 28, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS ww. Frank Aliment, Mayor - Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, Acting City Clerk, - Sec. Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The recessed meeting of the Firemen's Pension & Relief Board was called to order by Acting Chairman, Helmie Nelson at 7.30 p.m. with all Board Members present with the exception of Mayor Frank Aliment. City Attorney Shellan was present and the matter was presented in regard to splitting costs of medical and hospital bills between the Firemen's Pension Board Fund and other agencies which may cover such liabilities. Mr. Shellan advised that before an expenditure can be authorized from the Pension and Relief Fund it is necessary to determine if the illness or injury was service connected but any such bills should not be split with part payment being made by each agency. The report issued by Dr. Heilpern, regarding Fireman John Parks, Jr., was checked over by the Board Members. It was moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, and unanimously carried that the matter be redirected to the Doctor for the purpose of ascertaining whether the illness complaint was more likely than not to have been incurred while in the performance of the subject's duties with the Ren- ton Fire Department, inasmuch as the wording in the present medical statement "may haue.been"would not be legally sufficient to allow the bill. The Board, before acting on any bill, must have competent medical statement verifying that the illness in question was approximately caused or at least connected to the job. It was suggested that any payment be withheld pending further determinations and subsequent conclusions regarding payment on subject invoices. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the meeting be .r oce:s:.sed. Carried. . . ��e Z"� (*c ) -1,"e��l e-.)( ) Helmie Nelson, Acting Chairman i' 1 1 � / GI1,�i Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Renton, Washington March 13, lybl — MINUTES - FI REMEN I S YEN SI ON AND RELIEF BOARD BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor - Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, Acting City Clerk - Seco Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The recessed meeting of the Firemen' s Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 A.M. with all members present. Moved by Sherertzs seconded by Alexander that the minutes of February 27th and the two recessed meetings of February 28th be approved as written. Carried. The secretary read additional bills received for the month of February from K' s Prescription Pharmacy as follows: Invoices #2658 and #2751 in the total sum of $6.14 covering prescriptions for Paul Henry; Invoices #2676 and #27b6 in the amount of X3.85 ( total), account John Parks, Junior; and Invoice No. 2b5b dated February 9th in the amount of X8.58, account Jack Haworth, A revised statement from the Renton Hospital in the amount of $200.bU covering the hospitalization of John L. Parks, Jr, was also read. The board examined a statement from Dr. Rudolph Heilpern covering his report on the illness of John L. Parks, Jr., which stated the subject's illness was more likely than not to have been incurred while in the performance of his duties with the Renton Fire Department. The members of the board agreed that this report from the dogtor would be adequate to establish that the illness of John Parks, Jr. was job connected and to authorize payment of bills incurred in connection with said illness (medical and hospital) from the Pension Fund. It was noted that no physician's report has been received by the Board relative to the illness of Jack Haworth. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, to obtain the necessary Notice of Recovery form from John Park on his return towork. Carried, Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, to pay all bills read at the recessed meeting of Feburary 26th, The Renton Hospital bill to be paid in the full amount of $260.bO, also to allow payment of bills presented at this meeting, with .the exception of Invoice No, 2656, Kt s Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Jack Haworth, on which no report had been filed up to the present time. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, to adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:90-A.M. elmie Nelson,, Ci ty % erk Frank Aliment-Mayor Renton, Washington March 27, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Sacretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, that the minutes of the previous meeting of March 13, 1961, be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that the payment of monthly pension bills be authorized. Carried. Moved by Sherertz seconded by Alexander, that the billsuo tnitted, for Services to John Parks, from the North Renton Clinic, in the sum of $5.00 be paid. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz, that payment of invoice from K's Pharmacy for Jack E. Haworth be withheld pending medical report establishing cause of illness to be job connected and same to be required by the next Board meeting to be eligible for payment. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10;35 a.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk - Sec. i' Frank Aliment, Mayor- Chairman i Renton, Washington April 24th, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firements Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 o'clock a.m. by Acting Chairman, Helmie Nelson, all members being present with the exception of Mayor Frank Aliment. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the minutes of the previous meeting of March 27, 1961, be approved as written. Carried. A communication from Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chi6f, was read reporting injury to Captain R.L. Connell while fighting a fire April 16 at 13401 S.E. 120th at the home of George Huston. The reports of Dr. Dan E. Ranniger and Fire Chief Lawrence on the illness --- of Jack Haworth were read. The secretary further read the bills received to date from K's Prescription Pharmacy as follows: Invoice #'2841 in the amount of $9.05 for Paul Henry; Invoice #2891 in the amount of $19.14 for John Parks, Jr.;and Invoice #3078 in the amount of $5.10 for Karl Strom. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett that the monthly pension .warrants be paid. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett that the March bills from Kts Prescription Pharmacy, as read, be allowed. Carried. Old Business: The board took up the matter of payment of an Invoice dated February 9 covering prescriptions issued by K's Prescription Pharmacy for Jack Haworth. The question was raised that the report received from the Doctor did not adequately establish the illness to have been job connected and it was moved by Gossett that the form be redirected to Jack Haworth for clarifica- tion as to cause of illness. Motion dropped due to lack of second. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Sherertz that the reports on Jack Haworth's illness be referred to the City Attorney for a ruling. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett that the meeting be adjourned at 10:45 A.M. Carried. 1 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk - Sec. Marvir gh�rer . Renton, Washington May 23, 1961 FIREMENtS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 a.m. with all Board members present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the minutes of the previous meeting of April 24, 1961 be approved as written. Carried. The secretary read a copy of a letter which the Board had directed to be sent to Mr. Jack Haworth regarding a bill in the sum of $8.58 from Kts Pharmacy for prescriptions and the Fire Chiefts report relative to medical bills for Jack Colombi and Charles Goodwin. Bills were read as follows: K's Prescription Pharmacy, Invoice 3152 dated 4-10-61 in the sum of $18.51, a/c John Parks, Jr. Drs. Schultz & Grimm, Statement 5-16--61 in sum of $15.50, a/c Charles Goodwin J. H. Hartwig, M.D., Statement, May, 1961 in sum of $21.50, a/c, Jack L. Colombi Jacob C. Wagner, M.D., Statement, April, 1961 in sum of $11.00 a/c, Robert Connell Renton Hospital Statements, April-May, 1961 in sum of $4.00 a/c j Robert Connell and $13.35, a/c Charles Goodwin. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the bills as read by the Secretary be paid. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that Goodwin, Connell and Colombi be notified to have Physician's Reports completed and for- warded to the Board. Carried. Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Meeting (Cont.) 523.61 Board member John Alexander reported that the Board should receive a report from the Association of Washington Cities pertaining to revisions in the Firemen's Pension Law which will go into effect June 8, 1961. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Alexander, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Secretary Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman I i 72 R9nton, Washington June 15, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES _BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor--Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension aad Relief Board was called to order at 10=00 a.m. with all Board members present. Also present was Doris Stecher, City of Renton Payroll Clerk. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the mode of the pro-rate division of new 676 contributions which became effective June 8, 1961 per Chapter 255 of the 1961 Session Laws. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that letters be sent to each Fireman acknowledging receipt of their declarations to participate in the new benefits as provided by the new laws. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that th.e Secretary be authorized to purchase a record journal for posting individual contributions and in- terest credit for each Fireman. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Alexander, that for the month of June contributions be pro-rated at 1/4 under the old rate and 3/4 under the new rate. Carried. Considerable discussion followed regarding sick leave benefits and physicians reports as far as benefits for non-job connected illness as well as job connected illness is concerned. Chairman Aliment suggested that the two Firemen, come in with a concrete recommendation for the following meeting. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman i Renton, Washington July 6, 1961 FIF04EN*S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MIPNTES BOARD 1°1II°3F$S, Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmi.e Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:45 A.M. with all board members .�- present except John Alexander. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the reading and approval of the minutes be held over until the next meeting. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the monthly pension warrants be allowed. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the meeting be recessed until Tuesday, July 11, at 10:00 A.M. Carried. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary ,,-'--Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman fir.. Renton,_ Washington July 11, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF B QAR,D MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett., City Treasurer Helxnie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The meeting of the Firement s Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 am.- by Chairman, ,Alimmit. All Boyd Members were present with exception of John Alexander. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of May 23, 1961, June 15, 1961 and July 6, 1961 be approved as written. Carried. Communications were read as follows: Report of injury of Don Goodwin while on duty, June 2, 1961 from F. Y. Lawrence, Fire Chief. Physician's Report, dated 6-23-1961, (Dr. Hartwig), on injury of Jack Col©mbi; first examination 5-1-61. City Attorney's letter submitting copy of most recent opinion by the Attorney General's office regarding use and application of millage levy to other municipal purposes. Association of Washington Cities regarding actuarial survey. Marsh McLennan, Cosgrove & Co. soliciting City's actuarial survey. Letter of resignation as a member of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board from John Alexander„ Quotations from Very Church, Puxchasing Agent, on filing cabinets Moved by Aliment that the Secretary and City Treasurer investigate and report back with recommendation on filing cabinet. Carried. Bills were yeas as follows: K's Prescriptian Pharmacy, prescriptions for John Parks, Jr., May and June, Nos. 3531,3437,3281,3693, and 3630, and Paul Henry, June, Invoice No. 3789; $52.42, $21.73 and $3.22 Renton Hospital, Donald Goodwin, 6-26-61 Balance Due, $10.00 7� Firemenls Pension and Relief Board Minutes (Continued) July ll, 1961 Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the resignation of John Alexander be ,Lcceptedt and that he be so notified. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that Fire Chief Lawrence be advised of Mr. Alexaaderis resignation with request that an election be held at an early date to fill the umpired term. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, to secure schedule of fees for actuarial, survey from Millimau & Robertson and Marsh, McLennan, Cos- grove & Company. Carried. Discussion ensued relative to firemen securing complete physical examina- tion prior to starting work, in accordance with Civil Service requirements. Mr. Sherertz was requested to report further on this at the next meeting. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-.Secretary Frank AUmeat, Mayor-Chairman I Renton, Washington July 31, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELxEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Y Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz; Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemsns Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman Aliment. All Board Members were present. A letter from Fire Chief Lawrence was read appointing G. H. Nichols as Board Member to fill the unexpired term of John Alexander. The Board extended Mr. Nichols a welcome. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of July 11, 1961 be approved as written. Carried. Communications werexead as follows: Quotations from Marsh-McLennan & Cosgrove and from Milliman & Robertson for actuarial survey. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols, to accept the quotation of Marsh-McLennan & Cosgrove. Carried. Dr. Bardarson's report on injury of Don Goodwin of June 7, 1961. Bill-:dated July 7, 1961 from Dr. Bardarson for services rendered to Don Goodwin was read and it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz that the bill be allowed. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols that the monthly pension bills be allowed. Carried. More time was requested by the Secretary and City Treasurer on the matter of file cabinets. Granted. The secretary reported regarding investigation of typewriters s that an I.B.M. electric, wide carriage, preferable to others tried, could be e purchased for $444.60. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Sherertz, that the Secretary be authorized to purchase the I.B.M. electric typewriter as designated. Carried. ... Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Minutes (Cont.) 7-31-1961 Discussion ensued relative to expiration date on one year period for K's Pharmacy to fill prescriptions. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols, that the Secretary check and report back. Carried. Inquiry was vaade by Board Member Sherertz relative to payment of benefits if injury or illness is service connected or non-service connected and requirement of Physician's statements thereon. Also questioned were whether bills might be allowed from other than licensed physicians such as Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Sanipractors, Masseurs, etc. , and the use of the 15th and 16th Mill either for Firemen's Pension Fund or other Municipal purposes. It was suggested that each member of the Department be advised of the report relative to the foregoing. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz that a determination be secured from the City Attorney to clarify the laws pertaining thereto, specifically designating the 15th and 16th Mill and clarification relative to payment of benefits for injury or illness when job connected or otherwise and if bills can be allowed from other than licensed physicians. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols, that the Secretary secure the location of publication of the booklet of revised laws of 1961 in order that each member of the Board and the Department may obtain a copy. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12;05 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary: Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Renton,, Washington ± August 31, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELDEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City-Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemenss Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Aliment. Board Members Gossett and Nelson were absent and Deputy City Clerk Gwen. Marshall was acting Secretary r A communication was read from Fire Chief Lawrence advising that the Fire Department will need to hire two firemen as of October 1, 1961 due to vacancies to be created by call to active duty for at least one year, by the U.S. Naval Air Reserves of Firemen Gerald Hurst and Gerald Nichols Pursuant to 1961 Law$it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Sherertz that Dave Walsh be alternate Board Member.Carried. The Secretary was requested to secure information pertaining to status of men being called into service with regard to Pension, King County Medical and Standard Insurance rights as well as vacations and holiday time accumulation. Also, will a physical be required upon return from active duty and will it be necessary to continue payments into the Pension Fund while on duty and if not, would it be required that contributions be made up after their return. This request was made upon motion by Sherertz and second by Nichols. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Marshall that the minutes of July 31, 1961 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Sherertz that the bills read be allowed, to-wit: K's Prescription Pharmacy-Prescriptions for Art Pringle, $2.59, John L. Parks, $26.58 and Jack E. Haworth, $4.73, Hollis U. Maness, M.D. for services rendered to Jack. Haworth, $12.75 and Dr. C. David Heflin for examination and treatment of Mr. Patrick J. Walsh, $12.40. Carried. Moved by Marshall, seconded by Nichols, that the monthly pension warrants be approved. Carried. 1 FiremenIs Pension and Relief Board Minutes 8-31-1961 -- It was recommended by Sherertz that newly appointed Firemen be required to obtain a complete physical examination, including heart, respiratory, ulcers, cancer, etc. , and that the proper procedure be followed in hiring,as previously designated by the Board,,before an appointment is made. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols, that Dr. J. C. Michel be designated as Physician from whom new firemen secure physical exa.minatioas. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols., that the Firemen be allowed to purchase prescriptions at a Pharmacy of their choice. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Gwen Marshall, Deputy Clerk-Sec. I Renton, Washington September 27, 1961 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES r . BOARD MEMBERS Prank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City C1crk-Secretary✓ Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chairman Frank Aliment. All Board Members were in attendance. A letter was read from the City Attorney submitting a copy of the most recent opinion by the Attorney General's office regarding the use and ap- plication of millage levy for other municipal purposes in event the Firemen's Pension Fund is not in need of such millage, per actuarial report. The attached opinion was also read and excerpts therefrom were distributed to each Board Member. A letter was read from the City Attorneys' office, rendering opinions on the law applying to injury or illness of firemen, service connected or otherwise, the furnishing of medical, hospital and nursing care therefor and services of other than licensed physicians, surgeons, osteopaths or orthopedic surgeons and the right of the Board to appoint a specific physician to render services in connection with physicals. Use of the 15th and/or 16th mill was also dis- cussed. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that in view of the recent actuarial survey, the Board request the Mayor and City Council to include 1.1 mills in the City's 1962 Budget for the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund. Carried. Opinions of the Attorney General, received from University of Washington, the Assn. of Washington Cities and Bureau of Governmental Research and Services was read pertaining to Firemen's Pension Coverage under Chapter 255, Laws of 1961, outlining specific cases of various modes of contributing and coverages thereunder. Also included was an opinion regarding Statute of Limitations- Repayment of Overcharges. A letter read from the City Attorney was read relative to status of contribu- tions by Firemen to the Pension Fund in case of being recalled into military service during the present emergency, citing Ch. 255, Laws of 1961 and Ch. 382, Laws of 1955. A meeting had been held with the City Attorney and Firemen for further clarification on whether contributions should be continued while in the armed ser- vices, into the Retirement and Pension Fund. The City Attorney recommended that contributions be continued based upon salaries at the time of leaving, however, if such arrangement might cause hardships contributions might be made up within a reasonable time upon, their return, the latter, however, might present problems if something were to happen in the meantime. ""t -2- Firumun's Pension and Relief Board Minutes 9-27-1961 A communication was read as directed to the State of Washington, Legislative .�. Council, Olympia, Washington, setting forth the City of Renton Firemen's Pension Fund Financial Report for 1960, by City Clerk IIelmie Nelson, to-wit: Beginning Balance 1/1/1960 $ 20,140.62 Receipts: 'faxes $ 46)573.15 Firemen's Contributions 11,428.68 Insurance Premiums 3,964.94 Investments Sold 37,979.40 Interest on Investments 11,427.00 1112923.98 TOTAL BALANCE AND RECEIPTS FOR 1960 $131,513.79 DISBURSEMENTS: Transfers 7,403.91* Investment Purchases 102,921.63 Pension Refund 3,094.89 (Marvin Edwardson) Interest on Pension Refund 503.55 it rr 113,923.98 CASH BALANCE IN FUND 12/30/1960 17,589.81 Firemen's Pension Fund Investments - Year 1960 Beginning Balance - January 1, 1960 247,979.40 Investments Purchased 102,921.63 350,901.63 Investments Sold 37,979.40 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 312,921.63 General Information *Break down of Transfer Pensions $ 6,390.00 Dr., Drugs & Hosp. 901.12 Misc. (Office Supplies) 112.70 Number of Firemen 29 Millage Levy for 1960 1 Mill State Fire Insurance Premium 3,964.94 Number on Retirement 1 @ 232.50 Per Month Widow Pensions 2 @ 150.00 Per Montle Total Cost of Pensions 6,390.00 Firemen's Contributions 14428.68 A communication was read from the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters advising that the new printing of the Firemen's Pension Laws are now ready for the printer and will be published in booklet form, the price of which will be determined by printing costs and that 35 copies will be forwarded to Secretary Nelson as soon as possible. -3- Firemen's Pension and Relief- Board Minutes 9-27-61 A letter was read from J.C. Michel, M.D. acknowledging with thanks his appointment by the Board to perform admission physicals for the Firemen. ... A letter from Fire Ctiief Lawrence advised that Fireman Karl B. Strom was not participating; in the daily physical exercise programs claiming his back injury will not warrant said exercise. It was recommended that a specialist be re- tained to investigate the extent of Mr. Stromts back condition for final deter- urination of whether he may or may not participate in the exercise program. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that Mr. Strom be sent to an Osteopathic Specialist for determination of his condition and whether his out- side activities contribute to his injury. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that an appointment be set up with Dr. Louis H. Edmund, 1118-9th Avenue, Seattle, Wn. for Mr. Stromts examina- tion. Carried. Physicians' reports were read as follows: Dr. Heflin re George Banasky and Patrick J. Walsh, Dr. Maness re Arthur Pringle and Jack E. Haworth, and Dr. Lombardini re Jack Colombi. Bills were read with actions taken as follows: I.B.M. Corporation, 9-12-61, Electric Typewriter, Serial No. 1477729, $444.60. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the bill be paid as read. Carried. Marsh, McLennan-Cosgrove & Co., 9-14-61, Actuarial Survey, $625.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz/the bill be paid as read. Carried. L. Kts Prescription Pharmacy: 8/5k�f4179, a/c John Parks, Jr., $8.06, 8/7$4191, a/c Paul Henry, $7.49, 8/16, #42.49,,,-cf/c Jack Colombi, $4.11, 8/25, #4348 _a/c John L. Parks, Jr., $2.70, 8/28, #4366, a/c Paul Henry, $5.10, 8/31, #4417, a/c R. L. Connell, $2.86. Dr. Hollis Maness, 8/17, a/c Arthur Pringle, $5.00, Dr. David Heflen, 9/2, a/c George Banasky, $6.00.., Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly Pension Bills be paid. Carried. Upon inquiry by Gossett, Sherertz advised that a physical must be taken within 30 days in disability pension cases if the Board decides same is warranted. Fireman Walsh inquired regarding the possibility of flu and cold shots being given to the Firemen in view of the number of present illnesses. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Gossett, a study be made and subsequent recommendations submitted. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Now rank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Ilelnic Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMh,,, S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINL,-. Renton, Washington October 27, 1961 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Cltairmari Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Ilelaie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 a.m, by Chairman Frank Aliment. All Board Members were present. A letter was read as directed to Dr. Louis H. Edmund by the Secretary of the Board confirming an appointment for Fireman Karl Strom and requesting a report on said examination. The report by Dr. Edmunds was also read wherein lie ad- vised of his findings and according thereto expressed the feeling that the physical conditioning program taken each morning by the firemen would help to improve Mr. Strom's back rather than aggravate the condition. Physician's reports were read as follows: Dr. Bruce McClellan, Examination of 10/13 and 14 for Jack Colombi, Dr. McClellan, Examination 9-11, Chas. Goodwin, Dr. R. Heilpern, Examination 9-15, John L. Parks, Dr. Jas. Hogan, Examination 10-6, James Ashurst, Dr. Ranniger, Examination 9-18, Jack Haworth, Dr. Heilpern, Examination 9-15, John Alexander. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that a copy of Dr. Edmund's report on Fireman Karl Strom be submitted to Fire Chief Lawrence for action in accordance with recoiwiendation therein with a copy also submitted to Karl Strom. Carried. Bills were read with actions taken as follows: (Service Connected) Chas. E. Cullen Co., Statement 10-19-61, Lumbar Sacro Support-Karl Strom $ 20.02 Bruce McClellan, M.D. Statements 10-13-61 and 10-14-61, Jack Colombi $4.00- $7.50 Austin Hendrickson, Statements 2551, 9-11, 2590, 9-17, Chas. Goodwin $1.72 -$4.42 Wash. State Council of Fire Fighters, 10-16, 35 Law Books @.35 each $5.25 Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the monthly pension bills be paid. Carried. The following bills were read which had been submitted and determined to be not service connected: North Renton Clinie,9-15, 9-16, John L. Parks, Jr., $6.00 and $15.00 Dr. Dan Ranni-er, 9-18, Jack Haworth, $5.00 North Renton Clinic, 10-21, John Alexander, $25.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 9-5, inv. 4448, Scotty Walls, 9-13, Inv. 4538, $2.86 eac. 9-21, Inv. 4639, Scotty Walls, $,2.8"_._(Xa ctors reports were received for these invoices)9-5, Invoice 4449, John L. Parks 9-15, Inv. 4569, John L. Parks, $3.85, 9-18, Inv. 4592, Jack Hawort , 5.62, 9-19, Inv. 4623, John Alexander, $4.16. Dr. James Hogan, Kent, 10-6-61, Jas. Ashurst, $4.00. Secretary Nelson inquired regarding authority for paying medical and doctor bills for injury and /or illness not service connected and noted that Section 5, Chapter 255, Session Laws 1961 provided only for medical, hospital and nursin- care for a period of ninety days when a Fireman has been placed on disabilityy retirement. Discussion followed after which it was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, to request a ruling from City Attorney Shellan on payment of FIREMENtS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES 10--27-61 non--service connected medical, hospital and nursing care bills. Carried. A Doctor's report was requested covering the statements for Scotty Walls. Regrets were expressed on the death of retired Fireman Chas. Carbon and it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz to refer the matter of widowts pension and funeral benefits to the City Attorney for a ruling on amount of benefit payments. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. / ✓.? ' 4" i I -2- FIREMENIS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington November 20, 1961 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City-Clerk, Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 2:00 p.m. All Board Members were present and the City Attorney, G. M. Shellan. Fireman Sherertz noted a correction to be made to the previous minutes. K's Pharmacy invoice #4449, a/c John Parks in the amount of $14.35 covers refill of previously authorized prescription and should be allowed. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, to approve the minutes as corrected. Carried. Communications were read as follows: City Attorney's letter dated 11/6/61, regarding benefits available, if any, to the surviving spouse of Charles A. Carbon who se date of decease was October 14, 1961, which letter directed attention to certain information not contained in the file making it impossible for him to render an opinion. Mr. Shellan explained to the Board that in the event a Fireman shall die as a result of service connected disability, then his widow, under the 1955 Act, shall receive a monthly pension equal to 50% of his basic salary or she has the right to elect, provided the Board also approves, the sum of $5,000.00 in cash in lieu of other pension rights and benefits. Mr. Shellan advised that there must be some medical report to indicate that the death of Charles Carbon on October 14, 1961 was the result of a service connected disa- bility. In other words, that he died from causes that were the same or sub- stantially the same as the causes for which he was retired in 1958, that said causes were contributing factors to his death. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the Board contact the examining physicians for a clarification of their reports covering physical examination of Mr. Carbon at the time of his retirement. Carried. Mr. Shellan's letter of 11/14/61 relative to payments to be authorized by the Firemen's Pension & Relief Board in connection with illness and injury claims of the firemen, not service connected. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Walsh, that the Secretary set up a meeting of the Board, the City Attorney, and the members of the Fire Depart- ment, to be held at the fire station, for clarification to the members on what payments are allowable on non-service connected illness or injury claims. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the regular monthly pension payments to Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. McDonald be allowed. Carried. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Walsh, that the readin of the bills be held up to allow the Secretary to check Doctorts reports, re ills or new prescriptions, 11 v Minutes (Continued) FIREMEW S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD November 20, 1961 I etc., to determine allowability for payment. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 305 p.m. r � / Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman HelmieXel son, City Cle -Secretary v -2- FIREMEN'S PENSIONIND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES +� Renton, Washington December 1, 1961 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman A Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order atl0:30 a.m. Present were Aliment, Gossett, Walsh and Deputy City Clerk, Secretary, G. Marshall. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh to dispense with the reading of the mlinutes of November 21T; 1961 until the next regular meeting. Carried. Correspondence was read as follows: Letters from the Secretary to Firemen, John Alexander, James Ashurst, Jack Haworth, John Parks, Jr., and Mayland Walls returning bills coveringnDn-service connected illness or injury claims. A letter to Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief regarding the necessity of election for Board Member to fill the expired term of John Alexander, currently held by David Walsh. A letter from the Secretarx directed to the Board Members, advised that she had conferred further with the City Attorney relative to funeral benefits available to the widow of Charles A. Carbon and City Attorney She]lan had confirmed the amount of $500.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, to concur in the report of the City Attorney wd that payment of $500.003, covering funeral benefits, be made to Mrs. Audrey Carbon, widow of Charles A. Carbon,, who was deceased 10-14-61. Carried. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Gossett, to notify the Swedish Hospital to forward bills for Mayland Walls to the Board. Carried. Bills were read as follows: K's Prescription Pharmacy - a/c Paul Henry, Inv. 4837, $5.10, dated 10/10 a/c John Parks, Inv. 4843, $1.67 dated 10/10 a/c John Parks, Inv. 4866, $14.35, dated 10/12 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Marshall that prescription payments be allowed covering refills. Carried. E MINUTES FIREMENtS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD December 1, 1961 (Cont.) Further discussion followed regarding widow's pension for Audrey Carbon. Beard to check with City Attorney Shell.an for further clarification and report to he obtained from physician who examined Captain Carbon at the time of his retirement from the Fire Department. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. l� Frank Aliment, Mayor—Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Cler —Secre ary / I —2— FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington December 8, 1961 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayo r-Cliairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman A Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Aliment. All Board Members were present. Communications were read as follows: Report from Fire Chief Lawrence that Mayland C. Walls entered the Swedish Hospital for a shoulder ailment. Fracture Clinic report that the disability of Mayland Walls might very possibly be service connected. City Clerk-Secretary's letter to Swedish Hospital directing that bills for Mayland Walls be sent to the Board. Report of November 15, 1961 from Dr. Louis Edmunds, Mason Clinic , that sub- sequent examination indicates that Marl Strom should not participate in the Calisthenics program of the Fire Department. Dr. Michel's report on the physical examination of Theodele LaValley indicated that he is in good physical condition and capable of being a Fireman. Report of Dr. M. J. Schultz that the Cardiac Death of Captain C. A. Carbon was an aggravation of the condition he found on October 29, 1957 and which condition was directly associated with his work as a City of Renton Fireman. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the Secretary notify the City Council on the satisfactory physical report on new Firemen Theodele LaValley and Ray Barilleaux. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nelson, that the widow of Captain Chas. A. Carbon receive a monthly pension amounting to 50% of his basic salary, according to Act of 1955 under which he retired,as being applicable in the death of a fireman who had retired as a result of a service connected disability, which pension would thus amount to $232.50 per month. Discussion followed as to whether or not Captain Carbon's current check, issued in October, covered the month of October. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that this matter be tabled until checked. Carried. Bills were read and actions taken as follows: .....-' The Secretary reported regarding previous bill 4099093, dated 10-25-61, a/c Paul Henry, from Renton PX Pharmacy, had not been paid due to no record of any previous prescription so numbered. MINUTES FIREMENtS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD December 8, 1961 (Cont Mr. henry, However, has since brought in copies of the prescription showing the present bill to be refill of one formerly obtained from K's Pharmacy. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Sherertz, to pay the Renton Pharmacy invoice 409909 for Fireman Paul Henry in the sum of $5.30. Carried. Bill from Mason Clinic in the amount of $49.50 covering Dr. Edmundts Physical Examina. .tion of Karl Strom which had been requested by the Board. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, to pay the Mason Clinic bill. Carried. Bill from Dr. Schultz for medical report on Chas. A. Carbon in the sum of $4.00. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, to pay the bill. Carried. The Secretary reported that she has not received a revised medical report from Dr. Heilpern on whether John Alexander's claim is service connected and is thus Holding bills from North Renton Clinic and K's Pharmacy for Mr. Alexander. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, to hold the balance of the bills until the following meeting. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m. / r Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman ?/w, Helmie Nelson, City Cle k-Secretary -2-- I FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS December 15, 1961 Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman A Special Meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was held at Fire Station No. 1 with the City Attorney and Members of the Fire Department. All Board members were present. Chairman Aliment called the meeting to order and explainedlne purpose of same to be for clarifying some of the provisions of the 1961 Session Laws, Chapter 255. A question and answer period followed. City Attorney Shellan advised that prior to the 1961 Act, with specific reference to the 1955 Act, payments were not provided for disability not incurred in line of duty. The 1961 Act allows compensation to Firemen in the event of disability incurred outside his regular performance of duty, under Non-service connected disability provisions. If a disability due to injury or sickness renders a Fireman unable to continue his service he may make certain application to the Board for retirement. Upon retirement being recommended by the Board, which may be for a non-service connected disability, allowance is provided based upon a percentage of basic pay, and for a period of ninety days following such disability medical or hospital care shall be provided. Inquiry was made relative to a person having a few days off and going skiing, breaking his leg requiring doctor and hospital care, thereby being unable to perform his duties as a fireman. The City Attorney advised that upon proper medical finding that a dis- ability exists, the man would be entitled to compensation for hospital and medical care up to ninety days. However, if the accident were resultant from dissipation, abuse, or employment other than while engaged as a fireman then the compensation would not apply. S: A man had been working until Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday are days off and having a headache and not feeling well he obtains a prescription for pills. He returns to work Thursday. Is he entitled to reimbursement or payment of his medical. A: No, unless physician certifies him to have been disabled. g: A Fireman is on call 24 hours but is unable to respond due to illness. Would he then be entitled to compensation? A: If illness is limited to a day the Fireman is off duty and not working and is called but unable to respond the facts would not be altered,and according to the intent of the Act, payment of medical bills would not be warranted. There must be a disability and the finding of such disability having prevented performance of his regular duties before eligibility is established. _Q: If a fireman becomes ill the day his vacation began but he is able to return to work at the end of the vacation period could he secure payment for bills incurred in connection with the illness. A-.No. FIREMENtS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES (Cont.) 12-1a-61 Question and answer period: VA . Q: Assuming a fireman becomes ill and it is either service or non- service connected, could any portion be run through King County Medical. Would it be possible to apply to King County for the doctor bill and to the Pension Board Fund for medical. A: It would not be advisable to split it. The Pension Board should pay all of it or nothing. By splitting it you establish a policy of doubtful legality. King County Medical could invoke the right of subrogation. If run into by another car and King County pays all the bill, you subsequently make claim against the other party and collect also from their in- surance carrier, King County has the right to recover costs from you every time. If you have collected from the Pension Board there is no established policy and you could collect twice. Q: If a Fireman had an accident, ie, going through a red light hits another car, breaking his own back, would he be entitled to collect his doctor and medical from the Board even though it was definitely his fault. A: You do not have to prove that you are completely free from negligence or fault. If the man were under the influence of liquor this would alter the situation and it would be considered the result of abuse, however, for ordinary neglect he would be covered under the 90-day provision, non-service connected dis- ability. Dissipation or abuse was discussed relative to the use or influence of alcohol it being pointed out that one drink means a reading of 1.5. Inquiry also followed regarding the requirement that disability retirement must be applied for and attention subsequently called to the fact that a disability might be only for one week. Disability being a medical question, the Act implies that there should be some medical finding of disability. No law exists forcing application for retire- ment. g: What about the common cold or flu that requires medication. How will that be classified? A: If the doctor states it to be service connected he could receive medical payments. If not service connected and no time is lost from work, he could not claim non-s-ervice disability and could not receive payments. Doctors rely on case history and the Board must have some evidence to rely on. It is up to each fireman to give the doctor adequate case history for payments on medical matters. Chairman Aliment asked"How well do you like your Pension Law and how much do you want to abuse it."? g: What if you have a cold and go to a fire and within three weeks T.B. is found. Wouldn't this be a service connected disability? Would it be best to stay within -the act and not file with King County. You could have complications later. A: You should be sure to secure evidence to establish it service connected. Comment was made that in going all the way with the act in service connected disability was-bad' the firemen should try to save the Pension Board money where it is not service connected . In such cases King County should be requested to make payment as sooner or later the Pension Fund may be in difficulty. r -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES (Cont.) 12-15-61 Question and Answer Period +�- Fireman Strom inquired whether a man who had retired on disability and who was drawing the 50% pay for any period, such as a year, would receive credit for the full amount of contributions upon returning to worlk, as he had in the Pension Fund when he went on disability. Fireman Strom added that if retired at the age of 55 income tax is not paid on pension moneys until as much has been drawn as had personally been contributed. _A:- City Attorney Shellan advised he would not want to answer the inquiry without checking. S: Inquiry was made regarding performance of duties whereupon an ankle is sprained and the person cannot ride the rig or perform his regular duty but can work otherwise. A: You are performing 100% if you are assigned to the desk. _Q: When a physicians report states"possibly"in connection with service connected injury or illness what action may be taken. A: The word "possibly" is not sufficient. "More probably than not" should be used. As there was no further discussion or questions the question and answer session was closed. The Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board followed. Chairman Aliment called the special meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. r... All Board members were present as well as the City Attorney and a number of members of the Fire Department. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz,to remove from the table the matter of whether the pension payment made to Captain Carbon in October actually covered the month of October. Carried. Secretary Nelson reported that the pay- ment had covered the month of October. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the monthly pension pay- ments to Mr. Carbon, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McDonald be authorized, and that the Widow's Pension due Mrs. Carbon for the month of November be included. Carried. As there were no communications the Secretary read the following bills: Invoice dated 11/15/61, Ms Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Paul Henry, $14.18, Invoice dated 11/11/61, K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c, Jack Colombi, $3.33, Invoice dated 10/12/612 K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c, John Alexander, $9.15. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that these bills be paid as read. Carried. Invoice from Dan E. Ranniger, M.D. in the amount of $5;00 covering physician's services to LeRoy Smith for burned hand during fire call on garhage truck at Rollerland. Invoice from North Renton Clinic covering office calls and X--ray for left elbow injury of John Alexander in sum of $25.00. Dr. Heilpern's report that this injury was service connected due to injury sustained in 1959 was read. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that payment of these bills as read be allowed. Carried. -3- FIREMENTS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES (Cont.) 12-15-61 Special Meeting held at Fire Station No. 1 Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the minutes of the previous meetings of November 20, December 1, and December 8, 1961 be approved as written. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board this meeting, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon. now V -4- 9S FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINWES Renton, Washington December 28, 1961 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Ali.ment> Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer HeJmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman Aliment. All members of the Board were present except Dorothea Gossett. Communications were read as follows: Physician report from Fred W. Reebs regarding hospital treatment for Fireman Marvin Sherertz for disability 11-22-61 through 11-29-61 not designated to be the direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department. The report is dated 12-22-1961. Physician's report dated 12-17-61 on Patrick J. Walsh for treatment of 12-5-61 through 12-8-61 on spine arthritis aggrevated by duties performed in the Fire Department, submitted by Dr. Bardarson. Physician's report from Dr. Lombardini for treatment of Jack Colombi, 11-1-61 ,.� through 11-14-61 for inhalation of smoke resulting from direct performance of Fire Department duties. Bills were read as follows: Swedish Hospital, Mayland Walls, 11-27-61 to 12-1-61, $208.40 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, Mayland Walls, 71-28-61 to 12-1-61, $75.00 Park Avenue Clinic, Jack Colombi, 11-1-61 through 11-14-61, $56.00 Baird M. Bardarson, M. D., Patrick J. Walsh, 12-5-61 through 12-8-61, $61.50 Patrick J. Walsh, Renton Pharmacy, 12-15-61 and 12-5-61, $6.24 Fred W. Reebs, M.D., Marvin Sherertz., 11-22-61 through 12-22-61, $97.50 Renton Hospital, Marvin L. Sherertz, 11-22-61 through 11-29-61, $263.70 Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson that the bilis be allowed as read. Sherertz abstained from voting. Motion carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the Secretary be authorized to purchase rubber stamp, "Payment Authorized" Firemen's Pension Board Minutes Secretary, As there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Aliment, seconded by Sherertz, to adjourn. Carried. The meting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman ffetmfe Net 1 y er - ecretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES MEMBERS Renton, Washington Aliment, Mayor-Chairman January 29, 1962 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer ... Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:15 a.m. by Chairman Aliment„ All Board Members were present. Communications and Bills were read as follows: Application from Arthur J. Pringle for disability due to injury to his back, 10-9-61 and a bill from Dr. Leland E. Childers., Roxbury Medical-Dental Clinic in the sum of $6.00 covering services to injured. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett., that the bill be paid. 1-12-62; Paulson Office Supply, $4.12-One, 5-line stamp previousCarriedauthorized. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, to pay tie bill. Invoice from Renton Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Marvin Sherertz in the sum of $3.02. Moved by Aliment, seconded by Nelson., that the bill be allowed and payment made therefor. Carried. Three invoices from K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Mayland Walls, previously submitted on 10-27-61.,held at that time pending Physician's report,were re- ibmitted and the report advising of service-connected illness for which Mr. Us had later been hospitalized. The invoices were No. 4448 dated 9-x--61 in the sum of $2.86, No. 4538 dated 9-13-61 for $2.86, and No. 4639 dated 9--21-61, .+... $2.86., which had been paid by Mr. Walls pending determination of the report. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that Mr. Walls be reimbursed for these payments. Carried. Secretary Nelson reported that a service contract to cover maintenance, service calls, parts replacement, etc. could be secured for approximately $36.00 per year on the Firemen's Pension Board I.B.M. Typewriter. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett., to enter into a service contract with the I.B.M. Corporation as outlined. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly pension fund warrants to Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Carbon be approved. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett., that the meeting be adjourned, and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. i Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman ,;Imie Nelson, City Clerkr-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MIMES MEMBERS i Renton, Washington Frank Aliment, Mayor-Cliainuazl February 27, 1962 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer IleLuie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Fireman's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Dorothea Gossett in the absence of Chairman Alilrient, at 10:00 a.m. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the Minutes of the previous meetings of December 83, 15, 22, 28 and January 29, be approved as written. Carried. Physician/s report was read from Dr. J. R. Hogan on the disability of James Ashurst who received medical services from 1-30-62 to 2-13-1962 for illness determined to be non-service connected. Bills were read as follows: James D. Hogan - 1-30-1962 a/c James Ashurst, $4.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy - 2-1-62, a/c John Alexander, $4«16 A. & H. Drug #8871 dated 2-13-62 a/c John Alexander, $4.68 P -ton RX Pharmacy -- 1--17-62, Inv. :11848 a/c Marvin Sherertz, $3.64 12--17--61, Inv. 11]85, ST '4 t° 3.02 I. Prescription Pharmacy, Inv. 47498, a/c Paul Henry, $13.31 7542 rr if it 5.10 7773 rr rr rr 5.10 $23.51 I.B.M., Inv. 232832 2-12--62, Maintenance Agreement, I.B.M. Typewriter, Serial 1477729 from 1--16-62 to 7-15-62, $18.20. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the Secretary furnish the Firemen a report of their individual accumulated contributions to the Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund as of 12-31--61. C eiY'-­'4 Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. --Dorothea Gossett, Presiding Chairman ,... Nelson, City er' c, Secretary FIRIMtS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MIMES B{` (*IRS Renton, Washington F '►,�, �iment, Mayor--Chairman March 5, 1962 Do_ .-,a Gossett, City Treasurer ffelLuie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman Daviel C. Walsh, Fireman A Special meeting of the Fi.rements Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 2130 p.m. A co►rununication was read from Mrs. Audrey E. Carbon electing to give up her monthly pension check and"receive 'the sum of $53,000.00 instead, understanding such settlement to be final payment as per Chapter 8 of the 1955 Pension Laws. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that in accordance with Ch. 8, Laws of 1955, Mrs. Carbonts request for payment of lump sum of $5,000.00 be granted. Carried. The Secretary reviewed data prepared for Actuary Study by the State Legislative Council, requested by the Association of Washington Cities per A. A. Weinberg, Consulting Actuary. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the Secretary transmit the report as read. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett to adjourn. Carried. The�:eting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. FraAliment, Mayor-Chairman nk Helmi.e Ne son, City Clerc-Secretary i; FIREITEN IS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES I ,n.tiU I-Q"IBERS Renton, Washington Frank AlLrnent, Mayor-Chairman March 26, 1962 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer IIelmie Nelson, City Clark-Secretary - arv-in Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The Regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board sra.s called to order by Chairman Aliment at 11:00 A. M. All Board members were present with the exception of Marvin Sherertz, i4oved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, that the minutes of Regular meeting of February 27th and the Special meeting of March 5th be approved as written. Carried. A disability report on Fireman Jack Colombi, signed by Vo B. Lombardini, M. D., was read. 11ii.s covered a non-service connected disability, first examination on March 6th and final examination on March 14th. The following bill was presented: Invoice #7921, from K's Prescription Pharmacy, dated February 9, 1962 for the account of Paul Henry, in the amount of $5.10. ?loved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the bill be allowed. Carried. Xnved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the monthly pension warrants for Anderson and !sirs. McDonald be approved. Carried. There being no further business to carne before the Board, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 A. 14. rrtk, Aliment., yor-CHa Helmie Nelson, City ler -Secre ry FIRE N'S PENSION AND RELIEF BQARD MI DA.RD MEMBERS: ) _re, 'invent, Mayor-Chairman Gossett, City Treasurer '�- ]son City Clerk-Secreta j z'Y �-- U,vLµ Sherertz, Fireman _ %avid C. Walsh, Fireman The Regul-ax meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Mayor Aliment at 9:30 A.M., with the following members present: Mayor Aliment; Helmie Nelson, City Clerk; Marvin Sherertz, Fireman; Janet Crabb, Asst, City Treasurer. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Crabb, that the Minutes of the meetings of March 26th and April 30th be approved as written. Carried. There being no communications, the fallowing bills were read: K's Prescription Pharmacy; Date Number Account Amount April 4th —159 Paul Henry, Refill previous prescription, Service- connected illness .4 ' 7 9 April 6th 6175 %) on Parks Disability, N=�-gervice connected 15.86 April 26th 6409 Jack Colombi, Disability, Non-service connected 5.62 Moved by Nelson, seconded by Sherertz, that these bills be allowed. Carried. Park Avenue Clinic: Marc th thru March 14th, Account: Franklin Todd $35.00 Franklin Todd: y4: Due Mr. Todd for office call and medication, March 6th -�4�0 The Secretary reported no physician reports have been received to cover these items. Moved by Maylor Aliment, seconded by Crabb, that these bills be allowed upon receipt of proper doctor's reports and supporting invoices to cover the payment to Mr. Todd. Motion carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Crabb, that the monthly pension fund warrants to Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Anderson be approved. Carried. There being no further business, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Sherertz, that the meeting; be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. � F Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman 2z 4; le'-1 - Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary YlnI T,'TRR,MKN'S PENST.OIT AND REUXTF BOARD M7NUPES BOARD I-TIMERS Renton, Washington Frnnl� Aliment, Mn.yor-Chairmari April 30, 1962 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clcrk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh,, Fi.remtan The Remilar meeting; of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 1:30 P.M., with all Board Members present as listed. The report of Dr. C. David. Heflen covering; examination of Fireman George Denasky on March 6th was ream b;, the Secretary. This report covered the reciirrence of a service-connected injury in July 1959. Dr. Heflen's invoice in the arnount of (1,6.00 covering, the examination was read and ordered paid by motion of Sherertz, second. by Gossett. Carried. The following invoices were read from K's Prescription Pharmacy: Date Number Account Amount Larch 6th i90 Jack Colombi, Non-Service Connected Disability ,3.33 March loth 5,911 Jack Colombi, Non-Service Connected Disability 3.33 May 2nd 8237 Paul Henry covering Refills - Previous Prescrip- tion - Scrvice-Connected Illness 9.36 Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that these bills be allowed. Carried. Moved by rossett, seconded by Sherertz, that the monthly pension fund warrants to Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Anderson be approved. Carried. There being', no further business, it was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREN",I S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD I,iIIJ. S Renton, Washington June 26, 1962 BOARD HE1-MERS Frank Aliment, Mayor - Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer I[elmi.e Nelson, City Clerk - Secretary 1:arvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. 'Vlalsh, Fireman The regular meetinFg of the Firemen's Pension and Relief' Board was called to order V �/ by Mayor Frank Ala.ment at 9:30 A.M. with all board members present as listed. 146ved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the minutes of May 28th be approved as written. Carried. The folloirdnt, Physician's reports were read: Dr. L. E. Childers. Report dated June lith covering examination of Franklin Todd on March 31st, April 2nd, April 5th and April 9th. Medical Finding. Mon-service connected disability. Dr. Baird Dardarson. Report dated May 9th covering examination of Franklin Todd_ On Kay 4th, 5th and 7th. Medical Finding. Non-service connected disability. The Secretaiy presented a bill from Dr. Bardarson covering treatment rendered Er. Todd on 1--lay 7, 1962 in the total sum of 314.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the Board authorize payment of this bill based upon the medical findings that a non-service connected disability existed at the time. Carried. The Secretary reported that previous bills read 1--lay 28th, covering illness of IIr. Todd, which had been authorized pending receipt of proper medical reports covering, have now been paid. The Secretary read a communication from Sam Polk, 1CDR, USiJR, Personnel Officer, certi.ftiring that Gerald H. Nichols was involuntarily recalled to active duty with the Air Anti-Submarine Squadron, Eight Hundred Ninety One, further informing the Board that I1r. Nichols anticipated date of release to inactive duty would be August 1, 1962. A coymmni.cation from T,ir. Nichols requesting information on requirements for a physical examination prior to rdporting for work was also read. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that these communications be tabled until the next regular meeting to permit the Doard to check into the matter. Carried. I-loved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly pension fund warrants to Mrs. McDonald and Firs. Anderson be approved. Carried. There beim no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Frank Aliment, Zy%yor - Chairman `'' IIelmio Nelson, City Clerk - Secretary FIRED'' 'IS PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD DUN' 'S Renton, Washingtoi BOARD 1`w1MZ S July 30, 1962 'rank k LUment, Ma Yor - Chairman Dorothea G0330tt, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk - Secretary 1 Marvin Sherertz, Firoma.n David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular iL-etinS of the Firements Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 A.ii. with all members present except City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett. Tic following physicians' reports were read: Dr. S. J. Vukov. Report covering; illness of Kenneth Parks establishing same to be a non-service connected disability. I+Jxan i.nation dates - June 1?_, 20th and 30th. Date of report, July 5, 1962. Dr. Fred 1. Re_cb:;. Report covering exmnlinations of Fireman Mary Sherertz from January ly9>�o April 5, 1962. Report dated July 24, 1962. I,ledical finding that this covers a non-service connected disability. The follovrinr, invoices for medical services which had been submitted to the Secretary were read: A & iI DRUG ;�'2 - account Kenneth Parks, Invoice No. 350 dated 6/8/62 . . . . . . A &: H DRUG f?_ - account Marvin Sherertz, Eruergency Charge Ticket dated May 14, 1962 . . . . . . . 6.55 '•iARVLI' SiIr,RLR`1'Z - Prescriptions paid to Renton RX Pharmacy in the total sum of 14.66 i,.oved by Ua1sh, seconded by Nelson, that based upon proper medical findings that a non-service connected disability existed in both cases, that payment to Sherertz and to ALIT Drag Co. ;r2 coverin" Parks and Sherertz, (listed above be allowed. Carried. Bill frorr Jacob C. 'Jagner, E. D., covering medical services to Fireman Karl Strom, June 9 - Office Call surgery fee, ; 15.00, injection r4.00 and June 16th office call, :IP'4.00 in the total sum of , 23.00 was read by the Secretary. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Nelson, that this bill be held up pending receipt of physiciants report to cover, and Karl Strom be notified to furnish said report. Carried. Noved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, that monthly pension fund warrants be issued to il-rs. I•IcDonald and I•Irs. Anderson. Carried. I,.oved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that in the interest of all concerned, a meetin- be arranged between the Firements Pension Board, representatives from the King County Hcdical 0ervice Corporation and City Attorney Shellan to clarify extent of participation of King; County i-:edical in accordance with their contract with the City. Carried. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the matter tabled at the meeting of June 26th relative to physical examinations of Hurst and Nichols, be removed from the table. Carried. Discussion ensued and the Board noted that the "Release from Active Duty and Transfer to Inactive Duty, U. S. Naval Reserve's included a medical report on the individual to the effect that said person had been axamined and found physically l.ialifi.ed for release from active duty. This report on the physical fitness of person )Vered, signed by the examining; medical officer, it was the consensus that ouch findings ++could be acceptable and constitute proper report on physical fitness. - 1 - tu4 FIRE MEL-,j PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD I�IINUT,,,, Zge 2 July 30, 1962 Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the Secretary request Fire Chief Lawrence to secure proper medical reports indicating the p17sical, fitness of Hurst and Nichols, prior to their reemployment, a copy of said report to be furnished des the Board. harried. There beim; no further business it was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Frank Aliment., I,layor - CHAIRILUU 4 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk - SECRETARY I I i i I �I MINLUES OF SPECIAL =, TING - FIREMEN's PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD - AUGUST 3, 1962 BOARD MEMBERS: Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gozsett, City-Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Shca,urtz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman A s-)ecial meet--ng of the Firemen's Penson and Relief Board was called to order by Mayor Aliment, Chairman at 10:00 A.M. on August 3rd. All board members were present as listed, also City Attornc-.y Shellan and Messrs. Chuck Glasford and Bob Seifert, representing King County Medical Scrvice Bureau. Mayor Aliment outlined the purpose of t_i .s meeting was an endeavor to clarify the dividing line between participz:cion in medical charges between the King County Medical Service Bureau and the Firemen's Pension Fund. Messrs. Glasford and Seifert informed the Board that King County Medical Ser- vice Bureau would provide the benefits of the offers according to the terms of their medical plan with the City, right to the lette_^ of the contract. If the nature of the illness or injury is job-connected this is considered an occupational hazard and King County Medical's coverage would not amply. The Bureau is not concerned with the submission of bills to the Firemen's Pension Board, which have already been paid by t'^a Burca:a. Their attitude is the same as applies to any subscriber who may have duple^ate coverage under a similar ty, e of insurance. Any steps taken in connection -- with the submission of a claim to other insurance companies does not concern them. There is no exclusion as to any other type of payment, except under their Third-Party Liability Clause, the application of which was explained. No benefits are provided according to the terms of the King County Medical contract with the City for personal injuries resulting from acts or omissions for which a third person may be legally liable, but in the event such third person fails to provide medical and surgical care then King County Medical till, upon application, pay transportation and hospital- _zation costs to the extent of their medical elan with the City In such case if the If J_njured person collects any sums for damages, then that person would be liable to Icing County Medical for reasonable charges in connection with services provided. As an illustration, Mr. Glasford stated that if a fireman were involved in an accident of any nature, in which the liability was determined to be that of the other party, and no faint of the fireman, then the fireman could be requested to sign subrogation papers authorizing King County Medical to recover their reasonable charges from the individuals responsible for the accident. In answer to a question whether the Fire- men's Pension Board could be considered the Third Party and correspondingly recovery made from them, Mr. Glasford advised they could hardly be considered as such in the: sense being discussed, this being the case only if the Board had physically caused or contributed to the injury or illness. Mr. Shell= informed the Board that 'Third Pawty Liability' ordinarily refers to the party who has contributed to, or caused the Injury or accident. Some of the services and exclusions under King County's Medical Plan with the City were explained by their representatives. This coverage does not include cost >f medication for home and office care. Hospital bed and board is provided in tie maximum amount of $21.50 per day. Hospital service incidentals as outlined in the contract, are provided in full. This includes use of surgical operating rooms, I Minutes of: Special Meeting - Firemen's Pension and Relief Board August 3, 1962 'age 2. equipment, .laboratory tests requested by the physician, among others. Hospital_ser mom - vices are limited to 70 days per condition, with certain provisions under 'Exhibit D' of the contract entitled 'Major Medical Benefits' providing for certain services up to two years, with limitations as outlined (Sec contract) . Persons travelling or temporarily out of the state in any part of the world when in need of emergency ser- vice, are entitled to reimbursement for expenses for such services in an amount that would not exceed the charges that King County Medical would have allowed for physician or hospital e;u view rendered within King County. The hospital providing said service in this case must be accredited and the physician a doctor of medicine. The same would apply for medical services rendered within the State of Washington, but tempor- arily outside of King County, with the additional stipulation that the doctor in this case be a member of the County Medical Bureau or the local medical society. In both of the aforementioned instances, charges for ambulance calls, not exceeding the amount payable in King County, would be allowed. Mr. Glasfo:?d stated that hospitals refer to a manual which outlines the cover- age of various medical plans„ King County Medical Service operates under a contrac- tual agreement with the persons who offer their services under the medical plan, and will accept ass full payment a lesser amount than if billing the patient directly. A question relating to payments for medical bills from the Firemen's Pension Find fog treatment of colds and influenza was directed to the City Attorney. Mr. Shellan odv:is2d that applying this question to non-service connected illness only, that ur_le:,,, the board makes a proper finding based upon physician's examination and -report; `U-hal', th*T.s is a disabling illness, under the law the Board could not properly allow pa,�rent, norcould such bills be paid if the illness occurred on the fireman's time off duty, This is not the intent of the law. Mr. Shellan stressed the importance of informing the person upon application for medical e--v-cew, relative to the coverage provided under the King County Medical Contract w.th the City and request that bills be submitted directly to the Medical Bureau by the pe.^"son rendering the service, He added that you have a medical plan and you should take advantage of it. You are ;,pending public funds for public pur- pose, and not t_- .Ing advantage of the protection offered., The Board que-stioned Mr. Shellan relative to the legality of paying these He adv-.!.,-,cd that the Board would be within its legal rights to allow such pay- ment cove-ing non-service connected illness or injury, providing as heretofore men- tioned that it is a disabling illness or injury, findings having been determined upon proper medical examination and report. He again informed the Board that such medical care cou;_d be provided for a period of ninety days, unless the disability were theresuJ_v of dissipation or abuse,, or employment outside his regular duties as a Fireman. A question was raised relative to a patient requiring a private hospital room. Mr. Gla- ord stated that $21.,50 is the maximum allowance by King County Medical for bcd and bo^.-gid while hospitalized. Mr. Shellan informed the group that if the seri- ousnecs of the illness would require such privacy, then it would be a matter for the Board to determine whether or not they would pay the difference involved. -- r Minutes of• Special Meeting - Firemen's Pension and Relief Board August 3, 1962 'age 3. Mayor Aliment stressed that Firemen, for their own protection, should consider the fact that tax funds and other revenues are used to support both the Firemen's Pension Fund and to provide the benefits for employees under King Ccunty's Medical Plan. Abuse of privileges might result in the loss of some of the present benefits. Firemen should consider how well they like their Pension Fund and the benefits af- forded them through the medical plan. He compared the amount of tax moneys appro- priated for Fire Department purposes and Firemen's Pension, as compared to all other municipal uses. A previous opinion by the City Attorney relative to the inadvisability of plitting medical bills between the Pension Fund and the Medical Service Bureau was brought up at this time. Mr. Shellan advised that this would not be applicable where bills are submitted directly to the Bureau. At this time the City Attorney and King County representatives were excused in order that the Board might consider routine matters. The secretary presented a bill from K's Prescription Pharmacy dated June 16, 1962, account Paul Henry, in the amount of $5.10. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that this bill be allowed. Carried. A bill from Dr. Jacob Wagner in the amount of $23.00, account Mr. Karl Strom, was read. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that this bill be returned to Mr. Strom for referral to King County Medical Service Bureau, or further clarification. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that all Firemen be notified that it is the personal responsibility of each individual, upon making application for medical services covering non-service connected illness or injury to inform the physician and/or hospital of present coverage under the City's medical plan, further direct- ing that charges for services rendered be billed directly to the King County Medical Service Bureau. Carried. It was further moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that in the event additional charges for medical services over and above the amount collectible under the City's medical contract, then such amount may be presented to the Board for consideration, supported with report from examining physician. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion of Nelson, seconded by Walsh and carried, meeting was adjourned. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, gity Clerk-Secretary L FNXIVS PE-TIISION AILD ITUMW SOA' `PITS 11--rs Lou, Washin;;Lori Aucust 28, 1962 r rn n N i�'i•i1,C1!. �,�li:utit, 1•tayor-Chai�r:+at: Dorr,tl,un City T1•i:zz,ui•ex I4ulsutt, City ClC.-k-Secretarf l^c•vi.rt ^hu rc, t2, ; 3 z•c►Trnrs David C. Walsh, Fireman `I'1.e rci;ular u:uetit.'u a!, trc riremcnls Pea.ion and Relief Board was called to order w''t:ll nll ulembe'rn rrvoellt. Mr. 1Lc,'Lcd.. witll -Lhu excupLiurt of Duruthua Gussci V W, V liJ '+'l ensurer. It was ulcvuCl 13; Walsh, seconded by Shorcrtz, that the 11inutes of the t::eetinSs of Juric 2611: all('! J'?Il 30L1s, 1962, 1 c approvc-1 a, written. Carried. Plty^..c 1na1't; ;•uj,or p datud Aui;uot 13, 1.902, frum Dr. L"', L. Finlayson, euve in, c:xatititi- atior: o)f Fig raaa Douglas Iiaworth, date of first examination June 15, 1962, subsequent c:carrcinat-1 onz uri J(tnc 30, July , 13 and 31 (paticut ,till under doctor's care), was read by the Secretary. Report inclicatcs that this is a non-scrvice conacetecL dicabiliLy. Thk: :Cc,llcvin" bills proviously submitted to the Secretary were robin: C"'.-no.".vtion Service Contract ZB14, Tynowri-or Serial ; 11+777291 period - July 6, 11,162 to July 16, 1963 :;,36.h o It was u;ovu<' 1�� ShcreXtz, seconded by Walsh, that the; bill be approved. Carried. r.'c Pvusc.. pLi,nl Pharmacy 7/?_1/62 Acet: Jack Colomb.t coverinL; Pion-Service Connected Disability ;! 3.3� K's Proscription Phar!m. cy 7/3l/62 Acct: DouClas Haworth coverin,, lion-Service Connected Disability :10.1n Aus;;in-Uuudricl:sun DzuL;s 8/13/62 Acct: Uoullas Haworth eovc.•inL Non-Service Connected Disability M. . Jacob W ner 8/18/62 Acct: Karl Strout Jub-Connected ;13�C0 wu:: wc:v,:J. ;�y Wnlsl�, s,",�rldJ ad by Slicr(j.-tz, that the above bills ")c approved for na;,^atent. Carried. the, ,ca,J. (11-.eussurl Ll:c 11ced for at, a.1t•srnrti'1-u mumLer to ac:rvu In the. cvunt• of the a�Jsc;nc: of u:'_thc F irut.tur. Dave Walsh or 1.1arvIn Sherertz. The uou:luatiou of L r. acs al:.l :;i;:hnls 'L­ ^crvu ;., this cnrac iLy was prescnti:d, continCeut upon tiotIflcatioct iu wi'j'.Lilii,,; of his acceptance. It wa., thuzofore moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that I/r. 04c;r nI Hi6hols be appoirtcd as an alternate: on the Doard for 21 irurncea Dave Wa1:>li or I'rzrvirt Sltcrcrtz, atiJ that Mr. I'lehols, if aZ;roeaulc to this rtrranjLcument, coufis:r, is'i.•, accuptaucc i:s wriLl%t--* -1- 109 AM Parc 2 - Au�::iot 23, 1%'i2: i4ayor !�li.aQnt b�•oul" t out to the Board tha- City Troasu..rer Gossett required a .;atcAj t,u.;. lo,- Ll)c ^r�L'ulccQrUn;; Of f1ruillun r:vustmvnt Sucuritivs and could obta_ill zcvau for �ppvoxiiaatcl , T,10.00 pc;: year. he Board's concurrence in such rental tires I-equ,,stod. It was. moved by Walsh, seconded by Nolson, that the City Treasurer sabviit a cast estimate for c:ita,l of a safety deposit bo:. Carried. Movod by Shcrc •tz, secoru. od by Walsh, that the monthly pension for l,Irc. i.IcDonalcl arul Ers. Anderson be appy oved. Carried. The mec Li_:; ad jour .QU at 10:30 A.M. ra•azik Aliment, Mayor-Chairr:�m1 IIe].aic I;cicor,, City Cle.-:'-Secretary �•f E MINUTES OP REGULAR MEETING - FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD Renton, Washington BOARD .MEMBERS September 24, 1962 �. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman R)rntlhea Cosset:t, City T.roasure.r. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 9:30 a.m. , with all members present. It was moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the minutes of the Special Meeting of August 3, 1962 and the regular meeting of August 28, 1962 be approved as written. Carried. A letter was read from Gerald H. Nichols, accepting appointment as alternate member to serve on the Board in the absence of one of the Firemen presently presiding. A bill from K's Prescription Pharmacy, No. 8624, ac/Paul Henry, in the sum of $10.19 was presented. This was a refill of prescription on previous service connected illness. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the bill be paid. Carried. A report from Renton Hospital on Patient, Kenneth Parks was read .� which designated hospital charges in a total sum of $228.45 of which $204.95 had been paid by King County Medical Service, leaving a balance of $23.50. This was a non-service connected illness. (Appendectomy) Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that Mr. Parks pay the balance and submit his bill to the Board for reimbursement. Carried. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Walsh that the monthly Pension Warrants for Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McDonald be approved. Carried. City Treasurer Gossett had been previously authorized to secure the cost per year for rental of a safe deposit vault in which to keep the Firemen's Pension Board Fund Investment and Security documents and she reported the cost to be $9.50. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, that the City Treasurer be authorized to obtain the vault. Carried. Mrs. Gossett reported that she had been asked whether the Firemen's Pension Board would be willing to bid on approximately $10,000.00 G. 0. Bonds for the Spring Glen Fire District and Chief Auditor, Robert Graham, of the State Auditor's Office, had advised that the investment would be an authorized expenditure. It was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that the City Treasurer submit a bid on approximately $10,000.00 in G. 0. Bonds of the Spring Glen Fire District at a rate ofe ; interest. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m. L F:. a; May-)r-Cha FIREMEN`S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington October 30, 1962 r BOAIW MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman DuruLhea Gussett, City 'Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary tl_ Marvin Sherertz, Fireu an David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief- Board was called to order at11):30 a.m. by Chairman Aliment. All Board members were present. Moved by Sherertz seconded by Walsh, that the Minutes of the meetings of 8-28-62 and 9-24-62 be approved as written. Carried. Communications were read as follows. Letter from M. C. Walls, Assistant Fire Chief, certifying that the left lens of the gasses wurii by James F. Ashurst was shattered by a blow from his helmet while responding to a fire at the Baxter Pole Yard on September 4, 1962. A statement for $5.72 from Western Optical Dispensary, Inc. was attached. A letter from King County Medical Service Corporation, directed to Marvin L. Sherertz, advised that as of August 31, 1962 coverage for medical and surgical care for neuritis, arthritis and/or related conditions had expired and that any future care for these conditions would be warranted under the Additional Care Now- Benefit portion of the contract. A like letter to Mayland C. Walls, listed coverage for hypertension and/or related cardiovascular conditions as being expired as of September 30, 1962. Eligibility for care for other covered conditions and injuries is not affected by exhaustion of time limit for the above conditions. The communications were ordered filed. Bills were read as follows: Western Optical Dispensary, Inc., $5.72, a/c James Ashurst. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, to have it determined who might be respon ible for payment of this item other than the Firemen's Pension Board. ✓� . Peoples National Bank - $10.90 for rental of Safe Deposit Box No. 1373 for one year as authorized by previous Board action. Moved by Nelson., seconded by Sherertz, that the bill be paid. Carried. Bill paid to Renton Hospital by Kenneth Parks in amount of $23.50 which constitutes the difference between payment made by King County and the balance of the bill. Reimbursement to Mr. Parks authorized at previous meeting;. Moved by Gossett, and seconded by Sherertz to concur in the payment. Carried. A bill from Burgess, Romano, and Andrews, Orthopedic Surgeons was read for $15.75 a/c John Alexander, for services in connection with elbow injury. A report from Dr. Heilpern had referred Mr. Alexander to these surgeons. Chairman Aliment recom- mended that Physicianx reports be filed regardless of whether or not there has been a referral. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, that upon receipt of proper physician's report, the bill be paid. Mr. Alexander is to be instructed to secure the report. Carried. FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES (cont.) 10-30-62 Bills: A bill from Austin-Hendrickson was read in the amount of $10.45, a/c Douglas Haworth, dated 9-20-62. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the bill be checked to determine whether service connected. Carried. A bill from Jacob C. Wagner, M.D., in the amount of $13.00, a/c Karl Strom for services rendered on 9-10-62, 9-11, and 9-12, was read. Chairman Aliment sug- gested that the bill be submitted to King County Medical Service, Inc. and if it :is not covered by the King County cuntract that thu Board will then pay it. A bill from Dr. James F. Nelson for of the stomach� a/X-Rays s c John Parks in the amount of $25.00, per referral by Dr. R. Heilpern, was read. The Chairman sug- gested that this bill be sent to King County Medical Service also. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that these two bills be sent to King County. Carried. A bill from K's Prescription Pharmacy for $12.27, a/c John L. Parks, Jr., was read covering prescriptions issued on 9-24-62. Moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh, that 'the bill be paid. Carried. City Treasurer, Dorothea Gossett, advised that the bid submitted on the Spring Glen Fire District G.O. Bonds was not accepted. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension fund checks to Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. McDonald be approved. Carried. ' As there was no further business it was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Walsh that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 arm. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary 113 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington November 26, 1962 BOARD MEMBERS ]'rank Aliiuent, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer. IleJmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Marvin Sherertz, Fireman David C. Walsh, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by President of the Council, Walt Reid, in the absence of Mayor Aliment, at 9:30 a.m. All Board Members were present with the exception of the Mayor. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 30, 1962 be approved as written. Carried. i Couuuunications were read with actions taken as follows: Physician's report from Hollis Maness, M.D. advising of November 1, 1962 examination of injury sustained by Jack Colombi which was determined to be job connected. An invoice from K's Prescription Pharmacy in the sum of $2.86 was submitted covering medication for the injury and it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Sherertz, that this bill be paid. Carried. A letter read from King County Medical Service Corporation advised that inasmuch as James F. Ashurst was not under the care of aphysician member of the King County Medical Service Corporation the payment of the bill from Western Optical Dispensary, Inc. in the sum of $5.72, was not allowed. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, the bill be paid by the Pension Board. Carried. The secretary reported that the October bill from A. & H. Drug, a/c D. M. Haworth, in the sum of $10.45 covered a non-service connected claim. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz, that the bill be allowed. Carried. Bills were read for J. L. Parks in the sum of $12.27 and P. Henry, $2.86 from K's Prescription Pharmacy and it was moved by Sherertz, seconded by Gossett, that the bills be paid. Carried. Secretary Nelson reported that no Physicians report had been received on the $15.75 statement from Drs. Burgess, Romano & Andrews for services to John Alexander, and it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, that Dr. Heilpern be contacted and re- quested to furnish a statement that he had referred Mr. Alexander to these physicians upon receipt of which, the bill be allowed. Carried. /"- A bill from M. J. Schultz, M.D. in the sum of $5.00ras read and reported to be job- connected. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, to pay the bill. Carried. Fireman Marvin Sherertz advised that his two year term as a member of the board expired with this meeting and the Secretary was directed to request the Fire Chief to call an election in order that a new Board Member may be present for the next meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Sherertz,/to adjourn. Carried. The meet-in, djourneo at 10:3P.M. Ci Ly C",t -l:-•Sec. Walt ei , Acting ChaX-_n::an FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington December 26, 1962 r.ri BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor–Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk–Secretary DavjA C. Walsh, Fi.renian Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 11:00 a.m. All Board Members were present with the exception of City Treasurer Gossett who was represented by Assistant City Treasurer Janet Crabb. A letter was read from Fire Chief Lawrence advising that Fireman G. H. Nichols had been elected as a member of the Board to replace the expired term field by Marvin L. Sherertz. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Walsh to approve the appointment of the new Board Member and Fireman Nichols assumed his place on the Board. Roll call followed with the new Board Member being included. Communications were read with actions taken as follows: A letter from Dr 9Pjilpern advised that John Alexander had been under his care since September/ or olecranon bursitis of the left elbow and had been referred to Dr. Ernest Burgess, an orthopedic specialist for surgery. Physician's Report by Dr. J. C. Wagner was read for Fireman Robert Connell who received examinations 11-20, 11-21, 11-23, 11-26 and 11-28, 1962 for arthritis in the left elbow and designated to be job connected. Physician's Report read from Dr. Ernest M. Burgess for John E. Alexander diagnosed disability to be chronic non–suppurative olecranon bursitis of the left elbow on which surgery was performed. Dates of service 9-6, 11, 13 and 15thof December, 1962. Disability reported to be service connected. 1, //,. [i-.... Physician's Report f-rom ,Rudolph diagnosed disability of John Alexander, treated on 11-20-62, to be. influenza resulting from direct result of duties performed. Bills were read as follows: a/c, John Alexander – Dr. Ernest M. Burgess, elbow operation 9-6-•62 through 12-15- 62, $100.00, Peter J. Roffey, anesthesiologist, $22.50 dated 12-4-62, Renton Hospital, 12-18-62, $103.90, K's Prescription Pharmacy, 11-20-62, $7.91. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, to approve these bills and checks be drawn for payment. Carried. a/c Robert Connell – Dr. Jacob C. Wagner, Xray and Diathermy, 11-20, 212 23, 26, i. c`a � ... and 28, 1962, $24.50, determined to be service connected. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, to approve payment. Carried. a/c Marvin Sherertz, – A. & H. Drug No. 2, Prescriptions, 11-6-62, $9.67. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols that this bill be paid. Carried. ';, ' Firements Pension and Relief Board Minutes December 26, 1962 (cont.) Bi-I I s: a/c, Marvin L. Sherertz, exam and services, 11-6, 11-13, and 11-20, 1962, Seattle Orthopaedic and Fracture Clinic, 19.00, job connected disability. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, to allow the bill. Carried. a/c, Jack Columbi, services for eye injury, job connected disability, 11-1-62, $5.00 Dr. Hollis Maness. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Nelson, to allow this bill. Carried. /,e, i )16. a---- a/c, Paul Henry, Prescriptions, ll-26, 12-8, 12--10, 1962, Renton Prescription Pharmacy, job connected disability. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, to a'l'low this bill. Carried. A bill from the North Renton Clinic for services of Dr. Heilpern to John Alexander was read in a total sum of $53.00 for diathermy treatment and various office calls over a period of time from 9-19--61 through 2-15-62. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the Secretary write an inquiry to the Clinic regarding the reason for delay in transmittal of.the bills. Carried. New Business: Fireman Cerald Nichols presented a Physical Standards Form to be used by the Physician administering physical examinations to new candidates for the Renton Fire Department. After discussion it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Crabb, that the new Standards be adopted with the addition of "Complete Physical Exam, including Heart, Respiratory, Ulcers and Cancer, — — -- etc. in the form, and that copies be attached to the Minutes of this meeting and sent to the two Fire Stations. Carried. seconded b ichols that the new candidate for Fireman Robert Moved b Walsh secon e N , Y � Y � Beatteay, be sent to Dr. J. C. Michel for a proper physical and a copy of the new Physical Standards be forwarded to the Doctor along with a request that he submit his report in writing to the Board as soon as possible. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Crabb, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. �r Frank Aliment, Mayor—Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk—Secretary 116 :.dopted by City of Denton Firemen's Pension Boc.rd - 12/26/1962 PHY;.IC ,L '.VJTD.,,RDS FGR FIRE MVICE Com;,lete physical cxar.: including- Heart, Respiratory, Ulcers, Cancer, Ltc. snow General Causcs for ABSOLUTL RLJI.CTIO1?: i.YLS: Serious disease or defect of eyes or eyelids; marked defective vision of one or both eyes, i.e., if 20/30 in one c-re, vision in other eye must uc 20/20. Lyes will be tested without glasses or contact lenses. Defective color vision will reject. I.:,,RS: The slightest deafness or discharge in either ear, or any indication of organic disease. I.�UTH: Earked pyorrhea. Ap,licant must have sufficient natural teeth or suitable prosthetic replacement -Lc, sup_ly satisfactory biting; c.nd masticatory functions. Natural teeth must be serviceable and gums and supporting; structures must be free of disease. �.;'D THRGLj: Chronic catarrh; cnlarg,cd tonsils or adenoids or any obstruction to free breathing;; toxic goiter or adenomatous thyroid. LUi,ICS: J".ny acute or chronic disease of resl-.iratory organs. CIi,CULA`iOI.Y .Y. .T1.I:: Any organic disease of the heart or arteries. I;inimum blood pressure allowable, 110 Lystolic. I-iaximum 120 for aGe 20 years, plus one-half point for each year over 20, plus 17. I•;aximum for age 30 years, 140. Reject for over 90 Diastolic. .cute or chronic disease of the stomach, liver, spleen, or bowels. Hernia (rupture) . hR_!,S A11D LLC"), H._I;DS :: L FLIT: I:ust be free from afflictions of the joints, Stiffness or other conditions, such as flat feet or hammer toes, which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index), second(middle), and third (ring) , fingers and thumbs must be present in their entirety. Great toe rust be present in its entirety. History of knee injury causing disability which may recur without subsequent injury may reject. GL11I`.L 0-Ui,IIII'.RY ORG:1?S: Acute or chronic disease of kidneys, bladder, urethra or testicles; hydrocele; syphilis past or present. i11'VuUS SYSTEE: Organic diseases of the nervous system. Nervous disorders, paralysis, epilepsy in any form, catalepsy, marked dizziness. I:Ili DISES: Especially if contagious. Less than three inches. GIRTH OF ':!:.IST: Exceeding girth of chest, both quiescent. 117 i.dsccllaneous Causcs for i.DSOLUTL RLJi.CiIOH: Acute or chronic rheumatism The 1ZRL IM-,T,'L.Y of epilepsy Gout The 11T.1' TTI`T�A,Y of confinement for Poor Physique mental illness in an institution ..d<.itional Causes for iiLJLCTIOR, unless tl_e conditions are so slij7ht as not t.o_-impn.ir fitness for duty: Bowlegs or Knock knees .lbuninuria Varicose Veins Scoliosis (spinal curvature) Defective gait Obesity or malnutrition Varicocele Deformed chest Testicle Defects - missing or Colloid goiter undescended Deformities of the mouth or lip Potential hernia (loose rings) Stuttering, stammering or speech Hemorrhoids and any defect of the ii.pediments rectum or anus 0`iHLR DEFECT'S: GrounCs for rejection are not limited to the defects listed above. The medical examiner may imake any appropriate inquiry or any examination of the applicant, and may recommend rejection for any cause or defect which would, in his opinion, interfere with proper performance of the duties of such employment. TLTLR.I,PI,S: All veterans of the I_rmed ''crvicer who are receiving government disability pension for any reason whatsoever, or who have in the past received such pension, must request the Veterans Administration Bureau to forward to the Public Health Department examing physician a complete medical record. Any person drawing a disability pension shall be ineligible for appointment unless approved by examing physician specifically. 1-iedical examination cannot be completed until examining pl,:-^ici,,n h:�s received• a.4d ."reviewed all pertinent medical history required. , I I FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington January 16, 1963 BOARD XEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 10:00 a.m. and all Board Members were present. Mayor Aliment read a letter which had been submitted by Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence, resigning his position with the City as suggested by his physician, and it was requested that the termination be effective as of June 30, 1963. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the secretary direct a letter to the Fire Chief requesting; him to secure a full medical report from his physician and submit it to the board. The motion carried. A medical report for physical examination of Robert E. Beatteay wasread from Dr. J. C. Michel and in view of a very satisfactory history and examina- tion it was recommended that Mr. Beatteay be hired to serve with the Renton Fire Department. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the report be accepted and that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Mayor and City Council in accepting Mr. Beatteay as a member of the Fire Department to serve for the probationary period according to law. Carried. Bills were submitted as follows: a/c Marvin Sherertz, 12/7/62, A. & H. Drugs #2, RX51906, service-connected - $3.85, 11/27, Seattle Orthopedic & Fracture Clinic, $14.00. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that these bills be allowed. Carried. a/c Robert Beatteay, 1/8/63, J. C. Michel, M.D., Physical - $63.00. Moved by Neison, seconded by Gossett that the bill be paid. Carried. a/c Karl Strom, 6-9-62, Jacob Wagner, M.D. (Shot), $4.00, 1/2/63, Pay to Karl Strom: Group Health Pharmacy, $2.91, 1/11/63, A. & 1-1. Drub 42, #3045-Back Brace, $4.64, 12/16/62, Shaw Bros. Drug, #41111, $5.82, Dr. David Heflen, Examina- tion and Trealment, $6.00. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, that the bills be paid as read. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly Pension Warrants be drawn and payment be made to Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 and Mrs. Ezra Anderson, $150.00. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman r �-,�14 Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary ii FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington February 21, 1963 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor - Chairman Dorothea Gossett-, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. and all Board Members were in attendance. A letter was read from David M. Perry, M. D. personal physician of Fire Chief, Floyd Lawrence advising that Mr. Lawrence should not continue his present occupation but due to general medical condition retirement in the near future should be considered. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Nelson, that Firemen Walsh and Nichols arrange for Chief Lawrence to have a complete medical examination including cardiogram report by Dr. J. C. Michel and that the findings be submitted to the Board. Also, a copy of Dr. Perry's report be given to Dr. Michel. Carried. A Notice from Dr. Bardarson advised that Mr. J. E. Haworth should be off work several days due to bronchitis. Physicians reports were read from Dr. D. J. Rohrsson for treatment rendered to Donald Goodwin for Bronchitis designated to be non--service connected and from Dr. R. Heilpern for treatment of John Alexander for influenza and sone throat desiqnated as service-connected. Inasmuch as no reply had been received from North Renton Clinic to inquiry made by the Board relative to billing for service and treatment to John Alexander over a period dating back to 9-19-61, the Secretary was directed to send a second letter requesting substantiation of the charges which total $53.00. Bills were read as follows: 0,02-4-62, a/c J. Alexander, Inv. 10312, $6.55 -- Presc. #17611 and 37612, job connected. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, that the bill be allowed and Warrant drawn for same. Carried. 12-18-62 Renton RX Pharmacy, a/c Paul Henry, $5.72, service connected. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh that the bill be paid. Carried. l 1-2--63-Group Health, Dr. Kaminsky, a/c Karl Strom, Inv. 94094, $6.00, Service-Connected. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh that the bill be allowed. Carried. 1-1--63, K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c John L. Parks, Jr., $1.04, #10073, Service connected. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, to pay this invoice. Carried. Firemen's Pension Arid Relief Board Minutes (cont.) 2-21-63 BILLS: 2-7-62 for treatment 9-20-62, D. J. Rohrssen, M. D., a/c Don Goodwin, $5.00, Non-service. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, to allow payment of this invoice. Carried. 9-19 to 9-� -6'L, Renton Hospital, a/c Don Goodwin, $8.00, Non-Service Moved by Walsh, Ieconded by Nelson, to pay this account. Carried. 1-26--63, Renton RX Pharma5y, Inv. 1818, $19.08, 2-5•-63, Seattle Orthopedic & Fracture Clinic, $7.00, 1-22-632 A. & H. Drugs, Inv. 3197, $6.14, a/c Marvin Sherertz. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, to allow these bills. Carried. Moved by Gossett,, seconded by Walsh, to pay the monthly pension warrants i in the sum of $150.00 each to Mrs. Orpha McDonald and Mrs. Ezra Anderson. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that Mr. Jack Pringle be designated as Alternate Fireman Member of the Board and that a letter be directed to Mr. Pringle advising him of this action and requesting his acknowledgment. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7.1:00 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor�Ciairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary 12.1 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington March 25, 1963 BOARD MRMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor--Chairman Dorothea Oossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman i The regular meeting of the Firements Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 11:00 a.m. Fireman Jack Pringle was present as alternate for Fireman Walsh. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 21, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. A Physician's Report on Fireman John Alexander, signed by Dr. Heilpern oil 2-1963 was read relative to examination and services on 2-14-63 for sore throat and headache attributed to service connected influenza. Tne following bills were submitted: J. C. Michel, M.D., 2-28-63, Physical, Floyd Lawrence (given by request of the Board) $68.00. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Nichols that the bill be ..� allowed. Carried. Dr. Fred Reebs, 3-5-63, Treatment rendered Marvin Sherertz from invoiced billings dated 12--6-62 through 1-28--63 rejected by King County due to ex- piration of contract covered treatment period for one illness. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, to allow payment. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the monthly pension fund warrants to Mrs. Orpha McDonald and Mrs. Ezra Anderson be paid. Carried. Old Business: The Secretary reported that no Doctor's Report supporting 'I billing from Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy for Douglas Haworth, of 1-28--53 in the stun of $8.44, has been received. The Board recommended to withhold pay-- ment pending receipt of proper report. The Secretary further reported no reply to several inuiries and communi- cations as well as telephone calls to North Renton Clinic �Dr. Rudolph Iieilpern) relative to statement for John Alexander for treatment from 9-19-+61 to 2.•25-62 itemized invoice recently received from the Clinic. Fireman Nichols to take communications to North Renton Clinic and follow--up on the matter. After discussion regarding retirement pension to be allowed Fire Chief Lawrence, it was moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols, that City Attorney Shellan be re- quested to submit a legal opinion as to whether Chief Lawrence might receive a non-service connected disability pension on the basis of Dr. Perry's medical report9 to be rendered at the next regular Board meeting. Carried. Minutes of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Meeting (cont-.) 3--25»53 New Business: City Treasurer Gossett suggested it might be financially adv.i.sahl_e to submit- to the City an offer to invest in L.I.D. 249,(Maplewood Sanitary Sewer) Warrants and Bonds. Mr. Jim Gay of the law firm Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch, Bonding Counsellor, had been contacted and concurred in such action. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Firemen's Pension Fund Board submit an offer to the City Council to purchase L.I.D. Warrants in the sum of $87,939.00 at the rate of 4.40% interest, and to subsequently purchase the Installment Note, in lieu of Bonds. Carried. As there was no further business, it was moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. ran. Aliment, ayor= iairman Helmi e W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary 12. PIR:,MEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Rentoi,, Washin tun April 22, 1963 I30AIZD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City 'Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. Assistant City Treasurer, Janet Crabb was present in the abserrn of Dorothea Gossett. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 25, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. Physician's Report from G. Ross Fox, M.D. was read covering examination on January 17, 1963 of Douglas M. Haworth, diagnosed as Asthmatic bronchitis. The report, dated April 16, 1963 did not indicate whether service-connected or not. A letter was read from the North Renton Clinic advising that billings on John Alexander for services rendered from 9-19-61 to 2-25-62 were delayed due to a change in office help and confusion as to requirements. •w Moved by; Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the Secretary be authorized and ordered to pay the pending statement in the sum of $53.00, and in addition a current $3.00 payment for injection of 2-4-63. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan relative to retirement of Fire Chief Lawrence. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Crabb, to table the letter until future need__arises. Carried. --------- Bills Bills authorized for payment upon motion by Nichols and second by Walsh as follows: (Renton Prescription Pharmacy) 2-15, Inv. 2203, a/c, Marvin Sherertz, $1.82 4-5, Inv. 2932, a/c Marvin Sherertz, $13.73 1-14, Inv. 1612, a/c Paul Henry, $8.74 1-21, Inv. 1737, a/c Paul Henry, $10.92 2-20, Inv. 2225, a/c Paul Henry, $3.33 The motion carried. Old Business: Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the monthly pension fund Warrants to Mrs. Orpha McDonald and Mrs. Ezra Anderson be paid. Carried. New Business: Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the regular Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meetings be held on the 4th Monday of each month. Carried. -2- Firemen's Pension and Relies= Board Minutes (cont.) 4-22-63 Moved by Nichols, seconded by Crabb, that the pending invoicet`for services', Jg11� rendered Paid Henry, fn the sine of $12-00 be squid. King County has rejected Payment inasmuch as the period of treatment for this illness has expired under contract agreement covering one specific illness. As there was no furthor business to come before the Board, it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Frank A-"'mi1ent, Mayor Thr�man Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary I, �r FIREMEN'S PENSIO14 AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES -- Renton, Washington May 28, 1963 BOARD MEMBERS: Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 A.M. All Board Members were present as listed. It was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 22, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. The Secretary reported that Council had accepted the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board's offer to purchase LID 249 Warrants in the sum of $87,939.00 at the interest rate of 4.44. A report from Dr. C. David Heflen was read covering examinations of Fireman John Alexander, date of first examination March 22, 1963, subsequent examinations March 25th and 27th, final examination April 3rd, indicating this to be a Service-Connected illness. Also, a report from Dr. C. David Heflen was read covering examinations of Art Pringle ..., on April 10th and April 12th, illness determined to be Service-Connected. These reports were ordered to be placed on file. Bills presented were: Name Date Inv. .��_ Amount Account Tie of Illness Dr. C. David Heflen 4717763 - �p'2' 4,00 John Alexander Service-Connected Dr. C. David Heflen 4/29/63 - 12.00 Art Pringle Service-Connected Renton RX Pharmacy 1+/22/63 3117 1.82 Marvin Sherertz Service-Connected 4/19/63 3087 1.82 Marvin Sherertz Service-Connected - 3241 1.82 Marvin Sherertz Service-Connected 5/15/63 3404 15.91 Marvin Sherertz Service-Connected Dr. Fred W. Reebs 4/12/63 - 15.00 Marvin Sherertz Service-Connected Seattle Orthopaedic & 4/22/63 - 7.00 Marvin Sherertz Service-Connected Fracture Clinic Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the bills be paid. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, to concur in the payment of the May, 1963 Pension Fund Warrants to Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, to reactivate the tabled matter of Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence's pension. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that Chief Lawrence's request for retire- ment be granted on the basis of prognosis and diagnosis contained in Dr. Perry's report dated January 7, 1963, and that he receive a Non-Service Connected Disability pension under provisions of R.C.W. 41.18.080 "Disability Not In Line of Duty"; the Secretary to give the required 30-day notice; the effective date of retirement to be June 30, -2- Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Minutes (cont'd.) 5-28-63 1963. Board Member Nichols reported that he and Dave Walsh had conferred with Dr. Perry and City Attorney Shellan on this matter. Carried. The pension that Fire Chief Lawrence is to receive under this Non-Service Connected Disability requirement will be based on one-half of the basic salary of a Battalion Chief ($590-00) plus longevity ($20.00) fora total monthly pension of '305.00. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Wal;h, that the City Treasurer be a.uthorizca to purchase the LID 249 Warrants from the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board funds. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Walsh, seconded by I'dichols, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.14. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary ... 127 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington June 27, 1963 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City-Clerk-Secretary ,--� David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. Alternate Board Member Jack Pringle was in attendance for Fireman Nichols. All other Board Members were present. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved upon motion of Gossett with second by Walsh, which motion carried. The following communications were read: Fireman T. K. Anderson - Disability Reports: Fire Chief's report of Sick Leave - Designated May 20th as date sick leave began and Fire Chief Lawrence advised that T. K. Anderson had been on sick leave, under the care of Dr. Patricelli and had not returned to work as of date of the report, June 22, 1963. Report of L. Patricelli, M.D. advised that T. K. Anderson has been under his care and treatment from May 17, 1963 through present date of June 5th and treatment to be continued in the future. An accompanying letter advised that Mr. Anderson had been carefully checked over and evaluated by Dr. Patricelli and by Dr. Rolf K. Eggers, Internist,and it was the opinions of both that Mr. Anderson's tension, hypertension and general cardeo-vascular difficulties could easily be classed as an occupational illness which condition it was felt will worsen with continued employment in-this line and for the sake of his health, retirement was recommended. The Physician's Report stated the cause of disability to be tension, hypertension and cardeo-vascular difficulty resulting from duties performed in the Fire Department. Existence of an ulcer and sub- total gastrectomy operation was reported, and retirement was recommended. The report was—) dated June 5, 1963 with first examination on 5-17-63 and subsequent.treatment continuing. The two Firemen who are members of the Board reported that Fireman Anderson has been unable to perform his regular duties and Fireman Pringle read the Firemen's Pension Laws of 1961, RCW 41.18.050 and 41.18.060 pertaining to Disablement in Line of Duty- Retirement and Inactive period-allowances for Medical, Hospital, Nursing Care - Disability Allotment - Pension-Widow's Pension. The Board finding the medical reports to be adequate evidence of the disability of the Fireman, under the provision of RCW 41.18.060 declared Fireman T. K. Anderson to be inactive and the Secretary was directed to check with the City Attorney whether the . inactive period should begin as of the date fireman Anderson first was disabled and left his job on sick leave, May 20th or as of this date, and in the event it is retroactive should the Firements Pension Fund reimburse the City's General Fund payments made to lir eman Anderson in the interim. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Walsh that Fireman T. K. ....inderson be declared inactive with the proper date to be determined and effected as thereof. Carried. -1- Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Minutes 6-27-63 ..r PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL: I,D.M. Corporation - Maintenance Agreement on Typewriter for period $ 36.40 from 7-16-63 to 7-16-64. Statement dated 6-1-63 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh to pay the service contract invoice. Carried. K's Prescription Pharmacy, Inv. #12865 dated 5-27-63, a/c, John Parks 12.27 Serv. Conn. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Pringle to allow the bill. Carried. A. & H. Drugs, Invoices 5099 and 5363 dated 5-15-63 and 5-31-63 a/c Marvin Sherertz. 4.65 Serv. Conn. Fred W. Reebs, M.D., Services 4-1-63 through 5-28-63, M. Sherertz 10.00 Serv. Conn. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Pringle that the bill-,be allowed. Carried Renton Hospital, Invoice 103156 dated 5-24-63, a/c, T. K. Anderson 8.00 Serv. Conn. Rolf K. Eggers, M. D., Statement 6-10-63, a/c T. K. Anderson 65.00 Serv. Conn. L. Patricelli, M. D., Services 5-18-63 to 6-24-63, T. K. Anderson 62.00 Serv. Conn. Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, Statement dated 6-3-63, T. K. Anderson 6.00 Serv. Conn. T. K. Anderson (Shaw Bros. Presc. ) Invoices 47211 and 47264 8.06 Serv. Conn. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh that the bills be paid as read. Carried. Discussion ensued regarding amounts of disbursements accredited to individual firemen's accounts and it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, that the Secretary prepare a list of such payments one to be posted at each Fire station with copies to the Fire Chief and each Board Member. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the monthly Pension Warrants e a roved and prior payments authorized, the Secretary also being authorized to make utu payments earl}7 in event the Pension Board Meetings fall on a date after the pension checks are cue and payable. Carried. Ps there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman 'Ielmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary now -2- 129 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington July 22, 1963 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor—Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer 11e1iiie Nelson, City Clerk—Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald H. Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 11:00 a.m. and all Board members were present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. Carried. A letter dated July 1, 1963 was read directed from the Secretary to City Attorney Shellan inquiring whether the date of disability for T.K. Anderson was retroactive to May 20, 1963 the date he was no longer able to perform his duties and whether the General Fund should be reimbursed by the Pension Fund accordingly. City Attorney Shellan's rep4y of July 2nd advised that the Board upon being in possession of adequate medical report evidencing the disability of the Fireman should declare him inactive and following a period of six months from the time of said disability, the Fireman shall draw from the Pension Fund a disability allow- ance equal to his basic monthly salary and in addition thereto shall be provided with medical, hospital and nursing care as long as the disability exists. If the Board should find at the expiration of said six months period that the fireman is lowunable to return to and perform his duties, then he shall be retired as provided by law. In further pursuance of action to be taken by the Board, a letter of July Sth from Secretary Nelson inquired of the City Attorney whether May 20th would then be the date that Fireman Anderson would be declared inactive. She reported that this will be the disability date on which he is to be declared inactive and adequacy of Physician's reports is a matter of Board determination. It was also reported that the payments made to Mr. Anderson from the General Fund for the period from May 20th to June 27, 1963 covered vacation and bank time due Mr. Anderson and therefore no reimbursement from the Firemen's Pension Fund to the General Fund is required. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that Fireman T. K. Anderson be placed on six months inactive basis with payment from the Firemen's Pension Board Fund to be made to him for a six months period retroactive from May 20, 1963. Carried. R.C.W. 41.18.060 was quoted which establishes allowance from the Pension Fund for such six months disability period, said allowance to be equal to his basic monthly salary, and in addition he shall be provided with medical, hospital and nursing care as long as the disability exists. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, in accordance with R.C.W. 41.18.080, that Fire Chief Lawrence receive for a period of ninety days following Board declaration of disability, an allowance from the Firemen's Pension Fund equal to his basic salary, designated to be that of Battalian Chief plus longevity equalling $610.00 for the ninety days, and such medical, hospital and nursing care as the Board deems proper. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Meeting of July 22, 1963 (cont Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly Pension Fund Warrants to Mrs. Enza Anderson and Mrs. Orpha McDonald be authorized.... Carried. Bills were read and payment authorized by the Board as follows: Inv. #18800 dated 6-13-63, a/c Ted LaValley - Service Connected $ 4.37. Moved by Goswett, seconded by Nelson, that this bill be allowed. Carried. Dr. C. David Heflen, Statement dated 6-11631 a/c Donald Goodwin, Service Connected. $6.00. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to allow the bill. Carried. A. & H. Drugs #2, Invoice #5559, 6-12-63, a/c, Marvin Sherertz, Service Connected, $4.14. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, to pay this bill. Carried. Seattle Orthopedic & Fracture Clinic, Statements 6-19-63, Office Call, $7.00 and X-rays (6 views of spine), $42.00, a/c Marvin Sherertz. A/c, Marvin Sherertz: Renton RX Pharmacy, Statements dated 5--22-63, $3.95, 6/632 $3.95, 6--28-63, $7.59 7/63, $2.812 7-5-63, $18.41 -- Total $36.71. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the bills for Fireman Sherertz ba-allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nelson, that Fire Chief Lawrence's allowance in accordance with RCW 41.18.080, in the sum of $610.00 be paid. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the allowance in accordance with RCW 41.18.0 be made to Fireman T. K. Anderson. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m. ran Alim nt, Mayor-Chairman Z. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington August 26, 1963 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Aliment, Mayor—Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer He-mie Nelson, City Clerk—Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief- Board was called to order by Chairuan Aliment at 10:30 a.m. and all members were present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 22, 1963 be approved with correction that Invoice No. 18800 in the suit of $4.37 be paid to Fireman LaValley and riot to Austin—Hendrickson Drugs. Carried. City Engineer's recommendation for payment of Estimate No. 1, to Rainier Contractors, Inc. was read, for work completed on L.I. D. No. 249, Maplewood Sanitary Sewers, in the sum of $23,243.89. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, to approve the estimate and that interest bearing Warrant be purchased in the specified sum. Carried. i Excerpt of Renton City Council Meeting of 8•-19»63 was read wherein funding of proposed L.I.D. No. 250 was referred to the Firemen's Pension Board for con- sideration in the sum of $8,358.00. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the Board offer to purchase L.T.D. No. 250 Warrants at an interest rate of 4.75% per annum and subsequently the installment note in lieu hereof. (1W1 Street Sanitary Sewers) Carried. BILLS: Bills and Medical reports were read as follows: Medical report from Dr. J. C. Michel was read recommending Mr. Ronald Bergman I as member of the Fire Department with no restrictions. /Statement in the sum of I $73.00, covering complete physical examination, dated 8.-2►-63, was attached. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the report be accepted and warrant be drawn to cover statement. Carried. Renton Prescription Pharmacy Invoice dated 7-24►-63, in the sum of $4.99, a/c Karl Strom, job--connected illness. Movdd by Nichols, seconded by moi, to pay this bill. Carried. (&_t ✓ Shaw Bros. Drugs Invoice 49102, dated 8••1663, $1.82, a/c Ted LaValley was read and it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to pay the bill. Carried. Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Invoice 3900, dated 6-•22-63, a/c Bruce Phillips, $2.96 for prescription and Physidan''s report by Dr. Ranniger designated illness to be job connected. Statement attached for $10.00 covered office calls on 6--8-63 and 6»2663. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, to pay the statement. Carried. -2— Firemen's Pension and Relief- Board Minutes -- Meeting of August 26, 1963 BILLS (cont.) UMO Renton Prescription Pharmacy Invoice No. 3727 dated 6--8-63, a/c Marvin Sherertz, in the sum of $3.80 along with Statement, 7--8-63 from Dr. Reebs in the sum of $5.00 for ,job—connected illness. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, to pay these bills providing previous Payment has not been made. Carried. Statement was read .from Shaw Bros. Drugs, dated August 23, 1963, No. 50119, in the sum of $15.24 had been paid by T. K. Anderson for prescriptions connected with service--illness. Mr. Anderson had paid the bill and it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that check be drawn in favor of T. K. Anderson to cover the payment Carried. Statement was read from L. Patricelli, M. D. in the sum of $15.00 for July services to T. K. Anderson, and it was moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, to pay the bill subject to check for prior payment. Carried. Statement dated 8-1-63 from Seattle Orthopaedic and Fracture Clinic, a/c Marvin L. Sheratz in the sum of $14.00, job—connected. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Gossett, to make payment as read. Carried. Statement dated July 18, 1963 from The Neurosurgical Clinic, $15.00 covering office call and examination, a/c Marvin Sherertz. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols that the bill be allowed. Carried. Statement dated 7-29--63 from Vukov Clinic was read accompanied by Physician's now Report of Dr. Divelbiss for services and examination rendered Paul J. Henry whose disability is diagnosed as Bronchitis, acute, possible minimal pneumonia contracted while on duty at the 611 erland fire through smoke inhalation, $28.00. Also read was Invoice 14472, K's Prescription Pharmacy for prescriptions, $11.75. Moved by Gossett., seconded by Walsh to allow the bills with warrants being drawn to cover same. Carried. The Statement for services 7--9-63 and 7-11--63 from Dr. J. H. Hartwig, $10.00, a/c David Walsh and accompanying Physician's Report designated injury from burns on hand while on duty at P�ollerland fire. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to pay the bill. Carried. Medical report of physical examination of Gerald Pyle along with Dr. Michel's recommendation that the candidate is highly suitable for a member of the Fire Department was read along with Statement dated 8-2-63 in the sum of $73.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the report be accepted and Mr. Pyle approved for employment, the warrant being authorized for payment of the statement. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the monthly Pension Fund Warrants be issued to: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00, Mr. Orpha McDonald, $150.00, Floyd Lawrence, $610.00 and T. K. Anderson, $565.00. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the new members of the Fire Department . 00 be notified to submit names of their beneficiaries to the Secretary of the Pension Fund Board. Carried. t � 133 —3«- Firemen's Pension and Relief- Board Minutes — Meeting of August 26, 1963 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the secretary be directed to purchase ten copies of the 1961 Firemen's Pension Laws (printed by the Wn. State Council of Fire Fighters) through Walt Lambert, Secretary, 3707 E. 36th Street, Spokane, Washington. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Nichols, and seconded by Walsh, to adjourn. she meeting was adjourned by unanimous carry of the motion at 11:30 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor—Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary I I FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington September 23, 1.963 BOARD MEMBERS: ['rank Aliment, Mnyor-Clia-i rman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer llelmio Nol.son, City Clerk-Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Cerald Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 10:00 A.M. , and all members were present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 26, 1963 be approved with the following correction to read: "Renton Prescription Pharmacy Invoice dated 7/24/63, in the sum of $4.99, a/c Karl Strom, job-connected illness. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, to pay this bill. Carried." The motion carried. BILLS and MEDICAL REPORTS were read as follows: A joint medical report from S. J. Vukov, M.D. and C. L. Divelbiss, M.D. , covering examinations of Kenneth Parks, from August 2 through August 9, 1963, covering injury reported as a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department. A statement from Vukov Clinic, covering examination, x-ray and diathermy for Kenneth Parks, from August 2 through August 9, 1963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42.00 Invoices from K's Prescription Pharmacy, covering Kenneth Parks: Invoice #14811, dated August 2, 1963 11.1.3 Invoice ;#14942, dated August 12, 1963 11.13 Invoice #13424, dated August 30, 1963 5.51 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, to allow payment of these bills. Carried. Following invoices received for T. K. Anderson: Renton Hospital Laboratory Treatment. . , August 27, 1963 $17.50 L. Patricelli, M D. , September 21, 1963 5.00 Shaw Bros. Drug: Invoice #51535 September 21, 1963 5.30 Invoice 450277 September 4, 1963 1.56 Invoice #50987 September 14, 1963 1.56 Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that these bills be paid. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the following Pension Warrants be allowed: Mrs. Orpha McDonald $150.00 Mrs. Enza Anderson 150.00 T. K. Anderson Disability Allowance, September 1963 565.00 F. E. Lawrence Disability Allowance, September 1963 610.00 The motion carried. �rr Firemen's Pension and Relief Rosrd Minutes (continued) September 23, .7.963 Page 2. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that the Secretary notify the Fire Chief that an election should be held to fill the vacancy in the board term of David Walsh which term will expire in November, 1963. Carried. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the Secretary direct a letter to the City Attorney requesting an Attorney General's opinion whether or not the Board can authorize the payment of medical, hospital, and nursing care after the expiration of the six-month inactive period covering a disability incurred while in the line of duty, for a fireman retired under the provisions of R.C.W. 41.18.050 and 41.18.060. Carried. Moved by Walsh, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned 10:30 AM. �.r n /6�-4- ChairmanFrank Alme , HelmfeW Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington O::tober 28, 1963 NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk--Secretary David C. Walsh, Fireman Gerald Nichols, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 10:00 a.m. All members of the Board were present except Fireman Walsh. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the minutes of the previous meeting of September 26, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. Letters from City Attorney Shellan were read wherein opinions of the Attorney General were requested relative to payments to Firemen for medical, hospital and nursing care during disability. Attached also were opinions rendered by the Attorney General and subsequent letter from Attorney Shellan advising of interpretations that the legislative intent is to allow the retirement hoard a wise discretion as to whether the facts justify allowance for as long as the disability existed, or for lesser period, or in limited amounts only. The statute provides that the board may allow care as long as the dis- ability exists since the legislature has used the phrases "in addition" (to the six months disability allowance) and "as long as the disability exists" with reference to medical, hospital and nursing care. Physician's report from Rudolph Heilpern diagnosed disability of John Alexander on 10-11-63 to be job-connected. Letter from Fireman Ray Barilleaux submitted bill for replacement of glasses in the sum of $26.26 which were broken when they fell out of his locker as his partner removed equipment from the locker. The letter was referred to Fire Chief Walls for opinion upon which the Board will make determination as to validity of the, claim. Bills were presented as follows: Peoples National Bank of Washington - Rent on Safe Deposit Box No. 1373 - $9.90 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols that the bill be allowed. Carried. Warrant to Floyd Lawrence in the sum of $305.00 was presented for approval, the 3 mos. full pay period having elapsed, pension to be computed upon 2 of basic salary plus longevity (not to exceed battalion chief). In accordance with the provision of RCW 41.18.090 no further physical examinations to be required the Boards finding of fact being that the disability is of such nature that return to active duty can never reasonably be expected. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson to honor the Warrant. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that no further physical examinations be required of Floyd Lawrence pursuant to RCW as cited. Carried. I Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Minutes Bills: (cont.) K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c, Paul Henry, ,job-connected prescription refill, Inv. 13527, in the sum of $2.90. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that the bill be allowed. Carried. Moved that Mr. Henry be requested 1:o Eurnish Physician's report on present status of his condition. Carried. K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c, .john Al oxandor, job-connected-prescr.i.pt-iori refills Inv. 14061, in the sum of $6.24. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the bill be allowed. Carried. Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, $1.50 for 10 copies of the Firemen's Pension Law - 1961 Edition., P. 0. 9119. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to allow the bill. Carried. Bill from L. Patricelli, M.D. a/c T. K. Anderson in the sum of $5.00 and Shaw Bros. Drug, Invoices 53579, 53378, and 51868, for $3.12, $5.30 and $1.56. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Nelson, to pay the invoices. Carried. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly pension warrants be allowed as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson - Month of October, 1963 - $150.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald - Month of October, 1963 - 150.00 Theron K. Anderson, Disability allowance, inactive status, Oct., 1963, Basic salary + Longevity 565.00 The Motion Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Bourd, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m. upon carry of the motion. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary d �.r FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington November 27, 1963 BOARD MEMBERS Prank Aliment, Mayor.-Chairman now Dorothea Gossett, City 'Treasurer Hel.mi.e Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman Tile regul.lr meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. and all members of the Board were present. A letter read from Fire Chief- Walls advised that Fireman Jack Pringle had been elected to the Board to replace Fireman Walsh whose term expired this month. It was moved by Nichols, seconded by Nelson to concur and Fireman Pringle was wel- comed as a Board member. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 28, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS WERE READ AS FOLLOWS: Pursuant to request by the Board for investigation, Fire Chief Walls reported that Fireman Ray Barilleaux performs extra duty for the Fire Prevention Bureau and must use his glasses which he places on a stand in his locker at the end of- a shift. Due to crowded conditions two or more men share a locker and equipment is moved in and outduring which his glasses were knocked to the floor and broken. Physician's Report from Dr. Divelbiss reported that patient Paul Henry was treated on 11-7-63 for peptic ulcer possibly resulting from duties performed in the Fire Department. Physician's Report from Dr„ James Hartwig advised of treating Fireman Jack Colombi for a cold on 11-2--63 resulting from Fire Department duties performed in the rain. BILLS WERE READ AS FOLLOWS: Invoice for services to Fireman Don Goodwin by Dr. D. J. Rohrssen on 4-20-63 which bill had not been received by the Board heretofore, $3.00. Shaw Bros. Drugs, a/c T. K. Anderson, prescription refill 277867, 454707 dated 11-185 in the sum of $3.12. Pension Fund Payments: Mrs. Enra Anderson for month of November, 1963 $150.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald for month of November, 1963 150.00 Floyd Lawrence, one-half- of basic salary 305.00 Theron K. Anderson for November 1 through 20, 1963 462.00 (Expiration of 6 months disability period - 11-20-63) Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols that these bills be paid as read. Carried. Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Minutes - Meeting of November 27, 1963 Bill of Wetern Optical Dispensary, Inc. paid by Fireman Ray Barilleaux in the sum of $26.26 on 10-16-63 was resubmitted for consideration of the Boardy and it was moved by Aliment, seconded by Nelson, that the Secretary prepare a Notice for posting by the Fire Chief on the bulletin board directing that preventative measures be taken to keep such accidents to a m:iniiiami. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols that the invoice be paid. Carried. Pursuant to his written request as provided in RCW 41.18.050 and findings from Physician's Reports of physical exalliinati.ons it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that Fireman T. K. Anderson be retired as of November 20, 1963, the ex- piration date of.- the. six uiontlis disability period. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that pursuant to RCW 41.18.090, no further physical examinations be required of T. K. Anderson, findings of fact to be that the disability is and will continue to be of such a nature that return to active duty can never reasonably be expected. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman bow Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES Renton, Washington December 23, 1963 now BOARD MEMBERS rrraiik Aliment, Mayor-Cliairuiull Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Holinie Nclson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Firemali The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. Assistant City Treasurer Janet Crabb was present in the absence of City Treasurer Gossett. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of November 27, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. Physician's Report from Dr. C. D. Heflin was read diagnosing the disability of Fireman Ted LaValley to be acute Lumbro sacral sprain resulting from duties performed in the Fire Department. Examination dates were 10-8, and 10-11-63. The report was submitted 11-20-63. BILLS: Monthly Pension Warrants were read as follows: T. K. Anderson - - basic salary plus longevity, $282.50 MOW Nov. 21-301, basic salary plus longevity $91.28, total $373.78 Mrs. Enna Anderson - Month of December, 1963 150.00 Floyd Lawrence - 2 basic salary plus longevity - not to exceed 305.00 � battalion Chief Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that the monthly pension warrants be allowed as read. Carried. Additional bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs No. 2, a/c, Jack Colombi, 12-6-63, $10.55 Dr. C. David Heflen, a/c Ted LaValley, $12.00, 10-8 and 10-11-63 K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Ted LaValley, 1130/63, Inv. 15859, $3.12, a/c Marvin Sherertz, 11-22-63, Inv. 15789, $8.85 Moved by Nelson, seconded by Nichols that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that the City Attorney be requested to determine legality of instituting a program whereby Fire Department personnel can be given tetanus and booster shots. Carried. As there was no further business it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Frank Aliment, i ay.;r--Cha .rm n 8011, Ci -y Clerk-Se. FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MEETING January 27, 1964 �.. BOARD MEMBERS Frank Alimen , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. with all Board Members present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 23, 1963 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that Fireman David Walsh be designated Alternate Fireman Member of the Board. Carried. Physicians' Reports were read as follows: Report of John J. Callahan, M.D. advised of treatment of Fireman Kenneth R. Parks on 1-7--64 for compression fracture D8, acute cervical spine sprain, ascertained to have been incurred on or about July 9, 1963 while fighting a fire. Patient is still under treatment and has been referred to Swiech & Co., for a brace. Injury was determined to be job-connected. r Report of Dr. Chas. Divelbiss advised of treating Fireman Paul Henry on 1-3-64 with diagnosis of disability being chronic bronchitis and peptic ulcer, the first resultant of smoke inhalation determined job-connected and the ulcer deemed most likely to be job-connected. First examination was 1960 with subsequent treatment to date thereafter. Notices of Disability and Recovery were read for C. A. Goodwin, Jan. 22-25, 1964 Douglas Haworth, Jan. 0-12, 1964 and John L. Parks, Jan 1 - 152 1964, as submitted by Battalion Chief James F. Ashurst. Bills were read as follows: Swiech & Co., Inc., a/c, Kenneth Parks, Brace-$80.60, Shaw Bros., Inv. 07298 and 07815, a/c, T. K. Anderson, $16.48 and $3.12, Dr. L. Patricelli, January Invoice, $17.50 for T. K. Anderson, Baird M. Bardarson„ M.D., a/c, M. Sherertz, Inv. 12127, $5.00, Renton Hospital, a/c, M. L. Sherertz, (Rejected by King Co.), $10.50, Renton Hospital, a/c, Bruce H. Phillips, Inv. 74246, $6.00. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that the Bills be paid as read. The motion carried. The Secretary reported that the[City Attorney has checked the law pursuant to inquiry regarding preventative 'oeU shots and it was determined that it would not be permissible for the Board to pay for such shots. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly pension bills be paid. T. K. Anderson, $291.00 (2 basic salary plus longevity), Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00 Floyd Lawrence, $305.00, Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. The motion carried. As there was no further business, it was moved by Nichols4 seconded by., Pringle, to adjourn. Carried. / �/r ! ,�< < L!_ -�✓,- ,._� Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman He:Uuie Nelson, City Cleric-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS � February 24, 1964 now Frank Aliment, Mayor.-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer f fe.bii i o Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of.' the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 9:30 a.m. Alternate Fireman Walsh was present in the absence of Fireman Nichols. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved with correction of "tetanus" shots instead of cold shots having been the subject- of inquiry. Carried. Notices of Disability were read for Fireman John L. Parks along with Notices of Recovery and Physician's Report as follows: 1-2-64 Injury to ankle at scene of fire - Physician's Report of sprain upon examination of 1-1 with final examination on 1-20-64 designated service-connected. Notice of disability on 1-30-64 due to sore throat and Notice of Recovery dated February 2, 1964, signed by Battalion Chief, J. F. Ashurst, for Fireman John Parks. Notice of disability on 2-5-64 due to flu-like illness and Notice of Recovery from illness dated 2-11-64 for Fireman Parks. avow Notice of disability on February 5 due to illness and Notice of Recovery dated February 10, 1964 for Fireman Karl Strom. Notice of disability of Fireman Bruce Phillips dated February 17, 1964 due to flu-like illness and Notice of Recovery dated 2-20-64 were read. Battalion Chief Ashurst submitted Notice of Disability of Capt. R. Connell on February 13, 1964 due to flu along with Notice of Recovery dated 2-15-64. Notice of disability of Fireman Donald Goodwin dated January 31st due to allergy reaction and subsequent hospitalization was read along with Recovery Notice dated 2-2-64. Notice of disability of Fireman Jack Colombi due to flu was dated February 21, 1964 and Notice of Recovery dated February 24, 1964, as submitted by Battalion Chief Ashurst. Bills were read as follows: Austin-Hendrickson, statement of 1-31-641, ac/ Donald Goodwin, $6.66 Baird M. Bardarson, M.D., statement of 1-25--64, ac/Marvin Sherertz, $5.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Invoices, 15468215635215839, 16087,163782 16409, and 16734, ac/ Paul Henry, $52.42 and Invoice 17090, ac/John Parks, $9.41 Drs. McConville, Callahan & Ellinger statement of 1-24-64, ac/ Kenneth R. Parks, $45.00 for examinations and X-rays. 4 North Renton Clinic, statement 1-23-64, ae/John Parks, $42.00, ankle injury Renton Hospital, statement 1-1-64, ac/John L. Parks, $1435, ac/ E. Tonda, $11.00 now Shaw Bros. Drugs, Inv. 07446, ac/T. K. Anderson, $8.42 Vmkov Clinic, statement for exam. 11-7-63 and 1-3-64, ac/Paul Henry, $12.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Walsh, that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION.AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES (cont.) 2-24-1964 k .• The monthly pension fund Vouchers were read as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson Month of February $150.00 Voucher 4022 T. K. Anderson Month of February $291.00 Voucher 4023 Floyd Lawrence Month of February $305.00 Voucher 4027 Mrs. Orpha McDonald Month of February $150.00 Voucher 4029 Moved by Walsh,' seconded by Pringle, to allow the monthly pension warrants. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:17 a.m. / L rank Aliment, Mayo r-Cha irman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary �r— FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS March 23, 1964 .o, Frank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmi.e Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Firemen Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting; of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order by Chairman Aliment at 10:00 a.m. All Board Members were present. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 2-24-64 be approved as written. Carried. Notices of Disability, Notices of Recovery and Physician's Report were read as follows: Disability of LeRoy Smith, February 27, 1964, tooth extraction of 2-26-64 Notice of Recovery and return to duty on March 1, 1964. Disability of Jack Pringle on 2-27-64 due to flu with Notice of Recovery and return to duty on March 1, 1964. Disability of Doug Haworth from March 3, 1964 due to hemorrhoids with Notice of Recovery and return to work on March 6, 1964. Physician's report reported first examination on 2-19-64 with subsequent examinations on 2-25 and 3-4-64 and still under treatment. Non-service connected disability was designated. r Notice of Disability of Bruce Phillips on March 3, 1964 with Notice of Recovery and return to duty on March 9, 1964, due to illness. Bills were read as follows: Baird M. Bardarson, M.D., a/c Marvin Sherertz, statement dated 2-22-64, $5.00 Seattle Orthopaedic and Fracture Clinic, a/c Marvin Sherertz, statement dated 2-25-64 for services rendered 2-3-64, $7.00 Austin Hendrickson Pharmacy, a/c Douglas Haworth, statement dated 2-29-64 for prescriptions 2-19-64, $7.96 Modern Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Douglas Haworth, statement 3-11-64 for prescription secured 3-5-64 #404972, $4.42 L. Patricelli, M.D., a/c T. K. Anderson, statement dated and services rendered 3-2-64, $8.00. Shaw Bros. Drug, Invoice 52938 dated 3-2-64, T. K. Anderson, $3.17 Dr. C. David Heflen, a/c Karl Strom, statement dated 3-2-64 exams and treatment 1-25, 1-27, 1-29 and 1-31, 1964 @ $6.00 ea. Total balance - $24.00 A. & H. Drugs No. 2, a/c Jack Colombi, Invoices 6519, prescription refill, $6.53 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols, that the bills be allowed. Carried. 00 -1- \1 -2- Firemen's Pension Board Minutes 3-23-64 The monthly Pension Fund Vouchers were read as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson Month of March $150.00 Voucher Theron K. Anderson Month of March 291.00 Voucher Floyd Lawrence Month of March 305.00 Voucher Mrs. Orpha Me Donald Month of March 150.00 Voucher Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the monthly Pension Fund Warrants I)e drawn. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the meeting, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Nichols, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m. j rank Aliment, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Cle k-Secretary �T x FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS April 27, 1964 Donald W. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Holmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 9:30 a.m. All Board Members were present. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 23, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the annual financial report on the status of the Firemen's Pension Fund, furnished by the City Clerk, be accepted. Carried. The monthly Pension Fund Vouchers were presented as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson, Month of April, 1964 $150.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald }T IT TT Tf 150.00 Theron K. Anderson " TT TT TT 291.00 Floyd Lawrence T' ,T I I 305.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the monthly pension fund Warrants be drawn. Carried. Communications were read as follows: Helen Carpenter, Kennewick City Clerk requesting City of Renton policies regarding medical coverage for off-duty accidents under the Firemen's Pension Fund regulations, and City Clerks reply. Notices of Disability, Notices of Recovery and Physician's Report were read as follows: Disability of Chas. Goodwin, March 25, 1964 due to flu and Notice of Recovery and report to duty on March 31, 1964. Disability of Douglas Haworth, April 16, 1964 due to illness. Notice of Recovery and return to duty on April 19th. Disability of Jack Haworth, March 28, 1964 and Notice of Recovery and return to duty on March 31st. Disability of John Alexander, March 29, 1964 due to flu and Notice of Recovery and return to duty April 1, 1964. Disability of Frank Todd, March 16th dut to sprained knee (non-service connected) and Notice of Recovery and return to temporary duty 3-27 and 3-20 with full duty resumed on 4-2-64 mom D'sability of Bruce Phillipps April 24 1964 due to injury (non-service) and Notice of Recovery and return to duty April 2�th. -2- Firemen's Pension Fund Board Minutes 4-27-64 slow Physicians Report was read from Rudolph Heilpern, M.D., dated 1-1-64 stating disability of John Parks to be service connected comprising sprained ankles incurred when stepping off truck and into hole. Also flat feet diagnosis. Bills were read as follows: Austin-Ilendrickson Drugs -a/c, Douglas Haworth, Pres. 3-4-64, $7.28 Baird M. Bardarson, M.D., a/c, Marvin Sherertz, Office Calls 3-2-64 and 3-8-64 j $10.00 statement 3-25-64 K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Paul Henry, Inv. #17065, $7.07, Inv. 17279, $4.89, Inv. 18024, $4.00, a/c Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 17475, $4.84 and 17604, $11.34. Shaw Bros. Drug, a/c, T.K. Anderson, Inv. 03116, $8.42 and Inv. 01850, $8.42 Swiech & Co., a/c, John L. Parks, Jr. 4-7-64, Arch supports and anklets $13.57 Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols, that the City Treasurer be authorized to continue investments as heretofore delegated. Carried. A 1964 Spring Investment Guide from Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation of California was presented. Annual interest rates were quoted at 4.85% and 4.905Y. paid quarterly. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols, that the City Treasurer investigate the possibilities. Carried. ..� As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by .Gossett, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m. Donald W. Cuter, Mayor Helmie W. Nelr�on, City Clerk-Secretary ... FIREMEN'S PENSIOV AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEM3ERS May 25., 1964 Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer man Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Prx.nele, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 10:30 a.m. All Board Members were present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of Aloril 27, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. Bills were read as follows: Drs. McConville, Callahan & Ellinger, a/c, Kenneth R. Parks, $20.00, 4--24-64., service connected. a/c, John L. Parks, $27.00, service 4-16-64, service connected. Dr. Dan E. Ranniger, a/c, Brace H. Phillips, $25.00, suture of laceration 4-9-64 and service 4-15-64. (Wm. & Swanson Fire - Service-connected) Rentor Hospital, a/c, Bruce H. Phillips, $11.00 dated 4-8-64, service-connected. a/c, Robert Beatteay, $4.00, dated 5-3-64, Pacific Car & Foundry fire) Shaw Bros. Drugs, a/c, T. K. Anderson, $4.68, Invoice 04396 dated 5-20-64. City Pharmacy Invoice 11290, a/c, LeRoy Smith - non-service connected, $4.50. Lundberg's statement dated 4-10--64, a/c, Frank Todd, $13.00 - knee support pre- scribed by Dr. Romano, non-service. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, the bills be allowed as read. Carried. NOTICE:.S of Disability, Recovery and Physician's Reports were read as follows; Physician's Report, Dr. John J. Callahan on Fireman John L. Parks Jr. First examination 4-16-64 - diagnosis - healing of sprained ankles. A less arduous job was recommended for one month. Injuries of January 1 and March 12, 1964. Service-connected. Notice of Disability of Ron Bergman on May 24th, 1964 due to reaction from minor surgery - non-service connected. Notice of Disability of Jack Haworth on May 14, 1964 due to abrasion of right cornea, non-service connected. Return to Work Notice dated 5-18-64. Notice of Disability of LeRoy Smith on May 3rd due to tonsillitis and strep with Physician's report designating non-service connection were read along with Notice of Recovery.and report to active duty on May 6th. Notice of Disability on Fireman Robert Beatteay on 5-3-64 due to neck burn during Pacific Car & Foundry fire. Physician's Report of V. B. Lombardini, M.D. indicated service-connected disability. -1- Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting - 5-25-64 (cont.) City Treasurer Gossett reported that in regard -to Investment Brochure from Banks'in California received recently, it is not allowable for the City to make investments outside the State of Washington. The monthly Pension Fund Vouchers were presented as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson., Month of May, 1964 $150.00 Voucher 5093 Theron K. Anderson:, IT TT TT TT 291.00 5094 Floyd Lawrence TT TT TT TT 305.00 5095 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 'T TT 71 TT 150.00 5096 Moved by Nichols, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension fund Warrants be drawn. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. V � i Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. elson, City Clerk-Secretary i i ' rt. 177 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES a BOARD NF.MBERS June 22, 1964 Uc�nald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Goss,stt Cit , y Tr�astirer • Ilelmie Nelson, City Clerk-$ecretary Gerald Nichols, Firema:� :i Jack Prin-gle, Fireman The regular meeting; �)f the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Janet Crabb, Chairman-A' :;sistant City Treasurer, in the absence of the Mavor, at 9:30 a .m. Farvman David Walsh, alteri:ute, war; in attendance in the absence of Fireman Pringle, and Mrs. Crabb in the absence of City Treasurer Gossett. ;y Moved hv Nichols, seconded by Walsh, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of , :a May 25, 1964 be approved as written. Carried. Bills were read .�s l„11ows: y K's Prescript:itm Pharmacy, a/c, John Alexander, Invoice 18494 dated 6-15, $5.20:, . job-connected. j Ernest M. D"T',ess, M. D., a/c, John Alexander, Statement dated .5-2-64, $20.75, job ' connectod. .� Notice of Disability as of June 10, 1964 for Fireman Alexander was read along with Physician's Report- from Dr. Burgess diagnosingchronic bursitis of left elbow, and Letter from the Orthopedic Surgery and Fracture Clinic, Marr I'. Mullen, M.D. advising that tl:e patient was unable to work at the present time. Dr. Burgess re-' ported treatment first on 9-6-62 and subsequently on 12-11-13-15-22, 1.962 and 1-2-6 , 2-7-63 and final examination of date on May 21 1964. The clinic letter was dated 6-10-64. Notice of Recovery and return to duty oil June 15th was read a } Battalion Chiei Ashurst. s reported by . ' Renton Ilospital, a/c Gerald Pyle, $5.00 dated 6-7-64, job-cormected Renton llospitai Statement, a/ )llal.d Goodwin, $9.00, dated 1-30-641, ,job-connected Milton Joseph Schultz, M.D., ac erald Py e, treatment 6-7-64 and 6-8-643, $11.00 ' Notice of Disability of Fireman Pyle -was read due to nail puncture in left toe f during; K. of P. fire, along with Physician's report of Dr. R. M. Grimm dated 6-16-64. North Renton Clinic, a/c John Parks, treatment of ankle injury on 4-9-64 and 5-11-64, service=connected, $12.00. Physicians report by Dr. John Callahan reported treatment.of Mr. Parks"on' 6-1-64 for painfizl ankle joints. K's Prescription Phannacy, a/c, Fireman Paul Henry., prescriptions, 4-17 and 5-16, invoices 1931.1 and 1.9813) job-crnuected, $9.78 and $8.22. I.B.M. Corporation statement 6-1.-64, Il:v. $408-62566 $36.40 for Maintenance on Electric 'Typewriter 7-16-64 to 7-15-65. Moved by tdal.s}i, secoubd by Nichols, that the bills be allowed as read, Carried. Notices of Disability, Recovery, and Physician's Report: were read as follows: Notice of Disability of Fireman Bruce Phillips on 6-7-64 when beam•fell across foot at K'oC P. mire. Physicians report, Dr. Dan E. Hanniger advised of treatment on' t*` 6-8-64 f o r contusion. L No Lost time was rep14-ted for this k ' Minate5 1)f t.lu: Fi..remn n s Pension Board Meeting of 6-22-64 (cont. Notice r,l Di.sabill.ty r,J' Fireu:an Marvin Sherertz on 6-1-64 to enter hospital was read tis slibmittell by Assistant Fire Chief Ashurst along with Swedish Ilospital Notice of cobni.ttanc.e (m 6-1-64 For beck surgery and request for assignment of benefit checks. Notice of Disability oc Fireman George Banasky on June 16, 1.904 cli,e to nasal cueli;estion and eye .i.rritat::ion was react along with Notice of Recovery and report to duty on 6-19-64. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Crabb, that the monthly Pension Fund Warrants be drawn as fol.lrnas: airs. Enza Anderson, Mouth of Jure, 1964 $150,00 Voucher 5408 Theron K. Anderson rr rt rt tt r 9 .. 1.00 5409 Floyd L-iwrence, rr IT If If 305,00 5414 Mrs. OrpIia McDonald rt it It It 1.50.00 541.5 The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time it was moved by Walsli, seconded by Nichols, to adjourn. Carried. i The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.ni. rr� Jai-dt Crabb, Chairman, City Treasurer I[eJmie W. Nc�a:;.»� 6i:c:reti+►� -'�""�' yc ity c.i�•��k I f Low—" II . BOARD MEMBERS FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES .;onald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman July 17, 1964 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Chairman Custer and all members of the Board were present as listed. City Attorney Shellan and Fireman Marvin Sherertz were also in attendance. Mayor Custer explained that the purpose of t; e meetinL was to consider the matter of disability of Fireman Sherertz. Physician's report from Dr. Leavitt was read after which an opinion vas requested of the City Attorney whether the Board, on the basis of this report, could declare Fireman Sherertz inactive and his disability service-connected. Mr. Shellan stated tl:at the report was in- consistent as submitted and the Board could make no determination until a more satisfactory statement was received from the Doctor, confirming that the injury or illness was a-44-ii2t result of duties in the fire department. Such statement,or one that it was more probable than not that the disability was service connected,would be required before the Board could make a finding.to that effect. Fireman Sherertz requested a clarification of the sick-leave benefits to which he would be entitled under Ordinance 2044. Discussion ensued as to whether he would be entitled *o use accumulated sick leave under the City Ordinance, prior to Pension Board Disability ,verage and Mr. Shellan stated that it was not anticipated that a Fireman would be en- titled to two types of coverage, sick leave and disability when the pension law was passed and inasmuch as the Board must certify that the period of disability is to commence on June 1st, this would be duplicate coverage. The time of payment could be deferred until such time as the sick leave to which he has been entitled has been used. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, that the Board make the following findings: THAT, Pursuant to RCW 41.18.050 and RCW 41.18.080, Fireman Sherertz is entitled to his disability for a period of six months from date of disability (June 1st) if service-connected and for a ninety day period in event the disability is non-service connected. In addition thereto, 'ordinance No. 2044 allows each full time City Employee certain sick leave benefits up to a maximum of 90 days. It has been determined therefore that such disabled person, as provided by law, shall be entitled to his accrued sick leave benefits pursuant to Ordinance No. 2044, and upon expiration of such benefits he shall be entitled to receive his statutory disability payments. It is provided, however, that the commencement of such disability period shall be determined and fixed based upon the Physician's Report, but the time of payment therefor deferred until the sick leave benefits have been used up. clarification from the Doctor on the Physician's Report as to the origin andhe s requests cause of the injury for the purpose of determining whether service-connected or not. An additional report shall be submitted by Fireman Sherertz at the next Firemen's Pension Board Meeting. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, that the meeting adiourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. ✓ Donal W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helm�e W. Nelson, City Clerk—Secre-:d,y FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FWD BO.9RD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer w... Helmie Nelson, City Clerk - Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer and all Board Members were Present. Also in attendance were City Attorney Shellan, Fire Chief Walls and Fireman, Mary Sherertz. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of 7-17-64 be approved with replacement in the fifth line, third paragraph, of the word "direct" with "proximate" in reference to Doctor's confirmation of illness of Fireman Sherertz resulting from duties in the fire department. Carried. The following Notices of Disability, Notices of Recovery and Physicians reports were read: Disability of Fireman Donald Goodwin due to Flu-like illness from 8-18-64 and Recovery and return to duty on. August 21, 1964. Disability of Fireman John L. Parks dated 7-13-64 and Notice of recovery and going on vacation July 16th. Physician's Report for Bruce Phillips by Dr. C. David Heflen diagnosed disability as acute cervical syndrome - injury to neck at work on 7-28-64 becoming progressively worse. First examination 7-31-64. Physicians Report for Marvin L. Sherertz by Dr. D. G. Leavitt, diagnosed dis- ability as being extreme changes of cervical spine with nerve root irritation. Admittance to Swedish Hospital on 6-1-64 with myelogram on June 2nd, surgery on June 3rd and discharge on June 23. It was considered more probable than not that the duties in the fi3rAepartment caused the condition. Monthly Pension Fund Warrants were read as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson, August, 1964 Voucher 6024 $150.00 Theron K. Anderson, August, 1964 Voucher 6025 291.00 Floyd Lawrence, August, 1964 Voucher 6030 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald, August, 1964 Voucher 6034 150.00 Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly Pension Fund Warrants be approved. Carried. , Bills were read as follows: A. & II. Drugs No. 2, ac/Mary Sherertz, in sum of $18.57, service connected illness Drs. E. M. Burgess, R. L. Romano, and C. B. Andrews, ac/John Alexander, $17.25, service connected. Chas. Cullen Co., ac/Mary Sherertz, $124.28, Brace & Night Collar, service connected Dr. C. David Heflen, ac/Bruce Phillips, $7.00, service connected illness K's Prescription Pharmacy, ae/John Alexander, $8.47, ac/John Parks, $15.90 service Allan W. Lobb, M.D., ac/Mary Sherertz, $150.00 Drs. McConville, Callahan & Ellinger, ae/Kenneth Parks, $5.00 show Physician's Anesthesia Service, ac/Mary Sherertz, $90.00 Donald J. Rohrssen, M.D., ac/Donald Goodwin, $5.00 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, ac/ Mary Sherertz, $512.00 Firemen's Pension Board Minutes 8-24-64 Bills: (cont.) Shaw Bros. Drug, ac/T. K. Anderson, $18.40 Marvin Sherertz, $880.00 - King County Nurses Association K. B. Skubi, M.D., ac/ Mary Sherertz, $44.00 The Swedish Hospital, ac/Mary Sherertz, $1,599.45 F. H. Wanamaker, J. W. Phillips and A. G. Rockwell, M.D.I's, ac/M. Sherertz, $250.00 Western Optical Dispensary, Inc., ac/Karl Strom, $27.04 Moved by Nichols, seconded by Gossett, that the bills be approved for payment with the bill for Fireman Parks to be checked for prior payment. Carried. Following discussion regarding disability status of Fireman Sherertz, it was moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that based upon the Physician's Report, the Board finds that Fireman Sherertz was disabled as a result of his duties in the Fire Department. Carried. Fire Chief- Walls requested that the matter of sick leave credits be discussed stating that if a fireman is injured on the job and placed on disability for six months and also receives up to 90 days of sick leave, the Fire Department would be faced with a vacancy for a period which could be for as much as nine months, a very undesirable situation. Fireman Nichols stated a determination is to be made whether or not the firemen areentitled to sick leave.-City'Attorney She-Ilan recalled that the Board by motion at the previous meeting had allowed the disabled Fireman would use up his accumulated sick leave, no determination regarding disability status being submitted by the Physician at that time. Attention was called to inconsistency in the Pension Law and the City Ordinance. The purpose of the City's Ordinance was to allow an employee to collect his pay when sick or disabled - to pay him what he ordinarily receives if he had not been sick. It was not the intent of the City to provide duplicate protection for the firemen by providing sick leave privileges plus disability pay which would be the case if both coverages are allowed. The sick leave was meant to provide benefits assuming there was no other coverage,, however this is a matter for the legislative body - to determine whether sick leave should be granted in addition to the disability allotment. It is a matter of intent and also a matter of fairness to the City. Fireman Sherertz agreed that it was a bad policy to have a position vacant for nine montlis but the State Law allows disability for six months from disability date. He is agreeable to leaving his sick leave credited to his account at present and going on disability as of June 1st, but would like to see the matter settled. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringle, that the Board find Fireman Sherertz disabled in the line of duty and that he be declared inactive, effective June 1, 1964 for a period not to exceed six months, during which time he shall receive dis- ability allowance equal to his basic salary and be provided with medL cal, nursing and hospital care as long as the disability exists in accordance with R.C.W. 41.08.060. Carried. Moved by Nichols, seconded by Pringlo, that the matter of sick leave be tabled for decision of the legislative body. Carried. As there was no further business, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The me i g adjourned at 11:45 a. /' Z t eyl 'Donald W. Cust�:: , May-or-chairman i y lerr 775. FIREMeN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS 9-28-64 Donald 7 Custer, Playor--Chairman _ Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helnie nelson, City Clerk--Secretary fir.. Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Prinple, Fireman The renular meetinr? of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Mayor Custer with all Board r1embers answering to roll call. Also in attendance was Fireman Mary Sherertz. Proved by Custer, seconded by Gossett, that the minutes of the rrevious meeting be arnroved as written. Carried. Under communications, the following, Physicians' reports, Notices of Disability and Notices of Recovery were read: Notices of disability of Fireman John L. Parks dated Sertember 23, 1964, ' Flu Like Illness' . Notice of Recovery and return to wort: on September 28th. Notice of disability of Fireman Karl Strom dated Auffust 25, 1964, date disability incurred Aupust 19, 1964, nature of Disability - "sick", disability not due to Perform- ance of duty. Notice of recovery dated Aurust 25th reported returned to work on August 22nd, Physician report signed by Geo. Paeth, M.D. covering Theodele LaValley diagnosed as pout, ap!Yravated by activity - Service connected. First examination 6/16/64, subsequent examinations, 7/18/64, 8/18/64, 9/2/64 - patient still under treatment. .•r Physician's report covering illness of George Banasky certified by Dr. D. J. Laviolette, N.D. under date of 9/31/64. Date o: first examination 9/9/64, subsequent examinations 9/15/64 & 9/21/64, treatment continuinv. The report indicated the illness was not the result of Fire Department duties. Physician's report by Dr. P1. G. Rohrssen for Don Goodwin, report dated 9/2/64. Date of examination Auaust 18th. Rerort indicated this illness was not the result of duties Performed in the Fire Department. P,oved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly pension fund warrants as follows, be approved for payment: Pers. Enza Anderson Sentember, 1964 Voucher #6350 $150.00 Theron K. Anderson Sertember, 1964 Voucher #6351 291.00 Floyd Lawrence September, 1964 Voucher #6355 305.00 Mrs. Orpha PtcDonald Senterber, 1964 Voucher #6357 150.00 Motion Carried. Bills were read by the secretary as follows: Associated Anesthesiologists (Dr. J. G. Sheehy, Pt.D.), dated 8/26/64 account Fireman John Alexander - $30.00 Burpess, Romano & Andrews - a/c John Alexander, dating from 6/15/64 to 9/15/64, in -" the total sum of $197.50. Firemen's Pension Board ',Tinutes 9-28-64 Paae 2 Bills: (cont.) K's Prescription Pharmacy, 8/18/64, a/c Ted LaValley, $ 3.54 ,.. 8/29/64, a/c Ted LaValley, 3.54 8/18/64, a/c Don Goodwin, 4.89 P1cConville, Callahan & Ellinger, 9/24/64, a/c Kenneth Parks 6/17/64 $ 20.00 Park Avenue Clinic, 9/1/64, a/c Robert Beatteay, submitted with statement from Asst. Chief Ashurst that this bill cover injuries incurred in connection with a fire at Pacific Car 4 Foundry Co. Hay 3, 1964. Date of treatment 5/13, amount $17.00 The Polyclinic, a/c Fireman Ted LaValley, billing dates from 6/4/64 to 8/18/64, amount $ 64.00 Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Hosrital - nhysician, Dr. E. 111. Burgess, a/c Fireman John Alexander, charges from August 25th to Aur, ust 27th - $160.75 Shaw Bros. Drup Co., 9/9/64, a/c T. 1'. Anderson - $ 8.42 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be approved :dor payment. Carried. The Secretary inquired whether the Pension Board would be interested in offering to Purchase L. I. D. 252 (Sanitary Sewer L. I. D. Sanitary Sewer System, vicinity of S.E. 112th St. - 114th, 115th Ave. S.E.) . It was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Firemen's Pension Board offer to Purchase L. I. D. 252. Ufarrants and Installment Notes at an interest rate of 4.750. Carried. As there was not further business it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. a FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS October 26, 1964 ... Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting; of the Firemen's Pension Uoard was called to order by Mayor Custer at 10:30 a.m. All Board Members were present. Also attending were Marvin Sherertz and John Alexander, members of the Fire Department. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of 9-28-64 be approved as written. Carried. Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs dated 9/20, ac/George Danasky, $4.68 Shaw Bros. Drugs, Invoice 11038 dated 10-12-64, ac/T. K. Anderson, $3.12 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Invoice 10148, ac/Jack Haworth, $2.34 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, X-Ray Statement dated 10-8-64, ac/Marvin L. Sherertz, $25.00 Peoples National Lank of Washington Notice of Safe Deposit Rent, $9.90 due 10-2-64 f - Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the bills be paid and approved as read and that the monthly pension fund warrants be paid as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson - October, 1964 - Voucher 6674 - $150.00 Theron K. Anderson - October, 1964 - Voucher 6675 - 291.00 Floyd Lawrence - October, 1964 - Voucher 6676 - 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald October, 1964 - Voucher 6677 - 150.00 Fireman Alexander advised of a discrepancy of 24 hours in his sick leave and was advised that the adjustment should be verified and corrected at the Fire: Department office where the records are kept and tabulated. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, that Fireman John Alexander be declared on inactive status and placed on service-connected disability as of August 26, 1964 through October 16, 1964 when he returned to active duty. Carried. Discussion ensued regarding deductions not made on Marvin Sherertz payroll clieck and remuneration funding; henceforth and it was moved by Pringle seconded by Nelson, that the Firemen's Pension Fund pay the balance of inactive period beginning with pay period from October 16th through 31st and for the month of November. His inactive status will end on November 30th. Carried. Marvin Sherertz - Oct 16-31 inactive status period - Voucher 6681-$335.00 Following discussion regarding Civil Service Examinations and the Secretary f was directed to set up physical examinations for the two new firemen who were at the top of the eligibility list of certified candidates: C. Gary Walls, "�'J and Edgar V. Wooten, with Dr. Michel. i laK Firemen's Pension Board Minutes (cont.) 10-26-64 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the date of the regular monthly Pension Board Meeting be changed to the third Friday of each month. The meeting has been held on the fourth Monday. The motion carried. i As there was no furhter business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- FIREMEN' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MEETING BOARD MEMBERS November 20 , 1964 NOW Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Gwen Marshall, Deputy Clerk-Secretary Gerald Nichols, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen' s Pension Board was called to order by i Mayor Custer at 10: 15 a.m. All Board members were present. Also attending was Marvin Sherertz, member of the Fire Department . Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols that the minutes of the previous meetings of October 26 , 1964 and November 2, 1964 be approved after deleting the sentence "his inactive status will end November 30th" . . . from the minutes of October 26th. Carried. Moved by Gossett , seconded by Marshall that a letter from the Firemen' s Pension Board be directed to the Legislative Body asking for a determin- ation on whether the City' s sick leave plan should be in effect for the firemen prior to the 6 months disability program allowable under the Firemen"s Pension Law. (In other words , may firemen collect City sick eave benefits prior to going on inactive status or following their being on inactive status .) Carried. Bills were read as follows: K' s Pharmacy dated 9/24, ac/John Parks, Jr. , $4.67 10/21, ac/Ted LaValley, 1. 98 9/30, ac/ Ted LaValley, 1.98 9/11, ac/Ted LaValley, 1. 98 9/4, ac/Ted LaValley, 9.88 Menton Rx Pharmacy, dated 9/28, ac/LeRoy Smith $2.91 9/30 , ac/LeRoy Smith 3 .38 10/1, ac/LeRoy Smith 4 .84 10/5 , ac/LeRoy Smith 4 .84 10/12, ac/Jack Haworth 2. 34 10/14, ac/Jack Haworth 6. 24 Shaw Bros . Drugs dated 11/6, ac/T.C. Anderson 5 . 30 Dr . Ross Grimm dated 11/17 , ac/Charles Goodwin, X-Ray and Office Examinations $18.00 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic dated 11/1, ac/Marvin Sherertz X-Rays of Spine $35.00 Dr. A. George Rockwell, dated 10/25 , ac/ M. Sherertz, Office Exam. $15 .00 Drth Renton Clinic dated 11/6. ac/John Parks, 2 Injections $10 .00 —Dr. Dan Ranniger dated 6/8, ac/Bruce Phillips, X-Ray & Office call $10 .50 Bruce Phillips dated 7/31, Rx from Val' s Highland Drugs $ 5 .50 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the bills be approved as read and paid. Firemen' s Pension Board Minutes (cont.) 11-20-64 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the monthly pension fund warrants be paid as follows: Marvin L. Sherertz Nov. 1964 - Voucher 6992 - 670 .00 Mrs . Orpha McDonald Nov . 1964 - Voucher 6991 - 150 .00 Mrs . Enza Anderson Nov. 1964 - Voucher 6988 - 150 .00 T.K. Anderson Nov. 1964 - Voucher 6989 - 291.00 Floyd Lawrence Nov. 1964 - Voucher 6990 - 305 .00 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols that the Claim of $4, 103 .00 presented by the Current Fund against the Firemen' s Pension Fund be held in abeyance until after action by the City Council regarding sick leave . Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nichols that a study be made to revise the "Notice of Disability by Company Officer" forms . Carried. Moved by Pringle , seconded by Nichols that the time for Board Meetings be set for 10:00 a.m. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. /) D.W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman G,Wen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk-Secretary r FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MEETING BOARD MEMBERS November 23, 1964 Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Gwen Marshall, Deputy City C1erk,Secretary Gerald Nichols , Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman A Special Meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order, at 4: 30 pm by Mayor Custer. All Board Members were present. Medical reports of physical examinations of Gary Newton, Gerald Jones and Edgar Wooten along with Dr. Michels recommendation that the candi- dates were highly suitable for members of the Fire Department were read. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nichols that the 3 applicants be accepted for employment. Applicant Gary Walls did not pass the physical. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Board it was moved '-y Nichols, seconded by Pringle that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. she meeting adjourned at 5: 10 p.m. OWN. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman An-e t 4 61 GwqMarshall, Deputy City Clerk-Secretary I,DDITION AND CORRECTION TO THE FIRFTMIJ 1 S PE .SIGN Um RELIEF FUND B0.1RD HEETING OF NOU14BER 20, 1964 A claim for reimbursement of salaries paid to the following firemen during service-connected disability periods, to-wit: $`l,066 - John Alexander, 17 shifts dating from 8-26-64 to 10-16-64; 0,015 - Marvin Sherertz, 6-1-64 through 10-15-64, making ;;4,103 the total reimbursement due, was read by the Deputy City Clerk. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Marshall that the letter from the Firemen's Pension Board be directed to the Legislative Body asking for a determination on whether the City's sick leave plan should be in effect for the firemen prior to the 6 months disability program allowable under "the Firemen's Pension Law. Carried. The following Physician's reports were read: Physician's Report signed by Rudolph Heilpern, H. D., dated November 12, 19":. covering disability of John Alexander. Diagnosis - sprain of right hand. Injury the direct result of duties in the Fire Department. Physician's Report signed by R. M. Grimm, M. D., dated November 17, 1964 covering disability fo Charles Goodwin. Diagnosis of disability - traumatic tenosynovitis right wrist, flexor tendons. Injury was the direct result of duties perforned in the Fire Department. Physician's Report signed by Rudolph Heilpern, M. D. , dated November 6, 1964 covering the disability of John L. Parks. Diagnosis of disability - cold, throat and cheat, sore muscles. Sickness was not a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department. Report was submitted together with an inter-office memo stating that King County Medical had paid for the office call ($6.00) and the Chest X-ray (!pl5.Oo). The charge of :;p10.00 for two injections was submitted to the Pension Board for payment. Gimm I ^roliall., Deputy•Clcrk: 3ocretai7. D. W. Custer, Mayor, Chairman F FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS December 38, 3964 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle-Fireman Jack Columbi-Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 10:00 a.m. and all Board Members were present. Fireman Pringle introduced the newly elected Fireman Board Member Jack Colombi and moved that lie be approved by the Board at this time, replacing Fireman Nichols whose -term expired on 12-14-64. The motion was seconded by Gossett and carried. Notices of Disability, Physician's Reports and Notices of Recovery and Return to Duty were read as follows: Notice of Disability on 11-22-64 of Bruce H. Phillips due to inflamation of the trachea and Notice of Recovery and Return to Duty on ll-q5-64 Notice of Disability on 11-19 of James Ashurst due to elbow injury and Physician's Report by J. D. Hogan, M.D. reporting Contusion left radial head as direct re- sult of duties per examination of 11-23-64-injured working on fire truck. Notice of Disability of James F. Ashurst on 11-24-64 due to acute influenza and Physiciants Report by J. D. Hogan, M.D. reporting acute influenza questioned as to being directly the result of duties. Notice of Recovery reported return to �+ duty on 11-30-64. Notice of Disability dated 11-23-64 covering disability of Ren Bergman in October from skin rash on arms noticed upon returning from a fire call - Notice of ' Recovery and return to duty on 11-23--64 (4 hours) Nummular eczema Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs #2, Inv.3660dated 10/22/64, a/c, Ronald Bergman - $4.52 Invoice 3785 dated 10/29/64, a/c Jack Colombi, $6.03 Voucher 7335 Invoice 3743 dated 10/26/64, a/c Jack Colombi, $4.99 A. & H. Drugs #1, Statement 11-9-64, a/c C. Goodwin, $4.99 Voucher 7336 Statement 11-9-64 a/c C. Goodwin, $3.12 Hogan, Taylor & Moschel, Kent - 11-23-64, $3.00, a/c James Ashurst Voucher 7339 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Statement 11/24/64, a/c James Ashurst,$ 5.00 Statement 11/23/64, A/c James Ashurst 4.37 Statement 11/7/64, a/c Ted LaValley 13.26 Voucher 7340 Statement 11/6/64, a/c John Alexander 2.70 J. C. Michel, M.D. - Physical Examinations 11/9/64 Gary Walls, $ 63.00 11/23/64 Edgar Wooten 63.00 11/7/64 Gary Newton 63.00 Voucher 7343 11/12/64 Gerald Jones 63.00 164 Firemen's Pension Board Minutes 12-18-64 (cont.) Bills: North Renton Clinic Statements 11/6/64 and 11/9/64, a/c John Alexander, $19.00 Voucher 7344 , L. Patricelli, M.D. Statement 12/22/64, a/c T. K. Anderson, $15.00 Voucher 7345 Karl Strom - Payments made to John L. Bernier, C.C. 11/27/64, $20.00 11/30/64 5.00 Voucher 7346 Pension Bills: Month of December, 1964 Mrs. Enza Anderson - $150.00 Voucher 7337 T. K. Anderson 291.00 Voucher 7338 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 Voucher 7341 Orpha McDonald 150.00 Voucher 7342 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the bills and pension payments be approved as read and Warrant be drawn to cover same. Carried. Old Business: Discussion ensued regarding inactive status of Fireman Marvin Sherertz and various opinions were expressed as to whether retirement at the end of his inactive period of 11-30-64 was mandatory or should be effected. The Secretary reported,relative to the Board's request for determination by the City Council as to whether the City's sick leave plan should be allowed prior or after inactive status of Firemen, that Fire and mater Committee report had established it to follow the disability period and algo recommended a change in the City's Sick Leave Ordinance. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the Current Fund Claim for reimburse- ment be paid and the cash transfer be effected this month for disabilities of John Alexander, $1,088.00 from 8-26-64 to 10-16-64 and Marvin Sherertz, $3,015.00 from 6-1-64 through 10-15-64. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the Secretary be directed to contact Dr. Michel to arrange for physical examination for the next applicant on the eligible list for position in the Renton Fire Department. Carried. Fireman Pringle advised of inquiry regarding interest rate that the pension fund investments were earning. City Treasurer Gossett reported that Government Bills earn from 2, to 4%, Savings and Loan Associations, 4 to 414% with maximum allowed of $10,000.00 investment. Both of these are now being utilized and also invest- ments have been made in City of Renton L.I.D. 's bearing interest rates from 4.25% to 4.755/.. The $10,000.00 maximum allowance limits the bank investments until such time as more banks are available, trips having been made all over the State by Mrs. Gossett to make the present investments. As there was no further business to come before the Board at this time, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. r D. W. Custer, Chairman c€2'esti e Velson, City Clerk-S. <=tart' 4 .-F M FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD BOARD MEMBERS December 22, 1964 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk �.• Jack Pringle Jack Colombi Chairman Custer called the special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board to order at 9:30 a.m. for the purpose of discussing retirement status of Fireman Sherertz. All members of the Board were present. City Attorney Shellan was also in attendance. Fireman Pringle opened the discussion with question of whether actions taken have been correct as far as the legal aspect is concerned,specifically with regard to expiration on November 30th of the inactive period and possible conflict with statutes by not retiring Fireman Mary Sherertz at the end of the six months per R.C.I.1. 41.18.060. Treasurer Gossett expressed opinion that the City's sick leave benefits should be allowed prior to the period of inactive status being effective. Fireman Pringle outlined the provisions of the statute wherein it states that when a fireman is disabled in the line of duty and the Board has received proper medical report to substantiate that it is job connected, the Fireman is placed on an inactive status and for a period of six months he receives disability allowance equal to his basic monthly salary. Marv's inactive status began June 1st and expired on November 30th. If he was unable to return to �7ork at that time, should the Board have retired him? It was felt that an opinion was needed concerning this portion of the statute. Secretary Nelson quoted from R.C.W. 41.18.050 which authorizes the Board, if it deems it for the good of the Fire Department and the Pension Board, to recommend the re- tirement of a fireman disabled in the line of duty, but he must be given a30 days written notice of the recommendation. Mayor Custer advised City Attorney Shellan of some question as to whether sick benefits under the City's plan would apply first or last, the Council for the present time having acknowledged that the provision should follow the inactive period. The Board,based upon medical reports had determined this disability to be job connected and established June lst as beginning of the inactive period, which six months period terminated on 11-30-64. In the event retirement were recommended and 30 days notice is required would Mary be retired following the period covered by accumulated sick leave! City Attorney Shellan stated the Board did not have Physician's reports at the time the disability occurred. Once the Board determines it to be job connected, based upon competent medical evidence, the period or disability runs from the time the disability occurred. The State Law is controlling first and takes precedence over City Ordinances. The City sick leave plan therefore would follow, being regulated by City Ordinance. There are two retirement provisions in the State Laws which are not consistent. In one case, the 1955 act, the Fireman has the right to request retirement and the Board may consult a physician to determine whether he should be retired, or the Board, if it deems it for the best interest of the Department and Pension Board, may recommend retirement which would become effective after 30 days written notice has been given. On the other hand, R.C.W. 41.18.060 has mandatory provision that at the end of six months the Fireman shall be retired if unable to return and perform his duties. Mr. Shellan advised the Board to select a physician to examine Fireman Sherertz,and that 1113 condition as of November 30th be included in a report to the Board was the concensus of opinion in further discussion. It was determined that the 30 days following the six months disability would be funded from the City Payroll and covered by sick leave benefits, request to be made of the Fire Department as to number of accumulated hours now credited to Marv's records. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that Fireman Sherertz request report from Ire Dr. Leavitt, his attending physician on his physical condition on 11-30-64 as well as the present time and in addition the Board arrange for examination by an orthopedic specialist who is to be furnished with case history from Dr. Leavitt. -1- �r Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting (cont.) 12-22-64 The Board will have independent reports from the two Physicians and may determine that the doctors are in agreement protecting the Fireman and the Board. Further discussion ensued relative to ability to return to work at the end of the six months period and City Attorney Shellan again pointed out that the Board may retire for the good of the Fire Department and the Firemen's Pension Fund, giving the Board discretion if it is doubtful whether the work could be done and the other section simply states that if unable to return to work the Fireman should be retired. A man may have recuperated from his injuries and the Board still feel that he may not be able to perform his duties and may therefore recommend retire- ment. Question on the pending motion to secure two physician's reports was put to vote and upon request roll call vote was taken as follows: Aye: Gossett, Nelson, Custer. No: Prinf*le and Colombi. Motion carried. The Secretary was directed to select an orthopedic doctor and suggested were Dr. Ernest Burgess, Dr. David Anderson and Dr. Forrest L. Flashman. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was ad,jontned at 1:00 p.m. D. W. Custer. Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES L'OARD MEMBERS: January 11, 1965 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Hel.mie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman A Special Meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was called via telephone for the purpose of hearing results of physical examination of candidate for Fireman, Delbert M. Miller. Dr. Michel reported an excellent health record, satisfactory physical examination including negative report on all laboratory tests, normal cardiogram and chest x-ray and it was felt that Mr. Miller would make a fine fireman. All L'oard Members approved the candidate for position in the Renton Fire Department and concurred that his name be submitted for approval by the City Council. D. W. Custer, Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Treasurer FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS January S, 1965 D" W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was convened at 9:30 a.m. for purpose of considering further the disability status of Fireman Mary Sherertz Roll call taken with all nembers present as listed. Also in t-adance were Fire Chief Walls and Fireman Mary Sherertz. The Mayor stated the Board now has in their Possession the medical reports which the Board deemed necessary for a proper determination in this matter. Fireman Sherertz' inactive status ended on November 30, 1964, and since that time he has been carried on the City's payroll, drawing from the accumulated sick leave to which he is entitled, as approved by the City Council, in cc;-.�:ur-rence with the recommendation of the Fire and ;Vater Committee. Fireman Sherertz now requests authorization to return to his duties in the Fire Department. The medical reports requested by the Board from the attending physician and an orthopedic specialist selected by the Board, were presented and read by the Secretary. Report dated December 28, 1964, from Dr. D. G. Leavitt, physician who had attended Fireman Sherertz during his disability, indicated that this fireman was more able to work now than he had been prior to surgery, but noted there was some permanent disability in his neck, also that due to his age he could not engage in a strenuous manner in the activities of a fireman. Dr. Leavitt approved return to work by Fireman Sherertz on January 1, 1965. Dr. Ernest H. Burgess, in his report dated December 29, 1964, concluded that Fireman Sherertz is now able to return to work. lie reported that there wia- disability in the cervical spine as evidenced by moderate limited motion, but attributed this condition in part to inactivity, advising that some general exercise would be beneficial to improve muscle tone generally. In the doctor's opinion this would not sufficiently disalle him to prevent him from returning, to his duties in the Fire Department. It was noted that the medical reports were very complete, but had left unanswered the question as to whether or not Fireman Sherertz in the doctor's opinion, would have been physically able to return to his duties in the Fire Department at the end of his inactive status on November 30th. Fire Chief walls called f�_ thu 0-ird's attenti. n tinfthe State law provides that a fireman shall be retired at the end of the inactive status if he is unable to return to work at that time. The Mayor pointed out that this did not present a problem in this particular case, inasmuch as Fireman Sherertz was still an employee of the City, carried on the City payroll, and urnwing upon the accrued sick leave credits to which he was entitled by City Ordinance.This had been approved by the City Council, -,fter recommendation by the Fire and ',Nater Committee. An amending ordinance has been prepared which is presently under consideration by the Fire and Water Cora.iittoe. The proposed amendment provides that sick leave benefits shall not be anrlicablc to any employee covered under any Relief and Pension Act or similar legislation providing for sickness and/or disability payments. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Pringle, that based upnn proper medical evidence the Board now finds Fireman Sherertz able to return to his duties in the Fire Department, and that he resume his duties effective as of this date. Carried. �I i Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. D. W. Custer, Maynr-C airman He mie 1 . Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMEBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman January 22, 1965 Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer ' Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 9:30 a.m. All members of the Board were in attendance. Moved by Pr.inj le, seconded by Gossett, that -the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 18th and special meeting of December 22nd, 1964 and special meeting of January 11, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Notices of Disability, Notices of Recovery and Reports of Physicians were read as follows: Notice dated 12-30-64 reported disability of Ron Bergman on 12-29-6A from chipped tooth incurred while inflating resuscitator while on a first aid call. No loss of time was involved. Notice dated 12-30-64 reported disability of Paul Henry on 12-21-64 who slipped on a step while checking radio on Engine #2, falling and skinning his knee and twisting his back resulting in lay off on 12-24-64. Physician's Report filed by Dr. Kenneth G. Kay reports sprain of lumbrosacral spine, resultin;; while performing duties and date of treatment 12-24-64. `Totice of Recovery reported 12-27-64 as date returned to duty from disability of 12-24-64. ...•Notice of disability dated 1-7-65 reported an illness of Ronald Bergman as sore throat. Notice of recover reported orted return to duty on - - y 1 10 65. Notice dated 1-5-65 reported disability of Marvin Sherertz on 6-1-64• and return to duty on 1-5-65. Notice dated 1-13-65 reported disability of Pat Walsh on 1-8-65 due -to feeling ill and temperature Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1-11-65. Notice dated 1-13-65 reported disability of Robert Connell on 1-13-65 from head and stomach-ache. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 1-15-65- Notice of 1-13-65 reported disability of Jerry Nichols incurred 1-31-64. Report of Sr- Hartwig diagnosed non-service sickness. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty 1-3-65. BILLS: Val's Highland Drugs, Statements 1-8-65 and 1-11-65, Rx 10672 and 10695, payable to P. J. Walsh, $12.74 S. J. Vukov, M.D. Statement 12-24-64, ac/Paul J. Henry, $10.00 John L. Bernier, D.C.,Statements 1-2-65 and 1-12-65, 9 office calls @$5.00 ea., payable to Karl Strom, $45.00 Shaw Bros. Drug Invoice 16746, 10194 and 14706, Rx 281646, 281648, ac/T. K. Anderson, $16.84 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, Statement 1-6-65 for Xrays on 12-28-64, ac/ Marvin Sherertz, $35.00 r.. J. H. Har wib, M.D. Statement 12-31-64, ac/and payable to Jerry Nichols A. & H. Drugs ##2 Invoice 4900 dated 12-31-65 payable to Gerald Nichols, $3.12 Minutes of Firements Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 1-22-65 'ills: (cont.) J. C. Michel, M.D. Statement for services on 12-24-64, ac/Delbert Miller-Physical $73.00 less credit of $1.50, $71.50 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Invoice 22039, $3.38 and 22483, $13.26, Rx 51440 and 51317, ac/ Ted LaValley and Invoice 22030, $8.22 Rx48474, 48475, 48476, ac/ Paul Henry A. & H. Drugs #2 Invoice 4367, $5.62, Rx 91150, 91084, ac/Ronald Bergman Invoice 4573, $4.26, Rx 91860, ac/ Marvin L. Sherertz Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that warrants be drawn and bills allowed as read. The motion carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that monthly Pension warrants be drawn as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson Covering month of January, 1965 $150.00 T. K. Anderson if It " It It 305.00 Floyd Lawrence it it It t' It 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 't it It " " 150.00 The motion carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the City Treasurer be authorized to continue investing Firements Pension Funds as heretofore. Carried. ived by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, thct Firemen who are retired under service-connected disability provisions and receive medical benefits thereby "so long as the disability existstt, be required to submit physician reports with any bills for Docbr and/or Nursing care to enable the Board to determine that the bills apply only to -the disability for which they were retired and not some other illness or injury. Also, that prescription bills carry the prescription number by which identification can be made with the disability, the Board to be notified in the event of any change of prescription, treatment, or medication relating to the disability. The motion carried. The Secretary called attention to purchases of supplies from the City Clerkts Budget for sometime past,which was amounting to quite a sum of money,for use in transacting business of the Firements Pension and Relief Fund. It was recommended that a list of supplies needed and the cost therefor be presented at the next meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor CNairman V, He7mie W. Nelson, City Clerkretary Ono -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING 'ow BOARD MEMBERS February 19, 1965 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman ,Tack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 10:00 a.m. with all Board Members present. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 5, 1965 and the regular meeting of January 22, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Notices of Disability, Physician's Reports and Notices of Recovery were read as follows: (Certified by M. C. Walls, Fire Chief) Disability Notice, dated 1/27/65, reported Fireman Robert Connell ill on 1/22/65 with a chest cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/25/65. Notice dated 1/28/65 reported disability of Charles Goodwin on 1/25/65 from arthritis. Dhysician's Report by. Dr. R. M. Grimm, diagnosed Hypertrophic arthritis, lumbro sacral rea and designated the illness was not a direct result of duties performed in the Fire u. Department. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/28/65. Notice dated 2/1/65 reported disability of Jack Haworth due to a cold on 1/31/65 and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on February 3, 1965. Physician's Report signed by Dr. John R. Moran stated disability of George Banasky to be recurring abdominal distention and eructation, diagnosed as probable aerophagia and not a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department, as examined on 1/26/65. Notice dated 2/8/65 reported disability of Marvin Sherertz on this date due to strep throat and a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/9/65. Notice dated 2/9/65 reported disability of Bill Henry as of that date, due to a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/12/65. Notice dated 2/20/65 reported disability of Charles Goodwin as of that date due to intestinal disorder. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/21/65. Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs #2, Invoice 4953, dated 1/5/65, ac/ Marvin Sherertz, $9.05 Invoice 5087, dated 1/11/65, ac/Marvin Sherertz, $7.49 A. & H., 3rd Ave. Invoice 1/5/65, ac/ Ronald A. Bergman, $8.01 Statement dated 1/27/65, ac/Charles Goodwin, $4,52 � E Statement dated 1/28/65, ac/George Banasky, $1.82 now Ernest M. Burgess, M.D. Services 12/29/64, ac/Marvin Sherertz, $53.90 i Firemen's Pension Board Meeting - Bills (cont.) February 19, 1965 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Inv. 22677 dated 1/13/65, ac/Ted LaValley, $1.87 The Polyclinic, Statement for services on 9/2f64, 9$/64, 911/64, 10/23]64 and ...� 1/12/65, ac/Ted LaValley, Examinations and Medication, $40.00. Karl Strom, Statement - Dr. Bernier services on 1/26, 2/2 and 2/6/65, $15.00 Patrick Walsh, Invoice 12014, dated 2/17/65, Rx 104119, $4.68 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the bills be approved and warrants drawn for payment as read. Carried. Pension Bills: Mrs. Enza Anderson February, 1965 $150.00 T. K. Anderson " 305.00 Floyd Lawrence " " 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald ', f' 150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the monthly Pension Warrants be drawn as listed. Carried. Bills were read from Dr. R.M. Grimm for services rendered Charles Goodwin on 1-26-65 and 1-27-65 in sum of $10.00 and from Renton Hospital for X--rays in sum of $20.00. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that these bills be returned to Fireman Goodwin, being non-service connected, for payment by King County. Fireman Pringle pointed out the need for revising the present forms under - which disability is reported and it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that Firemen Pringle and Colombi and Mayor Custer review the forms and report their recom- mendations. Carried. The Secretary read a list of materials furnished from the City Clerk's Budget over the past years in Pension Board business transactions and it was the concensus of opinion that the Clerk's Office should be reimbursed for these supplies. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the list be accepted and purchase authorized with bills approved as they are received. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the Board purchase two zippered portfolios which may be used by the two Fireman Board Members for carrying materials. Carried. Fireman Colombi advised the Assistant Fire Chief had inquired regarding situations where firemen are off on non-service disability and no Doctor bill is involved but medication is required - if Disability Reports are to be required before payment is allowed this forces the man to take a day off in order to have his prescriptions paid for,penalizing the Department - and the Fi.reman,if he happens to be ill on his time off as no lost time will be reported by disability. Physiciants Reports are required to be submitted for prescriptions, some dispute arising in this respect also. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Board not require Physician's Reports to pay for medication if proper Disability Notices have been signed and filed by the Company Officer. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that a Memorandum or Letter be posted to remind the Firemen that in order to conserve the Pension Funds, all bills possible should be submitted to King County. Carried. As there was no further business, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a. .. _ /1 ( -- Vii. S.��`� ��..T l• hi -�:r y C1� i.`.."'VilS� _. / 73 FIRD-ET'S PEIISIoII ;.IID RELEF FUND DO:,RD REGUL..R IdEsTING DOi.RD 11E1,MERS March 22, 1965 D. W. Custcr, Eayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helnie I-l. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack 11rinrle, Fireman Jack Colonbi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's 'ension Board uas called to order by Chaiman Custer at 10:30 a.m. with all Board Eembers present. Moved by i'ringle, seconded by Colonbi, that the minutes of the previous meeting of February 19, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. OLD 3USIIIESS: Notices of Disability, Physician's Reports and Ilotices of Recovery were read as follows: (Certified by M. C. halls, Fire Chief) ihysician's Report, signed by Rudolph Heilpern, ii.D., dated I4arch 5, 1965 stated disability of John ..lexander to be acute tonsillitis and that the sickness mzs a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department. First examination was on 2/12/65 and the fireman was working at the time of this examination. Notice, dated 3/2/65 reported disability of LeRoy Smith as intestinal disorder; fireman was laid off by Chief 17 lls at 3:40 p.m, on 3/2/65 and was not suffering from sickness prior to date of disability. Notice of itecovery, reported return to duty on 3/5/65. Notice, dated 3/2/65 reported disability of Ronald Dergman as intestinal disorder; fireman was laid off by Chief '.falls at 3:40 p.m. on 3/2/65 and was not suffering from sickness prior to date of disability. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/5/65. Nos Notice, dated 3/2/65 reported disability of Charles Goodwin as Ulcers; fireman was laid off by Chief '.falls on 3/1/65 and fireman was suffering from sickness prior to date of disability. i'hysician's Report, signed by Daniel D. Hiatt, M.D. on 3/17/65 stated disability due to Duodenal Ulcer, date for return to work undetermined. Examinations were on 2/17/65, 2/25/65, 3/1/65 and 3/9/65. Lay off was advised by physician, until further notice. Notice, dated 3/5/65 reported disability of J. Haworth. Fireman did not report for work and was not sufferin- from sickness or injury prior to date of disability. Notice of ,Recovery signed by Chief `falls reported return to duty on 3/8/65. Notice, dated 3/15/65 reported disability of Bruce ,hillips as stomach disorder; fireman was laid off on 3/13/65. Fireman did not report for work on this date, called in sick, and was not suffering fror: sickness prior to date of disability. Notice of itecovery reported return to work on 3/16/65. Notice, signed by Chief ','alls dated 3/15/65 reported disability of Douglas Haworth as stomach disorder; fireman did not report for work, called in as sick, laid-off on 3/15/65 and was not suffering fror: sickness prior to date of disability. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/13/65. Pension Jarrants: firs. `nza ..nders Harch, 1965 Voucher IIo,' 37 150.00 T. K. .:nderson u n n u 37 305.00 Floyd Lawrence it " " 37 05.00 Urs. Orhha is D d n n n n 37 "150.00 Hoved by Gosse ., eco d by Nelson, that the iaonthl ns 1.1arrants be drawn as listed. Carria' Bills were read as fol t-rs Voucher I o. 8370 u 3 Drugs #2, Invoice „'5635, dated 2/x/65, ' 1. 5herertz, ,29.05 Invoice,#5670, dated 2/8/65, ac/H. Sherertz, 3.33 % Minutes of Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Ileeting (cont.) 3/22/65 BILLS: (cont.) Voucher No. 53 3-- Austin-Hendrickson Pharmacy, Invoice 1733, 2/2/65, C. Goodwin, .x4.52, covering Rx #242982; Inv. 2714, 2/0/653 D. Haworth, ;;6.45, covering RX #243377; Inv. 4161, 2/16/65, C. Goodwin, ',13.43r covering RX #243766; Inv. 6113, 2/20/65, C. Goodwin, ;)1.55, covering Rx Maalox. 8375 Ross iI. Grimm, M.D. & D. D. Hiatt, li.D., Statement dated 3/17/65, C. Goodwin, Office Examinations on 2/16/65, 2/25/65, 3/1/65 and 3/9/65, ,20.00. 8376 H u II Duplicator Corp., Inv. 9045, 2/25/65, Coupon Book, 24 quire Stencils, >?66,27; Inc. 9144, 3/3/65, 12 Reams Himeo paper, , 20.65. 8377 K's Prescription 11harmacy, Inv. 23306, 2/12/65, J. klexander, ;6.24, covering Rx #54898 & #54899; Inv. 23180, 2/5/65, T. LaValley, n1.3.26, covering Rx #51440 & #51317. 8380 North Renton Clinic, Statement dated 3/5/65, J. ;,lexander, (,6.00 Office Call. 8381 Renton Hospital, Statement dated 2/26/65, C. Goodwin, ; 25.00, X-Ray. 8382 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, Statement dated 3/l/65, Ii:. Sherertz, Office Call, $7.00. f 8383 Standard Office Systems, Inv. #11327, 3/1/65, Electrostatic Paper, ;;17.66. 6364 i'. J. idalsh, L'ecei t dated 2/27/65, covering Rx #11067, 1)8.22; Receipt I' dated 37/65, covering Rx ;`11106, „;8.11; Receipt dated 3/13/65, covering Rx #11106, It eras noted that the bills covered by Voucher !To. 8384 to J. 11alsh for reimbursement, had not been marked paid by the Highlands Drug Store. Jack Pringle volunteered to return these bills to the fireman to have this done. The Secretary was authorized to set these bills up for payment. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the regular bills be paid. Carried. I-loved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the Physician's Report covering illness of Charles Goodwin, be returned to Dr. Hiatt to determine whether or not the illness Vrac service or non-service connected. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that Fireman Goodwin, be placed on inactive status effective i-Iarcli 1, 1965, and that he receive his seui-;.onthly warrant in the amount of hiv basic salary and that the Current Fund be reimbursed for salary paid to Goodwin for the period of March lst to March 15, 1965. 1, special meetin,, is to be called on receipt of the i'hysician's Report, to establish whether the inactive status will be on a service or non-service basis. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: The Board requested that the Secretary send a get-well card to Del Head on behalf of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board. The Secretary was questioned concerning a requisition for the purchase of two boxes of envelopes and why it was necessary to purchase so many. The Secretary advised that the list of materials submitted at the February 19th meeting did not begin to cover these used by the City Clerk in handling the pa1,erwork and communications for t1?e Firemen's Pension Doard, These have altrays been paid from the Current Fund and charged to the City Cierk's budget. The Secretary further noted that approximately fifty envelopes a month are used for affidavits and warrants alone.. In view of the fact that these expenses are increasing, it is deemed only fair by the City Clerk that the Current Flind be reimbursed by the Pension Fund. 110 attempt is being made to reimburse the City Clerk for past materials and supplies or labor involved. The Secretary was directed to add to the Memorandum which was requested at the meeting of February 19th, the statement that when submitting bills for reimbursement, the fireman make certain that these bills are marked paid, to permit no question at the time of our annual audit. Roved by ;'ringle, seconded by Colombi, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m, n mac/ D. 1% Custer, Mayor - Chairman Heinle W. Nelson, City-Clerk-Sec. i FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAL MEETING April 7, 196 BOARD MEMBERS D. IV. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Mayor Custer with all members present as listed. A Physician's Report, signed by Daniel D. Hiatt, M.D. dated March 17, 1965, covering the disability of Charles Goodwin, having been returned by the doctor, was read by the Secretary. The report indicated that the illness was more likely than not a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that based upon the medical report, Tireman Goodwin be declared disabled in the performance of his duties and placed on inactive status as of March 1, 1965, and that he receive from the Pension Fund a disability allowance equal to his basic monthly salary plus necessary medical care during the period of disability. Carried. In event the disability still exists at the end of five months, 4 the Secretary is directed to furnish Fireman Goodwin the required 30-day notice to return to work or be retired, in accordance with the Board's recommendation at that time. There being no further business, it was moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.— The meeting* was adjourned at 10:12 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie 11. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary i I r� A k FIREMEN"S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD y REGULAR MEETING April 16, 1965 BOARD MEMBERS Donal W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary NEW Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Fireman Jack Pringle, Chairman in the absence of the Mayor, at 1:30 p.m. Janet Crabb, Assistant City Treasurer, was in attendance in the absence of Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 1965 and the special meeting of April 7, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Notices of Disability, Physician's Reports and Notices of Recovery were read as follows: Notice, dated 3/19/65, reported disability of John Parks as ulcers; fireman did not report for work on 3/19/65. The report did not state if the disability was caused by performance of duty or if the member was ailing prior to the above date of disability. Notice of Recovery, reported return to duty on 3/22/65. Notice, dated 3/22/65, reported disability of Franklin Todd, report did not include the nature of disability. Fireman dial not report for work on above date, and the report did not state if the disability was caused by performance of duty or if the member was ailing rior to the above date of disability. Notice of Recovery, reported return to duty on 3/25/65. Notice, dated 4/4/65, reported disability of Robert Beatteay as bruise on wrist and hand; fireman was taken to the hospital at 1:37 p.m. The injury was a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department, and fireman was not suffering from this injury prior to the above date of disability. Notice, dated 4/4/65 reported disability of Jack Haworth as chest cold. The report did not state if the disability was caused by performance of duty, however, the fireman did not feel good on previous working date. Notice of Recovery, reported return to duty on NoA 4/7/65/. Notice, dated 4/13/65, reported disability of Ron Bergman as cold. Fireman was laid off by R. L. Connell, and the report did not determine if the illness was caused by performance of duty, or if fireman was ailing prior to the above date of disability. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/16/65. Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs - Charles Goodwin Account, invoice dates and amounts as follows: 2/25/65, RX 244091 and Maalox - $7.58; 3/2/65, Maalox - $1.55; 3/5/65, Maalox - $1.55; 3/9/65, RX244091 and Maalox - $7.58; 3/15/65, Maalox - $2.06; and 3/23/65, RX 244091 - $6.03. Drs. Burges>_. Romano & Mullen, John Alexander Account, Statement dated 2/2/65, Office Call, $8.25. 1 utfice Co., Inc., 1 box 82 x 11 Carbon Paper, 1 box 82 x 14 Carbon Paper,$8.1.1. K's Prescription Pharmacy, Ted LaValley, Inv #23598 covering RX51440 - $3.38 and Inv #24056 covering RX51317 and RX 51440 - $13.26; J. Alexander Acct, Inv #$23964 covering RX54999 - $4.68 and Inv #24103 covering RX56005 and RX56006 - $3.07; and R. Beatteay Acct, Inv #24152 covering RX 8260 - $2.29. Paulson Office Supply, Materials and supplies as follows: 1 doz. shorthand notebooks, six 3-ring binders, 2 boxes file folders, 6 boxes staples, 1 doz. pens - $25.64. The Polyclinic, - Ted LaValley Account, statement dated 1/28/65, for medication - $3.00. Shaw's Rexall Drugs, T. K. Anderson Account, Inv #976 covering RX281646 - $3.12 and Inv #13333 covering RX281648 - $5.30. Renton Hospital - C. Goodwin Account, statement dated 3/26/65 covering X-ray - $25.00; R. Beatteay Account, statement dated 4/3/65 covering, treatment, X-ray, armac h - $23.00. P Y Minutes of Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting (cont.) 4/1.6/65 Bills: (cont.) U. S. Post Office Printed stamped 5t Envelopes, legal size, printed with City Clerk return address - 2 boxes, $60.10. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Crabb, that the above listed bills be paid. Carried. Pension Warrants: Disability Payments: Mrs. Enza Anderson April, 1965 $150.00 Charles Goodwin Anril, 1965 1680.00 T. K. Anderson It 305.00 Floyd Lawrence '° 305.00 Mrs. Orpha Me Donald °' 150.00 Moved by Colombi, seconded by Crabb, that the monthly Pension Warrants be drawn a.q listed. Carried. OLD BUSINESS: The Board nembers were reminded of the meeting, in Tacoma, May 11 at 10:00 a.m. sponsored by the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters to discuss mutual problems. Fireman Colombi noted that questions could be nailed in advance and requested that the Secretary write a letter submitting the following questions: 1. Could the Board make its own determination that an injury or illness is service connected despite a physician's report indicating otherwise? 2. oust a fireman continue to make his contributions to the Firemen's Pension Fund when Jisabled and placed on an inactive status for a 90-day or six-month period. The Committee was granted more time on the matter of revision of forms. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Crabb, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Donald Custer, Nayor-Cliiirman fie 1311 4T, Nelson, City Clerk- ccrcctary— f I I ' !t FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 20, 1965 BOARD MEMBERS Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairrian Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 10:20 a.m. with all members of the board present. Mr. James Ashurst, Assistant Fire Chief was also in attendance. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 16, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND BILLS: A letter from Attorney Shellan submitted opinion regarding Contributions and Withholding as follows: "DEDUCTIONS FROM DISABILITY PAYMENTS MADE TO FIREMEN" "When a Fireman is receiving disability payments under the provisions of RCW 41.18.060 which provides that a fireman may receive a disability allowance equal to his basic monthly salary for a period of six months from the time of being disabled while in the performance of his duties, the City should deduct from such disability payment the fireman's six per cent contribution to the pension fund and the federal withholding tax. Since these Payments are in the nature of continued salary payments, all normal deductions should be made from the salary. If the fireman desires to have this period of time counted toward his retirement, the six per cent contribution will of course, have to be made. Since certain payments made during periods of disability may not be subject to federal income tax, it might be advisable to issue a certificate to the Fireman indicating the amount paid and that it was paid during a period of disability." The Secretary reported that she had written a letter to Fireman Marvin Sherertz requesting reimbursement of $80.40 which represents contributions due the pension fund for the months of October and November, 1964. No reply has yet been received. It was pointed out that without payment of said contributions those two months would have to be deducted and could not be counted. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, to concur in the communication directed to Fireman Sherertz by the Secretary and in the event no reply is received that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for determination of further action to be taken. Carried. A communication from C. A. Gaisford, Director of Finance, City of Tacoma, was read. The letter recalled an inquiry from the City of Renton concerning method of payment to disability pensioners by the City of Tacoma. (Tacoma follows the procedure of making payments during this disability period directly from the fire department payroll, making all deductions, including contributions to the Firemen's Pension Fund, withholding tax, etc - and filing a claim with the Firemen's Pension Board for reimbursement to the Current Fund). Mr. Gaisford noted that the Association of. Washington Cities has forwarded a court decision and legal opinions that cover the subject of deductions for firemen on disability which follows right in line with the way the City of Tacoma is handling such deductions. The Secretary reported relative to a meeting of the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, held in Tacoma on May 11, 1965 attended by Board Members, Attorneys, and representatives from every Firemen's Pension Board in the State with the exception of three. Attending from Renton were Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer and Captain Alexander. Well known City Attorneys Marshall McCormick, Tacoma, John Tracey, Spokane, and John Winn, Vancouver, comprised a panel to answer legal problems with which pension boards are confronted. Mr. Jack Waller, former Vice-President of the 7th District, State Council of Fire Fighters, served as moderator and the meeting lasted from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Written inquiries had been submitted by Kennewick, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Renton, Bellevue and Richland, copies of which were submitted to all present, together with a copy of Substitute House Bill No. 391. i j r;Cl Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Minutes (cont.) 5-20-65 Menton questioned whether the Board might make its own determination that an injury or illness is service-connected regardless of a Physicians report which might diagnose otherwise. The Secretary noted that it had been brought out that any court would likely hold that the Board had acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner to ignore the Physician's report. City Treasurer Gossett stated the Board has the final determination. It is understood that Fire Department representative, John Alexander, has made a complete report to the members of the Fire Department on all matters discussed at this meeting including Substitute House Bill No. 391. Assistant Fire Chief Ashurst brought forth that one of the problems our Board has to contend with is that the Board does not have a Pension Board doctor who can make the final positive+ determination. The opinion was expressed among the firemen Board Members that the fireman might go to his personal physician who may not be familiar with the fire department rules and regulations or duties of the firemen and might thus make an improper determination as to the cause of the illness whereas if the Board had its own doctor he would be familiar with all aspects of the firemens duties and would be more capable of making a determination as to whether the injury or illness was service connected or otherwise. This would not prevent a fireman from going to his own physician but would mean the determination would be made by the Firemen's Pension Board doctor if the other doctor did not feel that he could make a determination as to the cause of the illness. It was pointed out that Dr. Michel was presently the Firemen's Pension Board Physician for physic", examinations and that possibly the Board might be able to use the services of our Health Officer under his present basis of nay or for a lesser remuneration for the services he night perform. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the Firemen Board members contact Dr. Hartwig in this regard and secure his views and report back. Carried. Secretary Nelson reported that one of the things she felt would be of particular impo.tan- to the Firemen was the possibility of jeopardizing their pension when injured on other occupational duties outside the fire department. Chairman Custer suggested that perhaps Fireman Goodwin who is now receiving disability benefits, possibly might be able to perform in some other capacity that would not be detrimental to his health. Fireman Colombi stated a fireman could not be required to serve in a lesser capacity as he would be paid less, the pension calling for full salary during disability leave. BILLS: A f H Drugs #2 - Marvin Shercrtz, Inv. 6737 dated 3/20/65, Rx 98301, $3.17; Inv. 6797 dated 3/23/65, 2 Gelusil, $3.10; Inv. 6674 dated 3/18/65, Gelusil Rx 98079, $3.99 and Inv. 7141, dated 4/6/65, Rx 93085, $9.05 A & H Drugs #1 - Charles Goodwin, Statement 4/5/65, $3.10, 4/8/65, Rx244091, $6.03; 4/16/65, Maalox, $1.55; 4/20/65, Rx244091, $6.03. Ronald Bergman - Alex D. Campbell, M.D., Office Visit and injection, $6.50 (Balance of $16.50 submitted to King County Medical) John L. Bernier, D. C. Karl Strom, 5/18/65, X-rays and office calls, $20,00 Charles Goodwin - Medical Prescription #224981 dated 4/16/65, $5.89 K's Prescription Pharmacy - John Parks, 4/29/65 Inv. 24540, RxS6584, $3.33; Ted LaValley, 4/28/65 Inv. 24526, RxS1440, $13.26 Paul Henry, 4/26/65 Inv. 24492, RxS6526, $4.99 ;forth Renton Clinic - John Alexander, Statement 4/29/65, Office Call, $6.00 �caton Prescription. Pharmacy - Richard Geiseler, Inv. 13431, Rx10611, $3.64; Inv. Rx 106609, 106610, and 10611, 5/14/65, $9.88 Shaws Rexall Drugs - T.K. Anderson, Inv, 1577, Rx281648, 281646, 5/15/65, $8,43 -2- l lsU Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Minutes (cont.) 5-20-65 c ILLS: (cont.) Patrick h1alsh - Reimburse, statement 5/19/65, Rx 102488, $3.43 Record Office Supply - Inv. 13169, dated 3/2/65 - 2 zipper portfolios, $3.12 Dorothea Gossett - Council of Fire Fighters Meeting - May 11, 1965, Tacoma, Gwen Marshall Expense - $2.00 each llelmie Nelson Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the bills be allowed as read and proper warrants drawn to cover. Carried. DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS: Physician's Report by Dr. Rudolph 11eilpern for John Alexander, diagnosed Hemorrhoids and headache, service-connected, examination date 4/1/65, no loss of time. Notice of Recovery of Patrick J. 19alsh dated 4/23/65, showing return to work of 4/20/65 and Notice of Disability of Patrict J. Walsh dated 4/23/65, Nature of disability, Bladder Infection, Cystoscope examination and hospitalization, lay-off on 4/17/65 Notice of Disability of P. J. Walsh, Nature of disability - Influenza, laid-off on 4/29/65 at 8:00 a.m. Notice of Recovery dated 5/5/65 indicated man missed two days work *notice of Disability of Richard Geissler reported examination by Dr. Bardarson on 5/14/65 for possible Ulcer. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on the same date, no time loss. Notice of disability for Delbert Miller, reported service connected eye injury incurred on 5/12/65, with no time loss. Physicians report diagnosed foreign body on cornea left eye per examination on 5/12/6S. PENSION WARRANTS: Mrs. Enza Anderson May, 1965 $150.00 T. K. Anderson " " 305.00 Floyd Lawrence " 305.00 Mrs. Orpha Mc Donald " 150.00 DISABILITY BENEFITS: Charles Goodwin May, 1965 680.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the monthly pension warrants and disability benefit be approved for payment as read. Carried. Chairman Custer reported the Council has asked him to socura the Boards opinion on the possibility of obtaining a loan from the Pension Fund in order to finance construction of the grand stand in Liberty Park ,adjacent to the ball field. Repayment would be budgeted in an annual basis in the Park Department, Capital Outlay. During ensuing discussion the City Treasurer stated she felt the Firemen's Pension Fund had been criticized some years back for making a loan to another fund. however, she felt that if the Council bonded themselves, nothing would prevent the Firemen's Pension Fund from bidding, on the purchase of bonds. The Secretary suggested that possibly the City Treasurer and the City Clerk could check this matter and determine the action the Board could legally take. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m. -3- i June ?P. 190; FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING BOARD MEMBERS: Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Jack Pringle, Fireman t Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 10:45 a, m. with all members of the board present with the exception of Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary. Deputy City Clerk, Gwen Marshall replaced Mrs. Nelson as secretary during this meeting. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 20, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS Fireman Colombi reported that he had spoken with Dr. Hartwig in regard to becoming the board's doctor. Dr. Hartwig indicated he was interested and desires the opportunity to meet with the Board and discuss the proposal further. 'he Secretary read two communications from the Public Pension Commission requesting infor- mation on the operation of our Board and Fund. It was moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle that no action be taken on these communications. Carried. BILLS: D. D. Hiatt, M. D. Robert Beatteay, statement for two (2) office calf, dated 4/3/65 and 4/6/65, x;10.00 and ',,5.00. Patrick Walsh Renton Hospital statement #1408, 0.50 and Medical r Prescription #107703 dated 6/23/65, y4.17 Renton Hospital X-Ray for Charles Goodwin dated 4/27/65, 025.00 Dr. R. E. Maynard Delbert Miller, dated 5/12/65, 1+7.50 K's Prescription Pharmacy John Parks, 5/11/65, Rx565d4, u8.53 John Alexander, 5/13/65 Rx56906, w,4.99 Gerald Hurst, 5/10/65 Rx 56823, ji6.66, Rx 56824, $2.80 Renton Prescription Pharmacy LeRoy Smith, 5/27/65, RX1O69O5, 13.69 R. Geissler, 6/4/65, RX1O7151, p12.71 6/8/65, RX1O661O, X2.34 6/11/65, RX1O7387, 0.32 RXI07368, 0.58 .,eattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Marvin She-ertz, Statement, 5/19/65, $7.00 Clinic A & H Drugs Marvin Sherertz, Inv. #7767, 2 Gelusil, k,3. 1/9/65 5/9/65 Inv. #8221, 2 Gelusil, w3II, 5/30/65 Inv. X16127, 2 Gelusil, 0: , 5/24/65 Inv. #7992, 2 Gelusil, %3.I1, 5/17/65 Inv. #7600, 2 Gelusil, y3.11, 4/26/65 Shaw's Rexall Drugs T. K. Anderson, Rx281648, 0.31, 6/20/65 Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle that the bills be paid. Carried. 'ENSION WARRANTS: Mrs. Orpha McDonald June, 1965 $150.00 T. K. Anderson June I , 965 305.00 Floyd Lawrence June, 1965 305.00 Mrs. Enza Anderson June, 1965 150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi that the monthly pension warrants be apprnved as read.. Carried„ Firemen's Pension and Relief Board Minutes (cont June 28, 1965 DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES, AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS: Notice of return to work of Charles Goodwin on June I, 1965. Service disability since March I, 1965. Notice of disability of L. Smith dated May 28, 1965, Nature of disability ear infection in both ears and Notice of Recovery dated June 3, 1965 showing man returned to work June 3, 1965. Physician's report by Dr. B. Bardarson for Richard Geissler, diagnosed Infertigo, Gastritis, service-connected, examination date 6/4/65, no time lost. Notice of disability of Lt. Colombi reported examination by Dr. Hartwig on June 19, 1965 for sore throat. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on June 22, 1965 at 0800. Notice of disability for Paul Henry, Nature of disability - Staff infection, laid off on April 26, 1965 at 2:00 p.m. Notice of recovery dated April 29, 1965 reported man missed 18 hours work. Notice of disability for R. Bergman, Nature of disability - Leg Injury, laid off on May 31, 1965. Notice of recovery dated June 12, 1965 reported man returned to work on June 12, 1965 at 8:00 a.m. Notice of disability for Jack Haworth, Nature of disability - Bronchitis, laid off on June 2, 1965. Notice of recovery dated June 6, 1965 reported man returned to work on June 6, 1965 at 8:00 a.m. Physicians report by Dr. D. J. Rohrsson for R. Bergman, disgnosed, partian tear media( collateral lig., non-service connected, examination dates 5/31/65, 6/3/65, 6/5/65 and 6/9/65 returned to work June 10, 1965. Physician's report for Ronald Bergman dated Dec. 17, 1964 diagnosed as nummular eczema, non-service connected, examination dates 11/23/64, 11/30/64 and 12/4/64, no time-lost. Notice of disability for John L. Parks, nature of disability - bad cold, laid off - 0 May 24, 1965. Notice of recovery dated May 27, (965 reported man returned to work on 5/27/65 at 0800. Chairman Custer inquired to the Boards feelings in regard to requiring cursory examina- tions of the firemen yearly with complete physicals when the cursory examination indicates the need. Further discussion on this matter will be taken up at the next meeting so necessary financing can be determined prior to budget time. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Colowbi, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11 :10 a.m. J' D. Custer, Mayor- iairnan Ilelmie 11. Nelson, City Clerk - Secretary -2- FIR MN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD tiINUTES REGULAR MILTING 7-30-65 � BOARDAifl��ER5 Donald Custer, Mayor-Chairnan Dorothea Gossett. City Treasurer Heb,deNelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle Firen_an Jack Colombi, Firer„an The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board aas called to order by Mayor Custer, Chairman, at IO 00 a.m. and all members of the Board ti,ere in attendance. 11oved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Fdnutes of the previous meeting of June 28, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS Notices of Disability and Notices of Recovery were read as folloi!s: Notice of Disability of John L. Parks on June 27th, laid off June 2 h u 7 due to Y 9t injury of left thumb caught on nail while sai,ing a board on a truck. Four stitches tirere required with Notice of Recovery reporting return to duty on July 8, 1965. Physician ..as Dr. Heilpern and disability ;,.as designated to be non-service. Notice of disability of Jack Haworth on 7-3-65 reported called in illness. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on July 6th. Notice of Disability r.lr.ty of D. Haworth reported lay off on July 10th due to flu. Notice of Recover reported Recovery po return to duty on 7-13-65. Cause undetermined as for service connection. Notice of Disability of Ronald A. Bergn.an ori 7-14-65 with lay off on 7-15-65 as result of leg injury sustained at home by slipping on steps. This „gas reinjury tow of previous damage to leg, the non-service disability being denoted at this time. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on July 24th on part tir,,e basis - watch duty only. Notice of disability of Charles Goodwin due to back,injured t:hile stepping off the engine tailboard on July 24th, reported lay off on July 27th, and service connected injury. Notice of Recovery report on return to i-,ork follows. Notice of Disability of Charles Goodwiii due to reaction of n;edication for back injury reported date of disability as July 24th ;uid lay off on July 27th. Dr. Daneil Hiatt recommended relief frorr, duty. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on July 30th. BILLS A. & H. Drugs Inv. dated 6/25/65, ac/Dou&las Haworth, 301 - 3rd .'eve• $2.03, Rx 248526, ac/ Ronald Bergman, 6-1-65 and 6-23-65, Rx 247584, 247585, 247586, $4.38 and '020.63. A. & H. Drugs, 1/2 Invoice #8513 dated 6-18-65, ac/ Jack Colombi, Rx 104509, $6.04, Invoices 8810, 7-6-65, $1217 ac/Larvin Shererta, 8737 dated 7-1-65 $3.15, 2 Gelusil, 8537 &,ted 6-19-65, 2 Gelusil, $3.11 8437 dated 6-13-65, 2 Gelusil, `x3.11, Inv. 8336, 2 Gelusil, js3.11 dated 6-7-65. K's Prescription Pharmacy Invoice 25123 dated 6-7-65, ..c/ Ted LaValley, Rx 57372; 51317, and 51440, $20.84 Dearl S. Ra.ason, D.D.S. Statement for dent-LI service as result of injury to teeth on resuscitator, ,P"150.00, ac/Ronald Bergman Loved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett; that th,: bills be allot-,'ed as read. Carried. Fire;,.en I s Pension and Re]i-f Fund Bo;-,.rd lieeting (cont. 7-30-65 BILLS. Mrs. Lnza Anderson July; 1965 Voucher 9975 ,♦;150.00 T. K. -nderson July; 1965 9976 305.00 Floyd La,,,rrence July, 1965 9978 305.00 Mrs. Orpha TicDonald July, 1965 9979 150.00 Moved by Gossett., seconded by Colombi, that the monthly pension -,arrants be paid. The i.:otion carried. The Secretary subnutted T'lairi from the Current Fund to the Firen.en's Pension Fund for reir:.burser.ent of sal i ies paid to firemen for lost time. This as based upon armue.l salary divided by '912 hours per year = hourly rate, ,�s approved by Fire Chiaf FIRiti':N & ffi,,TE Disability Reported Time off Due George Banasky 1-26-65 to 1-27-65 None y -0- Ron Bergr.:an :P2.21 per hr. x 184 hrs. 1-7-65 to 1-10-65 1 Day Off 3-2-65 to 3-5-65 16 hrs. off 4-13-65 to 4-16-65 1 day off 5-31-65 to 6-12-65 5 days off 406.64 Jack Coloi.ibi .`x2.55 per hr. ., 24 hrs. 6-19-65 to 6-22-65 1 day off 61.20 Robert Connell .;)2.76 per hr. x 48 hrs. 1-22-65 to 1-25-65 1 day off 1-12-65 to 1-15-65 1 day off 132.41' Charles Goodwin 1-25-65 to 1-28-65 1 day off $2.80 per Hr. :, 48 hrs. 2-18-65 to 2-21-65 1 day off 134.40 (March 2 - June 3 on Pension) 3-2-65 to 6-3 -65 jh0. U previously transferred Douglas Hai.orth $2.43 per hr. x 24 hrs. 3-15-65 to 3-18-65 1 day off 58.32 Jack HLi,orth w2.47 per hr. x 96 hrs. 1-31-65 to 2-3-65 1 day off 3-5-65 to 3-8-65 1 day off 4-4-65 to 4-7-65 1 day off 6-3-65 to 6-6-65 1 day off 237.12 Paul Henry ; 2.51 per hr. x 18 hrs. 4-26-65 to 4-29-65 18 hrs. off 45.16 Jerry Nichols w2.43 per hr. x 24 firs. 12-31-64 to 1-3-65 1 day off 58.32 John Parks '42.51 per hr. x 48 hrs. 3-19-65 to 3-22-65 1 day off 5-24-65 to 5-27-65 1 day off 120.15 Bruce Phillips :4,2.47 per hr. x 24 hrs. 3-13-65 to 3-16-65 1 day off 59.28 Marvin Sherertz 1-1-65 to 1-5-65 1 day off 0.03 por hr. x 48 hrs. 2-5-65 to 2-L-65 1 day off 1.45.44 LeRoy Si;,ith 3-2-65 to 3-5-65 16 hrs. off' ,)2.43 per hr. .. 64 hrs. 5-28-65 to 6-3-65 2. days off Franklin Todd 3-22-65 to 3-25-65 1 day off 5t'.EO x2.45 per hr. „ 24 hrs Patrick ' alsh 1-L-65 to 1-11-65 1 day off w2.76 per fir. :: 96 hrs. 4-17-)5 to 4-20-65 1 day off 4-29-65 to 5-5-65 2 days off' ._264.y'i ToLai �3 r:.c?. iry Coloi,bi seconded b r Rrirt:le t a;!.oriz; f,r.y:,.c.nt ::o ; . `y hinutes of the Fireme„'s Pension and Relief Board Eeet.ing (cont.) 7-30-65 The Secretary subndtted the 1966 budget and each item as considered by the Board individually, as follor.s Fireri,en's Pension Budget Account 9010 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS Account No. Description of Items Cost &ployee Benefits 201 Pensions and Disability 17,000 202 Medical Payt,.ents 7,000 Contractual Services i 315 Equipment Rental 137 Katerial and Supplies_ 402 Office Supplies 150 I Capital Outlay 606 File Cabinet (Fire-proof) 425 Salaries & ages 110 Clerk Steno II 3 1:0s. u :x464 1,392 I Several years ago a file cabinet had been authorized at which tirue it rias recommended that it be fire-proof.. Hoi-.ever, due to the cost of x425.00 as opposed to roughly $95.00 for a food cabinet for filing ti-ahich ,:as not fire-proof , the Secretary requested the Doard to make a detern;ination,and it was the concensus of opinion that the cabincl be fireproof. Also, under Equipruent Rental is item of $137.00 and it was pointed out that the City Treasurer has,over the past years; used her oim car and the City car to u:ake investments for the Pension Fund which have required considerable travel as the Treasurer can only invest .`x10,000.00 in each individual bank. 1/4 the cost was deemed fair.Itemt of lerk Steno II for 3 months was submitted for reirabursement to the City Clerk's office for clerical services •.�hich previously had als:ays been assu;,.ed by the City Clerk frou, her budget. It was brought up by Pringle and Colorbi that the city should have an actuarial. survey and that the consultant ops b;; sth.riz,,d 1. i:cd,­;; ..cc_unt 5u7. hoved by Pringle, seconded by ossett, to accept the budget with inclusion of itemts as read. Carried. COU'ITTZE REPORTS - Old Business The Coua:.ittee requested additional time for study and review of the Forurs nol required for Disability Notices, and also,they were still ..orking on the matter of a Physician for tLe Fir%,en physicals which they had discussed r:ith Dr. H.rt :ig. Dr. HartwiS felt he could become the pension physician but suggested it be on 0, retainer basis. firs. Gossett suggested perhaps the Board could pay 1/2 of the salary no,., being paid Dr. HartiiL as City Health Officer. Dr. Michel is presently serving as physician to acb,dnister the physicals. He is, however, a heart specialist and it was suggested that perhaps Dr. Hart:.-ig would perform the physical ex ,tinations and refer the 'lire- man to specialists :,hen needed. It was felt that wore inforr.,ation is required for final deternci.rration and it vas\,pointcd out th..L the ratter should be expedited with time approaching for budget considerations to be finalized. The Firemen's Local feels payment for the physicals should be made by the Civil Service Commissions. Moved by Pringle; seconded by Coloniui, that the Secretary smite the City Attorney ar.d request the ruling as to the liability of the Firemen'3 Pension Board Fund in the event a m..ember of the Renton Fire Department s.lso served as a Volunteer Fireman in another District and should be injured or killed in his service tirith the Volunteer Fire Departr,&nt. Carried. Roved by Pringle, seconded by Colom:bi, that the szuue fine be retained to conduct the actuarial survey as perfoni,ed the service in 1960 and that, the Clerk request the study to b-_� coiapleted in ti,,:e for budget cons ider-U ion. Carried. k` s there w.:s no further business to coi:c forth at this ti.rae, it cas moved by Gossutt, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carriect. AIQ ,djo ned at 11 00 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING BOARD MEMBERSAugust 26, 1965 Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie IV. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Mayor Custer, Chairman, at 10:00 a.m. All members were present with the exception of Jack Colombi; Dave %Ialsh, alternate, serving in his absence. Also in attendance was Captain John Alexander. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 30, 1965, be approved as written. Carried. l COMMUNICATIONS AND BILLS A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson was read asking if the Firemen's Pension Fund would consider purchasing the bonds for a proposed Local Improvement District for Sanitary Sewers in the vicinity of Longacres (L.I.D. No. 2S3). The cost of the project was estimated not to exceed $15,000. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle to concur, assessing an interest rate of 4.750. Carried. The Secretary read a communication from Marsh $ HcLennan, Inc., Consulting Actuary, submitting the Actuarial Valuation of the City of Renton Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund projected to December 31, 1965. The report made the following conclusions: "The actuarial balance sheet shows the present value of future City and State taxes necessary to balance the funding of the Firemen's Pension Fund is $1,145,996. Your share of State taxes has been estimated to provide $68,453 of this amount, leaving the balance of $1,077,543 to be provided from City taxes. Our report shows that a mil rate of .993 will be sufficient to meet the necessary revenues and we recommend that you assess taxes at a mil rate of .993 in respect of your obligations to the 14 Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund until the next actuarial valuation. While there has been a substantial increase in the assessments of the City since the last valuation, there has also been a substantial increase in pay rates of firemen and in the number of firemen covered. It is for these reasons that the recommended contribution rate is not lower. The Fund is actuarially sound in that the assets and the prospective income are sufficient to pay the anticipated benefits. Many of these funds in other cities have determined the mil rate to be contributed only on the basis of receipts and disbursements during the year of valuation. If you were to adopt this interpretation of the applicable law, it would not be necessary to make any contribution ution during 1966 since State Taxes, Interest and Employee Contributions would be greater than the probable payout. This is not a sound method of financing these benefits and we do not recommend it while you are in a position to fund the benefits in an orderly fashtion." The Secretary stated that all Board Members had been furnished copies, and each Fire Station. More copies have been requested for the Council Members. A Doctor's Report from Dr. Heilpern regarding disability of John L. Parks due to injury of left thumb sustained while sawing a board was read. The doctor's report indicated the injury was not the direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department.en t. An itemized statement tcment i n the sum of $30.00 from the North Renton Clinic Dr. Rudolph Heil e ( n p p r ) covering this injury was read. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Board authorize payment of $5.00 charge for injection incurred on July 28th - the statement covering the balance of $35.00 be returned to the North Renton Clinic directing that it be submitted to King County Medical Service Bureau for payment. Carried. Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Hoard Minutes (cont.) August 26, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS AND BILLS (cont.) Notices of Disability and Notices of Recovery ware read as follows: Notice of Disability of Donald Goodwin on August 10th, laid off same day due to flu. Notice of Recovery reporting return to duty August 13, 1965. ftow Notice of Disability of Paul Henry, laid off August 24th due to bad back. Cause undetermined as for service connection. Notice of Recovery of Charles Goodwin reported return to duty August 2, 1965. BILLS A $ 11 Drugs Inv. dated 7/14/65, ac/Ronald Bergman, Rx 249193, $ 4.01 301 - 3rd Inv. dated 7/14/65, ac/Ronald Bergman, Crutch Rental, 7.82 Charles Goodwin Reimbursement, 7/28/65, Rx 236130, 3,29 North Renton Clinic Statement, Injection on 6/28/65, ac/ John Parks 5.00 The Polyclinic Statement, examination on 6/5/65, ac/Ted LaValley 17.75 Renton Prescription Inv. 13997 dated 6/23/65, ac/ Richard Geissler, Pharmacy Rx 107117, Rx 106610, Rx 106611 16.88 Inv. 14096 dated 6/29/65, ac/ Richard Geissler, Rx 106610, Rx 107.151, Rx 10611 17.71 Inv. 14647 dated 8/3/65, ac/LeRoy Smith, Rx 108766 7.40 Shaw Drugs Inv. 2865 dated 7/24/65, ac/T.K. Anderson, Rx 281646 3.13 Inv. 3096 dated 8/12/65, ac/T.K. Anderson, Rx 281648 5.31 Inv. 4965 dated 8/20/65, ac/T.K. Anderson, Rx 281646 3.13 Karl Strom Reimbursement, 7/30/65, chiropractic services 5.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, to approve payment of the bills as presented. Carried. Pension Fund Vouchers: Mrs. Enza Anderson August, 1965 Voucher No. 224 $150.00 T. K. Anderson August, 1965 225 305.00 Floyd Lawrence August, 1965 227 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald August, 1965 228 150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension fund warrants be drawn. Carried. FIREMEN'S PENSION BUDGET The Secretary requested that the Firemen's Pension Budget for 1966, as approved at the last regular meeting, be brought up at this time for reconsideration. Mayor Custer stated that in accordance r:ith the recommendation contained in the actuarial survey, he has included .z levy of .993 mills for the benefit of the Firemen's Pension Fund, which would provide $82,286 in revenue from this source. Other estimated revenues included $26,000 interest, 1;5,215 - the City's share in the distribution of 45% of taxes on fire insurance premiums made to those cities having a statutory firem en,s pensbn fund,emp]oyee contributions in the sum of $15,732, for a total estimated revenue figure of $129,233. The Secretary noted that this would necessitate an addition to the expenditure section of the budget, as available surplus from 1966 revenue, in the sum of $103,129, bringing the expenditure section of $26 104 to the P , total of $129,233, to balance with receipts, as required. I The Mayor pointed to the actuary's report wherein the statement was made that if the City were tc adopt the interpretation of the applicable law, it would not be necessary to make any contribution during, 1966, since State Taxes, Interest and Employee Contributions would be greater than the probable payout. lie further noted that there is a lack of funds to provide for requested and needed improvements to Fire Station facilities--including the requested addition to the Headquarter Station, $55,000; Training Area and Station, h15,000, and costs attendant with the acquisition and j construction of a third Fire Station. Ile asked the Board's feelings relative to financing some of these costs through the Firemen's Pension Fund. It was the general consensus that this would leave the Hoard open to criticism, and would not constitute a proper use or administration of Firemen's Pension Fund. City Treasurer Gossett stated that when the City purchased Cedar River Park a loan had been secured from the Pension Fund and had been written up by the State Auditor in their annual report. -2- Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Minutes (cont.) August 26, 1965 FIREMEN'S PENSION BUDGET (cont.) The Secretary called the Board's attention to her letter dated August 17, directed to the Board and all members of the Fire Department, withdrawing the request for reimbursement to the General Fund, for services rendered by the City Clerk's Department. Mayor Custer stated he was not in agreement with the withdrawal of this appropriation, and that it had been included in the Preliminary Budget, as previously authorized by the Board. The letter from the Secretary had pointed out that all services, materials and supplies, etc. had been paid from the General Fund, in past years, with the exception of a typewriter and printed forms for reporting injuries and illness. All other expenditures and services had been provided out of the City Clerk's and Treasurer's budgets and charged against the General Fund. It was pointed out that the Constitution provides that one fund shall not benefit from another fund--each should bear their own costs of operation, and this has been done by other funds, with the exception of the Firemen's Pension Fund. At this time Fireman Pringle recalled that sometime past the Board had authorized the purchase of a filing cabinet. The budgetary cards for years 1960 - 1965 were brought to the meeting and examined and no such purchase was found on the records. The Secretary stated,ghe had previously informed the Board that the file cabinet had not been purchased at the time authorized as she had secured one from Mayor Aliment. This was provided by the Mayor at that time to compensate the Clerk's Department for furnishing secretaries for various meetings which included Mayor's meetings, weekly Citizens's Advisory Council, Highway Commission meetings and others. The Firemen's Pension Board records are now housed in this and another cabinet, together with Clerk's records, and the Secretary stated she could continue to do so. These cabinets are not fireproof, however. The discussion returned to the problem of financing capital improvements for the Fire Department and whether this could be accomplished using Firemen's Pension Funds. The Mayor noted that the millage designated to the Fund for next year, recommended by the Actuary but not mandatory, as other revenues meet the requirement could have been used. Needed improvements not previously mentioned included Fire Station Sites in the Kennydale and Sierra Heights Areas. The Board members felt that the Firemen's Pension Fund could only participate in the event the City Council issued General Obligation Bonds . Council authorized bonds can only be authorized to the extent of one and one-half per cent of the Assessed Valuation. This is the limitation imposed without submitting a bond issue to a vote of the people. Council authorized levy for this purpose nust be contained within the 15 mills allotted to cities. It was noted that the Board would only be interested if they received an attractive interest rate and that the City could secure a lower rate from other sources. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Walsh, that the amount in the budget for reimburs&ble services remain as submitted. Carried. Fireman Pringle reported that Bruce Phillips stated he has never received payment for a bill in the amount of $5.51 for prescriptions, which had been authorized by the Board. The Secretary checked with her office and a photostatic copy of Warrant No. 6993, carrying the endorsement of Mr. Phillips and the bank was tendered to the Firemen Board Members to turn over to Fireman Phillips. There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P.M. D. W. Custer, Hayor-Chairman Helmie IV. Nelson, City Clerk r: -3- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEFT1 NG BOARD MEMBERS Septembr,r 2.4, 1965 Donald IJ. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was galled to order by Mayor Custer, Chairman, at 10:30 a.m. with all members of the Board in attendance. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 26, 1965 be approved as submitted. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS AND BILLS: Notice of Recovery was read certifying that Paul Henry had been disabled from August 24, 1965 to August 27, 1965 reporting to duty on the latter date. Notice of Disability was read reporting that P. J. Henry was laid off due to a bad cold on 9-17-65. Notice of Recovery reported return of Paul Henry to duty on 9-20-65 with total of 182 hrs. off due to severe sinus condition. Notice of Disability reported injury to back of Karl Strom was cause of his disability on September 4, 1965. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on September 7th. Notice of Disability, dated September 9, 1965, reported disability on 9-5-65 of Bruce Phillips due to infected finger and stiff neck. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9-12-65. Notice of Disability of Leroy Smith, dated 9-17-65 reported tonsilectomy and lay off on 9-1965. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9-22-65. Report of Physician Daniel D. Hiatt advised that Charles Goodwin was first ex- amined on 7-27-65,diagnosed as acute lumbosacral strain incurred during performance of duties in the fire department. Fire Department Memo reported return to duty of Ronald Bergman on August 20, 1965. Bill dated 8-31-65 from IBM was read which invoice F65054 in sum of $39.58 covers Maintenance Agreement on electric typewriter, Serial $1477729 from 7-16-65 to 7-15-66. The Secretary advised upon inquiry that the service contract is within the budgeted account. A-H Drugs 2820 Sunset Blvd. E . 9-7 - Invoice 9771, Ron Bergman, Rxl09466,$3.13 8-19- Marvin L. Sherertz, Invoice 9483, Rx93085, 7-26 and 2 Gelusil, $12.17; Invoice 9092, $3.11 9-13-Invoice 9882, Gelusil, $3.11 K's Prescription Pharmacy 8-1.8, Inv. 26198, Ted LaValley, $10.94; 8-16-65, 2nd Avenue North R Park Street J. Alexander, Inv. 26168, $ 5.52 Firemen's Pension Boat Meetinrl (Cont. ) 9-24-65 BILLS: Renton Prescription Phavatacy 8-24-65, Invoice 14947, Leroy Smith, $6.46 217 - 4th Place 9 18 -65, Invoice No. 341, LeRoy Smith, $3.13 9-20-6S, Invoice No. 362, R. Geissel, $),1 .85 The Polyclinic 920 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 8-?-65, Statement, Exam Ted La Valley, X-ray, Service-connected, $24.00 Daniel D. Hiatt, M.D. 9-10-65, Statement, Exam of 7-27-65, Diathermy for back injury, $10.00 Marsh & McLennan-Cosgrove & Company Seattle 8-27-65 Statement, Actuarial Fees, $625.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi , that ilio bills he allowed as read. Carried. Monthly Pension Vouchers: Mrs. Enza Anderson September, 1965 $150.00 T. K. Anderson it It 305.00 Floyd Lawrence it It 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald It It 150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the monthly pension warrants be paid. Carried. Upon inquiry from the Secretary as to whether the City Council had considered the matter of funding of $500.00 for annual physicals, Mayor Custer replied that the Council is not ready to submit this matter to the Board as yet. As there was no further business, it was moved by Jack Colombi, seconded by Jack Pringle to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a. m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie IJ. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary J FIREMEN`S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING October 29, 1965 BOARD MEMBERS Donald W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer He]mie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 3:30 p.m. with all Board Members present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 24, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Notices of Disability of James F. Ashurst were read for disability from possible peptic ulcer with examination and lay-off on September 21 and Physician's report of examination that date and scheduled X-ray. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on September 22. Disability Notice for X-ray reported lay-off on September 24 and the Recovery Notice reported return to duty on September 27th. Notice of Disability for X-ray examination dated lay-off as September 30 and Recovery Notice and return to work on October 1st. Notice of Disability designated lay-off on date of October 6 dr_e to stomach disorder and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on October 7, 1965. NOW Physician's Report advised of examination on 5-17-65 of Ronald A. Bergman, disabled by Maxillary Centrals from being hit in the mouth by resuscitator. This report had been in the Fire Department files and was not previously submitted. The Physician quoted a fee of $150.00 with work scheduled to begin on July 2nd. Notice of return to full time duty from knee injury of 7-14-65 was reported by Inter-Office Memo from the Fire Department for Ronald Bergman who had been working on part time basis since July 24. Notice of Disability of Bruce Phillips,due to infected finger,reported lay-off from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on 9-15-65 and return to duty at noon that day was designated in Notice of Recovery signed by Captain Tor:da . Notice of Disability of Doug Haworth reported lay-off on 10-2-65 due to breathing trouble . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10-5-65. A letter addressed to whom it may concern, reported that Mr. Haworth was conducting himself in a proper manner at all times while at the Towne House Restaurant on October 1, 1965, when he was attacked by another party unreasonably and unprovoked. Five signatures appeared as witnesses to the incident. Notice of Disability of Jack Haworth on 10-1.0-65 due to a cold was read with Notice of Recovery reporting return to duty on 10-13-65. Notice of Disability reported lay-off of Leroy Smith on 10-19-65 due to broken heel. Notice of Disability of Marvin Sherertz due to strep throat reported lay-off on 10-25-65 and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10-27-65. -1- .Y a Minutes of the Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 10-29-65 COMMUNICATIONS (Cont. ) A letter was read from City Engineer Jack Wilson requesting that the Firemen's Pensior..., Fund Board consider purchase of Bonds for Local Improvement District No. water . 254 fo mains and fire hydrants for Cedar River Home Sites in estimated project cost of $7,000. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Firemen's Pension Board approve purchase of L.I .D. 254 bonds at interest rate of 4.75%. Carried. An inquixy was made by Mayor Custer on behalf of Councilman Schellert and the Ways and Means Committee as to whether the Firemen's Pension Fund might buy the contract for $30,000.00 purchase of a third fire station site,repayment to be later budgeted with interest. Discussion ensued as to whether a loan might be made by the Pension Fund and it was moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for opinion as to legality of such transaction. Motion by Gossett and seconded by Pringle carried. A Claim was submitted by the Current Fund for the following salaries paid during disability periods covered by pension: Chas. A. Goodwin 7-27 to 8-2 22 hrs. @ $2.80 61.60 Paul J. Henry 8-24 to 8-27 and 9-17 to 9-20 421- hrs. @ $2.51 106.68 John L. Parks 6-29 to 7-8 51 hours @ $2.51 128.01 Donald Goodwin 8-10 to 8-13 24 hours @ $2.47 59.28 Karl B. Strom 9-4 to 9-7 24 hours @ $2.47 59.28 Jack E . Haworth 7-3 to 7-6 24 hours @ $2.47 59.28 Bruce H. Phillips 9-5 to 9-12 48 hours @ $2.47 118.56 Douglas Haworth 7-10 to 7-13 24 hours @ $2.43 58.32 Leroy Smith 9-19 to 9-22 24 hours @ $2.43 58.32 Now Ronald A. Bergman 7-15 to 7-24 1.20 hours @ $2.21 265.20 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that copy of the Claimlbe furnished the Fire53 Department for verification and report back. Carried. The Secretary was requested to check into communication concerning liability of the Firemen's Pension Fund of Renton in event of injury or death of a Renton Fireman serving as a Volunteer Fireman in another fire district. Chairman Custer brought up the matter of $500.00 cost of annual physicals for Fire Department personnel and advised that the Council during budget hearings stated its intention that such physicals be funded from the Firemen's Pension Fund, otherwise the Council would have reduced the amount audgeted into the Pension Fund from the revenue millage. Moved b Gossett,e seconded ent for physicls be referred to the City Attorney bfor rlegality aoftfunding efrom the r of mFiremen's Pension Fund. Carried. Fireman Pringle called attention to the fact that his term as a Board Member expires this meeting and the Secretary was directed to notify i the Fire Chief of that an election is in order immediately to fill the Fireman position onon Pension Board. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the Secretary check with City Attorney Shellan relative to legality of collecting $80.40 I'en:-J on Fund contribution from M. �herextz, .inpaid at time his salary was paid by the Pension Board. Notice of payment due was given however Fireman Sherertz does not believe the payment is required while he is covered under Pensioned salary. If legal, how is collection to be affected. Carried. -2- Minutes of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 10-29-65 BILLS: .... James Ashurst-Reimbursement for 9-22-65 statement, Maalox, $2.69 purchased at Shaw's Rexall Drugs John Bernier, D. C., Statement 9-21-65 for professional services Sept. 3 for X-ray and six office calls, Aug. 12, 23, 30 and Sept. 1, 3, and 7, 1965 - Total $35.00, ac/Karl Strom Highlands Drug, Dummy Statement, ac/ Bruce Phillips, Rec. 22497, $2.76 and #22501, $3.65. I.B.M. Corporation, Invoice No. 15052 dated 9-16-65 for 1 #2 Platen - 15" for I.B.M. typewriter, $16.41 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Invoices 26782, J. Parks, $4.79 and No. 26848, $3.07, ac/ John Alexander Peoples National Bank of Washington, Statement of October 2, 1965, Safe Deposit Box Rent, $9.00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Invoice No. 918 dated 10-25-65, ac/Leroy Smith, $3.23 Rx 111079 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, Statement dated 9-27-65, Office Call 8-9-65 ac/Marvin Sherertz and X-rays, $42.00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, Wells St., Inv. 9244, 9837,dated October 11 and 25, ac/T. K. Anderson, Pres. Rx281646 and Rx281648, $8.44 Monthly Pension Warrants: Month of October Mrs. Enza Anderson - $150.00 T. K. Anderson - $305.00 Floyd Lawrence - $305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the Bills and Monthly Pension Warrants be paid. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. c D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary t y„� -a % . , tti` L FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD til �� 1�{ REGULAR MEETING December 1,1965 BOARD MEMBERS: D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer now Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order this date due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and postponing the regular meeting of November to this date. meeting convened at 4:00 p.m. with all Board Members in attendance. The Fire Depa :,- -' has not yet held an election to elect a new Board Member to fill the position of Pringle whose term has expired, but will do so in the near future. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 29, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter was read from City Attorney Shellan submitting opinions as requested. "Answering item No. 1, we refer you to RCW 41.18.050 et seq (1955 Act) which provide- for the benefits accruing to a fireman who is disabled in line of duty. It is, in c,--.r opinion, a question of fact to be determined by the Board as to whether any fireman was injured or killed while in the line of duty. You will also notice that the 1955 Act provides for benefits when such disablement or death occurs while not in line of duty. You have supplied no information as to how many firemen in our City Department, if any; are covered by the "Volunteer Firemen's Pension and Relief Act" as codified in RCW d' 24.010. Please refer to the definition of "Fire Department" of the aforesaid sectiuz -L,"No determine whether it applies to the City of Renton. Said Act also provides for benef _ts in case of death, disability and retirement. You may also wish to refer to RCW 41.241.0;:;) and advise `whether such "enrollment" has taken place by the City of Renton. We under- stand that there is an Attorney General's opinion (1947-48 p.8) pertaining to the of enrollment of a member serving both city and a fire district. If you wish to pu c-.- . this matter further, we shall be glad to secure a copy of said Opinion." Your next question relates to the authority of the Firemen"s Pension Fund to pay oat $500.00 per year for the expense of annual physical examinations for the personnel of the Fire Department. again looking at the 1955 Act hereinabove referred to, the Do--_:_'. has has the power to make rules and regulations which are not inconsistent "with this chapter for the purpose of carrying out an6 effecting the same." All reference to physical exams refer to instances where the fireman has become disabled or injured we cannot find any express authority within said chapter that would allow the Board expend funds for medical expenses not connected with or arising by reason of some injury or disability. Please refer to RCW 41.18.050, 060, 090, etc. We therefore would conclu '- that it may be of doubtful legal practice to spend funds for annual examinations when they are not related whatever to any injury or disability sustained by the firemen. We also refer you to RCW 41.16.040, sub-section "10" relating to the employment of a physician by the Board. We suggest that said section be brought to the attention of jthe Board since it appears to answer, at least partially, the question raised. Answering your final question as to the possibility of the city securing a $30,000.00 loan from the Firemen"s Pension Fund to purchase a fire station site, we definitely believe that such loan or investment would be illegal since it certainly would not b- one of the investments authorized by statute . We again refer you to RCW 41.16.040, sub-section "4" which should answer your question in full. Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Mayor Custer advised that his letter of November 15, 1965 directed to the City Council regarding the cost of physical examinations and budget hearing action, had been referred to the Committee of the Whole and the Committee will be recommending transfer of $500.00 ,.. from the Fire Department Account 2200, Capital Outlay 606 - Landscape, Unto the 1966 Civil Service Budget to cover funding of the physical examinations in question. All Police and Fire Department personnel will receive physicals the first year and thereafter such examinations will be given as directed or required by the Civil Service Commission. The physicals will be used to determine whether retirement should be effected or whether assignment should be made to less strenuous positions as the physical report may designate. It was pointed out that a person cannot be required to accept an assignment if there is less salary involved but may, however, do so if it is his request or desire due to his physical disability. Notices of Disability, Physician's Report and Recovery Notice were read as follows: Physician's Report by Baird M. Bardarson, dated 10-29-65 advised of disability of LeRoy Smith caused by fall from scaffolding resulting in injury to both heels. This was not a service connected disability. It was estimated that 21- months would be required before return to active duty. Notice of Disability dated 11-14-65 reported that Donald Goodwin had called in ill with a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on November 17, 1965 and was signed by Captain George Banasky. The matter of the Claim by the Current Fund against the Pension Fund for salary paid firemen during disability periods was discussed and verification from the Fire Department covered an extended period resulting in some discrepancy, also where period extended over VAMW a week end but actually involved days off. The reports will be revised to coincide and be resubmitted. BILLS: The Secretary reported that due to the holiday and postponement of the regular November meeting it had been necessary to set up the Pension Fund Warrants. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle to concur in the action taken. Carried. Warrants were wr;+ten as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson - $150.00; Floyd Lawrence - $305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald - $150.00; T.K. Anderson, $305.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Warrants be approved as written. Carried. A. & H. Drugs, Statements, ac/D. Haworth, 10-2-65, Pres. 252186, 10-Y-65 - $4.94 A. & H. Drugs #2, Invoices 125 and 9976, ac/M. Sherertz, Gelusil Rx93085, $15.28 Jack Colombi, Reimbursement for A. & H. Drugs payment, $6.25, Pres. Rx115199 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Inv. 27324, 26973, ac/J. Ashurst, $1.55 and Maalox $3.85 $27.90 Total Inv. 27259, ac/Paul Henry, $8 .02, Rx 60282,60283 Inv. 27150, ac/John Parks, Rx60148, $3.54 Inv. 27021, ac/Ted LaValley, Rx 57372 and 51440, $10.94 4 L. Patricel] i, M.D. , Statement 10-19-65, ac/T. K. Andersen, O.C. and Lab, $13.50 Renton Hospital. Statement 11-22-65, ac/James Ashurst, $5.00 - Upper G.I. R! X-ray ac/LeRoy Smith, Balance due -- Surgery - $6.00 Ii 3.v z•1 ' iremen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 12-1-65 BILLS : (Cont.) Renton Rx Pharmacy, Invoice 1003, ac/Richard Geissler, Maalox 106611 and Rx 106610 107151 dated 10-29-65, $12.00 Mai Shaw's Drugs, Invoice dated 11-15-65, ac/T.K. Anderson, Rx 281648, $5.31 LeRoy Smith - Reimbursement for payment to A. & H. Drugs 10-24-65, $1.72 for crutch pads `ionasket Drug, Statement 10-28-65, ac/Douglas Haworth, Rx 44081, 44082 and 44083, $18.24 1fa ed by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the current bills be paid as read. Carried. -inquiry was made as to whether $80.40 had been received from Fireman Sherertz;pension fund contributions unpaid while he was receiving pension fund disability payments. It was reported that the payment has not been received. Letter was read which had been sent to Fireman Sherertz by the Secretary advising of the amount which was due and also a letter from the City Attorney quoting excerpt from the Association of Washington Cities Bulletin confirming that the payments must be continued if the period is to be counted toward retirement. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Board policy be that all disability payments whether service connected or non-service connected be paid by the regular payroll fund and a claim be submitted to the Firemen's Pension Fund for the reimbursement, deductions to be made as always and without exception. Carried. The Secretary inquired regarding revision of present Disability Forms and the Committee reported they had not had time to review the forms as yet. It was requested by the Secretary that she be permitting to secure forms from other Municipalities as some new type of forms are definitely needed. The Secretary was authorized to secure the forms as requested. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Colombi and seconded b Gossett to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 .m. J Y � J g P i i D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman 11elmie Nelson, City Clerk - Secretary i c� , FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF AOARD ��'� (Pf, ,, , i REGULAR MEETING r December 30 1965 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman ..� Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jeck Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 2:30 p.m. All members of the Board were present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 1, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. Notice was read that Fireman Jack Pringle had been duly elected as Board Member for a two year term expiring in October, 1967. COMMUNICATIONS: Notice was read announcing a Public Pension Commission hearing on January 14th at the Sherwood Inn, Tacoma, Washington. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle that the Pension Board go on record as opposing the Commission recommendation for consolidation of Fire and Police Retirement Systems. Mayor Custer advised he could not vote in affirmative at this time as he did not have enough information and did feel the proposal had some benefits. He would not be favorable to the consolidation however if the low Pension Fund benefits of the Firemen were decreased thereby. He is opposed to present millage having to go into the fund. Secretary Nelson advised she was not prepared to vote for such motion for lack of information and the vote resulted in two aye votes and two no votes, the Treasurer not having arrived at the meeting at this time. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Gossett, that the members of the Pension Board be authorized to attend the Hearing at Tacoma on January 14th and that the expenses be assumed by the Pension Fund. Carried. The Secretary presented a Claim for reimbursement from the Current Fund against the Firemen's Pension Fund for disability payments from July 1, 1965 to September 30, 1965 in total sum of $1,267.82. This Claim had been verified against the Fire Department records and payroll records. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle that the Current Fund Claim be allowed and approved and the City Clerk be authorized to make the necessary transfer. Carried. Physician's report by Dr. Rudolph Heilpern, reported disability of Fireman John Alexander due to Herpes Zoster, (Shingles), and examinations therefor on 9-28, 9-29, 9-30 and 10-7-65. Additional report advised of exams on 10-18 and 10-20- 1965 for acute lumbo sacral sprain, both reports designated disability to be result of duties performed. Physician's report of Dr. Arthur p r hur R. Griffin, advised of examination of Fireman `.. Jack Pringle on 10-10-62 and subsequent examinations on 5-11 to 5-18, and 11-26, to 12-9-65, 12-13 to 12-29-1965, with disability attributed to glandular in- fection and whether ,job connected or not was unknown. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Gossett, that the Board make determination that the illness is more likely than not ,job-connected. Pringle abstained and the mot'inn carried linauimou=;ly. I -2- Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 12-30-65 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Notice of disability of Ed Wooten due to the flu was read with 11-30-65 being date laid off. Notice of recovery stated return to duty to be as of 12-3-65. hr' Physician's Report of Dr. Bardarsen advised of examination of Bruce Phillips on 9-7. 9-10, 9-11, 9-13, 9-14, and 9-15, for cervical sprain acquired when lifting radiator from fire truck. Service connected disability was noted. Notice of recovery reported date laid off as 12-14 and return to duty on 12-17-65. Notice of Disability reported Doug Haworth off on 12-10-65 due to back condition which he reported might be kidney trouble. Notice of Recovery advised of return to duty on 12-13-65. Notice of Disability of Jack Haworth due to flu as of 12-9-65 was read and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12-12-65. Non-service connected disability was noted. Notice of Disability of James F. Ashurst on September 24, 1965 with lay off on 11-29-65 due to stomach disorder was reported as service-connected. Notice of Recovery specified 12-13-65 as date of return to duty. Notice of Disability was read advising of illness of Ted LaValley due to the flu on 12-17-65. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12-22-65. Notice of Disability reported lay-off of Bruce Phillips for surgery on index finger of left hand. . Notice of Disability reported illness of John L. Parks due to flu on December 20, woo 1965 and Notice of Recovery reported return to work on December 23, 1965. Notice of Disability reported illness of Ron Bergman due to flu on 12-20-65 and lay-off on 12-21-65. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12-24-65. BILLS WEP.E P.EAD AS FOLLOWS: il. & H. Drugs, #2, a/c M. L. Sherertz, Inv. 815, Rx113926, $3.33 Inv. 766, Rx93O85, Voucher 17%..9 $9.07 a/c Jack Colombi, Inv. 1173, Rx115514, $13.03, Inv. 1157, Rx115354� $4.22 C. David Heflen, M.D., a/c John Alexander, exam and Treatment 10-18-65 and 10-20-65, Voucher 1752 $12.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac. J. Ashurst, Inv. 27597, Rx6O7O8 and Maalox, $5.41 Voucher 1753 North Renton Clinic, a/c John Alexander, Statement 11-15-65 Office calls and treat- Voucher 1756 ment, 9-28-65, 9-29-65, 930-65 and 10-7-65, $27.00. Renton Hospital, a/c LeRoy Smith, $47.50, Statement December 16, 1965 Voucher 1757 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, a/c Ronald Bergman, Rxll20O, $1.56 mod Voucher 1758 a/c R. Geissler, Rx1O711, 106610, 106611, $18.18 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, Inv. 17705, Rx281646, 281648 ac. T. K. Anderson, $8.44 Douglas Haworth-- A. & H. Drugs, Rx254597, $8.13 - Voucher 1958 -3- Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 12-30--65 BILLS: (Cont.) memo Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the bills be paid as read. Carried. Monthly Pension Fund Warrants were read as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson December Payment Voucher 1750 $150.00 T. K. Anderson it It It 1751 305.00 Floyd Lawrence It " it 1754 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald it " it 1755 150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the regular monthly pension fund Warrants be drawn as submitted. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. D. W. Custer, ayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary WOW NOW 2 U 0... ilAl FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR MEETING January 31, 196 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 3:00 p.m. and all Board Members were present except the Treasurer who was represented by the Deputy City Treasurer, Janet Crabb. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 30, 1965 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: Notice of Disability of Fireman Gerald Hurst due to a cold as reported by Mrs. Hurst noted absence on December 30th. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1-2-66. Notice reported disability of George Banasky due to the flu as of January 1, 1966. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1-4-66. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty of Leroy Smith from disability dating from October 19, 1965. Notice of Disability reported James F. Ashurst laid off on 1-26-66 due to flu and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on January 28, 1966. BILIS WERE READ AS FOLLOWS: Jack Colombi, $6.05, Dorothea Gossett, $3.91; Helmie Nelson, $3.91, Jack Pringle, $6.01 - Attendance at State Public Pension Commission Hearing in Tacoma on January 14, 1966. K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Paul Henry, Rx 62146, 62147, Inv. 28675, $21.67 ae/James Ashurst, Inv. 28010, Rx61246, 60708, $6.30 and Inv. 28543, Maalox, $1.55 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 28139, Rx 51317, 57372, 51440, in sum of $20.84 J. C. Michel, M.D., Statement 1-25-66, ac/Wm. Larson, Physical, $68.00 The Polyclinic, ac/Ted La Valley, Service December 8 and 11, 19650 $23.00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/R. Geissler, Rx 106611, 107151, 106610, $18.70 fcr Inv. 2399 dated 1-19-66. Patrick Walsh, $11.95, Reimburse for payment to Dr. John Shields - Service rendered 11-3-65 and balance due from 10-14-65. -l- Firemen's Pension Board Minutes (Cont.) 1-31-66 MONTHLY PENSION WARRANTS - January, 1966 Mrs. Enza Anderson - $150.00 T. K. Anderson 314.00 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Crabb, to pay the bills as read including the monthly pension warrants. Carried. Reports of Dr. J. C. Michel were read on physical examinations of Larry R. Weiss, who was found to be in excellent health to date, complete systemic review being normal with good eyesight and heart and laboratory work report of normal. No height or weight was listed in the report and a call to the Dr. was made with the ht. bein; 5'8" and wt. 160 lbs; John J. McLaughlin, Jr. physical examination in- r,�icated normal and satisfactory findings and no disability with ht. 5'10" and wt. of 155 lbs. It was moved by Nelson, seconded by Pringle to approve the reports and to so notify the Civil Service Commission. The motion carried. Physical report of Dr. Michel on William H. Larson reported satisfactory prior history except for modest exception of low back pain some 2 years ago but special attention to same reveals flexibility and no nerve conduction changes or limitation in motion. Lab work reported normal with the only abnormality being eyesight which ;_s 20/100 but corrected perfectly to 20/20 with glasses. Moved by Colombi, and seconded by Custer, to reject this applicant as vision does not meet requirements of the physical standards for fire service as set forth in rules and regulations adopted by the Board. Carried. A brief discussion followed relative to the Public Pension Commission meeting in Taccma on January 14th which was attended by Board Members Gossett, Nelson, Pringle and Colombi as well as several members of the Fire Department. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. r A D. W. Custer, Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, Secretary Special meetings were convened by telephone to consider report on applicant Daniel J. O'Connor. Examination report of Dr. Michel had been furnished all Board Members. The report advised of brain tumor removal some years ago and also of accident which amputation of tip of left index finger was a result. Other findings were satisfactory however, Dr. Michel pointed out that requirements of the standards for fire service a;-e not met. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson that applicant O'Connor be rejected as per report and the Fire Chief and Civil Service Commission be so notified. Carried. A meeting was convened by phone to consider advisability of sending applicant Larson to another physician for further check inasmuch as Dr. Michel reported 20/20 vision with glasses. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, to set up appointment with Dr. Robert Maynard for recheck of vision. Carried. Subsequent meeting by phone was held for report of Dr. Maynard which revealed 20/13 each eye with correction and 20/20 together or using both eyes. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi to approve the applicant Wm. Larson on basis of report and to notify the Fire Chief and Commission. Carried. _2_ 202 1. f�J rF 1 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR MEETING .: February 28, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. and all Board Members were present. Also in attendance was Captain John Alexander. Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: I Notice of disability of Lt. Colombi due to cold and sinus infection reported laid off date of 1-27-66 and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1-30-66, with probable service-connection. Physican's Report advised of disability of Ernest Tonda due to abrasion of right index finger with first examination 1-13 and subsequent examinations on 1-14, 1-20 and 2-2-1966, and service-connected disability was designated. Notice of Disability reported Douglas Haworth off due to flu on February 8, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2-11-66. Notice of disability of John L. Parks on 2-21-66 reported strained muscle while getting out of rover when boat capsized on Hoh river. Notice of Recovery advised of return to duty on 2-27-66. Notice of Disability reported Jack Haworth laid off on 2-22-66 due to flu and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2-25-66. Notice of Disability reported Marvin L. Sherertz laid off on 2-9-66 due to ear trouble, non-service connect-%d and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2-14-66. Bills were read as follows: Dr. J. C. Michel, physical examination of John McLaughlin on 1-25-66, $68.00, and Daniel O'Connor on 1-27-66, $68.00 A. & H. Drugs #2, ac/M. Sherertz, Invoice 1585, Rx93085 in sum of $9.07, 12-24-66. 1-31-66,ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 2180, Rx 120013, $4.01;Invoice 20971 'dated 1-26-66, Rx 119643, 119644, 119645, $9.64, and Invoice 1793 dated 1-7-66, Rx 118092 in sum of $5.00. Park Avenue Clinic, ac/Ernest Tonda, statement for service 1-13, 1-14, 1-20 and 2-2-66, $34.50 Renton Hospital, ac/Douglas Haworth, treatment 10-3-64, $7.00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, ac/T. K. Anderson, Invoice 19058, Rx 281648 and 281646, 1-22-66 in sum of $8.44. Dr. D. P. Christie, ac/John Pringle, Statement 1-29-66 - Xrays - $25.00 Dr. Arthur R. Griffin, ac/Jack Pringle, Statement 1-6-66, chest X-rays $7.50 Q. B. DeMarsh, M. D. ac/Jack Pringle, Statement for services 1-31-66, $38.00 ...� Moved by Colombi, seconded by Gossett, that the bills be paid. Carried. -2- 201 Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting February 28, 1966 Bills:(Continued) The follow..lnng Pension Fund bills were read for February: Mrs. L•nza Anderson $150.00 T. K. Anderson 314.00 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension warrants be draw-,:. Captair►•Alexander cited provisions of R.C.W. 41.18.060 relating to service- connected retirements, reading in part - "If the Board finds at the expiration of six months that a fireman is unable to return to and perform his duties, tiler he shall be retired at a monthly sum equal to fifty percent of the amount of his basic salary at any time thereafter attached to the rank which he held at the date of his retirement." Definitions - R.C.W. 41.18.010 - Section 4 - "13a:�ic salary" means the monthly salary, including longevity pay, attached to the rank held by the retired fireman at the date of his retirement without regard to extra compensation which such fireman. may have received for special duties or assign- merit riot acquired through civil service examination: PROVIDED, that such basic salary shall not be deemed to exceed the salary of a batallion Chief. Mr. Anderson is receiving the longevity pay allowance based on one-half of $20.00 (for 15 to 20 yrs. of service) whereas the allowance for this longevity period was increased to $25.00 this year. Consequently, Mr. Anderson should draw a monthly pension of $316.50 ($304.00 plus $12.50 longevity) instead of the $314.00 he received in January and February, ($304.00 plus $10.00) Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, to increase Mr. Anderson's pension to $316.50 .�... and adding the $5.00 to his March Warrant which he was shorted in January and. February. Carried. The pending motion to pay the pensions previously read was carried. Captain Alexander further stated that as he interpreted the law on service- connected retirement pensions, a pensioner could accrue an addition a1i..ye .-r's longevity credit each year of his retirement and consequently an increase in his pension payment on this basis also. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringl-, that the Board request an opinion from the City Attorney on this matter. Care Secretary Nelson stated that the Firemen's Pension Board had agreed to finance L.I.D. 253 at an interest rate of 4.75%. This L.I.D. was dropped and essentiuly; the same a a r ,•� e e som wh t d . e a , n sa_ze is now covered b L.I.D. 255. T I/ �,.,. �,-��i ,,di•,:,, .-.��� ��a�'•� > e y he Bou<<. had agreed That the action taken on L.I.D. 253 would apply t L.I.D. ^� o I D 25 but official confirmation was requested for the record. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle to concur and approve financing of L.I.D. 255 at 4.75% interest. Carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman �.• He ie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary 2 L'•/4 11)L 1'i' /�/ �G•�5 �4 i �=�`a' ` n ( ` FIREMEN'S PENSION AND h RELIEF BOARD f , REGULAR MEETING March 28, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, hlayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Ilelwie Ilelson, City Clc;rk-Sucretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. Due to the Mayor's absence, Dorothea Gossett acted as Chairman. It was moved by Colombi, seconded by Nelson, that Mayor Custer be excused. Carried. 14oved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the minutes of the February 28th fleeting, be approved. Carried. Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: Notice of Disability of James F. Ashurst due to the flu reported laid off date of 3/14/66, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/21/66. Notice of Disability of Doug Haworth due to a bad cold on 3/7/66, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/10/66. Notice of Disability of John Parks, Nature of Disability not indicated, on 3/5/66, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/8/66. Secretary Nelson reported receiving a communication from the ilashington State Council of Fire Fighters and that all Loard members had been sent copies. This concerned revised printing of Firemen's Pension Booklet by the Book Publishing Co. which are available at a cost of 65¢ per booklet. No e b Pringle,Noved y Tringle, seconded by Colombi, that the Board order SO booklets. Carried. The secretary also reported that a reply had been received from the City Attorney concerning the matter brought up by Captain Alexander at the previous Board meeting-- on the question whether retired f1remQ n would continue to accrue an additional year of longevity credit for each additional year of retirement. A copy of Mr. Shellan's opinion was sent to all Board members and to Captain Alexander. It read in part: "..., we are unable to find any provision in the law which would also grant a person who had been retired from service connected disability additional credits for longevity after he has retired. The ordinary definition of longevity as we understand it is extra compensation to a person while he is in actual service; this applies particularly to persons serving in the military forces and we know of no reason why the same concept cannot be applied to uniformed personnel. Longevity is simply an award or fringe benefit to a person who is in active service on the theory that the longer lie serves actively, the more valuable his performance would become to his cnmployer, therefore such longevity payment. The same reasoning, of course, cannot apply to somebody who is not longer actively serving a City but has been retired from active service. If the legislature intended to grant longevity to persons, after retirement, then this _� should have been spelled out more clearly and without ambiguity." Firemen's Pension Funf' oard Meeting March 28, 1966 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, to concur in the opinion rendered by the City Attorney. Carried. 5 A claim was re-submitted from Current Fund in the sum of $3,499.01 requesting; reimbursement from the Firemen's Pension Fund for the period of 9/20/65 to 12/31/65, previously held for a check of Fire Department records, which has now been accomplished. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Nelson, to approve the claim for reimbursement as re-submitted and authorize the transfer to the Current Fund. Carried. Bills were read as follows: Austin-liendrickson Pharmacy - ac/John Parks - Invoice 9332, 2/23/66, Rx 257774, $6.77 K's Prescription Pharmacy - - ac/Paul Henry - Inv. 292660 2/ 3/66, Rx 621471 6.77 ac/T.LaValley - Inv. 29723, 2/25/66, Rx 51317, 51440, 13.29 ac/J.Ashurst - Inv. 29512, 2/15/66, Rx 60708, Maalox 5.41 ac/R.Connell - Inv. 29814, 3/ 2/66, Rx 63546, 8.75 Dr. J. C. Michel - - - - - - ac/Larry Weiss- Statement - 1/27/66, Lab tests, 68.00. Dr. L. Patricelli - - - - - - ac/T.Anderson - Statement - 2/10/661* Off. call, S.00 Seattle Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic - - - - - - - - - ac/M.Sherertz - Statement - 2/ 4/66, Off. call, 7.00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs - - - - - ac/T.Anderson - Inv. 19481, 2/18/66, Rx 281648, 281646 8.44 ac/T.Anderson - Inv. 13881, 3/10/66, Rx 281648, 10.63 - Renton Hospital - - - - - - - ac/R.Connell - Statement - 3/ 2/66, X-Ray 15.00 Karl Strom - - - - - - - - - Dr. Bernier- To Reimburse - 3/ 1/66, Off. call, 5.00 Patrick !Ialsh - - - - - - - - Renton Rx - To Reimburse - 2/ 9/66, Rx 114905, 4.22 Dr. Shields- To Reimburse - 2/16/663, Balance 22.00 Dr. R. E. Maynard - - - - - - ac/J.Pringle - Statement - 2/ 1/66, Examination 8.00 Dr. John L. Bernier - - - - - ac/Karl Strom - Statement - 3/23/66, Services 30.00 James F. Ashurst - - - - - - Shaw's Drugs-To Reimburse - 3/16/66, Rx 310024, 310023, 8.28 3/25/66, Rx 310023, 5.00 Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be paid. Carried. The following Pension Fund bills were read for March: Mrs. Enza Anderson $150.00 T. K. Anderson 321.50 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 T1►e secretary reported that the voucher for T. K. Anderson's pension had been increased by $7.50, $2.50 increase due for January, February, and March , to cover increase in longevity payments made in the Current Budget. This in line with Board request at the previous meeting. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, to approve payment of monthly pension fund warrants, including the $2.50 per month increase in T. K. Anderson's pension. Carried. Yr. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Ilelmie Nelson, City Clerk- ecretaryorot ea ossett, Acting Chairman FIREHEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD SPECIAL MEETING April 4, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS I). !l. Custer, f layor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer llelniie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Juck Colombi, Fireman A special meeting; was convened by telephone with all members contacted except Jack Colombi. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the Physician's Report of Physical Fitness submitted by Dr. J. C. Hichel regarding; James Matthews. The report indicated Mr. Natthews is physically fit to be a fireman. Therefore, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Pringle, to approve the physical examination and to inform the Civil Service Commission. Carried, There being no further business, the meeting w adjourned. Ilelmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary D. Custer, Playor-Chairman 207 J FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR FLEETING April 22, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS D.14. use` ter, Maxor-Chairman �r..r t - c,�y Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 3:00 p.m. Due to Helmic Nelson's absence, Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk acted as Secretary. It was moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the minutes of the regular meeting March 28th and the special meeting April 4th be approved. Carried. Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: Notice of Disability of Bruce Phillips due to the flu on 3/14/66, and Notice of Recovery reported return to uty 3 66. Notice of Disability of Marvin Sherertz due to high blood pressure on 3/23/66, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty 3/28/66. Notice of Disability of Jack Haworth due to the flu on 3/24/66, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/30/66. Notice of Disability of Don Goodwin due to injured groin on 3/23/66, and Notice of Recovery reported loss o F—tine be one hour and 55 minutes on that date. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Crabb, that the claim from Current Fund for salary reimbursement be allowed. Carried. Bills were read as follows: Invoice Date Description Amount A & FI Drugs ac/Doug Haworth — 36-9-3 3/11-67-66 Tx 258886 .^ F, It Drugs #2 ac/M. Sherertz 2230 2/ 3/66 Rx 93085 8.97 2347 2/ 9/66 Rx 120893,1,5 10.06 2776 3/ 2/66 Rx 123032 5.84 2884 3/ 7/66 Rx 93085 9.07 3118 3/18/66 Rx 125066 2.29 3239 3/25/66 Rx 125956 4.53 3478 4/ 7/66 RX 127245 5.84 Baird M. Bardarson, H.D. ac/M. Sherertz Statement 3/15/66 Injection 4.00 K's Prescription Pharm. ac/Don Goodwin 29761 2/28/66 Rx 63469 6.25 ac/Jim Ashurst 29851 3/ 4/66 Rx 61246 2.45 ac/Don Goodwin 29917 3/ 7/66 Rx 63676 5.73 ac/E. Tonda 29979 3/10/66 Rx 63799 3.60 ac/ Paul Henry 30061 3/15/66 Rx 62146,7 21.67 J. C. Michell, M.D. ac/J. Hatthews Statement 3/29/66 Com.Physical 63.00 L. Patricelli, M.D. ac/T.Andcrson Statement 4/12/66 Office Call 5.00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs ac/T.Anderson 16737 4/ 7/66 Rx 281646 3.13 Jacob C. Magner, M.D. ac/R. Connell Statement 3/ 8/66 Balance due 19.00 Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be paid. Carried. The following Pension Fund bills were read for April: Mrs. Enza Anderson $150.00 T. K. Anderson 316.50 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the Pensions be paid as drawn. Carried. Noved by Colombi, seconded by Prinp,le, that several copies of the proposed Notice of Disability forms be run off by the Clerk's Office. The forms subject to Secretary Nelson and Dorethy Gossett. Carried. The question was brought up as to whether it is legal for the Chairman to vote other than to break a tie. City Attorney Shellan indicated the Chairman has the same voting rights as any other Board member. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle to adjourn the meeti_U. Carried. n tiarshall, Deputy City C1c7-Secretary D. !:'. Custer, flay r-Chairman N FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 27, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS Bruce Hulse, Actin;; Mayor D•-�rothea Gossett, City Treasurer llelmiu W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Culumbi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. ! Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 22nd be approved as written. The motion carried. Communications and Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: The annual financial report was filed by the Secretary which encompassed pages 134 through 139 and,investment details, pages 225 and 226 of the City of Renton Financial Statement by Funds for the year 19659 relating to the Firemen's Pension Fund. Letter from Dr. James D. Hogan reported that it is essential to the general health ,,�of Fireman James F. Ashurst that he be referred to a dental specialist for revision of his gums. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, to approve the referral as recommended. Carried. Certification of disability of Marvin L. Sherertz, Battalion Chief, was read reporting his being off duty on February 4, 1966 due to eye trouble and an appoint- ment with Dr. Robert C. Laughlin for eye examination. Bill was attached covering service rendered. i Notice of disability of Jack Haworth 4-23-66, reason not denoted on form, by order of Doctor. Notice of recovery and return to duty on 4-29-66. Notice of disability of Patrick J. Walsh on April 25th due to head cold, non-service i connected and Notice of Recovery and return to duty on April 28th. Lay off date was r April 27th. Notice of recovery and return to duty of Captain P. J. Walsh on April 28th from 4 disability due to head cold on April 27th with total sick leave time of 142 hours. Notice of disability of Karl Strom due to flu on May 20, 1966. Notice of disability of Jack Haworth due to infection on 5-22-66 and lay off- on 5-23-66 and Notice of recovery and return to duty on 5-23 being off from 0955 until 1654 to make office call with Dr. Shields. Notice of disability of John Pringle due to chest congestion and cough on 5-25-66 reported by phone. Revision of forms had been referred to Committee and proposed forret wCpesubmitted. Firnments Pension Fund Board Meeting (cont.) May 27, 1966 Revision in wording relative to disability being service connected in lieu of '''caused by performance of duty" was recouimended by Secretary Nelson and it was moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the Plrysiciants Report Form and Notice of Disability and Recovery form be approved as per corrective addition. Carried. Disability Claim of April 22nd has lx-cu revised to reflect cuu►putatior►s ul► basis of 2424 hours for all disabilities except Sherertz and Ashurst which shall be based on 2O80 hours. 'Petal claim $1070.43, as attached heretu and wade a part hereuf as if fully sed: forth herein. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, to pay the monthly Pension Fund Warrants as follows: May Payment to Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00, T. K. Anderson, $316.50, F1nyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. The motion carried. Rills were read as follows: I A. & Ti. Drugs #2 a/c Marvin Sherertz Inv. 3529 4-9-66 Rx 125956 $15.47 Jack Haworth a/c Jack Haworth 1991;1953;1930 4-23-66 Exam & Lab 26.00 Maxwn F . Waldron., M.D. Clinic K's Prescription Pharmacy a/c John Alexander, Inv. 59216 4-8-66, Presc. 3.44 Dun W. Meyer, Treas. Revised copies of Fire Fighters Pension Law @$.65 32.50 John P. Pringle, A. & H. Drug Statement 4-19-66 Rx 260586-Reimbursement 10.42 Renton Rx Pharmacy a/c R. Geissler Inv. 4416 Rx88364 3.65 Shaws Rexall Drugs a/c T. K. Anderson, Inv. 11087, 11696 Rx281648,281646 13.75 Arthur R. Griffin, M.D. a/c Jack Pringle Statement 4-25-66 Balance on Acct. 45.00 W/T City Treasurer-Equipment Rental A 29 2 Minimum - April, 1966 20.00 Bill from Robert C. Laughlin, M.D., Thomas F. Carey, M.D. George A. Hall, M.D., ac/M. Sherertz, was read for Refraction services on 3-29-66 in sum of $18.00. Accompanying note stated that King County Medical Corp. had advised that this was reimbursable coverage and patient should be billed, in turn mailing the paid bill to King County for payment. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, to approve payment of the bill. Upon dissenting; voice vote, roll call was taken with Ayes by Pringle and Colombi and No vote by Gossett, Nelson and Hulse. The motion lost. Receipt from Western Optical Dispensary, Inc. in sum of $22.66 paid by Fireman Marvin Sherertz for glasses was read. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the bill be submitted to the City Attorney for opinion was to whether such expenditure is allowable . Ayes: Nelson, Gossett and Hulse. No: Pringle and Colombi. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 5:15 p.m. B ce Hulse, Acting Mayor fHelmie Nelson, CityClerk-Secretary f i FIREMEN+S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR MEETING BOARD MEMBERS June 27, 1966 D. W. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City 'Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular monthly meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 1: 30 p.m. by Mayor Custer and all members were present with exception of Jack Colombi. Also present were Marvin Sherertz and T. K. Anderson. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 27, 1966 as written. The motion carried. Notices of Disability and Recovery and Physician's Report were read as follows: Notice of Recovery of Fireman Karl Strom from disability of May 20th due to flu and return to work on May 23rd with 21 duty hours missed. Physician's Report of Dr. David Heflen advised of examination of Robert L. Connell on 5-21-66 and treatment on 5-24 and 5-27 for acute lumbo-sacral sprain incurred when trying to open door with shoulder while fighting fire. Notice of Disability of Fireman Jack Pringle due to infected trachea on June 15 and lay-ff ordered by Dr. A. Griffin. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty from service-connected disability on June 24, 1966. { Notice of Disability of Fireman Gary Newton due to flu on June wo, 1966. Notice of Recovery advised of return to duty on June 23, 1966, reported as non-service disability. Communication was read from John J. O'Connell, Attorney General, by Robert F. Hauth, Assistant Attorney General, concerning computation of Firemen's Pensions on basic salary including longevity pay, as defined by RCW 41.18.010 (4). Monthly pension entitled a fireman upon retirement is equal to fifty percent of the basic salary including longevity pay attached to the rank held at date of retirement, or if retired because of disability incurred in performance of duty, pension includes disability allowance (medical and Doctor care) and monthly retirement sum after six months, equal to fifty percent of basic salary at any time thereafter with longevity pay as attached to the rank held at date of disability and retirement. Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs #1 ac/Jack Pringle, Inv. dated May 26, 1966, Rx262140, $5.73 A. & H. Drugs #2, ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 4405, Rx131573 and Inv. 4389, Rx 101486, $8.54 ac/Jack Pringle, Inv. 4325, Rx121103, $3.80 John L. Bernier, D. C. ac/Karl Strom, Statement dated 6-17-66, Professional Service -- on May 23 and 27, and June 1 and 14, 1966, $40.00 David H. Gordy, D.D.S., ac/James Ashurst, Statement of 6-22-66, Periodontal treatment, $225.00 I { June Meeting-Firemen's Pension Board Bills: (Cont.) 0 Dr. C. David Heflen, Statement dated 6-6-66, ac/Robert L. Connell, Examination .� and Professicnal Services 5-21, 5-24, 5-27 and 6-1-66, $28.00 I. B. M. - Maintenance Agrcoment on F lectric Typewriter, 7-16-66 to 7-15-67,$39.58 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Don Goodwin, Rx63469, Inv. 30727, $6.25 a c/Tod IiValley, Rx51440,51317,Inv. 30453, $13.29 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 4959, Rx119129 and Inv.5022, Rx]19129, $16.04 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, Inv. 10683, ac/T. K. Anderson, Rx281646 and 281648, $8.44 WIT, Cr. . Equipment Rental for June A29 vehcile, 38 miles @ Min. $40.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the bills be paid as read. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension warrants be drawn. The motion carried authorizing warrants to cover following vouchers: Mrs. Enza Anderson - $150.00 - June T. K. Anderson - $316.50 - June Floyd Lawrence 305.00 - June Mrs. Orpha McDonald - $150.00 - June Fireman Sherertz brought up the question prtaining to bills presented for eye examination and purchase of glosses. Examination by Dr. Laughlin, $18.00 and glasses, Western Optical, Inc.,in tbe ,sum of $22.66. It was felt that the Board was discriminating in not allowing payment of these bills such expenditure having been previously allowed. Mrs. Gossett advised that she had made the motion to refer the matter to the City Attorney for opinion,determination previously being dependent upon circumstances involved. She also felt that if the Board were in- correct in its prior actions it should not continue along such lines but find out if it is right before proceeding further. The Secretary read a letter from City. Attorney Shellan acknowledging request for opinion on this matter and since there was no evidence to indicate how the disability occurred or whether the glasses were prescribed by an ophthalmologist as result of illness, injury or sickness contracted by the fireman, the Attorneys could not express an opinion at this time. Memo was read from City Clerk Nelson directed to Firemen Pringle and Colombi, attaching copy of the Attorney's letter and requesting that they secure information to indicate details necessitating the furnishing of glasses as per City Attorney's letter. Fireman Pringle stated it was not his understanding that the Memo meant this. Fireman Sherertz brought forth a copy of the Minutes of the Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board of December 15, 1961 relating to splitting bills between King County Medical and the Pension Board and City Attorneys statement saying the bills should not be split. It was pointed out that in further meetings and during discussions on the matter by the former Mayor where the City is actually paying both for the Firemen's Pension and King County Medical, that it behooves the Firemen to submit all the bills to King County Medical possible and King County had confirmed that they would honor them to the extent of the contract. A previous directive had been made to the Firemen in accordance with this and it had been pointed out that if no bills are submitted to King County it might not be possible to secure duplicate coverage and might jeopardize the King County or other coverage. Moved by Gossett, second by Nelson, that Fireman Sherertz write details of eye disability for the Atctornc;y Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourneda at eco. 2:15 p.m. D. 14. Custer, Mayor Helmie Nelson, City Clerk -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD BOARD MEMBERS July 2.1, 1966 D. �,7. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Heimic Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary 10. Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi., Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was convened at 3: 30 p.m. and all members of -the Bo_ird were present. Fire Chief Walls was also present: , Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the Minutes of June 27th be approved with following correction: "Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that Fireman Sherertz furnish details of eye disability for the Attorney, whereupon the City Attorney be requested to give the Board written opinion" . The Secretary reported that a communication from -the City Attorney, cf.ated June 3rd, had recruested additional information an& a copy of -the letter had been referred to the Firemen who are Board Members with rectuest that they secure the information. The pending motion carried. Disability and Physicians ' reports were read as follows:Report dated 5/15/66 advised of disability of James F. Ashurst due to surgery per Physician' s report 9-2.1-65. Laid off on May 16. Also peridontal care. Disability Notice dated 5-23-56 reported injury to Fireman Karl Strom in automobile accident. Back injured on 6-20-66. Notice of recovery anc:L report to duty on 7-7-66 was read. Notice of Disability reported absence from duty of Fireman Chas. Goodwin clue to kidney stones for one hour July 1st, and Recovery Notice reported z hour absence on July 2nd. Notice of disability dated July 13th reported lay off on July 13th of Captain Charles Goodwin due to kidney stones and Notice of recovery and return to duty on July 16th, Civil Service form. for Physical Examination and report by Dr. James Hartwig stated that Captain Charles Goodwin, although physically qualified, was in a state of extreme anxiety and a leave of absence was very desirable otherwise a nervous collapse was imminent. Communication dated July 21st was received from Fireman CaVt.Charles Goodwin recruesting- job-connected disability retirement effective immediately as per Dr. Hartwig' s report. Bills were read as follows: Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. , ac/Marvin Sherertz, for services on 5-13-66 and June 21, 1966, $12.00 r. B. DeMarsh, M.D. , ac/Jack Pringle, services 6-30-66, $50.00 Dr. Arthur R. Grissin, ac/Jack Pringle, chest x-rays on 5-5-66, $7. 50 Dr. C. David Heflen, ac/John L. Parks, Jr. , services 6-29-66, $13.00 I Firemen ' s Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 7-2.1-66 BILLS : (Cont. ) K' s Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Ernest Tonda, Inv. 31362 dated 6-30-66, Rx 63799, $3 . 59 ac/James Ashurst, Inv. 31183 dated 6-20-66, Rx 12. oz. Maalox, $1. 56 D<.n Ranninger, M. D. , ac/Marvin Sherertz, office calls 5-27, 6-15-66, $12.00 Olympic Memorial Hospital, ac/Charles Goodwin, X-ray and Lab services 6-30-66, $13. 50 Renton Hospital, Statement 7-2-66, 7-12-66, ac/ Charles A. Goodwin, laboratory and X-ray, $64. 50 Renton RX Pharmacy, Inv. 5132, 5733 , ac/J. E. Haworth, rx 119451, $13. 24 The Swedish Hospital, Statement 6-28-66, ac/ James Ashurst, Balance not covered King County, $82. 55 WT/City Treasurer-Ertuipment Rental, Vehicle A-2.9, 93miles, month of June $20.00. Statement dated 7-13-66. Gerald Pyle - Rebate of Contributions to Retirement Fund,plus interest, payable by reason of termination $1, 214.89 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, bills be paid as read and the bill submitted on May 27th by Fireman Sherertz be submitted to King County Mcdical in accordance with provisions of the reimburseable contract, which bill was in sum of $13.00 payable to Robert C. Laughlin, M. D. for eye refraction; and that the bill be paid only in event it is turned down by King County. Ayes: Mayor Custer, Gossett, Nelson. No: Pringle and Colombi. The motion carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nclson, that in view of the termina- tion of Fireman Gerald Pyle, July 29th, rebate of his accumulated con- tributions in the Firemen ' s Pension Fund, plus interest, be approved. ($l, 2.14.89) Carried. Pension bills were read as follows : Month of July Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00;T. K. Anderson, $316. 50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to pay the monthly pension bills as read. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Board determine the disability of Assistant Fire Chief, Jim Ashurst, to be service-connected and his inactive status commence from the first date of disability.Fire Chief Walls expressed concern over the length of the disability. The pending motion carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Board secure the proper physical report on the condition of Fireman ,Charles Goodwin with report to be completed on the regular Firemen ' s Pension Physician' s report form. 214 Firemen' s Pcnsion Board meeting 7-21-66 Mrs. Gossett expressed opinion that the physical examination and report by Dr. Hartwig, made pursuant to Civil Service Commission reruirements is inadequate for purposes of the Firemen ' s Pension Board and the Board should have a report on their own forms designer' for this purpose. Fire Chief Walls expressed opinion that another physician should be consulted prior to any final determination on the condition of Captain Goodwin. Discussion ensued regarding the physical problems and extreme nervous state of Fireman Goodwin and the Firemen Board Members felt, after consulting with the City Health O.Lficcr, that it would be in the best interest of the Firemen' s Pcnsion Fund and the Fire Department, to retire Captain Goodwin on a service-connected disability pursuant to his reouest and without re- course. It was stated further that his physical condition and mental state seriously limits his ability to perform his duties in the Fire Department. Vote was taken on the pending motion which carried. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that any expenditure by the Firemen' s Pension Fund relating to any injuries sustained by Fireman Karl Strom in an automobile accident, be reimbursed to the Firemen' s Pension Fund in event of any payments to Fireman Strom by the insurance carrier or other party. Carried. The Clerk distributed new forms as proposed for Notices of Disability and Recovery and the new form seemed to adequately cover the purpcme and it was recommended that a supply be provided for future use. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 5: 35 p.m. D. W. Custer, i s Helmie T?. Nelson, Secretary -3- FIREMEN"S PENSION ANP RELIEF HOARD BOARD MEMBERS July 27, 1966 D. W. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman .Tack Colombi, Fireman The Special meeting of the Pension Board was convened at 3:15 p.m. to consider report of Dr. Hartwig relative to examination and physical condition of Captain Charles Goodwin. The report indicated cause of disability as stated by member, "Unable to work because of extreme nervousness" and diagnosis of disability by physician, "Acute Anxiety State" with recommendation for leave of absence or retirement for illness as direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department. The Firemen members of the Board reported discussion with Dr. Hartwig of Capt. Doadwin's nervous mental state which rendered him unfit for responsibility at present, and in their opinions it was felt to be in the best interest of the Fire Department and the Pension Fund if Captain Goodwin were retired. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that based upon medical report of Dr. Hartwig dated July 27, 1966, the Board hereby determines it to be in the best interest of the Department and Pension Fund to retire Captain Charles Goodwin without recourse, under provisions of RCW 41.18.050 and 41.18.060, on a service connected disability. Inactive status begins on July 22nd and continues for six months to January 22, 1967. During such inactive period he shall draw disability allowance from the Firemen's Pension Fund equal to his basic monthly salary and will be provided with medical, hospital and nursing care as provided by law. On January 22, 1967, Fireman Goodwin shall be retired without recourse and no further physical examination will be required. The motion passed unanimously and the Secretary was directed to so notify Chief Walls and Captain Goodwin. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 3: 50 p.m. FIREWN'S PENSION ANTI RELIEF FUND BOARD I Secretary Mayor . 1 J 1 1 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD BOARD MEMBERS August 29, 1966 D. W. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 3:00 p.m. with all Members present except Fireman Colombi. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 27th be approved. The motion carried. Bills were read as follows: U.S. Post Office - 500 stamped 5¢ envelopes-legal size $29.20 A. & H. Drugs, ac/Chas. Goodwin, Statements 7/1, 7/11, 7/16, 7/28, Rx263824, Rx263540 @3.54 ea., total. $18.69 ac/Douglas Haworth, Statements 7/1, 7/6, Rx263513, $3.13 and Rx263658, $7.71, total $10.54 A. & H. Drugs #2, ac/Marvin Sherertz, Invoice 4715, 4812, 5013, rx132951, 133390, 133391, 125956, 134584, total $30.93 ac/Jack Pringle, Inv.4998 and 5344, Rxl34516, total $11.46 Dr. D. P. Christie, ac/John Pringle, X-rays per request of Dr. DeMarsh, 6-14 and 7-25-66, $34.00 Q. B. DeMarsh, M. D. , ae/Jack Pringle, Statement for services, 7/30/66, $15.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/J. Ashurst, Inv. 31478, Maalox $1.56 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 31549, Rx66819, 66820, 66821, $23.91 Dan E. Ranniger, M. D., ac/Douglas Haworth, Statement for service 7/1/66, $3.00 ac/Marvin Sherertz, Services 7/6, 7/7, 7/8/66, $22.00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 6261, 7/27/66, Rx119451, Rx119451, Inv. 6608, $6.62 ac/P. J. Walsh, Inv. 6791, Rx114905, $4.22 Swedish Hospital Medical Center, ac/Jack Pringle, 6/14/66 to 6/16/66, Balance account due, $33.00 W/t Cr. Equipment Rental Fund, Month of July, $20.00 Bills also read which items were likely to be covered by King County Medical: Karl Strom, Payment to Dr. John L. Bernier, D.C. professional services, Reimbursement requested $60.00 Doctors Clinic, ac/Charles A. Goodwin, Hospital Call 6/30/66, $8.00 Forks Community Hospital, ac/Charles A. Goodwin, Ambulance Service, 6/30/66 $37.00 George Paeth, M.D., ac/Ted LaValley, Services of 7/9/66, $7.50 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Equipment Rental and Supply bills, Pharmacy bills and Doctor bills be paid as read except for the bills covered by King County Medical which should be forwarded accordingly. (Last four items) The motion carried. Minutes - Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 8-29-66 mum Pension Bills were read as follows: Month of August, 1966 Mrs. Fnza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $316.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 and Charles Goodwin, inactive status (Full basic salary) July 22nd to August 22nd, 1966, $704.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension fund warrants be approved for payment as read and that warrant be drawn for Charles Goodwin for the full amount of his basic salary, service-connected disability, inactive status to commence July 22, 1966. The motion carried. Current Fund Claim was read for reimbursement of salaries paid during disability of Firemen to be paid by Pension Fund to June 30, 1966 as follows; J. Ashurst 4.6731 $1,233,70 5/16/66 - 6/30/66 264 hours D. Goodwin 3,1337 75.2 . 4/28/66 24 hours J. Haworth 3.0842 148.04 4/23, 4/26 48 hours G. Newton 2.6040 62.50 6/20/66 24 hours J. Pringle 3.0594 220.28 6/15, 6/18, 6/21/66 72 hours K. Strom 3.1332 75.21 6/1/66 24 hours P. Walsh 3.4356 49.82 4/27/66 142 hrs. Total $1,864.76 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, disability payments be approved. Carried. Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: 8-26-66 Notice of Disability of Captain Tonda for Lab tests a,m. only, Returned to duty 8-26-66 at 12:51 p.m. Notice of disability of Paul Henry on 8-28-66 due to the flu, non-service con- nected, 12:54 p.m. - 0800 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Helmie Nelson, ecretary D. W. Custer, Mavor -2- / FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING N September 26, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 11:15 a.m. with all members of the Board in attendance. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle,that the Minutes of the previous meetings of July 21st and August 29th be approved. The motion carried. Physician's report and Notices of Disability and Recovery were read as follows: Company Officer's Notice that Fireman Hurst lost his glasses at a fire on 8-12-66 at 225 - 5th Avenue West. Physician's Report by Dr. James H. Hartwig, reported examination of Fireman Jack Colombi on 8-17-66 with diagnosis of disability being Lumbosacral Strain resulting from performance of duty and noting pre-existing condition from several years ago. Notice of recovery and return to duty by Fireman Paul Henry was reported as of- 8-31; - 19 hours miss*d due to virus infection commencing on 8-28-1966 was reported on Dis- ability Notice. Physician's letter from Dean K. Crystal, M.D. 1110 Harvard Avenue, Seattle, reported treatment of Fireman James F. Ashurst since May of 1956 for cholelithiasis and chole- cystitis and cholecystectomy at Swedish Hospital on May 19, 1966 from which he has been makjng excellent recovery. A month or six weeks at less than full duty with protection against the strenuous exertion sometimes necessary in his job was recom- mended. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty of Assistant Chief James Ashurst on September 6. 1966 who has been off duty since May 16th as per Physician's report above. Notice of Disability reported illness of Fireman Jack Pringle on 9-13-66 who became will while on duty. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 9-16-66. BILLS: 7 , AZ^t42o The Cl-e k reported receipt of notice from King County Medical Service Corp. regarding Statement from Polyclinic, George Paeth, M.D., ac/Ted LaValley,$7.50 coverage on the condition has expired, and on Bill from Karl Strom for service rendered by John L. Bernier, D.C., $60.00 that Chiropractors are not included in King County Medical program and are not recognized for payment. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that these bills be paid by the Pension Fund. The motion carried. f Minutes - Firemen's PE__,ion Fund Board Meeting 9-26-66 BILLS : (Cont.) A. & H. Drugs, Statement, 8-18-66, ac/C. Goodwin, Rx265343, $1.82 4 A. & H. Drugs #$2, ac/M. Sherertz, Inv. 5642, Rx137848, $6.25 dated 8-22-66, i�.. ac/Jack Pringle, Inv. 5715, Rx134516, $5.73 dated 8-27-66 and 5365, Rx136411, $3.74, dated 8-2-66. James Ashurst, Reimbursement Shaw Drugs payment, 9-22-66, Maalox, $1.24 Baird M. Bardarson, ac/M. Sherertz, Statement 8-25-66, Office Call, $6.00 Q. B. DeMarsh, M.D., ac/Jack Pringle, Statement 8-31-66, $132.50 Pay N' Save, ac/Paul Henry, Jr., Inv. 12342, Butisol, $2.49 and Inv. 12358, Tirsogel, $1.49 plus tax on invoices of $.17 Renton Optical Company, ac/Gerald Burst, Statement 9-3-66, Glasses, $27.09 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 2120, Rx314593, $7.50, Inv. 5000, Rx281648, $5.31 (Bal. due $1.19 not included), Inv. 4001, Rx314593 (-) and 314595, $6.88, Inv. 3828, Rx315667 and 314593, $11.62, Aug. 2, July 2, July 23 and August 30. Total $31.31 Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be approved and warrants drawn to cover. Carried. The Secretary reported receipt of bill brom Dr. L. Patricelli, ac/T. K. Anderson for office calls @ $5.00 each on 8-2, 8-12, 8-13, 8-20 and 8-30-66. Inquiry was made as to whether treatment rendered was for the same disability as the one upon which retirement was based and it was moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that Mr. Anderson be requested to secure a Physician's report advising of condition for which services were rendered. Carried. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Colombi that the new forms proposed for Disability and Recovery Notice be printed. Carried. Monthly Pension Bills were read as follows: Month of September T. K. Anderson, $316.50, Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00, Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Inactive status pension payment for Charles Goodwin for month of September, $704.0^ Moved by Gossett, seconded by Colombi, that the regular monthly pension bills be paid along with service-connected disability payment to Chuck Goodwin. Carried. It was again pointed out that when a Fireman presents an invoice for reimbursement to himself for payments made, he should attach a signed "Claim For Expenses" form, a supply of which had been furnished the Fire Department for this purpose. The Firemen Board Members stated they did not have these forms available so another (: supply was given to be furnished at the .Fire Department for purposes stated. As there was no further business to come before the meeting, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m. ��� �'',w, ✓,� ��` ��� D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman HelMle Nelson, Ulty erc- ecre ary PIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD / REGULAR MEETING / A, October 26, 1966 / BOARD MEMBERS "`ow D. IJ. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer He Luie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 9:45 a.m. and all Board Members were present. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the Minutes of the regular meeting of September 26th and the Special meeting of October 14th be approved. The motion carried. Communications and Notices were read as follows: Notice of disability of John L. Parks on September 7, 1966 was read and notice of recovery and return to duty on September 10, 1966. Reason not indicated on report. Notice of disability reported absence of Fireman Colombi on October 3rd due to cold and sore throat. Service-connected disability reported 20 hours absence and that Dr. Hartwig was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10-6-66 with $64.60 reimbursement due Current Fund. Physician's report stated that Fireman Jack Haworth has been under medical treatment of Dr. Daniel M. Moschel and that it will be necessary that he not work on Saturday, October 8, 1966. Notice of Disability reported absence of Fireman Haworth from October 8th to 11th due to stomach disorder. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on October 11 with 24 duty hours missed and $73.92 reimbursement due to Current Fund this disability. (Service-connected) Notlice of Disability of Paul Henry due to bad cold reported absence on October 9, 1966: Notice of recovery reported return to duty on October 12th with 24 duty hours missed and reimbursement of $75.84 due Current Fund this dis- ability. (Service-connected) i Notice of disability reported absence from duty of Fireman William Larson due to bad cold on October 20, 1966. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on October 23rd with 24 hours of duty missed and reimbursement of $64.08 due Current Fund this disability. BILLS : Letter from Marvin L. Sherertz submitted invoice and signed Voucher for reimbursement of $23.97 paid Western Optical Dispensary, Inc. for eye glasses broken when lifting a box of supplies onto his shoulder and accidentally striking the frames, necessitating a new pair of frames. -1- — LL rr Minute-& - fire++ i�'s P.a+ne3+• R&NUI 1300*4 boti,wg BILLS: (Cont.) 'arvin L. Sherertz, Balance due on eye refraction $6.00 - PwxtiOw *t* '�'d by King County. %Ne"' A. & H. Drubs #2, ac/4trrvi.n Sherertz, Inv~ 5947, Rx139S50s, Rxl3934A, 44] -11 ae/Jack Pringle, Inv. 6106, Rx184516lo $5.73 Q. B. DeMarsh, M. D., ac/Jack Pringle, Statement for prnXessiuv►al serYc'es, on 9-14-66 and 9-29-06i ON& 42 Y;O. 17967 H. & M. Duplicator, Invoice 20645, While }$jnbo Pap6ri, $ 159, , I. B. M. Corporation, Typewriter ribhols; Inv; OS89158; $10.78 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Ted LaValleys Invj 32690 Rx66819,66821+ $14.01 ac/James Ashurst, Inv: 32816, Rx61246, $2.45 J. C. Michel, M. D. ac/Charles Christenson, Physical, $73.00 ac/Peter Adams, Physical, $73.00 Burgess, Romano & Mullen, Orthopedic Surgeoans.acj6� Alexander, Statement 8-11-b6 Services July 13, 20 and Aug.2, 1966, $34.50 Paulson Office Supply, Invoices 11053,1053, 1104, Manila Folders, Labels, Carbon, Total due, $ Peoples National Bank of Wn., Rental of Safe Deposit Box due 10-2-669 $9.00 Renton Rx Pharmacy, ac/Richard Geissler, Inv. 6735-Correction of Inv. 7665, $3.65 Seattle Orthopaedic,Fracture Clinic, ac/M. Sherertz, Office Call. 8-30-66, $7.00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, ac/T. K. Anderson, Invg3062 dated 10-10-66� Rx31459311 Rx314594, Total $10.63 Karl Stromlo Reimbursement payment to John L. Bernier, D.C., Services Aug. 192 Sept. 9 and 24„ October 8, 1966 @ $5.00 ea. - $20.00 W/transfer - Equipment Rental charges - month of September, $20.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson2 that the bills be paid as read. Carried. W"" Monthly Pension Fund Warrants: October, 1966 Mrs.Enza Anderson - $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $316050; Charles Goodwin, $704.00 ployd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, that the monthly pension warrants be paid. The motion carried. Moved by Colombi, seconded by Pringle, the Pension Board recommend that all Tire Department personnel take advantage of the tetanus and polio shots which are available at no charge through the public health service at the new Seattle-King County Health Department Offic4l 12015 S.E. 128th Street. The motion carried. Fireman Pringle called atteUtion to the matter of the Fire Chief's unhappiness at Dr. Michel, Physician for Airements physicals, whom he feels assumes duties of the Board in the length to which be qualifies his reports. The Board agreed that poly he did go beyond his duty im Commenting however they felt he was well quallejeJ, bei"g a heart specialist and he does give a very thorough examinat an +nA `t' Since there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourat Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m. D. tie Cie r yor- rman elmie W. Nelson, City Cler -Secretary -2- i i Ir FIREMENS' PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAI. MEETING ....� The special meeting of the Pension Board was convened at 4:45 p.m. on Friday, October 14th for purpose of considering Doctor's Reports of physical examinations of propsective Firemen. All Members were present. Report of Dr. J. C. Michel, M. D. listed Peter Adams as having had a most satisfactory history with no limitations which would impair any performance as a fireman, and all laboratory tests revealed,in all respects, normal conditions. Report for Charles Christenson was also satisfactory as to ability to perform and laboratory tests were normal, the recommendation made without any equivocation. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Colombi, that the reports be accepted and the matter be referred to the Civil Service Commission and the Mayor for further pursuance in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman " Iielmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIRENIEWS PENSION AND RI;LIEf PdND bu#kRD REGULAR MEETING November 28, 1966 BOARD MEMBERS ). R. ust—er, Mayor _.. Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer 11elmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 1:30 p.m. and all Board Members were present with the exception of Jack Colombi. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the regular meeting of October 26, 1966 be approved. Carried. Communications and Notices were read as follows: Notice of disability of Bruce Phillips on October 7, 1966 was reported, nature of disability was blood clot in leg caused by a bruise. Service-connected disability reported 48 hours absence and that Dr. Ranniger was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on October 13, 1966 with $147.84 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability of Karl Strom reported absence from 0950 to 1200 on 10/8/66 due to back trouble. Service-connected disability reported 2 hours absence and rh a Jlr 1iaruior was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty at 120a xm lW8/66 with $6.22 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability of Karl Strom reported absence from 1101 to 1345 on 10/29/66 due to back trouble. Service-connected disability reported 3 hours absence and that Dr. Bernier was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty at 1345 hours on 10/29/66 with $9.33 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Patrick J. Walsh on November 2, 1966 due to allergic reaction, cause of disability unknown. Non-service connected disability reported 24 hours absence and that Dr. Ranniger was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/5/66 with $82,,32 =ei.wbursement due. Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absefice of Robert Beatteay on 11/9/66 due to possible torn ligament in right knee, cause of disability, home accident. Non-service connected disability reported 21 1/2 hours absence and that Dr. Lombardini was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/12/66 with $64.71 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Robert Beatteay on 11/15/66 due to reoccuring leg injury caused by home accident. Non-service connected disability reported 24 hours absence and that Dr. Lombardini was attending physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/18/66 with $72.24 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Kenneth Parks on Nov. 23. 1966 due to symptoms of flu, cause of disability unknown. Notice of Recovery Was not submitteda Notice of Disability of Jack Haworth reported absence on 11/28/66 due to stomach disorder, cause pf disability due to existing service.coanactad illness. Attandinz phy%iciaut +mss Zr, bioschel. 224 Minutes - Firemen's Pe,ision Fund Board Meeting 11-28-66 BILLS: A & H Drugs #2, ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 67173, RX125956, Rxl4ll23, Inv. 6260, Rxl4ll22, RX141i23, $42.25 ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 6673, Rx143451, $5.00; Inv. 6233, Rxl40962 and 24 Spectrocin T loz., $'5.81; Inv. 3720, Rx119645, $2.45 and Statement on 10/11/66, Rx141687, $2.81 ac/John Pringle, Inc. 6517, Rx14260, $4.95 Q.B. DeMarsh, M.D. , ac/J. Pringle, Statement for professional services on 10/17/66, $15.00. Charles Goodwin, Claim for Expense for ambulance service not covered by King Co. Medical on June 30, 1966, $12.00 Jack Haworth, reimbursement for payment to Leonard Rexall Drugs for Invoices #1058, 3004, 3156, 3109, Rx208924, 209395, 208852, total $22.77. C. David Heflen, M. D. , ac/Robert L. Connell, professional services on or about 6/10/66 - Balance $28.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, a/c G. A. Hurst, Inv. 33351, Rx69181, Rx69182, Rx69183, $10.68 a/c Ted LaValley, Inv. 33290, Rx66819, 820, 821, $23.91 IV/Transfer - Equipment Rental charges - Month of October 1966, $20.00. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the bills be paid as read. Carried. Monthly Pension Fund Warrants: November, 1966 Mrs. L•nza Anderson - $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $316.50; Charles Goodwin, $704.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the pension warrants including the inactive status payment for Charles Goodwin be paid. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the next Firemen's Pension Board Meeting be held on December 19, 1966. Carried. Jack Pringle called the Board's attention to the fact that the two year term of Jack Colombi as Board Member would expire on December 18, 1966. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Pringle, that the Fire Chief be notified to conduct an election for the board position now held by Colombi. Carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. ovd04 zv__ A D. 11. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Iielmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING December 19, 1966 I BOARD MEYPERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman Jack Colombi, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 4:00 p.m. with all present except Colombi. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. The motion carried. Communications and Notices were read as follows: I Notice of Recovery of Kenneth Parks from disability of 11-24 reported 16 duty hrs. missed with $48.96 due the Current Fund. Notice of disability of Jack Haworth on 11-28-66 due to stomach disorder, existing condition, Physician consulted, Dr. Mioh�iel, and Notice of recovery reporting return to duty of 12-4-66 with 48 duty hours missed and $147.84 due Current Fund. Physician J. C. Wagner reported disability of Robert Connell for cholecystitis, non- service connected illness with examinations on 11-23-66, 11-30-66 and 12-6-66. Physician L. Patricelli reported diagnosis of T. K. Anderson's illness to be caused by tension, hypertension and Cardeo-vascular difficulties. Services from 7-23-66 to 11-30-66 were billed in sum of $35.50 and the Board had requested report to ascertain whether condition was the same as that causing retirement, which was verified to be the same and the bill therefore a valid one. Bills: John L. Bernier, D. C., ac/ Karl Strom, services Oct. 21, 29 and X-ray Oct. 21, $15.00 Jacob C. Wagner, M.D., ac/Robert Connell, Services 11-23, 8.50, 11-30-66, $7.00, r.. 12-6-66, $7.00, total, $22.50. Shaw Bros. Drugs, ac/ T. K. Anderson, Rx314592, $7.50, Inv. 978 dated 11-21-66 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Jim Ashurst, Inv. 33794, 11-1-66, Maalox, $1.55 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 33885, Rx66820, 66821, $12.09, 11-18-66 ac/Robert Connell, Inv. 33968, 11-23-66, Aludrox, $1.55, and Inv. 33891, 11-19-66, Rx69888 and 889, $9.94, total $25.13 Jack Haworth, Inv. 2518, Rx209915 and 209395, $10.21 and 2449, Rx100TH and 209395, $5.50, Pd. Leonard Rexall Drugs, Kent, Wn., total$15.71. �►.. Dr. Q. B. DeMarsh, ac/John Pringle for services 11-30-66, $45.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that bills be paid as presented. Carried. Minutes of Firements Pension Board Meeting 12-19-66 Pension Bills: Month of December Mrs . Lnza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $316.50; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 and Floyd Lawrence, $305.00. Inactive status warrant for Charles Goodwin $704.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the monthly pension fund and inactive status warrants be drawn. The motion carried. It was reported by Fireman Pringle that the election for a new Fireman Board Member has not yet been held but will be held and new candidate named by the next Pension Board meeting. The Secretary reported that the disability report for claim against the Firemen's Pension Fund by the Current Fund will be submitted upon completion as of December 31, 1966. Board Member Pringle, on behalf of Fireman Colombi, expressed his appreciation and that he had enjoyed working with the Board. Since there was no further busi-ness to come before the Board, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Cb jWQiawf Helmie W. Ne son, City Clerk-Secretary -2- � &A-d -`' FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING January 30, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 4:00 p.m. Letter on thg election of Fireman John Alexander as Member of the Board was read and all Board Members were accounted as present. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of December be approved as written. Carried. Notices of Disability - Physician's Reports - Notice of Recovery and Return to Duty Notice of Recovery of Fireman Kenneth Parks reported return to duty on November 26th from illness of November 23rd with 16 hours missed and reimbursement of $48.96 due current fund. Physician's report submitted by Dr. L. Patricelli, reported that disability of T. K. Anderson was caused by tension, hypertension & cardeo-vascular difficulties with sxisting ulcer tending to influence the condition. -Physician's report by Jacob C. Wagner, M.D., reported examination of Robert Connell on 11-23, 11-30 and 12-6, 1966 and diagnosis of cholecystitis, a non-service connected disability. Report of Rudolph Heilpern, M. D, advised of examination of John Alexander on 1/9 and 1-11-1967 and diagnosed bursitis as cause of disability and designated the sickness to be service-connected. Subsequent report advised of examination of Mr. Alexander on 1/17, and 1/20/67 with the flu being cause of disability contributed to service duties. Notice of disability reported absence from duty of Fireman Jack Haworth from 11-28-66 to 12-4-66 due to stomach disorder. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12-4-66 with 48 duty hours missed and $147.84 due current fund. Letter from Fire Chief Walls outlined method of computation on Inactive status, service- connected disability and pension payment for Captain Charles Goodwin: Inactive, 12/22/66 12/31/66, 96 hrs. @ $2.89 ($704.00 monthly salary), $277.44. 1/1/67 - 1/22/67, 168 hrs. @ $3.31 ($808.00 monthly), $556.08; Pension: 1/22/67 - 1/31/67, 72 hrs. @ $1.65, (2 of salary), $118.80. Total $952.32. Figures were computed on basis of 122 shifts per year or 2928 hrs, divided into annual salary of $82448.00 and $9,696.00. 2928 will be basis for disability computation in the future for reimbursement to current fund. Captain Goodwin is also entitled to vacation time of ten shifts or one month salary of $704.00, earned in 1966. The Secretary reported that for purposes of putting the pension payments on a monthly basis the disability was computed to 1/22/67 which is the date disability on nactive status would end, and pension payment effected from the 22nd, including the %or-additional increase that was due. -1- Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 1-30-67 Bills submitted and approved for payment: Seattle Office Furniture Mart, filing cabinet, Inv. 24872, P.O. 18328, $83.15 .,. A. & H. Drugs, ac/Chas. Goodwin, 12/2, 12/24, Rx270519, Rx269692, and Rx269692 A. & H. Drugs, #Z, 2119 Sunset Blvd., Statement 10-6-66, Rx35472, $4.37, ac/Bruce Phillips, prescribed by Dr. Ranniger Baird M. Bardarson, M. D., ac/Marvin Sherertz, office visits: 8/30, 9/13, 10/4, 12/9 and 12/16, @ $6.00 each, total $30.00 Q. B. DeMarsh, M.D., Statement dated 12/31/66 for professional services, ac/Jack Pringle, $27.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Ac/J. Ashurst, Inv. 34474, Maalox, $3.11, dated 12-20-66 Ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 34279, 12-10-66, Rx66819, 66821, $14.01 and Inv. 34680, 12-11-66, Rx708l4, $11.25 ac/Robert Connell, Inv. 34205 dated 12-6-66, Aludrox, $1.77 Inv. 34255 dated 12-9-66, Rx69889, $8.39, Total, $38.53 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Ac/Patrick Walsh, Inv. 8135 dated 11-1-66, Rx12478, $3.86, Inv. 9496, dated 1-9-67, Rx124926, $4.17, and Inv. 9265, dated 12-20-66, Rx126926, $4.17. ac/Peter R. Adams, Inv. 9532 dated 1-11-67, Rx127386, $4.69 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 12818 dated 1-7-67, Rx314594, Rx314593, $10.63 Frank Todd, reimbursement for Renton Prescription Pharmacy Invoice paid No. 8971 dated 12-29-66, Rx126856 and Rx126867, $10.68 The Secretary advised that the bill from Seattle Office Furniture for the filing cabinet had been set up for payment after the last Board Meeting in order that it could be funded from tie 1966 budget. Concurrence in the expenditure from the 1966 budget was requested. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the bill and funding action taken be approved. Carried. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett that the bills be allowed as read. Carried. i Pension Fund Payments for month of January, 1967: Mrs. Enza Anderson - $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald - $150.00; Charles Goodwin - $952.32. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Pension Fund Warrants and Inactive Status and Pension payment to Captain Goodwin, be approved as submitted.Carried. The Secretary submitted Current Fund Claim against the Pension Fund for disability payments to firemen from June to December, 1966 in total sum of $3,103.43. � It was pointed out that a new base for annual 'hours was determined and should be implemented . with this Claim. Moved by Alexander that the rates be corrected and claim approved goo thereupon. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the matter be tabled until presentation of the revised claim has been submitted. Carried. -2- w Minutes - Firemen Pension Board Meeting 1/30/67 Fireman Member Alexander suggested that the Board adopt a set of rules and regulations so they may have a procedure to follow on all matters. The Secretary reported having rules and regulations on file from Walla Walla and that Bellevue has adopted some which they will be happy to send us and she will make the request. City Treasurer Gossett requested authority to continue with investment of funds as in the past which authority is granted annually. Moved by Alexander seconded by Pringle, to concur in the fund investment as requested. The motion carried. Fund transfer was required to balance out the 1966 accounts within the Maintenance and Operation budget classification due to underestimated cost of equipment rental program for the year in sum of $6.12 which was transferred from 9010/507 unto 9010/315, $3.00 and 9010/402, $3.12. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle to approve the transfers to close out the December books. Carried. Since there was no further business, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman �rr -3- FIRr,,4EN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING ,p_/, ,Yll ,!�� � � February 24, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelsen, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 3:00 p.m. with all Board Members in attendance. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of January 30th as written. Carried. Reading of Disability, Recovery Notices and Physicians' Reports: Notice of Disability of Fireman Paul Henry due to stomach disorder and sinus infection absent from 1/13 to 1/16/67 with 29 duty hours missed. Dr. Clemons, Virginia Mason Clinic consulting physician. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 1/16/67 with $83.81 reimbursement due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Fireman David Walsh due to flu, 24 hrs., 1/16/67 to 1/19/67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/19/67 with $67.20 reimbursement due Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of John L. Parks due to flu from 1/17-67 to 1/20/67. Notice of Recovery advised of return to duty on 1/20/67 with 24 duty hrs. missed and $68.16 reimbursement due the Current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of John Alexander for 24 hours due to flu from 1/19/67 to 1/22/67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/22/67 with $78.48 reimbursement due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ronald Bergman for 48 hours due to flu from 1/21/67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/27/67 with $131.52 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ted LaValley due to flu from 1/27/67 Notice of Recovery advised of return to duty on 1/30/67 with 24 hrs. missed and $73.44 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Richard Geissler due to flu with 72 duty hours missed from 2/6/67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty 'on 2/8/67 with $24.07 reimbursement due current fund. Notice of Disability reported aLseuce of Frank Todd for 24 hours due to bad back from 2/2/67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/5/67 with $66.72 reimbursement due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of John Alexander due to cold and flu from 2/3/67 and 2/6/67 with 48 duty hours missed. Dr. Heilpern consulting physician. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/9/67 with $156.96 reimbursement due Current Fund. .� Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth on 2/17/67 due to eye trouble and stomach disorder. a i Firemen's Pension Minutes - 2/24/67 (Cont. -pg. 2- Claim for reimbursement to Current Fund for disability payments from June, 1966 to December 31, 1966 was read as revised and included payments as follows: J. Ashurst, 7/1 - 9/5/66, 384 hrs. @ $4.67, total $1,793.28 B. Beatteay, 11/9, 11/15/66, 452 hrs. A 2.49 113.30 J. Co.lombi, 10/3/66, 20 hrs. @ $2.66 53.20 J. Haworth, 10/8, 9, 10, and 11/25 & 28, 72 hrs. 183.60 @ $2.55 fir. P. Henry, 8/228, 13/9/66, 45 firs. @k.64 113.52 W. Larson, 10/20/66, 24 hrs. @ $2.15 51.60 J . Parks, 9/7/66, 24 hrs. @ $2.59 62.16 K. Parks, 11/23/66, 16 hrs. @ $2.53 40.48 B. Phillips, 10/7, 10/10/66, 48 hrs. @ $2.55 122.40 J. Pringle, 9/13/66, 11 hrs. @ $2.53 27.83 L. Smith, 9/29/66, 24 hrs. @ $2.53 60.72 K. Strom, 7/1, 7/4, 10/8, 10/29, 53 hrs. @ $2.59 137.27 E. Tonda, 8/26/66, 5 hrs. @ $2.88 14.40 P. Walsh, 11/2/66, 24 hrs. @ $2.84 68.16 F. Todd, 12/28/66, 15 hrs. @ $2.53 37.95 $ 2,879.87 Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the Claim for reimbursement to the Current Fund be allowed as read. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seermded by Pringle, that the monthly pension warrants be allowed in following amounts: February Payment Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. The motion carried. Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs, 3rd Street, ac/C. Goodwin, Inv. 1/20, Rx269692, $10.16 ac/Ronald A. Bergman, 1/13, 1/19, 1966, Rx271545, $8.'6 and $6.25 A. & H. Drugs 43, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E. , ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 7252, $9.33, Inv. 8044, $1.55, Gelusil, Inv. 8066, RX151106, $5.55 ac/John Pringle, Inv. 6724, Rx142460, $9.90, Inv. 7638, Rx142460, $9.90. ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 7606, Rx119645, $2.45 ac/E . Tonda, Inv. 7621, Rx148539, $7.87 Dr. Leland E . Childers, ac/Frank Todd, Statement 2-20-67, Lumbosacral disc syndrome Office calls and treatment, 1-30-67 to 2-13-67, $92.50 Q. B. DeMarsh, M. D. , ac/John Pringle, Statement 1-31-67, $15.00 Jack E. Hawc-th, Leonary Rexall Drugs, Inv. 3043, 12/22/66, Rx09395, $5.47 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/J. Ashurst, Inv. 34953, Maalox, $3.11 ac/Paul Henry, Inv. 35062, R01420, $8.86 ac/John Alexander, Inv. 35568, Rx71763, $2.08, Inv. 35539, Rx71320 and 71721, $6.41, Inv. 35121, Rx71320, 71321, $8.02, and Inv. 34899, Rx227, 71069, $6.41 L. Patricelli, M. D., ac/T. K. Anderson, Statement 11-30-66, Lab tests, $5.50 Fred W. Reebs, M. D., ac/Franklin Todd, Statement, 12-29 and 1-17-67, $4.00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Frank Todd, Inv. 9900, 1-30-67, Rx128181, $3.08 ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 10273, Rx128925, $3.60 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv.18026. RxI15667, $,1.12, Inv. 7226, Rx214594, 314593, $10.63 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Frank Todd, Inv. 9636, Rx127637, $3.80 W/T, City Treasurer, January, Equipment Rental Fund, A-29, 742 miles - $20.00 Firemen's Pension Board Meeting - Minutes of 2-24-67 (Cont.) -Pg. 3- Muved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the bills be paid as read subject to checking as to whether Dr. Childers is a participating physician in our medical coverage plan or otherwise. Carried. Fireman Pringle submitted for discussion matter of whether Firemen should participate in "Medic A.l.ert"wherein tags are issued when certain medications are not to be used. Preventative medication was discussed and it was pointed out that the City Attorney had rendered opinion that the Board could not legally finance costs for preventative medication, and it was mentioned perUIE the Public Health Service might provide this service or the local Health Officer might participate and set a rate for all the Firemen which might be less than their regular M.D. Discussion of rules and regulations concerning Board policy will be postponed for another meeting. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Sec. D. W, Guster� Mayor-Chairman i Q JJ �y!/jr FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD / Regular Meeting March 24, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that Dorothea Gossett act as Chairman until the Mayor arrives. Carried. The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. with all members subsequently in attendance. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of February 24th be approved as written. The motion carried. Mayor Custer arrived and the meeting progressed with reading of the pension bills. Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 - Month of March. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, that the monthly pension warrants be drawn. The motion carried. Disability Notices, Recovery Notices and Attending Physiciants reports were read as follows: Notice of disability and absence from duty reported for Fireman Bruce Phillips due to a cold on 2/25/67. Service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2-28-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $67.20 reimburse- ment due the Current Fund. Physician's report from John R. Moran, M.D. reported examination of George Banasky on 2-13-67 with disability diagnosed as Exogenous obesity, a non-service connected disability. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth on 2/17/67 due to eye trouble and stomach disorder. Physicians notice, signed by Daniel M. Moschel, M. D. gave authorization for return to light duty. Report was dated 2-27-67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/1/67 with 93 duty hours missed and $260.00 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported the absence of William Larson on 3/10/67 due to a cold designated as non-service connected illness. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/13/67 with 24 duty hours missed and $59.76 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported the absence of Leroy Smith on 3/13/67 due to the flu. No designation was lade as to whether illness was service connected. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/16/67 with 24 duty hours missed and $66.72 reimbursement due the Current Fund. -1- 11inutes-Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Meeting 3-24-67 Bills were read as listed below: A. & H. Drugs ac/George Banasky, Rx272639, 2/13/67, $16.88 301 - North 3rd ac/Charles Goodwin,Rx269692, 2/16/67, $10.16 Penton .:'s Prescription Pharmacy, ac/John Alexander, Invoice 35616, $3.70, Rx71821, Invoice 35600, Rx71763, $2.08 ac/James Ashurst, Invoice 35628, $3.13, Two Maalox ac/Robert Connell, Invoice 35923, Alodrox, $1.77 ac/Ted LaValley, Invoice 35527, Rx66819, R00814, #23.08 Leonard Rexall Drugs ac/Jack Haworth, Invoice 3401, Rx209395, $5.47; Invoice 303 Meeker Street 4351, Rx211533, Rx211534, Rx211534, $15.89 Yent Earl Strom - Reimbursement-Shaw Rexall Drugs, Renton Statement 2-9-67, Rx320788, $3.86 W/T, Equipment Rental Fund - A-291 105 miles, month of February, 1967, $20.00 Proved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the prescription and equipment rental bills be paid as read. Carried. tloved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle that all Physician's bills be sent to King County Medical Service Corporation for payment and the Board will then consider any— bills that are not honored by King County. Carried. After discussion regarding medical bills it was requested that the Secretary issue a bulletin to to all Firemen to inform them that they must file a Physician's report to the Board on all new illnesses and injuries and a Notice to both Fire Stations directing that all Firemen submit their King County Identification Card whenever a Physician is consulted so that all Doctor bills will be sent to King Connty by the Doctor for consideration as to extent allowed under the new contract provisions. pack Pringle reported that he is checking with various firms regarding Medic Alert ;;ard-, and should have a report at the next meeting. The Chief also is in favor -f identification tags for the Firemen and Jack is checking on this matter also. S'_nce there was no further business it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Nelson, -o adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m. D. IV.- Custer, Chairman Helmin IV. Ne)s n, Secretary r Ong 2 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING BOARD MEMBERS April 21, 1967 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular monthly meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. May Duncalf, Assistant City Treasurer was present in the absence of Dorothea Gossett. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of March 24th be approved as written. The motion carried. Communications and Bills were read and literature regarding Medic Alert was presented. Monthly Pension Fund Bills: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00; all for month of April. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that the pension fund warrants be drawn. Carried. Equipment Rental, A-29 vehicle 108 miles Minimum $20.00 Paulson Office Supply, Legal Folders for files 5.26 Prescriptions: A & If Drugs, 301 So. 3rd St., ac/C. Goodwin, Rx269692, 3/27/67, $10.16 A & H Drugs, #2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E., ac/M. Sherertz, Invoices 8708, 2 Gelusil, $3.11 dated 3-8-67; 8715, Rx154656, 154657, $9.48 dated 3-9-67; 8896, 2 Gelusil, $3.11 dated 3-17-67; 9018, 2 Gelusil, $3.11 „ 9025, Rx156153, $2.45 dated 3-26-67 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Avenue North ac/Paul Henry, Rx72867, 71420, $8.50 dated 3-21-67, Invoice 36314 ac/James Ashurst, 2 Maalox, $3.11 Invoice 36510 dated 3-27-67 ac/Ted LaValley, Rx 66819, 70814, $23.08, Inv. 36418 dated 3-20-67 Leonard Rexall Drugs, 303 W. Meeker, Kent, ac/Jack Haworth, Rx209395, $5.47, Inv. 3401 dated 3/3/67 and Rx219395, $5.47, Inv. 3788 dated 3-23-67 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, 217 - 4th P1., Renton, ac/Peter Adams, Rx130366, $3.59 dated 3-28-67; ac/Patrick Walsh, $4.95, Inv.11354 dated 4-14-67 Shaw's Drugs, 220 Wells Street, ac/T. K. Anderson, Rx314593, $7.50, Inv. 17472 dated 4/11/67. John L. Bernier, D. C., ac/Karl Strom, Statement for services 2/4/67, $10.00 dated 2/28/67, (Reimbursement to Strom) NOTICES OF DISABILITY AND RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORT Notice of disability of Donald Goodwin on 3/15/67 due to flu, serice connection not designated. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 3-18-67 with 24 duty hours . . missed and $68.16 reimbursement due current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth from duty on 3-19-67 due to hospital confinement and operation. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3-22-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $67.20 due current fund. Physician's report, Dr. R. H. Riddell reported examinations on 3/27, 3/31, 4/3, 4/7, 4/14 and 4/17 with disability due to bad teeth. Complete dental operation was performed. Dr. Moschel reported examination first on October with frequent subsequent examinations to 3-31-67 and diagnosed 1. prostatitis epididymitis for which he operated on 3-15-67 & 2.pyorrhea for which teeth extraction was deemed necessary. #1 followed flu which patient insists he contacted at work. Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund r 4-21-67 NOTICES OF DISABILITY AND RECOVERY AND PHYSICIL1NS REPORTS: (Cont.) Tohn J. Callahan, M. D. reported examination of Kenneth R. Parks on March lst with -isability diagnosed as Degenerative joint disease, lumbar spine; periarticular fibrositis left shoulder noted to be non-service connected. Previous treatment noted in Jan., 1.964 ... for compression fracture, D8; acute cervical spine sprain. Date of Report 3-6-67. Notice of Disability reported absence from duty of Iiarv-n Sherertz due to the flu on 3/24/67. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3-27-67 with 8 duty hours missed and $99.12 due current fund. Notice of Disability of Patrick .T. Walsh due to sore shoulders and neck from flare up of arthritic condition reported absence from duty on 3-20-67, non-service connected existing condition, for which Dr. Ranniger was consulted. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3-23-67 with 182 duty hours missed and $60.49 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz from duty on 4-5-67 for one-half day due to Dr. appointment. Notice of return to duty noted 4 duty hours missed with $19.56 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence from duty of Marvin Sherertz for Dr. appointment for one-half day on 4-11-67, Dr. K. B. Skubi consulted, and Notice of Return to duty reported 4 hours missed with $19.56 due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz on 4-13-67 for Dr. appointment and Xrays, referred to Dr. Eva Gilbertson by Dr. Skubi. Notice of Recovery reported 4 duty hours missed with return to duty on 4-14-67 and $19.56 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence from duty of Marvin Sherertz on 4-18-67 due to Dr. appointment with Dr. Skubi named as Physician consulted. Notice of return to duty reported return on 4-19-67 with A duty hours missed and $17.12 due the Current Fund Physicians' Reports were read from Dr. R. M. Grimm noting examination of Peter Adams on 1-11-67 and diagnosis of cold service-connected (pharyngitis) and report of R.W. Lomas noted examination on 3-28-67 of Peter R. Adams with disability diagnosed as Refractive error O.D. Conjunctival Chemosis, xp - 50 x 180, 0 plano noted to be service connected. Bills were submitted by Firemen for payment and forwarded by the Board to King County for consideration in accordance with the City's Group Policy as follows: Thomas E. Maxwell, M.D., ac/Marvin L. Sherertz, $25.00 for profession service 3/22/67 Eva L. Gilbertson, M.D. , ac/Marvin L. Sherertz, $30.00 X-ray, 4/13-67, Upper G.I. Series Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. ac/Marvin Sherertz, Balance due $12.00 and Dan E Ranniger, M.D., Office Visit 3-9-67, $6.00 The Polyclinic, 1200 Harvard Ave., ac/Ted LaValley, xray and medical service, 11-23-66, $30.50; December 20, 1966, $10.50 and March 22, 1967, $12.00, total $54.00 Robert H. Riddell, D.D.S., Full mouth Dentures and required service therefor, $444.00 Moved by Nelson , seconded by Alexander,that the bills be paid as read f o r the Equipment Rental payment and the Paulson Office Supplies. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson that the monthly bills for prescriptions be paid as read with bill from Dr. Bernier, ac/Karl Strom, Chiropractor services, with all. her Physician's bills to be forwarded to King County Medical Corp.to consider under low the City's Group Insurance Policy. Carried. -2- i Minutes - Firemen's Pension Board Meeting; 4-21-67 Pringle reported regarding T.D. Tags that he has looked over several but wishes to investigate further and will make report subsequently. Regarding Medic Alert `fags it was noted that these would be needed by only a few of the Firemen but it was felt they were essential if they were needed. Sample was shown and it was moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that the Firemen's Pension Fund purchase a supply of the Medic Alert Tags as needed, necessary information to be supplied by Fireman Pringle. Carried Since there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Alexander, to adiourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. The next meeting will be held on May 18th since the monday following the regular Pension Board meeting date is a 5th Monday and there will be no Council meeting. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie td. Nelson, City Clerk-Sec. E -3- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 18, 1967 BOARD IXMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Joc:c Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The monthly meeting of the Pension Board was called to order at 11:10 a.m. by Mayor Custer. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk was present in the absence of Helmie Nelson. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the minutes of the previous meeting of April 21, 1967 be approved as written. The motion carried. Monthly Pension Bills: Month of May, 1967 Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. Moved by Marshall, seconded - by Pringle, to approve the pension payments and warrants be drawn to cover. Carried. Other Bills: Equipment Rental, A-51, 98 miles - $8.00. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, to authorize payment of the bill as read. Carried. Current Fund - Reimbursement - Disability payments to Firemen as submitted through March meetings, 1967: $1,201.56: Paul Henry, 1/13 to 1/16, 29 duty hrs. missed @ $2.89 hr. $ 83.81 David Walsh, 1/16 - 1/19, 24 duty hrs missed @ $''2.80 hr. 67.20 John L. Parks, 1/17 - 1/20, 24 duty hrs. missed, 2.84 hr. 68.16 John Alexander, 1/19-1/22, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9, 72 hrs. $3.27 hr. 235.44 Ronald Bergman, 1/21 & 1/27, 48 duty hrs. missed, $ 2.74 hr. 131.52 Ted LaValley, 1/27 - 1/30, 24 duty hrs. missed @ $3.06 73.44 Richard Geissler, 2/6 & 2/8, 72 duty hrs. missed @ $3.21 24.07 Frank Todd, 2/2 - 2/5, 24 duty hrs. missed @ $2.78 hr. 66.72 Jack Haworth, 2/17 - 3/1, 93 duty hrs. missed @ $2.80 260.40 Leroy Smith, 3/13 - 3/16, 24 duty hrs. missed @ 1$'2.78 66.72 Wm. Larson, 3/10 - 3/13, 24 duty hrs. missed @ $2.37 56.88 Bruce Phillips, 2/25 - 2/28, 24 duty hrs. missed @ $2.80 67.20 $ 1,201.56 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, to reimburse the Current Fund for disability payments made to firemen as read. Carried. Rx and Dr. Bills: Austin Hendrickson Pharmacy, 301-3rd Ave. ac/C. Goodwin, Rx 269692, $10.16 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Avenue, ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 36870, $2.19, 4/14/67 ac/John Alexander, Rx73686, 73687, Inv. 37059, $6.97, 4/24/67 ac/Robert Connell, Aludrox, Inv. 36968, $1.77 dated 4/20/67 Q. B. DeMarsh, 1110 Harvard Ave., ac/ John Pringle, Rx, 2/8/67, 3/10/67 and 4/4/67, $30.f' � Seattle, Washington 98122 Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, ac/Ronald Bergman, Services 1/13/67, $3.00 Wd - 67 Cobb Bldg., Seattle Pay '14 Save, 40 Renton Village, ac/Jack Pringle, Rx, 4-13-67 #21139, $4.15 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Patrick J. Walsh, Inv. 11472, Rx131209, $4.48, 4/20/67 Inv. 11584, Rx131392, $3.96, 4-26-67 -2- Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting May 18, 1967 Bills: (Continued) Larry Weiss, reimbursement of payment for Rx 72241, 5-1.6-67, $6.65 Drs. McConville, Callahan & Ellinger, ae/Kenneth Parks, Exam & Xrays, $23.50, 3-1-67 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle that the bills be authorized for payment and warrants be drawn to cover. Carried. Bill for Parks to be submitted to King County l:edical Service Corporation for consideration per policy. Disability and Recovery Notices: Notice of disability of John Parks reported absence from duty on 4/11/67 due to arthri-Lis and Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 4-14-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $68.16 due the Current Fund. Service connection not noted. Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Haworth due to a cold on 4/24/67, non-service connected. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 4-27-67 with 24 duty hours miGUed and $67.20 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported Marvin Sherertz absent from duty from 1300 to 1600 on 5-16-67 for Dr. appointment (Dr. Skubi) . Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 5-17-57 with 3 duty hours missed and $14.67 due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Larry Weiss due to the gout on 5-10-67, service- connection not noted. Dr. McClinton consulted. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 5-11-67 with 2 duty hours missed and $4.74 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability of Larry Weiss on 5-15-67 for Dr. appointment -existing gout condition, Notice of return to duty and recovery on 5-15-67 resulting in 21- duty hours missed and $5.92 due the Current Fund. As there were no further comments it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, to ad.jc_��:n. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairrc:. C 2a Marshall, Deputy City Clerk-Sec. SPECIAL MEETING May 18, 1967 11:25 a.m. A special meeting was convened at this time for purpose of authorizing Actuarial Valuation of the City of Renton Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund. Following discussion, it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the firm of Marsh & McLennan, Inc. be retained to conduct the Actuarial survey. Carried. ... Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle to adjourn. Carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. rn Marshall, Acting Secretary D. W. ,Custer, Mayor-,Ch airman �V !J L IREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING June 21, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS: D. W. Custer, Mayor=Chairman MONO Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The monthly meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Dorothea Gossett in the absence of the Mayor. All other Board Members were present as listed. Mrs. Gossett introduced May Duncalf, Assistant City Treasurer, who would be attending Board meetings in her absence. Fireman Alexander stated that he had been present at the time the law was drafted and it was the intent that only the elected officials are entitled to voice opinions at the Board meetings and the Deputies and Assistants do not have a vote. The Secretary and City Treasurer stated that their Deputies- are appointed to fulfill any and all duties of the office in their behalf during absence of the elected officials and this is set up by law. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, to secure an opinion from the City Attorney. The motion carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of May 18th be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS : letter from the State Public Pension Commission advised that they have been directed _Dy the Legislature to study the investment programs of the Public Pension Funds and requested information relative thereto which the City Treasurer reported they have already been furnished. They also requested to be listed on the mailing list for the Firemen's Pension Board Minutes. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the Pension Board meetings not be sent to the Public Pension Commission. Carried. Dental bill in sum of $444.00 for Jack Haworth, had been sent to the King County Medical Service Corporation by the Secretary. Reply, which had been sent to her at home during her vacation was read advising that there could be no allowance for this bill since dentistry, including treatment and x-rays is specificially excluded under the terms of the City's contract. Each item on the list was reviewed by the Board and separate items were designated for payment by the Pension Board, totalling $103.00. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle to allow the $103.00 total and the balance to be assumed by Mr. Haworth the Secretary to so advise Fireman Haworth. The Secretary noted that the Mayor was not present and wondered whether the payment would have his approval. Board Member Alexander stated that in conversation with the Mayor he had indicated his approvalof these specific items. The pending motion carried. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS: Notice of Disability reported for James Matthews advised of absence from duty on 4-26-67 from sprained thumb at fire alarm and was sent to hospital for examination. recovery Notice reported return to duty on 4-26-67 with 2 duty hours missed and moo $4.74 due in reimbursement to Current Fund. Service-connected Disability treated by Dr. Heyes whose report was attached confirming injury while fire fighting. I Firemen's Pension Board Meeting -2- June 21, 1967 Notice of Disability reported absence of Frank Todd on 6-6-67 due to twisted left .nee in responding to fire alarm and slipping on truck room floor. Dr. Romano advised that he not return to work until after an operation. Notice of return to �.. duty reported return on 6-6-67 with 2 hours missed and $5.56 due the Current Fund ;111d Ii t s rol io C frnm duty pending surgery. Service connected existing condition. Notice of disability reported absence of Frank Todd from duty from 6-8-67 to 6-20-67 for operation and recuperation on injured left knee . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 6-20-67 with 96 duty hours missed and $266.88 due the Current Pund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Larry Weiss on 6-15-67 due to sore throat and cold. No designation as to service connection was noted. Notice of Recovery and return to duty on 6-16-67 was reported with 8 duty hours missed and $18.96 due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz on 6-16-67 due to Dr. appoint- ment with Dr. Skubi. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 6-16-67 with 3 duty hours missed and $17.11 reimbursement due the Current Fund. BILLS: Dr. Robert Ii. Riddell, D.D.S. - Partial Payment in sum of $103.00. Dental service to Jack Haworth, March and April, 1967. (Total billing $444.00) Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Street, ac/T.K. Anderson, Inv. 16491, Rx314593 $7.50 and 16685, Rx314594, $313.00 Austin-iiendrickson 112, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E. , ac/Marvin L. Sherertz, Inv. 9103,Gelusil, 45.04, Inv. 9264, Rx157623, Rx125956, $4.80 and $13.85 and Gelusil, $1.83, Inv. 9439, Gelusil, $4.04. Q. B. DeMarsh, M.D. 1110 Harvard Ave., Seattle, Statement 5-31-67, ac/John Pringle, Adm. Velban, 5-1-67 and 5-31-67, $30.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave., ac/Ernest Tonda, Inv. 37174, Rx73715, $3.20 Ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 37177, Rx66820, 73484, $12.09, Inv. 37512, Rx73484, $2.10, Inv. 37586, Rx73484, 66819, 66820, $23.91 Ac/Jas. Ashurst, Inv. 37680, Rx61246 and 2 Maalox, $5.26 Leonard Rexall Drugs, 303 W. Meeker, Kent, Ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 7853, Rx2009395, $8.60 per Dr. Moschel Drs. Mason, Busteed & Campbell, 1001 Broadway, Seattle, Ac/Franklin Todd, Statement dated 6-9-67 Tissue, $3.00 Drs. McConvi7'e, Callahan & Ellinger, Ac/Kenneth Parks, Service March 1, 1967, Exam and Xrays, shoulder, $23.50 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, 217 - 4th Pl., Ac/William Larson, Inv. 12215, Rx132133, $5.73 and Inv. 12216, Rx132413, $3.28 Equipment Rental Fund, Charges for month of May, 1967, A-51, 93 miles - $8.00 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be paid as presented in the usual manner. Carried. Pension Fund Bills: Month of June, 1967 Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00 T. K. Anderson, 347.00 6. Charles Goodwin 404.00 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, the Pension Warrants be issued and paid. Carried. Firemen's Pension Board Meeting -3- June 21, 1967 John Alexander called attention to the fact that 257o of Firemen's Pension Funds may be invested in open end stocks, Bremerton being cited as one City making such investments, and the City Treasurer was requested to investigate and report back on the matter. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor - Chairman Helmi.e Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary r -3- i 21REMEN"S PENSION AND RKLI&F FU,,., BOARD SPECIAL MEETING July 21, 1967 i BOARD MEMBERS: D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothy Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was convened by Mayor D. W. Custer by telephone for consideration of pension payments. Alternate Member, Dave Walsh, acting in absence of Jack Pringle. Pension Fund Bills: I•Ionth of July, 1967 Mrs Enza Anderson 1,150.00 T. K. Anderson 347.00 Charles Goodwin 404.00 Floyd Lawrence 305.00 lArs. Orpha McDonald 150.00 Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the monthly pension warrants be issued and paid. Carried. Meeting adjourned. D. jl, Custer, Mayor-Chairman '_' ,lmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary ism l FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR MEETING - July 28, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS: D. IV , Custer, Mayor-Chairman --� Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary .lack Pringle, Fireman john Alexander, Fireman regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was convened at 3:00 p.m. with Fireman ;:uwe Walsh serving as Alternate Board Member in the absence of Fireman Pringle. Mayor Custer was present for a portion of the meeting having requested discussion relative to payment by the Pension Board of bills for dental services rendered Fireman Haworth by Dr. Riddell. Fireman Alexander recalled that the Physician's report had attributed the zi-reman's periodontal problem as cause of disability checked as service-connected. It was noted that the pension fund assumes the payments allowing six months if service connected and less than that period if non-service connected. After some discussion Hayor Custer advised he would go along with the payment with some objection not feeling that this is related to medical illness. Amount of payment in question was $103.00. The Mayor took leave at this time and City Treasurer Gossett assumed the Chair for the balance of the meeting. Bills were read as follows: A. & H. Drugs, 301 South 3rd Street, ac/C. Goodwin, Rx277962, $6.25, Rx269692, $10.16 June 23, 1967 June 15, 1967 Kay Barrileaux, Reimburse payment to Chas. C. Cullcn, Statement 6/28/67 for Brace, per Dr. Rohrsson prescription, $52.25 1-B.M. Corporation, 1200-Fifth Ave., Seattle,Maintenance Contract for IBM Electric Typewriter, 7/16/66 to 7/15/68, $39.69 K's Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave., Renton, ac/Ted LaValley, Invoice 38012, 6/13/67,-Rx74838,$9.85 and Invoice 37830, 6/17/67, Rx74484, $2.19 Ac/R. L. Connell, Invoice 37811, 6-6-67, Rx69888, $8.39 Marsh, McLennan,D.K.MacDonald Co., Actuarial Report Dated June 30, 1967 Equipment Rental Fund - Equipment Rental Charges for month of July, 1967, $8.00, A-51,88 Mi. C�---ent Fund Invoice for Reimbursement due for Disability Salary Payments, April, May and June, 1967, $784.72 I Moved by Alexander, seconded by Walsh, that all bills be submitted by the Firemen through Doctors and that the Firemen submit their King County cards when going in for treatment and any bills not paid by King County will be considered for payment by the Pension Board r- returned to the Firemen. There is some question by King County on payment of injury bills which are service-connected. Carried. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Walsh that the prescription & ft. bills .be 'pa i d: Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Walsh, that the typewriter maintenance bill, equipment rental and reimbursement bills be authorized for payment. Carried. (Included 1% FaYm�.c�t are bills which have been refected by King County as follows: Dr. Hartwig, ac/Gerald Nicho .ily 3,5, and 11, $19.50;John Mac Kinnon, ac/Franklin Todd, 6-9-67, $44.00; Providence , Hospital, ac/Franklin Todd, June 9,10,11 and 15, $252.35; Dr. Robert L. Romano, ac/Franklin Todd, $260.75 and Valley General Hospital, ac/Gerald Nichols, 7-1-67, $7.50. i Firemen's Pension Board Meeting July 0-8, 1967 Notices of Disability and Recovery and Physician's Reports were read as follows: Dr. Rohrssen reported examinations of Ray C. Barilleaux with diagnosis of disability being acute lumbo sacral strain, service connected, date of service 6-14 and 6-19-67. No time was lost. Notice of disability reported absence of Fireman Doug Haworth from duty on 6-24 and 6-25-67 due to diarrhea, with recovery and return to duty reported on 6-27-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $66.72 due Current Fund. Service connection not designated. Disability Notice reported absence of Franklin Todd from duty on 6-26-67 for Dr. appointment. Notice of return to duty on 6-26-67 noted 3 duty hours lost with $8.34 due the Currert Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Gerald Nichols from 7-1-67 to 7-7-67 due to burned hands injured in service during fire at 603 So. 2nd Street. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 7-7-67 with 43 duty hours missed and $131.58 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Physiciarls uctice reported treatment on 7-1, 7-3, 7-5 and 7-11,1967 for 2nd degree burns on right hand which injury was the direct result of duties performed and was signed by Dr. Hartwig. Notice of disability reported absence of Karl Strom on 7-14-67 due to bad back condition an existing injury, and notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7-14 with 21- duty hours missed and total reimbursement due Current Fund in sum of $7.10. -- Notice of Disability reported absence of Rorert Connell from 7-14-67 to 7-17-67 due to bad back and treatment by Dr. Wagner. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7-17-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $3.27 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of John Alexander on 7-15-67 to 7-18-67 to re- cuperate from teeth extraction. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7-18-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $78.48 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin L. Sherertz on 7-25-67 for Dr. appoint- ment. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7-25-67 with 2 duty hours missed and $4.89 due the Current Fund. (Meeting was subsequently held) Firemen's Pension Budget was brought up and the Board requested a spec'al meeting be called at a later date, for consideration of the Budget since the Mayor was not present. Copies of the Firemen's Pension Fund Actuarial Survey for 1967 were distributed to the Board Members. Analysis of the fund resulted in determination of contributions for subsequent years to 12-31-67 and the annual revenue from City Taxes to meet requirement is $112,953.00 and this amount is being placed in the proposed Firemen's Pension Fund Budget for 1968. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Walsh, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Dorothea Gossett g Actin Chairman -2- FIREMEN'S PLNSION AND RELIEF BOARD SPECIAL MEETING - LY 31 1967 - JULY , D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Hel.me Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Firema►i John Alexander, Fireman A special meeting of Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 3:00 P.M. for the purpose of consideration of departmental requests for the preliminary budget. Fireman Jack Pringle was absent. The Secretary reported the following anticipated revenues: Taxes (based on 1967 actuarial report) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 112,953.00 Interest on investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000.00 Pro rata share of State tax on Fire Insurance premiums . . . . 6,378.00 Firemens" contributions .. 2J868.00 TOTAL $ 184,199.00 After due consideration it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that the following departmental requests for the annual budget be approved. Carried. Acct. No. Account Title and Description Cost MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 201 Pension & Disability 23,000.00 202 Medical Expense 7,000.00 1 306 Stat, Equipment Maintenance 40.00 315 Equipment Rental 120.00 402 Office Supplies 150.00 501 Available Surplus 147,599.00 504 Travel Expense 100.00 507 Miscellaneous 100.00 510 Retiabursable Expense - Charged from Fire Dept. Budget (represents disability payments due from Pension Fund) 52000.00 TOTAL M & 0 183,109.00 SALARIES & WAGES Charged from City Clerk's Budget 1,090.00 TOTAL SALARIES & WAGES $ 14090.00 GRAND TOTAL a iB4,199.00 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairs-". Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary a N FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD REGULAR MEETING - August 25, 1967 _ BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothy Gossett, City Treasurer He]mie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jack Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. with all Board Members present. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the special meeting of- July 21st, the regular meeting of July 28th and the special meeting of July 31st be approved as written. Carried. Bills were read as follows: A & H Drugs, 301 So. 3rd Street, ac/C. Goodwin, 7-19-67, Rx269692, $10.19 A & H Drugs $#2,2820 Sunset Blvd. E., ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 5-11-67, 9721, $3.73, 5-16-67, #$9788, Rx160546, $6.25; 5-11-67, ##9717, Rx157623, $5..00, 5-9-67, Inv. 9695, Gelusil, $3.81; 6-1-67, Inv. 042, Gelusil, $3..81; 6-10-67, Inv. 217, Rxl57623, $5.00; 7-31-67, Inv. 1025, Rx165940, $3.29; 7-15-67, Inv. 756, Rx160546 and 157623, $11.29; and ` Inv. 436 undated, Rx160546 and Gelisul, $10.09 Ir ac/John Pringle, 5-9-67, Inv. 9684, Rx142460, $9.92, 7-3-67, Inv. 568, Rx142460, $9.93 ac/Gerald Nichols, 7-1-67, Inv. 544, Rx164021, $1.83 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Avenue No., ac/John E. Alexander, 7-7-67, Inv. No. 38458., Rx 712, and 75408, $3.34 ac/Ted LaValley, 7-5-67, Inv. 38409, Rx73484, $2.19; 7-17-67, Inv.. 38622, Rx73484, $2.19; 7-31-67, Inv. No. 38858, Rx70814 and 66820, $21.21 Q. B. DeMarsh, M. D., Seattle, Wn., ac/John Pringle, 7-31-67, $10.00 Monthly Pension Bills: Payment for Month of Atg ust, 1967 Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150..00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305..00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the regular bills and monthly pension warrants be paid as read. Carried. The Secretary reported that all the information is on hand regarding the Medic Alert bum program and that order will be placed as soon as the number to be required has been determined. 24 9 Firemen's Pension Boare 'seting -2- 8-25-67 Regular Meeting (Cont.) Matter of having some type of I.D. Card was brought up by Fireman Pringle, to be carried when travelling away from the City on long trips. It was felt that a Medical card or some other personal I.D. is usually carried in this event. Notices of Disability and Recovery from Illness or Injury were read as follows: Notice of Disability of Jack Haworth reported absence from duty on 7-20 and 7-21 due to foreign matter in eye. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7-23-67 with 19 duty hours missed and $53.20 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of disability reported absence of Larry Weiss from 7-28-67 to 7-28-67 for Dr. appointment. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7-31 with 4 duty hours missed and $9.48 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of James F. Ashurst on 7-31-67 due to stomach disorder. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 8-1-67 with 8 duty hours missed and $40.96 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin L. Sherertz on 7-31-67 due to broken finger slammed in door of #8 pick-up while on duty this date. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 8-1-67 with 3 duty hours missed and $14.67 due Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz on 8-3-67 due to 24 hr. flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8-4-67 with 8 duty hours missed and sum. of $39.12 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of George Banasky on 8-3-67 due to a cold. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 8-6-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $78.48 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth on 8-1-67 for Dental appointment and Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 8-1-67 with 4 duty hours missed and $11.20 reimbursement due the Current Fund. j Notice of Disability reported absence of James F. Ashurst from 8-14-67 to 8-16-67 due to a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8-16-67 with 16 duty hours missed and $81.92 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability of Larry Weiss reported absence on 8-22-67 to 8-23-67 due to sore throat and headache. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8-23-67 with 8 duty hours missed and $18.96 due the Current Fund. The Secretary advised that Mr. Chuck Glasford, King County Medical Service Representa- tive has presented a proposal whereby for $1.00 per month per Fireman, King County will insure all illness or injury, the present coverage including only illness and non-servicq injury. It was pointed out that bills submitted in one month alone have exceeded this cost and it was the general opinion of all present that this would be a very good idea. Action will-be withheld until written proposal has been received from King County, the Secretary being instructed to advise King County that the Firemen are very much interested in the additional coverage. Since there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m. Helmie W. elson, Secretary-Cii-i Clerk D. W. Custer, Maya Chairman �r..r FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND BOARD MEETING BOARD MEMBERS September 1, 1967 D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:30 a.m. to consider referral by the City Council of request for loan of $50,000.00 to fund fill for the new fire station training site at 87th Avenue South and South 156th Street. The Secretary reported that she had checked with Adrian Webster, Chief Examiner for Cities, and the Pension Fund can make such a loan under provisions of RCW 41.16.040. Resolved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the Firemen's Pension Fund Board authorize loan unto the Current Fund, Fire Department Account 2200/602 in sum of $50,000.00, to bear interest at 57o per annum and to be repaid no later than December 31, 1968. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman 1 f� Helmie SJ. Nelson, ity C erk-Secretary i®Py, RESOLUTION N0. WHEREAS it is necessary for the Fire Department to borrow certain funds from the City of Renton Firemen's Pension Board for the purpose of developing and improving the proposed fire station site No. 3 and training grounds located thereon and such loan being necessary and required forthwith to provide additional fill for the aforesaid facility, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTN, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City Clerk is hereby authorized to accept a loan from the City of Renton Firemen's Pension Board in the sum of $50,000.00 and such loan, upon receipt from the Firemen's Pension Board, to be transferred unto the Current Expense Fund, Fire Department, Capital Outlay, Account No. 602 (Site No. 3 Development) and said loan to be repaid to the Fireman's Pension Board not later than December 31, -968 and bearing interst at the rate of 5 % per annum. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of September, 1967 -- -A-2yr, e. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11th day of Septemb -,, 1967. ZE, Donald W. uster, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney i i 251 FIREMEN'S PION BOARD MEETING REGULAR MEETING September 22, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS ,.,. D. W. Custer, Mayor.-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander. , Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen"s Pension Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. with all members of the Board present. Jack Wilson, City Engineer was present,having been invited to attend to discuss proposed L.I.D. 256 bond funding. COMMUNICATIONS : Letter from Chas. H. Glasford, Sales Representative, King County Medical Service Corporation, was read extending coverage, as previously discussed by the Board, for occupational illness and injury to firemen within the limits of the plan now in force with the City, monthly premium to be $1.00 per month per fireman. This does not include anyone on Pension at present or in the future whether service-connected or non-service connected disability. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 25th and the special meeting of September 1st be approved as written. The motion carried. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the Firemen's Pension Board approve the King County Medical Coverage proposal, effective upon execution of the required documents. The motion carried. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORT Report of Dr. James Hartwig advised of disability of Marvin Sherertz due to laceration and Fx. Distal Phalanx, right 4th finger, and treatment on 7-31, 8-2, 8-8, A-11 and 8-21, 1967, caused from catching finger in car door requiring suture and subsequent treatment. Disability Notice reported absence from duty of Ronald L. Bergman, from 9-6-67 to 9-9-67 due to possible kidney infection. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 9-9-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $65.76 due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence from duty of Bruce Phillips on 9-8-67 due to impacted wisdom tooth. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 9-8-67 with 21 duty hours missed and $7.00 due the current fund. BILLS A. & H. Drugs #1, Renton, ac/Douglas Haworth, Statement dated August 3, 1967, for Rx 279424 and 279425, $7.47 ac/Chas. Goodwin, Statement, August 24th, Rx269692, $9.14 John L. Bernier, D.C., Seattle, ac/Karl Strom, Statement dated July 31, 1967 for services on 7-5, 7-14 and 7-15, 1967, $15.00 A. B. DeMarsh, M.D., Seattle, ac/John Pringle, Statement for service, 8-11-67, $10.00 -1- Firemen's Pension Board Meeting Minutes 9-22-1967 BILLS (Cont.) J . 1{. Hartwig, M.D. , Renton, ac/Marvin Sherertz, Statement for services 7-31-67 to mom 8-21-67, Suture right 4th ringer laceration and treatment $35.50 Shaws Rexall Drugs, Renton, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 1.1820, dated 9-7-67, Rx314593, and 314594, $10.66 including tax and Invoice No. 16193, for Rx31.1594 and 314593, 7-6-67, $10.66 W/T Equipment Rental, City Treasurer, Vehicle A-51, 25 miles for month of September, $8.00 Medic Alert, Turlock, California, Emblems noting special allergy or condition for Wm. J. Henry, Donald Goodwin and Robert L. Connell, $16.50 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the September bills be paid as read. Carried. Monthly Pension Vouchers were read as follows: September, 1967: Mrs . Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the monthly pension warrants be drawn. The motion carried. Secretary Nelson reported that she had been unable to complete data required for the Medic Alert tags and the applications had been forwarded to the three firemen concerned for completion. Prior approval had been secured for purchase of these tags as required. Jack Wilson, City Engineer spoke briefly regarding funding; of L.I.D. 256 stating that he had talked with Don Morken, Bondin,; Counsel and it had been suggested that the City negotiate for the sale of the L.I.D. bonds and at this time he did not know whether a request will be made to the Pension Board for such funding. "ow There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary 1 Xf FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD MEETING • SPECIAL MEETING October 13, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helinie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The Special Meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. to consider the possibility of financing L.I.D. #256. All Board members were present. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Secretary write a letter to the City Council informing the members that the Board is interested in financing this L.I.D. and request that the Council furnish the approving ipinion of bonding counsel. A letter was submitted and read from the State of Washington Public Pension Commission concerning Investment Counsel and the firm of Loomis and Kennedy of Seattle has been selected as per Section 1 of Ch. 160, Laws of 1967 providing for the Couneel�and in the near future requests will be received for information and explanatory material. Copies of the laws establishing the Public Pension Commission were attached which included Ch. 17, Laws of 1963, extraordinary session (RCW 41.52) which act was amended by Chapters 128 and 160, Laws of 1967. A brief discussion followed after which - the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:40 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor airman Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD MEETING o/ REGULAR MEETING October 30, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS D. 1q. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Chairman Custer. All Members of the Board were present. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of September 22nd and the Special Meeting of October 13th as written. Carried. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS: Report of M. G. Rohrssen, M.D. advised of disability of Fireman Chas. Christenson due to back strain incurred when pulling hoses,with examination on 9-5-67 and return to active duty estimated to be 9-7-67. Report dated 9-5-67 designated service-connected. Report of Dr. C. David Heflen, advised of disability of Robert L. Connell due to cervical fibromyocytis caused by tripping over a hose at fire on 9-9-67. Dates of examinations, 9/11, 9/13 and 9/16, service-connected was indicated with no time loss expected. Report dated 10-2-67. Disability Notice reported absence of John Parks from 9-20-67 to 9-23-67 due to illness with noin&cation as to service connection. Recovery Notice advised of return to duty on 9-23-67 with 24 hours missed and $68.16 due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Larry Weiss from 9/25/67 to 9/27/67 due to cold and sore throat. Notice of Recovery reported return to active duty on 9-27-67 with 12 duty hours missed and $29.88 reimbursement due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Larry Weiss from 9-28-67 to 10-2-67 due to bad cold and sore throat. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 10-2-67 with 16 duty hours missed and $39.84 reimbursement due the Current fund . Disability Notice reported absence of James Ashurst fcr Dr. appointment and xrays at hospital on 9/29, 10/3, and 10/10 for existing stomach disorder. Dr. Calta. Notice of Recovery reported 6 hrs. missed with total of $30.72 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz on 10/5/67 due to sore leg and hip with Dr. Mooney consulted. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 10-5-67 with 3 duty hours missed and $14.67 reimbursement due the current fund. Futice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz on 10/16/67 for Dr. appointment with Dr. Skubi. Notice of Recovery reported 3 duty hours missed with $14.67 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Frank Todd from 10/15/67 to 10/16/67 due to bad back',an existing condition. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/18/67 with 21 duty hours missed and $66.57 due the current fund. ._... Notice of Disability reported absence of James F. Ashurst for 5 hours on 10/23/67 for X-rays at Valley General Hospital for existing condition. Dr. Calta consulted. Total due current fund $25.60. i Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 10-30-67 The Secretary reported that the Amendment to the King County Medical Contract, %no covering occupational illness and injury to firemen within the limits of the plan now in force with the City, would be forthcoming shortly and payment for the ensulne month would be due and payable at this time. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to approve the payment of $40.00 for the month of November at rate of $1.00 per month per active fireman. The motion carried. BILLS: The Secretary reported that inasmuch as October 30th was a 5th Monday and there was no meeting of the City Council, it was necessary to set the monthly pension vouchers up for payment in advance of this meeting, to-wit: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T.K. Anderson, $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404.00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha Mc Donald, $150.00. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, to approve the payment of the October pension warrants as reported. Carried. A. & H. Drugs, 301 South 3rd Street, ac/Douglas Haworth, Rx281322, $3.08;• ac/Ronald Bergman, Rx280503, Rx280504, $5.17 ac/Charles Goodwin, Rx260692, $10.19 A. & H. Drugs, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E., ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 1870, Rx169884, 160546, 9/21/67, $11.29, Inv. 1256, Rx160546, 157623, Desenex Powder, Gauze Pad, tape and bandage,$14.87. ac/John Pringle, Rx142460, $9.93 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park, ac/Paul Henry 9/18/67, Inv. 39656, R01420, $8.33 s ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 39537, Rx 70814, 66820,$21.21 ac/Robert Connell, Inv. 39494, 9/6/67, 16 oz. Aladeax, $1.78 ac/James Ashurst, Inv.39828, 9/26/67, Rx76985, $4.91 and Inv. 39433, Maalox, $2.82, 9/5/67 Leonard Rexall Drugs, 303 Meeker, Kent, ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 12315, Rx209395, $8.62 dated 10/14/67 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, 217 - 4th Place, ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 14136, 9/21/67, Rx139147, $3.61; ac/Patrick Walsh, Inv. 14477, Rx114905, $4.23; ac/Wm. Larson, Inv. 14209, Rx101995, $6.48,9-26. WIT Current Fund - City Treasurer, Reimbursement to Current Fund for Disability Payments of Salary for July, August and Septemo-ar $801.28. W/T, Equipment Rental, City Treasurer, June and September A-51, 80 Miles $16.00 Medic Alert Foundation, Inv. 225301, Balance due on Medical Tags-Robert L. Connell.$.50 Tack Colombi, Reimburse payment to Gov-Mart Bazar , Inv. 08547, Pres. 9892, $5.50 William J. Henry, Reimburse payment to A. & H. Drugs No. 2, Rx171790 and 171791, dated 10/16/67, $11.50 Charles Cullen Shoe Co., Seattle, Wn.,ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. dated 10/13/67, $16.00 Pr. Com. arches per Dr. Garth Mooney Bruce H. Phillips, Rec. 0394, 9/12/67, payment to John D. Smith, Jr. D.D.S., M.S.D. $33.00, Oral Surgery - impacted tooth Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to approve payment of the bills as read with the exception of invoices to Charles Cullen Shoe Co., ac/Marvin Sherertz, and Bruce Phillips payment to John D. Smith for oral surgery, Physician's Reports to be submitted by the attending Dr. nn each case, at which time billings will again be considered by the Board. The motion carried. -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD MEETING REGULAR MEETING December 5, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Halmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the November meeting was held this date and the meeting was called to order by Chairman Custer with all Board Members in attendance. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the minutes of the previous meeting of October 30, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIANtS REPORTS Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Haworth from 10-12-67 to 10-15-67 due to illness. Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours missed with $76.80 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Karl Strom from 10-30-67 to 11-2-67 due to a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11-2-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $77.76 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Physician's Report by R. G. Taylor, D.C. reported disability of Franklin L. Todd �.. due to misalignment of third lumbar vertebra and lower back pain with examinations on 10-16, and 10-18-67, not service-connected. Report dated 11-9-67. Disability Notice reported absence of Jerry Hurst from 11-20-67 to 11-23-67 due to illness. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11-23-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $78.96 due the Current Fund. Physician's Report of Dr. Mooney advised of disability of Marvin L. Sherertz due to hypertrophic changes in right foot due to severe planovalgus with examinatic1 on 10-5-67, 11-21-67 and 6 physical therapy treatments to be scheduled prior to final examination. Service connection not stated. Report of Dr. L. Patricelli advised of treatment of T. K. Anderson from 5-17-63 to 11-30-66 and operation in 1958 for sub-total gastrectomy, due to ulcer caused by tension and existing hypertension and cardeo-vascular difficulties. Continued retirement was recommended. Report dated 11-29-67, and disability contributed to service performed in the Fire Department. Disability Notice reported absence of Larry Weiss due to bad cold and chills from 11/22/67 to 11/23/67. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 11-23-67 with 8 hours missed and $23.84 due the Current Fund. a i Firemen's Pension Board Meeting (Cont.) December 5, 1967 BILLS: Monthly Pension payments for November: ^-- Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; T. K. Anderson, $347.00; Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 and Charles Goodwin, $404.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the monthly pension fund warrants be approved and warrants be drawn as read. Carried. United States Post Office, stamped envelopes, $29.20 A. & H. Drugs, 41, 801 S. Third Street, ac/Donald Goodwin, 10/10/67, Rx281913, Rx281914, $7.32 ae/Douglas M. Haworth, Rx279424, $4.70 and Rx 279425, $2.77, November 1, 1967 A. & H. Drugs $#2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E.,ac/Jack Pringle, Inv. No. 2236 dated 10/12-67, Rx142460, $9.93 John L. Bernier, D.C., 252 Securities Bldg., Seattle, ac/Karl Strom, medical service,Inv. October 1, 1967, $15.00 Charles Cullen Shoe Co., 1630 - 8th Ave. Seattle, ac/Marvin Sherertz, Statement 10/13/672 Arch Comb. Shoes, $16.00 Q. B. DeMarsh, M.D., Seattle, ac/John Pringle, Medical Services 10/18/67, $10.00 Rodney E. Handly, D.C., 442 Sunset Blvd., ac/Franklin Todd, Xrays and medical service, Oct. 16, Oct. 18, $42.00 Dr. C. David Heflen, 405 So. 4th St., ac/Robert Connell, professional services, State- ment dated 11-28-67, $21.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Street, ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 40655, dated 11/11/67, Rx66820 and R00814, $21.21 King County Medical Service Corporation, $1.00 each, 40 Firemen for month of December, 1967, $0.00 Leonard Rexall Drugs, 303 Meeker Street, ae/Jack Haworth, Statement Nov. 8, 19672 $8.622 Rx209395 WIT, Equipment Rental - City Treasurer,Vehicle A-51, month of October, 1967, $8.00, 20 mit Vehicle A-51,month of November, 1967, $8.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that bills be allowed with the exception of .hose with new prescriptions which will need a physician's report that it covers the prior condition or that new condition exists. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters and memorandum notices were read which had been directed to Firemen Colombi, Sherertz and Connell requesting Physician's Reports or reports from the Pharmacy in regard to prescriptions not covered by prior Physician's report or those which had not been issued on prior billings and appear to be new medication. Letter had been sent retiz'ed Firemen advising that the Board could not honor payment on bills which do not relate to the disability for which they were retired and copy was read as directed to Charles Goodwin. Letter was read,which had been directed to City Attorney Shellan,requesting opinion and recommendation as to how Physician's Reports might be worded to include statement regarding service-connection which the Doctors are somewhat reluctant to answer. City Attorney Shellan's reply was read suggesting that additional question to be answered by the physician be inserted as to whether "In your opinion, is the or sickness diagnosed by you more probably than not the direct result of services performed by the patient in his employment? If so, state the reason why". -2- Minutes - Renton Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 12-5-67 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Report of Dr. Ranniger was read stating that impacted wisdom tooth of Bruce Phillips was infected causing general medical disability. Discussion ensued regarding payment of dental bills, it being noted by Fireman Pringle that Fireman Phillips had a lump under his arm which the physician thought might have been caused by the abscessed tooth. Mayor Custer inquired regarding determining factor for physical disability and the relation of dental health to general physical health. Fireman Pringle inquired as to difference between this and any other injury and that the Board would do better to pay and keep the Firemen on the job. Fireman Alexander noted that teeth extractions are for the betterment of health. Mayor Custer noted that as stewards of the Pension fund the Board should be careful in its authorization of expenditures and suggested that an opinion be secured regarding payment of dental expenses. Fireman Alexander stated that the Board makes final determinations and Fireman Pringle felt that if a man has an impacted tooth and leaves work he has established non-service disability. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that opinion be secured from City Attorney Shellan as to whether the Firemen's Pension Fund under the law can pay dental bills. In discussion it was noted that crutches have been paid for by the fund. The motion carried. As there was no further business to be acted upon, the meeting was adjourned. D. W. Custer, Chairman-Mayor Helmie e son, City Clerk-Secretary I .or -3- a �,IREMEN'S PENSION 259 AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MEETING December 21, 1967 BOARD MEMBERS Ir.. D. IJ. Custer, Chairman, Mayor Dorothea Gossett, City Clerk Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was called to order at 10:30 a.m. with all members of the Board in attendance. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Fire Chief Walls reported that as result of election, Fireman Jack Pringle has been re-elected to a two-year term on the Firemen's Pension Board. Memorandum to Firemen were read . Jack Colombi, Douglas Haworth, Marvin Sherertz, and Robert Connell, not:d bills received for new prescriptions or medications not previously covered by Physician's report or former billings, or physical records, and verification as to relation to disability reported was requested. Letter was read as submitted to City Attorney Shellan wherein billings in sum of $33.00 for Bruce Phillips were attached covering oral surgery on impacted wisdom tooth which Dr. Ranniger reported was infected and caused general physical disability. Also bill of Wm. Larson for $40.00 for root resection and abscess removal, which the Firemen felt contributed to his service disability. Opinion was requested as to -- whether the dental expenses were within the rights of the Board and Pension Fund to Pay The Secretary--was requested to forward to King County Medical Service Corporation a letter and billing for Xray and Medical services rendered Fireman Sherertz from the Seattle Orthopaedic Fracture and Rehabilitation Clinic, which was felt to be the obligation of the King County Service. The statement was in sum of $64.75. DISABILITY NOTICES AND RECOVERY NOTICES Disability Notice reported absence from duty of Fireman Larry Weiss from 12-12-67 to i2-13-67 due to shot reaction. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 12-13-67 with 8 duty hours missed and $23.84 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence from duty of James Ashurst from 12-12-67 to 12-15-67 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12-15-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $137.28 reimbursement due the Current Fund. BILLS: A. & H. Drugs #1, 301 So. Third Street, ac/C. Goodwin, Rx2096922 10-26-67, $10.19 A. & H. Drugs #2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E., ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 2650, 11/21/67, Rx160546 and 169884, $11.29 ac/Jack Pringle, Rx1424602 Inv. 2780, Rx142460, $9.93 Q. B. DeMarsh, M. D., 1110 Harvard Ave., ac/John Pringle, professional services 11-14-67, $10.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave., ac/R. Connell, Rx77941, Rx779422 Inv. 40565, dated 11-6-67, $10.71 (New RX confirmed) Minutes - Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 12-21-67 BILLS: (Cont.) -� Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Avenue South, ac/T.. K.. Anderson, Rx314593 and Rx314594, Invoice 1.4257 dated 11-25-67 in swn of $10 �6 American Photo Company, Invoice 288368, Photostatic Copy Paper., $31..35 Paulson's Office Supply, 130 Park Avenue North, Office supplies., $11..65 U. S. Post Office, Postage Stamps, $6..00 W/T, Equipment Rental, City Treasurer., Vehicle A-51, month of December., 1967, $8..00 King County Medical Service Corporation, Medical coverage., 40 Firemen for January coverage, $40..00 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, that the bills be paid as submitted. Carried. Pension Fund bills were read as follows: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson., $347.00; Charles Goodwin, $404..00; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Pringle that the pension fund warrants be drawn to cover billings as read. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett that Physical Examinations be scheduled for Roger Newton and Charles Duane Ankeny, candidates for Firemen who have been approved by the Civil Service Commission: After discussion regarding time involved in securing services of Dr. Michel, and it was moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the motion be amended to include referral to Dr. Hartwig, the City's Health Officer for the examinations. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle that the monthly Pension Board meetings be -�-- scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on the last Friday of each month. Carried. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. i D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary DIV. MUN. CORP. T), E-ZAMINER r -2- 41�'7�" MINUTES FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOAnD SPECIAL MEETING January 15, 1968 BOARD MEMBU16: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11: 30 a.m. by Chairman Custeri Fireman Gary Newton was present as alternate for Fireman Alexander. Physical Examinations, submitted by Dr. James Hartwig, were distributed and seen by all Board Members for Charley D. Ankeny and Roger Newton. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that on the basis of the Physician's Reports, the Board Certify the two candidates as having met the physical standards as required by the Firemen's Pension Board and being physically qualified as reported by Dr. Hartwig. Carried. .n.. �1 D. W. Custer, Mayor- Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City C erk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MEETING January 26, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary Jolin Alexander, Fireman Jack Pringle, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was called to order with all members present except John Alexander who was excused. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the Minutes of the Special meeting- of December 5th, the regular meeting of December 21st and Special Meeting of January 15th be approved as written. Carried. Refund of $211.85 by Providence Hospital, ac/Franklin Todd was reported which had been paid by the Pension Board and also by King County Medical. Letter from City Attorney Shellan was read submitting opinion in regard. to payment of dental bills by the Pension Fund. The letter is attached hereto as if fully set forth herein and entitled "Exhibit "A", which matter was discussed. Letters from the State of Washington Public Pension Commission were read requesting information regardin; the Pension Fund's Investment Securities which report was referred to the City Treasurer. Second letter advised of public hearings to be held in regard to Combining the Firemen and Police Pension systems and summary of the proposed HB 950 was attached. Discussion ensued and the Board Members expressed opposition to combining the funds and a Special meeting was set for 10:00 a.m. on January 30th to discuss action to be taken by the Board and forwarded to the State Public Pension Commission in time for the hearing of February 6th in Tacoma. BILLS: A. & H. Drugs, 801 Third Avenue, ac/Jack Pringle, Statement dated 12/2/67, Rx284170, $3.14; and $.90 due on prior billing D. Goodwin A. & H. Drugs $#2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E., Inv. 3904, ac/John Pringle, Rxl42460,$9.93 3600, Rx180559, $4.13 ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 3263, Rx177794 and Spec-T, $4.81 ac/M. Sherertz, Inv. 3725, Rx160546, 169884 and 171970, $13.74; 3490, Rx178877, and Neo Synephrine, $4.33 Jack Colombi, Reimburse for Statement, 2/15/68, Gov-Mart Prescription 9892, $5.75 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave. ac/J. Ashurst, Inv. 42323, Rx 80348, 80349, 2-Maalox, $8.36, Inv. 41673, Rx79710 and 79711, $6.48 Invoice 41989, Rx79953, $3.76; Inv. 43520, Rx80639, 2.14 ac/R. Connell, Inv. 41506, Rx79411, $2.04 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 42086, Rx70814 and66820, $21.21 ac/John Parks, 41508, Rx78968, $10.87 Leonard Rexall Drugs, 303 W. Meeker,ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 14386, Rx217489, $10.19 and Kent, Washington Inv. 14415, Rx209395, $8.78 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/P. J. Walsh, Inv. 15614, Rx144252 and Rx144251, $12.43; Inv. 14802, Rx140202, $3.97 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells, ac/T.R. Anderson, Inv. 2415, Rx331074, $7.84 Monorail Prescription, Seattle, ac/D. Haworth, Rx33203, 33204, 33205, $15.29 Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, the bills be paid as read. The motion carried. Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting (Cont.) 1-26-68 BILLS - MONTHLY PENSION PAYMENTS - Month of February Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50; Charles Goodwin, $451.50; �••— Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 and Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the regular mont::ly pension warrants be drawn as react. Carried. DISABILITY NOTICES, RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS Physician's Report advised of examination on January 2nd of Robert L. Connell with finding of disability caused by Upper Respiratory Infection and estim2ted date for return to duty, January 7th, submitted by Jacob C. Wagner, M.D. Report of Dr. Bardarson advised of examination of Marvin Sherertz on 1-8-68 and 1-12-68 due to Pharyngitis' - determined to be service-connected. Report of Dr. Ranniger advised of examination of James Ashurst on January 10, 1968 with disability diagnosed as 1. hiatus hernia and 2. hypertension, cause unknown, may be related to duties. Subsequent examination 1/18/68 with 1/19 date expected to return to duty. Inysician's Report submitted by James Hartwig, advised of examination of Jack Color. with disability diagnosed as bronchitis as result of service duties on 12-24-67. Date of examination 12-26-67 and estimated date for return to duty, 12-29-67. Notice of Disability reported absence from duty of Bruce Phillips from 12-16-67 to 12-19-67 due to a bad cold and Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 12-19-67 with 24 duty hours missed and $76.80 due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Edgar Wooton from 1-1-68 to 1-4-68 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1-4-68 with 24 duty hours missed and $80.88 due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Robert Connell from 1-4-68 to 1-7-68 due to the flu and Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 1-7-68 with 24 duty —urs missed and $100.08 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz on 1-8-68 due to cold and flu and notice of recovery reported return to duty on 1/12/68 with 32 duty hours missed and $174.72 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom from 1-10-68 to 1-16-68 due to the flu and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1-16-68 with 48 duty hours missed and $174.72 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Stm m from 1-10-68 to 1-16-68 due to the flu and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/16/68 with 48 duty hours missed and $174.72 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of William Larson from 1-10-68 to 1-13-68 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported returntn duty on 1/13/68 with 34 duty hourz missed and $78.48 due the Current Fund. Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting (Cont.) 1-26-68 Notice of Disability reported absence of David Walsh from 1-11-68 to 1-14-68 due to the flu and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/14/68 with 20 duty hours missed and $72.80 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of James Ashurst from 1/11/68 to 1/19/68 due to hiatus hernia and hypertension and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/19/68 with 48 duty hours missed and $274.56 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ted LaValley from 1/16/68 to 1/19/68 due to thrombosed Hemroid and Report of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/19/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $93.12 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth from 1/16/68 to 1/19/68 due to flu and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/19/68 with 22 duty hours misted and $80.08 due the Current Fund. I Notice of Disability reported absence of Larry Weiss due to bad cold from 1/16/68 to 1/19/68 and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/19/68 with 20 duty hours missed and $65.40 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of John Parks from 1/18/68 until 1/21/68 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/21/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the Current Fund. After some discussion as to whether dental bills were an obligation of the Board, there; being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairma. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -3- F R , OFFICE OF TIIE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON, %VASIIINGTON t.i o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 �... !. j j GERARD M. SHLLLAN GI1 Y Al WRNEY ORS CAP,lA% �E JOIIN K. PAIN, JR., A. _ISTANI CITY ATTORNCY .Januiry 8, 1968 rI Mrs. Helmie Nelson City Clerk City Hall Reatun, Washill tuli Re: Firemen's Pension Fund Disability Dear Helmie: You recently .requested our opinion in regard to a certain dental bill incurred by Bruce Phillips as well as William Larson's bill for a root resection and removal of abscess. You are inquiring whether these are proper bills to be authorized for payment by the Board. As you know, we have previously rendered to your office several opinions regarding the allowance of medical and related expenses under the provisions of the Firemen's Relief and Pension Act (1955 Act) . Under said Act the term "disability" means and includes injurie3 or sickness sustained by a fireman. Reference is hereby made to RCW 41.18.050(disablement in line of duty - retirement) and the subsequent section .Yhich provides for the allowance of medical, hospital and nursing care. This provides that whenever a fireman has been disabled while in the perfurmance of his duties it- shall declare hire inactive. For a periodof six months from the date of such disability he shall draw from the Pension Fund a disability allowance and shall likewise be provided for with medical, hospital and nursing care as long as the disability exists. You will note that this would require the Board to first find the: fireman to be inactive . before such an allowance is u,ade,� t;'e do not find any provision in the statute relation to payment of dental care. Please also refer to RCW 41.18.080 (Payments upon Disability or Death not in Line of duty) . This again allows, for a period of ninety days followinc, such disability an allowance from the VireLlan's Pension bund o which is equal to his basic salary and in addition thereto provides for such disabled fireman medical, hospital and nursin care as the Board deems proper. I-le sur,gest that you bring the Board 's attention Mrs. Helmie Nelson Page 2 January 8, 1968 to the wording of this particular section to determine whether these requirements have been complied with. As we have indicated on various occasions in the past, it is up to the Board to determine whether a disability exists as provided for by statute and thereupon to allow or disallow the medical expenses incurred in connection therewith. We do not believe that it i.s the purpose or intent of the statute to provide all inclusive medical and dental care for a fireman without complying with the aforecited sections and finding the existence of the disability by the Board and thus declaring him inactive as hereinabove set forth. It would also be our opinion that the disability referred to in RW 41.18.080 must be such that it is actually disabling and thus prevent the fireman from continuing his service with the Department in which case he has the right to apply for a retirement. It is then up to the Board to determine whether he should be retired or order him back to work in case it is determined that he is capable of performing his duties. It would be further our opinion that if the legislature intended to cover a fireman for all medical, dental, nursing and hospital expenses even though they may only disable him for a very brief period of time, such as a day or two, then an amendment to the statute would be in order to clarify such a situation. Under the present wording we do not believe that the example cited by you would be covered without the findings to be made by the Board prior to any such payment or reimbursement. If you haVe any further questions in this matter, please let us know. We remain Yours very t ku 1 , j I � i erard M. Shellan city Attorney i Gi'S:nd �, FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING January 30, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS: D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was held to consider action to be taken in connection with Public Pension Commission Public Hearings on provisions of the Washington Fire Fighters' and Policemen 's Retirement System Act, House Bill 950, 1967 Session of the Legislature. (Combining the two systems). It was moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, that the Board object to the removal of local board administration in favor of a State Board which might not be as knowledgeable on local matters or as efficient in expediting the processing of claims, etc. Carried. It waa moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that the Board express objection, in anticipation of further problems, to the enactment of a second Act affecting only part of the Firemen within a department, with the older members under a prior Act as this could be detrimental to the moralewithin the department. Carried. The Board, during discussion, also felt that it should be pointed out that the City of Renton has an actuarily sound pension fund which it has maintained through compliance with State Law in providing the proper millage from local tax dollars, and the Board does not feel that its fund should subsidize the funds of other cities which have been haphazard and negligent in maintaining their funds. The Secretary was directed to file the objections with the State Public Pension Commission for the Tacoma public hearing to be held 2/6/68. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chair;,,... Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING February 23, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS ammm D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was called to order. City Treasurer Gossett was absent and excused. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, to approve the Minutes of the Special meeting of January 30, 1968. Carried. DISABILITY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS Notice of Disability reported absence of James F. Ashurst from 2/1/68, 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. for Dr. appointment with 3 duty hours missed and $17.16 due the Current Fund. Physician's report,of 2/21/68 by Dan E . Ranniger, M. D.,certified that James F. Ashurst is a medical patient at his office and that his hypertension is a direct result of his duties in the Fire Department. Service-Connected dis- ability pension was recommended. Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Colombi from 1-14-68 to 1-17-68 due to flu with 15 duty hours missed. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 1117/68 with $58.20 due the Current Fund. -now Disability Notice reported absence of Ronald Bergman from 1/22/68 to 1/25/68 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/25/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $84.48 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Patrick Walsh from 2/1/68 to 2/4/68 due to the flu. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 2/4/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $100.08 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of George Banasky from 2/17/63 to 2/20/68 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/20/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $101.28 due the Current Fund. BILLS King County Medical Service Corporation, 42 Firemen @$1.00 ea for February coverage. A. & H. Drugs $#2, 2820 Sunset Highway, ac/M. Sherertz, Inv. 2331, Rx160546, Rxl6988J Rx 171970, 51b. Epsom Salt, 1 Merthiolate, $14.87, Inv. 3255, Rx169884 and Rx160546, $11.29, dated 10/17/67 and 12/24/67 ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 8869 dated 11/2/67, Rx119645 and Rx173211, $5.23, and Inv. 3296, Rx173211, $5.43 Q. B. DeMarsh, M.D., Seattle, Wash., ac/Jack Pringle, Injections (2) dated 12/11/67 and 12/26/67, $20.00 Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meetin3 2-23-68 BILLS: (Cont.) Rodney E. Handley, D. C., Chiropractic Clinic,ac/Franklin Todd, misalignment of lumbar vertebra, $6.00 dated 12/30/67 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Street, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 2774, Rx330946, Rx330945, $10.66 S. J. Vukov, M. D. , Renton, ac/T. K. Anderson, Examination 10/5/67, Diag. , Hypertension $7.00 George Paeth, M.D. , Polyclinic, ac/Ted LaV.illey, services rendered 12/29/67, $29.00 A. & H. Drugs ##l, 301 Third, Renton, ac/D. Haworth, Rx284789, Rx284790, 12/18/67, $12.33 Monorail Prescription, Seattle, ac/D. Haworth, Inv. 24341, 12/21/67, $12.70 W/T,Equipment Rental, A-51 for Month of February, 29 miles - $8.00 King County Medical Service Corporation, February premium for 42 Firemen, $42.00 Reimbursement due Current Fund from Firemen's Pension Fund for Disability Salary payments for fourth quarterly period of 1967: $694.19, as attached. Loved by;Alexander; seconded by..Pringle, . that the bills be allowed and warrants be drawn a's;.read. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that, based upon Medical report of Dr. Dan E. Ranniger, dated February 21, 1968, the Board finds it to be in the best interest of the Fire Department and the Firemen's Pension Fund to retire James F. Ashurst without recourse, under provisions of RCW 41.18.050 and RCW 41.18.060, on a service connected disability, not subject to re-examination or recall to duty, i disability dating back to February 13th, retirement to be effective as of August 13, 1968 and Mr. Ashurst not subject to re-examinaton or recall duty. Discussion ensued Q. and upon inquiry by the Mayor, it was pointed out by the Firemen that his employment aggravates Mr. Ashurstts condition; that he has served for 24 years and is no longer able to perform his duties within the Fire Department. Motion carried. Firemen's Pension Bills were read as follows: Month of February Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50; Charles Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, that the Pension Warrants be drawn. Carried. The Secretary pointed out the difficulties in having to contact each fireman on new or different prescription numbers which results in delays in payment of bills and duplicate charges on subsequent billings, etc., and it was moved by Pringle seconded by Nelson, to go back to the former method of payment of bills for medication except for those presented by the pensioners retired for disability. Carried. Captain Alexander presented an information bulletin on Income Tax as compiled by Seattle Fire Fighters Union, Local ##27, suggesting that no action be taken until legal opinion is received by the Seattle Firemen's Pension Fund Board, which has been requested. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Jt`1 D. W. Custer, or-Cha i yman � Ma Y Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- REIMBURSEMENT DUE CURRENT 'FUN FROM FIRE: IEN'S PENSIO\ FUND FOI . DISABILIfY URIYYPERIOTINOF 19FOR 67 " FOUP.rII QARTE DUTY IIRS. RATE AMOUN.1 DUE MISSED 0 Y CURRENT FUND FII�1AN DATES ABSENT _- ------- .__.. 6. $5.12 30.7`1. James Ashurst 9/29, 10/3, 10/10 5 „ 25.60 10/2.324 1, 122..88 12/7.2 to 12/15 24 3.20 '!G.80 Jack Ilaworth 10/12 to 10/15 24 3.29 78.96 Jerry Hurst 11/20 to 11/23 24 2.84 68.16 Joliri Parks 9/20 to 9/23 3 4.89 14.67 Marvin Shcrert% 1.0/5/67 3 4,89 14.67 10/16/67 24 3.24 77.76 Karl Strom 10/30 to 11/2 66.57 Frank Todd 10/15 to 10/16 21 3.17 16 2.49 39.84 Larry Weiss 9/28 to 10/2 12 it 29.88 9 /25, 9/27 8 2.98 23.84 11 /223, 11/23 12/13 8 2.98 23.94 11/12 .� � 694..19 Total due Current Fund to December 31, 1967 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD /�P 1,EGULAR iiEETING f)"It March 29, 1960 BOARD 111ENBERS fir.. D. •!. Custer, i-iayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer lielmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen' s Pension board was called to order at 11:17 a.m. with all members present.. T. K. Anderson, retired Fireman,was also present. Noved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that the minutes of the previous meetings of January 26th and February 23rd be approved as distributed. Carried. It was reported that fireman Don Goodwin had broken his eye glasses at a house fire, 10th Avenue North and "P" Street. T. K. Anderson had submitted a bill with a new prescription number and advised that he had changed Doctors and was now being treated by Dr. Vukov since Dr. Patricelli had become ill and that the prescription was the same under a new number. He reported that during the course of his physical examination by Dr. Vukov, there was condition of Cardio Vascular resultin,, which the Dr. determined had been caused by a heart attack at some time. The only incident T.K. could recall was at a fire one morning at Rainier Asphalt when he fell off the platform, Connell, Goodwin and Lawrence were there and this information is in the daily log of the Fire Department. T. K. Anderson was directed to secure a report from Dr. Vukov on his condition to be filed with the Board.. Irr Payment of dental bills submitted by Bruce Phillips was discussed along with the City Attorneys opinion that he felt it was not allowable. Alexander and Pringle pointed out that the man had a lump under his arm and he had gone to a medical physician who referred him to the dentist and the dentist discovered an abscessed wisdom tooth infection caused his general disability, the same as an infected cut or other condition which would cause general disability. The firemen further pointed out that the fireman would be staying out of work on disability which would be costly to the Board so he may as well get medical attention and return to work, the Board having to pay one way or the other. DISABILITY, RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS WERE READ Physician' s report submitted by Rudolph Heilpern, II.D. advised of examination on 2/15/68 of Edgar 0ooton and diagnosed disability as sore throat and cold, non-service connected. Disability Notice reported absence of Ken ?arks from 2/16/63 to 2/19/63 due to back injury sustained at Fletcher' s Paint Store aggrevating existing condition. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/19/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $305.60 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Paul Henry from 2/16/63 to 2/19/68 due to sinus TA . passage inflamation, an existing condition. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 2/19/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $83.56 due the Current Fund. 3/29/5 - ii1OUT'S (Cont.i Firemen' s Pension and Relief Fund Doard iieeting DISABILITY Lu4D Ri:000R` 110TICL3: Re,ort of absence of Jack Prindlc Troia 1500 to 1600 on 3/11/60 noted one hour duty hour missed for Dr. appointment and $3.33 reimbursement due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Jack 1.cLauultlin for two hours on .',/9/600 due to stomach ?aims resultinS in $3.,'_7 disability payment reimbursement due the Current Fund. BILLS I IER R.Z.D AS FOLLOJS: A. & II. Drugs li�2, 2320 Sunset Blvd. i:., Renton, 1Jashington, ac/Edgar Uooton, Inv. 4247, 2/15, R): 182605 and Rx5 2606, $7.04; Inv. 4310, '2/19, Rx102606, $5.23; Rx.182305, 132336, 102334, $9.76, Inv. 4323 ac/1:. Sherertz, 2/27, Inv. 4456, Rx160546, $6.27 ac/John Pringle, 2/27, Inv. 4452, Rx133252, Rx103374, Vul:ov Clinic, Renton, tin., ac/Theron Anderson, Zxams and professional services 1/26, 2/9 and 2/12/60, ;40.00 Shag' s Rexall Dru-s, 220 Wells St.,ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 1716, Rx331074, $7.34, 3/12/60 Renton 2rescription Pharmacy ac/:'. J. 'Halsh, 2/21/60', Inv. 16159, Rx144-251, $9.30 King County i•,edical Service Corp. ac/March premium, $300.00 ($2.00 cr. Jan. applied) ;I/T, Current Fund, City Treasurer, Salary for James F. Ashurst . to Current Fund,$633.35 Inactive. atatus., 2/13/68 to 2/29/68 U estern Optical, Seattle, Un. ac/Don Goodwin - eye-lass lense replacement, $29.26 Druce Ii. Phillips-Reimbursement for payment to John D. Smith, Jr. D.D.S., Oral Surgery per referral of Dr. Ranniger, $33.00 iioved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander to pay they bills as read. Carried. Pension Fund payments and Inactive Status payment: Firs. Znza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $339.50; Floyd Laurence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha hcDonald, $150.00; Charles Goodwin;' $451.50; Inactive service-connected disability status from 2-13-63, James F. Ashurst, $992.00. Payments cover month of !larch, 1960. i-ioved by Gossett, seconded by 1.1exander, to pay the monthly pension and disability payments as read. Carried. Discussion ensued in regard to bill submitted by 14m. Larson since reimbursement authori- zation had not been signed which will need to be furnished to the Board prior to action for an sideration. The subject of income tax was discussed in rei;ard to fact the Board should take into con- sideration any service-connected disability is not subject to income tax and inquiry was made regardin- payment for same being drawn directly from the Pension Fund by Voucher. The Secretary pointed out problems that could arise where a Dr. had not reported to establish the disability and the information mould have to Go to the payroll clerk for that specific period with 3 days notice at least prior to the end of the period at which time it might not be knorm iffiether a fireman had been off in time to properly punch the to?es for exceptions on the data processing payroll operation and any number of exceptions could prove to be very drastic expecially since the Board has to approve the payments and timing would be critical. Record keeping would be time-consuming also. Alexander noted it mould be necessary to hold two Pension Board meetings. At this time Firs. Leila Varner, Programmer and Firs. Doris Stecher, Payroll Clerk, were called in and pointed out that bookkeeping and timing mould be the Fire Department'sresponsibility and all adjustments would have to be properly documented prior to the payroll being sub- mitted and when there is a holiday and they need to be in earlier there might be some problem if reports from Dr. and Firemen are not available. This would be a matter of educating the Firemen to fill in a Doctor' s report and file with his Dr., the reports to be returned to the Board immediately. As it is nor: sometimeG they arrive months after the treatment which would not allow the payroll deduction for that period applicable. i _.inutes - 3/29/68 -3- Firemen' s Pension Fund Board Meeting sof Income Tax Discussion: (Cont.) It was noted that Firemen in filin; their Income Tax forma could take off the portio. which is excludable by inserting the amount in the proper column and/or using special faym,provided but this only allows a portion to be excluded as you must be off a cert-:., period of time before any income is excluded. Non-service disability might not be covered in certain instances and Dr. reports would be required so the procedure could be quite involved in establishing disability as well as requiring some complex record keeping, which would need to be discussed. The Firemen advised they would go over the matter with the Firemen and will report further at a subsequent Pension Board meeting. Each exception to the regular payroll must be punched out where the number of hours differ individually and reprogrammed which could become quite a problem if any number c, changes were to be made in a pay period. Fireman William Larson is to be requcated to file the proper claim form to secure reimbursement for payments on medication. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, to approve payment of the dental bill of Fireman Phillips which has been established as contributing to the general bodily condition as any other injury of infectious nature. Carried. It was noted that each such instance will need to be considered on its oun merits and that no precedent is being established by this action. s there was no further business to come before the B oa r d, the .meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon. allow D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman ale Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary i OAM sADDEND'u'ivi TO.FIP.LMEN'S Pr'f'ZTON BOARD MEETING OF 4/26/65 RE I M3UkSEMENT DUE CURRENT FUND FROM F I RE h'E N°S PENS ION FUND FOR Y DISABILITY SALARY PAY�,IENTS FOR J�I�✓ y �I �' " JANUARY - MARCH 31, 1968 DUTY HRS. RATE AMOUNT DUE F IPFMAN DATES) AL'S[:N"r MISSED OF PAY CUIItENT FUND Paul Henry 2/16/68 .. 2/I)/6b 24 3,69 0 88-56- Jack 8056Jack Colombi 1/14/63 1/17/68 15 3088 58,20 Ponald Bergman 1/22/68 .- 1125/68 24 3-52 84,48 Patrick Walsh 211/68 - 2/L/68 24 4,17 100.cs George banasky 2/17/68 .. 2/20/68 24 4,22 10lo28 Edgar Wooton I/ 1/68 -• 1/ 4/68 24 3037 80„88 Bruce Phillips 12/16/67-12/19/67 24 3,20 76,80 John Parks 1/18/68 - 1/21168 24 3064 87036 Larry 'i'!e i ss 1/16/68 .. 1/1.9/68 20 3,27 65 jj.0 Jack NcLaughlln 3/19/68 2 3,,27 6,% Jack ;,.Haworth 1/10/68 - 1/19/68 22 3464 80003 Ted La valley 1/16/68 - 1/.19/68 24 3.88 93,12 James F, Ashurst I/11/68 1/19/68 48 5072 27)4o5O 2/ I/68 3 5672 17.16 -David V a lsh 1/11/63 •- 1/14/68 20 3464 72.30 Wi I [Ii-vii Larson 1/10/68 1.113/08 24 3,27 78„48 Kari Strom 1/10/68 - 1/15/63 48 3,64 174472 I'Aarvin She.rertz 1/ 8/68 - 1/12/68 32 5446 174072 Roberi- Conr.e l I I/ Zi/68 -. 1,i'/1/65 - 24 4p 17 1; 008 TO-01 du{: Curreni• Fund to lAarch 31, 1968 01,815430 i Moved by 11riug3c , seconded by Alexander, that the Pension Warrant for reimburse- ment to the Current 1'rnnd for Disability Salaries be cr.proved pending check by the l.. Fire Department. Total amount due this quarter. , $1,815.30. The motion carried. 1 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING April 26, 1968 .... BOARD MEMBERS D. t1. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasdrer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:15 a.m. with all Board Members in attendance. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, to approve the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting of March 29th as prepared. Carried. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORT Disability Notice reported absence of Jack McLaughlin from 3/30/68 to 4/2/68 possibly due to pneumonia. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 4/2/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $78.48 reimbursement due the Current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of George Banasky from 4/5/68 to 4/8/68 due to sore throat, Dr. Moran being Physician consulted. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/8/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $101.28 due the Current Fund. .� Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Pringle from 4/8/68 to 4/9/68 due to a cough and cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/9/68 with 8 duty hours missed and $31.04 due the Current Fund. Not service-connected. Notice of Disability reported absence of Don Goodwin from 4/8/68 to 4/11/68 due to a cold. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 4/11/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom for 3 hours for Dr. appoint- ment on 4/9/68 for back trouble which existing condition was noted to be service- connected. $10.92 due Current Fund for reimbursement this disability. Notice of Disability reported absence of Delbert Miller from 4/21/68 to 4/22/68 due to headache and Dr. Hartwig as Physician consulted. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/23/68 with 162 duty hours missed and $55.60 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Delbert Miller for 14 hours on 4/23/68 for Dr. appointment, Service connection not designated. Dr. Loomis attending Physician. $4.21 due Current Fund this disability. C. David Heflen submitted Physician's report for Robert Connell advising of examination and treatment on 4/13/68 for acute lumbosacral sprain caused while climbing ladder in fire drill and therefore designated as service-connected. Minutes - !.+/26/68 (Cont.) -2- Firemen's Pension Fund Board Meeting BILLS : Leonard Rexall , 303 W. Meeker ac/J.E. Haworth, irv. "11278, 3/20, Rx218757, Kent, Wash. 98031 $2.61 A & H Drugs #1, 301 So. Third ac/Douglas Haworth, Inv. 3863, 3/27, Rx289033, Renton, Wn. 289039, 289040, $ 1 1 .23 A & H Drugs Wf2, 2820 Sunset ac/Marvin Sherertz, 3/21 , Inv. 4810, Rx160546, Blvd. E., Renton, Wn. 169884, �PI1 .29 ac John Pringle, 3/20, Inv. 4790, Rx185166, 3/0, Rx 185166, yP6.28 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells,ac/T.K. Anderson, 4/4, Inv. 10053, Rx331074, s�7. K's Prescription, 151 Park St. ac/Robert Connell , 3/9, Inv. 42990, Wiejel , 42,�p Renton, Wn. ac/E. Tonda, 3/26, Inv. 43260, Rx73715, 0.3.4 ac/James Ashurst, 2/29, Inv. 42816, Rx81112, 2 Maalox, Inv. 42912, Rx81214, 81112, 3/5, Inv, 43139, Rx81112, 3/12, Inv. 43243, Rx81758, 3/- Inv. 43483, Rx80349, 3/29, 519.91 John L. Bernier, D.C. 252 ac/Karl Strom, 3/29, Statement, Office calls Securities Bldg. Seattle and professional services, $20.,00 Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. 227 ac/Marvin Sherertz, 1/8, Statement, professional So. 4th PI . , Renton, Wn services, $2.50 King County Medical Serv. Corp..,Coverage for 41 firemen @,VI .00 in March (April coverage) $41 .00 W/f Equip. Rental - City Treasurer, Equipment Rental charges for month of .^.".ar A-51 52M, 08.00 U.S. Post Office For 100, 6 cent stamps, $6.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the bills be paid as presented. now Pension payments and inactive status payments were read as follows: (For April) Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50; Charles Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $1.50.00; Inactive status, James F . Ashurst, $992.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the Pension Warrants and Disability Warrant for inactive status, be approved for payment. The motion carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that May 1st be established as date to commence payment of Service Disability salaries directly from the Firemen's Pension Fund, and that a letter be directed to each Fireman in duplicate, that Physician's Report must be furnished to the Board on every service-connected disability if they expect to receive payment from the Firemen's Pension Fund rather than through the regular Current Fund Fire Department payroll. Second copy of letter acknowledging receipt of same to be returned by each Fireman to the Secretary,for filing in the Personnel records. The motion carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Pringle, that upon receipt of certifications for the top three men on the Civil Service list, physical examinations be arranged by the Secretary with Dr. Michel, if possible, otherwise by our Health Officer, Dr. Hartwig. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn, . Carried. The mee ng was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. ?. D. W. Custer, Mayor Fielmie Nelson, City Clerk- ec. ?77 FIRElviEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MAY 13 , 1968 BOARD MENBERS D.W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was convened by telephone at 10:00 A.M. with all Board Members contacted. A communication from the City Engineer requested that the Board consider financing L. I .D. 258 Sanitary Sewer Improvement in the Kennydale Area. The estimated cost of the project is $50,833. 16. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson to approve the request for funding of L. I .D. 258 at an interest rate of 5%. The motion carried, and the Secretary was directed to notify the City Engineer of the Board's action. _ D.W. Custer, Mayor-Chairinan He mie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary i FIREMEN S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAL MEETING May 31, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:15 a.m. by Chairman Custer. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk was in attendance to represent the Secretary. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of April 26th and the Special meeting of May 13. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Loomis & Kennedy, Inc. Investment Counsellors, summary was read covering, per Agreement with the State Public Pension Commission, analysis of the Pension Fund Account for the City of Renton. The review included suggestions for possible changes in investment portfolio and invited questions regarding future investments. Such reports will be received on a semi-annual basis. City Treasurer Gossett has reviewed the report and will take same under advisement. Letter from City Engineer reported council authorization of L.I.D. 259, Sanitary Sewers in the Honey Creek Park area at estimated cost of $28,231.88 and inquired whether the Firemen's Pension Fund would be interested in funding of the bonds for this project and if so, at what interest rate. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, that the Pension Fund finance L.I.D. 259 at 5% interest, the City Engineer and Council to be advised of such offer. Carried. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Haworth from 4/24/68 to 4/27/68 due to cold, service connection not designated. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 4/27/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Delbert Miller from 4/21/68 to 4/22/68 due to headache, service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/23/68 with 162 duty hours missed and $55.60 due the current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Robert Connell from 4/24/68 to 4/27/68 due to hip out of joint. Service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/27/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $100.08 due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of William Henry from 5/12/68 to 5/15/68 due to bad cold. Service connection not designated. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 5/15/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the Current Fund. The Secretary reported that no notive has been received from Dr. Michelle on the physicals for the 3 firemen to date. r I ; Minutes - Firemen's t,:nsion Fund Board Page 2. Regular meeting - May 3- 1968 (Cont.) Physician's report submitted by John D. Smith, Jr. D.D.S., M.D.S., advised of examination and treatment of William H. Larson on May 16, 25, 1967 and June 1, 7 and 30, 1967 for recurrent infection diagnosed as root canal filling in non- mom vital tooth resulting in secondary infection with resulting root resection and surgical removal of abscess. Designated to be non-service disability. Fireman Pringle asked for discussion regarding King County Medical payments for James Ashurst, who is now on inactive status, and has transferred his coverage to individual rather than group status, inquiring as to whether reimbursement is in order for April, May and June payments @ $8.86 each. This matter is to be checked regarding payment of the medical premiums by the Pension Fund. Also, billings in sum of $381.80, which includes $45.00 payment made by Mr. Ashurst, were submitted,due Renton Hospital in connection with surgery of May 9th and subsequent care through May 14, 1968. It was moved by Pringle, seconded by Alexander, to forward the hospital bill to King County Medical Service and the Pension Board will pay the balance, if any is unpaid by King County. Carried. BILLS: A. & H. Drugs #1, 301 So. 3rd Street, ac/John L. Parks, Jr., Invoice 4/18/68, Maalox, $5.88. A. & H. Drugs #2,2820 Sunset Blvd. E.,ac/Pete Adams, Inv. 2596 dated 4/5/68, Rx 186630, $2.87 ac/M. Sherertz, Inv. 2968, Rx188259; Rx160546 $11.29 ac/Jack Pringle, Inv. 2652, 4/8, Rx 185166, Rx, 183374, $18.18;Inv. 2630, 4/8, Rx186762, $4.18; Inv. 2776, 4/17, $5.90; Inv. 2834, 4/19, Rx 185166, $3.14, Inv. 2945, Rx183374, $15.05; Inv. 2982, 4-29, Rx185166, $3.14. Dr. Q. B. DeMarsh, M.D., Seattle, Wn.,ac/John Pringle, Medication, 2/26, 4/4, 4/8, 4/26, $50.00 Dr. C. David Heflen, 405 S. 4th, Renton,ac/Robert Connell, drill injury, exam and treatment, 4/23, 4/24, 4/26 and 4/29, $35.00. King County Medical Service Corp., Pension Fund share King County Medical premium for February, 41 Firemen at $1.00 (March) K's Prescription Pharmacy, Renton, ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 43536, 4/1, Rx 66820 and Rx70814, $21.21 William H. Larson, Reimbursement, Dental bill for root resection and abscess removal, 5/16/67, paid John D. Smith, Jr. D.D.S. M.S.D. $40.00 Leonard Rexall Drugs, Inv. 19787, Rx209395, ac/ Jack Haworth, $8.62 dated 4/26/68 Fred W. Reebs, M.D., Renton, Wash. , ac/M. Sherertz, professional service, 3/14, j $20.00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Renton, ac/P. J. Walsh, Rxll4905, 5/14, Inv. 17527, $4.23 Shaws Rexall Drugs, Renton, Washington,ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 10703, 5/2/68, in sum of $7.84, Rx331-074 W/T City Treasurer, Equipment Rental #88, Month of April, Vehicle A-51, 43mi. $8.00 Pension Fund Bills: Month of May: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50; James Ashurst, $992.00; ppm Charles Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Moved by Gossett, seconded by Pringle, that the bills be paid as read. Carried. Moved by Pringle, seconded by Gossett, to adiourn. Car T -2- Thr► Marshall, Deputy City Clerk,Sec. D. W. Custer, Mayor-C airman 260 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIATE MEETING June 6, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor.-Chairniari Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Pringle, Fireman John Alexander, Fireman Special meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was convened by telephone at 4:40 p.m. for the purpose of considering results of physical examinations of new firemen-elect. May Duncalf$ Assistant Treasurer, Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, and Fireman Gary Newton, served as alternates for absent Board Members Gossett, Nelson and Pringle. Written reports from Dr. J. C. Michel advised of successful completion of physical examinations by all three men, David Riggle, James Rupprecht, and Nicholas Vacca, and after review of the reports by the Secretary, it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Newton, to accept the reports as submitted, and all candidates be certified as having met the physical standards as set forth in requirements and being qualified to serve as firemen. Carried. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman G n Marshall, Deputy City Clerk-Sec. I FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD �.� REGULAR MEETING June 28, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Gary Newton, Fireman Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer with all Board Members listed in attendance. Also present was Jack Colombi as he had been a Board Member at the time the physical reports were presented regarding Jack Pringle's illness. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Newton, that the minutes of the previous special meetings of May 13 and June 6, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS, DISABILITY AND RECOVERY REPORTS Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Pringle from June 3, 1968 to June 17, 1968 due to chronic glandular infection. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 6/17/68 with 80 duty hours missed and $310.40 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Larry Weiss from June 5 to June 14, 1968 due to sprained leg muscle. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on June 14, 1968 with 72 duty hours missed and $235.44 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom from June 17, 1968 until June 23, 1968. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on June 23, 1968 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 reimbursement due Fireman from Pension Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of George Banasky from Jure 19, 1968 until June 22, 1968 due to calcium deposit on left elbow. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on June 22, 1968 with 24 duty hours missed and $101.28 reimbu:---C-. ment due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence from duty of John Parks due to the flu, from 6/22/68 to 6/25/68, and Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on Jure 25, 1968 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 reimbursement due the Current Fund., Physician's report by Dr. James Hartwig, advised of disability of Delbert Miller and examinations on 4/14/68 and 4/17/68 diagnosed as sinusitis with deviated na---1 septum. Report is undated. Sickness designated as non-service connected. Physician John L. Bernier, D.C., reported disability of Karl Strom diagnosed as chronic strain of lumbar and sacral tissues with intermittent calls from November 1964. Injury status of service connection not designated. Examined 6/17/68. Physician D. J. Laviolettereported disability of George Banasky due to bursitis with examination on 6/18 and 6/19,designated as non-service connected. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that Karl Strom's disability claim be paid through the Firemen's Pension Fund, recalling that previous reports of his Physician had determined his back condition to be service connected. Carried. viremen's Pension Boara Meeting of 6/26/68 - DILLS: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Newton, that Mrs. Pringle receive Widows Pension as per RCW 41.18.100 as result of death of John Pringle from service-connected disability with monthly benefit at 509 of basic salary plus 5% for each child until aged 18, totalling 60% of basic salary. The motion carried. Q. B. DeF:arsh, M.D., Statement, 5/31/68, ac/John Pringle, Medication 5/3/68, 5/10/68 and 5/20/68, $55.00 ..�, The Swedish Hospital, Seattle, ac/John Pringle, 6/3/68 to 6/8/68, $412.45 !'o-:ed by Gossett, seconded by Alexander that the bills for Fireman Pringle be s---.it to Kir.; County Medical Service Corporation and any overage be paid by the Pension Board not assumed by King County. The motion carried. Tang County Medical Service Corporation, ac/Jim Ashurst, disability for April, May and June, 1968 @ $8.86 medical coverage,$26.58 King County Medical Service Corp., 41 Firemen @ $1.00 ea., April coverage King Cot:aty Medical Service Corp., ac/Jim Ashurst, City share of premium for Apr., May and June, $3.00 Sylvia Joan Pringle, per Sec. 13, Ch. 382, Laws of 1955 as amended by Sec. 7, Ch. 255, Laws of 1961, RCW 41.18.140, $500.00 funeral ex enses. W/T City Treasurer, Equipment Rental #88, Vehicle A-51, 89 miles month of May, 8.00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, Renton, Wn., ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 7580, 6/12/68, Rx331-074, in sum of $7.84 J. H. Hartwig, M.D., Statement, ac/Jack Colombi, Sr., erroneously included with family bills not paid by King County, 8/17/66, $3.00 and 12/26/67 J. C. Michel, M.D., Entrance Physicals, ac, Nicholas Vacca, $78.00; James Rupprecht, $78.00 and David Riggle, $78.00, total, $234.00 J. H. Vartwig, Statement, 4/17/68, ac/Delbert Miller, services 4/12/68 and 4/17/68 Medication, $4.00 Karl Strom, Service-connected disability reimbursement due Fireman from Pension Fund, 24 duty hours @ $3.64, $87.36 K's Prescription Pharmacy, ac/James Ashurst, Inv. 44068, 5/6/68, 2 Maalox, $2.82, Inv. 44234, 5/14/68, Rx1559 and Rx82764, $8.88 Monthly Pension Payments for June, 1968: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50; James Ashurst, $992.00; _..--'_es Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 TSoved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the bills be authorized and warrants drawn for payment as read. The motion carried. moved by Alexander, seconded by Newton, that the monthly pension warrants and inactive status payment for Jim Ashurst be authorized and warrants be drawn for payment. Carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that physical examination for the fireman next in line for certification be expedited, name to be forwarded to the Secretary, and appointment be made with Dr. Michel and if he is unable to give immediate exam, Dr. Hartwig be contacted. Carried. Mayor Custer left at this time and City Treasurer Gossett assumed the Chairmanship at which time a moment of silence in honor of deceased Fireman Pringle was observed by the Board. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Alexander that a letter be directed to Mrs. Pringle expressing appreciation and acknowledging dedication of service by Fireman Pringle in his work and in his service as a Board Member. Carried. ..� Moved by Alexander, seconded by Newton, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk- Da 2. Custer, Mayor- Secretary Chairman f 283 I / 1 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAL MEETING July 8, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City- Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Gary Newton, Fireman Alternate A special meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board was convene- by telephone for the purpose of acting upon the Physician's Report of Physical Examination of Kenneth A. Walls. Report of Dr. J. D. Hartwig indicates that applicant is in good health and fully qualified for duties in the Fire Department. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett that the Physical Report be accepted and the candidate certified by the Board for employment. Carried. A D. W. Custer, Mayor `r Helmie W. Nelson, City lerk-Secretary i R �4 FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEE`T'ING July 26, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Do rollwa Cossett., City Treasurer I-lelmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Gary Newton, Alternate Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Chairman and all Board Members were present as listed. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Newton, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 28th be approved with date corrected from June 26th, and that the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 8, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS: Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Pringle from 6/19/68 to 6/27/68, deceased Ito latter date. 56 duty hours were missed with $217.28 reimbursement due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ed Wooton from 7/10/68 to 7/11'/68 due to a Cold, non-service connected designation. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 7/11/68 with 8 duty hours missed and total. of $26.96 reimbursement due the Current fund. Physician's Report advised oC disability of Robert Connell and examinations on 6/10/68 and 6/12/68 diagnosed as recurrence of pain from injury of 4/12/68, acute lumbosacral sprain, service-connected designation. Report of C. David Heflen. Jacob C. Wagner, M. D. report advised of disability of James Ashurst due to severe lacerations,' foot caught in lawnmower at home, non-service designation, operation report was attached. Toes were fractured and lacerated with repairs outlined noting specialist fees of $225.00. BILLS: Austin-Hendrickson, 301 So. Ad Street, ae/John Parks, Statement 5/4/68, Rx290552, $6.64, 6/5/68, Rx291775, $6.64 AHStK-Hendrickson Drugs #2, Highlands, ac/John Pringle, Inv. 3543, Rx185166, $3.14 Inv. 3453, Rx183-374, $15.05, Inv. 3366, Rx 185166, $3.14, Inv. 3237, RK85166, $3.14, Inv. 3819, 6/17/68, Rx191933, Rx191934, $8.05 Inv. 3850, Rx192061, 6/18/68, $4.70, Inv. 3920, Rx1861.66, $3.14, Inv. 3790, 6/15/68, Rx185166, $3.14 ac/Marvin Sherertz, 6/1/68, Inv. 3548, $13.74, Inv. 4032, 6/29/68, Rxl60546 and Rxl88259, $'11.29 I. B. M. Corporation, Seattle, Wn., Maintenance Agreement, Electric Typewriter, 101 Inv. 4165 7/16/68 - 7/15/695 $39.71 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave.,Ac/Ted LaValley, 6/8/68, Rx66820, $9.50, Inv. 070814, $10.80, Inv. 44917, 6/28/68, 44601 Rx83572, $5.64 Minutes - Firemen,'s Pension Fund Board Meeting 7/26/68 BTLLS: (Cont.) K's Prescription Pharmacy, Renton, Wash., ac/Bob Connell, Inv. 44785, 6/19/68, .. Wingel, $2.35 ac/James Ashurst, Inv. 44972, 5/1.4/69, $9.99 Inv. 44971, 6/1/68, Bandage and Gauze, $4.65 Inv. 4497:1, 7/2/69, Maalox and Rx80349, $5.54 George Paeth, M. D. , Seattle, Washington, ac/Ted.L61Ya11ey,Polyclii►ic,Services 6/28/68, $4.00 Paulson Office Supply, Renton, Washington, Inv. 8173, File Folders, 6/12/68, $8.05 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, 217 Fourth Pl., Ac/P.Walsh, Rx149159, $5.75, Inv. 18487 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells St. ,Renton, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 6488, 7/22/68, in suuii of $7.84 W/T City Treasurer, Current Fund #82, Reimbursement due from Disability Salary Payments April 1, 1968 to June 30, 1968, $1,540.86 W/T City Treasurer, Equipment Rental Fund, Vehicle A-51, 89 miles month of June, $8 .00 PENSTON PAYMENTS AND INACTIVE STATUS BILLS: Month of July Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50;Char.les Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00; Sylvia Joan Pringle, $498.60; and .Tames F. Ashurst, $992.00. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that all the bills for medical payments,supplies, equipment rental, Current Fund Reimbursement, Pensions and inactive status payments and the disahility payments, be approved and warrants drawn for payment. Carried. The Secretary was directed to request the Fire Chief to hold an election to fill the unexpired term of Jack Pringle which is to December 16, 1969. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11: 35 a .m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD REGULAR MEETING August 30, 1968 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer }{elmie Nelson, City Cler4r Secretary John Alexander, Fireman Bruce Phillips, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:10 a.m. by Chairman Custer and all Board Members were present as listed, the Secretary having; read report of Fire Chief Walls that Bruce Phillips had been elected and certified to fill the unexpired term of Lt. Jack Pringle, deceased. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 26, 1968 be approved as written. Carried. Letter from the Wn. State Public Pension Commission called attention to the requirement of the law that copies of minutes of meetings, actuarial reports, annual reports, reports on portfolio including changes in investment holdings showing sales, purchases, and exchanges, and any other report approved for distribution by the Board of Trustees of any system, be forwarded to the Commission, and compliance by the City was requested. The Secretary recalled request of sometime ago that the prior Commission request not be honored, hcwever, since this is a legal requirement she had gone back and picked up one year's reports and if no word is received further, she will assume this will suffice. DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS: Disability Notice reported absence of James M. Rupprecht from 7/29/68 to 7/30/68 due to the flu. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7/30/68 with 8 duty hours missed and $23.76 due the Current Fund on Non-Service Connected disability. Disability Notice reported absence of Robert Beatteay from 3/9/68 to 8/12/68 due to the flu, non-service connected disability. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8/12/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $85.65 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Ted LaValley from 8/22/68 to 8/23/68 due to the flu,determined'.as non-service connected disability. Notice of Recovery reported his return to duty on 8/25/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $93.12 due the Current Fund. R. W. Lomas, Physician, reported disability of Robert Beatteay due to foreign body in rt. eye, with examination on 8/14/68 and injury determined to be service-connected. BILLS: The Secretary recalled that James Ashurst went on Pension as of August 13th and noted the fact that expiration of covera;e on King County Medical would present a problem in changing all the medical records to just a part of a month in that cost would far outweigh the matter of full monthly payment. Moved by Alexander and seconded by Phillips to approve the payment for the entire month of 'Aug L%st.• ' The' motion carried. King County Medical Service Corporation, July for August coverage, 44 Firemen at $1.00 each and $8.86 for J. Ashurst, August coverage, $52.86, and King County Medical, -- August for September coverage, $1.00 ea. for 44 firemen, $44.00, the Secretary directing attention to the fact that the July payment came after the last meeting and both vouchers would need approval at this time. -1- Firemen's Pension Board Meeting (Cont.) 8/30/68 BILLS: Pension _- Month of August & J.' Ashurst Inactive & Pension status Mrs. Enza Anderson-$150.00; T.K. Anderson-$389.50; Charles Goidwin-$451.50; Floyd Law2ance-$305,00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald-$150.00; Sylvia Joan Pringle-$498.60 and James Ashurst—$646.73. �„ A & H. Drugs #1, 301 S. Third St., ac/John Parks, Inv. dated 7/12/68, Rx291775, in amount of $6.64 ac/Robert Beatteay, Statement July 12, 1968, Rx293214, $4.49; 7/18/68, Rx293214, $4.49; 8/21/682 $4.49 Rx2913214 A & }I. Drugs #2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E.,ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 4529, Rx1.88259 and Rx 160546, $11.29 ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 4162, ace bandage, $2.04 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Street,ac/Theron Anderson, Inv. 5990, Rx331074, $7.84 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, 217-4th P1., ac/P. J. Walsh, Inv. 18935, Rx149159 and Rx148914, $11.60 Key Rexall Drug, 17036 - 116th Ave. S.E.ac/Robert Beatteay, Inv. 12847, Rx88993, in sum of $3.08, dated 8/14/68 W/T, City Treasurer, Equipment Rental, Vehicle A-51, 44 miles, month of July, $8.00 The Swedish Hospital Medical Center, Inv. 8/8/68, ac/Jack Pringle, 172257-B, Balance due, $154.00, $703.40 Paid by King Co. Since prior billing from Swedish Hospital did not balance with the current statement the Secretary was requested to investigate further; also the billing for A. & H. ac/ Jack Colombi, elbow injury requiring ace bandage was verified as service-connected, no Physician's Report being filed to date, payment authorized and records to be checked. Moved by Gossett,second by Alexander,the bills as submitted be paid and warrants drawn to cover as specified, and -incl'uding August Pension and Inactive payments. Carried. The Firemen's Pension Fund Preliminary Budget had been approved by the membership via �.. telephone and it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett that the Board approve same as filed. Carried. Board Member Alexander brought up the matter of securing an official Firemen's Pension Board Doctor who would be knowledgeable as to needs of the Board and requirements as to Physician's reports. Discussion ensued and it was mentioned that perhaps someone from the clinic might be advisable, or the local Health Officer and call trading was noted along with various requirements of the reports which any such Doctor would need to learn. Moved by Nelson, seconded by Gossett, that the two firemen board members contact our health officer and other physicians to discuss the matter also retainer and fees which may be involved and problems as to procedure, reporting back on their findings and pros and cons thereof. Carried. The City Treasui•r requested authorization to continue the investment program for the Firemen's Pension Board Fund and it was moved by Alexander, seconded by Phillips, that authorization be granted to continued investment of the funds as requested. Carried. As there was no further business to came before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. D. W. Custer,Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. elson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- FIREMEN'S PEXUON AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING September 27, 1968 MEMB'E'RS: D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer He lmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary ?6' n Alexander, Fireman "ruse Phillips, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. Members Present: Custer, Nelson and Phillips and alternate Gary Newton, Fireman Members Absent: Gossett and Alexander i:oved by Phillips, seconded by Newton, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of August 30, 1968 be approved as written. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Foster & Marshall, Inc., Investment Bankers and Brokers, directed to John Alexander, was read submitting recommendation for investment program for the one million dollars held in the Firemen's Pension Fund. The Secretary was directed to provide copies to all members for reference in future investment considerations. Letter had been directed to King County Medical Service Corporation in regard to Swedish Hospital Medical Center bill for $154.00, for Jack Pringle. Note from Mrs. Pringle attached advised that the $154.00 represented additional room & board charges over and above the King County allowance. DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIANS' REPORTS: --- Disability Notice dated 7/5/68 reported absence of Karl Strom from duty from 7/5 to 7/8, 1968 due to back disability. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 7/8/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the current fund. Disability Notice dated 8/15/68 reported absence of Jack Haworth from 8/.15/68 to 8/18/68 due to illness (prostate problem). Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 8/18/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the Current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Robert Connell from 8/28/68 to 8/31/68 due to headache, and subsequently from 9/3 to 9/4 for same disability. Notices of recovery reported return to duty on 8/31 with 24 hours missed and $100.08 and return on 9/3/68 with 19' duty hours missed and $81.34 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Peter Adams from 9/5/68 to 9/5/68 with 112- duty hours missed due to the flu. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 9/5/68 with $4.90 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Ronald Bergman from 9/9/68 to 9/10/68 due to the flu. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 9/12/68 with 211, duty hours missed and $76.76 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Charley Ankeny from 9/17/68 to 9/18/68 due to back sprain, service connected disability. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/20/68 with 34 duty hours missed and $74.40 due the Current Fund. -1- a Minutes - Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board Regular meeting-September 27, 1968 Y NOTICES OF DISABILITY AND RECOVERY AND PHYSICIANS' REPORTS Disability Notice reported absence of Donald Goodwin from 9/14/68 to 9/17/68 due to headache and sore throat. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty cn 9/17/68 with 201 duty hours missed and $72.80 due the Current Fund. j ;inability Notice reported absence from duty of Nicholas Vacca on .9/19/68 to 9/20/68 due to back sr-rain, non-service connected, with 222 duty hours missed and $66.82 due the current fund. ;getter from Jacob C. Wagper, M. D. reported treatment of Robert Connell for Lt. amporal arteritis which condition caused inability to work on August 28, 1968. Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom from 9/9/68 to 9/10/68. Dr. John L. Bernier reported treatment on 8/24 and 9/9 with disability diagnosed as strain of left shoulder and back, service connected dorsal strain. Notice of- recovery reported return to duty on 9/12/68 with 24 duty hours missed aid $87.36 due the current fund. Physician's Report, R. M. Rank, reported treatment of Robert Connell on 9/5/68 for headache, service connected. Report of Daniel D. Hiatt, M. D. reported treatment of Peter R. Adams on 9/5/68 due 4-� acute gastroenteritis, non-service connected. LLS Charley Ankeny - Reimbursement for House of Values Statement, 9/17/68, Rxl49058,$2.82 A. & H. Drugs No. 2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E., ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 4931, Rx196711, $8.31 A. & H. Drugs, 301 So. 3rd Street, ac/Robert Beatteay, Rx294078, $3.76 ac/John Parks, Jr., Rx291775, $6.64 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave. No., ac/James Ashurst, Inv. 44653, Maalox $3.14;Inv. 45443, Maalox, $2.70 ac/Robert Connell, Rx84562, Inv. 45472, $2.72 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 45421, Rx7483 , $9.88 Inv. 45298, Rx84348, $1.88; Invoice 45256, Rx84348, $1.88; Inv. 45178, Rx84348, $1.88 Inv. 45128, Rx66820 and 70814, $21.21 Penton Prescription Pharmacy, Inv. 19416, ac/Peter Adams, Rx150546,150545, $7.05 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Ave. So., ac/T. K. Anderson, Rx331074, $7.84 WIT, City Treasurer, Equipment Rental, Month of August, Vehicle A-51, 57 mi., $8.00 King County Medical Service Corp., 44 Firemen @ $1.00 ea. for September, $44.00 Pension payments for month of September: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderso^ $389.50; James F. Ashurst, $473.50; Charles Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.Ou Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 and Sylvia Joan Pringle, $498.60. Loved by Phillips, seconded by Newton, to pay the bills including prescription,hospital, equipment rental and pension payments, as read. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton Firemen's Pension Board Meeting 9/27/68 Mayor Custer presented proposed emergency ordinance declaring emergency need for sum of $43,284.12 to provide for certain improvements connected with the North 3rd-4th Street projects and the Firemen's Pension Fund was proposed as a source for funding, when and if needed. Moved by Phillips, seconded by Newton, to approve the loan in event it becomes necessary in sums of $38,284.12 unto Current Fund and $5,000.00 unto Urban Arterial Fund, at 5% interest per annum. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Newton and seconded by Phillips, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Cl D. 14. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Eelmie 14. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -3- f FIt, AEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND 6 :D MINUTES OF REGU MEETING 'J� October 25, 1963 BOARS i1^MBERS: D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer He_lnie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander, Fireman 5::u--e Phillips, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called to order at 11:30 a.m. All Board Members were present and others present included Mr. James Ashurst, retired Fireman, and Mr. Phil Keck and Mr. A. D. Foster, of Foster & Marshall Investment 1;an?cers and Brokers. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Phillips, that the minutes of the previous meeting of September 25, 1968 be approved as written. Carried. Fireman Alexander introduced Mr. Keck and Mr. Foster, Investment Counsellors, who reviewed the Pension Fund Investment program, outlining types of bonds and Mutual Fund programs with perspectus of profit and growth which might be considered in formulating an investment program for the one million dollars: ooQ in the Pension Fund. Enabling legislation in regard to SJR 5 which broadens the authority of the Board'in investments was discussed, and the Board was invited to make requests if assistance could be rendered in regard to its investment portfolio. C0M'X1JNICP^•.IONS: Letter from Mr. Gary E. Dime, Dean Witter & Co., Seattle, and letter from Goodbody & Co., Seattle, extended invitation for the city to utilize their services in regard to the Pension Fund Investment Program. Discussion ensued and it was determined that a special meeting might be held by the Board with regard to investment recommendations. DI.SF,117LITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS Physicians report of illness of Nicholas A. Vacca advised of examination on 7/13/68 with diagnosis of Lewis E. Bonito, being Acute Pharyngitis contributed to directaresult of duties performed. James H. Hartwig, M.D. reported illness of John L. Parks and examinations on 9/20, 9/30 10/7 and 10/18/68 diagnosed as Hepatomegaly, R/0, Peptic Ulcer which condition was designated not to be directly resulting from duties performed in the fire department. Physician's report of J. W. Hageman, M.D. reported examination of David E. Riggle on 10/7/68 and 10/9/68 and diagnosis of disability upper respiratory infection, non-service connection designation. Report of D. E. Ranniger, M.D. advised of examination of M. C. Walls on 10/17/68 diagnosis of disability being substernal chest pain, tinnitis, non-service connected. Report of J. A. Phillips, advised of examination of Jack E. Haworth on 9/26/68 with disability diagnosed as painful right calf, service-connected designation resulting from answering alarm rapidly. Report of James H. Hartwig, M.D. reported examination of James M. Rupprecht on 10/4/68 �- diagnosed as low back strain, non-service connected. Letter from John L. Bernier, D.C., reported examination of Karl Strom on 10/14, and 10/15/1968, disability diagnosed as lumbo sacral strain with vertebral subluxation as pre-existed. 292 Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund Board 'October 25, 1968 DI3FDILITY NOTICES AND RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS (Cont.) Notice of Rudolph Heilpern, M. D. reported examinations of John Alexander on 10/21, 10/22, 10/23 and 10/24 with final examination not yet completed, disability diagnosed +� as rt. sciatica contributed to duties performed in service. Report of James J. Lane, Jr., M.D. advised oC treatment of Theodele LaValley for dic;auility diagnosed as arthritis directly resulting from performance of duties. Physician's report of C. David Heflen reported examination of John Alexander on 10/14, and 10/18 diagnosed as acute lumbosacral sprain directly resulting from performance of duties. Report of J. W. Hageman, M.D. reported examination of David E. Riggle on 7/1/68 diagr_-�eed as allergic rhinitis & upper respiratory infection, service connection not des--gnated. John L. Bernier, D. C. reported examinations of Karl Strom on 6/12, 6/17, 6/28, 7/3, 7/5 with diagnosis of disability a continuation of prior treatment for chronic strain of lumbar and sacral tissues and stretching of articular ligaments, service connection not designated. Disability Notice reported absence of Ted LaValley from duty from 9/21/68 to 10/15/68 due to arthritis, Dr. James Lane, consulting physician. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 10/15/68 with 168 duty hours missed and $651.84 due the current fund. 'disability Notice reported absence of Jack Haworth from 9/26/68 to 9/27/68 due to ,pg injury from slipping on station floor and additionally existing prostate problem, service connection designation with notice of recovery reportirig return to duty on 9/29/68 with 191 duty hours missed and $70.98 due the current fund. Notice of disability reported absence of John Parks from 9/29/68 to 9/30/68 due to .-irrh osis of liver with Dr. Hartwig the consulting physician. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 10/2/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the Current Fund. Notice of disability reported absence of Larry Weiss from 9/'30/68 to 10/1/68 due to tonsils, Dr. McClinton, consulting physician. Notice of recovery reported return to -:.uty on 10/;/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $80.88 due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Colombi from 10/10 to 10/11/68 due to the feu. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 10/13/68 with 132 duty hours lost and $64.51 due the current fund. 7?w5'Ibility .Notice reported absence of David Riggle from 10/9/68 to 10/10/68 due to sore throat. Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 10/12/68 with 24 duty hours #.!vk- missed and $71.28 due the current fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Karl Strom from 10/12/68 to 10/22/68 due to bad back. Notice of recovery reported 88 duty hours missed and $320.32 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence o' John Alexander for 1 hour on 10/22/68 for Dr. appointment and $4.22 due the curkent as a result thereof. -2- Minutes - Firemen's Pension Fund Boars] October 25, 1968 BILLS AND PENSION FUND PAYMENTS: ti. & H. Drugs ##1, 301 So. Third St., ac/Robert Beatteay, 8/2/68, Rx2940783, .. ae/John L. Parks, 8/20/68, Rx291775, $6.64 9/30/68, Rx296481, $2.40 ac/Doug Haworth, 11/14/68, Rx2833663, $4.55 ae/Ronald Bergman, 10/5/68, Rx281754, $2.04 A. & H. Drugs 42, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E., ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 4931, Rx196711, $8.31 8/26/68, Inv. 5138, Rx160546, $6.27, Inv. 5327, :/20/68, Rx171970, $2.46, Inv. 5364, 9/22/68, Rx 198651, $5.02 ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 5286, Rx173211, $5.43 Charles Ankeny, Prescription reimbursement, House of Values Drugs Statement 9/17/68 Rx149058, $2.82 John L. Bernier, D.C., Seattle, Wn., ac/Karl Strom, Services 9/20, 10/7, 10/11, 10/14, 10/15, 10/16, $36.00 and Oct. 7, 1968 Xray, $10.00 Statement dated 8/5/68 for June and July services $25.00 ac/Chas. Ankeny, Office services 9/16, 9/18, $12.00 and 9/18, Xray, $15.00 Key Rexall, 17036 - 116th S.E., Renton, ac/N. A. Vacca, Inv. 16494, 9/19/68, Rx902OO, $5.17 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park No., ac/J. Ashurst, Inv. 45443, 8/29/68 and 44653, 9/12/68, Rx84928, $6.53 Inv. 45472, ac/Larry R. Weiss, Rx84592, $2.72 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 45421, Rx74838, $9.88, 8/28, Inv. 45298, Rx8-1348, $1.88, 8/19/68; Inv. 45256, Inv. 843481 8/16/68, $1.88; Inv. 45178, Rx840148, -WM► 8/10/68, $1.88; Inv. 45128, Rx166820 and 70814, 8/7/68, $21.21, Inv. 45884, Rx85221, 85222, 9/28y $13.53 King County Medical Service Corporation, September payment 44 Firemen @ $1.00 ea., for October coverage. Leonard Rexall Drugs, 303 W. Meeker, Kent, ac/Jack Haworth, Inv. 17630, Rx209395, (%/10/68, $8.62, Inv. 17823, Rx221609, 9/25/68, $5.49 Inv. 17478, Rx221609, 9/6/68, $5.49 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Renton, ac/Peter Adams, Rx150546, 150545, 9/5/68, $7.05 ac/Jack E. Haworth, Inv. 19756, 9/26/68, Rx151086. 151087, $12.96 ac/Wm. Larson, Inv. 19778, 9/27/68, $6.48 Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Ave. So., ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 5205, Rx331074, $7.84 Swedish Hospital, 1212 Columbia, Seattle, ac/J. Pringle, Bal. due not covered by King Co. Valley General Hospital, Renton, ac/N. Vacca, 7/13/68, $9.00 ac/J. Ashurst, treatment during 6 mos. disability service-connected status, $20.00 M. C. Walls, Reimbursement for Prescription, Statement 10/17/68, K's Prescription Pharmacy, W/T Equipment Rental, A-51, August and September @ $8.00 ea., 76 miles,acct. 2710/315 James Ashurkt, Reimbursement for hospital bill release payment, $45.00 Disability from Service-Connected injury, Direct payments to Firemen for lost time: Karl Strom, Payroll Period 10/1/68 - 10/15/68, 31 hours @ $3.64, $112.84 7 hrs. on 10/12; 8 hrs. on 10/13 and 16 hrs. on 10/15/68 'red La Valley, Payroll period 10/1/68 to 10/15/68, 88 hrs. @ $3.88 hr., $310.40 Jct. 1, 3, 4, 52 7, 12 and 13. Pension Funda p yments: Month of October, 1968: Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00; T. K. Anderson, $389.50; James F. Ashurst, $473.50; Charles Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrenop $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00; Sylvia Joan Pringle, $498.60. -3- Minutes - Renton Firemen's Pension Fund October 25, 1968 BILLS AND PENSION FUND PAYMENTS: Moved by Gossett, seconded by Phillips, that the direct salary payments to Karl Strom .... and Ted LaValley for service connected injury disability time loss reimbursement, be r_,�proved for payment. The motion carried. W/t, City Treasurer, Current Fund 482, Reimbursement due from disability salary payments, July 1, 1968 to Septvmber 30, 1968, $1,185.98 as per schedule rendered. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gossett, to pay reimbursement to the Current Fund as read. The motion carried. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Phillips, to pay the bills as read for prescription and medical services and including the monthly pension payments. The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary ..r ..r -4- C)o FIRENFIN'S RENSTON AND RFLIFF FUND BOARD ITINOTES ()I' REGULAR MUCTING Novembor 27, '1968 HOARI) NEMI)q'js D. W. Gust-e :., mayoll-Chail1liall DOI-Ot-1110il GOSSoft, Cily Treasni-or flo.111tit! Nclsuri, City Uerl<--Secrotary Joliii A*Toxandor, ri r-elliall I'lli-I-Lips, Fireman The i-egli.far meeting; of t:ll(,. Firemonts Pension Board was, called to urder at .1' -1 :UO a-ffi- by Chd.initan Caster. Fireman Gary Newton, Alternate) was present ill t1lo absence ol' Bruce Phillips. T1 was, 11lovod by A.1exaudei-, S00011ded by Newton, I-haL: the Minutes of the 1)"ovious mooting of October 25, 1968 be approved as written. Carried. A letter fi-ow Jack Wilson, City Engineor, inquired whether tll(, Pension Iioal-d would ba will-ill- to CillWICe Local Improvement District #260, 0 Wal-(!rfliain pi-ojoet in 92nd Avenue South in estimated cost of $75,010.68. moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexandel.-, to oCfer the financing of this pro.jok-t at 5.25/',0' interest per annum. The motion carried. BTLLS AND ITNSTON rTTND PAYMENTS: & It. llru s #1 301 S. Third St., ac/Douglas Ilawortli, Statniftent dated 1.0/8/68) Rx296820, 296821, 296822, $10.97 ac/John L. Parks, Jr., Statement, 10/11/68 Rx296481, $5.23 and Statement 10/21/68, for Rx-297341, $4.10 1. It. Drugs 42, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E.., ae/James Rupprecht., 10/4/68, Rx1.99733, $3 .34, Inv. 5555 ac/Jack Colombi, Inv. 5651, 10/11/68, Rx200257, $3.14 ac/Ronald Bergman., Inv. 5860, 10/24/6811 Rx201239, $:i..So ac/David Riggle, Inv. 5589, 10/7/68, Rx199851, $4.55, Inv. 5597, .10/7/(,8,* Rx199936, $3.29 Inv. 5633, 10/10/68, Rx200l73,, $3.08, Invoice 5732, 10/7/68, Rx200715., 20071-6; Invoice 5841, 10/23/68, Rx201159, $7.32 ac/Marvin Sherertz,, Inv. 5620, 10/9/68, Rx160546, $6.27; Inv. 5863, dated 10/24/68, dolin L. Bernier., D. C., Seattle R-x-1('0546, -$6-00 and R0,98651, $!1.�to ac/Karl Strom) Services 11/13/68, 9/9/68 and 8/24/682, total $11.00 Dr. J. 11. Hartwig) Renton, Wrl., ac/John L. Parks, Jr., Services 9/30, 10/38/68) *(-.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, Renton, ac/J. F. Ashurst, Inv. 44658, 30/17/68, 2 Maalox and Rx80349, $5.85 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 45998, 10/7/68, Rx85221,, $6.32 ac/Larry Weiss, Inv. 45922, dated 10/1/68, Rx85269, $5.75 ac/Robert Connell, Inv. 46393, dated 10/28/68, Rx Win Gel, $2.73 MiauitcS - Fireman's Pension Fund Board Meeting November 27, 1908 11TTR,; AND PENS10N PITNTD PAYMENT,",: Cont:. 1(i rr,r County Medic-al So rvi ev Corporation, 4.4 f-iremen 0$1 .00 na. Month o l' November $44.00. Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Street, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 1.6885, dated 10/30/68., $7.84 Earl. Sh-0111, Se r i ce Connected Disability Ab:aonce, Payrol..1 period 10/15/68 - Direct ,Payment for service injury 10/31/685 56 hrs. @ $3.64, $203.84 N. A. Vacca, Re-iuibursemerit for prescript-ion, Rx88714, 88115, Key Rexal1. Drug Rentgn, $6.70 W. C. Medical Office, Seattle, Wn., ac/David Riggle, Vaccine Injections 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/9, 8/14, 8/205 8/26, 9/4, 9/11, 9/25, 10/1, and 10/7/68 $19.00 W/T City Treasurer, Equipment Rental,885 Month of October A-51 vehicle, 74 miles $8.00 W/T, City Treasurer, Current 482, Reimbursement due from Pension Fund for Salary Disability payments from July 1, 1968 to September 30, 1968, $1,185.98. James F. Ashurst, Reimbursement, Valley General Hospital direct payment, $45.00 Pension Payments: Month of November Mrs. Enza Anderson $150.00; T. K. Anderson, 389.50; James F. Ashurst, $473.50 Charles Goodwin, 451.50; Floyd Lawrence, $305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00; 3yl.via Joan Pringle, $498.60. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, that the Bills as read and monthly pension payments be paid. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding what action the Board should take on investment program pursuant to the presentation by Foster and Marshall and the requests of the other two investment advisors, Dean Witter. & Co. and Goodbody & Co. The Board decided to withhold any decision regarding mutual fund investments until action is taken by the State Legislature in the coming session in January in regard to enabling legislation provided by the passage of SJR5. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. " D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman He'Lmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- Addendwti of Minutes of Viremon's Pension llo,ai-d Meeting of 11/27/68 NUriCLS Or D16ABIIAV ANG RLCOVERY Notices of Disability and Kc-covery repork::d absences and runirn to (July of I`iromen as IWI I ows; I(vina Id borkman I'r-ow to 10/30.1/69 dw. 'i'o 4)1)4:,r-al -ion im iiozw ojid Return on 11/2, 68 and $257,04 due the Current Fund Gerald flurpt absent from 11/5/68 to 11/0/68 to have teeth fixed and 24 duty hours missed IteVurn on 1.1/8/68 with $88.50 due the Current Fund :Jat!k CoLombi absent fr.-um 11/6/68 to .'11/.10/()8 with 48 duty hours mi6seA due to illness. Returned to duty on 11/9/68 with $187.68 due the Current fund 'Ernie Tonda absent from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon on 11/1-6/68 with fOUX' duty 110ill-6 to pulled tendon in right elbow. Return to duty notice report $1.6.88 due the Cur.rent Pund William Larson absent from 11/17/u8 to 1.1/18/68 with 24 ditty huui.%*I due to tho fju. Returned on 11/20/68 and $80.88 due the Current fund Roger Newton absent from 11/19/68 to 11/20/68 due to the flu and 212 duty hours li-iis8ed Returned to duty 11/22/68 and $66.65 due the CUrrent fund Karl Strom absent on 11/20/68 for one hour for Dr. appointment to get a shut hot Returned to duty 11/20/68 with $3.64 due the Current Fund 'fed Walley absent from 11/20/68 to 11/21/68 with 221 duty hours missed due to the flu Returned to duty on 11/23/68 with $87.30 due the Current Fund Service connection was not completed on any of the reports filed. PIIYSICIANI'S REPORTS OF DISABILITY Report of Dr. Nicholas Nelson advised of examination of N. A. Vacca on 9/19/69 and disability diagnosis a lumbu sacral strain. No indication whether service connected. Harr P. Mullen, M.D. reported examination of John Alexander on 1.1/19/68 with diagnosis as recurrent flare-up of left olecranon bursa and service connection was indicated. James H. Hartwig, M. D., advised of treatmerit (if' Ernie Tonda on 11/15/68 with disab.1.1ity diagnosed as right epicondylitis and nun-6ervice connection was indicated. T. E. Maxwell, M. D. reported examination of Ronald A. Bergman un 10/7, 10/22, 10/23, 10/25 and 11/1/68 with diagnosis of disability deviated nasal septum and chronic utitis media, left and service connection was indicated. James H. Hartwig, M. D. advised of examination of Jack Colombi on 10/11/68 with the disability diagnosed as upper respiratory infection and non-pervice connection was indicated. L FI1tEMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING December 30, 1968 BOARD MLMMRS: b. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett) City 'Treasurer Helmie Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary John Alexander., Fireman Bruce Phillips, Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11;30 a.m. with all members present except Chairman Custer. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Phillips, that the minutes of the previous meeting of November 27, 1968 be approved as written. The motion carried. BILLS AND PENSION FUND PAYMENTS: A. & H. Drugs #1, 301 South Third Street, ac/Kenneth A. Walls, Rx298079, $2.30 November 7, 1968 A. & H. Drugs #2, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E. , ac/ Jack Colombi, Invoice 6062, 11/5/68, Rx202191, Rx173211, Vitamin C and Spec. T. $14.47; Inv. 6111, Rx202191, $6.69; Inv. 6143, Rx202736, $4.08 ac/James Rupprecht, Rx203261, $3.15 and Rx203262, $2.30, tax $.25, Inv. 6259,11/19/68 ac/Marvin L. Sherertz, Inv. 6298, 11/21/68, Rxl60546; Rx198651, 1 gelusil, $13.20 ac/Kenneth Walls, Inv. 6016, Rx201955, Rx201956, 11/1/68, $8.99 ac/Edgar V. Wooten, Inv. 6381, gelusil, Rx203847, 11/26/68, $7.24 Total $60.37 John L. Bernier, C. C. Seattle, Wash., ac/Karl Strom, Professional Services, State- ment 12/11/68, Office Calls Oct. 21 and 25. $12.00 K's Prescription Pharmacy, 151 Park Ave . N.,ac/Ernest J. Tonda, Inv. 46886, 11/16/68, Rx2044N, $2.56 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv. 46560, Rx85988, 11/7/68, $12.54; Inv. 46511, 11/4/68, $6.69 ac/John Alexander, Inv. 46705, 11/29/68, Rx86420, Rx2091N, $3.87; Inv. 46927, 11/19/68, Rx86196, $13.59; Inv. 46853, 11/1.4/68, Rx 86118, $7.37; Inv. 46537, 11/5/68, Rx85951, $4.86 Total $51.48 Nationwide Papers, Inc., Seattle, Wash., Carlton Bond Paper. Req. 4030, P. 0. 6119, $133.34 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, Renton, Wn.,ac/P. J. Walsh, Inv. 21458, 12/24/68, $5.75 Rx149159 �.. Shaw's Rexall Drugs, 220 Wells Ave. So. , ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 17885, Rx221074, 12/16; $7.84 W/T Treasurer, Equipment Rentall #88, A-51 Vehicle Month of November, $8.00 Charges not previously assessed, $6.92 for month of January Firemen's Pension Fund Board Iegular Meeting 12/30/68 PENSION PAYMENTS: Month of December, 1968 Mrs. Enza Anderson, $150.00 T. K. Anderson, $389.50 James F. Ashurst, $473.50 Charles Goodwin, $451.50 Floyd Lawrence, $305.00 Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00 Mrs. Sylvia Joan Pringle, $498.60 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Phillips, the bills and monthly pension payments be paid. Carried. The Secretary was directed to request the Fire Chief- to hold an election of Fireman to serve on the Pension Fund Board, the. Term of Fireman John Alexander to expire January 1, 1969. DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES: Disability Notice reported absence of Del Miller from 12/22/68 to 12/28/68 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/28/68 with 38 duty hours missed and $133.76 due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. Disability notice reported absence of Karl Strom on 12/17 for 1 hour for Dr. appoint- ment with Dr. Wagner for existing condition. $3.64 reimbursement due the Current Fund and service connected disability indicated. Disability Notice reported absence of Ron Bergman from 12/14/68 to 12/17/68 due to MOM the flu. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 12/17/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $85.68 due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. Disability Notice reported absence of Pete Adams from 12/18/68 to 12/21/68 due to the flu. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 12/21/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $78.48 due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. Disability Notice reported absence of John Parks from 12/10/68 to 12/13/68 due to illness. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/13/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the Ourrent Fund. Service connection not indicated. Disability Notice reported absence of Bruce Phillips from 12/10/68 to 12/11/68 due to the flu. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 12/13/68 with 24 duty hours missed and $93.84 due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. Disability Notice reported absence of Marvin Sherertz from 12/4/68 to 12/6/68 due to the flu. Notice of 'Recovery reported return to duty on 12/6/68 with 16 duty hours missed and $87.36 due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. Disability Notice reported absence of George Banasky from 12/1/68 to 12/4/68 due to the (`lu. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 12/4/68 wij:h 24 duty hours missed and $101.28 due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. fisability Notice reported absence o1' Paul Henry from 11/27/68 to 12/3/68 due to the L'lu. Recovery Notice reported return to duty on 12/3/68 with 48 duty hours missed and $177.1.2 -9' due the Current Fund. Service connection not indicated. -2- Firemen's Pension Fund Board (Cont.) "egular Meeting 12/30/68 ` PHYSICIAN'S KEPOI,(V: Report of T. E. Maxwell advised of examination of Kenneth A. Walls on ll/l/68 with disability diagnosed as deviated nasal septum with submucous resection nasal septum operation recommended. Fireman Alexander requested the Secretary to secure an opinion from the Office of the Director of Interna] Revenue re-lating to acceptance of a certification from the City Clerk of detailed disability payments made to Firemen for both injury and illness and whether this would be acceptable for filing with their income tax statements. The Secretary recalled that when she had called the Director of Internal Revenue on this matter previously it was stated that they would only honor injury disabilities and not illness, but she will request opinion as requested. As there was no further business, it was moved by Gossett, seconded by Nelson, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary t *AW -3- FIREMEN'S PENSTON AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OV REGULAR MULTING November 27, 1968 liOARD HEM111-A(S U. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Dorol-liea Gossett, City Treasurer flelmit-! Nelson., City Clerlc-Secretary Jolai A'J.(.--xan(](..!r, rirewirin 13"u00 Vfii.-Llips, Fireman The re,,iu.lar meeting o tfie Fir*e men's Pension Board was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Chairman Custer. Fireman Gary Newton, Alternate, was present in tho absence of Bruce Phillips. T1 Was, moved by Alexandei-, soo-onded by Newton,, that the minutes of the P.1-evious meoting of October 25, 1968 be approved as written. Car-t-ied. A 'Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, inquired whether the Pension would I)(' willilig to finance Local Improvement District #260 Wal-ormain project in 92nd Avenue South in estimated cost of $75,610. 68. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, to offer the financing of this projo�-t at 5.250 interest per annum. The motion carried. 111'LLS AND PENSTON r1TND PAYMENTS: 11. Drugs #1, 301 S. Third St., ac /1)ouglas 11awort-ii, Statement dated 10/8/68 Rx296820,. 296821,, 2968222 $10.97 ac/John L. Parks, Jr., Statement, 10/11/68 Rx296481,, $5.23 and Stat*ement 10/21/68, for Rx-297341., $4.30 11. Drugs 42, 2820 Sunset Blvd. E.., ac/James Rupprecht, 10/4/68,, Rx1.99733, $3 .34, Inv. 5555 ac/Jack Colombi., Inv. 5651., 10/11/68, Rx200257, $3.14 ac/Ronald Bergman., Inv. 5860., 10/24/68.1 Rx201239' $3.50 ac/David Riggleg Inv. 5589,, 10/7/68, RX199851, $4.55, Inv. 5597, 10/7/68, Rx199936, $3.29 Inv. 5633, 10/10/68, Rx200173, $3.08, Invoice 5732, 10/7/68, Rx20073.5, 200716; Invoice 5841, 10/23/68,, Rx201159, $7.32 ac/Marvin Sherertz,, Inv. 5620, 10/9/68) Rx160546, $6.27; Inv'' 5863, dated 10/24/68, John L. Bernier RN1605,46, $6.00 rand R0.98651, $4.80 D. C.., Seattle., ac/Karl Strom, Services 11/13/68, 9/9/68 and 8/24/68, total $11.00 Dr. J. 11. Hartwig Renton, Wn.., ae/John L. Parks, Jr., Services 9/30, 10/18/68, $6.00 K's Presci-iptiori Pharmacy, Renton,, ac/J. F. Ashurst., Inv. 44658, 30/17/682 2 Maalox and Rx80349, $5.85 ac/Ted LaValley,, Inv. 45998, 10/7/68, Rx85221, $6.32 ac/Larry Weiss, Inv. 45922, dated 10/1/68, Rx85269, $5.75 ac/Robert Connell :' , Inv. 4631 ,, dated 10/28/68, Rx Win Gel, $2.73 M iru.rlcs - 1'i..reuuvnrs Pension Furrd Board MocL:ing; November 27, 1968 t„„ BILLS AND PENSION FUND PAYMENTS: Cont. King County Medical Service Corporation, 44 Firemen @$1.00 ea. Month of November $44.00. 5liawrs Rexall Drubs, 220 Wells Street, ac/T. K. Anderson, Inv. 16885, dated 10/:30/68, $7.84 Karl Strom, Service Connected Disability Absence, Payroll period 10/15/68 - Direct Paymcmt I'or service injury 1.0/3.1./68, 56 lies. �l 2.64 $203.84. N. A. Vacca, Reimbursement for prescription, Rx88114, 88115, Key Rexall Drug R(-ntQn, $6.70 W. C. Medical Office, Seattle, Wn., ac/David Riggle, Vaccine Injections 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 8/9, 8/145 8/20, 8/26, 9/4, 9/11, 9/25, 10/1, and 10/7/68 $1.9.00 W/T City Treasurer, Equipment Rental,88, Month of October A-51 vehicle, 74 miles $8.00 W/T, City Treasurer, Current 482, Reimbursement due from Pension Fund for Salary Disability payments from July 1, 1968 to September 30, 1.968, 1.,185.98. Tames F. Ashurst, Reimbursement, Valley General lifispital direct payment, $45.00 Pension Payments: Month of November Mrs. Enia Andor.son $$1-50.00; T. K. Anderson, 389.50; James F. Ashurst, $$47:3.50 Charles Goodwin, $451.50; Floyd Lawrence, 305.00; Mrs. Orpha McDonald, $150.00; Sylvia Joan Pringle, $498.60. r... Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander., that the Bills as read and monthly pension payments be paid. The motion carried. Discussion ensued regarding; what action the Board should take on investment program pursuant to the presentation by Foster and Marshall and the requests of the other tao investment advisors, Dean Witter & Co. and Goodbody & Co. Tire Board decided to withhold any decision regarding mutual fund investments until action is taken by the State Legislature in the coming; session in January in regard to enabling; legislation provided by the passage of' SJRS. Moved by Gossett, seconded by Alexander, to adjourn. The motion carried and the inecti.ng; was adjourned at 1.1:45 a.m. Z D. W. Custer, Mayor.-Chairman lloami.e Nelson, City Clerk-Secretary -2- 301Y 0 14- Addendimi of Minutes of Fircmonls Pensloii Neciting of 11/27/68 WrICCS OP DISAB11ji'VY AND RECOVERY Notices of Disability and Recovery reportod absences and return to duty of i`iroftien as Vol lows; Ronald bergluall I!r-4)III 10/124/68 it., 10/31/69 chic to operation on iktn,1-e Jild absent. '12 hour's Return on 11/2, 68 and $25'i ,04 due the Current Fund Gerald Hur;st absent from 11/5/68 to 11/6/69 to have teeth fixed and 24 duty hours missed Return on 11/8/68 with $88.56 due the Current Fund .)-uek CoUxitbi absent from 14/6/68 to '1-1/.10/()8 with 48 duty hours missed due to illliL.88 . Returned to duty on 11/9/68 with $187.68 due the Current Fund Ernie Tonda absent from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon On 11/10/68 With fool' (ILIty 110ill-6 to pulled tendon In right L-lbow. Return to duty notice re-portod $1.6.88 due the Ciirrenr V1111d WIlliam Larson absent from 11/17/o8 to .11/18,/68 with 24 dirty du( to tho f.jo. Returned on 11/20/68 and $80.88 due the Current Pund Roger Newton absent from 11/19/68 to 1-1/20/68 due to the flu and 211, duty hours iiii6sed Returned to duty 11/22/68 and $66.65 due the CI.Irr(-!Ylt rUild Karl Strom absent on 11/20/68 for one hour for Dr. appointment to get a shot Returned to duty 11/20/68 with $3.64 due the Current Fund Ted LaValley absent from 11/20/68 to 11/21/68 with 22' duty hours missed due to the flu Returned to duty on 1-1/2.3/68 with $87.30 due the Current rued Service connection was not completed on any of the reports filed. PIIYST.CIANI'S REPORTS OF DTSAB'1L1TY Report of Dr. Nicholas Nelson advised of examination of N. A. ViAcca on 9/19/69 and disability diagnosis a lumbu sacral strain. No indication whether service connected. Harr P. Mullen, M.D. reported examination of John Alexander on 11/19/68 with diagnosis I as recurrent flare-up of left olecranon bursa and service connection was indicated. James 11. Hartwig, M. D. , advised of treatment of Ernie Tonda on 3-1/15/68 with disability diagnosed as right epicondylitis and non-service connection was indicated. T . E. Maxwell, M. D. reported examination of Ronald A. Bergman an 10/7, 10/22, *10/23, 1-0/25 and 11/1/68 with diagnosis of disability deviated nasal septum and chronic utitis media, left and service connection was indicated. James H. Hartwig, M. D. advised of examination of Jack Colombi on 1.0/11/68 with the disability diagnosed as upper respiratory infection and non-pervice connection was indicated. FIREMEN ' S_ PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD U MINTES Of REGULAR MEETING January 28 , 1969 -BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer ielmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11 : 00 a .m. Letter from Fire Chief Walls reported election of Art Pringle to expired term of John Alexander on the Board and Fireman Pringle was welcomed . Moved by Phillips , seconded by Gossett , to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of December 30 , 1968 as written . The motion carried . 'NOTICES OF DISABILITY , RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN ' S REPORT Notice reported absence of Ed Wooton from 11/19/68 to 11/22/68 due to the flu and recovery notice report return on 11/25/68 with 32 duty hours missed and $112 . 64 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence for two hours on 11/27/68 for appointment at hospital . $7 . 04 reimbursement due the Current Fund this report . Service connection not shown. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ted LaValley from 12/11/68 to 12/29/68 for operation . Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 12/29/68 with 120 duty hours missed and $465 . 00 due the Current Fund . Disability Notice reported absence of Richard Geissler from 1/4/69 to 1/5/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/8/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $108 . 00 due the Current Fund. Service- connected disability indicated. Notice of Disability reported absence of David Riggle from 1/10/69 to 1/11/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/13/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz from 1/10/69 to 1/17/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/20/69 with 44� duty hours missed and $263 . 88 due the Current Fund . Service connection not indicated . Notice of Disability reported absence of John Parks from 1/12/69 to 1/15/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/15/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96 . 48 due the Current Fund . No service connection indicated . Disability Notice reported absence of Donald Goodwin from 1/18/69 to 1/19/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/21/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96. 18 due the Current Fund . Non- Service connection indicated . -1- Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board (Cont . ) Regular Meeting -Minutes January 28 , 1969 Notice of Disability reported absence of Ed Wooton from 1/15/69 to 1/24/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/27/69 with 64 duty hours missed and $306 . 56 due the Current Fund . No indication whether or not service connected. Notice of Disability reported absence of David Riggle from 12 /29/68 to 12/30/68 due to strep throat . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1/1/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $71 . 28 due the Current Fund . No indication whether or not service connected . Physician ' s Report advised of examination of Karl Strom on 10/31/68 , 11/6 , 11/12 , 11/15 , 11/18 , 11/20 , 11/22 , 11/26 , 11/27 , 12/3 , 12/9 and 12/16 , 1968 for arthritis and L. shoulder muscle strain , cause stated as pulling booster hose off reel on 8/26/68 . Possible service-connection indicated by Jacob C . Wagner , M . D . Physician ' s Report advised of examination of Edgar V . Wooton on 1/23/69 by Dr . Rudolph Heilpern with disability diagnosed as influenza indicated as being service connected . COMMUNICATIONS Memorandum from Pat Ross reported correction to Disability Form of Douglas Haworth in regard to absence of 12/9/68 , Notice of Recovery should have been 11 duty hours missed , rather than 24 , and $39 . 27 due the Current fund instead of $85 . 68 . Correction recorded accordingly by the Secretary . BILLS AND MONTHLY PENSION FUND PAYMENTS Leonard Rexall Drugs , Kent , Wn . , ac/J . Haworth , 1/22/69 , Rx223804 , 223805 , $7 . 47 , Invoice No . 16098 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , ac/M . Sherertz , 1/15/69 , Inv . 21864 , Rx154157 , Rx154158 and 4 oz . Rob AC , $13 . 05 ; Invoice No . 22037 , 1/24/69 , Rx154607 , 154608 , $10 . 76 King County Medical , City ' s share for 44 Firemen @ $1 . 00 each , December (Dec . & Jan . previously paid) Voucher 6599 ; January coverage , Voucher 7101 and February coverage Voucher 112 . W/T Equipment Rental/City Treas . , Rental charges for vehicle A-51 for month of December, $8 . 00 Jacob C . Wagner , M. D. , Statement 1/4/69 , ac/Karl Strom , $2 . 00 City Treasurer/Current Fund Disability Salary Reimbursement , $3 , 510 . 88 Pension fund Payments for month of January , 1969 : Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 ; T . K. Anderson , $427 . 50 ; James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 ; Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50 ; Floyd Lawrence , $305 . 00 ; Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $150. 00 ; Sylvia Joan Pringle , $498 . 60 . The Secretary pointed out the increases in pension payments to the retired members , T . K . Anderson , James Ashurst and James Goodwin in accordance with the statutes . CURRENT BUSINESS : Fireman Pringle brought up the matter of glasses being broken and the Mayor felt it should be determined whether it was service connected or not as there would be no question if broken while at a fire , however , the firemen members felt it was just as much duty connected if broken at the station as at a fire . Moved by Nelson , secon- , l by Pringle , the o --:. set- ;-, policy on payment for replacement of glasses , t -2- Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board Minutes (Cont . ) Regular Meeting �.. January 28 , 1969 each case of broken eye glasses be considered individually and the Fire Chief make the determination whether negligence on the part of the Fireman is involved. Carried. Moved by Gossett , seconded by Pringle , the Board only approve the replacement with safety glasses . As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was moved by Gossett , seconded by Pringle , to adjourn . Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 55 a .m. /2!�z5g�v` D. W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary -3- FIREMEN ' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD ✓ ,(r��-- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING February 28 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS D . W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate Fireman The regular meeting of the Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11 : 00 a .m. and Fireman Gary Newton was present as alternate for absent member Bruce Phillips . MOVED BY PRINGLE , SECONDED BY GOSSETT , TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF JANUARY 28 , 1969 AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED . NOTICES OF DISABILITY , RECOVERY AND PHYSICAN ' S REPORTS : Report of absence from duty for Gerald Hurst in connection with repair of teeth was to be held until the Board decision had been made and no determination has been made as yet . Dates of absence 11/5/68 - 11/8/68 . Disability notice reported absence of Jim Matthew from 2/2/69 to 2/5/69 due to a cold . Notice of recovery reported 24 duty hours missed and $89 . 52 due the Current Fund . ._,bsence of Marvin Sherertz was reported from 1/24/69 to 2/10/69 due to flu Recovery Notice reported 88 hours missed and $521 . 84 due Current Fund . Absence of George Banasky was reported from 1/25/69 to 2/6/69 due to the flu . Notice of recovery reported 72 duty hours missed and $331 . 20 due the Current Fund . Absence of Jack McLaughlin from 1/27/69 to .2/2/69 due to the flu was reported . Notice of recovery listed 48 duty hours missed and $179 . 04 due the Current Fund . Absence of Peter Adams was reported from 1/29/69 to 2/1/69 due to the flu and notice of recovery reported 24 duty hours missed and $86 . 16 due the Current Fund . Absence of Ernie Tonda was listed from 1/31/69 to 2/3/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours missed and $110 . 40 due the Current Fund . Absence of Frank Todd due to the flu was reported from 1/31/69 to 2/3/69 and Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours missed , $ 95 . 28 due Current Fund. Absence of Kenneth Parks from 2/7/69 to 2/10/69 was reported due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours missed and $94 . 32 due the Curren Fund . Absence of Bob Beatteay was reported from 2/8/69 to 2/14/69 due to the flu? Notice of Recovery reported 48 duty hours missed and $188 . 64 due the Current Fund . -1- Minutes - Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board Meeting (Cont . ) 2/28/69 NOTICES OF DISABILITY , RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN ' S REPORT : Disability Notice reported absence of Charley Ankeny from 2/11/69 to .� 2/14/69 due to the flu and a cold . Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the Current Fund . Absence of Ron Bergman was reported from 2/6/69 to 2/12/69 due to sore throat and the flu . Notice of Recovery reported 45� duty hours missed and $178 . 81 due the Current Fund . A report from ,James H . Hartwig , M . D . , reported treatment of Jack Colombi on 11/26/68 with injury diagnosed as low back strain resulting from direct performance of duties . Report of Dr . Hartwig advised of treatment of David Riggle on 12/27/68 , 12/30/68 , 1/3/69 , 1/8/69 , 1/10/69 for sore throat , fever , aching and cough , diagnosed a 11harn9itis , said sickness not resulting from performance of duties . Report of Barird M. Bardarson , M . D . , reported treatment of Richard Geissler on 1/18/68 for pain in left arm diagnosed a sprain and contusion of shoulder , designated as more than likely caused in performance of duty . Report of Dr . Bardarson advised of examination and treatment of Fireman Marvin Sherertz for flu syndrome on 1/10/69 , 1/15 , 1/24 , 1/31 , 2/7 , 1969 designated as service connected illness . .teport of D . J . Rohrssen , M. D. , advised of examination of Douglas Haworth on 1/29/69 and treatment for foreign body in right eye , non-service connection designated . Report of D . E . Ranniger , M . D . , advised of examination of Kenneth A . Walls on November with disability diagnosed as sinusitis , non-service designation . CURRENT BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS : Equipment Rental , A-51 , January and February @ $10 . 00 ea . , total $20 . 00 A & H Drugs , #2 , Sunset Blvd . E . , ac/M. Sherertz , Inv. 7094 , 1/2/69 , Rx160546 , 171970 , 198651 , $13 . 74 Inv. 7244 , 1/11/69 , Robitussin and Aspirin , $3 . 68 ac/D . Riggle , 1/9/69 , Inv . 7195 , King County Medical Service Corp . , 44 Firemen @ $1 . 00 ea. for March Premium K ' s Prescription Pharmacy , Renton , ac/Ted LaValley , Inv. 47966 , 1/21/69 , Rx85988 and Ascriptin , $13 . 95 George Paeth , M. D . , Polyclinic , ac/Ted LaValley , Inv . 51650 , 9/7 , 9/14 , services , $8 . 00 Providence Hospital , Seattle , ac/ Theodele LaValley , Acct . 48 07638 , 9/28/68 Treatment , Bal . over King Co . payment , $107 . 00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , ac/R. Geissler , Inv . 22402 , Rx154420 , 2/12/69 , $9 . 30 Shaw ' s Rexall Drugs , Wells Ave . So . , ac/T . K. Anderson , Inv. 10675 , 2/5/69 , Rx331074 , $7 . 84 ...� Pension Fund Payments for Month of February , 1969 : Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 , Sylvia Joan Pringle , $498 . 60 ; T . K. Anderson , $427 . 50 ; James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 ; Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $150. 00 , Floyd Lawrence , $305 . 00 ; Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50. MOVED BY NEWTON , SECONDED BY PRINGLE , WARRANTS BE DRAWN TO COVER ALL BILLS AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- Minutes - Firemen ' s P ,sion Fund Board Meeting ( _ nt . ) 2/28/69 Discussion was held regarding the matter of reimbursement for glasses and explanation from last meeting was made that the Fire Chief was to ascertain whether the breaking of eye glasses was due to negligence of the fireman or in line of duty and Fireman Haworth stated his glasses had been in his pocket when broken. Further discussion ensued as to advisability of requiring safety glasses , Fireman Newton to further discuss this with the Fire Chief . Mr . Lester A . Podgorny , Representative of Channing Company , Inc . Financial Planning Consultant , discussed investments with the Board advising that 10% investment in mutual funds would be a hedge against inflation , noting all major corporations now engage in the stock market business and have investment service representation. Mr . Podgorny offered to prepare a port folio which would consider growth and stability factors at no cost to the Board , however , should the Board decide to go along with the report he would like to , in that event , handle the account. Study has recently been completed for the City of Auburn . MOVED BY NEWTON , SECONDED BY PRINGLE , TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF SUCH A PROPOSAL BY MR. PODGORNY , FOR INVESTMENT OF THE PENSION FUND MONIES IN MUTUAL FUNDS , ETC . , TO BE COMPLETED AT NO COST AS INDICATED. CARRIED. it was noted that other firms had requested to be allowed to present proposals as well . Letter from City Engineer Wilson had inquired whether the Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board would consider purchasing the bonds for L . I . D . 261 Sanitary Sewers in the Kennydale area at cost of $140 , 751 . 60. and it was MOVED BY PRINGLE , SECONDED BY GOSSETT , TO OFFER TO FUND THE L. I . D . AT 5 . 75% INTERES1 'HE MOTION CARRIED. As there was no further business to come before the Board , the meeting was adjourned at 11 : 55 a .m. D . W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary -3- JZ141�FM�i� ' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUNU- BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 28 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer .Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen ' s Pension Board was called to order by Chairman Custer at 11 : 00 a .m. and all Board Members were present . MOVED BY GOSSETT , SECONDED BY PHILLIPS , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN . CARRIED . COMMUNICATIONS Letter from Kidder , Peabody & Co . , Inc . requested to make an investment presentation to the Board . MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED BY PRINGLE , THE BOARD SET UP A SPECIAL MEETING TO HEAR INVESTMENT PROPOSALS OF COMPANIES MAKING REQUESTS AND NOT YET HEARD , INCLUDING THE DEAN WITTER CO . AND KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. THE MOTION CARRIED . Letter from the Internal Revenue Service Center reported , in regard to request for information on exempting disability pay on income tax forms , that specifics of each request not being furnished determination could not be made and that the nearest Internal Revenue office should be con- acted for assistance in this regard . Booklet entitled "Adjustments to income for Sick Pay" was received with the reply . The Secretary reported receipt of copy of House Bill No . 353 which relates to public pensions for fire fighters , policemen , deputy sheriffs and sheriffs , available for reading to anyone interested . Letter from Dr . Thomas E . Maxwell , directed to Daniel Hiatt , M .D . , reported examination of Charles Goodwin , retired fireman , in regard to a hearing problem . No gross abnormality was noted but bilateral sensori-neural loss of moderate degree was demonstrated by audiogram and slight improvement in hearing at 8 , 000 cycles per second suggested that much of the hearing loss might be due to the long exposure to noise when in the fire department . Hearing aid was suggested . MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED , BY PRINGLE , THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN FURNISH THE BOARD A DETAILED EXPLANATION AS TO THE DETERMINATION REGARDING LOSS OF HEARING BEING JOB-CONNECTED . Discussion ensued , the Mayor questioning whether this were job connected , it being some time since retirement of this fireman . The Firemen Board Members pointed out that the sirens can contribute as noise factor which could progressively result in the loss of hearing , it being noted the extent of loss and contribution of sirens thereto should be reported by the Physician in his detailed report . THE PENDING MOTION CARRIED . 'NOTICES OF DISABILITY , RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN ' S REPORTS : �Dr . Daniel D . Hiatt , M .D . reported examination of retired fireman Charles Goodwin on 8/16/68 and referral to Dr . Maxwell for examination for hearing loss which examination resulted in report of service connected disability Bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss of moderate degree , as of 10/10/68 . -1- Minutes Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board Meeting `larch 28 , 1969 NOTICES OF DISABILITY , RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN ' S REPORTS : Daniel D : Hiatt , M . D . , examination of Ronald Bergman on 2/6/69 ,reported disability diagnosis as acute pharyngitis designated to be service-connected . Robert L . Romano , M . D . , reported examination of Franklin L . Todd on 2/28/69 with diagnosis of disability as possible internal derangement of right knee , which was bumped on a fire truck during duties in the Department , designated as service-connected . Report of Dr . Baird M . Bardarson advised of examination of Marvin L . Sherertz on 3/11/69 with disability diagnosed as flu syndrome , designated to be a direct result of duties performed in the Fire Department . Report of Rudolph Heilpern , M . D . , advised of examination of David C . Walsh on 2/24 , 2/25 , 3/3 , 3/4 , 3/10 and 3/17 which disability was diagnosed as tracheobronchitis pleurisy , and designated service-connected . Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom from 2/12/69 to 2/21/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 2/21/69 with 72 duty hours missed and $289 . 44 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of David Walsh from 2/25/69 to 2/26/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty 2/28/6q- lith 24 duty hours missed and $96 .48 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of David Walsh from 3/3/69 to 3/4/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/6/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96 . 48 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of John Parks from 3/13/69 to 3/14/69 due to the Flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/16/69 with 19 duty hours missed and $76 . 38 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Douglas Haworth from 3/24/69 to 3/25/69 due to chest congestion . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 3/27/69 with 20 duty hours missed and $78 . 60 due the Current Fund. PENSION FUND PAYMENTS : Month of March 1969 Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 T . K. Anderson , $427 . 50 James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50 Floyd Lawrence , $305 . 00 Mrs . Orpha MgDonald , $150 . 00 Sylvia J . Pringle , $498 . 60 MOVED BY PRINGLE , SECONDED BY GOSSETT , THAT THE MONTHLY PENSION FUND JARRANTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT . THE MOTION CARRIED . BILLS : Jacob C . Wagner , 203 - 4th P1 . , ac/Karl Strom, Service 1/30/69 , $2 . 00 -2 Minutes - Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board Meeting M-ch 28 , 1969 LLS : (Cont . ) A . & H . Drugs , 301 So . 3rd Street , ac/Douglas Haworth, Statement 12/10/68 , Rx299453 , 299454 , $9 . 72 ; Statement 1/27/69 Rx299453 , 299454 , $9 . 72 ac/Robert Beatteay, Jr . , 12/11/68 Statement Rx299502 , 299503 , $10 . 92 ac/John L . Parks , Jr . , 12/11/68 Statement Rx299516 , $4 . 18 ; 1/22/69 , Rx297341 , $ 2 . 61 ac/George Banasky, 1/29/69 , Rx301699 , $5 . 17 A . & H . Drugs No . 2 , Sunset Blvd . , ac/David Riggle , 12/18/68, Rx205 578 , $9 . 41 . Invoice 6816 ; Inv . 6999 , 12/27/68 Rx206245 , $4 . 39 , Inv . 7055 , 12/30/68 , Rx206506 , $7 . 52 ac/Marvin Sherertz , Inv . 6515 , 12/5/68 , Robitussin A .C . , $1 . 72 ; Inv . 6595 , 12/9 , Rx141123 , $10 . 97 ; Inv . 6767 , 12/16/69 , $7 . 32 , Inv . 7955 , $11 . 29 , Rx198651 , 160546 ac/Edgar Wooten Inv . 6484 , 12/3/68 , $4 . 18 12/3/68 , Inv . 6933 , Rx20347 , $10 . 05 ac/David Riggle , 1/9/69 , Inv. 7195 , $8 . 31 Rx207460 , 20-461 ; 2/10/69 , Inv. 7699 , Rx210466 , $4 . 60 ; 3/6/69 , Inv. 8176 , $8 . 36 Rx212501 ; 3/13/69 , Inv . 8320 , Rx212501 , $8 . 36 �. ac/Frank Todd , 2/21/69 , Inv. 7922 , $5 . 23 ac/Gerald D . Jones , Inv. 8424 , Rx213691 , Rx213692 , $9 . 12 ; 3/24/69 , Inv. 8511 , $9 . 15 Rx213691 and 213692 Baird M . Bardarson , M.D . , Renton , ac/Marvin Sherertz , 1/24/69 Inj . $2 . 50 C . David Heflen , D .O . , Renton , Wa . ,ac/Robert Connell , 12/30/68 , $7 . 00 ac/John Alexander , 2/28/69 , Injury, $15 . 00 K ' s Prescription Pharmacy , Renton, ac/James Ashurst , Maalox , Inv . 47305 , 2/28/69 , $2 . 82 ; Inv . 46985 , 12/9/68 , $2 . 82 ac/Ted LaValley, 12/7/68 , Inv . 46847 , $6 . 69 ; 12/17/68 , Inv . 47148 , Rx86810 and 2 Telfa Pads , $5 . 91 ac/Robert Connell , Inv. 48667 , 3/6/69 , Wingel , $2 . 73 North Renton Clinic , Dr . Heilpern , ac/David C . Walsh, Services 2/24 , 3/3 and 3/4/69 , $19 . 00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , ac/R. Geissler , Inv . 21912 , Rx154420 , $9 . 30 ac/Marvin Sherertz , Inv . 21762 , 1/10/69 , Rx154157 , 154158 , $11 . 18 ; Inv . 22892 , 3/11/69 , Rx155868 , $4 . 34 ; Inv . 23132, Rx154420 , $9 . 30 Shaw' s Rexall Drugs , Renton , Wa . ac/David C . Walsh, Inv . 39320 , Rx341729 , Rx341730 , $7 . 37 ; Inv . 39409 , 2/27/69, Rx341729 , 341730 , $7 . 37 ; 3/3/69 , Rx341970 , --- Rx341971 , $9 . 98 ; Inv . 39895 , 3/6/69, Rx342018 and 341971 , $9 . 98 ; Inv . 40329 , 3/17/69 , Rx342389 , 342390 , $7 . 47 ; Inv . 40440 , Rx342481 , $4 . 13 -3- Minutes - Firemen ' s Pension Board Meeting .1 arch 28 , 1969 BILLS : (Cont . ) Shaw ' s Rexall Drugs , 220 Wells St . , ac/T . K. Anderson , Inv . 40117 , $7 . 84 Rx331074 Valley General Hospital , Statement 3/17/69 , ac/Ronald Bergman , $11 . 50 MOVED BY GOSSETT , SECONDED BY PHILLIPS THAT THE REGULAR MONTHLY BILLS BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was MOVED BY NELSON , SECONDED BY PHILLIPS , TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 12 : 00 noon . ' D. W . Custer , Mayor-Chairman /4" ,e�4e�Helmie W . Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary -4- 1 FIREMEN ' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING April 25 , 1969 `BOARD MEMBERS D . W . Custer , Mayor Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer [ielmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen ' s Pension Board was called to order at 11 : 20 a .m . by Chairman Custer . Board Members Phillips was absent . MOVED BY PRINGLE , SECONDED BY GOSSETT , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF MARCH 28 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED . COMMUNICATIONS AND PHYSICIAN ' S REPORTS Letter from Daniel D . Hiatt , M . D . reported that , other than the fact that Charles Goodwin, Retired Fireman , may have received his hearing loss due to the long exposure to noise when in the Fire Department , there would be no way possible to prove a service-connected illness . Physician ' s report from Baird M . Bardarson , M . D . ; advised of examina- tion of Richard Geissler on 1/18/69 , diagnosed as sprain and contusion _�f shoulder , service connected injury incurred by falling through a root at a fire . Physician ' s report from Evan J . Gustafson , M. D. reported examination of Theodele LaValley on 12/6 , 12/17 , 12/23 and 12/27/68 and on 1/10 and 1/20/69 , diagnosed as hemorrhoids and non-service connection designated . DISABILITY REPORTS AND RECOVERY NOTICES Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom from 4/10/69 to 4/11/69 due to the flu , designated as service connected . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/13/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96 . 48 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth from 4/9/69 to 4/10/69 due to illness with no designation as to whether service connected . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/12/69 with 24 duty hours lost and $96 . 48 due the Current Fund . BILLS FOR PAYMENT Billing from The Maynard Hospital , ac/Theodele LaValley , was read with balance of $91 . 20 due on hospital room service over and above the amount paid by King County . Statement from Gordon P . Baker , ac/David Riggle , listed service charges from 8/9/68 to 3/27/69 in sum of $70 . 00 for allergic rhinitis , designated as non-service connected . Billing from Renton Hospital , ac/Ronald Bergman , for balance in sum of $11 . 50 not paid by King County. MINUTES - FIREMEN ' S , _ASION BOARD MEETING April 25 , 1969 'AIL'LS FOR PAYMENT (Cont . ) A. B . Dick Company , Inc . 4301 Aurora N . , Seattle , Copy Paper $64 . 79 A & H . Drugs , 301 So . 3rd , Renton , ac Charley Ankeny , 2/10/69 , Rx 302221 , $4 . 18 ac/Robert Beatteay , Jr . , 2/8/69 , Rx 302168 , $ 9 . 38 ; 2/13/69 , Rx302168 $ 6 . 79 ac/Ronald Bergman , 2/6/69 , Rx302O36 , $4 . 18 ac/Douglas M . Haworth , 3/24/69 , Rx304O72 , 304071 ; 3/21/69 , Rx303963 Rx303964 and Rx303965 ac/John L . Parks , 3/21/69 , Rx297341 , Rx299516 , $6 . 79 ac/N . Vacca , 2/26/69 , Rx302992 , $2 . 93 ac/Kenneth Walls , Rx298079 , $230 , dated 1/13/69 King County Medical Service Corp . , 44 firemen at $1 . 00 ea . , April coverage $44 . 00; May coverage , $44 . 00 K ' s Prescription Pharmacy , Renton , ac/Ernest Tonda , Inv . 48215 , 2/5/69 , Rx87822 , $3 . 24 ac/Ted LaValley, Inv . 48271 , 2/8/69 , Rx87,908 , $4 . 18 ; Inv . 47930 , 2/2/69 , Ascriptin , $6 . 69 ; Inv . 48735 , 3/11/69 , RxB6810 , 4nd Ascriptin , $10 . 54 ac/ James Ashurst , Inv . 48803 , 3/15/69 Rx80349 , and 2 Maalox , $5 . 85 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , Renton ,ac/Wm . Larson , Inv . 22750 , 3/4/69 , Rx165645 , $7 . 11 ac/Marvin Sherertz , Inv . 23178 , 3/27/69 , Rx156287 , Rx156288 , $11 . 29 Ridge Heights Medical Center , Seattle , ac/Nicholas Vacca , 2/26/69 , $2 . 00 Shaw's Rexall Drugs , 220 Wells Ave . , ac/T. K. Anderson , Inv . 16065 , 4/24/69 Rx331-074 , $7 . 84 Vukov Clinic , 1011 No . 2nd St . , Renton , ac/Theron Anderson , 3/13/69 , $4 . 00 Equipment Rental , A-51 , Month of March , 1969 , 73 miles @ min . $10 . 00 Current Fund , Quarterly Reimbursement Payment , January , February and March 1969 Disability Salary Payments in sum of $4 , 206 . 63 PENSION FUND PAYMENTS : April , 1969 Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 T . K. Anderson , $427 . 50 James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50 Floyd Lawrence , $305 . 00 Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $150 . 00 Sylvia J . Pringle , $498 . 60 MOVED BY GOSSETT , SECONDED BY PRINGLE THE BILLS AND PENSION FUND WARRANTS BE DRAWN TO COVER PAYMENTS AS READ WITH EXCEPTION OF MAYNARD HOSPITAL BILI . AC/TED LAVALLEY , TO BE HELD FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION, STATEMENT FROM GORDON P . BAKER, AC/DAVID RIGGLE TO BE CHECKED FOR FURTHER DETAILS AS TO PERIOD COVERED AND SERVICE RENDERED. MOVED BY NELSON , SECONDED BY PRINGLE ,THE VALLEY HOSPITAL BILL FOR $11 . 50 , AC/RONALD BERGMAN BE CHECKED FOR PRIOR -2- "INUTES - FIREMEN ' S PENSION BOARD MEETING _oril 25 , 1969 (BILLS) PAYMENT AND BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION ACCORDINGLY . CARRIED . THE PENDING .�MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED . The Billing from Maynard Hospital , ac/Ted LaValley was discussed it being noted that the bill was paid by King County in sum of $ 254 . 00 with unpaid amount of $ 91 . 20 being difference between hospital room charge of $ 216 . 00 and basic contract coverage of $128 . 00 . Types of rooms to be covered by the Pension Board were discussed with special types to be allowed only if illness or injury required same . After discussion regarding payment of non-service connected illness or dis- ability , it was moved by Pringle , seconded by Gossett , the Maynard Hospital Bill payment be allowed . Carried . Check of the records confirmed that the Valley General Hospital Bill in sum of $11 . 50 , ac/Ronald Bergman , had been paid . The bill from Dr . Baker , ac/David Riggle , to be returned by Fireman Pringle to check for further information . The Secretary reported that the new Firemen and Police Pension Law passed by the State Legislature had been obtained and copies had been made and distributed in duplicate to the Fire Department . It was noted the bill had not been signed into law by the Governor as yet and that ome parts would be vetoed. It was noted that the matter of hearing disability of retired fireman Charles Goodwin is to be held for further discussion , as well as bill for Fireman Riggle . As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was MOVED BY GOSSETT , SECONDED BY NELSON , TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED . The meeting adjourned at 2 : 10 p .m. D. W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Helmie W . Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary -3- FIREMEI PENST N AND RELIEF FUND .._...ARD `� MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 27 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS D . W. Custer , Mayor Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The regular meeting of the PensionlBoard was called to order at 4 : 15 p .m. by Mrs . Gossett , in the absence of the Mayor . All Board Members were present along with Fireman David Riggle , who explained that invoices previously submitted to the Board contained items which had been incurred prior to his becoming a City Fireman for which payment had been made and the balance being vaccine and other injections not covered by King County , in connection with an allergy,) incurred following his employment . BILLS FILED FOR PAYMENT : A. & H . DRUGS , 301 South 3rd Street , ac/D. Haworth , 4/11/69 , Rx304886 , Rx304887 , $6 . 69 A. & H . Drugs No . 2 , 2820 Sunset Blvd. ,ac/David Riggle , 3/25/69 , Inv . 8536 , Rx212 501 , $8 . 36 Equipment Rental , A-51 , Month of April , 47 miles @ $10 . 00 , WT#88 K' s Prescription Pharmacy , 151 Park No . , ac/Ted LaValley , 4/12/69 , Inv. 49321 , Rx85988 and Ascriptin $19 . 22 ac/Robert L . Connell , 4/28/69 , Inv. 49572 , Rx84928 , $6 . 53 North Renton Clinic , 920-North lst St . , ac/David Walsh , 3/4/69 Medical service , $5 . 00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , Renton ,ac/R. Geissler , 5/16/69 , Invoice Rx154420 , $9 . 30 ac/R. Smith , 5/13/69 , Rx157595 , Rx157596 , $10 . 40 ac/M. Sherertz , Inv. 23904 , 5/15/69 Rx157381 , 156287 , 156288 , 157382 , Rx157383 and 1 eye cup , $23 . 09 J . H . Hartwig , M. D. , 1130 K Street , ac/David Riggle , Injection , $4 . 00 Gordon P . Baker , M.D. , Seattle , Wn . , ac/David Riggle , Medical Service , 8/9/68 to 3/27/69 , $70 . 00 W . C . Medical Office , Jos . W. Hageman , M. D. , ac/David Riggle , Medical Services 10/16/68 - 4/27/69 , $24 . 00 King County Medical Service Corp . , 44 Fireman @$1 . 00 , June Coverage Pension Fund Warrants , Month of May , 1969 : Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 T . K. Anderson , $427 . 50 James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50 King County Medic Floyd Lawrence , $305 . 00 Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $150 . 00 Sylvia J . Pringle , $498 . 60 It MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED BY PRINGLE , TO APPROVE THE BILLS AND MONTHLY PENSION FUND WARRANTS AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- lti� �l May 27 , 1969 MOVED BY PRINGLE , S___ JNDED BY PHILLIPS TO APPROv'E THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF APRIL 25 , 1969 AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED . Billing for Fireman Marvin Sherertz from Clark & Daughtrey Medical Group was read which reported Medical Treatment for fracture of 5th toe , left foot , in sum of $23 . 00 , and dated 4/11/69 . The Secretary was directed to submit same to King County Medical Service Corporation at this time , and to hold pending reply . DISABILITY NOTICES , NOTICES OF RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN REPORTS : Notice of Disability reported absence of Frank Todd from 4/19/69 to 4/20/69 due to the Flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/22/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $95 . 28 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Karl Strom from 4/22/69 to 4/23/69 due to high blood pressure and bronchial infection . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/25/69 with 18 duty hours missed and $72 . 36 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Bruce Phillips from 4/25/69 to 4/28/69 due to Doctor appointments . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 4/29/69 with 16 duty hours missed and $84 . 64 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Kenneth Walls from 5/2/69 to 5/3/69 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 5/5/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $79 . 68 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Frank Todd from 5/7/69 to 5/8/69 due to a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 5/10/69 with 18� duty hours missed and $ 73 . 44 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Edgar Wooton on 5/9/69 due to a cold. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 5/12/69 with 7' duty hours missed and $35 . 92 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of John Parks from 5/15/69 to 5/19/69 due to upper respiratory difficulty . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 5/21/69 with 48 duty hours missed and $192 . 96 due the Current Fund . Report of J . H . Hartwig , M. D. attached advised of confinement at home from 5/15/69 to 5/19/69 due to respiratory infection . Report of Marr P . Mullen , M. D . reported examination of John Alexander 4/17/69 for bumped knee , diagnosed as prepatellar bursitis , xrays for fracture , negative . Report of Joseph W. Hageman , M. D. reported examination of David Riggle on 10/22/68 with disability diagnosed as allergic rhinitis . Report of John E . Daughtrey , M. D . , reported examination of 4/11/69 for stubbed toe , diagnosed as fracture distal phalanx, 5th toe , left foot . The matter of invoice for hearing aid of Charles Goodwin was discussed but the Board felt that final action should not be taken until the Mayor could be present and it was suggested that Mr . Goodwin be invited to attend the next meeting of the Board . As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED BY PRINGLE , TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjour d at 4 : 50 p.m. -11mie W. Nelson , City Clerk-Sec . _�_ i { FIREMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING June 9 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer, Mayor Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle, Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board convened in special meeting at 11 :45 a .m . which meeting had been called for the purpose of considering requests for funding of Sanitary Sewer L. I.D. s 263, 264 , 265 and 267 . Those present included Mayor Pro Tem George Perry , serving as Chairman in the absence of Mayor Custer , Fireman Phillips , City Treasurer Gossett and Secretary Nelson . The Board expressed concern regarding funding of any L . I. D. not within the city and under jurisdiction of another municipality, and annexation petition now circulating the Kennydale area of King County was discussed along with request for funding of an L. I. D. in that area . Also discussed was current increase in interest rates; Government Bills being specifically mentioned by the Treasurer as having increased interest rates . MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, THAT THE PENSION BOARD OFFER TO _.UND L . I. D. S #264 , 265 and 267 at the rate of 6 . 2% interest , subject to approving opinion of Bonding Counsel on 265 . The Secretary was directed to secure information on interest rates of L. I. D.s for municipalities being financed by Statewide City Employees Retirement System . She re- ported the current rate was 6% . It was noted that the installment note method of financing saves the city bond printing, publishing and selling costs . The pending motion carried. MOVED BY PHILLIPS, SECONDED BY GOSSETT, THAT THE BOARD POLICY BE ESTABLI- SHED NOT TO FINANCE IMPROVEMENTS UNLESS THEY ARE DIRECTLY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS , ESPECIALLY FOR SUCH LARGE SUMS AS L . I.D. 263 . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY NELSON, TO ADJOURN . CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 12 :30 p.m . 06'orge erry , Ma or Pro T hairman Helmie U. Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary �r FIREMEN 'S PENS AN RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING June 27 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS "" D. W. Custer , Mayor Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board was convened at 11 .20 a .m. with all Board Members in attendance . MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PRINGLE , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 27 , BE APPROVED ALONG WITH SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 9 , 1969 . THE MOTION CARRIED. NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN 'S REPORTS : Disability Notice reported absence from duty of Karl Strom from 5/31/69 to 6/1/69 due to back trouble , with Dr . Bernier named as Physician con- sulted , service connection disability designated. Notice of Recovery advised of return to duty on 6/3/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96 . 48 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ron Bergman from 6/3/69 to 6/7/69 ale to Thrombosis hemorrhoids , previously existing condition , Dr. Daniel Hiatt , consulted Physician . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 6/9/69 with 46 duty hours mused and $180 . 78 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Gary Newton from 6/8/69 to 6/11/69 due to bad back, with Physician consulted listed as Dr. Vukov. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8/11/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $93 . 12 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of John Alexander from 6/11/69 to 6/12/69 due to sore back. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 6/14/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $110 . 40 due the Current Fund. Physician ' s report by Dr . Vukov, reported examinations of Gary Newton on 6/7 and 6/9/69 diagnosed as lumbosacral strain, non-service connected. R. E. Maynard , M.D. reported examinations of Leroy Smith on 5/13 , 5/17/ , and 5/27/69 for right eye inflamation , Follicular conjunctivitis , Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis , non service connected . J . R . Moran reported examination of George Banasky on 3/24/69 due to asian flu , no service connection designation . BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT: =nsion Fund Warrants for Month of June ,1969 : rs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 T. K. Anderson , 427 . 50 James F . Ashurst 511 . 50 Charles Goodwin 489. 50 Floyd Lawrence 305 . 00 Mrs . Orpha McDonald 150. 00 Sylvia Joan Pringle 498 . 60 Firemen ' s Pension Fund Meeting (Cont . ) June 27 , 1969 CLLS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: King County Medical Service Corp. , 44 Firemen @ $1 . 00 ea . , June Coverage $44 . 00 A . & H. Drugs , 301 So . 3rd St . , ac/John Parks , Rx299516 , May 10 , 1969 , $4 . 18 A . & H. Drugs #2 , 2820 Sunset Blvd. , ac/Edgar Wooton , 5/9/69, Rx217 934 , (Total $23 . 52) $2 . 80; Rx217935 , $6 . 00; Rx217936 , $2 . 50, Tax,$ . 51 , Total $11 . 81 , Invoice 9339 ac/David Riggle , 5/23/69, Rx219111 , $5 . 02 Invoice 9625; 5/15/69 , Rx218251 , $6 . 69 Inv . 9462 John L . Bernier, D. C. , Seattle , ac/Karl Strom, Services 4/23, 4/25 , 4/30/69 $18 . 00 Equipment Rental for month of May , 1969, A-51 , 31 miles , $10 . 00 (Minimum) J. H. Hartwig, M .D. , 1130 K St . , ac/John L . Parks , Jr . , 5/19/69 , Injection Terramycian , $5 . 00 K' s Prescription Pharmacy, Renton , ac/J . F. Ashurst , Inv. 50070, 5/29/69 , (Total $10 . 00) 2 Maalox , $3 . 18 ac/Ted La Valley , Inv. 49922 , Ascription $6 . 68 , dated 5/20/69 Shaw's Rexall Drugs , Renton , Wn. ,ac/T. K. Anderson , Inv. 14691 dated 6/23/69 , Rx331074 , $7. 84 Baird M. Bardarson , M. D. , Renton ,ac/R. Geissler, service rendered 1127/69, $18 . 00 jhn R . Moran , M.D. , Seattle , Wn . ,ac/George Banaski , services 3/24/69 , $24 . 00 MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, THAT THE BILLS FROM DR . BARDARSON,FOR RICHARD GEISSLER AND DR. MORAN, FOR GEORGE BANASKI, BE SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT TO KING COUNTY. CARRIED. MOVED BY PHILLIPS, SECONDED BY NELSON, THE MONTHLY PENSION FUND WARRANTS AND OTHER BILLS AS READ BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . THE MOTION CARRIED. The matter of payment for hearing aid, submitted by retired fireman Charles Goodwin was discussed, the Board unable as yet to make clear determination as to whether same was job-connected since Mr. 'Goodwin has been retired for two years with no previous indication of the disability which was not the disability for which he was retired. It was pointed out that in order to get prescriptions covered the firemen have had to submit evidence it is the same as that prescribed for disability for which he was retired and this would possibly be a point to be considered. , The Firemen Members pointed out that the sirens and long exposure to noise could cause the disability and they felt it should be covered regardless of whether it was the same basis of the retirement disability . They felt that the new pension laws to become effective later provide that this type of billing would be allowed and there was some question whether this would have some affect on the Board ' s determination at this time . It was noted that the City Attorney 's opinion had stated the disability must be the same for which -tirement was based in prior instances and it would be unfair to allow payment for some and not others . ..�. -2- Minutes - Renton Firemen 's Pension Fund 27 , 1969 Mine MOVED BY NELSON , SECONDED BY PRINGLE THAT RETIRED FIREMAN CHUCK GOODWIN BE INVITED TO ATTEND A 6PECIAL MEETING OF THE PENSION BOARD TO SUPPORT HIS CONTENTION THAT HIS HEARING DIFFICULTIES ARE DUE TO ACTIVITIES IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND THAT THE BOARD BE NOTIFIED WHEN HE COULD ATTEND IN ORDER THAT A SPECIAL MEETING MAY BE CALLED. CARRIED. Discussion ensued regarding funding of L. I.D. 263 that the Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board had turned down, It is Board concensus that they consider those L . I.D. ' s located inside the City there being some question of who has prior right of lien when outside the City and under jurisdiction of another municipality . The matter of the investment program was discussed. It was noted that presentations were equally impressive , Paul Maffeo , representing Kidder Peabody & Company and Gary Dime representing Dean Witter and Company, Lester A . Podgorny of Channing Co. , Inc. , making it hard to choose between firme . However,it was determined that the Dean Witter Company should be selected as financial advisor to the Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board , it appearing that the program offered by this firm might be most effective . As there was no further business to come before the Board, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 12 :37 p.m . D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary -3- NJ PENTON FIREMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAL MEETING July 22 , 1969 The special meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Board was called to order at 1 : .30 p. m. by Chairman Custer , Ior the purpose of considering a proposal for investment of funds presented by Gary Dime of Dean Witter and Company, Financial Consultants of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Custer, Gossett and Nelson . The Chairman reported he had contacted the Firemen Board Members and Art Pringle was unable to leave a training session but the proposal was given to him and he indicated his assent ,authorizinq Mayor Custer a proxy vote in his behalf. Fireman Bruce Phillips was reported ill and was not contacted personally. The proposal was to purchase from the Dean Witter Company stocks of Commonwealth Edison , Inc. which have a Triple A rating. The par value is $1 ,000 . 00 and net price $1 ,016 . 61 . The yield is 7�% with coupon rate of 8% and maturity in July , 1973 . The bonds are non-redeemable and non- callable and the coupons mature semi-annually . () a purchase of $25 ,000 . 00 par value , the net yield by July, 1973 would L — $12, 800. 00 less $415 . 25 or net yield of $12 ,384 . 75 MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY NELSON , TO PURCHASE $25 ,000. 00PAR VALUE BONDS AT COST OF $1 ,016 . 61 PER BOND. CARRIED. (Accrued interest to date also to be paid which returns to the fund upon coupon redemption) MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY NELSON, TO RENT A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX FOR THE BONDS . CARPIED. As there was no further business to be considered , it was MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY NELSON, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 2 :20 p.m. D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Sec. RENTL,iV FIREMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PJAI July 25 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS r D. W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurex Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Bruce Phi 11 i ps , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The r. e(7ular meeting of the 1'irernen "s Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11 :00 a .m. with Gary Newton in attendance and the two firemen members being absent . Fireman John Alexander was also present . MOVED BY NEWTON ,SECONDED BY GOSSETT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 27 , AND THE SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 22 , AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED. DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES AND PHYSICIAN 'S REPORTS : Disability Notice reported absence of Jack Haworth from 6/20/69 to 6/27/69 due to stomach infection , service connection not designated . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 6/29/69 with 62 hours missed and $249 . 24 due the Current Fund . Disability Notice reported absence of Karl Strom for 2-, 12, hours on 6/27/69 for appointment with Dr . Bernier for existing disability , with $10 . 05 due the Current Fund therefor . Disability Notice reported absence of Ted La Valley from 7/6/69 until 7/ 9/69 due to bad knee condition . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 7/ 9/69 with 24 hours missed and $101 . 76 due the Current Fund . Disability Notice reported absence of Robert Connell from 7/1/69 until 7/4/69 due to chest cold. Notice of recovery reported return on 7/4/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $110 . 40 due the Current Fund. Physician 's report of Leo E. Heye advised of examination of Nicholas Vacca on 2/26/69 for sliver in finger ,diagnosed as Cellulitis , left index, the service connection undesignated and report dated 5/21/69 . Physicians report of Rudolph Heilpern , M. D. advised of examination of John Alexander on 6/10 , 6/11 , 6/12 , and 6/13 , for sacro lumbar strain and spinal arthritis , directly resulting from duties in the Fire Depart- ment , previously existing condition . Report dated 7/2/69 . Physician C. David Neflen reported examination of Art Pringle on 5/2/69 , and subsequent examinations 5/10 , 5/16 , 5/19 and 5/21/69 , for acute lumbo- sacral sprain , duties in the department designated as contributing factor . Report dated 6/25/69 . BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT : `- A . & H . Drugs , 301 South 3rd Street , ac/Ronald A . Bergman , 6/3/69 Invoice (Total $16 . 25) Rx306868 , $2 . 87 ac/Gary Newton , 6/7/69 , Rx307051 , Rx307O52 , $13 . 38 I.B .M. Corporation , Seattle , Maintenance Agreement on Typewriter , $43 . 89 3 ►a MINUTES - FIREMEN 'S PENSION BOARD Regular meeting of 7/25/69 BILLS FOR PAYMENT : (Cont . ) King County Medical , 44 Firemen @ $1 . 00 each for month of July , $44 . 00 A . & 11 . Drugs #2 , 2820 Sunset Blvd . E . , ac/David Riggle , Inv . 10135 ,6/20 , (Total $22 . 10) Rx221147 , $3 . 61 ; Inv . 10130 , Rx221120 , $7 . 00 , dated 6/20/69 , $7 . 00 ; Inv . 10209 , dated 0/25/69 , Rx221477 , Rx211478 , $"1 . 00 ; ac/Kenneth Walls , Inv. 10200 dated 6/24/69 , Rx221419 , $4 . 49 . John L . Bernier , D. C . , Seattle ,ac/Karl Strom , Statement , 6/28/69 for ('Total $18 . 00) survives 612 , b/4 , 0/21 , spinal adjust- ments @ $6 . 00 ea . C. David Ileflen , D. O. , Renton , ac/Art Pringle , Statement , 6125/69 for (Total $42 . 00) office calls , 5/2 , 5/10 , 5/16 , 5/19 and 5/2,1/69 , $10 . 00 and 4 @ $8 . 00 K' s Prescription Pharmacy , Renton ,ac/John Alexander , Inv . 50237 , 6/10/69 Rx90323 , $6 . 36 Leonard Rexall Drugs , Kent , Wn . , ac/Jack Haworth , Inv . 20045 , dated 6/23 , Rx226191 , $2 . 87 People National Bank of Wn , Renton Branch , Safe Deposit Box Rent , July , and Keys , $8 . 00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , ac/William Larson , Inv . 24906 dated (Total $16 . 83) 7/3/69 , Rx156641 , $7 . 11 ac/M. Sherertz , Inv. 24933 , dated 7/7/69 Rx156287 , $9 . 72 City Treasurer WIT, Current Fund , Quartly Reimbursement for Disability Salary Payments , April 1 - June 30 , 1969 $1 , 308 . 02 City Treasurer , WIT, Equipment Rental , Vehicle A-51 , month of June , $10 . 0 MOVED BY GOSSETT , SECONDED BY NEWTON,THE REGULAR MONTHLY BILLS BE PAID AS READ. THE MOTION CARRIED. PENSION FUND BILLS : - Month of July , 1969 Prior to acting upon the Pension Fund bills , provisions of the newly adopted legislation , Retirement Systems , Wn . Law Enforcement Officers ' and Fire Fighters ' Retirement System , (Ch . 209 , Ex . Sess . (Sub . S . B . 74) , as amended by Ch . 219 , Ex . Sess . (Sub . S .B . 468) , were discussed . Under provisions of the new Act all benefits payable under RCW 41 . 16 . 080 , 41 . 16 . 120 , 41 . 16 . 130 and 41 . 16 . 140 , and RCW 41 .18 . 040 and 41 . 18 . 100 are to be increased 2% each year , based upon present benefits payable , effective July 1 , 1969 or one year after date when such benefits are payable , whichever is later . The Board presently has Mrs . Joan Pringle receiving widows pension under 41 . 18 . 080 , and former Fire Chief Floyd Lawrence , retired under 43 . 18 .100 who will receive the 2% increase as of July 1 , 1969 according to Board determination . A question was raised as to whether Mrs . Pringle should receive the increase on only her widows pension or whether it would apply also to that additional portion paid her for the children until they are 18 years of age . The Mayor and City Clerk expressed opinions that the benefits would be based upon the entire pension benefits paid but as there was some doubt expressed , it was MOVED BY NEWTON, AND SECONDED BY GOSSETT , THAT AN OPINION BE SECURED FROM THE CITY ATTOPNEY. CARRIED . -2- MINUTES •- FIREMENS ' PENSION BOARD Reyula.r meetiny of 7/25/69 PENSION FUND WARRANTS : t1rs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00, T. K. Anderson , $427 .50 , James F . Ashurst , S511 . 50;Char.ies Goodwin , $489 . 50 : Floyd Lawrence , $311 . 10;ml,s . Orpha McDonald , $150 . 00 and Sylvia J . Pringle , $506 . 91 . Discussion ensued . Fireman John Alexander advised that Mrs . Anderson and Mrs . Mc:burjald were covered under the 1947 Act and it was his understanding , from attending a number of the meetings where the new pension laws were discussed , that not being covered under RCW' s as listed in the new laws , the 2% would not apply . Mrs . Nelson stated she realized that part but the question was raised at a meeting during Association of Wn . Cities Convention in Seattle , and Jack Cameron had replied the 2% would be effective where they were not covered by the conditions of the escalator clause . He did state that many administrative problems are not yet resolved and will be taken care of during the special legislative session in January . MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDEn BY NELSON , PENSION WARRANTS BE ALLOWED AND MRS . PRZ1'J('1.1? 1L' r+1•: BASED UPON 2% INCREASE ON HER PORTION BUY' NOT Till,,' CHILDRENS , WITH SUBSEQUENT ADDITIONAL PICK UP IF SUCH IS THE DETERMINATION FOLLOWING ATTORNEY 'S OPINION . CARRIED. The City Treasurer advised ,in view of recent investment and number of bonds to be held , that she will again rent a Safe Deposit Vault game having been given up when it was felt there was no longer need . (This has been done at this writing with Peoples National Bank , Box 127 and one key will be in the City Treasurer 's possession and the City Clerk will have the other . ) As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY NELSON, TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 12 :15 a .m . D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk--Secretary 312- . RE NTON FIREMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 15 , 1969 The special meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Board was called to order at 10030 a .m. by Chairman Custer with all members present with the exception of Art Pringle . A communication was read from Henry Schellert , Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee , requesting Board consideration for the financing of L. I. D 268 , Preliminary Assessment in the amount of $54 ,043 . 55 . MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, THAT THE FIREMEN 'S PENSION FUND FINANCE L . I . D. 268 , WATER MAINS, WOODY GLEN , AT THE RATE OF 6 . 5% . MOTION CARRIED. As there was no further business to be considered, the meet- ing was adjourned at 11 : 00 a .m . .Z •r�� V v P . D. W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary 313 Of R L,! U �% ' 'z 'PTI}+; 1�N:N'P()N ('T'1"!' C()I?:�,TCT 1 , T WL CII Y HALT REN EON, WASHINGTON 98U5'.) • 11 x i A 10 W tispOp, CAPIf 06� July 31 , 1969 , v . 1 r F iramenS Pension Hoard Renton Municipal Bldg . Renton, Washington Attention: Mrs . Helmie Nelson, Secretary i Dear Mrs . Nelson: RE: FUNDING OF L.I .D . 268 Will the Firemen' s Pension Board please review the possibility of funding L.I .D . 268, the installation of a 12 inch water main in Rainier Avenue approx- imately 160 feet South of Renton Avenue extension to the easterly production of the northerly line of Block 6, Woody Glen Addition, and recommenu an interest rate . Thank you . Sincerely, H6nry 4chellert, Chairman Coun(Al Ways and Means Committee HS : s FIR_.EMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD ' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING August 22 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS W. Custer, Mayor-Chairman flelmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer lttace Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle, Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate 7'Iie regular meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board was called to order with all Board Members present. except the Treasurer. Also present were Karl Strom and retired Fireman Charles Goodwin . Moved by Pringle, seconded by Nelson, to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting of July 25, and the Special Meeting of August 15 , as written . The motion carried . i.,2tter from Karl Strom requested service-connected disability retirement due to his back trouble which has reached the point where he is unable to do his share of work at a fire and where he. would not find it possible to pick anyone up and carry them down a ladder. Commencement of 6-months disability period requested to begin-on September 3, with full retirement on March 3, 1970 at 60% of full pay , having 3 children under 18 . Coverage under the escalator clause of the 1961. Act was also requested. PHYSICIAN 'S REPORTS AND DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICES "eport of Disability of Karl Strom due to bad back was read with absence _ rom 7/18/69 to 7/31/69 . Notice of Recovery reported return on 8/2/6'3;_ 96 duty hours missed and $385 . 92 due Report of John L . Bernier, D. C. , noted Karl Strom to have 'acute- lumbo- sacral strain with vertebral subluxation of L4 and L5 , Radiculitis , with service-connbctad designation, per examinations 7/16 , 7/17 , 7/21 and 7/29 . Notice of Disability dated 7/15/69 reported absence of Bruce Phillips from 7/15/69 to 7/25/69 due to surgery . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 7/28/69 with 5711 duty hours missed and $304 .17 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Kenneth Walls from 8/18/69 to 8/19/69 due to bronchitis and pleurisy. Notice of Recovery reported his return to duty on 8/21/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the Current Fund. Report of Robin R. Johnston,M.D.. ,advised of examination of Franklin Todd on 7/7/69 and 7/15/69 with disability diagnosed as tension headache; degenerative joint disease and -overweight . Service connection not indicated. Report of James L. Hartwig, M. D. advised of examination of David Riggle on 6/19 , 6/23 , 7/28 and 8/6 due to sinusitis , epicondylitis , right elbow. No service connection indicated. . sport of Calvin E. Freden, D. C. , advised of treatment of Delbert Miller on 7/3 ; 7/7 , 7/10, 7/15 and 7/21/69 due. to headache diagnosed as subluxa- tions of upper cervical vertebrae resulting in nerve root irritation and sympathetic nerve disturbance, non-service connection indicated. -1- 3» Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board Meeting 8/22/69 Py . 2 . BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT: Key Rexall Drugs , 17036-1161h Ave. SE. , ac/N. Vacca , Inv . 3094 dated (Total $13 . 00) 8/5/69 , Rx102075f $3 . 61 , Inv. 3106 , 8/12/69 , Rx102312 , EIR Col .. , $5 . 26 ; Inv. 3265, 8/18/69 , Rx102484 K ' s Prescription Pha.rmac R P y , Renton , ac/Ped LaVaIley . Inv . ,U517 . 111f (Total , $27 . 53) Rx85988 and Ascriptin , $19 . 22 .ac/.7 . Ashurst , Inv . b0131 , 1/1/09, Rx80349 and 2 Maalox, $5 . 85 ac/R . L. Connell , Inv . 50699 , 7/14 , Wingel , $2 . 46 ,john L. Bernier , U. C. , Seattle , Wn. ,ac/Karl Strom, Services 7/16 , 7/17 , 7/21 and 7/29 @ $6 . 00 ea . , $24 . 00 H . Hartwig, Renton, Wash . , ac/David. Riggle , Services 6119 , 7/28/69 Penicillin , $2 . 00 ea . , total $4 . 00 c' . David Heflen, D. O . , Renton, Wn. ,ac/Art Pringle, 7/21169 oftiwe call $8 . 00 hoonard Rexall Druys , Kent, Wn. , ac/Jack Haworth, Inv . 20484 , Rx226560 $3 .76., Paulson Office Supply, Renton , Wn . , 6 Pendaflex filing frames , Legal size @ $2. 52 ea , plus tax , $15 . 80 , rnv . 6998 Rentun Prescription Pharmacy , ac/Marvin Sherertz, Inv. 25268 , Rx156288 and (Total $15 .42) Rx159330 , $9 . 25 ac/P. J. Walsh, Inv. 25353 , 8/5/69, Rx144251 , $6 . 17 Shaw 's Rexall Drugs, Renton , Wn. , ac1T- K. Anderson, Inv . 12320 , 8/11/69, (Total $19. 07) Rx331D74, $7 . 84 ac%Kenneth Walls , Rx346387 , 346388 , 8/18/69, $11 . 23 Kari Stromf (Service Connected Shift duty sick, 7/18 , 7121 , 7/27 , and Disability 96 his . @ $4 . 02 per hr. ) 7/30/69, $385 . 92 Karl Strom, Reimbursement for payment to King Clinic, 7/24/69, $7 . 00 and 7/28169, $6 . 00 City Treasurer , Warrant Transfer, Equipment Rental Charges , Vehicle A-51 Month-of July, 1969, $10 . 00 King County Medical Service Corp. , 44 Firemen, Month of Sept , , $44 . 00 PENSION FUND BILLS: Month of outy Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00; T. K. An Oson, $427 . 50; James F . Ashurst , $511.. 50; Charles Goodwin , >489 . 50; Floyd Lawrence, $311 . 10; Mrs . Orpha McDonald, $150. 00; Sylvia J . Pringle, $506-91 MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, THE MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION FUND WARRANTS BE DRAWN TO COVER PAYMENT OF BILLS AS READ. CARRIED. Reyardiny retirement request of Fireman. Karl Strom, the riremen ' s Pension Fund Board hereby makes findings that service-connected injury disability exists based upon reports of attending Physicians 'and previous documenta- tions and that it is to the best interest of the City, the Firemen 's Pension Fund and Fireman Strom that he be retired. MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, that pursuant to RCW 41 .18. 050, Fireman Strom be re- itired on service-connected injury disability basis and per RCW 41 . 18. 060 be ?laced on 6-months full salary inactive status as of 913169 and since the wiBoard finds the disability to be of such a nature that return to .inactive duty can never be reasonably be expected, no further physical examinations be required per RCW 41 .18 . 090. At the end of the 6 months inactive status he will be placed on service--conneuted .injury disability ratiremenL ..CARRIED. 31G Mi.iutes - Firemen ' s P cion Fund Board Meeting, J 12/69 Pg. 3 . Retired Fireman Chuck Goodwin was present in response to request of the Board to discuss possible payment of an invoice for a hearing aid hick was not the disability under which Mr . Goodwin was retired. It was pointed out by Fireman Goodwin that as long as 3 years prior to his retirement he had been having hearing trouble always sitting in the front row at officers ' meetings and other group meetings , neglecting to report anything about this at the time,. not knowing he was going to be retired . He advised that after going to a fire and being subjected to the fire sirens the problem worsened, and has subsequently resulted in the need for said hearing aid. Fireman Bruce Phillips called attention to growth on his knee which could result in such similar problem and pointed out that this is one purpose of the Firemen ' s Pension Fund , to benefit the Firemen in such instances . Chairman Custer stated he did not feel the Board could authorize such payments without some substantiating documentation such as Physician ' s report that it was "more likely than not caused by duties in the Fire Department " or precedent might be established to cause later problems . MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, THAT MR. GOODWIN FURNISH A REPORT FROM HIS DOCTOR AS SUGGESTED AND ALSO A CERTIFICATION BY HIMSELF OUT- LINING CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH LEAD TO HIS .BELIEF THAT THE HEARING DISABILITY WAS SERVICE-CONNECTED. CARRIED. Chairman Custer introduced Mr . Gary Dime , of Dean Witter & Co . , Investment Counsel for the Board , who inquired regarding implementing investments in he period between Board meetings . Discussion discloded agreement of the Board to invest $25 ,000 . 00 in short term. bonds , $25 ,000 . 00 in long term bonds and $50 ,000 . 00 in Mutual Funds , all being within provisions of the law. Mr. Dime advised that the Board ifinterested, could invest $25 ,000. 00 in Long Term Bonds , 20 or more years maturity, at interest in excess of 7% or more, AA rating, which interest is competitive. MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED BY PRINGLE, THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE $25 ,000. 00 Par Value in Long Term Bonds , at 7% or more interest , upon. the concurrence of the Treasurer , and subject to ratification by the Board at its next meeting. After discussion regarding broadening of investments in accordance with House Bill 425 , the MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, TO PROCEED IN PURCHASE OF MUTUAL FUNDS WITH $26 ,000 . 00 INITIAL INVESTMENT AND..$4 ,000. 00 PER MONTH FOR THE NEXT SIX MONTHS FOR TOTAL OF $50 ,000. 00 . With the market decline it was felt to be advantageous at this time to make these investments . CARRIED. As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was moved by Nelson , seconded by Pringle , to adjourn . Carried . The meeting was adjourned at 12 :40 f.M . �N 7 / D. W. Custer ,Mayor-Chairman Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary -3- �L V FIREMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING September 26 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11 :00 a .m. Present were : Custer, Nelson and Pringle . Absent : Gossett and Phillips . MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY CUSTER , THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF August 27 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATIONS: Publication received from U. of W. ,Institute of Governmental Research , outlined the three types of post retirement increases granted by 1969 retirement legislation (Firemen 's Pension Acts) Letter from Marsh & McLennan-D. K. MacDonald & Co . , Inc. reported Progress in calculations for determining valuation of the Police and Firemen 's Pension Fund, requesting periodic fund balances . Letter from Lester A . Podgorny , Financial Planning , Channing Co. , Inc . requested to be further considered in regard to mutual fund purchases , acknowledging the Board ' s selection of broker for purchase of securities, and offering to prepare survey of mutual funds which may best fit the pension plan requirements . MOVED .'Y NELSON, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, THE LETTER FROM MR . PODGORNY BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR FOR REPLY, THANKING HIM FOR HIS INTEREST AND ADVISING THAT SHOULD THE NEED ARISE FOR HIS SERVICE IN THE FUTURE HE WOULD BE CONTACTED AND ALSO,IF HE HAS SOMETHING HE WISHES TO OFFER TO FEEL FREE TO PRESENT SAME TO THE BOARD. CARRIED. PHYSICIAN'S REPORTS Letter of 9/11/69 from Thomas E. Maxwell , M.D. reported examination of Mr . Charles Goodwin regarding problem of hearing loss and findings that in view of working for 25 years with the fire department findings would suggest that his hearing loss could well be due primarily to this long term noise exposure . MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY NELSON, THE MATTER OF BILLS FOR GOODWIN'S HEARING DISABILITY BE HELD PENDING PRESENCE OF ALL BOARD MEMBERS. CARRIED. Physician 's Report from F. E. Heyene , reported examination of Nicholas Vacca on 8/5 , 8/12 , 8/18 , 9/10 and 9/11/69 with diagnosis of Tracheo- bronchitis . No service-connection indicated . 31� Firemen ' s Pension Fund Board -2- RaguXar meeting of 9126/69 PHYSICIAN 'S REPORTS: (Cont . ) Report of J. R . Moran , M. D. , reported examination of George C. Banasky on 8/9/69 and subsequently on 8/11 , 8/15 and 8/22/69 with diagnosis of *r acute Lumbo Sacral Strain , servie connection indicated, disability occurring while lifting ladder at work . Report of Daniel D. Hiatt , M. D. reported examination of Robert Beatteay on 8116169 with i-lness diagnosed as Acute Viremia , non-service connected . DISABILITY AND RECOVERY NOTICE'S : Notice dated 8/8169 reported absence of George Banasky from 8/8/69 to 8/21169 due to back injury occurring while on drill at drill site 8/8 . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8123/69 with 89 duty hours missed and $409 . 40 due the Current Fund . Disability Notice reported absence of Robert Beatteay from 8/16/69 to 8/26/69 due to virus infection , with Drs . Grimm and Hiatt being consulted. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8128169 with 96 duty hours missed and $377 . 28 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Delbert Miller from 8/28/69 to 8/29169 due to abscessed tooth . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 8/31/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $93 . 12 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Marvin Sherertz from 8/27/69 to 9/6/69 due to rib injury . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/8/69 with 56 duty hours missed and $332 . 08 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of John Parks from 9/3/69 to 9/4/69 due to ulcer . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/6/69 with 181 duty hours missed and $74 . 37 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of Charles Christenson from 915169 to 9/6/69 due to headache . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/8/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $89 . 52 due the Current Fund . Disability Notice reported absence of Douglas Haworth from 9/5/69 to 916/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/8/69 with 13 duty hours missed and $51 . 09 due the Current Fund. Disability Notice reported absence of George Banasky from 9/13/69 to 9/14/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/16/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $110 . 40 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Doug Haworth from 9/17/69 to 9/20/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/20/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $94 . 32 due the Current Fund . MONTHLY PENSION BILLS: Month of September Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 ; T. K. Anderson , $427 . 50; James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 ; Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50; Floyd Lawrence .—$311 .10 ; Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $150 . 00 ; Sylvia J. Pringle , $506 . 91 and Karl B. Strom, $860 . 00 . MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY NELSON, THE PENSION WARRANTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. Firemen 's Pension Fund Board -3-- Regular Meeting - 9/26/69 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT: r.. King County Medical Service Corporation , 44 Firemen , Month of October $44 . 00 A . B . Dick Company , Duplicating Supplies , 2 Ctn . Toner, Inv. 88878 , $26 . 13 A. & H. Drugs , 301 S. 3rd Street , a/c, George Banasky , Statement 8/9/69 , (Total $15 . 51 ) Rx309455 , $4 . 96 a/c, Robert B . Beatteay , Statement 8/20, Rx309879, $3 . 76 a/c, John L. Parks , Jr. , Statement 8/27 , Rx299516 and Rx297341 , $6 . 79 A. & H. Drugs No . 2 , Sunset B1vd. ,a/c, David Riggle , Inv. 10688, 7/28/69, Rx223-620 , $6 . 27 John L . Bernier, D. C. , Seattle , a/c, Karl Strom, Office calls , Auy. 5 , (Total $18 . 00) 9 , and 19 , @ $6 . 00 ea . Ernest M. Burges , M. D. , Seattle , a/c, John E. Alexander, Balance due March , 1969 , $2 . 00 Dorothea Gossett , Helmie Nelson , Gwen Marshall , Reimbursement AWC Pension and Budget Workshop, $4 . 50 ea . (Total $13 . 50) New Public Safety Retirement Systems C. David Heflen , D. 0. , Renton , a/c, George Banasky , 8/27/69 , $10 . 00 Bruce H. Phillips , Reimbursement , Swedish Hospital Center, 7/17/69 , $44 . 00 Renton Prescription Pharmacy , a/c, Patrick Walsh , Inv. 25807 , 9/2/69 (Total $9 . 14) Rx114905 , $4 ,23 a1c , M. Sherertz , Inv. 25851 , 9/3/69 , Rx 159964 , $4 . 91 Ridge Heights Medical Center, Statement 9/11/69 , Services , 8/18 , 9/10 (Total $9 . 00) and 9/11 @ $3. 00 each, Injections The Mason Clinic a/c, Franklin Todd, Diet Consult . $4 . 00 Physical Therapy Clinic, Seattle , a/c, George Banasky , Statement for 8/11 , (Total $60 . 00) 8/12 , 8/13, 8/14, 8/15 , 8/18 , 8/20 , 8/22 @ $7 . 50 ea . John R . Moran , M. D. , Seattle , a/c, George Banasky , Statement for Services , 8/9 , 8/11 , 8/15 , 8/22 , $31 . 00 Joseph T. Houk , M.D. DeWitt E. Wold, a/c, George C. Banasky, X-ray , $10 . 00 Burien General Hospital , Statement 8/10/69 , a/c, George C. Banasky , $31 . 50 Valley General Hospital , Renton , a/c, Robert E. Beatteay, Invoice 8/23/69 $305 . 40 . MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY NELSON, TO APPROVE BILLS AS READ EXCEPT FOR RIDGE HEIGHTS, MEDICAL CENTER, THE MASON CLINIC, PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC, JOHN R . MORAN, DRS . HOUK AND WOLD , BURIEN GENERAL HOSPITAL AND VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO KING COUNTY BEING COVERED UNDER ADDITIONAL CONTRACT, AND TO APPROVE SUBSEQUENTLY ANY PORTION OF BALANCE THAT WOULD NOT BE PAID UNDER THE KING COUNTY COVERAGE. CARRIED. As there was no further business , it was moved by PRINGLE, SECONDED BY NELSON, TO ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting was adjourned at 11 : 50 a .m. i)v e",Y, D. W. Custer, Chairman Helmie t :elson, Secretary F'1"ECE'MEN 'S PENSION AND RELICF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF' REGULAR MEETING October 31 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS D. W. Custer , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle, Fireman Gary Newton , Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board was called to order at 11 :00 a .m . ROLL CALL OF BOARD MEMBERS: All members of the Board were present . Fireman John Alexander was also present . MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. The City Clerk reported that the Pension Fund No . 2710 , Acct . 510 Reimbursement Fees , is in the red to extent of $1 ,035 . 53 as of October and transfer will be necessary to cover Disability Salary Reimbursement to the end of the year. Resolution will therefore be requested to transfer $6 ,000 . 00 from 2710 , Available Surplus , 501 into account 510 .; also , Acct . 201 to be short and $6,000 . 00 transfer to be required from Available Surplus , 501 , thereunto to cover need . The Secretary called attention to questionaire she has completed for the Association of Washington Cities requested for use in study being conducted on financial commitment of cities under the new Omnibus Pension Bill for police and firemen . Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to board members for information j and/or correction . i t NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN REPORTS R . Lomas , M. D. reported examination on 9/3/69 of Charles Christensen with disability diagnosed as myopia with prescription for glasses being given . Sickness noted not service connected. Report of F. E. Heyen advised of examination of James Matthew on 9/10/69 with diagnosis of illness as flu . No service connection was indicated . Rudolph Heilpern , M. D. reported examination of Charles Christensen on 9/2/69 for severe headache, noted to be non-service connected. M. P. Mullen , M. D. reported examinations of John Alexander in 1962 , 1963 , 1964 , 1965 , 1966 , 1968 and 1969 for painful left elbow which was diagnosed a chronic olecranon bursitis , with surgery having been performed twice in 1962 and in 1964 and again 8/11/69 for re- current disability . Retirement was recommended . -1 - 3z� FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND BOARD MEETING Oc Lobar 31 , 1969 NOTICES OF DISABILITY, Rh,'COVERY AND ! ;IYSICIAN REPORTS „" Calvin E. Freden , D. C. , reported examination of Charles Christensen on 9/13/69 and 9/15/69 for neck and l,a<:•k pain diagnosed as vertebral subluxations to be cause of problem , designated as service-connected. Dr . C. David Heflen reported examination of Robert Connell on 9/17/69 for arm and neck pain diagnosed as coi-vical fibromyouytis and possibly duties in service contributing to the disability . Notice of Disability reported absence of Frank Todd on 7/15/69 for 2 hours for physical . 8 duty hours were missed with '$31 . 76 due the current fund . Service connection not designated. Disability notice reported absence of Nicholas Vacca from 8/13/69 to 8/14/69 due to bronchitis . Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the current fund. Service connection not designated. Notice of Disability reported absence of Bill Larson from 9/16 to 9/17/69 due to bad cold . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/19/69 wit4 24 duty hours missed and $93 . 12 due the current fund. Service connection not designated . Notice of Disability reported absence of Bruce Phillips on 9/23/69 until 10/17/69 due to broken knee cartilage and operation , Dr . Birklend , Physician consulted . Service connection designated . Notice of recovery reported return to duty on 10/20/69 with 144 hours missed and $761 . 76 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of David Walsh from 9/23/69 to 9/27/69 for torn ligament of left knee, non-service connected. Ivar W. Birkeland , Jr . M. D. consulted . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/29/69 with 48 duty hours missed and $192 . 96 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Roger Newton from 9/24/69 to 9/25/69 due to cold, non-service connected. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 9/27/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $89 . 52 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Kenneth Walls from 9/29/69 to 9/30/69 due to head and chest cold , disability designated as service connected. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/2/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Edgar Wooton , Jr . from 10/6/69 to 10/8/69 due to the flu . , service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/9/69 with 24 hours missed and $114 . 96 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Gerald Hurst from 10/10/69 •-- to 10/11/69 due to the flu . Service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/13/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $97 . 44 due the current fund. -2- .3ZZ PIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND BOARD Regular meeting (Cont . ) October 31 , 1969 NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN NOTICES Notice of Disability reported absence of Gerald Ffurst from 10/10/69 to 10/11/69 due to the flu , service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/13/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $97 . 44 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Donald Goodwin from 10/18 , to 10/19/69 due to the flu , service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/21/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96 . 48 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of David Riggle from 10/19/69 to 10/22/69 due to allergy , service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/22/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Nicholas Vacca from 10/19/69 due to cold and infection , unknown whether or not service connected. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1012I169 with 24 duty hours missed and $83 . 04 due the current fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Ron Bergman on 10/22/69 to 10/23/69 due to sore back , designated as service connected . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/25/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $94 . 32 due the current fund. Notice of Disability of Kenneth Walls reported absence from 10/23/69 to 10/27/69 for nose operation and recuperation . Service connection not designated . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 10/29 , with 48 duty hours missed and $166 . 08 due the current fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Gerald Nichols from 10/26 , to 10/27/69 due to the flu , service connection not designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 1.0/29/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $108 . 00 due the current fund . CGXMUNICATIONS: Letter from Rudolph Heilpern , M. D. advised that Mr. John Alexander has had 3 surgeries performed on the left elbow and has a history from May of 1959 of olecranon bursitis and epicondylitis which should not be subjected to further damages which his job as fireman allows . It was recommended that he be retired because of danger of recurrence . Mr . Alexander was present and requested that he be placed on a six-months inactive status , starting AuWU,&t 10, 1969 and that he be retired without recourse of further examinations . MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, IN VIEW OF PHYSICIANS' REPORTS JOHN ALEXANDER BE RETIRED ON A SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITY AS PRO- VIDED BY LAW, WITH INACTIVE SIX MONTHS PERIOD COMMENCING 8/10169 AND RETIREMENT TO BE EFFECTIVE 2/10/70 WITH NO FURTHER REQUIREMENT FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION. CARRIED. -3- 3Z3 FIREMEN 'S PENSION BOARD REGULAR MEETING October 31 , 1969 '""" BILLS: Monthly Pension and Inactive Disability Status Payments Month of October, 1969 Mrs . Enza Anderson , $150 . 00 and $12 .. 00 retroactive 2% to July , 1969 T. K. Anderson , $427 . 50 Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $150 . 00 and $12 . 00 retroactive to July, 2% . James F . Ashurst , $511 . 50 Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50 Floyd Lawrence , $311 .10 Sylvia J. Pringle , $506 . 91 Karl B. Strom ,$2-,680. 71- ( C • Gv BILLS : Medical , Equipment and Disability Salary Reimbursement John L . Bernier, D. C. , Seattle, ac/Ronald Bergman, Office calls 7/22,25 ,28 and X-rays, $33 . 00 C. E. Freden , D. C. , Seattle , ac/Charles Christenson , Statement 10/1/69, X--rays and exam, $37 . 00 C. David Heflen , D. O. , Renton ,ac/Robert Connell , Office Call 9/17/69, $8 . 00 King County Medical , Seattle , 44 Firemen @ $1 . 00 ea . November coverage K's Prescription Pharmacy , ac/Ted La Valley , Inv. 51922, $8 . 61 Rx86810 and Ascriptin, 9/26/69 Inv. 51124 , Ascriptin, $6 . 68, 8/11/69 '... ac/James Matthew, Inv. 51616 , rx91899 , dated 9/10/69, $2 . 51 ac/Robert Connell , Inv. 51718 , Rx2871N, $4 . 70 dated 9/17/69 Renton Prescription Pharmacy, ac/Marvin Sherertz , Inv . 26567, Rx161099 , $4 . 65 dated 10/13/69 Inv . 25753 dated 8/27/69, $4. 91 Rx161466 , Invoice 26820, dated 10/28/69, $6 . 22 Shaws Rexall Drugs , Renton , ac/T. K. Anderson , Inv. 23680 dated 10/1/69, Rx311074, $7 . 84 ac/David Walsh, Inv. 23642 dated 9/30/69, Rx347-566 , $5 . 90 ac/Kenneth Walls , Statement of balance due , Rx346-387 , $7 . 58 Swedish Hospital Medical Center, ac/Bruce Phillips, Invoice E8158 , Balance for knee surgery services unpaid by King County Medical , $52 . 50 U. S. Post Office , Renton , Wn . , Postage , $17 . 00 S. J. Vukov, M. D. , Renton , ac/Theron Anderson , services 9/29/69 $7 . 00 City Treasurer/W. T. , Equipment Rental , Vehicle A-51 150 miles August and September 10 . 00 each City Treasurer,/W. T. , Current Fund, Disability Salary payments , July , August and September , $2 ,825 . 07 City Treasurer/W. T. , Current Fund, Inactive Status, John E. Alexander -4- 8/10/69 to 10/31/69, $2 ,680 . 71 3z� FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND BOARD REGULAR NEETING OctoL-r 31 , 1969 The Secretary pointed out it had been her understanding the widow pensioneers would receive the 2% increase which John Alexander was to have checked. He reported verification that she was correct and the Board felt the amount could be picked up , to be retroactive to July , 1969 . MOVED BY GOSSETT , SECONDED BY PRINGLE , THE PENSION WARRANTS AS ADJUSTED, AND MONTHLY BILLS , INCLUDING EQUIPMENT RENTAL , QUARTERLY SALARY REIMBURSEMFNT TO CURRENT FUND AND INACTIVE DISABILITY STATUS E BILLS BE PAID . CARRIED . Discussion ensued concerning billing due on hearing aid of retired fireman Charles Goodwin . MOVED BY PRINGLE , SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, THAT ON BASIS OF REPORT OF DR . MAXWELL THAT HEARING LOSS COULD WELL HAVE RESULTED PRIMARILY FROM SERVICE, IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT , THE BILL BE HONORED. It was felt that this is an allowable expense under the new laws . The Mayor felt this would establish bad precedent and voted no , an,J City Treasurer Gossett abstained . John Al6xander cited cor7e cases of like instances which had in every case been allowed as an expense of the Firemen 's Pension Fund . THE MOTION CARRIED . As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY GOSSETT, TO ADJOURN . CARRIED . a D . W. Custer , Mayor-Chairmar, Helmie W. Nelson , Secretary-City Clerk rmw -5- rIkL'HEN ' S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD v MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 24 , 1969 :itiRL) HEMBLRS D. W. Custer, Mayor--Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treas . Helmie Nelson , City Clerk-Sec . Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton , Fireman , Alt. The regular meeting of the Firemen ' s Pension and Relief Fund Board was c:; l lacl I , urdur at I 1 : 00 a . m, by Chairman Custer . ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: All Board Members were present . MOVED BY PRINGLE , SECONDED BY GOSSETT, f0 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF OCTOBER 31 , 1969 , AS WRITTEN . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON , SECONDED BY PRINGLE I"1IANKS BE EXTENDED TO THE RETIRING MAYOR FOR HIS SERVICE AND ASSISTANCE AS A MEMBER OF THE FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND BOARD. CARRIED. NOTICE'S OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN ' S REPORTS Notice of Disability reported absence of Bruce Phillips from 11 / 12/69 to II /'14/69 due to food pUloning . Notice of Recovery reported 24 duty hours misses; , r3turn to duty on II / 17/69 ,with $ 126 . 96 due the Current Fund . �1ir_e of Disability reported absence of Robert Beatteay from 11 / 14/69 to ,,,,..,.11 / 15/69 due to ear infection . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11 / 17/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $94 . 32 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of Patrick Walsh from 11 / 14/69 to 11 / 15/69 due to bad back. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11 / 17/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $ 109 . 20 due the Current Fund . CURREUT� MONTHLY BILL; : Medical , Disability Salary Retirement and Equipment King County Medical Service Corp . , 44 Firemen @$ 1 . 00 ea . , December Coverage, ( Total $61 . 72 ) and Retirees Strom, $8 . 86 and Alexander , $8 . 86 Charlss Goodwin , Reimbursement fur Hearing Aid payment , $254 . 98 H . liar ,-wig , M. D. , Renton , Wn . , ac/John L . Parks , Jr . , 10/21 /69 , Injection $3 . 00 Kcy Rexall Drugs , Renion , Wn . ac/ Robert Beatteay , Inv . 10377 , Rx105608, $4 . 50 , dated 11 / 14/69 Leundrd Rexall Drugs , Kent , Wn . , ac/Jack Haworth , Inv . 23201 , Rx209395 , 9/22/69, $8,. 62 Kenneth A . Walls , Reimbursement for payment to Valley General Hospital over and above King Co . allowance for nose operation , $28 . 00. PENSION BILLS : Month of November , 1969 s . Enza Anderson , $ 153 . 00 ; T . K. Anderson , $427 . 50 ; James F . Ashurst , —.511 . 50; Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50 ; Floyd Lawrence, $311 . 10; Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $ 1 -J3 . 00 ; Sylvia J . Pringle , $506 . 91 ; Karl B. Strom, $860 . 00 . - I -- 3Z( Minutes - Firemen ' s Pension board Meeting November 24 , 1969 MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, WARRANTS BE DRAWN FOR THE REGULAR BII_LS AND MONTHLY PENSION PAYMENTS AND INACTIVE STATUS DISABILITY PAYMENTS . THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PRINGLE , THAT DECEMBER 19 , 1969 BE THE DATE SET FOR THE NEXT MEETING OF THE PENSION BOARD. THE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED BY PRINGLE, TO CERTIFY THAT VACANCIES NOW EXIST IN THE- FIRE DEPARTMENT DUE TO SEkVICL-CONNECTED DISAL31LITY RETIRE- MENT OF FIREMAN KARL STROM AND CAPTAIN JOHN ALEXANDER, AND THAT THE FIRE CHIEF BE SO NOTIFIED. CARRIED. MOVED BY PHILLIPS , SECONDED BY PRINGLE, AN OPINION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY bF REQUESTED IN REGARD TO FILLING OUT NEW LEFF FORMS AND WHETHER ANYTHING MIGHT BE RELINQUISHED BY THE STATEMENT "AS CONDITION OF MY EMPLOYMENT--" As there was no further business to come before the Board , it was MOVED BY GOSSETT , SL=CONDED BY NELSON, 10 ADJOURN . CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 :45 a . m. 04 �4�&j / D. W. Custer,Mayor-Chairman -Helmie W. Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary 3z7 FIREMEN 'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING December 23 , 1969 BOARD MEMBERS Avery Garrett , Mayor-Chairman Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer Halmie Nelson , City Clerk-Secretary Bruce Phillips , Fireman Art Pringle , Fireman Gary Newton, Fireman Alternate The regular meeting of the Firemen 's Pension Fund Board was called to order at 10 : 30 a .m. by Chairman Garrett with all Board Members in attendance . MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PRINGLE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 24 , 1969 AS WRITTEN . CARRIED. COA9AIV Nl CATIONS. Letter from City Attorney Shellan was read in reply to inquiries of the Board regarding "Employee 's Permanent Record" form to be complat.:d under new LEFF System Legislation . It was noted that wording might be changed from "condition of employment" to "in compliance with my employment - -" , it being noted that under Section IV of the new Act membership in the new system on and after March 1 , 1970 is mandatory. A second inquiry was noted concerning Ch . 209 , Sec. 39 , Subsec. (3) and Sec. 40 Subsec (2) . 1.. The: letter outlined requirements for membership in the new LEFF system as pertaining to Mrs . Pat Ross which would need to include present coverage under Civil Service , working full time , has contributed and is contributing under existing pension system reference also noted regarding difinition of "firemen" under RCW 41 . -18 (the 1955 Act) and similar provision in RCW 41 . 08 . 050 pertaining to Civil Service for city firemen . it being understood that Clerk-Dispatcher is a valid classification under the firemen Civil Service system and is a position filled by competitive examination under that System. Copies of the Attorney 's letter were distributed to members . Letter from Marsh & McLennan-D.K. MacDonald & Co. , Inc. , repor ad effect on the pension fund of changes in the State Law, it being noted that assets should be sufficient to provide for benefits payable in excess of those provided under the statewide plan and no tax levy will be required for 1970. The City to make any employer contribution to the statewide firemen ' s pension fund as required by the law establishing such fund. The Board discussed the status of the Actuarial Report being prepared by Marsh & McLennan , D. K. MacDonald & Co. , Inc. , it being noted no report has been received to date and inquiry made as to whether the report was ready and billing prepared. J -.2 - MINUTES - FIREMEN ' S PENSION FUND 130ARD MEL-'TING 12/23/69 NOTICES OF DISABILITY, RECOVERY AND PHYSICIAN 'S REPORTS Report of Dr. James Hartwig, noted examination and service to Jack Colombi for disability of cold diagnosed as U.R . I. noted as Non-service connected. f Notice of Disability reported absence of Gary Newton from 11/15/69 j for six hours due to the flu , designated as service connected. Notice of Recovery reported return to active duty on 11/17/69 with 6 duty hours missed and $23. 28 due the Current Fund . Notice of Disability reported absence of James M. Rupprecht from 11/19/69 to 11/20/69 due to the flu . Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/22/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $83. 04 due the Current Fund. Service connection not designated. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Haworth from 11/20/69 to 11/21/69 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/23/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $96 . 48 due the Current Fund. Service connection not designated. Notice of Disability reported absence of Gerald Hurst from 11/24/69 to 11/25/69 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 11/27/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $97. 44 due the Current Fund . - Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack Colombi from 12/5/69 to 12/6/69 due to the flu. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/8/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $102 . 96 due the Current Fund. Non-service connected disability was indidcated. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack McLaughlin from 12/8/69 to 12/9/69 due to flu and bronchitis . Service connected disability was indicated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/11/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $93. 12 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Jack McLaughlin from 12/17/69 to 12/21/69 due to bronchitis , service-connection was designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/23/69 with 48 duty hours missed and $186 . 24 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Kenneth Walls from 12/10/69 to 12/11/69 due to tonsilitis . No Service connection designated. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/13/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $83. 04 due the Current Fund. Notice of Disability reported absence of Theodele LaValley from 12/12/69 to 12/13/69 due to flu and arthritis designated as service- connected disability with Dr. Lane Physician consulted. Notice of Recovery reported return to duty on 12/15/69 with 24 duty hours missed and $101 . 76 due the Current Fund. 3 L� -3- MINUTES - FIREMEN ' S PENSION BOARD MEETING 12/23/69 PHYSIC.rAN 'S REPORT OF DISABILITY SERVICE Report of Dr. James H. Hartwig noted examinations of David Riggle now on 10/20 , 10/24 and 10/30/69 for sinusitis noted to be non-service connected. BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT A. & H. Drugs , 301 S. 3rd Street , ac/John Parks , Rx312723 , dated 10/29/69 , $6 . 53 and Invoice 10/24 , Rx312501 , Wingel , Mentene , $12 . 93 A . & 11. 2820 Sunset Blvd. East , ac/Jack Colombi , Rx232907 , 232909 , Invoice 7788 , $8. 46 ; ac/David Riggle , Inv. 12060 , dated 10/20/69 , Rx229294 , $3 . 81 ; Invoice 12126 , 10/24/69 , $9 . 82; ac/James Rupprecht , Invoice 12191 , 10/23/69 , Rx229886 , $5 . 17 and Inv. 11737 , 10/1/69 , Rx227912 , 227913 , $7. 26 . J. H. Hartwig, M. D. , 1130 K St . ,ac/David Riggle , Medical services 10/20 , 10/24 , 10130/69 , $6 . 00- K' s Prescription Pharmacy , Renton , ac/James F. Ashurst , Inv. 52299 , 10/18/69 , 2 Maalox , $3. 54• ac/Robert L. Connell , Inv. 52150 , 10/9/69 , Rx84928 , $6 . 25 RenUon Prescription Pharmacy , ac/P. J. Walsh , Inv. 27047 , 11/11/69 Rx161816 , $5 . 59; ac/Marvin L. Sherertz , 11/7/69 , Invoice 26964 , Rx161722 , $9 . 72; Invoice 27688 , 12/20/69 , Rx161466 Rx162722 , $10 . 19• Seattlo Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic , ac/M. Sherertz , 11/24/69 , rib belt , $4 . 50. Shaws Rexall Drugs , 220 Wells Ave . So. , ac/T. K. Anderson , 11/28/69 Invoice 26662 , Rx331074 , $7 . 84 The Doctor 's Hospital , Seattle , ac/Douglas Haworth , 11/20/69 , Inv. 9351 , Balance Due not paid by King County , $18 . 10 . PENSION WARRANTS FOR DECEMBER and INACTIVE STATUS MEDICAL PAYMENTS John E. Alexander, $984 . 00; Mrs . Enza Anderson , $153 . 00 ; T. K. Anderson , $427. 50; James F. Ashurst , $511 . 50; Charles Goodwin , $489 . 50; Floyd Lawrence , $311 . 10; Mrs . Orpha McDonald , $153 . 00; Sylvia J. Pringle , $506 . 91 ; Karl B. Strom $860 . 00. King County Medical Service Corp. , 44 Firemen @$1 . 00 ea . plus monthly medical for Strom, $8 . 86 and Alexander, $8 . 86 . , total $61 . '72. MOVED BY PRINGLE, SECONDED BY GOSSETT, THE MEDICAL BILLS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT AS READ. CARRIED. %Or. MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PRINGLE THE PENSION WARRANTS AND INACTIVE STATUS MEDICAL BILLS BE APPROVED AS READ. CARRIED. 33a -4- MINUTES - FIREMEN 'S PENSION FUND BOARD MEETING 12/23/69 The Secretary was directed to check into two unpaid bills for D,.lbert Miller and David Walsh . A discussion ensued concerning the Actuarial Report , being prepared by Marsh-McLennan , D. K. MacDonald & Co. , Inc. , and the new LEFF System membership. MOVED BY GOSSETT, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11 :40 A .M. Av y Garrett , ayor-Ch airman Relmie Nelson , City Clerk-Sec.