HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0528 r ' ^ � � '� !�� 4 t,f� '"�' r ORDINA23�E N0. 52$ AT'� O�:DTi'A�;CE ��EI,AiI`iG "i°0 PL�LIC PARK� GF THE CI1Y CREATING A PARK I°Ui��ll� I'IXIPdG POtivE�: kl��ll DUi'II��S OF T?� PARK C OMMISS�IONERS AND Pr,OVIDIr1G ?'Oi� 2`fi� I:XP�:PTDITURE OF THE PARK FUI3D. THE CITY COUNCIL O�H' THE CITY GF REIaTON DOES OfiDAIN AS FOLL2J�IS: Section ls The r�embers of the park board shall receive no com- pensation for tla.eir services. The commissioners shall �mmediately after theix appointment organize �.,.zd elect one of its nembers President and one SecrEtary� ��ho sha11 keep a record of their proceed�ngs and no mem- ber of the park board shall be in any Ur.i.se interested in any contract t�.rith the park commission� either as to furnishing material� labor or au;�pliQs for the improvenent thereof. Section 2: The park baard shall have power and it sha.11 be its c�uty� subject to such rules as rna� from tir�e to time be pr�seribed by :rc�i:�^nce� �'i,rs�s To take charge of and exercise control aver all par��s �elonging �o the city. �ec�i�ida ' To make report to the city council from time to +����E, y regarding the condition of the park or �arks and to recommend �,s,;�rapriations by the council for the improvement of the park or ���.rks� a.nd �ahen suc�i ^n?�r. opriatio:�s h�.�T� �een r�acl� to expend the s�,me in �uch improvement�s. Thirds To make such rules dnd regul::.�t;ions ir� re�ard to the � use o�' t he park or parks as sha11 best serve the inter�st cf the pub- 1ic . i ou.rth: To receive in the name of thecity all moneys or other ��ro;�crty donated for the itnprovement of the park or parks� by indivi- duals or corporations and expend and use the same in such manner as �hall best carry out the intention of the donor� provided that all noneys so received shG.11 be f'orthtiaith paid to thE city treasurer and same sha,ll be placed in a fun3 to be known as the park fund. All ex- penditures relating to any parks under the eontrol af said co�mission shall be paid� only� on ordina.nce of s�id commission approved by the city council. I'ifth: To do any and all other things necessary and proper to �ecure for the public the free use and en�ogment of the parks of the city. Sectian 3s The park fwnd. herein creat�d shall consist of first SUCI1 tax levy not to exceed annually one mill on the dollar� as may �ie provided by the eity council. Second� such gifts� bequests and devi�ees as ma,y be g3ven� bequeathed or devisec� to the City of F�enton Por the benefit of a park or parks. Third� Any appropriations that �he c3ty ccuncil may ma.ke for said funci from time to time and any and all moneys t'�.at may from any source accrue to said furid� any and all moneys received i or concessions. Section �+: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five �:��.ys f�rom and after its passage� approval and legal publication. PASSED A:� APPi�.O��ED thi s 2Gt?� d�y ef' A�ril 192.1. � Mayor � �i on�N� if-�"�:yi.-�z�a�,:� At��at: .." , tc�, �/.'.v.�,� -.. City Clerk ApnroveC �.s '�0 1i orm. City attorr�<;� , �� �- . .