HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 2949 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2949 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SISTER CITY AFFILIATION POLICY FOR THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, the citizens of Renton have demonstrated a desire to learn more about the people of other cultures, and to enhance international communication and understanding; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Renton wish to participate in cultural, educational, sports, technical, governmental and economic exchanges to increase their knowledge of the diversity in the world and in their community; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to provide the citizens of Renton with an opportunity to give service to and derive benefit from a community project of international scope; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to encourage international trade and tourism between Renton and its sister cities; and WHEREAS, selection of sister city affiliations should be made -in a thoughtful manner to assure productive and mutually beneficial . relationships; WHEREAS, any sister city relationship should be based upon common interests and characteristics important to both Renton and the sister city; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I . The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. RESOLUTION NO. 2949 SECTION II. The. City of Renton seeks international relationships which will enhance its citizens ' understanding of other cultures and, to that end, hereby establishes the following criteria for sister city selection and guidelines for conduct of the sister city program. Section 1. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The City will support and encourage the establishment of sister city affiliations which serve the following objectives : A. To provide for increased awareness of, and sensitivity to, cultural diversity; B. To increase citizens ' opportunities for social cultural, , and educational enrichment; C.. To . enhance citizens ' economic well-being by developing opportunities for trade and tourism;. D-. To s.har.e. exper.tise. in solving municipal- problems . i Sect-Ion:2:. SELECTION'. CRITERIA 'To ;:address the above. goals and objectives, affiliations will be c.onsid-eyed.-with...the..-f allowing .characteristics:, i A. Sarong community, support for the sister city bond,, including the: existence. of an organization . able .to work closely with. the City;. B. Similarity to the City, of Renton in terms- of size, geographic or demographic characteristics, historical development, or proximity to a major urban center; C. A strong educational system, or a demonstrated commitment to serving the educational needs of its citizens; D. Humanitarian concerns, shared by the people of Renton, for the health and well-being of all individuals and families; E. An interest in sharing views and information on issues of governance and citizen participation in government; F. An interest in developing business and economic ties in Renton. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2949 G. A national political climate consistent with the interest of the United States . Section 3. GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCT To assure that the Renton sister Cities Program is conducted in a manner consistent with the public interest and in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and the laws and policies of the City of Renton, the following guidelines are hereby prescribed. A. Through its sister cities program, the City of Renton carries out a fundamental governmental purpose of providing social, cultural and educational services . The City will, therefore, expend such funds as it may deem necessary and appropriate to ensure the proper function of the sister cities program. B. The City of Renton shall provide such staff support as is necessary to establish and maintain communication with its sister cities . C. The City of Renton will involve private citizens and organizations in the implementation of this policy with the following guidelines : ( 1 ) Sister city relationships can be initiated by citizens, . members of the City Council or by City staff. Each sister city relationship will be f-ormally .recognized by the Renton ..City Council and by Sister Cities international. (2 ) Renton will have a citizen committee for. each sister city comprised of not less than 10 members, appointed by the Mayor :and :confirmed by the- City Council, committed to making the affiliation a success: (3) The members of the committee will represent a cross section of cultural and commercial interests There should be a sister city committee counterpart or like body in each affiliating city. (4) Each sister city committee shall be responsible for providing funding for a reasonable level of activities in order to maintain an effective and viable program (5) Each sister City committee will be duly and officially established as a non-profit organization having authority to receive and disburse funds . D. City funding of sister city activities will be limited to public purposes . Publicly funded activities may include: 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2949 ( 1) Appropriate activities to receive public officials, or their delegates, when visiting Renton on official sister city business; (2 ) The exchange of information and materials which support the objective of providing social, cultural and educational services, or economic benefit to the public; (3) The exchange of technical resources, when such an exchange serves the objectives outlined in this policy, and is necessary to establish or maintain the sister city affiliation. E. Any funding for private purposes is prohibited. F. Donation of a city asset, when the donation clearly serves a public purpose as outlined in this policy, may be authorized by the Mayor, provided the recipient is a public entity. .Y G. Non-perishable official gifts made to the City, its elected officials or staff members•,. received in the --course of sister -city activitieswill be the sole ---property of the City of Renton.. The. City will maintain an inventory of such . gifts, and- will attempt to display .them in appropriate public settings . .PASSED BY :THE CITY COUNCIL this 1,4,14 day of ,. 1993 . Marilyn P tersen, City Clerk APPROVED" Y THE:.MAYOR':ahis day of , 19.93 . 'B LAI\A i 9-arl Clymer, May"qr Approv as to Lawrence J. War en, City Attorney RES.253 : 1/26/93 4