HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit PAG-13-004 Agreement This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of June 4, 2013 by and between The City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation ("City") and The Boeing Company,a Delaware corporation. Factual Background A. The City and Boeing are parties to a Lease Agreement dated June 1, 2010 (as amended to the date of this Agreement,the "Lease Agreement") pursuant to which the City as landlord leases certain real property at the Renton Airport (the "Airport")to Boeing. B. Boeing owns property in the vicinity of the Airport (the "Boeing Renton Plant") where Boeing assembles narrow-body commercial aircraft and prepares them for delivery to Boeing's customers. The Boeing Renton Plant is separated from the Airport by the Cedar River. Boeing moves nearly-finished aircraft from the Boeing Renton Plant to the Airport by towing aircraft over a bridge owned by Boeing(the "North Bridge")that crosses the Cedar River near the point where the Cedar River enters Lake Washington. C. Boeing has determined that it is necessary to replace the North Bridge. The City's Development Services Director has issued a building permit(Permit No. 813000865, issued April 15, 2013,the "Permit")to Boeing to enable Boeing to replace the North Bridge. The Permit contains several express conditions, one of which, Condition 6.1,will be satisfied by the execution and delivery by the City's Airport Director of an approval substantially in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. D. Boeing's schedule calls for work on the project to replace the North Bridge (the "Project")to begin during May 2013 and to continue through October 2015. The Project will require the use of certain cranes for certain periods of time. There will be periods of time when a crane is in its upright position, and during those periods of time air operations at the Airport may be affected. In order to reduce the impact of the Project on air operations at the Airport, Boeing has agreed with the City that no crane used by Boeing in connection with the Project will be in an upright position during the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. at a location that would cause air operations at the Airport to be curtailed during those hours, except as provided in this Agreement. E. Notwithstanding that cranes used by Boeing in connection with the Project will not be in an upright position during hours when the Airport receives its heaviest use,the City anticipates that the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") will issue a Notice to Airmen ("NOTAM") alerting actual and potential users of the runway at the Airport of the possible impact on aviation resulting from the presence of the cranes that will be used by Boeing in connection with the Project during periods of time when the position of cranes would cause air operations at the Airport to be curtailed (the "Boeing Construction NOTAM"). Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 1 of 26 F. The execution and delivery by Boeing of this Agreement is intended by Boeing and the City to satisfy Condition 6.1 to the Permit. Agreements Now,therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties set out in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Factual Background. The City and Boeing agree that the Factual Background is a complete and accurate statement of the facts that led the parties to enter into this Agreement. 2. Boeing's Responsibility for Certain Claims. 2.1 Definitions. For purposes of this Section 2,the following terms have the indicated meanings: "Project-Related Tenant Claims" means any and all claims by an Airport Tenant against the City for compensation or damages resulting from the Project by reason of such Airport Tenant's inability to use the runway or taxiway of the Airport as the result of the Project. "Tort Claims" means any and all claims by any Airport Tenant or any other third party against the City for bodily injury to or death of any person or physical loss of or physical damage to any property to the extent caused by the negligence,gross negligence, or willful misconduct of Boeing, or its agents, in the course of Boeing's performance of the Project. In addition,Tort Claims include any claim by a third party other than an Airport Tenant that such third party's business has been damaged as a result of the negligence, gross negligence, or willful misconduct of Boeing in the course of Boeing's performance of the Project. Tort Claims shall include claims for attorneys'fees and costs. "Part 16 Claims" means any claim made before the FAA by an Airport Tenant or any other third party claiming that the Airport's grant of approval of the Permit or Boeing's performance of the Project constitutes a matter that is subject to adjudication by the FAA pursuant to 14 CFR Part 16. The term "Project-Related Tenant Claims" excludes all Tort Claims and all Part 16 Claims. The term "Tort Claims" excludes all Project-Related Tenant Claims and all Part 16 Claims. The term "Part 16 Claims" excludes all Project-Related Tenant Claims and all Tort Claims. 2.2 Boeing's Responsibility for Project-Related Tenant Claims. If the City becomes aware that an Airport Tenant has made a Project-Related Tenant Claim,the City will promptly notify Boeing of such claim and will execute such instruments and take such other actions as Boeing may reasonably request to tender the defense of such Project-Related Tenant Claim to Boeing. Upon the tender of the defense of a Project-Related Tenant Claim to Boeing, Boeing shall take such action as Boeing deems necessary to negotiate, settle, defend, and/or pay such claim. Boeing shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City from and against any Project-Related Tenant Claim provided that (1)the City shall take no part in any negotiation,discussion, settlement,or defense of such claim except as requested by Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 2 of 26 Boeing(in which case the City shall participate and provide assistance as Boeing may reasonably request); and (2) Boeing shall have no responsibility with respect to any claim of any Airport Tenant under any other agreement with the City. 2.3 Boeing's Responsibility for Tort Claims. Boeing shall indemnify, hold harmless, and, at Boeing's cost, defend the City, its officers,officials, employees, and/or agents from any and all Tort Claims to the extent such Tort Claims result from the negligence,gross negligence, or intentional acts, errors or omissions of Boeing, its agents, or employees arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Project. Defense of such claims shall be by counsel acceptable to the City. In the event of any settlement of any Tort Claims, Boeing shall secure a full Release from the claimant expressly releasing any and all claims against the City that arose or might have arisen, whether known or unknown, in connection with or due to the Project. The indemnification provided herein constitutes Boeing's waiver of immunity under any Industrial Insurance/Workers' Compensation statute, solely for the purpose of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. 2.4 Boeing's Responsibility for Part 16 Claims. If an Airport Tenant or any other party makes a Part 16 Claim to the FAA, Boeing will defend such Part 16 Claim with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the City. If Boeing's defense of such claim is unsuccessful, Boeing will be responsible to pay any amount assessed by the FAA against the City as damages resulting from such Part 16 Claim. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the City and not Boeing will be responsible for, and (unless Boeing and the City execute and deliver, after the date of this Agreement, a separate written agreement in connection with such amounts) Boeing will not be responsible to pay for(a)any denial by the FAA of an application then pending with the FAA for funding or(b) any refusal by the FAA to deliver funds under an application previously approved by the FAA or(c) any demand by the FAA for the return of any grant funds previously paid to the City or in connection with Airport. 2.5 General Provisions. The foregoing indemnities set out in Sections 2.2, 2.3,and 2.4 are conditioned upon the City providing notice to Boeing within 60 days after the City receives notice of any claim or occurrence that is likely to give rise to a claim that will fall within the scope of the foregoing indemnity(and if the City is served with process in connection with any claim, within such period of time as will permit Boeing to prepare and serve an answer or reply), providing Boeing an opportunity to defend or settle such claim, and cooperating fully with Boeing in any defense or settlement of the claim or liability. The provisions of this Section 2 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3. Execution of Satisfaction of Condition and of Notice by City. In consideration of Boeing's undertaking set out in this Agreement,the City agrees to execute and deliver to Boeing the Satisfaction of Condition in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. The City represents to Boeing that as of May 3, 2013,the City delivered to each tenant at the Airport the notice in the form attached to this Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 3 of 26 VOW Agreement as Exhibit B. The execution and delivery by the City of the Satisfaction of Condition shall be completed no later than one (1) business day following the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Boeing. 4. Reimbursement of City Costs and Boeing Supplied Materials and Contractor for Displaced Threshold. Boeing will reimburse the City for all actual documented costs incurred by the City in connection with the Project as shown in Exhibit C,which is a cost estimate for calendar year 2013 and Exhibit E. The City shall provide a revised set of cost estimates for Exhibit C for calendar years 2014 and 2015 on or before May 1 of each year based on the then current construction schedule provided by Boeing. The City shall submit invoices for all such costs together with such supporting documentation as Boeing shall reasonably request. Boeing shall process such invoices as expeditiously as is practical in the circumstances, subject to receiving from the City such additional information as Boeing may reasonably request. Boeing shall pay each invoice within thirty(30) days of Boeing's approval of such invoice. Boeing shall supply to the City the list of materials as shown on Exhibit D which are necessary for the displaced threshold to be installed. Boeing shall also provide a contractor under Boeing direction with experience in runway in line painting to black out runways markings during the period of the displaced threshold. Runway markings shall be repainted per federal specifications immediately(within 12 hours, weather permitting) once the displaced thresholds are no longer needed at the end of each construction season during the 2013, 2014 and 2015 calendar years. Line painting shall be inspected and approved or rejected by airport staff. Airport staff will provide the paint and glass bead specifications for the repainting of the runway markings. The installation and removal of temporary threshold lighting will be performed by the City through its contractor and Boeing will be responsible to reimburse the City for its actual documented costs in connection with such work, subject to the same review and payment procedure specified above in this Section 4. 5. Repair of Damage. Airport personnel and representatives from Boeing shall perform a pre-construction site walk of the project area on airport property and contractor shall complete a damage report as required during Foreign Object Debris walks. The Boeing contractor shall promptly repair all damage to City property caused by The Boeing Company's Project to the satisfaction of the Airport's on-call airport engineer. 6. Days and Hours of Crane Operation. 6.1 Displaced Threshold Event. For purposes of this Agreement, a "Displaced Threshold Event" occurs when Boeing or its contractor or any subcontractor of such contractor places or uses a crane or other item of construction equipment or apparatus in a position or location that causes a displaced threshold of the Airport runway. Boeing has agreed and hereby agrees that no Displaced Threshold Event shall occur between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:30 PM on any day during 2013, 2014 and 2015,except as provided in Section 7 of this Agreement. In the event that Boeing breaches the agreement set out in this Section 6, Boeing acknowledges that it will be subject to fines and penalties as more fully provided in Section 7. Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 4 of 26 Nampo, *401010 6.2 Displaced Threshold Events and the Completion Date; Excusable Delay. Attached to this Agreement as Exhibit F is the proposed schedule showing the use of cranes or other equipment or apparatus that may cause a Displaced Threshold Event. The City acknowledges and agrees that Boeing may vary the schedule (without advance notice to the City except as required by the Permit) as long as no Displaced Threshold Event takes place after the Completion Date, but subject always to the requirement that no Displaced Threshold Event occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., except as provided in Section 7. For purposes of this Agreement,the Completion Date is the later of(1) September 1, 2015 and (2)any date to which the scheduled completion of the Project is changed by Boeing as the result of an Excusable Delay. An Excusable Delay is any delay caused by fire;flood; weather; other casualty; strikes,work stoppages, picketing or similar activity,or labor unrest; any governmental action, including cancellation or withdrawal of any permit, license, or authorization or a change in law or regulation or enforcement policy; failure of suppliers to deliver materials, equipment, supplies, or labor; requisitions due to national,state, or local emergencies; acts of war,terrorism, riots, or insurrections; sabotage; earthquake or volcanic or other seismic activity; or any other matter that is beyond the reasonable control of Boeing or its agents and contractors. If the Project is not completed by the Completion Date, Boeing and the City will negotiate in good faith such additional matters as may be necessary to ensure, in the reasonable good faith opinion of both parties,that the Project can be completed in a reasonable expeditious manner and that the continuation of the Project after the Completion Date will have impacts on air operations at the Airport that are reduced to the extent considered reasonably practical by the parties under the circumstances prevailing at that time. 6.3 Number of Days of Use for Specific Crane Heights. Boeing and the City acknowledge that Exhibit F identifies the number of days of expected use for a <25' Boom (23 days in 2013, 32 days in 2014, and 12 days in2015), a <65' Boom (25 days in 2013, 9 days in 2014,and 29 days in2015), and a <120' Boom (75 days in 2013, 68 days in 2014, and 9 days in2015). For purposes of this provision,the terms "boom" and "crane"are used interchangeably. Boeing acknowledges that the aggregate number of days of use of each type of boom (after adjustment as provided in Section 6.4) is a material provision of this Agreement. Therefore, notwithstanding the provisions elsewhere in this Section 6, Boeing agrees that Boeing may not increase the number of days of usage of the<65' boom and <120' boom without advanced written City approval, except as provided in Section 6.4. 6.4 Boeing's Right to Increase the Number of Days of Use for Specific Crane Heights;When City Consent is Required. (a) If Boeing at any time and from time to time believes that a number of days greater that those reflected in Exhibit F for use of any boom is required for the use of that boom, Boeing may increase the number of such days by up to 10%of the number indicated for that type of boom as shown in Section 6.3 (and without counting any increase in the number of days of use for that type of boom that may occur by reason of Section 6.4(b)). In that event Boeing will give the City not less than twenty-four(24) hours telephonic notice of such increase, but Boeing shall not be required to obtain the consent or approval of the City for such increase. If at any time and from time to time Boeing believes that an increase in the number of days greater than those reflected in Exhibit F for use of any boom is required for the use of that boom and such increase exceeds 10%of the number indicated in Section 6.3 Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 5 of 26 '11111111111110 1411110 (and without counting any increase in the number of days of use for that type of boom that may occur by reason of Section 6.4(b)), Boeing will give the City not less than twenty-four(24) hours telephonic notice of such increase. It is understood that the City's written consent will be required before such increase in excess of 10%of the original number of days (without counting increases pursuant to Section 6.4(b)) may be implemented by Boeing. Following the delivery of such notice by Boeing,the Parties will negotiate in good faith with the purpose of agreeing to such additional terms as may be required to ensure, in the reasonable good faith opinion of the parties,the expeditious completion of the Project and,to the extent reasonably practical,the reduction of impacts on the air operations at the Airport. Upon the execution and delivery of the agreement resulting from such negotiations,the City will provide its written consent to the requested increase in number of days of crane usage. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing,without the consent of the City(but with Boeing's notice to the City given as soon as is practical in the circumstances),the number of days of usage of the<65' boom may be increased by Boeing if the usage of the<120' crane is decreased by the same or a greater number and the usage of a<25' crane may be increased if the number of days of usage of the<65'or <120'crane is decreased by the same or a greater number(it being understood that each day of reduction of use of the<120' crane may be counted toward the increase of one day of use of the<65' crane or a<25' crane but shall not be counted more than once). Nothing in this Agreement is intended to prevent Boeing from changing the day on which a crane of a particular height is to be used as long as the total number of days of crane usage does not otherwise contravene the provisions of this Section 6. For the avoidance of doubt,the parties confirm that any increase in the number of days of usage of a <65' crane or<25' crane pursuant to this Section 6.4(b) shall not be considered when determining if an increase required by Boeing pursuant to Section 6.4(a) increased the number of days for that type of boom by more than 10%of the number of days as shown in Section 6.3. 6.5 Confirmation of Limitation on Hours of Crane Use. Except as provided in Section 7, in no event will a Displaced Threshold Event occur outside of the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on any day. 7. Penalties and Fines. If Boeing wishes to cause a Displaced Threshold Event to occur outside the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Boeing shall make a written request to the City(a "Requested Change"),and shall not permit such Displaced Threshold Event to occur unless and until the City has provided its written approval. If due to an Excusable Delay, Boeing is unable to prevent a Displaced Threshold Event from occurring during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Boeing shall promptly advise the City of such Excusable Delay. If a Displaced Threshold Event occurs between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. ("Apparatus Violation") , Boeing shall pay a penalty in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars($500.00) per hour of Apparatus Violation, PROVIDED (1) no fine shall be payable if the City provides its written approval in advance in response to a Requested Change and (2) no fine shall be payable in the event that an Apparatus Violation was caused by an Excusable Delay(unless the City contests in good faith that such Apparatus Violation was caused by an Excusable Delay, in which case Boeing and the City shall use reasonable good faith efforts to resolve such disagreement). Said penalty shall be due and payable within thirty(30) calendar days of the City notifying Boeing in writing of such Apparatus Violation. In the event said penalty remains unpaid for 5 business days after Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 6 of 26 the end of such thirty(30) day period,the City shall have the right to rescind the Permit by giving written notice to Boeing and upon such rescission, no further construction activity will be permitted in connection with the Project, except to permit the removal of equipment and materials from the site. 8. Miscellaneous. 8.1 Notices. All notices, requests and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent, with all charges for next business day delivery pre-paid, by a national overnight delivery service which maintains delivery records, or by facsimile (provided such facsimile transmission is confirmed within three business days by duplicate notice delivered as otherwise provided herein). Notices to the City shall be delivered to: Airport Administration Office Attn: Airport Manager 616 Perimeter Road, Unit A Renton,WA 98057 Notices to Boeing shall be delivered to: The Boeing Company Attn: Bill Rockwell, Project Manager 737 Logan Avenue North, MS 96-11 Renton,WA 98057 All notices shall be effective upon delivery(or refusal of delivery). Either party may change its notice address upon written notice to the other party. 8.2 Execution; Binding Agreement. This Agreement will be effective immediately upon execution and delivery by the parties. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors, predecessors, assigns, affiliates, parents and subsidiaries and their respective employees, agents, representatives, officers, directors, attorneys, sureties and insurers. 8.3 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of Washington. No consideration shall be given to Washington's conflict of law rules. 8.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any prior agreements, negotiations, and communications, oral or written,with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and contains the entire agreement between, and the final expression of,the City and Boeing with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. Each party affirms that(a) it does not Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 7 of 26 rely upon any statement, representation or promise of the other party or of any officer,agent, employee, representative or attorney thereof in executing this Agreement, or in making the settlement provided for herein, except as expressly stated in this Agreement; and (b) no consideration has been offered, promised, expected or held out other than as expressly provided herein. 8.5 Modification. This Agreement may not be altered, modified or amended, unless by agreement in writing executed by the parties, nor any of its provisions waived, unless in writing by the party granting such waiver. 8.6 Power and Authority. Each party to this Agreement hereby represents and warrants that it has full power, authority and legal right to execute and deliver this Agreement and perform all actions required hereunder and thereunder. 8.7 Representation by Counsel. Each party represents and warrants that it has been represented by legal counsel with respect to the negotiation of the terms of this Agreement,that it has been advised by legal counsel as to its rights and obligations under this Agreement and that it and its legal counsel have participated in the review and drafting of this Agreement. 8.8 Investigation. Each party has made such investigation of the facts pertaining to this Agreement and of all the matters pertaining thereto as it deems necessary. Each party has read this Agreement and understands its contents. Boeing agrees to furnish to the Airport a copy of the contract documents including but not limited to: plans, specifications,displaced threshold information,foreign object debris and airfield safety protocols, and any addenda,field directives, change orders, and one set of record drawings in electronic form when the project is complete in 2015. 8.9 Interpretation. Each party has had the opportunity to draft, review and edit this Agreement. Accordingly, no presumption for or against either party arising out of drafting all or any part of this Agreement will be applied in any action relating to or arising from this Agreement. 8.10 Headings. The section headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 8.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original document. Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 8 of 26 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. The Boeing Company The City of Renton r By: By: &aur,�, UR + �Lk-,tr— Name:���S LAW Name: Title:` CY--c.6,- S4>6 SMrgct �pruM-_,) Title: Date Signed: (p Date Signed: &At-11 Attest• r Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk s Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 9 of 26 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. The Boeing Company The City of Renton By: By: Name: I Olu �1 �z Name: TitleCAtL— SS6 Z>V►.4red 'UVJV4'4' Title: Date Signed: (PI�II3 Date Signed: Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 9 of 26 Exhibit A Satisfaction of Condition to be Executed by City Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 10 of 26 v.✓ *400 Satisfaction of Condition To: Neil Watts, Development Services Director To: The Boeing Company Please refer to City of Renton Permit No. B13000865, issued April 15, 2013 ("Permit"). The undersigned, the Airport Manager of the Renton Municipal Airport, hereby confirms that the City has granted, and by delivery of this Notice to The Boeing Company hereby grants, its permission to The Boeing Company: To use property owned by Renton Municipal Airport that is not included as part of the "Premises" under the Lease Agreement dated June 1, 2010 (as amended) between the City of Renton and The Boeing Company as required to complete the project that is covered by the Permit; and To make alterations on property that is included as part of the Premises under said Lease Agreement as required to complete the project that is covered by the Permit. It is the intent of the City of Renton that the execution of this Notice by the City's Airport Manager and the delivery of such executed Notice to The Boeing Company shall,when a copy of such executed notice is delivered by The Boeing Company to the City of Renton's Development Services Director, satisfy condition no. 6.1 set out in the Permit. The City of Renton By: Ryan Zulauf,Airport Manager Date Signed: Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 11 of 26 Exhibit B Notice Executed and Delivered by City Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 12 of 26 ,*r.r 1*00 Notice to Tenants: As most, if not all, of you know,The Boeing Company will be conducting a construction project replacing the bridge over the Cedar River at the North end of the runway. This project will be conducted during the periods of time in 2013, 2014, and 2015 shown on the attached schedule. If this schedule changes, tenants will be notified. No construction work will be taking place between 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. seven days a week.The project will involve the use of cranes to drive piles after 6:00 p.m. and prior to 9:00 a.m., up to seven days a week. When cranes are in operation,there will be temporary changes in the location of the landing threshold at the North end of the runway.This project might, or might not, have an impact on your business. Boeing representatives have attended meetings with certain airport tenants. Pro Flight Aviation has been the most active in the meetings with Boeing and the city and has indicated that it might face some impacts. Thereafter,the city(as landlord) has negotiated with Boeing, with the participation of Pro Flight,to mitigate the impacts on Pro Flight Aviation. Boeing made changes to its schedule to reduce the impact on Pro Flight Aviation and other tenants. The city, as the landlord, has been working with Boeing to reduce, or eliminate,the impacts on our tenants that we are able to anticipate. Neither the city nor Boeing has received sufficient input from any airport tenants (other than Pro-Flight)to enable us to identify any reasonably anticipated specific impacts that others might face. The city is sending out with this Notice To Tenants the current schedule from Boeing regarding the expected crane use and shortened runways. The city is asking all Tenants to carefully review the schedule and notify the city within 5 business days of any anticipated impacts on your business. If we do not receive any input from you, the city will presume that there will be no impacts to your business as a result of Boeing's project. Please reply to Ryan Zulauf, Airport Manager,with any concerns you have that are linked to the Project. Dated: Signed: Ryan Zulauf,Airport Manager Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 13 of 26 *011111111111110 *40 Exhibit C Temporary Relocated Threshold Total Cost Estimate for 2013 Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 14 of 26 R�-'iif.Mli :, vP QI:r. �firx'L:;kf':�f'•,: ti �� �" .> :: Tr -tKc zl.i 't. .'lpfw i( Arsiirtawt :Rsts Airrart Airrort iiirrart Airrwrt trsctsr Airrart Mwmaglow/ Airrwrt Offic• Msiwtrwawco Total Projact Tarkr • Msws7sr Ora•ratismr Eoaiw,lsr Mswsi#r 4+s4 lrorksr Nawrr cove NaurlyRotc $63.49 $57.64 154.76 #35.57 144.66 $14.49 1.0 praWst Ms agliaa#wt 404 44iiskerstiaw 1.1 RogularinternalProlect cam?dination((39mmf4ay'4poaplo)"5 27 1T 27 27 11 11 136 $6,492.99 1.2 Atton4anaoatProlaatMootinv[(39mm04ay'2►oople)"5444yr 9 27 27 6 6 6 54 $3,436.15 1.3 NOTAMAdminirtrakin n((15minhlay"1p$rran)'65dax+) 9 13.75 4 9 9 a 13.75 $743,24 1.4 Daily Praioct Obrorvation((36 miarday'2 people)'14 dayr] 5.5 54 54 6 5,5 4 119 $6,656.43 1.5 Other A4minirtrativeorfie 14Tarkr (36minlday"2people)'04d• 6 2T 27 9 9 9 54 1)1036,15 Su4 Total 32.5 148,75 1391 27 16.5 11 374.75 114,959.37 1-0 41101*14 Ora•ratiwwr Oworsigkt 2.1 Caardinetipnfor Runway Marklnv-Black Out andRepaint(2hrr' 9 2 2 6 6 9 4 1224.49 Onrito Task Managemont-bleck Out qnd Repaint- 2.2 (29hri"lporranOTRate) 4 26 9 6 6 6 26 19,64 Onrito Electrical Management-Runway 4ightr 2.3 InrtalltRemava(10 how over 2 people) 6 5 5 4 6 6 14 $561.25 2.4 Other OperatiorvTykr[Oimini9ayrlperron)"54 4 1315 6 9 4 9 13.5 177$.82 Sub Total 4 44.5 7 4 4 4 47.5 $1,565.97 3.0 TaarrwrsrT ftolwceto4 Tkraxrkwl4 3.1 MatoriairRoceivingand Preparation(14hrrover 3 6 4 4 6 16 6 14 1711.36 DoplayMomuuo Materialr x[(16 hrr 4oplay+16 hrr 3.2 romovo),2people]amgmthrry 9 8 9 4 64 4 72 13,661.36 Daily ThrerholilQhangnr((2 hrr per Jay'65 dayr)" 3.3 2peaple] 9 4 6 4 9 264 264 13,646.66 Daily Thrarhol4 Maintenance in 6tuoon Ohanger 3.4 ((34min 04ay'76dayr)'2ppl] 6 6 6 9 6 76 76 11,664.66 Roplaaamont Matorialr Nanning and Managamont 3,5 (10hourravor2peaplo) 4 4 4 6 19 4 19 $449.64 SSubTatal 9. 12 9 9 84 336 432 14,517.32 Mend Total 32.5 201.25 142 27 100-5 3417 050-3 $31.041.65 'Arrumptionr Firh Win4ou-June 1,2913 thru Augurt 15.201) 11 Wookr-76 Calendar Dayr-to Canrtruction Work Darr-54 Airport Offico Dgyr 16 hour warkdgyr-Monday thru Saturday No cork�etuoon 4:64 a.m.4r.4 4:00 p.m. Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 15 of 26 11W *40 Exhibit D Temporary Relocated Threshold Material and Services Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 16 of 26 North Bridge Replacement Project Temporary Relocated Threshold - Materials and Services Services at Start Existing Runway Markings Covered with Black Paint (see diagram 1 and per AC 150/5370-10 Item P-620) Installation of Temporary Threshold Lighting (Licensed electrician with Airport lighting systems experience -see diagram 1) Services at End Repaint Runway Markings with White, Beaded Paint (Per AC 150/5370-10 Item P- 620) Remove Temporary Threshold Lighting Materials 16 -White Tarps (8' - 10' x 50' each) 40 - 6" Gray PVC Schedule 40 Pipe cut to 16" lengths (to cover Runway Lights) 40 - 6" Gray PVC Caps for Pipe (to cover Runway lights) 320 - White, double bagged sandbags (to hold down tarps) 64 - 18" Stakes (to secure one end of each white tarp) 5 - Large thick black plastic bags (to cover Distance Remaining signs) * Materials will need to be replaced as needed throughout construction when deteriorated Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 17 of 26 taw Exhibit E URS Formal Task Assignment Document with the City Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 18 of 26 *4✓ IFOMMI task K OOcLvndmt :#t4�ags Axa�aNi�'3x«gt:ffi arr x 5wew. ft Skwo,* �a* Fs" ,... i& fft Vt tv Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 19 of 26 W af. 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'a VMWVcif f0t W, 4 *V'W2p bw^Or: , a.10-1 wvs"c z as t w Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 21 of 26 M s 4 i { r E g@ } r 3 k1 !I Ws ji Sol Y1 7� pr w O . p O: fo +I LI+ AM 13 S _. _ till 11 4 oil i. pp i ry h Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 22 of 26 fir'+ Exhibit F Calendar Showing Expected Crane Usage Renton WA Agreement between City and Boeing(Signature Clean)20130604.docx Page 23 of 26 ,1at1�oaw aatHaE �,_so�.,ve EWMENT HEX;MT 2013 1109DUL.E Ja2Ls{ Februamy March id SM: 9m Yn::Lre lWl ,RI: 5a1... 1 2 3 4' 5 t 3 1 2 4 7 S 9 19 11 12 3 4 5 417: 9 9 2 4 S ffi 7 9: 9 43 44 13:1ffi 17 19 19' 1t 11 12 1S 1ffi 11 11 12:.13 14 1S:.1ffi -29;Y'1 tt.29':24 2E`%' 17 It�19 ffi 23 17 19 t9':28 21:'22 2H' 27'22 29 39 31: 24 23'.K 24 26 2ffi 27 2t H 28 � April Ma Juae 2003' DAVS9Y C0L02 m ibn Me mv' Tolal 9 2 3 1 4 S ffi 1 2 3. 4 1 8 X Yrt'. ,,mpoeie 7 9 1 M9:.11 12 13 s ffi: 7 9 ! .at 1A:15 19 17:19 t9'29: 12 tl' 14 1S tk.17 19 9 '11 pa'17 4#'.1s D 21 2t 23 24 25 2ffi 27:. 19 23 21 28 23'.94 2S :" 1i. tt H1 ffii 21 22 e M 31 ffi 27 29 2! 23 a 1 99 July Au s1: September Sn,'Wr 'Sm IIS; m 1."! 9 A 6 4': 1 ': 1s S ,6 14'13 K�11 tt t1;A2 !lt dY tE 13 29,at 4 4 10 2t 99 u':29;2A 27:i 12 a 28 29 3s f 91 25'.26 27 29 n s oc November L sm-rn im1 wm ——,I,- — - sin rn rm:._ . ai 1 213, 4" 3 11. 3 1 2 3141614. 7 &2B7.5 7 1 1 i1 11 q2;'. 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