HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit t .. ,, � , � � . , , ,�u�/���7�`e j" + ��" C:.� ��� ��J� BRIDGE �'ERI'�iI�' ��iIS PFR�tIT 3� iaa�u�d by th� CIT'Y 4F RENTflI� for th� cc►n- struetlon of a �rid�� aeros� C�c3ar R�.ver, in Ren�vn, i�a�h3.ngton, far th� purpo�es ancl sut�,�ee� to �he �erm� snd eQndi�tions her�in- �lfter �et for�h: REC TTAL� 1 . Cemmerci�l W�ter�ay D2�trict Na. 2 (her�inafter ��11e�. `'the i�sterway I?3.��r�.ct"'), a muni�3pa1 corprrratian in K1ng Count��f j i��te�h3ngton, ar��nized and eaci�tin�, under the �amrn�rcial W�,�Gerwa;y Act af lgll, which r�a�.nt�ined a ca�mercial w�terwa� (Ged� Riv�rj ir, t��e C�.ty of R+�nton �hraugh and a�ross certain r�al prc+p�rt;;, wh3ch i� t�wned ad��inin� the R�rnton Airpor�G on �he ��t��erly :::-�.:;.�: �Y�er�of, w�s disaolve� 'by order r�f the Superiar C�aurt a�' L;��; S�at� o#° &tasl�in�tc�r� f'vr King Ccawn�Gy d�t�d. July �, �95'`•:�� .}=.r��.���,<� �o RCW 53.�$.230, �d its l�nd, irnprav�ments and o�her as��;;� (inc�.udin� the re�l pr€�per�y ly3.r�ig �etween th� hereina#'ter �:�.- t�cribet� �chaol property ar�d �th� �entos� ��.rpQrt) hav� been tran:�- f erred ta tha C i�� c,f Rentc�n �� Qf' su�h d�,t�. 2. R�nt€�n ;3cho�1 Di��rie� �io. �43 (her�ina,f`ter c�.11ec� �1:-� �ehc�ol �is�trict"} i� a muxzicipal carp�ratian in I�in� Count�, O�aahin�ton, and the r��ner c►n a�d prior �o July 5, 1�56 of S�_ �rox3mg��ly �U �crea lying immediately nor�Gh of th� R�nton I���.L;;�� �ehaol ���dium and 3rnm�di�►t�ly esst af and ad,�acent to Cedar �iee�; c�r� s�3.d czave t�ac Sck�koal D�.stri�� helc� a publie auctio�� �'or ����: ��rpc��e o�' �ell�.<}d-; �.tl� abc�v� mentic�ned �ehaol proper`i;;� . 3. The C�.ty of �enton {her�inafter called "the GSty" ) 1� €� mun3cigal c�+rpar�.t3on �nd � city r�f the seeQnd e1�s� 3.n alr.F�; Covnty, i�las'r�ington; �he Ci�y o�arn�, ras�,ntains �d op�r�.tes ;:i��: . /'�p .. .. h ..v. �4'1���1l1���..L '�'1 �� ' v y . ,. r'. c�{.�oJ�.. .:L�:.le.s 'y .rl�:dLCi?� ..�i.�.°y..)�..1'�'ri .,T���.,a �;- .:t' ��w�(�G{1. ..;�J1.f�.�;s�Q:.' p;.�.�'iC6i'��.... , . . . � , � � . . a��d has acquired tk�e a�s�t� caf' �h� Wat�rw�� Di��r.i�t a� a�'care- ��.iei. �. Brs�ing, A�,rplan� CQmpany {h�rein�f'ter �al�.�d "Bca�l.n�") is� � I�l��ra�re cor�ors�ic►n enga��d 2n th� �nu�'�cturex �Sle +�sad: �ervice af aircraft �d at�er prc�d�.e��, �nd aperate� an �ircra�� manu�'�et�ring pls�nt Iocated in �he City; �.n �on�ec��+�n �r1t�a 3�t� bu�,�n��s of' r�ufact�aring �,nd ser�vicing airer�.ft, Boe�.ng 1 �... e�rta5.�i portion� nf the �en��n Aix�par� ��am 'Ghe City under l�a�e �xecut�ed Jun� 1, �955, �nd termin�t3n,� 1��► 32, l ; r�..�':; . �he Qption ta extend aa3d le�se under c�rt�in ��r� �r��. c;:, .�.��.-- tian� �'or tw4 �u�cess�.v�: peris�d� of f�,�re �e�ar� eaeh; in ardex� �C3 8ti�i'�@l7'f. ��$ �L�.�G�`8F� 1�lSriLl�'$�f;�tiP311.�`°,�, �Tid 8�1'V'�.CST�,� �'"$C�.�.�.�3.E:S ., ��in� �aid a� the pu�►lic �tu��ion �beve �ntic�n�d �'+ar �he �eho4l. prQp�rty, �tnd having b�en tla� suc�+���ful bidder, hss �cquire�. c�r i� in �h� prc3c+��� c��` acqu3r.ing ti�1� �c th+� s�hc+o�. p�+�peri; Y ane of the carad�.tian� under which J3,�eing is purcl�as�r��; �;�;� �chndl prop�a�ty i,� th�St Bt�e�.z�� h�iv� �ts�t.�'S�Ce ��sm� �'� ::z��r, �.�� it� c�p�ic�r�, cQn�truc� �d u�� � k�ridge �.cra�s th� w�terway sc+ a� to prQu2de rn��ns f`c3r the movem�n� caF �ircr�f t sna ve��icl�s �aetwe�ra �h� �cho�+l prtip�z�ty and the Rer�tc�n ��rport . 5. Ht�ein� ha��t �pplied to th.e 4ffiee o�' �he ��.�tr3.c� En�i- n�er, U. S. Ar�y, f or the Se�,��le� �i�trict �h�r�inaft+�r calle�. „th+� District �ra,gin�er"} far Departm�n� of the Army a�p�roval c,::' tl�e pro�osQd p2an� and lc�cstion aP said bridge; the i�3.strict '�.� gine�r h$s �e� f+a�th �aid propo�ed glans san�. I.ocation �; : ..s, �._�.�. �'ot1c+� No. P-Sfi-�0, d&t�d �ay �, 295C; the Distr3.e'� Eri�_;�.��.�.��> h�a advi�$d Br�eing �nd th� G1t� th�t the Di��rict En��n�+�r io��� �under �t�.d�r a Plc�od contro3. progr,r�m for +��dar Rive�* whi�h :::a;;- r�c�uir�: the r�mQv�l� r�ldcat3c�n ar al��rs�ion o�' �u�h ?arid�;=� : Wk�R�FORE the Ci:. , uce; :�c:rc:� z��rar:, vv �;�-�.�:�:' .� .�; �c �; � J �Y �_. ��; �a �;CJ U�i.E' ��'Q�.Z Q:'I�.:?�,; (,'(�Tlt�:l.i:;t)z2::3� ct �it'I':,7.i;. GO C:t��1��t,"+";.�,�;.t:� _;'.c"3..:i..a"i'i.�.:.i.t"': �C"' . . - • ' • � - . . arid use a bria�e ae�°O�s �:��v �1�����x�l �x' 4i1L �:c:�.a:� �x ��x� � <;�:;�:�'�3��,�r �E:�t�Ger: trl� sc i�ool proper�;�' �nc;, t�1� Re�tor� A:i..r.'poI"�; . C;Oi:TJITZQ�:;� 1 . Th�: location, C1�SI'�S'iCG and construction oi suc�i bric�;;e: s�all b� as described in the sbove-mentioned Pub�.ie Notice No . P-56-20 {except th�t �he vertical ele�rance shal�. b�, incre�s��. by at l�t�.st six inehes at e�ch end of the bridge ax�d b;; a� l�:a��:; fiPteen inehes at the aen�er), or with such mod3ficat9.c���� r�ra;;ou- ed b� Bveinr� a� +na�T be satisfactory tr� �he District En�in�er ar��� the Cit;• . 2 . In �ime p.f e:�ier�ency, the C:t�y sliall be en�itl�� f;o 4j��:: �s� of anci a�ce�s to �uch �r�.a�;c b;� police, fire 8nd v�ther ettuer- ;;�ncy v��3.cles f'ror.� tne accLss �aads along both banks of the ct�a�.- n�l; aCces� 8t a21 tim�a a].an� the es�tt ba:t,{� ;��' �;���;: c:�a�����:1 :.� �.':�- s�:rv�ci to the City for the purpvae of drea�;'�<, a��u :.u:�:�.tc.��ar�.c� . 3. Hoeing shall indemniPy and hald harmle�s the City fror�. ar,c� a�;ainst �ay ar�d s�l da�ns�ag„�s, llabil3ty, lv�s or ��pense to or for sny and all pereons and propertiee, including the C�.ty�;� propertie�, arising vut of the p�x°:::�.� :�:y°::.:�r: �;ra::c�u cr ac�u �one by Boeing tYaereunder, or t'��e: c;oruLr�;�;c�:ios�, .;,�:Ix�t;�:r�ar;c�:, p��_ �ration �rr u�e by Boeing and/or third parties (e3cc�pt the City} of such bridg�, which damages, liabili�y, loss or expense is irrl- posed by iaw on the City �nd which �a3d City wauld nat sus�sin, or be or he.ve been 12�b1e :cor, in �he absenae of suc:� �er.:.it �.n:�/or sueh brid�,e . I: Boeing sncl/or the City ;,i�al1 b� requ3r�d to rel.lov�, �.l- t�;� o� reloc�i;�: �uch bridge and/or it� approaches in order t;c; oonfbrrn to 1�he rules, regula�ion� and requlrement� of the 3ta��� ,_ �-°:a�l �a� �t �aE�.r1��,�:� Or s'f;..�CY^u,:. ,Ci've` 'Y'.-:£..l ��, OI' C._u "'�C-iC.�1, ;.,'.� a�P.._a� w: � _ ..'�� r w r ✓ • ' { . . . exp�na►s, and �}ae Pare�rgoin� iad��tit�r a�rtd b►�ld harxalQ�s s�qr��- �a� ahall apP2,;�rr to any les�, liabili�isa or sup►e�ass of t�e Cityr �ising c►u� +c�f' iahe r+rrq�ir+��atr �n� �bli�;r��tic�r,� �r� ir��c�w- ed b� � s�h g�rsr�ntal aatbority. !�. '�'hie par�tt ehail aoatiu�s �c�r an ix�i.ti�.7. i�a .� r,f thrsm (3l y��rs f�a�+e th� l�ate ��^+�►o�`� au+�h tsrm �a� at &yeis�,=_,t� option be e��zoss�3.ve2� s�cte�►d��. nr�d r�zaa��rc�r'� �'��z� ���cla ac:c��..._ tiQnal ane-�raar tsrr� as Bvei� may de�2x�e, up4n wri�;t�n n�- ��.cs t�sr�ot glvsn hy Boei�g �r the C�.�y ati I�saat riatT �bt�) da�e priar �o eacpi��#�aa ef th� t.r� t�ast�intel� pre+�md�g ���c� term �o �en►�►�+ad, but auah additilonai anan�]. s�tension o� re- nexal �ha13 in � sve�� �.��eed 4 �o�al at seven (7) y�ara. :'�a- a►r� ��au�ruo�ion eat t2��r bridgs �Ivriag st�+a�h iai�lt�1 tera or ��a�� add3ti�nal tarm, �uch t►er� rhe�l au�atiaall� a��.tin�a� �'r�,. cuc:� ti�tr a�t Hoa� �h�►11 t*sqvtir�e the uss o! auah brielgs �.r� connee- tic,n v3.�h ita oper�t3one� �a �be Ftsnton Airpart vs+�sr any B�rain�; le�►s• t.�iaret�a. t�ron �hs sapir�tio� vf �his �errait, a� hsa��i� prvvfded, �itle to thm 'ba�id��. its appo�oachs�s and any �c� ��.1 i�prn�►+�ent� thereto, if oonm�ruoted, ihall �as� t�r� t,he CiL-�, u:�c� zua �thsr e�bli�rbio� �t' �he� partta,� �h�ll ttu�►x�era�ter a�*i�e� ��:�r€�-� uad�r, e�caept �ueh as hav'� alre+�dy baen in�aurr�d ett �u�h time. DAT�'D a�t Ft�nton, k�a�hin�t�n, t�i� ' - cias c+f Jz�i;;, 19�;G. ,.,,. '�":"; �:�I..�,t �}I�' I���Id"i"�2�i, a rnut�icipal aarptir,�ti�n n±' ���� S�tt+� oP Waehizagton By � ' �fayc�r Atte�t s �.__..� � � -� f � � �y���«�, ; �,�it�` Clc�rk E �f„�.� � _ _ 1 • � TO C0� ��s ��, CO��rolal Mtt�t�ta� pl�triot �. � 1� � �1�plptl � corporatiori �in� 1�St� Conet�, Yuhi�tqs, �o��d yd �iatir�� y�_ d�r th� Co�troial NatrrN�j �ot ot lqll, at�d.�alatafat a 4o�raial �atern� in t�Q� Cit� ot �t�o�Oas 't�ov�h is�d tor0�• eMrtaiA r�ai �r�perty Mhiah it cr�rru, �O�dinln� th� R�atott �irpoar0� od tht �ast- arly •id� tb�r�of; and � �S, t►!� City ot �t�toa i• a wniil0u Oorpo�ation and a oit�► ot th�e �oo�d olu�, lA 1� Cov�nt�, ti�,�,��, aad o�nn�, �aintaia��aed op�rat�� �ale '��tol� �irpp�rt'� t,� g�nton Avia- tion Board; atad - . � . . , . �, Do�lns Airpla� Co� {Me'iS� va21+� Ho+ing) ia a D�i�wir� aorpo�ratiea . '�t+�i'� it� �► i�bqr�, �►al• aad s�r�►ics � o! ais�eratt and otl�r p�od�ot�, �ad oyrt�tt� a4 siroratt Mautac tur- 1x►6 Plant 131 t� Cit� O� R�nt4Q; i� ' ' . � �REW; �n 4�t to anpMat it� airqr�,tt r�r�tt�t�i� � +r�rriaing' laotlitiw � ' � ��i �=PMR�! t4 bid .lb�r, �4, it 1�t sna- . O���tul bidd�r, to sequ3r� b7 Rurahaifi, ��. �t]►', at �- P�aa�i�at11� �0 � „= '" '�►�,. �� '�hi M�r►t�,w�' +oi�►� +�'��,,, 11�or't� or � . . ¢ - �.y ,. tht ltae'�bn 81ih �4�00�:�taQivrt, 1t�44 �e"�i;�'�� ��,�,M[� �,2ed � ��4ho41 �'t?»� � � ��'�'�1 D1s�3e�t �tc�. !�03, �• r�alot� aor�a��tiaa f �d�d ` , � M�, in eO�M�tiO�R Mi{� it� Dv�i�qs �f! r�-�:'.� : ��,r r �.�, and �►iai,ti� al�at�, �in. 1�� i��`1�'�"�"�+1p� t!!` t� R*ntOa Airpplt !"!�� � Qit� p�' � � • 1�ItN ���l�tlM�d Jt�NR l, 19�►, A1lt! t�j�j�� �1'' �, l�� ltitll► '� Opl�`t!!�A to . • • -o, . � � �� � ,� ..y *,�.��i• { !i t. r � � ^ �'i'.. „ ��� ♦ Y7��Ne�����'I . . t 1 � � • �_ r 9 F `�1 ` � , � � r- " .� , . .� . t . • , � • ' . �.• A^a , t . ,- . � . , • �• , • • , ti r , ' � y !" .G *y� � �� � {. s f'. ' �� � � , ,' � �'4�o fC'`I't�� � .l �j 1''� "E .tlty�v.l.y .� ��' _ ' � . �� ` t�1 � 't 1r � � £ .• �`� , r � .r �t9��� 4��� ,r�� a` �' } ��. +�e' � � .� r�. . d • , ti, ,��'���' � #'�:��a� .,i���� f � . . , , _ , �� ► • . ..!�`� "r` ♦ i . � csztenQ said l�as• und�r� 4�rtala t�rv atid oonditi0n� tor two succee- ' � � �� � sive perioda of tiv ��ars �aoh; at�d wH�tBAB, it is t ooaaltion p��0�d�nt b0 Bo�ing'• aoqu3sition ��f t}P echocl prog�rtp that it ha�� th� wans !or the �o�t of air- crnit ar.d veniclea between ��ch school proptrty► and th� R�nton Air- port, xhich necesaitates aouetruotion snd uN o! a briage across tt�e �reterway; and 1�lREAS, it i• �rp�ot�4 tbat Co�r�i"4i�1 Matrr+ra7 Distriot Ko. � w 1 i 1 in t� n�at' tutur� bt Ql�tol�b protrtvaa�t t0 1tC1f 53•�8.130 at�Q that it• laad, i�pro��Nats �rd ot►hrr tsNt.� (tno�t�'ling the rsal pra�- ertT l�itsg b�t�i�n th� sohool, prop�rt� aad tl�e AMt�ae► Airport) will in du� aour�• De tra:Ul�rr� to tl� Cit�r 0! lt�eboel; NOit, THEREA'ORB, �o�roial Matlrr�p Di�triot lfo. 2 do�s h�reby grant to Bo�ing IlirplwA C4DM�q' � �lt �0 aon�tru�ot, �aintain and uea a bridge acro�� t!a� ah�►a�e2 of � C�Ur ltihr Mot��'a�1 b�tNe�n th� �char�l proptrt� �nd tt�t A�nt►on Xii�pprt, �P�''o�i�d that th� looa- tion, Ol�arauot at�d oceutru4tioo ,0=�h D�'i� �11 D� qtiihetory to t� �►t��ne .D1�tr i at to th� City o! 1l�ntoa� to t!� II. �. D1�tri0� �in�tr b+t�lag �'urit- diotion ov�r th� a�l aed that,Dro�isioQ i• M� !bz te0as alo�8 ttu sast braaah ot tM el�nA�i !be � pnrpoN o� �i an� �ala- - � t�0�. � �: l � } � �, ,� •:: . Dll?'m at �atos �hi� aq �ot , j'95�. C QNK�RC I�L M�'!'SR1i'!�Y nI8"!`R.� .�.. 1�Q. 2 I � Cc�ma�.��z��er ' c�s.Mion$r • Qi�l�i{�"�"' . . �'. _ i `r .. t . . .. .. , . . i .', . , , � . ,- : r :«-. : . , . �'► .r _ ' ' ' , ��, -�:-�:�pertq no�+ own�d b� •:Cq�oarcial t�at�rwa� District po. 2, �• lying bstwsn t�t» school prapert� sad th� A�ntcss Airport� � s ." ' . . .t'C�c:t ....�.,: .'`8 �v`i.�}` ':; �'�,.'�r:'� ' i:: �.'�� K 13* � ,,' . s . . .i `: .,y y �+ . .. � •. '`; � : . ... � 1 L, i`� .�� :?�T'E'� �}`•i!! �S3► 4f - t� C T'I Y ��" 1tEI���'�. � t�tunic ipal Cozp��r�: : : .� . ��• ;� Attest. � c �- ^:er�