HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit , i OF R�� � � ti ., � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � RENTON,WASHINGTON U `� � � pOST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 Z � � � � ^� LAWRENCE J.WARREN� CITV ATTORNE`I DANIEL KELLOGG� ASSISTANT CITV ATTORNEV o P� August 7, 1981 SUSAN R. IRWIN� ASSISTANT CITV ATTORNEV 9�rE0 SEP���O� � i T0: DELORES A. MEAD, CITY CLERK � FROM: Lawrence J . Warren, City Attorney � RE: Permit Department of Army - Installation of Log Boom - Gene Coulon Beach Park � The permit as tendered to me appears to be in appropriate form. You should be aw�re that Items "n" and "r'° r.1ay prove significant to the City. Item "n" requires notification of suspension of work. Another section of the permit requires notification of the start of work. Under Section "r" this permit should be recorded with the County Recorder if �ossible. You would have to check with the County to see if they tiaill record the document. If you have any questions , please feel free to contact me. Very trul ours , , %� „ � G2�I/L� r ce J. arren � , i LJW:bjm � INTER-OFFICE MEMO �� John Webi _y, Park Director August 7, 1981 TO: DATE FROM• Delores A. Mead, City Clerk R E: Permit Dep� r.ment of Army - Installation of Log Boom - Gene Coulori Beach Park, YAG-005-81 The above-referenced permit was executed by the Mayor and myself at your indication of urgent need. We forward herewith for your information the attorney's concern and recommendation that the permit be recorded. Please advise if you wish us to record this document. �F R�� e� � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY i RENT'ON,WA�HINGTOrf � .► U r�/ � J POST O�Fi�E BO%b26 100 2�0 AvEN�BU�LDihG • QENTOfv wsSM�NGTON 9qC55 ?55-8578 €. . z .,�LL � p �"� LAWREt`JCE J.WARREI�7, C�Tv ATTORtvEV DANIEL KELLOGG, �SiSTANT CITV ATToanE� ' Ap �F� Al1�llSt 7 � 19�1 SUSAN R ?RWIN, ��sisrnnr CiTr qTTQRNE'/ 9�TE� SEPt��O T0: DELORES A. MEAD, CITY CLF.RK FKO"".: LaT:irence J . �ti'ar. ren, City Attornev RE : Permit DePartmer.t of P.rr.:y - Installation of Log Boom - Gene Coulon Beach Park The permit �� tendered to me appears to be �_.. a^�ro�riate form. You si�ould be aw.are that Items "n" and "r" r�ay prove sipnificant to the City . Iter*m "r." reauires notification of suspension of ��ork. P_nother section of the perm.it requires notification of the start of work . Under Section "r" this Fermit should be recorded with the County Recorder if �ossible . You would have to check with the County to see if they will record the document . If you have any questions , r. lease feel free to contact rr e . �Jerv truly��ours , �� ' l , % . .--- -..r/ i� ,(,,,��, �= 4 " ' 1 ' L'a�3r�nce J . G'arren LJW: bjm , 11�EMORANDIIM TO Mayor Shinpoch DATE 7/30/81 � FROM Del Mead-City Clerk SUBJECT Permit Department of Army - Log Boom Installation Gene Coulon Beach Park John Webley requests execution of permit above-referenced. Copy has been forwarded to the Attorney, however, John needs to meet deadline date RE � ,,._ ��I �� ✓U� ' s C/T � 1 MAY�R S OFrv1�`V F/�f �-. NPSO�-RF � ' Apptication No. 071-OYB-1-oo7235 City of Renton, Parks & Recreation Department Name of Applicant Effective Date Expiration Date (If applicable) See General Condition o DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Fieferr�ng ro wntten request dated ' ' ' • •12 Maxch 1981. . . • • ,for a perm�t to: ( }[ Perfo�m work �n or affect�ng navigable waters of the l.^ :ed States,upon the recommendauon of the Chief of Eng�neers,pursuant [o Sect�on 10 of the R�vers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 �33 U.S.C.4031, ( 1 D�scharge dredged or fill matenal �nte waters of the U���ed States upon the �ssuance of a permit from the Secretary of the Army act�ng through the Chief of Engmeers pursuant to Sect�on 403 of the Federai �Vater Pollution Control Act (86 Stat.816,P.L.92-5001; ( 1 Tronsport dredged mater�al for the purpose of dump�ng t �nto ocean waters upon the�ssuance of a perm�t from the Secretary of the Army act�ng through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Sect�on 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuar�es Act of 1972 186 Stat. 1052;P.L.92•5321; City of Renton Department of Parks and Recreation City Hall Renton, Washin�ton 98055 is hrrrb> authurited bp the Serrrtar> of the Arm�: t" install log boom (protect from adverse wave action, the waterfront facilities authorized by Departmen� of the Army Permit numbered 071-OYB-1-006705) � � ,,, Lake Washington — �' Renton, Washington - in accurd�ncr ��ith thr �+lans and drawings attached herotu «'hich are incorporated in and made a part uf this permit (on drawings:give filr numbrr ur other drfinite idrntification marks.) �'rl—�Y$-1-007235� 3 sheets �� `� ��� Sub�rct tu the fuUu�cing cunditions: 1. Goneral Conditions: a. That all act�vit�es �dent�fied and authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit;and that any act�v�ties not spec�fically ident�f�ed and authorized herein shall constitute a v�olation of the terms and conditions of this permit which may result �n the mod�f�cat�on, suspension or revocation of this permit, in whole or in part, as set forth more specifically in General Condit�ons � or k hereto, and �n the institut�on of such iegal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appropriate, whether or not this perm�t has been previously modif�ed,suspended or revoked in whole or in part. ENG FORM �7z� EDITION OF 1 APR 74 IS OBSOLETE. (ER 1145-2-303) , t JUL �7 . b. That aii act�wues authpnzed here�n shan, �f they invOlve, during their co�struction or ope�at�on,any d�scha�ge of pollutants�ntc a waters o� the Un�ted States or ocean waters, be at a�� t�mes cons�stent with appi�cable water ��t standards,effluent I�m�tat�ons a�d qua � standards of performance, prohibrtions, pretreacment scandards and manageme�t pract�ces estabi�shed pursuant to the Federal Water Pollut�on Controi Aci of 1972 IP.L. 92-500. 86 Stat.816), the Mar�ne Protecc�on,Research and Sanctuar�es Acc of 1972 IP.L.92-532. 86 Stat. 10521,or pursuant to appl�cabie State and iocal law. c. That when the act�v�ty authonzed here�n �nvolves a discharge during its construct�on or operat�on, of any pollutant (includ�ng dredged or f�ll macenal►, �nto waters of the Un�ced States, the authorized ac[�v�cy shall, �f appl�cable water qual�2y standards are rewsed or modified during the term of this permit, be modif�ed,if necessary,to conform w�th such rev�sed or mod�fied water quality standards w�th�n 6 months of the effect�ve date of any rev�s�on or mod�f�cation of water quality standards, or as directed by an implementat �n plan conta�ned in such revised or mod�f�ed standards, or within such longer per�od of time as the District Engineer, in consultat�on w�th the Reg�ona� Adm�n�stra2o�of the Env�ronmental Protect�on Agency,may determ�ne to be reasonable under the c�rcumstances. d. That the d�scharge w�ll not destroy a threatened or endangered spec�es as �dent�f�ed under the Endangered Species Act, or endanger the cr�t�cal hab�tat of such spec�es. e. That the perm�ttee agrees to make every reasonable effort to prosecute the construction or operation of the work authorized here�n �n a manner so as to m�n�m�ze any adverse �mpact on f�sh,wildl�fe,and nacural environmenta�values. (. Tha[ the perm�ttee agrees that hewill prosecute the construction or work authorized here�n in a manner so as to minimize any degradat�on of water qual�ty. g. That the permittee shall permit the D�str�ct Eng�neer or his author�zed representativels) or designeels) to make period�c inspect�ons at any c�me deemed necessary �n order to assure that the actrvity being performed under authority of this permit is �n accordance w�th the terms and condrt�ons prescnbed herem. h. That the permrttee shali mamtain the struccure or work authonzed here�n �n good condit�on and m accordance with the plans a�d draw�ngs attached hereto. �. Thac th�s permrt does not convey any property r�ghts, erther �n real estate or matenal,or any exclusive privileges;and that it does not authonze any �n�ury to property or invas�on of r�ghts or any �nfnngement of Federal,State,or local laws or regulations nor dces �t obviate the requ�rement to obtain State or iocai assent required by law for the act�v�ty authorized herein. �. That this perm�t may be summanly suspended, �n whole or in part, upon a findmg by the District Engineer that immediate suspension of the act�v�ty author�zed here�n would be in the generai public �nterest. Such suspension shall be effective upon receipt by the perm�ttee oi a wr�tten not�ce thereof wh�ch shaii �nd�cate (t) the extent of the suspens�on, (2) the reasons for this action, and 13)any correct�ve or preventat�ve measures to be taken by the permittee wh�ch are deemed necessary by the District Engineer to abate imminent hazards to the general publ�c �nterest. The perm�ttee shall take immed�ate act�on to compty with the provisions of this not�ce. Within ten days follow�ng receipt of th�s not�ce oi suspens�on, the perm�ttee may request a hearing in order to present information relevant to a dec�s�on as to whether his perm�t should be re�nstated,modif�ed or revoked. If a hear�ng is requested,it shall be conducted pursuant to procedures prescr�bed by the Ch�ei of Eng�neers. Atter compietion of the hear�ng,or within a reasonable time after issuance of the suspension notice to the perm�ttee�i no heanng�s requested,the permn w�ll either be reinstated,modified or revoked. k. That th�s permrt may be e�ther mod�f�ed,suspended or revoked�n whole or �n part rf the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representat�ve determ�nes that there has been a v�olat�on o1 any of the terms or c�nditions of this permit or that such action wou.d otherw�se be �n the publ�c interest. Any such mod���cat�on,suspension,or revocat�on shall become effective 30 days after receipt by the perm�ttee of wntten not�ce of such act�on wh�ch shall spec�ty the facts or conduct warranUng sa�e unless (1 I withm the 30-day per�od the permittee is able to satisfactor�ly demonstrate that lal the alleged violation oi the terms and the conditions of this permit did not, �n fact, occur or (b) the alleged v�olauon was acc�dental,and the permrttee has been operat�ng in compliance with the terms and condrtions oi the permrt and �s abie to prov�de sat�stacio�, asw�ances that iuture ope�at�ons shall be �n tull compliance wnh the terms a^o condrtions of this permrt, or �2)w�th�n the a�oresa�d 30-dav penod, the perm ttee requests that a public hearing be held to present o�a' and wntten evidence concerning the proposed mod�t�cat�on, suspension or revocat�on. The conduct of this hearvng and the procedur<s for mak�ng a f�nal dec�s�o��e�ther to mod�fy,suspe�d or revoke ch�s perm�t �n whoie or in part shai! be pursuant to procedures prescnbed by the Ch�ef o} Eng�neers I. Tha2 �n issuing this permit,the Government has rel�ed on the information and data wh�ch the permittee has prov�ded�n connect�e^ with h�s perm�t appl�cat�on. If, subsequent to the �ssuance of th�s perm�t, such �nformation and data prove to be faise, �ncomplete e� inaccurate, th�s permit may be mod�fied, suspended or �evoked, in whole or m part,and/or the Government may, in addition,institu:e appropr�ate legal proceed�ngs. m. That an�� modification, suspension, o� revocation oi this permit shall not be the basis for any claim fpr dama9es against the Un�ted States. n. That the permittee shall notify the D�str�ct Engineer at what time the actwity authorized herein will be commenced, as far �n advance of the time of commencement as the District Eng�neer may specify,and of any suspension of work, if for a period of more tha� one week,resumpt�on of work and its complet�on. 2 . a o. That if the activity authorized here�n �s not started on or before �ay of , 19 lone year from the date of issuance of this perm�t un�ess otherw�se spec�f�ed) and�s not completed on or before day of ,19 (three yea�s from the date of�ssuance of th�s permit unless otherw�se specif�ed) th�s perm�t, �f not prev�ously revoked or spec�f�caily extended,shall automat�cally exp�re. p. That th�s permit does not authonze or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorizat�on or approval of wh�ch may require author�zation by the Congress or other agenc�es of the Federal Government. q. Thet if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity author�zed herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer procedure by wh�ch the perm�ttee �s transfernng h�s �nterests herem to a th�rd party pursuant to General Condition t hereof, he must �estore the area to a condit�on sat�sfactory to the D�str�ct Eng�neer. r. That �f the record�ng of th�s permrt �s poss�ble under applicable State o. local law,the permittee shall take such act�on as may be �ecessary to record this permit w�th the Register of Deeds or other appropr�ate off�c�al charged wrth the responsib���ty for ma�ntaming �ecords of utle to and �nterests m real property. s. That there sha�: be no unreasonabie �nterference w�th nav�gat�on by the ex�stence or use of the acuv�ty authonted here�n. t. That this pe�mit may not be transferred to a third parry w�thout pnor wrrtten notice to the Distnct Engmeer, e�ther by the ��ansferee'S wntten ayreement to co��{�ly w�th �II te�ms and cond�t�ons of th�s perm�t or by the transferee subscnb�ng to th�s permit �n �he space prov�ded below and th�r�by ayreeing ro comply with all terms and conditions of this pe�m�t. In addition, �f th� permrttee ��ans(ers Ihe mtrrests authon�e�1 ne�e�n by conveyance of realtY, the deed shall reference th�s permit and Ihe terms and co�d�hons spec�f�ed herein an�i th�s pennit sh,iii be rrco�ded alUny w�th the deed w�th the Reg�s[e.r o( Deeds or other appropr�ate off�c�ai. II.Special Condrtionr. �Here i�s; �OndihOns reldting spec�f�caily to ;he proposed str�cture or work authonzed by this perm�tl � . + Tne fonow�ng Spec�ai Cond�;�ons w�ll be appl�cable when appropnate: STRUCTUfiES IN OR AFFECTING NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES: a. That th�s perm�t does not author�ze the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project and that the perm�ttee shall not be ent�tled to compensat�on for damage or �njury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from zx�sc�ng or future operat�ons undertaken by the United States in the public interest. b. Thac no a[tempt shall be made by the perm�ttee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent co the acUvity authonzed by this permit. c. That �f the d�splay of I�ghts and s�gnals on any structure or work authorized herein is not otherwise provided for by �aw, such �hts and s�gnais as mav be prescr�bed by the Un�ted States Coast Guard shall be installed and ma�ntained by and at the expense of the �erm�tte2. d. That the pe�m�ttee, upon receipt of a not�ce of revocatwn of th�s perm�t or upon �ts exp�rat�on betore comptet�on of the ��thonzad structure or work, shali, w�thout expense to the Un�ted States and�n such t�me and manner as the Secretary of �he Army or -�s au[honzed rep�esentat�ve may d�rect, restore the water�vay co �ts former cond�t�ons. If the permrttee fa�ls to comply w�th the ,��rechon of che Sec�e[a�y of the Aimy or h�s author�red representahve, the Secretary or his des�gnee may restore the warerway ro �ts •irmer cOnd�tiOn, by Con[ract Or OtherwiSB,dnd recOve� the cost thereof from the pern��tee. e. Structures `o� Smali Boats That perm�tcee herebv �ecogn�zes the poss�b�l�ty thae [he struc[ure perm�tted here�n mav be subiect to �amage by �vave .tiash trom pass�ng vessels. The �ssuance of ;h�s permrt does not re��eve [he permrttee from tak�ng all proper s�eps ro �sure t��e �ntegnty of the structure perm�tted here�n and the safety of boats mcorzd che�eto from damage by wave .vash and the oerm�[tee shall noc hold the Un�ted States I�able for any such damage. '.1AINTENANCE OREDGING a. That when the work author�zed herein �ncludes penod�c ma�ntenance dredgmg, �t may be performed under th�s perm�t (or i � ears from the date of �ssuance of th�s perm�[ (ten years unless otherw�se �nd�catedl; �, b. That the permittee w�tl adv�se the D�strict Eng�neer m wnting at least two weeks before he�ntends to underWke any marn�enance li dredg�ng. DISCHARGES OF OREDGED OR FILL MATERiAL INTO b'VATERS OF THE UNITED STATES. a. That the d�scharge will be carr�ed out in conform�ty �v�th ihe goals and ob�ectives of the EPA Gu�del�nes escabl�shed purzuant to Section 4041b)of the FWPCA and published�n 40 CFR 230. b. That the d�scharge w�ll cons�st of suitable matenal free from toxic pollutants�n other than trace quantit�es; c. That the fill created by the discharge will be properly ma�ntained to prevent eros�on and other non-po�nt sources of pollution,and d. That the d�scharge w�ll not occur in a component of the Nat�onal �Yild and Scenic Rrver System or in a component of a State w�ld and scenic rrver system. DUMPING OF DREDGED MATERIAL INTO OCEAN WATERS: a. That the dump�ng ovill be carr�ed out in conformity with the goals, ob�ectives, and requirements of the EPA cr�ter�a establ�shed pursuant to Sect�on 102 of the Mar�ne Protection,Research and Sanctuar�es Act of 1972,publ�shed�n 40 CFR 220-228. b. That the perm�ttee shall place a copV of this permit �n a consp�cuous place �n the vessel to be used for the transportat�on and/or dump�ng of the dredged mater�al as authonzed herein. Th�s perm�t shall become effect�ve on the date of the D�str�c[ Eng�neer's s�gnature. Perm�ttee hereby accepts and agrees co comply with the terms and conditions of th�s permit. � T� . �.l., x ���.�. ��, /9p"/ ':ity of en Ori�PERIVIII rEE -Z�a_y/oE � O DATE �ttest: ,Q.00_ Bv AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY O THE�A�t�C,�G.�lerk OATE DISTRICT ENGINEER, U S. ARMY,CORPS OF ENGINEERS Transferee hereby agrees to comply with the terms and cond�t�ons of this permit. TRANSFEREE DATE 1 �� • • • , � �..� . + � ' '�O r ' - , , ' �� � \ ���"'�'�YVF II � ; � { L,WASH. �Yt2r � II , � '' � �.�w�.�ttut,?� �t/�T 47 ?�42 , � , .� _ , , �'� � � �1 �ry � ��` � � E;�ct�.�'�k.'� ,� I.'7',/5 ' I� •;2 � � " ,. iS�'e 1 °'� i �•., ,� Q � , Defail 3 � � � � - � ,' d ��..RT`7'�°ii?�f�'Jy ,� . i '',� ~'•� FX�S-T1t�C, R�K �' . INNER �i - ? ` �� � � �N� - � H AR B O R ` � ; �.�`rn� ~' ' �''� � �i � � - ���� LtNE ;� � ' : f�u��z t��..—� `� �� ���� � .t�I''�! C?J� : s � `,f � G4;'iI�IJ4� , PRO�'4�ED ;� _ � :� � '� i � �p�. tvv� --3 \�� ���: LOG BOOM { �� � "��```�`�'� :� ; . � :, � � ' �` o �Da zroo � :1 � . ��� \ �'�' sc�t F tK F'��r' l;.tx�+ : , �,; ;1� ; �s�;: OUTER ;� ; ��;� VlCiN1TY M�'�P �HARBOR ;� _� _����. _ _ .� . LI�IE � ,! � ���1� �� �� � � t A `' ,('� � '3. �..': ( � ,y ��1+�ONUMENT sllls� �_� r �f E65?.67 See y � �� D2tr`�►I � MONUMENT LOCATION & COt7RDZNATES :t�'J , r000` . ��r-�l Based on Cominissioner s map. aPProved and �' on fi2e in King Caunty, Superzar.Caurt ���� . :�`� ��, Cazrse No. 156371, as showri on 1975-76 �H r ��� n;,�(� suzvey described above. 200� '� ^�4 -�f�� �..� �'i��J .�x . •/ ~ t� '��` O� . �''"�„�... �; ; ' `�,.> . • • :,,,_..,�, .:�Q j � PL A I�4 �.. .i_.�"� � C.1`� l'.0� sJ 4 � � �Q,Z��J �� PROPQSED LOG BOOM, PILES & LOG BOOM ALYCHOFtS PURPOSE: Ta protect from ac�verse ' wave act.ion waterfrant faci,lities ' IN : Lake �aashingtan � authori.zed by permit # 071-OXB-2-006705 IN : Renton • DATUM: OHW = 21.8, Corps of Engineers COUNTY: King STATE : WA DATUM: 0.0, Established 1 J'anuary 1919 APPLICATION BY : Renton Farks ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS; and Recreation Department Puget Pawer and Light Company' 2 .Burlir►gton Northern Railroad DATE: 3-21-$1 SHEET � 0�' � 3 Dean Bitney - � i . , � .; . ; , ��� , $� .. c��N Z � I.AKE , � � - ` 1,�/G�D �iLINL W1TN wAsN�NC��orJ . ��� ��t�.� � � " ,,� i p � o° . � . ��9 , �h � � �ti� . ; � �� . . . ; � . � , ; , . : , ; � 3 OP05�t� i,oG pSoo►� . . , ' 3 '•' t`3 � . ' 3.: . � ;0 , 'O _ p . . � . . - •_ - v, . . s� :� :PLAN AT N4RTH END : so- --- C ��_ � . :7 � _ �o i , ., � , ...f �t,E :Z C � ; o s,p' . . i . � � U . . . � ��' . • . ;� VA�IcS � _ �- F�oM 500' To 2qo i ( � ! . - � � : � op `�'1.i ;� ;i � �x}5t'INl� • , r-� �E �i�� v�-tw 2t�� z; � A� �� , ��I , ' �� h � � . �: N � pt� ( �� �V�pNUM�1 t � �p� (Z� R�(.f�tN I�'u �' �.���� ' f����7 �!�117�.- � �-FT� ( tst• . - EJ - � _� _.__ �- � .. ; � I I i�' S��5' �"�� �o71-dY� -�L-o o �,o . � �r��8, w.'_ �s 11�55 �;�) i I ; I`j 72° 47' ooj' E ELsv,�1 ' E to47 � . 25 , ; �s f - c,� -c��rQs-�- oo -,Z.3s ; �; PROPOSED LOG BOOM, PILES & � LOG BOOM ANCHORS � -'` ' � IN : Lake Wa � shington � � , • IN : Renton � . 2 . PLAN AT SOUTH END� - �oUNTY ; King STATE : wA C i�, � I - 30 0 �� �,�E APPLICATIOA' BY ; Renton Parks , . . and Recreation Department . DATE : 3-11-81 SHEET. 2 OF 3 / � . ; '. • � • _i ' • . �• .� _ rZ . . � - �� • . _. � - - � , , - � • � (.� f� . '��`-�Gp_l�Cb ��1 �W �''�,V �E �� - � q° I D" C� ,l�tt N 1 MV/1�l ZI �� - • T1�o f��y�v f'��l,�D R�v� t�R- "� � ON Pv�s, ,�_" �a (v1�1�'E��.�tI�D� , �`` � c� - 4- �Tr�f� l.�=N.�ii-t � (� 1•5 �1�t�Z �K� �O�.fO� � � • �Pit� ��,�°- . �-��t�1'Ic;1`��C"cs � �0 � �INT �"'r ' , F�'N��I 5 'ra I'> � t` • P�;`�?�:-� ' - , . .� �..� � .. � b�...«r� � M ^��:^�rY..�..�' ',�. • 5��+ � • �1 . � • 7 •• � ��/���� � � ' , •�1 � rV� �r VVI 1��1 •v (/ � '�/� ��V\ I 1 SECTION TYPICAL 2 SECTION TYPICAL . Q � . �J�" ; ' ►� �.�r��-(�� UN� " � -_ �a � 2 , �� x��,a,� �r.�L �.� �TCNT'c�- " ' -' - . � 1��� L� `�f�xr � , . � • . t . ����McT�2 �Gri1G�T� j ?�u f�'(h(-t , - . . - . ���--- •�-- . --�=-- � . , e �� : _ : --.,. � a �• .� _'.'.'::�'''_ -- ANCHOR DETAIL TYPICAL. - -- .�.�.=_'::� --_- �. .:°~;�=='�;:�---== � � o-� ��*O'r2>-�-OO"'L2.3S , PROPOSED LOG BOOM, PILES & LOG BOOM ANCHORS � ' IN : Lake TQashington . IN : Renton • COUNTY : King STATE : WA • APPLICATION BY : Renton Parks and Recreation Department • DATE : 3-11-81 SHEET 3 OF :3 ��:_:�'`'•:, �EPAR ENT OF TRANSPORTA JN , ,. -� /I -- ' r-� MAI,._1•.. -�^'J�7Fi5 l • � �'" V i J� i �:� J t.-�t .�:,.'f C i. •.J 1 �li r';r� .J L; ..,,�.,�,t , �i!�1� ! .� . . IN�NiIr �"�1 '.�7AiT1i1:A• '.lJ',I . .J •rI• `� f • ' ' 915 '•E'�vNU .l.f_ ��' --.J�.'�� � ';EnT7iE v.a . � vd�l� - .: ::�, N..c��.t ��f? -� ��2 — .� J�J • 16452 DPL81-3�1 • �`�r•.� 5 !�J� Colonel Leon K. :���ras'�ci , USA District En�i.^.e��r DepartTa�::t oi tl�e .-'���v Seattle Disti-ict , Corps oF Engineers P. 0. Box C-3755 Seattle , i';a J812�1 Dear Colo:�el :�:oras':i : '�he �ave revi�ltied your Public Notice 071-OYB- 1-007235 , of 6 :�pril i981 , addressin� �n a?plic?tion for a Denartment of t11e Ar�y per�it by tlie Par'.:s and Recr�ation Departr�eilt , City oF Renton. ��ie do not concur ti�itii the issuar.ce oF the permit For the proposed loo bo�� in Lake t°�ashin�ton at Renton, �inless the applicazt installs Coast Guard pzr,nitted obstruction li �;iting to warn tile �-�ariaer . The applicant should contact our Aids to Navigation Brancii concerning this requirement . ►Ve �aill furnish you witii conie� of any correspondence that we have with the applicant . Thank you for the opportunity to review this notice . Sincerely, Lv� , . �.�h'�* �T ., ..._.i :�. ._.=� . ._ �r*,�in, L'.S. Co:..'� Cu�3 ChieP oi StaiP 13th Coast Gusrd District . • svcc� + LIMIT � /" � IJr ' �� � �� � , - - .