HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit SPEED LETTER TO: C�.c�"�-- ��aG�i�.1L. DATE: � . �l. I°I�1 V „� � n P ROJ E CT: l�i�— S3Q� S UBJ ECT: � ✓�,,�.r„C� �3S,aol /1 n n L ��fr'�/V��- o�C,L'vl.� f��U��l:l.crClO � i ' ��, �� " � � � _ ,� / � � (S�qned) . � BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD � Room 1018 176 East Fifth Street INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (612) 298-2121 Mr. Rich�rd C . Houghton August 20, 1981 � public Works Director City of Renton City Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA. 98055 Dear Mr. Houghton; On June 23, 1981 I forwarded to the City proposed permit No . 238,001 covering a 12-inch water pipeline crossing Burlington Northern tracks at Renton, WA. which also included an area on Lind Street between 7th and the tracks . I have now been advised that the Burlington Northern does not own or have �urisdiction over Lind Street between 7th and the Railroad right of way. I, therefore , have had said permit retyped a�d am enclosing in duplicate which you will note covers only the crossing on the Burlington Northern 's 100 foot right of way. This instrument remains effective as of July 1, 1981 with a revised rental of $200 .00 for the first ten year period . With this eacplanation, will you please have both copies executed by the Mayor of Renton and attested by the City Clerk returning both copies to me for completion together with a check in the amount of $200.00. One copy will then be returned for the City ' s re cords . Very truly ours, . W. Recktenwald ease Representative Enc . � --� . p�� i � � No. 23�,�1 • . THIS AGREEMENT, made this lst day of �� , 19 �l , bstwNr� HiktISNqT01� NORTHI�tN RAIIROAD OCt�+�ANY (farmer�y BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC.,�a Oelaware corporation,hereinsfter called"Railrosd,"and ('�rj�y (�' �� � . , . . , .,'_'•i .c+.cr,. �;,G cb6+Ul;• t�lS whose post office address is City Kuaicipe�l. Buil�tling�.200 M3,]1 Aventue 8oa�th� �R@n�G�J,+: ,; , �: T,� Washington 9$059, nereinet°c.r c�i��mttt� �� , .�s<.�"M;�.y y�..t?97 , „ � . . , -:�•:s :r,u,c�ne ty�e �,w,��v,tn WITNESSETH• , , . . .,,, ���,,_, ,�,e.sr����' �,c��usf4-+�;, , . . , , , ;.i,•�. � ,-r��a�rtl Railroad, for and in consideration of the fee herein provided to be paid.to,it by Permittee a�d of t�le , . and ; ��.;,f�,� promises hereinafter made to be observed and performed by Permittee,does hereby grant to Permittee liafl'e and p�rmi�ion�� to excavate for,construct,maintain and operate a y2—inCh y1�tp,r pipeliIIQ� , ,. , . _�hS� . i , ' � . ', " . ., . , . , ; hereinafter referred to aa the "facility," upon, along or ac�o� the right of wsy of Railroad,undernsath tha wrf�'th�rwf, and under the t�acks of iu railroed, as the case may be, at or near jZg�pn Station, in tM.Ceunty of , � ; � ;;.,. gj,� ,State of Wsshing'ton ,to be located as folkfws.to�rit: • ?" �: . �� . . - - - - - ` , , �fs;- ,..��N:E� ;;�� ��::h:�•;es�' �ri:,;;;o�t�s ...�,• , . : - � , . ... • ,. � ,`.?:�r� ;• •� �•y j.0 (.��lTt3.�.`7rtlS"r6j if8 At svrtrey stwtion 597 Pl� 5� . , .� . •.p J� .r �..f' IN l�+ ` 2 Ut (}i's , . , � • , , , a �;� �;��+�; ��,in ra��c�r a�irt ur+. � � . . : �• �r� ie,: �>>� .�r..�},�r!(:o�+�i±ou�,l,�sm , � .�•� �,�,�4� . ;r':�,t- �;s"�t}t 4� �9u�tliY1 W .1r' . , . .'--i�� ., � �,�, , ., .e. ,�� 7�'.i:F�s. nt..� C}A��:UQ �t1 t�'di tiAUfH '� . : �. � � � �N :l�. �.;i�(lfl�C.t L fti�3fuiJ8Cji0U � i � �I/�i, � , • .t . ...'1{•,.�: 14 � ; !�1.°'•ir�WlJ1:�Ut\'�1�}�� '�� .. . . " . : ,. tl''l,s �. jb. �. �..J�;�_ .t�v},:A..�t}���.�+�.. , , � � , ,. . i, .. ,� . ..;u� .•J� G: 41,41tt'd,�j.'.�U�..t }t;t',�u'f�]A , . , � � . � t . .:i�, . , . �.4 ��=;:t�.'.'A�t`,l!'�. , j:.,'�• showc� ,: _ colored red . . .. :„��;� ,,,.Q�t�}°p�;har°;g,at�c�„�++�k�d. � 3 � and by this reference thereto mad�e�p�rt h�Ro�. Exhibit"A•,�dated J 0� 1 l� � , :_ ,. �� . w���,v� !�� �u�na. uu4 ���1i �t , ,� , , , �: � •�c���irti:�o� c�srsda so cu Permittee in consideration of wch license and permission hereby covenants and promises a�follOws: • , 1, Permittee will pay in advance to Railroad for this permit the sum of '�yip gtZpt�'I�d, j�p3�]�� ,�,�t.QO�� , tc� t2�e firet tea (10) year period an�d On�e Hwu7red Dol].ars �#1A0.40} Ya�:, ���,,s 7 +�� � eequent ten �10) years the�t this permi� remai.ne in�ePlect; ' �> . also all taxes and assessments that may be levied or assessed against said facility. Railrbad'Fet�rves ths�ipkt'eti�rnpi`tM��l�d , . . �;a�:r=�s� charya at any time while this permit remains in effect upon thirty (30) days writteh hotice.'fhis p�bvision fOf piyPhMit`� , . , . , ���; ', , ;: ::�.u�i,ti.► in:i;,•�t• in no way restrict Railroad s right of termination under Paragraph 9 hereof. , t�' . ., • . . ..i, ,ti i . . ,,.a • �n�� �r��, p�cc.,;�y;�^� � 2. Permittee, at Permittee's sole cost and expense, shall excavate for, consuuct, reconetruct. maintaln md hp�i��tA%� faeility pl�eiry�thie ietra in aocordance with the specificationa provided in application dated f� �r ]�1.� . �; heretofore spproved by the Railroad's Regional Manager Enqineering. � ` � � '-�'�����:• ,>>> ,;�,;saaq c+��t������w�,:: ;y � . ' • � ,,�� . � ,:t�. ,' � . . .�p►.� Q;�u►c�C a��7t}�., _ . . ,�, . . � ' , r '�,teh�� :i , v. .t u�(;;d;l�.�i��i')1 tl�i,Ll�ijqe!) :t� � ��i„ ,".�:.:J:4 �,�„ �_7?:.7 s�1%;.�7�ij:.R4£ISU��f.G:� , + ' .i:; . , . t 'ulr;b�i . +� ) r `i "�1 i�:i"';! ::0' '•.QW�'rr��C��}a '•�+�' , . � , c i i I'.i'.'.. a 'i a"II�;Sly16AlI�iiCefi6idlf,: . . ' � � . � . , „ � ;:•, t:t �Ol 1{)a. C�k���:G1N�1t � � � • • , � � . . l�vl� �. , i.;,-�!��+Lt Gi� 1}l�k k111f1Vt#!A ly� . . . . . , . . ' . n. � i...��rlr ..� ;ttf",�i�C;: f7�. L6ll1C'dr'}� U! lEla'� . '.�. :_ - �..���'. �li �{:` °��)..�C LCT �"fbetUlS: Pi1 , �: a: �.r,�,#'.:f{��t • r}r�,: '!�t � �tb#U ' Permittee ahall fill in the excavation, and restore the w ,rface of the,pround to, i�s,('eviou�,00n�titk►nu���l��'t� approval of the Superi�tendent of the Division of Railroad upon which the fecility is(ocated,Ssici 8upMin � .: d1 . � ��:� s;, ,��, �- . �`��'�I��I�Iule�iil�il�?:'�"''�,��t. a��M.`tr+c..'��1�����0i� II I '7�"' the right at any time when in his judgment it becomes necessary or advisable,to require any material usecl in the wark to be repiaceci with iike material or with material of a more permanent character; also to require additional work or change af II iocation of said faciiity as a matter of safety,or of appearance,or on account af additional tracks being laid,change of grade i thereof, construction of a bui{ding, or for any ather reason whetfier or not connected with the operation, maintenance, ar impravement of the raiiway af Rai{roaci, all af which shaii be dane at ihe expense af Permittee in the manner herein provided. � r ne 3. Permiitee shall give to the said Superintendent at least twa (2) days advance notice of any wo k to be do by Permittee in the excavation, construction, any reconstruction, maintenance, repair, change of location or removal of the facility, and shait conduct such work in such manner as not to interfere with the maintenance and operation of the railway of Railraad. 4. In the event that Railraad, at the request of Permittee or any agent or contractor of Permittee,or for the protection I of its praperty and operatians,daes any work,furnishes any material or fiagging service,ar incurs any expense whatscever on account af ihe excavation for,consiructian,any recanstruction,rrraintenance,repair,change af tocation,removal of the facility or otherwise,Permittee shail reimburse Railroad for#he cost thereof within twen€y {20�days after bitls are rendered therefor. (f the excavation far constr�ction,any reconstruction,maintenance,repair,change of location,or remaval of the facility,requires any or all of the fallowing work: remova4 and replacement of track,bridging,protection af track or other I railway facilities by work or flagging,engineering andlor supervision,such work is to be performed by Railroad emplayees a�d the cost borne by Permittee. � 5. In the event eny cathodic electrolysis or other electrica! grounding system is installed in connection with the facility which, in the opinion of Railroad, in any way interferes with any train signals,telephane or telegraph lines,or other facilities of Railroad, Permittee upon being informed by Raflroad of such interference shall forthwith discontinue operation of and remove said grounding system, or take such steps as may be necessary to avoid and eliminate all such interference.Permittee further agrees to indemnify and save harmless Railroad from and against any damages,Claims, losseg,suits or expenses in any manner arising from ar growing out of interference with the signals,telephone or telegraph lines af Railroad by the opera�ion, use or existence of any such grounding system. 6. Permittee shall and hereby releases and discharges Railroad of and from any and all liability for damage to or � destruction of the said faci�ity, and any other property of Permittee located on or near Railroad's premises; and shall and hereby assumes any and ail liability for injury to or death of any and all p�}�sanswhamsoever, including afficers,employees and agents af the parties hereta, or loss of or damage to property to whomsoever beionging, including property owned by, leased ta or in the care,custody and control of the parties hereto, in any manner arising from or during the construction,any reconstrucdon, use, mainienance, repair or removal af said facility, however such injury, deati�, loss,damage or destruction aforesaid rnay accur or be caused; and shal{ and hereby does indemnify anci save harm{ess Railroad of and from any and all ciaims, demands, suiis, actians, damages, recoveries, judgments, casts or expenses arising ar growing out af or in connection with any such injury, death, {oss,damage or destruction aforesaid.Permittee f�rther agrees to appear and defend in the name of Railraad any suits or actions at !aw braught against it on accour�t of any such personal injuries, death or dam�e to property, and to pay and satisfy any final judgment ihat may be rendsred against the Railroad in any such suit or actian.The liabikity assumed by Permittee herein shall nat be affecies! or diminished by the faci, if it be a faci, that any such suit ar actian brou ht a ainst Railroad ma arsse out of ne li ence of Railroad, its afficers, agents, servants or employees, or be II g 9 Y 99 contributed io by such negligence. I Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein contained is to be construed as an indemni.fication against the sale negligence of Railraad, it� afficers, employees ' ar agents. � 7. Pe�mittee shall not transfer ar assign this permit wiihout the writien consent of Railroad. 8. Nothing herein contained shall imply or impart e covenant on the part of Railroad for quiet enjoyment. 9. It is expressly urrderstood and agreed that Railroacl may at any time cancel and terminate this license and permission by giving to Permittee thirty (3G; days" notice in writing of its intentian to cancel the same and at the expiration of such notice this license and permission shall terminate. Upon receipt of such notice and before the expiration thereof,Permittee, u�der the supervision and direction af the said Superintendent, or his authorized representative, shall remove the facility from the right of way of Raiiraad and restore the right of way and premises of Railroad in a manner and to such condition as shail be satisfactory to the said Superi�tendent of Rai►road. If Permittee shall faii to remove the faciiity and restore the said right of way ta such condition within said thirty 13p1 day period, Raiiroad at its option may remove the same and restore the said right af way to its previaus condition,and Permittee shall pay the cast and expense thereof to Railroad. 10. Upon any failure of Permittee punctually and strictly to observe and perform the covenants and promises made herein by Permittee to be kept and performed, Railroad may terminate this agreement on ten (10) days" notice to Permittee, remove the facility,and restore the right of way to its previous condition at the cost and expense of Permittee. 11. Any notices given under the provisions of this agreement shall be good if deposited postpaid in a United States post office addressed to Permittee at Permittee"s post office address above stated or as otherwise directed by Permittee. 12. The license and permission herein granted is subject to permits, leases and licenses, if any, heretofore granted by Railroad affecting the premises upon which said facility is located. Subject to the foregoing provisions, this agreement and all of the covenants and promises thereof,shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto,their respective executors,administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Railroad and Permittee have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. In Presence of: BURLINC�ON NORTHE�2N RAILROAD C(�IPAI�IY By � General Manager leases CITY OF RENTON SUBSCKIBED AND 3W�N TO EF E�RE i�4E this �'l tE• day of �k 1�Z`''� B ��Gt1l�YWt� vl� �S��(1.(�O/, �- i=�C,eti,.�,\ .. '�..�-- L��s,_ _\, ' y �^- . �.;;�,. �...��. ": r � � ' Mayor Notary Public in and�'o t4e State oC Wadhington; reaiding at-}Gi ���r ��'t..1���\r v '> > Attest / �. �� �- City Clerk FORM 60025 1-76 , i ,�� ,� � � ' - , .� i T.y �`� �C`L`'/.�"G/� 'r I�- � :.: =�..�_� �,_ � /�" ►✓�'�'E1 �.,�.�E i/ ':s�G ' , _ `�."'� '`-•,�`_-' —.,••�'�..., i �r.i � �:.,: . _,.� �� . � ���. ,�,.��... ',,,�/'� � 'I I�.'�""_ _��� ~` �`"�`-,�.,. „"``.... 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