HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit - ,._.,_ — —— — — — —— — —. . .- ' � T PER1�1I T T(} TRES PASS S�AND,& GRAYSL Ct7�!'F'ANY WHEREAS, STONE�n1AY ��, of Renton, K3.ng County, Washington, has been angaged in certain fill-in and dredging operation at, near, in and an the banks af the Cedar River pursuant to its agreeraent with Kin� County Commercial. Water District No. 2 and WHEREA� it ia neeessary for said company in connectian with said operation to enter and crass cartain properties awned by the City of Rentan and located alc�n� the bank of said Cedar River, now therefore, IN CONSIDERATT ON of Orze Dallar (�I.QQ} and the agreement af Sand & Gravel Co�anY Grantee STONEWAY I�7�. to clean up and maintain in clean and neat candi�ion the surface af the property hereinbelaw described, the City of Rentan, a municipal corporation, doas hereby grant unto STONEWAY DOCK G�3. permission to trespass upan the real proper�y hereinbelow described to the extent of and far the purpose of fi11-in operations along the bank of the Cedar River, moving and hauling equ�pment over said property in connectian therewith, but not £or any ather or permanent use or purpose and expressly prohibiting �he erection af any structures or buildings ' on the property hereinbelow described; ar�d said permit to be for an jinitial period of three months from date hereaf and further provi ding II that thi s perm3.t will continue thereafter from month to month until reva�ed or rescindad by canduct or act ar natica af -the City of Rentan �I � or any of its officials or agencies. � It is express�,,y understaod and agreed and made a condition hereof � that Grantee will hold the City of Renton harmless f`rom any and all ` liab�.lity arising out o.f Granteets aperation and use of the �ity=s � property described as �c�llaws: That portion of the sautherly four acres of Cedar River Park be�ween the southerly boundary af Government Lot I� and the � southerly boundary of �edar River Fark, all located within the j Ci�y of Renton, King County, Washin,�tan. ! Tt is f u.rther understog� and agreed that the City of Renton ex- �I �� pressly reserves and retains th:���right to terminate, revake and annul ' this permit at any ti me without cause, consideration or liability of I � -- - r.�. .�. __ i 1" � any kind to the Grantee all af which is agreed to and accepted by the Grantee by his acceptance and use of such permit. I�ATED at Renton, King County, �lashington, this �7t� day af August, 1954• CI'i'Y �}F RENTON, a m�znic ipal carpor at i an '� BY: .�c���. I _+�'�,wila Cro ak, City C1 erk I ' B , Joe x. Baxter, Mayar �, . ACCEPT Y� - , � � Stoneway gand & Gra,vel Compa�y .-2_ �