HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit , . r � s . 6 �+'. ' " . ' ,K �r. 1�ir • �fi•� -' IRRIGATION CANAL, DRAINAGE CANA�, oATER PIPE OR SEWER'PIPE PERMIT. R.W.17 1000 3-1-59 NO. $T4�1 NORTHERrV PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hereinafter called Roilway Company, hereby permits Q� � �� i �"��' aQ����"� � �� �� � ��'q+�'+"�b���areinafter called Permittee, to construct, operate and maintain the following facilities upon its right of way �nd biroa�a�h i�r #��ics a�1 i�d.ell �tatian� � �') �`i� t#�' �88�i�"tiplt! � 1'� $i�'M'�.� 1R�'i�OZ` ji'�1! ��# Q�i/�� ��►� ��� �"i�r � 1� �� =f�' '�'�r/ �� �'#i��'� '�� �A� '.{� �A�TR�"Y�i'�i �l�r � � ��.04 �'S� �01d�? � ��! �* � l�et�, 1�i.� 3a�a'iiOlin� t� �ni�u' 1� 0� '�.�pr �Pap�• a� tra�ait sa n�/ a�t��nsi� �d at a po3� �r�#�e dfa�t+�q�# 13AQ•� �`�t �xrl4l�aiaiN�es]�, �wae�asrd �l+ong satd ae�+rr 3#�►,, lraa� �'3,1� F�rap b {�ivh �i.�.+� pe� is a.N►aated �,1�6�.$ t�ir�► �enr►hws�erly� s�ra�r�d a1,Qe� �si� oe��er ].itui is�t �b+� aea�h �►e �t ra�3c! t�o�ioa�• This permission is given upon the following terms: 1. Permittee will pay a� advance to Railwoy Company for this permir the sum of �{'i� � ��� ���� dollars, also all taxes and assessments that may be levied or assessed agains.t the facilities. Railway Company reserves the right to change the said a�nual charge ot any time while this permit remains in effect upon thirty(3p)days' written notice. 2 The entiro cost shall be borr�e by Pe►mittee, including but not limited to the cost of eonstruction, operation, maintenanee I and removal of sai�l facilities; the divi�iOn superintendent of Railway Company will decide what portion if any of the work will be done by Raiiway Company, and for sueh port'�ov+ Permittee will poy Railway Company ths estimated cost before the work is done; if the actual cost excewds the estimate, Permi#�se will pay the additional amount when eolled upon; if the actual eost is less than the estimate, Roilway Company will repay � surplus. All work hereunder by Permittee shall bs done in a first-class workmanlike manner � to the safisfoction of the division super tende�t of Railway Company and in aeeordanee with plons and specifications whieh he may , prescribe or approve. The division sup intendent of Railway Company shal) have the right at any time when in his judgment it be- comss necessary or advisable, to requir any material used in the work to be reploced with like materia) or with material of a mors � permanent character; also to require od ional work or change of loeation of said faeilities as a matter of safety, or of appearartce, or o� aecovnt of additional tracks being la , change of grade thereof, construction of a buildiny, or for any other reason whether or not r eonnected with the operation, maintena , or improvement of the railroad of Railway Comp«�y; all of which shall be done at the ex- psnse of Permi»ee in the monner he►sin rovided. 3. (a) Permittee agrees that the.' cilitiss shall not at ony time domage the railrood or structwes of Railway Compony, or bs o menace to the safety of its operation; to indemnify and save harmless Railway Canpany firom all loss and damoge to its trccks, roodbed, structures, rolling stock and o, r property of Railway Company and property of third persons, and from injuries to or death of persons, including employees of ths rtiss hereto, occasioned by the .xereise of the permission hereby granted. � (b) Permittee hereby further c�rees to hold harmless and indemnify Railway Company from and against anyand all loss or damage to the faeilities, the installatio�of which is hereby permitted on the premiaes of Railway Company. 4. It is agresd that the provisi of Section 3 ore for the equal protection of ony other railroad eompany or companies hereto- fore or hereafter granted the joint use of ailwoy Company's property of whichthe premises upon which said faeilities are locoted.are a part. f" 5. Permittee sholl not transfer assign this permit without the written consent of Railway Company. 6. This permit shall endure unti 'terminated by Railway Company. Railway Company reserves the right to terminate this permit at any time upon ihe giving of � ��� doys' notice, either by personal delivery or by mail, or by the posting of notice on the premises. Upon the expirotion of th�'1time stated in any such notics, Railway Company may forthwith expel Permittee from its premises; and at the end of the permit P�rmittee shall restore the premises of Roilway Company to their former state. Upon termination of this permit any uneorned portion of thib annual charge aid hereunder shall be refunded. 7. �d.��e� ahal�. s�r �d.i� �a,tl�nwy �pw�i�r �p+�`s+aa�i+r�e �c�►► �sss� F,� iG�ur Qrossings 't�yder ��'Ll�pr Sracicrr �'or iv�a-l�`l��+r BM�beba�+r�r dat�d t�ober 1 �8� a �r�et• •�p�_ «�_�ia1t, 3�n��t3�d a+� �ibi� � is �c0��t h�r�► �md �rdr a g� l�arsa�Y. _-- % - _ � -- �- � tN WITNESS WHEREO�ths parties have exseutsd these presents this �, day of �1"�> 195��, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, i Br � �i��l"'g ��i��rl"�.� �iT�10��'r Witnesses t sign tures P ittee: !l�a1w�► w�F�i.M * f '„_� �\ � _ . �/. f ��Mk� _ �'� � � �y Clerk � � � � i � � ' 1 � ' � , �} - • ,` � r I�RAT PACIFIC RAI?�WY COI�ANY �� � ' F�iIBIT ^A" Specifications for Prmesure Pipa Line Crosainge uader Raflway.Traoke for :Non-Flammable �Si�batancea. l. Pipe liaes included under these apacificatfoas are those inetalled to carry eteam, water, or any non-flammable substance which from its .nature or pressure might cause damage if esoaping on or in the viciriity of railway property. 2. Pipe lines under railway track shall be encased in a �arger pipe as per ske�ch at bottoan of thie Szhibit. 3. Carrier line pipe inside the casing under the railway track and right-of-way shall be of approved construction. Carrier line shall be sub�ected to a pressure teat of 5p pounda greater thaa the mazimum working pressure for the line and muat remain tight phen teeted. 4. Casing pipe and �ointa may be of a�y approved conduit co�struction and ehall be oapable of withstanding the load of railway roadbed, track and traff.ic; alao ahall be eo oon- structed as to prevent leakage of any matter fraa the casing or�conduit throughout ite � length under the track and railway right-of-way except at the ends oP the casing or con- ' duit xhem the ends are left open. The casing shall be ao fnstalled ae to prevent the formation of a water�ray under the railway. Approved casings are as follars: Cast :Iron Pipe -- Extra Heavy, ASTM A-142-38. Concrete Pipe -- ASTM C-76-57T C1ass :TV, �Tab1e :II, circular reinforcement .in circular pipe. Corrugated Metal P.ipe - Gauge and coating subj.ect to re�iew by Railway Company. Casing shall be installed Rith even bearing throughout its length and ahall alope to one ead. The inside dianieter of the casing ahall be at least 2 inches greater than the largeat outaide diemeter of the carrier pipe, joints, or couplings. 5. Where the ends of the casing are belrnv ground they shall be suitably protected against the entrance of foreign material, which might prevent ready removal of the carrier pipe. lYhere the ends of the casing are at or above ground sur�ace and above high water level they may be left open, provided drainage is afforded in such a manner that leakage wilY be conducted away from the roadbed and structures. 6. The top of the carrier pipe shall be belaw the Prost line, and at ita closest point ahall hot be lesa than 5 feet below base of railway rail. On other portione of the railway right-of-xay where the casing is not directly beneath any track the depth fram the eur- face of the ground and fram the bottom of ditches to the top of the caeing, shall be not less than 3 feet. Where it is not practicable to secure the.above depths, approved special construction shall be used. Length of casa�g shall be in accordance with sketch at bottom of this Exhibit. 7. Rhere warranted, accessible emergency shut-off valves shall be installed Kithin eYPective distance at each side of the crossing. 8. Nbere laws, codes, or orders of competent public authority prescribe a higher degree of I' protection than specified herein, then the higher degree of protaction shall be deemed a part of the specifications set Porth in this F.zhibit. . . . ._ Sub9rqd6 J� �urtACt� r --.- �. ♦ �p �j I 5'Min:SecNote6 3'Min. No seat-su Nott� . � i , � Carrier Pipt , 0.__ � , , ..,� ----�� , � �7s��--t�fl. Casing Pipe � Stal-Salloh � NO?E = S�al not requir�d if casing tnds abovt groun4 wl�t droinag� is avaifabit. Set Note 5 TYP1 CAL SKETGH OF PI PE Ll N E GROSS� N G Foa NON-FLAM MAgLE SU 6STANCES OPERAT 1 NG U N DER PRESSU RE OPfice of Chief Engineer .�3t. Pau�, I�innesota OctQber 1, 1958•