HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 4349 Amends ORD 3927, 3941, 3599, 3904, 3905, 3645 a CITY OF REN'I'ON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 4349 AN �RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTQI�, AMENDI.NG SECTION 4-31-4 OF CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. �260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF TSE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" AMENDING THE G-1 GENERAL ZONE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. SEction 4-31-4 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-4 : G-1 GENERAL ZONE: A. Purpose: The General Zone (G-1) is established to provide and pr.otect suitable environments for low density single- ��, family .residential dwellings, and limited farming uses associated with the residential use. It is further intended to protect open space, critical areas and resource areas, provide separation between urban uses and prohibit the development of incompatible uses that are detrimental to the residential or open space environment. This zoning classification may be permitted in an area designated as low density single-family residential or community separator in the Camprehensive Plan. B. Uses : In the General Zone (G-1) the following uses are permitted and prohibited: 1 . Principal Uses : a. One single-family dwelling. 1 I ORDINANCE NO. 4349 b. Growing and harvesting crops for noncommercial use, except as provided in this ordinanee. c. Raising livestock and small animals for noncommercial purposes . d. Neighborhood parks . e. Public and private golf courses . f . Hobby kennel: A maximum of eight (8) adult I dogs or cats may be permitted after satisfaction of the requirements in section 4-31-37 .C. 1 .a. 2 . Accessory uses : a. Animals : The following types of animals shall be permitted in this zone provided: 1) the animal owner either lives on the property where an animal is kept or has arranged with a . tenant to care for the animal(s ) ; and 2 ) that the keeping of ' animals �must� meet .the conditions of section 4-31-37 .B. ( 1) Livestock: A minimum of one acre of pasturage per large animal shall be provided for grazing, except when a farm management plan has been adopted based on the King County Conservation District's farm conservation planning and , practice standards showing that adequate pasturage to support a larger number of animals is available. (2 ) A maximum of twenty (20) small farm animals may be permitted outright on one acre. � (3) Large farm animals : A maximum of four (4) goats, sheep, and similar sized animals may be permitted outright on one acre. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4349 ' {4) Only one of these options, together with ', the allotment of small animals, may be permitted outright on one I acre. (5) Beekeeping, provided that all colonies are registered with the Washington State Department of Agriculture in accordance with apiary law, RCW 15 . 60 . 030. b. Buildings : One of the following options for accessory buildings are permitted in G-1 General Zones as to '' supports for the residential activity: ( 1 ) On parcels at least 5 acres in size, a i maximum of two (2 ) detached buildings and/or structures, up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) square feet for each building, such as are o.rdinarily associated with single-family dwellings; or (2 ) On parcels at least one acre in size, one detached building or structure up to a maximum of one thousand I ( 1, 000) square feet for each building, such as is ordinarily associated with single-family dwellings; or (3) The lot coverage of the residential structure, along with all accessory buildings, shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage of this zoning district. (4) One barn or stable up to a maximum of two thousand (2, 000) square feet provided the lot is a minimum of one acre, and the lot width is a minimum of one hundred forty feet ( 140 ' ) . b. Home occupations when approved by the Board of I' Public Works . 3 � ORDINANCE NO. 4349 'x 6 ersons . c. Day care for a maximum of si ( ) p d. Recycling collection stations, provided the following conditions have been complied with: ( 1) The collection station is accessory to a public or quasi-public use. (2 ) The collection station is portable and � temporary (not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days out of each year) . (3) The collection station is not located on any public right-of-way unless a right-of-way permit is granted by the Board of Public Works . I (4) The property owners or managers shall keep the .°area -sur.rounding the recycling collection station maintained and c.lean of debris . 3 . Conditional Uses : In the General Zone (G-1) the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by I conditional use permits as provided in section 4-31-36 of this '� code: a. Schools, both private and public. , b. Group homes . c. Public and quasi-public buildings essential to the physical and economic welfare of an area, such as fire stations, electrical substations, telephone exchanges and community and regional parks . Buildings shall conform to and harmonize with ; the surrounding buildings as to the type of architecture, setback I and landscaping. Da -care for seven 7 or more ersons . d. y ( ) P � 4 ORDINANCE N O. 4349 I e. Churches . f. Recycling collection station in conjunction , with an approved public or quasi-public use when the collection station is utilized for more than ninety (90) days per calendar year. g. Kennels as provided in section 4-31-37 .C.2 . h. Commercial horse and pony boarding, riding stables, and schools on a minimum of five (5) acres . A minimum of one acre per animal for the first five (5) horses or ponies and one-half ( 1/2 ) for each additional ariimal . 4 . Pro.hibited Uses : In the General Zone (G-1) the ; following uses ar-e prohibit.ed: � �` ' a. Travel trailers, recreatio.na.l vehicles or mobile homes used for habitation.. � b. Agricultural processing or packing facilities, feedlots, meatpacking and slaughter houses . c. Dumping or storage of nonagricultural solid or liquid wastes, pesticides, fertilizers, trash, rubbish or other , noxious materials . d. Dumping or discharge of solid or liquid agricultural wastes into wetlands, surface drainage systems, lakes and streams . �' e. Processing of forest products . C. Development Standards : In the General Zone (G-1 ) the following development standards shall apply: III 1 . Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: The dwelling unit density in the G-1 zone shall not exceed one dwelling unit per 5 ORDINANCE NO. 4349 acre (including areas dedicated for public purposes) . The lot area shall not be less than thirty-five thousand (35, 000) square feet. 2 . Lot Width: a. A minimum of seventy-five feet (75 ' ) for an interior lot and eighty-five feet (85 ' ) for corner lots . b. A minimum of one hundred forty feet ( 140 ' ) for lots used for growing crops or the raising of animals . 3 . Lot Depth: a minimum of eighty-five feet (85 ' ) . 4 . Setbacks : a. Front Yard: A minimum depth of twenty feet (20 � ) • b.. Rear Yard: A minimum depth of twenty-five �feet (25' ) . � c. Side .Yards : � ( 1) Interior Lots : A minimum depth � of five feet (5 ' ) . , (2 ) Corner Lots: The side yard along a ' street shall not be less than twenty-feet (20 ' ) in width, except on previously platted lots which are fifty feet (50 ' ) or less in � width, in which case the side yard shall be not less than ten feet ( 10 ' ) by one foot ( 1 ' ) up to a maximum of twenty feet (20 ' ) . 5 . Special Setbacks : a. Detached accessory buildings shall have a � minimum of three feet (3 ' } side and rear yard setback, a minimum of six feet ( 6 ' ) setback from residences, and shall not be allowed within required front or side yards along streets . 6 ORDINANCE NO. 4349 b. Barns and stables must be located a minimum of fifty feet (50 ' ) from any property line. i 6 . Height: y a. The height of a dwelling or structure shall not exceed thirty-five feet ( 35 ' ) . b. Accessory buildings and/or structures shall not exceed fifteen feet ( 15 ' ) in height. I c. Barns shall not exceed thirty-five feet (35 ' ) in height. 7 . Lot coverage: The maximum area covered by buildings shall not exceed fifteen percent ( 15�) of the total area, except that .in .the case .of a pre-existing platted l.ot less than one acre in area the maximum_ lot coverage shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35�} .of the total area. 8 . Per.formanee .Standards : a. Property owners conducting farming activities on parcels larger than one acre shall prepare and implement farm management plans approved by the King County Conservation District to control potential pollution and environmental degradation from I, farm livestock or agricultural chemicals . The farm management plan shall, at a minimum, include provisions for removal or composting of animal wastes and storage, or use of agricultural chemicals . b. To reduce water quality degradation from animal � wastes, reduce bank collapse from trampling, and encourage retention of vegetation on banks and shorelines, livestock access to stream banks and wetland buffer areas shall be prohibited by fencing, at a distance established in the farm management plan and 7 - - _ i ORDINANCE NO. 4349 consistent with other applicable regulations . Where entrance ramps to streams and rivers for livestock watering are permitted, they shall be constructed according to standards established by the King County Conservation District. c. In areas with impermeable soils or within aquifer protection areas, alternative systems for on-site sewage disposal may be required consistent with the guidelines of the � Seattle-King County Health Department. Provision for on-going maintenance to assure proper functioning of on-site systems shall be made. d. In areas where septic systems presently exist, remediation of the on-site sewage disposal system may be r.equired to assure .�proper functioning of disposal systems and eliminate or �prevent •contamination o.f surface or groundwater. I e. On=site septic systems and agricultural waste storage shall be flood-proofed to or elevated above the flood protection elevation. New on-site sewage disposal systems shall be located outside the limits of the floodplain to the extent feasible. Sewage disposal and storage of agricultural wastes is � prohibited in the floodway. � 9 . Clustering: Where lots or parcels are constrained by critical or resource lands, lots may be clustered as provided by the Zoning or Subdivision Code. 10 . Parking: See Chapter 14, Title IV, of the City Code. 11 . Signs : See Chapter 20, Title IV, of the City Code. ' 8 ORDINANCE NO. 4349 12 . Pre-Existing Plats: Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the construction of a single-family dwelling � and its accessory buildings on a pre-existing platted lot with less area than herein required. Such structures shall comply with the setback requirements of this chapter. D. Those areas heretofore or hereafter annexed to the City for which no zoning classification has been fixed or determined by I� ordinances shall be zoned General Zone (G-1) . I SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of May , 1992 . . Marilyn etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 4th day of May , 1992 • . � Ea Clymer, Mayor � Approv as to Lawrence J. War n, City Attorney Date of Publication: May 8, 1992 __ ORD.225-3/2/92-as . " 9 Amends ORD's 3927, 3941, 3599, 3905, 3904, 3645 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE N0. 4349 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 4-31-4 OF CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" AMENDING THE G-1 GENERAL ZONE. SECTION I. This ordinance establishes a General Zone (G-1) within the City of Renton, states the permitted uses, accessory uses, conditional uses and prohibit�d uses within that zone. The ordinance further establishes development standards, lot coverage requirements and performance standards . SECTION II. A full :text of this or.dinance will be mailed, without charge, upon r�equest to the City Clerk. Date of Publication: May 8 , 1992 ORD. 235-4/22/9�2-as . 1