HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 4376 Amends ORD No. 4238 Amended By Ordinance 4�4414� 4703 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON �+723 , 4963 ORDINANCE NO. 4376 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 8-1-2 AND 8-1-4 OF CHAPTER 1, GARBAGE, OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" AS IT RELATES TO RECYCLABLES SPACE REQUIREMENTS. SECTION I. Section 8-1-2 of Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 8-1-2: DEFINITIONS: A. ALLEY: Public or private way giving access to the rear of lots or buildings . � B. BULKY WASTE: Large items of waste, such as furniture and over oversized wastes, which would typ.ically not fit into garbage cans . � C. COLLECTION CONTRACTOR: That entity holding a valid current contract with the City to collect solid waste. D. COLLECTION POINT: In multiple-family complexes, commercial, industrial and other non-residential developments, the exterior location desrgnated for garbage and recyclables collection by the city' s contractor or ot-her authorized haulers . I E. COMMERCIAL CUSTOMER: A nonresidential non-industrial customer and those multi-family complexes not selecting residential service for eacY? unit. F. CURBSIDE : On the homeowner ' s property, within ten feet ( 10 ' ) of the public street without blocking sidewalks, driveways, or on-street parking. For households currently receiving garbage ORDINANCE N0. 4376 � pickup in an alley accessible by collection vehicles, "curbside" can be considered to be in the current alley location and within ten feet ( 10 ' ) of the edge of the alley. If extraordinary circumstances preclude such a location, curbside shall be considered a placement suitable to the resident and convenient to the contractor ' s equipment and approved by the City. G. DETACHABLE CONTAINER: A watertight, all metal container, not less than one cubic yard in capacity and equipped with a tight-fitting cover. H. ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLD: A residence containing not more than two (2 ) dwelling units and in which each unit receives single- family unit collection services . a I I . EXTRA GARBAGE UNIT: A garbage unit in additi�on to the number of garbage cans or garbage units to which the customer • h�as subscribed. J. GARBAGE: The term shall be synonymous with municipal solid waste (MSW) and shall mean and include all accumulations of waste matters discarded as of no further value to the owner, such as kitchen and table waste, wrappings and small discarded containers, I and small dead animals weighing not over fifteen ( 15 ) pounds, but I shall exclude all manure, sewage, large dead animals, petroleum products, cleanings from public and private catch basins, washracks or sumps, white goods, bulky waste, recyclables, yard waste, and special or hazardous wastes . K. GARBAGE CAN: A City-approved container of material of similar size and weight to a container that is a watertight galvanized sheet metal, or plastic container not exceeding four (4 ) ' 2 ORDINANCE N0. 4376 cubic feet or thirty-two (32 ) gallons in capacity, weighing not over fifteen ( 15) pounds when empty, fitted with two (2 ) sturdy handles, one on each side, and a tight cover equipped with a handle; such can to be rodent and insect-proof. � L. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE: The terms "garbage disposal site" and "disposal site" shall mean the areas owned, leased, or controlled by the King County Solid Waste Division, King County, Washington, for the disposal of garbage, or such other site as may be approved by the City and any other governmental agency having jurisdiction thereover. M. GARBAGE UNIT: Secure and tight bundles, none of which shall exceed three feet (3 ' ) in_ the longest__dimension., and� shall not exceed eighty (80) pounds in weight or such� "garbage� unit" may� be packed in small discarded boxes, barrels, or bags., or in securely tight car.tons or �other. receptacles reasonably_ easy to be handled. and loaded by one person onto a collection vehicle. A garbage can may be a garbage unit. N. HAZARDOUS WASTE: Any wastes included in the State of Washington, Department of Ecology Dangerous Waste Regulations, chapter 173-303 WAC. 0. INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMER: Any commercial customer for municipal solid waste collection services in the City generating in excess of one hundred seventy five ( 175) tons of municipal solid I� waste per week on an on-going basis . . P. INDUSTRIAL WASTE: Includes waste generated as a by- product of manufacturing operation�, usually consisting of large quantities of paper, cardboarcl, metal, plastics, scrap lumber and r ' 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4376 dunnage, and other materials incidental to and connected with the manufacturing process and not otherwise included in the definitions of "garbage, " "hazardous" or "special wastes" hereinabove. I Q. MINI-CAN: A container that is a watertight galvanized, sheet-metal container not exceeding ten ( 10) gallons in capacity, fitted with a tight cover equipped with a handle. R. MULTIPLE-FAMILY COMPLEX: A structure containing three (3) or more dwelling units . S. MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) : Shall be synonymous with garbage. T. PERSON: Every person, firm, partnership, association, institution,. . or corporation� in the City accumulating garbage refuse requiring ::disposal . The "term shall also mean the occupant and/or the owner of the premises for. which service herein mentioned is rendered. , j U. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: The official of the City holding il that office, or the designated representative. V. RECYCLABLES : Newspaper, uncoated mixed paper, aluminum, glass and metal, food and beverage containers, and such other materials that the City and contractor determine to be recyclable. W. RECYCLING BINS: A City-provided container for the purpose of collecting recyclables . X. RECYCLABLES DEPOSIT AREA: In multiple-family complexes, commercial, industrial and other non-residential developments, the area(s) where recyclables will be stored. Y. RESIDENCE: A building or portion thereof containing not more than two (2 ) dwelling units . 4 ORDINANCE N0. 4376 Z . RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER: Those customers residing in single-family units and duplexes, and those customers residing in a multi-family complex in which each and every unit within the duplex or complex will be charged as a single-family unit. AA. SINGLE-FAMILY UNIT: A residence containing not more than one dwelling unit. BB. SOLID WASTE: Al1 putrescible and nonputrescible solid and semi-solid wastes including, but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, and recyclable materials . CC. SOLID WASTE UTILITY COORDINATOR: The official of the City holding that office, or the designated representative. DD. SOLID WASTE UTILITY: That enterprise fund of= the City managing the. financial and administrative responsibilities ��for solid I waste collection and disposal: ' EE. SPECIAL WASTE: 1 . Chemical waste from a laboratory. (This is limited to discarded containers of l�boratory chemicals, lab equipment, lab clothing, debris from lab spills, or cleanup and floor sweeping. ) 2 . Articles, equipment, and clothing containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB ' s) . (Examples are: PCB capacitors or transformers, gloves or aprons from draining operations, empty drams that formerly held PCB ' s, etc . ) 3 . "Empty" containers of waste commercial products or chemicals . (This applies to a portable container which has been emptied, but which may hold residuals of the product or chemical . 5 ORDINANCE NO. 4376 Examples of containers are: portable tanks, drums, barrels, cans, s liners etc . A container shall be determined "em t " bag , , p y according to the criteria specified at 40 C.F.R. 261 . 7 . ) 4 . Asbestos containing waste from building demolition or cleaning. (This applies to asbestos-bearing waste insulation materials, �such as wallboard, wall spray coverings, pipe insulation, etc. ) ' 5 . Commercial roducts or chemicals : off-s ecification P P � outdated, contaminated, or banned. (This also includes products voluntarily removed from the marketplace by a manufacturer or distributor in response to allegations of adverse health effects associated with product use. ) ' k 6 . � Residue and debris from- cleanupwof spills. or releases , of a single �chemi�cal_. s.ubstance or: comm�er.cial_ product,_ or a single_ ',- ! waste -whic.h would- otherwise qualify as a miscellaneous special . ; waste. � �I ' 7 . Medical or infectious 'by-product waste from a medical practitioner, hospital, nursing home, medical testing laboratory, mortuary, taxidermist, veteririarian, veterinary hospital, or animal testing laboratory. 8 . Animal waste and parts from slaughterhou,ses or rendering plants . 9 . Pumpings from septic tanks used exclusively by dwelling units . (Single-family homes, duplexes, apartment buildings, hotels or motels . ) 6 1 ORDINANCE NO. 43.76 10 . Sludge from a publicly owned sewage treatment plant serving primarily domestic users (i.e. , with no substantial industrial or chemical influent) . 11 . Grease trap wastes from restaurants or cafeterias not located at industrial facilities . 12 . Washwater wastes from commercial car washes . (Note: this does not include facilities used for washing the exterior of , bulk chemical or waste tank trucks, or for washing out the interior I of any truck. ) 13 . Washwater wastes from commercial laundries or laundromats . 14 . Chemical-containing equipment �.removed- from service.� � (Example: cathode ray tubes, bat�teries, ..f.luorescent. light tubes, ...� , etc. ) 15 : Waste produced from the .demolition . or dismantling . of- � - industrial process equipment or facilities contaminated with chemicals from the process . 16 . Closed cartridge filters from dry-cleaning establishments . (Such filters being used to filter used dry- cleaning fluids or solids . ) FF. STREET: A public or private way, other than "alleys, " used for public travel. GG. WHITE GOODS : Any large household appliance including refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, water heaters, washers, dryers, or other similar appliances . HH. YARD WASTES: Includes leaves, grass, pruning and clippings of woody as well as fleshy plants . Materials larger than 7 ORDINANCE N0. 4376 two inches (2" ) in diameter and four feet (4 ' ) in length shall not be considered yard waste. Christmas trees will be eligible for collection as yard waste; provided that they have been cut and bundled by the resident. II . YARD WASTE CART: A City-approved container for the purpose of collecting yard wastes . SECTION II. Section 8-1-4 of Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding the following subsection: Section 8-1-4.K: Requirements for Recyclables Depos.it Areas and Collection Points. 1 . Al1 new developments for multiple-family complexes, F _ , I commercial, industrial and other non=residential uses, shall..provide: on-sit-e recyclables deposit areas and collection points for� collection of recyclables as follows : a. The recyclables deposit area and collection points for multiple-family complexes shall be apportioned, located and designed as follows : ( 1 ) A minimum of one and one-half square feet per dwelling unit in multiple-family complexes shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas, except where the development is participating in a city-sponsored collection program in which individual recycling bins are used for curbside collection. 8 I ORDINANCE NO. 4376 (2 ) The required recyclables deposit areas shall be dispersed throughout the site when a residential development comprises more than one building. ' (3) There shall be a minimum of one recyclables deposit area/collection point for each project. There shall be at least one deposit area/collection point for every 30 dwelling units . � (4) Recyclables deposit areas and collection points may be located in separate buildings/structures or outdoors . Recyclables deposit areas may be located within residential buildings, providing that they are in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code, and that collection points are easily and safely accessible to. hauling trucks . � , .. (5) Recyclables deposit areas. and collection points shall be located no more than 200 feet from� a common entrance- of a residential building, allowing for easy� access by residents and hauling trucks . ' ( 6) Outdoor recyclables deposit areas and collection ! points shall not be located in any required setback or landscape areas . (7 ) Collection points shall be located in a manner , so that hauling trucks do not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic on-site, or project into any public right-of way. � (8) When possible, the recyclables deposit areas and � collection points shall be located adjacent to or near garbage collection areas to encourage their use. 9 . � ORDINANCE NO. 4376 (9 ) Dimensions of the recyclables deposit areas shall be of sufficient width and depth to enclose containers for recyclables, and to" allow easy user access . r ( 10) Architectural design of any structure enclosing an outdoor recyclables deposit area or any building primarily used to contain a recyclables deposit area shall be consistent with the design of the primary structure(s) on the site. ( 11) Recy�lables, deposit areas shall be identified by signs not exceeding two square feet. ' ( 12 ) A six foot wall or fence shall enclose any outdoor recyclables deposit area. In cases where Zoning Code fencing p`rovisions conflict with the six foot wall or fence requirement, �: the Zoning Code provisions shall rule. Recyclables ! deposit areas located in industria�l _develo.pments. that-� are greater� than 100 feet fr.om residentia.11.y_. zon:ed_ property� are exempted from. this wall or fence requirement. I r- V � ( 13) Enclosures for outdoor recyclables deposit areas/collection points and separate buildings used primarily to contain a recyclables deposit area/collection point shall have gate openings at least 12 feet wide for haulers . In addition, the gate opening for any separate building or other roofed structure used primarily as a recyclables deposit area/collection point shall have a vertical clearance of at least 15 feet. ( 14) Weather protection of recyclables shall be ensured by using weather-proofed containers or by providing a roof over the storage area. 10 J 4376 ORDINANCE N0. b. The recyclables deposit areas and collection points for commercial, industrial and other non-residential developments shall be apportioned, located and designed as follows : ( 1 ) In office, educational, and institutional developments, a minimum of two square feet per every 1, 000 square feet of building gross floor area �shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas . �(2 ) In manufacturing and other non-residential developments, a minimum of three square feet per every 1, 000 square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas . ( 3) In retail developments, . a minimum of five square feet per every 1, 000 square feet of building gross floor area shall. be provided for recyclables deposit areas . (4) Recyclables deposit areas. and_. collection points- may be allocated to a centralized area, or dispersed throughout the , site, in easily accessible areas for both users and hauling trucks . , (5) When possible, recyclables deposit areas and collection points shall be located adjacent to or near garbage collection areas to encourage their use. I ( 6 ) �Outdoor recyclables deposit areas and collection points shall not be located in any required setback or landscape areas . (7) Collection points shall be located in a manner so that hauling trucks do not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic on-site, or project into any public right-of way. 11 ORDINANCE NO. 4376 (8) Access to recyclables deposit areas and collection points may be limited, except during regular business hours and/or specific collection hours . (9 ) Dimensions of the recyclables deposit areas shall be of sufficient width and depth to enclose containers for recyclables, and to allow easy user access . ( 10) Architectural design of any structure enclosing an outdoor recyclables deposit area or any building primarily used to contain a recyclables deposit area shall be consistent with the design of the primary structure( s) on the site. ( 11 } Recyclables deposit areas shall be identified by signs not exceeding two square� feet. i ( 12 ) A six foot wall or fence shall enclose any outdoor recyclables deposit area. In cases where Zoning Code fencing provisions conflict with the six foot wall or fence requirement, the Zoning Code provisions shall rule. Recyclables ' deposit areas located in industrial developments that are greater than 100 feet from residentially zoned property are exempted from , this wall or fence requirement. ( 13) Enclosures for outdoor recyclables deposit areas/collection points and separate buildings used primarily to contain a recyclables deposit area/collection point shall have gate openings at least 12 feet wide for haulers . In addition, the gate opening for any separate building or other roofed structure used primarily as a recyclables deposit area/collection point shall have a vertical clearance of at least 15 feet. 12 ORDINANCE NO. 4376 ( 14) Weather protection of recyclables shall be ensured by using weather-proofed containers or by providing a roof over the storage area. 2 . Single family and duplex residences shall be exempt from the above requirements for recyclables deposit areas for recyclables . 3. Modifications, Appeals : a. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Section, the supervisor may grant modifications for individual cases provided he/she shall first find that a special individual reason makes the strict letter of these Requirements impractical, tha.t the.. modification_ is- in conformity with the. intent and purpos:e of, this.__Code, and� that= such ' - modification: ( 1 ) Will meet the objectives and safety; f.unction., and appearance intended by the Requirements for Recyclables Deposit , Areas and Collection Points . (2) Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity. b. Any decisions made in the administrative process described in this Section may be appealed to the Board of Public Works within fifteen ( 15) days and fileci, in writing, with the Board chairman or secretary. The Board of Public Works shall give substantial weight to any discretionary decision of the City rendered pursuant to this Section. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty days after its publication. 13 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4376 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th day of November � lgg2 , . � n/ ` ���C���l.s4/ Marilyn . tersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of November. , 1992 . �� Bob 'E�dwards;i�;��yor �Pro..tempore , Approved as to form: Law e c . a , City Attorney Date of Publication: November 20 , 1992 ' ORD.272 : 10%5/9?. . 14 I � �I Amends ORD No. 4238 Amended By Ordinance 4�4414 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 4376 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 8-1-2 AND 8-1-4 OF CHAPTER 1, GARBAGE, OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" AS IT RELATES TO RECYCLABLES SPACE REQUIREMENTS. SECTION I. This ordinance adds definitions to Chapter l, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of the City Code as , it relates to recycling space requirements for multi-family complexes, commercial, industrial and other non-residential uses . This ordinance also establishes the requirements for recyclables deposit areas and collection points for all new develop`ments of multi-family complexes, commercial, industrial and other non- residential uses . SECTION II . A full text of this ordinance will be mailed, without charge, upon request to the City Clerk. Date of Publication: November 20, 1992 ORD.275 : 10/7/92 :as. ,�