HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 4385 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4 3 8 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON: 1. ) ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1993 AS AMENDED ' BY THE CITY COUNCIL; 2. ) ADJUSTING PARR FEES; and 3. ) SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR BARGAINING AND NON-BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the year 1993, fieretofore prepared and. filed with the City Clerk, � as modified and approved by vote of the City Council of the City of Renton on December 7t1� 1992, after. due notice and hearing. thereof as provided by law, be and the. same is hereby in all respects ratified, adopted, and confirmed as such Annual Budget for the year 1993, and same, by this reference, is incorporated herein as if fully set forth, labeled as (A) Expenditures, and (B) Resources. Ordinance No. 4385 � adopted under the date of December 7t1� 1992, fixed the amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1993 . SECTION II. The following total sums for expenditures are hereby allowed and established in each of the following funds in said 1993 Budget, to wit: 1 - ORDINAPTC� I�O. 4 3 8 5 (A) ERPENDITURES: 000 - GENERAL FUND ................................................••••••....... 823,129,433 101 - PARK FUND .....................e......................................•••••. 6,239,718 102 - ARTERIAL STREET FUND ......................................................... 342,534 103 - STREET fUND ................................................................ 3,657,T79 104 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND........................................ 318,467 105 - IMPACT MITIGATION FUND ....................................................... 469,760 106 - LIBRARY FUND .......................................••••••.................. 1,060,797 118 - RESERVE FOR PATHS AND TRAILS .................................................. 18,897 125 - 1� FOR ART FUND .....................•••••........••••......................... 39,157 ' 127 - CABLE COMMUNICATION FUND ....................•••••............................ 294,618 207 - 1978 LIMITED GENERAI OBLIGATION BOND FUND (Senior Center) .................... 138,314 212 - 1989 LIMITED REFUNDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND (City Shop) .............. 351,500 213 - 1983 UNLIMITED REFUNDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND (Coulon Park) ........ 1,266,408 215 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISCELLANEOUS DEBT SERVICE FUND ......................... 1,026,064 219 - 1989 UNLIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND (Senior Nousing) ................. 858,495 220 - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FUND ............................... 2,997,508 221 - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT GUARANTY FUND ..................................... 795,544 302 - OPEN SPACE CONSTRUCTION FUND.................................................. . 0 ..... 316 - MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CAPITAL IMAROVEMENT FUND ................................ 615,083 317 - TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND..................................... 4,929,642 319 - SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION FUND ................................................... 0 320 - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION FUND ....................................... 0 401 - NATER, NASTEWATER, STORMUATER UTILITY FUND ................................ 17,811,770 402 - A]RPORT FUND .........••••.................................................. 1,504,620 403 - SOLID NASTE UTILITY FUND ................................................... 6,967,656 404 - GOLF C�1RSE FUND ...........................•••••..........o•••••••••••..... 1,332,766 421 - NATER, 41ASTENATER, STORMWATER CONSTRUCTION FUND ........................... 10,093,303 501 - EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND .....................................�................ 1,867,654 502 - INSURANCE FUND ............................•••••••••........................ 5,632,376 601 - FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND....................................................... 2,667,338 T07AL EXPENDITURES (A) ......................................................... $96,427,195 TOTAL RESOURCES (B) .............................••••••-•....................... 596.427.195 SECTION III. Certain Park Fees are hereby adjusted and established. Such Fees are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION IV. The City is still engaged in collective bargaining and salary negotiations and the present budget accordingly includes cost of living increase estimates where I applicable and scheduled salary step increases. When bargaining and negotiations are completed, the budget will be amended to I� adjust salaries for bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit � em lo ees in accordance therewith. P Y SECTION V. The acts taken pursuant to this ordinanca but � prior to its passage or effective date are hereby ratified and confirmed. 2 ORDINANCE �i0. 4385 � SECTION VI. A copy of the Budget as herein adopted shall be transmitted to the Office of the State Auditor, Division of �I Municipal Corporations, and such other governmental agencies as ' provided by law. SECTION VII. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this �th day of Decembex, 1992 . , Marilyn etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR thi �th day of December, 1992 . Ea Clymer, May( Approve s to Lawrence J. Warr , City Attorney , Date of Publication: December 11, 1992 I ORD.215: 12/06/91:as. 3 CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4385 Exhibit "A" I 1993 PARR FEE CHANGES SWIMMlNG PC?C?L Facili or Pro ram 1992 Fees 1993 Fees Swimming Pool - Youth S Youth .7� .54 Teen .75 Teen 1 .00 Adult 1 .00 Adult � •2� >>_::�:>: <::R`,.'sident;;;::«:>:::_:`<:<;>::>::>;::::::::'<:`><:>'<:>':>:':;::.:--:-.. SwimL.essons Resident 10.OQ ..:.:e.,=::::.:.: :-,-._::.,:..::::::::::::: :..::.:::::.:::,.:::<;::-::::<:: ; ::; 2`:O.Q 1 <»: "2:00=> ;:__2 _ ,:;_:.»rit.;::;:>;::<::<"<'<:>>.. ;;:.;::.;:: :.;:::;:.;>:;:: ;..:.:.:>;.;:.::;:.::::. Non-Resident 2Q.00 >;Non;;;Res�de _ _. COULON PARK Park Usa e 1992 Fees 1993 Fees Parking A!I 5 All SAME 2.OQ _ - Boat Sticker. Resident 10.OQ Resident SAME • On{y Residents Eligibie Seniors 5.8Q Seniors Moorage: Resident -FREE Reside,nt SAME Non-Resident 10.40 Non-Reside,nt SAME Boat Launch"rng: Resident FREE Resider�t SAME With Sticker Non-Resident 5.OQ Non-Resident SAME April-September Friday-Sunday& Nalida s SQFTBALL i FacilitiesiPto ram 1992 Fees 1993 Fees Player Fees: Resident S Resident SAME �o.00 � Non Resident 'i 5.00 Non-Resident SAME Field Rental Resident 25.00 Resident 25.�� _ - :0(};: <:;>.;::.:..;;:«:.:::.=:.::::.;:.:_=-;;>;:::::-;;.;;>: ;::;>::::>::35 . Non-Resident 25.00 ; Non;`�Resid_ent<::>_;::>:�;:_»<;>':::<:;:::_.:.:::::.:::::::.,::.::; <:<e; ' `tabl >;:;<::1f A vai I 4 � � � — —. —. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4385 Exhibit ��A�' 1993 P1�RR FEE CHANGES MEETING ROOM / SPACE Facilities 1992 Fees 1993 Fees Hi hiands/N. � RESIDENTS & >NON=RESIDENTS:;':;:::;::;:::>:::;:;>=::;`:`:;:;;:::;:;;:;;;:::;:;;::; 9 N N- 0 RE IDENT : S S <`i5if.e::.,;�::>:::::,;,:.: :: et n ..Ro':<:_:>::><::::;>;>:�<»>'::::>;>::>:::>::<:::<:>:><:»::::>:<::::::>: H i g h la nds: <;g>:::.:>::.oms.»::»::;>:.:::>:>:::»:<>:::::::»::»:::::::»:<: Meetin ROO(T1S Quiin';Operating;Haurs;::;;:';;?':;::;:;;:;<' :'_':<:';::<::":;;';::: 9 :¢:::::.::_::::::..;;:::::::::.:::::::;..:::::...:::; Durin O eratin Hours s :::Zo.ao P 9 9 � 5.0 0 M ee in R m t oo s 22. ;`M:;;::>:>;�::::::.:::>:>:<:<::::;:>:::; 00 e n R e.t ooms:;:::::::`::::>::::::>:::::><27 0 <: 9 9.::.::.:::.::::::::...:::::.;; ;:.:.;::;:.;;:.::.::.:;-::::Q.. 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During Operating Hours During:Qpereting Houts::::: ; ;;: ::: ;.s:;: G m S ac _;::.:;.;.:;.;:.:.:.;>:::,.;:.;:.;:.;:,;::::.:.::.;:.;..: :;.... :.; Y P e 20.00 >:Gym :Space';::>:::<'=';::::><::::><: ::::::>::::;::::>25;:00;;: �Non-Operati�g Hours '>Nort-0`eratin Hours:<';>;::;<:<;: ;:::;::::;;::;::>:::>:>:;:<;:;;>::<3 MA S LL MM N CO U ITY B UILDIN GS: Teas ai d e , R ' esid en n ta d Re>::<�:;:::>:::;_:.<<:::>::;>::>::;:''<:::;:<:::::»:>:: :::>:>:`<>:>:>::<:;:::;;:::>;:::::: Kiwanis n $ s.dent:::_.::::.::<:::.::.::::...:::..::::.. .:.SAM.E<: a d N n-R ' o ei - s den 1 t . 5 00 ::Non`R _:.;>';::<>::><:.>>:.<: ;`:_::: ;;.;..; ,;:;.:;.; : K nn esident :...:..::::::::..>::;..::�20:UQ: e d I : Y ae P r e H r `: ou COMMUNITY CENTER Activities/Rentals i 992 Fees 1993 Fees Drop In Activities: Aerobics: Aerobics: SAME Students/Senio�s $ Students/Seniors Adults 2.00 Adults 3.00 � Fitness Room: Fitness Room: SAME Students/Seniors 2,00 Students/Seniors Adults 3.00 Adults Basketball/ Basketball/ SAME Volleyball: Volleyball: , StudentslSeniors 1 .00 Students/Seniors �� Adults 2 00 Adults I Racquet Ball: Racquet Ball: SAME Students/Seniors 6.00 Students/Seniors Adults 7 �� Adults Wally Ball: Wally Ball: SAME Students/Seniors g,�p Students/Seniors Adults 10.00 Adults IVOTE.- WE ARE WORK/NG ON A 6 MONTH PASS FOR RES/DENTS/ NON-RES/DENTS FOR 1994 5 CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4385 ! Exhibit "A" 1993 PARR FEE CHANGE3 COMMUNITY CENTER (continued Activities/Rentals 1992 Fees 1993 Fees Meeting Room Rentals: Resident S Resident SAME _ 15.00 Per Hour _. � Non-Resident i 5.00 ._:Non.-Resident;;:;:;:;:::;;:;:;:::::;:;;;:::;$20._00. __ _......_ ................ _...... .. _ _..... ....._..._............._.................. .. __..... .......... ..... ....... ..... _ .._.... Per Hour >_ >:;:>:Per:Hour Gym Rentals: Single 450.00 Single SAME Carpet 125.00 Carpet Double 900.00 Double SAME Carpet 250.00 Carpet � Half Court 515.00 Half Court SAME Per Hour Full Court 530.00 Full Court SAME Per Hour Ban uet Room: Resident 420.00 <::Residen:t::>:::>:::>:::::::::;:<::::>:::::::::>:::::::»::500:'00:.: 4 ::.::::::.:.. :.::..:::. ::. N n-R i en 4 <:>n__R<>:::><:�>::-::>:�<< , ;,;::::>: ;>< ..:... o es d t 20.00 No .. .es de t .._ 550�00: i K h n >Ki.`'>:::h."_n::::>:;::<>::>;:>:::::>::>:;::::::<:>::«::<`:><::<:::;':>::::;::>:>::>' tc e 50.00 . tc .e .... 50:00:: DAY CAMPS Activity 1992 Fees 1993 Fees Day Camps Resident S55/67 Resident 575.00 _ .. . _. . _.__ N n-R siden 7 <::N n_R iden :<:::<:::>:::»»:>::<;>;::;<;<:::::::;:::»::>:::' :::. o e t $5 5/6 0:... :.es.::.::.:.::.:t.:>:::<:>::<:>:>::;::.>:<;::>::>::::.:>::><::»:.::«:�:_> ,` . 0°: ; ;:: ::::<::...>::<>�>::::-::»::>::>:>::»>::>:>:>:__<:::: <:.....8 0a.: :.:..::....:.::.. ...:::::::::::::::.:.:.:: �:�-:.:: - .:.r:_:.:.:�-:::.:.-:�.:�:�::..�:::::::::::.......... . .._ _. CARCO THEATRE RENTAL RATES Facilit 1992 Fees 1993 Fees � S5.00 increase except as noted '� with *� a S 10.00 � increase 6