HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit � OF R�� � I, � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON U `� � � POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 S 2nd $TREET • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 255-H678 (Zj � ,�O�f p LAWRENCE J.WARREN� CITV ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG� ASSISTANT CITV ATTORNEV 9'�O P�� DAVID M. DEAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEV 9�rF� SEP�E��� MARK E. BARBER� ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEV April ZS , 1983 ZANETTA L.FONTES� ASSISTANT CITV ATTORNEV T0: Richa.rd Houghton, Public Works Director FROM; Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Burlington Northern Permit - Wire Line Crossing Dear Dick: The permit as forwarded to me is approved as to legal form. I would like you to note, however, that on paragraph 2 of the Permit , �he electrical current is not to exceed 12 volts . I woul.d like you to be sure that that is a correct figure. � i , � c����- � , ��-�._. -- y� Lawrence J. ,"Wa ren LJW:nd cc : Mayor INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date Ma�r �; T0: Ror. Olsen , Utility Engineering FROM: Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk SUBJECT: pAC� 001-83 laire I,ine Cro;:�sing Permit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � We return herewith fully executed document(s) , as above- captioned, copy of which we have retained for our official public records. Copies should be forwarded to ' I and the other for your file. � Pursuant to your memo of we return herewith I `,,' � document�s) , as above-captioned, which have been signed by I L� City Officials and need to be forwarded for further execution � by �urlington No_rther;: I i We return herewith recorded document(s) , as above-captioned, I I copy of which we have retained for our official public records. U Copies should be forwarded to appropriate parties and retained as necessary for your files, I � Please file a fully executed copy with the City Clerk's office XX for our permanent records when received. Thank you. MEM:db cc: 2 � - PAG 001-83 v •�! Wire Line Crossing Permit � , No. 243,370 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter called "Railroad", whose post office address is 176 East Fifth Street,St. Paul, Minnesota 55101,hereby grants permission to CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, whose post office address is Department o� Public Works, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, I Washington 98055, hereinafter called "Permittee", to construct, operate, maint�in, inspect, use and remove a wire line facility, including all necessary poles, wires, canles and conduits together wixh necessary appurtenances thereto, hereinafter called "Wire Line", upon and across the railroad tracks, communication or signal wires and right of way of Railroad, either above or below the surface thereof, for the purpose of transmitting electric current for power or for communication, as hereinafter described: a power line across the right of way of Railroad underneath the surface thereof, and under the tracks of its railway at Renton, King County, Washington to be located at survey station 666 + 43 - Mile Post 12 + 3,283 feet as shown colored red on the print hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" dated December 6, 1982, and made a part hereof. This permission is given upon the following terms: 1. Permittee will pay in advance �wo Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the first ten i 10) year period hereof and One HuAdred Dol.ldrs ($100.00) for each subsequent ten(10)year period that this permit remains in effect and will also pay all taxes and assessments that may be levied or assessed against the Wire Line. Railroad reserves the right to change the amount of said charge at any time while this permit remains in effect upon thirty (30) days' written notice. This provision for change in the amount to be charged hereunder shall in no way affect Railroad's right to terminate this permit pursuant to Paragraph 14 hereof. 2. Said Wire Line shall be used for the sole purpose of conducting electric currents at a potential not to exceed 12 vol ts. 3. Said Wire Line shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with Railroad's requirements, the National Electric Safety Code and any statute, order, rule or regulation of any public authority having jurisdiction. Application and plans shatl be submitted by Permittee to Railroad and shall be approved by Railroad prior to construction or any reconstruction of the Wire Line. 4. All cost of construction and maintenance of the Wire Line shall be paid by Permittee. If it is necessary, as determined by Railroad's Division Superintendent, for Railroad to perform any portion of the work of construction, maintenance, or removal of the Wire Line, same shall be at expense of Permittee. Railroad will determine the costs of any such work and submit bill for same to Permittee and Permittee shall promptly pay such billed amount. 5. If in the judgment af the Railroad's Oivision Superinte�dent,the construction,maintenance,or continusd existence of Wire Line herein contemplated necessitates any change or alteration in the locauon ar arrangement of any wires,structures or other facilities af Railroad or of third persons,the cost of such change or alteration will be paid by Permittee. 6. Railroad shall have the �ight far reasons of safety to require that repairs be made to said Wire Line and upon written ' reguest from Raiiroad Permittee shall pramptly make such repairs at Permittee's expense. If at any time it becomes necessary I in the judgmeni or Railraad for reasons of safety or otherwise, ta require change in the locatian, elevation, ar method of canstruction of said Wire �ine, such changes wiH be made by Permittee at Permittee's expe�se within thirty (3Q)days after � being requested to do so. ' 7. After the completian af construction of said Wire Line or any repairs thereto, ar removal thereof, Permittee shall remove from the premises af Railroad, to the satisfaction of the Railroad's pivision Superintendent, all false work and equipment used in the installation,repair,ar removal work. 8. Permittee shall,upan the giving of 4$haurs'natice to the Railroad's Atvision Superintendent,have the right to enter the premises of Railroad for the purpose a# maintaining, repairing or removing said Wire line, and, in the exercise of this right, shal! nat unduly interfere with the xights cf Railroad ar athers on the premises. In the case of bonafide emergency,the � 48 hours' notice may be waived; however, if emergency work is necessary Permittee shall tnake every effort to notify Railroad that such wark is to be dpne.Permittee shall,at its own expense,restore any facilities on said premises which are in any manner disturbed by such maintenance, repairs ar removal. � 9. This permissian is granted subject to permits, leases, and iicenses, if any, heretofore granted by Railroad affecting the premises upan which said Wire 1�ine is lacated, 10. !f the operation or maintenance o# said Wi�e �ine shall at any time cause interfere�ce,including but not limited to physical inter#erence, from electromagnetic induction, electrostatic induction, or from siray or othsr cur�ents, with the � facilities of Ra+lraad or of any lessee ar licensee of Railroad, or in any manner interfere with the operatian,maintenance or Iuse by Railroad of its right of way, tracks, structures, pole lines, signal and communication lines,radio or other equipment, devices, or other property or appurtenances thereta, Permittee agrees immediately to make such changes in said Wire Line and furnish such protective devices to Railroad and its �essees or licensees as shali be necessary in the judgment ot Raitroad's representatives to eliminate sucfi interference. The cast of such protective devices and their instailation shail be borne salely by the Permittee. If a�y of the interference covered by this paragraph shalf be, in the judgment of Railroad, of such importance to the safety of Railroad's aperaiians as ta require it, Permitiee, upon natice from Railroad,shal!either,at the Railroad's election, cease using said Wire �ine for any purpose whatsoever and remove the same,or reduce the valtage or load on said Wire Line, or take such other interim protective measures as Railraad maY deem advisab{e until the pratective devices required by this paragraph have been installed, put in operation, tested, and found to be satisfactory to correct the interference. 11. Permittee agrees that the said Wire Line and the use of same for conducting electric aurrent shall nat damage the railraad or structures of fiailroad,or the property of The Western Union Telegraph Company,or any other property upon the premises of Railroad, or be a menace ta the safety of Raitroad's aperatians ar any other aperations conducted an said premises. Permittee does hereby release, indemnify, and save harmless Railroad and The Western Union Telegraph Company, their sUccessars and assigns, from and against aN loss,damages,claims,demands,actians,causes of action,costs and expenses o# every character which may result from any injury to or death of any persan whomsoever, including but not limited to employees and agents of the parties hereto, or 'from loss of or damage to praperty of any kind or nature to whomsoever belonging, including but not limited to property owned by, leased to, or in the care, custody, and control of the parties hereto and said Telegraph Campany,when such injury, death, loss,or damage is caused or contributed to by,or arises from, the constructian, instatiation, maintenance, conditian, use, operation, removal, or existence of said Wire Line upon Railxoad premises. No-twithstanding the faregoing, nothing herein contained is to be canstrued as an indemni�ication against the sole negligence of Railroad, its officers, employees or agents. 12. It is underst4bd by the parties that said Wire Line will be in danger of damage or destruction by fire ar other causes incident to the operation, maintenance, or improvement of the railway, and Permittee accepts this permit subject to such dangers. It is therefore agreed, as ane of the material consideratians of this permit, without which the same would not be gran#ed, that Permittee hereby assumes atl risk of 1oss, damage, ar destruction to said Wire Line without regard to whether such loss be accasioned by fire ar sparks from locamotives or other causes incident ta or arising from the movemen# of locomotives, trains, ar cars of any kind, rnisaligned switches, or in any �espect from the operation, maintenance, or improvsment of the railway,or ia whether such lass or dar�ge be the�esult of negligence or misconduct af any person in the emplay or service of Railroad, or a#defective appliances, engines, or machinery, and Permittee daes hereby save and hold � harmless Railroad from all such damage,claims,and losses. is a reed tMai the rovisions of this rmit are for the equal pratection-of any ather raiiroad campany or 13. It P� i 9 P ' companies including National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK} heretofare ar hereafter granted the jaint use of Railroad's property upon which the above described Wire �ine is located, I „ - . I . " . - -_ _ —�. . � ` • � . - � � ' �, . � . 8-01-72 y ' 8URl1NG70N NORTHERN F4AILROAD COMPANY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR POLE AND WIRE LINE CROSSINGS ' (ATTACHMENT NO. 1 TO OD-19) ' QYERHEAD CRt�SSINGS � I Burlinpto�North�m Fiailrwd Comp�mr.will caiuW�►�ch win croaino on ia mirits�nd rn�rrw M��ipht to nquin�tronpK canstructioe I th�n�cifi�d in�ithK satf or n�tionM coda. _ Structure aad conductar conflict ahsll M miaimised by selectfag ths bsst locstian s,nd �rsds af can�truction �uch that the over trsck �psa will remsia �taadia� sftas s failura in sny adjacent �pan. For single wood po3e caastarnctioa, pola• sdjscaat to the cao�sing �paa �hall be at les�t C2a�• 4 snd �►djaiaing pales thai3 be Giass 5 oz �tzongar. Foz +�lec#ric suppty liaa�, narmally the crouin� spaa �hsll aot exceed 150 I faet with adjsceat rpaa aat �zcasdiaQ 1•1!2 times th� crosaing apaa lsagt�. For commuaicatioa line�. the I cro��ing •pan •hsll not �rzceed 100 feet ia heavy lasdiiaQ dirtrict, 125 feet ia mediu:a loading diatrict and 150 iteet in light losding di�trict, aad sdjsc�at �paa •hsll not e:ceed 1-I/2 Ume� th� cro�rin� �paa l�a�th. For I heavier typa con�tructic� 2anger spsas wfll bi canrid+�red. In �ea�rsl, all cra��ia� �psa pol�� •hall b� �ide �uy�d and h�aud �ug�d. Doubl� csassarma with ilat coa�tructioa li Nha11 be n�ed with detd ead conatructioa d��issbl�. ' To c2ear work squipment commvaicstf� linss shsli be aanit=uct�d with s miaimum cl�azsnce sbove tap of ssil af 30 feet aad electric llnse with a asiaimva� clsassace of 36 feet, or grsstes whaa zsquired by :pgrogrist+� code• for high voltage wirea. (At prereat, thi� ciaarsaa� mu�t be incr+rsasd by 0.5 iacba� for each 1,000 volta II in excsi� of I94.000). It i• d�r�irsble thst ao ov�zb�wd wisa cro�rina� b� bwilt arithia 200 fe�t af sny railzoad bridge. Wh�tre •uch constructioa is n�ce�ssry, b0 feat overhasd cl�srsace sbove tap af zail i• s�quizad. � UNDERGROUND CROSSINGS Undergrouad elactric ditt=ibution •v�pply liass may be buzied directly i�►the grouad provided th:t th� top of the cabtes are plsced s minimum of 4Z" b�law tha bsae af r�il os 36" balow ths battom af sdju+�nt ctrsina�a ditch��, � which�sver ia lower. Applicable siatutorp code• shsll prevsil if s gsest+rr deptb is sgtcified. Csbles used far � communications aM defined in Article 8Q0 oi th� carrent Nstional Electxicsl Code shsll be spproved for disect burial aad �hs21 bs buried to s depth s• �pecified sbow. Csbl�a u�ed far recondary di�tributio:s, rs#ed 600 � vaits os less, sha21 be typ� USE ar UF, or ather apprawd types. iastalled sccording ta the cursent Nstiona►I ( Electsicsl Cod�, sxcegt that!be depth of burisl ,�hstl b* ss �ge�cified sbove. Cab2er r�atad more than 600 va2ts � •hall meet the cnrreat National Elactsical Cade snd the currsnt Nationsl Electiicsl Ssfety Code requirements for ehielding and �hsll have s bare concentsic ne�utrsl ca��irting af saaealed copper wire• aaated pes spplicable Il IPCEA •pecification a�pplied �pizslly owr th� ia�ulatioa with unifos:rs �pacia� betweea the wfre,�. Trench bsck- fili aha12 include : sand cuahian of 4" asiaimv�aa caaqnpist�ly szc�uad t3te csbl:� with tha re�t of tlze hack fill compsc- tad to th� sam: deaaity ss the sdjoiniag �srth. II Warning riga� �haU be plsc�d over th� cabl� at each right of aray lln� assd 12'6" an each �ids of each trwck or �ronp of trsck�. It tha rfQht af way lia+t i�r aot over tov�aty-five fe�t fzom tha nesre�t trsck, the plsceu�ant of s sign at 12'6" fram ths tzsck shsli nat b� sequirsd. Siga• shsii ba 18" high by 2�!" wide, mouaisd on aia�le po�t with top of �iqa!'our f��t abow �round linrel. Lsttsrin� �lull bo blsck BPR slphwl�l. Sasi+es C, oa s whit� backgrouad. Ia 2" 1�#tering •hall be, SURIED POWER I.IIVE, sad ia 1'" letteria� the numb�z of volta, d�pkh Il balow tap of tie, awaer's aam� amd +rca�r��ency t�l�phaa� number. � It �nbgrada coaditiaaa will not pesmit dir�c!burial s� outliaad above, t'�s uad+ez�rouad crossiaq shsli be in � aonduit or duct whlch i• �tructurslly d��i�ned tar rsil lo�dtaQr, not to ezee�d s Coop�r'• E ?2 loadiu�. Plan� •hsll bn •ubaiitt�d for sppsoval. Ia sdditi� to Uxe infozautian ahowa on tht igplloatioa. a cogy of tha ap+tcit'icstions of the gaw�rz csbie u�ad sttd : dercription of ovas•currrnt aad fault•curr�at prot:ctian b+ring provid�d ior tbst p+articulsr govves circuit shsll i bs attschad a� a part of th� spplicstfon. � � � W.F.Thomp�on . 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Either party hereto shall have the right to terminate this permit, and the same shall terminate,at the expiration of ninety (90) days after the giving of written notice by one party to the other of intention to terminate same.Any such notice shal� be good if deposited in the United States mails addressed to the party being notified at such party's post office address above stated. Upon termination Permittee shall promptly remove the Wire Line from Railroad's premises and if Permittee shall fail to remove same or any other material or property owned by it within the time prescribed in a notice of termination, Railroad may appropriate such property to its own use without compensation, or may remove the same at the expense of ' Permittee. 15. This permit shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns; provided, however,that Permittee shall not assign this permit or any interest therein without Railroad's written consent. 16. Permittee shall notify Railroad's Division Superintendent a minimum of 48 hours prior to its entry on Railroad's right of way. 17. Nothing herein contained shall imply or import a covenant on the part of Railroad for quiet enjoyment. 18. In addition to the provisions of section 3, Permittee agrees to construct and maintain said Wire Line in accordance with Form 15510, attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed these presents this 16th day of March, 1983 . BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY B Y Gen�ral Menaper I.sases Witnesses to Signature of Permiitee: ('TTY nF RFNT�N • Bv � •��R�Lf�Lk. ' Mayor Attes , �• City Clerk Fo.m sooe> >-so