HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit CONFIDENTIAL . /aSa -6� O�� �S�_-� ��`*?' � �y� .Jr "5��3;��.' 1 � , 4� � , r. _ �. ..� x I.T" �'�� * .: \,' �, , ��f�y �F ���, , � �� 41 ° ,� .. . ,p THE CIT� CJF R,ENTON � �� '7"' z MUNICIPAI BUILOING 200 MIL1.AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 96055 z ,�L1„ o BARSARA Y. SHlNPQCH, MAYOR 235-25$0 ,; o """' � 'fk,Q f0 , �P ag�rFb SEp�E�� ! � 1VI� M�AR,ANDTJIVI � DkTE: October 23, 1985 , T0: Members of the City Caunci] � FRQM: Mayor Shinpoch SUBJECT: Sailing Club � The Baard of Public Works, by iaw, has jurisdictian over use of rigtit-af-way ar�d revocabl e permi ts. I f an appl i cant does not agree wi tt� a Qoar� deterr�ination, the system allows far an appeal to the Hearing Examiner. If � relief from an administrative decisian is not granted by the Nearing Exarniner, the applicant_ can go tp 5uperior Court. Technically, Cuuncil does not intrude. Reality, however, suggests the possibility of a scenario which we should avoid. Last y4ar, the Baard of Public Works granted an extension to the Rentan Sailing Ciub for continued use of the street end at N. 52nd {or S.E. 72nd, which are one and the same. Qan't ask}. At that t9me the 8oard advisec� the ' club that ihey I�ad a fu11 year to make other arrangements because �#enial of a ' further extension should be expected after the �ecember 3l , 1985, deadline. � Since this decision granted (for one year) their request, the Sailing Club had i no reason to appeal . Anticipating a denial this year, they'v� in effect appealed prematurely and to the wrang agencies: the Councii , Park Baard, and my office. Mr. A1 Foe, attorney for the Sailing Club, has written a very impressive letter offering a proposa] which would permit the club to continue using this property. The letter was dated September 23. Mr. Foe has inquired of Larry Warren as ta when he cauld expect a respanse. Courtesy requ�res that each recipient at least acknowledge receiving the letter. As far as I can teil , the Park 8oard has no jurisdiction but becames a participant anly if Mr. Fae's proposal is �ccepted. I have no authority and no vate. , f.t ~ � 1 City Council October 23, 1985 Page 2 The City Council has three options: i ) direct Mr. Fae to address nis propasai ta the Soard of Public 1�orks when the hearit�g by that body is scheduied for issuance af a 1986 permit and advise that, by law, you are bound ta accept the ' decisian of the Board; 2� amend Code sections 9-1203 and 'L-602, which give the ' authority for these decisions ta the Board of Public Works, to transfer that authority to the Counci] so that you may legal]y intervene if yau choose; or 3) risk finding yourselves smack in the middle af an untenable situation if the Board should decide to not renew the permit and the Council felt strangly the Sailing Club should be allowed ta continue using the street end. �J Qrc,�}QhA� Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor BYS:hh cc. Board af Pu51ic Works � Larry Warren � ; I I � � � � . �I/III\IIw ����� j� � ��S���� • I$SUE DATE(MM/DD/YY) � � 8-10-90 � PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS ' NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, IIVTERCITY INSCTRANCE� INC. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDE�BY THE POLICIES BELOW 216 PARK AVE NO COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE , REN'PON, WA 98055 COMPANY LETTER A AMERICAN STAR INSURANCE C'ONIl�ANY CODE SUB-CODE COMPANY B INSURED LETTER RIIV'!'ON SAILING CLUB, INC. ETTER Y C P.O. BOX 2952 R�'�PON� WA 98057 LETTER Y D COMPANY E LETTER ��'�Ql�� THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDIPlG ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBEO HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDiTIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LlM4TS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF IN3URANCE POIICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POIICY EXPIRATION pLL LIMITS IN THOUSANOS LTR DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE � �OOO t A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $'�f OOO� CLAIMS MADE g occuR. p,� 4603661 9-22-90 9-22-91 PERSONAL&ADVERTISING INJURY $ 500' X OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ SOO� FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire) $ CJO' MEDICAL EXPENSE(Any one person) a 5� AUTOMOB�LE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ ANY AUTO LIMIT ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJUHY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGCaREGATE OCCURRENCE S $ OTHEH THAN UMBRELLA FOHM STATUTORY WORKER'S COMPENSATION $ (EACH ACCIDENn AND S (DISEASE—POLICY LIMin EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY $ (DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEEy OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEXICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS IT IS AGR� THAT Tf� CITY OF RIIVTON IS ADDITIONAL INSURID AS RFSPF7CI'S THE OPERATIONS OF Tf� NAN�D INSURID ON CITY OWNED PRIIKISFS. CER7'tFICATE HOLOER CANCELLATION I SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE CITY OF RIIV'IC)N EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO �OO MILL AVE SO MAIL�O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE REN'IbN� WA 98055 LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORI REPRESENTATIVE At'�25-5 �/8d , �f,� �'�j������� � � �A COFtPOEtATIOt+l.1988 `���x���'� �� CITY OF RENTON �� '.'� Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney rl1 Daniel Kellogg - David M. Dean-Mark E. Barber - Zanetta L. Fontes -Theodore R. Parry Assistant City Attorneys January 12, 1987 TO: Dick Houghton, Public Works Director FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Bond for Boeing Employees ' Flying Club � Dear Dick: Attached hereto is a copy of a lease bond from Boeing Employees ' Flying Club to Ring County. I believe the bond is in appropriate legal form and that a similar bond provided to the City of Renton would provide us adequate assurance to ,, permit a portion of the Airmaster Lease to be assigned to this entity. A copy of the bond was left at my office .by Mr. Bill Wiles I of the Flying Club. I presume that I am being asked to review the bond and therefore have dictated this letter. , I am also providing you a copy of the form for your records. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Lawrence J. Warren LJW:nd Encl. cc: Mayor Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 . � . Renton City Council 12/9/85 Page six Audience Comment AUDIENCE COMMENT City Clerk Motor reminded Council members that her office Notification to notifies all parties of record of pertinent action taken by Parties the City Council at a regular Council meeting. She indicated that she would notify Mr. Frank Morgan of the Renton Sailinq Club as well as their attorney of the Council ' s action to postpone the Club' s presentation on its activities. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:23 p.m. �a��-� �. ��-�-�-- MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk _ 1 Renton City Council � }- 12/9/85 Page three Correspondence continued Latecomers Added letter was read from Don Van Parys , 13837 SE 128th, Agreement - Renton, requesting participation by the City in the cost Don Van Parys of oversizing watermain located on NE 19th Street between Shelton Avenue NE and Union Avenue NE, and requesting a latecomer agreement to require adjacent property owners to share in the cost of the improvement. The letter also requested the City to pay for a fire hydrant required by the Fire Department. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THESE MATTERS TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Following discussion regarding Committee of the Whole agenda Committee of the on 12/12/85, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, Whole - Renton MATTER OF RENTON SAILING CLUB PRESENTATION BE REMOVED FROM Sailinq Club COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA FOR 12/12/85 AND POSTPONED Presentation TO A LATER DATE. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a Committee report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Intersection Works Department to implement proposed safety improvements tmprovements with FAUS funds at the intersections of North 3rd Street with FAUS Funds and North 4th Street and Park Avenue North as presented (Referred 11/18/85) with the following changes: , 1 . Delete the proposed parking on the north side of North 3rd Street between Wells Avenue North and ' Park Avenue North. 2. Maintain the dual left hand movement (east to northbound) at North 3rd Street and Sunset Boulevard North. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Metro Transit Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke regarding status of Center Metro transit center location, Councilwoman Mathews advised that the matter has been referred to Transportation Committee. Metro is meeting with representatives of K-Mart and and St. Anthony school to determine whether the K-Mart site would be an appropriate location for the center following ' assessment of environmental impact. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 1 r resen ed a re ort Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman C yme p t p Committee recommending the following ordinances for second � final reading: Ordinance #396o An ordinance was read amending Ordinance No. 3554 granting Cedar Ridge Plat a franchise to Bel Terra Corporation for access to Cedar Road Franchise Ridge residential plat by extending the term thereof from Extension the original term of 25 years to a term of 35 years. MOVED (Norcon BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE Development/ AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: REED, MATHEWS, TRIMM, CLYMER, Falcon Ridge) HUGHES, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ordinance �3961 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Metro Rezone property located on Monster Road SW from General Classification i R-o46-85 District (G-1 ) to Public (Medical , Health, Fire and Education) District (P-1 ) for Metro; File No. R-046-85• MOVED BY CLYMER, i SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES . CARRIED. 1986 Water Rate An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2 of Title III Ordinance (Departments) of City Code relating to metered water service , setting minimum rates depending upon size of service lines and amount of cubic feet used, and setting rates for eligible senior citizens and disabled citizens. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke opposed using unanticipated revenue of $600,000 from utility connection charges to fund utility projects, and preferred using the funds to reduce 14i utility rate increases by 2r. � �F R�� � � `� THE CITY OF RENTON � .� o U `% � Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 O � �o�, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, �� Q,�O CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 ��Tf� SEP���O� I December l0, 1985 � � Mr. F�ank Mqrgdn � 3301 S.E. 20th Caurt ', ' Renton, WA 98058 ', Dear Mr. Morgan; I� This letter confirms our telePhpne cpnyersati.on Of thi.s mofnin� adV�si.ng you that the Renton City Council at its �egular meeti,ng of December 9, 1985, postponed the presentation of the Renton Sailing Club from the December 12, Committee of the Whole meeting to a later date uncertain. The subject of the Renton Sailing Club remains with the Committee of the Whole and the committee plans to schedule the presentation for a future date. You will be notified in time to prepare your materials, speakers, etc. If you have further questions concerning the postponed presentation, please feel free to contact this oFfice. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON i���-l�c x-eJ � ���L��-f> Maxine E. M4t4r City Clerk cc: Debbie Scheuerman Alan K. Foe, Attorney � Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor John W. Reed, Council President - - - --_, ; . _ -� -' _ -'_ -' __' * \ II 4 � (�►� ea�aa o� Puet.i c Ma�cs � �, L� 9s00 a.�a. Ren#on Nunictpa! Buildtng � �ece�nber 4, t985 �th Ftoor Confersnce Roan AT7ENDEESs Rtchard Hpugh#on, Chatrman Jim Matthew, Ftre Prevention pon Mran�ghan, Design Engtneer Ron Neison, Butlding Offtcial '� Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant Patrtcia Porter, Administrative Secretary Larry Sprtnger, Policy Development 0lractor l.arry Warren, City A#torney YISITORS: Klrk Alexander, Rentan Satling Club . Gary 6ague1l , Rentcn Sailing Club Betsy Crawford, Renton Resident Pat Dana, Renton Resident Nancy Dimick, Rentan Saiiing Club Aian K. Foe, Attorney, Renton Satiing Ctub Bab Hufnagle, Ctty of Renton . Rtch Imus, Renton Resldent Frank Lee, Renton Restdent Franklin Morgan, Renton Saili�g Club Pat Nissen, Rentan Resident Judee O�Neii , Renton Resident � J. A. O�Neii , Rentan Resident Debra Schauerman, Renfian Saiting Ciub Michael Thomas, Renton 5ailtng Club John Webley, P�rks Dtrector MINUTES ,� 1 . CAII Tt} ORDER: The meeting vas caEled fia order at 9:05 a.m. by Chalrman Ho�ghton. 2. AP'PROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by NATTHEM, seconded by NELSON, to approve the November 26, i985 meeting minutes. MOTiON CARRIED 3. CORRESPONDEt'��: None � 4. REFERRALS FROM C17Y OOUNCILs Nane , 5. REFERRJ�LS FROM OTNER DEPARTMENTS: None � _3_ , -- — ' "`BOARD OF PUBLiC WORKS � � � Decembe� 4, t985 Page Twa 6. NEM BUSINE5S: None 7. 0�0 BUSiNESS: a. Thomas Oshiby, 1402 Mapte Ave. S.W., Extenston Street Paving - six manth de#errai explrtng. The six month extension granted in June l985 is explrlr�g. Don Monaghan advised thet Mr. Dahlby had gtven up the ides o# forming �n LID in the a�ea and #hat he needs only to pave the street to fulftll the requlreme�ts of the deterral . The declston was made to co�tact Mr. Oahlby requesting a status report ref. fihe deferrai . , b. Rentan Salltng Club, Right-af-Way Permlt. Chairman Noughton expt�ined to the invttees and guests of this meeting the Bosrd action af Iast year, i .e. applicatior� for extenston of use permtt to accarmadate the SsIling Club �r�s appraved far a one year period but Board stipul�ted that slgntflcant problsms assoctated wlth the current use of the proper#y warrantsd notica that ssid permtt would . not be extended beyond l985 and that the Club was given the one year , ' to find anofihe� locatton. He also advised the group that due ta other pre-scheduled meetings for Board members the discussians would be timtted to �5 minutes tatal and that each group shouid have one spokesperson address the Baard. � Alan K. Fos, Attoraey for Renton Sa1 ! !ng Club, add�essed the Baard on behalf of #he Satling Club. He indlcated this Issue was of p�lme '�, Importance to the Satltng Club and to the netghbors and tt�at the Club had tr-ied to bring the operatlon into compliance with what the Ctty � of Renton wanted, indicating their wiliingness ta do anything it mlght take ta accompiish same. He acknowtedged that the neighbars are concerned about the Club being a fixed operation forever in that ', parttcular area but he suggesteG that rather tt is a volunteer group of people dotng what they percelve to be a pubtic servtce, that of teachtng s�iling. ' ` Mr. Foe remtnded the Board af hts September 23, 1985 letter the the Rentan City Counctl wherein he cited the pubiic tnterest question, ' lisbiiity insurance concerns, non-excluslve use and its intent ta I � benefit public �nd severat agrsemenfis far the sama use hefd by City of Seattle, fort Worden State F$rk, and King Caunty. He �also advtsed th�t the 5a111ng Club would eventas{ fy llke to cane under the guldance of the Glty of Renton P�rks Department. Also he s#ated that If the permit was terminated at thts patnt in time it would be a ioss I of a pubitc service by ellmineting the avallabtllty of sailing I lessons. He �pdce about the cur�ent Reagan Adminlstration policy of I unified groups af peaple working together tn this type of venture and j not tostng wh�t he considered #a be a public service in the nesr _ fu#ur�e. '. I I � I -2- _ � � BpARD OF PUBLIC W4RKS �� ... �Decamber A, t985 " Page Three The questton of slte malntenance and/ar ta�rovements was d{scussed by Mr. Foe. He s#ated that a !ot of energy had gone into flxing up #h!s area pe� the City requests as well as that same energy gotng into looking for anothe� avatlable stte which has not been found to date. Liabitity insurance coverage had been discussed between Mr. Foe and the City Attorney, l.arry Warren resutting tn Mr. fae beiieving that the Saiitng Ciub has substantEal insur��ance coverage availabie and if #he City requlres more, thase amounts could concetvably be met, The concerns of the netghbors �rere n�ntloned by Mr. foe. Ne stated the neighbors were lucky in that they could take advantage of a publlc service organfzation such as the Salling Ciub whereas athers do not have this apportunity. Ne stafied he dld not discount the � cance�ns af the neighbors but feit they cauld be reconcited between the parties tnvotved. DebbEe Scheuerman, one of the rep�esent�atives of the Satling Club, star#ed o sllde presentatlon wttlle advtsing the 8aard about trytng to r�ork with the nelghbors tn years past such as - tying up � netghbarhoad boats at their tSailtng Club) dxk, giving free sailtng lessons to one of the neighba��s chlld�en, neighbars using Sailing Club dock whiie in fihe prxess of buiiding thetr own p�ivate docks, etc. Sfie stated that they a�re a pa�t of the community and woaid like to continue provide such services. � {Silde presentatlon tnterrupted by sltde tray fatling.) Chatrman Hough#on asked Frank Marg�n of the Sat ! !ng Club to proceed �w1th thelr proposal. Mr. Morgan addressed the questton of site maintenance and subsequent repal�. Ne passed around "before and after" photcg raphs af the walkway, stip dock, planks on the sauth end of Boathouse al { of Nhich he stated hava baen repaired during summer of t985. He stated that the request for handraii instailation on the walkway by the City had not been �compllsAed. Mr. Foe asked htm if the City requested thts ,. aga 1 n wou!d they be w! I ! I ng to accanm�ad�ate such r� request and Mr. Morgan replted "Yes". Ms. O�Neil, 512t Ripley Lsne, N., rinade �aotion thnt the rssidents 1n the r000 bs granted equal tiiae to speak to this problem, as she foit #iw Renton Satfiing Club Mas $oing ovsf the tiae allacafisd. Ghairman Houghton acknawtedged the matia� and cautloned the Satling Club �bout the time tnvo{ved, Mr. Morgan continued - he discussed the question of styrofoam pa�ticles floating In the wate� at this site ond the City�s cancern about it, advising that the�a are taads af other deb�is being washed - up tn various other ptsces also. He asked Ron Netson, Building� Depart�nt, if the area did not todc cieaneG up or tmpr�oved. Mr: Nelson rep! !ed thst "tt had tmpraved some". -3- • 'BE}ARD OF PUBL 1 C W4RItS t ' Decea�ber 4, 1995 Page Four tSlide p�esentation continued.3 Siides of the sailboats, ciasses that are given, walk�ray, boathouse, slip dxk, msmbers of the Rentan Satling Club, rrere shown by Ms. Scheuarman �rho expEatned that: a) #he ctub has been in eacistence slnce the flrst of 1968; b} thelr By-Laws stlpulate thCs is strlctly a publlc servlce club, c� these servfces are tiQt offered by the Cfty Pa�ks Department nor any other City depa�tment; d) they are at the opposite spectrum from the "Yacht"-type organization�. She explained that they h�ad � porta-pofity autside but tore It doNn and moved it tnside the Bo�tfiouse. Carry Springer, Poticy Development Dl�ector, sstd ,Just #he stide presentation alone would convince the Baard #hat this Is a good i servlce but the actusl tssues h�d no# Deen addressed to hts � sa#lsfactlon, those being - a? llabltl#y Issues; b? e�cclusive use of piece of street end property lsatd proper#y being tao sm�ll for � public recreational uses); c) Imp�ct on nelghboring properttes; d) j sanifiation; e) parking problems. Furthe� he stated it was � unfortunate but the Board has to base their decision upon these issues nat whether it is a good public sa�vice. �I Mr. Foe, Attorney for Rentan Sailing CluD, said there ts at presen# a court case in progress ref. soie use of water property. F� potn#ed � out agatn that hs had attached three agreements to bis Septert�er letter relative publtc entittes granting these same #ypes of use ta j other satltng foundations and a youth soccer associatlon and they had passed "constitution�ai muster". Ne noted that Siade Gc�rton, fo�mer Washingtan Stafie Attarney General , had even approved the Fort Warden agreement. FEe further ststed he felt under the consfiltutian the Ctty , of Renton ca�ld grant exclusJve rtght to the Renton Sailing Club for thls use. � Mr. Foe also said th�t Renton Salling Ciub would be willing to take whatever steps a�e necessary to provide the financiai means ta �, increase their liability insurance if necessary, even if it was out ' o# tfietr own pockets. � ~ Jtm Matthsw, Ftre Prevention, asked the Chalrman ta aliow the neighbors to be heard on thls m�tter. Pat Dana, 52l9 Ripley Lane N., advised the Board she hr�d lived In the ', neighba�hood for 14 years, li I/2 In the current household. She sald the problem has aiways been parking and it has becane worse as the � member�hlp of the ciub has inc�eased. She also sfiated there is a ' probiem with sanitatian, that at one point tfiere had been a sanf-can ' right out in the apen whtch Kas sn eyesore but had subsequentty been � remaved. Howeve�, she suggested that not �11 peapfe used the sr�nt-can as should have. 5he satd In the past II yea�s #het�e has r ��r • ��►90ARD QF PUBL I C WORiCS l . • December 4, i985 Page Five alxays been a safety fsctor - there has been vandalism, young chtldren being tn sallb+aats alone unsupe�vised, Satltng Glub members � ustng the nelghbors� person�i dacks, styrafoam from 5a11ing Club dock I flaattng around ln water and com(ng up on persanal dacks to be cleaned up. She said that the mast recent Incident was her husband I� having to physically remove a Ciub member f�an he� personai dock. Mrs. Dana fett the type of ecfiivity was not warranted in s private residentlal area that was atready htndered by parking avaiiabiiity. ', Also that when the Saliing Club first started #here were no homes 1n the area as compared to today, Rtch Imus, 5143 Rtpley Lans N., stated one of his maJor concerns was the Ilabillty which fell on h(m when there were peaple parkt�g In hts driveway. We also felt this type of activity did nat beio�g tn a � �esidentiat area�. , F�ank Lee, 512! Rtpiey L.ane, felt thst the whale Issue was ane of a nuisance. The psrking ln anG around h!s private residence, peopte coming to hls ha�e to ask far directions ?o the Salling Club at 8:00 a.m, in the morning, and #oo �nany members. He felt it they cauld � keep it to 4 or 5 people - ftne - but It nas grown to 18 - 20 People and no place to perk. Also he was disturbed by the fact that many of these people were not Renton citizens In the fi�st piace and that the ciub was providing services ta peopie outside the City limits. fn . conciuston he feit #here was too much congestion, par�king prablems and a vtoEatlon at his parsonal privacy. ' Mrs. Nissen, 520! Rlpiey lane M,, st�ted that the two problems that , dlsturbed her were the park[ng and the sanitatlon. She suggested that #here are 20-30 people ustng the sanitary factllties, she has yet to see It being hauled out and properly dumped - haped that it was not being dumped inta the lake. Also, she did not like havtng to , ask peaple not to park on thei� property. Mr. lee, 5i21 Riptey lane, asked if hfl couEd obtain a permit from the Gifiy for a porta-potfii for hts bustness, Ne was �dvtsed "No". ' ~ Betsy Crawfard, 5117 Ripley La�e N., tald the Bos�d she has Itved In the area for 9 years and that the Rentan Sailing Club was ready to � foid shortly after she moved in a�d they were thinktng about dissoivin the club because of Isck of inembers. When Debbie 9 Scheuerman tadc on the responstbittty of getting the club ta work again she did gtve free tessons to Nlrs. Graw#ord chtldre� and at #hat tlme #here were or�ly 5 or 5 people actively using the area. Ttmes changed and the ac#tvtty has outgrown the nelghbor�hood. She j suggested that there are many parks in Renton, Gene Coulon and � Kennydale for example, and this type of functlon belangs ln that type of faciitty where the�e are proper sanitary conditions and availabte _ park i ng a�eas. '.� _5.. �_ _____� • 'BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS � � � ' December 4, 1985 Page Six Debble Scheuerman asked the Chai�man If they could have more time to answe� some of the questions and statements that had Just been presented. Chairman Houghton steted he wanted to read tnto the record the reports from varlous departments in the City ref. thts matter: Butiding Department: 1 . The area is zoned residential - (R-I ) . a. The present zoning ordtnance does not support the private club p�operty. Section 4-706 b. Prtvate club use of the property is no longer compatlble wtth � the netghborhood envi�onment. Ten years ago or even five years, tt wasn�t as developed and was not percelved as incompatible as it is now. 2. Safety Is of prominent concern and, along with safety, we must consider Clty liability. When butlding Gene Coulon Park and the construction of the Park�s dxk system, the City evaluated ' engineered and re-evaluted all aspects known to assure as much , safety as possible and the liabllity was �educed because of this. The Salling Club constructed thelr system wlth their needs and money availability In mind. The�e Is supervislon at Gene Coulon Park, where at the Sailing Club, the�e is none. � 3 Parking and access are poo�, at best. The posstbility of blocktng the only access to emergency equipment and personnel is more than a posstbflity. � 4. There Is no app�oved system of taking care of the sanitation needs of the site and vlolations have been noted on xcasion. Fire D t epa� ment: Following an inspection of the Renton Sailing Club site, the Fire Department has the following recommendations: ... I . AIl walkways to floats be reviewed for safety requirements; hand-�ails ere necessary to prevent accidents. ' 2. Safety equipment to atd in water rescue should be requi�ed. 3. Access to site shall be maintained. 4. Portable ft�e extinguisher ts required and to be properly located and (dentified (2A-20BC rated) 5. Proper storage containers of combustible trash are �equired. 6. A means for immediate notification of emergency response personnel is required, both for pollce and fire. Shail facilities located at thls site be expanded or improved substantially, full compliance with Appendix II-C of 1982 Unifo�m Fire Code regardtng martnas will be required. , -� . -6- . �60ARD pF PUBLiC WORKS • Oecember 4, i985 Page Seven � Qestgn Engineering: From an englneertng standpolnt, no ob,Jectian ta the use; however, as a quasi pubfic factlity affering services to the pubitc the operation j has serious deftciencies. There are no sanitafito� faciiities nor a patabie water saurce avail�ble to tha users of this f8cility. There appears to be Enadequate parking far the facitities wfiich could becc�me a bur�den to the neighborhoad as wet t as restr-tct access by emergency vehtcles. The structura! Integrlty of #he facllittes has alsa been rslsed, �ad approvtng the use of said facilt#les could place #he Ctty In a compromising posltion. � Paiice Depa�tment: ', Aftar viewing the area af the C.ske Washington tRenton) Sailing Cinb, ! have some concerns: ' 1 . The par�king tn the s�ea Is nat sufflcient. '� 2. Parking of more tha� 2 or 3 vehlcles ln #he a�ea xould affect the response of eaiergency vehicles to the nearby restdences. , ' 3. The overall safety of the area. After walktng on the wooden �amp and aut onto the docks it is my opinlon that if thls area were to , become known to yaung adutts lt would become an attractive ' nuisance and be very difficutt for us ta handie. • . 4. It ts my opin#on thet the area shauld be fenced aff by cyclone fencing to prevent unauthorized and espectally late night unauthorized �ccess to the are�. Policy Develapment Depa�tment: , The currenfi zoning for the City nf Renton street end at N. 52nd �nd vicinity is R-i . The R-I zone is the basic residentia 1 zone 1n the City Cade and permits singte famiiy detached houses on 7200 squafie faat building tats. The zane ts intended to prahfbit the devetopment � af Inca�at3ble uses that are detrtmentat ta the residen#lat � env 1 ronmsnt. The Car►prehens 1 ve P l an fo� th i s area recanx�er►ds s i ng!e � famtly residenttal uses. Chai�man Houghton advised the audience that by Ordlnance passed ln I� 1984 the Boa�d of Pubiic Works 1s naw required to set a fee, without I I excaptian, far �ny use permit granted. There are two fees - 1) single famtiyiduplex restdent $# Si0.00 per yesr; and, 2? AII ather � cases the fee is 1/2 ofi i� of adJacent property valu�#ion. in thts I case the Renton Sa i ! i r�g �rou!d fa! ! under �'2; the area 1 s 60 x !5Q, or 9,000 sq. ft. (approximately 520.00/sq. ft,I or 5900 per �wnth. Larry Warren, Clty Attorney, expressed hts concerns �bout the I� Itabtltty invotved and that the Club shouid have more insu�ance � caversge naming the City as addttional insured. He felt th�t the, I � cur�ent t304,000 being ratsed ta il ,000,000, as the Ctub had . ,I I I i ��r � �� I : i - - eoA�a af Pua�i c wo�cs _ • D�cember 4, i985 Fage Etght � volunteered to do, wauld possibly not be enough. Ne sugges#ed that perhaps durir�g these perticular ttmes SlrOQ4�000 wti'h an umbrel {a of ES,OOO,OpO would be more ta #he potrit. Mr. Warren fu�ther advtsed that he has a lat of concerns ref. Ilabililty af people outstde of the ciub being on thts slte. The questian af this being a fixed operatian and the issues it raises canstituttonalty were discussed by Mr. Warren. Ne strassed that he Is troubted by thls lssue and that maybe tt could be resalved by ' fencing but because tt Is a quast use tt brings up other questlons. Ne acknowledged that the agreements Mr. Foe discussed were In fact a reaiity but on the other hand there are places where thls #ype af operatton can not be lacated on street end. � The lack of ineeting different City codes, usage of single famiiy area, and liability ques#tons were a11 issues Mr. Warren fett needed #o be scrutinized carefully. , Mr, Lee, Renton resident, stated for the record he felt the 5900 per nanth permtt fee woutd "be a steal". La�ry Springer sald he personally preferred not ta make � decision today as the Sailing Ctub did not address the issues sa he couid logicaily carment on them. He further stated that his other opinian is that they had gone thraugh stl of the matertsl a ya�r ago and found It was not an appropria#e use ther� bu# hsd gtven the Salltng Giub a year to find another tocatton and sa far to date he had not heard anything new. He felt the permlt shoutd ba terminated because nothing new had trar�spired. � Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant, asked what the current membership of the Saiiing Ctub was. Qebble Scheuerman, Renton Sailing Ctub, stated th�t there were cu�rently 43 me�ers, some being tlfe-tlme members and sane not active. j ~ Jim Matthew asked if this was a No�-Prafit Organizatton - �eply was yes. �� Mike Parness toid the group that he felt the Renton Sstling Club � shoui� be �tiawed to rebut ref. the concerns of a! t cltlzens, Glty staff, �nd City Attorney. Chairman Haughton recessed the meeting for 5 minutes. The meeting resumed at i0:05 S.m. Mr. Foe sa i d he fe I# new zor�t ng #odc p!ace 1� t 982 and perhaps t he�-e ' Is s #ype of grandfather optlon whlch could be utlllzed for the Club. -8- , � ,80AR0 Q� PtiBL i C M10RK S � . Decea�er 4, !985 Page Nlne fn terms of the responses provided by Bullding, Ffre, Design Engineering and Pollce, ane of the cans(stent things ts the parking problem. He suggested that since the prape�ty is 60 ft. wide they cauld utilize this space for parkTng R. Houghton advised that #hey couid not meet the requtrements of the current Parking and Loading Qrdinance nor poss�bly the present Shoreltne requirements. Mr. Foe did nat mean ta imply to create new parking lot, rather use whafi is currentiy there, possibly having to restrict Saiiing Ciub mambership parking. As fia safety facto�s, Renton Sailing C1ub riii provtde #hese. Flre Extingulsher that F�re pepar#ment asked fcr - they presently hava one. As to ssfety equtpment, a! ! instructors are Red G�oss certified. They would acqulre a CB radia also. Mr. Foe would also Ilke the oppo�tunity to Mark with the nelghbors, rather than getting angry would 11ke ta Mork with them. 'I Cambustibie tnetertols - Mr. Foe suggested obtaining a steei garbage ca� fcr these. _ Sanitatlon - it was not clear ta Mr. Foe xhat klnd of �rtolatlon had occurred in this area. Ron Nelson replted #hat the Ctty had not stated there were "vtolations" yet Just strong concerns about the � facillties. �i One of the �esidents asked 1f the City rauld consider lodcing at , using tha Parks Department for the satuttan. Mr. Webley, Parks Qirector, was present, and satd that the tssue lnvalved much mo�e than �ust sailing lessoas. If the Parks Qepartment were to g�# involved with the Renton Satling Cl�b tt opens up many diffe�ent � types of argan(zatlons wanttng to be allowed the same type of � .. privt leges. Ms. Crawford stated th�t the Sailing Glub has had a year fio find � another place and should have taiked to Mr. Webley about it. � Mr. Webley stated they had talked to hlm abou# It a�d the rowl�g peaple, hydro people, etc. have alsa approached him. He adYlsed that they are somewhat �estricted a�nd the Park Board has to lodc at �hat Is best for public benefit. He edvised that would look at what the outcome of thts would be and consider if there are any atternatives. � M�s. Dana stated Mr. Webley had asked the neighbors to bear with the � Clty three yea�s ago, and again tast year, and it stt11 does nat look, ' � � Ilke #he Ciub is gait�g #a move. . _gM . ' ^ BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS ' ') ' December 4, 1985 Page Ten r M�, Lee asked how many people In the club mer�e actuatly from Ren#on. � Mr. Springer suggested that thts questlon was �ot retevant. I Mike Parness add�essed the Renton Satltng Club: While we are very sympathetic with the Sailing Ciub and applaud their effarts in the pubiic service area, I da think the items have been addressed. Realtsticaiiy the zani�g is nat a problem but the S�iling Ciub activi#y is In confitct wtth the nelghbarhood. Acttvity of #his type shauld be avatded in a nelghbarhood where there are chlidren, single famlly resldentlal homes and parking problems. !t ts creating a hazardous sltuatton and we �re concerned about #hese other problems (parking problems, etc.) even rtthout Rentan Safting G�oup tnere. I complement you on upgrading yaur aperatlon. If thts was truly a � quasi-use you wouid have to look at provldtng parking and sanitation faciiities rhich are of prime concern at this site. . The maJor issues consequentiy remain #he same. Mcved by PItRt�IESS, secondad by NEISON, that based upon parkir�g, santtatlon, �sigAbor probl+�s ��►sulttng In a hazardcws condEttan the perolt be dented an� ths Ren#on Salling C{ub be nottfled to cease oper�atton wltRln 3Q days, � A 1 sa to not 1 fy theu they can appes�I to the He�nr I n� Exaiai nar r i th t n a 14-day pertod. S�conded by NELSON MATTHEW AMENDED M8TlON TO tNCI.t�E "Cease and remove operation . within 30 days." SPRINC�ER SECONDED MOTtON. MATTHEW AMENDED THE AMENQMENT ta read: "30 days fran exptratlon of current revocable permtt (whlch Is December 31 , 1985) ." QUE5TION ON MUTION: By Renton Saill�g Club - "time af year� a�d weather conditions preciude removal at this tlme." MATTNEM AMIEI�ED TNE JIMEi�I#NT TO REJ�D: "Cease and �enove operation �r t th t n 90 �ays #�a� the +�xp t ra#I on af current r�rvocab 1 e pen i t t rh t ch is Dece�abs� 31 , i985) provided approprlate insurance coverage is �alntatned and operatlon of the fac! ltty csases." MOTl4N CARttlED tNote: The Renton Saiiing Club operation shouid cease immediateiy and be rernaved by March 31 , 1986.3 Mr. Sprlrtger recarmended to the Renton Saliing Gtub that they �pproach the Park Bo�rd to work out some type of relationshlp with them #o continue to provtdtng publ (c services, Moved by SPRINGER, that the Board send copy af these minutes ta R�ntan Park Baard and a letter asking the Park Baard to wark out arrangements with the ,. R+enton Ssiltng Club. DIED F4R IACK OF SECOND. -. Nelsan moved to ad�journ meeting at 10: 15 s.m. -10- . �' OF R�� � � `` THE CITY OF RENTON •, ., o � ,� � z MUNICIPAL BUILOING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o � � BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, 9Ao �,�� CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 9�TF� SEPS��O� November 13, 1985 Mr. Allen K. Foe Mullavey, Prout, Grenley, Sonkin, Foe and Lawless P. O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98117 Re: Renton Sailing Club; Use of Public Right of Way Dear Mr. Foe: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of November 11, 1985, referred your letters of September 23, and November 5,� 1985, to the Board of Public Works. The Council informed the Sailing Club representa- tive that the subject o� the renewal of streetend use permit for North 52nd Street (formerly S.E. 72nd) is by ordinance under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works with the right of appeal to the Hearing Examiner and Superior Court. Mrs. Patricia Porter, Secretary of the Board of Public Works, (235-2569) will notify you of the time and the location of the Wednesday morning meeting. The Renton City Council accepted the invitation to become acquainted with the activities of the Renton Sailing Club and has set the Committee of the Whole meeting for your presentation on December 12, 1985, in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Please contact Mr. Michael Parness, Admini- strative Assistant, for the exact time you are scheduled for the � presentation. Mr. Parness is available on telephone 235-2580. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have further questions concerning the meetings. Yours truly, CITY OF RENTON • f, - �� Maxine E. Motor City Clerk cc: Ms. Debbie Scheuerman Mr. Frank Morgan '� Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor John Reed, Council President Board of Public Works � ^ ' Renton City Council 11/11/85 Page two Public Hearing continued Vacation of Alley Mr. Anderson questioned validity of the petition since a between Bronson required excerpt of the corporate bylaws was not included Way N./N. 2nd Street by the petitioner; and felt the only benefit from the alley and Garden Avenue N./ vacation would be accrued by the property owner, not the public. Meadow Avenue N. (Bryant Motors) Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue North, urged denial of the ' VAC 006-85 request, and cited prior problems with Bryant Motors regarding parking of buses and trucks on residential streets. She continued questioned whether emergency vehicles or delivery trucks would be allowed to use the alley if the vacation were granted. Versie Vaupel , 1402 North 2nd, felt that the vacation request is premature since the petitioner has also applied for rezone of two residential lots abutting the alley and the outcome has not been determined. She cited earlier comptaints by neighbors regarding parking, noise, trash and weeds which have been relayed to the petitioner; and claimed that since the site is already overused, vacating the alley for private use would increase that condition. Photographs of the site were circulated and concerns expressed regarding contamination of City water wells in Liberty Park by oil and grease on the subject site. Mrs. Vaupel urged retention of the alley for emergency access, felt State law should be changed to require payment of full appraisal amount to the City, and indicated her opinion that the vacation is not in the public interest since it may jeopardize public health and safety with continued dumping of oil and paint in the alley. Bill Bryant, 1300 t3ronson Way, petitioner for Bryant Motors, indicated the desire to use the alley at a future date when the existing motel buildings and house are removed and the site is redesigned to accommodate a fire lane. He reported that the additional property, when appropriately zoned from R-2 to B-1 for the proposed use, will improve maneuverability of 40-foot long buses and trucks brought to the site for service, and will provide for parking and storage of equipment. When these plans are executed, on-street parking will be relieved and� in turn, the neighborhood will benefit. Mr. Bryant indicated that relocation was an undesirable atternative to expansion since the family-owned business has been at the same address for 40 years and there is no intention to sell . He advised willingness to keep the alley open as required until such time as other property becomes available through removal of the existing buildings. Councilmembers discussed the timing of the request in view of future rezone and site plan approval procedures. Also, in consideration of departmental staff requests that the alley remain open for emergency and utility access, it was determined that the alley vacation may be premature at this time. It was then MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED Vacation Denied BY HUGHES, COUNCIL DENY THE VACATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Debbie Scheuerman, 3834 NE 6th Street, representing Renton Ren Sailing Sailing Club, addressed the Council regarding the interim &lub Permit permit agreement issued to Renton Sailing Club for use of PAG 1252-68 street right-of-way at the end of SE 72nd Street, due to "'�"" expire on 12/31/85. Consideration was requested of letters from Alan Foe, legal counsel for the Club, dated 9/23/85 and 11/5/85, proposing continuation of the interim use by the Club at its current location; and requesting permission for the Renton Sailing Club to apprise members of the Council or a Council committee of its activities in the community. Moved by Hughes, seconded by Clymer, Council permit the Board of Public Works to continue with the review process in this matter. To clarify the intent of the motion to exclude Council direction or policy in this matter since the permit fatls under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works, a substitute motion was offered. SUBSTITUTE MOTION: MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL INFORM THE RENTON SAILING CLUB THAT THE JURISDICTION IN CURRENT CITY LAWS FOR THIS MATTER IS THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE COUNCIL HAS NO INTENT OF INTERFERING IN THAT PROCESS.-� y � Renton City Council 11 /11/85 Page three Audience Comment Renton Sailing Council discussion indicated desire that the correspondence Club Permit from Mr. Foe be referred to the Board; and the Board should PAG 1252-68 respond to each item cited in Mr. Foe' s memorandum of 9/23/85• continued Mayor Shinpoch further clarified that should the Renton Sailing Club be dissatisfied with the decision of the Board of Public Works, an appeal would be directed to the City' s Nearing Examiner and/or Superior Court, *MOTION CARRIED. On the request to acquaint Councilmembers with the activities of the sailing club, it was MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE REQUEST OF THE RENTON SAILING CLUB TO ACQUAINT COUNCILMEMBERS WITH ITS ACTIVITIES BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. (Matter scheduled for Committee of he Whole meeting on 12/12/85 at 7:30 p.m.) AUDIENCE COMMENT Robert R. Valla, 107 Main Avenue South �#103, requested Advance to consideration of the Planning and Development Committee Old Business report regarding City of Renton Parks and Recreation Department application for stte approval to instatl playground equipment at Jones Park, east of Wells Avenue South and south of the Cedar River; File No. SA-061-85; appeal filed by Robert R. Valta. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Planning and a report indicating that the statement submitted by Mr. Valla, Development dated November 7, 1985, contains references to numerous factual Committee matters which are not a part of the record of the Hearing Renton Parks E Examiner. As such, those matters constitute new evidence. Recreation Since the Committee did not authorize the submission of new Department Site evidence, the statement is rejected and shall be considered Approval only to the extent that it contains arguments on behalf of (Jones Park) Mr. Valla' s position. The Committee found no significant SA 061-85 error of fact or law in the decision of the Hearing Examiner. Valla Appeal The appellant urges the Committee to consider the proposed timing of the potential reconstruction of the Wells Street Bridge. However, the Committee found that the timing of the construction is irrelevant to the evaluation of the site plan proposed by the Parks and Recreation Department for playground equipment at Jones Park. Any danger inherent in the construction of the bridge must be considered by the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments if and when reconstruction of the bridge commences. Therefore, the Planning and Development Committee recommended that the City Council affirm the decision of the Hearing Examiner, dated 9/17/85. Mr. Valla distributed a second statement, dated 11/11/85, to atl Councilmembers. Mayor Shinpoch pointed out that because the material was not presented to the Hearing Examiner at the time of the hearing, it is extraneous and cannot be considered by the City Council . at the present time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT TO UPHOLD THE HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch summarized Mr. Vall.a' s requests: that the Council consider the information he has submitted, deny pxpenditure of funds for the playground equipment until after the Wells Avenue Bridge has been replaced, study � traffic patterns in the area, and reassess feasibility of placement of equipment in Jones Park. Councilwoman Mathews presented letter from Parks Director John Webley which recommended that installation of the playground equipment be deferred until construction of the Wells Avenue bridge is finished in 1987. Therefore, funding of the equipment would be included in the 1987 budget for installation in the summer of that year. � �► a�ED MULLAVEY,PROUT, GRENLEY, SONKIN,FOE�s LAWLF.SS aitorneys and counselors at taw 2401 N.W.SIXTY-FlhTH SEA77ZE, WASHINGTON 9BI17 P.O. Box 705G7 98107 (206) 789-2511 TF.LEX 329473(BURGESS SEA)A7TN.MPG•3� C'HA1P7RCN.MULLAVEY LAURIEJ.NORNES 'RICHARD L PROUl,P.G T����MPP ••HENRYW.GRENLEY JEFPREYE BROWN lXVING A SONKlN ���x�E November 5, 1985 cx�coxY�rawr.Ess Renton City Council ' City Hall 200 Mill Avenue Renton WA 98055 Re: Renton Sailing Club: ', S.E. 72nd Street Use Permit Dear Members of the Renton City Council: On behalf of the Renton Sailing Club, I wanted to follow up on my letter of September 23, 1985, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference. Several Club members have � expressed an in�erest in meeting with the City Council or a committee of the City Council (for example, the Public Safety committee} in order to more fuliy acquaint you with the activities of the Renton Sailing Club. You will recall that the Club is operating at the 72nd Street streetend on the basis of a revocable permit which terminates December 31, 1985. This p�blic-spi�ited organization is on its last legs, artd �h� Ci�� fac�s the prospect of losing a very substantial pub13:C.'�a�nef�.� thraugh the �.oss o� the Renton Sailing Club. You� consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. � Very yo rs, � . a�n F e AKF/sc . CR1f OF REHTOI�I Enclosure � a � cc: Renton Sailin Club � g nC �trv Cl.FRMS O�CE � , , ALL ADMl77ED IN WASNlNG71DN/•�eso�nnrrrren nvuuss�cf►userrs i ••erso�n,�msv nv r�s s re�w�n i ...�eso,w�mav nvn�iv roxre _ � � � � ����V C � ��� .� °� R�ti � �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON, WASHINGTON U ,� � Z YOST OFFICE BOX 626 100 8�nd 8TREET • RENTON, WA&MNOTON o8067 ?bb-0070 p � � LAWRENCE J. WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANlEL KELLOGG� AS819TANT GTY ATTORNEY 9'� Q,`0� DAVID M. DEAN, AS818TANT CITY ATTORNEY �TE� SEP'�E��� MARK E. BARBER, A8818TANT CITY ATTORNEY ZANETTA L. FONTES� A8818TANT GTY ATTORNEY October 2 5, 19 S 5 MARTHA A. FRENCH�A8818TANT CITY ATTORNEY Mr . Alan Foe Attorney at Law . 2401 N.W. 65th Seattle, Washington 98117 Dear A1: Following your recent phone call about the status of the � Sailing Club matter, I talked with the Mayor. Your letter to the City has been referred to the Renton City Council for actfon. The Mayor as an administrative official found your �� �� r ive but notes that the Sailin Club has letter very imp ess g a permit valid through the end of the calendar yeax 1985 . Because of this she plans to take no action on your request. ' At the same time, acknowledging the fact that your letter is before the City Council, she requests that they reply to you. It may be that a committee of the City Council would wish to meet with you and your clients. We will have to await their decision on how to handle the correspondence� To summarize, the Mayor plans to take no action on the Sailinq Club' s request, feeling that a permit still is in existence and that she does not want to second guess the Board of Public -� Works' action on December 31, 1985. The City Council still has the matter before it and it may act as it wishes. If the City Council defers its action, the Sailing Club permit is good until December 31, 1985 and on or before that time it may make a request for an extension of time J If the Cau�cil does not assume any jurisdiction over this problem, then any appeal from the Board of Public Works' decision would be to the Hearing Examiner of the City of Renton and thereafter to Court. I thought you would like to know the status of this matter and the procedural steps that could be taken hereafter without spending several hours in the library. , Very truly yours, Lawrence J. Warren LJW:nd cc: Mayor , � '1 • ~ �� �fULI.AtiE}; PROUT, GR�7,El; SONKIN, FOE tss LAWLF.SS � attorne3�s and counselors at !aw 24�)!N.lt':•SLYTT 17/•7N .�I:A17ZF., if:1.S1!/NGTON�117 P.O. Box 'OS(7 )8107 (2�)l) 7F9-251J TEII•.X_;29-�73(RURGFiS SG1)AITN.MPG30G CHARLE:�,V.,11f2LA�E1' LAURIEf.h'ORN�S '/UGflARD L PROi•7,P.G THERESA SCHRF.MPP ••HEVRS {['GRE�ZEY fEFFRE}'E BROWN ••'/RVING A SO.VlUiv ALANKFOE September 23 , 1985 , GREGORYJ.LAWLF.SS ' . Hon. Barbara Shinpoch, Mayor �Q�N „ � Rento.n Park Board ��f^', ;,'!^ �e • Renton Ci ty Counci 1 ` .,;. r�`'f-� City Hall � �� .,,- 200 Mill Avenue ' Renton WA 98055 Re : Renton Sailing Club -- S .E . 72nd St . Use Permit PROPOSAL FOR CONTINUE�D INTSRIM USB OF S.E. 72nd ST. END Dear Mayor Shinpock, Lad 'ies and Gentlemen of the City C�uncil and Park Board: The Renton Sailing Club is an unaffiliated, public-spirited group of individuals whose primary � - � concern is to make instruction and sailing very small craft available to the public at large. The Club was formed over 20 years ago, and since February of 1968 , has operated under a use permit for a site at S .E. 72nd Street for storage ahd launching of small boats. The s�ailboats involved are C-Larks ( 14 ' in length) and E1 . Toros (8 ' in length) . � The Club is currently offering s�iling classes, advertised through the Renton Vocational-Technical School, two nights a week. There is also limited advertising tt�rough the Parks Department. Under . current conditions, the facility is neither over-crowded nor Congnst�d. • tlnfortunately , in January oF 1985 , the Board of Public Works responded i�o certain concerns that had been raised, primarily relative to the City' s potential � liability, and the use of a street end by a "private" . organization, and terminated the Club' s use permit for the S . E . 72nd Street site effective D,ecember 31 , 1985 . ' (Exhibits D� E E F on file in C�ty Clerk's Office.) 1 ALL ADMl77F.D/A'RAS///NG1t��/ '�LfO ADMI77ED/�'NAICAf.H(5ET7S� "ALSO ADM/T7FIJ Iti TFXA.f 6 HAWAII/ "'ALfO ADMI77ED INAE�'YURX . .-., � , � Hon. Barbara Shinpoch Renton Park Board Renton City Council September 23 , 1985 � Page Two Therefore, the purpose of this letter is to propose a , continuation of the interim use by the Renton Sailing . Club• of the S .E . 72nd Street street end. The remainder o� this letter will address the primary issues in . support of that proposal. FIRST PRIORITY -- PUBLIC INTEREST , The primary goal of the Renton Sailing Club is to provide an opportunity to the public at large Eo gain experience in the use of small sailboats. Attached to his letter as Exhibits "A" and "B" are co ies of t p drawings of the E1 Toro and� C-Lark sailboats used by the Club. The boats are small and relatively simple to operate, and a beginning sailor can learn all of the fundamental principals of sailing in a safe, controlled setting under the supervision of experienced, dedicated teachers. Sailing classes have been offered to the public at,large through Renton High School, Renton Vocational-Techntcal � School, Green River Community College, the Girl Scouts and other public service organizations. ' � It must be emphasized that the sailing classes that are offered are unique in the Renton area. Neither the Park . Board nor any ott�er private or . public agency offers the public at large the opportunity to learn to sail on an "a.t cost" basis. Presently , the Club offers sailing instruction, and the use of the vessels through the Renton Vocational- Technical Institute. The fee charged by RVTI is $35 .00 for the entire course oF instruction. That covers Renton Vocational-Tech' s administrative and advertising costs, as well as the entire amount allocated to. the up-keep of RSC vessels, insurance, operating cost"s , instructors' time, etc. The classes are carried on with ' both p�id and volunteer instructors . � , � __-�_-- �` Hon. Barbara Shin�och Renton Park Board � Renton City Council September 23 , 1985 Page Three Clearly , the classes and facilities are maintained and carried on as a labor of love and communi�y service rather than as a profit-making venture. Each member of the �tenton Sailing Club is required to donate several hours of ' service each year to repair and maintain the � facilities. . ' The Renton Sailing Club has offered its services to the Renton community for some 20 years. While it is possible that the Park Department will someday assume this role, in the interim, the Renton Saili�ng Club fills � a unique function for the benefit of the cornmunity at large. , The primary problems that have been identified with operation of the Club relate to potential liability, and exclusive use of public property by a non-public agency. Neither concern is insoluble. LIABIL.ITY INSURANCE The Renton Sailing Club currently carries an all-risk type policy naming the City of Renton as an additional insured, with limits of liability of $ 300 ,000 . That liability insurance provides coverage for a11 types oE risk related to use of the f�cilities and equiprnent of � the Club. Checking with Bob Russell, of the Hub Insurance Agency�; it would be possible to raise these limits of liability to $ 1 ,000 ,000 (and possibly higher) if request.ed by t11e City of� Renton. The additional cost of that insurance would be born by the Club membership and by a small raise in the amount charqed for classes . �'he total cost for the chanye would amoun� to about $ 150 per year, and therefore would not be a subst�ntial burden. The terms of the use permit relative to the 72nd Street property require that the Club hold the City of Renton , harmless from any claim or liability. It is the intent of the Renton Sailing Club th.at it be fully • self-insured, and that the City of Renton be fully covered for all risks at�endant to use and operation of . . � . �.-._T,.. . ,.. .�,.�.. -, r , Hon. Barbara Shinpoch Renton Park Board Renton City Council September 23 , 1985 Page Four the premises and facilities, and that the City of Renton be exposed to no risk beyond that. We believe that the City' s concerns are _met by the combination of a good � � j insurance policy and a hold tiarmless agr�ement . I USE OF THE S .W. 72nd STREET END IS NON-EXCLUSIVE AND IT . . IS INTENUED TO BENEFIT THE PUBLIC GF.NERALLY � As a beginning point, the Renton Sailing Club does not fully util.ize the entire 72nd street end. Attached as Exhibit "C" is an area map of the street end. .The i entire streetend is 60 ' in width. As you face the lake , the left-hand portion is marshy, and a ramp about 4 ' in width has been constructed across the marshlands accessing the floats. The use oE the floats entails the use of about half of the portion of the street end covered by water, and about 25$ of the entire street end. < From a constitutional perspective, it is important to ' note that the use by the Renton Sailing Club is in£ended to directly benefit the public at large. This type of agreement is not without precedent and has passed constitutional muster. I have attached for you.r reference copies of three exemplar agreements, the first between the Seattle Sailing Foundation and the State Department of Pa�ks and Recreation/Fort Warden State Park ( Exhibit "D" ) . The second is between the City of . Seattle and the Seattle Sailing Association (Exhibit "E" ) , and the third is between King County and the Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association ( Exhibit "F" ) . It should be not�d that Slade Gorton, then the Washington State Attorney General, approved the For_ r Warden agreement. Clearly , use of a public street end or other put�lic property .by an organ.ization providing a direct benefit to the public does not violate either the federal or . state constitution, and it is to be contrasted with use of a street end by a private individual or business For , � private� or commerc.ial purposes. Further, the sail'ing • activitfes. occupy only 25� of the street end area, the ' � . , �� Non. Barbara Shinpoch Renton Park eoard Renton City Council � September 23 ,. 1985 Page Five , sailing activities can co-exist in harmony with altern ate uses of that street end. ( It should be parenthetically. noted that, at present, there is no � othez substantial public use of that street end. ) � INTERIM SOLUTION � The use of the 72nd Street street end i.s praposed as an . � interim - not a permanent - solution. Presently, .there are no accep�able alternative sites available either to the City of Renton or to the Renton Sailing Club. The Gene Coulon Park has boat launching facilities. However, those facilities have two fundamental problems . First , it is necessary for the 8 ' and 14 ' sailboats to , share those facil.ities with powerboats and a cast of thousands . While it may be acceptable for some of the more adventurous "rough and ready"-type sailors to buck a three-foot breaking wake in an 8 ' E1 Toro, the situation can be summed up in the words of one father , "I will not bring my 5 year old son out sailing in a � smali boat under those dangerous conditions" . The ._ _ second problem with Gene Coulon Park is that the present , location of the boat launch fnakes it difficult or ' impossible �to �launch unmotorized sailboats under certain wind conditions. There are two alternate locations that have been suggested for long-term development which do not share those faults, one in the far .north portion of Gene Coulbn Parkr and the second at Kenneydale Park. � ' - Neither of those sites is presently available, and even if development were to begin immediately, would not � become available for several �yea'rs. SITE IMPROVEMENTS The Renton Sailing Club has substantially improved its facilities in response to sorne complaints. They are be � . willing to further improve the site within reasonable limits, given the interim nature of the use, and also provide a security system, such as a fence and gate, • th'at the City may request. • � . ' • � � �\ � Hon. Barbara Shinpoch Renton Park Board Renton City Council Se�ptember 23 , 1985 Page Six SUMMARY In siammary , I believe that all of the City' s technical concerns have been or can be met in a manner that is . wholly satisfactory to the City of Renton. The sailing activities at present are not operating to the full ' capacity of the site, but it is anticipated that within � a Few years, it will be necessary to review this use, and perha�s relocate the faciliti�s permanently. Additionally, we would anticipate the possibility of the Park Board adopting this activity or creating a program of its own that will serve the function that_ the Ren�ton Sa,iling Club now provides. . In the meantime, however, the Renton Sailing Club' s use of the S.W. 72nd Street street end is probably the only ' reasonable use to which the property can be put. That property is not subject to vacation under State law, rt is too small fo.r a park, and simply does not fit into any existing plan or category of use. Personally, -as a long-time resident of the State of Washington, I view the inland lakes and Puget Sound as a unique and precious resource that is rapidly becoming inaccessible to the public at large. Renton is fortunate to have a small group of public-spirited citizens willing to volunteer their time and eFfort so that others can enjoy learning to sail' these small boats . It is therefore respectfully req,uested �hat the interim use of the S .W. 72nd Street streetend be continued and that alternate provisions for this activity be explored. � � Sincerely, Alan K. Foe . AKF/sc • cc: Renton Sailing Club • Enclosures • � . � - ....+w•-s-- - .__ ,_.� �. � y F. d�� �t 1 / t . ;�� . � ' �/ 1 � • ; I� � ,��. � , . � � r !` v��'�Cl 1 t .� � r � `� d � � � � ' � ` � i. ��., , � "� { . � " , � � �, . ' • ,� , � . . 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' ti� .: �-r.... 1 � � • +u... • ��IA� . j n 1.ength Over Ait; 7'lI" + 1" Load Water tine: 7'-3 1t116" max. 8eam: 46' t 1" Draught (board downj: 22" f Sait Area: 40 sq, ft. ; Displacement: 8U tbs, min. . 1,2 �: 3 1!� knots �' EXHIBIT "A'" , ,. __. _.._._.. �+�r;ewM.,.',M„ . . . . - . _"�w�•►**---- — -----— — —— -- — � � � C-LARK DAYSAII.ER f� � � . • � ' . � � , - , z , � � . , f ' � ' . I ' y I - . , � � _ �-_... .. �f ��I I • � wr�� � Lenght Over All: 14'0" Load Water line: 14'Q" Beam: 5'8 Z!2" Draught {board up}, 0'9" (board d�wnj; 4'9" � � Sait Area: 1�33`sq ft Displ3cement. 295 tbs E`i£�iIF3IT . "B„ ...... «.. � � � � . • �. � ' � ` ____ � � � r" ' ; +. � � 1 � � � � �� . � r: � . � . ! �� . , , �.�,� � .�, t v,�s�:.v�=;o,V � I ~ _t�' Et��a�a , ` ��� ---�- � ', � r- ,�, ., � - �� ' . � E , � ,,s � ;� � `�� J��/1 yyd � , �� � . � � � � .�a' _ _ ��. S , . ' ,�_ m V {Y , � +� � , � , , . .. � � �i � � �. � I -� � � ,.r.._. ..�.r,..,.. ,. ... . ,..a: y,i/%� %,;��i Y���.:..�,.: , jF,y,•pyi y y��7't`':'�s'%s',.%! :'i ��� "%'� AlGL,'�Sd t! . -s,: �. %%• � ��;r�,��; ;�i��',%�r%i� / �r ;r., %,i"/�� /r� y.,/��s;�a•y/�i��. f3r �i�,a! .M:-;�:'.'!�nsi;%�'�j���'::%i!� ,/" �3G/�,./�,;,.��r.� . � //y���rr -S , � l�j.%/; � + �j ii e �j�; ;� � �;%.;�reFsrc� ' "' " ° /(/��� - . _,._ .. ;.. ___._.,_ — , :>.•. ,e � . � i . � r--, - 4 - • . � � � "� i EX�iIBIT `�C�� I ------------------ � --., r..1 . , ,,,�'.,• �.�,.tili ��.� "qunci�ahOtt � ' (���: t� .—��� rn�r :�ini>orrl >Tnr� c�n�zf: MEM4RAPIDU�1 OF AGREEP4EtaT � BETLJEEP! � . IJASN i NGTON STATE PARKS A�J� RECREAT I OtJ CQP1�•1I SS I OP� r�t'l� . SEATTLE 5AILIF�G �CtiliiDA7I01J, IP;COF'.F'�RATED Ah1Eta0�-1EPdT Whereas , on the ist �fay of Juiy, 1�.17�, the �1a�hington Sta}e Pai-ks and Recrea t r',on C�rani ss on, as Parks , �^`e,-e-� ; �*�; a `'��r�•��and��r� nf �g��eF�r�ent �Ni th , . the Seattle Sai ] ing Fpundation, Incor-port3te�, as Fot,r�datian, f�r �he devel�p- � ment and operat�c�n of �ectucationai proc�rarr�s rur �.nr t�r���ar,:��;;���� tif ;-;; 15�atine in the Pacifir_ �"Jorthwest, such .activities to be conducted fror� specific areas � � and facilities ��itt�in the boundaries of Fort !lnrden State Park, and 1•lhereas , under Section 4(c) of said A�reement, Foundation ���as to main- tain in force a policy of liabiiity insurance with minimur� amounts of cover- � age ��t at 53Q0,000/304,OOt1 wi th a rninimurn u^�brplla of 5l ,OOO,OQ�1 1 iabi 1 i tJ ij coverage. In addi tion to the above r-�inim�Jn i iabi l i t� ��o��erage, Fo��ndation I F was to carry prqperty damage coverac7e in the r�inirr�r,n airount of 550,000. The ' � policies were tq list Parks as co-insured and re�;�.:ir•P a ;Q day notification � � � of cancellation clause, with Parks ta be furr�isS7er{ co��ies of tl�e aal �cy/ar I1 palicies , and , � _ �lhereas , under Section 7.01 of said Ag��eement, it 4•��s �pecifically agr�ec! b��ween t:,� par-ties thereto that any secrion o� �hfi Hyreer�ent cculd be amended � at an�i tir�e b�i rutual �onsent of �ar�c _,n i ��;ir.�;�� t � -,n , �n�.� ',lhereas , it is m��tuall�� a;reed bet4�reen ^�ir��s �r�� Foundatitin that 5ection a(C� '�.Fi�it i(� UC c�litCtiGC�� iii;.i� Tt;�r�^,f•••-�•• � It is hereby agreed, S�c`ion �(c} is herQ�}� irl� h�r��in i?�ended as follo:•�s: Sectian �(c).: Fr�unriation ��hall r,�,aintain ir� ��r-ce an in;urance � pv1 icv �Sr�f inetf <�; q�r�er�l 1 i 3bi 1 i ty r_o�J��r3q� �«r r�f,f1 i !:.` �njtary . inrl ��r���erty i rfi�r,a��f ,; � ' !� � rninirr�urn r_orr(,in��ci sin�i� �r���nr�f�e i ir�i i. �f :��')f),t}�0 �er octtarrenCe, �d�(� '�1� ` ,.y t� ►131T12 tfl(,' �'lashington �tilte Parki dflii {?^; P'^c3tlOn �On,nii5Si0n a$ , a c:�- ��,suretl, ancl shall �•e��uire a 30 d�v notir;cs � ;,;r� �ar �an�ellation clause. � . Parks snail be furnished a copy of said insurance colicy. , This Ar�endment ;h,�ll 'ae attache�i fio �he �bcv� fescr�bed h'emorandum of . Agreer�}ent and becor�e a oart th�rrof :�s �hot�cah ;e' ��ttt 'n F�.,1 � rh�r�in and ' � ; shail not affect nor aiter- �ny �ther srr.tioii �� i��o��ision �f thp above describPd � � Itemorandum of agrF�ment. I�' Dated th�s 1.a,. ciay �t ���-;1 , 1980. EXHIBIT ��D�� . � L . .... .... .... ...._......_..—..__......—.. � � � ,�� �r� ���:_ �n � � ..... ,����������. ,���� � � �.un�����n�f, u�� ��uiy � �iy, dnU c,un�inue ' � tlir'crugh f.hr 31sf. rl,iv n( I�ec r����,,,, . 1'�''�1, ,�ncl m��v I�r r_nn1 �i�ued in effc�ct �it � successive fi"ve-.year• inter�v�� l� beginninc� January l , 19�?5, unless terminated under- Sec t i on 9. -1- ( � � . � . , � - ------------------ -------------- --------- - � . --- , �'1 . ,� , SECT[()i� 2 - 11iE UE" F(2Et�I�ES . 2.Oi Perni tted Us?: The prnmf S2S si�a 11 be used hy F(?Ut1DATI0t1 far the � develapment and oaeration o� �d�rc�tiorial �rograms and spon�orshfp of programs i � for the enhancemen` o` sai Eboatinq in the Pacific tlortht•�est. i � i SECTtO(`�;.�-_ CC1�iS ID'cRAT'[ON � ` — .r` � ; 3.01 Cansicferation: FOU,fOATtOtt'$ right af use of the faciiities and prernises . 5ha11 be the �OU'rlDATIQPi'S agr�ement and cammitr�ent to expend a minimum of 54,OOU on the renovation and improver�ent af the facilities dtsc:r�ib�d h�rQin. AT1 costs ' . related ta the renavat�on, aper�tion, and maintenance of t_he f�citities ti�,f�ich may � occur during the terr� af ti�is f;greement si�alt be paid by FOUI;QATIOiJ. ,�11 such inprovement values shall accrue ta PAP,KS as a consideration of use of the facilities. SECTIOrt 4 - RESERVATIOrt At�D PERFORr�tAPiCE 4.01 Reserv�tion: PARKS reserves the rigf�t of access to the premises at all tir�es and the riqht of use of the facilities for tne conduct of official park 's bus'iness. ��.02 f'erfOrrr�nCe: tn confermanCe tiri th the use of the pr-emi se5 �nd fac i 1 : t i es covered t;nder the tf��-r.�s af th i s Ag reernen t, FCI�;,:{)AT(f�tl s na 1 1 : {a) Obta i n any necessary ar requ i red l i censes a nd par�mi t$ , cor�p ly. ti•:i th all lav�s , rules and regulations of «': ; public authority <z `fecting the facilitTes , prenises , and uses `he+~eo�. ` (b) Recognize 3nd ack.not�aTedge that Parlcs is an eq�sal opportuni ty . employer, a�nd that ��n t}erson in tl�e United States is c1e��i�d thp benefits of full and equal enjo�/r��ent �f `he riqhts of er�playrnent, or any goods , services, � � f�cilities, privile!7es , advant�ge5 , and accornmadations o�, ar on any propert� admini��tAr�d hy T'a��ys b��r�f>>e of i �ce, c�'e�d, color, age, ;ex, nati�nal �rigin, i � ur physical disab�� lity, �ryd `hat the pr��visions of thi; rertifi�� tinn a�ulies I � to all� ;'ontractors, 1es5ees , iic�nsees, ar�d c�nc�Ssianaires �pe►-.�ting u,�rier j I; � � I nv leqal �nstrument 7ssued by the Wdshtrtgton Stake Parks and Recreation t.nrnm�ss�on, �------��----- '•,. _;••:•���m amrnlntS ---------------------------� .. .., r.. � �.��i �.vnw�tf 3J iUII� � (C� Pi�ini�7in �n �� j,��1i� y �f' ll��f�fllfv i�i=;�i�� � witir minimu��a an�t���nts . � . ', of r.c�verage �et. at 5.3t�(1,O�t)/300*000 with a minimum ��mbre11�7 of �1 ,OOO,QOO. i.iability coverage. In arJdi r-ion tc the abav� minimc�m 1 iabi 1 i ty covei{aqe, FOUtJDAT10td shal l carry property dar�age coverage in the minir�um ar.�o+�nt, of SSQ,OQQ. The above - � polic.ies shal ) list Parks as co-insured and require a 30 day natification of . cancellation ciause. PARF:S shall be furnished a copy of all paiicies. i � I . . . I . , . � • - . . � � � —�....�.,�———- - - .,,,,,,,,,,...:�-'_`� -- � -��- �� , , ' (d) Aqrr�• fh,�t ,., t�n�nlinn.il ��n�1 ��ul�liritv ri�it.e.r•i<, � Sh�ll inr_lucie a credit line� rec��qni:i��q th,�t. thr� ��rr)qrdm and/or faC� lities are conducted and!or �perated . ir, Conju��ctior �;�i Ch I'arE:s. SECT;O'� 5 - fACILITIES - UTI�L171ES � 5.01 facilities : � OJI;UA? J0�1 is ora�tf�ci the exclusive use of eKi�tina � t,ui i�ina n;;�•:�.��-���; �r�, ;;nc t��r- usr� of ap�r'oxin��tely one-half of ;,Ui ldino numt�er 5t�1 , r��;�r� i n:, t.,�� f'.�-f:�; r he ri�nt t� uti l i�e one-ha l f of the bui l di ng for con- cession �er�-ic : � . 5.U2 C'ti ?i ��es: �i�U':���;7i0„ is autf�orized to extend or revise the exist�ng Fo�-t !.1^;-^e�' ���.`__ �'>�; e i t=��i-i�a � , se',���ge. and �•��ter Cnl'Vi Ce to bui l;'i r�qs �f12 �nd 501 as deemP� ,,c,_��; � ` � - • sa�-�. �o neet i,ts need. A'll ��:or� related to the ex�en�,icn cr ' revision of utility cerv�ces shall cor�ply with all city, county, and state co�es. 5.03 Uti 1 i ty Cl�a�-ges: Charges and mode of payments to PARI;S for uti 1 i ties shall be establ ished by the tlanager, Fort k'orden State Park. , SECTIOIJ 6 - OPERATIOIJ - P,EPAIR AND MAIf�TEWAhCE 6.01 Operation: FC�U��DA7ION shall develop, promulgate, and enforce all rules and ►-egulations deemed necessary and appropriate for all pr�ograms and facility use: Such r-ules and regulations si�all be subject to appr-Uvcl by P,^•.��;5. 6.�02 Re��a i r: FOU��DAT10�� sha 1 1 be respons i bl e for the ►-Enova ti on and repair of Building ��2 and that po►-tion of building 501 as utilized by FOU�•�DAiIGII and the exten;ion or revisiori• of the utility systems thereto fror� th�ir inter- connect with the nar-►� prir�ary systems. All projects to be .coo�•dinated throueh � the I�lanaaer, Fort ',lorcien St�te Fark. 6.03 � ft�ii„t� n,�r�,c�: f(IU�;G�T10I: shall hF� res���nsihlF for the ri,1�110E°11r�nr�e of Building 5�? ��nd t.h�t ��or-tion o,f building 501 as de;cr-ibed in 5.�)1 and 5.0�2 above and the utility Syster�5 thereto durinq the term �F this /IcrE'ement. � 6.04 The value of all �-enovation, re��air, and maintenance of facilities and systems shall accrue to �'t+►�fS. , �C�T•��� � ^"�;;vr'�r�tr, . 7.01 It is herein s�erifically agreed between th� parties hereto that . .. � any section of this Aa�-een,ent r.:ay be an,ended at any time by mutual consent of I , • -------------------------- ��nc! sy�t�ms st�aii a�.�., ,,,.,�4., ------------------------------ � ----------------- . ^� �,� r.f "i�� l ��ti< <�����(���Tt' 7.Q' ft ?s .}�erein S�Pcifically ac3rr�ed betweeri the partirs hereto that any section of thifi 11q�-Pement r,aay be amended at any t�me by mvtual consent of PARY,S �nd FOUtdDATIOPd, and tha.t no section c�f this Ac�rt�eme�5t �revents the �drti�5 hereto from ja.intly participating in any deveiopment, program, or study relating� tp facilities or n�anagement responsibilities , or jo�ntly joinin� others . f • � � ' I t I '� ...... ...... ........... ._..... � � � hy ��uch rt��r•remr�r�t� �r ��" '�rn��nl -, , � . , ;EC11U�J f' - I IAf31LITY $,O1 F�II'J011il(j�; �ur�e���. to ciPfen�1 �nr� ht�l�i h�r����l�5s ('ARI:S ; it�, offic�r5, aqents , or employees , its succe�,sors �nd assiuns , ayainst any and all clains suffered or alleged to be suffered an the prernises or arising out of any oper- � ation author-ized under this Agreement. � 8.02 By enter�i ng i nto thi s AQr-eement, f'/IR;;� submi ts to no 1 i�bi 1 i ty other than the perforr�ance of this t-leriorandun� of Aareement. SECTIOt� 9 - TEF��•tI�JATIO(! - 9.O1 Termination: This Agreement, after the initial termination on . December 31 , 1934, �,ay be ter►�inated u�on the corT,pletion of any five-year term • thereafter by ei ther PAP,Y,S or FOU�lDATIOPJ .i f ei ther pat-ty shal l have provided notice to the other� 90 days' in advance thereof stating a reasonable justification of termination. Reasonable justification sf�all include, but shall not be lirrited tu, funding changes; Folicy er pr�arz�;atic charaes or legislati,:'! C�1!'eCt1011. In addition, this Agreement m�y be terminated at any tir��e by mutual agreement Of PARKS d►ld FOUfr'DATIO�J. Dated this lst day of July, 1979. , _ FOUIlDAT IO�J: . P���I;S: APPROVED .AfJD AGREED IIPPROVED A�dD �GREFD �SEAiTLE SAILIf1f FOU�JDAT10f�J, WASH;IiGT��! STATE FARh;S AfJD-P.ECP,EATI01� • 1f�C�RPI;RR���� CO���r�ISSi4�� _� �� �—�'"tii,,,_ Q Y: < < / i� , ` ,- •. . ,c= B Y� Z -11,�,,1- ��,�,�� _ �. , �" " � , . . �-,,� Pxesident . Charles f!. Odegaard, Dir-ector —. . ._ z�'+t�-4L— f�YY�` �—� - — Secr'etai-y ---- ---�- ------- Da te: 7 !:-f ------____— , ' APPROVED AS TO FORtt TH-1S ��day of ��,L� , 1979. � . SLADE GORTOtJ Attorney General � A /� � BY ! � �.:�-•,�"T . James H. Daven ort ( � P . Assistant Atto►•ney General �. - -- � � � ' 1?-�E CITY QF SEAT1'L� r��r Aa��c�+�z o� �Aaxs ;�rt� ��cr�f�rio�r � USE AGi2EEMENT � This AGREEMENT , is made �etween The City. of Seattle operatfng through its Qepartment �f Parks and R,ecreatic+n, hereinafter rpferre� r� as the "Department" , and the Seattle Sailing �;;ociat�on , hereinafter referreC to as "SSA", In conside�ation qf their mutual covenants contain�d herein, the partie; hereto agree as fotlows : 1 . Grant oF Ri�ht; fr�•.: le�� . A. The �epartme^C ^yr3r1t5 and -�cards to SSM f��' the t�r;n �nd upor4 tt�e . ��.,. conditions and provisions hereinafter specified the righ.ts and privileges as foltows : ' { � ) The exC�usiv�_ ;se of the stora�? ropm 1 ��.�t��1 in the 5outhwect ;eCti�n of �he Green take ��3� 1 ;r3,ft Center, ��� ich i s tie{.�i cted on Exhibi t "A" , att3C'�E'� �+�t"eto ar.: �^�y�r;,Orated !'arei n '�y r�f�r�nCe , dnd the exCl u5i v@• us� c�f h�at Slips r�:�T~:red "li" and "501 " a� 1�orth {.nsc�i t�oorage �r� 1_ake �lasrinyt�n , all 1= �7>cti �s locata�� in i�� C,ity of Sea4t1E , County cf Ki»g, St3.e bf ;r'ashinr���� , ;�4;i�h is t;?reinafter ref2rretl to ds the '�rrQ�iseS" ; d r.d ` (Z't " �e n�n-�xc� ��si ve use of �^� ��ocFs :�r fl oa � �, 1 ocate�l on Lhe =c�;�r�es� '3a�;: of Gree�' t_a�c=; '.ie ncn-exc' i.�iv� t,j�F of the �arKing }ots adjace^t `� the ;�ree� !a�ce 1fia13 Craf* Center; and tne ,�on-e �� usive v�e .of a DOr`1G'1 �f the stor��e r�o� l�;�att�i in }}.e cubiic re,tr: ' �;;ilding at Nort`� �eschi :�1GR�ra,� �r��w to etc,�d ��� oF Lh� s�ace �ra� la�: _ 1 , al; ^� which-_;�s tccat�� in *ne C� t�; af S��'t'� . C�unty of '<in�, SLate �f h3shin��:on. 2 . Term � T?l� �`,et�'Ti Oi }:'o -r��t�;;;ii� snail C0�`'f^�11C? Hpril % , �G,"� a'1� G'fl(� at ^�idn� ;rr_ '�tl ��3►'1� % � ���J� °xr�E'�,: '':�',3`i, piCher (�`dl"�,f �dj `. .'T'''1?;1 :! :� ��? S r1QY�C'1�?/;t b�/ v�'f1�t�E(1 t'0'�1('E' �1X�}' i �t�� �cl��tS �rior t.0 `_tiC' effL":'t1Va ''.1�i.4' ','here0f, 3. ',�is��� 5 Q�'iQT"�tl Otl � A. ;�a Sh�ll ' , t��i` h'�Ch f�llow5 : ( 1 ) •rr��v � d? jt i ��:SC fi�� � ���} C7 ?"S°5 eaCh yEdr i ^ u351C saili �� i;J Lh? t�attt't'3� ptJ�,'� 1'_ ,�:�=r"i't �? ?. 't C� J�•5 ',�?r3� 7 i�r��..r,1ir).i.: ` ' ;j'1 ]J�Y�I��? ;i :1vC'�VE { 12}� st�.:if�nt� . �-3i � �l.��ses shalt fie "ughL hy qcr�l ' tie� iafierica� `��� Cros, instr�lCtorS . (2l uryJ(�1Z'e �^.cj i�a'ement at 1«a�t t�*�e1ve ( 12) s�� � ing races Y:hi �h �ha? 1 . take �,�ace on ;-arr _��e �.��.h y��r during th� ter•� nereof. PartiL�aation in sai� race:, sh�,' 1 �2 �;��n to th�� 1eneral Fubl ic a,�� ui 11 be co�d;�cted . ' accCrding to the r,;�;r. � -ul�s and ;�fety ,''!�,��latio�s estahlished 5y tne Depart�nent and �j�� Sr�� , EXHIBIT ��E�� � _ ..�.,�..., � -�•�r----= i . /"'`� ' . ( ;} Zb ttt? t?t! `���2t i i.5, n+�rtit�"'n"t anr'; personr e� 5}�d13 �11���r, �5^ek naw � � , ar•eas for tt�� a�:lvance�,,�i :;� s�iling wit'�in �hn gnneral cr�mnu�ity and � �ctively s���r�rt said advancpment. , r, SSA sh�ll manage and c�rerate Pre�ises occupied and use�1 fc+r ;3ilhoat storage and sailiny equi�me��t storage hereunder so lang as it do�s n�L v.iolat� _ any ardinance of City of Seattle, or any federal or stat� law c+- re�ulation; and adhere to the palicies and regulations as set farth by the Seattle Park Code and the Superintendent af the flep.3rtment of �'arks and Recreation t'hf�reinafter "Su�erinte^dent") . SSA' s faiture to co�aly with an;� ordinance , law, re�ulation, or rule of anY 9aver`nm�^:al �fvision, �Jb-�ivi;ion , the C�spart.-en� ar the SuperintendenLy m�ty bE �_ �nsidered grounds for �rior tersninaticn of this Agreement and all rights and privileges of SS� t�erein cr !'h�r'�U�`�PP. There is expr�551_� reserved to th� O�;�drtmert the rig.ht t� termirate t"' :� �greernent, without notice to !�r• recoursp by SSA, prior ta t�e ��cpiration �ate thereof upan any of tfi�e ground; hereinabove or hereinafter set forth. � SSA expres;ly agre�; that a�}y �uthariz�d r3pr�se^t�tive af :+�e C�part�nent shal � have free access ta said Premises at a�ty and all ti�,e5 , . C . SSA shall , in resce,t of t�e grant an� a�co��� �f the r;;r,r; and privileges under t's�is Agr�Feme�t, �er,`orm as follows. - il ) .,OntrdCt •,i th �he aSSpCi�t�d �eCr-��t;on ';cuncil � ^�.re;�idf{�r 'ARC") ' for .�� '^)i nto��!�r� �f �1 � fl 5Cd1 r�''pr�+5 �n_ r:'� q�; , S�rVe d� thP �C�..�;^�ant f;;r' r,c3 r?�uivinq ?li mCni?S �Ui ? . �te!: fr''^' ..•-"`Q''� �s and iCt� '!1 4�"S i.�"r�t1C*�G :'I' SponsOr�d b� C�r � ,i. �� .}�)Y;�-r� � �f �1�a5 fnr E'<::t"�E'� � �..3x•: : � i3� :'��'�� 3(1� � �'��1 � 1 �' �'� `_. 'L .'?}j t}t_ .� _ :tiii ��y''tii.l�� t:} �er�c`� �r �, ,-:rti =.�� :,�s; �rd , for ;.:�� F�r: -��+; ._ •^ `.n ' i .y •.f c��,tt"e �n ir�__�r�enr�,,� 3���? _.� : 3rr�a1 cer�ifie� f� ^�� � . ' `a`�- 'nt uf SSS ' s �per?ti0n . .Z , :;:upl y a' .,;uz! rcNor t �f i `_5 �cLi v t �i�; '. _ ;,ne ue�•�' .�,�?�� whi Ch 51??� ', 1 ���U(�2 , .. ., . T�Ct t0 D� 11fT}lt.�_�+, Ltierc: , i.r ,.�.r�;); . j :i.,3�C'.*'C"'!lt Of tr�ir�i ���� pragra�s ar�� UctiviLies af SS,� a�d �t�}er it�ms '�lating ta SSA � '� "t�� .,, i r i�a' 1 , ; } � ^,,,�3 + -•n r �yn or before r?CCI � � .�. � S �•." !4 ''eJn t S � ..� ;1 ',�•'n _0 �n � r � . . ��rt!""}r 3�St ��f ?��.:r+ ;i'3f CUV{.'Yi�t•� �,,1;� �r?:"r!; �r� ;3�E�".�;' vt�dt". !,j� 't"Q'l1.4" d :.P� .�,� � t� CUf't'nrtf �, y3•r�� � ? � 1 .,` "� �� ' -i 3���`_5 . c3�1� 3 , CCG;j ,',f the al"L�CiE'S 01,',e incorpor�;ticr *� «�E, "1ar -. "�;n��r�t „ ',!' �`'t;,�" � .''�31'Cfl � . �',��J. ,�ri tt�.'n f?C.l i'1C�t1011 5h i� � C�' r,U'`'"'' h`ta!: `^ •' -. �'��-�1'f^2�� Of dn�� ch�:r,��e, Lnat ar�:: made tn either th� articles �f , ��:O�NJr3tior cr ?y-l.�ws of � . _;,'1 vafthin 3 t"?d50�db7C time thereaft•_r. . , ' ��� i't'0'l1C1� •3 ':E'^i{341Y'? 3tlrtic3) •�,41�t1CdT' f0T" ',,f't? ;.�!311^�s �i?j:" ��rt(� 5'.I�JiTilt �.0 Lhe ^a,,�r*.��t��t for' a�P►'n'ral by J�n�lar� SLh ef e-3r� n�w r.,>.r, . ( 51 Jpon c^��,�rn.nc�'cement �f �his a;�� �e�ent, �3^�1 ea�h ,+r.r, i ;�rS�3ry ttt�re�fter � th�� �:�epartn�,��nt an�� �5A snall a�ree �pon a dc�llar ����,,��± :�� h� exp�n�ed c!uring that cc;r��ra,�± year for a hrochure �3s ���s!`ri�ed "+�r��n . SS'� 5ha11 work v+iti�� t�e Df�, 3rt,.cnt to prepar� 3 brOChu�'E �j ����rtisi ��� ;�racrans offered �t the Grec�� �3ke ,:,�il �r�ft '��n�cr. �r, "�1Jr`_' . , i ,cl ,'e ,^f���iatiun on � 5317 �fi9 . Ca�U�' � {C '.'J•?ti � lfl(: rowing Nitn t'� ? f�� tC' (.ly C�o ��}t +"�j { , ji� Qf . :f�� 4+;st of ,-� yilit,cj �rr,� prin'�iT�g 5�.,:��,lie5 . 't�� tS�' ,,iii �Ssist with , tilSt''�t?UtlO't, �t"�: '.ct'��li!t � !1Yter'n� , �lt'd ?" �riCJtii,n lc•,i�� i5 t0 C?ts ,3(;t'c�{y t{ri. � t • �t't? �i1���'L,� .)'�M�i�L:�t��.�ti�, � . ' 2 - � ' � . � � - (f�} Thr.^,t; h ��C rov i�fri d �fi�a f �r r � n � , p quarterty bu y_ t e_as _ to th_ Oe�artment fC!�t' (d � wG•:i•, E''i�r to �.i�h C�ar�tl�t9 qU�3rtrr, ( 71 Provi�!e a sche�ulE� cf S�� boar�d an� c���r3i �nenbershi� meetings t� 'r,e Department �y way of t�� montt�ly SSA new;letrer, r ' (8� Maintain ��nd rEpdir all sailboats and ef�ui�r�ent vserS by SSA at its sole expense. In�Jividuals or firms may be em�loyed or retai�ec! as necessary for �h� ; purp�se. � (9y 8e responsible for tne st�ffing of sailirg classps and activities sp�nsored �y $S� an� be r�spcnsihte for em;t�yin, a �d ret3ining q�aalified sailing instr�rtit�rs dn� ai,�,ivit}� su�ervisors i� cor,d�,�ct program, offere� by SSA. ( 10) S�A will �rr�vida, 3�d ,-���unt 3 .�c�-y br,Y a� --, Green Lake Small CrafC , Center in a lOCdttOn � and by a method, appraved by the �zpartment. { t' } 5SA ,�i l l Con�trUCt ;t�rd�� raCkS <��d �-� : ; ��tS �,:i rh i n thp StOr���? ro0m ,• , �OYtt�it 0� th£' �YPt`t1S�5 jt Cr-�en 'L�3�?, ��C� ..il ' r;,nSLrt���t SUCr OthEr ' tmpr�+v��en*s n�c�ssa�'y t� f�nish thp in`.t�'�r:.�- ,� S�i�i f�'ra'!1525 . 5ut, SU�?,j�'C� �v �1'� �)�l�;j/ W/ �:�1 i_fta� pri01" r.*'i +`.�E^ )__ 1't�i r3i t�'ia �UF't�f1�1tE,*TG��1t. ' � . 4s an i �de�.�rde�t u_�r , �s' s�,��ll �t�.~�a` `. _ ...`�r�; i�s �uti�s and • funC?1Jn5 'Nit�l Y7lurtn._,.- j�olr �.j �;c-� �� '`(?a _ _ _ • ,;%'or2 . Ot'�C 1fJ�3�S .:�"t't�t ,, .... ..'E'� `Jj� `��� VC I , t•_ ry , �3 y : ;C. . '�1 �f "'�S -'.'_/ ' � ,, . _'j 3t 1 t� �?(pE.'1SE ; 3(1� �n ���itian d� ,n� f�: io.rir��: . t � } adv? S2 t',�l � �vZr"�^ta^.: �S L,; 53i1 ;�y� r_.�-� _ ' ��pC►'t�.nitt?S lt1 �h° �Jt'd�L'�•' .3Y�d rl +i�.,t' ':�j+ �X� �t f.r,l" Jc'3tt.�E '"+': ��"r, ' . . �2) ?e r�cp(��$iti�a fOr {??rl�t� ?1 � ^�;.�.�r� _c .. _ �rc?t':� ;�; :'I �i t�23C, ;.1edn , and sare �o^di �ior:. (.3) Us� the 'i�r•�h Leschi '�^�r�ge `3cilitv �:r:in�� 1 �r for 5SA p�r5onne� pa;king when ;ondu�tins j;;� sponsc��-� jr,ti . _ �_ C .^r.1aCLP.d the�e••.�i �h, r. �� � t't.�UiatT'2;�t d�lt,j �•'t'•��flu'1 ^roFert,� �?C�. :i'' 'i°.:''�'`' ":� �h�' �'"E"i15E'S �flal � ,h,? ey:;ipmert an� f,�rscnal prop�zrt� c�hne�i ��y _:,�, cr �•�:��;,�'��; 3nd ^Qrs�n�l �rc�Gr*.Y i�� tne c��re , �ustocy and ton*�•ol fc�- t�n �r::t .tsiv- .;se ; ,• �inri ez;:lLsi�.e be�efit � Of SSl�1t �f18t hd� 5E�?;l tiPOYl�je� fOf' 11R�t�r' 3 ri"t t.j•n `yi.�;r1.;ln'� Z'„1�? 53*�i?, t � j EqUln"^Fr!t �?nf! ��rson�l ;�!�nn�.�V '��.:t d�=i ^0� ,•,�n� ♦ti� t't+�Jl�Ar!1�'f;'_� hereic� ��cve, S��cil r,o_ ��� yCpt vr stor�d on ti��� prn.nis�s; exC�pt that, i nd�v;dt;al ,� e��7�ers of �S1 ,`�� keeG ,3 �� s�ore th�i � „�ui�m��x �nd per5on�1 ��rnper�y ret � tr��i ' 7 .` a:1 � . 'i v i ty h r��nri�r �r�_ � 'i � �-( , I d, T�t��rc' '� S dv3il.�hlt= ;a,�ra �,�n ti:C p��c�niS�S ; b. A c��onthly fee af :1Q.JJ �er indiv�rual �-��r.�er� s use t�c�reof �5 . ;;aid by SSa .o ;.h� ,;i �y .,f :��,;ttl� , ��� _ .���` �f �a+-ks a,td � �ec�ec�tt'���� , �r cr �C•f;^r� `.he first j�y � . _•��� m�nth �` Storage , in � . � addition' .j l ��e c�h�r::�v cf �2.�;J r�!' l .�ra , j , ,��n� ;hail �e '''�1Q; I exCF;,ted furth�r• ��;' , ,Yith tf�� �ricr hr� :[e� at:��rc+v�l of the � ,���r�h�,�,s�'JQ�t � �JFl� � ��.)�S1.5+� Tj, �L��':.' ��� �� ����71�1 :�"�O p;~E'rt1151?5 1 +7r 3 � _ � _ . t ,�A.�_ _ ___—_--...� _ � � . � � . • ' Shor t Let�n per i ad siur f ng st�ec i a 1 ev�n ts he1 d a t th� fac i)i ty prov i ded Spar_a i ; availabl?. (�) t"�11 e qWipment �an�� per-scnal property kept and stcre�l on the pr�mises sh-jtl be c(early labeled with respect to ownership an+i title. � � F. The SSA shaii have non �xclusive use of the boat and outboard engine kept � on Green Cake and designat�d as '"Rescae Boat �2" ih�reinafter referre�� t� as r-es;:u�� boat� ar. a sched��?ed basi ; acGr=ved ,y the +���r,3rt!nent. S�A may use tha � rescue boat for iLs 1n. `-l�cLic�n �nd �a:irg prc�ram� :rnducted on Green take. " The rescue boat will al .}o be 5chedJle�i by the Qepart�ent for other small Cra`t recreatio�al a�d compatiLive activities, r � �� � + *n , � 4 -. In return , or u �f � � ��� . ,•r� � �� �� � . s_ ., sa _ re�c��_ .. . a . _ e SSA aJ _e , '... ,_ � 3Sld_ i i�imum �f . 55�U pdCi1 Vp�J" 'vf t�ll S .�,7r�f"�F��. �:'J = 'f �Ct' d rC���?;°T"�i. ��":'� ""n C�1 `.�° re�cue �, boat. vn cr oefcre l��ril 7 '9�;3 ��:. �ril 7 ?��� .he �� h�il r�vide r_•�► F � 'r � 5� S p � en ine for the r�SLU� bc�at. Tne re iacement en ine urchased on or before A ril , 9 P 9 p p � '� 7 � 1�83 n,ay be used �� tne SS� a� a c�-�C� t tow�rd� tnei �' pUrCh��i3 �f the Apri ? ' � , ���� t"Q��3�ctit?'�� t1Tt�:^., t,,.-���i� �i •t-ar .3 atY�.�i. 5?� ° :." `rac': �0 •j *hird �ar'ty, The ��.�k? , �o�+el ,,l�,� ;,�r. �,f �h� o„���A p,-p�;,�o.s shall :�E �-pflcved by tha '�, �epartment, i . t tf1a�" 5 ?"1_'J` �l�l �flt FJrJa �;i � . : :S� ?Il dr:��"C'�'" 3�P_' �R . _h �1 ^E �3` ` c a^� Qt i 7r1�+ !,;•.r�.n �t,�i• ���'iG� � thErl `}�F? FJ•-'j i ��w-',�•�,��j �;i� a'1�1 fle �-e�1��C�ent wi 11 be pa i ci tt> t�+u '?aF a�tmen t. ;��t� ,r,�%i �tit'4r?��' -3 ,rt?5 •`_0 ^�iitt.3ln `~� �r:Cb�dr'd �'^•�T ��� ;,'i '�t�' r�"SCt:? �C3t 3C101�'�'.!'� it: L1C �f(:?��'� f}� .(�t' ,T: �•�1,-t .�.;�r�lt"Q"iP_'1`: . �� '�a���Tl?t^tje� �y' :nA Ij LUtD03f� �?Cl�l ;�r T,?n�JfdCLJr''r' �3�1C;�JY' .=3E�r . �}tE.' JS� ' � 2 '�Ct hr, r�5r^.Gt1S'D�� f�t' ,r,.'.i� �."^y r ..�.j� rS �:: ..� n r�l_i.�c? 1 � '.'.i;3"_] �'"2 d:�e �� ,}.. ;��C���1L +'?"' •^E�� 1 :��C� _�', �;•,. 'r•�,��i u5� fine . �s,:�_�� _�".'.`. -. ;��;:ps . . : `F��ar, SS�,. � ��le tiJri+ 3�:`a?$. �0 G":' :i(1G{E�'�t�.'.!1�1'S t}l�: :.'la ne�zr�M�^4 �'j� �` S:l�l� FU�i1'"� date 311�., ,:se c` `�,e r���;.��:� _;,a: b� C11� w�3:'iE' C•�r�;� u� c,:� a^r V�' ; 1 .<ri '� seaar•ate '� dQt'Et�t1£'t'�i.5 Wlt`i Zti2 J�3L��c' L�1i10�' ��U`J �•�V�Y11'Q 1FS .,;5= Cf r!^� f�?S�J,? ".'J3` d11c� I� r.� � .�...�nt � � n " -*`__ �'� t ' •♦ �., y _�; _}� , f =n� *��i�.� . -ny s;.,:� �. �,: r ��riil .. _ ,.�� . ._�-r s:� �:, ... �c ude �}rCY' S1;:R� ',ti' �t'�4j t}',� �E3�tli' ., 3'it�£' �� .� nl � j �'3? �` 3'J � :� 7 f+aa ':' _:.� �f t�n 't'SCU� SGJC. . - . _ ` . J . �e;3r-��er�*' s�__pon;:�i 1 i tv I 4. The �eNa�tmen4 Chall , �� resF_�f .�� ,��e �r3t1t a�^ �:c��� �f .�= •�; y��� and I . F�TV1 �tJ� 1T1.�,`:�f `.tll � :�t�tc't�'1�"` , �'_'rr.. � :� ��j �')':/i . ! � t '�t'iY}tlE.' ~3S1C ..tl � l �l�-5 l^r � . :r•� Q�?Ct/'1(; i [., 1 � � } �-},i `�C_ � 1r � � r�tt;'„ ��1 '. �a,-�inn , �n:� �. ' j w,3tE'r. . !�l Provi,��y -i•��1 Fa1 f,�r ��3�? i ��� _-�j oil fUr r�����.:� crdf' us:.� :,� areen l_ske; �n�i , fcr oth.:� -�i ��r sucr i ;�s , �er-vices , . -� r�:�te-� 31 ; ,.r,i���- ;ave been a�reed upon in �W�-i 'ini �v *^,, : ,..ties . { 3I `{�p��cr� ar��i �nc�;ur.3ce �:� i .. . :c _��rcui t cf wrmal a:;ti v i ties as set ' fC!'t�l �':f?t'��1(13�`C'1 , 'ia 1 '1 1`?y "''r! .. . �' • 1 t� 01" d��'i,� 'v 1 tt�?5 "'il`i,J'.� � v . i,•r.o(1 tQ t�y aocn .��-t;es. " ' _ � _ , �____...,... , � _ _ -- -- - - - - - �� \ , f� � int�tJ�-� ��� �Ch , r.Yn��j,��. . ,j «t� ��LM�r �':'.l :ltle5 SC�Ir'�U�Q(j C�' t�'lE �)°�3rt�ent on Grnnn �ake ft-�r Gf ;n� CFar;e frr 53� ling �Ct;vit� d�pme� �o b� ..7r�:�a1 �ase, T�-�..s^�it pr�l i�ni��,- � �- ro•�-31 of ti�e � ears' schedul 5 ✓p � e fcr �SA activities to 5>1 bv J��{.�ary ';;th c;F each y�ar pravided *ha prc�oseC IN sch�dule is -re�.eiv2d bJ the Oepart�ent on or ��afore January 5th of that _ same year. � � (5y Apprave program fees. ' ' (b} r^rovide SS�• Ni tn keys to the L�schi "4�,�a�� ;tpr�,�e r�om and Lo the sailing storage portion af the rreen Lake S��� i �raft Cent.er for a S5.00 ; dnp�Sit fcr each , . ' � ( 1a Maintai:� ar� preser_ve th� inte�rity nf the SS4 activity sche�ule . requestina �lter�`.io� ,�^ly for u^f�r�;ep•, �v ,^r; cf great�r pubii� , St�niftC�r?+�� t�t�i -;;St 5� h�;� �n � �CF-�,11�j �;_rtk ��LA. �"en dn_y SUCh � cor.fl ict ari ses, th� SSA program �r activi t;� st�al l �e resche�u3ed Lo a date agreeable to SSA. � t£4� ,���OvJ SJA �?rSC'1;�".� �.C� 1�5�_' 4ha �+0►"tn -=�-r t "4;�r'.aii�a t;,�1 � 1 tV pa.rk:�n� i�t far parkin� �;:;rin3 SSA s��^; �r�,:d ac'� r; t'a; COnn?Cted tFer.ewith. (9� !ha ��Q.�rfrh?r,h ni �� prf?Y1 ''c >...n^�.�i c;� :hn ;r.�rhGr2 ?('.1 �41 � � prin: �na Jt'p�r::t"E�' lf �U:'�;;� "P'; �j '11�� .'1 if f?.,. r�_''c'1 �ac.,..� t�'ta tflStt`1� f t � . . + �i. �' �a`ts 5. `J�n-Di scri mi*a�i on � , a. �5� S+ld� � �^� `" 5�: ' ?:C �3'� i �>� a"J �P''�Cf' _ -• `.,��� f'��'i�ber5. StU�?��" , � OY yUaS�S ltt it5 �rCQr"s�; :'t' ]Ctl'J1 ' _ . ���d'J�r• n? ,''' _ , C.^�i01", Creed � SeY, , �]C�, '1d*1vR�� �►'1 ji � y 0�" �?`.� �t'c'�;:'1Ct' Cf 3 :�.��'�?� , "C'i';' , Cr i�E'rt8� �andi�dD 1�nless �35ed t��e�� a '}c��? , � �':.1 i'ta�i i i +f t� ;��` .. - � : : �*1•��ri} �r ��rtici�ata If! Zn 1C�1Y1�.�/. �j.4 vr' 7i vff4t"v rr, iF � �7,�, 4�� G;.'_' � �'���' �'t�QrS t'r �`-�?� -��nEi'�3� �u51i4 :Z� op,��rtunity F„ : .••+_ici :3t�: i^ i �: ��'��. . .� �s ,:�� Fcr= �e�^her,hia in SSA, Fees, dues and o��?r cnaro�s ��rill �e sei �^ u��c:,�a�e ���r '��i�ation 5y . ail , ;rcluc�ing yo��tn, s���ents t�Q e�d4rl, a �c c.r r ' ' � ted fin.ancial , ° s .�E ;.h � :.��i r•esaurces. Q. 55A shal i C{7^�i!Ci 1 CS ����1 ✓1 �v ?r 9 mw��^.,r w•,�,�h � : i.l�'E'S fdl r , EQ�u�ry dfl� r,Cn�i S�rimi natory tre�t��,�r' �t a'i 'i�E; '. ^ 3� � r�5GE4 `. `.e a': ? persons ��+i tnout I YE'L�`t3f� it� race y CQ�Y�f', '"t� 1 �14'1 � '>aX� C`• ",:=i ..'"'� '.r1�; . �'10 i✓��'S�'1 S�d� � 1C' I �1VE'll �iscr-imittdtOry �C't�d�":::'�rt �t" �J� J�?^' :� .l".f �''i 'il } �`�? � U�r �^.+f f3ciiities . I ar partic:pation in a-..�t •:i �ies cn �he ;,� -�^�ses .i� �cce�, �* of r?cey CO�Ot" � t"�� 1(�1Gf1 � St:{ � UI' 118fj�,.>; 1 .,rli'ln . ��1 ) I:Y'l' :J _ '�ly h ' _ , 3n,t C� *Fl� �?t�f5 (�� t?�is �r�visicn si»1 ) be ,��eria� and � r�r•c����,;5' _ �.,-,-�:� ; .r��nCe cf this aqree�nent. Furth�r, 55,� ;���il �: ��-��y tii `h :he ���: li�a�' e crov� sicrs cf City e� S�att�e Ordinane�s 1J25c� ir,�i � ?} �?2, 3� ;cw nru�r_ra ;�- ;,,- ,�;�nn�pd, C�pi ?5 ;�F wN}1C�i dYt' t2't�3�h�?{�� ��{�*`i?�; 3'1� �r� "tr.:r �r�`_�rj !'?raTr, �� , th15 ref�renCe. e. Indemnity SS:1 shall indemnif�: :-� h�ld �e ;,i*� �f 3� L, e f-..� a�ri ��r�:�l��ss tr:�� ' � � lc?�i71 � 1 �j� fr0�n dlly ullf� !?� 7 C��il"�S � �c"?r;Ci� � 1 . ..:°S , _ � ��. j�hy j ^�U''� �'r . di Sabi 1 i ty af dn ��ersr,n �rc7 'er �+:^� e t� a� � ^��,��r� �r ti in,� - ���r nn � y � ... q _ . _ y ..us _ss •= _c . i j o �r .�l7ovt the pre��i ;,�; ,;�,•; ��, '.5n` . �se t�,�..�,,� a,. ,�,; � : .. M * �� ,-., :t1y ;r I I ' � ` � - 1 1 �__ _ _ r /�` � ` � ' ' � ir�cli �•��;:t.ly, �.7uL �f rar s��ffer�d o;i �ny r�rsnn hy �E-3;on �f c�r in C��neCti�n with �nV dCtlOnrt ,. ?1"rpr5 , 71' r,mi55i0n; cf SS� , ' t" "�oTihc.rc, } �::?f1tS �fl(��C'r amO�OlooS. , In tr.e event of ��,�it ag�jinst The City cf �eattle , i+:s ��c�nts , e�G'���%e� or repr�s��n`.,�tiv^5 , `'�r1 �gre�K to a�pear a�d �iefend t^e ;-�r-� , pr�vid��f SSA i � notifit�d in a t�a}ely manner .a; thr� suit. jr �h� �v��` =udc�-��t i � ren�+ere�i " • against The City af ;eattle. SS,A st��tl cause the y��e *c �r satisfied within ninety (90} days after� a final determinatfon thereof , including a final determinatTen ef aRy appeats: Such inde'nnity �tiall r ' : inclu�� Cl�i�s �r; ,ir�� ?; � re;utt. �r t1�e So1 � negliyence Of The �lt}� :f S2c�t`�E', 1tG ^"��,��:.y, •.; , � �.?�t5 � 3f1!! 1'i�j�resent�tive; i but shal i inc� ua� but r.��t �e i imi �ed ta any 1 �a�i i i ty a , Tay -�ri ;e ar occur fram , CO,�r;�rrent� COIltT'`b�Lin� �.+' �0111� aCtln^5 ^� Q�T11S�'��':i 7f j:;I� jil!i The C1ty, Of SedtLlt? . ' i ?. A.ssu;r�ti o=i �f Ri sk • � , 55�1 expressly �ssumes all ri;k5 of 1Qs� to its ;�::'�r,n•�1 proc�rty and the '� ;�ersnnal Frop�rty c,f other, �ha` i ; pla.�d �r store�i � n r;r u;��� the. przmi ;es for • which use h�s bp�� �ranted h�!'n',�nder . �3�G ris�c of � : ,s is �;s.�med regardleSS � of the ^�dr�er ry :,�i�h suc^ ' :,ss miaht OCCUr. �. 4SSi��nmerit 4t .-gree,�enL , . . 1C Stt'�� :`_P.� �"� 'j".�� �'�3i. .'�t .`;�t t- $ ' _-�cr�} t1Gl" dtl� t'13�ita.S Ot' ' 1 . � . • - - �� '. _. ��?� ' .}.' :�*.�il�nn � ` �, �i^,� r� • ,.'r .i* ,��i� �{'i11�E'flt lt1 rrri ,. . �� �f �:ie .,-",3r:�-�r: �a��i�� �ein, fir.+ �5t,�}nF�+, � , �h��.. �r:t�'.r5 _ . ., 3r'`.ma� � - .Serv_� T• � � � �n� -, .--,,� _. '. ^" c^.,� �otior ai�'.ur�s , (}fi `i^'� �1�':+�'.� S�S 3'� �A 3`�i.r� a � i�. � _ . t� ��t � . �^O yi�l � f ':h2r'�',�� . n .i � . , . , �J,,. ,. . _ �r . '"1G'?� _ ' �5 ..�C:r", 'ic:'"?�i : '�'',JC':.... . , '-`C �`� 'd ^i�Xp � �'.i�ti�f, -•+:rr'�� ':�� ;�` :� �� _.t1�_� �f` ��'_ - = 7� :�`t V Lj• � r���d � _ _ � _ . „ _ _ .._ .. . � 'y a' �i �� 3 5 3tld �,��ti�tLS •� •Z4^ ��r �r�-r�-r �} �11 � a;v�r- °^�;;t� Our�05�S ^'":t.: ..:�t I -�� •�- , t r Y , , _ . 1 � . ;15 i.�,'i?l �t_'.�i .t ,� rfl`'' � ' . tLn�� ���r . . ?i J - a; .a C,J • .. ` .. � .. 3''< � _, � - - `v - '� ��`r s ;t'v'�S `_1 ....'"= '� ~� t.I'_ � J '1 e. :� ,_ . _ _ ' ` nf•_. f�. .r� 'r _ �- 4��/!�'�t ..�,��'+ fi�Cj� � , 1�..� �n ., n"'� �LC�� �'�n�'o? _ t�'�� _ ' . . '!1 _..�71 `:�'_'nt) ��1 .���'. � , � �'�y' .:!�L`.� '�rd�h< �r -���tj ;.. -,��.. i,,NS 5� ' ...._ . I � ' iC�. �'E'f3�t� � , � ".� '1.'_ �!n4'�r.`'•^tlt rtt�3j� ;?*""j.,,�t_' J�� i }S� ^�' ?� ? , r ..j .. '''t1tJ(i �tt `.hc' II faCiliti��:, s� 4ranted herQ :nder in t►�e t_ ��n� i * ch�1 ? �,v� f3ile�i �o onrfo�, or , j;I���r� to�, �ny ,�f th� Co�-zn.,n'S ,ar cur�i� `i ;ns or tf�i ; �rp�ment and ;+1.h nJC'-OP�"f(11"tldriCa f�l' c�E'i 1C'.'?"`-J ''ltll�l., ( 1 } '�as �aterial �^�i irrec,irablA ; or �21 n35 t10� f�i�edlt'd Cj SSA Wt �ttln �h�? �trfa S[;aC! fjcri �7Y 4�i"�e ' S�{:�rtn�c^r.�3nt uf P��r�c5 an�.i �a;,re=��i0n i� a 'ir);iC� o� lntent to Tet`ninate �5° th3L S}3tE'S �h� �t3L::rt' L'f th+? ' ."-^�r-r•,r;^•3^•r � pr de'1C1?nCy �ttd . (j!?rldrldlP,(�j .:rr°CCI�n �:,�-, ;�j , 4 _ � _ II i . _ I I _ _ — ` _—_—� r� . t t . � � t . P'��Iification ` � ri A � �+ - �,� Q ;, . Th_ parti _5 ht�r_ �.o . e,_rve trt. r-ight to �en4 tt�i � , Crer��<_�t frr,�:, time to �i time as nay t�e �autually at;r,�t��i. }!� -,rn�sn��*r��n* hrr��o ;h111 �e effectiv� unless , wi•itter� an�3 sign�d �y authc��ized �epre;nntative5 of the G�r}ie� hereta. , i•� l2. y��tices Uniess Othc�rwi5@ �ir.e:ted in writin�, ncticn; , r�ports , a�d payments sr�all be deli�iered ':o the Ci�;,• at the follcw�ng addres;: Aquatic� 4eCt?�►� � Seattle D�par��en't af Farks and ��creation � it1� �extar' Avenae ��Orth � � �Eattle , WA �991�9 I . ' and to SSA ��t ChL FQllfl W1r� a��rPs�; �, � . Seattie Sailin; Associativa� �� P. Q. i�ox 3Gf�1� ''ea�t1Q , ��A 9�1�.�3 13. Waiv�er '1 No acti�n c*.�er t�:� a �;ritten .�w..�e;* fr�� *hp �ity �o stating shail � �Oh5t1 tUte 3 1•;dl 'r'°r t�y �-o .;1 �'f Of 3''.�/ -'` adC^ f`Y ��.t isl� ` hY �5� "14t" 5�1�3� � SUC�t � ��c�• �_nt �aive c�;= ��' , �Y���li �nce .�� w� `_'^e :u��s a^:' ���n�i tian� of *.he ' � AC}t'2�"'•1E'�t� , li"i'?SCFCtI'J� _ ;?(1'j +'�CN� ,-,+Yr, ��^.� ^ � `� ;,?. .:Y^ ^f ;ur,h hre3ch , � i .:�?}'c3U+ � � C� r�0�1—:,C�il��i 3�- - • �}iE.' l.' t� �� `�1 I J'":. '_; t' " ' i�`URGtt fU� � perf�r�ance JI �'ly �C�„L�� �'1,!1 .'�i7 ��ij -✓r;�Ciin!1t .�Fal � '�^� �It. �un^'.'' �S ��"�>�n� lQ Or dCC2ptanCE .�f s�,rh , -�c:, - _ . _ . :r`�r�� �'__ ,n ..:._ . ��. . _ � . _ - i�i. �nLi r� Agre� G �11S 37i�'*�."1c•�1; t.^�;. .' »'�t�5 t.na �-!e .�p i��rc;'1,^t . . .'x.:�t?n, f•'.t� n,'���.�t?5 . � tr. �rtal��:3J rY1''4,�` i` . "r�� �jt`i Vn�f�� .� r��r .. � _ . ♦t. js `�t.z�.. .f,4 an �Q ; 'r"'"' . .. _ . _ _ /� _ ' :X�CU��(j �y i `t$ !'r'1.:.;Y C"1C�1" till $ � .-�•l� „� `'/ � '� {..�'i �" d(ii� J�+� � /'rU('.�r �«Fi -a/'$ }.�.j`. ` _�.4��?:`J ��� .�i�l �- � ��1'S r`� 7f �� ��y c f ._��" '' _C...-.— ' : ��-� _ �:._....� � -�-�-,� _`- . DE�',�4�T'rl�'VT �� P;.='<c A't� ".,vzATIOtJ �=ai'_� �"iLI'. . ,����_C'.:�T'G"d � City of Seatt;e ,, . � ' - i, - �,� rf---� - -- -- �_.__-1-' '% !` L .''�'' � a ter R. Nun�l1�. , Su�e.�r� ,a��c±�,.�L ''arry �r�+eri�p�.1rG,S��E��i. - -_ ',.�' /`- r ! II . � ' ' �r;:�n�tturpt7y , �Frret�r' - . _ - .Y I 1 t • , . . . _. _ ._._.. -....-.--- ..__��w���_3.__-____-___--_-_----- � � ` ; . ` LEAS'r'. �ETW�EN KING COUNTY AND II THE LAKE WA5N2NGTOtJ YOUTH SOCC�R ASSOCIAT-ION TfiIS LEASE, made and entered in.to as of this 15th c3ay I of Flay, 1984, by and between King Countyr a political sub- I d2vision of the State of washington, and the Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association, P.O. Box 174, Kirkland, Washingtori 98Q35, hereinafter xeferred to as "LWYSA". ti WITi1E55ETH WHE:REAS, RCW 36.O1.p10 gives King County the power to • contract, and ' � , ' SdHEREAS, King County is owner of land commonly known as' I, 60 Acres Park, legally described as follows: � ' Tracts S through 12, wi2low Garden Tracts, ' Volume 21 of Plats, Page 99, Records of eting County, Washington; AL50, Tracts 1 ' through 4 of said plat; EXC�PT the westerly �!, 200 feet thereof; and EXCEPT ttiose portions of Tracts 9 through 12 of said plat lying . Easterly af an existing fence line at the base of the hill., and F7If�R£AS, THE LWYSA desires to use 60 Acres Park far its � ' , soccer proqram, and WNEREAS, King Caunty is amicable ta the use of 60 Acres i Park by the LwYSA pursuant to tiie terms end conditions contained within tliis lease, � NQW iHEREFORE, in cansideration af the use of 60 Acres Park �y khe LWYSA, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. LWYSA shall maintain the �>remises fqr use by L��tYSA as a sotcer facility and shall, consistent with the availa- bility of funds as determined by LWYSA, improve ancl develog ' the premises as a soccer faciiiey. 2. King County reserves the right to limit• th� laily • hours oE use in a manner consistent •..3th the riqht to quzet enjoyment of the surravnding n�igtrbarhood. 3. Tlie term oE tt�is lease is ten years fram the date hereof; provided tiowever, that subse��uent to Jun� 30, I987 • , either party may terminate tiiis lease by then givinq • written notice of tRrmination to the other party, such � notice to be given nat less than six months prioz ta th,e • EXHTB:CT "F" � � __.....,. , . � � , f . dalo r.E termii�atl.on and which date, iE less than twelve �� � months fram the time such notice is given, sha2� nat occur in any of the months af July, Augus�, September; October, � November or December, 4. LWYSA sha22 furnish and maintain, on the premises, ' sufficient portable toilets to comply with Seattle-King � � � Caunty Health Department regulations. �, . 5. LWYSA shall, during all times af use by LWYSA: � ' � keep 60 Acres Park litter free: maintain litter containers � ' on the premises; ancl pravide far trash removal from the , � ' premises. � � 5. LWYSA agrees to indemnify Kinq Caunty and its em- . , p2oyees and agents fram any and alI 'liability, loss ar � damage Kinq County may suffer as a result of claims, demands, " costs, ar judgments against King County arisinq from the use ' by LWYSA, its employees, officers, invitees, licensees, spectators, guesks, and participants in the LW'YSA praqram, I af 60 Acres Fark in connectian with the LwStSA pragram. 1 ' ' , 7. LWYSA agrees to defend against any claims brought � or actions file8 aqainst King County with respect to the . � subject of the indemnity cantained in 5ection 6, whether such claims or actions are riqhtfully or wrongfully brought " or filed. . � 8. King County agrees to notify Lt•TYSA, in writing, . within �)0 days, of any claim made aqainst King County �n the ` oh2'9Tt:.en .::de,��r.if:.ed against. . ' 9. LWYSA shall carry public liability insurance with �I ; limits of liabi,lity not less than: �. 5500,000 each person, persanal injury 540,040 each occurrence, persona2 injury , • 250,000 each accuYrence, property damage i � LwYSA st�ai.2 carry such fnsurance far �the duratian of this lease. Such insurance shall name King County as an additianal insured and shall not be reduced or cancelled without 30 � days prior written notice to King County. LWYSA shall i . _ � _ � . !� � I � / ' �i proviclr, ,�s part oE thls leane, a certlflcate of insurance � � ' ' _� ar a copy of the policy as evi8ence of the insurance protection. WY ublic zau s and or ani- I0. L SA shall permit the p � 9 P . �! II zations ta use the premises when, in the sole judgment of LWYSA, such use wau2d he compatible with the use and preser- I vation of the premises as a soccer facility and would not ' � i canf2ict with use af the gremises by LWYSA or with LWYSA"s ' ' ! maintenance, improvement, or development of the premises. � � In respect to the use of the premises by ather than LWYSA, . � LWYSA shal.l have the sale respansibility for and right to . • scheduling such use and may require, in connnection with ; • . ', ; such use, conditions such as a deposit or bond far clean-up , � t ar damage and a written use agreement covering such use I � � ' � providinq for indemni£ication o£ LC�IYSA and King County by � I' the user against expense and Ioss incurred arisinq froin such � • use. ', • 11. LWXSA shall permit the Northshore Youth Saccer Assoeiatian ta use, for purposes, of playing soccer, that {• , soccer field established on the premises currently known as ;, , field number 12 with a priarity svperiar to that af LwYSA ta _ use that £ield, subject however, ta the payment by the ; - - Northshare Youth Soccer Association, from time to time, upon + demand of LWYSA, of amounts equal to not more than one- twelfth (1/12) of the costs to LWYSA of maintenance of and *t' , � '� improvements to the premises as those costs are incurred fram k.ime ta time by LWYSA in its sole judgment. and subiect to the nther terms of�this lease. �. , , 12. tJpon termination of this lease; LWYSA shall sur- render the premises ko King County in as good a state and condition as they are now. ' •' 13. In a21. h3ring or employment made possibie by ar resulting from this lease, there shall be no discriminetion against any employee or applicant Eor employment because of II � sex, age, zace, co2ar, creed, national arigin, marita2 � _ a — 1 t _��.'.ra.+ . ....,--�w��welr � ' ._.. . ......... ....—.........._ nu�M + ~ * :�t.�t �e:i «r ltin r�re�c+nr.e of nny srnsory, mentai., or phyeical ' � . handicap, unless based upon a bona fi.de occupatfonal quali.- fication. This requfremene sha2i app2y, but not be Iimited, � to the follawing: employment, adveztising, lay-off ar termi- nation, rates of pay or other forms of � campensatfon, and selection for-training, . including apprenticeship. ' No gerson sha22 be denied, or subjected to discrimination in � � receipt of, the benefit of any services or activities made ` ( possib2e by or resu3ti.ng from this lsase crn the grounds of f . sex, race, colar, creed, national origin, aqe except minimum aqe and retirem�nt provisions, marital status, ar the • ' presence af any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Any ' � violation of this. provision: shall be considered a viola- tion of a ma�eria2 provision of the 1.ease; sha2l be graunds for cancellation, terminat�ian, or suspension, in whole or in I t part, of the lease by the County and may result in the � inelfgibility for further County agreements. LWYSA will � comply ,with all other applicable city, county, state and I � federal antidiscrimination Iaws, rit2es, regulatians, and requirements thereof, � 14. LWYSA shall develap a Master Plan for deyelopment of the premises, subject to apprava2 8y King Caunty. AII development wark and installation of facilities and improve- , � ments as contempZated in Item 1 shail not be initiated with- 'i out the prior written approval of the County's Parks and . Recreation bivision. Furthermare, such improvements may be subject ta teview by the King Covnty Design Commission and II the cost of review shall be borne by LWYSA. King County, at its aptlon, may provide capital im- provements ta the premises. � ' IS., LWYSA shali pay, throughout the term of this lease, any and all applicable taxes, and all license and excise fees coverinq the business conducted on the premises. LtTYSA shall provide proof af tax exemptian with Ghe Washingtan t _ ' - 4 _ � . � ..__..�.....rr„�. �. _—.. ».=+�Mws�.x , . .� ,' . � ;>t,�tc� t}����,�Lt_ment af Revenue. Until LWYSA has such exemption � '` � the leasehald excise tax will be charged ($ E13.G7 per month}. 16. In using the premises, LWYSA will comply with all r applicable laws, ordinences and regulations from any and all authorities having jurisdiction. LWYSA speciffcally. agrees I to camply and pay a21 costs associated with achieving such - ' complfance withaut any notice of requiremer`_., from King Caunty, and that Ki.ng County does not waive this sectian hy ` givinq natice of demand for compliance in any instance: • � 17. It is hereby agreed that no wafver of an conditian Y . , or cavenant in this lease, or any breach thereof, shall be taken, to constitute waiver of any subsequent breach. � + 1B. LWYSA agzees that it will nat permit or suffer to � �. remain undischarged a;ny 2ien for labor or material against . the premises which arises as a result of contracts fo.r ser- • � vi.ces or materials entered into by LWYSA. 19. Any written notice required ar permitted be given herein shall be made���egistered or certified U.S. mail or � delivery in persars to the party which is the intended recipient of the notice at its address as follows: � LF7YSA: K22IG COUNTY: Post Office 9ox 174 I�€flg--County Manager � Kirkland, WA 98d35 Parks end Recreation Division ' 7Q5 Smi.th Towez Seattle, S1A 98144 A change in the address of a party for purpases flf ' I receivinq notices may be changed by that party by giving notice af such change as provided herefn. . ZN WITNESS WFiEREOF, the parties hereto have executed . this lease as of the first date soritten. LWYSA KIf1G COUNTY, WASHINGTON . nYC.� 6� nY \r`�.. �""���� Randy CtebQlle . � Title ���r�����f�.� Title County Executive � • date ��..Q ��`�l�� Date `��. � � �Q • � . . t _ g _ � ! 1 : - Renton City Council 11/4/85 Page four New Business continued Parking � Loading Planning and Developrnent Committee Chairman Stredicke asked that Ordinance Char�ges - s�aff r�eports regarding proposed changes to the Parking and Compact Car Stall Loading Ordinance as requested by The Boeing Company be Computations available �o the Committee on 11/14/85. Renton Sailinp Up�n inquir�y regarding the matter of Renton Sailing Club f,li�b Revocable �Prmit permit agreemen� for sfireet use at the end of North 52nd PAG 1252-68 Street, it was determ�ned that Councilmembers should provide individual written opinions to Council President Reed �ithin a week or 10 days. An extension of the agreement, granted last year by the Board of Public Works, is due to expire on t2/3t/85. (Board of Public Works granted permit extension on 1/30/85 through 12/31/85 with the condition that the permit will not be granted after 1985 and the Park Board _be so notified.) The final decision of the Board of Public Works when made at its December meeting will be appealable to the Hearing Examiner and Superior Court. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that a new Kawasaki motorcycle has REPORT been donated to the Renton Police Department by a local couple, Motorcycle Donated who purchased it at the recent Poncho auction. Their names will be announced when the transaction is complete. � E-911 The new King County emergency calling system, E-911 , is in effect and has already resulted in saving a Renton man's life according to a telephone company ad last week. On another Sewer Crew matter, sewer crews rescued a woman trapped in her overturned Commended car after it was stuck by a truck in the park. A special commendation was extended to crew members Donald Jacoby, Oscar Cantu and Steven Hatke for their courage and fast action. , Noise Complaint - Council referral of 10/28/85 regarding noise at Jocko' s Tavern: Jocko's Tavern Building and Police Departments have investigated the complaint. A full report will be available after 11/5/85• Traffic in Council referral of 10/28%85 regarding traffic in NE Quadrant: NE Quadrant Trees obscuring a stop sign at the intersection of NE lOth Street and Redmond Avenue NE will be trimmed. Over the next two weeks, the traffic pattern on NE lOth Street will be analyzed by staff. Maptewood Golf Funds in the amount of $2,162 to repair the drain field at Course Drain Maplewood Golf Course when a septic tank failed last week Field will be recovered from the excess revenue from the gotf course. However, the drain field will need further attention, and funds will be included in the 1987 Comprehensive Improvement Program to install a line from the drain field to the Metro sewer system. Henry Moses Council referral of 10/28/85 regarding operation of Henry Pool - Year Moses Pool at Liberty Park on a year-round basis: Construction Round Operation costs witl range from $60,000 (bubble cover) to $1 .5 million (building over existing pool) . Operating costs for utilities ($64,500) , maintenance and repairs ($7,500) , supplies ($4,200) , staff ($85,000) , and administrative and miscellaneous expenses ($6,500) total $167,000. The total operating and construction costs for operating the pool 12 months per year would be approximately $227,000 to $1 ,667,700. fn comparison, fuel costs were about $8,000 for the 1985 three-month summer period. Playtime Court Mayor Shinpoch wished the City Attorneys well on their trip Case - U.S. to Washington, D.C. Appreciation was extended for flawless Supreme Court performance during the Playtime court case process, which has 11/12/85 been ongoing for the past four years. 1986 City of Mayor Shinpoch presented the 1986 City of Renton budget in the Renton Budget balanced amount of $54,642,000, which includes total expenses of $44,835,00 and 1985 ending fund balances of $9,807,000. The total operating budget is $20,967,000. Self-insurance programs will continue and the rainy day reserve fund has been increased from 8� to 9.6�. In order to continue the long-range Water/Sewer Capital Improvement Program, a 14% increase in utility rates must be sought. This represents Renton City Council 10/28/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Ways and Means Committee Chairman Ciymer presented a report recommending the following resolutions for reading � adoption: Resolution #2626 A resolution was read authorizing W. E. Bennett, Acting Finance Safekeeping Director; S. Joan Pringle, Budget Supervisor; and Deanna J. Agreement Adair, Fund Accounting Supervisor, to enter into a safekeeping agreement with Rainier NationaT Bank. Resolution �2627 A resolution was read providing for the transfer of 53,000.00 Fund Transfer from Contingency Fund unto Current Fund - Police Investigation for Police Fund. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Investigation RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending that Vouchers 9822 through 10072 in the amount of 5854,064.00, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 9825 through 9829 were machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE TNE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Renton Sailing Council President Reed referenced matter of Renton Sailing Club Permit Club permit agreement to use street right-of-way at N. 52nd PAG 868-65 Street, due to expire December 31 , 1985• Mayor Shinpoch reported that the matter of whether or not to extend the agreement will not be reviewed by the Board of Public Works until December. Reed preferred individual response by Councilmembers on this matter. NEW BUSINESS An estimate of costs to cover Henry Moses Pool at Liberty Park and Henry Moses extend its operation to a year-round schedule was requested by Pool Councilman Stredicke. Stop Signs Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration obtain a on NE lOth Street report from Traffic Engineering on the circulation pattern on NE lOth Street from Sunset Boulevard to Union Avenue NE. He indicated he has received complaints from citizens who feel there are too many stop signs in a very short distance. Out-of-State A request was made by Councilman Stredicke that an informational Travel Report report be prepared by staff traveling at the City's expense to conferences and schoots out of state. Information can then be shared via the report with other staff inembers and Council . Mayor Shinpoch indicated that Potice Chief Alan Wallis plans to address the Council regarding his summer at FBI School during budget hearings. Eagle Point Councilman Stredicke asked for a status report from the Fire Apartment Fire Department regarding recent fire at the Eagle Point Apartments in Renton. Cause of the fire and remedial action, if necessary, were requested to be included in the report. Mayor Shinpoch assured that following each fire, a full evaluation is made by � Fire Department staff. ADMINISTRATIVE Council inquiry of 10/21/85: Sign permit listed in Council REPORT minutes of 8/9/85 issued to Leroy Skjonsberg was for 30-day Sign Permits readerboard sign, not 30 signs. United Way Employees have contributed a record $11 ,600.00 to United Way so far. Appreciation was extended to Personnel Director John McFarland and department coordinators for their efforts in the campaign. Fund raising activities included bowling and golf tournaments and a 5K race. Good Morning ABC Supreme Court correspondent Tim 0'Brien has filmed an America interview with Mayor Shinpoch and City Attorney Warren to be Playtime Court aired on Good Morning America on November 12, 1985, the day Case the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the Playtime case. Film footage of areas adjacent to the Renton Theater as well as shots of industrial areas where adult films would be allowed will be included in the television segment. City Attorney Warren added that he has also been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times due to interest by cities of Long Beach and j Whittier, California, which have similar cases pending. _ � i :ertificate of Insuranc ' • . • THIS CERTiFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLV AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVEFAGE AFFORDED BV THE POLICIES LISTED BELOW. NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCV COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES Hub Insurance Agency P� B�$ 796 COMPANV Renton, Wa 98057 LETTER A American States COMPANV � �ETTER NAME ANO ADDRESS OF INSURED COMPANV ■/�� Renton Sailing Cluli I LETTER \/ 3834 NE 6th COMPANV Renton, Wa 98056 LETTER D �COMPANV � LETTER This is to certity that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time.Notwithstanding any requirement,term or con- dition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. � Limits of lisbitity in Thousands(000) COM/ANV TV�E OF INSURANCE PpLIC`/NUMBER POUCv I I IETTER ExPIAAT10N DATE EACH qGGREGATE OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY � BODILv INJURv S S A _ COMiREHENSIVE FORM � PREMISES-OFERATIONS PROPERTv DAMAGE S f EXVLOSION AND COLLAPSE — HAZARD UNDEfiGROUND MAZARD PROOUCTS/COMVIETED _ OVERATIONSHAZARD BODIL�'INJURV AND _ CONTRACTUA�INSURANCE AP 068715 6-2,2,-87 PqOPEfiTV DAMAGE Z 3OO f 3OO BROADFOHMVROPEFTV COMBWED > > _, DAMAGE INOEPENDENT CONTRACTOR$ _ PERSONALINJURY I PERSONALINJURV s AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODILV INJURV f ! COMPRE/1ENSIVE FORM IEACH VERSONI — BODIIV INJURV s OWNED IEACM OCCURRENCEI _ HIRED I PROPERTV DAMAGE I S NONOWNED BODILV iNJURV AND s i PROPERTv DAMAGE COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY � UMBREILA FORM 00DILV INJURV AND S s OTHER THAN UMBRELIA PROPERTV DAMAGE FORM COM8INED WORKER'S COMPENSATION sTnTuroav and EMPLOYER'SLIABILITV S IEACHACCIDENTI OTHER ESCRI►TION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEMICLES As respects premises at 72nd and Ripley Lane, Renton, it is agreed that the City of Renton is an additional insured. Canceliation: Should any of the above de�c�ibed policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail �iays written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTI FICATE HOIDER � City of Renton DATEISSUED June 22, 1985 Dept of Public Works 200 Mill Ave So Renton, Wa 98055 w� qU7NORIZE REPRESENTATIVE Robert S. Russell, CIC Renton City Council 7/1l$5 Page six Administrative Repart continued ardin Cauncit in uir about maintainance of railroad Railroad Reg 9 q Y , r vements crossin s Ma or Shinpoch indicated that aithough the City has Im o 9 � Y P an agreement with Bur] ington Narthern for crossings in the Qrillia area, further research wiil be necessary to determine responsibility for other track areas. Low Water The low water pressure map and status will be provided at the Pressure Map next meeting. I Reparter Jim McNett, reporter for Renton Record-ChronicTe, is leaving �eaves his past effective this week. A replacement to caver City Ha11 news will be assigned. 5ocia] The City of Rentan has been asked ta join a consartium with Needs Study cities of Tukwila, Kent, Auburn, Pacific and Algona to corrxnission a study ta study South King County social needs in tfie total amount of $3q,000; costs ta be shared on a per capita basis by each city. Mayar Shinpoch indicated concern ' that the State and County shauid be respansibte for providing � solutians for funding rather than locai jurisdictions. MOVED 8Y KEOLKER, 5ECONDEO BY MATHEWS, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO TNE ADMINI5TRATlON �OR RESPQNSE, AND COUNCIL CONCUR IN , MAYOR SHINPOCH'S OUTLINE OF EFFORT5 TO LOBBY THE STATE TO DO ' SOMETHING ABOUT SOCIAL PROGRAMS THAT ARE LOSING MONEY. CARRIED. Counciiwoman Mathews suggested that the Cammunity Services Committee Chair or members jo'rn in a regianai effort with representatives of other cities ta ttwnitor this matter. Workshop Critiqus Mayor Shinpach reminded Councilmembers of her request that they submit a critique of recent Council budget workshop. AUpIENCE COMMENT Sanfard Webb questioned haw a small town the size af Rentan Potice Chief can afford to iose the services of its police chief for three at FBi Schaoi months. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the determinatian of the Administration that the value of Chi�f Wallis's attendance at FB1 Academy in Virginia was of mare use to the C'sty in the , Iong run Lhan having him miss this opportunity. ' Renton Sailinq Councilman 5tredicke noted receipt of a letter from Mayor Glub Permit � Shinpoch regarding the continued operation of the Renton - Sailing Club at NE 72nd Street; permit issued by City for use of street right-of-way. Mayar Shinpoch respanded that the letter intended to expiain rationale of the Board of Public Works in stating it does not plan to renew Che permit far next year and urge Ca�ncil members to support that ' decision given the background of the matter. €xecutive MOVED BY STREpICKE, SECQNDED BY MATNEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE � Session INTO EXECUTIVE 5ESSION TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOA710NS AND POTENTIAL LITIGATION. CARRIED. Time: 9:26 p.m. iADJOURNMENT Councii reconvened into regutar session; roll was called; Time: 1fl:35 p.m. all member� present with the exception af Councitman Clymar, excused. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATNEWS, COUNCt� ADJOURN. CARRIEp. I ,G' yy� t�- G'O �-4�'�� VMAX#NE E. MOTOR, City Clerk . _ . � �`� � � , � � -,; �r � l � . Renton City Council `. �" f' � June 24, 1985 Page nine Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report reco�ending approval of Vouchers 7495 through 7803 in the amount of $717,750.27, having received departmental certificetion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered; Vouchers ?500-7509 machine voided. MOVED SY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TF� CONMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker requested staff co�ent regarding quality Street Patch of patching material used by Group W Cable on Cedar Street, Quality indicating it becomes sticky and adheres to shoes and clothing when heated by the sun. Fire Hydrant Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding City policy on regula- Water Use tion of fire hydrant water usage by parking lot cleaners. Administrative Assistant Parness responded there are permits issued for certain locations where cleaners can obtain water and meters are utilized. Police Captain Bourasa indicated Police Department personnel check all people observed tapping water hydrants to be sure they have a permit, instruct them to obtain a permit, or cite them for water theft. Councilwoman Mathews stated she would provide the Utilities Co�ittee with information gathered when this subject was studied in the past. Low Water Councilman Stredicke requested update on progress in improving Pressure Areas low water pressure areas within the City, as indicated on maps previously provided to Council. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported the Kalk Court Case involving a man REPORT injured near the Boeing Company while City traffic lights were Ralk Court Case on flash mode had been settled out of court on June 18, but Settlement particulars are unknown at this time as notification has not been received from the insurance company. City Attorney Warren indicated he had contacted attorneys for the insurance company and confirmed that the case had settled, but had not received any official notification. 1985 Public Works Mayor Shinpoch distributed charts listing current status of all Projects Charts/ Public Works projects and indicated an update on city-wide CPI Update Capital Improvement projects would be provided by the staff at Council convenience. Budget Seminar Mayor Shinpoch also distributed a memorandum giving an informal Assessment assessment of Council's conclusions following the budget seminar held June 20. The Mayor urged Council to thoroughly review the memo, edit at will, and return comments to her. Sailing Club Mayor Shinpoch also distributed a memorandum regarding Sai=n_� Activities , Club.activities on city-owned property located at North 52nd Street. The Mayor noted this is an historical perspective of the Administration's position for Council's information. July 4th Mayor Shinpoch thanked Council President Reed in advance for Celebration attending the upcoming July 4th celebration in her absence. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11:10 p.m. f.� � Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk a � ti � � `� �' OF R� �I � �' .. „ a THE CIT� CJF R.ENTC)N U �� ''7" � MtlNICiPAL BUILDING 200 Miti.AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 � � �Ji„ � BARBARA Y. �HINPQCH. MAYOR 235-Z5$O ;, � �'9,q �' , I` O �Q" 9��F� SEP���� . � 11r�E 11R(J 1�,.�N I�T,�'M ' � � � DATE: June 24, 1985 T0: Council President John Reed Members of the City Council FROM: Mayor Shinpoch SUBJECT: Saiiing Club activities an city-owned property iacated at N. 52nd Street We have researched the pertinent laws, discussed at length the possible uses of this property, the increasing concerns over liability, and the potential danger to the public. 1�1e have cancluded that the Board of Public Works acted entirely appropriately in advising the Saiiir+g Club in January of this year that their arrangement with the �ity to use this praperty will nat be extended beyand December 3i , l 9$5. For the remainder of ]985, the Sailing G]ub will be obligated to honar the terms of the agreement which includes chaperoning activities and carrying adequate insurance. Councii is urged to concur with an administrative decision to reclaim this . property, clear debris, and secureiy fence tt�e area ta prohibit access untii such time as Pubiic Works or the Parks Department have submitted and obtein�d Gouncil approval for interim ar permaner�t plans for this property. The Sailing Club has a long and mixed history of use. The current tenants have made measurable improvements to the management and operation of this facility. Neither their intent nor execution, however, is the issue. We have ; allowed the exciusive use of pubiic property by a private group. This is not acceptable. . _ e , � — f } �� _ '. �� � City Council ' June 24, 1985 � Page 2 x � . �. i: I The smali size (camparable ta a single home building 1ot) is nat conducive to �i an expanded operatian which couid incarparate pub1ic as oppased to private ' use. If this were the case, the city cou3d deveiop a public program at the site. 'fhere �is inadequate parking and access is botiz limited and incanvenient : to traffic. � The question of municipal liability and responsibility was tragically � I illustrated in Gary, Indiana (June 10). We do nat have a program or funds to I , provide lifeguards at this location. Unsupervised activity is not deemed safe. , The law precludes vacating this praperty. Adjacent land awners may nat � I ' purchase ar use it. �,, The Sailing Club will , presumably, petition the Counci] for relief from the I, decision af the Board of Pub7ic Works. I am sarry not to be able ta advise you that the city has great plans for this prtiperty and our need requires . eviction of the private club. We have no immediate need. We have legal and moral principles to address. , � l 1 . We cannot condane the con�inued use of public iand by a group � requiring paid membership and excluding the general citizenry. i 2, Despite hold harmless agreements and insurance �0�'1C1ES, the i '� city is ultimately identified as the owner of the praperty and ! ' must assume the underlying responsibility. ; I I�� 3. The Sailing Club has the precise same opportunity to access � Coulon Beach Park as the rest of the pubiic. They wiii not � have exciusive use and they will nat have the privileges of i maorage, but they wi]1 have what other citizens enjoy. � If Council has questians, staff wi11 be available to respond. � �+dretr+oucw , Barbara Y. Sh�inpoch, Mayor SYS:hh � I � � I _ _ ��"- \ �,,T'`�p ,� , � , , . ��' �' � � � ` � i �` � �y'� �;� � �.�� r �� ��,� ��` M q OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTClRNEY� RENTflN.WASHINGTQN � �� / �" M'OST OfIICE/OX i26 100 S 2nd STREfT • 11ENTON, wASMM1GiQN !�p#�7 ?SS-�i7� np � '� LAWRENCE 7.WARREN� CITV ATT(�RhIEV DANIEL KELLLX"'�.G� Aii1iTAN1 CITY ATTOM�NL11 "9 Q�' DAVID M. DEAN, �ss+sr�r+r c�tr�rTa�r MARK E.BAABEA, �lWitlwT CiTr ATTd1P+tr T''�� SEPZ�`� ZANETTA L.M7NTE$i #St1itANt C�TT ATTOlIN[Y Apr i 2 2 6, 19 8 5 MARTHA A.FRENCH r+���stMtT C1TY ATTpINtY � T(J: Barbara Y, �hinpoch, Mayor I FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City A�tarney ar d Ma or: . I De Ma am y ' I have been in contact with Al� Foe, an attorney representing � the Renton Sailing Club. As you may recall, I sent him a letter not long ago objecting to his client' s remarks in the Renton Chronicle and a sailing magazine. I also indicated � that the City was no�. going to conciliate thei,r objections , to the City' s recent limitation on the Sailing Club' s permit ' and then have the Saiii.ng Club be canfrontive in the news media and in public. He indicates to me that the Club is in a �onciliatory mood and the more aggressive members are curbing their i,mpatience. I I thought it appropriate that you and I, John Webley, Dick htan and a re resentative of the Park Board get toge�her Houg p and see what actions the City cauld take that might assist the Sailing Ciub without exposing the City to unnecessary iiability or claims of constitutianal violation for allowing ', private parties ta have exclusive use o� City praparty. i '� have several ideas that might resolve the confliet. � If we were able to come up with same concrete sQlutions, then � we could mee� once again with the Sailing Club and see if we could reach an agreement. I can �ell you Mr. Foe has worked very hard to be conciliatory and he is not threateninq Iitiqation. Rather, he is trying ta work toward an amicable solutian. I p2edged to him that I would take the same approach as long as the Sailing Club did nat become confrantive once again. If you think it appropriate to have a meeting, perhaps you could have Harriet arrange a conferanoa arn and a meeting tl.m�. Lawrence J. Warren LJW:nd � cc: Dick Houghton John Webley Chairman - Park Board I —. — -- -- - . Renton City Councit 2/25/85 Page five Ordinances and Resolutions continued Honey Creek An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain Sewer Interceptor property and property rights by eminent domain providing for Project the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare Condemnation a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the Action County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for the Honey Creek Interceptor Project. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Upon inquiry, Mr. Parness advised that engineering work is completed for the project and acquisition of these two remaining parcels through condemnation witl allow the project to begin in June of 1985 with completion anticipated in the fall of same year. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: Six-Year A resolution was read amending the Six-Year Transportation Transportation Improvement Program, 1985-1990 and adding N. 3rd/Park Avenue N. Improvement and N. 4th/Park Avenue N. to the Annual Element Projects. Program Amendment MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 1985-�99� RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 5116 through 5427 in the amount of $953,213•03, having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers 5111 through 5115 machine voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS -Upon inquiry regarding Renton Sailing Club Revocable Permit Renton Sailinq (PAG 1252-68) for use of a portion of SE 72nd Street (N. Club Revocable 52nd Street) , Mr. Parness advised that the Board of Public Permit Works has approved an extension of the permit through 1985� PAG 1252-68 a response from the Park Board regarding potential use of the property was requested and received by Mayor Shinpoch, and following evaluation of the information, a report will be forthcoming to Council members. It was noted that an appeal of the Board of Public Works' decision to require the Club to vacate the property at the end of t985 is appealable Superior Court within a specific time period. Comedy Night Referencing a letter from Pastor 0'Rear of the Renton Bible Church, Councilman Stredicke noted that the complaint regarding questionable comedy material being used for what was advertised as family entertainment by non-profit group should be forwarded to the Renton School Board since the function took place at Hazen High School . He felt that although the City has little authority over the matter, the Board may wish to be involved. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sharon Heck, 1805 Lincoln Circle SE, suggested that Council �, Public Address members speak into their microphones to enable the audience i System to hear proceedings. Noting that this problem has been raised before, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. I� Time: 8:50 p.m. �. MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk ..,�.. � ' 4 81 D�� TR 8 U �.A`� 1�J� �t-1�.�.T � �� ���� � TELEMETRY AND POWER CONDUIT INATER PR0.IECT N4. 730 � Q " � E„ • February 20, 1985 Bids include sales tax E5lQQER ' E3tD H H F!I t3 t i POTEl.C4, lnc. EEO BB � $189,567.08 14103 8th Street E � 2 addenda acknowiedged � Sumner, 111A 98390-9699 � � � HH Ml3t � UDL., Inc. EEO BB � $193, 720. 93 12Q20 SE 32nd Street ( 2 addenda acknowledged Bellevue, WA 98Q05 ! 1 � � AI.FIERi CC3N5TRUCTION, INC. E�plv�tst � $2}a,7�7.2� 1608 5. 96th Cashier's Check (returned� 1 addenda acknowledged Sea#tle, WA 98108 � � � � Enaineer's Estimate: 1 5199. 215.Ot� � I 1 � � , i � � � � " � � 1 � f�� Z � f � r �' / ° '�� '�_^J� B4J1RD OF Pl�l.l C MORKS Y��O j9:00 a.m. Renton Municipal BuiEding January 30, 19$5 4th Ffoor Conference Raom ATfENDEES: Richard Houghton, Chairmen � Jim Matthew, Fire Prevention i � Ron Nelson, Buiiding Official I Mike Parness, Admfnistrative Assistant � Patricia Parter, Admin. Secretary I Larry 5pringer, Policy Development Director i VISITQitS: Alice Meidrum, Applicant Bab Hufnagle. Parks Department Dennis Brernikar� Parks Department l.arry Nawe. Applicant Frank Morgan, Renton Sailing Club MINUTES I , CALC. TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Houghton at 9.05 a.m. 2. APPEtOYR� QF MINUFES: Ntoved by NEt�SQN seconded by PARNESS to apprave the minutes o# the January 16th and January 23rd meetings. MOTIQN CARRlEQ 3. CORRESPONDENCE: None 4. REFERRALS FROM CiTY COUNCIL: 5. REFERRALS FR4M1 OTHER DEPARTM�NTS: a. Applicatian far Var-iancelUnderground Qrdinance, l.arry Hawe. 522 Wifiiams Ave. N. Moved by 5PRlNGER, seconded by MATTHEM, to apprave the subject var�ance �equest subject to standard conditions. MOTlON GARRIEG � b. Appiication far VariancelUnderground Ordinance: David Meldrum 617 Marris. Moved by NEI.SON, secanded by MATTHEW. to approve the subject variance sub- ject ta standard canditians. MOTiON CARRiED 6. NEMf BUSINESSa None 7. OLD BUSlNESS: Renton Sailing Club - Chairman Moughton expiained that the matter of the revocable permit for the Rentan Saiiing Club and the former decisian by the Board cf Pubiic Works ta cantinue said permit for anly ane more year tuntl ) �ecember 3t � 1985) had been reviewed by the Park Baard and they requested recansideratian by the Board af its decision. Bob Nufnagie and Dennis Breznikar were present. rep�esenting Mr. Weathers, Park Board Chairman, and Mr. Frank Morgan af the Renton Sailing Club was also present. I BOARD OF PUBLIC MI�RKS -2- January30. 1985 , The Chairman further stated that a package had been put together which included summary/history report by Larry Springer; City Attorney's review ref. legal issue of Renton Sailing Club permit; Park Board letter request- ing reconsideration of Board's action; Building Official 's letter of concern along with pictures of the site; and a copy of the present zoning ordinance. Ron Nelson expressed his concern about the condition of the facility at the street end pointing out the structural condition was poor to hazardous and the potential for the City to be invoived in an injury quite high. He also indicated that contact had been made with the neighbors and they were dissatisfied with no sanitary facilities being provided. traffic problems� and unsafe conditions in the area when other people using docks. He showed the Board pictures of the area which substantiated the fact that there are loose boards. no railings. dry rot, and deteriorating styrofoam floating loose. Frank Morgan stated that they do have a porta-potty in the shed. Mike Parness advised that the Board was meeting to reconsider their decision and provide additional information to the Park Board in response to their request. Frank Morgan stated that they had plans to clean up the area. Ron Nelson replied that the Board had heard this promise before, last time being about hand rails which to date had not been accomplished. He further stated that he feels the City is allowing a problem to continue beyond their province. Larry Springer commented that this has been on going, according to the record, since 1980 and that aside from the problems already discussed the zoning is incompatible with that area. He also suggested that the City might have to give other groups (organizations) the same opportunity that has been afforded the Renton Sailing Ctub on this street end. Mr. Morgan remarked that the City only has two or three such street ends. Mike Parness said his concern is summarized in the City Attorney's letter of January 21 . 1985 wherein he states: "Liability problems to the City abound. I personally visited the property in the past and found it over- grown and dangerous. The wal�Cway and docks were delapidated and dangerous. I have previously insisted that liability insurance be provided to the City by said club. In addition� they have signed a hold harmless to the City. Despite these protections� if there is a tragic accident at this location the City almost surely will be sued and will have to defend itself in Court." Mr. Parness added that even though the Renton Sailing Club is doing a good job� provided insurance etc. . the matter of the use is not in concert with the neighborhood and the potential liability problem. He further stated that the City must weigh the concerns of liability against the good things stated in behalt of the Sailing Club. , Frank Morgan asked about the liability on the behalf of the City insotar as Parks Department was concerned. Mike Parness advised it was treated in much the same manner as he had described. J ' 80ARD OF PUBLIC WORKS -3- January 30. 1985 � Larry Springer reminded Mr. Morgan that this permit has always been granted on a temporary basis for a one-year period and that the Board to date had always been fair in its dealings with the Club. Mike Parness addressed the issue ot the impact of ioning in the neighborhood. Ron Nelson added that at the time the permit was first considered there were no homes in that area but now there are homes abutting this use and he can not longer support this use. F�ank Morgan stated that he realizes everything looks "ratty" but he wants guidelines from the City as to how they would proceed noting that as far as he was concerned the City had no policy on this type of use. He also added that he did not think the City should be swayed by "hair trigger complaints" from neighbors because most of the complaints were years old. Mr. Morgan went on to state that there were no parking problems at the site. Larry Springer indicated that he saw only one possible solution� i .e. that being the Renton Sailing Club to approach Pa�ks Department about cont�act- ing sailing lessons for Parks Department. Frank Morgan stated they had attempted to start a Kiddy Program and it did not work out. They would like to continue through the Renton Vo Tec School and coordinate through Parks Department to give lessons. Mike Parness stated that the Board is not in a position to outline use policy. that they can't nor won't get involved. Mr. Parness summarized: a. Conditions at the site b. Input from personnel (Board through administration) c. Lack of sanitary facilities �. Parking e. Liability concerns regardless of insurance -- very critical Board can not hope to control f. Zoning - conflict - it is single family residential area (Even if it • were a top flight oepration there is zoning conflict) Moved by PARNESS seconded by NELSON� that based on all the information supplied the Board of Public Works should re-affirm its former decision and inform Renton Sailing Club that the permit will not be �ranted after 1985 and that the Pa�k Board be so notified. MOTION CARRIED Union 670 Plat. Pac Bell Variance review (G. Norris) Moved by NELSON seconded by MATTHEW to extend variance/deferral for one more year. MOTION CARRIED ' R. Stranberg. Deferral Off-Site Improvements, 3220 N. 32nd St. Secretary instructed to notify Mr. Stromberg that he does not have a valid deferrat . , , � BOARD OF PIBLIC MURKS -4- January 30� 1985 . I s. c��Ts n� awra,mc�Krs: r�a�,$ 9. ADJOIJttt�NT: The meet i ng ad journed at 9 n 50 a,m. Patricia M. Porter Secretary , - - - --- - --- - - -1 C OF R� - � � �. o THE CITY OF RENTON V `� � Z MUNICiPAI BUILDING Z00 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 ; � BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • 0,9 � ,�• ACTING CITY CLERK �O �Q' Maxine E. Motor O��TF� SEP'���0 MEMORANDUM TO: Richard Houghton, Chairman-Board of Public Works FROM: Maxine E. Motor, Acting City Cler�.� � ;r- DATE: July 7, 1982 • The City Clerk's Office has received the anniversary billing of the ' insurance policy of the Renton Sailing Club, (PAG 1252-68) . We are notifing you per your request of 8/22/81- I � 6-22-82/83 ANNI\/ERSARY BILLING TOTAL A/P $100. ENDORSEMENT CODE EXPOSURE RATES PREMIUMS BI PD BI PD OL � T — 65198 a) 3000 1.776 .043 53. 40. M TOTAL ANNIVERSARY PREMIUM DUE C0. $100 POLICY WRITING MIN. P i � 3 Y ML 6 �8 70 _ issued by the Company or Companies designated This endorsement No. . . . . .. . .. . .. ..forms a part of Polic No.. . .. ... . . . .. therein,and takes effect as of the inception date of said policy unless anothe�effective date is stated below. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ........................ .............. ............. j(:��mplete(bilv lVhev�'/'his l��rm is Nnt Prrpared[L'ith thr Policy ur is/Vot h'��ective as of th<•lnce phc���Uatr• �,j.Sui�!P�,licv. ,............................................:.......................................................................................................................................... ........................ ........: � Date of Issue � Issued To Effective Date : (s) 5-25-82..dm... ..:................RENTON SAILING CLUB, INC. 6-2�-82 . .. ... ..................... . . . ............. . ..................1.. ..............:.................................... .................... . ; ... ...... .... NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY ' �� OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY AGENT .. Q�.. ... .. . ...... ........ (Cuw r siRnaru.�. ,, � x s�ie �9-»> HUB INS. AGENCY, INC. 5757-40 I ,'(���rL �:�.�.�a�– �/ 3 5�1� — ��G�l� Jl, ;�-�,�-, �.�.� ��� � ► MEMORANDIIM TO City Clerk OATE $/22/$1 ' FROM Jean Truman, Board of Publ ic Works ' SUBJECT Renton Sa i 1 i ng C1 ub PAG Attached is the insurance policy for the Renton Sailing Ctub permit. This is subject to review each year in July. , Would you notify the Board of Public Works when the insurance expires so this matter ' can be reviewed again. Also attached are copies of the minutes and correspondence. Thanks! �'I •• •• . • . . - . .• . . � . • . •� . � �� o �. . � � .• . .•� . •. � . NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY HUB NS AGENCY I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES I PO BOX 796 COMPANY A RENTON, WA 98055 �EnER n NORTH PACIFIC COMPANV � LETTER NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED COMPANY � RENTpN SAILING CLUB, INC. �E'TER C/O DEBRA SCHEUERMAN COMPANY D 909 UNION AVE NE �EnER RENTON, WPi 98055 COMPANY c LETTER ��■ This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement,term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms,exclusions and conditions of such policies. COMPANY TVPE OF INSURANCE POLICV NUMBER POLICV � Limits of Liability in Thousands(000) LETTER EXPIRATION DATE I OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE GENERAL LIABILITY . BODILV INJURY $ $ ❑COMPREHENSIVE FORM Pj �PREMISES—OPERATIONS ML G—OS�7O 6/22/84 PROPERTVDAMAGE S $ � EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD ❑UNDERGROUND HAZARD �PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD BODILVINJURY AND ❑CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE PROPERTV DAMAGE � 3OO� $ 3OO� � BROAD FORM PROPERTV COMBINED DAMAGE ❑ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ❑ PERSONAL INJURV PERSONAL INJURY $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODILV INJURY $ (EAC H PERSON i ❑ COMPREHENSIVE FORM BODILY INJURY $ ❑ OWNED (EACH ACCIDENT) ❑ HIRED I PROPERTY DAMAGE I $ I BODILY INJURY AND I � NON OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ COMBiNED EXCESS LIABILITY BODILY INJURV AND ❑ UMBRELLA FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ � OTHERTHANUMBRELIA COMBINED fORM WORKERS'COMPENSATION STATUTORY and EMPLOYERS'LIABIIITY $ ,[ncr+nccio[Nr� OTHER IPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES AS RESPECT5 PREMISES LOCATED AT 72nd ST @ RIPLEY LANE, RENTON, WA IT IS AGREED THAT THE CITY OF RENTON IS ADDED AS AN ADDTL INSURED cellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail _2fl_ days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liabil�ty of any kind upon the company. � NAMEANDADDRESSOFCERTIFlCATEHOLDER � .�/��,��1�C�{, CITY OF RENTON DATE ISSUE� !/ 1 G DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 200 MILL AVE S RENTON, WA 98055 THORIZED REPRESENTATIVE WAYNE HOMAS/HUB INS , �/'..�.V', v\�.�T!l��S.1 . • � . . �17�C�7� `TH PA lFI. 0 . � NSURAI� E COMPANY (A STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, HEREIN CALLED THE COMPANY) Home Office ■ Portland, Oregon This Declaration Page with Form C6001, completes the below numbered GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY I Item 1. M L U�� O� ! o Insured: Name RENTON SAILING CLUB� INC. � C/0 DEBRA SCNEUERMAN Renews NEW Address � 909 UN I ON AVENUE N.E. � � RENTON, WASH I NGTON 98055 HUB i NSURANC E AGENCY, t NC.Agent coae No. 5757'4� Item 2. � Policy Period: From JUNE 22, 1981 to JUNE 22, 1984 12:01 A.M, standard time at the address of the named insured as stated herein. Business of the Insured: - - -- _. - ------ - - -- -- -----� INTEREST ItV THE PREMISES DESCRIBED BELOW PART OF SUCH PREMISES OCCUPIED BY INSURED __._...___ . Item 3. The insurance afforded is only with respect to such and so many of the following coveragas and exposures thereunder as are indicated by specific premium charge or charges. The limit of the Company's liability against each such coverage and exposure shall be as stated herein, subject to all of the terms of this policy having reference thereto. COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY A BODILY INJURY $ PER END. Each Occurrence B. PROPERTY $ PER END. Each Occurrence C. MEDICAL $ N I L Each Person LIABILITY $ N I L A99regate LDIA�L TY $ N I L Aggregate PAYMENTS$ N I L Each Accident Aggregate Applies to Oivision 4 Only Aggregate Applip to Divisions 1,3,4 and 5 Only � CODE PREMIUM � RATES � PREMIUMS DESCRIPTION OF EXPOSURES I No. I BASES' I Bodily IPropertyl Bodily I Property I Medical Injury Damage Injury Damage Payments DIVISION 1. PREMISES—OPERATIONS LAND RATED AS BUILDING OR PREMISES - BANK, MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURING OR 65198 3000 1 .5g .043 43. 40. OFFICE (LRO) FLAT FLAT CHARGE CHARGE '(a) Area(Sq. Ft.);(b) Frontage;(c) Remuneration, Receipu;(d) Unit DIVISION 2. ESCALATORS—LOCATION—PER LANDING I INumberinsuredl I I I I DIVISION 3. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS—LET OR SUBLET WORK I I Cost I I I I I DIVISION 4.A. PRODUCTS; B.COMPLETED OPERATIONS Sales , - :(' DlVISION 5. CONTRACTUAL I I Total Cost I I I I I ENDORSEMENTS • ADVANCE PREMIUM 1st ANNIVERSARY PREMIUM 2nd ANNIVERSARY PREM�UM � 83. $ 83. $ 83, ANNUAL 43. 40. � DPP ADVANCE I I I TOTAL PREMIUM I H3• Coun[ersigned at RENTON� WASH I NGTON JULY 20 81 i (S) gm , `" V/ Au[horized Representative � � ceooz aev.�a�s ryF�?nav `R.. . S>�s_wa.� . ��q�rq,NR, . -,. - . - ...'p"pik C ����' nl� ,it��..;�re�G,+.',�'�` �Yq' `,.. 4 ��Q!y^_��;�.:no . .' '7i��• �i�.��. ":'a:R''� _ . , . r - , �,�'�,'A'�s � �i;�i� .16 �.1� %F.� y<f�� . ;I^��, c'!' t . �t_.. . r _'a�5 .. , . re� -��' �.' 'S�i f p . , . �� ���'' . �: I . ' _—. . ' . ' ' � ..-. i � ' ._ . �v.rl. ��I ... J .� .;" , _ -� . • � - - ---� ' M � S{NGLE LIMIT ENDOASEMENT � SCNEDULE COVERAGES: BODILY INJURY LIABILITY A PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY B It is understood that as respects the coverages designated in the schedule above, the total limit of the Company's liability for all p damages as the result of any one occurrence, whether involving one or more of such coverages,shall be a singie limit of '` $ 300,000. . � It is further understood that as respects the above stated limit, the following conditions appiy: ... (1) with respect to any exposure subject to an aggregate limit the above stated single limit shall be the total aggregate limit of the Company's fiability, subject to the aggregate conditions stated in the General Conditions. (2) with respect to any occurrence for which the notice of this policy is given in lieu of security, or when this policy is cer- n` tified as proof of financial responsibility under the provisions of the motor vehicle financial res�onsibility law of any ��. state or province,such limit of liability shall be applied in accordance with the applicable terms of such law, except that '� the total limit of liability shall not be reduced. � ,� This endorsement No. . . . . .?. . . . . . . .forms a part of Policy No. . ML 6—�8'�� issued by the Company or Companies designated there- in,and takes effect as of the inception date of said policy unless another effective date is stated below. :. ................... ............................. .................................................................................................................................................................................... i (Complete Only When 77ti�!ornt is Not Prepared Witlt the Policy or is Not Ef fective as of thr lncephon llate of Said Policy.J ` ' i............................................:..... . ................................................................................................... ............................................................................: : Date : Issued To : Effective Date ' :............................................:................................................................................................................. ... .... ... .... ....:.......................................: "t�' NORTH PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY ;�;:, � OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY �.. . - AGENT... . _ ,.......... ...... . .. . .. .... ........ . ( o n crsi , � required 6y IawJ � X 607 ', . , r' ��i ta��',�� ��`� �k�5� . , � .i � ' � . �, � Y �'`t�'...b"''"°�n�s�' r p�.{ k "r» -. ,. � ' .� t 1' �i i�' � , , . ��� � . ' " ' t , �'y1,.��'ti.,' . . ' !;' � `��,��"��� �. 4�,,� .� , � .. , . F.a' , y¢� .a.. a . br • , . ' ��1t. . � ' . N. i a fw '� ; . � , , ., iP!'i�". ¢�� ' � ' � � , . ' ' - �,{: �u ?.�A;� � � . � � '�e:>.S'.Sr' h, QF R��r � � � ��y ,,�„ ° PUBLIC 'Wtt'�►R�KS DEPARTMENT � DIRECTOR o � � MUNICIPA�BUILDING ZOQ MILL AVE.St?, RENTON.WASH.�055 �'° �O 206 235-2569 �q,�T�o ¢�����Q' BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS S E BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR August 22, 19$1 � Mrs. Debra Scheuerman q09 Union Ave. N.E. Renton, WA 9$OS5 Subject; Renton Saiiing C1ub insurance Dear Debra: , The Board of Pubiic Works has agreed to the operation af the I Renton Saiting Club for another year subject to review each I year at the first meeting in July. I !f, far some reason, you cannot make the first meating in Jul 1 $2 lease advise us. I Ys � s R The City Attorney appraved your insurance policy for the Street Use Permit. Sincerety, �� � �ly+.�/ Jean F. Truman, Secretary Board of Public Works jt cc; Baard Members BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS I� Wednesday, August 19, 1981 Renton Municipal Building � 9:00 a.m. 4th Floor Conference Roam � Staff: Richard Haughton, Chairman Ron P�elson, Building Director Richard Geissler, Fire Chief Gary Narris, Traffic Engineer Roger Blaylock, Planning Department Jahn Webley, Parks & Recreation Director Mike Parness, Adm. Assistant Jean Truman, Board Secretary I � Guests: Mrs. Pam Kelso, 517 N. 31st St. Ms Sandra Paole, Pacific P�W Bell � MIP� UTES 1 . CALL TO QRDER - The meeting was called to order by Chairntan Noughton at 9:00 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF t�INUTES - Maved by N�LSON, �ecanded by GI�BL�y, .#he m.f.nc�te�s a� Augws� S, 19�7 6e appnave.d a� wtc..i�.ten. Mc7TIUN CARRI�D. 3. CORRESPONQEiVCE a. Letter from Cjty Attorney re Renton Sailinc,�Club - Mr. 4larren reviewed the insurance policy and deemed it adequate for a r�ght-of-way permit. Ihis item has already been approved by the Board subject to the City Attorney's opi- nion an the insurance policy. This matter will be reviewed annually at the first meeting in Juiy. City Clerk to natify the Baard. 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COt1NCIL a. Proposed Annexatian, Cascade Sewer District �Petitian 262R, Reso. 1546; Reso. 1547, Boundary Review Board - No reports having been received fror� the departments, this matter was held over until the next meeting. 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS a. Qriveway Variance, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelso, 5i7 S. 31st St. , Exceed 8� Driveway Slope to 13% - Mr. t�elson said the Suilding Department had no proble�n with the slope, the plan shows the drainage at the bottom of the slope. Mr. ' Pdorris said that when he had talked to Mrs. Kelso last week, he had asked far � a drainage plan and a letter from them that a prablem existed and they would take fuil responsibiiity. Mrs. Kelso explained that there was a perforated pipe lead- ', ing to a gravel drainfield. There is a i8 x 18" catch basin in front of the gar- ' age and the drainfieid gaes into the backyard. Mr. Norris comnnented that it wauld be more desirable to have a drain al] the way acrass the driveway. Mr. Houghtan ' noted that other placss wh�re the houses were below the ievel of the raad were ', subject to flooding and since this driveway was sloped toward the hause, �here was I a distinct possibility of getting water in the basement. If the storm drains over- flow, the applicant wiil have to accept the responsibility. A4pved by N�LSc7N, a2conded by GEISSLFR, �a a�apnove .t1ie va�u�a.rice. �sub�eat �ta �the app.?,c:eavLt �s�.gn,i.ng a "fCo�d Hcvrm�2e�s�s Agneeme�.t" wh.i,eh w.�. beeame pan.t a� �the Bu,i,�d�.ng ��e. M07IUN i CARRIED. ( - - - - - — — (' `�f"H"J�.�.t� ' �I��1�°`r �F R�� �.(,�.�- , 4 � � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WAaHINGTON U ,� � � PQST C1FftCE 94X 62b 100 2nd AVfiVt1E BUItd�NG • PtEtvtON, WASMiNGTQIV 98055 zss-es�e 4 � � LAWRENCE I.WARREN, C�TY ATTORN£Y DANIEL KELLOCG, ASSFSTAiYt CITY AT7aRNEr � p'� p.�O SUBAN R. IRWZN, ASS�StAN7 ttTV ATTBRNEY 9�T�'Q sE���`�0� Juiy 32, I981 I� - - T�: RICHARD H�UGHTON, Chairman Board of Public Works ! FROPZ: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney , RE: Insurance on Renton Sailing Club The polic forwarded to me was received Jul 22 1981. I Y y , have reviewed the binder several times and it apnears to be adequate. A quick review does not indicate that the , pc�licy has a very shor� time span as the prior policy had. AdditionaZly, if I understand it carrec�ly, the Sailin� � CZub has a right of way use germit and that is the on2y thin� we are granting to the Sailing Club. If that is , the case, the bodily injury and praperty dama�e liability of $300, 000. 00 is more than adquate far our needs. , If Z can nrovide you with any further informa�ian, please feel free ta contact me. ; ` '�'��g"'c�C , '�, awrence J. ren LJW:bjm ' ' ,t �' � I � Binder No. . , . ' . . �Yp�d : � • ' '�' ' ' ' • • ' : ..�� . . . . . . • . . .- NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY COMPANY NORTH PACIFIC INS CO HUB INS AGENCY Effective 12:01 am 6/29 , 1981 PO BOX 796 Expires C� 12:01 am ❑ Noon 8/29 , 1981 RENTON, WA 98055 �This binder is issued to extend coverage in the above named company per expiring policy# (except as rwted below) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INSURED Description of Operation/Vehicles/Property RENTON SAILING CLUB, INC. PROPERTY LOCATION: c/o DEBRA SCHEUERMAN 72nd ST & RIPLEY LANE 909 UNION AVE NE RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 Type and Location of Property Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt of Insurance Ded. �`' P R 0 P E R T Y Type of Insurance Coverage/Forms � Limits of Liability � � �EachOccurrence � Aggregete � ❑Scheduled Form ❑Comprehensive Form Bodily Injury $ $ A � Premises/Operations Property B O Products/Completed Operations Damage $ $ I � ❑Contractual Bodily Injury & I �Other(specify below) O. L. & T. Property Damage Y y Combined $ 300,000. $300,000. T ❑ Med. Pa . $ perwn $ Acc dent ❑ Personal Injury ❑ A ❑ B � C I Personal Injury I$ p I Limits of Liability V ❑Liability ❑ Non-owned ❑ Hired Bodily Injury (Each Person) $ T ❑Comprehensive-Deductible $ Bodily Injury(Each Accident) $ � O Collision-Deductible $ M ❑ Medical Payments $ IProperty Damage $ � ❑ Uninsured Motorist $ B � ❑ No Fault(specify): Bodily Injury & Property Damage L �Other(specify): Combined $ E ❑ WORKERS' COMPENSATION — Statutory Limits (specify states below) ❑ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY — Limit $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES NAME AND ADDRESS Of❑ MORTGAGEE ❑ LOSS PAYEE ADD'L INSURED CITY OF RENTON LOAN NUMBER AEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 200 MILL AVE S �'� RENTON, WA 98055 ' �i� '� � of YrtthEor�THOMAS sentative ��9/81 ACORD 75(11-77) __ . � 1 I ii CQNDITIONS This Company binds the kind(s)of insurance stipulated on the revers?side. This insurance is subject to the terms, canditions and iimitations of the policy(ies) ir7 current use by the Company. This binder may be cancefled by the Insured by sui render of this k�inder or by written notice to the Com- pany stating when cancellat�on wif! be effective.This binder may b�cancelled by the Company by notice to the insured in accordance with the policy conditions.This b�nder is cancelied when replaced by a pol- icy. If this bincler is not replaced by a policy,the Company is entitled to charge a premium for the binder according to the Rules and Rates in use by the Company. Binder No. � . � . , . . ��V, ` � � � ��� � � � � � • � � • � • • • ' ' � • •• NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY COMPANY � p� � � � � � � � � Effective 1.2:01 am 6J29 , 1981 Expires � 12:01 am O Noon 8/29 , 1981 i°"'•'�",�,��', � ��Sg O This binder is issued to extend coverage in the above named company per expiring policy# (except as noted below) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INSURED Description of Operation/Vehicles/Propert�r 8R'I�Q� S�iZLIItt3 CI.UB. I1R:. 1'����.�.�� LOCUTIt�N t Q,O 77�� �i�ri C�.I Y�:Y!i.YfN 7�i�Ri Oi � AiriiAi LCLL� 909 tA1IE�i li►VR l� ,:��a:.�!�, ilA 98054 �e.��a..�F a�, lu1 ��55 Type and Location of Property Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt of Insurance Ded. �`' P R 0 P E R T Y Type of Insurance Coverage/Forms � Limits of Liabiliry � � �EachOccurronce � Ag�regete � ❑Scheduled Form ❑Comprehensive Form Bodily Injury $ $ A O Premises/Operations Property B ❑ Products/Completed Operations Damage $ $ I � O Contractual Bodily Injury & 1 f�Other(specify below) O. L. ir T. Property Damage Combined $ ���• $���� Y O Med. Pay. $ perwn $ Accdent O Personal Injury ❑ A O B ❑ C I Personal Injury I$ q I Limits of Liability � ❑Liability ❑ Non-owned ❑ Hired Bodily Injury (Each Person) $ T ❑Comprehensive-Deductible $ Bodily Injury(Each Accident) $ M ❑Collision-Deductible $ p �Medical Payments $ Property Damage $ g ❑Uninsured Motorist $ � ❑No Fault(specify): Bodily Injury & Property Damage L p Other (specify): Combined $ E ❑ WORKERS'COMPENSATION — Statutory Limits (specify states below) ❑ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY — Limit $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES NAME AND ADDRESS Of❑ MORTGAGEE ❑LOSS PAYEE ADD'L INSURED C�Z � � LOAN NUMBER � � �YC � Z� M�s ��i � �� � 9�3� � of/�uthorized R�resentative 4a ,�� ORD 75(11-77) _._ _ _ . . CONDIT90NS Tf115 t��`',;�!d!',f D:rl:i: ."1'�' �.; . ;/ i.? :. .l!��fl( P �il��'.:�att'C� �"� ik..� ,. .,- .�`'P j i�i$ !tiStJrdt�t H IJ Jl!i)j�i.t °„ tr��e tc� n,-�. .._ . _ . _. _ ,:r.;� . _ `c �! . ;� ' �; . � . . . ���e p �..�. � �e r���:._ � �, : �.: C��r:� ai�y TV1Eb rJ�(i(�f�r i I�?� . . , . _� .. '.° J .i�if.' 1+'.,.�C`.i :)\!,7:.lP�1±''Il.C; di. _ . .... ..7 `' /I" ( �:i�i,�-'�G1 Lt �.� � _ J��Y, l��.i� �'}� i l,.U'Y?_ �ir3'ly S�cqt��li,4',i�t il '..<i�':�'..� r,i" ;vl�! ���f,?4�(':�'t�'vt'.!t3i5�tllitlF'' . .i r r ;.:s�'t.:'iit'Ca t?y't11��,'[:i11�i3t�y'���f?GfICE � {O t�lE I ISt1� y iil �i�.C..�!`id7'.t.�, +:''(:'1 [tl�(�+'..�i::V COCiC�±il�trti. i i i=, Ji" . . . .�," :t,',IL'�VdhEl"I CE'N��,�t�� r`f d�?i:I !Cy �'i�"i�„ �:li'�:7r;: .. . . :"c';_ �, Jy'� j=tJ�iGy `:_hi'COiTl�ury i:: _.._ ` - ! :'::. '�li fir_'a premium for;•":e bi;iC.�e1' ac::ording�o ;he F��., _ ,+�:;, , ..'��s �r� :.�,e bY?ne �;^mp3^v � il � , BOARD flF PUBIIC WORKS , July 15, 1981 - Paqe 2 , parking area for an additional 115 people beyond the present capacity. He noted the church was very involved with Metro and were having meetings every two weeks. The church wants to use the property and avoid all the improvements reguired. ' Metro shouid make its decision shortly. They will make a presentation to their I Reai Estate Division and a�ty the enginee�ing and the property acquisitian are budgeted. The City Council agreed oo the parking iot. It was noted that the�e were some cancerns abaut that lacation and the Baard cannot approve a deferrat , withaut having all the plans necessary for the improvements if the deferral had , expired. That would include the landscaping and clrainage plan, a letter af eredit or band ta insure the work would be clone, Maved by N�lSOlU, �eeonded by NORRIS, .ta con,ti.nue .the ma.t,teh. �on .two weehe � Ju.ey 29.th. and .the app.(',i.c.an.t can netunn c�zi,th. a �u,� pacfzage �an nev.iuv. Mt�T10N CARRIE'D. c. Applicatians for Business License _ i . Halman Electronics � Electrical Appliances, 1624 Fe�ndala Ave. S.E. - Letter from the app] ica�t exptained he p}anned on repairing electronic equ'spment and making available ta acquaintances electronic aquipment at a reasonable markup. It was noted the letter did nat give the informatio� the Baard required. Moved by tU�BLEy, �ecanded by GlO�TEN, �a de�en. .the app.P.i.ca�i.on bon one weeh and ha.ve .the 8u.i..�ct.i.ng t?epan.#nv.►tit ea►a.tac,t .the app.�c:.can.t. M�TION CaRRI��. ' ii . Kirkman Konstruction� 1002 H. 35th St. - Building Department report ', nated there were no problems. Moved by 1VLIStJN, �5e�onded by Nt?RRIS, �t2 upp.E;i.cu�`.ion be appnaved �subjer.t �a .axu.rccicvcd cand.c�i.or�s. Mt?T7UN CARRIE�. 6. OLD BUSINESS I a. Renton Sattinq Ciub - The secretary reported talking to Mrs. Scheuerman and the insurance policy had nat been received as yet. Moved by NELSON, seconded by CIEMENS, the Board recommend to the City Cauncit that the PAG be canceiled. Mr. Webiey camnented that he sympathized with the club's plight, they have made some � improvements to the stte and were making an eFfart to camply. He noted it would ' not be fair at this paint to recommend cancellation. Mr. Clemens second ta the mot ion was wi thdrawn, Moved by N�LSON, eeeanded by CL�MENS, .to eant,i.nue .the ma�,te�c unt�i.� Je�.Py 29zh and .tha,t we haue .the po.P,i.cy �an .the C�i.ty A�tonney .ta nev�.elv. MOTION I� CARRI�D. I h. Mary P. Ryan Short Piat - The secretary reparted that the deferrai on th� � off-site improvements would expire on July 28th and upon checktctg with the Enginee r � ing Dtv�sion, it was learned that canstructian wauld start In two weeks. Gler► Ahrens, the party that suppiied the $17,700 Letter of Credit had been in the day before the meeting to check on the deferral . Mr. Clemens requested a copy of the letter of Credit. 7. NEW BUSIP#ESS - None $. COMMENTS ANQ ANNOUNCEMENTS - None 9. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. I � � - -- - BOAR� OF PUBLIC WORKS Wednesday. July l , 1981 Renton Municipal Building 9:00 a.m. 4th Floo� Confe�ence Roa� � Staff Present: Richard Hou h i ' ghtor►, C s rm�n � . Dave Clemens, Pla�ning Oirector , . Jim Hanson, Ass't. Suflding Officiat Richard Geissier. Fir� Chtef � Paul Lumbe�t. T�affic Enginee�ing Robert Hufna9lo, Ps�k Oepartme�t - Mike Parnass, Admintstrative Assistant Jean T�uman. Board Secreta�y Guests: Debra Scheuerman, Re�ton Sa111ng Club M I N U T E S " 1. CALL TO ORDER - The July lst meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to o�der by Chairman Houghto� at 9:00 a.m. 2. APPROVA� OF M t NUTES - bloved 6y G�ISSLER, beeonded 6y CLFJ►IFNS, .tke rni.nu.tee 6e a.pp�r.oved aa wn.i,i'�en. MOTION C�IRRlED. 3• COIIRESPONDENCE - None 4. REFERRAI.S FROM CITY COUNCIL a. It was noted that the�e were two street vacatlons that had come to the City Council , i .e. , Stirsky Holdings. Ltd. , Ratnier Ave. N. , Block 4 N. H. Latimer Lake Washington Plat, VAC-3-81 : (1) Portio� of S. 121st St. ; (2) Eortion of Right-of-Way S. 122nd st. extending along Rainier Ave. N. , VAC-4-81 . They have not yet been referred to the Board of Public Works. 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS a. Renton Sailin� Club Permit - Mr. Hanson said they had inspected the site a couple of days ago and the club has done some repair work on the walkway and they have �nstalled a "No Trespassing" sign, however. it wasn't too visible. M�s. Scheuerman noted the ciub usad to have a chain across the waikway and then whe� we took the chain down, we put up the sign. She noted that they couid make the sign more prominent. She noted the club had a 2-month bindar on the insurance, noting how difficult it was to obtain insurance o� that type of operation, the cost being prohibitive for a small club. Upon fnqulry as to the futu�e pla�s fo� the sailing club beyond this summer's activities, Mrs. Scheuerman said that the club has always had a "free access" policy as far as members were concerned. The members can come down and use the boats any time except duriny scheduled ciasses. There a�e 44 students now and there wiil be another class later on during the summer and next year they hope to have another instructo�. She notad there was a great turnover in members and they need a� addltional input cf 10 to 20 new members eve�y year because members get la�ge� boats and other interasts. The classes are conducted through Renton Vocational-Technical School. The mdnberships are family memberships� and there are about 20 families in the club. She noted there is a walk- way between the docks with a rslling on it. Upon inquiry from Mr. Clanens as to what kind of condition the facility was In from a safety standpoint, Mr. Nanson said that for a small private club dock, the facility was not too bad. Mrs. . BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS � 7/1/81 - Page Two Scheuerman said there would be improvements made in the facility continuously this summer. Further discussion was held, it being noted the walkway had been replaced and probably would have to be replaced every year, the ramp between the walkways and the dock is better; it is a float-type dock and it isn't built for people that cannot walk very easily. Mrs. Scheuerman said that most of it , had been painted with non-skjd paint which would make it much safer to waik on. It was noted the club had been at that lacation for 15 years, the permit having been granted by the City Council . Mr. Houghton noted sane complaints from abutting property owners. noting a new 100-foot dock and the owners were afraid the �oat- house wouid come loose and damage the new dock. Mrs. Scheuerman noted the boat- house had been secured with 1 ,000 ibs. of anchors. One of the complaints that had been voiced in the past was about unsupervised children sailing the boats. Mrs. Scheuerman said that, as she had explained before, these were family member- ships and there was a combinatjon-type lock on the boathouse so that anyone who knew the combination could get to the boats; however, parents were aware of this ' and the parents are supposed to have a release on file. Sailing, like any water sport, carries some danger and presumably parents will not let the chtld�en out on the boats on their own if they aren't capable. Upon inquiry from Mr. Houghton re the encroachment on the Imu's property, the neighbors to the south of the street end� Mrs. Scheuerman said that she had talked to Mr. imu several times and he was hesitant about having sanething in wrlting that gives someone else leave to use his property; she said she would talk to him again and see if she could get some- thing in writing. She noted that when there was a north wind, the boat house leaps his water rights a few feet. It was noted that the insurance was for the street end only and did not cover the docks or boathouse, but it was a $300,000 policy which meets the requirement for the street permit. Mrs. Scheuerman said that she would continuc to try and have the proper insurance. The insurance policy should be available in a couple of weeks. Moved by CLF�i�NS, aeeonded by LtUNB�RT, .thi.a ma tteh, be eo►a.t,c:ru�e.d �an .�uo weeka and ne.quea.t Sn.om .the Ci,ty A.t.tacney what .the po.e,i.cy ahou.Zcl covelc ar�d �on,u�.d #he pa.e.i.cy -ta h.i.m .ta nev�.eu�. M�TION CARRI�U. Mrs. Scheuerman was informed that the operation was authorized fo� the time being and she wouid be notified if it was necessary for her to appear at another meeting. b. Applications for Business Licenses: a. Consolidated Sales, 414 S. Tobin, Sale of Smail Items and Specialties - It was questioned what kind of a sales operation this business was planning to conduct. Moved by HANSON, eecaruded by GFISSL�R, xha.t .the app.t,i.can.t 6e aaked �on add.�-t,i.o►2a.Z .i.n.�o�una.t,i.on aa .to h.i.b 6ue.i.nebb. MOTION CARRI�'D. b. Custom Video Services. 511 Burnett Ave. S. , Video Tapin - Reports were read. Moved by GFISSLEK, deeonded by CL�M�NS, �he ctpp.Y,i.ect,t.i.on �e a.pp�wved �aub1ect za �he a.tandand candi.ti.ana. MOTT ON CARRIE'U. 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Status of Deferral on Country Hills Apartments - Mr. Hanso� said the work had not been completed; the landscaping contractor said the�e is still 25$ of the work to be done. Mr. Houghton said he would check with Mr. Monaghan on the drain- age, but the Board would continue to hold the bond. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � OF ��' � � �',�, ` , � �j �t ,� � E3C�ARD OF PUBLIC WC?RKS • RENTON, �ASHINGTQN ; � � MUNtCIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 � 9� �'� ys,o �`�,� I� �Rr CAPItJ�t�E I ! I I I March 2, i98i � � � Mrs. Debra Scheuerman � 1C South Fairway Putlman, WA 99163 � Re: Renton Sailing Club Permit Dear Mrs. Scheuerman: Your letter was read to the Board of Public Warks. Some concsrn was felt abaut the insurance aspects. At its last meeting on February 25, 19g1 , the Board moved ta grant your exte�sion for the meeting with the Board to the first meeting i� July which I wiil be at 9:00 a.m. , July ist, in the Fourth Floor Conference I Raam af the Municipal Building. � The Board also agreed that they will inspect the site in June Ibefare their meeting with you. � If you have any questions, please let us knaw. I� Sincereiy, � , �'I - ' ,`t r � r��r��-M— �:,.(_f:. .l<.u�i' �;�r;:�.ltY.���-J{�; � Richard C. Noughton, Chairman � Board of Public Works 'i Jt cc: Gity Attorney Mike Parness Baard Members ✓�ity Clerk � � � f'-�'� /J, 1`I �'�! - .� �Debtcu Sche.uetcman ' ` �C�vu,th �a,inway Pu,('...�man, G1A 9 91 G 3 I �-�` �'ct-T-- .��1-� ����<I��s���, ' /�-�r�.... ;� c�.-r.� � �.� � �-C� .'_a 1 ���� :{�,,,-� ��r;`:y C�/�.=� � � �s : -- f� �� , {, �/✓L/c7 '�'d��''u'.��'"� ,<<� '.ii�!/ <��<.��7 /rl�jv�Z��C;! G'�!C'•4C':ki /'f��u.� t�..� lrE'-cc,aty Lt,� �"�e''�-sz.,, � .ti.. . f 1"� i S ClL��,�, � �.. �I � t ,[/., �L/ `I/� f L ..r�'C�C.iY""I JG'I'.:L�-'ilC�� �_�/ 1.,."'C.E.�.Z 1 l G�G ZJ ,`� TL..G�.� fi�c-�' {S f / /, / yGtZ �`;, � !!� ,�t>�.:r l�1 .E:%�. ,�i?�.r.G t,'-C-tt,� �'�C '�-L Y C�.�ct s�T7�ic ��-..ifi�czc.�... c�, f1�' j�a �, t; fy ,-,1�����e .; c��. f�- ��� � ,/,-•C�.� c~.-r:t' - /```-jY ��z,,�j �t,�.�,�yt.�. �c}di�J �.:� '�r!G'�� /�tsc. ��r �, ci�; ca -f�, v,..;/� ' ����!i� ��. `'!t f�'. cX. /(i U /�C%G- fi c,�.,L 4,� �,,:l�.. l--C.�7 �C-k:_ "f�2 r l � r / Lt �'C'�. �t "L`. 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' -i/ � / • :� _, ,/; .�.J �� f�/ ;. `� c , f _ / ; < � , �� ��• ,�...- ci� l�.�, �-� � �� � !- .1 � � y ; ���'�� � - � ,i�:: -� � i��< /�� �!^t . ,.� .�. -; y:�`�(. �( ��i•� <a� :LC�I � ` ' � S C_ • ,'�,cs,, ,t . _ . ' , _ � n`: � , �'. r pF R� II � �� I � I C� �N,� ,� � BQARD QF PU�LIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON j � � � MUNICIPAL BUILOING • 200 Mll.l AYENUE SOUTH • RENTON�WASNINGTON 98055 • �3�'2',�9 II �O '� �A �� 0 Q' 9�T�� SEP"��� September 11 , ]9$0 � Dr. Philip Irwin, � Member-at-�arge � 12212 S,E. 2t?lst St. Kent, WA 9$031 , Re: Revocable Permit, P.A.G. 1252-6$, with the City af Renton - Renton Sailing Club � Qear Or. Irwin: I Your name was given to us by Ms. Debbie Scherverman, Fresicient af ' the Rentan Sailing C1ub, as she is going back tc► college and wil3 , ' not be available. � The Board� of Pubiic Works wauld like ta review the revocable per- � ', mit with your organization. The permit cails far liabilit insurance Y to be carried and our files da not shaw any insurance coverage. I � We would like yau, or another afficer or member of the baard� to attend the Board of Public Works meeting. 1'he Board hol�is meet- ings, generally, every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Faurth Flopr Conference Roam, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave:. Sauth. I�f yau wi11 iet me know when it wouid be the most convenient day to come by the Friday preceding the Wednesday meeting, the matter will 6e put an the Agenda. Please give us a call as soon as possible. Very truly yours,? � , . �r � i G�i"'.�,-���.....--� � Warren C. 6annason, Chairman � Board of Public Works ( wCG:j t cc: Debbie Scherverman Baard Members City Cierk r _ -- c:'.t i 1'1 S.^..� I ..., p ... � r• � � �.M '•� .:� � ��1•d:X.� ,.:E::(:L.(1F�F11'�'[��.a CC��•F�F�(atak.. 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COVERAGE A — BOpILY INJURY LIABILITY if such liability is imposed ,� COVERAQE B — PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY (i) by, or because of the violation of, any statute, ordinance or Thg company will pay on behalf ��f the msured all sums which the regulation pertaining to the sale, gift, distribution or use of any �: insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of alcoholic beverage, or } Coverage A. bodily�n�ury or (ii) by reason of the selling, serving or�iving of any alcoholic bev- ` erage to a mino�or to a person under the influence of alcohol u Coverage E3 property damage or which causes or contributes to the intoxication of any � to which this insurance apphes caused by an occurrence and ansing out person; of the ownership, maintenance or use of the insured premises and all but part (ii) of this exclusion does not apply with respect to liability operations necessary or incidental thereto, and the company shall have of the insured or his indemnitee as an owner or lessor described in ` the right and duty to defend any suit against the rnsured seeking dam- (2) above; ages on account of such bodily in�ury or property damage, even if any (i) to any obligation for which the insured or any carrier as his insurer , of the ailegations of the suit are groundless, false or fraudulent, and may be held liable under any workmen's compensation, unemploy- m8y make such investiqation and settlement of any claim or suit as it ment compensation or disability benefits law, or under any similar ; d9ems expedient, but the comp,3ny shall not be obhgated to pay any law; ' claim or�udgment or to defend any suit after the applicable limit of tho company's liability has been exhausted by payment oi judgments or (1) ' to bodily irryury to any employee of the insured arising out of and in � settlements. � the course of his employment by the insured or to any obligation of �; the insured to indemnrfy another because of damages arising out k Exclusions of such injury; but this exclusion does not apply to liability assumed ' This insurance does not a I by the insured under an incidental contract; PP Y� � (a) to liabihty assumed by the insured under any contract or agree- �k) to property damage to ., ment except an �nadental contract; but with respect to bodity (1) property owned or occupied by or rented to the insured, injury or property damage occurnng wh�le work performed by the (2) property used by the insured, or r�' nampd insured is in progress, th�s exclusion does not apply to a (3) property in the care, custody or control of the insured or as to warranty that such work will be done in a workmanlike manner; which the insured is for any purpose exercising physical (b) to bodlly injury or propn,rty clamage arising out nf the ownership, control; ` maintenuree, oporation, use, lo�idinq or unloading of but Parts (2) and (3) of this exclusion do not apply with respect to (1) any automobde or �irci.dl uwnc3d or ��ueratc�d by or rented or liribility un�ier a writtan sid��track agreement and part (3) of this loaned to any �nsured, oi exclu�ion does not apply with respect to property damage (othar (2) any other automobde or a�rcr�ft operated by any person in the than to elevators) arising out of the use of an e/evator at the course of his employment by any insured; insured premises; . but this exclusion does not apply to the parking of an automobile (I) to property damage to premises alienated by the named insured �, on msured premrses, if such au,omobile is not owned by or rented arising out of such premises or any part thereof; � or loaned to any insured: . (m) to loss of use of tangible property which has not been physically (c) to bodily in�ury or property damage ansing out of (1) the owner- in�ured or destroyed resulting from ` ship, maintenance, operation, use, loading or unloadmg of any (1) a delay in or lack of performance by or on behalf of the r*robile equrpment while being used in any prearranqed or organ- named insured of any contract or agreement, or ized racing, speed or demoi�Uon contest or in any stunting activity �2� the failure of the named insured's products or work performed or in practice or p!eparation for any such contest or activity or (2) by or on behalf of the named insured to meet the level of the op2raUon or use of any snowmobile or trailer designed for use performance, quality, fitness or durability warranted or repre- " therewith, sented by the named insured; ,, (d) to bodiiy rn�ury or pruperry damage ansing out of and in the but this exr.lusion does not apply to loss of use of other tanyible course of the transpoitaUon of r��obile equ�pment by an auromobde property resulting from the sudden and accidental physical in�ury to _ owned or opQrated by er iented �>r loaned to any�nsured; or destruction of the named insured's products or work performed �- (e) to boa�ly in�ury or�roperry darnage ansing out of the ownership, by or on behalf of the named insured after such products or work , maintenance, operation, use, loading or unloading of have been put to use by any person or organization other than an (1) any watercraft owned or operated by or rented or loaned to insured; any�nsured, or (n) to property damage to the named insured's products arising out of (2) any other watercraft operated by any person in the course of such roducts or an his ernployment by any insured: P y part of such products; but this exclusion does not appiy to watercraft while ashore on the (o) to property damage to work performed by or on behalf of the named insured arising out of the work or any portion thereof, or out insured premises, of materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection � (f) to bodi/y �n�ury or property damage ansing out of the discharge, therewith; �. dispersal, release or escape of smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, (p� to bodily in�ury or property damage included within the comp/eted ,' elkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids or gases, waste materials or other operations hazard or the products hazard; , irritants, contaminants or pollutants into or upon land, the atmos- ''x; phere or any water course or body of wat?r, but this exclusion (q) to bodily injury or property damage arising out of operations on or I does not apply if such discharge, dispersal, release or escape is from premises (other than the insured premises) owned by, rented ,k sudden and accidental; to or controlled by the named insured, or to liability assumed by d; (g) to boddy mjury or property damage due to war. whether or not the insured under any contract or agreement relating to such declared, civii war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution or to any act premises; ��' or condition incident to any of the foregoing, with respect to (r) to bodily in�ury or property damage arising out of structural alter- `�' ations which involve chan in the size of or movin buildin s (1) liability assumed by the insured under an mcidental contract, 9� 9 g g or � �� other structures, new construction or demolition operations per- . (2) expenses for first aid under the Supplementary Payments formed by or on behalf of the named insured. �� provision; II. Persons Insured �,• (h) to bodity m�ury or proparty �lamaqe for ,vhich the msured or his Each of the following is an insured under this insurance to the extent set indemnitee may b� heid hable forth below: (1) as a person or orgarnzaUon engaged in the business of man- �a) if the named insured is designated in the deciarations as an indi- ufacturing, distributmg, selling or serving alcohohc beverages, vidual, the person so designated but only with respect to the con- °� duct of a business of which he is the sole proprietor, and the (2) if not so engaged, as an ow�er or lessor of premises used for spouse of the named insured with respect to the conduct of such a such purposes. business; �, � � For�11 1-350a-IT Pi�nied in lf S.A. �ISO GL001001731 p�T-2 II „r •�°A� �,�a' �'��Sl�.:}��.1.�t�.� .....�. , , . ...�L',�'.�w ..���..,wd7'...,.t t. . �..,.r ::ks ..Mea,r....t���,�til,..k..��..,,,,. ,�Ylt.,�M.}'. ..��+ � Ownera' Lendlorda' and Tenants' I ility Insurance Cover�ge for Designeted Premises and Related Operatlone In Progress Other than Structural Alterations, New Construction and Demolition .. (Continued) (b) it the named insured is designated in the declarations as a part- claims made or suits brought on account of bodily injury or property nership or joint venture, the partnership or �oint venture so desig- damagQ, the company's liability is limited as follows: nated and any partner or member thereof but only with respect to his liability as such; Coverage A — The total liability of the aompany for all damages, (c) if the named insured is designated in the declarations as other including damages for care and loss of services, because of bodily than an individual, partnership or joint venture, the organization so injury sustained by one qr more persons as the result of any one occur- designated and any executive officer, director or stockholder rence shall not exceed the limit of bodily injury liability stated in the thereof while acting within the scope of his duties as such; schedule as applicable to "each occurrence”. (d) any person (other than an employee of tho named insured) or Coverege B — The total liability of the company for all damages � organization wh�le actmg as real estate manager for the named because of all property damage sustained by one or more persons or insured, and organizations as the result of any one occurrence shall not exceed the (e) with respect to the operaUon, for the purpose of locomotion upon a limit of property damage liability stated in the schedule as applicable to public highway, of mobde eqwpment registered under any motor "each occurrence". vehicle registration law, Coveragas A and B— For the purpose of determining the limit of the (i) an employee of the named insured wh�le operating any such company's liabiliry, all bndily injury and property damage arising out of equipment in the course of his employmont, and , continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general con- � (ii) any other person while operating with tho permission of the ditions shall be considered as arising out of one occurrence. named insured any such equipment registered in the name of „ the named insured and any person or organization legally responsible for such operation, but only if there is no other valid and collectible msurance available, either on a primary or IV. ADDITaONAL DEFINITION ''' excess basis, to such person or organization; provided that no person or organization shall be an insured under When used in reference to this insurance (including endorsements form- ing a part of the policy): thls paragraph (e) with respect to: " (1) bodily injury to any fellow employee of such person "�nsured premises" means (1) the premises designated in the declara- � injured in the course of his employment, or tions, (2) premises alienated by the named insured (other than premises (2) property damage to property owned by, rented to, in constructed for sale by the named insured), if possession has been relinquished to others, and (3) premises as to which the named insured �„• charge of or occupied by the named insured or the acquires ownership or control and reports his intention to insure such employer of any person described in subparagraph (ii). premises under this policy and no other within 30 days after such acqui- 'r' This insurance does not apply to bodily in�ury or property damage aris- sition; and includes the ways immediately adjoining such premises on _� ing out of the conduct of any partnership or joint venture of which the land. , insured is a partner or member and which is not designated in this pol- . iCy as a named insurQd. a. III. LIMIT3 OF LIA8ILITY V. POLICY TERRITORY Reg3rdless of the number of (1)insureds under this policy, (2) persons This insurance applies only to bodily injury or property damage which 0 or orgenizations who sustain bodily in�ury or property damage, or (3) occurs within the policy terntory. s .� ,� I ,; �� i µ v, 't # t:4 ;'i^, i: . � � , F`orm L�6b0-IT (ISO� GL001001731 OLT� ���lR.'���i�,��.c�N> .,'§�". . '��`��'�'t'i$tk'T$i'9�� �F ,�:'!*'',+�d�i*4°i:�y?I«;'9�I��,��'. ,�4ti��F.-t7tpL�.l91i'�Lt,��t�,`..A����,�r'7�"+�.y.:,:i'd;E� . � � ^'{il@i "��, ADDITIONAL INSURED "'''� (Yremises Leased to the Named Ittsured) � , .. Named Insured and Address ��, z� ; 1 , > �_ 5ti oLT BH3354 h s endorsement fc nn5 a part ut I ulu,}'Nu. Y` , issued by THE HAI2TFORD INSiJR:\NCE GRO[if'compun��desig- � ,. natec�therein, and takes ef3ect as of the ef�ective d.�te of said policy ?, unless another ef�ective date is stated herein. ' Effective date .. I2:01 A. l�I., standard time at the address of the named insured as stated herein. f��' This endorsement modities such in,urance as i:,atTurded by the provisions uf the policy relatiug to the following: b" COMNREHF:NtiII'E GENERAL. LIABILI"tY INSURANCE `� !�IANUF.1CTUflEtts' :�ND CON7'RACI'ORS' LIABILITY [NSURANCE � U\1'tiF:Rti', I,ANllLUIt[�5' :1N1) "I'ENAN1'S' L(:�[3II.l"1'Y INSURANCE ;, S1'OIZEKEEPERS' LIABILI"fY [NSUILANCE - _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ — ____ __ _ — ---- �' - It is agreed that the"Pen�ms Lisured"provi,ion is amended to include as an insured the person or organization designated below, but only with respect to liab3lit�y arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the premises desiguated below leased to the named insured,and subject io the futic>wing additi��nal,exclu5ions: #. �i, The insurance dces not'�dpply: ��' 1. to any occurrei��e which takes place after the named insured ceases to be a tenant in said premises; '" 2. to structural a(�erations,new construction ur demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the person or organization designated below. �� . � SCHEDULE aa Premiume r,; Bodily Property Deatgnation of Premises Name of Pereon or Organization Injury Damage r=� (Part Leased to Named Inaured) (Addttional Insured) Liability Liability ;'k. � 72ND ST AT CITY OF RENTON %�X' C RIPI,EY LANE DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS ;�' RENTON WA 200 MILL AVE S '� RENTON WA 98055 �� �k y� �{ .P lf ��� 1 - 4 j� � ' C �� ' Nothing herein contained shall be held to var�-, waive, alter, or extend any of the terms, conditions, agreements or declarations of the policy, other � than as herein stated. �'� This endorsement ahall not be bindinq unless countersigned by a duly authorized agent of the company; provided that if this endorsement takes � efiect as of the effective date oE the policy and, at issue��f said policy, forms a part thereof, countersignature on the declarations page of said policy i, � by a duly authorized agent of the company sha►1 con.titute valid countersignature of this endorsement. � � � w. Countersi ned b ... ................................. ....................... .... , E HARTFORD g Y .... .... "� Authoriud Agenl •U t ..s � t , �,; .F. � trratt-a�u-� p.+N��n v.s,a, s-•a� �rracv:c�ooi �^ ,,q ..; �" '3►�I,yi�r t" r ;.r.iF i. ..p �� � a. , e r: �: u� 'r' r a. , . ���u!`:,�_. S�� � . .�:, .. . , ... .,��ts.,e,w '�,.. , ..kw.:... .rl�� .r�.r`.�<,.����:��n?i�`:�li�_ !� dn a ,;< ' i:, � , f �� .�� �' Ciribs THE HARTFORD aA° ; Named Insured and Address > ` �. Thia etldoreerqent forms a part of Policy No..52.. OLT BH 5 33 4 iset�ed by THE HARTFORD INSURANCE GROUP company desig- dsfisd theroin, and takes effect as of the etiective date of eaid policy nnl�4nother eflec:tive date is atated herein. - � Effective date. . ... .... ...12:01 A. M.,standard time at the address of the n¢med insured as stated herein. � his endor ment modifies such insu ance as is affo b h i i n i� 1 ' h T se r rded y t e prov s o s of the pol cy re atmg to t e followmg: s� COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE �, "' OWNERS', LANDLORDS' AND TF_NANTS' LIABILITY INSURANCE �! s - --- ._ , � I?4�fk'ip'fion of Premises: { � ' SCHEDULE `�A �.` � �� � Rates Advance Premium �+ . a Premium Basea Claasi8cetions Code No. (a) Area or Acreage (b) Ie'o. of Unirs B•I•L. P.D.L. B.I.L. P.D.L. Gov. Cov. Cov.. Cov. +' '� CI,�JBS-CO�TNTRY, , ' 'f,;OI:F '032 POLO 7y��Z A) 3,000. 16.810 .153 INCL INCL CL�1B3—RIDING— PRIVATE, WITH ���, RIDING RINGS 79-�96 '� CLUB9—RIDI�G— � � ,, PRIVATE, WITHOUT � RIDING BINGS 70411 ?*'` CLUB9 7o�1t � Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. � INSTITIJ7'IONS ao�11 „ _ _ .,._,._. ..------.. i ���; ' �? Additional Charges � Golfmobiles , 79-�33 � Grounds in excess of 5 .lcres gizll �{ . SaddleAnimais �y�}3} . 5`keet Shooting or �I rap , ' � Shooting Ranges �y,�,�,� _ Sks L�res o��r�w5 7oaz�� }� (not commercial) `�„ R Stadiums, Grandstand5 ' or Bleachers �9}1U� Swimming Pools or ;� ` Bathittg Beaches �?997s ' (not commercial) �, "'� "Toboggan Slides 70324s �t ,,.. (not commercial� {.� . � � ���, &�ptorboats , . ,wSa�IbdBts � 'Outb02ird Motors not exceeding 1�Horsepower `�' � Total Advance Premium for Watercraft = _ � Total Advance Premium S INCL s INCL ' � � l�on�Ll0�0�! Printed in U.S.A. (ISU: G 41 l) 1 .�; . +� -'�'+k'tr- , � ,�n., , . , .. .. .�/�, p�'y�rr,w� � .��M��l y ��t�y:.,�,�d� � _y� � . li b,.+if u�+�It���RY'"Y7.�•F��..�1��� . � H :,�rx��. ,, �r �����`w�r. `�i���`+�ie��4r�P . ......�.�r.�, � .a...�l1t.�.D J,al r�tlf..il.d,',a�l.ir�[�,a.� �i�al� u.w'1�7.R . �� �. � � i ' �' k:X''fi."N;�'J(:t?�! iC:l��il:i:i:)lJl...F:. �_(.��;, :`1; ii.."!Y C:�'''::il.il�;�l�v�:;f.:: P'(:1l...::(:f:;'Y t:1 :i"il��' F'(:1L..�I:(:;Y ........ i:if:::C:'T':X:(:)�: .1::;. :� � l l•�I�C:::i �:`s(::F•Ii::.IJIJI..J.:. !��'t.71�Ci'1;., ^i I:�;�9 � ! tll ! '�..3{....7:('S' '��4'). '..i;�: l.li... 6 I:�I !:3;:t',:i�f , (>ii�lC) �.;:r i1��� .. . `:;�::;I�if::.i'��i I' C;(: � �fi(:;i::: I�'i1i�tiT'E4:i; i��(:iFti`'i:I:i��l:; i"� !��'(11��:.T. .T.i..11:::1�1:::(:)I���, i:�X'T�i:::i�;:i..(:Cx�*! i:l{�. ..s.�..y(::: � ' :::. 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V 4. ;_p ` � r . 1` , j, , ' -# ., �a ��. �; '� Y�, , � ., .1 � , .2 i ;u�. t :+��, '` , °,� , ,�. ., "� � ,. �, ;,tr'.�7�.,a. �t�� • .,� � .. . , , - ' � , �q�xy;. 'M.,;�� � . �. ' : .4 , f, . � , j ; yi .l.IA�.. � . � • � ,hM'��1'�� a`i�l , , � f M � A Y � , r� '� ' � ' � � '' ,. �.k., ,��`'��.�'1 � . ., , ♦ � '' t '`L�� .2 '� �y� .�i. 4' �t� � R�#�,''� , .t� :r ��.'*6+��_M a , , ' � � e �A "�i.��'.. 4�'��;� '�,, . � . r. .x., A y a d',Jt�.. ���F ,� _ �p � ;�"^'..:.*F�., .. , .��o�, .1"'��M. � , 4 ._t�'�' � � . '; ;'.�� ' , ' . . ;Mi�=y "� • , . u a — F � ,�. _ ��fi; �iw Amendment of Canceilation Condition Washington r. THE HARTFORD , I Named Insured and Address ' Policy Number �� ` This endorsement forms a part of the policy as numbered above, issued . '*" by THE HARTFORD INSURANCE GROUP company designated therein, arni t8kes effect as of the effective date of said policy unless another efleCtive date is stated herein. 5 EHective Dete EHective hour is the same as stated I � in the Declarations of the policy. i Endt No. ( '.i It is agreed that the second sentence of the first paragraph of the "Gancellation" condition is replaced by the following: This policy may be cancelled by the company by mailing to the named insured or his representative, or any lienholder shown in the policy, at the i��,t address known by the company or at the last address shnwn by the company's records, written notice stating when �, not less than twenty days thereafter such cancellation shall be effective; provided that in the event of nonpayment of premium, such ;t notice shall state when not less than ten days thereafter such cancellation shall be effective. � Nothing herein contained shall be heid to vary, waive, alter, or extend any of the terms, conditions, agreements or declarations of the policy, other `} than as herein stated. � This endorsement shall not be binding unless countersigned by a duly authorized agent of the company;provided that if this endorsement takes effect � as of the effective date of the policy and, at issue of said policy, forms a part thereof, countersignature on the declarations page of said policy by a ,��, duly authorized agent of the company shall constitute valid countersignature of this endorsement. r �i " �� , '° Countersi ned b 9 Y.......................................................................................... Authorized Agent 5�• �� Form L�4098-2 Pnnted in U S A GL-02070d80 x�'E , � A:;,�� r,"-r1, '�',�� ' . �`-------��------- J.k .�q�}�� ;� +. � �}�� ` , a � .. tn`���� ''..�, �yy'�. . � - , . . I:�:, i •�I�1 . , f � . ��' i , . ���w�aN�'�'` •� .�;t"c,�. ��.. 9::,,:�. : :a i. �"'�'�`" ^��, ,. ��. 'S, f" ` �i .�x' ���+.,� r r.' ;�}p�P` ..,. �,�s,+,.n �;,� r' �'.�,, si•9Y'��i,.`..*'�f.' - __..... . . ■ Binder No. . � . ' . � HA 357 Ext. ��d ` � � � ��� � � � � � � � ' • • � • • • • ' ! • •' NAME AND ADORESS OF AGEPfCY COMPANY THE HARTFORD HUB INSURANCE AG�NCY Effective 11—i5 am . 19 80 P.O. BOX 796 Expires I� 12:01 am ❑ Noon 12—�i , 19 R� RENTON, WA. 98055 �This binder is issued to extend coverage in the above named � company per expiring policy# (except as noted below) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INSURED D@SC�I�IOn O}OpBfBtlOfl/V@I11CI@S/Pf0�1@f'� . RENTON SAILING CLUB, INC. PROPERTY LOCATED AT: % 12212 S.L. 201ST 72ND ST. & RIPLEY LANE KENT. WA. 98031 RENTOAT, WA. 98055 Type and Location of Property Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt of Insurance Ded. �`' P R 0 P E R T Y ' Limits of Liability L Type of tnsurance Coverage/Forms � � Aggregate Each Occurrence � ❑Schedlaled Form ❑Comprehensive Form Bodily Injury $ $ A 0 Premises/Operations Property B � �Products/Completed Operations Damage $ $ � ❑Contractual Bodily Injury & I �Other (specify below) p,L. & T. Property Damage 300 000. $ 300,000. Y ❑ Med. Pay. $ Per $ Per Combined $ � Person Accident �Personal Injury O A ❑ B O C Personal Injury I$ p Limits of Liability V ❑Liability ❑ Non-owned ❑ Hired Bodily Injury (Each Person) $ T ❑Comprehensive-Deductible $ Bodily Injury(Each Accident) $ MO Collision-Deductible $ � 0 Medical Payments $ Property Damage $ g O Uninsured Motorist $ � ❑No Fault(specify): Bodily Injury & Property Damage L ❑Other(specify): Combined $ E ❑ WORKERS'COMPENSATION — Statutory Limits (specify states below) ❑ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY — Limit $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES OWNERS' , LANDLORDS' , & TLNANTS' GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE NAME AND ADDRESS OF❑ MORTGAGEE ❑ LOSS PAYEE �ADD'L INSURED CITY OF RENTON LOAN NUMBER • DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 200 MILL AVE. S. RENTON. WA. 98055 (%^ � 12-1-80 RSig�LAf pti��d Repr i Date MA ACORD 75(11-77) � OF R�� � � � U �� �- Z, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON Z r{�, $ MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2569 O � � 9,0 �o• ' O9�TF0 SEPt��O�P I September 18, 1980 To: Larry Warren, City Attorney ', From: Warren C. Gonnason, Chairman Board of Public Works Re: Revocable Permit, PAG 1252-68 with the City of Renton Renton Sailing Club, North 52nd Street , The Board of Public Works, at its meeting of September i7, 1980, reviewed the subject permit which has no liability insurance in force. The Board requested that the matter of liability be referred to you and to the City's insurance carrier. It is scheduled to come back before the Board on October 2, Ig80. The club has used this right-of-way since February, 1968. They teach sail- ing in small sailboats. There is a boathouse on the premises as well as a storage shed. Enclosed is a copy of the applicable portion of the minutes of 9/17/80 for your information. � I, ,�—.� ,��, ,��(.._. . . .-c,��-�-►��.,i jt Enclosure cc: Board Members Great American Insurance Co. Ron Nelson � City Clerk �� R�� � � � �j �� ,.�.., �, �►ARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENT4N, �+V�SHINGTfJN " MUNICIPAL BUlLDlNG • 200 MlIL AbENUE SO4lTH • RENT4Ni WASHINGTON 98Q55 • 235•2569 O � � 9,o w` �y�r'�p SEPZ�'���Q� September 1$, 1980 Dr. Phillip Irwin 905 Talbat Road S. Renton, WA 9$Q55 , Re: Revacable Permit, P.A.G. 1252-68 w��n the City ' of Renton �- Renton Saiting Ciub Dear Dr. lrwin: I Tt�e 6oard wrote to you on September llth �egarding the review of the � subject permit. The address given to us by Lhe gresident of the Sail- ing Club was 12212 S.E. 201st St. We were advised that you were going to attend the meeting of the Board on Wednesday, 5eptember 17, 1950, at ` 9:00 a.m. , 4th Fioor Conference Room, Municipal Building. You did nat attend, however, severaT af the neighbars of the Saiting Ctub were at I the meeting. �I The matter has been deferred until the October 1 , 1984 meeting. Will you please advise us if you can attend this meeting? ' , Very truly yours, BOARp OF PUBLIC WORKS ' � � l�n�vw� � i ean F. Truman Secretary , jt cc: Board Members �ity Clerk � � � � -------—--— - ,� pF R�� � � U ��j �.j- Z, �CaARD OF PUBLIC WORIt.S • RENTON. WASHINGTON � MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2569 O � • � 9.a� �o' v9�TF0 SEP����P , November 17, 1980 � Dr. Philip Irwin 905 Tal�bot Road S. Renton, •WA 98055 Subject: Renton Sailing Club Permit PAG 1252-68 Dear Dr. Irwin: The Board of Public Works, at its meeting of November 12, 1980, agreed to extend the above-referenced permit until June 1 , 1981 , subject to the filing with the City Clerk of the necessary insur- ance covering the period up to June l , 1931 . At that time, if the necessary improvements have been made, the permit may be extended. This extension is also subject to the repairs and remedial action noted by the Building Department and subject to approval of the Fire and Police Departments and until such action has been com- pleted the property must be barricaded and signs posted. If you have any questions, please give us a call . Very truly urs, ���'�i . o�-�...�..:�..�-N��-c_ - Warren C. Gonnason, Chairman Board of Public Works Jt ' ' cc: Board Members City Clerk - ___-'-. _ - __ -.__ -._. _ -_ - _ __ - �-n _ � � BOARD OF PUBtlC WQRKS ' Wednesday, November 12, 19�ip Renton Municipal Building 9:00 a.m. 4th Floor Conference ftoam I Present: Warren C. Gonnason, Ghairman f' Ran Nelson, Building Of icial Richard Geissler, Fire Chief Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer Dave Clemens, Senior Pianner ' Richard Haughton, Eng'sneering Supervisor Mike Parness, Adminsstrative Assistant Jean Truman, Board Secretary Dr. Phiiip F. irwin, Renton Sailing Ciub I D. W. Ghamberlin, Pacific NW Beil ! Rudy Podany, McPhersan's Realty Al Vadset, Triad Associates '' M l Nt1TES 1 . CALL TO ORDER - The meetir�g was called to order by Chairman Gannason at 9.44 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 6��ved by ��TSSL�R, aeec,nded by N�LSUN, �he m�.nu,te�s 6e appnvved a.� urn..i�ten. MtJTI�N CARRI�D. 3. CORRESFONDENCE - None 4. REFERRALS FROM ClTY COUNCIL - None � 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS a. Asphalt Bike Pathway - Mr. Houghtan requested that this item be heard after the rest of the Agenda. b. Deferra} of Off-Site Improvements, Pacific Northwest Bell Telephane, Faciiity Located on N. E, 4th St. - Letter from Pacific Northwest Betl was read. tt noted thaC it referred to the deferral of Off-site improvements and on-site improvements associ- ated with the their use of a 98 ft. by 190 ft. parcel of land adjacent to their Ser- vice Operations Ceter (SOC) at 3�08 N.E. 4th St. used for employee parking. It � reiteraCed the problems related to obtaining a iease for the property and the final , cleterminatian that they wou3d discantinue the use of the iot as soon as the new faci- lity at lssaquah was compieted in June, 198i . After that date, Che facility would be reduced to the 2Q0' x 4QQ' leased site they had occupied for 20 years. The letter requested deferral until June 30, 19$1 . Planning Department report recomrnended appro- vai of the request if the deferral can be dane legally. Mr. Nelson noted developmer►t of the site on Manroe Ave. N.E. Mr. Chamberlin explained that they have been "camp- I ing" an that property on a month-ta-manth iease as they couldn' t get anything settled I on the property and they were aware that the devetapment to the east wouid take away j the right-of-way there. Moved by GLEMENS, �aeconded by G�TSSL�R, �he 8acvcd de�etc �he U�}�-•5-C.�'E', .�171tJhUV4..tt1�Yi:'�d ur�.t,i,�. Jcc.ey ?, l 98�, �he an-�.�.,te .impnt�vemen�a wou.E.'.d be bub j ec.t �a �he. ap�.n,i,on os �he C.i,�y A�tonney cus �a .the au,ttwn.i.,ty og� �d�e 8oan.d �i de�e�r. �hem. M�TTON CARRT�D. It was noted that an appeal tQ the Hearir�g Examiner for a temporary permit for the additional 8 or 9 months wauld be the alternative method. c. Review of Renton Saiiin� C1ub RAG, North 52nd St, - Letter from the Building I Department noted that Mr. Neison had met with pr. Irwin at the subject siCe and dis- I � - - _� _ _ .... ..__ ......_ .. . , � • BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS , 11/12/80 - Page Two � cussed the needed improvements to the waikways which go out to their floating docks and he agreed that better maintenance was needed and new wood planking would be installed on the walkway to make it more substantial . They also need to make the dock area reasonably safe and it would be required to create a stable walk with hand r<�ils bcCwcen Chc shore and lhe docks. They will need lo submit a plan. The leller noted also that some of the docks seem to be encroaching on the neighbors ' property to the south and recommended that the property be s��rveyed and all of the facilities be contained inside of the boundaries of the survey. It was noted that Dr. Irwin had in5urcd lhc Nro�crly I�ul only for Lhe lhree n�nChs of the year Chal the club used the property and it should be insured for the entire year. It was recommended that, due to the site being a potential major liability for the City, that the permit not be continued. Discussion was held on how the property should be upyraded for safe�y reasons and ct�e necessity for insurance the year around unless the facilities were removed for the off-season months. Dr. Irwin noted that he had been workinc� wilh Clic: Park DeparCment and when the Lake Washington Beach Park addition was com- pleted and the Park Department had set up its own sailing program, then the Sailing C I ub cou 1 d be d i scont i nued. P�taved by CL�MENS, �eeanded by NELSON, �h� pucm.iwt be ex.te.nde.d .ta June 1, ]9s1, �subje.e,t xo �he nece�batcy �.vv��vcance be.i.ng eubm.i,t.ted -i.mm�.d�.- u;Lc,Yy fivn �t��e Su.(:� x.c:me b�tween ��aw and June ra� and a.eaa �ub�ee,t �o .the nepa,in and n_eme.di.a,e. ae.��.an nequ,uced by �he. B��.i.edi.n� De.pah�:mevLt, �.i�c.e. and Pa.P,i.ee Depa�t.tme.h.t3 av►d «v�:i.e xh�. �.n�r��.vvemer�t� cvice �.v�a�a,�eed, .the pnap�y be ba�vu.eaded and a�.gned. M�TI�N CARR1��. • It was noted that if the facilities were not in shape by that time, the permit should be revoked. Mr. Nelson said there was no doubt that the facility was encroaching on other property. d. Deferral of Off-Site 'Improvements, McPherson Realtors, Inc. , 404 Sunset Blvd. Planning Department report noted the applicant is requesting to not install curbs .:nd sidewalks in front of a proposed real estate office. The property is presently occu- pied by a service station; the area generally does not have sidewalks, but the area was developed before sidewalks were required. It appears that the street configura- tion is established and the exact location of a sidewalk could be determined. The report recommended denial because the applicant had not shown substantial proof why the improvements should not be required. Discussion foliowed regarding other busi- nesses in the area, there being no c�:rbs or sidewalks on either side from N. 3rd St. up to the underpass of I-40;. 1"he configuration of the street was changed at the time I-405 was built. Mr. Podany said they would be willing to sign agreements to participate in any improvements the City would institute. It was noted that all the businesses were using the paved area for parking and driveways, etc. and it caused some confusion for the pol ice. Maved by N�LSUN, �5eevnded by CL�M�NS, .tv cavit,i.nue -the ma�te�. �c,n ane weefz �v nev�.ew �he b.i�u2t,i.�n. MUTIDN CAR�CI�D. a. Asphalt Bike Pathway on Lind Ave. S.W. and other Bikeways in Area - Mr. Houghton gave the following report: The pathway by Olympic Pipeline was constructed by the City. The Board wanted to know the process and approval approach of LID 302, however, we cannot recall any design approval of the meandering pathway. The path- way was approved at 8' wide, from curb to prvperty line, no specific location. No minimum or maximum grade was established. Drainage would not be a problem, and we decided to crown the pathway and let it run both ways. Benaroya established all of its grades prior to any of us going out there; they ended up about 3' higher than the roadway and there is an elevation problem. We discussed it with them, and they went ahead and installed it, we never saw a plan. Austin and Union Oil 's pathways were installed in the LID at their request and billed back to them in the LID. We have never had design standards for the pathways and we don' t like the bike paths, we don' t like them in asphalt and we don't like the concept of the developer putting them in at the time of the development. We would l �ke to see them put in in concrete 6' wide. Maved by CL�M�NS, .aecanded by N�LSON, .to ne�e�c zh.i.a mati:rJc .tu �he Pub.e,i_c GUnnfz� Depcv�.tmen�t {�an nev�.e.w o{� �he de��,gn cancep�. MOTIUN CARRIC�. �n� �! � r�/tal�o �� ,---- OF R�� �� � U �"� � Z PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT , BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 �p9 � �� MUNICIPAL BUILOING 200 MILI AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 A�qqr ��Q' Octo}�er 30, 1980 � F� SEP�� � BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR TO: Board of Public Works FROM: Ronald G. Nelson SUBJECT: Revocable Permit PAG 1252-68 Renton Sailing Club, North 52nd St�eet ' On October 24 1980 I met with Dr. Irwin representing the Renton . Sailing Club at the subject site to discuss thei'r use of the site and the present facilities. We discussed the needed improvements to the walkways which go out to their �loating docks. He agreed better maintenance was needed and new wood planking would be in- stalled on the walkway to make it more substant�al. We did not discuss this but they need to make the dock area reasonably safe also and it would be required to create a stable walk raith hand- rails between the shore and the docks. A plan of this area with dimensions would be appropriate so �e could note on the plan what will be required. It appears also that some of their docks are encroaching on to the neighbors' property to the south. I would reconanend that the prop- erty be surveyed and all of the facilities be contained inside of , the boundaries of the survey. Insurance was also discussed and Dr. Irwin said they can get ample insurance but they only use the site three months each year and therefore would only insure for that period of time. This brings up the question of what happens during the balance of the year - barricades, no trespassing signs, or insist on insurance for the £ull year? Even though we have a worthwhile program for the site we still have a major liability for the City to assume and I do not believe the City needs or wants additional liability. Therefore I would recom� mend discantinuing the lease. RGN/mp cc: City Attorney � -- - - -- - - - - - - -- �.. a � - � � -� v�- � . � ,�aa��o�s� d�� �a�,�s 1� � '�� ahe Q// �'/� �,•n� I -7$ l�Vav��'ajra�:�aeaf E--ex1��r1 f o�� ��to th b oq��us�. a! 3 I `� Y.'e �r � � 3 ,.��` � 3 1k � h�n,�r � ��' 1 ro� � eye 6o/r`- � c, 1 � z �D : -� �cz cLi �ds�Jec� � ��""\ ^'�»i ...1"7�/p'G /�..PI'�e,.sG�I7� � t �r � „ -'���,� ,� y�«/�Qy;�¢� � ��tiQ;,� ;2 � /:2 b �./s Ca»a�1� �� s� rne cx�-�.ir�y,�..�,�s�f has ,csees7 � irr s��ec� cr�"� lcrce�s<r�'ons �2 �``3 a s is �G e�C�foic"fe'c� i/? �/'!Sk/ .�i' k/%f/�1 �'�i e � //o w%n� I � e,�anyes; �s. oG (�/T 41/'1 l.S /1't0'f�'tX�yq/r!t�Pqt G717� //�6 ri "1L 'f' /�!G/'L! 1S C/?E.' �GI�I f"�1T o j V76ith �t7 �'G� ` /ver'�h �t %n s�1 0� �'`tc�a. U ` �� �.1� ` ��e `—�i �. �s. � !/�.��t 1� �"s �. c►oJ,�bf na�"0.7 �f" c.arr�'rt�e �� � � c?�r'td� 1/^or� �h►� r�✓erc�1�S ..?OD tf s, �/ %.S �I � W er'`�r hf' ,�1 va�res cz ytz Ins,f Q„ trar t�i ,,,��n o! Pile ��� G1ra;r1 � �i� /a9 brac�S ra,yairst s 6 f1, �-t �v%��s whrc.h c.�� fcss �sever�e v y a(��+ �3 s-,,,1 C t r'�crr'l�r� ,b y /a�r�/ �0 7'`Is C sou�`t'i_ l�5,`� jc/i/1 jiar� .200 /6 av�t�ql,ts Conrare��r� I ,6,j� s in�le �" c�alva.�:�►eec� �rxsfa llrc� alu�-;n�r �Hta/��srr� �+EY, � �i�-�ior � ��is s�� ,�i��� ,-�e, 6od��a�s� a�r.� ��.�_s !�� f��`'�.�i�l�"E,"oj c�h/y .�y �`�?c:' el?arhs � 7�E� fo c� ctt�q� �il�� � � �-- __ _ �. II BOARI) OF PUBL LC W4RKS 1Q/22/$0 -- 1'a�� Twa Fast Freight for a deferral of the sidewalks on SW 29th St. had prompred a request � to have representatives of Burlington Northern present at the meeting as it had gasted the underlying bond. Mr. Gordon, Burlington Northern, stat�d that they had not been aware that Garfield and Superiar Fast Freight had nat installed the improve- � ments that they were supposed to have accamplished, but they will be advised the I improvements must be installed. He noted that all the glots had been sold excep[ for about 225 feet and a determinatian would have to be made as to whether the bike path would be necessary. Mr. Clemens noted that it had been the City's policy to require a bitce path an the west side of Lind, however, the problem is the design standards. He nated also that• the improvements an Unit II af the plat are required to be done within twa years. Mr. Kretzer said there was a $2,000,000 contract on the improvements on Phase ZI. Mr. Gonnason sa:id that if the improvernents were not completed by April, 19$1, the Bc�ard could make a repart to the City Cauncil on the � conditians involved and they could granC an additi_onal deferral. � � d. Application for Busi.ness License, James B. Scott, 1405 N. 28th St. , Cutting, i Grindin� Designs on Glassware - Mr, Scott was pr�sent and showed a piece of glass- I ware that he had ground. He noted that he used a smail Iathe, 1/4 hp matar and I cut desi.gns and polished them with a wheel. He noted there was very little noise involved and that he was only involved in a w�alesale aperation. llove� by CLF�9EN,S, seeonded b?� GEISSLER, the appZie�ttion b� ap�>roved. MOTIQN CARRIL'D. llr. . I n L G�.�, �cc, �na� h� a met with the City Attorn n er 1=or the insurance which would be sent ta the City Clerk's office, He presented a II diagram of the mooring system. It was noted that the Board had several other con- cerns regarding the maintenance of the ar�a as there was debris that needed to be cleaned up periodically and some hazardous conditions that shauld be cieared up. 1)r, Irwin nated that the hazardous walkway mentioned previously was not a walkway, it was a boat ram w ' ' 11 under water. � f. Extension of Deferral af 4ff-Site and On-Site Improvements on Cauntry Hilis Apartments, 13Q0 Eagle Ridge Drive - Report from Planning Departrnent noted that the Country Hill Apartments had been granted a deferral by the Baard to allow partial c7ccupancy of the facility prior to comgletian of the entire project and now the applicattt was requesting reduction of the Letter of Credit from $325,000 to $120,OOQ. Landscaping to be completed is estimated at $15,000 and Planning would take excep- tion to this amounC based on the fact that the site has never been inspected for compliance with Iandscaping requirements. The report suggested setting a minimum of $5Q,Q00 for landscaping to be retained ta assure campliance with appraved plans and recammended the deferral be granted subject to increasing the amount af the Letter af Credit to $155,000 to cover the increase in the landscaping cast estim�te. Mr. Hanson recommended a deferral be granted to allow temporary accugancy. Mr. Porta said there had been a cancrete driver's strike which had held �hem up and they had temporary accupancy on 16 of the 21 buildings and intend to have occupancy of the other 5 in five weeks, The landacapin� is approximat�ly $d! camplete, the ma�arity of the work is completed. R�aved b� GE'I,SSLER, secondee� b?� ERI�KSEN, the Board �rant t.cn �xtensian 4rntiZ I?eeember 15th and dee.r�ease the amount c�f the Lettez� of Cr�dit, subjecit to the conditions of the departrrrents. MOTION CARRIED. g. Deferral of Paving on Pipestem Uriveway, Dougl.as A. Westan 5hort Plat, SP-061-80, 338 Renton Avenue -Planning llepartment repart noted the applicant h��s received shor.t plat approval ta a1law access to two lats by ane pipe�stem driveway with the spe�ific. conditzon that the pi_pestem be paved, however, the app.licant's assumption that heavy truck traffic would break d�wn the pavement is correct and � -- - - - - Binder No. . � . , . . ��d � � . . .�. , . . , � . , � �i11 3S' ? • • • • • � • •• I NAME ANO ADDRESS OF AGENCY COMPANY � � 8[!B Il� �Y , � � ?� " Effective � m g j� , 19gp �� � �Q�� Expires ❑ 12:01 am ❑ Noon �,g , 19gp ❑This bmder is issued to extend coverage m the above named company per expiring policy# (except as noted below) NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INSURED Description of Opention/Vehicles/Property � SaIILI�G E�.t18� ZAC ��4�u�e�.�i E�lTB� AT s 7231c1 S$t � jt2P3.SX L�lHB c� i221Z SS ZOl�t �,�..�:.��.�, � 98Ei55 �T, NA 98031 Type and Location of Property Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt of Insurance Ded. �%"" P � R 0 � P IE IR T Y � � Limits of Liability Type of Insurance Coverage/Forms - � �Eachoccurrence � Aggregete _ � ❑Scheduled Form ❑Comprehensive Form Bodily Injury $ $ A � Premises/Operations Property B ❑ Products/Completed Operations Damage $ $ _ � ❑Contractual Bodily Injury & I [Y Other(specify below) O. �. i� T. Property Damage y Combined $ 304,t�AQ. $3Q0,li00. Per Per Y Med. Pa . $ person $ Accident - _ ❑ Personal Injury O A ❑ B ❑ C I Personal Injury I$ _ p Limits of Liability _ � �Liability ❑ Non-owned ❑ Hired Bodily Injury (Each Person) $ T ❑Comprehensive-Deductible $ Bodily Injury(Each Accident) $ M �Collision-Deductible $ � ❑Medical Payments $ Property Damage $ g ❑Uninsured Motorist $ � ❑ No Fault(specify): Bodily Injury & Property Damage L ❑Other (specify): Combined $ E O WORKERS' COMPENSATION — Statutory Limits (specify states below) ❑ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY — Limit $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES t'i�f!@�tS'� E.�l�i�ili�', i T.RH�' sC�N+ LSIIBII.23''Y Ili$E1R�11�C8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF� MORTGAGEE ❑ LOSS PAYEE �ADD'L INSUREO ' CI'l! 0�' ���:►��;:�l,o� � � �C � LOAN NUMBER �{�Q � �� �i i�.�:.a���!�:.��, l�ll 98058 /01 0 ut orized Representative D ACORD 75(11•77) CONDITIONS This Company binds the kind(s} of insurance stipulated on the reverse side. This insurance is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the policy(ies) in current use by the Company. Tl�is binder may be cancelled by the Insured by surrender of this binder or by written notice to the Com- pany stating when cancellation wiil be effective.This birider may be canceiled by the Company by notice � to the,l nsured in accordance with the policy conditions.This binder is cancelied when replaced by a pol- icy. If this binder is not replaced by a policy,the Company is entitled to charge a premium for the binder according to the Rules and Rates in use by the Company. /0 r1.2,/� r _������� OF R� . �� � � �� �c. � - U �p� �-j- Z, BUARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON � � � MUN�CIPAI BUILDING • 200 MIIL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2569 �9A ,�. � O9�TF� SEPS��O�P October 6, 1980 Dr. Phillip Irwin 905 Talbot Road S. Renton, WA 98055 Re: Revocable Permit, P.A.G. 1252-68 with the City of Renton - Renton Sailing Club Dear Dr. Irwin: This is confirmation of the agreement for you to meet with our City Attorney, Lawrence Warren, regarding the insurance and operation of • the Renton Sailing Club. You are scheduled to appear before the Board of Public Works again � on October 22, 1980 at 9:00 a.m. with some kind of resolution as to the insurance, maintenance and operation of the Sailing Club. I am enclosing a copy of the minutes of October I , 1980 for your i nfc�rmat ion. Very truly yours, � � °�� Jean F. Truman, Secretary � Board of Public Works - jt i � Enclosure 1 ; a � � 1 i � � � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Wednesday, October l , 1980 Renton Municipal Building g:00 a.m. 4th Floor Conference Room Present: �� Gordon Y. Ericksen, Vice-Chairma� Richard Geissler, Fire Chief John Webley, Parks � Recreation Director . , Gary Norris� Traffic Engineer Ron Nelson, Building Division Supervisor Dave Clemens, Senior Planner Jean Truman, Board Secretary Mr. Everett Johnson, Renton Village Co. Mr. Guy V. Roy, Renton Vtllage Co: Dr. Phillip Irwin, Renton Sailing Club M 1 N U T E S 1 . CAIL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by ;.i�ief Geissler at 9�05 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Moved by CL�M�NS, aecanded by NORRIS, �he m,inu�e,� be ap�naved aa u�r,i,t,ten. MOTION CARRT�V. 3. CORRESPONDENCE - None . 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL - None 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS ' a. Request for Street Use Permit, S.W. 41st Street between Valley Parkway and Lind Ave. - Boeing Aerospace Co. - It was announced that Boeing did not yet have the information required. Maved by CLEM�NS, eeeande.d by tU�BL�y, Zhe ma,t,te�t be earvt,i.nued �on anaZhe�c week. MOTION CARRI��. b. Review of Revocable Permit PAG 1252-68 - Renton Sailinq Club, Use of Portion of S.E. 72nd St. (N. 52nd St.) - Letter from the City Attorney recomne�ded that the revocable permit be revoked until the City is provided with a copy of the necessary insurance policy and the City be named as an additional insured in that policy and given at least ten days notice prior to the cancellation of the policy. It was noted that one of the conditions of the revocable permit was the maintenance of liability insurance and since it had not been provided, the permit was exposing the City to great liability as drowning accidents and other water related accidents were frequent and usually result in high damage ctaims. Report from the Building Division also recommended revocation of �the permit due to the condition of the facility and the hazards described: Pictures of the site were submitted with the report and Fassed to the Board members. Conditions cited in the report were that the wood walkways out to the dock area are unstable, deteriorated and hazardous; the first dock you step onto frcm the wood walkway is partially under water and deteriorated; and the dock which holds fihe sa3lboats appears to be okay, however, the visual analysis is that it is not totally on City right-of-way but encroaches onto the neighbors to the north. Dr. Irwin said he would like to present the his- tory of the club. It was started in 1968 near the present site of the Lake Washing- ton (Gene Coulon) Beach Park. The club was organized �or sailing instructions and water safety for the youngsters in the area. The City offered the Sailing Club the use of this property. The Sailing Club acquired the necessary insurance, but the insurance company later declined to renew it. The Club provides a service to the � community at no cost to the City and 'we have been negotiating for insurance and were able to obtain a policy that insures the City out to the street end. The insurance required by the permit has been difficult to obtain. He noted that the ', neighbors in the area wanted to obtain the street for their own use. Mr. Webley ; observed that the Park Board would oppose vacation of that street as it should be retained by the City, limited access to the water. Mr. Ericksen said there were other street end that provided access to the water and they should be availR able for public use. He noted also that there were some undesirable conditions and some way should be found to upgrade the facilities and maybe the City should increase the fee for the Sailing Club and the City coul� obtain the insurance. Mr. Nelson said that walkway needs replacement as the two by fours are broken and the facilities should meet the Clty standards. Dr. Irwin said that obviously the ' club was a small operation as there were only 18 members and he could see that the City wrould have some liability and the $300,000 policy would have to go to the City Attorney and he said he would be happy to talk to the City Attorney about the policy. ' ' I � ; � � ..J � - � . r . , :,�, - . . , . . . ... . � � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS � Page 2 - 10/1/80 • - It was noted that it was a good habitat for wild life, but there was debris in the water which needed to be cleane� up. Dr. Irwin said that it was strictly a summer- time operation, no activity at all in the winter as the members are mostly students. Mr. Webley noted that once the Beach Park is completed, the Park Department could , take over the teaching of sailing, but cuuld not be responsible for people taking the boats out otherwise. Dr. � irwin agreed to meet with the City Attorney and try an� resolve the insurance roblem. Maved b �FISSL�R aecanded b N�RRIS �ha.t P N , y , �he mai;ten 6e can�,i.nued u►titi.� Oatobe�r. 22nd #o a.�Eow �,ime ban Un. I�,ui.n. �o mee.t w<,th.:�h.e C.i�y A�',tonney and came hacFi �o �he Baand w�i,th a neao.eu,t,i,an a� �he �.naun- ance, irfa,i.n.tenance and ape�cafi,i.an a� �he Sa.i,e,i,ng C.�ub. MOTION CARRI�V. ! c. Defer�al of Off-Site Improvements, Renton Village Co. , 15 S. Grady Way, Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks - Report from the Engineering Division noted recogni- tion of a pending grade change for the easterly end of Renton Village Place and based upon that and other drainage problems they concurred in the request to defer the improvements; however, requested that a hard surface, asphalt sidewalk be con- structed along the south side from Talbot Road westerly to the existing sidewalk. Planning Department report recommended that the deferral not be approved, noting � that numerous transit users walk along this segment of Renton Village Place to reach the bus stop at the intersection with Talbot Road S. Sidewalk improvements will eliminate the current pedestrian/vehicular conflicts on this street segment. � Upon inquiry regarding the length of the deferral requested, Mr. Johnson said he was hoping for at least one year. Mr. Nelson said that he had discussed this with , Don Miller and Don Monaghan when they were discussing the storm drainage problem and there are some grades that will have to be changed and felt that a temporary asphalt path so bus Pedestrians could get to the bus stop without getting into the roadway would be satisfactory. The intersection could be installed pretty soon and not all' of the problem is the Renton Village as there is some utilities storm drainage that is a problem. Mr. Johnson commented that they did install an extra drain in there when the operation was started. Mr. Roy suggested a type of sidewalk bo�dered by 2 x 4 's which will hold up for one year. Maved by GFISSL�R, decanded by NORRIS, �he Boand w,i,Z� g�ca.►tit a ane-ye.ah. debenme►tit bubjec,t .ta �,na�a.C�a- �',i.an a� a pedee�,i.an wa,efzuaay accep.tab.2e xo .the �ng�.nee�.n.g D�,v.i.6.i.an and a p�capelc bond. MOTION CARRIFV. 6. OLD BUSINESS - None 7. NEW BUSINESS - None 8. COMMENTS AND ANNOUMCEMENTS - Mr. Ericksen commented that he had attended the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce that morning and they were very interested in the systems development charges that were being discussed. 9. ADJOURNMENT - .The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m. � �� �� � `�' ,��' I � �j ,�"y ,�„ z, BOAR,D OF PUBLIC W(JRI{S • RENTON, WASHINGTON I '' MUNICIPAI. BUI�DING • 20C} Mlll.AVENUE SQi3'i'H • RENTONt WASNINGTON 98055 • 235-25E�9 � w� � I o9A�9 0�� I �r�� s�.P��`� September 1$, ]980 Dr. Phiiiip trwin . qt35 Ta i bot Roaci S. Renton, WA 9��55 Re: Revocable Permit, P.A.G. 1252-68 With the City of Rentan - Rentan Sailing Club Dear Dr. Irwin: The Board wrote to you on .�eptember llth regarding the review of the sUbject permit. The address given to us by the president af the Saii- Eng C1ub was 12212 S,E. 241st St. We were advised that you were going . ta attend the meeting of the Board an Wednesday, September 17, l9$0, at 9:00 a.m. , 4th Floor Conference Room, Municipal Building. You did not attend, however, several of the neighbors af the Saiiing Club were at the meeting. The matter has been deferred until tE�e Octaber 1 , 19${} meeting. Will yau piease advise us if yau can attend this meetir�g? Very truly yaurs, BOARD OF PUBLIC WQRKS � �it��` ean F. Truman Secretary �� cc: Board Mernbers City Glerk I J � OF R�,� � � U �y �— Z BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENT(�N, WASHINGTON Z �, $ MUNICIPAL BUtLDING • 200 MILL AYENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235•2569 O � w 9,0 �o• O9�rF0 SEPS��O�P September 18, 1980 To: Larry Warren, City Attorney From: Warren C. Gonnason, Chairman Board of Public Works Re: Revocable Permit, PAG 1252-68 with the City of Renton Renton Sailing Club, North 52nd Street The Board of Public Works, at its meeting of September 17, 1980, reviewed the subject permit which has no liabitity insurance in force. The Board requested that the matter of liability be referred to you and to the City's insurance carrier. , It is scheduled to come back bafore the Board on October 2 1 $0. The , 9 '�� club has used this right-of-way since February, 1968. They teach sail- ing in smatl sai ;boats. There is a boathouse on the premises as wetl as a storage shed. � � Enclosed is a copy of the applicable portion of the minutes of g/17/80 for your information. � `��� . � � r , ,.. ,. . .�..���-L......._. ;t Enclosure cc: g,oard Members ./Great American lnsurance Co. Ron Nelson - City Clerk ( ,'�'g.r".�".".'-.�.`--�....�---.�.R.r--•.�.-...s.�-- .���-_._ .�...---- - '-- -� - --- ------- - -- -- --- - - - �.._-. ...... .... ...q,,..,, ,;�!�' `1 •� 8QAR0 OF PUBL{C 4fURKS 9/17l80 - P�age Ttw.> an arson fire, the Fire departnrent does not want the bulidings disturbed until it has adequate time to investigate. Afi�vG�d br/ GEISStEK, aeeonded by �RICKSEN, .to a}?Eyn.vt1c a dc�(c°.ta�xf' e,� tlre v�(y-�si.tc� {rry.�crvemc�n-#.a and a vaJs.i.ance �on ave�cleead wiir,i.ng ,4nn a pcn<��d n� six xn,n.tlw w1.i'h an au.tbmatic Q1t,tCYI�SLt)Yt (�on an addi.ti.ana,C e.i.x mo►rthe uF�crit a}�p�e.ic�tti��ii �{un a lx�t�d.i►zy pe/tmi.t. MUTiUN CARRTEU. d. Review of Revocable Permit PAG 1252-68, Rentan Sailing Club, Use of Portion of S.E. 72nd St. iN. �j2nd St.) - Ffr. Gonnasan noted that the City had cntered into a Ravocabie Permit w[th the Rento�s Saiiing Ciub an February $, t968 ar�d among the requiremeots for the pewmit was fnsurance for liability for $�00.000, $100,000 and $Ip,000 property dama9e. The insurance policy had iapsed and there is, at the present Lime, na insurance sa the permit is nuii and void. Mrs. Pat 4ana, who is a neighbor of the Sailing Club, noted that that was primarily her cancern, as the attitude of the ciub regarding liability had been indiffe�ent. Mr. Nelso� said that he and Nr. Webiey had visited the stte and that it was a very hazardaus ogera- tion as the docks are deteriorated, the�e is a boathouse out in the water and a storage shed on shore and the City was in tMe posittan of being lfable. There are 12 end 14 year olds in smali baaEs that tip aver easlly. Further dEscussion was held an the hazards in the area� Mr. Webley noting th�t the Perk Department had no contral over �his area� hawever, falt the sailing ciub was doing a comnunity service in teaching �ai i ing. �ioved by �tEBtEY, 3eeonrted by EtttCKSEN, �he Sec�.e.�i`�.y agcti,rt -i.nv.f.te U2. I�uui.n -to a.ttend .the 1011 �ee,ti.ng and .th� queezi.an a� �.i.ab�i.Y,i,ty be ne�enned .ta .the G�i.ty Attoh.ney and �Lhe C�i,ty'a .ineuhance cann,i.e�, pn neeammenda,t,ian; hazandb ,to the 8u.i..tding ti.iv.us.ian �a�. h.epan,t arzd xeearmnettdct.tion. MQTI�N CARRIEa. ! e. Referrai frpm Buiidinq Divisian of 8usiness license, Palmer Aero-systems, 5031 Riptey Lane N. - Rcpprt �rom Pianni»g Department noted that apparently the business operatlon Included manufacturing, demanstratlons, and sales. Home occupa- tions are limited to offlce use only and comptaints from neighbors suggest that the business has becane haxardous and inappropr3ate in the residentiai zane. The report retammended thet the bu�siness license be limit�d to office use only wlth the standard conditians and if tMere is another �egative inspection report by either the 6uiTding or Fire departments, the business license sFioutd be pulled imnediaEely. 7he manu- facturing and damonstretton operations are to be removed within 24 days. [Jpon lnqulry from Mr. Ericksen, Ron Neison advised that both the Building pivisian and the Fire �epartment had been thert and that he had talked to the neighbors. Mr. Pa)mer satd tha onty manufacturing baing dane was propeilors a�d they were being phased out and no demonstrations are be(n9 given and there had been no advertising since last March. Lattars of complaint from neighbors Rod and Eiizabeth Crawford and louis and lesiye Bargan were read and the pictures thet wera sutrmitted with them we�e displayed. The letters cited noise from machinary, fumes end dangeraus conditions. Mr. Pelmer noted that the Coast Guard would nat aiiow the sate of the hovercrefts so essentially thera was na business. He safd the aniy machinery used was eools that r�u]d be in a�y ordi- nary househoid. Moved by ERICKSEN, seeonde.d by GEISStER� �ha.t .the awne�r. be adv�i.eed �ha.t �the 8ua�.ne.eb �i.een�e euaa �an a��.iee ude an.Cy and any manu�ue,tcaung vh demana.tha.t- .ing be dieeon.t.inued wi,th�,n .tcventy daye, Sc�,i.Cdi.ng and f�in.e to �.napee.t �ox eomp.�ia.n.ee; �the l�.eenee a�v-i.6.i.on be adv.i,aed and a eapy a{� �he e.tandcved pn.av��,an.d be �un.►Li�shed za ,the awmeh. AK7fi0N �ARRIEt7. f. Appiication for Business License, Carnea Optlt, 1082 Lynnwood Ave. N.E. - Mr. Mttnic, one af the appticants explained that the only equipment being used was a smali lathe and pt�lishing machine of oniy �5oa watts af pawer and Lhe equipment dnes nok cause any disturbance to residents in the area and there are no dangerous svlvents used, a minimai amount of aicohol was being used. He alsa explained that bnth hts partner and himseif hed full-tirne jabs and if the bus+ness worked out, they would seek other querters for the business. Maved by ERICKSEN, beconded by GEISSLER, .the app.t.i.ca.ti.on be appreoved �on a6�.iee uae on.Py and e��bject �ta .the a.tandaxd conc�.ons, t�f1710N CARRI�p. 6. OLD BUSiNESS - None i 7. MEW BU51NES5 - None $. ABJOURilMEIiT - The meet'sng adjourned at 14:05 a.m. .� • -- _� _� i,nnkn ui ��uisi ii. wuttr.�� Wednesday, `,���t«�inbcr II. 19Ht� Rcv�i�m Municipal Buildittg g;p0 a.m. ►�th Flcx>r Conference Roon� PreseM: War ri�n C. Gnnn.u��n, Cha i rman Ri�ha�J fcisslcr, Firc Chief Jol�n W��hl�•y, Pa�k�, t Recrcatia� Director GorJon Y. E� ick��c�r�, Plaru�iny pirector Paul l.umbcrl , Tri(tic Division Run Nr•Ison, Building Supervisor Jean irum�n, Roard Secretary Shan�un L 0'Neil, Dental Clinie Zeijk�� Mli�ac, Cornea Optic Edward C. Dietsch, Farwest Furni W�e Transport C. Kelly Diel, Dental Clinit Harry Blangy, 9oein,y, S.W. 41st St. Pat Dana, 521g Ripley La�e N., Sailing Club Ledye Bergan, 5029 Ripley Lane N. Elizabetti Crawford, 5��7 Ripley Lane N. Barry H. Palmer, 5031 Ripley La�e N., Palmer Aero-Systems 1. CALI TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order at 9�05 a.m. by Chairman 6onnason. 2. APPROVAL OF MIFIUTES - A4��ved by Jalut WeG�.ey, 3econded by U.ick Ge,i.be.2eh, -to appA.ove. .the ini.nu.te.b a� Sep-Lemben 10, 1980 wi,tk .the de�et•iun a(� A tempahany Occupancy Pe�un.t.t ean be .i.e4ued by .the &u�d.ir�g Div.ieioii aubjeet to tlie eoricunnenee oh �the Pube.i.e Wp�ke a-i�eeaton." �n Pa�raghaph S.n. �ntr.tfon be appnnved. De.Petion 1.tem doee not eame. unden .the rx�nv.iuv ob .the Baahd. a!t)TIUN CARRIED. 3• CORllESPWIDENCE - None q. NEFERRAI.S FRON CITY COUNCIL - None 5• REFERRALS fROM DEPARTMENTS a. �plication for Use of Public Riqht-of_Way, Stirskv Noldings, Ltd.. Rocke�� located on Hard'ie Av'e. S.W. -There was �o report from Engince�ing so the matter was continued. b. Deferral of Sidewalks and Fi�e_Hydrant,_Shannon 0'Neil, NE Corner of Duvail Ave. N.E. and NE Sunset 8ivd. - M'r. Nelson explatned that the fire hydre�t was not to be deferred and would be installed, the improvements on Sunset Blvd. and Duvall was what the Board was being asked to defer. He explained the plan on the bulletin board and explained that the presen[ apptication was for a single family residence to be converted to a dental clinic. Mr. 0'Nell antieipates developing the whole piece into a shopping center, the planning has already been done through the Countr before 6eing annexed to the City and has been through the City departments for the things that have to be done in order to complete this building. The right-of-way for a four-lane highway is being deeded to the City by Mr. 0'Neil. The developer does not want to put the improvements in until the City has flnalized wlth the County on the road. Maved by PAUL LUMBERT, ee.eonded by GORPON ERICKSEN, zha.t .the Bocud gnan.t a de6eMae �on vne yean un xhe .impn.avemen.ta an the nonthenLy 80 �ee.t 06 .the p�c¢�n.i.aea aubject .to poe.ting o� a bond an �ette�c o6 exedi.t and aL6o eubjeet .to .the dedi.ea.ti.on ob .the n,igh.t-a(�-uay pn.i.on .to oceupaney a� �the bu.i.Cding. MOTION CARRIEU. c. Oeferral of Off-Site Improvements, Farwest Furniture Transport, Inc. 4108 Jones Ave. NE - Temporarv Use of Mobile Office Unit Due to Arson Ftre Oestroy- ing Office 8uiiding - Planning Department report noted area was zoned 8-) and recommended approval of the deferral request for a period of six months with an automatic extension for six months with the approval of a building permit for the new offlce. Engineering report noted the deferral of off-si[e improvements is for a temporary trailer on the site where the original buildings were burned and the division's requirements for off-site improvements raould come when the flnal dvelopment plans are submitted. No requirements uniess the trailer is to be a permsnent structure. Mr. Dietsch noted that it was a 12' by 56' mobile unit specificaliy designed for office space and was the same type as used at Prudhoe in Alaska. The company is without dispatch services for its trucks until this building is instalied. There is water and sewer available and the deferral is requested so the property can adequately be prepared for the new office building. • It was noted that there were no trucks at the site as the trucking business itself was in the Benaroya Bu§iness Park on 5. 208th St. Since this was determined to be ----, . �,o,;�� (�,�'�`�'~- `.. 0F R�� u��„ ,�.�,.z.�C �� �, �.��.!- �`` ' ~ �� Q RD 2' BLIC W RI� • RENTUN WASHING'TC1hT U 8�3A 4 P'U O '3 , +�,� ,�.. �, 8 3A ' Z � � MUNICIPAI BUILDING « 204 hlILL AYENUE SOlJTH • RENTON�WASNINGTON 55 • 235-2569 iI �0�� � �' !�� Q` ..��-�"� I ��T�� SEP���� ��� September ll , 1980 � Dr. Philip irwin, , Member-at-�arge 12212 5,E. 201st 5t. ' Kent, WA 98Q31 , �I Re: Revocable Permit, P.A.G. 1252-68, with the I '� City of Renton - Renton Sailing Ciub � Qear Dr. lrwin: �I Your name was given to us by Ms. Debbie Scherverman, President of the Renton Sailing Club, as she is going back ta college and will � IC not be avaiiable. � � � 1'he Board� of Pubtic Works wouid like ta review the revocable per- i mit with your organization. The permit caits for liability insurance to be carried and our files do not show any insurance caverage. l We wauld like you, or anather officer ar memher af the boarct, to � attend the Board of Public Works meeting. The 8aard halds meet- I ings, generaily, every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Fourth Floor Conference Roam, Renton Municipat Buitding, 200 Mill Ave. Sauth. ff you will 2et me knaw when it would be the most convenient day to come by the Friday preceding Lhe Wednesday meeting, the matter will be put on the Agenda. Piease give us a call as soon as passible. Very truly yours, , - '`/���� � ,, �,/ t�"....,a-�`c_.—�--� l�/ lic�!�""� Warren C. Gonnason, Chairmacr Board of Public Works WCG:j t cc: Debbie Scherverman Board Members City Clerk � - —� - �F R�� � � V ;y � � PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 235-2540 p � � MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH.98055 9,0 �• O9�TF� SEPTE���P September 29, 1980 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH i MAYOR TO: Board of Public Works FROM: Building Division SUBJECT: Revocable Permit P.A.G. 1252-68 Renton Sailing Club Per the request of the Board, the Building Division visited the site and list below our findings and recommiendation: 1. The wood walkways out to the dock area are unstable, deteriorated and hazardous. 2. The first dock you step on to from the wood walkway is partially under �aater and deteriorated. 3. The dock which holds the sailboats appears to be okay. However, our visual analysis is that it is not totally on City right-of-way but encroaches onto the neighbors to the north. Our recommendation is to revoke the permit due to the con- dition of the facility and the hazards described (see the attached photographs) . We would also recom¢nend having the walkways and docks removed. RGN/mp �F R�� � � V �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY� RENTON,WASHINGTON ♦y '`� POST OFfICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVEIVUE BUIIDING • REIVTON, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 � � �' LAWRENCE J.WARREN� CITV ATTORNE`/ DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITV ATTORNEV 9'Oo9 ��P� September 24, 1980 �TF� SEP��� T0: Warren C, Gonnason, Chairman, Board of Public Works FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Re : Revocable Permit - Renton Sailing Club Dear Warren: Yo u referred the above topic to my office for comment . I think the City should immediately go on record that the revocable permit is revoked until the City is provided with a copy of the necessary insurance policy and that the City should be named as an additional insured in that policy and given at least ten days notice prior to the cancellation of the policy. It is clear from the record that one of the conditions of the revocable permit was the maintenance of the liability insurance. However, the Sailing Club has never obtained the insurance, and apparently is not answering our correspondence concerning it. There is no reason for the City to continue the revocable permit when we may be exposing the City to great liability. Drowning accidents and other water related accidents are frequent and usually result in high damage claims . I think immediate action is necess � he rd of Public Works . ' ,. .� �� wrence' . arren LJW:nd cc: Mayor Council President �� R�� � � V �� ,.� �, BUARD C3F P'UBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHING'TGN Z �, � MUhlIGIPAI BU!l.QING * ZQQ MILL AVEhNlE SOUTN • RENTON,WASNlNGTQN 96055 • 235-2569 O � ?a @�• ���r�'� SEP"�ti��Q I September 11 , 198p I i [}r. Philip Irwin, • Member-at-Large 12212 S.E. 201st St. I Kent, WA 9$031 � Re: Revocabie Permit, P.A.G. 1252-68, with the � City of Renton - Renton Sailing Club � Dear Dr. trwin: Your name was given to us by Ms. Debbie Scherverm��1, President af the Rentan Sailing Club, as she is going back ta college and will � not be available. � � The Board of Pubtic Works wcauld iike ta review the revacable per- ,, mit with your organization. The permit ca11s for liability insurance , to be carried and our files da nat show any insurance coverage. � I,le would like you, or another officer or member af the board, to � attend the Board of Public Warks meeting. The Board holds meet- ings, ge�erally, every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m, in the Faurth Floor ; Conference Roam, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave. Sauth, if yau wiil tet me know when it would be the most convenient day to come by the Friday preceding the Wednesday meeting, the matter will be put an the Agenda. Please give us a call as soon as possible. Very truly yours,? i f�. , �c~y������ x.�x'„-�'�`�...---' Warren C, Gonnason, Chairman Board of Public Works WCG:j t cc: Debbie Scherverman 8oard MemF,ers City Clerk � -- - - -- - - -- --- -- �� R�� � •� U �y �-} z BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON ' Z � $ MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • REN70N, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2569 O � 9,0 �o• O9�TE� SEPT����P ' September 18, 1980 To: Larry Warren, City Attorney From: Warren C. Gonnason, Chairman , Board of Public Works Re: Revocable Permit, PAG 1252-68 with the City of Renton Renton Sailing Ciub, North 52nd Street The Board of Public Works, at its meeting of September 17, 1980, reviewed the subject permit which has no liability insurance in force. The Board requested that the matter of liability be referred to you and � to the City's insurance carrier. It is scheduled to come back before the Board on October 2, 1980. The ' club has used this right-of-way since February, t968. They teach sail- ' ing in small sailboats. Ttiere is a boathouse on the premises as wel ) as a storage shed. Enclosed is a copy of the applicable portion of the minutes of 9/17/80 for your information. __._�, � �'�L� .'���: ,� . % �_���-�. jt Enclosure cc: Board Members Great American Insurance Co. Ron Nelson City Clerk ��_ — 1 ------ -- QF ��� �� � � �j '�� Z, E3(�RD QF PUBLIC WC.►RKS + RENTLIN, WASHINGTON II �'i� �- � � M�L � MUNIClPAI. BUIl.QING • 2t?Q MIIL AYENlIE SQUTN • RENTt)hl,WASHINGTQN 98055 • 235-2569 o,� �, � $9'''F4 sEQ'���'� I i. September li , 1980 � i � i I I Dr. Philip irwin, , � Member-at-Large f 12212 S.E. 201st St. I Kentf Wa 98031 I I � Re: Revocable Permit, P.A.G. 1252-6$, with the �4 City of Renton - Renton Saiting Club i � Dear Dr. Irwin: I� `':E�+.�z,c� '�''t a."� iYour name was given ta us by Ms. Debbie Scherverman, President af i the Renton Sailing Club, as she is gaing back ta college and will � not be available. i i �i The Board of Public Wofks wouid lilce ta review the revocabte per- mit with your organization. The permit calls for liability insurance � to be carried and our files do not show any insurance coverage. i I I We wouid like you, or another officer or member of tMe baard, to � afitend the Board of Public Warks meeting. The Board holds meet- ings, generaily, every Wednesday at 9:�a a.m. in the F'ourth Ftoor Canference Room, Renton Municipa) Buiiding, 200 Mill Ave. Sauth. ff you wiil let me know when it would be the n►ost canvenient day to come by the �riday preceding the Wednesday meeting, the matter will bs put on the Agenda. Piease give us a call as sa�n as possiblQ. Uery Lruly yours, �' ,f� 'f Zs�..a�-�,�--,-"�"- I ~c�`C�����""" II Warren C. Gonnasan, Chairman , Board of Public Works WCG:j t � cc: Debbie Scherverman � a Board Members j City Cierk � i a 1 � � li � ---, � j ._--: �� � a:� a_ �� �� � i �. ,��:t ���,.z i �� , _., I I CANCELLELf POLICY RETUR�'�t PR,EMIUM NQTTCE � C f I � . , � ro....... ..........:.L'.?.�?:-�+..�.....����....:.�..,..............?/�. AGEMCY C.rIp.�C�' C�v � t --,,,�, , .. ' I , / � .............. ............. .............z._��.�.l..v a../..�.._.............., i .............................................................................��'..�.._............. 1 t I INSURED � \�}4^�.�%{>Z^... •�1N.^,L��T �aiK.iu..�s , 4{�Yl� , PO[.ICY NUMBER ( 1 � � �� � � y� � . � CANCELLATION DATE REASON NOTC! If any portion of the pre- i f �'_ � � - '��, „�,Q,�G��� mium due from the insured, in- i I T 'Pi: I ' ctuding any future instailments � � ��� � P/R - PRO RATA F1I - FI.A'i" ft�ICEPTION p S/R -- SHORT RATE F/A- FLAT ANNIVFRSARY rer:�air�s un aid, it shauld be de- i ducted £ram the stated returs� � R/P FACTOR TOTAL RE'1'URN PREMIUM p�-e��iium before remitting ta the i $ � �'� . insured. � � I � � � / ,, j� t �/ I�E#nd insvranse Camp�nY ��-^,t-7�,2_ �`�,������K. C�d_� Atna Fire Underwriters inxurar�ce Company � � DA'CE LOCATIO(V INITIAI.S � �eR��.l, lndemnety Company ' I � � Fo�m b10-2�Ed.May 72 Prinied in U.S.A. I CV/mec�a 4/19/7F Form 2•6IX}•253 Rev. Id,'�2 Printed in U.S.A. �_ _ _ _ _ .� ti „i� ,�t 1hn within thn nnlir.Y taTt''"` �.`°'"""' �tsuN�ng irom the suade�� as�u acc�de�ital p1tiy�:ca� t4f}ucy tu o� destruction� iius �nsurance app�ies only to ao���9 i�+t�+f�f °r pEIIp�ctY damage whic OCCurs t�►.un:�°ra ix1`surCd ncuc.a �C�.s"Ytf}� 1Glc3�b. lt1 . � c/a � � J. Roffev r �`Adrlresa of Insur+� 922 SW 3rd Place _.,,,, �` Renton. Rina Co.. Washineton � . . Location Covere�i :� {Jperations Covered ` � 'rFlIS IS T4 CERTI�Y T4 CERTlFICATE H4LDER. � � h4ailir�g Address 45tr�ot And Number,City,S1ota,Zip tode; 1 ' I GitY of Reatan ' COVERAGE is provided in Gompaay initialed below: � Renton. �A=AETNA WSURANCE COMPANY Q li=AETNA FiRE UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO. ii � Washinsttan ❑ C=CENTURY INDEMNiTY COMPANY ,� � / . ;', Efiective 51,�.5175 � that on the above date the foliowing described insurance policies, issued by this Campany, are in full force and effect, {� subject to all the terms, conditions, limitatians and exclusions, thereof. i� ' to � Name of Caverra • PQ���Y Efftctirs Exp'rrotion timits of i. 9 ' � Namb�r � Dat� � Dat� � Liabiiity ti I IWarkmen`t Compensation ( � � � Statutory ?', I*?ubiic liability—Bodily in�ury iNot Auto) # ` � S 3�Q ,000 each occurrtnce ` �CG b5 47 45 I 5�25i75 I Sj.�,�1�8 �' ,004 cach occurrence ;i � "Public Liability—Prop�ny pamag�(Not Autoj . s 2rj � n � n i n � � ,Q�� aggregate i� , J (Ezplasian, CoNapsi, Undarground Hasarsts � � � � � ,d�� each acCurrence INat tovand Unless Oth�rwis� 5tohd H�r�inj �Q(jQ aggregate ProduNs—Compl•t•d Op•raHons- � � �(�Q ,00� each accurrtnce � $odily Injury � tt � tt � p � .+-- ,i}(�a aggregate ` Produch—Comp�efed bperaiionr s zrj ,QnO each accurrenee I � Property Domoge � �t I tt � s� � � 25 ,000 aggregate Specific Conhoctuai-0odily Mjvry � � ,00� each occurrenct (Othar Than incidtnta) Canhaclt As Gefined , in Tfie Policy) I !�? each ac urrence � Specific Contractual—Property Damage � + 4 i !Qther Than lncidantal Controcts As Defined !n fht Pelicy) � ,000 aggregate ,�s � .. � ` ��' � � . .. .. - . � � r�.! • _ ,,,�. ,f ': � 4� .. ., -�� .. ,. � , .I � . � '� " ... 000 eacfi erson A uNm�bil�—bodil In ury + � ; , P Y � � each accurrence � � ( � ,0 00 �� � � � � 1lutomebile—Frop�rty Damay� � ' � I � � ,U00 tach occurrence ' �arylary � � � � � Plat� Glats � � � � . . r ements: 1 lease of remises 2 casement a reemeni, except� r I n c l u d e s c o v e r a�e f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g i n c i d e n t a l w r i t t e n a g e ( } p , ( } g in cannection w�th construction or demolition operations on or a djacent to a railroad, (3) undertakin ta indemn i fy a's: �. rnunicipalit required by munici pal ordinance, e�cce pt in conneciion with work for the municipality, (4�sidetrack agree-: ment, or (5�elevatar mauntenance agreement. , ' Shauid any of the above described poiicies be cancelled before the normal expiration date thereaf, the Company will endeavar to give written notice to the above Named Certificate-holder, but failure to give such notice shall im- i ation or Iiabilit of an kind u on the Com an . - ' ' - . . • + pase no obl g y y p P Y � `•iN15 CERTtfiCATE OF iNSURANCE NEIiHER AFPIRMATIVELY NOR NEGATIVELY AMENOS.EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAf3E AFFORDED BY TNE POUCIES INDICAiEO 8N TMiS CERTIFICATE UNDER POU CY NUMBER. .' , ' . Ttiireme� Morri8 & StAZi' �. , � • � � b 2 ' � Seattle Wash. 5-Q 195 �i s By .. . � 'z ent thor: ed A - . • • Au g � I de C3ne Du �ccte Co for each Pol� I�sted hereon} (inc u p� pY '�Y , ' fam bOQ-84o 3173 ' I` ��;. -.� � . - - ��,���z�-a-6g .. - � . _ �` A STOc '�OMPANY ' r .� -.W -� %� .. .�� �._.. , , _ � � _. . _:_�___�._____�__.__ 1 �--��� � ��� _ kx �-- ��;,� . = 1�� � YA 91 8 2 6� , RENEWAL OF�� `,a -, ° ,,°'� �� '"'` 4~ `!a�'�"1trO� .'��xIS�1�, ti�.11b� I!!Q ' WAMf �,.�:�.a,;�'.,:"- i, 1 ' " � • � ;�r. �'et�x' .i . „�t�P�'�e� . oF ;a IN5Ul21�iJ ��, �Etna Insurance Com an � �� � ��' �� �� ��, � � p Y � � � :����, ��f,. .. . .. NARTFORD,CONNECTICUT '" �*'' �"'� r,,. s;!1�;/?9 , .EXPIRES, , AGEPIT f.�-•�• �UER�S LOSS PAYABL� E�DCRSENENT � , !.���, _............_.._w___._._..___...._..w,_____..._._�___., __._____W._._.�..__..._____-f ,��' �.,;r __ , I ='. . ..,,..�F,�,.,n...o-w._s.,,,,�..�..._.,.._,�. ,,.....,...,.s....�_,,.�,.,.,.m.........Y.o..... . ,,.. a;d^�� I�115 R7Ctl1:>�;a„ . � t� : , �li�C':f��7," , • �n�+�rasac�, b ' ,t;cn cr�1 t.. r.,, ' �; "' �'-�'�►; t��..t � �;,. Y' " ` �t � contract �;,� YACHTSMAN POLICY �`;_� stancls at thc d ,.t f�, _' P':;�,,.y as numi,o.,.,{ 1;.. � , 4;�d ;;�r.., �3re .�... �re;n , :?y.:�corripany. S�:d I;.. ��`�'��r;�n��urn, has f���> �s it , �k�., assi nm ,J�� �� �s suo;ect fo ci;�� t� {. ,f� �S`i-t�c� �'� �:'-� C��.,',r#�+. _ ..r - ;$�F;u+,� FI - '�s�p�x'r,.a -fF �"qa.;r_,.e,n-.�s;- i. �i..,, M ��-r,T� ���+bfi;;c. �'^ "� }4�1 �afl " : '�t;:�i a�arsel7ler i t '�' xr'�, mta u�;3 Y i y }Y" S•i�i��ya..�'° y����'P���s � � �p t, y�y.� F �.;�{ ,a � An in aecor t",anr2�Fo � E � �, K � �,; *�_,� , n � , �' .� :s.��.��.ri.�.� :.. ......x;.:, ,4.. �anre ,wiffi ,its.'.term�'. .,��. .. e. �� . �: -.� , �. . �. �.r_w.�.v�,..... ,._��'•�.�� :�,k=�. , .,. ' �� � ' HOME OFFICE • HARTfORD, CONNECTICUT 06115 f i i � � , , l� � � r � '•.�- , . � . �.c.va x.x a..��e«^ . Y ! • � � � • �I ......�..,,.�.�.� �„,�+�,..«,. . - �� .' , I �' k ' S, � i � `' � 1 . ' + 2 , ° ��! � - ' ' i . 5 , t # . .. , . , • �q�'�q ��{{ � .s �. r ���t i1,1 '4 � �. � �,�,� ;` E � f e Y�'a�'�.�!y�,.�� :� '+��. �i ' rsq..a i y�!! �'::y�._�r�y� 'TrN�� d i . :,'c,, h :a�'.;a�'a� y tlF� ,� � ��-�o'��..::'�i a `` ��:;� �: �`;' i. a� ;,�'��.m.s+�� '�, -' °'�.,r,��` �.'�. .. '�t'�.�t� . ._-. . ,�`s»., � �4'� <` ' , . .. ;�^"',,. �y.�,: � ,�;.;"='..,�.wa.: * r,';:� f. ^ ^. ���;� .�, ,>•� �d"t�.; � ..� °.:'?.` ..;'`;=cr4'"`:` . � i �� 4 4 �"• ;\ �'p � i� * . � ' �a�x .�9,." :.`-•,C$4��°�'(1 �r �'+-,, ���M 1�.� ;;�,�`.$„ � 'n. ." . ; , M�Ma ,��. 'A=` ..2�^'"�t :'KY��j+ .h'.�q-�� , �„�'C.��x.,,.:�,•t•; � �4.. . . �^"�:' A i+�.q ,,�, f f `� ,. ��,�,,.;.�:+��r;�.�.,.,.���;�� i :� �" �}`�"Ff`,:..�� � � ,. ��� $. � , � •�:,: -^-"` ,i �� ; 1: :i� �'. H;,1`, :.�,�„.�.,,—..--'�.. � � .*@r��- , .-.�, .„M,�%c �. »f �; � �. {a �;, .».....,T�f" �,1�, 4 k � ,•,�, �Ax1f�y�,�ew^'*w,"" �..�.:,a�w.,i.:;";`:�i,,�,d,'�':Yk.,�. �'.'� a..� L�' � :"�� ..-- '- � r� �ah;?;:�,..•�f..{:..:-E.tw .. �P.��.�f.�'y?�E'"{Cs !"`� x� . ��.►,� - s .. ,���P�'°'�� p;t;c�'.�. /,�.�,.- '�'" � .,�1,�.- _ e ;��..:.. ,,�., �*'�: '� . ,}.~t � �S,w'A r, '`. �* ., t��fi, t' 3,h'�� 1-��.:�;y;. �T.,;d: � IMPORTANT _.,..�.` . �� '-,� �. i 9 �'��,::'�-;r��:;.,„ .;�:},,, 5�':�: . a,;"' � 1?'�$.'.�d;,,..n�.- ' t+ a `f3 i;'�"�'^," i ,� :.. � ...,�..+..,,n . '�.' � "'�'�"` `F4 :• E �i� 'p:,t?�.w}��4:�.'L:�� � r+jj , S .f. • ...,. ,1...r�„,yr�Mr.". . . .� R��'.`.":.,'� .ri..�1 .js �qa�.;��e:;� <5'r`'�p�' s�', �� ' PFomRtly report all accidents and losses to your Agent:�"�� °'�`; �.'" ^""�'` ' `�"' ��= ���� . �� aii•`a's, i� •.d,:"1+"•G;�Y-.,.P�.*.,:s'�., xx:n,.+�+v�.� �O'+e"" ,. '�va"���t'i �' . . w,' . � ` tV .._« .+��:"".� ,...a., .Y . Ma: , xk^'ac'.�w.;yf.s..�.. R��.Y�'���r"- �'°,�y�i:Tfiis enables us to render our best service to you. � � =aQ>���.�-�� � � ���- ai�. , ti;�� <:, ,t ' _ �� �� �� �please read ,your policy 'yd.n,.,wr.r,...,�,;.,., ,,�r,�..,^.c,✓,;,��„ -,,�,�, -�,,,,rr>:;;;�,r•i ..�, �,- . . --a�,�esy;a::�,.k. ,.�:- 4' `�2c^;7:r-ax�w...s.x�_« . ' itF'�., f' �t� ,c�..� t y ' _ . "t S� ,e _ _..; - �....�1.6.. �.w��. . .f�.:G r.A�w .,.i� .ca. ,,...1.�r..u..�,�.'�t::a.`'�Y.,:���,.'h. .5+.� .a+.- .a.: -+a..0 a�....§,M..�S,�.,r. .�,. � �, _ - _ . , r�c���rr �r��uKt��W�.e �.�r1���/+1'if�"'r . r � NAkTFORD, CONNECTICUT _ (A stock insurance Company, herein called the any) in consideration of the stipulations and the �._...um, the Company agrees with the insured as provideu ��� �he Declarations page made a part hereof, subject ta all it terms, conditions and provisions of this policy: �eszrJt� �t��srli��s� � {Appiicable to ail coverages uniess atherwise indicatedl 1. Private Pleasute Only. AIl coverage under this poiicy shall terminate upon the {b} If claim is made or suit is brought against the insured, the insured sha chartering or hiring of the Yacht for any purpose or upon the use of the Yacht for immediately notify the Company and forward to the Company every demam o#her than private pieasure purpases, aniess the previous wntten cansent of the natice,summons or other pracess received by him or his representative whic Company has been obtained. the Company requests be sa forwarded. 2. Transter of Interest. All coverage under this policy shall terminate upon the sale, 10. Legal Representation and Cooperation. The Insured shall cooperate with th assignmen#, transfer or piedge of the interest insured hereby, unless the previaus Company in ail matters arising under this poiicy, including the adjustment of losse� written consent of the Company has beer� obtained. and shal! nqt assume any obligation,admit any I�abiliky or incur any expense for whic the Company may be liable, without the wntten approval of the Company, exceF 3. Privileges.This policy cavers the Yacht while afloat or ashore at all times and on such expenses as may be necessary and permitted ta safeguard the Yacht under th � al� occasions nat conf(icting with warranties or other clauses or conditions in this ��Duties of Insured" dause in Section "A" of this policy. In case the liability of th� policy. However,ihis palicy shali nat be in effect while the Yacht is being iransported lnsured shail be contested with the written approval of the Company first obtainerI by land or other conueyances (except while on premises at the point of hauling out the Company will pay the cosk and expense of such defense, in which event thl or launching� unless �and Transportation Insurance, Sect+on "F", is effected as �nmpany shall have the option of naming attorneys who shall represent the Insurel respects land canveyances or the policy be endorsed as respects other conveyances. �n the said defense, and, if such option is exercised, shali have the exclusive direc Privilege is granted to assist vessels or craft in distress. tion and control thereof. The Insured shall, whenever required, attend hearings an�� 4. lay-Up Warranty Grace Period.Permission is granted the Insured for an additional tr'tals and shaA assistin effecting settlements,securing and giving evidence,obtainin� 15 days of io•commission use at each end of the !ay-up perfod stated on the the attendance of witnesses, and m the conduct of suits and limrtation proceedingsl Declarations page of this policy. This privilege shall not, however, amend the 11, payment of Loss. In case of loss,such loss shall be paid within thirty days aCte� Policy Penod. - written proof of loss and proof of interest in the Yecht shall have been given to th� 5. Acquisition. If ihe insured purchases another yacht either as a replacement for �Q�Pany; all indebtedness of the lnsured ta the Company being lirst deducied. I or in addition to the Yacht described in this policy, this palicy shall apply to the 1� L��iz af Time for Suit. No suit or action against the Company shall be mainiaim acquisition except that the Amount of Insurance under Section "A'`shall not exceed able in any court unless, as a conditipn precedent thereto, the Insured shall hav� the cost to the Insured or $15.Q00, whichever is the least. The coverage provided �a�P���d with ail of the warranties, terms and conditions contained in this polic� by this clause shall only be in effect if the Insured reports such acquisition to the and unless; Company within 15 days from date of puschase and pays additionai prem�um at ihe {a) In respect of any claim for physical loss or damage ta the property insurer rates of the Company. under this policy or any charge or expense mcurred under Sections "A", "E" or "F� 6. Definition of Insured. It is understood and agreetl that the word "Insured" wher• cf this policy, such suit or action is commenced within the twelue months nex9 ever used in the Callision clause of Section "A' of this policy and in the Pratectian failowing ihe date of the physicai loss or damage out of which such ciaim arose. and Indemnity Insurance. Section "B" of this policy, in addition to the Named (b) In respect of any claim under khis policy not described in "(a)" above, the insured, includes any person, firm, corporatian or other legai entity who may be amount of the Insured's obligation ta pay shall have been daterrnined either by finat operating the Yacht with the prior permission of the Named Insured, except that it lutlgment against the insured after actual trial or by written agreement signed by the does not include a paid master or a paid member of the crew of the Yacht or a Insured, the claimant and the Company, nor unless commenced within the twelve persan, firm. carporation ar other legai entity, or any agent or empioyee thereof, months follawing the date of such audgment or written agreemeni. ' operating a shipyartl, baat repair yard, marina, yacht club,sales agency, boat service Provided that where any of #he above limitations of time is prohibited or invalid� station or similar organization. The extensian of coverage to such additional In- �Y or �nder any appiicable law, then and in that event no suit or action shali be � sureds is conditioned upon the compliaoce by all Insureds,whether named or not,with commenced or maintainable unless commenced within the shortest limitation of time all the terms, conditions and warranties of this policy. Notwithstanding anything permitted under such Iaw. cantained herein, this policy does not caver liability af such additiona! Insureds to �� Subrogatinn. In the event of any payment under this policy the Company shall ' the Named Insured. Furthermore, nothing contained in this clause shall be construed be subragated to all the Insured's rights o# recovery therefor against any person or to inerease the limits of the Company's I�abili#y as stated in the poiicy. organization, and the Insured shall execute and de�iver instruments antl papers and 7. Continaatian.Should fhe Yacht at the expiratioia of this policy(other than by can- do whatever eise is necessary to secure such r�ghts. ?he insured shaii do nothmg , cellatipn)be at sea, the expiration date may be extended until arrival of the Yacht at after loss to prejudice such nghts. her next port and for 24 hours whiie moored thereat, provided request for extension ' be made to the Company pnor to expiration of the policy and additional premium 14. Other Insurance. The Insured shall no# insure excess or increased value ot hull be paid at the rates of the Company. in the event the poiicy is cancelied in accord- and machinery, or abtain other total loss, "'policy proof of interest" or "fuil interest ance wiih its terms,the faregoing provision shaii be inappiicabie, and the palicy shali admitted" insurances without the prior written permission of the Gompany. terminate on the date the cancellation becomes effective. In the event there is other valid insurance covering the same accident or occur- rence, this insurance sha11 nat pay more than its propartion af the totai of a31 such 8. Held Covered. If the Navigationai Limits or Lay�Up Warranty of this policy are insurance. � ' breached because af circumstaaces 6eyond the control of the Insured, this policy shall remain in effect provided written notice is given to the Company as soon as 15. Cancellation. This policy may be cancelled by the Insured by mailing to the , the facts constituting the breach are known to the (nsured and additional premium Company written notice stating when thereafter such cancel4atinn shaii be effect5ve. • be paid at the rates of the Compaay. This policy may be cancelled by the Company by mailing to the lnsured at the address shown in this policy wntten notice stating when not less than ten days thereafter 9. Notice of Accident, Glaim or Suit. such canceliatio�shaii be effective. The mailir�g of notice as aforesaid shall be suf•� (a) In the event of any occurrence which may result in loss, damage or expense ficient proof of notice, and the effective date of cancellation stated in the notice ' €ar which the Company is or may become hable, #he insured shali give tm- shali became the end of the paliey period. DeHvery of such written notice either '� mediate written notice therepf to the Company. by the Insured or by the Company shall be equivalen# to mailing. (continuedl -��T9O � tion, Exclusians, Duties of Insured, Deductibie-(unless ao. of Section ""A"of this policy when nat inconsistent herewil �� � ance prouided and the Salvage Charges clause shall not apply to this Land signed by its President and a Secretary, but the same shall not be binding YACHTSMAN . POLICY � PROYtS10NS � � C4NiRACT I � SECTION 0 I Y � . �27 . I rnu u i � 1 � � � .. ..�.�r . , , .. ... ,.. .� JI !"' ' . . . � . , . 's` f . V ' � . . . " , . • • _� EMORANDUM OF YACHTSM AN LICY ��. I Use with Contract Section to compleTe DECLARATIONS ` �� 91 8 2 6 6 RENEWAL OF�� �� y�� �3 I n / i:entoa 3�i2in�, 41�s, Ina. • � �a�►ze�� J��isrirc�ct . ,�', :.��. P�t��' .i . :�Off+e�' . ADORESS: • �7T "±� �� p1'. ' (Number & Street, Town, County & State) • ..�Q�i�,c i��It. ' 1 ... ._� ...._ _ .. .. �. •.... 'LE�DER�S LOSS PAYABL� ��OCRSENENT 1 . LOSS OR DAMAGEi IF ANY UNDER THIS POLICY•SHALL B: r'!ID TO _ itv of Renton IT� SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS� HEREINAFTER HFFERHL�) T(` AS THE LENOERi� IN WHtiTEVER FGRM OR CAPACITY ITS IN- TFRESTS MAY APPFAR AND WHETHER SAID INTtHEST BE VFSTED IN SAIU LFNDER IN ITS INDIVIDUAL OR IN ITS DIS- � OR TRUSTFf ' CLOSED OR UNDISCLOSFD FIOUCIARY OR REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY� OR ('THFRWISE� OR VESTED IN A NOMINEF GF SAID LENDER. , CANCELLATION BY MUTUAL CONSENT �. THIS POLICY SHALL NOT BE CANCELLED BY THE MUT�AL CCNSENT OF ASSURERS AND ASSUREO� NOR ALTERED OR �MENCED� WITHOUT THE WkITTEN CONSE'NT OF THF LEtJUtk, � CANCEILATICN BY GIVING nCTiCE ' �, THIS PCLICY �^AY NOl BE CANCtLLEU bY aSSURERS� UNDER THE PROVISION THEREOF PFRMITTING EITHER PARTY ' TO CANCEL BY GIVIfJG NOTiCF IN WRITING� UNLESS WRITTEN NC�TICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION SHAI.L HAVE BEEN GIVEN � TO LENOER AT ITS OFFICF OR BHANCH AT � � OR I F NONE BE SPEC I F 1 ED� AT 1 TS GFF I CE AT Renton, Wash. _ � NOT LESS THAN TH I RTY � �3C� DAYS PRIOk TO THE EFFECTIVE DATC GF SUCH f.ANCEI �ATIONi PROVIDED� HOWEVERi THE FkOVISIONS OF THIS ' PAHAGRAPH SHALL NOT AFFECT '.�!c .�:iSURf.R�S RIGHTS OF TCRMINATION PkOViDED POR UNOER TFIC AUTCMATIC TERMIN- AT I GN CLAUSES OF ANY 1v�AR Ft��K i+ND STk I YE S LLAUSE':i wH I CH ARF OR HEREAFTER BECCME A r^i�RT OF TH I S POL I CY. ' �F ASSURERS RECEI\'E A 'dR;TTEN NUT!CF Of CANCELLATIC�N OF THIS POLICY FRCM ASSURED� ASSURERS SHALL , , MAIL A COPY OF SAID NGTICE 10 LENDER AT �.ENDEN�S ABOVF MENTIONE:D ADDRE55 WITHIN FIVE {5� DAYS AFTER RECEIPT O� SUCH NOTICE BY rSSUkEH�. ' CANCELLATION FOR NONPAYMENT GF Pi2�-MII,M �. THE ASSUkED SHi.LL BE UIkE.CTLY LIABLE TO TNE /-+SSUHEkS FOR HLL PREMI�MS UNDER THIS POLICV. IF FAYMENT OF PREMIUM I:i h0T MADE 9Y 1NC ASSUkED WITHIN THIRTY �30� DAYS APTER ATTACHMENT OF THE INSURANCEi Ok� IN THE EVENT THE ASSURERS SHALL HAVE AGRE'.�J T�' Ac.�.EPT Dt_FERRED PAYMENTS� IF ANY PAYMENT OF ANY PREMIUM IS NOT MADE ON THE DAY AGREED� THi.� F'l•LICY MF,Y E7E C'nNCELLED i+T i.NY TIME THEREAFTER BY THE ASSURERS GIVING TO THE ASSURED NAMEO HERE!N� ANO TO L�_NDER� AT LEN�ER�S AFORESAID ADURESS� FIVE �5� DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF- SUCH CANCELLATION. .;T LEAST FIVF jr"J) DAYS BtFORF_ GIVI!:G SAID LAST MENTIGNED NOTICE TO THE ASSUkED� AS- � SURERS SHALL NOTIFY LFhOER IN WRITInG GF TM�- �k INTENTICN T✓ GIVt SAID NGTICE. ` SUCH CI.NCELL•^�TIC�N SHALL Ht_ WITNGUT PREJU�ICf. Tl' THt NREMIl.MS EARNED AND DUE �GR THE PERIOD TME FOLICY WAS IN FORCE. �T IS AGRtEC• TH.1T THESE CLAUSES SHF.LL Hf: CCN:;IDE_RED TO SUPERS�DE ANO ANNUL ANY CLAUSES TO THE sAME OR SIMILAR EFFEc ; t �<iNTED IN UF :.TT�.cr!Fu iG THIo FCLIC'i. ' ATTACHED To POL I CY nc. \YA �1 82 66 � �F___ Aetna IriS. CO. _ `--- - �SSUEO TO � :.cENcr tir Se3ttle , Wash• LATE 5/15/71 _ Thieme ,Morris and Starr, Inc. , �� 67-02195 �'��'i%���,���✓ _ . < < `. .. � �� ;�"�-lit�� 4 1 1C0 �� / 5/7 � � . � . I � � v Countersigned�T ���� �`'�'"��p��� 4 form 1•520•212H � �Aist(io�ized Representative � Ed.Nov.69 , i ' . .. . , . . . . . i �_--= P"�"nORA�UDUM QF YACHTSMAN P(�LlCY �„�, Use with Contract Section to complete � DECLARATIONS �/� �� /�� �� RENEWAL oF�"� ,�� r�� ��, , / / • �fi`r1��iMil/#i IM17��j,js3�'i��I�Y57� +•�iQ• � .. ��... . .... i 1 tlfliE'tt � ttsrtrc�d . µ :;t'. p,��,��" ,� . :�Gt1"e�' • � ADDRESS: . `.��'�' .`�ijlj ,�g� p�„� . {Number & Street, Tawn, Caunty & State) • «:Si2�Qt1, ��.;�. • POlicy PeriOd: Noan Standard Time at piace of issuance. Frottt: � �j'/�13!"�,�, T0: ,�`j,��,j�"�� • ---- REPRfSENTATiYE: Sub•agent or broker N^A+MUE ! �'f�������,��zpx►�r�� ��, ��,��► Reporting agent CODE No.I e`',�.�,'$�r�r".�1:+r �yr�'�$il. ��•+i����, _... __ __.. _ _ `°�� 1HlS MEMORANDUM!S FQR lNFORMAi14N ONt9;li ISNOTA CONTRACT OF INSURANCE BUTATIESTSTHAT �_�_ ¢��•�"`�� A POLICY AS NUMBERED HEREfN,AND AS iT STANDS � �i?HE DRTE OF TN(S CERTiFICATE,N�S BEEN ISSUED � f.. �'"��-'- ��� , 6YTNfC6MP�NY.S�iDPO�ICYISSl16iECTTOCHANEE j ��.�����ztt��`�`l�`���I�`��s���tt�1�;�.1�,��� Rr F�a��s�t�rht����o ass►s��r���A�o ca� ' MARTFqRD,CONNEGTICUT ; ���11i�u���1���+���A7/CC}I�IK(iS iL11if;�}. The insurance afforded is only with respect#a such of the fo{{owing Coverages as are indicated by specific premium charge or cha�ges or the word"included"written apposite thereto.The limit af the Company's liability sha11 be 2he Amount of insurance s#ated herein,subject to al!the terms of this policy having reference thereto. . -__ __ _ - _ __ _ .. _. _.__ _ SCHEDULE _ __ _ __ - `SECTION I GOVERA6E5 � AMOUNT OF INSURANCE , A � Hull �$ 2�r�Tl. I RA�• I� p Ti�.M I � B � Protectionandlndemnity �$ til3 ��I' :.�i3�i'�@r�iE.'�1,'� �Cai�;,. �i�, � C � MedicalPayments �$ :d�� i;+Cyyt"dI'�i� $ � D � Federal Longshoremen's and H2rborworkers'Campensation } E � Yacht Trailer �$ f �� � F LanA Transpprtatian: within and b8tween the CPntinentai � � Unded States, Oistrict of Columbia and the Provinces of � � � � Ca�atla but exciuding Aiaska. Atso wiihin Puerto Rico. � __ Endorsernents tidentity by 6arm Numbers}: :CFB���2--��t�},.�d�.'? �E Such of the tollowing policy clauses, if any, for which a specific premium charge or charges is indicated or for which the word "included" is written opposite � thereto,are hereby deleted. I I RATE � PREMIUM i __ I I � I I Ia i � Totat Premium� 3 �.2�. � � Deductible Amoun#appticable to Seciion"A"and"f" �$ ��:�• Section"E" �$ � - /�-.—�—� (��"' peed �Sai! �Other Qescriptian of Yacht: 'r'�.'^x� 4�1 '4'���1v N��i z11: � S ♦t� j ! Description of Yacht Trailer: � I � Loss Payee: Any property damage loss under Sections "A"or "F" �•��;}a/ aP �;�'���� � to the described Yacht is payab(e as interest may appear to NAME ;���y�j ' ;�,��s,�,�n�-�py�3 the named lnsured and ADORESS Lay-Up Warranty:Subject to the Eay-Up Warranty Grace Period clause it is warranted that the Yacht shafl be la'sd up and out of commission Between: at 12:01 A.M.To: at 12:01 A.M. Navigational Limits: Warranted by the Insured that the Yacht be confined to: ' I :�*r �:ris�er���ac�n� � � �This poFicy is made and accepted subject ta the foregoing terms, canditions and provisions and those hereinafter stated,which are hereby made a part of this� policy,toget6er with such other terms,canditions and provisioas as may be added hereta, as provided in this policy. ,�i/�.�u 71������t'�� ��\�� �.1.��,� � �� � FOrm i•szo•zi2►+ Countersigned� i'i`�' �/C'F-r~yG�-y n.�' Ea.�ov.89 ' � �Arst�(o�zed Represenfotive _ � - - � . _ _�^, . � � - � � � '`. -si�_� _ � 0`R4NCi o�M�P , �' �TNA INSURANCE COMPANY Hartfotd, Conn. iThis endorsement forms a parc of che Policy to which accached, efiective from ics dace of issue unless otherwise staced hetein. � Insured I Yolicy 1Vumber End.No. I Date Time Ef�ective on and after YA z91 82 66 ��7 R',/71 I Standard Time. AL�v Y3 REQUIRED The in/ormation above it requised only when thi.r endor.re�ne�rt i!irrued tubtequent to the irtuance o/the Policy. ' ENDORSEMENT AMOtJNT Q8 IN3. � l. Eigk�t(8) Sl Toro Sailboata � #150. eaoh � 1200. j 2. One(1) 10' Pram 100. 3. One(1) 3.9HP t�iereury 175. 4. 12' Pelican Plywood Hull 600. � 2p 75. � � � � . , � , i ; � Subject ocherwise to all che terms,limics and condicions of che Policy. If attached aftet issuance of Policy,not valid until countersigned by an authorized agenc of the Company. I � ' •--•��� �z� -E' •-. -•-_._.t - - ��� '`.� ............•-•-••••-.... u�A thorized Agent Form 2-040-202 Ed.Sept. 58 (R�places 2-010-1) Printed in U.S.A. E t ' s i 8ubject otherwise to all the terms, limits and conditions of the Policy p r a f u attached after effective date of Policy, not valid until countersigned by an suthorized agent of the Company. �� �� 1 �.�"//' � h /i' _iz �� �r'� a Form SEA - 1 � � � ` Authari d�g�"eht 1 • P J ,.:,, ._,.,,n.,.... ..,.M ._ . � .. . . . ...�.�„�,,.�., . P ' * 7 �` .,. .....y �,;:s.� ��— 0 g�"�ANo�aoMpP2 � � This endorsement forms a art p of tha Palicy to which attached, effective from its date of issue unless otherwise stated herein� _....__..._ ..,.,_ _,,,...._. _...._,.. _. Insured ._... .. .-- - --. _ .. ...... .. _ . Name of Company AETNA INSURANGE COMPANY fIartford, Conneeticut Poliey Number End. No. Effective I7ate i � YA 91 62 fi6 �115/Tl ALWAYS REQUIRED The information above is required only when this endoraernent is issued subsec3uent to the effeetive date af the Policy, IT IS AGREED THAT THIS POL,ICY APPLIES SU.�JECT TO THE PROVZSIQNS 0� SUGH AND SO MANY OF THE FOLLqWING EN90RSEMENTS AS ARE INDaCA,TED B� X BELQWo I ❑ 1. Warranted confirted tr� wa�er� csf Praget Scrun3 ir_si�e Britist� G�lura�ia waters and tributaries, nct wes� �f Cape ��attery nmr n�rt�r o£ Malcolm Island but � with privilege of navigating r.ot m�re than 25 miTes outside Cape Flattery, � � � 2. Warranted confines to lakes, rivers and other inside w�ters within � � a�c Sta�• ot Kaahin�ton , I ❑ 3. Warran�ed confined tra the Willamette Rfver and Columbia River and their tri- butaries including privilege caf 25 mi�es outsa.�e the mauth c�f the Calumbia River. [� 4. Section B, Protection and Indemnity Limits are amended to read as followsa A, LQSS OF LIFE AND $ �,Qf;�,�d}Q� LIMIT ANY ONE PERSON BODILY INJURY $�Q�4.(�,�Q. LIM�T ANY QNE ACCIDENT � B, PROPERTY DAMAGE $ jQ�„QQQ,� I,IMZT ANY ONE AGCIDENT i Co AGGREGATE $��QQ�flQQ� LIMIT SAME EVENT I t �I ! . i � 5. � � � � 6. the �saf� the The Subject otherwise to all the terms, 2imits and conditians of the Policy. � pro� " �,{ ��ehed after effeetive date of Poli p � I abat 4 cy, nat valid until countersigned by an antharized agent of the Com an . t. � ,�j�-�!�' �.' iere ,;i",,'�'< ,� ✓ ifl18 _ -�'����� _ " n Form SEA 1 ` Auth,' ' d {fe�fzt . I. � ' aY ! � ,�, , .,, � ' —rr r3c:�T"c.cc-rcrrci, � w_s� number to oppeor through windaw. ATTACFi EI�JDOE2SEMENTS, CF ANY, T4 TOP BACK CYF pECLARATIONS: �"� � ' ��' 1 , _ i _ If the lnsured cancels,earned premiums shall be computed in accordance with the 17. Nuclsar. The fo!lowing exclusion sha!! be paramount and sbal! supersede and� customary shor# rate tabie and procedure. (f the Company cancels, earnetl premiums nullify any contrary provision of this policy. shal! be camputed pro rata. Premium adyustment may be made at the time cas�ceila- �t�e Company sha11 not be Iiabie for loss by nuclear reaction or nuciear rad'+ation� tion is effected, antl if not then made, shall be made as soon as practicable after or ratlioactive contamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled, and whether cancellation becomes effective. The Company's check ar the check of its representa- $uch loss be direct or indirect, proximata or remote, or be in whole or in part I tive mailed or delivered as aforesaid shall be a sufficient tender ot any refur�d of caused by, contributed fo, or aggravated by the periits) insured against in ihis premium due to the Insured. In no event, howeusr,shall there be any return premium palicy; however, subject ta the toregoing and ail provisions of this policy, direct due when payment is made under this palicy tor a total or consiructive totai loss. ioss by fire res�2ting fram nuclear reaction or nuciear radiatian or radioactive 16. War. The folipwing warranty shall be parampunt and shall supersede and nullify contamination is insured against by this policy. any contrary provision of this policy. 18. Operate Qther Yacht Privilege. Subject to all the terms, conditions and pro• Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this policy, this insurance visians of this policy nai inconsistent herewith, this policy aisa covers the Named is warranted free from an claim for lass, dama e or ex ense caused b or result- �nsured, if an individual, under Section "A" and Section "B" while he is operating � y g . P Y for private pieasure purposes anly with the permission of the owner, another yacht, ing from capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment, or the consequences which is neither owned in whole or in part by the Named Insured, nor is be�ng thereof or of any attempt thereat, or any taking of the Yacht, by requisition or furnished for his regular use, nor is under charter to him. Hawever, coverage for atherwise, wnether in time of peace or war and whether lawful or otherwise; also p�ysicai loss or damage to such other yacht and its "Property Covered" as defined � frqm all consequences of hostilities or warllike operations (whether there be a in this policy is provided only under Section "A", and the limit of the Company's . deciaratian ai war ar not), but the faregaing shaii nat exciude cailisian or cant�ct �iability for such loss shall not exceed the actual cash value at time af lass of such + with aircraft, rockets or similar missiles, or with any fixed or flpating object (otner property damaged, nor what It would then cost to repair or replace the damaged than a mine or torpedo3, stranding, heavy weather, fire or explosion uniess caused property with other of like kind and quality, nor the amount of insurance specified � directly (and independently of the nature of the voyage or seruice which the Yacht (or Section "A" in the Schedule or� the Declaratio�s page of this policy, whichever � concerned or, in the case of a co��ision, any other vessel inuolved therein, is per- is the least, subject:also to any Deductible Amount specified on the Declarations 3 farmingl by a hostile act by ar against a 6eiligerent power, and far ihe purpose of Pag�. this warranty"power" indudes any authority maintaining naval, military or air forces �t is further provided that, if there is any ather valid insurance a ainst a loss in associatian with a power; also warranted free, whether in time af peace or war, covered under this clause, this insurance shall be excess insurance over such other from all loss, damage or expense caused by any weapon of war employing atomic or �nsurance. nuclear fission or fusion or other reaction or radioactive force or matter. Further, lhis insurance is warranted tree from the consequences of civi! war, revalutian, 19. Policy Perind. This policy applies only ta loss, damage and accidents which rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or piracy. occur during the policy period. SECTION A—HULL INSURANCE f. Property Covered. This insorance shall cover the Yacht including her Spars, Sai(s, 8. Unrepaired Damage. 1n the event of a total loss subsequent to a partial loss Tackle, Fittings, Apparel, Machinery, Tenders, Outboard Motors. Furniture and such atherwise covered u�der this Sec2ion but for which repairs have not been made, the other equipment as is normally required aboard for the operation or maintenance of amount of insurance payable hereunder for the total Iass shall be reduced by the the Yacht. The foregoing does nat include moorings ar persanal effects. payment for such unrepaired damage. 2. Equipment on Shore. Any part of "Property Cavered", above described, #em- g. Salvage Charges. The Campany will pay saivage charges when praperiy incurred poranly removed frpm the Yacht during the term of this policy and stored separately not exceeding however the amount of insurance specified in Section "A" on th� ' ashore, wili continue to be cavered by this policy ta an amount not exceeding 50�o Declarations page of this policy. of the amount uf insurance specified in Section "A" an the Deciarations page of aq. Callision. fn the event tbat, due to collision of the Yacht with any ather vessel this palicy. Tha amount of insurance on the Yacht shall be reduced by the amount the Insured shall become legally obligated ta pay and sha�l pay as damages an sa covered on shore. sum or sums because of loss of ar damage to such ather vesse! ar to any propert 3. Yaluation. The Yacht, including all the other property described in the abqve interests thereon, the Company will, in addition to any other payment made unde Property Covered clause is hereby valued at the amount specified in Section "'A" this Section, reimburse the Insured for the sums so paid ar wnich may be require an the Deciaratians page of this policy, which shaii also be the limit of the to indemnify the Insured for such loss; provided that the total amount recoverabt Company's liability for loss of or damage to the Yacht. under this Cal�ision clause with respect to a1i such losses resulting from an 4. Perils. The insurance provided by this Section covers against: cailision ar series of collisions arising out of the same event shall nat in ih aggregate exceed the amount of insurance specified in Section "A" on th (a) Fire and a11 risks af physical loss or damage ta the described property fram Declarations page af this policy. This Collisian c4ause does not cover any liabilif any external cause, except as hereinafter provided. assumed by the Insured under any contract or agreement. When both vessels ar (b) Physical loss or damage to the described property directly caused by the at fault, then, uniess the liability oi the owners of one or both of such vesse� foilawing: 6ecames limited by law, claims under this CoNision clause shall be settled on th (1) Explosions, bursting of boiEers, breakage af shafts, or any la#ent defect customary princip�es of CROSS LIABILITIES. It is provided always that this claus in the machinery or hull (excluding the cast and expense of replacing or sha11 in �o case extend to any sum which tl�e insured may become liabie ta pay C repairing ihe de#ective part}; reason of loss of life, bodily injury or illness, nor with respect to removals � (2) Ne li ence of master, mariners, en ineers or ilots; obstructions, nar for damage to harbors, wharves, piers, s#ages and similar stru# $ � 8� P� tures. • provided such lass or damage has not resuited from want of due diligence 11. Repairs. by the uwner of the Yacht or by the Insured. - 5. Exclusions. This insurance does not cover: ta) In making repairs for a loss covered hereunder, rta deduction for depreci: tion shal! be made far the use of new materials, except #hat in no eve� (a) Against wear and tear, gradual deterioration, weathering, insects, vermin, shall #he cost to repair or repiace damaged sails or caverings of canvas �: + moid and marine life. piastic exceed the actuai cash value ot such sa{Is or coverings at the tin � Ib? Any loss, damage or expense c2used by (1J freezing; (2.) ice while�mooie� of loss. � or laid up afloat. ib) 1t is understood and agreed that in the event af damage to plastic, gla�: {�} Wroagfu! conversion ar infidelity of the insured's empioyees ar persons to fiber, plywood or other laminated portions of the Yacht, arising as a resu; whom the insured property is entrusted, other than master or crew. of peri�s insured against, the Company sha11 not be iiable for more th.: td) Wages or provisions furnished to master or crew while the Yacht is detained the cost of making repairs in accordance with customary or genera ; by any disaster ar during subsequent repairs or under any situation. accep#ed shipyard repair practices on damaged plastic, glass fiber, plywo■ 6. Duties of Insured. In the event of loss or damage insured against, it shall be or other laminated construction, or at #he option of the Company, IiabiE■ shall be limited to an amount npt exceetling the cost of making repa■ the responsibiiity of the Insured ta use all lawful and reasonable means for the in accordance with any specific or recommended repair specifications safeguarding and recovery of the property insured, the reasonable cast whereof the manufacturers of the Yacht. the Company wi11 pay in addition to any other payment made under this Section. 12 peductible. From the amount of each claim recoverable under this Section i The acts of either party, or their agenis, in secunng, preseruing or recoverieg the property shall not be considered or held to be either a waiver ar acceptance of an sum set opposife "Deductible Amount" on the Declarations page of this pol■ abandonment, ar to prejudice this insurance. shall be deducted. This deductible shall not apply in the event of a total or a structive total loss of the Yacht nor shall it apply with respect to the Collisi 7. Constructive Tetal loss. Na recouery for a construc#ive #ata! loss shail be had clause. For the purpose of this clause each accident shall 6e treated separate . hereunder unless the expense of recovering and repairing the Yacht shall exceed the but a sequence of damages arising from the same accident shall be treated as a � amaunt of insorance specified in Sec#ian'"A"on the Dec(aratians page of this pokicy. claim. � . � SECTION B—PRpTECTtON AND 1NDEMNITY INSURANCE 1. Liabiiity Coverage. If the tnsured shail became legal{y obligated ta pay and shall but only for the excess of such loss or damage as not otherwise cover pay as damages any sum or sums 6ecause of: by the Col(isian clause of Section "A" af this poliCy; � (a) Property Damage: 12) Loss of or damage to any property, interes#s whatsoever other than � ll) Loss of ar damage to any other vessel or to any property interests thereon, �3? aforesaid; -- ----- — -- - - -- - -- -- - • � � �YSE�T��TGptiir uiricuu, u� an� ncg���� v� ,u��u�.. .,, �,.�,,.,, �„���.,... or destroy the sar�e; 2. Costs. In case the tiabitity of the Insured shatt be cantested in any suit �d � �b}+8adily Injury: aCtian,the Gompany wil!also pay such ensuing costs,subject always to the provision�� (1) loss of life or bodily injury (exclut laims under any compensation of the Lega( Repn ' tion and Coaperation clause under the Generat Condition law or act) and payments made on it of (ife saivage; af this palicy. arising out af ihe awnership, maintenance or use of the Yacht, tt�e Company wiil 3. Exclusions. This insurance does not cover: reimburse the Insured for the sums so paid or which may be required to indemnify � tfia lnsured for such iass; provided that the totat amount recoverab{e under this (a) Any liability assumed by the lnsured under any cantract or agreement. _ Section with respect to all losses resulting from any accident or series of accidents (b) Any liability of the lnsured while the Yacht is in or an any land or othe a�ising out of #he same event sha�l not in #he aggregate exceed the amount of in- canveyance away from the premises at the point of hauling out or iaunchin� SECTION C—MEOIGAL PAYMENTS INSURANCE 1. Medical Payments Coverage. The Company agrees to pay to or for each person as soon as practicable, furnish reasonably obtainable information per#aining to th� who sustains bodily injury caused by accident while in or upon, boarding or leaving accident and injury, and execute authorizatian to enable the Campany to obta+� the Yacht, the reasonable expenses nf necessary medical, surgical, ambulance, hos- medical reparts and capies of records. pital, professional nursing and funeral services, incurred within one year from the date of acciGent. 5. Examination. The injured persan shall submit to physical examination 6y phys cians selected by the Company when and as often as the Company may reasonabi 2. limit a! LiabiUty. The Gampany shall not be liable under this Section for any require. expenses incurred by one or more persons in any accident or series of accidents arising aut of ihe same event in excess af the amauni of insurance specified in 6. Proaf and Payment of Ciaim. As soon as practicabfe after comptetion af th Section "C" on the Declarations page of this policy. services or after the rendering of services which in cost equal or exceed the lim� 3. Exclusions. This insurance does not cover: , of the Company's liability for medical payments or after the expiratio� of one fl ta} Badily injury to or death of any person; Year from the date ot the accident, whichever is the first, the injured person c someone on his behalf shail give to the Company written proof of claim under oatt (i) Ta or for whom benefits are payable under any warkmen's compensatian stating the name and address o# each person and organization which has rendere act or under the Federal Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensa• services, the nature and extent and the dates of rendition of such services, th tion Act. itemized charges theretar and the amounts paid therean. Upon the Company's rt (2? Who, in being in or upon or in boarding or leaving the Yacht, is a tres quest, the injured person or someone on his behalf shall cause to be given to th passer. Company by each such person and organization written proof of claim under oat� {3} Wha is an emplayee of the Insared whi{e engaged in the empEoyment of stating the nature and extent and dates af rendition of such services, the itemize the Insured, or while engaged in the operation, maintenance, or repairs charges therefor and the payments received thereon. — of the Yacht. The Company shal( have the right to make payment at any time to the injurE (b} Any liabiiity assumed 6y the insured under any contract or agreement. persan or to a�y such person or arganization on account of the services rendere (c) While the Yacht is in or on any land or other conveyance away from the and a payment so made sha►I reduce to the extent thereof the amoun# payab premises a# the paint of hauling out or launching. hereunder ta ar for such injured persan on account of suc6 injury. Payment und� this Section shall not constitute admission nf liability of the Insured or, exce , d. Medical and Other Repor#s. The injured person or someone on his behalf shail, under this Seetion, of the Company. SECTION D—FEDERAL LONGSHqREMEN'S AND HARBOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION IN5URANCE 1. The Company agrees to insure for the term of this policy any liability of the sustained by any employee during the term of this policy. tnsured in respect to the Yacht which shall arise under the longsfiaremen's and Harbor Warkers' Compensation Act being Public Act No. 803 of the 69th Cangress, 4. The Company agrees to abide by all the provisions of said Act and the lawt approved March 4th, 1927,and ail laws amendatory thereof or supplemen#ary thereto rules, regulatians, orders, and decisions of the U.S. Department of labor, Bureau which may be or become effectia� while this Sectian of the poficy is in force. Employees' Compensation, and of ttre Deputy Gommissioner having jurisdictic unless and until set aside, modified, or teversed by a caurt having �urisdichon T. Coverage under this Section may be canceUed aY the Insured's request or by the the parties and the subject ma#ter. Company, but canceilation shail not become effective prior to the expiration date of this policy,unless and until at least 34 days have elapsed after a natice of canceUa- 5. It is understood and agreed that this insurance fully covers #he liability of t tion has been sen# to the Deputy Commissioner and to the employer insured. Insured under said Act, but in no case does this insurance extend beyond t 3. The Company will carry out the provision af Section 35 of said Act. Insolvency Arovisians of said Act. and bankruptcy of ihe emplayer ar discharge iherein shaN nat relieve the Campany 6. !t is agreed that upon payment oi any lass, damage or expense the Compa from payment of compensation and other benefits lawfully due for disability or death shall be subrogated to all the rights of the Insured to the extent of such payme SECTION E--YACNT TRAiIER tNSURANCE 1. Property Ccvered. This insurance shalf cover ihe Yacht Trailer, pravided it is kind and quality,nar for more than the amount of insurance specifisd in Section ' ' used exclusively for transpprting the Yacht, on the Declarations page of this policy, whichever is the least. 2. Territorial Limits. This insurance applies only to loss which occurs within the 4. Perils. Subject to the above provisions of this Section, the insurance provit� Continental United States, District of Columbia, Puerto R�ca and the Provinces of by this Section covers against a!! risks ot direct physical loss ar damage to ti . Canada but excluding Alaska. described property from any external cause. 3. Valuation. The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to the described 5. Exclusions and Other Clauses. This insurance shall atso be subject to the praperty beyond its actual cash va{ue at the time of loss, with deduciian #or de- clusions, Duties of Insured, and Reductible (uefess deleted) ciauses of Section ' ' —preciation, nor what it would then cost to repair or replace it with material of like of this policy when not inconsistent herewith. SECTtON F—LAND TRANSPORTATtON tNSURANGE t. Goverage and Territ�rial limits. The Privileges clause of the General Conditians by this Sectian covers against all risks of physica! loss or damage to . of this policy is hereby extended, so that the Yacht shall be covered while being Yacht. transported by land conveyance, including loading and unlaading, and subsequently �. �xclusions and Other Ctauses. This insurance shall also be subject to the Vaf while unloaded on land, anywhere within the territorial limits stated for Section "F" tian, Exclusions, Duties of lnsured, Deductibls (unless deleted) and all other clau on the Declarations page af this policy. of Section "A" of this policy when not inconsistent herewitB, but the Co�lision cla 2. Feriis. Subject ta the above provisian of this Section, the insurance provided and the Salvage Charges clause shal! not apply ta ihis Lar�d Transportation InsuraE IN WITNESS WNEREOF,THE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed 6y its President and a Secretary, but the same shaH nat be binding upon the Company un1 countersigned by a duly commissioned Agent. � ' �'��,�.�..�...�,,.._ „ Secretary r ` President Form 1-520•212A - , Ed.Nov.69 � (4) Printed in U — — — — — — __... __ r .y,;��..: °CERTIFItAT :, � - :::::�;,.-..:; ;. ,;,��r'*�:n.:..;�:. :,�. ;,�,w� �. : ��,: : i ��� � � DESCRIP°TIVE SCHEDULE ����� ' � � Name of Insured 4l�� �Ailiag Cluh' I1t^_ _ ' ff.v Address of Insured 9 7 7 c_v_ �r d P 1 _ ;� �g,g.a.t,pn.�ysi= � Location Covered Bea t an;_Sia= Operations Covere�l 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER: ' ` Mailinp Address(Sheef And Number,Cily,Slals,Zip CodeJ � � ! ci t��£_Rentnr - COVERAGE is provided in Company initialed below: Rentonr �isah�nQtnp =AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY U=AETNA FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO. Q C=CENTURY INDEMNIN COMPANY \ � EffectivP S_t S_71 that on the above date the following described insurance policies, issued by this Company, are in full force and effect, , subject to all the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, thereof. " Ce I Nom� ef Cov�rog� PO�1°y ElFecfivs Expirofion Limih of I Numb�r I Dafs I Daf� I Liabilify . I Workm�n's Comp�nsaAen I I I � ftoturory ' I"Public Liobility—bedily Injury (Not Auto) I _ — s 1Q0 ,�� each person 5-15—7 2 � 3 0 0 ,� each occurrcncc 'Publie liobili�y—Prep�rtp Damay�(Not Auto) s 2 r, ,�� each occurrence (Explosioe, Cellops�, Und�ryreund Ma:ards Nof Cownd Unbss 01h�rwif� Stat�d H�nin) �� �� �� s �e ,�� aggregate ' • Producfs—Compl�Nd Oy�rolions- s 100 ,��0 each person lodily Injury �� �� �� = 3 0 0 ,OOO each occurrenec � s ��� ,(�� aggregate I Products—CompbMd Op�rolion�. I s 2 S ,��A each occurrence irop�rly Oamag� u � n - I n I s �r ,�� aggregate i Sp�ciAe Contwchral—dodily Injury s ,� each person (Oth�r Thon Incid�ntol Centrach At D�Aned � In Th� Policp) s ,0((b each occurr�nc� Specific Contradual—Properfy Damags ; ,�� each occurrena (Other Than Incid�nlol Controcts As Oelined In Th� Po�icy) s �,�� aggregate I I � � I � ' - ,,,� ' . I I, .., � I • + . - � � r , � �.. , . ,.. ., each erson I� AuromobiM—dodil In'u Z ,�� P Y I rY I I � I I s .000 each occurrene� I Auromobib—/rop�rfy Damay� .. I � � � s ,00� each occurrcnc� I Burglary � I � � � - , � I PtaN Gloss � I I I � ' °Includes coverage for the following incidental written agreements: (1) lease of premises, (2 easement agreement, except in connection with construction or demolition operations on or adjacent to a railroad, (3 undertakin to indemnify a municipalit required b� municipal ordinance, except in connection with work for the municipality, (4�sidetrack agree- ' ment, or (5�elevator maintenance agreement. ' . Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the normal expiration date thereaf, the Company ' will endeavor to give written notice to the above Named Certificate-holder, but failure to give such notice shall im- ' pose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the Company. • , i • THIS CERi1fICATE OF INSURANCE NEIiHER APFIRMATIVELY NOR NEGATIVELY AMENDS,EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 6�TNE�OlIC1ES INDICATED ON THIS CERTIFICAiE UNGER POUCY NUMBER. II j , $ �sS • .��./"/ � .�� r�� . . y v � � � �e����` ' Authorexed Agent for each Polic listed hereon �, H ad ice One Du licate Co � A ent or Branch Of�ice to send e Off p py y � 9 FORrn 600-35 EO OC7.69 PRIN7ED iN U S A. _ .._a.y,�,,,�c.__ ..-. ...,.... ....�. ....... ... .... f. ,����, ��s.� J� � � ...��: � CERTIFICATE OF INSURAN�.� � ��n� � .. DESCR1PTlVE SCHEDULE "� �`�� ��TFOAp�0 Nltt� :\ame of It�surec�' R�enCon► Sailing Club Inc. ��`"'`�:�'���',�'.`: c/o Pete J. Roffey _ --- __'��L1-3��'-tI�F�H�t;Ftz�r�FTCA.TE Address of Insure� 9�� S. W. 3rd Pl., RentoT�� Wn. ��r T �R POLICY N0. CG 7.4 22 40 I.,or.ation GoverP� �ntOA. WLl. 0�7erations Cover�� - TNIS 15 TO CERTlFY TO CERTIFICATE HOIDER: �, Mailing Address($treef And Num6er,City,5tate,Zip Codel ,t Gitp of RenCon COVERAGE is provided in Company initialed below: Renton. Wn. � �JA=AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY [�U=AETNA FIRE UNDERWRITERS iNSURANCE CO. �C=CENTURY iNDEMNITY COMPANY � � Effectivc �.��� that z,ia the al�ave daTe the foilowiiig describecl insurance policies, issued by this Company, are in ftill fc�rce anc3 effect, sul�jec�t. to all the terms, conclitions, limitatians and exclusions, thercaf. Co 1 Name of Coverage �'Oii4y E$ective Expiration timits of � Number � Date � Da4e � liability : i Wc.rkmen's Compensallon 1 1 1 Stctutory —`� � Z�E} ,0(}0 cach person , iPublic [iability-9odity injury {i�ot Auta} � � $ F Il:('. 2�# 3.Z Q1 � �3�1.S�7Q � 5��.�1J��. j � �}Q ,OOQ each occurrencr� II �*Public Liabilify—Property Damnge (Not Auto) � 25 ,��)Q cach ocr.urrcnce I �(Explasion, tailapse, Underground Na:ards �� �1 n Not Covered Unless Otherwise Stated Herein} � ",�5 ,000 aggrc•gatc � Prodvch-Compiefed Operotians- � ZOO ,���� l'.3c}t pcTSon 8odity iniury te_ �t t= � 3(�t3 ,�(1� each nccurrence I � � —.. ,{}(}� a�grcgatc Praducts-Camplated Operations- � > :�� 0{)0 eac}z acrurrencc: ; � Proporty Damage � �I � 1t � �� ( � 2►'j ,(}�{} �sggregatc � S�reciflc Contractual—Bodily Injury �i ,��Q cach gcrson !Cither Than incidenta) ConFracts As De$ned i ' � In The Policya $ ,nO� �ach ocrurrence , � Speci�c Contract�al—Property Damage � ,��)n each occurrence � ('7th�r Than intidentol Conttacts As Defined � I in The Policy) � {)(}(} ;#ggmgakc . `� I� , � � i . ► � � � � � � Automobile—Bodily Injury � j � � � ,UU� cach person � � ,000 each occurrence � Avtamobile—Property Damage ( i � I � ,t}�� each occurrence � 8t,rglnry � � � � i� ' � � � Ptate Glass � ( '�Incitfc4es coverage for tf�e follawing incic3ec;tal wriiten agreeia�cnts: (1) lease of prernises, (2) easertlent agreemcnt, except in cuzinectiun w�th constructi<an or demolitiaii c7perations on or acijacenl to a railroad, (3) undertaking ta indemnify a I tnunicipality required by municipal ordinance, c�xcept in connection with work for the municipality, (4} sictetrack agret:- cnent, or (5} elevator inalnienance a�reeinent. Should any of the above describcd policic~s be c�ncelled before the normal c:xpirakion date thereof, the Compai�y � witl er.ueavar ta give written z�otice tc� th� ak3ove :�'amed Gercificate-holdcr, but faihzre to give such notice shall irr3- pase no obligation or liability of any kind u��on tlie Cotr�pany�. TilIS tERT1FICATE Of iNSURANtE NEITkER AFfiRMATIVEiY MdR h1EGAtIVfiY AMENDS, EX7ENd5 OR AIiEBS 7NE COYERAGf A�FORDED BY iHE POIiC1E5 iNQlCA7ED ON THi5 CERTIFItATE UNDER POUCY NUMBER. �,/"��' ` '�Nl�ME MORRI$ & STARR iNC. ;3y.,__�1 m/_�'�� .I�'-,���� �?10-Seatt�-f�� ; --- .{ Fo�;tth �# M���}�`?�»i't�d rltit'rtl * ..z.. �d�SQ� ar_y� e. '¢"+,{^��',a `� t�C �$'C1I1�C�1 ��ICI� '�"r^� "yt:"�,:� �.� , '";°";s.�'� "' s} �u,p,,.��, tr-. d"°....,n.i,�.., ,.�,,.� _ . � �"�� 'S Y'� 1 1�� ��A t� � —. — —.—.�— � n . . i.. a = ,�TNA IP�SUR� �JCC �:�/�'; � � � ❑ u = �ETNA F�RE UNDERWR;TrRS INSURANCF ���MPANY , � ❑ CENTURY INDEMNIT'Y` rC'>ti1pAN � - HARTfORD, CONNECTIC4T � � � ` � ' i � Y ; . . - .-. • ,i . � Effcrtivc---.-���.�J��Q - ------ --- --- -- - -- ------- ------------- - I ' THIS IS Tt� CERTIFY TO---�il�t_Qf_ B�t�t.QiL-- ----- - - --- ---- -- --------- i .��.,:i,<� ,�. _� ;Ii1i..,ir �ii,�dcf, I n�-----B�.t�n-•---�h�n�n---- ---- - --- --- - --- �1d�n�:s�it ( �•�;.lr .irr.f�Oldc�i � that on the above ciate �he following describr�! in"iranc<• po::cies, i.;ue��� L} thi5 C;�tii�any, are in full force aiici e�f[ect, stibject to all the te�Tns. cotiditions, limitations �in�i �•�cla;ioi�s, tlierr.>f - � DESCRIPTIVE SCHEDULE � :Vame of Insured_�D.�B._��.11�._��.!!�2 ICI�-�--- .---.---- - - - --- - -- --------- - - -------- -- - -C�4���-sZ.�ffe�f--------- -- - . - - -- - - ------------- ------- --- Address of Insured 977 ,�j.V_ 31"d p L.�_�4II.._Yfl. -- - ----— - - - - --- --- ----- �------------------------- - - -- - ----------- ------ -- --- ---------- Location Covered_��ilaSh;lldtAtl----------------- --- ---- -------------- ------ ---- - --- --------- . -- ----------- - --- -- Operations (_:ucerccl Policy i Effect��e j Expirotion LimiK of Co I Name of Coverage , • Number ; Datr: Dare liability � ---'r ------- --- -- ----------- --'�--------------- I ----'----- ---�------- - -}---------- I Workm�n's Compeoswdon I` � ! Statutory i i - ----- ---------1 --- ---- - -+ -- ----- - - --+---- �•Public Liability-Bodily Injury ;Not Auto) ; 5�� .l)1{�) r�.�r;� f�ris��n ' — I CG 24 22 40 � 5/15/TO 5/15/71 I S 3pp oc�o � � , ��.,,_�� „«,�:,.:,« ------------- ----- --- .-- a _ __ - - .--- ------------�--- "Public Liabilify-Property Domaye (Not Auto) � � ' 011l) c�ar,: prr��i;i�i,-i�— (Ezplosion. Collapse, Undergrouod Ha:ards � N i q �1 i $�� ' Not Cove�ed Unless Otherwise Sroted Herein) i � ' % )UU r ; --- ------------ ------ •------. .. - + --- - - - - -�--- --- --- - , ---- ---1 `�--- '( .�� �,��-- - Products-Bodily Injury t� i ; � 1� I � 9 .�l(IO �,:t!i ;'�r.r:;; I � i S .l)���) �.�,�i �.tll:c(�lit� ' � � ( i � � � .�/��1) .1l!>�It'; !(< - '__'_"�`"__."` ___'__ . � Producls-property Damaga �-- - +---- . - i ! � QOO ------- -- �- _ - - --- -----�--------- ----- I I , �,;,:. :,<<:... ��i� j : i � � � .(111(1 .i�•��cr �;.., — - ---------�---------- --- - - -- . a-.. --- -------* -- --------- - - -,------ � SpeciRc Contiraclua!-Bodily Inlury ; � � i � ,UUU �•arc }:�n� n I (Other Than tncidenfal Contracts As D�fined I f In Tht Policy) , � I — --- ;------------------+----- --- - - _-* -- -----� a ----(1�1U- -'- -,.., .�,..:�_, ��� ! � ( Specific Contractual-Property Oamage , i Ii ,UI�!) e;i�'li �xcurrrn�c (Other Than Incidental Contrach As Defined � I � In ihe Policy; � i ' ' � .UI)U , . , , , , .��.,,,,.u� ---- -----t------------- t-- - -- - j --- -- --- --}--- ---�._=--=-------- i � : � - � '_� —'--4--------- -'------'t---- - �- —�� '-- - -- --'-----'-------'-----'-----.�.___ . i i , � . —-r i �� _—------- '---------------;---- - - - ; -- -- -— ----1-$---- Aufomobile-Bedily Inju�y I � -.I1llU r.3c;i prr��;*: ----- __I � ' ' I � .VtlO earti ixt�::irn.e � _"'___�'4'_'" _� "_' _ "'_ " _""'_" ' _' "' "'"'" t. . � Auromobile-Propirry Damaga _ .---...---_..._.__ � � � .Uf II) ras h �:,,u�rr:n r � ------------r----- ....- - --+-- --- -- •--- --- --------�--}--- ---- - ---------- ------ Bu�glory , � � ----- --- •- - - - -------.i__. .. . - ---� - -------- -- I Ptate Gloss ' i --`---------------- �'Includes covrrage for tk:<• !r,ilo�+iiit; inci�l�,ntal ��r,t;;��� .x�;<< rn.r�.; . �'i , i<•,,sr vi ;,r�:�:;��c�. r2) ease�nent agr�•cilu•i:,, r*_� j,: iii connrc[iou �>>t}i rnn5trtic•uoi, or• �3crn�;litic�n ���;� .��i��n. ;,;� u� ;.�i;.;� :�n� tc: i r.,ii<<�ad. !:,, t�n�l�rtaicirig tu ;n;;:.n.�:it�: a nuinici��ality rcyuirc•�i h� n�tu�;<•ipal c,niii�:incc. c�; • �:� .,, . "z:;:�•- t:���. ,� �if: ,v �;r; t�u th�� ir�ur,i�iE,ality, (4) �i�e�ruc';; �•ic, �:, ment, or (.`i) elevator nia�int�•n,uyce• aqrc-�rru nt Sltc,iild an�• of the al,�,��c• cic,cril>cd �,c�licic� i,�• :..,,;�: 11�.'. h�i�.,rr tL� �;urct�::l �:�pir�iciun �I.Ztc 'ticrr��i, t;�<° � �:, , _.� K'1�� PIl(�f11\'OI �O ,f�1V� tti'1'lllCll 110UCF !�� (:ly d��i���t' � ::1: ',� � . �'!ii�t :i�• : .,,_t�'r. .�'iI f-i'�;1�f' ii) nIVE� SUCI� l:('�LiCC Sil.:,�i :III ' pose no nk�li,r�,atiou or li.ihilin �.�t any kizul u;:un ,!�• �:•;:,���,:� . . iHIS CEROFIGATE OF INSURANCE iJE11HER AFFIRMAitV�LY NOR R1cGa7i4ClY AMCNE:> E.CTfN�S(ik AifEp.�iHE C+�JERP.GE AFFORDED BY iHE PC�tiC!FS �^<!�:CAtEO ON THIS CERTIFlCATE UNDER POUCY P�UMBER -- -�. � i : ��''� .,, ., : ' �!�-y".. '.,-',,.� h i , ..' - ' _ '__ '_.'..____.'_..._._'__. .�__..__ .__'_ . . . 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' �� � �''- �..0 '� '+ � . . 1��.i 4r1,�,: i r l�l�+l��: �.....��-. ; .'on�xciusive) .::.ha Ctii� iir:l�etGi� �n11.ii�G CLUB� IAiC. . a cioci rru�i� �:vz�crra�ti�:, . .�•: �}HEREA$ th�E ..:.,.� .... �.�.i��t,g! _ :��:.:s 3'x�._. � _.v�.... .�._.a ., . . t tv th� tera�s aad�•�cond3tionr ` 'T I8 1�SREBY t463iEE4� AS FULLp►J� . . ..� her�by ` , , . . ._ . . ,.. .w- . c . . x�vur�a��, f - . ... , .. CI�G CLUB� INC. r.` y .. . , ,�,. . . �..�: ."r.t�c ��:e foll�wing c�escrib�ad pur�o�es aAd locat� : ��:.i t:riat �ort�on �� tli� 'va�`izeast �2.z:� Jtr����v- �y���t;; <:se�-�aeen t:z� Nc�r�hr�s�a. n�Mci�ic �ailroa::i Co. riglrt—ot �i>b:,ly diCt �5z:s;;._ XJ,�c�-.�r:l.",-�{-+.I7, t�.`OS'�t�]_t,1;1C�y�' i:Z�?�)r'`'JY:?_7?'c:�.E'�y�' �� _i�- . � . ...�>. :;d� �. , ..xu�:u�.t clasaes �Ad rel$Ced a�tivitfe�; c��. iw� sailiz�� �. . ;�oaaistis►g primarily �f iascructioa Lo iCs o�ea�bers. Pe�...«.�,-. �{xa�.l be sole�ly r�sponsible for the propor ugk�ep as�cl mai.nte;< w tbe araa for which this ue� p�rmit is heing usad and provi. .. asquate as�nitary �acilitiea and atf. � � the approval of Che City Eagiaec:, . . �.�rmitto� a,grees a� . . ' .� �;��: ' :i . and agafnat aay mad �: , 'c�n +�itb lasa of li��, personal in�ur� and/or decnage to property arisir . ,;: , ; .. _, .�n the abov� desaribed public prvpa�tie� ;: ��.,�,�;�, a�,, :� . _,.. . s :�:•:, ,�r+�i by the us�daraigaerd Permittese +3uriK:,.: �.,:w. ���.u�-.� �, cY.e City of R�utoa ahail� Nithout fault a� fte � . , •,� •d b or a sioat the uuclersi ed! Permttt : . . co�ac g 8�► Y and hold the City t�rmles� arr�id shsll pay a11 casts, expenses +�nud r«���-~�a��� ��rt��r;� �`• _ � � � _ . _ , . . . . ,� . . . . , �. :, � : . �+xmags insuraneQ �n conaection with tha 4toresEatad activity ia wbich th� limit� �-t public liabi2it�t slull aot he l�sa thaa $1fl0,000.80 per psr�on aad $3' - . : . �r accident and which the property damage liabi2ity sl�li not b� lesa t _ ' . . � � �� . ;. � . � ;,c�.:���,. ,... ,._:v�::c:, >:. : . >.��,.z�. . _ y, _-.. .�.s.f , „ �.�►�� ttee agrsea, upon aotice to it by ths City of a�:� leas thaa 30 day to take ia�aediats atepa to terminatR all activities from ,aid premises and to restore same to substantially the condition it was ia at and +F�:�.�1iae�'. �� ior to tbe issua�►ce of thie Paranit. Permittae further agreaa and covenaata to coi�piy wieh a�l applicabl• _ ., .un,� sad ardinances ef the Citq of Rentoa or any othes gov�runantal a�yaucy ttt�vir.. ;,ar;s '{c�tc�n :�,��r �:,ch e�-t+v�.t�ies a��'�!�z- r.h� �rc�s���:� ?c,scrib�d. ����ez�� � � --�{.� ..:�:,--�-r-- Yc��c�� .. ;' . . . - .. . � . . _ a.e � . •:. _�rporstion / � ������ 7t�3ay .�� .��-y, ��u:;. �--`. � ,'. �.�.���� �,' � �-' � �/ _ i r`''�- ` - � ,�!1,.�� �-- Pree d n� �*I � �"� Yvr / A :4 � / �'�/ZyZY/��9����"�`^�H�✓ � �L'f'ti @ r�J �r�X t,l t�." �,a+"-`` , � � 1 � � \ /�O!/SE W � E.t/C.zoq C,�/�,C/G '�°.F �� � O.V .��vV � � V � , � � � _ ,� o, �, ,�.3.� � � , � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � ������� � ����� �u�� �\�� � �e f ,.: Q � � . � �� � � � . � � � V��\\� � ( � � �° �\\v� ' _ � _...__ � ` y � ` � - _ - '!- �-^^--=�t;-- //O' "'�,� 4!J•7!!' � l00.30' � \\\ � ' 9�DCt S��'T�` \� o � _ �� �� W W ,v0 \ v . � s� �2 sT �� � , � Q ���, � � \\� � � ��... �� � , \��� '< u,�oFeaAss � \�. , �;� 0 T SO' i • SU�2VE y SE 72 Si 11/EST oF N.P. ,2.,2. �/GNj oF w,a y . SCqLE /"=30' q -/4-G!� /U¢/GS-70 COVERAGE is pro .,e in Compam , iatea be!i;��: C''"t° ''�L1Tr t?',= !P1�; , '�'E —�----�' r�; � _ �TNA �r�iS�JRA!���C� cotvlE�t^�.,r�l`�, j � � ' u _ 1�T1 FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSUF !C�[� t:�E��'v����'.°,P'��1'�" - : _ �� � � ; � ' HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT � �� � ��S y��. ���'�" �if'c c t iv e-----�"--i g-$�------ ---- —- ' � v. . ! THlS !� T CERTIFY TO � � C_!TY �?F t��Fl�'Qh� _ _ ____ _-- - �_ ----�-- �^-- � � ,�, ) ,/ � i'�am�• �( C;ertit� ate-hoider) �j'� /" �� ; � ��'S of � REI�T�"I,�.1'r'l��3�_{.{�1�Z�� _._ _ _-- � _/�S .i ��� I � .. .,,e� �.-Ac?,�ius uf(.citi[ic����.1»l ic�i � i,�� � 'rw�- � � � � that on th at-iove date t e following deseribecl insurance policies, issued by this Cc�i�ipany, a e in full force an� effec�, subjert Co all the tenns, conditions, liriiitations and exclusions, �herco't. DESCR{PTlVE SCH�DULE ��;;;r::�.� :,� ?�,���,�t��1 RENi'4i�t S�ILIt�� CLt1f3. lt�YC. _____—_ I __�r� �nn r.�wsr�n A: r�in wnnn� ►53111L1E31 H• �1Y'OTtl c �us�a— -�---- -- j �.��:�:� �. ,�; ��,� ,,;:i 2 ____ _ z---- " 11026 Park_View_Ave.s.-��►����-� '• . � . ------ --- ----___—____._.___- --SeattlaL_W�sh. �8178�,__ � 3,�,catic,�� Co.�����f�d_.^F2F�TS?.N.,a_.���i1�tl�____�...___.�_-----.__---___,-- ______ __ _ ___..____________________.___.. � ; --___ ___________._._____._v_._____ --._._------______________ _----_______._____.____�_�._._. � , � , , __ __..._._ � . =.��� ,�:1�It�l:�, (,CU"t x-t'U _.�.._._,_.^'.___��....�.___'_._.�-._.__�'--..._...�__.__._.�.. _ ,. ___ ..__.�_.__.._.__.._._..__.____._._.._..._._._.�._�._._._ � . � __.__...—..__._._�____.._.__�,.._�._._��'_ .___._.___._'.._'___... ..__.__..._..._.._.... __.._.,_�.._ .....___._.�.__....._._�_._._�.______ � � __.__ _..._.___ _ _ — ---._ _ ___----. _____. __. _ - -_-__ .__. _ � Policy ERrctive Expiration Limit; i � "�:. �'.�,�r :cvsrage PJumber Dafe Uate Liabi�:�i � -- - —. _ _- --_.. .__ -..__.-__--__--- -- -____ . .__._ . _..._ _._�_ _ ! 1"rorkmen's Compensatisn Siututcr _ _ _�_—__ ------ -__._ _ __ _------_ ____.�---- 'Public liabili4y-BodiEy lnjury (Nat Auto) � �ir J . « / +� { w�* "��,.._ ' . .�. l�.�A ��...���.� _ ��..n,�_.rr��l .. .._..� L.r1�:.�'r�. .._.. . ,. . ' ,, .,., : . ; ;,;�. _.._. .. _._.'__._. ..._.._.___._'__.. ..... _... ... .__ . ._ . *Puulic l�abili4y-Property Damaga (Not Autoi � � ,�)�)U c u.t, o;�cu�;-: � (Explosion, Collapse, Undarground Hazards Not Coverod Unlass Otherwixa Sratod Horoin) M i� e� ia �7 �� � .0(11) av,�;res;atc• __ _ __. , ____ __._ riocf��tt:--5cdi'y Irt;ury _ � P , ,�)(1O eaclt c��;�n� /� �/ ,000 c�<h orcurrcir --- ` h����l/ ��f ¢o����`K.s 11{!fl ;, -�,,..r�tc� �G �� Producls-!'ro�erty Gamage (O►her Than Inudentat Coniracfs As Definc�i In The Policy) 3 - __— _----- ..__._ Spaeifie Cootraetual-Bodily Injury :� ,ti�)O e��ch l��:r., i (Othar Than Incidental Contracts As Defined In Tha PolicyJ � �5 ,l)�)(1 �..i,�h nz�rn��� �N�� _____. _.._.. .._ .._._.__.___. __ _ _ ... ._._.___._.._ ._.. ____.__ . __ _. _ _ . _ _ � _. . ..__ _._ , _..._,._ _ 5pnei0t ConPraetua�-Praperty Dama�e �+ ,t��' � = � i f� � � V � .. "__.' -____._____.�_ _�.....� _ .__""____.__-___.��.a.�,._._�_.----�-_�___.__'" lauto�nobile-&odity injury � �O��) trzr_ii "rr,��iz � ,ODU each occurrcncc �' Avfomo6i[e—Property Damage �� >�)���' � ' , _._. _ __ _ __.__._._ _ ____ __ _. .____ �' 6urqlary . �_...�.._._ __...,.�,-f.__� ___..._ _._._..R ____.......�._.�._,.._._,.... ._..>__.___ .._ _... _.__..___ ,_. _.._,._. .. ._. _ _. _._� rlara Cilatt � � �1�1t IUIiCh ll)�cC;IA'�r it)C�.11�C• fullit\411.,. : , -.�� , . � �1�'r lr�ll;; . . ) I(�il9t' �,I� (l�f nli�tif'4, (:�) � .�Nt�tllt��tl ;(��i� ,�•,�,����� . � �.; . . s�, uu �cl��a�l,�l writtcti N r�� �t � it� ��<�t�iicrtx»i �v�lh rK�i�„ruc�tiuu i��r elc�tic�luir�n uEn_r:�Uui�s ��n «r :te,�:i+�c�ut tu ;r �.iil�u,u.l, (;3) tin�li��nleii�; ��� iii�l���auiil��, � �' �nut�ici�alit � r��quii•cd l�y rnui�i<�i�i;il vrc�inan�c, �°YcrEi� iti cui�ncciiot� �vitlt �vurk l��ar tlic ���utiici�rali(y, (t�� :,i�lelruct t�f�,R �mcnt, or (ri� elevator ui:�intciuruce �i�reeincnt. � � � Shoiild any of the ak�ove de:�cribed policics be cancclled hctore the norinal ex�iration datc �licre<�l`, th� Uomj�,� ,� ',-� �vill �ive......1Q........day's prie�r written notice o! such e�nccltation to thr. above iiamed Gertil'icate-holc�ier.__, � '� J. G 4_ F_ N t_ ! a �'o i�t J• GL.�1�i 1.15iT�Fi a---- �' trisur;-1r�cr ��_�. �i a � n ��.. �.____�.�-�_,,..•__._ , 4��7-�+6'Y 1 g ,ti�.�,� � � a���r By .... ,' �,�, , � '4�,s4a S;�la ar.i �.,.1 ,a�-s. �..,,�„a:.t�1r.. `l. , r��rrlrnrr r rt �� '� '1� `����'ac�ent or dranch Of�'ice to send Home Of�c� �rz�: �t�p'�a �;� �.�r�y i.�. c...�:r� ��'��,�.�- ��: ... � ��:� :� � ` , January 25, Z968 Mr. Samuel Throm, Presid�nt Ra�rtcu� Ssiling Club 11026 Yark Vi�r South Se�tt7�, Washington � ,_ , Pte: P.P,G. 1?.��-6ffi City of Re�ntoii Perr:.it for U�e o� C�.ty-Owned Proparty Bear Sir: We subs�it herewith �or executi�rt by Sailing Club off�ci.als ori�fnal and two eopias of the above-captic�ed Revocable Perrait doct�eat. Pleas+� execute all eopies and return to thia oggice c� r�cafpt of �rhich ! w� �hall hav� stgnatures of C�ty Officfals affixed and r�turn copy for your rleords. Insurance. ^hould n�w �>e filed per �ectf�n `�y Xflur ltourtesieet in thi� transzr:_r�,rtal are greatly appreeis-�tec�. Yo�ur� very truly, CIfi'Y C1F RF1�'TOh HQIr��.c W. Itelson - City C1erk fi�3N/c�rs Enclosures (3) cc: Councflman Barei, Chairm�n, Property Committee January 25� 1968 Mr. Samuel Thrcxn, President R+enton Ss�iling C3ub �1.tt26 Fax�k Vi�w 3outh Sr�+at�3e, Waahingtan �,_ , . , Re: P.AG. 1�"l-fi8 City of R�±ntox� Perm�t for Use oi' C:i.ty-Owneci Property Be�x $ir� Wtt subeett herewi.th �or executi.:,, by S�ilin� Cl.ub oi fic���s orinin.i�. an�� tt�ro capfes o� �he abrn►c--ca�rtir,�� R,�vocable Pprm�t d�nt. Pl�ase +�xecute all copies and x�t�rn to thfa off3ce �►;�n recef��t of whi.c,: �+e shall ?�ve signaturds oi^ City Officia�l� �f fix�d ,�nd re�urn copy �or yr�ur raeord�. In�urance �hould nn" 'e �.�ec oer �c�ctic�n .�. Ye�qCC CQLt2`�@B�cB in this fratnsmi�kal are r at1 n e a nr�c:�.;�ted. � v �, Youril very trulY, CI'1^I �.F RE?�TON • . Relm3e W. Ivelsc,t� C�ty �lerk H;,'h/clm Enalosure� (3) Cet Cpt�rweilman Br�rei, Chair:u.r., Praperty Committee f � � � �7_�nuary ?2, ?968 '��-. � :+:�.0 �7 Th:c.,..l, �z•e=i clent Reitton Sai.ling Club 1�026 Fark View Snu��h Seatfile, Waehington Re: Safl:i.ng C: ub r�quest to use C3ty-O�+med Property, P.AG. 72�2-68 � Dear Sir: ��� � � , �� ""�'�- � -- �� , THe R�+nton City Council, at it� xE•gil�r meetin� flf J�jnuaxy 8th ha� granted the Sai lin� Club the u�se of �acilities as requr.ste_d with }�rov�.sj ona of Revoca�le Permit and Insurance be�n�-' :� ',-�' `.:��r �he City Clerk. Minutps excerpt is attached. T�ic� City �ttorney is prept�ring the docwnent ar� ��n�� •r -i s!, to i:i_e yocar. insurance certi�icatc^ in the meant'me. ".'our�:: v�.,;� ruiY9 C ITY (?£ RENT(� f .- 1�i�Jmie t�1 ; N�]son City C]� .,. FF�;'A`/cl�n c.�. C��unci2m��n Bare� � COVERAGE is provided in Company initialed belunr: " "^.�" ` ""�'"'.^"'" i "-" A = �TNA INSURANCE CO�'""�i�� ' i � C) u — ft � ��A �=I�E 1J9�1�)ERWRlTERS INS.,, `� r';.� - - � . �� �� '���' f HARTFORD, CONNECTICU7 �.f1'�ctive ., -9_,. �>� � � � �� � ''' ..'.�_--- C I_TY--QF--RENi ... ,., .,, �.�.:��� . ��, „ ---REhiTQ4�,__W�_�I4N------_ _ - --- ---------_ (Address of Gr�tiGca�c�i:.ilderj ;! .,! , . , �, ,•, ,i ,cribed insuraiicr policies, issueil � . , ' " '. , ,. ��`�j:��t to all tiic t��rms, c���i�lit;utis, li!i,itations ar:d exclusions, �hereof. DESCRlPTIVE SCHEDUL" :����rie of Insured ---- RENTOPI SA1L ING_CLUB�. It'�._:.- i �� . Samuel H. Throm , - - - --- _- -- - __-- A�iciress of Insured____._� �..-" 11�26 Pmrk View A�rc�, ' .�-� _—__ _ — — —t---- — _.. - - ---- , --- ------ - -____Seattle,_Wash._981�.' ��cat ion Covered._---#��TS�1_r-�tA�.�III�T��_------------------------ ._.____----._ ----- ----- - --------- � �y Effective Expiration Limits ' _ ' • - -;� t'.;:..ber � Dote Date Liab�;i;� ----- —..---- --__ _.-_ � N/�rkmeds Compensation I Statutory � - — ------- _ - - - --- ----------- �—/-�----- ----- ., _ t. y:i,f� r i'ty I� i^J„ G.�.it.�`. �LiV e���� CifC}l j)CIS<�I�i _ $ ������� l 1Cfl OC(u . � ,. �� �1.4�?--��_ _ �-1�7_ �-i,�-�4� _ _ 3Q4._ _ -�' =- , $ � ,UpO c:�ct� �,-;��.. . , � ���. .. . . . ;�, �,��: �;..:s,� �. ,�t Cov�red Unlasx O►honvise Statod kerein� ,1)IlO ;'}:�;tf �i �� er ti n ri �i ,..,.. __.-- -..___. _ ,UUO C.1C}l �,� � . ,. � ,000 cach uccurrcu�� ,Ol)i1 aggrci;ate ���a�s-I>rope.ty Damage --- ,UO� each accurrci:� _r Than Incidentai Contrac►a As Defined "i}e Policy) � $ ,000 aggregatc —__—-- - --- __-------- _ _ --- -----_--_------ ---____--- —- -�fic Controttual-Badily Injury ,� ,UU�) Cd�11 ��crs� 3r Than Incidental Conrructs As DeAned 7�o Policy) ' • , illl;l � „ �, ��„ i , �. .,.,., .. ,_. ; l ic C nKalW[I-.'�roi�erfy OUn�pUe � I �� � 1 I _ �'��'' �' ' � �' � - - - � ,000 elch occurr,��,� ._._____,�--- _ ,(ll)0 enrh occt�rr�i�� tary , �� r:i � . . �.)11C('�it)11 Ai'.l:l il�ll�.•ltllt I1��11 �%I Ii�-�11'� � . '�� . ' . � � - �. �iut�ici�iality rcyuir��c! 1,} inunici�,al orcliu •uent, or (5) elc�•aror iiiainlcn�i»ce aSrecrn�� ulci any of the ahove �3cscribed p� ,' ' . . . gtve...... Q........day's prior ��ritt N niti ic J T,O.. �.:�-_� " ; ,. � �=l�v�c cini��c�t 'ei•titieatc ic�;.lc� �.. F � , ��.Ea �.�star� � � � ��7--67 1 �itvsur��r�,;� ��� i 1 ti�.s i�._ g 1 ,; � 2 �:;� By '� ��--'"—w •Al.,ska £'.io . �r., A :.. ......r;n,, ��a, j %"` Atrt1�;,, �.. ;Mnt or E3ranch 4f�ice to send Hame C?nice One Duplicate Cc�py for ec�ch Poli�y lis�:...i ���:��:;��r) , ' MEMORANDUM Date Januarv 17. 1968 To: Mr. G. M. Shellan, City Attorney From: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Subject: P.AG. 1252-68, Renton Sailing Club Permit for IIee of Street End, S.E. 72nd St. Dear Mr. Shellan: The Permit you prepared has been sent to the City Engineerts office lor insertion of the legal description. I am wondering whe�her the provisions of R.C.W. 35.23.420�Notice of Lease to be Published Before Execution,� applies in this particular case. It states that no lease of the end of a street terminating at the waterfront shall be made until notice as to portion to be leased, to whom and for what purpose and rental, shall be published by the City Clerk at leas� 15 days prior to the execution of the lease. Would this in any way affect the matter of a permit document? ��1_ ' - , i-j.�; _ ..����"���� , �` Helmie �/�`� � �'�'� /�' _..__. ='�c..s` �' � t �� �l` � �vo Cc'CrQ� P�.`"..�/. � � r �- �- --������ ! � �Y�.-� �'. . �_� , -,;-_ , , J;�� � ' _�__'.%:s�- __._ _:� , _ J— ���� D �. :� �J _v /�'' ' INTER-OFFICE MEMO . Date' January 11, 1968 To; Helmie Nelson, City Clerk • From• Qerard M. Shellaa, Citq Attoraey Dearflt�mie: �� � . ,� J � -,� �.,r 1 �f Enclosed you will find ariginal and two eppiea of tha propoaed revocable nonexclusive a� �� p�rmit far the Rentoa Sailing Club Inc which we have prepared from the somewhat ; � sketchy information made available to us. Would you please have the City Engineer / ## , insert the legal description for paragraph 1 (a) and thereafter notify the officers , � � f the Club for their approval and execution of the document. I 0 �le would appreciate it if you would retura to u8 a copy of the executed Permit. � ; We remain � I ! Yo rs very tr , , ; • e ard M. Shellan Ci� y Attorney r GM3:nd i ' Encl. _ , ',�'' ' cc; City Engineer I, �� May°r I R_ } 4 � �+3� ,.s f-� '�4:: .. . � . ' '..� �. ' ' . . _.p ' ;. S= �' , �.�r - II ..r�Y�t�. - � I 1A ' ...p,:.,.;1r.R .. . �' ' � • _ ,. .__ � - - -- -- � , �__ �- i � , � - - . _ _ . �- � . _ - � F - ----�, , _ - \ � ` , i ; _ � ,� , _ - - _ _ F� �:7�--l-- - - - _—�" _ ___ - L----t_ - , :_ - ,-, � � _ __ , � .. �� i ;�-�. t l_�_ �--��`_ � i , �. �� ;_ i� �, i ; ` . ,,_ '• i'- .- � Y i L t� i'`� L �< " C /�-t-- _ ��. ` �-. 1 t � c � � �.` ��- L i�� ,� �� ��-- � `-__ �'v'�. ;�_-.r � � t.� �� C c �r__, . � c�: �--r�,� ,ti; �. ��k�_x �r-t w--�-�—�� `��-�c� ' �e �-�� j � MEMORANDUM Date To: °�r• G. :�l. SY;c:: ;�n� City �tt�.�rn�v From: Hri l�=i� ��=i s�s�, City C1�rk Subject• �'• `6. ��57-ii� Reata�n S�ilin�; C'i�tb • �4}'.C'�t� �CSx' Q��+ �a�` fitr�*�t Fn�1, �.i". �2r�«3 4�t. �.�c=�r Nr. ShN:��a3n: !!Nt l4��tt you p�epe+�red b� be►�xt e�rt to tt�e C�ty Ee�i�rs'e �"'";��-. '',�:- $n��,rti,.n ; ' +t�.. ��#I ��n�rtidlt. I � �a�oderfa� �rtleer '�re p�ri�ic� e�! lE.G.w. � �i.�3.42o K�oti�r c�f I��w ta b� publi�i 11�!'ore l�rc�ecrs�ic�n, uppli,e�a tA t3tie ps�rt#c��r �s�. It st�s th-�t. r�a i�asir �rf tfi�r �td cs:' :4 �r�at ter�i�tit� et t�a► wn�t+�rfr�� at� ,l� � ��de un#!1 aat±<.f ��� to �rtioe !e �r �e+��, t�a � � fox� �t peu�go� em�d mrM:a1R s�3I b�r p��►li�h�.i3 bp tAR City C��rk �tt lt�� I.� days pxior to th� �xe�tt�n �* �h+� ��a��. 4dou.1 d �thi� in �►y +�x+y ��t'ert �irs�� �^�t�*z x�t a �rn�i t doctrr�nt-;' tl.•'.�,3�. HWN/dm cc: Mayor Custer Councilman Rarei i � � C' � `N" � INTER-OFFICE MEMO �i� � , To: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Date January 11, 1;68 From• Gerard M. Shellan, City !ittorney Dearaelmie: � �,1� C..� • t':�. � �< --(� ;�� Enclosed you will fiad original and two copies of the proposed revocable nonexclusive permit for the Renton Sailing Club Inc wh�.ch we have prepared from the somewhat sketchy iaformation made available to us. Would you please have the City Engineer insert the legal description for paragraph 1 (a) and thereafter notify the officers of the Club for their approval and execution of the document. We would appreciate it if you would retura to us a copy of the executed Permit. We remain Yo rs very tru , , - � e ard M. Shellan� C y Attorney ` GMS:nd Encl. cc; City Engineer Mayor COVERAGE is pro e in Compan iaTed befoN: " ` CERTIFICATE O ��-���--�-� L�] A — ,�TNA INSURANCE COMPANY + � � ] u � l�TI FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSUF !CE COMPANY / NARTfORD, CONNEC7ICUT a rr«������- - - 5--o5-�i7 - -- �� �; /�s�-�8 /� - - - --- - - - - TMIS IS T CERTIFY TO �(� ��TY tiF ?�hiTGN _ _ - - .. - -_--- . � — /� - �\:,i,i. „� (;<•rt;ti ,i� J�.,!;:�r; G� / J ,," f � S �� ��[ � REP3T��f�.1'rla.;a1-i iPJ�IQ�� - - - - - -� �. _ - � �.S �/J ,� - -- -- --- � � ----- "-" `.\ci,lr�.,� �d t.�c.�t;��, .� I.:I.irri �% —�j� �,CiO � � that on th a}x:�-e cia;e t e frllowino describecl insur.iiue pnlicirs, f�sur:i I>y tfiis (_:,���ip.u���, aie in full forcr an��cffect, subject to all the tec�ns, conclitions, lin�itatic�i� and e�clu�ions, �hereoi. DES�R{PTIVE SCF��DULE - Namc uf d�isurrd - -- ----- RENTOM_S�t1Lit�:v_�L�Jt3s-�tf�s --- - - - - -- -- ------- --- - - -- --�1R,- - .,.._�..�"'g�- -�- - Samuol H. ThTom-- --- ---- — -- - - :�����r-�5, �t ��,���,���3_ ' ��-_�;_��t��r:i��_f'_i 1026 Park Vie�a Ave vS.-�e������l��ts- -- 2�--�i�,�--�-i�G:_ __, - - - -- -- --- - - s�att�e4 ���ch. 98175. - - -- _ �.�,<<�t;�,�� c,�,�,,������ _ c�c�r�T��aj t���Nt�s�t� - - - - - Q}x�r.ttini:, C;ovcr��ct - — — - a � ' , _ , M. i _ __._._._.._-,__�....,...._____._._.._i.____._._...__e._ . � Policy Ef�ectiva [r.piiation ! Cimits af Co � Nnme of Ccoera o � Number Uate � Uuto ' liubiliPy 9 ` 1 - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - J_ _ - - -- i � I Workmen's Co�rzpensflfion � ! j I SVatutory - -�-Puh�.c Liaailiiy-Bodi�y lajury {No1 Auto) -- - - --- -- jl- - - --�-- -- .� �{�i� - - - —1 �. , .. , i I ,U{IU cacf� x•r5nn i I �. ,� � CG ��� ,�-�� � t�--�� �� � :�'4,u�i�► �.«i� �,«��,�����„�_� - - 1 -- - _ _ _ � �--�� �! _ } - � *� c�c7u �,�,�, ��:<<„�,«�,• � ^Puhlic tk�b�iiry-Pro}�erty Darnage iNut A�toi � I ,d,,,) (ex�,lo5�0�+, co�lupse, Undergroond Na.ords � Nof Covernd Untosa Otl�orr.�sa STatod Nvrein) I I I I � I � , i� �� ; �f �� �� u � �i tllifl :���: �� ,rir � � -- - Prncfotts-5cdily byury i � I °� ,1)��O r,l�ii pt'I•�un . I ,1)U�I c,: h i;�.currrtic�• � ' ; � �j�� ��,�j I ''�I� I I �/�(�'"!.__�s" _ �� �ya'�'��" � - ._ ,t)fli} ��r,tc�rs�tc--- - . - {- -r ------- �� �+ -! 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Shutilti any� uI th�� ahu�•c clr,rril��•c1 j,olic.i�•s ��e +..inccllc;i hc•lr,rr thc i�on��:il rx��ir.ttiun clatc ih�•rcc,f, Ut�• (;�nuj�at�y � � tvill �;i��e......��....... �l.i}'�� ���iur ��rittcn noticc ui �i:cl� c;ir.���fl.itiu.� to thr• a!w��c• narnrcl C"rrtiCicatc-li��lcic r. .�. � �. !-. ra !- � '� '�fi�.'`° J. �LEN L fS7`�r�) �w.,,,;�_,:�=.- , - �.�:,.__, �---, �.,_ ��,_,..,..._.__----_ 4-2�--:� 1 g !r:�u;,�.,�-�: . - � ��� ���� -- -- --- 1� .`�"- - - --`-` - - -- --- -- --- 'r!;�':� F.'rl.i.4�. , ., .,. ,.. ,�, ,,��lr<. `l.-7" �ltit/tot�zctl tltic'itt ��Agent or E3ranz�� O�'�ice to send l�iofne O$�ic� O�e Dup�icate Copy �or e�ch Policy lis��:�' ��e��eon) 'Sro �?�S� � p � x :,k� r * . . . �F �t. } / . . .. . a � d $. '� ''�� '� . 1� �1 ��� ''' . . f a - y , �� -�:���. � �" � i � ,-3'. . 'i �„�-�'"''r� '� � .. - . , ' .;'r" - � �.� �� � . �a• � �. . s 4,. .' '. `-`•F�y�+? . . . � . 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Shellan, City Attorney From: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Subject: P.AG. 1252-68, Renton Sailing Club Permit for IIee of Street End, S.E. 72nd St. , Dear Mr. Shellan: The Permit you prepared has been sent to the City Engineerts office for insertion of the legal description. I am wondering whe-�her the provisions of R.C.W. �5.23.4207Notice of Lease to be Published Before Execution�� applies in this particular case. It states that no lease of the end of a street terminating at the waterfront shall be made until notice as to portion to be leased, to whom and for what purpose and rental, shall be published by the City Clerk at leas� 15 days prior to the execution of the lease. Would this in any way affect the matter of a permit document? �� ��n �� �,� � Helmie C/�� /C,� ��� �� � � .�� �� � ��o �� r� - � �_ �,�-.. --��J�� --� ������� ���� - ;�-,xY�il .. ,;r,..�..TMt;..�,+�....�.F.,,�;; ;•+':..r. . 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(� 1 �l.1'�i ii� ��1� 11�1',�"�, t.�� �'�iGt'IlIG'�1� .IC�1'�"1'III!'11I. t',.1'r'!1� � Ui �•t�:�)It'r(H�tl l\'!(�l t'tl1ltiUUt 11�)11 ni' ll�'�ll��illinil ����+'I;lil��:?', ��11 ��1' �ii���lf'<'ll� (�+ ;I I.II�fUUI�, �.5� IIUC�('l�.l�illlk; (U ltI��C1IlIU�y tl n;tinir���.�lii�� .���ttir�•�? I,� �i���uir���;il u��f;n,tn�.i•. �'�r; ,�t iii � ��n,�c��U�,u ��ii}i ��<<;�. fc,r tlic tnuni��i�r,tlit„ (`�) �icit•lr,�ct ;,E�rcc- 'rurn�. :�r t:�) r;��,ttu� �u,iin�rt�.iiu c .i+;ri•ctt�; .,, �hc�i,l�l ctn�� of th�• ;ih:��,•c �:csrriL��d poi. ' � �ur��llccl l�etur� thc nari�ial c��.;�:;.,tion ciate thci��of, thc Compatiy ; . . , . . �i. :;,,.; . � «ill gr,-e......��........da� s }�r�or �cri�ten notice � . �_: • •< <:}�v�t� nsiiiu�rl Certificate-holiler. ..�. �7 t., r. �.� �._. � ��-] �. ' ���s �:4.�n� �.���d 1 Vf� ���� � { Q--•��i^-J� � ir:'�U„�.:. . =I- t't_l. ._. .y_�i, A� '�)�.�--�"_-.' r,� � � � � � _, _,,��,-, . , . . ,�,, --- .� �;� ----- -----Atrthorize�� :1�;;cnt r± (Agettt or aranch ��ic��to�send Ham� '�ic� �g�e �Du�,6icate �opy for ec�ch Policy (istec9 hereon) �a ,. . ._ K . � . . � � �� � ... . .�. ..�, . . _ - .� i : . . _� -, ���� ,. . i R�� � ; � - � � . � i . , ' ' INTER-OFFICE MEMO A •� , I' To: Relmie Nexson, Citv Clerk � Date' J��'rY ��� �4�8 �+xp�; t3erard M. Shellan, Citq Attorney �learHs�mf e t �'� ��' ��- �'�� t� 8r . Enclosed you will find originsl and two cQpiea af the propased revocable aonexclusive � '� ` p�rmit for the Renton Sailit�g Club Iac wh�:ch we have prepared fram the samewhat � ,. � � Bketcby infora�ation made available ta us. Wau1d you please have the City Bngineax � insert ths legal description for paragraph 1 (a) and thereafter natify the officers � of the Club for th�tr apgroval aud execution of Che document. We would apprecia�e it if you wauld retura Ca ua a copy o! the executed PenuiC, � ide remaia � Yo re very tr . � ard M. Shellea C y Attorney GM3:nd f Encl. I�. , cc: Gitp Eagineer �'�i'� MByor I , • x I�:* � " . „ ' I t li + I - t� / e � I _'�. r r j I ' '. I� ` . • • I_ I-S+ �. i- ' ` � I � w x } ,�. I — - — — — ----- - — , � ' , /�. ��. l l�r-I�-�T F'c(�T�c� O � �cx� T����T � � �'J �`T-�-v-� � l-,�l 1�� �,"' ��� ����_� �r ... - ed Go r-rPa-�=�� r��-T"w� "�"r-r'�. �o �z.T�-���-ti �i�� � C� ���r2-o� ��c��-tz--o�_- W�...� /�� L� �.n--_�� V�/f�S 1--� t yJ C�TO� . I C c� �T�,�,ti �. �P�oX: ir-�r�r���. ��oc� ° � F-�.) I i � MEMORANDUM Date To: i1�. C. M. S1t�31�� Ctt�► .Attes'My From: Nt►]�3t 111�)ie�� Clty Cli�'It Subject: l.,�. 1!�-N* �!�'E�11 �ilt� C].Yti ��rtlt !'4�r Q�re sl' lttrrta�t t'ad� B.S. '� �t. Oear Nr. I�I,I.�ts !1N l��it y�oN Psrlysri►d bb b�n Mwt to t1r City �e�is�e�r's ot!!� !'t�r it��clelc+� o� tl�e �[al d�riptl�. t a� �ed�ri� wira�t�es t�e �t�+risi� �! 1t.C.Y. ;}i.��.4� �rttc� �t" 1��ste t�a !� !b►l�i � ��i�n, �prpl.i,� !� t�f�� p�i�trr �r. It +rtat�r� t�rt ua iMsrt af � � �� � �t t�rm�o�rtt �t tfi� �er!'r�t �z � �!� t� s'� 1 ��+ds wttil aa�ic� �• to pert�a. ta 1�r ��i, co +� .wd �ar �t �.E ..� s�erra.l f s�,tZ 1�. p�1►��st�►a t� Ci C� �nt �� 2� s tor �J► �' � �' � t� �c�i� :►!" t3�e le��►. iionld t�hi� !� ��'�'iKtt � �at�t�ra� ot' u i� do�at�i�rt? +�Y *�► 1� ' �a�mie ' HWN/dm cc: Mayor Custer Councilman �arei � / / - �-� C' �" INTER-OFFICE MEMO ���w�' r� ' To: Helmie Nelson. Citv Clerk - Date January 11, 1968 i From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Dear�elmie: �� -�- ��. :s� -� �` Eaclosed you will find o�igiaal and two cppies of the proposed revocable nonexclusive permit for the Reaton Sailiag Club Inc whctch we have prepared from the somewhat . sketchy information made available to us. Would you please have the City Eagiaeer insert the legal description for paragraph 1 (a) and thereafter notify the officers of the Club for their approval aad execution of the document. We would appreciate it if you would return to us a copy of the executed Permit. We remaia Yo rs very tr , � ' ard M. Shellaa C y Attorney GMS:nd Encl. cc; City Engineer. Mayor �