HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSP-02-022 2+Slnadcf 01\-.1 I}~tioll lWolC Pap« Pa&,_ lorI o of the ilPfllkable pl'O(edureI and sl:lni.lanls ncecssOiry for Bo~ing's l:<:nstnll:tion of A local a(Ccs:; road within the reserved Strander right-o(,wIlY. PunUWllto SC(tion 3.1 of tile document, Doeing nlwl dedicate to the City the ncees.Jary righloOf.wIY from the LOP property in order to complete the extension of Strandcr Bcule\"w. The City hu Agreed that in exchange for this right-of·way: I) the Traffic Mitigation Fee: for development of the LOP &haU be: fully satisfied; 2) Bit of BoeinS" obUg,ations (or the Strander exteflsion :&eros, the LOP propel1y and any other approaches 10 the propecty \h:lt 1lU)' be: required arc fully s.ltiJfioci; Md,l) all of Boeing's oblig:&tions for any other off-site transpol1ation improvements wilhin the City required to suppol1the level of development contemplated by the Environmental Imp3Ct SUalemc:nl (or the LOP W11 be (ully sdisfied. The completion of ltois ~a:v dedication will satisfy the requirements esbbliUled by the Stnndcr Agreement. The :&Ction is also coruistenl with the tcmtS estiJbli.hed by the De\~lopmc:n1 Agreement between the Boeing Comp:any and the City of Renton for future development of Longacres Office P:u-k. which was executed in December of 2002. Similuly. the establishment or the rightoOr.way eXh:nsion conronns to the Binding Site Plan recorded for the LOP on FebrulU')' 21, 2003. a: Ala Pietsch. EONSP Administrator Neil Watts, Development Servic~ Dir«tor jennifer Henning. Principal Planner Lesley Niahihin. Senior PIIlMc.r • • • • • ., • ", • • , • • • • .. ,_. ~ • _ •• ~._;.. ____ .. _A.' ! • ", ::::J , • • • . , " 1 • • • , , , R~."~: City (kt~., 0ltIcc CiC)' of Rc:atoD It»! South Gr&.1y W.'1 .Iie_on. WA 98QSS • DEED OF DEDICATION .. ., .. ,.I ~.~ -" - Pnptr11 Tn Plftd NIIDlb .... : C, .. leor(.): TI'K1 F oftbe ~in& i.om,lCf'CS Plopctty OiDdit\a Silo MIn No. LUA-02.o2l. at IUQlded De February 21, 200l uado::r bcorllia. No.lOOJ022I0024Oo1, RtcOtdi 0(K1II, Coun1)'. WuhlIIIIOII. All .;n,ll' ia Sccfioo lS. Tuw.hip 2) Non!l, Ran~ 4 P.ase, WiUiamc1tC McridiaD.1n the Cit), orRtrltoa. Kin, .. Crultt(.): Ci1y ofRc:nlon,. Ml#lidpaJ CotporltioQ CityC'uk STATEOFWASIUNOTON ss COUNTY OP XJNO , ... , • • • • • ... -~~-----------:---~- " .. ~ ... , ~""' .. " ' .. = ._-, --.~ • -• • • • • • - EddhUA M.p • • • • • -OJ 'I)f .... ' -~-~-. -- -o A STRIP OF LAND FOR ROAD PURI'OSIlS, BEINO A roRTION '01' FARCW P AND 0 AS DEUNEA'IllD ON SURVBY RBCORDBD UNDER KINO COUmY RBCORDINO NUMBER 9201169002, IN VOLUMn 85 OF SURVBYS, PAOIlS 21 AND 21A, EXUlPf lllAT PORTION TIII!REOP CONVnvp.o TO Tim CITY OF RJl!(I'ON FOR nm OAKSDALB EXTBNSION BY DEBD RBCORDBD UNDER KINO COUmY RBCORDINO NUMBEr< 9110325031 I; BFJNO 90 FBBT IN WIDrn, LYINO 45 FBBT ON IlAcn SIDB 01' nm POLLOWINO DIlSCRlBBD CI!NTERIJNE; COMMENCINO AT Tim NORTIlWEST CORNBR OF SAID PARCBL P; nIENCB soum 02°06'48" WEST ALONO Tim WP.sT LINI! OF SAID rARC!lI, 1', IIl.3D H£I' TO nm TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; nIBNCB LBAVINO MID WEST 1JNE, soum SS029'52"·1!AST 642.81 Hill I' TO Tim POINr OF CURVA11JRIl wml A 455.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO Tim RlGIIT; nIENCB SOUTImA!>'TEIlL Y ALONG nm ARC OF SAID CURVI!, TllROUOIi A CENTRAL ANGW or 41'21 '21" AN ARC DISTANCB OF 328.42 FBBT TO Tim POINr OF TANOENCY; nII!NCB soum 41 00S'3I-I!AST 404 .41 FBBT TO Tim POINT OF CURVATURB wml A 445.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO Tim LI!I'T; TlIENCB SOUTImASTEIlLY ALONO Tim ARC OF SAID CURvr~ TIIROUOII A CENTRAL ANGW OF 41°49'22" AN ARC DISTANCB 01' 324.83 FBBT TO Tim POINr OF TANGENCY; nIENCB soum 8S051'53 EAST 24O.IS P8I!1 TO Tim WEST MARGIN OF OAKSDALB I!XTI!NSION AS DElJllEATBD ON SURVIlY RBCORDBD UNDER KINO COUNTY RBCORDINO NUMBER 2OOOO6J09OOOOI, IN VOLUME 13S OF SURVEYS, rAOIlS 212 AND 212A, AND nm Tl!RMlNUS OF SAID CBNTIlRLINI! DIlSCRIPTION. CONTAININO 114.B06SQUARIl FBBT OR 4.01 ACRIlS, MORB OR LESS. nIB SIDllIJNFS or TIllS RlOIff OF WAY SIIALL Bil SIIORTI!NBD OR LIlNcmmNBD Sil AS ')O MIlI!I' AT ANOW POINT AND TO 11!RM1NATI! AT ALL nOUNDARYlJNI!S. SITUAm IN n. ~ CITY OF RENTON. COUNTY OF KJNO. STAm OF W ASIIINOTON . ".' .. .. , , , , - , " ...: •• :;.. t t ' r .. .. S'ntANDEII AGREEMENT CAC-02-211 Thl.AORl!l!MElITbm ... ""' .... Rdi"'~Eiw.~=~~~~ • aodbetrJCCOnmnoDJNOCCMPANY.. '), ... RENTON •• munkipaJ wepoutJoa orLbo Slato RECITAI.S A. Lcopc'I'CS Park, Joe raJj.. wboIly-owDCld subsidiI!Yot'Docin& b Ihe OWDCtof cataIa raJ p.,..,y ("I'Oj>Q'Y'), """'" II tho J",,-" Off ... P..t ("J.OP").Ioco1cd io , ... City orJttn&oa.Xina County, Wuhintton. lind more ~wtydatribcdio EJOon" A eUvbl;d hcRCo en4 mco.pon1ed _in by (hI, re.ftlUItC. lJ'J and Docln, bIYC cdered iDlo. ac..,·1aAa Orouad I C'$Orleo1(l,witb dTctt fromJanUll)' I. 1m ~ 10 wbk:b Docfn, m.a)'P-' csrlboPropcrty throutb Dcc:tmbcr3J. 2021 and may in urta1a cin:umst.tDees CXlCDCI tbI: tam oflbe I case Chrou.&JJ Dotembcr3l,lOS1. PurNanllotbeLca1C.£~ '''1 may CZIkt mlO this ADe f !1M " ill Boeint'DWD name.. A ~ of tho WIO wu Rlt«dc:d uNo. 91010l0121la 1bo Real P'''paly Reconk oIX", Couoly, D. Thc City bu lodudcd in kJTraA$pO(tation JmptOYUTlCIIIPJotJUl (t]1P") loll extccuioa orStJaDclcr DoulevNd (also bcnm &I S.W. 27" Stftlel) west Uom (le"esd,'" AVCDOC S.W. acrDSI tho PrOSltityto the City limb: oIRcncoa (-StraDdcJ Latcusion-or "Exlm,im-;). C. On May II, 1914. tho City and ~ Joe.,. DociD,·.prc-.......,.,S« in ihlc:rat. • mtdcd into an 'tJtUumt rcc:ordcd in KhI&~)' as No. J4060IOS40 ("1914 As;rcemcnt,. providinc ror, amaa, other lhinp. (.) ,osee w.tlon ofri&ht or ... y {orthe StrancJc.r ExtaasJon JG'OS.1 ilic-PJOpaty. (b) atablisbmeot o(:w &!Jpmc:.tlt fortho Ealendon KfOIU lbc Pro;»crty, (c.) acqu.iskioa try Ibe City ofabe Icsuvcd ritld orway, (d) coo.MlCtioa by BIoecIacrc:s of. Joc:al ""'C"' road aeemJiq to City drod ,"Manis for kaJ "CCC'Ss roads witbiA the ~ riEbt ofw.y, (e) ptI)WCDC by DRlad.atres DOl 10 e..cccd 30 IlClowt oftbc toW COlI or almdia& Stra:dc:t!tom Chc"" p,opW Iy line to 200 (eet east otthe DUrllngtOD NOftbcna railroad ri&ht ofway, Mel (0 rcdlJCfJoa ofDroacbad p.l)1D(:llt by lbo fu.n am exreodcd by Droa4ac:tes iD dcsitnillC aDd ~iol the JocaJ .e,ctS roaeL D, Tho _._coW Impoct ""' ...... rElS") Mffiaotioa """"""" r ...... LOP <hat was lINed ill May, J99S (?t.:tI,..tk'O I>ocume:fIlj iDdoded. TtallSpClII:WkIo Mitipdoa Coodidou Acrccmeat lhat amort& ethcr provbklns rcqu.itcs DotiQl to ,.,,10 the City In°tp''d.tioa tnitiptiOD I ... oms.oo per trip ("City T~ Mtl""'" F .. ") b .. cd 00 Xl,OOO ....... dally trips'o bo calel.ted by full de\lelopmeol orlbc LOP (-tOP Mruplioa Fcc").. Boein, has pic! to 1bc City,l:S ttanspoNtioa mititatioa fees w6cr tho Tnnspomtion Mitipltoa CCDdiUe.Js A~ S I S1.500 (based OQ 2.100 .ven,e dally trips).1 tho limo ofpcnit tpplicaIioa fcrlbc Doeiq CommcrdaI Abp_ Iln>up("llCAO") 11c~ ... n.nd .... aod $<;9,150 (bosod .. 930._ doll, trips) It the two ofpcnnit .pplicatlon (01 the Docin,·Rcn1oa FamIJ1Cate ~ The LOP Mitiptioo foe less tho traII!pOrtItioA rniliption (ees.treacty paid to Ihc Cily ("Net LOP Mltig.tion Fecj as Ql'the dale oftbit A&fecment II SI.791,750 (buc:d cw. 23,910 net.to cLUfy tripl. rtfacucc:d hc:rd3ancr as lb. "Prcpold 10","), , ..... - " , • ( . , • .' • " , , , • , • 4'.'_~ , --0 '--'" o ~~~ .. ", ,,--... -... .. .., . , l!. tod,., now plans 1o pttpare tho Propmy Cot poCmtial dcvcl..-'PTIcnllhil will RqIlU. • - " • (.) moditkalioo ottbo 19'" ACfCUUcut IIpl or", ''I a1ignmcnl, (to) mod.ifiullon orBocinz'. • . pl)'tDCAlobliptions (Of Iht Extensica to.cSdRSI current condicJocu. and (c) darifi,aHoa ottbo proccr.hm:s aDd AaDdanb Cor Docm,lO IXIClStrud .l')tal JC«eI ro.d within tho rcsm'cd ri&ht olW1/'f for tho Strahdc:t Extcndon. F. Tbl City cSc..itu to (OUrlf11llM IvaiJJbilil)', b.:aIloo and (UndiaA oflbo Strandc:r riaht of .... ' and utms5on. In additioa-tho City has rcceind inf ... matioa aM tlttl pr .. vidcd by 1\oe1oa indkatln,:hIII CIIpMSioa aDd lmJ1nnmcnt ortho Grody Way and OU:c.sdalo A·jQlIO inltlscctlon will be required u • rcsaJt or tnJlic: Ikm.tnds ftDln tho compldJon or Oakcsdafr A vtmJO aod fUCuro _ .... 10 Il, .. ,u. O. Docin,aod tho city desire 10 rescind tho 19&4 AarotmcnlllOd locntermlo", DOW agra: Jle;ll ftprdialthoStrandt:rE:dtUSKlntorcplautho 1914 A"OC:U'ChL lL ~ishift& this Agreen,"' will materially aid the City in .~lD8 Ute Stato of W~ and kdcnl fundi., .,eDCics. (or (lNIIKial Wid.,... III davelopina tho SIraDdct l!x1ens5oa piojca. J. The City IUId Boeing coa.sickr lb.is dror110 be. pubL:C-.rivalc partnc:tship:md approKb it trMJ lhit ApCClI .cnl io tho .pirit oCpaatacI'J. IUIl k ipatiag that issues aod untomcc:n DYalU wlU be resolved on ,mutually 1pt'e.We bub. as they "be durb1a &he (ourso of pcrformaneo otdlis AIiLunent. AGREEMENT NOW. nlE!'lFOlU!. In ~kknticn oflhomuhW covcnlnts IIld undcrtbo Imns aod coaditJon.s bcRiDI.ftcr lei forth. tho rcccJpl and sumcimcy ofwhida Is hereby acknowlcdgtd.lbe pwticI hereto C':n'C%I.II1I and.&RO as follows: I . ofcbisAgJctmeal Extms5co lICCIOIdioa 10 olWay 2. Dpllet;nl Rmriction. Unless otherwiso provided 10 this A»CQhCSlt.IloeIn,agroe.s not to COfUtrud permaDCtJl bundinp within tbt RJa,hl of W., Reservation and Idboth (rom tho JU&bI otWay Jtcsuntioa thAI In ~uirtd by City Code. For pwpo5CS orthi, AfI)"'uCJlt. tho term "buiktin,-shall mc&Il MY strueturo b .... in,. roofsupported bycctumns or Wins and intcndod (or lho abellu. howlr.a or enclosuro of any individual, animal. pco;.cu, equipmmt, ,oods or matcrWs of any k1Ddcrft#~ 3. Righi otWay Acgubjlioo. 3,1. DodnS'&fH$IO dedicate 10 the Cil)' lbJl por1ion of the PtDjX:rfy located II of Way Rcsen.lion (-RJ&hI ofW.y Propertyj. This dedication sI~11 be I«erced by -.. - , ) , . . \ , '. -, tho CdY within J 10 cbyJ, {rom tho d.af~ o(thb APlc:cJDeIIl. III c.on~j6e .. ti( .... (Of the 6edAlioo or the JU&ht otWay p,oputy. cbo City.UOCS thil (.) cbe WP Mjdplioa fee ~ to abe Cify oI'Rm'on (or the LOP &ball bo luUy .... Iisfttd, (b) an orDocint. oblis.atioas (or tho Suudcr ExknUon KZi)$I tho Ptopa I)' aDd 1f'P'~ \0 tho PJopa Iy Ih.III1M1Y be imposed by 1M Cit)' or MY.r .. .aocinc jurisdidioa walt be fulJy..wflCd. ud (c).u oCBoeinJ'. obIiptY.la.s (or.ut)' CMbet off,""", 'ranq:ooetAtioo wpo,aocnu within tbcCit) of R=Ioo Chat_a RqII~ 10 AJPr<II1Ibc Io'vd c(rull devdoplGa4 orllle LOP as tonlempl&tcd in the as .haJJ t-c fully J3tis.fted. 3.2. no City.yeca 10 cntu J~ lonnal discli1llolu .. ~ ~e IT:ntMJ pi ... Olalt oftbo P"1"'lcd c:xp.Qsioa aDd impOitut:at olcbe Ondy W., IDd Oalnd·'" A"'DUC later", IkIa as. piority pojetl QlIhc C'1I)'.11hl the ntXllChccMcd t:pd.ate oltbc np. Alsy .p ...... mt nIChed bctlKco die City and BociDCrm dU. M;ed aNli k asc:moria1iz.oJ aDd tppIIow:d In D IC:pIttII.t doc:.oc:aL JJ. ~ Ciry .r;ca MIlIO.dopt III .utbori:t.Itioa k.-xIn' II('prlCablc law I"or the: KqVlsitkla oC.U Of J*1 o(tbo Right otWay PIopaty udc:r coodanncioo 01 dnaI 0( CCfrt-'"...tJOn chuina tho «um orthis Apeemcnt, ...,In' Bocin, rails 10 dcdicalc the RiJba o{Wq Propaly i:A ~ with tho Icnns and pro",b5ons oltbu A~. 1.4. 'lbc Cily'Utd tlat Bocina EM)' lit the lime ofCicy arquis;"-;m o(tbc JU~;t otWay PtopalJ rucrvc I noocxclusiYc .... p::tuaJ uscmmt OYa'.1CI'OSSo aJoa& In. upoa. aDda, and Ibroucla tb. Rft.bl orwr.y PJDpW1y ror pulp<4CS Ibat iDd\Idc accc.", uti lily. drairdse. ad.ny rt'BUJatory recr.uremc:nts .ppJieabJc.lo the dcw:1oprDm1 of LOll. Any uses rer lbe R.i&hl or W,,, PJopat)' p:opclCd by Doda, atha" Uwi! for.hose purpoc;cs will require prior City .pp..,..al, 1II'bich IhalJ DOl be unrw.cnabJywithbcJd. 4. Rescryr, A«gunt. 4.1 . Upoo dedication orthc Ri&hl orw.), Prvpett),'o1he Citr.1be City agees to c:reatO' RSCn'c.1CCOqD1 in Boeiftts name (~UCn'e Ac:couftl~ that c~ Ibc PwpI.W Trips. Trips lalho ~ ACCCMlnt IhaIt be considucd!he pc:nonaJ perertr or 1~1t!, unleu 'they .... auipeel br Boeiaa 10 .1\_ I iOI' IQ itdcresl lo.U or any pcxtion or rcaJ PiDJICrl1 toc.&cd i. ... lbc Cityolflmton, incJudia&, hut QO( limited to. aD oWDtt'. assoc:i.lion IDI' limilar enUI)' PVemiD& any CIt aU ofsuch propcrey. Doeib,m.y'1 its 1010 discrtlioa lJrilhdnw!tom the flt.$U'ft Account .11 or. portico otlbo PJepaidTtj~ ~ be ~cd.a,ainsI and c:oa.sticuce:\AI1 pi"""'" ollbt Cicy T~ Mitiption Feo (ortho cquallI\allhtt ortrips KCDtRlcd by dcw:lopmtnl OhA)' ptopcrty o-..DCCI by Doeina 'fIitbin tho CilyorRc:ntoa IS oflbc dale orchis A"um.eol (-Ra1ton Ptopaliea1 IhIt wouU c6t:i wOe ~ hbjcd 10 the city Tnnsportllioa Mitiption Fee. no RcnkIn J .. OJaticl .... dcscribc4. EXlUBIT D .tt.1Cbed bcrclO and iDoofpotatcd hem .. by thismct::ft(c. 1(.oDd wbm Dodal wi1bcbws such ~ Trfpt!rom!he Resenc Account. the aumbu ofPreplid Trips in tho 1lescm: AaounC iJWI be COlitlJ» .... lqJy RIIfuoed. Should Docill, cbooso 10 ISlip J'rtpaid Trips 10 I"bjc:cts odIcr.haG LOP. those Prep.Mf Trips will DO &oaKa' be .nibble for LOP tnJ\spoItItioa ailigatiOCL 42. Doein&s1ul1 timdy noli". the Cily. IS p-ovidcd ift this All' I'll' oftbo wilbdr.wat. de:siption, cw au:~ oCtrips m the Rescuc Account by provklins 10 lh: Cily' docu:md)lin lho ronn and coolcnf described by EXlDDJT E IttKhcd bado and ulCOtpOIalcd bcftin by this rcfamcc. lbe City.Jrt'CS to provide 10 Doc:irt& writkn canfitmalion of such lJril~ designation, 01 wi£l'ItI1tnl.'lso as dc:Jcrihcd by EXlODIT E. • , '.' o . " , " . " --.!.. ... -.. ~ . ., S. Bc:yiqwo(PIADs, Tho City Q7fUw WCI its best andtimtly tITans to inch,1da Doclaa 10 dw! plMmlAc azd dc.slp ollbo ~ E.t.lccu.i1)Q.. Prior 10 Cily .pprov.1 of corutruc:tion plAIU (or Uw S1nndct ~ but in uy cvcnC" Iak:t thar& sixty (60) days pial' 10 cocnmc.occ:mcnt of ~ ollbo StrMdcr Ellcraion. the City &baD provkSc Docla, with mJ,ioecrin& ..uutcctunJ. aDilOIhc:r~tIoo plans fOrtbo &1cnsioa ~ I~ed unrcowancnt. mcludla,but not !lmieed 10 sipal CDDlrOll)'SteIlU. utUitia.lfdCt';alb. driveway access. wilts. fcncira& liabling. and d&nina. 6. lenl Acere Road. Sbould Doeinan:quLro r.qilClty 1('"" prior 10 r.orar1dinn of tbo Stnn6cr Ex.tauklo. Doc:iA& m., COftStnId \rpoG.1I or part "rebo Right otWay P,open)' • local wcm IOId 10 City ItIlndatd$ r' 0...,1 Atcts1 RoeIdj. no Loc.al Aca:u Rood IMY lncludo ~Y • • Uiue, .tormw.!ct' flCiUti~ .idcwalb.l1abtlo,.lJId other strvc.tvru nqulrtd \I)' Bocina and tho City. Tho lAc',) Aeccss Roooj shan bo dedicated to lhc City (or'public use wilhlb tblrty PO) W)'I follcnrriq i!s COIUpktklL Tho City aarecs thiliho J oral Acces. ao.d 01' .lIWtUAJly.grted ul)I)QI. ddow rout.c IhaU rem,ln open 10 vehicul. traffio dWint construc:tioo orl~O Strandu ~Iensloo. Tho C"tCy IlIJOtIIO rebl!lbwM Dodna N tho time ollbo Stnr...adet Ex1m.siao toOdNclion (or ,II desip and COOibUS'KlQ cads ~~ (or I ,.,.,1 AC'UU Rotd cc;.mponenlJ!.hat arc ddJgncd and conrt.'UC1ed 10 city ... DCf.wdI 1Ot.'If IhIt rnay bo jDC('ll'pofIlcd Into tho Sttandcr .Exltntion project. 7. Stmt AttN.nd IOSm«1es. 1.1. AU PJOPCl1Y (roota&o aJoog the Strandc:r clItemlon IhaJI haVD ~ess to the poblic rl&bt o2-"y. urucu WterwLso agrtt'd by tha parties. 7.2. Boeing may cNbtisi1 doni the Strondcr Exlcnsion two intmccdons withstrccts 10 tho north and south o(lhc Extension . Bocil 'K may pi"OpOsc edditiond lntetS'oCCtiOM iq the future fot considttllliion and ~iblc approval by lbc City. Boeing shall PlY fUll cost Cot any traffic si£MI(s) reqtritTti It ADy intmc:ctions established. Bocing may also (':StAblisb alO!IC the Straoder Extension private drivcWllY '('01 ,. points. subject 10 City Code JtqUiremcnts; provided. however. thai the City fcscrves thC right to limit fuming D\OVC:IDents at $\ICb printc driVC'WllY .tcess points 10 right·in and righl-out only. I . ImnimUon. Tbls ApeCCllftit sbalI tc:nn.i, .. ID twe1Il)' (20»)'c.atS!rom IhD dale of CIUICVI.ice ofthls ApccmenI. or upon rw.l completion OrlbD StDndct E:cten.Uon. whkhcvu OCCWl autI'~. Jf Q)r!.hPdJoQ Dftho Srrandcr &tcnsioa has not bem flllly fi!Dded and c:om.mcneed by tho dal, ollam!Dltioa ofUll, AlJcuDClI, DoeUla" iu sole discrtUon m.q requw thai the CilY itcOUVCY to Doeitll tho RIpl 01 Way PJopaly exclusive oftbc Local Aeccg Ro;,d If dedk.alcd 10 Lbe City u prorl:Xd in P.:nlJ1lph 6 oflhiJ Apu:menL Wbcn the kiJ,ht of Way Propclty is ~ to Boe'", by e,. City, Social shall J'IIIY 10 tho City the amounl ofthc Net LOP Milia-lion Feo credited to Bocizta: ItOdcc Paraanph 3.1 oflhiJ A&Jtcment. 9. Default. JD the evene of. default Of (.ilUR: ofperformancc by cithc:t party of any term orCOGdition uoxIcf this Apumcni,!.he dcIaultin& party shall hne UW1y (lO) days aRet wmlcn ooel:O pnd to that party by the oon-dr.f.ul1io8 party, as provided in thts ADcen.cnt.IO cure tho ..;or.utl; pnwided, howevu, that irthe cwo cannot ~bly be compkted within such thirty (30) &y pc:riocI. tho defwlling J!U1Y sh.:all lave sudlloftgcr petioli as io: luSOftlbly neccswy to CURllho dcfauit so 100, u tho dcraultina pa.1y shill comrllmtc the CUfC within lbcIlbirty (30) da)' period and tbcn:aRet comp!tto tho cure ~ith due dili&ente. ...... ,..,m'_ .. " :: , • .' - • • • , • < • < • , , . • • . /' .. '" J. " . , . ' • , . -, • " : -G -'--."'>'-.. . --, ., JO. SpC(:om ,ad AioSj..-JlJ. TIlis ABl'· "col aDd caeb or lbe Icnn,. povjlk;nr. c:oodilloo,. and covcnanu bc:r,la ahall nm wiiJI the land and ah&Il ",we JO Ihc bmefj( o( and ~ biAd.UI,"PM Ibo partk:I: IQd theit JCSJl'C(llvo IUCCc:son Mel ","ignr. Tho pu1K.i.cbaowlcdp thIt Docln,may wlp t:hit Ap'mDct1l SO M owncr'. auoel.lioa or ,&IIlb, eati.,. (or diel Propc:r1Y. aad ~ 111M upoa such assJJWDUII Docin.",.11 bo rek"cct fiom.1I rishu IUId obliplicol hc:rnmck:r. 1IotoithIIaod ... tho roo."' .... tho "",kI ." .. !hoI BooiD'""y ...... 011 rigbb" tho ...... id Trips .. tho JI utl,e AccO' •• I, u pvvicSeiJ in Pan". 4.i, aDd IMY anfp dtOSCl rizhll ror w~ aDd \lSI U pi ~KICd hi lhII AIJ'OCIInCDl. II. RetefnlmoC12HARmnsnl. UpMcxcculiono(thllA~,tbc 1914 A,,~u .... mcnl shaD bo Dul~ \'O~ _ without clTCCL 11. CmJrI!1lIC! wi\bI"WJ. Theparticaahan ... Jllimt1l cxercbo fhoripuJBd&Od SO tbcm '*'" tbb Agh ....... ctd bt KCQ:dlQC«l witll,UlI:ppliu.WcItaMNI, «den, I'lIlet I.I:Id rqubtkm of any publkl.uihorily havln,jurbdlcdoa. ,13. Oqyqntn, !.tw. 1 bit Apnu .... onllhlll be pvuoed by, ~ aocf mJ'orud in ~ with tho laws oIlbo Sw~ or Washin&1Gi'l. Vcouc (or Any actioa. wdc:t lhis Atloutialf _ be KIDs County, Wosb ........ I~. ill "flITiw" tad Aoy notke rcqulttd tit pmniUcd to be P,J UDduthis AF1~ ,ball be '(&0 Doeins: with a KCond notieo to: IrIoCilyolRenlOO! with a '«'C()«HI notice 10: " f ~i&." • 10 !he (0Ilowi.'8 dcsjpees: Colcllo T~nk 11~ B<.ochlg Compa.cy MC IF·S' '.0. Dox3101 Sullie. WA 91124 Fax: 206-662·13SS Genld Drcsslour, Esq. The Boehl, ComIWlY MC 13·01 P.O.1lox 3101 Scllllie:,. WA 9112.4 Fax: 42S-96S-12l0 Ore" Zimmerman . Administillot o(PlwIlng. Duiidia&. and Public: WOfb CilyorRcnlon lOSS South Orlidy Way Rcnlon, WA 910SS Fax: 42S:.tlo-721) Sondn MC)'tt rlannm& Duildillr,. md rublic WOfb Ci:yofRcnlOl'l lOSS South Grady Way Renton, WA 9aOSS .' __ .;:;.._ .... 'C'. '. :~~;' .... _" - t" " - . ", .. '£~"'" ffK~~}\··o.·,! ',' ...... • • .. -~-'~.' .' '"'' . ~' _ .~ig' fu,: ofu..4lG-724J ~JtIooa ana)' bo dclivec~ br r.wuiloot U.s. mall Nociccs shall 1!0 docmed efrm.~ irmai}od. VJ.1OIl1:bo Ie ~OOCI ~ day roUowial depoalt thawrill a.. UaitOd. Slatca mall, poItIp prepUd. _u~ .. oJ~"".~"'I''''''''ot.poadol/vay'''''...tIl""""","&iv ... Ei:btr J*1J may c.bl::lao tho.Jdteu 1O~5da ooclcct N)' be aivca by alvin, DOdca as ,bov. pcO\1IdDcL Dooiolot its avec .... ·)j OfUlfptothb AIiLCUltncs!aa!1 &lvc DOtlu to tho City ot1ll'bil "I t ,. ',.If popc:ct)' OYrDa. sbaU ba &ivcn ICJIII* not.!ccs "1Idet lbiJ ,wag,npb 14 ill lCSditioQ to tho -.. Iu: ______ -""~.~'~o~r ______________ ___ ATrnST/AunlENllCATEIl: &"'i';'" bh!tHv Realo;, City Clerk • • S. 2 Ie.. wi • , "" .... • • • • , . • , • .j • , , , " , . Staff Cumacl ". Development Sen'icc!> J)h'isioll IX$lcy Nhhihira (), 72101 ~::::;::-:::,::::~~=:;::-1 J'ublic Ik:trin~ .. Ihe cJcrJication or SW 27'" SIH."CI (aka Correspondence .. Slr.lmler U1vcJ, frum the nUtin)! Llln~crt's Ortiet 'J;lIk Onlinancc: ............ r- (LOI') prOIl\'rlY Hcsoluliull .•........ ," ,I- :c::-----------------j Ohl Ou~iflcss ...... " Nt"\\., lIusinc~s ..•••.• , Issue l'aper • Vicinity Mup • Ik"1.'f.1 of DL-dic-Jliull • SlralK.icr Aj;rcclIlCnl (widioul cxhihil.~) Ra::ommcndc:d AClion: Council concur NIt\ NtA SUMMARY 0 .. ACTION: Study SCuions , .... . Inrorm:uiun ........ . Approvals : Leg.1 Dept ",,,,,,, Finan,," Ot.1'L .... , Other •.............. Tr;arufcrl Amendment ...•... 1{c\'cIIUC Geiler-lied ..••.•••• Total N/A NIA NIA l'ur5uallllo section 3.1 orille Siramlcr Agn:cnlclIl (CAG-02·111), Ucx=ing must dediCoile II) Ihe Cityadditior.:ll righl·of·way fromlhc l.ongacm or~ce 'lark (lOP) propeny in ordr:r 10 OOn1piciC Ihe c:<lcnsion of SW l71h Street (nka Strander 13h'd,), As L"Stablished by Ihe agrn!nlall, the City has ng,rtedlhnt in exchunge for this righl-uf·way: I) the Tr"me Mili£lJtion Fcc for dc\'C:lopmcnl of the LOll shall be fully salisliw; 2) ull of [)OI:lIlg'!i ohhgalions for the Suullda e~tel\siol\ :across Ihe 1.01' properly und :1Il)' other upl'roach (:§ 10 the PHlPt.'rly Ihal 103)' bc rL"quin:J nrc fully sali5 1i~-d; .md, 3) 0111 of llodlllfs obligations fur WI)' uther off·,ilc tr.ansponalloll impro\·clIli.·uts within the City required to support the Icvel of dc\'eloJll1lent contcmrlalcd by the Em'il'Onme1llal Impact Slatemcnt for the LOll shall be fully 5:1tislicd . 111e completion of this dedication ..... ill S:tlisfy the requirements cstlblishctl b)'lhe .. gr~'CllIelll , ~"An' RF.CmIMt:NIJATION: Starr rec:ommcoos that Council ;!ulhori7.c: the Mayor and CiI)' Clerk ttl eXetUlc the I"-'Cd of Dedication. • . • DATE: TO: VIA ; FROM: .\' STAFF CONTACT : SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON l'I.lIlIll1gllllllltllllgll'u b lie Wo r ks MEMORANDUM , M,y21,200) 1\11111)' K\.'OI"~r.Wha:lct, Coun;;:111'n,)IJcnl Mcn\b.:,lo vflhe Itcnl~\n City CculICl1 ~la)-lU JI:"I: Tanner Gn:¥S Zimntcnllan. Arlmini:OlrJtor 1..c~lcy Nishihirol. DcvclopmcntIPJanning. x7270 SW 17'" Slrt'~t (wkll Sirandrr Uoulcvard)- Acct'plaRC'e or l)tdlcallop The: Ilocin~ Company is l'Cquc.'Slin,Q the City's OIccc-ptuncc of the I.h.:dic3tion of SW 27111 SUtt1 (aka Sttomdcr uQulc\'anJ) froll1lhc Uodllg lm'''',cn:s om('~ Pink propcn)'. SlafT K'l;olllrllcnd$ Council accl:l" Ihe Prol)Oscd d",'tiicalion of SW 2th Sireet and aUlhorU.c Ihe ~Ia)'or and Ihe Cit)' Clelk III cl(ctulc thl: Deed of Dedicat ion. n .\CfSGROllNIl SlIMM.\R}': In Dctcmbcr of 2002. Il'..c City cUlcn.'d illl0 W\ OIgrt.'Cmcl1l with tile: Boeing Company rtganling the cXlcnsion of the SW 2711'1 StIttt right·of·way through the: Longacre! Office Park: (LOP) propcny. The: agrc:cmcnl refers to SW ~7~ Str\."'Ct as "Str:uuJcr Boule\'atd" within the e:xcc-.ttc:tl document (CAG·02·21I ). The a~",,"1ncnt establishes that the: exte:nsion of SU".I.llllcr Boulevard from OakesJale Avenue SW acro5$ the LOP site: to the tity limits of Renton is included in the City'S Tr.msponJlion Impro\'crr.cnt Program . TIle: 3g~lI\enl also lJeknowlcdges the City'S desire to conrinn the avai1:abilit)" loclJtilln :u111 funding of the: Str.1ndcr rislll·Or·way and elltnsion. The :a!,V'CCI1It."fIt rurther dtablishcs nU\:inS's intent to JU\.'P;uc Ihe LOi' rropcr1)' for potc:nti:al development; thereby necessitnting the rt5Cissioll or the 11)8"* Agreement right. o('W:lY alignment.. :lS well as the mollificatIon or Boc:inS'S pa)'1I1CIII oblisaliolls for the extension in liSh! orcum:nt conditions. in addition, the llgrcenu:nt rm\'idcs c1ariliciltion • .. I AI I . I Suhfllilllng Dal:.: l'l:mning/Hullding/flutllic Wurb For "~eoo .. or· Der'l n i v IUo;! rd . DC\'f:lorfllt'/il St:rvic.:s I)ivisiull June 2. 2003 Slafr C(lOlacl ..• lA-osley Ni~hihir.t (x7270) A}!eml:t SI:lIU' Consent. .•.• "" ..... X Sllhj~'t:t : I~blic flc:Lrillg .. AC:C:t:PI,IOCC uf Iht: dL-dic:l1ion IJr SW 27" S!rt:CI (~k .. COrlt'!iflCuxll,'ncc: .. Slra'",t:! Ulvd) rWllllhc Boring LungOlcres Orlke I'ark Ordimlllce ............. (lOI', prupcrl)'. Res"Iulioll ........ , ••• Old lJusiness ........ Exhibils: New Business .••...• • Issm: 1';lpcr Siudy Scssioll~ .••••• • Vicinlly MilP Infornulioll ......... • l>cro (lr [)<.-dic!llioll • Slrandcr Aj!ft.'CIIll'1l1 (wilhllol e"hihilS) R«onunendnl AcliulI ; Appro"als : Council cuncur Legal Pcpt ........ FiIIJIICe: Dcpc ..... Olht:r ............. Impact: Expcndilure Rcqllirnl •.. NIA Tran!>rcr ,,\ ntclldmclll ....... N/" AmnulII Jludgclcd ...... ~ RC\'cllut: Gclleralro ......... ~ ~ ..9l'~ SUMMMtY Qt' ACTION: Pursuanllo seelion 3,1 orlhe: Sirallllcr "srCL'fnen' (CAG·02·211). Doe:ing lIlusl de:dieale: 10 lhe City additional right.oC·WOlY rfolllth~ Loncacrc! Office I'alk (lOl', prO"L-rt) in order to complct~ Ihc extension of SW 27· SlrC1:1 (nk::a Sir-mder Dh·d,). As csl:r.blisiled by Ihe: :lgreemCflt. the City has aW'cL-d Ih:.1 in e.'(ch;lI1gc fur lhis righl-or·WOlY: I) the: Tr~flie MitigOltion f~e: for dC'\!elopr.1~nl orehe LOP sli;lll be rull)' salisfil.-t.I; 2) all or Boeing's oblig:slions for 1111: Str:mder cxtension ;across the: lOr pfoperty Ilnd :my olher oppro;lehcs to the: propeny Ih:r.l mOlY be: rc'luired are: fully satisfied ; nnd, 3) 0.11 of 8ocing's obli~liolls for nlly olher off·site Ir.msponation impro\'L-menls within the Cit)' required 10 support the I.:\'cl of de\'clopme:nt conle:mpllll~d by the Environmen tal Imp3cI SI:llcmenl for Ihe lOP sl1:.11 he fully S3lisru:d. The completion or tlus dalication will salisfy the requirements nl:!bli.shcd by the agft'Cm~1I1. ~·rA t'F Rt:COM M J::N UATlON: slarr reculllillentlc 111:'1 Council :J.ullmri7.c Ihe Mayor :md CilY Clerk to CXL"CUle the DL-cd ('Ir lletJicalion . o DATE: TO : VIA: FROM: STAFF CONT ACf: SUDJECf: ISSUF.: • • CITY OF IIENTON 1'l.nnlnglUulldlngll'ubllc Works M~:MORANIlUM M,y 21. 200) K:uhy KcolkcfoWhrckr. ('uuncill'rcsilknl Mcmhas uf UlI! "(nhm CilY C,nlncil ~b)'Or Jess, T;ilmcr ~ Gregg Zin101(nnouV'lf."ninistr.ator Lesley Nishihi~.lk\'clopmcntll)l:mning. x7270 SW 11" Str~(1 (aka Slunder Uoulcnrd)- Acnpluncc or Drdlution The Boeing Company is rcqu\."Slil1lt the Cily's uccq'llnncc of the dedication of SW 27111 Street (:tka Slrant.iI:r Buuh:vard) from the Oodng Lon!)ucres Office Park property . Rt:COI\I:\ IENPATIONj Staff fC'CommcnLis Council ,,(CLOP' Ihe proposed d~ic(llion of SW 27''' 51;«1 .lind nuthorizc the ~13)''Or and the City Clerk 10 exctule the Del.'\! of Dedication. B.\CKGROUI'IO SUMM,\RY: In D«crnbcr of 2002. the CilY c:nlcn:d into nn "~fC:cmcnt with the Bodng Compnny ~prding. the extension orlh..: SW '27· Strtct right-of-way through Ihe Long3crcs Office Park (lOP) property. The "81«mcnt refers 10 SW 27'" Street as "Slrowler Doulevllnl" wilhin the exec:uted documenl (CAG·02.211). The ;agre;:ment establishes th::at the extension of Strander Douh:v:ml from Oakesdale Avenue SW :u:ross the 1.0f' si:e to the city limits of Renlon is includc.-d in the City's Tr:mspel1alion Improvement progr.un. The ;lsreenu:nl also acknowledges the City's desire 10 roofinn the aV;lilability, location :md funding of the Strander right-or.woy ;mtI extension . The agrecment' further establishes Uoeiny's intent to prepan: the 1.01' property for potential dC\'e!opment: 'he:rt~Y neccssitating the rescission of the: 1984 Agreemcnt right- of-way alik:nmcnt. :as wcll 35 the mOllification of UoeillS'S pa)111cnt oblig:uiOlIS for the extension in light of current condiliolU, hI addition, the agreement provillcs clarHication Slander Dlnl Ocdicalion JUI.le Paper Pa&t 2 of 1 o G of the :1P1\lic:1ble procedures and sl;md;lId, oeces.$:'f)' ror !loc:inc's construction of a local aeeelS road within the re:st. ..... 'cd SIr.wh:r right-of·way. Pursuant to section 3.1 of the document. Uocing must dedicate: to the City the ncces.s;uy right.of-way from the: LOP property in order to complete: the extension of Strande:, 8oulcV3fd, TIle City has Qgreed that in exchange fOf this right-of-v.'aY: I) the TrllOie Miligution Fce for dc\'e:lopment of nle LOP sMlI be: fully satisfied; 2) 411 of Boeing's obliKOJlions for the Str.mdc:t extmsion 3CroSS the LOI' property and lUIy othc:t awro:achcs to the property that lIlay be required nrc: fully s3tislicd; and, 3) all of DOOns's obli~alions .for 3n)' other off.site Ir.msportation improvCOlents within the Cit)' required to support the level of development contemplated by the E.nvironmental Impxt Statement for the: lOI) shall be fully $3Iisfict.l. The completion of this ro:ldwilY dedic.uion will sltisfy the requirements cstabli$hed by the SlrImdc:t Agreement. The 3Ction is "Iso consistent with the terms cstablishrd by the Developmcot Agrct.'1TIenl belween the !laeing Comp:u1)' and the City of Renton (or future dC\'elopment of LongO'lC'n,'$ Office Park, which W:!.S execuled in Dccembc:r o( 2002. Similarl),. the estnblishment of Ihe right-of.way extension (nnf~mns 10 Ihe Binding Site Jlhm recorded (or the tOP on February 21. 200). ec: Alex Pietsch. EDNSr Adminislr.ltor Neil Wnll., Development Services Director Jennirer lIennin~, Principal PI:uUler lesley Nishihir:t. Senior l'IMner • • ,pc .. ~ ~ : , .. . ' ., .. -, .. ~ " .. .. , , '. ~,. .. .""", .................. .,. ...... --'. , ,.- .. • , .. , .. .. , , • , - " .. , • Rthml AdJrru: Cit)' atd;', Officr Cit)' or R(II$OO lOS' Soutbtmdy W.y Renton, WA 980$$ '-. o m:ED OF flEDICATION , Cr.nlf't'(.): I. Clly afHenlan. a MUinKlrul CGtpOflti"" TrH1 F of the lIoting l.onp.ctC'l rwpm)' JlinlJin& Silt 1'1M! Nfl., I.UA.(l;!.oll. as rcconkJ on I'thr~ty 21, 200) under Kt(Ofdin, No. ]OOl02210014G4. RfflJf1.b of ti:"" ('uunty. WMhinr;lOl'l. All tinalt in Scam 25. T""-nlhip 21 NOJtb, brlgc 4 l:..w, Williwdre MC"Iidi.\n. ill Ibc Cit), of Rc:t\tUCI. Kin, I'AI"', Inc.,:1 ",holly. lJod", CottlJI3fl)' • CllyCk,k STATe OF WASHINGTON ) 5S COUNiV OF ~ING ,.. I «f1ity~ I bow Of N''e ~lnr.:lIX)'n'k1~ WI Colette M. Tmunink. Aulhllril~ Si;mIDl')' O(LonpCIU "czk.lm:. apel 1Iu. ~.tnd wktovwrkdpd" tu ~ his.lktNwIf 6", MIl YOhuIlary., M \ht lOin -' JIIIIl"*I _M.al. l'tc .""'" 11r..-'t"ntM!.wItIl~tl'lllntl(JDl!I:1lI1 ..... ' • " ---, • o ,'_ .. -~ ... ~ --, Jhhlblt t. M.p , -'-- rl~' • o J.egal Dacrlptlon A STRIP OP LAND r-oR ROAD l'URI'OSP.s, BEING A PORTION "OP PARCEl S F AND G AS DEUNJ!A11lD ON SURVI!Y RtCORDI!D UNDI!R KING COUNTY RllCORDING NUMBI!R 920II6900Z,IN VOLUME 85 OF SURVI!YS, PAGES 27 AND Z7A, J!XCEPT TI JAT PORTION TIII!RI!GP CONVEYF.o TO TI IE CITY OP RENrON FOR TIIB OAKSDAU! J!XTI!NSION BY DlllJD RI!CORDI!D UNDI!R KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBI!R 9803250371: BEING 90 FI!I!f IN WlOTIf, LYING 45 Fr:JlT ON J!ACIJ SIDE OF TIlE FOLLOWING UESCRIDI!D CBNTERLlNE: CGMMENCING AT TIlE NOR11IWEST CORNI!R OP SAID PARCEL F: TIII!NCE SOU11I OZ006'48" WEST ALONG TIlE WEST UNE OP SAID PARCEL p, IIS.JO FI!I!f TO 11IE TRUE I'OINT Of' JlEGINNING: 11IENcr. LI!A VING SAID WEST UNp.,sounr 88"29'5Z"EAST642.S: I'ElITT011IE I'OINTOPCURVATURI! wml A 455.00 FOOT RADIUS cunVE TO TIlE RIGJIT: 11IENCIl SOunUlASTERLY ALONG mE ARC OP SAID CURVE. 11IROUGIJ A CENTRAL ANGLE OP 41"2I'ZI" AN ARC Dls'rANCE OP 328.4Z FI!I!f TO TIm POINT OP TANGENCY: mENCE SOunl 47°08'31" EAST 404 .41 FI!I!f TO TIll! POINT or CURVA11JRJl WITH A 445.00 POOT RADIUS CURVE TO TIll! LEFr: 11IENCE SOunfEASTERLY ALONG TIll! ARC OF SAID CURVE. TIIROUGIJ A CENTRAL ANGLE or 41°49'22" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3Z4 .83 I'EEI' TO TIll! POINT or TANGENCY: TIfENCI! SOU11I 88°57'53 EAST240.18f·EEf TO TIlE WEST MARGIN OPOAKSDAU! J!XTI!NSION AS UEUNEA11!D ON SURVEY RECORDED UNDI!R KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBI!R 20000630900001, IN VOLUME 138 or SURVIlYS, PAGES 212 AND 2IZA. AND TIll! Tl!RMINUS OJ'SAID CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION. CONTAINING 174,806 SQUARE FEET OR 4.01 ACRES, MORl! OR lESS. TIlE SIDELINES OP 11lJS RIGIIT OF WAY SIJALL BE SHORTENED OR LENOTIII!NEI) SO AS TO MEET AT ANGLE POINT AND TO TI!RMINATE AT ALL BOUNDARY UNES. SmJA rn IN TIll! CITY or RENTON, COUNTY OF KINO. STArn or WASIJINOTON . .... ' •• " r' , • • • " . o • .. o CAC-02-211 ST~~D£RAGRE~MY.NT TJUsAGREEMENTisEQ"andcntercdi~OL'\is 11-0. da)'cf Da:Emeert 2002.b)' .. belWteD nm BOEINO COMrANY •• Do!law •• COi,lJOinCtoo (-Doeinx"). &ad tho ClN OF RafTON ••• UlidJ81 cOfptntion oHbe S'..ala or Washin&ton ("the City"). !(EC1TALU A.. Loopcru Part,.loc {"LPlh. wbully-owncd subsidiuy onJocin& I.s tho owner or ........... p"",1y ("PI"",')"'), bowo u olIc Loa ...... 0fIl<0 hot ("WP").loaIod ioo Iho C;1y ~R.t"da\ Kio& Coo*>,. WaslU0l1oa. aM ~ ra-tlcular1y dc:scn'bcd in EXlnDIT A attKbcd hemo _ iDcoopuollk:d vein by this td'crtDCO. LPI and Doda, hi,", c:otc:mS into. ionttCml Oroond leas. rt ,uo, wida dIed froaa J&mIQI)' I. J991 punuant lowbich DociDa may pc1CI$"'S' Iho Propc:r1y lhrou&ll Dco:c 'llber )1. 20271Dd may ill cutaia. cimamstanccs cxeeocf lhc tum orlho 1 case tbrou&h 0-........... 31, 2OS7. tum&ant to lbo Lease. Coein& may rtJer Wo thitAsrccmtnC m &tins's 0..." name. A mo )Of_am oltho lc-w was fC(Ofdcd IS No. 97070)0121 in the Real FWputy Rcconls orx.." Cuwy. B. Tho City bAs iDdudod in its Transpotution lmrrovemmt f'roa;nun ('"11P", aD cxlc.nskIiD o(SttaDdc:r novkvxd (also Mown tIS S.W. 2"t' Sllect) wat (rem Oakescblc AVmuo S.W. across tbe PJoputyl0 tho Ciry Umill ofaenton ("Slnnder Extmsioft" 01' ·2xlcnslon"). c. On ~h.y II. 19S4.lho City and 11,~ru" Inc.,. DocblS" PfetJ~"S(lf 10 intCf"Cst. c:nfcrtd ioto an '\&Itc:a',ot recorded lta JClq COWlty uNo. 1406010540 ("1914 Alre-emCDl~. ptDYldinl fm' • .ooa& other \bin" .. (a) h$ .... talion orriahl orW&y (or tho Slnlndct Elte:nJion ~crou IboPlopc:t'f)', (II) estahlisb/lleDI OrM aJipment (or lho Exlcruton KJOU I.ho 1'ropea1)'. (e) acquisition by 1M City of'lbo:=:tted right of wry. (d) con$Iruc:lion by Dro.bcrcs of • local access rood ac::cQlfiDa &0 City stJ.:ct s1IDd'nh ror local ~es. roads wilhin tho reserved ri&hl otway. (0) pA)'mCnt by Brotdac.rcs DOl &0 cxceed 30 percent orl.bc toLll cod o( Olc:ndins SInlndcr r,om the east A'opafy liDo Co 200 rCd east oflhc DLIIIing1011 Nont-.un Diln»tJ rig,bl oCway, &lid (0 leduction orDtt..Idacrcs' J*)1bUIt by the (WI cost apeDdcd by DroadxtcS in dcsi&JIinJ and coastnlclinJlho kleal •• cess rood. D. Tbe £nvircnmenlaJ lmp«' SlAlmmt (·ElS~ MitiC'Uon DocumCDI ~Oftbc LOP IhJt wu jmwd ia May. 1995 rMitiptioo ~1'1 included a T~ion Mitig,aUoll Coodilioos A"eCDJalI ttm ....... , other provisions requin:s DoeinllO pay to the CrIy trusportalkla mitiption rca 0($15.00 per trip ("Cd)' TracspoI1aIiOn MitipdclQ Fee") l .. sed 011 17.ooo.wngc ctaiJy trips to be p::xa.edby (WI dcvdopDart orlhe LOP rLOP MitiS.lion Fee.1-&etas has p.Ud 10 Ibc city. as traasp':IItIIic:G mitiptioa rea un6crtho Tnnsporbtion Mitiplion COOifltiocls Ag:eeDltftl., .$1570500 (butd on2.JCO wenp daily trips) .. the fin)o or permit tppIlUlioa ror tho DoeinS Commert.iaJ Airp_ Grocp (-ncAG'1 JJcaclqua.rtm DuiJdin, and S69,1S0 (bucd on 930 avenge daily trips) It Iba: lillie otpcnnit appIiiatioa felt the Bocinl-Rcmoo FL'1IiJy Cale Cmtte. The LOP MiliS.doa Fee !as lbe transportation mitigation (Cl:I alJudy paid 10 lbc City ("tid LOP Mitization Fee' as oCtho Ib1coCthiJ ApMD<Dt is SI,197.150(bascd on 2J,970 aver'le daily hipt. rcrCfcnccd bercinlncr as !he.",.. .. Trips1- , . .. • , ~. -.. • • -• oI __ ~ _U'"-' ",--. ;;0 -• .., . . n. IJocing DfIW pi,." 10 Jnpuc the Propcrty (or pnt~nlbl t.kvclopnt1lllhat will n:quirc (.) modinCAlioo o(tho 1914 AB-;ecmtnl dtht of wly Alignment. (b) mooirujon ofDocin,'s pCI.)'mtnl obligalionJ (oc Ihe &\auion 10 IMilllcQ current conditions. and (c:) cbfirlc:dion of lhc pnxedURS and 51',Nj.nfs (or noelna 10 consWd • Joel! II(:CCU fuM withl" tho ,caved rilht ofwq (or Iho S.rander ~tension. F. The Cit)' dc:sifeJ 10 coorllm the • .,.illlbility,localion and fundi", o(lbe StllnIkt ridli of way and cxlcm5on. In IMIdilion.lhe City hu rcccind infonnalion and cbla pro'I'itSed by 60cinC lndle.1ing ~I expansion and imp-ovment oflhe O,ody Way and OUc.sd:lfo AV'Cl:luo itrtmc:ctiwl will bo nquin:d as. result o(tnaffic demands (rom lhccompldion o(OnkcscbJoAvmucAnd (uhn developmenl in the are •• f i. Boein,cand tho Cil), deS". tOfeM:md the J9&4 Avmncnl and 10 cmer into. DCW agm.ZIlcnl rcCUding tho Stlandc:r Exlensioo 10 rcpbcc tho 19&4 Al1cc:mcnl II. P.stAbllshina this "srmuenl ",ilJ makrially aid ,be City in .pproGdIin, th. Stllo of Wuhinston and (edetal funding aF"'l'Itics (or nnincial ASSistance In devtlopin, the SIn.Ddcr Ealcruion project. I. The City aM Docin, ~nsl6et Ihis effoct!o be a public-priv.to J»ltnasbip and 'PPfoach it lOti this AgJttUlcnt in tho .pirit of partners.llntkipatina (bit icsucsAnd W1foruccn events will be rnotvnf on III mutually .gt"-Ablc basis illS they.,1sJ during the courso of pcrforroanu of Ibis At;rtcment. 'NOW. TIlEREfORE. in COfUiidrnalionoflho munW cove.,.,IIS and under the ferrnsllld coocJidons htttinanc:r;ct forth. tho rueipt and sufficiency ofwhk:h is hereby aocknowkd&eil.lhc pcwtics bema COVCJWIt and auec at foUowJ: ~~~~:~'~-:3g~~~~~~~~1~~~~t~Iloo~]in~&~'~"'~'~'~'~'o ~ for lhe dunlloa and Pwpcrty for tbet SlmXkr hereto Mel ioc:OIpotIIled herem by this refmnec, rand .ppt'C>.Iim'lely depicted in Ilso IILIC.hcd hemo and 1nc00pouiled bcnln by this rcfmn«l (-rug,1it oeWay Resc:rvaltonj. lbc City.grees that &he alignment of tho Strandc:t B11c:nsion Ihllll be Jocalcd wilhin the R1ght ofW.y Reservation. 2. Unless otherwise provided In Ihis Agrttm~. Boelna Dpus not locorulluct wilhi.r the Right ofW.yRC$etv.lion and sctbotb from tho Rlebt oCWIIY Rc::suntion thAI arc nquircd t..y City Code. for ~ oClhi, AgrtCIllf:Dt. the term "buildin,-sh~1I mean MY stlUttun: hiving 1 roofsuppoiIlcd by columns or walls and intended (or the .hetler, housin, or enclosura of any irldividu:tl, llfIim~1. process, equipment,!oods or materials of any kind ar nature. 1. Rlabt oeWar At!JlIisj1i20. ______ .. 1.1 . Doeilllt D~ 10 daJiCAte lalhe: City ltal rortion oflhe Prorrrty locatC'd within lho RlrJ:'1 oC Way Reservtllion rRiChl (IC Way PrO('lt'rty-). This Ikdiealion sJl:"1 be aCC1'JlIcd by $~"""IIi.O. " '~l.U 11/11«11 • • 0. ... ' • -• , . .. . o " ...... -~'''' . , ., L" Cfty wilhw 1&0 d:lys f,om 1M daht or IJIl!.Apecmcnt. ID coo.,; Xt:olion (or lhc dc:diClllM>nUrlho Ript <lew,., PiOS>e1ty,lh;) City agrees Ib.:d (iii) tho LOr Miliptton t'ca rayable 10 lhe City oCRcnloB (<<\bel LOr wll be fUlly giasrtN. (b) all ofUocinl'sobliplionJ (ul tM Stl1lndc:tExtcmion oefOS! tho Propnt)' ao1 ~ to the Prort"I1Y thac lUIy be impuxd by Iho Cit)' or any fwncing ~ ll\3U 1IO fully $Iluliut. -.J (c) aU ofDocLoa'. oblig.alMms tor any otht-r ofT·.ile tI,ospodaJm im~ts within tho cit)' of Rcnloa thal_c requirtd 10 support lho Jc.nl of ruJl ~OrtM WI' as contemplllttd in lhe t:lS wll be fullyu!ill~1Cd. J 2. Tbc Cil)' a&JtC=$lo tnkt into foon.1 dlscuulotu wi!.h &ems rtg.&nJing pLtctutQtCol~ "OJ-Icd Qp&lUtc. and imp.o\UIlCQfoflhe Grady Way and Odc:sdalc Avenue iatcn«ln. as a piariryprojecl on lbc Cil)"np atlbc nul schcd-.J1aJ update ofth.a np. Any .~ Ratbed between the City and Docie, on this: Nbjed Wli be mauoriali.zcd and Ipprond in .. KpaniC docamc:nl 1.J. Tho City agttts not kt adopt an authoritatioo WIIkr appliublo law fot tho ~nition oraIl or part ot'tho Righi oew • ., "'IfIQIY undct condc:m,wion or threat of coodcmnation Jwiq: \be lena ofthtJAjptcm"'t. unicu Docin, fails lodaJicalc the RiplofWay Property in KC(.Ifl.bncO with tbo terms ant.! pl'l')virionJ o(th~ A,,"menl. ).4. The City Ipl:« It\,)! Doeina may allhe lime ot City acquisition o(llIo RigJ:I ofW,y Propmy I'CSCfYc, notKJ:clu jive pc:rpchUl easement ovc!'. across. along. iu, upon, under. Ind IhIw;h tho Right ofW.y Prorctty (It pl.ll'pOIScs that include access. ulility, dninaac, and any rq:ulitory re:qtrirHnents :'Wlicablc 10 tho. dcyc10rmenl oelOl', Any uses fot tbe Riaht otWay PI""",,, pope ~ by Dneing other 1!wI for IhoH purpose' will u~quile p-ior Ciry approval. ~"lIieh WU 1M be UIV"QS(lMbly withheltl -t.). Upon daJiClilion orltH: 'l ighl otWay PIOI'ffly to the City,the City.~ 10 creMe a ~c account in Doctng's RIme rllescn II Atcoun,") thai coatains the lnpIid Trips. Trips itI&be flC$CMI Account wll be consitk1td!.he pnso..'Ul property of Uoeln, unless they Ale wiped by Doeius -:o. ".:cmot in intcresllo ,II or any rortiOQ or rol PfOPClty located in Ihc City oeRcnJon. inciudm" irA DOt limited to. IA ownn's auocial;en Of similar tnti'y prming.ny cr III orNCh popet1y. BociDa may It its sok: dbcutioa withcbw from!.hc Rtst'1.e Aceounl all cr. portioo orlho Plcp:aidTrips.1o be a:diled Ipinsl and COtl!1iMc full paymc:flII ortbe City TransportaUoQ Mitigation FICO (or the CCJIW aumbu ohips gmmlcd by dcYdoptuenl of lny P10raty owned by Docitl, wilbla the City oCRmtoo IS ortho date orthis A"ument ("Jtenlon Proputies11hac would olbcrwisG be SDbjccI SO Ibe C"tty TtatISpOfbtioo Mitigation Fee. The Renton Propaties InS described in EXJnDlT o atc!clw;ol buclomd ina'IIj"'IUfcd herein by thb rc(mnce. If ADd.t'I"bm Boeing withdraws such Pn-paKtTrips from tbe Rcsuyc Ac~.the Dumber ofP'rq»KI T.ips in lbe Rcscrvc Account shall bo cotmpoodin&Jy reduced. SbouJd Doc"in, cboose 10 wi&" Prcp4id Trips 10 IlI'ojocts other than LOP. those Prepaid Trips will no loa," be aV4ibbJe (Of LOP tnnspoftoalioa mitlption. 4.2. Doeillg wll timely nolifylhc City, as provided in this Agreement.. of tho witlMhWlll, dcs-ip:alion, or usignmcnt oftlip' in the RCStn'o Account by providing 10 the City. document itt !.be (oem and coolcnl described by EXJDlItT E ullKhnJ hereto and mcocpot'lIltd hmill by this rcfc:rc:ncc. '1lIe Cit)' atJttS 10 llfOyidclo Docins 'Millen eonfinnoation of such W:lhdraW3l, dcsi&mition. or 2ssigAml'1lt. llso as de.sctibcd by EXIIIIJIT E, -_. .. • r , .. . . , , -. • • .. ~ ... -,:,!,,, • • 0 r -.., • . .- ',;/ • 5. R(';l'jcw o(Pkn •. lhc Cily "rJen: 10 lise its be",. and limdy efforts ID Include Doefn, ~ In tbe plMninB Ilt)II design or~ SiraMer lliIlc:nul'ifl. I'riot 10 City IiJilliov.1 o( corutmcliOQ plaIUI rot lbe Strande:'" n.tcnsion.lM in any even! no ia'tt 'hAn )ir.11 (60\ &by. prior 10 oommrn«:mc:nf or «AUltUClkIn or lho SlIanlkr J!xtcru;!on. tho Cit, $h,U provido tJoc:inS wil" en£inecrlnt. .,chilccruraJ, Md othtr totlsll",,.k,,, plaru r:.r the nxlc:rui~ nl)ti rthlrd lmpfovc:mc:nl.lntllMfinS but notlimitcd 10 sl",.1 toutrol.)~~n!. utilities. sklewaJl.J:, dii· .. ~y KCCSJ, w;lllJ. rrncing.lipJlli.na. and ,ignin .. 6. IWI Accru Road. Should bodoK rrquirc Property ac«st prior to compJdioo or t"o Slrlndct ,*lcnJton. Docin, may cCKUlllld !troo.1I or rare orlhc Rir,bt of Way Property.1ocaJ MCW rood to eil), stllllb,ds C-1...ocI1 Axc:)7. Rood'"). 1be l.oeol Access Road may include n»dw.y. U1Uit'u, atonllwflk, (w;.iHti". L~lb, lI';IIm&. and C'Ilher Jttuaurcs required by OocinS and the Cily. Tho l;xu /I«Ui ;t.~ '~Il", dt.Jicaled to!he City fOf public we willli" fhir1y (lO) days following ;u C:~'lIplr;tlon. 111c ('il), ,~""J, lh:tt the 1..oc .. 1 Access Road OIl mutuall)' agrted upoo detour rthItc rllolU femain open to vchlo:ulll' lIame dlllin& con.\lIvction ofChe Sttaockr E.xttnSion. 1M City.J1CCl b Riro.btuu Docin& At Ibo luna oflk Sll'lUKkr ExtenskJD constnKlion fOf".lI deli," and coruttuclion co:.., Incwrcd for l..ocll Aec~. ROItd components !.hat are designed and conslNCled to City SCancW\t~ 'to( [\,'\11 lh.t ma)' l:~ !~ttcd lnlo the Str.tnck, &.tmsioa project. 7. Sired ",(('S1 IIrl.JJt1ws.rtm. 7.1. AIII'It>pt'll,. frootaga .ionlt fhl! Sir-mller ulension wI! k:&vo acct.u 10 lho public right OrW'l, \Ullw ott-.e.wiso IIgt~ by th, r;lrtit.s. 7.2. Docin8 mn)' e!illlblish ntong the SlmndCT FXlension Iwo inlc~lions with ,trtels 10 the north DlId south OrOte Extcn:'lion. Boeing rna)' propose oddiliorW -, intcrsc:ctions in the: fulure (Of considefltlinn n..~1 possible oJ'SKov:a1 by tbe City. fioeing sJWl p.1y full CO$t f.Jr Myl-ru!lc ~i&nnl(,) n:quirw DI any h.lcrscclions eslnbli,bed. Doeing may also cstnbli5h along tl~ SlltlndCT Extcruion privollc d,ivcwor. 'IICCW points, subject to Cit)' Code rc<;Wmnents; pro\'idi.'d, hm'r1:Vcr. !h.:It the Cit)' rcsc:rvo the right to limiltuming movements 01 such privale drivewa)' OCCtl'S roints 10 rij!lit-in ~ rigl';l-oul onfy. I. ImniMt~, This Appcmmt ~llcnninlilc Iwtnt)' (20»)'Ut. from the dllc of txeeution ofthlt: Apctmcnl, or upon fin:.1 c.ompldiol'l orthc SIIIlOOer Iblension. whichever occurs tarliet. Itconstruct;"" oflhc Slnlnder fil(lension h:ls not been (ully (ubdc:d and commmccd by \be dIIlo oClmaiMiioo of tJlis AgMmcnt. Bocina al itJ aole discretion rna)' rrquirc: lhal the Cil)' reconvey to Doeing tho rug,htu(Wa)' PropntyexcllUive oflht Local Access Rood iCdtdicaled lolbe City as provided in P.vagJ1lpb 6 orlhisAgrnmenL Whenlbe Righi oCW .. y J>ropelt)' is ~vcyN 10 DociD& by tho City. Boc:in& shan pol)' 10 tho Cil), the anlOtln! orthc Net LOP Milig.alion Fre Cfediled 10 Doeins UOOct PMIVaph 3.1 oflhi, AUftmcnl. 9. Drl'!!!IJ. l!ltM evcnl or a de(lIull or r;lilure. Orperform;ll'lC:o by citJlCf ~lly or In)' tcnn Of' cond~lon llooc:r Ihis A~menl, the dcrauhin& 1\\lly shall have thirty (lO) days linn writlm notice &lvca to thail pAIl)' b)' the non·defaulting pMy. as provMkd in this Altlwuenl, 10 tule the default; provided. however, Ihat ir,he ture cannot coson.1bly be cornpJctcd within such thi.t)' (30) d.iy period. the dcraulti,18 po'ut)' shall have such lon~, puiod AS is ,c/OOnabJ)' nccCSSU)' 10 curc the derluJI so lon, as the dc:rlullin& party w:tli c.,mmrncc the cu~ within the thirty (lO) dAy p:tiod.tnd there.ncr compJdC thc C\lrt wilh due diliccncc. '. " . o .~--~ .... ~~.-~ -. . ., 10. SIX§I''W' BD1I Apims. lbi, Apttmcnt and exh ()rthc terms, provisions, tooditkm.. and wYc.INlllJ befeba shall run witb tho land and aNll inutO to the benefit of:tnd be biQlllna upun lho paJtitI aDd UM:it mpc<dvo suctWOft IUd assigns. 1'ha putks .u.nowled,o thai Bocln,III'Y a.uip 1h1s Ali I .. CI!l to an owncr',lUOCL.laoa or Iwilor entity (or the Propc:fl)', and ..,.. tMI upoa RJC.b au:ianmtnt Doo.iol.hall bo tdcaud (ran aU ria,hl1 and obllplionl bercundcr. Jotwi\Utaodma dw fortJOiP .. 1hD puties.vec thai Ooeingml), main.1I ri&hU 10 the PJepaldTrips .. \JMI Jtouyo A(;C(QIt. AI prcrtidcd in PIIlIp.ph ".I .• nd tnI)' assign thoso riahb fOf wilhdnW'21 and ~ .. u pto'I'tdcd In \bts A .. wQt:nl. II. Rmm.q, of 12M AmcmrnJ. Upon nccuttoa utthlsAyctmcnt. the 1914 "pCUllcnt shall be null. YOid. &ad without effect. 12. Complianco wjlb ktw3. 1bo parties dull.1 a!lldea acl'tiso lho riaJrts srant:d to them " ...... lhis A~ iA ~o with .1I.pp'itable IbIt.Jla, onkn. l\IRI and ",Illations or ... y pgblic authoIiry havialjwisdk1ion. 13. Gvtgpinsl.aw. This Agrcemcol ,.",.11 be &OVttDCd by, construed. and c:nforud in litCCf'fhnco with lbe 14ws ortbo Stale of W.shinBIOCl. Venuc {or any atlion unckr this A&fttmenl wU be KiDS County. Washin&ton. 14. NoCic.t. /UJy notice reqvlml 01 pelmit1ed 10 be liven under this AgtccmCl1lslW1 be in writin, 100 s.ball be delivucd 10 tbe followinS iJesi&»«,S: Iflo Doting: wilh. scc:ond nolic;e 10: ltlo City ofRc:DIoa: with.a second noIic;c to: Cokue TcmJnink 1'bo DoeinJ Company Me IF·SI P.O. Doll )701 SUllie. WI!. 91124 Fax: 2~662·llSS <kn)d Ihtu5out. Esq. The Boeing COfIIpMy Me n·o. P.O. Box )107 Sea"~. WA 91124 Fax: 042S-96S,'210 Gregg Zimmctm.an AdmlniMlof of Mmnin& Duildin".nd Publ~ WOIks City of Renton .. ~ lOSS SouthGndy Way Renton, WA 910SS Fa,,; 42S-4)o.n,n S_M'Y<' Pbnnin& Building. and Public WOfC Cily of Remon 1055 SoUlh Gnady W.y Renton, WA 910SS ..... , .... IlnlJOl • • , . , I , , " " '--.' .' ~:-" 0 0 ., Fa: ",U.Oo.1241 }lu{kes may be delillcmllry (ltCSimilo Of U.s. mail. Hoi"' sball be doemcd dTective. if fNikd. \!pDQ tho JC:ICODIf bwihess day folJowinS dcposrc lhctcof In tho UAlied States mail. pomp prepdcS. urtintd or rcgl.stcnd mail, mum receipt rcquesled. Of upon delivery tbnto(i( o«bc:rwhc,.m..: Eltherparty may chango lbc .ddruIlo whkh noIicu rnay be aims by Bivin, oocke as above. provided. BodnS or ill suee"'"" or lWign 10 this Agreement dWl give OOlicc 10 !he City of'A'h.Jt IUW'SSOf pupal, 0WDmI shall be ziven scpAmc noIkQ uodef this P.,.y.pb 14 ill addili:lQ to (be abov .. m wmmss WHEREOF, pumw>I t. the I"""~; ..... ronl""" No. U'" rna '/""<Z-___ ' or tba City or ReatOft, saki C'd}I)t:s "used Ibis ~~ executed by its DATIlDtbb itO dayof ~ ,2002 APPROVED AS TO FORM: SIble ofWDSbington at~:e~~J1 ,~Q. City Attorney 11lE CI1Y Of RaITON. It municipllJ (orpornlion of -I ny:3· .. .;:{-~ Jl.s: ________ ~H~.~'D~'<_ ________________ _ ATIEST/AtmlENllCATEO: , , ;,; .. , , • , , , .. -. . -, -' .. f • '" • , -. , • -. -,:; _-......~ .. : t • • ()!!!jQCottbc Oty oa\ !bIOI! C\rr 1ft" IOU SoulJ& a-.cty WI., RmtDn. WI!. HO" J)oc nMt 11dc(.) {OIltaDDCtionlc:ontalncd UItreUa}: " Oa'tlopmc III A&J: I( 1111. Rd'CftII« Nllakt(l) 01 Dona.aC.l.IIlpni or rticucd: (aa. JlIIC _ 01 doc:,w'""'(ll) Crutot(.) (Lut name ftnt. thea n ... rwnc and IrwlAlI~. •• n. Doc:t", eoa.p.ny CI'U!ke(.) (1..aIt namo rtnllka f'mt IWUC and iNti.1h): . -CiIJ" ...... tq.l *ten ... (abbmiaJcd: i.e. 5ol. block, pill or lCICtloa. ~p. BD&:=:) - ~dw oI'Mra4a Hauy-0 C f.I6 PO.. SllllU}04 TA.UOT 21 PCL I DOEJNO. STR lUlO4 -, TAXLOT41 PCL I OOEI'NO, 5rR lU!04 TAXLOT 50 PCL I BOEING, STR HllCM 'rAXLOT,1 PCL K DOEINO. S1R 1.&2J04 TAXLOT" PCL LBOElNQ. STR 1.&2)04 TAXLOT 7' PCL M OO£IN'G. STlll,lJ04 TAXLOT 1 PCL 0 BOEING. and STR 2UJ04 TAXLOT 61 PCL P OOElNO. [!] FUU ............. !I. , .... 11> 1'1" d.",,,,,,._ Aa r'. Piopc:rt1 Tat PatttU'A«onI N •• bn Portioat oltbc ~UlS: JOOOjl().(lOOl.(l7, IOOOj8G·OCIl6-00. MXk)'JO.OOla.oa. IIUJOot-OOll-'l6, CUlO4.9041-06. IIUl(U·90so.<Il. IlUSQ.I·90'l.09, IIUlO4.9US.06. 1l41J04-9071.()(j. iWtlIJ04..9001..09 and IUl]04-906l.()6. -, , III~J DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BF.TWEEN TIlE BOEING COMPANY AND TIlE CIT\' OF RENTON FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LONGACRES OFFICE PARK I. PREAMBLE - This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Aw",men'"j belween TIlE BOEING COMPANY (-Boeing-), a Dcllwlle corporalion, and the CITY OF RENTON (-City"), a municipal corporation ortbe Slate of Washington, is cnlered into pursuanl Co the authority of RCW 36.70B.170 through .210, under whieh aloc:aJ government may entet into I development agreement with an enlily having ownership or control of real property within iu jurisdiction . II. RECITALS A Longacrcs Park, Inc. eLPJ~), a whoUy-owned subsidiary orOoeing. it tbe owner of certain real property, knoY'n u the Longacrcs Office Park (eLOP-),loc:.ated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, and more parliwlllly dC$Cll'bed in Attaehment I, anached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. l.PI and Boeing have entered into a Ions-term Ground Lease eLcaSoCe) with eWeet from JAnUary I, 199) purIUlnt to whith Boeing may pos.sc:u LOP through December 31. 2027 and may in c:.crWn cira.llnst&neeS extend the tenn ohaid lease through Occember 31 . 20~7. Pursuant Co the I case. Boeing may entcr into lhis Agreement in Boons" own name. A memorandum oflhe Inse was recorded IS No. 9707030128 in the Real Propc:ny Records or King County. B. LOP consisu or approximately 1.58 acres located at the southeast comer of the lntcnedilln o(Jntentate 40.5 and the Bwlington Northern Santa Fe Railtold right otway in the City of Rmton. Boeins's Customer Service Trajning Cmter (-CSTC·) oca.tpies an adjacent 4S-acre site 10 the' north and eut of LOP. LOP is currently located enlirely w;thin the Commercial Office eCO·) zoning district and is designated Employment Center-Valley in the City. Comprehensive Plan. C. The site plan for the Longacres Office Park (-LOP Site Plan-) includes the construction of apprmcimatdy 3 million square feet of omu or light industrial space u permitted under the CO designation and related .upport and utility facilities over I period of up to twenty (20) years. Of the I.5S acres comprising the LOP site. the LOP Site Plan proposes that approximately 65 percent will be impervious surf au (I.t .• buildings, puking areas or puking structures, and roadways). and approximately 3S percent will be dedicated to a Itormwater detention .)'Stem, landscaping and open space. The LOP Site Plan is attached to this Agreement u Auadunent 2 and by this rtferenu is incorpol'llod herein. DtVllDl'WlHT AOaUt.CVIT to'XI01-CIl O4r.IfJO JJ 11tO.J lIJ • . '-" ...• . ' . , • .,\011 .,,,., • ,',. J;. • • . \ " . , , . , o o • D. ErMrOMICnlalanalysisordcvdopmenl or2.$ million square (ctt under lhe LOP Site Plall was conducted by the City pursuant to the Washington State Environmerllal Policy Act (·SEPA"). A Draft Environmcl'uaJ Impact Statement em:us·) ror the LOP Sile Plan wu issued in August, 1994; the FiRat Environmental Impact Statement ernIS") Wit issued in Marth. 1995; an Addendum to the FEIS, analyzing the bnpaCUI or, amans other things. the addition 0(500,000 square reetlo the LQP Site Plan, wu issued in December, 2000. A SEPA Mitigation Doaunc.nt (·~titj81Hon Document") wns issued by th.-City in May. 1991. and wu amended by the Addendum. E, In 1997. Boeing dcvdoped tho Boeins Commercial Airplane Group ("BCAG") headquarters office building. c.onsistinS of approximately 300,000 square (eet. u Phase I oelOP. The 1000ian and extent ofPtwe I development is depicted on Attachment 2. F. In I99S, BoeinS developed tho Boeins Family Care Center (OFCC"), consisting of approximafely 22.000 square red to provide day care services (or 200 children u Phase II or LOP. The location and extent o(Phuc II development i. depicted on AU"ehment 2. G. In t 999, Boeing dcvdoped a Surface Water M:anagmlent Program rSWMP-), consisting of gt3ding to create .tonnwlter ponds, IJ1 irrigation, aeration, and rec:itcu1alion system, and enhanced wetlands de.~gned 10 I~mmodlte full build-out of LOP. The location and extent ofPh.ue III development is depicted on Attlchmcnt 2. It ~ part oflhe SWMP projec:t, Uf1ain critic.aJ enWoMltntaJ areu on the Longacrcs site wae identified. These uc-u iadude certain enhanced wetlands and tho South Marsh. On lu1y 6. 1999. Boeing recorded I Dtc1&ration of Restrictive Covenants prohibiting dcvdopment or alteration ofthc IO.92-aere South Marsh ; the South Marth is depicted on Attachment 2. I. Phase IV orthe Longacres Office Park will consist of the development of Ipproxinwely 2.7 million square fed of office or light industrial space u permitted under the CO designation, with support and utility facilities, on that ponion orLOP not developed under Phases I. II. and III or ~ed for environmauaI mitigation purposes pursuant to development conditions. Phue JV will be dcvdoped with multiple buildings and associated parkins. roadway •• and pedestrian walkways. The Phue IV development capacity is consistent with the capacity anaJyzed in the existing DEISt FElS, and Addendum. The Phase IV development envelope is depicted on Attachment 2. 1. In order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's review and approval process for Phase IV dcvdopment, O~ng and the City enlered into I Devtlopment Agtccment ("2000 Agr<emcnl°) on Dcccmber 2S, 2000 regarding Phuc IV • ;, , , .. ,', , , , '. '..\DEl lilIAn , . ;, '?J .. , '. ". ,. ;". \ • o o development, recorded II No. 20010104000886 in the Real Property Records orKing County. K. On D~ ICt. 9UB-thc City approved. binding lite plan. rcc:ordcd . as No,7(Xl.JII,1AJOfJ;l..",,, :n the.ReaJ Property Record. oriGna County, that divides rohue IV into mUh.iplc parcels for future development. Ac:c:ordingly. 80eing and the City desire to rescind the 2000 Agreement and to cntct into. new Development Agreement Sa:anUng Phase IV development. Therefore. BoeinS and the City .gree as follows: III. AGREEMENT I. Vesting ,od Ternl ofAwcemmt. The City'. d~lopmenl regulations in effect and .ppliCible to project application! as orlhc rec:ording dale ofthe 2000 Agrmnenl aha.U govern the development of Phase IV of LOP for aU Phase IV development applkltions submitted to the City within twenty (20) yearl from the rec:ording datc of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoina. the City rescrvCi: the tuthorily under RCW 36.70B , 170(4) to impose new or different regulatioru 10 the extent required by. serious threat to public he.lIh and Ill'ety, as determined by the Renton City Coun:ilaner notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to Boeing. 2. Dryelopmeol RcsuJatjpos . For purposes orthis Agreement, -devdopmeru. regulatioru-means (a) zoning,l&nd division. and development stan~ (b) environmental .. rules and policies, including (but not limited to) SEPA, (c) Comprdlcnsive Plan policies, (d) policies, regulations. standards. and methods applicable to the development ort.nd that IJC incorporated by rdertnee in the Renton Murucipa! Code. (e) 1Uffa.cc Wiler managemellt regulations., and (f) other City ordinances governing the development orland up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4811; prO'-tided, hoWf:'oOCI, that Boeing may dccc It its discretion that ordinances adopted after Ordinance No . 4877 sMIlapply to aU or pan or Phase IV devt!opmenl. Applicable devdopment regulilioru lie attached to this Agreement u Attachment J and IIC incorporated herein by rcfercnu 3. rollows : to red: Milisltjoo Document. This Agreement amends the Mjtigation Docummt as 3.1. Section I, Genera) Information, I<COnd IW'81IPh. is l><Idly amend<d As indicated in the EIS, numerous stale and local regulations will govern development orLonsacrcs Office Parle. and 'pplication orthose regulations will also SCf\'C 10 mitisate certain ,ignificant ad~rsc environmental impacts. Regulations Ipplic.able to specific development actions IhaU be as defined in the Oevc.Iopmem Agitetnent DlVtI.OPNfNr ADRWlfNr fOXIQWICWSDO:lllO.lft) , , • • , . • • bel",,"" Doeina and the City d::.;~'edAd~~~ (-Development Agrmncnt-), ~ to ciued Dc<cmbef 19. 2000, and 'he Addendum '0 ,he EIS dated May 14.2002. 3.2. To the olent that Section 2. Mitigation Plan, referenccs or incorporates de\'Clopment reguJatio"' .... they shaIl be as provided and defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Ocvdopmc:nt Agrmncnl. -. 4. Sile Pian Ra;cw And Minor Modificatioo,. Phase IV dC'Vtlopment permit app1kations shall be subject 10 the City land uso review procw under the development regulations applicable to such review and approval u provided in Paragraphs 1 and 2 oflhi, Agreemenl The finaJ design aftbe buildins, and other improvC'ments. precise loution of bui1dina (ootprints.land division crut.inS building liles ror individual ItNc:turcs,location of utilitio. determination of lcceu points. and other land use issues rdated to authorization of individuaJ development shall be de1muined pursuant 10 that process. 5. RccprdjnK. nil A&~cnt, upon excc:ution by the parties and approval of Lhe Ag.recment by resolution ofLhc City Counci~ shall be recorded with the Real Property Rcc:ord. Division of the King County Records and EJections Departmenl 6. ~ Upon recording or this Agreement , the 2000 Agreement shalt be "",n, void. and without effect . 7. SlIC«UOrs Illld AzriW. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit or Boeing and the City of Renton and their successors in interest. and may be assigned to suct'"'SOCS in interest to the Longaacs property. Upon "qjgrunen! and usumption by the Uligncc or an obligations under this Agreement. Boeing shill be released from all c,!.~gi1tions under ibis AgJ ecrllent. I . CountqpAllJ . This Agrecmen1 may be cxealtcd in counterpa.-u, each of which shall be deemed an original. 9. Expiration. This Agrttment. unless rescinded by Boeing or its successors in interest. shall become nuU and void twenty (20) years from the date of recording orlhis Agrocmcn1. ·AGREEDthls ~3--::ayor lJ.UI~ DI\'U.Of'\,ItNl" AOlnNDn' f0100J.OICWSDlmIW1J) .2002. By: Juu Tanner tts: Kayor o ) ) ... COUNTYOF ~, ) ArrEST: &yuk..J. 4/q tt;.,... By; Bonnlu 1. Walton IU: City Clerk ,d "'0 form : - On this 1.ax! day of . 2002, before me. the undersigned. a NOIIlY Public in and (or the Stale ofWurungtol\, duly c:ommiuioned and sworn. penooally .ppured . to me known to be the penon who .i8l1cd as orlhe CITY OF RENTON, the corporation lhat executed the within and foregoing Uutrument. and acknowledged laid .; inStrument to be the Cree and 'Voluntlf)' aet and deed or said corporation for the uscslllWi . purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated thllt was duly decttd. qualilied and .ccinS II Pid officer oflhc corporation. that wu IWthoriud to execute said instrument and that the aea1 affixed, ifany. ilthe corporate Je&J of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hI\~ her .. nlo set my hind and official .. .! !he dly and year fust above Mitten. DtVt1DNVIT .wlFDU!HT IO)ooJ.oI04;~oon I ~UI • (SiBNlure ofNOIUy) Mlc.hdt-Nt« "':!!!,,.,,,,'-'-'>'1'--__ (print or stamp name orhotuy) NOT MY PUIlLlC in and ~oilhe j~~ orWasrungton. residing ill -.l"#'¥~:-"~­ My appoinlmenl expires : ql'r UD7 "'"u "' .... • • Uy: Iii: - Sf ATE OF CALIfORNIA ) )ss. CO~OF ____________ ~) On thi. d.Jy of . ~002, before me. ,he undersigned, a NOW)' Public in and ror the Slate o(California, duly commissioned and sworn. perlOnaUy appeand . . 10 me personally known to be the penon whose name is subsaibed to the wjlhin and (oregoing instnunCnt and Kknowledacl to me-lhIt he o,QCUted the JIJnC in his authorized Clp4city u the :::=:r;;;:::7.i:;:-;::;;;;::::::;:~::::;: ofnm OOEINO COMPANY, ,he corpora'ion 'hal .. ~eculN the within and (oregoing instrument. and on oath .Ialed Ihil he Wu duly el~ed. qualified and ctmg u said officer o(the c.orporation, and that by his aignafUhJ on lbe instrument he. or the entity upon behalf ofwhieh he acted. executed the irwnunent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have her",n,o set Ill)' hand and official .... 'he d.Jy and )'W' 6ra. above wrinen. • • (Signature ofNotaty) (print or JUmp name of Notary) NOT AllY PUBLIC in and for ,he Sla'e of California, residing at _______ _ My appointment expire;,: ______ _ _. 'AOJU; .,,,., o o • • Stale orc.uromia - Count)' of lo. Anacles On Aupst 16,2002. before me, T.S. Wtrtncr. Notary Public. personally appeared fhillp W. C)'burt personally known to me to be the person whose name II subscribed to the within Inslnlmettt and acknowledged 10 me: that ~ (,ltCculcd the I4fl1C in hi' authorized capacity. and that by bl! .ignAture on the instrument the penon or the entity upon bchaJf ofwhic:h the perIOD acted., executed the instrumenl. WITNESS my h4nd and official JC4t -0yr- • , , • DI:YtLCI"WIHT N»rDlDtT puoo.flM'BOtJllUU] ATfACIlMENT I Lq&lllaaip'lo. 0'< U)P ProP"'>' , - • ","011 Illllo'Jl o o exHIBIT III A LEGAL. DESCR:PTlO'~ OF LONGACRfS PARK - PAllCEL 1 All uw c.cn.Jn rcal pl'openy IilV.tu:l 1ft ch6 CIt, ot R.cnI.Dn, CouNy a t' XIII,. SLNC of Wa\hlnJ'On. ~n, Go~ Lot J •• and • poonJoil of ~ J.M '0 bo&)I ." SaG"" 24. TOWJUhip 2) ""oM, Man,c " a£uc. W,IIamc..u. Meridian ...... ponJan DC aM N W . 1/4. 0("'" S II. "" of aaJcJ ,sCQlOA 24, .,4 • ponJon of r.bc H.E. 1I4 or w S~. U4 0' uNl SecstOn :t .. , &NI WIn, _. pVllcwLuI, 4kk.tibod .. (OUow.: I\COINH'NO _ ~ ScNu. IN.,.,.....' N N.lL 114 or u.. s r.. 114 or •• ".. Sc:c&1G1i ' •• \kc,," 'ICNII .toMf POINT 01· UttOJNNJHO • .Jo~ UW E.ul11IIe of .,'" C".o-.r~ U:M J" :S:OO·,,'J1·W 61'.' .... 1.0 11M! Nonh Uno ot IICfIt)' A. Mudct'. ~IO" ~ Cta'm No d , ~.JcNIc Mid NnM liN HI7·,,'n"w 1461.31 r .. : Ihcncc ,"Vatl, uld NoM UN NOO72'U·n 101222 rca LO U~ IOUUMrl, "aht-of..-y 1_ or J""OS. Ihtf1r-.lorI, .. Id 'oluhul, ,'tJU·., ...... ,.. I,,,. and \he w",lIt 'l"Il-oI~ I1ncJ of S.W. IG&h S'"", from. unCI'" \h .. but. NGl·$2·'1~. aIofI, u.. .,-c of. no,.,. iO u-. tfchl ,.."IA ... nwthw, of $4) J4 t.:.c.I &lid. ccnuolAtlV-.,26-""00', an arc 1ICon"" ~ CMl&u.l1O I CiIU'W H,,·:n"l·U lD79.61 rut: ~ WtcUII 50 olon, ~.,.c ID Chi .d .. bYUl, • radlu. of 19040 01 I", aM • "",,_, ~ arc kn.&"" IM.nc. ""'C ..... 10 N pf'cccdln" e ••• NI6 .... ,.·S1·1! ""-sans..... aJo.na!he &I'C or. W,.".IO u.. r.ant ,.,. ... tta • ...., ..... ADd. M &I"C '""'" Cit so II fGoJ: to \M noM_at COf"f\C' Jl.WIl'VIC ,20001.511 knYJ"AACI.UO ,..l.&c·lIotf A .J'. ftPll030110. Klns CGYlq "CoOtd.:""~ .2.70 'Nt aPI4 "",'",,'.a.or;,. 77 feet 10 1M Dkch No. u condcmrIcd ill s~ Cout\ 1ho tol~lI& $1''"2$,,.·n ,;:;" $l.O'""·S,'"D .".,..,..,. b'" JtfCN"~ or !(III"OfC1O' (Dr Dl'O&dluu Inc • ,~ In No. 710nlPOOI. KIlle Counc,. r"-Oi"G', ,~S;;:.!EJ,C ~"' . ...."... ,...,-.... u .. 4 ••••••• _ , • • • , • • .' '. • , , • " .. ,.'~ ." o "MCl!Lf .'~';' All Wl (.C:r\.WI "II PrOPU1Y .. ~ In ~ Ch, of RIINIln. C".QUnll "r XUlI.. $Ulc: 01 Wash"""",. tid", a pGlllon L1r Lh' S.W. J/. or ,he N.B. 114, .nd of ttl. N. W. 1/1, or 1M 8 r. lit .f $<,,10. 2 •• T....uhlp :zJ NofIII. IWIa> 4 1!oII. WiII.m,". MClld .... IIld ~" <nO,. JlAftb.tIarIJ dl:.wJbc4" followJ > • • ~ "Ihe i_KdIo •• flhc NonII nuIlln.fS.W 1611> 51"", (SouIltIl3td SI.). wltll tbc Well tlo!l)(h'1 or C.n . UllWIn', ~Ilqton GatdVU AddWod 10 Ulo Ol, fJ( SU;l~". OtVUaoQ No 1. as pet \hi: rtaI recorded lA Volwal17 o.r rtau. h&e 1 ... RccclC'd. o( KlfI& County: theoco I, .... oald POINT 01' COIoIMI!NCl!UIlNT. WCIlctIy &loII& IIId NonII.,."In. 3SO I", .. til< nun I'OINT Of BI!OINNING .flltb PMCEl. J: """'" from oald 'I1\UB J'01I<l' OP DOOIII/IINO. COIIIinII", WOIWI7 aIoo& I&ld NonIIIIIIl,1n S&9'31'S1'W :15'1.00 I ........ ".. 101""" IIId N_I, ..... ,In .. tWol on&Ju. NOO'21'Ol'W l14.06 I,.. 10 tlIo SoutlIuI, ripl-oC WW111nc .1 SlI40S: ....... aIoo& oald Soutllctl, ripl .. f·Wl1 11", from • tan""" mat bcItI N71'll'5'-D. aIona abc arc or. QU'YO to Ihc riel" h.Y~ I rlCSlul of 2765.00 • r~. ud a C&Dttalq1e of OS'n"ll'. an .c icrItth of 160.09 reet: \hoata ""'t\fta aatd So-.tlIuly rill>1 .. loWaJ II", $OO'22'O3'81.!).41 I"" 10'" nun POIHl' O~ UeOINNINO • • lac.pt tor p~bl~c rllht. of v.,. CONTAINS 1.3~ A<m.f Iond • ..,. 0< ..... 1'bc Bull or &arlnp {« tlda ~Ion La Sbo Iltc:onI of ~1'YC1 r~ nn.daaa. Inc .• rceonSed In Boot )0 or Sl.ancyl Jl hill. under ~ No . 1101219OOl, XI"I CoI.mry • f'WC lI·ll-91 rAKc:!!I.I.U'.G 3-2 .. 6&-3&06 • ..... _. • .' . • • • ,) o o AU lh&z cuu1n re&J propc.n, ,tcw,u In lhc: Ciry 01 Kenton. CouN1 or Xiii" SLaU of WashillJ.,un. beiIlJ. J'Of1loa orlM S W. 1140hhc H.P .. I' •• and cflhc.N.W. II. "f&be S.c. JJ.4 or $c('C1QrI 2 •• ~Ip 2J HoM. ),1tI&l 4 E&J:c. WJllamc.u.c Muidl.&ll. and.Jl$jlll mote "",'od.,,,. ductlbod .. follows : 1:_ .. , II IIIc _100 orlllcNotIhmar,Io oIS .... 16ch S"", (SouOl m,d SL)._ Ihc Wua bound.')' of C.O. HUItftIn', EatU,\,Loe Cankns JoddufGn 10 lbc OJ of Se.aulc. Dlvhloo No.1, .. ,.... "" I'W ruordcd 10 Vo""" Jl or rws. _ 7', ~_4& 01 JCIoI Cou.o,; Ihtnt.t r_&aId POINT 01' COJdM!NCl!MF.IIl', W...m1 Il00, <lid Honb ow,Io, Wl r... 10 Il1o nUB POINT O¥ BEOJNNJNO .11lW FARCP.J,I, Ihcn= rrom &lid nUB I'OJHT OJ' B~OlIlNlHO, """"""'" W..."" "0C\l .. 1eI NDI1h mar"" SI9')7'$7 .... 120.00 lca; _ ... """ &lid Ho""'''1 """'" II rfdolll£les, HOO'ZZ'OJ"W m.O? loa .. .". Souchul1 "Jl>l-ol ""1 Uno or SR ~; Ihcn= aIoo& uId _" ,,,,,, .. 1 __ line 1_. ~ Ch.Il bc&t. tl7J-4Q'j6'S, aJont * at; or. QnII &0 the: flIhchnta,:. t.sktt 0(276s..00 r .... and • ctnIt1J III&lo 01 en')1'51', an an: Ion"" 01 12).02 led; _ .... "" uId Sou\huly "do .. I....,II .. SOO'22'03'1! 71'.06 rcd Ie"" 'I1lUf POINT 01' BfGINNlHa. ~.c.pt tor pubI1C rL.ht. at W.7 ' ('OHTAINS O.$S Au .. or Iand .... n: ot Ie" 1'he Ibm or HeIriIIp fot th1s duellpcllOG lJ u.c R.cc:ord 01 Survey tot lftDtdVY'CI, lM., .-10 BooI: 10 or Sumoy. II r.,. 2, under ,.con!"" No. 770nl9Clll, Kl", Coulli)' .- !'W(' 1'·21·91 ~AIlCl!U.L1!G )o2'(;I·JBOG • · " • • • • • • • • .' I • • ... ~' .. • ., .. '. • • • , • • . ' • • , " -1." • o • .n '.' •• '._ . ... , •• < " PAlCl!l.K v. ." .' • AU 'au ccru1.II leal proparry aicu," U1 \ho ell, or RcftlD", C'.oum1 01 Kin:. SLIiG of Wu.tllq,1'On. btin.a aponiotl ottho N.W.lf. a(CbaS .e. 1/4 nrStCilon 14. ToWNhip '23 Ncmh, RanIa ... e.ic. WIUamcua Meridian. and be"" ttIOtC p&nJ",lat1l dcunbcd u (oUo .... : . - ~"". W ItIClI1.:t:lSonorlho NCM'tb tftItl'" 01 S W ... (::11 ~)reet (SOUI4 UlrdSL), wish lfIc We.aa bou.ftdlry 01 c.P. HUIman'. If.arUAlIOIl Gardin, Addkaon to \he eta)' or S:.atlle. 0"' .... No. I, .. pc:t "'" 1'1.1< _ In Vol....: 11.11'111 •• I'll< 74, 1UaIrd. 01 Kin: CouI>r1:'_I .... uId rotN1'OP CO/oCMl!HcacEN1', W .. ..,I, ""'" uId N""" ""IIn, m tea 10 "'" 1'IIUl!!'OlIn' OP BEGINNINO orlllla '''.Cl!I. K: ....... ham &&lei nUB rotN1' OP IIBOINNINO, _ .... .., WU1U17 ..... , uId NonIIlIW,ln m'll'n'W 62.00 r..a; """'" 1ca.1n& aold Nanbu1lo """"" ... WO .... Ieo. NOO'n'Ol'W 110.90 red 10 1110 SauCIoIIy ri""-or"",, IJno or SIt 4QS: ....... 01001 .. Id s... ... ,Iy ,,,,,, .. r·_ IInc In>ro • ""' ... ""'lIcata N74'2I'17'e, aIoaJ IIIc .,.01 ........ JIIc ,;",. "'villa. nil;" or:J76S.00 • rca. end. c:c.zml qSa oC01-19'39-.14 arc Ien&'" or 64.06 (tel: 'bcnro b~ln& aa.id SovWrI)' rt&I>I-oI·_'Ioo SOO'21'03'E 117.07 t.d Ie "'" nun POINT or Bl!OlNNINO, '.Cli!'l tor '\lithe I'llht. of .... ,. CONTAINS 0.15 Attu orland mon or I&u 1bo bnl, of l!Iatbp (or ChlJ deu:rtpISoa b U)O keCOld ur SUI'.C1 (ot Droadtc:IUf lne. •. ,ecotdcd In Boot 10 or SUtwcya " r.,. 2. under Recordl", No n01lI9OO1, Xlii, COWIe)' =on!>. !'We 11·21·91 PAlIO'I XI.&! J.IIG4-3106 • , , , • . ~ .. II .. ~~.~.--------' • • , • • '. -, • • , d • • , . , . , , ",' t!~ o , "ARcrJ~ I. All &hal "'l1Iin rul propet1)' alc&wo Jft ~ Cry 01 R""OD, County of Xtn&. SUlC U( W&s1I..,lon, bcin, • .,.".," ollhcH W. Jl4.IIhcS E. 1/4 ofSca ... U. T..."."q,lJ HotI!!. Han" , !!&sl. Will.""". "'ulef .... "'" 1<:.., """" pWcul.lrl, dualbcd II 101"". Commend ....... __ .... I ... _""""'.IS.W. I&>.S_ (S •• "" """$c.)._ the: Wtli boundaty ot C.D. HlUman', I!.arlillJcon Garde", Ac:6iJon la Qo.c Cky or Se'UIt:. DJwLuOlli No. '. u per lbt pJar rca:wdcd In VoIIut» .701 PJJU. PIle 14, ReCOld. of XI", CoullC)': ""-fmm "'" I'OIHT OF COMIoCF.HCEMI!HT. Wu",l, ~ uId H,"", /l1li, ... 119 lOCI ..... 'I1IUD I'OIHT OP BfCllHHIHO ollllb PAIlCl!L L: ""-I""" "'" 'I1IUI! POINT OP BeaJHHINO. ~ W'-IT lion, uId _ mar,1n S'9'37'S7'W 65.00 Iccc: ""-NOO'22'QJ'W 15.00 r ... ; ""-SI9'37'S7'W 50.00 Ca:t; ""-"' .... uld Notthorly """In .. """.".1<1. NOO'22'Ol'W 121 .79,... ...... Souihuly ri"" .. I"'1 I ... ol .Sk 401: ""-.Ion, ,aid _IT ,1"" .. I·way line I'om • "":<Ill IhII bean N71 'S2'OJ'1i, ""'" ....... r. """" ...... ri"" hi,"" • ,1<1"" .1 271iS.00 lui. &lid • ctnU'at arulc or02-':9'~r. an lie Ic:na~ ot 119.96 roec: tbc.nec JuvlIII uJd SGulhufy ri,ht-or. way IIno SOO'22'OJ'B 170.90 r""ID ... 'I1IUB 1'011<1' OP BeaJNI/IHG. E_c.pt lor p~bllC rlaht. of v.y. COtn"AfNS 0.39 A~ or b.nd more Of lui. The Bul. or Bu.r1n,. rot ell" doaalptlon ... tb6 Recwd of SUtwC)' (ot ~. fac.. recotdtd In Book 10 of SWvC)'I II hi. 2, undoo.l' Jtu:ordln, No. 7707lU00l. KlItJ' COl'lt()' t«aJld •. PWC /1 ·21 ·91 'ARCE' '.lJ!G 3-2'6<')106 . , • .. . . - • • " _. , " '~ -1 , '. , • MI\Cl!LId ... ~~~. All Lh.\I. unaion .ul iVo,~11 SIl~C in Ole eliy of Rem""', COllnt)' of XUlt •• \UII(' 01 Wa~hill'IIH1 • . ". " hett.a. f'OMioA of I~ N W 11<4 oflM S U. 1/4 of Section 2 ... ,'ownltup 1) Notlh, R.u,," l~'. , -1-WiUamc&U Muid",,". M:I ~w., mw.puttculatly dc.wibod as (01:0..., - , t."oulP1C4lClna. ... lI~ in&cr\CdiM or \he. NoM lNI,in of S.W 161h ~I'cd ~\II ISltd SI ), wuh 0Ia \ltc..d boul'lllWy afC.ll.lIl1ltNn" ~ll",lOn U,,4cM MdflJon to u,. ell1 of Sc_llc:. Di.uiwl No J. as pet the: Pial n:oxdcd In Vo/umo 11 o( l'lal •• '""c 7., }tc.c:c,.d~ or Xl", l'outlly. U'lUlCC: from ui4 POINT OP OlMMn.~O!MP.NT. WCSkrIt aJon& $.lid Nonh ",:a'III\, 1504 CWo 11lC.nCC Noo"ll'Ol'W IS,oo lecI; \hCIIOO SW31'}1'W 10.00 rOCI ,.Iho 1 ~U~ 1'Oll<r 01' UI!UINNINU of lM. PARem. M. 1bmtc from Wd nun !"OINT OP neGINNING, c.onlllWU\& lion, pM! NoM 1Nl,ln Sag-31'n-w f.S 00 (eel: !lICon" :ue-)l'$1-W 21 :21 (od: thc:nce :a9·'1·S7~W 114.1' (tel, 10 lU easterly Itn: of • pvcd COftvc)'c:d SO the sw.c or Wuhlll,Uln by dud ~ under }'uditDt', ~ No. ~9·UU. XlA& ColDly tUOC'ds: \hcnc.o •• ~,m", uId Nouh ..... "'01 s.w, 1611>_ aIon< ". ,,141lu1U1,IInoNll'U'3J"w 56 eo k« 10 """""1IIcf11 riPl-o( 'My llne of sa .as; ch&aa alonI, uld SouWrly ri£.h1-or.way hno un a 1(',,11 ~ord \carin, of H66-40'4'-n 6I.S4 Ced i tlo..cncc (com • ~ that be.,.. N6I-.,'$6-2. atone W an: 0(. aiM to \hi tt,,,, blvln,. ndluJ 0'2765.00 fea, and a central ""Ie of 03-34"'-, 11'1 art 1cI1&1l1.1 111.41 lea; 1I>cna: loa,,", p\4 Sculh<t11 ri,hI .. r·""1I1na !.O()'ll'Ol'E 111 79 • lOCI 10 Iho nlll! POIIIT OP DeGIHHIHO. 'xupc tor ",bhe n,hu or "'.'1. CONTAINS 0 46./\.a'C$ or w.i.moR or \en , ",. »am of ~J Cot tIlil ducnpC\on II &ho Ktc0C'4 o( SurvC)' rOt uroadlelu. In.c.. rWJfdcd III lfooII: JO at s...nqllt 1"1$.0 1. undU kccordlnl No. nanl9OOl. )Can, County raoull. FWC 11·11.91 ¥All.C\!1.loI U!G H464·)106 , , / . ,. , , , • " • • . , . • PAlOlL A Alllhll WIllo ,uI p'.pct1y 11 ..... I. Iho C.I)' .r a_n. c...n.y or Kin" $We .r w.", .. """, be"" • port ..... r 11""1 A. "' ... <t'. DonuIM u.d ClIlm N •• 4' .. $calocu :14 &nd 2.\, iowrublp llN .• It""e 4e .. W.M .• and.,ponJon Dr Cow:rJ'IITIUIC tot I in ... kI ScdlOlllA. and Lclnt. more pudculartJ' ~ as foUowl! - DnGINNING " Ihe _""loft .r u.. Nonl> lin< or uIcI DoMhoft LInd CWtn N ••• 6, ..." IN mon WeI""Y Iino .r ~ I.e< I) In uIcI Sea ... 34: _ ',om uIcI l'O'In" or BeGlNN'NG SOO'56'I1'W ,m.9S loci: """'" SOI'!Jl'56'W 15U2 r ... lOlhenonborly' .... r Ih< Co'y.r _" Jlow 1.U:< PlpdInc """ .. r . ...,. .. COO\OC)'cd ..,. du4 _4od undu .. ..,eL" No. 4Il'061. IC .. , 0>unI)0 tca>tdI: Ih<nu ,lon, ,,14 not1hu'ylin< $7l· .. • .. ·W 4)6.96 ,""; \hcnu &anJU41D~ rru:edin,sCCCUHl &Sor\a Iho are otaaarv. ~ IbenaN haYinl_ndiau of '22.$$ IUl and, 00IdtIl ",,10 0I2O'01'U', an ,te .... ." 014Ul I",,: """'" ,_10 .... pnadift, "'''" NIl'J3'J7'W J317!n reu 10 Ihe P .... ~'IlI .. I....,.1loc 01",. UwllOV oa N""""" aolJwoy. 1hcnc"!M& wd Eon rilhl .. r....,.' ... /IOl·01·."81709.6) f<a: Il><t ... UOI ... IOIhepnc.dm, COUf)C .~ the '" or • tuI'Y# to &ho WI: hav1nj. r.1IUI of 2107.00 led and • c:cwaJ &ZIISc or •• ·09'01'. '" at, knJ,lh Of 510.44 red 1Co 1M ~1 Iu-of tM (0111111' PUJd $Qmd Shore R.lln"" Company', Scali'" Uno: ""_ aleJo, uId _yllne NIIl·O)'.3'C 22'.30 fu'lO til< IOIoIthcululy Uno of lba pucd c:onYe)le.d ID lI\e StIle ofWuhtn,&on by c!ecd ru:otdcd uodct A.r.1 1412'400'6. Kin, (".-.ry .=nI.: IlItncc 110", uIcI ... ' ..... w'y'lno N66'17'56'e 35 60 rut .. a JIOW Dn • !lac lhd b p&I'1Ild"Mlth \he Sout.h J1M of IlkS Section 2.4. aNt pautl INOUP Usc mu.1 IDUlhuly cornu ofl.hc ~.cnvnoSi ofrwo conctUt IbuuneJIIJ nu.r1hewa:uJJ U$Q1J1oa. ors,w . ,M $""'. _ alM&"'" ."oJld lin< SI1'41'3)'S6U. foci to .......... Iy ''''01...., 10<1"" Pula Sound Shore Rallro-d Company'. Sc&ltlG: L&nc; thcIKC aJo"" a.aSd cucerly Jt= NOl'01'.iJ·J! '1.96 I"" to"'" _Iy .. "" .. r·""111no .1 I"as; """'" &lone uIcI .... t!ouly rfIhwf·woy '"" HI1·S7'27-J:! 43 10 r",: &hcnco t&tI&W1O !he prcccditla COWie 1bI, Ihc ate of a curve \0 the let\ N.1mJ atadlUi 0(603.14 fCCl aM. ctAlt&.lqk of 19'04'30', an ate kn&IhatlOO.1Ofa:l; Shcacc ""''''' to .... "'"""" curv. ";62''''57'8 PO.l2 rrlA; Ib",o Ie .. "" uIcI....o."ry riIhI .. ,· ... 1 la 500'll'11 *W JOll,n (cd. lOU\e. HOI1IlliMor a&14 Doswbn Land CWm No -tCi: CbUJec lion, .. Id NoM ,iN: $11'13'57'£ 1462.31 lca to d\o raIN!" OP BeG'NN'NG. I.c.,c for publlC r1lhta of V&y . ConialN 71 .1 Acru or I..alK! more or Jw. 1bt!lub or UutIn" (or lh1s cS&saJpdoD is the.lceord Df S\lt\'1t1 fot Dtoadauu, Inc.., n;orded "" IIook 01 SII...y. II J'IIC 2. lind., Rta>nlln& 110. 7l0nl9002. K"" Counry ,=rd • MAUI'WC 11 ·07-91 rARCELA .LI!O 302.64·3806 ,. • , . , • • • • • • • , , • ,.uCI!LB AIlws c:uu1n I'C.II propcny sfns ... In &be ct1)' 01 Jtcman. Count)' or Kln,. State of Wuhlnvon, beta, • pMJoQ ot HCoIU'1 A. Woe"' .. '" DoMIOA l....wI ct.a.I.m ~o 46 in Sectioru 24 and 2$, T ...... lp D H.. ~' •• I!.. W. 101 .. >IId.pcnJo.o oroo..n.rnem 14131",aId S<Q1on 24. >lid bdo\a __ -"'" described u follo!o>: BI!G1NlilN G II ilia _ """'" 01 aaId Go........ont 14 13. Ihcn« "... .. Id POINT OP IIIlGiNNlNG """ ClIo 1101111 '"'" 01 aaId Go\otmu>colI4 13 SI7"26'OS'1! So. 51 lui to ... ~ pnlloq,JwlM ~ 1M EuI lIM of &aJ4 Donetloll La.~ a.bn No. "'. tbtncc alon, uid 11' .......... ..,j1' .... IInoSQl·46'Ol"W 1336.lh.1Ioo NonIIlIoo .r ... CII)o .rs ... 10 Bow Lab """'"' tI""...,. • ., AI ...... '001 lI7 doo6 _cd undo< •• ,",dIn, 110 .• 1lI0&7. Klo& c:.w., rcconJ', ,,,.,.,.,.. alonJ W4 NcttIa u.a.!tom. ""ltnti Nt kan S"·J1PJ.4-W. alon& Ihe &Ie of. c:ane )0 Itte leA .... 'I1nI • ~ or 915,00 foct and & CIN&1 q'o or 11-"'46-. an It; Jcntlh or 192 jQ Iocc: Ihcn« ...... " 10'" p'v""", ..... m· .. ·.I·W 21Ul leet; _ lea"",, J>ld Nonil U .. 1I01'01'S4'l! 154.jl roc.: _ NOO''''I7'1! 1326.91 lca !O Ibo 1'000' OF D£QNN1NO. 12c.pt (or ~~llc rllhta or v~, ("'O.ull" 1S.Jl .tau or Land mare or leu. The: r.ub ot """np Cot lhf. deKnpdon 1I1M aoeotd or Survey (or lIroldlQ'U' 11lt., recorded In DooI; lo.r Sum)'" PIP 2. """" _.,110. 71t17lI9OO2. K .. , Counl)IOCOlds IoIAUYWC 11·07-91 'AltCI!LD l..J!G ].lA(,4.JJOd " , .. .. , • • ... : • • , • • • • • . . _ ... o o PAIlCI!L C • AU !All tctU1a rW propor1J aiau.ta In tho Ck;1 of lWMon. Coumy of Kin,. Sble or WuhlnllOn. _ IIIal ponIoo .1 /ICmJ" 101 ...... •• _ lAnd Clal'" N. 46, In Scnloo 25, T,llN., - }t..<4a!.. W.M ,dr:1trIbcd .. fODowao ImGlNNlNG lib lNt::rwa1cn ollho Sot.r.h ~ or a.ald DoNllOn O·'m. &nd the ~l hl» DC ~ .... 10 .. ilia N.I!. W of oaId _ 25: _ Irom oaId rolm OF D!!GINNINO ."",. .,;,t SoIob liM NI1"Il-n"W 1141.90 I .. 10 ilia East II ... 1 \I\< Burl .. " •• Nonhmt . kulwlr. dIaa .100, 1aaI .. 1d E&sIIlno N01"06'.'·1! 12U9 rca and N01"07'.3·1! m.,1 leet to ~ $QuI) I&ftG ollbe Bow lAb. Jipo UtIO U Q)QYS)'cd by deed recorded v.ndu roc:onUnl No 4131067. XIo& eouo,y _: th<n<o aIon& ..., South u.. SI7"13'S7"1! 1377.63 lOCO, \IItIICO ""'pea to \h,;J madill'll COUn4 ~J tho ate of. cut"tO CD \he len fI.vln, • radlas or Ul.SS feet: and • a:tIUil 1tI,1c ot lO'Ol"1S-. ~J' are kDVb or $3.30 Ccct: &ht.Dec una,un \0 the ptWIdln, tUI'VC , Nn'''''''''-!! .n.'" fed 10 1M DOnhttJ)' proloAptJon or Lhc eut line or CovuftmCJ\l 1..Dt 10; ~ aIoI\a ul4 nonbui, proJozl,1lkwl SOI'02156-W 536.19 feel 10 Ulc l'OtNT OF OF.GIN).I,NG, lac.pt tor p~bllc r"hta of w.J. Conlin. 1611 Acttl or lind ft1MC orlc.u. The. BNb or ~a tor thb dc:.Icrlptlon 1a 1M 1tuonl or SUI'Yt)' Cor DcoadlC'CI Inc •• re.cordc.d In Poot 10 01 SGrY.,11I PlIa 2. undu P.cecrdln' No. 7707l19CXJl. Kin, Count)' recorda • L.S l1J91 MAlJPWC 11-07·91 ","erne U'.o ].2464·3106 • • , -' , • • , , , , • •• • • " • • .. • • rARea P I • • . . . .. .AII thai wtalo rul J1lopcrt1 llWlloC in Lht Clll of RcnlOn. CootIt)' or KtnJ-State or Wa\htniLOn, bow •• rcrtlon ofaowunmcnl LoU 10" 11ln $cC.lOn '25. TowmhIP 2.lH •• 1UnIe .r_. W.M •• ~ beu" mu, pankI.llarly ckac:rW JS rotlowf Dl!G1NNING at tho inLcrloUlloft or \M SouUa Unc or fkN)' A Mudct""' I'>on&IIoA LAnd Clatm Ho. 46. 'Wllh the Hut line o( u14 Ga~ Lot 10, Ihcncc (roat WS pOlNT Of nr,mNNING _ pl4 r ... , I ... ~OI"Ol'WW 25S.3II ... ; lhcII<e Ic.t~ uld r .... I.,. NII'I6'WW 1147.S71"'''' -!lOIN on \b61l»l1l .. 01111< _"""'" Nonhtn> 11_ rI&.hI-ofwl)' whldi b 119.11 feel SouI:hctIt. a: a ..... "tc4 aJonc: J&Id rfdlt-crwatlicJc. !tom W 1nluICClIM lh=ol";l11 l1'.t ScIIlI> II .. 01 uJd J)ONlIoa LInd C1A1m No 46; lhcII<e _ WI .. 14 EulIi .. N01'OG'.S'/!2I9,12 I'" to lho Sculll 1Il10 01 uld I)cWIlon 1An<I Calm; - _loot uJd SouIh hne b'l7'13'S7'S 1142.90 I ... '" lho POINT Of BI!(lIIINING. Z_cept (or publlC Tl,bCI of vay . CoruW 11 .53 AUu of1AN1 rn:n or It" 1bt Bub Of Bc:arinl' rot &his desctipbon Ii 1M Rc.conS o( SW'VC1 for Drotd.ua. lnc .• "~rdc:d In lJook 10 of ~. &l p&&~ 2. under 1t;c:ord1n& No. nDnl9OOl. X!nt Coa.ml)' ",",,<II. PWC 11·11-91 PARCPJ.I'.I.EG 3·2464·3106 • • • , :", , . • • • • • • .. • · . ~ . , . , ,., "s • 'ARCIlLG AU UUI uttMn ,CAl PfOIICI11 110'.' '" \be ell), 01 lConIDn. ColU'llJ or Kin •• !:I*. or WaWn, ..... N"',. poI1joD of~ Lou 10 and :1. ",od orlhc: S.W. 1/<4 o(1hII N P. IH. and or~s.~ 11-4 ot. N.W. 1I4. aU 1ft Secdon 25, TOWNhlp 23N .• Ran,. "u..,.w M • L-.t bel ...... ponIcoIarlJ d<oalbod .. -. Bl!(jlNN'JrrKi at • pow on IN EPc liDa: 1:11 ul4 Govawncnc Lot 10. dllW¥ lhuc.on SOl 'Ol'S6'W lSs.J1 r.u ~ ...... _II1cUOI wIIh !he SoW> line 01 ""'" "'''M''' Do .. loo Io:.d CWm 110. ~ _ frOIO &aid POINT OP BEGINNING, alan, oaId 20 .. I ... • 1 Co_ t..t 10, ...s 1ho catI "'" oC aaId S.W, 1/4 01 Iho N." 1/4 of S,..;o. 25 , SOI'Ol'.l6'W Illl 01 feel .. 1II1II: \IIaI "potallol wiIlI...s 545 .6 feet -17 olllle 1!&Jt. W ... _"boo of..w SocIIoo 2S (or,>V'Od ""'" 1M 1!uI"", oCoaid S.W, 114 oCIile N.~ 1/4): __ .Ioq &aid p.ulld "'" NI7'S!'4l'W "0'." !cd .. 1 JIna III. " panIId willi II1II 60.00 !cd !!aD 01 "'" I!aJI "'" ollbo U .. H'&1<>nNonhctn IIIihn1 rf:loH,r·w.y: !be,,,. ,Ioq .... <,~ ""aIloI u.o NQl'Q6'",'1l554.4I!cd: _ N04'O$'49'W 550.24 !cd ... pori on .Nkf E»l liM 01 a.akI PutUn,LoC Nar1hcnt bilw., rl,tbt-ot-Wl),. dl&Lult thereon S02 .. 06 .... "W lO.J2 tc:ct (rom IJI,o law$ccllcn Wteot with tho SouUl tJGe or said DOlI'd"," I.on.! CI>Im No. 46: Ihencc SIl'16'55'~ 1"".57 !cd ..... POINT O~ BI!mNNlHO. ~.t •• t tOf pu~llC f lah,. of vay. Con.ainJ <46 06 J\aCS or l.JI\d ZI'IOI'e or kls The B .. ;. of _ Cot Ihl' dcscrlpl .. illbc ~,<OId ,C $\Inoq lot DroodSCfU, Inc., ~ IA Doole 10 ,r suNcy. as _ 2, """"a-r<1Aa No. 77012&9001, KI., CouOly r««d .. fWC 11·27·91 PARCl!! O.I.W ~146' )106 • • -• • .. • .. , . .,'" ,: , . • • • • • • • • AITACUMENTl LOP EJle MIla 1. Phue J: BCAG BuUdln. 1. Pbue 11: VamUy Cart Center Dulldlas l. Phut III: Sudan W.ltr Mln'lement S,JCcm 4. Pbue IV: Future DfYdopmtDt • Dl\'ILOPWtHT AOlfDlurr (OlOCIJ..OI04.UlmllOl2·1 - • '"'''' a.U'IIJ • - , , ) , , 1 , , ,-~ , , 1 , , 1 , , L , , • o • , , L. -, -, ""'" , 1 • I 1 • , , " I l , , 1 , , , ~ , J ==== • -.. --------.-·-1 -----, , ... _-------"'---- ------------------1 • -• • I -I • .-I, , _. , ·1 • • • , , • _-'-.:) .1 . --------_--J . . L ..... """II( I """" , I "' .. -- _. , • N • • • • , • -- ... • • • • • • • ) -• \ • • -" / ;-;/ ./ .' 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"-' ...• -... -.... --1 • • • I '.' • • • • • • , .') - I , • • • • IK'IQlIC l.Qh'CAtIt(S omtt ,.we lIortON. w,s"M'i1ON " -' . -- , . ~~. . .:' ,--."'~-. , " . . -.-,~.", '-. . ,,,"~', . . .~ -.' . ,., . ;:;').~:i; ,~ , , ATrACHM~J , . ' . "'0 Dtvdopaaut RqulaUolU Applicable to Pb .... rv Dcvdopmtat - 1. Dcvdopment ~ions.. includin& but not limited to Title IV oftbc Renton Muniapal Cod •. 2. Environmc:DtaJ rules and po1icl~ incJudins. but not limited to ~ • Chapter 4·) RMe • Chapter ·4l.lle RCW; • J ~ Policies set forth In the City of Renton's Comprehensive PIlU1 (adopted Febnwy 20. 1995. amended October 20. 1999; -t. Policies, regulations. standards. and methods applicablo to the development ofland that are included in or incorporated by reference in the Renton MunicipaJ Code; .5. SurfACe water manasement regulations. lnduding. but not limited 10, Title IV RMC;and 6. Other City ordi...-80vernins the development ofland. up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877; provided. however, that Doeing may elcet at its eli_on tIw orcIin.w:es adopted aIler Ordinance No , 48n shall apply to all or part ofPIwe IV d ...... op ..... (I.~. Ordinance No. 4954 'Binding Sit. Plans')' • .. PAOlI ... m • • • . '. • • .\ • • • o • BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY . ,. _PlN_"" ~ • e • ... " 'Hili'" "","" •• M " ••• ..: It I, ... 0# w .. • ~ ,· .. ,t ,. II ... ~ or "' .. " /Of ' .. "" 'J'" ... , .... CIty tw /UN'Ofj, ""'. COUHt'I", It'AtHJNllltOtf , _ .............. -_ ...... "-'-"-"" _,_ ..... ,"_ ... _ .. _._ .... M .. ~._ .. ---.. ... ",.-~-.. -.. ~ ....... -.. = ..... -_"", ... _u •• _._ ~ ...... _..... • ... ... ......... -.. ... __ "'f.)1 .. o(~ ~ )011' tvt _-..Ill _ S1 .. , ----">":',.. •• ~.-:--,~ ....... ~~ q .... C'I· . ,., V614!'-~' =-_ .<oc: CaA" a: ..... fI,(' ... 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'. -. -- - .. ........ .. - "'.ocr ( ...-.. , .. ,,- ._- ,,,_0,-,_,, __ ,.... ..._ .... ... -..... -... _-_.= .. _.-..... --., .. __ ........ .. -.. -~ .. -- I 0 I 0 , 0 I I • I : o I , I 0 0 I DoctKnbor 20, 2002 Joff AdoIson Boeing Roalty Cofpot.tion P.O. Box 3707 Soattlo. WA 98124 '::) • CITY S ... RENTON PiAnninglllwldingll'ubJic:Worb Dq>anmen. c"'" 7JA:lmulAia r.F ... Ad.J.lalralor - SUBJECT: Boeing Longure. Binding Sito PJan (FIle No. LUA.G20022. ECF. e.), Development Agreement U (File No. LUA·lIl·12., ECFILUA-OO-1SO, ECf) Doat tAr. Adolson: ThO City of Renton has compIGlod procos.1ng the abovo r.'eronced tWnng ai1a plan and has lorwardod tho final mytaJ1, eiang wtIh Iho allociatocl dewlopmont a\1l'~. 10 .eng CoIMIry for reeorcflf'lg. Once tho Mayor hD., .Ignod the original (q)ios 01 the devolopmenl agreemont doclMTlonl, the City CIorX', ollleo will forward tho copIos undoI' sopMalo covor. II you have Gny furthor qoo.II00. rooatding this protoc1. ploas. conlJtct mo al (425) "30-7270. Sincoro!)" cc: Land Us. FPe Laura Whltakor Tim Willtloralln Oavld Blanchard Richard Gumport n.OMilii '''1aH'!:U'1ra=t«;'?i(c'i!:n'!\f .. i.ti',::~lo'Jf * 11 ... _._1I0'I0 .... , -.,.,.., ..... = .... " , . RENTO"N- ..." .... or 1'''' c:vnl DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: . -, --. ,. -, o CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANOUM December 20, 2002 Androe DeBauw losloy Nlshlhll'8l <1, Boeing Longaer .. BInding SIlo Plan, Alo No . LUA~2-o22. LLA ThIs binding site plan hal boon .Mf 10 the County lor rOCOrding. Onco rocordod. we will ree&lve e copy of the mylar and the rOCOrdlng numbor, Please update tho slatus 01 the proJect on tho tracking list and In Permits Plus . Thank you . . , " .. ~ '."",.vollowllle • • • OATE: TO; FAOM; SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PlannlnglBulldlngJPublic Works MEMORANDUM Oocembot 20. 2002 City Clortc.', OIlleo ~ LOIIoy NishlWI , PIB/PW • rxMbpmonl/PlaMlrtg •.. 72701- BOling Longacr .. Binding SII. Plan cn.No. UlA002.Q22.£Cf, "',,). Boeing Lonpcn' Dev"opment Agreement U (FII. No. LUA-I1·121. ECF I lUM>O-'''. ECF) Altadlod plGalO Ind tv.~ 101.1 at Iho oboYo·rotoronced mytar and thtoo cop&es 101' reoofding wUh King County. Spocial reconSing inlttucUons lor both ItGm.J MYel bOon prcMdod on the attached form . Also attachod aro Ihroo copIos ot the final devolopmOOl tlg~1 docUment contalnC'lg IhO .pplicanr. no(arilod .ignaturos. Aftor an thtoo docu'nOntl haw boon signed by the Ma)'Ot. plGu. forward ono original copy at tho agrooment -along WIth tno m)iars -to Kng Cotxtty 101 rocording . In additiOn, pIoaso lon'l8rd each of tho rom.1nng origlnaI copies of the do'l'8lopment agreement doclment 10: 1) laura Wh/takOt Poritk'ls Colo 1201 ThInI Awnue. Suitt 4800 So,rue, WA tl8101-3099 2) Jet( Adelton BooIng R.IlIy CoIponoIlon PO Box 3707 SoAttIo , WA 9812. Aoeording to Finance, tho Kk'O Cowlty roeonftlo 100' for this and ... ubsoquonl plat ~ IhOuld bo charged to accounIIl000l007,S90.0060.49.0000I'" Ptoaso caR me .t x7270 iI )'OU have any quoStlOnl. ThIlnk you. 00: Land Use FlIes Property Manapomont APPliCANT • o DOCUMENTS FOR RECORDING KING coumv RECORDS .t ELEcnONS DMS/ON m CfIY CLERK'S omes FROM; BIWNOACCOUNTNUMBER: C1OO/ .. .,..,,5'le>. ooroO.1-9, QQOQI+ (.xx/ ..... u ¥IO! XXD xxn u ..... n): lS REAL ESTA1l! I!XClSS TAX FORMREQUW!D7 N. r1 V .. 0 (Attadlr .... ) (' ' .. "' ...... u ...... INDEXINO NOTES: BINDING SHE PIAN (/.VA-Or-ON, s:;epq;): Soe..NC:O 1-0" ~&I,.OPMptI.,. ~~6N'flt. (LNA '''IH~,''''''''I>\I~ SPECIAL RECORDINO INSTRUcnONS: LVLIA 'CO·130,AtIoC5'J~ .5E>e A'f'I}ls2U;>D. DA1l!ACQUIREO: ____ ORANTO"' _________ _ PUIU'OSJ!: COMMON DESCIUI'I1O>1: ADDRESS: P.I.D. CUlUIENr USEo \Jt.lOS?vRVO PWO; eo Mt\61'-C!fs1., DFA (.E. f'l.i\ UN W MANAGING DEPARTMENT: DEPT. FJU!'. ~ORDING. ________________ __ • '0 PROJECT nUE; LOCATION; 5) __________ _ 3) __________ 0) __________ _ PLACEMENT OF RECORDING NUMBER ON oocVMENTfSli 1)PJeaMpilcerecorolngnumberofdocumcnl I onthtfollOwlngloetllon: p;:t@e Q of &!Qc,vrovor no . a (5«:·wro ]L 14) 2) PlolSe plleo roeonflng numbelr of document _-'-_ onlho fol$Ow\ng Iocation·~. _____ _ 3) Plt .. e plaeo reeonILng number of document ___ on the folJooMnO IOcaUon·;". ____ _ 4) Pleue pile. reeordlng number of d«:ument ___ on tho ,~ Iocatlon:'-____ _ 5) Please place MOtdlng number of documtnt ___ on the ro&oW.no IoeaUon:'-____ _ 8) Pleue pllce recotdlng number of doatment ___ on tho rotIowtng klc.atlon:;.. ____ _ OWER SpECIAL INSIBUCDONS; ata'ObO.OOO ,. . • CATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PlannlngIBulldlngiPubllc Works MEMORANDUM Oecembof' 2, 2002 Grigg Zlmmorman, PIB/PW AdmInltllalOf Lesley N""_. OeYelopmo., PlaM~gJ"~ BOling LonQlc,., Binding Site Plan FlJ. No. LUA-02-D22. EeF. asp Attached are 11'13 finAl m)Ws for th8 above roleronced binding ,He plan. AI)OUr tattles, convenience pleIS. review the mylats and, tI approvod, .Ign oaCh 01 thA two copies of Ihtet ~ of 7. Once approved. the mylara -along with tho IWOV'Od doyelopmont agtMmtnl-will bo prepared lor concunent recording with King County. Plea,. contae1 ma al )(7270 IhOuId you h ..... any quosuon. re;arding this projOCI. Thank youl 01 , CITY OF HENTON . OEVEL04'lolONT sERVICES CITY OF RENTON DATE; TO; FROM: SUDJECT: MEMOHANDUM Novcmbrt 22, 2002 Nell Walts Klyrm Kittrick Sa.ndt.M~r Lal;c Lahndc JeMifcr HCMing OK" am",,,,,,,,, G:iC Docing SIBl'Kkr Asrc:cmmt HOY 22 2C02 RECE IVED Jam oll.ICbin,. copy or the .pP-OVN llocin, SIDndn AVctmetll (I don', have signed copies yn). or JWticull1 inlt'Tt:s1 In Development Sttviccs is Exhibit E. which is lhc P~ld Trip RcK'f'\'o Account Truwction and SI:t.Iw; Rcpott. This form mllSl be used and lrxked whenever DoeinS uses prepaid lIips in xcordllnce with this .gtcen~nl. Tbit mu" be made I ronnlJl file. Give me a call if)'OU woold like 10 discUSl. Tb:t.nkl. " , . , " • . , , .' " " : , . . , , , , ; .... ... , -, j '-' • • EXIIIDIT t: LOllgatru Pnpald Trip. Renne Att'Ount TnculctloQ .nil SI.tul Report · The agr«mcnl enlered into by The Uocing Company (Mlloeing") and lhc City or Renlon ("City") dated ;;:c;:::::;;-:::::::-:;::-;=conc.ernina lhoclfcnslon ofS.W. 27tb Sired (also known as StramStt Boulevard) across the I*ina LonSKfH OfTko P.,k ("LOr) proper11 ("Stramkt Agreement") includes • pro~islon tnt the atabllshmenl of. Rcsen'c Account for the total number orLOP uips ,epracnted by tho Il'anSporu.tiOft mitlplkln fees satisfied under the Strand" Ag,rmncnl ("P~piid Trips·), I'repald Trips means the Rumbet af Ivul8c dAily trips 10 be Bl:nCnltcd by (un development uethe LOP thai were CSlima,td in tho Environmmtal Jm~cl SUtcmcnl ("E1S") Miliaalion Dot:ument (Of tho LOP. i1S\lcd in May,I99S (17.000avmac d.ily tripJ).lw thuseestimatcd trips for LOP developlnent projcctJ fot which truJromtiO!' millplKm r«. hlYe b«n paid 10 the Ciry,l A. oethe ~Ic orlhe SlflInder AP'C'Cment. tho numbtr of lOP PIC~paid Trips wu 2),970 1Vtnalo d3i1Y'rips. The Reservo Account wu CfCIled upon lIedie<1lion by Doelng oflhc S, W. 27th Street extension ri&hl or way. with an iraitWdepC>$it of23.970 Pte~id Trips. Doeing m.y at jts $Ole discretion withdraw from tho Reserve Aecount aU or a por'lion of the Prcp41id Trips. 10 be ertditcd against and 10 eonsllhllo full paymc.nl of tho City ttanspotUlion millpJion fees for the equ.1 number of trips gmenued by devcJo9mcnt of any prC>pClty within the City or Renton lM.1 wu owned by Doc!ng on thc data of the Strlndcr Ag.recmrnt and!lal would othcrwiloO be ,ubjcc1to lhe City tnnsportAlion mitigllion ftCs. This Report. in form and conlcnlu depklcd In this Exhibit Eo shall be used by 80cinS 10 rq'IOl1 • tBnsadion to withdraw, dcsi~te. or IUslgn trips in tho Rescrn Accuunt and by tho Cil)' to record and acknowledgc stICh ttan.sac:tlon. Do:inS sh:lll.ubnlitlhc RCpor110 the City at the time of. planned witbclrJwal. 1'ho Administrator of PlllMing. Duilding and Public Works $hall acknowledgo the withdnwal and dc:sign:.tion by signatu~. Copies ofthe Report IMII be pl,2CCii in tho City'. ptOj«:1 fila (or the revi"inS project and for Iho LOP Ilindins Site Plan, Mil a cop), sh.1I be provided to Doelng. Numbcrof DOIlancc of Acknowledgement of Tripi in Cil), File Number and I,ocelion Trips Ancr TnulSACtion .nd n.tanco D.le Transxtloo ofRetei"ln Project Trarwction byCil),ofRcnton Dat,J + 11,970 LOP BlnJirrg Slf~ Plan. UmRucus 1J,970 G. ZJmmmnun. Admltt. ------- lilociltl fI'Id flWdfiCIa.ckJq mllia-tlon (<<110 Ihc City .. the IhM or Ik¥d0l4iNu' orlhe IlorWIl COlhnlml~ AItpIIl'lC 0,.., lkadqu.nm. boi~(J.IOO.Vff.I1NI,. tfirJ)"'" or the lkacin,·R rnlOft farnll, c.~ CtrIlIC'(?JO "mo,c dail)' trips). ThI: orip.all1,OOO t¥a'IJ~4ai1)' trip. f", Lor.1a.t 2,100 M119JO IIIpJ filf _hkh rref '"t~I, reid. C'qlIalllJ,910 '~n1I'e. ..., trips ""paid IItIdtt 1be Strokr AlI'maaIt J 1'lIe klitlal tpn'KlIo«! dolt, on ",bkr.2J.970 J'fqglol Trip" .... 11 be ~lnI ill the M~ A((CI\IIrt IIIMS dMv~t6 ill '" LOPDindinl5ite. Pbn 1ilE. .. iII "" thc tn"«Ti.,.lbIe. r .. lhe l\corlnt Ikdial," ortbe. S. W, 21111 !\tim ri~ ,,(w.,. . • " • . ; .' .. , ·' ... ..,. .. , '. Q CAC-.. l-211 S"rRANDER AGREEMENT Thl. AGREEMENT is made And enlcf.:d ililo this 4-,#J. day of oa:.enee:z 2002. by and bctwttn T1 II! DOEING COMPANV •• l>claW4IC: cClfJXIfllion (-UoeinS"), and lhc erN OF RENTON. D munieip:al corporAIKm orlhc Siale orWlUhinaton ("1he CiW'). IIECITALS A. LonpctCS Park, Inc: rl.J""}. D wholly-owned lubsidiaryorBotins.i. the owncro( certain ~al ptopcrty (~Pfoperty"). known as Ih: L.tmgx~s Officc PArk .-LOP"). Jotated in the City of Renlon. Kina County, Washington. And more ~it"ulally described in EXllmlT A attached hemo and incorpotated herein by shb '(((fcnce.. 1J>11J'd Docing hive mtcml inlo. Iong.term Ground I cu'" (-I CUt,,) will, dTtcl fronl Jauu:uy I. 1993 punlWlt 10 which Docina may posiCSS tJlO f'1opa1y through Deccmbu 31. 2027 and may in eCNin circumsbntH cxltnd the tum orthc I case lhrovp Oecmabct31,20S1. Pumwtt to Ihe Lcrue. Bocina maycnlCT into Ihis Asrc:emcnlln Bocing'.own name. A mnnorandum orthc Lease was ,ecorded as No. 97070)0121 in the Rtal Plopert), Records of Kina County. D. nlO Cily hill incluile!1 in its TralUpoi1l1lion Improvement rrogroun ("TIP") lin extension oCSIr.mdcr Doulmlld (llho known as S.W. 2" Sllcel) west (rnm Oakesdllole Ann~ S.W. Kross the Property to the City limiu ofRenlon (~Slr:mtJ,er ~tenslun· or "Jtxtcnsion-). C. On Mlly II, 1914,lhe: City and IltOoldxfl's,lnc .. Uocinl!.'S pt'Nt«:sSCM' in intnm. Cltc:red into:an Igrcanc:nt rcconkd in King County as No. 140G0IOS,",O ("'1914 Agrttmmt"'). proviliing (or, Among olber things, (:II) IC$UVDlion oC.ight O(WDY (OC' tbe Slrlllldcr Extension IUOU Ihe Properly, (b) eslsbluhmc:nl of An all&nlnmI (or the Extension xross Ihc l'Joperty, (c) ecquisilion by IbeCilyorthc reset'Wd righl orway, (d) c:onstnKtion by Dr~o(. iocaloccess IWd ncconJing to City s1n:d J1:11ntillonh (or local Deem 'ODds: within tho 'CSCfVW right OfWDY. (e) payment by D~D(res not 10uecct.i)0 pcn:ml oCthe tut.ll cost ornlmdingScranckr (rom che eoUt PJopU1Y linc to 200 (cd tall o(lhe Burlington Northern nll'0311 ,ight of way, and (0 ,cd,w:lkm of D.o:adaad payment by the (utI cost cxpcnJcd by Ur03tbcres In designin! anll COOSlIUtlingtho 10ClI01 ~ccss fOiIi. D. The Envirorunenl:allmp:tC1 St:alanrnl ("'ms"') Miliplion Document (or tho LOP \hI1 was b.suc:J in M:ay. I99S ("'MidSAlion Document") included a T.ansportllion Milig..Jlion ConeJitions Agmmmilhal Among OiMr provisions ftqUlrCS Boeing 10 pay 10 the City transportation miliplion fees of $15 .00 pcr lIip eCi!), TranSpor1ation Mili&:alion Fcc-) buN on 27,000 averAge tblly trips 10 be gennaled by full dcwlopmenl or the LOP eLOP MiliBlllion fcc"). llocing hu paid 10 the City, as InwporUlion m;tiplion rea under tile TUlnsport:alaoll Mili,g:ation CondiliMs A&fttmcnl, tlS7.500 timed on 2,100 avenge d:aily !tips) lithe lime ofpcmlit Dppliclliion Cut the UocinS Commerci:al Airplane Oroup (-nCAO") lIe:ad1Iu:aIICrs nuilding AntI S69.750 (twcd on 9JO average <biry trips) at the time oCpcrmit application (OJ the O(l(ing.·Renlon FAmily Cl/e Cmtlt. The LOP Mil iplion Fee less the l.anspOf1llion miljg~lion rees 1I1fl':ady p;1id 10 the City ('"Net LOP Millg:ation Fee'") as oflbe dale o(thu Agreement is SI,797,7S0 (based on 23,970 aVCIIIge cbily trips. fl'Cc.mc:etJ httcinaRer u the "Prc:p:ajJ Trips"). ". ". " , .. . ,', " • , '. o o li. Oocing now plMJ 10 P"'pMC lJlC ('ropaly for poIcllli.1ll d!:vclormerlllh.t will require (0) modiliUllon of tho 1914 ""cnnent rI,ih1 of way alignment, (b) tnodlr.Clltion of Ooeln." po'ymcnt oblig.lionl (or the EAtcnsklon 10 Addtell CUfTent cOlldiliuru:. and (c) cLvillcll2ton oflbc: rrocedUtu and standMd, (orOocina 10 construct .. local DCCCSS load within the rescrved Ilpl otway (or the Stnnder fixlen.ion. F. The City dalles 10 'connon tbe .v.iI:lbility, location and (unding oflhc StrJWk: right O(WIilY and extension. In oddilioll, the City has received inform.lion IUld dat. provided by n~ln, indkallns thai c:xpolUion and improvemtnt orll~ GratJy W''1arKI Oal:CSI.I.1IICI Avenue tnlcRtccion will bo required as. rault o(tnarrlC f.knllu~fs (rom 1M complcllon orOakcscbl~ AvCJIuc and (ueure dcvclopmenlln the .1'4:111. O. Doclna And the eil), desire IU rescind the 1914 Agtcnnmt.1'd to cnler inlo, new agreement repnlins tho SlIand« r:.xlC'nsion to replaco the 1914 Acr«mmL II. Esiliblishtns this Agtttmcni will mltemlly lid the City in IpproachiPB tho S·.lo or WAShinaton.nd federal lundinS I'gencies for liranci .. 1 ASsistAnce in developing tho Sltandet Extension projm. I. The City and Doeing consKkr this effort 10 be 0; P\lblic·ptiVile pMtnC'rlhlp DlId ;approach it and this Ai/cement in the t . il of paltncn. anlici('3ling 1M! iuua and unfOlo;sccn event. will be resolved on I' mutuilly ag.rccable b.ni, 4S they Arise dutingthc courso ofpaformanco orchis Agreement. AC:IlEEMENT NOW, l1lEREFORE. in tonsidCf.tion of thc rnulu~J toyclWlls lind under tbe lenn, and conditlOfU hcreinaflcr sci forth, the receipt and surrICktKy orwhich is hereby ItCknowkdced, the p:u1ies hereto covenant flnd .yee as rollow,: I. Right orWpy Rcsgyjllj9D and Alignmenl. OoclnglgrttS 10leKn'c (or the dUlldon orthis Agrccmcnt a 9().(ooc. wide right of wlIy ACt'OS5, over, and through the Property ror tM Strand" Elileru:on ac:conIing 10 the Alignment described in EXJUDtT D, tltlehed be,do alld inc«pOnllled herein by Ihis rcfermc:c,lUId I'pp'oximatcly depicted io FJOilDJT C, also Ittadtcd herc';o .od Incorponaled hen!n by this rdncnce ("RighI elf W.y Rcsuvatlon"), The Cit'/.grces thai tho alignment ortha Str/lndcr Elltension shlll be loc:aled within the Riahl olWay Rcsuvation. 2. Duiblioa Rglrtt!joo. Unless otherwise provided in Ihis Agrmnent, Doeing I'grccs not to ~lruct pennancnl buildings within Inc Righi or WlY ReKrvellon Mt.I setbacks (rom tho Right orwlY ReservAtion th:at aro required by City Code. For purposes orthis Apemen!. the tcnn "building" ~al1 mem My structure hning II roor suppor1ed by c:orumfll or walls and intended ror lhc sheller, housinS or enclosulo or IIny individual. :animal. process. equipment, Soads Of materials or lUIy kin~ 01' nature. J. Riehl (lr WIY i\(qlli~itiolJ . ),1. UoduS agree's 10 u~JH:3te to Ihe City llul portion of the PrnpC'rt)' locltC«! within 1he Rig.1lt of WtJy Reservation (",Righlur Way l'ropcrty"). 1'hi5 tlellicll1ion ,h.,11 tIC .cce~ed by . • . ,,, . • " -' .... , ~ • • •• . ' . , • "" . . , . • • • , " '. '. .. , • • " ~ t • , " 'tal. < L , , • • '[ • • • • " , -_ . -........... "" ... -•... ~, •. -... --.-... -.,,-~--.. ..;..--.-.~ .... - the City wilhin 110 day. frolll tho !hIe ofthl. Ag,rtcmcnl . In condclCf:llion (or Ihe dcdkalion orlbo Right of Way 1'ropclty,lbo City Op", INI (a) dIG LO~ Miliplton fcc payablo 10 the City ofRcnlon fur Ow LOP 1IIsil be ruJly 'lltilfic:d,lb) III of lkKing's obliplioru: fur the Strandtr Extension !)Cros, Ihe Propmy.nd 'pprOOlchc. to Iho Propell), Ihsl may be unposed by the elly or Iny rlNneln, jurildiclion ~hlll be flilly .I.11itfic:d. Ind (e) III o( Boeing'. oblig.atton. for Iny other ufT·site lu.nspotllliion impnoVi..'1nc:nl' \¥ilhinlhc City of Renton IhIIl ArC rct)uircd Co lupportlhc level of (ull dcnlopncnC orlhc lOP M coo.lcmpl.ltl'd in the ms .ball be: fully gli5fiw. 1.2. The Cit)' agrces 10 enler into (nnn:" diKuuioru ~ith U~ing rcpiJing plxcmtnl o(lhe (lfoposed clCp:uuioo and itnprOVclntll1 of Ihe Gnu.!y Wtly and Oikesdale Avenue inttt5C'Clioo AS. Pfiority project on the Citys nl' At the next Khct.lukd upd"te or the ·I1P. Any Agreement n:acbed bcrwec:n the City and Uoeing on this iubjrct shall be hlnnorializr:d Ind applond ill II sepuale document ).). TIle City oyt'eS nlllto lldupt An nuthori7..:alion unmr applicAble bw rOf the acquisilion or ,II Of p3It or the Right orwoy Property under eondcmn:l tion or tNut or eOfXknlntltion during the Icnn orthis Agrcement, unit'S' UMinS raib to dcdiole the Klr,hl or WlY I"roperty in lIeeordAAce with \helenns nnd flC'uvil ions orlhis Agreement. M . The City ayel:$ Ilmt Ul)Cinl! may tltlne lime or City acquisition of the Risht of WAY PreperlY lI:serve a 1I0llCllc!usive pcrpctu.,1 u~I1l('1l1 O\'CI, ItCro$.S. alnllg. in, upon. under. DmI thnM/&h tbe Right o(Way l'ropc1ly (01 pUlpostS th.11 in<:llkk .(~CU, utililY. drll iMge, and any regul3lO1)' requirements allplkllble ll1lhe development uf 1.01'. Any uscs for the R1w.t of Wly Proa.e:ty proposcJ by Doci:lg oIhtt than ti)f those purposes ..... ill ,clluire JlfWr City Appt'OYlil ...... hich .h:all not be unrea.1OOobiy withheld . 4. Rt'~sO'c Mcouol. 4.1, Upon dedic:etion urthe Rit:.hlllfW,y llropcrty to the City, the City agtcu;o Cte:llo:. reserve IKcoulIl in Oocing's Mme rResc:rve Accounl") It-.)I con:"in, the Jlrrp.1id Trips. Trips in the Reserve AccO\:nl dH111 he eOIlJillcrN the pcnollol propelly of ltoeillg unless the)' Ate A.uigned by IJoclng tu. slXecnor ill inlelest to all Of Imy portion uf lcal pttJpctty located in the City of Renlon, inelLMling, but not limilC\! 10. 311 owner's usOC'i-ltioll or similar clltity £ovcmin8 any or all of such proptlty. Doeing mlY at its sole discrction withdraw ftorn the Rcscf\lc Account all Of. portion of the Prcp3id Trip'. to be credited IlSo,inst alld constitute full pIIYUJen' of the City TrlllUpor1l1tion Mitigation fcc (01 the e1lual numb« oflrips gC0Cf'3ttd bi' dcvtlopmelll of -l"Y property ownro by Iloci:lS within the City o(Renlon u of the d,\lc oflhis ,\grcement eRenton Properties") IhM would OIherwisc be subjtct to the City Tnuuport,\lion Mitigation Fcc. TIle Renton Properties ore described in EXJIIDIT o III!.Klleti ~e10 ~d incorporated herein by this u:fcrcn<:e. If lind ""hen Doeing ..... jlhdt3ws sllch PrtV'lid Trips from the Rcsn-ve Account, the number of PKpait.l Trips in the Rc~rve Accoonl shlIlI be corlC:'lpontiingly rcdlUd. 51101litl Uocins choose to lIS5igll I'tep:.i,j Tril'" 10 projects other thon LOP. thos e PrepllMI Trips ..... ill no IOPEer be Ilv-lil3ble for Lor It3n5IJOflation miti8'llion . 4.2. noeing slull timely nutify the City, u provided in this Agrt'cmenl. ofthe wilhdrllwlIl. desi{'.n:ltion. or auipvncnl oflrips i.lll1e Reserve Account by providing to the City II document ill the roon Imd contcnl JcscribetJ by EXIIlItIT li. IIl1aehed herclo omllncOlliOlilltd herein by this re(o;nl1(e. The City "grees 10 provitle 10 UC'Cing wrilltn eonrillnation ur such ..... ilhdt3 ..... "I, de~ign3tion. or IIs)illrunellf ... Iso .. ~ lkscribcd by EXI "lilT E . ---• -" , • • • , , , " • • , ,. ,