HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSP-02-022 3+, ,,- I 'I 1 . ,. 1 ., , L , , .. ~.' .. , • , , .. • '. . j , lGw..£llttIJ, 'j~ c.".~ .. W' ....... ktf 1/fWJ·1~.ffiJru; tit inctm .. Sociq 10 It.. ~"'_ ~ \Otlhot.~ £J:1~ Il't:'.,.. to City ~'" &tc»a~UQQo pJM( ta .... j"'~f.M'l i·~bItt.,. VEy ~ .. lIkftJwt. ,.-*1)' (jO) dIf.t J.¥'tof to ~OftI#II(JK:t.~ftr ~Iioa f}(J,Iw ~r f.:lll~'" C4}' wR ~~«k &cjro, .. fl. e~ .~'«J_"".t, ..tGiIMI~ .. I_.IWu.. h'CCNMM .,..la,,;d UAP'"~ W:JU'fi~ OOl·aGf Jb.ited to Iip.i ~nffJ"llbO\" uUhf~ slokw .... du~)' M:f:e:s:o.. • .,.. """1.-''''''''_ sl~ .. 'm'd ,MiSS it.J..~ 5.a.c.ld &t\1t8 ~N. ~t!,;I ':".eu pior., ~p:kUo. oj' dtI $b •• ~ Ou.t-. • .,. CQt'ti41ua ..... aU or p;v1 of W Ji~l 01 Wi,! '~y:a "'.r.aI .1 • ~lOCify *,.! ... (~ At~~). n.l.l)l[.:Ii!I Acuu ~IIMY "Iwk~. unlit ... ~ "" al tf (kdilWs,. ,!doIli';1oa. ... Ii ...... lOt Olbr¥ $If: 'illd lUpn.cd a.y 8etiP:11I!W die C..,.. n.. Locu ~ ... :thJ1. ~ CQ ~ CHy Fur ",life. UN","" &tairf) (4) iJay. loaio'MC*cc,.p ......... Tht CIt'f~UtM _1o.or;aJ A\:W$'~ ~ ........ ay .,JRdffPOD ilirPw .. ~-.£t ... ".;11 opH to ~aW Ir.WIkdiKiq ~1OtI 01., Slf'Mdoo fD:II~ Tttt: Ciry .-"'" ~ RiMlKww l:.wt.na. fIw (I)JN of dllQSInn6n' f.1tlt' )' "1\ t«.1tnK.~ '" aJt _ip and " .... ~tK"'""'" ~ .. l.ol-al A«.cU R.cr.J CDlfpc.J\o(iA, ..... ~pIlII anJ II.~ to C~~41: "" .. doAt $}' be lIlIJOf'Pl'lfalo-J WIlD tIM S1l1iftdtt ~~ pmi«..t 1. .sJrcr.IA~lSll.1 k\.1\I5UtW 7 r. AU "~iy 6()ftbjl) ..... tf:c. SUlrlJlkr ~ ~.lf M\'O lIOCen '0 !btl. pc.bl~ ripe (l( way. _IG. v\llrlwise .\~ by Ihc plldld, 1,~ ikl¢in" Ifl.lY t::itfbH "., ~.lillIlhe SII'.anJa I!xlert!:K.n two UlIerst .. 1iM. W'itb ~ ~ tfM: I'k'!I'1b ~ M.!ud. o( ~ EJ.kllUCf'J, rAClllC mil)' propose additiunoll intcncaKtAf. m !be-fi,rwo '.,t (t)1,,;,iJmtI~ ~ ... ~bh! IIIppnlv;f!l b')~ 1M Cir)'. Oocing ,haJl pay Alli CO&( fin·~)' tt31fae '"",".I(5} reqmrc:d at ;'UIy. intQ:3;(liom: c:stablish1d. Bocin~ may U ~:ifdl.t. $!Gng the St.r.antJet £.pnuOOn }lriVi1C dnliC:.r.ty !NUB polnts..wbj«t 10 City Cadit f'C!I"P"'::tft!::nt£ prOriint. ~~. IhAf Ibe: Cit)' re-se-c~fCS the right to limit turning ~,It:sQlOh "",v~e tlrlvC'W",,),.cast pt.-tnu to right-in;wi nt(.bt-oot cnly, a. InmmtlQ!. OMs i\#ft"KnI' sbR lMfttNllc twct!ly (20) Jaf'I rmn the dlde of o:.otlltlOa atifIU A"eaneGI. ot~ rand CfJIIftpkliOff ull!!e Str-.tndtr £Udl~lCft. ~ (JC.C.WI , ellfict. fr ~ a((h: ~ ~ lw IIIbI been fbl1y ru...sd and "",*",llI:ed by tho .-.oIimaio.:kRoflhit ,..~ eo..,.. It ill .oa.~loaauy~e iU:the Cily~Yey 1ctBuri.a IkItiJbt\JlW~'1"optJ'1 ndusi".rAtbc I on' Accas IL-,.J d d .. dk;:11I!d Q)lha('1!y II pOfWtd \it ~ 6 althlaA.,udd"u1l1. Whot lbe~' O(WIY ~Iy fs rtCG:t-ycy.od 10 8oa~-b1IlMCiry~8«ftts illaU pa,,10 dw.CfC)' """~t ot'lAtNd lOP Mitiplibn FC=I! aafiud t6 Utttie.,.,.., p\w .... J.t uldulAjltemc::fIIL ,_ MfM/1 til \bII C'YGII of .,;,k,.tI f.'r t'ai"-'e of pctfuntunce by eitlK-:r party or oy Censt (1# ("CClliIion ~dl""(~«1"'''''. t.Ite IJrfwllinSp.vcy lbn ~dMtfy (lO)4:IY' .f'~r writtdl ~"""eft 1e.!.I:Wt JW1Y try rife ~ck~I'" pMf'y~.u pn:w~ in ttt~ A!f«tnt:llt, la (''1n Uc dtfotltt; \'I'f'IWktrod" tw:,wever. dtat If tbe AWe c:M~ ruSlONlbly U cdmpkft:W ",ilhmllUth lhit:» OO} .,1 penod, the lk!_ltiltg p6fty 111:111 M'PC ~ It ...... It". ptrl> "I I!C d tt':~ 'llttUuty fQ eu:rc tIM *'~ft ~ klnil"" t!tt dt(.wltlfi, p.,tty .11 C!'.'4'IJIK'f)(. tl)e: \'1Jf'e witkin 11M! thirty (10) tity p«i(d .nd ~1kr~. the ",ff'I! ~rt1J t~'" Jjh~"" •. --- . ' .. , • - • " " .. .. , , " • r' . • , • • • • • , • • .. • . ' . • • o !Q S)rstm:a~~~ l)"l, A.p,ulflltat .. fII(.' .il~ It'l'int. ~i~ OOIJ:J~ ...... Ui'I'~ ~ 'IMt, "'" ... .a eM bnd"'" ~ ~ .. "" ttw. N~(" m IIA4 br. \:H1"1I-~tfM,PS 1 •• c-.WlbeI.tI"~ln 1!W~:.t .. .ar"" .... :p. 1~ ~,t.~ .. ·OI .... ~M &asw~'J _..-... A ...... NO£:aJ to wt fi'MW'l"t~.c"'d Of $lC:la' wi"..)' fiIt·a. PI094'"I."" .... _ ....... , ..... _81t ll'l Mot: ft{ClJI& *"IJ lilt ~1tP • ..-4 &Utn all.i~ _ obUv.n.·~ ....... 1IlIIIM. ~* $ Hjl .. ~tht~.,..,. .... 80')4l". ... ' ~ .fI(I~IO.Prq.)d Tripi Nt itle ~~1d. .,.p~!O '.III.." ...... ~1"J.wj.p ~f'pa. f(" .~"..:I .... pvI~l. _ "'WM8'''' 'l ~\,r tU! Aj4:fCg!\rt:J.. IJpuG UCC'\.I"". d .... A~IK~ me 1914 A~ Iitt;aIIi '--.11. Vtlw.. wrJ .. o~ .tl-c:-.'I. 11. O..,,:e:t9Pi.t...'lflitLin n. ~." 1II.u ~ cu;tC.t!41ho riP" "."." SO .. 1IJII4H *" ~P';;§."-d ~ ~wca lt~ lIU -rp~ iQI' ICs..cr.kB. r.k::; lAd tqVt¥~ tlf _, ~(a IIlIU,,;nllr ba"~~tK" I J. ~ lk .. AW-CCifJLId :;hiJI botIlUW:-.N.lYr. t.( l' IK;J, MIt ClluKbi .. .ec:q-..rd~ wIlD ~ tA.'It1I 0( .. SU .. g.fWIl.lillit~ VWII1/IC {"" ...,¥'io .. ~\eI" iM_ Aptc:kW'" ........ Kill. ,,-Y. W","""""", H . tt~. MtJ ~p~m:d I,JI'puooktl s.;;!)I: pwr.tDkf Ibit. "&:«tn«rt ~""I~'" ;. ~I jOI' ~ tc .k1n"Ct\~1 ro tt:N ret»-'-"8 l~t~ .. , .. ~ • Co~ fl;'lllnltf'iI 'n~ ~ ('ClIttptill)' Me tF·5' ., 11. [tu:lif(1 SwJk-.. W,' '.I.]1 t 'U. l~7 11:'ij Qom,Id 81l:..tt<olour". p. ... Ilw ~ CUf'lIPIII)t 1-tC 1'-0. PO a.u J701 5e¥t1e ...... A 'fG114 r:. ... .r.s:-".s-12l0 ~. 7 ..... r.l.u:.-mM ~ ... istJ~ pi' P1 ... UI&. lJucW",,...lot 1,.,J,Jtc. W(lfb City efR<t1IfIn 10~S s.~ f;,,;.dy Way """I~ W.\ qlGS! F~ .. :::5-Hn·nU ~.I"Ir~ Mc~ rl_ft~. IluIhfon&. wl ~ \lr\'4'\.. CR'y~CR (~ lo l:S ~""1I ",,,,Iy '.V_y RtllfUP", Wi\ '1In\,,, 'I , .. .. • , , " , , , • :;, .. .! ~ , , . , .' .. ., '. , , -. ~""" -~--.-.. --,. o Fa: 42S-4)O..724' Nocko may bedeln.Ut:4 by ClaUaikfif U.s.nMlil HoticuNMU btdccmed cfTcctitt. if_ikd., "(100 the: M'CC'od _incw.,. fuf~ de~ Lhnco( ia the UtUccd Sulet =aU. pmttp p-:prid, calif. Of ~ mail. mw. !"tCript1eqt"'tlc:d. 01 ~ delivery ~if ~ emz . Mber"""", QanP tIM: tdcfn. .. to wItQ nudccs au, be elYno lJy pill, -oou as abcwe r.;toUYSdoJ. Bor.., Of it. 'UCcctP«or UJip to tJ:Ws Ap""iCMsbalJJ,ivr: nOOc:c "" t:bt Citycfwfmr .~~ pr(lflCrty ","""s.sbail be-aivcta ICJIIW* htfJca woda Ibis Parappb 14 io addidcD 110 0.: ...... APPKOV£D AS TO fORM: ~ Sts.t: o( Wa:mmgfon 1t.;;~~W~ ,.~q , City AttOfDeY I nur an ()f RI::lUON. ol mwticipal COSJ ... atico or Ur. -&2?:.~::~ .. :.!.;;::.~ .. ~, '~L~~ :::::/=-_ J~ ______ ~~'"~'L-____________ __ AITEST/AU11IENTICATED: ,.,. .... I H..".'Il! , . , • ... -""~~·~--··-·---·-·"'!~~-·"'~-~-"'7'~·-",:",::r:7·';''"'7':w_. -:---- • , • , , .' " , . !. , ...J "... .... ..,.11 di !H .. "f1>'1 IIrI!'JIIh tIIi'A."..,.." '1 , , , • , • , .. • , . ~ c.. I , .J I ! , , I ) • , 1 , 1 '.' j .'" " , I , I • ,. , , . , , • , " -, L . • , • , , • , . " .. , , ..... ., ..... ,.... ' . rAACELA . AU, f/tM U'f'Ujn ruJ pro,cMy siCUak: In Iho CI()' 01 P.t'hCOO, Cou-M) of Xi~. Stale or WQhinCtOQ. bc~, ~ portion o( Htlll) A. Mu«"" DoNdC:JI • ..and C1a1m No. 46 111 SccCoro 14 &Tid 2f, To-.Tl~bip 23N .• Ran&e (.E .• W.M •• II/IIJ • p:..rtiot> of GoYUJlOlL"'" Lot lin J.l;d .$<i:Cl.ioa 2., ArId !!fin, r.'Iote p.a.nklll.vly ckWfw.d IS follows : BEGINNING AI: &he inu:r~nlOn of Ihc North In or Wd 00Iwk>n lAnd Cb.im No. 46. wJth Ihc I:IOJl Wu&tdy line of Got"Cnvnt#'; I..oc U '" J,jd Senioa 24; Shc.Iu from ujd POI"'1' OF B,C;IJ<III~::: SOO'W17'W 1l11.'tl 10<1; ""ne, SOl'01'l6'W 1102 feci", dlc 11O<1Ioell, r"" 01 L'1e: C-.,. 01 ~unk Bow I...ab PipcLft ,jz:ht-ol."",y as coaycyed bJ Ceed folCOfdtd vr..1u RLtordin& No. "1)1061, KItI, CO\InIy ,ecordJ; d'ltDU ~ 'Aid ftMhett, l!.nc m-·"",'."W 436.96 rca; d'QtI(.C WI",,. co.!le ptcGtdin, """IS( tJo:r-l1lw: AI' or. ('Ol'Vo': to &he: ri:br h'rin&: • ,M!:u:s or 122.SS (f(( u.d • caual1nlk 01 20'OJ '15*. M!O.rC Icftl1Jt or 42 .12 lUi; shena: LanlUIC 10 Iht pttte.dinJ run-! "Il'I3'j1'W J 111.91 fccl so iN: Eullj,hc~(·way llnc 01 the s.;,rfifttton Hanbcna Jtaihr.~y; ihtncc aJont uid £uz lilM-or'WJ1 lint: NO] ·07'O'.E 1109.63 Ius ; tbc.ncc Ll:tlU)I &.0 UIt t"I'uutint: tOUrk; Ibn, tM..arc d:l C\lrv( to I.hc: left hJVUt& a ndivJ d 2101 .00 fuI ar-od I ctfttraJ antie oC 14".09'CS', "" vc itnl't..la of no 44 feel )0 the: MJ:trl,' line o( IN former Pult( SO\md 3bofr Rallf(l~ ComplnJ'J Sunk L-It'; shct'lGe alent noW. WUltJJy line h'01·(J1'.rE 121.30 lUi to lht ,ou.llIulluly r~ oYthc: 1>&1(.11 coo'-r,e4 to 1M SUlt 01 W.uh~ by deed ICCOrdc:6 und.:-.r A.F.I 14 12 uOOl6, KinI Courv)' ttc.ords: ~nu &Jon~ Ja.id ,o':Me.ulUly'tIIt N~·J1·S5~ 35 .69 ft.t:Il;;J a poI" on a·liM \hac i, pM;lIJd ...;U\ "' ... Sowh line of uid $ec';Oft 14, and rancs IJ""OUIh t)w: tro$l SI'Mhcl'Y coc'nr:r of Ihr: JOY!MrMlOSi drwo (.oocn:1t abut:menLS DU1lM wtSl£IlJ t . .ncmkv: Q( S.W. J~ ttlm; ~M.e alon, taid pU.llkllinc SU·.)'))·£ 6'." feet tow u$.Ier'r liM af , .. kI torr'l~1 J\rt" Sount Shott Railra;ad eo"':J'"aI1y'1 Sunk ~; \.tw:DC.t Lion, uk! uncI I, lint NOl:01'.o·£ II .Wi (ut 10 the UMhcrt)' li,hl..of"""",,( linc at J...t.QS ; ¢ ...... ~ aJor.l u.id SO!Jlherfy ril"'-of.\L~1 linc p.:VI·j7·27~E .0.10 fett; W"nu Wt:ctll 10 the prtudmt COUI'-t &lont Ow: arc of' C\I~ to lhc ,\eft ~'flrlt a rlldius o( 603 .1' IC'(I J..,d :, unual an,le 01 19'CW'30", an arc kI'lJ\h or 100 • .0 JCff; lhcocc UII,e~ to the prtudm, CUM N6J"S2'Sl'E 90 32 (ur; Ifw:~ k"~ u:id tou1ht,t:Y 1i&t-.,-of.",,,y lint SOO·12 'll'W 1022.:1 fU11e the NoM line 0' 11'd Oona:toti l..and cWm No. 46; &h(nu alol'4 said NM.\ Trne SI1·!l":,rE. 1462.)1 fttllO &he POINT Of BEGINNING. COtIt.,Jins 72 .1l Aerts of Land mort Of leu. T"h: !lu i) of BUI'1n,~ fOt thj.s dUCTipt!.oo if \ht R.C!Ofd af Sun~y br liroaG:2Cfc,. Inc .• r(COflkd I.ft Boo. of 5vrwys I( pale-1, U..:'!d(1 Re.conS1nl No 770"89001, K.n, County rCCOId1 MAL,r\\'c 11 ·07 91 rAA C[LA LE'G )·1'64·)'06 ,,,,. . .... , '. - • fa , j , • • I , , , . ,. I , U" " . . .l • , ~. ,. . , • , . '. . • , , ;,," .-{ . • " • • ..' -'r: : • • . .,... ~ • .vI !lui C(lluin-u:al pt.~ ~tCa ..... il ~ CJfY 9' R·.nbM~ CwNY " lC~ SW ~, WI1~in,.On.. _, .' ""'_ ... ~ A . MO*Ic,', 1_ l>I>I CWilo lI'.I, (.6 ill $,,, .... ,. "'" ll, 10'Mlsh1"'ll ~. JhKp: • E . 'IN M ... w • pcrioo of C-,.,-ra.ncQl Lc:a ., j,a uid .$.c .. '11oA ;te', ~ blb:I. moJ. p~\lla"il."'*Ji u foUcr<as; D€GrNNU<iG "" II'< _J, ... ~ ....... , /If """ Go ......... ", "'" /1; II ..... " "..,. ..Jd POINT Of 6ICIHHi.N<l ...,. .... _ H ... / .14 Go ..... _ .. to< I) W"WU"E. ~.'l ilw .. Il>e '""""'17 ,..,., ..... or "'" ~ "'" of ,,;d. ~ Land 0 .... 100, "': ( ....... -I WI vro!oo"""" .... """ t!oc SOl'~'IJ3-W 11)4.1' 10 1t .. 1JoM AN .f .... Clryors..ru. _ w. flpcib.O rl ~{~ .. ~ b, dod .. "".w .lIIkr ..... dv>, No. <Ul067.1Clo1 c." •• ,. ,ct«4f; \henCe ~ u..4 ~ n,.. fit"''''' all&.etfi $. bt.,,· U"12')."W. I~ '"'" arc ct a ~ 10 the "II. ,,"U'I, I ndltu or 9U co fed w 1 "~II aft,_ of 11-"1'46· .. U IrC tenl'" 01 19%.50' ltd; *." ~I!N ~ \M pttlCAldilti C\Jl'n m· ... ·4.~W lU E.l r.:n.~ lhe-sa ~I..us. 1#.1 ,"""", I .... NOI'6l '~'1E 1S4,ll /.-. • .,.. .... NOO'S6·n'E. lJlHI I,a ..... "'11''1 Of tlt:CtNN:N(;~ c~~ .'-ll Aun of I.JlAd tftUt'1 Of 'cu. nt. Ituh d Df:M itll' ror ~t..-dc-'n ;tt'M:I:ft I. ~ hCOld 01 Su~cy rOt '8~TU Inc .• U't;orcfd il'l tsc»t lIl.ofSlN""'t')'-' U poll' 1. undu lhCWdlnJ No. 'H 07!t9001, 'Kif), CCU't\l1 (ec.titiH. MAUfWC II?H I PARCl!l.a ~W 1,1~~;1(\6 " ., , , , . .'. ( • r" U o PMCELC AU \1'1.11 utWe rut popcrty .wau ~ cJIc: ell)' of UnlOQ .. ("~ c! K~. 5:w.e n( w~*!~ b-:~ N ~ cr Hut')' A. Mudrr', Doll!';"" Lrnd C4i1ll No. "E-. in Sus;o.. n. '1 .23tl,~ kAE .• W.M .• duc:rbed ~ follows: &EGINNING a: "" """""ioo or w s....:. lint or sal4 DooItIoo Ollm, a»d "" u.. IIt>e .r Covcmm ... l.oI 1010 w W,E, ~ oI .u:c! Sul;o,; 25; w,," ftom .. " POII-"T OF IIEGlJ-"'NO ""'" .~ SoW> '"" 1'117°1)'57',.. It17.90 K::o .. the f.>JI line or Ih __ NonIotm J..U"")'; """" ~ l.ul sal4 Us! lin< NOlo06""''E 1l<J.69 rut .". NC2°0)'.3-£ 251 .11 r... to &hi! $OUIh 1ft "r Ibt Bow Lab ''PC Une U aHr-ICytA by 6ud rcc.orc!otd ~t ,tulC6nJ ,..:0. ~JlJ067. Xiii, Courqo fCctI,cb.; Ibtnu alon, Slid Sot11'11w 5a1~n·.!1"E nn.61 (UI; Wkt WI,tl'll 10 ~9'ec.c:c:il'l' count aloft, Ihc IIC or, (\M"'¥t lO,dw~" ~ z ,Id;"" of Jst.S5 fJ:tt: &."10 I cu~u:J "'t\: a! 2O-0I'))"' • .an au: knpb ':)( 53.30 rw; Shena: WIleN IO ;itC prtudit\c att'W: }\"72'..,'48·£ "27.0-4 rUI 10 the nonht,~ ~,2tiofl of I.ht £.au finc G( ~1O"(mlihu. l..ot 10; then«' AIon, aid rotX'\h",11 pt'oton,lili.Jn ~OI·Ol·S6·W Sl6 19 (ue 10 \he 1'OJf'H OF 8ECi!NN";~G . Conuirn 16.11 Ann cr Ja."'" mort 01 ku The BUll of Bt-Mi.:"" rOf Iohis ductipioft it (t" Rt.cord 01 Sut'Yt:ylor Bl~ i.nc: •• U:COfdt.'d ill 500~ 10 or Sur'llt)'~;ll ""z:c: 2. un6c:r RtcctdinJ No . 110721901')2. Xin, Cou"9-{«'ct.:J~ . MAL/FWC 11 ·0791 9ARC[LC.LtG )·l'fA JI06 , " , • • , • ,,,/-//-11 _~'~' __ : !'L~ 1 -.,~ " ..... ___ "4_' __ '''''~~'''''''''''':-''' '. , , '. , " ' , , • • , ' .. , • - • , , , ' '. '. , , ..... , , All 011 • ......" tW """'..., .............. C", 01 _, C"""'J _r ~. $U(c .f W~~b« l;"iV_(lt C-~m;A'M.l'" ~ ~'O~ It Ib.fi~ll. T~"':"lW .... *". At.. Y H • ..c,)o1t!t _, p",,,,,,"'ly4,,,,il>t4 .. _"'" ftf.OilfNfJiO II 'k re,~~ ,.., II .. ~ U"... 0" N~.i' A. M'4'_T', t:.~ LaM ".-t. I/o, ~. _ ".. "' .. II»< f>f .... eo,.,...,..", Lot lOt ...... ~ ·'.oiiI POI,..,. f.W Bllulllll!l'lG u... ,AI ", ... , 'o. $OI'O:·~&·W ~5U.Icr".;.". ....... """ __ .... NH'Wll'"" 1111':>' "' .... , .,... ... II'< £»I IiI10 .r ....... ~ _ b".001 11,1«'J""1_ t.U;,1l "'" SduII' ... ty, ...... ''''001 0)00'1 "" ~.,<;..., .... _dYJ _ ....... ""',.. ..... ~ S<>;alI Nne 01 .... _ ... ~ C1JIJa No, "'" 11/<"", alooa bit • ..." I!.uc !ltIo He1"06'Al'lt:'" Ill<:. <0 'lit SwIll ... 0/ .... DaIIaloa Ur4 Cblm; IIIoJ>U 01>., ,>III Sa .... I;"', ,U1'Il'.Sl'lllA' 90 ~ .. "'" l'OI~T OF lI'EQNI<t:<Q. , ' Tho-0a3f, 01 ~.iq' b-)hil do..~ k the J.w>r4 of S40N u:y (e: ~o~xru. Inc._ fOC,(t,dwt lit 8Qc;l 19 01 ~,., ~ JlllO j. ~-........ ditlt No. nr,lI9OO1. l('~ CCl~ 'M..-wdL .IiWC 11·11·'1 I'ARC!LF.LfC J1'A6A0 l!O<S , ,-~ ".'Il .. 1 . ," . • r -, ".-" ,--• . , • , • ,. , • • . ' " -, , ' . • • .~. ~ ',' ._._. ____ -".-~~, .. If--~~.~~~~.~.-~----. • , l . , 'AACEL Co .-, ;;..t .hat aNlft ,~ pcoptl1)' SOA'l '" 1hc C,ry 01 R(lIOR, CaffIf)' of 'Kine. :....-of Wuhin(~. Win(,. pr.iCIII 01 Go~1If. t.au tO,td 41. wet Ihc: S .W, U4 OCW H..L Jl4. a.nI2 ofthc S~·f .• ,., olIN: tf.'W.1H. aJlj,o..,aioA 15. Tonship21"' ... ~c "E., W.u ... • BEGI;mll'G II a poW 00 "" f&ll .... f{ "i6 GoY.,..... .. lc< '0, dw,w ""'- SCI'Ol'U'W llS,)1 led hom Ii>< ...... " ... ",,",oor_ II>< s..d>1 ... 011.....,. 04 ..... '·. ~ ... Wd 0 .... 1'0. >14 """" rrom WlI'OII'T Of BfGllI"ING, aJo." WI ~ ... , .... of Gowmmenll Lot JO, v.4 ~ u,.,' Iin£ fir .aW S.w . lb. or .w ".E. tt.c of SCctioa lS. SOI 'Cl~'W I1Il.Ol '«1 '" ,lin< "'" b pal'<!""""" S<},6 feel _Iy"''''' V-", VI",l ~r1iPt of uid $utioft l!l (""\Mid a)on&:he Uu. Ik"~ of u.i6 S.W. "4 oIo.c N,E. IU): thcna ~ ,aid pw&SklliN. ~U·$7·.o·W 1901.1; f«1100 a line ihat is plJl(l wM and GrO.oo lUI l:..ut of W UJI lint: or me lkItlinclDn tlonha'lI Jt~ t"hl~r""ay; f,hc.ACt aton, LUI s.aid PII.aJk.)}!tIc NOl(06'4l'E Ss.t .-41 ted ; che:nc.c NOo4·0I"49'W SSO.l" Iu:.t ~ a potn( o:A said E»t lint: (LfM Dur~ N.>I1I':tm b.:lw.J)' lilM-of·"",'7'. d~ 1l"..c.!t.Oft SOl'otj,'."W '''.12 rut 11(M1l (be vlUntdioA tbtrrt::l' ~~ \he Swlh l.int or ~ l)lUlioft Land ellim tlo. 4.6 ; wnce SU·J6"S'E 11·(7.57 fcd..,. O:z pO;;-'"T Of DEGlN'K NC:;. Tht 8.1}is o( Bc.1rin,,. (oe WI dtKriptioD illt.r ~d of $urlC1 (Ot 8ro..;daau. lIIt'_. ruorded in Boo': 10 or $um), •• P'Jr. J. \KVkl Jtecord~~ No. 77012n002. Xirr.a Counry r(.(Ofdl. f'PC II 1}·91 rA,Jt(EL..G l.f C ).1_)&0<> , ' . .. " .. , • , • • , • • , , .' • . ..".. , o f .. xmcrr '"II" -"'" """""'TY (' .... fOITat.t HIl. 2~A.2inOf4DQ) r .... folthe~IlO£INOU>NOACllIlSPROPERTYBlNDlNGsml'LAN d I ~ lui, IS. 2Ii02 and _0.04 by the c..,. or R ..... uoIicr I '"" U .. hIioo ..... t.cr LUA-02.(1'1l·a~J>>od .... .;"'" io ,..., RoconI .. ..x.. U/[)'3S-OOI0. All> ...... ias...ionlS. r ........... 23 North. R00c04 P .... WiIC ..... ""Mai4ion. inChc Cily ofR_., Kine County. W..m.,ton. U. \Fill ~,,1Um . t..a,q(-S¥bd;...tsM", .t: SlIrWJin« kor&\LNt)..o I • bp11lrnDirci: .. 'CO" doc ~Ier:ool -'. ---'" . " ,. '. ,.r" • u Wll rr c ,. , • • , .' ·L f t • • , , , , , , • • • , , , , , I , , , , • , , , I ~ -----~~:':+=i. ___ .L-_____ c • I , ------- Tract F, I f -------'r ---------i -. , t ----------- • • Strander Extension SW 27th Street , . • , , , ,/, o 400 --.. .. '----- 0 o 800 • • ,. t I , I 1 • i I t ,. " " m ...... pn -'ti Jn \pOi'r .... \ (,1~}M~iU"'1 • • _~_'.~ __ is !....-.• _. E.1Uun:r t> J. ~liKru ()Cnr. hrt. 1. 10",., C ...... l.u ~w. Tn:' .. , en .. .£( " • • ..,. .. " " I • ) " ~""'''''¥..J'l.~ ......,.M~·~!t-i!I5l1 o I. • , • '.' " • , • • • ""., • • • • L . . " . ' .' . • '. . , .. '. .. .!-., II ; II '( ' ... ~ .. ____ __ , • W e = .',,"_e- • PAAC£LA • ., All thM crruln rt~' ptopc:rty sirnu: in the Cily d R.t,..on. CO\Int)' o( Kin,. Smr; or Wuhinf,1C1!, bdnJ 1 pol1ion of HtlV)' A. }.tude,', Don.uj(oJ'j Land Clalm Ho. 46 1n Satiun, 24 an.:s lS, Tuwmt;ip lJN .• Ibn" .E~. W.M., aM • (lOftloft or Go"tlnmcrt Lot B in ,.aid Semon '4, a:~ b:in, ,.¥)tc P1l1iMIJty dcwibe4 as 'olio..,: BEGINNING at Uw: lMt:,U:CllOn of 'he f~Of\h Itne 0' W4 DoNJion l..a."ld O;im No . 46, wM Ibc MOst Wnu,ly line o( Go.Ct'MIClIt 1.01 Jl ... aw $caJon 24. Ihcnc;.c frCM'il JUS 1'011\7 OF BECINNINC SOO"S6'I7"W 1151.95 It", ....... -WI "Ol'WW 1102 fUllO .... non:..,l,1ine c( 1hcl C,,>, 0( ~aRIc Bow W, ripth.-w ."he c' w,,, " con~t)"td by deed ncorded urAer RUOtdinJ: No .• U11067. y.i.n,: CtKlM'1 fU.(W'dl ; "'''''K' .too, said llO/'\hcrly line S7r~· .. a"w .()6.96 rut; wnce UIl,ttnr &Q &ht ~t(t:din, (.(N.I u u>ttJ the Ne 0' • C\lfW to the "thl hnin, .. ,adiu~ of 122.SS IU. w. CtnltM 1II11r or lQ'n" III • VI I" Irntv. of 41.12 lUI; thence: tar.tmr \0 the pw:.edint C\lI'W NI1'U''sl'W 1l71.97 1m ,:.Ihc "au 'i,hc~(·Wl)' ,&tie olthr: Burlinzton NonlIc.m fWlwJ)'; dKnu: alon, uid £&it 'i,N~f ·way hoc NOJ'07 'O"E t709.6) tUI; Ihc:na: Wt'~n1 \0 the ptf:udint UJUHe aJoni the arc (If a (lI1"Yf '0 Ult It" MrlA&' radil.1s (If 2107.00 rut &nd a Ctt4t)J atttJe of t4·O"}'01·, an ate: knev. of '10". 'le! 10 eM ~slc"J line of tht (Ottnt, "'tel Sownd $hon Railroad Company's SUlde Lint; thCM( aJon, W4 ~Sltrl J Ilhe ~'Oi·Ol'4)·E22I.JO (ut to L~ SCKHhuJlttly line o( Iht putd (onn)'td 10 itl( SUIt of Wu."Iir.IlOn by dud n:'-Otdt::d under A.F.l •• J11 4 OOI6 • .Kin& Coul"ll)' 'tCOfd~; thtnct)Jon, u,HI sout."Ituu,ly liM N66"n''s6·E lS"69 lUI UI a poi", on a Jine !ha! iJ puaJld wiv. \he So.:l.h IIIIC or said Stoicm 24, a.nd P)lKllhfOUtb Iht mon J.OUl.htl1" comet ot lIIe SOUtMtnmoli of two concme: abutr.ltnu MU \he wt:.tttl,. uttrulOn at S. w. J&.h StI'tt1; Wnc.c ,don, s~ plulkllint SI1"O'))" E. 61 .11 Cut to lht cUkrly lo)C o( uid llXmtr 1'u,t1 Sound Sho,~ Raitto~ Comran)"s Se.lftk Lint; wnu ;Jon, utd U.Sttr111~ NOJ"07'4-;"E 11 .96 (e:1 10 lht iOtltht'/ly 'iJhl~(·\lIa1 linc of J~; t",cnu. alonz .w souCterl1 fi,ht~(.""~y lint ..... 1·'1·27·£ 0 .10 (UI; dlenc.c 'Unlenc 10 !he prettdin, UMK aJont IJ;c ate of a curve: 10 tht kit huint I .1dius of 60), I. (ttl 'and ~ utili'll antic ot 19"04')0", &..'\ ve: knl\hr;f 200.10 fed; WtY.e WllcN 10 the ptcurlin, rorvc N6r,S2'S1"E SlG.32 lUI; thtnu.luyi.n., J..1k1lO1MtrJ, rj"II-or.\I.~ lint. SOO"22'1 I·W 1022.22 fut 10 lht ~ line 01 said Oona.tk>n l....utd Chim No . "6; Ihmcc ~Ion, uid North 11IIe: suoll·,n·E 1462 .31 (w 10 Ihc POINT Of DEGIN'NING. Conuin) 72.81 Auu of lAnd tnOfC or ku 'T'ht SUil or Butitlt' (or this dUCfipcicll~ is the Record of Survey rot Br0.a6weJ, Inc • r(coukd l.!t Doot Sun-:ys 11 p~tC 2. vnck, Re:cordi1lE No 1707289002. Km& Counry II"COfds , MAUt""C 11 ·01·91 PAACU .... UG )·14M Jl06 • , - ., -. , , , • . , " , . , , , . , , , .''''., .J ,. , , , . . -,. • , • •• • , . \ • , r .. t , ! , I .' . Li;.~ . ~ . .. ,. , , , -. • • • , . " PAilCEL ~ AU UU.I c.cltourr If~ pl~1lf ~Nxt LA ~e. \:'JtJ q:f Jt~JMOII. CCK.Wy 0' X1.o. •.• J.LI1I ~( WU..,i.It&10n , "Uht _ p941~ of Ucr4"1 A. M~r"t no~ll~ UI"Id Cbim ~. ,,~ in-.$otQilins: 2. w n. TOWAU'I1~ lJ tI~. llalC.4 !'., W M . tAJ a porWn o.t C"i'SiWtftONr.1l.D1U ..... said $f~ "', and. bllrlll'OOre p",f("vhl"1Ikkl~1.u. k\Uowr. . DEGAtiNJ»C a ~ Nof\h\lFQt UHlW.( 6l Cd. (jc)-.ua,nwr. lGf 1Ji, ~. frOf)l Wd POlNT Of IfEGlN'NIIiG -. Ill< ~ liM ./ ulot o."m. .... " /..Of U Sl1"1"'~"E SGHl 1<., .. "'" ~,ty ~(~11041 of IN ltan line: of kki DoNI"" l.Df Ollm ~. 46; 1UtQ. aJoIt, uki ",okat"lao "!'I f.i~ liM .lD1·'6·Q}·W mU610 "" _1In<.r II>< Cl<J of S.-Bow W. f"i:pclble t i,tJ:t-c,l:W)J 11 tQlWjQIf by daA ,t:CDf~ u~r Jtuor4",& No. 41 :il067.li:!nC Counry ,nCiltd .. ; thtr'!te. .'bca.t,J,Q NoM nne ~ _ Uftl'''' \hili bun S"·ll·~·W . .aIor., lIIe,..G 0(' ~ 10 tM kt'l b"!.A1 t r.s~t at <Jll ® Ittl .,a • «nu1.l AOltr-O{ J 1-.,'.6"'. ~ as( k:r.".tm d ttl-SO te~l; !.Up«. tIiII1~(lt \0 !,he pn-u4i.lt& t;u.t'Yt snll",,'''S"\Io' 2U 1;2 Cui; Q-.cBl'..t ~"'ln' wJ """" "'" 1'0'01"01',.'. I ~' II Iw,. ....... />OO'WoJ'U DlUl f:m ., II>< POI"Y Of O!{iIf .. NltJG, 1'M Vn/\ of &:atIPI' fOf i.bts duni ptlOtl li 1ht R.t~d of SUT"fll:1"'" nt-n..aC~u IM:.. recorded lit Boot '0 or SUI"'I'f)'$ ill ?-II' 1. W.,JC.f ite.a:"dJ"" ~o. 110121900:. Jeml ClWnry rUGI"di- M,UFWC 11·"1.91 PA;l C£btl 1.£('; J.1_l8<Jb .. • . .. ~. • m • o .• _ ..... ~_ ... _ .. .,......... .. .~ .' , , •• .. • • • .. • , • • , , '. • ' . . --'" < . , , , . .. , . ... . .. • PAAC£l. C AU &t,1{ c.crwn 'u, property .iruatt in the Cwy of RenloR. CCM'II)' 01 );'in.c. Sate of W.ultin,lon. bcin,.nat pon~ o( He-IV)' A. Me.,', DotIacion.bnd CIJJm NO h 416, b Seelio)) 'S, T.nN .• JL"E .• W.M .• dtscribed as folk1wJ : "BECINNING at Iht inlt1Jcttioft o( &he Soulh line of said 1>onat1on oWn, and w E.w lint of Covcnvnenl: l..ct 10'" Chc N.£. 1.1 o( nid 5«ti.1n 25; 1htAct fr~ uid fOJt.7 OF BEGTt50.1KG &fon, 1~ Solnh fU'IC NC7·J)·S'~W Ih1.90 rca 10 the Eut line: of Iht BUl'':nttOD nonr-.crn AailWJY; thc,;c.c &Jon, Jus Uid W "n-: NOl"06'oC"E 129.69 lUI and NOrO]'.Alc Vl.5. ke. to VIC Sout,'" bv or Uoc Bow l.&l:c PIP' Unc a.s conveyed by dU'i recotted und'u rcUKtio, No. ~J3)06'. Kin, County ,(cords; thence atent sakS South hnc SnOU'S7a t: !In.6) (ttl; 1ht:nct un,t'1H 10 ~ p.eudirl, c.ou'K don, &he Me 01 a (\U"'n.o Ibc tell h.yin, a radru, of H2.5S (ca and "CUll",. an,k 0120'01'IS', an.arc kntlh of SJ.:W lUI; U"-.rnu W'llcflII to tht pttcdin, curw ,..72· ... ·41·£ 417 (}..t feci 10 th: nonMflJ pt'oSon,adon of tht E..Iu lu'iC" of Govrlhltioet. Loc 10, then« lion, ~aicJ northerly prokln..caliO;n SOI'Ol'S6"W 53l. 29 rct1 '0 tht f'OlN r OF OEGIUN'I~C. Contlin, J6.17 Ac:.ru of IUId moft C1ltu The Buh of Butill" for thil dcmiplion" Chc Record 01 SVrYt)' 1o, ntNdK.tts Inc • r((ClCdtd in DooI; 1001 SUrYU) '" p.a,t 2. undt. Rcc..ordl"l Nc>. 7707119002. Xin, CO'.lN)' letordl . /L S 7lJ9J • MAUfWC 11 ·0)·91 tARCEte LEG )·l't.4·JlOG .. ' .. , • .. '. .' . .. " . • , ., 11-1/-7/ ..,.... . ,all" .= ! _# .. , , , , .. .. . , . • .. • , • ., '. " ,'~-". , . , , • • .. , • ...... _.~ .... , .... _C'_~,.. ••• ;,,, ... _._::.."'_ .... ~. AU um wu,l,. ,W ~",. I.o.N ilia \tW C.lIY of JtCtIbct. ~ of Xit>,. lu'C" of W ...... _ kin, .~.(a...'-'" ...... tOil IlIo~l), TOW!UIllp13/;" -"'t • ... ~. W.U .• ANf ~~ .... .0.'1 ~~ ... I) duct..tlc4ll JOIlrzws,:. 8ECI~""'/OC " tho ....... _ of». ~ n ... Ob""T A. ).1..-', Doo.!ioo /...ot>t CWm ~, 066 1 ~ dkr lAM 1-of ~ CoW'l'J1!ftr\;lI( Lot '0; Wa:a from ~ POINT Of BECINNING -, RIo) I!.w liN SOI'OI'S6'W :m.lI lao; .... na 1R.u., Rli.! .£.v nne 1'lJ'14'31-" 1"7,,)7 c... 10 ............. WI· .... r· ... 1Nr1lo_ i'IOnIIun R.i~Cld ri.~ ... ~ 'aim it 219.11 (ut kWt..!JJ. _J. "'U"ilr~ aJoa, uid riabl..o-r .. , Mr. ,rr". d'M: iAtlul'Ploft ~( *'h die SOU\h JlM 01 • .»d ~ion I..and CJaUn No. 46; Ibc:w:c aJonc lilt .... E.i>r llne N02'~""E 11'111 " .. '" Ihc _ "' ... ,..., Il<nwJon '-_ CWm:.,..;>u -. t~_ "'" U1:'Il'l)'E IJl,I1 9Q lu. 10"" ffilNTOF 8EGIMilNG. ~#.u;k of lk.,u"i".cJ (01' lItis 1jt)U~, it lJ\;e aK()if4 cl Sun't)' tOt ~Qad'atrtJ. w .. t"6OOf4ed! ia fioolr: lQ o( ~Y' .., 'lLe 2.. .. n.:kt Record'inl No, 7?Ollf:)OQ2. lCi.'tl Co-,J1"It)' IfurlS,. !'WC' 11 ,11.91 PA~CEIJ',l£G J..!464.Jm6 :~~.-,. :;""", ... ~ ..... ~ .'~ "'I' " " ',"t#"'l. '. • -, ~ .. t:~ -• • , .. " < , , , -. , .' , , .. ., , • , -,-,~~.-,. . - .' . , , , .' . , , .. • • .. ·1 • :1 1 L • " , ' ... • • • , .' • .' • ' . • • .... _~-.............._~ _~~"_Kf1~: .4 .............. _.~~ • -' r: PAACELC ' . AU INt UI'UJIt rUi ,.optll)' 'Jf\I.lU. in &hi: Cq. 01 JtUMOn. COCInry of Ktn.,., Slate: i)f W,uM""I04'I, tc-itl, • ponbo. of GoYCmInUIII1.cu JO INS JJ. aIId cI the S , W. '/4 01 she. N.E. J/4. &.nd ot &he: S.£. 1/4 otlhe H .W . Jl4, aU '" Section 2's. TC'tImShip 21N .• Rante "E., W.t.C ., .and bdnt ~t P&r1ic:ltlll'ly 4C'Ktabc4 as foJ:lows : BECINt-JfNU Ie a po. DIll W: Euf line 01 ,.J,d ~t'NntnC L..ot JO. disLlt]( Uoue.o.t SOl ·02'S6"W 1's's.1I1ed Ilona Iht iNt.ueoioa l,t;c'tOl."w, Iht.sow, rL'lt oC Jlt:wy Uudc,'; Oon.a_J.&nd Oaim No. 46 ~IIU from said FOJHT 01 BEGINNING. aloft! uicf East rift( oS Go¥t11VTlle1'llt In. 10, Ahd the CUI liM pC IW S .W. 114 or the H.E. 1/4 of $cciol; '25, SOl·Ol''s6'W J J '2.0J fut co "ine N b pul1k1 WlIh.md $0.6 fc:c:t ~rlr 0( Iht fur. Wc.u UD&tlflnC' of IW Section 25 (mt ... wed &Jon, V"ot: £.au linc of lajd S. W. J 14 oIlhe N.E. 1'4); ch:au akrft, said pu.aJkl line NI7·,S1'4ZOW 19OJ.19 fCCl iO. tinc N is puaJkJ ""'''' MId (.0 .00 Ita Eut of the U.u JI{IIC or &ht Dut!~ tlonbc~ R.aHway ri%N:-(lf-'W1),: Ilv.nGI: a.IonJ: b!1 u.id JlM~ld Jlile N01-Ij6''',"e 5' ..... 1 rtel; cbex.c. "''{)4 ·\)I'49·W $50.24 fut 10 a pow on ~ WI lint 01 ,~ DllIlln(\ol'l Non.'ltm bilway ri:N~('~.I7, duw. I!'tttt:OQ sorO!S~'I'w 1'11.12 fet.t from the "'ttrKab \hercof ..,11'1 UK Sou,"" Uhe or j.tid Dona11on 1..an6 CUlm No 46; thence SUoJ6''s's'e 1J.47.ji7 ftotllO ~ rol~'T .CF LEGmNJNG. Conuw 46 06 Ao u 01 1..and more ot kn. Tht: D~t c.I Burin&s lor this d.:Scrlpejon is 1M RttO(d ot Sun~r lor Dr~(.S, Inc ... tUOfdtd in Dook JO or SunC)'1 aI p.1&:e: 2. u~r RUOfd""t No. 7J071t9002. Kin, COIr.ty UCOIdl. rwe 11 ,17·91 PAJ.;C£J.:.G.II.G )·lAt .... JI{)6 ) ---------------------------------~ . • , , ,. ., , " .' • , • • -.~~- , .' ,;.j, "' . , • • • , • , 1. "aJ.+fl~ ~.U-"'X1' ~t-Oll~!l'''':YJf··l . , ..• , ...... , ........ . ' __ ","'0. . . • • , . I • • , . / • • ' . . .' ~ . , , , , fARCE!. I ",11 III. «mil: rl!ill pmpctty t.ItUal( tft the Ct()' ot Remon. COUnf1 or Kin,. S.Ult oC w,slunt'lon . bcilA& CA'<ot.tM'e4l LcM: 14, 11Id, poctlOn of Cicx.:uMleni Loc I. !XX". In SUltOn ?4 , 'f()<!¥nltup 2) Nonh, Ila",e. Eua. W,U,vneac Mu.CIl.&.,. aM a poRIOn or &he N W. 1/4 at \he S C 1/401 1.olJd ~ 24, aM a pcruon or W: u E 114 of Iohc S.E. 1/4 or Aid SealOlt 24, and be'Q( mort pae'll(ulul,. ~,.bc4 ill (o..'tQws OEGINNING ;II I.I!C. SOUfbwcu COtllU of Iht H.I!.. tl4 c-: &he S.E. lI4 c.f utd Sewo" 14 . U"lc.ncc r,o-. $lid POINT OF BEGINNING. a~ \he Ea.u line e:f uJd GoWCrntntlII I..nt I. SOO·S6 'l'-\l,,' 61 .96 rut 10 &he NoM line of HelV')' A. Mclt"..er', Donn!?" l.atwJ CWm Ho , 46; &J\:1'Ia 4Iion& uteS NoM IInc HI1·Il·S1~W 1462 .lt ftcI; \heJ),c kU'int saMi f'(onh line: NOO·12 'U'E Ion 22 tea 10 &he souther., ri,ht-o('WlJ line of (·405; ItIc.ru alon& ni4 IOWIc.lly riU.t-of-WJJ lane VId lhc: souJ. fiCh:ror· ... lI)' life or S.W. 16c.h Street !tom a Wlec", th" br.:an N62·n'n't. alone d\r: arc 0" curve 10 ~ rl,ht h'rinll UO"'] Q-t :541.141w Mad I w'Knl ancle of26-.S·OO'. I/) U( kl'l:tth o(lS3.Sa fw; !hence W1,t~ 10 the pce.udii'l-fn.m'l189-3TnT1079.6) rea; !.hence UontCIM '0 me prctedinc tourse ,lone the arc or:li CVr'¥C to lhe kh hnin& I ndilUof 19(0 01 rtCI and • «~ul an,le. DC 02-S2'OO", an arc knCth of 97 ,01 feu; them tan,et~ lO me pieccd~, tun't N86 •• S·S7'E ".S' fut; wncc u.n,ent to the plectdinC course a»n& the &rcof. cU'tvC &0 tht: ri&hl h."11I& • f~ius ot 1880 oa fee, ad J, ccncrAJ ancle of 01·12'SS", 1ft we ~tlrth or SO.11 feet. '0 the northweSI cotner o(lh,c puccI conveyed to the City or Remon under " •. F. 11911030110. K~C C~M)' records; lhc:ntc '\)ont I:M bocndary ollut said pucel SOI"3S'U"W 42.70 fed and N79"13'CI"E 11 ,00 Ceell0 Ihc: ,,"u: bank Qr ~ While P.i"u Dr.aiflJ.1C Dltl:h No. t; thera: Ul1l, said -..cll bart): Ihe fo1lowinc <OWUl: $OO-3C'OC"W 138.11 feet, S21"orOO"'.:. 116.06 fcd. S29"52')1"E 79..51: reet. $]S"57'46'£ I3M&!ed, SJl"ll'SS"£ 99,6< 1«1, S~I"Il'OO"E 170.741=, S60"'2'<5'E 'OS.BI ft:d, SW'"c.o'25"E l4.1..98 (eet, S40"S1'11"E 144,71 ~l. SJ.(-40'4)C: III 06 feet, SlI"lO'4S"c 15.74 (eet • .and S2."s.c'21"E 64.21 ~ 10 ~ South nne: of dot N.E.. !/4 of the S.E. 114 or ~M! Seaioc 24; theoc:c V:ln& 1u.t said SouIb tine mr26',O-W 199.6) (U.I to tk POINT OF BEGlNNING. Conbir.., 41.31' Acrcs of bnd mo~ or $en, , The 3uis of Burin'lS tor uns deseription is the tccOtd or Survcy Cor Droadacn.J 1t:'C .• recorded in Boot 10 of SUf'¥t,1 at P'Ce 2, under Record1nc Ho. 1707219002, Kine CO\It'C')' record\... •• ILW/fWC . 11 ·07·91 PAP.CEL1.lEG )·'<6(,)106 . , , .' " • II-~/-rl .. " • . . ~ .' .. , , " , , '. -, , , " , , , " , , '" .-.JtCEI. 1 All · thlt (,UUon ff;~ Pf'Of'IC"rtr "iIl,ltt 11'1 We City of; ~b'IW)t't . COUnt) O.t ~'"I_ SUI( or W4P\IP,\OIf, bl!11f1 J;::nruGft I)r~ S w Il'e 01 \he "".E. Ilf, 4nd ollbc H VI I t4 fI'!he S, It .. o( !«1'1ffO H·~ T"~~ a NOI1h. Jt.1Itt~" 011. ~,iI~ MttlCh;wt. a.~ be ... , mort ~AI1lt~!jI i, 4lKf Jbtd tt follow1 ~"'I It iAc ilu-,,,~ ol\J\e 'obca.lI\¥i.u.O(!S.W 1&11 $.a.ctt ~..o-!tj" 1lltd SI .t _M If!4I U(4:~ bow,, __ ..., .s CD «.nmw,o', blir.:pon Galden. Add.IttOft 40 \he c~ or .~~k. o..tM,ft No, I. 15 pel d'J.t tta n:corN tA votu&nt t1 o( P'bu. f'Ja.t 14. l«o«ts 01 Kin, Coun....,: ~ rrom.1W fOtl'.t't"OP COM.l!f£NCtME.HT. Y!w.utJ &Son:, s~ ~ mMlin. ):;0 I ..... iii< Tl\1IE I'OlNT 01' BI!GJNNINC oIlIli', PAJlCEL I, ""nee "om ",1 nUE POIHT OF !fGIKIlING, """, .. , .. , ''''''''') _I'..;.1I'bt!l ""'1lwSb')1'll-W 2S7 00 , Kd~ lMnte lu"iA, n.td Non.hcrfJ IP.-..qUl • ri&fic. lfl.Ilcs. NOO~l'O)·W 21ft: 06 fut &0 the ~')' (fCtN:"O! w~ tIno. ot SI 405; ~ abt, Aid Soulhcrl, r;Z:t-..J~/ ... :t1 tine from a Qft~ Ut-'t ~ f'!I11·~J"3·~abtI, \J.c.lle oCa Nt'¥C. iO rhI.Jicf'tt Ita ... ;.." .. odR.i.s ot1165.oo (Qt. .uwJ J: ot.~ .,p, ot OS"'2l"ll", 1ft Ite: ~cUt 0 .( 260.09 Cur, c.hu.ce ~"'U'I' laid ,,,,,,",,,rly n~(.,..y r ... s0071'Q)'E 111.41 c... .. 1I>e 1:!UIE POINT Of BEGIIlNIIlG. COHTAlrlS 1:..3S' "':':;ru of bnd nee I)C leu. ('he BlSU of 8e:a"io~s for this descripCion is the Record of SUf"I'ty fGc E.,oabc.ref.. It:c .• ! \'UK4t.d in 8oct" I~ of Sun.;ys • hce 1. ~ Jlec..ocdilt& No~ n0T2I900I. K"1t11 Co::snty r~·. FW(" 11 ·11 ·91 PAXC:eu LEn ),2<6<-lllll6 , • - •. .,.,. .. _': .......... -. -;-,,~.~ " " .. " < " ;. , . '.' , , • , .. ~. . , , , '. , , , • , , , • , • • • • . , • • < .' • ". .. • 'ARCEL J All t.h~ c.ttUIA 'Ul ptClPCf1y 11l~llt In 1M CHi of RUil)n . COUfJC'y 01 K."C. S~ 01 W,)VlUlC~Q". \.Itif\& , poortAAl of Ul( ~ W 1/401 d';c "'-E. 114 , i.nd 01 &he N W 1'4 or w S E . 1f4 uf xctlOQ 24 . TOWfllh,p 1) Nonh. ~e: " Er\!. W,I'"..me.ue Melld,..". ~ \..cUt, mGlc PAniC:1I1At1y duc.nbe4 " Cotlo .... ,. Commc.tIotHic M: lhc Inur\e('tQ~ of !he: Honh INft'" or S.w . 1Wl. SUUI (~ lS),d SI t. With the Wnl ~..,., or C 0 Ullin,...,', E.vlml'Oft GueSt"l AddlllOfi lO \he C", 01 Sunk, bi"llG\ No . J. as pet d'Ic Pb, 'cGOtck.d ." Volume 11 01 Pbu. r~lc '4, Ittt.otds of K..in& Cou:Y)'; Lhc.nc.c frOl'Q uJd POINT Of COUMENCEMENT. Wcs.lt.tly.lonC ~td t~1h mar,in. «J7 f<a 10 !he TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 01 \1>;, PAltCEL J; \hence I'om WeI TRUE f'OlNT OF BEGtNN1NG, (,.~ "IIJin, Wutt:.ty aJonC 'stid tb d. lhUCin Sl9~l'SrW 120.00 fUI ; lhenu iea:ytn. s~ Nordteil,. PUllin It 1I&M anCk:s, NOQ-n'orw 1i7.0'1 lUI &0 the Southuty nc.hto()( "'.J line or SR <401 ; Ulcncc lion, u.id So-..atherly titht-of'WiJ line trom a Wlctnt•thU burs N7S".4Q'56-E. alone \he uc or. curve 10 Ihc: fl~hc N.~ • ndiut6f 276S .00 [(cl. and .. UI'IU".aJ .tnt,k: or 02·)l"Sr. ~ ItC kncth of 113 .02 feet; dle.nc~ leavin& nid Southetly "lhl-<lr·wa), line soo-n'orE 214 06 feet \0 die TRUE POllfr OF BEGINNING . CONTAINS 0.55 Aaes ~(.uxI mort or ku. • 1k Buis of Bea.rinp rot this description is d'Ie Ruord of Survey (or Dro~x:re.s. lnc... lteot'ded in Book 10 of S~s * P2.&t 1, ~nder Re::.ordin£ No. 1107289002. Kin, CoWltj .<:.COrds. FWC 11 .21 ·91 PAAC£U .UC; ].146(·J!06 •• • • ' . • , • • . , " " , '. .. '.' I . • • . .. - , I , ! , I I , t '.' ~ , ' . • • " .... • • .; . , , • , . .. , . • ., .. , , , ' . .. • , .. . • • . • . " .. -, • . • _._---' ~-.-. n. • At! tA-. (.fft.ntl rut "'>P(11'J ptV.lle. .." "* e_, of JlCIltO<n . COUlW l of ~U"f. SUi\C of W~'I'I.~, ~l "pqr.ltO" u{ .... ':Ie N W. 1M of I.M S E. l!4 of SKlK)A 14 . To ... ~"trll.r n NoM. It...,).'-" F..oW .. WlOlmL .... ,Mr.,!di;a. ~ bcM.& Il'iQ(C ,.,,~lar'ly dUcrlbe.d.),S follJD .... s Co~, f\l '" ~UWlfto.f ~ f'fof\tt mil""" of S"VII .6f}. Suw (501.1~ ISJ,-d S, ). wK.h ...... We$( ~#y 01 C D ffi~·. t¥M.lJ04'. C¥6tPl Md'UOft \Q d'lc C., of Sutde. VtV~1IOft t£o.. l~ .u pel' ~ Pbt ((.COf'o1e4 Nt Vofiu'M: " 01 PUu", hCe 14. I!a:Of\'l1 of tcUte CW\fJ: Uw,,"c tram uid POUll' C1 CCft4MENC£PdENT .. Wetw1J jk)nC said f':fonh mM,i., m r..< .. Wo flU)£ ron.,. OF BEGTl'll<l11C of "' .. PAAcrL K. "'""" I, ... u;.t TRUE \'01..,-OF altGlJlNlIIC. --..nOI w • ...,., _I .... ,...". INti'" sn')l"S1'W 61.00 lea; ~ ~U.~\ u',d ~fl mJii"{ft-. fiC..'it .,.;tJ .. t"iOO 12'Ol·W·OO 90 feel 10 It"-t 5G'Utl>uty '~~/""'!(tiM of,SR ..0,. \hera alone ~ Soutbuty ,."hf-ol-.. ..,! IlOC (rom a liaftcenc .. ~t tn"'"11,'11 0 '2. a»nC ~ lite or a QM"'IOe to ~ rIp "nine. ndfU! of 276S .OO f~ ~ a unJnJ .Al'ikotOa -19'39-. lit atC tmt'lh'otM.06 feci : WIlCC UII'tRl IW S~IT rll"'-</('_ [ino SOO'U'OrE ut.O'1 Jut '" II>< T1I.UE POINT OF BEGlNNIP'G. 1"hc. Bah d ~..,p roc this dcccipcian ls che. ),ecod ef :UNq foe DroidlC:ru. Inc,. ~ itt, Dock 1001 Sunocys It hre 2. undo" lh:c«dinc No. l1OJ2l9OO1. en, CoutIfJ Rlt(K"ds. me [1 .11·91 'AltctuU.l!.C ).l'&<-1!1l6 • • • " • • • • • __ ... )01 _. fI, " ".~ .... ; .. - • " - .. ,A , ... ",' .. • • . , , " , • , .. < .. " • ., • .. • . '" , ... :.::1 , • , , I l , I I -.:I j • • ' .. " , • • • .. , • " .'" , -. ~. ' .. " " • • , ' , " " , , , , • An ~a... WUMt ~;tl P''''PCftJ' 11rua,c In chc C'~ c:f IhliIDft .. C~-1 of Km,. Stall:: of Wldh"'~, ~11'fI 'i)O~.oll (,j(stHJ tf W 1 i. of 11\4 ~E 114 Gf Sewc41". To.:JtP'l'g II Nonh. 'oWl" "lUI', w.Y.~l\t ~cfl4t"' • .ww'I bc~ fltQfC panjcJo!<wt, Ikwlbt.d u ScHo.."l " C:'«Wif /W;:YI, .1IiIII ".rmtJOft of Q!,c. ~ INII'tJ" 01 1."11 t(i,lJl s:,,~ ~ l~),d St.) ..... Hob !oM 'itt'.. ~¥'I 0'( e.o IhJl(:liol\.·s f:..mnC __ O¥'dt.nl A44 .. 1OA U) tI~ elf} 1)( Sur,.:c . L>t~n Ntt I. U pc:: dwc ~ r«Or,w fA Volume I J Q( 'hIllS .. hie 14. ftec:o.r<b ot K tn, Coimry,!N.:;U from .WPOUf'f Of COMMVJC£M.Etrf. W'oecrfy ~1ot\, u. .... ;.IoI1b ~'H'. 119 ~ to dW TllVE POIHT OF afGINtUNCi oC$is "'ARCEL L. lhc:ncc hom uid TRUE !'OINT OF BEG1NtlL"G. """ .... 11$ WOSIUly ..... "" """" ",",,. Sl9"11'j1'W 6.\,00 kll. thu;u: ~n 'fl)-v-I Jj 00 r~ ......... S"·l'l':Sl!.W W}OO feel. Lltr.tna: kUlnl siUd ~i, 8lMlla ac (~dtt ~~ts. Nt'X)"'ll'O")-?I 121 ?9 ftct \0 tl\e ~d)' """'-Or way hot o( sa ~: tl¢na. ~ .uad Sownr.ftr flpt..or.way hne from ~ Ul\ltA: -:)..at bun N'11"~1"Ol ·l!. UoIIfl the. MC of. cW"JI.J!. to \he (i"lt hUIl\' ~ nd"" of 2161.00 fet~. and .. u:nU'''' :iftl:le of. O'l~ •• :an l¥'C: iuJ.p of 119.% !cd:. cbe.nr.e \U.U!&: lW Southerly rj&hl....ot~ ... y Une SOO~rOl·£ nO.tJ1J red 10 thA TIttlE POrNT' Of BE.GIt41'llN-G CONT.AJ.kS Q]') Aues or land mote or ku . , The. fWh Q( Bu.'.;.", ... lot lb'~' descripc:ir:m is the Jlerord of SwYe} for Bto:Jd.Kres. Inc • recOldtd $It Ek.~k 10 (of S~Js " hce 1. undu Jlecoribnl No n072l9OO2. Kin&-Counrj r.ec.ords . FWC IHI71 tAlI.CELLl.£C ),2'64-)t06 ,.--".,. .. -.,~~,..",.,----.~. ~, --,-'-. , , • , , , ". " '" :. .' " • " , ,.' , , ... .- :,. ".' , ,. " , j I I , - , , • , " ,j ' •. , . '.' -, ,<'" f'AkCEL M AU Il',,;i( ttJUOII IU.!, pt~t't,. f..l'lI.JiC I ... IN. C)fY or _c.-on, CCHoIRIT 0' ('n,. St~ at W uh1tt&lOO . !'IieVl," ~ ~r\l\& tI VI 1J4 of 1M S E. 1/4 or 5«1.JOft 24. Townsn.p '21 fWlh. A."Ie • (as" w~t\C. ~,14~.kI . and bu~ IM)ft pM".ulllt,lk)uitotd :as follow.: CCMNfCnciftr" ~ IfM(IM,IJO" (If 1M f'lonh nutll" 01 S w 16d1 Slled (South 'Slid S4 ). wAA IN Welt btAondal} ole 0 H,Unt.ut'" Ewl"""'''' (4tdcns ,Add,IIIOA lO It-..c Cicy crSuuk. Ol"tloOn tio, ~. at pcllftc.,. ... ftc,or'de:d ... "tIohlmt 11 01 Pl~. rale '., itttOfd'l 01 Kin, County;,$h(.nc.c frUftl yJit ..olNT Of COMM£MCEMEH'T. Wcs&ert, lliofl, 1-lid ~ mAllin. '}It (u;t ~ ~ncc ,"-?-n'O}"W 15.00 r.n, ",.n« SJ'J·Jl'~7 ·W ~ 00 kala'" TRUE POINTOfBEGINNINC of Cbll P,uCEL M: \MnC.t flO1ft ujd TR.UE 'POU4T Of eEGlNNlNG, COI'II;"'inc alone u.cl l"onb ~ 1'1'1 SI?·l1'Sl·W 6.S 00 f~ \hCnu $44 ·Jl·~l·W 2l .21 fUl; I.henu SS9-)l'51'W , .-. ----. - 11 •. 11 tees; '0 \h£ E~r)' lihc of I patc.cl tOn'lcytd 10 Ihc. Sh\e or WotttIiotton b, deed llOOfdt:d tandf." A~!tor'l File tfo-. H9oe1l6, Kin, County rtC.OC'th; I.he1Ice k.a'linc u~ Non1\ tnallifl.OU.W • 16m Strut aloft, last ~ Euterl, line N2r41'n"W :16.60 fed to Iht Soulhe.rty ritbt-o( ~ Jiat ot n .405; 1hc.n<'.t UwI, n.id ~thed,. d,ht-(lf~""'~1Iine on a spital chotd .~ 0( ~66-40·.7·E 6I;.S" flCC.l; Ihau (tom a tatlCetJl \hal: buu N61-l1'56·E. aJon, lhc • • ar~ of a. turo'C to the ri,hl bay,", • nd"" of 214$J)o (tt1. and a central an.r.k ()f 0'3-)4'11· • .&1\ JtC: ~ or 112.'" tid; tll(ft(.e juvin& ,~SoWIc:rt}' fi,ht~f·wa.'t HI'L 500-21'0')4£ 121.19 !ott '" .... T1I.UE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINS 0,.46 Aucs of bnI ~e or ku. The 'Basis of BeMln(S fot this-dt.scripOOn is Ihc Ilecord o( SuneJ for Bcoadacra .. lnc .• reoorded bl ~t 10 cf SUOC1S. .. hie 1. ww:Scr Record"" No. 1101119002. Kin, CDUtIrJ' reCOfds _ , FWC i 1l ·11 ·~l PAllCElM .LEC • 1 • , --'------:::--:~-::::====:,:.::==::=-_ ..... --... ,." ,'" ------... ,.'- .' " , , -" .' • - • , • • • • , t \ I 1.:: • • • m '101£1(' -"It:.l"rt Mf-Vl 1fl"oD""'.IM~~~ i"'';f --"-"" ..... , ....• ,---- • • -.. --~ , I • • • '. '. _. , • .. ' '. • · • • • . , • • " , I ! '/ , . , I I • L .. • - ... '. • .. ' • • , , • '. . • ~ ... , ',. ' .. -" ........ _. ,. .' ' . . , " . • • •• • '. ---.... -.-..•...•..• , ...... ~"""' ... -~-~.- '" • rAJtcn I : lOTS J TlifI(lUGH 1) JH NOCX I, Of" R£NTOH FAAJ1 PlAT, AS nR IlLAT P.K'ORoED Ifl VOlUME 10 Of' PLAts , PAGE n, P;fCOIIDS Of J(JHG CWHTY ; (lCCf". nv.r ~TlC)f; THEREOf" COHV'tTW TO JHf ClIY Of RlHlOf1l)l' O(fOS RECORDED UNDER arco-.olH(; MlS.. 720)J401)R NID 9-406070S78; rC;QIH(!it: wmt ltns J TIUI,OUGH 8 IH kOCJC I Of SAItTO'tIS'WIUf. AS~R PlAT RECOftO£O IN VOlUHt 8 Of PlATS, PAGE 7. tU;eo«os OF lUNG COUNTY; [XCf" ntAl P'OMnQN OF SAID lor 1 COH\IEyt'D TO TH( errv or RENTON Dr O££DJt£COftOED UNOfa If.Lt"OR:>IHG NO. 7103 140J38, OfSt; .... BEO AS FOU,OWS: (l,£GfH!tIHC A.1 n~ ~THEASr t OR:N(" Of SAID LOT; lHfNCe WE5 Tru, AtONe me; NORfHtMLY UNf Tt-tfRE1)f' A DI STA.NCE OF 13.50 fEfT; nttNCE SOVl'HO.5TOU AlONG T"iE ARC OF A Ct/fI:ve \0 THe RIQiT. RADIUS I).SO fEET. rttItOuGft A crHIAAt, "'«"..tIE Of' 90-, ~H ARC If:NGrH 0121.'0 FEfT TO A POtHT ON THE-EASTERlY UHf' Of SAID LOT. 13.$0 FEET 5OtJl'ttfFlLY Of .,,,.£ HOftTH(RlY CORNER TttEAlOf"; t HlNCl "'OlinfOtLY '-l.ONG Tttl U STt;!U.y UHf rt1(REOf".to DISTANCE Of 11-50 FEET TO TIlE ;'fOft fHf':AST C!.iR.H£R Of SA.1D LOT 1 AkO ll1f POINT Of BEGINNING. OE-SCR.I81D AS fOllOWS : a(CINH!NG Ar UtE HOA::1HfAST COftNU Of SAlD lOT; l'NlH!..~ WfSTERl'f AlOtK; neE NORTHUt., LJ~ THEREOf A DISTANCE OF Il.5O FEET; THfhC! SOl.tTH£AslEAlY ALONG THE ARC OF A CVRvt TO Off lUCHT, RAOJUS 1l.50 fEfT. TmOtICHACfHTltAL -'HGle Of 90"' ....... AAC LENGTH OF 21 .10 FEfT TOA POINT ON TP,f EASTE~y UHEGf WDlOT, 1).SOfE" ~IU." OF THE NQRrHE.RL' COfU.IER TH[REOf; THtHCE HOArm:~,.. Al.OI'fG THe EAST(Rt.'l" U"* fHt:REOf .to DISTANCE Of' I ).50 FEET TO THE NORTH£ASl C~Of SAlt> lor I AHD THE POINr Of Df:GiKkING; AHO TOQ.THER WiTH ntE "WBY 8).5 ff.fT Of lOTS 11 AND J2 IN e.;.OCx I or SAm PlAT Of" S.AlJ'OkJS\l:llE ~ EXCEPT TI1£ f.QTH 10 FEn OF SAID lorS II AI«) U ; ANO r'()G£nofU. WITH lOl~ f AHO 2 Of' ~ENTOH 80fLfR WORKS SffOllT PlAT NO. 281.79, ACCMOINC; TO Tlf! StDtT PlAT A{CORO{O ~OtR iCING COUNTY RtCOROl'NG NO. 19071090C2; StTU~l[D 'N THE CllY Of R(N'l'Oti. COUNTY Of: klNC, sT .... rE OF WASHINGTON: ~ .... . -,.., • · , • • • .' • • " • • , • , ' .. . - , • .. , • ! 1 \ • " • • " ' " " , . , ~ ..... ,.. .. • $ 1 .,_",,-. .- flARCll 1,' uns ) ... WJ" jH$..OO( • QF ItffifCW"f.l1tM AOtUoCC. AS Clflt ft.-T REco-tO£D 1H VOWME t'14 ,,~ J '. at;( oans, ()f lUNG COlJttfY: .stnJAliO 1If ,~ CYfT CI' IItfNtOft, CQ,INTf Of WING, ~T~fl OF W~lNCTON. hACr,-] .. fHE wt:Sl' ll.\Fl,HOf Hi! ~nOO r(U 0( LOT 10, 'tie WEST 17...5 FEn Of lors ll, U. AND JS,.-u. Of lOtS 1". I\. AHO 1'. MO 1lif f'II(lItT'H JD fur Of lOT 17, AU IN 8lOCI( 1001 Rt.NTOf'I " ..... ,. f'lA1 ~ ""i PO. P\.It.'I fC.(COAOfO I,. 10/JIF f'LArs, PAGe 91, JQCOA.OS Of J(1Jt(; CQl.lNTV; TOGIltt(It 'NiflollK4J POIllJON C# n.e VACAffO AUf)' ,t,O)OUilHG; P tE" IliAT P'OIIllOf'l OfEOtO to THf. errr Of .f~lON 8Y af£O ItCCORC{O ONDeR ;l.ECOMJING NO, 1)01U904SO. JHM MRTlON Of: 'liE: HQltTHWEST 1/4 (WI' T"e '!j.()IJf!'fWE'iT 1/4 Of S5CTIOH B, TCWNSHt~ 2l HC»;1~. IlA.NGt' ~ £AS'f. 'tIII"Jot., [l(5oCaIDEO O\S f OU OwS. OtC{tt,tll'fG AT A POt,.,l ",eer NORrH Of THE ~rtffASf CClt'ift" CY LOT I] 114 BlOCK 10 OF .""'''''"' 'AIl" ',\ .. ,H, AS I"t.It I\Af A(C~D£O I'" VOI...lft4f 10~· PU T5, '''''(2 97. RfCQROS ()11 AI1tG COUHr'I'~ n~! NQAn ... Ai.OtG TKt' W'!ST lLNE OI "-.4AIIC .... YlNU£ PROOUCED. 185 "£0; fMI!~(' Wtfs-r 101.$ rEO; rntflCt SOtHH 'is fl.!:r. JfIIMf fASt 1015 f(ft TO THE ,;o:,t'ff 01" !W.GtNHING. ~nt \'StAt I'OAn~ 1M RfO'" c:ctfY(YfO 10 'Itt: em Of REJiTON rOR. THE WIO(NltfG Of ,'"' AV(M,JE NOIIITti at OflD MCl'WDEC) tJHO(-~ "fCottDll'tG NO. 1lO(;()9C)448; AND D:C('" THAT IIORflOff fHQ'1 0F" (OJfVf.'r(o TO m f CITY Of R[NTONi rOR RIGhT-or-WA' OV 0((0 "(COlttlro UHOOt llfCCl'to,«; 1'fO. ,..06OroSl.t ; PAA(EL Of (rTfC'A' REtt f(iN 9 ~T 'V,1 NO, 091 .,. A,(("OflOt~1G TO tHE SflQR.T P\.AT MJ(()tI(.)(O .tlfv()fJt IClJIiG C'tI\""JY II:tCOftOllw:' NO M 1111i1 Q006, Snmltll l~ rt. (rfY ~ 1I;fNt()f4 (OUNrt CJ1 ' IffG. 5 TA'( or W"!lI1I ~101i .... : .. .. • • , • " • , ' , ' • , , -' .. ---• • , , ',' , '. < ., • .. '" , • , , , " ,- " " .. • - ..•. , " ',' '-. " '\ ,,7 '~ • - -, , .. " • _. ,..... , PARCEL 6: TUM PORflOt( Of TIlE SOUTH v,o f[ET 01 ruE NORftI'f'lEST 1/4 Of rrlf 5Ot1nrwrsr 1/4 Of SfClK)H,. TOW"NSHIP JJ NORTH, ~ 5 EAST, W.H .• WHlOt UC-5 HOflTH Of ntf HOR.THUHE Of t.fORrH 6 111 STI\(fT HID D£1"WtZ1i mE NORl,tUU.Y fXTENSION Of mE Cfl(J"fRiIHfS OF 'flU A\IV4Uf NORTH AHO MAlN STru:ET. fK1"N WEUS STRUT I"QRJU; lXctPT THAT F'<>'tliOH THEREOf COtWEYEO TO Tltf CITY Of R£HTOH BY O£EOS ftECORD£OUHD£A RfCOP.oIHG NOS, 11011190152 AND e509llO'Jl&; Slru~TtO IN THE CHY Of K£HTON. COUHTY OF IClflG. STAfE Of WASHlNGr,.,.... PARCEL 1; 'Men AOf an Or RENTON SJtOIC.r.PLAT 00. O9J-89. ACCORDlNG TO ntE snORT PlAT RfCOllDeO lJNO(R. tUNG COUI'flY R£COROltfG NO. 891 J 149006; rOGEtH(lt. WITH LOTS I nlROUGU 5 IN BlOCK ).v«) LOTS 1 AND liN BlOCK" OF REmON FAAH ACREAGE. AS fJ{R f'lA'f RECORDED IN VOluttf 12 Of Pt..ATS. PAGE )1, I\[COA.OS OF kING COt.ItOY; AHO tOGEll1£1t WWt THAr POflTJON Of VACATEO 51R(£T AltO AU£Y ADlOlHUlG, AS ".\CAffD VHO(R (In Of R(H1Qtf ORDlHAtK£ NOS . J319. )1}7 AND 4048 wtllOt. IJP()H VAr.AlION. "nACHES TO SAID PftoPEltTV 8Y OPEAATJOH Of lAW; AHa TOGOtrOt WITH THAT fIOR.TlON (y THe NO«.HfWEST 1/4 Of TUE SOU'T'HWf"ST J/4 OF SECTION e, TOViJ6kIP 2J NOR1H. Jt;.ANGE 5 lAST. W.H .• .,.,HICH UES DETY-UN THE WES1 liNE Of SAID ""ACArED AUEY ON THE EAST AHD THE fAST tIE" Of SECONDARr srAff HIGHWAY NO. 2 ·A (PNUC. Avetvl £XTffifSIOH) 0fI THE wES1; £Xu". THAr PORTION THEReOf COtNEY EO lOTHE errr Of Rf;:;1TOH BY OEEOS R.f(;OOWED UHOEA RECORDING NOS. 5180889 AND 9-40607OS~; SITUATED IN fIlE ell" Of' ROfrON. COVNlY OF KJtiG. STA.fE Of WASUINGTON. THAf PORl1ON Of THE HOATrfWfst Jl4 Of THE SOlITUW'EST 1/4 or SECTION B. lOYfflSlilP 23 I'iORTH. R.A.NGf: S EAST, W.H., Of.SCRJ&O AS f OlLOWS: MCINNING AT THE POINT Of IHT[RSEClION OF niE ~TH LInE (X SAID SU80IVlSION WTTH THE NOP.THf!U.y PROOUCTIOH Of fHf w!:5T liNE or PAAI( AVf-NUE, AS SHOWN IN HIE rt..AT OF R(NTon rAAM PlAT. AS P(R PlAT RECORO{D IN VOUJf1i to Of P\...A1S. pAGE 97, REC~OS Cf' KING COUNrr' , liENeE SOOTHE,"Y Al..OHG SAlD PAOOUCUOH, TI) A rotNf 7~S rEO HORnt Of 1IIf sarli u:n; or SAID SUBOMSION; mENC[ WE ';1 PARAllfl WITH AIID DISTANT 71S ffCl ~fH fROH 5oAIO soum LINE 10THE NOR1H(AlY I'ROOUCTION 01 TH£ COirER liNt Of ptll' ~'REEr: T~~IKE $O\.ITH I'Il ONG SIoID Pf!OCUC[D C(HT(FU :WE, TO THE HORHt Of S:..)l.llti 660 fEO OF SAID SUBDIVIS ION, ,., .. It,,,,, "-~ '---------,~'-'"~.-, -'_'_'~'_""ol"'o'J.-.~.~.~, ~'~' •. --' ~, -.-." _. --, I .-, .:. -, - • , " , , " • , , , , .. -. , , -. • • • . , I , , . . I • <'j • ". . " ff\ • , I I I t • '. •• .. ".-:-_-. , .- Tt1{1!'ICt W£Sl ,'l~ SAlD J.i()tlfH lINf TO UtE ~nlfRu f'AOOUCllOH Of TIlE ct.AI£A UN!: 0; MAIN SlJtftl',."'OW .'iEU..5.1oVt.U;Uf ..eRn., A$ !;ttOWU IN lH£ PtA, 01 Rfl-lfOt(.FARH ".AT NO.2. A5 P£R f'\.A~ 5tE.COll>fO~~ val-UHf 1 • .)f PlArs. P.\GE n. RrcOADS Of KltlG COUtfrr; fH(NC,f ~t{.u' AL~ SM.vS"',(COUCTION "ro UtE HORTH UNf 01 HORnl 6"" STRf.J:;,; nt(r.ce WESlEJtLY liU)NG ~';D ~TH UHf Of' NOR'u 6'" STRUT TO THIE fASTEJU.' HAACIN 01" WE ~O !.UAllNC10N ~TJ«AA P...A1LAa-.tI RJGUT ·Of WAf. rl1ft'tCE NOI!..HUty At..OhG $AID RICln·Of·WAY TO Tft£. HORrH UHf Of SAlD SUBDIVISION; n*.NC( lASt(~'I" ~fC SA1D NC.o1 TH UNE TO THE POIHT Of &GtNH1NG; ucc,r lK4T po.mOf't COHVfY(O TO HE em Of .fl(TOH fOR THE WIO(HIHG Of "'"ORTH 6'" stAEU ., a£DS~~o VKO(Jt AtCOflDIHG NOS. 7106110506, 7106ll0510, 71061105J t. 1509 J 0096a, t'109.}O? 16 AND 8S091)091 ': mUAT£ I" THE: an Of Rt:t-IrOH, COUN'll Of "IN(." STAlE Of W"SHtHGTOH 1"IIAT POflUOH Of fHE SOVrrt(AST 1/4 Of 'tIE SOU'HifASf 1/' Of 9'CTIOH 7. lOWNSttlP 2J ~TH. MNG£-1' EAST, W.M •• LYING sovrU(fllYOF HORTU 6"" STW .. fT, W!:STERlY Of lOGAN SIREET HORjt.t [Xr(HSION (l.0GA,". AveNUE HOKTII) 16 OHoro TO TlU: STATE Of WASHI""GTOH BY ~ru ucoR.o:;o UHQE.II.II.(CQIU)IHG HO. 126U9", L'\ST£R.U or C£D"'1IU',r(~ WATERWAY (tOMHEII.CAl w,(T(AWAY 00. 2). AND NOAThOtlY Of' THAT C[RIAl'" fJf.N .. 'T Of' lAND cmNET[D TO JtEHlOH SCttOOl DISTRICT BY ono MECOOO{D UNOtR Il(CmOING NO. 57016&4; on.pr TKAT PORTION COffVEYlOtO THE BOE.1HG COMPANY 8Y [)f.£O P.(COROEO UNDER R(COROfHG hO. 590700t8 (AlSO MIHG T~T TRACT DESCRIB(O IN rAf.CElIO fOlLOWING); 5rfUATE IN roE ~m CJ:' fl:f.NTi)H, COUNTY Of t(JHC, STATf ~ W'\sHING.'OH rKAT PORnON Of GO\'E-RHH!tfl tOTS I}.HO) IN THE eAST ,.. Of SEcrION 7, TOWNSHIP 2J NOt.TH. ItAHC£ 5 t:AST w ...... AM) Of C.Ii, AOSlrs l..AKE WASHINGTON PlAT, AS PER PlAT II:[CowrD IN YOl.UHE S Of I't..AT5. PAGE. 19, RfCOIU>S Of KIJrtG COUHTY.~"W (£RT"," VACArlO !iTltEETS. AY£flUES AND AlU~'(S I" !lAID PlA1, AHa CERT"''' SitORE lAHOS AND "'ACAllO lOGNf STREET NORTH ,fORH£Rl. Y WIWAHS S"lREO NOtlTIt). IN SAID SltORf: lAN()5.. AlL OESOtU5EO AS rOllOWS. B(CI ..... JNG~' THE IW,(RS£CTJOH Of THE NORTH UHf Of SI":1H AV'C:NUE NOR1M ArlO THE 'VEST LINE: Of LOGAN 5TP,E[T NOP.TH; nt£1KE HORTH!':RLY' AtONG THE WF.S' UNE Of SAID l(')(",AN StRrEt NO«fIl TO THE fAST.wen C(NT(RUNE IN SAID sterlQN ", Ht[NC£ tASUR,i r AlONG SAm UNIEAI.INE Of SAID S~CllON Til Ttl'=. WESTERLY W'E Of SAID lOGAH STR(£T tfORTtf, AS nu: SAME IS CONVE'r£D NOR'" OF SA;O SECTION UNr; nl£N("f NORHt(AlY AlONG SAID WEST LINE Of !.AID LOGAN SlRffT HORTitTO Ali AttGl£ POINT IN SAle !!¥Esr LINE; L~' ... -----.-._,_. ~-, . .. --...... ,.. ". -, .' " • , , • -• , • , • , . . . , ' .. " , ,. • • . . .. • '. • .. , , . , , .. ',.; ... '. , • • , • , .' , . , • • • ~ . "(' .. . ..., .,', I I 1 j J i • "". " L • • , • • .. • ~~ , ~. • ' . . • .. '. • -.. -. _"~. ~'~'1'4,~~'_. _~ __ .J; ~.. ! '. • • , mENCE sO\,m..: I .. ·~·h· (A5T, ALONG THE [AST(P.t.l' ~WlGIH OF SAliJ EXTENDEr) COUUTr ROAU 8t7.aJ; rro 70 JJcNtGl£ POINT IN THE EAST(RlY HAltGIH 01 SAID ROAD; nt(ItCE SOUTH 41"2TJS"fAST N...OHC ~IO ~On.,. MARGIN 514 19 fEET TO APOlHT ~THf NOlnt1fItLY ~y 01 THE 8O£JNG COMPANY PRDP£ATY KNOWN AS PAACU V; TH(UCf sotITW 66"24'16'"' EAST Al.loNG SAID NORTH(IU.T D<lUHOAAY Of PAReu v 117.51 fffT, JIotORE OR LESS. TO AN l~r(M5{Cr1OH WHH THE ~JHWESlERl.Y MAAGJI4 ()I HIE RJGHT.()f.WAT Cf-THE hON.ll1fRH rACIf Ie AA'lW ... ' COWAM', SAID JHTEltSECTIOIi &E.I~ POIlIT ON A CUR\/! OF RADws 1481.11 FfEr 'P.OM MUCH nu;: ((lifTER OF lUf C1RCI.f 6UJlS SOUTrIU-1B"Sj· lAST; ThP<t NORTHtASt[Rl', ""-OHC SAID JUQiT .I)I,WAY ON A CURVE TO me RIGHT AM AIle lENGTH fY J".1'1 F£[T TO,. POINT 'ROM WH(NCE THt ClHT[R Of TftE 0JlCU &EMS soum so-14 'Zr EA.\J; TrlENC( HOI!lH J"·14'lr Wfsr J.S46 .... FEET TO THE n~ue PO:HT Of BEGINNING. SlflU·'!. lIIf Tnt: CITY Of P.fH1OO. COUNTY Of' KING, STATE Of WA$tUHCTON PAIlCCL 9 -0 AlII JAAECI.Jt.Nt "Mer CJ' LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 5-, THE SOUTttEA$T 1/4 Of' S[CUON 6, THE '-K)'HHfAST J/4 QF SlmON 'AAO IN THE NORTHWEST l!4 OF S{CTJON 8, "'"" IN TOWNSHIP 23 ~TH. JWrcCE S t ,AST, W.M •• INCLUDING wmUH nus TRACT CCRTAlH ~nor.5 Of' LAI(E WASHINGTOH SHaRf lANDS, AS SHOWN ()t.J SHEET NOS. J ANO .. Of MAP MtfPAAEO 81 uoo ~s£ N-lO fiLED IN CAUSE NO. 1$6311 IN rue SUPERJOftCOURT OF KlHG c.OUNTY fHTTTlfO SlAnlE fAcr()l(y SITES CClf1'ANY, ET At. vs. """NIE 1. ADAMS, £11' At AHO HOR( PARTlO.Il.AAu OES£RlefOAS fOllOWS: BfGIHmnc; AT TIiE NORIH(AST CO'mER OF GOV[RhM[fn LOT I, SECTION B. 10'1YHSH1p 21 NORTH. kAHGE 5 usr W.M.; TH(NCE NORTH ee-S,rOS9 WEST A..'.ONG THE ~RfH UHf Of SAlO LOT I. N~O AI..C>NG SUCH UHf PttOOUCfo WfSTEIU,.Y. 96(1-01 rEfl. "tORE ~ llSS, TO AN INTEASlCTIOH WITH TtQ WESTfALT HARGIH ('If' THE-RJQfT·Of·WAY ~ THE HOItTH£R.N 'loCIfJ( AAltw>\" CCMPAHY; nEKE CONnNUJHG ~rH &8-51'05· WEST AlONG THE ~TH UNE Of SAJO lor 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY 1&1 .39 fEET. HORf 0-': LESS, TO AA EXISllNG COHCRcrE f1ONtJf1ENT. SAID HONUH£HT 6ElNG AN AHGt.f POINT UPON THE NORTHEJU.Y liN! OflHE SHUfrtETON ST£AM PlANT PftOPf.RTY; T'liEM:f NORtH 0-06"56'" 'NEST, AlONG SAID HORTItERU' PROf'f.R.TY UNE Of SAID SHUfflETOH PAOI'{IlTY. 680.06 n ET, MORE OR LEss. TO AN INTERSC:CTlON wnH THE INNER HAROOR UHf Of lAKE WAStJlNGTON SHORE lNfDS. AS ~IO OUT ev rHE STATE OF WASttlNGTON; THEPKf SOUltf "6-snr WEST ALONG SAID INHfIt ttAR~ UHf 607.n fH110 rHE TRue POlNT Of BEGINNING; THtHCE CDmINUING SOUTH 46"5277'" WEST AlONG SAIO IHNER HARBOR. LINE. 150.62 rro; rHfffCE ~H 1"-).4'18-EAST 1.5-46 •• -4 f(n TO AH INT[RSECTION WITH TIlE NORTHWE Sf[RU MARCIN Of THf Rltar.-a·WA.1' Of THE NOATti£RN PACIfiC RAILWAY COMPANY, SAID IHT(RSfCflON 80NG POINT ON A CURVE OF RADrus 1,01181.11 fEfT fROM WHICH TUE (£NUR Of thE C:AClE 8EAIlS SOUTH SO·;,.nr EAST; T~U,Cf NOItltlrASlfRl1' ALJJffG SA.IO R!toftT-ot' WA1' ON,. CUAl)f TO THE RIGHt At, ARC UHGlH Of 1.)2.01 FEn TO A POtHr ('If COMl'lOVNO CURY( Of AAOI US ;',OS;' 11 fEET fROM Wt'ftICE mE ([ffT{R 0# ThE CI~Cl{S etAR so.)TH "S-I6'28'" CAST. -. , . , • , , , . . " " '. " , .' . ' ~\ . , . • ( .' ~ " • • ) , . • · • • , • " " , r , , , .o, • , • ; , , , , .., .. , " " , ' " " THOteE COfriTtMnNG ~0fKt SAfD IUCUJ Otf-WAY KAltfj m ON A CURvr TO neE Rleur AN AM; LfHG"~ OF 2'''-'1 fEET fa A ralNT Of'TANCE.HCl ; , Tlifl'lCE NOll'" ~O'lT fAST N .OHG SAJD fU:.HI ·Of-WAY HAAGIH 15'.90 f£fT; fH[NC( NORTH 21)-)8"2 .... WEST 100 al fEfT ; THENCE t«)RTH 46·Sl'OoC-£.AST 21S.OI" flO; TfE.tIt;E NORTH .)1706"56-WEST lll.87 f£[J TO THE T~L1! POINt' Of BEGIHUIHG; snu.-.YE-lli OiE OTY Of R£HTOff. COUNTY Of KING. STAn Of WASUIHGTOH. 'Men 10: THliT PORTrOH ~TI1E SOUTHEAST tJ4 Of THE SOUTHb\ST I/~ Of SECTJON 7, TOwtlSHIP n NOIHH,.1tNfGe 5 usr, W.K,. LYING fASTfRLY Of C()f'UotERCIAl WATfRWAY OIS':JUC1 NO. J (CEOI'A RfVfJt WAllRW"l". ANO W[STERlY OF lOC»t ~"'n9 tfCRTIi EXT(NSION' {lOCAH AVEHVE ~lCir.nf) AS DHOW 10 THE STArE or WASH!NC;lm ev ORO 1t(.C/)Rl)fi) UN:>t:R IUCORDIHG HO. 3261291, ()r(SO,J8fO AS: e£GJH"mG AT THE SOUlH HAAGIH Of 6'" AVCM.If NORllf /.NO THE WEST MARGlH Of lOOAN STRUT NORTH; TH£-.cr NORT}1 89-).'1'· WEST AlONG SAID SOUTH twt.GIK, 674.91 f£ET, TO lHE MOST HOftTHOlY AHOWfSlfR1.Y CDAHER Of /II, TI.ACT CONVEY[D TO ltiE eOONG COt1PAHY. pY 0(£0 II.(COADED UNOEIt R(COROIIotG NO 510168). ANO THe'lRUf POIIiT Of BEGINNUtC: TH(I'tCE COHTJHU!NG NORTIi 89-).4') 1-'nSf. A.t.0ffG SAlO SOUlH MUlGIN. 441.54 F£n TO Tkf fMURlY A:IQ:T'Of"-WAY LINE Of COMMlRClAI.. W .... URWAY OISTRJCT NO.2, AS ~[DtN' 'CiNC COtJPnY SlIF'£RJOR COtJf\T CAUSE NO. 211"09; THENCE sount 12-"7'42-EAST, AlOftG SAID RIGHT·Of·WAY LINE, 34"8.71 t(ET TO THe IHT£RS(CltoH WlTH A UN( PM .... ' I £l WIlH AND 120 rEET SOUTH Of'. AS MEASURED Ar RJGHT AIWClfS TO THE SOUTH MARGIN Of ,'" AVEHUf NORTH; , TtIfHCE SOVTH 8')-,..'11-EAST AlONG SAJD PAAA...t.EI.. UHf, 3M.)" (UT; THtNCE MJRTl1 00-2S'49-EAST )20 00 FEn TO THE TRU£ POlm OF BEGINWIHG; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF !tENTON. COUNTY OF KING, STAff Of WASHINGTON. PAlteR!I: l~T I'OOJOfII OF iH£ NOftTHW[ST 1/" OF SECTION 8, TOWr'SHjP n NORTH. R.AHGE S EAST 'N.M.,. Ofs('RJ6fO AS ,otWWS: 8£-GINHiNG J.l1'HE Il--TERstCTIOfrrI Of nt£ SOUTH UNE or S-AtD HQftTUWEST IJC MTH mE EASTERLY' P'WlGIH OF'ARK STRUT, ALSO KNOwN AS SE(OUDARy STATI; HfGKW .. ., NO. 2A; THENCE soun, 8?-ltr19-~ST ALOHG SAID SOUTH 1Il1£ 111 '11 Tf.Er; llitN<£ f)()ATI~ OO-ll~t-fAST IS) 13 fEEl TO mE TO THf POINT or CURYAo'URfOF ... (.Wt\'E Td fH( LEn OF RADIUS a~ fU '0 " -"---_ .... 4 ,. L> ---, ............ .' , , .. , , " ' , t , " " -, , , , , , , " , • .. ,. " • f I , • " , " ' ...... ''''''"-..... , •... ~"~.,~ --". -.... ---.. ... --• I ¥ t .... ' , f"tOCt' ~ltiflb.1 ~ WO f.LlAVI. ll4-II1'1f,ET TO TI* fI00I"1 Of t .... ,..~r.o; rHCMI(Z HQlfnt (:r-'T})~ Wt~f ~ .. ~ "1 'U r ro A totNr Ott" C~'d C$ "c.Uflve TO me IUCHf. ~ WlltlT at,lI.c Oft lUt soc,m·~'$'flJfi.J ~lo'wU'..ut OF tNl'l WA5tdftGtOfe; I!OUl£VARO; rnfN:1! 'iOtIlttWI51tn't AL~. $.ltD (\olItVf. TO ruE POIHf' 01 t!\'e.Il.Sf CUl'VATURl Of A tlM'V! JG f",,'V1 f):l1H wHf"fCe fHf Cl~Jt UAR'i SOUT~ .~J~'9· tMr 188 67 '£fT. l'ht:'l("' Smfllf;tSn.l' Al~ SAID roN"It )~$' lEft" TO ~~ ~l' 0fI TNfGlHCf. SAIO rot,." 0# r~-HCf I(it«i Oft Jltt:USl'£Ai.' t\N(GlH 01 SoAR)' ...... ~n. n$(H(' ~nt 01)111'(1'" wtsf AlCfI('. SAto CASTfll., MoAAGJH lSlt •• )O un TO ~ POINT (# 8f<i:1NtOHG; EJC."l 'D1.4T ""-*lfQl t'"" fiIU"''-Y SfArl ktGHW" .. ~. 1 (SA ..a'S) NOfIrtt AENTON va[ACtWtGt 4S t~ J1f IU~ COUHt'T $.Uf'fJtJ()ft (~1 CAUSE NO. 656121; ,Ii,PIU (XU"" JH~t I'iC«flPN\S) TttWOF COHVf'r'tO ro THf em Vf AfRTOH ~ PAAII; A'V£NU! HOItTU "'l.0[£D UCOROfO!mOtA "EC~LHG"O, 97QJI814Jl.!>EltfC" IlE ·Ar.CORl'flHG 01 MI2JlOI!"S ~ ~O!OUWi1lO. alt'~l. flX.t1rlt. tilTH "",r roRnClft c; "JjACM(O &.,NI'f \It.I."IffiHGr~ &OlilfllAAt)~ AOJO!N!1"G. 'wItffIOt. U~ VAC"'JIOH, AtlAOtfO TO s.t{[I~Rf¥' 8" c.tE1t"AHQH e,:,. t"A ..... : , ...... "l. 12 . IIIH Ut'-{Gt.1M llUoCT Ci' t,N«> t. "!II(; IN 1~ HOA f'HWESf 1/4 oP" SECllOh a. fOWf'45H1iP 21 ..cmm. 'WfCE S EAsr~ '" "". lM"M.~ ~n ., WA!iHI~ron. lMClUi)fttG *llKU, rH1S TAACt CO'T"I .... poQRnGtt$ OF lAK£WA5iHItfG-!'OH'SitOM I.»lOS AS SJ<tOWrt ON SHEETS 005. ) A."iO'" cY MN" P'JtI'AMID ~ UOO'~U NiIO fIlro 1M ~ *l. 1S61Jl IN nt! suPEIllORCOLUI;TOf KJNG COCf(N El'ITllHO S£.,Ul\E fAC1()Q s.mS~AN't. :!r ~ lIS. ~IE J. ADMiS, f1' .at. AHU III(j4iI!f r-..nCUlA'Ll Of5O,nll:O AS FOlLOWS ; ~~UiG AT rtE JlkiAfftUSl CQlt1ffIt Of GOV(:Af04[HT lOT 1. SEC1"iOH 8, fOWHSttI'1) NCtlfH, -.u.G:, S fAST. 'IW..K , IIf K.IPiG COIJHTY. W.6;SWHGroH; MHCf NOflTHo 8r11'OS'" wm ,uC"'G ruE IClII:TH UHE '" SAID Lor 1. AN[) JilCNG SOOt UHf ~owrST£Rl'9IiO.(j1 'In. HOfI.( CfllfSS,. fONt INTtltSrtTfOHwmt fflt WfSTEJlJ.Y ~IJ1f OF1HE A1GIIt..()l~WA:~ 01 f'HE HClt1lif,a.N IAClrtC AAllWA"' (OMPoI.H'I'. ''''Pea CCffllHt1UtG..tIQ!lH &!l-'I'C'S-WfST AlONG 'HE 1IIOR'fit UHE CE SAiD lor, I"tOOUCfO ~!Jtly "Ll"JPtrr. fitOIlfCR t...""":S. 'ro'-H f.)'ISlfHG Ct:WCAm ~£JfT. SA.ID ~ 9fJHG AM NfQ.f IOUff UPOn ntE ~~" y UM Of THE sHuFF\fl0N Slf.Ni JIIlANf I'lOP(ltlY; fW.NC.£ IfOIIlnt "'J~'S6. W6T, -'lUNG SAiro NOfIIOlfRlr PtlOl'(A'f' UI<iE Of SAlo s-tfl:fFllrOfl PROHllrt. 6ilD.061EEt".lI'Klftf M lt$$. lO AN IHtf~s.rCUQH Wl'" fHf INf+(,fl HAA8()R lfNe Of LA":' WASt{INC,IQtf ';HO_e UJriQS AS UIUOOl BY fHf, Sf.t.r( Of W~HINGTc.w.: 'P.f£NCf 50Unt "'f:r~.tV" WEn "lONG ~ro ,rtHU tlAAOt)lr LINt 601 frl nfl, fHlP'fCf "t)Un, '1"06',;6-EASY' 1118J1lfr'lO rt-tE '''\J( xm~l Of B£G1NH1Nr.; 1t1tH(f (ot.fvr",~ SOUTH' .. ~''S6'' r.-s f ;00 00 f~n. ; " " , • -, , "~ .' i 'I'> f' , • ,,. • ' .. ' ~ " , , .", .. " .. • , ' , , . , .. • ,r ' , .. • , • " . -.. , , • , " " " , • , .. • • , • , .' • , ' 1 ., t '~'. " '. , --~-;':"~ .. ---""Ai"'",,,,, ___ . " . ,_ ... _- • Tl-It.HCE SOUTH J.-Jnr tAST "U .. 22 'EfT lOAN JNTfRSfCTIM WP'!'f Ttff HOIt1tfllVf..STfAU' HAf(GJ~ Of THE I{JGHT-()f'WAY OF nil HOR1H[RH 'AClrrc RAILWAY COH!'AHr; THEHeE AlONG SAlo HARGJH SOUTH 5O'-4)'Jr WEST 11 .. 00 "EfT; T~fENCE HOItTH 20'"l8'2"· WEST 7oo.6J fffT; THfNCf HOfi:1H ""-5)'04-lAST 215.00 rw TO TIlE TRUE POUlT Of 8EGIN'flHG; TOG£nitR WTni TH.\T JIORnON Kf'fOWH AS P«eEl E Of OTY Of ALHT()fIi lOT t.lNf ADJiUSTHEHT NO. 0004 '88 R£CORO(o UNOo. R[COfWJHG NO. 8808J09OO6. CESCRlBEO AS: 8(GlHIIIINQ AT llfE AaOYE IlEfOt£HClO TO Uti: POINT Of BEGJHNIHG; THfHCE SOtnH 4J·06~' EAsT ].86 fE£f; THeNCE SOUTH 14-3676-fAST 2 ..... 81 fEfT TO TIfe "WE TO THE POINT Of MClNHltfG; THE"C£ CONTINUING SOUTH 14'-]6'26-fAST J4S 2'9 tEET; THENCE NORTH 46-5)'04-EAST 10) 0) fEET 1'0 THE rRIJE TOlttf POt'" Of-BEGINNING; S1TV4Tf ,,.lItE em 01' Rfllo:TOH, CDUNn Of ICING, STATE Of" WASHINGTON. PARCELl): ThAT PORlJ~ OF COVERHH(HT lOT) IN SEcnON 8. TOW'ISHIP lJ HOUM. RAN(;~ S EAST. W.H ... lYJHc; £ASTr~y Of THE ~fO BURlINGTON HORTlffRN (i.AI(E WASHlHGTOH eaT UfiiEJ 1tAlUt04[) RIQfT·Of,WA'I' AM> LYING WESTUu.y Of PARK AVf:HUE (lAKE WASI1JtIGTOH DOJUVAJU) S.E.); rOGETkfJ: WnH rHAr PORfJOH Of COVERNMENT lor liN SAlo SECTION, O£SC'.fU8a)AS: BECINHlHG Ar THE IHTERSEcrtC»f Of THE SOUOf£AST[RlY I"lA.RGIH OF THE Ae.A.ffooNEo BlIRUHGrON NOftTHlIUf, (tAKE WASHIHGTON 8£LT UHf) RAllROAl) AIGfT-QF"_WAY AND THE MST'ERt,Y HAAC.IH Of PAIU( AV£MJf (1.A.kI: WASHIHGTOft BOulEvARD S.£.); THENCE SOlITHWfSlER1Y Ale»«; SAlo SOVTH£ASTEJ:lY HA.R.GlN 60 fEET TO nte TRuE TO THE FOlm 01 8EGINNJHG; rHf:HCE SOuTHEASTERLY AT JUGttT ANGUS TH(RETO ID f(ET, HORE" OR lESS, TO THE WlSI(RlY HARCIN Of ""#l:K A.VENU( {lAKE WASJiItIGTON &oot.EVAII:O S.E J, nt(NC.E SOU"THOU Y AlOHG S"Jo HAR";IU TO Ttl{ SOUTH UNE Of SArD GOV[ltnMl"T lOT; TUCNCE W(STeRLY TOSAIO SOUTHfASruLY IllAJlROAO MARGIN , ~HC( NORTHf'-ST[RlY fO TtfE lRtJ( POINf Of 8fCINNING; • l .. % too - ~ , . " .. ~'. , .. , , . " .. . " , , ,. . , , , ~ , ~ , .. • , , , " , ., , • , , , . , • _._: ...... IHt ..... -..... _ •• ;. , , o [XCEPfn",r f'OftfJOH THatOf COf¥O£.MNfD fOR SA 40S 8Y KS~ COUHTY SUf£IOOR COuRT CAUSE NO. (;561Z1; , , ~ O:CUl THAT I'ORTJelN THEREOf COHVf"fcO TO ThE CITY Of Il.EHtOH rCA WlO£HIHG OF "Aas; AYfHUf NOA.1H BY DUO JU:COIW(O UNOElt.ltfCORDIHG HO. 9703181422; . srrw.:Tfo IN 'HE ClTV Of R(KrOH, COUHTY 01 K1HG. STArE a WA5HINCOTOff. PARen 14: • TKAT ~TJON Of THE BURUJfGTO .... Q.THEItH INC. (fOllM{lU.r HORTH£.RN PACIFIC AAflWAY CO., 100 fOOT IAZlWAY RJGHr-Qf-WAY IN SfCTIOffS 7 AI«):; tOWNSHIP 23 HO«TH. RAHGf 5 fAST, W.H •• Lyme; t£1'W(£III THE ~THHAAGIN 01 NORm, STRUT MO THE SOUlH MAAGlN 0#' HOA;TH6'" SUEET; $rr~l(O IN "HE cny Of RfHTOH, CCOHTY Of JC.lHG. STATE Of WIoSUlHGTOfot. 'MalIS; THAT f"l».flON OF 1Hf 8IJftUt.cr0N ..a.rUERH INc..'S 100 fOOT RIGHT·()f"·WAY FOR ITS ICn UNE IN GOY£RHMOn LOTS •• 1, ., Nt{) I+OA'TtlW£ST 'AI Of THe SOVTH'W! sr " Of SEClIOet I, TOWNStUI' 23 NORm, R.AHGE S fAST. W.M., ...... O GOVUttlKEHT LOJ.S I MID 2 IN SEOIOH 7, SAJD rDW.-SH,p AND ftAHGE. &£l'Wf[tf A WE-ST '1'ROOUCT1Off Of WE NORnt UHf: Of' 6'"' A\IEHU£ NOR1lf ANO A UHE £XTfNOIHG SOUlHtASTOtL,( AhO MOlALLY to lHE HAlN TRACk QHTU UHE AS HOW C0NS7lvcreo fROM SURYlY SlATION 10G8-+00 IN SAID ctHTEA. UHf (Of STAHl <40.8 rt.fT SOVT'tfWEsTfRlY. "f~RfO AlONG SAJO fiA1N TP.AC.K CENTER UHf. rRr.'H nf£ SOUTHWEst EAtT END Of DURUHGTQH ~rH£JI;" INC.. "S 61<IDCE NO. 3J AltO SOUTltfASfi,,\Y Of ntE fot.lOWJHG O£SaI8fD UHf: I!IfCIltHJ~ At A POINT 25 (EFT 5OVnt€ASl£lU.l', KlAWitEO AAOIAU.Y ANO AT RIGHT AHQ.ES TO UIE CENTER UN! Of TAA.Ck AS HOW CONSTRUClEO. FROH SURYET STA110tf 1068"00; TheNCE SOVTHWfSTE'lU. Y IN' It S7A.AJGHT UHf: TO A JIOJNT 25 rEEl ",,",TI1'W£STERlY. M£ASUR.Eo FJltOH 1l1£ SOUTHfASTERll' RIGKT·OF~W"Y lJIE AT SURV£Y STATJON 10''' .. 00; THENCE CONnMJIHG SOUTHWESTERLY AT AIf AJG..E TO THE fUGHT TO" POJHT ON THE HOP:THWEffiRU'lUotE 01 THE 100 fOOT 'UGHT·Of,WAJ Of eURUHGTOH NC:l'tflfERN JHC. NiO SOUTHEASfElLY Of' SPUR TAA(:I( tC(AD6lQOC STAtlCH e"85.5 ruE £NO ~ i)fSCRI8(O lIHE AND £® Of OfSCRJPTJON; SlrUArEO IN' THE orr Of ItEN1OH. COtJHlY Of KING. STAn Of WASttJHGTON. , • . ~ ... ~..-. •• , '-• " , • , . • , • , .. co -~ --, . < • , " .' . , • • • , • , , " , ' , " , " .~" . , , .. , , • • , , • • ~~ :J • • • • , ~ fI ''''''. \I' .itf().ft:'I,(f' ~Jri'I'!Iiii~1 , . ' , . , -:1 .. , • - 1I.1(IlInrr '" I ~1 . , - • . ; ;;':: ., , .. " , • " ~: ! " . , L " • . , " ", ' ','. . ~ • , ~' .. ' , " , , . .. , , .. , " • .. , , , • -.. ~,~-... ,.": ... ' _~. W' ~,~,~.~,w. ~'~"""" ___ "".''';'.''_J''_'.~_"'.'_' .. , ElClIIBITE ne .. pc..:tllC1lCUlkre4 ~o b}'1bc J)ocln£ ComJ*)' ("Uoci~_IheCify oUt.C'JJUIItI("dcy""j d"cd ;:-..,._.,,-__ -:;,-;:...,.c.onu11Iilt& 1hc wcnsian 015. W. 2~ Sttccl (also ,**,11 m SII ... BookYwd) aCfOllS Ute ~mc ~ OffICe " ..... ("'LOP") p¥iI1), ('"Sttan6u' A&1tClbUllj .b,dr. a pwvisiOP for ~e:stabIi:aMIeoI of. R.otn-c ACC:DllMlillorlhe toUIlIl JIbe, oflDP rrips~ by the trM5f"OOMK. mitiptM:. lea UlJ.5!";;,:d MIIder.dle StrandeJ' ApK1DUIC (-r.cpaNi Trips~ PJt~ .id Trips ilK .. !.he btl$DW ol "CBB' lIMly tripI to be lmc'rWd b, (IiIU ckvtkJrare .11 oflbe WP 1ba& wen: ~ iDlbc Efty~tallMpKt S ..... liclll r'ElS"') MitiV'w. Doc wtftlCPl rorthe LOP. ist' i iA May. 1m (27,000 .~dMJy ";PSt k=.stbo!;c.naimasafcn,.lur LOPdadupWOll poj«:b for ...udt. ~ .. itiptioo fcc:s "'ye~ paid to IheCity.' ".1 ofllx elm oldie ~ AJitt. t. ihe ~ of LOP ~ T,. .. ., 2).910 .-venc,c hi1)' 1I .... 1M Rt~~lIr'Ucrt:alc4 UJ!OII dtd~l_by Boei.o&oIchr S,W. zJih Stn:d a.1c'a$D riptd "'y, Wfitb aD initial deposicoUJ.97D Pr~TripL Doc_,.., .. hs 10k discntic.cl WOdnw Iron. dIoe ~ ACC('IWt.n or. portioft of the PI,,.WJTrip.1O be aaSikd -vim and t?w.mil It f~1I JMI)'1PC" oftbe C"..,.~iaa mitiVf"m IHS fnf the ap.ll rwmber otcrips ~by dn<IopiDt:lll oIlt11Y P.rty within ,he: C,'y of Rtn1VQ t~ ""as v.ned by I~ '.In tbc:. tb~ ofUx: S.nodc, AlIct:aItJIt..s th:a4: .'auld otbtJ_uc be ,,,L,t«1 &0 lhr-CiI)" tnMpt.iaf .... m~iptiao rta. nus Jtqlort. iIt fomllll"Wl c:ooknt jQ ~c.d in IJUt EaJI.lbil E. WU be used by ~., to n=por1_ ttaASal:tjgQ In wi&bdtaw. desigN-l~ df ani", b"ip$ "" lbc Rum<c-"1XOWd aDd by the C'1f)' kJ rcc.ard aod ac;bo'IIokdge sucla lmI:!KliaII_ 0«1f1& ,halt slJbmk lhC" Jtq'lOO to tbe Cit), lit the: tjrM of. pW:aocd witbdt ..... 1. Tbc: AdnJ;;oi1tralCl'" of t1;wWlinr-Dilildini and P\lblic: Wor1s shaJi ad.'IO.,Jalge the ."icbdta~...t dct;ipaI;a. by signMtllc. C"PKs orthe Rcpuc1 dlaD be pi ~cd iQ (beCrtfs pojut (de b lb.e fC'Cc:i"iQ& pn:.jEcl and far 1M LOr Bindih, S'k" Plan, MM\.<opy shalll::ot'~l0 8or:iD&- """buof Trips in + l\aloUK.C TtipsAfkr Ad ...... kdpe·JOPtOC Trzr ..... and Sa'""'" 1 ~"',.N ~Pl'I""'" ..... , .... iru • .,. 00" __ fw!loUle ..... K~ 11"' .... rtw 9oc_c Vi 'oM ... i ...... OnotopU .. "",,=It., J\oooUiQJ (t.lOO .... ..,.atc ~ tr!(lS' ...... rdlfit(lof-"'C"1lt'IIIIOeI fWlllly (Me: C~ (9).')"'«",""" oatotyll'\'\tl "l1w-.:_ n~ jO~""'" Iripr h L(iI'". k9 2,.IC'!O-.I ')0 ..... n. _ .... ftt:t. P""'t"~ ,......,.o:~ !l.1i?O ~ IlotIf '"fOJ"ffed ~.Itw:,......,.., A"H-' 1 TIM inoNI~o.-...... ~\U.'''h.J*dlllf'5 .. I1J~orih!o:d .l!orfir:f'I"'OtC AcuwaI"'. ..d ill" 1 0 .. 1)_ ..... Slkn. Ue. w," k!hl: trf«. ... c ~ f ..... \or; r\l)r~ *"'"'_ "r60-';" 2'" ~b'ttt rlf)oI"''''~ . . , ,. ---------.... "." . • "' ; . " " • .. .. , .. , , .,,~--~ . , .-J • .. , • .. ","""y N.!i/\d)j,. Citt ui f(;,or,udl UM ~Ih w.Ml", W .. n tr*th ,; lien."" IV" ll;fIi55. .. RECBVEO .. ~'el"i'n:I(',tt l\gn'~~t1')l;'nt Ilti...,. .. ~ J tIC Boci~ Conlpany IIn,J I1:t' City l1t RvIlC..(.(l I", futu(~ D."'eRJ.pnlC.--r.r I.:!l t.(~~ Ot{fte J)"tk • .1 ~~IRjrW" -~r ... t.N1\ 1.1, f l£ ,.:". ... ~ 00 Nor MeDICD liteS, "mll until tk StrqM" .4gffnMrJt is /irulfiuJ Itm' u«ur"J £'V till inurt'StrJ ptrfta Plt'~ ~ .~,. fl) obtaiif' IIU f'Ctlfll.Ofiffg U:pQhtI'H tt'far Ii) r«DniJr;x, [0 tlte rtJC;ml1mc', f\nuhJ J"u h.t .. tc Jon)" "iuN.i.onc rh~"''oI! C"0f'\!Xt .kif Adt..-\s4.)fl.at (n} (.62,..W-l Sul('ett'-fy, /I .... ~j n H./i# rinawlhm;m Cn:-nlhfY A n!.w, PI"} rWi~"l;l~ .. ... '" " , " " , , t 1,.- 0Ifq. f1I tht (:trt a~n. ~C'fi}Wj lfl"~ ~ ~ \yiJI. Pc ....... w", 5 ~, L ____ ......J !,kQr"..,. r"'(lf! for l'-~ wuwJWld 11":71:1:1') I !ide,,"" H ... ~.! '" ~ aMI; .... or ftlnad. lilltlMlF _ of .... -uf!!I(IIbI&j) , "', ..... r -------~~----~--------------~ G)-MiDi.) a....a ume fine.. tiIca!lnl .,..ftId I1PUakt I Clttol~ LevI"'" (~--wJ&:d Ie b. Wock, pix or 5oXtwm, lO'oI'ltWp tDit') PI-munoiMadcr~ ~D C ~ fIC1.. SllI. = .. ::104 TAXLOr21 PeL I {\()[J'G. sn 741U);$ "TA.X1.Dr .... PCt. l BOtlStl, $TIt l·n)tH TAXl.Ot' SO PCL I EJOrJI'iG, STR Hl)04 TAXl.OT'l PCL K 8OEJNC. STR l·UY.M T ..... n.ar" PCLL BOElSG, S1JllOlOt TAXl.OT 11 PeL M OOE~ mlj~TAXl..oTl f'CLG BOtl~(i.18d STR 241164 TAXU1T6.2 PCl.F BOEfSG [!1r.nkuf"_~! ~t!oI~ ""1011 Pif", '"Pt"Y Tu 'arut(4I"U!i"1'_kr PMIeM I'tlk JlAwm".& lIOOO~ 1.{l7, "l)OO'\1U).OO16..oo. -v.JJ5JO.OI'l1 • .o&, '10100'.()C2.!-(Xi. '!t2ju.6·964~ '2 U1(UAI}l6-Ol. _2.11)O.t_90n-4W .• 2"1)(u"~H.()6, t'241 )().I.JX)lI.(l6 .. ..,2lO4--9Qf!l~ W Il$l104JiOtiZ.oo -----_ ... ,.,-_ ...... -.. ---...- -.,. " '. , . ---------.------~-- , I I • • I • I , 1 , , I I i • • .. , • • , ! J 1 , , " , , ,- " , • , .' , , " , , , , ..... , "'\ - O[Vll(}rMx:.~'r AGH.£DIIST al:TWtEN TilE "''Q~Il't(; Ct), fPA!I''Y AND T1iK CITY Of' lU:.vru.~ 'OIlIf\lTCIU! Ilf.vr;w'~n::orr Of W"C'oACRU OnlC'L P,\lU: L '1lE.~"'Bt.£ , Thi. DIOVIiLOPM£.><T AGJIIlCMENT ("Ab~"'k"1 bt, ....... n IE BOElNG Co.MP.\."y ('!l.oeq'~ • D.I>! .,. «"pot_ "'" the CITy or IlE~TON ("C!lY) •• ~p': ~icm aftbc Sl •• cfW~,,, cm'tfolillto ~ to f~ au'bonlY 01 ~ .16100 110 tf\a)r'S,b 2JO. -sc. _fri£h IJoaJjO~.t may ctttcr inco a: ~~ 4illltO"tC)I Wfth in trorAy ha\,. ownen.tup Of """~ p( rr..iol ~ WlUba ill jIlOt\5dicuoe. UCITAJ..S .c\ l_ POtk; ,,,.. '''tl'f'~ I wflolly-O""'<d ~"'l' ofBotIIl& j, tile ~'M:r utt.trn real~. ,"OOWUll J1hc (..nnpan Office Pari ~"Wp·)'located III ttic C4Y 0(1l._ Kina ,;-"""'Y. WuJunsIon. .. d _. part;cWllly <kJu.bed .. "'''cll"",,,, I. ............... <ad by tlJ<.,~ ""'''lJOI>Ied ........ U1wllocms IQ"" """,«1 inI<! .1t.t'!IrlieJtft Orormd u'ala (''It'.asc, ~'1Jl drca Iiom /mJMy t. J9QJ putsuow roO which ~ IN)' po .... ", lOP fhfoos,lt D«tnlber J I, 'lD21 an4 rr.y in certain ~1IICt'S e~ lbe h.1'm cfutd 1~.u4nhrou8h ~ J I. 20, f PUrsuant to the L.eue. DoeitI" tnl)' ct\kI' IMo thi$ AJtctllOltiU In .8rt)e'.tII', Q\lI~ name A nteroorandum of tbe Laue-\o\'1.! """,dod .. s., 97070J0 f:U i. tile R.eoII'roJ'<lt) Recools of KiltS Count)' 9 lOP t.OnJl~1 of tppfuUnudy J ~8 a7('$ fot.a1ed at the soutbtilSt COf'l'JCr of the lIWer ... "'rf!()ft.o(W~~ 40S ind th& Curlin,rOft Non.bcnt'Sama Fe RailroAd right of way in ~ Or,. of ~oo.. ~'Cullom« So O'i.:c Train,"& Caucr ("'CSTC-) occupies 1ft ldjilC.er)t "*-«:re klc to the DOnb and c:.., ottoP LOti i1 c.urendy located entirely ~n tho,_ Oilla ("CO")...,..". ditIria ~ ddeJ>_<d ~ c..r .... VaJl<y in m. C-.ys Caua~'i'e P"W! C, Tho .. ",~ fC<!.be """""' .. 01"..,. hr1 ("W-s .. "'''''1 .... """ !he ctlmttudil!tl of ~nwdy ) mln«.,~ fee of c.ffic.c. or light andlmr.aJ space IS PCI .... bed t.l:1d« the CO dcsiJlUtion and rtf.ated "ppotJ _00 ""tllty ~iet CI\'et • period of "P 10 '-~ (::til'"". Of!he IS • ..,. .. tGmprilina!lJc WP .. , !IJc LOP Sit. PI.on pr09\."r's (Nt appro~ 6' J)ef'Cd'Il M'.III be ~ ~ (u .• buildings, ~ ....... 1*''''''8 ""'ctom. ItId ro-,.,), 00d appro_ely JS _<I'J will bt d«hcal«l to. Jt()nn,,'oUer dttmlOft tyftmt..landliCapmg a:.d open SP'<c, l'he LOP Site Plan is .o~ to this A.~.r .u Mt.ac.bmQ1t 2 and hy dus rc:fa"ence dlDCQf'pOI;arerl ~ein. ~'''..,..--..... ~ • _ i:h')il; • __ _ , ,. , " , . . l ' , . -• • .. ' , • .' , , ' , . , , " " .. " , , , • , , , , .. L.,· • " " .- • \ " .- , ' .. , • , , .- , , __ .. _ l'i p ".'~_ •. _ ............. 'b -{ ... r , 0 , FAI\;tCoflfflCnW .iZWy.a-or O('\le!opcntnt of 2 S milI.ion sqWlf::: fc.ct undtr the- LOP Site I.lan \Ir"U ronr.uctcd by lht Cit)' JNlIlW'lt 10 the Wur.mswn SUtc: I!lt'oitonmeata.! Potier Aa ("SEPA") A Or&fi Ertvironmcnw Imp"' !Jt.atetrct rormn (01 lbe LOP 5nc rta., wu amed In AUg\lSt. 1994 , the FimaJ EfwifOnrncrnallmpatt SUtement ("l"EJS'") we i~d in March. t99S, an Addtrd.·m to .. be rEfS, am:tyzing Usc impd$ of, AIllOOi 9tm:r lhu1p. the: lWkliIK>R of SOO,OOO cqmre-feet to tbe WP Site Plan. ","-u issuc:din Deo:n1bcr. 1000 A SErA Mitigauon Dacumcnl (·Mi1I~tJ.i,)n t>cx:ument") wu is.'iUtd by UH: Liry tD May. 1995. and ... ""iS amt'nde~ by the l'\.4dt:.ldum Il. 10 1m, {loor.g d..dop<d cit< lJoe,", c"""""ciaJ ""1'1"", G",,,p {"»CAG") hCAdquaneu offlU building. CORSl\'fl1\8 ofaw-OJtJ:mldy 300,000 aquuc f«c. as Phut I ofWP The ~.a!lOn and eucm ofPfwe I devtiopmcnl isdC'pi:led on Atarhment l f In 1991. &c;ng da'clo p<d tbe Boong famoly Cat. Cent" (·fCC-), ton$i~K cf 1lppt'cn.inWdy 22,000 square fcellO p!'ovide day ate 5Cn'ices (or 200 chiJ4Icn IS Phate II o(LOr Th: locali<J:!:l &lid exu:nl orPtu5e U ckvdopmc:11 i!dcpictcd 1,)0 Altad>mt<ltl G In 1999. Boeing dcvcJopcd;& Sutfacc Water Management Program rSWMf'''). tOl1siuins of p;-wmS 10 crtale storm',lfaler ponds, ""I irrigation. undio", and r«iteul~l ,y$tttn, and tnha.-,ccd 'IAoc{)ands designed 10 w:ol'all)odac fuD l'Uild·or.n of LOP The: k>cltion IUtd cxlt:nt of Pblsc JtI dcvdopmcnt is Jeptcted on Auacluncnl 2 It A, pm oftbe SWMI' project. ecna1n cti(ka1 mviroMx:nul aJ'CU on the Longacre:; $ife Weft idenliJied These IttU iooudt! ccnain ~ w'ett&nd5 and the South Marsh. On lui)' 6, 1m. Boeing rc:cordcd I DccllU:lion of R~r.cti\'c Ccr.·CNIlU prohibitIng ~ or &IlcraUon ofthc to 92·aac:: Soulh MwJr. the South ~bnb is depicted on Anachment 2. I Phue: IV uflbe Langaaes Cffict. Poll" will coruist Ollhe dcvdopmeot of IWO"~dy 2: 7 nullion iqUMc fcd of office or light industnal 'pa!;(: as f!C:' lIIiued under tbe CO designation. Vrlth IUpportllJ'ld utility facilities. on lhat portion of LOP not deo;doped under Pftasn; I. It, and III or .c:scrved for enviroomc:'llll mitip!Mln purposes pursuant 10 devdopmcr:r. conditions Ptwe IV \IoiU be developed with rruhiple buildings aod associated patkinn, r~waY'. and pedestrian .... ~.ays. The: PhI',:jC IV dC"'ldopmem: ea..".oty is consid4lt with the capaary anal~'zc::d in the: nisting DElS, FElS. and Addendum The Phue IV de .. -dopm<m c:m:dope is dc-p1ded on A"achmcnt 2 J In order to ~ c:eruir-ty and dTic:ienc), with respect to the Cltys Te\"ie-,..' and lppro-v&l process for Plwc rv da'doprnc:nt. Boeing and fhe CIIY ~C::l"ed U1tD • Oevc:lopment Agreement r2000 ,\g.reemc:ntj on D«cmbc:r 28, 2000 rf'8Udins Phase: IV [)Ii\'l.1.OI'to().. .... 'T N.iJlU.wD.'"t prllm~t04'11mU11O )Ul , , -. .- ,.' '. , .. "., L I!to:: ',-, , , - • • , " , , " -' " " , . ')'-" , , , , , , ., - <lo, -.. >. ; ~ . .. '. .. • .. . .. , F i , t. 1 , • . , " ., • ;'. , , "., '. , " • , ~ (~ U ~O :CKHOlO4QOOUb tn the RcaJ Prop.;"'t R«otdll ofKi:r.i C"""'" K 0 .. _~~lif~ ./Jt~i" 0Iy 'P9'U",d .............. p",", ,<mt<kd ., No. _ '_._ ._ .. tht kcat f"rut;;oTy ,<C,(!tlld ofJGn~ County. thJ;t: :l'1o"Jda Phuc IV ........ 1 .. ,,10 ;arw' "' •• dc>61'''''''' A«Ofdil>ji) •. Boo."....-.d "'" Cny a..irt'O lo:xmd lM'l'00') AjV<cJn-c:ut.mt to ~h:t 11'4;" il~' t:le-..t1'JopnW;flf A..&roem:tnl P!rr1\l"tT PN:$$IV Je~t .I'bft.~ B4.lC!1r& met m.:.("tty &)!ftt u ('~~'I 10. "CIIP;"'\I~!'<7 1 Y_Ml!Il_,,~ Tho ("<ly', d"eIopm<m rqu!aI""" in dfcct ...t ~"'t. to p(-o~ aPf~lMt as of ttle ll:C!)IIJu'!g eWe of tM ZOOO Aartemenf M ..,..,., ""';Jtsdvp..,..,."nlwo tV IlfLOI'!i>< oJ! 1'IIa", tV __ awUc"fon. ",;~ted: 10 t:.. C "Y .(bJtIl~ (lO)}e#l ftom t»' fC)I;llfding diU: of tJ;H Ag, e<emt,.,t NorIlo-,:t.bM~, 1M-fi>n~oiII,. lbo.£ity ~et ~ aAlMNll lU'.dct RCW 36 'ro8 17C(4) l" w~ M='I" Of ~ t .. ~lOA' to fM C'tltr.t rtquAeU by k ~'Weat 10 putmc h«im V\d "akty. b fhoU.m:Itl)(() b;Y thcr ~ Cuy CcuncJ1 aftt.r ~)l:I(.e .u\d an op.pot1Uruty to be ~ ... ~ "'" bc<n P""ld<d '" R""'~ • l&<~jI.~ For """""'.<>i'lloi. A ... _ ... ",J.vd()j>Y.<nl ~WIDm· {l)('Ml$ (;a) l~ 1aOO dtv~ and: d,,-dopncn Il&ndafds.. (b) etMrOftm(S'UiJ ndc111ld pekin, i:tItludtoJi (bbl QcJt !anrted to 1 SEP A, (t) Comprdlenlf\lc Plan poltcies, N) ""-. ~ ~",," .. d.,'" ...... '10<1, ~ '0 the d""IuPl=" ofl>n<l,h;" lS'C ~:tIed by rrl~enu UJ t.ht I.a=on ).1.u!uI..,pat Cc::ae.. (I) JlIf'f:ac.e wa:cr frWJA~ ,~!f.IJQn$. t:nd [t}:xbcr Cd~ ~ ptmir..g. tbc devdopmrrJ o(l.&nd: I:I;J to and ~ ~cd 0I..JifWt<;e N<t ,,!n; pt~. hQwl!\o'a', lhu ~ may c!.cct It us ~tb.t( PI~.tdop1ed IItcrOnf.na..-a t-.<.o 4*77 ahtII4WY li):.ill 01 part or Plwl4t.1 \t' .... ~tnI Appficablo J.:\-ekJ:~. rtguhltlont.1f'f' at1ir.:JHo.d 10 this Agro!cmenl :at AI~t 1 dart. rllCOIpoi'ltN helm by re{,,'tftCC . 1 1i>Ifow. ,.- .~.J andicucd 1ft the ElS. rrumc.-c'u, Illfe Inti local ~,li(.:on, WI.lt 8O''tt1I devdol'hK'JIt n{ Lo~es Of!ke Puk..and _i/tIluJOrt oftbose fegubuons ,,-ill a1svJenle IQ RUbgal'C ~ It,§nI6c.ant adverse mvtl'O:Ol'\'entaJ ""9><'''' a~ oppIV..aI'>lc to spccUlO d ... eIopm<m A':hllft1#WJ be -IS ddlued in tbe Oe\~mct\t Agrccmcm QlYH.lJf'WI.~ "..u • .,., 18 ...... ~~j,) ,~~ • ,~-~'--- . . , , • . , :: . .. , • , • • , . . "". ~ .... '. " • .. • ' .. • , '. • I , , • • , , " " ." , " , " , , ' , .. , .. .rt ,,,",,, ....... .,...', ~ r " , • .. '. becwctn Uocirsg!lnd the C~ td ""'''''''--0--'-''''''''''' rOC'velopment Agrcemc:tl1") >6dmW:nlI0 dlC ElS tWcd D«.embc:r 19,2000. anu .... Addendum to tbc as dated May 14,2002 '3 2 T () the t.l1tnl that Secticm 2, f\.fuiptioo Ilf.m, rdcrer.c.a or incorporalo dt'vdopmttil rcgulilJOnS. they thlU be as ps-OVJdcd LOW defmc:d in t'aral!'1apfts I and l of this Ocvdopmenl AgrLClbcta .. S-rtc PlIO R(\iC'w fnd Minor M9Chr",IIOGl Pfase IV development VCI mit .ppilelUOIts st-.aU be subject to the City land use rC'II'N:W prUC'UlI urxknht ckvdopmto1l! ,cV.hons appllQble to such ft:VKW &nd app'ovaJ as provided it Pu,agraplu: 1 and 2 oflM Agcem<n1 The fwl deiign o( the buildulp aod other _<>==US, p'cciK _ of building Coocpnnu. bnd dnUion cruting buildlCg iUes lot indnidta.l S!I'UCIUI~ ~Iioo 0( \diJities. dClcrminaliotl of ,e,en pc:nnlli. and other t&.bd usc issuos reWed 10 ,wlhoriza!jOD of individual dc,;dopmtrd shaD be determined pursuml to lhIt proccu S ~ This As,recmc:nt. upon execution by tbe putit1 and approval of . tM A,greer.:cm by resolution orthc: CnyCou:)(il, lhaJI be Jecofded With the Rea! Property Rc<otd> o;viJion o(the King County Rooord> aod F.k<tions Dc'!,."""", 6 ~ UPOD recording ofdus Agrec:mcm., the 2-000 Agrtullent .. 1:o&ll be null. void. and ",ithout dttd: 7, Sucm.JOI5 and A:UiiB~ This Agreemeflt w,IJ ~nd ilIId inure' to the bcndit of Botir.g and t.~ Cr.y orRer;lon and nodr succesaors in interest • .oo tt""'Y be mgned to JU«:CIS01'l in i.ntaest 10 the Longaaes pcopert)' Upon usignmen: lDd a.sswnpt.ioo by the auign« 0( • .'1 obbgations under lhU~. Boctrll sbaJt be rooStd (rom all oblip:WlnS urader this AgRement. S CoumC!PJlU This Aweuuent ma)' be eJ:CCU1ed in CC:.Dl1e'P&:ts, CKb of ,.,1Uc:h aball be deemed an origiRaJ 9 £Wltioo This Agh' "" lit, urues.s rescinded by Boeing or its suc:cessors in interut. mall b«ome nuD and void l\ItCWy(20) year.s from the: <Ute ofre:cordi:le of this Agretlliitill AGRF.ED this __ day of ________ ~, 2002 DII'V£1Dl'UlM AGllll!:IE.. ... (OJQOWI 1M. '11111:21103 111 ~,~"..,-,-~--.~---.----,- " "" .' , , • , , , " • " , ;, I :, .- I , I , , • , . , " , ". , '. • " . • , , .. • .. , , 17"";. .1. F ~.-<' , .. I , .' , • , r ' .. .. __ , '" :~ -~, -.... ..._._'==' :" ==:':h . .....---"'..,,-,-_ . ..,..~ .... tOl :-rrVO~ , --,--- ) 1 ) . .. . ~", Dr _,~, =="===" ~t1 .. ___ __ • Uw tIu-:. _..-. <Joy or _. , . too::!, bWn me .. I~ 1IiI ....... ' }lOI~ ~"'Ilt ~ fhr lbe.S1aJt ufW~'~(II),. ~)' t(tntnNi~ W ~ pcrso.ruUy ~iItCd _ ~ ...... _.'.. • _ _ _-> to he knt.'\W!l to be lhe -,.... ~J!IId .. _. ___ .. ___ .__ , , o.f II .. errv ()i' RINl'ON, til< «tfpunri~ lhat aecutc\t!he wghllS "Bd t"''tIP1", 1JiIltJw.1'I:td. tluJ t.C:t.~iled s.ud i~ 10 I!o If\¢ fr"..oo 1jiofun:C!lry'lit.":.1 .m.i.,b;.j t4...,;J ~" fer "he UWl aQIJ ~ dwon 1bMJm.:~ afaf\ Mlb JI ~1 thu "u duJ) decccd. ~bJlt:d mt .taa. ... Mid uflkCS' or , .. ~doo. c.tul _ wu -lillhonm 10 «ocuht-;Wd /JUCA.!mtftJ..;o ~ t.ht IJC.JI aRt. If fDy. ~ ~ COIporIIe IQjo( s:t;jd ~ IN wrn-mss \\1lfRli(lf I ""'" _.u ...... !Iond Ot>d ol&I., i<aI dIO.uv lOUd tWl first Abo~ "'TJU~ fllrVnuPtCDfl' ~frw.«r Jh»34"",lbiruj_ t:,tt ..,--~ .. ~,-,,"""lI>""'''_~~_ , • .. . . , , " " , .: ,,' , .. , " '. , .. '. .. ". , " .. -..... _.-, ?' ... ,.. ". • , .. ' .. . , .. , . , , .' .. , ----, ;" .:t" . ,'/. .... ,. .... \. , . . .. " , ' " , -. , ' • , , , " , . -;. -, " , • , ... ~ " d' • ;;y I" ST A TIl Of' CAl.IfOIl,a" ) )ss COWrY OF ________ ,1 On thi!i __ day of -J ~00'l. Xfore 1M, the undersigned,' NotMy Public in and for 1bc Stillt oCc..:if\lffti.t. du~ c.orMlissionc:d and sworn. puliOnAlly ~od _--,'0 lne petSOMlly k.'k>W1'I to be the pt'I'~\ft ~tl(JM: name lJ $Ubsai~ 10 the wIthin and fOftQOin,g inW'UJne!\t and K~itd to JtI-C tJw he ulQltM the :tame in his .uth01izN e&pacity as the , oCTIf£BOElNGCOMPANY"hetofPO"oon ,,,,,, eucut.:d the "'liNn .;r(;;;g~og UtlitrumtnJ. and Ort ollh Slated that he wu duty dcded. quafidc:d .nd llCtil\8 u aid officer of lbe cOfPOIIlt)on, and that by his signawte Oftlhc ~ be; Of' 1M ~tiry upon behalf of wbic.h ne ~ necutcd the irutrument. ll'4 WITNESS 'WllEREOF I ba\'e hereunto set my hPnd and oflkial.seal the day cd year 6tst above 'llttlnen (Print or ..... p IW1l< of Notey) NOTARY PUBLIC in and fOf the State of C ... hfomi ..... residing at '7:======== My appointment expires: -' MVfJ.llf\tUIT AIffiI.~'" jo~'J<o'HCMo~":ilO_I:~1 , , " ., , • , • • .""'" .,.., ': ~ . .', , , , ' .. ', , " " " , ,,. " ,. , , • " " r • • • , ,. , " , ", " , ,~ 'I' , " , '. , , .. , • ..... ' ," ," " , " , .. " • • (lft A"fi"'I I~~, lxfuto ..... r W=. s.wy !'ubi ... Jl<"'OIU'Uy appal'" PblUp W. C')tmrtpCJSOOr.::aUr ~wn h) me. to be the ~ ~ NmC·~ ~ tq the WltJ\;iQ )~ &n4 ~fMtWii«I~ 10 me We« he ~«1tI.tC'4lhc: hIr!!llS m hu Ad.bor.I;te.1 c:ap!M.."ilY. )d ~ by fM.f.I~ "'" UN: u,;U'u4!tcCd \he ptrtoJt I)f.Ihc ( . .'mty upon bdt.alf Clf-.ruc:h the' PI'"M..,...td, .. ~cd me Imtrl.Hfw:m. t k ....... ,-· .... ~ • " " ..... • , ' • , . '-l,-; , , , , ., .. • " .. . ' " ", , • .. • , • , • .. , • .. .. • • "1 .. • \ , • " Dl"'ou.orwDoT AtlllQ'.l(tN1' 1O)60)'clOol'SbO'tlIIO,nl) " , o ATTACUMENT I LtpJ Dacripdoe of LOP tr"pt"" -. • ,. .' , .' • " • , ... , UlC " .'.--' . ,: " ,- , , , , ~ , .. , , , .. • " " " , , r " .. , , .-,v. ~ .. , .. , ... -I .. , - I ,.. -~~ -, , , . ' , • L, .. , " ,,' " " , " , , , • '411ca. 1 Ail \i(1'l ~f'" ,(.*' IWop;wt.:I ..--_ ",. d .. Clt)I wd ·"!"'CA. C.CNrJt1 ., ,,In •• :QW. Of ...,."'~ItlO". \.c..I"'I (:q-..e.--. ... Luf , .. , "...., ...... tlll • ...r Go ,M. __ 141 •• """" ,. $.Cl~~. T_ltUp l} N.,tr.. Itl""J~ .. ~. WtI.\.N~ WulrU_ • .,.. • poor' n fltf ~ III •. '/~ or ...... s Il.. 1M of wid $MJ .,. 14. IofiiII • ~ ~t ~ H .at.. U4 ., N S & lJ .. 04 UD<lII s..:."", l4 .. aAlI. bcYl.I IfIOfC lI .. n"""w,, lkllUJI;iQ4 u titi~: Itr.Ct""",tNQ at *-.. ~ .. ~ , .... ~,.., \tW H .A IJ.ot.at IJo,e I r.. );4.r ....... kd .... l., iNt_ t • ..,... •..... toO»fT'" Ov UJlGlJof,.JH<1. de .... t:a.-w. .1 ...... GGo ___ ftmL.:J 1M 14 .soo·'-~·11'·w 6.t ~ .......... HIIw\It n ... , HGNy A . Jrk.,...,.., el'."" ~ C~ ... No "4, (h i. Oil ~E ...... I'.!f\JUI . l'fn'"u·,.,·w ~'l:..l'~: 'W'P<lI iu_""" ., .. id fWao", Itnc N'OO"'Zl·JJ ·n Iaz:i'll fCCl \&) ~ .. ~ r'~'-.......... u-etf 1..o6QY • .". *11. -'-a .... ~ICI'JJ' rl.IlI .. ,_.,. '"'" and .... """,t,I. ~I,----"" no.. '01 s..'W, l~ ~ hOM • ~15M ~ ..,. ~·JJ~'l·tt. -'-. Q"I ... c .r.ll 1:111 __ d":. rifM Jk .. ' ... rlldNi o( S .... '4 lOa .,... t:alU'" ... at. o.f l ''''·'''''tI04 • :an .,.< 1ul1~ .... Ul.l'.1lu! , .. ~. ~ 10 .. ,...:: ') .. ~ __ H19*71'f7.l!. 1079.61 r.ct: ~ ~ tit UtIli """*"~ It/ICIWIC ~I tIM ... of. = ", • ., .. .a ....... , • , ..... ullJJ060 Of t-..... c.enu..a • J'I .... wa:z .. n ·DO .. ~_ fII'IiI, ~ o,9't.fn kt;~\IIIlI __ o.. ",ec;ed~ .... ' .... ~·4$·3ir2 .. U 1W-'; .. ~m. ~ ...... ,. tw.-__ .bnc""".t. _ .. ""-"-"" It_ •••• rJodhu of I,. 01 tu.c. ... a.cau .... ". .'01 "»',j'. __ '-"'\It olJO 11 ,..; to """ ~_&t co""",, 1III~,...s:.l c;MoiII...,.1Id '" \Ita City of a.' _. In A..r. n~.n10J011a, JC."'a c....,1I"J r.COO'III.;~_ ~,. u.. ~M)' ~ 1ur. n&d ~I SCS",U'.)4-W .2.70f.., W\d N79·Jl·4&~." 77 leet loa II"oC -. "s;M ~ -, II ...• , __ ~,,~ th !·'V Do.ch ",-, I." ; , no;': 1 WI. $.;1 __ C..., C ... ~. r..U. K_1t Cot'M), •• ~; *r:at! .. &Ie ....... _ .. ~ o, ... ~,...... .. foI~ .. _ ... .$CIQ"''l.:f'"1l·-,.7..u ... SOl •••• x;:-.Y .... ~l:6 '-t. $Ol·J"·d·a4.J.2. fMt. 51,-u',.·n 4Ii6~O -.. SlQ.6J':Mr1! <:IO..J,. ..... S30·SS·SO""aJl~12 AIel.. S19~Jl"'SA'"En..l~ "", SJO-oi'J,"n "6.0. t.ct.. n'·t'2'OQ~. ).4:.54 *-. I:U '"1"9'50""8 AI .O l ..... 5)6""'" AI '"1f.'4 11 ,..,. n I "!SO" 12 "'2: 4Il..01 IMiI. S<l'"CD""21"''e·6?U ...... S4Q'" a-s1'"ll' .1 . .., ...... S.j·U·U·E n .31 fc.d . UO"",·n·Po ,. ... ,. ~. =sn·16·",,& 4I.s:6 ..... ,u1.,."1O-U 0 .1-' IUf. NU,",,9":K)"J!. "'nn t-l. .JJS'"CM"ls",'.~' ~)tcI:.UII..,'~'.u: . ., .... ~ ntt'"2.:l"'1A ........... tt::P. $.H. .... ) •• !! ... T'~ .s:...-'))"ll'"'DAa.tnMcl:. ~"P'%O"Tt3l""1 f'fa.~ ,DQ·4I'.'·Z ~69 t .... $2.0 .. 07· •• ·n U rn ..... .IIiifId Sl"·).·~r-a is. 77 fMl .... $x' 'b .... ' ~ N.J!. ,/-I of the S.~ 1/ •• f &AMi kc':twt 14. lhllbOll -*'« t ... -.'41 .I_It a,. Ha7..." •. t!'"W "&J.J k.I 1:1) \he 1'O&HT or-tleCiJNNrNC • C.c,,"P"t ,., .. ~he rllhU .f _,. Cot"""'" 4',~~, "I ~ [ 0 .......... • TM hl .... h or Jk-..i"l. • .,., au lInd",do" bl tN II' I .' of S".--,. fI),r btC ... .u. .. l~ ~ .ecotde4 " bccM 10 No. 71O'nr;:oc.l. t",,'Co CO" ., ~ __ rcst., It .'!fJIfftWC I.l~"""l flrtVl"A"Cl ... <G ;t..l ...... l llU6 ..;0._"," _ . ....--.-. .'._,,...., , ! , ,-1 • " • ,'. , • , , , .. - .: - , • .. , " , .' , , , , :.J -" -. , " , " . . • • .. , .. "'" """"" ' ' .. ' ..... .-.,- • - - ! • • " -.j..--.... ~-....... .,. ....... - "Mea I , .. '. • • -. AU &I'uIt cct\..IJn rul propctl1 .'!rIMe M abc 01, p( ~. CpJn(1 of ICmt. Ji&.uc of W~J&ne.. be.", • por,~ ur ctw: S.W. J'" of ~ H.1'i.. 114 ... lid oflhc N.W. 1/4 oflbe::' r. II •• r $<0,,100 24. r ...... \ij> 2J _. 1W\p. r.n.. Will..,. ..... 1.1"., .... w beJo& _. f'II'tciarly c,baJbc,d u 1i,J1owJ ' 1:011""""''''1 allhc __ ioo of<l>t NonlI ... ,ift 01 S.W 16<h su.c """"Il3td St .)._ W: WUl tJouPdAt1 or c.n, HiJl",,~', ~ GudeM Addkloe 10 &be t::.:, of $tittle, OI.y~1Oft No J. &I p:t the rt.l r~ded III Voln,.. 11 of J"la:.s. l'a&t ' •• Rcc:cra.. of Xtnt CoIN':1hence fl'Offlllid POfHT OF ~arr. w"'"", aJan& u1d Nor1t.I mal, •. 3)() I:t< '" II>< nUE POINT OP IIIlGINNING oflbis puca I;""" r_ .... nUl! I'OINT 01' 8llG1HN1NG. _inW", "'....." ,""" .... NorIII .. ",1o SI9'31'S'/'W m .oo (~. IIIaIu IeaYiDl NI4 _I, _,m • ritJor ""Iu. NOO-21'O)'W 21"')6 feet 10 &be ~11 f;,N-ot WWJ line of SA ~; o.uau. aIcq laid $ouChc.rty rtahI-ot''''I, Jirx: from .- tIon~ Uut hQi. H7'·'l'S3-e. ~ Lbc arc or. anoe'ID1he rip hlYirc. nd,,:. oI216l.OO 't<I . ...s • _raJ "'Ik or 05'1)'21', an ... """" 0/260.09 !oct; 1Mo" lea .... ..., _I, ' ....... r· ... '1int SOO'2l 'Ore lSU I .... to .... ntuC POINT O~ J1~GlNHING. tleept lor pu~l~c "Ihe. 01 w.,. roNTAINS 1.J9 A,," 0( Ian4 ""'" Of ..... The: Suj, 0( 8e¥jnV for &hi. dt&etfpdOft II Ibo '·ud or Sunoey r", nn:.cs..au. Inc: .• R=nb! In Boot )0 of Sunq ... at hIe 2. unckt I!C'dSar& No. INi2I9CXQ. X .. Count)' r«Orfh fW(' /1 ·21·91 ~ARCEIJ.I.F.G ).7J64.)106 , • , < , -,.., • " - • , " -' , ,I • ~ ... , .. " .. ~, , .. ' • , , .. , ., .. r -- '" ... '" c ~ . <> -.... .-.. -" = - .' , . , , , , " -. ', • , , , " '. , . ,. • _. " ' .... '. II!-_,-... __ .... , 0,""'_""_< ....... "ilI i 10 ·.... ~ .~ ~...,.c:a M ft~ .. Cd"tDt .ut J~0f'Q'11 'IAAUC '" ~ Q,.fII ~ ("~m:., uI ''''Qt.~ ~ g/ WhilllIJ.lUtt, ... ~c • portio-01 ~ N 'I" 1/4 ofdtc S t:. :f04 Gr Sc~ 2~. "V~I'U' 1) Non;';, tull,' 4.1:.uc • W.~ Ucrtdlollt. &Nt beiItc mot. p.:tI1~J1 dc:Kribc:d &I 10:.:.0 ... , (.'anll1l1O:odP«.. IIWI' kcrvni-.(&be Nor&b IfWC_ 0( S.W J6ih ~I'cd (So.:&b "1,5:1.,.: $1 ). wM u.: W.." ~ ole.p . JlillmM" ~1Iilft CAt4cm AarcSldon ~Ihc CII10r :a;cadc . O'.'."a. * J. at pet Uw: f"tIf ftQ:Ifdc4la V~ 170r~. ~74" }lCCOl~ "rx.,. CWnI).1haK.t ........ /'OINT 01' C.nM"PJ>IC1!),IP.IlT, Wwerl,,,,,,, u<d NMh _t .... 1S4 !<d, ,bern tIOO"l1'O)'W 15,00 (Cd; Illoot.c S8')')l')"W )O.OO!<d ..... l.U:!l-QIN'rUI' dOOlHN1NC of~. P",.cr~ loA. ohaoco &000 .. id nUl! KlINT OF BIlGINN'NG, .... """'" afoo: ..., HcxUl ~ $89·:n·57~" 00 fila ; lienee SA4·l1·S'~ 11 21 kd; sllf.i)"': UV-ll'S7·W IlA.1I !<d. to 1M I!4sttl1J f .... or. ,..,ctl -.qed to ... SWt Dr WalI,,_ by """ ta:ctik4 IiIMct AudittJr", Plk No . 5i94tU. lin,. C41;w1Icc:or4.; \hcftU: kn~ uk1 NoII,1I • -tit • ..t s. W, 16m SUed alonI1;o0 Uk! ~..".,,, u.. ND·~'3l'W.l6 60 ..... ,,'''' _.y riP",,!...., line-of sa 405; U""", alonI ul4 So..Ilocrly rip-.r-""" """ .... '1*" d.wd "'*"'& 01 N66'.;o'41"1! 6..s0 Iu<. _ rrom • '-ObI bc:an N6I'17·.l6'e •• """ tilt In: cla ClNC-~ o.e 'i .... "-vW!t. r.nu. 0117'-1 .00 ka. and • ce"r~ antic o( 0l·}4"l7·. *' we """" Dr 172.41 '"': tIocnot """"" ul4 Sc .. herly ~r.....y Iioc l.OO'22'O'·E III 79 ,... 10 "" nUl! rotlIT OF BeGINNING, 'lice" for ~I,c t.thta ot ~." CONTAlNS 0 44 Auu of Wd.F/t'JJIt'C Of k,", n.. )1..-" of bur~. ror"'iI dcu:tlpooe k1be aft! 014 oISttt "J rot kNdKI'U. iIw;: ... ruorded Jft Ioook 1,0 of Sc6ff(:)'11l "ate 2. lnkf ~ No. 1)o1219OCXl. Kane t:.ount,' m:oIds. -')1 '.< .. _, -,~, .. ,~, ... --... ---, ,-, --...... ----=r • " , " , . •• " . . . . -" .' • , " • , , , .... " , , '" , , '. • ,. , - • - , ' -• " '" " • . 1 • . - . , l I ., .! ",. ... ! ... (, .. I ., -• , ' .. I ,- l ,. ,. • I <. .. -. , • I - .' • , . • • , , '. - . • " -"-', 1,. " -, ' . ' . . . .- • ... , ... j", , • ....... • • '. '..-cal htt' "'. ~ ~. ,...,,. ,41'1''' .. ~ 0It GI Jt~.. (01 t'~ (II 'JC w;c.. ~ of ~ .. 4e!5,\Wl.."'",.,u 7fjgatHIlwSW. 1,J04..,,,,,,.P', I r-_Ql._W'if.1I40f .. 1.,E. )14 O{~'A. TCJIItit\lJt. l) ~Jat • ..". ... !.aIJ. W,U*,'"*A *-'-. -* tlQrr mote .." ...... Iy --.4 .. """'"'" t ddM¥4,.. .-1bI.it ,"~o:( • .ttorUt".fl"81 ~.* )"" SfJtt1 CSou,"", lDn'SL). with ~ Wii4 .,..., .... ~ gI CD. W~'t £II'\)' iii'" ('.w.;~ ...,.'" to GI.c' 0, 0( kc'i6' .. 01 .. ,_$i,_ t. "pel' 1M f'I.tI; ~ ... ~ 11 C#I 'UIII. ,.. 'H, "[II'o.c~ 0( 1."'« r_J:_ h-ooo .... POJIftOH·Il"~I'.i'IT. ~ oIooo, ... U __ s> ... M1I foot. 11>'" 'nUlli I'QI'HT PI' fJ!,tl1HHJiIo oJ u.. ,d{'Jl/. I. """"" _ ... nl!l! i'OlHT Wi 1II'(l./ilMHG. -.0, "''*'11 110',· ~ _ -I!O SIlj'l7'l'l"W ):lIlCill ' .... ~ _I ..w -fr "",$ill " nall ""It., ~'n'Ol "II ."'.01 100<"'"", ~ .... ~ ,( ..... of ""t Ilno .1 Sll <IQlI; ........... uiI _I, • ........,,_ ......... .... .-.......... N1.I.'''Il''$6''l1, _"'" ,"'II. _'" lM ' ... " _ ... Ioc. ,_ l>fna.oo ft(lf;, W .. ~ .... or cr-,tl',," • ." " ".rags of" IUJU t6d; $dIU Juf.b\a. Ak1 . :<If..., r'P<-<t',w,,'1loo SIXI-nW"lll' •. ~ ..,. ...... l1IUll r<lIlfT PI' II!Cl>I/IJNG hfcpr lu ., ",,"h~ ",&U <o r .... J!- {'(7tfrAINf, O.li _of J...s 010" .. lot> '.hI; ..... ' of 8oit"..,.. fbi ..... WW,.C1U it _ ~4 .,. $\.M..c1 tot »u:Iiiif~ .... ,_IA _ 10 .n"",.,. Ii ""l • ....do< au ...... , .... lJVIl_. Xlrtc!;crtrrrtJ - !'W(' /1 .21'" ~AlICl!U.U!G JI<r14-1106 .. . • • ,- .. .. ,. .. dj'/ . .-'-..... -"""' ... , .... --,.. ..... --~> ..... ~,~ .. ~.~; .... --.- • '. • .> ' . • .. , , , ,-, " • , ' .. • ,. '. " :; " • , ~t I , • • • , • • , .. .' ; , .. t- , , .. .::E'. " \, , ... , . '.' • • • I 1 I 1 I I , , , 1 1 I 1 i I ! I , , 'I' • . , , .,0- " • • , ' " r , , , .. • " • •• ~ '" ~ . ..., G . - ~ , ' c, -., " , " , , r " , , " . , , , AD ~ ctI\.&lA Jal p"or-tt ,kuMe In Iho C., of ~. C'SNd:J 01 );q, St.IIC »( Was)l"")Da.~.ponCnfdtbeH.W . J/-4 ofC.S.e. '''ol~Iioo~. Tovnthip 11 NorD. a..tc.c • EtA. W~ M.u-~iM. .", beJJI& mcMC ~Iat}y dt:1ICtJbt:ct u follows: COCI!Itnt'II:,",.1hc Wt/l.CCli"AofU1etklt\b m.v.tftoJ S "' •• t:b~U'CC( (ScMb lSlrd ~)._ &be: _ • .IIt 00",..1." 0( C:O. HiUmaA", EM'"" .... C".-ckfI. AdI:!&iOII ..., die Or Dr Seen", l)p,w~ No. t u pc:r Ihc ". rca:wded 1ft VOLlE;" " of H'lI. h&C 7 ... Rom,,'s of ~ CoonIy; _ "-Nld I'OIHT 01' ct»IMENCaIEHT. WUlUI, .Iroc& WI Noi1A_JIn. m "'" '" II>cnVI! /'Ot/{[' or B1'{lJWNINO oflhlo PAIlC!!1. 11:: ""U """,..w lllUE ~ or ROJNNI>I(l. _1 .. -", W.-!y ,""" "'" """" ......... SW'l1'Y1'W Q.IX) rod; \lwIu la • .,. oUt Nor\bcfIy _ .... fiJl>l ""' .... /IOO'12'O)'W 11030 rca "' .... _.,. ..."..., """line or SR ~: IhuIOO .., "'" s... .... .,. r1&t«-of • ., II>< _ • ""' ... IluIben W4"l1·ll'E. olonIlIIt lot< of ...... ,..do< rip< loa"".'-.r176S.IX) f .... ..., • """,.1 ",,10 <>f 01·19·39· ... "'" ......... of 64 ,06 rca; "",,--.. oUt SooII>a'I)' 1icJu4 • .., tlno s007.l'OJ'I! 111.01 Cod .. v.. nUJC POI/{[' 01' BOOINNING, ,.,.pI loe fU'l" ~Ilht. of ~.J. COHTAINS D.ll Abu of lind me ... Of Ie .. 'lbe Hub: of Ik:.atl:ftp lot ebb ~ b d.c ~d of Sur..e, f", JlroIdIcrcs. k. "Ccg(dc:d in Boot ).0 of SWwr:}' • ,... 2 •.. -..sa 'RccordJn, No 170'7219OOl. K1n& COUftI)' r=nI .. fWC 11·21 ,91 PAlau: Lro :l-14C04·)BOG • ! , I .. , -, . ...,.._.,....... .. _-.----~-"'----~.-.. ~. ------' L . ,~ , , • , .' , , , .. , , , I , " • , , '. ':3" " " " . • _.~-i, .... '.'. ,-, , r , • l L. I , I I L " ••• ~ • ~, , , -. ~ • " • .. ~, r JJt ~14 ~ f44.! ptopcn, 'h';'lo k& 1M OC)' t)r 'R.TCQ". (,c"bnfJ oJ U¢. Suit uf WWfZICu:..latll" .~olL~N W. 1/40flhcS E J/4Q(St.&1,!01;.lA. T~ipl1 St.ifVl. ~,~ k.uI. WiI.~.e. Mt:to.-t, ... ...t bc.ir\t men p.atlblMt)' 4claibDd as f~ Co '" = ·;",101 eN ~xaioa Gill:» Noolll R"MJ. o( S .W. J£d\ Stru:I (So.m l'W St.), WIIh d':e Ww l:Ioun4w'y of C,P. Hill{QA ', t.wc..,:~ Gardena Ae~.lcn to: troe Oy 0( $c.&!lk:. Dl wa:,oa No. J~ u pet chc.''''' 1'CQ)j:d(d M V~ n of P'lIU. Pat" 7., RcawcU of l.lt;c. Coo"'Y: _.1n>oI uId I"OIKT Of CQlI)o(FJoICFWeN'r. W,,"'lraloot uldl'l<lnh .... , ... "~ lod. 1i;J" TJ.Ua f()JHT 01' aeclUiNlNO or dUI ruca L: ew=na rr.-. Mid nUt! PO!~" 01' BEGlNlaHG. -""Ioa w.-tyllooa Ail _ ""'VA SI9"J7',,'W £lJlO b<: ........ HOO'll'Q)'W .s.oo foci; _ $D'j'31')1'W ~.OO f<d: _ ....... WI ~Iy 1NtJ.L." *' nc.~t mtkJ. NXI-n·Ql·W 111 ."19 fa'.11O IJW: ~11 riP.-clVfr1Iww. of sx ..os : 1t;(;liCt .uonr uJd ~Jy r1eJtc.of.w,," I1:nt f(om .. Wl,le. u...cbt.v. N1t"Sroa·E.. alcpS \N .. , r,(. ~ 10 V. rl,1rJ hI';ftC • rtlfr.:t ot n6S.oo fete ... -d & tGUal q.Sc of Q'2"'j9"fIj'". 1ft arc ~tl\ oC II' 96 b:t: tbcB:Z Idv.ne nl£I Sclt..Oulr ri,IiJ ",. ..,., Jlne. SOO'7l'03'211O.'lO 1l<11O:h< nUl! 1'0''''' OF 81!Gl>;>II>;G • t.~.~l l~, yu~tle rl,~t' .( w~y. COST,..rJr.:S O.l? Aag of latd JM(~ or lui. 1't1e s..!. d 8urlr". rot c k dMrz}plioa U .. "..,..4 of Soat'lC1 fat ~. 'tIC .• rc.aJt""....od .. ~ 10 or SuNq. III .,.,. 1, ,"lrr '.c:curd1ftJ No. IlO'llI9tXD. K.~ 0,.,"1 . --'- F'we 11 11 ·91 , Al<a.~.LLEG 32<6<'-3&06 • I • -" , , . - ,< • . . > " , • , : l. , " .' , , .' , , .> •• •• <-P', ., .- ~, • ,. ~. , ~, L . .. J" . , , " , . , . , • • • "" II .. , """"' 1WoI1V_ u..... .. 11>0 C", of It_, c.,.;.., <>I "fAa, $tao of W ...... _. trclq ,. flClJtu 6I He ., A. .... 1M14r'. DaMI/)" l...w-.t' a.-t~. &.6 Ja ~_ 14 W'd 15. r~llrfl. •• ~ .e. .. W ... ~ *" ~ wee, a,.,.c. Lor " ",p!4 !f.t.d •• l.f, AhII ~ •• --~»l) -.._ .. _ DlTGIl'NING ..... iou_lOA or Ibo _ .... of ro>Illo'"", ~"" 0" ........ 46, ... ,Il IN nao,n w-c""~ h gl crt!>" ••• 141 J) .. aid 'Se ...... %4; J.Ilt4ICO C:'Qa'I .. f'OlJrrt'T or EIl!CllNNUfIHOO~)l'W Iln,~ Iocr, ""." SQ1 -,u'S4'W tS4 Sl "" ..... ~ fir ... ( ... ('., '" ....... !low ......... /'!poj<oe ,,~ ... ""od '" ...., __ ;led _, .. "",:lUI, HI>. .))10111, XIiq C .. fIO)' ,_., .-. .. ., .... _"""'11W m·"·41 ..... (106 SOd; 'he,,",. UifJt,=.,. ~ ... p'tu4~ ~ -''' IW'd ~. EWI"YI' iQ !he. n,N ....... flIISl,,,.r J n .'" (au"". """''''''''' .no· ~·W, .,.., ""4111"'41.1:1, i>co :"" I_"IN p' .... 1n;j ",,,.7iWn'.trw nn,.., ~ .. 1M e-.:;.rWNf....., u.. .fllla ...... 'C ... __ ."My, U ................. I!.llltlj}lo,"'-"'" l"'II01'O'l·43"BtlIlU) fI:a; ecnco ""' ... lOiNl'='l'nC ~ ~ :tI. fin); '!If • ~, 10,""-"" lII ..... .,. • (IIffw .ttf 1101.00 l'a:t. IDS • a:n&rd .-,Jc: 01 J .. 'W'(j ••• M ... ~ ~ ., Sl!;J; ..... raw 'D Ik Milt,., .. 01_ fortflCf" P\fJd. Soulld.$bot, h lb..-! ,,-,,', ~ U<>o: _ 6IonJ Al4 ~ 11M NIl! 'CI'O'I! ?l):30 ,.... III II>< """"~ b .1 lila p .. "" _~ .. rJte S\JIc at "'", .. ","'" ty dt<>Ct ~ under M ,I Mmam16.ltl •• I".-y __ 11l0iii __ '''', _,,"''''16'11ll6~foeI '" I po.\N" on .... ~ tt.PNWtd. ...a. "'" ScMJa lOr of uWs Sodkwt 14. Jr4 pUI;J.l ~,. tnYU ~tr txwnu (l/ IJIe ~U 0( t*"O tofiCICU Ibiltmaal tJt..at !be ~'1 t:1lQPoIL or s. w~ 1M ~ueet, ~~Nidp"'''k1 h.sJ'7"~';Jl·!61." led lOtI'.c UAtTJy,llne afWd (Ofmu .P\Ilfl SIINdd~ .. ~ Camp..,'. Sultie I 3M! ..... aJigflt sa;ScI r.lIS!:n!, Illli NClW4Yi: J 1.96 /W .. 11>0 ""''''''11' n ...... ~_ ~ .. of l-<m; hOY" _ ~ """""I) d&/!1...t,""Y !.no IdS·j1"]j"tt.o 10 fodt ~ Wl.J," \0 the " ...... ¢!~ QGPne alotI, tb& ate. of. e:nw tel w le'R NYVtl' '-'Sl 0160). r .. ~ MIl. ceuinl NItti vflJ"1M'1O" t IA II'C ~0 or lOG.1O *'=l; IbtJu ",,*,1If to 1M-"'~ i.W1JII .N~, . .),..., 90 Xl ·S-; "'·nee Ju,.iq-gjd ~lJ rlt).t~oI~"'''1 toM SOO--ll'l t" 1001.n "'·lO_ Hartl w or laid Done" Lan4 Claim No .t6: rl".o.<z: a!:ctIt .... Hor1II "'" W"J-s7'" 14l.JlIbtt .. lila ro/HT OP 1i2GIHM."'G. fltUi'( far ",bhc ,,-,Jtu 'It t ..,~.,. CotIc ... /l31 AuQ!d l..IInd nuo Of Its. 1lst ~b o'~p'lbt *ls ~"IM Aeeo.ntor s...tcy !« Dtor*cr «. lic... ~ m _ " _ R«OnIInt )Ia. TI072J90()2, n., C_ ,cmnl, ;;fAUl'WC /l·OMI I"AMCFJ..;\.U!C H .64 .l!O6 •• '. • • .~ • , • " , •• , ' . • • - , , • , , , , j . ! I • , <, '" , , . - " " • ~ ., .... HI. , , , , , , ' • 14AUFWC 11-01,91 'ARC1?l.D ~ ).l((,4-3106 , ,~ ""---- , ' , , , , r •. , .- ~-- • .. " .. " - " '-, . ' • , -.-~---.- , • • . ' .. " , .. , ' - • , , • " " " - " • • ,. .. , " , ,', ~ '-".J , , ., • ," , ; ,0. • , , " ! t '. " '. .. L " • '. • " , • , " . ,'. , -. " , ':'Y' • ,-' ro, , • • .\u .... _ -_,." ........ Qy ••• ,_. C-l 01 lOft&. 51.000 01 W .. I"",,.... -, V~ pqnlC4. -oI)~ A Ns''''',,'. ~ lAnd o..hl Na -'iii. b Sea». 15. T.llN ~ " 4Jt;.. W.W • «Kf1tiOa ¥ fttI.,,,,1 DOOJl-IHUiG • _ iaWl«IioIt 0' *' ~ Nne; of aai4 Dealt. ~ ~ ib: e.t ~ ct c.-",~ I ... 10 ~ * ~U~. ~ at J.Ilkt ~ 15. dkAOI (.-0= ,Uoid:' lOaN., 0,. ~CUfNJWG ...... <>J4; """_ W /t17·1)·.I7 .... Ihlto ..... "" Iiost lio& or lhc lJoo • ., .... 1Ionh.". ~-,~ ~1&, ... _ ......... 1140< '''' NOl'tlji'.'"l! 1'19.~ r ... "'" _00'N3'1t 211 .st Ita Me ~ .. ~ 1.\, .. , ul iha ~ Uk ~ J.J:;. u ~1Id ~ 4mt I~dod w.:Su 1wc::Qi1flD, No "3106?, x,.. <:_ "''''''"' ~ ... "'" 500M h S!1'1l'51'J!. tm.t<J ,.,., Il10,,,. 14f)~ II' iH~, ~ __ • _ wc.of. CUJ"WIo IIgo N It:4: b.riaa. r(d.iUct U't.}, itct W'd • t:cnlrlk -""'Cf »1 W"'Ot·.,.!'~ .. ,.,0 kn;c!lI ~ .1),,)0 ~ itknc.t tMla,tm tQ ItIe ~ ,urN. ",r",'$l'jt 427,1)4 tut 10 1110 -IJ ""*",, .. IM ur"'" Eul , ... or eo-...... to< 10: 01><_"'" old -it "' ... ., ..... .!C1'1Xl·S&·W '''-III,.,.. ..... 1'OI>tr 01' 8£G:>O/I>I(;. C : ~ s.utJ of ~ittu !(o.t. "'it ~AU1PI_" N 'ec:Qf\t of ~n) ~ ltio.tllUU 1ne.. rcc:cr2cJ in lIno' '0 of s..;.,y. II ~". }, .... K,C«d' ... No, ~,Klo,~· n<OI1U 'IAl.II'lYC U .0')-91 '''ROHA: u<a j l<6<,Jli06 • • 1J-1/--r1 , , , , I, • . . ' . . ' ..J • "n': '. . • · . , .. , • • , • " , " .. • '. '-~ ; : .. . '. t· :_, 'r " . , .. .' • '. , ~ .. · . , 1 , . "," , , " • " • " " • , , '" , , , , . • · .. • } , • • ~ , t j I j , • I " . ' , j , , .- , . • • • • " = c· -. • , .. . , -. ,. • " , \ , , " • , . ,', __ "'''''' ............. 'F' ..... " • rAaCI!L. P A.1I IJI.aI u.t1.&iR ""I PlIlpCt11 situaU U\ "" Cdy at R~. c:.oun.I, of K"'C. S~ of WMWt,1.OO. belA,,. ronioft ot Co..unlflCnll...oU 10 U II in S«1oan 15, T~ llH .• Jlar\&e ..n .. W.M .. and beta, 1J1Oi'I: putJo"~fy tbaibcd IS tonowr liEGJ~1NG.1be Inkneaion of \he ~'" lule 01 tknty A Meeder" Don&Ibn: I...&IId Claim. Ho . 46, ""!!t &he EuI line ot .lId Gowtnrntnl Loc 10, ihc:fIICC (rom Wd 1'01HT OP Dr,(:)NKI>lC; &IooJ ..., " ... t I ... SOl '02'WW '55.3J rue ... "'" Ie .. q WI I'~ )"", NU'16'U'W 1"'1_51 I ... \0. poW ...... i!a>t 1lrc.1!he e.rllo&--.. R,"""" ,ithJ-ol.'7 tiltJid\ is 219,11 (aa $cMbaiy. as J»CUUt'Cd ,Ie.., a.a5d r""'--of tnt Jinc:, flom Ibe: Ircal""joa _ wiIIt II>< S",,<I> Ilrc of WlI>cwUon Land ClPD No 46; IIIentc &IooJ WI !lid Eut line NQ2'QG'O'1! 219.11"" .. 1I>t _ lir>c of "id DoouIIoo Lcd 0-; w"" -lent pid -. lUI< SJ1'Jl'~1'1! I14l.9O "" '" Il001'01''7 OF BB()INWING, tlC&rt for p~bll' T1lh,. or v&1 . Cctuiru IJ.Sl Atrta of' l..AN1 tAOIil: or ku The Bul, tlI lbrin" for ChlJ dexript.lon h &he Ilccotd or SW'YCy for DnMdKCU. lrLo ....... de4 In lIook 10 of Suoc)" .. P'V 2, u""" Jl_dlnc No, 7101219002. r.1I>& Cou"" rw>t"_ FWC H·2I..1}' PARC:PJ.I'.LF.G :>-246<-3106 ~--~.., ••••.• t;.--."., •• ..,-.. ---.,--. " ... -u-. .. ~ '" . , • , . , ., . • .. , .' , • • " '. " • " " , • .. • , , .r -- • .. • .. ~ " • " -., -, . I , • . , , • • " ." " , "r:: , . , , .. -.. ." "" .., -.. ~ .. -.. -3 ' . ;" • • '" . , , " , , •• " c.: . -L.. , -. , , .. .. .. ,. . " A~ QI~ Ul'tMtt tal ~~cl I$r.-' 1ft CI'ac 01,. at • .-.. C"ovnI)' al K.Ul«. S4..k of W~ltn., ~.J. ~ o(Coe=:Ud¢J!!!4" tAt. JOtnd !I. Il'A Q(sM $.W. 114 o(tbc H' £ u .. ~ MIlo! ~ '.f 1'.~' \hi ""''Ii. "'4, aU ... Scr1kxt 11 .. TO'WIUbi;. llN .ll.,.. "e., W M • WJd bt", tMiI'6 ptfltGbttr.~ rtt.I 1M 1Otto"1 8.E~'NC it • po.We: an ~ £..~ h 01 ...u Go .... .omr.nc LoI Itt. dlat.id lbucoa stll'Ul'~6"" ID.Ut... h_lIoo~ """""'_ dle _ ..... 01"""" ",_. ~ ........ t ..... ,... ~ -. _ ..., POINT OJ' IIWIPfflIIiC. _, ... 14 ea" II .. (I( o...~tIi t.Af I~ n Ib • ..a: u.. of _4 S.W. ". 01 ~ Rl:! 114 of Sco:iOtt ~, .W"II2':i<>'W IJ Il Jl Ion.,· .1I11c <II" lor J""tIl6I-"'" ).IS.6 f«t """""IJ .flho p"",. W<Il ...... " ... r .... !Ioo:Ikm:lS __ , "'" l1NI 00. .rAlel s-.... 1/.." III<: lU! tl4t; ~ ~ 'i1A4 pwalJd Ine ",,,··,.,'e'2'W },t;6 i' ted t;) • rIM dla ls pwaUc.I wiUa "'" ~.OO ""* r .... 01 tIlr. t ....... 01 ... JIw • ..".. _ • ...,..". rl._-...,.: ""'''''' ~l.ul.w ",,";1" l#>o _'06'''"11 55 .... ft.t<; """'" _'OI'<I9'W WH' r..t., • pow. or. Wd f..n. we or uid INrbnrtca Nonbc.ro Jit..a....y ,i.&:,bt4p lt'q, dim_ ~ SOl·i¥I* •• -W m .Jl '=et frOm CU tmw ....... , lhuccI ... l\11 the Soulb Unc 01 aJd po..w!Joft r...., C ...... l<fo, <6: ...... UI'l6'WH I'" fH"'.,"" l'OINTOI' lIL'GII<HINC. ,.(.~~ tOI ~&1" rt&bt. ~( ~~~, ~ ';6 06 Aol:l o( r....t hIVe Of" \cu 1M &s71 01 ac....nnv lOt iAif oknJpdoll it Ibt Itf'tIId of ~ for Drowfaau, fnc.. iuetdW fa ~ 10 of Surwq .. " ~:1. lu:dcr ~I No_ 17O'1lI'S()Ql. IC.'"J ON., (~4J. ~'W<: 11·27-91 'AlIcaG u:c ;'2464-Wl<I " • i : , " , " , • • - r ,. • . - , , ,,' , ~" ._.~~. ~_~_~, . __ ~ ____ . ___ , ..... J • , .' , '. • , .. , .. AlTACIiMENT 2 I. Pkuc 1: BCAG UuUdiD& , _. 3 •• fta~ 1\': f'ulwn Dt'u.lopatftlt DrVIJJ.lPtotf-',. ,.olU.WO"T p3CIII).OllWo'SflmjICUltl " , , . c, -", -~ --.--.---........ -."~.~. ''"'''~'''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ....................... 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ItOtJOIt _0111 Gl(J1ot • • • • • • • -''''-~~~--~.'C""'·-·'O'''''''''''''*''''''_''~"""~'~_"""'~ __ ~"."'~"" __ "j , , , • , i ., ., • , ,. " r , o ~: • r • . . • p , , ..... - • • I I " • I , • • • .. I ~"7."""··~·~'·"'''''''''--""''·· -; .' •• • ,,, .' '. • • .. . ... " ..... _ ........ ' ..... -' ... ... .. ~ . '~ ...n'U:~'Jf1' l , , .... ~ • • ~ • ., , .. • 'j • .. • • --. . . '11 -- "-"-"-'--"-" .. _ .. _--_ .. -.. _ .. = "-' .-.. -'._ .. -.. -.. -.--.. 1-",,,,--,--,,-,,-,,-,,---.. _.- .. " ", •• .. ', I • • - • _. __ ·-r .. _·· .. -_·· •.. , •. - ',' • • • •• t , I - .' /. ~. • ,.J .. ' . '. • • , .~ ~\ -' , , • • QC(HC U)N(..IrOt(S «m """" ff()OOIIII. ~$" ,15)10 , ,', • . -, • -.... " ..... , --_.- • .. "': • =r " , r > ' , • , < , , , , .' ~ -. " <, , " ' . , , .( " < .. , , , , , , , , ....... --.. ,., ..... ""'~ ... " .. ,. .. ~l""(ttJ k-:t,lohd",. -\~". "'asc 1" ~PJDNC I o..~ I~~ ... !o.ll!I_"""", lamlIad h' r.lttlV of"", lU ..... Mh1)tttpJil - :!. €1W;U~.at rulQ 4M Jk)Ck.c::s.. ",,-1; ~ he;. itJt ~ 1ftOl£d10 • aoop. ... 4-1 RMC • 1Mpt ... 'If lIe Hew: t l'oIio ...... Ibnl> I/o ,r,o c ..... ~· :ii, I'M, .....-a.t._lD. ''''''I, c""'i"'~_"" I'l1:o (_"" f~ .. I'<""<t~ ,'*"'_ "',_ ....... J>od ... l!li<.w. ... '''_por_ ot'lwl !lw~ 1U1r'~"" fH. UW:fl4tftL11if.tC!4by Iltf~~ "" tire~)O ~d c~c. '1 St:ltta IAo'i:l« "1'141~ ,,"*,lwl1lf'JIq ~~ IoIi.K r.p( ilrMfd If), Ta,fllt I\~ lW('; "'liI • o.t .... ("" "''"'''''''''Il''''''''''!boI~".( Iwl. UjllQ >IOd ooo;1U4iAg ~ro.()nt~ Jo,jo 4'T1~ 1'lt+'ldfU, ~eo.<t~ Ih .. t ~Ilti t;tliy deu .ar lit ,Ji, ••• " •• Ih .. ,,_ .dO" .. ,,1 _ or ......... '>io •• ,n Il:-..:t lIf'I'.Jy '" oil .. p.vI of ""-IV ... """"_ ~ " ~ No ..., .... 'BIt","", 5.1. ".".-). ~~ W»~:JIJ1 "'~llidtttUt .. t.")'1 ....... -.-"~--•... ...w.: ... , . ~-'.-# ... '~"',.,'.' ...... ~ ........ ".~"'-~~ .... -.,..'~.'-f . .. • " , , . , , , ., , , '. ' , , .. , , , " , • . " .' "., , , . -, '. • • , , ' ,- ',' , " , ',b. .~, , .~ .' , , , , .. " , .. , • , , .. •• , , ' .. ' . , ' , .. '. ! I " .. , , > , , • I I L-~" -:-' . ' , , " 0, .. , .. ,; " , ' " , , ' " , " • " ,-, ·_ ••• _~t ... ~ l • C I TY G.; HENTON ~vo EU:it;(t'l1}!d' t-ieJrlfa<l(j 524 St<lot"ld A'IfJf"U:. SooE ~ St.<..t1l'.Q, WI. 96104 J1a.!liIiln;g1lul,k4. .. ,c;. 'l';,lbl~\\'Ofb ~.,.lt (;,"= 7J."'n'JfJJfM' .f ... A_/.II;j.f("~1II SUBJECT: Boclng Lcngacres Binding SoIl.-PJ .. n PrQjK:l No, LOA..Q2~22. ECf. asp De", Ur EHarv.;nard The Clf hotS ~ Ihe r .. V\eW your ptopo$e'j tMamg !.1e pt&1 an::! j!. nod 'cady to ~ U~ fH".a/ IrCfDlOf', In nrepa1at,on f CH IfIr.lOfdJng PitJaw S:Ubm.1 !:!:l! SbU 01 an Oft.,P1toll myW end 1I check ,n tilt! etrIOI..Int or $1529 t'I'iaW out 10 COtL (lor cotJrJe! feet) 1C11OO ilt 11lf!' Gt .. ln f~ a>urlS£tf c:J City H;tl! P'oUllse V'9ftfy ','10,11 the ITl'j!.,)"!, h.,V(' 00t.'O ~ b)' t!G OWII'l't5 oi rooorO and 1lJ,{e l:i&cfl natallzad ... 'itt. ll,') II~ Slamp (not l'I'I"4x)$5e<l~ Tho ink st.mp mU$1 be Jcgi ~o 50 that KIn; County wlU prOtnpUy tecord the tHndJ1g .,teI plM. I ~ ,$ our und£!rsm."1CIu)fJ tJmt lh6 e.wcubOtl fA !he bInd~ s;11C pl.ln vdI bE. COO!tJngt."ofI1 upon UIO fll'lahz:a!ioll at the Suandct Bouiot.'.cua.Sh' 2'1" Stroot nb~ oegooa~. ()nc:(:o tm; aOfClltllen~ ha~ been ~_ lhe mJeni. IS 10 ~ W'rill the t0CCY,4ng. t:A: trw: ~ GIle ¢3n oonctII'tcouy v."\lh U)6 reo:ot.;:.ng 01 Che Oe~~ ~ecmont ... -.'hIctI. olter filUf e~lOO. wilt be hefd fOt ,ocordtng byfOO C1y unt" til(: tlPrttopr~le tmJe .... s-r ..... w,..q \·I.J.b P..-u:.c tat r..e k..>'\OW tI fhore ate any uoexpectbd OObV5 tf\ P"~ tilE' li'lal m-,,4itfS (If If the an::cpatcO f~ (}fOCOOUr(i.$ OC"..cnLed ~ t\Ced to be a~.e1E!'d d .)Q'.I r.aw 01'fJ q~st:ons. P/~:.e contac.t roe 41 (425) 430·7270 LGS:O-; n:ah~ , . .l Senor P:I.a~CI Gene Waldf.ln. Dottng R.u~y c.:Jf,Xl<ilbOO ScotJ ~len1)'f'l. W & H Pacaho: l8.l,lr.a Whitu(!r. Perkins CO\lC Tim WAterson. Pen;irnl eo.e tJcII Wa~ Oevofcpment ScMoa:s OIrcdor JCfIfli!.o; f lcn:q. Pr~j Ptlnncr larxI Use FlIo • ----;:=:-:-::-:-::-----::--::::-:---.. --,-R E NTO~ I(l$S SohrI"'~B&."" \\,1" Rt.r.2Ir.. \\'l..d'~WM YS(l1!o <i) I ..... -~-_ .. -._ " ......... __ .. .-----.,-,.-.~'-'~~--------.------- , " ',' . ;.:.. ' ". " " , ., • , , " '. .. - -, f.'.'. '. . .. , j , • • .' -' , '. .r " '. '.' , .- "' CItY OF ,","10'" 1'\.A/.4NJliC/llUll.DiI'GIl'Uauc WORM S MEMlORA.nOUf,' - . '. " • ... , _._-_._----, ---------_.,----- H .. ,~ 16 t:002 ~.f#$..r.~)I~j'. f~~ 5e'f'-'CM }'f:' ts~'r ~"',"'\tf:jl. O~.~J.l,[?' .. J1nl".a. .. r'[l0 ~. --v O'not"'J "'t4J PiAo>, .iho/l<>. LU"..,.-on. fCJ', SS? Ubli'd'~) --------------.---------------_.----.------... --, .. ""---,---,-----.•• --------_.-------- ,all u..cl,,, tNI Jr~f I{4(,C!;t ~ QI tNI ~""4At_J tu".oJinU '\--!4t ~. 41'" ..... :n } '~1 .bfl11_~tQt,..tO:G.t~t. ft-AI' ~orly ~".,. '~""t~~ fuGt..trtr .. , at m;s bofllk1{l1\01;} ",'WI Ji.J ~W\~..ct .... C4Iin Il-:;:lftr.u.1 .and ,"'<fN 1If. ~ \t) I~QI~"" ~ _wn ~\;-i ~ 00-"':. ~ ~ 'T.U'n~ ~ yo.... 't\;);o.0'\!tIf. j '({.if. t\o)~ 3\1t3t.v")I)\f~ ~tU"*' (;( ( ~.)I' .6!.k,jJ.~ WQrtn;r..I(IIl If'I ordot iO .~ I~. ~_ Mfxt Jt ~ "JlNfIAtj' t~"If"""'" aa C(',Of'I ,,$ .J!"'~ rhit1!1...ou. , , , ' . • , •• , ,. t = ; ... ,...."'l, •. _'""' , ... .-.•• ' .,., ~-•• , ... -, •. -",.~ .. '~· .. 'e'--_-... ___ .) i '- '. , .. . : • • • • .. ' ., • • • .. • , .. , '. • , ' '. j I I .. . .' '''' L • • ~ .. .. ~ ' . .. , -, .. _-_._ ••• _,' ......... ' ......... c. OATEo TO. FROM ' SU8.lCCT; CITV OF RENTON PLANNfNGlBUILDINGIPUBUC WORKS MEMORANDUM 5:Jetng Sinding $tla PI.". Fil. No. LUA-D2.()22. ECF. SSP (Ut!,d route) AflCl't&.:l II thV mast lecenl V6't5lOf1 oJ thO liOOYO-teWfiJIlOeQ bItl~ 1itIB pIaJ\. 8B Will aa ~ teport. ~md OOc.lR.ln t.J, the prOjeQ It nil P Ir.Vt Aw.Jew concerns have fJeCf'. adt;lreued ana }'VU ate 81')4$ Itt r.eOOUVl'l@(J!j tecordlfJg or !hi! b&tldrnp stre-p/3(J, p!C3!Ie pgn ~ r'n6mO bo1cw 8ll:I tl'1:Um .to rr.# a~ yoot ~11.46t COO'leroenca ~. W j'o.tJ t:ave outata~ cor~fr.a Of reqUtt. 8~t.;QnaIlJ'l'O(matol in fH$:Jf 10; fVCC>mtnena ~.1itlg. pki'ase liOOd a wrlUen &uftltTt4fy li'l&lg all i~ 0, soon a, possible. n.anl\. jiOU. , . ~ " '~"'_'t_~'t ... __ •• :-___ ••• _, .'.t~-:"''''''''''i6'''''.''.'''1'''''-':'.' •••• _, •. _ I . , --I , • • • , ' ' . • • .~ • , '. , , •