HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSP-02-022 4+.' ' . • , ' • . , • -. .. ,,' ,".-. ' • • • . . , • • '. ' . I .. ....... -- • • tf I'; I' -~ ...... ~t . 'ar.t;> ..... :: .t"\ ... .... ,./ ·ElJ \. lt~()t..Ul'Ut"t tI~ Un! ern ftF W[NTOf'l. W \..'ilfl~';TO'\j IU(l\( ["0" ''; "lltVUOI"lf."" "I,(tu~,'('r UH£II./."NJ .. AR' .. lO€Il. YltfWf.f,'i lUI 1W£J"" CI,,,,v ,.n 'M' fH':, un Ill' l\J~l(; • ',,~II "(;TIII)Htl.l~(; T1t~ '1.\ VOl! Mitt Cfl'l nUl< TO UlI:lJf "N '.FIU un O£Y'l,.Of'l1f."·r 4"" .. £''lf~1 '''Til TlI[ ijil!tI.~(; ('(I.'lr,,"· mit 'TaRt II€V~v~"'tl!.;"r 0)1 ~(1'G.\(..u:" Ilynt @ r.~"Ii. \VUFaUt.r\~iouI,.h~~~i>'tl_ \~ ~t kt ,'(,,(W'o,,1r.t j \'C'w;,J M)-QJq. iR'Ii.t W n r.RE!\". tm-WNJlllt(.R .. t ~~ ",t 'N m:w."~r.s ut" 2.$ .a:uHKln $o.lttal~ bf ~( ,c,c. WF, '11 ·14b (t:V' SE-¥f-../ C-VI ~j dOG V~V\h:d1'M c/ r<."",\vV-r.t., I • "r ~ • • I . .'~'tc. -. , '-,"41 _. ---.-.-....,....,.~"., ""J .- • • • " ;;; . , , . " • • • , . • .. ~. ," • • • , • " , , " , ( 1 I , 1 I • • , '0 , " , , . .. , ", , " , ~ , , .. , , , , " _ ... .,.~_~.,'-__ •.••. ,-, ......• Wll ,. .. "' ... , , .. Rf "t()J I Jl(J~ Nf)_~ ~1J~. . , , " tIl( CttyCoum;il held Oil Juoe 2:.1. 200:: and .. l Council of the c,r,. ofR~on; "OW, nn:KF.FORJ. TIlE CITY (:ou~('n , OF TilE CITY OF kl,NTON, """SlIrNGIOS".IX) KF.S<lLVE ASfOI.LOWS · srfTJO~; I. SFCTIO" If. OlflCe f·.;ui.. , c· , • , " , , , .' , ., " , , • , • P~'l [) UY lIiE CITY ('0\ A~J .b !Q Il~m, ~:"'~~~~;P' 1..a .. 1'~ J. W4r"ta\,. Cay Attnrr..jI , ,. • " .. • , 1 . -- , • • .,1 , ,,' -," .. , " • • .. -:J'- .. ,. .. l' . , • , , , , , , ,:;. , , .. , • .. , , , , " I , , , • , , ~-'," C'" ' .", • - • Cl O ..... &trMfP(! "... "" :52.4 Sat:onc1 A.lf4ll"bio .. &,,',. ZOO 34HtltloS W~ 'i81tJ~ SU&.li!C T; SO*"9 La~ •• 81lfdll1Q s.,. Piatt p,~. No.I'.uAr-02·a2:l. ECF, 8$)1 Oll4l ... ,. Bi~hW , .. , - R.ENTON : ::: T",. Ctv 01 JWlk;.r\ ~ ~iii'ten ltI.. ~ ~-.w oj #\. blf'ld~ *1Q ~ CfallJlr'''9 n,. ~Q. ~e;. Mi ~,.~ trt ~ !or Wt Cry" to ~ 0' .. tM~ f""I.,1B( !of (ll«)J~ J rt. ieQ:at tUKrpt!an (SIteet:t of 1) dOH Nil ~1 ••• ~>ons 101 tl-'IO 08:li.e~!o E~'IN\~ S~~, 1* *'IIC. No. ~71 and for SW 16'"' S!Ne!. PM Af¢. No. tlf;J4Qf,cI .19. &om ~ tht~.lJac~~1 ~tA ~":\:!!.IdO:d If' U'IP ~l Cfe.btrr,p!lCf\ t'lPte:1 ,/\ Wa. '!t'3rt G/f".o;r.u lJLIdP'lf ~I dllltd Fet!flA"'Y 2W~ l . ~ Sl.ltiWl ~ Si-t. pla" PfCI)etfy Jog:tl aoacr,~1'Of1. "g,neplX. dc., DOt o~t Ihat 0tlI1'JGn G.i FJIN 21'" Su&et '~<9 '~$.*ty Cit Ire ~.I1.s1 ilC"e ':It. !,t-..l Oa~et:da!Q ~.!)!J ,ITiHit, Howe...,,, dra~ She", 7 till a;pIl.IU to f!twt s.t,,j 61rt.en$lOt'I 1rOIt' m. $;~ ~P«trtV boiJNWY.ana, "I~ to • P..o-"..«tI e.t Sl.Irvtiy recorded tlfIt!Of R~ no. ~1 'I 1'I00ed Q/'Id ~I~ to In. sub,4tt me ... .siQn aru Hi'l"'~~ " ~ Gf 'lAI'WY doe:i: ~ 0l"llf8V ~ ood...cabor. Gl propel't'l f:it' 51re8l p..1):lC'S"" !1 ~ &:JI'M.£..'OO • 10 btt ~:&d .t tfiIS M'te, a .epafal~ Dcrca of 0ed!catiQn doCl.Jct'>~ " r,&:8 Jed .tr;d Dry ~ aopI~" I~ 'eclRted. A ie~1 d8"~t'ICn ~ rr .. p n.-.bJ, lt3dIedi }() deda.r.an dr...:ll'mo,nt. ~ to be )il'h4t'Ed by tt-e 11?~"(' ~yor Tn. G1..!'W)'Of N.8d, .tc r.amp. SI~ and d<i: • • ~l (iMQa.~ u/I...tU ~ lI""..doc. t"i! ~y or Ftet\fQI'\" .;n !!-.a. It$dt!Jt'1"lg IftJcrl""l4tiort. Asl( 't'-1t-Pn:sl!Ct ~e.r it rcu ",\Ie o~bons raW.J~"9 saicI --3. lJOC1»a It". 1C:r c:a;a(.a&ltl, IS neeroed and prev:de us w" .a ce.py ot sa!!J .... lIiacd c:aiC! li'toM. n-.. ~ty wA De' ct:«Jf4td ~ a:l p!'.1tI"8n1 dtl1"<&."l&!Or1$, rmeo be'.QN, It'a pta(~ .(. Nnte iba ~fQ1 for IhI wn~ W\d cf ~ ~V -rr S:tut (\\'est $ode 01 the soctfd ~.n!1 st.. ~ 0tI Sltm ... cf 1) S fl .... N ~. ~~n. Qt 'f 5.30' U "ot~ on "'-we" boI.I~ ~ of l=t 9 (Sn;:Jet .0(", 5 'M'.at.cb \!",,, Clte6, reon::a..nt, as Shown If! ;roe &:'4i1l c! the PC oNO( lin, e4S6ml1nls [Sh..-If nt 1}'l -----::::-:---:-::-----,--------, ----'-R E N T O~N IOU $()IIt),~)' WI) • ~t'II~ "~~l)pCt. ¢!D~ $--"'~--., .. -......- " , " , , " , ", , ,. " , ' .. , , ' , , , -] , - t I ,,' , , I i , .,. ~ , '.1 • , " , , .' L , , , " 7 , Stlc;;:.' a 1;0.: merk on thE 1ICrt.Ith liOundary ~ 0( l:Jt 20, b!I:wel'O:hE ¢:.Irve \Met) I.n 4rc t1ImertJion of ~2.82' and the CI:st'aI'Ice-of ;)0,' T (Sheel 5 at 7). .141$0, ,~.\OIN 8 tclt mot/( 0t'I me north bo!Jncary !;,... al Lor lSI, bmw.on the curve wittJ aM 'an; d,~ ot 53.31' lind me d..:;~1'lC. nt 28.7'2' iSh"' 1 ~ 7). 6. TI'I8 (Slmnce o1102.3".!', U C tCWn on tile ~ bne ot l.o; 29 is W'x;otroq (Sheet 7 cI :"}-AlW. the d:mnce (2 JG..G3', no'oOd few t"ie be:a!tttg d II 20' 537:1 E COt'! ttKI W9S;otfy DCJU."'Idi:ty lu'lG of I..c 2iJ is meorro.:t. 9 The COlMY.)tI to:Jl".dJry tKt. t.:tfWeen Loa 30 AJlCI 32 (5,.,.. 7 of 7} it ~::f Jt!. 2' b~en er.:J oHsvl r.ne Revile as M&:k:d. 10 The "SHEET LAvour rT'oA;l (Snect 2 of 7) ItlCOI'ro::.¥ riOtes S\t'12-r S~reef as"'SW 227n. STREET". Once tr .. above changes have !»en meoe, p!caUt w!)m:! ~M) oop;es cI. :he t'''VLSeC blndi~ 5il8 p'.an b me a11. ... .e $JXIh tJcx;.t counler Of Crty jul. The ,ev-......eC plans be rou".od ~Of linel le'r<4!'A and rou W;iI be nc*ited vmen J: tI e~",oprtD!(! 10 ~'t>ITiIt t'le IIl'".a/ tTtt1alS. If you nave any q UHllCm r~ard::tl~ you, ap.p!ic;Qt.orI or tr.g cnar.ges leqlle~ed above, plca:r.e cor.tad me It (425) 4)0·7-270 YOU rr.ay also contac:;. S::J(1j.! Fnset of tr.e PtOPer:y ~rw;e$ ~on di:eo:y Q1 ((2!1J "JD.-7312. Sincerefy, lesley t.lis · .a So$)/' Planner , Gone Warden. Boa:ng R6alfy C.l!I)Or.w:m Jom PUric:ey, W ~ H" PaeAc !.and U .. Filo -, • • , ".' , ; \ , AF1'lOAVIT OF PlJ8lfCATION SOl:1l1 COlJl';TY lOl.JR,'liAl itlk:iS(c.,., (JIQf!L '" 7 t'"., ~\{'llmfc ...... 1.~~P!f"''' ~1ooiqlII""' ........ 1Jf ~ ~..,~ jWld I.~" """ ~ tI(~ ~ alI;!rr4'.rtP:t ph!lt IIQ ... G.ttoIIi! ",,'*;~ . ..-,w;,d .1oa." ....... ,WJd~~'I'~ .~r~~<.Q'~'" *dIItIr kJ' ,~ .k~~fIQno.~ ~~ 11' ... ~.iAt.li8'f itJtii.JNf"lb> ...... 1( ~4IJ "t. ,. "~'fllbj ~{I~I!;Q i"C-.l't~""~"1W""""IJkIf'Iftlflll.;I'U~ ,,. .... 1 ... 111:.. ...... ~~ ~~! .,..~)I'.'4>J ...... 5:IIhI~ .. ~aiI \In1 11«,('0. ,W' .. ' r.CStlIfrMl~ ~ . .,~tl ~~"'IIl'o. ~~,-.,~ .~~~ ThnlWl .... ~~ Qf\"a_~;'" AGHfl'\\EN"1 r~ 8C'f".c;,l~~ ~ p..Q~t' .. r "","""'.;2 T ... Y" ~ t;I \""* ~ QIuIl,,1iJ ~t;I fffifd 1~.fI'«" J)I~ .. N aIM Qt we-~. Co.lIa-! r.o _ ... -f A L ~~J}f- tL , . • .' .. . , .. • • • , • -.' " gnQl'Mstn:a. ""."""'.;. _ "'* Ie .... 'l'I1D ~ •• tl'Utl •• <WiiN ..... !t\oJ''''a • .a,t;.I\£:d_''' .... ~-.. ........... ~ III r-.... .II\, ... t. ""'" ~ W\!lllor .. ........ ~ "" ... h..-#I .... ,.,~ IIiOQ;1 C-' Qw .... d ,~. ~ ..... 1Ct6 .. ~ 'WrI¥. .... ""1.. ~ ".I'~'" »«1'1 ....... '";u t'~ fill J'" I« "",toenI ., • 0..-' •• *,,:. i blAriC low II'>e ~~~~,. .. ~ lU*\ ItI .~~ • ~d: 11", tr.....,.-.·I Or • Ill"""" ............. \It I~ ,.,. ,. ... 0tJ3 ~u.1':9M .~ ».::;:1{,)rJ .,., • ~ ~ ~ d • ~ S~. '""'" --W .100' r' 57 'I!! 1)I!<!If. _ IP'_ . AJ • .. ...--•• .. ':.- ' . . • I , • " " • • , , . ' , , , • C IT Y Uf' RF.!liYO PI.AN N I S C./8 1,'1I.lHNG IP UIiLI C W UIU,~ ~U:,\I 0 RA ," D l ''''' ----,-,--.~'---.-'--,--,-.'--. ._--._-_.----_._----- '" t".Jq "t..h~lfi\ "-'f!oJ: , m<4( • ~ t~((.t Kilh,liltit~ Pt ... U A "::-fZl-89' ".~'..-.d I~ 1~'np"j".11 "J,"w. ~------,-------,-----,-, f~ l.la.: tioNi: /(1\1.1 I tI'"-" f::.JIe..<~~ thoe abowf! (~knintLd "n1J~I;' (l Ie: r'af u,bc!Rl il o\Kd bin c lt~ ld4IM>I\& t...mvlWflf" .... ''.) r~~ ~l ~"U.)ft I~~ l d 1J ,j.'lCi m,. 1o'",1w!c n<.l.:rtli 1lJ~ (.11' Ihc C.:blcsd,ale ftJI . .'\!lbk>n Slnld. per-~ ""I, 'J!U1HO)' I lj}lIIN"'~' J.b-tt 'Q1ctt. f""'.r IC.ct ~~ IJ5Ui(\6f)13(J. IMth ofllK'~.e 'C'¥"tI~i."I~ ~"" j~ kkk,.J'" \Ue ~~) JCj.t.r.vtUlIIllI4lJ. ill'he Ijr~ t'Hfl!tJ"1J sal: pl.d !Nbm,n;lf d-.-II·dttm.!" ;(lI:l:.. o .. " , " tbc! ,~'d 1HiWm.@. '{Ita: ~~)' 10:-."" de·,.-..:nph.-. el lf}" • .d.'I:~ ty.4 ~~cp'-~ ~KJI'I of ;f" "(fed ~·,.!cndbll"''C'i''.1'h .'.f Itw wt''iI hoe of t!)c I )." ..... 1.11:' I .1~!OU'ttt. IIo~tr. dl"aw~ ~t 1 M' "1 ~~ III nct!;rt u~ "\I~'IbJ(~ f~ Ii ..... iUt-~d pntpm1) heuJh1i1ty hne ;\ M.:fQ"..a "'" .. J('t';.Y!tJ cI/~\" ~il"unt ~cr Rt .. !'to-!OC'-iOI'! l(i'XlOOOf or OOkd and potnts 10 tht ""'Ib,"" C"'\f~<8 ¥~_ llo ~~t'f'~ J ~ tlf' ~cy do ItS 1\0''1 e,,,""C') a dc.~ c( I" cPc:r1y Ii)( .. ~ P"'T'l"SV1L 11 llIP~ C\.1l.~ ~ MI he dcd~ It III ... lillie, • .iC"fMatC Ottd ofo.tdiutoOl'J dt.<~,~ '" ~J.ae\J Ot) 1JUM(.,1 .IrP'OIo~ H ~Il('il 1\ ltp' ~pnon anJ Ill_P dbiM. tol!dk.-..J 10 ~ OOf'll..Mk'iQ .do"lC¥3k:H: m.-cd 1., bit p~1 b~ lbe. 1!"J>Iic.am'" WC\'C)TIt' 11Ml 'U;H'\'O) .... JitWI1.f SQlnI'. 1hr,o JftJ ...-te (~ q.;.J do. ..... ,.trI,ror. t),t"ma end irt:"lidc the"'dt)· of ReBtun'" to ~ inck"11:115 ~!f"" ,,~ ~ 1'tvJec1 "~I,ip~t If)11U line floc30tfco.n'S tcglIrdl ~ Wo~ JIi:d'''''':It..''II'l pmcd't. t·l"~ m.e ltIt U.1,.;u.I;d,~. ~·d.arM pmoo IJe \1'5 lllll! 1I...op> of gd rni~d OIkubl~ 11M! If.('(!ni~'" -'111 he c;b::dcd .. ~n 1111 rm1ncfit dl.",.:n'_ ,.,,.M ~kl ~. ,UT pn'J\.J.k-J, N~thtldtmeMOlIfI (1,If"k "'C"it 't'ttti (o{ptI~ '''Ii:r 'iU\.'d fw~ .kk l'fthc ~I ~Inf' $.H~;lW. (41' Sbect -I .,;1 71. , .. -, , < , ',' , ." '-.. , • .. " .. .. , , " , , o • , J"f'N! 11. It'".);! .J'''~ ,'l , .' • • , -.. ~ .. .. •• ., , w'" ~ 110.":1. In;,Iri. ("I ,j~ woI1h n.1"..IIloI'W} lin<.r! 1 .. -..: ':u. bn"t'C'fl ,"Ie .. unC" "lJh an arc d~nw.J1f1 .,f 4: 1:· .... 1Id tfw d.!ooUAU' u l J.U I" ('/ha1 $ 'If 'J ",:,,,,0, ~~ • '1I.:j,. mati. on fhe nortb iIuund.." fu~ <>"»1 ,q ~ ... -n:t, 1M: U.lt \" "'"h VII arc d"~!J.1«I of S 1 J I' &:wf the dl~~ of ~ n' (Sku 7 ,rl-7) The cbt.u..:r. III IO;!'~ iIJ; ~W'''' .. " '·n cht c .. ~.tfl) hoe of 1..lII ~q I~ mo:unn:1 '~b.."CI i c.,..r7) AI~. the d~ (2J~ ~J.) nukd for 1M ~ka:IlI' .. ~f"li :11' n ':" t (ta 1.111: "'II.'Qo'.I.!' hJlUlldv) i~.r( L:Jc ~) II 1~J.e •• :l nit common b!JWId..lf} It~ bcI~n l.f.i l() _!XI J: I~ 1 "'7, I~ U"~:d u. brolcr. aowJ ori-d lme . Rn J:SC I.J na:ckd lhc "'SJ.o:~': r f..J\ YfJt.Jl-aMp r!)I~1 2 fir 7) IhU'tra:lr, noI:It:i sv. .:!..~ftL~ ti ~~' ~HI" Sn<lJ:1 , •. I .I '1m ciu1 'i1.w..a. . [Jay., ilJ.wcr-.:tr.t l'Wik"lil\(! f C ITY <A;' RENTON j)1 tII"'~lfg, I tJ VI "'in r: P\:hl" Wi:1f\:. D\."}'WtIOCnt (i.f"~&:.J.m.-''''':II' '!..J." Act .. i."'t'"",, !.2 .. S .1CQnd A....,. ..... Sut~ 200 56ICf. 'N A. 110:04 n.. ely ~ ~~ t:&t ~_OMtd It .• ItIrt • .., '.\Aiw tJI IN tlIr"(afIg d. DliiII' dr1:w:w'Ig n-", k-ao ... 1f!U c~ ~I b2 n<IICtuan' 10 ~tki1 h.Ot?llt c~)' fO ~PPfO\t tile !~ f'\jylil/' fat fliCQl':dlng: f . l~ ~ hw 48ri'I; leftkt I;/I!M'QOtIJ :15 QoI'I s~ 2 j)f 7 "kist txI CQfrw,litJ 10 .1CCUi'I,~ ~ ~ 'XNtiI'1Ct'..a G' lIpJl~.Al at ~("'N IM100t Ule 8Qelop 6r~ 541'1 p~ oc'C'IIoM (<itladivJ) 2. SI'nI/ali, note if7 0:.lI'l ~..." 2 of 711lWl! toe ~t;'tri;~ 10 ttI .. u •• "'h jf"-,. .#sucd I'ftK_'6:1on (at!:lr:hed) 3. 1tI4J tine not9d \.I'Ij6{ ttl4l ,sIQl'WUf* line 'u ::n. C~y Of iltorlron NJrnltliS!fQ!:iJ, Of PIar.r~' ~~~ 'nee:\!) ("APPROVAlS t)k)tJi on ~ 1 01 7) shOUld be etm"Yl!\:U~ nul "tnglfl8fol'" • •. ~~!'I'IC. ~J fer !he ~ 1\UITlI)w,:.lt'IUgf!he "OEC!.AAATIf)N OF COVENANT"" bktcA.. 1:1 "' .... n.tGoiId IILtd i5hQuId b.-,..-novttd (sn:.et , Of l) $. block 1s..~ ~ CI' 1) refw. 10 0'Iit ~J Cotpct.ol!;w. The ~ ac~1. ~ lDr'lf,.)Ct81 PatS> .. Ir.c .. o:~;a:t'::::;':;'.l,!)j:liOna#y. bort nofl)'y I:J;o:b ~tat( thi!: ~:E WAS . C_"'"81i"_ 6. f1 ~ .~..J ht69 U'iderf1e ~~ (..-.oled I'l!roe F~rv 2002 $'~ ... I) l!.!!! tD¢V 10 ~ Ri)r.id paraos. Iharl ~ Hod .SPt!QJI It! ~jj'!~ ("l~al C~-~onShH!2c17) 7. ~~iXWtkmol'lftl.., .... _ng"tf-of ..... .IY ~~N~OISV. 2.i"5tJ~ .. ithltle ... :.terry I'fgh!·Of~y int 01 Ooh<Ulie Eat...1S1OI'1., 08001 ~'r .... or~ L)f "''001 putpcses., K:ng Cou.'1ty"t. No. 930t:!S037t. wt'Ich "'-at: ~ t:edcAtiu7\ 0: ~-of ..... )' lor $laid ..o-eec. oes not f'dIlt hod ~ 3. Noce \t1e n:a~ Inf~ on all ~a(; U.""""P ~ d It,., blr!dang tit. pbn ~. ~ T1'Ie .'r~ natTIt' ,-Gtflf OIl f\e ~ si<,e olano ~",~ BNd" doo1. noc ~ 10 (.~ CQI'I'ftmiOtt a.<)d ~ tle~""08d. Said pr'QCoMd sl,u' WIll be "'~'18I,J SW.it; S!!)'!l. 10 Note ~ beArxlg for ft.. ~t .~ W-"lltl'l Lota '6 am 18 1':0 "16 north) and l.cf 11 I'") the touIh) Ol ~t 7 of 7. ! L ~ 1M dlmensiorls for tt» ~ 0.'" foeSl tfn<b d ttle 30,* Ldla P~'"v ,rght-ol.wt:y .lI'1 1\hft.tf; 5~G Ql7. ". Nor. the ou.l ~ at "'e nort~ line 01 propf)l4'O,," 13 rStwec 5 Of 1). , . 19,., ~d$ ~ W'Y ' R~IIIi1n. \t..ntlllfl-IG 'J30B ® ---.~-.. ,-,,-----I I ·' --'---->~ • · , · , .. , . . .> ., .. , • . , , • • '. - • " , " , .' · • • • • • • i I { I 'I I 1 , , ! I l • , • -, .' ;:.11' '? ~ Sll'l "" .. 1., t~"",~;v P 6(JIJ 2: /.,II ! ;-. ~ . . , • . • • --) 13 ~ N b90'~ 10 t..rn.t /Of 0I;fWf <)fId t:A In!: t".,.. lii::.tlC.iollr;l OJ) \IMJ-Sl'lv!tl iIo6' ,I W N (Sr...a 5 01 Yt. gIIl!tMI .-nl W of Lof 3, on 'itw riOl1tl1l'lV tJ u)l 1 liN.! ~ ~ Or.! Wit 'W'IQ " e.!J'-1S'~0" w ~a;r. ''-''»I":R~ l.'L :-.. • tlI.~ tnBflL II' o'JW, U ~ powll on Itw;I ....,., N <J lO( 3 ~". !I" .. ~\OIJ dlOlll(lUl (ShIMI $ 2 ,) Rlri!Gw.1 ltv! clr"~ IlIf .tn'IIlv :lln~~ (tW'ICOtn':1!] III.:i\ r:>aI ;"1:. 15. tcI;oli1 what W. t.e~a;u'.)(;O ii. .... " 1haI C'OU~ from ..-; tel Clf$l (»111(' Ow m:cklW ~ Lou t ) 4nd 2! f-'ihe::'I 6 t;I n. Said J,M ClPltJ nor ~ ~ $l'Ietn I oJ 7 16. ~ ~ dii~4Jf'I~ tor lfa ~ 1M of ~ ~ ($:'Iwr 7 crt 1) 17 •• "'_ clH1 ... ....-thfI tIIfOdtr'n~, ilS~' od~ 1D".beiJ''j';: ~ ON 41 OS" 31 ':r -Wf'Iid\ IS IY c:urwnon lii)ff ~ lofs 17 and 2r ¥t St.fli1 'd 7. ~ea:..ll. t" The ~a;on or ~.DJ'.» nr~1IJ iIJQng 1M 011 ~. '" l.UW 11 and 18, ~.l no! w;ot s:tb tf'Af sum of ~ srn~ p;iIU. 'cttoGtI '" 2.56 ~~'. PfEaSiI (.\"~ 631 ~1I;rl&4J es ~ f S. It. ~CIOCe (....r.n. bcwirl"l9 tA N 2" or C1' L), QllhOwrr aklng !tW {'Ii&'51 .. lOs at "'" 1.~lacl '"'IN. e NWJU a'I 170i 62' on sr-~ 'gf 't and 'i 1709 63 on StoIt9: a ct. 1 2G 1'l\r11l.,0U\ t::thw fH!'(l($ IlI\OoOf omlf~ ~.l4t ",ttJ, 1f's.;;QCt to hi ~fi!lngIItlG-Of WUfICS 2'! O!.~ Of ...,;-ttd 10 'tho Stzrl"C)' (Ar.t.-ol NtHwo,\I. dOe.t I'IGt \Io-::;rJi. Trw WI «'om MM ,!ItS51 e.p~ II) btl c()frtc1, b;.It 1i'Iir fQOo'Ok":,l UtlGU[t; 10 Moll .'UI rmsws thilt ~.:ry .. .:of'" ~ 14t'\ f~ Thl ~lor II; I!f.A ·QtI,'~1 due-~ 1m d,~1""I1t1 !!'Ie tJ-.aQ Uf tIlHVIr.J ~ Ih4I abowt ~ Nv. bCiofj(l tr.6dIt. pt.,:J1I' '!Jl~1 rNfJ ~~ 01 thoi '1JYlf'«l~ GilD Pili'" 10 ~ at It", .... th li('w)I' (;9' 'OWf of Cit f I ~ ..,. .. r~ pttn, wiR to roIlfe-.;J t-:. In.1J fti~ 0fId )'0\01 will lit 1'lW~ wht.In it II! • .w~. to .ut~ the ~ ,~. J! you t\iI~ any I;''''''~~ r~~ fOUf ~a'JtA G!l1nt II~~' r~.:9d .bC'Y8. pteaM C(IfIlad rM il fol2S) oIJO.nro, y Q\J f~:'Y .tlso ~ &oni;t r dMf' c:1 N PtOOlJrty 5efv,c1l$ Stx:Uor. c5rfiCf.'/ at ('2~ 4=0.7312. $ctIIt 5neO'ow, W' H P.-;:dlC tandUw Fikt .. • , • • , , 1 , I ) 1 I \ J • '. " • • , ' . .. - . :~ .' .' ....... '"',.....,...;~" ........... "'o~·, .. ....-.. - """'!\ I:' ...,,,,,,,-,.!dtI ~~ ... i!-Wr":;;''-* 6 ~ J ~ me ~~_6Wti,.,SiJ"'~ ~ 'FAIl tio..ltJli,02~ CO'. QSP.!II ~~~ 1M i.lOif~ ~"J.; , !M ~~t pklC:'''''I~if'Io~~OftC),lfl<lCC.qf~~~4'''A: •• ~l",,~Jdl • ~ be: ~ ~"r'} "'iIII'oCGI ~ • ,.!\ cub r.d U '11& {I;I;lfM .... , o (hit ~ ~ ~~ Ma't "WI~ b ~~, d 0_ ~.I" r~;;: If ~ _ dIfI~" ~ ~t :s1Ud te ~"'d~P·:·A-,t$$Xl.·fI1Mt 1':'-) .,.. a,o 1~ N ~ to I~ ~e ,.,...,~ ..... umarll "'#} L· W'¥Itt"bfit.'wt~ Iff~ ~ __ t~i.tt .. t:.IbCise ...... w~f\f~ m .. .... -. . jr.5t~ tC , !t!'.2!:17~\ AA ,~ "I1f~ ~ ~ W;r.:lil"l ~o..fNiiQl !'W('I)~ "'U-,.,.. ~1O"~;t lTIull ~ ~ .... , .. ~ CC flt c.~ s.,""" ~ prot II') Iif!b ,~~" ~. d ~/ldt fll't betJo'R\o IItIR'!Wt ~ lO.5 ~ lWfaJ"": ~ ~" ~ 111 .advaneJt of QtAJII>tg 1\:CNUii'~ (' ~ ~ III-!JIII .. h:d \.of .. ~$ ~~~ ~~ r",. t.i8 ~ ~tJ!l: p, 1>''''~'''1 ~ bit J'I1tC\.i~ ~ ~ IINf I.6'JI'J' ~ fl«.W~ tb ',o(M -tn'1 )I;., \Toll x..\&j. .. ~\Wotllr.lb a pt(lbof.Qt.t. d6vc.o.IQclft*:4 15NJ"«~~"~1~·tor~.,"K ... ~\..ttd~tr:. ..mrlUW,U." .1taI:~.J ~ Ch~ &. &I~ ~ t..ItI1Itys,. ~. ~ ~., rll~ IV, OrtuJo~A J~(j(ft 1~~Ctt». ~ Il.'b aotMocJ ~~ hQUIt !f"l Jil1lt co __ rMri .. Qt~ 10 \f\tip!Id ~ ~ -c.41Mt!) ~ ~ ~~ elf ~ ~~ ~ bot .....,.., tD !tW ...... IG" .n;I ..... ~ GIl ..... ~ $ur...coJ ~~ UVlf 10-~ -"""""'*1\1 Jf 1M w~ ... pffiR. ,..._"~ ___ ~,~, .. ",.", .. _\O ..... ,,.,. F , .. ;~I .•• " , " , " • •• , , , . , , . ,~J .. , " " .. ' , , , ~. .. \ ., .~ u' , " . ' . " '. " . - .' " , ~ .' , , , .' .. . .. c· , " •• '-1 ,.~ ~f:';~' :~~-' .¥,/' I ,. , " , , 1 , , • , .. ~ , ! I , .. ~ "", "1 -, ~ ~ ~ • ~ '.0 ~ .,. ~ ... ~ , • I • ( , , , I , i • , I • \ , , , • , , • I I • I , . , t I "f .~., ..... ,...-. - , , , , '-.' , , , r ; I -• r , ..... ,. --·----r , ',' J ' .' I I E1719951 lts·~,~.: MS U= It.-.,..,_ y_~;tJ """'r'. ~It t i. ...... 'II'"' ........ r .... ". WNte,..., ....... p .,..,.., • ..., , .1If't<rII ",,~ .. l ."" krt.,.... . ~ ~ .' .. ...,......s ..... COL"NlT or ItJHO ) r ..... 121L..,,.~.L ..... .;l«<;kW9._""'. "tt e: til Pili"" tl C ~ buLk' ~-' •• be ' "'l1'li:_,,,, _u ,....,...,_ ..... =WSA,.., ... " ........ ~ .... i ... r ._"_. ... ' .... $4 .......... ,oust Clot-PDf j _ fnt·., O~ , , • • ___ ~_,.~~,.,~ .... ~ .s. ,.~iI>' ' ... ""''I'''lf M' ........ , .. ···"'.· .. ·,;~···~' ..... ~~--~~~~ - , , . ' ," , ',' ; ;-, ' , , • • . . , • , .' , • , , , , , , , , • , ., " , '. . ", r ,. :, .. l i I • I , , .. ~ , .. , ,. : , , , " , , . . :~ ., ., .. " , , • • •• -. - '" , .. .-- • • • • • • • • • I , f • .. • .. , . '. •• ; • .. .. .... .-.) •• "', • ., , .f.XI.jIBrT "K .' • UiT~CO "U01A£L (;. TLOMA'" Q.uc.t:SDAI.I> Pll.4Sl! l NlDJECT SQ. "'':1·n ~ot.~ a:l(;1:ff -4jt.VA"\' ACOt:t..nnO:", ~ CITY Of .>;)<T'", 8(.IftL1<G l'aonJt IT ~ .. ~1J'i>~ fw Nllllftrn1 ~. 4",,". ~ .. ~HWI ... ~ 01. flO!..., '" ~...kt, t ~ ofi..ol\ t.....i 's.~ w.. 46. s.. .. ooofi l5-., T_....., n Non"'. _"'1* .. f-M.. 111 M. ~ ~1J1, (1IIiifIl'!-'N".·t_"~ u *-~I)"" ~-A.-. -1.1 -, tr.cl-C- t.,.;:d .,. ....... S;Q~ '" Ilk ~f'of ~~ .. III &. ~ Imot ef I:~ r"""MI::!f t ud ~ UL6 ItA .;.. h .... J~Jtt ~ tfI ~ I1l.,4 ft./toot,ciN' Q.<U1C.I d ~ ~@6 2$. ,1.etw;C, ... e.w«lf e1o',ll'\' ~aS ~. kM .. ~ .. t,&)40". ( ..... t..a.N. a.," Nu 46 10 Ita; &.1t "" Qf .tk ,!rI ,1 ~.~ ...•• ,l. .... y "_,.(_1"I&l1KOl ~~ ~ .... ..., ftpt~, • ., Id -""" ,~JIt i"" ,>f Itt un ~ l;m u. ~""'1"" b,-'" PW'P'l4''I:II .. ~ft"torl!'',: ~.~ 4IlH.lt!1 • j)o(!f>(tI !4l~tt -.I ".i~_I·d.r tt.N.u,c ,.... .. (",tI ~~. "r.JJ,",~I._. ~ LIM" fa) a P'W" .,( fllcnattQO w~ , 1fOf1.la1) .. ~"'"' 101 •• rrk!Jt1 1rtiP. (I ""''t.~ I;k til o.J~Jtaal: l,..o( 11) • ~ .. ~1 ~ • .....s ""-"'II~" ill .... , I;) Ilw pw. ~ k,ffl,.,i!., f""K'C'et ...... , / rT>ETUJ'J{ t.'~ Y.-~ Df~ lAb 10",.,.f', to d Uid ~~wrt 2' «ktct~.as "'A.~-.. .... -fJIUI\iI\ft If !,he iiII';W' __ ~« tnt. ~ ~ tot I~ A ~. o.~ t..-d: 0 .. ", M 41 t ...tlblllNn" filllUI' G.t~ 1.M '0. 1_111;:. ~'wrl,. ~ Had ",,111111: 2")1 fOft , ~ __ ~t.A.1 "'1'1 .. ~ ..... t.. to • ,..... _ tlIr I"MJ I,. G( _ ~ P.cif' .... it.u\OO1) C ' f " ~---W;tJ' 1M I;;' F!G .tOI~"htd}', U M«JO;iItCI __ I JI_ #l1~-• .J l:tf'C. 6(!1t11e"1C ..... ~ ell -.J n."''''~ "'Ie ..... lk ...... I:Q of..."s ~ .. t..ud 0.-. "+ :pee ~ ~.a UIII'--__ IIh..fC4,."'"" hcth 111 .. 1 ... .,(4 Ie 1 l'lpi......t_.'1 "" tt.r wudl taM rIf.-J {'o:;1 _..-c... .... diCl"U' ~ .. ,) alft''''", ~ itMtiUhe ~ CIif be. -.: .... ...so tuGE'n!a wrm.W\iot ~ r4 c.,~.nt ~ It) w '1 lit die Sou!lt~~-:.r 101,.. ~ ~ and ::be SQUl~ Qt~ .r I~ ~Ofth-<" Q.vtet tIC t":s $s:'IOtl15. ly",,8QQ" .. __ ~ ..t ~j '1~ -*. ~\lfedMI"" I'.e. :t~. -.-J po4 SotsCI~1t O~ ~ ~ ~ Qt!:arto::r. IIIItd rk I$~''''''b"" of Ow ~1(~ ~~ 1>11e "" nf(! s...::ttoo IIt»b • r..-t« liIf ..t-.:' .s~ Q IUVW 01 t+.!: ~tkuI: ~ .nd &,:; !If ftle ftto1uMllf, • ..K~ tuK Ik iinft3 ~ .. P"'l\t _ e.e u . ..~ Quarur tv..I Q( Alii s.:Qf'WL,. (;0 (or:c F.-lI\.. ~ If! UtI\( lilt tk .. (f~ ~ riAsol ... c ~~,e 1t..~\JI~1JfI NMlM,#1t f'I-""~f ._y . Itw.....,,,, "':oH!::,.rl,. l ,l(() ke, ~tet ,,. ~ Ul1.m, ~.cf' .... f 1.1lO to • po.nl, tn.mc« ftotU!t'tC!gClf, 10 • ~11'1 ~ .-;J a~~t)' l~iIIf __ , .. ~ I.\no! "." .• "" .,,) I Z ftc! PMh alonl ,AId r.Mlffl)' t'!P~o!-.~,. line fFom 'ht tf\!tWo.niJA.st lie#ry-J\ ).4.oo----adr!':'; ~ 1..ac:I CI.I", NQ, ~(\ _ltd ~ t~lr' n,tv"",,,-iIIT ro t-\-'2 . : , '. • • _. , , • . ---' • • , ;.l , • , . . • • . ,. • .. " , " • CORRECTION S • • REFILMED TO ASSURE LEGiBiLITY • • , . • .. • • • •• .. • , • , (' 0" · '. • , I i , , , • • • • I I , • • - '. • • , , ' , , • -'\w -;' ,-.','.,' ,. " , ~, .. '. • ., " . • .. - FJl/TlIA.NCO ~11(;IIA£L.G •• m.>MN ()Al(lI3I>"LI!.J'I""~1I : "'WIKef I"C. .,1Il ... ' ~a.rc:b 011, ~ • I , 04 ... _ .... ''''" flu "'i. X .. ,..'plle.....,_ .. l\IiIr .., _u .. ~ <tl I~ A .... _kl' .. ~ .. ',. "-"'d'Clt-Ph> 40. '$i!k1W. U •• t~ 1)~. Ia.tI .. ~ £ut~ WW ~ la I~ C~ W ...... __ ~~ ... "~kJoo!'-.P. ... I .. lto ... 1\. • T ." "C" 'arrd'~"";,_ Ilq) ... .ot ... ~ d~ Jt$!t -'" J,w,. ~ ' ..... r G ...... ~ Cltpq} -' lIM. E..&t a ... rA' cw..~ I.M I" tft (&I ~ ...... Qj\ .... ..tIt -' ...... s.,~ 2.1, ~t.tKe wtSl<':l1" ..., "'U ~ ... tot tu,.,y It. "'hiaooi ... • .. ' n.-"", .. .l,IIJU:f a.... N. 4f! Ul' ViC f.;aJ 1_ pf ... l\,~~~",)"""~....,.",, ..... ~)ttfl __ .JiWd ,~.t ..... .\1 ... JUWfJlIJ!I'oI 01 d!t-.. t ... "'.-I.-. 1M (_ .. .,. .. "'" .... """'~ ...-i Ita_...., "~ml:Mc of fJJ0l1. Ito~ .-'"-'Y 4fII4 -..ttwMfltlf, 14M .. ~ ..,..dI l • .r.1I0*' UJ,.. ":fOe l...u tu • ,otOt til ~~""lM ~.~" J'-'t'lH-tUI!I ~ s. ~ ... ~..-(>f ..... "fIlM ~ or C~"'"' .. c...nt 10. \t~ •• ,. ';1 ~ .\...cJ ..,.,..,.. lIM Nr , .... i""'''' <II ""1m: 11'41 t'~-"IA''i ' , f't~~ ",,'lJ'H Ib ~ltotII f1,I OIJ~_' t.l.~ to iIfIiII • h eli '"' 5«U4IIn ~ *:110 .... tt'·.f -. t !o . 7~ • .r;M I.i .. :;r ;. of tI!.o ...... """ cI J_, A Mlliii'!t .... o...~ , ..... 0' • N. 4i • .-f.t»otIIIitl.-1Of .... GIlt 'I ••• , t..vr Io..~. ~t, IIkiftf __ t::Uif """ m]"l ~~ .It"t" '.I.r t)ft •... .-fJ'4 _ Mo ti ,..... _ I~ ~..-t ... a .... JIlMtIl!IIt ~r", Jb,i,I .. y C"'A'I,'rnt!!t-o/ • ..,lB'flr-:", -'I...t". ..... ~II ........ ~ __ ,h_.IroM". ~ .'.-d' ""Pl*-.' :-... *,..0 ..... ...,.,. .... fA .... l..ww:I a..... ... tit .. ., Ity ........... _ til'" H ..... ".atf .. It.t-y C ..... C.., Plop. tI....., Wll'!i..".q Ji;r .. 1IIf'" ~ lMI4 a..-. abo, • e I!tt'j.'''utd lIfWb.kJJf,ta_~efl $ • , ... ""'f."'"~ Ai.!n rCGlnUfiM wmt •• ~ <tt(J(lNflMl'~UU 10_ tt "IM~II' SI Qurter' fiI~_Noc!t·_Q'>l$K1f ..s"":H..nt't~ol"'~ __ Qt-w ot ~ s..n .11, ~ •• ~.r. _ .. ..&t ..... '4)'00 .tIt, 11~ fd~ dMr.f''--t ... corPlO4 ~\ QI*nr oJ dw ~~ ..... t,)tlttfWll. ... 1M 1fOfQ""". J J!H ~~I:t Q> J n:e. if"" d .. .,..4 $t~ --.'" ~ t.w hf,.. "'1"1: JtWIt"W!!I QfatJa l" 1M ~~"'G 0--6I:N EMI d' l~ 1O~.k~h"" ft.".1IMOI I;tot. fIO'HI'''' ~ ~t"'-~ Q;l.tiJw 1l!lO""" "'" $otn:lIVIl 60 rOd f..-.n . _, ~t('l;I:.e' .~pt Itt' ..... c, h~ ~Il.n bfw.c'lM. hh.~ ,.,,,,,,u..-. I1'tM..r~.....,· d;aol:41 ~11) I,Joo f~ pl~'f:i<!C MIld c~l)' 1'1 ..... oJ ....... u.. II'J • "",""-4 ~ !Nfdrr-stc<lf)' fit • ~I on Pl4f I!t\:le!"l) ,.,..,...,r-",Wf" dmWlth 11.1iet ttWlAl'I .~ 1u4 1Ulfrtr.rty f1P..oOl' ." .. '( 11_ I'M.!! thI 1iI!~ 1)1'H&1V1 Mi"-AtIt,'\ ())Ni1!Mt t.rv1 (Iau .. N4: ~ ,tII/d uut ~aucrrly np ... tf--.. , ,..~ t ert """,""1' , • • .. ,-, .,' " .. " , " " I " , , -,j " , , • ", , " " , , • 0 , , .. , • • , ........... t'"" .-"" .- • .... , ..... , .•• .; ....... ,.t> o ;,~ .... ,.' 'If I i llL , /</~I j. , _, ,1 /j 1~1C".c 8\UlwIvl.A lWnhqa. fiXCEYl' (hoM fQ(\lgn fJr....ajbcld ~. fo.s.-, ik~ a 1 a. ~ }) , ,.,."(Q'(~""..." "* w.nJt hAc.r Hoi""" A Nt""", "",,",Oft ~ o.U'II"'o '6 -.J abe E.NII : '_: , ••• .«( ~ .. ~~ ~ 10. ~ ~ert1 ... IQllf .a.4 QJI .f1M • "~Jt.tIfCC f)f V) n lut. } tLw...-'...cI ... rfi 00" i6J&Jtt I .. to • po.M 4JIfI \hit e;UC hilt t){ f.M. Non'*" r..of.e tr.MI.." • 1 'ttl 'P"-' rp:ot.-",.,,, 11 feel ... loullcJl,. .... II ;-wn.:d alOfti a.»d n~-ciI,-, JI!tC-(tlOl'll ..... , 1,.1;;f ;01",," ." ~ ;'PHf·-. .. , ,.1Ii pnd the "",,!II; liK 4l.,w lknoII_j,ca Lan<! Ck ..... Jbc..or ! er'!ftbed1 u-,~ ~~ot'd'f ~?tClf.rt: RIo .... , C~IY rWK.ol·1Ii1IY ,ltibe ~ , ~ Ie. fII uto4 'Doe»,,", OMm; ,.at<OeaJlu1, alcua ~d iO\JlJ, bf'llr: to 0 .. f'V'" ofkJINI~' t ,-. "-.... .. I I · . ~ .. , 1 I rJ/.:s5U ~ot ... HI I>Mul! ",A".:.q".Iff'4~ ~Kfkd .. ntJIt..of-.." f.:.o.a,:L..Ub1c t.l I l'-~ SW b1 dtc4 '"","IX4 "A4c, ~ OD""'y k.econbn, Nwmba 9!OnSO)71 t . ./ ,.,;' SwI ~ ... 1004 ,Mn: pMt.c,.""y ckK.ttbtd .. folio ... , o I '-. ,6drl~pfd"fwWaal'MI,;t""S&al::r~~Z4AeNA.o!"(9J)4amrtlllV'''tac:c.."' • p'1)~WUf •• ~"flON' ... b)' WJI hl:Llt f~~.w ,,_,"SWPbut' UId 2as ~"OfIII:~ofS.n-C)'Af!' 9601029OIl' , .' • r I r.a:ilNSDOG ... ' the ~'1 cone. 01 tt.. .wv.. fk)att.d pred u "'1 '-,,<, u.:~ 44 BtcM&tktu. ~ by deed ulWkt ~, CcuaI)' ~I No 7j1)fOHIl7). 'IMNf: W,O(1It.7'" ~l' >"·W~ .... 10It' doe dlCIJ '-' cI laid pond. • • 4s~ 0( 1IOC ~.';O ~ ~U .... I,.c '.~(,Q.t(I(VJ foOl ,""-IUS _.unpnl ,.., 1 QIf'\Ie 10 lAc npc. me UftU:r~ lII'bl~ """ 'k*m 13· ql'-f,r E.Pt 604000 fm: f.6 j ~»JI. tf'Iaac.c 4IOMCrty Jlk,ot ~ .('0/ Ut1 (.(WO,.oo ("'!!' 00,8$ (Urvc. dUOCfJ! --'" '" '" CO> ~ ..,. , '" '" g .~ , , , L I I t , ; • • 1 ; , ! , i ! • • 1 , ! , , t ; • • , , , , t , o i • o \ • l i i 1 • .(dIllWt &fire 0( 02· 41' 02'". art lIC"lqiJh ar ':1-:."" r~ ,bel'lCt' North ,V"' IS' \0'" Wnt ,~S'.ance of 5 ,00 rut 1(; !be br,*,." ri ,~.s QO f~ ,ad"" r.on- IlQICtIC <f-1JrtoC lG lhI ,~ tbr rtflkt cI __ ,**, ~ Soutb .'1" .,. 10"" E.tf 6I)4S 00 (.:d duWtf. thaKc llOtlt.crl) ..sOfIe t~ ",e-4r Ald UJ4S 00 .ovr Ddw. CthW, Ittr-dt • cefttJll VIp 0( 00" 3Ct 1l", 1111 111'( knP 01 S14l6 (ea.. dw -. Non .. Ol~ I)' l"-"t .da...-of f02 II rm lG Wcbc,II)1'mj' uS a 1100 fOCJ( fad.-W bnpl ewe .. 10 dlc len, dItwct ~IJ .Jetna die .. ~ oItald 2! 00 It»< ndsu1 (_.~. UIIlnllllpef:lll'· ,SA' )4-, andlR: br;U. ot 411,11_. Itw:ou Itolank 14· 39' lO'" WW. 41IWl(t: fJll OJ: feet. tt.mc& Sonb 01-J" tC- bot. ~ J M.lI '-!Ct. d .... !N.lh U· ... · 46-£u1: • chs~ c( ~ 00 feet. W~ Nortl ~-U' 14-£.,.,(. 0t1Ut:",.;::e: c;( ]9.60 fCII:t,l!M:c1Ce Souch 01- '1~ 1.-Wrs. dasaIIce of 1,.,1 1M\. doc.u Sotf6, ""24' IO~ F~I .-""I"C'· 0(29 ')} Ccd .. dItt nit '-01 ,aid fl'"d. Cbtet« SOI#h 01'" 0)' QJ"' Wut, .)oa, wFd' UJI hnc,. d,l' r, g(76) 0) loct to Ifoe PO£NTOf' IJEG!?'h1NO U.WIMIII .net era of 1-4,699 "i It. .... « ... ,:-.th'Oft, ..,._ lu1 (t t~ I t , , , , o , o , ' , • , o , " , " " , , • " 1 0 " .. .. , -. • " ; • II< I, •• _ ~ ... I._r.. j ! , .-I • , .. / I r '/" 1.. ..... l / ; _(1ft /) . I ' 'r I, , , , I I I I '" , ,,-.. 1 I I ') .If ~ , '\ • • '. " f I . -- • I ! • ! .. t .. • .. ,- ; . / '-;" • • .~ .. , I .. .. f .. ! \, I , , , ... ¥. --... •• ~ , co co --c> ~ ~ , • , I • I I i j I ! t I I I , I I I I I , •• .. , • Cut;PD'l ~ 'ot"'tO ;~ • , " ~--. ," , .. , • "'0 .. • -J , I ' .. • ' . .. , • --.' -' , ~... . .,. ..... '_._-_ .. C NE IN. SEC. 25. T'lfP n ... T _AMce --- -' -• .. '. N., nee ., £.. w:v.. " , . " " '.;" , • , .. • , I I I .--• • - • ,. ., .-- , , • ." • I • • • • 'I /, " f , • , • • \ • , • o J.lr • I • ". .. ' . • -. < , , lil T!.."" ·S- fn~ il'II1 'l -- • .-- , -• ~ .'., .~~'J J \ I ..' 4 • ., !~ ill --'" = r _-k. .'') • • WIl.II ...... •• 1 ClTt :I "' .. ""tIlt .---- • • .. , -~ 1~~1'!I.3' • .. » " • .... ~ • • -~ ." g: r i ., --;, • .,.. i I , +: • • . • - , , , • D " , -• .. , , ! .. CITY Of RENTON "LA N N IN~/RU I L1HNGII'UIlLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM --,--------,-' -------------- OA11.- TO fROM stlHJrCT; M.) 17,20111 Lnk) '111.9101111. ~';fIla· J I a.w.'f ~r::i IJoc<ia=: ""'-e.xrfll Hlltd :ftjt Sik MI •• I .lI.A.ol-Ol1~n~r ;-0. -.. :ll'Gd Lt,:allkKriptloa R~w. -,-----,-----,------------ II~,-e fnJ(:'Aed th.: abc:n ~ rcfcn:mccd bt!l(iLng "tic pL!n wbmin.1 and b.ne"~ (,,11., ... injt. camm("lIl$" The Ink noc~d ~ the lip::nllfun: lint: r...'l 1110': ("Ity 0.).( Rroton A.dminutr.llnr .,.' MllnQm~ IJllildingfPl.lhl"ic WOI'll ("API'ROVALS" bloc!.. ('0 ~ncC1 I nf ') ltlJ(Jlljd b-: ,Ad;mini!l9.!2!. oot HEngin«t'"' • lhc line ""'''cd (\)f Ibt.-ICI.-urum, .,...mal-.:r. n'1drt till: '1JIX I.ARh110N C II CO\ l.J1.;A.Nl-t>l~d.. is not no.'t'd<d aftd ,llOlJid k-f\'-mon't1 (';h\.,'1 I (If 7) 'ht< fLOC lk."'4iH)' ... l.no--II..'dj!rtnCftt hkclr. ,Shed I of 7. n:ren In tbe ~vu.«dr3nt [l"'P'~;" J .... nili. Th.:-l'kM::mg GJiI~!!:".L~ The kCOI~ dU<Wokdgcmcnl. fOf I~ P:.rl.lnc. ,de", ""'~ Thle £k-.:m): Ct\fp('r,rti...on. AddAA~lIy. boJOl nt'lV) bb:hQ,h: tlul -SIlE WAS AUTIIORlI'J:O-II) ... ,«Uk tlw duclotllcnl. Cba .. te the "'SI U:.-If 1k."Cdc:tJ If the ~~ictl~ liSlt:d undft" ~ 1et;~1 c!dcl ~JlC.Klt, (not~ in i!".e "'t'~f},)OO2 ~hmUuI) ,"ti/1 ¥l'tt to th.r subja;t parcell., thell ind:..dc ..:ll-tt"~~_~ m the curn11~~uNn~' (-I.q."21 nn.:riptfClft ~ hlo.:l. on Shed ~ Lot' 7). 11a.\ thM porhNll1flhe ':m."I ni,b'-of.".y,~1'1 at tbe illl(f)('\.1;oo I)fSV,I 2"'" Sf:tt'l ~ ilh the- ~e\"tttf)' fltlJn~f.""a}' Imt' o(b"~k !..1.te:Mk'oft. ~d«llO:.atc:d!,~dcd fur ~ purpMI. ... ~ K~ Cool'lt)' R«. NC), WIO)"'WH J. ",hieh .... -a. the d(,h!;:ttktn orriSht..()f~",.I) forqid .\Irttl. di'ln "',. tnclooe said pot'! ion. lbc stn:c:t 031")( no".'11 on ,he: binJin~ t ile: phln, '"S1111T1dtr I\hd~ d<lC:\ ",,1( ~OIl1'L'fm lit cit~ co.wmtinn and l!hould be cNn~J s.~ VruJ'lI.'-«ll'1r«1 \\ ill t-: fW'mcJ S\\.~~ SI"!!'. 1 • . , -'. " , , . ". --, -, -"';',,";.\' - • "".)1 t 1. ~.i1 11'.1. • • • • • ,,: . • , . • • • • NU It:.., ~(lfJ:¥ t4-'f Un: '.~hm ltlO( ~'l"(TlI t~ I (; and ~" (lu UK: nt'flh! 11114 l.vt 17 IN "1\: '.0."111, ")1 '\k(.4 1 t)( ! 0\;:-rei' WI~r-~K>M JUr.lk llbl ~-U \IOt:\t end. lit,"" Ikrw lll'c Pljk:line rg.'J14~'lA.itj' A SI~lS :5 3,Id h 0' 1 ~ tiff" ~#HlI!l '" h'J}lI-'1' (\ye,UIC1 CI1.1 ,,' lhe ~'UI\( II ~'q M tI~ _ ..... tI'! lilk: err Lo; 2.0 (Shed ~ (}(;I, on \Itt .0:;;1 'mot (,.( I.,.,., J... \,a the In'".h 1101: of I...PI I and r.otc l!ullhe ~iq N t'~ U-H)" '" '.~14r ;,; ,~'" "N;"' ~ I I.d, "' .... i., lof Ilthrt. t1 tk.tt pllm~ 0011 !be: """Sf IIlJC' oflAt ~ .. beN: me kMing .c.tIAA~e.s (~ fie uf 1, R~u;:. ~U ~ doI_wg:' fur UInI1.V """)1 1OnS C(II)..CI'l'tjng licll1!aru. ka.M1;) .;-)1 the n.:a\'y <i.t(JK!iI I~ '" IJlo.t '"""., fh 'C) WCSI 1.\1 Q$! (We{ the mi.:dk of l .au 27 ..t;Kj .:a!f6d7i. S.J4(II""L~"ItOf{,,"flNJe(lIltuSh«17(lf7 II b nt!t ,kaf ",1'13-the r"'~l dIlUClt!>u.'I1)."~ ~'wn adJDU'I'I1 1i. the hc4nng of"'N .n° ~N' 31 W " '¥loll)!.'" ill> l"W ,"Nrull.·n liRe ~I""~ I .... .ltfj J 7 MId ~IJ ,,.., "t.b«1 1 ,.f 7. measure. {~dnno:n ...... "" o(1~" en', as nl)fcJ Von::; thl: ca.,1 lint'S ,.f l..rn!t '" lind II. doe.!ilM _life\! 'IfII itlt lhe \II.ll'f' of the StfI.lUn j1".m!f. \to tu~h is 2S). ':'1 ' Pt.:.l."IC "''\ h:"-lind ,n'l'IC IJlII n<ro<11. ,4! dillUa'lo;:~ ('*'fh • bm w.g uf N ~'I (11' "J" F ~ ali dtotwn .IkJ(!g lhe Vo t'st ,ide of /.he subject aru. Is nolf"J~, 11(ltt.6~' "' ~ 4 p( ~ It".f .. ~ 17(19,. l ,.!tIt Sba.1 J or", one oflftrc toes ttl d".c S\It'\. 0:} ("«fIln>! ~.nn. cb:s II"It ~oO.. ~ tic f",", Mnn * I HI oppt'ar1 f(I be' (,,"c,,1-b:.r t!'Ie roJJ~ III' du ... to -.1OH '1311 mis~ rut ft1oi".umt'nt":'I) ItlCIT rtum Ie" reet. ~.'1Ttlf' -Itt .. ro(a.:\.onol.fl.lC" t\) the otTcrmo.-e..,:" the bol~ .. rbcMIQJ:, ()r~ a com~ "~rnl",~,, Iogf'«tl!olC bk ... , PCt:d to toe norIc:l Ofl the drJllIOo i<lg.-,. Of"e" said II~C'I!tiS /.0 N PJln ,.f dllt' _;enl "ltd utility Q~'"tltl .Jflc:u'ne'\IS fhat att m M m-ordtd ~ ~t.dy1 B "'c n'\';:unt .. 'f\3l1("oCI flI'm'''~~ Ihll:d II~ Item No,1 ('If ~NOTf.s~ (Shee1 2 or 1), 1iUff'",et ti)t ~ ~'""'.inilllilc pia,," -. • • , , ! • " AFFIDAVIT OF PUB UCATION SOUTH ex .oUNTY JOURl'AL 6llO s. W_inj1On AtctJue. ~mt. Yt'~oOft ~l : • c!alrrtle ......... ,._t'I~ IM¥C.of'I (7}tfftM ... ..t.:. S&id ~ MI allrpllM ~(If ~eI p' ..... 1ot'I end it now and,... ~ for 1f·(IIe ~ H ITIO,,",,, pnot to the" 01 p"'l'tD'I:, i~to.~ Mod ~~ .... ~i«IgI .... COl_ t',. 1M .~ IM=", 'T*' In~. ~ CDIJ .,. "'1.*..., Thot s.o..;,Cot.nty.lol.rn.lMl '--" ....... e._ ... ~ ~ by 0t0N fA ... SuoIanor CO\II't dtI'M: St-. c( '1'-11_"""'" tor I"..ng ~ ThtI , ;, :. on .. ...a bmro .:.c::t ~ d ....... puI 7 ~.,,. 8oo~«'I CCUIfy ..kur\III (WIC IICiII tt •• .. C"1I,.:1a bm) IIotIIth __ ttogt..Urty :Wtlit;o;tlf to the .. Ibw.tlert CIWWWJ""bcAaw '" ,'eepi IUd. nw~~ .• The M ~ vi I'M!'M ct.QeO lor Mid ltJ.,,_M·' •• ilN -"ot '100""ctwp.d:~ ~ No. ,.,IU<¥1, Tl'Ie c:ott""" Irda.. ... 15 00 _ tor h pmtJng:A IN ~ 1AgIf"""'" 10112 , , " .. ~, ". , . .. ... c - , . • • .' , > • . , • • • • , • ...... __ .. _._ ~ ... ""_~J.4 .. L 1'1'.'1lO'oI ~''''>'''''i'''''~~'_'.'"'_''_'~''' " CITY Uf' RENTON Mannin,rauiJdin&.TUbli:Wor.u Dq»rtmeOl ~10,~ Me. Walef E. WardGn Dl:lcif1Q Rea ... , CotporatiO:' P.O. eo.. 3707. U.I(: 1F-68 Seatde. WA. 5812-4 SUBJECT: 8Q1t1r.g~' elndlng $H. Pta" flirt No. LUA-02..Q2:2. EeF. OSP - TNI leUer ~ to w.xm y.J\J ItUl Ihe appeal penod hal \IndOd lOt' Ihe ~ R8'tIo'fI' ~~1 \i:.Q,C1 ~torminaUon 01 Non-Sign!ticanoe for the abc.,. refererotttd P'ofoCt. No appfIIj!I wore f4od.. nil df'-clsiDn IS rna! &nd appfulion 'ew the ~ recJ.llrod I*m& 'My pocasd. 'Tlw t;:9k~nl rI"IU$t comply wIh at SindlnO Sire AIr. COlldillcw1i d ~.., ~ wiIh!he Oty of RGtW. Ropon & Ooclsion dated Mant'l20. 200? 1I)'OU t .. ve any ~. p6Nse ,eel tree to contact me at (425) .(30.1270. for tNt t;rwirOnmentai FWMw Co:nmIt!80. 0:: Mr. Caw OWdlartl, H&ar\LInd MI. laura Whkak .... Portn Cole Mr. Pt.illip Cyburt. The 608~ Company1()wnet RENToN- -' , ...... • • • • • . ' . . ' " • • .~. .-~ -....... ""--~~~~ - ', . ", • .. OJ ° " " , . ., "·-1 ~..m, ••• "" ... " .... " .. _:"J.;.,~"" __ ~, •.•• ;,·';"'"''''~'''··''.''''''·'''~'''J''''~I '..i.; ; C' PACIFf.C " ........... ,.,-"", _ ...... --1 ,O,J,'HI_ Td'hx -1> Jun J'tJr'",...e, I'boor 1'00 • x "'''" FAX TRANSMiIT AL tl2S~I) l53hOOOl • ...-..,..._ ,;....10._. ',-. ..... _<If .... --... ~-----.... -... ,. .... _--_"_. "., .... e ... -_= '; ... ..... _ .. _ .......... _ ",, __ "'''' ___ ~ ... _ ~ = .' -----• _"'.,..-.. _._ .. ,_-' ...... w .... __ , ... J " ___ ,,~ol4"'_ .. ___ 0" _",........, ... '_ .. _" 1_ ..... s c~ ,)1 upi;lk:d U S 1'. ({If' lhe: BOCJnJ,:: Lons;: Acres "it C ... awab; l.C'slcr. If,.oo ~cat anylln"~ cI:4C. p\dr;<;e P''C me cal!' Thanb, Jim ""'key , ,. r.ll~'JItTI'lnl • l~"1'f)C An:'ui(,'rurr " hrYU\onmm' ... 1 Snnc(" 1'b._"11 + ~fV~JI .o.i \1'"'l1li ", . f' • W.shhw,ton + ar.gon • td.hO • • , • " , , , , , , • " , .. '. !.' .. ~ , .' . , , • • • . '-__ , ••• _., .... ~~~n I '~I." ., .... _ .•. ___ • CITY Of ~.NTON CUI!REHT 'PLANNlNG DNiSIOH NFlO4Vrr Of SERVICE BY MAlUNG Or. on. Z l. __ o.;y 01 ,J}l.1.t t '" , 2002., I ~ite:~ in l hoi rnatl.$ of ate U~ ~Ias.~ I)f1vt)Iope cont,.ct1OQ ..L.__ I iu...t:..~u-.:s. Do:, '" _ aotl.ll1'lef'.ts ThIs inlorf\'1.tlllO!' was '!tr,t 10' i>InlI t~l tw l:!jj '>. t,: R: ' I .... ,(:'""~. L I -,l , lSo;;na""" 01 -I J-:r; . / ~,...-... ~,. ~ . . . . / .. :=....~~'" ( .IoWlllVN MMCtl!:ff • NOTARY PU BliC STATE Of WA$t1INGTON , STATE OF ~.'\sr ;tlGT(»1 , I 55 COMMI$SIOH nl>!fiES COUNTY Of KtNG: ) ....... . ., JUNE 29 2.003 I cr-;fy INK t kI"OW Q(!\aW 5a1:s!~ fN~e tna! .l:!niULJ .2:. ~.~ .. , "...--' 11>. • nltrft.rll v,l "'~'\edrJed" 10 De F\lS,.herf~' froo and 'IOi<.:ntary ow:1lor 1t'Ie u~s afh1 ~$ mentionoo iI'I thff IlStruMaN. lJ. ......... , . ;>' • . , '0 , .. , • " , , • • I, , " , .' , " .. , , • " ., • " , '.' . , • '. .. • • - AGENCY (00f) LETTER MAlUHO {fAC OETERMlNAt:tONSl , " " -FI't'IlI A " " T,,.. A.WltWltSE AUOOm. WA9ti092 • " ." • , • " .' - , , - .' .. " ( " , , , ~.N. D£TtaUlJU.tK* _lUI toOlOQ1,.,._'\M4':'WI", .. a.or ___ l ....... ...:;.0-----I '=$" ___ ~-~ .. -.•. ---.---.--.. -._, ... _._------.. -~--,-_ .. _-----------.-~----..... -~-------_ .... _.-------.-----------_ .. -------_._-...... . -~-.-.... ,,-----,... .... _ ................ _------.. -.. --.-~.--. .-... _-----------_ .. _._=--------_ .. _---.-.... -_ .. _--_ .. _ .. -. ----.. _... _ .. _-------... -.. --• ClcRTII'ICA nON " • , ., '. , j , • --, . " , . " , , .. , p- , " " , .. , .. , Ii; , • ~~.') • '~" ..... "" , , ., ", • , " , ,-,--. , -'., , .. , , , , " .. , , ! " , , "." I I , CURRENT Pt..ANMNG Al'FIOAl/tT OF SEIMCE BY uAIUf/G , , , • I ISS • 7. , , , , , .. - . ~ • , . . ' , , .. •• • •• , , ' . . ' , , - I I I .' • I , , • CITY OF RENTOU ClJI<AthT PLAHI<''''' OIVtSJOti AFflOAm OF $~RvtCE e¥ ""'UNa c;., ..... 1.' ""'''..I.> !, .... ___ ._. __ ._0 ;?QQ~.I 0epr~11a(J '" IN> m..w. £If tN/' Uf',rtvJ S1gf,(la., /I .. ol~J "'~'lrlOI: It tor.,. f1InIl --Pia;, J..i ...i..!. ~}t:'-_. _______ -- Jl:c... ... ~-~:. fh.$ .,.j~.Ii·.lOn """":. ..... to"_ ;~'a; -. ..,.." '" , _!~;! •. f~ i .. P u J.""- n.. J ,.( /' .. , , "JU : .. -, • 1'.1 .• t, •. • • I.. . , I , -~-~ -j It: f",· I·e' t·, . I • r";~I' , C . , <" l ~, ,,(., > .. J) f' e " , .-• ';hf..fF (Stgr.:l!l.;((f 1,:.f S~J __ ... -.:!... ,," ... # 1 ' -.-~ ... . -UBUC . -STArEOFW~"',"'~TO~ , 1$' -.-·tJG700 ~ $~ txPlACS C(lutiN OF K.-V<; ) , .<.'1"" .. 1 t.. I t ~.,t1y Itt ... t ."rw Or ~ ... labI!~orl .... >f'..e<'JCa 1I\at J. !, £X I ,,! .-~--: ...... :....L..._ $~ I!'o$ ~J ~ olICkn.;. ut¥ ~t I: ~ :Jto ", • .5, "'-f 1h&ll' t,.. and wofunl ..... ;;ct tat Ihe ",StJ1, .tJ"(1 p!..rf~ 1"'iK'..t<O"!tfd 1ft. "'$il"""~ , . I ' . , . , , 1, ~'.r "" .. , "._.-- • • • j' , II t • , ;" • , > 1 • • ! ! , I , , • I I I • I I I ~~ .... j J VIN '.os -.. "_l""U "~li'Lil y,," :.J$~ '4lg1ftWN~ fS.tA'OQ II) WON.,tII'OIIS,JJ~ M$ ~ IoIINIt ~«HtlmN9'f 1/1$. tlInUtt.\V .......... _,..,, __ 11> ....... lOP;. """ .tl"'" UIW ~ lMf V~ ~ce • .vont:~ ,J ''I&17£d I;!IId ~ ~ ..... Uf .. ~.un-.II9 • IIAp .~~~ ~,.. --,. .. .~ (Iiift. ..... W-lIW "1I;~.-u' -.~ Ji)j .. ,,_"'0\11 t.~Mifl81 _'.:ll ___ m l.ut;lloo«Y,) e...Gti-u. , .... "'"'~~ ~~- .. Ali1/J1l11l:l ""'1'_'" iR __ ~'1' ~1"101C1 pttj':!d ~~'n.hld ~pJ~l ~~ ~"IO'''''''~ ~~ 'JUf'O_ 'NOIS0 30 '5' ,....- "'" • --, -. c • .. & DECISION DECISION D~TE: ProifJct~ • • • ,. '.-. . • '." , .. ," DepBl1menr or Planning I Building I Pubhc WOtks "ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW & - Moi.Jth 20, 2002 LUA.()2.()22, CCF, as? . The pt'0j)0U11S ~ 5iJI:Xf1\1\d8 " 1 51 .a'~r8 al\e Irl10 5 utiIt!y trxI1 and 35 lOts im.trded tor 11,lN1I COI'tor.-..,cw Of once deIIt\oc)monl The c,,,,,OOn Of IICCeU anct u:ray IlU4tmBfllS. as ~ as the lrn~tlOtl ot 1~8d p.t irrIPf(JWtfTI6ntl ... "OI.fIcI occur lIS nece,Yf'( Men. ~ sptK:ifc cM'I6IOpmtnl propQUla. Site ptc;Joara:.;on aelNIbes ma, atIo c.cc:u' In lod'~arQt Of IndiYiCIIJM 141 plAn prcponle lOt hi Inatit~ of leer.-" ~I~. Such e.,'/i".*<)IIk adiYIlIel .,. '8I~ at &1\ • ....,age gf .,SOO ctbc yaf'da PM p6!c;c.J. If t'l«eMMy. additional SEPA and sna Plan revww .... .1 t. 1'eQUU~ at 1M t.tna ot S4e Ip«aic ~ propost:!s. ,BHAR A<>·\"{; SOiJthoi SW 1ff'-~' Nonh d 80,6971' NlA 157.e-.crM WA , • • . ., ' .. , . . , • !~~ilrf.t ... ~~~,Qf (.5EP ... ) A.,I/MWW a.ro8.1dfoQ 5«. ~ anP'0"0'al t;)rlhi ~t..,!&Ion<t a, l.se~ ~ ~"*" »W, TiIP-JI'I'J"~' ~ 2 J1..ftCfeO IG s. ... IIQ' .... AII; ..... 5 ItMCI. m."Mg..t U ·III;fe. ... to 14.51- ar:ts. <If.-u.. ~ lo!J ~ .... ~ tQI MIA_ ~ or O!'Q d9'o1'1tfO"f,»t!!:~ W"fd woukJ ~. ~ $(PA ~,... ~1'f~I'II' ..... tIIt ~~ n(J\Jo'tJ,s,a:a. fPliiGiflC~~ f!-.t piQM1tll' ~ ~.Q)Id ' "'. ,,~ of", a.u.~ ~G ~ ~ fllO\JIy C.,. c.>tM bIo~\J'I?9" .. ~ ~ ~ " .... ~ itorm ..... :IIS.'TfYl pard 1fIIf\<J\ tIif\Id _ fd, Nt "..crt! ~ ")'.f~~,, ~1Mr.n 1M ~~.,..O' hi prapwty. Il!.o, c; .. ~ 'Dt ~ atII.1 ~"')I H~; .1> __ on II'r;f ~1.8!lUt'I Of l~eol ~It~ ~ ocw. aa r\!IIJ(~ o/IIItIt' ~. tPiirIM ", .. .opo,..-!t pram,., E~.o~ lQ .... bMn ~~ aD'" JI,Ibmir-td p:.M ." ~ ., ~8W ilrXC ... AC~ ~ Ie "'va,~ SQ pt(4olll'lllOl1 8CI<,1$"8' 1'1t8f' .tIIIO oc:..lJ{ in ad¥~ ~ I!W~ 114" P'W' ~"'ffJ' _ ".liI.Pf"On. (If fQ(,"JItfId pIAt~, &-.d\ ... "If'I..uf~ d~_ at • ~. tIn"'~ nI...sooCU'JI: JiCQt~ ~ I~ Al'q)iiii~ 'fiIII:"'" Mi N'IO!W\ "* :r-.. ~ .. omc .. p~ .. ~a.:l to • o.~a1L"i"'QnI ~ t..r 'I" ~ DoItIQ ~ iIiJ'IlI lfItt Cit; ~ ~ ~ o.;wr.ott ~ 20(1). Tf': .. AOPkMl fW doI1\"IIj(f N-Ory !hat an ,«I~! ~ ~ ~~~-. I J'l ..... ..,...." ~itUj;j;nd ~.~ OOcum .. :t, will ~ J.Ut)m1ftW W'l f'IO Mal Mill'. At! itt ... u.""",411 ImPHe~ s.·~ .. t ..,q ~.at) ~ tot If'Ii 2',100 CXlQ IqIJiIl'8 ~ orr". '*~ wu aJao ~I Lf'I199li.tQr \tII'ldl,tro~ "*'-1UWIl\f\ O«smbfll(of 20l:I0 • A. '.1W5tolQ4_.QI~. 6. ,.".. ~'liS fJJ 'lft1J ~ ~ $lIe p!I6!"I dce'I ,.,ot p!D!9fIl on)' it{1WtM W1'\It1OI'".manlM impacts fa'QUlrflg '".1tW'I' ~."u ~"'" ~ ~ P/'O"o".5IQf1" SutmNr~ Ilita tpa';illC ~J ~"tw\ the MW trrir, dOild. J~ ~i> ~ <*aNd GEPA flW!Qw ana ""1 [lfqIIItv ~"I0QI"laI mitiQ&ba'I INiQijtH ~ H)pf~ "I(;~.vt"lon 'hud on ~I of ~ lI!IpaC:.a ttorm .... pU:ClQ"o1it ttaft ~ f';m <he R"pco~ibiI OUiclats ~mtllottM'l"9 EI'I'ooIt'""~ ~ .. ;Iola\" ":: ., .. , '. ..J. .' ',: '. 0.: , , ,. , • .. , .. , , , •• , , . . . .~ '. " " " ' .. . ': • , 8. D. , .. , .', , " .. ' , .. , " , " , , " -, " , .. , .. , ----._---,-', •.• ,., ~",' ~" .. ~_, .-:.1 The loIlUwmg p:l~::. ......... entIffe4 frtO tne recotO Ext1/tI:1 No 1-Y&flow,iI!t~ app&allOn.praor at poJtJ'IQand p;1t .. :.on. enw~ ,.,..,.,..and other doQ.rr..enla!1QfI peIVierIllO IhII 'eQ'..iOSt. u..~1t fto. 2- ~No.:t ~1bIr No. c: .,.,.,. No 5 ShMtl1 thtcugt'l7. BII'Iding $4e PYn IR6W'J80 FCItIIW:ry 18, 2002'j. Ovwall &e ~ (~FetJtuaty 18. 2IXI2) Ne~ o.w Map (RcatNd FW'ulry 18, 2ti02). P., G2E &. H2E. City Of Reruon Zcnng A4p StAff fWlh c:omm.nl, R.pt"Pllf~ "om Yi1lOUS cay d8pIrtrNntI ~. '''''IOWed trw llPP'"CalJOP'l rn..a!OrU to .,..tUy ~ ~"' ~ fa\6$,1 by It'Je ptosrn;e<! deWIOp'II01" Tl'.ese corr.ment.J .,8 COI1IaIr'oed ~ the otfda! , ... and tow asMflC. Of Inf COI"IlIYIiM'Ihl tt.1 bse1'I a1COI'potaled no tNt apptcpt\2'.a lee1oo'U at the repott aftd IN ~ Rtc~1ion af 11w aond of ItWII report. ContJatenc:, Whh BiNSk\g StM P'-" Aegu .. ttor.-. "WOval cf • bonding aita platt .. blS'!(J~ . ..".raf f~ at .,tabIiVaed t1'1 RUe sectIOn "·7·230 d .,.. ~ fIepI.I..l.11OnI eortIaMd ..... Utun TlllO tV. Oo~e"":""enI A~w.. the fdbv, :'0 hnding Q pIIn aIwna t\;I .... been eslablithCd 10 aSS4t docialOl'l~" the ,elMW (lin. &UtX~: 1. Confonnance wtth the Com~ .. I'f'. PIM,It. Eitmenlt and Potlc.,. The ftbied .:te IS OOltQmled Emplo'{me:'ll Area -Va3ty tEA'/) on ale Cit1' ~~ .. po.." Land Us& Map, The EAV 0et9lOltiOn II Ir.tenOId to ~ tot • ~ at ~-bI'9d Uift. 1t'C1~ ctII'I'!mttrdai. otIice and k'IcL",trlli dt.e '~ IICI WW'J'I1!he fIC:OfIOn'iIC de'<elcp'l«!I Of~· City. The J)l'opus.od bIn6tIg 5l!t plan weold c:rw.a.:.1OtI 0'Ial WOUld eventuI,ify bt' Qe'ol(loped.,. rnat1I"I¥ Cont"leII( 'IfnO'l "" CAV pok4t, estabklhec2 by the Com;JrehtnsPo1t P'....,. !IJ I!le tme sa. ,s/.'lOdfc ~ pr~. at. made. Iv;tI plC,E ~.s wauti De fltlaiytod ttw consistency and c::cmpe!1:JI.ty WItn the EA V desigrl.r.ion. 2. eonrormane. wiSh UncSmytng Zonlng DeslgnstJon The 210JICf site is dellgnattd Commtr;al OffICe (CO) on ... Cr:y ci Rf:mIcn ZOhlf19~, The proooeed birOtg ~ plan.ould ClN\e 351Ot5 wMI'Ilhe posenbII to be hM::! ~ ~ OWJ'l8fV1;9 end to be 08 m'c-ped mW;;.ra'r wJh OOI ,lmelr;iat or once uus. F"",.lft elI .. l ~'ioer.t of tw 0'(111&1 ~ -."OUfd be Iin\;hJd to s mP;fmI.rn of 2.7-mi'i1Dn grDIA IQU&l'It '"' of bli'Ong JUW as.~ by flo ~ ()tfce PMrit (top) Ua't~ "*,, Such (te.w:::p .... rnus: be ~ ~ t"Ie Erwu)ll"~..r trnpaet StaterNlt\l ~EIS). M~ OocUlMOl. and ~ is$'.l8d bf '" LOP PIC: Las .... as wm Od.Stil4l'I.1t ~ en**,.uo byb City 0( Rettton and Ihe 603.'\1 Compo.'¥. The ptQPOMd lob::i.'VlICIn ml.Itt compty WI:Ih tat apphc~ df' ... elOpmGrl! stanc:tA1'ds Q( ".,. CO zen. as cHcusMd bNow. In ~, Iunr. ~ of 1fIe pel'trlent ~ standatd$ oJ hi CO mw (le,. 181bscka. W\da'Ig ~ ~, Sk." h MIl as ~ w1h the patkng ntgL.iatlonl, WOUld bt neceuary when IIZ& specillC dI'''epic.-1t ptopotala are maoe, Lo! Coytrtjlt -The CO :ctMI ~ tot (.CM)f.ge by bub"ogs to a maXJmUm d W .. 01 N Igt ate&.. 01 7~% l{ J*kng .. pro.ided wll!'l'" ctwr booitdIno. ThO ..... If'Ig :;G.71S SQ1;ItB lot:' 8CAG HeJC\1lwr'iefl bl..tit61g to r.-nain on pl'opo$ed lot 22 (182,685 ~ feeC) would amw a' •. tMicfng lot eo.s .• <:it appNJlI.ll'Nltety 33%. In .. t.titlO ... I!M 20,~ .qullt toot Famr, Care Cent« b:i3ding on pC»)fod '=- %3 (.233.83A ~re te.ll woukI rcwn" G'l" 'ot c:oY4W.~ by ~s.. lot Silt -The minimum klr lin required' i'llht CO ZQl'lt Is. 2:5,000 lqU&fe te«. Tn. CO lOftit does nc:c InIMte &peeihc lot din::en.sbns The ~ blr\.:ting ~ con WOUld (;1'&lT. 35 kltI ra~ ... lil. from 2.11-ecres (loot 11 to 5 "«ttl (lot ~3) Flo .. !racts WOUld also be e$!ablWlOd tQI ~ lac:1Iites and ~ ,.not rrem ,.6 , '. to , '" - • , . .. . .' , - '. .-.. , ~\. )NS ,~,...r~ .b-. ..... " . "\ t~.fil·Jel1J. on ~ Til. ~Md ~'\t:at::tl f,1IC1MQ iN 1ftft.m14 ~ ~~..: -::. ~CV mitt, .... .;.rc.p:",." M -U II 'tin' to Of' .u1t1Kl,* !(:jc:' M~. otr-'t1mlrr..m (jf ~ ~ 13!t'Cl .. 1,;4a. ThIt CO IONt ~fJt a "",Vf'I\.4J' tmt.l1o'ofd'l<I'Ml 'Wtacio QI t5 ~ .. !jO",.. d!¢a'dl1Q "*9'.t. ~ raar 0( t';Cif ~ wa.ae\~ !&IV ~,~ 1,iJ_a .tbWJ'!g r,,\o)r;{Illilly lQt:)!) ~! ~ ~ It> ,.,I\'~ -on ptq:a~ ll1ot) 22: .,q ;l3 ~ tI:J c.~ Wl1h ttdll tlftQ/Jlltid ttilWLt.lI r:sI N CO lYIW .. !'!Wii~'lod f<'.1m the (H0piJ5 .. 6 PI~ I,l\4s to'.,. ~ po.nt ct ... ~~ .... Cil4illpU"~ wfi" ,~ .. Gt.PkIn ~ ~b\dJWds U9M I ~. LOb, SNn"~ fK &'aIII;tSl CTHtNl. ~~1MoIiJI't th. ~Il ... plMt. pi:oc.m.. MWl N .,.~. of>rHOrIlL n. ~ _lob. Cr~ ,.,..,., ........ U ".II,.., ..... >ItMf nett u~ rN ~ Mi.IN ~Iit .flM fM ~~ lO"tIJV~ , .;oN "'~ ~ e~M ~ ~ ,,.'. tiIS \n /WId , tr.w _m ~ t51,. ... ·""ee,. 1"., CO o;r.. ... UQfn n.;,t 1"On! .... , ~ tuJ!:'CttJon., rv,.r tt'*'IimW" \of MXJ) t ., ~ ~ ,.,:u~ N,I P1'~-t IN,;. ililtltkadl "'.'0 DJ _ bIndIr!i\i 5aQ ~ fjWj...kf «Ot."tiY ~ N IT .. n~ 2SOCXJ ~ f01t ~.&lIlt ~., .. Jh.1 CO triIo. ttl tddjlo ......... '11M. appe_ Ii) torllain .'WeQI1$Il ~ ~ for ftQI.JftI"~~ 1IIIMn ~ ~~ 8o!".41Qr CCI\ooet.)6 r~"I*r.. ':JQ c:onSolCttratJor:· ~ Ait Jon M':III# pica."" ~j:j to • ".·tIl'S ... , «' JIJ 0 prJl:JJJc-.ftM ., ,.,...". (II '" ~ .... fNIltt IN ~ tH04'i1«1 ~ 4Ip ... owct It, UI~ a,. ,.." P'fiIttb «TW • .trVf bfr"'.AUl '. jot~ .. ~c:r....~tolH~",lIJtdI»UH~. " .. rn9~!W!dti9"\J Q*'I ~.cr-o_1tI!MtOr lOtS (IL;' "~16 a."'Id27~35), u-..ol tiS ·. aou!UIO" ~kesW. ~_flght.~ (Jots 11 ftl"l'4' ZOl,. A. ~~, \!'Ie ~ ~ 0Ipn a ~ .... .M:iC4'ft -..-..ntf'\f ~ lI".rOu'/1OUI ~ ~~ tlft "Il'OUid pr:!)V!Q) -.::«1,. '" -"1OfS Mt dJr~ 1tb(!tlnO" ~ r¥o7t4,9ta1· ,"-y:Jtlturf ~.~ J)\I!n f\a.i dfJ<tIQI.,,,~ _ .-n;1iAbQ., of KC .. • .. IO errch 0('" ClNlad ga. M 1M ~ \QI:;;1fm at .". -M;f!f;-.., ~ ..,.. Iiit~ to d'I~ a5 'J.I!. ~ ~ • ~ .. ~!I:n (IKlpOl911O",.»'d Ine &:at:4 ~)!It ill a fUtl.»ro 0Wl1t 10 ~ ~W1Ml by1he ~1I':J \Ift<o~1f "O-'~...w IC4t; l'Md'c,~. jtz~C" ~. tirnfl.,. ~ OI1"'fHJud !of ~iFoe, ".. .pUce'fl ahMI ,.,.$',. t tFlMiar' .... 1Wttt IfttI ~"KI."",o,",Mf on ~ IIindIrlfI MIr. pIIIn. Wro.'Oti!''lO blr~lNStIrOOeI fb;.~.~" SW 2t'" SIres! ~ It'! ~ mll"Jo( ~ ~t:lPWlf ~ d' o.i,I»fS." ~U4t SN, ~ WiI!t SN 27-~, Jl:(ure nght'"Of'IlIa/ ~ lot """,'Iorl .. ot _~!JPe'1Y W!I h., nec"HMty. ~. 7'4 '~ alJOIuMiI1 ~ Sir~ 6ou41'1W, ., ¥JIIIJIJ .. .Itt. 'flSt~ 2C4 0..""11 • .,.f .t~ed s:tffl<)I ~I~«nertta. .,.. .,!II UI'Idat ~, Th .. u.e" .. 1M ~ botdll!g _ pIIn 1Ia-~ an .,... cl ~!on for ItW nlQUlrIlrd~~"'1JY.'! wecld'p-(MQt. w4dm: d td,. and ~tJ"anMd N SOOJjf\ and nom ~ 41 ~ O.-.cf~. to 31'1(t~ft, ~C ano?a. ar;d 17 an(IfraeJ 0t'E. ~ $&tr "'IIJ "'~~'lMt N~"''' Mt«S 01\ Itt tk'of -m. ~ .. p&art • .tpptoOriIrIit (XII'I""'V rt".-d8Iqt _ •• fWo,Qin Ui\ll&IP".«!. ~ ~ on 1M $tt$ ~ M flQhf:ol'~ 'IIifIIf r.-v~ ~ it ihCWn. :tOm«. ID M ~ WIG dtJM nut ',:'eel ro: ~ CIt trH. W~ 'Iht 0J0I'tw, or ~ 8Q~.ItrAhd ... ~ bt UI It ~~ 10 ",.:,Jic tlftIt'--way undff "D" •• p!~""'" tNt ~ .,.1 ~af1ft. afIed8d 1Ot&!II!~ -'>1"" ~ bit ~y a4Vtteo ~ fte deOc~ PtOCfU. AdWliHH "'(I'f41#C/1f _ Li'!'ffiUU1 '#ell IJMC" ~ ., 1M IHi1d11t.f .tt.,HIItI MI." hM ,fC, .. , fir'.*, .. ~. ~ .... fr, 1IIftII~ .. ", miN". of dlr«f ""' .. «a ....... ,~,l, ., ~'~W'tJlItId', .... Cit)\ tbf~ depIr:ta lI·lQot....ni:tIdt ~ W'd \I!ltirt 4lII. • .... :,: .~I9J"dr\Q ~ I\e "'~ that WOOIIS ~ ~ --. M $ ~ (If ~!Ott orw:~ tty ... 6r.6!wJ .... ,Jtan AI 1M ell«t IiJeiIflOl't« dtf #MC:U'Mrt ~l" Mti flIc~ Itt ~ U .1. ~ tM\iUIOptlt8t\l .. G'bt9*t. 'oe appe:e..nr tfat ~ '" 'COl~ h .1t~U M " lut\;t. &1. tit be' dfttm'lt"\tt<'f Dr Itt4 Of'CIPOfod ~ ,,-- , , :~ ". ~~ , -. , ,. , • • ., -' , , ." " . " , " lIMIuWd ItrpttIWtM,,,.; ~ ImptG....,."t. IMJt ". PrQ~ for. WiJw by ...-t .S( conab'uct.ion 01 .. ~ 'JCM6..h .;:--:..Wd by f!'tII City lind IIOt'H:$cd e.,. eN ~,. ,." 1M ADmIlt'-lr.urtIMY ~.nhOt1D Iiw pn..1ng 01 oIrtstdttiOtl oIlmpfrwetMtJU p'DrifMd ~ • ., '" uU6IyIng,.qulmNn" .,JJI nt1f MJ~ .... 1y ~ public hf.ttta, ""«y. or.mw.. TM fequir..., att.-l lind utiIty tnprowmontJ. ~ til l:.Irtt1f1 dasctlbcd la'n, would oeeur .. nee.,N')' ~ ,iW ~dC dewr~ "'opM'... S4e pt~'l.iOn a:;WSIM tr"'*)' Dc occur ., adllanc. 'd rt6:V44I SIIIt pIAn PI~.1t ~ 1.~ ""!.Illatlon d teqwe<l ~ ~Q 8 'NH'\U -MIt! t. 1rWf000000tJ .g-~" ~ ,*"AI SI'",,! -Wan the pl'o;.d .~tcln. h a&9i!<' .. rtl prtMOod a QMefi,;,1l(J traftc ana~ ~ "uma~" trip cap.tICIUes of 7.1V:) 10 11.000 ..... ,.. daly trips Jar ~ atrNU ..."., 10 It'. ae 'III'ith • ...,.~ dilydetnandll*i1S.ft 3.000 and 5/XX).~ Cla:ittra. Pnvate """ ..... ,. P'~ c.reuIalXln ~ p.a~.klg .leas and ~.QI ~ the aIt, WO'.Ad ha¥I 1110"1 ~ '01 apptOlIlTI.:aJY, 7,000 .wr.ge deAr It~ wth I8'r«IIgIt d.alIy ~ De::" • ., 1,000 8fti!i 2..(!00 "OS, TM ~ dOliJ1' Of ttIfI lrtIemaI CltQ.CatOl Iystet'll tl"IU$I bit "liOfed to "1eqo ... '" f"~ Ow 0eY$1opmer\t of b'1di'wt ~ IQt.I. 10 U to noc unduly bYtcw. pt*C ~~. AlptllS6l'fthl rMJIJd,oilhe 5Y', I'ont&~ aD1g ~ AWAUI SW iii! )rO'4d~U atr-. irnptO\lWMl'ltl, IMln tne ~ d ImPflM1nMWS to be COI'.'r .... ., irI Ihe ne.ar ~.. anc. ct.daIled to pubClC nght-of-way, .". ponlOnI 01' 5nn1er Boulw.rd Nt !1'IItlMd II:he *'"" -'"'Ud ~~ tit 1mJ)tooied .. '!ttl a lNlilTll#tI of tNO 12·fOOl WIde OOIQ Iafm: WithCUtb. g.met. ~ ... , at'>d atrNt IigbtJrIg on one .iOt. The t.~ de.9", trnr'IQ, COC1 end relPOOlobity 01 '.11>0""",*'11 ... "Ot.IIdbit .. ~as pari Of !he SUar.O. ~dr.egocaUOn:l bet .... .., ... Cityancl OW8oemg Con.:rwry , W.."..,. •• e.pOOn 01 loti 17 thrOugh 26. wtw::b have dIt8d ftCJl"lt.a98lO. plA:IIc: t91l-<''''''Y, 1hIt!NI0l' loti Cnta1ed;,y 1he bi1di'Jg ,ge pCan WOWS be HfWJd by. prll4. roadway lystwI\ to n:tuo. hllC1tIwI lanes arid pedHtrian wooeetiOn" The J,n\IIlte roadWays wouAd be deY9kIped ~ • 32400t ~ ... s~ and WOU6d i'Oidt 22 tH'I Of ~'Mg with a.wn ~ .... '1..,. en OM aloo. The oeslgn d tut.n ".,. dI.elop,IOtIIINY, now&'"." Ck:tlle eM nMd tor tlPiXity .. :#lin these ,lM'IdatCI n _OttMr to -=:w tor~. but ~l des.gr .. , ..... ~ ~ COi.oec;ric ..... "'~11 P6~ on 0l"Il aide, etc.). In luch c.o,,", !he AdmIntsfrUll' or 1e ligr\Iled ~Ie may ~O ..• rnod!f.cali;;lr. lrom ttwst aWId#~ when appropriate FJSUlCatDl 'Is I1YtI!\ and the ~ it .. to 0emUnstrate speck; ~ 'fIIOIJd ~ an eQUlYa.lfIIII.andard. '" ord8t to lI'Itin the ~.!aI'IdarCI: ar •• I~.tic{"". to 0. c....i;O ..... t1 tho....,. de • • taft recomtT'ItI"Id NIIP')Iit"Ant be ,~ to Jtlc:e the following ~ on 1M lac. of 1M tit >dng sit .. platt: v.,'\;u!", and ped!J)ria, ... CIrCY!i\tm tmpr9ll!I!'R'1t Slfrdlrsis: Tho oeut1nd '" !he , cre.at.ed ~ thai prMit ""tatie 4'.,...,"r r,1d peJuC"iafl CO"'i>'!e(1a\S \0 p:;.dc rightHJf~~YIith ew de .. 'opment ~ the ..,.as lola,...: • ~$trUirl ~ s.hd be pnwoOtd 'rom bull6f,q ~ w.:.vAn MCtl hcfO'fWal patCtilO' ~ tigh1-d-way. • ~ i'OalJIIfa)'S a.t\dbea:mtnr'tedwUh.!NnenUITI pa.#9IMt1i~ Of 22 ''''J*,Es' a.I'b and lid 81'4111. on one t«:Q. • 1he Mminlsua\Of, Of appoinIed OMiI;noe, may aPPlo .. the mocSfiemlorl d IhIM .tandards k .!'hI: app'icont " able to dImOrtltra~ ~ .~ ~ be accc.n'.pMs."Ied.,,1 twcpt1ett Jusbfic·1iQn II giYan. • The City AI"""" Jt-.J f\1N to ~ tMSCt\abIa Iands->~ ~ ~ .t:'Hl f«lt'rtlijlM" ocri;;t 10 • .wflh. ~ .uM'scape 'Chrougtl<M h .... ~:-~T~heI~"~~"':~:~~~:~~.~"~""~"'~~"!O~~' wtd't !he ... c:eptkln oIlhoM •• "q ht btblgl.klcaNd In ... nont •• st o:mar c:I the.a. U'Id. IMItomI ': pr~k)1m . The ~ of utility In!po .. rMIIQ to.efW.ach of th$ k:ltI WJI t. ~'if ~ en. Otslgr; of patte! SDtdIiC 1ew'~, a. waft at the Jc:IcaGan d IhI fr:ICI to 0, con.tncted '4JOI'\. The ~ af .. Me"Ut)' ~,,. would .,. rtqU!ted prtot to !he MlItfICe oC ~ permits for ~IC dt~rt. Dr.iN~ MI:ptC'Iff""ts. for future deuI'CIPT*iI d e. IC::b: ~ by IhfI bi'6rg , .... ~ would alSO be teqU!I'.d 10 w.grtte" 1M .... rg Ch!naQOf«Ii:lCIIl. " , , , r ~·'_~Co ... lit (Vdft \c; W.!Ur~ .. PGI"dIl_ q wfm In. ~~ -rA MiC '$ I Flry .f'!(;"AU ~ Iofttf lmpr.!)lo: iM)ItiI'lQ d to .,.....,. ft,.'oI/Ot\ .~~.~ WoW ~ kK """'_ a.::' .... l'tlilt1lK ..n r..comlMl"lOa ~ ~ ll! l~tdto'~ .... ",*1I\ICIltIl nas.0tI1N t~,~ "'.OIi011"9 __ pfll\. "':dl.'''" QI k \ttr., WRi!M'!tl: Ai' ~'td ",-,,\ lJIitIt!N. ~ gradlrlg ~ AM'II" .... tot .. ~" ~~ ""VCC ~~.,.h '!8c:' \0 ...... fi*taaon Of #'III Otr\Wo:pGiMit~ 0Mf"'fl pt~ to 0. '~a'. CMifu .. 01' ~ lOt an,. ~ ... ~n;N • (:f"~ l~; ....... K' ........ )t;t.,._ ill ~ 01 building QOII~. ft ~ CJU ~ qt .. S1iIo ~~~ P81'JTI& r1'I IN e,.. ..... w-t ~ ~ .,;( 14~' ft~ tc:cftl and ~ ~ltN""~ ~ 10: MW ~ 101. Of' JCII\t "~loIIO .." .. P'QP(l11d 4liuIPopMit{ oiNI,· ;,~ -"'l ~<lOdeNQUo.~N. ~tAA M:lI ~ to,. ~O* ... ~ l/o?4IIH-t':hAptIH t\. :$St,. b~ Ufl:~ SCI!'IdI.., ........ tIt!ned WIitM ,::co. I", ~ q~IGftt'.Of If'Ht ~ ~ C~ . • $NNw ~UNw PM "jltfnl.U~ mq ~--u. .,..,.,. 01 op .. ~ ,Mllng. ,re .. _ IIItrf oUJw Iiw,wt'.\~ "10.., .""".,"'DIf'P ,.,q: ,tU' .. ~ JiJ ..,. .!!Kllne .n. ~ Co",df~ l1li w-.. 1It~ MH/, jw ... ...1n. ",; , .. d.~; 11 .. 11 d "..,.. ... -..c-. ~ lac". ¥4 04IWt _G". ur. 1Ih.u H Ua ,.".. "" ... 'ndll~ ~""'.fImI ...-.to'c. t"~COdr,..,.",.. ::<4'1 ",:;" 0# oQJ .... '.~a; 'n. feu GfMiM 11,1 _ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ I'.bjtd ~ pm.I-. ~ ~4COw; and ""h~ 10 tw.~"V IN 9.'OC*1V~~ At N SM at rdt ".!Of dtLI'~1t. iI ~ ~ ~AI " mlit'l!),,~ of a:.:Mftbi'I Wnp!0',0I ..... ~ DltrJ U" ~ ~;u:t!i .. QAt( -:.~ • .,. ~ fO,*/IfjII\iW ... .,.c!tMt ~"*JjII ~ M\Ir. ~ .. ~tiWMc1 ~ 01_:0 ~ f'UIl.I.. Pf'OOiiMIi' oi4f'lliita ... ~ ~O!!d (JI an." tNlritid acc-s. aM. "'.a.n~ ttIfClCWlu.;6~_ OUItGl: oI'ht ~_, CClRt tor ". 'QrPI'MT'r. Plf r«:ti, .. 1M(Jt. ht J.QPICafIt bit IIqI.>C"fd \O~tNII ~ IK'9'-o-01'1 N ~ at b ~ .. t8I:: Mifii",.V flrRvlsm: not. Qo .... ollhtt iot:t a.1IMd 1'4N," RiI« 1ne ngN 10 ~...., .'L11m11ni 1OclI*, ~ ~ .( .. 1ft ordM lD ~ anQIof ~.~ j;;Q,~ plr.alaily af'Id ~ ~oteNI __ ra.eF"'r.: TN: ~~ OlIN ,. ... Nla/i.1!IJ to .. and ac.-s tfCf COIitain &."fJ ~ or critIcat ~~., ~" ... < T"t'!e~."dOIt. 'C"l)f\IW' • j)OIttan at • 11111,. ~ w.trflll' "'" 1Si:tlort j)ot'Id 8tIIt watlle' /lIJAltf IJOf'd WI! V"+ ..... twn ~ ~ ~ 1$, iltK'·iot\.., 1 t·.,. Wf::t.ud and ctJn •• ",1Zlan araa:;. ~ ~ IM-!iOI.dtIIIMmott pt111\c)'I of ~ 8e The III'" ~ ";Nan Plopo(lIf'flOUlct no! _.a tKlNor-.. " __ ~ ~ ~. Of fI.Al!"W Oii •• i;OI .. ~'d .... sit. wiIIf)t nteftMIY'Io- .tM.ft\)l' rM~r:u.pu.'1W w .... .,...." lo~~ ICC'. RttilUOM::'1.' .. bt.",. t.H •• n. dld!I .... cw, .. tlfll_r' >4-"-' b BeAG HI.&,mrtetJ fI')(j 1M 'ownI't c..t. ~ ~ ~ r:I 4IIl'I oft .. kIcafad it \he upget-f'4nh ••• cor •• of "- PfOC*t't. n.~ WMl"di:dMf ba!rt 06.,'-.WIIf Md wI6oMl~"" PJ'tIPWlY i(JMd. CO. l..and 1M, TNt ArODa. jJott ~~. «'..th oe. •• ~ lois., 1tI.:,,""" er.(;;)NOItent oMtI\,... irtteI'd til tIOli't" CrtljW1oftonti". pi .... .., l!JIrUno"I CQdI. and 'M'-..... I"/"'A be ~ ot Cfutr .... dI t'W~ 01 , .... ltdt ........ ".", It-..,.,.. n.-"".I;:t'oul F1M.H ",.,.""", .. " 4f IN rita _ ~~IPi*, ~ ,~t6" 01. ~. "ante: 11ft'" Cil·I~!5. ,.Ii .. '" hOfdlt!o~"Itt~IQn"C'ltl)7(!a" J~),IitiOMlOfl:'" bIHd J1~CIO'J*i'''''' .Wftlljp 4I!1V lIP ~ 10 .-fPIlCi"k 9' .. l'o."m .. ~ ~ It IN ~ ,I\'tf'l Pf'OiKI-"IY.~ 11d· ~. #tJ""'~ MI\2.," ftf~w·lii:". datt ~ f\fl ~nl ~ ~1tI ~ ~ ... """"t 10 LH\#Cbtd dI'.~ ... t. tl.~ , 1I to fie caN~ ~.A ... ~ pttMdot C6dIf , 1E . ' .. .. , . , • '. ,.' ... ~ II'I'IprO\lel'nent. and , ... ., "l.tt'~ of 5"" IP'dIC c;\Q;It'!Cptr8nL I. Fn Mibgtlkln fM. \.IUad On SO.52 per lqUtIa loot or ".. ~g at.,., II<OUId be ttqUlfitd wl%I'I ~ approvJJ Qf futile or,'.I~ ptopoa.alf ., OfCllot Ir,: mmg.le pc.tnIIaI1I\"!C)N't S 10 ~"!rq~:l, ~ .. tIon: It lUlUre cMf't""-1"I'MtnI ."1IJdI), tts*nt.aI UM:\, Ihe ~. p8J"WU 01 • p.vu ~ flMo ~'d be'~ a, II is anIC~led tNt"'** rlltldet\llo ~ UN .XlOIing ancI luo.n C(y ~rt., ilncI flCtealaonal UCIitIet $chooIs. TNt.ite lllaca*, "thin the ~ (It ~ Rtnsm Sc;hooI Datn;:l H I~ ~t»i"" propos. irdudlt ~ ..... IIM1htf antfyM 01 .,. o..1riCf. _VI*"*' c'PQd'y an; .*r to Mf\Ie , .. idInlJ of Itw dt~DII)Pii..w 'ilIOUId be noell".1"'/. UUlilWc Pi'-..ntrr. thM. We nc> ••• tIng c.dIty mprOY8f"f1OU en the .ubteCI .......... .,.,. ~ of thou ~ hi "-*'.tg ~ IOeIIed '" !he not1hellt t,:oITW or tIw pr"'l*'lY and h l;.Wtaoo ViIaW fT'~ ptOfII'r.n InI!.eJed on IN' in 1m. As prr~ C!I101lltCI. ttAlrt propwtt OWNr'{I) wit bit rnpon~ lOt tntta!lng thtt "*"HI'Y tAif:itI6, as liCIIIQ'" 101 "" •• 1Opo1If1i1lt • ptOp;: 1«1. 2. Enwonnwr.tli RevIew: The appkanfa rAe cont.IinIng ~ ~:M:ln. Sla.;e e".,,,o-..n-eon:aI Pok:y Act (SEPAl dc.cl.llNt1latiorJ, ~I from vanoul CAy~. ~ I'IOtIcH roqun~ QriHn tornrnOr:t. atId ocrw ~ doc:\IMOts~. ""Wild as EJIhbl No, 1. 8i1\ctint sty P\MI Rmew: T~ appIanr, bindiflg sa. ~ ~ ~ .. :n !hit r~ tor ~onnzlion IQr bindiiiO aile ptan teoAow. lb!J appIQ ....... b9\dlng IQ pI&rI and ot!Ier proj«;t ell a WllQl .re enlered as E.~ No.2 !v'cKqIS. t. CcNT.p .... ~ ..... PIan: The 1..0,1:' propwal is r::on.IS'-"l w.th!he ~ P.., 0n.igrI.ILCn ctEm~A: .. -Valey(OV). 5. Zoning: The bindillg ,n pan as ~ ~ .tth e. zoning ~...".(S and d8.~';: atandardI d the CommtrciaI Otte. (CO) lOi ~ ~ ... £."Ung Land UN: t.and usn ~ !he ,\l,It:lj ect ai1e inCIc<fe". Noah: ~.ce de.elopmeil'\t. lOnId 00; &.t: Co,,"*ciId and /ndI.'ttrial de,"~:lPI'I"""" zoned CO and BA; SouUc Ulde .. l~ ptClp8f1y. ZOI'*I ftC aM 1M; and Wilt!: ComtfIOf'dal dlrJIIoprnenl CMyCJt Tukwila. 1. TM tubtect poopoul oomp'1M with tI'Mt policies ~ c:odf' d. 1M Ctyof Ra.ltOn ptowiOtd at COt\""" . of ~ ar. hI~loec1. Tn. proposal ~ M(h tnI' Compt_hensive Plan ~ticI'I of Empqtment ArN -V,""" (EAV) and N ltJning cWsignatlQl"l of eomm.tc~ ~Ico ICO). , ., , • -,.-,.~ .. • . ' -.... ,"" . , ' "'- • ,~~- " .' "r ,. - • . , " ' .. . . , , Doel .... Tht ao..no L.ongaaft fMcIrtg 54. Plafl propos.al. fikt flO . LUAo02-022. ECf. ssP ... approved SW}8CI1O the '_.-'1: f. 11'.Q.pp&ciw1t arwB plaU ...... 'teOI'd It .. tOllowlng bmI on the toJU of ~ ~ IIfQ pCatJ- ... V~ .nd P!d!,!/ltl'l OtcuWW Irn~ Star'lda!dt.' The d!'J1IS!~I"'" 01 tnI itM CI~1«f ,... at:III ptO\lICM loWICab/ie vwnoe.N:' end ptIOeItt~ conn.enons 10 put.iIC ngI'U- oI_aylJlo.Qh INto df>I,Iopll641t ot&hel~'" ~ • p~ CCItIt'IedIonI, WI £)Ii proyIded rrom turdng ~!"f ."., • .ctl ~ pare. to • pW&tc right-of-way • Pm"t ~YlIhoI:I be CON!rueted wilt'l. tnhm;,m ~vefM!lI_iCIh at 221a1 pq.:a Q.Irb and n'.,41. on cne5ldl. • Ttw ~trab'. Of appol\UId OOIIQ"U. tr\I.J .ppt'0Ye !he mooli"lfIcw) d t'rfte .lilnd&rdlo • 1M appIM:W\t " able ~ ~t6t eQ'S'~ .. .omdatos ~ txt ac:c;ompriaNld and apptOpoNl!f iVltilCatlon. gMJn. • TM Crty IHfl1WS 1M tllfllt \0 tequlfa r .. sonable lantkcape ~ Iicr4iI aft. twntag.t WI OI'Ott $0 "I.bt,,.. I COt'''I&~ .ttMClC.pe v-.rougncx.lll1e 5ite b. ,'nJWi!isej o! Itr'\prg't!m4!ltl: AI fIlQUirlt1 street. 1AIIIty, and gadIog i'n~ ~ry for 1M .,.cite dOVltiopment fI'WiI! be I'1ar.JIed to the &atlStacbcItI (If h ~ ~ 0Mt1On ptlOr )0 the i:»:.sMU fA • c:.tUJCa18 Of ()rcc;:;~ncy tor any ~ withio1 the lola (fUIed herlln; lKIle" OI~"-'--';:i;"'" in 6IdvInCe 0( bc'*"'G ~=~ inS:=:r. ~~ 0;.' :::~~~ by~ Imp~ 'MIQfUary ID MNt In,; ~. or lOll, '&$()(;iiltild ,,1:11 a ptOPONd dIrYe\opT •. it IhaJI comply WiC'\ all ~.,. coOl r~.lndv6ng but no! ~ 10, 5tlndatCi M. .sat_had ~ Chal>f« 6 , StINt apd Ulility Siandards. CQI"I!&lnecJ ...a:wt nu.. fV. Oe-oelopliww R.egut.lllOl"lt, oitM JWo~ Ml.niCIPIiI CoOt. e. MJinlcnarw:, Pronior'!: The 0WI'IWft 01 1M It" A cre.Iad ,*81 ".ave the nghC to ent« anr 8&SUm8nt Ioc~ WIII'I!n 0QIef parcel, in etdIt ~ iMpec1 arc."or ~ e~ r;ommQI. pri¥fIIa vtiIo1y and ace." imp~8r1T181 ots . The $an.f1lC1ion of ffteH tOQIJiretnerttI sh.IlI be IUbjlct 10 1hI I1I~W and ~ cI _ o.w ' ........ 11 Se-W:M OMsicn prior to N recotdiJlg 0I1tle br'Ici! tg s:lf. plan. J . i J" IL ell UJ ,,-7& r. • . ' ., • '. '. " • , -. , , , ,. > J • 2- J. , • 1 " " I,·' • ... n\t "'. ,wpooc t ,tl. on I " , , . ' • , " ~, " " " '. , , " • • A ..... ~ ~~)I $t.tJlll,l,o; ~~-:..w .. tf___ .t • • • '" bMeU Of' $it.!a '"' -.-w.v.H!l1ci(J( r.-"lIM ~ "'I'lt 1MI ~~~od"'" smw 01' IrQAX.'l1 '. bt tot w.h ~ ~ ~1' .we ,~fJtl C)w ~&OI if 1tqU:f.Ir(I ~ VIS ,*",.@!J tIf!iIf!!N:t)O t,. al ~ ~i.4 bfia;tid ~ ~ "'" ar. t~(t!I!;Qt" .,~ .... mot"'.!tIIY1n It~'''' W"1i!I$ ~.." ...... ~ 19 w ~ !&$ ~ GIl .. ptI!1IOtJ" 01 tne ~ .~UInOf .. lite ~1I!'t w.JIn' Q( 2'0 f6.if ~ ill; t'I'4t I~"" ~ of 2S '*'" anil.l..5 ~ on .. ot.t6dit 1'jlt)#N "~"""t.1 p.r~.,... ~h.ffl;d0l.ftd M~.tt "'cot», fU.., ~", .... It"'tI.b.ec-1 A.. No-<.i!Jlityo( it .. tJtt'oOo~'Jti'" be to'W\I':l ,. weI ..... "MIt, s1oJft1. fiilAiOr'l~.\<I 'Itt. dt~m:b Iwt,,!I) CIy ~ ~ for ~ \t;t .!JR'iMoon'ifA leptJr1 iU\!) dlll9't;a, l'WIC;UIted to WC1idf:..-;th m. 19Qb 1f;r\oJ CoutIT/~ac:oW~ ~~I "ak Con1lN It4t land \.1M' ~ $natrr fIII'O "'10 !he .~ ~bW'M.1I) UliM ·)Ind <of CUM'" c~4..U'lOft .. 17' C:pIAA'~M~""~~ -- 1.. II reI*8Qt 10 !he @I1tiw, q.JlM! ~ !hal tnoc.AU' bit .,tH~wed. ~cict t'f'>!! :'~~ H.""" ':=I~ pon~ QUltM(MKt~. ,.."'* o'14'-1QI!Q .rl.tIIf\"NIIOI! Oft as .... , a "*_ ""'"~ fIaj!~ at ... 1) 06, ~.t ~ M ~ CJ! 1M orOP"'S.m~, 7 'lcN8lh1t~.~~IT'MIW\'\offl" .,..,.1tMIiL\ j.W I/tIJltC312·1;)C).150. Jot'd wet teund, !II NcrttdrM:s~tww ..... baNftIOI'OlnCf~1111't".eI feCaflJ 800 'Ms.~Q(~'''Y f),. NOlO \lih4Mhel' 1M (~P'Clt*~" .... ~ f.-})ilI! ~.wut r.4 n..M\bll\ df ~ to. ~ c-i\'Y .... Pt'tM':f4.ad&.,' gl JQr 1M ~ ICJtlIo O'tOlOl\ H ~ fN flddrM~.w!1) 1'IH(t:» t.!lQlll(fon Nf;S"iW'IJ~" " n· ... r~~ Ct( <t-Rv«Jl'l ~ fro, ~., ~ 11.. billd*'lV, ~ elMl .. tt\oIIi cf If .. My "",I'IQ)( 01 ~or:~Puf.!jOWotu,I'Ot""'Cl/yopf~ [~ ••• IIo~NlMdCft$Mi,M I of 1 tf. 'Nt ~1MI'tf ~.u. ~ (1ft ~ , iff 1 """"Mf~' l!lf: &q6!ng ~lJtQQ!l or J QnOrffl' P:J:l!. ... C211~ -ou,.tdi~ Ctwoor&llM-."'" ~~ ~'I\ fl. 1M Cfy (,of Aaf'i16"1 f:~ ,41 Otwltivt CotttJ~ Med' ~"iMdiId.wl ~ be ".,JOM ftMI ~., of 7 1«. lM~ c.~w" b!it t~ t >tI 7). C\IoIf."., ttI~~ tI'\tt ,,"-"tJ Cauntt; ~ r~,"~ C'A I!>e J;!tr 'J , • . , " ., , " , • .' , ," , . , .' , • • • , " , , , , , , .... " , " • • ";-' c, ',;_ :, , " ", ,. ,. • " " • • • • , r , , , • , -, ~.- • , , .. -, , , , ..... ___ ..;Ito at .. ,...,..;..... ......... 5 '", ---.... --~ _ ............... ~, , , , .'. t 6. Ai propoud ~lS be not&d .. ellt'.er 0; "Pnvate" J 17. A COfh'N)tt ~~ 'i1~ w.II tMI nHdo<t for ptJVilte acceu. Mel uWy N$1;Irnar.\5 1 e. Nos. tl'\it t: Ihtfv l;ttl rMUlQlve coven..".,s, ea.sem.tn'oI or '!¥~ to oe.s (an. Ckt (II RorGn. «-) B part ~ 1t'IIt~. &.ity QtI be (ec:oIdod concvtrenuy wo.:tl the twx:Ing aae ptan The b:rD'\Q Me pWI cJrawngc and Ina .'K.<1I1.o ~(.) at8 to bit gn1itI to the Pro}Kl Manager as a padca~ The bIndIog SlUt ""-"' shaJ P\I .... II'le fll,!',l f8C:Ofding I'IUn'\l:I(lf The NCOriJIn{J rto.IIT<CQ1{.) fOI' e... anooaled dlXum&nU.fJ ale to 1» rcJSataucltCS on IN binding lKe ·~ fl sn. apptopna» ~ 19. I'<few 61' ,'l'MIPlI.,., ptopoua lot Ihe tAJneh. o;:!'.utLn (Mint),. 01 1M proposed IOU.. HcwIt"M', 5n:tI" f'IOW.I!:lb tJNl.cl WI hi pJAt "'" undIM' com/non ~p at the tI'TIe 01 'ocordoOg 0I1tJe binding &18 pi.an. thtt. can bet no .... ,...,,, uoWaur;h tsme .. ~01 t."1Ots IS COIWlI)'8(JIO~. toget"IOt Wri:tI anev .~..., (0 tpeo!c ... .,.1f tlQhC$. 20. Add U. foIc ,.,;.-,g O!icliJr.ttiDn of Cov9narrt taf1gvaOO on U'Ie sac. Of the 'lb,!Id draWl'lg. If the pevOA P81agoq, awl $ s.: TRANSMlnEO thi$ 2!"' day 01 MatCh. 2002 to thtI Cwnt"f • .tppIi.::ilnt, af'ld conr.a~· Attn: WallM E. Warden Tho _ Compan, P .O. 801[ 3707, f.tiC 1 F.5e &N'ItlII. WI. 9812._-2207 la". Whitaker F'wlinl Coif 120l Third Avenue, .0" Floot Same. WA 98101·3099 o.~ e'".....hard tin ... "" 514 S«»1d A~ Suite 200 58lroM. WA 98104 TRANSUITTED ths 2!t' lily d Mltdl. 2OIJ2 to ttur.fobwtg' Jenrllef Ikllli1llO. 0e\8!optr'8r.t.~~ ....., _.,,,,,, -.. ()!!ioal lAInyRude. FA Pr .. ention Kayren KltInck. PvcIic Works 0 ;\115101'\ lJt,trQnee J. Warren, Clry AflIOmct'r' _ Coo.fI!y Journal =~~~"~2002~' ~ no appeab aro by this dar., both actIOnS ",dl become 1",.1. App&al:a must be 1110d In ~ toge!t-Af wilt! t!lt r.quif'1ld S75.OO app\IcItlOI'I1 .. wiftt HoIIMg EwolmWKlr, CrtV of Renton, 105S Sou:h Gtad)! Way. R.-:uon. WA 980".15 Awe_" to !he Exar'l'lM.,.. uovemed by Ci1y of Attn'O'l MUt\lClP81 Cod& Sec!Y:)n 4-8·110.8 . Addi'.nnaI infCft'n.lltiOn f-oauktg !he apJiN! pl'0tes5 may be o(:l(.1:nod lrom 1tIe 1lenton City 0.111', OI'lIc •• f425} t»6510 " . " ' . . -': ' . " , , • . • , .. " " , ., ". " . .' , , , • • .. , • . • , , ., " .' '. '. .. ; 7 ._,_."."J_' __ -,._--...... -- -» .. -1-_.- BOlING ...... __ ... ___ .... _ •• _ ... ~_ 01,. ___ 01 , --~ .. -.~~.--~ .... ~.--.--~-... ~~ , . -_ ..... _--.,.,.,.-- ...... ---------.-_.'" .... "l' -,,-, -_ ... _--.. --_._-- 1m 1 ..... ·.j)I~ ..... .., ... _-. --... -_.- ,,.. or , .... " 'i!i'ol • '" n .. • . ' , " , , • , • .' . " ". , •• .....,'" =111 Wl • • -----_._ ... _-_ .. _--------.... .. _-- ------.. _-----.--~ ... -~----. •. _----,- '--.... ---... -... '-.. ~. ---_ .. ___ =t-. __ ' ......... ~,. ="_= ,-...... -~.... -~-....... -._---...... -,,-"""--___ . - • _ ~., •.•.• ,<., __ QIII,WlUJIoof :.~~~, .. ~---- ·t. -" ..... -------_ ............ _ .. ..-_-_ ... _ ..... -...... -.--....... __ .. __ . __ ... " --.. --\~- ......... --_ .. _- • , , , .. • • , .' .. '. , '. • " ,' .. . ' • , , " ,,., .. . '.' , BOEING LONGACREB PROPERTY ...... ------.~.==.=­..... _._ ...... ---_ ... --_ ..... • _ '--I _. _. ... -.~ ..... ,.~.>-.--.-. ... -------_ ... --_ ...... -____ =4 __ ... __ ... :;,,:-..,-.. -----:r !::'" ..:::;:-: =. "::"'.::;: .:..=" .. --_ ..... _. __ • __ ••• ===. ft«! "1M 'rr"" 'W . ._ ... _--_ ... __ .. _ ... "' .. -~----.-----. . ,-.. -.. -_._ .... _ ... . -.-.... _------= ~..... • ______ OU_ -..... _. __ .... -... _ ... _-------..... _--------.---_ .. __ .... _. ---.... _--_._ ..... -............... -- -r S F --= -----._--------=----_ ... -----_ ... --------_ ...... --.... ---- ,,,,."'--...... L •. , , . • , • • .-' . J • .-N''''''' ~ , -• • /. , +r _. , , " ... , , • • • , • • • • .-r.<-. • • • _. • ,~ • • • -• " .' • , • " " • .' , • .. " .. • • , ! • "W • h- • • • --- --- .. , , /'::-~­ " t , , .. .. " .... , , , , " .. • • I t L:., , , , , SOE/NG LONGACRE!! ""OI'liI'l1,( III .. ,* ew 1\AIf II I .. .:.~ i 1-• --, • .. .-1; ~ • • :" " . .,fr 1 , - , • .. • " - • , , ! , .~. f.' "'" ... • • ~ j .........-= I , ... ' -_ ..... ~ , • • -.. -- • ---- " .., , ~ 1: '" " • -- • ......... -- • -.... ~ ._- ,- , • ...... ~ -- , , \.. _ . ......... ~- I • • ~ • • ---._- ~.z.. • • "--• I - , • -, " • ~ .. ::: ,l •• . -11/ -cr· I (" • • • • • b 3 I • • I SOilING 4OH4ACRIIII Ii'lU;PfJlTY , "".tIIMI' ; { , r • .. J • 4 "" ...... .......... --.. - I • , ~.J!!S"-T-- I • ----- • • ~ ~ • "t:-~. I • • I • I • i i • . tftr! ""'-~.'~ .. ''''~.'~'''"''".-."~" .• ,, .. , -.' . ". , • . " , " , , .' • , .... ~--..•• -........ , ...... "'.~,; ... " ....... , .... -.' ....... -.•.•.•. ---~ .. ~ ~r . .' • .......... '.- -• - 80ElHO 1.0NOACRES PROPEIITY • --.. - • , ... fIII.AoV -J--.. .. ~-­~- • -"f--.. L ........ .. , " • ~ -e , o """ ... t .. _ 'I' ~:-~' ----: .... , '---" " • ,. .. • _. --._- • •• -.. " ~ .. --, , " • --.. -- , " • < ~------t-.-. .-.... _--~., ... ' ---'!i'-- --~··'It· .. --:.L-~._ " ,. '''''"'-,.~ • ---- , • -~--- '. , -, --~ .. - ,,' • ! j , ! I ! I , I ' , I , • I • • I I • , I I I --- '. " , , , c.J - , , • " • • , " , • • •• • --I • • ,y. '" ':'" . • -... --~~.;::~~~~~ -'.-. -K ___ , ---"" ----~-. -------... .._--:- -:-.:.'/ ,., . • . , t • I • • ., WI ~~ • WI I • • , • • I "', / ~ .... • ... .- • • . -" • • t I I I I t " co • '. ;~ . - IM-P • WI'" " co • • • , L \ I • • lOKIl'IO ;'~i.~';'!;';';;"""" I!&tk. ...... \ , . , , .< • -, " ., 1\ 1M , , I -i " --1/ It1' co • • • , co 1M I . - IM i CO CO ( • , , , , • 1 GZ U T13N n-4E E III • • • • • • • • ; • , , • 1M '''I' y-..... co co RC 1M ., _'nCII 1H IH S1' 27th RC IL 1L • Sl IL • • RC • IL " IL 1L , 7 r H2 -2s n~N R.fE E 111 r • ~. tiOTlCE Of ENViRONMENTAl. OETEAt.{tNA llON EN" I1RONM£NT At AEVI£.W COfAMJ r f EE RENTON , WASHINGTON The Erw!r~,meotal RfIVJ8W CommitrH hal .. .uteS. ~t.on 01 ~gru Jor the ~ ptoject \.II'1IdM ~ avtt'.onty of tha Remon ~ Code BOEING BtNOtNG srre PLAN I ' ' ... .Q2.(t22.ECF.DS? The PlOllC"·liI to 1ub1S,',. III 157.'·act. 1!Ie ... !O 5 tJf.l#y ,,&as and:!S1ots I'1tWIded fOr future (b1~ or ~ dI.ek1p.18f'Il TM CTNIJon of acteu and UliIyVSI"MIJtJ. u .". as ,. N1a.IlaIion of requit«f ptlIIITlPtOYlHfl9l'U. WOtJkJ OCCI.II' .. n41CM$II)' .,. Iita lI&*ifC cSe.eIOp,..,.. pll('08tll. SitI PI'*P&fato1 ac1ik .... ~l' a&io oc:a.''' ttdvanc.!;If ~J "':;:.n PI~all Jot N 1nI1I!la!1Ot'I of ~td pCal impfc~. s....ch ~iWOr'k actJvIbolar. Nfimtted at an ''o'e':age of 4.500obc yatcil PIt PfJ;el is ~. ~ SEPA and S:t.P!M t ....... ·wriI btl rlqUiredai (tie Ume d tJte I98CifC development ptQpQtllc. location: Betwaln o.kMda'e A\'8I'lIM SW, BNAR A'()"W: SoIAh 01 SW 1tf"StrM( .. NorItI CII SN 2i-5t'Hl Appealt of ~ the flfYtiOhITo8i4ll der.trm1nA11On (ACW .t3.21.CC75(3J. WAC 19741f-68Oj IM'Or the land I.IM dtciUin must be filed in ",rUing en or belor. 5:00 PM Apt •• 2002. If no APPNis .r. fihM:t by 0\lIl data, boIh ~.lIiiIl r.com..final. ~all mw be Med'rl writing ~ 'IIih h fiQkod $75.00 lpplieation lee 1IIriIh: Hcl'lrirlg E .. ~. Cftv ot Rooton. 1~5 South GIld)' Way. Renton, WA Ge«5. AppuIs lO eo.. E){aminer ''1. goYtmI9CI by CIty Of FW'loi'I Muoicipal Code Seetr::an 4-a-110B. AdtitiOt'lal r.tOl':'!\lltJon regatding the 6P9D~ P"~C'" may De ~ t~ the R.nton CIl)' Ot!k'a Otfce. (QS) Q). 6510. '.. .' • , ~ONUENTA~CElER~~ON POSTI!O 1'0 NO'1IYl_'lmrlO ~t (V N4 !"".n.qo,Ml£NtAl. AGTiCN --.... IF ' ,. ... --..... • • , • , NOTICE OF .ENVIROfnAENTALOCTEAMINATIOH ENVIAOflMENT", REVIEW COf,IMrTTt:£ RENTON. WASHINGTON n.. EtwIrorwnMtM ~ Corr.rnlttee hal .sued • ~.JClI'l d ~ tor .... 'ClOG 1'9 pt" Uf)(\Ir hi aUIhc!fify at 1he ~ M~I CodIJ. BOEiNG BINDING SITE PlAN lUA.()2.Q:22.ECF .ssP Tt.'W ptQ9Qf,'ja to...cxfivldt. t57.8·Kl.tita ~ Sutacylrldl am351Ol111'1fended iot future ~iaI Of offce drtwlopmeDl ThttCtUatoOn Of ,"",If and utiioty~ • .. w.-.I4J Ile in$1lIrIt.on ~ '«IuII"td J)laJlmprovemen¢S, WOUld oc::tu as ".., • ..., "IB'I 1M ~k devekJpmtnl propou!s. Baa P!'cpiII'aboI'I at:Mria "''''1 alIo oc::cur "" 1dIt'8tQ of ~I ,lie pili" ptClpOf a't tOl' the I"ISta!IahOn of ,tIQlJIr.a plat ~O\trnetu. Such NtthWOI1I ac'tNftllN Me tHllmaltICI.1 an ....... .ge at 4.500 Wb<" vatdI perparcel. ., MCHSary, ~ SEPA and s... P1atI fIM8W Will be I~ II .... 1i!'M of.a. UJl'df.: deo'liOptnent P!tIPOAlI. Locabon : 6ciJtw'9n o.;.escMlt A~ SW 6 BNRR A'()'W; S«lCh 01 SW I~SttENR' t40ntl Of SW 'd" Strtflt. ~ .. of ~ h er'I'IIrotwnIIntal ~11Cn {RCW '321 C07!{31. WAC 1P7.f1.fi8OJ anci-'Or "- WId un oeeiI:ion ~ be ,., i'I ~ 01'1 Of bel~ 5:00 PtA April e. 2002. 1I no apr: I,W ate tiled by IhIa data, boO'\ Idiona d ~ ~NJ. Appi.it. tnull bit tiled i"I wrlmg lO\)iftI ..... !:he ~ S15..oo ~.tIon fH 'MV'r liea!ing u&mlln.lt. City Of RfnSOn. 10:5.$ So..ch Gract, W'Y. RenIon. WA H055. """ 1-'. 10 ItIa Ex.tmlnet art QO\'untd by City ell AMI~ Mur'Ibpa! Code See1ior1 '.tl0.9. Addtonal informali:ln ~!hIt 1WfI" P'OC ... llUy be obt.aned "om N RlMdOiL CIy Oe«. CIne., (4.25) 430-6510. Publk:tIUon o.t.: .~' , ) • ., " .. , , , ' , ... , , .. .. . " '. . .. ., .' , , . .. , .. .. " , .. .. • " _. .' .,. lM.r",-, \ ,.." ~ " "II;'''' '" ,.... CITY vI? RENTON """,m.1 .. 1i&I'IJI\'\Ibf .. -.o."" ..... CnaZ' ~';~A' WlJli'wfM . : • T,~tw.....-n",. CIQpY oIME'Mftlt~~~VlUl'fb N"!l" ."19 P't¥=t~~ "" (Jl'ft'OI ..... 'p' R4 .ft" c.~" {lRC! QP phlcft at. iOOt:. WilCN!I!AlIQH 0' lIOttJ!SiItIf!CA!JlGII --" ........... ~CI'."'" Tn. pn"" .. it 10 ~ a. i$1.9-Knt. • ....,~""".,ncu and 3$ '* ..... """klrfUrtA COI'VlWI*tif~de .~f*" ""Cfq~_.apeoM""~."II*"''''''''''­~ Of: ~td obi ,WlptQbWf'ttflil'. MIUkJ (J('IC\ilfi..-fIIKfIl'O!r'" ... .-.:_ d9J11~" pe.lpcl'.HI. _ ~~" '\12,. fMf JIIIIQ occur ... adr--. Of ~t''''''' pWtP"4,*,blfor $~ot~oW41,.)tlh.biMlt:L Such v. "WOI*~" titimMad at oWl __ .of '*.5DO e".JbIe:,....,...~ It.,..,',-,. ad' • .,.. $EPA II'd s.MI; Pillnfto!M:'i '"" b&~'·'Id.o.8f'AI 0( W ...... ,LIIW~'"JpfMfj propoulL t.oc.tfiort; '*-len 0.' ..... A'(!NJI1 BN & Bt'"R ft.O.W': ~ot M 1'-$I_ a lath alS'if ~$Ii OJL Apr lid.¢~ __ .fIfMII~'W"tflI'.w.l""'I~CW Q.2tC075(3}. W-'C 191·t l-C8CJ ~ .... '-"'~~JfMtbt!Jl(l~ M~C1t'I 01 ~.fJ:OO pUAprt!.. 2ml. If"" "".lrb .. 1Ied tytis cbt8, 00f) 1W01WI.t.,..~~. Arts 'b rnLtlIb. thd "' ... :liIjJ togs'htt 'IIf'Ch ItWIeq...¥'ed $1"5:.~' ,""",*", tM-.ilhl tt 1,7;09 E( 1 .... c.y0l~ ICI$~ GtwdrWty~~ ... WA 9IIOS5. AlNt!: 16 to. c~ ... uo.1tfflIid tIf~'Of AeI_i,\QI~GodIf!iKtitatt ..... tlG...B. ,\01;$ ..... ~~.,. ... ~maylM'obt.n.dfratn .... A_MOrt ~~''I ~ (42SJ 4JOo. "'0. oar ~ .... ~WMi~A'lalIWTrMlITI4Il1 t».4Iion Wt"t~ GecwttMrllof ~ DlWidP. ~tmM. ~1I:'IWNO!Ndnt~.u...c1tS WSDoT Noo!rfsM ~ ou.Jf'J'IWi r~ Rt'I. ~1 ~M .. ~~'N:iI{OfttII~l Ull_o:... .. f""' .... , -r_ -."'''.II6j11'A ... ..--;:;;;;::::::--' '-' . '" -> •• _-, _0_>'. R E N T o~ )OU1",~(~ ~~~~ ::!~~ ~~~. ~ i.c ~ '. ..' c" ., . , , ' .. ' . "1 ..• , ~ 1 I • , , . .. <;. < , . ' • • " • •• . lfj ~" > '. 'F . . . ' ... . ' • • .. • • :~ . " •• " • • • r,. -, • .' .. .' _._ ... _:;." •. ~ •. " ••.• ,., ... _ ... "'~.~ ... A~""_ _ .. __ ." ......... tt ...... _ •• ,_, •• ;~' ~ ... ~ ;,_-'-' • , , • , ", o CITY OF RENTON DEIEAMINATION OF NON-SIGNIRCANCE APPlJCATiON HWeeR: W'&.()2-«"2, ECF. 8SP APf'UCN<T: PROJECT NAME: • The Sa.1np Con'Iparty 80,''19 BindInQ SHe PWn lOCATION Of f>ROPOSI,L: 8I;ttwo13Dfl~aaa»AvttnUeiW" etlAR R.o.lIi; SoU:h Of sw 1~ $net a. Noftn QC: SN 29 s:r.s ..<;y"'-Oepe.\ ..... of PIaMng/OuldinglPUbIic WOtU ~ PkIrIniog S«tion TNt ~ of Non-Slgnllcance" k,uocI.InSet' WM; ,,'·It·lAO. kaus, ohIt aoer .... of jtrisdiction maybt ~.o. r;e INd agIIlCV WiI not Idon ~ PJ(IJJOAI '0I'0U'Ieen (14) daYi . AppNlf ol-",* the .,.-.irotilTAOtat ct.lermJnltlon (flCW U21.c07S(3), W AI; "'-11 ~ IIftdlor 1M t.M "' .. o.eiiJkln rnwt bI Ned in wrWn:g on CI before 5:00 PM AprIl I. 2002 "no eppo_ ant atd by tIia dato, boIh IICCIont w!I bvCclmO fNi. Appea-" must btl fUed .., ~ toge!!IIf wICh .... required $75.00 ~ 1 .. wI#'I: HlGti'Ig E.nrnhef, City of A .. 4cYt. tCSS 5oY!tI G~W.)'. Ronron. WA i805S.'~"'" to the examNt' are go..emed~ Ctycl A4ItiOtI ~ coo. Sa :I~ (-8-110A Mick· ... ntonnaban rag.arding the awca1ptQeOU maybe ~from Shft Renton OtyCIsttA Ofb. (<25) <30-65.0, PV8UCATKlN DATE:: DATE Of OEClSlON; SJGNATURES;. l ' .. .. . . • :s br /02 OXII! ' • • .. .. , ' . " , • , . ~. .' • .. , , . , . , ... '. , , • , . ...... W..-~ WSII'lItJ ~A_c;..po._ .0 "'" 'I1lJ1.11<: ,_ S .a 0.4 WA !ltl~" • • • . . , .'.I"albftQlltoifM'~'" """ "'''''~U~lCP, • .,. """ ..... "1_ , , -. CITY OF RENTON P1itMl~~WDIb~'U"! I: ~ U liW*, M 1-_ 1,. ~ tt Wi'-(ifJW1'U IN E'tI\4f~ ~ ifW ~ (tRC) ~ .. Is wac", 'fGG U"4If.h1""'" ~,.. f~ of V!!rt ~ ~ 01 1M JIi!<'" 4 : ' ... 1'\CiIId p;rtlJ«.1. nt. CammII iJ ~ .... ,..,."'_ ..... ""'"". "-_"_~lCl'SJ, n. Citv oi A.1ILWt lAC • """""!n(frd that • dOf;l ,.,,.. ~,~ ~"fd".IM" ~ :,. ... ~ ..lin 6'Wlello{;Mftlltf ~ sr.. ~ 1£lS} ia not t*IOfI«l ~-ACW .a,311C.4:KI(T~, ~, tW tll'lC'tWlfMGlobflMJ£.RC ~ ft.IIUhIIity'Ol s.e~ ...... 6, ~ ~-cm.., ___ ,. •• ttl. cae e'If!Ad .... " ..... ""iIW!W etI«~ m CII:tlIIit ~ ~ ... win N iHd a(ljilGt, Ttq ~ .. IN "'[~t$!M~1:)1fQt'1l '110 ~ _ PM i8SP'l ~ ..-0'«1 wtt\ ~ ,.. ft ...ceodal'llOiJ ... ,... ..... 1 71 ~ .w ~ it I' • tf MM:ft ~ 2rA12'. AI~ •• ra." U"'IJ'\to~cJt"'m~{ACW ~.21.0i)'rS(3l, iJlK; tV'-l"~ ed'tW 1W'*'ti 11M 6tc'a)Qrft .onYUo.fIiIlf'itt "'R¥q ott COt bffoI!.9':OO PM ADr' a. roaa. Ifnu a(Pt 'I"~ by IBdat., ~ ICtkI!lSwMbs:w, ... "" ~.It trMtDli fJ8dirlWf/ti'ltjl~ ...... ~ f~S15..OG1p;6 ,""" ,"..-c ~ I'c*~. Qy!:f ~I~ 1055'SOIIIIh Gt~W"f. Rer.-. W-A teo55. Ac..-a. ~ 1M-EarTtnw .. 00."'* ~ c.r ~ ~ ~ COdIf ~ ""'.tfG.B. ~ "foJ1f'4'i!ax"t ~ .... APr-" ~ f'fM1i/GI'~l~ fKIm IN A"tk\o, C#tC*".~ .4l5} KJCH,511). tt ~f'IIM:.,.y qururb\a ~~ 1 ~iQJn m .. ~ piuMaI/M. (A2Sl .tJO.72nt , Mf' ~ ~~ tflt1t'ti1tr4- .......... WfIlI '."""" eo:o MIl, A\\Sip ~ "frill fk: ''''0 ~YI'O~ ... c,a,i¥. ....1 ,~ ... ", .. -... , . ' -._. -RENTO~ Ion ~h~ :.;!~",:,: .... :.;::!-:' __ .. ~ -• • " " . ~'- '" • , . . - , .. • • • , " " " , , ' , " , " '"' r ~ ~ CITY OF RENTON 'DETERMINATION OF NON.'SIGNIACANCE """'ICAT~ NUtAe£R, """'JC,<NT, PflOJECI NAME LEArD AGENCY; W .... 02.Q22. ECF, 8SP -.!Ie It\&) 5-Ufi1! 1i1Cll oI~saQd~ a< """""-' ~ •• n a."",,~A ......... SW" 81mA A.Q..w . Sou:h CI SW 16 Slrtcll:&NottnotSW2!?'SJ, ... Cot, 01 FWl:on 0epe..",4o'It at ~~'Putfc Woru o.wlapn".~MaIOl'! Thil De~l!Ono/ f.!Cln-SJgniftc:.nce _ "wed I.t'Idtt WAC 197-11-3<&0. e.c:.uaa ocr..~ .. (II ,IUI'II5dIctton rNlyblt.,~ rhe *-d IID--=Y ",If! N)( old Ofl twe: pt~ fQllOUflMn (1.() days AF9 .... M *"'* the Itftvltottm.nt.I "~lMtkm {RCW oU.21 .CD7S(3}, WAf; 187.11-&ao)attO'cw \M"nd UN dtc:ieiott mUlt t4 fl'-d in wrIIin9 en Of' ~Ot. 5:00 PM AprIl t . 2M2. II no a;:tp8'1s an 'I\od by IhiI date, bo1rt~"' beIcotna ronal Appeals ~ bI filed In 1<tritinQ1OgI1!ler WiIfla. reQ':-*, ,~.OO IICCJiatlorl '" ~-Helal'i 'Cl EMil",.,.". eq. aI ~ 1055 SouI1I: Gt-ltdy Way, Atlntctt. WA geOS!. ~If to h EJ~* a'. po, .. ,..., brCty of Aentl)r l "'1of'IC'~ Code SedIQl'l "., lOA ~ --'oona!iOl'1 r~ 1'18 ~at pQ>!ess may be obtained ffO'n She R«Kon C4y 0eB .. ~.QI. (.251 431>8510 . Pt..I8UC.4 nON OA TE: CATE OF OECiSION: SIGI<A TURES, bAl E ' -- • .. , "" .' • -'-=!II"---- -._ ... ..., .. -------""---,-'----.---~" .. ' • .- ,.,;~ '-----,. e o _ -~- ~ ... "",", ---_ ... ew ..... -.:'~,~.' .. ----.... -. _ .... tt'. -""'" ..... -• .. '" .... >' .......... --- .~.:~~:~'~.:.-.. --.... -,-.,,~ .•. -~ ....... _-- ~ M-__ ... _,...... '"__ 44 ___ ~ __ .... -.. -.. -.-~ .. ~------~--­ ........ ,~.--... , .. j "\'--- f ... __ ". ... _. __ .. _ .. __ , ----....... -~ -_., ... ----. ' .... _w._ "'P"'_' "", ___ ._, P4 " ... _ ---===--=. --.-. "=:-'. '\ r ... __ ' _ -' __ •• _~. _ -""'-' -" .. -~~. MmI'1N~ fII'Ii' ~ £lt1'iPlUl_3«J , _. ---_._- _. = • .. _ ... - '-'" .......... - --_ ... _---_ ....... -" -.. -.. -_... .._ 1 _ .. ______ ""' ..... __ _ __ .. ____ .. _____ -.. -_to "" .... -.. -..... --.. -----.---~.-.. --'--_ ...... __ .. __ ... __ ._---..... ~ ________ , .. __ .a.-, __ ----_ .... --_ .. --_._----_.--.-. ----... "' •. ~-. --,----"-~--- " --".-~"."""---.....:. ~ --• 0· .. __ .,:::_._._ .• , •• __ -----... ,;;... " - , -_ ... _--, _ ... _-... -... --..... ~---<--to _______ _ -----_ .. _._-",. ~ ..... ~t '. pst. ,. -'. ,"""-"'"-...... ----... -~==" -~-----..:: ---." _ ... _.. '--"'"_-::'" .. :::;.-... _", ......... --- , ...... --::-:::; - __ w ••• :.:;:':!--:::. .. _____ "===, =-' ~ --.... -.-.--:: ......... --~-.~-__ , M _ _._ '" _ .. __ ... _ -... -~.. --.-.. --...... -~'"'" ~oa,.....". . __ ........ -._ .. -... -.... _--.......... -'/' . --....... _---r .... • -----0.. ___ _ -.. _,_ ...... '". ........-... -• "----'''---0-_ .. _ .... .......... __ .... CERTIFlCATION "TTt!Sf • Sig 1I'It.,. NV'..,y .'utlh.:. It\ I~ r.If Ik y,_''''Ik-J.!:(_~'by(1( ?nitA .. o Cf'llY 0 .. rUI\iTON .. LANNING/Be Itot SG/I'V.BL Ie WORKS M£MOIMNDUM ~ ..... --____ •• ,_~._ .. ....,-M., .... ___ • _____ ,, __ , _____ _ t ~\ ~ • ...t:trtwJI -.... "'.,.) I\WiIV , ') .... , .................. tuRd • .". ~ .. J1iut .. ~ ... Up' Ot._ri, ... R""'k_ ,_ .... -. .. ,... . ..... -------_. __ . .._-....-__ . '--'--' ~,-~ ~t"" (Rtk! Ihtit 1 .... 11 Itro" ........ c:I m. ~ M~~ 1~~Mrl8 ~ pbn li\thm-l1tl)t «\d bav¢~ MIL:Wtu" ~II~'J;: C~~~fc,. J~~A'I~'l Nob ~ (.~~:t M K~ lto.~ "W.\tJ,.'1n ",,_Nfo.lnlif. hfki ~fru IIlIImber. 1.1IA-U"!..olZ..osP Itnd lNt); \S·OOI.o. relJ!"tn'cl • ~ JbtI at,m,trio ae 1}~ ~fII!: .. d ' lOr If" J..Md 'l'l"CuN m.obcr ...,.Id &. utt~llet: t!tb 1h.:.J il'oll.'d for (h. tw "'to\loa()kIn MQllbt::i ~ 1""'0 riM ~ d~("!1¥ nJ' Jhlll'On ~~ ('ilfltf\"lJ Nd"m. 1ho ~ly wID he dkd.811 .,~ i:M ItQ WI! p"7'h.iId:. I'id~ bisldtita JQtf' pfM w~)f ~*""'"' ('~J(Wt .. Tbt Jr~dlttc:ri",_~1w o.:k-¥Cr Ifn.:M f'IWT~Jt ,¥.(_!f1I;~ iotb:I.tMc&tc .. ~ "'In ."" .... rro ... _ Wpt ,,~~ AdJiIJOa.Oy. ~ u'C'rpfllOft Ii,," I(,~I C!MInJy Ita: ~. CilUlH017l (hif.d<~J,r >\ .... 'iW)dod ___ '~lIw flt(tto'1lll Qf~ tiv)c ... "lf·w.,. ~'n H a ~otf"'a:t:&MtilI'I to(!Ii :1'" \tm'f.lf It IWl!!tCKb ........ Od;:r~Ave!\\\' (!l1M:o ~ of n. ..... ~~ J~lilmnIJNlII\O:IMdt ... rc-fC"l't1'lC4:~. rht ~f!pq_'I!~of~l~ i~ IhI(.Jwukl ~ AittkW«J ~ t!'f~ ffdl;Jc<I ~t r.n ~tlMn m.t ~...,tar qtW1tt 'iliS,:tJlt/t ~,lto! lhe ... ''"'S tftfilll'G¥tcoII ',..1'11 J.i6"" ~(\(t~ -'In.!I ... ptitI .. bm~t", tlJJft.; ... _lUI b"-~. arl~ U't M..lItt .... t"'tIt:h forme pI'~J ~"1Ii. NAttt lSi~,IIht'In' tItt_<Om hr.wirliJ.l; ~'Jt~I"«' i\4"mutf\1 .td th(~ nte;KllJ'~!;of ..... I:clilitltd, if .. ~ • • fdwuat) 19,7:00:! PlJgc 2 • Note wbct!k.., di< adjOining (M"OJIClflCll1t' pblloo (Sh" Jlbt ""lIIe aDd ~ fJlimba) (W unp4:kd. ibc Clf)' will pnl\iik .4drn..w; (or fhe pnipO."iCd loh., 110M II~POUibic. lbt; ~~ _111 oced 10 be oorcd 00 Ilk' dr.t'lt1l11 '\lbm!t"'!. TlIe mjuircd City o( Re:lttun "El"Wn: (for t.pfIJU\;t! of 1be-hWldm" 'Ik Pl.uJi it ch;a: uf dX' Admmjm;,IOI (,If fJ1a?rnIOi/D\lildiI)J!l'uJllK' Wotl • .\, m1IIll\.t' l'1I) oJ ~ t~'""." l-t cum-nil) 00f~ CICI ~ I or? lbe IId,no.Mlc:d .. rr.n1l bJadlootcdoo ShcrI I Q/7 5hould nfat'nCc The iJocms .r~pjJra'w.n f" t~p("fn PMh.l!I:C . '!!!! I~ -~II' COfpontlJOn-. b .10 L-vnCllfi), 5ho"", .. T~ Cr!)' of Rmton fHWlCC Un-tSKHI (,~enifiaIIfJfl hkd. bDl.. lIC'Cd!d mIod .. hEld tw f'VrM)lC'd rn-om Shc-n I 0(1 The -kC'I;Qfd.n,; Cct1if)l,~-bklCl. I Sbn1 I uf 7. ,,:ulTl'1t1l,. rCr(1""fM:C'~ lhe: -hi", CoumJ \,AlIMCi''''' in~1:1k! milt;:: C!!y. .or ~c!W~ The ellJcmnll8 Ii!itlll~ nottd undi."f -EA~f.J.f[N1 S "111~ClIN( i rARC:I .I.S A. U. f'. r AS-I) {j", On!tht'ct 2 ('tf? AJ'Ilo:lIn 10 he-1~(I(Ilpldc:, S« fl"1n ~K 1 Is .. IS, IUId '" ltllOkt ~.J .. 'oo&c! n fJ( Tid~ Commitmcnl So. 110$$9 (III' ItdddtOO.:ll I"CttlltClll n~mh \IotTf lflor':ot" It(1nt , .. .'1",( cb(..·I/Cn OJIlhe binJwg~ltc pl'n? o AI!",<lpO$<d nx"tffll.~ sOO.M b: noIcd 'f dd~r "P.,bhc:'·.w kl",Utf'~. Note: IIuII i(Itk-rt> ate ~n.:.li~e t:P\~t). c:~mCftb, or a~~ 11'1 "Clk:n ((he Ci1> OfRanQA. d~,) ." r.art (I( lhiJ ~bdl"'I..'on. t~)' can be recorded cona.tn'CUlI) .. lth the biM'", ~i1.t plan. The binding 1I1e: p4n dra",,,,v and IhI.: .s.w.:la1t'd dot..-ummt(s)'IT It) bt ,.ht.'fI &<. the Pnlj«1 .. ~ ., • JW'CUlic. 1'bc bind,"! !lilt plan shiln ~\"(" lhe-tiru ta:nrdU\J numhc-r. I ~ lU"oO{Gmg nwnh!:rf.) (01' the l.l;;()l,:~ ~umc:Btb) are to be' rrferc:ncc:d t ... It.-bux'mi!!Ooitt plan io ~ Ippropriak loc~Kwts. ~. ~lllt ~ (ur tIM' b!:nc11t orfuculc (Mben ofCk:-prop . .cct tors. Uoooe"\n. since: 1M nt'W ~ cmllcd \ ~ Ihb pi .. , AIC uNkr &:O!1uoon o-n.:Nup II UIC umc of rtt.ccdntJj: of the binding .site:-plan.lherc can be no"'! tl)ol'fl\rnf until !oUCh limc 11\ U,,-ncM~ 1)( ~ ~j is" ~Ye)'ed fro ntlKon., I'-';ctbcr '" r.h lIndfor \oUt-]Cd '" 'f)a:jlic C';t.~cnl n¢a:\. Add the: (o1k",,·ift! Dccfata;lion ufO ... cnanlliUl.,....~ Oft the: (x:.: I)f (he.KIb)cd dcawi"IL i( the prcviuus puagnph applies: , TM QlII.~ (if 1M /mid ~~.,...J _,;;,;" ''''J h"../III): jilt' rlD#I, In mwnPr thr ~fil It! o'f("<"'M'.IN"" Ihu.1lihhri.dflf't.. b) JiK't'"" htrN/tf c(Jt\·~,IIm." ,",>-"'7t"l' l a 1:"Oft"1'c',' ~Iw b.:lkflC'wlI1",..,." 11'1 the IWW t',".'''~'.~ show-" fJU ,Ie,s M1fIJu,g ,Ur ",.m I" , f.twJ4ol? 1.1). '!Otll ''11<3 4111 ~ (4 ~ (!lIVe ftdu?'tlJ/ IIf,; If.n.. fN Ii/ ,"",Y .t~fJ~ ~l'ro I' ""I ~'l) ......... 'AJJi t'fM I<AtH IN bJJ\.4I ..... ~ _,1M ttu..f1ltJl1th: pl.", • . . , , '. • o c Cll¥oI ~ o.p.tfINIW 01 ~I A'lk'ngI Pli:*: W~ ENVIRONMENTAL' OEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIE'W SHEET c. • ~'t' 2 11 - . .. _. -- , • • o • .. Cl1"l' 01' UNrOll nu 'RlWE1fTrOli BtrllE.\U 1II£1IfOttAlfDtlllf _., -. ~. ~-~-.. - ~ .. ~---- La IV)' Nitt\lhl.f'U, Planner .04'1&, TOt ,.ROM, 'UIJJ.C1'l JIm Gmy. A'''''MI ~lre MaNnfolG-iJI- Or~,"g LaufoC.tcrt:'!l tlintimK SH .... ~. SW )goo Ii. ()Oc~te --.------........... --.--.~-... -.----.. _--_.-. __ . ----' ~.~ I . A (ire tnl11ltdtlQf\' itt I~UI]~! bum.~ 0 1' $.5J {kl' liltlu~t'~ iQiJt t)fthe {vlJifh1':!rUl1.f blultl~ng!l. ~~kro rootage.. Tmlll. wIll bI-n~Ut'M fur C'lKh new "St n.,cttlR' 301' the Hlntr of O\jjldlnK pe'nnh. IOVplicuJ.1Utlfl., I . 'llle F('lim)n:ary flO!' (WW wdt be-caJc"tated '-W ~h ruNl St:J:'Ucture. One tlvtttunt h .. r~quited 'WlthlO J5f)(l"t:t Mlct\ IKnu.1.t;te lind additional hYdrant Ii' are n:qtJ.in:-d wlthm: JOO (tel or the 1'n.~_t1Jro ~on one h)'drrmt for eil."h J tJ()O IJ3Utm., o( ~'lu;rTd tire l'ot'lW'. 2 . St!p..,-r4te plli.n.s and pcrv,hll !itt! ttrquu~d wr tht:" irulfaJJation ol rlt'e a.ln.mi '-4nd spnnkler lIY",c(:m~. :t Fir-o Deparl.:n~nt MCCeu roadWMttt nl't' n"quired 10 W',(bIO l50 (~~t: 0( aU pOt1tU"~ of tho builriu'Ig-C!Xlf'flor. R"Qddw .... ys .'",:l min/znunr 20 in w)dt.":I wl1b :. turning rao;Uu." M 45 ftlot out.id~ and 2S!bnt r.u.ktt. "". ttt:t' d"p"'ttmt!n( dead"c.nd ace-eM ro.:tdWIJ.)'s-wrer 150 (et!"t in length an: rt:q\Utt"d' to hi1"~ .. n ilPP~)\'cd turno/tllJnd. f'ftaSlt! [C'f;l fr-t'tJ 10 COUll t"'~ If .f(IU hu,~ an.\" q\:est!oM. o o o CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM ------------------------------------- 1'0: FROM: SUBJECT: Fet.ua-y 25. 2002 le$Iey Nlahth¥. Jan 1~X7216 BOEING lONG ... CRES BINDING SITE PlAN Oakesdale ..... 5W & BNRR Rt:N1 I have reviewed the appIiemion for Boeing lDngaefe, Binding Site Plan.t Oakesd.ale Ave &IV & BNRR ROW and hivelhe toOowlllg tommentI. 1. Appbnc wilt be required to CQn1l1Uct all water, sewer, c.totm. erosion control tlnd II1eet imprOYt1nents to City Codt" prior to. bUkting permit i:&auance. Separate plan SUbmittall prepared aecordLng to City of Renton dti~ stand.rds by • lICensed CM Engineer wiI be requrea 2. Storm drain.ge report .nd dei4gn u.all compty wrrtth 1&90 Klng Ccunty Surfac:e w.ter Design Manual requirements for detr.!t1on and Wlter quabty or per current standard as adopted by the City. d 7 ,s, • __ .. ' I _ ., .... -c. ____ • __ ..... _____ •• ...... ~ "., :.:¥·~A· ,---' .'-"' ~--C ..... " • , o o TO: FROM: DATE: -. • •• o CITY OF RENTON MEMO UTILITY PLAN REVIEW Lesley Nj5~r. Jan I.." _7.2001 SUBJECT: PR~PUCATON REVIEW COMMENTS Boeing BJndlnSl Sill P~n o PREAPP NO. 01-115 O.kesdale & SW 2"" NOTE ON PREliMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONT AlHED IN THIS oIEPORT: The fonowtng commenta on deveJopmtnt and permltdn; luUM, .,. biNd on the pre. .ppllco1Ion _ ... 1. made to In. ClIy 01 ' Ron"'" by the oppIIcant. Tho oppIIeant I. c.utJonctd lhM InlormaUon cont.1Md ltI (hI. sumtna()' rn.ey be 8Ubjeet 10 modIne.tion and/Or con~ by officiI! ct.c;l.Jon m.Ura (I.g. Heltlno £a.mlner. Soardf; of Adjul'UMnt. Board of Public Work. and City Council). R .... I .. eommonta may alao Med to btl revtHCS biNd on ane planning and othlf' design c .. ......,ges requited by the CII)' or made the .ppUeanl !jENfB!L COMMENTS Aft., rev)ewing 1he PlClPO$8d ptOjea end ~. krtormation provided, thr.e 8tlPft.tS 10 be no uUi'Y impr?Yell'letll$ requiferj .t 1hIs lithe. AppHeant must eI'1W'e easements are in place tot Any city owned utJloitos that may bit 00 the " St.~_ .. _---- 01111$1011 LIST OF SVRROUNOING PROPERTY OWNERS "I'J'LtQOOl!ji'C_JI!Ii Qz ·on,,·fi.f, OS>' • n. ~"'IIQ IN •• "lliI ~ go -~ oMIt!tftlOO __ ., I:;' ~ si. l'tIa DfN~ SIMcts ~;,c;n)ll(i~IItsUJ~S.1MiilO1l6~d~ AIlO!OUo • . , •• • '. , , , , ," , • , . .. ................... ; . .;;.;; .. ;; ........ ,: • , o .. AOOR[SS • • f. !)IN ~~ CIt 1'WG4 ".", tl 4') --, 0WfM!1:5 .00 Chtoll Md!uses ~ otQoed '10m _ .. ..... ,,' <Apphc:anl} < " .. • • • Pale NOI4RY • •• • • • • , • ,- .' . . " . • • • , , . . , '.' , • , • • • • .;. tJOt)-o;,.Q. '\~1 ()~~.w :;q~~ i)OO'iIl(. ~!H 1 o",fj:')-,o '~Ol ) r,t)IS~.f!i W?t ..,001 •• 0 fX.. J '- 1J'J,ji "'2J~ 14·Jl-~.t ~~11 1';.,,64 .to .. .t ":'-1'. ~l'J 16 10-' FI'H ;-t ~':" ·WU 14 nu .;;\ H tHth H I 1' .... 1:t. 11 It ~t".IQ'O; "i'll' .,$:1 s<:-t.-r.,;~, {~:tJCt "N4 J')(.)4. J~. .... ,'Jr1f 9QU ;\~ '04 :tOll ,", .. .o\ It'll!. 1'1.;. )4)4 1OT' Hl)~f' lIQ~. ,l"iJ ~i ~ I lIn-d ~ .. y (':;1- Jltt:1~ ,....,.~h(~f l:t.tiIIp>llny Ot.., Of i ... ~-t \~ ~l -C:, l f. ~,.t It$;( '."it ('W"to i h\l"'~ 0\.-..u.."J"~ t: ~~f :o.~J ~""f1 . (J .... t ht 1~1 ftoint-I)It !)l-ll40;0l""><.!ot 1 ~· .. :,t" .. {'.,. ~ i.(7 O~ f!,y;!l",tl Ci \ I (.« /"oti\, ,~", "!. "" Of I'tJ.'l'Rl ..... #I~,.." !nw4 z,"t.,r,~ .. .1:'.' ..... fl'.r i»<4,IloUl ,...10 'T 1,"\ OJ:~u~.:.J4 J)I'.t 1 1fGt, .'1 • .i1.",-, Pt,:. C"'Nftt I );a, "..p~ ~Ift.. J..j ~ '::"" <:i, ..... t.J-!O <: .. ~y t}t ~t,.-f1. I ... ~ Jf q . ., 1 Cit',. t"., ~r.'·.H1 'II B .... COl G " I) A , "N'" "4 l~ty or 3.-tt'4 e~ Il~b 1t~ If. t Gflu:.at P.W."I: .t6nr.d lO.E;<~ 1( ')~ ~ urn "II ... ' .... I$".rt. «r "'-4 H~l 'f P!,>\l'7"tJ :$'1: ",,"-.ilot ~,,~ '"f'# $,u.. ArotiU., .... Ihf .. ""'tt MIl ..... ;; ~ 'HI l Aot.nt ~ ~ffo.:> !h' ~ 114I.U4l ... • t::I~ ... ! .... li!}l. $ 1"J~1 S!'; t-..:_'):r J~ : J: t.'..t\-1>f":U'9 ~ ,." ... k ~9fl.l "-a~J A_* J:. ~1n.!,M" J Jill ~ ar" l1e ~eal-<Ift ~f:r.\ I U)1 .•• I_TIl h k>u:.' fA ~j,I'!.i i IlJl 1If 1.~ .:!I "'1~ ~1)4~ jfFH ., !oftOl !.": P.nLld U'\li 1 )tJi ~''-J. .... '" j"Tlr ~ ..... ~ '.t« ~'---c ... ,. ~\«l .. ~ >::.; '" Mlt ...... ::-.lttn-t .. I '.1' .U .,Ju,;$. _ ~ten. t.a 11' I ~ '1 'fTh .k Mnf:(M :rif>..l'!J ~., ~;t$ ! ) D .& U:· i\Q ". r;. "t~.,.. ... i.e 1~'J.I .('<I(lt".J'tJ_ ~ .... !at F.nto '....,r~ ;1'1: "t'~P' 1"..I..ill1.. .. ;~ ... , +t H.~ Ift~ T·.iClf<i~ .. ~':\011 ".I.I'~1'I 1 t;)(j ~ .! 1'!" !~t. "'",tcut, ~.e~ .-1) .... ". iII. .. J, •••• r~~ ... j,:,. .. , r(ta ..... tIM n L "" ....." ...... ,..y''I .......... fst:' 1 1 ,w ""'_~ ....... ~.,-\4r".N." • ..."". 1_'!\P,if -M ..... ",to 1.1 ... ., I ." t ':ht " • .• I ' ~ lana ! I'<wy Cq " , " • , . • . ' .h. 113U ltrfh A •• SIt " .. tt 1. ~'lCi ""'U :510 ea. 9610n rUH WQrt.tI 'hi HU·1 U_ :Hl MJ.lI'c.R1qhtaQf-'.y.UtHny t.gJ. :1.01 <;IOCl ~ IWaJ -DC '''' " • h<;l~; lith na.l I I ~01 t ... : [l:lOijj:r~ • 2 ~---------------------I ~~01~ I M~ OWtl"r IHcl'~ oe,..lcpMm. C~n~ 6l~. (1)01 P l~eTh Ct T~LW,l. "J6, .,-.. 11 121' La~. :a S tHt~I.n.d.", 9-itin O.e s3~ ¥4G.n~.Cu...r~~.J 41 ,tDT r,At M(AOE;R 'U:::;~J D C ,c. POl IW<"!,.: I t.b 'lit I I I SI r.r .Ie,: al~:;. : , J '.---... ---------------; .tre-Bc·" /I(JAI1 Owr',.r :Cay o r S4!atth l pu SU .• J.rw, S1.t", AW!re •• • ~:;ten ~11 ,110 2~ ~v~ ,10tb ~ .. ttl. ~~ ~'\~4 U.s.. IlJ2 M.J c .p.J gr:~-(tf-""y.Utlh ty t.i;l IM£AO.t.fl k,:HjoY-D C • H 59W' LAY£ 8oIJt"-: 6.:h nit; I I . !;;.OT1(!;.:J: &'"q~T: • 4 •• --------------------: .-crolc.D / XLag Owr«r :C!r.y Of fUolI~OI', "ta :~~ 21~ £r, ~~r.~on lUll : 1~~!1 :; Gutty W..7 'en (:IF! ~ !lJJ'fJ".I!I VIe ;l:. Y--=tl1Tt. 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