HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSP-02-022 5+-' • • '.'~. .. • 1:0 ~t' lC'tt; Of Wentc:>ll 'j(~ ~;lOt ~* 1.fh $1 a.n~p~ 9Cv5' ",,,,1 rl)OJ elf iii.", $t ,~.""c;n if,.. '31:,=,!~';! U.. .IU ">tt.Ot.tU. h.,. -. , c --- -- "-;, , 'I ,~ rare d , :;U 2)04 :t<I2'<! O~ bJe o..t. :03125/1971t ~htl.(" Pric. J "'-lid. v :~l0.3 .'!l.1I.1GO \ ... ~ IfI.!. )<4'2J o-_ T~:.or .!Z fC 1 .ItO'INC ~(*j at~ ,.$4(; / I /I t .... , ! .... c !) flld'l:JF:l;';'9 ••• ~ • 11 ·-·.~.~--_¥4. _____ W_41 H.~. J MJag O;SE ~:1 4 T,2JN ~:O.f. ,IIC'IH .h fH:U'ii fh: ~,. ,ca~ ot: k.."t:Qq ."'. i)~. U~b .n i'_.I'It:~n 9$1i"..,) ~il 11JOt ~_ '~h .~ '~tOA w~ qi~~~ u •• ' IHI C'r '.~tflc .. ~!Ull O,q'i llru ~u )'..1 . ro:t.or 2% eel. 1 tlLUNG /toItt.Ir~: 'ttl ns! f I .$ e tl .... ;! .J.~!;.r:2 1.Ho • 1.2 .---.. ~.-----------__ • "t.cCl4Scr.,. I M.I.n;t (iwt:,o.t ;1"',J',fet ,)oC~ L"'.r'lI .. ru.1!: Sit. ~t<tO l:n.liTh St ~tM S"'~:'j; Jt.Jd !PO a II 'f{,;iU hliev...-e W,oJ ~:;!)9 u.. ,13" V",e .A1., C~r:c~.l ~I :ST" H.llo. !A.iW,.C't at.Pet . ",1. , .... ~"., bt.h n .. : I.. Z!?tle.: Jjl~': II U .------.. ----.. --•• -.... , _t.n::Ir6c • .., I lOng "'"'".C I~O ..,. GGuqI ........ : "f:;"~lty 1o" Sit. 'l9'C5-Jt.i~a .be ~ ~¢t.on '.1110'1') ~ •• l 12 far ~1 ~~ S~, •• lV~C ~1 O'.~t V.. ! 19~ 11'IcJ. w,u '.t.c.\l.Ite ht c~l f 12 421114 tOla 0. ,.~. Oele :O)/2~t 1998 i .h: I1rh... : "',d.V ,;lG3 ,t.5.i, ipt; QcSt S,~, T:2JN ~:0 4 t Ac •• ~.16 1811 918 Pb : S.h to.!:. : Sal. Prie. 1 Md. \' : o. O:~ ~,2 4 fl 2lN Ac:.111-f8t 1',04£ Ph :206 -4 5~-1890 PU ¢U , :14230 4 ,Jt!J 04 Sdo& D.lte : )1/21/ Jf96 'Lq~ :'!J':'R 14::1a.. 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'4'ZlGS TAt.:...rt:' )4 fF..::; AT E 11 4 '.":1",,,) 8th ,n:l/: I !;f o ri e-uL!ll:tH'l::f :I.'b)'O • l' ·---~~·--~·-~---···1 "~c.a / IU.,,~ awn.? :CJcv Of •• ~t04 Itt. : l1'la SlI 1in. l't ~-.nt or. tt05!J ~t) ll~~! I GcattV w~v __ "Lon w. 9S 0~' \1M ~jt<J !J"c.nt.JI't.; ..... ~,I .. ! ~~j )3t. l~1J~4 rAX~l J CL 9 LLSS t 2~ _du~ 'Ur r1tt: I' ( $tGrhlt, 81dl.l!;rl • 11 ···---· .. ~.-----R·· __ ... i _toro_cr." 1 1U1lf,J ~"r fe ll,. O-f' -Per.t 1>" :ht. :Horp, ft"r.\.{Jn ..... : l OS' tS G,.d)' W"y rt1tI'ltM W .. "tl~'i U" I It/. V ,,<: ...... 1;. t:' 01\IIII& r c , .1 I.i# I$~. J ~110 . TAXLOT 4 PDR.11CH O. -GtW a.dri'll . , nit: / I !ltOI \".l I'Jd'J."ifl ~ .. l .. fr~(:f!: I ,II.,d.1I :~l ,CiOO 016£ 51~4 T :2j~ ':04t Ac:1.6) '(J:h Ph: P .. c-c .. l . :242304 '111 Olli S~J. o.te : :;. J. PI'i e;e : ''';'d. v . $6' •• t>OO O:SW S:24 ':'";1.sN R:04£ A.::::J.Ol n : Ph : !>IJJ"C." :-:f2)0!l )0 )4 01 S .. 1. ~::e : S .. le Pric. : A.d . 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Ifeu"-11." d6.1, h~~.I.1tUity,..,.,iht'<" vlJ :.:l~ :l"f;!)~~ !'ilJtWT .p p()fi ~r (,it. t 8e lrlLU lIt"b fll:t: I I ~f_~lllf!f' &10",51". ... 2' ... ~--'"' .... -.-... --.---: Hlltuuilev'llls..., ~J' t 'h .. "(-" Jof.n .. ~ fLu. 11 HKI Sit ~7f" $t 1l ... ..,'"',JI ,"q\~ Hai~ :HOO;:"lf .z-n~. St. R. .... >\t<,lft "'"' '~M)1: 't... JZ.!l" lrn). h"(fld~d .-i.~ ""rp<>H Lql tSn lU)!U fuwr l' POU1Cli Ot Not &ods_I t,.l~ "]l): I I :Jt:.tn ... ~~ .LI4$'l .. Jl.~j,..J f loS' ....... --.... ----....... --: ..... t .. h Ot. / -.tit.,. .• ,. ;Cb\1.,.-l ,.,.,.t-$dWlri .. " flA- J l~. :"~:l.I:'. Aojd •• __ .... 1'., L"V: 1 .. "'"U : ao-:3 m. ~Vlt "·1)0 .'k.lt.~ l'" 'if. -,.IEI: ."". ll;)~ V.at:.n:.C I'~U I .!.ql t!ffJl: .25lJ()..t-rxxwr !IT 1lf'JC':':OO Q ). hd:~1 8Th r)H: r (" !lG.d.,,~; ".~ 11::11; tl~t '~l ' :;Z!I.:,ifJ •.. {1.Q~ O!l 'h .. ~ r ... ~. 101'O-l/\9i1 hi. 'r1~ :&h~. o~ ~l} A1&.u. v I U;~. "au Q;W. S~2' ~.~)W R~U .' 4c;~. 'i Y9; t'i.l .'-tl .•• ).. :i:!..!:Sd" ~!)a !n S-.Ho (!4Ir,Q ,O'J.HJ1!H7 l. .. t. h'\ .... " I Ani. I ~f:t,.~. 0 Q~l~ $,2~ T;~~ .)O~~ At':-l!.1""1 'lit: .P~l ; -.--~ .. ~---.--... ---.... --.. -.. -..... p .. n.~'" Il!i~J(l. 'k'In 0' !it.l_ -!. 5 .. 1,.,; Pri,<:* : ""'1."9 I U!~~ S:~5 T:l~ .:;., .\0::1:') •• 2 Tit tt;: r",r",.l t !2~oUG' (iGl t OJ t,,:. •. C.te I 1er. I'rle. : AM. v : ~I~ .12~ T:l~M ~;Q4£ o\c,a.09 Y$; th: Par>!'.J ' I.J!l2l0-4 '1QJ1 OIJ Sli t_ c.ar... : sat.. (ir'1~, : ~,V· ,UG.OCt: O:~l J!;~ 1:2~ ~IO~t A~, . ~l ~a: ttl; .h-l'';:''~' )2S210 ~ ~S8 OJ ~4 •• O~~~ lol/1 4/i,9: t.Al~ I't~... I ..... u.\~ :55,.S1 f .1.';0 O:~ SllS T12~ ,:O't ~:U .• 2 YII.:!'HI ?ti: p,ltc::ol ' 1~'llu4 'JO" Sal. C.ttl t 1l,-Z5/li'P SAl. Pr1..c-e ; Ait'C. '1 : sa 11 • 5 e.O O:~W S~21 ~:2lN aIO~£ ;.cd. 'S TB: Ph: 0' '*""' ........ , \ ,.. ..... -"""~H ...,t:_'" .. _,;of .... Ii I Ii' t "$1i!II 4 .......... 11'1 .......... _ ,"'V4 ~<4> tJa, .. "' .. 110 • ...,... . • , ' • • , • " . • o OtVUOA.I('If PfJ.J Dr" Cif-llt.m o/fllNa Washington Slate HA R D •• " ........ ".~ .. "£II ... o.pu'm~l of T,an.portaUon 6 1lJ!il I~J'OI}~"_",, ... -"t" D...,., .... MeclPap." ,. 0 tIco Ull!O _~"'r____ RECeI VED ..... "" ... ,."'''' lO6.I4il-4QIXI I.nlic "~Ih.n. ~ t'1.nMr 0)00( JU.1IlOQ, IXw~'" ScnlCn Dc"HIOO'I I 0$ ~ Suum Gttdy \Io'.-y ~ .. 'IIA 9~.H f{f..; SIlI'1 WOP 11.1. l..onpqft OUi..,"" r-t.'I.-ou.. f'ik No. w" .. !oe:. LU. D~ n" '~«J~* _ • .a;c _11 ge.- ~ ... r A:Hli "'!tiD! •• d f'J £f D ,1"11 I>tku'~H.~. 0(, ~~!.mnlll« Dcll ~h. NMifllI'8, 1lw*.),*""'" Ii",lnl"" fhe ~jky 10 't~_· Md COftltbeIU onlb.: Nooa or AWtUMMt *"It Prnpow:d ~_tun mNcM-~njrlClII« !tlf"ele,.~ l.QOpan 0fT1U h:t dndopnoem. nw "'.cff flu btoo.&cd Ixtw mO"hilhk A"~ 5W Il. ONl\k RO'~'-aM. .,.,." (lr Sw fII.-Sc. "'1tOI":tt of SW 2'" St. "It~. Ii d our ImdUlumhlllWl dJt' Itpphanr iI prop..m, to ~$vHk tfk ~e inJO 35 ~-<.I "M:,;In, 1ft .In from l 1 J 1CIft .... $." KR-\' tr J wku fl1lfll "tdll't~ J1)NS '111M! I}pe oftt!l\ttIC'S~ r.it1 t.-(~. The ptapoted pruj«t ""m ha, .. .wurJanC~' to Sk III .1-s ~n \\'1) 0 we:! as: P«"t*blc: 1rnp«U ~fbc ~R 4C~'SR 'I' ~.~~e. TkSR 4DSJSM. III in~ I-..f Ilu been drteornll1lrd II) br P.tlia;h Auidmr 1..oaalOll (HAL) Md Iny JlCSdIlIU!l~ c-.u'i;C-.out.! fIIo.'pfi'Tty kllpact lhe ",Oft"" ~ (l(1be IoImt.Jlt ~ on chew c:mnnttfl .• ~ t'tqlln. Traft'"1( lJllpactSM!y .. Illt~."''' the: ~ l.ctnpcret Wa} ~ __ tU.~ the 51 "6~JSK III inkn:~. Albcbcd )'01/.'" (If\d. 1 ~tr.c l'npkf SIuojy diocdJt1C for 1M plUp'.IC .. t·~ II.k. t~~" Km& Aru MMn ..... t.tMIa;.tf ~p:_ C ~i<!!I (vioW.y _"Il1tId ... pi..,). o ~"'Mr;o Vat C:iw" ot~,."ltl\lll oc<upancy; e Typo. Sia, .N! 1« .. :0. (indo>de ~.ljh"'ay ... miI<poll) of~-"'" If o TY'I>'otA" .... ~ 1Il&t.<.ln/l!Jt;ht_O'~y ....... ). n. I:!~ ~t!Il[>1ion. (ITli Trip Cie="", ~1Jnual. Il" EdlOOo) o AWO'r, A..M.. PMPokHourTriraOncl1lde Nc.cn Puk.l!oo<Tri;Is u appropri''')' • a Show Ilistr.burio."I Sl'etC(.;1l1l:8e1 0Jl vu::iMy map o.r di'l!p atlL Sho' .. leftI. ~ghts and thf'ou&..lj~ IV·1W1lc !l'.l!ll!nn o """'io. AM' .. d PM p<U r..ut _ .... ""'" ba I." Ilw> """ )UI'1 old (obow -l-e Fuu" .. AWDT.A).~ PMpo.kl\oW' ........ IIuIud.Nooft~Tripfif ""proP""")' ""~ .".. ~ pr,*",. o 1 .... """'" l!io",b,... i\U0< <,hl uIil its ......... o lnclud. the triP" It"", all piper ... cl>Yd0p"" .... I of the """" 0< ...lier borbJn y<>f.) V Lml .(Sri' MS,U:o!gJlJli-.... o J\t lIS SllW high~y irll~rs«.Uon~ (tIS) impact~ by 10 or ~ Peak llout lJ'iV" _""MIl by ,b.dcvdo;1m<f1l. o $,V.J'zod IS IDw.! on tho· ..... n us LOS) ~l lI""gntlilOd;iS (DJl<4 Oft ~S LOS) ;.:1 LOS Cr3kul~11on ihl;d, must lK irtcluded., o ALL ... ~pt'nM mnuld bet ""3lai tor 'Volume redutnon.J. uturltio" flow rJiC1, ~t!; t\O.., oM thdr b .... "t • • • • • • • • I o AI aU propo ... clircct ._. points '" S,J.<k 1£j;I, ... y. o AI.U VS', wher. developer mj.,8'l;"" b prOPOsed. a A.!!ish A<cid .... lo'".jo'"' (iiAL) Ao ,ecidtnl atWj'>i, ".aU <or.Jist of: o • u.tin& oflhe VS',).,...,-_<'Cd"" history. o • coUWon ~iatr&m ru.. ....... SIhe obeY<. a I di.custion orbotb of the .b.,~ including the Pfoionlinan: accic'=t types and their lo<:a.jPN, a COl)' -""tems, an .... ,,""er.< orc"" devdopm<nl', traIIic sd'ety Urojl&a, L'Id Q rnitigllion (01 its ule!y impact. Aecid ... ir.!onnuio. <an 1>...obWned by Wliting 10: W,.shinstM SWc l>ep&rtmenc ofTnnsportaJjon Attn: Pat FoI")' 15700 DI}'UI' A,,,,", Norrlo PO a"" ))0)10 Seat<l .. WI.. 9U)3->710 VII . Read A"pr'alocb ReviewllAr.cess perm1s : , Q Include tnVeAigltion or An pf),~ib.!e AJ'etMti\'t Ac:cases Other llu.n WSDor !!ishWO)3. a Sight Di.st.mcc (mea.su .anem per AASHTO. with photos ora:«:ss poilg). tJ Accident a.na1ys.is pet lCCtion VI.bow:. 1I10 'a-.i on cithe: sid.--ofpropostd tiuss • pouot. VID . ~aliQn Rr-..()rnmcndlljODJ NecesSl'Y to Hell) RWen Im~.: a To sari~fy fotal ~ ,,"udc.!inesllnterJoeaI guidelines. .. a To ClOfTect any LOS deficiencies lJ pet lr!1erloc.aJ guiddine$. • a Pro n.ta chart: contribution to aD Slate projecu receiving 10 or mote devt!:)pmcm " •• <1,«1 pW: hour 'rifl. e Ocn.a!kln ofROWlfrooge impro\l"t#naus. a Insullatlon 0(. sigr.al (W.1TInt atW)'$is per MUTCD ...... be incl.Jded.) o CutTentl'tuturc S~le proje.:u (Surcltirlt' Report). o Assessment {l1' de.r zone if widening State high ...... y. o POUlDle mlti&Won with others. if available. IX, MisUlncous' o Two copies o-tTaffic Impact ANJysis a Traffic Impact Ant~:ril must be sitned & sta:nped by a ProfessiON] Cngineel . Prepared by' ______ _ Oate-' ____ _ • , • • • • • • ~Clf"f/Ifl "'" ... ·"" ...... ""'""!n., "'..;, ..... a..,! ...... .,.........,)'01 Jill; :ow .... --. ~~~~ ..... .GI!!. \\4Iiii ..... ~ I~R-\i~"Im... !W:4jO-!'t~ Dtw~.nK \c:r.~ nil",,*"'" IUJ's ~ "f,.,:! ~ .. , ""'--W., <i<o) S at -e\1.. RE: U9;;;nw L RADar", ItW-tkiii ;1111; Phl! lJ.Li'IVtit, fi.~f, B~fJ rhe "Itfl C0lIPk1 Wji~JIUt' r,,,a!1'IUit4 p. ... t~tfltt rw.t ""1o."WC;l.tthc No.wQ of ~:\pcIliCai11J11 aoo "'''''NM ~ ~r~.csufIWM'''' (U!itd fe~)lI'J. 2.001. UrI:' 81£l1li1 .... ' ... tw 1R1Hfj"'A~lt~1I KU'ot(.oWl)'·~ n. ............ f4~ .. .,~~""d' 1~t',.tBr' ...... *tll '''M,..,lfr!"'lr.u.t ~ M.-c':t&J 'IIn1hftttbt """"" (11111»--'"" ~f~_"lhc,~~ ~\$ff'ill ID tt1dtr tq ~ thlll ~"ht r.-ahT)'.ltiu, C'0W'Il)' 1» ~JlJ, Ut.1 \he C1ty of tluht .. di:I fbi fWktwi"", • $Ulitmt ~rbUl"'l:km oh,,_ (UIt". pi'IJfC.t'f ttl l!n&: PaIftOiOlll 1ft lM' Owj(n. Ccw.at'lia ... .&nI1 ."Mt .\t),~ .. 11il!tJt tro.~ CI1.If'~\fd\Il\: tu.i'I~!fQn. Ene can bIt~i. (206) 6,M. \101. Dn:itltS!!.p .... lIJ br~(Jtd IiIr fC\"fPI ~dntp dn't'1uf"r;"IIl4'1lW IC8tc £"-'*"")' AaiI' eM ~~t 1be ,co."""",. unpl¥~. Dn",,'"P ~ M ~ tiJ: fn:: t_IIo1\OJ4, f)t-Mo,t .. r I~~ .-\Khlln:1,", ~ ~tII¥ CGbOfy w~ ·trt*mmt I)I't'IJK)fI lIH ~ JI(bnn SttC'Cl. J(,,'iC'.Nft.1JSillJ s-e.ul~. WA 'HUlJ', ,U.s • P!«,'If «IMtlLi Em [,>#",~» (206, ow. f'U1 s mlSKnlblftll o! "1 trooe, pr')Or act Chll'AIftW:a:, "'t'~~*" Mkr to.tow UJln fv,;' .. -110 w -,,: (,of ~ ~J"" -0Uftt)' ffljtUlOi In ~ on tl\t * ~ ~-WUCIN'''''' - • "till COUN)-(DUIoA ~ aw ... td t.kr ~cJ!1 1U tn;tl/'ItaA MIOt 1I!pI-W'1tw, :C-~-n itnc ko;a1 un .". pmpt'~~~"jrO_ tM Kt.nc (0I,lnt)'''''8 t ~ <:';Om nlml {iwthe _Wtt'f\nre. aJd 1ft lht: tW'ftC $l.t llw: ~ llNM' be: n:ttn~., new ~1O'It ~ I1'I!\lll bt jWm.~ Plet!oll' ~~1 ~rn f.:bttkt.~'tcw. kc1hlloltf. W"'V J~ll f 'ntl ... I~} lfil·)(,I)9 if« .4P.iq ~kC!i. 1'Jl ram~. ~Icor. ~t,..o'(;,W.~ I'I-t'fmt V,II' "I~.nma""" .'\t"Itrm' o.wlt~"n'l ~1I)ft KN'JI (ucJlty W»~t(,(l'~tuw'nf !lh'tWJft 16\ "'-".dH JKlI:.m Snrt. 'Ut(".~f\4li'o!;"t ~Ir\ Wi\: Qt!IIIUoJ.~' • MUI', It I , Jt;Xs-_~ Pu,p': • Prtrllde e\1dqws of t:ablhl)' ~ trut~..,. ,I)Iu, ..,v~ .... ..mnku al1tt'ncrn WJth Km, COUrdy. }>k0tS4:' "00tK1 ,',m [LNdu al (2061 26)-3699. 11r.ank'J?'U for tht 'W:.fturuty to fl'\'fC'U' and I:ont.nttIl on Ihl) P'opuW. If )'IlU hI. ... 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" " , '.: . • 6(Vf.LOf~t(:m Of:RW;[~ OfVISJOll ~ WAIVER OF SUBM ITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND IJ SE , ..... , iF u.;,.Q~. f'1on. ~P*1.~J ~Site. ~-, lu"ot~ I ... ct, !!..o.-•• su Cond4IcirlI. ~onn. Car.fI '(0I'Ict per~ .. , ~ , , , , lJMt«J ___ bo_.,.' 1. PI...,.,,. 5et'tiC:et S. 'i -i 2. Pvbbe Wcri.I ~ Re1ieilSec:tiorl 3. Bulid.ng SectIOn 4 . o.~,." Planning Sedrn " • " • " • 11 , APP U CATIONS ~ ..!!.:.. COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~ ~ , F!rrrnalT (.IE:} ~ PROJECT 'WJ£: eo~ N6 go;p '- " OA":~./P2:=. __ _ ~'-~" • .. It., .~; 1 .... * _\dOH P>"' ... ,;' 1"l .. .IIIs "f\llSUJ !JUC» '.. \ " , , \ '< " ~; '~~' ,',t!t ,_ , " ~: , • , • , • • . Or'v'-w»~1itHT 'U:tr,.'lC£(';. Qf\f~ --, , WAIVER OF 'S,!.Ia~fTIAL REQUlRf~tE!NTS fOR UHl) USE " ' , r-~LZ~;;~;;~~~--~~~ ~~;-f---'--~~;;~~*;.;.-----, 1'fn r .... .".".!NI1 ~ .....,. .. fI.;: ,. PI'I:';-'Y _.x. ~ Z ~~ ~ ",,..i~~lft , ...... ig." ..... ... ()'J.'~ f"',.~'4 s •• • , • , , .' , PItOJ(CT """e' ~e!& trw a~r OATL d/t~!Id- , I' ft", ••• ,Jldl. z ,-"""",,,,*,1r4 I' ... ~"tKO'Yl7~ • ••• . , • o CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICes DIVISIClN LAND USE P~RMIT MASTER APPLICATION •• A£)()J(£S~ P.O 80:.:3707 , we 1F·se Sea, .. ZIP, W12" APPU CANl' IK _\Non ow .. ,) NiA NJOAUa. CONTACT PERSON Weft« E WMden P.O. 80_ 3101. we 1F·58 ZIP: 8812' TREF 1i()N£ ~ER AXIJ (.foWl. ADDRESS . . • • '!:f " , ZIPCOOf . ........ ., ...... KJt9G CWNTY AS$£$SOR"$ ~ Ml'l't8ER4S) p~~ CXXI6fI04OII P .. t-'F ~JO(..Q(Q.06 PIItl»! O' 2"A:3OC.QCQ2.ot PROPOSEDLNCI USE{$) UMt .. 1hc..-o1'1 "-.COZon.. -- EXlStlNO CC>MPREHENSM PfJ,N UN' DE$QIAJIC,jC Eh~i1li1ft c...r . Valley PROPOSED ~SI\lE PlA't MAP ODIGfU.TION (,,,·bI.) Nt ... EXlSTlNO ZONINO co (ConJ • .,CU1 Ofl"al SOl1ARE FoofAGE U ~AYS TO BE OEDICATED fORSUBOr~SOR PRfVATE STREETSSERVtNQ '1lflEE LOTS OR MORE 1" "PP'CatN) N..'~ PROPOSf:D RESIOEHTIAi.. D£N$JTV IN tHTS PER NET N:RE(l~} HiA NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (illiPl""" .~"r. 40 .' . .- • • I. TWf snJH.~l£Q iff.ANYt'tNeCII iAi""~~J.r.u." UQnC.\L _.vt~",·.fJi::toOl OF. SQWA!lroar_r_",, __ , ... IoQ:4f£RjI\\Q"'TL"'~Jfot 4ifE;\ QritI Q N:l.1jt.fii;Pft:or~~~ rwo ~ ~CCQ~N!b. ~M-•. ~ <WI.' _ f¥"-;C; ~. .,q, .. " ,,,. ... "rfJJ <:ONUWJ""'W:W ... , :.. $HI ,. >tI4 SmlAMO MtCJ lMlS _ L TYPE.Of APPLIC~nON & fEElS- ('~U08"""'" w......~.., ~TNrr~!&CJ\ . _ ~ &J!lL J'It*-f (GI'l ._,---, . • • \' .... "010 .... ', , ... ., __ ..... ~,. • .,*'l • , • -• • !-L1~.~ • .,-~ , , , , • -~, ~ " , -.... -- • • ,-• , • ~ -I • -, , --- ... "" ""'. (.II' -~ -.... ~ ~.". 11 !lID'Y.I$IIJN :I~*1t~~ _ f*,M.1It,Af PI ... u:rr UhC Al)*_lfol({.kT-J..1.At _~"""r~ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP .. '1 n "._ " -• rG Qt!;f!." , • , • .I.((,£.W • , • t _ .c • --._ .. ' •. '.'-''"'"''-'''''"''' "~"-', .. '-' . ..,. __ ._-----_. "" • . ,~, " .' '. .; , , , , . >,' o • PAltCtL A .411 1t.~ "1\1)" tul ptapcny ,IQ,IJU ill d'Ic (II) or I«".or;, COIl."., of Kin,. SIoIIt af W.nJunp.n. Dclf\& I pottiofl of H(~'Y A Mu.::ct', D!..:.;.on 1.&.~ C!.&un frrkI. 46 ~ ~ ,. JI'Id l5, T~ 2J~ .• '.J."" "E .• W M .... ..:I • pcr~ of Got'Cl'MXnt Ln& J 1:1 u.id Sc.::.il::lcl '4. ~ t:cln, m:tc rJrUGiwJr 6uaibc4 .u ~: ,EGINNIUG at w Wu~oa of the Honh 1I/'1t of pi: Do,..~.IGtI Land Clerc-'-:0. 4£.. \OIi:h til( mol[ W"""'1 ldII: of Go-'-c:vn&N 1..0' J) ~, uJd $C,.'tilOn 24 ; ibtJ)Ct 110m u.:d JtOI,..7 Of UGINNINC SOO'$6-n-W 1251.95 f'«c ; lhcr.u SOI·Ol ',6'W JS4.S1 tu:r \0 Iht eanhc,tylux of 11M: ell) of Sunk ~ La.i.c PtptliAr: '1Pl-C(-wlf IJ CQft ... ry~ t,. dcc4,~ \l!ltU Ruo:d1r" No. 41]106'. KiA& COI.l~ r«Dr": hIIU: Jlor04 UN eonhc:'", ht~ sn''''''41"W 4)6.~61UJ; Ihtnu u.r4.,S II:) h ptcwitnt COW,t alon( d'x '" of. eN.t Ie IN ",be hlWJt',,' r&,jJllj af lD.,5 (!.ott W • untIll ""'4" o( 20·0J 'IS' ... , C kfl$'lh of 4"2 '"'; &be"" ~tlI ID Ihe ,PfC.c.c.t1tl1 QJn"t r-:17" U',57'W 1)17.97 ~I'" dlc Ew ,.,bI~(oWJ1 bDc cf w BU/Ut!~ NCttbcm R.:!IWJy; Iohcr.u IIc4'IJ n icS fut ri,~.t~!·w'7 IlnC NOl"01'43'E 1709.61 tect, Chela ur.,ua lOibc ptr.u.4m& COllUC a!QIl, &he &l'e of , cvnt LO O'.c kh tl.a:~ J u:J;ot' of ll07.oo (u! an'! I ct.m~ &/'i1,1e of )4'09'0$', an .a:( knf1h of.S20 4.C lUI 1;> tht wuw.rt, Iw or C"..l fouUl.l tutfl Sound ShOtt J{Jl"I!o~ CampI,')", Sn;tlt Lw, Chttx:& aJoa, $lid ",,,'uur1, JiM ''''"'02.01 '.3°£ 221 .10 Iccl to die: SC\JlhU"ltrly Jint ot tM p .... ul U'n~~ '-0 !he: SUiIr of Washl.nftOn by 4Iu4 ,tCOlli(': W'lde:r A.,f ,I 'CJ2ICOO~6, Yolr..f Coun:y u!Otds ; L'lu5cl alMsJ Jilld ",U'.hc.HltrlJ i;:1'l( N66*l"'l/'£ 35:.69 ftc:! to I p<I:r.( Oil • tll)( t7>1f is p~lc.1 .. 111\ lhi ~u~ t~ of w~ St:t;on 'co a.nd p·,nu \hltN,h W I7',(ISI ,00001."Ittly cott~( of 1M: JO\IthttMlOJ1 or rwo C-OIKU'W ..m.1mCN.I nc.a: Iht wrsle:rfy (ucm'on of S W ) Wi S!1U1; I~n" 110111 UJ~ 'PlU1ltl tU'lf SIT"c3 ')} Of 61.11 feel ~ Oil( '"&~ltJt,1111l! of "lei fonner P\lIr1 ~()Und Short Jbll.to ad CompUt,... Sun.k LUx: wnu al;t\, u~ uSlCr'y1l1lC N02·07 '4)OE 11.96 !u l 10 W: \oWlttfr riJ,hc-o('WI), I"" of 1..40, #'lUlU: ~ 5U4 s.ouw..rl, '.I$m~f'~'Jl1111t ,....11·'7'21·-£ .3.10" fut. thc:tIU w.rc~ to IhC: pUudltl& COIIfK aJon, the fir CIt. CIM'Yf to 1ht kll fu;-m, , t&d"" of 60].1' fUl and. "null ;.hlk of 19·o.c ·JO~.IIl&tc knph t112C(1.1O fett : thttIu ur.I(t\I tQ ~ J.h~tt41ti.1 CUM N6l·Sl'n'E 90.32 fcc,; ihc,," Iuvin.J: Wd toUlt..rrly '''hl-of· ....... ' 11M S-\YY22 'J I"W 1011.22 rut Ie t.ht Nc,r.b line: of ujd DoMion. t..and Claim No ... t. UWntc: .!ont .utC! ~cr.h line S17· J)"'~E 146131 'M 10 d'Ic f'Ol~'T Of E£Ci.I~"'JNG CO~"tt' 72 2) Aeru .-;f La.I'Id fr'Orr 0( 1tJ1 't'hc BUI ~ ot 6u:ml ' for "''' delt'l'lphofl illihe' Re:(QI4 of SlIrvry for Br0.J4mt1. lM • fttGfikC' 11'1 80cJL 01 SQ,...,ry1 II plar 2, \IN!r r QtCOf"-,r,, NO) 7'07219001 , Kin, Col1M)' W..ca JI MA tA'"Jr.'C IJ·OHli f"AA C[l .... LEG ).,.6.: )106 -, y; .~. " • ~, N ~/ 1';-/'_,7. ~Hl PI WIiI\O OfRElltTON FEB I! 2002 RECEIVED c , , ~; -... --"'~:::.-. .-. " ~''''i " '.-' .: ~ :;<~-" . "'(, .' ",II ~ ~ [~.Jlt9fLo"'" IlU .... '!;a .' C'iIy of .~, ~ tid ~ 5i6!.e ~ .'W.tsl',pG~\dS. 1I!it.t:»& .. po.nM·#J~ A, t."-AlitJrl Qiuuil_.~ ~ J.;Io. -to .. ~~ 1. and ~-S:. T_~ n i'i .. ,_ .... Vi· '" • "". ~01''''''''~ Lot 11 '" .,;; s... ... H ..... M .......... P~-i'''~ .. IoI_' RGfN..'1IH£r c -.. Jrricln.b .... G9fMt ,)J "'" GcIl<UA1'WlJ t.ca J ~ __ ~I:.!IW hn:t ,...a POIJ'\."F Of- 'ilQ}I~i:Ng ~ ..... 1oAlt-a IolJ'II ot ... ~ l.M v.t n,.,"4S"ISGW.,1 '-' .a ~ AQIt"J)t}'J, $tI'"-~ oJ 1M W ~ 01 UJI4 ~1iQII u,:1 aloUD' 1'0 46; ~~ 4'"", 'ala ,,~,~uU' ~ ~ )I.t:.r!Ql""ill'W UX-UtO at: ~"',Uat tilwOf} oI.SurJr .~_ L.a.f ~ ,,""'*t41"'......,. .. " __ ........... '.,,'1f .. £ ~ "31~? ~ C....,. rt«lldl; ~ I4rCiJi&-~ ~ ~ fJom • W\JM ~ NJt1, !"'~"l4"'W. -. tk arc 0{ • ;i.J;r~ (CI Ut-e. till ~ .. "'PI' or 93$ 00 kaI ~ .. .wwll c!," iif Il-.J'",·' • .Vt an )(aIm 01 ~91 SO 00, ~ '-'~ ,,;)Ie, 1" ........ _ S1%',,'4f'W n! (I M ' "" ... k...., ..... )IioM t\1If. fvJOl-:lJ1.~'6""f I.>t 51 tMt. *"'" J'iOCf'j.6 ' n"'E lJ;6 9i' ft'D to Or..: POJ}I.'t OJ!' Iill!1l~NI"'; Tbt~, ~f Jc;~J (Of I:'"I "Gf$:p~ifl.It.I. IN 'b~d of S-0i4~" 'or 8ttutJiQ'C"~ ll)(l .• f'lt¥Ced ... !too&. 10 Or:S~1 .. $i.,'f1-1. ~t1 )t~ t40 71am900,.. ~.ftl .cd'"",,, ";wa'l "'AVFWC iI,IIMI 'J;}ICELB lCG )'1410<,'.01. " --. ...,..---------mft , " • • • f .... CELC AU thll .QtlUiJlIW pt'cp'-rt)' ilf\tJ'£ in UIoC eM)' of .R(NOIt, Cot."fl:!') of K.lrll . Suu cJ WUhin'IDI\~ bt"li d-."t poniMI of H.:r.t) A. ;.,(t.a6c,'l ~",a(JOrIl~ CI~m No 46, in $usit)t lS. 'f,UN • ".4E .• W.M_. Iklaibc.d u loJ~' ~G1.NNU.C; • Chr 1r.~1$c.;:1cA of 1bc Sou#! hnc of ,1i4 J)gsu11OQ ClWn. w th' W: Iw ot C4ve.:-r~ J.,.cc 10 tt. 1M N.E. ~ 01 pid $c.(Wft 25; Ihcnct frDm UJd 'POfh7 OF eEG"JI..:t~I"G alrJfI, wd Sou'.h liM It'l1·U'51"W 11'2.90 Iu; 10 W Eut Iuw; of /,he &:r~ ~"tt:m J.J,:I .... y. L".ttU &lor" wt we! £.us J,,~ "':01-06",'[ U9.69 Icc1 and NOl'01'4]-£ 1st Sf tee; Ie 0\( s~ Jw: lit ~ Bow l.&kt PIP' Unr al COftwc)'tod by dud tW)1Ge4 unrQl:r '&.Cm'dq ':0 ~lli061, I('Ul:C CGii"Cq' fIt:.otd1 : the.nc.c aiaea saJ4 scum 1tnc $"-13'5'-£ 1311.61 rut; Ihrna t:.II,Cn( (:) rJw: prcudm, c.cMItH a)Gr.a W AI[ of, CUI'YC ID ~ kf'. hlyUl, I radllln of lSl.5J 1«1 a.r.d • "n:r~ anlk 0' 20'01 ~lS". 111 1!C kltJ:rI of '3 )0 rut, Ulfnu untc.ru 10 1M J2fC.~Ir.e C\,l1"¥T t:71',u'Q'£ 411 ,o.c r&t.l 10 Iht IlQl\h(rl) prclon,allon of IJIc: Ull Jm' oj Vcyrrn.-nr:t.I 1.01 10. Lhcna ~, laid ~.crl)' prolotSll101I SOl'OZ'S6'W $36 E9 Iv.'! '" L~ POl~7 or liIGmr;U':G lM: Bun of &.:01".", ror Vli~ 6uttlpllOI\ u tl'It R.eDu! 0' $Vtyfy for Brcadmci Inc. rr.(;Oli$«1 b1. 800," JO of SUTVt),J II pile 2. \/n4cr Rc.(Qtclr" No '107l19002. -Ki.." CouAq "COlds. .... J.ffWC 11..(I7 ·ln PA)lCELC tiG )·2464·)106 ,1-/1-"; • """ ------------:----~ ,', " .. , , , " , '1 \ _ .... ' , PAlJCEL. f' All t4,II ~~ rt..ol pt:O;;ut'" ~~ ill ~ (.~ <tl .~~, CI",.....,. 0( .t(~... $1,l1l: W 1,1, .ti!t~'""~ "III, ,~Uj ~"Cl\illltnl, \.o\t ,o: .. }. '" ~~l> '(~,,~,p21H .. l~ "f., W .M •• w bc'llj: ~c. p~Ht.1 .. IJ .~ at tr;.3n .. ~· Ili:Cil:,mtt.f,i M VIC: 1ltI:o&,,,,;JJQft J;.f ~ ~ ~ G/ titNY 4\ '* tr'). ~~ L.a.-t: O<&i'" Nu 46, .. 'W' u.. .bi.. W'" 01 .... 14 ~~~ l.,.;rt liJ. \hu;tl Oem u,;,d fC1hT Of I!GlHNJ1'iO ~J 1.-.4 ~ ~~ SOl'O}'j4;'W 11J Jl_. tt'>(ftU ~ '&.lid e.. lILiI NU-14tlS''''Y; IIt1.)7 IW ioii> I P>;:dlf IUl ~ f.aM _ of ~ .~ ~~ a.&i\rod rl,ht-9i w~I'*"I~h 11119-11 r .... S~et ". U :t';(U' rid ~ t:W f .qf~)' v..t. fI»m ~ *n ... ~ II#~ WI\It *-~ W-of ct ~ C)g:~-*, t..anot O~ Ho. "" ~ W I IU1 ttn ~ f»!# ~·06·-41"~ l~ n f~ '0 '11.-~ llPt of A54 t)cgiQtl t.a.~ C'~ ~ ~"~~I_UT·ll ·S1·! lloU 9Ci kd \0 "'* POth-'TOf II GlNNIJoOG 1M Juli 01 Jk..r.t,,, 'w fit.J., 1&tl4o"~ il \At Ile:ol;l.f or SIoI'WI lot !il~r;::~h lA, • 1.tfM~ ~,..~ 10 G~ .s<,l~r;.H" r'" 1, \IIhQ<1 'o!~~1..'l' Nit 'J101:U~2.. 1(1:\, Co.nry ,~If,. FWe, 1Il',IJ '~C£tFUa } '_3"'" , " 1_41' .,' " , , , " , . , , , , , -;' " , " • • • -• • • • 'Mea. G AJl U'Iai' utwn ,~ "Dp"'1t) IoINU lA Ih4 "">' or ftcncM .• Cowley or x~. i. .... v of WJ.1bJnl\Oll. ~"'" • ~ or Gontwner.t 1..IW 10.,,6 II , and QlIhf S W. 114 p'ltor N.£ Jle , and 0' Jhc 5.£ III of It", tl, W. 114. &J1'U! Sec",," 15. T~fP llH .• Rv.p: 4.£ .• "' • ...w .• w bcU\C IMI( ~W-I, Ck~ibe4 &! CoIlowl - 8E-GINNING at' ., FOim 011 1t.c £w Iw of ...u GoII'tt1"imUa J..a 10. dLsunl w.,,~ SO.I ·OZ'S6·w ~'.ll ff:u frOftl,ct.c we.,.," ..... lbucof ~ IN ~ lIN 01 He", Mew,'. OoAuiOll bDcf CWm JiG. 46 rhcIx:c 'itom ul4 J'OttIT Of B'ECINH1HC;. ,tJoIt;t £.aid £au JIM of Cio-IItmtN:1Il u.. JO. w """'" ,w; or ult S.W, Jle or Cht ro:.£. 'M ct koion '5 .. 501'01:56'''''' JIll.OJ ka \0 '-line. N is patane, ~ ur4 ,S4S.' 1.1 ncwstKll) 0( ct.c. e"s,. Wet! «n;t.tlw of ~ ScOMln 2,. (nw-uVTc.6 aJoCil Chc £.w lJhC 01 hold S.W. 1/4 ?(0'Ie H.£. "'1; to":(nu ~ ui4 p&r&!kllmc N'17·"'4j'·W 1901 Jf (CCl1D ~ IInC WI is pi:'&Ut1 wiah .... ..., ~ 00 'ut Eua cl w £&s.t lint o( C. 8w'~ ~tD &all..,)' tP-ot·WJY: Ibtaa "on, I.Ut said pi:J!ld hrc NOl~· .. r·f '.s4., tott, ~;c:ou NQ4'Qf"A9'W SSO.2' te.a WI , potAI Oft hold E.ul luw of Ja.stlBJ,U'tu\~ ,.l"nhetn .RaJI.....,y ntt":ll -oI·WJJ. 4ut1.'11 Ebueon SOr06"."W lU 11 fw ft:Nn lhc inlCTIW!Oft thatd WIo'b 0" S~ t...1At of..w DoMuon . 1.&nd Ca..un No ~. ~ Stl'J6~S'"'E 1$.C1.jl tw ID Iht' POthi OF BEGlf'aoUNG Tht lJuu CIt Ilu(l/,,' foe «ttl, tkwipc~ b the ~CI ot SUf'Yt'J 101 BrW!~.:rt.S . ltc .• laot.6&4 :II 800. to of Swn'C'Y' e Nt: 2, \UIICIu J'.&CDfdill, No 1l012t9OOl. Ku:Ic CovtW)" rec:otd) /'We II 11 9-1 rARCELG U G )-1_110<> ----------------------~ , • --, -. • • .. . ~ r l(~:.WI;to!I, ftt~"' >If ~ »I1Ifn.& 'kn1i~ "'9it'P-lilt_I ~~_.cll!lt.." ~y ~Jt..-I . :~Q'-f .~q~ JU.~tl~~)4 '(lolIq~ ~ ~J~i>/.(;lfMWf ('~y: IfQiIWn").'" <It. ~~ ~,~ ~""IG;t,'" ~_ ... u. ___ ~. ~oUt f\~"~~b't' ~~f·.~tJ'~ncllt~.h.fr~\ItIf~~'ltltt--' ,~"'.st,~a..<~(QJ.luB; ... ) ,4~C~1~vW!~WA~ fl1. rl.A~ 4ou .... .... ~. IOq,JI isi . , ... \'liillp W. {',,",(I""" "'>ph.m I, H ........ lllW~)' kr IIW-...t.;:r,ltk ~ ~'1W;fj)i \4 40e flifl ,. 1IIri:""''l1lk!i ~"Y tu~ ""> rIIlliiIt ~~, ,.) 1-0:) ln~~.c~..,~r-.~ .... 'lI'.luwt.~_~tw.iI~~ ~AI1f_·W;;pu.'a'III' fhI ~ _>d-H'II' J*l-.I jIII"!)'~((j~CfI4it '* ~ """Ik I~ itw (QAO,tlIIIIIW,'" talr", tnii!ftl-~ !..o.;~~, ........ IW """"...,u.c C.~~ •• ri6ot" ... ~!O tGI ~ .... f ,) ~~ i«k' f.' ... , .. 'G)"iq QIfi''M .. IIJ ~ 1'Sil"~", 00.1 >rr; ( 4iJ!o'llClhCliB, 1U«!~'oIl.£~ •. ~l' ~ .~_~ .. ~,.. 4'fJi"ytM;.itttII III ~~'M!Il \iio~.¥StC I~ flH:f.'£>""l_ '-'1:r-"'k ~ ~t ~QIII __ 4cn:.,n .. , (iII~ 1oI<~ ;tI11'$i1t~ il~ .... ~ ~ ~~ ~ ..... ~ tI4l1It~A; ,.t_ 411""", #IMiJ"'*'t ~rt'., ~ UU4 ..... Jj rl~ p~k&l, ~§.!t~, .'''>ri, .~H_ ~ IIflIJllO ~"'i!ll'i~1""1ql1l:Qkl. >O!f,\ .... 't' ... iA( ~f. -a..-~ ~.~, W·4iI.·'Io"'MAUH~ .., $"iof ' l"'ml" 'l,relflM tty ~ __ If"'~ tlJo .j~_if)1:.II~"'" '1'., .l'iitN,ri1 ~itt!N!Jd lttJfM tt Iltltf1w,,, "'-14JO _, U¥:l. .... '/tI',.~ .. ~ IfO'~""" fi) __ •• 1 ~Iff"~" IW(Ie\mil~iP I~'I-~~ "Ifill~ to~Ilfilf'M'1""iI iII~ 1t9-~ p;a,.ol'otb '\{I<ln'X'(J~,JIr (01' Jhr,.v:AlOoII ofa IW ptopl'f11 ~ jf")1 ~ "'lo •• Itl{~~ Ji!:l,C.1t\J.:JJ ... til() ~n."/~jt;A.a l~{", ~~~ "'iiM,~ ""'~,..rol~ •• :¥I:.n) ~ , ... , • ~ 4>-~0l:C. t At ~ <of' lrW)fl " .... ~.lI! I" ~ ttw (_!Ii l~ ~ t.;l;~~ "" I""~ P1WI$ ~.,. .1ItI""~, /)t 1bl a.u SIlWer. 1lIfl.i fA Me .... Ytifi.J Of i:i'oU $t,u.M CJ"if; J"h,; ~~ r '1ft4":1t d(WI.4:H'4 \<k.t;U )). rif.ort, .... ,.,' l .... oV")' it. £OOJ _It. flft 1*1 fI:Wl ....... ~{I..a I.kJwdt "-.oot"" ft, UVtll..lllnrln<Rt!d "" "I.ttH!~~ _It::w .. fIIItf It'r~..,. ill iJIo I~ 0I~, .!. n,. ~ ""U.tlf~ • -• -._-~ .; ; "AFFiOA.VlT OFI~STAt"l,.AtlbN , ,. OF PU~Lle JNFORMATION SJGN($}, ) ) ) p ........... ~/={6 CC) _,_=7:: .. """.- 2. I hava·a.I:t.1cf1eC. CDtTf dlhe ~ ~ fYli:I9l:T\it1114oO ~ InT 10-hk.,. .. toc ... ·)O/ 01,. bl.q.: ligrI. W..b ).. 7/&I,Spt{ - .. 1I!SCR/SEO""O_IO_ ....... h'~, .. foe?· -- • r. , • • r • '. • ~ 1I<o_lOlbfQIy for Iruo~_ Mol",,,,,*,,,,,.,nd _II: "",,~t ~ be ooI<)Iy, r •• ,,,,,,.a.. loll 11:'<1'-_ . ., ..... iJllrA -.nee on<! ''''I\IlY/O.oI'\II9l1g1>(fl JIf1d 1110. .. __ cctIo. 11M ~ I»\lI<t .. >1lIlI th9 '<go(tj ~ """ .... t!< of-" _of.pp.li<o,"",,,,",,!!"''''''. 1M ~1' S""""". Q;1liIi<ln ,.it/>'" ~ • ... lII<lu.~ Q/.IM.lalofloI\ '" p.,tMe "'~ Slgt1(.r '" onj", for tn. ~ 1<>1>0 c:cnolO_eompIat9, Tlte ~r", roq\lII'td!t> rna<nto!n "'. ~ I>9o<d iIl!J<l/ld ~ ..... I!'Ie IlnaI ClIV edt"" ..,tIle _OIl. The IIiqI1fs) ""'"tile _1Jd wlilll!l ' ........ k ~ ""'..., "" u.. "l>Il"iII I*1od olio< I!'Ie final CcurQ ot e''''''''''''~' If tI\II tiC" " ~ ",,,,, to 1M ,tiI\lII _ 01 "lit Co<lnc:\I Of E.I<JJmo<e<. *" lJIII)lk:ant it ,I*J>OfWbJ.tut ifnn\eC#* ~", oj tn.~. t. 'oopon,"",11)1 for IIpdllle of 81;1\ Illd Inal~_ 0/ _ •• 01 fI\lir_t»I Ol"linln""",, """ 1'\01>11. H .. rinta: Or;co JIle,I!a.ic: aiQIl.lllirinalod • pi ... and ", .. lie .... __ """" ""tailed by en. 0I'III1oItnf. 'no ~'s .... !ce$ 0Mtl0n __ pOll a "',,""~..., ""'.,. 01 en. oroj.",. ~. \It JIle, oil .... _ .. !iii "" pl.U1il> ...... willi 'col. COpje. ont ... ....".. _ T!'Ie ~ S"-OhIIOionwlll IIlbMQtHll>!lV be r~ for posting 0lV{ "",,"-!III_.IiOn. nolO;. 0'1 bo.m.a. """ _ a .... """ s... .... 1OM1 ~. _ """'~ la_tlny ............ Gl1Iphlcs L.minalil>g {42So ~,.:lM3).I<iQ~_'i>~ CQt'''1~25-Xl6.75n~ and I('i'lto', Copies (2O!l,2.t+ 88lI4), 7. R.III ... qI'\M' _114 'lye;> e... tel u.. 0.""'-'" """leo. DM'ol<in< Th"~_" ""It be """"'eel to til. o...~l Sa<vCH 0Msi0n leu. floor) pOOr 10 p,Iot rea>rdln!,J. ! , ,", r. , l( , 1M 1 1M ! CO I I • • , , • , r CO \ CO \. • , I I ! , i ,. I I co IH IH Sl co RC RC !~. " • ~ ., .,. ,~ , · . · . • ""-' . . "" .. • . - " , I • ! , :' . I t , , 1 1 , . -' > .'" : • " , " , " , I • 1 ~ ! ! , '1 ! , I I 1 I '~' • < , I • • .... ,'III" , • " .. " " , , • , , , ,,, , , -,,, .-..... ---:":':':':':':' -"'7", _ ...... • 2 t •• _~ " ," .. . " • lil-,. , I"'" ... ,n,!~_ r.':""I _. • """ . GD ....... ' ... -_"¥'-o -II. 00-· L~ ...... -, ... C-:J __ ~,_ m .... ,-, m· ,-,. -Ci!J ' ,- COJ • , -ill· • , -CD, , t .. , -(.=,J _ .. EI:lB .t.. .• __ .~._,,_;n .,. V ... J;o ..... ( _ -----..---~ -INDEX .. " .-.' , ','- '" , -:, " " .. , • ."' .. ~ • , , • ~ " " " , .• • • • a d !i!2!lna Long.crt! Binding SIS! PI," Applgtlon TraffiC MoM!! Dally tralrlC capacities cf, private It,eel! provided ... \hlll LOP wW rar.ge belW6en 7.fXYJ and II.fXYJ ADT (ependmg upon tho~ conIig",a'oo and '""",",". Private SUM," In a three·1one conI'oi/uro"", that conned directly 10 tho I"JbIic IlIOOI Iystem would haVe capaciIieI of appro'imalaly 11.000 ADT. an" ..... r.go cIaiIy _ between 3.fXYJ and 5.fXYJ ADT. Private 2·1ane dri-JEI alSleJ thalptowle internal drC>Jta1ioo between partdng ar ... and building • .,ea. wIItin u'" <lte would hallO design capaO'Je. of awro";malofy 7.fXYJ ADT. 1M a.,..,ailO dally ,'emaods of _ l.fXYJ and 2.000 AOT. • " Fr8 "2002 RECEIVED • ft.,~ pt"<J(a&\rt'l' .:»tiCWI$ aoppt'O~",.l"'" 1/$' .-;tIti.olf'l4lt ~twrt '0. ~ ,\t;Qif_ma('i; iMt:wt-' m. ~.q (~y IIfI:.Q tM. §It't, of ~ _0. ... '" _11>00 M e...._lm9a« __ "'", .. ~t~ ~/..menl ~. ilIO 'IIf"'~ ClOfi'tptfJted fOr tt\4 ~ /i'H'Ot*tY. T"-' ))Iwerty.,.,--"U(f~I.,.~4ld ~th: I.ne 8CAG \"M$<'qUt!1.tr1 ~ {~¥ ;(D.QOO...,.-r~) ~u.;~ c..tt.,.~ (jppr~~dfY 2l.000 ~'J'" t..tJ. l'rt;t ~j-=t ~tV ~ r.M\~ • ~oQIIl>f II t.w'ge "StUIitt ..... .,. fttiaTroOft ~ ...... ~f'd .. :.troc ~Qwtit't paM;n tM WtibIIlf' h.1Mf d",,-SIt •• ~ ... "P9t9J1im4t{"~ it·*=,_ ...uaoo &hd ~l!tiCtl"fi b ~ in tM ~'W~"'(Y.0I~1U1>44K."1~. rn.~~~ tflM tI .... gt~ """" U. ~ 1W(h M addlflQrtoal 2,lOO.POO lqISM'e feet Of QIfi(il ,p-.oI. ~ f;Wf~ nG;'th of tne ~ pr~V " JlSIJ ~ !:tv )IiJ:"/)Il .. nd ~ Dirt r$ th!t l~Ct"" Drikt; ''''( ~ i1. AQC • piIid 9f U!C &nUIIW,I 5.i:t« ~ PlOC~. Ir ts ImrAu'ieU wtnI ~ CWfom.,. f t4lfllt'tg, can&Qf .'ncI,.... .. J'fWd\;tIaUt (~.u tIro\tr G j ~ aft~ ... ~ .")(111 .... ~tp \liettthtk)fl ~"" U'w4' "rv" me lOti, ,~ prupo""if ~ Sit. Pl.t(1 atltf(Jp.a«~ d!Vidifr9 Ole JU.Dteti! prope~ into ~fiy4C' lob 0(. tfKtf. '" l~ tf~ Site: Ptiin dent1\nMtMn,. ~ krt. nws iKt~'fM ~"' ~.d by ut.\1iUtt. Pf~ .tel,"1 '"IS .oat lOt' Iti\I1 ~ ~ ut~ UI $lIN .... 0(1.'. f.Ol ..... ~t.'titd on tJ\It ~ tnfWTP oU<;)tt. a, ,,... (wat.trJ. tOr tfte iMd1A "' •• • • , --.. --. , o o 89!'lna Long.fires Binding Sit. PJ," Appllatlon Propoud Intomal BgaWY Salem Private Streols; Private S1feefS wijl be improved roadways with pavod asphab at leasl 32 feu in wldth with curbs on botn sKies and at ~5t one f].dew!Ik.. The ptlvato $1;001 ._rds would oppIy 10 Hle lo1low1ng: 1) A new rood Iha' COMedo diriICIly 10 any lngr.'SI~r ... polnllO I!1e LongllCtH Offic. Pa .. k 011 o/a public roed lllat has acceu lrom both dirOClJoo. oIlhe puI>I.G road which ."ands at , ... ,100 I •• , (rom the public road. SpecificaDyer.:luded v"",1d b9 any rlgh'·lnInghl-out acce .. poin" thaI l<ad direc:ttl 10 parking 101 areas ; and 2) Any road which directly Jinb two parking areas or two olher pttvate IVests. Prlvats Drive Aisle.: . Private drive aisles will be .reas within parkmg lots thaI provide 101 tOOVSmenl betwOGn lots or as major cotlection systems within a par1Unu krt. They will be a mn"nim of 24 'eot In width. They witt have curbing on at least one $ide that may be opened fO( ontty and oxit Into parking areas but sidewalks arG not rOQUirod . partc;tng atalb wiD be allowed on one side. P[()()()5§d Method for !nstaliation of Aeau irod Improvements The lollowing Is draft Iangual). r.lated 10 the consL"Udion 01 Inlrastructur •• , Longacr •• OHico Park: Prior 10 the Issuance of a COr1ifieale of occupancy py I1).a City of Renton for any buUding within the lorIgaCfes OffICe P4fk. 1he owoar will construct Ot causo 10 be constructed an access road end an waler, sanitary 5.8WOr and storm drainage In1railruclur. required by City code 10 s."'" lila 101 or tots asr.ociJled with such building. All uti6ties wlU be buln 10 !he .tandams 158llorth in the applicable City 01 Renton dewlopme<11 regulations and building codes. My """"ss road (prtvale S1reet. private drive aisle or acc:oss easement) witt be bum In accordance with lhe standards .ellorth 00 lila lace ollila Binding SHe Pion and City code. FEB 1B 2002 "cCElVED • TI:IJ> BOt:f:.G CO~\P..''!''\" ~~ll ~'II)tL\ U.tW\lf),f "T Lo.~,,·,£S IlI:iKl: l'AIlK " 1 " ~A .. ' "', ... ~ .. w...,t. k'It II ~ !(.. .. ... .... • lL • • , . I ----•• .. • • - " • • • • • -- • • 30 ~r ... • • -• • • • • • - r b. • -._----'---ai. tOil, .. .... -.,,!I .... , , • I , o ORIGINAL CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONME."'T At. CIIECKLIST Purpou.r Ocdaf.al: The St.tu: &vsrtYllllCntal POIIC)' Ac1 (SEPA). cbapca 4.l.21C RCW ,rcquUCl aU JO'Icmmcntll ~fCnOC'Ilo cont4der the m'''Ir~ Unp;w:lJ or; ~ tw:rQrc mWOI dcallOCS_ All ttT/ll"OrllJlcnrallfl'PK' .~ICrxnt (f.JS) mutt be ~ f« All ptopOIiiol.t ~-::t ,..~!c .iJPli6car,l ~,"tt1C' irDJllCta Of! the qi&a.lrey ortb: aniroomc:pl. The ~vpotC o(O:il cbedli1.t II W r:'O\idc infl)f!Nlioo 10 help)"W and the 'FoCY kktuify iftlpkl. frum)'OOt pt~ (Uld 10 R.'Vi."I;(" Col AVoid 1mpa..1lo UQlft lbe: propo .. 1, ir It CMl be done) ud to help the 'imcy (kddt: y.1w1bn «n FJS 'N n~quim!. t.ltI'udIool 1« AppUn.a.: Thi. CDvlJ'onmenlol cha::tlut tib}W to dciCflbc tome ba.m: InfOC1Ntioo aboQ:I )'WI' Pf'OPO"oI. Oo'f'Mflhcntal.~ 1If< 1M cbcd.ft..u to determlnt ... bdbcr rbe c:n"itofJmI:nLli unpactJ or)'OQr' Pfgpolll.,,, .Iilnir~nl, "quirin, JlfrpaBlion or an ms A.nnn:1 t~ ClUCilM:IN bntn). ",loth the mc.1 prc:cit<' m(lJU)Itlon ~'tI. or &11"C' lhe bcs1 dao:npuoo)'UU!;an, You mu..tl an~ ... crnth:qvnll00 ~t) il\J urefuU!'. co lh£' ~ ofycur u.o..1cd~. It, I'nC4t (tift, yoea' lhould be ablt IU am"~ the ~iooJ 110m your own oo.c.nauoa, or projCCl plans withoitit the nud to hlR ~~ If you really do NlI know the iU1Sft·er • .., If. QUCJtaall daQ DOC apply 1O)Wt ",opoW ...... 'rile "do not lr.ow" Of "docs not 'ppl,..· Complete ann,en to !he questKlflf f)()'4':'AI)' l-YOid ~n...y delay. Ilict. Same qw:ationf uk aboullVVmut'lCSOioil rqulationl. HCh NlOIlim;, .uatthnL". aJId bndmark &:'-lptHJM. AIy.'fIItt lheu: qlk't~iont af yoo ~ft. I(you hln'c probkms. the puuulU'llal armcks un _i»t)'OU- Tb: d1cddist questions lIpply SO ,,11 pin. of your propoq.!. c~cn If you plan to do them 0Vtt IS period oflimc or 011 diffcrec'l1 1=«1. orb:nd.. Attacb an)' .&htfocal informatiolllhat .. ill belp dncn1M: your ~ or iu aMn:tcuilCntai c:(rCC'ts.. The-chcck.lia w,lI be rrnnrcd .. ithic 30 cb.YJ. Dcl.,.. mat occur if,'(O'I ~ asked '" aplt,ft your ant"."(J1 Of ptOMck addInonaJ icfcwma1ic.t "uonably ~ 10 dc1c::rmini~8 ;fthQc tnJI)' be sicnirlC&U1 adYn'IC impam. A Ictitt will bC'SCnll:) 10" if .dditimal in/unnatioo lit needed. Thm:((ft, it u; ift )'OUl' Uuc:rnt co pronde: rump:dot and detailed infOtbWltion the-~Uilt TIIJ: OIUCiSAL JiIC!'loED ClIEC'lcr..IST MVST at 'UI-~ln£DATTIMt: Of AI'rUCAnoS O' ..... lIl~,.A1.CHtt1Cun t>HOl.MJGml , FEBIt2lXJ2 RECBVED liU,Q! • " • , , , • ., St •• ~ E.u,~t~.~ tl'i1lk)' l\.tt (S£'A} E!'<V UlO;'ME:'<·r.~L CUECl(ll!!T ~il{ luaw!.. ... \) I. . ..... t'~pr.1 <f' ~\>~CJt A~ b:taWUl/1 Tho ~n-Il CU#ir;&llY II!;1d dul' en),'" itc:!J(DJt for ft.i:wte Jt'vC'Jopmqt,l Gi t..c.p7CeOffii;. I'~k f·lOP"J. ~.iCr wu.b J. btnd.Ojl .. I'. p,,", '" • .,. l-OP . ~ ... ef IP1»lcun T1I< ll<"'r~C·_t PO 0G1I 1101I M':'C 2R· SQuk. iliA. ~1"1."'O7 MaIlbt'J Ml.tfWt.. tt.ltpb9A. ,".bedN'"., "ktlU ud tontlKt p¢nCI.: Mr )~Ht W~Nll ~m{.: Iteaky t~nlll4rl (0. no., no", M i(" la .. ]tJ !\e,nt:", Wjf, ~rH .. l~rn D-"_ v..u1~ )H'f'p-..rtd t J_"'Y 13. 2fJOl " A_, "" ••• tt., <Io",kU .. , CHytlfg~ 6. ".$poM'd "mu •• Of' khecbdt (JlIChdh'l ,laidae. if _"Unbl,-)!. ASJ:)J:tg,u debra ~1I'O't'~ (I( ~ Otvo:loptncm A&rt:anast and tx-odmg SlR: pbn il1 F<bnwy. 2()01. 7. De yell"~ u! plJluJfwo tutu,.. WdJ,l::i.Mtt fl'p •• don. er rllm" adhtty r.I .• Ltd to &r atA-DKlfd. "ltiIliI • propa-~"" If tao up.Jal&. ~ srml.$ b:m.. List Iny .b'\'ltttltnaotll iaf&nMdMt Y" bow .bollt tllst hA. bHa ptqarfd .... ,dU bt \Jr.-pared'. dirRtly rtbft'd to' thh propo •• l Or 0 £nlilMr.mtnul1tnp:llCt "UIU!I"n'lI, Lon~rt.I OfTlC~ PJri (AuJUS'. 1994) rLOP OEIS" f irt&t E(t"lfOftml.!rtld hnpl!.1 St$l,CftttnI..LOP (Ml.tch. 1m) {"LOi' fEIS'" "N~l'(W£'to. ...... I\l.~t;.oo i~'t1tJ»I • LOP f.n\'ironmcJlU1 Jmpact Statement Miu~ioo [)ocw.mcnt (MIl),. 1m} Envjronma~ol Cb<ckh" (D«""bcr. 1996) on<! MONS 0..,..".. 1997). Jl<i<ini c-m.,.w A;rplanc G,,,,,,, ('OCAG» ~ O.ddin¥ Env"oo....,w o-.cdl,,, (ScpI<mbcr. 19'11' ... .11 MOi'o'S (Nov<mha. 1997).1l<r<inl: h:rul)' C-Ml: Cm-.cr Envaronrn<tlt>l 0rccI<fu: and MOliS (S<pumbcr. 199B).IIocir.s Sumc. w_ Manaianml Project JunsdldiuBl) We\land tktC'll'UimbOO fOf LOP Project (Much. 1996) Ju.Ci.~ChOtW WC1~ Detmnlnmon (or 8ocm, Swface W~ta MolNIp:mcn! PJojcct {J"luary. 19(9) [n"uomncnal ChrdJlsc (Scprcmbcr. 2000) and Addendum to 8octn.& LOP frJS !Oecnobn. 2(00). LOP tkvdopmcrli Aio"fm-.xnt t. De )'0. bow" btth .. r .pplkalhHu an pnadht' for ronrDmtdtal apprcn-ab of otba' propouIJ diTKCly ."«1J8& ikt' pro~rt)' annd by your proposal! If)'n. uplalca. Noo<. to. lJIl aDy IOl"tnlmeal .pprn.11 or pnlIlIllil •• t will be uttdtd ror rout proposal.. if kno"''', Cil)'or~ Type IX Land US( ArfWO"\'11 t I. GIn bl1.ef, (emplete drxrtpUoQ of )"our propot.L IDd.UdtDI alC1 Ind tlw lilu of thl' projm aDd ,UI'. "bct arl' .,.,-eraJ qVbIiOflI Ia'n lIa this dacd;.1ht lbal .,,1.; )'Olit 10 dl'Stt'ibt (fftalQ .spedJ of)'Our propos.l Yoa do not Qud '"0 rqM"a1 tbow: .IlJfrtn 08 tbJ. p.~. (Ldd .lftIcla DUly modify tIlb fOnD I. ladudl' addltlotv.d Iptdfk lllform.tl!H1 or proJm dnaiptloD_) J>Ieasc tee Exhibit A. lL Lou.tlOD or p"'ponl. CIVf l.mdr.l1 • .forruUon ror • Pft""I'OD 10 andcntaDd 1M prultc lontlo. of ,-our propowd proJ«t.IDc:iudlA& Itrttt .ddrnt.lr aD),. ud Kdlo., IPmhlp. .ad RillC-. If bowL ir tbl': pTOpout.-auld occur OVtt a na~ or .. rn. pnvUl' dll' fUll'" of GoUDd.rtl'S of the dtr(t). PnniM. k;al dtscrlpd.n. dtt pIn. \'Ithdty mlp. and tOpi)Ulphk map, If rftIODably nanabk. \\'1UK y08 lbould Albmlluy pJIDI nqu1rtd by lbe q:taty. )'08 art. Dot rtqalrrd to dupU("Iitt fUp' or dtt.lled pllnl lubmftttd ..-Itk .11}" pft"1Illr .pplkadoftJ nt.ted &0 thl, mtckiitt. The Oevdopmul1 A"eCiUo,t.nd binchng lite plan .. ill be apa"1licd to tonpcles Office Pad.: ("LOP1. COO1lJilmd of aprroximltcly I sg. acres or ~ former Lc:Ingar.:rcs Pad Raatrack In JlemUn. Kin, County. Washington. The siu u bordered on the n.""\'3JJ:';Wo.iAt ('M'..:o:usr I-$Mol ~"N)I """. by f..".,.t •• "'""""" ..... ..., 1) ...... c ... ,,_ "" rit4 .... b~ { ... ...alo A,_ JI; W" Q<I "" tile ""'" ..... 1110 ilorlinll'<'" NiMfb<m SiII)I> r.lI.iI.lo>><1 "iii>' of ;&'ay 11w ~ ulO boio~ hn.l~ ~ xnald~ 1IQQ foQ lqI,tA ~ SoW, 2'- ~ 11. e.~"IItU"l!lI~lil''\L ~u.",~ f, ~ ... J. .... ~: ..... ~ ~rl~lwa ""r t ..... li' (~odtttU.", U'"')~ flJU. rtlJ1_. wu". '*P ~,... At,a\lftt .. (alitf", ,lM' ; tOr I<>IpI<!I .... ,.,.t)'U<! '" "'" LUi' p .... ,"""""".1 ""-s..t ...... ,'*"<i .. ~ $Of1X\lYTdU Jm:umc:Ptf ~ LOP ck'<:1~nt W\u ~( ~~ tlWt~rmiC'W '*If-i ~.~tk bIW ). What' fill"_ •• pril ~.It UN ill.-(J:"f .. t ......... pd:Cd'. wp")! wr Ilnpilth M1J *\ji-lyJtld m tfw 1.0(t I!J\'" ON)fllnco1<i! hlJi):ili. ... SQlr;~ W in ~tu~ CJ')1lI~ dotUmctll"-f~Gf1 U* lkl"doPlnntt 'fflU Run:t ~khHc"I".t ~nlro"JfiflM fe:'l"e'W \!!ft ~ pt!-'JcQ.~~ ~Jo. e. W"a' ItM,.,typ«'t efWlt<ln. tHJId'" Ul.. MJO: (hi,. 'ltU,.,w. da~t aa..t.. anii''' ,. .. rl "1Kk)'! lt~ kulf dt,lJ...mnflJf#"t .;rk .... n' MMb. Ift<.il'y llt$ sud un ... ~ pfi~ faTSililItd. U" ~ M .II' _:.lIY/Cl!." the-tOJ' ~u~t ~t s,c.ll!CliH:tlt ., u) ~tfC1"1 ro&tfW1l'\Qt ~ fl.illJf~ LOP'dtvdoSMn.m1 .. ttl I'CCC'llfe addltir.;v...4 ~IffltJi mtlnr'!HI a proJOd~~ b.iIA. 6-, ... ,.IUA JIlrl.w .. t.d:fc.ttkuu.,. liwory.t' wattshh! iOns kt fb I~j.,. ,iflofo,? It ... _r1l1o. LO~ Imp;.U alC!":wdy lod U\ !he. LOP E..·\Vinwt,~ :tnPWCI Smtrnmf.and lD '~"""~~ ~"UH\eS\l5. ~ LOP delrC~ ... ,n taa1\1e IIdd.t:tOn.'l! «mfflftt'l1ft.1W ~Y"Hf'oIr Ol) a-P'UJ"HP~dk &rut_, 4t. ~ ftie P"~ ~'" • .w-appnntlbtl: q ... tlda.r •• ,IIW.fI·r 1(1.t1D'C pr.pas:till. r."Jktft IIPru ."Ut. LOJf' ~:ae-wlyzat d'$ the: lOP EnvimamcxiUJ 1t1\~1 SUtetltC'nl and tn tubtcqumi etn'lfQf'lln,CftQl do&:un~'lJtl, 1uru;ro lOl1 de\' ~nl w,n r:el:lVe ~il~'M\'l~1 rn Il'''' on: a pmfect-spcdf\!; baAs-. t. Cotdd .rvtlaQ ONn at •. ""_tl .1 tJca, ..... ~tnKtiollt Of' *,,1 St M • ...... r>lty ..... _. ~~ ~.Ltl4f.i."KlM­ t-_n~~ ' . • • o WP impo:ctli Wt'MlaJp..ed in the LOP En\'itonmcotallntpaa StJI~ IUld in subieq:.lC'(lt cnvrros::anetltlll~. fUl1Kt LOP development will ~ivt' addi6m~1 e."t\if'l>l1mC-1ItiJ m -Itw on "projed-sp«ifoc buii:. Aboul "' .... t pti'Ct.a1 of lht Ilk .. ill bt (;Ot'tnd; with Jl»ptn1ou.a 51trf.acn atur projta coDSlrudloti (fer rump1t: upball 01 buddJ.,,)? LOf' I~' .lie an:l)7.td in the: LOP f.n\1ftWlmCota.llmpKl St.I.ldJlaU and in. ~I m"ironmc:n~J doI.:um:cnu. Fuwre LOP dn-dopmm1 witJ r~eh·.c .dd.nooal CCYllonm.euW m&CYi on I projetC1p:{clfic buu. JL Prop,," ...,v'" 10 rf'dll('c or tOft'tol trot,". Of otbn" ImpadJ t. ttat ,.,.., If aay: LOP im~-u m anaJyL.ed 1ft the LOP Envuonmcn~ ltrtpacl SQtcmcn! and in ~bC'nl tnmonmctuaJ lJocumeDU. fnhuc LOP de\re:lopmenc ."lU rc:crivc ad<!d~1 anvonmmlaJ r,,-tc.W on • prqcct-spc:tlflC: buts. 1. Atr L WIla' Iypa or mUU'ioaJ '0 t~ air would n,IDU 'rum the' proposal (I.t., d~.t, IUltomobUe. od9n, I~dus(rf.tl.·ood 'D)(Ikc) diffin, toaltnadSollaod trhftl tht: pwjrd II (ompltttd7 If any. etau.lI)' ducrlbe IDd IJn' approdm.lt quanlltitt If 1.:ao .. · •• LOP imt*U ItC anaJYlcd In dlC LOP Em.lIonmental Impa..." Sla1Cmtnt and co aubsequto.l rnyironmclHa! documents. Failure LOP de\·ckr,..mcnI .'JI ra;:efl."C IddiltooaJ rm1ruomcntal ,(\I lew on • proJcd.oj;pccirlC biSls. b, An thert •• ,. dl..sltt fOUrtrt of rmluloD,.r odor lbll ma,. Ined )'Ollr p.cposal? U$I.ZrutnUydncrtM. LOP itnpiICU arc anaJyad In the LOP &\1ronmcntallmpact Statcu .. m ~ m .ubscqucnt CD\-;roruncntal documtnU fururc LOr' ck\"Clopmcot will (cane adcfltiooal mvironmc:ntallcnc'" oa. ",oj.tct4pC'elr.c bam. c. PropOl~d mtUllrb 10 rnill" or ~Dlrol tmlukH1, or olhu-lmpadJ co alr, tiny: LOP Jtrq»Cti arc analyzed in lhe LOP Ecnronmcnw ImpKI StaU2hOd and in rub5cqumt tnvironmc:ntal ~IS. futllfC LOP dC\"C.Iopmcn1 wiD rCCC'l\"t addrtional em:ironmenlal mrieW on I projcct-ffICCifi~ basil.. 3. Waur .. Sariaa-: OI\'IJOIriMDoTAl. CH£Ck111T ("$)1111 ",.,,'1 ... .1) .. ..,." " t. ,Itt", C~1 'url'ltO waJi.1"'" Ii .. ., t.1M h.~yJda,i,tr'" {-.1tt. (wd,,",U .. , )·Qt.o",,"Halldl .. ~aI""~ MD. _.f.ktt~ . J~~ . ~11J"".lr! .trn.~H"". ~·>J1l'f"'.~.'10 II *Pi1"tp,'fak,. "*'" Ita. ........... th:u tr.tw W~ II ~ ... LOt" ~". ~yad IlJ l\:ld Uif' £,",IJOMtfnM: 1~S.~ ~ in. ~~_$lhJK>4I1Qt11 dt!i:gmet;u. f\O.t.l(~ WP dc:. .. ~~ _:tU ,,",w ~~ om~f~ Gn ~ ptDJQI;'~fpcc:t~ ~ 0) WIJJ 1'-~j "'~.1!*"1 "., .~"t-bt .... .at....-a .. (~ .. twtJ 1M ~,.~tt.d , ... tm:t tt ),"-I"'"iit.~ :tJIiIj .cQ(Jt illi'til.~r. pb;tt ft1r ,*U w.,k. LOJiIW,IICIS.IlC I¥la.lj'~ "" m. LOP f~liMtnMJ~ !~ ~!UtI ~"' ~fIA\'u"'-~~1Jn:!ChlL l!WJt~Wl'~.l"fU1GlCl\lO :actitioool emUlWUCll\JalftY!OW,-_ F'~~I~ N°»' • tD ~I. lh. IIl$tIlH fIor ntlll-.d dtlldp IUt:tA'W lb'> .~N'" ,l.~td. b", or f1IlRitYfQ hHi. 'w.rt,u. ..... ~jl1U' wmlt1hl, oft- "dk'Jt~ 'lit am fII ttl. "U. <tfR ~J.d bl atruJW'." r~ .... JiIIaNt: of RU ."t.ff'l,q .-,flAt' 4u(,!'ij.t8 i!~ !JJf' tlt11P(ttWoIItnJvu.J in ~ LO .... l:M1J o.:-.,uati\IKl ~ fiif.aiar.cll1-W m ~\ l'!'Jt"'th~tt.a. \bc~lJ' fUl\utf l.Ol-~''f~ctlt ...-Ji.t ~". JIlILJll.i\Id 1#ft1i1l~1Q' 1(I\1(W «M II ptl)JhHpcO.fiC .It. (.f). \YUI.1tI. prtJPD:f1ll r.qllu. "lilt!.,. ",.f.,. 1t1rJicfh •• ~ 4Wfnlottl! ~1\ ... , •• :f:ral ~~ .. ~ ,!itd "p:jWfJ,Il.RLlfe q"a.ltltltt. tr.lt'I"". UW im~ ft ~ 1,.1 tbf. WP Ea,,~ J,a>~ ~Ubtullh.fut a;~'tnt 0ln'1~ Ib.~ Puon LOP ~'clqwlH!ftl 1IP1I11'CtC:tV4 .14dl!icNl «t\--l"~ nwtcYI Oil. ~~""""dl~ ... {$1 0.. t ... pttJl'Jlthwttl$t •• ft(l...".oV 40Ddpf.abr1 U ... ..,. ,""do •• t&. Mte "a-.. tOe: itt'-l*J'l"" ~ 18 tbct tOP En"I"~1 ~.sWO"'''4( NUt fH aU_'tUMlmV\~~ &x'wl'lCnu, F:ltUhl' lOP ~~ .,;uf reectvc ,iddll~t {'fI\'\tfWntmtiJ r('~~ on a ~«:J.t«t·wpect!ic ba~" '4\ ~ tht. ,f'OSMtu.l toy.,he SA,. dJtdtatats of IIfU:tt rnurlJb M- 'u.rllt>f."".ten1 ,rW. difffTlbw I.h.e ~ .(watt and. aitddpaMd ~tu .fdlltftlt"". LOP IttJPlKtJ W .. )~tyl:cd ~ the tOY E.n"j~t ltn'p4(ltl Sc:a1Ut'I(::M artd" In ~iW ~\"""ldlitlltll tJodItllCftti. rut;.-LOP dev¢li.l(Il'l)ft\fwiit r«:ct~ ~)JiL'OttJtI """'Ironm, .. td~ rn~w OCt a ~ec1'~IIi~ b~" -. b. C,...&d.: (1) WUt ,"",Itd .. a.ttr bt ,wttbdrl .... lt.or· .. m .-.,~ t;., dltthif'Jtd t6 ,'.1lW4wl.k:t? CI~C«te,aJ dac:rtpUOftJ P"""'" r.ad IpproJ1Ullrl.ft quntUlo or ""laW'.' ...... r d'-di:erpa.lf kIlO",., LOP j~ 'art 'ltIaJyud In Iht l.OP &vu1mm~'1lllr ~ SI.&:4, ........... trnd 10; ~ cn .. itonu ..... tal ~ f 'UQIIC: LOP da-'C'~1CnI W.llJ r«.cil>'C olddJr.,"lAa.! ('1).\,iruUtJk""lIl rn~ 00 • ptOjca~d"J( ~ (2' Dncrlbe 'MUll' DUlttrtat lIt.1 ,...U ~ ditdlalJccf ,.,.,"" crouad t ... srptk rub ... ..titer warus...lt •• ) (1.,. n •• pIt: """.,.,de w--Vo·lHd.1Ittrbf, eoataJaiaC 1M !6tIoWJ.ltC dtcckall ••• ; """"",",,J; "<.~ o..n-u.. 11>. lrocnJ w... of do< ., ...... Ib< auGlbtr of lUcia aYHt:1':ti, tin Dambc:T of bOllM:f '0 be arwd (II tppHeabW). or tht IiUUQbtf' of .,,~ or bUAagS rilt S)'iUsnCl' tsI.(~ rlp«Cftltolfnr. lOP ~"U art an.J)'Ud 10 tht LOP &wirunmcntllt JnIpGa $(Junt:Jent and ie .~ eq\'ltonmcntlJ 00cumc::ntf. fUture .wp ~·tklpncnc will «:Cave ~ cnnroamcnur tn't(W on .. proja.'1·tip«.rlC b:a.1.n. (. Wa....,. rveon' tiwucUna: Sl4nruuter): .. (I) Dan1bt tilt. ... ret or I1IDotr(l.adudJa£ .ton,nt'llff) ud mdbod of eoUutJoo .ad dupoul, It aay Oodlu', quulkJn.. 11 u..o). WIltrt-lIIrlU tlds 1ft'''' flq ... ~ WW Uab ",.ter 0 .. Jato orllt-r watrn? 1114, ~r1bc.. For dik\W* or ltorm1A',!.er impt .. :u rtl.kd to this p'opoAl~ plate tee appJi.c.In,', ft'SPOr!1C U) Qum~. f and 2 ofScction 0 ofthi. ~1It f"uture LOP dC'vdQpmc:~ will rQ.'CJvc .idditiona! e:n\-ir~1 m'iew 00. proj«t -tpa:j(1(; ~ •• (%) CHid ".'1.1' IUlmall ~JltwrroltlDd Of' lart." -atua? It ... ,..rnIIf doaibo. "~or ciJaazssWn. or ~'WJ:kr jftl(*U rd~t.ed to thIS fltOf ..... '. pIcaK: J« >jlp1i< ...... I<tp<lN< .. Qumions I and 2 .rSenI"" D .rtbi< a....-kI .... fu:W'C LOP de<.-tfopmcut v.;!J retrive ad!Jiltorw enyjt'Of'ln1t'nlall~ on a proje<t-<p«i1ic ...... (3) PropoMd IDUJMra to nduce or etlatro) I"rileft ,roaDd.aod nroon "-.t,,. hDPKl ... tt •• y: For diSCUSs1O:r1 or stormv.-atc:r impa:u rt lared to tb,jl prtlpOSal. pkt.sc lee applicanr, response 00 Que'lUons laDd 2 or StaiOQ 0 of this Chrtklut • " f'"1iDMc tOP dcvcIDpntnt Wt!1 il:C"a\l'c ~11DJ".-.I etmmomc:ru.al review 00 • r.ro';;"'1-1tpa:aJk brilM .. .. Oed; .. drrt. typn .hql'tariG. (ooad tiD ttt. silt: --'tddl&ft,S tru: ai4a', .,.~. "pd, .. tan e\'V1Jl!t. tnt: Dr. rccbr, ,IN. ou.~ -'tin,", _ vas. -".uu¥ _ cr. tit ",fa _ wd -'I pUlIl : unlil. '.Un-nlP, buUnida .. ' .... " ubbaCe, other _ •• ler jh'uts: wlttt Hay. Nftr .. n. adl(oU. tKhtr _ &tll«r ryP" of ncetano. LOft ~ are alii!yt#d In _ t.OP r:n"''Imorncnl.1 (mpact ~lUcmmt and ttl ~ cn"'l~rmJ documu-a ~ulurc LOt' ckvcloptnent will rt1:t'lve ~ltlOftJJ C{tI.'lr'llMiC\tillf ~w 00 • prn}CdilipeClfi(! b.!tl~, .. Whlitft!nd ud II~IQ' ., ,.-pta'UOR "II, be r~ml'J'u:d or .Utrrct~ "'Ofl lmVil£~ ~ analyzed UI ~fle''L()r h'\lromnem-al tfllplK1 St4tcmctlt;md In ~qtlCnt iln't'itunmcntal dt..'"Tj~(j). ~\uurt LOP dt\'flopmmt will m:civc akhualUl mVI@l'ltl)m1i&II'tVl,~ (In I Pf"OjC!Ct.$f'Cd!1c blt!;I.'- .... Uu ~l'UlHed or u4lutterea .p«Ies tin .... to be .a or _n, tilt IH~..- LOP Uo~U an: anatyl=l\rt thc.1O" En,,'u'otllnenLtllmp:act S~cnt and in iubMotncru tn\-"fronmcntal dooJma:ata. fo'ur.u'e LOP development wiU receive ~ <tli\"~u1 ~ 0f'I a proJ«'-~";fii,! ~J. ... Prall oNd I.adkapiau. IlW or •• ttn pfnn:. or oUler at.suns 10 prest"t or t1fhun vea.tt.tJ •• 08 lJte sJU.lt .. y: LOP U11~ flrt:.wyzW Ul Ibc LOP Envltomncnad 1:n;m:t Statement and In StlbfcqrlOtt ~y.ro:nmentllf documt:nu. FvtlI.J1: LOP dncloprr.mt will ra:e,,'c addttH:JnaI tn\·~rat I"J:'VI(W on • ~Ifi( ball'. .. Vad~rf.lH a., "wlb alWl' ""imal' ."uh hnt btu obltntd.ft fH' aur It, .. "''to or-tkat: are kDO"·. ht be Q '"' aur thoe tU .. : 8'trd-.:: h~·1t. hnon. ".k', IOncblrdl, o(h~,.! :\t.dUftlI,b.: dttt.lM..r. dk,. btavt.f, of1t.r: flJ~ b41,,~. 1J"oIIt, flemlle. "'eundl. otlltr: ~WT1It\fI'A"L i.)Wt" .... .lII!t "' ... l.l!t.n ., . . ._" ·1· • , LOP 1M{'*'tS lire analyze4 m W LOP Envll'OMlCnallmtw:' ~I~.cmc:nc and In Ii\tbtoequenc: eftvitonmtnt;at documents. future: LOP ckvclopmcr.t ~ .. ill fCccm: . .addItional m,Tlr9nmenuJ (t'I\("to' Ofl. proj~1·-ottlrlC lo,a., ... b. Lbt of d1ruk.td or eodaQ&u«d IP"Cln: kDow'a to be oa or hHt tbe die. LOP 1tnp"A~ ate ~)'U4 In \ht LOP En.;~irunrn.t:nul fmpiC1 Sl~t and in ~ucn( en\llNJnmCnlal (b.-umentJ, F"'1urt LOP dtyC'~t .. ill recC'I·.~ tJdltlimll1 ~"I~l tn'le .... on • pt'u;«1~ific ba)j" t. blJu .Ite part at. mllreJ&ft row't'! If 10, ~lpla1a. LOf impk1S ;m aa'lly~ in tht. lOP l-)WlrtmmcruaJ lmp:tC'1 Stnemcnt rand In tubsc:q!.lCru c:nviranmanal documentJ. Future: tOr dn'c:Jurmc:nt WIU rtceivc Jdditwaal c:nvlf'()nmcot1II'C11~' on a project-tp«:,fic boIsi •. d. Pto~ !MUur" to Pf'CH:n't or ulaurt .. UdUft. tr .a~. LOP Unpacl$ ue an.1lyzcd in the: LOr EtmtOl1lmntal JmpbCl SlIlemcnt and in ~'Cfl\'ironmrntl1 dcxumtr1ti. fuwre LOP devC'Jop~rt vdU rccci,,'e ~ll4lf1al environmental m'icwon. projed·'pccific ba.w~ 6. rRffC! Ind ~.tlilr.1 Rnourns a.. Wk.t kJ.d. of tnt!ru (tlmrle, nalural Cu. 011. wood stove. )Olar) .... tu be u.std t4 IDfl:t lIM eoUlpRt~ ptoJrcf'. entrgy nttdJ'! Dncrlbt wht-thtr It ...til 1M uKd for bnIJAI. au""r.ctunDI. dc. LOP impacts arc analyttd in lhc: LOP EnV4rot1mcntallmp.xt Statement and in subtequcnt environmental documer.ts . future LOP dn1dopmcn1 ""ill rceeive additional cnvinmmnnaJ rt\'iew en I projCCI..-specirlC baris. b. Would yHr p"Jm .rr«t 1M poleD1JaJ a'f of tolar tDt:l'I)' by adt=cml p'epm! .. ~ II ... CftItnlly dncrib<. LOP impacu arc arW)'Ud WI the LOP Envirorunenul ImpAa Staltmcnt and in su.bsequcnt environmental documentJ.. Future LOP ck\:dopm~t "illlUC1\.·c adcb.tionll1 mviroc,ihcutal RVIC"W DO • project--spcclfic buis.. Co WIll' ldads or «WIlY coaJfn'llloa fncur" Ire Included la tht-plus of Ibl, proposal'! Ust tHbtr preposcd IMIJUrn te redoc:t or C'ODtrol tQt"f'J)' impacts,it la),: WP impat.'U "rc" analyzed in the LOP Em·lronmcnla! 1ntfl2C1 Statetr.cnt and in lub~t eovironmer.ul document}. FutufT LOP development will recti,",: additional environl1lCT1btl revK-w on.a projecloJrCcific basis. ~"'¥I!I(""'~.)(l 0\1.. lHEO;I m t.-"''')01''J ,;.\. '. • ·8· • • 1:11 OJ t ~.1I;rt"U"Qul.i [{uJ .... .... r\ff J.hu My CilwlrOtuSmu.u If, .. .tttll ".:.«u'; k" .. r.&ll fl~ to ~Uc efk~ ritk al ttn-.... ]!pIat.w~ .,~ tit 1I.N;ard~lU: w~ dt~c.wkl tcftl' at .' .... Il att .... ,..."nf."! ft ~ 4Rk,ribe, U1P .mpo. ... "0 anlI)'<od .. ill< 1.0' """"""" ... lOIlmp.og S ......... OIl\! '" JatMIqut't\l O"IIOAOltm-.l~,'Q.. h,t~ LOP~, "fin ret."1:;.n oM.idU~ ;;QV.i{onment;JJ f~W" OIl ~ pPlJ«i 'f*4~ bUll.. (II -~_"""""""''''lbe'''Ialtod<lt>r #$ •• plilt '''-'if..-l .pUt. Of up_;te1Iw~ 1.l}M ,ntJ)iC1i ant ~ io the! LOr J!J.l~tlf".r.mrntJtll~.it.~ IOd \tS ~"~'1ilfl~1 dtfl."lt,I)t(r'J'). JlUIiUW LOP da-f~ WIU ~t:"I .... ikidjl~ ~~ ron-lew I,lft" P"'l"'tI;-)f*:11k: _s, fl. ,,.,,Pftt"Id ~tB .... · nd'lka", L .... I1"M. ""Ir.~" Nahb _AlArd ... if tM,.~ U)P i~ ... e ~ U'I* LOt' furn.n~tM fmPl(:t SfaS~nf i.rKi UI WDttqlKlnt ~~'In~~ oo..'Umt'ntJ. r·ulJ.il''e< tOl' tk"t"c~.el'll 'A'tH 1'W4:'t:oe itdt:(f~ (,JrII~IJ\4."(tt .. J rnlt'W mtll pro~w~~enr.:1: ~j, (J) \V"'rype.~ o( ... 1_ ntlf i.CI die .rf. ".!ret. -'*1 alfll!Cf)'Ht p".I«t (t'OI' -untplto: tnflk. t-.. Ib'tnt"lfN:. epa-aflOll, .dler)~ top itt_ >if'" M!oII)1t:6 u, dic lOP ~"1R)Ofncmat fmt*:t ~ an4 in ~bo11"" tn'n~~" f"'lJr-c LOP d'ncloPlI'lC;lti wilt m:U\'t add~ ~¥JmnmmtJ rt\'~ on It P'OtN-.tpcru6c~ ... f-·"~~·t\t 1"H!r1.1.tllr r""'" Uta}.." .... .~ -. 0) Wbat f)'P" and I,,,,, .. Gr noll, would 'br "('Iud by ,or au.od.atrd _It), tilt proJfd OD. sbflr10fum or .lonf"ltrm bub (ror ",ample: .tr.mc. (ODsI",(,«1o., optraUo., "ebtr)? I.dlcalt lbtboutS that Itolu ~ lutld N Cf:'Mt,'td by tbt .Ik. LOP Im!»Ct. II": .~Irl~ in the WP .Cn.vlfOlUtk.--n!a! Imp.ct Statcrntnt Md in &"\IMcqumt 1:n\"lronmtntal dlK'unlC'nu hLlurC' LOP dC'\'clopmmt ,",,11 reccwc adchllOn.:aJ tnvtrootnaltal rc\1C::w on it rt(ljcct·spcctfic ~IS. (ll Propow-d awaMirn '0 r~"" or w.frol RolseJmpactt., Ir any: t.OP IJfJPCU arc tnIl)'lcd in the WP [n!(1I0fl1Jlt1:1tit1 tmpxr: Sta!cment and in 5ub5<qucm tlmrotlmmtal documtn1s. futurC' LOP dcvc:lopment v,rilll"(CC1\'C l\dilitiotW en\"l1oruncntaJ rcntw on. rmjm..,;pcclflC basis. I. Land lad ShorrUDt' Un a. W'hat'~ the tunrnt lilt of Ibc: .ltt lad .dJ_".t prvpertfc:t.? LOP impact. are anal)?:w in the LOf· .EnvlIoomcntallmpact Su.tcmcn! and in ~ mvirOfUTtmt.11 dCK"umtnIJ. Future LOP oo·ciDj'lma:t will m::eil'C' ~honal cnvlronmen~1 rcnewon II rrojl."CHpecific basis. b. ,Hal tbe stu bt:rn \'M1!Ior .cmulfun? Ir 10, dtKrJbc-. LOP irnpac.1$ are kffill)7~ ¢ dIe ('OP Emironment11 Jrr.pact Statmlml and in ).ubsequtnt tl'i\'ifOn .. "'hr:ntal ($..}tum~ 1), .... u1ute LOF-cJc\'e!opmcnt win fccc:ivc adJibonal environmml:'~ (;VI~ ;4 J pmjcct-sp«ifk baSIS. c. Onc~ aay 'Cnu:turn .tbt stir. LOP impac:ls I1C a.naIYlN in tbe t.OP LO\"Jronmmu.l Jmp:i(1 Sta2cmml and en sub$cquc:nt cnvitonrnc"U1al d«umtllls. fUIIMC' t.OP dcvelopmcm v,.;1J rtcdvc: additional eZlviror.mmtat n:vicw on a ptojn"HpcciflC wis" d. \\10 any Itl'1lctRrn bt dfmolbbtd1 If so. ,.·aaal! LOP ir:1p".k."U ~ analyn.d in lhc LOP I!nvironmcr.t.l lmpact SratO'tleDt met in sub$cquc:nt environmental documt:nLS. future LOP ck\'tlopmmt .. til rccti\T addtrion.tl aJ"'ironrnental rrview on a proJt\:~~ifir basts. e. ''''IIII! b • .bC' turTU' 20ala, dapjOcatioa ortM Iltt? LOP ii'npICIS IIrt ~Iyzc(' in the LOI' En' lfOflnttntallmpao., Stlttmml and in s~quc:nt mrimnmenttl doc:umcnt'l. l-'U1urt LOP de\'clf;lf'I"lent will tccci\'f additional CTt"YlfunmtnUtl (".jew onl pf~l·specifK' basis. ""~~Jo"..s. Of(C1WST I ~J!II'll~)oJ.fJl ·11). o t. UU~ 1lttpattj: ~ .. ~yltd. m cbo LOP' i:1IYtfQMlMt'a.i I~J !i.W.t'Q)('ut"&tJ4 ~ Jil~~" UlVlf:QIUIlChW.&t docqmt'lu~ j~n.tr( lOf dri'4Iupmr::flf lltlJ) M:C1VO ~)s~I.\I.I'-"'UltU'U't 1'6'r~ em Jt. ~1'MpcC1!k bat,,,,, "" Jf~p~Uftl»a. ." ••• ,. ctf& ''''NMt' .... ,,:U-,u *Wh' pr~ta dqntJotl 4" rll:. 'lift! to, fmp:1JJ ..u.1IUW}';r~d tn ih4 Lew iLtWtrUtllnMJO\1 fm~t ~Cznc:nf,.vW fn ~ro.i anylt\"lfUlW:m~ ~ fUN.f'G !'O"~c~nw .. ,lI fCC".C)""'" UiJdlltui'-'-o}\Ol~ «NIC* 01\ Ii pru~~J(lc trM" .LOI) j~fI aro ~rL.o111Hh" LOti '~J'O'f'I'<I!'lIl1Q~ I~ ltaU!WJli .q :.A ~ rnl'Jft"oM""-1)Gi (tocoUneftr ... fUl1td1.'! u.w «-'~It-ltt .,.-IfJ ~1'.It'~" .o4:lllill~ ~"'~oo '''' 111M' q:t .. pr~J(:(;t~r.lCi b"", . t. pp~lJntdJ lI.w ,.'Uty p$IIlf ... i.td' r".Jd ... , ".~ ht tb .. ~khld' PFOJtct: lQi" '".tpkf~Ms: 4*\llrLOJ ".d_ lOl' 1!.n.,.!«"of{Met\tl1 bnpao.1 S~t.aod tn ~mt ('fI"UUt\(l\~t:d dorwnml.s I'u.rtArt LOP llr'II'Ctopm¢a1 lAI'Iil ~lVc iddidnoal n1"~~1 fV'i(W \In • piI.JJClt't.sptt,'ic balil. S. Ai'pt'iHhta:ddy. baw m.lt, ,lI'Opw wloI4i4 lit. t .. pldt" p"";m ctbpl.u:r'! LO' impsi(tli art: ItnJI,\Yt~ lA tho UlP Ert"'If(oItn\l'1ll3~ 'nqw.cc S~t i:nd i:rJ .~ t1t~'ironIlM'.l't~ doc.Unatll t'UWh: Lor dt"Io~ncnt 1ttfi /"ft:f'Nc /tC!IJlIloNl cnvlF\\l\mmtaI tc'¥Iew on a pnJ,rt(HJ!«"tk Ntili.. It.. Pf'epOftd 1IH."'rn ht -"old Of' rWl6t1 df..,lac:tmt1lf haptctl..lf asr! 1.0P HRp,lliCl..J ~~~tcd Itt tho'tOI' El1\1jfl)'NMnuJ (mplC-l ~ -aM i.= .~r m~"nOf~Wr ~tdt:lft"1!. fUIW'e t.O" dcv~ WlI! rec..ti~ *JdU.0na} \1!~trol ~ntnt:ld ~C'W'on .. ;XbJKt·!ipttltk *1-. L ~ me.''l.'1!+te ~aittr. flit pntIJIHltI !t C'Olftp.db1e .... kh ~ff.:!bd projt(lN ttl!J4llfit1. ~d pts .... tt "'1: tOP' I~ lW: ~tmf.tn the l..OP fn,)-ltCltuT\GIIlllmp1ct Stau::ment and in ~. C1'I"tl1)nm(nt~t ~ FUfIlU lOP dc'II.f:iclp:o.mt wdf res.-ave ~il;hu(,,:..l en.\'tmrrmtnW R!Vtew (ItI" pmjtC't·~tfk ttu.~ t..."I'1' 'W~~tl\l. r(1ItC..oU.\iT l ~I14"'J)H~; ·11· --o o .. Appru.l:lm.ldy bow mJJ:I)' UI"I.. would bel provl4~ U au)'? f_udkak "belht'l' if "'ould b~ hlP. middle. or low4:ro'''mt bOG"DC- LOP tmp:iCl-i =re atJ:Ilyad in the WP f!n"'ltoI:IRlC'ntallmp~ 5takmCnl an4 In 5ubscqI)Cnt cn .. 'aromnentAJ documcnlS. furure LOP dtvclopmcm ~'III rrcti\-e ad<itlWnlJ CD\'lroomcmal ~\'Iew QfI.' projc",",pcrif", bMiJ. b. Approdmaf~l,. bow maar uol",l( aD),. "ould ~ «,limla._ltd! hulicatC' .. htbC'r it would bt kip., adddic. or Jow-iOCOJDt' hcuulag. LOP im~-u ate araJyltd in the LOll Environmcntallmpacl StaJemcnt aQd in lUbsequcnt t'hVironnKnlIt docvmcnta. futwt LOP devclopmMI will rreave additional en\'lronmenw ~vi~' on a ~jet(~lrlt baJili. c. Ptupostd 1ftf'~arH to ,-tdUet or toDrrol .boatlD,lmparta, If Dr: LOP impacu Itt analyzed in the LOP Em·iron.menlallm~""t Statcmd1t and in JuM~ ;:n."il'i.l'nml:ntal doauntrtts. FuturC' lOP OO'dopmcnl .'iII recti\'o: additional a)\iroom.ental rn-icw on • J'lmjecHpctific ba5iJ. 10. Antbl'tks •• What It the tallflt helch' or oa,. propv\fd IIRltturr('}' Dol tadudiD, iDkR"., Dr cMmDt)'l? Wh., Is nit prtlldpal ululor b"UdiDI Ql.Ilrrbl(.} propCIst'dZ LOP irnpacu are anAlyzed in the LOP Environmcutal Im~1 S~t(1T)Cnl1:'ld In JUbsarJent environmental docutnC1'lti. Funut LOP On'flcpmc'Ill will Itt(lV~ addztional ~vironmcnw revi\"W on. rrOJCC1-tpc:'Cllic ba~i.s. b. What "in ... '. the: ImmtdJ.lIe: vkbdl}' would be alttn'd or oMtnadtd1 LOP impac:u are analyzed in the: LOP Envil'Of'lmental ImJ*t StatC1UCru and ID subsequent cnviroruncto.W' oo..."UJnCflii . futurt LOP dC"\'~loprnmI will rtt:ehT additionaJ cnvironmaltaJ review on • proje(tofpCcir~ *i •. e. Prepostd ntHlam to rf'datt.r (Oatrolattlbdlc Impnta.lr •• ,.: LOP imp.as art analyzed in the LOP £nVlronmcntallmpac:t Sta1~ and In .ubiequ.c:nt environrntnlaJ docvment.l. Future LOP dc\'C'Jopmcllt will receh'C' tddltiooal euvironmentaJ review on a ptr!jcct-spccilic ~il . J.""'V~AlCHa:'KUST l'lllQI)OG.IUI , -12· , -• • • , , " I t. Will' lOOd ,,/Ore ... w~, 'Ypt.' Up' 01' pan..-W UU prtt .... " pnJlflau? Wut daHl of oUr ~fJU,l4lt .. alai) ekt-M11 lOP ~ta-... 't ""OiJrl>ett '" the WI" £nvll.'Q;'IQlI;U~ bt4*l SI~CfJ\f;flt and.LD ~ ~ .. ~ntM ~ fOln<$u lQ)I: deYclr'!JI'Md oiItll malq ...:k!ltIDtQt ""'''''IOftn!el;t;aJ ~H_ an a pto!~I~6A«lfh; bUJa. Ii (,~kt Uata,.r p~ .... I'ICh{4 tlt. n.IJllc4 prof¥d be. a .'ri)' tr.taIli, fa,.,.r.,. ",Uh ... ..,.u artfd ",lJ.d}t,.? U1¥ l<i'P~'i~' !I6.ltytcd l:J tho" LOl' bH{utmentfit imp ..... , 3t;o.1tf'1'IC)!N snd In :iJle..+~rn' q\\"tDNtlCrf"~ ~Ioc.umcr... "~\IRI: LOP ~\"'dos:tn&':lu 1fr~U UIr;C1\.'(! :GJIl\QfQI ehVlfCftffl$l"d (f\'I~W 00 j j\fCJCl4"'hf:cfafk bif1U.. Co Wbt IxhUl}x ... r.· .. h. too"l"" of )1_1 or ,fan mi1.r.t...-.t )'lIWf p.rcl"'t,AJ! LOt nupaa:tt.,1: tYTM fit (1)0; LOll f;nvUVtrIr-f;:'II'" ~..pc( ~ llnI"n ~\f t;>;mNJI.ItICflI~ W1;'Qlnell1'''' FUlW'D: LOt' """w,"~J-"In ~;:Ct\'c 4'ldllWllJl cnvit~c\clt .... 1 t9''f.t'oli un , ~"9clG"tf\ .. tw. ... .. ~. f''P''~ pWitt.urH Ie. rw;tU(:f ., tont"d Utl~, ... d abr. fDtg..Ol. if ... y: lOP 1mp1w:tF,ire llMJyt~d .n t!J= LOP 1~"~lromn.mtsllplf*.1 St:&ttment and In tUbileql.K'bl m'Ylf:'nurrentlll ~)IM1' F "-Wlt I.(IP ;jrrvd'lPfll(l1f wIn HCtt"~ ~~ ttlllltoorf1.tnlill '~\'.~ un:. ~)C<l~)fk1 basTI. .. ,,:tt.f d.NpAtN .... d ."rl)rm~t rtuall,oflj( O1JVDr1~rtu lUi to n.~ huCftfdJ.t. "dally;- I.OP tlt!pxlJ V1: 1R4lylotd" In If\¢ LOP En.'r.~...J tJ;F""1 StoIrcmem !lAd ill )ubM It:<n1 tpV1I'QIti"DtJrtM documc1t f~-'ii~ :"01' tkYelopm61f lIt1UlUC1\'C iddi11{oaaf $'~Ia:lI'nIC'. OA a pN)c:d~s,ptt;fl" wu,. b. \-"ou~ tb~ pt1:Jlpok1' proiHt d!splKe 1m)' euHlllJ rKnai1oul.N.t.? tr ........ rib<. lOP' irnJtItt.""~ IiIlatyl%tJ fir \be LOf £,n\1.I"Ot1U1e'11ul tm...,.:t SDtaneM \&nd in ~'tfI'i~1 dooI.~ .. F~ LOP dC'\'dot~ wlll recC.'Yt ~tWfI;.f tffYlMtmtul'.I' m'\'lew M .. p.-oy:t1' ~pc:t:irtc btiJ.I. • • • • • <;) Propowd IOtIUUl'rt to ndtl" or toairo: lmpKtJ OD rKrnt!oa.lad&ldlDI r«rutio. opportualUd to ~ prevldaf by ltw proJm 'If .ppUaDI. If P),' 1..OP lmp:Ictf art: ;an;aIYled as the: LOP fst,,'itonmarutllmpxc Su:temcm am! In ,ubseq~nt et'lfflunrtlCtOl OOc:Wl'CfI1J . future LOP devdopmcnl will Jeca\'c addllioul tm-ltonmcntal review on a prujcCI-tpeC'tfic b.uis , 13. Uluoric .ud Cultural Prewn'.tkla L Are turf aay pla~b or obJectt lldrd DO, or propo5ed for lor dll.'iblt' (or lkttal ba ualJoul., datto or local prntn'adoo rq:bttn GO ~ .nt to the "1,,1 J( to., ~DtulJy d~. LOP iJl1'flK'ts an: anaJ)'lN in the: LOP Mm'OnmnJial JmpKt Slakfnc'm and in ~Itbvquc.nt e.., .. i~oomcotal documents, future LOP dcveiopmml will m:ci~'e .&hliona' cnvlronmtfltll revlcw on. projcct-spccific ba:s.\s. b. ~tnUy deuribf aD)' '.admarla or nidfOtt or hlUorit, .rdI'roIo;kal. .&at1Jk, 01' tulrur.llmportnct knOtltIl to be' on or aflt to tbe .It.e. LO? impacu ate anal)'l-ed in the: LOP En\'jf'()Cmmta) ImpOt<1 SWCTl1CnI and in .ubicquent envitonrJKntoaJ documenu. Fut~( LOP de\'clopmcnl wlll recei\"C Ilddiborwl cn-.'lroomcnllli r:t\;c.t on • ptojm~'P«t1it basis. c. Propowcf mtuurn to ndllct ar tODtrollmpuu.lf uy. LOP impacts au 1N1)''l.cd b &he LOP Environmental {m~1 Stalement and in JUbsequ.enl eswironmcmal dlxumenU. Future LOP dt:Vdopnc:nl.;lI recel\'t additional en~'ironmental rn.'icw on. projm·sp«ific basJs. 14. TrutpGrt.doa L JdmtU')' p"blle Ilrtttl.lld k'c.bw"YI ,conine thr .It.e.ud dncrlbt pntpctHd «em to 1M nhtlnlltnd .,.,'rm. Sho" Oft .Ut plu .. U .. y. LOP i;npactI art analyzed in the LOP En\'ironmcntallmpact SI.ltC'menl and in su~t tnvironmmtll documenu. FuNn: LOP dtl't'lopmena will rtceivc additional tnvironmtl'ltal m'i~' on a projccNpecific bui.L b.. 11 ~f cu.rrrally Hrnd by pubU, Inull! It nol ... bat Is tbt appruJmAtc- distaD" to 1M OHm! lraallillop! LOr impacts lU'¢ anal)'~ in the LOP ED\'in:mmcntlll Jmpact Statement and In s,,~UCt\t c1I\'ironmcntal documrnt&. F~ LOP dc\'C'lopmenl will rccci\'C ad..htion.aJ cn\.1IOnrnmtt.1 micv.' on. projC'Cl--spc:cific basi,. U."\1aO'Of!:~' Al. C'IfU1WS1' (:$HCi1 ~""')I ·14· t.' tlpw-..,,,, ~. 'P"Cd ... W til. (OCtpWlJd p,.lm ... ~.! U4l_ ..uy ~ict ta.. 1"'1«1 tUmJa.a ••. ' 1.0' 4Q~Jt .-.IfNfyTN ~(l .\1).e LOP EII"1Nt:Y~l /.t::npaP.;I StI:" .. "IQl~ wt m .tII~ (:J\\'~ ~~ f-.&~ l.Qi» d:n:c-iopmmr ..... In rd:CI~'e ~'kb~ ftl~~ I!f" "'* QI) pr~HpC<'lr" u.. .. Will ... " tHlSp.otaJ ff.q_'" ..., H'Ir. rucb ., i1rtdJ. WI s.p ..... nadIU .. akdJIC ......u w IU",*" aCtI ~14rin~n1"~ U -..,.Dft'aUy ~'(I~ar ... tt""".,. ~1IUe ... pri.-ate).. I..CW lOlpjtts ... ~,,~ ttt 'Ibc U)ff ~~.YJai lIr:p;:J(lSt .... c:mt.:~ ~nd In SWQaqllffil 'fAHt'Unmc.maJ ~tl. "·~tU'C. Lor da1:dor..mcot lHll fC('C'I\C ~ C'ft"',(01~ ro·kW oQn Il j"Wl).t«J--t:pr:Clfiti blQ.1 .. •• \\OW 1111-,,-.j"',,,,,, (M \llt(lII:O III tb, lmnwdlat. -debltry 01) ,",'er, Of' aJ,. tru.~" UM.t:;.".lll ddCJiJM. 1.Or ~.Itt' AM1Y/i!OJ UlIM t.OP EaVl!'()!:rmt*1 troplC'l StakmCnl AnLI us ~t Cfl¥I((itiinmUf ~nt'l'tljl 'IlIUh UW dctuh)JmicmJ "'111 t(:CtlVC Wdi~{ #J"'I""~$l1 t'e'II~\¥ OJ) , protKt~th: ~ f. If.", .. , Wltktdu hi,", p.' day ... q.,ld.1Ht &"-#tllliffd b, 1M 'Omvit.ftd ,,-",Jec:C It k8\o1t.~ to-dSUf. "b"D ptak. nJll'ftlft wlHtid .as .... toP" unp-=.tJ f>~ .t.na1ynd ttl.dlo LOP (l1"nunmcnt;At hnp:tct Sl~UJt mit In 'iU~nt ~')'Ironrnbuif docw!tcn fu;tuf\:" LQP Jc,..C'~lPfflC:JU will reul\'~ ~ :A\'lrurcttenUl ~'lOW onl P'()"':h,~ir~ ~I$,. 10 ft'rcl~ ......... to .... JuCf '" ~lrel tru'PW14Ho •• pacts. 'f All!! lOP i~ ar~ !Iii'~):tnt '" the. tDP P.nv~t Im.~-t Sl;Mcm.tn;f ind UJ ~ :n\'~ .JclC'UlnmtJ. F.w.uc LOP de-.~1opmtnJ .lll ra:et\'c .ddlUOftai flWlroM\CMaI review an • pt'OJClCC~~1fjC b:ffit. .. Wmdd tb projec, ~ '-.,. louaud aftd ror pablk: Hnkn (fer ~.."w.: tin proted'-_. ,.,UN pttitdtuJ, IH:ahI prot. Kbeob)!' .t ta. '~Il~ dt:Wrib¥. LOP impKtf" M:lJ)'tcd in the lOP Eovrronn'.eoW lmpaa S~cmenI and In albMquetlf t;tVjl(lliUJlmtal dcxumcm .. Furul1: Lor d&:yc~ w--JI rt«'Ite adI:tillonaf f1t\-'U'Q~1 "'-"'C¥I' ~ • J'«I~lrtc bull. "~',*,,-*'~Al.(.~. t"'\.~!M I • • o h. P:ropt»td ,:nllwrtt t9 rtdll" or: coolrol direct lmpadl aD pubtk !ff\'ka. Ir .. y. tOP unp;t.c1S lre lIMlyzcd in lhc LOt' l~"irunmc:nsallsltp:ld S~ and ill .\<.Ib5tqUl:t\t w\'irunmcnW doc:btnml., fU1utf LOP d,c,-c:JopmcnI WlU Jcceiv~ &ddltwo.J m'*-iro-" •• menw te'VK'W on a pro~.speclfic ~I. 16. VtlliUcs L Ideaur), lslat.", tdnttfn by IIlawLDdudia&: cWctricil)' •• atural Ja'. wain, nfast It'nitt, ,dq»botM .... barr .N1U'f'. wpdc tY'trm.ocbt-:. LOP I~ ace analy:led ill lhe l..oP EJ:!\,(mftmc:otallmpKl Stat.c:P..:nt ud in wbsequt'l\l cP\ironment.11 docurncnU. Future LOP dc\'clopmco; Vo'lll fC'Cch-c addItiooal tn .. itiXY11C!ll'.al rC\-Kw oa J: projCCl-srecinc basis. b. Danibe 1M atlllt1n cbat an propt*d for 'bt projKt. tbe utWry pr.."idla, the tft'Ylce •• ad tbt Cff'fnl utWt)' comtra.ctloD Itdh1tid G. tta .. allt or iA t~ Immtdlatl' \icWty ,,-bldl lDIebt ~ otc<1fd. LOP impacU ite analyud in the L..Ot' EnvtrocuneoW Imp:act SU1¢mcm -,nd in Mlb$eqccnt mnrontntnl.l documents.. J~utu~ LOP tk\.·tklpm... .... '11 will rcct::wc additional tfwironmcntal !"e\·IC .... • on II rrojecc~lfit balts. C. SICNATURE T. the undcnigncd. ~taU that to the herot of my kno\\ 1cdi.oc the atKn·C wflJlTIlation we o.."K! comp~ 1 undcn.ta.ne1 dl3t &he kad agency may withdraw an)' cicdamioa of nor"l-IiJflirlC~ that it migbl i..uc in rchance u~ .hb cbcdd~ should thac" be any .willful mitf~ or ... iUf\lllatk of f\l~l d!e;closurc on my p&n. St&ldl..,..: ,2002 fJ/o.-..uo.'MOr.ALOftt"rJ.JSl I 'SIIil1 )A.iOJnl ~ 16- . ,",. . . . -'; -}i" . . . VSJI 1)/1 (:UI!£KL~~r fOR i'OltfllOJI'" A.f:T10l'l1i '~!do u.. ~vtJ~ll C'~lh .. 1 fb;r ~\eJ}l~ ~ .. 11~~ Ibq.uib- 1iil~~r;'~l uu.y bo ~~a.·~ Ml(tIlil''' UI " ::.r.\Ji.M:Ibt.. .. ... .oddI.""" """"IdA! .... Jlt:PI'L,bIEI .. ,. At ~'",~T fQl\ )-'OM'ROftCl' -'Cf!ON ,,,,,,,I>00I ",.11<0 Eo,_'" U",,~I ... (f'", D, fir" ~~I~. I!'.c ~~ In, I.bI: t!.7\'tIr\.'kBf:sl'nlll Cb:et:J.~ trl the 1IR~ .ptliJ ", "tbt~. "~ .. .a.nJ"~ ~ '!II"''' -4AAiM be; !\WI H "9fI~x,J". "'pr~(t • .IiWl"a.f~~~~". f~O::Utof) M\ ~ .. ·rw.,t.1ir(""'" i: ~l.'W.lhj} • o o II. st!PPIA:M£!'iTAL SHEETS ."OHNONPROJt:CT A(.TIONS Bc:n::&5e ~ qf.lel\ul.lO.':IIre "rxy ,~;d. ;l'ro;ll't be belpfullO r~ them 1ft conJlJJ1Cli~ .... Im lht list of the flc:mcnU of tM 1:1"-1o'itoNJli:lK. Whc:a ~wuine t.ho.c ~U)OI. be-"":tn: of ute: ntL'J" lhe prOfK*J ..... the typo of I(."ll~lfln h~)' to re-llb from the propQQi. 'Vo'ouhl.rrcr.1Iht item at a grcata inlcnsity Of al, (~C, ralt than ihhe proro.W ~crt nor irrof'lcmcnlC'd. MnPl-""nd bn,eny and in jielC.itJ LetnU I. II ••• ovld llu prO?OSIJ be Ukdy 10 1Acna~ dbcbarc,e 10 ,,'at«; t.mf"'oes 10 .:if; prodDdwn, atera&e. or rtlu.M or lollc or kaurdou.t ."b.-tanen; or prMuetlu of aotH1 'J'bc proposll nill da'dqpmcn, rcpd:ttlOO. Jl1p[c<=ablc L\) Ike LOP sue lind dl\'tdef the LOP .fhe mao k-cs, 11 does Me .-iplifiC'"oUllJy .her the: rcojC'l.1 ran.l1l(ttfj dGc"libt.d And an.aIy7)!d by tbc LOP EiS (If by «her cnmorn:ncntal at'Ial)'llS (mc-1udmc anal)1"1., of the WI" Slonn_'III1,('f man:t.g~ ')'J.kmlpcrfonncd 'A'lIh 1"PC'C1 '-0 Ilk dn·dOfl;llCf~. Due '" C''''oh'ln, rqvbtion of,tomHr.llCt' nWiII,¥mw::nllf'1 rrsponse 10 l?IId:m,crc4 S(leCK-. Act con~nkTilt~~.1IddI1jQtl&1 :tt(mm~'atcr anoll)'ill of the ~d LOP developmenf ta,.. been pa10rmed Ind 15 JtU;i;btd I' F .... hlbh o. nu, anlJlY'i. dcmonstnnca I!w C(.ru:truCiIOtl or lhe fJWtCf pl;)n ",,-ill comply ~tilb th( City of R.."'I.o1Qnts cunene iUrfiACC .~.tc:r mana,aune:1)t rclt\llaJKJnl. Propuud mH'Urft 10 naid or nd"c~ .ucla locr~Ut't .rt: • Surface Wlltt roll«:t.on S)"llm\! wt U,,".-otpQnIC d«p ~mp cal4n biUlns thai ",:iII Ira,') scdimmt; • Storm drainage catCh balim thilt include-iiI,"ttkd elbcu.-s to reduce p;iS~iC or otls and ut.~ flwtinl dcbns. • Storm dnjna&t v'ulu J.izcd to .:commodJte future: (".()atQ:Cin, plate oill",,'.tc:r ~"'" i:; ~ are;u ~"'t 10 hish ,,-chlcul .. , U~ • Combinalion ""('(pond/detention ponds that .111 rcJu...~ peak nov.-,. aod Impro"-c .... 'tta qu;,:hty. .nd • t..an..bcape plant maltTlalslhat v,,11 tedlM.:"C 00-' vclooucs. prOtcnt etOjlon. mbi.li1..e slopes. and provide .... ·atcr q~(jti' bendiu. L Ucnr wo-.Id dt~ propusal be UkfJy to .rr'd plants, ulm1h..lhht or DUI.nH 11f~~ The: Ploposal veses development regut-tions appl.icahle: to the LOP sikand dIvides the LOP Jite into lots. h don not .ignif,undy o!1tt the pmjec1 parlmcttrJ described and anaJp.ed by chc LOP EiS or by Ol.hc:r cnvrror'.mcnbl anaJ)'S~ (1nCludmg a.-..Il)'lis of the LOP stonnw-;l1er maNitmCl1 t)'!tan) pc:rfonncd with mpect to Ilk ~"t'lop'ihc:nt. A. dcmoM.tram1 by IbIS ni.Jtin, ana!)'I~ COflStnlCtion of ':he nwtcr plan __ it! (ompt)' with the City uf Rcnron', current turracc-\II'~let rcl:'lUtlons. "'hiet! arc dct.igned to prottct both !he ~ and orr-sitt tnvtronments. o.""\o~,At.CHf:{;JQ.1IOf IlUnl).ol~1Jl • • • • • ... , • , '. " .' . '. . . .' . rl'1l9O...r"'!l!I.'''' co P,"",,' <£_<.I'>'( f"'"' .. , .. oIr, 1I0I0. ... _ •• f«lr lite;. "I'l\c. 1iIIml ~1I\i1'At (tun "".11 mi"~ l~ '" oft~ .IlU1=--"" "-s. a ~ lO $a.ncm D.I_ ... :J. Hu. "'~14: tJ;la Pt'!1" la." ~)l-l8 41pl.k tiI~ ... QA:tatd.r~ T1>& -"'" ',"it ,fn.<I< .... _ "'~ """.....,. OJ I!oo UW .... ..& ...... d14 1.01> .... ...., _ II <1("_", ~1I"'n.""'r ,oj ....... I""J'M 11'1'_ ~ an<IliOIlyio>I b~ 11ft; LO~'m.!J 9f~ t,dnf. ea,,~~ ~~\~ pcr~¥Mb ~~ tlf "lCdo~ ;\J ~~~,.~_~ (ftc: MUJ~~ f)c,~CA.f. ~ td b tOP' pmJttl _ UlCllY .... ~1Ii1 ~ ~ ~r"iP'fk~'Jt.. Me« 16114JIP1"~ rC!3".1~ ... _Q( .. til be u;w~~ » ~ 1_ w1Wo'1 ~Yl~ ~ru .i!J",~\vptd un Thl 1m .... 1 .. 'r~ ~(tt bf ~I'!ft., CIH."" .. ....,...,. .... a:auu')Ij "~rm lIle1 ~ Jrf)SI:I ~iu::.1'tl'Hl tun;(;. <t. It"" 'tl"tmI1iI , .. ~ ... t$ri, IS .... Itt" .fftret ... " rt'OD.~,IIhJly .-do~. Il1'U& ff' ........ ""Me...,t. (61' rlfl"'k u ~r \t~)') r ..... '"" .. .., ,,.tl!("tiN~ wd ... p.u\", _Udt.,. ..... ,,.u. a.lld wtak. .... fl!tralOItd _ .. a.Utl .. ..." t,.-t:f6 ti;4JJ"'4, Iti,~ M Qjt,laI'1lJ ~ ~ ~1 •. 4, flf p11U11 '1\1'!H:k~~ 1'l3~' \"ew, ~Wfil ~t~ ~~It", d'lilLO" ~1t: ;w:l di~ the l..OfI \aCllm~ loU.-tt 46fi «of «ltlHrtUNty ~f~« :tN PNJJIf.'t,..-.mC'Wtw J~btd M)\j ~llVJ1N by u~ t.OY SIS t}t'tty \:It""" ~~ .vu:I)'$ f1tt1iJfmW IMidt ~ bl'$lUI: ~cL'9"l" " ~~ltk!Qlty C):INlnj ecJ'tm'HtIMllll'" ANI": itt tv(' lOP "iW1 (;.a.~ lOr flS.,. ~ .~ pKm'IUd,f,lMt by t}1'G" U.S'. Atlrtr t'tlflll' (,fbtP<Uk:tS #UI~.',~Urul oftbc: LOP lWf~il<t mati~ ,~"'tU., ~ th4 wpp.tc:ullftikl 9<,hfI ~ ~"CIJJ ~ ~ w om ~ltIf.t ~ l~ lhibn IH .. fI1c: to,. ptPJCH:l m:c.1c iIll ~hc..tbIt: .. Mil qu.tilt)' tt~Kin~ dAd 1$ 001 ~p¥:I(Id iO.l~rnd~ lR1tf'.Ji."f ~~~1 ~Ifi or o$er "",Wbtc '''''11.'' tJ'tf4AI,tt Iii ~r ,.c:b I n;Gqn'e1 .r ht _"let ee .. ecctllO ~ad. aTe: Nt>I ¥WJfQbt. M UJ':I lim._ ~ Up "Oltld .-. p~ h fI~fl)l to: atfrort 1"*' •• 6 .. ..,.fJIM' liM. hKbadi"l ~"'" If -..kt ...... ""f 'I' .,.01&". butd OJ' "-'rtn...~ 1Mu8t"tUJJ.wtttt n~~pJ •• i1 'I'M prutl(.O:l \'MJ~Jopmenl rqutazllf''-~licib" Ii.' ~hlil' lOP "-tit !IUd dt\·tlb the LOP "",,,,,,!(;!I, 11_JtC><~W\lfl, ... IY"""h<""'jM_"'~·""'~by tltt I,.or fllS"(wb1Q1her ctl!vtnlflincnl,,*~~YJ!' petr'.,"-~~Iftt )~t fO.ttk de-v~ PtctptII* IMt ... m f. aft4tl tlr rtd.,. !l:W"UU aM !uti d.H Jcal'~b art:' :"t"..i-1ft"P!j~e a1').bt. tlme. , ,. , • • • o tl,", "r.Hl1d abt pro,.,aJ b« lI~dJ f4l1f,Lftut dtm.lI.d, 0. ,,..,,J;po1'UtJ.oe W' pabtk wn'kn .od u.uuJIa! The pr.,ul \'.o;tf. ~c1opmc'nl rtpil'.om liIIPJ"l~ \0 dx: LOP ~r.c Ind .!n·ides ihc lOt' .... uno ..... k _Il0l "FrlCOlllly ahc:r til< I""i«t ~ dco....,l>od ond 0MIyz«! by !he WI' ElS or by o<!scI ",'_l1li' ~ I'''''''''''''' til< LOP T,ar.5pOl1.l1;" SOoly au,cbr4 LO-~ ~,.woo Ep\'~Cbcd:l!&t' wdb ~'t 10 Wac dtvdop:tnasl As dcmOO5ir~ b)' tbc: .. htlphcm Oo..~. impacu oftbt Ll)P project or. trampuel,'lQO I3d pubhc ~ 11,d Ullbticllnec1 .u appIrt.ablc: repliauont andtor ... 111 be mmptaj as rbr !.nne when IndJvcloal pn'JC'U arc dc\.~ OCJ lbt LDP ~. ~ BKalU:rt& to nduo'" fClpcmd to ,1Ot1l "",udt.) .re Nut apphabte altha 1lnK. ,. UtJlW'y. U pottfbf, _luib« tllc-propoul 1DoI1 co .. run ""Ila w-l, .Uk, or "'~Il':Bl""~ or reqalnJDfUb for tb«: pNriettJ,,,. of law ftI~int·m,rU. the: Oeniopmerll Ai1ccm~ comp:teS wj ", RCW 36..700.170 and. II tonilUaJt with tppl.!nhle Jaws C:-OnCcn:;mc protectIOn of the m"~ SlGNATURE 1, the uDdcriiJised,$la~ lhat II,) Ibc bcs! ufrn:}'~'la:fge the: ~ infU(Q1lltion U'W ItId tumple:lr 1 undcnwNI thaf the lead.~ hUy wic.bdr»w an)'dcclca1Wrl or non· 'Ipj~ m.t: Jt mlPt ~ in te'1iarY-e ~ this ckcc:klltt thould rbtrc bt any lil-i f1!UJ nuu~ Of ."ltfUllack o(fuJl dtJ.cJOi'Vteon my pIlL -nllf Sub1ftltted: __ ~~~~.~a~<.~~~lp~~. ____ ~.ZOO2 O""~~Al ntI£'k1,lST l"I~~)t . '.