HomeMy WebLinkAboutBSP-02-022 6, ' . , .', , o EXJIIllIT" lo.~G ,\CRES ot'flCE P,\RK OEVF.I.OPMENT AGIIEEMENT Dtstrfptlon or ProJloul In 199-1. the ell), of Renton issuC\l an mvironnu:nt31 impllct statement ("EIS") .k:sI;:nbin~ the cnvironmrnt:ll inlp;u:u or thl! long3crcs om,c Park ("LOP"), a IM-acre.:2.!i million ~lL:U'C' rffi m.ufCT pl;mnN dCl'clopmcntlhat included office'i, an emplo)''Cc ccnIC'r. fe:alC\! support and uttl ity facllitb. iUld open 5jl<jce amenities, It was that C5tllnatc:tl th:;1 LOP \llou!tI be dc\'rlopat U\'tt a 1(}-tu IS·)'C'Olr rcrioo according to Dacing's corporate nced~ IlflI.I \liQuid includ.: approximOlldy 10.000 employees at rull nuilJoul. In 1995. the Cit)' issued .. Mltig::lltion Doc1un ... 'fl.t rorlhe LOP II\:U KI flmh miliIP1101l ror project de"clupmcn1. Two buihJings ~vc been conslruded sirn:e 19f)S-Uocini; Commercial Airplan.: Group He;nkltwt~ (19')7) and Uocing I-'amily COlre Ce/ller (I99M),1 In JI}99. the Surface Water Management Program r'SWMP'") wat cunstruCTed , SWMI' is Ii stumlwatcr sysh:m ror the LOP C!>nsisTing of a cumbin:l1Ion of wetponds. dt:tcn!ion pondli, lind crcatell wet lauds sized 10 acconunod.tte Ihe lOl' ma!.tef plan 31 rull builduul. In 2000, Boeing and the Cit)' enlc:mJ inlo :I De'o'ClopmenT Agreement pursu;lnt 10 RCW J6, 70U ,170 through ,210 selting rorth policies 10 govern futufl: dc\'elopmenl orlhe LOll. T1Ie Agreement described the basic ~metCf$ofproposed lOP tlevclupmr:nt and was h3SCd on the 1994 EIS nnd addit ionnl cnvironmcnlnl ;malysi~ of cen3 ;n .uPCC1S or we project. including traffic imp3cts :md thc :site's slQm\\\'3tCT s)'!>tem anll inc:luding ... -n\,lronmcnial onalysis of ;my addiTionol impacl'i nuscd by in.:n:asing the hcish1 of (ertalll bUlldll1gs to achie\'e a 500,000 squ:trC foot incrca.'ie in gross floor are3. In preparation fur rurther LOP Sl'': Jt\'el opl1lenl. l!oemg now propuses tu enter intu 3 new Developmenl Agrl:'ement with the City that will slightly update and rcpla.rc the existing De\'elopment AgJcclI'tr.t MId will incorporate:s binding site plan fur the LOP. The proposed Dcvtlopmenr Agreement will c:subl is:1 :Jpplieable dt\'elojJmcnt regulations, including dC'V(lopmcnt standards sel rurth in the Renton Mun icipal Code. 3. \'csting f13mework. and other ~lri<Ztions , In addition, the proposed Dc\'dt.pment A~ent will cstablish stand:l.nls for:1 binding site plan fortbe LOl' th.:!,t \11;11 divide the IS8·:tc:re parcel into lots to C:acilitate LOP development under the masrer plan. The binding sile pl:m includes provision for site ~css. utilities. and other rXllities for dt\'elopment that were conremplated in the nu:.!er plan . I Boeing'. CuStomff Seniecs Training Center. compleled In 19')2. is looled on II sCp31::llle pM1:el irr.mcdi.:ttdy north orlbc LOP lilc.', lJo'VeaOMlo n AL a lln:uST I !IIJOl lA~H)1 , • , i-, 1(170: , • , -- L .1 l r~·~----------------~~~--------------------~r-·----------------~ I I I ... I , I-+- I I I I • 1 I , I • I i • I • I I Transnation " IA">t"'<,A,~ A " _ .... 'lJ\NDAAERICA FINA1ICIAL 888 W 6111 ST LOS ANGELES. CA 9001? Attn. AMY STRAIT ~/J T'nn~niltiol'l Tillo Ins~runco Compao)" an Arilonl! COlporallon. horoin callod Iho Company. lot 8 villuablo COf\51cUtralion, h(lroby comm,la to I!>SUO lis polq Of pobae" 01 bllo .n$:urMICo. n~ IdenllllCd If! Schodule A. In bwor 01 UUl ~t~od IIlSllIod ,wood In Schodula A , D!O o ..... ner O~ mot1gageo althO estate or iotoro" cov(tfcd hOloby In tho Innd doscrlbod Of foloHed 10 In Schedulo A, upon paymont althO plcmiums and charoos IhOlOlol , nil sUbJoct 10 tho o.cepllons land conWl,ons und flllpul<JllOf1!. IIhown horoln, tho Ellcluslons from CovclOgo. IhO Schodulo B a.cophons, and tho condItions nnd sllpulahDrn) 01100 policy Of polocies IOQUOSIQd ($04) IvvtH&I) SKkJ of IIlIs COVOI and 1115100 of brtck COVOI 101 punted E.-elusions '.onl eovclIIgo i)old Schodulo 0 a.copt,ons contmned In varIOUS policy lorms ) Thlli Commllmonl shall bo cllCChvo onlv wllon Inc Id('ollly olUm proposod In!Ourod and Ihe 4mount of tho I'IOllcy or pollciOS commluod lot hilVO bcclilOsollcd In Scnudul0 A he.ool tJy tho Compnny. eilhe: III Iho tlmo 01 11m issuanco 01 tins Cornfllltmonl 01 by subsOQuont ondorsomunls and IS subjOClIO Iho Conddions Dnd Shvutallon, on tho back ot IhlS cnYCI This COmmitment Is p/ellmlnary 10 tho .ssunoc(: 01 suc', pohcy or poIlClli s of Iitlo InSU/anr.e Bnd aU I.abllity and obllgalions hcroundor shall coa so Mid ttlflllmsto SII( months nllol Iho ol/octillo dale he loot o. whon Iho pohc\, Of pollclos commillod 101 Shill! ISSU,). whlchOVCIIIf!U occurs, prOY.dr:u Ihallho taltum 10 issuo Goch poUcy 01 pOhClOS.S nOI UHlt.1utt <.otlhe Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TnANS~~ATION llTLE IUSURANCE COMPANY r.as c-"lused 115 COIPD, .. tc nol"1O lmd soal10 bo hOlounlo .. !lI.xed by lis duly ntUllOlllQd OIlICOIS on Iho unlQ shown in Schedulo A _ NOTE: THE POLICY COMMITIEO FOR MAY BE EXAMINED BY INaUIRY AT THE OFFICE WHICH ISSUED THE COMMITMENT, AND A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE POLICY FORM (OR FORMS) REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT WILL BE FURNISHED PROMPTLY UPON REQUEST. o..'JHOf'MENf FlANNlNO CITY OF RENTON FEB 18 lOO2 TH,\SSS.\TIOS nru: ISSIlN.\"" .,,: (,O\II'"S'· '" ?ta,..,J' C Wr ,-"lIN ,:L I..X<'t:....~"-/...~ __ Form 1004·274 . -- L I i I • - L , j • COMMITMENT CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1 I h.' \ .. ,,... l"l-jf'l::-,)\)it .. '.1'11 U'\.\·,j f~"':' • ha'i i ... I~"l" .l •• ." \" I: 'J';I In.."t '/''' .. oU. 1>1 t;IIICI St..,:: ud'; "\~I".l'f"'1It Z \11'1." I,)rQpo;Io"-.J Ifl'"AIf .... 11)i1 01 u.-:qu,"~ .ctval ~.O(, .. \."f.:<1 "t .lUIt "!, II '.1 fit)!! ~~l,IIr,vt .UII'''', ,t.!JIl'I'!.o.! (1J:.1t1 {"' oU'I'r m.lH~1' ;lltl'cHou t!101 L' ~1.1I ., 01 ."t~, .. -o;1 <:"f rl'\<,lIllj ,;,.1' I"-!..tcl ..... 1;;' ,.111\),) l,> r I":, (' r,\I '11"· ,1111 ... ,,1 1;)1"111 th.\l: 11 .... -:...· ./1\ .... 1"1 In S, !".~1l\.1.~ U /11,110:01. AnJ ~tt 11 b,.: 1,1 ,J. jo(,.t, I~+t ~"'':I ~ "" .... \,tt.,.. 10 'I'!..' C"""I,,\'I •• 1' Wl1I1I'!) tntl r .... '~ll:." II/ :)1,,11 h.: 1",~Uf\o' 'II Iml'1 1t.\b.1.1y lUI onv to'. ~ Of .1.-'-.tSi'., n ...... lr'n<J I'tQm ,J~11:':'! m 'lIM'" U h;!lcl).Jllu 1110") iI_"-'" II If CCI"'ll,lr.( ,~ .:>II'/l.k!"."<! rr, 1 ... !lIN h) W II ·.dl)~o ~ .. ~tl "IU,....· t~<l It :"flP"I(lU .... ' \:I'I~UIM ~hol'l \';~~'!~ · ... _\on ~~ .. l. 'I:)'" h' '1"1 e· .l'f ll1~ m ,I 1f"J C::ulf'lh1n), "m"''''''N ~Cl1<l'j1t~ actual ~~ ..... t;;-. c l ''It) S<;\.~ ,!o.I.",! lltlr. ~U!TIt. ,1",;" .. j ",'1' .. ' f.',""" 14 ,th.'nl .... !I~·' U~ (' .... "l'jJlO)' ,11 <It. flr!lI,m "~~ ,,!I;"M x h<"I' ,Iu l~ Qt 11\,1' Corr,t\'\.f'llO.-'1l! _\(:,",,~<J ..... ty {'ut ",\>C/O ,u .. " .. "j'wnt , •. ,_, , .. ,t !,.I ..... • !n,! C~ ... IIl, tm"l\ hAlrH, "ft'v'f'" •• ~I.,. mCUUM pur. "'1,1.1,,1,,1 n,,,, ' ..... ,,;.., :\ 0' ,\.It,>~ •• r ... WIH,,~l" aM ~'r-.!,Ot Iv,n" l lL,y,.o.t\, (,1 !N,I r' ... :l"r •• :» .110." .t, I ', rl.t'!' ..... t'·. "r .'.,1" ~ ... 'll'Il, '1.> It,,.~ "\..(1'",,-,1 j>tvr.~ <Sf" 1 '\'AII\"\1 ..... J .~I'\ 1 ..... 1"., n~ :;'ld.~1 vlll!,hu u-~ d..,t," 14..ofI O'l'",,'~J ,', tltl~!, ~,,,,I ~·o; 'i ,., p. " (>'1. (!I'l·,."IU,'tl LI' \lOX! (':I'/y ~". ~nu.:llo!i.) " .. "rll.·,.! 111 h.· .. ,Jlke 1.cI\l'OO '11 .......,...tu • .fI1,l.:llo ..... '(Id f) 1" r.\ to (':<'!'O<¥ .. ,tI, t""· ""1·J.f,·!I,/"r.1S h"'v.:.t ,jI (D) 1ft t'1,m.n,lI~ (j,cc"\,'-m'. !.r,o-"UI<l SCN..tUJO 0 01 tel \') ¥ ~.~ (W CI~"'''' t!o.c .. .1 .. h,. i), w.!c',_ <.1 01 "I'(.11".IV'J 11141.\. ... ,. <;C'"V ! 1. .... "I'S Ct\fr . ...,.'rr.·n! 1" I ~ (!~,(!"I &r-~lit lOlIC h t>jlb,1,ty Io.(;~ Ii'll!! ....... "1<1<11 &i.I~~t", &;liC~~ .. ,,, A 1\" TI\o) .... y ~ ,,,.;" "]'0 (,.i'f'1Pl'II~'ilI01 ~ru su,:'" lI4U"Il't 'so 'O •• hl,-"I1-., Ihe 'I":SII""V {>fO<.-~:I. ~I!.r-CUt'<J;.:oQrb n:m t:, :-0,1:1:"""" :11\<111',' L.C"(:.o<)I" , It\,tll", C.r'~"""Ot· Iii "'" loJ' rn til oc:r,: 'f ()/" OOf'CIf\:, CCoI'Ilm.lto)(J lOf III J:I~OI Of IN! ;)fOOJ~ 'f»Uf1.P(t wh ..... h ... , .. ''t..~.-t>y "X'\I'I"""".,j IJ'r lo'I,',(>o).-,I'.li'\d ,J"-' flt.)Qi) , 1\:1.11 01 Ihl3 Com'1lllilh"ll e ·e(!plilO; ... oruMlv moe,1 ('d fto/"fE',tt • ...... y acctoilrl (K .M;:t>On. t:., "vr~: .. 01 111:1.0>. tfl;.! 1I'tl t'h)pos..'<J ",\.I\'d m.ly h .• ~ Ilf m~ bt,!,O ago'",,! :hc ComPo',n.,. """'fIlJ wi 0 1 It'"' tt"tul; (l11I'd. 11110;) 10 IN! e--... ,u ... i)I Illte-tfl\: (U II .. .., \1 ,\~V" 01 tr<\: "","u 1'1" Ih\.,", ItOn COV' ·'~I{I b{ 11\'5 (;(,'1\lTtllm(,ul mll~1 ~ b;.o;u..l on.aN oUt! ~"l'otoC I IQ Itlr.: ~.~,s, of th ... ca.-,mll,"",!\t SCHEDULE OF EXCI USIONS FROM COVERAGE t I'fo ""lllo:':li h,il.1 ~o.:> .... t'~h PO'u::y l\i'" ~. II ~ .. p:e·.~I:; ., • elWlod 1I..vr, trw ClTJ'CI..,O 01 1 .... 11 pollet 3/x1 tll'l Comp..lfl'l w ,1I nol p.J.,. ~ or d.i.t".oQ'" C(r>.t.. a l1oll\GYs '''0:,'' ~r "';"'Il~(,! ",)lI\;n "rl'C h~ u: .1'.[>n II"I"I(:<}I AMERICA" LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10-17·92) .I\d AMERJCM~ LAtJD TIlLE ASSOCIATJQfj LEASEt10LO LOAN POLICY (1 0·17-92) T~~"'J""a::.;n 1, .. C.-'p'N!5f;Y m,~! " ..... , 11'011 ~ .. tf I:l<'l!f ttn ~ M'I(l COlO ('.(f'"!\lN"), ... ~ p8)-\,,)u <II ;l"I."I\~· rtt>!l. l\:rol'T'I")'~ ~ Of tro~ ~ .... 5tI tlV t'\o:\;,.:"WI ¢f I '0iI) Ary-bIW ~!Jtul (of t'C'-~ '~'~J:Q~ ;r,~/Wo."'; b.t 1'-'1 ~ I~ t-,.I!\-1:t1g aM ~ 1;o"tfli J_ IYl2onr...:es \",( Ill;\. \JJ0I'-1 ,~t<w}'~'lJ.VIY'~r:f~1 ::~OtXI~ ..... n·1!:c '7~ c.r r-. ~nrt. ('-1 tt» tt';,I~"''''''''_ ~~\ Qt u...1"'" I" .ry .t'"';lfo.e-..,"~ 1\<1 ... 1)' "IITtoltl't!r n·t<I~ ~...., '''t' '.pd. i'L ~,,~.t'?:!''' t:\~, ,.,t''f'' ~.s.o:M·r ..... 1 .... ~w. llt .. d 0' ,rov !)arC/r1 o. w"·t," !r,t' I •• ,,~ ~f .... u :t p.)l: "" .. , ~ pn!'~ Ot ~ .. , ~ .,J KI")."Q' .... ..., rJ 1',(",0( If .. "" QrOr.;tt'O'1o tit ~.t.tl "")<..ll·U"~ ~ b Il''''' l"'" '"1'1 t'"L.;( " 1\06:. d N er"'tn iX •. )('t! ... .t!-.~J 0' A liif~ :II! !i I>'~"'I l ,,' I O!' ...:ur'O'~ """"""'9 ~ ::II .. ~ at .l1t>Jt)O \'U.:l! ,. ". ". "i nt~hIU;bo¥'("t''lC.V';:lI>dr!'':ts~II'''''~:v. llc~"lr",,)'.n AT" oeo-~"'",*O~.;:Jf ~~ "oC:..."IlI!d!J'r 11. ""'" e-o.""",,, l;' "'.o.JiJr£~.,rt,) 'Jt..~c::,,,,.e~ e ......... • 01 -I n«oUf 1<1.1 Of'" <I WI ~ tta,;~f"!:.e ft""..J!l.~ ~. .1 ~~ ~ .• ..>:y:! ,,00101"1 .. ~ng ~ IoW'o1 ~ DfIIJ' 'fICQI ""'Il ,('!'Ie poUt: .... ~ a'l 0$:0 r;f .- • ... _-_.,-_._-_ .. _--. • .,------ .2 AI;1n o! iIIl ..... " 'br"..u! '''Il,>:\.S fl.:;:;;>} ~!! ... NI"Cl .... aw"Cl! P\,l~ be"" .~o.w 0:1 tl'ie pv:l"' t': ,~, •• Ci\\te1:l1 Pol'K1" !,o,,1 tint ':l!.1dttQ flou:n ~ tf!J a>.J'<;j ..... odl ttlt:'I <X.J::.iI':M J"",JIle 0 .. '(1 at P(..q ~ .... .., t.., tn' .... ..-; f}Il""" "1~ r) a~' M lSCJ "-" ..a/JIl IOIIt"O.t ~N"''«'o}'J j I)oo+,..~ 1enJ. ~. ;tt:tAi""'.* (;:, • ..r.'I 01 (t' ..... 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IJJ:..'tf (>I roe ..ur.(t? m {.I"'II} 01 ~ cr t;1!! .l"l.l\JIo,t( 01' tllt./"1I ',I l: 'I 1<.Cr:.b":"..r'!t1' ..,.....~ ul ~ .... ondI"(.'''O'It·};. b CC"Int .... \Iodl .. r~ o(..It"/O:> tklIr.~ ~~'c~~ L."""lI I,! lI>b S!iI!1l .n · .. Tl'~I. L"O 1.1'1(1 ,I ~"Iool!«I !I :r ... <\Il, .." u-"(l'" -, . wt>1"-f ,) e"tI) .~I IloI 11"".(1 "' ..... 1.'(1 r..ot:J.lI)-". 01 ;;l;I' t""t'Cl .,rl, !OJ~J. Dl..~ (If In<} tr~~"1doo,)r1 tt~ b) !f>e tf,~1 .. .., .. jl?e Jl"ta.:;!.o.W¥! u;U' 1J;>.Jf', 01 tln,' ("'"Ju.un1O! aft r. ;~')(oCfU·., (If ,,,..:/1.' ~Jb'N " All, ;.' ,' .. ',,", : oI'Ilt;Y. ~,.,~~('::.. l,l::oof 0' ..... .I:6r..s!! j.., 1h.; e'.&11Tl d pnor'l Col Oi'.'If '.l. .. '\ao:<T ',.;.o'l!.Jr ~-":d. t.t.u Cl" 1!'.;I:IIfI.J,·!. 0'1111 trIO t~ ') "" '1>n .. ~ "~I1'" "".,!;IOll!1Ofrl 0\.1 ort>;l1C'tOff'Oll: or tIt1:ri. ,"II'c:::lIO Iho 'Ana ""u~1"i ;t co'Ih1i~:":J 101 .,,.d t1:lm..""nced Wl':{",:,«1I11,) 0..,:. elf PoIq aI"Id 15 n'X t.r-~l!I03d c, w.,,*, 'JI " f-l.'lb'r r.m=('f!(b 01 ~.roo t)'~:h~ stoc>l'N Dj' \hi) .i$iIud 1JJJtt.~) ",,*,,, 111 D.t'd1 01 ru.c-, !roC! If'r"~ !l.lS 1)(J4'V~ ':If "to Df"o'-;'1!,<o1 IU .¥:loW'ICI! : Ar>y o...m .. t.c"lll~ (lui d:l":-o 1fJlY'~ Ot',\llI""; IN:! onr:-... ..l ~ me fT!O(\'"PUO tOSUIod &f tf\IS poky tJr 11U'At\ 01 e>e Cl()tj,'~JCIrI ot /t:'doy.t/ tM.'*I'\4JII."Y. ~~M 1I"I5d'>c+G' Of ~I VOOtIOlr.' no'l!~ I.t~ tI'oll" t.I.'I""" OIl (01) II1fll/j"I~~K:t.,., CJol!.1lil1·) INI .... t!{6$1 01 trD "'-'Ilr~'" lnotllid;tOtI bt~1;l "",,em«! (I )r:Jllc..~1':I C:O"_OY.I'\I'U <.)I" I!IhlC:l,iI~ If,)!I~lef~ 011 It-I !tIC.' ~.:I!IOn Qf trill WI\"'!"~1 'JII!~ 1<l$l.:l'!1d """tQd~ ,11 II t~' A If"" ~~"'~)I"\OlIlO!l dlt~·.tle oIl"'~"~ 1kln\1n1:-=n or j,) It)It l,ar."-lC1.tor\ (,"Mm'j tlltl ll1ttifl'~1 .;! 1'10) m'.'.1'~ nl<lI1;;.1111'O bor\l~ UL't'I"l'.lrJ • frtluH.t>!~ ni1~I/Jf mc..,r-I ~~'(I II\G p-III!i)let,:;.aJ ,,~ e. ,~~ ... , titJ'" It~J 1.1~"'t .'1 0 ItTlt', 1000'''' ,I(t n:.t:''''f",-~ll 01 Mr·.kir. v iO, cJ 5<iOl'@:.:...utt to orr-~l.lI1 f"i'JtCQ 1<11-1 p'Jr,:f\.\~ tor v;-olJO (I' II J.6;tnionl o.-loM ~ L • I I I \ I • • • - ;1 • • • o o TRAUStlATIOn TITLE IUSURNJCE COMPANY 14450 n.E. 29TIi PUCE BELLEVUE, WA 98007 Prepared tori LrulDAMERlCA FINANCIAL 888 W 6TH S1' LOS Ar~GELES. CA 9(\017 Attn. AMY STRAIT 3/3 SECOND CO!1Hlnt£HT SCHEDULE A ion No. 1 870559 Reference, 01-1591 tJo. I • The Boeing Co. , .. - ~ EPPECTIVE DATE, Jan~ary 24, 2002 at 8,00 a.m. • 1. Policy or policieo to be iODued. Amount ALTA OWner' D Policy Extended Policy Proposed Ineured, TO BE O£TERMINEO (SEE NOTE 2) TO DE DETERMIlIED Premium (SEE UOTE 1) Tax Premium (SEE NOTE I J Tax 2. Title to fee oimple estate or Lntereat in said land is at the effective date hereof vested inl nfE BOEING COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, AS TO PARCLL III, AND PARCEL M IN PARCEL I: AND LONGACRES PARK, INC ., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION, SUCCESSOR TO BROAOACRSS, INC., AS TO niE REMAINDER J. The land refer~ed to in thin commitment is described as follows; See "LEGAL DESCRIPTION," , .. ., • • • • .~ .. ; , '. , • • '. I .. --~.~, •.. ~,---------,.,.--=--,~,'.,-.. ~.~~,~n4~·~~".~_"''''~I.'~.~~~_~'' ... , • • I I o Order No. 870559 LEGAL DESCRIPTION, PARCEL I I PARCELS A. B. C, F. G, t. J, K. LAND M AS DELINEATED ON SURVEY RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9201169002 (VOLUM~ as OF SURVEYS, PACES :1 AND 2111.): EXCEPT THAT PORTION nlEREOF CONVEYED 'I'O nlE CITY OP RENTON FOR nm O:\KSDALE EXTE llSIQ:: BY DEED RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECOR!HNO tXl. 980):150311 ; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION' ntI::REOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF Re!:TON FOR S.W. 16m STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER KING CO~~ RECQRDING NO. 950~0601 3 9; SlTUATB IN THE CITY OF RElrroN'. cowrrv OF KING, S1'ATE OF WASHl:"'GTON. PARCEL I I I PARCEL 1 AS DELINeATED ON SURVEY hECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9201169002 (VOLUME 85 OF SURVEYS, PAGES 27 AND :17M: EXCEPT THAT PORTION' nlEREOF CONVEYETl TO nit! CITY OF RENTON FOR "mE OAKSDALE EXTENSION BY DEED RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDINO NO. 980325Ci371, AUD iXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CO!NE'iED TO nit CITY OF RENTON FOR S. w. 1611i STREET BY DEED RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 950 4060139, AND EXCEPT nlAT PORTIO:' THEREOf COtlVEYED TO nlE KING COlTNTY DaAINl~E DISTR:CT NO.1. BY DEED RECORDED UNDER XING COUNTY R'I:',CORD[NG NO. 1)99090300035';: TOC£nIER Wlnt TItAT POi-TIOtz CO!'NE'iED BY 11IE XING COUUTY OP.AINA~ DISTRICT NO.1. B'I DEED RECORDED mmEa XING COutrI'Y RECORDING NO. 1999090)000353 : SI'TU.~TE IN THE CITY OF RENTO!-l . COI.JNTI OF KING. STATE OE' WASH IUGTON. PARCEl. III, ~ PARCEL OF LAND LYIUG WIllUN ntE UENay MEADER D.L.C. #-\6, AND OF GOVZiWMEIIT LOT a, IN SEerIon 24. TOWNSHIP 23 NORm, RANGE ~ £AST W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGlt-."llIfo"G AT TIlE S01J'IllWEST CORJ..t'£R OF 5;\10 SECTION 24: T'dE!:CE SOtrnf 87°018' 30\" EAST ALONG THE .iOUTH LINE OF TIlE SOtrIlfWEST '!.I4 OF SAID S£='l'rotl, 1.llO.BIt FEET TO 'mE MOJnJM£N'l'ED CEUTERLUIE OF STATE ROAD 2 ~M (WEST VALLEY ROAD): THENC~ NORnt 07°42'44" WEST ALONG SAID CE.h'TERLINE 587.30 FEET; . . nt£NCE NORTH 87°08' 00" EAST ALONG n1E MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OP SOUTH 158TH STREET 519.25 FEET TO TIiE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT CO. RIGHT-OF-WAY; Page 2 • " , .. " , >,. " • -, ." • , , • • • r . .. . o Order Uo. 870559 THEllCe: NORnt 01 0 21 1 41" WEST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY 18.08 FEET TO POINT "A" I THENCe NORnI 87°15'22" EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF SAID SOlTl'H lS8TH STREET, 127.95 FEST TO THE WESTERLY MAROni OF THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAlt THENCE NORnl 03°34'46" EAST 638.01 PEET ALOtlG SAID HARGIN TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE COllTINUING llOR1lI 03°34'4G" EAST 213.15 PEET; THENCE SOllnf 66°23' 29" WEST 317.05 PEET TO ntE NORnfEASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID PUGET SOUllD POWER AND LIGHT CO. RIGHT-OF-WAY; 11IENCE SOlJl1i£ASTERLY. ALONG SAID MARGIN 122.25 FEET TO A POINT WHtCH BEARS SOUTH 81 0 )7'40" weST PROM THE POINT OF BEGlmlING; THEtlCE 1l0R1l:I al°37'40" EAST 234.27 FEET TO THE POINT OP BEGINNING; TOOEnlER Wltli AN EASEM£rrr POR INGRESS, EGRESS AND tn'ILITIES. OVER. ACROSS AND tnmER A PORTIon OF SA10 HEURY MEADER D.L.C. #46. AUT'! GOVERNMENT LOT 3 OF SAID SECTION 24. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT -A-r 'mElle!: nORTH 87"15'22" EAST 27.97 FEET, THENCE tlORnf 01°22' 20" WEST )52.00 FEET; nfENC'E NORrn 08°22'19" WEST 265.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 23-36'31 H WEST 140.00 FEETr nfEN'C£ SOUTH 66°23' 29" WEST )7.57 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY MARGIN OP SAID PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT CO. RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE SOUTHERLY. ALONG SAID MARGIN 743.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 3 OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTH£llT NO. S1-36-SPE RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8111<'90569); SITUATE Itt nIE CITY OF TUKWILA. COUNT\' OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Page 3 . , •• .. , • , .' , • • Order No. 870559 SCHEDULE B 1IEQUI~l:lISNTS • interest to bo duly fUed t~r Inatrumentm necessary to create the estate or insured must be properly eXQcuted. delivered and record. EXC3ptl~~S. Schedule B of the policy or policies tD be issued will contain exceptions to the tollo~ing mattere unless the same are 4i~o.ed of to the B~ti9tactlvn ot the Company. ". Defects, liens, encumbrances, adver~e claimo or oth~r matters, i~ any, cre~te~. fi~Bt appe&ring in the public records or Attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to ~~e date the proposed Insured acquires for value of record the eS~a;e er interest or mort.gagc thereon covered by thio Comu. treent. B. Standard cy.ceptions net forth in in. \de of back cover. C. Special excep~ions, !. Real £state Bxcise Tax purDuan~ to the buthority of RCW Chapter 82 ~45 and Dubsequent amendment~ thereto. As of tho date herein, the tax rate for Baid proper~y is .0179. 2. Liability to assessment for gener~l taxec, said property not bei~9 carYied on the general tax rollo. (Covers that portion of Parcel 1 acquired by deed recorded under King County Recording No. 19990903000353) 3. CENERAL PROPERTY TAXES and S~RVICE Cl~CES, as follows, toge~her with intere9~. ~enal~y ~nd statutory foreclosure costs. i~ any after del~nquenCYI (1st ha1~ dellnquen~. May 1; 2nd half delinquent. November 1 ) Tax Account No. Year Billed .f!..id aalanc~ 242304-90:22-06 lOO:2 $1.2U.184.94 $0.00 Total amount due. not including intereDt arA penalti'! Levy Codez 2110 Assessed Value LAndi $ 7,000.000.00 !1.215.1B4.94 St..2IS.IS4.,' Assessed value Improv~ntD' S98.708.000.00 (Coverfi Parcell' property conveyed to King county Drainage Ciscrict !lo. 1) Paga .. • • • , -"""-=-~-"".-~' - • • fl· •• • • • • • • , . , , ]I • o jrder No. 870559 •• GENERAL PROPERTY TkX2S and SERVICE CHARGES, as follows, together with interest. penalty and statutory forecloDure coots, it nny. after delinquency. (Ut halt delinquent, May I; 2nd half delinquent. Uovember 1) . Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid 000580-0018-08 2002 $156,982 .00 $0.00 Total an;ount due. not including interest. Balance $156. ::82.00 and penalty I $156,582.00 Levy Code. Assessed Value L~ndl Aooeooed Value lmprovementol (Covers Parcel A) 2110 $13.530.000.00 $ 1.000.00 S. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES and SERVICE CHARGES, aD follo~n, together with interest. penalty and otat.utory foreclosure couto, if any after delinquency I (lot half delInquent, May It 2na hal! delinquent, November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed 0005BO ~0001 -07 2002 $35.387.14 Pai.d $0.00 Total amount due. not including intercDt and penalty I Levy Code I Asseosed Value Landi AOBe8oe~ Value Improvements I (Covers Parcel 9) 2110 $ $0.00 Balance $35.3(17.14 $35 ,387.14 6. GENERAL PROPERTY TAXlS and SERVICE CHARGES, as f t)lloWB, together with interest. penalty and statu tory foreclODure coots, it anr' after delInquency I (1st half de inquent, May I; 2nd half delinquent, Noven"ber 1) Ta:r hccount No. Year Billed Paid Balance 000580·0016'1)0 2002 $41.445.90 $0.00 Total amount due, not ind'olding interest. and penaltyr Levy Codel Aoseooed Value Landi Aooeooed Valu~ Improvemento : (Covers Parcel C) 2110 S3.576.000.00 $0.00 page 5 . .. - $41.445.90 $41.4<5.90 • • • .. .. , , " " • (;I .. " , , , , • o • .. " Order No. 870559 7. GENERAL PROPERTY T~XES and SERVICE CHARGES. ao follows, tog~ther wlth interest. penalty and otatutory forcclooure costs, if any. aft~r delinquency I (lat hal! delinquent. May 1: 2nd half delinquent, November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid 252304-9062-0$ 2002 $25.016.71 ~Q.OO Tc:al ~~unt due, not including ~ntereot nd penalty, Levy Codel AoaeSged Value Laud I 1~8e88Qd Value Improve~n tO I (Covers Parcel Fl 2110 S2.1J:t,OOO.OO S 1, 000.00 Balan·:e S25.016.11 S2~.016.71 a. GEN£~ PROPERTY TAXES and SERVICE CHARGES, ao followa. together with interest. p~nalty ~nd statutory foreclooure costs. it ~nr' after d~llnquencYI (lat hal! de inquent. May 11 2nd half delin~)ent. November 1) 9. Ta~ Accou~t No. Year Dilled Paid lS2304-900l~09 2002 $89.655.67 $0.00 Total amount due. and penalty I not including intereac Uvy Code I Assessed Valu~ Landi Assessed Value Improvements I (Covers Parcel G) 2111.1 $7.5'0.000.00 $0.00 Balance $1:18 1 655.67 $aS.65S .67 GENERAL PROP~RTY TAXES and SERVICE CHJ~G£S. as fo:lowB. cogecher with i!.terest.. penalty and slatutory lorecloour.e cost.S r if any. after delinquency I iist half delinquent. MolY 1 ; 2nd half delir.quent. NO'/ember 1) , Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid ::'0.00 Total a~ount due, not including intereot and penaltyr Levy Codes ~ssessed Value Land; A~se90~d Value Improvemen!GI (Covers Par~el I l 2110 $ 606.000.00 $3,176,600.00 Fage 6 " " " , • Balan::e $013."84.74 $43,484.74 .. , , , "1 " , , ," , I I . " , , -; , , , Order lIo. 8705S9 10. GENERAL '?ROPERTY TAXES und SERVICE CHARGES. 800 follows, together wi~h intercGt, penall:' and statutory foreclosure coOtu, if any, after delinquency I (1st hill! delinquent. Hay 1; 2nd ha;'! delinquent, llovember 1) 11. Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid $0.00 Total a~~unt due not including inltrcst and penalty, Levy Cede, Aooccscd Value Landi Asocoocd Value Improvementol (Covers Parcel J) 211(, $241,200.00 $O.OC Balance $2,'87.2 1 52,":87.21 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES <lnd SERVICE CHARGES. ae follows, together with i"tercat, penalty and ot~tutory foreclosure costo, i f anr. after delinque ncy I (1st half de inqucnt, May 1: 2nd halt delinquent. November 1 ) Tax Account No. Year Bi lled Paid 242304-9052 -09 2002 $1,285.88 $0.00 Total amount dUe. not including interest and penaltYI Levy Code I Aooes"cd Va l ue Landi Assessed Value Improvements I (Covers Parcel K) 211 0 $111 .000,00 $0,00 Bal.l.nce $1.285.BS Sl.2es .SS 12. cmtERAL PROPERTY TAXES and SERVICE CHARGES. a G follows, together with interest. penalty and statutort foreclosure costs, if anr. a fter delinquency I (lot half de inquent. May I; 2nd half de linquent . Nove~er 1) . . . , • '.' Tax Account No . Yea r Bi lled Paid 242304-9055 -06 2002 S1,9601.6 4 ~o .oo Total amount due , not including interest and penalty I Levy Coder Aoo ~soed Value L3nd, Assesseu Value Improvementol (Covers Parcel L) 2110 $169.900.00 $0 .00 Page , ., , , Balance $1.96.;.64 $1. 9 6 ·1. 64 ' . , • ,.' ., " • '. , . ~ -. i 1 • " " . • " ,-., ".,oJ ' . " , . • ,. Order No. 870559 13. OEYERAL PROPERTY TAXES and SERVICE CHARG~S. aa follows , t03~ther .. dth 11:1. ~r':-'t. ~enalty and stat.ucury toreclosure costa. if any a!t~r del~~quencYl (1st half delInquent, May 1; 2nd half delinquent. November 1) 14. l5. TAX Atcoune No. Yenr Bill~ :Z":ZlO"--9071.-06 :;:002 S:Z.137 ."l Paid $0 .00 Total amount. due, not h lcluding interest and penalty; Levy Codel Assessed Value Land i Asseseed Value !mprovementsl (Covers Parcel HJ J110 $202.100.00 $0.00 Balanc~ $2.337.43 $2,337.43 G~lSRiU. PlhlPEP.T't 'tAXES and SERVI CE CHARGES. as follows, together wi:h intereot. ~enalty and statutory foreclosure ~8t8. it anr. alter dellnquencY I (1St hal! de inquent, May 1; 2nd half delinquent. November 1 ) Ti!X ACcount ~lo . Year Billed Paid -- Z42la-l-9C8a .07 ~002 S8.1J4.15 $0.00 Total amount due. not includ n9 interest and penaltyr L~vy Code: Asses oed Value Landi Assessed Valu~ Improve~~nt91 (Covers Parcel III) 2340 $355.500.00 $364.500.00 Balance $8.324.75 $8.324.75 ANY UNPAID ASSESSMENT OR CHARGES. AND LIABILITY FOR FURTHER ASSESSJ;I&'vrs OR CHAAGZS BY Dr"inag& District tlo. 10. 16. EAS£H£2';r AUD nJE TERMS A.'ID CO!lDITIOtlS nfEREOF, PURPOSE~ AREA AFPECTED: RECOROItlG ':0 . I Electric tranomiosion system Purtion ot Parcel B 12329-12 17. EASD'lENT AND TItZ T£~S M'D COND i TIONS ,liEREOP, RECORD ING NO. , Electric cranumisoion system The description contained therein is not SUfficient to determin~ its exact location within the prop~rt¥ herein described 1237963 19. EASEM£UT A!1b TIlE TERMS AUt COllDIT-IONS THEREOF, PURPOSE I AREA APPECTFD, RECORDING ':0. I • · . • · - • , Electric trausmission system Portion of Parcel E 1269247 Page a '. • .-, • • . • • , i ... . .. " • • :::J " " . , • • • , , " , o , ',' :. !". , , " order flo. 870559 19. EASEl'.ENT ANO 7HE TERMS AUO COnDITIO~'S 'rnEREOPI - , PURPOSE I AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING no. I Electric tranomiaoion nyo~eQ Portion of Parcel A 1 2 )0320 ,0. E!~EMENT AND THE TERMS AND COtlDITIONS THEREOP, PURPOSEt AREA AFFECTE? I RECORDING NO. I Trolley and transmission pole line system The description contained therein 10 not sufficient to determine ito exact location within the property herein described 1602611 21. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF I PURPOSE, 1.REA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I Electric transmiosion oystem The description contained therein io not sufficient to determine ito exact location within the property herein dcocribed 1603975 (Volume 1173. Page 127) 22. EASEMEtrr AUD THE TERMS AND ConDITIons THEREOF I 23, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I Pole line facility Parcels I, J, K and L 2572154 EASEl.IENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIOnS THEREOF I PURPOSE I AREA AFFECTED : RECORDING NO . I Pole line syotem The description contained therein io not oufficient to determine ito exact location within the property herein described 2527873 (Volu~~ 1430 , ?age 76) 24. EASEME}rf AND nIE TERMS ruID COtIDITIO:lS ntEREOFI PURpOSE I AREA AFFECTED I RI:CORDING NO. I Transmiooion line As now located or aD may be reloc4led by mutual consent: however . the description contained therein is not sufficient to determine its exact location within Parcel A 4404710 25. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIOnS THEREOF t PURPOSE. AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I , .. .. , Electric tranomisoion and distribution line, consioting of a single line of poles Portion of Parcel 0 5007 171 page 9 • • '.' , • , , • " o order No. 870559 26. EAS£MEt-.'T A.'n) n!E: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 'nlEREOP, PtTdPOSEI Aaf.A AFFECTED I RE.CORDING NO. I Electric trannmiouion and distribution linea The Westerly 15 feet of the Southerly 40 teet. the Southerly 15 fee !:. and the Eaoterly 15 teet of Parc el C S398 61 S Said e~sement is a correction of easement recorded under Recording No. 5332652. 27. EASEME."lT AND THE TERMS Al'JO CONDITIONS nfEREOPl PURPOSE I ARXA AFFECTED, RECORD ING tlo. 1 Electric transmiooion and distribution line systems North 15 feet and the South 25 feet of the North 40 feet of the West 10 teet of Parcel P and other property 5371813 Said ea ~ement wan corrected under Recording No. 5~l7049. 28. E1..3E.~ENT AND 11iE TERMS IJID CONDITIONS THEREOF, PURPOSE I AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. 1 Electric tranomiosion and/or distribution lines A 10 foot strip over Northerly portion of property herein described, as described therein 5640612 29. £AStMENT AND nlE: TERMS AND CONDITIOtlS ntEREOFr PURPOSE I AREA AFFECIEDI RECORDING NO . l Oil pipe lines and appurtenant !aciliti eo North )0 feet of Parcel P and other p.coperty 5927062 Said easement was amended by Re~ordin9 No. 6255972. )0. EASE:1ENT AND THE TERMS AND COtmlTIONS nJEREOP, PURPOSE I AREA AFFECTED 1 RECORDING NO., , , , • . , , ..... Sewer trunk line oystem A 15 foot strip over the Northeasterly portion of B. ao described therein 6113352 Page 10 ., Parcel " " " .' , • , • .. , ., .. , . -.. ., " .. • .. ' • • , • o Order tlo. 870559 .31. EASEMEtrr AND ntE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOP, 32. 33. PURPOSE. AREA AFPECTED I RECORDING NO. I . (Covero Parcel Ill ) EASEMENT ArlP TIlE TEfUoIS PURPOSE, AREA AFPECTED I RECORDING NOS. I (Covers Parcel III) EASEMENT AND TIfE TERMS PURPOSE, AREA AFPECTED, RECORDING NO •• (Covers Parcel E) AlID Railroad opur track 'J1lc description contained therein 1s not Dufficienc co determine its exact location within the property herein deocribe~ 6131188 CONDITICNS nfER£OF. Ingreoa and egress b y vehicular traffic or at erwlee Westerly portion as described therein 6137188 , 6201242 and 8~OlO19003 AND COfot"OITIONS TIiEREOF, Sewer trunk line All that portion of Parcel E. lying Westerly of the following described line, Beginning at a point on the Westerly margin of Parcel E distant 342 feet Southerly along said Westerly line from the Uorthwest corner of said property; thence Southeasterly 60 feet to intersection with a line diucant 15 feet Easterly from And parallel with said ftescerly line; thence Southerly along said parallel lin~ a distance of 430 feet . said point of termination being hereinafter referred to as Point MA ": also a strip of land 1S feet in width lying Westerly o t and adjoining the following described l i ner Beginning at pr~viouoly deocribed Point "AM; thence Southeasterly to intersection with the South line of the ~ove deocribed property at a point distant 22~1/2 feet Easterly along said South line from the South~e9t corner of said property 6150815 3~. EASEMENT AND THE TERM~ AND CONDITIONS THEREOF , rURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED. RECORDING NO. J Sewer trunk line Portion of said premises and other property 6117848 Page 11 ;. , , ~l " , , , , • o .r " , , , I 1 " • Oraer No. 870559 35. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS nlEREOF. PURPOSE. A.R.£A AYFECTtO I R£COJU)ING NOS.I Sewer' trunk line oystcm The East.erly 15 feet of the most Westerly 22 ~1/2 teet of Parcel A, also a strip of land 15 feet in width lying EAsterly ot and adjoining a line distant 7-1/2 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Easterly line of Northwest 1/4 of the Southeoot 1/4 of said Section 24 extended Southerly in a straight line through the North 340 feet of the East 438.9 feet of the Henry Meader's Oon~tion Claim in Parcels A and B 6184981 and 6184982 36. £AS£MENT A..'ID THE Ttil.."'l5 rum CONDITIONS ntER£OFI PUR.POSEI AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I Sewer line system A 10 foot otrip running Baat to Weat across the Northerly portion of Parcel F and other property 6255262 Said easement was partially released as to other property uncier Recording tle. 6505923. 37. EASEMENT AND mE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF I PURPOSE I AREA APFEC"r£D I RECORDINO:; NO. t Sewer trunk line Westerly portion of Parcel E 6293685 3.!L EASEM£:rr M'D TIfE ttRMS A.'lD CONDITIONS THEREOF I PURPOSE. AREA AFFECTED I RECORD WG NO. I Eleccric tranomission and/or distribution lines A 7 tooc 9tri~. che cencerline of grantee's fac~lities as construcced or Co be conscructed under. over, across and upon, to be extended or relocaced by mutual consent over Parcels Band H 7803280694 Said easement is a correction of Recording No. 7802210692. 39. EASD.{ENT M"D THE TER."15 A.'lD CONDITIONS THEREOP, PURPOSE I . AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. r /i"-t -.J underground communication lines The East 5 feeC of Parcel K 7904050922 Page 12 , • • , -- .. • • • .' .. , . , , .. .- -. -,"; • " . -.' , o • • • , • , , , • • '. • ' .. . . • • • Order No. 870559 40. EASEMENT AND Tile TERMS Al'lD COtlDITIOrJS TIIE-REOF, PURPOSE. A.REA AFFEctED. RECORDING NO. I Underground cOild liunicacion lines. conduit and above ground cabinet oystem North 10 feet of East 945 feet of Parcel B 8004280437 41. EASEMENT folIO 11fE TERMS ruID CONDITIONS nfEREOP I 42. 43 . PURPOSE. AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I Public utiliticD (including water and oewer) Portioo of Government Lot 8 in Parcel B. ao describeo therein and depicted on attached exhibit 8011290373 EASEMENT AND TIfE TERMS MID CONDITIONS ntEREOP I PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED I RECORDum HO. I City of Renton, a municipal corporation Public utilitieo (including water and sewer) with neceooary appurtenances 8212090487 EASEMENT AND THE TERMS rulO CO!JDlTtOUS 'I1lEREOFI PURPOSEr AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. r Public utilities (including water and Gewer) with necessary appurtenances Easterly portion of Parcels C. F and G. aD described therein 8306090702 44. EASEMENT AND TIn: TERM S AND CONDITIONS 'I1iEREOFr GRJUITEEI PURPOSEr AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I (Covers P~rcel III ) Independent Water Company 10 inch water main Portion as deGc~ibed therein 8306290780 015. EASEMENT AND nlE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 'I1iEREOFI PURPOSE I AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO.1 -- Public utilities (Including water and sewer ) with necessary appurtenilnCeG Portion of Parcelo F ilnd G 8412070648 Page 13 • .. , , • " . • , ., • " , " - • , ~" " , , -Q .,' ''-- • > ' o .. , Order No. 870559 -16. EASEMENI' Nfl) TIlE TERMS AND CCNDITItlNS 1lfE'REOFI PURPOSE, AREA 1.FFECTEO I RECORDInG tlO. I Electric transmission and/or diocribution linea A 10 foot strip. aa constructed or to be constructed, extended or relocated over parcelo C an~ P 8602140883 47. EASEMEJlI' AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIons THEREOF, PURPOSE, AREA AFFE<:I'EDI RECORD INC NO. I Gao pipeline or pipelines PortIon of Parcel 1 8603050571 48. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITJONS ntEREOFI PURPOSRI AREA APFECTED I RECORDING NO. I Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Phone and po .... er linea 861117030) 49. EASEl1Em' AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, PURPOSE I AREA APFECTED I RECORDING no. l public utilities (including water and se .... er) Portion! as described therein, lying ~~thin the Went 1/2 of the taot 1/2 of Sections 24 and 2S and lying South of S.W. 16th Street (South lS3rd Street) 8803161006 1~1 Said easement contain~ a defective description. !~I Said e~aement ~aB amended under Recording No. 9501260432. 50. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND COUDITIons THEREOF I 51. CRAInEI:' r OWest Corporation PURPOS _: One or more telecommunication linea AREA AFFECTED I 7 foot strip 3D described therein and as delineated on the attached exhibit RECORDING NO. I 20010124000-\03 (Covero Parcels A and C in Parcel I) Reser/ations contained in deed recorded under Recording No. 750"010373. Said right of entry t:o mineralB modified recorded under Recording :10. 7811301026. (Covers Parcel GJ under correction deed 52. Declaration of restrictive covenants imposed by instrument recorded on November d, 1978. under Recording No. 7811090779. (Covers Parcel J) Page 14 , , " , " ; " " , " • , ' , " ,". , • , • c •• , . Ii " . . \ . ~ ~ • • , , . '-.' , " . , .. , . , ., '. J .. -' '. , • • • , . '" ' , • o Order No. 870559 S3. LnlRECOROED AGRE£HEtIT OR EASEMDrr Alro nit: TERMS AllD CONDITIOUS 1li£R~OPI B~E£NI Glacier Park Company kNOt Olympic Pipe Line Company DATED a hugunt 12. 1965 RECORDED, April 25. 1983 RECORDING NO.1 SJ 04250791 REGARDING, Drainage ditch (Covers portion of Government Lot 9 in Section 25 and of He nry Meader'o Donation Land Claim) S4. AGREEMErrr AND TIfE TERMS ANO corlDlTtONS nIEREOP : 55, RECORDED. RECORDING NO. I REGARDING, (Covero portion of property June I, 1984 8406010540 ACCP.GD. rcot r i ctive covenants and building oet -backs in Northeaut l/~ of Section 25 ) RELWQUISHMEllT OF ALL EXISTING, P'U11JRE OR PC)TEIITIAL EASEMErrrS for accceo, light. view and air. and all rishtD of ingres9. e~reoD end regress to, from and between the land and the hlghway or high .... ayo conotructed on lando condemned by proceedingo under King CC'IOty Superior Court . By. Cause No. I (Covero Parcels K and L) State of Washington 594806 56. RELINOUISHMENr OF ALL EXISTING. f'1!I'URE OR POTElrrIAL EASEMEm'S for access. light. view and air. and all rights of ingress. egreos and regress to, from and between the land and the hi~hway or highwaYD constructed on lands condemned by proceedings under King County Superior Court. 57, 58, By. Cause Nos. I (Covern Parcel J ) State of Washington 5500251 and 5534~26 RELINQUISHMENT OF ALL EJ\SE.."IEUTS exi.sting , future or potent ial, for access, light. view and air, and all rights of ingress, e3resD and regress to, from and betweer: the land and the hlghway or highways to be constructed on land conveyed by deed. Tal State of Waohington Dated, Recorded I February 26. 1963 Recording No. I 5548715 (Covers Parcell ) Relinquishment of acceso to State Highway No. I, and of light . view and air by deed to the State of Waohington recorded May 2. 1963 under Recording No. 5577992 . (Cavern Parcel III ) '.' .,~ , , , , , Page 15 .. ~. " • '. , , . ' .. ' , '. " , , , , ,. , , " " 59. 60. " , , o o order No. 970559 Terms ar.d conditions of Boundary Line Adjustment No. Sl-36-SP£ recorded under Xing county Recording No. 8111090569. (Covers Parcel III l Coven~:t to maintain road surface on adjacent property by i~s:rument recorded on May 4, 198~. under Recording 89050-405"'5. (Covers Parcel III ) impoDed No. 61. AGREEMENT AND mE TERMS AND COtmITIONS THEREOF. DATED. RECORDED. RECORDING NO. I REGARDUm, (Cover6 Parcel III) InduBtrial Crating & Packing. Inc., a washington corporat~on Whitney Br06., a WAshington 9~neral partnership and John's rurniture Co., Ltd .• a waohington corporation February 14, 1989 Harch 9, 1989 9903090582 oriveway Agreement and declaration and grant of eaoement 6~. AGREEMENT AND nlE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIlCREOF I AND, DATED. RECORDED I RECORDING NO., REGARDING, (Covers Parcel III ) Pugct Sound Power & Light Comp~ny, a Washington corpor~tion Whitney Bros., a 2eneral p~rtnerohip and Industrial Cr~tin9 and packing, Inc., a Washington corporation May 1, 1989 September 25. 1989 8909250479 Agreement and easement for roadway 63. AGREE."tElrr loUD THE TERJo.S AND CONCITIONS THER£OP, Br:TtfESNI AND, DATED, RECORDED I RECORDING NO.: RECARDn:GI (Covers Pa~'cel II 1) The City of Tukwila Koar-Seatac Partners, L.P. September 13, 1991 December 11, 1991 9112110761 Latecomers a9reement tor storm oewer exteno10ns 64. HA'I"rERS RELATED TO OWNERS EXTENDED POLICY COVERAGE, AS D!SCLOSED BY SURVEY PREPARED BY W , H PACIFIC, JOB SO. I DATED I DISCLOSESJ (Covers Parcel IIIl " , ' " , , • , ,. , 38UAS01 May 21. 1992 possible encroachment of metal canopy of 1 .75 feet Page 16 • • . , ... , ." " • '. . '. { .' V! ' , , , • • o Order !lo . 870S5~ 65. Right to make neceosary olopco for cutD or fill0 upon the land herein deocribed as grante~ to King County by deed recorded under Recording tlo. 2919490 . . (Coverc portion of Parcel I) 66. Right to make neceo8ary olopco for cuts or fillo upon the l~nd herein deocribed as granted to King County by deed recorded under Recording No. 2919483. (Covera Parcel J) 67. Right to make necessary slopeo fc r cuts or fills upon the land berein described as granted to King County by deed recorded under Recording llo. 2919489. (Covers Parcels 1. J, K and L) 68. Right to make necessary slopes for cuts or filla upon the land herein desc ribed as granted to King county by deed recorded under Recording No. ~919491. (Covera Parcels t, J, K and Ll 69. Right to ~~ke necessary slopes for cuts or fillo upon the land herein deocribed AS granted to King County by deed recorded under Recording No. 2919487. (Covers Parcelo t, J, K and L) 70. Possible matters disclosed by unrecorded survey by Hugh G. Goldomith 'Associ~teo, tnc., dated September 17, 1 9 90 under Job No. 90148 as follows, A) Question of party in p08oesoion ao evidenced by electric transmioaion line and tower over the Northerly portion of Parcel H and Northwesterly portion of Parcel B 8) possible impairment of easemento under Recording Noo. 5417049, 5927062 and 6255262 by building located on Easterly portion of Parcel P; C) Encroachment of barn and outbu ilding on Easterly portion of Parcel C onto parcel adjoining designated ao Bow Lake Pipeline D) Various encroachments of acceon wayo, fences, pipes and parking spa ceo onto parcel adjoining deoignated as Bow Lake pipeline " .. , . , , page 17 .. ,. , • • Order No. 870559 71.. RIiI.INQUISHMEtIT OF ALL EASEMENT'S exiDting. future or potentill\. for access, light. view and air, and dll righto of in9re~a, egress and regreao to, fr~ and between the land and the highw~y or highways to b~ constructed on land conveyed by deed. n . To. Dat.edt RecotJed, Recording No., (Covers Parcel M) State of Waohington ... Any quest.ionn that may arioe relative to the location of the South lSlrd Street (S.W. 16th St.) also known an James Nelson county Road No. 6~3 referenced in the captioned legal deocription. (Covers Parcel M) 7l. Hatters disclosed bl-' unrecorded survey by W (. J Pacific dated January 9, 1992 , under Job No. )S06AS01. as follows I Question of possible int-erent of power company by reason of power linee traversing the Northwesterly corn~r of subject property. (Covers Parcel M) ,.. Am:.EDtENT A..'ID nt.E TERHS AND CONDITIONS niEREOF. Rl.'CORDED • RECORDING NO. I REGARDING. August 10. 1992 9)08101723 Tear Lake Agreement ,~_ Restrictive Covenant imposed by instrument recorded on October 26, 1991. under Recording flo. ~210261062. 76. AGREEMBNT AND 'mE TERMS Al~D COUDITIONS THERE.OP I 17. RE:CORDED. RECORDING NO. I aEGAlU)Ih"G • (Covers Parcels 1 and I October 26. 199: 9210:161063 Hold Harmless Agreement through H) EASEHENT A.'JD THE TER""lS A!JD CONDtTIONS THEREOP. PURPOSl3. 108 inch oe~er interce~tor together with all connections, manho eo and AREA AFFECTED 1 RECORDING UOS.: " . EASD!f ... '\iT AND nfE TERMS AllD PURPOSE. ARRA AFFECTED I RECCROING N(}~ I appurtenances thereto &3 described therein 9304221692 and 9311021368 CotmITIONS THEREOF I One or more electric di9~:ibution lines As described therein 9401041015 page 18 • • .' - • • , , • • . • transmission • , and/or " t.I ~ -, -' -", , , , " , .' • " .. . . , . ,l; .... "".;..;.;.. __ ,_,..;.~.;,. __ -' .... __ • _____ .;;; ... ;..;;..;... ____ • _" •••• '1 •••• 1.;.." .... · _.;;.~ ... ,. ........ "'~,~ .,.",'. , o O:der No. 870559 79. £ASEH&N'l' MID THE TERt<fS AND CotlDITIONS ntEREOP I PURPOSE I AREA AFFECTED I RECORDINQ NO. I 80 • MEMORANDUM OF LEASE I LESSOR. LESSEE. DATED, Underground communication line. together with all neccsoary appurtenanceo thereto 5 feet in width, ao described therein 90i012S0521 Jose~h Cottutein and Luella Gottstein Waohlngcon Jockey Club, a Washington corporation June 23, 1945 October 5. 1945 3507158 RECORD~DI RECOROWG NO. I (Covero portion of property herein deocribed) LeaDor's interest is now held of record by Broadacreo. Inc .• a Washington corporation. Said lease has been modified by unrecorded inotruments dated September 22, 1938, December 19, 1958, March la, 1960 and March 28, 1975, die closed by actual notice. 81. HEMORlUmUM OF LEASI:;, LESSOR I LESSEE I W~Dhington Jockey Club, a Washington corpor~Lion. and Broadacres. Inc •• a Washington corporation washington Horse Breeders AODociation. Inc .• a Washington non-profit corporation, and W8shin9ton Horse Breedero Sales Cooperatlve, a Waohington cooperative corporation August 6. 19801 Sept ember 18. 19801 84 09180471 DATED I RECORDED, RECORDING NO. , (Covero portion of Parcelo F and C) Said lease was modified by unrecorded instrument dated April 5. 1985, dioclosed by actual notice . 82, Poosible unrecorded leases and the terms and conditiono thereof wherein the lessor is Mike" Co~por8tion. or Morrio J. Alhadeff and Joan Alhadeff. husband and wife, and the leooeec are as followsr Audrey Koistinen Rodney Xoistinen Jeff Anderlon Ronald Howard Dewayne Durbin and Mary Durbin NOTEr The lessor's interest is now held of record b}' Broadacres. Inc., a washington corporation (Covers Parcels K and L) Page 19 , • • , ,-. - • , , , &3. 84. , .--... , Order No. 870559 Possible unrecorded leaoeholdB. rightB of vendors and holders of o~curity interests on peruonal property in9t~11ed upon said property and rights of ccnanta to remove trade tixtures at the expiration of the term. The ~ner(o) of oaid peroonnl property or trade fixtures and/or holder(s ) of leauehold interest being aD follows I Autotote Limited Video patrol, Inc. Four f'ooced Fetos Telecnm Broadcasting. Inc. ADT SY8t~ Comdata Network. Inc. Uashington Natur41 Gas W&Shington Conee2siono. In. Ray BurteD9 Co., Inc. Muzak Blackbourn Services. Inc. AGREEMENT AND THE TSR:"IS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, RECORDED, RECORDIUG NO. I R.SCAROnlGl May 20, 199. 94.05200871 Obligation for providing \It'ater oervic~ to the transfer area but haa requested Seattle to ~rovide a water tap for secondary f1re service 85. EASEf'{Elrr A.'ro THE. T£R.\tS NID CONDITIONS THEREOF r PU~POSE: AREA APFECTED r RECOAOI!:O NO. r A pu~tic ~edeGtrian trail (Springbrook Creek Trall) Portion of the property aD delineated within said document 9405251431 86. Covenants. conditions and restrictionG imposed by instrument recorded under Recording No . 19990706001298. including. but not limited to. r-ightB 0:-benefits whicb may be disclooed affecting la.ld outside the boundary described in Schedule A. 87. LE.~E AND TIlE TERMS NiD CONDITIONS T1fEREOFI L£SSO~ r LESSEE, FOR A TER.:.' OP I DATED I R.ECORDED, RECORDING NO., (CoverG Parcels A th:-01Jgh oJ Longacres Park, Inc. The Boeing Company J~ years June 1. 1997 July 3, 199; 970'7Q30128 sa. ACRE£HE:rr A!:O TIlE TERMS AND conOITIONS 'THEREOF, RECORl;)EO, R£COROV:G rolo.: Dec.ember 12. 1997 9712121176 REGAAOn.'G, . Secondary Pire Access Easetr~nt Agreement 89. Notice of Potential Easementn imponed by inotrument recorded under Recordir.g no. 9611050520. Page 20 ·L ,. , . . ' .. '~ • , • , .. ',' . , • J . . ,. , , ; .. • ,,' .. , . , , • Order !~o. 870559 90. EASEMENT AND THE 'l'ERHS AND CONDITIOnS 11fEREOF I PURPOSE. AREA AFFECTED, RECORD INa NO. t (Covers Parcel A) WAter pipelina syotem ' Por~ion. ao deacribed therein and aD delineated on attached exhibit 9612100307 91. EAS£MEtlT AUO niE TERMS AllD CONDITIONS 'I1IEREOP, PURPOSE. AREA AFFECTED, RECORDWG NO. I (Covers Parcel Water pipeline Gyotem 25 foot strip, .10 described therein 9612100310 I and Parcel A) 92. J. JREEHElrr AND 11fE TERMS AND COrmITIONS THEREOP I 93. 94. RECORDED, RECORDING NO . I REGARDING I EASEMENT AND THE TERMS PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED I RECORDING NO. I EASEMENT AND TIfE TERMS PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED I RECORD ING NO. I AND AIlD May 21. 1999 9905211140 Pire Access COtIDITIOUS THEREOF, Electric tran~miloion and/or distribution line Is) oyotem (s ) 10 foot ntrip il'l ?arcel B. as described therein 9901212193 CONDITlONS 11fEREOF, Utilitiea and utility pip~lineB uyatemCu) Portion, au deocribe·1 t.herein and as delineated on the at~~ched exhibit 9903231481 95. ACR~F.HENT AND 11fE TERMS AND CONDITIOns THEREOF, RECORDED, RECORDING NO. I REGARDING, May 19. 1994 9405190503 Easement and terms and conditions thereof 96. USEME},"'l' AND nIE TERMS AND CONDITIONS llIEREOFI PURPOSE, AREA APFECTED, RECORDING NO. I rarking. ingress and egress As deocribed therein 9601231152 97. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS rum CONDITIONS 11fER£OF I PURPOSE, AREA AFPECTED, RECORDING NO. I Sewer pipeline system Portion of Parcel 1. as deacribed therein and as deline3ted on the attached exhibit 9612100308 Page 21 , .. .. '. ~ " .! , '-, ,.. " , • • • " r ' r . , • • • , o • • ,. '. .. , , • Order No. 670559 ge. EASEMENT AND 'nIE 1'ERMS AND CONDI.TIONS THEREOF, • • " PUlIPOSEI AREA AFFSCTED, RECORDlNG h.1Q. I W~ter pipelines oyscem(o) Portion of Parcel I, as deccribed therein and as delineated on the attached exhibit 9612100309 99. 1oCR.E£MENT AND mE TERMS MolD CONDITIONS ntER£OFI 100. 101. 102. UB. 104. 105. ",. R.EC'ORDi~ r RECORDUlG NO. I REGARDING, December la, 1990 9613100313 AcceaD to drainage facilitieo syotem Covenants, conditions and reotrictiona impesed by instrument recorded under' Recordin~ No . 9109261704, including. but not limited to, righco or benefits wh~ch may be dioclosed affecting land outside the boundary described in S=hedule A. EASEMENT AND idE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, PURPOSEr AREA AFFECTED I aECOROWG NO. I Electric transmission and/or distribution lir.c(o) oystelll as deacribed therein and ole delineated on the ~ltached exhibit 98 r.·~::n37S We Not~ <!gree-;:;""I I: recocded U:ld(~l' itl~::ording No. 9811101093. eASEMENT .PJ."D nit: TERMS AIID CONr.l!'!'IOUS 11{EREOPI PURPOSE I AREA AFPEcr:m I RECORDING NO., O=ain age channel system 'o r ti~n of Parcell. as deocribed therein S'80:7:l11998 1:AS£ME!rr I-1IJ n~E -r::n..'t:,.: !'o.!lD COND ITIONS TIiEREOFI PURPOSE I AREA AFFE~. RECOIWWG NO.s Utilities and utility pipelines syotem(o) Portion of Parcel I, as described therein and ao delineated on the attached exhibit 990)231472 AGRE£."ITh-r A~'D nit: TER!~::; k~'O cmmITIONS ntEREOF I RECCROEDI RECORDING ~IO. I REGARDWG, (Covers parce19 I and rIl January 4.. 2001 2001nll4000886 Development Agreement Uo.recorded leaseho!t!s. i. f any.' ': iCjhts of veodorft and holders of Be~rity in~ere9ts 00 personal pro~~rr.y installed upon the land: and rights of tenants to :emove trade ~ixtureB at the expiration of the term. . ' , '. ~ .. '. • . ,. .' ' Fage .. • , • . ' .. -. , .. • • • " . • , -'. ! • ... "AII' ....... '.hNp' ~""""i • II_a " • • • Order Jlo. 870559 106. Matters relating to quection~ of survey. righto of ~artieo in poaoecsion, and unrecorded liens for labor or materlal. An ALTA "AD-built" survey muot be furnished to thin Company which OhOWB the location of all 1mprovementc and revealo all encroachmento. drivewayo and CADementa which encumber the property. We will review the ourvey And make an inopection of the premiaeD. and will report the resulto of both the revie .... clnd the inspection by Dupplem.ent~l report. 107. ANY SERVICE, INSTALLATION, cormeCTION. MAUrrENAUCE OR COUSTnUCTJOll CHARGES FOR SEWER. WATER. ELECTRICITY. O!t GARBAGE COLLEC'l'IOU OR DISPOSAL, OR O11tER UTILITIES UJlLESS DIScr.QSED AS AU EXISTWG LIEN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. NOTE 11 The Company h~o been asked ~o iODue an owner 's policy wi~hout disclosure of the liability amount. Thiu commit~~nt ahall be effective only when the amount of the policy committed for haD been inserted in Schedule A hereof. The forthcoming pol icy C'\Uot he i.Joued in an amount at least equal to the full value of the CDtate insured in accordance with our rating ochedule on file in the office of the Washington St~te Insurance Comroiosioner. The Company may have" further requiremento if the undisclosed amount to be insured exceedo the current aooeooed valuation • NOTE 21 Title will be vested in par~ie9 yet undisclosed. vested. their title will be oubjcct to mattero of III .eo. NO"E 3 I When title is record against their Evidence and authority of the officero of 'rhe Boeing Company. a Delaware corporation. to execute the forthcoming inotrument. should be oubmitted • NOTE 41 Evidence and authority of the officero of Longacres Park. Inc •• a washington corporation. to execute the forthcoming instrument. should be submitted. NOTE 51 There may be Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Security intereota filed with the Department of Licenoing in Olympia affect1ng personal property. cropD or agricultural facili~ieD which are not covered by the po11CY to iooue. NOTE 61 The following may be uDed aD an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCft 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL D,SCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBST!nrrE FOR A Co:.!PLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTIOl: HITHIN TIlE BODY OF THE OOCIJMENT. Pnl OF sw 1/4 , SE 1/4 & NE 1/'; SEC 24 Th'~l 23 N RNG 4 E & PTN OF NW 1/4 & NE 1/4 SEC 25 TWN 23 N RNG 4 E "-• . ' .--, , .. Page 23 • .. • • • • -.. ! . .. ~. .. ~ -.. • . .' • , , • " , ( • • order No. 870559 END OF EXCEPTIONS Investigacion 9hould be made to determine if there are any service. installation, maintenAnce or con~truction chargeo for se~er. vater. or electricity. In the event this transaction fails to clooe, a cancellation tee will be charged for services rendel'ed in accordance with our rate schedule . 8w/rr ENCLOSURES I Sltetch Vesting deed Survey 20000630900001 • page 24 " , , , , .. '. ' I • " r=: , .. .. " , • , , , , • '. ' .. , ~ " , , " , ") , . .' . , • ----.- nus Iktt:h i. provided, ""chout chure. for your In(omaaon. It i, nee im:endcd co show aU ma~rs ft~oed co du: propenv indudln,. but not Iimiltd co, ar~. dimcNion •• euemcna, en. ctOlthmeno. or toanon oiboundanu. Ie i. not I patt or, nor docs It modify, me commitment or pol icy co wruck It ill:tlchtd. The Company Ulumc.s NO L!A8tUTY fOr any mac:rr rcb.CEd co Itlll slu:o:h. Refe rences should be made' co an aa:unc: IUtvq' for fUn!u:t .n'=:lnnnion.. , , " '. . , < " .'." , , I , I , , • • " , I , , • , , • • .. • • , , .. , " , - - , • " < • ,-, II 1 , _. , , J 1'-:. J .." ..... -.~-. ---~ ~ .--.- " \ \\, " , '. -- • • , • ~ " . • , ,. / /' , < < • , - " " , , • nil. s!cra:h i. pto¥1.dd. wiCIC)\,I( chu,e. for your InformaGon. If is nO( int:ndtd to show all m.an tt~a:d 10 !:he proptlTt IndudLnl. but not Ilmiad CI:I, ues, dlmen.ions, tJUtncna, tn- croKhmfna. or Ioaaon of boundniu. IE is noe • p.n-0(, not dotJ it modilY. the commic:ncnc or policy Q:) wtuch it is aa:achtd. The Company UJWtla NO LlABlUlY for any m,met rtlattd co chis Jlr:nth . Rdtrtnccs should be made CD '" 'WJ~1Ie NI"VtV for furtflcr inf'armaaon. " , • • : .~ " - • , " " • --.-.. ! • • • :J~ " . ::;. . .. <, , ·:.i , , n 'o,'o , . , • . ,'o • l • , .. ", ,I 'o, , ''o ,!. < • •• . . • , . , 'o' • ' .. • .,' . • " .. • • 4.t! ~ -.-• • r. • • ,;:t I ! ~ .,. I J.ii; _. .. 'o< I -r~ ~= -I _. ~ ! ., , I I • • • • 0 I • • • , • • • • • • • , • I , • " • Thll skct:::h ls pTOV\ccd. W1thOUt durCt. for your Iniotmltloon. It ls not Intt.nc!cd m lhow In ml=rs rcb~ co the propertY Includlnl. but not limIted m, ua. dimcMloru. Qstmcno. en· (.-oJchmcna. Of loation of boundancs . It IS not I ;nn of. nor dou it modify. che eomltllC'tlcnc or poliCY m whlth It I' ItQchcd . The Company UJUITIU NO UA81UTY for Iny mlarr "bled In d'l.ls sKelCh . fletcrtnccs should be lTI.1Ide co an aCCuna:: su~ to: funhcr informaDon. • ~~"$~~,"----"-"------~'------------'--• • ''o • • • • , .. .. , ' .. ' • , , • ,'o • • , • l 'oJ . • I • • I • • • • I • I • , , • • • • • • I , • • • , -ICI---' .J _ t-.,.-- A ) ~ I ---~ , , , • ---- --- 'I " " " , , , • , o ,-,. ',. -~=-. ~7.--I' ---/ -- • • --• HE ---. ThIJ JItt'1th IS prOVldec!. WithOUt thUft. (;or your infOmuQon. It II noc intr:ndcd to show .U tnlMrs ftt.~ Q) me propcny induolnr. but not li mited to. arn. dimensIons, tuerneno. en- acxhmen()' or Ioaaon o( boundui u. It iJ not:a pan 0(, nor doa it modify. che cotnmtantnt Of pdicy 10 which If is ICDchtd. The Company .»urnes NO lJADIUTY for Iny m.ozr relu~d CD diu Iknch. Rtfl::t,iCC:S mould be made to .n acc:una: survey for further in(om'lloon. • • • • .~. " ,- , J' , ... ~ " - , l J 1 , ! " 1 I :j J 1 I , 1 .' i 1 j t 1 , i .j ! '. I L . ~ .. eLlA STANDARD COVERAGE LOAN POU CY "90 Tho~--'_.~ ...... -.J""""_~~'''P<M'oon1, ... c...''''''''''''_JIO ....... _..qt'-___ .... ~ __ .... _ :w_.~ I ~ ....... 10=. -........ .. ~--.oj '-J_ 'i<VJr'\l to~ I'd "'_10 ..... "''".I ,~ 1fftI~ ...... .-_ II ~I ... ~"'V ~ .. ,:o<~ '" _~ "'fi '" ~ _."'.'>' •• ., .... _ 1>1 "_'" .,...-.. ....• ~ .. .,,,,. .. C"t .... ~ ... "".~ ...... _ { .. l .... _" .. __ " .. ~"" .... qoO\, .. .... ...,.'" _d,.Iotot .. "",~".dI'" _ ......... 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WA 98055 Lund Usc Actions RECEIPT Pcrmlt#: LUA02-022 02118/200202:49 PM , AocOlpt Numbof': ., • . .' • , , , R020087S Tolal Paymool: 1,535.00 P.",., #686888 PERKINS COlE ..... Curront Paymont Made to the Fo1lowlng lIem.: Trono Account Code Ocac riptJon !Jooa ,0004 Bindinl) Sile/She: t PlOl 5010 000 ,345 .81.00.0001 £nvironcenlol Rcvi~~ S9SS OOO .05.~19 .90 .42.1 POOto9~ Paymonts made for this teallpt TranI! Jo!l.lthod Dcucrlplt on Chc::-ck 686688 Account Balancas Tran~ Acco~nt Codd OcDcdpt.ion 1021 303.000.00,145.85 I'ark Jo!itiUAt\on f'l!e 5006 OOO.1~S.81 .00.0002 Annexation feeD 5001 OOD.)~5.81.DO.ODD3 Appealu/WAivero 50011 000.345.81.00.000·~ Bind!n; Site/Shorr. Plat 5009 000.3~S.81.00.000G Condltional Uno PeeD 5010 OOO.3~ Environmental Review SOlI 000.345.81.00.0008 PreUtl/Tcntatlvo Plot 5012 000.345 .81.00.0009 FinAl PlAt 5013 000.345.81 00.0010 PUD 5014000.345 .81.00.0011 Cr ... dinq , Pillin; FpA9 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjuotr.~nt 5016: 000.H5 .81.00.00l) Mobile Ilo:ne rlU"~G 5011000.345 .81.00.0014 Re::ono 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routino VegetAtion M~t 5019 000.].5 .81.00,0016 Shoreline Subet Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 SiLO plan ApprOVAl 5021 000.)45 .81.00.0018 Special Pe~it Peea 502~ 000.]45.81 .00.0019 V ... ri ... nco Foca 502) 0 S024 000.345.81.00.0024 conditional Approval Foc 50)6 000.) Co~pruh~nolvo plAn ~~nd 5,09 000.) UooklotG/£IS /Cople~ 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Hap~ CT"'~Ablcl 5954 604.2]1.00.00 .0000 Special Depooita 5'55 000.05.519.90.42 .l Pontaoo 5998 000 .231.10.00 .0000 Tax -----,,......,_ .. -.~--, . . '. . .. • . , .. , " A:!.Ount 1.000.00 500.00 ]5 .00 Amount. 1.:'35 ,00 ••• .00 .0. .00 · o. ~ •• 0 Cln.... ,00 nr;v£~ .00 <¥ 'i~ f.!.t..... _ . ~;; Fte I ""O;;~ 8 4l7.? .•• !ieee/.. :gg "eD .00 • . ,'" • ••• .00 · o • .• 0 .• 0 .00 .00 · .0 .00 .• 0 .• 0 .00 •• j , ., , • .!\ ~ , " " . , , , • I I I , I .I , ' • • • • _.,-----.... --_. • " , • . , • . . < " .' .', .. , .' , , , V;ories Parking vane. Parking 1I I',\RlIANJ) •• I I I I Va ... I 20' v.ne. 1 ._. -1-----'-,.... -.-----.. Landscape DriveAisl3 landscape IV •• (Option "A") Ale. , I , • v ..... ,.' , Drive AjsJe Landscape (Option "S") Ale. Boeing HeanJand Road cross Section Scale: 1 ... 20' ,.-.- I , 5 • j , .,-2' ' Side- Pcrvate wdlk , 32 ' , Side- walk I I VarieS , -----"._--, , , Landscape Area 20 ' , Drive Aisle (Option "A") landscape Area ! Easement , ! 5' 2.: . . V.1nes , , " Sid Private Street Landscape e-AJea Office Building walk Section \\;th Option A Drive Aisle 32 ' , , 1 1 Easement Varies Vanc::. 15' 24 . Vanos 1-.-.:::=-----;....-~---.......:==---, ; --- Par1<lng Drive Aisle (Option "S") Landscape Are. Heanland Private Street Landscape Office Building Side-AIea walk Section with Option B Drive Aisle ,