HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-02-022 1, ' • • .' , .-.... -• , , , • , • FILE TITLE . • \ -,.,.,... ---.-~~. -""--'-:J .' • , .. '. , " , .. " , " , , , • ;.:>00:. '-~ .... u.L, .... ' ..... CO",iI>,l·"4I<j. '''' .;:,"'1· ..... ·11.1 .,.. ... t'J\I.d I '",""~"''''''''''~''' :\ru11 (oo.2nd,) :"o f~ ,\k~ P:O:'s:.:h Admini ... lr .. lut l 'll) tlr~clllon lOs..: s.,lUth GDJ): W.I~ K~'f\h"n. \\.\ C~~:)5:, . ,.. ... , .. ~ "'.' ", .. , .. -,- -- .' • -,> t: '1'"t.J ... ,·,.,. .... ~',lr4~<,)O ...... nl-w. al,-." lol~ • ....... z.:>tl ,p4", ... " •• let! I''.I'NoX1 ... _jW '~ ..... O<.(_ h ) "u 1..00\\. \H' n.'('tCs\:nr 1 hI.: U .. >l:ill g (' nrllr-lII~ \\ ith r';"l""cl II I 1."/1 );;:u.:n:s 0 fiic~ ":uk ~ -LO,'-) 1.11'11.1 illPI:' lllJltt'n You n."(.cllll~ n."tJu~·".:d Hf,,:m{ ... m:ll~sis or Ih&: SI~luS "r 1.01' r,. nu IIO::fllcnl.'lo. I \' nle oJn lio; .. \:ill£· S bdw II II) rn.· ... \·nt "ur 5\lIlImaf) I.l r Ih..: !>.:rics "f l:mJ usc r~'nl\il't ~ {~.hcr appn.)\'als (.huiln.'\J fl." tOI' r"·J\.·\.:!,,pnwnt .,\ cr IIll' I~I 15 :. \'ars. including 3 Ji~us~i.m "ftlJlJ\."I~ 109 SLife FR\ irunm"'ntall'vhq ,\cl ,SI:)'A) no'\ i..;w anJ l~c SI.;IILiS ,~f \ c:.h.-J I Of' Jc... ... cllIpmclll ri;,;hl.'l . X,'1h..1O I v(lhi~ h.11cr sumlllan.'l,"~ 1m-hi">tM~ IlIUW !:!OJ u..;(." plaJllling anJ ~nlitll."JIlcnt sincl.' nO(')n~'s rurc:hotsc uf Umt;rcn:-s Ra.;'('trxl. in ")()tl. ~"Clilm II li""s 1.0f' IanJ u~c p."tmil~ and .jJ1l'r'O\ .jh. i:...~h.'d by the Cil~ anJ t~i&-r r&:l", ani a1!I."ndcs ~inc.: I')') .... S':\'lion III aJJrc~.'>C's dll." lIOJ~" il( I 01' 'csting an.J ;:J~Sl..d"lll:d CII\ in'pnH."fll~1 r.:, ,cw. Srrtinn I:' n:ack~n'tund lOP CL:'IlSiSh uf appwxifn:lldy ISM oJl.'l.:,s "x",to.'tJ al III..:' .'lttutl",·;t:.l Cllnter .,f the iUkr<etion of hU.:!rsLlIc "'OS :md d~ Ilurling-wn Nunhcm S.Ulta 1\· R:nlm.u! ri~u of .... a~ in 1/11." Ci ty of Renton. Uuc.'InY · ~ CI..l:.IOrf'er Sen k.:' r Ilinlfli; Ccnh:r (",c'n (") oc.:t:pics .\!' aJja~''''fll ..JS·:)CfI! :;:itl! tu Ihe I\(.nh 300 (:"'.)$\ M lol'. 1.01' i~ 1.X".ltI!J "·llIin.:l~ ,,;,hin tlli: Cllmlllc~ial OOi';1! t "cr,", LOlling iJi.\!m:t and is .k~ig::lat: . .'u l:oplo} met)1 CC!U\·,· \ 'llley by thl.' Ci'~ '<\. ('ompn.'lil.'"~i\(: Plan. ~\ Ill!btl.'r site: pbn IUf I.'tm\cr.ivJluI' LOri frmn WCdr.n'l. \I.e:.: \oj 2.5 millillll ~quan.: IeI.'I or offiCI! (II,,! light loouslrilll'!<S (-I.()J> Site Jlbt'-, 1\ ,IS J~·\dllp..,J b) !locin!! in Ih.: early 1990's. Ba ...... J l-n.1 :U"}ear pl.jn"in~ 1)I·rl.flln. II,... SIlL' f'l~tI iududcJ commcrcial huilJin!,; JC\'c!vpmcnt l'IC;II~'11 ,,\,,1. t:\4I..H ,l/ ">\o_'~, I I .. • ... ...·, .. "',,·,:t I\'l'''-... ""~, Hlotf ".,(~.o tit ....... 0, ~"'C;Hn "'I"I')"'~ °"'1"., .• ;." .... 1 ~ .. '1·u ...... (. U."II ,,. ...... "'" A'~~'''(.''''~ lit " - (Ito .. '"frdlJl .1'1 J "'-~T""----__ ~'~"~ .., _ _.__----" ,_", _"_, .. __ ~ __ D " I.' .... ,.. _" ~_ ~~ Ii ,,_ , , ! , -- -.. , , , -,- , -- f'i I . r , " !J , . , , v . '.'-~ ... :;:: "'--' L , . ., .:i""" • " , < " -.- , .. ':/ • , I - o , , . ,.. . • " .. , ,(~ 'j ()Il'91 t I n",,,Q;: 11\,') IlIUIft-tM!l ·1'-'1 .... 'tJl:tu 'F',!):I11 :11.1111 :mU!IUO:,\ 'J'.'f'U-'IX3 ~ ·1".'\.IIS III! L '. \\ 'S .10 'flnOS sp:m.:d 110-' ~\I!U !r.\U:'I}! 'r,:'I!J3U1 V ./0 '1Ur.n pUll ·',\J:'I$.'ll II':J"I'-':I,"II -SJ:'IIIIO ';'1 IU,'Uld{lp.\;I(l-'J JO) r:OS U:'I:'olt .... 'r.tl SI;IIIr.J."\.~ 'UI:lcI ;'Il!S ;'l11!PU!U ,"II JO 1r:·\llJddc ."~!S 'Sped/ul IClu;,uJ\lOJ!.\u:I s.lu.,m",ll:lv ;141 r;\I~'Ir:UI: ."F'":nb.,pc OOOi: pUI: )061 't661 U! l'-,pnpUQ;) ,,"!.\:ll V<l:15 snI1!.\;ud It:tll p·'J'f\PU,I;'I tPl'I" 'i:(JO;:.I" ,\1':1"; U! .'-'II!IU\lU'.) 'I>! \:'I}lICIU;lUlUN!.\U:15. \I!;) 3111 .';'" P.:"I.\OJJJc umpl1"rrv V.EIS C,IU 1W0.l ;'1111 U! P"I='II1PUO:l 5C.\\ IU:lltl.'\,'J'BV IU;lwdop.\;'I(j ZOOi: :'1111 JU) .\\.,!.\:\I Vd :IS "WO;: J ....... 1IU.);'I,'{I U! 'l;1u:I";'I,\ OOOi: JC;'I \" p.:!nU!IUo) 1'''1 Ut'ld ;)I!S ilU!PU!H \\;'Itt :'1/11 P;'lI3JU''U tp!4 \\) lU."IUI,"I .... JilV IU;'IUIJOp \~I J'I,"I11:pdn Ur. 41! \\ UOll:'Ilmfu",,, UJ ·Il!. \\\Jl.hJe ur.M ;'II! S ;tU! rU!, I tlO'1 r=lU !r.lqCJ ;;U !,'IQn 'UIl! I!SOOS! P 11!!IU;'Il0d J('oJ .... I!S" ~I :r,! 1·"\,"Iret! "I P;'lll."lP ;'IJuJ· ... J;)41 pur. ·s~o(iI110 3u ''''' 'n JUJ .11!S .10'1 ,"1111 J It .... ;,ucJl~ ~41 100 rl!n'l ," r;,,·IUCld J .... ;1Ul)1 (III ,uc"hun .... ,"Itl.L ·p:o:iur.tp (letl 110'1 ;flJ SUr.IO s, ;1U!:'I0U 'wm: ·'11 'wm: 't I .\Cl~ r:Olcr SEI:I • ... 41 (11 mnrU;'irrv V&IS 1tt:.I" .... ,:our.nSSI !\. \11,) ;'111 II! 'Su!llns .... ! '1 sn t6(,1 :'1111 ;1U!IU .... !U,"I!dJns: ~,'It:uC J .... Ir..\\IW(lIS rm: ,)!.Ut~1 SU!rnl:ru!) l-"!I'tJ..'tt.) V&IS P.1pUOO);;'i ur. JO tUlOJ :'1111 tI! Stttl!lll: .)S:IIII uoddns 01 000;: U! p."Il:mruO,) SI!\\ \\:11 \ .... 1 Vc!.;IS l::uII!I!PI'\' uoot J~IU~').'Q)O \il: "NC'!lddc Suo!If:ln:i."IJ .lil!.) ollu:ltudop .\,"Ij1 dO'II';:.'\ 01 t!l;'lUl.,:u'itV IU;'IuuJol.H,"I(lll :011:1111;1'."" III pUc 1,'),.:1 ."I.u:nl)'i; OO£fOOS: .\q UI!ItI ;'II!S .10'1 ,"IlJIJO .'tpn.II:.) IU;)Wt.!Op.\:'I('I :0111 :t5C.u:IU! III \1!.) ;'I411J1~\\ P:OllU\\ ihl!."I\lf.J 'OOO[ UI • \;1°10."1:1.1° IU:OUlIJr.d;:\( I IIOI;;U!Ii'C .\\ .... 111 \4 U\I!1C · ... mU-... ;'I I 01' pllr. q;'l,"IU !fttr.) ,1u ",111 1.) \ llU V S · n :Ill} tiltH.! I!WI.x1 tOt Ull!I,),.'S n r .... J!"h.'IJ p,'fc\.Jd }II;'1l11.1;\CtII!1II J.'}t'I\\ .... 31!jJn" :.111 ·(I!IW.xI J1~3(l1 OIIW!I!PPI! UI 'puOl! 1Il}!)U,"lpp,1U.'IU .... 'Ul:1.IU,"l PIlr.IP "1.'ml!:."'.1 J.'ll: \\ P' Jill ..... ' I: :1u !rnpU! ·!U.\U1dop.\.,p 1I\!lcI ;)I!S JO IIlII PI!"q II" J I~I U;)! IU.\PI' .'('I! ,.IJJ HI ('\\1;1 !:o':lp p:lfIUt.! IU;'lUl .... ;'f'!IICILl J;'IIII .• \ ..,~r.JJn" r. pUt: :J.ljU;'I.1 ,'JI:.) "I!III1::1 :lU!."IIIU "'II';\1I1rl!oq ·"IJWnJ .... ur.nhJ'lI·.'11 U'lIIJD ,"I1II:ld,!\" 1J:!:ll;'ltUUllI.) "ff1l]-"(tU ;'Itll :UI:I.I :'II!S :'ltjl WI r·""'1:4 ,'u;,.!luu .10 I ;'1111 tf1l"I:'J.'fuld ;'I,'ltll p;'lCjnl·"I\:Op ;:!U!,"IUH (,661 pur. L6ft! 11;1.;'1\\10'11 '1U,'IUt.!llp·\,"Ir·1l cI0141!.\\ ("If'! ~~~ :o'1~:JUl! U! .... tul.hlp.\;lr J,I OI'!Ir.;!:! II til iluu!n":11 ~ bh I .I It \1:1 '1/ U! lu .... 11Il1:l0(1 \/t'! 11'1:11 11 I ~ V .I:I~ r r-'n"'Sl . .; Itl .... '11 .~!( \' Imln v.n S ;1:lIIpunJ~;'I1JII;'I .\q r;'lunJdn'i pllr. Ul:lel ,"II!S :III' JU .\\,"I! \:u SI! 110 p.,.;rU 'Slol,1 "I:utl~ III P;'If\!'(! ,"U" L SI :l:I ~11U;'lW''''It:ls: pr.dWI1CIU;'IWUOJ!\lI ;:IIr.Ut:J ;"ltjl :tf061 'l~n;1nv U! r·'n .. (! 101:\\ UC", ,'I!S .un "111 h~ (~SI :I() .. ) 1:I,"IUI .... 1CIS prdUlI Irtll;'lulUru! \U;I UJ'J(I V 'C V .EI~-) IlV ,"!I".I 1r.!U·\WUIII! \U::I ,'ll'IS 1It112U!'I"C.\\ "tll HI 1Ut:n>and 'I!.) ,"1111 ';q tftlt I r·n: (661 U! r;'ll:mrUII~ !it:." 1Ir.", :'II!S ;'Ittl J,'pun IIl;\wdol;'l\ .... p:JJ cl(n In "ts \1t:UC IClU:ltuuUl!.\U ?1 ·:J;'Ir.t!,,".lUn rur. :lUldr..)~Ptrel P-'Ir.!lOS!OC pur. 1II.'ls.lis: UO!IU;')PP J .... \'C.\\t1Uol ... ',!Sur.J","I UtI ('01 P-'Ir.,!P-"'P''''l J'llno\\ lU;'I.:'tJ,"ld ST 'PII:wlxnJddr. pur. (S.\C_\\I,!:tU rur. 'pml:mJ I" ~UP1Jr.d III C'C':ur. Ru t"1lf'd '(ffu!PI!n4 •• ' ! I :I:m.lJn~ "no!.u."IdtU! :'It.J 1'1110.\\ C;1.I1: :II!" .)0" J<I IU;'I .... J:lJ 51J .\ PIf!tU I), tudt.!r. Jr.'11 r:Jwn" .. r. trel.' ;'IllS :JILL ';'1115' .'1I:'1C-g-; I ;'Itll Innq;1I1OJ41 -o :: .'1i1I:cl 60(lZ 'tJl 1~t.lV IPSI;'I!.I":'IIV 'II~ • .......... ...~ • ..-,. ........ ", ___ .-.... .~""'"'!""".... .. , .. , .... ..,..., ."",~ •. __ "' ..... .".00( •• -~ . , L .. ~ " • ' . f 1 1~ c , -.-" , , ,--, ,-,. '!,' ;.' , , .''--' , .. -' " 'j': " ,; ~ '1",; ''':',. , '~." -~ , • , , , , .. " . • . '. • '. "j ~ " ... !'J ~ " -... : " , , , .. , , , · • , , . " ~ ,; , • , • '. - , < , · · . , , • - • , " '. '. • .... ~Ir Ale:'( Pio:lsch .\fnl Ib, :0t}I) I' ,j~.: 1 S«li1m II: ) '. ~ .,. 'I' :1'0'. .. , -_. -.-• ._- • 1("19-+ -Onh Fm IU).lmCllwl hllpxt SI.llO:IllC'I.: fur LeW . CU/lllnL'i.I irnp.t':ls t'(:!. 7 "1Illion "I 1\ il l c."'lnn)('J'\,:131 hg.i\l inJusU1JI dl.'\ cf"pme.,t • 199>;, .. Fin .. iI En, inmm~"n1J.llmp..K1 Sra1\'lno.:nt ( ..... r I ,()II.. Iin.diL\,;J Ilk. I.()l' [Jt:IS • I INS • EJS 'UUjl!3Ihll , IAn.Cm.=1\1 Imp,,~J nUOIl.'n'u..", .md 'i~niJk:ml mil:g31'0 n mc-.l:t"UR"S on J..'\d{'pmcllt ",f LOP • 1995 • Sl. .... 1ioo -li).; r'I-'Tmil auJ a"~""IJMj ~u I ccrlifi.:;tllvn. c.suo:t1 b) Ihe l J S. r\nn~ <. \"fP~ l·fEnglfl«t'!i .IIlJ 11K" \\· .... hinf'ol1 lkpJnm'::lu of):I,:"I'\IJ'-' n.":.t'\.'~·li\ d~' prt\\ hkd C')'l"" and DOl-:. ':lUL~ril~·ltH:l'T1:>f:UC' '"e ... urf:.l~-c.' ~\3t\."r mJrwgL-ml.'nt ')~I~'m '"nC;\I."'l:U1ioll ut IhL' 1.01' S! Ie "!3fI. ix luding r\:d.!r.::tl .:mJ ~all.' 3ull",(il} h.' Ii II C\." t.li n lIf1l.ll1 \\ c!l.JII,J .. I. 'Call"J 011 the UW ~Ifl;': • lli')<) -AI1H:rtd~--J S~·l.':tion ·H.4 (X"rJnil and a.">""I.II~·J 401 co.:rtllil"alion. i~ul"d b~ III ... U S. ,\rm:,-C"rp<; \If EngUl~-c~ 3JlJ til\.' \\' .l<;hillJ,:t •• " I kl,ar1m~'nl .)f 1:,i)lo~~, rl":,~cli\ dy' uri~inal C.;rp~ .:inJ OOE: 3pprm abo :,ullcmkd It) 1"\:\ I~' Ihl.' It !Calh'lI .. nd Cllllli,;t!r.lthJfl l,f ""t II Ih~' co.:ntml JCI~'nllO'lf\h~d.InJ ~1th;m,:cllk:nl f.:llurc .mJ l\.'lalo.:d \\1.'11 011\..1 lIIili~.llivll • :O~)j) .. r II~ itl'IIITh;"IlI-:U CIk.'Cl.hsvlJc\·dopIllL'In J\gll'coll:nt. ~n.d~ IL-d ruknli:.1i .:n\ irollrtK'"nbl imp..Kb ,l'i.",:If:iatl..·d willi .uMi n.; ·f !Iud \ 1..':>lil1:; Itl :OIj(J d .... \ 1.'~lrllll.'llI r ~'!! ulal i{'ns) ;'fJo..unlJ ~u;lre 1i..'CL ,If J.;\ d"rm~'I1r h.' the I 01' Sito.: 1'1.111 , Sttml1\\.1lcr Stud~ I $\crJrup, -1.''\:10.:'1'1\ I.' :.lllmm.1h:r .mal~ ~i$ aJJrc:sseJ Up • .bIl"J Itocal stum'":tl,'r ~IJ.!){HI~ in the c.'nl\."'(1 tlf .~IJilhll1;11 SQo.t)Q(} :-o.tuar..: 1~'l'l l,r uw W\d,'pnlt'fll fnllk Slud~ I rr:mSJ"r1':UHIfJ I· "!;I!)Wf';f N,'nh\\l.'sII -suppk'ltk.'Iual t("""l1k .ll .... I~ :»"1> .JJJt\."j:", oJ po"h:nli.lt 1("""ilk impach of :I •• klll il'll.1.l 500.000 So.JlOl'~' I~'CI (,f 1.01' .!I.'\ dtJptllf:llt :000 -lX\durm"1I1 l\!,!"'':~''I>:.:nl i~r 1.01': \"'SI~oJ n.-JC\ d{lpm"m u( I OJ' Silc 10 ':000 o.k\ .:lorn)aU rt"gtll.1t .... ns fur:O ~c:.tr!i • ZO(P--\J.,JcnJum fo r o..."\I.'t.'pm('nl . \l.!rt'l.'mi..-rn :lJ~rro\l,-J h~ Cit) . s Fm'!romn"nl:ll Un IL~ ('(mum I;,:" • ':002 ~ lOP P:tn:'ClII;!tit>l.111.0P Hindi-'g Sill" I'lan and I.lt~'r .\n1l..'nJmcflt!l : I 0: Lilli.: ,'Jj w.lmcnl): mullij'k 't)l i et,,;ilt"ll lOT f'II')lo.:OII.J1 S;liI.' hi L'lh~'r.! • ':002 -Ix\d('pmcnt Agln'lnent updah:tI It, j')(OIPCIJ:lI': rd .... ,l.'n..:~·lo 1.01' UinJin~ Sill.' !'1 . .Itl. surront'll b) am('m.It:tJ !iEr \ ~ lilig:uivn I>tx:Ulflt'fll and prot iding Ih:J1 1.01-' Jc\'dl.lpmcnt ,,"onl il1u<..'C 1\1 ~ \"t"Stcd II.l':(I()(. lucal n:,,;uIJliun.s unlil h:bru:l1), :W.l0D . .:O,)~ lk,dl1pmcnI ,\grt-cml.'foI supcrs.·dl.C'f :000 lk\ cinplllcllt \\!n:.",:mcllt J~ :un! f>';:, c'<:-pmCtll l\gTcC'Tl\cnl \ ,-",1'1 1 '11' r~·d ... \ l'/upl1lcnl :.11 ,Ill' ""lIJXtt:iI)' (3 millinn !Otluarc f,,"C11 ~;'li5fu.-J b} Ilk: lJ>r Sill.' t'lnn, ;t~ :mlcnJ ... d .. InJ a.,socialcJ 51:1'[\ rC\'ic\\s ~·undU!.:Il"J in 1 "-~"'I'''11 ';\lf'~''-{1 I I"OW , , , .< .. , '. u , . ., ., c· ~ .. , . , • I , " 10 - • , • , , , -. • • • , " ,:, . ' • , • , Mr. Alex l'ict~h April 16. 2001) l':lgc "' , . ' ' . ,- " ) • --_. . - .. .. 11)94 (UEIS). 1995(FEIS, and :!Of.I() (l:xp.lOdcd SI:I't\ ched.!i.')1 re·addressing Nnh !o1onm\:Jh:r and trani" imp.1cts associated with (ull slh: huihJ.oul). Vesting liu the ~jlc "as appron.·d by Cit) Cuun.:il to prO\'idc certainl), .md cmdcm:y "ith rC)I"".:('1 In the Cil~ . s n:\'ic\\ and arrro\";ll prtlCeSS. 11.c COUIlCil"S dt.."Ci .. illO was allpr('lrriald~' Mlprnncd not only by Ihe LOf! EIS but b~ cXlcnsh c supplement:!! SEI'A fe\-icw Iha' ' '\~"tJ fllllhc clements of lhe cmironmcnl (slOnnw31L'T <lnd !rame) plIlcOIially "ff';''Ch:J by additional sile c3pacily and dc\-c!uprru,:nt hy multiple UWIICrs on lIIultipk parcels. Wilh th!! construction of 1111: UC,\G IIc:IIJljUJol,:o.. F;unil~ l ':u\' ("..:nh:r. FeJer.!.1 Rc!'ICI"'\' and B:mk of America projects. "hidllolal-'7L6-l6 )4juare Icet. renJ.linin~ 1.01' developm ... nl \:ap.lcit) lolals 1.518,35-' S41uare fl,."'I.:l. BH ... inl! ;Ultkipah:, thall'ouild tlUI,lflhc I 01' sile \\iIIllCrur 1\ nlain the 1u1:\ pl:lUning huri/on l,.'Stablish ... J b~ t;n: 1OU;! 1)..0\ ehlrment :\~I ': :ml."nl . 'illilllk Wl! for ,our cunsidcmlinll of IlIl' inlilml:llinn Lt IIlI ailll."J III this leiter, 1 (H.llI hal e . . - (1Iiesti(lIlS regarding the I!ala pre:'lent ... d. nr Jcsirl' cllpk:. t.r :UI~ (If th\.· h:lI:l.ghlUnd maleri~ls d .... ~ribcd, pk:J~ 110 nul hl,.'sitah! tu eu/ll act m~' VeT) tnll), yours, ~ /J WhAfr, h- Laura Nl't'bling Whitab. ... r cc: Sut:lnnc Uak ESley I.any Warren Gabrid S. Roscnlhal Jdrrc~ tl. Addson Sh:mnl :: R. IlyJe U»JJ .(IIIJ.I U II \L 1'64I'1&1~ I .alb(/q " I • , ~'---'~-------~-'------------ , " • , , , " . • " , . '. .' , . • ,-' ~ "- • , • • .. I I 1 I • • . , " .. • .......~ .. --_.-. ~ .. __ . --... ~- • '- Summary Response to April 16, 2009, Boeing letter The City agrees and 3ccepts vesting described in the April 16111 letter (rom laura Whitaker which specifically identifies work products developed and actions taken by The Boeing Company iJnd the City cf Renton which inc!urJe: • Development Agreement • SEPA work • Binding Sife Plan For permit issuance for any activities located within the lonAiJcreS Office Par!.:. the following actions/step would be necessary by the applicant ilnd the Cit\(: Applicant: ~ Apply for Site Plan rcVl_.V • Application for SEPA review • Application for Building Permit review City: • ReI/lew proposal for consistency with use and development standards established In the OC\lclopment Agreement. • Review proposal for consistency with SEPA work "Ireadv completed. Insure Impacts and mitigations have been identified. If not, ac!ditlon.,l SEP.\ m.,v be necess"ry. • Review the Building Permit (or consi~tency with Interoational Building CoJe. • Prior to permi~ iss'Jance, the City will evaluate any fin.,ncial credits agah'lst required impact fees or other fee!.. , . .. • • - • ,