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1I:\EONSP\Titic lV\1)ocing 2003 Cooe ,\mnt.llsl.dc\' slt.llablc_1 IJ.6·03.lloc
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1. inclLu:!ol prlneipal actorhalt a. d.,Iir.od by Ina Meriol Stront Plan ond dopdctd In RlAe "·2.oSOE.
2. ThO following I"blo indicDlol !he ma(iInUm rOQUesled slzolltat\dard change !hOt may be allOWGc:l by ConditIOnal
Usc Permit. Increos4;l abovtllhoao !ovols may nol be oChlCWld by a IfnI'lDf'lCO or lhe Conditional Use Petmlt
Botl'l'lt1tn 3,000 ·5,000 ....
3. Those plovlSlon1 may be moclJfiod by the RavlctWlnO Of1lclal ttvough ttlo "10 plan rCMOW prOCMl WhOle tho
applieD", CM show Ihullfle samo« tHllle! rcsult WIll 0CQJf ~U50 01 ClCtltNf) detJgn sOkJtions, unIQue "spew
or ule. ale., thai CDMot be lun.,. anUclpolltd 01 Ihll limo.
4, Provldod th.i:J1 a aoIld G' borrlor wollit provldod Wltn~ tho ~nclSc:ape.tnp end 0 rnolOtonaneo agreomonl Of
03.omonl'0f tho landscape strip Is reeordod. A sOlid bRtntU' wall shall not be Ioc;.otlld cIoS(l( than S'to an obutt>ng
lot zonod R·l, R·S. R·e, R·l0, R·14, or RM·'
Tho Ravlewing Of rICIn! may modily tho .lghl-ot)SCUflng provl,:on in order to provIde re8M)n8blO OCCGSS to the
prot'Orty through ltIel:lo plett leYlow procoss
In no caso sholl building helghl oxCClOd the mOlcimum IlIowed by tho Aifpot1 Ruln!OG HoIgtIl and U~ Restricbons.
tOt usellocatod within Ino FOdoral Av\aUon Adminb!rilllcn AWport Zones desIGnated under RMC .·3-020.
Abutting is dertnod 81 "1.ots Sharing common property Ilnos·,
Use·relaled provisions ore nol vNiablo . USlHoIated provisions thai DIe not ellgiblo tOt. vananco lndueSe:
buildng ,Ize, unit, pot Ilruelure.1ot. Ot dltf\5lUos. Unless bonus SIze Of density provtIlonl 8Ie ,poc::tany
oulhonzod, \ho modlflcatlol't of buildin g olzo. uni" per Itructure. or densit.es lequire, II logistattve ChaOO& In the
code provisions and/or 8 Comptche".' .... Pl.!n AmondmenVRoZMtt .
10. HolghlS may "xCGed the maximum height under Hearing Examlnor Conditiona l Use Permit.
In consideration at II rDqVGst for Conditions! Us. Permit for a building height In excess of 95' the HeaMg
Examlnor shall consider the following foetor. In eddlilon to the Critorla In RMC '·9'()30, Concit.loMl Usa PenTnts.
among 011 athor rolevanlk'lformollon:
1I :\EDNSP \Title IV\Bocing 2003 Code Amndls\dev sid 13blc_l()..b ·03.doc
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LocaUon Crrterltl: PtOllmlty 0' v..onol s!rOels \'tt\1ch have .".ffldctnt uptK:itJ to accommodalo !rorfle
gtIIr4faled by tne deve',*",8n1. Development, 010 oncouragod to kK.ale In areas sorvod by tranll!.
ComprehOnsivo PlIlI1: Tho proposod ute lIlIII bo compatible With tho general purpose, gOO[I, objecllvfl •
ono ~tandarcl' of the Compc1lhentlVO Plan, the lOOinQ fOQulollons OI1d ony othor ph:lO, prOOtum, mop or
rovuIallon 01 the City.
c.. EffClC1 on -"'!OC&n1 PtQPCf1les: Buildings .n "I(eo" of 95' In heIGht altho proposod IQeotion shaU not to.ull
in tubstantl31 Of undue adverso effects on ooJOC!)t1\ prOPGfly. When Q buUdlng In ellteH 0195' In holght I,
adjacent to lit lot de.lgnalod ruldonli4.1 on the City Comptohonsive Pian, than aatbccks shall be
eQl.Uvolenl to tho requlffWTlef11!i 01 tho adjllCOf'll residontial zona ,
Bulk: BuadingS I"IO{)I' public open spocos 5hould pormlt public QC.CeSS and, whet. laosablo, physlclll DecoU
to 1ho pub:< open space, WhOI'I8YCH' prOClitmltO. bundings shoulJ be oriontod I .. mlnlmizo tho ahadowt
they causa -:n publicly ate&.sbta opon spaco .
e. light and Glut.,: Duo ccnsideralJon shDiI bo glYnn to mltigatlcn 01 Ught ilod glare Impact, upon .\toOIS,
11'1." public filCllltles and maror public opon spocos,
So_ RMC "·2·080.C.
Ht'lghlS may e-xceed tho maxl/TI\.ITI height by up 10 50' WIth bonuses for plaza. and other ameniUcs, lubj«t ta a
HeRring EJcamll'lO(' Cor.dllionoi Uso Ponnil.
A reduced m~Lnl sotb",k of no less th:m 15' may bu allowed for structuras In OleGSS of 25' In hoighlltltOUgh
tho slto plan rcwteW process,
A.ddrtionat ~hI may bo aUowed via the slle plan rovlew proc;oss; provided. tho oppllcGnt eM dtllnonsltato
pc'O'I~ of any of th4. fQllowu)g SignifICant pu~ie benefilS,
a Provislon of conlll:'lUOUS pooostnM DCCOSS to lhe,hOfohne c:onslslonl with requiromonll of tho Shoteline
ManaQemor\I Act and filtlng a Cll'culalion panom within the sUe:
b. Pro't'i,ion ol5 atJordobla units por 50 units, which moet thG provlslonl of tho houlilng element or the
ComprehenSIVO PIon;
Co ProvisIOn of an addJt!onal 25' ~tbock from tho ,horol!r1e abovo thllt requited by tho Shoreline
d. Establishment of 'tiow cotridofs from upland boundotics of thlt 1110 to tho shl'Korlno;
e. Estabtishmonl of water rolalod USGS.
If tho applicant withes to re3Ch thoso bonus objective, in a different monoe,. a system of IIoor oroa rallo,
may bo establishod for tho property ta be dotonTlinad 81 tho lime of .ita pion review,
Furthom'IOte, tho Level" Sile p;an ReView must addross tho impoct of this helghl on tho nelohbotlng GUtD
and mitigate these Impactl,
15. The mulmurn ,olbacx may be modified by tha Ravlewrng Olfldallhroughlhe slta plan review procell if the
appticanl can demonstrate Chat the ti1a pion mttels the following criletiu:
Orients do'IOIopmenllo tha pedestriart thfOUgt'i sudl mttMuras 0' providing pedaltrian walkways boyond
Ihot.e required by the Renlon Munic1pa1 Code (RMe). Itf'COUf8ginO pedOllrlan amenitlel and lupportlng
allonmtves to IlnQ!e OCCUJ)ont vehicle (SOV) In'Insportalion; and
C1eato' a Jaw sc:aIo Itroolseapo \t1rough sud'! measures os faslorlng dlslincUve architecture nnd
mitigating the vlsuel dominance 01 e.lenslve end unbroken pOt1o:ing along the .trecl Itoo!; and
;;.J H:\EONSP\Titlc IV\Bl?cing 2003 Code AmmJts\d~v Sid l:lblc..;10-~3 ,doc
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c, Promote. UOfGt~ and VISlbijily Ihtough IUr.t'I mOIIlUI(IS a. (h,couraglng 1110 croolion of hkfdon .paGe',
mlnknlzlng connict betweon podu.uian ond Itolfle; aM onlunng odequate ,Gibed_ 10 Itc.commodate
requited patklnO end/Of access thot coold not be pl'ovidOO olherwi:. ~.
Allornallvoly. tho Revlowing Orflclal may olio modify tho mu.imum lCIUJock requirement II tho applicant tan
demonstrate Ihut tho plOCCCtlO ctllotla canoot b., mol; however, thole crilOfia which tan be mOI.haII be
oddroSled In !he ,ilo plan.
d. Oue 10 faclOl.lnclualng bul not lomlted to tho unique ,ito dal\g1 rDquil'omenli Ot physiaN ,lIe conslt8lnt.
IUCh 01 cntic.ol BlGOI 0( utility easement. the mtlximum lotbDdt cannot be mol; or
e. One or mOlo of thO obO'Jo crltorla would not be furthered 01 would be Impajtocl by compliance with tho
maximum setback : 01
r. My function 01 the use whiCh SOMIS the public hOa:lh, .aloly 01 "';ilIf8lo would be materiAlly Impalt od by
tho roquitlKl setback.
to. Tho following hOlghl roquesl, may bo made:
In conaldorohoo of CI requeat lor Cond itional U'e Permit lor oddltional bUdding height the ROVICIWWIg Officiel ,hai
con,ldor tho follOWing faC1or. In addition to thc crltori a In RMC 4·9·030 , CondlUon4l Usc Permit •• among all other
location Critorla: Proxim ity 01 OI1or\41 atroots whldl IlDve .uffielent C8;ladtV to occommodate tfetrlc
gen'roll>d by Iho dovol0pm0nl. Developmonts Ole oncouttl,ged to lOcate In Meas .0MId by tr8f1slt,
Comprehanslve Pion : Tho proposed usa shall be compa\lblo wTlh tho general purpose, OOall, obj1I .. live.
nnd ItaMnrdl 01 tho Comprohenslvo PIon. the zoning regulations and anv other ,,"n, program, mllp or
rogutaUon 01 the City,
ElfOd on AdjDcent Properties: Bu lldingl height aM" nol relult in lubltant!LIl or undue .!Werle oNDGIS 00
adJKent property. When 0 building In exttlss 01 thll maximum height II propolDd &dlacom 10 or ablill U
101 (foslgnatod R.t , R·5. R.a, R·1O, R·14 or RM·I . then the setbackS .hal be equIValent 10 It\O
roqulromonll of the odjocent rClsidential zone II tho tlclbGck IIDnd4tCl1 ClXCcoO the roqvltemenl, 01 tho
CommerciDi Zone,
17. Holghts may exCeed tho moximum height under HOOting ExomlnM Condillonat Usa Pennlt
11, Allowed Pro!,e!lon. Into S,tblCk'i
II. StOPI. Md deckl having no roof ond being nol 0V'Dt 42" high may be buYt within 0 front )'DId aetb.dL
b, Eavel ond eornlcos mny projoct up 10 24-into any required .elbaelt.
H:\EONSP\Titlc lV\Bocing 2003 Cooe AmneJls\dc\' $lcJ l:1blc_IO·6·03 ,doc
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c. A:Xot.sOl)' buildings ",'hen 8f«ted 10 IMllhlt onUre blJ~dlng I, within a dlstanco 01 30' from tho reor lot
line may ella occupy \hI s ldo yord ,olb~k 0' on "'Ildo 101111'10.
d. Where bokJw.grode structures 0'0 permitted to have zoro Irool yordlltToot '.Ibach, structural foo~g.
may mln!malty encroach Into 11,0 public righl·ol·way, subject to approval altho Ooord of Public Works (1100
thDptar 2·3 RMC. Board 01 Puallc Woo,).
Ucepi With DPptOIIod Level II Silo Plan Rovlew .
"'P\lblle Suffi." (P) propertiel oro o,\o'<Yed thO fOllowing height bonus : Publicly owned struclUros ,haU be pon"ilUed
an additional '5' In height above "'al othetwlso potmlltod In the Zooo if ·pitched root,·, as donnod heroin, ato
used fot 01100.160% Of m0l8 01 IflO roof lurfac:O of both primary ond accessory structure •• In addition, 10 zonas
whore tho rnalCimI.Im ponT'uUed building height I, Iantha" 75', tho maximum holght of 0 publ:dy owned Ilrucluro
moy be inc;reased o. follows, up to • m"almum height 01 75' 10 tho high.tlt point 01 the building :
D. Whoo abuttino 0 public slmel. , addItional loot 01 height for euch tldtMlonnl1·\/2· of perimeter bUilding
setbKk beyond ttle m'mm ... n strocl setb;)Ck required at s\teel/ovol unless IUCh se!bocks aro otherwIse
discolJrogod (e.g .• ,"stee the Downtown CorD Aroa in the CO Zone): and
Whon abutting a common ptoptlrty line, I ndd itlonol fOOl 01 height for caCh oddillonol2' of permeter
buUcllf'lg setbaclt beyond tho minimum requited olcng 8 common property un.; and
c. On lois ~ ocres or greator. 5 odddionDJ fool of halght for overy 1% roduclion bolow 0 20% hlolo:\mum 101
0180 coverage by bUildings tf)( publle amonlilos such 8$ I'ctcroohonal faCilities , and/f)( landscaped opon
'POCO araBS, cte., when thosa aro open ond occcSliblo 10 thd pubiic during ttlo doy 01 woek.
eacepl IOf ealsbtlg. 18001 ndmlnlslraUvo hoadQuartors olrce,. putSuonlto RMC 4·2'{)80A \7 .
~~~~~i~~~~~r~'!~~.~~~S~'~""~~S~.~lb3Ckl: BuIldings or portions of buildings wh!d'l oacoed 50 It. In feal 01 a shOlol;"e shaM Ioetudo upper story lolbBCks lor tho locado toting tho
publicly occc1"blo plolas 8S follows : Tho minimum setback for 0 fifth Ilory and
,uceoedwIg ahllll btl 10 tho ptececMg SICfy. applicable 10 oaCh Ilory. Plojoc:ts nol
meollng the upper Itory selback, derlnod obey., may bo approvod through the mo(MCDllon proces, whan
supottor dalion Is damonllralod purluanlto RMC 4-9-2500. For 8 mOdificatIon to bo granlod. the project mU1I1
also comply with the decision 3nd dOllgn crltorla stipulated In RMC 4·9·25002 and 04.
a Wiltwl U..CD Zon.:. pO(lmotor altOGllandscapo ItriPI may utilize 0 mill of hord surfaces, brick, slona,
to .. luroa/colorod conetale , ond noturollondlcupo Clements, groundcovor, shrubll and troos, 10 provide 0
tnanll\ion betweon tho publiC IlteellC3po eoo tho povote devaloomont, lubJec110 Lovrn I Sito Plan
R .... IOW. RMC 4·9-20081 . and tho general and (tddlllonnlrevlOW cnteria of RMC ~·9·200EI and Fl. F2.
and Fl. In no caso IhOf1liYing plonl matori41 comprlsa less thon 30% of thD required ponmeter landscapo
In COR 3 ansi UCN·2 zenos. whllfelho aPj)ticDblo $hocol,ne Maslor Progtom setback II Ie" than 50 foot., the
City may lneteolO Ino aotback up 10 100 porcol1l lllho City detlnnllnos additIonal latbaCi< aroa Is noeded 10
eslUfll adOQuate public Octo ... omorgeney occalS Of Othflf alte planninO or onvironmentnl conllderatlonl.
COR.J and UCN·2 Zonrm ModulationlAt1\Q,lIotiorl Roquirementa: BU~dings Ihalalo lmmudlotCtiy odJOCCInl 10 or
abult~ a pUblic park. open Ipaca, or trall Iha!1 incorporate olloasl one of the foolures In lioms D. Itlrough c. and
Sholl pt'O'Me item d.:
•• Incor1)ornte b\1~ding modulation to reduce the ovorall bulk olld man of building,: or
H:\EONSP\Titlc l¥\Boeing 2003 Codc Amndls\dev Sltllablc_IO·6.()).doc
ProYlde al tODl1 ono OtctdlDaurai projection'or CUlch d'Ntilling unit of not !e., !han 2 ft, 110m Inc wah ~
t.1nd nolle .. lhan 4 It wide; Of
Provlda vertical and horllonUlI modulation of rOOI rh oll and !aendel 01 • minimum of 2 n. 0' at'L JnletVlII of
II mlolmum of 40 n, on D building IDCO or on equivalent .l8IldDfd wnich adds IOlere,t ano qua\ity 10 !he
."'j"" end
d. Provide building artlc:ulotJon GIld to:d!,l181 "Ianol)'.
26. Fer re.idontlal or mbted-use projects In ovltflay oroa,. altO 100 RMC 4-3-0950.
H:\EDNSP\Titlc lV\Bocil'K 2003 Code Amndl.'4c\, ltd tablc_1Q...6·03.doc:
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Tho purpose 0111111 5«lIon" to:
I , Establlah dtllgn review regulatlon,ln ltCC:tlt'd:tnce with poIldos
•• liIbliltted In the Land U.o und Downtown Elements of the Renton
CornPl'en.n1lYO Plan n ordww!
e. Mclntall'l end proloct property value ••
b EM.lnce tho goneral appOManee of the Clly.
c. Encourage crollivity in buiJeing ond ,Ila design.
d. Achieve predJcUibitily, b.oslancod with neltiblfity, and
o. Consider Itle k\cI'W.dua! merit. of proposoll .
LEstablllh two categories 0' regulation.: (a, "m!nlmum ,tandards· which
musl be mitt union mQdirlOd 81 provided In Rt.tC ".9:2500. and
"guideline,,, which. whilo not mandatory. Of. con,'dMOd
0eMca. O<ect", In ''''d'~no. dectslon on • '~~ ;': ~=e
t. This Slxtlon Jhall apply to au attached residential dovelopmonl ond
cunliJefdallreslcSentlaJ mixed us. dovelopmen: In tho Rasidantlal Multi-
Famlly-1JrbM (RM-U), Residential Multl·Fornll)' Tradltlona' (RM'T) al'd
Catllif Downlown (CO) zona. o. depicted on tho Urban Cenlor OosJgo
OYorIay Dlttrid Map .nOwn W:I wbli!dJon "-Rof this Section.
2. Whet. 'peed!ad lUI OP~k:.abI.IO Ata,""'12"!rk!'A'1S .ho~ on Ihe
l..ftbwI Center DesIO" Overlay District Map In lub.actJon 96-~of thil
Sedfon, PI'O¥!alor" of II'Ila Section anaD apply to aUaUached residential
dtvefopmenl and commerdaJJrftidonllol mix8d-us. developmenlln the
Reaid"nUaI MulU-FamUy UrtJan (RM·U) and the CenllN' Downlown (CO) ""'H.
1 10/1312003
3. Wht'lre .peclflod.I Ipplieable 10 N.a·!j!WW!c! ·0·· .. ahoYrn on tho
lkban Clnlor De.lgn ()YorlDY Dl.lt~ ""'i' In 'Ublecll£)o B6·U!l.of !h!t
Section, provlalonl of Ihlt Section .ha~ ~ply 10 oU.tlaChed ,es;denllBl
dovoloprnonlln Ihe Relidonllal MuUl.FDm.~ TrocllllonDI (RM'T) ZOtIo .
1, Where luocirM!d pI (I[!olgtlle 10 Ptl\t!c1'C' pI! 'h2'Mlin tho Urboo
Coolor Of),Igf] Oym!ay Qr;!dct Mop iO lub5"C1!oo 66 gl mil 5t<illQn.
provillon. gl !hit SqctlQn Ihntl ppply Ig on dOYlloomrOl It! me Urban ConlM
North ,"ppI!" 19 rro!pct, fp! wlJlr,h land Uo ""Ief Aoo!!s.a!!ons pro
IUbm~ .ybseauqQl1P th, adoolloo of the.e .!andarlj' .!'ld oukl,IIon).
.~ .... E .. mp1lon'J9r.1I DI,I[lsI.:
I. Int.rtor Rlmodtl.: InloNor rornado!. of Ollttlng buQdil'lO' or
.INCture. provldlJd tho alteration. do not modify the building recede.
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5§. Urbln C.nttr D •• lgn OVllhy Olstricl Malp:
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J 101131200)
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1. Review Proc ... : ApplicatIOns subj'&CIIO UI ~ ennler Oeslgn Ovot1ay
Clltrle! regulations ,hall be ptoc.e"ed D'. compor.onl or 1M governing land
UI' pineo ...
2. Authority: The DirettOI' of lhe DeY1llOpmenI Servlo"W Drmlan ,two" he ....
the luthollt y 10 OWrovI. IpprOVI wilh cond~IOf'II. Of deny ptopoutl' based
upon tho provtalonl or tho dIllon r~ulatlon'
In rendering a docltlon. tho Olfoctor will consider propenlls on tho basis of
~iYlduai merit. W.I conlkfor the ovOfllllntonl of IN mlnrnum ,llIt'Id¥ds and
gukfelinos. and encourlOO crOll bvo dllign IIItornltlvol In ordM 10 AChlevo
thO purpo ... of thlt Soction.
3, ModlflclUon 01 Minimum Dt.nd.,dt; Tho Oltllolopmenl ServlC4ta
OifooOl' shall have thO lulhOl'lty 10 modify tnt minimum ,tandards of this
Section lubJed to the prov.slona of RMC 4·9.2500 ptt)\I1dod. dtvelopmenl
01 a ...molo mooll tho Inlenl of tho rooul~tonl in IUblediOn' D. E. F and G
of this ScC1i:)tl .
exception: ModifialtJonlto tho roquiromf;flll 1ft luO.ectlOl'l. Dlam and (iI) of
th!, SttCtion atO IIm ltod 10 tho fOllowing clrcum.lancet:
8 . Whon tho building Is orienloCl 10 an InIOfior tourtyatd. and the
coortyard hat I prornlMnt enlty .!~ walkway eontIOdlng dll'ectly to thl
public sidewalk; Of .
b. When a buildltlg InctudOI on architeetural feature IN! COMOd. UM
buikJiOg entry to tho publIC: .ldewalk; or
c. In complexo, WIth s'YlKal building., when the bu~d .'O '-orient.cf 10
an In!emDi integratod wlll".way ')"Icm IMth pJomlnof\l cor.nectiona 10 the
public .ldewa",,(~). (Amd. nrd 499-, 12-9-2002)
1. p"ww.n BuIld ing Entrle,:
• 10/131200)
• ,
•. Minimum Stand.rd, fpr AI! Ollle!t!.:
I. I,-Bullding OrieI\lolllon: All.'lGheO ~pulldlngt Ihall be
orienl&d to thO Ilteel with d.ar COMltClionslo the sldowall!
Li.-EnlrltllC4lloc.ltlon: A pMllf)' entrant. of each bullt1ing • .,,u be
Socalod on tho latade facing the .treet. Sudl antt.nce. ahal! be
prominent. visible Irorn the .treel, COMocltd by., W1SIkwav to the
publle 'IiJewalk, lItId Include human lcale .Ioment •.
jrl PpdoJlnan kCln: pody.lrio" "russ sholl ba provided to tho
~!!Q I£\,'!1'I P'opgrty edge'. Bc!!!tCffl'IoI" Qb\I!hng 'trHI
Inlerlocl!c::jrll, oouwlIlk l.. ft'ld !f"n.1! 'IonS ,
b. Minimum Standard. tor DI'lt!s! 'C'j
Proyide D'ldeJ)r1an'Q!i!!DIod un'litpnmen! olong Park AVl:nve
North tiel.".,,!'" Nooh Blh Stroy, and LOOM AyO!!uq Norm·
gnd oIhpr IIfOD" lden\!llud as "DgOOslrjaO OI'!y!llod" throygh
me RrdmloPTonl MOIlp! PIon DfQCon
s:-0uld.lln .. lot All pl.ldct.:
l_~Pedtl.trlan palh'4ap 'tom public: .ldewalkl 10 primary
entnmees. or h'om pllflllno 101. ~ ~Irn.ry entrance. ahould be
aa;rsstie. CO!llQ!m!cg to frsWQ' ftllIUl.Rl. WI!!C&IlI wHh
Olspb.,IIOS Att..!J:gv'fC!!Dttlll. nnlt theYld DO clcarly de'''\4I.,ed.
It. _Multiple bul:dtng. on tne .ama .iia IlhOtJld incofporale elOlilOl'll •
• uch a. plalA., wltlhways, and landlUplng alOflp pMo.ttlan
pathwIYS!o provide I dolt vlew 10 do.Unolion ••
ItI, Ground noor un!! •• hould be ditecUy aeceSilbio from the .tree!.
s 1011312003
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• D
tv, Secondary Dllb'" OWl'. (no! !r,,!I)m O!! D Q!lI'nory ,t,eeB
,hwld hpY' an owning Of "nopy ovpr!he c!l!t.oce Q! piner fI[!)!Qf
IndicDtor of 'WIn.
L-"-Enttlot from thO .ttee! Ihould be doart)' rrwiled wiL'1 c:.anopiet ,
OIChi1OC1ur.1 olomontJ. omMnOfttaltigtlUng, Of landleapfng. Enlr'U
'rom parttlng klta IhouId bet .ubof'd.nato to tho.-relaled to tNt .treal.
•. _ -Entriel ,houId provldo tran.ition .poce between the pubbc:
.troot and tho privot. rOl'donce .UGh ... porch. landscaped oroo,
lerrac:o« .lInilar 'o.luro.
W·o _Fealurn.uch,s onlI!OI , Iobb,", and dClplli wtndow,lhoufd
be «!tinted 10 Ihe rlghl-of-w.y; o!herw:Se, .eteenlng or Ott 'ea:utos
.uch 15 lrelhlOl , Ir1WOfk, ,..urll., IMdKlping, Of cornbil'''tloI'i.
theroof, .houtd be ineotporglod Into !he Itreot-orienlod fKade ,
ltd,. GUld'fln .. AppUe,bt, to AI •• 4 !!DI,trk' 'B'; Only:
I. _Front ytfd. should ptovkklltansltJon .paco betw(ton the publk:
.Itcol ond tho privata rOlJdanco sucn aa a patCh, IandlCllpod ,rOI.
tertaco« .irnW.r ! .... IUfO .
2. Tran,ltlon to Sunoundlng O ..... topm.nt:
Inltnli To 'hOpe rodf...,IQQment projpct, 10 !hpt the ChJtrJIcter ol'ld ya'LI'! of
Bonton', long·t11Qt!I,Shml, ""stltlg relQ!'rbO!MOQ'. IS prl!s"'Rd
•• MInimum St.nd.rd. Ifl..AI .. .!!A-1or pIl)rte' ',.': CorollA siting IIOCf
dOlign Ileolmenlla neees....,. to ec:hleve • compatible transition Where
new buikllflQl (hffet from 'urroundll"lQ dovek)prnonl n Ietms of buidong
he~hl, bulk and seale. At "lSI one of the fOllo~ design 6lcmenli &hall
be coosldetGd 10 ptomote • transition 10 lunound.ng Ules:
1.-_Solbaell al tho llele Of reOl of I building maybo lncreo.1td by
the RevieNing 01flcltl ln «der 10 roduce the bUb! lind 'ea!e of le~
building, end '0 lhaillunlight reathOI Gdjet\M1 yard,:
II.-_Bullding proPOOIOl'lI , lneludlng ,tep back, on upper 1o~1 ;
6 100131200J
1iI._ BUllCllttg l/1Jcu:o\tson 10 dIVide 0 larger ard\.lecMal elemonllnto
amailel Pieca • .J2!:
b. IIlnlm..:m Slandard, "'....,~a:ror Dltlrlcl'S': Cateful.lling and
design tr.atment 1$ nee.nary to &ChI ..... a compabblo nnsitlon wheto
nct'<III buUd"'01 d;f'for from SUtroUnCIII'IQ development irl tMmI of building
height. bulk ~ scale. Allnll one 01 the 'OIlOw.ng dllign elamen!! I~
be cons!CemJ kI promo! •• van.1OOn 10 lunounchng uses :
1._ 5ett)XQ slIM ,kSe Of rlat of. building may be roused by
tM R'~1ng Otrldelln Otdet to reduce lhe bulk and JC8Ie of larger
bulkllf\lWS ancs so INt lunhght 10*="01 adJ1tC1trI1 yatd!o;
•. _ Build;ng artICulation to tiMde a larger architectural_lement into
am~ plOt." ,aI,o SCI lublec;hon Gl oIlhis Section, BuIidIf'lO
Arthl!'1'IjUHw DeSIgn).
iii. _Roof Uno', pItcheS. and In.-pel to rOduce apparent bulk and
U;lOS,lion WI!h 1).1.1100 cSevttlopmonl.
In .,oal WIth Older style stoeply pllch.d .inqlc 'amity hOmo. 'lnlllat roof
sry:e. Of 0 eoeourtg~ to _'''HOve morl harmonious relationship.
between n...", and old bulfO.ngl.
~ -MInimum St,nd,r';. (or Olll"e' 'C': CoosiSlt"ol!()n of me lran"!!Qt!
to me North Ron/on Nnntxxnoog. In OCwqAflC' WIth Urtw! Center-
N()!1h ComprftlenllV' Pli!l OOIOCI§I II reqylred ,1000 Norm 6th StrC(!t
end QI;;n\Q Logan Aveny. NQ!'1t'l bttwecm NOtth 4m Strut ond NOttt! 6th
sL-GukStJlln .. : (Non. requt'ed).
3. S.tb.cII:,
• Minimum SI.nd'rd' 'or Ol,tflel 'C';
7 1011312003
'[1 --!!J
n -
, .
I BWklinQI .halt bl: 10\ btell 8 ma_mum of frrt 15) (pet from tn, bodl d
'!dpwAilI Aloog milO! and rnlr'tQ! pll"IlI, DOd i!Jlt!!Q!' lIenll.
be Quid.!!"" for DI'!rIct 'C':
! Sotbltk, mlv fOBtyrt .110 IlImrtu!o 10 enhonc' Q!dnlripo tUltlt!iOnct.
buJ mDY not be u.C!d 1M 101llono Of un loadIng pi ythldol. or othtt but!otll
funchonl. fIlCh 1I')Q!RQt 01 wD.le ,"'nt,lnr'
n En!rln roDY be 'oc,um!
Inl.nl: To aonla IIp'p. conVenient OQ!'ttOfk of .Iroel. of yarylng chrnens!o'!, for
\'chiCle ci'culallon end QorklllQ, and 10 pt9y!dq IOrylCo 10 by"nen!!., to
incorpotl!le VlriOus modes of IrDOIQO!1011!)l') . .ncJudi!)g QVb!jc men !rgn'iI It!
QI'''ef 10 [odyce traffe yoNmu Und oltw imppcls from yqtticlp. To allow Q!l
aelrye p,qOII/IM olwitoom0ot by mainta ining cootr:auoull\le" 1[001110111.
wlll'IOu! parking}PI .lIing along nIwot!!. and bv~d!f'!g loeode, 10 minimize the
\'lsual \mpatl 01 QOfl!ing '!O!'
1. Loc.Uon of p.r1I;lng :
lol.nli To mnl"IDir) .,I!)If OOSl"Ir!O" Q!l ylr OO!!':f!l I' plong ,I'nls by QllClI'lg
p;tf1i1flQ IGs p'emC!rlly!) bilel! of bu~d"'Q'
L .... Mlnlmum St,nd.rda for AI! DI.!rlct.:
L-No .Woc, p./ki'\g ~h.1I be loeeled bet""" • bulding and the
front pl'opItr1y Itne Of the IlIoet.1da y.rd of. comctf lot
Ii LOCI!' .oooc, end IClaM .rC!l~ OWlY trom poqnttian end
high Vi'lbility arpll DIld tetpe" from yittw
b. Minimum St.nd.rdl tor DI.tnct 'C'j
Park "IQ ,holt be ot the lid, 'ndlot reDr 01 !he tNllding, with Ihe
p!!cODloo Qf nnronO' PArklOQ
h parow gOI"'IM 'Dilen ,hallOO considered gauly@laO!IOoo. "!a [gQlllftd Qft .... tng sInH"
"I Qn.'M" parn"t! porkir!Q 'hA' tit fpguiUtd O!'l bolh .idOl of
park AymlMa North alld Olhor ,Ireel, dOllgnO!od as pedpstriAn
enY"onmenllhl9UQ1J tn' Bs:shMllopmrrll Moslpr Pten Prs?«U.
Lb.-Quld.llnn fot .All QI!trlCiI.:-(None-f~ed). In Mpn of rol_od·
UIO dpvtlopmpnt '1'!!!lOd D8{kl(lg I, recommt"!ldstd
d . Quld.lln" fot pl"r!cI'C'j
I 118 IImllcsJ numbgr of DjlrlUOQ IPI'!eo} ore mad, Oy{!,IDbl" In fronl
ot I buolsMg lor DDUltloor droo off And DSk-up. ,fley sholl 119 gjlfQ1Ipi
l2..I!:!O bylldinQ lacMo,
2. O"'gn ofSurf.c:. P,rklng:
L-.~Mlnlmum Stand,rd. for At .. ~,t.:D!IIr1tt 'A' .nd 'C':
L .Parklng lot lighting shaU no! .pill onto 8djacet" Ot abuttlng
properties .
Ii Surfoca oorking lot •• holl be WOaned wllh bolO oyi11Qropn ond
decldVOUJ IrU' wall. or Iqncos 10 [(mute yl.ual Impact, whon Q
Oatlung!PI or po!1!o" 01 a 101 Bbyl' a publlSj righl·of·WlY.
I Pming lolllghiing fixrures Ihall be weened 10 thai
Ulumlnalion Ilghllourcel are nol directly mible 'rom adjacenl Of
abutting properties .
• •
\'i -
f;l -
• 0
j1 OJ
~Qurd.lln .. for All OI,ldct.:
I ~Wf'tC!e'iO! pouibla DOtkrng ,hou!d be W1ftC!J!f<1 iota 'TIll
units connoclO(f by londWlpod Of CAS to OfOY'Oe P'Hile pytfgtll'lg
!,om yohlClq Imppctl.
ii. Where multiple drt-/ewlll cannel bet evotded. provide
landscaping 10 'ep&I'8t. drive •• end m n.mlzo the!r mp.a on the
.It.elseape .
1i.!!.ij...l.andSeapln, and!Of OJ)9foptlale fencing "om surrour.dlng
pcoptK1lo, Ihould aaoon tUl'feee Patll;ing at'.I.
t::...W .... AllllQt1tno lources ,hOuId Inc;orpcnle cul-off shtolcls 10 prevent
off-,l1o gl'f'
3. Struc:tur./G.rtg"' ParkIng:
Inl,,,,; To \f!5UpIi V 1"!!X11llI" pHltlllm QI'lIiK]j)S 't\'1!h CIIhq! vsolt and 191941&9
Iho oyorDtl lmpaC! 01 pOI kinG CO' Iter' wtlcn IlYtv (lfQ IOcmed b Q!Qunl!v 10
1!!U.Ql!fl!ljlted pedg.lrlBn envltonn)(I"I
•• MInimum St.nd.rdt for DI,t,lel 'C':·(None '~4Kl)
I P"'iling '!rycIUfAf 00 111"1' dit1 1Q!!!'l!ed as E«9s!rlDn
(!f'tY I,onmool,hgll !)!oy!Slc lDiMi' IQI Q1ovnd'W CommttC'lal USOS
olong slrgttlronlooos 01 II mlnmvrn pI frfty (SOl ROreeN 911h'
I(onlooo mID.
II POf1io(l5 of Q,ound .r!por locitde, !'!OJ og;uDied by rel,:1 uus .
• hit" intOmQ!Qle on, or mote pi Int lo/1QW!OQ ,:emrnls !l1h9
(!Ichltectvrnl gOS'Rr'I'
(1) Qrnomenlft/ R'i!lwork (othe! than \'Moen' bar,).
12) p,co,l!liyo I!tlWo!k.
101.) Brlek, hlc, PI' I1000e,
{§I Wood Dontlhoo.
• . .
11) OlhM Uflotm,nls Ihpl roM! tnt intort of Ihls stundord
ii f1COd1l1hl3!! t!R 1f1!CUle!1!d mChlleC!urolly, 10 pS 10 mglfllAfo II
"'numl!) lCAt.r A~ IQ owid •• o!id wilt
Iy """!nIlar l!*tnctl1bolj be 'aleut.ltd by iteM', IIn!.t"
(J!!lSO!J!'( tml, or gl!!crt orchlt1tctyrp! """tnll 'od!or motoriA",
! l-Par1li'Ig garog. ontnH .hOWd be a.slgMd and .lted 10
complement, but nol.ubotOIl'\.!.lhe pecI .. tttan entry, If pos.ibI.,
local. the parking .ntry ....... y!rom the .trHt. 10 ~thet' the lide Of
,.., 01 the bu'JcfW'lg.
c. Gulcf.lllnu for Ala.a-!!A'!DI .lrlct. 'A' tnd 'C':
i. ...... The deslgn of structured ~lng 81 finlahod grade under 0
building Should minimlz.lhe Oppll/'cnt wIdIh of g.roge .ntrllS,
ii, ;"",P8Iking within the bUIlding thouId be ondosed Of woeood
through any combinalJon ol wall., docor.Itlve \pUles, 01' treIIl. wor1t
WIth IandKiping, '
tv. H-.Garao. flC8du PohouId be IMdtcaped 01' bonned to reduce
viIuaf ionpect •.
V. ",-Pifling garage. thould bel dcnJgned to b. an;hItoetuf.Uy
com~1e With the rnldentil! portion of the building , Use .lmilat
formI.. ,",Ianal., and detail, to tManco g.age •.
viI, ...... The )lreet,ld. of parking gar .. 1hOuId Incorpot'all ooe
0( the foKow!ng USHIn .trllMIdng rlCMl~
lliI1 L -Retail Of IOIVIte commCf'C1ll UIIWl-lh. CtIf\l.,
(1)(,.' Feeiitle. Of HI'\Iieet fOf , •• ldenll, such .. roer.allon
room" Of buitdir'lg kIbbHIs.
II 1011312(0)
• 'f'
r: -
W !..J),RllldenUD! unIts that havCt lCUI. dlrttCtly to the .troet
1:!K(l!l. 4J Servlco Dnd .'Ofago IUl'I()lion. 'hoold be located
OWl)' ftom the ,trool edgo and gonerally nol be vlalble from
tho 'troat or aldowelkl.
I. A1tached porlonel parking garage. ,t-grade should be
incHviduallzed and nol ondollll mOte thon two cat1 pot' encJos.ed
'PICe. StICh garage_ should be arChilocturally Integrated mlo the
whole dO .... lopment.
II. _Multlpl8-ulor patkmg garage. 01-gr160 ahouId be ondosed Of
weaned 'rom \tIew through 8ny combination of woll., docorallYo
grillos, Ot tram, work wrtn J.ndaeaplng.
iii _.AU "ora08 PllklnO in thl. dittrlCt should be secured with
dCtC0f8Uvo doo",
tv,_Perlonal parking gDrogel lhould bit illdlv!dual[zod whenover
poJllble WIth lepatola onltlOI nnd llrcMoclutal detailing In character
WIth tho lOwer denllty dlllrlc!.
.... _ltrge muJII,ultt pa,klng 011800. are discouraged In ttllt klwor
den.~y d(llticl ond, It prov ided. should belocatlKl below ;redo
whenever ponlbfa.
vi._Servita Dnd storage lunetlonllhould be iocIlod owey from Che
strool edQe alld gonOtolly nol be viliblo from the str&et or 'ldewalkS.
a .-Mlrnmum..slandards for Plfl,k;I;;W~-(N0n6 fequired),
I,-Parklng 1oI5.....cs·VafIl~ 'MII.~ f'«oeued I,om-BuIIY' hMn
12 10.'1312003
. '"-
I , p~q.~s..-nd~8QH 6hou'd be ac.c .. ,.d.fIOfTl ~~.Of
..w·&tIMi ..
51. OrNftWaytos.hou!d·".toe )1.~ 10 be ~"om~he ,~ay
b!.;4.ltOHmpNe ped"'I'!oIIn-c;.irGlAAlIOA-Ol'l-4l4~
1.'I~,"r-WhIfe po6&ob1e,.mWrlltle-lN. numbef.dlh>, "a~-.oo
td .. Q\Ud .111lh-1of·Are • .l'a~1
f..--Gaf.-&nV~y..andlor dI''''8wa~onIy 110m a
""",.~~pedtit/~.QI~~1he 5id4"'alk,
.. _Cu¥b-QII~be-tnofWmled-~PO&llbI811IfooglHhe
.01'01; 10 ";!l!JM! Ine communIty by gODling oede,lrtan n.\wo!ks 'rom Weel,
ON g,lytllo building entrancos, mQ~II"IQ me opde.lrlan .nvkonmlt!'!l ,alor Pnd
mote con.I",,,,' wmlQr1fl)11, Ind p1easonllo Wllk btrfWIon butinosses Of)
.!Strolls" 10 afld from :!ICCUS QOr!!I', Dnd throvgh parking ~-!I
1, Str .. tl, DrlVtwlYS, .nd Parking Lot,
Inl'nt: To )lrengthQ'O tho pedeslrlan eOY'fO!)ment by rmtucina tho number of
curb cui' and drfytwm ponlng ,lqpwatk, from 'VIOls end '§aditlQ Ig
bVild!!?Q1, pjt!""'O gariKI,s, end partl!ng 101.
a. Minimum Sland.,dlgDIIlrtct.,:A:: (Non, r~ulfed),
b , Minimum SI.nd.rd, fOf DI'tr!,,'B';
l Pitl!,ng 101. nnd (HIrPD" finall b§ '"lilled from plloy! 'fdlI!]
Il 10/1)12003
.. -,
, M!!l!mum StaMM".'Of Olathe! 'C'.
I Path'S! totl ."d glfloe. 1!!Ili be OCCU'ed " me r'Ar of
bvl!dongl. frQl!) ,1l0Y' whgn ,vollablc. or from • .Ide II,ut.
PrtyOW'VI oncl eurbctJlt.hOlI be mlnllTliZed by CQrI l ohdOl!or! of
H Clea,ly delineated pesle1!tlol) /MItkWl'i11h8l1 te e R'0\1ded
throughout PDt1!!lQ "'Oftt
HI II) pOlking loll t'toy"'g IQUf (.) Of W, drirsr III''' wdh plrk!!'!Q
00 ncb .lde , mali!pd POdel1rlgn wpllsWJYI ,haM bs. [lfoyldtd Plrp"l!
'0 ,tift drive 10!)OI, pI a m,llmum dl.IMCf of !52 'u' ODlrt,
Pj!r~inQ 101$ and garna(!J 'hoold be O",ued 'rom lIt!eya O!
Of/vpwn.., .hoytd bs! located 10 btl )'1llb1e from 1M righl OfflY
~UI no! Impede Pm'esl!!AO Clfcv!itlipn 0' .... 11' 10 Pd1olnloo
D!pp(t!titl WhCtre pon()le, mln!!)!« the nuTber pi qr!yewJya
And '\lib wls
e Gyide U!l9S to! Q,lrlc1 'Q',
I GorDgo entrvwa.,., o!H3/or CtMtWD'lI DcceUible oolv 'rom 8
!llrHllhould nol mO§:de pe<SeS!r\.flr; clfculalion O1oog tho
IklCWl'I l1s
L CUft) Wi' fhOV1d bo minimlztd ...,htMW QOuiblf Ihrous;h Ihe
ysg ollharoq tI(!')I1W80
2. P,d .. lrl.n Clrcul.tl on
Inl.n1i 10 creolo II nelWS)!1s pi hnklHl"" for meslrla", to 1mpt'O'd H'elx
onq conV!!1I,r!C, lind onhollCe the Pftdes!rian enyiroomrn!.
l Oeveloomenll tholllnclude o/) I!lIOOf8\fld pedollflan
",rcu!DiiQiiiYijOm 1M) connoct. bu)ldinm opg" SRlCe. gnd Plfklng It!"" wl!.tJ the Idlgcontllretl,JUm'k systgm.
8. $1dgwAlk.,Ml! be orcreded along by~(!tO !l lrontggos ,
StdOWQ1k, lOa!! be flllgd oboV, 1M I!IY,I of Y1hlCulr tfayet.
"" SIdJl'wn!k, Ihol! be 01 l ytltel.,n!wl(!lh 10 ftCCOI'!!mod81,
an!IC'!!)jItltCl numb«tf] 01 UI,'S
Y Long. blank bv!!d!!'!9 Willi, ,,,,,11 tHt prohlbllr1 Buildm
'md,t 31',)0 be puoC1ullod by WlndOWS. rltCos ,II· Irolll'" Of
Olher Bl'ch"ectyr,1 do!o~s
vi LOCI!' WllkwQ'tI WIth cIgar 11011,11"11'0 Increa,e 18'01'1.
land"!!pin g .hllll ngl obWucl yi,ibildV of wOlkway Of Ilghl !!!)U 10
budding ea inu,
vii S!dy 1601 pel co!]! pf tho RodotlnQ" wp lkwoy SOBI! prpyldg 10
aU wea\t!M wDlidno lurlgcO,
b. Guld.Un .. for AI! Plltrlel.:
L-PedOltrian pethW.ytlhOUld be delineated I!Ul.ItIPar.t~ from
vehlde circulation by Uling' variation in paved loxture and color,
andIor Iandle.apinQ.
II De!in,jllio!l 01 wolkWlY' mav \ie th!ooQh tho uso pI 3!ljh1!ec!urp!
(10M ", loch Dllllnl,,,. ro4j!'!Q Q Iqw 110) WOnt , at .\mllo'
tl'altm",t Chalr.1jnk fencH, hgweytr. Arp nol 'Mowed,
c, Quld.lInn "collubll 10 P!,'dct "COO OnlYi
i. Throwh block wmtdion' ,hoyl!! In mlldP betwgon
bOJldlfii,titWppn WHIS, and C90nocttlQ .IdOWDlh Wllh publIC
M w
II/SeIWOy" bu Hdlf1Qs of up 10 p!ld Inc:udlng lhrOG' f3) MQrtei .,
neight, througn block W11')tc11on •• hqy!<l be. m!r)lmum PYrAQI
wk1lb of ,It! (61 !rg!
tv BtlwMn bulldll'lgs WOl'er mM 10'10 (3) IIOtICl' ;0 hogh!.!".
recommended mlnlmlJm oyor§Q(,! 11'''''11 of w,lkwjJYl !l twelve U21
3. Ped .. lrtan Envlronm.nt Am,nW ..
(nl.nli To c'eoll Q!l "I/actIVO DOdfs!n an I!j!!ylf0000menl thaI unifm the
bi.u!dl'!CJ Jtnd ,!regS Ofw'HQnmm'lls '" .1roo,!tlon 0108 mul "comfortable 10
Df1)Q1t moylng Ihlpugh me p'n by loot
'0 MInimum Sland.rd.mDI.trtct~: {No,..-f-.wH}.
to ploylde oyompOd njll"'tr p'oles;IIO!! for oedo,trlgns In belh
prlyata Dnd PIlbI!c oroos
b I" -c;,~Quld,lIn .. AppllCfbl. 10 OI,lrlc'''C''j
I. PrOVide a ,mol' plalA O! OlD". Dilyee! OfIM talKie on 01 !"s\..2:ll
Ilde or the Slrcel O!l tol$t) b lQcj ....
" &noun! And tOlong 01 I(fsN'{II!o! QtCIftstnan'Q!i(,nled publiC or
Q!!Y8\O IIIect·r/on! .poev ,hOy)q be mWl!I!um SOO ICuar. fnl ,>'t!Y
100 fUI of klapr hlol of '0GId§ OIl streOl, desia!!lled OS OO¢UInf"
hI. If,"," .MIII!'" bicyd, fOCk •. tKmcht~. tra.h rpcepl.ctn. I!ld
olhN slreollumnU!1 ,hOyld be pr~
!Y. S)I"1 O!J'ti.!nttlllllllCh I' outdoo! O!OVP 'f!iUWlg. 'sioSk •.
fouOllin •. Inti oobhc en .hO!Jlrt be D"oy!cltd.
y. TrpO'in "00. sbOUld bo 'OCQlftd I ma!m\l!T! 010.25 mile DRlrt
vi WQ'lI,wpYl ShOUld be dellQ!!!Ilpd by "Dp of .poel. !){'!vil'lg matent1
or treatmPnt
16 101131200)
kU,n!; Craot, usablt C!CCou ib/e iJ!'!d Io'fliing Dubhe OPt" 'PDce
a, MInimum Standard. for N...,::!A:'QI.ldcl. 'A' .od 'e'j
l _AbDlChed hou.lng dovelopmenll often (10}or mor. dwettlng
Uf\Il, ah.n provkl. a minimum ate. 0' cammon .pac;e or fOCtell1on
&tea equal to fifty (50) tqu,r. '.01 per vnil, The common IpKO area
IlsooJd be aggregated 10 provldo u.abla atea'l) tOi resldentl . Tho
location. layout. and J)rQpOlod type of common space or recreation
area Ihall be subject to Dpprova' by the OeV'OfopmOllt Services
Dhclor. Tho required common open lpace may be utl.tied with
one or mot. 01 the fOllowlng olomonll:
(1)Coortyerdl , plazas or multipurposo groen •• paces;
(2) UPPOf fovef common dedl; •• pallos, lemtCOI , or roof garden.;
(3) POdo,tnan con1dora ded!uted 10 passlvo reaeatlon and
Soparate from the public street 'yslem;
(~) Recr.atlon 'acihtIoalndodlng but noilimited 10:
tennls/.ports courts, Iwlrnmlng poola, olll'flfdso troas, game
room., or othe, .Im ~ar faciJltle.; or
(5) ChIIdren'a pley apace,
b, Minimum Standard. for ~a:.DI'tdct 'B';
1.--AltKhed housing devolopments sha/l prow..'a a minimum araa
ot privata usable open 'paee equal 10 one hundred fifty (150) tquare
feel par unit of Which one hundred (lCO) tquar. fo,,' afa conliguOUI ,
SuCh ,pace may indUde porCl'las, bokonlalll , yards , and deck ••
c. Ouldalln .. -&.oGa15on-an6-~)'OUI*A","IIon ... ncJ.Common
lsIaca for At.a.t'A~D!.tc!ct. 'A' .n(~:
17 1001J1200J
fl -
0 I ~
@ I
~ I
0 I
I. _Common .pace 8rOllSIhOOfd be C&ntrfJlly Iocelod so thOy are
noar" maJOIJty of unita, IC'ces,lbfe I1tld usable 10 (osldC!flts. and
Vlslblo 'rom surrounchng (lwol:ing liM •.
U._ COtI"Imon.PDCa aroa, should bo IOcGlod to take tldvantogo 01
IUrrOumling reall.t " sUCh as building enltancol, .Ignificant
JandlcaPtlO. unIQue topography Of GfChi1Bewro , lind .cIot OXDOIUI'II ,
IU. _Children', play .pace ahotJld be contral), located, viI[blo tram
U\o dwelling •• end away 'torn haz<lrdous ato ... like gar~
dumpllofl, dralnago laciit/ea •• troels. end p.rk~ Noal.
...... _No rltqU/rod land.taping. dnvOWB)'S , POrkrlg Of otheI vehicular
ula at08. should be counted toward tho common ap.xe requltemenl
Of bo ~t&d In dodlcalod ouldocw rllCloa:Jon 01 common USa atOnt.
v. _Roquwod yord lotbDCk ItO.' shootd not count lowarn outdo«
reaontlof'l and commoo JpBCe un!oSl SUCh oroa. are developed os
courtyOfdl, plala. or pa'~lve UIO oteal containing landlCDpl'lg and
fencing WtricJonllo 0'0010 II Iully usablo areIJ acectSJlblo 10 aD
resid&ntl or tho dovo:Opmonl.
vl._OtIClll. baJconlol and ptlvate grouna noor open 'poce should
nOI Counllowotd tho c:.ommon IpncG/rOCfCO:!on 8roa roquiromonl.
'o'il.-Othor toqultOCllondlCOping. and sons tIN e area buffet'S without
ccmrnon aCCDlIllnk., .ur.h os pe<feslrian trolls. Ihould no! bft
induced loward tho roqultod recroatiOn and common 'p&CO ,oquirClmenl.
2. landscaping:
•• Minimum Sltnd'f'Ua [or All Dlllrlcll:
L-The owner shaft provide rGgular maintenance 10 ensure Itllli
plant materials atO kepi tleolUly onCllhal doad or dying pl.n!
ma!orloll 81tt replaced.
H Undlltgrovnd. rutomgtlCj irrioq!!on 'VlIWI 81g1 rOQ!.lirod II') 8D IDndscgp? oroos
(!) 19ndKOpiog ahon bo proVldAA throughout 1M pr9!ee!
18 10113/200)
, •
11' PruhlQ Dnd !g.1d!ng a{Q~' 'h1l9 bo Sf',rSJOQOO wljl! 0 rob! 01 d(JcidYO\ll
ood fNwJfl!!2n tanstl!qlplng both wdt!!" nnd glo!lg Ih!l,r perim!:W).
b. auld,lInn '9r ,II Dlttr'c1!:
1._ -lAodtcapng st\Ould bo uaod 10 softon anr1InI"ura1e Itt. bulk or
~ buildlng1.
!!.~Use 01 low molnl.n."c •• dtoughl .... "stnnt landsetlP8 maleriDI
It; encouraged,
... The IOOdXppo !)fCh,l!x;tyroi OIM .hwkl btl C!'nsl'lUnl W11h tho d,slgn
In;"" of Wt txlilsh'!Q. "Ip. And U19,
.., Choice 01 mi'!OOAl •• ho\Ild re!!ee! !ht""''' of maln!0!!3I!co Imll Will bo
\' Plj'If'll eonsltllOn 01 malUfttx should bg cons!(w"d,
Co Addltional-Guld.lln •• 'or At~a:!iOI,'dc' 'B';
I. _Front yDtdS ahoutd be vl,ibla from Ina ,l1oel and vl,ually
cttnt:rlbulo to tho streetscapo.
Ii. _OeeoraU .... wDils and fonang GfO oocOUfPgod whon
erdutoc;Nlally Inlegraled Into the prcfeet
~11, GATewAYS;
Inl.nti To gl1ILom1,n ""Gillgw;J)'" ;)!oj!s 0' !)ntroncl! to dl)llltls or to Ih. Cily,
" """,",\if!! StQnd3!ds for Oislnct 'C';
tnt fo!!owlng;
I Public Olt
e, MO!!ump"! •
• i SReCl31 'And.Cjl~ !renlme!}1
QQ&f) IQ!IC"plQZ3
19 1011312003
R u
VII Pro/Min\l!l! arr,hi!oclyral IOjlIUf1tlI!reHI" MID!.
MtQt)!jl, 2( o[!lob91
1. Building Chlr.cl.r and M".'ng:
•• Minimum Stud.rd, for Alo", DI.!rlc! 'A"'A=: An building feeaOll1
sholl Include mOdu~tlon Of or1iculoUon al lnlorvnl. of no more than forty
b. Minimum Standard, for D!.lrlct ·O·AI .. ..:!8 ::': All building 'sCDdes
aholllncludo modulDtlon Of articulation allnlo",ol, of no more than
twttnty foot (20').
c. MInimum 51.ad.rd, for pl.lrfCI'C'j
I, Tho bulldlna mu,' hoye clpW W!}(joWJ WIlt! ... i',b ~ily ,"10 ond out 01 !h1J
II. Tho minimum Qmool'll of fQC{!do oron d(WQlooJ 10 wIn~(!'('-s tW bp
Ih!!ly.fjvn 135) pf'trC"QI ,
tv, Ror\lMil lyg glass or film 12 PfOhlbilgd,
y Cofot .hal! bo U,IOC!Rd '" penoro! hrmnooy wiln the ,x!,,1ng
nqIQl)bo!Oood byildl"D5.
vi All bU 11dlClQ 10140005 .haI11o(;!ude roodulo!lon pt Dtl!culaliQr; OIlntQMlIJ
01 no mora !han !Of1y (40) Ifl9 1.
!LOuldoUnu for AI! QI.trlch:
20 lOJI3I200J
I. _Building facades Should bo modulolod ond/or ertlaJlolod with
ard'I ll~ural olomenls 10 reduce tho apparenl silo of now bu~dlng,.
broak up IOnO blank walls, odd visoalintaresl, and anhonco tho
eharocltt/' 01 tho nelghbomood.
ii , _AtllculatlOn. moctulaUon. and Ihllir Interval. should aeate a
aens. of sculo Importanllo 1"0,1(101'11101 build ing •.
W. _A ~ariely of modulnUon. Df\d artlculatlon. ahoukt be omployod
to add visUDIinlftfes' and to reduea the bulk and scala of Iorge
IY._ Tho following melhods of budding moduiolion IhOUld bo ",sod
IUch thalth. comblnatlon of feotures moots tho Intont of thl'
(-t}t,Io'.--QuJd,lIntl for Qj.lrha 'A"'Alu ~A": Bu~dlno modulaUons should
be a m:nlmum of two foot (2) In depm and four leol (4:) in width .
.. ~,. Ould.1I" .. for DI'!rlet '8 'A1o".!:Q!!:
iht _Bulklng mocli,:lallons Ihall bo Q minimum of two foel (2) In depth. l!Ktoon
feet (16) In holghl, and olghl feot (8) In width.
ilJ.iJ._Altltmollva method. 10 .hapo 0 bulld!og IUch 81 angled or cu/Vod
fOcatlo elementl. off;lel plan C!t . wing Willis, and terracing, will be considered,
providod that tho Intont of this Soctlon II mel
\l1l.g, Guld,n"es for QI.lrl;1 'e'i
(a lii. "'81"'81,: 8ui!ding motorlals &hoyld bo thOle typically rovnd in tho
PplC NorlhWes! (wood D!ld indi(mOoulltooel Thoy ,holM bv !oog~Q'tlng
and Q!OVldq 'jlSG of mall'llS!'f\3flC9 ,
(.9y, Tho Drnlln building o!'!lron" 'bill1 be made ylsibly promlnon)
by Incomorgllng g mlnlmym 01 fly, ($1 o( mO fQllowing arCt)lletll/rol
"Btyros h'rllh min imum 01 one from !!1.'!C!l entegsxy listed)'
11) EgC3de (!!QturOI
• Bee,,,
• Oycrnnng
II 1011312003
• Canopy
• Troll"
• Por!1jO
• PQ!Ch
12) [)oIxwoy 'valuro,
• ClorRSlory
• Tron,om wi!KIows
• 0la1l WYldQW1 tlm!k!ng dc&
• LArgo '"try doot.
• Qmpmel"l!oll'Ohhng
• Llslhlod di5Q1QV1
/31 Dolo. reDW,1
• O!:corQllyp entry PQVM
• Orn;lInonlal bv~d!ng nllTe &nc:I p<tdt"s
• Plpnll'd con!qlOOf'
• SlrRfl1 'umW'p (blJ!'!Chsts. "e)
Vi BUilding fllCDdos lboo'd P'O'iKIO Visibility Into buIldings Dnd !tom
bu,ldlOgs swl 10 thO ,ldeWit'ks
lntI!Jl: To ~'\I!O !tiD! buoldrng, In dOIWOIRd MdoslMn enwon!!WJnfs
'oatur, V1SY1l11n1trOM rod ,en force 'he c.hnrQCl!t!' 01 !h, pedttllrlj)n
L(.I.-Mln!mvm SI.nd.n;:I, for All DI.trlct.;
LMlatIation of lOch W1'orva/ wilt! feature •• uch as balcony, bay window.
porCh, patio, deck, Ot dearly deflned ontry .
Ii. 121Provislon of tIlIman 'scaled element. lOt oltCh Inlar\-al .uc:h a. a
lighllno fixture , trellis, Of othel lana.capo foalUte.
IIi. (3JProvJdo Otchi1ecturOI ",alUre •• uch al w,denUltJon., overt\ongs,
profec;tJon., comloos, baY', tDno;lku. 01 awnings ,
LU.e of material vetiatJon. such a. COlor., brick 01' molal bandng, 01' lelCtural d'lange.,
22 100111200J
e. Mlolmym SI,\"ldqrst. for OltJr1c! '8'; AI~':B!;
L.Uao of material vntions.UGh a. color', bnclc ,lt:lngles. stucco.
horizontal wood slchng, Dre encouroged.
IIr-AdcUUonllJ.. .... !hOd •. AppllG.t~.lo.N.~A'!l
Un Qt • .wtwolk-of..OUIIQ;ng OfI\M~I,l)tIoo.(~-moc alai
u...ot fCMlM60iId ~-~kt6r~a.or.~va'd."'O' taBling
and planllllQ-8(eMt
d. d. Guld.lln •• Applh:.abl"0 Ar .. ·pl.trcU. 'A' .nd 'C'; ~
l Buildings greater than ono hundrod ,lilly loe! (1M') In length
should provide on oddlUonal special dllliOn filature suCh as a dock
tower, fountliin. or publIC galherlng ploce 10 add visual Interest.
iI. The bu~d ing It\OUld Iypieauy hove 0 base. middle and top using
features de$Cnbod In this .ublec1ion.
2.-1.8ulldlng Roof Lin •• :
IQI.ot: To {!!'lSn mat roo! fW' prCMdft dislinclrye prof~es and mlm,,' ond
cont®ul, 101M yiJugl continuity of thg diS\f!c! ,
•• Minimum SI.od,rd. for Dlt!tkl 'C': (NoM requlfecl).
i BylsllngS shvll use one of tho fo/!owino elements 10 creDte Q
b. Guld.lln .. for pAl! DI.le/el.:
I. Building roof Iincts .hQWd bo YOIIod by empnalll:lng dormers.
Chmneys. Itopped rool •• gabIO •. prominent cornlc;o or ftlWB. or be
brokon Of ortlCulolod 10 add vllua/lflletO,tto Ule building
It. Roo/lOp equipment saoonlng .hOUId u.e malottol. that Off!
OId~!octuran)' compatible WIIh thll building .
3. Building M.t.ri.I.:
•. Minimum Sand.rd. for ,II Oi.lrlel.: (None'equlffMi)
b. Guld.Un .. for.1I pilUle!.:
L All building o)llenor rlr'll,hli r.hoold odd Vltllellnterest Dnd demit
1M! C9DY"VI doSlon In!crnily (II gil Ob'9Nal)!, (1i:jIMClJI and·be
n\&de of.lnalerLal.\I'"h,(.h.l&·dUl~,.tu9h QUAAt~,....md e.16il~
LMoloriDtl ~"holl!d have an ottrec1lvo IO)llurO . pattern. or qunlily
01 domlUng iJfft ftA(;OUfil(l4MS.for an yWb/o fDeados .
fl,-iii, Siding lellture and color Ihould tellod typleal NOfthWOsl
building panem. uling molMWs luch .s wood aiding and shingles,
brick. Iione, and lofTtl-cotta 140.
(~}-!x.Metolslding ShOuld Olwll)'l hllYe ylslbto comer mokhrlQ' and
tnm .
t;}-~Concteto WOUI should bo enhanced by IO)lbJrlng. coloring
with a concroto COliting or admlxlure. or by k"Icorporoltng embosled
or lCUlplod lurfaco., mosaics, or artwork .
t'}-~ConCIO!1I block wD:l!slhOUld be enhanced with l.xlUJad
bk>ck, and c.oklted mOftlH', docornttvO bond paHom ondIor
incorpotOlO olho, masonry malorinll.
(~!!!i.SIIJCCQ and similar Itowolod f\nl.hes .Mold be trimmed In
malCKia1s .UGh a. wood or masonry God should be ahollered from
extreme weather by roo! OVOfOOng. or othDt method •.
!ot,ol; Tg Qfovldo Q menrJ'l 2' idoohtmn OM ndV,rtls1nQ bu,lnono;; providing
q.,MJionUl PUtS!jlfICI; gnd goollO!] roO! pnd inler,s!.
1 Mlnlmym Slpndard. for DIstrict 'C'i
Q CPrpOfDjO logos and ,Ion, !lhnl 1m "lost DoproQ!iolaty lor !beir
b $!(J{!£'!]q Shoq bo pnlntqgml PDrt olIn!) doslftn lIDp,,,jKtl !o Iho
t . No pOlo signs :.harl bo OlIOwud It) the D1J\r1c1,
d. In rr:i .. Ild·'ISO 000 mum-u" building,. ,!gnano 'hot! be consolidatpd
in!o f! ,Inglo ynl! wllh COQ[dioallld design In I\(!QPlng WIIh the buddIng
2. Guldellnn for QI,lds! 'C'i
Q AIIemlion 9f tlKlemaric, OOIW!!h.landl!\il. C9!J)2!D!O IIO"ooq IihQV's!
nol be gorilh In colo! nor overly j,J
b Ground·mounted mooumeol Ii(]nl thai oro bodl·j.! UfO thy oroforrod
Int.nli To oroyiCq odOQUQI' lighlWlQ Ittllls in pedf)llrjan preps suCh OS pIOZ8'.
pedgstriuo WlJ1kWBY', pprk!oo Dr00s b!/Hding oo!!los, pnd olht)r DUbHe alaeOs
t. Minimum SI.nd.rd. 'or QI'ldc;t 'C'j
iii . PedpSldw"'c,,11, ligh!Jng shovld bg providpd. tor bolt! ,,,,ply gQd
jl"~ml!lits, otoog nU W'o!s. nI ortmltry nod GOCOndgry bultdlng
enlf0"0'. 31 blll'dong frs.1des. pnd 81 peqe,lrl3n:()!,i9nlod plt!;a,
Qnd 00"" spacft',
25 100IJI100)
o U
lv, AJI lightorWl .!}Quld be onomy·cfflClWI, Campi '! wIth WQ!lt)it'lgtOO
SIOlo Enorpy Cos:!o. pod 001 COil'? Clar/) Of IOiltnoc of ('IIDI 0010
QlljacuO! propCt1k11 or r!(Jhl'=9I·WlJy
btQuld.jh'lI for Pl'ldct 'C'
Conlldpr occyn! ",WImp 81 Iu 00101' such j1S CP!PWBVI, {lybllC
al!. pnd tMdICOP! (galure, ,uCih A' INdmM trOM,
FOf appools of admlnlstratlvo decIItons made pursuant 10 tho Urban Cetltel'
DoJlgn Overtay Ol'trlct Rogulallonl, '00 RMC "-8·110. (Otd .• 821, 12.20-1999;
A/nd. Ont. "971 , 6.10-2002)
26 10/131200]
, , -
8MC 4·'·115 R.d.y.lopm!n! Mill'" Plan
Q. eppllli.bllltv
_ 1. -
2, um·" e'Ollr NQrth plII(lel Suhu .... ub!", to R,q,y,lopm,nt M!t',r
• •
-.. ---.
, -. '-~ -
Urban Center North District Sub-areas
SIJb.OrStncts Subject 10 l.t1sler Plan ~C/al
® -,. . , --.-.. .. ---~ .... -
"--._'---"-__ (0'0_
= ..t..oz -
3. Extmpllon.i Th9 'oIlonTa M!/Y,tlos mpy bo oCt'omp Ush,d WI!hoyt poorqyal 9 n ROSIoyct!oQrmml MinlOr PI;m ;
RomodnHnQ or ollw mhDbdi1!tIiOl'! pI on o.ltll~Q WuclUnt IOf conljnuod un: ~ 'C!lynio' 'lolQ,\.O!j Iii Qirnlono monulAC\lJrlllQ 00\1 01'pl000 TilIlU!OClu,log
itCC9UO!Y !unct!QCL
ii i City WD!OYItd ,,,torption gnd/or InSlp!!AI'Q!! or othor Improycmqnl0! publiC
slrrr", ,ldsm'olks, or 91Og' public 10C~'1!0I.
Iv SEPA '.01'101 ncliylt!o;lJlth'ch do not ottOl 1911~nn or lot cnnlimlm!IOr!,
L ,An in!,OIluctl!;;:n del!fl,ng IiM!S ob!m;IIY!!S oo!tr,!of ,GOoo, pod Inlonl,
2, A Lnnd U11J pion wh!ch iQduq,.,:
o . T\'O" and loc"tion 01 Rr9DO,od lanlt u'O, (rO,Idt'DIiOI olfso, !Cljl~, ,Ie) o!
sumt;\, detail to qrOOI)fg', CO",DI10ocr WoIh lolrnlof !hll UlnaD Cenlo' Nonh
"'SIQ!! nnd undrnly,nQ lO""
",,0, Wore slruc1ufOS may o~r,{tltd underlying dOYDIOp",!)n! !'o1;.ndQrds.
Public or"", Pur"" and/or 000" ;tQpeo,
A plp;flf!ag!\Jl~ily PIon Wfl1ch Inelurtq,;
;t, A C9!'1C'pIUp! g!'JXllng plnn ,tmwmo drolnOflf! r,onCQ;)!.
b , Pre!lmln;)!,( ytllity ,oot,s IwnlC!!, pmr, snM!l!'tt ole)
e. CqncCWlupl 'MIler avallty plno,
d P,tlimirmrx slQf!!] wot,r dolonl,on colcylQIIonJ.,
4 , A C I'CtlliJ!!on Pton which;
gt lIluS\'3!es vehicular and oodoslr!M circu!atlon rovl'5,IntloCtlUoD hierarChy gl
Il, C!gorty 'Imwt 'oqUlrOO img'oygrngolln public rlnhl gf way,
C, 0UlcmntqD cortaro rlghts-ol,way onellO! l(!Igwn! priYO!(f ,)rcOls pi [lode.trjoo.
OflSlf!!1Jd ')£99l1.
• •
5 A Projrn:l Smlyvncm riM Wbit'.JJ d2f1l00)!rn!p' how OftS!(.!t fat RUb!" UMIIY oM
lrOf!lltoOQ!lon IOOlil'9' will ng m" ", rQOpYPl!?;)fJ1!)!'!! OCClI? ovm hm"
S, RpS!.lQ!)!g 10 PMlno QuidGhM2 wtJ!dJ !oc1udf!'
Q OUlan Inlent
• ,
deltkJn in!P?!.
All ol\lns lind drDwln05 IOIMr 'uPn CQ!V;opryQI d'oW!!?os) .hilil btl ,C:j!!!KI ood
dimensioned DI n fCiJl0 01 00110" Ihoo f.oo Ir";n (, PJ oo;'la(, fifty leel (~.),
9. O"tnCIIQn ,me! IUSI,/!C(thOD lor nn.,. p!OOO1ed n1[ornf!"'ffl' frgm "U'rl/!'oom?nl
2 A mb: 01 uIMl1M! or more !!.'porn!, Ulg c.q1eo9lICI) mgv be inckrdeq Wllhl!'] '"'I
doslOn:]!1}d y59 atOp Bnd/or ~ttlln 'lructyf" Wllnl!'l d"ign(!~od fifer' whm' Wctl US" will
bo COTpIIl ibln pnd Dl'omolS! one Of m()ftt ooals or obi!tC1M25 of Ih1 S«J'Q!!.
E. D,v,loRm',,! St.nd,rd'i ADpro",.1 of Alt,rn.!lv.,
" I;:
• <
a Tho) C,ty Coorw;. ",eX "pproyo SliGh nlt ...... nQ!1l '!jlrll!;'fds upon Q dClOImIflQJ\OQ
lila!. rnmo.'\,zt 191M normilllv opplicjJQk' """dillds, "'v pilomata 'tandords 'Wnw Ie th' pmoosgd Rrw1uytlopm!}!'l1 ~a'lqr Pin" )'!~I b,IIO! SOW 10 rurlhtlf
(!tift IX mO!d ooilll Of oblm;!'Yf}s of th.s Stw-;!OO,
tI I!\fJ purdon of dOIllOO1\tAlinQ 1M roljllM.' DUvrmlMg of!ho ,,'INOAH! ~t(!ndjlrd,
Ina!! till uoon rt!fJ jlClDt!(\1I'It
, n I
Genllfnllv alMr QQDliCilblp C,ty ,tand,)rl1! mily 00 '"C(!fOO!ptCt;l by ftlll)f(!ncO 011\0 Iho
ApP!9Y9d Rrg,vl}lOPInem ~l(!sler Ptfll'j .
R!dev.'oRm,", Ma.t.r PI~n R,vl.w Pros"s
1. Flllnn 9' Appllnllon
2. Eny'ronmonl;;! Baylo'!!'
• ,r,
" HolIC! 01 Public H!J'lrinA
Thp eQNSP MmlOl'\lfillQ{ ,bp!! C."lII," mIke olltl'1 ,Ime, Ql.1!j.(I. Dod I,We of thp OWlic
beprloQ on 1M Rodevplopm(!(\1 "'"51" PtM 10 bt glV!lf) O! 101]\1 101) dil'r'! (tOI p!'1Qr to tile
(1m' 01 tho heMnp by;
I ,
b Pyt)liC;)\!On ollt19 02*0 III 1M nllit;ml "Mppoor 01 ttJo CII" QI!4
c M"t:nn 3 copy 01 r~ !lO!!cq 10 Ibo DIODonOOI pM aU GIrl" QWMrl of IOi!
DfQMOV Wilt!!!) tho ViM ,reo." any. o!Jd 10 all ownmJ nI' frat pnzpprtv
!ocf!tQSl WIlhll) 009 lhou'3nd le,111.ooo') of ttwt PIon "mil, P5 shown by It"
focQ!ds pllhO King Counly A:;5"'5!t(!
Cdlfli! for Approy.!
Plg PI,)nmllQ CI)!'T!TtUIon 'hDII CQIlsldw ill! rC',YIIOl jnf()!!TlQlrn and CJ!'CWlll&nrm !IDd
shnlimwmmqn!l oppmvql of Ill!} pliln If tlJe 100L!?Wlna O'II'lnu $Iff 'Q!I~
n Tho Q!Q;)OsQ(!laM U'91 (,ncluding mn!td'UlD Drnua) W!llbrt comPO!'!)!'
)Y!thm 1M Urban C!Jnter • Norm.
b Th('! Qf9f!9slXl1gnd II'?' WI!! 021 btt c,V\Tenl{Jllo ,1U!iI!"g pod Qlat'l!lgd v!JM
Surrwndlng !tIe Urban C!loW • NO!lh,
d The d'JIgtJ "nndjl!ds lind 511' deyeIQomgnt tlando!ds wi!! prgmot, t!lgh
Quality dOVf}!oomW' gnU I lia (f1!51fl!! wtalQ! W1:l1mhanc~ Ihlllfeo )V!l,nin i'o"ld
tlUn()!JndoDg Itw] Ufbil!l CQ!!W • NoM:
sto Altumuljva P9VO!ODmgnl SUm<Wd5 D!0Q9Wd Io!tlc R(I(\'yolopmonl MIlSlftf
Plpn if MV. or9 ius!lflSHl to the conltl!l of I!I<! DrPOOM!. will CO!'ltrrbu', to In,
~'!lv 9f 1M R«:RYgiopmo!'l! MQS!9" Plen, b<J Cooll1lCf1! witt! Ih' goa!' of
1M UrbM COOW· North nnd Com[)fOhslfl'!yo Plan "s meW TOIO 10 Ittl}
Urban Cq!!!er • NOOh, (!!)d wi'l nollll! (feltiment,,! 19 'yrroundltlQ
.-< •• -
~ , , -
Q ,
h It j! ~,nu Mo plilD onlJ lor subUOOjlorl l1i O!QUQscd WI'" !hO Rodml00tpcnJ
M<I*~ PtM tM 'MUIl,'M0l1 tlM!1 clIIQnD opplw;obht \0 !h2!1q !li!P1QVnl' woll bg
(;o,!(bt:Q!!S placed 4POll lhe Redo'icloD!]lttnl "'asler Plnn nfl(j/pt olhe, m!!IgWM
fIQI.'lfW'lH'ltl o)taph,hOO 0' oml 01 !hI) Cily f::nYIfQ!lll'l9fl!Q! rovlf;w PloeD", 11 any.
Yet Qomel
City CounSIl Rut,...,
Cdl.rif; rOt fDRfOytlj Thn City CO\IOCI' She" CQns!sW 'hi) rftglTmOOrfilhon 01 thO Plnnninn
~i5sl()n. pnd bltSed upon thIJ ,olstrla sol forth in RMC 4.175 F 15. 1M City C2\lnc~ .hDll
82D1'OVf1. fDDHN' Wlm CQt\(),!oQfl,. or (Ion)' the itDDilC..'l11(!f) lor OPDrtlVOt of Ihg Belley,roOIJIQf'!1
ti-Elf!tC! of R,d!v,'opmen! M;!!W PI:tn '-pproval
1, ConlootllRocordlng
The R!tdttmlopmen! MiI"iJrr PIon. !m!h$!! )'tIlt! gil UIYI,isw'lS. fqgulrtJd mllkljl!l!)!!. pnd
cm!IOOS wnoosesJ ypoo apP!9Vf!I. If poy !.~o!l CO!'!!"\!Iu!D 1M Aoprovgq Bodoyplopmefl!
Mast?! PliSa , A 0910 m(!! thO OO ... e1QOTof'l\ 01 Ih" Drop!,trt'l l ~ sybtl"CIIO compllpnco With Q
rf¢ove!'X}!!I,nl mMtgt pi\!!! ,hall b§ l(!cQldN by Pilfcg! nymbor In \no C!ly'~ land Use
ADpSiJI!Q!'l Sn10!!! 10 trl9nw [!!'t!ew pf ,IJ!;sWUIl!l1 t/OVl:!oomon! QPphcaUon,
2. Subsequent pev.lopment Aporo..,.I!
f! II Wllhin IhO 1!C(!t)f}!'Ind in!on! of \11, APQ!OVrsl Red9y'IQpm~' MOsler Ploo;
b. "ot It i)If!!4;,,-size , IC9". rod dM!!]!) tu;)!lly ... ,CI dooS no! !]'esenl
DOpf!:s:Jably <Wrent 'nVtfonmqn!al ,!feds "om !hose !d!)!l!I!led ell ring the
AQP!9YMI Res:)!\,!!!Jooml}!!l Mp.s!9' PIg!) fO'MW plocg,,; ond
C. QoI!1. !'lot r'2d\iCI 9Yft!J!n Wl311f Idon!tf!od os dCslIQI0J2 Dub!!c oreas Of
buffer \JfOl!8;, and '" Ih' til', pi allll!l!!Jons \O!fIe: lor-,,1i1)rJ of such Drons. D!'QV'<'ltS
!l!:.utll or cr,atet benel,' as comOQ1{1d 10 !he area qCSlQnn!Qd In In,
B.,qoVtl9pmem M.l)!or Pl8n
.. '
• I ' -"
3. P"ftrm1n,!ion "' Comoll'OF!
4, Aoprov,l PrOt.,,,, for 51,.11)1091,.10"1 Dey.lopmonl
E.omollQf!' from tho finO reaD mQCn" EhnJl mmlv i~
5, Am'Mm!JOI of Approvltd Rltdoytlopm.nl MII.I,r PI,"
Ol,.lrlUoo of Apnroy.d Rltd,v,lopm."1 M .. lor PI,o
, •
'1 , :;;J
-! ~
, 3
~ • ,
I '~,. ~,.
7. Chino" In p ..... lopm'"! Standard __ VUII"Q
'" ,
,. Proc,u: S\!tJ RMC J{IAI8OG "2" H lor Tm x land US!) Pl'!'mi! Aopl!ca!l2f\S
J. Appul,
, . • ,
,"! ~
Thu purposo ollhil Section 'I 10 ptOVIdO on opUonol molhod 'Of tho C.~I'1Of1 of
lood do"illed fOl lnduluiul. cummOf'cJ~l. or mhcltd un jUCN.', UCtl:Z..CN, CS,
CD, CO, COR, CA. ce. IL, 1M, nootH zonolllhtouoh 0 blnditlg ,tt" pian III
autnorized In ehaplor 58.17 RCW. This meUlOC! may bo emplOyod 01 Iln
oltorneLiva \0 tho lubdlvlslon lind lhOrllUbdtvlslOn PfocodofOl1n ttll' Cl\aptOf.
This Section IpeeiflOl .dmlnl.lfol/VO roqulramont, for thO rovlaw DIld _wovel 01
binding iltO plans thai 010 In UddillOn 10 tho proeedurol requltoments of chapter
H RMe and OlhOf appliublO provision. 0' tho Clly dovelopment regulabls,
Approvel of a binding litO""," .nail 1.8"'. placo only ahar tho foilowlng au, met:
1. Tho ,ita tholl. aubjoct 10 tho binding litO pion ,hoH conlill of one 0(
more contiguous)ots legally croolod .
2. Adequate provision •• oithcr on tho faco of tho binding ,ite plan or In a
supporting document. havo boon modo for droinagowtlys. alloys. street.,
athol' public waY'. wnlet supplio" opan apaea Dnd sanitary wDiJles, IOf the
ontire property covored by the binding silo plan.
3, Comply with 011 building codo requlremonts .
4. Comply with all zoning codO requiroments 8I'Id developmont standards .
5. Hove suitable phys\c&l chout<;lellllics.
A proposed bind ing ,lie pion may bo dunled bocDlISO olllood. InuodaUoo. or
swamp condillons or construction of protective ImprovomenlS may be roqulrDd as
condition 01 opproval .
The purposo ot I lle pion DpptOVai (both Lovoll-detailed lite plan rov;ew and
level 11-conceptual slle pIon review) shall be to 1111\,1(0 thai the si:e plan of
proposoct ules I, compatible with e)llsllno and potential uses and complies WIth
ptan •• polielos and regulatlons of the Cllyof Ronton. Sile plan elements subjoc;t
to Utis Section Include, but are not limited 10. ,Ito layoul. buifding orientation.
pedestrian end vehkutar ocean. slgnago. landscaping . natural features 01 the
sUe. screening and buffeting. pOlklng and loading arrangements. and
UtumlnaUon. Sile planning Is tha horizontal lind vetllcol arr~ment olthes.,
elements '0 8t 10 be compotlbte WIth the ph)'lic.ol chDtoctefislies of a .1111 and
with Ute surrounding aroa. Slle ptan lavlew dou notlndude doslgn review. which
oddrllSles tho aesthellc consideratIOns of archltecturel style. IIxtDrior Itaetment
ond colors . Sito plan rill/tow should occur at on (letty Iloge In the devolopmont of
o project. whon the '(;Glo. Inton,lty ol'\d IByout of • prefect BrG known, bu1 btlfore
flnDI building planl DIe comploted .
• •
. . . -.
,., ,
-·1 -
-, w
. ,
. ,
A secondary putllOSO of Silo pion revlftw logullliion. Is 10 provide I) proton fO(
lovelll iIIe 1'100 opproviJI whttfony a conceptual 1'1311. inalcallllg tho physlC4l ond
fund~ inlorrolatlOllsh,ps between uso. and facili ties OIl tho s ilo, and tL'Iowlng
conSKloralion and mltlgallon 01 polenliOl lrnpactllNlt eooId result Irom latgo
scale.ao und faohty dovcfopmenl. coo be approved Bnd vesled to current
zoning wlthoIJllho lov04 01 «!etall nlK4uory for level 1,I\It plotl approval. Tho
Intent 01 tho Slilt pion approvullhan btl: (Amd. Otd. 4602. 10·25-1099)
1. To ptoloet neighboring ownctrS and uses by aSluring thai reasonBblo
pnMSionl have boon mado 'or SUCh manOl'S nl sound Qt\d Ilghl buffers. light
and Gr, :and those othaf a.peet, of ,ito pJans 'IIIIhich may hOve lub.l4nlloJ
affects on nolghborlng land uses;
2. To promo:o tho ocdcrtin051 of communIty glOWlh. protect ond OMntle8
prt)gefty values and minlmlzo dI~nl OIld undosirnblo mpot1s of
deYltIOpmenl been 0/1-and off·silo:
3. To promoto coordination of p!Jbiic or quasl·publlC e!omanu, such as
.-alkwoys. dr l ~eways . p3thS. and IandstaPIItlJ WlthW'l'&grnGnII of latgor
dovo!opmonts aM tlotweon IfldlViduni developments;
4. To ensUIO con"'erlleneo and safary of vehlcutar GOd podeatrlan
movemont WlIllln !he site and In relation 10 adjacent oreas;
S. To protect the dellfoblo aspects of the notumtlnndacapo ond
environmenlal fUlUfes 01 tho Clry·by mlrllm0ng tho undoslnlbie Impacts of
proposed dovelopmeon" on Iilo physical enwonmont:
8. To mtnlmrze conn.c;\IIhOI m~1 otherwise bo created by D mill of usos
\/nthn allowed lone~
7. To provide 101 qua(;ty. multiple Il)/l1!ly or duslerocl houSing wtlllo
mW1lmiLing the 1mP3ClS cf high densdy. heavy trarnc gcn"nujon. and Inlons.
demands on City utditlos and reereatlonat laeihl!",:
S. To promote UlG creation of ·cownpvs'{iko~ ond "park ·hke~ .ettlngs i'l
appropriate ZOI'IH:
9. To provide a mltChatl lsm to more etfodlvoly meel tho purposos Ilnd
intent 01 the Sl<'Ite EnW'Ol'lmentai Policy Act:
10. To supplement other land vie regulations by addressing silo plan
element. not adequately CO'o'eC'ed elsewhere in tha ely Code nnd 10 avoid
vlciallOfl of the ptJrpose and InICflI of those codes. (Ord. :3981 , 4.7.1986)
1. 511, PI.n R.vlew, Levell: No bv ~dlng perml! wit btl Issvcdror any
vse rt:quIrtno level I lite plan opproval pursuant 10 \tIls Section unUI tho
Raviewlng Officlat has approved or approved WIth condltlonlthe aile plan
8PJ)Iicatlon. All tulldlng pennlt.I.,Uod IMI be In eompllaMCe with tho
lIP94'ovecllovel I aU" plan. SilO' plan review. lovell. Is requitod for:
•• t I LlQhl (IL.).
RosldonUol UIIO -MOlllmum
Houllng Pork (RMH). I I
-Mhimum 14 Units por Aae IR·14) Zones.
and tho
Ro.ldent lal VIC
b. Sptclfled U ... : The follow lng uses In ony zone ,hall requite 8
slto pion fOvlow:
III . Outdoor RlcruUon Facilities.
Iv. Rantal Slrvle .. with Outdoor Stor.g ••
v. Hazardou. Wast. Flc:IIU''': All hDmrCSous wosfe trealmtrnt
Md storago loeililiC •.
c. DI.,ltopm.nt wllhl" th. Employm.nt Arel V.IIIY Ind
6mploymonl.Nool -Tr.n.lllon: All dovolopment within tho Employment
Area Volley (EAV) lV1d empk)~1 Are.a.Tfllf\6lllQn.(EiAT"land use
designation. Soe EAV Mop In RMC 4·2·0608;.4&6 EAT.boi.,n(I"~fl6lHf\
adopletJ..Compreh&tlr;iY() P/tWl.
2. Sit. Plan R,vlew, LI"IIII-Appllclblllly: lovel II,Uo plan rov\cw ls
optlonsl in OlllonOS oxcopt tho !JeN·', UCN·2. "M COR Zones where it Is
1. Oev.topman! exempt from Sit, Ptan Review In All Zon .. (ucapl R·
10, R·1". UeN·'. UeN·a. and COR Zona,): In all zones. the followYlg types
of dovelopmenllhalf bo ollempt from tho llIqulrtlmontl ol.lt., plan reYloW':
a . 'ntorior Ramod,": intorlor fomodol of oxlstng bu~dingl or
b. Facada Modification': Facado macMcaUons such as tho
location 01 ontmncGsillx ftl; tho IoaItlon of windows; changos In .Igoage;
or aesthetic alteration •.
c. Plann,d Unit Ce,valopm,nl'.
d. SEPA.Exampt Cavalopm,nts: All dfl'v'elopmen' categoricnlly
(lIl0mpllrom review undor tho SlOto Envlronmonlal Polley Aa (chapter
43.21C RCW ond chOpler 191·' I WAC) and undor RMC "·9·010,
Environmontal Rovlow ProeodUfO •.
•• UlilltI .. : Underground utility projocts •
• <
j. ..
I ...
J -J
2. Development Enmpt trom Site Plin R.vlew In th. R.l0, R.t .. , and
COR Zon .. : In the R·10. R.t ... end COR Zooos, the following typas 01
development shall be orompl from tho roqultomon,s 01 SI\O pion review:
.. F'c.d, ModlncIUon.: FOC:Jde modlflcatloos auctl as tho
Ioc:abOn of en:rancolle.dl.s, the 'oallJon of windOWI. changes In alOnoge.
or assU'HItic a1letotlon •.
b. Extoriot remodOilng or expansion 01 un eXISting detached or
Hml-attached hOm, ot'IdJor primnry residence. exclUding tho addition of
a new dWelling uruI(.,.
c:. Ac:ee$'\OI'y sttuctures othorwise e:cempl It om SEPA re't'ittW .
d • UtJIltJ .. : Undatground I.IIlIity prefects.
e, Ad(MIornlI exemptions IOI!hfI R· to Zone ore IIsINIn
subSectiollS C3 and CI of thrs Section ,
f. Addltional •• emptlons lor the R·t. Zone OtO lIaled In subsection
C3 01 this SectIon.
3. Additional Exemption. Irom Site Plan RevIew In the R.l0 Ind R.i ..
Zon .. : In trle R·tOand R·t" Zona, tho loUowIng typos 01 development shan
be UDlTlpt from ttle ntq\.IlI'emenl. 01 .ilo plan tevJow:
a. Nuw or replacement dawelled or al)1f1!'QttoChed homos on 0
slnglo ptev:ou.ly plotted bt,
b, Piannod unll dovelopments.
Co OeveIopmenl 01 deltJched or semi·aUnched dwelling unrtJ on
iegOllots where I'M 01 a $ubdMs!on .ppl~tJon.
... Add'lUonll EJlemptlonl ftom Sit, Plln R,v!.w In ttl. R.tO Zan.: In
the R·l0 Zone. the lOllollMg types of development Sflllll be erempl trom tho
requtements 01 Silo pion tevlew:
a. All devolopmont calegorically nompl (."", the Slole
EnvIronmonlai Policy Act (chaplOf' "3.21C RCW and chaplor 197.11
WAC) and under RMC ".9.oZ0. Envfronmental Rovlew ProcedlltGs. ~ shadow plaJlIng of two (2) otmOfo units per RMC 4.2.110F.
f . Int.dor Rtmod.I.; InI" (omortqf of (".,,,ITO b'Jlldll1gs Of
l! fllctur1!',
I lt~crU1f1QQ ptlJWnQ, 101 Uno iJdlystmt'ot" Of 910ft ml!lhOds of J\tlCflnn or
q"Ullng 19! lin,,!
In on enses, tho public; hoatlng lor .lto plan review Should be concluded
concurreoUy willl ony cthOf requIred hawing. such D' tOlOOO Of luhdlvlsloo. If Ihe
detail, of tho dovalopmont aro .ullleklnUy der~.,ed to permit adequato ro'/lew, A
public hellMO bofore lhO Hooring exominor shah be required for otl proje<:tJ II;
1. SIgnificant Envlronm,nt.1 Concern. Ramaln: Tho Envkonmtll\taI
Revlow Commlttoo determines thDl balOd on departmental comments Of
public Input thOUt ore significant unfololvOCl cooeem. thai aro rolSed by the
proposal; or
Z. LIt", ProJlc;:t Se,le: Tho proposod proj«tCt I. more than:
One hundred (100) loml.ot\achod Of aUochec! residential un!!!!;
b. One hundred thousand (100,000) IqUDtl! feol of gross f\oo( nrl!la
(noruosidentlol) In lho Il. Of CO Zona Of other zones 10 tho Employment
Areo Volloy (EAV) land UIO designaTion (sOG EAV Map In RMC:!.:l:
~B)' Dt
c. Twonty livo thOusand (25,000) squoro leot 01 grots Roor arne
(nonresidential) in the CC, CN, CO, CPt. CS. or CO Zonel outslcll, !.he
Employment Arlla Vaney (EAV) IDnd usa doslgna:ton (.co EAV Map In
RMC 4.2.0S0B); or
Four (4) ,lOrios 01 shlty 1001 (50') In halghl; or
Throe hundrod (300) pOfklng Iwll,; or
Ton (10) ocros In I llO 01 projoct or08 .
3. Comm.rcl.1 0:' Indu.trl.1 Pro~rty L1 •• AdJ.cent to or Abutting
C.rt.ln Ruld.nU.' Zon •• : My commordal or Industrial property thel is
Gdjacent to or abutting tho loOowklg resldentiallonos: RC. R·I. R·5, R-8 and
R·tO .
... LovI11I Sitl Plln.: A Lovell! .110 ptan Is propo,ed or rOqUited per RMC
4.9=20082,5110 P1an RoYklw. Lovolll AppHcnbillty.
Tho Reviewing Olfcllushalt rOvtow end ect upon litO plonl baled upon
comprohon.tvo planning con.ldora!oo' ond tho Iottowing crUetla In this
lub.actlon E and In lublactlon F 01 thlJ Section It, appllcablo . Thoso critoria oro
obJectlvos 01 good ,110 plonllo bo aimed lor In dcwolopmon! Within tho Clly of
Ronlon . HOV«Ivor, .trlct compliance with any ono or mOto pertJcul81 critonon may
nol bo nocollory or ,ca.anable. Thalo erllo"o al.o provide ,frame of tofMonte
lor tho oppileDnlln davoloplng a .lta, but oro nollnlonded 10 bet Inflexiblo
-'f .,'
,Iandoo:l, 01' 10 discourage cteOUvily and looovalfon. Tho ,Ite plan 'evlo ..... crile,1a
Include, but are nOI Ilmitctd 10,Ihe following : (Amd. Ord. 4802, 10.25-1909)
D. ConformilnCe with the Comprohon,lvo Pion, lis elemenls 8t1d
b. Conformar.eo wilh Olltillng land oso rogulo l!OfIs;
c. Miligollon of itnpocts 10 IUrrot.:ndlng propertIes and oses;
d. Milis)llion of Impacts 01 the proposed .ile pI"n 10 the 'ite;
e. Con,efYBtIon of areawide propotty vDlues;
f. Safety end elrrJoncy of vehicle Dnd podell/Ian (. ,culalion;
D· Provision of edeQuo\e light and air;
h. MiligaUon of no ilO, odors ond othor harmful or unhealthy
I. Availobilily of public: lervlces and facili ties 10 accommodate the
proposed use: Dnd
J. P'ovenllon of nelghbolhood delerlolJtlon and blight
Ie. Additional Sptclal Rovlaw Crlltrla for COR Zonaa Only:
I. The pllln I, consistent with the Planned Action Otdinonce, If
applicable; and
U. The plan creoles 8 (,OfTlpoct. urban develOpment thal lndudM 0
compatJble mix or uses whOle apl'lloprlale ; DOd
JiI. The plan provides en OVl.II'i!II urban design coneeplthol r.
Intemallycon.lslont. end hermontou . v.]th dovelopmont on adjDt'.(IC)t
tv. The plan 1nQ)rporlllll' pUbI!c and pnvale open .paces 10 provide
cdequate OfCOS for PB"~ and activo recreatIOn by the
occupantslusers of too 1110, ondIor 10 protect "lIlsllng nalufal
system,; and
v. Tho plan provides view corridors 10 tho ,h(l(etlna area whoro
applicabla; ond
vi . Public aceelS Is provldOd 10 waler Ol'Idlor IhoroUM oreDs ; and
viI. Tho plan provldel dlS1I11Cllve focal polntl ,uch a. public area
plazas, promlnenlarchllDCluraJ features, or other Item.; end
\'ill. The plan atsuros odoqUlltD 8CCDS.IO public Itrodt.; end
It. The plan. nodlltos and promGles tflllWt.. PeC6Jtrian, and
olher allomaUvu modes ollraniportaUOO (Ofd. 04802 , 10·25-1999)
I. Mdlllon.1 Sp,,!!! Rul,w CrU.rt, £Or UCN Zoo" Onl)';
2. W.tv.r of Furthtf Conlld.raUon of L.v.1 J Crlt.rta= Approval of •
loV1tll1 1110 plan which was not combined WIth a level I site plan ",~1ClI11on
may hive uUsrled portions of lubsoetion F 01 !his Section. The Revlowi'lg
Otfda! or hit Of her designee has discretIOn to WlIlYe those pof1JOM of the
requilcmcnts thai hnve been loUsflltd by Ihe Levollilite plan 'ppc'ovaJ.
Whenever tho ZOIl."g AdlT\l'llltralOr or hit 01 her dOtlgnoo hoi discrollOn to
nolO those ponjonl of tho requiremGOts 85 having been sa~rlCld by the LoYeI
1/ plan approvel, Sud'!loclionl 01 tne Code ~II be detailed Dnd thot portion
of the Opptovttd levol II plan wherein Itle requirements wete &.,hsfled lhaII
be ci1ed by the RevlOWlng tWodel or his 01 he( desJgnoe WI the approval 04
lubsequent phases and waNing furthor consideration of~. (Ord. 04802.
1. R,vl.w or Imppctl to Surrounding ProJHInl ... nd U ... :
8 MltlQDtion of undosi!ablo imjUtttJ of ptOpOsad Itructures and site
layouts thel could Impalt the ula Of en;oyment Of polential ule 01
lutroundlng uso, end slNdurc, and of the cornmlWlify.
b. MltlgallOn of undesirable impacts when en ovOflCala IttuttuNl. ""
larml of sIZe. bUlk , hOlghL end Intensify, or l ite layoLlt Is permItted Ihat
vioIatel tha spwil end/Of Intonl of the Zoning Coda and Imp ... lhe use.
enfo)menl Of potenUel uso of surrounding propenIes;
c. PtovlIIon 0' a daSll'llble transition end tink~e between U'lftS end
to thllltreOt. utility, walkwDy. end trail systems WI tho turTOUldIng eros
by the ~enl of landse&plng, 'encinO DOd/Of othlll' buffemg
1&c:hl1lques, In order to provent connlcll and to promoto c.ootdlnllltod end
plaMed bonofit Irom, DOd ICX:O!S 10, sUCh OIements;
d. ConaideratlOn 01 plocement and scot. of propoI8d structures In
relation 10 IhG natural charadort,tla of •• ~e In outer 10 oVf>kl
ovartOncanttelion of Itructures on 0 particular ponlon of. site sUCh that
they Cluta. poI'cepllon of greeler helQhl Of bulk thM ln1endltd \.II'IcIer
the .pirit of tho Zoning Code;
e. Effective locatiOn, design and screening of paiUlg ana teMco
IItee, In Ofder to promote efflclenl lunctlon of Iud'! facilfUeI, to provide
Inlegrated facilities befwMn Ules When benoficlal. to promolfI-campos-
like· or -patk-Woe-Ia)'OUts In eppropritue lones, and to pre"nl
UMeeellltfy repebtion end CC)"tnlct bel'WC8l'l usel ,nd ,etvIce Dr,.1 or
--~ .• ~----'~. ., ..
l'l .1 -
c:1 c:l
f. Mill;1111on of 11'10 unneeelSnry and evoldOblelmpiKlS of new
COI".sIrJction on views from OklSting buildings and fulure developable
SlUtS, recognizing tho public benoflt and dearebUII)' 01 malntalolng viturl
accessibility 10 attractive nalural fCOhJlo, and of promoting "COOlpus.}I: "
04" "'patk.lifo:," lottings in appropriato zones;
g. PnlYisIon of ett'eetrvo ser~O from public stroelJ and
reslc:enUai use, for all p$(mlftod outcoor slorngo DfOiJS (exceplouto and ~ 1111 •• ), for .ur1aeo mountod utility equIpment. for rooftop
equipment. ond 'Of' oJ retuso and liikbage contalno~. In order to
promoco a "camPUI-lII!.O· or "pOOt.llko" settlng whero appropriato and to
pntser.'e tho offecl and Wllenl oI.~oonlng or buttorlng oltl6/'WIs.
rfJq\llntd by !he Zorong COde;
h. COOSIdefUtion of p!aeotnMl and design of o~loriot IIgtlUttg In
0tdM to avoid excessIVe brlghtnoss or glor. 10 acJ<tCOtl1 properties and Ifreets.
2. Rtvlow or Impact. or • Propos.d Sito Plan to tho Slto:
•• Building P~.nl and spaci'lg 10 provldo for privacy and nolsu
lot!uct!on ; orfonlalion 10 't'iews and mlas and 10 silit amoolties, to
1t.Wlligtll and prav.mog whd., and to pod,.,lt1an and vehicle needs;
b. ConsIcfOlallon of plltCOn1onl and ICale of proposed structures in
relation 10 the openness and nOlurO! characterlstlcs of a slle In onfor 10
ovoid oYerconcenttatlot1 or tht) Impresalon 0' ovorsized StructurM;
c. PtosOf\tation 01 the desirable rtalurallandsezape through retontion
01 existing 'legalailon and !lmUad .01 ramo'lor, Insofar as the naturel
dlatactartsbCs 'Nil! onhanco tho propos~ davaropmonl;
d . Usa of existing topoglOlphy 10 rodllCe unouo cuttlng, rllllng Dod
,elUl;,g waU, In ordor to prevenl erosion and unnecessary .Iormwaler
runotf, and to ptesOf\'O slable nalural slopes and desirable notural
'0 . Umrtatlon of pam or impeMous surfaces, where feasible, to
fCKIuca runoff ancJ Inaeose nalUfallnlitraUon;
t. Design and proIeetlon ot planting areas .0 thallhey are not
lUSC8;lfible 10 damt:go from vehlclos 0( pedeslrian movements;
g. eonsidotDlion 0' buitding!orm and placemont and Ian.Jseaplng to
enhance )'Ur.f'OUnd cond/tlO!\. of.un rand Shade both on-.lte and on
adfaeanl ptCJp6(t/es and [0 promOio energy con'OI'Velfoo.
3. R,..,Jew of Circulation and Ace ... :
., Ptovitlon of adequale and ,,'a vehicular .cusato and from all propeni&s;
b. ~gemOf'lI Of tha c:lrcuJatlon patlorn 10 thai aD Ingress and
egren movem8f'lts may occur at IS fow polnls a. poulble along tho
, ,
publIC .lrlJ(ll, lhe polnll bo lng capeblo of dlonneUzatlon for tLlfnlng
c. eon.oIidollon of DeCO .. points Wllh adjacent propertios. when
foolible ;
d . Coordlnalloo of ac:cess potnl' on D luperblock ball. 10 thai
vehldo connlC:II and vohlclOlpctdo.trlon connlCls DtG minimized :
e. OrientnUon of otc:au point. 10 side Itreels or fronllJ(jO stleets
'other than ditoetly onto' ar1erlal .treell, when feasible;
I. Promotion 01 the solely and elficlency of the Inle",81 dtc:ulfltJon
syslom, Indudlllg the IOCfltlon , dellgn ond dimonslons of vehICular and
J:edesttla" access poInlS, dtlvos , parklng , turnarounds . wo!kways .
bikG'N8)'S , and omergei\C:y aeu •• ways:
g. SctPiU'8\Jon oll*ing and dolivory 81eollrom parking end
podesttlon oreo.:
h. Provis ions tor ltonsil and enrpool laclIitios GI\d eccels who,,,
oppropriaUt; and
I. Prov ision lor lola ond attroctlvo pedeltrian eonnec:bonl between
parking (Ilea., bul1d!nos. publIC: Ildewo lkl and odJacent Pfoper1.es.
4. Rlvltw or Slgn.;e:
8. Employment of 'IOn. p,imalily fot tho purpasa of Iden lifallon;
b . Man<lgomonl of .Ign olame nls , IUCh 8. size, 10C411on and
OITangemenllo thot slgnl wnplomenllhO vllUal dunelo, of the
surrounding .roa and appear In pt'OporliotliO lhe building and stte to
which they portain;
c. ltmltallon of tho numbe, of sign. to ovokt visual clutter and
d. ModofOtion of surfoce brightneu or lighting intensity except for
that neeoslOry for sign villbillty; and
e. Provilion of on lcIenlJfocntion syslom 10 allow fot quick locatiOn of
buildings and addressos. (Ofd . 3081 . "-7-1966)
5. Sptcl.1 Reylew ernorl. for Hu:.rc!oul Wille Trulme"! .nd Slor.ge
o. Abovoijround hazardoUs wDlte treotmont and storlge foc:ilitlel
sh811 bo construclod with containment controls which will preventlhe
escape of ~rdOUI waItes In the evonl 01 an eccJdanlal releale from
the facU ity. Such c:ontrOllshnil conform with 011 adopted Fedor81, State
and focDl dosign ond eOI'lltructlon lIaodardl:
• •
b. UnderOtOUrld hazardoos woslo Itealmenl and 'IOI'ogo facltille.
sholl comply with RMC 4.5-120. UndorDlound SIOf8g0 Tonk Set:o(ldory
ContaInment Rogulallons ;
c. HalDtdou. walle lIeotmonl and sloroge facll illas .hnll comply
WIth article 80 or the Unltonn flro Coda as IIdoplGd by ordinance by tho City 01 Ronlon;
d. A halafdou.l waslo spla contingency pion tOi immediate
ImplemOfllation In the lIVenl of 8 rolooso of hazardous wllSlos ollho
tocility shaU be ro ... lewod and apPl'O\Iod by the Renton Fire Departmenl
prior 10 !sSUMCe 01 any petmlts; and
e. The location of an on·.iie atld off·alte , .. cillt/es musl compfy with
tho State siting colOrlo os odoplod In r-:.. ... dllnce WIth RCW 70.103.210.
(On:. 4186, 11·14-1988; Md. Ord . 4802. 10·25-1999; Oro. 4851. 8.7. 2000)
8. R .... '..., .. of SItHf Front.g. L.ndlc.p,: A mIx of hlU~ iurf"ces.
sttuehJred pfanlers. and larroco. may be Incorporated Into .11001 frOfll.lga
landscape buffe" ~e 'udl lool1Jtea would onhonee !hit doslred
llIeelSC<)pe chomctOf for that port\ctJlor nolghbOfhood. (Ord. 4854, 8.t4. 2000)
1. O.n.r.l: All l ilo plan app liCDtJons Ihall be ro",'ewed In tho mnnnOf
d&sCtlbed below and In 8CCOf'<1ance with tho purposos and criloria 0' thIs
Section. Tho Devolopment Sorvlco, Di ... i,1an may do ... Olop odd/Ilonol reviow
pt'OC(tdures 10 aupplamentlhoso reqUired In this 11IbsectJon. (Ord. 3981, 4.7. 1986)
2. PrllppllcaUon Confer.nce Recomm.ndld: Applicants are
encouraged to conault eooy and Informaay with representatives 0' the
O0V8:opment SlIfViees Division Md Olher affecled deportment •• Thl'
consuttnllorl wlJld Inducte a genet,1 oxp lanation 01 the tequlrements and
criteria 01 site ptan review. as well I' th. types of concems that might bel
antIciPated for the proposed "' •• 81th. ptOpOled III •. (Ord . 3981. 4.7.1986)
1. Submltbl R.qulrem.nt, end Appllc.tlon F ... : SholJ b. as 11s11td In
RMC 4.§..12QC. Land Use AppIicatlonl. end 4.1., 7Q,land Us. Review
Fees . Conslstenl with subsectlon 8 0' thl. SItCIIOn. an applicant may aubm lt:
e. A Levell 'lie plan ; or
b. A Lovelll Ille plan; or
c. A ~blnod LoYoIlILoYeIII litO plan 'Of tho entire IUe: or
d. A Level II sUe pion addressIng the entire .lte. and D Levell aile
plan(d) 'or ono or more phase. 01 the Ille thai address(e.) 10111 than tho
enlk •• llo . (Amd, Ord. 4802. 1()'25.1999)
• !
4. Public Notlc •• nd Comm.nt P.rlod Requlr.d: WMtlevOt' a tomp!ctod
slto pIon opphcallon Is recelVGd. the Oovolopmonl Sof'V1efls OIVISIOO st\8ll bo
responsible lor provid.ng public nolleo of the per'ldlng Ilia plan applicallon,
pur.uttnllo RMC 4''''090. PublIC Notice RoquitemCftI •• 10ttI. 39Bl, 4·7·
5. Circulation Ind Revl.w 01 Application : Upon retelpl 01 a complc:lod
IIPpIIeaUon. the OevelOpmon, SefVlces OlVlSIon aha!1 rOUlti tho applicalion lOt
review and eommentto various City depOttmen~ and olher juri:sc1cOOnl or
agencies wilh en intOl'OS11n the oppticDllon . nus rouung shOuld be combined
WIth circulation of enwonmentallnfOlTl\tltion undor RMC .·9=010,
environmental Review' PrOQlduntl . (Ord . 4008. 7.14·1986)
Corrvnonls from tho roviewlng dapBttmenlS aNtI1 bo mode In Willing Within
four100n C14, doys. Unkn 0 proposed ,110 plan is aubsequeoUy modified. the
roc.ommendalions of the roviewtng depBttmGnlllhalf canatitule tn. f.nal
commentJ of the nt,pecUve departmonlS ~'rth regard 10 the ptoposod site
plan. Lack 01 Comment trom 0 department sh.a.'1 be conllOerod 0
rocommondaUol1 for oppi"ovol of the proposed lIte plan. HoweY«. UII
depattmenlS reserve tho nghllo make 111101' eornmontl of 8 code eompUance
nelure during building permit roVlctw . Th" IndodO'lUct'l raquwoments 'I
ox~ dimensions. spoelr.Qtllonl Of OIly otnor roquhornenl ,pocI.lctllty
delaaed In the City Codo.
6. Cltv HoUnc.llon of Applicant: Altor the doparlmontnl commont potlOO.
tho Devolopment $ef\llCeS DIVISIOn sholl notily tho appliCllnl 01 any negatMi
comments or cond:tlCfls relXllnmonded by Iho dopOOtnenll. Whon slgnirlcant
isSuel OtO roised. thls nollfIt,Ql!co IhOuld e~o notmalty InVOfve a mooting
betw1)en the oppllconland epPfWriato City represenl.olives. The eppllcant
shall have the opportuMy to rospond 10 Ute notifICation e!1twtf by 5~bmltling 0
Iovisod silo plan applicDUon, by lubmlttlng I'Iddlticnal lnfoonallan, or by
5tnting In writing why thO focommeneatlonl alll considered unreasonable«
nol oecoplnble.
7. Rlvilloni or Modlflt.ltlonl to Sill PI.n AppllcaUon: Whenever a
revisod l itO pion 01" now Informallon il received from an Gppticanl. the
Development Sorviat, OMtlon moy rltdrculaio the DPpbca1ion to concemeO
d&pertmenls. ConIUlted departmonls shall respond In wrrting wilhln ten (lOt
days with any addillonol comment. In gonctrol. ttlO Clly'l environmental
determination of ,lgn{conce Of noollgnirlcanco PUr$uant to R~C 4·9970.
Environmenltll Review Procedural. 'NiI1 not be Issued until ofter fll'\&l
deaar1menial comments on the,ite p{an 01" 'tlvlsed slle plan Ont recolVOd.
(Ord. 39B1, 4·7·1986)
I. Spocl.t Revl.w for PI.nntd Actions .nd B,a,v.lopment Mul,r
PI,n.: A consistency review IhaU be conducted by the Zoning AdlTU'listralor
for propolats lubmltted under tho authority of en adopted Planned ActJon
Ordinl.nco or D RedgygiQQmont M051(1' Pint).
e. Plp"ood As:tloolj If found con.lsh",1 with the Planned Action
Ordinance Indudlng requited C1)n(Illion. end mltlgalion measures. thO
Zoning Administrator ,hall noIify Ihe oppllc:lnl 01 the departmonta1
comments end the consistency anolysr5 eonslltont with subsection G6 of
this Soction. Rovillon. Of modilic4tions may be made In eccordance WIth
:\" '. . .
lubloctlon 07 of thiS SOCbOn. Oneo theso stops have boon comploted.
:he Zoning Admlt\ls\l'ator shall forward tho lovelll SlIa plan to tho
EnvironmOtllal Revlow CommlUaa 10 determine if a publiC hollting belon,
tho Heomo EJ:Bmner Is required.
"found Wlconll,lenl with tho Plnnnllft ActIOO Ordlnanco, tho Zoning
Admrn1slta!OI shall notify the applicant 01 tho departmental comments
and me ooosistoncy anarysls COMslslent with IlJbsoclion 06 of this
Seetion. Revision. Of modifICations !'My be mode In DCGOfdance with
subsoc1lon 07 of this SDC1ion. If 1M oppllcDtlon Is slill found 10 bo
Inconli$tant onca thOse steps ha .... been completed, tho Zoning
AdmlnislralOf shall fOlWald tho findings to the Env\ronmontDI Rovlow
Committee 10 determine if DdC.tlonaI en .... onmonllll review I. required.
The appllcDtlon shall than follow lOB procass, In subsection G9b of thIs
Section,'OI' Level II Slto plans with no npplil'.nblo Planned Action
Ordnance. If tho appllcaUon Is modified to f)e eonsistonl W1th tho
Pt3Mod AQon Ordinance, me Zonlng Adm;m'trotor Ihalilorward tho
proposed Lovelll ,Uo plan to tho Environmental Roview COlf~nllle.lo
dalommo "a pUblic heanng bofOl'o tho HaDring El8mlnor Is roqulrDd .
(Otd. 4802, 1~25-1999)
b , R,d.v"ODT.nt Muter PI.n.; A Cntt,klf'ncy {Avifl'N
CQn),,!Qfl! wIth RMC .t.!}. J75H SMII bo' Cl]mOil}tOd If found con~"!p'nl
\l(!tr! 11'10 Ao!)uzvfJd Rtd§vt!ORm!tf!1 Mi!sler PlM Inctud'l\Q togvirod
toCSH!()!!! ,'nd m"~phoO mm)SlIrQl, 1[112 Zon,ng Admlnt,Unlor shill' nohfy m. Qpplit"nl of It!e dmlM!mR!!!p! cornl1'W'nls i\N1 It\o CorJSrslgocv
ncW'II!! CQ",,,tl:nl WI!h sybs!'!et1Q!! 06 Of Ih (;, Smilion Revisions 9!
moa,rs.,"'II)OO1 mDy be mMl" in itCCord3n<;" WItt! 1ubSt$11Of! G7 ollh"
~IJd!on Onco 'Mao "eps hay,. byon C9!11j)1!lIOO. 1M Zon.ng
MmIf'!!'trillQ!' sngll IQIW!1fd m, sfl O plf!n ;W~!!I)n 10 Iho e"vlf2!1mOOIi)!
R1Ylow Comm,!!f'o 10 ~O!l:tm!(!o if D oobl.c otorlng b,[or, tho Hontlnq
elfam!M{ !5 r!ZCl.!lfmt
9, Envlronm.ntal R.v'-w Commltt •• to D.t.""'n. NK ... 1ty for Public
•• Lev.1 1 Sit. PI.n.: Upon recalpl of rmal dopartmentDi comments
and eftOf' the dose of the publIC c:ommenl period. the Enwonmtnlat
, '.
Rovlow Commltloo .halt delefmlOtt the necollity 101 a publIC heating on
tho .lIe pllln for thole projoct.s thot have not belln rll'Mwed as pat1 of iJ
LO'J1II1I .ile p/MI PUrluatlllO thll SecIJon. Wherll a Level II 5ItII plan is
apptovGd •• ublequanl .1to plan. submlttod fot future philliS may be
submitted anclllPprovod odmlnistrallvllly withOut a public heari~.
b. Ltvelll Sltt PI.n. without PI'tlnld kllon Ordln.nca. or
Combln.d L.v.llIIl 811. PI.n. without Pltnntd Actlon Ordlntnc:t:
I. COR Zan .. : The Hllallng Examlnet shall consider the
opplication and hold a publiC healing conslstont With subsectIOn G12
01 this Sadlon. excepl the Exnmlnllf shallls,ve II tflCOl'TlmOnclalion
rother than a doclslon. The Clly Council .han COllsidflt tho
rocommandation of tho Hearing Ellaminer OtId issue a deosion on
tho epplic4lllon.
II. Othtr ZOn •• : The prDVlSlons of .ublllct.ion 0 of thiS Section
&hDR opply. Upon receipt of final depattmentat comments end artot
the doso of tho public commont periOd. !ho Envlronmonlaj Re .. ie ....
Commlttoo shall d11ermlne the nacoSSlly for. public: hearing before
tho Hearing Examlnor 00 Ule 'lie plan. 1111 heartng Is requited. the
procodures In .ubsecbon G12 of this Sedlon shan opply.
C. Levtlll SUe Pl,ns und.r Pl'nned Acllon OreUn.net or
Comblntd l,vtlllli Sltt Pl'ns under Plnn.d Action Ordln.nc: • ..2!
R.dn.lopm'nI Mulor Plnn.: Tho EnwOM'Iental Revlow Committee
shOo' consider IhO follOWll1g erllona 10 deletmno If 8 haating before the
Hearing EJ«IminOf Ihould be held regardng the Lovelll Ilia plan and eny
ossotlalod sUe P/tltllIppliaitlons. A haonng before the Heoriog examiner
Is required unless both of tho fOllOWIng crt\ftrlll ora mal:
I. One or more public hearlngl WOICI hold whOle public comment
wPslolicitod 00 tho proposod PlaMOd Action Ons!noncej!!
ROOIJYolopmsm! Mas'" PIM, ond
II. Tho ttnvironmonl&llmpoct statemont lor the plaMlld GC1ion!2!:
Rodovnloomont Moslot plpn revlawed prollmnary conc:ephJeI pllln3
lor the silo which provided !he public and dec.slonmllkars vnth
luffIclont dotall regarding tho lCIIIe 01 the proPOSed Improvements.
tho quantity of tho various types of 'pac:ol to be prOVIded. the use 10
which tho ,tructure WIll be put, and the bulk and generallorm of tho
" • he4tiflg II required. the ptOCOOuros In aublocbon G 1201 this SedJon
INIIl apply. If 0 hoaring Is not required. the Zoning Admlnllfnltor shall
render 0 doclslon 00 the JIn)POled application conilltent with ,ubsoctJOn
Gl0 01 this SoctJoo. (Ord. C55t. 9·18·1995. Amd. Otd. C802. 10-25-
10. Envlronmtntal Revltw Commltttt Ottlslon Apptalablt to Hearlng
Examlntr. Tho final doeil ioo bV the EnwOtVnontal Review Committee 00
whether 8 .Ue pton application raqulres a public heating may be cppoal&<!
within fourteen (IC) days 10 the Hooring E~lnor pursuDn110 RMC!:§:
l.!2E. Appoals . (Ord . 3931 . C·7.1D80)
.... -:-'
~ -
11. Administrative Approval of SUt PI,n: Whon the Envitonmonlal Rov lew
eomm.llee dOIGfminoi Iha\ II public: hOMing I, not roquilod, If\o propo!liod silo
plan ahall be deemed approved, subject to ony onvironmentni mltigoung
measures thai moy be 8 part allho CIty's declaration of slgnlflc3nco or
notIligfllrteDnCO. (Ord . A551 . 9.18·1095)
12. Hunng Proc ... tnd Enmln., Authority lor Modlnc.llon of PI,nl:
t . D.t. of Huring: Whone~r a publie heating Is roqu lfed. the
Development Services Div ision shoO COC)(dinalo with tho Heanng
ExamlMr In setting a hoartno dale lOt tho site pion application. (Ord.
39Bl , "·7·1986)
b, E.amlntr'1 Otcl,lon: Aller conducting at loast one public
hearing on tho Irto plan appUcntion, thO Heano" EJtamlnOf sholl tondor a
wntten dl!lCtSion, The t!molimlt, lOt a Typo VI revlow procosa in RMC !:.
8=98OH shaH appt)'.
The Heatll"lO Exam.nor shall approve a silo plan If tho opplicant
demonstratos lhal the proposed ~l!o plan Is con,islont WIth tho C8r1OfGi
~es of this Soclion and With the rel/iew a liena.
Co AuthOrity for Condition. and Plan Modlflcatlon.'lhe
Heanng E.l4m1nef Ihall hll/e tho power to placo reasonable QI'Idltlons
on or modify D 'Ito plan \0 order to ,otlsty the gllnertai pUtpaSII! of thIs
Seetlon 8I".d 10 DCIl Jel/o eonlJstcmcy With tho reviow CIllerLl. Hawover.
Itrlct c;omptiDnCo With any cne or more PDtIlcuinr ahOflon moy not be
necessary or reaM)rlDblo. SUCh COOCIrlJons or modiflC4l1onl may Include.
bul are nol Ilmlled to. weening:, buffering:. buildin g locnUon and
onentatJon. pOW'lg . landscaping, I/egetation romol/a!. grading OtId
contouring. The HoGring Examin er shall oIsc ha ... e the power to fiJI tho
lOcation and conf'O'Jl"DIJOn of driY.,.,..,,)'I. WAlkways. parking and load ing
areas. emergency occess. curtis. planUng Breos. and signs . When only a
portion of a sne is prOPOSO(l for devOtopmllOl, such power 10 condition.
modify or nx shOll be 'xer.,:isod ont)' tor thai OleD which Is dirotUy r,laled
1001 may be impacted by the octuol proposed development.
To the axtant necesSDt)' to moot the site revlltW CIlloria oncIlo the extent
nec;essary to compennle lOt' the Impacts attributable to tho proposed
development. the Hearing Examiclc!r may Impose oddltlonaf
rec;uirements. ndudlng:
I. Pt,,,atallon of a landscape ptan by D licensed landscape
ii, PrepBflUon 0' a grading. drolll&ge ond "roslon control pion;
iii. Preparation 01 8 "'egotatlon ptasClVallon plan;
lv, Improvements to ldanllf'l8d or plonnlld public tlghll-of.way.
including pa ... lng, cutts, guller., .ldowalk., Ilghilng, lum lanas,
slgnollzatlon, bfkoways or pedeslnan paths; and
.... ProvIsion or or Irnprovamonts to public: facilities and utilities,
· .
d, Modlflc.tJon 01 PI'n Sub"qulnllo Public H •• rlng .nd Prior
to D'el.lon: In on taIBI, If on 'pplitLlnl can domon,lrllle thalli Ille p/atl
can be modo con.r'lonl WIth the fovklwaitorio end gonot41 purposes by
allomolive modillcDtion. 10 tho 1110 plan, tho HOOfing ElIamlrMlr .hall
occeptlho oJlomoUve mocurlCQUons o. condllion, ot approval and
oPProYe the .110 pion . If II public: heating on the .ito pan oppJlcuUon hal
Glready been cloled, tho modiflcatloo, prOPOSltd' by tho appUcanl.ahall
be adminlslered according to lublocrlon J 01 thla Soction. (Amd. Ord.
4802. 10·25-l1l90)
'0 .O.nl., or S/I. PI.n: tr the HOUMg Eumloot r~s tholtho Iile
plan appllcatlon cannot bo modo con.Islenl with tho get1l1fal purposes
GOd (OvMtw aatorlll 01 thIs Sedlon by ,oquring rOOlOl\8blo concbtlonl, then tho slle plen ah.a be don,",
t. Llmlllllion. On Authol'1ty: Tho authority to COtIdiIlOl'l Of deny
1110 plan application. Ihould be olet'cilod to tho minimum extent
neeeSlary to proloalhe pubfic Inlorostend wel1aro a. Oaples.ad ... !he
purposes of thl, Soctlon, (Ord. 308 I, 4·7·1986; Amd. Ord, 4802, 10.25. 1999)
1. The llpp/icam may rtt<;ucsl thol the .'Ie plan ,ubmltled tOf lite plan
review undec thIs Chapler constilute a binding IHo pion PLKSuenllo chapler
58 .17 RCW •• ubject to the tequirementl ot this SUbIOCIion.
2. In order 10 constltule II binding .lto plan, a 11:0 plan submltlod for I~e
plan rO"llow Ihall comply with ell Dppllcoble toqulrom~l. and ltalldardl 101 forth In RMC 4.1.230.
3. AJI approved litO pions. Induding tho,e COf'JstiMlng a binding lite plan,
thell comply With the applicable roqulrements , procodurel, and revfew
CrfIeria tCl Ille plan tf!viow '01 tonh In this Section .
4. An apprOved l ilo plan that con,t1l1J1o. e binding .~o ptan ,han be
reeordod with the K'"g Counly Department of RecordSl:lnd ElecUon. end
lhau be IUbject to 011 other apptoViI conditiol\a Included In RMC 4.1-2300.
5. Upon the approval and foconfing of an appjo't'Od lite plan lhal
coostilules e binding Iile plan, tno applicant may develop tho property In
confonnlneo with thai binding 1110 pion and maY.eI! or leull Parcel. subject
to thot binding .i1e plan . lOrd. 4054, 2-11.2002)
Milot modificallon. may bo porm lltod by admlnl.lntt/v'8 determination. To be
con.ldered a minot: modifICation. the amendment mu.1 not:
1. Involve more thun 0 ten pef'Cttl'll (10%) Increoso In 8(08 or .caIe 01 the
development In tho apptoved Ille plan; or
:t Have 8 'lgnlrlCantly gtonter Impact on tho environment and facilities than tho approved plnn; or
3. Chango tho boundllnos 01 tho orlglnaUy approved plan, (Ord. 4802, 10-
25·1999; Amd . Ord. ·HI5o&, 2·11·2002)
MOiOr adjullmen" Ie an approved silo plan requlro 11 new oppllaltlon pur,uantlo
subsection 0 of thl, SOCUon. Tho rovlew and approval shall resl with tho
appI'OVaJ body which approved the Oflg1n3lsila pion . Major OCIJv'tmonl, Involve 8
lub,lMIlal ct\Qnge in tho basic 1110 design ptan, Inlonslly, aonilly. Viti ond tho
~O generally Invollilng more than 8 Ion poftllnl ,,0%) chango In OlGa OIlCale.
(Ofd, 4008,7-4-1986; Amd. Ord. 4802. 10·25·1999; Ord. 4054, 2.11·2002)
8u.Udn; permits ~DU nol be issued unilltno appoal period 'or an approved L.Oyal
1 slle plan hOI axplled. (Ord. 4802, 10-25·1099; Amd. Ord. 4!l54 , 2·11·2002)
1. Llvlll Sit. Plan: The linalapproval 01 0 Silo pton IhoJlcu:plro WIthin two
(2) yenrs 01 !he dole of approvAl, A single two (2) YOAt axtension may ba
granted rot 000d causa by tho opptovot body Which approved the Otlginolll!O
ploo. The approval body may, however. dotermlne al its disao\JOn thot 0
public hearing mny Do r"o.qu lred lor such elltQnsion.
2. Lov.11I Sit. PIIn: FOf (I nonphosod levm II sito pion or 0 comblllcd end
non·phased level t/love4 lillIe plan approvol. tno epproval Nxly Ihall
dat8m'lino an approprlato oxpiratlon dnte fO( Itto Silo plan \.ttldl may eltoed
two (2) years, but ahall not excoed rtvo (5) year •. An applicant shollsubmll 0
level I Silo plan tOt the ,fie within tho spoaflfld limo Itame If a levol I lite
ptan WIlS not comblnod with tho levol II I lle pllln applicatIOn , The Zoning
Aclmlnislfator may grnnl D one--yoor Ollionskln lor good cause; provldod . the
applicant SUbmits a roquosl forty rNe (45) days In advanco of tho original
exptt8tlon dOlO. (Ord. -4008, 7-,4·1G86; Amd. Ord, 4802, 10-25·1990; Ord.
1. Ph •• lng P.rmltt.d: For devalopment ptoposod on only a portJon 010
j)ortlClJlor sUo. an applicant may ehoosa 10 submil a silo plan application fOf
oKhor the enUro silo or tho portion of tho Ille, In tho loltor ca~o, tho
oppllCollon shall slOle clearly !he oroa of the Ilia and tho proposed
development. IndudJng phases. for Which 1110 plan approvella belno
requesled , In every ane, the silo plan opplicallOO and review Ihall cover 01
least 'hal ponlcn of the 1110 which Is dlfltctly rohlled to Of m&y bo ImpoClod by
the 0(11.181 proposed deveJOQmenl, tiS delormin&d by the EnvironmenloJ
Reyjow Commltteo.
2. AuthOrlly for Extenllon of Time: The Revlowing OffIcial may grant allo
plan approval tot lar!)O Plojects planned 10 bo devoloped Of redeveloped In
phases over" period 01 yearl exc&Odlr1g tho normal limo limits olsubsoctlon
l of tnts S&cUon. SUCh approval shallincludo cIoDrly deflf'led phases and
SpecifIC lime lim~s for each phaso . (Amd. Otd. 4802, 10.25-19D9)
" ,
, ,
3. ellplr.Uo" of Ph ... ,.): " the lme IImlls of a pat1JCU1at ptune are not
soU,fIed, then ,Ito plnn lIpprOVlSllOf thai phno and aubsoquor\1 pnasos wI!
OJlpifO. Tho Hearing Examiner thall also dolomlWlO If.vch II phased profect
w~1 be oligiblo for any oxlonslons of ltIo limo limit •.
4. V.st,d for \hI Purpos •• of Zoning: As 1000 as tho development of II
phasod project conforms 10 the approvod phasing plan . !he zoruno
rogulalionl kI otloct altho limo 01 the original approval .rwJ COtItlnue to
tJ9PIY. Howevor, nU w'I1lructlon ahall conform to the Unifonn Bu*llng Code
ond UnlfOfm Flte Code rogu!allOl'lS In force allhe lme of building permit
application. lOrd. 3981. 4·7-1986: Amd. Ord 4802. 10·25·1999, Otd. 49504 .
Arty docitlOn on on administrative site plan I)ppraval,"aU bo appealed 8' an
adroinlslraUvo dOCl.1on pursuant to RMC A·8· J 10, Appeals . Ally oppel!anl must
be aooklnO 10 prOlecl M Intefest that Is arguabfy Within lIle Z()I10 01 k'ltDrestlo bo
ptotoctod 01 roouiltled by thll Section, mUll 811000 on inJury ... '~"1. and that
Injury mUll bo 'Gal and present rather IhDn speculllllve. (Ord. 4$!.1 . 9 ·18·1995;
Am<S. Ord. 4802. 10·25-1999; Ord. 4~. 2·' '·2002)
, ,
1. Authortty: Tho PlannlnglBu~inQlPublic WOI'ka Oepartmenlll hereby
aulhOtized and alrected to enfOl'Qt all tho prOVlllotl. olthl, Section. For weft
putpOle, tho Plonrmo.'BuikMglPublic Work. Admlnittralot or hblher duly
",,1hOrlntd teQfesontBtl'JII ,hall h .... e the lulhorily 01 a poIlco olflc(tt. (Ord.
4517, $-8.1995)
2. Interpret.tlon:
•• Calcul.Uon of Numb.r of P'tklng Sp.c .. -FracUonl: When
• unit 01 mouutoment dOlorminlog the number of required parking
.peces reau", in tho requirement of. fractlona' space, on)' fraction up 10
bul noIlndudlng ono-hatl (112)lhall be diJl"egarded and fraction. 000-
hall (tl2) and over aha!! roqulre ono parking 'p&CO . (Ord. 3988. 4-28·
b . MII.uremlnl of DI.~"c. -Mathod; Whero II distance I,
specified, ,L.ICh dislallt8 5holl bo the walking distance mee.utl!ld from tho
Moro" point 01 the parking facility to the neate.1 po ... ' of tho bu~dlng
ttlBlsuch foklldy is requited 10 IOrvO . lOrd. 4517, 5-8·1995)
c.. M, .. ur,m,nt of S .. t Width -aench ... nd Paw.: In
IIIdJUmI, spon. arenal, churches and other placets or assembly in
¥rhIcn patronl or spectators occuPy benches. peWl or other similar
loating faeil lbel. taCh eighteen lnehc. (18J ) of length of luch Illating
fadhl!e. $hart be counted at one Hal for tho purpose of delennlning
roqvirements for off·.treel parking fdrUel under this socUon . lOrd .
1. OnoSllt P,rklng RequIred: Requited parking as lpeclrled herein Ihalf
be provided upon propeny In the same o'o'motShlp as the property upon
which the building or UI. requiring the spoedied parking Is lcealed Of u~
leased perking. Off·slr"1 par1l:lng foellitJe, $h0l1 beloealed 8' Mrelnaner
•• D.t.th~. S.ml·Atbth.d .nd Two (2) Atbthltd Dwelllngl:
On the s:tmo 101 WIth the buQding thoy are requited to lerve.
b. Aftleh.cl OW.lllng. Or .. f.rTh.n Thre. (3) Unit.: May be on
contiguous 101 with th. buWdlng they 110 requltod 10 .orve; provided. tho
provIsions uf sliblOttion E2 (Off·sao Parking) of thlt SDCtlGon oro
complied WIth.
1I:\EDSSP\Tule Iv\HocinG 200) Code Amnchs\PllfkJnS Code 9·26-(1).doc
c. BOlt Moot.g .. : Moy hi .... plllt\lng 81eaalOealod nOl morelhan
lix hundred 'eel (600') 'rom ludl moorogo facill1y nor doler than one
hundrod fool (100')10 tho lhOfollno (," sub,ectlOn FlO of this $ec;;tlon).
Accellible parklng.1 requlrod by the Washington State Bani« FroB
St4ndardl atn be allowed within one hundred foal (100') pc!It IUbsodIon
Feo of thl' Soclion.
d. Other U ... : On tho aGma kit with tho principal ute except ~
the condiUonl as men~ In IUbtodiOn E2 (Off·Sile Parkngl of tnis
SoctJon aro compllod with. (Amd. Otd. 4190, 9-13·1999)
2. Specl.1 Revlow Prouill 'ot OtroSlt. p,rtUng:
•. Approve' Required: If ,utfielont ~ is not available on the
promlsel 01 the use. excepting anglo and fYwO (2) 'amly dwelling •••
privata p~1no lot may be provided on • nonc:ommetda! bl,l, sUbJed to
the epplov81 of the Oovolopmonl Sotvlcol Olvitlon.
b. AddlllonallnformltJon R.qulted In Conjunction with
Building Plrmlt: The Oovolopment Service, DIvision 'hall review tho
fOllOwing D. pan 01' the boildll1O pefmH procesl:
I. A lalter of Ju,lltieatlOn oddrOSiing tho ne«l and neighborhood
W. A .lte plan lhawIng ell dimen,lons 01: Parking space •• eille ••
land.caplng areo., adjacent .treelimprO'o'fII'I'IetltI. curb cull .eros.
public atreets. and on·site and odjacenl use and bu~1t\g IOc8tloM.
c. Authority r"r Approv.1 of OtroSne Parking: The Development
Service. Dlvl.ion sh~ appty the loIIowmg condttiOnaln the review
Pfoceu. (Ord. "51 7, 5-3 ·1995)
I The porki'lg lot .holl be .ubJecllo all applicabfe provi.lons of thI.
Ii. ExceptIOI' tlmaroenelM, no automobJe repair Of sGl"lk:cl 01 any
kind .hall be c.onduclod on any ,uCh parking area.
1I:\EDNSP'lTllle IV\Docing 200J Code Amnd(l\f'ltklnK Code 9·26"()J .doc
III. No charge for 1.110 of such parking aroa ahall be mot:eln any
re.ldentlal zone •• cept on a weokJy or monthly basi •• (Ord. 3988,,.·
•• Maximum DIII.net to orr-5U, p.ril.lng Lot : Ort·,ilo parking lor
required porkWlg .pace. aha' be conlalMd In. parking k)t withlnJm!i
lhovland rlVo huodted leot (1.500') 01 tho building or other uNit I,
Intended to 'ervt-klf·f~ uu" 8f1d.WlltAA-HY4I~hundted·UIy"t.eI
('100:)-of.~buIWIog ~~-4I •• 1t .~*~4of..nonI"lldtflllal
UMt. Howlvw. If • transportation managemont plan 1,1n 1.110 or
proposed lor UMIn conJunc.tion with tho project. Of if the devoloper 01'
building occupant CIIn demonstrate thai a tran,lt thutua or othot form or
~blo lranlp0rt611On ')'Stern (motorized or noomolorized) botweon
• romolo parking lacilly and \he doYOklpmenl wIR provide adequatlty for
the parking needs of \he land Ula, then altho discretion of the
PlaMinoI8uildltlQlPublle Worill Oopa.1mant tho maxmum dlstanco may
be relaxed glvon thot the conditions ouUinod In RMC "·9-25002 ara mol.
3. JoInt U •• Parking F.cltJU .. :
I , Encouraged: Tho loint U'O 01 panting laeHlties should generally
be eneour~ within thO City of Renton.
b. Whln Appllubll: Tho 10Int usa of p8l1t1ng facilities may be
euthorized only fot those uses which haylt dJsslmUar paak.hOur demond,
dUfing the nonptiak hOurI of ttlolanot except 10 !he UeN·' god UCN·2
20m! •. (Ord . 4517. 5--8·1995)
c. Mulmum DI.tlncl of Plrklng 'rom U.I: To qualify a. I jOint·
ute porltlng foaify, thl focillty mull be located within a rodlu. of IOven
hundred nrty fool (11.502') from the buildings or use aroos IIl1 Intended
to SeMI.
d. Contrlct Rlqulred: A JoinloUSO contract. COYOfIng a minimum 0'
(rYe (5) years, shell be apprcr.-ed by tho Building Dapartment and by tho
City Attomey 100.UCh • parking arrangement to be aDowod. (Ord. 3BBa,
•• Specla' PlOvlllon. for Subdlvillon of Shopping C.nt.r.
Parking eren In lhopplng eenla,.. operata III common parking lor ell
usn. II .lhOpplng cenl&/' Is suQdMdad, the easements .ootor rostllcllvo
COYttIantl mUlt grant Ute and maintenance of common periling act;OSI.
1I:\EONSP\T1lle IV\Bocina 2003 Code Amndll\Puklng Code 9·26.o).doc
1. Mllnluvlrtng Sp'ctru •• of Publlt Rlght-of.Way: Maneuvering spac.
,hall bo compleJol), off the rlOhl-o'·way of any public Itteec except lor ~
.paces provided for .",,10 'emily dwa Ulngl end dupl.x .. _ Alleys .MII not be
used for oll-Itree! pattllr\g and ~ading p!Jfpou', but may be U'I8d fOt
maneuvering .pace. PlrDl/o! par1t1ng ,WlI ShIll be deS.lgned 10 that door. 0'
vehicle. do nol open onto the publIC rlght-of.way.
2. M.xlmum P.rklna Lollnd Parking Strudur. Siopel: Maxim...."
slopes fOf ~king krta .kel no! .xceed olgAI petUnt (8%) slope. n~ 8Nrd
of Public Wen. m.y allow. driveway to llIceed eight percent (8%) slope but
nol mora than rlloen percenl (15%) Slope. upon proper application In 'MiIing
and for good uu.elhown, whICh ahaIIlnd*. but not be aimittd 10. tho
absence of any rellonlble a!tomlIN,.
3. Acel .. Approve' Rlqulr.d: The ingtOSI and egn. of all patting lots
and llructUt'OI thall be appro.tld by ttl, DevelOpment SeMces DiVision .
(Ord. 3988, 4.28·1988)
4. Llnk.g.,: The PlannlngfBu lld'"O'Publle WorkS Deplrtment.halI tulVll
trHI authority Ie lI.tablish, Of cause 10 be establl.hed. bicyde. high occupancy
vehicle and pedeslrian l!nllogos within public er,d pmeto cIoYoIopmenli.
Enforcoment ,"aIJ be edmlnillered through the normal lite dealgn review
end/or permlttlOg proccIli. Adjuslmonll 10 tho standard perUlg requiremo"tI
of lubsKlJOn F10 of this Section mey be m&da by the
Plennlng'BuildlnotPublic WOtkJ Department ba.ed on the ertenl of thaM
lervices to be provided. :Ord. 4517, 5-8.1995)
a. Lighting: Mylighling on , perking Iolsh,lI Mtumn.1O ant)' the periling lot
ond ,"an be designed and located 0;0 al to 8'\/Dkt I..II\due glore or retledlon 01
tight purauanl to RMC .... .075. E.terior On·afte lighting. Ught standardl
Shatr nol be klcatod 10 as to Interfere wltn p~1ng slda, stacking areas Il\d
ingre .. and ogre .. area •. {Amd. Ord. 4963, 5-13·2002,
•• Appllublllty: As required by the Fire Codes end the FI:'e
Department. fit' lAnes shal be In.laned .urroundlng facilUn wtllth by
their Ilzo. location. design or conlenll warrant acc:en which exceed,
thai normally provIdod bylhe proximity of Cily .treets .
Add itional f .. elants may be required In order to plo .. 1de acxet. for
fll'eflghllng or ,oseue operation, a, bulldirlQ enlllinClll or eldll. f.,o
hydrants end fwe proloc:tIOn 'YSlem .ervlce connot1.lon or conltol
devIce ••
1I:\£ONSfY\Tnle IV\D()('ina 2003 Cod" Amndts\Jlukina Cod" 9·26-01.cSoc •
The Fir. Department may require thllarool.podfled for u •• as
dtfwwayl Dr prl'l8'olJ'K)(oughfarol ,hOI! be doslgnated o. fira tan •• and
be martled or Identified'i required by Ihll Section.
b. Minimum Width and ClurancI: Lnno$ lha9 provIdo.
minimum unobstructed continuous width of twenty leel (20') and provldo
• minimum verticil deatance 0' thlnean I~t .ht Inthea (13'6-). (Ord,
3988 .... ·2801986)
Co Identlncallon:
I. Lane. ahan be Idenllfiod by. four Inch (4") widollne and curb
painted bright red. The block !tillers thoU I'a\o, "FIRE lANE .. NO
PARKING", be elghtoen lnehea (18") high. painted wMa, Jocaled not
Ie .. than ono fool (1 ') Irom the curb loco. al fifty foot (50') Inlorval •.
(Otc! .... 130.2·15-1988)
Ii Sl;ns .hall be twelv" indies by eighteen Inch •• (12".,8") and
,hall haye leUar, and backgrOUnd 0' conltasUng color., readily
reldable from at least. finy foot (SO') dilionco. (Ord. 3988, 4·28·
iii. Slgnl &han be I~c.d not further thM fitty feel (SO') aptlrt nor
sholl they be placod loIS than five foet (5'), or mote ttlDn liven feet
(1') from the ground, The Inltallatlon and ule 01 f.,elane signs will
predUde the tequltoment rOl pointing "'FIRE lANE -NO PARKING~.
in the lent only. The area Ihall beldentifiod by pelnUng the curb rod
or in the absence of a curti, a fout Inth (,.·),Itd lino Ihall be uled,
(Ord, '''30. 2·15-19BB)
d. Surfac:lng end ConaltUc:tlon Raqulramanta: Flte leno. thall
be an an wealhet lurfac:e c:on.troctod of a.phlll or reinforced c:on<:Iole
cettifl8d to be t.Opable ol.upporting a twenty (20) ton vehlc:le, or when
apeclf'ally authorilod by the Flte Department. c:ru.hOd rock may be
uNd; providod, 'M'ilton certlflc:atlon b provided from a toil, englneor, Iflat
the roadway will support the weight of OPlf'otlng fll'o apparatus.
e. Cla.,ao'" and Turning RadII: Whet. fire lanel CCInf\ec:t 10
City streets or pwklng lOts. eclequele do'rances and turning llKIilshan
be provided .
t. ExltUng Building. _ Huard.: When the Fire Chief, Of his
authorized dealgnoe. detarmlne. ll'Iet • hezard duo to Inec:eoltibaity of
r.,o Clj)Pllfllut oxl.tsllfound oxlstlng buildings, he may require '''0 lanes
10 be c:onltruc:ted and maintained es provided by thl. SectJon.
H:\EDNSP'ITIlle lV\Docina 2003 Code ArMdts\Parkina Code 9·26-0J.,doe
g. Modlf~tlon by FIr. Chl.,: When the required deatance.
outlined above cannot be ph)'lluny provided. rnochtication may be
anowed upon wrltton applicatIOn and approval oIlho Fire Chief.
7. und&Ct~ Requlr.ment.:
t . Wh.n Applh;tbl.: All p~ing 1ot •• lo.CIinn erial and drive-In
bUllneSlel, vehicle ,ale. Jot. and ,lorlg8 lOll e.cept those u.ed for
detached lingle famity dwelling unitS, duplexe. and theM In endOIOd
buildingS. ahall be Iand.elped 10 tfIe standard ,.t forth In RMC 4-4~70 ,
b, l.Ind.t.lptI ApprovII A.qull*d: All landK8ping under ChIt
Sodlon Is subject to approval by the Buldl'1g1Zoning ()epIMlenL
I. L.ndllC'pe Stf,ty S\IInd.rd.: Landscaping wI! not COt\ftcI
with tho .arely ollholo u.1no adjaCenl,ldewalka or with !t.Pre
II. R.t.nUon of Elclltlng landlclplng Encour-.ct: Where
pos.ible existing malur. ItM. and .hrubs ahall be ptuOf"Y'td and
Incorpofaled In the landtclpe lIyout.
III. SUNning of Adjtt.nt .ndlor Abutting Ruld.nU.1 U ...
R.qulr.cl: A planting .te. or bonn with Iandit8plng,~ be
provided on thole ,lei,. of. partmg lot lhOl ere .., ....... , 10 or
abutting PfOPe'fJe. u,ed at'IdfOf zoned tOt felldontW purposn. (See
SpecifIC zoning ctalilfleetion.) Sud'! p(anmg shaD be lubtect to the
requwemenll of the zoning development ltenclardllnd WII be of.
luff.eilKll height to ae ......... buff.,., (AIne:. Ord. "999. '.13020(3)
tv. Scr •• nlng Modtncillonl: The Development SeMc:es OMalon
mey allOW. minimum of • forty two Inch ("2'") screening fence In lieu
01 IftnclWlPInQ: upon prcI9tr appllc.allon 101' good c;:aIIe .~. which
ahan lnc:hJde bul nol be Ilmilod 10. natfOW pen.1ng 101.
Y. Minimum Width: Any landlceplng area IhaII be • minimum 01
RYe leel (5') In width.
1I :\EDNSP\Tid~ lV\Docing 200) Code AmndlllJ>arkinc Cod~ 9·26-03.doc •
d. Minimum land.ceplng Width Rlqulrtmtnt. Abutting Public
NJght-of·W.y: Parking IolllhDlI hovo tlndsC4Ipod ate.s al follows:
L Right Ana" and Ninety O~r" (to·) StJl~.: A minimum width
of flvo 'HI (~') tor rIOhl Ingl. and nlne'y degree (90) parlling .tall,
along lho abIJtting publIC right-of·way except to. area. of Ingress and
II. Anglld P"klng L.youts, Forming I Sawtooth P,Hetn: Shall
malnlaln I nmJrnum 01 two fool (2" IandlC41plng atnp In the
l\lIi.o.-oul part 0' tho laWlooth pattern ebut1lng I public right-of-way.
•. AddllJonelllnd.uplng R.qulrtd for Lira' Parking Lot.: In
ad(1ItJon to compliance with subsections F1c and F7d of ltd, SectiOn,
plJ1(Wlg $01. Ion thousand (10,000) 'qual'lJ feel Of grooter In area Innll
hevo. minimum 0' flYo pertent (5%) of 1I0a within tho parking lot
landscaped In. pattern lhal reduceathe banen .ppellr~ of tho
parking 101.
r. Sputa' LI"d.c.~ and Scr •• nlng Standard, for StORgt
Lol.: Potlmetetl of the lot mual be offecllvftly saMlned by a
combinalion of landseaplng and lencing:
I. A minimum of Ion roal (10') landscaped strip Is required between
the property linas along publIC rights-ol·way and the fonce. The
landscaping shall bo or 8 Illo end VOtloly ao 8S 10 provide an elghly
percentIBO%) opaque saean,
II. The enwe perimlilltf mUll be roneod by. sight coscuring renee,
D minimum 01 eight feel (8')" height Gale. may be lin un.CfltOOed
lor security putpOIOS.
g. Und.".,round SprtnltUng Systlm Requlr.cf: Undocground
sprinkling syslems shall be requited to be Installed and m.intalnctd lor an
IlndlCapod aro.l. The sptinkler system shalt prOVide Iutl waler CO'YtIfDgO
of the p~ .,oa. as specified on ltio plan.
h, Installallon to Comply with Approved Plan.: All landscaping
and sprinklor systams shalf be Installed in aecortIonce with the
laodscapk'lg and _prinkler ptan submltlod by tho eppllcantand approved
by tho BulSdlng Department (.ee RMC 4=8.12009I,lrrigDllon Plan •• and
YH 20091. landstaplng Pions),
S. Parkin g S!all Typ ... SI"a, and Percentage A1lowedIRequlrltd:
H:\EDNSP'lTidc JV\JJocina 200) COOt' Amndls\Pukina Code 9·26.o),doc
• '" .
•• Stand,rd p.riflng St.1I 81u-8urficIlPrtViI.
I. Minimum ~ngth : A pllklng ,laIl ,hall be • minimum of twonty
'"1 120') In length. 'keept 'Of patalle[ ,tan., measured aIOtlg both
sido. of tho usable pottlOn of U\f ,tall. Etch petelle' Ilall ahaII be
twenty three 'eet by nino '.e' (23' x 8 ') In ,Ize.
II. Minimum Width: A paf1i;1ng 11a111N11 be a minimum of MIa foet
(9') In width menll,ll'od from a rightangle to the ,tall alde •.
III. Reduced Width .nd Length for Attandanl Puking: When
cars at, parked by an ,ttendont, the ,taU shaa not be Ie" ttl."
eightoen leol long by eight feet wide ItS' • 8').
St.nd,ret Parking Stili Siu -SINcturld Parking:
I. Minimum Llngll\: A parkng ,'aU ahall be a minimum of flftee"
foel (15'). A .I8U ,hall be. mlnmurn of ,txteen feel (16') 101 atalls
dellgned a' farty II...., degrees (45" Of ;realer. Each par,lId ,t&!!
shan bo twonty threet"1 by nino f •• t (23' )1.9') In .IUI.
II. Minimum Width: A plfklng 11.1111 .haII be • mln...,um of elQhl
feet, four Inch., (8'4~) in width ,
c. Compltt Plrklng Sull 51,. .nd Maximum Num"'r of
Comp.ct Sp.c .. :
I. Stall St,. _ SUrfltelPriVlt. G.flgltClrport: Each ,tall aMII
be eight and one-t\llI feel in width end ,lxleen feel in length (&-112' x
II. Stall Size -SI""turfli PlrilIng: /It. parttlng .tlD shall be a
mlnkrlum of ,fW'On leel. ,Ix r.che. (7 '8J ) in width. A pat1l1ng 'tin
IhaJ be a minimum of twelVe faet (12') in Iongth. meltlurOd alOng
both lid" 'Of ,taU. designed Itlell then 'orty flYe ~, (45"). A
'leD .hoU be II minimum of thirteen fee' (13') In $o1\g1h,'or ,leD,
de.igned a' forty five degr ... (45·) Of great1M'.
111. Maximum Numbl' of Comp.ct SPICH: Comp.acl parking
,pace •• hall not oc:eount for mer. thin :
H:\EDNSP\Til1e lV\Bodng 2003 Code Amn4ts'IPatkina Code 9·26-01 .doc
o .. lgn'ttd tmploy" parking -nol to oxcltOd for1y porcont (40%).
Structured parking -nol10 oJlcoad fifty percent (50,.).
All oth,r u." _ not to IIICeed thif1y parcenl (30%).
d. Ta"dam p,,.,lng: Whefo tandom pa,king IS .IIowed pursuant to
lubsection F tOe ollhis SecticY.\, the following IlDMatd •• haIlam
I. Slalllengih ,hall conform 10 trio ,tandDfd. of Ih~' ,ubJection F8; ....
II. A restrictive covcnant or othO. deve. occeplablllio the Cily win
be required to ... !gn tandem parking apace. to tho olcluslllo U.8 of
specific dWOliing unIt •. EnlorGOmflnt of tandem parking IpDI:CI1 ,han
be provlded by lhll proporty owner. propony managor, or
hOmeowne.,' ouoclallon 8S approprlolo.
t. special R,duced Length for Ov,rhang: lho Plant'llnQ1Bu~dlnOiPublic;. Work' Oopartm&nl may pclrmit tho porklng ,tall
lengm to be redUCCId by two leol (2'), provided thoro Is ,ufficlont aroa to
safoly anow the overhang 01 II vohlelo BI\d lhallhfl olea of vehlclo
ovemong does nat Intrude 1n10 required landscaping areas.
r. CUltomer/Ou •• ' PartllnllJ : The Oavo!opmonl Services o+vlalon
may requlro Bfoal be 101 aside exduslvely fOi customar Of guest paOlIng
and shatl spoeify one of the loI\OWinQ molhOds be used:
I. A rnaximOO1 of Idly per~nt (50%' of the roquitod paJ1(ing staUs
dearly doslgnated as -customer partllnge or -vue"t partUng.-partllng
stalls with .ald designations shall be used OIV.f lor said purpose ••
iI. A separate parking 101 with ItS own Ingre .. and ogre".
landsc;8ping and woonlng exclusively lor customer parking and
adequately .!;nod as such.
;. Ac.e ... lble Parking II Stipulated In the Am.rican. with
DI •• bIllU .. Act (ADA): Accessible paMllng 'hili be provided per tho
requlrament. of the Wathington Siale Bamer Free Standard, as
adopted by tho CIty 01 Renton.
IV.£DNSP\Tltle lV\J)oclna 200) Code Arnndtl\Parkina Code 9·26.(»).doc
t . A1,I. Width Standard.:
I. On. W.y ClrculaUon : Fot one wly cItculaUon,1he mW1lmum
width 01 the atsle .tI.n be 101'1 foel (10').
II. Two W.y Clrcul.tlon: FOt two way Clf'cuiatJon. thI m,"lm~
wktth of the .!lle WII be elghleon leel (18" (Ord . 398B . "·2a-tUBS,
b. Nln.ty Degr .. (10 ) H .. d~n Parking A1.I. WIdth Minimum.:
F Of one row and two (2) rows of ninelY degree (go.) head·\n par'O\g
using thO lome .IIIeIln 8 one W''f or two way elrwtatlon pattern. me
minimum width of tho 81,18 ~I be twenty four fool (24').
Sixty Dag," (10-) H.adoln P.rklng A1,I, Width Minimum.:
I. For ono row and two (2) rows of ,lilly degfoe (60-) head·1n
parlling uJing • one way dtc;utatiol'l panem. the minimum WIdttI of
the 81110 'hall be .eveftl"n 1081 (17').
it For two (2' rOWI of .ixty degree (60·) head·in pltklng UIflg'
two wly circulation pattom. the minimum width of thO aisle sh.rl be
tHen!)' leet (20') (Ord. 3988, 4.26·1986)
d. Forty Flv. D.gr •• (U ) H.Id"" P,rIllng AI,I. WIdth
I. on. Way Circulation: Fat 0."\8 lind two (2) fOWl of larty I~
degree (45·) haad4n pII,klng ullng II one way cIreuI,uan pettem, tht
mlninum MeIth 01 the lIi,l, ahan be twelve fOClI (12').
II. TWo W'y Cl~ul,Uon : Fat two (2) rows of I0I'l'1 five dGglM (45 )
head.1n pllrklng using I two way ci'c:ulltlon panem, !he width of the
a l,1er ,hall ba tw&nly feel (20'). (Ord. 3988, .. ·28·1936)
H:\EONSPITilie JV\Boe ing 2(0) Code Amndu\J"rlong Code 9·2 6"'()].dot
.' •• .
• -
10. Numb., of Parking SpIC .. R.qulr.d:
t . Int.,pltt-Hon of Sllnd.rd. -Minimum end Maximum
Number of Sp.c .. : 11'1 determining parking requirements, whon a ,Ingle
numbet of ~Ing spaces I, required by \hI, Code, than thai numbof' of
spaces i, to be Vllerpreled 8. the gom., .. number 01 partOn; spates
required. reprllsenting both thlll minimum and the maximum nUlTlber of
spGc:o, 10 be provided lor :holland UIII .
When a m .. mum and • minlmurll tango OllDqUlted parking Is lI,ted In
thi, Code, the developer Of oceupanllt requited 10 provldolll.,Ds! tho
number of apoces lisfed a. tho minimum requirement, and may nol
provide more than the maximt.l1l Uslod In thl' Coda .
b. MuiUpl. U ... : Whon a development IaJll\:ndor mOta than ono
Cllogory, tho p8lk.ng ttandDtds for !he moslspeciflC category shall
apply, unless sp&elflCally ,Iated otherwlse.
c. AlI'tn,lIv .. :
l. Joint P.rklng /.gre.m,nl.: Approved jolnl loll. parking
8O'etlm,nls and the .,lBbll,hmonl of a Transportation Management
Pkln (TMP) may be used fl' delcribed In 'Ublectlonl E3 and
F10c(1i) Gf Ihls Section to meet a pottlon of these parking
requirements . (Amd . Ord. ·H90, 9·13·1999)
II. Trln.poltatlon M,n'a,m,n' PI,n,: A rr8llspoNlion
Management Plan I1MP) guaranteeing the required reduetion In
vehide trap, may be iIUtIStltuted In pltlt or In whole for tho parking
,pacea requited •• ubjeQ 10 the approval of thO
PlanrungfBuildlnglPubllc: Works Department.
The developer may seek ttle aulslance (If tho
PlannilglBujdlngfPuDlIc Work. Cepertmont In formulabng e
Tranlportation Management Plan . The plan mu.1 bo agreed upon by
boSh tho City and the devefoper through a binding contract with the
ely of Renton. At e minimum, the Transportatlon Management Plan
wilt de,lgnele tho number of trip. to be reduced on a da~y ba.II, the
meanll by which the plan II to ba 8CCOrTIpli.hed, e,.. evaluallon
procedure, and a contingency plan If !he !rip reducllo'" 0081 cannot
be mel II tne Transportation Management Pliln II un'UCCOSlful, the
daveloper Is obligated to immediately provide 6ddlllonel mellure. at
thO direction of the Plar'lningIBuUdin;IPubl1c Work. Octpartmanl,
1I:\EONSP\Tllle JV\Boc:ing 200) Code AmndU\Parking Code 9·26.()).doc
which may Iodude the roqulromltnt to provide full j)Iot1(lng .1 requited
by City standards.
d. MocunuUon: Tho PlannlnglBuldinglPublic: Wens Depat1rnenl
may authorize. moddlc8t.on from either the mil'llnWtn or tnPmutn
pari(ing requirements tOt. SpecifIC de .... efopment ahauId conditions
wenanla. d •• ~ In RMC 4·9-25002. When ,"~. modlatlon
from the miVnum or m,mum p.trIo.lng requirements, 1M de~ al ~ or
bulIdirv,J occupant lhaIJ proYide the PtanrmotBulld~ Wens
Oepartmenl wilh written ju.td"lGlItion lor the proposed modifICation.
e. P,rklng Spaul Required B.Md on Lind U .. : Modircation or
these mlnirm,lI'n Of ma,lIimum standards roqulre. writ\on approval from 1M
P1InnlngfBuMd.nglPubl1C Woru Oopertment (see RMC "·9=2501. (Ord.
"511. 5-8-1995; Amd. Ord .• U90. 9-13-1999; Ord. "963, 5-13-2002; Ord.
4971 , 6·t()'2002; Oro . 4982, 9-23-20(2)
(1 or mort ultlln Ihr 11m" bulldla!:) ,'"
• mlau(.t1und borne park:
for the s('nat Ust. computed ~ltly.
unless the buildlni i, cbuificd as, "'hopping
cauer"' as defined In RMC "·11-190. w.,ccpI
10 l leN·1 fnd l ICN·2.Zeau, wbnc O.-tm
100 !qLQlt fm or i!M) Door Am fw
£!!mJOOml And Kf'VicC' \lotS. Rnidcntijll GIIO
I "'''am;,,, ""'hich ofthc: US« is
most Ilmilar based l.'pon l\lff t_pc:rimc:c with
\'IriOUJ u.~ and infDl'mltion pro\i<kd by the
.pplicant. The amount o(Kquittd pClrkine (Of
UKS noIlillN .bove shill be tht lame as (or
is .l1o,,~d. or 4 ,'Chicks may be
par\rd on ,lot. indueling ~ ,'Chicles under
I'q)&ir and restoration. unlcu b-p1 ""thin an
1I:\EONSI'\Tnlt lV\Doc in& 200] CCMk Amndt,\hrking Code g.):6.(I).doc:
n w
n -
rl -