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�� Technica/Information Report
Greene-Gasaway Architects, PLLC
PO Box 4158
Federal Way, WA 98063-4158
Cascade Elementary School
16022 116th Avenue SE
Renton, WA 98058
Project No. 2140258.10
� � Rohin Elangovan, EIT
Project Engineer
� �
William J. Fierst, PE
Project Manager
Sean M. Comfort, PE
� June 2014
� Revised July 2014
su� 2 3 20�� �
Civil Engineers • Structura!Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • lVeighbors
? �1�i�
Technica/Information Report
Greene-Gasaway Architects, PLLC
PO Box 4158
Federal Way, WA 98063-4158
ti4 C
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� � Cascade Elementary School
16022 116"' Avenue SE
�,, Renton, WA 98058
'O�o��?�+� ��' Project No. 2140258.10
sloxsL �
t hereby state tnat tnis Technical Rohin Elangovan, EIT
Information Report for Cascade
Elementary School has been prepared by Project Engineer
me or under my supervision, and meets
the standard of care and expertise that is REVIEWED BY.•
usual and customary in this community
for professional engineers. I understand
that the City of Renton does not and will William ]. Fierst, PE
not assume liability for the suffiaency, Project Manager
suitability, or performance of drainage
facilities prepared by me.
Sean M. Comfort, PE
]une 2014
Revised July 2014
Tab/e of Content.s
Section Page
1.0 Project Overview............................................................................................................i
2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary........................................................................i
2.1 Core Requirement 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location................................................i
2.2 Core Requirement 2 -Offsite Analysis ..........................................................................1
2.3 Core Requirement 3 - Flow Control ..............................................................................2
2.4 Core Requirement 4 - Conveyance System ...................................................................2
2.5 Core Requirement 5 - Erosion and Sediment Control.....................................................2
2.6 Core Requirement 6 - Maintenance and Operations.......................................................2
2.7 Core Requirement 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability................................................2
2.8 Core Requirement 8 - Water Quality.............................................................................3
2.9 Special Requirement 1 - Other Adopted Requirements ..................................................3
2.10 Special Requirement 2 - Flood Hazard Delineation ........................................................3
2.11 Special Requirement 3 - Flood Protection Facilities........................................................3
2.12 Special Requirement 4 - Source Control........................................................................3
2.13 Special Requirement 5 - Oil Control..............................................................................3
2.14 Special Requirement 6 -Aquifer Protection Area...........................................................3
3.0 Offsite Analysis...............................................................................................................3
3.1 Task 1 - Study Area Definition and Maps......................................................................3
3.2 Task 2- Resource Review...........................................................................................4
3.3 Task 3 - Field Inspection.............................................................................................5
3.4 Task 4- Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions...................................5
3.5 Quantitative Analysis...................................................................................................6
4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design .......................................6
5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design.......................................................................7
6.0 Special Reports and Studies...........................................................................................7
7.0 Other Permits.................................................................................................................7
8.0 CSWPPP Analysis and Design.........................................................................................7
9.0 Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Dectaration of Covenant..............................8
10.0 Operations and Maintenance Manual.............................................................................8
11.0 Conclusion......................................................................................................................8
Technical Information Report O Q O O
Cascade Elementary School .
Projed No. 2140258.10
Appendix A
Technical Information Report(TIR) Worksheet
A-1 ...................Vicinity Map
A-2 ...................Soils Map
A-3 ...................Existing Conditions Plan
A-4...................Site Plan
A-5 ...................Existing Basin Map
A-6 ................... Developed Basin Map
A-7 ...................Site Flow Rates
A-8 ...................Conveyance Calculations
A-9 ...................Downstream Pipe Information
A-10 .................Aquifer Protection Area
A-11 .................King County iMAP Information
A-12 .................FIRM Rate Map
A-13 .................Renton Bond Quantiry Worksheet
A-14 .................Operations and Maintenance Manual
Appendix B
Cascade Elementary Topographic Map Prepared by Townsend-Chastain &Assoc.,Inc.
October 6, 1992
Cascade Elementary School Site Drainage Plan Prepared by RoseWater Engineering,
Inc.]une 14, 1994
Technical Information Report Q Q O Q
Cascade Elementary School �
Project No. 2140258.10
Cascade Elementary School is located at 16022 116"' Avenue SE on Parcel No. 2823059034 in the
city of Renton. See Appendix A-1 for the Vicinity Map. The 2014 portable classroom project is
proposing to install two double portable classrooms, ramps, stairs, and landings at Cascade
Elementary School, and to demolish an existing single classroom por[able. See Appendix A-3 for
the Existing Conditions Plan and Appendix A-4 for the Site Plan. This would result in 3,436
square feet(SF) of new impervious surface and 19 SF of replaced impervious surface (total of
3,455 SF of new plus replaced impervious surfaces). In addition, 22 SF of impervious surface will
be converted to pervious lawn. The site will realize a net increase of 3,433 SF of impervious
surfaces. See Appendices A-5 and A-6 for Existing and Developed Basin Maps.
The 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual(KCSWOM)and City of Renton Amendments
to the King County Surface Water Design Manual(February 2010) establish the methodology and
design criteria used for the project. The King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) software
program, developed by the King County Department of Natural Resources, was used to calculate
runoff and design stormwater flow control facilities. The Rational method was used to determine
conveyance capacities.
The project triggers Full Drainage Review. Below is a summary of how the proposed project will
meet the Core Requirements.
2.1 Core Requirement 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location
The natural discharge location for stormwater from the work area is the yard drain north of the
existing double classroom portable, which connects via closed pipe to an existing catch basin
south of the existing double classroom portable. Stormwater in the existing catch basin is
conveyed east and south around the Cascade Elementary School building and through the site to
the southeast corner of the site. Stormwater is then conveyed east through a residential area in
an 18-inch concrete pipe toward 119"'Avenue SE.
Stormwater roof runoff from the new portables will be discharged from the roof with
downspouts, and will flow to a series of proposed catch between the two proposed double
classroom portables. The proposed conveyance pipes convey stormwater to a proposed catch
basin overbuilt on the existing drainage system. The existing drainage pipes convey stormwater
to an existing catch basin south of the existing double classroom portable. Drainage is routed
downstream through the existing conveyance system onsite. All surface and stormwater runoff
from the proposed development will continue to be discharged at the natural location, and thus
will not adversely affect downstream properties or drainage systems.
2.2 Core Requirement 2 - Offsite Analysis
AHBL staff performed a Level One Downstream Analysis for the project on June 11, 2014, and
July 17, 2014. The analysis included:
• Defining and mapping the study area.
• Reviewing available information on the study area.
Technical Information Report Q Q 0 O
Cascade Elementary School 1 ■
Project No. 2140258.10
• Field inspecting the study area.
• Analyzing the existing drainage system, including its existing and predicted problems, if
Please refer to Sedion 3.0 for the full offsite analysis.
2.3 Core Requirement 3 - Flow Control
The project site lies in the Flow Control Duration Standard Area, per the King County Flow
Control Application Map of the 2009 KCSWDM. This project meets Exception 2 for Flow Control
Duration Standard Area because the project proposes no more than a 0.1-cfs difference in the
sum of developed 100-year peak flows for target surfaces subject to this requirement, and the
sum of forested site conditions 100-year peak flows for the same surface areas. See
Appendix A-7 for pre-and post-developed peak flow rates.
2.4 Core Requirement 4 - Conveyance System
The two new double portable classrooms will include downspouts that tie into a roof drain system
prior to entering proposed catch basins onsite. Based on Section of the KCSWDM, new
pipe systems shall be designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain the 25-year peak
flow with a minimum of 6 inches of freeboard between the design water surFace and structure
grate. In addition, runoff from the 100-year peak storm event cannot create or aggravate a
severe flooding problem or severe erosion problem. The new pipe system has sufficient capacity
for a 25-year peak flow. Catch basin rims do not overtop in the 100-year peak storm event and
there is over a 6-inch freeboard between the design water surface and structure grate during the
25-year peak storm event. No severe flooding problems or severe erosion problems are created ,
or aggravated in the 100-year storm event. A quantitative downstream analysis was completed. .
See Appendix A-8 for the conveyance basin and calculations, and downstream analysis.
2.5 Core Requirement 5 - Erosion and Sediment Control
Onsite land disturbance will be very minimal and will consist of clearing the work site �
(approximately 7,500 SF), small amounts of demolition, and regrading for placement of two catch �
basins. Erosion and sediment control will be provided with the use of temporary and permanent
seeding within the work limits, silt fence or wattles, and inlet sediment protection. A Temporary
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan is included in the plan set. See Section 8.0 for CSWPPP
Analysis and Designs.
2.6 Core Requirement 6 - Maintenance and Operations
Maintenance and operation of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the owner. The project
proposes new catch basins onsite. See Appendix A-14 for the Operations and Maintenance
2.7 Core Requirement 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability
This project will provide financial guarantees and liability per City of Renton requirements. See
Appendix A-13 for the Renton Bond Quantity Worksheet.
Technical Information Report O Q O O
Cascade Elementary School 2 •
Project No. 2140258.10
_. i
2.8 Core Requirement 8 - Water Quality
No pollution generating surfaces are proposed as part of this development; therefore, the
development meets the Surface Area Exemption. Core Requirement 8 will not apply.
2.9 Special Requirement 1 - Other Adopted Requirements
The project is include� in the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin. City and County basin
requirements will be followed where applicable.
2.10 Special Requirement 2 - Flood Hazard Delineation
The proposed project is not in or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain. See Appendix A-12 for the
FIRM Rate Map.
2.i i Special Requirement 3 - Flood Protection Facilities
This project does not rely on existing flood protection facilities, nor will it modify or construct new
flood protection facilities.
2.12 Special Requirement 4 - Source Control
The proposed project is an educational facility; therefore, it does not�t the definition of a
commercial, industrial, or multi-family site for source control purposes.
2.13 Special Requirement 5 - Oil Control
The site does not meet high use criteria and is not subject to oil control measures. '
2.14 Special Requirement 6—Aquifer Protection Area
According to the City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zone Map, the project is not located within an
aquifer protection zone. See Appendix A-10 for a map of the Aquifer Protection Area.
There are no upstream tributary areas contributing drainage to the basin area.
3.1 Task i — Study Area Definition and Maps
Cascade Elementary School proposes to place two new portable buildings on the 14.88-acre site
located at 16022 116�'Ave SE in the city of Renton. Based on a site visit on July 17, 2014, the
upstream basins that flow onsite were delineated and can be found in Appendix A-8.
The project site lies within the Lower Cedar River Drainage Basin, as delineated by the King
County Water Features Map. There are no wetlands on or in the vicinity of the project site.
The project receives upstream stormwater from two separate basins. One basin includes the
western half of the elementary school building, the parking lot to the west of the elementary
school building, a portion of 116"' Avenue SE, and a residential area to the west of 116th Avenue
SE. This basin includes 3.297 acres of impervious area and 2.676 acres of pervious area. This
Technical Information Report O Q O Q
Cascade Elementary School 3 ■
Project No. 2140258.10
basin conveys to a manhole directly southeast of Cascade Elementary School in a 12-inch
concrete pipe. The second basin includes a larger portion of 116"' Avenue SE and SE 162nd
Street, and a residential area to the west of 116�h Avenue SE. This basin includes 3.140 acres of
impervious area and 3.439 acres of pervious area. This basin conveys stormwater through a
biofiltration swale to the south of the project site before conveying to a manhole to the east of
the biofiltration swale. The basins were delineated using City of Renton COR Maps and a field
inspection described in Task 3.
In existing conditions, there is one discharge location from the project site. Stormwater from the
site flows to a yard drain onsite. Flow travels from this yard drain through a series of closed
storm drain catch basins to the southeast corner of the site. Stormwater from the field to the
east of Cascade Elementary School is mllected in an underdrain system and conveyed to the
catch basin on the southeast corner of the project site, prior to discharging offsite to the east
toward 119th Avenue SE. See Appendix A-9 for a sketch of the downstream conveyance system.
3.2 Task 2— Resource Review
The following resources were reviewed to discover any existing or potential problems in the study
• Topographic Survey: Cascade Elementary Topographic Survey prepared by Townsend-
Chastain &Assoc., Inc., October 6, 1992, included in Appendix B.
• Civil Engineering Plans: Cascade Elementary School Site Drainage Plan prepared by
RoseWater Engineering, Inc., June 14, 1994, included in Appendix B.
• Landscape Plans: Cascade Elementary School Pla�eld Grading and Sub-Drainage Plan
prepared by Don Shimono Associates, included in Appendix A-8.
• FEMA Map: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 53033C0983F, dated May 16, 1995, (see �
Exhibit A-12) indicates that the project site lies within Zone X—Areas determined to be
outside the 500-year floodplain. - I
• King County iMAP: The project site is not located in any of the following mapped critical
areas (see Exhibit A-11):
o Coal Mine Hazard Areas �
o Erosion Hazard Areas
o Landslide Hazard Areas ',
o Seismic Hazard Areas
o Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
0 100-Year Flood Plain
o Wetlands
• Soils Information: Site soils have been classified by the USDA Natural Resources '
Conservation Service(NRCS) as Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes (AmC)
(see Exhibit A-2).
• City of Renton COR Maps: The upstream and downstream basins were delineated I
utilizing City of Renton COR Maps, along with a site visit on July 17, 2014. '
Technical Information Report O Q O 0
Cascade Elementary School 4 .
Project No. 2140258.10
3.3 Task 3 — Field Inspection
On June 11, 2014, and July 17, 2014, AHBL staff performed a downstream analysis of the
drainage system receiving stormwater runoff from the proposed portable classrooms, and an
upstream analysis of the drainage system discharging to piping at Cascade Elementary School.
1. Investigate any problems reported or observed during the resource review— No problems
were reported or observed during the resource review.
2. Locate all existing/potential constrictions or lack of capacity in the existing drainage system
— No constrictions or lack of capacity in the existing drainage system was obseroed.
3. Identify all existing/potential downstream drainage problems as defined in Section
— No existing/potential downstream drainage problems were observed.
4. Identify existing/potential overtopping, scouring, bank sloughing, or sedimentation — No
' existing/potential overtopping, scouring, bank sloughing, or sedimentation was observed.
5. Identify significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms (e.g., severe siltation, back
erosion, or incision in a stream)— No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms
was observed.
6. Collect qualitative data on features such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and
soil types —The land use on the project site is a school site that consists of approximately
30 percent impervious area and sports fields to the south end. The conveyance system
drains through a residential area to the east before reaching 119"'Avenue SE, where the
road slopes down to a catch basin before being conveyed farther east. The upstream �
basin was delineated by determining where the road slopes toward the site and following
the piping onsite, along with the contours found in City of Renton COR Maps.
7. Collect information on pipe sizes, channel characteristics, drainage structures, and relevant
critical areas (e.g., wetlands, stream, steep slopes) — See Appendix A-9 for information on
pipe sizes and drainage structures. No critical areas were observed.
8. Verify tributary basins delineated in Task 1 — Based on the topography onsite, the basin
delineation based on the survey was confirmed.
9. Contact neighboring property owners or residents in the area about past or existing
drainage problems, and describe these in the report (optional) —This requirement is not
applicable for this project.
10. Note the date and weather conditions at the time of the inspection —The first site visit
occurred on June 11, 2014. The weather was sunny and the temperature was 60 degrees.
The second site visit occurred on July 17, 2014. The weather was sunny and the
temperature was 73 degrees.
3.4 Task 4— Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions
See Appendix A-9 for a map of the downstream drainage system. The existing point of discharge
for the portables basin is an existing yard drain onsite. This yard drain is being demolished as
part of this project. Three new catch basins and conveyance piping are proposed between the
two proposed double classroom portables. Stormwater will flow from the proposed portables to
Technical Information Report Q Q O O
Cascade Elementary School 5 .
Project No.2140258.10
catch basins via roof drain and closed conveyance piping. A new catch basin will be overbuilt on
the existing drainage system. Downstream of the overbuilt catch basin, stormwater is conveyed
to an existing catch basin south of the existing double classroom portable onsite. Stormwater
outfalling from the catch basin flows east approximately 154 feet in an 8-inch concrete pipe along
the building perimeter to a solid-lid catch basin to the northeast of the school building.
Stormwater is conveyed south in 15-inch conc�ete pipe through a series of three solid-lid catch
basins approximately 615 feet to a catch basin just east of the storm facility onsite. Stormwater
is conveyed in a 15-inch concrete pipe approximately 390 feet east to a catch basin on the
southeast corner of the project site. Stormwater is conveyed in an 18-inch concrete pipe
210 feet to a catch basin on the east side of 119"' Avenue SE. Based on the City of Renton GIS
Mapping System, stormwater is then conveyed in a 24-inch concrete pipe east through a
residential area toward Cascade Park, where the conveyance system ties into an existing 36-inch
storm main system.
No signs of flooding, overtopping, or erosion were evident at the time of the inspection.
3.5 Quantitative Analysis
A quantitative analysis modeling the downstream drainage to the east properly line of the project
system under existing and proposed conditions was performed at the request of the City of
Renton. The analysis was completed using the StormSHED2G program and the Rational Method.
The analysis determines that during the 25-year, 24-hour peak storm event, all pipes have
adequate capacity and all catch basins and manholes have a minimum of 6 inches of freeboard
between the design water surface and structure grate. In the 100-year peak storm event, catch
basins do not overtop and no severe flooding problems or severe erosion problems are created or
aggravated. Downstream basin conveyance calculations, including basin delineation and
StormSHED2G outputs, can be found in Appendix A-8.
The RoseWater Engineering Inc. and Don Shimano Associates plans included as part of the
quantitative analysis in Appendix A-8 were on a different datum than the AHBL Civil Plans.
Therefore, a conversion factor of+3.11 feet was applied to each of the rims and inverts on these
plans to match the AHBL datum.
As required, all storm drainage structures have in excess of 6 inches of freeboard between the
computed hydraulic grade and rim elevation during the 25-year peak storm event.
The project proposes an increase of no more than a 0.1-cfs difference in the sum of developed
100-year peak flows for target su�faces subject to this requirement and the sum of forested site
conditions 100-year peak flows for the same surface areas, which exempts the project from flow
control requirements per Exception 2 in Section of the 2009 KCSWDM. The existing
impervious surface beneath the portable to be removed from the site is to be protected and not
disturbed; therefore, the existing impervious surface beneath the portable is not a replaced
impervious surface and is not considered a target surface. The sidewalk beneath the proposed
double classroom portable to the north is to be protected and not disturbed; therefore, it is not a
replaced impervious surface and is not considered a target surFace. The basin was modeled
using KCRTS per the fallowing conditions:
Technical InfoRnation Report 0 Q O O
Cascade Elementary School 6 ■
Project No. 2140258.10
Pre-Develo ed ac Post-Develo ed ac
Forest 0.0710 0
Lawn 0.0810 0.0816
Im rvious 0.0816 0.1520
Total 0.2336 0.2336
100- ear Peak Flow cfs
Pre-develo d 0.188
Post-develo ed 0.274
The increase in the 100-year peak flow rate is 0.086 cfs, which is less than the 0.1 cfs threshold.
Detailed calculaaons to demonstrate exemption from flow control have been included in
Appendix A-7.
The project proposes collection of storm drainage from the two proposed double classroom
portables by roof drain systems that drain to proposed catch basins between the two proposed
classroom portables and to the downstream drainage system. Conveyance capacity calculations
are included in Appendix A-8.
There are no special reports or studies necessary for the proposed project.
No other permits are required as part of this proposed development.
The proposed development shall comply with guidelines set forth in City of Renton drainage
requirements. The plan will include erosion/sedimentation control features designed to prevent
sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site or adversely affecting critical water resources during
The following measures are shown on the ESC plans and will be used to control
sedimentation/erosion processes:
• Clearing Limits—All areas to remain undisturbed during the construction of the project will
be delineated prior to any site clearing or grading.
• Cover Measures—Cover measures will be implemented to the disturbed areas.
• Perimeter Protection — Filter fabric fences for site runoff protection will be provided at the
downstream site perimeter.
• Traffic Area Stabilization —Traffic Area Stabilization is not applicable for this project
• Sediment Retention—Inlet sediment protection will be utilized as part of this project.
Technical Information Report O Q O O
Cascade Elementary School 7 .
Project No. 2140258.10
• Storm Drain Inlet Protection—Inlet sediment protection will be provided on all new and
existing catch basins downstream of construction activities.
• Surface Water Collection —Catch basins and conveyance pipes will provide surface water
• Dewatering Control —Dewatering Control is not applicable for this project.
• Dust Control —Dust control measures including sweeping and water truck will be
implemented when exposed soils are dry to the point that wind transport is possible, and
roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely to be impacted.
• Flow Control— Flow Control is not applicable for this project.
See Section 2.7 above for Core Requirement 7, Financial Guarantees and Liability. See
Appendix A-13 for the City of Renton Bond Quantity Worksheet. Facility Summaries and a ,
Declaration of Covenant are not applicable to this project. 'I
Maintenance and operation of all drainage facilities will be maintained by the owner. The project
proposes new catch basins onsite. See Appendix A-14 for operations and maintenance
This site has been designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the 2009 King County
Surface Water Design Manual(KCSWDM), as amended by the City of Renton Amendments to the
King County Surface Water Design Manua/(February 2010). Flow calculations and modeling
utilize City of Renton standards for sizing stormwater conveyance.
This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL. These documents are
referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared using procedures and
practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry.
AHBL, Inc.
Rohin Elangovan, EIT
Project Engineer
June 2014
Revised July 2014
Q:12014�2140258�WORDPROC�Reports�20140724_Rpt_(TiR)_2140258.10(wp dreft).doac
Technical Information Report Q Q O a
Cascade Elementary School 8 ■
Project No. 2140258.10
Appendix A
Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet
A-i ..................Vicinity Map
A-2 ..................Soils Map
A-3 ..................Existing Conditions Plan
A-4 ..................Site Plan
A-5 ..................Existing Basin Map
A-6 ..................Developed Basin Map �
A-7 ..................Site Flow Rates
A-8 ..................Conveyance Calculations
A-9 ..................Downstream Pipe Information
A-10.................Aquifer Protection Area
A-11.................King County iMAP Information
A-12.................FIRM Rate Map
A-13.................Renton Bond Quantity Worksheet
A-14.................Operations and Maintenance Manual
Technical Infomiation Report O Q O O
Cascade Elementary School ■
Project No. 2140258.10
ProjectOwner �F�7'°"� 5«t-oo� D\Sl2r� ProjectName CAScRD� E�6'�Er►�T�.�Y
Phone �'�2 S� 2 nH-N v o 3 DDES Permit# �
Address 7�ft 2 5 �2yT" Sr, S��-�6-, Location Township ?3
l�/� �'�l7 � Range O � '�
Project Engineer wl����i''r hf�Sj Section 2�
Company �1�F` Site Address �6�ZZ //6r" A�E Sr,
Phone Cy53 3�3 'Zy2 ��Ta N WA- Q go5� ,
❑ Landuse Services ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline
Subdivison / Short Subd. / �IPD Management
❑ COE 404
❑ Building Services ❑ DOE Dam Safety � Structural
M/F/Commerical / SFR RockeryNault/
� Clearing and Grading ❑ FEMA Floodplain � ESA Section 7
❑ Right-of-Way Use ❑ COE Wetlands
❑ Other ❑ Other
Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) '
Type of Drainage Review Ful / Targeted / Type (circle one}: Fu / Modified /
(circle): Large Site Small Site
Date (include revision Date (include revision
dates): dates):
Date of Final: Date of FinaL•
Type (circle one): Standard ! Complex / Preapplication / Experimental! Blanket N(f� ',
Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) I
Date of A roval: �'
i �--
' 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009
Describe: N I R
Monitoring Required: Yes / I�o �
Start Date: {��t�
Completion Date: ��R
Community Plan : Soos CRCEk
Special District Overlays:
Drainage Basin: �D+n�r`.�. �EDAR (�v�.2 1
Stormwater Requirements:
❑ River/Stream ❑ Steep Slope
❑ Lake ❑ Erosion Hazard �
❑ Wetlands ❑ Landslide Hazard I
❑ Closed Depression ❑ Coal Mine Hazard �
❑ Floodplain ❑ Seismic Hazard �
� Other (��'(� ❑ Habitat Protection
Part 10 SOILS
Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential
A,� � �-- �5%� �op�qr%-.���F
❑ High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer
� Other��(� ❑ Seeps/Springs
❑ Additional Sheets Attached '
2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009
❑ Core 2—Offsite Analvsis '
❑ Sensitive/Critical Areas
❑ Other
� N� �C
❑ Additional Sheets Attached
Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET rovide one TIR Summa Sheet er Threshold Dischar e Area
Threshold Discharge Area:
name or descri tion Sc�t u n� F
Core Requirements (all 8 apply)
Dischar e at Natural Location Number o atural Dischar e Locations: I I
Offsite Analysis Level: 1 / 2 / 3 dated:T�1�
Flow Control Level: 1 / / 3 or Exemption Number Ex�crn,N �
incl.facili summa sheet Small Site BMPs
Conveyance System Spill containment located at:
Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: TT3 D, a�+c,r P�a��
Contact Phone: �W�� '
After Hours Phone:
Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Private ublic
If Private, Maintenance Lo Re uired: Yes !No
Financial Guarantees and Provided: es / No
Water Quality Type: Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog �
(include facility summary sheet} or Exemption No. I
Landsca e Mana ement Plan: Yes / No
S ecial Re uirements as a licable
Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA/SDO/MDP/BP/LMP/Shared Fac.I None
Re uirements Name: �
Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption / None
100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range):
Flood Protection Facilities Describe: � � �
Source Control Describe landuse:
(comm./industrial landuse) Describe any structural controls: �( �
2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009
3 I
Oii Control High-use Site: Yes /�
Treatment BMP:
Maintenance Agreement: Yes /�'Vo�
with whom?
Other Draina e Structures
Describe: C�-� 6aS��5 $.. G�oSe,�,� G'Qv�V2� ct/v�(�2._ PZ��-
� Clearing Limits � Stabilize Exposed Surfaces
� Cover Measures � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities
❑ Perimeter Protection � Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris, Ensure
❑ Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities
❑ Sediment Retention ❑ Flag Limits of SAO and open space
! preseroation areas
❑ Surface Water Collection ❑ Other
❑ Dewatering Control
� Dust Control
❑ Flow Control
Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS Note: Include Facili Summa and Sketch
Flow Control T e/Descri tion Water Quali T e/Descri tion
❑ Detention �!� ❑ Biofiltration v �
❑ Infiltration ❑ Wetpool
❑ Regional Facility ❑ Media Filtration
❑ Shared Facility ❑ Oil Control
❑ Flow Control ❑ Spill Control
❑ Flow Control BMPs
❑ Other
❑ Other
2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009
❑ Drainage Easement ❑ Cast in Place Vault
❑ Covenant ❑ Retaining Wall
❑ Native Growth Protection Covenant ❑ Rockery>4' High I
❑ Tract ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ',
❑ Other � � ❑ Other �`�
I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were � ''
incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my
knowledge the information provided here is accurate.
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Si ned/Date
2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009
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USDA United States A product of the National Custom Soil Resource
�— Department of Cooperative Soil Survey,
Agriculture a joint effort of the United Report for
n � ��� States Department of
IV Agriculture and other K i n g C o u n ty
Federal agencies, State
Natural agencies including the
Resources AgriculturalExperiment Area�
Conservation Stations, and local
Service participants
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Custom Soil Resource Report
Area of interest(AOq � Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000.
Area oflnterest(AOI) � Stony Spot --- —
Sons � Very Stony Spot Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale.
Soil Map Unit Polygons
—� � wet Spot Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause
N Soil Map Unit Lines
Other I misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line
� Soii Map unit Points `' placement.The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting
.- Special Line Features soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale.
Special Point Features
(� Blowout Water Features
Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map
� eorrow Pit measurements.
� Clay Spot
� Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service
� Closed Depression � interscate Highways Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov
� Gravel Pit ,,�„ US Routes Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG3857)
„ Graveny Spot Major Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator
� Landfill Local Roads projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts
distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the
� Lava Flow eackground Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more accurate
,�, Marsh or swamp . Aerial Photograpny calculations of distance or area are required.
� nnine or Quarry This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of
o Misceuaneous Water the version date(s)listed below.
� Perennial Water
Soil Survey Area: King County Area,Washington
�,, Rock outcrop Survey Area Data: Version 8,Dec 10,2013
+ Saline Spot
Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales 1:50,000
� � Sandy Spot of lafgef.
� Severely Eroded Spot
Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Aug 31,2013—Oct 6,
� Sinkhole 2013
� Slide or Slip
The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were
� Sodic Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background
imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting
9 A-2
Custom Soil Resource Report '
Map Unit Legend
King County Area,Washington(WA633)
Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI '
AmC �Arents,Alderwood material,6 to 2�.5 100.0%
15 percent slopes
Totals for Area of Interest 2D.5 100.0%
Map Unit Descriptions
The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils
or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the
maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit.
A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more
major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named
according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic
class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils.On the landscape,
however,the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability
of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend
beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class.Areas of soils of a single taxonomic
class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic
classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas
for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes
other than those of the major soils.
Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the
map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called
noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a
, particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties
and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different
mana ement.These are called contrastin or dissimilar com onents.The enerall
9 9� P Y 9 Y
are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used.
Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified
by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the
contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with
some characteristics of each.A few areas of minor components may not have been
observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially
where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations
to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape.
The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness
or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic
classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that
i have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments
on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If
intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to
define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas.
�o A_2
Custom Soil Resource Report
An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each
description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties
and qualities.
Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soi!series. Except for
differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons
that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement.
Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surFace layer, slope, stoniness, salinity,
degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such
differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the
detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly
indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0
to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series.
Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas.
These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups.
A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate
pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps.The
pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all
areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example.
An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or
miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or
anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical
or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and
relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha-
Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example.
An undifferentiafed group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that
could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar
interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of
the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be
made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up
of all of them.Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example.
Some surveys include misce!laneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material
and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example.
Custom Soil Resource Report
King County Area, Washington
AmC—Arents, Alderwood material, 6 to 15 percent slopes
Map Unit Setting
Mean annual precipitation: 35 to 60 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 50 degrees F
Frost-free period: 150 to 200 days
Map Unit Composition
Arents, alderwood material, and similar soils: 100 percent
Description of Arents,Alderwood Material
Landform: Till plains
Parent material: Basal till
Typical profile
H1 -0 to 26 inches: moderately acid, gravelly sandy loam
H2-26 to 60 inches: moderately acid, very gravelly sandy loam
Properties and qualities
Slope: 6 to 15 percent
Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 40 inches to densic material
Natural drainage class: Moderately well drained
Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water(Ksat): Very low to moderately
low(0.00 to 0.06 in/hr)
Depth to water table: About 16 to 36 inches
Frequency of flooding: None
Frequency of ponding: None
Available waterstorage in profile: Very low(about 2.3 inches)
Interpretive groups ,
Farmland classification: Not prime farmland
Land capability classification(irrigated): None specified
Land capability classification(nonirrigated): 4s
Hydrologic Soil Group: B/D
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Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:predev.tsf Mean= -1.307 StdDev= 0.173
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 1.543
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
0.071 9 2/16/49 17:45 0.226 1 89.50 0.989
0.101 4 3/03/50 15:00 0.119 2 32.13 0.969
0.038 37 8/27/51 18:00 0.105 3 19.58 0. 949
0.046 27 10/17/51 7:15 0. 101 4 14.08 0.929
0.033 45 9/30/53 3:00 0. 098 5 10.99 0.909
0.039 35 12/19/53 17:30 0. 076 6 9.01 0.889
' 0 .032 46 11/25/54 1:00 0.075 7 7 .64 0.869
0 .047 25 10/04/55 10:00 0.074 8 6.63 0.849
0 .049 19 12/09/56 12:45 0.071 9 5.86 0.829
0.044 32 1/16/58 10:00 0.058 10 5.24 0.809
0.054 14 10/18/58 19:45 0.057 11 4.75 0.789
0.056 12 10/10/59 22:00 0.056 12 4.34 0.769
0.049 20 2/14/61 20:15 0.056 13 3 .99 0.749
0.038 39 8/04/62 13:15 0.054 14 3 .70 0.729
0. 039 36 12/01/62 20:15 0.052 15 3 .44 0.709
0.029 49 6/05/64 15:00 0.051 16 3 .22 0.690
0.046 28 4/20/65 19:30 0.051 17 3. 03 0.670
0.030 48 1/05/66 15:00 0.050 18 2. 85 0.650
0.051 16 11/13/66 17:45 0.049 19 2.70 0.630
0.105 3 8/24/68 15:00 0.049 20 2. 56 0 .610
0.046 29 10/20/68 12:00 0.049 21 2.44 0 .590
0.028 50 1/13/70 20:45 0.049 22 2.32 0 .570
0.034 43 12/06/70 7:00 0.048 23 2.22 0 .550
0.074 8 12/08/71 17 :15 0.047 24 2.13 0.530
0.038 38 4/18/73 9:30 0. 047 25 2.04 0.510
0 .048 23 11/28/73 8:00 0. 047 26 1.96 0.490
0 .049 22 8/17/75 23 :00 0. 046 27 1.89 0.470
iij 0 .035 42 10/29/75 7:00 0. 046 28 1.82 0.450
0.031 47 8/23/77 14:30 0. 046 29 1.75 0.430
; 0.056 13 9/17/78 1:00 0. 045 30 1.70 0.410
�, 0.076 6 9/08/79 13:45 0.045 31 1.64 0.390
0.058 10 12/14/79 20:00 0.044 32 1.59 0.370
0. 051 17 9/21/81 8:00 0.042 33 1.54 0.350
' 0.119 2 10/05/81 22:15 0.040 34 1.49 0.330
0.047 26 10/28/82 16:00 0.039 35 1.45 0.310
0.037 40 1/02/84 23:45 0.039 36 1.41 0.291
0.033 44 6/06/85 21:15 0.038 37 1 .37 0.271
0.050 18 10/27/85 10:45 0.038 38 1.33 0.251
0.057 11 10/25/86 22:45 0.038 39 1.30 0.231
0.045 30 5/13/88 17:30 0.037 40 1.27 0.211
0.042 33 8/21/89 16:00 0.037 41 1.24 0.191
0.075 7 1/09/90 5:30 0.035 42 1.21 0.171
0.049 21 4/03/91 20:15 0.034 43 1.18 0.151
0.037 41 1/27/92 15:00 0.033 44 1.15 0.131
0 .045 31 6/09/93 12:15 0.033 45 1.12 0.111
0 .040 34 11/17/93 16:45 0 .032 46 1. 10 0.091
0 .047 24 6/05/95 17 :00 0 .031 47 1 . 08 0 .071
0 .052 15 5/19/96 11 :30 0.030 48 1.05 0 . 051
0 .226 1 12/29/96 11:45 0.029 49 1.03 0.031
0 .098 5 10/04/97 14:15 0.028 50 1.01 0 .011
Com ute Pea s
Computed Peaks ; 0.148 50. 00 0 .980
Computed Peaks ;i 0.116 25.00 0 .960
Computed Peaks ;� 0. 084 10.00 0 .900
Computed Peaks �� 0. 079 8.00 0 .875
Computed Peaks �' 0. 065 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks ;' 0.045 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks �� 0.036 1.30 0.231
1��-y�as� Pr�-c�e��lc��ec; F;c��v ;�
� '�
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:mitigated.tsf Mean= -1. 072 StdDev= 0. 158
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 1.326
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
0.115 8 2/16/49 17:45 0.315 1 89.50 0 .989
0.151 5 3/03/50 15:00 0. 195 2 32. 13 0.969
0.071 35 8/27/51 18:00 0.176 3 19. 58 0.949
0.080 25 10/17/51 7:15 0.157 4 14.08 0.929
0.060 43 9/30/53 3:00 0.151 5 10.99 0.909
0.066 38 12/19/53 17:30 0.139 6 9. 01 0.889
0.058 45 7/30/55 21:15 0.117 7 7.64 0.869
0.088 18 10/04/55 10:00 0.115 8 6.63 0.849
0.078 29 12/09/56 12:45 0.111 9 5.86 0.829
0.074 33 1/16/58 10:00 0.102 10 5.24 0.809
0.096 12 10/18/58 19:45 0.100 11 4.75 0.789
0.095 13 10/10/59 22 :00 0. 096 12 4.34 0.769
0.079 26 2/14/61 20:15 0.095 13 3.99 0.749
0.070 36 8/04/62 13:15 0.094 14 3.70 0.729
0.066 39 12/01/62 20:15 0.094 15 3 .44 0.709
0 .053 48 6/OS/64 15:00 0.092 16 3 .22 0.690
0 .074 32 4/20/65 19:30 0.091 17 3.03 0 .670
0. 051 49 1/05/66 15:00 0.088 18 2.85 0.650
0. 087 19 11/13/66 17:45 0.087 19 2.70 0.630
0.176 3 8/24/68 15:00 0 .087 20 2.56 0.610
0.078 28 10/20/68 12:00 0. 087 21 2.44 0.590
0.047 50 1/13/70 20:45 0. 083 22 2 .32 0.570
0.057 47 12/06/70 7:00 0.082 23 2 .22 0.550
0.117 7 12/08/71 17:15 0.081 24 2.13 0.530
0.069 37 4/18/73 9:30 0.080 25 2.04 0.510
0.081 24 11/28/73 8:00 0.079 26 1 .96 0.490
0.091 17 8/17/75 23:00 0.079 27 1.89 0.470
0.060 42 10/29/75 7:00 0.078 28 1. 82 0.450
0.057 46 8/23/77 14:30 0.078 29 1.75 0.430
0.100 11 9/17/78 1:00 0.078 30 1.70 0.410
0.139 6 9/08/79 13:45 0.075 31 1.64 0.390
0. 094 15 12/14/79 20:00 0. 074 32 1.59 0.370
0. 094 14 9/21/81 8:00 0.074 33 1.54 0.350
0.195 2 10/05/81 22:15 0.074 34 1.49 0.330
0.082 23 10/28/82 16:00 0.071 35 1.45 0.310
0.063 40 1/02/84 23:30 0.070 36 1.41 0.291
0.059 44 6/06/85 21:15 0.069 37 1.37 0.271
0.087 20 10/27/85 10:45 0.066 38 1.33 0.251
0.102 10 10/25/86 22:45 0.066 39 1.30 0.231
0.083 22 5/13/88 17:30 0.063 40 1.27 0.211
0.078 30 8/21/89 16:00 0. 062 41 1.24 0.191
0.111 9 1/09/90 5:30 0. 060 42 1.21 0.171
0.079 27 4/03/91 20:15 0.060 43 1.18 0.151
0.062 41 1/27/92 15:00 0.059 44 1. 15 0.131
0.075 31 6/09/93 12:15 0.058 45 1.12 0.111
0.074 34 11/17/93 16:45 0.057 46 1.10 0.091
0. 087 21 6/05/95 17:00 0. 057 47 1. 08 0.071
0 .092 16 7/19/96 19:30 0.053 48 1. 05 0.051
0.315 1 12/29/96 11:45 0.051 49 1. 03 0.031
0.157 4 10/04/97 14:15 0.047 50 1.01 0 .011
Com uted Peaks 0.274 100 .00 0.990
Computed Peaks * 0.224 50. 00 0.980
Computed Peaks �� 0.183 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks i� 0.138 10.00 0. 900
Computed Peaks i� 0.130 8. 00 0.875
Computed Peaks i� 0.110 5. 00 0 .800
Computed Peaks j� 0. 078 2. 00 0.500
Computed Peaks i� 0.064 1.30 0.231
� i
;00-yea� Propos2� F�c��.f R�te ,,
'00-year Pre-d2veic�p�d Fl�w Rafe: 0.1&� cfs
10a-year Post-de�eloped Flow Rate: 0.274 c#s
D:ffer�n��: G.086 c�s < 0.1� c*s �
City of Renton Print map Template `�•^d
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,�,,,.� � `_ ��. �, PLAYFIELD ALTERNATES �S— �3���r5 —�;S�Q��� A5� S�;ow�S I � i
� P F r
� � �j;� �l �> -. • �� . : � � �.. - i , _- - I
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S�R���Pn+ �. ::. �t f; __' �;.`� - _ _ -- - - - TOTAL: 9.047 AC - ��. �5� � �e
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. ,r�a- _._ }.. �: �aan
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�i� � j � j j TRIBUTARY TO CB , ;� , `` i
I l:` � I I X ,�� �� 1 ., � ,
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PLAYFIELD AREA 3-� �- 1 _ ° � ����� il
ALTERNATE BID #3 � . _ . � -_ -_ � : I I _ _., _- _ "�-- � r �,_, 1 , . . :
- 1
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� � ��y ` � � _ ALTERNATE BID �R2 I �, �� ALTERNATE BID A�1
S I � ;,• w i ! ' U.
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� �� ;. ,� o �-, i i i; ` � ��� �-4-�
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� � � PROTECT Ex15TiPG 45PAACT---- 7- -_..�_...._..1 � �; Jub No. 9Z31
� I �� �` ' � ARE4 NO GGNSTRIICT�ON VENIGLEB .�'" __"' � 5m '� Drowi Br B 60L
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��. —.— — -. .. _. ._ - -- - - __- _-- ----_---- _ �� _
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� ._
� ������...���.+..a.�_���.� TOTAL . _ : _ ,-... '�- ELV.r450ID .���
. - _ '.'___'__� i JE.4485
i ,: ..-'� �' 18/4 __ .. - �
! - .. �- �';�� .._._.__r�.Sg-. �.. � . . ��� __ � IE4441 �� �
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I . - �/ _ ' �. ._ _ _ . . .__ . - _ __- .
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. '/ _ , �\ `_ / / �`` � 7. � �'�
, _._'____ .._.�-�� �`.` ' � 5 .
� -_ �ALE ,_�, PLAYFIELD
� - ( ', _ ; \ GRADINO ANO
j � DQ�po .,,.K PLAN
� CASCADE ELEMENTARY o��a „�z.'��,.,�` "
i � ' " ' --- - -- _- _ _
� � - � � _ _ -- �; --_ x� , , - ,
� ---- --------� � �� SECTION ;28 T-23_N__ &�--� - a �, corrsrnucnon No�s
�. , -- . \__- - -'. _� .. �_ . -- �i T rF I I� -: I `V D1 CRO55 OVER EXIST. 12'SD MAINTAIN
I I � � ¢ ; C=m '``� I �� „�.j 1�MIN. SEPARAiION OR PRONDE
' i � i � p�a �,; � i Ix �\ �� E7HAFOAM CUSHION.VERIFY DEPhi OF �
`,,` I i o o �d ,o C � C� i 2 � y n EX15T SD PRIOR 70 CONS7RUC7ION.
1 I d N U ^ � W a � �y � d w �2 1'fWNDATION DRAIN
� � W j , .w , � pz � ��.I if PER DETNL D2 ON SMT. C!S T� w
1 �"� I , Q v v< ,,� '�6S I i �� b �3 D3 qL POLLUiION CONTROL SiRUCiURE V 1 '
_ �q� ' � 1� + �� � 1�.� !y 4 I� Or � '-�? W/LOCKMC LIO PER DEiAIL D3 ON � � --
O ,� � j � SHT. C4.3 �
W ` j J� � �
i I n$w ``\�`� _ �i z u D� SEE SHT.C4.2 FOR DETAILS OF C8
I � � ;��. . I -- ` ca TYPE 1,C8 TPE 2, AREA ORAIH.
$o� , t �- _�- _ ,_, ; x ,,- _:
� j , I �- \ __`---- -'_____ / D5 CLEAN WT PER DETNL 05 � c� 7'
� _ _ - ,�'C�}. T-_--_ ON SHT. C4.3 W
a I _ I � -. . . . i � D6 DELEIED �'
� o +I /� ; h� �W �-
I � I " I o a � _ q � � - /+ 1; S� D7 DELE7ED '
. _ � � ' z`s I = � S-�T,^ ! �,%7 � �i+y DH DELETED C-' _ '
�. �� � i =�C: 53�Od l�li�J'v�C�3L,�C � . s m /. � � U �-
�4 < I �_ JN ,� � I / �' D9 7RASMRAqC PER DETAtL D9 ON SH�T Ct.2. =�
� � = m r/ SCALE: 1'=30' � i� P6 � z�
� � RIP RAP- 1'hilqC x�.5� WIDE x 8' YADE.
'' � �I �� i _� � � � _ S%� � -_--_ � 2.5'HIGH. 1-�1 a __
�y ~ � / �
i\X�_I ,,�r�______________- _ _- �oo >z �p Y� z p'f 9iEET M3.4. DETAII 4.
�- a - �- -- .� ��/ / U�l+z � �•� 1� FOR CONTINUATION OF STORM�RAIN SEE
� \ � o o +L�' . o SHEETS OS-1 k OS-2.
��� � BAS I N 5 �'� ! x� �' v � SEE ARCH.DWG At.1 FOR DEMOIJIION
''=y � \I - � IMPERVIOUS: 0.1530 AC �� � � __„a�_ ov ununes
� ��� � � CONTINUES I i, (SEE PG 3) '��- �
; � m �'o u c� 4�SANITARY SEWQ2 PQt MECN. OWG. MS.1. µN
CB �15 RIA✓rv 4�•� i � �� ' ' 3 c o�s..
^j�. 17qF-15'SD IE 444y1 1$ Ndd} e CONNECT 15�SD . y.� �w- ETHOFDAM q15HI0N. a p �
� . 13 RIXI'i56V�-- _ 5=0.005 IE 4aY9c �b' w) , � --, o c s..-
I a 1 i a� __ ----_ - _ _ y � � ��v m TO EXIST. SDMH-IE.�43.69 i� j �I�-� � STORM DRAIN STRUCIURE COORDIHATE$O4 �
- c„ p� IE 46.3 15'WkS� . , , �: RAISE RIM EL T9�d54.8 � ��`
�,� � " 1 531�d liY9 � �Z2 �� ��' j I b�11-�7+ Q1�
n ��• --�- - ' � ---T_ /��. --�-���7J i ---. CB/',NOR7INNG I EA5741C �iWE a�9�IM
' t _ < c13FL=1 %=�£1 - __- '� � �6P� ' I
' �,�' I ^� _ -_ __ _..-._ _ -,�_- �eT_� � r3:'__ -' y __ A
� �� -_ �k C8/� SB69.BE 411B.21 iIPE 2-�!
. (Q � - _ � -5•5 � - - ; Q��f I I / I #CB/1B 596281 HB].09 ME 1
O � =001 � �'-1' � ,,� 20LF 15�SD �k�/� 5]83.M 4115.90 iYPE 1
y� � T L, 'y �1 _ • � - ��S-- ;��� � �£S! -i 5=0.� ceR sc3i9a a�,i.,z rwe i ..
�Y `'' I - 1 / V N �-� - - � � 1 � ;�' 'CBN 553a.!0 a1D8.55 'YPE 1
�1 2 Ol � ��� ��. • � I - y� \ L . '� \ � .CP�1 5a95.]I {i53.08 TYPE 1 '_
, � ` I � -- ` 2 -___ ,_ o I � `\ � E�9TE SOMH � / f � i 1 T��� *�ceb saw.c� sisi.x -wc z-.s
�� i Z ,- I FUNRE �� .____ , �.E 442.5 I ' - I/.� '.ceF sas.ee 41{4.81 rnc x-u
\ i PORTABLE� F'p r< ' _'�- I,,� � !�-_� _ J r� �. / .� �IE 446.5 cH/� Ss29.9] s259.�7 hPE 1
bsb� < �. i -___ �D.005 -- ��z h' - � I _ -_ 1��� ,;� D9
_ �� ' � *ce�a sw�.is .izo.a� rwE ."'_�.i_
, I� ///'''b, � � I--� I .E�c5�.58 � _ __ CB 1 __�_ _ -1� :\ __- IE 45:- DS �, . - __ --__-_- _ � I i I � '�`��0 5an u 13i58 rnf 2 J �f
(S/11 .695.�8 �359.]B TYPE 1
-? ` 6'Sp IN 4 5.4 6�50 � '� � I �'
� I/ \ , / -(L PpRTAB �. '1��-- _ Zp _ � 96 8'E $z0� � _- � r � pA C '--. i I ce/+2 ssa}.51 a35a.29 �1
/' � � �� � � l � �� --�-�E 50.92 B W`, b - _ 1 L � ,.�i � UI'���N V ' I-_I__ � �� � � �' C8F1 SB'17.�6 a39H.ta ME 2-rE
`,�( ` '��`�'so.s > ��. � - -�-- - r,,R-.� �e��e� 3 TRIBUTARY TO CB � � � I `b ' � _ -- �r.3�,s.� ..�..ss ..�z-.e �, ��
� '�e�- - � �e as��.0 � � � i I � � cans sssa.;a .az�.v� rrc¢z- a
" z 1LF- 0 \�p I �� 5=0.Q20 � i �' �.�� !6�
� r ` � 454Jr�'UTURE,, � S=C�20 l RIYA .4 � � 59LF-6'V �1�',� �`/CO . � � /SEE PG 3\ 3 i II C8/16 Sba9-SS qss.oe rnE i .: �� ..
� ' I I '� �x 1 I� W;�L51.91 I � .� I' S=C.020 . _ l / IaT I I: I I\ �N07E: cB�l7 5555.x a135.:a rnE 1 �
� �..3 � I� �T � � �r� Z- - tl i� 2.ta e' . � y �� � r� a saoas3 .s.a.a, me t-
RiM 4 3 �, 1� �` c 48�`_6�Sp` �I� ry--�-/ STJCNRE COORDINATES P .-7-�-,
_L IE 447. 9� c � 59LF- •i I�� Ss0.02q S OF020� >. �$�: `i� 1, � q i SiREl1C1URNUNRE� � s�os.00 '�atxs.�5 _��.`_'�.
rC � Z� I �D' � - �` � _ I , 9 5]BB.JO �t�3.58 IYPE Ml;'/Y
'� --- IE N7. 1 N� x AD 5 , MARKF$WIlH AN#. �DR 5860.OB i 4t98.32
� I s�I / ' ' ' . IE 446. 15. ) - IM 455.4 _
� r � i. IE 452.t4( ) 4 p �=:i
,�- \ I 69LF- 5� IE 45231( ) �0.0 �!�` � � 7�RI r9 -� � �j � � V �c INDICATES CB'S AD/1 5894.�9 at98.}2
� �� 1 � -� 5-001 .y o� 1 V�, �y^ IE 451.21(B'W) LOCATED AT MID-P7.
. fla � '� s 1. P� � 55LF-6' 7 � � I � . ^ - IE 451.38 6'NdE °'e /'-� .'I � I ADµ sso5.as a3n.73
CB/18 rg _ �. � � � ( ) -"L_'-1 I I � ON CURB FACE. AWS i569149 1298.72 O
�� � � `L a 1.� RIIA 4 R�... 5=0.020 . �' f IE 2]7 I CB PoII 455.6 � �D/6 Ss7usa 4281.14 � Q
�r � °�� � \ IE 4Q 12 Ej a``C� .���. . HP � I I 1 81N � I I . i �� 1J ___ � L
/1 I E r� -- � .� HP-� �L o I IE M9 8 12'IN N) . I � �� U
i a l. � 0 1 C .IE 453.a 1 , n q I � � � IE 449.80(12'OUT 5)
�lo#s �� e"s�M?E I LEGEND �/�
fI/ �y.r ���21M�56. � � ✓ 41 "1E_453.24'�� MP-F PROPOSED V� . CB/F4 �... `1� �� I � Z V/
�� 1i,7 I� � I IE�A 3.4 2LF�B�SD�v; J -\ \� 4�J6.rJ B 16 . 'v �RIM 45.5 - -5�� o,� ' i `
I 1 I�4 I _ j O. ,:� �..�.. � .IE 450.51 12 lCJY! I- i \ �o i �� � &OFILIF.A'IpJ I l I � a„� DOWN SPWT w/a' RAIN lEAOER
p � 0.�� M 4 � 1 , 4 7� ��. �B RI4 456.4 SWAIE � O
x x-6 c �E 44BJ3\ ��6� � �:IE �50.8 8'N) t � ! .�OIL POLLU7ION iE 44Z5 � �
� o ,�� � -0 � �� 8•� • q L IE 452.41(b�NN� ��I 452.00 CFD NE �''k . � 1 CONIROL 5'RUCNR COOROINATE LOCATIONS MATH � ` Y
i ' � _ �`;yl ) . � D3 � / ARCHIiECTURAL DNG. A4.1 � w�
8 -. �' � ' �2 5=0.015 1 s� \ \� S. I 449. W �i L O •V O
� � : i � - SD ;� -��� � � �/ AD AREA ORAIN C
!�I IfjIM 457.0 �\.,� V t 'I 7 �S�� � <I'� ;. m (1 V Oc0 IE M8.67 15' S; . ��_�� _._______ � � � C
IiC aSt.o� ,�<, ` R�M ., � t
�' � I j } ♦ flP- �.. 7 .�_ . .-E�,_� _� V� '.. ' �__ 1 1LF-15��SO • G1TCH BA9N/AREA ORAIN PER PLAN L C 3
�;' l i --_ � �19 - � `` BAS IN 4 3 s�ooes� ce CATCH BASIN � � m
�� � _ . �"�i�'s�` ' ao U
G� � � W ��� �oo�r- ia+ss.e� ` <a9� t�... � � ,. ° �� kZ a. 5=0°0� �45 6 IMPERVIOUS: 0.3203 AC __ ��; `\ \ ' � • CATCH BASIN w/saio�ro r� � � Y
� 8'SD 45 .57 8 5 � a5f-:43. �,�z� � � ¢.,
`� �� LL � 5=0.010 I �F-�� " � GREASE INTR.. " '� PERVIOUS: 0.1542 AC 30LF-12'SD � j - �E INVERT ELEVATION � o
� g�l � � i \ �I �.` ' - NEOI P__ 5�0.155 U��� I I ' lF LINEAL FEET ¢
�� ' � - -.� - _
3� -- __� - P ' � � D4 � 70LF 6�5� STORY DRAIN, LENG7H. SIZE
- I i 5=U. 1 I c = ' � ___ - .' __ - ' \ �� R!M 456.85 � � k--_-__--___ AND SLOPE Dote 10/4/93
� . . - IM 4 .Cf . _ '2 LF112"SD 5=0.010
�lo i� �\ 1 � �I 1A<= 6'SD BAS�N 3 V I � FD FOUNDA710N DRAIN •�Na. 920�0
� ;�I \'�r � BASIN 2 '�_,,�n4 .7 y� R� ou.H. ____ �-_ o G'an Br KDN
' < �� , � ;` IMPERVIOUS: 0.3816 AC �
1 SDM�RiM � , e• � rr,� '.' HP MIGH PqNT QK�RdBv PAB
�ry' �I o-�£j IMPERVIOUS: 0.706 AC � T���7� `-� ` ow 'M,`�`"3�i ' -- l - SD STORM DRAM FdeNoma 92040001
+54.<t � � PERVIOUS: 0.1512 AC � �e. s�e ,-_ao•
.� PERVIOUS: 0.0626 AC --`;
y, � -- - _ . - G
� ;a.�''_ ��.s•,�-S. __ _ -
3-i y - ��_ ___.�t_ 7. ___�___�99�F-_____ ��F�l�i- __-__ - _-- S RIPRAP
__f--- z . ; �� Re�ions
Y � -9;"_��u�--�_°_-° `' _ � --- / oc.oeve ia iasa
j Q� �>� ~ I =_ __' ' . � _' �; �:�:��_'� j ' I ___ _ ___' '_ _ ___ __ �EBRUMV 16.1891
�. '1� �_,.r-� __ EB
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i,� /� - _ _%�_ __ ` _ 116t �_AVE_�.E. _ -ii�_- - x �-�d----�_ -- ---���-_= u+ca�av�.
-yM ' ' I �� ��- - � - --- '�'--
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� � T _ I ' z >-K-T�:ry- _tj--�_�< �,,. .-_-�,-_�_----d, Ca12WorkYipDs BelarsYouDip g
�46b � - i-S- � >9>- �9, -r � � 4 , - --[�-��- �2�-- �_ , _...- . . Draina e
a� ' �w�. ' �� , +; "�-_ �$, _ _ �z 1-800-424-5555 P I a n
. - taN E_-a63.7! s g 1- SEE SHEE7S OS-1 k 05-2 FOR rr CB.
<o c-v�c(w.<_i �- 956.G o /ti �--m�-t�- '.0 1 L Uws�Undef�011fd LOCR1bn Cl1ilf
i.E.�_vrn.cHnr+.=a56._? OFF-517E S7FiEET AND DRAINAGE S � Ru B-=wz.as .�I �. . - �,A�T�I�D�ORWN
K=q53.p _. 2't�:c(_7=�5s.z,
I Q 14PROYEMENTS. ' f /4; S,p_ 'S, \ `-��2'c�nC(w7�•EO.ce wl Ru��:�5�.si . .
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■ Cirfl Enginaers
=,/ Studural bqir�s
ms�►'��"''�'�°`T°°"'°�'� '�,� BASIN MAP
31i OcdlsAd Arsue Sauh,9ille 37D,SeattN,'IA 96f0�4f16.I672�25 lEL
�B �,
P- 01
� 2
P- 3
� R'�-��� `�
P- 05
P- 06
C #4
� P- 07
C #5
P� 08
C �t6
CB #7
�'� 10
Page 1 of 24 �
Existing 25-year Storm Event
History Cleared: 09:40:04 Wednesday,July 23, 2014 �
Reach Area TC Flow Full Q Full nDepth s�e nVel Nel CBasin /
ID (ac) (min) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) (fds) (ft/s) Hyd
P-001 0.2300 6.37 0.2958 3.1992 0.09 O.1370 Dgam 5.7229 9.1650 BASIN 1
P-002 0.2300 6.43 0.2937 2.0190 0.15 0.1715 Dga�m 4.1322 5.7839
P-003 0.2300 6.62 0.2920 2.7542 0.11 0.1468 D8am 5.1215 7.8901
P-004 0.9986 7.03 2.0096 4.3874 0.46 0.5939 p�am 3.4969 3.5752 BASIN 2
P-005 0.9986 7.38 1.9335 5.3041 0.36 0.5222 p�am 3.9816 4.3222
P-006 1.5314 8.11 2.8127 4.5801 0.61 0.7083 Diam 3.9205 3.7322 BASIN 3
P-007 2.0059 8.49 3.4055 6.4772 0.53 0.6436 ��am 5.3474 5.2781 BASIN 4 �
P-008 8.5854 3031 5.1283 7.9856 0.64 OJ285 p�am 6.9085 6.5073 BASIN 5
P-009 14.5589 31.05 8.6565 9.2963 0.93 0.9549 Diam g•6056 7.5753 BASIN 6
� P-010 23.6061 31.40 12.9579 16.9804 0.76 0.9811 p�a�m 10.5811 9.6089 BASIN 7
From Rch Loss A Bend Junct Loss HW Loss Elev Max EI
Node To Node (ft) (t) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
CB #7 EXISTING 439.5105 0.7726 0.017� ------ 438.7554 443.3500
CB #6 CB #7 446.1251 0.2712 0.3440 ------ 446.1979 453.2100
CB #5 CB #6 448.2824 0.1196 0.0005 ------ 448.1633 457.9100
CB #4 CB #5 449.1584 0.2387 0.0029 ------ 448.9227 458.8100
CB #3 CB #4 449.8947 0.2462 0.0188 ------ 449.6673 458.8100
JNCT#3 CB #3 450.2498 0.1899 0.1851 ------ 450.2450 459.1100
No approach losses at node JNCT#2 because inverts and/or crowns are offset. I
CB #2 JNCT #3 450.6817 �� ------ 450.6817 459.0000 I��,
JNCT#2 CB #2 453.9009 0.2651 0.1494 ------ 453.7851 458.5700 ��
JNCT#1 JNCT #2 454.1437 0.5086 0.3312 ------ 453.9664 463.8000
CB #1 JNCT #1 455.1269 �� ------ 455.1269 457.6700
'I file:///Q:/?014/2140258/10 CIV/NON CAD/CALCS/Conveyance/201�0716°/o20%20Con... 7/23/2014
L�_ _
Page 2 of 24
Record Id: BASIN 1
Desi n Method Rational IDF Table: Kin CountyIr
Com osite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=025) 0.15 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.08 ac 0.90 i
Directh� Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 2
Design Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountylr
Composite C Calc
Descri tion SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 0.06 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.71 ac 0.90
Directiv Connected TC Calc
Ty e Descri tion Len th Slo e Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directiv Connected TC 6.30min I
Record Id: BASIN 3
Desi n Method Rational IDF Table: Kin Count �Ir
Com osite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 0.15 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.38 ac 0.90 ; ���
Directly Connected TC Calc '
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 4
file:///Q:/201�/2140258/10 CIV/NON_CAD/CALCS,!Conveyancel201�0716%20%�OCon... 7/23,'2014
Page 3 of 24 '
I Design Method I Rational I IDF Table: I( KingCountyIr ,
Composite C Calc
Descri tion SubArea Sub c '
Lawn (n=0.25) O.15 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.32 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 5
Design Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountyIr
Composite C Calc
' � Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 3.44 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 3.14 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slo e Coeff Misc TT
' Sheet Short rairie rass and lawns.: 0.15 393.00 ft 3.05% 0.1500 2.�0 in 27.99 min
��, Channel (interm) Concrete pipe (n=0.012) 749.00 ft 2.56% 0.0120 1.84 min
Directly Connected TC 29.82min
, Record Id: BASIN 6
Design Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountyIr
Composite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
' Lawn (n=0.25) 2.68 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 3.30 ac 0.90 ,
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
, Sheet Short rairie rass and lawns.: 0.15 500.00 ft 3.20% 0.1500 2.50 in 33.29 min
' Channel (interm) Concrete pi e (n=0.012) 756.00 ft 1.47% 0.0120 2.45 min '
Directly Connected TC 35.74min '
Record Id: BASIN 7 I�
A-8 I�'�
file:///Q:/2014/2140258/10_CI V/NON_CAD/CALCS/Conveyance/20140716°/a20%20Con... 7/23/2014
Page 4 of 24
� Design Method Rational I IDF Table: II KingCountylr I
Composite C Calc
Descri tion SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=025) 5.49 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 3.56 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min '
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: CB #1
Descri : Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft �
Start EL 454.7900 ft Max EL 457.6700 ft �
Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Existing � OPQl
Sta e Storage Ratin Curve
454J900 ft 0.0000 cf 456.2900 ft 29.4525 c
454.8900 ft 1.9635 cf 456.3900 ft 31.4160 c
454.9900 ft 3.9270 cf 456.4900 ft 33.3795 c
455.0900 ft 5.8905 cf 456.5900 ft 35.3430 c
455.1900 ft 7.8540 cf 456.6900 ft 37.3065 c
455.2900 ft 9.8175 cf 456.7900 ft 39.2700 c
4553900 ft 11.7810 c 456.8900 ft 41.2335 c
455.4900 ft 13.7445 c 456.9900 ft 43.1970 c
455.5900 ft 15.7080 c 457.0900 ft 45.1605 c
455.6900 ft 17.671� c 457.1900 ft 47.1240 c
455.7900 ft 19.6350 c 457.2900 ft 49.0875 c
455.8900 ft 21.5985 c 457.3900 ft 51.0510 c
455.9900 ft 23.5620 c 457.4900 ft 53.0145 c
456.0900 ft 25.5255 c 457.5900 ft 54.9780 c
457.6700 ft 56.5489 c
Record Id: CB #2
file:///Q:I2014/2140258/10_C[V/NON_CAD/CALCS,'Conveyance/201�0716%20%20Con... 7/23/2014
Page 5 of 24
Descrip: IPrototype Record I Increment I0.10 ft
Start EI. 449.8600 ft Max El. 459.0000 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure T � e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=020) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
449.8600 ft 0.0001 cf 454.4600 ft 90.3211 cf
�49.9600 ft 1.9636 cf 454.5600 ft 92.2846 cf
450.0600 ft 3.9271 cf 454.6600 ft 94.2481 cf
4�0.1600 ft 5.8906 cf 454.7600 ft 96.2116 cf
450.2600 ft 7.8541 cf 454.8600 ft 98.1751 cf
4�0.3600 ft 9.8176 cf 4�4.9600 ft 100.1386 c
4�0.4600 ft 11.7811 c 455.0600 ft 102.1021 c
4�0.5600 ft 13.7446 c 4�5.1600 ft 104.0656 c
450.6600 ft 15.7081 c 4».2600 ft 106.0291 c
450.7600 ft 17.6716 c 455.3600 ft 107.9926 c
4�0.8600 ft 19.6351 c 455.4600 ft 109.9561 c
4�0.9600 ft 21.5986 c 4�5.5600 ft 1 1 1.9196 c
4�1.0600 ft 23.5621 c 455.6600 ft 113.883 I c
451.1600 ft 25.5256 c 4�5.7600 ft 11�.8466 c
451.2600 ft 27.4891 c 455.8600 ft 117.8101 c
451.3600 ft 29.4526 c 455.9600 ft 119.7736 c
451.4600 ft 31.4161 c 456.0600 ft 121.7371 c
451.5600 ft 33.3796 c 456.1600 ft 123.7006 c
451.6600 ft 35.3431 c 456.2600 ft 125.6641 c
451.7600 ft 37.3066 c 456.3600 ft 127.6276 c
451.8600 ft 39.2701 c 456.4600 ft 129.5911 c
451.9600 ft 41.2336 c 456.5600 ft 131.5546 c
452.0600 ft 43.1971 c 456.6600 ft 133.5181 c
452.1600 ft 45.1606 c 456.7600 ft 13�.4816 c
452.2600 ft 47.1241 c 456.8600 ft 137.4451 c
452.3600 ft 49.0876 c 456.9600 ft 139.4086 c
452.4600 ft 51.0511 c 457.0600 ft 141.3721 c
452.5600 ft 53.0146 c 457.1600 ft 143.3356 c
452.6600 ft 54.9781 c 457.2600 ft 145.2991 c
452.7600 ft 56.9416 c 457.3600 ft 147.2626 c
file:�`//Q:/?Ol4/21402�8/10 CIVINON GAD/CALCSIConveyance.120140716°io20%20Con... 7�23/2014
Page 6 of 24 ;
452.8600 ft 58.90�1 c 457.4600 ft 149.2261 c
�152.9600 ft 60.8686 c 457.5600 ft 151.1896 c
453.0600 ft 62.8321 c 457.6600 ft 153.1531 c
=�53.1600 ft 64.7956 c 457.7600 ft 155.1166 c
453.2600 ft 66.7591 c 457.8600 ft 157.0801 c
453.3600 ft 68.7226 c 457.9600 ft 159.0436 c
453.4600 ft 70.6861 c 458.0600 ft 161.0071 c
453.5600 ft 72.6496 c 458.1600 ft 162.9706 c
453.6600 ft 74.6131 c 458.2600 ft 164.9341 c
453.7600 ft 76.5766 c 458.3600 ft 166.8976 c
453.8600 ft 78.5401 c 458.4600 ft 168.8611 c
453.9600 ft 80.5036 c 458.5600 ft 170.8246 c
454.0600 ft 82.4671 c 458.6600 ft 172.7881 c
454.1600 ft 84.4306 c 4�8.7600 ft 174.7516 c
454.2600 ft 86.3941 c 458.8600 ft 176.7151 c
459.0000 ft 179.4642 c
Record Id: CB #3
Descrip: Prototv e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EL 448.9000 ft Max E1. 458.8100 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Proposed
Sta e Stora e Ratin Curve
448.9000 ft 0.0000 cf 453.9000 ft 98.1749 cf
=�49.0000 ft 1.9634 cf 454.0000 ft 100.1384 c
�49.1000 ft 3.9269 cf 454.1000 ft 102.1019 r!
449.2000 ft 5.8904 cf 454.2000 ft l 04.0654 c�
449.3000 ft 7.8539 cf 454.3000 ft l 06.0289 c f'
449.4000 ft 9.8174 cf 454.4000 ft l 07.9924 c t1
449.5000 ft 11.7809 c 454.5000 ft 109.9559 ct
449.6000 ft 13.7444 c 454.6000 ft 1 119194 c t
449.7000 ft 1�.7079 c 454.7000 ft 113.8829 ct �
449.8000 ft 17.6714 c 454.8000 ft 1 15.8464 cf I�,
449.9000 ft 19.6349 c 454.9000 ft 1 17.8099 c
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Page 7 of 24
450.0000 ft 21.5984 c 455.0000 ft 1 19.7734 c
450.1000 ft 23.5619 c 455.1000 ft 121.7369 c
450.2000 ft 25.5254 c 455.2000 ft 123.7004 c
450.3000 ft 27.4889 c 455.3000 ft 12�.6639 c
450.4000 ft 29.4524 c 455.4000 ft 127.6274 c
450.5000 ft 31.4159 c 455.5000 ft 129.5909 c
450.6000 ft 33.3794 c 455.6000 ft 131.5544 c
450.7000 ft 3�.3429 c 455.7000 ft 133.5179 c ,
450.8000 ft 37.3064 c 455.8000 ft 135.4814 c I
450.9000 ft 39.2699 c 455.9000 ft 137.4449 c
451.0000 ft 412334 c 456.0000 ft 139.4084 c
451.1000 ft 43.1969 c 4�6.1000 ft 141.3719 c I�I
4�1.2000 ft 4�.1604 c 4562000 ft 143.3354 c ',i
451.3000 ft 47.1239 c 456.3000 ft 145.2989 c ',
451.4000 ft 49.0874 c 456.4000 ft 147.2624 c ,
451.5000 ft S 1.0509 c 456.5000 ft 149.2259 c
451.6000 ft 53.0144 c 4�6.6000 ft 151.1894 c
451.7000 ft 54.9779 c 456.7000 ft 153.1�29 c '
451.8000 ft 56.9414 c 456.8000 ft I55.1164 c
451.9000 ft 58.9049 c 456.9000 ft 157.0799 c
452.0000 ft 60.8684 c 457.0000 ft 159.0434 c
452.1000 ft 62.8319 c 4�7.1000 ft 161.0069 c
452.2000 ft 64.7954 c 457.2000 ft 162.9704 c
452.3000 ft 66.7589 c 457.3000 ft 164.9339 c �
452.4000 ft 68.7224 c 457.4000 ft 166.8974 c ,
452.5000 ft 70.6859 c 4�7.5000 ft 168.8609 c
452.6000 ft 72.6494 c 4�7.6000 ft 170.8244 c
452.7000 ft 74.6129 c 457.7000 ft 172.7879 c
452.8000 ft 76.5764 c 457.8000 ft 174.7514 c
452.9000 ft 78.5399 c 457.9000 ft 176.7149 c
453.0000 ft 80.5034 c 458.0000 ft 178.6784 c
453.1000 ft 82.4669 c 4�8.1000 ft 180.6419 c
453.2000 ft 84.4304 c 458.2000 ft 182.6054 c
453.3000 ft 86.3939 c 458.3000 ft 184.5689 c
453.4000 ft 88.3574 c 458.4000 ft 186.5324 c �,
' 453.5000 ft 90.3209 c 4�8.5000 ft 188.4959 c I'�
453.6000 ft 92.2844 c 458.6000 ft 190.4594 c �,I
453.7000 ft 94.2479 c 458.7000 ft 192.4229 c A-$ I�I
file:U,'Q:/2014/21=�0258,'10 CN/NON CAD/CALCS/Conveyancel20140716°/o20%?OCon... 7/23I2014 �I
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II I 458.8100 ft 194.5829 c
Record Id: CB #4
Descrip: Prototvpe Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 448.0500 ft Max El. 4�8.8100 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure T e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
448.0500 ft 0.0000 cf 4�3.4500 ft 106.0290 c
448.1500 ft 1.9635 cf 453.��00 ft 107.9925 c
448.2500 ft 3.9270 cf 453.6500 ft 109.9560 c
448.3500 ft 5.8905 cf 453.7500 ft 111.9195 c
448.4500 ft 7.8540 cf 453.8500 ft 113.8830 c
448.5500 ft 9.8175 cf 453.9500 ft 115.8465 c
448.6500 ft 1 1.7810 cf 454.0500 ft 117.8100 c
448.7500 ft 13.7445 cf 454.1500 ft 119.7735 c
448.8500 ft 15.7080 cf 454.2500 ft 121.7370 c
448.9�00 ft 17.6715 cf 4�4.3500 ft 123.7005 c '
449.0500 ft 19.6350 cf 454.4500 ft 125.6640 c ,
449.1500 ft 21.5985 cf 454.5500 ft 127.627� c '
4492500 ft 23.5620 cf 454.6500 ft 129.5910 c
449.3500 ft 25.5255 cf 454.7500 ft 131.5545 c
449.4500 ft 27.4890 cf 454.8500 ft 133.5180 c
449.5500 ft 29.4525 cf 454.9500 ft 135.4815 c .
449.6500 ft 31.4160 cf 4�5.0500 ft 137.44�0 c
449.7500 ft 33.3795 cf 455.1500 ft 139.408� c
449.8500 ft 35.3430 cf 455.2500 ft 141.3720 c
449.9500 ft 37.3065 cf 455.3500 ft 143.3355 c
450.0500 ft 39.2700 cf 455.4500 ft 145.2990 c
450.1500 ft 41.2335 cf 455.5500 ft 147.2625 c
450.2500 ft 43.1970 cf 455.6500 ft 149.2260 c
450.3500 ft 45.1605 cf 455.7500 ft 151.1895 c
450.4500 ft 47.1240 cf 455.8500 ft 153.1530 c
450.5500 ft 49.0875 cf 455.9500 ft 155.1165 c
file:,!��Q:/?014I21402�8/10_CIV/NON CAD/CALCS/Conveyancel?0140716%20%20Con... 7!23!2014
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450.6�00 ft �1.0�I O cf �456.0�00 ft 1�7.0800 ct
450.7500 ft 53.0145 cf 456.1500 ft 159.0435 c
450.8�00 ft 54.9780 cf 456.2500 ft 161.0070 c
450.9500 ft 56.9415 cf 456.3500 ft 162.9705 c
451 A�00 ft 58.9050 cf 456.4500 ft 164.9340 c
451.1500 ft 60.8685 cf 4�6.5500 ft 166.897� c
451.2500 ft 62.8320 cf 456.6500 ft 168.8610 c
451.3500 ft 64.7955 cf 456J500 ft 170.824� c
451.4500 ft 66.7590 cf 456.8500 ft 172.7880 c
4�I.5500 ft 68.7225 cf 4569�00 ft 174.7515 c
4�1.6500 ft 70.6860 cf 457A�00 ft 176.7150 c
4�1.7500 ft 72.649� cf 457.1�00 ft 178.6785 c
4�1.8500 ft 74.6130 cf 457.2500 ft 180.6420 c
��1.9500 ft 76.5765 cf 457.3�00 ft 182.6055 c
��2.0500 ft 78.5400 cf 457.4500 ft 184.�690 c
452.1500 ft 80.5035 cf 457.5500 ft 186.5325 c
452.2500 ft 82.4670 cf 457.6500 ft 188.4960 c
452.3500 ft 84.4305 cf 457.7500 ft 190.4595 c �
452.4500 ft 86.3940 cf 457.8500 ft 192.4230 c
452.5500 ft 88.3575 cf 457.9500 ft 194.3865 c
452.6500 ft 90.3210 cf 458.0500 ft 196.3500 c
452.7500 ft 92.2845 cf 4�8.1500 ft 198.3135 c
452.8500 ft 94.2480 cf 458.2500 ft 200.2770 ct
452.9500 ft 96.211� cf 4583500 ft 202.2405 ct
453.0500 ft 98.1750 cf 458.4500 ft 204.2040 ct
453.1500 ft 100.1385 c 458.5500 ft 206.1675 c
453.2500 ft 102.1020 c 458.6�00 ft 208.1310 c
458.8100 ft 211.2728 c
Record Id: CB #5
Descri : Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start El. 446.8000 ft Max E1. 457.9100 ft
Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
file:l!/Q:!2014I?140258/10_C[V/?�ION_CAD/CALCSiConveyance'20140716%204%20Con... 7123!2014
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IStage Storage Rating Curve I
446.8000 ft 0.0000 cf 452.4000 ft 109.9560 c
446.9000 ft 1.9635 cf 452.5000 ft 111.9195 c
447.0000 ft 3.9270 cf 452.6000 ft 113.8830 c
447.1000 ft 5.8905 cf 452.7000 ft 115.8465 c
447.2000 ft 7.8540 cf 4�2.8000 ft 117.8100 c
447.3000 ft 9.8175 cf 452.9000 ft 119.7735 c
447.4000 ft 11 J810 cf 4�3.0000 ft 121.7370 c
447.5000 ft 13.7445 cf 4�3.1000 ft 123.7005 c
447.6000 ft 15.7080 cf 453.2000 ft 125.6640 c
447J000 ft 17.6715 cf 453.3000 ft 127.6275 c
447.8000 ft 19.6350 cf 453.4000 ft 129.5910 c
447.9000 ft 21.5985 cf 453.5000 ft 131.5545 c
448.0000 ft 23.5620 cf 453.6000 ft 133.5180 c
448.1000 ft 25.5255 cf 453.7000 ft 135.4815 c
448.2000 ft 27.4890 cf 453.8000 ft 137.4450 c
448.3000 ft 29.4525 cf 453.9000 ft 139.408� c
448.4000 ft 31.4160 cf 454.0000 ft 141.3720 c
448.5000 ft 33.3795 cf 454.1000 ft 143.3355 c
448.6000 ft 35.3430 cf 454.2000 ft 14�.2990 c
448.7000 ft 37.3065 cf 454.3000 ft 147.2625 c
448.8000 ft 39.2700 cf 4�4.4000 ft 149.2260 c
448.9000 ft 41.2335 cf 4�4.�000 ft 151.1895 c
449.0000 ft 43.1970 cf 454.6000 ft 153.1530 c
449.1000 ft 45.1605 cf 454.7000 ft 155.1165 c
449.2000 ft 47.1240 cf 454.8000 ft 157.0800 c
449.3000 ft 49.0875 cf 454.9000 ft 159.0435 c
449.4000 ft 51.0510 cf 455.0000 ft 161.0070 c
449.5000 ft 53.0145 cf 455.1000 ft 162.9705 c
449.6000 ft 54.9780 cf 455.2000 ft 164.9340 c
449.7000 ft 56.9415 cf 455.3000 ft 166.8975 c
449.8000 ft 58.9050 cf 455.4000 ft 168.8610 c
449.9000 ft 60.8685 cf 455.5000 ft 170.8245 c
450.0000 ft 62.8320 cf 455.6000 ft 172.7880 c
450.1000 ft 64.7955 cf 455.7000 ft 174.7515 c
450.2000 ft 66.7590 cf 455.8000 ft 176.7150 c
450.3000 ft 68.722� cf 4».9000 ft 178.6785 c
450.4000 fi 70.6860 cf 456.0000 ft 180.6420 c
file:/.!IQ:I2014I21402�8I10_CIV/i�]ON CAD!CALCS!Conveyance.�20140716%20%20Con... 7!?3'2014
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� �u��
72.6495 cf 456.1000 ft 182.6055 c
450.6000 ft 74.6130 cf 456.2000 ft I 84.5690 c
450.7000 ft 76.5765 cf 456.3000 ft 186.5325 c
450.8000 ft 78.5400 cf 456.4000 ft 188.4960 c
450.9000 ft 80.5035 cf 456.5000 ft 190.459� c
- 451.0000 ft 82.4670 cf 456.6000 ft 192.4230 c
- 451.1000 ft 84.4305 cf 456.7000 ft 194.3865 c
451.2000 ft 863940 cf 456.8000 ft 196.3500 c
451.3000 ft 88.3575 cf 456.9000 ft 198.313� c
'� 451.4000 ft 90.3210 cf 457.0000 ft 200.2770 c
451.5000 ft 92.2845 cf 457.1000 ft 202.240� c
; 451.6000 ft 94.2480 cf 457.2000 ft 204.2040 c
451.7000 ft 96.2115 cf 457.3000 ft 206.1675 c
451.8000 ft 98.1750 cf 457.4000 ft 208.1310 c
451.9000 ft 100.1385 c 457.5000 ft 210.0945 c
452.0000 ft 102.1020 c 457.6000 ft 212.0580 c
� ! 452.1000 ft 104.0655 c 457.7000 ft 214.0215 c
452.2000 ft 106.0290 c 457.8000 ft 215.9850 c �'
457.9100 ft 218.1452 c �',
Record Id: CB #6 I
Descri : Prototv e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 443.7600 ft Max E1. 453.2100 ft
� Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector ,
Catch I.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Proposed
Stage Stora e Ratin Curve
443.7600 ft 0.0000 cf 448.5600 ft 94.2480 cf
443.8600 ft 1.9635 cf 448.6600 ft 96.2115 cf
443.9600 ft 3.9270 cf 448.7600 ft 98.1750 cf
444.0600 ft 5.8905 cf 448.8600 ft 100.1385 c
444.1600 ft 7.8540 cf 448.9600 ft 102.1020 c
,. 444.2600 ft 9.8175 cf 449.0600 ft 104.0655 c
444.3600 ft 11.7810 c 449.1600 ft 106.0290 c
444.4600 ft 13.7445 c 449.2600 ft 107.9925 c
����I-��� A_8
file:l//Q:12014!2140258,�10_CIV/NON CADICALCS/Conveyance,'20140716%20%20Con... 7/23/2014
Pa�e 1? of 2=�
444.5600 ft 15.7080 c 449.3600 ft 109.9560 c
444.6600 ft 17.6715 c 449.4600 ft 1 1 1.9195 c
444J600 ft 19.6350 c 449.5600 ft 113.8830 c ', �
444.8600 ft 21.5985 c 449.6600 ft 115.8465 c
444.9600 ft 23.5620 c 449.7600 ft 1 17.8100 c
445.0600 ft 25.5255 c 449.8600 ft 1 19.7735 c '
445.1600 ft 27.4890 c 449.9600 ft 121.7370 c
445.2600 ft 29.4525 c 450.0600 ft 123.7005 c
445.3600 ft 31.4160 c 450.1600 ft 125.6640 c
445.4600 ft 33.3795 c 450.2600 ft 127.6275 c
445.5600 ft 35.3430 c 450.3600 ft 129.5910 c
445.6600 ft 37.3065 c 450.4600 ft 131.5545 c
445.7600 ft 392700 c 450.5600 ft 133.5180 c
445.8600 ft 41.2335 c 450.6600 ft 135.4815 c
445.9600 ft 43.1970 c 450J600 ft 137.4450 c
446.0600 ft 45.1605 c 450.8600 ft 139.4085 c i
446.1600 ft 47.1240 c 450.9600 ft 141.3720 c
4462600 ft 49.0875 c 451.0600 ft 143.3355 c
446.3600 ft 51.0510 c 451.1600 ft 145.2990 c
446.4600 ft 53.0145 c 451.2600 ft 147.262� c
446.5600 ft 54.9780 c 4�13600 ft 149.2260 c
446.6600 ft 56.9415 c 4�1.4600 ft 151.189� c
446.7600 ft 58.9050 c 451.�600 ft 153.1530 c
446.8600 ft 60.8685 c 451.6600 ft 155.116� c
446.9600 ft 62.8320 c 451.7600 ft 157.0800 c
447.0600 ft 64.7955 c 451.8600 ft 159.0435 c
447.1600 ft 66.7590 c 451.9600 ft 161.0070 c
447.2600 ft 68.7225 c 452.0600 ft 162.9705 c
447.3600 ft 70.6860 c 452.1600 ft 164.9340 c
447.4600 ft 72.649� c 4522600 ft 166.8975 c
447.5600 ft 74.6130 c 452.3600 ft 168.8610 c
447.6600 ft 76.5765 c 4�2.4600 ft 170.8245 c
447.7600 ft 78.5400 c 452.5600 ft 172.7880 c
447.8600 ft 80.5035 c 452.6600 ft 174.7515 c
447.9600 ft 82.4670 c 452.7600 ft 176.7150 c
448.0600 ft 84.4305 c 452.8600 ft 178.6785 c
448.1600 ft 86.3940 c 452.9600 ft 180.6420 c '
448.2600 ft 88.3575 c 453.0600 ft 182.6055 c
file:///Q:I2014!2140258/l 0_CI V,'NON_CAD/CALCS/Conveyance/20140716%20%?OCon... 7/?3/2014
Paee 13 of 2�
��90.3210 c 453.1600 ft I 84.5690 c
453.2100 ft 185.5504 c
Record Id: CB #7
Descri : Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start El. 435.8500 ft Max El. 443.3500 ft
Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.63�0 sf
Condition Proposed
Sta e Stora e Rating Curve
435.8500 ft 0.0001 cf 439.6500 ft 74.6131 cf
�35.9500 ft 1.9636 cf 439.7500 ft 76.5766 cf
436.0500 ft 3.9271 cf 439.8500 ft 78.5401 cf
436.1500 ft 5.8906 cf 439.9500 ft 80.5036 cf
�36.2500 ft 7.8541 cf 440A�00 ft 82.4671 cf
436.3500 ft 9.8176 cf 440.1500 ft 84.4306 cf
436.4500 ft 11 J811 c 440.2500 ft 86.3941 cf
436.5500 ft 13.7446 c 440.3500 ft 88.3576 cf
436.6500 ft 15.7081 c 440.4�00 ft 90.3211 cf ,
�36.7500 ft 17.6716 c 440.5�00 ft 922846 cf !
436.8500 ft 19.63�1 c 440.6500 ft 94.2481 cf �
436.9500 ft 21.5986 c 440.7500 ft 96.2116 cf
437.0500 ft 23.5621 c 440.8�00 ft 98.1751 cf
�37.1500 ft 2�.5256 c 4409�00 ft 100.1386 c ,
�37.2500 ft 27.4891 c 441.0500 ft 102.1021 c
437.3500 ft 29.4526 c 441.1500 ft 104.0656 c j
437.4500 ft 31.4161 c 441.2500 ft 106.0291 c
437.5500 ft 33.3796 c 441.3�00 ft 107.9926 c
437.6500 ft 35.3431 c 441.4�00 ft 109.9561 c
437.7500 ft 37.3066 c 441.5500 ft 1119196 c
437.8500 ft 39.2701 c 441.6500 ft 113.8831 c
437.9500 ft 41.2336 c 441.7�00 ft 115.8466 c
438.0500 ft 43.1971 c 441.8500 ft 117.8101 c
438.1500 ft 45.1606 c 441.9500 ft 119.7736 c
438.2500 ft 47.1241 c 442.0500 ft 121.7371 c
file:/'IQ:,�2014,�2140258/10_CIV,�NON CAD/CALCS!Conveyance/20140716%20°/o20Con... 7123!2014
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438.3500 ft 49.0876 c 442.1500 ft 123.7006 c
438.4500 ft 51.051 1 c 442.2500 ft 125.6641 c
438.5500 ft 53.0146 c 442.3500 ft 127.6276 c
438.6500 ft 54.9781 c 442.4500 ft 129.5911 c
438.7500 ft 56.9416 c 442.5500 ft 131.5546 c
438.8500 ft 58.9051 c 442.6500 ft 133.5181 c
438.9500 ft 60.8686 c 442.7500 ft 135.4816 c
439.0500 ft 62.8321 c 442.8500 ft 137.4451 c
439.1500 ft 64.7956 c 442.9500 ft 139.4086 c
439.2500 ft 66.7591 c 443.0500 ft 141.3721 c
439.3500 ft 68.7226 c 443.1500 ft 143.3356 c
439.4500 ft 70.6861 c 443.2500 ft 145.2991 c
443.3500 ft 147.2625 c
Descri : Protot � e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start El. 431.0800 ft Max E1. 438.0000 ft
Classification Manhole Structure T � e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Proposed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
431.0800 ft 0.0001 cf 434.5800 ft 68J226 cf
431.1800 ft 1.9636 cf 434.6800 ft 70.6861 cf
431.2800 ft 3.9271 cf 434.7800 ft 72.6496 cf
431.3800 ft 5.8906 cf 434.8800 ft 74.6131 cf
431.4800 ft 7.8541 cf 434.9800 ft 76.5766 cf
431.5800 ft 9.8176 cf 435.0800 ft 78.5401 cf
431.6800 ft 11.7811 c 435.1800 ft 80.5036 cf
431.7800 ft 13J446 c 435.2800 ft 82.4671 cf
431.8800 ft 15J081 c 435.3800 ft 84.4306 cf
431.9800 ft 17.6716 c 435.4800 ft 86.3941 cf
432.0800 ft 19.6351 c 435.5800 ft 88.3576 cf I
432.1800 ft 21.5986 c 435.6800 ft 90.3211 cf ��
432.2800 ft 23.5621 c 435.7800 ft 92.2846 cf I
432.3800 ft 25.5256 c 435.8800 ft 942481 cf '
�������� A_8
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432.4800 ft 27.4891 c 435.9800 ft 96.2116 cf �I
432.5800 ft 29.4526 c 436.0800 ft 98.1751 cf �i
432.6800 ft 31.4161 c 436.1800 ft 100.1386 c �
432.7800 ft 33.3796 c 436.2800 ft 102.1021 c
432.8800 ft 3�.3431 ct 436.3800 ft 104.0656 c
432.9800 ft 37.3066 c 436.4800 ft 106.0291 c
433.0800 ft 39.2701 c �36.5800 ft 107.9926 c �
433.1800 ft 41.2336 c 436.6800 ft 109.9561 c I�
433.2800 ft 43.1971 c 436.7800 ft 1 l 1.9196 c
433.3800 ft 45.1606 c 436.8800 ft 113.8831 c
433.4800 ft 47.1241 c 436.9800 ft 1 15.8466 c
433.5800 ft 49.0876 c 437.0800 ft 117.8101 c
433.6800 ft 51.0511 c 437.1800 ft 119.7736 c
433.7800 ft 53.0146 c 437.2800 ft 121.7371 c !I
433.8800 ft 54.9781 c 437.3800 ft 123.7006 c '
433.9800 ft 56.9416 c 437.4800 ft 125.6641 ct
434.0800 ft 58.9051 c 437.5800 ft 127.6276 c
434.1800 ft 60.8686 c 437.6800 ft 129.5911 c
434.2800 ft 62.8321 c 437J800 ft 131.5546 c
434.3800 ft 64.7956 c 437.8800 ft 133.5181 c �
438.0000 ft 135.8745 c � �p
ys °
Record Id: JNCT #1
Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start El. 453.8000 ft Max El. 463.8000 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Ty e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20} Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Existin
Stage Stora e Ratin Cur�e �
453.8000 ft 0.0000 cf 458.8000 ft 98.1750 cf �,
4�3.9000 ft 1.9635 cf 458.9000 ft 100.1385 c ��
454.0000 ft 3.9270 cf 459.0000 ft 102.1020 c
454.1000 ft 5.8905 cf 459.1000 ft 104.0655 c
454.2000 ft 7.8540 cf 459.2000 ft 106.0290 c I
454.3000 ft 9.8175 cf 459.3000 ft 107.9925 c
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454.4000 ft 11.7810 c 459.4000 ft 109.9560 c
454.5000 ft 13.7445 c 459.�000 ft 1 1 19195 c
454.6000 ft 1�.7080 c 459.6000 ft 1 13.8830 c
4�4.7000 ft 17.6715 c 459.7000 ft 115.8465 c
454.8000 ft 19.6350 c 459.8000 ft 1 17.8100 c
454.9000 ft 21.5985 c 459.9000 ft 119.7735 c
455.0000 ft 23.5620 c 460.0000 ft 121.7370 c
455.1000 ft 2�.5255 c 460.1000 ft 123.7005 c
455.2000 ft 27.4890 c 460.2000 ft 125.6640 c
455.3000 ft 29.452� c 460.3000 ft 127.6275 c
455.4000 ft 31.4160 c 460.4000 ft 129.�910 c
455.5000 ft 33.3795 c 460.5000 ft 131.5�45 c
455.6000 ft 35.3430 c 460.6000 ft 133.5180 c
455.7000 ft 37.3065 c 460.7000 ft 13�.4815 c
455.8000 ft 39.2700 c 460.8000 ft 137.4450 c
455.9000 ft 41.2335 c 460.9000 ft 139.4085 c
456.0000 ft 43.1970 c 461.0000 ft 141.3720 c
456.1000 ft 45.1605 c 461.1000 ft 143.3355 c
456.2000 ft 47.1240 c 461.2000 ft 1452990 c
456.3000 ft 49.0875 c 461.3000 ft 147.2625 c
456.4000 ft 51.OS 10 c 461.4000 ft 149.2260 c
456.5000 ft 53.0145 c 461.5000 ft 1�1.1895 c
456.6000 ft 54.9780 c 461.6000 ft 153.1530 c
456J000 ft 56.9415 c 461.7000 ft 155.1165 c
� 456.8000 ft 58.9050 c 461.8000 ft 157.0800 c
456.9000 ft 60.8685 c 461.9000 ft 159.0435 c
457.0000 ft 62.8320 c 462.0000 ft 161.0070 ct
457.1000 ft 64.7955 c 462.1000 ft 162.9705 ct
457.2000 ft 66.7590 c 462.2000 ft 164.9340 c
4573000 ft 68.7225 c 462.3000 ft 166.8975 ct
457.4000 ft 70.6860 c 462.4000 ft 168.8610 c
457.5000 ft 72.6495 c 462.5000 ft 170.8245 c
457.6000 ft 74.6130 c 462.6000 ft 172.7880 c
457.7000 ft 76.5765 c 462.7000 ft 174.7515 c
457.8000 ft 78.5400 c 462.8000 ft 176.7150 c
457.9000 ft 80.5035 c 462.9000 ft 178.6785 c
458.0000 ft 82.4670 c 463.0000 ft 180.6420 c
458.1000 ft 84.430� c 463.1000 ft 182.6055 c
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�_�86.3940 c 463.2000 ft 184.�690 c
4�8.3000 ft 88.3575 c 463.3000 ft 186.5325 c
458.4000 ft 90.3210 c 463.4000 ft 188.4960 c
458.5000 ft 92.2845 c 463.5000 ft 190.4595 c
458.6000 ft 94.2480 c 463.6000 ft 192.4230 c
463.8000 ft 196.3500 c
Record Id: JNCT #2
Descri : Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start El. 453.5700 ft Max EI. 4�8.5700 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Existing
Stage Stora e Ratin Curve
453.5700 ft 0.0001 cf 456.0700 ft 49.0876 c
453.6700 ft 1.9636 cf 456.1700 ft �1.0511 c
453.7700 ft 3.9271 cf 456.2700 ft 53.0146 c
453.8700 ft 5.8906 cf 456.3700 ft 54.9781 c
453.9700 ft 7.8541 cf 456.4700 ft 56.9416 c
454.0700 ft 9.8176 cf 456.5700 ft 58.9051 c
454.1700 ft 11.7811 c 456.6700 ft 60.8686 c
454.2700 ft 13.7446 c 456.7700 ft 62.8321 c
454.3700 ft 15.7081 c 456.8700 ft 64.79�6 c
454.4700 ft 17.6716 c 456.9700 ft 66.7591 c
454.5700 ft 19.6351 c 457.0700 ft 68.7226 c
454.6700 ft 21.5986 c 457.1700 ft 70.6861 c
454.7700 ft 23.5621 c 457.2700 ft 72.6496 c
454.8700 ft 25.5256 c 457.3700 ft 74.6131 c
454.9700 ft 27.4891 c 457.4700 ft 76.5766 c
455.0700 ft 29.4526 c 457.5700 ft 78.5401 c
455.1700 ft 31.4161 c 457.6700 ft 80.5036 c
455.2700 ft 33.3796 c 457.7700 ft 82.4671 c
455.3700 ft 35.3431 c 457.8700 ft 84.4306 c
455.4700 ft 37.3066 c 457.9700 ft 86.3941 c ,
455.5700 ft 39.2701 c 458.0700 ft 88.3576 c �I
�������� I
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455.6700 ft 41.2336 c 458.1700 ft 90.321 1 c
455.7700 ft 43.1971 c 458.2700 ft 92.2846 c
455.8700 ft 45.1606 c 458.3700 ft 94.2481 c
458.5700 ft 98.1750 c
Record Id: JNCT #3
Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. �49.4700 ft Max EI. 459.1100 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Tv e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
449.4700 ft 0.0000 cf 454.3700 ft 96.2115 cf
449.5700 ft 1.9635 cf 454.4700 ft 98.1750 cf
449.6700 ft 3.9270 cf 454.5700 ft 100.1385 c
449.7700 ft 5.8905 cf 454.6700 ft 102.1020 c
449.8700 ft 7.8540 cf 454.7700 ft ]04.0655 c
449.9700 ft 9.817� cf 454.8700 ft 106.0290 c
450.0700 ft 1 1 J810 c 454.9700 ft 107.9925 c
450.1700 ft 13.7445 c 455.0700 ft 109.9560 c
450.2700 ft 15.7080 c 455.1700 ft 1 1 1.9195 c
450.3700 ft 17.6715 c 455.2700 ft 1 13.8830 c
450.4700 ft 19.6350 c 455.3700 ft 1 15.8465 c
450.5700 ft 21.5985 c 455.4700 ft 1 17.8100 c I'�
450.6700 ft 23.5620 c 455.5700 ft 1 19.7735 c ,
450.7700 ft 25.52�5 c 455.6700 ft 121 J370 c '
450.8700 ft 27.4890 c 455.7700 ft 123.7005 c '
450.9700 ft 29.4525 c 455.8700 ft 125.6640 c
451.0700 ft 31.4160 c 455.9700 ft 127.6275 c
451.1700 ft 33.379� c 456.0700 ft 129.5910 c
451.2700 ft 35.3430 c 456.1700 ft 131.5545 c
451.3700 ft 37.3065 c 456.2700 ft 133.5180 c
451.4700 ft 39.2700 c 456.3700 ft 135.4815 c
451.5700 ft 41.2335 c 456.4700 ft 137.4450 c
451.6700 ft 43.1970 c 456.5700 ft 139.4085 c
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451.7700 ft 45.1605 c 456.6700 ft 141.3720 c
451.8700 ft 47.1240 c 456.7700 ft 143.3355 c
451.9700 ft 49.0875 c 456.8700 ft 145.2990 c
452.0700 ft 51.0510 c 456.9700 ft 147.2625 c
452.1700 ft 53.0145 c 457.0700 ft 149.2260 c
452.2700 ft 54.9780 c 457.1700 ft 151.1895 c
452.3700 ft 56.9415 c 457.2700 ft 153.1530 c
452.4700 ft 58.9050 c 457.3700 ft 155.1165 c
452.5700 ft 60.8685 c 457.4700 ft 157.0800 c
452.6700 ft 62.8320 c 457.5700 ft 159.0435 c
452.7700 ft 64.795� c 457.6700 ft 161.0070 c
452.8700 ft 66.7590 c 457.7700 ft 162.9705 c
452.9700 ft 68.7225 c 457.8700 ft 164.9340 c
453.0700 ft 70.6860 c 457.9700 ft 166.8975 c
453.1700 ft 72.6495 c 458.0700 ft 168.8610 c
453.2700 ft 74.6130 c 4�8.1700 ft 170.8245 c
453.3700 ft 76.5765 c 458.2700 ft 172.7880 c
453.4700 ft 78.5400 c 458.3700 ft 174.7515 c
453.5700 ft 80.5035 c 458.4700 ft 176.7150 c
453.6700 ft 82.4670 c 458.5700 ft 178.6785 c
453.7700 ft 84.4305 c 458.6700 ft 180.6420 c
453.8700 ft 86.3940 c 458.7700 ft 182.6055 c
453.9700 ft 88.3575 c 458.8700 ft 184.5690 c
454.0700 ft 90.3210 c 458.9700 ft 186.5325 c
454.1700 ft 92.2845 c 459.0700 ft 188.4960 c
459.1100 ft 189.2811 c
Record Id: P-001
Section Sha e: Circular
' Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0100
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode JNCT#1 U Node CB #1
Material Plastic Size 8" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 24.0000 ft Slo e 4.13%
U [nvert 454.7900 ft Dn Invert 453.8000 ft
Conduit Constraints
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Page ?0 of 24
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft E��Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up [nvert 453.8000 ft Dn Invert 4�4.7900 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode JNCT#1 U Node CB #1
Record Id: P-002
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0100
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode JNCT #2 U Node JNCT#1
Material Plastic Size 8" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall '
Length 14.0000 ft Slo e 1.64%
U Invert 453.8000 ft Dn Invert 453.5700 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ftls 15.00 fUs 0.50% 2.00°/a 3.00 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex�Infil Rate 0.0000 in,'hr
U [nvert 453.5700 ft Dn Invert 453.8000 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode JNCT #2 UpNode JNC"I� #1
Record Id: P-003
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routin Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #2 U Node JNC"I'#2
Material Conc-Spun Size 8" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Length 60.0000 ft Slo e 5.17%
Up Im�ert 4�3.5700 ft Dn Invert 450.4700 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
��������� A_8
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I2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft I I
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 450.4700 ft Dn [nvert 453.5700 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #2 UpNode JNCT #2
Record Id: P-004
Section Sha e: Circular �
Uniform Flow Method: Mannin 's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: T'ravel Time Translation
DnNode JNCT#3 UpNode CB #2
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Length 85.0000 ft Slope 0.46% I
U Invert 449.8600 ft Dn Invert 449.4700 ft �
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover ,
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ftls 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft !,
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr �li
Up Invert 449.4700 ft Dn Invert 449.8600 ft �I
Match inverts. �'�
DnNode JNCT#3 U Node CB #2
Record Id: P-005 '
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #3 U Node JNCT#3
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall '
Len th 85.0000 ft Slo e 0.67% I�'
U Invert 449.4700 ft Dn Invert 448.9000 ft '
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft ,
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IDrop across MH I0.0000 ft I E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in,�hr
U Invert 448.9000 ft Dn Invert 449.4700 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #3 UpNode JNCT #3
Record Id: P-006
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Mannin 's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routin Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #4 UpNode CB #3
Material Conc-Spun Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len�th 170.0000 ft Slo e 0.50°/a
Up Im�ert 448.9000 ft Dn Invert 448.0500 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 1�.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Im-ert 448.0500 ft Dn Im-ert 448.9000 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #4 U Node CB#3 i
Record Id: P-007 �
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Mannin 's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #5 UpNode CB #4
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Length 125.0000 ft Slope 1.00%
U Invert 448.0500 ft Dn Invert 446.8000 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 fUs 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 446.8000 ft Dn Invert 448.0500 ft
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IMatch inverts. I
DnNode CB #5 U Node CB #4
Record Id: P-008
Section Sha e: Circular
CJniform Flow Method: Mannin 's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #6 U Node CB #5
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Length 200.0000 ft Slope 1.52%
U Invert 446.8000 ft Dn Invert 443.7600 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft '�
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr II
Up Invert 443.7600 ft Dn Invert 446.8000 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #6 U Node CB #5
Record Id: P-009
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #7 U Node CB #6
Material Conc-Spun Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 384.0000 ft Slo e 2.06°/a
U Invert 443.7600 ft Dn Invert 435.8500 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 fUs 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 435.8500 ft Dn Invert 443.7600 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #7 UpNode CB #6
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Record Id: P-010
Section Shape: Circular '
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routin Method: Travel Time T'ranslation
DnNode EXISTING U Node CB #7
Material Conc-Spun Size 18" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 222.0000 ft Slo e 2.60%
Up Invert 436.8500 ft Dn Invert 431.0800 ft
Conduit Constraints
iVlin Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�c/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 431.0800 ft Dn Invert 436.8500 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode EXISTING UpNode CB #7
Licensed to: AHBL
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Proposed 25-year Storm Event
History Cleared: 09:34:22 Wednesday,July 23, 2014
Reach Area TC Flow Full Q Full nDepth Size nVel fVel CBasin /
ID (ac) (m�n) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) Hyd
P-001 0.2336 6.36 0.4298 3.1992 0.13 0.1650 Dgam 6.3855 9.1650 BASIN 1
P-002 0.2336 6.41 0.4270 2.0190 0.21 0.2080 Dga�m 4.5919 5.7839 ���
P-003 0.2336 6.�9 0.4248 2.7542 0.15 0.1768 g SJ310 7.8901
❑ �❑� Diam ��
P-004 1.0022 6.99 2.1464 4.3874 0.49 0.6171 p,am 3.5556 3.5752 BASIN 2
P-005 1.0022 7.34 2.0661 5.3041 0.39 0.5417 p�am 4.0530 4.3222
P-006 1.5350 8.05 2.9456 4.5801 0.64 0.7291 piam 3.9641 3.7322 BASIN 3
I P-007 2.0095 8.44 3.5347 6.4772 0.55 0.6583 Diam 5.3953 5.2781 BASIN 4
P-008 8.5890 30.31 5.1770 7.9856 0.65 �•732� Diam 6.9250 6.5073 BASIN �
P-009 14.5625 31.05 8.70�0 9.2963 0.94 0.9598 pia�m 8.6095 7.5753 BASIN 6
P-010 23.6097 31.40 13.0058 16.9804 OJ7 0.9833 p,a�m 10.5931 9.6089 BASIN 7 I
From Rch Loss A Bend Junct Loss HW Loss Elev Max E1
Node To Node (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) !
CB #7 EXISTING 439.5222 0.7813 0.0067 ------ 438.7475 443.3500
` ' CB #6 CB #7 446.1414 0.2763 0.2771 ------ 446.1422 453.2100 ��,
CB #5 CB #6 448.2933 0.1288 0.0010 ------ 448.1655 457.9100 �'
CB #4 CB #5 449.1865 0.2440 0.0018 ------ 448.9443 458.8100 �
�� CB #3 CB #4 449.9219 02551 0.0390 ------ 449.7058 458.8100 '�
JNCT #3 CB #3 450.2811 0.1963 0.1340 ------ 450.2188 459.1 100 �
No approach losses at node JNCT#2 because inverts and/or crowns are offset. '�
CB #2 JNCT#3 450.7126 �� ------ 450.7126 459.0000
JNCT #2 CB #2 453.9850 03274 0.0348 ------ 453.6924 458.5700
JNCT #1 JNCT #2 454.2280 0.6332 0.2470 ------ 453.8419 463.8000
CB #1 JNCT #1 455.21 l4 �� ------ 455.2114 457.6700
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Record Id: BASIN 1
Desi n Method Rational IDF Table: KingCount �Ir
Com osite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 0.08 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.15 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 2
Design Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountylr
Composite C Calc
Descri tion SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 0.06 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.71 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc ,
Tv e Descri tion Len th Slo e Coeff Misc TT ,
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 3
Desi n Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountylr �
Com osite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 0.15 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.38 ac 0.90
Directly Con�ected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 4
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I Design Method I Rational I IDF Table: II KingCountylr I
Com osite C Calc '
Descri tion SubArea Sub c ,
Lawn (n=0.25) O.15 ac 0.25 �i
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 0.32 ac 0.90 I
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directly Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: BASIN 5
Desi n Method Rational IDF Table: Kin CountyIr
Composite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 3.44 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 3.14 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc
Ty e Descri tion Len th Slope Coeff Misc TT
Sheet Short rairie rass and lawns.: 0.15 393.00 ft 3.05% 0.1500 2.50 in 27.99 min
Channel (interm) Concrete pipe (n=0Al2) 749.00 ft 2.56% 0.0120 1.84 min
Directiv Connected TC 29.82min
Record Id: BASIN 6
Desi n Method Rational IDF Table: KingCountyIr
Com osite C Calc
Description SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 2.68 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 3.30 ac 0.90
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff' Misc TT
Sheet Short rairie rass and lawns.: 0.15 500.00 ft 3.20% 0.1500 2.50 in 3329 min
Channel (interm) Concrete i e (n=0.012) 756.00 ft 1.47% 0.0120 2.45 min
Directly Connected TC 35.74min
Record Id: BASIN 7
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_ _
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� Design Method I Rational � IDF Table: II KingCountylr I
Com osite C Calc
Descri tion SubArea Sub c
Lawn (n=0.25) 5.49 ac 0.25
Pavement and roofs (n=0.90) 3.56 ac 0.90
Directiv Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 6.30 min
Directiv Connected TC 6.30min
Record Id: CB #1
Descri : Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 4�4.7900 ft Max EL 457.6700 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Existing
Stage Storage Ratin Curve
454.7900 ft 0.0000 cf 4�6.2900 ft 29.4525 c
454.8900 ft 1.9635 cf 4�6.3900 ft 31.4160 c
454.9900 ft 3.9270 cf 456.4900 ft 33.3795 c
455.0900 ft �.8905 cf 4�6.5900 ft 3�.3430 c
455.1900 ft 7.8540 cf 456.6900 ft 37.3065 c
455.2900 ft 9.8175 cf 4�6.7900 ft 39.2700 c
455.3900 ft 11.7810 c 456.8900 ft 41.2335 c
455.4900 ft 13.7445 c 456.9900 ft 43.1970 c
455.5900 ft 15.7080 c 457.0900 ft 45.1605 c
455.6900 ft 17.6715 c 457.1900 ft 47.1240 c
455.7900 ft 19.6350 c 457.2900 ft 49.0875 c
455.8900 ft 21.5985 c 457.3900 ft 51.0�10 c
455.9900 ft 23.5620 c 457.4900 ft 53.0145 c
456.0900 ft 25.5255 c 457.5900 ft �4.9780 c
457.6700 ft 56.5489 c
Record Id: CB #2
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Descrip: IPrototype Record I[ncrement I0.10 ft I
Start EI. 449.8600 ft Max EI. 459.0000 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure T � e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
449.8600 ft 0.0001 cf 454.4600 ft 90.321 1 cf
449.9600 ft 1.9636 cf 454.5600 ft 92.2846 cf
450.0600 ft 3.9271 cf 454.6600 ft 94.2481 cf
450.1600 ft 5.8906 cf 454.7600 fr 96.2116 cf
450.2600 ft 7.8541 cf 454.8600 ft 98.1751 cf
450.3600 ft 9.8176 cf 454.9600 ft 100.1386 c
450.4600 ft 11.781 1 c 455.0600 ft 102.1021 c
450.5600 ft 13.7446 c 4�5.1600 ft 104.0656 c
450.6600 ft 15.7081 c 45�.2600 ft 106.0291 c
450.7600 ft 17.6716 c 455.3600 ft 107.9926 c
450.8600 ft 19.6351 c 455.4600 ft 109.9561 c
450.9600 ft 21.5986 c 455.5600 ft 1 11.9196 c
451.0600 ft 23.5621 c 455.6600 ft 113.8831 c
451.1600 ft 25.5256 c 455.7600 ft 115.8466 c
4�1.2600 ft 27.4891 c 455.8600 ft 117.8101 c
451.3600 ft 29.4526 c 455.9600 ft 119J736 c
451.4600 ft 31.4161 c 456.0600 ft 121.7371 c
451.5600 ft 33.3796 c 456.1600 ft 123.7006 c
451.6600 ft 35.3431 c 456.2600 ft 125.6641 c
451.7600 ft 37.3066 c 456.3600 ft 127.6276 c
451.8600 fi 39.2701 c 456.4600 ft 129.5911 c
451.9600 ft 41.2336 c 456.5600 ft 131.5546 c
452.0600 ft 43.1971 c 456.6600 ft 133.5181 c
452.1600 ft 45.1606 c �}�6.7600 ft 135.4816 c
452.2600 ft 47.1241 c 4�6.8600 ft 137.4451 c
452.3600 ft 49.0876 c 456.9600 ft 139.4086 c
452.4600 ft 51.0511 c 457.0600 ft 141.3721 c
452.5600 ft 53.0146 c 457.1600 ft 143.3356 c
452.6600 ft 54.9781 c 457.2600 ft 145.2991 c �
452.7600 ft 56.9416 c 457.3600 ft 147.2626 c
A-8 ;
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452.8600 ft 58.9051 c 457.4600 ft 149.2261 c
452.9600 ft 60.8686 c 457.5600 ft 1�I.1896 c
453.0600 ft 62.8321 c 457.6600 ft 153.1531 c
453.1600 ft 64.7956 c 457.7600 fr 155.1166 c I
4�3.2600 ft 66.7591 c 457.8600 ft 157.0801 c
453.3600 ft 68.7??6 c 4�7.9600 ft 159.0436 c �
4�3.4600 ft 70.6861 c 458.0600 ft 161.0071 c
453.5600 ft 72.6496 c 458.1600 ft 162.9706 c
453.6600 ft 74.6131 c 458.2600 ft 164.9341 c
453.7600 ft 76.5766 c 4�8.3600 ft 166.8976 c
453.8600 ft 78.5401 c 458.4600 ft 168.861 1 c
453.9600 ft 80.5036 c 4�8.5600 ft 170.8246 c
454.0600 ft 82.4671 c 458.6600 ft 172.7881 c
454.1600 ft 84.4306 c 458J600 ft 174J516 c
454.2600 ft 86.3941 c 458.8600 ft 176J151 c
459.0000 ft 179.4642 ct
Record Id: CB #3
Descri : Protot � e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 448.9000 ft Max E1. 4�8.8100 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Tvpe CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch I.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Proposed
Sta e Stora e Ratin Curve
448.9000 ft 0.0000 cf 4�3.9000 ft 98.1749 cf
449.0000 ft 1.9634 cf 454.0000 ft 100.1384 c
449.1000 ft 3.9269 cf 454.1000 ft 102.1019 c
449.2000 ft 5.8904 cf 454.2000 ft 104.0654 c
449.3000 ft 7.8539 cf 454.3000 ft 106.0289 c
449.4000 ft 9.8174 cf 454.4000 ft 107.9924 c
449.5000 ft 11.7809 c 454.5000 ft 109.9559 c
449.6000 ft 13.7444 c 454.6000 ft 111.9194 c
449.7000 ft 15.7079 c 454.7000 ft 113.8829 c
449.8000 ft 17.6714 c 454.8000 ft 115.8464 c
449.9000 ft 19.6349 c 454.9000 ft 117.8099 c
file:,'�!Q:/2014,�2140?58!10_CIV/NON_CAD.!CALCS!Conveyance/20140716%?0%20Con... 7!23,'2014 ,
' i Page 7 of 24
'� ,
� ����U��
i ;_ 450.0000 ft 21.5984 c 455.0000 ft 119.7734 c
� 4�0.1000 ft 23.5619 c 45�.1000 ft 121.7369 c
'I ,- ��00
450.2000 ft 25.5254 c 455.2000 ft 123.7004 c
450.3000 ft 27.4889 c 455.3000 ft 125.6639 c
450.4000 ft 29.4524 c 455.4000 ft 127.6274 c
I �- ' 450.5000 ft 31.4159 c 455.5000 ft 129.5909 c
I� -- 450.6000 ft 33.3794 c 455.6000 ft 131.5544 c
i� j 450.7000 ft 35.3429 c 455.7000 ft 133.5179 c �
� 450.8000 ft 37.3064 c 4�5.8000 ft 135.4814 c
j 450.9000 ft 39.2699 c 455.9000 ft 137.4449 c ����
� � 451.0000 ft 41.2334 c 456.0000 ft 139.4084 c
' 451.1000 ft 43.1969 c 456.1000 ft 141.3719 c
���� 451.2000 ft 45.1604 c 4�6.2000 ft 143.3354 c
451.3000 ft 47.1239 c 4563000 ft 145.2989 c �
i 451.4000 ft 49.0874 c 456.4000 ft 147.2624 c �
� � 451.5000 ft 51.0509 c 456.5000 ft 149.2259 c
�! 451.6000 ft 53.0144 c 456.6000 ft 151.1894 c
` � 451.7000 ft 54.9779 c 456.7000 ft 153.1529 c
�� 451.8000 ft 56.9414 c 456.8000 ft 155.1164 c ��
��� 451.9000 ft 58.9049 c 456.9000 ft 157.0799 c �
452.0000 ft 60.8684 c 457.0000 ft 159.0434 c ��
�� � 0000 �
'� 452.1000 ft 62.8319 c 457.1000 ft 161.0069 c �
i � 452.2000 ft 64.7954 c 457.2000 ft 162.9704 c ���
452.3000 ft 66.7589 c 457.3000 ft 164.9339 c
k� �
� ` 452.4000 ft 68J224 c 457.4000 ft 166.8974 c
� � 452.5000 ft 70.6859 c 457.5000 ft 168.8609 c '
II l_ 452.6000 ft 72.6494 c 457.6000 ft 170.8244 c I
I _ 4�2.7000 ft 74.6129 c 457.7000 ft 172.7879 c '
452.8000 ft 76.5764 c 457.8000 ft 174.7514 c I
452.9000 ft 78.5399 c 457.9000 ft 176.7149 c I�
453.0000 ft 80.5034 c 458.0000 ft 178.6784 c I
453.1000 ft 82.4669 c 458.1000 ft 180.6419 c
453.2000 ft 84.4304 c 458.2000 ft 182.6054 c
453.3000 ft 86.3939 c 458.3000 ft 184.5689 c
453.4000 ft 88.3574 c 458.4000 ft 186.5324 c
453.5000 ft 90.3209 c 458.5000 ft 188.4959 c
453.6000 ft 92.2844 c 458.6000 ft 190.4594 c
453.7000 ft 94.2479 c 458.7000 ft 192.4229 c
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II I 458.8100 ft 194.5829 c I
Record Id: CB #4
Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 448.0500 ft Max El. 4�8.8100 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure T � e CB-"TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
448.0500 ft 0.0000 cf 4�3.4�00 ft 106.0290 c
448.1500 ft 1.9635 cf 453.5�00 ft 107.992� c
448.2500 ft 3.9270 cf 453.6500 ft 109.9560 c
448.3500 ft 5.8905 cf 453.7500 ft 1 1 1.9195 c
448.4500 ft 7.8540 cf 453.8500 ft 113.8830 c
448.5500 ft 9.8175 cf 453.9500 ft 115.8465 c
448.6500 ft 11.7810 cf 454.0500 ft 117.8100 c
448.7500 ft 13.7445 cf 454.1500 ft 119.7735 c 'I
448.8500 ft 15.7080 cf 454.2500 ft 121.7370 c ��
448.9500 ft 17.6715 cf 454.3500 ft 123.7005 c ',
449.0500 ft 19.6350 cf 454.4500 ft 125.6640 c I,
449.1500 ft 21.598� cf 454.5500 ft 127.6275 c I
449.2500 ft 23.5620 cf 454.6500 ft 129.5910 c �i
449.3500 ft 25.5255 cf 454J500 ft 131.5545 c '
449.4500 ft 27.4890 cf 454.8500 ft 133.5180 c
449.5500 ft 29.4525 cf 454.9500 ft 135.4815 c
449.6500 ft 31.4160 cf 455.0500 ft 137.4450 c ;
449.7500 ft 33.3795 cf 455.1500 ft 139.4085 c '
449.8500 ft 35.3430 cf 455.2500 ft 141.3720 c
449.9500 ft 37.3065 cf 455.3500 ft 143.3355 c
450.0500 ft 39.2700 cf 455.4500 ft 145.2990 c
450.1500 ft 41.2335 cf 455.5500 ft 147.2625 c
450.2500 ft 43.1970 cf 455.6500 ft 149.2260 c
450.3500 ft 45.1605 cf 455.7500 ft 1 S l.l 895 c
450.4500 ft 47.1240 cf 455.8500 ft 153.1530 c
450.5500 ft 49.0875 cf 455.9500 ft 155.1165 c
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450.6�00 ft 51.0�10 cf 456.0�00 ft 1�7.0800 c
450.7500 ft 53.0145 cf 456.1500 ft 1�9.0435 c
450.8500 ft 54.9780 cf 456.2500 ft 161.0070 c
4�09�00 ft 56.9415 cf 456.3500 ft 162.9705 c
4�1.0500 ft 58.9050 cf 456.4500 ft 164.9340 c
451.1500 ft 60.868� cf 456.5500 ft 166.8975 c
451.2500 ft 62.8320 cf 4�6.6500 ft 168.8610 c
451.3500 ft 64J955 cf 456.7500 ft 170.8245 c
451.4500 ft 66.7590 cf 4�6.8500 ft 172.7880 c
4�1.5500 ft 68.7225 cf 456.9500 ft 174.7515 c
451.6500 ft 70.6860 cf 457.0500 ft 176.7150 c
451.7500 ft 72.6495 cf 457.1500 ft 178.6785 c
451.8500 ft 74.6130 cf 457.2500 ft 180.6420 c
451.9500 ft 76.5765 cf 457.3500 ft 182.6055 c
452.0500 ft 78.5400 cf 457.4�00 ft 184.5690 c
452.1500 ft 80.5035 cf 457.5500 ft 186.5325 c
452.2500 ft 82.4670 cf 457.6500 ft 188.4960 c
452.3500 ft 84.4305 cf 457.7500 ft 190.4595 c
452.4500 ft 86.3940 cf 457.8500 ft 192.4230 c
452.5500 ft 88.3575 cf 4�7.9500 ft 194.3865 c
452.6500 ft 90.3210 cf 458.0500 ft 196.3500 c
452.7500 ft 92.2845 cf 458.1500 ft 1983135 c
452.8500 ft 94.2480 cf 458.2500 ft 200.2770 c
452.9500 ft 96.2115 cf 4�8.3500 ft 202,2405 c
453.0500 ft 98.1750 cf 458.4500 ft 204.2040 c
453.1500 ft 100.1385 c 458.5500 ft 206.1675 c
453.2500 ft 102.1020 c 458.6500 ft 208.1310 c
458.8100 ft 211.2728 c
Record Id: CB #5
Descrip: Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 446.8000 ft Max EL 457.9100 ft
Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
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I Stage Storage Rating Curve I
446.8000 ft 0.0000 cf 452.4000 ft ]09.9560 c
446.9000 ft 1.9635 cf 4�2.�000 ft 1 1 1.9195 c
447.0000 ft 3.9270 cf 4�2.6000 ft 1 13.8830 c
447.1000 ft 5.8905 cf 452.7000 ft 1 15.8465 c
447.2000 ft 7.8540 cf 452.8000 ft 1 17.8100 c
447.3000 ft 9.8175 cf 452.9000 ft 1 19.773� c
447.4000 ft 11.7810 cf 453.0000 ft 121.7370 c
447.5000 ft 13.7445 cf 453.1000 ft 123.7005 c
447.6000 ft 15.7080 cf 453.2000 ft 125.6640 c 1 '
447.7000 ft 17.6715 cf 453.3000 ft 127.6275 c
447.8000 ft 19.6350 cf 453.4000 ft 129.5910 c
447.9000 ft 21.5985 cf 453.5000 ft 131.5545 c
448.0000 ft 23.5620 cf 453.6000 ft 133.5180 c
448.1000 ft 25.5255 cf 453.7000 ft 135.4815 c
448.2000 ft 27.4890 cf 453.8000 ft 137.44�0 c
448.3000 ft 29.4525 cf 453.9000 ft 139.4085 c �
0000 I
448.4000 ft 31.4160 cf 454.0000 ft 141.3720 c
448.5000 ft 33.3795 cf 454.1000 ft 143.3355 c I
448.6000 ft 3�.3430 cf 454.2000 ft 145.2990 c '
448.7000 ft 37.3065 cf 454.3000 ft 147.2625 c
448.8000 ft 39.2700 cf 454.4000 ft 149.2260 c �
448.9000 ft 41.2335 cf 454.5000 ft 151.1895 c '
449.0000 ft 43.1970 cf 454.6000 ft 153.1�30 c �
449.1000 ft 45.1605 cf 454.7000 ft I55.1 165 c
449.2000 ft 47.1240 cf 454.8000 ft 1�7.0800 c
449.3000 ft 49.087� cf 454.9000 ft 159.0435 c
449.4000 ft 51.0510 cf 455.0000 ft 161.0070 c
449.5000 ft 53.0145 cf 455.1000 ft 162.9705 c
449.6000 ft 54.9780 cf 455.2000 ft 164.9340 c
449.7000 ft 56.9415 cf 455.3000 ft 166.8975 c
449.8000 ft 58.9050 cf 455.4000 ft 168.8610 c
449.9000 ft 60.8685 cf 455.5000 ft 170.8245 c
450.0000 ft 62.8320 cf 455.6000 ft 172.7880 c
450.1000 ft 64J955 cf 455.7000 ft 174.7515 c
450.2000 ft 66.7590 cf 455.8000 ft 176.7150 c
450.3000 ft 68.7225 cf 455.9000 ft 178.6785 c
450.4000 ft 70.6860 cf 456.0000 ft 180.6420 c
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�� 72.6495 cf 456.1000 ft 182.6055 c
450.6000 ft 74.6130 cf 456.2000 ft 184.5690 c
450.7000 ft 76.5765 cf 456.3000 ft 186.5325 c
450.8000 ft 78.�400 cf 456.4000 ft 188.4960 c
450.9000 ft 80.5035 cf 456.5000 ft 190.4595 c
451.0000 ft 82.4670 cf 456.6000 ft 192.4230 c
�- , 451.1000 ft 84.4305 cf 456.7000 ft 194.3865 c
- 0000
451.2000 ft 86.3940 cf 456.8000 ft 196.3500 c
451.3000 ft 88.3575 cf 4�6.9000 ft 198.3135 c
451.4000 ft 90.3210 cf 4�7.0000 ft 200.2770 c
451.5000 ft 92.2845 cf 457.1000 ft 202.2405 c
451.6000 ft 94.2480 cf 4572000 ft 204.2040 c
451.7000 ft 96.2115 cf 4�73000 ft 206.1675 c
, 451.8000 ft 98.1750 cf 457.4000 ft 208.1310 c
451.9000 ft 100.1385 c 457.5000 ft 210.0945 c
452.0000 ft 102.1020 c 457.6000 ft 212.0580 c
452.1000 ft 104.0655 c 457.7000 ft 214.0215 c
452.2000 ft 106.0290 c 457.8000 ft 215.9850 c
457.9100 ft 218.1452 c
Record Id: CB #6
Descri : Prototy e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start E1. 443.7600 ft Mati El. 453.2100 ft
Classification Manhole Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.63�0 sf
Condition Proposed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
443.7600 ft 0.0000 cf 448.5600 ft 94.2480 cf
443.8600 ft 1.9635 cf 448.6600 ft 96.2115 cf
443.9600 ft 3.9270 cf 448.7600 ft 98.1750 cf
444.0600 ft 5.8905 cf 448.8600 ft 100.1385 c
444.1600 ft 7.8540 cf 448.9600 ft 102.1020 c ,
444.2600 ft 9.8175 cf 449.0600 ft 104.0655 c I
444.3600 ft 11.7810 c 449.1600 ft 106.0290 c
444.4600 ft 13.7445 c 449.2600 ft 107.9925 c
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444.5600 ft 15.7080 c 4493600 ft 109.9560 c ;�
444.6600 ft 17.6715 c 449.4600 ft 1119195 c
444.7600 ft 19.6350 c 449.5600 ft 113.8830 c �i
444.8600 ft 21.5985 c 449.6600 ft 115.8465 c
444.9600 ft 23.5620 c 449.7600 ft 117.8100 c '
0000 I
445.0600 ft �5.�255 c 449.8600 ft 1 19.7735 c
445.1600 ft 27.4890 c 449.9600 ft 121.7370 c �
0000 I
445.2600 ft 29.4525 c 450.0600 ft 123.7005 c I
445.3600 ft 31.4160 c 450.1600 ft 125.6640 c
445.4600 ft 33.3795 c 450.2600 ft 127.6275 c �
445.5600 ft 3�.3430 c 4�0.3600 ft 129.5910 c
445.6600 ft 37.3065 c 450.4600 ft 131.5545 c
445.7600 ft 39.2700 c 450.5600 ft 133.5180 c
445.8600 ft 41.2335 c 450.6600 ft 135.4815 c
445.9600 ft 43.1970 c 450.7600 ft 137.4450 c '
446.0600 ft 4�.1605 c 450.8600 ft 139.4085 c
446.1600 ft 47.1240 c 450.9600 ft 141.3720 c
446.2600 ft 49.0875 c 451.0600 ft 143.3355 c
446.3600 ft 51.0510 c 451.1600 ft 1452990 c
446.4600 ft 53.0145 c 451.2600 ft 147.2625 c '
446.5600 ft 54.9780 c 451.3600 ft 149.2260 c
446.6600 ft 56.9415 c 451.4600 ft 151.1895 c
446.7600 ft �8.90�0 c 451.5600 ft 1�3.1530 c
446.8600 ft 60.8685 c 451.6600 ft 155.1 165 c
0000 i
446.9600 ft 62.8320 c 451.7600 ft 157.0800 c
447.0600 ft 64.7955 c 451.8600 ft 159.0435 c �
447.1600 ft 66.7590 c 4�1.9600 ft 161.0070 c
447.2600 ft 68.7225 c 452.0600 ft 162.9705 c ,
447.3600 ft 70.6860 c 452.1600 ft 164.9340 c '
447.4600 ft 72.6495 c 452.2600 ft 166.8975 c
447.5600 ft 74.6130 c 452.3600 ft 168.8610 c
447.6600 ft 76.5765 c 452.4600 ft 170.8245 c
447.7600 ft 78.5400 c 452.5600 ft 172.7880 c
447.8600 ft 80.5035 c 452.6600 ft 174.7515 c
447.9600 ft 82.4670 c 452.7600 ft 176J 150 c
448.0600 ft 84.4305 c 452.8600 ft 178.6785 c
448.1600 ft 86.3940 c 452.9600 ft 180.6420 c
448.2600 ft 88.3575 c 453.0600 ft 182.6055 c
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u 90.3210 c 453.1600 ft 184.5690 c
453.2100 ft 185.5504 c
Record Id: CB #7 '
Descri : Protot e Record Increment 0.10 ft �
Start EI. 435.8500 ft Max El. 443.3500 ft '�
Classification Manhole Structure T'ype CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Proposed
Stage Stora e Ratin Curve
435.8500 ft 0.0001 cf 439.6�00 ft 74.6131 cf
=135.9500 ft 1.9636 cf 439J500 ft 76.5766 cf
436.0500 ft 3.9271 cf 439.8500 ft 78.5401 cf ,
436.1500 ft 5.8906 cf 439.9500 ft 80.5036 cf ,
436.2500 ft 7.8541 cf 440.0500 ft 82.4671 cf ,
436.3500 ft 9.8176 cf 440.1500 ft 84.4306 cf ;
436.4500 ft 11 J811 c 440.2500 ft 86.3941 cf
436.5�00 ft 13.7446 c 440.3500 ft 88.3576 cf
436.6500 ft 15J081 c 440.4500 ft 90.3211 cf
436.7500 ft 17.6716 c 440.5500 ft 92.2846 cf
436.8500 ft 19.6351 c 440.6�00 ft 94.2481 cf
436.9500 ft 21.5986 c 440.7500 ft 96.2116 cf
437.0500 ft 23.5621 c 440.8500 ft 98.1751 cf
437.1500 ft 25.5256 c 440.9500 ft 100.1386 c
437.2500 ft 27.4891 c 441.0500 ft 102.1021 c ',
437.3500 ft 29.4526 c 441.1500 ft 104.0656 c ,
437.4500 ft 31.4161 c 441.2500 ft 106.0291 c '�,
437.5500 ft 33.3796 c 441.3500 ft 107.9926 c !
437.6500 ft 35.3431 c 441.4500 ft 109.9561 c �I
437.7500 ft 37.3066 c �41.5500 ft 11 1.9196 c ��
437.8500 ft 39.2701 c 441.6500 ft 113.8831 c ���
437.9500 ft 41.2336 c 441.7500 ft 115.8466 c ��
438.0500 ft 43.1971 c 441.8500 ft 117.8101 c
438.1500 ft 45.1606 c 441.9500 ft 1 19.7736 c
4382500 ft 47.1241 c 442.0500 ft 121 J371 c
�������� I
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438.3500 ft 49.0876 c 442.1500 ft 123.7006 c
438.4500 ft 51.0�1 1 c 4�2.2500 ft 125.6641 c
438.5500 ft �3.0146 c 442.3500 ft 127.6276 c
438.6500 ft 54.9781 c 442.4500 ft 129.591 1 c
438.7500 ft 56.9416 c 442.5500 ft 131.5546 c
438.8�00 ft �8.9051 c 442.6500 ft 133.5181 c
438.9500 ft 60.8686 c 442.7500 ft 135.4816 c
439.0500 ft 62.8321 c 442.8500 ft 137.4451 c
439.1500 ft 64.7956 c 442.9�00 ft 139.4086 c
439.2500 ft 66J591 c 443.0�00 ft 141.3721 c
439.3500 ft 68.7226 c 443.1500 ft 143.3356 c
439.4�00 ft 70.6861 c 443.2500 ft 14�.2991 c '
443.3500 ft 147.2625 c
Descri : Prototv e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 431.0800 ft Max EI. 438.0000 ft
Classification Manhole Structure Ty e CB-TYPE 1-48 �,
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Proposed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
431.0800 ft 0.0001 cf 434.5800 ft 68.7226 cf
431.1800 ft 1.9636 cf 434.6800 ft 70.6861 cf
431.2800 ft 3.9271 cf 434J800 ft 72.6496 cf
431.3800 ft 5.8906 cf 434.8800 ft 74.6131 cf
431.4800 ft 7.8541 cf 434.9800 ft 76.5766 cf
431.5800 ft 9.8176 cf 435.0800 ft 78.5401 cf
431.6800 ft 11.7811 c 435.1800 ft 80.5036 cf
431.7800 ft 13.7446 c 435.2800 ft 82.4671 cf
431.8800 ft 15.7081 c 435.3800 ft 84.4306 cf
431.9800 ft 17.6716 c 435.4800 ft 86.3941 cf
432.0800 ft 19.6351 c 435.5800 ft 88.3576 cf
432.1800 ft 21.5986 c 435.6800 ft 90.321 1 cf
432.2800 ft 23.5621 c 435.7800 ft 92.2846 cf
432.3800 ft 25.5256 c 435.8800 ft 942481 cf
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432.4800 ft 27.4891 c 435.9800 ft 96.2116 cf
432.5800 ft 29.4526 c 436.0800 ft 98.1751 cf
432.6800 ft 31.4161 c 436.1800 ft 100.1386 c
432.7800 ft 33.3796 c 436.2800 ft 102.1021 c
432.8800 ft 35.3431 c 436.3800 ft 104.0656 c
432.9800 ft 37.3066 c 436.4800 ft 106.0291 c
433.0800 ft 39.2701 c 436.�800 ft 107.9926 c
433.1800 ft 41.2336 c 436.6800 ft ]09.9561 c
433.2800 ft 43.1971 c 436.7800 ft 111.9196 c
433.3800 ft 45.1606 c 436.8800 ft 113.8831 c
433.4800 ft 47.1241 c 436.9800 ft 115.8466 c
433.5800 ft 49.0876 c 437.0800 ft I 17.8101 c
433.6800 ft 51.0511 c 437.1800 ft 119.7736 c
433.7800 ft 53.0146 c 437.2800 ft 121.7371 c
433.8800 ft 54.9781 c 437.3800 ft 123.7006 c
433.9800 ft 56.9416 c 437.4800 ft 125.6641 c
434.0800 ft 58.9051 c 437.5800 ft 127.6276 c
434.1800 ft 60.8686 c 437.6800 ft 129.5911 c
434.2800 ft 62.8321 c 437.7800 ft 131.5546 c
434.3800 ft 64.7956 c 437.8800 ft 133.5181 c
438.0000 ft 135.8745 c
Record Id: JNCT #1
Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start El. 453.8000 ft Max El. 463.8000 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Ty e CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Existing
Stage Storage Ratin Cur�e
453.8000 ft 0.0000 cf 458.8000 ft 98.1750 cf
453.9000 ft 1.9635 cf 458.9000 ft 100.1385 c
454.0000 ft 3.9270 cf 459.0000 ft 102.1020 c
454.1000 ft 5.8905 cf 459.1000 ft 104.0655 c
454.2000 ft 7.8540 cf 459.2000 ft 106.0290 c
454.3000 ft 9.8175 cf 4593000 ft 107.9925 c '
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454.4000 ft 1 1.7810 c 459.4000 ft 1099�60 c
454.5000 ft 13.7445 c 459.5000 ft 111.9195 c
454.6000 ft 1�.7080 c 459.6000 ft 113.8830 c
454.7000 ft 17.6715 c 459.7000 ft 115.8465 c
454.8000 ft 19.6350 c 459.8000 ft 117.8100 c
454.9000 ft 21.598� c 459.9000 ft 119.7735 c
455.0000 ft 23.5620 c 460.0000 ft 121.7370 c
455.1000 ft 25.5255 c 460.1000 fr 123J005 c
4�5.2000 ft 27.4890 c 460.2000 ft 125.6640 c
45�.3000 ft 29.4525 c 460.3000 ft 127.6275 c
455.4000 ft 31.4160 c 460.4000 ft 129.5910 c
455.�000 ft 33.3795 c 460.5000 ft 131.5545 c i
455.6000 ft 35.3430 c 460.6000 ft 133.5180 c
455J000 ft 37.306� c 460J000 ft 135.4815 c
455.8000 ft 39.?700 c 460.8000 ft 137.44�0 c �II
455.9000 ft 41.233� c 460.9000 ft 139.408� c
456.0000 ft 43.1970 c 461.0000 ft 141.3720 c
456.1000 ft 45.1605 c 461.1000 ft 143.3355 c ,
-��6.2000 ft 47.1240 c 461.2000 ft 145.2990 c I
456.3000 ft 49.0875 c 461.3000 ft 1472625 c
456.4000 ft 51.0510 c 461.4000 ft 149.2260 c
456.5000 ft 53A145 c 461.5000 ft 151.1895 c
456.6000 ft 54.9780 c 461.6000 ft 1�3.1530 c
456.7000 ft 56.9415 c 461 J000 ft 155.1 165 c '
456.8000 ft 58.90�0 c 461.8000 ft 157.0800 c
456.9000 ft 60.868� c 461.9000 ft 159.0435 c
457.0000 ft 62.8320 c 462.0000 ft 161.0070 c
457.1000 ft 64.795� c 462.1000 ft 162.9705 c
457.2000 ft 66.7590 c 462.2000 ft 164.9340 c
457.3000 ft 68.7225 c 462.3000 ft 166.8975 c
457.4000 ft 70.6860 c 462.4000 ft 168.8610 c
457.5000 ft 72.6495 c 462.5000 ft 170.8245 c
457.6000 ft 74.6130 c 462.6000 ft 172.7880 c
457.7000 ft 76.5765 c 462.7000 ft 174.7515 c
4�7.8000 ft 78.5400 c 462.8000 ft 176.7150 c
457.9000 ft 80.5035 c 462.9000 ft 178.6785 c
458.0000 ft 82.4670 c 463.0000 ft 180.6420 c
458.1000 ft 84.4305 c 463.1000 ft 182.6055 c
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Page 17 of 24
��86.3940 c 463.2000 ft 184.5690 c
4�8.3000 ft 88.3575 c 463.3000 ft 186.5325 c
4�8.4000 ft 90.3210 c 463.4000 ft 188.4960 c
458.�000 ft 92.2845 c 463.5000 ft 190.4595 c
458.6000 ft 94.2480 c 463.6000 ft 192.4230 c
463.8000 ft 196.3500 c
Record Id: JNCT #2
Descri : Protot e Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 453.5700 ft Max El. 458.5700 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke Groove End w/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch l.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Existing
Stage Stora e Rating Curve
453.5700 ft 0.0001 cf 456.0700 ft 49.0876 c
453.6700 ft 1.9636 cf 456.1700 ft 51.0�11 c
453.7700 ft 3.9?71 cf 456.2700 ft 53.0146 c
453.8700 ft 5.8906 cf 456.3700 ft 54.9781 c
453.9700 ft 7.8541 cf 456.4700 ft �6.9416 c
454.0700 ft 9.8176 cf 456.5700 ft 58.9051 c
454.1700 ft 11.7811 c 456.6700 ft 60.8686 c
454.2700 ft 13.7446 c 456.7700 ft 62.8321 c
454.3700 ft 15.7081 c 456.8700 ft 64.7956 c
454.4700 ft 17.6716 c 456.9700 ft 66.7591 c
454.5700 ft 19.6351 c 457.0700 ft 68.7226 c
454.6700 ft 21.5986 c 457.1700 ft 70.6861 c ',
454.7700 ft 23.5621 c 457.2700 ft 72.6496 c
454.8700 ft 25.5256 c 4�7.3700 ft 74.6131 c
454.9700 ft 27.4891 c 457.4700 ft 76.5766 c
455.0700 ft 29.4526 c 457.5700 ft 78.5401 c
455.1700 ft 31.4161 c 457.6700 ft 80.5036 c
455.2700 ft 33.3796 c 457.7700 ft 82.4671 c
455.3700 ft 35.3431 c 457.8700 ft 84.4306 c
455.4700 ft 37.3066 c 457.9700 ft 86.3941 c
455.5700 ft 39.2701 c 458.0700 ft 883576 c
A-8 I
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Page 18 of 24
455.6700 ft 41.2336 c 458.1700 ft 90.321 1 c
455.7700 ft 43.1971 c 458.2700 ft 92.2846 c
455.8700 ft 45.1606 c 458.3700 ft 94.2481 c
458.5700 ft 98.1750 c
Record Id: JNCT #3
Descrip: Prototype Record Increment 0.10 ft
Start EI. 449.4700 ft Max El. 459.1 100 ft
Classification Catch Basin Structure T - e CB-TYPE 1-48 �,
Ent Ke Groove End ���/Headwall (ke=0.20) Channelization Curved or Deflecto
Catch 1.5000 ft Bottom Area 19.6350 sf
Condition Pro osed
Stage Storage Rating Curve
449.4700 ft 0.0000 cf 454.3700 ft 96.2115 cf
449.5700 ft 1.9635 cf 454.4700 ft 98.1750 cf
449.6700 ft 3.9270 cf 454.5700 ft 100.1385 c
449.7700 ft 5.8905 cf 454.6700 ft 102.1020 c '
449.8700 ft 7.8540 cf 454.7700 ft 104.0655 c �
449.9700 ft 9.817� cf 454.8700 ft 106.0290 c
4�0.0700 ft 11 J810 c 4�4.9700 ft 107.9925 c
450.1700 ft 13.7445 c 455.0700 ft 109.9560 c
450.2700 ft 15.7080 c 455.1700 ft 1 1 1.9195 c
450.3700 ft 17.6715 c 455.2700 ft 113.8830 c
450.4700 ft 19.6350 c 455.3700 ft 1 15.8465 c
450.5700 ft 21.5985 c 455.4700 ft 117.8100 c
450.6700 fi 23.5620 c 45�.5700 ft 1 19.7735 c
450.7700 ft 25.5255 c 455.6700 ft 121.7370 c
450.8700 ft 27.4890 c 455.7700 ft 123.7005 c
450.9700 ft 29.4525 c 455.8700 ft 125.6640 c
451.0700 ft 31.4160 c 455.9700 ft 127.6275 c
451.1700 ft 33.3795 c 456.0700 ft 129.5910 c
451.2700 ft 35.3430 c 456.1700 ft 131.5545 c
451.3700 ft 37.3065 c 456.2700 ft 133.5180 c
451.4700 ft 39.2700 c 456.3700 ft 135.4815 c
451.5700 ft 41.2335 c 456.4700 ft 137.4450 c
451.6700 ft 43.1970 c 456.5700 ft 139.4085 c
file:/.!�Q:I20 1 4/2 1 402�8/10_CIVINON CAD,'CALCS!Con�eyancel20140716%20%20Con... 7:'23!2014
; � Page 19 of 24
! 451.7700 ft 45.1605 c 456.6700 ft 141.3720 c
451.8700 ft 47.1240 c 456.7700 ft 143.3355 c
' 451.9700 ft 49.0875 c 4�6.8700 ft 145.2990 c
452.0700 ft 51.0510 c 4�6.9700 ft 147.2625 c
452.1700 ft 53.0145 c 457.0700 ft 149.2260 c
452.2700 ft 54.9780 c 457.1700 ft 151.189� c
� 452.3700 ft 56.9415 c 457.2700 ft 153.1530 c
' 452.4700 ft �8.90�0 c 457.3700 ft 155.1165 c
4�2.5700 ft 60.8685 c 457.4700 ft 1�7.0800 c
f 452.6700 ft 62.8320 c 457.5700 ft 159.0435 c
452J700 ft 64.7955 c 457.6700 ft 161.0070 c
452.8700 ft 66.7590 c 457.7700 ft 162.9705 c
- 452.9700 ft 68.7225 c 457.8700 ft 164.9340 c
, 453.0700 ft 70.6860 c 457.9700 ft 166.8975 c
I 0000
453.1700 ft 72.6495 c 458.0700 ft 168.8610 c
453.2700 ft 74.6130 c 458.1700 ft 170.8245 c
453.3700 ft 76.5765 c 458.2700 ft 172.7880 c
453.4700 ft 78.5400 c 458.3700 ft 174.7515 c
453.5700 ft 80.5035 c 458.4700 ft 176.7150 c
453.6700 ft 82.4670 c 458.�700 ft 178.6785 c
_ 453.7700 ft 84.4305 c 458.6700 ft 180.6420 c
453.8700 ft 86.3940 c 458J700 ft 182.6055 c
453.9700 ft 88.3575 c 458.8700 ft 184.5690 c
454.0700 ft 90.3210 c 458.9700 ft 186.5325 c
454.1700 ft 92.2845 c 4�9.0700 ft 188.4960 c
459.1100 ft 1892811 c
Record Id: P-001
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flo�v Method: Manning's Coefficient: OA100
, Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode JNCT#1 U Node CB #1
� Material Plastic Size 8" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
i Length 24.0000 ft Slope 4.13%
' U Invert 454.7900 ft Dn Invert 453.8000 ft
Conduit Constraints
, A-8
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Page 20 of 24
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50°/a 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 453.8000 ft Dn Invert 454.7900 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode JNCT #1 U Node CB #1
Record Id: P-002
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0100
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode JNCT#2 UpNode JNCT#1
I Material Plastic Size 8" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 14.0000 ft Slope 1.64%
Up Invert 453.8000 ft Dn Invert 453.5700 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 fUs 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 453.5700 ft Dn Invert 453.8000 ft '
Match inverts. �
DnNode JNCT#2 UpNode JNCT#1
Record Id: P-003
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routin Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #2 U Node JNCT #2 '
Material Conc-Spun Size 8" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len h 60.0000 ft Slo e 5.17%
Up Invert 453.5700 ft Dn Invert 450.4700 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
����� '
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Page 21 of 24
2.00 ft's 1�.00 ftls 0.50% ?.00% 3.00 ft II�
�� � i
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Eac/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr ��
U Invert 450.4700 ft Dn Invert 453.5700 ft '
Match inverts. '
DnNode CB #2 U Node JNCT #2
Record Id: P-004
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode JNCT#3 UpNode CB #2 I
Material Cono-S un Size 15" Diam I,
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall '
Length 85.0000 ft Slope 0.46% ',
U Invert 449.8600 ft Dn Invert 449.4700 ft '
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50°/a 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 449.4700 ft Dn Invert 449.8600 ft
Match inverts-�
DnNode JNCT#3 U Node CB #2
Record Id: P-005 �i
Section Sha e: Circular !�
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130 �i
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation �!
DnNode CB #3 U Node JNCT#3 I
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam I
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 85.0000 ft Slo e 0.67%
U Invert 449.4700 ft Dn Invert 448.9000 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50°/a 2.00% 3.00 ft
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Page 22 of 24
IDrop across MH II0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 448.9000 ft Dn Invert 449.4700 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #3 UpNode JNCT#3
Record Id: P-006
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Mannin 's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routin Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #4 UpNode CB #3
Material Conc-Spun Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 170.0000 ft Slo e 0.50%
Up Invert 448.9000 ft Dn Invert 448.0500 ft '
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 448.0500 ft Dn Invert 448.9000 ft �
Match inverts. ''
DnNode CB #4 U Node CB #3 I,
Record Id: P-007 �
Section Shape: Circular �,
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #5 UpNode CB #4
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Length 125.0000 ft Slope 1.00%
U Invert 448.0500 ft Dn Invert 446.8000 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel MaY Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft�s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 446.8000 ft Dn Invert 448.0500 ft
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Page ?3 of 24
IMatch inverts.
DnNode CB #5 U Node CB #4
Record Id: P-008
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Mannin 's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #6 U Node CB #5
Material Conc-S un Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Length 200.0000 ft Slope 1.52%
U lnvert 446.8000 ft Dn Invert 443.7600 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slope Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00% 3.00 ft
Dro across MH 0.0000 ft E�Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 443.7600 ft Dn Inver[ 446.8000 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode CB #6 U Node CB #5
Record Id: P-009
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation
DnNode CB #7 U Node CB #6
Material Conc-Spun Size 15" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 384.0000 ft Slo e 2.06%
U Invert 443.7600 ft Dn Invert 435.8500 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slo e Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50% 2.00°/a 3.00 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 435.8500 ft Dn [nvert 443.7600 ft
Match im-erts.
DnNode CB #7 UpNode CB #6
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Page 24 of 24
Record Id: P-010 �
Section Sha e: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0130
Routin Method: Travel Time Translation ;
DnNode EXISTING U Node CB #7
Material Conc-Spun Size 18" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End w/Headwall
Len th 222.0000 ft Slo e 2.60%
Up Invert 436.8500 ft Dn Invert 431.0800 ft
Conduit Constraints
Min Vel Max Vel Min Slope Max Slo e Min Cover
2.00 ft/s 15.00 ft/s 0.50°/a 2.00% 3.00 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft E�[nfil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
U Invert 431.0800 ft Dn Invert 436.8500 ft
Match inverts.
DnNode EXISTING UpNode CB #7
Licensed to: AHBL
file:l.�IQ:12014I21402�8/10_CI V/NON_CAD/CALCS/Conveyance,�20140716%20%20Con... 7/23,'2014
City of Renton Print map Template �egeN�,o�kSt�����es
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'��ng County Districts and Development Conditions for parcel number 2... http://���ww5.kin�county.go�;%kceisreports,�dd_report.aspx?PII�`=282305903�
KCGIS Center
......,_�. ..._..... �. ._ .....�. �....._.... w._....__.
KCGIS Parcel Reports King County Districts and Development Conditions for parcel �
Districts and Development r�
Conditions Report 2823059034
_.. _ _ __... __ _._. _ __. __. __
• Parcel number 2823059034 Draina e Lower Cedar River �'��'
Find Your Council Distnct _ 9 " `
Address 16022116TH
Basin ; `e�� , ��"
Find Your Watershed AVE SE Lr4 t rsr:�u Cedar River i Lake � � 5
111�ash�nqtott 4 ° a� ' a��
KCGIS Center Jurisdiction Renton __ __ _ ____ � '� �1� � �
Zipcode 98058 `�4�?IA C�clar-5arrsmarnish � ��,�� ��, �� t�
Kroll Map page 602 � �
,� .,. . ,
- - PLSS NW-28-23-5 �' , , ,�
Thomas Guide 656
page Latitude 47.45749 'I
Longitude -122.18496
King County GIS Center
King Street Center
201 S. Jackson St. �
Suite 706
Seattle.WA 98104
g iscenter(c�kingcounty.gov
+a�.5s9os N Electoral Districts ��
_. __.__. __._.. __.__. _ _ _ _.._.. __ __._ _ _ ._...._...........
- 122.33136 W � �,i � ��;�P;ct RNT 11-3590 Fire district does not apply
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+47° 35'56.72" �`•`'�`- �'�";����Gi�d:strict District 5,Qave Water district does not apply
- 122° 19'S2.90" U����g£o�g Sewer district does not apply
� Water 8�Sewer Soos Creek Water 8 Sewer
district District
Congressional district 9 Parks&Recreation does not apply
____.. ._._
Legislative district 11 district
School district Rentan#4D3 Hospital district Public Hospital District No.
Seattle school board distrid does not apply(not �
in Seattle) Rural library district Rurel King County Library
_ _..._ _ _ _._._. __.._ _ _. _ _._ _ __
King County planning and cr�ti�al �reas designations
f�;r:�_C���n+y ;ir:g NA,check with F� '4 i.,;rEr xati�r�ar•�a does not apply
___ __ jurisdiction R�r21 towr% No
'�e�'@IC•^v':"`:a'••i ccr:dit:o,s None
'�:'Va e�seryi e?��^in��r?,� does not apply
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',,:r�an G-vw#�ArEa Urban Tra sp..rt� �r �rcu ren.c.y does not apply
;;���7m�.r3.itx._�erv;ce Area does not apply '�`a ��e�v��t
_ _..
____ __
���mmii�31#Y_P!�^ning_,��.fev Soos Creek Forest Production district? No
Coal mine hazards? None mapped AgricuRural Production district? No
Erosion hazards? None mapped C � ,:_��u j_ _;,^ r�����;,? None mapped
Landslide hazards? No�e mapped 100-year flood plain? None mapped v
Seismic hazards? None mapped Wetlands at this parcel? None mapped
.`:t:?h€^::�:a�`a���:a Sr�rei>.er Non-Detect to 20.0
___ _ __.
>iurr32? PPm
Estimaoed fvsenic
. .. .........._.. ..__.._._._....
Related resources
_ _ _ ___ _ ___ __ _
� of2 .,. ..._.,. , .,,. ,,, AM
King County Districts and Development Conditions for parcel number 2... http://www5.kingcounty.gov/kcgisreports/dd_report.aspx?PIN=282305903a
King County Assessor:eReal Proaertv Report
King County Assessor:Quarter Section Map (PDF format requires Acrobat)
King County DPER: Perrnit Applications Report (for unincorporated areas onty)
KioaCountvTreasucv._Qaerations:..PrQnertu.Tax.lnfnrmatinn_fQrlhi.s..Qrc�as2v __.._... ......._._............._......_.... .......
_ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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exartple address:8621 426TH AVE SE�e�mple parcel number:0942000860
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�2013 King County
2 of 2 6r'11!2014 10:40 AM
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Thls is an olficial copy of a portlon of the abo�e referenced 11ood map. R
was extracted usinp F-MIT On-Line. This map dces not reAect chanpes
Ior amendments which may ha�e been made subsequent to the date on the �
� title Wock. For the latent product iMormetlon about National Flood Ineurence
Propram 11ood mape check the FEMA Flood Map Store at vnvw.msc.fema.pov
_ __ I
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Site Im rovement Bond Quantit Worksheet II
p Y
Original bond computatlons prepared by:
Name: William Fierst �ate:�une 12,2014
PE Registration Number: Tel.#:(253)383-2422
Firm Name: AHBL
Address: 2215 N 30th St,Suite 300,Tacoma,WA 98403 Project No: 2140258.10
Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control(ESC) (A) $ -
Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) $ -
Future Public Road Improvements 8 Drainage Facilities (C) $ -
Private Improvements (D) $21,036.90 -
Construction Bond"Amount (A+g+�+D) = TOTAL (T) $21,036.90 -
Minimum bond'amount is$1000.
Maintenance/Defect Bond'Total 0.20= $ -
'NOTE: The word"bond"as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to the City of Renton.
"NOTE: All prices mclude labor,equipment,materials,overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area
or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database.
� Page 1 of 1 Unit prices updated:2/12/02
W Version:4/22/02
REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010
This page left intentionally blank for double-sided printing.
Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet
, Existing Future Public Private Quantity Comp#eted
II, Righf-of-Way Right of Way tmprovements (Bond Reduction)'�
&Draina e Facilities Qu2nt.
Unit Price llnit Quant. Cost Quant Cost Quant Cost Complete Cost
G�N��L!T'E�fIS No.
Backfill 8�Compaction-embankment GI- 1 $ 5.62 CY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Backfill&Compaction-trench GI-2 $ 8.53 CY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Clear/Remove Brush, by hand GI-3 $ 0.36 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
ClearinglGrubbinglTree Removal GI-4 $ 8,876.16 Acre 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.17 1,508.95 0 0.00
Excavation-bulk GI-5 $ 1.50 CY 0 0.00 0 0.00 6.73 10.10 0 0.00
Excavation-Trench GI-6 $ 4.06 CY 0 0.00 0 0.00 110 446.60 0 0.00
Fencing, cedar, 6' high GI-7 $ 18.55 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Fencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6'high GI-8 $ 13.44 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Fencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 2 GI-9 $ 1,271.81 Each 0 0.0o 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Fencing, split rail, 3' high GI- 10 $ 12.12 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Fill&compact-common barrow GI- 11 $ 22.57 CY 0 0.�0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Fill 8�compact-gravel base GI- 12 $ 25.48 CY 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 407.68 0 0.00
Fill &compact-screened topsoil GI - 13 $ 37.85 CY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gabion, 12"deep, stone filled mesh GI - 14 $ 54.31 SY o 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gabion, 18"deep, stone filled mesh GI- 15 $ 74.85 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.0�
Gabion, 36"deep, stone filled mesh GI- 16 $ 132.48 SY 0 0.00 0 0.0� 0 0.00 0 0.00
Grading, fine, by hand GI- 17 $ 2.02 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Grading, fine,with grader GI-18 $ 0.95 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 143 135.85 0 0.00
Monuments, 3' long GI-19 $ 135.13 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sensitive Areas Sign GI-20 $ 2.88 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sodding, 1"deep, sloped ground GI-21 $ 7.46 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 24 179.04 0 0.00
Surveying, line&grade GI-22 $ 788.26 Day 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Surveying, lot location/lines GI-23 $ 1,556.64 Acre 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Traffic control crew(2 flaggers) GI-24 $ 85.18 HR 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Trail, 4"chipped wood GI-25 $ 7.59 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Trail, 4"crushed cinder GI-26 $ 8.33 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Trail, 4"top course GI-27 $ 8.19 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Wall, retaining, concrete GI -28 $ 44.16 SF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Wall. rockery GI -29 $ 9.49 SF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Page 2 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 2,68821 0.00
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
Report Date: 1/19/2010
Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Band Reduction"
Right-of-way Right of Way lmproveme�ts
8�Drainage Facilities Quant.
Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Complete Cost
AC Gnnding 4 �,�Ide �rachine < 1000sy RI - 1 S 23 00 SY 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00
AC Grindin , 4'wide machine 1000-2000 RI-2 $ 5.75 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Grinding,4'wide machine>2000sy RI-3 $ 1.38 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Removal/Disposal/Repair RI-4 $ 41.14 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Barricade, pe I RI-5 $ 30.03 LF � 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 � 0.00
Barricade,type III ( Permanent) RI-6 $ 45.05 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Curb&Gutter, rolled RI-7 $ 13.27 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Curb&Gutter, vertical RI-8 $ 9.69 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposal RI-9 $ 13.58 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Curb, extruded asphalt RI-10 $ 2.44 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Curb, extruded concrete RI- 11 $ 2.56 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sawcut, as halt, 3"depth RI- 12 $ 1.85 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 9.25 0 0.00
Sawcut, concrete, per 1"depth RI-13 $ 1.69 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 35 59.15 0 0.00
Sealant, asphalt RI- 14 $ 0.99 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Shoulder,AC, (see AC road unit price) RI- 15 $ - SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Shoulder, ravel, 4"thick RI- 16 $ 7.53 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sidewalk, 4"thick RI- 17 $ 30.52 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 143 4,364.36 0 0.00
Sidewalk, 4"thick, demolition and dispos RI- 18 $ 27.73 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sidewalk, 5"thick RI- 19 $ 34.94 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sidewalk, 5"thick, demolition and dispos RI-20 $ 34.65 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Si n, handicap RI -21 $ 85.28 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Stripin , per stall RI -22 $ 5.82 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Striping,thermoplastic, (for crosswalk) RI-23 $ 2.38 SF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
' Striping,4"reflectorized line RI-24 $ 0.25 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Page 3 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 4,432.76 0.00
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010
Site Im rovement B i W II
p ond Quant ty orksheet
Exisfing Future Public Private Bond Reduction�
Right-of-way Right of Way improvements
8�Drainage Facilifies Quant.
Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cosf Qu�nt. Cost Compfete Cost
ROAD SURFACING {4"Rack=2.5 base&1 5"top eourse) For'J3 KCRS{6.5" Rock=5"base& 7.5"top eaurse)
For KCRS '93 (additional 2 5" basej add: RS- 1 S 3 60 SY 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0.00
AC Overla , 1.5"AC RS-2 $ 7.39 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Overla , 2"AC RS-3 $ 8.75 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road; 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 $ 17.24 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 2",4"rock, Qty. over 2500SY RS-5 $ 13.36 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 3",4"rock, First 2500 SY RS-6 $ 19.69 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 3",4"rock, Qty. o�er 2500 SY RS-7 $ 15.81 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 5", First 2500 SY RS-8 $ 14.57 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 5", Qty. Over 2500 SY RS-9 $ 13.94 SY 0 0.00 0 0.�0 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY RS- 1 $ 16.76 SY 0 0.40 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
AC Road, 6", Qty. Over 2500 SY RS- 11 $ 16.12 SY 0 0.00 0 0.�0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Asphalt Treated Base, 4"thick RS- 1 $ 9.21 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gravel Road, 4"rock, First 2500 SY S- 1 $ 11.41 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Gravel Road,4"rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RS- 1 $ 7.53 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY RS- 1 $ 21.51 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2500 SY RS- 1 $ 21.87 SY 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Thickened Edge RS- 1 $ 6.89 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Page 4 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
A- 13
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
� Version: 4/22/02
REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010
Site Im rovement Bond Quantit Worksheet
p Y
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reductian"
Right-of-way Right of Way Improvements
&Drainage Facitities Quant.
Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant Cost Complete Cost
DRAINAGE {CPP=Corrugated Plastic Pipe.N12 or Eq�ivalent) For Cutvert prices, Average o#4'caver was assumed.Assume per#oratsd PVC is same pnce as soiid pipe.
Access Rcad R�D D- 1 S 16 74 SY 0 0.00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0.00
Bollards-fixed D-2 $ 240.74 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Bollards-removable D-3 $ 452.34 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
"(CBs include frame and lid)
CB Type I D-4 $ 1,257.64 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 3,772.92 0 0.00
CB Type IL D-5 $ 1,433.59 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
CB Type II,48"diameter D-6 $ 2,033.57 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D-7 $ 436.52 FT 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
CB Type II, 54"diameter D-8 $ 2,192.54 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
f�r additional depth over 4' D-9 $ 486.53 FT 0 0.00 0 O.DO 0 0.00 0 0.00
CB Type II, 60"diameter D- 10 $ 2,351.52 Each 0 0.00 0 0.0o 0 0.00 0 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D- 11 $ 536.54 FT 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
CB Type II, 72"diameter D- 12 $ 3,212.64 Each � 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D- 13 $ 692.21 FT 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Through-curb Inlet Framework(Add) D- 14 $ 366.09 Each 0 0.0� 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Cleanout, PVC, 4" D- 15 $ 130.55 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.0o
Cleanout, PVC, 6" D- 16 $ 174.90 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 1,574.10 0 0.00
Cleanout, PVC, 8" D- 17 $ 224.19 Each 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, PVC,4" D- 18 $ 8.64 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, PVC,6" D- 19 $ 12.60 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 244 3,074.40 0 0.00
Culvert, PVC, 8" D-20 $ 13.33 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 48 639.84 0 0.00
Culvert, PVC, 12" D-21 $ 21.77 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 8" D-22 $ 17.25 LF 0 0.00 0 0.40 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 12" D-23 $ 26.45 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 15" D-24 $ 32.73 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 18" D-25 $ 37.74 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP,24" D-26 $ 53.33 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 30" D-27 $ 71.45 LF 0 0.00 0 a.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 36" D-28 $ 112.11 LF 0 0.00 0 0.0a 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP,48" D-29 $ 140.83 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP,60" D-30 $ 235.45 LF 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Culvert, CMP, 72" D-31 $ 302.58 LF 0 0.00 0 0.0� 0 0.00 0 0.00
Page 5 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 9,061.26 0.00
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010
Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction*
Right-of-way Right of Way improvements
DRAINAGE CONTINUED &Drainage Facilities Quant.
No Uni#Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Complete Cost
Culvert, Concrete, 8" D-32 S 21.02 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 12" D-33 $ 30.05 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 15" D-34 $ 37.34 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 18" D-35 $ 44.51 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culve�t, Concrete, 24" D-36 $ 61.07 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 30" D-37 $ 104.18 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 36" D-38 $ 137.63 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 42" D-39 $ 158.42 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, Concrete, 48" D-40 $ 175.94 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert. CPP. 6" D-41 $ 10.70 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP, 8" D-42 $ 16.10 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP, 12" D-43 $ 20.70 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP, 15" D-44 $ 23.00 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP, 18" D-45 $ 27.60 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP,24" D-46 $ 36.80 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP, 30" D-47 $ 48.30 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Culvert, CPP, 36" D-48 $ 55.20 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ditchin D-49 $ 8.08 CY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) D-50 $ 25.99 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
French Drain (3'depth) D-51 $ 22.60 LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Geotextile. laid in trench, polypropylene D-52 $ 2.40 SY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Infiltration pond testin D-53 $ 74.75 HR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mid-tank Access Riser, 48"dia, 6'deep D-54 $ 1,605.40 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pond Overflow Spillway D-55 $ 14.01 SY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12" D-56 $ 1,045.19 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" D-57 $ 1,095.56 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Restrictor/Oil Separator, 18" D-58 $ 1,146.16 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Riprap, placed D-59 $ 39.08 CY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tank End Reducer(36"diameter) D-60 $ 1,000.50 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trash Rack, 12" D-61 $ 211.97 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trash Rack, 15" D-62 $ 237.27 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trash Rack, 18" D-63 $ 268.89 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trash Rack. 21" D-64 $ 306.84 Each 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Page 6 of 7 SUBTOTAL 0 0 0 0
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xIs Report Date: 1/19/2010
' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction`
Right-of-way Right of Way Improvements
&Drainage Facilities Quant.
Untt Priee Unii Quant. Price Quant, Cosf Quant Cost Comptete Cost
2"AC,2"top course rock&4"borrow PL- 1 $ 15.84 SY 0 0 0 0 0 0
2"AC, 1.5" top course&2.5"base cour PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 0 0 0 0 0 0
4"select borrow PL-3 $ 4.55 SY 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.5"top course rock 8�2.5"base course PL-4 $ 11.41 SY 0 0 0 0 0 0
UTILITY POLES 8� STREET LIGHTING Utility pole€eloeatian costs must be accompanied by Franshise Utility's Gost Statement
Utility Pole(s) Relocation UP-1 Lump Sum 0 0
Street Light Poles w/L�minaires UP-2 Each 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
����.i������� zY 5 k. 3� �{ 5 :_
' WI - 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-2 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-3 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
' WI-4 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
' WI-5 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-6 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
' WI-7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-9 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
vw-i o 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUBTOTAL(SUM ALL PAGES): 0.00 0.00 16,182.23 0.00
30%CONTINGENCY 8�MOBILIZATION: O.OQ 0.00 4.854.67 0.00
GRANDTOTAL: 0.00 0.00 21.036.90 0.00
Page 7 of 7
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
REF 8-H BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET.xis Report Date: 1/19/2010
This appendix contains the maintenance requirements for the following typical stormwater control
facilities and components:
No. 1 —Detention Ponds(p.A-2)
No.2—Infiltrarion Facilities(p.A-3)
No. 3—Detention Tanks and Vaults(p.A-5)
No.4—Control Structure/Flow Restrictor(p.A-7)
No.5—Catch Basins and Manholes(p.A-9)
No.6—Conveyance Pipes and Ditches(p.A-11)
No. 7—Debris Barriers(e.g.,Trash Racks)(p. A-12)
No. 8—Energy Dissipaters(p.A- 13)
No. 10—GatesBollards/Access Barriers(p.A-15)
No. 11—Grounds(Landscaping)(p.A-16)
No. 12—Access Roads(p.A-17)
No. 13—Basic Biofiltration Swale(grass)(p.A-18)
No. 14—Wet Biofiltration Swale(p.A-19)
No. l 5—Filter Strip(p.A-20)
No. 16—Wetpond(p.A-21)
No. 17—Wetvault(p.A-23)
No. 18—Stormwater Wetland(p.A-24) '
No. 19—Sand Filter Pond(p.A-26) '
, No.20—Sand Filter Vault(p.A-28) '
No.21 —Stormfilter(Carnidge Type}(p.A-30)
No.22—Baffle OiUWater Separator(p.A-32)
' No. 23—Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator(p.A-33) A-14
No. 24—Catch Basin Insert(p. A-35)
2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/9/2009
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Malntenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Perfortned
Structure Sediment Sediment exceeds 60°k of the depth from the Sump of catch basin contains no
bottom of the catch basin to the invert of the sediment.
lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin or is
within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe
into or out of the catch basin.
Trash and debris Trash or debris of mare than'/:cubic foot which No Trash or debris blocking or
is located immediately in front of the catch basin potentially blocking entrance to
opening or is blocking capaaty of the catch basin catch basin.
by more than 10°�.
Trash or debris in the catch basin that exceeds No Vash or debris in the catch basin.
'/,the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the
lowest pipe into or out of the basin.
Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation
odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within catch basin.
Deposfts of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would
volume. attract or support the breeding of
insects or rodents.
Damage to frame Comer of frame extends more than'/.inch past Frame is even with curb.
andlor top slab curb face iMo the street(If applipble).
Top slab has hoies larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks.
cracks wider than'/.inch.
Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab.
separation of more than'/.inch of the frame from
the top slab.
Cracks in walls or Cracks wider than Y:inch and longer than 3 feet, Catch basin is sealed and
bottom any evidence of sal particles entering catch structurally sound.
basin through cracks,or maintenance person
judges that catch basin is unsound.
Cracks wider than'/inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than'/d inch wide at
at the joint of any inleUouUet pipe or any evidence the joint of inleUoutlet pipe.
of soil particles entering catch basin through
SettlemenU Catch basin has settled more than 1 inch or has Basin replaced or repaired to design
misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment standarcls.
Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than'/:-inch at the joint of the No cracks more than'/.-inch wide at
inleUoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of inleUouUet pipes.
the catch basin at the joint of the inlet/outlet
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasdine,concrete slurties or paint. according to applicable regulations.
5ource control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
InIeUOutlet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20%or more of the pipe. Inlet/ouUet pipes Gear of sediment.
Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlet No trash or debris in pipes.
pipes(indudes floatables and non-floatablesj.
Damaged Cracks wider than'/rinch at the joint of the No cracks more than'/.-inch wide at
inlet/ouUet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUoutlet pipe.
at the joints of the inleUoutlet pipes.
2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/9/2009
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condltion When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is PerFormed
Metal Grates Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider ihan'le inch. Grate opening meets design
(Catch Basins) standards.
Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris.
of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal
Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design
My open structure requires urgern standards.
Manhole Cover/Lid Coverllid not in place CoverAid is missing or only partially in place. CoverAid protects opening to
Any open structure requires urgent structure.
' maintenance.
Lodcing mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools.
Not Working maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts
cannot be seated. Self-locking coverAid does not
Coverllid difficutt to One maintenance person cannot remove CoverJlid can be removed and
Remove cover/lid after applying SO Ibs.of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance
1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A
Mafntenance Defect or Problem Canditions When Malntenance Is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Pipes Sediment 8 debris Accumulated sediment or debris that exceeds Water flows freely through pipes.
accumulation 20%of the diameter of the pipe.
Vegetation/roats Vegetationlroots that reduce free movement of Water flows freely through pipes.
water through pipes.
Contaminants and My evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source conVol BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surtace oil film.
Damage to protective Protective coatlng is damaged;rust or corrosion Pipe repaired or replaced.
coating or corrosion is weakening the structural integrity of any part of
Damaged Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced.
pipe by more than 20%or is determined to have
weakened structural integrity of the pipe.
Ditches Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris deared from
square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches.
Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch deaned/flushed of all sediment
accumulation design depth. and debris so that it matches design.
Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation
constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable
public. regulations. No danger of noxious
vegetation where County personnel
or the public might normally be.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurties or paint. according to applicabfe regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented ff
� appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches.
through ditches.
Erosion damage to My erosion observed on a ditch slope. Slopes are not eroding.
Rodc lining out of One layer or less of rock exists above native soil Repiace rocks to design standards.
place or missing(If area 5 square feet or more,any exposed native
Applicable) soil.
2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/9/2009
A-1 I
Maintenance Defect or Probiem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Perfortned �
Site Trash or litter My trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris deared from site,
per 1,OQo square feet(this is about equal to the
� amount of trash it would take to fill up one
standard size office garbage can). In general, �
' there should be no visual evidence of dumping. ��
Noxious weeds Any no�ous or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and n�isance vegetation
constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable
� public. regulations, No danger of naxious
vegetation where County personnel
or the public might normally be.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to appiiqble regulations.
Source controi BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No conhaminants ;
present other than a surface oil film. il
Grasslgroundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in Grass or groundcover mowed to a I
height height no greater than 6 inches. �'
Trees and Shrubs Hazard Any tree or limb of a tree identfied as having a No hazard trees in facility. I
potential to fall and cause property damage or
threaten human IHe. A hazard tree identified by
a qualified arbo�ist must be removed as soon '
as possible. ,
Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than 5%
broken which affect more than 25�0 of the total of total foliage with split or broken
foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs.
Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or No blown down vegeta6on or
, , knodced over. knocked over vegetation. Trees or
shn�bs free of injury.
Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and
supported or are leaning over,causing exposure adequately supported;dead or
of the roots. diseased trees removed.
• �
1/9/2009 2009 Surface Water Design Manual-Appendix A
Maintenance Defect.or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Resuks Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Media lnsert �sible Oil �sible oil sheen passing through media Media inset replaced.
Insert does not fit Flow gets into catch basin without going through All flow goes through media.
catch basin properly media
Filter media plugged Filter media plugged. Flow through fitter media is normal.
Oil absorbent media Media oil saturated. Oil absorbent media replaced.
Water saturated Catc�basin insert is saturated with water,which Insert replaced.
no longer has the qpacity to absorb.
Service life exceeded Regular interval replacement due to typical Media replaced at manufacturers
average life of inedia insert product,typically one recommended interval.
Seasonal When storms occur and during the wet season. Remove,clean and replace or install
maintenance new insert after major storms,
monthly during the wet season or at
manufacturers recommended
2009 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1!9l2009
A-3 5
Appendix B
Cascade Elementary Topographic Map
Prepared by Townsend-Chastain &Assoc., Inc.
October 6, 1992
Cascade Elementary School Site Drainage Plan
Prepared by RoseWater Engineering, Inc.
June 14, 1994
� ,
j I
Technical Information Report O Q O O
Cascade Elementary School ■
Project No. 2140258.10
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2215 NorTh 30th Slreet 1200 6ffi Avenue 827 West First Avenue 9825 Sandifix Parkrray
SuiOe 300 Suite 1fi20 Suite 301 Suite A
Tacoma,WA 98403-3350 Seattle,WA 98101-3111 Spakane,WA 992�1-0518 Pasco,WA 99301-6738
253 383.2422 rEi 2062672425 rEi 509252.5019 r�i 509.380.5883*_i
253 3832572 206 26 i 2429 : SD9 315 88E2 509.380.5885