HomeMy WebLinkAbout03701 - Technical Information Report �*:, -� - ,.►;
Herita e H i I Is
A artment Communit
p Y
Renton, Washington
Technical Information Report
Revision Date:
June 3, 2013
Prepared for:
Weidner Property Management, LLC
Triad Job No. 09-029
• • ,
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Heritage Hills
�, .
Apartment Community
Renton, Washington
Issued: October 15, 2012
Revised: March 15, 2013
Revised: June 3, 2013
�EP 1 7 2!:
Prepared For:
Complete Construction, LLC ����'�``' ���` � ��'!'
9757 Juanita Drive NE, Suite 300
Kirkland, WA 98034
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Prepared By:
Kevin C. Flynn, PE ,� sso6
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Reviewed By: �SSI�N`�'�G�/
Richard A. Tomkins, PE �! 3��
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
Table of Contents
1 PROJECT OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 1-4
2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY.................................................... 2-1
2.1 CORE REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................•••.....2-1
2.3 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT#2: FLOODPLAIN�FLOODWAY DELINEATION .............................................. Z-3
2.4 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT#3: FLOOD PROTECTION FACILITIES..........................................................2-3
2.5 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT#4:SOURCE CONTROLS..........................................................................2-3
2.6 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT#5:OIL CONTROL.................................................................................. 2-3
3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 RESOURCES USED FOR ANALYSIS....................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGEANALYSIS................................................................................ 3-3
3.4 MITIGATION....................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.5 SUMMARY.................................�--..................................................................................... 3-4
4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY DESIGN................................................... 4-1
4.1 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.....................................................................................................4-1
4.2 DRAINAGE CONCEPT............................•••................................................................................4-1
4.3 FLOW CONTROL BMP'S..........................................................................................................4-2
4.4 DESIGN PARAMETERS............................................................................................................. 4-3
4.5 BASIN MODELING..................................................................................................................4-4
4.6 DETENTION MODELING.........................................................................................................4-1 I
4.7 WATER QUALIIY....................................................................................................•••...........4-21
4.8 OVERFLOW MEASURES.........................................................................................................4-23
5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.................................................... 5-1
5.1 ONSITE CONVEYANCE............................................................................................................. S-1
5.2 CONVEYANCE RESULTS............................................................................................................ S-2.
6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ......................................................................... 6-1
7 OTHER PERMITS................................................................................................ 7-2
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
8 CSWPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN........................................................................... 8-3
9.1 BOND QUANTITIES.................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 FACILITY SUMMARIES...................................................................................................•••.......9-1
9.3 DECLARATION OF COVENANT................................................................................................... 9-1
10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................... 10-1
Note: Where applicable, supplemental information is located at the end of each section.
Section I:
Section III:
Section IV:
2009 KCSWDM—F��URE 3.2.2.A
2009 KCSWDM—T,aa�E
Section V:
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
Section VI:
Section IX:
Section X:
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
v I a 75- n i
The Heritage Hills Apartment Community pro�ect proposes to de e op u t apartment
community on a parcel zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The total parcel area is 1.56 acres I
but only 1.48 acres will be developed by the project. The site address is 1250 South Puget I
Drive, Renton, WA (tax parcel #202305-9157). The project is generally located northeast of '�
the intersection of S Puget Dr and Benson Rd S in Section 20, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, I
W.M., King County, Washington. See the vicinity map below.
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The Heritage Hills Apartment Community project proposes to develop a 75-unit apartment �
community in four-story building with associated underground parking and attached I�
storage units. In addition to utility and storm drainage improvements, development will �
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March 15, 2013 \
Heritage HiIlsApartment Community—Technical Information Report
include improving the existing access from South Puget Drive for emergency access, and an
extension of Abitare Apartments access roadway to the site near the NE corner as the
primary access.
The majority of site runoff and minor upstream run-on will be collected in new conveyance
systems and routed to combined detention/wetvault facility for stormwater management.
This project has been designed to meet Level 2 Flow Control and Enhanced Basic Water
Quality treatment standards in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Design !I
Manual as amended by the 2010 City of Renton Amendment (2009 KCSWDM). I
The site is currently undeveloped with the exception of existing utilities (storm, water, I,
sewer, and gas) installed in a ±20'wide easement corridor along the north property line. '
The site is surrounded to the north, east, and south by multi-family developments and to
the west by a commercial development. The site is currently accessible from the south via a
gravel driveway connection to South Puget Drive and from the northeast via a gravel road
connection to the adjacent Abitare Apartments. The project site has previously been
cleared with portions now vegetated with a well-established cover of tall grass, �
brush/blackberries, and young volunteer trees. The majority of the site slopes moderately
from east to west with grades of 5-10%. The westerly edge of the site banks down
approximately 25 feet at a ±40%grade to the existing retail parking lot below.
The site is comprised of two separate Threshold Discharge Areas (TDA's), in which surface
water flows combine further than one-quarter mile downstream. TDA#1 is the largest of
the two threshold areas containing a majority of the site. Under existing conditions runoff
sheet flows across the site and collects in a ditch draining towards the north. This ditch was
constructed to intercept runoff prior to reaching the top of slope and deliver it to tightline
system installed along the north property line, draining west. TDA#2 consists of a small
portion of the property that slopes south towards South Puget Drive. See the Existing
Basins Exhibit located in Section 4 of this report.
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
Site improvements will be limited to eastern % of the site. The remaining western portion
of the property will remain undisturbed (mostly steep) slope. The proposed site plan
supports a single-building apartment complex with 75 units, attached storage units, and
underground parking. The main entrance for the developed site will be through the north
end of the existing Abitare apartment community at the northeast corner of the site by
improving the existing gravel fire lane. A secondary access will be provided off of South
Puget Drive by improving the existing gravel/asphalt driveway. This secondary access will
provide access for use by emergency vehicles only. Portions of the emergency access
roadway will also serve as pedestrian areas. See the Developed Basins Exhibir located in
Section 4 of this report.
Similar to the existing conditions of the site, the developed conditions will maintain the two
TDA's. Developed TDA#1 includes a majority of the site consisting of building rooftop,
roadway, sidewalk, and landscaping. Runoff from this area will be detained in one
detention vault located under the emergency access roadway. Developed TDA#2 will
continue to direct flow toward South Puget Drive. See Section 4 for more detail and analysis
of the TDA's and stormwater management facilities. ,
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King County Department of Development and Environmental Services
Project Owner: Project Name:
Weidner Property Manaqement, LLC Heritaqe Hills
Address Location:
9757 Juanita Dr. NE. Suite 300 Kirkland 98o34 Township 23N
Phone: Range 05E
425-821-3844 Section 20
Project Engineer:
Kevin C. Flvnn, PE
Company: Triad Associates, Inc.
Address/Phone: 425-216-2183
❑ Subdivision ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline
❑ Short Subdivision Management
I ❑ Grading ❑ COE 404 � Rockery
' � Commercial ❑ DOE Dam Safety � Structural Vaults
❑Other ❑ FEMA Floodplain ❑ Other
❑ COE Wetlands
� Drainage Basin
Duwamish Ri�er
❑ River ❑ Floodplain
❑ Stream ❑ Weilands
❑ Critical Stream Reach ❑ Seeps/Springs
❑ Depressions/Swales ❑ High Groundwater Table
❑ Lake ❑ Groundwater Recharge
� Steep Slopes Protected by NGPA boundary ❑ Other
Part 7 SOILS
Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities
AgC 6-15% Low Low
❑ Additional Sheets Attached
❑ Ch. 4— Downstream Analysis N/A
❑ Additional Sheets Attached
', � Sedimentation Facilities � Stabilize Exposed Surface I
� Stabilized Construction Entrance � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities I
I � Perimeter Runoff Control � Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris
� Clearing and Grading Restrictions � Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities
� Cover Practices � Flag Limits of SAO and open space
� Construction Sequence preservation areas
❑ Other ❑ Other
❑ Grass Lined Channel ❑ Tank ❑ Infiltration Method of Analysis
� Pipe System � Vault ❑ Depression KCRTS Modelinq
❑ Open Channel ❑ Energy Dissipater ❑ Flow Dispersal Compensation /
❑ Dry Pond ❑ Wetland ❑ Waiver Mitigation of
Eliminated Site
� Wet Pond ❑ Stream ❑ Regional Storage
Brief Description of System Operation A combined detention/wetvault located under Road 'A'
followed bv a StormFilter catch basin. downstream of the vault. Outlets to public svstem near the
NW corner of the parcel.
Facility Related Site Limitations
Reference Facility Limitation
Flow Control Detention Volume = 22.055 cubic feet
, Water Qualitv StormFilter CB Flow= 1.8 cubic feet per second
� Cast in Place Vault I � Drainage Easement
� Retaining Wall � � Access Easement
� Rockery> 4' High � � Native Growth Protection Easement
❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Tract
❑ Other ❑ Other
' I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed
� were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the
iinformation provided here is accurate. I
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% Si ned/Date I
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
2.1.1 Core Requirement#1: Discharge at the Natural Location
Runoff from the proposed developed site will discharge at the natural discharge locations in
the developed condition. Please refer to Section 3, Offsite Analysis for a description of the
existing drainage conditions of the site.
2.1.2 Core Requirement#2: Offsite Analysis
See Section 3- Offsite Analysis
2.1.3 Core Requirement#3: Flow Control
The proposed flow control facility (combined detention/wetvault) has been designed to
achieve the Flow Control Duration Standard Matching Forested Conditions treatment
standard (a.k.a. Level 2) per the 2009 KCSWDM. See Section 4 — Flow Control and Water
Quality Desiqn for more details. '
2.1.4 Core Requirement#4: Conveyance System
The proposed conveyance system for the project site has been designed to meet the
requirements and design standards of the 2009 KCSWDM. See Section 5 — Conveyance
System Analysis and Design.
2.1.5 Core Requirement#5: Erosion and Sediment Control
The proposed erosion and sediment control BMP's have been designed per the
requirements and design standards of the 2009 KCSWDM. See Section 8— CSWPP Analysis
and Design.
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
2.1.6 Core Requirement#6: Maintenance and Operations
The stormwater management facilities will be privately owned and maintained. See Section
10—Operations and Maintenance.
i2.1.7 Core Requirement#7: Financial Guarantees and Liability
See Section 9—Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant.
2.1.8 Core Requirement#8: Water Quality
The Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standard per the 2009 KCSWDM is required
for this project. A treatment train per Table 6.1.2.A of the 2009 KCSWDM is proposed to
achieve this treatment standard. See Section 4 —Flow Control and Warer Quality Design for
more details.
2.2 SPEClAL REQUIREMENT#1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements
2.2.1 Critical Drainage Areas
Not applicable.
2.2.2 Master Drainage Plan
Not applicable.
2.2.3 Basin Plans
According to the City of Renton Drainage Basins Map, the site is located within the Lower
Green River Sub-Basin of the Duwamish-Green River Basin.
2.2.4 Lake Management Plans
Not applicable.
2.2.5 Shared Facility Drainage Plans
Not applicable.
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Heritage HiIlsApartment Community—Technical Information Report '
2.3 SPEC/AL REQU/REMENT#2: F/oodp/ain/Floodwoy Delineation ',
Not applicable. ',
2.4 SPECIAL REQU/REMENT#3: F/ood Protection Facilities '
Not applicable. I
2.5 SPEC/AL REQUIREMENT#4: Source Controls ;
This project is classified a commercial development in accordance with the King Counry II
Stormwater Pollution Control Manua/ and King County Code 9.12. Appropriate stormwater ;
BMPs will be utilized in the effort to control pollution including Pressure Washing of �
Buildings, Rooftops, and Other Large Objects (A-15) and Sidewalk Maintenance (A-32). ',
This project does not meet the threshold designation for a "high use" site (ADT greater than '
100 vehicles per 1,000 square feet of gross building area). Although the site does not
require oil control,the potential for oil impacts should be minimized. Appropriate j
mitigation has been provided by installing spill control devices on the downstream onsite
catchbasin for TDA#2 (CB8) and the flow control standpipe in the combined
detention/wetvault with downstream StormFilter for TDA#1.
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T <,��
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report i
Triad Associates performed a field visit on 06/17/11 to locate any potentiat problems
upstream or downstream of the proposed development. The weather was partly sunny and
approximately 65 degrees with small amounts of runoff in the drainage systems from '
previous rainfalls. See the downstream drainage maps located in at the end of this section
for maps of the downstream study area.
This site is located within the Black River Sub-Basin of the Duwamish-Green River Basin. The �
study area for this project extends 1-mile downstream (for the purposes of conducting a �I,
completer resource review). For the purposes of Field Inspection, Problem Descriptions,
and Potential problems,the study area extends downstream to a point on the drainage I
system where the proposed basin constitutes less than 15-percent of the total tributary
drainage area, but not less than one-quarter mile. ;
The project site has previously been cleared with portions now vegetated with a cover of I
tall grass, brush/blackberries, and small deciduous trees. The majority (easterly 3/4) of the
site moderately slopes from east to west with 5-10°�slopes. The westerly edge of the site
banks down approximately 25 feet at a ±40%grade to the adjacent retail parking lot.
A geotechnical report has been prepared by Terra Associates, dated June 29, 2011. In the
area of the site proposed for development, soils testing indicates 2' - 8' of inedium dense
wet silty sand with gravel fill over dense unweathered glacial till. This corresponds to KCRTS
Hydrologic Soil Group "C". A copy of the geotechnical can be found in Section 6 of this
The majority of the project site lies within previously described TDA#1. Under existing
conditions, runoff generated in TDA#1 drains west and is intercepted by the previously
described ditch and conveyed offsite by the tightline storm system installed along the north
property line. Under developed conditions, runoff from the TDA#1 will be collected,
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
detained, and then released to this same tightline system to be conveyed west toward
Benson Rd S.
TDA#2 consists of a small portion of the south end of the site where runoff sheet flows
towards the existing public storm sewer in South Puget Drive. Downstream, runoff from the
two TDA's eventually combines and flows into a ditch system that drains the forested area
located between South Puget Drive and SR 515. Stormwater then enters the Black River �
watershed and is ultimately released to the Green-Duwamish River, which drains to Puget ,
Sound. I
3.1.1 Adopted Basin P/on
The site is located in the Black River Sub-basin which is part of the Duwamish-Green River
Basin. A basin map is provided at the end of this section.
3.1.2 Critical Drainage Areas Map
There are no mapped wetlands onsite per the 1990 King County Wetland Inventory Map.
3.1.3 F/ood Plain/Floodway Map
The site does not contain any streams. As indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map
(Panel 53033C0979 F) the site is not located on or near a 100-year floodplain. See the end
of this section for Flood Insurance Rate Map.
3.1.4 Sensitive Areas
The site location has been identified on copies of the following City of Renton Hazard Maps:
Coal Mine-site mapped as lying within a Moderate hazard area
Erosion - site not mapped as lying within a hazard area
Flooding-site not mapped as lying within a hazard area
Liquefaction -site not mapped as lying within a hazard area
Seismic- site not mapped as lying within a hazard area
Landslide- site mapped as lying within a High hazard area
1ob#09-029 Page 3-2
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-_ —�
, Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report ,
Steep Slope - site mapped as containing 15% - 25% slopes (actually contains slopes ',
in excess of 40%) II
(See the end of this section for appropriate maps.) ,
3.1.5 Soil Survey '
The SCS Soils Maps indicates that the site consists of Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam (AgC),
with 6 to 15 percent slopes. This soil type is classified as Hydrologic Soils Group 'C' or Till
Conditions. Refer to the SCS Soils Map and Cegend included at the end of this section. '
Also contained within TDA #1 is a relatively small amount of pervious area from the
adjacent Abitare Apartments site, runoff from which sheet flows onto the project site along
the east property line.
The site consists in two drainage basins (threshold discharge areas) as described on the
Downstream Exhibits located at the end of this section. Also see the Existing Basins Exhibit
and Deve/oped 8asins Exhibit Iocated at the end of Section 4 for additional information.
Natural Discharge Location -TDA#1
Intercepted runoff from TDA#1 discharges near the northwest corner of the site to an
existing 12" storm system draining west along the north edge of the project. This same
system will receive the majority of developed site runoff. The system consists of a network
of 12" pipes and catchbasins,that convey flows west approximately 280 ft through the
existing office/retail area to Benson Rd S (reach "A"). At Benson Rd S, flow continues north
in a piped conveyance system 1,175 ft (1,455 ft total) along Benson Rd S before crossing
Benson Rd S,then Puget Dr S, and entering a north draining open channel between S Puget '
Dr and SR 515 (reach "B").
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IT� �
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report '
Natural Discharge Location -TDA#2 �
Under existing conditions, runoff from TDA#2 sheet flows south and enters the public I
storm system in the northern margin of South Puget Drive. Under developed conditions, II
runoff from most of TDA#2 will similarly be directed south into this system. Upon entering
the public system, flow is conveyed west approximately 472 feet, under South Puget Drive
to near the southwest corner of the intersection with Benson Rd S (reach "C"). From there,
flow is released to an open channel draining north, approximately 2,134 feet (2,606 feet
total), through a densely forested area between South Puget Dr and SR 515 towards the
intersection of SR 515 and Benson Dr S (reach "D").
3.4 MITIGA710N
At the time of Triad's field visit, there was no visual evidence of obvious erosion, flooding,
or sedimentation problems within either of the downstream receiving systems. A review of
King County's Drainage Complaint record did not reveal any documented complaints either
onsite or downstream of the project. See the iMAP Drainage Complainr Map located at the
end of this section.
Other than the typical recommendation for ongoing, regular maintenance, observed
downstream conditions do not suggest a need for extraordinary on or offsite mitigation.
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March 15,2013 \
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U$DA Natural Resources Web Soil Su�, •; ' '
� Conservation Service Na(�oraf Cnopera?',�
Soil Ma�King County Area,Washington
(Soil Survey Map-Heritage Hills)
Area of Interest(nOi) � very Stony Spot Map Scale 1:1.000 if printed on A size(8.5"X 11")sheet.
;- _ Area of incerest{qOq Y Wet Spot The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000.
Soils -- – —
. Ocher Warnin Soil Ma ma not be valid at this scale.
Soil Map Units 9 P Y
Special Line Features Entar ement of ma s be ond the scale of ma in can cause
Special Point Features Gully g p y pP g �
�., Biowouc misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line �
, . Short Steep Slope placement.The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting
� Borrow Pit soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale.
.+. Other —
X Clay Spot
Political Features Please rely on the bar scafe on each map sheet for accurate map
� Closed Depression � Cities me85urements
x Gravel Prt Wacer Fea[ures Source of Map Natural Resources Conservation Service
., Gravelly Spot Streams and Canals �Neb Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov
Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N NAD83
� Landfill Transporiation
This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of
,� Lava Flow +++ Rails the version date(s)listed below. �
,� Marsh or swamp N Interstate Highways Soil Survey Area: King County Area,Washington i
yt M�ne or Quarry US Rouces Survey Area Data: Version 7,Jul 2.2012 �
p Miscellaneous Water Major Roads Date(s)aerial images were photographed: 7/24/2006 I
p Perenn�al wacer �v Locai Roads The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were � '
compiled and digitized probably differs from the background
„ Rock Outcrop imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting I
+ Saline Spoc of map unit boundaries may be evident. '
Sandy Spot
= Severely Eroded Spot '
0 Sinkhole
� Slide or Slip
�y Sotl�c Spot I
� Spod Area I
Q Stony Spot
� ��%� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 1�'2, 1�
� Conservation Service National Cooperative Sol Survey -.,g�.. ,;
Soil Map—King County Area,Washington Soil Survey Map-Heritage Hills II
Map Unit Legend
King County Area,Washington(WA633) �
Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI i
AgC Alderwood gravelly sandy loam,6 to 15 4.6 100.0% I
percent slopes
Totals for Area of interest 4.6', 100.0% I
�� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 7/12/2012
Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 I
Natural Discharge Location 1 , Map 1
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Da:e 8/27�l011 Swru:K:nq County iMAP•p�uqrty Wfpmeqon llx�Ifw'ww rnetrckt qc.v.GIS�'��UP�
Naturai Discharge Location 1 , Map 2
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Datr M1R011 Sara:Kig CaxNy A.IAP•Prap«ry IM.anrulJon p+t�ll.nww mNrokc pov�GIS1IAAAP)
Natural Discharge Location 2, Map 1
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TM iNorm�Uon indudW an Nb map naa Ce��xmpJed tr!Kh0 Cqufy'sUtl from u vaA�ry ol sarus e�]Vs waxt b d�anq�wflfwut ratlu.
Ca+MY m�kN nonpr a or wnrronCn,es�ess a mpi�d,Y to accuncY.con�pMMn�ss.Ifm.alnnas.or ncj�tts tu tM us�o/suth Infannatl�a�.
TNa doa+m�nl b MI Yf�lor uss w o xrvsy prvduct.K shY noi W RoDI�for anY Oaw�al,ap�clal.IndM�d.Yxld�nlal.w mn�p�HntHl s
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mb mop a IMamubn on Ws map b pid�lb�t�d aapt hy w+hun p�m�h�bn al lOng Camy.
Dats:a/l7/2011 Soud:IOnG�+��Y�P-��Y IrKatntlbn(htmllwuw.m�Vokc.pov/G13lIMAP)
Natural nischarge Location 2, Map 2
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Dats:E/lY2011 Saurce:lUnq County IMAP•Senaltiv�Araas(ndp lAvww metrohc-govtG1311AAAP)
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
As mentioned in Section 2, the project has been designed to achieve the Flow Control
Duration Standard Matching Forested Conditions treatment standard (a.k.a. Level 2) and
the Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standard per the 2009 KCSWDM.
Refer to the Existing Conditions Exhibit and Developed Conditions Exhibir i�cated at the end
of this section to aid in the following discussion. All KCRTS time series outputs presented in
this section, unless otherwise noted, were generated using the historical record, length,
hourly timesteps and a scale factor of SeaTac 1.0.
The site consists of two TDA's. For TDA#1, flow contro) �nd water quality requirerrzents will
_ be provided through the use of an underground cietention vault and StormFiltnr,
respectively. A portion of the developed area in TDA #1 is unable to be collecte�! due �o
topographical constraints, therefore a Mitigation Trade per Section of the 2009
A portion of the Abitare Apartments (neighboring upslope development) roof drain system
is proposed to be re-routed and conveyed into the combined detention/wetvault for TDA
#1. Collecting and detaining a portion of the Abitare roof area will provide compensatory
mitigation so that the net effect is at the point of convergence downstream (NW corner Qf
the site). The Abitare Apartments qualifies as a Mitigation Trade area because �t is not
currently mitigated to the same flow control performance requirement as the target surface
area being bypassed in TDA #1 (Note: Abitare Apartments is owned by the Applicant). Flow
Control BMP's have been applied to the site per Table of the 2009 KCSWDM. See
Section 4.4 of this report for detailed information.
For TDA#2, there is less than a 0.1-cfs difference in the sum of the developed 100-year peak
flows for those target surfaces subject to this requirement and the sum of forested
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
(historic) site conditions 100-year peak flows for the same surface areas per Section of 2009 KCSWDM. No formal flow control facilities are required or proposed for
Flow Control BMP requirements per Section 5.2 of the 2009 KCSWDM apply because it is a
non-subdivision project. This Flow Control BMP requirement is applied to the en#ire site of
1.48 acres (not parcel area - 1.56 acres) and is not required to be separated by individual
The preferred application of Flow Control BMP's are to fully dispersion runoff for all
impervious surfaces. However, it is not feasible to fully disperse all impervious surf'aces for
this site due to the lack of available native vegetated surfaces to meet minimum flow
lengths. Since full dispersion is not feasible for this site, a �ractical amount oT F{ow Control
BMP's must be applied to the impervious surfaces of ihe project. fhe appropriate category
of Flow Control BMP's to be applied to the project is Section - Large Lot High
Impervious because the project is larger than 22,000 sq-ft and has more than 45-percent
impervious surface coverage. The project will result in an impervious surface coverage of
greater than 65-percent, therefore Flow Contro) BMP's must be applied to an impervious
area equal to at least 10-percent ofthe site or 20-percent of the impervious surfaces, which
ever is less. Below are calculations to show which criteria applies to the project.
Site Area = 64,684 sq-ft (1.48 acres)
10% of Site = 6,468 sq-ft
Total Impervious Surfaces = 37,973 sq-ft
20% of the Impervious Surfaces = 7,595 sq-ft
As shown above, the appropriate Flow Control BMP impervious area requirement for this
site is to be applied to 6,468 sq-ft. The following areas show how this requirement has
been satisfied.
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lune 3, 2013
�s, . ,
Heritage Hiils Apartment Community—Technical information Report
Proposed Fiow Control BMP's
Permeable Pavers (Gravel Pave) = 2,205 sq-ft (2,205 sq-ft TDA#1)
Porous Concrete Pavers (Eco-Priora) = 5,148 sq-ft (3,426 sq-ft TDA#1)
(1,722 sq-ft TDA#2)
Total = 7,353 sq-ft (5,631 sq-ft TDA#1)
(1,722 sq-ft TDA#2)
Of the 5,631 sq-ft of Flow Control BMP's for TDA#1, 2,742 sq-ft is tributary to Developed
TDA#1 and 2,889 sq-ft is tributary to TDA#1 Bypass.
Note: Given existing soil conditions (glacial till), infiltration of runoff via the proposed
permeable pavements is anticipated to be minimal. However, employment of the proposed
Flow Control BMP's will promote runoff contacting with soil and provide the opportunity for
infiltration that would not otherwise be available.
Detention Vault Modeling
The King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) program was devefoped as a hydrologic
modeling tool for western King County. The runoff files have been pre-simulated for a range
of land cover conditions and soil types for different regions of King County using the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's HSPF10 model. The HSPF10 model was calibrated with
regional parameters developed by the U.S. Geologic Survey and King County Basin Planning.
The KCRTS program simulates the project hydrology through the scaling, summing, lagging,
and level-pool routing of runoff files. The KCRTS program includes a group of analytical tools
to provide statistical data on the generated time series files.
The Flow Control Duration Standard Matching Forested Site Conditions treatment standard
requires the project to maintain the flow durations at predevelopment (forested) levels for
flows greater than 50-percent of the 2-year flow up to the 50-year flow. A target duration
curve (generated from the existing conditions time series), and the detention facility
outflow duration curve are generated using KCRTS. The duration curve graph plots flow
rates verses probability of exceedance (on a logarithmic scale). The detention facility
Job#09-029 Page 4-3
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
characteristics (facility dimensions, discharge structure configuration, etc.) are manipulated
to adjust the facility outflow duration curve until it approximately matches the target
duration curve over the required range. This iterative process is repeated until the facility
outflow duration curve is strictly below the lower end of the target curve (corresponding to
50% of the existing 2-year flow rate) and does not exceed the target curve by more than
10% at all other durations in the range.
Actual KCRTS outputs (i.e. basin summaries, stage/storage/discharge table, inflow and
outflow durations, etc.) are located at the end of this section. Please refer to the Existinc,�
Basins Fxhibits and the Developed Basins Exhibits at the end of this section for basin
The SCS Soils Maps indicates that the site consists of Alderwond Gravelly Sandy Lc�am (AgC),
with 6 to 15 percent slopes. This soil type is classified as Hyc�rologic Soils Group 'C' or Till
Conditions. Refer to the Figure - Equivalence between SCS Soil Types anc1.KCRTS Soil
Types included at the end of this section.
4.5.1 �xisting Conditions
The total parcel area is 1.56 acres but only 1.48 acres will be developed by the pr4jec�. The
area used in the modeling of the existing conditions basin consists of onsite area and a small
portion of the neighboring upslope Abitare Apartments property. The t�oundary �for the
existing conditions is shown on the Existing Conditions Exhibit.
The following areas were used to generate peak flows fcr TDA #1 under existing conditions.
Existing TDA#1 = 52,164 sq-ft (1.20 acres)
Pervious = 52,164 sq-ft (1.20 acres) Till-Forest
Impervious = 0 sq-ft (0.00 acres)
Total = 52,164 sq-ft (1.20 acres)
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Heritage Hiils Apartment Community-Technical Information Report
The existing TDA#1 yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:existingtdal.tsf Mean= -1.537 StdDev= 0.232
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew=-0.113
--Annual Peak Flow Rates-- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (Cf5) Period
Computed Peaks 0.096 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.084 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.072 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.057 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.054 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.046 5.00 0.800
Computed t�eaks 0.029 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.019 1.30 0.231
_ The following areas were used to generate peak flows for TDA#2 under existing canditions.
Existing TDA #2 = 12,520 sq-ft (0.29 acres)
Per�ious = 12,520 sq-ft (0.29 acres) Tili-Forest
Impervious - 0 sq-ft (0.00 acres)
Total = 12,520 sq-ft (0.29 acres)
The existing TDA#2 yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:existingtda2.tsf Mean= -2.150 StdDev= 0.225
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 0.002
--Annual Peak Flow Rates-- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(Cf'S) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.024 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.021 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.018 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks o.014 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.013 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.011 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.007 2.00 O.SoO
Computed Peaks 0.005 130 0.231
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`AS� �A._i
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report III
4.5.2 Developed Conditions � I�',
The total parcel area is 1.56 acres but only 1.48 acres will be developed by the project. The
majority of the site improvements lie within TDA #1, which includes the building rooftop,
roadway, pedestrian areas, and landscaping. Runoff from this area will be directed to the
proposed combined detention/wetvault under Road A. The bo�!ndary for the developed
conditions is shown on the Developed Conditions Exhibit. A portion of TDA #1 has to bypass
the combined detention/wetvault due to topographical con,straini:s. See Section 4.5.3 of
this report for the discussion on how the TDA #1 bypass area has �een mi�;igated.
The following area summaries were used to generate peak flows for TDA #1, TDA#1 Bypass
and TDA#2 under developed conditions.
• Developed TDA#1 = 42,371 sq-ft (0.97 acres)
Pervious = 10,101 sq-ft (0.23 acres) Till-�rass
Impervious = 32,270 sq-ft (0.74 acrts)*
= 42,371 sq-ft (0.97 a�^r�s)
* BMP Credit for 2,742 sq-ft (modeled 50%Tiil-Grass, 50% Impervious�.
The developed TDA#1 basin yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:developedtdal.tsf Mean= -0.691 StdDev= 0.102
Project Location:5ea-Tac Skew= 0.487
--Annual Peak Flow Rates--- ----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.383 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0351 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0319 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.278 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.270 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.246 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.200 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.169 1.30 0.231
1ob#09-029 Page 4-6
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
• Developed TDA#1 Bypass = 12,807 sq-ft (0.29 acres)
Pervious = 7,000 sq-ft (0.16 acres) Till-Grass
Impervious = 5,807 sq-ft (0.13 acres)*
= 12,807 sq-ft (0.29 acres)
* BMP Credit for 2,889 sq-ft (modeled 50%Till-Grass, 50% Impervious).
The developed TDA#1 bypass yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:developedtdalbypass.tsf Mean= -1.366 StdDev= 0.122
Project Location:5ea-Tac Skew= 0.393
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-----
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.090 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.081 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.073 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.062 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.060 8.00 0.875
CompuYed Peaks 0.054 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.042 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.035 1.30 0.231
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Heritage HiIlsApartment Community—Technical Information Report
• Developed TDA#2 =9,506 sq-ft (0.22 acres)
Pervious = 5,096 sq-ft (0.12 acres) Till-Grass
Impervious =4,410 sq-ft (0.10 acres)*
Total = 9,506 sq-ft (0.22 acres�
* BMP Credit for 1,722 sq-ft (modeled 50%Till-Grass, 50% Impervious)
The developed TDA#2 yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:developedtda2.tsf Mean= -1.482 StdDev= 0.121
Project Location:5ea-Tac Skew= 0.395
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.068 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.062 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.056 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.048 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.046 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.041 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.032 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.027 1.30 0.231 �
The peak flows shown previously for the 100-year storm events for the existing conditions
and developed conditions are 0.024 cfs and 0.068 cfs respectively. This equates to a
difference of 0.045 cfs, thu� qualifying for the 0.1 cfs exernption for a flow control faciiity.
Below is an area summary of the site under the developed conditions:
• Developed Conditions Summary
TDA#1 = 42,371 sq-ft
TDA#1 Bypass = 12,807 sq-ft
TDA#2 = 9,506 sq-ft
= 64,684 sq-ft (1.48 acres)
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
4.5.3 Mitigation Trade
As discussed in Section 4.5.2, a portion of TDA#1 cannot gravity drain to �the combined
detention/wetvault, and must be collected and released (undetained)to the existing
receiving system. To compensate for this bypass area, an equivalent amount of rooi` runoff
will be collected from the neighboring Abitare Apartments building (runoff frort�
approximately 8,000 sq-ft of roof area will be collected and routed to the comr�ined
detention/wetvault. Controlled stormwater discharges frt�m the combined
detention/wetvault will flow through a StormFilter prior to discharging t�the existin� storrr,
system, near the northwest corner of the site. Below are the peak flow comparisons for th�
proposed mitigation trade areas.
9 Developed TDA#1 Bypass = 12,807 sq-ft (0.29 acrzsj
Pervious = 7,000 sq-ft (0.16 acres) Till-Grass
Impervious = 5,807 sq-ft (0.13 acres)*
= 12,807 sq-ft (0.29 a�res�
*BMP Credit for 2,889 sq-ft (modeled 50%Till-Grass, 50% Impervious�.
The developed TDA#1 bypass yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:developedtdalbypass.tsf Mean= -1.366 StdDev= 0.122
Project Location:5ea-Tac Skew= 0.393
--Annual Peak Flow Rates--- ----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS} Period
Computed Peaks 0.090 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.081 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.073 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.062 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.060 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.054 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.042 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.035 1.30 0.231
1ob#09-029 Page 4-9
June 3,2013
=s _�.rr,
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
• Abitare Apartments Roof = 8,000 sq-ft (0.18 acres)
Pervious = 0 sq-ft (0.00 acres)
Impervious = 8,000 sq-ft (0.18 acres)
= 8,000 sq-ft (0.18 acres)
The proposed mitigation trade area of 8,000 sq-ft of the Abitare Apartments roof yields the
following peak flows.
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:8000.tsf Mean= -1.336 StdDev= 0.096
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 0.553
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- ----Flow Frequency Analysis------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.084 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.077 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.071 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.062 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.060 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.055 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.045 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.039 1.30 0.231
The timeseries files shown above show that the proposed mitigation trade areas provide
comparable peak flow rates for the 2-, 10- and 100-year storm events. The 8,000 sq-ft of
Abitare Apartments roof will be collected and routed to the combined detention/wetvault.
After applying the mitigation trade areas, the downstream point of compliance has been
met at the NW corner of the site. See the Existing Downstream Point of Comp(iance Exhibit
and the Developed Downstream Point of Compliance Exhibit at the end of this section for
Job#09-029 Page 4-10
June 3, 2013 �
,�=" -
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical InfQrmation Report
4.6 Detention Modeling
As a part of the iterative design process within the KCRTS program, the runoff time series
file for the developed conditions of TDA#1 combined with the TDA#1 Bypass (equivalent to
the Abitare Apartments roof area), were combined into a single time-series file
(developedtdalcombo.tsfl and routed through the combined detention/wetvault facility.
The following areas were used to generate peak flows f�r the developedtdalcombo.tsf
time-series file.
• Developed TDA#1 Combo = 55,178 sq-ft (1.27 acres)
Pervious = 17,205 sq-ft (0.39 acres) Till-Grass
Impervious = 37,973 sq-ft (0.87 acres)
= 55,178 sq-ft (1.�7 a�:rAs)
The developed TDA#1 combo basin yields the following peak flows:
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:developedtdalcombo.tsf Mean= -0.608 StdDev= 0.106
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 0.465
--Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.471 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.431 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.391 25.Oo 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.340 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0330 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.300 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.242 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.204 1.30 0.231
Flow duration curves were created for the existing runoff time series (existingtdal.tsf) and
the facilities outlet time series (rdout.ts�. These were then compared to determine
whether the combined detention/wetvault facility satisfies the flow control criteria
discussed in Section 4.1 of this report. The facility dimensions and restrictor orifice
specifications were adjusted during this iterative process until the detention portion of the
combined detention/wetvault configuration was optimized to meet the design criteria.
Job#09-029 Page 4-11
June 3, 2013 rT�D
Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technical information Report
Proposed Vault
Multiple vault/outlet structure configurations were analyzed by comparing the vault outlet
flow durations against the target durations based on the historical site runoff durations. A
vault with the dimensions of 14.5-feet wide by 224-feet long with a live storage depth of
6.5-feet, provides a volume of 21,112 cu-ft. This volume and effective depth was found to
achieve #he desired flow control standard. Results for this vault configuration are
sumr�ari�ed on the following pages.
Re:.er_tio^�Det2nticn Fac'_1_ty I--,
Type of Fac�-lity: Deter_t�on Vault
Facility Length: 224 .00 ft
Facility Width: 14 . 50 ft
Facility Area: 3248. sq. ft
�Lf�c�'_Je Storage Cepth: 6. 50 ft
Stage 0 Elevation: 293.50 ft
S�orage Volume: -21112. cu. �t
Rise� Head: 6.50 ft
Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches
Number of ori�ices: 2
Fu1'� Nead Pi�e
Orifice # He�ght Diameter Discharge Diamer.er
(ft) (in) (CFS) (in)
� 0.00 0. 50 O.G18
2 5.30 1. 46 0. 063 4 . 0
Top Notch TAe,�r: None
Outflow Rating Curve: None
Stage Elevation Stcrage Disc�arge Fercolaticr_
;ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-fty (cfs) (cfs;
O. CO 293.50 0. 0. 000 0.000 O.CO
0.01 293.51 33. 0.001 0.001 0.00
0.02 293.52 65. 0.001 0.001 0.00
� .03 293.53 9� . 0.002 0.001 O.CO
� . C4 293.54 130. 0.003 0.001 O.CO
� . 15 293. 65 48i. 0.011 0.003 0.00
�. 26 293.76 845. 0.019 0.004 0.00
�. 37 293.87 12'J2. 0.028 0.004 C.00
�. 4� 293.98 1559. 0.036 0.005 O.OG
C. 59 294.09 1916. 0.044 0.005 0.00
0.70 294.20 2274 . 0.052 0.006 0.00
C. 81 294.31 2631. O.C60 0.006 O.CO
C. 92 294 .42 2988 . 0. 069 0.007 0.00
1.03 294.53 334�. 0. 077 0.007 O.CO
1. 14 294.64 3703. 0. 085 0.007 0.00
1.25 294.75 4060. 0.093 0.008 0.00
1 . 36 294 .fi6 4417 . 0.101 0.008 0.00
1 . 4`7 294 .97 4775. 0. 110 0.008 0.00
1. 58 295.08 5132. 0. 118 0.009 0.00
1. 69 295.19 5489. 0. 126 0.009 0.00
1.80 295.30 5846. 0. 134 O.009 0 .00
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technical Information Report
1. 91 295. 4,� 6204 . 0. 142 0.010 ;;.GO
2. 03 295. 53 6593. 0. 151 0.010 0.00
2. �4 295.64 E951. 0. 160 0.010 0.00
2. 25 295.75 7308 . 0. 168 0. 010 0. 00
2. 36 295.86 7665. 0.176 0. 011 0.00
2. 47 295.97 8�23. 0.184 0. 011 C. 00
2 . 58 296.08 8380. C.192 0.011 0.00
2. 69 296.19 8737. 0.201 0.011 O.CO
2 . 80 296.30 9094 . 0.209 0.012 O.CO
2. 91 296.41 9452. 0.2i7 0.012 O .GO
3. 02 296.52 98G9. 0.225 0.012 0 .00
3. 13 296. 63 10166. 0.233 0.012 0.00
3.24 296.74 10524. 0.242 0.012 0.00 �
3.35 296.85 10881. 0.250 0.013 0.00
3.46 296.96 1i238 . 0.258 0.013 0.00
3.57 297.07 1i595. 0.266 0.013 0.00
3. 68 297.i3 11953. 0.274 0.013 0.00
3.79 29�.29 12310. 0.283 0.013 0.00
3. 90 29�.40 12667 . 0.291 0.014 0.00
4.Oi 297.51 13024. 0.299 0.014 0.00
4. 12 297.62 13382. 0. 307 O.Oi4_ O.OG
4.23 297.73 13739. 0.315 0.014 O.OG
4 . 34 297.84 14G96. 0.324 0.014 O.OG
� . 45 297.9� 14454 . 0.332 0.015 0.00
-^_ . 56 298.06 14811. 0.340 0.015 0.00
= . &7 298.17 1�168 . G.348 0.015 O.00
� . �8 298.28 15525. 0. 356 0.015 O.00
� .89 298.39 15883. C.365 0.015 O.00
5.00 298.50 16240. 0.373 0.015 0.0�
5. 11 298.6� 16597 . 0.381 0.016 O.OG
5.22 298.72 16955. 0.389 0.016 0.00
5. 30 298. 80 17214. C.395 0.016 0.00
5.32 298.82 17279. 0.39? 0.016 O.00
5.33 298.83 17312. 0.397 0. 018 0.00
5. 35 298.8:, 17377 . 0.399 0.020 0.0�
5. 36 298.86 17409. 0.400 0. 023 0.00
5. 38 298. 8� 1?474 . C.401 0.027 0.0�
5. 39 298. 89 1i507. C.402 C.032 0.00
5. 41 298.9_ 17572. C.403 0.035 O.00
5.42 298.92 17604 . C.404 0. 036 0.00
5. 53 299.03 1?961. 0. 412 0. 044 0.00
5. 64 299. 14 183�9. C.421 O.Q50 0.00
5.75 299.2� 18676. 0.429 0.055 0.00
5. 86 299.36 19033. 0.437 G.060 0.00 ,
5. 9? 299.47 19391. 0.445 0.064 0.00 '
6. 08 299.5� 19748 . 0.4�3 0. 068 0.00
6. 19 299. 69 20105. 0.462 0. 071 0.00
6. 3C 299.80 20462. 0.470 0.075 0.00
6. a1 299. 9' 20820. 0.478 0.078 0.00
6. 5� 30G. GG 21112. 0.485 0.080 G.GO
Job#09-029 Page 4-13
June 3, 2013 �
Heritage Hilis Apartment Community-Technical Information Report
Hyd In�low Ou�flow Peak Stcrace
�'arge� Caic Stage Elev ;Ca-�t; (Ac-Ft)
1 0.43 0.10 0.04 5.49 298.99 17835. 0.409
2 0.41 ******* 0.01 4 .28 297.78 13902. 0.3i9
3 0.40 ******* 0.01 4 . 68 298.18 15214 . 0.349
4 0.35 ******* 0.01 1.59 295.09 5149. 0.118
5 0.32 ******* 0.01 3.08 296.58 9994 . 0.229
6 0.30 ******* 0.01 3.00 296. 50 9736. 0.224
7 0.24 ******* 0.01 2.88 296. 38 9357. 0.215
� C.21 ******* 0.00 0.52 294 .02 l0'90. 0.039
Route Time Series through Facility
Inflow Time Series File:developedtdalcombo.tsf
Outflow Time Series File:rdoLt.tsf
Inflow/Outflow Analysis
Peak Inflow Disczarge: 0.435 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in 1990
Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.085 CFS at 20:00 on Feb 9 in 1951
Peak Reservoir Stage: 6.50 Ft
Peak Reservoir Elev: 300.00 Ft
Peak Reservoir Storage: 21"_16. Cu-Ft
. 0.485 Ac-Ft
Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdou�.tsf
Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probabi�i�y
CFS $ a g
O. GO� 186007 42.46� 42.467 57 .533 0. �75E+OG
0. 004 54046 12.339 54 . 807 45.193 0.452E+00
0. 006 67800 15.479 70.286 29.714 C.297E+OG
0.008 60944 13.914 84 .200 15.800 0.158E+00
0.011 33710 7. 696 91.897 8.103 C. 810E-01
C.C13 26785 6. 115 98 . 012 1.988 0. 199E-01
0.015 7202 1. 644 99.656 0 .344 C. 344E-02
0.018 1002 0.229 99.885 0.11� C. 115E-02
0.020 58 0.013 99.898 0.102 0.102E-02
0.022 24 0.005 99. 904 0.096 0. 963E-03
0.025 26 C.006 99. 910 0.090 0. 9C4E-03
0.027 31 G.007 99. 917 O.G83 0 . 833E-03
0.030 13 O.003 99.920 0.080 0. 804E-03
0.032 16 C.004 99. 923 O.Q77 0.767E-03
0.034 30 C.007 99. 930 0.070 0. 699E-03
0.037 34 0.008 99. 938 O.OE2 0. 621E-03
0.039 32 C.007 99. 945 0.055 0. 548E-G3
0.041 22 C.005 99. 950 0.050 0 . 498E-G3
0.044 12 0.003 99. °53 O.C47 0 . 470E-03
�.046 26 C.006 99. 9�9 0.041 0 . 41"_E-03
�.049 11 G.003 99.961 0.039 0. 386E-03
0.0�1 14 C.003 99. 965 O.C35 O.s54E-C3
0.053 23 C.005 99. 970 O.C3G 0.301E-03
0.056 14 0.003 99. 973 0.027 0.269E-03
0.058 18 0.004 99. y77 0.023 0.228E-03
0.060 14 0.003 99.980 0.020 0. 196E-03
0.063 27 0.006 99. 987 0.0'�3 0. 135E-03
0.065 16 0.004 99. 990 O.O�C 0. 982�-04
0.06? 11 0.003 99. 993 0.007 0.731r�-04
0.070 10 0.002 99. 995 0.005 0.502E-04
0.072 7 O.Q02 99. 997 0.003 0. 342E-04
0.075 5 0.001 99. 998 0.002 0.228E-0<
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June 3,2013 �
,s; .,. :,
_----° .
Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technical fnformation Report
0.0?7 4 O. 00i 99. 999 0.001 0. 137E-04
0.079 3 0. 001 99. 999 0.001 0. 685E-05
0.082 2 0.000 100.000 0.000 0.228E-05
0.084 0 0. 000 100.000 C.000 Q.228E-05
Curation Comparison Anaylsis
Base File: existingtdal.tsf
New File: rdout.tsf
Cutoff Urits: Discharge in C�S
-----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance-------
Cutoff Base New gChange Probability Base New o�.zange
0.014 � 0.11E-01 O. 10E-01 -5.2 � 0. 11E-01 G. 014 0.014 -2.2
0.019 I 0.53E-02 O. 10E-02 -80. 6 I 0.53E-02 0. 019 0.015 -23.2
0.025 I 0. 30E-02 0. 9;E-03 -69.7 I 0.30E-02 C. 025 0.016 -36.0
0.030 I 0.18E-02 0.60E-03 -54 . 9 I 0. 18E-02 O.C30 0.016 -45. 9
G.035 ! 0. 11E-02 0.69E-03 -37.2 � 0. 11E-02 0.035 0.019 -46.8
0.040 � 0. 68E-03 0.53E-03 -21. 9 � C. 68E-03 0.040 0 .035 -11.5
0.045 i 0. 45E-03 0.44E-03 -2.0 I 0. 45E-03 0.045 0.045 -0.5
0.050 I 0.31E-03 0.36E-03 18 .7 � 0. 31E-03 0.050 0.053 5.7
0.055 I 0.21E-03 0.27E-03 26. 6 � 0.21E-03 0.055 0.059 6. 4
0.060 I 0.12E-03 0.20E-03 68 . 6 I C. 12E-03 0.060 0.064 6. 1
0.066 I 0.59E-04 0. 94E-04 57 .7 I 0.59E-04 0.066 0.069 5.4
0.071 � C.32E-04 0.48E-04 50.0 I 0.32E-04 0.071 0.073 2. 9
0.0�6 � 0. 68E-05 0.�6E-04 133.3 I 0. 68E-05 0.076 0.079 4 . 6
0.081 I C.23E-G5 0.23E-0� 0.0 I 0. 23E-05 0.081 0.0�� 4 . 9
Maximum posi�ive excursion = 0.008 cfs ( 3.9$}
cccurring at G.077 cfs or: the Base Data:existingtcai.ts=
azd at � .0�5 cfs on the New Da�a:rdout.tsf
Maximum negative excursion = O.G18 cfs (-52. 4%;
occurring at 0.034 cfs or. the Base Data:existingtdal.tsL
a�d at �.016 cfs cr t:�e New Data:rdost.tsf I
As shown on the previous table, the outlet is below the predevelopment curve at the first
cutoff; no excursions exceed positive 10%; and half (7/14) of the excursions are zero or less
than zero. A comparative plot showing the vault outlet and target duration curves is
included at the end of the section for visual comparison.
_ This vault configuration was then adjusted by applying 10-feet ofi additional len�th to the
vault for a factor of safety (not a code requirement). The proposed vault with the factor of
safety results in a vault with the dimensions of 14.5-feet wide by 234-feet long with a live
storage depth of 6.5-feet. This vault provides a detention volume of 22,055 cu-ft, which has
been modeled below to show flow control compliance.
Job#09-029 Page 4-15
June 3, 2013
Herita e Hiils A artment Communit -Technical Information Re ort I�
g P Y p i
�a=er.tior./Detent��or. r acili�,
Type of Facility: Cetention Vau�.�
Facility Lengtn: 234 .00 ft
Facility Width: 14. 50 ft
Facili*y Area: 3393. sq. �t
Effec��ve Storage Depth: 6. 50 f�
S�age 0 Elevation: 293. 50 ft
Storage Volume: 22�55. cu. ft
Riser Head: 6.5C ft
Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches
Number of orifices: 2
Fu11 Nead P'_pe
Grifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter
(ft) (in) (CFS} (_r_;
1 0.00 C. 50 0.018
2 5.30 1.46 C. G63 � .0
Tco Notcn Weir: None
Cuttiow Rating Curve: None
Stage Elevation Stora^e Cischarge Percola-��o�
(ft) (ft) (cu. ft) r,ac-ft) (cfs) (c�s)
O.00 293.50 G. 0.000 0.000 O.00
0.01 293.51 34 . O.OGl 0.001 O.00
0.02 293.52 68 . 0.002 0.001 O.00
G.u3 293.53 "'_02. 0.002 0.001 O.00
0.04 293.54 '_36. G.003 0.001 O.00
0. 15 293. 65 509. 0.012 0.003 O.00
0.26 293.76 882. C. 020 0.004 O.00
0.37 293.87 1255 . 0. 029 0.004 0.0�
0.48 293. 98 1629. C. C37 0.005 0.00
0.59 294.09 2G02 . 0.^v46 0.005 0.00
G.70 294.20 2375 . O.C55 0.006 0.00
0.81 294.31 274� . C .C63 0.006 0.00
0. 92 294.42 3122. 0 .072 0.007 0.00
1. C3 294.53 3495. � .C80 0.007 O.00
1. 14 294. 64 3868. 0.089 O. 007 O. 00
1.25 294.75 4241. 0.097 O.GG8 0.00
1. 36 294.86 46':5 . 0.106 O.G08 0.00
1. 47 294. 97 4988 . 0 .115 G.008 0.00
1. 5� 295.08 5361. 0. 123 G.009 0.00
1. 69 295.19 5734 . 0. 132 0.009 0.00
1.50 295.30 61Gi. 0. 140 O. 009 0. 00
1 . 91 295.41 6481. 0. 149 C. O10 0. 00
2 . G3 295.53 6888 . 0. 158 v^. 010 0. 00
2 . 14 295. 64 7261. 0.167 0.010 0.00
2 .25 295.75 7634 . 0.175 0.010 0.00
2 . 36 295.86 R�08 . 0.184 O.C11 0.00
2 . 47 295. 9� 838�. 0. 192 O.G1_ 0.00
2 . 58 296.08 8?54. 0.201 0 .011 0.00
2. 69 296. 19 9127 . 0.2i0 0.011 C.00
2 .80 296. 30 9500. 0.2i8 0 .0_2 0. 00
2 . 91 296.4? 98?4 . 0.227 0.0�2 C.00
3.�2 296.52 i0247 . 0.235 O.G;2 G. CO
Job#09-029 Page 4-16
June 3, 2013 �
Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technical Information Report
3. 13 296.63 10620. 0.244 0.012 0.00 ',
3.24 296.74 10993. 0.252 0.012 0.00 ��,
3.35 296.85 �1367 . 0.261 C.013 0.00 '
3.46 296. 96 11740. 0.270 0.013 0.00
3. 5? 297.07 12113. 0.278 0.013 0.00
3. 68 29? .18 12486. 0.287 0.013 0.00
3.79 297.29 12859. 0.295 O.C13 0.00
3. 90 297. 40 13233. 0.304 0.014 O.OG
4 .01 297.51 13606. 0. 312 0.014 0.00
4 . 12 297. 62 139?9. G. 321 0.014 O.OG
4 .23 297.73 14352. G. 329 0.014 O.OG
4.34 297.84 1472E. �. 338 0.014 0.00
4. 45 297.95 15099. �. 347 0.015 0.00
4.56 298.06 15472 . 0. 355 0.015 0.00
4. 67 298 .17 15845. 0 . 364 0.015 0. 00
4.78 298.28 16219. 0.372 O.OiS 0.00
4 .89 298.39 16592. 0.381 G.015 0.00 '
5.00 298.50 16a6�. 0.389 0.015 0.00
5. 11 298.61 17338. 0.398 0.016 0.00
5.22 298.72 i771I. 0.407 0.016 0.00
5. 30 298.80 17983. 0. 413 0.016 O.CO ',
5.32 298.82 18051. 0.414 C.016 0.00
5.33 298.83 18085. 0.415 0.018 0.00
5.35 298.85 18153. 0. 417 0.020 0.00 I
5.36 298.86 18186. 0.418 0 .023 0.00 'i
5.38 298.88 18254 . C.419 0.027 O.00
5.39 298.89 18288 . C. 420 0.032 O.00
5. 41 298.91 18356. 0. 421 0.035 O.00
5.42 298.92 18390. 0.422 0.036 O.00
5.53 299.03 18763. 0.431 0.044 O.00
5. 64 299. 14 19137. 0. 439 0.050 0.00
5.75 299.25 19510. 0. 448 0.055 O.00
�.86 299.36 19883. 0.456 0.060 0.00
5. 97 299.4? 2�256. 0.465 0.064 0.00
6.08 299.58 2�629. 0. 474 0.068 0.00
6. 19 299. 69 21003. 0. 482 0.071 O.OG
6.3C 299.8C 21376. 0.491 0.075 0.00
6.41 299. 91 21749. 0. 499 0.078 0.00
6.50 300.00 22055. 0.506 0.080 O.GO
Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Sto--age
Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft)
� 0.43 0.10 0.03 5.38 298.88 18267. 0.419
2 0.41 ******* 0.01 4. 13 297. 63 14028. 0.322
3 0.40 ******* 0.01 4 . 59 298.04 15405. 0.354
4 0.35 ******* 0.01 1.55 295.05 5252. C.121
� 0.32 ******* 0.01 2.96 296.46 1004'. 0.231
6 0.30 ******* 0.01 2.89 296.39 9810. 0 .225
7 0.24 ******* 0.01 2.79 296.29 9481. 0.218
8 0.21 ***�*** 0.00 C.50 294 .00 1692. 0.039
Job�#09-029 Page 4-17
June 3, 2013 /T��
Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technic�l Information Report
RcLte T-�:ne Series througz Fa�ility
Iaflow Time Series File:developedtda_c�mi�o.tsz
Octfiow Time Series File:rdcu`.ts�
Infiow/Outflow Analys's
Peak Inflow Discha_ge: 0 . 43� ^_� at 6: 00 0:� Jan 9 i-� 1?9�
Peak Outflow Discharge: 0. 078 C�S at 20: OG o; Fe� 9 in 1?51
Peak Reservoir Stage: 6.41 rt
Feak Reservoir Elev: 299. 91 Ft
Peak R2servoir Storage: 2=745. Cu-Ft
. 0.499 Ac-Ft
F1ow CuYation from Time S��ies File:rdout.tsf
Csto�f �,ount Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability
CFS $ % �
0.001 180788 41.276 41.276 58 .724 0.58�E+00
C.003 51336 11.721 52. 996 47 .004 0.470E+C0
0.005 69896 15.958 68. 954 31.046 0.310E+00
0.008 49497 11.301 80.255 19.745 0.197E+00
O.C10 35509 8.107 88.362 11. 638 0.116E+00
O.Oi2 28548 0.518 94 .880 5. 120 0.512E-�J1
0.014 18207 4 .157 99.037 0. 963 0.963E-02
0.016 3730 0.�52 99.8�8 0.112 0. 112E-02
0.018 44 0.010 99.898 O. 1C2 0.102E-02
0.021 54 0.012 99. 911 0.089 0.893E-Qi
0.023 27 0.006 99. 917 0. 083 0.831E-03
0.025 23 0.005 99. 922 0. 078 0.779E-03
0.027 28 0.006 99. 9�9 0. 07i 0. 715E-03
0.029 13 0.003 99. 932 0. 068 0. 685E-03
0.031 8 0.002 99. 933 0.067 0. 667E-03
0.034 19 0.004 99. 938 O.C62 0. 623E-03
0.036 19 O.OG4 99. 942 O.C58 0.580E-03
0.038 27 0.006 99. 948 0.052 0.518E-03
0.040 21 C.005 99. 953 0.047 0. 470E-03
0.042 14 C.003 99. 956 O.C44 0. 438E-03
0.044 12 0.003 99.959 0.041 0. 411E-03
0.047 17 C.004 99. 963 0.037 0.372E-03
0.049 13 0.003 99. 966 0.034 0.342�-03
0.05i 18 0.004 99. 970 0.030 0. 301�'-03 ,
0.053 12 0.003 99. 973 0.027 0.274:-03
0.055 17 0.009 99. 976 0.024 0.235_-03
0.057 16 0.004 99. 980 0.020 0. 199�-03
0.060 14 C.003 99. 983 0.017 0.167�-03
0.062 25 0.006 99. 989 G.Oil 0.110�-03
0.064 16 0.004 99. 993 0.007 0.731�-04
0.066 5 0.001 99. 994 0.006 0. 616E-04
0.068 5 0.001 99. 995 0.005 C.502E-04
0.070 9 0.002 99. 997 0.003 0.297E-04
0.073 6 0.001 99. 998 0.002 C. 160E-04
0.075 2 O.GOC 99. 999 Q.001 C. 114E-04
0.077 2 �.CO� 99. 999 C .001 C. 685E-05
Job#09-029 Page 4-18
June 3, 2013 �
�. ,, �, �,
Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technica! lnformation Report
Rc�.:te Time Series throLgi: Facility
Inflow T-�me Series File:deveiopedtda'_co.nbo.tsf
Outflow T�me Series File:rdoLt
In�low/Outflow Analys_s
Peak Inflow Discha�ge: � .435 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in 199G
Peak Outflow Discha_ge: 0 .0?8 CFS at 20: �0 on Feb 9 ir. 19�'
Peak Reservoir Stage: 6.41 Ft
Peak Reservoir E1ev: 299. 91 Ft
Peak Rese_voi� Storage: 2174� . Cu-Ft
. 0.49G P.c-Ft
F1ow Du�ation from Time Ser_es File:rdout.�s=
Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probab_lity
CFS � o �
C.001 180788 41.276 41.276 58.724 0.587E��0
0.003 51336 11.721 52. 996 47.004 0.470E+00
C.005 69896 15.958 68 . 954 31.046 0.310E+00
C.008 49497 11.301 80.255 19.745 0.197E+�0
C.O10 35509 8. 107 88.362 11.638 0.116E+00
0 .012 28548 6.518 94 .880 5.12C C.512E-01
0.014 18207 4.157 99.037 0.963 0. 963E-02
0.016 3730 0.852 99.888 0.112 0. 112�-02
�.018 44 C.O10 99.898 0.102 0 . 102�-02
0.021 54 0.012 99. 9,�1 0.089 0. 893E-03
0.023 27 0.006 99. 9"�7 0.083 0. 831�-0�
0.025 23 G.005 99. 922 O.C7� 0.779E-03
0.027 28 C.006 99. 929 0.071 0.715E-03
0.029 13 C.003 99. 932 0.068 0.685E-03
0.031 8 0.002 99. 933 0.067 0. 667E-03
0.034 19 0.004 99. 938 0.062 0. 623E-03
0.036 19 0.004 99. 942 0.058 0. 580E-03
0.038 27 0.006 99. 948 0.052 0 .518E-03
0.040 21 0.005 99. 953 0.04� 0.470E-G3
0.042 14 0.003 99. 956 0.044 0. 438E-03
0.044 12 0.003 99. 959 0.041 0.411E-G3
0.047 17 0.004 99. 963 0.03? 0.372E-G3
0.049 13 0.003 99.966 0.034 0.342E-C3
0.051 18 0.004 99. 970 0.030 0.301E-G3
0.053 12 0.003 99. 973 0.027 0.274E-03
0.055 17 0.004 99. 976 0.024 G.235E-G3
0.057 16 0.004 99. 980 0.020 0. 199E-03
0.060 14 O.G03 99. 983 C.017 0. 167E-03
0.062 25 0.006 99. 989 O.Oli 0. 110E-C3
0.064 16 0.004 99. 993 C.007 0.731E-C4
0.066 5 0.001 99. 994 C.006 0. 616E-�4
0.068 5 0.001 99. 995 0.00� 0.5C2E-C4
G.070 9 0.002 99. 997 0.003 0.297E-�4
0.073 6 O.CO1 99. 998 0.002 0. 160E-�4
0.075 2 O. 000 99. 999 0.001 0. 114E-�4
O.G�7 2 Q. �00 ;9, 9�9 O.GOi G. 6��E-0�
1ob#09-029 Page 4-19
June 3, 2013
iS����"��f La
Heritage Hills Apartment Community-Technical Information Report
Duratior. Comparison Anaylsis
Base File: existingtdal.ts=
:]ew File: rdcut.tsf
Cu�c�f Cr.its: Discharge in CE�
-----Fraction of �ime----- ---------Check c= To'yer�nce-------
C�to=f Base New �Change Probability Base New �Change
0. 014 I 0. 11E-01 0.94E-02 -11.2 I 0.11E-C1 0. 014 0.014 -2.4
C. 019 I 0. 53E-C2 0. 94E-03 -82.5 I 0.53E-02 0.019 0 .015 -23.3
C.025 I 0.30E-02 0.79E-C3 -73.8 I 0.30E-02 0.025 0.015 -38.3
O.C30 I 0.18E-02 0.68E-C3 -61.8 i 0.18E-02 0.030 0.016 -46.0
0 .035 i 0. 11E-02 0.61E-C3 -44_.5 I O. ilr.-02 O.G35 O.C17 -52.1
0.040 � 0. 68E-03 0.47E-03 -30.3 I 0. 68E-03 0.040 0.030 -24.4
0.045 I 0.45E-03 0. 39E-03 -12.2 I 0.45E-03 0.045 0.04= -8. 9
0.050 I 0.31E-03 C.32E-03 3.0 I C.31E-03 0.050 0.05i 1. 1
0.055 I 0.21E-03 0.24E-03 9.6 I 0.21E-03 0.055 0.057 2 . 6
0.060 � 0.12E-03 0. 15E-03 29.4 � 0. 12E-03 0.060 0.061 1. 6
0.066 � 0. 59E-04 0.66E-04 11.5 I 0.59E-04 0.066 0.066 1. 0
0.071 I 0. 32E-04 0.27E-04 -14.3 I 0.32E-C4 0.071 0.07v^ -1.1
0.076 � 0.68E-05 0. 91E-05 33.3 � 0. 68E-05 0.0?E 0.0?? 1 .7
0. 08i I 0.23E-05 O.00E+00 -100.0 I 0.23�-C� � . C8"_ 0. 078 -3.8
Maximum posi�ive excursion = 0. 003 cfs ( 4.5�)
occurring at 0.057 cfs or. the Base Data:existing�c�l.tsf
and at 0.059 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf
Maximum negative excursior. = O.C18 cfs (-53.2°;
occurring at 0 . 035 cfs on the Base Data:existizg�.�dl .�Jr
a�d at v^.G16 cfs or. �he Ne�r Data:rdou�.tsf
Job#09-029 Page 4-20
June 3, 2013 �T�D
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
The Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standard is required for this project. TDA#2 is
exempt from providing the Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standard because in
the developed conditions, less than 5,000 sq-ft of pollution generating impervious surface is
For TDA #1, the Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standard applies and will be
achie�ed by providing a two-facility treatment train as described in Sectian 6.1.2 of the
2009 KCSWDM. The first facility of the treatment train is the wetvault p�rtion of the
cambiried detention/wetvault. The required wetvault volume was determined by the
procedures outlined in Section of the 2009 KCSVriDM and have been sumrrzarized in
the Wetvault Sizing Worksheet provided at the end of this section. The required wetvault
volume is 4,733 cu-ft. The proposed wetvault volume is 10,179 cu-ft. The pro�osed ��olume
exceeds the required volume by a large amount due to minimum wetva�alt depth (3'}
requirements specified in Section of the 2009 KCSWDM.
The second facility of the treatment train is a StormFilter with CSF filtration media. This
StormFilter facility (C64) is downstream of the combined detention/wetvault and has been
� sized to treat the full 2-year release rate from the combined detention/wetvault �"acility as
specified in Section 6.2.1 of the 2009 KCSWDM. Below is the combined detention/wetvault
outlet timeseries.
Flow Frecuezcy Ana'-ysis LogPearsor III Coefficien�s !
Time Series File:rdout.tsf Mean= -1. 674 StdDev= C.278
Prcject Location:Sea-Tac S!cew= 0.705
---Annual Peak F�ow Rates--- -----�low Freque�cy Analysis-------
F=ow Rate Rank ^ime of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Retu�n Prob
(CFS) (CFS) (it) Period
Conputed Peaks 0.129 6.52 100.00 0. 990
Computed Feaks 0.099 6.51 50.00 0.980
Computed Pea:{s 0.075 6.50 25.00 0. 960
Computed Peats 0.050 5.35 10.00 0. 900
Computed Pea:cs 0.046 5.14 8.00 0.875
Computed Peats 0.035 4 .76 5.00 0.800
Computed PeG'.�s 0.020 4 .50 2.00 0. 500
Comp�ted ?eaks 0.013 2 . E9 1. 30 0.231
Job #09-029 Page 4-21
June 3, 2013
�, ;,�..��
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Informatior Re�ort
As shown on the previous page, the full 2-year release rate is 0.020 cfs, for which the
StormFilter facility has been sized by Contech Stormwater Solutions. The StormFilter facility '�,
will consist of 4 CSF cartridges and will be contained in a 72" diameter manhole. The
maximum 100-year discharge from the vault is 0.129 cfs and therefore a flow splitter
upstream of the StormFilter vault is not necessary. See �he end of tt�is section for the
Contech Sizing and Cost Estimate Letter and Contech Sizing Calculations. ',
Job#09-029 Page 4-22
June 3, 2013 � '
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
Vault Emer�ency Overflow Riser
In the event that the flow restriction device should fail, an emergency overflow riser will
convey the 100-year flow to the proposed discharge route. As shown below, the riser is
able to pass the undetained developed 100 year storm event (0.471 cfs from
developedtdalcombo.tsfl within the 0.5 foot of freeboard available.
_ �0.2193*Q'`3
Q=9.739 D Ffi3�2 � H -
� 3
Where D = diameter(1.00 foot)
Q=flow (0.471 cfs)
H _ �0.2193*0.471' 3� = 0.13 feet
H a.�c
_ ���
�,Z�� C} fice
� 2.�G
Input Output � �.C�
Q (cfs) 0.47 0.47 �.��
D (in) 12 12.00 Q��
H (ft) O.QO 0.13
Flow: Weir Flow 4 1C 2a 34 �4. E�G �4 7� 8G �0 iCG 11� 1�� 1`�4
Emergency Overflow Riser
H required = 0.13 feet I,
H provided = 0.50 feet
Job k#09-029 Page 4-23
June 3, 2013 �
„�-__..-, .. . .
kflynn, Mo� 13, 2013 — 9:SSam
f.•\PROJECTS\09029\Dwgfi/es\Exhibits\11R\F)nal\Existing Conditions Exhiblt 12-0709.dwg, fxisting
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Flow Frequency Analysis �ogPearson III Coefficients
Time series F�le: rdout.tsf Mean= -1.755 StdDev= 0.260
Project �ocation:sea-Tac Skew= 1. 564
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period �Aa�T
Computed Peaks 0.132 6. 52 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.092 6. 50 50.00 0.980 R�����j
Computed Peaks 0.064 5.97 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.039 5.46 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.035 5.41 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.026 5.38 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.015 5.02 2.00 0. 500
Computed Peaks 0.011 2.71 1.30 0.231
Flow Frequency analysis �ogPearson Izz Coefficients
Time series File:tdalbypass.tsf Mean= -1.366 std�ev= 0.122
Project �ocation:sea-7ac skew= 0.393
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period
Computed Peaks 0.090 100.00 0.990 �j�P��j
Computed Peaks 0.081 50.00 0.980 •\
Computed Peaks 0.073 25.00 0.960 (�/ �MP ��CD�T�I
Computed Peaks 0.062 10.00 0.900 � ,l
Computed Peaks 0.060 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.054 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.042 2.00 0. 500
computed Peaks 0.035 1.30 0.231
CACD i5f ,l
ItJ K�(�S
Flow Frequency ,4nalysis �ogPearson III Coefficients
Time 5eries File:developedpoc.tsf Mean= -1.257 Std�ev= 0.136
Project �ocation:sea-Tac Skew= 0. 581
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- �E��'����
Flow rtate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period � � , G •
Computed Peaks 0.130 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.115 50.00 0.980
Computed Peaks 0.101 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.084 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.080 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.071 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.054 2.00 0. 500
Computed Peaks 0.043 1.30 0.231
Page 1
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Summary of the 2009 KCSWDM Sizing Method
Project name: Heritage Hills
Step 1) Determine volume factor f.
Volume Fac:or f= 3 Consult WQ requirements(Section1.2.8)
Basrc Size 3
Large Size 4.5
Step 2) Determine rainfall R for mean annual storm.
Rainfall (R) 0.039 (feet) Req�ired from Figure 6.4.1.A
Step 3) Calculate runoff from mean annual sto�m
V;_ (0.9A;+0.25A�9+0.10A�.0.01 Ao9)X R '
A;= tributary area of impervious surface 42,664 (sfl Determine now
A,9= tributary area of till grass 8,211 (sfl Determine now �
Atf= tributary area of till forest (s� Determine now
Ao9= tributary area of outwash grass (sfl Determine now
R = rainfall from mean annual storm 0.039 (ft) From Step 2 ,
V�= volume of runoff from mean annual storm 1578 (cfj
Step 4) Calculate wetpool volume
Vb =fV.
f= Volume factor 3 (unitless) From Step 1
V�= volume of runoff, mean annual storm 1578 (cfl From Step 3
Ub= Volume of the wetpool 4733 (cfl
Size and Cost Estimate
Prepared by Chris Hass on February 14, 2013
Heritage Hills — Stormwater Treatment System
Renton, WA
information provided:
• Total contributing area = 1.17 acre
• impervious area = 0.98 acre
• Detention release rate, Qt�eat = 4.02 cfs
• Presiding agency = City of Renton, WA (KCSWDM 2009)
• Media = CSF cartridges
• Per cartridge flow rate = 7.5 gpm
• Drop required from inlet to outlet= 2.3' minimum
Size and cost estimates:
The StormFilter is a flow-based system, and therefore, is sized by calculating the peak water quality flow rate
associated with the design storm. However, when the StormFilter is placed downstream of detention the flow rate
generated at the water quality storm is not always representative of the total volume of water that will go through the
system or type of pollutant-loading the system may experience in one year.
For this site, Contech Engineered Solutions LLC recommends using a 72" Manhole StormFilter with (4) 18"
caRridges (see attached detail). The estimated cost of this system is 17 200, complete and delivered to the job site.
This estimate assumes that the vault is 6 feet deep. The final system cost will depend on the actual depth of the unit �
and whether extras like doors rather than castings are specified. The contractor is responsible for setting the
StormFilter and all extemal plumbing. �
Typica(ly, precast StormFilters have intemal bypass capacities of 1.8 cfs. If the peak discharge off the site is
expected to exceed this rate, we recommend placing a high-flow bypass upstream of the StormFilter system.
Contech Engineered Solutions could provide our high-flow bypass, the StormGate, which provides a combination
weir-orifice control structure to limit the flow to the StormFilter. The estimated cost of this structure is $4,000. The
final cost would depend on the actual depth and size of the unit.
�0201?Contech Engineered Soluuons LLC 11835 NE Glenn Widing Dr.,Portland OR 97220 Page 1 of 1
n-,v�v.Cc�nrechI�.�.ccm Toll-free:800.548.4667 Fax:800.561.1271 TS-P022
�,, „
Determining Number of
�:a.:��� � Cartridges for Systems
ENGINEERED SOLUTlONS Downstream of Detention
CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Inc. Engineer: CRH
Date 2/14/2013
Site Information
Project Name Heritage Hills
Project State Washington
Project Location Renton
Drainage Area, Ad 1.17 ac
Impervious Area, Ai 0.98 ac
Pervious Area, Ap 0.19
°/a Impervious 84%
Runoff Coefficient, Rc 0.80
Upstream Detention System
Peak release rate from detention, Qrelease peak 0.13 cfs
Treatment release rate from detention, Qreiease'reat 0.02 cfs
Detention pretreatment credit 50%
(from removal efficiency calcs)
Mass loading calculations
Mean Annual Rainfall, P 37 in
Agency required % removal 80%
Percent Runoff Capture 90°/a
Mean Annual Runoff,V, 113,687 ft'
Event Mean Concentration of Pollutant, EMC 60 mg/I
Annual Mass Load, M«�a, 425.58 Ibs
Filter System
Filtration brand StormFilter
Cartridge height 18 in
Specific Flow Rate 1.0 gpm/ft`
Number of cartridges -mass loading
Mass removed by pretreatment system, MPfe 212.79 Ibs
Mass load to filters after pretreatment, MPasst 212.79 Ibs
Estimate the required filter efficiency. Ef,ce, 0.60
Mass to be captured by filters, Mfi�te� 127.67 Ibs
Allowable Cartridge Flow rate, 4art 7.50
Mass load per cartridge, M�rt{Ibs) 36.00 Ibs
Number of Cartridges required, Nmass 4
Treatment Capacity 0.07 cfs
Detertnine Critical Sizing Value
Number of Cartridges usir,g ��z,ezse:�=;,, N=,�.., 2
Method to Use: MASS-LOADING
Treatment Flow Rate, cfs 0.07
Cartridge Flow Rate, gpm 7.5
Number of Cartridges 4
1 of 1
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With its unique,patented �t �` 9 � ' �`�, S k ��,''�j'r�'°°"� �'j*f � 7'� L� v� 1�� _ L; j I
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interlocking spacer lugs, ��f ':' I. , �V ! �' � a; }�" ,"* `' � ? ��t'is1;r:�* -�'`'
Eco-Priore•provides secure � '� � {y���� �`yt " �y' �r`'.� ,u�°��,�� �'#�,k �
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concrete pavements(PICP's). ,�,�,` � `�.'�(' ' ""�•` `� �„ _. '�t'"��� �� � '-;`'
It works well under vehicular � c�;�-"� a ' - i'' �';! 1= � �>,,^ '`'r'�'' �'�'' " _
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The flat,durable surface is ; ��`r � _ a �-�—.,,� �,� '�,� �. nt',,.�`��• � �� 'n ,
also well suited for pedestrian `� _ �� �!�,y�{� �' � —�.��,�}��,�� ;����y M��:��}��s��',
pavements and the narrow � { z� �� � � ;Y��'fi�' ������������"y�° ,
joints comply with the most ` , '_ , . r�r, `� _ ` �,���,�`�w�� � ,, , �`� , `�
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recent requirements of '� '�. '� 4,� t�w ' ,� � � ���'_� I
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the ADA(Americans with � � `� `, t -,�.��\� � '.� ''� iE�� �;, � ��±'r�: '
Disabilities Act ti;ti � . � � �` ��`` >` � ti � � ��>
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Use Eco-Priora for: ` � � ? F� �� ��t �'� �'� ` �-� �'� ��`��
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•Driveways � '\�. q� �\ �\ � � � -�`,z �,` � �` ,�t�M., � �
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•Parking Lots � ��v t ; r�t t .. sir &r {'i����' t � � ° � '� 1,y4��,+,�t�'� F �1 :r4. r ��rt:rw-1� '
•Commercial Applications i���r.��„F �.�:.s..M�� ,�..,..�..�..._�.,..._:.��_�:..r....,_.�...;_i:...�...._�y.:�.�:,...�t� �f ..,1.5
•Residences Unit ,.Pieces/Pallet � Coverage/Pal let ;
Weight/Unit bVeight;Pallet ;
•Pedestrien Plazas _ _ a-:�_. , _..>.__.,.. , ._: . �-.:_.. _ , _ . . . _ �.,_ I
4 x 8 Unit i ` 432 93.2 f;�(8.65 m�} �;8 Ibs(3.6 kgj ; 3 4561bs(1 567 kg} ,,
♦•xa•,c3 v,° . 8 x 8 Unit 192 83.0�`t�(7.71 m�1 • 161bs(7.2 kg1 .' `3,172 Ibs�1 439.kg) -; I
1 Q0 m m x 200 rn m r 80 mm �.
,.y, All WeightperPalfet noted above indude a 50Ib pallet weight. �
' 'A!lmevic drmer,sions cre so`r conve�ted ro��+ce��ci I!
�4 �<
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,§:�:'`"'� 8"(200 mm) ':
a•xa•�;u� 8 x 8 Unit (80 mm; g���2C0 mm) 2.25 9°-0 ' .
200 mm r 200 mm x 80 mm � .. .. . . . . . . . . _ .... .. .. _ . . �. . . . . . . � . . _ ..
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f i � •
�,� �, , :� Eco-Priora is manufactured to the same high quality specifications as all other Mutual
� . .h ,.�r'
;�sr Materials interlocking concrete pavers and meet or exceed the requirements in ASrM C 936,
"Standard Specification for Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units:'
� a . :. . � :. � � .: ,�• • � . .
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4x8:75%,Sx8:25% 4x8:50%,8x8:504b
•'Currently avaifoble for mechanical;ns[a!lofion. D Mutual Materials US E�O-PRICRA 1R012 www.mutualmaterials.:om
t a -"`+ � ,. � �r3 ,vr ±.c ;
...�.�e_._.._,.:..)r..� .':"�:�e..as�.:.�:.�c:...J._,_...,..�,.t ..�..,_..._i'
Custom colors are availabie.For more �for--,��t���cn �I =�_e�o �� ;�u- � ��,:�s�'� ,t - •'•�
.. ) �_. � kr st �.' 1
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�,a��1��1��9�����:���-�:if�����i��>�.�."'�"�_ ��_ v ���
Formore specific and detailed instructions,please contacC yourMutual Materials sales representative.
_—_--_,-�Z�U�,m -__-__-__�-_-.-,,,o,,,,,,, _; When building permeable pavement structures with Eco-Priora 4 x 8 or 8 x
r ��-/�—, 8,follow design and construction recommendations found in"Permeable
Interlocking Concrete Pavements-4th Edition" as published by the
� Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute(ICPI,2011). Copies are available
� s x a void: a x a void: � from ICPI(www.ICPl.org)or your Mutual Materials representative.
� 9�b 13�° Also,LEED credits may be available for stormwater management,urban heat
island reduction,and innovative design (accordinq to the project certification
process established bythe USGB�.
i Green Note:EcoPriora permeable pavers may contribute to;vards
� � LEED credits as determined by the USGBC.Credits vary by project and
� by,manufacturer.For more specifrc information on how EcoPrrora migh t
� contribute towcrds LEED certrfication for your profecc,please contact
� yourMutual Materials sales representatrve.
�' � '� � • s e
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�Q �� C BECGING CGI:R�E I ll�TO 2"i40 TG 50 mnu THI��K
o � 8c�o ��p oC� � . • ITYP.NO.8 AGGREGATEj
oa� �� "� " ;°
g 4"(10Q MMl TN1CK NO.5;STCNE
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O o�a �OQO O a�. :.�:��e�j e.!J
�Q o QQ��j„ •����,a';,-dj� NO.2 STONE SUBBASE
I I I�I I�I I=I I I�I I=I I�I I I I SIeEs GF OPE�-vR,��EG e:�E
Eto-Priora°rs a trad�mark of Uni-Group USA.
i a - �cn:� ;,� � 4� �- _
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NDS Customer Service 851 N.Harvard Avem�e,tindmr,U 93241
Phane:(800M 72b-1994•(559)562-9888•Fmr.(BUUI 7Y6-1998•(559)562-4488 ' N__,,S -- -
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'— Table of Contents
Z Recommended Uses.................................................................... 3
OMaintenance Tips and Warnings .................................................. 3
� Paver Installation Guidelines........................................................ 4
Q Base Material Determination
Site Preparation
� Paver Assembly & Installation (overview)
LL. Instailation Tips & Techniques..................................................... 4-6
(� Product Specifications................................................................. 7
� Staking Diagram.....................................................,..............:..... 8
� GPStake Specifications ............................................................... 9
� Paver Design............................................................................... 10
� Paver Mat Movement & Separation
Nesting Integrity
� Compressive Strength
� Product Features.............. .a............... 11
� Profile Levels ............... 12
� ...............................................................
� Depth of Base Course.................................................................. 12
� TYPical Base Course Materials..................................................... 12
Material Composition .................................................................. 13-14
Molding Technique
Testing Methods
PermeabiI ity................................................................................ 15
Runoff % - 24 Hour Rainfail (Table 1}
Water Penetration
General Statement of Fact
Product Testing Documentation................................................... 16
This information is re!evant on7ytothe produd(s) identified within this document and is not int2nded for use with any other
prc�ucs. Please cor,sult N�S Tech Services at(888i ffi5-4716 or e-mail TechService�NDSpro.com if you have any�uesticns
pertaining to specifications.installations,or recommended applications that are beyond the scope of this document.
NDS Customer Service 651 H.Harvard Avenue,lindsay,G193247 II
�:� ���.�.r�� ��,.���� ������ n
EZ Roll'TM Gravel Pavers are a load transfer paving system designed to be placed directly on a crushed �
run, clean stone cr sandy gravel base (other base materials are acceptable, based on locai conditions). �
EZ Rolln'" Gravel Pavers are designed to transfer vehicle load to the base material, allowing light to heavy �
vehicular traffic to trave( over the road without damage. The honeycomb ceil paver design helps prevent
particle migration and rutting that would deteriorate the gravel road. �
EZ Roll7"' Gravel Pavers can be used for erosion control and help reduce or eliminate surface water �
runoff. EZ RoiITM' Gravef Pavers are sold in rolis with side-to-side and end-to-end clips that connect panels �
together securely. They can be rolled out over the base material, allowing for easy installation and �
savings on labor costs. 40 stakes are supplied with every 600 sq ft roil. �
Recommended Uses �
Light to Moderate Traffic Loads, including: �
• Parking Lots • Residential Driveways n
• Service Roads • Golf Cart Paths �
• Jogging Tracks • Overflow Parking Area
• Bike Trails • RV and Boat Access and Parking "'�
• Roadway Shoulders • Truck & Cart Wash-Down Areas
Heavy Traffic Loads, including: �
• Fire lanes
• Emergency vehicle access roads — �
• Service vehicle utility roads
• Truck maintenance and equipment yards C
• Construction entrance stabilization �.
Non-Load Applications: rn
• Erosion control on slopes —Contact NDS Tech Service for staking recommendation.
• Erosion control in swales— Contact NDS Tech Service for staking recommendation.
NDS Does Not Recommend the use of EZ RoIIT"^ Gravel Pavets for the Following:
• Traffic on slopes exceeding a 10% grade.
• For playing surfaces of any sports field (e.g. baseball diamcnds, football fields, etc.).
• To support tread-driven military vehicles.
• Light or heavy duty tread-driven construction equipment or bobcats.
Maintenance Tips
1. When snow clearing equipment is used, skid shoes must be used or the snow plow must be
raised a minimum of two inches above the paver surface. This will prevent the plow from digging
into the gravel area and keep from disturbing the paver mat.
2. Occasional surface grading may be required.
3. When planting trees near a gravel paver surface, it is advisable to install root barrier products
around the root balls of the trees to prevent shallow rovts from interfering with surface integrity
or the road base. NDS root barrier products ((EP-1850 or EP-2450j are recommended.
� NDS'
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�- Product Specifications
Z Descri tlo�1 EZ RoIfTM Gravel Paver is a hi h uGG
O p g q ty injec�ion mcided, plas�ic
rolled gravel p2ver structure or linked and nested hereycomb cells.
Material & Recyclability Bl�ck gravei pavers are mclded from 100°% recycled HCPE,
acolored gravel pavers are molded from virgin material.
� Please recycle whenever possible.
L�.� Dimensions Each paver roll is 4 ft. wide and 150 ft. feng.
� Pane! Details Each paver panel contains 72, 2=/a-inch hexagonal cells in a
W nested honeycomb form, with integrated cross links that allow
� for easy rollout. Each panel measures approximately
� 24' x 24" x 1" deep.
� Paver Top SurfaCB The top surface of the hexagonal cell walls of EZ RoIITM Gravel
� Pavers are smooth and devoid of notches or grooves.
� Pinning Mechanism 40 stakes supplied with every 600 sq ft roll.
� Paver gottom Open Ar�a The EZ Rol1T"' Gravel Paver structure has an over 80% fabric
� mesh area heat bonded to the bottom surface, equal to 478
( square inches per paver section.
� Part Numbers and Colors GP4X150 (black), GP4X150G (gray), GP4XI�OT (tar.), and
GP4X150R (brick redj; all contain ultraviolet inhibitors
CUmpressive Stl'ength The compressive strength of EZ RoI1T'" Gravel Pavers is 5C,400 Ibs.
(ps� which is equal to 350 Ibs. (psi), bare prcduct (empb� cells)
1This load capacity is in excess of H20 load requirements.
Chemical Resistance EZ RoI1T"' Gravel Pavers have superior chemical resistance and
are totally inert.
Weight Per Unit 2.32 pounds per 24"x 24" panel
Fabric Nonwoven, spunbonded, continuous filament polypropylene is
thermally bonded to the paver bottom surface. Fabric had the
following values, per ASTNI standards: grab tensile = 110 (Ibs;,
puncture = 30 (Ibs;, AOS = 50 (U.S. sieve no.), permeability =
OA5 (cm/sec), water flow = 95 (gal;'mir:/sf,�, l,'V stability = 7G (9%;.
lln�+a�endo,n,t I�bCratQ�i t@S'S CO!1dUC`ar._
NDS tustomer Service 851 N.Harvard Avenue,L;ndsay,G14324i
��ijtl � �x ���� ; n� �
Paver Instailation Guidelines Z
Base Material Determination n
The first step in project pfanning is to determine the correct base construction that wili support the traffic �
load anticipated on the site (i.e., fire lane, overflow parking, fight utility access road, R.V. access lane, �
etc.) There are three base options to choose from:
1. Light Load / High Traffic - base shail be minimum 4" of base material to designer's specification �
and local code. �
2. Heavy Load — base shall be a minimum 6" of base material to designer's specification rn
and local code. �
3. Heavy Load / Fire Lane - base shall be a minimum 6" of base material to designer's T
specification, Iccal code, and fire authority requirements. Considerations should include how .�,.
much volume of water must be stored or ailowed to draw through the base material. Calculate ali n
areas to be drained into the gravel paver location. �
Site Selection �
1. Recommended installation with no more than a 5% grade for emergency access lanes or for �
heavy vehicle access. �
2. Install with no more than a 10% grade for light vehicular traffic. Retention stakes must be
instailed in this application in a manner specified by a quatified architect or soils engineer. � �,
3. Installations over 10% grades are for erosion resistance anly. The instaliation of EZ RoIIT'" Gra�el C ',
Pavers on any type of slope should be pinned or fastened to the soil in a manner specified by a
Gualified architect or soiis engineer. v
Site Preparation rn
2. Remove afl foreign top grade structures or objects and excavate existing site soil to �
accommodate the base specified for your traffic/load requirements.
2. Instali the base per architectural and/or engineering drawings and written specifications
describing depth, load rating, construction materials, and required compaction.
1. Order approximately 5% more product than the total required for the job to offset fcr curves or
possible installation mistakes.
2. Check with the local fire authority regarding inspections or other requirements prior to installation
of the base material for any area that may provide emergency vehicle access.
3. Fill areas may require compaction and testing before installation of the base material.
4. Define boundaries of the proposed grid work using a string line, header board, concrete curb or
other hardscape bcrder as specified by the landscape 2rchitect or engine�r.
5. Installation of EZ Roll'"" Gravel Pavers should occur subsequent to the compfetion ef any nearby
curbs, sidewaiks, asphalt, or cther hardscapes.
� NDS'
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'� installation
� EZ RoliT"" 6ravel Pavers should be installed on an enginee�-specified �oad basz.
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(� 1. Cut tne straps securing tne �Z Roll'"'to 2. Roll ��t EZ Roil�" or�o t7e er�g:ne�red road oase,
� the pallet,then cut off the zip ties. Each roll ships ensuring that ensuring that the open cells are
� with a boz of stakes and an information packet facing up. Roll out the first section of either where
� that includes a staking diagram —remove these the�e is an available straight border, or where `here
and set aside. is the Icngest availabie single run.
� �
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3. EZ Ro�l'"' may begin to slack as it unrolis. �¢; �_ ��.���
Ncte: on one side of the roll,there is an extra 3-4" ��R;��
of fabric—this should always be on the same side 4. Lift roll from both sides to tighten any slac'�ing;
of all rolls that are used. For example, if rolling out set down and unroll again -this hel�s to
the first roll with the fabric overhang on the left prevent breakag?.
side, ensure that all remaining rolls are also
positione�wit� the excess fabric on the left side.
NDS Customer Service B51 N.Harvard Avenue,Lindsay,G1932d7
Phone:(800J 126-1994•(559)561-9888•Fax:(8001116-1998•;5�9)�02-�1488
Email:nds�ndspro.com •Wehsite:www.ndspro.com
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� Unroil sec�nd E? Roll ' ad;ace,�t to the �irst. 6. Align the two rolis together. Lay the r�ll wit,� tne T
Remember, if the first roll has the extra 3-4" of excess fabric down first,then pull the edge of �
fabric overhanging the left hand side, make sure the other roll snug up against it. Having the fa6ric
that the next roll is also positioned with the excess extend under the seam helps prevent the gravei �
fabric on the left-hand side.That way,where the from migrating downward. fasten together side-to- �
two rolls meet, only one side wili have an excess �ide clips to connect rolis. �
of fabric. �
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8. Apply stakes as directed in staking instruction sheet
� � that was set aside per step 1 of these instructions.
7. EZ Roil�� can be trimmed using hand prune�s
or a similar device.
Fili with gravel as spe�ified. Leave at least one inch of clearance between EZ Roli`"' Gravel Pavers ard any hardscapes or
fized objects. Leave more clearance around sprinklers to allow for future maintenance.
1. Fill with gravel within 30 days of being installed.
2. Fill shouid consist of 2/�" minus clean stone (#78 or #89), or pea gravel. Avoid the use of
decompos2d granite, timestone, and crushed granite; these have a higher percentage of fines
(<200 sieve) which can inhibit permeability and compact and clog open pores. Ensure stones
are sharp and angular, not rounded.
NOTE: Ir residential applicaticns where permeability is not as critical, decomposed granite can be used with success.
However, in such applicatiors it's important to co�sider not oniy this tyFe of fill's pervicus nature, but it's potential (due to
the smailer particles) to track when wet and become airbome dusi when dry.
� NDS'
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Typicai EZ Roll Gravel Paver Stakin�
1. Stakes to be inserted in molded stak2 Iccation as sho�Nn abov�.
2. The diagram above is designed for straight line runs. Miters, cuts ar�� direct;onal changes !r�ay require
additional stakes. Consult your local NDS Distributor, NDS Represen:ative or con�act NCS Techrical
Services at number listed below.
3. Stake will be provided by NDS at a quantity of 40 per 4' x 150' roll. If addi}ional st�kes are req��ired
crder througr ycur aut"erized NDS R2pres2ntative usin� part TM GFS��K�.
NDS CusTomet Service 851 N.Harvard Avenue,Lind:ay,G193?�7
�� � ��r�: ��������� ����������� n
STAKE Spe�ifications Z
Description GPSTAK� n
Length 12" r
Diameter 3/8" �
Headsize 3/4° rn
Point Diamond T
Shank Smooth/Ring (�
Steel C 1004-C 1008 �
- ""�
C08ting Bright Qipped Galvanized �
ASTM Specifications GPSTAKE confcrms to ASTM r1667 �
V �
� NDS'
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'� �- Pav�r Design
� EZ RoIIT'" Gravei Pavers are engineered to withstand several types cf fcrces that are ca�able of being '
Oappiied in tra�c situations, as well as pedestrian traffic applications.
� � Paver Mat Movement & Separation
� 1�1ajor forces that are applied during traffic include lateral pressure from turning, braking, and
acceleration. These torsionai forces must be addressed in key areas including paver mat
�p movement and paver separation.
� The EZ Roll'TM Gravel Pavers design offer two features that address these issues:
� - Side-to-side and end-to-end clips provide stability for the cell row structure to withstGnd both
� horizontal and lateral forces.
L� - Stee! Stakes (included) provide a quick and secure way to anchor together adjacent rolis of
a. EZ Rol1T"^ Gravel Pavers
Impact & Compressive Strength
� EZ Ro11T"^ Gravel Pavers have been tested for compressive strength at 50,400 pounds per square
� foot or 350 psi (bare product), which means that EZ RoIITM Gravel Pavers are not relying on the fili
� materiai far Iead carrying capability. This load carrying capabilit�� is over doubie that of an H-2� load
� specificatior and will support any municip�l fire truck with ease.
� Desig� Cor�sid�ratior��
" • Keep the area free of sediment and erosion from adjacent areas
� • High traffic areas should have a slope of less than 5%
LeL� • Light vehicular traffic, bicycles, and pedestrian areas can have a slope of up to 10%
� • Percolation rates of undertying soils shoufd be greater than 0.63 cm of water per hour I
• Water table should be at least three feet below base course
• Bedreck should not be cioser than two feet below base course
NDS Customer Set'vice 851 Y.Naraard Avenue,L�ndsoy,U 9324' ;
Phone:(8001 126-1994•�559)562-9888•fax:(800)126-1998•(559)Sb2-�488
�� �� �d���`� �������: ��`'����� n
Product Features: �
EZ Ro11TM' Gravel Pavers are the latest and most advanced product of its type on the market. NDS has ^
used its years of experience in the landscaping industry to create a product with superior strength and � �
durability. In addition to this, the product can be shipped in rolls, so EZ RoIITM' Gravel Pavers can be �
installed by simply rolling out the product in the desired area, saving time and money. �
The design of the EZ Rolln" Gravel Pavers nested cells work together to support the load which makes for �
a much more stable paver mat than products using individual stand alone cells. The nested ceil design '�
is able to withstard not oniy direct load but also lateral forces fram hraking, acceleration, and turnin� �j°�
of vehicular traffic. The design of the EZ Roilr" Gravei Pavers is unique and abie to support these forces �
while maintaining aesthetic appeal.
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�- Profi�� Lev�ls
ZWhen using plastic gravel pavers in professional landscape applications involving fire lanes, utility roads,
O and overflow parking there are two profiles that address the gravel elevation adjustment to final grade
and ultimately determine the finished surface you can achie�e: Top Profile and Recessed. The primary
� difference between the profiles is the gravel elevation or finished grade relative to the top surface of the
� gravel paving grid work.
� Low Maintenance:
, � Fill with gravei to the top of the cells. Maintaining gravel completely within 'the cells will �liminate
� gravel migration. This low levei of maintenance may show the top surface of the paver grid-work but wili
� minimize gravel movement throughout the gravel paver location.
� Aesthetic Appeal:
� Fill cells with gravel above the top surface of the cells from 0" to 2" above the top of the cells. Allowing
a. gravel to sit atop of the cell grid-work will ensure that most of the grid-work is covered at all times.
� Occasionally the surface may need to be re-graded to remove surface rutts which have shifted the gravel
paver surtace. This re-grading would be purely aesthetic and will not impact the structural compactness if
� the surface of the grid-work is left exposed.
� Depth of Base Course
� To calculate the depth and composition of material for the base course, consider:
.�.s • Load bearing capacity of soil
■ • Frost heave potential
� • Traffic load
W • Traffic frequency
� • Volume of water to be drained or stored
Top Profils/Recess2t�
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Gra��el fill in �nd
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�– EZ RollTM Gra+ie! Pavers —�' � ; �
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�-(� �,�"� �., -�� ,�( g-��; per engineer specs and Iccal �� ,� � � � �-j-� �r
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� 4i � � � Seil base, compacted per _� ,, ,fi;
' � il engineer specs and local � ' � "
___rooProfiie. -� requirements hRe SSedA� `
NDS Customer Service 851 N.Harvard Avenue,lindsay,(A 93247
�� ����.�i�t ������� ������ T
Typical Base Course PViaterials Z
A mixture of stone and sand or a s2ndy grsvel material allows fcr a free-draining structural base for ^
use in light to heavy load applications. A clean stone base contains most void space for storage of � �
stormwater and minimizes or eliminates runcff. A clean stone base may be used for light to moderate D
load applications only. r
-. Permeable Base �
--� ,.�,. - �
r , ,:�" - Af1SHT0 #�7 permeable subbase materia� deFned as:
�r��'`:j- ' �
� n ��
37.5 1-1 Z 100 1�0 �
45 1 95-160 97 n
19 3 4 75 �
12.5 1 4 25-60 45
9.5 3 8 25 �
4.75 #4 0-10 � �'
Z.36 #8 0-S Z _� o
C�her permecble gradctions include AASHTO#5,6,7,or wndy - �
grovel mareriaL
�.� Crushed Stone �,
`.,�.;,� ..- A "Crusher Run" base materiaL 20%-40% sand may be mixed with the C
�,;;. �.; �ase material to ensure a porous base. Alternative products may be �
used based on availability, such as sandy gravel. v
Ensure that the surface of the base course is smooth and compacted. Avoid the use of 10096 crushed limestone. rn
Lime absorbs mcisture and is capable of solidifying. Other materials may be used.
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� Il�faterial Composition �
ZEZ RoliT"' Gravel Pavers are made from up to 100°'o recycled HDPE piastic. Tne nature of HDPE plastic
� is durable, flexible, and ideally suited for outside exposure and IongAvit�. Plastic polyrners can show a
decline in mechanical properties during service lifetime when they are exposed to sun(ight. NDS uses l;V
� ir,hibitors within the plastic in crder to prevent a breakdown in the streng*h of the pavers over time due tc
� environmental effects.
� As good corpora!e custodiGns of eur envirocr-�ent, ��DS uses qualit� repreces�ed ree,�cied mater�als in the
� manufac�ure of EZ Roll�^^ Gravef F�v�rs: the��; quali�� to tie �se�' er prc;�cts requirng rec;dcled cons�ruc�ion
�,�,.. rnateria!s.
� Molding Technique
� EZ RoIIT"' Gravei Pavers are proudiy manufactured in the U.S.A. in Lindsay, California. The pavers are
� injection-molded to an exact temperature range that wiil not damage the molecular chain of the polymer. The
Q� use of high quality reprocessed recycled resins and UV inhibitors coupled with computerized manuf�cturing
technologies guarantees that EZ Rol1T'" Gravel Pavers will preserve their strength over time. The geotextile
� material is heat bon�ed under a contrclled temperature to ensure a 100�'o bend with the plastic paver units.
r�� Testing Methods
V EZ RoIIT"' Gravel Pavers undergo a bGtter� cf test� witn each pr�ducticn rur, as is the prcc�ss with ali cf
� � the products marufactured by NDS. fvlanufacturing tests are ccnducted wit"in the manufacturir.g c;cle tc
� I assure a quaiit��-finished product.
� Compression tests are used to determine the yield and ultimate load strength of a given pa��er. S���ith-
� Emery Laborataries, Inc. in Los Angeles, California performed the stress load test�ng or. EZ RoIITM' Gravel
� Pavers using the following procedure: Each sample paver was individually placed flat on the steel base ��f
� the load testing machine. A load was then applied to the top surface of the paver, through a 12" x 12"
steel plate until failure. The ultimate compressive strength of the EZ RoIIT" Gravel Pavers was 50,400
pounds per square foot (bare product). This is over deuble that of an H-20 load specification. (See testir:g
and documentation data on the following pages.)
V�'h2r tested in accordance wit!� ASTi�! D 1929-96 and DIN 5483E-�984, HDPE has ar igniticn
temper�ture of 350-360°C or 662-680°F. By comparison, asphalt concrete, the most prevalen; rcad
surface. becorr,es viscous ard fiquid between 25C-350°F. HDPr dces no: supper� flame.
NDS Customer Service 851 N.Har•�crd Avenue,Lindsay,(A 93241
Phane:(800)72fi-1993•(5591 562-9888•Fax:(800)126-1998•f5��)562-a�33
Email:nds@ndspro.tom•Website: www.ndspro.com
�,� ���,�.�.,, '������� �����.�� n
Permeabi�ity Z
In comparing concrete or asph�lt pa�ing with the use of EZ RoIiTM' Grave! Pavers, there are several fGctors ^
to consider. EZ Rol1T"' Gravel Pavers provide a lower runoff coefficient, a prolonged time of cancentration, � �
a much higher rate of percolation, and a cleaner runoff of storm water than concrete or asphalt. D
As a generai rule, using EZ RoIITM' Gravef Pavers aver an aggregate rock and sand base with a gravel fill
will promote a situation unfikely to generate surface runoff in an average rainstorm. We define an average �
storm as one delivering less than six inches of rain in a 24-hour period. �
When EZ RoI1TM' Gravei Pavers are installed over clay soils (CN78), water 2bsorption will vary 5lightly �
depending upon the depth of the base course because of intemal water storage capacity of the base. EZ �
RofITM` Gravel Pavers provide a permeable area of approximately 80% per square foot of surface area. As •7•�
per Technical Release #55, US Dept of Agriculture, Soil and Conservation Service, the evaluation of storm �
water management objective is done by the following method. Ealculate the existing (pre-construction) �
runoff volumes and time of concentration factors. Next calculate area and runoff volumes, which will �
be generated by new hard surface areas. Runoff reduction ca�abe calculated and compared when using
Table 1 which lists runoff percentages from various soils based or "meadow" type cover and a 24 hour "�
rainfall. �
Water F'enetration �
As a general reference on base preparation, the main � .,
purpose of the base is to obtain 95% compaction while � • � • �
-. still ailowing the water to percolate through the entire }` '"� ' " � '`
� ° -!L a.o u o c.s� i a.�e
- paved area. �.z a.�--- c.o ----o.os � c�.io C
Ceneral �tatement about Gravel Pavers ` i.4 - -�i`o � o.a - ;= o.os -a:rs . .; i
�.e c.o � o 0 0 os � o.�s �
A gravel paving structure such as the EZ RoIIT"' Gravel i.a ��o.a ;, aoi a�� ,;� ,'o.�r rn
Paver or any other gravel paving structure, whether it is �•o o.o o.os ' o�a I o.sa
constructed of plastic or concrete, is only as good as the � �5 r o.o ;ko.os o.� ",: a.as ::
s o ; �.0 6 09 � a zs o.sa i
base foundation upon which it is installed. This is the ,. ,: 4.a : ��,o.c;�: � -s,:4 i7 ���to.ss ,�
-{- o.�r ,..:'
i primary factor that must be considered beyond design. s.o � o.o o.zs i o.4� I o.sa
;�'6.Q -O:Oi: : ` �;0.29 ;'��0.48 '" , :p.60 ,,
7.0 � 6.03 0.34 9.53 I 0.64 �
}.8.0 � 6.05 0.39 . i =0.5T ' 0.67
� 0.08 ' 0.43 0.61 ! OJO '
:=.10.0 ' 0.10 � =;=0.46 , �.64 :h '.:OJ3 i
11.0 0.12 � 0.49 � 0.66 i t1J5
'`�lI 4 T-.0.15. . t`?-:0 52 ,. '`[rtrS.bB .;' . . 'D:76 . ,1
Table 1:Technical Release #55, US Dept of Agriculture
Soil and Cor,s2rvGtion Service table
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NDS Customer Service B51 N.Harvord Avenue,Lindwy,L193247
Email:nds@ndspro.com •Website:www.ndspro.com
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
The onsite conveyance system has been analyzed using the StormCAD computer program.
Refer to the StormCAD Outputs for Conveyance System printout at the end of this section to
aid the following discussion.
The conveyance system has been designed, in accordance with the 2009 King County
Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), to provide sufficient capacity to convey and
contain (at minimum) the 25-year peak flow, assuming developed conditions for onsite
tributary areas and existing conditions for any offsite tributary areas. Per the KCSWDM the
system has also been analyzed during the 100-year design storm event to show that
overtopping will not create or aggravate a "severe flooding problem" or "severe erosion
The conveyance design uses 15-minute time step versus the 60-minute time step flow,
therefore the total conveyance flow is greater than the total flow calculated for the sizing of
the vault. The KCRTS 15-minute time step flows for developed TDA #1 routed to the
combined detention/wetvault facility are provided below.
(KCRTS 15-minute time step)
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:devl5.tsf Mean= -0.285 StdDev= 0.148
Project Location:Sea-Tac Skew= 1.225 �,
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- I
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks-- Rank Return Prob '
(CFS) (CFS) Period �
Computed Peaks 1.53 100.00 0.990 ,
Computed Peaks 1.28 50.00 0.980 '
Computed Peaks 1.06 25.00 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.821 10.00 o.900
Computed Peaks 0.779 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.666 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.485 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.398 1.30 0.231
Job#09-029 Page 5-1 �,
March 15, 2�13 �
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
Four conveyance networks are tributary to the combined detention/wetvault, for which
none of them exceed 50-percent of the tributary area to the vault. For a simple but
conservative analysis, 50-percent of the 100-year peak flow (0.77 cfs) were introduced at
the most upstream catch basins entering the vault (C62 and C63). See StormCAD Outputs
for Conveyonce System Catch Basins and Outlets printout at the end of this section for more
All conveyance elements associated with this project pass the 100-year peak flow without
overtopping. The following table shows the calculated freeboard at each catch basin for the
100-year peak flow.
' CB1 303.67 300.02 3.65
CB2 303.63 300.03 3.60
CB3 302.87 300.01 2.86
CB4 303.11 291.26 11.85
CB5 303.02 291.07 11.95
C66 293.50 289.00 4.50
, Job#09-029 Page 5-2
March 15,2013 \
StormCAD Output for Conveyance System Pipes
nve nve eng ope apaciy
(Upstream) (Downstream) (Unifled) (Calculated) Diameter (Full Flow)
Label Start Node (ft) Stop Node (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (in) Flow(ft'/s) (ft'/s)
1-VAULTS CB1 293.68 VAULTS 293.50 6 0.030 12 0.77 6.17
2-1 CB2 298.63 CB1 293.68 33 0.150 12 0.77 13.80
3-VAULTN CB3 297.87 VAULTN 293.97 26 0.150 12 0.77 13.80 �
4-5 CB4 291.11 CB5 290.91 10 0.020 12 0.13 5.04 a�
5-6 CB5 290.91 C66 289.00 114 0.017 12 0.13 4.61 m
6-OUT C66 289.00 PUBLIC 288.57 21 0.020 12 0.13 5.10 a�i
VAULT-4 VAULTOUT 293.50 CB4 291.11 9 0.266 12 0.13 18.36 �
eva ion eva ion y rau ic y rau ic e oci y
Ground Ground Grade Line Grade Line Cover Cover(Stop) (Average)
Label (Start) (ft) (Stop) (ft) (In) (ft) (Out) (ft) (Start) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) Headloss (ft) Material Manning's n
1-VAULTS 303.67 303.35 300.00 300.00 8.99 8.85 0.98 0.00 PVC 0.013
2-1 303.63 303.67 300.03 300.02 4.00 8.99 0.98 0.02 PVC 0.013
3-VAULTN 302.87 303.35 300.01 300.00 4.00 8.38 0.98 0.01 PVC 0.013
4-5 303.11 303.02 291.26 291.07 11.00 11.11 2.74 0.19 PVC 0.013
5-6 303.02 293.50 291.06 289.57 11.11 3.50 2.58 1.49 PVC 0.013
6-OUT 293.50 291.87 289.57 289.57 3.50 2.30 2.76 0.00 PVC 0.013
VAULT-4 303.00 303.11 293.65 291.26 8.50 11.00 6.72 2.39 PVC 0.013
E:\PROJECTS\09029\Engineer\Calculations\Drainage\09029 Flynn 13-0228 StormCAD Backwater Analysis Output.xls Page 1 of 1
� I
StormCAD Output for Conveyance System Catch Basins and Outlets
Flow HEC-22
Elevation (Additional) Elevation Hydraulic Hydraulic Headloss Benching
Labet (Ground) (ft) (ft'/s) (Invert) (ft) Grade In (ft) Grade Out(ft) Is Flooded Headloss (ft) Method Method
CB1 303.67 0.00 293.68 300.02 300.00 FALSE 0.01 HEC-22 Energy Flat
C62 303.63 0.77 298.63 300.03 300.03 FALSE 0.00 HEC-22 Energy Flat
C63 302.87 0.77 297.87 300.01 300.01 FALSE 0.00 HEC-22 Energy Flat
C64 303.11 0.00 291.11 291.26 291.26 FALSE 0.00 HEC-22 Energy Flat
C65 303.02 0.00 290.91 291.07 291.06 FALSE 0.01 HEC-22 Energy Flat !
C66 293.50 0.00 289.00 289.57 289.57 FALSE 0.00 HEC-22 Energy Flat
Elevation Elevation Boundary Elevation
Label (Ground) (ft) (Invert) (ft) Condition Type (Tailwater) (ft)
VAULTS 303.35 293.50 User Defined 300.00
VAULTN 303.35 293.97 User Defined 300.00
PUBLIC 291.87 288.57 User Defined 289.57
E:\PROJECTS\09029\Engineer\Calculations\Drainage\09029 Flynn 13-0228 StormCAD Backwater Analysis Output.xls Page 1 of 1
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
• Geotechnical Report, dated: June 29,2011
Terra Associates, Inc.
12525 willows Road, Suite 101
' Kirkland, WA 98034
Job#09-029 Page 6-1
March 15, 2013 � AT
,1 5 5(�Cl�1L^'� �.
Heritage Hills - Lot 2 Enterprise Short Pfat
1250 South Puget Drive
Renton, Washington
o" I
Pr �ect �lo. T-6309
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Prepared for:
Complete Construction, LLC
Kirkland, Washington
June 29, 2011
Consultants in Geotechnical Eng�neering, Geology
Environmental Eirth Sciences
June 29, 201 1
Project No. T-6309
Mr. G��egory Sparhawk
Complete Construction, LLC
9757 Juanita Drive NE, Suite 212
Kirkland, Washin�ton 98034
Subject: Geotechnical Report
Heritage Hills—Lot 2 Enlerprise Short Piat
1250 South Puget Drive
Renton, Washington
Dear Mr. Sparha�vk:
As requested, we have co�iducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject project. The attached report
presents our findings and recommendations for the geolechnical aspects of project design and constn�ction.
Based oi� the results of our subsurface expioration, soil co�iditions at the site consist of 2 'h to 8 feet of loose to
medium dense granular fill, overlying dense �o very dense silty sand �vith gravel (umveatl�ered glacial ti]I). \�lle
, did not observe groundwaler seepage in any of the soil test borings advanced at the site.
I, ln our opinion, soil conditions will be suitable for developmenl of the site as planned, provided the
recommei�dations contained herein are incorporated into desig.n and follo��ed duri�ig construction. lindisturbed,
dense native soil obsei-��ed at expected building grades «�ould provide suitable bearing for standard spread footing
foundations and slab-on-grade floors.
We appreciate the opportunity to Ue of sen�ice during the preliminary design phase of this p��oject and Iook
'i forward to �vorking with you during the final design and conslniction phases. We trust the infonnation preseuted
I in this report is suf�cient for your current needs. 1f you lia��e any questions or need additionai informa�ion,
ple�ase call.
a .
I Si erely yo
'' T
o ,�w
� � � G, z9�� J
T od �. Sche ` .�;T. �
Pr�nci .`P� 26742 �w
; ��Fcr 4ti�GS�.
, sJ�NAL ti�,
1252� bVillows Road, Suite 101, Kirkiand, �Vashington 9II034
j Phone (425) 821-7777 • Fax {425) i321-4334
Paoe \To.
I.0 Project Description ..........................................................................................................1
2.0 Scope of Work...................................................................................................
3.0 Site Conditions.................................................................................................................2
3.l Surface....................................................................... ....2
3.2 Subsurface...........................................................................................................2
3.3 Groundwater.......................................................................................................3
4.0 Geologic Haz.�rds.............................................................................................................3
4.1 Seismic................................................................................................................3
4.2 Erosion............................................................................. ............................4
4.3 Landslide Hazard Area.......................................................................................4
4.4 Steep Slopes........................................................................................................5
5.0 Discussioi� and Recommendations ..................................................................................6
5.] Genera�................................................................................................................6
5.2 Excavation ..........................................................................................................6
5.3 Foundations.........................................................................................................8
5.4 Slab-on-Grade.....................................................................................................9
5.5 Lower-Level Building and Site Retainin�WaIls................................................9
5.6 Structural Fill and Backfitl...............................................................................10
5.7 Drainage............................................................................................................] 1
5.8 Utilities .............................................................................................................1 1
5.9 Favements.........................................................................................................1 1
6.0 Addilional Services........................................................................................................1?
7.0 Limitations.....................................................................................................................12
Vicinity �1ap...................................................................... ............ Figure l
Exp�oration Location Plan .....................................................................................................Figure 2
Temporary Cantilevered Soldier Pile Slioring....................................................................... Figure 3
Typical Case in Place Wal1 Drainage Detail..........................................................................Figure 4
Shoring/Buildiiig VVall Drainage Detail.................................................................................Fi�re 5
Field Exploration and Laboratory Testin�.......................................................................Appendix A
�VinStabl Slope Stability Results.....................................................................................Appendix B
Geotechnical Report
Heritage Hills — Lot 2, Enterprise Short Plat
1250 South Puget Drive
Renton, Washington i
Tlie pi•oject consists of deveEopin�e tlie 1.56-acre site witli a four-story apaRmeni buildin� constructed over one
]evel of parkin� along with associated paved access and utility improve�nents. The building will be centraIly i
located behveen the west and east propeRy lines and will extend ro near the north and south property lines. ',
Access to the site wilE be from the south off of Soutl� Puget Drive and from the northeast from the adjacent '�
�partment complex. ?he south access ���ill continue along the east property line to tl�e north wrappin�around the I
north end of the building to the parkin� le�-el at the northwest building corner. T►�e parking level which exlends �I
below the entire building footp�-int will be constructed at elevation 293 feet. Based on existing siEe topography, ',
the t�uilding�vill be iiearly at grade in the northwestern site �rea «<ith excavations approach in�l3 feet to the east '
and 20 feet to the south required to establish foundation grade. Site constraints will require a permanent
retaining wall to support the vertical grade transition bet�Ueen the property to the east and the planned paved
, access alon� the soutl�and eastern portion of tlie site.
We expect the parking floor ���ill be constructed at grade with the main tloor level designed as post-tensioned
dec}: with steel or �vood-framing for the upper floor levels. Structural loadin� is expected to be moderate wi�h
isolated columns carrying loads of 200 to 400 kips aild bearing wails carryin�5 to 8 kips per foot.
The recomrnendations contained in the follo«�ing sections of this report are based on our understanding of the
, design features, as discussed above. lf actual features vary or changes are made, we shou(d review them in order
to modify our recommendations, as required. VVe shouId review final design dra�vings and specifcations to
verify t3�at our reco�ninendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into project design.
On April 2, 2009, we observed the advancement of 4 soil borings to depths ranging fcom 20.5 to 3fl.5 feet below ;
existing surface grades, Using the information obtained from the subsurface exploration and laboratory testin�, !
we developed geoteclu�ical recommendations for project design and construction. Specifically, this report '
addresses the following: �,
• Soil and groundwater conditions '
• Seismic site class per 2009 International Building Code (IBC) ',
• Geologic Hazards per City of Renton�lunicipal Code �
+ Site preparation and excavation '
• Foundations I
June 29, 201 1
Project No. T-6309
• SIab-on-grade floors
• Laieral earili pressures
• Strucluraf fill
• Subsurface drainage I�',
• Utili�ies
• Pavements
Il should be noted that recommendations outlined in this report regarding drainage are associated ti�ith soil
strengtl�, design earth pressures, erosion, and stability. Design and performance issues wiih respect to rnoisture
as it relates ro the structw•e environment {i.e., humiditv, mifdew, mold} is beyond Tei•ra Associates' purvie�r. A
buiiding envelope specialist or contactor should be cons�ilted to address these issues, as needed.
3.l Surfa�e
The project site is located at 1250 South Pu�et Dri��e in Renton, Washington. The site is bordered by multi-
family apai�ments and condominiums to ihe north and east, Lol 1 Enterprise Plaza to the west, and South Puget
Dri�-e to the south. The approximate location of the project site is sho�vn on Figure 1.
The site is undeveloped with the exception of an asplialt paved drive off of Soutll Puget Drive. The access
ascends ofFof South Puget Drive abot�t l6 feet in elevation into the site terminating at a relativeEy level area. An
appro�imate[y 14- to 28-foot hi�h slope ascends from the east side of the drive up to the southeast site corner.
The site then descends 8 to 14 feet in elevation to tfze north and �vest lowards the crest of a sieep slope alo�ig the
��est property line. The �vestern slope descends to the adjacent �vest property about 15 co 30 feet over a oradient
of approximately 50 percent.
A utility easement crosses tlle norlh perirneter of the property. Tl�e site surface is covei•ed mostly by tall grass
with scal[ered deciduous trees and sluvbs.
3.2 Subsurface
Soil conditions ue observed �t the test borin�s ge�leralIy coilsisied af 2.5 to S feet of Ioose to medium dense wet
si[ty sand �<<ith gravel fil[ overlying dense to very dense unweathered glacial till. The thicker Flls were obse��ed
aiong the northern portion of tlie site and are likely due to existins �vater and sewer utilities cxtending across this
area. The till soils are in a moist cemented condition and consist of silty sand �vith gravel. All test borings
lerminated in glacial till with the exception of T'est Borino B-2. At this loc�tion, sandy silt to slightly plastic silt
was obsen�ed beloa� the till at a depth of 30 feet.
Pa�e No. 2
,iune 29, 20] l
Project No. T-6309
The Genlogic �t�lop qfrfle Re,uvn Qtradrarr�(e Kiug Cvenrly 1VnslungJvn,by D.R. �Iullitteaux{1965), indicates the
site is underlain by Ground moraine deposits (Qgt),consistv�g of a compact mixture of silt, sand, and gravet, with
a discontinuous mantle of ciean sand and bravel. The very dense native silty sand vvith gravel we observed in the
test borings is consistent �vith this mapped geology. The hard silt oUserved belo�v the till at Test Boring B-2 is
likely the upper �veathered mudstone bedrock surface associated �vith the Retiion fom�ation a(so mapped a short
distance west of Ihe site.
The preeeding discussion is intended to be a brief revie�v of the soil conditions encountered on the site. More
detailed descriptions are presented on tl�e Boring Loss in Appendix A.
33 Ground��•ater
We did not observ�e g►-oundwater seepage in any of our soil borings durin� our site exploratioi�. Fi11 soils in each
boring were noted to be in a �vet condition to depths of three to eight f'eet. it is possible that minor seepage
conditions develop along the filUnative soil contaci during the wet ���inter months. Fluctuations in groundw�ter
seepa�e shou[d be expected on a seasonal and annual basis. Typically, seepage i•eaches maximum {evels during
and shortly following the ���et �vinter months and diminishes or is completely absent during the dry sumaiei•
4.1 Seismic
Based on the soil conditions encountered and the local �eology, per Chapter 16 of the ?009 Internalional
Buildin� Code (1BC) site class '`C" should be used in structura[ desiLn. Spectc•al i•espanse accelerations for
structural desi�n for the site in accordance ���ith 1}�e 2009 IBC a��e �s f'ollows:
Seismic Design Parameters (IBC 2009)
Spectral response acceleration (Short Period), S�,�S 1.446
S ectra] res onse acceleration (1-Second Period), S�„ 0.64b
Five ercent dam ed 0.2-second eriod, S�s 0.964
Five percent damped I-second period, Sll, 0.431
Values based on Latitude 47.4626N and Lon�itude -122.20246W, laken from Ground Motion Parameter
Calculator accessed June 28,201 I on the web site l�ttp://eartl�q�iake.us�s.�ov/researcl�/hazmaps/desian/index.nl�U
Liquefaction is a phenornenon ��liere there is a reductio�i or complete loss of soil strength due lo ati inerease in
water pressure induced by vibrations, Liquefaction mainly affects geolo�ically recenl deposits of fine-grained
sands underlying the groundwater table. Soils of this nature derive their strength fi•otn intergranular friction. The
generaled �vater pressure or pore pressure essentially separates the soil grains and eiiminates this intergranular
friction; thus, elirninating the soil's stren�th.
Pace No. 3
�une 29. 201 i
Project No. T-6309
In our opinion, riven the very dense nature of the nati��e soils at the site and the �bsence of an established
groi�ndwater table tliere is no risk for impacts to tlle s�te oi• site siructures due to liqi�efaction during an
4.2 Erosion
Section 4-3-050(J) (c)ofthe Cily of Renton Vtunicipal Code(RMC}, classifies erosion hazard areas as follows:
i. Lo��� Erosrorr tlazu!•d (EL): Areas ��ith soils cliaracterized by the Natuc•al Resoui•ce Conservations Service as
having sli�ht or moderate erosion potential, and that slopes less than 15 percent.
ii. High Err,.,iv�r Harurd (EH): Areas ��lith soils characterized by the Natur�l Resource Conservalion ser��ice as
having severe or��ery severe erosion potential, and that slope more steeply than I S percent.
The Natural Resource Conseivation Service (NRCS} l�as classified the site soils at site as Alderwood �ravelly
sandy loan�, 6 to I 5 percent slopes (AgC). The erosion potential of these soils is described by the NRCS as sligl�t
to moderate. Fifiure 4-3-OSOQ3b (i) Erosion Hazards Map af the RMC shours the site is witiiin a hi�h erosion
hazard area.
Slopes over 15 perceilt do exist at the site; thereFore, tl�e site would classify as a l�igh erosion liazard (EH) as
defined b��tlie RMC. In our opinion, the potential for erosion at the site u�ill be adequately mitigated witl� proper
implementation and maintenance of Best Management Aractices (BMPs) for erosion and sedimenlation control.
Application of BMPs sl�ould conform to City of Renton standards and sl�ould be in place p►•ior to, durin�, and
immediately follo�i�in� clearin� and �radin� acti��ities at the site. "fhe erosion potential of the site soils and the
effort required to control erosion during construction can be reduced substantially by exca��atin�� and �rading
during the drier summer months. Other rnana�ement pnctices that should be applied to reduce the poteniial for
erosion include coverin� exposed soils with stra��� mulch or plastic sheeting and controllin� surface water n�noff
as required durin� gradin�. To contain sediment transport and prevent impacls to adjacent properties,
constiuction stonmvater should be routed through coilectian s�vales to temporary sedimentation ponds. Si[t
fencing should be installed at the site periineter at the cl�arin� limits.
4.3 Landslide Hazard Area
Section 4-3-050(J}(b)of the Ri�IC designates landslide hazard areas as the f'ollowin�:
i. Luu°La»dslide Hnzc7r��(LL): Areas tvith slopes less than I 5 perceni,
ii. rMe�lirur�Lnnclslyde Huzrrrd(LM}: Areas with slopes bet�veen 15 percent and 40 percent and
underlain by soils that consist largely of sand, �ravel, or glacial till.
iii. Hig/r La�ids/ide Hn���•ds(LH): Areas with slopes greater Ehan 40 percenl and areas �vith slopes
bet�+�een !5 and 40 percent and underlain Uy soils consisting lar�ely of silt and clay.
IV. IIEI"1%Hl��l7 Lrr,�dsli�le Ha�ur•�fs(LY}: Areas of kiiown mapable landslide deposits.
€'a�e No. 4
Juil� 29, 201 1
Project No. T-G3�9
Site slopes rail�e f�roiil approximately � to 1� percent on tlie north and centraa portions incceasing to 25 to
approxi�nately 50 percent along tl�e �vestern and southern propei�ty lines. Thc steep slope �lonb the southern
pro�erty line appears to have been created using fill soils duri�xb gradin�, of the existin� access drive. Fill has
also been placed at the top of'the s[ope along the u�est property line increasin� the total slope hei�ht and pushing
the top of tlie siope east into the property.
We did not observe indications of inst�bility, emer�;ent growtd��fater seepaDe, si�nificant erosion, or historical
movement on or adjacent the site. Witl� existinb slopes at tiie site, as detined by the RMC tlle slopes alon� t}�e
west and southenl portions of the site �vould classify as high landslide hazard (LH), while tlie central a�id
norcheastem partions of the site«rould classify as low landslide hazard (LL)to medium landslide hazard {LM).
To assess the stability �f the site slopes, we con�pleted a stability analysis using the con�puter program WinStabl.
Tt►e analysis focused on the west s[ope �nodeled f'or the proposed post construction condition at a critical cross-
section. This cross section is slyo���n in plan view on Figure 2 and represents the worst case Eoading condition
based on t3ie proximity of the building foundations t� the slope crest. The ana[ysis included buildin� surcharge
loading represented by foolings loaded to the design bearing capacity nf 3 2,0�0 psf(see section 5.3 Foundations).
Our analysis indicates ti�at under static loading conditions,�vitEi building f'ootings setback a distance of se��en feet
from the slope crest, a minimuni factor of safety against slope fai[ure of about 2.1 would be providecf. Seismic
loadinb condieions were simulated by pseudostatic static analysis using a ground acceleration of 3b. This
acceleration represents an eartlic�uake having a LO percent chance of bein� exceeded over a 50-year exposure
period (500 year return period). Results of tlte analysis indicate a pseudostatic facEor of safety of 1.6 against
failut•e �vould be pro<<ided. Stability analysis results are attached in Appeitdix B.
ln light of our analysis and due the inherently sEable and competen� natu�•e of�the native till soils, it is our opinion
that construction of the apartment complex as planned ���ould not adversely impact the stability of the slope. In
our opinion, provided surface drainage is controlled as discussed in Section 5,7 of this report a building
setback/buffer from the crest of the s3opc is not required, Hou�ever, �ve recommend buildin� foundations thai
parallel the slope crest be setback a minimuni distance of tcn feet from tlie face of slope as measured from the
ed�e of footin�, at the bottorn of footing elevation.
4.4 Steep Slopes
Section 4-3-OSQ(J) (a) of the R�1C states that "The boundaries of a rebulated steep sensitive of protected slope
a��e determi�ied to be in the location identified on tlie Ci�y of Renton's Steep Slope Atlas". Slopes are divided
into tn�o categories: (a) sensi�ive slopes, which are inclined between 25 to 40 percent and (b) protected sIopes,
inclined at 40 percent and areater.
Based on the City of Renton S�eep Slope Atlas as illustrated on the L�11�drr�Jo Parcc�! Afap, the �vestern and
southern property line is considered a regulated (or protected) slope with inclinations vaiying between 15 to 40
percent and greater. A small area at the northeast site comer and a second in the east-central p�rcion of the site
are also mapped as rebulated slopes inclined bet�veen 15 and 40 percent, and Ihe remainder of the site mapped
�vitll sensitive slopes. Fi�ure 4-3-OSOQ3e (i) Steep Slopes Map oFthe RVIC also sllo�vs the site contains siopes of
25 to 40 percent.
Pat�e No. 5
Ji�ne 29. 20'. 1
Project No. T-6309
Accoi-dinfily, the steegest portion of tlie u�est slope and portions of the soutli slope are protected slopes �vhile al!
other poriions are either sensitive slopes or do not quafify. As discussed in the precedin�Landslide Section, tlle
native glacial til] soils are highly consolidated and are inheren![y stable. Our stability assessn�ent indicates that
the stability of the slopes«-ould not be impacted. In our opinion, provided adequate measures for controlling site
drainage and erosion are included in t}�e design and implei�iented proposed site developineni ��i11 not adversely
affect the stability of ihe site s{opes iior adjaceni propei•ties and the risk aiid hazard associated witl� instability
��ill be minimal.
5.1 Gener�l
Based oii our study, in our opi�lion, tftere ai•e no geolechnicai en�ineering coiisiderations that �voufd preclude
biiiiding construcUon as piamied. The buildins can be supported on conventional spread footiiigs beari�ig on
co►Z�petent native soils. Ftoor slabs can also be supported on competent native soils or on structural fil] placed o�i
competent nati��e soils.
Te�nporary cut slopes for building excavation will be feasible where building construction is located a sufFcient
distance from properiy boundaries. Where site constraints do not allo�v establishing safe temporary cut slopes,
temporary shoring will be required to safe]y suppori the excavatio�� ci�ts for lower-level building constructian.
Given tlie expected excavation depths where temporary shoring niay be required, conventional soldier pife witl�
timber lageing would Iikely be the most cost efficient shoring niethod.
?he fill and native �lacia[ titl soils encountered at the site cantain a sufticient amount of fines (silt- at�d clay-
sized particles) st�ch that they r��il] be difficult to compaet as structural fill ���hen too �vet. Accordingl}t, Il�e ability
to use the soils fro:n site excavations as structural fill will depend on their moisture content and the prevailing
�veather conditions at the time of construction. If grading acti��ities will take place during the winter seasan, the
o�vner should be prepared ta inlport free-draining �ranular nlaterial for use as structural fill and backfill.
Detailed recommendations regardin� these issues and otller oeotechnical design considerations are provided in
the follo�ving sections of tl�is repori. These recommendations should be incorparated ii�to the final design
dra��ings and construction specifica[ions.
5.2 Eacavation
All excavations at the site associated witl� conf7ned s�aces, sucii as utility trenches and retainin� ��alls, must be
completed in accordance with local, slate, or federal require►nents. Based oii current Washington Lidustrial
Safety Health Act {WISHA} regulations, the upper Eoose to medium dense ftll soils at tiie site «�ould be classified
as Tvpe C soils. The native dense to ven� dense g[acial till soils are classified as Type A soils,
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Juiie 29, ?O1 ]
Project No. T-6309
�lccordingly, foi• temporary excavations less than 20 feet irt depth, the side slopes in Type C soils should be iaid
back at a slope inclination no steeper than l.�:l (Horizontal:Vertical}. Excavations less than 20 feet ii� depth in
Type A soils can be laid back at a slope inclinatian of 0.7�:1 or fTatte��. lf the excavation in Type A soils is fess
than 8 feet in depth, then the bottom 3 �/2 feet can be vertical with upper slopes inclined at 0.?S:I. If there is
insufficient room to con�plete the excavations in this manner, or if excavations greater tl�an 20 fcet deep are
planned, the contracior may need to use te�nporary shorinb to support the excavations.
We do not anticipate that groui�d���ater seepa�e �vill be encountered during excavation to the planaied depths. If
groundwater seepage is encountered, we anticipate that tlie volume of water and rate of(low into the excavation
would be relatively minor and r��ould not impact tE�e stability of t5e excavations when completed as described
above. Conventional sump pumping procedures along a�itl� a system of collection trenches, if necessary, should
be capable of maintaining a relatively dry excavation for construction purposes.
This i�iforniation is provided solely for the benefit of the o�vner and otller design consultants, and sllould ctot be
construed ro impty tl�at Terra Associates, Inc. assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job
site satery is the sole responsibility of the project contractor,
Soldie�•Pile Shnri�►g
�TJhere site constraints do not allow for sioping the building excavation sidewal3s as discussed above, temporary
suppori of thc excavation side�valls can be provided using soldier pile/timber lagbed walls. This shorin� system
should be designed to resist lateral loads imposed by tlle adjacent soils, building foundations, and any irr�posed
surcharge loading such as lraffic and soil slopes. We recommend soldier piles l�ave a maximu�u center-to-center
spacing of eioht feet. Reco�nn�ended design earth pressure diagrams for temporary shoring are presented on
Figure 3. For piie spacing of eight feet and less, the lateral soil pressure uniformly distributed over the widtki of
the Iagging can be reduced by�0 percent to account for soil arching bet�veen thc soldier piles.
U�Zsi�ored exca��ation heights should nol exceed six feet where glacial lill soils are exposed and three feet where
undocumented fills are exposed in the excavation. No excavations should remaii� unsupported for niore than 24
Drilling obstivctions, sucl� as large cobbles or boulders, inay be encountered in tlie native soils. Caving or
collapse of opened drilled shafts may also occur through the sandy soils particularly in the upper ftll zone. The
contractor must be prepared to case ti�e drilled shafts, as ueeded, to pre��ent coliapse and maintain a relatively
c�ean, open hole. ]f the shafts will be relied upon to cairy vertical loading, the shaft bottoius must be clean of
loose soil debris prior to ii�seilioi� of the soldier pile beatn and pouring concrete.
Over-break or gaps bet�veen the excavated soil face and the back of tlle (agein� must be filled follo�ving each
excavation lift. Filling ���ith crushed rock or grouting with controi density fill (CDF) is recomi»ended. This w�ill
be an importa►lt consideration in litniting move;nent of the adjacent sliored ground.
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June 29, 2011
Project \o. T-G309
,tilo�rilol'i�te Pro;ranr
A ilionitorili� p!•oa�'��n si�ould be impleme�iled to verify the performance of tlie sl�oring systein aild possible
excavation efFects on adjacent p�•ope�-ties, The first slep of this program should consist of documenting the
existing conditions of the adjacenl properties and paveinents. The documentatio�l should include a visual survey
and a pictorial recoi•d.
We reconutiend monitorin� be conducted by t?�e o��ner and include the measurement ot� liorizontal and vertical
mo��ements of;
l. Existine buildints adiacent a�:v shored slooe
?. The surface of tl�e adjacent streets
3. The slla'iclp s��sten�
To rnonitor vei�tical and horizontal mo��en�ents of the shoring, nionitorin� poinis should be establiahed at the lop
of every otlier soldier pile. Surface reference points should also be established and monitored for elevation at
distances of 5 and 10 feet beliind the walls, at a lateral spacing of 25 feet alon�the excavation peri»ieter. Optical
monitorin� of t1�e shorin� system shauld be perfonned t���ice a week as tlie excavation proceeds and tllen e��ery
other week up�n completion of the excavation. A registered land surveyor siiould be retained to perforni the
monitorin�, Vlonitorinb should continue until the lo�ver-level walls are adequately braced at the �round surface
leveL The monitoring data sl�ould bc submitted witi�in one day to the project shorin� designer and the
Geoteclinical Engineer of record for review.
5.3 Foundations
With the Io�ver floor e[evation as planued, over mosl of the site, very dense cemented ��lacial till soils will be
exposed at foundation eleaations. Sorne loc�lized over excavation of existing fill matei•ial may be required to
expose these competent fou�idation soils in the nortlier►i area of tlie site. All footinos exposed to tl�e �veather
should beac•at a minimum deptk�of 18 inches beloH� the adjacent finai extei•ioi•grade for frost protect ioii.
Foundations supported on undisturbed bearing surfaces composed of the native till soils caii be dimensioned for a
net allo�vable bearing capacity of 12,000 pounds �er square foot (ps�. For short-tenn loads, such as «�ind and
seisinic, a one-third increase in this allowable capacity can be used. Witl� stnictural Ioading �s anlicipated and
this bearinb stress ap�lied, building se�tlements shouid be less than one-Eialf inch total and one-quaner inch
For desi�ning foundations to resist lateral loads, a base friction coefficient of fl.35 can be used. Passive earth
pressures acting on the side of the footing can also be considered. We recomniend calculating this lateral
resistance usin� an equivalent fluid r��eigl�t of 350 pounds per cubic 1'oot (pct). �'Je recommend noi including the
upper 12 inches of soil in this computatian because it can be affected by weather or disturbed by future grading
activity. This value assumes tlie foundation �vill be constructed neat abainst competent native soil or backfilled
�vith st�vctural filI as described in the Str�ctural Fil1 and Backfill Section of this �-eport. The values
reconui�ended include a satety factor of 1.5.
Pa�e ;�o. 8
�I June 29, 2011
P�•ojecc No. T-6309
The native glaciai till soils �vill be subject ro disturbance from normal construction activity a�hen in a wet I
condition. If disturbed, the soils will not be suitable for support and would need to be renioved and foundations ,
lowered to bear on undisturbed native soi! or fou��dation arade restored usin� lean mix cancrete. To avoid soil
disturbance, protection of bearing subgrade with a four-inch layer of t�vo-inch clean crushed rock or lean coucrete
mix should be considered durin�wet �veatEier construction.
5.4 SIaU-on-Grade ,
Slab-an-grade floors may be stipported on competent, undislurbed bearing surfaces co�tsisting of the nati��e �I,
glacial soiis. lmniediately belo�v the floor slabs, we recommend placing a four-inch thick capillary break layer of �
cfean, free-draining, coarse sa��d or fine gravel that has less than three percent passing the No. 200 sieve. This �
material a�ill reduce the poteniiai For upward capillary movenienl of water through the underfyin� soil and
subsequent wetting of tJ�e floor slabs. �
The capillary bt•eak layer will not prevent moislure int►vsion through ihe slab caused by ���ater vapor
transmission. Where moisture by vapor transmission is u�idesirabte, such as covered floor areas, a common
practice is to place a durable plastic �nembrane on the capiUary break layer and ihen cover the membrane with a
layer of clean sand or fine gravel to protect it From damage during construction, �nd aid in uniForni curinb of the
concrete slab. It shouid be noted that if the sand or gravel layer overlying the menibrane is saturated prior to
pouring the slab, it will be ineffective in assisting in uz�iforn� curinc oFthe slab and can actually serve as a ��ater '
supply tor moisture t��ansmissio�i throu�h the slab and affecti�lg floor coverings. Therefore, in our opinion,
co��ering tlie membrane �vith a layer of sand or�ravet should be avoided if flaor slab constcuclion occurs durin�
the wet a�inter months and the layer cannot be effectively drained. Placement of the concrete directly on the
plastic membrane may req�iire adjustn�ents in the concrete mix desi�n and spacing of control joints to reduce tEie
effects of dry shri��kage. We reco�runend floor desib ers and contractors refer to the 2003 An�erican Concrete
InstiWte (AC!) ManuaI of Concrete Practice, Part 2, 302.]R-9b, For further information regarding vapor ban•ier
installation below slab-on-�rade floors.
Susceptibility of the native soils to disturbance fro�n »ormal construction activity should also be considered far
slab-on-grade support. Protection of the siib�rade by placing a lean cancrete �vorking niat or additional thicl:ness
oF capillaiy break material should be considered to reduce disturbance and mainlain stabfe bearing surfaces
durin� wet weather constniction.
S.S Lov��er-Level Building and Site Retainin�Walls j
The magnitude of earth pressure de��elopment on below-grade walls, such as basement or retaining walls tl�at are
backfilled �vill partly depes�d on the quaEity of the wall backfill. We reconimend placin� a�ld compactin� ���all
backfill as structural fill as described in the following Siructural Fill and Backfiil Section of'tl�is report. To guard
a�ainst hydrostaiic pressure development, drainage must be installed behind the wall. A lypical wall drainage
detail for backfilled «�alls is sho�vn on Figure 4. A typical wall drainage detail for pennanent below-grade �valls
cast a�*ainst temporary shorin� is shown on Pigure 5.
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Project No. T-63�9
We recommend designinb belo�v-grade building �valls that are bacicfilled or co�istn►cted agai�ist tentporaiy
sltoring to suppori a lateral eartll pressure equivaIent to a f7uid ��leighing 45 pcf. For unrestrained site ���alls, a3�
equivalent fluid pressi�re of 35 pcf can be used. For evalualion of the ���alls under seismic loadi�ig per the 2009
IBC, a uniforn� dynamic earth pressure equivalent to 8H psf, where H is the below-grade height of the wall in feet
can be used. These ��alues assume a h�rizonta[ b�ckfill condition and that no other surcilar�e loadin;, such as
traffic, sloping embanl:ments, or adjacent buildin�s, �+�il1 act on the wall. If such conditions exist, then the
imposed loading must be included in the wall design.
For conventional cast-in-place ���alls supported on spread footings, friciioii at tl�e base of the�vall foundatio�i and
passive earth pressure ��il! pro��ide resistance to t}iese lateral loads. Values for these parameters are provided in
Section 5.3 of this report.
5.6 Structura[ Fil1 and Backfill
Our study indicates that the filE and iiati��c; bIacial till soils contain a sufficient percentage of fittes (silt acid clay
size paiKic[es) that will make thero difficult to compact as structural fill if they are too wet or too dry.
Accordingly, the ability to use these native sails frorn site e,�cavations as structural fill �+�il! depend on their
tnoisture contenl and the prevailinb ���eather conditions ���hen site brading aciivities take place. At tl�e time of our I,
investibation, tlle naEive soils were at or near optinrum moisture content. 1f native soils become loo ��et to
praperly campact they could be dried by aeration during dry weather conditions or mixed ��vitl� an additive such
as cement, cement kiln dust (CKD), or fime to stab+lize the soi) and facilitate compaction. If an additi��e is used,
additional Best Mana�ement Practices (BMPs) for its use �viil need to be incorporated into the Temporary ,
Erosion aud Sedimentation Control plan(TESC) for the project.
If gradin� activities are planned durin� the ��et �vinter months, or if they are initiated durin� the surruner and ,
extend into fall and winter, the contractar sl�ould be prepared to import �vet weather structural fcll. For tklis
p�►rpose,��re recomme�td importing a �c•anular soil thal meets tlie follo�ving gradin� requiremeiits: ;
U.S.Sieve Size Percent Passin�
b inches 100
No.4 75 maximum
No. 200 5 maximum*
*Based on the 3/4-inch fraction.
Prior to use, a qualified geotechnical en�ineer should eaamine and test a(1 materials impoi�ted to the site for use as
stitictura[ till.
Slivetural fill should Ue pla�ed in unifonn loose layers not exceedin� 12 inches and coinpacted to e minimum of
95 percent of the soil's maxinluni dry densitv, as determined by American Socieq� for Testin� and Materials
(ASTM) Test Designation D-69S (Standard Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaclion
should be wilhin tr��o percent of its optimum, as determined by this ASTM standard. tn nonstructural areas, tl�e
degree of compaction can be reduced to 90 percen[.
Pace No. 10
June 29, 20] I
ProJect No. T-6309
5.'7 Draina�e I
Finai exterior brades slsould promote free and posilive drainage a�vay from the building are�s. We recommend
providin� a �radient of at Ieast three percent for a minimum dist�nce of ten feet from the buildina perimeter,
� except in paved locations. 3n paved locations, a miniinum bcadient of h��o percent should be provided, unless
provisions are included for collection and disposat of surface water adjacent to ihe stn�cture.
Surface �+�ater must not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the crest of the site slopes and embankments.
Surface ��ater should be directed aw�y fron� ihe slope crests to a point of collection and controlled dischar�e. If
site grades do not allo�v for directing surface wate�• away from tl�e slopes, then water should be collected and
tightlined do�+�n the slope face in a controlled manner.
Subsurface ,�
En addition to draina�e for belo�v-grade walls discussed in the previaus section, we recommeiid installing a
continuous drain alon� the outside lower ed�e of shallow perimetei• buiiding faundations. The foundation drains
should be tig}itlined to an approved point of controlled discharbe independent of the roof drain sysiem.
Subsurface drains must be ]aid with a gradien� sufficient to promote positive floa� to the point of dischai•ge. All
drains sllould be provided v��ith cleaiiouts at easily accessible locations. These cleanouts should be serviced at
least once e��ery year.
5.8 Utilities
L'tility pipes sliould be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA)
or the City of Renton specifications. .4s a minimum, trench backfift should be pl�ced and compacted as
sti-�ctural fill, as described in Sectic�n 5.6 of this report. As noted, most native soils excavated on the site should
be suitab7e for use as backtill materia[ during dry «-eatl�er conditions. However, if utility construction talces place
during tlte wel n�inter �tlonths, il �vill like[y be necessary to import suitable ���e� �veather fill for utility trench
5.9 Pavements
Tlie upper inorganic fi[1 soils and underlyinb native soils will be suitable for suppoi7 of site pave�nents. Tile
sub�rade mt�s� be firm and relatively unyieldinb before paving. The subgrade should be proofrolled with a heavy
rubbec-tired construction vehicle such as a loaded 10 yard dump tcuck to verify this condition. lf excessively
yielding areas are observed and cannot be stabilized in place by compaction, tl�e affected soils sl�ould be
e�cavated and remo�ed to firm bearin� and grade restored with new structural fill. lf the depth of excavation to
remove unstable soils is e�cessive, use of a geotextile reinforcinnJseparation fabric, such as Ylirafi SOUX or
equivalent can be considered in conjunction with structural fill. Our experience has shown that, in oeneral, a
minimum of 18 inches of a clean, granular slructural fill over the geotextile fabric should establish a stable
Pabe No. 1 1
June 29, 201 L '
Project No. T-6309
The pavement desicn section is dependenl upon the supponinc capability of the subgrade soils and the traffic '
conditions to ���hich it �vill be subjecied. We expect traffic at the faciliry wiil consist mainly of cars and 11�ht
tivcks, along witll occasional heavy traffic in the fonn of moviug trucks a�id trash removal vehicles. For design,
�ve i�ave assumed that this traffic loadinc can be �•epi•esented by an 13-kip equivaleni singie axle load (ESI\L) of
25,000. This represents the application of approximately 7 trucks per day, wiih an average truck loading factor of
.5, o��er a 2U-year desi�i period.
�� Based an this information, �vith a stable subgrade prepared as recommended, we recommend the followin�
paveinent sections:
• T�vo incl�es of Hot Mix Asphalt (HM�) over six incl�es of crushed rock base(CRB}
• Ta�o inches of HMA over ihree inches of asphalt-treated base(ATB)
Asphalt concrete should meel the rec�uirements ior '/�-inch class HMA as outlined in the cutrent \�Jashington
State Depaitment of Transportatioii's (WSDOT) standard specificatioiis. Asphalt-treated base and cruslied rock
base should also meet WSDOT requirements.
Lon�-term pa��einent performance will depend o�� surface drainage. A poorly-drained pavement section u�ill be
subject to prematw•e failure as a result of surface �vater infiltrating into the sub�*rade soils and reducin� their
supponin� capability. To im}�rove perforniance, we recommend surface draina�e gradients of at [easl two
percent. Sonie lon�itudinal and trans��erse crackin� of the pavement surface should be expecied over time.
Regular maintenance should be planned to seal cracks ��-hen they occur.
Tert�� Associales, 1ilc. shoufd revie��� tfle final desicn dra���;ngs and specifications in order to verify that ear:fn�ork
and foundation reconimendalions have been pmperly interpreted and irt�plemented in projecl desifin. VVe should ',
also provide geotechnical sen�ices durinR constniction to obsen�e compliance ���itfi our design coiicepts, '
speciiications, and recommendations. This will al[ow for desi�n chances if subsurface conditions differ from '
those anticipated prior to the sta�1 of construction.
We prepared cllis report in accordance witli generally accepted geotechnical enbineerii�g practices. �o other �
�+rarra��ty, expressed or implied, is made. This repon is tlie copyrighted property of Terra Associates, lnc. and is
inteuded for specific app(ication to the HLrit�ge Hills— Lot 2 Enterprise Shorc Plat project. This report is for the
exc(usi��e use of Complete Coi�stiuction, LLC and its authorized represenlatives. �
Th� analyses and recommendatia�s pi-esented in ihis report are based on data obtained froni tEle soil borings
advanced on the site. Variations in soil conditions can occur, tE�e nature and extent of wliich may not become
evident until construction. If v�riations appear evident, Terra Associates, Inc. should be requested to reevaluate
the reconvnetidations in this report prior to proceeain� with construction.
Pa,e No. 1?
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:-�:R- Terra vicinity Ma� .
�°, �'� Herifage Hills Lot 2 Enterprise Short Piat ,
Assaciafes, �C]C. Renfon, Washingion
Consullants in Geotechnical Engineering i
Geology and Pro. No.T-6309 pate June 2011 Fi ure 1 '�
Environmental Earth Sc;ences 1 9 I
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IS INTENDED FOR .../.'V�1 Torra EX�
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H 45 pcf ♦ i�
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PRESSURE = 400 pcf � �
I �
NOTE: 45(H) psf
:�.-: �: Terra Temporary Cantilevered Soldier Pile Shoring
Hentage Hills - Lot 2 Enterprise Short Plat
/�SSOCIafeS, �11C. Renton, Washington
Consultants in Geolechnical Engineering
Geology and Pro. No. T-6309 Date: June 2011 Fi ure 3
Environmenlal Earth Sdences 1 9
12" MINIMUM 3/4"
12"� _ - : . . �:
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SEE NOTE �� �l �
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R:� Terra Typical Cast in Place Wall Drainage Detail
Heritage Hills Lot 2 Enterprise Short Plat
�►SSOC11�@S �t1C. Renton, Washington
• Consultants in Geolechnical�ngineering
Geology and Pro No. T-fi309 Date: June 2011 Fi ure 4
Environmental Earth Sciences 1• 9
.�, ,�,\,., .;�.\v,�..:., .,,.
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: �.
��: Terra Shoring/Building Wall Drainage Detail
Heritage Hills Lot 2 Enterprise Short Plat
Associates �nC. Renton, Washingtan
ConsuNanls in Geotechnical�ngineering
Gealogy and Pro No. T-6309 Date: June 2011 Fi ure 5
Environmental Earth Sciences 1• 9
Heritage Hills— Lot 2 F.nterprise St�ort Plat
O�i April 2, 2009, we ex��lored subsurface soil conditions at the site by observint ihe advancentent of 4 soil test
borings to a maximum depth of 30.5 feet below existing surf�ce �rades. The borin�s were drilled using a irack-
�noun[ed drill rig and advanced «�itl� a holloa�-stem auger. Soif samples were obtained at rebular intervals during
drilling in general accordance with ASTM 1'est Designation D-1586. Using this procedure, a tH�o-inch diameter
split-barrel sa�npler is driven 18 inches into the �round using a 140-pound hammer Fallin� fmtn a hei�ht of 30
inches. The number of blo«�s rec�uired ro drive the sampler 12 inches after an initial 6-inch set is referred to as
the Standard Penetratio�l Resistance value ar N value. Tliis is an index relaled to the consistency of cohesive soil
and the relative density of cohesionless materials. The 1z vaiues obtained far each sample are recorded on the
$orin�e Lo�s attached as Figures A-2 throueh A-5. The approxitnate boring locations are sho�an on Eigure 2.
T}�e iest boring focations �vere approximately deterniined by measuremenis fro�n existing property features.
An engineering geoio�ist from our office conducted the fiefd exploration, cIassified the soil conditions
encountered, maintained a log of each boring, obtained representati��e soil samples, and observed pertinent site
features. All soil samples ���ere visually classifted in accordance with the U�liiied Soil Classification System
(USCS) described on Figure A-1.
Representative soil samples obtained fron� the soii borings «�ere placed in closed containers and taken to our
laboratory for funher examination and testing. The moisture content of each sample �vas measured and is
repo�ted on the Boring Logs. Grain size analyses �vere performed on four of the samples. The resuEts are sho���n
on Figures A-6 and A-7. Plasticity charactcristics of one sample of fine-grained silt observed at the site n�as also
evaluatcd by perfonnin�AtterberQ Limits tesis. 1�1�e resuits are recorded on the associated Boi-ing Log.
Pi-oject �o. T-6309
Clean GW WelFgraded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no
' GRAVELS � Gravels tines. �
J � less than --- - --- ---- _- --- �- ---- ----___
m � � G P Poorly-graded gravels, grave!-sand mixtures, iitlle or '�
O � N More than 5% fines) , no fines. ___ __ _ _ '
� N fraction is Gravels C'M _ I f:�es9rave�s, gravef-sand-si{t mixtures, non-plastic —
50/o of coarse � i
a� > lar er than No.
� �_ '�
Z ���; 94 sieve With fines � ,
� Cj(�, Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixiures, plastic flnes.
Qoo � — - -- � - ----- --- - - ---
� �c�.i Clean SW We11-graded sands, graveEly sands, 1it11e or no imes.
o SANDS Sands _ _ ______ __. ____
� �Z (less than Poorly-graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no
� � c More than 5/o fines) SP fines.
O �� 50% ot coarse -- - - - — --
fraclion is SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines.
U g smaller than Sands --_-- -- -- - - -- ------ ----- _
No. 4 sieve with fines
I SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines.
--- _ -�--
-- ---— - —- -- —. —_ .. ----
Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey siits with slight
J .��-°o SILTS AND CLAYS I ML -- Pfasticity. _ _.._ -- --
O �N CL � Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, (lean clay).
� E o � Liquid limit is less lhan 50% .- ----- - - -- - ---_- — - —----� ---- �
wo Z '� , QL Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity.
Z u�i c�a � - -- -- - - -- - -- ----—- ------- �
Q c y � ; M H Inorganic sills, efastic. '
� � a���' � SILTS AND CLAYS ,--- - - -- ----- -- - - - ---- - --
� � i C(-� Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays.
Z � uEi i Liquid fmit is greater than 50% ; - - - - -- - - —• -- •- -- --
lL ; QH Organic clays of high plasticity. �
- �- --- -- ---•--T--- - — - -- ---� -- -- I
cn Standard Penetration I 2^ OUTSIDE DIAMETER SPLIT
W Density Resistance in BlowslFoot 1 SPOON SAMPLER
J _ _
0 ! Very loose 0-4 � 2 4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER
w � Medium dense 10-30 i
� , Dense 30-50 � WATER LEVEL (DATE)
v i Very dense >50
� Standard Penetration Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf
Consistency Resistance in SlowslFoot DD DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot
w i -- -
� � Very soft 0-2 LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent
w ! Soft 2-4
= Medium stiff 4-8 PI PLASTIC INDEX
� i Stiff 8'16 N STAtdDARD PENETRATION, blows per foof
Very stiff 16-32
Hard >32
. _�: Assoc ate � C. RENTON, WASHINGTON
Consultanls in Geotechnical Engineering
Geology and
Enviro�menlal EaAh Sclences Proj. No. T-6309 Date JUN 2011 Figure A-1
Figure No. A-2 i,
Project: Heritage Hilis- Lol 2 Enterprise Short Plat Project No: T-6309 Date Drilied: 412/09 I
Client: Complete Conslruction,LLC Driller: Boretec Logged By: DPL ,
Location: Renton,Washingion Approx. Elev: 294'
� ockel Penetromete
Z o TSF n
� Soii Description Ca�sislency/ 1 2 3 ? Observ.
� y Relative Density Moisture Content% SPT{IV) We11
L a W p �---x--�W I • Blowslft •
aai cEo 10 30 50 70 10 20 30 40
d fA 1 I 1 1 1 1 I � . I 4
1 (2 FILL: brown silty sand with gravel,fine
grained,wood pieces,old roots,
3 disturbed soif in sampler,wet. (SM)
Loose to
4 Medium De�se
5 22.5 ?0
x I o
6 �
B -------------------___----- ----------
9 9.1 I
10 Dense �
14 Gray to grayish-6rown siity SAND with I
gravel, fine grained,cemented, moist. j*�
(SM) (Glacial till) 50/5"
'f 6
17 Very Dense �
18 I
20 x 50/6"
24 8.0 5015"
25 �
Boring terminated at 25.5 feet.
27 No groundwater observed. I
Note:7his b�rehole b has been re ared for eotecnnical Terra
� P P 4 r,��:-,ti 4
purposes.Th�s inlormatio�pertains oniy to Ihis bcr'ng location '��""�°"C' Associates 'n�+.
and should not be inlerpeted as being indicalive o(other areas '��'� �
ot the sile. Corsu'lants in Geolechnicai Engineering,Geology
and Environmenlal Earth Sciences
LOG OF BORING NO. 2 �igure No. A-3
Project: Heritage Hilis-Lot 2 Enterprise Short P1at Project No: T-6309 Date Drilled: 4/2/OS
Client: Complele Construction, LLC Drflter: Boretec Logged By: DPL
Location: Renton,Washington Approx. Elev: 306'
@ ocket Penetromete '
z e TS F n '
� Consistency/ � ? 3 4 Observ. �,
� — Soi1 Description
� Relative Density Moisture Cantent% SPT(N) we�� i
� a W x W I • BlowslR •
m � 10 p 30 50~ 70 10 20 30 40 I
Q � i � i i � i i � i i i �
FILL:gray gravei with sand and silt, Loose
2 fne to coarse grained,+n�et. (GP-GM)
3 -------------------------- ----------
5 Dense �O.a 93
6 �
9 I
10 p Q 50/5.5"
71 � �
�Z Grayish-brown to gray silty SAND wilh (
gravel,fine grained, cemented, moist.
13 (SM) (Glacial till}
Very Dense
14 � I 5015.5"
15 x �
16 �
,7 �
�8 �
2a �X i 5�,3"
21 �
24 I
25 Gray SILT with sand,moist. (ML) Very Hard x�g I 73
26 PI=7, PL=26, LL=33 I
27 I Boring terrninated ai 26.5 feet.
28 No groundwater observed. I
29 I
Note:This borehole log has heen prepared for geotechnical Terra
purposes.This informaGon perla+ns only fo Ihis boring IocaUon ��`.-�
and should not be interpeled as beir�g indicatfve of olher areas -� Associates, �11C.
of the sile. Corsu�tants in Geoterhrical Engineering.Geology
and Environmenlal Ear,h 5ciences
Figure No. A-4
Project: Neritage Hills-Lot 2 Enterprise Short Plai Project No: T-6309 Date Drilled: 4/2/09
Client: Complete Conslruction, LLC Driller: Boretec Logged Sy: DPL
Location: Renton,Washinglon __ Approx. Elev: 290'
� ocket Penetromete
Z o TSF n
� Consistency! � ? 3 4 Observ,
� � Soil Description Relative Density a Well
Moisture Content /o SPT(N}
= a W x Wl • Blows/ft •
d � 10 p30 50w70 10 20 30 40
� � i � � i i i i i. i i � i
(No COVER) �
1 FILL: brown silty sand with gravel,fine Loose
2 grained,wel. (SM}
5 12.G
8 Gray silty SAND with gravel,f,ne
g grained,cemented, moist.
(SM) (Glacial lill) 9.4
10 Very Dense �
13 I
15 �
1 G.2 5015"
20 x
Boring terminated at 20.5 feet.
22 No groundwater observed.
23 I
Note:Th1s borehole log has been arepared fot geolechaical Terra
purposes.This iniormaUon peRalns onryto Ihis bonr.g'ocauon -�"� Associates ��Ci.
and should nol be Inlerpeted as being indicaUve of other areas ,;c:;�;;;g �
of the site. '� Consu'lams in Geotechnical Engineering.Geolegy
and Environme�lal Earth Sciences
Figure No. A-5
Project: Herilage Hills-Lot 2 Enlerprise Short Plat Project No: T-6309 Date�rilled: 4/2/Q9 I
Client: Complete Construction, LLC Driller: Borelec Logged By: DPL
Location: Renton.Washington Ap�rox.Elev: 302'
� ocket Penetromete
Z o T5F n
� � Soil Description Consistency/ ; ? 3 4 Observ.
y Relative Density Moisture Conteni% SPT(N} VUeil
_r, a
a E WP I-----x----I W1 • Blows/ft •
� � 10 30 5Q 70 1d 20 30 44
� lA � t i i � � i , � i � i
2 FILL: brown silty sand wilh occasional Loose to
3 gravel,fine grained,wel. (SM) (yedium Dense
5 12.1
7 Dense
10 �Z.Q
�� x I 50/2"
�2 �13
14 ( 5013"
13.7 �
15 Grayish-brawn to gray silty SAfVD witF� x
16 gravel, fine grained,cemented, moist.
17 (SM) {Glacial til!} Very Dense I
18 I
19 I �4/3„
20 x
24 9.2 I 50l3"
25 x
29 I 50/3"
32 Boring terminated at 30.3 feet.
No groundwater observed.
Nole:This horehole Iog nas been prepared for geotecnnical Te rra
purposes.This information pertains only lo Ihis boring bcation F ��
and should not be inlerpeted as bei�indcalive of olher areas �'����� Associates, �nC.
o( the site. Consultarns in Geotechn,cal Engineering.Geobgy
and Environmenlal Earih Scientes
Particle Size Distribution Report
c c
0 0 0
C C C � C .E .S � v � N � v Otp O V N
W l7 N \ � t7 Q i! R it i[ it ii ! a
100 I � I � , t I , I I , i I
I i � ,�, I �
90 I � � � � - �;. I.I I .. � - }-+-;-= j . � _ �-___� �.� . ' _..
� • i �-{-i -- , iI i I � I•-- Ii � i ' I-is ( iI � � �
, . � � � � � i � �.. . i ' � . I I
. �
'� I i � ' � i I �:
BO - -: ..' ' ---- - I-�- - �
"_ I � . .__� _I_�-. � �__ r_��
�� i I � � � i � I. I._ . '-I .� �
i � �
70 - � �i . ', � _ -�_ _'. r ;. =I- I - , � - -' --���; i ; -
� I i � ,
. I � �� j � I : . � .. 1 �' i I ' � � I
� ... I . I ''. � 1 I I I ' �
N � I �, . I � I � 7 I I I I �i I � ' . � I I
i �l ' i I �
� 60 . . _ ._ ".- ,�__�_ -.-I_..-... i. .. ..._.._'+-�___r i I _ _ _.1: ._ . ___.. .. --1 + . _j._ '
. i I . . , I ��: I I f � I :�; � i I i
Z � ' . . � I � � : . , . : � .
, �� ' ' I �� I '
� � . _�_ `�` .._ .. _�_ � i I 1 ' '
� � � I I I �I I � I I ' � I
W SO �-- -�-•- ' ; ' • - � - � � j-r- � -r--�- -I i•--- T •- -j� . - � -
I ' � �
! '' i i I '� iI
tu __. .. _ � I � , --- _ - - I - - � I I ''-- -- I -
a qp i�-; I .._�-�--. � f � _r__i � '� � _.�. _
I ' I I : � � � i
; i � : � i � � ,
, , , i �
j � � : : i . � � , . . i i
: ;
30 ----- - 1_ _ _. i .���1- :_ }_ �_ _ _� l.. � i - L----r--r
I . I I ,
� � � , . � � '�� � � �
I . ' � , � . . . � I 1 � . I _ .
I . � ' ' I I � ' . I . � .i � I � � I
� j �
� li
2� � ..__ I � a.__�_ � . ._ Li � � � .l_ �. i . _ . _ ��.L�� �
. � '__' i . i ..� ._____.._.' _
y ._. t_-.-._^.___ I � . �. �-r .
�' � " ' I I� i , i �
� , ; , �
10 - -----I-�-_ __�- �- . �_;_��----- -_j-I - , .- -_ I 1 j � �-- -- -
� �
i j I • ' I � : I I i i
, '�.. � ' . . � I � ; �. ' � i
� � I " . ' . i ' I .i � � .
��� �0 � �.� 0.�� 1 ' �.���
°/a Gravel yo Sand ! �e Fines
. _ _ _ _ ---- - - -.. . . ----- -�-
°+3�� Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine r Si{t Clay
0 0.0 0.0 9.8 2.G 9.9 36.5 4I.2
❑ _ _ 0.0 _ _ 1I.2 7.9 4.4 13.9 31.5 _� _ 31.I _ -_--
� 0.0 0.0 �.7 3J 12.9 33.[ � 4�.f,
�I Colloids LL ' PL f D D D D D � D C C
o ; 0.945 f 0.2023 0.1275 �
� i ; i0.4540 0.3754 0.2457 �
� ; 0.7574 0.I f,65 0.0973
Material Description � USCS AASHTO '
^ Sil�y SAND � SVI
❑ silry SAND�vith gravel SVI !
v sil �SAND 5M
Project No. T-6309 Client: Coomplc;te Conscruction. LLC �Remarks:
Project: Lot 2,Enterprise Sho�t Plat
c Location: Boring B-1 Depth: EL. 274 I 20 Fer.c Sample Number: 4 ,'
n Location: Borin�B-2 Depth: EL.291 � I S Feec Sample Number: 3 j'
o Location: Barin�B-3 Depth: EL.275� ES Feet Sample Number: 3 �.
Date: o A ril 2. 2b09 G A �il 2,2009 .� A ril 2.?009
Terra Associates, Inc.
Kirkland, WA Figure A-�
Tested By: FC2 ___ ___ Checked By: JMC __
Par�ic(e Size Distribution Report I
< < o00
� < < � _ � �� � � � � � Q � � � �
�o en cv \ :C eTi u a a- ac a a u u n
100 ' �� ( I ' ^ i � i I i , , I
� i I i �
' , i I I � I '
� j i � I
90 —. . .� �����-'i - ;--- ' — �, . � .__�._--'- -—--i--i-'-,- i - � - - , � �-I _ . .
__I. .��_ . �-i i I �
� I ' i � . li I � i � ; � I I
i I . �
._t 1 �. i.._.i._ . ..__ �_.I._ �i.I.. .-i-- 1 _,. ._.� 1 ���_�.._. .f .r —`i�I ._ I I� �i I L1� �_._�. .
80 � �.—� } ..;�-t— -I--j- -t
I I �I � � � ' � ` I
; ; : I I
70 � ' � � � I �-- - � _._I' � _ -- - �-}--�-+. -- - -�-- r ; -- --- - - -
�- � - r,- ,--i -i r, � � , � , � I I � � ' i '
� I � ' � i I ; , ;
, , �
I '
� 60 ' ' � --�—i- � � __ .—� . � ,. !_._ ;.,-.-1� . __'��.-L' �� - --- � -L�--�� -j� - -
_ I I . � �-� , -I-i- � � � i
z � , �'� �, , � � � ; I �� , � i I � �
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F '� � I i� i � � � � ,
Z 5� -;- � I � r•-`_ —�-_ . . .. —- i - ; — - - t—' - -, --.,..: .F— -
W 1 i � � ' � I � � ' I � i I
U '
� ; � � 'I � , �
W � , � � _ i . _ - -�— - - � � I ;.
.__ - --_ - ..._� . ._----_
:-. 4
a 40 � �,- ; i � 1- � � � .�-- -
i , i E I � i i I � I ,
, � ,
� � _L_,
_ . ... --- - _ .-, � �
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I ' ' ; 1 , `_ , i ; ; ` ! i
� � I
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! � , I i i I ' i i i
; ,
t0 - .---- rt��� i i_�_� .__ �_. � :. . ,_I.� _ _. I..- — -`{� ; --- -. i� j . - —
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� � � � ; �
� ' I � �� � � I � � � ! i � I I I
�Q� �� � 0.� fl.0� �.QO�
%}3" _ %Gravel -- '- • . % Sand --- — -- I --- "� Fines
Coarse Fine �Coarsel Medium Fine j Silt Clay
0 0.0 0.0 6.7 2.3 ; 8.9 37.5 � 44.7
;(I Colloids LL � PL D � D D I D D � � D� C C
�� ' U.5104 0.1682 Q.f 009 i T-�� ;
� _ � ;
i {
Material Description USCS AASHTO
o silt��SAND 5��1 �
I �
iProject No. T-6309 Client: Caompletr Canstruction,LLC Rettla�ks:
`Projeet: Lot 2. Enterprise Short Plat �
o Location: Boring B-4 Depth: EL.297/S Fcet Sample Number: I
Date: o Ap��i12.2009 J
� Terra Associates, lnc.
�_.__ Kirkland, WA Figure .4-�
Tested By, FQ ____. ___ _ � Checked By: JMC _____
N rt En of Buil in West a in I F�� II
o h d d g F c g S ope Safety � ctors
71 .88 - __ -- -- — -- -- -------- -- --_.__ _ ___ � -- �
1 , 2.�g 1
2.2z �
57.50 2'2�6 �
43.13 2.2�g
I �
� 2.3�4 '
� 2.3�6
28.75 , �! � 2.36
� � �
i _��� %� '
I /^ _ _ / /,
�.._- __ �/ �
14.38� ����- ._ __._-- i
� ----f I
� –
,. _�� �
----_.� . _.�, _.._--_.__-,-- ___. _ ---------_l
�0 14.38 28.75 43.13 57.50 71 .88 86.25 100.63 115.00
North End of Building West Facing Slope (Siesmic Ag=.3) Safety F�ctors
_._ _.
� ___. ____ _ _ --- �-
---- - __._. .
t � 1 .6�1 �
i 1 .63 �
57.50 1 .65
� ' 1 .fi43
I '
�I 1 .6�3
1 .fi�a j
43.13� � .7t� �
; 1 .7:3 �
� � 1 .7��
28.75 . ;" ��� � 1 .7E3
�/ � � +
_� �� � I �
__ __ �'', / �
14.38� -�_�._�--�� _- ��//�
i �
---�_ ._----j I
� �
�--�-- % i
- -. --- T-- �-- - � �
�� 14.38 28.75 43.13 57.50 71 .88 86.25 100.63 115.00
Profile.out !i
-'� PCSTABL6 ="�•
Purdue University
modified by
Peter 7 . Bosscher
University of wisconsin-Madison
--slope stability Analysis--
Simplified )anbu, Simplified Bishop
or Spencer�s Method of Slices
PROBLEM DESCRIPTZON IVorth End of Building West Facing Slope
(Siesmic Ag=.3)
3 Top Boundaries
3 Total Boundaries
Boundary x-�eft Y-Left X-Right Y-Right Soil Type
No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Below Bnd
I 12.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 1
2 15.00 12.00 59.00 33 .00 1
3 59.00 33.00 115.00 33 .00 1
1 Type(s) of soil
Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Pie2.
7ype Unit �►�t. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure constant Surface
No. (pcf} (pcf) (psf) (deg} Param. (psf} No.
1 130. 0 135.0 50d.0 40.0 0.00 0.0 0
A Horizontal Earthquake �oading Coefficient
of0.300 Has seen assigned
A vertical Earthquake �oading coefficient
of0.000 Has seen Assigned
Page 1
�avitation Pressure = 0.0 psf
3 �oad(s) specified
�oad X-�eft X-Right Intensity �eflection
No. (ft) (ft) (lb/sqft) (deg)
1 66.00 69.00 12000.0 0.0
2 87.00 93.00 1200Q.0 0.0
3 107.00 113.Q0 12000.0 0.0
NOTE - Intensity Is specified As A uniformly Distributed
�orce Acting On A Horizontally Projected Surface.
A Critical Failure Surface Searching Method, using A Random
Tec�nique For Generating Circular surfaces, Has seen 5pecified.
100 Trial Surfaces Nave Been Generated.
1Q 5urfaces znitiate From Each of 10 Points Equally Spaced
Along The Ground Surface Between X = 15.00 ft.
and x = 40.00 ft.
Each Surface Terminates Bet�veen X = 70.OQ ft.
and x = 115 .00 ft.
Unless Further �imitations k�ere Imposed, The Ninimum Elevation
At tti+hich A 5urface Extends Is Y = O.QO ft.
3.Q0 ft . �ine Segments Define Each Trial Failure surface.
Following Are Displayed The Ten MOst Critical Of The Trial
Failure Surfaces Examined. They Are ordered - Most Criticai
•• � Safety Factors Are Calculated sy The Modified �anbu Method � -•
Failure 5urface Specified ay 32 �oordinate Points
Point X-Surf Y-Surf
No. (ft) (ft)
Page 2
1 17.78 13.33
2 20.04 11.35
3 Z2.42 9.53
4 24.92 7.88
5 27. 53 6.39
6 30.23 5.07
7 33.00 3.94
8 35.85 2.99
9 38.75 2. 23
10 41.70 1. 66
11 44.67 1.29
12 47.67 1.11
13 50.67 1.14
14 53.66 1.35
15 56.63 1.77
16 59. 57 Z.38
17 6Z.46 3.19
18 65 .29 4.18
19 68.05 5.35
20 70.73 6. 71
21 73.31 8.24
22 75.78 9.93
Z3 78.14 11. 78
24 80.37 13 . 79
25 82.47 15 .94
26 84.41 18.Z2
27 86.21 20.62
28 87.84 23 .14
29 89.30 25.76
30 90. 59 28.47
31 91.70 31.26
32 92.26 33.Q0
••�•• 1.606 ��••
�ailure Surface specified By 33 coordinate Points
Point X-Surf Y-Surf
No. (ft) (ft)
1 15.00 12.00
2 17.56 10.43
3 20.19 9.00
4 22.90 7.71
5 25.68 6. 57
6 28. 51 5. 58
7 31.39 4 .74
8 34.31 4.06
9 37.26 3. 53
10 40.24 3.16
11 43.23 2.95
12 46.Z3 Z.91
13 49.23 3 .02
14 52.22 3 .29
15 55.19 3 .72
16 58.13 4 .31
17 61.04 5.05
18 63.90 5.95
19 66.71 7.00 '
page 3
2Q 69.46 S.ZO
21 72.14 9, 55
2Z 74.75 11,03
23 77.27 12.66
24 79.70 14.41
25 82.04 16.30
26 84.Z7 18. 30
27 86.39 20.42
Z8 88.40 22.65
29 90.28 24.99
30 9Z.03 27.42
31 93.66 29.94
32 95.14 32. 55
33 95. 37 33 .00
•� •��� 1.6 3 5 ��-�
Failure Surface specified By 21 Coordinate Points
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
Ho. (ft) (ft)
1 26.11 17.30
2 28.42 15.39
3 30.93 13.74
4 33. 59 12.36
5 36.39 11.29
6 39.29 10.52
7 42.26 10.07
8 45.26 9.94
9 48.25 10.14
10 51.20 10.66
11 54.08 11. 50
12 56.86 12.65
13 59.49 14.08
14 61.95 15.80
15 64. 22 17.77
16 66.25 19.97
17 68.04 22.38
18 69. 56 24.97
19 70.78 27.71
20 71.71 30. 56
21 72.21 33.00
�='� 1.648 �'�'�
Failure Surface Specified By 15 Coordinate Points
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
No. {ft) (ft)
1 34.44 21.28
2 37.41 20.80
3 40.40 20. 55
4 43.40 20.52
Page 4
S 46.39 20.72
6 49.36 21.14
7 52.29 21.79
8 55.16 22.65
9 57.96 23.73
10 60.67 25.01
11 63.28 �6. 50
12 65.77 �8.17
13 68.12 30.03
14 70. 33 3�.06
15 71.21 33.00
-..� 1.662 �::':
Failure Surface Specified By 23 �oordinate Points
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
No. (ft) (ft)
1 17.78 13.33
2 20.73 12 .8d
3 23.71 1�.43
4 Z6.70 12.20
5 29.70 12.12
6 32 .70 1�.19
7 35.69 12.41
8 38.67 12. 77
9 41.62 13.Z9
10 44.55 13.95
11 47.44 14.75
1Z 50.29 15.70
13 53.08 16.79
14 55.82 18.01
15 58. 50 19.37
16 61.10 �0.86
17 63.63 22.48
18 66.07 24.2�
19 68.42 26.08
20 70.68 28.06
21 72.84 30.14
�2 74.89 32. 33
23 75.46 33.00
�'�'° 1.684 ..��
Failure Surface specified gy 27 coordinate Points
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
No. (ft) (ft)
1 15.00 12.00
2 17.22 9.98
3 19.61 8.17
4 22.16 6. 58
5 24.83 5.Z2
Page S
6 Z7.61 4.10
7 30.48 3.23
8 33.42 2.62
9 36.40 2.27
10 39.40 2.19
11 42. 39 2.37
12 45.36 Z.81
13 48.28 3.52
14 51.12 4.48
15 53.87 5.69
16 56.49 7.13
17 58.98 8.81
18 61.32 10.69
19 63.47 1Z.78
20 65.43 15.05
21 67.19 17.48
2Z 68.7Z 20.06
Z3 70.02 2Z.77
24 71.07 Z5 . 57
Z� 71. 88 28.47
26 72.42 31.42
27 7Z. 57 33.00
'-�� 1.687 .-..
Failure Surface Specified By Z6 Coordinate Points
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
►�o. (ft) (ft)
1 Z8.89 18.63
Z 31. 51 17.18
3 34.23 15.89
4 37.01 14.78
5 39.86 13.84
6 42.76 13.08
7 45.71 1Z.50
8 48. 68 12.11
9 51.67 11.90
10 54,67 11.88
11 57.67 1Z.05
12 60.65 12.40
13 63.60 12.94
14 66.51 13.66
15 69.37 14. 56
16 7Z. 17 15.63
17 74.90 16.88
18 77. 55 18.30
19 80.10 19.87
ZO 8Z. 55 21.61
21 84.88 23.49
Z2 87. 10 25. 51 ,
Z3 89. 18 Z7.67 I
24 91. 13 Z9.95
Z5 92.93 3Z, 35
26 93.35 33.00
_ ,._ 1.595 f�'°'�
Page 6 ,
Failure Surface Specified 8y 27 Coordinate Po�nts
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
No. (ft) (ft)
1 15.00 12 .00
2 17.16 9.92
3 19.50 8.04
4 22.00 6.38
5 24.63 4.94
6 27.39 3.75
7 30.23 2.81
8 33.16 2.13
9 36.13 1.71
10 39.12 1.56
11 42.12 1.68
12 45.10 2.06
13 48.02 2.71
14 54.88 3.62
15 53.65 4.78
16 56.30 6.19
17 58.82 7.82
18 61.17 9.68
19 63.36 11.73
20 65.35 13.98
21 67.13 16.39
22 68.69 18.95
23 70.01 21.65
24 71.09 24.45
25 71.92 27.33
26 72.48 30.28
27 72.75 33.00
,..... 1.728 � •�
�ailu�e surface Specified By 27 Coordinate Points
Point x-Surf Y-Surf
No. (ft) (ft)
1 23.33 15.98
2 25.98 14.56
3 28.71 13.31
4 31.50 12.23
5 34.36 11.31
6 37.27 10.58
7 40.22 10.02
8 43.19 9.64
9 46.19 9.44
10 49.19 9.42
11 52.18 9. 59
12 55.16 9.93
13 58.11 10.46
14 61.03 11.16
15 63.90 12.04
Paae 7
16 66.71 13.10
17 fi9.45 14.32
18 72.11 15.70
19 74.68 17.25
20 77.16 18 .94
21 79. 52 20.79
22 81.77 22.77
23 83.90 24.89
24 85.89 27.13
25 87.75 29.49
26 89.45 31.95
27 90.09 33 .00
�:'... 1.735 '�'��
Failure surface Specified By 18 Coordinate Points
Point X-5urf Y-Surf
rvo. (ft) (ft)
1 34.44 21.28
2 36.57 19.16
3 38.96 17. 35
4 41.59 15 .90
S 44.39 14.82
6 47.31 14.15
7 50.30 13.89
8 53.29 14.04
9 56.24 14.61
10 59.08 15 . 59
11 61.75 16.95
12 64.21 18.67
13 66.40 20.72
14 68.29 23 .05
15 69.84 25 .62
16 71.01 28.38
17 71.79 31.28
18 72.00 33.00
':�� 1.762 ..,..
0.00 14.38 28.75 43 .13 57. 50 71.88
X0.00 +---------+---------+---------+---------�---------+
_ �
14.38 + �
- 2 .1
Page 8
Profile.out �I
- 2 1 '
- 86 1.5.
- 861. . .5.9
- 812. . 5.9.3 �
A 28.75 + 62. . .59.3.7
- 621. . .93.7. .
-8fi1. . . 53.7. .4 �
-81. . . .357. .0.
-81. . . 3 5 .0.4 .
-12. . . .9.570. .4 . .
X 43.13 +82. . . .3.7. . .4. . .
-12. . . .3.75. . .4. . .
-16. . . .37. 5. . . . . �
.126. . .3. .05. .4. . I
.1286. .97.0.5. .4. . ,
.28. .93.0. . 5 . .4. . '
I 57. 50 . . 5. . .4. .
. .1.286.9730. .4. . . � �
. .1. . .686.30. . 5. .4
-. .12. .976.30. .5 . .4.
. . .12. .7 86. 3.35 . .4 /1 '
-. . . .2. . 7. .8b8635. .4.1/
5 71.88 +. . . .1.2. .7. . . 86353b3
- . . . .1.2. .7. . . . . . . .55
- . . . . .1.2. .7. . . . . . . . .
- . . . .1.2. . .7. . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . .11. .79. . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . .1. .79. . . .
86.25 + . . . . . . . . .1. . . 79. ./2
- . . . . . . . . .1.17.99.
- . . . . . . . . .2.21719
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.12/
- . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
F 100.63 + . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . ./3
_ . . . . . .3/
T 115.00 + .*
Page 9
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
• DOE Construction Stormwater General Permit
• Building Permits (Apartment building, site walls, combine detention/wetvault)
Job#09-029 Page 7-2
March 15, 2013 \
Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
The site will utilize Appendix D of the 2009 KCSWDM for construction storm water pollution
prevention (CSWPP) - a.k.a. erosion and sedimentation control design - to reduce the
discharge of sediment-laden runoff from the site. Clearing limits will be established prior to
any earthwork on the site. Perimeter protection will be provided by silt fencing along the
downstream perimeter of the disturbed areas to limit the downstream transport of
sediment to stream/wetland and neighboring properties.
Dust control if required will be provided by a water truck. A certified Erosion and Sediment
Control Inspector will be present onsite during earthwork activities. The inspector shall
determine frequency of watering of site and shall see to any additional erosion and
sediment control requirements as needed during the process of site work.
The plan will be comprised of temporary measures (rock entrance, filter fence, interceptor
swales, etc.) as well as permanent measures (hydroseeding, etc.). In general, runoff from
the site will sheet flow across cleared areas into temporary interceptor swales with rock
check dams placed approximately every 50 to 150-feet depending on slope and into
strategically placed sediment traps. In order to convey the runoff prior to the installation of
the stormwater pipes and vault, temporary pipes along with portions of the permanent
sections of the proposed conveyance system will be installed. Once the permanent vault is
constructed, it will be utilized as the TESC facility until the site is fully stabilized.
A copy of the Department of Ecology SWPPP will be forwarded to the City once the NPDES
permit application has been submitted.
Job#09-029 Page 8-3
March 15, 2013 �
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technica) Information Report
A Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet has been completed for Erosion Control
Measures and Right-of-Way Improvement only. A copy of this worksheet has been �
provided at the end of this section.
A facility summary form for each TDA (threshold discharge area) has been completed and is
provided at the end of this section. I
A copy of the Draft Declaration of Covenants for the Drainage Facility and Flow Control
BMP's have been provided at the end of this section. ;
Job#09-029 Page 9-1
March 15,2013 �
Site improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet
Renton Development Services Division
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, Washington 98057
Project Name: Heritage Hills Date: 3/6/2013 �,
�ocation: 1250 Puget Drive, Renton WA Project No.: B120440/U120111 �I
Activity No.:
Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and
Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area
or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database.
yes X no
If yes,
Forest Practice Permit Number:
(RCW 76.09)
Page 1 of 9
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
Version: 4/22/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date: 3/13/2013
Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet
Unit #of
Reference# Price Unit Quantity Applications Cost
Backfill &compaction-embankment ESC-1 $ 5.62 CY
Check dams,4" minus rock ESC-2 SWDM $ 67.51 Each 5 1 338
Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus ESC-3 WSDOT 9-03.9(3) $ 85.45 CY
Ditching ESC-4 $ 8.08 CY 75 1 606
Excavation-bulk ESC-5 $ 1.50 CY
Fence, silt ESC-6 SWDM $ 1.38 LF 650 1 897
Fence, Temporary (NGPE) ESC-7 $ 1.38 LF 1500 1 2070
Hydroseeding ESC-8 SWDM $ 0.59 SY
Jute Mesh ESC-9 SWDM $ 1.45 SY
Mulch, by hand, straw, 3"deep ESC-10 SWDM $ 2.01 SY 2250 1 4523
Mulch, by machine, straw, 2"deep ESC-11 SWDM $ 0.53 SY
Piping, temporary, CPP, 6" ESC-12 $ 10.70 LF 120 1 1284
Piping,temporary, CPP, 8" ESC-13 $ 16.10 LF
Piping, temporary, CPP, 12" ESC-14 $ 20.70 LF
Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged ESC-15 SWDM $ 2.30 SY 100 1 230
Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes ESC-16 WSDOT 9-13.1(2) $ 39.08 CY 10 1 391
Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' ESC-17 SWDM $ 1,464.34 Each
Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' ESC-18 SWDM $ 2,928.68 Each
Sedirnent pond riser assembly ESC-19 SWDM $ 1,949.38 Each 1 2 3899
Sediment trap, 5' high berm ESC-20 SWDM $ 17.91 LF
Sed.trap, 5'high, riprapped spillway berm section ESC-21 SWDM $ 68.54 LF
Seeding, by hand ESC-22 SWDM 5.42.4 $ 0.51 SY
Sodding, 1"deep, level ground ESC-23 SWDM $ 6.03 SY
Sodding, 1" deep, sloped ground ESC-24 SWDM $ 7.45 SY
TESC Supervisor ESC-25 $ 74.75 HR 48 1 3588
Water truck, dust control ESC-26 SWDM 5.4.7 $ 97.75 HR 24 1 2346
WRITE-IN-ITEMS **** (see paqe 9)
Temproary Sediment Trap $ 2,500.00 Each 2 1 5000
ESC SUBTOTAL: $ 25,170.61
ESC TOTAL: $ 32,721.79
Page 2 of 9
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
Version: 4/22/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date: 3/13/2013
Site Improvement B Quantity Worksheet �
Existing Future Public Private Quantity Completed
Right-of-Way Road improvements Improvements (Bond Reduction)*
8 Drainage Facilities Quant.
Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost QuanL Cosl Quant. Cost Complete Cost
E3ackfill&Compaction-embankment GI-1 $ 5.62 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Backfill&Compaction-trench GI-2 $ 8.53 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Clear/Remove Brusfi,by hand GI-3 $ 0.36 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ClearinglGrubbing/Tree Removal GI-4 $ 8,876.16 Acre 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Excavation-bulk GI-5 $ 1.50 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Excavation-Trench GI-6 $ 4.06 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fencing,cedar,6'high GI-7 $ 18.55 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fencing,chain link,vinyl coated, 6'high GI-8 $ 13.44 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fencing,chain link,gate,vinyl coated, 2 GI-9 $ 1,271.81 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fencing,split rail,3'high GI-1 $ 12.12 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fill&compact-common barrow GI-11 $ 22.57 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
�ill�compact-gravel base GI-1 $ 25.48 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fill&cornpact-screened topsoil GI-1 $ 37.85 CY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gabion, 12"deep,stone filled mesh GI-1 $ 54.31 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gabion, 18"deep,stone filled mesh GI-1 $ 74.85 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gabion,36"deep,stone filled mesh GI-1 $ 132.48 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Grading,fine,by hand GI-1 $ 2.02 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Grading,fine,with grader GI-1 $ 0.95 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Monuments,3'long GI-1 $ 135.13 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sensitive Areas Sign GI-2 $ 2.88 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
�odding, 1"deep,sloped ground GI-21 $ 7.46 SY 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00
Surveying,line&grade GI-2 $ 788.26 Day 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Surveying,lot location/lines GI-2 $ 1,556.64 Acre 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Traffic control crew(2 flaggers) GI-2 $ 85.18 HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Trail,4"chipped wood GI-2 $ 7.59 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Trail,4"crushed cinder GI-2 $ 8.33 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
I rail,4"top course GI-2 $ 8.19 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wall,retaining,concrele GI-2 $ 44.16 SF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wall,rockery GI-2 $ 9.49 SF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTA� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity xls Report Date: 3/13/2013 I
Site Improvement B i Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction'
Right-of-way Road improvements Improvements
&Drainage Facilities Quant.
Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quanl Cost Complete Cost
AC Grinding,4'wide machine< 1000sy RI-1 $ 23.00 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Grinding,4'wide machine 1000-2000 RI-2 $ 5.75 SY O.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Grinding,4'wide machine>2000sy RI-3 $ 1.38 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Removal/Disposal/Repair RI-4 $ 41.14 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Barricade,type I RI-5 $ 30.03 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Barricade,type II I(Perrnanent) RI-6 $ 45.05 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Curb 8.Gulter,rolled RI-7 $ 1327 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Curb&Gutter,vertical RI-8 $ 9.69 LF 0.00 70 678.30 0.00 0.00
Curb and Gutter,deiriolition and disposal RI-9 $ 13.58 LF 70 950.60 0.00 0.00 0.00
Curb,extruded asphalt RI-1 $ 2.44 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Curb,extruded concrete RI-11 $ 2.56 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sawcut,asphalt, 3"depth RI-12 $ 1.85 LF 150 277.50 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sawcut,concrete,per t"depth RI-1 $ 1.69 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sealant,asphalt RI-1 $ 0.99 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00
Shoulder,AC, (see AC road unit price) RI-1 $ - SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Shoulder,gravel,4"thick RI-1 $ 7.53 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sidewalk,4"thick RI-1 $ 30.52 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sidewalk,4"thick,demolition and dispos RI-1 $ 27.73 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sidewalk,5"thick RI-1 $ 34.94 SY 0.00 35 1,222.90 0.00 0.00
Sidewalk,5"thick,demolition and dispos RI-2 $ 34.65 SY 35 1,212.75 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sign,handicap RI-2� $ 85.28 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Striping,per stall RI-2 $ 5.82 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Striping,thermoplastic,(for crosswalk) RI-2 $ 2.38 SF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Striping,4"reflectorized line RI-2 $ 0.25 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL 2,440.85 1,90120 0.00 0.00
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date:3/13/2013
Site Improvement B � Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction`
Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements
&Drainage Facilities Quant.
Unit Price Unit QuanL Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Complete Cost
ROAD SURFACING 4"Rock=2.5 base�1.5"to course For'93 KCRS 6_5"Rock=5"base&1.5"to course
For KCRS'93,(additional 2.5"base)add: RS-1 $ 3.60 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Overlay, 1.5"AC RS-2 $ 7.39 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Overlay,2"AC RS-3 $ 8.75 SY 0.00 60 525.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,2",4"rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 $ 17.24 5Y 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,2",4"rock,Qty.over 2500SY RS-5 $ 13.36 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,3",4"rock,First 2500 SY RS-6 $ 19.69 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,3",4"rock,Qty.over 2500 SY RS-7 $ 15.81 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,5", First 2500 SY RS-8 $ 14.57 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,5",Qty.Over 2500 SY RS-9 $ 13.94 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,6",First 2500 SY S-'I $ 16.76 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC Road,6",Qty.Over 2500 SY S-1 $ 16.12 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Asphalt Treated Base,4"thick S-1 $ 9.21 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Gravel Road,4"rock,First 2500 SY S-1 $ 1'I.41 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
C;ravel Road,4"rock,Qty. over 2500 SY S-1 $ 7.53 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PCC Road,5",no base,over 2500 SY S-1 $ 2'1.51 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PCC Road, 6",no base,over 2500 SY S-1 $ 21.87 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Thickened Edge S-1 $ 6.89 LF 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00
Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL 0.00 525.00 0.00 0.00
Unit prices updated:2/12/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date: 3/13/2013
Site Improvement B � Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction'
Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements
&Dreinage Facilities Quant
Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Complete Cost
DRAINAGE CPP=CofrU 8ted PlaStic Pi e N12 Of E UIV818nt For Culvert prices; Average of 4'cover was assumed.Assume perforated PVC is same price as solid pipe.
Access Road,R/D D- 1 $ 16.74 SY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bollards-fixed D-2 $ 240.74 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bollards-removable D-3 $ 452.34 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
'(CE3s include frame and lid)
CB Type I D-4 $ 1,257.64 Each 0.00 1 1,257.64 0.00 0.00
CB Type IL D-5 $ 1,433.59 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB Type II,48"diameter D-6 $ 2,033.57 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D-7 $ 436.52 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB Type II,54"diameter D-8 $ 2,192.54 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D-9 $ 486.53 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB Type II,60"diameter D-10 $ 2,351.52 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D-11 $ 536.54 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CB Type II,72"diameter D-12 $ 3,212.64 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
for additional depth over 4' D-13 $ 692.21 FT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Through-curb Inlet Framework(Add) D-14 $ 366.09 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleanout,PVC,4" D-15 $ 130.55 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleanout,PVC,6" D-16 $ 174.90 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cleanout,PVC,8" D-17 $ 224.19 Each 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,PVC,4" D-18 $ 8.64 LF 0.00 33 285.12 0.00 0.00
Culvert, PVC,6" D-19 $ 12.60 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,PVC, 8" D-20 $ 13.33 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,PVC, 12" D-21 $ 21.77 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,8" D-22 $ 17.25 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP, 12" D-23 $ 26.45 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP, 15" D-24 $ 32.73 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP, 18" D-25 $ 37.74 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,24" D-26 $ 53.33 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,30" D-27 $ 71.45 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,36" D-28 $ 112.11 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,48" D-29 $ 140.83 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,60" D-30 $ 235.45 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Culvert,CMP,72" D-31 $ 302.58 LF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL 0.00 1,542.76 0.00 0.00
Unit prices updated:2/12/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date: 3/13/2013
Site Improvement B � Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction*
Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements
DRAINAGE CONTINUED &Drainage Facilities Quant.
No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Complete Cost
Culvert,Concrete,8" D-32 $ 21.02 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Concrete, 12" D-33 $ 30.05 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Concrete, 15" D-34 $ 37.34 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Concrete, 18" D-35 $ 44.51 LF 0 0 0 0
C;ulvert,Concrete,24" D-36 $ 61.07 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Concrete,30" D-37 $ 104.18 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Concrete,36" D-38 $ 137.63 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Concrete,42" D-39 $ 158.42 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,Cancrete,48" D-40 $ 175.94 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert.CPP,6" D-41 $ 10.70 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP,8" D-42 $ 16.10 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP,12" D-43 $ 20.70 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP, 15" D-44 $ 23.00 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP, 18" D-45 $ 27.60 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP,24" D-46 $ 36.80 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP,30" D-47 $ 48.30 LF 0 0 0 0
Culvert,CPP,36" D-48 $ 55.20 LF 0 0 0 0
Uitching D-49 $ 8.08 CY 0 0 0 0
Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) D-50 $ 25.99 LF
French Drain (3'depth) D-51 $ 22.60 LF 0 0 0 0
Geotextile,laid in trench,polypropylene D-52 $ 2.40 SY 0 0 0 0
Infiltration pond testing D-53 $ 74.75 HR 0 0 0 0
Mid-tank Access Riser,48"dia, 6'deep D-54 $ 1,605.40 Each 0 0 0 0
Pond Overflow Spillway D-55 $ 14.01 SY 0 0 0 0
Restrictor/Oil Separator, 12" D-56 $ 1,045.19 Each 0 0 0 0
Restrictor/Oil Separator, 15" D-57 $ 1,095.56 Each 0 0 0 0
Restrictor/Oil Separator, 18" D-58 $ 1,146.16 Each 0 0 0 0
Riprap,placed D-59 $ 39.08 CY 0 0 0 0
Tank End Reducer(36"diameter) D-60 $ 1,000.50 Each 0 0 0 0
l rash Rack,12" D-61 $ 211.97 Each 0 0 0 0
Trash Rack, 15" D-62 $ 237.27 Each 0 0 0 0
irash Rack, 18" D-63 $ 268.89 Each 0 0 0 0
Trash Rack,21" D-64 $ 306.84 Each 0 0 0 0
Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL 0 0 0 0
Unit prices updated: 2/12/02 I
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date: 3/13/2013
Site Improvement B I Quantity Worksheet
Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction*
Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements
&Drainage Facilities Cluant.
Unit Pnce Unit Quant. Price Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Complete Cost
2"AC,2"top course rock&4"borrow PL- 1 $ 15.84 SY 0 0 0 0
2"AC, 1.5" top course&2.5"base cour PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 0 0 0 0
4"select borrow PL-3 $ 4.55 SY 0 0 0 0
1.5"top course rock&2.5"base course PL-4 $ 11.41 SY 0 0 0 0
(Such as detention/water quality vaults.) No.
WI-1 Each 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-2 SY 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-3 CY 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-4 LF 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
W I-5 FT 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-6 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
W I-7 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
WI-9 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
wi-io 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUBTOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUBTOTAL(SUM ALL PAGES): 2,440.85 3,968.96 0.00 0.00
30%CONTINGENCY&MOBILIZATION: 732.26 1,190.69 0.00 0.00
GRAN DTOTAL: 3,173.11 5,159.65 0.00 0.00
Page 8 of 9
Unit prices updated:2/12/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date:3/13/2013
Site Improvement B � Quantity Worksheet
Original bond computations prepared by:
Name: Kevin C. Flynn Date: 3/6/2013
PE Registration Number: 48806 Tel.#: (425)821 -8448
F�rm Name: TRIAD Associates
nddress: 12112 116th Avenue NW, Kirkland WA 98034 Project No: B120440/U120111
Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control(ESC) (A) $ 32,721.8
Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) $ 3,173.1
Future Public Road hnprovements&Drainage Facilities (C) $ 5,159.6
Private Improvements (D) $ -
Canstruction Bond'Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL (T) $ 41,054.5
Minimum bond'amount is$1000.
Maintenance/Defect Bond`Total 0.20= $ 1,666.6
"NOTE: The word"bond"as used in this document rneans any fnancial guarantee acceptable to the City of Renton.
Page 9 of 9 Unit prices updated:2/12/02
09029 Stricker 13-0306 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.xls Report Date: 3/13/2013
Number 1 �TDA� ►�
(provide one Stormwater Facility Summary Sheet per:'�'atural Discharge Locatron) I
Project Name
H�2.►Tp,(�[= Hll—LS Date 3l15/�3
� Downstream Drainage Basins '�
htajor Basin\ame DU WaMtSN RtVct�
Immediate Basin I�ame l.ow�� GP.�1�1 2WL2 j
Flow ControL• i
Flow Control Facility Name�Number GoMgi1�1ED �Ti=��[���U�TI/al,�(,7
Location Uh-'C�� ��AG� �A', �AST bF gUit_piP.7�z- .
If none,
Flow control provided in regional/shared facility (give
No flow control required Exemption number
General Facility Information: I
Type/i�lumber of detention facilities: Type/ivumber of infiltration facilities:
ponds ponds
��vaults tanks
tanks trenches
Control Structure Location
Ivo�i�-1 �lJo �F VAt�LT.
Type of Control Structure �2�� I�tSCR, I�umber of Orifices,'Restrictions
Size ofOrifice/Restriction: No. 1 h.5o��
No. 2 I, �''
No. 3
�10. 4
Flo�� Control Performance Standard ��U�L Z — ��q' �C•51�J��
"'G09 �urf�ce�l��ter Desi�n��la�:ual U9I2009
hI�G COl''��1�'. ��,��131�;GTUv. �URf ACE �t':�7�ER DESIG� �9-�'�t.'.AL
Live Storage Volume 2,�,L�SS G� Depth lo•� Fr Volume Factor of Safety
Eki'(Z.A (� �T DF VAi.1L.T� L��J�-�H- = i'�I�, CF
Number of Acres Served 4,'-�`a p�—
Nwnber of Lots ! Q�� F',�_D?
Dam Safety Regulations (�Vashington State llepartment of Ecolog��)
Reservoir Volume above natural grade C�
Depth of Reservoir above natural arade rj
Facility Summary Sheet Sketch
All detention, infiltration and ��ater qualit� facilities must include a detailed sketch.
(11"x 17" reduced size plan sheets may be used)
2009 Surface�4`a�er Design;�•lanual l!9�r�p9
Water Quality:
Type/Number of water quality facilities/BMPs:
biofiltration swale sand filter (basic or large)
(re�ular:'���ev' or continuous i��flo���) sand filter, (inear (basic or
combined detention'«�etpond sand filter vault (basic or
(�retpond portion basic or larye) sand bed depth (inches)
_�combined detention/wetvault stormwater wetland
filter strip storm filter
flow dispersion ���etpond (basic or large)
farm management plan wetvault
landscape management plan Is facility Lined?
oil/���ater separator If so, ��hat marker is used
(baffle or coalescing plate)
catch basin inserts:
pre-settling pond
pre-settling structure:
high flow bypass structure (e.g., flow-splitter catch basin)
source controls
Design Information
Water Quality design flow C�� ���- G��
Water Quality treated volume (sandfilter)
���ater Qualit�� stora��e volume (���etp��ol) `t ��.7 �r ��;�Ur��'
Facilitv Summarv Sheet Sketch
2009 Surface 1,Vater Desi�n�tanual 1.�9��009
All detention, infiltration and water quality facilities must include a detailed sketch.
(11"x17" reduced size plan sheets may be used}
2U09 Surface 1,�'ater Desien 1�tamial Ii9.�2009
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Number 2 ��1"��,�2�
(provide one Storm«�ater Facility Summary Sheet per.Vata�ral Discharge Location)
Project Name
� i�f C��i��z c-, }-�(iL� Date �:f 1`.;�! 5
Do���nstream Drainage Basins
MajorBasinl�Tame C-�i�!��,��r,'`. 'r; �t�!�.C�
Iillmediate Basin \ame �c,����f= ,',�E��� F:.i�J���'�.
Flow ControL•
Flow Control Facility Name/Number
If none,
Flow control provided in regionalishared facility (give
No flow control required Exemption number
c�, �► �Fs �x�Rn�r�o�l �:� ��,,c�r, ,,�,�. , . �)
General Facility Information:
Type/i�lumber of detention facilities: Type�Number of infiltration fac.ilities:
ponds ponds
vaults tanks
tanks trenches
Control Structure Location
Type of Contro] Structure Number of Orifices,-Restrictions
Size of Orifice/Restriction: �10. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
Flo�� Control Pcrformance Standard
2009 Surface Water Design A-lanual 1!9:'?009
RENTON, WA 98057
Grantee: City or Renton
I Additional Legal(s)on:
Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 202305-9157
IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City or Renton permit
for application file No. LUA: LUA11-091,ECF,PPUD,FPUD,CAE relating to the real property("Property")
described above,the Grantor(s),the owner(s)in fee of that Property, hereby covenants(covenant) with
the City or Renton,a political subdivision of the state of Washington, that he/she(they)will
observe, consent to,and abide by the conditions and obligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1
through l0 below with regard to the Property,and hereby grants(grant)an easement as described in ,
Paragraphs 2 and 3. Grantor(s)hereby grants(grant), covenants(covenant), and agrees(agree)as follows:
1. T'he Grantor(s)or his/her(their)successors in interest and assigns("Owners")shall at their
own cost, operate,maintain,and keep in good repair,the Property's stormwater facilities and best
management practices("BMPs")identified in the plans and specifications submitted to City of Renton
for the review and approval of permit(s)#: . Stormwater facilities
include pipes, swales,tanks,vaults,ponds,and other engineered structures designed to manage �
stormwater on the Property. Stormwater BMPs include dispersion and infiltration devices, native
vegetated areas,permeable pavements,vegetated roofs,rainwater harvesting systems,reduced I
impervious surface coverage,and other measures designed to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff on '
the Property.
2. City or Renton shal l have the right to ingress and egress over those portions of the Property
necessary to perform inspections of the stormwater facilities and BMPs and conduct other activities �
specified in this Declaration of Covenant and in accordance with RMS 4-6-030. This right of ingress and
egress,right to inspect,and right to perform required maintenance or repair as provided for in Section 3
belo��, shall not extend over those portions of the Property shown in Exhibit"A."
3. If Ciry of Renton determines that maintenance or repair work is required to be done to any of
the stormwater facilities or BMPs,City of Renton shall give notice of the specific maintenance and/or
repair work required pursuant to RMC 4-6-030. The City shall also set a reasonable time in which such
work is to be completed by the Owners. If the above required maintenance or repair is not completed
within the time set by the City,the City may perform the required maintenance or repair,and hereby is
given access to the Property,subject to the exclusion in Paragraph 2 above, for such purposes. Written
notice will be sent to the Owners stating the City's intention to perform such work. This work will not
commence until at least seven (7)days after such notice is mailed. If; ��ithin the sole discretion of the '
City,there exists an imminent or present danger, the seven(7)day notice period will be waived and
maintenance and/or repair work will begin immediately. ��
4. If at any time the City of Renton reasonably determines that a stormwater facility or BMP on
the Property creates any of the hazardous conditions listed in KCC 9.04.130 or relevant municipal
successor's codes as applicable and herein incorporated by reference, The City may take measures
specified therein.
5. The Owners shall assume all responsibility for the cost of any maintenance or repair work
completed by the City as described in Paragraph 3 or any measures taken by the City to address
hazardous conditions as described in Paragraph 4. Such responsibility shall include reimbursement to the
City within thirty(30)days of the receipt of the invoice for any such work performed. Overdue
payments will require payment of interest at the current legal rate as liquidated damages. If legal action
ensues,the prevailing party is entitled to costs or fees.
6. The Owners are hereby required to obtain written approval from City of Renton prior to
filling,piping, cutting,or removing vegetation(except in routine landscape maintenance) in open
vegetated stormwater facilities(such as swales, channels, ditches,ponds,etc.), or performing any
alterations or modifications to the stormwater facilities and BMPs referenced in this Declaration of
7. Any notice or consent required to be given or otherwise provided for by the provisions of this
Agreement shall be effective upon personal delivery, or three (3) days after mailing by Certified Mail,
return receipt requested.
8. With regard to the matters addressed herein, this agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties, and supersedes all prior discussions,negotiations, and all agreements whatsoever
whether oral or written.
9. This Declaration of Covenant is intended to protect the value and desirability of the real
property described above, and shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its
successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon
Grantor(s). and Grantor's(s')successors in interest, and assiQns.
10. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated b� ezecution of a��ritten agreement by the
Owners and the City that is recorded by King County in its real property records.IN WITNESS
WHEREOF,this Declaration of Covenant for the Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities
and BMPs is eyecuted this dav of , 20
GRANTOR, o��ner of the Property
GRANTOR, o«�ner of the Property
On this day personally appeared before me:
, to me known to be the individual(s)described in
and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as
their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated.
Given under my hand and official seal this day of , 20
Printed name
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,
residing at
My appointment expires
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RENTON, WA 98057
Grantor:_Complete Construction, LLC
Grantee: City of Renton
Additional Legal(s)on:
Assessar's Tax Parcel ID#: 20?305-9157
IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City of Renton building permit for application tile No. B 120440
t811t1IIg t0 t}10 C281 pI'Of,iTiy'���i�i0�'iCCi'v'��j ucSCiiuCCi dui)\�c, iilc uiaiiiOC, i�lc u'�vii�C iii iC� Oi iii�ii rl-vEic;CI�,
herebv covenant with
the City of Renton, a political subdivision of the state of Vl'ashington,that they will observe,consent to,
and abide by the conditions and obligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1 through 10 below '
with regard to the Property,and hereby grants(grant)an easement as described in Pazagraphs 2 and 3.
Grantor hereby grants, covenant,and agrees as follows:
1. The Grantor or their successors in interest and assigns ("Owners")shall at their own cost, operate,
maintain, and keep in good repair, the Proper[y's stormwater facilities and best management practices
("BMPs")identified in the plans and specifications submitted to City of Renton for the review and
approval of permit#: B120440. Stormwater facilities include pipes and vaults designed to manage
stormwater on the Property. Stormwater BMPs include infiltration devices and permeable pavements
designed to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff on the Properiy.
2. City of Renton shall have the right to ingress and egress over those portions of the Property necessary
to perform inspections of the stormwater facilities and BMPs and conduct other activities specified in this
Declaration of Covenant and in accordance with RMS 4-6-030. This right of ingress and egress,right to
inspect, and right to perform required maintenance or repair as provided for in Section 3 below, shall not
extend over those portions of the Property shown in Exhibit"A." I
3. If City of Renton determines that maintenance or repair work is required to be done to any of the
stormwater facilities or BMPs,City of Renton shall give notice of the specific maintenance and/or repair
work required pursuant to RMC 4-6-030. The City shall also set a reasonable time in which such work is
to be completed by the Owners. If the above required maintenance or repair is not completed within the
time set by the City, the City may perform the required maintenance or repair,and hereby is given access
to the Property, subject to the exclusion in Paragraph 2 above, for such purposes. Written notice will be
sent to the Owners stating the City's intention to perform such work. This work will not commence until
at least seven(7)days after such notice is mailed. If, within the sole discretion of the
City, there exists an imminent or present danger, the seven(7)day notice period will be waived and
maintenance and/or repair work will begin immediately.
4. If at any time the City of Renton reasonably determines that a stormwater facility or BMP on the
Property creates any of the hazardous conditions listed in KCC 9.04.130 or relevant municipal successor's
codes as applicable and herein incorporated by reference, the City may take measures specified thercin.
5. The Owners shall assume all responsibility for the cost of any maintenance or repair work completed
by the City as described in Paragraph 3 or any measures taken by the City to address hazardous conditions
as described in Paragraph 4. Such responsibility shall include reimbursement to the City within thirty(30)
days of the receipt of the invoice for any such work performed. Overdue payments will require paymcnt
of interest at the current legal rate as liquidated damages. If legal action ensues, the prevailing party is
entitled to costs or fees.
6. The Owners are hereby required to obtain wTitten approval trom City of Renton prior to filling,
piping, cutting,or removing veg�ation(except in routine landscape maintenance) in open vegetated
stormwater facilities (such as swales,channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations
or modifications to the stormwater facilities and BMPs referenced in this Declaration of Covenant.
7. Any notice or consent required to bc given or otherwise provided for by the provisions of this
Agreement shall be effective upon personal delivery, or three(3)days afrer mailing by Certified Mail,
return receipt requested.
8. With regard to the matters addressed herein,this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
the parties, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and all agreements whatsoever whether
oral or written.
9. This Declaration of Covenant is intended to protect the value and desirability of the real property
described above,and shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its
successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon
Grantor,and Grantors' successors in interest, and assigns.
10. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a written agreement by the Owners
and the City that is recorded by King County in its real property records. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this
Declaration of Covenant for the Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Facilities and BMPs is
executed this day of , 20
GRA�ITOR, Complete Construction, LLC
On this day personally appeared before me:
,to me known to be the individual(s)described in
and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as
their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated.
Given under my hand and official seal this day of , 20
Printed name
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,
residing at
My appointment expires
�- �� �
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, �
♦ \
� �� ABITARE �
' �' _ � APTS �
5'; �
� � � 8,000 SF MAX.
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WFTVAt1�,T � HILLS � \�
♦ � ;�
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SCALE: 1" = 60'
T 12112 115th Avenue N.E. Kirkland, Washington 98034-6929
425.821.8448 — 800.488.0756 — Fax 425.821.3481
�r 09029 EXHIBIT A.dwg
�'' s � - - • e - � -
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Heritage Hills Apartment Community—Technical Information Report
Relevant excerpts from Appendix A of the 2009 KCSWDM follow.
Job#09-029 Page 10-1
March 15,2013 /TRIAD
�, , .
Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Ex �,
pected When
Component Maintenance is PerFormed
Site Trash and debris Any Vash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site.
per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the
amount of Vash it would take to fill up one
standard size office garbage can). In general,
there should be no visual evidence of dumping.
Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation
constitute a hazard to County personnel or ihe removed according to applicable j
public. regulations. No danger of noxious i
vegetation where County personnel
or the public might nortnally be.
Contaminants and My evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
Grasslgroundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in Grass or groundcover mowed to a
height. height no greater than 6 inches.
Tank or Vault Trash and debris Any trash and debris accumulated in vault or tank No trash or debris in vault.
Storage Area (includes floatabies and non-floatables).
Sediment Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10°k of the All sediment removed from storage
accumulation diameter of the storage area for Y:length of area.
storage vault or any point depth exceeds 15%of
diameter. 6cample:72-inch storage tank would
require cleaning when sediment reaches depth of
7 inches for more than Y:length of tank.
Tank SVucture Plugged air vent Any blockage of the vent. Tank or vault freely vents.
Tank bent out of Any part of tank/pipe is bent out of shape more Tank repaired or replaced to design.
shape than 10%of its design shape. �.,,� �
Gaps between A gap wider than'/rinch at the joint of any tank No water or soil entering tank
sections,damaged sections or any evidence of soil particles entering through joints or walls.
joints or cracks or the tank at a joint or through a wall.
tears in wall
Vault Structure Damage to wall, Cracks wider than Yrinch,any evidence of soil Vault is sealed and structurally
frame,bottom,and/or entering the structure through cracks or qual�ed sound.
top slab inspection personnel detertnines that the vault is
not structurally sound.
InIeUOutlet Pipes Sediment Sediment filling 20%or more of the pipe. InleUoutfet pipes clear of sediment.
Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlet No Vash or debris in pipes.
pipes(includes floatables a�d non-floatables).
Damaged Cracks wider than%rinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at
inleUoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUoutlet pipe.
at the joints of the inleUoutlet pipes.
2009 Surface Water Desi�Manual—Appendix A 1'9�i�l!9
Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Perfortned
Access Manhole CoverAid not in place Coverllid is missing or only partialiy in place. Manhole access covered.
Any open manhole requires immediate
Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools.
not working maintenance person with proper toois.Bolts
cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not
Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid;zn be removed and
remove cover/lid after applying 80 Ibs of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance
Ladder rungs unsafe Missing rungs,misalignment,rust,or cracks. Ladder meets design standards.
Ailows maintenance person safe
Large access Damaged or difficult Large access doors or plates cannot be Replace or repair access door so it
doorslplate to open opened/removed using normal equipment. can opened as designed.
Gaps,doesn't cover Large access doors not flat andlor access Doors close flat and covers access
completely opening not completely covered. opening completely.
Lifting Rings missing, Lifting rings not capable of lifting weight o'door Lifting rings sufficient to lift or
rusted or plate. remove door or plate.
l.'9r'^_009 2009 Surface R a.er Desigr:Manua'.—Appencix A
Maintenance Defec!or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When �---
Component Maintenance is Performed
Structure Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than Yz cubic foot which No Trash or debris blocking or
is located immediately in front of the structure potentially blocking entrance to
opening or is blocking capacity of the structure by sVucture.
more than 10°/a.
Trash or debris in the structure that exceeds'l, No trash or debris in the structure.
the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the
lowes!pipe into or out of the basin.
Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would
volume. attract or support the breeding of
insects or rodents.
Sediment Sediment exceeds 60%of the depth from the Sump of sVucture contains no
bottom of the structure to the invert of the lowest sediment.
pipe into or out of the structure or the bottom of
the FROP-T section or is within 6 inches of the
invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the
structure or the bottom of the FROP-T section.
Damage to frame Corner of frarne extends more than'/.inch past Frame is even with curb.
and/or top slab curb face into the street(If applicable).
Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks.
cracks wider than Y.inch.
Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab.
separation of more than'/,inch of the frame from
the top slab.
Cracks in walls or Cracks wider than Yz inch and longer than 3 feet, Structure is sealed and structurally
bottom any evidence of soil particles entering sVucture sound.
through cracks,or maintenance person judges
that structure is unsound. �j
Cracks wider than Yz inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than'/.inch wide at �
at the joint of any inleUouUet pipe or any evidence the joint of inleUoutlet pipe.
of soil particles entering structure through cracks.
SettlemenV Structure has settled more than 1 inch or has Basin replaced or repaired to design I
misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards.
Damaged pipe joints Cradcs wider than Yrinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at
inlet/ouUet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of inlet/outlet pipes.
the structure at the joint of the inleUoutlet pipes.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
Ladder rungs missing Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards and
or unsafe misalignment,rust,cracks,or sharp edges. allows maintenance person safe
FROP-T Section Damage T section is not securely attached to structure T section securely attached to wall
wall and outlet pipe structure should support at and outlet pipe.
least 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure.
Structure is not in upright position(allow up to Structure in correct position.
10%from plumb).
Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight or Connections to outlet pipe are water
show signs of deteriorated grout. tight;struciure repaired or replaced
and works as designed.
Any noies—omer ihan oesigned noies�n ine �tructure nas no noies oiner inan
structure. designed holes.
Cleanout Gate Damaged or missing Cleanout gate is missing. Replace cleanout gate.
2009 Surface Water Desien Manual–Appendix A 1/9,2009
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Cteanout gate is not watertight. Gate is watertight and works as
Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily and
maintenance person. is watertight.
Chain/rod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as
Orifice Plate Damaged or missing Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as
missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed.
Obstructions Any trash,debris,sediment,or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions and
blocking the plate. works as designed.
Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions and
potential of blocking)the overflow pipe. works as designed.
Deformed or damaged Lip of overtlow pipe is bent or deformed. Overflow pipe does not allow
iip ovefiow at an elevation lower than
InIeUOutlet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 20%or more of the pipe. InleVouUet pipes clear of sediment.
Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlet No Vash or debris in pipes.
pipes(includes floatables and non-floatables).
Damaged Cracks wider than Y�inch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at
inleUoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUouUet pipe.
at the joints of the inleUoutlet pipes.
Metal Grates Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider than'/8 inch. Grate opening meets design
(If Applicable) standards.
Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of Vash and debris.
of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal
Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design
Manhole Cover/Lid Cover/lid not in place CoverAid is missing or only partially in place. Coverllid protects opening to
My open structure requires urgent structure.
Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools.
Not Woricing maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts
cannot be seated. Self-locking coverAid dces not
CoverAid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and
Remove coverllid after applying 80 Ibs.of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance
l.'9;"_'009 2009 Surface`Vater Desi�n�fanual—Appendix A
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When -
Component Maintenance is Performed
Structure Sediment Sediment exceeds 60%of the depth from the Sump of catch basin contains no
bottom of the catch basin to the invert of the sediment.
lowest pipe into or out of the catch basin or is
within 6 inches of the invert of the lowest pipe
into or out of the catch basin.
Trash and debris Trash or debris of more than %z cubic foot which No Trash or debris blocking or
is located immediately in front of the catch basin potentially blocking entrance to
opening or is biocking capacity of the catch basin catch basin.
by more than 10%.
Trash or debris in the catch basin that exceeds No trash or debris in the catch basin.
'/3 the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the
lowest pipe into or out of the basin.
Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation
odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within catch basin.
Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would
volume. attract or support the breeding of
insects or rodents.
Damage to frame Corner of frame extends more than'h inch past Frame is even with curb.
and/or top slab curb face into the sVeet(If applicable).
Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks.
cracks wider than Y.inch.
Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab.
separation of more than'/.inch of the frame from
the top slab.
Cracks in walls or Cracks wider than Yz inch and longer than 3 feet, Catch basin is sealed and ��
bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch structurally sound. ��
basin through cracks,or maintenance person
judges that catch basin is unsound.
Cracks wider than YZ inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than'/a inch wide at
at the joini of any inieUoutlet pipe or any evidence the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. I
of soil particles entering catch basin through
SettlemenU Catch basin has settled more than 1 inch or has Basin replaced or repaired to design
misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards.
Damaged pipe joints Cracks wider than Yrinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at
iniet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of inleUoutlet pipes.
the catch basin at the joint of the inleUoutlet
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film. ,
InIeVOutlet Pipe Sediment Sediment fiiling 20°/a or more of the pipe. InieUoutlet pipes clear of sediment. {
accumulation '
Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlet No trash or debris in pipes.
pipes(inctudes floatables and non-floatables).
Damaged Cracks wider than Yrinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y.-inch wide at
inleUouUet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inleUoutlet pipe.
at the joints of the inleUoutlet pipes.
2009 Surface W ater Design Manual—Appendix A 1;'9r'2009
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Metal Grates Unsafe grate opening Grate with opening wider than'/e inch. Grate opening meets design II
(Catch Basins) standards.
Trash and debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris.
of grate surface. footnote to guidelines for disposal
Damaged or missing Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design
My open structure requires urgent standards.
Manhole Cover/Lid CoverJlid not in place CoverAid is missing or only partially in place. Cover/lid protects opening to
Any open structure requires urgent structure.
Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools.
Not Working maintenance person with proper tools.Boits
cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not
Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/lid can be removed and
Remove coverAid after applying 80 Ibs.of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance
1/9i2009 2009 Surface��'ater Desi�n ltanual—Appendis A
Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Pipes Sediment&debris Accumulated sediment or debris that exceeds Water flows freely through pipes.
accumulation 20%of the diameter of the pipe.
Vegetation/roots VegetatioNroots that reduce free movement of Water flows freeiy through pipes.
water through pipes.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oii,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oii film.
Damage to protective Protective coating is damaged;rust or corrosion Pipe repaired or replaced.
coating or corrosion is weakening the sVuctural integrity of any part of
Damaged Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced.
pipe by more than 20%or is determined to have
weakened structural integrity of the pipe.
Ditches Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from
square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches.
Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of all sediment
accumulation design depth. and debris so that it matches design.
Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation
constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable
public. regulations. No danger of noxious
vegetation where County personnel
or the public might normally be.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of �
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented'rf .,,.:�
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches.
through ditches.
Erosion damage to Any erosion observed on a ditch slope. Slopes are not eroding.
Rock lining out of One layer or less of rock exists above native soil Replace rocks to design standards.
place or missing(If area 5 square feet or more,any exposed native I
Applicable) soil.
2009 S urface VG ater Design Manual—Appendix A 1 9'_'009
Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Chain Link Fencing Damaged or missing Missing gate. Gates in place.
Gate members
Broken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Hinges i�tact and lubed.Gate is
be easily opened and closed by a maintenance working freety.
Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical.
more than 1 foot out of design alignment.
Missing stretcher bar,sVetcher bands,and ties. SVetcher bar,bands,and ties in
Locking mechanism Locking device missing,no-functioning or does Locking mechanism prevents
does not iock gate not link to all parts. opening of gate.
Openings in fabric Openings in fabric are such that an 8-inch Fabric mesh openings within 50°/a of
diameter ball could fit through. grid size.
Bar Gate Damaged or missing Cross bar does not swing open or closed,is Cross bar swings fully open and
cross bar missing or is bent to where it does not prevent closed and prevents vehicie access.
vehicle access.
Locking mechanism Locking device missing,no-functioning or does Locking mechanism prevents
does not lock gate not link to all parts. opening of gate.
Support post Support post does not hold cross bar up. Cross bar held up preventing vehicle
damaged access into facility.
Bollards Damaged or missing Bollard broken,missing,does not fit into support No access for motorized vehicles to
hole or hinge broken or missing. get into facility.
Does not lock Locking assembly or lock missing or cannot be No access for motorized vehicles to
attached to lock bollard in place. get into facility.
Boulders Dislodged Boulders not located to prevent motorized vehicle No access for motorized vehicles to �
access. get into facility. ._
Circumvented Motorized vehicles going around or between No access for motorized vehicles to
boulders. get into facility.
2009 Surface Water Desi�n Manuai—Appendix A 1`9.2009
Maintenance Defect or Probiem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected 1Nhen �
Compo�ent Maintenance is Performed
Site Trash or litter Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site.
per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the
amount of trash it would take to fill up one
standard size office garbage can). In general,
there should be no visual evidence of dumping.
Noxious weeds Any noxious or nuisance vegetation which may Noxious and nuisance vegetation
constitute a hazard to County personnel or the removed according to applicable
public. regulations. No danger of noxious
vegetation where County personnel
or the public might normally be.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to appiicable regulaGons.
Source control BMPs implemented if
approp�ate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil fiim.
Grasslgroundcover Grass or groundcover exceeds 18 inches in Grass or groundcover mowed to a
height. height no greater than 6 inches.
Trees and Shrubs Hazard Any tree or limb of a Vee identified as having a No hazard Vees in facility.
poten6al to fall and cause property damage or
threaten human life. A hazard tree identified by
a qualified arborist must be removed as soon
as possible.
Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than 5°/a
broken which affect more than 25°/a of the total of total foliage with split or broken
foliage of the tree or shrub. limbs.
Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or No blown down vegetation or
knocked over. knocked over vegetation. Trees or
shrubs free of injury.
Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and
supported or are leaning over,causing exposure adequately supported;dead or
of the roots. diseased trees removed.
1/9r2009 =�n u� �.:r=�._ ';',"..._. "i;;:��\'sn�:��l ',;,....-.�'.:� .1
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N0. 12-ACCESS ROADS �,�-,,
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Mainte�ance is Performed
Site Trash and debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway drivable by maintenance
square feet(i.e.,Vash and debris would fill up vehicles.
one standards size garbage can).
Debris which could damage vehicle tires or Roadway drivable by maintenance
prohibit use of road. vehicles.
Contaminants and My evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of
pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film.
Blocked roadway Any obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet
road surface to less than 14 feet. high.
Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10-to At least 12-foot of width on access
12 foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet road.
or any point restricting access to less than a 10
foot width.
Road Surface Erosion,settlement, Any surface defect which hinders or prevents Road drivable by maintenance
potholes,soft spots, maintenance access. vehicles.
Vegetation on road Trees or other vegetation prevent access to Maintenance vehicles can access
surface faality by maintenance vehicles. facility.
Shoulders and Erosio� Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and
Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the surrounding road.
Weeds and brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches in
hinder maintenance access. height or cleared in such a way as to -
allow maintenance access. �`l �
Modu�ar Grid Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materials removed and disposed of .^�"''�
Pavement pollution as oil,gasoline,concrete slurries or paint. according to applicable regulations.
Source control BMPs implemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil film. I
Damaged or missing Access surface compacted because of broken on Access road surface restored so
missing modular block. road infiltrates.
2009 Surface W'ater Design Manual—Appendix A 1!9/2009
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Site Trash and debris Any trash or debris which impairs the function of Trash and debris removed from
the facility. facility.
Contaminants and Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such Materiais removed and disposed of
pollution as oils,gasoline,concrete slumes or paint. according to appiicable regulations.
Source control BMPs impiemented if
appropriate. No contaminants
present other than a surface oil fiim.
Life cycle System has not been inspected`or three years. Facility is re-inspected and any
needed maintenance performed.
Vault Treatment Sediment on vault Greater than 2 inches of sediment. Vault is free of sediment.
Area floor
Sediment on top of Greater than YZ inch of sediment. Vault is free of sediment.
Multiple scum lines Thick or multiple scum lines above top of Cause of plugging corrected,
above top of cartridges. Probably due to plugged canisters or canisters replaced if necessary.
cartridges underdrain manifold.
Vault Structure Damage to wall, Cracks wider than Yrinch and any evidence of Vault replaced or repaired to design
Frame,Bottom,and/or soii particles entering the structure through the specifications.
Top Slab cracks,or qualified inspection personnel
determines the vault is not structurally sound.
Baffles damaged Baffles corroding,cracking warping,andlor Repair or replace baffles to
showing signs of failure as determined by specification.
maintenance�nspection person.
Filter Media Standing water in 9 inches or greater of static water in the vault for No standing water in vault 24 hours
vault more than 24 hours following a rain event andJor after a rain event.
overflow occurs frequently. Probably due to
plugged filter media,underdrain or ouUet pipe.
Short circuiting Flows do not properly enter filter cartridges. Flows go through filter media.
Underdrains and SedimenUdebris Underdrains or clean-outs partially plugged or Underdrains and Gean-outs free of
Ciean-Outs filled with sediment and/or debris. sediment and debris.
InIeUOuUet Pipe Sediment Sediment filling 2C%or more of the pipe. InieUoutiet pipes clear of sediment.
Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inleUoutlet No trash or debris in pipes.
pipes(includes floatables and non-floatables).
Damaged Cracks wider than Yrinch at the joint of the No cracks more than Y,-inch wide at
inleUoutlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe.
at the joints of the inleUoutlet pipes.
Access Manhole Coverllid not in place CoverAid is missing or only partially in place. Manhole access covered.
Any open manhole requi�es immediate
Locking mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by one Mechanism opens with proper tools.
not working maintenance person with proper toois.Bolts
cannot be seated. Self-locking coverAid does not
Cover/lid difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove Cover/iid can be removed and
remove cover/lid after applying 80 Ibs of lift. reinstalled by one maintenance
Ladder rungs unsafe Missing rungs,misalignment,rust,or cracks. Ladder meets design standards.
Allows maintenance person safe
Large access Damaged or diffcult Large access doors or plates cannot be Repiace or repair access door so it
doors/piate to open ope�ed/removed using normal equipment. can opened as designed.
Ir9r'2009 2009 Sur`ace�^:ate-D�si�_n tiianua:—Apnenc:x A
Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When
Component Maintenance is Performed
Gaps,dcesn't cover Large access doors not flat andlor access Doors close flat and cover ac;ess
completely opening not completely covered. opening completely.
Lifting Rings missing, Lifting rings not capable of lifting weight of door Lifting rings sufficient to lift or
rusted or piate. remove door or plate.
2009 Surface R'ater Design Manual—.Appendix.A 1!9 2009
i �E C flU� C�.' FLU11�l�Oti II:UL [3�11's
Design Specifications
1. .A minimum of 6 inches of h-ee draining base material(sand or?ravel) is required under the modular
grid material.
2. The modular�rid material must be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. The surface area of the modular grid openings must be at least 50%of the total surface area of the
modular�rid pavement.
4. The modular�id openings must be filled with b avel,sand, or a mixture of both.
5. Smooth surface w•alkways may be run across modular grid pavements, provided the impervious
surfaced walkways do not exceed 10 percent of the total pavement surface.
Grassed modular grid pm�emenr is basically a modular grid pavement���ith grass planted in the openings
or in a thin layer of soil over the grid material. The benefits of this measure are reduced runoff peaks and
volumes resultinJ from the increased infiltration of stormwater,the increased water storage provided in
the grid soil and base,and the increased evapotranspiration provided by the grass. The�rassed surface
also heips remove pollutants that are feft behind by vehicles.
L'ses: Low-traffic or infrequently used areas such as low-traffic drive�yays,overflo«�parking, event
parking,church parkin�,employee parkin�, inaintenance access roads, etc.; they are not allo�ed
in King County road right-of-��•a}.
Design Specifications
l. A minimum of 6 i�;ches of fi-ee drainin� base material (sand or gra��elj is required ur,der tlle modular
grid material.
'_'. The modular���id material must be installed accordinQ to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. The surface area of the modular grid openin�s must be at least�0°o of the total surface area of the
modular grid pavement.
4. The modular grid openings must be filled «ith a sandy soil mix suitable for growin� grass as specified
by the manufacturer's instructions or a landscape architect.
�. Smooth surface walkways may be run across modular grid pavements,provided the impervious
surfaced walkways do not exceed 10 percent of the total pavement area.
If the permeable pavement flow control BMP is proposed for a project, the following maintenance and
operation instructions,plus any provided by the manufacturer or installer, must be recorded as an
attachment to the required declaration of covenant and grant of easement per Requirement 3 of Section
C.1.�.3 (p. G18). The intent of these instructions is to explain to future property owners,the purpose of
the BMP and how it must be maintained and operated. These instructions are intended to be a minimum;
DDES may require additional instructions based on site-specific conditions or manufacturer's
recommendations. Also, as the County gains more experience with the maintenance and operation of
these BMPs, future updates to these instructions will be posted on Kin�County's Surface Water Design
,1�fanual website.
Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP (best management practice} called
"permeable pavement."which was installed to minimize the stormwater quantity and quality impacts of
1:9;2009 ?009 Surface Water Design M14anual—Appendix C
some or all of the paved surfaces on your property. Permeable pavements reduce the amount of rainfall
that becomes runoff by allowing water to seep through the pavement into a free-draining gravel or sand
bed,where it can be infiltrated into the ground.
The type(s) of permeable pavement used on your property is:� porous concrete, ❑ porous asphaltic
concrete,�permeable pavers, ❑ modular grid pavement.
The area covered by permeable pavement as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan and design details
must be maintained as permeable pavement and may not be changed without written approval either from
the King County Water and Land Resources Division or through a future development permit from King
Permeable pavements must be inspected after one major storm each year to make sure it is working
properly. Prolonged ponding or standing water on the pavement surface is a sign that the system is
defective and may need to be replaced. If this occurs, contact the pavement installer or the King County
Water and Land Resources Division for further instructions. A typical permeable pavement system has a
life expectancy of approximately 25-years. To help extend the useful life of the system,the surface of the
permeable pavement should be kept clean and free of leaves, debris, and sediment through regular
sweeping or vacuum sweeping. The owner is responsible for the repair of all ruts, deformation, and/or
broken paving units.
Your property contains a stormwater management flow control BMP (best management practice) calied
"grassed modular grid pavement,"which was installed to minimize the stormwater quantity and quality
impacts of some or all of the paved surfaces on your property. Grassed modular grid pavement has the
runoff characteristics of a lawn while providing the weight-bearing capacity of concrete pavement. The
grassed surface not only minimizes runoff quantity, it helps to filter pollutants generating by vehicular use
of the surface.
The composition and area of grassed modular grid pavement as depicted by the flow control BMP site plan
and design details must be maintained and may not be changed without written approval either from the
King County Water and Land Resources Division or through a future development permit from King �I
County. I
Grassed modular grid pavement must be inspected after one major storm each year to make sure it is
working properly. Prolonged ponding or standing water on the pavement surFace is a sign that the system �
defective and may need to be replaced. If this occurs,contact the pavement installer or the King County I
Water and Land Resources Division for further instructions. The grassed surface of the pavement must be
regularly mowed and maintained in a gccd condition. Bare spots must be replanted in the spring or falL
?009 Surf�ce Vr`ater Desigr,AQanual—Appendix C li9!2009
k/lynn, Moy 37, 2013 9:48om
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Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time series File:rdaut.tsf Mean= -1.755 std�ev= 0.260
Project �ocation:5ea-Tac Skew= 1.564
---Annua7 Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow rtate rtank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - rtank tteturn Prob
(c�s) (cFs) (ft} Period �J���"['"
computed Peaks a.132 6.52 1fl0.00 0.990
Computed Pealcs 0.092 6.50 50.00 0.980 RE(,�s
Computed Peaks 0.064 5.97 25.00 0.960 �
computed Peaks 0.039 5.46 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.035 5.41 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.026 5.38 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.015 5.02 2.00 0.500 ,
computed Peaks 4.011 2.71 1.30 0.231 '
Flow Frequency Analysis �ogPearson III coefficients ,
Time Ser�es File:tdalbypass.tsf Mean= -1.366 std�ev= 0.122
Project Location:sea-Tac skew= o.393
---Annual Peak Fiow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- '
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS} (CFS} Period ,l
Computed Peaks 0.090 100.00 0.990 �j-t PAS�j
computed Peaks O.d81 50.00 0.980 �
computed Peaks 0.073 25.00 0.960 C�/ gMp LK£�rTS
computed Peaks 0.062 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.060 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.054 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.042 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.035 1.30 0.231
�ADo `+S� l
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III Coefficients
Time series File:developedpoc.tsf Mean= -1.257 std�ev= 0.136
Project �ocation:sea-Tac skew= O.SS1 p��E�p�D
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow FrequenCy Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Peri od p Q. [, -
Computed Peaks Q.130 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.115 50.00 0.980
computed Peaks 0.101 25.00 0,960
Computed Peaks O.d84 10.00 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.080 8.OQ 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.071 5.00 0,800
Computed Peaks 0.054 2.00 0,500
Computed Peaks 0.043 1.34 0.231
Page 1
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rdout.pks II
Flow Frequency ,4nalysis �ogPearson III Coefficients '
Time Series File:rdout.tsf Mean= -1.755 stdoev= 0.260
Project �ocation:sea-Tac skew= 1.564
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period v�1u�'["
computed Peaks 0.132 6.52 100.00 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.092 5.50 50.00 0.980 RE ��s ',
Computed Peaks 0.064 5.97 25.00 0.960 i
computed Peaks 0.039 5.46 10.00 0.900
computed Peaks 0.035 5.41 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.026 5.38 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.015 5.02 2.00 0.500
computed Peaks 0.011 2.71 1.30 Q.231
� I
Flow Frequency ,analysis �ogPearson III Coefficients
Time Series File:tdalbypass.tsf Mean= -1.366 StdDev= 0.122
Project �.ocation:sea-Tac Skew= 0.393
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate ttank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
{CFS) (CFS} Period
Computed Peaks 0.090 100.00 0.990 �j�P���j
computed Peaks Q.081 50.00 0.980 �
Computed Peaks 0.073 25.OQ 0.960 (�/ BM� (�Q�TS
Computed Peaks 0.062 10.00 0.900 �
Computed Peaks O.Q60 8.00 0.875 ,
computed Peaks 0.054 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.042 2.00 0.50Q
Computed Peaks 0.035 1.30 0.�31 \
�ADO i 5� 1
t N KG�S J
Flow Frequency Analysis LogPearson III CoeffiCients
Time series File:developedpoc.tsf Mean= -1.257 stdoev= 0.136
Project �ocation:sea-Tac skew= 0.581 p����p�D
---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-------
Flow Rate rtank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob
(CFS) (CFS) Period p Q . G .
camputed Peaks 0.130 100.40 0.990
Computed Peaks 0.115 50.40 0.980
computed Peaks 0.101 25.40 0.960
Computed Peaks 0.084 10.Q0 0.900
Computed Peaks 0.080 8.00 0.875
Computed Peaks 0.071 5.00 0.800
Computed Peaks 0.054 2.00 0.500
Computed Peaks 0.043 1.30 0.231
Page 1
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