HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit , � ����t'' ` � . , ��ts ��.� p� �, . ' `' � � �4P i . / � �, ,�t��.. �: ,' , \ �. , � � I� , , . . , d � ��, ,� � 6 � : l�r��� �'y't , ��l ��,� ' � �� l�►'t� �"t'���J���' �t �,�. �. ORDINANCE NO� (;����:�/<}�� �' ��r'+�^:��'!�!d�" :��:� � �J��'�1� ��`l�r`$�` �l�1r�' � ,f� �/ ' i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, °WASHINGTON, GRANTING UNT'0 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION; ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, 1'HE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO LAY �047N, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, REYLACE AND REPAIR ONE OR MQRE PIPE LINES, TOGETHER vJITH EQU�PMENT AND APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL ' AND ANY BY-PRODUCT THEREOF tJNDER, THROI�H AND BELOW CERTAIN DESIGNATEA ROADG�AYS AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF taASHINGTON BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR EiND THE CITY C013NCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLL(1WS; Section 1: There is hereby given and granted unto Olympic Pipe Line Company, a Delacaare Corporation, its successors and assigns for a period of �5 years from the taking effect of this Ordinance, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, operate, maintain, replace, alter, remove and repair one or more pipe lines, together with all ec�uipment and appurtenances thereto, for the tranaportation, storage and handling of oil and any product or by-product thereof, under, below and thron�h certain public right of ways an@ other public lands within the City of Rentnn but such construction, installation and maintenance of any and all such pipe lines to be limited to a wfdth of five feet (but not to exceed thirty feet during period of construction and repair) under, below and throu h said ublic �.ri ht of wa s and other ub t P S y � lic �r��erties, all as more particularly appears on the attached list marked Exhibit 'A'�, which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Section 2: This Franchise is grantedtpon the express condition that ft - shall not be deemed o� held to be an exclusive Franchise and shall not in any manner prevent the city of Renton from gra:zting other or further franchises in, along, over, through, under, below ar across any of said right of ways, streets, avenues or all other public Iands and properties of every type and description; and such franchise shall in no way from prevent or prohibit the City of Renton/using any of said roads, streets or other public properties or sffect ita jurisdiction over them or any part of them, with full power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, mainteaaace, establishment, improvement, dedicatioa of same as they may deem fit, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance and ia�provement of all new right of ways and thoroughfares and other public properties of every type and description. Olympic Pipe Line Company, as Grantee herein, agrees a��d coveaani:s at its sole cost aad expense, to protect, support, temporarily disconaect, relocate or remove from any streee any of its installationa when so required by the eicy of Renton by reason of traffic conditions, public safeCy, streefi vacations, dedications of new right of caays and the establisha�ent and i4proveme�zt thereof, freeway -1- • ti � ' • • , construction, change or estsblishmenC af street grade, or the construction of any public impravement or structure by any Governmental agency acting in e Governmental capacity, pravided that Gra�tee shall in a21 such cases hava . th.e pri.viiege to temporarily by- pass, in the asthorized parti.an of the same street upan approvai by the City af Rentan, any section of pipe line required to be tempararily disconnected oz remaved. Section 3: All consCruction,and installation work whenever same crosses any o€ the public properties described in Exhibit ''A" her�in, shall be done under the supervisian af and ugan the inspection af the City Engineer, and Grantee sha22 time2y submit unto the City Engineer, prior ta any such work, detailed plane and� speci€fcations of any such propased work. The location af any franchised property in a street or ather � I public area shall be aubject to the approval of th� City Engineer and such approval shall I be given zn writing. Sectiore 4: Tt�is Qrdinance sha12 be vcid i# GranCee shall not wzthin thirty days of the adopti+�n of thie prdinance file ite written acceg�ance thereof with the Clark I of the City of Renton. A11 casts of publication far said Franchise shall be borne, in � addition ta all ather fees, by Graatee. j Section 5: The Grantee, its successars ar assigns shall commence ' I coastruction work under this Franchise with�.n an� year from and a€ter the date of passage I - thereof and all such work shall be completed with the greatest amount of dispatch so as to reduce any interfexence with vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the pub2ic safeCy and welfare to a minimum. If at the end of three years froax and after the granting of rhis Franchise, the Graatee, its successozs or assigns, shail not have la3.d, constructed �' and have in operation upon any of the aforesaid streets and right of ways such pipes and appurtenances thereto, then in that event the rights hereby conferred upon the Grantee ' shall sutomatfcallq cease and terminate. � Sectior� 6: All pipe and other comporcents of any pip� 2ine, and � � appurtercance thereto, to be placed within �ay street right of way or other public praperty shall be designed, manufactured and installed 3n accordance �aad in full compliance with the pravisions and terms of the '�Am.erfcan Standard Code for Pressure Piping'� (ASA B 32.4- 2�59}as published by the A.uierican Saciety af Mechanical Engineers, and as said Cc�e may be amended from time to time. The operating or service pressure far which thsy are I deaigned shall be the maximum non-shock, internal pressure that may accur either under canditions af year raund operatian or under static canditions wiCh pipe 2ine filled but with no flufd flow. All such pipe liz�es, fitti.ng s an.d agpurtenaaces thereto ta be placed , within public right of ways or other public property shall be unused producCs. After � -2- i i , _ _ . - - � • ` f n' . i itial installation of any pipe under this Franchise, such i e shall be subjected to PP a pressure test as provided for in tfie aforesaid Code and within the pressure limitations described therein before such pipe is placed in operation and the results of any such tests spall be submitted to the City in writing. Furthermore, after repair or replacement of any pipe, the portion so affected of such pipe between sectionalizing valves shall be subjected to a pressure test as hereinabove set forth; provided however, that no such -cest is required for any minor repairs which do not require removal of the pipe line from operation. Section 7: During any period of construction all surface structures, if any, shall be erected and used in such places and positions within said public right of ways and other public properties so as to interfere as little as possible with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining property and Grantee shall at all times post and maintain proper barricades during such period of construction as required by the laws and statutes of the State of Washington. All pipe lines constructed and installed by Grantee within the City of Renton shall be located, buried and installed to a depth of not less than six feet and as otherwise provided for in the aforesaid Code, the laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the City of Renton, now or hereafter in fozce, regu- lating such installations. Grantee shall establish and maintain at all times adequate facilities on the portion of each pipe line installed under the authority of this Franchise, and else- where on the same pipe line, to promptly localize operating troubles and to miniroize the effects thereof, whether on City streets or on their use by the public. Every portion of pipe line when installed or reglac�l under authority of this Franchise shall contain adequate cathodic protection, and such pipe line shall further be protected by sectionaliz- :i�g,block va]ves spaced at no �reater distance than prescribed by the aforesaid Code. If at any time during the term of this Franchise protective or sectionalizing facilities in any pipe line are found to be inadequate, Grantee hereby agrees and covenants, at its own expense and cost, to make such changes as may be required by the City of Renton. Section 8: Grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees and covenan ts to promptly repair any damage to City property of every type and nature and all other City improvements caused by the failure ofGrantee's work during the life of this Franchise ; should it be necessary to make any excavation within any public right of way in the layin�, constructing, maintenance, removing, replacing, alterin� or repairing of any such pipe line or structure, 6rantee shall without delay and at Grantee's sole cost and expen�e, restore the surface of said ri�ht of way or other public property to at least the con- dition as same was in immediately prior to any such installation and construction. Grantee shall comply with all Ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton, Wash- -3- r_ -- -- - - - 1 w I • �-••- w never deemad necessar b the Cit Engineer sha12 I x���,Lon regarding such excavatian and he Y Y Y be required to gos� a performance bond in favor of the City warra�t�ng, a�nong ather things, � �hat such restoration work wi11 be do�ne promptly and in a groper, workmanlike manner. II Section 9; Grantee, its successa�cs and assigns, agrees and covenants tcs ir►demnify and hald harmless the City of Rentoa from and against any and all liabil�.ty, 1oss, cpst, damage, whether to persan or property, or expense of an� type or nature which may accrus ta the City by reason ef the construction, operatian, maintesaance, regair and aZteration af Grantee's facilities; provided, however, Chat in case any suit or action is instituted against the City by reason of any such damage ar injury, the City shall cause written natice thereaf trs be gfven unto Grantee and Grantee thereupon shall have the duty to defend any such suit or action, without cost or expense to the City. Section 10. For the purpose of compellir►g compliance by the Grantee with all the terms and conditians of this �ranchise and the maintenance of said pipe lines and facilities in goad conditian, City retains Che right to end and terminate and fully forfeit the �ranchise herein granted, within thirty days a£t2t writtesaF�noCice unto Grantae, � whenever Grantee fails Co camplp with any of the terms a�.siconditians hareaf. Upon suc h ' forfeiture the City shall have the right to require Grar�tee to remove aay and a11 of its pipes, appurtenances and equtpment within the City of RenCon, alI at Grantee's cos� and expease, and to prompCly and timsly restore a12 roads and other public properties ea their condition immedi.ately prfar to any such farfeiture and teru�ination. Section 11: The City of Renton reserves unto itself the right and power I� at all times to reasonably regulate in the public interest and for the public welfare I the exercise of aIl franchise rights gra�ted herein. ( Section 12: The layirtg, conseructing, insta2lation, cnaintenaace and � aperation o£ said p�pe lines and facilitiea in connecCion therewith shall nat preclude Che I City of Renton, its authorized agents, contractors a�zd representatives fram blasfing, grading, excavating or daing other necessary or public works over, unto, abutting, or cantiguous to Grantee's pige line or faci2ities, provided, however, thaC Grantee shall be given forty eight hvurs written natice of any such blasting, grading or excavating so that Grantee may take proper steps ta protect its pipe line a�xd facilities. Sectian 13: Grantee further agrees to install and maintain at ali times during the life of this Franchise sutomatic shutnff and safety valves at gun�ping stations locations where adequate maintenance crews sha21 be available, in addi�lon to whicb adequate fire prcatection equipment shall be provided for at all points af Grantee's system.�. Section 14: Grantee shall have no xecourse whatsoever against the City of Renton for any Ioss, cost, expense ar damage arisi►tg out of any pravision or xequirement _tr_ `� of this Franchise or the enforcemen-� thereof. This Pranchise does not relieve the Grantee of any requirement of any City Ordinance, rule or regulation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any requirement relating to street work, street excavation permits and fees therefor, or the use, removal or relocation of property and streets. No privilege nor exemption is granted or conferred unto Grantee by this Franchise excep� those specifically prescribed herein, and any sucli privilege claimed under this Franchise by the Grantee in any street shall be subordinate to any prior lawful occupancy of the street or any subsequent improvement or installation therein. Grantee further agrees to submit unto the City periodic reports, at least semi-annually of any press�e tests made pursuant to provision of this Franchise showing the date of the test, description of portion of pzpe line tested, identified with respect to the City's street routes and test data sufficient in detail to permit analysis of test results and determination of compliance with the aforesaid Code. Section 15: In the event the use of any Franchised property is permanently discontinued, or no franchise has been obtained therefor upon expiration of this Franchise, or within thirty days after any termination of this Franchise, then Grantee shall promptly remove from the streets and other properties all of its iacilities, other than any the City may permit to be temporarily or permanently abandoned. Section 16: On or before the lst day of January of each year during the term of this Franchise, Grantee shall pay unto the City, in consideration of the issuance of this Franchise, a sum equal to the total number of lineal fee�t of pipe line located within the City limits of Renton on the lst day of January of each year, multiplied by the rate of $.O5 (5¢ per lineal foot) but the minimum sum to be paid to the City annually will i�e not less than $500.00. Secti on 17: The Grantee shall, wifhin ten days after the award of this Franchis�, file with the City Clerk and at -.all times thereafter maintain in full force and effect an acceptable corporate surety bond in duplicate effective for the entire term of this Fran- chise, and conditioned that in the event Grantee sha11 rail to comply with any one or more of �he provisions of this Franchise then there shall be recoverable ,jointly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond any damages suifered by the City as a result thereof, including the full amount of any compensati.on, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of properties hereinabove described, up to the full amount of the said bond; said condition to be a continuing obligation for the duration of this Franchise and there- after until the Grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City of Renton or may have arisen f.rom the acceptance of such Franchise by the Grantee or from its exercise of any privilege herein granted. The bond initially filed in accordance with the require- ment of this Section shall be in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars. In the event of sub- stantial change in the volume of street spece occupied by franchise prope rties, the City may permit or may require a corresponding change in the amount of such bond. -5- . . ,� , Neither the pravisions of this Section or any bond accepted hy the City pursuant thereta, nor a�y damages recovered by �he City, thereunder shall be construed to excuse faithful performance by the Grantee or to limit the liability af the Grantee under the Franchise or for damages, whether ta the C;ty ar members af �he pub2ic generally, either ta the fu11 amount of the band or atherwise. I Section 18: Upon application to the City Council of the City of Renton by I Grantee, the Council may authorize Grant�e to install, conetruct and/or retain in City I streets additionai pipe lines, as cantetnplated in Section I hereaf, in a aranner satisfacicory to the City Council; such adc3i.tional instaliatians ��all be subject ta ail of the terms a,nd condittons of this Franchise and to anp such additional. canditions as may be preseribed ksq the City Council as to any such addiCians. I PASSED BY THE CITY COLPNCZL tttis�2.�day af %���'�-�"�'-�..- , 19b4. � � ll.C�1'or�-� He mie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVEB BY THE MAYOR Chis �,?.'ry�daq Qf ,5"''.;,��c,:,��.,-,�,,.��..-1964. t����' / ,�r� �� Da ald E�, GusCer, Mayo r " � �irst Readin� September ��' , 1964. ' Il a I D te •f Fixst xuUlicati�n: ,-lr��"'-�"''e�.��*� -'��� ��.�s'�.� �/'��� DATE OF PUSLICA�i'lOi�i ,.�1y��� APPROVED AS �'0 FORM: � t�erard M. Shellan, City Attorney � i � -6- � ,� ' EXIIIDIT nA�r Olympic Pipe I,ine Street Crossin� 1. 12tii l�venue �torth at a po�.nt ap roxir��atel;� 250 feet westerly of the centerline intersection of ��;,�" Street (b0�� 2. Zlth :.venue North at a point a roximately 220 feet vaesterly of the centerline intersection of ����� Street (50�} 3. 7th !�venue Nortlz at a point appro�rr.ately 220 feet w�esterly of the centerl�u�e intersection of "�.'� Street (60i) t�. bth Pl�ce North at a poi.nt approximately 2la.0 feet westerly of t�ze cent�rli.ne intersection of ��ft�� Strest (3�� ) 5. l�th livenue idorth at a point approximately 1010 feet westerly of tne centerl.i.ne intersection of 132nd l�venue S.�. (60�) 6. 5th l�venue �ast at a point approxiraately 2a0 feet Southe�.sterly of the center- line intersection of ��N�� Street South (60� ) 7. 6th :�venue East at a point apnro�ately 520 feet northwesterly of t�ie center- line intersection of ��0�� Street South (60� ) 8. l0ath :_venue 5.�. at a point approxityately 15 feet northerl� of the south line of :;�ction 20� Township 23 North� P�an�e 5 Fast� ?°I.i-�. (60� ) 9. Benson Iii;;hway (State HiLhway ',`•515) at a point approxirlately 15 feet nortizerly of the sot�th line of Section 20, Taa�nship 23 DTorth, itan�e 5 Last, ���r.i�. (60� ) 10. Rainier I_venue South (State Hi�hway ,',`167) at a point approximately 30 feet southerl�r of tha north line of Section 30� Township 23 i�orth, Ran�e 5 �ast� ?,T�M, (60�) 560� 11. Pu�et Drive from centerline of City of Se2ttle Ced�tr ftiver Pipe Line ease- ment westerly along Puget Drive to thc north-�outh center of Section line of Section 20� Totimship 23 North� ilan;-;e 5 East� T�J.I-i. (33�1�) Total 39�1 feet Centsrline Description of Olympic Pipe Line Crossin� City of 1Lenton Par?cs 1. �:ir�a.nis Paric- :►3se�innin� at a point on t'�e northerly bou.ndary of =1i�ranis Par3c saic? Point bein� l�3.37 feet from the Tdorthwest Corner of saic? _'arlc, thence South 100,�.�1t3" %ast a clistance of �.��, thence South 5�12+37�� :Test a distance of l�76�� thence South �°3u�07" Z-�est a distance of 50�� ��ore or less� to the southerly boundary of saicl P�rk, saic? easement bein� apnrox- imatell 57�. feet in len�tt�. 2. Maplet,rood 1 ar!: • The centerline of e�.semen�c, lies parallel� ��rith and 101 feet souti�easterly of the northw�esterly line of the i4apletaood Park prop�rty �3$ easaraent bein�f approx3mately l�16 feet in len�th. — — — -- T - - -- - — �F ' � �-c� � � . �' . � - �� 9 `� � ORDTNA�CE N0. � �'S � 1 �7� Aiv ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, �������'''� A�'IENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2� 20 PERTAINING TO THE FRANCHISE GRANTED UN2'Q QLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, I A CORPORATION, AND AMENDING EXHIBIT "A" THEREOF. � BE ST ORDAINED BY TH� MAXOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF RENTQI�I , I�ASHINGTON AS FQLL0�1S: � WHEREAS, the Cit,� af Renton heretofore passad and approved I Ordinance Na. 2120 �rantin�; un�to Olympic Pipe Line Company , a corporation, certain authority and franchise to 1ay down, construct, maintain, operate , replace and repair ane ar more pipe line� withi.n the City of Renton, all as morF parti.cularly se-� forth on Exhibit "A" ' and incorporated in said Ordinance , and WHEREAS Olympic Pipe Line Gompany has naw requested the City, pursuant to Seetian 18 of �he aforementioned Ordinance , for authori�y to install sueh pipe li.nes on a certain right of wa.y, NQW TH�REFORE, it is hereby a�reed as follows : � SECTION I : Grante� , Olympic Pipe Line Cc�mpany , a carpara�ion, pursuant ta Sec�ion 18 , of Ordinance Na. 212Q , passad and approved an November 2 , 1964 , is hereby granted permission to use in its operation the following additional public right-of-way, ' ta-wit : ��:csx� �►A�� and said additional righ� of way is hereby incorparated and added ta Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2120 , SECTION II : All a�her terms , provisions and conditions of said Ordinance Na. 2120 shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED BY THE CITY CUUNCIL this�, �day of ������-, 1970. , ` � � Helmie �elsan , City ��.�rk � � AYp1i0V�D BY T�i� MAYOR �this� � day o ��ii��, 19 7 Q. II ( �(�.(QL].d� -���� = �-a"�fer Gar �tt; Ma c�r A r ed as �o ia Y � PP � � �e ar i 1 n, Cit;i l�ttorn�Z�' Accepted by Grantee, Olympic Pipe La.ne Ca., I� I7�e �i� i'u�;i.�c��i c�n : 1970 this lbth day a f April, 19?a. w.�.�...�.._..._..._.�. ss/ J. C. Durbiz�. , Vice-Presid�n.t ; -(- " .. E XH I B I T "A" ORDII�?ANCE N0. � S S 7 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE STREET CROSSING l . Southwest 43rd Street adjoining the Westerly margin of Puget Sound Electric Railroad Right-of-Way in the Northwest one-quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 Fast, W.M, between the Northerly margin of Southwest 43rd and a point 3.5 feet Northerly of the Southerly margin of said street. (56.5 feet) 2. Southwest 43rd Street, 3.5 feet Northerly of the Southerly margin thereof, between the Westerly margin of Puget Sound Electric Rai1- road Right-of-Way and the existing City limits at the centerline of the old West Valley Highway No. 5-M (SR. 181 ) (935 feet) — -- -- — — x 7 <,r��y, � ,� — — — - - -- - �--- _ _ ___ ! � , . • �• c'�^ � � �,,,,,.� s- �,_,,;_. . - ,. �_.. . - � � � ��� �� �E��Q� i' _ OLYMPIC6PIFE �INENC4MFANY ������,�� - �aY $��� X� M a 7 , 19 7 3 ����,�����N� �� Y _ ��'.' i' �c_ ,' ; ,' � '`' � I City Council �f- �` }J�� _ ` �; City of Renton ;'., �'�'��`��� : � . 4 . ��4��t ' ���.(�0.� . > Municipal Building �,�'r4£, �•�i't� �'�,� ��-�� 200 Mill Avenue South ,\ , �1����,�, ��k�t�`�;r' Renton , Washington 98055 G� • - ..��' '�<: . . �,._ . ,. � �_�'�, -,,,.: Gent lemen : �.'�'���'�:�..�.. , ; On November 2 , 196� , Ordinance No . 2120 was approved by yaur = honorab].e hody , granting to 0lympic Pipe Line Company a franchise ta = construct , ogerate and maintain , petroleum products transmission pipe = lines in, across , alon� and under certain designated raadways and public = properties of the City af Renton . Section 18 thereof provides for author- = ization by the Council af additional pipe line installations subject to , = conditions of this franchise . Due to the growth of this area and the eva� increasing demand for = refined petraleum proc3ucts , Qlympic Pipe Line Company finds it _ necessary and plans to construct an additianal petroleum products transmissian pipe line fram its facility at Allen in Skagit Caunty to its : facility at Renton . dlympic Pipe Line Company has now established the allignment of the propased new pipe line for this praject 'through the City af Renton . As shown in the enclosed Drawings Nos . 5-110-29 , S-I30-30 , S-110-31 , F-794 , and F-723 the route of the pipe line would be lacated in , acrass , alang and under the following list af streets , avenuss and propertiss af the City of Renton . STREET DiSTANCE AFPROXIi3AfiE LOCATIdN Across NE 12th St . 60 ' 2020 ' W of £ line Sec 9 , T-23N , R-SE Across NE llth St . 50 ' 85Q ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5E Across NE 7th 8t . 60 ' 750 ' W of E line of Sec9 , T-23N , R-SE Acrass NE 6th P2 . 30 ' 850 ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5E Across NE 6th St . 6Q ' 85Q ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-S£ Across 4th Ave N 60 ' 1000 ' W of E line of Sec9 , T-23N , R-5E Across SE 5th St . 30 ' 370 ' W of E line af S�c 16 , T-23N , R-5E Acrass SE 6th St . 3b ' 650 ' W of E line af S�c 16 , T-23N , R-5� � _ - , , , ,,.', , . ; � - . - � . ; ' , � . - - - - - - - --- — _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____� � - - - � - .�-„�- - �,,� - -., -� ,.- t , : r .��� ..- ,�M - . �- { :.- F'enLon Citv Council Pa,a,e ? �'ay 'I , 1973 STREET D3STANCE APPROXIMATE LOCATION Across Grant Rd ? street n�t in i� ��� 2p � �_�3� �� g_�g Across Benson Rd 60 ' 154 ' E of W line of Sec 20 , T-23N , R-5E Across riEW Talbot Dr. 12d ' M/L 1400 ' S af N line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-SE . Acrass Smithers Ave S �+5 ' 600 ' W of E line of Sec 19 , T-23iv , R-5E In S ].4th St , 819 ' 2200 ' � af N line of Sec 1,9 , T-23N , R-SE In Shattuck Ave S 2614 � 1300 ' W of E line of Sec 19 , T-?3N , R-SE In I.4th Ave S 516 ' 10 ' N af S line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-5E Across East Val.ley Rd 60 ' Qn S line af See 19 , T-23N , R-5� Ac.roar� Kiwanir: Park 4,8f, ' f;,Q ' 4J of E lit�e of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5E Acrcass M�plPwoad Park N45 ` 5U0 ' W of F, line of Sec 16 , T-?3N , R-5E Olymgic Pipe Line Company respectfully requests your ap�raval azad authorization to inc2ude this additianal pipe 3ine across , along and under the streets , avenues and parks listed the rights and privileges �rantec3 by Ordinance No. 2120 , , To facilitate processin�; af our request , we would be oleased to csrovide any other infarmation or assistar�ce necessary . Very truly yours , � � ......_ . ���� ����� Max Farr R/W Manager MFlb�b Enclosures � , . _ � , PAG-829-64 ` OLYMP►C PIPE LINE COMPANY 2319 LIND AVE.S.W. P.O.BOX 1800 RENTON.WASHINGTON 98057 September 28, 1989 Mr. Ron Olsen Public Works Department CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 300 - RIGHT-OF-WAY CITY OF RENTON FRANCHISE RENEWAL Dear Mr. Olsen: Following our meeting of September 28, 1989, we mutually determined that further negotiations are required to reach agreement for renewing Olympic Pipe Line Compan�s long-term facilities franchise with the City of Renton. As expiration of our present agreement will occur on November 2, 1989, it seems ap- propriate to extend this term for six months,with the mutual option of additional extensions are necessary, until a franchise is negotiated. This of course would be conditioned on a good faith effort by both parties to reach agreement. Olympic is willing to prepare and present written recommendations or countermeasures which consider the sensitivity of local valley aquifers which are the major source of our communit�s water supply. We share your concern in ensuring the delicate balance of being environmentally responsible in the community while also serving the fuel needs of steadily increasing population. Olyrnpic's niche is both sensitive and necessary and we strive to remain a good neighbor. We look forward to productive talks in the near future and, in the interim of course, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 23507745. This extension tentatively will expire May 2, 1990. All provisions of franchise(s) No. 1921 and No. 2120 will remain in force until that date or as further amended. _ . . _ : , • . , Mr. Ron Olsen September 28, 1989 Page Two Please have one copy of this letter agreement executed and returned in the envelope provided if this approach meets with your approval. Ve trul ours rY Y Y � -��� ,� �,v�.����,��'ti'��'� W. A. Mulke ��� Y R.O.W./Claims Agent WAM:dnj by: M/1 0 11 ` � CITY PF�EIV'fON 1tS: Mavor ATTEST: � /-�?�-9D Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk � ' � . �, �`� �' �. �� � �� . >, �c � , �► - _ �a + �, a-' ti ,"y �' � , ' , •��, ��. r�,�""i��, a "►� ,.. t ♦ � , +��� ' ,� ��, � � '' , ''�'• � � ' ���'d�\ � t `� �- \� � . ,��� �� �, � � �� � � �•�a ��,� ,«,. , .�, � � , .,.,.:,�+��,.��+ r, �� � � � `'' k�*F�` . � � � n � '�, �:� �� �� �� ` � � � . ��� �^.-� ,.;� , �� � `' �,�, � � �� `�` t 1, � �.� ._ -��.����,���;` .- '��,� � � ... 4 � . V: ' � ,� , � . � � � �;�a �.���y ; � ' M . � �\ ' � . �, ♦ ' � � ,.. �,� ,�,� ��,•.�a , .� • ,`r��i :.�;r 1► _ .- � .�� �. �,�'�..'�,���,��,, �,; ���i,� �► � �� � ° � � �i �, , . \ ,.� �, � ��'�' � � � �;'' .��, � �o �,. � � �. �.���v � � �► .� , � � :��� � . , ,,, \ � . 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'�,� ,.,°'�.�a��':, �.=-,..'"�.. �� ,�„` u ' �� ``� � �t�y►�!d►�!!!`�� r'�•dfe;i;�;cr,+.: � � �t,'�hx- ,� /, .� ��,i�f � � = t 1` '.. ���w � 1 / q � \ ,t• �`�►.. `�`� � � ��t� � �' J ���>,.,$� . ��- ���°�� �� 1 ,�, !'�, '�. � .. �,�:���a�� V � ''� �n � . ��� �� � � ' i�� � . � J : . �" ,� �, � � � ��. �•, ��l�Y��•`,� ,�� o ' _...-- , • ., � �.�,��:�.��!l�����Q�. � � o ,�;� , ► , � > ����.� ,. ` 4 � � � .�^- � '.� . . � ' � �'` A � "�r � �� . �,,���,�,� , , � /�+ � ��j °�Pr ti � e � �V C �e� . s � l • � � ` � . �' . � ` ` , , � t}Q: 1 ` � Q�p�. ;1d � ` � � �p • � .P b. . 1 � � � � \ ,� • , p� � ` 1 �,�� � � � � 'Y � � i T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum ' products pipeline on or abutting my property. (name) `�}'IiL� _ �. � ��1��G�i2,Q✓ (addre s s) j�J 33 9����C��c.. �'L`-e- !(/'�' � � � ► T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation ' As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. � U"' . � �/ (name) 'l�/•��� ��t.//���14�4!�1 . (acldress) �7I1 -- �Ay E Z T�N /�i 1�'�'. /��. � � N7`�f� � � ��� � ) � . �-���. _�' �--� �� 1}.� - , ; � ��L.�- ✓C��Y� �/' r�y � ����..+ t � � �iJ:� �-�. �� .,�.�� �- � � � . �`" ,�',�� ��= �� � �-� , � �� �" ,� . rj • , Tp; Councilman William J. Gran� SUBJECT: Protest o� 4lympic Pipeline Snstallatian .._._--_ -- As a concerned citizen 'o� the City of Renton, I would Iike i�o register a prote�t against the installation bp plympic Pipeline Campany af a 20-inch refined petroleum praducts pipeline directly on or abutting my property. .---� , � (name) ;f C�,c%2'.� � -yvu�.,�_, �`�-� p /n �, y }^( , �. , {addres s} �.L�.�.L�2-=`.��-a��.���c� L� �, � - - - � T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by �, Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum ' products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. ' (name) / � � ' (address)� ��.3 �'V� � C"� -_ � T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olym�ic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. (name) Q (����ZQ,� .., � - (address) �� ��_/v�. � �� C �;���12��� q� a �� T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my property. (name)� / � ���---- � (add re s s) L� �J`� ��'S.P • � �.�=,.,�a--Z� �J> T0: Councilman William J. Grant I SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. � , <'� � '' (name) �- - 1 � n (address) //l �J , ��. /1'�r, , �, TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my property. ___.!,� (name) .�„11L4,,, c't� . /7 _C�` (address) �_i� � • , ,,�//l%. �/�. �G�=���, lil/,�'a'� ����� � ' , . TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp � Olym�ic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum � products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. , � (name) � � � O � (address) /f��� ,�G����zc�" QLtR ��� � � � . TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olym�ic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum prod�cts pipeline directly on or abutting my property. i (name) � (address) ,�7�� �� / d�!% �.oGl�� � (�C/�s� ', T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp OlymQic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. ,� � e (name) i��`��' - ` ��i�'�� �' ' � � r^. �,.. (address) W" ��.� a � ,� � —�-, , - � 1 , ` , . T0: Councilman William J. Grant I SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a orotest against the installation bp Olym�ic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. (name)� ,�,, . � � iaddress)��/ j����Q �� � . . . T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my property. t� �t—�,e-F h.t cL•� c�_ ��cA ��'�-�'/ (name) i � . -rt�.� ��-, N.F (address) /v��S 5���+cart ��; ,� ��� I TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Comp�ny of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. , (name) �, , , v (address)��'vsrC N. �,� T�i -5% �'�/�Tv�/, u�n/. w � T0: Councilman William J. Grant i SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp OlymQic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. --- (name) � �/ : , ,G�Q',�- (address) ?�3 ���GTO?^� �v�-' ��• T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. (name) �d--�+---- Q ��`�'� ' � � � ' (address) � 0�9 ��—�--�-°•��� � �f f�',,..e�u�, l:cJ �L Y cJ U �> >� � r � , . TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olym�ic Pipeline Comp�ny of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. � (name) �. (address) lL�Q6 �trt�` �Z� / � ��- ��r�s� , � T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation I J._----J,�.-,.. � As a"`c cerned citizen of the of .Renton, I would � like to re ' er a protes gainst the installation bp Olympic Pipeline of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipelin ir on or abutting my property. `.. ` � (name) / ` ,/ � / �� � i��/��j e�.' l'� v �/ (address) � �% �'' /� t c�n-� � � f1 Y-P �1/��R ��� D � . __._._ _ ..__.._._._ _._. . � / � , ..._._�__.__�_.r......�,._______----___--- _ � TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my property. (name) (`J ��t Q� � v � v7-s�fi�-!J� (address) (� ��q GL� � ,J'� t � TO: Councilman William J. Grant I SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum ' products pipeline on or abutting my property. (name), . ���. (address) ��� � � ������ . . • . I t , � TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olym�ic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum ' products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. ���'' ��SG � (name)(.�r �s=e%��!�'��n � (address).� 7 0 �.. �l„j;�-�r'S �� �G1�'J , I � . , TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. (name) , c�ti'���1 (addres s) 3900 N. E. 7th �., Renton, �iashington I � � T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum I products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. J �Q � � (name) Qo.� J. ' � ,�, ,� r (address) �� � ,� �' 1� � �'' I� . - "-"T , � � . • . T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. (name) !/.�/�`✓ ����',Q. ,�%"KG��C����. ��G �� (addr e s s) ���— �¢����Z�l�G�. L<�/�(/�- �-c°�2 � `�D.��- � � � . - � TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. ti i _. �� � ` . �`` ,/ .�� (name) ��s �Z-2-�-��fi' � ,�� / � � (address) �� �� /�f � � ���;� i TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp OlymQic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. �, ��C,��.���..�C I (name) �Q�(�- " a � � U (address) ��� /���eCG'���Q���, .���2'�.� '���- , , T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen �of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. , /� � (name) : G�� �'� ��vy`-- � 1 �, � (addres s) �U�t'' �-o�� ��, ��� ' n, /' ���j-�-% `��/l��i l �,l �b�� / . i T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my property. (name) ��:-���.. �?�. �� (address) 1/�d ��¢.,� �. � �, j��,-�.� I � , TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp OlymQic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. . r i (name) ��.,� ,�� ( 7JJ�5 .��of� (addr e s s) _ /a�{•�C"'���,�y��,���� I � . .( T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my property. �� (name) ��� '�-���� ��� (address)� �� ,�R�'1�:�-D�v'L- f1��. Q/L'`'� i T0: Councilman William J. Grant I SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum '� products pipeline on or abutting my property. ' (name) -�t/r1 /�'1/1 �- , l, . _ . � (address) � c�i� - � /�-� � � 1 T0: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a protest against the installation bp Olym�ic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. (name) �i���� ��-�c� (address) �O 3 ��,.� (}-�.z./tlC-, .. , y � TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would like to register a orotest against the installation bp Olympic Pipeline Comp�ny of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. �� (name) ����� i�'.2Q-�� (address) �,r��U �V — � r� �������<-- , . , TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would I, like to register a protest against the installation bp ' Olym�ic Pipeline Comp�ny of a 20-inch refined petroleum ' products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. li . � (name) j� D R 1�1� �. �1�I��(c�' C r S (address) �F� R�J�ZL►�C� � L�� /U��- l��i�,� TD itJ l�t,�l3.S�/. �b�d•S� . � r v � .�' �.ws s ��'s•c./ •�w.�..la. •� ��'��i��'7�i m ��M►e ��s�i�I► �ti � s/ �✓� �I,ci.� � l�.ri� ��X f /��s / l s�,��♦�. ��,I'i�i �t � .� ,� I.�sl .�.s/L , �� s �s �� .� rV i� �/.� i•11 �I�!►s � , .��,,..� -� ,,�!�i�' �. .�,sil�� .Zr � > � � � r,►� w��•. �+. ','• �r.�.r•.► .v,s� �s � N .�rE .�.�rry .� .� �i�«. �''��1�`y- �►�► �/ A � q.I � - � � �✓`.I � � � � ��� � i_ `._ �IS. � � � i i � /� � �� � � e � � � , �� Ls� _ �� 1 ' � - • ,r TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation 1 As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would � like to register a protest against the installation bp � OlymQic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum � products pipeline directly on or abutting my property. ; � �vw►•�' .i►��r.��/ � '�' . . . . �o r� , � (name) �N�� r � ' (address) ��. �C��� �v! . �E. �E�,r�.v, �/� y'aro rs- _ -_.�..—._..,..-- -- n:����'�. "-1 � 1 �� T � TL? .`: �a��e94.�� .5.+.���°;.�� [3g4�5... 'k�.f�i`a7" k ��C�� M"sl���' Co;rMm�,rai ��� S�r�r�r�� �r�n��ni ��:�� FROM� �E;., ��i�NF.TT � t;ia�� ;^ir�an �,o��rd �.*� Public �ir�rks RE : MEfTIN(� BETidEEN QOAf2D OF PUBLIC WORK� qN0 COMPtUa'�tTY SERVICES COMMITTEE NITH OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPAP�Y � ,t G il,r� c ���t��+ r^�a�lnti",ri#a1it;.�`� �1�� �'�"Y'.�''. �f: .. f"'�! t)� s�1'`` t , J � L Works tnat a joint meeting between the Cor�mur�i t, Services Committee and the Board of Pub] ic Works be held with representatives of OlympFf Pi pe Li ne Company. They have requested a pc .=3.•i t for the coqstr��ction of an ad�ition�l transmi : _ , � ine fram Skagit County through the city of Renton to serve their distribution facilitv � - the Eariington Flats area. This meeting �� , ; I allow proper consideratian for any possit � �t environmental impact on the community. PR :��: ::; advisp me when your committ�� wr�uld be ah� ,� ��, �rE���; rp;arding this matt+ � � _ . _ _ _ _ , ,` ....,______ . `,,� . _ �'""y,,,-- ' � �``�,. , =� CITY OF RE��QN OLYMP(C PIPE LtNE COMPANY ��.-� !� P. O. BOX 236, RENTON, WASHINGTON 48058 �������■ w ,III/ - �IAY 8'�73 , r��y � , 19'J 3 �N�t�N£ERING ,U,EP.,� � %�� �=�,,. {l, ,�j i lt 1 i j ��, `�`' �'��>,.� r� �+ '��t . ,,r� " . ' �y� �` �r�'j97� C:k City Council ' �"� ����" � �^ City of Renton N ����� -� Municipal Building '�:� �� ����a�SpS� ", 200 Mill Avenue South e;�, , ' Renton , Hashington 98d55 C��;�,���1C���� �� �'��GJ�v�G Gentlemen . On November 2 , 1964 , Ordinance Na . 212Q was approved by yaur honorable body, granting to Olympic Pipe Line Company a franchise to construct , operate and maintain , petroleum products transmission pipe lines in, across , along and under certain designated roadwaya and public praperties of the Ci.tq af Renton . Sectian 18 thereof provides for author- ization by the Council of additzonal pipe line installations subject to conditions of this franchise . Due to the growth of this area and the ever increasing demand for refined petroleum products , Olympic Pipe Line Connpany finds it necessary and plans to construct an additional petroleum products transmis�ion pip� line fram its facility at Allen in Skagit County to its facility at Renton . Q3ymgic Pipe Line Gampany has no�r established the al.lignment . of the progosed new pipe line for this praject through the City of Renton . As shown ir� the enclased Drawings Nos . S-130-29 , S-224-30 , S-llt}-31 , F-794 , and F-723 the route of the pipe line would be located in , acrass , along and under the following list of streets , aver�ues and grogerties of the City af Renton . STREET DISTANCE APPROXIMAfiE LOCATION Across NE 12th St . 60 ' 1Q1Q ' W of E Iine Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5£ Across NE llth S� . 50 ' 850 ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-SE � Across N£ 7th St . 60 ' �50 ' W of E line of Sec9 , T-23N, R-5E Acros� NE 6th P1 , 30 ' 850 ' W csf E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-SE Acrass NE 6th St . 60 ' 650 ' W af E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-SE Acrass 4th Ave N 60 ' 1000 ' W of E lin� of Sec9 , T-23N, R-5E - Across S£ 5th St . 30 ' 370 ' W of E line of Sec 16 , T-23N, R-5E � Acrass SE 6th St . 30 ' 650 ' W af E line of Sec 16 , T-23N , R-5E ` b — Renton City Council Meeting Minutes , June 4, 1973 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Non-Represented which are full dependent medical coverage and 1/2 the cost of employee Employee , and depend�..,: dental nlan, effective June 1, 1973 estimated to cost Benefits - $18,250; and recommending referral to the Legislatian Committee for Con�inued the necEssary ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE GOMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICICE, SECONDED BY GRAPdT, THAT THE MAYOR NOT BE II3CLUDED AS NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEE. Roll Call vote resulted in 2 NO: STFtEDICiC� a.nd GRANT, 5 AYEr CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURF:NTI, FERRY and BRUCE. MC��'TOrI LOST. Voice Vote on original motion CARRTED, Counci�man Grant abstair,ed from voting. Appointments Finar.ce and Personnel Cor�unittee Chairman Schellert presented repart Concurred ooncurring in Mayor's appointment of Mr. Richar�d K. Clarke, ;7r. to the Mr. R.K. C}.arke Police �ivil Service Commzssion. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDE� BY PERRY COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE F2EPORT. CAR.RIED. Fi_nance and Personnel Mr. R.J. Regis Committee report concurr.ed in the Mayor's recominen3ation to reappoint Mr. Ronald J. Regis to the Renton PaYk Board. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY RRY, COUNCIL CONCUR ILd REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Pipeline OVED BY STREDICKE, Sc^.CONDEU BY DELAUR�NTI, MATTER OF' FRAt1CHISF, FEE Franchise Fee SCHEDULE FOR OIL AN� C�AS COMI?ANIES TRAN5PORTING SY P7PELINE REFERREP Schedules TU THE FItdANCE ANT7 -PERSc:TvNEL CO.'�fMTTTEE FOR R�:COMMENLATION CN UPI�ATING. CAFRZED. Landfill Councilman Gran� presented �.e'tter from King Crunty Depa.�i:ment of Public ' Works Division Engir�eer Gill.espie f.orwardinq the State �`luod Control Zone application and plan submitted by �urlinc�ton Nart4-iern, Inc. for pl�rement of landfill, asking camanents before they file r.ec�mmendation to the State Uepartme�t af Ecology. MOV�,D B�' GRP_NT, SECOhDED B1' DF.I�AURENTI, MAT'I'ER BE RF.�'P.RRED TG THE Ci)MMUNITi` SFF2T7�CES COMMTTTEF AND T.HAT T�iE PUBLIC Y�C7RiCS DIkECTOR FcEPLY TO THE KI1V(� :;;7t3tiTY ENGINEER THAT COUI3CIL COMMTTTEE: IS WURKTNG ON TH� NlAs^TER AND WTI�L r2EPL� . C:AKRIED. ' NCR C�mputer Upon report.ing receipt of request from Data Processing t�anager Salts for 5-year lease agresment w.i.th NCR for Century I01 Computez , Councilman SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY GRANT, S�BJF.C'T OF THE CONlPUiER BE t2EFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND FFRSONNE7. COMMITTF.E. CARRIED. ' Special �ward UNr�N3ri0i;5 COUN�.IL APPPC�VAL, tVAS GTL'E;3 TQ A A'iC1IU�I BY STRE�IC'i<E, WTmH A Former SE:COND BY SCHELLER'I, '�HA� COTJN�IL GU G!� RFCCi�D pRO;�":��c�G a SEivIOR CoLrzcilman CITIZEN'S PASS TO FOR"�SER R�NT�JN COUDiCILMAN PaUL MAXIr] F]`rIIC:� ENTITLES Paul Maxin H7M TO FREE L�zNKING WATF;R .�N CITY HA�L AT filS PI,EASUP.F. Initiative and M.aFjor Fro �em C1�zr�er annou��ce� recei��t nf co�agratulations from Leaque Keferendum of Women Voters, especially notinc� CouneiZman Grant, f�r construc•`_ive actior_ to pr.avide power of init��ative and r.etPrend�:m ta the C.ity �itizens. ' I�I)JOURNtdEIVT MOVED BY STREDICKF�, SECONDED i3Y GFtAPIT, 2+'.�ETING AE A�JQiJR��Il.D, CARRS��. Fe:�ton City Council Mee�:.ing a3journed at �1 :�Q p.m, , � �� �'I I el.o.res A. Me3d, Cit�� Clerk m �..T-- _ __�- --- - -- �A�PANT OISTRI�UTION DATE 6/04/73 �EGI`� ENDING 7aTA� WAKRANT WAR�P.NT AMQU�T �F F'UNC OE6Ca1PTIUN Nl1M�ER NUM�ER WARRA�TS /y1.l�cN�.o/E Yc i D — s��7- ��'�� CURRENT FUNp 5755 5�21 lwb�948•57 PARKS ANG, HECi��ATION 5R22 5846 518t54Q� 17 CITY STHtET �847 5862 i2�862�52 CEpAR �tIVER �+ AND I SR63 5865 i24�s6 �IBRARv 5866 5�s68 s3M0•50 EMER���vCr EMPLOYMENT 5869 5�71 s5w9• iw REQ. AND 6TREET FWD Th�UST 5872 5886 •11�727�9s URBaN ARTERIA�, 58�7 59Go •105�368�51 �I�6RA�'Y C�+�ST�UCTION Futvq 59U1 5901 i27e �81 �93 kI�BPORT CflNSTRUCTION F�JND �902 59Q2 �S24r56 wAT�RraOf�K� 11TIl.I'fY 39Q3 5921 sA�a2+►0��1 A�RPORT 5�22 5923 i�Q�03 EQ�JjPMENT RENTAL S9'c� 5948 �9i981 �78 �'IFEMEN S pENSIOh 59�9 5950 *1�041 �i0 TO;AL OF ALL WARRANT5 �239�657�56 WE� THE UNO�ASIQNEO MEMBERS Q� TNE FINANCE CO"1M�TTEE OF THE RENTON c1Tr COt�NCI�� HAVIt�G �ECEivER DEPARTh+ENTAL cERTiFiCA�iON T►�AT MERCHANUISE A�U/�� BEKVICES HA�E �EEN RECEI �E� l�R RENOERE�• UO H�REBY APPRObE FQR PAYM�N4 VL1iJCHERS N0. 5?5S THROUGH NO• 15��� I!'+ TME �AM�I:N� GF' �239�6�7s56 THIS 04 OF' �iUNE � 1972• , FINANCE CO�MITTEE �� . ••... � ��.. � •w�••�. CO iTT.EE �B6R _ _ G', _ � j � . .- , � ��ti � ( ,� ��,� ; �-' l��C lt ic �(�� .��w��....��.��••.r��•���.�w��.w CO�iITTEE MEMB �� � G� �-�-��'�'�`"' � � •�• �������• �w������ �• \ ' �. � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Wednesday , May 16 , 1973 Renton Municipal Building 9 : 00 A. M . 4th Floor Conference Room Present : Del Bennett , Chairman Ted Qennett , Utility Accountant Wes Crews , Acting Building Director Gordon Ericksen , Planning Director Warren Gonnason , Public Works Director ' Cheryl Henry , Secretary 1 . CALL TO ORDER--The May 16 meeting of the Qoard of Public Works was called to order at 9 : 05 a .m . by Chairman Del Bennett . 2 . REVIEW AfvD APPROVAL OF MINUTES--The minutes of the previous meeting had not been completed . 3 . CORRESPONDENCE : None 4 . REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL ( 5-14-73) a . Olympic Pipe Line Co . Request for Additional Transmission �� Pipe Line from Skagit County to Renton Facility--The Board received a le�ter dated May 7 directed to the City Council from Olympic Pipe Line Co . requesting authorization for an additional petroleum products transmission pipe line from its facility at Allen in Skagit County to its facility at Renton . It u�as moved by TED BENNETT, seconded by WES CREWS, that this request be x�eferred to th.e Public Works and PZarzning Departments for revieu� and report at the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED. b . Lieske Request to Form Sanitary Sewer LID--The secretary read a letter from Mr . & Mrs . John Lieske , 9913 133rd Avenue SE (Adams Vista Addition ) , requesting permission to form an LID to hook into Renton sewers . It was noted that the subject property is located outside the city limits of Renton and annexation may be a matter for consideration . MR. GONNASON moved that the Lieske request be referred to the PubZie Works Department for revieu� and report at the next meeting. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TED BENNETT AND CARRIED. c . BRB Notice of Intention--Kin County Water District Proposed Annexation (Windtree ; Res . 207 --It was moved b� TED BENNETT, seconded b� GORDON ERICKSEN, tYcat the BRB notice of proposed annexation bz� King Countz� Water District # Z07 be referred to the PubZi'c Works Department for review and report at t�ie next meeting. MOTION CARRIED. 5 . REFERRALS FROM DEPARTME�dTS 4-25-73 Dangerous Building Hearing : 351 Union Avenue NE , REVOM, Inc . --Mr . Crews reported that the property owner has failed to comply with the order of the Board of Public Works that the subject building and property be baited for rats , cleared of all debris , and closed to unauthorized entry within 15 days . Further report will be made by the Building Department at the next meeting . 6 . ADJOURNMENT--As there u�as no further business to come before the Board, it was moved bz� TED BENNETT, seconded bz� GORDON ERICKSEN, that the meeting be ad,journed. MOTION CARRIED. Time: 9: 40 a.m. Del Bennett , Chairman ------- - -- -- . k�_. _ _� ._ . � �� � _ I:�� ��,�� - � � Renton City Cauncil Meeting Minutes May 14, 1973 Page 3 CQRRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS C � Transfer of Funds Request for transfer of funds by Finance Directar Marshall was read, from Federal that as Park Capital Outlay projects and salary dollars have been Shared Revenue committed from Federal Revenue Sharing monies, transfer of funds Park: $131,714 requested from Federal Shared Revenue Fund in amount of $316,73$ Current• $185,024 ta Current Fund and Park Fund, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, � COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF FINANCE DZRECT�3R AND REFER THE MATTER TQ THE LEGTSLATIflN C4MMZTTEE FOR PROPER RE��3LUTION. CARRIED. I� Transfer of Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested transfer of $1,423,511 ` Airport from the Airport Budget into the Airport Constructian Fund Budget ' which will include Grants, Airport Revenue Band Funds and Airport C revenues as set farth in the 1973 Budget. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REQUEST AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. '� Progosed King Courtty Boundary Review Board notice of propased annexation Annexation by King County Water District ��107 of Windtree, northeasterly of the of Windtree City, was read. MOVED BY SCAELI.ERT, SECONDED BY PER�_Y, THAT THE � NOTICE BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FQR REVIEW AND �, RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMENLI MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CAR32IEU. Request to Jofn City Clerk Mead read letter fram Mr. and Mrs. John Lieske, 9913 I Cit Sewer S stem 133rd Ave. S.E. near Sierra Hei hts Elementar Schoal, requesting Y Y � g Y � permission to form local improvement district and haok into Gity sewer system due to health hazards from existing septic tanks. MOVED I � BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLXMER, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE I PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FpR RECOMMENDATION. Cauncilman Stredicke asked Mayor's Office investigate annexation: of this area along with Eastwaod �I Park area, in order to prevent piecemeal annexatian. E Claim for Damage Claim from Bartell Drug ��6, 717 S. 3rd St. , was read, for alleged rack Baxtell Drug damage to window. MOVED BY SCHELLERTy SECONDED BY GRAIVT� THIS CLAZM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. GARRIED. � Olympic Pipe Line Letter from Olympic Pipe Line Co. requested approval. and autharizatinn �� Requests to include additional pipe Iine on public right of way in order ta ' Additianal cans�ruct an additional petroleum products transmission pipe line � Right of Way fram its facility at Allen in Skagit Caunty to its facility at Renton due to growth of this area and increased demand for refined '� petraleum products. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, THZS CQMMITNICA- , TION BE REFERRED TO THE CQMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATI013. ' Upon inquiry from Councilman Bruce, Public Works Director Gonnason advised this new route to be 25% different fram ��,e existing route. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDEB CARRIED. Fireworks Stand City Clerk Mead presented 1973 Fireworks Stand Apglicatians, listing � Applicatians 10 applications. MOVED BY SCHELLEKT, SE(:ONDEFI 8Y BRUCE, APPLICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Location Application from Schalton Corp. dba Friar Tucks-A Tavern, was read, Applicatian applying for 2acation appraval of rnovelty amusement machine. MOVED BY Friar Tucks CL'Y'MER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPLZCATION SE REFERRED TO PUBLZC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. Cauncilman Schellert did not participate � in any discussion mr action on this matter. MQTION CARRIED. � Association of City Clerk Mead reported Association of Washington Cities annual con- Washi.ngton Cities vention in Spakane June 2Q, 21 and 22, 1973, anc? knat three vatin� Convention �elegates should be named far tl�pre-reqistra�ion. MOVED BY GRANT, � 6{2Q-22/73 SECONDEll BY BRUCE, THAT DELEGATES TO THE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON Spakane, WA CITIES CONVENTION BE CLYMER AND SCHELLERT, WZTH T�IE THIRD DELEGATE T4 BE NAMED BY COIINCIL FRESIDENT. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDEI} BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTIQN TO INCLUDE MAYOR GA1tRETT AS THE THIRD VOTING DELEGATE. Roll Call vate on amendment resulted in unanimous Cou�cil apgroval. AMENDMENT MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. � � �k _ - - - - - - - - -- � � Renton City Council Meeting Minutes May 14, 1973 Page 4 PROCLAMATIONS V.F.W. Mayor Garrett proclaim�ed May 17 and 18 as Veterans of Foreign Wars Poppy Days Buddy Poppy Days, urging all Citizens to participate. MOVED BY CLYMER, 5/17 & 18 SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett's appointments to the Human Rights and Affairs Commis- Human Rights and sion, were read, all t�dvis�,g served on the Ad Hoc Committee, as follow: Affairs 1. Mrs. Jeanne Smith, 1604 Aberdeen Ct. S.E. 3-yr term expiring 4/25/76, Commission Community & Education Coordinator for RAYS. 2. Mrs. Gwen Dupree, 13507 Empire Way S., Seattle, 2-yr term expiring Final 2 members 4/25/75, Teacher Hazen High & faculty adviser-Black Student Union. to be announced 3. Mrs. Helga Karinen, 2705 NE 6th P1., 1-yr term expiring 4/25/74, shortly. member of Fair Aousing Commission. 4. Mr. Frank Kinney, 3613 NE 12th St., 1-yr term expiring 4/25/74, member of the Fair Housing Commission. S. Mr. Christopher Wright, 120 Monterey P1.NE, 1-yr term expiring 4/25/74, member of the Fair Housing Commission. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COU1vCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENTS OF THE MAYOR. MOVED BY PER.RY, SECONDED SY SCHELLERT, REFER THESE APPOINTMENTS TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Because of the many referrals to the committee, Councilman Stredicke urged immediate concurrence. Motion to refer matter to committee having preference, MOTION CARRIED TO REFER APPOINTMENTS TO F'INANCE & PERSOAINEL COMMITTEE. OLD BUSINESS As Public Safety Committee member, Councilman Grant announced commit-- 4/25 Bid Opening tee recommendation to accept low bid of Loberg Oldsmobile in amount Truck Award - of $4,002.45 for 1973 model 3/4 ton pickup truck for Fire Department Public Safety and that no trade-in be made. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Committee Report CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT LOW BID. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Grant reparted having met on Report - proposed Parking and Loading Ordinance and submitted Planning Depart- Landscaping ment report for reading, listing 1111" businesses that have not com- pleted their required landscaping, some pending since 1971. Upon inquiry, Acting Building Director Crews advised passage of proposed Parking and Loading Ordinance would give "teeth" to ordinance and enable enforcement. Animal Control Councilman Stredicke reported receiving animal control information and that 2,243 licenses sold as of May 9, 1973, with 1,216 for the So1id Waste same period in 1972, further requesting information as to number of citations issued and animals taken into custody. Upon inquiry by Stredicke re garbage contract, Public Works Director Gonnason reported two week period given to contractor. General Disposal, to work out schedules, etc. , prior to any fines being levied for failure to meet conditions of the contract. NEW BUSINESS Upon receipt of information from Finance Director, Capital Improyement Capital C�mmittee Chairman Schellert anticipated reyiew of 1974 Ca�ital Improvement Improvement Program in order that 1974 Hudget reflects Council action, Program Council adjourned at 11:22 p.m. upon MOTION $Y STREDICKE, SECOND SY ADJOURNMENT CLYMER, CARRIED. 11:22 P.M. �- ���� . � Delores A. Mead, City lerk m � t. � . ' i �, . - !�� . � • ' x ���_�� OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY c�TM oF ��NroN P, O. BOX 236. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ���fi����� �IAY 81973 �ay � , 19 7 3 �N6rP1EERtNG p� �� A>> �� �,;iGi1%��-�� . � ° �. �;�;>, � y�� � �F� 3 � ;�•� 19l r A� '��'a City Council �'`� ��"'� �� �:.:,� City of Renton �.,`� �,� �� Municipal Building "�" �� ���i3 ,�,i �� �#,�� 1� 200 Mill Avenue South r� �,1������i� Renton , Washington 98055 "�c�,;� �,� ���~�����r�e�`v Gentlemen : On November 2 , 1964 , Ordinance No . 2120 was approved by your honorable body, granting to Olympic Pipe Line Company a franchise to , construct , operate and maintain , petroleum products transmissfon pipe ' lines in, across , along and under certain designated roadways and public properties of th� Citq of Renton. Section 18 thereof provides for author- ization by the Council of additional pipe lin� installations subject to , conditions of this franchise. Due to the groWth of this area and the ever increasing demand for refined petraleum products , Olympic Pipe Line Company finds it necessary and plans to construct an additional petroleum products transmisafon pipe line from its facility at Allen in Skagit County to its facility at Renton . Olympic Pipe Line Company has now established the allignment . of the proposed new pipe line for this project through the City of Renton , A� shown in the enclosed Drawings Nos . 5-110-29 , 5-110-30 , S-110-31 , F-794 , and F-�23 the route of the pipe line would be located in , across , along and under the folloWing list of streets , avenues and properties of the City of Renton . STREET DISTANCE APPROXIMATE LOCATION Across NE 12th St . 60 ' 1010 ' W of E line Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5E Across NE llth St . 50 ' 850 ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5E Across NE 7th St . 60 ' 750 ' W of E line of Sec9 , T-23N, R-5E Across NE 6th Pl . 30 ' 850 ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-SE Across NE 6th St . 60 ' 850 ' W of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N , R-5E Acros� 4th Ave N 60 ' 1000 ' W of E line of Sec9 , T-23N , R-SE Across SE 5th St . 30 ' 370 ' W of E line of Sec 16 , T-23N , R-SE Across SE 6th St . 30 ' 650 ' W of E line of Sec 16 , T-23N , R-5E i� ,, i: ,_ .. � , �, ,- , i-'rJ. �; t I'�� y;• �i �, ,% � /� �`�'�'�� �� ' �� ( ,����( �V�l..�� �� �!3(,. ,,} (-,r��`r,i� — �. :� ' ,r✓. � i l �— t. � t� C :�--_-�-�--x L--ce KF�,����--*_"^��,, I -- . . . i �`� � ; ' �; Renton City Council Page 2 May 7 , 1973 STREET D�STANCE APPROXIMATE LOCATION Across Grant Rd ? street nat in � in Sec 20 , T-23N ,� R-5E Across Benson Rd 60 ' 150 ' E of il line of Sec 20 , T-23N , R-5E Acroas NEW Talbot Dr. 120 ' M/L 1400 ' S of N line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-5E Across Smithers Ave S 45 ' 600 ' W of E line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-5E In S 14th St . 819 ' 2200 ' S of N line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-5E , In Shattuck Ave S 2614 ! 1300 ' W of E line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-SE ' In 14th Ave S 516 ' 10 ' N of S line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-SE � Across East Valley Rd 60 ' On S line of Sec 19 , T-23N , R-SE Across Kiwanis Park 586 ' 850 ' ii of E line of Sec 9 , T-23N, R-SE I Across Maple�ood Park 445 ' S00 ' W of E line of Sec 16 , T-23N , R-5E Olympic Pipe Line Company respectfully requests your approval and authorization to include this additional pipe line across , along and under the streets , av�nues and parks listed the rights and privileges grant�d by Ordinance No. 2120 . To facilitate proc�ssing of our request , we would be pleased to provide any other information or assist��rce necessary . Very fruly yours , i�//���s�,2?J � Max Farr R/W Manager MF/bjb Enclosures ����:� �� r�� ...w -. ' ;"t- t�;;�y. .�, . . . . , - - -'�y.� �rt;�i}ire�:�cv.i,,,��: i �. ', y``� . . . . , - ,. �:•, (/r �� .. �l�- /B�. /� ` a . -� t , + � ' � .� OCtDINANCE N0. :�/.2. � AN t�RDINl�.VCE OF THE CITY L�F �ENTON, WASIiII1GTON, c�RA1�;rING �iN�Q OLYMPIC PIP� LINE COI�ANY, A CORYORATION, ITS SUCGESSOitS AND ASSIGN5, THE RIGHTS PRIV�LE�E, AUTt��'RIT`: AND FR.A.'�'Ci�.ZSE TO I.AY J047N, CONSTRUC�T, MAINTAIN, C�PiRATE, RCPIlACE AtiB R�YAYR ONE OR MORE PIPE LIi��S, TOGETI3ER :^)I1EI E�UIFtrE1VT AitiD APPURTEI3A.�iCES THERETO FOR TH8 TR.ANSPORT�TION� STORAGE AND HEINDLZNG OF OLL AND AN�' BY-PR4I?t3CT 1'HE,�EOF UNDER, THROtTG�I AND HELOW L'ERTAIN DESZGId�TEA ROADG7P_YS AND PdJBLIC PROPE&TIES Ok' THE CITY OF RENTON, ST9TE 0� [aASHINGTON BE IT ORDAINE�D BY THE MAYOR �IVD THE CITY CAttNCIL OF THE CI�Y OF RENTON AS k'OLLOWS: � Sectivn 1: There is hereby given and granted unto Olympic Pipe Line Compan�, � De2acaare Corporation, itr auccessors and assigns for a period af �S years from the taking effect of this Ordinsnce, the right, pt•ivilege, authority and £ra:�chis� �o 1►ap down, �gnstru�t, operate, �ain.tain, replace, a3ter, remove and repair one or more pipe li�es, together with all eyuipment wnd app�rtenances r.hereto, for the transgortation, storage and han3�in� of oil and acx� proau�t or by-product thereof, ur.dsr, below and Ct�rou�h ceztain public right of ways and other public lands within the C��y of Aentnn but such construction, inatallation and �!aintenance of anp and all such pipe liaes to be limited tu a width of five feet (but nat to exceed thirty feet during period of caast�cuction aad repair) under, below and through said public •.right of ti�a,ys and other public proper.ties, gll as more particularly appears on the attarhed list marked Exnibit `�A'•, which is made a pert hereof and incorporated herein as ff fully set forth. Section 2: This Franchise is granted �on the express canditio,l that it sha13 not be deemed or held to he an exclusive Franchise and shall n�t in any m�anner prevent the City of Renten fz an graatfng other or further franchises in, along, over, throLgh, under, below or across any of said right of ways, streets, avenuea or all other public 1$nds and properties of every type and 3escription; and such fran�hise shal.l in no way from preveat or prohibit the City of Renton/using any of said roads, streets or other public properties er sffect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them, with tull power to make all necessary changes, reiocations, repairs, maintenance, establisi�ment, improvement, dedicatioa of same as they �aq deem fi�, including the dedicacion, estabiishment, msfnteaance an� ia�provemen� �f all new right of ways and th4rougnfares and other pubZic pxaperties of ev�ry type ae�d 3escription. 01ymp�.r_ Pipt :�fne Cc�pany, as Grantee her��a, agrees aud coere��auca �t its sol� cosC aad e�penae, to protect, support, temperarily disconnect, relccate or re�ove frem any st►e�t ar►y �y its ins�allatt.ot�� when so require� by ehe City of Reflton by reasen of traffic conditians, public safety, street vncations, dedications of new right of ways giid the esCablishment and inpravexe�3t th2re�f, freeway -1- �.. _. -- --- - 1 r...£. s��..�w;r��.;'� a�._.,�,.:..,v-"+�!`° �.,,��,.r,s.�.,�,�„t���,«c t� �`i!!,.74'+�`ay':i".lc��'y';d':;;Enii3.;r' .�'y'i"^``�.^.�9....« .r.. t. , -. . e�., . .,... , - . t�,. , i�sr.-�i:�,'r;r� ir!y�,', i . . . . � I +� . , � � i I • 4 l conatructioa, chaage or establishment af street grs�de, ar the co�nstructian af any publfc impravement ar structure by any Governmental agency acti�g in a Governme:�tal ca�acity, pravided that GraaCee shall in alZ such cases have . the privilege to tempararily by- pass, in the a.�thorized partion af the same street upon approval by the City af Rentan, any section af pipe line required to be tempararily disconnected or removed. Sectian 3: All ccnstructian,and instal3atian wark whenever same crosses any of the public prope�rties descriDed in Exhfbit '.A" hereia, sha12 be done undez the supervisian of and upon tkee inapection af the City Engineer, and Grantee sha12 timely � submit unto the City Eagineer, prtor to any such wark, detailed plane and� specifications II of anp, such propased work. The location af aap franchised praperty in a street or other public area sha21 be svbject to the agprova2 of the City Engi�eer and s uch apprcva2 shall be given ia writing. . I 5ectiace 4: This Ordinance ahall be vaid if Grantee shall nat within thirty '� days of the adaptian of this Ordinance file ita written acceprance thereof with the Clerk I pf the Ci�y af Rentort. A21 costs of publicatian far said Franchise shall be barne, in i addition ta all other fees, hy Graatee. Sectiai� 5: The Grantee, its successors or assigns shall commence constructiom work under this Franchise wiChin one pea►r �ram arid after Che date of passage thereof and all such work sha11 be completed wtth the greatest amount of dispatch sa as I ta reduce any interfexence with vehicuiar aad pedestrian traffic a�d the public safety and welfare ta � minimum. If at the end of three years from and after the granting of this Franchise, the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not have laid, constructed � and have in operation upon a�ny of the aforesaid streets and right af ways such pipes . aad appurtenaaces thexeta, then in that event the righte hereby conferred upan the Grantee Il sha13 sutoabaCicaily cease and terminate. Section b. All pipe a�d ather comganents of any gipe line, and appurtenance thereto, ra be placed wit:�in �ny street righC ow way or other public propertp 8ha21 be designed, manufactured and installed in accordance sad in full compliance with � � the pzovisfons and terma of the '�A��rican Standard Cade for Pressure Piping' (AS�i B 32.4- I I 1�59)as publfshed by the Ataerican Socf.ety of Mschanical Engineers, and as said Cade may be amended from tfine to time. The operating ox �ervice gressure for which they are I designed shall be Che maximum aon-shock, internal pressure that may accur either under candiL.ions nf year round opexatian or under static canditions with pipe 2ine fill�d but j with ao fluid flow. All such pipe tines, fittiag s and appurtenances thereto to be placed II withiA gublic right af waps or other p�biic prs�perty sha12 be u�used graducts, A£ter -2- :_.� - -- - - - - . . � • - . 'y�`p,'Y!�'iC'S•�,�r�r. �.t �.1.-uR;'�..�"', . . , . , . 4S2_. Y.. ' ,. ,. e "_. _ . . . , _ . , . . . :. ... . , -,�iF ,. . . �• ... .'�-4.- � .- .. -_+. , ' .r „'i-"-.mY� '._ise4:'1�"� �"nfw• �q '.Y -:':Sa...y�.... �'�r�.. ':g�'�.,. •ray��.0 ._h�.� .�.�....� a., ,,,,h �..� ..�.-wi w R �Y, y}.� r - " .. . �~ ^.•'_ r�. �. • . . � �C • .S , � . . . � � initial installation of any pipe under this Franchise, such pi,pe shall be subjected to a pressure test as provided for in the aforesai.d Code and within the pressure lim�tations described therein before such pipe is placed in opera-rion and the results of any such tests shall be submitted to the City in writing. Furthermore, after repair or replacement af any pipe, the portion so affected of such pipe between sectionalizing valves shall be subjected to a pressure test as hereinabove set forth; provided however, that no such i �cest is required for any minor repairs which do not require remaval of the pipe line from o eration. r � Section 7: During any period of construction all surface structures, if any, shall be erected and used in such places and positions within said public right of ways and other public properties so as to interfere as little as possible with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining praperty and Grantee sha21 at all times post and maintain proper barricades during such period of construction as required by the laws and stafutes of the State of Washington. All pipe lines constructed and installed by Grantee within the City of Renton shall be located, buried and installed to a depth of not less than six feet and as otherwise provided for in the aforesaid Code, the laws of the State � �� ��� � of Washington and the Ordinances of the City of Renton, now or hereafter in force, regu- lating such installations. Grantee shall establish �nd maintain at all times adequate facilities on the , portion of each pipe line installed under the authority of this Franchise, and else- where on the same pipe line, to pramptly localize operating troubles and to minimize the effects thereof, whether on City streets or on their use by the public. Every portion of pipe line when installed or regl:aced under authority of this Franchise shall contain adequate cathodic protection, and such pipe line shall further be protected by sectianali�- :iag;block valves spaced at no �reater distance than prescribed by the aforesaid Code. �If at any time during the term of this Franchise protective or sectionalizing facilities in any pipe line are found to he inadequate, Grantee hereby agrees and covenants, at its own expense and cost, to make such changes as may be required by the City of Rentan. Section 8: Grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees and ccvena�ts to promptly repair any damage to City praperty of every type and nature and all other City irnprovements caused by the failure ofGrantee's work during the life of this Franchise ; shauld it be necessary to make any excavation within any public right of way in the laying, constructing, maintenance, removing, replacing, altering or repairing of any such pipe line or structure, Grantee shall without delay and at Grantee's sole cost and expen�e, restore the surface of said ri�ht of way or other public property to at least the con- d3.tion as same was in immediately prior to any such installation and construction. Grantee shall comply with all Ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton, Wash- -3- � �..'"��.a!"'��.�'S�-, ,,,:m+...�4�� .� �. :, ,.. , , .... , . _ –. , . , .. -- - — — - – - J I , ` . . __ .. i a�,r . ,_ .. =^+'_..sP ,.�:w;.a��,: �,sr.f'.�r;a�M„"'�•,v,,'r.w '�};� - ,t,,, _. -. .�'^GM' "'y^y'�'"i'�`l�„,�ip�'yt'"�:a� j f , , j . -. I • ' . _ . � a � �t�¢�c;� re�arding such excavation and whenever deemed necessary by the City Engineer ehall ; � be required to post a performance bor.d in £avor of the City warranting, among other thirzgs, � that such restaratian wark will be dane pramptly and in a praper, warkmanlilce manner. Sectio�. 9; Grantee, i[s successars �nd assigns, agrees aad covenants to fndemnify and hold harsnless the City of Renton froa► and against any and all liability, ' lo�s, cosC, damage, whether to person or property, or expense af any type or nature whicti � may accrue to the City by reasan of the construc�tan, operatior►, mainte�tance, repair and ; a�Iteratfon of Grantee's facilities; provided, k�awever, that in case any suit ar acti�tn is ' f.nstituted against the City by reason of any such damage or in�ury, the City shall cause written notice thereof to be given unto Grautee �nd Grantee thereupon shall have the duty j to defend any auch suit or action, withaut cost or exper�se to the City. Sectioa 10. �oz Che purpose af compelling campliance by the Grantee with al}. the tesms �nd conditians of this Franchise and the tnai�tenance of said pipe lines aad fr�cilities in good cor�dition, City retains the right to ez�.d and terminate and fully forfeit the Franchise herein grant�d, within thirty days after writtenc�notice unto Grantee, whenever Grantee fails to comply with any of the terms and canditions hereof. Upon such forfeiture the City shall have the righC Co require Grantee to remave any and a12 of its pipes, appurter�anc�s and equip�ent within the City of Ret2toCts all at Grantee's cast and expense, and to pzomptly and timelp restore all roads and other public properties to ! their conditian immediately piior to any such forfeiture and Cermination. ' Sectfoa 2i: The City of Renton reserves unto itse2f ttte righC and power ' , at all times to reasonably regulate in Che pubiic interest and for the public we2fare i a the exercise of all franchise rights granted herein. � Section 12: The laying, constructing, installation, mainteaance and operation o£ said pipe lines and faciliti.es in connection therewith shall not preclu�te the City af Rentan, its autharfzed agents, coatractars and representatives frvm blasting, ; grading, excavating or daing ather necessary or publi.c works over, unta, abutting, or contiguoos to Grantes's pipe line ar faciliCies, provided, however, that Grantee ahall be given forty eight hours written notice of any such blastatng, grading or excavaCing eo that Grantee may take proper steps to pratect its pipe line and facilities« , Sectian 13; Grantee further agrees to install actd maintai�► at aZl tim�s during the life of this Frar►chise au*omatic shuta#f and safety valves at gumping stations f locaCions where adequate maintenance cr�ws sha21 be available; in addition to which � � adequate fire protection equipment sha11 be provided far at all paints of Gzaatee's system.�. � Sectfon i4: Grantee shall have no recaurse whatsoever against the City af Rentvn for any �oss, cost, exgense ar aa�age arising aut of any provisian or requirement -4- ..-?�+S,a ' �;'�a,.`,s�,.',a'!��e;'�`�ay,'�a- ,a.�-a-i::_ - t.. ,..,,�v,.,: _. ,�x,,�._ ,. -. .,�.� . . ; , �.�...ux:,.,.;a;-i:. .:.,-r„_-. .:i,,.•.ti;�'*,-,���{°�v�`.��8t's�F�fi:y�" �5;�'t�`+,'-'•`•�?�'�::?�i1+�'�'!�k�d .. � . � . . , ��:°S'),� ,. - +._-( �• � <' ..t�r; .� . ,. Z � � a _ of this Franchise or the enforcement thereof. Th3s Franchise does not relieve the Grantee of any requirement �f any City Ordinance, rule or regulation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any requirement relating to street work, street excavation permits nnd fees therefor, or the use, removal or r�location of property and streets. No privilege nor exemption is granted or conferred unto Grantee by this Franchise except those specifically prescribed herein, and any such privilege claimed under this Franchise by the Grantee in any street shall be subordinate to any prior lawful occupancy of t?.e street or any subsequent improvement or installation therein. Grantee further agrees to submit unto the City periodic reports, at least semi-annually of any pressure tests made pursuant to provision of this Franchise showing the date of the test, description of portion of pzpe line tested, identified with respect to the City's street routes and tesf data sufficient in detail to permit analysis of test r�sults and determination of complianee with the aforesaid Code. Section 15: In the event the use of any Franchised property is permanently discontanued, or no franchise has been obtained thexefor upon expiration of this Franchise, or within thirty days after any �cermination of this Franchise, then Grantee shall promptly remove from the streets and other properties all of its facilities, other than any the ,,,, City may permit to be temporarily or permanently abandoned. t'on 16: �� n r b fore the lst da of Januar of each ear durin the term of Sec i 0 o e y y y g this Franchise, Grantee shall pay unto the City, in �onsideration of the issuance of this ' Franchise, �a sum equal to the total number of lineal feet of pipe line located within the City limits of Renton on the lst day of January of each year, multiplied by the rate of $.QS (5� per lineal foot) but the minimum sum to be paid to the City annually will �e not less than $500.00�, , Secti on 17: rfThe Grantee shaLl, within ten days after the award of this Franchis�, file with the City Clerk and at -.:all times thereafter maintain in full force and effect an _ . _ _---_ . ._.._ ___ ____�__�_ -- --- acceptable corporate_ surety bond in du�licate effective for the entire term of this Fran- ----' � �� �' ' ' .-^-....--- _. chise, and conditioned that in the event Grantee sha11 r"ai1 to comply with any oae or more of tt��e provisions of this Franchise then there shall be recoverable jointly and s���erally from the principal and surety of such bond any damages suffered by the Cit y as a result thereaf, including the full amount of any compensati.on, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of properties hereinabove described, up to the full amount of the said bond; said candition to be a continuing obligation for the duration of this Fi•anchise and there- after until the Grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City of Renton or may rave arisen from the acceptance of such Franchise by the Grantee or from its exercise ,of any pr�vilege herein granted. The bond initially filed in accordance with �he require- ment of this Section shall be in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars. In the event of sub- i stantial change in the _volume of street spece occupied by fxanchise prope rties, the City may permit or may require a correspondin� change in the amount of such bond. , -5- � i � � s' • ,,,y., , .� ,.•t.n ,i...:r,-ib^e^wv.,.:y!.•,-=.vi�.k':rt:°`.tg"%`:ti',�r.+:�;�'.k'r`.:.+'w{�:¢'i7�";'w;�"�S�'t'�.t�'K71�??.v"�.���Tv�:,,�i,�',��r"'i!A'.� +!��F"F� �tQ;tk:..�F:'*t:selaC.':',thW'� ,,yy.,;w�, ., , 'ti , ., . . � .. -. .._ .. 4 �' • 11• F� �+ �s• ' i � ' � , ♦ • Neither the provisio�s af this Section or ai2y hond accepted b}r the City gursuant thereto, nor any da,mages recavered by the Cit� thereunder shall be construed to excuse Eaithful performance by the Grantee or to limit the liabilitp of the �rantee under the Franchise ar for damages, whether to the City or members of the public generally, either ta the fa21 amavnt of the bond or otherwise. Sect3.on 18. Upoa application to the City Council af the_C� af Rentan b�r G�rar�tee, the Council may auChorize Grant�e to install, construct and/or retain in Cfty streets additional pipe lines, as conteaaplated in Section I hereaf, in a r�ann_er saCisfactory to the City Cauncil; such additiana2 i�sta2latians �hal1 be subject to a22 af the terms and conditions af this Franchise and to any such additianal conditfans as may be prescr�becl by the City Council as to any such additions. _. , , FASSED BY THE CITY COi1t�iC2L thisa?�"day of �ry��.c�-r.rr./.{$�,�-', 1954. %���C.;��c.-�,�'��''�i�¢.f�.✓' ' Helmie Nelson, City C2erk APPR+QVED BY THE MAYQR thisy?�'-�-$ap af �c.r.�...,.n�.��, 1464. �� , �„-� ", � , ��'��Z ���� ' Do#�a1d t7. Custez, Maya r � , First Reading Septetaber c��r' , 19b4. �late af First Publication;����'�"'�c-�.�t/-�`ri 1��� � L'A Tr, OF F U:3L1 C A ����r N `�'�y��""`'"°�''c-�.r �; �4�4� APPROVEI� AS TO FORM: � � ' I E�er�rd M. She2lan, CiCy Attorney AGCEPTED BY G�RANTEE,, OLYAg'IC PIPE LITr3E COMPAN'Y this bth day af Nav�nber , 19�.t. ;�ra�t.e�u:.:�i":�ZiG� - ,es $, Bal.l, Yice President i !�� � .,Pe!'a+^:` " '�".4�:rM.�n�::w�m�n�ti�„e'�e;..xi'�"�'�R�,�.t�,�''�x=_- ��..:•.qer.r<,�.F.t; .. .� a��-. . � y, _ • a ' - - . .. . . � �:�'t��"„_ �'`:�'.a't!�tx4t"�p?'-'t 'K.;�1c:s j:3�"i`�`ts,SF�+��:?�`Xc��%..'."Yt..�`.%�$;=x>-sYr:d�f5��,�B.S�k � �. .r • ` ' A I �` �''' � . . � . �� � � F�BtiY]3�T hAh Olympic �ipe Line Street Crossinn ���, �� 1.'�12tn i:venue Vortl��at a point ap rcx3r��ate1� 25o feet Vresterly of the centerline intersection of "�!'� Street (60�� K�v 2. '' l.�.th �.venue iJorth at a oint a rox3matel 220 Yeet Vaesterl of the centerline �88�" intersection of ��p�� Street (50� y y 0 3.�� 3. ✓ 7th I venue Nortll at a point appro�mately 220 feet weste�'ly' of the Centerline intersection of "�.�� Street (601) '/�3,o�q 4. '�6th Pl�ce North at a poi.nt approximately 240 feet w�sterly o� t�ie centerline intersection of «R« Street (30� ) /- � c8,�/ 5• ''�tth Rvenue idorth at a point approximately 1010 feet westerly of t:�e centerline intersection of 132nd Avenue S.L. (60�) �' 6 �stlz l�venue �st at a point approxiraately 2a0 feet Southeasterly of the center- �8'�� � line inter�ection of ��Pf« Street South (60�) �" 7 '�6th l�venue East at a point apnroxi.r�ately 520 feet northwesterly of t�ie center- - �9'�� � 13.ne intersection of ��0�� Street South (60� ) , KI-2,�0.�8, 105th :.venue 5,�, at a po3nt appro�dr:iately 15 feet northerl.y of the south line of ';�ction 20� Tawnship 23 North� i�a.n�e 5 Fast, ?�I.i;. (60� ) k31��� 9. Benson Iii;;hway (State Hir•�iwtay ;,515) at a point approx�ately 15 fee� nort�zer�.y of the south line of Section 20, To��ship 23 ATorth, itan�e 5 �ast� j�T.Ii, (60�) �'� �� 10. Rainier Lvenue South (State Hi�hway ;`167) at a point approximately 30 feet ! ',���a. southerly of the narth line of Section 30� Township 23 �?orth, Ran�-•e 5 �ast� II'i�i►e�d� j,r,,N, (b�') . �b0 t,;; s �_$-s� �,(/_ ].1,.'�Pu�et Drive from centerline of Citf of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line ease- Z27./� ment tiresterly alon� Pu�et Drive to the north�south center of Section line of ,, Section 20� Township 23 l�orth� �^n;;e 5 r,ast� t�J.r�i. (33�i�) I . Total 39lt1 feet I Centerline Description of Olympic Pipe Line Cr�ssin� City of ltenton Parks � '� 1. '�Y�i�rania Par�t- Bebinnin� at a point on t?�e northerly bo�ndary of :U.�ranis , Parlc sai� Point bein� �,8.�.37 feet fram the 2�?orthwest Corner of saiG ='arlc, � ��2�� thenae South 100��1�3'� Last a clistance of 1��f, thence South 5°12�37'� i?est a distance of �761� thence South l,c�3t3�07" �:rest a distance of 50�� nore or � less� to t:�e southerly bounclary of saic� Park, said easement bein� appi•o�- imatelf 57l� feet in len�th, 2. '�Maplewood Parl: - The centerline of easemen�c lies parallel with ancl 101 feet �_z�9 sout�easterly of the northw�esterly line of tre i�aplet�ood Park property �#.3d , easement bein� approximately I�16 feet in len�tn. • r a' � �,f . , `5" , . „`,f"a .. � sEc. �, r�3 ,v, ,�,sE ��. , K/rt/G G'O. , /�Yfl SH. ° � � 10 ?"' AVF. N. � W U1VPY ' `� ' � � TiP. � h� "sl" '� rf?l?N., , 9''�' A vF N. ��' �, � �-'� r � /�� ' q � \l`' y f �� �~ (� � �^�l� � � ' � AjX?AERTY DF C/TY C?F REN7rJN . �,.. --�..J' O , .. 2� Existin�y �6" ..�f � : P%ve L�inc --� � ` ,� t.� . ; �onr.�" �-- ,ara,003cd 2D" Gi,oc Lrr�c EAST //4 CaR.-SEC.9,„ � `� RIW TRACT KI-20l ` � � ,SB�'_.55.52 Rods � r�o e, ��. _ _.._ . . __ p�- . __._ _ _ _ ._ __ .____ . ___ _ KING____ __ ca�+y+�, St,�r. o# ___GYASN._...___ - ...M.,�_,.�...r.�...�.......�....�....._...._.�.�„ ._,....�.�..�..�_._.._......:,. _. _ � ' i__._._ �t�rsas;� �rrc�z._.____. . � Pk�PG7S`EL7 Pk"O'�?llC7"'S �/r�'f"Ll�1/E'" .--,_._.____._. _._ _ _ . __�_ ,�_._. _ �_.______�_______ ���w� ; ' i ______ ______.r.�...�_ Ck'OSSlNG T`}r�f' :, -�Ci 'CT�F`�c'�"Y'' , ` ' - �___. �-w��KE� _ _�_� �Jf CITY DF R'�rt�?`�,N ----�------ - --. ._.__ _- -- -�---_ � , : ,. _ ..._ ��,� ..____.. ._.�...�..____ , , �i5t�'F:')v ;> .....__....�,_..�._._._.._. ,.._.. - - '� . __ _ .,�..... _.._.. ' . F .�..�....��,...,.�.,� r...�..� . ._.,_. .__.._._________.___=.--_..._. .I.__.--.. _.�. __._ - Ca!�Y�t"��C 1�'1��; k...��i�. a.i;� ��r;!st-,��`�' ._... • � : � . � , i. .� . _.. _......_.._---..__...�.._.._�.. _..... �,d,1"�"(,? 1Y:�,3b�i{�i<r5'k"t"?'w _ � � . . . . _ _._. .. _ _�.,._..__ . _._.._.._ ._..�.�.__. _ . . . ,_ _ ._. _. _ _.._ ..__._..........__.._.._._... _._ __..__ _ . � � "._'a�_ .��. . ".�.�" _ � .. - '�'., �.�`-��,,'�. � .a �".`'�� . F- 773 � .J � _ — — — — �_ ^� V ?�w:•f r(". -- ___-- --- - —. - —. �?''� � ��i � I'+ , � I � SEC. /Co , T 23 N, k'S'E l�ll!�rl?. , k"t1VG C4., �!/,4SH. '� . � i �,� .�- ` �� � I �. I ' I . - i � 3@3 I ��. ', , �K I � I , �, / i 4\S � / I Y �r I . � • � �/,/ � �t� f ' \� '� �' I �' 7 � �� 3832+40—��,\ ��� �a`�•�6 . , ,r Qoo //' � �4 \ � � � j! � , rY�,,,� ����� \\ �� ,�� �SS3o 2�?��� � ` " �, L�' \ ,� U d �, �s. 3$ I ` � �� �° � .., c� � � Q� �:"n.� �.<`�' �.l � � � I II .\ � „ �,p . I a /� � , �� �� / ;�� ¢�. , , I Q ' � � .�o� o� r�� oF ,t�o , � I Q � r�� �� , � � I � r�� a� �' � , � ' ,� ' �.? i � i � � /�,��" Q. � � . • „/ ��. (� � � � � ,� , , p � � , � r � \ I � � J ��i} , �` / �� I r ' �°� ��2 � a t `� i` � i r ,� ,�'3�6.,��`�a , � I �// 6�,y 383�56 / \ � � . �� ; � � � � � ' o � f� . t ~ � �/ � ` \� � I .,. � � I I -9�,..� � � �. � � f \ � � I � ` � i r� �'�. .9�,,,� � � � c f ��� ��� sT � ,� � , .o s � �Q'/W T,P,4C'T K/-'Z + � 44�.5'= 27 RODS � � ' E � s N. �T. H¢. _ - 78- - -- 'a�- --- - _ 7_ _ _. _ __ _ ___ _�'I11iG ______ Co�*y, Srareof __ t'��1SN_�____ s _ _ � S-//�-29 4 II � � i �— ___ f7E5lCN �NGR, _ _�.___ . ._ __..�._. ...�.�__.__ E opAwN P�?l3F�Q+SEO ��PODUCT�` t�/r�FUNtC � � __ ____ _._ ____. Ck'OS'S1N� TNF �,�'7'�'Eh�T'Y C�F ; j : � ch�cK�� CITY C.3f RFJtlTDN ; ..�_r______-- - - t- .__{_.._______ .._____.__.__.________ ; � � ' _.. _ _ APaR:3VED DA?� _. _.. i , ; ___— ..._ �_ . . _.._ ' ----.�-..__._.._.___... __ _ _. �..__._... ._. __. -.._.__.. U!..'Y M P k G P!P E �..i[�� Ct?1�e4Pt�NY � � � � �_ _ _ __...�_..�..�..._�...._...,._----- SEAT S"L!». W,t►3rH:KOTOM , j _,�...�.___. _._ ,..___ __ __.. _.. ;- - -- -- _.,._� ,_�._.._._...._.._.._. .._.,.r ,__...__.....__.� ......_. . NC. i +2� St.IF: `Jts{; , , '�'7,� APP'U. _ _._- --- --- � �:"I.I F �tic ��i�„_� ' i:��.. . � 7`�ta-. � ,..�..L.. ,.. _...v.�..-....-. ........ „__ _ . ..._... _ ......... .. .. . _ . _ - - ..,.., ., . .. _,_. _ ._. . y �15M-�-�1�126R PRIN EFY Oryg]]�aj CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT /nf N° 4050 RENTON, WASH. ��� - C��M��I/CJ • �� , 797� RECEIVED � � v� .�L—�-� � � � . � � � �'�i'�t..�G.Ls� _ � / � �C t J l�f �`'j'iJ�. �L /��� � �OLLARS t e FOR � / �"�.� _�j O� I �S._� . U � ,� � /�3 ool,�i�-�-.�.� o ��.�1 �� ar' I I ( _. .—.. . .._._ . _ � - T O T A L . (c>O� ���S! � � i DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT I CITY TRGBURER I BY \`'�'% �"—[lJ � Q � I 1 �- i C� Vi 1�t�iVA DBPARTI�NT OF FINANCE 200 1�I.L SOUTH RBNPON, WA$flII�T� FROiMs Off ice of CiCy Clerk TO= Olympic Pip�line Com�aay Y. 0. 8an 236 Renton, WashingCcrn 98055 .._...... . _ . � UATB ITBM tINIT COST ?OTAL 197a Ana�al Pip�lin�r Fra�nchies Fee .05 Lin. Ft. $601.15 12,023 Liaeal feet in C�ty Liraite ' I DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT R 10 5 0 7 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY THE ATTACHED CHECK IS IN PAYMENT OF ITEMS DE3CRIBED BELOW. [3ENERAL ACCOUNT �F NOT CORRECT PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY. NO RECEIPT ncs�wED. RENTON� WASH. �A� DEBCRIPTION AMOUNT 12/22/72 payment of annual gipe line franchise fee $601.15 ��.�.�.,.:._...T,�. .-�...�-.�...T,.-- -.-... ��._._ �{M . /'Y•Y w AAI! •RINtCKY �� CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT �jo 3009 RENTON.WAsti. �-. .—..�- ./�-f'^"„i'�--� y�, 14� -- �� � � � �cc�sivc F .-� �s�-�- ,�-c_-.�..�:_J ' 1�-,-Y.�s�—r�..y-. v p /�-,,, t/ ff /� f---,-.Z.4✓ yG ��--� v^—'"� oo�u�a � G--� � FO R ._ .. �r�'G,°J L�^C-ti..�..^/ . .!./i.�-'tt.-�(.Ai�L�...C_.f t�'�--C�..J . {t� C�/ � I /S'_ i "� . ` -, l�f��-.3 _-�c���..�..� �..�l. � , c �� --- i � , f ~-�- - I , � ,. ...._._.. . . . . __. . . .._,_. .__.. _. _ _.._. . . _._ .__. _�: . T O T A L /� � . _,�Y � � ( �.5._� � � DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT airr rnc�,�uACR � � � f�,,��"/j � ' �r��""4 ` / I��i!/ � S��� i 1 �c�M � 12-68 • RSR PRINTERY OrtsS.�a7 1�Ll 1 : CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT /J� N� 565 7 RENTON,WASH. ` /y/��� .� �� � ��� RECEIVE OF �� / /� ) �il�// D � �i�! .�. _ � / , / _ � ' ' "' � �iitLLAR9 �.� l ; F° , ,� `o.��v> C� 4�!/�.� - � I Ol _ I � � I � I � I � T O T A L -'� l 0/ �/.s DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREABU R ...���(�[:�'I�/J �rC..� / �� BY � .__ / C J � DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT R ��� � OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY TNE ATTACHED CMECK IS IN PAYMENT OF ITEM� OE6CRIBED BELOW. li OENERAL ACCOUNT �F NOT CORREGT PLEABH NOTIFV US PROMPTLY. NO RECEIPT D�SIRED. � � RENTON� WA9H. OATE OE9CRIPTION AMOUNT • 8/9/71 Payment of annual pipeline franchise fee. (1971) � 12,023 lineal feet in City Limits x $.OS/ft. _ $601.15 �,- . � ► r f. � , � . a (•„6 ✓� (�� d i-�- � Y /f 7 v-�r,ti�..f%; u�.DINf�10E NO. ��,:�� ;: ., .>,:.:� a; '�F THE CITY OF REN'�.. ;. a = -_.; . �, . � ������;�Nllli'�G �i�i�INANCE N0. 212 0 PERTATNTN� �"(3 TH� F.RAtdCHISE GRANTED UNTO OLYMPIC I'IPE LINE COP�IPA:<'' .rt I.IJR�lA1�t?1.3.`J1Ya L'�I�ll PL.'��1�9.L%d.��l:A ��1.1..4.;7Ti ttj\ft rn_.�.,Hr,�,.'.. . ,! �0 .. ,. � : . . .. , , „ i51. 11 ..1,:�1JL-i.''�.�S.�i.) JY .���.i;, :`u�Y°.�15 . . _ . �ITY OF RETdTON, WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS � I WHEREAS, the City of Renton n���td�c�re passed ari° . I Ordinance No. 212Q grantin� - ,. , . corporation, certain authoi� :. .. . ., , , ' maintain, aperate, replace and repair one or more pipe lines witt::" the City of Renton, a11 as more parti� . . -_��'_ _ _ and incorporat�d in said Ordinance, a��: WHEREAS Olympic Pipe Line Cc� .� ,��r� ;„� � s,�, . :. _ I �ity, pursuant to Section 18 of the aforementioned Ord.� �. I ������°_ . . ��-: ' ., «�. � such pipe lines on a certain r:i.,��t o� w,�� .�� . ' t•� : .. . ... , �:� herehy agreed as follocu. I �L-"CTION T: Grantee, Olympic Pipe i��in:: �;c�����.i�iy , �< ��� �:���,. ab���.��� ��,�:�a, pursuant to Section 3.8 , o� Ordinance No. 2120 x . ., an3 approved on November 2 , 7.964 , is hereby granted permission . : . . . , . , , . , . ,<�,s..�,-�•,; ��� , ,:,...-..�aW 4.�r _.. � .- . .�. ��i.n .. t. .�a. 3! ._w t .J � i .. .. ., .. A , . , , w _ . _ . .. � - , ,. � -.A �'�:}�;��.�t "A„ of Ordinance No. 21:�� ��CTION I I: A11 other te: ,.,, , �;. ., ... ,_ . ._ . � . . � .- ::nce Np. 2120 shall remain in full force artd e�'" . ..� . ��/z�� . : k'�7�1� B�' Tii�: uIT�' f'.(�UrdCIL this����3��y of. i�eh , , � , _. � � � ' . _�'��.._ ��=1mie elson, Cit� Cl�r°'���� _� , ��;. , a..u�,�_ �a: >�d� �,�- ..���, thi� �� d�y of_ M�2�ix - `, � � �, -�-„�__ ���/'�I *�����..�.�' ; �' a QVe t0 L''"y� t;✓�.2'��'-'t''�y i'�F3�1�}"' � Accepted by Grantee, Olympic Pipe Line �� r �. ari, C:�ty At°torne�� Company this 16th day of April, 1970. at� vf Pu�lication: APR ,�197G ss/ J. C. Durbin, Vice-Pres. � , � � . , ,..�a , 1 —. . . 2f.4+ :Z i a r . � �Y .:Y�$�. . . 4�,i4�4.' ��� •.��. 7-`1 . '``�.i i �� ��'A � '�� � ..`......X��d ro K�gt -�-• � *�r?rr'R: ;��`"`a+�'}�e'�t.� >d` -__ `.:.;. .: :, �•, - � - - - ,r� "; . - R y t,.N�11�1 1 ��f'��� 11,�.S.Y���0�7,. E.:..i p ..: ..; ,'�, �..o�.—. ';�.'�';+�"xi;� �'IPE l.,IN� ST('�ET CROSSI4`t" � . �t�U"��tvi@S� �+,$S'� `��:i"c?�� �E±',���Kl��it� vii� .t2Si.G'V`ly l3;�l1'��ib fl� �ll±��� Sound Electric r�ailraad Ri�ht-of-�ay in the i�orthwest one-guart��~ of Section 36, Township 23 �dorth, Ranc�e 4 East, kd.M. between tt�� �lortherly marc�in of Southwest 43rd and a pofnt 3.5 feet ��iorther�y of the 5autr��� i�� :,,�r; �>-k ;�r" ��e� s�rc��to (�6.5 feet) . . 2. Soutt�►�rest 43rd St��ee�, :3.:� feet �dcr�h�:rly af tne ��utn�rly ,.2ar�,y �. thereof, betaaeen ti�e ;�esterly margin of Puget Sound Eiectric ����'6-• road Right-of-tilay and tfze exi sti ng Ci ty 1 imi ts 1� t��� ���*�rl i k�� of the ol�' ':�3�s� Va71�4P �►i:�,iw,ra� ��aA �-�r� (5�;, 1°� ? (935 feet) y' ' • M w. � .� «.... . '�l� ri_ ,.L,.. .'J . , ,.� r, . ���C,� wa��l. . a:;'�. . � .5.� .. 'k_.D�. � -'3.J b��t ,fV�![i a�i:41 , {LC.. I '�a ��#!Ef`� `,t.7 ♦ �� S � �. �3 il%i !:� � a *.,p � � fe'k, l�� �.1: �F���4 . .�, ����' if .. �ST��., � ���.� �.. . �1t . " � . �. . '3 ?[� •-r it" :�^ .4`_ ,f;�,n�+ '�t`,i1tJ i�.' t�s��""Ia:, "'�t�4�tv�cr.. , '�_ �,,��� _ . . r;�'-I +(�C�.% 4��`�'a7�'��"..' . , .. �, �'a. • i�' ' � i� , �, ,. �,�_( yj � � . � , �- � ; . EXIIt�IT +�g�r _ ��..�� � i ,,` � I Ol��r�pic �'ipc i,i.ic Street CroUsin�� l. 12th ��_venue i�Tort?� at �. point appro��r,�ate1J 250 feet T�resterly of the centerline intersection of ������ Street (60� ) 2. ll�h ::venue i�iorth at � point approxir;�tel� 220 feet t�sterly of ttile centerline intersecti�n �r" ��G��i Street (50= ) 3. 7th I.venue TJorttZ at a point appro�a�el;r 220 feet taesterly of t?ze centerlii�e intersection of �'�.'� Street (60� ) f�. 6th Pl:ce I��orth at a point approximatel�T 2�.0 feet westerly of t��e certerline intersection of «Rt1 Street (30� ) 5. �.th I�venue i�orth at a point appro�.iraately 1010 feet ti•resterly of t_ze centerline i��tersection of 132nc� l�venue S.=;. (60�) 6. st�i l�venue �st at a point approxi:�ately 2�0 £eet Southeusterl�.T of ttie center- line intersection of ��T?�� Stree� SoL�th (bOt ) 7. 6th :,venue �ast at a point appro;;i������tely 520 �eet nort?:z,ie:i,erl;;- of t-,e cent�r- lzne int�rsection of ��0�� Strc�et Sol�t1� (G0� ) �. l0�th :_venue 5.�. at a point appro��a�cely 15 .feet i�ortlierl�- of. t':e soutL 1.inc of :.�;cti.on 20, Township 23 Ilorth, �an�e 5 3aast, '.:'•.1• (60' ) t 9. Benson I'i;;hway (State Hi�;;zway ;;`�15) at a point approxu,iately 15 feet nort'�erljr of t?�e sot�t�� line of Section 20, Tot,�nship 23 i�?orth� �Zzn�~e 5 =:�asts i�T.i�. (60� ) 10. Rainier i:venue South (St2te Hi�;hway ;�1.G7) at a point approximately 30 feet southerl;� of the north line of Section 30, Township 23 �?orth, ��an�;e 5 �?ast, :'.T�1. (60� ) 560� ll. ru;;et Drive from centerline of City of Se�ttle Cedar i�iver Pipe Line ease- nent t�esterly alon�; Puget Drive to the: north-.�outh center of Section line oi' Section 20, To�,mship 23 1`?ort'7� ��,n�e s ,t;�^si;� T�J,ii. (33�;1� ) �i'otul 39�I feet Centerline Description of Olyrapic �ipe Line Crossin� Cit� of itentoi� Par'_.s ].. �'iti-aanis �ar?t- Be�innin`c at a point on t:�e nor�Lnerly boundwry of =�it�r�nis Par'.c said Point bein� I�3;37 feet fro:� the T�?or�hwest Corner of saic? : ark, thene� South 10�5���3" ;'ast a distance of �.�.i t , tli�nce Soutn 5�12►37�� :-est a distance of l�7G t� tizence South �.�3G�07" ��.est a dis�ance oi 50�, r�ore or less� to the southerly 'aoundar.y of saic'_ P�rtc, saic? easement bein�-� apnro,>-� v��atel�T 57�. feet in len�th. 2. iia-�letrood P?r': • The centarline o� ezser�en�c li�s par�llel �rith anc: 101 feet soti��'�easterly of t'ne nort�taesterl�r line of the itaplet�7ooc�. Parlc property �� ` � ease�aent bein�; anproxi:�aatel,�r I�16 feet in len��th. . ___.. �--- - _ _. ____,..__ _ ._..._.._._.. ____--_.__-------- .._. __ _ r �J � F���:�;.���� ��j, i��� �� � �, J' , � , . � ��� n 1 �� F�.. � � �" - i i ��,� � . ;-- r.,' , :.c�u�zat�l� ��v`ry :��r ��:�ec , �Iayor , .1 �; :i�rtil���s ui t�s,e E;�.ty Couuefl ���-"L-�l' �x' � ,��� ... - i;.� : v.'.y�:a�ic �i�s i�ix�� Ccm��ay Ne4ese�t £c�r , � b�r�iCion$1 LiY►es or� � .�tr. 4>rcl 6treet �� ��i Nf �..� V 4�i�_3.4 l��N t.. o / � i� ,%. � (% � -.' ;�' k T��e �yoa�_< �i: F'�LI3c �vrk.� :�ae co�p�.�teu ies review of the ::er, ueaC r��Lesitfe�i. by Gly�n�ic i'ip� Line C��<i��n} ¢ar adciitic�nal linee u:� S .W. 43rc: ;�tre�t f� w3cco�,i�a�E wits S�cti��l ?f� of" GrdinancQ :ao . 21:?0. 'C�is 4.�rYtwe:r w��a r�.fe�r�a tv L�ze :3n�arct of F'r�1�1�.c ���r�i•:a :.,� �a� Cily i:c�uncl3. at its �::��Lici�a of :ionu�yy �F.�rut�x'y 9 . ::Oid�i� ;5���:"�iYB :��'�: LT�t�1 .;r . .i . � . �u��7.11y �ili.c �'lE:t3ic.�:ili; , ' �[r . .. . i.. �.'a�a�si1 , 5u;:�rey.�r; an:� Ms. i;. L . 3:".iilii��s , :ii.r.tat-ut-:'�+y . �;F`IIt� ��yi.'�:;:i.�. .�ir)c.-' Lf.Flt3 i�,fi:�l'ti:2it��� 1".0 �UT1S3i��1' t�ie? j)TAj)::3f'�i T�tT�l+i� i:i $1(3:�3.��t7:l 43.�. �.1�7 f?� {?17 .`�'� .`r.,{. ='r��e: :i�T'E.'E:: �t1 �I`.^.12 F�;O`�� � ; ft� f id(31 �G �:�e Sea-aac Air��o�t . Ir. accor�'.�r:ce t�iCt7 acti.on at tl�� 3��brriary lU ...e:etin�;. LI�� i�uard of PuL3ie �IvrI:s r.c�cvi►�.�::�u:� Y.s� ���+� �Lt3* �our.ci� i:x�at the up;siicaticii zr�r a:��:nu�ent to �he frdu�tiis�: b� ;;ranL�d to �A�m;�ic f'ip� T.iric i'u:n��ny :�s rec�u�stec� . Ali �rark wili be p�rfar:l�e� z:. �ccor�€�nce vifiii t:ie ter�s r:� co�4iLi�r:s aE �rdii�anc� :;c:: � 21?C c:".:�: W�,t.�. �:i= i'(:(�',��.'. ....�I.i'9 J: ...�"_3- �;{�iiiU�� '�i?� i11C'&:T �B :C?i'I:� iL:. . .�..._:C�_ ��'_ � a ' � �.:.t,;., to:.....r.��i . L:l:..s I:.:�l:� C'.i': , W�,- I'cbruary 13 , 1�70 � �'' �i 2�o-���.c.� � .-��i���� � Ironor�Gi� Ave�y Ur��rctt, "riAy3r �� � �� Members of the City Couucil 1r7� � R�: Olympic Pip� Line C�ffipanq xequeet for Additional Lines on S .W. 43rd 3treet Gentlemen: The Board of Public �larka hae completed ite review of the request submitted bq Olynpic Pipe Line Compeny for additional lines on S .W, b3rd Street in accordance with Section 18 of Ordinance Nd . 2I20. This matter waa rE�erred to the Board of Public �Iorks by the City Council at its rseeting o# �fonasy, February 9 . Bosrd members �et with Mr. J . C.. Durbin, Vic� Pzesident; Mr. J . L. Powell, Surveyor, and Mx . R, L . Phfllip� , Right-of-Way Agent, b3qmpie Pipe I.ine Company, tn consider th� proposed routing of additionel liaes on 3 .W. 43rd Street ta transport jet fuel to the Sea-Tac Airport. In accordance �aith action at the February 1Q meeting, Lhe Board of Public Worlrs rscomm�nds to the Ciry Council that the application for amendment to the fraachise be �ranted to �Jlqmpic Pipe Line Company as requested. All work will be pertormed in accordrance vith tha terms and conditions of Ordinanc� Pao. 212q �nd with the r�quirsments of ICin�, County Engineer ' s Permits . Sincerely, DEL BENNETT Chairaan �ah a I � � � February 16, 1970 ,`,•�:�� - �- '%1'�"'-`�`�-' _ , `�i`- �^ �� ,- t IIonorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Report of the Public Works Committee Gentlemen: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the request of Olympic Pipe Line to install a 12" Products Line in S.W. 43rd Street be granted subject to the terms of their Franchise. i % ,_.�%, � ` , CAS,..} . .. . ..�,\ f"_��... - I � '� , a , \�4 ,.� _. , __ � - �� 1 � .. ��' \'' � %l k'�„ , � � � . � � .:r: ,�-� - __ - � ,� . _�� i � �,�:��,��� � /'ll G��� i // .--, i .,� - � .�...- �/,�"�{ .i" k..�.:�`-�.�,.w— i'� Public Works Committee : � ..v 4���'_ .1� �... . . �.�� .. ....., w l; l. �: � a {J' ' _ :� . � � :�, � , ._;�� cs.�y c��,r�csx `�.<� � .�xy�.�ic E�ire Z:in� Co�pany 's,eq�:eat �c:�r.� G R Lj C:1..�.:.wI 1��a.�. .{. :.L:i.�:Cj l,i l t.. . �. . W . .. .. .i t �. l'::.+� ..;Z::i l.� �/1�'Q��- �T�1 P.. .��,iJ i'i�l�+ C.i i � ,. F_;S.:t l: ..:.�Y b�;:.: �o i a.�S �.:G i�..�,:.i...i..C:`.:. .',.L v Y ('.".•..i 4:.'v: :;7. L'..e:". . -:;ue�t sub�itteci hy Uly�pic P1pe Line CarL��rsnp fur �.dd��i�n�l � ::. :t::. =Si ,, . �', 4�rd �tra�t in a►cccrdance rvitli Secti.on l�s of L�rdlna�,c� .c, , 2]2U . Thir� ��xCter w€�s reter�ced to tn� �our�i of 1'u"ul.' c. ,.'ur:.:�, , ,• tt►e City Council at it� :���Cin� of :iauciay, �"ebre�ary ;� � �oarcl �embers ��t wita �r. J. C. Duxbia, Vics i'rc��i . ;�.:t .. <_:. . 3 . L. Pp�rell, fiura�yc�r; and Hr. R. L. Phi211p�a , Xi�,11t-vi- . ..., :'�.,,ent, t�ly�pic Pipe Liu� Cor�pany, to eo�nari�er th� progcseec4 rosti�:; ;£ ad�itianal lines Qa 3 .Li. 43r�i 3��r��t ta tr�n�port ,��t fai��, tu �.;a� Sea-T�c ?�irport. In aecc�rdancs tsitii acctian aC �h� �ebruary :.. �.Gr�Liug, the Eaax�d of Yu�lic ��orka zecc�sas��nda� tc� the City Counci:; t;iat the app3.ication for ezaen�i�ent ta the frsnchiee be LrsnCect tL �;�.yu�pic Pipe Liu� �a�npnny ss �equ�st�d. AlI work wil�t be� geri��z - .::� . �.:� accorc�ance witti r.�e Lerz^s �::8 eonditian� c�r R�rc�inar.ce :io . ?; '_ '. ..< _ .. . i�:, i:i� i'i:: ,i2 _'t� . ,�it; ., . . ._�. .�it3t1A� ' . .. � ' . . '_ . � �. t�.r.r�t-:��.: �-� „ .a. ..... �;z�:�3.r r�� �. c�' � pF R.�� ' _ , ' . . ti � �j �j ,�. Z $�ARD_OF__PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON �, � � MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 20C MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 P �° 9 �{� �sQ�RT CApITA�OF, � February 13 , 1970 ..-? .��l._�:.-.,. Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council � �� _, „ , >/l�i�-�1--c�:2 . Re : Olympic Pipe Line Company Request for �ldditional Lines on S .W . 43rd Street Gentlemen: The Boaru of Public Works has completed its review of the request submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company for additional lines on S .W. 43rd Street in accordance with Section 18 of Ordinance No . 2120 . This matter was referred to the Board of Public Works by the City Council at its meeting of Monday, February 9 . Board members met with Mr . J . C . Durbin, Vice President ; Mr . J . L . Powell, Surveyor; and Mr . R. L . Phillips , Right-of-Way Agent, Olympic Pipe Line Company, to consider the proposed routing of additional lines on S .W. 43rd Street to transport jet fuel to the Sea-Tac Airport . In accordance with action at the February 10 meeting, the Board of Public Works recommends to the City Council that the application for amendment to the franchise be granted to Olympic Pipe Line Company as requested . All work will be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of Ordinance No . 2120 ' and with the requirements of King County Engineer ' s Permits . Sincerely , i- -�.. '' �T� C��� ,...+..�� D�L BENNETT Chairman cah � � February 5 , 1970 ��1r . J . C . �urbin Vice President OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY P. 0. Box 236 Renton , tti'ash i n�ton 98055 Dea r f,�'r . Uu rb i r : Your request of J �nuary �3 , ! >7C , fc�r ����nrova ! of additionai pipe line inst� iiat3ons on S .1�� . 43rd Street� ( formerly South 180th Street) ( n accordance w ( th Section 18 of Ordinance No. 2120 has been referred t:� the Board of Public Works for review and recommendatic;� , As this item has been placed on the agenda fc>r consideratlon at the regular E3oard meefiing of Tuc:scay , F�bruary 10, at 10 : 00 a .m. In the fourth floar ronter�nce room, we requesfi your attendance at t;� i s �r;Fet i r;::, . Stncerely , �)EL �E�•�"��TT Cha i rr�ar, cah I t .. • r . • ♦ ,,,� , I � 1 � � OLYMPIC PIPE LINE CO/��PANY P. O. BOX 236, RENTON, /ASHINGTON 98055 Januar�� 2 3 , 19 70 �,.� ;: �.,,;, �,':. �� ��.. �. The Honorable Avery Garrett � "'. Members of Renton City Council r City Hall � }, Renton, Laashington Attention of Mr. Jack Wilson, City Engineer Dear Mayor and Council Members : ��.�� On November 12 , 1964, Ordinance No. 2120 was approved by 1� �,�_*�'�',� your honorable body, granting to Olympic Pipe Line Company a franchise to construct, maintain and operate pipe lines in and along certain designated roadways and public properties �����„�_.(� of the City of Renton. Section 18 thereof provides for authorization by the Council of additional pipe line installations subject to conditions of the franchise. In this connection, application is hereby made by Olympic Pipe Line Company for your approval of the attached list of S. 180th Street to be included under the aforementioned Ordinance No. 2120 authorizing Olympic Pipe Line Company the privilege to use and occu�_v said street for pipe line purnoses set forth above . This work will be perform�c3 in accordance wi ��h our franc!�ise terms and conditions and wit� the requir�r��ents of ,�ing Count_� Engineer' s Permits . To facilitate processing of our application, we �•�ould be pleased to provide any other in�ormation or assistance necessary. Yours ver truly , � � . , � Gi�2�/l�ti �LPhillips/al ��'. C. Durbin Encl. Vice President cc : R. O. Bickinson � G� _ ,f� �.� - � - w� � � - �,� . . ,- • • , � � j' ' ti •� ` . . OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY FRANCHISE ORDINANCE NO. 2120 PETROLEUP� PRODUCT$ �Z�E LINES STRL.ET DISTANC� LOCATION :�cross 180th 6Q ' + 5Q ' } East of Tv.P. RR. Co. ' s East right of �ray line. On 3 . 180tn 1250 ' ± Frozn 5Q ' ± East of N. P. :RR. Co. ' s East right of vaay line to t�Test end of �reen River Bridge. Across Wash. S .R. 181 130 ' ± At intersection of S. 180th St. On S . 180th 200 ' + Lay on the Ne�a Bridge — crossina Green River. �--�— . . + . - ' . • . " ` � " � ' � COPY � � �i`/ � fJ ; � ORDINANCE N0. �1�.,�_ �� AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, :dASHINGTON, GRANTING UNTO OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SIICC�SSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO I.AY �OGJN, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, REPLACE AND REPAIR dNE OR MQRE plpE LINES, TOGETHER ��IITH EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ANY BY-pRODUCT THEREOF UNDER, THROUGH AND BELOW CER�AIN DESIGNATED ROADL7AYS AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF taASHINGTON BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MA2'OR �ND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOws: Section 1: There is hereby given and granted unto Olympic Pipe Line Company, a Dela�aare Corporation, its successors and assigns for a period of �S qears from the taking effect of this Ordinance, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, conseruct, operate, caaintain, replace, alter, remove and repair o►�e or more pipe lines, together with all ec�uipa,ent and appurtenances thereto, for the transportation, storage and handling of oil and any product or by-product thereof, under, below a�d throur� certain public right of ways and other public lands within the City of Rentnn but such construction, installation and maintenance of any and all such pipe lines to be limited Lo a width of five feet (but not to exceed thirty feet during period of canstruction and repair) under, below and through said public .right of ways and other public properties, all as more particularly appears on the attached list marked Exhibit 'A'', which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Se ction 2: h s r T i F anchise is ranted on t e g �p he xpress condition that it shali not be deemed or held to be an exclusive Franchise and shall not in any manner prevent the City of Renton fram gra.�ting other or further franchises in, along, over, through, under, below or across any of said right of ways, streets, avenues or all other public Iaads and properties of every type and description; and such franchise shall in no way from prevent or prohibit the City of Renton/using any of said roads, streets oz other public properties or �ffect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them, with full power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishment, improvemene, dedication of same as they may deem fi�c, including the dedication, establishment, mafntenance and iu�provement of all new right of ways and thoroughfares and other public properties of every type and description. Olympic Pipe Line Company, as Grantee herei�i, agreeb a«d covcaan�s at its sole cost aad expense, to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate or rea,ove from any street any of its installations when so required by the Cfty of Renton by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, street vacations, dedications of new right of caays and the establishti,ent and i�praveme�it thereof, freeway -1- + y � ` • , • 1 � construction, change or establishment of si.reet grade, or the construction of any public improvement or structure by any GovernmentaZ agency acti�zg in a Governme:�tal capacity, provided that Gra�i�tee shall in all such cases have the privilege to temporarily by- pass, in the althorized portion of the same street upon approval by the City af Renton, any section of pipe line required to be temporarily disconnected or removed. Section 3; All construction,and ins[allatio:i work whenever same crosses any of the public properties described in Exhibit '�A" herein, shall be done under the supervision of and upon the inspection of the City Engineer, and Grantee shall timely submit unto the City Engineer, prior to any such work, detailed plana and�. apecifications of any such proposed work. The location of any franchised property in a street or other public area shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer and such approval shall be given in writing. Section 4: This Ordinance shall be void if Grantee shall not wzthin thirty days of the adoptinn of this Ordinance file its written accepiance thereof with the Clerk of the City of Renton. All costs of publication for said Franchise shall be borne, i� addition to all other fees, by Grantee. Section 5: The Grantee, its successors or assigns shall commence construction work under this Franchise within one year from and after the date of passage thereof and all such work shall be completed with the greateat amount of dispatch so as to reduce any interference with vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the public safety and welfare to a minimum. If at the end of three years from and after the granting of this Franchise, the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not have laid, constructed and have in operation upon any of the aforesaid streets and right of ways such pipes and appurtenances thereto, then in that event the rights hereby conferred upon the Grantee shall automatically cease and terminate. Section 6: All pape and other components of any pipe line, and appurtenance thereCo, to be placed wfthin �ny street right of way or other public property shall be designed, manufactured and installed in accordance sad in full compliance ���ith the provisions and terms of the '�A�erican Standard Code for Pressure Piping` (ASA B 31.4- 1,59)as published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and as said Code may be amended from tfine to time. The operating or service pressure for which they are des�gned shall be the maximum non-shock, internal pressure that may occur either under conditions of year round operation or under static conditions with pipe line filled but wirch no flufd flow. All such pipe lines, fittings and appurtenances thereto to be placed within public right of ways or other public property shall be unused products. After -�- . � { " ' � , ti initial installation of any pipe under this Franchise, such pipe shall be subjected to a pressure test as provided for in t�e aforesaid Code and within the pressure limitations described therein before such pipe is placed in operation and the results of any such tests shall be submitted to the City in writing. Furthermore, after repair or replacement of any pipe, the portion so affec-ted of such pipe between sectionalizing valves shall be subjected to a pressure test as hereinabove set forth; provided however, that no suct� -cest is required for any minor repairs which do not require removal of the pipe line from operation. Section 7: During any period of construction all surface structures, if any, shall be erected and used in such places and positions within said public right of ways and other pubiic properties so as to interfere as lit-tle as possible with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining property and Grantee shall at all times post and maintain proper barricades during such period of construction as required by the laws and statutes of the State of Washington. Al1 pipe lines constructed and 2nstalled by Grantee wi�hin the City of Renton shall be located, buried and installed to a depth of not less than six feet and as otherwise provided for in �he aforesaid Code, the laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the City of Renton, now or hereafter in force, regu- lating such installations. Grantee shall establish and maintain at all times adequate facilities on the portion of each pipe line installed under the authority of this Franchise, and else- where on the same pipe line, to promptly localize operating troubles and to minimize the effects thereof, whether on City streets or on their use by the public. Every portion of pipe line when installed or reglac� under authority of this Franchise shall contain adequate cathodic protection, and such pipe line shall further be protected by sectionali2- �.i�g block va]ves spaced at no �;reater distance than prescribed by the aforesaid Code. If at any time during the term of this Franchise protective or sectionalizing facilities in any pipe line are found to he inadequate, Grantee hereby agrees and covenants, at its own expense and cost, to make such changes as may be required by the City of Renton. Section 8: Grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees and covenan ts to promptly repair any damage to City property of every type and nature and aIl other City improvements caused by the failure ofGrantee's work during the life of this Franchise ; should it be necessary to make any excavation within any public right of way in the laying, constxucting, maintenance, removing, replacing, alterin�r or repairing of any such pipe line or structure, Grantee shall without delay and at Grantee's sole cost and expen�e, restore the surface of said riaht of way or other public property to at least the con- di'cion as same was in immediately prior to any such installation and construction. Grantee shall comply with all Ordinances and regulatior.s of the City of Renton, Wash- -3- ' • , � ' � '. N in�,.�con regarding such excavation and whenever deemed necessary by �he City Engineer shall be required to posi a performance bond in favor of the City warranting, among other things , that such restoration work will be done promptly and in a proper, workmanlike manner. Section 9; Grantee, its successors and assigns, agrees and covenants to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, o�hether to person or property, or expense of an� type or nature �ahicii may accrue to the City by reason of the construction, operation, maintenance, repair and alteration of Gr3ntee's facilities; provided, however, that in case any suit or action is instituted against the City by reason of any such damage or injury, the City shall cause written notice thereof to be given unto Grantee and Grantee thereupon sl-�all have the duty to defend any such suit or action, without cost or expense to the City. Section 10. For the purpose of compelling compliance by the Grantee with all the terms and conditions of this Franchise and the maintenance of said pipe lines and facilities in good condition, City retains the right to end and terminate and fully forfeit the Franchise herein granted, within thirty days afte� written��notice unto Grantee, whenever Grantee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions hereof. Upon such forfeiture the City shall have the right to require Grantee to remove any and all of its pipes, appurtenances and equipment within the City of Renton, all at Grantee's cos� and expense, and to promptly and timely restore all roads and other public properties to their condition immediately prior Co any such forfeiture and termination. Section 11: The City of Renton reserves unto itself the right and power at all times to reasonably regulate in the public interest and for rhe public welfare the exercise of all franchise rights granted herein. Section 12: The laying, constructing, installatfon, maintenance and operation of said pipe lines and facilities in connection therewith shall not preclude the City of Renton, its authorized agents, contractors and representatives from blasEing, grading, excavating or doing other necessary or public works over, unto, abutting, or conti�uous to Grantee's pipe line or facilities, provided, however, that Grantee shall be given forty eight hours written notice of any such blasting, grading or excavating so that Grantee may ta}ce proper steps to protect its pipe line and facilities. Section 13: Grantee fvrther agrees to iastall and maintain at all times during the life of this Franchise automatic shutoff and safety valves at pumping stations locations where adequate maintenance crews shall be available; in additiion to which adequate fire protection equipment shall be provided for at all points of Grantee's system. . Section 14: Grantee shall have no recourse whatsoever against the City of Re�zton for any loss, cost, expense or damage arisi�g out of any provision or requirement -4- , . � — ' ' � a, 4 . • of this Franchise or the enforcement thereof. This Franchise does not relieve the Grantee of any requirement of any City Ordinance, rule or regulation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any requirement relating to street work, street excavation permits and fees therefor, or the use, removal or relocation of property and streets. No privilege nor exemption is granted or conferred unto Grantee by this Franchise except those specifically prescribed herein, and any sucli privilege claimed under this Franchise by the Grantee in any street shall be subordinate to any prior lawful occupancy of the street or any subsequent improvement or installation therein. Grantee further agrees to submit unto the City periodic reports, at least semi-annually of any pressure tests made pursuant to provision of this Franchise showing the date of the test, descriptio� i of portion of pxpe line tested, identified with respect to the City's street routes and test data sufficient in detail to permit analysis of tes-t results and determination of compliance with the aforesaid Code. Section 15: In the event the use of any Franchised property is permanently discontinued, or no franchise has been obtained therefor upon expiration of this Franchise, � or within thirty days after any termination of this Franchise, then Grantee shall promptly remove from the streets and other properties all of its iacilities, other than any the City may permit to be temporarily or permanently abandoned. Section 16: On or before the lst day of January of each year during the term of this Franchise, Grantee shall pay unto the City, in consideration of the issuance of this Franchise, a sum equal to the total number of lineal fee�t of pipe line located within the City limits of Renton on the lst day of January of each year, multiplied by the rate of $.05 (5� per lineal foot) but the minimt�m sum to be paid �to the City annually will �e not less than $500.00. Sec'ti. on 17: The Grantee shall, within ten days after the award of this Franchise, file with the City Clerk and at �:all times tfiereafter maintain in full force and effect an acceptable corporate surety bond in duplicate effective for the entire term of this Fran- chise, and conditioned that in the event Grantee shall iail to comply with any one or more of the provisions of this Franchise then there shall be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond any damages suifered by the Cit y as a result thereof, including the full amoun-i. of any compensati on, indemnification or cost of removal or abandotlment of properties hereinabove described, up to the full amount of the said bond; said condition to be a continuin� obligation for the duration of this Franchise and there- after until the Grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City of Renton or may have arisen from the acceptance of such Franchise by -the Grantee or from its exercise of any privilege herein granted. The bond initially filed in accordance with the require- ment of this Section shall be in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars. In the event of sub- stantial change in the volume of street spece occupied by franchise proFe rties, the City may permit or may require a corresponding change in the amount of such bond. -5- � _ _ , � ' . . ' ' • ' ,, ♦ TJeither the provisions of this Section or any bond accepted by the City pursua�it thereto, nor any damages recovered by �he Cit�� thereunder shall be construed to excuse faithful performance by the Grantee or to limit the liability of the Grantee under the Franchise or for damages, whether to the City or members of the public generally, either to the full amount of the bond or otherwise. Section 18: Upon application to the City Council of the City of Renton by Grantee, the Council may authorize Grantee to install, construct andfor retain in City streets additional pipe liaes, as contemplated in Section 1 hereof, in a manner satisfaciory to the City Council; such additional installations shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Franchise and to any such additional conditions as may be prescribed by the City Council as to any such additions. PASSED BY THE CITY GOUNCIL this �y ay of ���`l j,�.�"r t�; 1964. �.��1'.�����-L�' //.t ��� - T ,, �, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk � APPROVED BY THE M[�YOR this��day of 1964. , G;��G�(.,i�� /�'/ , (� �� �"-t.' Donald ';T. Custer, Mayo r First Reading September � �' , 1964. Date of First Publication: ,,,.t,y�.�- �-:�a %� � c� �� L . -V '.GC.GYu t L-�.a� �L�Z�t_y,����� �j �f G-- 7 � APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney '' %�-C% �.e�U�1�Li�' U_`�l�o �O��1 �� ��`'�r�;/4(� � �i�-�/�2� / ��2� ��/ �.�q �i e /F' �b a // -J� �� N ; /7_ K�� // -h- : ' ' . ' , • • � ' � �. �. EK:IDIT ^A« � ��+�C :>2�•�—C� Oly�rnpic 1�ipe Line Street Crossin�• 1. 12tiz l:venue �Tort?i at 4 point approla..i��atel;;r 250 feet Tresterly of ti�e ce�terl.ine intersection of ����'� Street (60� ) 2. Zlth :�venue iJorth at a point approx�r�;�.tel;,r 220 feet ti,�sterly of the centerline intersecti�n �f ��G��� Street (50� ) 3. 7th I.venue North at a point appro�u�cel;r 220 feet tresterly of t�ze centerline intersection of "�.'� Street (bOt) �., 6t?Z Pl�ce P1ort'n at a point approxiriatel�T 2�.0 feet westerly of t�1e cer.tcrlir,e intersection of ��R'� Street (30� ) 5'. 4th l�venue Ivorth at a point approxin�ately 1010 feet ti,restErly of t:1e centerline intersection of 132nd lLvenue S.��. (60�} 6: 5th I�venue �ast at a point approxi.xaately 230 feet SoutheGsterl�r of the center- line intersection of ��TT�� Street South (60� ) 7. bth I�venue East at a point apnroxi�yately 520 feet nortlZt�esterly of t_�e center- Iir�e intersection of "0�� Street South (60� ) 8. l0ath :_venue S.�. at a point appro�a�cely 15 feet northerl.�- of the soutl� line of :,�ction 20� T'own�ship 23 Plorth, i�an�e 5 Fast, ?�I.ii. (60� ) 9. 3enson tii�hway (State Hi��hw�ay ;;�51�} at a point approx3�,lately 15 feet nort�zerl�r of tlze south 13.ne of Section 2�, Tok-nship 23 D?orth� Zanre 5 =�ast, t��t.i1. (60� ) 10. Rainier i_venue South (State Hi�hway r167) at a point approximately 30 feet southerl�T of the north Zine of Section 30� Township 23 �?orth, �.a.n;;e 5 �ast, �,'.T�1. tbo' ) 560� 11. Pu�et Drive from centerliz�e of City of Seattle Cedar Ra.ver Pipe Line ease- nent Zlesterl.y alonL; Pu�et Drive to th� north�south center of Section line of Section 20� 1^ownship 23 I�Torth� ��,n;�:e S �sic� TrJ.i'-i. (33�1� ) Total 39I�1 feet Centerline Description of Olyr�pic �ipe Line Crossin� Cit�- of ltenton Par'.s �.. 1'1W�.1�1S Par?t- Be�innin� at a point on t:�e nort'nerZy bou.*�dary of :�i�ranis Parlc saicY Point bein� ?�8.37 .feet from the A?orthwest Cvrner of sa�.c' _'arlc, thenc� Sout�Z ZOoS��It3" Last. a distance of 1��t, thence South sa12�37�� ::esi; a distance of l�76�� thence South 4°33�07" Z��est a distance oi 50�� i.�ore or iess, to the southerly boundar.y of saic P�.r?c, said easement bein�: appro�>- vnatell 57�. feet in Ien�th. 2. 1ria,�let��ood P�rl: • The centerline oi easemer��� li�s parallel trit'1 anc: 101 feet sout�leasterly of the northwesterly line of the ilapleT?ood Parlc property �►�.'�,$ easernent beinr� approximately �16 feet in len�th. - _ __ r � - _ _ - - - - _ , � �, � . < , � , _ OLYMPIC PIPE LINC COh1PANY � � . �. � . _ _ ,�, �« . , , ...� „ . , � . . � ,� J��itu<<�-y "),_; , 1 9 70 � � 4� .,��.� .t'd� 4r(` , _ �� L _�:.� �-�� =' ,L����� � `,�,.-_ �-: ����rrc '_ '� r�, -r' "'' �; ; t; , " ..,: °�lemk>ers oi Renton City Council �� , City Hall ��r��� � � � •F.'. '_'.��nton, iVasnington ' �;;;. �r,, ���tentioTl of Mr. Jack L9ilson , City Lrlc�ineer ��; Dear �'�Iayor and Council i�lembers : On Nov�mb�r 12 , i964 , Ordinance No. 2120 was approved by �%our honorable body , granting to Olympic Pipe Line Company a franciiise to construct , maihi�aizi and operate pipe lines in and aloiig certain designated roaclw.ays and public properties of the City of Renton . Section 18 thereof provides for author.ization by the Council of ach�itional pipe line installations subject to conditioiis of the franchise . e In this connection, application is hereby made •by Olympic Pipe Line Cornpany for your approval of ;�h�:. a��+acj�ed list of � . 180th Street to be included under the aforementioned Ordinance No. 2120 authorizing Olympic Pipe Line Compan� the privi_lcqe to use and occu,�v saici � L-reet for t�ine line purl�oses �_ ,= 1c�1 C��:1 �it��>�,'�' . _ , ,, _: � � r-_ i':i 1_:, ,. .� i ._ „_�.� t)C' � :' ,._'C _... :�_"_ 't :li�:i__ . �'Z !�L'.l� .__-,�.:i :I . _� _ .. -., � . � . �� , �:i � ) � �7' i � , � �, ; terius anc.1 conditioils and with t�iie rec�uir�meni.s of F:ing C:ounty Engineer ' s Permits . To facilitate processing of our application , we would be pleasecl to provide any other information or assistance � -=^_c��ssar�- . �����rs ver truly, ,�� J � � ,� ��. �:L���ii.Lli��sjal L.� . C. Durbin Encl. Vice President ,-�, cc: R. 0. Dickinson . ., ,�`,�k '•i� '' .r.s, j .'t.� ,M' .� .i%. Nh �' t, .y ;l ,. q,,, - . � ..+ �� 4 •� , � ���. , . . . . � ;�.�J � A,� � F' -. . , ' . � .+�f r "r• /;' , . �' : � ��`'���'' ,>�.{ '�' „ . . • `.S �,,� � . � " " 3 . . �. . , , � L�-`'' . ' t✓;.'b��.r�E.�S"?" y��Sc,s:'i�.[+�i !p '`� _,�i+s:, � 0,.�..:_3__.:• _ , � _ -- w_ _ � CITY OF BEI�ITON Office af Citq C3erk Room 104 - City Hall Renton, Washington To: QLYM'f'IC �I1�LItaE CO�L:=ANY P. 0. Bux 236 �enton, Cda. 93�155 I�ate Item �� Onit,.Cost � Total 1969 �eutual Pig��.lins Pr�nchiene Pee .0� 2ia.ft. �. G � .3 Litteal FL. in City Liait s �; : :� i, '� ' �leass inaart - � .� ' . ze�tc,o. � q� � Q$ � 1 / � �- � �� ' l/, � - . _ _f:. Fee to be not l���G thaa entnia�um of �SG4.�i itJ � S i �.cc-�ent � , • F DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT � YMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY THE ATTACHED GHECK IS IN PAYMENT OF ITEMS DESCRIBED BELOW. (� ^ � IF NOT CORRECT PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY. NO RECEIPT OESIREO. R � � �I J . iiENERR� ACCOUNT • � RENTON� WASH. N DATE DESCRIPTION AM�IJNT 2/19/69 Payment of annual pipeline franchise fee: 12,023 lineal ft. in city limits x .05�/lin.ft.= $601.15 ���� .� �h� ' �� ��. � �.� y�� � , , �-�:a�. �;:�• 5�, - a.s, - �.'6R PRIN7ERY � , CITY TREASURER ' S RECE origina� RENTON, Wqgy � � � � a � � �� _ �''0 8933 RECEIVED.prt� � � _ �� Y�� ��� / 196 '( ' - � �'= c � ' �' , �—C f ����-�E_�� s�� ,_ FOR / �`__7��1.�� �� ��^-�C_r ' /Z �� j �{y� � � _� ' -/---�� � � '�OLLAR9 --c—�'� � ��-_ � o �� ��s— � ��� � � � � — .�-9_�� i %'� �, �-s _, I -- -.-- �_ - �, . � ► I - I � � � � L � L> / ���-� D4ROTHEA S. GOSSETT . C�TM '�REABURER BY L��,(-L��__f_�� � � Z � � . I . .,. . . ... ... ,...�.. �' . � � (� l "1. . . .[ t� I� ,". `• i, I� ! �'� ' � !� � C "t. I _ ; �;u ��3� ,% z,�, ;: � �:'r�N7�C1N. wcSr;. . . • . 196�_�- , / / .� . i RE^EIVED O� I�/rT/! �7v2:�.P !� (�_�{�� ��..: r� --��. .. l_� . ` � , � � G `- ' � s i . < . i � /,��C.-y,_�`=�e�J'� lr�--=✓L._.C./ �C�. - - ��OLLARs FCR �� ����� r �.,��'Z-i.�_�� ._-.�._ . / � � �' � _. � / I .--�.. . ' '. �� ' �' ��-�_ � � fi.��r � � .� —�;s.,� �,�'-.s <-. <.� '.� �- i T O T A L � ' / r:- „ !%OROTHEA S. GOSSETT � CITV TREA6l1RER � ``, , /1 . � . , CITY OF RENTON Office of City Clerk Room 104 - Cf;ti�+ Hall Renton, Washington To• '�i�`''�IC :�IPEI�II�'E COMPARiY P.11G. �329-64� Ord. 2120 � . �. ��� ?36 Re�.tor, G'�,sh-tr >tun i'�t�ton, '..��as�ingtor Date item � Unit Cost Total� 3-'�-g3 A�:nua] YipeliT,e Francl�ise Fee ��D 2�3 $.OS lin. f_t $ � �, � � '� I�ineal Ft. ir. City I,S;�w'cs af ^.entun '— t�;� FnP to 'hF! rot ?QSS tht�n $500.00 mi��i.^t::r� � � ;��r� ��.. � � �l March 9, �967 Q?ympic Pipeline C �mp:any P. 0. B��x 236 Rerton, W�shin�ton Ite t Anrival Pipeline Fra�chiae Fe� Ger►t].emen: � /'� �• �l�-�'—� Y Q�.Z/� We �ttach hereRto st�trem�z�t ¢overing the �bavt-captioned. Kfndly ineert num�ber of lia�l ft. of pipelins exiMtting withtn th�r cergora� liadte of Rentoet at� ao�pZtte fee therean � � .�5 p�r 23neal ft., or remit min3murn of $6+ff0.Ot1, Whichever ts greater. We thank you for ycwr eourtesies in thie tran�mittal. Y turs very tzu]y, C ITY (?F RENTaRd HeLnie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm ; Enclasure ; ., � ; < . /', CITY OF RENTON ` /"�ffice of City Clerk ���/� �Y� Room 104 - City Ha l l �? �'l�%: '� Renton, Washington i �`� To: OLYMPIC PIPELINE COI�ANY Re: P.A.G. 829-64, Ord. 2120 P. 0. Box 2�6 City of Rentz�n, Washington Renton, Washingt�n Date Item Unit Cost Total 3-9-67 Annual Pipeline F�ranchfee Fee .OS lin. ft. //. J.,''z� Lin�a� Ft. in City Limits ' $ -' .' � PI ease. Insert OR Fee t � be n :t :�ess than minimu.m f $500.00 ,�d �- �'`� � , ����, �� , i , t ' tS` ` CITY OF RENTON Office of City Clerk -' Room 104 - City Hall Renton, Washington , . ,._ To:�1 OLYlQIC PIP£LII� t�MPA1�Y �tes P.A.6. 8Z9-6�Ore1. 2120 P. 0. B�nc 286 �. City of Rentz�� Washingtots Renton, Waehingtnn . Date Item � Unit Cost � Total 3-9-67 Mmwl �ip�lia� lx�hiMr Pee .OS 1 in. ft. J/, 7 z 6 Li�al Ft. in City L�sits � � S��- � � pleaae Int�rt aR \� ' Fee t� be a�t la�a than �esnim� �f �500.0�# � , � ,��-6 � � ,� � �7 � ��_ �. , �� , �, �� � � . ,.� \ � � . �� >�;:i°ci �s °)�7 ��ympfc Pipeline C ra� ,ny P. 0. S��x 236 Rentcsta, Washington Ae: Annttial Pipeli� Fra�chise Fee Gentleinen: �/* -� �?�y— G fG'/ d'�"v� ' ���r- We �ttach here�to ptate�ent covering the abrnre-captioned. Kindly ineert n�nber af lineatl ft. of pipeline exf�tting wfthin the corporate limits of Renton �ad �ae�pute fee theream @ � .OS per lineal ft., or remit minimt8n of $SOO.Qfl, r�hichever i� greater. We thank you for yot�r courtesies in this transmittal. Y��ura very truly, CI'1'Y QF RENT(l� Helmie W. Nelson C3ty Clerk HWN/dm Enclosure t`-_'3'Y 0'_�' I'�ENTO��� , ��f�1C@ Of �.'1t�7 (,i('.?'i: ` �'.�om 104 - City ,Hal? °iton, Washington , , , _ , .. . . ; R�: P.A ,, . 0. I3�x 236 - .,.��,.� t,..�+.�.-.�..._.; , �, ._.. . lc:::� Gnit Gost _ ,`' •��1 Pfpe�.iae Franchiae Fes .05 lin. f' �'.,:'2" j,•• ,, ., .., �• ., -. . ,., r., .,,.,,t. 3 L!? ?:� !'3l!�y!^?'.:1 r ��.� �,'� ( � .. . � ,�t^F,^�. .�zM . .,c.� . �.,.w �.�,. � .. CITY �1' �.: i: �: �: �� �: _: ��: ' .: '_ � . � � ; ' � �-� ��� � � �.� � ___��C�11_��f-°J_f�-- —. ,9�, '=NTON, WA9H. � --�--- -� -...---- - �- � . . . _. , . .. . " � � � � , . �� ���� ��� <�c..-��� �..J '�- , , , � , - ,, � ""CEIV D OF — . - � � � - � � �- . � , • , � � ' `� � ' �/ -�2 � � ...�. � -=.-�- - �-� __.�,%�E..'.1 Z--C-l�r _. �" 't--�_ r__..� � _..__ _�.______ � - ,%"� --- r ,/ _ < ' ' ' , ,..) , � . /' ` i.. '� : L L c..c..t:-�. "" ' :C.c_-r r.J�,./ \ y � �" �-�1-- �__ ----- -- --._.__._u.�__ .-OR I )��.:1-1`r�_� .�_ ------ v� ' . '���("��-4_�Pl� r�-"C.-L�. �-----� --- ^ � . � � � i / � . � --" �� . �' �) ,, ' �. � � .��.5._��'7• ____1-�_ � 2-r�-----�/�"-t c.<�`.-� -c_, �i � �c.. ' . � --7-� �- -- . -----� -----�_._ � i . T O T A L ��I i. I - � DOROTHEA S. GOSS- � CITY TREA9URER , � , �fj ,� (�l�..0 ' i,,/ r'-I s:��_ll..r."�; nv ,..�"-• � �_. � � � — l.� o �-�3 � � - °� 3 � � .��` � / ,Cs� 1 CTTY OF P.ENTQN . ' • - � Off ice o�' City Cleri: -/D � Roorn 1Q!� - G,tv �?�'_ ' �Ut,� �yt"� q / O �+ I Ta: t;'�il'R�'i�''YC PI'�£LIt�t£ CflI��',:. P. 0. 8oac 236 - �hM'�`1�y� ¢Y!�/��;w�.n�. .. .. .. .. ._ .._ .... . � , . .. ._... .. ` : �-9-57 �nau�l �'�.��3�u� F��n�i�$�� Fce� � 9� , �' .C3 1.$:n. J/. T;�n I,. .,,,..,� .,. �. ,_, .. . . . �'3.ea�e in�e;c� � � � � �E':? 4''l �''A T�':� �C!_^.`3 'i.�� ."i f' __ .:'.. _ nv �-� . . ..... ,_1.L �i � / �Vb. . �. �cM . 2-6i . �::R 1'RINTENY � ' . � r- r � �,� �-r �. r �, ciT ?ZER ' S RECEIPT � .' ,tl, . ,�L-�-� � C�!_1:_1`�— ___� 796 � , f!ECEIV D �OF _��1�"'G�1'>�%C�C'–/ ��"7�=�' _ �� .'p--_� ^C- � � � i`/ /' �/� \ ��/l� ^ � :� �.-;�, __ 1�-!,.,E'J �-/l�f[�2 e'_r�_x�c�� �%_�:C... `L� ��� _-�T - - � //�,�' . , � �� � , ...._____.. .,.� , v ,� . ___ .._.. • ` � s ��x:s�z__Y.l_G��� .LZ-yr.�i�,_<. .c.�. �'" .`y_v,'_� _ .�.�. ' ' r % ____ -- �'�'r�-`.,�1*�c,u.� �C-+2�. /� � � ' J� �� 7 Y r✓ _� -_,-r�'�---.�— r�'�. _� � ;' .C�S ��. '->��- , , , l �--= r ' ., - ,, . ,,.,,, ,� , , , ,. ��. CITY TREA9URC" . � ,� %� l�. �. ..� � >��./'{"', INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date Apsi1 7� 1965 From: Q,�ud M. Sl1�ll�t� Citp AEt.O]cat�► Departmental Account No . To: D�t�tbM fiO��sttf Cit�► TtMiut�Y Expenditure Account No . cc a Juk �tilsaa Me s sag e: �llmis 1t�laon l�t Osalaase• �o. 2120 l��ror �'sa�bis� to [11pa�pi� Pips Li�e� Co. Daar porotlwa t You s�qusss�d aur �rpiaios th� otbst da�►► os th� liabilit� o� ths �caat� a!� tla sbovf �m- chi�� tor pay�+nt.� ta t� City► oi lt�tos. W� b�li�w tbst s�ctioe 16 ef th� Ordinaoas w�ould 1� ap►plicabl� pur�n�t to xhiab. th� Grant�� pays a �i,�i� to ��s City, o�► o�r bs#os� t h� l�t da�r of J�nw�ryr •t a�acb y.ar,/'t� sw. of ;580.00. ot a aua �wI to th� toul au�sr o� lin�al i�st loetat�d vftbis �►� Cit� o� the let day o! a�c'� y�ar, saltipliad lr�r tha r�tt ai S� p�r lia�al foot. Ya� iadi�at�d tlsat oniy �Otl !wt of pip� lios ia aar ia tbe jsoui�@ ao ttsa �ini� pa�at �uld b� a�pliaa`l�. ate �uld thursior� �r�uat that • �tat�anE 'b� s�at out to � �raats� billia� it for tl� sw► �r! a3t�0.Ot� dwe o� t1a lat day of Jaa�uary, 19bS. IL you Davt ar►y furthsr qusstions, plea�e let us k_a�aar. ps �ruly �owra� �il1a�-b' S'H�t.I.AX �=;;a eX �acard IrY. Shs�lan C1ty Attornry _ ,.._ ... _, � . . . {, �; �'�3 �.:!°. �,t•ii ��t���. > .i ;,4�: '� .�� �.MEY1 OF T y`��'Y, ��� rtc ?,..;��:..i.,,,` yP y : ;�+�i�. OP��� �-j,�' ftlj ° � �y "' UNITED STATES � ��;f�� ; , : �� � ��i�� �41i'` �'t� ��� ��;``..� � �l DEPARTMENT OF THE 1NTERIOR "�:;,', ��; �� �' � � ���,r� r�;, s �„� �,�G 3 �a,4/' BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION �"'�''�"�, �q�t �, PORTLAND 8, OREGON ky�;�i � �,�.'_ ��, t.. � `F' � �� � ?�4eq► .�, 19f�3 � '��� � ��"��, " �4� N�,. Dt rc�,y ret�r to= '� ;4;���,<x � �� QuitclAis Eatsmyear►t �e� ", , `�; � Mapte �ea.].a�r �b�t,�ti.au 4ita � „. � c.. ; , ��. 1�. lt. Q. blaK� �,,,M ,�� 1�t,�t eg l�q� A�aut Your re�'ere�ces ,�;�:� `�`''' �,-.. �'�4��',�'t� ':. ':�f�,1{y..,�,, I�ly��}iC Pi.p� I.iJI� 3��liq Ru�1 1�T+��:t6 ' ,��''�';',;1�,.. r. o. e.s t� ,:. �:�,:.�}, �all��a, SiasLltdtro l8004 ��f�;`�� ,:,:_�:;;;'k�:-: ', : ,.;,. � '. � ,�;� �� •i�� ��� '.:�.,'1 `'��� . i��'�(,.�. , Ye �a�re pe�Dar�d aad are ia tbe pe�o�ra eF �etting eaa�cut�d tds ea�a�ft t�1 � t1 , � �'oc Toru' �iP� liaa �n th� per�ter �Y �u.r I�ple 9a2a.a� jubatatl�a ' � ,' :; iite. �`�;;;�� ;�;� �'': '�� `a e�ter� �rs ean �oqne�rt the A�dni,etr�t..�tr to e�ecute tbn c�arapl�ted ln�r�rnC, '.1�. �� rrs ahcrals! �sa�re �ar ahtck �l+1� ts tl:e tlhit+�d ��.atee H,e�rtaewtt �1' tha ;:_.`�,::::.::,:� tatarior, Baaneri,lla ih�ver A�eix�i,stra�ian, ia �ha �� �rf' ��'10.04, to be bfld ,�y}�.-a,��; ia a apecl.al. tra�t ftmd unt.�]� e�pletiw� at tt�e transactioa. .�.�;.:��: ';;.;:: M� �+ane rsce�irod u ca�pl.aia� tr�n uur �eattle ur�a m�aceer that thv aucav�a- ;� .�;t , �';< t#�o daa�a, � �'Y T�" �Y a�d by Pa�at Ptoperties, Zi�►c. (a�r e�dsr the �:;�:�.�,'��;1� �ur�.sdictian +Ri eb.e C�ty �!' Ranten), bae cawe� caasid+�nble d�a�� to �ar f;�:�'::i�';:k� ,�-.�k,. sasit� acctN t�o�d te th3a tubstatide s3te. ;:�;�'..� u �; ���- i�a v+�a1d appeeciite y�ovr takin� pe��t activ� t� osrroct tb� +�ettlin�y and ::,i; ;4"` �er�aiau botb� at tl�e access read amd �n�fiere also that i� �.�i ead+�„�ssr �::����:�:'��'�:`ti �r #.n�erf+esb rri� eur snbstuti.a� si��. .�� Y�: �.� � �.. : ,_ ,; � siacsrel� ye�rs, kr _ .. � �, — " i�i� r y ,.... . '� C,. y • �� j ,, y � f �� . L� —`— ' ,;�����'i; , . � �• A• �fr �Y{t �R��iA� �'�llC�� T'�t�0 OttfClt ,;,r} �,� $Y'a.`l�tt O� I.4tld �' ",��,`�"� ���:,..�,w�,, e;,,t �.� ,,,, C+�i 4+��;:;.�;��;, �a1�! h"Oye='tiN, 2nC. ���{�,.���� !. d. �e�z S�S r��:���;i;: 'S: �lt��0'IUO� 1iA�1L1rti011 ;i�'.'"� ;;YY� 'i:: �;N, , � Qit� Ot �wte�al ' ��,;a;�'�,�', J �wtro, �a►sb�n�tw 4� �� { �, � . .r�..��,� � �,a; _._..__.._._. _._�,._........____. _...._ ..__._.._. '; „ . . t.�,..';I.. ;��� . . � �tS.�'7.(�b�lf.ic: . . . .;�,,,���.•,: . , . '.t����..,��. F�`':t: '`*`` : r 1� ;; ., ti�s, ,. � ' � � i:'�.1:'��:�T.., � ,�Y.wr ..��� b+�.,y i}G !Gf'r;�;sh .,, �" � !..,� w .., :, i ,� ..� �.,, 4��:�Y k*.�� "ay�Y�� ���k�l.�i� � �'. t �x i.'. �f�� r `r i K '1�k i`r 1� . ?; �'` i � � t ` � t�j �.r� w�.., * ?'} .r��. �?'`��^ �ti{ PR"+�M�f���' y�.� � �?��'r � .+.�:�1fi'kr�;�c�t� � cqi .O�t k��� � t6 4 t � ��. � t ty.. c f�- id y a � . ., i► �_ . f:: x !'t�r� i`� �`" ' Z� a���'�'+U� ,n ' - a' .,*..�t'� �r ;��ti R h � •fi.', . •��i�� di.v,�1�%rf�� x , . +�'� y��:?'� . . i� ,P.:. .i . . .�' '�`�^''"Rf'�.. t.t�:;%� F ' , .. . , .x5�r 0. � � � ��y� � ^ f�,�Minutes of the Renton City Counci] Meeting (cont.) May 10, 1965 COMMUNICf1TI0NS: (cont.) � �1 proposal from Intercity Insurance Agency, approved bu the Insurance Commission, was read relative to insuring the liability of the City for the peri_od May 15, 1965 to i hfay 15, 1966. The premium is stall lower than last year's premium of $15,762.47, despite the incr.ease in payroll and the addition of some vehicles. As a result of the favorable loss rati.o developed last year, the company is giving a S% experience credit for the coming year which would amount to $785.34, resulting in a net premium of $15,921.37. The audit premium for last year would amount to $305.10 resulting in a total premium of $15,226.47. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the City accept the Proposal from the Insurance Agency. Carried. The City Clerk read a letter from Planni.ng Director Jensen submitting the Planning Commission recommendations from the pub]_ic hearing of April 28, 1965, as follows: l. Roger and IJoyd Peterson, App1� No. �t-231-65. Recommend reclas�ification from R-3 to B-1 of �roperty described in the application and generally located along both sides of 12th Avenue N., westerly of "J" Street. rloved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved b llelaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer this matter to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COM�tITTE� to draft the proper ordinance. Carried. 2. Olympic Pipeline Company, Appl. No. V-229-65. Recommend granting of a variance to allow access by a minimum roadway easement of 20' width for the proposed oil storage and pumping station at Soi�th 160th Street easterly of Longacres. � Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the PJ_anning Commissi.on. Carried. " 3. Signal Oil Company, llppl. No. P-235-65. Recommend that the City Council grant a revocable permit for the erection of. a replacement sign at the SW corner of 4th Avenue North and Park Street. Discussion ensued relative to a pending ordinance which would regulate erection or repai.r of signs and it was pointed out by the City Attorney that this was in reference to signs within any public place or right of way and that the matter before the Council is regarding a sign on private property. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. The Clerk read a letter from Kenneth E. Koehler, Architect and agent for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission in turning down the requested variance relative to parking spaces in con,junct�on with construction of a netia church. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that the date of May 2�, 1965 bc set as the hearing on this appeal of the Plannin� Commission clecision. Carried. A letter was reac] from Nicllolas l\. M�ffeo, llttorney for C�zrl Cooks, submitting an Appc��l from Ruling of the Planninn Commission regarding Request for Variance for Tirc Display. Moved by Garrett, seconcled by Perry, that the date of June 7, 1965 b� set as hearing of the Appeal of the Planning Commission decision. Carrie�l. Thc Clerk read a letter from Orrin L. Madison requesting Council reconsider their previous action regarding methods used by resi.dents to ward-off marauding birds from fruit trees. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that this matter bc referred to the PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE with power to act. Carri.Ed. �1 letter signed by Kenneth L. Harvey, Secretary of the Renton I,ion� Club, was rc�id whcrci_n application was made for a safe and sane fireworks license for the applicable period in 1966. Moved by Pedersen, secondcd by Gianini, that this matter be reFerred to the POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE with powcr to act. Carried. A letter from Jack M. Weaver rel�tive to Local Improvement District No. 244 was read wherein he stated that at the time of this sewer inst�llati.on he was not made aware of the fact lhat the depth of this sewer line was 18 feet, 4 f-eet beyond the depth of most back- hoes. Because of this, heavier equipment would be needcd to make this inst�llation, resul_ting in a higher cost to the property ownc�r. Moved by Poli , seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the S/1NITATION COMMITTEE.� Carried. A letter from Henry T. Ruggles �aas read calling the Cityrs attention to a risc in the pavement on S. E. 128th in the vicinity of the newly planned highway. It was noted by Mr. Ruggles that thi.s risc crc�tes a dangerous situation not only for motorists but also for pedestrians, especially childr.en going to and from the Honey Dew School.. Moved by Poli., seconded by Hulse, to refer this matter to the STREET AND AI:LEY COMMITTEE and the CITY ENGINEER. The City Engineer advised that this mat-ter has been discussed �aiLh -2- _ _ J :..��.........,..�_-�. _. . ,n.�....._. .. _. . _ _ . ._ `�fr: � �` r q �' u 7' �� ��D ��� t. � t � ,� �'. �r� �.��1"��4�'�` :'�r �� d"' ������ �!. � ���. N,�.� ' �W A S M�N G TO N fhe Jef Transport Capitol of the World i' �, � . ���� 4 . �`,�,�$��j.W�s,�{'� �.% ;• PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4: � y}���PA �._ , ��"` ;,,�`�'" 'S �: .� �� .,, ,��t;'� x, �' �� May 10 , 1965 �� j y � �; � �;: ��'. �. Honorable rlayor ponald Custer t.� Members of the City Council j; Gentlemen: The Planning Commission at its public hearing of �� April 28 , 1965 considered and recommended favorably on the following items : 1. ROGER A1JD LLOYD PE'1'ERSON I�PPL. NO. R-2 31-6 S , �• Recommended reclassification from R-3 to B-1 of � nroperty described in the application and generally C located along both sides of 12th Ave. N. ,westerly �' , of J Street. f; � � , I 2. OLYMPIC PIPELINE COr7PANY APPL. N0. V-229-65 , s; Recommended granting of a variance to allow access by a minimum roadway easement of 20' width for the �:. �roposed oil storage and pumping station at S 160th � :�treet easterly of Lon�acres. � 3. SIGNAL OIL COMPANY APPL. N0, P-235-65 , The Planning Commission recommended that the City Coun- cil grant a revocable permit for the erection of a replacement sign at the SW corner of 4th Ave. North and Park Street. The Council's concurrence in the foregoing recom- � �. mendations is respectfully requested. �� � _ ,,�- � - �-. �----"''L''�-''-�--------� • � Y`J � Dav d Jensen P,� nni g Director �llJ : pc -- �:. �1 _ � � � � � ' ;r� �'�Minutes of the Renton City Council hteetino (cont.) 4-19-65 HEARINGS: (cont.) c. RETAIL-COMMERCIAL USE: land lyi.nb between 3rd Place North, Factory Street and 3rd Avenue North. The hearin� was declared open and there being no comments, it iaas moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, that the hearin� be closed. Carried. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Planning Commission zecommendation for the proposed change to the Comprehensive Land Use Map. Carried. Councilman Schellert �bs�ained from voting ox► ��h3s'matter. �. , Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the proposed amendment referred to in Item (c) above be referred to the LAfa AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE. Carried. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mrs. Ralph H. Niemeyer, representing the Children's Orthopedic Guild, i�as read wherein she requested permission to solicit funds for the Children's Orthopedic Hospital Annual Penny Drive from May 1 through May 14, 1965. There are to be eleven groups working in the Renton Area. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that a no-f�e permit be granted f�r the Annual Penny Drive. Carried. An application was read from Mamie Svabosky, owner of the Jockey Inn, requesting that Rainier Amusement Company be granted the required license to operate an Amusement Machine in her place of business. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer this matter to the POLICE AND LICENSE CO[�tITTEE with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Howard 0'Farrell, Renton Golf Range, .comme.nding the City regardin� the mercury vapor lights which were installed along Lake Washington Boulevard recently. Mr. 0'Farrell inquired if it would be possible to extend the installation of addi�ional lights so as to include that portion of Lake Washington Boulevard fronting tlle Renton Golf Range and the adjoining trailer court, both of which are presently without any li�hting whatever. This would involve the addition of two mercury vapor lights which tivould provide proper protection for the area of ingress and egress to the trailer court. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, that this matter be referred to the POWER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read three communications re�arding the restriction of parking on Main Street as follows: (1) A petition bearing 43 signatures, starting with Artliur 4d. Folsom, 16127 - 126th S. E., Renton and ending wi�h Mamie V. McMullen, 22024 - 108th S . E., Kent, wherein the petitioners commended the City Council for this parking ban; (2) A letter from the Harold Building Company, signed by Frances E. Carlson, statin� that they consider this action to be a breach of specified intent of prior action taken by the Council and believe it should be rescinded. It was further noted that this proposal had been defeated on previous occasions and it was their understanding that it would not again be considered until completion of the freeway which could make such a ban unnecessary. The problem of heavy traffic is evident, however, businesses in this area have been suffering badly for years because of this heavy flow and it is deemed extremely unfair to further penalize them by banning the parking during one of their peak business periods. The letter further requested that the Council reconsider the decision and rescind the parking restriction; (3) A letter from R. K. Stevens expressed his appreciation to the Council for the action taken to restrict the parking on Main Street, greatly improving the movement of traffic which is for the benefit of the ma,jority of the people. It was moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, that these communications be referred to the CITY ENGINE�R and the STREET AND ALLEY COMMITTEE. Carried. The Clerk read the Association of [dashin�;Lon Cities Convention Bulletin relative to the Annual Statewide Convention to be held June 16, 17, and 18 in Tacoma at the �dinthrop Hote7. and requesting certification of votin� delegates which Mrs. Nelson advised has been done, Mayor Custer and Council President Pedersen to represent Renton. The City EngineerTs letter was read re;arding the Olympic Pipe Line request for route revisions and after reviewing the proposed changes, in the vicinity of B7th Avenue South and South 153rd Street, it is recommended that the revisions as re uest d b e a rov e ed. q PP Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from J. David Jensen, Planning Director was read relative to the Planning Commissi.� public hearing of December 23, 1964 wherein the Commission recommends the reclassification of properties as described in Application No. R-214-64 from R-2 to B-1 (Clarke Brothers) . � -3- � J April 27, 19�5 4l.yr.lpic P3pe Line Company P. a. Hox 733 Be7.3.evue, Waahin�t+�n 98Q�4 Re: Reque�t i�dr Route Revieian Gentlemens Th� City Counc�l of the C3ty of Renton has rev3ewed the pxo�ased changes in your p3pe 13.n� route in �the vicfnit»y of 87th Avenue South and South i53rd Street, and the changes have been approved aac reque�ted. An excerp� of tho Counc3l Minu�e� io encl.e�ed for yo�zr inf�r�►ettidn. Youre very tzvly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/ph+c 1 �ncl. I I Apri' 2?, '_rt� Olynpic Pipe Line Company P. o. Baac 738 Bellevu�ti Waehiadtan 9$Gi�-a Ger:�1eru-_� TheCit;;� �. �..�s.::._� ... _. .. _ ,_ �. _. ..._., _ .. __.,..._ gropoeed changee in your pips l:i�ne route in ttie vic��+.:.. of 89th Avenue South srad 3ou�h lbl�cd Street, and the ahangea ha�ve been apprave+� �� r�guested. An s�+tcerp� of t: your itnfvx�aatior _>;�.,v �v����y ,.;. _ s :��rj� �r r.���rop: xc�»/�� _._ . �_ . I ��. ���' ��.ti, � -� �� '��i 9���5 � �►, � � � �� � , Z CITY �NGINEER'S OFFICE . RENTON, �1rASIIINGTO'�� � � r', Q • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RNER PARK, RENTON, �;�ASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3' � � ... �p i..� P9��� ��� °Rr �qp�-A�_°� ��r-il 19� 1_,9�.� o _ _.�u.1� � ��.-- . , � � ° ;��o?nbers of th� _ _ � :�,e: .,� . � • '��n�;7.�rnen: �i:is ' ;,i;.�e I,�.ne �'.out� in the vic�_nity of' u7th 1lvenue South an�? �ou'�, 153rd ,:�tr�et, and it �i^ r�com���:end�� tnat �h� r�`rision:-� a; .r�� 'L`A 3pt�I^OV�CI. _. �_ �. ., .. �U�J� . ; .� �.' ' '� � �,nii y INTER-OFFICE MEMO ' D at e :��-,.��,�'�; �", .,,;;�`; From: , ,� � �,,.;_ Departmental Account No. To: �-��,,. ,,.,,,. Expenditure Account No. •� - -- MESSAGE: .... i..�:l 41�+La��..v i'i.l'a �... . d:....:ii....:: . ::aCt�. �-���; �.a L�ie► te]c� 4S t�C3 :;I�':�iS lP'�...p� T�.r"]� �+D• fr�s!^",�.:.;rc c:cccrpteci Nov��nber 6� 1961�.s a f�f�I.s�s fa+� ahat�ld b� t�asaci u�n ,5� �r lira�l Poo� �Rttlz a mini�um axuaaa�a,l :ee �� ric�t ].+�a Lhs�n �S�O.C�7. i�e ili0lf 21A'it�Lt 8n Ix CAt�.�'! �rtlb'�'i h�s b8!'J�'1 �Ri$�'it bstoTe COtinc�l �V:� �:13 t„ta't►+� A�d7.tiOr�:l3.ne$� ��d 3.t'i ��ra til�t► trh�.!! BttC�lld ba � �r� t'ns prmvia� f�s�►t�ge a� ��at a paropar �� c�ua br �l!�d. ,��� �<< ��/t �:� ,� , :� c 23e�Le Aser��sc�r� — � � Ci�y G�r�. I ; ,, . . _ . .�......:.� ' y' �� ... . . . . e• � �_ .— ...,:.�_.� —. .._— i. . . .._.:.r�.wtrra�u.�a._.. r � �� f � .. �'�__.. �I r� ic P i e L i ne Cor� a n ��'� - �J � � p � y P.O.BOX 733 - BE�LEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 �' i •'�, � _ ,_�.. .>, , r_ _ , - �i - - . . _ _. �_,. �i,, . ._ . . _ ., . _ ,. . Di�.�m�ers o:. the Ke�.�o� C'= ��:�r- � � Citv Hall _ ��.1'��_,; �, da s?��'_n t�.t i; .:�_ . -;c:� ;, ,.�, ,_..:,�i.. 1:.:�.. . _ .-.�. On Novembe•r 2, 19u4, Ordinance �io. 21?_�.� was ap�sov`� by t���.�}- ':onorable body, grantin� to Olymnic Pipe Line Company a �` � . chise to coastruct, maintain and operate pipe lines in �_., . . _ . . . �lon, certain des1. , . *_^c: -��. •��;,� ., ,,, ..,,,; , ,. -,. , ,,,, � .,,� .. the City or Rentor�., Section 13 thereo� �. ,., , _ . .�t' � �: _ . �_ _�,:_ '} _ , � of additional pin� � _ . _ , . , . , > > . _. _;:� . , �� . oi this francilise. 3y letter dated Decetn�:�� i, �e r;a::e ap,�!���tio.z ,.::,� ,�:: _�:. ._ uipe line installations under tiie provisions of the existir: -.�nc'r►ise, which applicatio-, - �� �,-� �� -�,� r .. __�:�. Co�sncil. on December 14, 19v!:. ';e have found it necessary to r:��:_;e cu: :�ai.n au,:i�.��._:�.,^z c'.�_�.r�.�,�- �ions in our pipe line routing and wP would now like to ma'<_+ :,�l�lication Lor the deletion of one se;ment heretotore app� � �� � �y the Ccit�:�ril �.��i 1)��r;��m�i�� �i. n��cl :t_��l I_`.��n ?cicii tjr,n.^,l s! �ti������;. �.s f��ll_,nw�,: ��, :��l�r.E� I:iSTP.:vCE LOCAs IC'+ I � . �:�Uth St, S, 13�7 ' From West 1� ._ :_� ������� �, . _, .�sterly to t �.. .. _ , ;7�h Av�. 5:�. T, � - � . . .. .�� r�.,.. . � ..,, �.. _ ...��� [n >71:1i f�vc�, S, 13�9.4� I'ram Sou�ii li�lr oi 1ci)tl: �treet South (Not In) to ';orth line oi 156th Street ;,`i.l�-�I iF,�.,.- _ ` . Members nr t'. : � P�arc`� �'�cross P.enton 3�. Sday � Total Distance 1471.- � I am enclo�in.^, t��-� cories of D�, � . - thc locati I a�plicati:� Tne cross:i.,; .�� ..� :,._ �:, .i.. . � . . , . .. ..� .. �_, ,. . , application hecause �ae thou,;ht it was under the jurisdicti�� tiie State Hi�h�aay Department. F?e have t�een iniormed i�y theri, hoTaever, that nermission across tnzs roadway should be oat.��' from the City, since the crossin; is wit7in the City limit- . In view or the above, Olymnic Pipe Line Company E►ereby res'' tu11y requests your approval and authorization to include , additional street� , .. ,. .- ;. �., ,. ,,.,. ,,.�,._� ,,. ,,�. .,-..�.,•-,,,� Ordinance No. 212 To facilitate nr�: to provide a be necessary ��yY�.Q 11�r��'�^ T-�mes it. Ral � � � � � « ; �a��J �� ��v��t�vfl �WASN�NGTON the Jef Tronsporf Capifal of the World , �. ,, � � PLANNING DEPARTMENT . � .. . .,.�. a_�'. ,. �. _ ._ . . y'�ce �'resident �x�cutive DepartMeZt 404 'Jni�n Street Seattl�: 1, aas�,���_; De�-�r `�r. Eckar' I"1 respons:.' Y:'e.: ��Ulli' iL�t�::I:' O'i :+;3'1�..I;JI"� iL � wiil su�;�;est to the Commi�sion at its meetinF; ��� tn� 27th of this montn that your letter be can=: _ . • � � as an amendTnent to the Company's orip,inal ap�l. : �tion and ask the Commis�ion to consider a.t cn t _ . �sis. This, I hope, will insure promnt action an��: �.11 avoid unneeess�ry delay. I mi,ht su�;��st a .*�resentative of �our corri�any atten3 this :neetin;� , . �.'.^�I. ? . ,7 we ciiticu�s�d earliLr, �here will sti�:l re- '��ie p?�oblem of obt,��niri� variances , unless the ���perty fronts on a dedic�tecl ri�?ht of way. I would ��;;gest a request for a variance, if such is ta be �curcd , �e addr�ssed to the Gommi�sion at the e�*�' � ��t �o:,�i51e tirne for consicieration at ths C��n�i - : on's Fsbruary 2��th meetin�. r�n ap�lication for � �riance should be in my office not later than Fe � :..ary 4th. Such a request mi�?ht �ro;�erly he sub;,� � - _�d by �itner the ,^,l,ac�.er Park Com;�anY or by t�ie ...�t�n�ic !'i�eline Corn�any. In r<��ard to t�ie �rv;��., -- �i protective covenants, I aee no �,�rticular �ro.�_. ;.aev��r, I will confer with the City Attorr�ey anc? �-!vi�e a.f questions should ari�e r�c�ardin�? the �e..�� ::�al forM. I cannot re�ly aS tc� the cont��t, �i:� _ is tn� Plannzn� Com,�ission' s re�non�ibility a�3. �^�ro�ativ� to sub�it tt�eir recoMmendatians �n su-: : :tters to the Cit� �ouneil. I �io assure �-�� ; � � ; , , � , - , ; � ��� . _�aite �„�:�r rF��: � . , ;:a � '�.-�nni;; , . , �,. ,�c V / ` � w/'? t _....____—_ , •—� �.� Olympic Pipe Line Company � � p� � PeO.BOX 733 - BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 '�Jv , - (� ��(,�' �"" December 7, 1964 V � .� �i�`� ' ,� '` � . _ .. "" � C-�� '�`�"'`'/.� ;` ��.,,-�'i1 �_, The Honorable Donald W. Custer and Members of the Renton City Counci'. City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Mayor and Council Members: On November 2, 1964, Ordinance No. 2120 was approved 'oy your honorable body, granting to Olympic Pipe Line Company a franchise to conatruct, maintain and operate pipe lines in and along certa9^ dE.si��r.�t�d ro�d- ways and public properties of the City of Renton. Section 18 thereof provides for suthorization by the �oun�ii o� ac4�- tional pipe line installations subject to conditions of this franchise. Our Company has now established the final alignment of that portion of its pipe line system between the City of Renton and Harbor Island, City of Seattle. As shown on the enclosed Drawing No. S-102, pages 1 and 2, the route of this section of line wfll be located in and along the following streets and avenues of the City of Renton: STREET DISTANCE LOCATION In 160th St. S. 330.1' From 300.1' W/o 96th Ave. S. Wly 330.1' In 160th St. S. 1357' From West line Highway 5, Westerly (Not In) to the West line 87th Ave. So. In 153rd St. S. 1067' From c/1 South 87th Ave. Westerly to a point 11' West c/1 84th Ave. So. In 84th Ave. S. 1090' From North line South 153rd Street (Excluding State Northerly to South line Renton Hwy. No. 1) Junction Way In Earlington Street 1906' From North line Pacific Coast RR. Northerly to South line Langston Ave. In Langston Avenue 665` From 6` West c/1 Earlington Street Westerly to a point 12' East c/1 84th Ave, So. In 84th Ave. S. 70' From North line Langston Ave. Northerly to North Renton City Limits Total Distance 64��. 1' . -� �i %�c . ��� ��-Q-f�`.--/ -- �,>z�%��i �- �1��-�-'�; (;;� '� _ ' �- .� -- ���� � �� . , -� � � The Honorable Donald W. Custer and Members of the Renton City Council December 7, 1964 Page 2 , _ .. In view of the above Olympic Pipe Line Company hereby respectfully requests your approval and authorization to include these additional streets and avenues under the rights and privileges granted by Ordinance No. 2120. To facilitate processing of our request, we would be pleased to provide any other information or assistance necessary. Respectfully submitted, 4,,,�., ,� �.�.:..� � � Wm. J. Col ins Right of Way Representative WmJC/jhr Enclosure .. !, .. ..+ - / � /v � .. � � • ��� � Olympi��c Pipe Line Co�����.,� � ��7 . /,� P O.BOX 733 — BELLEVUE, WASHIr'G' ' " " / / �cember 7, 196 , / , � , j . 'he Honoral�le Donald ,;, �.;�_�s���_ �. nmbers of the Renton Czty Cou:�ci. �ty Hall ��nton, Washington -� ��. ,. - , � , . , .. � �od✓, �;ran��inb to Olympic Yipe Lir,e Company a rran�hise to co��s�ruct '^�{I1• :3'P 1?�� O1?C_`;,3!'(� tl� i.f' 1 !.1(_'.<; <'! ?n,�� !1](inR [�n."t:,'1� ', '�E'Si^i'�rn["� I:'Q1ri.. , � . . ClU[lt.lt ��1jJ` ILIle 1l1Stc3Zlat10L1S £Ui>�eCt CO COI1CI1t10T1S OL CC115 IL'dli�._ . ' Our Company has now established the final alignment of that portio ot its pipe line system between the City of Renton and Harbor IsLa '. City af Seattle. As shown on the enclosed Drawing No. S-102, pages ' and 2, the route of this section of line will be loca� � �l � n �-��' �' ��� � the following streets and avenues of the City of R����* STREET DISTANCE LOCATION In 160th St. S. 330. 1' ' From 30C . , ' In 160th St. S. 1357 ' From WesL Iine Hi�;ti�aay 5, We-,� � � � (N�t In) to the West line 87th Ave. S ° � In 1S3rd St. S. 1067 ' From c/1 South 87th Ave. Wes� - i to a point 11' ;Jest c/1 84th Av ' � In 84th Ave. S. 10y0' From North ].�r1e S��:th 1 ;?rd Sr rc•c�' (Excluding State Northerly � Hwy. No. 1) Junction W,� In Earlington Street 1906' From North �Lr.e �'�ciiic �� � . Northerly to South line L��� In Langston Avenue 665' From 6` West c/1 Earlingto• � jNeSt�'r� � '-n �i . , . ?� ' ��. . . _ . . Ave, `_: i In 84th Ave. S. 70' From P` - , ` T;,s�.�l i�t �,i _�+�r�� ( ��'" . ,._ ._ ... ,.._.... i.' � - � , - . 1t'Ci1�E?TS Of tElt1 iCC�. . , eqL�.sts y�ur ap�nroval ai,d authorization to �nc?u�i� ttre;;e �i�� . :'E't'rS :�tnr. ��.'E;^.UE'S tl�.a'rT' r�lP ."7 :'�?`S ?�r!!� �`h"'_Vl�.c ,Ei-; '?'"'yP*%"i � ;,�cessar, ` ,�C� �.-�..� � �� � ; � - � , .;, ✓C�1��n�, �-,��1.n•, . � L�1� r ,� �"4f� � . INTER-OFFICE MEMO - .� P�,� ��� Date November 6. 1964 From: H lmi� W. N _7s�� C3ty Clerk Departmental Account No . To: r_ M. Sh _11An� CitX Attornev Expenditure Account No . MESSAGE: Attached, for your files, is executed copy of Olympic Pipe Line Franchise Or�xnance No. 2120. i� yi�� ` Helmie / .__.____l--- 1 L. � �. . C '� i�� ./��1� � %��'%� �/ / I _ _ __ �, . ;' r ( '� ' ; , ;, ,: � 0€frice o�i' �i.e �°�ty t',1 erk T�ecer�br�r 16, 1�i�4 OlyriPic Pipe Line Canpanl� P. Q. Hox 733 B�ellewe, Waehington 980u� -'+itc�r'.-ior.: Mr. Wm. J. Collir��. Right-of-Way Repr�:��r�tative ,�n�l.�men: `?i�:e Re�ton City Councfl, at its r�gu�sr rneeting af De�ember 14, 1964 l�as caicurred in the recc�ndatfon of the Street +�nd Alley Coam�fttee �hat your request �or additional pipe l.ine inetai3et�ion und�r th� �aravi�t3one of exieting Fr�nchise, be granted under City eupervision. C�latd to be of sexvice to you �.r. this mettter. Your� very trulY, �ITY .<.?:.' :�!:':.'.;�: Helmie ;; . 3���:Ison, City C7.erk {"y;;/dr:. . •r <•41 .S:.L' �i.% - + �i�!'T80�W t�i1Tt'lR�Z9� •� .'x4� :tth.��[YAf'S�i !1l�O�i YS.I c.ta u�;ta :9�'Y3d 9.'�3 f1�f t��3 tfitzl�s08i):34�� 5i�t:: u E i!'.�'x'7aJstitl:i iilsi: ;t Yabcw ��ax:t�a.t�a�s�.t sa.tt gqtq ��croi��bba Yo3 3eeup�� �ro� �ar�'"t . . . ,- ,- . _ . . _:. t,..:>��xg �d �t>���sY� �.i�sxx� 3o a�u�ks.tvcrxq City of Re ' 1 CLERK'S�RE�IPT N° 2306 Renton, Wash., . . ,!�C`�:. , , „ �q,�;� Received of . .. .. .. �. . .�- . ..'�. . . . .�-:C . .,�.,����-:e� . ,,:���C�. . . .. .�'/I.f. /. .`.Q.C��t'-.r r �,/ /�j� �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�1�,1. . . . .w�t`��'��'�9. : . . �.f. � . .:�4C'.!I'x.'K-�. . .c.�:�:� �.:=:�'��� �.. . Dollars -�f00 FOR: , ,` Building Permit N'o. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pin Bali License No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Taxi Cab License No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Taxi Cab Driver's License No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dog License No.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business ����o.. . � Iv�f'4isc�t�Js N/o:�ti. . . ��. . . ..... ./�� ��. . . . . �f �L�y'L�9�fit� � 4�!tG�2L -�Z./ C�� , �o+�` � � .�,� ,� ���t�' % 1'��,z-c� � `7 � 's'" �' / r`�� ,/'Cify Clerk R&R Printery B�l J.�..��;.��L:(.�:�.:. . . . . . . . . . . . I .. . . . . . . . . . __ ■ f ` � \ Oly ic Pipe Line Cor��pany P.O.BOX 733 - BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 November 6, 1964 Mrs. Aelmie Nelson, City Clerk of the City of Renton ' Dear Mrs. Nelson: I� Pursuant to Section 17, of Ordinance No. 2120, enclosed herewith is a corporate aurety bond, in duplicate, in the amount of $ 10,000.00, This bond has been prepared in accordance with proviaiona �, of said Section 17 and will be maintained in full force � and effect for the entire term of thfs Franchise. Very truly yours, ' w � ,t,�� .���c...� / / Wm. J. ollins Right of Way Representative WmJC/jhr Enclosures cI � , � I � �� N� :� �� L- �h r - ' �r,-- � � � � � � , � . � . j _ � _ . • , _ , . - � - � .� .. FRANCHISE BOND KNOW ALL 1�N BY THESE PRESENTS : THAT WE, OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, as Principal, and NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, a New York Corporation with principal office at 110 Williams St. , New York 38, New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Renton, Washington, in the sum of TEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10,000.00) for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselve$, our peraonal representatives, successora and assigna, �ointly and aeverally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED this �2TH day of OCTOBtR , 196�. The Conditions of this obligation are such that whereas Principal is desirous of obtaining a Pranchise from the City of Renton, Washington, to lay down, construct, maintain, operate, replace, and repair one or more pipe lines, together with equipment and appurtenances thereto for the transportation, atorage, and handling of oil and by-products thereof under, through, and below certain designated roadway$ and publie propert3es of the City of Renton, Washington, for the term of twenty-five (25) years from the taking effect of the City of Renton, Ordinance 2120 which is made a part hereof for all purpoaes. NOW, THEREFORE, if Principal aha11, during the aforesaid � . term, faithfully observe and hone�tly comply with such Ordinance, No. 2120, Rules and Regulations, and any Amendments thereto, ' • ' , . � . �. ... . , � � • . , .;^ , � AND PARTICULARLY WITH REFERENCE TO SECTION �7 OF SAID ORDINANCE N0. 2�20 WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS REQUIRE THE EXECUTION OF THIS BOND� THEN THIS OBLIGATION SHALL BECOME V010 AND OF NO EFFECT� OTHERWISE TO REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND VIRTUE. THE SURETY MAY TERMINATE ITS LIABIIITY HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO ANY FUTURE LIABILITY WHICH MAY ACCRUE AGAINST THE PRINCIPAL 8Y CiIVING THE PRINGIPAI AND THE GITY OF RENTON WRIT7EN NOTICE NOT LATER THAN NINETY �90� DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF TERMINATION OF SUCH LIABILITY. PROVIDED, �-IOWEVER� THAT THIS BOND MAY BE CONTINUED FROM YEAR TO YEAR BY CERTIFICATE EXECUTED BY THE SURETY HEREON. OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPA L. E. Frensley, Secretary-Treasurer � NAT I ON SURETY CORPOF29T(ON . B � Cr.?��/J/. ���-���--� BARRY N,l�KEIJ�DR1�'K�� ATTORNEY IN FACT � COUNTERS(GNED; ,��� � � > /, ).._l--; � � / l'/'!t'-�iz<../ J� �=="1�Y<r .y .y�l����:-� A G E N T RICFiARD 5�� T• 6F1U1�IDERS, Seattle, Wn. . . � . . ;, '' r . . ' . , . . . • . � �' .,N.�T.�'O�' '� ,S'URE'TY�COI�,'Pt"''�'A 3''IQN .1 Member of Fir�map't Fund Insuranc� Compani�t — GENERAL POWfiR OF ATTORNBY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, a Corporation duly orgaaized and exiating under the lawa of the State of New York, and having ita principal office in the City of New York, New York, and i3s home of�'ico in the City and County of San Francisco, California, (hereinafter called the Corporation)� hat made, conatituted and appointed, and does by these preaente make, constitute and appoiut �APiV�a/ �• �iEPJDii(CE( OA4,L�►� and State of:�_�.���A� of .�_._�___.__...____. its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal� acknowledQe and deliveT AP�Y ANC ALL BOIVD89 �ECbGP1tZAfV�E89 CONIYRACT89 AGREEMENTB OF i NDEFAN 1 TY AND OTHEI� COMD I T OONAL �Ft OBL IC�ATORV IVPIOEIiTNK 1►J�S$ aud to bind the Corporation thereby ae fully and to the same extent as if auch bonds were ai�ntd by the President, sealed with the corporate eeal of the Corporat�on and duly attested by ita Secretary, horeby ratifyin� and confirming all. that the raid Attorney(�)•Ia-Fact may do in the premirea. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION ha,e cau�ed these preaent� to be eigned by it� Vice Prerident, atteated by ita Aeaietant Secrf tary, and ite corporate eeal to be hectto sffixed thiE 3� ��lay of AuGusT A.D., 19_v4___. NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION " �i• Ao KEPR�{.�i2 sy.__ __.._._.__-----------------..___ [g�at] Vice Praident ATTEST; . H. Lo a�oNNeoN __..._...___ ..__.._._--•------•----------------...�� Aaeietant Secretary STATE OF NEW YORK l �� : COUNTY OF NEW YORK � On thio 3�� day of_.�___._________ A�G���.. ________.�.. A.D., 19_.64.._, before me pereonalty ._�....._._ _.____ , cam. C o A, K��c� �------�-------- -----------.._--.._____.______. to me known, who, being by me duly aworn, dld depo�e and osy, that he ia Vice Preeident of NATIONAL SURETY C�RPORATION, the Corporation described in and which executed the above inatrument; that he knowe the seal of eaid Corporation; that the aeal af1'ixed fo the eaid instrument ia auch corporate eeal; that it was ao affixed by order of the Baard of Directore of eaid Co�poration and that he aigned hie name thereto by like order. And said________�a___9.0___���L�B .____.__. ____._..____._ further said that he i� acquafnted with N^ L�.�3�c� .,.._._.__._�_�--.________._______�____..______._ and knowa him to be an Aeaiatant Secretary of eaid Corporation; and that he executed the above instrument. HnRR�v �1. BLoww� �-•-----------------• Notsry Pubtic STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK 88•' � I+ ------H°---L'-•---J9!!t!1�459---------------------------------------------------.-------------� Aesiscant Secretary of NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION� do hereby certify that the following is a full� true and corcect copy of Article VIII of the By-lawa of the NAT'IONAL SURETY CORPORATION adopted on che 6th day of Septembet, 1962, and now in full force and effect, to wit: ARTICLE VIII Appointmenc and Authority of Resident Assiscant Secretaries, ead Attorneys-in-Fact and Agents to accept Legal Process and Make Appearances. "SECTION 30. APPOINTMENT. The Chairman of t6e Boatd of Directors� the Ptasident� any Vice Pteaident, ot aay other person euthorized by the Board of Ditectors, the Chairman of the Board of Dicectors, the Pcesident or any Vice Ptesideat� may, ftom time to time, appoint Resident Assistant Secrecaries and Attorneys-in-Fact to teptesent end act fot and on behalf of tlie Corporation and Agencs to accept legal process end make appearances for and on behalf of the Corporation. "SECTION 31. AUTHORITY. The suthority of such Resident Assistaat Sec•retaries, Attorneys-in-Fact� and Agtnts shali be as prescribed in the insccument evidencing their appointmenc,and any such appoincment snd all authoricy granced theteby may be tevoked at any time by the Boacd of Directots or by any person empowered to make auch appoiatmeau'� IN WITNESS WkiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff�c�d che seal of NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION� this A u 6 u�Y ----------- 19_--b----- 3 R� a ay o E------------------------------------------ , . _____-___- Ho Lo JoHweO.w Aasistant Secretary of (Corporate Sal} NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATIO'N STATE OF__.___�EXA$______�__________� DA__ ss.: COUNTY OF-_...---------LLAS--_-----__�� I M�_W�_�@Hi.��°f___________________�_.� _________, Resident Assistant Secretary of NATIONAL SURETY CORI'ORATION, a corporatiom o4 the State of New York, do hereby certify that the above and foregoin� ia a full, true and correct copy of the original power of attorney issued by said Corporation and that I have compared same with the original and that it ie a correct transcript therefrom and of the w�hole of the original. Said power of attorney ia in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h eunto set m nd d aASxed the aea of said Corporation, st the City of D���nB ___..__, thie..�.�.:��..day of_.._. _�..,.��d�?.�...L.�� � ._._.�__..--------•----------- ,� . � /�'%��/ GG.�_1�.1�� Resident Aasistant Secretary� BN 210NA 7/69 ' � (.�" , ' , � ��,��.:;v:;�,. .L, . � ORDINANCE N0. „���J AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 2120 PERTAINING TO THE FRANCHISE GRANTED UNTO OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, AND AMENDING EXHIBIT "A" THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS : `vJHEREAS , the Cit;� of Renton heretofore passed and approved Ordinance No. 2120 granting unto Olympic Pipe Line Company , a corporation, certain authority and franchise to lay down, construct , maintain, operate, replace and repair one or more pipe lines within the City of Renton, all as more particularly set forth on Exhibit "A" and incorporated in said Ordinance , and WHEREAS Olympic Pipe Line Company has now requested the City, pursuant to Section 18 of the aforementioned Ordinance , for authority to install such pipe lines on a certain right of way , NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows : SECTION I : Grantee , Olympic Pipe Line Company , a corporation , pursuant to Section 18 , of Ordinance No. 2120 , passed and approved on November 2 , 1964 , is hereby granted permission to use in its operation the following additional public right-of-way, to-wit : EXEIIBIT ��A" and said additional right of way is hereby incorporated and added to Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 2120 . SECTION II: All other terms , provisions and conditions of said Ordinance No. 2120 shall remain in full force and effect. � c.�. •�_�_ �,c.�' PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this C- --- day of I�� , 1970 . � � ���. Helrr,ie Nelson, City Clerk ; � �f �'�_ .__:c�'. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this �� day of � , 1970 . / .0 �.(,`.,•l.C;' . . �/�(L �/ �/! ��r A roved � FP as to form• l�u�ry Garr�"tt , �Iayor , . � � . Ge�^ard M. Shellan , City Attorney Accepted by Grantee, Olympic Pipe Line Co., Date oi Publication: ��� �,�n,, this 16th day of April, 1970. - ss/ J.C. Ilurbin, Vice-President ' � � ' � , E XH I B I T "A" oRDIr:�TcE zdo. ,;,� -; _; j OLYMPIC PIPE LINE STREET CROSSING 1 . Southwest 43rd Street adjoining the Westerly margin of Puget Sound Electric Railroad Right-of-Way in the Northwest one-quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M. between the Northerly margin of Southwest 43rd and a point 3.5 fee t Northerly of the Southerly margin of said street. (56.5 feet) 2. Southwest 43rd Street, 3.5 feet Northerly of the Southerly margin thereof, between the Westerly margin of Puget Sound Electric Rail - road Right-of-Way and the existing City limits at the centerline of the old West Valley Highway No. 5-M (SR. 181 ) (935 feet) � r � � +, ' ' . .r EXHIBIT " " OLYMPIC PIPE LINE STREET CROSSING l. S.W. 43rd St. at a point approximately 440' Easterly of centerline of intersection of 72nd Avenue South, in Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M. (60 ft.) 2. S.W. 43rd St. from West bound of Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Transmission Line Right of Way, Westerly along S.W. 43rd St. to the intersection of Washington P.S.H. No. 181 in N.W. Quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M. (814 ') 3. Washington P.S.H. No.181 at the intersection of S.W. 43rd St. in Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North Range 4 East W.M. (131') 4. S.W. 43rd St. from West bound of Washington P.S.H. No.181 right of way to West bound of Green River Bridge in Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M. (200 ft.) Total 1205 feet .. , � i� ! !. � r "�-�S�m�ic Pipe Line Com an P Y � % "n''. "?3 _ BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 �vee:�aer 6, 19�4 !��r�. tir�l�aie 2ielson, Ci�y Cle�r.c ��r the City of Renton :'�sr Mrs. Nelson: lrauant to Section 17, of Ordinance No. 2120, enclosed :rewith is a corporate surety bond, in duplicate, in e amount of $ 10,000.00. -".is bond has been prepared in accordance with proviaions : ss�id Section 17 and will be r�aintained in full force " ' -': this Franchfse. �-�-y truly yours, � / � /�� . ,T/t�y -- c``" G�.'-,�-. �:m. J. ollins i�ight of Way Representative . , .. i 'nn , E I /� � �� � �t �,� .,,ro � �,., � �� -� � , � � , �'; ,� � ��,.� �� r� �� �+ ���� `1 V J �I /-� i � � L, � _ . . � I� '- � '�-%�1'f%',°�.'�.. ,��/ ��)vc�1��i��'!�'f'�y.�� �t��tl';��� �:��i�','� 1�'�C�!,�r _.,_,.�..�_<L, _ `. `..�:_i __ ... _".i: ,.�.t __. _1 _ ' ''SENTS, that NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION, a Corporation duly organized ��d Lx:�.:�:g c,:�c: i::c :,::,s �: �i:;: :�,3;. �,f New York, and having its principal office in the City of New York, New York, and �ts home office in the City and County of San Francisco, California, (hereinafter called the Corporation), has made, constituted - '. ` • . onstitute and appoint `�wR��1 IV. �EPJ�K�1 G"Q - � �.�,",_.=i 8 �'�X N S _--- -- ----------------------------•------and State of---------------•--•--------------------------------•----------------- °3 G�uc a+�u ;s�,vful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby confcrred in it� name, place and stead, to execute, �eal, acknowledgt and deliv�r �,�ry��+ �,N� s� ` r��;p� wt�,�•�N„�yqiy,�t�s, �ON`�Ft,nCT�� AGFi�'F�IENYfi a� . i . . �., ,._ �1:. :y:l. 1'.:r.i.� ..1. ..�i� ._.... . �'�; .i ....,� .0 ,. .,..1��} -,I::j.:t� �...�1 ._ ,� ..iill' .. �.�� I.:I.t�. , i . ..���t . . � .:. . ti ., ruey(s)-in-Fact may do�in the premises. 1N �VITNESS WHEREOF, NATIONAL SliRETY CORPORATION has caused these presents to be signed by its . . Preeident, atte�ted by its Assistant SecrK!ary, and its corporate seal to be hereto afi'ixed this.______.____.�'��______.__.__day of .. _ .�:�^,�iS�._ . .. _ . _ _. ,1,T) tq f�ir 'AL SURETY CORPORATION ;e Ao KF��a..�w -----�--....------------- ------------------------------�------- �5ca;] Vice President , . }-i o Lo �o���vsos� _: . --------•----------------- - - - -------------------- Assistant Secretary STATE OF NL'dV 1'ORK 1 ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK 1 On this_._�..._3Ro----- �t�„t3S? -----•--day of----- -------•--•-----------�--------------------------•----------------..____A.D., 19-�4 __, before me personally came.------------- Ca A, i(�r+a�cs_._�---------------------_.--•--------•----•--------•-------------� to me known, who, being by me --•-----•------------- <1��;y sworn, did depose and eay, that he is Vice President of NA'fIONAL SURETY CORPORA'I'ION, tt�e Corporation �!escribed in and wh�ch executed the above instrument; that he knows the aeal of eaid Corporation; that the aeal affixed to the �-aid instrument is such corporate seal; that it �vas so afl'ixed by order of the Itoard of Directors of said Corporation and that he �,�yned his aame th�reto by like order. And said-----.-----�n _Q.o._._!�r.pP'"_.r_R-•---------.------------------- -__----__---•-•--------------.._------- �urthcr said that he i9 acyuaintcd with----.---. ___,_--_.Hu_-.�..�_ _:�.G%�'n��'it1Y�Y_.._.---�__---,•-----------.-----.- -.-.._..--------..----------------.-- . �;! 1;. "�.,; ���•�� � ,��t . , r � � ;;�• � ,.., l,e executcd thc above instrnment. � ,c7�'p �iY o �"_dFiRA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notary Public ��I�A1E OF '`;i�lt' I�UItb: '.c)�:V1'Y OF NF.W YUftK }ss.: 1 �o--L"----g�OHh{�O_fV.---------------------------------•----------------------------------� Assistant Secretary of NATIONAL SURETY I+ ----- - � ;�'�3i'C>'.:.y�T'ii1\, do �:cr--��• ��c rci.'y ch..t che f��i!��v;;n� is a full, true and correcc copy of Article VIII of the By-laws of the , . . ' '�' ' ' !ay of September, 1962, and now in full force and effecc, to wir. '�KTICI.E VIII � �>f Resident Assist�nt Secretaries, cu�d 1i,oiu��;. ,-in-'r.,<< ,,: i �;�,��n�, �,�� .iccept l.egal I-'rocess and Me�ke Appeacurices. '-�ii=_ 1!'�:� ��' > ..�'':'�%1NTh1IiNT. 'fhe Chairmau of �he Board of Uireccvrs, the President, any Vice i'resident� or any other � :i authocized by che Board of llirec�ors, che Chairn:an uE che Fioard of Directors, the Yresident or any Vice President, may, -_m eime �o time, appoint Residenc Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys-in-Fact to represent and nct for and on behalf of the urporation and Agents to accept legal process and make appearances for and on behalf of the Corporation. "SECTION 31. AU1'HURITY. The auchority of such Resident Assistant Seeretaries, Atrorneys-in-Fact, and Agents shall _ es prescribed in the insaument evidencing theic appointmen��and any such appoincment and all authority granred thereby may . r�:uked at any [ime by the Boacd of Directors or by any person empowered ro make such appointment." �\ WITNF.55 �','}i}?RL-'OI�, I have herrunto set my h:ind and lffixed the scal of NAT'IONAL SURI�:"I'Y CORPORAI'ION� this tRn _<�;i� „( QUG�;,S'' i� ��1 __H'_,.�_y__`�S2�ilv���_._----� --- _. ._—.. _-------------------..____ Assistant Secrctary of • NATIONAL SUR�TY COTtPORATION ............ : - Y�X4$ l _ _ . _ _ .. - ---- ----- - - ---- } ss.: pliN"i Y OF-- ---DA�LAS _ ------------------ � I, ___________________�s_ W� R�HI._��'________________.________________—._______., Resident Assistant Secretary of NATIONAL SURETY ��ORPORATION, a corporation of the State of New York, do hereby ccrtify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and orrect copy of the original power of attorney issued by said Corporation and that I have compared same with the original and hat it is a correct transcript therefrotn and of the w}iole of the original. Said power of attorney is in full force and effect and Zs not been revoked. ' � F, I have hereunto set m�}�t�ncl_�,�nd aflixed the atal. of saicl Gorporation, at the City of n��,tt,fi .� . , ' �/ , , 1 WI'I'Nh5 w�tt:rtr.o ,,, , . , L<x�.... _-�.� ��. 4�. . . .- - .. . . > r � �,.��1 ..._'.__'"�"'.�'��...'_""_'_""___".""_"_._:.. . . . .. .__. .�"'_'_'___"'""___'__'"'"���"_ Resident Assistant Secretary - � Renton, Wash i ngton �, i 4 :� s.` �_ 19� ��.�i,�� i�aa�� )i"',�4.� y��,_4i!^ �]fr'.`�. w�'C7' _ i"�, 7".2"� ,`'e�l"#�,»::n t,*,�,.,:.,�.....�ds..« ? q'��.`;tr.�t� ClTY OF RENTON �ubl�t� c,� ��� �'�!`.�::.:�: ��ta"�z.� � . � . « � s;�73.5� $:i:c�#��...�..�'v-`.s,.a�:� ei� .e.�«�.�.°��aa�i�.+�ii !� �Ei� �i. e � ,�J i 11 # Vr • .��«�� • '�t:�'�'�s�r ��.�3.�.:��'i . Renton, Wash i ngton ���yi.�;��,�p ~� 19 ;,;�;y �:'.;���,�s�.,� �'� :.,�,�;� ���.;;r . . . :a:. �.r�i� �►"�.�.�+qrt�� � "3 ,. :-;v�;�m , :�;:� CfTY OF RENTON d`Yii.4.�'�l�rww �� ��� �+�+�� ��IY� ♦ • �R 4 4i ♦ ♦tii:�#�M� ,� F"'�� �Mr�i+Mi�� '°'��.'#�+:::..� �... 'Z"a.�..'�'L"`$ i��.�`�a ..� =>€�i�i • • * 4 IF • t . �:`'�.•f �r�i:�s�r ...'�:;t-C'T:?:7E'Y' ?1� 1.�i7�t Mem�ers of the Counci:�. �:t the Committc�e of the 'Whole meetin� helcl last Thursday evening, 5eptember 17, the Council asked for the Mayor and the Department Head� to submit their recommendations for the proposed Olympic Pipe Lin� fr��nc.zise. I izerei��� recorn��.cr.0 tiZat t,�e City enter into ��. franchise agreement as �roposed y the City :�ttorney and that the fee be set at �5�r�lineal foot of pipe line to be placed within the co{�p�rate limits of the Cityf this charc�e should be an annual fee. I further suggest that the City set a minimum fee of $5�� per ye�ir'., t�r �. ;�eriod ror tne �r�nchi�_�e o:C 25 years. I �'E:CJ1Tu�i�G21i.: t:i�� ,� niinin�am de��cn oi 5 ' be e���alished anc� that th� right of way granted be no more than 10 ' in width with 30' width allowed during construction only. Sinc�rely, D. W. Custer Mayor DWCtb � � # f. � CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ���� �� ;�� Gerord M.Shellan,CityAttorney • Arthur L.Haugan,Ass't.CityAttorney � i�'. D�t FOli, 1'�'�iid�At gatE.er�► �itj► 6aaaa►�ii � 4t� La�t� �+►�ws A�ritu�. iiitblt�t0�_ . !ai t�rv�ad Trawells� to plfyri+� H#a Liaa Co. n iiaa�la�c�s � �rs,�t ur o�r �ut� ix tha bs�ror�• o#�iaa a ��r is�rs +tip! +ra lwws `. trsp�sad a ts�t�t � t tro�o�ael traaehiatt to tla Ql�ia !f� LLrs Co�an `� its astas�tuwi �Mt tbis tw►ttar ts •till fsad ia � � #�i� �a�r�sc� 1�► c►s Ca�sictss o! L�s �loi�. Iia �t�l aMt aetespt Lls lr�p�sN �1• lora� ' D lwr.tsir�t � b,► t.l�. �..N.,► .i�s. �rs �slis�r. t�at tlu !`sa..�►ia, slornu b� I�I, ■osa i►tiil�d aat pso�ril� a�ditiosll osi��+tt1 sN psotattia�► t� t!� CitT a�d tla �ftis ��:a�ZT. �� �ts ir�r� also latc wt ��staia blaaka wlish +rl�1 1rw t� iw �t�t+�nta�N 1� ''i th� iqislatin Lod� i�sl�dtas t1a ssss �� tYa Fs+qabis� sa� t1� erarij�rrl�. t�sr�ior. xt is e�ar sn�ati� eLt� a�s D�arna►s isidr� �iall�, a►seh w�ur t�i�► �ra�osol �rst�r sss�+►llY t� is a�rrs 1:1�t it �ta r�1tl� t1�#r t�li �cv�t1. Yl�sa� aLv ka� ia al.o� tlrt a tsa�ias �i�wuQ� t�twt � s�tM �t its tirat sa�tis� �t �st � l�ald �► for •t lstst 34 �s. TYta i+r ia �axswta�ei �! �.C.it. 3S. 23.3�4 at s�. �1� �crtia !�i v� ttt�tly r �A,�M i �itLL� �► iifr�st !t. i�slla City ,�t�os� p�tM " aa: lis�t C�ia�t tas�c �t. �t. Lr i astl,a�se� C1w►iss� Cit� 4�ls�s cc (blind) Hon. Donald W. Custer, Mayor � � � � ���--G y � ORD'INANCE N0. _,�Q AN ORDrINANCL�OF THE CITY OF REDiTON, WASHIN�iTQN, 6RArTTING UNT'a ` OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION� ITS SOGCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TBE RIGHT, PRIVIT.EGE, A�THORITX AND FRANCHISE �0 LAY 'DOWN, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, RE�LACE AND REPAIA ONE OR MORE PIYE LINES, TOGETHER N�I��li ;EQUIBMENT AND APPURTENANCES TN8RET0 FOR TH8 TRANSPORTATION� STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ANY BY•PRODUCT TNEREOF UNDER,��T�Ri0l1�i AND BEIAW CERTA�N DESICNATED AQAD47AYS AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES OF �THE CITY OF , RENTON� S?ATE OP waSRiNGTON BE IT ORDAINED BY TN� MA�'OR �1N0 THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF RENTON AS FOL1AtiJS: Section I: There is hereby gfven and granted unto Olympic Pipe Ltne Company, a De�,aware Corporation, its auccesaors and assigna for a period of �S years from the taking effect of this Ordinance, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, con�truct, operate, maiatain, replace, alter, remove and repair one or more pipe liaes, together witb all equipment end appurtenances thereto� for the transportatioa, storage and headling of oil and any product or by-product ttiereaf, under,.,.�elow ar►d tbrough certa.ia public right of waqe and other public lands withia the City of ReaC�n bat sucb constructioa. installation and n�ainteaance of aay and all aueh pipe lines to be limited to a wfdth of fiYe feet (but aot to exceed thirty feet duriag perfod of coaatructfon and repair) uader, below and Chrough said public •_right of ways and other pub�ic propertiea, all ae more pazticular�y appeare on the attached list marked Exhibit �A'�, which ia c►ade a part hereof and incorpotated �erein ae if fully aet forth. Section �t ?hia Franchise is graated �on the expseee condition that it ehall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive Franchiae and shall not in anq manner prevent the City o€ tteaton from graatiag other or further fraachises in, aloag, over, through, undet�, below or acroes aay of eaid right of ways, streeta, avenues or all other public laada and properties of evsrq type and descriptfon; aad such franchise shall �n ao way f r.oa� prevea� or prohibit the City of Bentvn/usiag any of said roada, akreete or other public properties or sffect its jusiadiction over theaa or any part of tbem, with ful� power to make all neceseary chaages, relocations, repsirs, mainteBaace, �e�tabliahment, impxo�ement, dedicatio� of same aa they may deem fit, . �,ncluding the dedication, estabiiefiment+ maintenen�e and ia�provemeat of all new rigt�� of way8 and thoroughfare8 and other pub2ic pro�erties bf evexy type and description. 0lytppic Pipe Liae Company, es Grantee herei��, agreee a►�d caveaanic8 at it� sole cosC aad expense, to protect, support, temporarfly disconnect, r.e'�ocate or rewove from any atreet any of its irtstallatiena when eo required by the City of it�eoton by ;eason o€ txaffia conditions, public safety, atreet vacations, dedicstioas of nev rigltt of way� elad the est�abliahment ac�d fu�provemeat thereof, freeway -1- � co�.stru�tion, chaage or estsblisha►eat of sireet grade, or the construction of any public .`m -rovenent or str�cture by any Governaental agency acti:ig in a Governmeatal capacity, kr �vided that Grantee ahall in all such cases have " � Che privilege to temporarily by- ta �s, in the althorized portioa of the same sCreet upon approval by the City of Renton, r.n; sec�ion of pipe line required to be temporarilp diaconnected or removed. Section 3: All construction,and fnstallatio;z work wheiiever same croases Fn;� of the public prope�ties described in �xhibit '•A" herei►z, shall be done under the :�uhervision of and upon the inspection of the City Eagineer, and Grantee shall tfinely : �elmit unto the City Engineer, prior to any such work, detafled plana.and� epeciffcationa cf any auch proposed work. The location of ar.y fraachised property in a street or other ;uriic area ahall be eubject to the approval �f the City Engineer and s uch approval shall te given in wrieing. Section 4; This Ordinance shall be void if Grantee ehall not within thirty d�ys of the adoptian of this prdinance file ita writCen acceptance thereof with the Clerk cf the City of Renton. All coats of publication for said Franchise aha12 be borne, in edt:iticn to all other fees, by Grantee. Sectioil 5: The Crantee, ita auccessora ar aesigns shall commence � �� struction work under this Franchise withia oae year from aad after the date of passage tyc.reof and a12 such tiork ehall be�ompleted with the greateat amount of dispatch eo as to reduce any interference with vehicular a:�d pedestriaa traffic aad tbe public safety �.nc. welfare to a mfnimum. If at the end of three year8 from and after the granting of t'z:s Franchise, the Grantee, ite successors or assigna, shall not have laid, constructed F .1c have fa operatfon upon any of the aforesaid etreets and right of ways auch pipes �ac appustenaaces thereto, then in that event the rights hereby �onferred upon the Grantee ::��11 e•�tomatically cease and terminate. Section 6; All p3pe and other componente of any pipe liae, and � �t �rteuaace thereto, to be placed within �ny street right of way or other publfc property �i� :1 be desigaed, maaufectured and installed in accordaace sad in full compliance �•�ith ti� proviaions and terma of the '�America� Standard Code for Preasure Piping'� (ASA B 31.4- ' .: .�)as publiehed by the Americaa Society of Mechanicsl Eagineers, aad as said Code may b: imen3ed from time to time. The operating or service pressure for which they are ca: �gned shall be Che maximum non-ahock, iaternal presaure that cnay occur either under c �rtitioae of year round operation or under etatic conditione wit�*ipe line filled but t iti nc fluid flow. All auch pipe lines, fitting s and appurtenances thereto to be placed r�it �ia �:ublic right of ways or other public property shall be unused proclucts. After _2_ � 4 initial installat3on of any pipe under this Franchfse, such pipe shall be subjected to a pressure test as provided for in tfie aforesaid Code and within the pressure limitations described therefn before such pipe is placed in operation and the results of any such tests shall be submitted to the City in writing. Furthermore, after repair or replacement of any pipe, the portion so affected of such pipe between sectionafizing valves ehell be subjected to a pressure t�st es hereih�bov� �et forth; provided how�ver, that nd such �cest is reQuired �or �riq hiincsr rep�it'g which do not reqi�i� removal ef the pfpe line from operation. Section 7: During any period of construction all surface atructures, if any, shall be erected and used fn such places and positions within said public right of ways and other public properti�s so as to interfere a� little ae� �o8sible with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining praperty ar►d Grantee shall at all times post and mainta�n proper barricades during such period of construction as required by the laws and statutea of the State of WaBhfngton. AlY pipe lines constructed and installed by Grantee within the City of Renton shall be located, buried gnd installed to a depth of not less than six feet and as otherwise provfded for fn the aforesaid Code, the laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the City of Renton, now or hereafter in force, regu- l�r�la3wg �ii in�tallatfons, Grantee shall eatablish and mafntain at all times adequate facilities on the portion of each pipe line installed under the authority of this Franchise, and else- where on the same pfpe� linei to promptly Zocalize operatin� troubles and to minimiZe the effects thereof, whether on City streets or on their use by the publi� Every portion of pipe line when inatslled or replaced under authority of this Franchfse sha12 contaia adeq�ate cathodfe protection, and such pipe line shall further be protected by sectional�z- :ing;block valves epaced at no �;reater distance than prescribed by the aforesaid Code. If at any time during the term of this Franchise protective or sectionalizing facilities in any pfpe line are found to �e 3nadequate, Grantee hereby agrees and covenants, at its own exp�nse and coat, ,to make such changes as may be required by the City of Renton. Section 8: Grantee, its auccessors and assigns, hereby agrees and covenants to promptly repair any damage to City property of every type and nature and all otfier City i,�Qrovements caused by the failure ofGrantee's work during the life of this Franchise; should it be necessary to make any excavation within any public right of way in the laying. construeting, main�enance, removing, replacing, alterin� or repairing of any sucti pipe line or structure, Grantee shall without delay and at Grantee's sole cost and expense, restore the eurface of said right of way or other public property to at least the con- dition as same was in immediately prior t� any such instatllation and construction. Grantee shall comply with all Ordinances � regulations of the City of Renton, Wash- w� r i������� � »�;�on regaxding �uch excavatioce end wheaever deemed necessary by the C�,ty Engineer shall ��e required to post a performance bond in favar of the City wars+�nCir►g, aa�oag ather things, :h�:t such restoratioa work will be dane promptly aad ia a proper, workm�nlike manner. S�ctioa 9: Graatee, its successars and assigns, agrees and covenants � �o indemnify aad hold harraless the City af �tenton frcm acid agaiast eny snd a21 liabili�y, i � ;o>s, cost, damage, whether to gerson or progerty, or exgense of an� type ar aature whicli ma-r accrue to the CiCy by reason of the caastrucCion, aperation, a►e�iotenar�ce, Yepair and I •�l�:exation af Grantee's facilttiea; provided, however, that in caae any suit or action is :A�tituted against the City by reason of any auch daanage ar injury, the Gity sha11 cause rr:.tten notice thereof to be givea e:cyto Grentee aad Gra�ntee thereupan shall have the duty �o defend any �uch suit or actian, withouC cost or expense to the Citp. Section 1Q. For the puYpoae of compellic�g complience by the Grantee with i2'. the terms and conditians of this Franchise and the maintenan.ce af said pipe Iines and fa:ilitfas in good ccndition, City retains tbe right to end ar�d terminate snd fully fo�^feft the Prenchise tterein graated, withia. thirty daye aft+�r written�notice uoto Grentee, -ah�:never Grantee fails to camply with any of tbe terms aod canditione hereof. �Tpon euch °o:feiture the City shall he�ve the right to requir� Grantee ta remove sny and all of its �i. ,es, appurtenancea aad equipa�ent wfthin the City of Reatar�, all �tt Grantee's cast aad 4x�ease, �nd to promptly aact timelp restcre all raads and other puhlic properties Cc their condition f�nediately priar to ar►p auch farfeituxe and terminatioa. Sectioa 11: The City af Renton reserves unto tCeelf the rfght ar�d power st a11 times to reasanably regul+�te in the pub2ic iaterest and for the public welfare �hs exercise af all franchfse rights granted bereia. Section 12: Tke l�ying, coastructing�, iaetallation, maiateoaace and .F�ratlon of said pipe linee and facilities in connection therewith shall nat preclude the :i�y of �eaton. its authari�ed �geants, contractara and representatives from blaeting, ;r�ding, excavating or doing ather necessary or public warrks aver, vato, a6utting, ar �c .ztiavous to Grantee's gipe liae or facilities, grovlded, hawever, that Grantee shall �e givPa fortq eigh� haurs written nati+ee of any such blaatiag, greding or excavgting 9c that Grantee may take proper stepe to protect its pipe line and facilities, Section 13: Grantee futther agrees to instatl and a�aintsia at a21 times ic �iag Lhe life af this Fratachise autoau�tic shutoff and safety va3ves at pumping statfons lc�ati �ae where adequate raaintenaace crews shall be �vailable; ia addition to which ac�qua :e fire protectiaa equipment ahall be provi.ded for et all points af Grantee's systera.: Sectioa 14: Grantee sha21 have ao recoursa whatsoever agaia�t the Cfty o# 3� ztoa for aay lass, ccst, expense ar damage arisi�g aut of any provision oz requirement -4- of this Franchise or the enforcement thereof. Th3s Franchise doee not relieve the � Grantee of any requirement of any City Ordinance, rule �r regulation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any requirement relating to street work, street excavation pexmits and fees therefor, or the use, removal or relocation of property and streets. No prfvilege nor exemption is granted or conferred unto Grantee by this Franchise excep� those specifically prescribed herefn, and any sucii privilege claimed under this Franchise by the Grantee in any street shall be subordinate to any prior lawfu� occupancy of the street or any subsequent i�nprovement or installation therein. Grantee Further agrees to submit unto the Cfty periodic reports, at leas� semi-aculually of any p�essu�e tests made pur$uant to provision of this Franchise showing the date of the test, description of portion o� pfpe line tested, identified with respect to the City's street xeutes and test data suffic�ent in deta3l to percnit analysis of test results and determination of com liance w��h the aforesaid Code. P SQ�tio� 15: 2n the event the use of any Franchised property fs permanently discontinued, oX no franchfse has be�n obtained there€or upon expiration of thfs Franchiae� or within thirty days after any termination of this Franchise, then Grantee sha11 promptly remove from the streets and other properties all of its �acilities, other than any the �I City may permit to be temporarfly or permanently aban�oned. ', Section �6: On or before the lst day of Jan�ary of each year during the term of this Franchise, Gr�ntee shall pay unto the City, in consideratioa of the issuance of this Franchise, a sum equal to the total number of lineal feet of pipe line located within the City �� of Renton on the lst day of January of each year, multiplied by the rate of $.OS �5� pe� lineal foot) b�x� the mini.cnt�n sum to be paid to the City annually will �e not ]�eseti t�an $500.00. Section 17: The 6rantee shall, within ten days after the award of this Franc�ise, file with the City Clerk and at ••:all times thereafter maintafn in full force and effect an acceptable corporate snrety bond in duplicate effective �or the entire term of thfs Fran- chise, and conditioned that in the event Grantee shall fail to comply with any ene or more of �che provisions of this Franchise then there shall be recoverab2e jointly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond any damages suifered by the Cit y as a result thereof, including the full amoun�t of any compensati on, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of properties hereinabove described, up to the full amount of the said bond; said condition to be a continuing oblfgation for the duration of this Franchise and there- after until the 6rantee has liquidated all of its obli�ations ��.th the City of Renton or may have a�c#sen from the acceptance of such Franchise by the (3rantee or fran its exercise of any privflege herein granted. The bond ir�tially filed in �cco�danee with the require- ment of this Section shall be tn the amount � Ten Thousand Do�.�.ars. In �he event of sub- stantia]. chxnge in. the volwn� of street sp� �cu�ied by frapc�ise pzope rtie,� the City cnay pe�tnit or may require a cor�sponding cl,�ge in the amout�� of auch bond. _5.,. � �w��� . Ryr Nefther the pravfsioas of thie Section or any bond accepted by the Citq puirsuant txe-eto; nor any damages recove�red by �he Cfty thereunder shall be con�trued �o excuse f�i:hfol performance by tbe Graatee or to limit che liability af the Gras�tee under the P'�a:3chlse ar far damages� whether ta Che City or members of the public generally, either t� :he full amount of the bond or otherwi.se. � Sect3.on 18; Upon application to the City Cour:ci2 af the City of Rentda by Grantee, the Couacil may authorize Grautee to install, construct and/or retsiu fn City s�rcats additianal pipe iines, as contemplated in Section 1 hereof, in a manner eatisfactory t � T:he City Council; sach additioaal insta2laCiaas Bha21 be sub�ect ta all of the terms ar.d canditioaa of thia Francbise and to any euch additionel canditions as m�y be preecribed b•• the City Cauncil a.s to any such additions. PA55E0 8Y T�E C�TY CA�Ctt thfs 2nc?day of I?overiber , 1964. ,�,1�,/ He1x�1ie iTelaon. �telaaie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOtt tbis '�ncl daq cf x1�v�:abar , 1964. /s/ �ana2c? ?7. Custer Danslc! ��f. Custer, Mayo X. '?frst Reading September ___��}___: 1964• �8te of �ixst Publi�stiott. ��nt�nU�r �C} �96Is D�te of �'ubli.c�.�i�n: i�Tav�r��ber 3�, 1Sb1� APPR�3VBD AS TO FQRM: ,�;>��'s"�'c: r:.. �'.�,o11an r:e;a-d M. Shelian, City Attotney �. :c� �tec. b;r Cra�r_t�c3, 0lynpic �'a.ge L�.ne Cor,Ijh^:-•1;j �i��1.9 bt� c�.y of i?ovei;�ber� 155�.. f s/ James �. s>all . J�mes ��. �all -6- � . � . � f • "�� � r ; ORDINANCE N0. ��� AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, GRANTING UNTO , aLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND I ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO LAY �OWN, CONSTROCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, REPLACE AND REPAIR ONE OR MORE PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR THE TRANSPOftTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ANY BY-PRODUC2 THEREOF UNDER, THROUGH AND BEIAW CERTAIN DESIGNATED ROAD67AYS AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF tdASHINGTON BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR �ND THE CITY CAt3NCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: There is hereby given and granted unto Olympic Pi.pe Line Company, a Delaware Corporation, its auccessors and assigns for a period of �5 years from the taking effect of this Ordinance, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, operate, maintain, replace, alter, remove and repair one or aaore pipe lines, together with all eyuipment and appurtenances thereto, for the transportation, storage and handling of oil and any product or by-product thereof, under, below and throu�h certain public right of ways and other public lands within the City of Rentnn but such construction, installation and a�sintenance of any and all such pipe lines to be limited to a width of five feet (but not to exceed thirty feet during geriod of construction and repair) under, below and Chrough said public �.right of ways and other public properties, all as more particularly appears on the attached list marked Exhibit 'A'�, which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Section 2: This Franchise is granted �pon the express conditio�i that it shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive Francliise and shall not in any aianner prevent the City of Renton from gra.lting other or further franchises in, along, over, through, under, below or across any of said right of ways, streets, avenues or all other public lands and properties of every type and description; and such franchise shall in no way from prevent or prohibit Che City of Renton/using any of said roads, streets or other publfc properties or $ffect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them, wfth full power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishment, improvement, dedicatioa of same as they may deem fit, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance and iu�provement of all new right of ways and thoroughfares and other public properties of every type and description. Olympic Pipe Line Company, as Grantee herei►z, agrees a�id coveaancs at its sole cost aad expense, to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate or rea►ove froak any street any of its installationa when so required by the City of Renton by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, street vacations, dedications of new right of ways and the establishment and i4.proveme�it thereof, freeway -1- � � ._ _-. �_-. __- 3. ,�.- -._._'_'_. _._� � � � ' r r � conatruction, change or establishment of street grade, or the canstruction af any public i Iimpravement or structure by any Governmental agency acti:�g in a Governmental caQacity, provided that Grar�tee sha�l ia a21 such cases have . the privilege eo temporarily by- i� pass, in the a�thorized portian of the same street upan approvai by the City a€ Renton, ( any section of pipe line required to be temporarily discoanscted or removed. Section 3; All consCruction,and fnstallaCion work �,�henever same crosses any af the public properties described in �xhibit ''A" herein, shall be done under the supervisian af and upan the inspec�ion of the City Engineer, and GranCee shel2 timely submit unto the CiCy Eagineer, priar to az�y such W4LiC, detailed plan� and• speciffcatiorrs of any such proposed wark. The location of any franchised praperty in a street or ather public area shall be subjec� to the approval af the City Eagineer and such appraval shall be givea in writing. Section 4: This 4rdina�nce sha21 be void if Grac�tee shall not within thirty days of the adoption of this Ordinance file its written accep�ance thereof witl� the Clerk qf the ci�y of Renton. All casCs of publication for said Franchise shall be borne, ir► � additian ta all ather fees, by Grantee. � Section S: The Grantee, its successors ar assigns shai2 commence ( �� construction work under this Franchise within one year fraas and after the date of passage khereof and all such work shall be campleted with the greatest amount of dispatch so as to reduce any interfezence with vehicular and pedestria�n traffic and the public safety and welfare ta a minimum. If at the end of three years from and a£ter the $ranting of this Franchise, the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not have laid, constructed ( and have in operation upon any o£ the aforesaid streets and right af ways such pipes I and appurtenances thereto, then in that event the rights hereby conferred upon the Grantee I I �ha21 automatically cease and terminate. Sectian 6: All pipe a�d other camponents of any pipe li�e, and apgurtenance thereto, ta be glaced wi.thia �ny street rigbt af way or ather public pragerty shall be designed, maaufactured and insCalled in accardance sad ia full campliance with the provisions and terms of the '�Amerfcan Standard Code for Pressure Pfping' (ASA H 3I.4- 1,59}as gublished hy tbe Americaz� Saciety af Mechanical Engineers, and as said Code c�ay be amended from time to time. The operating or service pressuxe for whfch they are des�gned shall be the m�ximum non-ahock, internal pressure thaC may occur either under canditions of year raund aperation or under static conditions with pipe line filled but with na flufd flaw. All euch pipe lines, fitting s and appurtenances thereta ta be placed wiChin publ.ic righC af ways or oth�r public progerty sha12 be unused products. A€ter -2- � � - - - - - - _ f , , : ' ' initial installation of any pipe under this Franchise, such pipe shall be subjected to a pressure test as provided for in the aforesaid Code and within the pressure limitations described therein before such pipe is placed in operation and the results of any such tests snall be submitted to the City in writing. Furthermore, after repair or replacement of any pipe, the portion so affected of such pipe between sectionalizing valves shall be I subjected to a pressure test as hereinabove set forth; provided however, that no such cest is required for any minor repairs which do not require removal of the pipe line from operation. Section '7: During any period of construction all surface structures, if any, shall be erected and used in such places and positions within said public right of ways and other public properties so as to interfere as little as possible with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining property and Grantee sha12 at all times post and maintain proper barricades during such period of construction as required by the laws and statutes of the State of Washington. All pipe lines constructed and installed by Grantee within the City of Renton shall be located, buried and installed to a depth of not less 'chan six feet and as otherwise provided for in the aforesaid Code, the laws of the State of Washington and the Ordinances of the City of Renton, now or hereafter in force, regu- lating such installations. Grantee shall establish and maintain at all times adequate facilities on the portion of each pipe line installed under the authority of this Franchise, and else- where on the same pipe line, to promptly localize operating troubles and to mini.mize the I effects thereof, whether on City streets or on their use by the public. Every portion of pipe line when installed or reglac� under authority of this Franchise shall contain adequate cathodic protection, and such pipe line shall further be protected by sectionaliz- :i�g block valves spaced at no �reater distance than prescribed by the aforesaid Code. If at any time during the term of this Franchise protective or sectionalizing facilities in any pipe line are found to be inadequate, Grantee hereby agrees and covenants, at its own expense and cost, to make such changes as may be required by the City of Renton. Section 8: Grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees and coven�ts to promptly repair any damage to City property of every type and nature and all other City improvements caused by the failure ofGrantee's work during the life of this Franchise ; should it be necessary to make any excavation within any public right of way in the laying, constructing, maintenance, removing, replacing, alterin�; or repairing of any such pipe line or structure, Grantee shall without delay and at Grantee's sole cost and expen:,e, restore the surface of said ri�h-� of way or other public property to at least the con- dition as same was in immediately prior to any such installation and construction. Grantee shall comply with all Ordinances and regulations of the City of Renton, Wash- -3- � ' � * ���;��t�� regarding sueh excavation and whenever deemed necessary by �he Cfty Engireeer shall be re�uired to post a gerformance bond in favar of the City warranting, among ather things, �hat such restoration work will be dane promptly and in a proper, workmanlike manner. Section 9; Grantee, its successars and assigns, agrees and covenants II to indemr►ify and hold harcnless the City af Rentan from and against any and a23 Iiability, loas, cosC, damage, whether [o person or groperty, ar exper�se of an� Cype or natnre cehicli I may accrue to the City by reason of the constructian, operation, ma.intenaace, repair and alteration af Grantee`s facilities; provided, however, that in case any suit or action is instituted against the Cfty by reason of any such damage ar injury, the City shall cause written natfce thereof ta be gfven unto Grantee and Grantee thereupon shall have the duty to defend any such suit or action, without cost or expense to the City. Section 10. For Che purpose of campelling compliance by the Grantee with all the terms �nd canditions of Chis Franchise and the maintenance of said pipe lines and ' facilities in gcsad condition, City retai.ns the right Co end and terminaCe and fuliy forfeit the Franchise herefn granted, within thirty days aft�� written�notice unto Grantae, c�rhenever Grantee fails to camply with any of the terms an� conditions hereof. 'Upon such forfeiture the City shall have the right to require Grantee to remove any and all of its pipes, appurter�ances and equipment wiChin the City of Rentoa, all at Graatee"s cast and expense, and to promptl.y and timely restore all roads and ather public properties to their condition immediately prior to any such forfeiture and termination. Section 11: The City of Ren�on reserves unto itself the right and power at a21 times to reasonably regu3ate in the public interest and far the public welfare i the exercise of a12 franchise rights granted herein. i Section 12: The laying, cona�cructing, installation, maintenance and aperatioa of said pipe lines an@ facilities in connecCion therewith shall not preclude Che City of Rent4n, its authorized agents, contractors aild representatives fram blas�ing, grading, excavating or doing other necessary or public works over, unCo, abutting, or contiguaus to Grantee's pipe line ar faci2ities, provided, however, that Grantee shall be given forCy eigh� hours written notice of any such blasting, gradiag or excavating � so �hat Grantee may take proper steps to protect its pipe Iine and facilities. Section 13: Grantee further agrees ta install and maintain at a1l times during the lffe af this �ranchise automatic shutoff and safety valves at pumping stations locations where adequate aaaintenance crews shall be available; in add3tion ta which � adequate fire protection equipmeat shall be provided for at all pofnts af Grantee's system.�. Section 14: Grantee shall have no recaurse whatsoever against the City of � Reuton �ar any loss, cost, expense or damage arising aut of any provisian ar requirement _4- �-- � � , � . of this Franchise or the enforcement thereof. This Franchise daes not relieve the Gzantee of any requirement of any City Ordinance, rule or regulation or specification of the City, including but not limited to any requirement relating to street work, street excavation permits and fees therefor, or the use, removal or relocation of property and streets. No privilege nor exemption is granted or conferred unto Grantee by this Franchise except those specifically prescribed herein, and any sucli privilege claimed under this Franchise by the Grantee in any street shall he subordinate to any prior lawful occupancy of the street or any subsequent improvement or installation therein. Grantee further agrees to submit unto the City periodic reports, at least semi-annually of any pressure tests made pursuant to provision of this Franchise showing the date of the test, descriptio�► of portion of pzpe line tested, identified with respect to the City's street routes and '� test data sufficient in detail to permit analysis of test results and determination of compliance with the aforesaid Code. Section 15: In the event the use of any Franchised property is permanently discontinued, or no franchise has been obtained therefor upon expiration of this Franchise, or within thirty days after any termination of this Franchise, then Grantee shall promptly remove fram the streets and other properties all of its facilities, other than any the City may permit to be temporarily or permanently abandoned. Section 16: On or before the lst day of January of each year during the term of this Franchise, Grantee shall pay unto the City, in consideration of the issuance of this Franchise, a sum equal to the total number of lineal feet of pipe line located within the City limits of Renton on the lst day of January of each year, multiplied by the rate of $.05 (5� per lineal foot) but the minimum sum to be paid ��o the City annually will �e not less than $500.40. Secti.on 17: The Grantee shall, within ten days after the award of this Franchise, file with the City Clerk and at -•.all times thereafter maintain in full force and effect an acceptable corporate surety bond in duplicate effective for the entire term of this Fran- chise, and conditioned that in the event Grantee shall rail to comply with any one or more of the provisions of this Franchise then there shall be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal and surety of such bond any damages suifered by the Cit y as a result thereof, including the full amoun-t of any compensati on, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of properties hereinabove described, up to �he full amount of the said bond; said condition to be a continuing obligation for the duration of this Franchise and there- after until the Grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City of Renton or may have arisen from the acceptance of such Franchise by the Grantee or from its exercise of any privilege herein granted. The bond initially filed in accordance with the require- ment of this Section shall be in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars. In the event of sub- stantial change in the volume of street spece occupied by franchise prope rties, the City may permit or may require a corresponding change in the amount of such bond. -5- , � . � Neither the pravisions of this Section or any bond accepCed by the City pursuant thereta, nar any damages recovered by �he Git�� thereunder sha3l be canstrued ta excuse faithful parfs�rmar�ce by thE Grantee or ta limit the liability of the Grantee under the Franchise or for damages, whether to the Cfty or members of th.e gublic generally, ei.ther to the fuil amount of Che bond or otherwise. Sectian I8: Upon app2i,catian to the City Council af the City of Rentan by Grar�tee, the Councf3 may authorize Grant�e to instt�ll, construct andjar retain in City stree�s additional pipe lines, as contemplated in 5ectiQn Z hereof, in a manner satisfacLory to the City Council; such additional inst�llations sk�all be sub,ject to all of the terms and conditions af th:ts Franchise and ta any such additional canditions as may be prescribed by the C3ty Council as ta any such add:ttians. PASSED BY THE CITY COU[�IGIL this��day of i����"��--' .: 1964. �..GC��� �/,�G,���x'' . �#e2mie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED $Y TAE MAY4R this�.—.� ap of�+e�-c..�. s 1464. � �� .�'��' � ��� �Z- �� " Donald T;i. Custer, Mayo r First Reading September �� , 1964. Date of First Fuhlication: ����-1 �t?/�6'� . DA TE O F F tJ3 L I�,�► 1'1 O�1 ,����'�"�`t''�'' �•���'S�''� APPRiOVED AS TO FORM: aerard M. Shel.ian, City Attorney ACGEP�D BY �t�tANTE�, OLYNIPIC PIPE LINE COI�1��t�IvY this bth �,y o� I�ovexuber , 196�.. .r.r'�-,..��'�-- �' es R. Ba11, Vice President � -6- � -- �— , , . , EXIIIBIT nAn � Olympic Pipe Zine Street Crossin� 1. Z2tn !•�venue �iortli at a point ap roxi�aatel�r 250 feet �resterly of the centerline intersection of ��;,�'� Street (64�� 2, llth �.venue ilorth at a point approximatelZ= 220 feet V�esterly of the centerline intersection �f ��G��� Street (50�) 3. 7th l.venue North at a point appro�amately 220 feet t�ester7tiy of the centerline intersection of "�.1° Streeb (60�) !�. 6th Pl�ce Plorth at a point approximatel3T 2�.0 feet westerly of t�ie cent�rli.ne intersection of ��R�� Street (30�) , 5. 4th lLvenue ivTorth at a point approxin�ately 1010 feet westerly of t':�e centerline intersection of 192nd l�venue. 5.�. (60�) 6,. 5th l:venue �ast at a point approxiraately 230 feet Southe�sterly of the center- line intersection of ��1`T�� Street South (60� } 7. bth l�venue East at a point approxa.iyately 520 feet northtiaesterly of t�ie center- line 3ntersection of ��0�� Street South (60� ) $. l0ath :.venue 5.�. at a point approxir:�a�ely 15 feet northerl.y of the south line of :.action 20� Township 23 North� i�an�e 5 �ast� ?�z.i-�. (60� ) 9. Benson Hi�hway (State HiL;�way ;�515) at a point approxariate].y 15 feet northerly of the sot�th lule oP Seetion 20, �'cncnship 23 ATorth, itanr�e 5 Last�. l•d.i�. (60� ) 10� Rainier i_venue South (State Highway ,',`167) at a point approximately 30 feet southerly of tne north line of Section 30� Township 23 i?orth, Rznve � Last� T,r�p.i, {60t) ,j60� . 11. Pu�et Drive from centerli�e of Cit�r of Se�ttle Cedar River Pipe Line ease- ment y�resterly alon� Pu�et Drive to th� north••south center of Section line of Section 20� Township 23 North� Ran;re 5 r,as��� T�J.i-�. t33E1') Total 39�t1. feet Centerline Description of Olympic Pipe Line Crossin� City of ltenton Parks l. 'l�.wanis Park- Be�innin� at a point on t'1e northerly bou.hclary of :�iwanis Parlc saic? Point bein� �.8.�7 feet from the Tdorthwest Corner of said _'ark, thence Sout�i 1005�.�l�3" i,ast a distance of �.�t, thence South 5�12�37'� frest a distance of 476�� thence South !t°3�i�07" t�:est a distance oi 50�, i�ore or iess� to the souther3.y bounclary of saic� ��.rlt, saic? easement bein� appro�- imatelJ 57l� feet in len&th. I 2. Mapleti��ood Parl: - The centerline of easemerr� lies parallel �rith anc' 101 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of the i�apletJood Park proper�y �E�3d easexaent beinf; approximately l�16 feet in len�th,. IJ ��.t"�'�� � i���/ ,,/� �� �' j�= . Minutes of the Renton City Council Meetin ��' �i � 9-28-64 g C/ � � ��,�- ORDINANCES AND RESOLDTIONS: The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance for first reading � Granting unto Olympic Pipe Line Company, A Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair one or more pipe lines, together with equipment and appurtenances thereto for the transportation, storage and handling of oil and any by-product thereof under, through and below certain desi�nated roadways and public ' properties of the City of Renton, State of Washington, as read by the Clerk. The authority granted under this document runs for a period of 25 years, said line•.td be in such locations of street crossings and park properties as specified in Exhibit "A" and fees payable by January lst of each year in a sum equal to the total number of lineal feet of pfpeline located within the City on January 1, multiplied by the rate of $.OS (5¢ per lineal foot),but the minimum to be paid annually will not be less than $500.00, with 6 f�. minimum depth and 5 ft. installation width,(30 in construct ion.)Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper publi.�ation and 30 day retention wit h report back thereafter, according to law. The motion carried. on �voice vote. w�th all Council Members present voting aye with the exception of Perry who voted no. � The Law and Ordinance Connnittee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington ordering the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines an appurtenances in Southeast 112th Street and 114th Avenue Southeast, all in accordance with Resolution No. 1268 of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, estab- lishing Local Improvement District No. 252, providing the method of assessment in said District; providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upoti property in said District, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", or notes in lieu thereof as determined by the City Council; and providing for the issuance end sale of local improvement district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2113 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members preseat voting aye and the motion carried. A letter from the Firemen`s Pension Board was read at this time offering to purchase L.I.D. 252 Sanitary Sewer Warrants and Installment Noties in the estimated total sum of $19.798.20 at the interest rate of 4.75%. Maved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to accept the offer of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board. Carried. A letter frem City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids on L.I.D, 252, Sanitary Sewers in S.E. 112th Street and 114th Avenue S.E. and October 19th was suggested as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the authorization and bid opening date as recommended. Carried. Audience comment was invited at this time and Mr. tdally Clarke addressed the Council on behalf of heating oil dealers, some of whom were also present, on Resolution- regarding 3% tax proposal being considered in regard to heating fuels. • Mayo r Custer advised of no such Resolution and that the proposal was presented to the Council in the 1965 preliminary budget. City Attorney Shellan advised that no action has been taken by the Council on this pr�posal. If Council approved and the budget were adopted it� ' would be by subsequent �rdinance.Aiany of �he local oil dealers are members of the Oil Heat Institute of Washington and Mr. George Cashman, Field Engineer, of the Institute requested discussion call.ing attention to the Wenatchee Court Case involving municipal levy on fuel oils,, it being felt that �a 2nd or 3rd -Class City could not impose such tax and that any utility tax would not be applicable, as heating oil is not consi�ered such. It was pointed out that the fuel oil dealers aperate competeti'vely with no franchise grant or trade guarantee and that an appeal would be made to the supreme or U.S. Court if necessary. Mayor Custer advised this was not a util3.ty tax and that the dealers waold; be:the collecting agent only, which Mr. Cashman stated was a step along the road to putting the dealers out of business. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to place the matter on the Agenda of the Committee of the Whole on Thursday. Mayor Cus�er advised this has already been scheduled and ruled the motion out of order. After discussion on anticipated revenue to be derived from the tax the motion was made by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. � The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. There were 26 visitors in the Counc3.1 Chambers. -5- : __ __ - - � r .�� �� . �� �,��z: Minu�es af �he Renton C�.ty Cauncil Meeting 9-28-b4 COMMUNICATIONS {cont.} Peici�cion re 148th So. alley to Grady Way Moved by Delaurenti, seGonded by Dalilquis�, to refer this ma�cter to the Street and AII�y Camnnittee for investigation a�zd report back. Carried. A le�ter read from the newly �armed Renton Municipal �rt Commission suggested �hat �he Mayar and Council remove ti�e existing planter boxes and dead trees and replace tl�em with more permanent canstruetion far a more pleasing appearanee with �ew plar�tings ari d� the Ci�y assumin� maintenance and care. Moved by Schel.].erti seconded l�y Perry, ta refer i�he mat�er to the £ommittee af �he Whole :Eor discussion. Inguiries regarding funding and design ensued, it bei.ng discussed �Izat otfers have been made to aid in designing and p�.antings gratis. Aftex E'urther discussian as to whether -che ma�ter might be consuma•�ed adminis�ratively vate was -talcen on the pending motion. Upon dissenting voice vo-�e and Mayor's annonncement o� carry o-� the motion,roll caLt raas requested and re�ul'ced as follaws: Aye: Schellert, Dahl.quist, Pedersen, Perry and Morris, No: Poli, Huise, Bruce and Delaurenti. The mo-cion carried. A letter frflm the Ass'n. of t�ashington Cities submic-eed aud requested City sugport of a Resolutiori oppasing the e�fc�r�cs Qf Federal Gavernmen•c agencies in attempting to open municipal watersheds for unxes�cricted access and recreaicional development withaut re�ard to •liie ecanomic requiremen•i�s of the areas. Discussxon ensued regarding various par'cies involved in the dispute and the matter of possible �aater pollution and costs of instituting facilities additional.ly �o be required if-access is opened �nd motion was made and seconded �y Perry and Po7.i, to concur in opposing fhe apening with referral to ihe Law and Ordinance Commi�tee. Further discussion disclased tha� the po2lu�i.on factor was r�ot to be sol.ely cansidered but other faetors iaere invo�ved including Hun�in�; and £ishing entiti,es and �ci�e Municipality af Taco�na amang ather things waxranting cc�nsicleration and investigation prior to action being �:aken l�y the Ci�y. Tt was moved subsequently by Marris, seconded by Pedersen, to refer 'cl�e n�at�er ta the Committee of the Whole. Carried. .� letter f�om J. F. Ashurst, Assis�ant Fire Chief, reported that the construction a�d safety features propased in 'che plans presented by 'che 01.ympic Pipe Line Campany for pipinU liquid fuels thrau�h �he �ity af Renton, maei or exceed recommendations prescribed by the American Societ�T oi Mechanical Engineers, the guiding authority for st�et� znstallations. 1�, lettex xead from Mayor Custer submitted Deed from Pu�et Progerties, Ine., conveying i:he Eastexn portion of Pu�;et Drive unto the City o� Renton. The right-of-way has been paved according to agreement and Mayor Custer recatnmended formal acceptance by �che Council. Moved by Morris, seconded by Marris, seconded by Sche:llert, to refer the Deed to the City Attarney ta report back. Carried. A letter from the Renton I}OWri'l'4WF1 Merchants' Association, by Virginia Hashagen, P�esident, requested xhat the Counca.l grant free parkang on October 22, 23 and 24, 1964 during the annual Harvest Sal.e. The Merchantis' letter o�E �Iay llth requested the dates of Octaber l, 2 and 3 however it has become necessary to change the dates. Permit to h�ng bannexs with usual Hold Harmless Agreemen� and Insurance compliance was re�ques�ed to advextise the sale;and in addition permission was xeques�ced to block off Burnett Stree� fxom Third Avenue to Walla Waila Avenue on October 23xd for a new car showing, fram 6:34 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Moved by Sche3.l.ext, secanded by Bruce, to refer the I:e�ter ta the Street and AIIeY Commi-�te�, ta repor� back. next week. Carried. A letter from the Greater Reni.an Chamber of Commerce, advised re request for aid ir� pramotion of the November Library Hond Issue, t�bar�:Chou�r4rece�vag-�no r�spo�s��:ta requests for meetings regarding Capital Improvement priority listing for the City, ���r'.' ;: h,�s va�ed -co undextake the saies probram ta acquaint tt�e ci�cizens wa.th the impartance of the Libraxy to the community and ..��he need for their support. Mr. Don Ho1m has been r�ques�ced to assume Chairmanship of the Library &and S83.es Cammittee. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, that the Mayor reply ta the 3etter in accep�ance of the offer and expressi.ng appreciation for �.:his assistance. Carried. A request was read from Depar�Cment Heads, Jensen, 4>>ilson, Gosset�, Wa1.ls, Coulon Ne;lson and Gdilliarns, requesting consideration of inclusian in the 1965 budget of the approximate sum of $3,500.Q0 for purchase af an offset printing machine for use by the � various departments for quality reproduction and printin�,; oi reports and forms. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Scheller'c, to refer the ma�ter �co the Committee of the Whole. Carriecl. -3- � � - - _ � / / � ��4'�`�'' � �� ��` ��'.� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-28-64 ORDTNANCES AND RESOL�IONS: � The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance for first reading Granting unto Olympic Pipe Line Company, A Corporation, its successors and assigns� the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair one or more pipe lines, together with equipment and appurtenances thereto for the transportation, storage and handling of oil and any by product thereof under, through and below certain desi;nated roadways and public properties of the Ci�y of Renton, State of Washington, as read by the Clerk. The authority gra�zted un3er this document runs for a period of 25 years, said line-.td be in such locations of street crossings and park properties as specified in Exhibit "A" and fees payable b;� January lst of each year in a sum equal to the total number of lineal feet of pipeline located within the City on January 1, multiplied by the rate of $.OS (5� per lineal foot),but the minimum to be paid annually will not be less than $500.00, with 6 ft. minimum depth and 5 ft. installation width,(30 in construct- ion.)Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, that the proposed Ordinance be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper publi.cation and 30 day retention wit h report , back thereafters according to law. The motion carried_ on �voice vote.: w�th aZl Council ` Members present voting aye with the exception of Perry who voted no. � The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington ordering the construction and installation of sanitary sewer lines an appurtenances in Southeast 112th Street and 114th Avenue Southeast, all in accordance with Resolution PIo. 1268 of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, estab- lishing Local Improvement District No. 252, providing the method of assessment in said District; providing that payment far said improvement be made by special assessments upor� property in said District, payable by the mode of "payment by bonds", or notes in lieu thereof as det�rmined by the City Council; and providing for the issuance and sale of local improv�mznt district warrants redeemable in cash and local improvement district bonds or notes5 which was read by the Clerk. Moved by �lorris, seconded by Hulse, to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that Ordinance No. 2113 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with a�_1 Counc�l Members preserrt voting aye and the motion carried. A letter from the Firemen's Pension Boaxd was read at this time offering to purchase L.I.D. 252 Sanitary Sewer Warrants and Installment Notes in the esticnated total sum of $19.�98,20 at the intexest rate of 4.75%. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to accept the offer of the Firemen's Pension Fund Board. Car:-�ed. A letter frcm City Engineer Wilson requested authorization to call for bids on L.I.D. 252, Sanitary Sewers in S.E. 112th Street and 114th Avenue S.E. and October 19th was suggested as the bid opening date. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the authorization and bid opening date as recommendeda Carried. Audience commnnt was invited at this time and Mr. SJally Clarke addressed the Council on behalf of heating oil dealers, some of whom were also present, on Resolution. regarding 3% ta:: proposal being considered in regard to heating fuels. • Mayor Custer advised of no such kesolution and that the proposal was presented to the Council in the 1965 pxeliminary budget. City Attorney Shellan advised that no action has been taken by the Council on this prnposal. If Council approved and the budget were adopted it� '� would be.by suiisequent �rdinance.A3any of �he local oil dealers are members of the Oil Heat Institute of Washington and Mr. 6eo�ge Cashman, Field Engineer, of the Institute requested discussion calling attention to the Wenatchee Court Case involving municipal levy on fuel oils,� �t being felt that a 2nd or 3xd Cl'as5 City could not impose such tax and that any utility tax would not be applicable, as heatin� oil is not consi�ered such. It was pointed out that the fuel oil dealers operate competetively with no franchise grant or trade guarantee and that an appeal would be made to the supreme or U.S. Court if necessary. Mayor Custer advised this was not a utility tax and that the dealer$ wvald: be:the collecting agent only, which Mr. Cashman stated was a step along the road to putting the dealers out of business. Moved by P:orr�s, seconded by Schellert, to place the matter on the Agenda of the Committee of the Whole on Thursdayo Mayor Cus�er advised this has already been scheduled and ruled the motion out of order. After discussion on anticipated revenue to be derived from the tax the motion was made by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was udjourned at 10:12 p.m. There were 26 visitors in the Council Chambers. -5- 1 INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date September 24, 1;'64 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Departmental Account No . TO: �ialmia �jnlenn� rl1'�' (''�,lc�L �'Xp2riC�1tUY'2 adlCC011rit NO . Message: Dear Helmie: We are handing you herewi'th five copies of the proposed Franchise Ordinance to Olympic Pipe Line Company on which we have made several changes which are self explanatory. Also please find a stencil which is to be inserted in lieu of the existing Page 6. Please return these documents to us after insertion but one copy, as revised, should be forwarded to Vern Morris and his Committee. Thanking you, we remain Yours� truly, t,�iuG & SH�LLAN �,, GMS:nd " Gerard . Shellan, cc: Vern Morris, Chairman, Law & Ordinance Committee City ttorney Hnn. Donald W. Custer, Mayor �' I��v��i G�c.; 9/a�/6� RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT . MAKE EVERY wEEK FIRE PREVENTION 1�EEK NULLS AND WAI.I.A WAI.I.A RENTON, WASF�iGTQN September 22, 1964 Honorable Mayor D. W. Cu�ter � Mrs. Dahlquist and Members of the City Cauncil , We find that the construction and saf'tey features consoli- � dated in the plans presented by the Olympic Pipe Line Company for a flamable liquida transport line through the City oP Renton meet or exceed recommendations as given by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the guiding authority for such instal- lations. In the cour�e of inv�stigating this in�tallation, we have , been in contact with the City of Los Angle� F'ire Prevention Bureau, the Olympic Pipe L3ne Company engineers and representa- tives, and William F'itzge�8ld, retired Seattle Fire Chief, and we have been informed by these people that this Department has investi�ated th3� installation more thoroughly than any other Fire Department or City they have yet dealt with. Sincerely, ENTOAI FIR DEP RTMEN� . � . J. F. Ashurst Assistant Chief JFAs�ln . ,;: . n,;=, , �•_. . . . . . F� �= C: ,..�.. i . .�: ' . .�.��. M�'Y C��: _. � `.�— ��4N-�i�L/ G`� � �/���(Sl .�x. � RENTa11Y FIRE DEPARTMENT � � , MARE EVERY wEEK FIRE PREVENTION WEEK � �� MII.LS AND WALI.A WAI.LA RENTON, WASI�TGTON ��,;; �,;. September 22, 196� �',. �:. y�. �'t" r� ��F ;,,r: ;�� k+. �S k� �,, Honorable Mayor D. W. Custer `'' Mrs. Dahlquist and Members oP the City Council ; � fif We find that the construction and saP'tey features consoli- ���� �.: dated in the plans presented by the Olympic Pipe Line Company `�; f't� for a flamable liquids transport line through the City of Renton f;;� meet or exceed recommendations as given by the American Society ;;� oP Mechanical Engineers, the guiding suthority for �uch instal- '�"; r;,, lations. '`�� �,� . ,�� In the course of investigating thls installation, we have ;� been in contact with the City of Los Angles Fire Prevention r�� Buresu, the Olympic Pipe Line Company engineers and representa- ��;� tives, and William Fitzgerald, retired Seattle Fire Chief, and z� we have been informed by these people that this Department has ;�� investigated this installation more thoroughly than any other ���a� Fire Department or City they have yet dealt with. �'!; �:; �,: Sincerely, "�` �::, �� �K, ENTON FIR DEP RTMENT �`�.�;: V� � � J. F. Ashurst �'r Assistant Chief '�� �a: �':� JFA s�ln '� 4 �: 9:. :i' �i ��ci #4�,: .L: pt �I;�: a� �;i' i�' 1!r\Y'L.- , `: � . • ' ��; � j . �..., — . . . ��. �t �,. t.. ._.. � , �._ y, .�,7 -�'�-�fi«�.�. �s �' �1�'�\1 \.�.�i�s � T.t. 't.: �;i: ww�.wnawu.,_.,, . . � � -� � C' /�slrL' -!c:L/ F r � r � RENT�►i1T FIRE DEPAR�MENT M:iKE EVF.R�' 1�'EEK FIRE PRlVENTI(�N R" 1i1:K MILLS AND WALLA WALLA RENTON, WASHINGTON September 22, 195� � � Honorable Mayor D. W. Custer Mrs. Dahlquist �.nd Members of the City Council We find that the construction and saftey features consoli- � dated in the plans presented by the Olympic Pipe Line Company for a flamak�le ltquids tra.nsport line through the City of Renton meet or exceed recommendations as given by the Ameriean Society . of Mechani,cal Engineers, the guiding authority for such instal- l�tions. , Tn the course of investigating this instal�ation, we have been in contact with the City of Los Angles Fire Prevention Bareau, the Olympic Pipe Line Company engineers and representa= tives, and William Fitzgerald, retired Seattle Fire Chief, and we have been informed by these people that this Department has investigated this installation more thoroughly than any other , Fire Department or City they have yet dealt with. Sincerely, RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT � � ,, 1 � � � / • �...('"�C����'-���'d- �1 � i � : �"J. F. Ashurst Assistant Chief JFA:Jln , ; ;,;� � � . " � . . EiL ��: ' 4 ` �-;;>-��.� �,;; . � � r dr=. �i �.' '' - �. ' ,�, .=;�r;�;�; �� �.:s�� .. ��-�. ��;� �ti� �;,h ;�•.;�''� _\ t ;1, � � i�� \` �'' �: :i�° '� ////�J�� /� H j����� Y Y�Y Y V�Y Y `�'' ` . �l�!'�` � ,� �'•�+��,���. ` �W A S i��N G T O N ihe Jel Transport Capiial of �he World /\�n�-'��`,�e� � � 4,��: �,r��p� _/ ' -`�� ` ��� ' 5 � . , �',�,�_ OFFICE OF ThE MAYOR 4•�.,. �'s, �' D. W. CUSTER, MwroR ' ��R! �«R �`� ��r S eptember 21, 1964 , Members of the Council At the Committee of the Whole meeting held last Thursday evening, September 17, the Council asked for the Mayor and the Department Heads to submit their recommendations for the proposed Olympic Pipe Line franchise. I hereby recommend that the City enter into a franchise agreement as proposed�y the City Attorney and that the fee be set at ��p�e�r� lineal foot of pipe line to be placed within the corporate limits of the City; this charge should be an annual fee. I furth er suggest that the City set a minimum fee of $500 per year, for a period for the franchise of 25 years. I recommend that a minimum depth of 5 ' be � established and that the right of way granted be no more than 10 ' in width with 30 ' width allowed during construction only. Sincerely, � ���C�.�� ��. ,� � , . D. W. Custer Mayor DWC:b r... .�: .. .- ..�:�:����� . - Committee of the Whole September 17, 1964 Councilmen Bruce, Dahlquist, Delaurenti, Garrett, Hulse, Morris, and Poli were present. The recommendatian was made that the propased ordinance to grant a franchi�e to the Olympic Pipe Line Company be given to Department Heads and Members of the Council far review, and that any proposed changes be braught to the next Council meeting. � '�� _.., , ..� ��. ,� �-.� iDan Poli, President I � � � � � � � � � � CITY OF RENTON � RENTON, WASMINGTON , ' ' o��oF nn Arro�EY - . ' GerardM.Sh�llan, ('ity.4uurn�y �pt��s 16� 1�/� ; Arthurl.Haugon, 9ss'r.Ciry.arrorney � Mt. t� P+oli. Ytesideat � . R�dwa City Co�aeil �20 1.at��co• Av�s� . � itsac0�. '.�ashit�ca� t�: trvpo�.d Tia�sAias u Ol�ie ?i�s Ll�s Co. � ; OM►t l�saa s � h�rsw+�t co ouz �w�tiqr ie th� Mryor'� oitic• � t� Yys �o, w itv� ,�, . Nr.p�r� a dr�tt ot • Pzop��d lsrshi�� co tb� Ulyqia !ir LiM G�y. w w�l.rsc�+Ad �b�t cAi• rcc�r la •cill D�ia� ►sld io ati.�►�� br t� - . CaMriccas ot cbo ����ol�. W �il aK �ss�'t tM ►sqos�d sa�ls tocr ' iusdi��d ua by t1� Ca�s� •i� vr b�li�nr� tlrt cbs tts�a!►i�� �►w+lt � [� arra inc�il�d aa� P�ovid� �iittia�aal oal�swsl s�d ps�tsscioR t� ci� CitY � tMr �w►i!s *�ur�ll�. � � � � { . - �t• Irr� also l�it wt e�rtai• blsve� �rYisY �ill Mv• t� � bt�t+ais�i Oy , � tl� lni�latir* bod� iselwdin� LM t�ss �t c.� T�raac*i�w �ud t!w ca�it�sa�e� th�i�ior. � � ir i. e�s s�•.cs..e wac e�. u.'.�s..sc �..t.. .st.eiallr. a�.� �►«�r cbs. ps�l �asp earslully t� 1� s�s� tlrac it �t� vitb th�i� t�ll q�r�t. � . ?l�sa� �lao k� is �is� tY�t � frswsMia� Os�i�ane� aa+�wt ►� �dqtN a� . it,r tirat rrdlss Iwc �rat w ►sld �* tor •t l�aat 30 i�rs. T►i• is i� �rsawas• �t R.C.W. �S. 23.�y0 •t ��y. . 4 I � � =��R ' . � � � • , t.�• w�r c:�iy. - M�4� i� �ttl.ld/ � ; � � ` , . . �► o.:.t� �. p.ti.: ' � - • � Ciy► �tt�t�+�r . , . . NY t�i , � . �as i tir� C�i�l � � . , . ' . �`� !�h DNt. i�t. . , - . ' ' Lrw � O��ir�t� C!rl�� . �� � Cie� �sns�s � . , . ' , , . "cc . (blind) Hon. Donald W.- Custer, Mayor ' , ' � � ��- J � �� �� Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 9-14-64 NEta BIISINESS: Mayor Custer advised that Councilman Trimm, who is in the hospital, has asked to be relieved of his Council Commi�tee duties for the present time and Councilman Bruce has been requested to assume -those duties on all commi'ctees which include the 701 Planning Committee of which he was chairman, the Street and Alley Committee and the Property Committee. Mayor Custer announced tha-c the Preliminary Budg�t will be presented to the Council next week, revisions having to be made in accordance with action of the Congress regarding Social Security and additional revenues to be included which were not heretofore anticipated. Councilman Poli requested a meeting of the Commi-�tee of the Whole on Thursday, September 17th at 7:30 p.m. for discussion with Olympic Pipe Line Co. representatives and the City Attorney and City Engineer were invited to be present. Mr. Perry requested that Mr. and Mrs. Burton Albright be invited, of Kirkland per their request. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Morris, that Vouchers No. 6047 through 6222, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Co►Tenittee, be approved by the Council at this time. Carried. Councilman Hulse a:nnounced a meeting of the CaQi-cal Improvement Committee on Wednesday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m, and a meeting of the Audi-cing and Accounting Committee on Monday, September 21st at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Hulse submitted a report on his attendance along with Planning Director Jenson and Planning Coromission Chairman Denzer, at the meeting of the Planning Association of Washington in Yakima, Sept. 11 and 12th, of which he is a charter member. The topics included "The definit�on of a comprehensive plan, The development and implementation of a comprehensive plan and Planning and the news media". Informal discussions covered such topics as Oxientation for Planning Commission Members and Councilmen, local intergovernment relations in planning and future programs of the Association. Emphasis was placed on the need for good communication with other governmen�al agencies. The next meeting is expected to be in Tacoma, February 12-13, 1965. Anoi:her meeting will be scheduled for May in Walla, Walla and there is to be a conference or County Commissioners. The Ass'n. has a goal of three meetings a year. An article was attached from the Yakima Herald wl�ich was entitled"U.S. Growth Becomes Big Problem,"the topic of Speaker Karl J. Belser. Further activities of the Planning Association were outlined along with details of Mr. Belser�s speech. Councilman Schellert, reporting as a member of the 701 Planning Committee, advised the Mr. Teegarden has been appointed Chairman of a Conunittee to upgrade the Zoning Code and Llr. Bardarson is Chairman of the Committee to recommend revisions of the land use map. Councilwoman Dahlquist reminded the Council, as Chairman of the Legislative Committee, of the 47th Legislative Distric'c meeting on Friday, September 25th at 7:P.M. at the Auburn Elks. Councilman Pedersen called attention to the si:ron� movement towards bringing a major league ball club to Seat-�le which he deems very important to all of King County as it represents new industry for the area. It was urged that the Council urge the Merchants and Chamber of Commerce to support the efror-c, and moved by Pedersen, and seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for a , Resolution supporting the ball park issue. Carried. Councilman Perry made the motion that Council �o on record in unanimous support of the Lalce Wn. Beach Bond Proposal, with second by Garrett. Upon voice vote Datilquist. opposed, stating that the s�o�m sewers were of greater concern at this time. ORDINANCES AAD RESOLUT'IONS: Committee Chairman Morris presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Wn. Vacating a protion of County Road #34 lying wi'thin Tract 183 of C.D. HillmanTs Lake Wn. Garden of Eden, Division No. 3, which was read by the Clerk. (Gerber Property) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the Ordinance to the Committee for recommendation. The Committee recommended second and final reading after which it was moved by Poli, �=d seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No. 2111 as read. Roll call vote resulted in all ayes and the motion carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist called attention to the Good Roads Ass'n. meeting in Spokane on the 16th, 17th and 18th of September. As there was no further busir�ess to come before the Council, it was moved by Poli, seconded by Gian�tni, to adjourn. Carried. The meetin� adjourned at 10:35 p.m. There were 29 visitors. _�_ , _ � .. j � 1 3 . a Minu�es of the Renton City Council Meeting $-�d-���4 C�H�iUNICATIONS: (cont.) A Petition eontaining 44 signatures was re�d requesting tha�G the Gity block aff the ' Gity of Seattle righ�-of-way road leading past Arnold Paxk (Pipe Line Roac3} in gxde� to al2eviate traffic an Renton Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Aahlquist, to refer the Petition ta the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A Pefiition containing 35 �ignatures requested the City to install four-way stop signs � at the intexsection of 7th Aveno�.and Rentan Street in arder to curtail the speed of the �raffzc an said streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, ta refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Ca�nittee to report back. Garried. � A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of .discussions with plympic Pipe Line Co. representatives regarding Franchise request of 7-8-64 far transporting re�ined petroleum products through Renton and of recommendatcions from the City Engineer regarding the City's pasition in the matter. Questians and answers were sttbmitted,as exchanged between Puge� Properties, Inc. ar�d the Pipe Line Company and City Attorney 8he3.Ian had requested that other Department Heads submit any particular reco�nendations they might have after which further meetings with the Pipe Line Compar�y wi�.l. be arranged. ` Mayor Custer invited epmmen� from Mr. Collins of the Pipe Line Company and his request was that the recommendations be submitted to the City At�orney at an early date i.n ordex that undue delay may be avoided. He poin�ed out also tha� the questians posed during the Council meeting af 7-13-64 were much the same as thase which the City A�torney had submitted as prapaunded by Fuget ??raperties, Inc. Further inquirfes regarding the matter diselaseci that the Fire Department reconunendation wauld be forthcaming saan, a reply having been xeceived from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers upon in- qu3.ry regarding such pipe line ins�a3lation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the City At�arney's commur�ication be referred to the Comanittee of the Whole. Carried. A 2etter from City Clerk Nelson xeported that an Agreement between the City and Frank Bonnell. and Charles Shane had been autharized on January 13, 19b4 for installatian of starm sewers an 92nd Avenue South. The Agreement, requested by the prapexty owners, has been execu�ted by Mr. Hanne3.3. however Mr. Shane has not yet signed it, and c�ncexm ' for clasing the files on �he transactian was eacpressed. Upon inquiry, City Engineer � W31san advised that it was desirable that a storm line he installed in the area and in the event the Agreement is not executed another reute will need to be established. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlqurist, to refer the matter to the Street � Canmi.ssioner and the St�z�et and Alley Camnittee. Carried. ; A letter fram the Greater Hi.-Lands Merchants Associatt on requested caarnfval. f�e �waiver durin� its public celebration and annua3 Frontier Days activities August 12 thxough 16th, ; to be located at llth Avenue and i0th Avenue Nor�h behind the Maxket Basket Stare �#3. ' Agpraximately 15 cance�sions wa.11 be operating w3.th 8 amusement rides. ' ' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlqu3st, to refer the request ta the Po3ice and . ' I�i.cense Committee with power to act. Carried, ' A let�ter read from Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger, Municipal Bond Counsel, requested , ermission to sub�mit ropasal on the Lake Wash3ngton Beach Develapment Bonds. 1� P Moved by Dah3quist, seconded by Schelle�ct, �o refer the communication to i:he Ca�ni.t�ee af the Whale. Carried« A letter was read fran Mr. Prahl, Distr3c� £ngineer, Sta�e Highway Co�nissian, acknowledging receipt of City of Renton Resolution No. 1265 uring the Stat+� ta alloca�e necessary funds for acquisition af rights-of ways for Valley Freeway construct3on and a new East and Wes� Highway from PSH No. 1 to Auburn-Echo Lake Road. Assurance.: was given �hat every attentian was being given to the matter and the proposed canstruction schedul.e wtte�outl.ined wi.th inquiry regarding the East�iest proposai as submitted. ( A 3etter frc�nn the Renton Demacratic Club requested permission ta ,�la�ee a banner across .- Third Avenue be�en Wells ar�d Main Streets designati.ng its Headquarters office until after the General Election of November 3rd. Councilman Delaurenti advised ttta� while he was acting Mayor he had granted the request and that formal fili�g of the groper - documents had been cnade�:a stipulatian �t the time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to rafiify the�action af the acting Mayor and to grant 1:he request. Carried. � Mayar Custer announced a meetin� an Wednesday, August I2th at 9:30 a.m. at fhe Seattle Municipal Building with Mr. J. Ray Heath ta discuss the water rates the City of Renton naw gays to 5eattle. -2- � � / � 'M'" �� v� � �� � �' � ��1- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 8-10-1964 COI�lIINICATIONS: (cont.) A Petition containing 49 s3gnatures was read requesting that the Gity block off the City of Seattle right-of-way road leading past Arnold Park (Pipe Line Road) 3.n orde� to alleviate traffic on Renton Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. A Petition containing 35 signatures requested the City to install four-way stop si�ns at the intersection of 7th Avenue and Renton Street in order to curtail the speed of the traffic on said streets. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the Petition to the Street and Alley Co�nittee to report back. Carried. , �/ A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of .discussions with Olympic Pipe Line Co. ( representatives regarding Franchise request of 7-5-64 for transporting refined petroleum products through Renton and of recommend�tions from the City Engineer regarding the City's� � position in the matter. Questions and answers were submitted,as exchanged between Puget Properties, Inc. and the Pipe Line Company and City Attorney Shellan had requested that ; other Department Heads submit any particular recommendations they might have after which further meetings with the Pipe Line Company will be arranged. Mayor Custer invited comment fram Mr. Collins of the Pipe Line Company and his request was that the recommendations be submitted to the City Attorney at an early date � in order that undue delay may be avoided. He pointed out also that the questions posed durin� the Council meeting of 7-13-64 were much the same as those which the City Attorney� had submitted as propounded by Puget Properties, Inc. Further inquiriss regarding the �' matter disclosed that the Fire Department recommendation would be forthcoming soon, a � reply having been received from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers upon in- quiry regarding such pipe line installation. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the City Attorne}�s tommunication be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from City Clerk Nelson reported that an Agreement between the City and Frank Bonnell and Charles Shane had been authorized on January 13, 1964 for insta].l.ation of storm sewers on 92nd Avenue South. The Agreement, requested by the property owners, has been executed by Mr. Bonnell however Mr. Shane has not yet signed it, and concenn - for closing the filee on the transaction was expressed. Upon inquiry, City Engineer , Wilson advised that it was desirable that a storm line be installed in the area and in the event the Agreement is not executed another route will need to be establ3shed. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street Commissioner and the St��et and Alley Corm►ittee. Carried. A letter from the Greater Hi-Lands Merchants Associati on requested c$r�tfval.f�e :waiver durin� its public celebration and annual Frontier Days activities August 12 through 16th, to be located at llth Avenue and lOth Avenue North behind the Market Basket Store ##3. Approximately 15 conceesions will be operating with 8 amusement rides. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger, Municipal Bond Counsel, requested permission to submit proposal on the Lake Washington Beach Development Bonds. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter was read from Mr. Prahl, District Engineer, State Highway Commission, acknowledging receipt of City of Renton Resolution No. 1265 uring the State to allocate ! necessary funds for acquisition of rights-of ways for Valley Freeway construction and a j; new East and West Highway from PSH No. 1 to Auburn-Echo Lake Road. Assurance.: was given that every attention was being given to the matter and the prvposed coastruction schedule � wt�e•outlined with inquiry regarding the East-West proposal as submitted. A letter from the Renton Democratic Club requested permission to pla�ee a banner across Third Avenue between Wells and Main Streets designating its Headquarters office until after the General Election of November 3rd. Councilman Delaurenti advised that while he was acting Mayor he had granted the request and that formal filing of the proper documents had been mede�:a stipulation 3t the time. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry to ratify the�action of the acting Mayor and to grant the request. Carried. � Mayor Custer announced a meetin� on (�lednesday, August 12th at 9:30 a.m. at the Seattle Municipal Building with Mr. J. Ray Heath to discuss the water rates the City of Renton now pays to Seattle. -2- ;.�,:,,�, , —.��. � --- - - _ �. _ . . __- ..-� I — — � J Minutes of the Renton City Counci3 Meeting 8-lt?-19b4 G(�itINICATI4NS: (cant.} II A Petition conta�.ning 4� signatures was read requesting that the City bl.ock off the City of Sea�tle right-of-way road leading past Arnald Park (Pipe Line Road) in orde�' to alleviate traffic on Renton Street. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the Petition to the S�reet and Alley Comnittee ta repart back, Carried. A Petition containing 35 signatuxes requested the City �o install. fauz-way stop signs at the in�ersection of ?�th Avenu+� and Renton Street in arder to cuxtail the speed of the traff%c on said streets« Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refex the Petitian ta the Street and Alley Cac�rnittee to report back. Carried. A letter �ram £ity Attomey Shel3.an advised Of .discussions with 4lympic Fipe Line Co. representatives regardiz�g Franch�.se request of 7-8-b4 far transporting re£ined petraleum gror�ucts through Rentan a�d of recommendatians from the City Eng3.neer regarding the City�s position in the ma�ter.. Questions and answers were submitted,as exchanged between Puget Frogerties, Inc, ar�d the Pipe Line Company and City Attorney Shellan had requested that other Department Heads submit any particular recommendations they might have after which further mee�ings with the Pipe Line Company will be arranged. Mayor Custer invited comment from Mr. Collins of the Pipe Line Company and his request was that the recomJnendations be submitted to the City Attorney at an early date fn order �hat undue delay rnay be avoided. He pointed out alsa tha� the questians pased durin� the Cauncil meeting of 7-13-b4 were much �he same as those which the Ci�ty Attorney had submi�ted as propounded by Puget Praperties, Inc. Fwwrtther inquiriss regarding the matter diselosed that the Fire Degartment recosnmendation would be �orthcoming soon, a reply having been received from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers upon in- quiry regardint; such pipe line installation. Moved by Morris, secanded by Perry, that the City Attorne�s cammuni.cation be xeferred to the Committee o� the Whole. Carried. A let�ter from City Clerk Ne3.san xeparted that an Agreement between the City and Frank Bonnell and Charles Shane had beea authorized on Jannary 13, 19b4 far installation af stozm sewers on 92nd Avenue South. The Agreemenx, requested by the prope�rty awners, has been executed by Mr. Honnell howevex Mr. Shane has not yet sf,grred it, and conce�n � for closing the �iles on the transaction was e�cpressed, Upan inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that it was desirable that a storrn line be installed in the area and in ; the event the Agxeement is not executed another route will need to be established. � Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the mattex to the Street � Carani.ssioner and the St��et and Alley Committee. Carried. A 2ettex from ths Greater Hi-Lands Merchants Association requested e�rufval.f�e �waiver durin� its public celebra�ion and annual Prantier Days activities August 12 thraugh 16th, to be located at llth Avenue and 14th Avenus North behind the Market Basket Store #3. i Approximately 15 concessions wi.11 be operating with 8 amusement rides. ; Moved by Delawcenti, seconded by Dahlquist, ta refer the request ts� the Police and � License Committee with power ta act. Carried. A lettex xead from Walter, Woody & He�.merdinger, Municiga3. Bond Counsel, requested perm:i.ssian to sutxnit praposal on the Lake Washington Beach Develop�tent Bands. Move� by Dahlqu�.st, seconded by Sche�.�.ert, �o refer the eo�ununication ta the Ccun�ni.ttee of the Whole, Carried, ' A letter was read from Mr. Prah1., Distr3ct Engineer, State Highway Co�nission, �cknowledging receipt of City of Renton Resolutian No. 12b5 uring the S�ate to allocate necessary funds for acquisition of rights-of ways �or Valley Freeway constxuction and a new East and West Highway from PSH No. 1 to Auburn-Echo Lake Raad. Assurat�ce.: was given that every attention was being given ta the matter and the propased construction schedu3.e wete�outl,�ned with inquiry regarding the East-West propasal as submitted. A letter :Erom the Renton Democratic Club xeguested perm:i.ssion to �2+��ee a banner across Third Avenue between Wells a�nd Main Streets designating its Headquarters office until � after the General E1ect3.on of November 3rd. Councilman Delaurenti advised that while he was acting Mayor he had granted the request and that farmal filing of the proper documents had been mede�:a stipulation �t the time. Moved by Schellert, secanded by Perry to rati�y the�action of the acting Mayor and ta grant the request. Carried. � Mayor �uster announced a meetin� on Wednesday, August 12th at 9:30 a.m. at the Seattle 'i Municipal Buildir�g with Mr. J. Ray Heath to discuss the water ra�es the City of Renton now pays �o Seattle. _2_ --r. ' . ._, _ ' . .f. � . . .d � � 'ny: . ' r.l. * • - �.^-_.�..�. � ,�� � . _ ' , _ , ' ' ,a ;k" .d;'� . ,� - �.t �., � �'� y "-.t _n" ;3r3'� s.}{M. �' ,:k 'r', _'. '_�... .; ' .. ,�-. '�a: ;r'.:. ,� � � , R° ,�� �q,� ��L '"$�:! ' . � � ., N � _ s ' . ' '^ . ' �y�le ���'4 t<�,T�- ' , � � •Y�! , '- b �ffw-� _ Y n , � ,n-i ' . . : ���r .a✓ - ,:g. . ..s� . �- ' _ . , ... - ' �!°. � �7r sr_ � . 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''� , . _ ., . . *�'.' ��7 .�'..-0 ., . .Rro , • � . , , � �� Fc� ��� _ . �%� �_ `_ , L � ' '� �. , ; CITY OF RENTON r-�:> 7, , RENTON, WASHINGTON � � � OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY 1 A �G� , Gerard M.Shellan,CityAttorney Au u8L f1 1964 Arthvr L. Haugan,Ass't.CityAttorney �r' 'f � g � ` ,%1J�•�-, p .. ,�,c,�l,C �' , � �� l��, ,��� Aonorable Donald W. Cnster, Meqor, and Members of the City Conncil City Aall &enton, Washington Re s Proposed Franchise to Olympic Pipe Litte Company Gentlemen and Mrs. D�glquist: We have had some diacussion With the re resentatives of the O1 ic Pi P 3'mP Pe Line Company and alsc received some recommendations from our City Engineer regarding ttte City•s position in this matter. i,1e also learned that Puget Properties, Inc., had propoundsd certain qt�estions to the Olym�ic Pipe Line Comp�ny affecting the location, safetq, and related tlnattert involving such pipe line. We are enclosing herewith copie� og the questions and ansWera. Theae question$ as well aa the answers supplied by the Olympic Pipe Line Company maq be of interest to yon. We had previously also reqdested the other departmenta of th� city to submit anq particular recc�e�endation that they e�ight tiav�e, and aa soon as we receiv�e eame, we �hall be glad to meet �.th representative: of the Olympic Pipe Line Company again. "� % � . V� trnly qours, �, UGANkS /. i by Gefard M. �hellan City Attorneq C�IS t leb Encl. ccs Helmie Nel�on, City Clerk Jack Wilson, City Engineer � �'�i�, i „�-�r�. ��''�C� , I+l _ -_-___.__-__"__'__..- r ' � � � � i � , � � e��.� x, i�e ' t�1, -.;���`? _ :,. ij;�._ i. , �;`� ��..,.., , , �� , � . ., ►�u< ; ��r I �{t" • i.� . �., . , h,u. t �i„_� 1"\4°; ���opc`�,r� 1�, 41a �•'�e��. � 't'>v,•<�n��,C .. �'. t�•� `�.� '. �E'�..;� �'� $• Qt'�1'.IMOtit�O Tu;�Mt hopesties� Ittc. ; t. 0. Do�c S�S i a�i�.�., W,�.�c�$c�, �: t��sti u�,�,�� �.:., � � �ncar�r t�r►rmcx�as� i�. ' D+rar Mr. tir�atbow�t ♦t �r�rr rs+qasac, tA• is11+�w�� �w�a��ats ��c� �+►r�bX �n�r�et to suppl+�s,at a�r applicatiar► o! �X Yl, �9i+� t�s gtp• 2fa�e'+r���naats o�v��r Yous t��r p�ro�raerty t !) Q. Ylat !s tl�s wsxi�rwa pzainrr� it �icb t�s p�;g�r- . . 1 v b iet ill • opstsat�d# A. 30 - �,SO p.�.i.�. . �) +�, Ta� xhst aMxisu� p►s�a�+�r+� !• pi�►lie� taata!! A. 180Q p.a.i.�. 3� Q. Nbo ir t1�M so�srai�eyy ��tberlR�► s���ti�tl,c� ebs i � i alis� • na�e a�s� co�iti,oa •i a►,�st P p , A, ihs pip�e lis� +ril� b� s1►Lat�i�+�l sa�d opsrat�d �a�r' r�►I!� ax�i ce�al�tioa►r of th� iit�ca at N+�ahtngt�a tubitc iJtiliti+ur �uad t�ra�o•pott�tiaa Cra�a�aisstoa +�rc1 , of cbe �'e�+�ral iataY+rtat• Cer�a�►�rc• Cor�el��l�z botb o� v�ow �ril3 �arraasa E�+r pi��r �la� w+� s�ad cemdition O� tt�! 11Z`Ll�t GllMqt#ttYriCt�Q1l. 4j Q. C!o L'h+i�• e�tdttlOmf Cb�rA��t ltt�p�rl� tts Mitl1 r�• �al�►tions. ♦. ii�e wr�u� tlu�t fac tb� pnbtta �, the iitiitta�taa� i �'. n. a ?. Cou�r��rsi+� xud �. I« C. C. coal� c1��a i t1�+eir c+�al�.tion�. ►. I. C. C. re�xt+�tic�w 1��v+e b�s � sv�icttd. �o !, t�. 6 !. C. �s�,+rl�tie�ur arr ar�il�bl�r. i � S) Q. ?o .�h�e ap*eifica�ioas �r� ths pipe�iaf'• �tmrial� +�+�! soaatr�ct�.ant i. !t►� �i� 21a.� sX�rt� l�e dai�a+�d La acear�aae�s rith � t�• A,�e�rl�� �trt�r4ard ��►oalati+� fs�xts�acioa � �1.4j "�t�ud�rd Cad• Frnr tr��a�nr� Ptpta� • rstrot� l'rodncts tiM Ltau". s� +�ad+Mi, ceasts�ctl� vri31 �a�rt or wxca��d all asfst�,e� God+w►. . . , . � • � �'s *r Q�C�1:1M4W1 ��C r�O��RlC��t! ZOtC• �'�,lf � _ ' ,Au�U�C 1, 194i 6} Q. tNpti! a� b»sit! si pipMiias? A. 'T� #�3prt 1�� vill tss �wri+Nl tiitlt a Mef� li� covsr af �? ic��h�. �') y� 'P7►� af a�t�►sixl �cl �of�at�t A. ZU�r �ip►r Ltaa►� Mtll As aau�t�tN at wld�d •t�+�l. 16�idc�'1 0.1i. AM Asa�1• X•�31 pipo� A��►i� • wl l t�ickaasM ot t1.312 lacl�rrr. 8� 4. t�� �rp�ctal satstX f+�t�t�r�+r tiill �a ia�tall�d al� t�a• ssc t tvns t A. A+rto�r+�tic �1r�It-+�tt sa�d +ssls��r �r�i�r+iu� titi! b�r i�►- •t�llyd st �pi��, •t.sria�s l�restia►a► �btx� wa,ler► c�c� arrw �ill •lso 5� rv�ii+�b1.�. Ad�►at� tlr� pr�e*ctlae �rq�tip�r►e r�ll b�► ptarid�d a� atl pof�e►Ra. � 9} +�. Mili f��x• b• as�► t►low*o�l+�, �t�f+�t,� �+��w�r at stte� •acw�a cootsols? Vh+prst A. D�ia� a �e,oati�a wrid 3ia+� ass�rta� aaly li+�afad #rodac�s, �►o �atrt� bls+rot� Yai+�ss +o►ar xacu�a aea�- t�ol• �rc� rsqairai. 14j q, vti2 �il.�,� e�� �ale��a�e ta �st+a�red�►E+� r�tA+rt a�ilitxta e+r st�ta�ts eo o�r+ae�r'• �copyrt�r st r� cest to t!i• wre�rst �l. Ya. tE w a�r�r eraR �e�swtwd �t �nrtor x��t. 12) Q. itill a casb M�i, or �p,ai'n�tslrt, b# �roat�d to p�r+�tarct tM+� o�aa�r s+a� !�!s tu�tiats dsrrslop�ut cMt�t? ♦. l�a. 1�) Q. t�e.r�► vrill r�.ara�.t ..iec.a�aa►a� .os��+r +a�nca.�ocX as.M. � b� lacat�dZ � A. �n R�r •i�at�ai�r 4t Lqa�aas�aM Racs '!`+ca�k • 1�atM�. 13; Q. i�bat se• ci�a •psst�ttcati+ra�s �+rs satsrtias co�sls�teEiaot stoa►�, �cr+�►s, os �dsr ttu pt�Il�3 A. �aaa +lvs La w�t3�rtw�otas a� pip�t lial. 14� Q, 1ii11 +uqiY Mt�llti�i� tL'�N�ilyM x�11t�'M Mpr+CLMI CNlttMt� tiaa f�twr��« MY►c#� M� canc�rirt• �►a�tr�irt� �R�.1 I A. otA�x �►c��ieY e+�w�r��a� v�ili �vt r�lei a�t� M+r f sp�ci�t cora�itnvtiw f�atw�t ok` +�{ra�ciA'ic�ttl��, I ' . • • , �t'. s• PiY'y�i• �tt heparti�a. I�. ta�tr � Aasgwt 1, �9d6 15' �t. Canld yw �tipp,y n� vitb �tin.at I.C.C. r�sul,sit�! ,A. Groasal rs�l�ti�aa� �rsrriowl� avppAi�d. lb) t�. �ii+ac srs th� 1t�tiaaal i'ix� t�issnrlcss� cod• r�qaisr e�a►ts �ar p��xoi�wr prad�cu' aod�r�ra�d pt��iae�t A. iloa�. 17) Q. iibas� vwld coost�cEioia ba��t Nhw co�1�R�ti i. Gn�ts�rtiaa will bssla la �hs t�prio� og l94! sa� bs ca�l�t�d by Ta11, 1963. 18) Q. NU�t is t.e.A. ��� a�l1►sak d��t�ac� Ero� �f,�lio� t• a�a�x��t awliir+ai � A. attbselc di�tsac• �ra� pip�litM w�t�at t4 uNt'ti� d�llias 1• 4S �a�t. 18' Q. Mhst gaaraats� ia �ts� CLaR tb3.• rwu•L c��AT A. A pmvi�toa way b� i�scludad i� a�ar su�wat to �we�ata pret�cti�+o fxm�o chs�►��. , ?o �ac�lit�t� pcoa��l�ia� ei oa� applieatia�►. � wwld b+a pl�aaa�i to /►t�evid� I a�y otb�r Latos�tioa os �s�iataoc• oscas�t�r. I� ♦rq tsrty �Iwxs, I � �. J. Cotiis� ti jht a! Na� �1p�t Y�tC/�br � �j — — -- _ y _ w Aii�1l�� 1 t ��� i�1 Y. ' �a ��*� . :'.i :!':?.., � '..`, ! "t.�. <-� r;,.�1 1 . .. � , ., � ,< _ t �'� �'� �• t_- , ,`�.. , , �, ,. t�� i �r�.� ,�'r o p c�.,-i }'��;. ��-�.,� t r���.�r��c _• . F: ,'!.-''� � L.4.<"t�.: I . �L". $. �i'r1#M�C�lOYil! �fhi��C �"t'O�1!!'C1lA� ItlC: � �'. 0. baut S�S �sll�rw+�, liai6l.A�ta+a R�t �'�At�'i��► G�� i �HG�? lR�iPBR?I�8, Ii1C. l��+i►�r Kr. Gr�uttAow�►� �t yo�r r�r+q�sat, t�+� f��.l�rrt� �wsti�raa► �xs bsr�bx aosw�r+d to •u�plaw+e�at aw! �ppl�c�tiori of !!�y 41, 19�4 ior pip! lie� *as+�aeta ovr«r ,�our !�• pso�►+rrty c ! 1) Q. Mi��t ts th� �a�i� ��c�ra►Y� st wl�iab t!�• p�tpr- � lia� will b• ap�cat�dt I A. SO • 33t� p.�,f.�. �} Q. "�'O tl�it 1MX�.� �ft�i�lii'� �i �►��#�t# �Ntrd�' ; A. 1$E'� p.11.!.$, 3) 'Q. 1�#v ta td� gov�rniry� �+�t#�ox�tr s+w�rl�tfdg th�e I pipalia�►'• u�rt� a�d ca�dl�tioa ��[ w�t A. '�'!s� pip� lie�r� vi'11 b� a�;i�t�ta+Nd ,�nd op+�rated and�ac z�vl�� ta� r�qa�atioas o# t!►� i�t�t• ot W�a�►ia�ta►a j t'ubtic 1iti,littie� �r�d tsse�i�rtat�,eu C�wi��#.aa� aa�i ai t!►� �'�4�sat Xat+t�eitat• C��rc+� C�r��r�ioa �rtKh ot +rltrs �rl.12 �aY+ltfi�t ttr� �iHr tta� aaw sad cooditia� O� ltad sftst a+MMM►fz'�ttiMt. , 4) Q. C�rr tb+Nr* coadici.ona cbum��t �opplr aa vits c�- I �al�tio+�►s. A. M� ,���nnN t4�ac for tb�t p�lic ��at. tbs �taab�ia�ta�► P. 8. 3 ?. Coaw�rsiaa and �. I. C. C. canl� c1t�,; ti�+elr ce�ditiat►a, ►. I. C. C. re�elsEia�s bu►Y� b+ao . •�b�ictsd. �o !', t!. � !, C. r�t�atstiasut a�r+t srrails'b�t. S) Q. �'o w!►�t •p�cific�tiva,� *s�e t1�• pi�lia�"a �uttrtlsia aa! I coMtrnctioat � A►. ?b• �ripw� lia� •y�rt� �,• �+�si,��d lA acColdsa�e� Mitti � � tb� A�rierux 3tarMiarA 1►��oct�tf.ea (8�►�iiica�ios � �1.�t) "�taadas� Cod� totc h�+�sar� �ipia�, • ��t�ral� Pso+d�cts lip+a Lfs+a", aa aMwd�dw cow�ttt�nc�t+� �rill sf+�t ar �xcuad sll +rsistfat Codir�r. - - -- - - - -- - -- — � r� �* 1tr. s. �iras�l�awa he�,*� frap+�:lti�a, Inc. . �'a,�+e $ Au�wt �, ��64 d3 �• M►p�b erf bn�rtal oi pip+rl�us? A. Tb� pipa 1tt�s wt�11 bs b�wtie!! wit�t a �t,fa�la�rs ti�u cavez af 3Q lttc�+es. 7a Q• 'TlrP� a� oaat+�sia1 and �ai�at�t A. lA� pi�rs lia►a rili t� cos�i�tod �►i w1d�e�t at*�1, 16�►tath 0.D. .1�'x Gs�d� �t-,S3 pip�� h��rta* � w11 c�aicita�s. o�E £1.312 iaciws�r. 8y Q. vM�at �psctal �+nt+�tr f+�r���rsit tiilt b� toacaltid a2aa� tl�+rs• s�c�tvnst ♦. A�rto�rs�¢!a sbut•�il ao�d s�t�tx ralYu +�tll b+� ta• •trll+d �t �wpi� �tstia�s+t l+rc��l� ��tr! +M1Mr► trwc• �e� wixl al�a► b� Mnr�ilisl�. Ad�at• t��r• ptot�atioo �qvi�rot r111 �+� ptro�►id�ct �tC •11 poi�R�. 9) c�. Mill �her� ba aay blora�ts, �sf���r «rsiva� ++¢►�s a1e�- - �rsc+� ca�tsots? i�r�? A. s.la� : caaci�aw ��rid 3f.�s eat�r�►ia� a�l�r ti��#,e �►ratvccs, �o sal�t� bte�r-etf +r��.vss as t�cw.� ca�- t�al• +�c� :�fr�. X4) Q, Yi�i lfaan e� e�l�cae+r/ td �+Ncea�rsd�►eM oeA4s �eil#e��l► e�c� �te+��ts ea owna�r'� pxop�sty �t r� cs�t �o tl�M a+�r��►st ♦. T�s, iE w �+c• oot `�a�t+Md � �nrt0s �L�hc. X3.} Q. iK�t • c+►ab baat. aic +�qa#wt+�at, a+� pa��a�i to prot+eat tha a��r +�t l�t�s lut�ts d�+rilo�et coatst _ A• �M la) Q. t��r+� +rill �+a�snt ri�►csaaac�r ra�/o�r +�;�cr crw,r► , �e lscsse�bt A. In tIN► �iciai�y ef Laa�aassrr R�c+� 1''�r+�c • 1eet�a. 13� Q. t�ibat ae• cl�e s�rscit#catiiws f�at �at�t23,a� c�nairtrsctiws •le�, ac�enss� t�ne yed�r th�► ���tim�� L. �u dw to +u�tistaae• e�' pip� 2�nt. 14) Q, uii� ��r urt�ltt�+�a• �cvr��io�s �r�rqui�r�r sreL+�I a+rette�ra- tio� E�rst+�r+�*. Nvcb u ceocsst� �asswrw�ae. •t¢.! A. at�•�r «t i lity c+r�+r�i.;• rati� aoe �r.�nt�t• as�i+� o�c spr�t�l cosa�t:actiaa Latar�s otr aMai�'icatiiws. � � � ♦ Y �!'• �� 6lN�• h��st Tr�p�stiu. �.00. l'a�a � �ugwt I, 1�64 1S� �t. �oold yew s��►ly w �ritb pe���osa� I.C.C. rasolstiatrt A. ��rsl re�ul+�tiaat pr�sniowiy sun�Iiad. 16) c�. i�b+tt a�Cs t6+� listisaal Fiss t3altmrtittt� cod� t'pv3sM ��� for pit�colwu prodacc�' md�ar�roumc! pi�liaes! A. i9oa�. 1�) q. blh�a wwl�i coast�ti�a bqio9 Nhee caiql�R�it A. Gea�cr�atioa �i�l. b�l� in tb� Spc��+g ot 19bS ao� b* capl�rc�d bx Tsil� 1A63. 18) Q. 1�1M►�t t� l.B.A. w��,�s s��baak ai�t�tac• Eto� �tp�lipt to nsasat dwltin�? � A. S��cback dist�c� �ta�t pi�l�w Na�►ws�at Co nM��sC d��iliag i' 2S faa�t. 19� o�. Wsat �uasac►ts� ir �ta�� t�ut kbi� rae�t cA�st A. A� pro�isioo n�ar 0• iac,ird�d t� o�r �asa�Mt tb �11�eNtN psot�c.�lo+� tro� cbvcy�. ?a lacilit�ts proc��sio� ot or►r appllcasioa. w wwU b� p�W�d to ftee�rid� a�y etbas lstor�tia► or �ssi�tsiae4 dacusasp. �asY �ry2y Xoa:�, tii1a. J. Cotliw Ri� a! M�� A,R�nt , W�JiG/'br '/���- ��- �' � � Minutes of the Rentpn City Cauncil Meeting 7-20-64 CbMMUNICATIOIVS: {cont.} A l�tter was read from the Board r�F Trustees af �he Rentorz Public Library advisin� that in cancern for sound economics2ncl �aroviding Rer�ton with an adequate library they would endorse plans far an adequate main library large enough to serve a population projected for 25 years hence with provision for enlargement if required,but would nat give cons3derai:ion i:o construction of a branch library until branch use patterns have I been esfiablished by the new main building operatian canfirming -che need. The Greater Renton Shoppin� Cen�er was given thanks far its affer to danate property for a branch 2ibrary in the High3ands arid advised �hat in tfie event a new branch building is warranted in the future and the land is still avai2able, carefui consideration wau3.d assuredly l�e g3.ven, Councilman Pe�ersen advised that the Property Camm3t�ee had meetings with the Libraxy Board and that the majority of the Gos�nittee concurred with the Boards apinion ' regardin; the mat�er. Councilman Perry s�a�ed the Council was to act upon the recom- � mendation of the Library Board subsequently, pursuant to prior motian, and it was maved by 6arret�t, seconded by Hulse, �one�er the letter to the Cammit�ee of the Whale. Carried ��a��rrr�r��s: ! A lettex read from Mayar Cus�er infar�ned the Cauncil of the appaintment af Mr, � Farris Anderson, an emplayee ef �he Peogles Natienal Bank, Renton Branch, to serve an ' the Va11ey Regianal Planning Cammission, replacing Mr. Lyle Sandelius, effective as of July 1, 1964. Appointment of the following men to serve as the Comfart Heating prdinance Committ�e, ta conduct a study �ar improvement �o existing tTnifarm Huilding Code ta improve present heating standards cavered thereunder: Cha3.rman, G�y £vans, Ray Heppenstall, 23orm Ross, Dale Smith and Pran�is Holman, who xepresent a eross section of labor i�dustzy and gxo�essional engineering concerned with the natiot�wide trend toward imgroved heating, bath residential and commercial. Recamrnendationa will be made to the Mayor at campletion of the study. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this time. Following the xecess, President of the Council Pali assumed the Chair and roll ca7.1. followed with all Council Members present as gxeviaus2y listed. Mayor Custer addressed the Cauncil fram the floor where he disp3.ayed a length of corroded and ,put�c�ured water main, 22 yeara o1d, fzc�m the R,enton Highlands area, installed in a "temporary section" where approximately six miles of �he line now exists which needs ta be replaced. The pipe was used when 3.nstalled and at that time was laid in connection with rights-of-way acquisi�ian. The pressure is very ltght; approximately 25-35 lbs. in cancern for additional holes any added pressure would cause. Mayor Custer continued that no funds have been budgeted :Eor such xeplacement and the cost wauld tatal approximately $150,000.00. Alternative modes o� payment suggested were by L.I.D., by water rate in- crease oi' S0� per. customer, which would na� allaw comgletion in ane year, or by Revenue Bonds. Fire Chief Walla advised of problems encountered by his Department in maintainin� Fire Ratin� Bureau Standards i.n this area as far as testing is concerned due to law pres- sure.Inquixy �ay Dahlquist �ollowed regarding priority of capital improvements and Mayor Custer was asked whether a meetin� has been arranged with Mr. Kreager as yet. The M�yor advised that Mr. Kreager wauld rneet with the Council on Thursday, August 6th and would be here to meet a� 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers and again at 7:30 p.m, that da�e to answer any inquiries. After fur�her discussion, Mayor Custer resumed the Chair and - Presi.dent Pali xetuxned ta his council seat. Announcement was ma¢e af a meeting of the CQuncil with the Citixen's Advisory Committee at 6;40 g.m. on Thursday, July 24, 1964, upstairs at the Tawne House. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OI,D BUSINESS: Council President Poli submitted his Cammittee of the t�hole Report which was read by the Clerk with Council aetions taken as follows: l. Rsgarding request of the 4lympic Pipe Line Company for franchise to run a fuel line through Renton, it was recommended that the matter be refexred to the City A�torney, far consultiation with the Eir e Chie� and City Engineer and report back. Moved by De1a- urenti, seconded by Scheller�, to cancur in the recammenda�ion of the Committee af the Whole. Carried. _4 � -- - - - - .... � � Minutes of the Renton Gity Council Meeting 7-24-64 COMMUNICAT�ONS: (cont.) A l.etter was read from the Board o� Trustees of the Renton Public Library advising that in concern far sound econamics a�r� �aroviding Renton with an adequate libraxy they wauld endorse plans for an adequate main library 2arge enough to serve a population projected for 25 years hence with provision iar enlargement if required,but would nat give consideration to construction of a branch li.brary until branch use patterns have been es�ablished by the new main building operation conFirmin� -che need. The Greater Renton Shopping Center was given thanks for its offer to donate property for a branch library in the Highlands arid advised �hat 3n the event a new branch building is warranted in the �uture and the iand is still available, care�ul consideration would assuredl.y be given« Councilman Pedersen advised that the Property Committee had meetings with the Library Board and that the majarity of the Cc►mnittee cancurred with the Baards opinion regardin; the mattex. Councilman Perry sta�ed the Council was to act upan the recom- mendation of fhe Library Soard subsequently, pursuant to griar motion, and i� was moved by Garrett, secanded by Hulse, to �efex the letter to the Canunittee of the Whol.e. Carried Al'POINTI�DITS: A letter read from Mayor Custer informed the Cauncil of the appoinfinent of Mr. Farris Anderson, an employee a� -�he Peaples Natianal Bank, Rentan Branch, ta serve on the Va11ey Regianal P2anning Commissian, rep2acing Mr« Ly2e Sandelius, effective as a� July l, 1964. Appointment c�f the follawin� men to serve as the Comforfi Heating Ordinance Commi�t�e, I to conduct a study for improvement to existing Unifarm Building Code to imprave present I heatin� standards covered thereunder: Cha3rman, Guy Evans, Ray Heppenstal]., Norm Ross, I Dale Smith and Francis Holman, who represent a cross section of labar industry and j prafessiona3 engineering concerned with the nationwide trend towaxd improved heating, bath residential and ca�nercial. Recammenc�atians will be made to the Mayor at camgletian of the study. Mayor Custer declared a recess at this �ime. Following �the recess, Pxesident af I the Council Poli assumed the Chair and roll call follawed wi�h aLl Council Members present I as previously listed. � I Mayor Custer addressed the Cauncil from the floor where he dispiayed a length of carroded and punctured water main, 22 years ald, fram the Rentan Highiands area, insta3led in a "temporary seetian" where approximately six miles of the 2ine now exists whieh needs ta be replaced, The pipe was used when instalied and at that time was 3aid in connec�ion with r�.ghts-of-way acquisit�on. The pressure is very 1.fght, approximately 25-35 1bs. in concern fox additianal holes any added pressure would cause. Mayor Custer continued that no funds have been budgeted for such replacement and the cost would total approximately $154,000.00. Alternative modes o� payment suggested were by L.I.D., by water rate in- crease o� SOc� per� customer, which would not allow completion in one year, ar by itevenue I� Bonds. Fire Chief t��alls advised af problems encoun�ered by his Department in maintainin� Fire Rating Bureau Standards in this area as far as testing is concerned due ta law pres- II sure.Znquiry �y Dahlquist faliawed regarding priority af cap%tal impravements and Mayar Guster was asked whether a meetin� has been arranged w3.th Mr. Kreager as yet. Ths Mayar advised that Mr. Kreager would meet with the Council an Thursday, August 6th and would be here ta mee� at 4c30 g,m. in the Gouncil Charnbers and again at 7:30 Q.m, that date to answer any inqniries. After further discussfon, Mayor Custer resumed the Chai�r and President Poli returned to his council seat. Annaurrcement was ma�3e of a meeting of the Council with �ha Citizgn's Advisory Committee at 6:40 p.m. on Thursday, July 24, 19b4, upstairs at the Tawne Hause. COUNCIL C4MMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Council President Poli, submitted his Committee o£ the Whole Report which was read by the Clerk with Cauncil actions taken as follows: l. Regarding request of the Olympic Pipe Line Campany for franchise to run a fuel iine �hrough Rentan, it was recannnended that the matter be referred to the Ci�y Attorney, far consu3ta�ion with the Pir e Ghief and City Engineer and report back. Moved by Dela- urenti, seconcied by Scheller�, to concur in the recommendatian af the Committee af the Whole. Carra.ed. _¢ � - r -�' -�!9e�qt.. 1'v i . . �' . ' .. ' .. ' , . �"i�'"a'3�i' . j' �� ' . . � ..5..y:�+ � h� - . "�.. . . . ' . • „ _ - ,. ''.A'w . � . �. � YS¢� . ' - • " � - T-_^. ' . ' ' � ' ' ` _ ' :,{�...' 'M , �� "• � ' _ �` _ �'f iE�', � _•..y. .V! . ., . ' � . _ . . . . . . : . � , . " ��*'.:i '{N: �- . i: ' � • . " ,. � . � 'S� ,... _ ! . . . 9�' .�G:� . �y�y� .�': 5.i�. .. a��`. � -• Y' ., ..,' .. . _ _ Y ' ' ' ' ' � . s ` . .. � t�.�a.R`1 . �II �� � �i � :'��� % '{S ,. . • .. y - �r` 't..! ♦ Y . ' ' . , . , . - . . ..+q y 7��f.tLt� � , ` ,'1� ' . r•g`. , . . . . 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Custer and Members of the Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washington FILE: RI-201, KI-219 Dear Mtayor and Council Members: 1 The Olympic Pipe Line Company has, under separate cover, submitted its tion to our honorable bod for a franchise to use and occupy a lica y PP Y certain streets and avenues and other public lands and places of the City Of Renton for the purpose of locating and constructing a pipe line �� system for the transportation of petroleum products from refineries of Mobil Oil Company at Ferndale, Washington and Shell Oil Company and Texaco, Inc. , at Anacortes, Washington, to terminals in Seattle, Tacoma ' and Olympia, Washington and to Portland, Oregon. In this connection, application is h�reby made by Olympic Pipe Line Company for your permission to install certain portions of the pipe line through property owned iri fee by the City Of Renton. On the enclosed plats Nos. F-404 and F-405, attached to our regular form of easement, we have delineated in red color the location and extent of our proposed installation where the route of the pipe line will cross property owned by the City. For our further information, the pipe line system is designed in accordance Y �� wi th the American Standards Association (Specification B 31.4) Standard Code for Pressure Piping - Petroleum Products Pipe Lines", as amended, and will be constructed of welded steel, 16-inch O.D. API Grade X-52 pipe, having a wall thickness of 0.312 inches. It will be used exclusively to carry liquid petroleum products. The pipe line will be buried with a minimum line cover of 24 inches and with normal cover of 30 inches or deeper as required. ATo appurtenances will extend above the ground. To facilitate processing of our application, we would be pleased to provide � any other information or assistance n�cessary. ' Respectfully submitted, � ' ' �"—�" Wm. J. Co lins Right of Way Representative WJC/jhr Encls. � �- �� � . s�_K..�rro•?,'`� � � ii3_ �'��a� � -�� �'��, �-��� � �, y.� �6, -�-�--L _.t�.�-w��; .�'a..ti�.� � i�,„ 1 r! -=1-�/ `�l _'�/� -T �� 1� s t-'.�• . _ _--- r�r-^!'=•• �' _ -•r ' . � �. i i ' � ' 1 '..�:='�T� . i 1 �1 i .i�.,�" 1' � iyy;,;'�'s�' . � _--- '::�'�"���� , {-- �.��:o+--'- . - .,,�57�."��� ''�� . . � . ,�yc- �y,,,,..w»":..4�'�'� . . . . . :iF�'%� 'K�3:'.��',�.�.":x�"..���` .. , u..' �~�`1 � f . ` � � ., �i�� �Yr'T aS .. . �� �. �� �.r. ws �,3�''�'y ` � � ' � . 9� 1 : ' � � . '� - 1*d'� ' a-:.i '1 ._ , , . .. . ,,,,," s.. •-at,�,,...�,� _ � 'ro •s-., � ' ^• . -y... "` �' ''-3 �' . , . . , ` 'a . ,, : ' . ,4. . ti-'. `�:' . . -��l '�.. �,>' ..�� ���./'f�"- �`��,R;'�"'---;� . 1� . . � '��rt � _ �• x ..�� .j�,. .. "A �w+'r, � �4 .* _ �H a'_.,.* �, , . . � -'a.� ..._ " _ .......r` �''f �.. .. . . � _ . :. R�" , ' �','e��.. .. � � � . .,, , - *' � � . 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' s y ` . _ - ,Ir".R,. . � '- . . . � , . ' � ;� .., �..�,... 1 �,- ';. � � t�.0'A�~� ' ' , : t Y�tt ;, � _- .' , .. ^>;' , {` . «�,�.Zl��.� �� � .�. .. , . . ',,;.` •. 1 `4w, _ "' �� �`"" �i �� M ~ „ „ � _ � ' ':��� � .._ .'' . '_ �,. ' , `"-+f.j*.i �� �' -_ '" : ,. �_�Y�. �� """ lM0'f�1� ,. . , s.-�. 'r` .i+ ���.. ' . � . "'i � "4 � t'" 1,',� � ,=� �� �'Y�fy`�`� vu��pN/►L�� R` ` 4��'�M► .. . ` '.: •,� ' . �.` . , �' . . y �� ��'r`,`� . . . ` - qq54 �-_�. ,1, °v, . ,���- s�► ., - (. .� ����4��t. ; . . :. , . : . : ..� , j � '�,� ; :����'°"' --=� . . � ' - . ,•.�:; � , , + . �,. '1 r~ , � µ , �,� : _ . � , -a �r�- , '�, . .�- . . .. ' � ,;��:ssi: .. � �� t�� , ` .. . �, t , . - � �, 4 . -.- �, . � �� . , � 1 , . � � . , �� . � 1 � � , .. , . 1 ' . ' . 1 ,, 1 - . . � � . — � � - � ry . 1 .}, - ��,. , :.�. �,,. �;��`�F-�: - -.,�,. — —_—_� —_..._.�..�..�.�....�.i�.+i�w�t=wn�3;.w+�'s�� �• . . , . 1 +�*.'a.� �!� �_ 3 4�., ,��yr �"' ar%{'t� , • -i �i �� � , � '"����� - ;i , • -'� j ` / � � A; f/�'3 �f�' ����.����� . , ��� � }, �O! m ic Pi e Line Cam an � �. � ::� Z���� � � . +� �' � y � :: . � �'7f -f �! ,-�; P.O.BOX 733 • BELLEYUE, WASF1lNGT4N 4$QQ1 � �'�.�.. � July 9, 1964 � ;y,, ,� .f , , . . ? f . , ' N � � ,U . � . . � � The P�o�. Donald W. Custer ard ?fembers of the RenCon Cit� Couricil - . ` : City Hall _ � ltenton, Waehingtan , t , FILB: �Y=201, XZ•214 � Dear tlsyor snd Couacil Manhers: , � Tha qlyapic Pipe Line Coa�pany haa, urrder 'separate cover, �ubtaitt�d it�t , applicatian ta yau�r honar,�ble body far a franchiee to nee and occupy, � � � ctrtain streets and svenues and ati�er pnblic l�tnds and plecea of' the , , . City Of Renton for tbe purpas• of Iocating �u►d conatructing a ptpe lins ', , systea for tha tranaportatian af p�:tra2eva� products frcu�=refintries of Mabil Qil Company at 8arnda3e, Wa�h£agton and 3heI1 Oi3 Co�psny +�nd . . � '�eacaca, Ir�c. , at Aaacartes, Washingtou, to tercefasla la Se.attle, T'accams . - aad Olyn►gis, Washington and to Portlsnd, 4rsgor►. ,. . ' In this connection, applicatiam is bereby made bp Oly�apic Pipe Line �, '. � Csspany far your p�rmiaaion to install certain partians of the pipe liaes � � ' through property otirued in fee by the City Of $enCon. On the encl.oaed plats � � Nos. F•404 and F•405, attached to our regular for� of e�tseaent, we hava . � , dalinesttd in red color the 2ocstion and ext+e��t of our proposad installetior� � . , . �sra Lhc raute of the pipa lfne will cross property a�med by tha City., � � lo�r youir further infara�tion, the pipe line systt� is designed ia accc�rdaace _ � � Nith th• A�erican Standards Associatian (Spt�cification 8 31.4) "Jtandard�" ,� .. ; Code for Fresaur�e Piping - Petro2euar ?rqdact• Pipe L11t1ee'�r M� �ended, +�nd � � . " � + �rfl� b� canatructed of rrelded sterel, 16-inch O.D. API 6r�de X•52 pipe, ' � , having a Ws1I thickness of 0.312 inches. It vill be w ed exclusi.vely to " - � . � carr�r liQufd petsolecaa products. The pipe li�e kill be buried rith a ' - saiainrm�s 31ne covesr af 24 fnches atad �rith normtl caver af �} inchea or deepe� ; �, � � , ;ss rsguired. No appurten�tncea will txtend �tbove tha graus�d. .. ' '' � , ; To facilitate praces�ing of our applicatian, ve wrould be pleased to provide , , � � � any otber 1Aforoation or sasiataace nectsaary. � � . ' Respectfully subn,ittad, _ . . ,, , . . . �,�1yy+ ' ' ,�Q�'�""""" • , . ; ' .< . � iia, J. lins . { : , . Righc of N�►y itsp�esleAtstiv. . `, " . � . • MJC/�hr . . .� � &tcl�. ` � ` • ,`.?.� J i I % — S,�"i,,r . �' ' `� f ,�„�, � . w� y . . . .• , . �� , �1•,. r , .�. , � - - - - - - - --------- I , � . i � , � i! i q� �d�d�u �i n h� , ! 1 ,�+ J � T r. �- .A `} 1 IA / \��/ �� , �, � RIGH'T UF+�AY [I-219 THE STATE OF WASHIIVGTON Ca�cp oE ' �IHG F4R AND IN CONSIDERATION of tbe awa of �`�;;� ��X.��irtv'Sev+�u .at1���i�'•'Da�lats (� '437•QQ j� tbe receipt af w�hich ia hereby ackaoaledaed, City o� �,e�tot�. $tate of Waahingtan bereiasftes tefe�ted to Ra GRANTOR (�hether oae a n►ae), doea hereby grsnc aad convey to OLYMPIC PIPE LII�t� COMPANY� a Del+awaee cocporacio�� .vith e permit to do basiness in the Suce af Washingcaa, its successors �nd Rssi�na, bezaiaafcer referred to sa GRANTEE, ct�e righca cf xay, eaaemrnts and privileges ta consmtct, �n�t':utsia� oper,�te, rrg�ir, teplsce, chaage tbe size of, aad remove ia xhole oc ia parc, a pipe line oc�ic�, fcr tbe t:ansporcatian at oil and gas, �nd the praducts thtseaf, wra,ter, a aay otbtt fluid ar substanct. wrich the aece*sary fittin�s� Eunues, valves� appurtenance�, and catl�adic prnceccion devices, and the right to anaintsin cbe cighe o# way cleu of aeta, underbrush, buitdiags, aed otber obaauccians, aloag s route ta be setected by Gnatee. oa� aver� +�ctoss �nd chxongh che fallrnving described pcoperty sicuaced in the Counry of, i ��' , Scace of Washingcan: � t�at partioa af laad with3n Defense Plaeit right of wsy as deline�ted oa glat of ltapl+r+road Divisiaa I�a. 2, accordiag to plat thereof recorded in Volue�e 39 of plats, pags 39, r�cords of aaid County, lying betNaen Sontheast 142nd 3traet aad 8ontheast � 144th Street, City of Renton. Sectioa lb, Ta�waship 23 1lorth, Range 5 Eart, W. M. � '!hi• sase�aent i� sorer particularly d�uecribed a�s a strip .of land fi£ty (50j feet in i Midth, baing the il�eaterly fifty (50) #eet of the abovc dascribed property; ths rout• ; of the pipe lins baing lacated aa de2in�atad on Graatee's Drswing Na. F-405, dat+ed � � 6-12-64, �ich is sttached to snd made • part h�rsaf. ?hs rfghts af xay bereia graated �►re aubject to any aad all exiatin►g es�e�ents a�d � righta of +ray acro�s Grantor's propert . � � Y Grautea agree� to indes�ify and hold Gr�ntor har�l�ss fro� and agaiaat alI third psrty claims ahich mrq result frata the conatructian, operation and matnternanca o# •aid � pipe line, incluodia�g, but nat li�aited ta, iajuriea ta or death of per�ous or aniaa2s, � coast cwts aea� attarney's f�es, vhen dua ta negligencs af Grantera� its aa�ployee� ar cattractors, arising out af the rfghts herain grantsd, - toset�hes wic�thc right of iagress and agteas oo mnd itcsas ssid liet� G�aatoc sl�all have chr righc ro fully use aad rajoy che abave described premiaes, e:cepc ss to tl�a ri�hts hereu ,�canced, Gra»tee agrees to pay any damages +vhich nuy �urise co cropsi cimber, or fences of Cmntar, re- aattin� ho�n the e:rrcise ot che cighcs hereia granced� said damagra, if na murually �►sreed upa�� to bt a�rcer- taiaed Rnd dttermined by thnee disinterested persoas, one thereof to be sppoinced by Grantor, one by Gtantee, and t�e tlt�+cd by the hra sa appointtd, and tttt wrrittea aw�trd of anch cluea prerao�ss ahatl be fiaa2 and conelativt. Jw A.IlII r N M.M,IM y,M.Mlll�h M!ydM l:�j�w�.��� ` � tt Is��eed that�ay paytnent due hcreundcr rqay be au�de d'uect to Grsncats oc •ny one of c6em. Aay pipe tine caasaucted by GranteeF�its succesaors a •sai,6ns, scrass lsnds under cuttivation at the of eat ti ereaf ahal bur t to u �}, � t � �h a� .� •i� �;� '�, � � � �`�i1 �c� coWer w�� �1 ture �.►�cten in e fere .vith ordinary catcivation. bnt wtth :r , z �`i' °�ove r und , aT;6a tl�fi s ��r:y, casemrnts an�prtvi�eges �ierria granc� ur tact��vis3'te and are each asssgnahle ;: ' ar ttsAsfesadle, ir�wlsole or io perc. ;, T,be teras, conditions, and pcovisi+ons af cbxs granc or ang coatract reaultiag froen che e:etcise thereoE � shal! eattead to �nd be binding upon che heirs, executors, edministntora, personal repteatntacives, snccessora, I �nd •sstaela oE the parcies hereco, i; y IN�ITNESS �►HEREOF, che Grancot hss esecuced this iauerumenc this �' dsy af 196,�... _ r � 3 � �' a csor��r . c�aa ��rros . �s �X: _ �/�C! *i'�i�1'�i�it - I, � ay� ��'� ,.> : �. _ �-.�_ _ , _ ._�.. _� __ � • .� � � - t4��� i '� ; RIGHT t)F�AY RI-241 I = TflE S'TATE OF wASHINGTON � ' County o# �IpG ' FOR AND IN CONSIDERATK?N of che sum oE Piv� Hundrad Ei�hty-Six and No/100 -•• Dollars � (= S�b•�� ?, the receipc of�vbic� ia hereby sckna�rledged� a i � Ci.ty of Ftenton, St�ate of Washingto�n } _ � , ( . hertinahrr rtferred co as GRANTOR (xhether oac oc mpre), daea lberebp grsnt snd conrey to OLYNPIC PIPE i � LINE COMPANY, a Del�wara carpacRtian� wich a peneit to do busiruss in the Sc�te of Rashiaaton, its surce�rsars �ed asaians� hexeinafte� referred ta aa GRANTEE� cbe rigbts of xay, easements and pcirile�es to c�oesuuct, ,� . maintxin, opet�tty npau, teplsct, thange che size af, �ad c�move ia Mhok or in parc� � pipe line��� fa Rhe eranapacacion af oil end gas, and tha products tbereof, �►�ter, or aay ocher fluid cr substance� with che '_ ; neeras�ry fitcings, fFscures� valres, appurceasaces, ,�nd csckodic prottc:ion devicea, and the rigbt to �maiataia € ; the riahc of pay clear of crees, uaderbru�b* buiidiajs, �nd ochet obstructions, alaag a route ta be salecced by Grantee, oa, over, across and throush the folla�viag desctibtd propetty aituated in the County o# ` � �f�� , Saste of�ashington: - ` ?ract 1 - The North 1b5.00 feet of the Sauth 330,00 fect af the Southeast Quarter o# the ; lfurthesat Qcearter (SL► 1/4 NE 1/4) af Sectian 9, Ta�eship 23 porth, Aaa�ge S East, W. K, , � QC�PT tbe Ssst 3Q.00 fe�t tbereaf far road; aad B7CCEPT that portion ther�aof lying West � of a line which is S4.QQ feet 8asterlp of the �le�terly line of the Botmeviila� P+�eer � ' Tr+tsasaia�iau Liae Bight of itay Easeseat, on ritich partion a fu2fillment deed has slre:ady � betn dalivere�d. � ?ract 2 • That portion af th• Sauthea�st Quarter of tb� liortheaat Qwrtar (SE 114 Nl� I/4j � j af Sectioa 9, Ta�ciahip 23 1lorth, Itsnge 5 Saat, W. !t. , described as follo�w�t: Beginning at � a point 33Q.(!0 feet Narth af the Soatheast carner of said subdivisioa; theace Weat 6b0.00 , t�at; thet�c• llorth 421.88 ftet; thence Ea�tt 360.00 fe�t; thance South i42.00 feet; theace � East �0.80 feet; thectce $outh 50.00 faet; th�ace West 30Q.00 feet; Chence Sauth 1Q0.00 f+e+elt; thence East 3Q0.00 feet; thence 8outb 169.4Q feet to tha poiat af begiania8, EXCEPT tksat partian thereof lping xithin thi East 3Q.00 feet of •aid •ubdivisioa. � ; Tract 3 - Unplatted ?ract "n" and that portion of unplatted Tract "A" lyin 8onthsrl of 8 Y � ltns parallel Mith aad 421.0 feet portheriy of thr Soath line of rafd unplatted � k Trsct "!f" ae delin+�atad an Albert Balch's lhrestdeat Park l�a. 10 as recorded in Yo2�nae G . 62 0# Alats. wtst+� 30. 1n Kite� Co�atY. W�ab�.etRCo�. ' T'l�ia �ea�esenr i• a�ore particul�rly deacrtbed aa a strip of land fifty {Sp) feet�in ii �idth, b�iag tbe Weater2y fifty (58j feet of the abovs describa+d property; the route o! tbe pipe line b�eing located sa dalinested on Grantes's Dravicig �la. F-444, dat�d b-1�-64, vhich is attached ta aAd �sad�e a pert hereof. � Th! sighta of vay herein graaCed are snbject La any and a11 existing easeseats and xigbts of vay across Craator'• property. Ct`+wte+e agrees to iadeaaify and hold Gr�ntor hara�iess fra4 and against all thi.rd � party c2siss �ich auity result from the canstructiaa , ape�racion aad �intenance of said i PiF� liot, iocludiag� but aot liwitad to� iajurtea ta or death of peraons ar �nisala, � aoart co�te �ad attorney'� fees, when due to a�gltga�ce of Grantee, tta esplayee� or � contractor�, arising aut of the rightr hesein granted, It Is a�ceed tbac any p�ymenc due hereundet may 6e made ditect to Gnarors or aay oru of chem. i Anp pipe line conatructed by Granc,ee, its auccessors ot aasi�ua, acroas lsnda under cultivation st tbt i j�����t�c�rco�lt� "ii�� ��1e�,ij�t�i�'��i ���d�i�°Q�rove�f���ardinary culcivatiag but �tith tt cs �+ay� aasemer�ts s pr�vi egea rrein gr�nc are eac �vra►bte :nd +rre each aseigaable � �r staqaferable, ia wbole or in puc. Tbe oeem�, condicions� pnd provisions of chis granc or any COtlCitC[ resulcing Esora the esercise chenot sl�Il ahttead ta snd bt bindla,� upon tht �eirs, exect�ttors, idnninistrators, petson�i represenr.atives, successors, � Nad *asi�a of the partica hercco, i � IN pITNESS �HEREOF, the Gcantor haa executed ti�is insaumenc cbia � d'p°t l96 4 . . � � OLXi�FIC !Il'E LI1tE Gt�liF/ti�X CITY t��► �I � �i � �� ; ,f� c� Ps�i� ' � --+ / i V ' � -� :,:���� ...� - . ' ' �at,�wtt+c:uo. r �._ .. .__ � � n..�►;,� � •�w F•�'t� r" , J fw�--- � ---�.,�— _ — — — --- — y -- -----, • • � j I � i � f .�� CJlymprc P�pe L�ne Cor�n�an ���' (`� Y I � J� �'"� + P.O.SQX 733 - BE�LEYUE, WASHINGTON 4800d �/�`��G�. � � ` ,1uly 8, 1964 �, The Hancrable Donald W. Cust�r and I�tembers of the Renton City Council c�.ty x���, Rentan, Washingtan Dear Mayor and Council Members: The Oly►mpic Pipe Line Campatny, a Delaware corporation autharized to trans- act business in the State of Washington, plans to construct s pipe line far the Cransportation of refined petralewn products fro�e� re£ineries of Mobil 4il Company at Ferndale, Waahington, and 3he11 Oil Campanp and Texaca, Inc. at Anacortes, iiashiregton, to terminals in Sesttle, Tacams i and Olympia, Washin�ton, and ta Port2and, pregon. � Certain portiana of the route oE the pipe line, as proposed, will be in, along, over, through, across and under streets, avenues, drives and other � public lands and places af the City of Renton. j As provided in Ordiaance No. Ib28, entitled "Code of General prdinances of the Cfty of Renton", Olympic Pipa Line Company hereby submits its app2i- catian for a Franchfst to lay dawn, conatruct, pperate, maintain, alter, re.awve, replace amd repair on� or more ptpe lines, together with all equipment and appurteaances as may be neceasarp or convenient in connection therewith for the trsnepQrtation,, storage and handling of oil and any pro- ducC or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, across and under certain streets, avenuea, drive� and other public lande and places of the City of RenCon. Bnclosed are the fo2lowing ftems which are reqnired fn cannection with the processing, pubiication and approv�l af Olympic Pipe Line Company's APPlication: l. Application in triplicate � 2. Notice of Hearing in triplicate � 3. Franchise, in Ordinance Farm, in triplicate � 4. Olympic Pi,pe Liae Company pipe line route map, Drawing No. 5-100, Sheet Nos. 44, 45, 46 and 4T, inclusive, in triplicate, To facilitate processing of aur Application, we wauld be pleased Co � provide any other information or assistance necessary. � Respectfully submiCted, � ) f� ` � �VN � � ,�C��.rt.�..-o Wm. J. C llins Aight of Way Representative WJC:aa Encls. ` f � � . � • . � • � . �. . 1 -- ' � I � NOTICE OF I�ARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISB IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF OLYI�IC ) PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR THE ) RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE ) TO LOCATE, LAY, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ) ALTER, REMOVE, REPLACE ANL REPAIR ONE OR MORE ) PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND ) . APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVEN- ) - IENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH FOR THE TRANS- ) PORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ) ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN, ON, ) OVER, OVER, THItOUGH, ACROSS AND UNDER CERTAIN ) ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS, ALLEYS, ) DRIVES AND 0�ER PUBLIC LANDS AND PLACES OF ) TF� CITY OF RENTON, S�ATE OF WASHINGTON ) WI�REAS, O�.Y1�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Dwlaware Corporation, has heretofore filed in the office of the City Cler1�, of the City of xenton, State of Washington, in the manner and as required by law, an application � for a franchise to locate, lay down, construct, operate, maintain, alter, remove, replace and repair pipe lines for the transportation of oil and . any product or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streets,avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other ' pbulic lands and places of the City of Renton, described on the attached list� marked "Exhibit A" and by reference herein incorporated, said franchiee to be for a period of fifty (50) years, NOW TI�REFORE, NOTICE IS I�REBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on such application by the City Council of the City of Rento�, State of Washington, at the City Hall, Renton, Washington, on the day of , 1964, at the hour of , or as soon thereafter aa such hearing may be had. DATED at Renton, Washington, this day of , 1964. . � � � CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF RENTON � BY • , � , . . � , � , ,. . � . NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF OLYI�IC ) PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR THE ) RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE ) TO LOCATE, LAY, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ) ALTER, REMOVE, REPLACE ANL REPAIR ONE OR MORE ) PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND ) . APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVEN- ) IENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH FOR THE TRANS- ) PORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ) ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN, ON, ) OVER, OVER, THROUGH, ACROSS AND UNDER CERTAIN ) ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS, ALLEYS, ) DRIVES AND O�iER PUBLIC LANDS AND PLACES OF ) THE CITY OF RENTON, S�ATE OF WASHINGTON ) WI�REAS, Ol'.Y1�II'IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Dwlaware Corporation, hae heretofore filed in the office of the City Cleri�, of the City of xenton, State of Washington, in the manner and as required by law, an application for a franchise to locate, lay down, construct, operate, maintain, alter, remove, replace and repair pipe lines for the transportation of oil and any product or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streets,avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other ' pbulic lands and places of the City of Renton, described on the attached list marked "Exhibit A" and by reference herein incorporated, said franchiae � to be for a period of fifty (SO) years, NOW TI�REFORB, NOTICE IS I�REBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on such application by the City Council of the City of Renton, State of Washington, at the City Hall, Renton, Washington, on the day of , 1964, at the hour of , or as soon thereafter as such hearing may be had. DATED at Renton, Washington, this day of , 1964. . CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF RENTON • BY _ � . ' . , TO THE HONORABLE DONALD W. CUSTER AND 1�1�ERS OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL A P P L I C A T I 0 N � OF OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR � THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO LOCATE, LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ALTER, REMOVE, REPI.A�E AND REPAIR ONE OR MORE PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODIJCT THEREOF, IN ALONG, OVER, THROUGH, ACROSS AND UNDER CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS,ALLEYS, DRIVES AND OTHER PUBLIC LANDS AND PI.A�CES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Olympic Pipe Line Company, a corporation, the applicant herein, � respectfully makes application to your honorable body to grant unto it the right, privilege, authority and franchise to use, cross and occupy herein- after described roads, streeta, av�nues, boulevards, alleys, drivea and other public lands and places of the City of Renton, State of Washington, for the purpose of locating and constructing one or more pipe lfnes, to- gether with all equipment and appurtenances as may be neceasary or conven- ient, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of said City, as per mape and description attached. Applicant represents to your honorable body that it will at all times comply with the rules and regulationa of the City Council with ' respect to the construction and maintenance of said pipe line system under, along, and across said designated roads, streets, avenues, boule- vards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places in said City, that if requested to do so, it will give and furnish advance notice to the office of the City Engfneer, or such other representative as the City Council shall designate, of the intention to construct said pipe line ,� system prior to beginning any construction work thereon. Applicant further represents that it will so construct the said pipe line system that the construction of the �ama will interfere as little as possible with public travel on safd roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys and drives; and it has acquired or is acquiring, rights of way acrosa the lands abutting said roads, streets� avenues, boulevarda, alleys and drive crossings; and that it will be reaponsible for damages ariaing frem the locating, conatructing, using, operating, and maintaining of said pipe line. . - 1 - � . ` ' � ' , � • • , . Applicant further represents that it will assume the cost of such posting and publication as may be required by law. WHEREFORE, applicant prays your honorable body to make and pass an ordinance he.reon authorizing and permittiag this said applicant to locate, use, operate, and maintain and finally remove a pipe line � system in, along, over, through, across and under roada, atreets, avenuea, boulevarda, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of the City of Renton, Stat� of Washington. . � . OLYI�'IC PIPE LINE COMPANY By es R. Ball, Vice President � . . - 2 - . � , _ - � • . ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON GRANTING ) UNTO OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ) HEREINAFTER CALLED THE GRANTEE, ITS SUCCESSORS, ) GRANTEES AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, ) AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT, ) OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ALTER, REMOVE, REPI.A�CE AND ) REPAIR ONE OR MORE PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ) � ALL EQUIPMENT AND APPtTRTENANCES AS MAY BE ) NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH ) FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF ) OIL AND ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN, ) ALONG, OVER, THROUGH, ACROSS, AND UNDER CERTAIN ) ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS, ALLBYS, DRIVES ) � AND OT�R PUBLIC LANDS AND PLACES OF THE CITY OF ) RENTON, STATE OF WASAINGTON. ) THE CITY OF RENTON DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to Olympic Pipe Line Co�pany, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware and authorized to transact business within the State of Washington, its successors, grantees and assigns, for a period of fif ty years from the taking effect of this Ord- inance, the rfght, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, con- struct, operate, maintain, alter, remove, replace and repair one or more pipe lines, tagether with all equipment and appurtenancea as may be nec- ' essary or convenient in connection therewith for the transportation, stor- age and handling of oil and any product or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streets, avenues, boule- vards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of the City of Renton and as per Grantee's pipe line route Map, Drawing No. S-100, Sheet Nos. 44 - 47 inclusive, and as described on the attached list marked "Exhibit A��. Section 2. This Franchise is granted upon the express condition . that it shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive Franchise and shall not in any manner prevent the City of Renton from granting other or further Franchises in, along, over, through, across or under any of said roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places, and in no wise prevent or prohibit the City of Renton using any of said roads, streets, etc. or effect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them, with full power to make all necessary chaages, relocations, repairs, maintenance etc., of same as they may deem fit. : . - 1 - Section 3. This Ordinance shall be void, if the Grantee ahall not within forty (40) days from the adoption of this Ordinance file its acceptance of the same with the Clerk of the City of Renton. � Section 4. All construction and installation work where crossing roads, streets or alleys within the corporate limita of the City of Renton to be under the supervision and pass the inspection of the City Engineer. Section 5. The grantee; its successors or assigns ahall com- mence construction work under this franchise within one (1) year from and after �the date of passage thereof; if, at the end of five (S) years from and after the granting of thie franchiae, the graatee, its successors or assigns, shall not have laid, constructed and have in operation upon any of the roads, streets, aveaues, boulevards, alleys, drives or public places as herein deaignated, then in. that event the rights hereby conferred upon the grantee shall cease and terminate so far as unoccupied roads, streets, avenuea, etc. are concerned. Section 6. All surface structures shall be erected and maintained at such places and po8ition upon said roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and placea as to interfere as little � as practicable with the free passage of traffic and the free use of ad- joining property, and all pipe lines in, along, through or across aaid roads, streets, avenuea, boulevarda, alleys or drives shall be located. buried and installed in accordance with the lawa of the State of Washington and The Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton - Ordinance No. � 1628 as amended n , , ow or hereafter ia force re ulatin such installation. . , 8 8 Section 7. The grantee, its succesaors and assigns do hereby _ agree to repair any damages to City roads over which it holds a franchise, . and all other City improvements caused by the failure of grantees work during the life of this franchise and should it be necessary to make any excavation in any road, street, av@nue, boulevard, alley, drive or other public land or place, in the laying, constructing, IDaintaining, altering, - removing, replacing or repairing of any such pipe line or structure, grantee, its successors and assigns, shall without delay and at grantee's expense • restore the surface of said road, street, avenue, boulevard, alley� drive � or other public land or place as nearly as practicable to the eame condition � • - 2 - . . . • . � , . it was in before doing such work. Section 8. Should the grade of a road, street, avenue, boulevard, alley, drive or public place in which Grantee's installations may be constructed and maintained, be altered or changed by Ordinance of the Cit Council, the Grantee, u on written notice b the Cit , its re resent- Y P Y Y P atives or agents, shall within a reasonable time, raise, lower, change or reconstruct its installation located thereunder to conform to any such change in grade without cost or expense to the City. � Section 9. The Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from and agaiast any and all liability, loss, cost, damage or expense which may accrue to the City by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of the , facilities of the Grantee, its successors and assigns, provided, however, that in case any suit or action i8 instituted against the City by reason � of any such damage or injury, the City shall cause written notice thereof to be given said Grantee and the said Grantee shall have the right to defend any such suit or action. . Section 10. For the purpose of compelling compliance by the Grantee with the terms of this Franchise and the maintenance of said pipe lines and facilities in good conditian, a failure to comply with any of the provisions or conditions herein within sixty days after notice to do so, served by order of the City upon the Grantee, shall authozize the City to declare by Ordinance an immediate forfeiture of the Franchise and the City may in such case declare such forfefture in the manner provided_ by law. Section 11. The City of Renton reserves unto itself the power and right at all times to reasonably regulate in the public interest, the � ! � . exercise of all Franchise rights granted herein. Section 12. The laying, construction, maintenance and operation ' of said Grantee system of pipe•lines and facilities granted under this franchise shall not preclude the City of Renton, its accredited agents or its contractors, from blasting, grading, excavating or doing other necessary ro�d work contiguous to the said Grantee pipe lines or facilities, provided that the Grantee shall have forty-eight (48) kours, written notice, of ' said blasting, grading or excavating in order that said 6rantee may protect said pipe lines and facilities. - 3 - . � � . � , • . . _ . , , � , . . � Section 13. Whenever the word "Grantee" is used herein, it shall be construed to mean Olympic Pipe Line Campany, its successors, Grantee or . assigns, and all the privileges herein accorded to and obligations and restrictioas herein imposed upon Grantee shall be conatrued to extend to its succeesors, grantees and assigns as fully and to the same effect as though the words " successors, grantees and assigas " were each time herein repeated fully after the word "Graatee". Passed by the Council of the City of Renton this day of . 1964. Approved by me this day of , 1964. : Mayor ATTEST: Published: First presented to and filed, with the City Clerk of the City of - � Henton, Washington, this the day of A.D., 1964. City Clerk � We the undersigned, hereby accept all the rights and privileges of the above granted Franchise subject to all the terms, conditions, stip- . ulations and obligations contained therein. ATTEST: OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY By Assistattt Secretary Jamee R. Ball, Vice President � Dated this day of , 1964. I - 4 - . ' ' . � . - . EXHIBIT A OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY PIPE LINE LOCATIONS - CITY OF RENTON STREETS AND RIGHTS OF WAY STREET DISTANCE LOCATION Across 12th Ave. N. 60' 975' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.E. � " llth Ave. N. 60' 200' West of centerline "Q" St. " 7th Ave. N. 60' 730' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.E. " 6th P1. N. 30' 869' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.E. " 4th Ave. N. 60' 1015' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.$. " 5th Ave. E. 60' 310' West of centerline "0" St. S. " 6th Ave. E. 60' S10' West of centerline "0" St. S. " 160th Ave. S.E. 60' 15' North of North line 160th St. S.E. (Extended) " 180th St. S. 60' 122' Weat of C. M. St. P. 6 P. RR. mainline track (or 450' Eaet of center- line 72nd Ave. S.) " State Hwy. S-C 60' 15' North of North Line 160th St. S.B. , (Extended) ' " State Hwy. 5 (Pro- 242' 45' South of North Line 160th St. S.B. I posed) (Extended) " State Hwy. 5 60' 45' South of North Line 160th St. S. E. (Extended) � - 1 - M _ ` � � , � . . . . L • . • TO THE �IONORABLE DONALD W. CUSTER AND MEMBERS OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL A P P L I C A T I 0 N OF OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR � THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCflISE TO LOCATE, LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ALTER, REMOVE, REPLA�CE AND REPAIR ONE OR MORE PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN ALONG, OVER, THROUGH, ACROSS AND UNDER CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS,ALLEYS, DRIVES AND aTHBR PUBLIC LANDS AND P1.ACES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Olympic Pipe Line Company, a corporation, the applicant herein, � respectfully makes application to your honorable body to grant unto it the . right, privilege, authority and franchise to use, crosa and occupy herein- . after described roads, streeta, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of the City of Renton, State of Washington, for the purpose of locating and constructing one or more pipe lines, to- gether with all equip�nt and appurtenances as may be neceasary or convea- ient, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streeta, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of said City, as per maps and description attached. Applicant represents to your honorable body that it Will at all times comply with the rules and regulations of the City Council with � respect to the construction and maintenance of said pipe line system under, along, and across said designated roads, streeta, avenues, boule- vards, alleys, drives and other public lands and placea in said City, that if requested to do so, it will give and furnish advance notice to the office of the City Engineer, or such other representative as the City Council shall designate, of the intention to construct said pipe line ,� � syatem prior to beginning any construction work thereon. � Applicant further represents that it will so construct the said pipe line system that the construc`tion of the �ama will interfere as little as possible with public travel on said roads, streets, avenues, boulevarda, alleys and drives; and it has acquired or is acquiring, rights of way across the lands abutting said roads, streets. avenues, boulevards, alleys and drive crossings; and that it will be respoasible for damages arising from the locating, constructing, using, operating, and maintaiaing of said pipe line. - 1 - �' "� , . • • ' ' . i , . . Applicant further represents that it will assume the cost of such posting and publication as may be required by law. WHEREFORE, applicant prays your honorable body to make and ' pass an ordinance hereon authorizing and perwitting this said applicant to locate, use, operate, and maintaia and finally remove a pipe line � system in, along, over, through, across and under roads, streeta, avenuea, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of the City of Renton, State of Washington. OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY 1 By nes R. Ball, Vice President . . - 2 - _ • . . . , , . _ . . TO WH�OM IT MAY CONCERN: The following proposed franchise brdinance, published as required by Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", was first presented to and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, the day of , 1964. City Clerk Copy hereof received by me on the day vf , 1964. ' City Attorney Copq hereof by the City Attorney presented to the Mayor on the day of " . 1964. . Mayor Published . � .,,. . l • _�__ _ � ' • . • • ' . � , . . � . � � � • � � TO WH�OM IT MAY CONCERN: The following proposed franchise ordinance, published as required by Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances • of the City of Renton", was firat presented to and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, the day of , 1964. � City Clerk Copy hereof received by me on the day of . , 1964. • City Attorney Copy hereof by the City Attorney presented to the Mayor on th� day of . 1964. Mayor Published . , . "` -" '"� .� , . � ' � , ' . (9�3) RIGHT OF WAY KI-219 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON County of KING FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Four Hundre Thirty-Seven and No/100---Dollars (� 437.00 ), �he receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, City of Renton, State of Washington hereinafter referred co as GRANTOR (whecher one or more), does hereby grant and convey to OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, with a permit co do business in the Scace of Washington, its successors and assigns, hereinafcer referred to as GRANTEE, che rights of way, easements and privileges to construct, maintain, operace, repair, replace, change the size of, and remove in whole or in part, a pipe line or �i�X��, for the transportacion of oil and gas, and the products thereof, wacer, or any other fluid or substance, with the necessary fittings, fixtures, valves, appurtenances, and cathodic protection devices, and the right to maintain the righc of way clear of trees, underbrush, buildings, and other obstructions, along a route to be selected by Grantee, on, over, across and through the following described property situated in the County of King , State of Washingcon: That portion of land within Defense Plant right of way as delineated on plat of Maplewood Division No. 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 39 of plats, page 39, records of said County, lying between Southeast 142nd Street and Southeast 144th Street, City of Renton, Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. This easement is more particularly described as s strip ,of land fifty (50) feet in width, being the Westerly fifty (50) feet of the above described property; the route of the pipe line being located as delineated on Grantee's Drawing No. F-405, dated 6-12-64, which is attached to and made a part hereof. ' The rights of way herein granted are subject to any and all existing easements and ' rights of way across Grantor's property. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold Grantor harmless from and against all third party claims which may result from the construction, operation and maintenance of said pipe line, including, but not limited to, in3uries to or death of persons or animals, court costs and attorney's fees, when due to negligence of Grantee, its employees or contractors, arising out of the rights herein granted, together with the right of ingtess and egress to and from said line ��tpc� Grantor shall have the right to fully use and enjoy the above described premises, excepc as to the rights herein granced. Grantee agrees to pay any damages which may arise to crops, timber, or fences of Grantor, re- sulting from the exercise of the righcs herein granted, said damages, if noc mutually agreed upon, co be ascer- tained and determined by three disincerested persons, one thereof co be appoinced by Grantor, one by Grantee, and the thud by the two so appointed, and the written award of such three persons shall be final and conclusive. ��� ��iX�������X���X��S�f�f� , ��.�.,ur:�u.aiaioc�XX�cxxx�cx�xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx�lid��xe�ilf������€���X ' It is agreed thac any payment due hereunder may be made direcc co Grantors or any one of them. n i line constructed b Grantee its successors or assi ns across lands under cultivation at the AYPPe Y , 8 � me,of,const ti n ereof shal1 b buried to such de th as ill not interfere with ordinary cultivation, but With � mi�aauu� �-��c� coder wit�i n� fi�ture� �'xten�in� above �r�oundb e rig ts o way, easements an privi eges erein grante ate eac ivisi le and are each assignable , or transferable, in whole or in part. The terms, conditions, and provisions of this grant or any contract resulting from the exercise thereoF shall extend to and be binding upon che heirs, executors, adminiscrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this inscrument chi� day of , 196 4' OLYMPIC PIPE LINB COMPANY CITY OF RENTON By: By: Vice President By: � . _ __ J � , . . . , . . . . . . � = . . , ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CORPORATE GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On chis �iay of 19—, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared an� to me known to be the President an� Secretary, respeccively of , the cotporation that eaecuted the within and foregoing inscrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluncary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are auchorized to exe- cute the said instrumenc and that the seal affixed is the corpotate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the Stace of Washington, residing ac ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me and ' ' to be known co be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoi4g instrument and acknowledged chat signed the same as free and volrincary acc and deed, for�the uses and purposes therein mencioned. GN�N under my hand and official seal thi� day of , 19�. Nocary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day personaliy appeazed before me and , to be known co be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrumenc and acknowledged that signed the same a� free and voluncary actand deed, forthe uses and purposes cherein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 19_. Notary Public in and fot the Scate of Washington, residing at , ^ ' . . + � j ! • • ;Y r � . rr • � • � � � " SEC. !G, T 23 N, �?,5 E lY.M, ' � KiNG G"�., I�Y�asH. �, . � a�� � � s• , , , ♦ j ♦ / . �J�� � ♦ � / T� �� � � . ��` �` \�� • •� � � � "l ♦ 1 \ ♦ r ♦ • ` ������� i a ♦ � ; ��� - • - �� � `. � y _� ' ♦ ♦ . -_ � t l'c . `�` �+ � � � � ���,� I ' � - . ' • I � �°�'�� �E� � �� � � � � Cl� -�''� r� �� - ��- '{� '., . ! r� �. � .�?�` � 4 .�� K, _�. •,� � � � � - �P. . �-. `�._ �',, ' 1r. . • � r � `��, . � � '``. . '' , � i . . � � .. v��. . � . � y. , . . ti � f ��� / � � :t.; ��.� �. � / �'`` _. � "y'y�. j �. �. 1\ � ♦ . , +V . ����� , � � � �t, 's'sj,y. . � . . .o �' , .o d 'Q R/W TJF'ACT �K/-2/9 '�'• 497 + 2G.�8 RGIO�S` , ; � M� 7 ____KI11+G ______ C.�nfr. star.ef �'NASX. N. 6. Na ..- ---- ----- --------- __ -_._.�_,� � � � � �----.�aEsicN�NCR. pRo�sEr� p�eo�ar�crs ���FcrnrF �pRAMM S�G/G'G� ,�,�SIN� ThrE F��?PE�C'TY Of � � � �'___ GMECKEd��� CITY C?f �C'ENTtJN I � � � �- -- APPROVEQ DATE Ot.YMPIG PlPE t.INE CQMPANY �q � � � �_____� ss�TY�rt,wwaN�N�toN , � ,//} ; I NO. REVtSiON DATE �CHK•t>.�AP►'D.� �L�r J�+/�� ,pRAMING NQ F' �/� / � � , � - _ — -- -- �-_ _ — - - — . _ _ �• z . ' • ' • , r • , � ' � . • (9�3) RIGHT OF WAY KI•219 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Counry of �� FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Fout Auadred Thirtv-5eveu a�td go/100-•-Dollars �� 437.00 ), the receipc of which is hereby acknowledged, Citp of RsntoA. State of W�sbiagtcn hereinafter referred co as GRANTOR (whether one or more), does hereby granc and convey to OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, with a permit to do business in the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, the righcs of way, easements and privileges to construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, change the size of, and remove in whole or in part, a pipe line or ��f�, for the uansportation of oil and gas, and che produccs thereof, water, or any ocher fluid or substance, with the necessary fittings, fixtures, valves, appurtenances, and cathodic protection devices, and the tight to maintain che right of way clear of aees, underbrush, buildings, and other obscruccions, along a toute to be selected by Grancee, on, over, across and through the following described property situated in the County of �i� , State of Washington: That portioa of land �fthia Defenae Plant right of vay as deliaeated on plat af Mapl�wood Dfvision No. Z, accordiag to plat Lhareof recorded in Volune 39 of plats, paga 39, records of said County. lying L-etween 5oatheut 142nd Strast and Sontheaat 144th Str�tt, City of Benton, Section 16, Town�ltip 23 l�orth, Rsage S 8aat, W. M. ?his �asmeat i• a�ore perticulsrly de8cribed as a atrip of lsnd fi£tY (SO) foet i� width� baing the ile�tarly fifty (SO) feet of the above describ�l progerty; the rout� of the pipe line being located ss delineated on Graateo's Drawing No. F-405, datad 6-12•b4. which is attached to And ajade a part hereof. Ths right• of v►sy hereir� grauted ara sub,�ect to any and all existing ease+s�enta aad ri�bts of �rs�+ acrosa Grantor's propert�. araate� agr��s to iad�anify apd hold Graator hatslasa fror and again�t nll thisd party clai�s ahich vay ra�ult fro� the cc�ustructioa. oparation snd maint�naac� of said pipa lin�, facludiag, but not lir�ited to. iajuris� to or dsath of persacu or aninuls, cc�art costs :�d attornay`s f�es, rrh� due to a+�gligence of Grecnte�, ite employ�s� or coutssctQrs. ari�in� wst of tbe rights herein granted, together wich che right of ingress and egress to and from said line Yltid�l�tle Grantor shall have the righc co fully use and enjoy che above described pre mises, except as to the rights herein granted. Grantee agrees to pay any damages which may arise to crops, cimber, or fences of Grantor, re- sulting from the exercise of the rights herein granted, said damages, if noc mutually agreed upon, to be ascer- tained and determined by chree disinterested persons, one thereof to be appoinced by Grantor, one by Grantee, and che third by che two so appointed, and the wricten award of such three persons shall be final and conclusive. �hlSit����n�r.������n�tn,��1S��N..g,.n��r.n�:�h.4:�„Y.���ti.x M��'re�atiyxe�IlS��b.h.���..r,�,,.s , w.M N 11 M M 4�4�N'��1��YJ�C�Y�ll�Y��V1M C13���I�[IC��iCT"-3i'C�I���K�� It is agreed that any payment due hereunder may be made direcc to Grantors or any one of chem. Any pipe line construcced by Grantee, ics successors or assigns, across lands under cultivation at the 1 d f r with ordinar cultivatio ime o const t'on hereof, shal be burie to such de th as will not inter e e y �. but With f ni �qu�. �-inc� cover with n f3 ture �,� e { y,o r ,�,,a �he riglus oY way, easements an�privi�leges�►e�eI� �raZf�c�l �Te ��c� �nISible and are each assignable or transferable, in whole or in part. ' The terms, conditions, and provisions of this grant or any contract resulcing from the exetcise thereof shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, adminisctators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS 1VHEREOF, the Grantor has execuced chis instrument chi� day of , 196�. OLYMFIC PIPE LI� CO�AlfY CI?Y OF �tEl1TOi4 ay: ay: Vice President � B�: . ' + . , ' , � s ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CORPORATE GRAN?OR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day of . 19—, before me, the undersigned Nocary Public, personally appeared an� to me Icnown co be the President and Secretary, respeccively of , the corporation that eaecuted the within and foregoing inscrument, and ackaowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary acc and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated thac they are authorized co exe- cute the said instrument and that che seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal affixed the day and year in this certificate above wricten. Notary Public in and for the Stace of Washington, residing ac ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me and , to be known co be che individual(s) described in and who executed che within and foregoing inscrument and acknowledged that signed che same as free and voluntary act and deed, forthe uses and purposes therein mentioned. GNEN under my hand and official seal thi� �iay of 19—. , Nocary Public in and for the Scate of Washington, residing at ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before mP and , to be known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrumenc and acknowledged that signed the same as free and voluntaty accand deed, forthe uses and purposes therein mencioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 19_, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at i ' � � ii ' • , ' ' t , f, � � , � ' ] , � - � SEC, !�O, T 23 N', R.S E lY.�l�l. . � KlNG G't�., 1`�Y,4SH. �` � a� � � � Ni S� � , , ; . . , � . s�. . , . , . , .,�.. ` �' '.�► `� . � . i ` � `.•. � � � � .. P ` +�.�, � t _ � ` ` , ``'� p`E .� � ` � � � � -adD , !- _ `�. `� . - , . � � 1 � . �` p� V � � ,_,,,,� � , � , + � � �g�, �f�� � •' i _ � r� � 4k „�y"� i' �� _ .,. I�(t"{ `. . i � . `0' �' v • '�� 'f > �``a'� \ K� � • � � �' �• . `~� yh' `i � �. I ` � . ' . � � i��� ' $ ' ~`~ �. \ ` � . r . , i � ` o��„ � �' �� 5` � �, ` � , � � . i `� � � :,�> `..� �• � I � � `� .: -s►y�,, j �� '� ! '`` � • • � •� I , v`�",',��� . I F G' �! y'�'3- . � � " . . .a d .o �s � � R/W TRACT K/-2/8 '�'. ' � 21G.�1�8 RqOIS 43T I 7'8 M, 7 ____x114G ______ Cwwhr. sra�e.e1 iYASX, N. B. No.�_ __... .._..__ ----_-__- '_ "'._"r � . � � �_-.��_ DESIGN ENGR. P���F� p��p��TS PIAPtINF 4���+ s�:cr�� C,p�SSIN� THF AR�PERTY Df � # I � � �' c�ECKE�,1'� CITY C�F RENTON I� � � � �----_�APPROYED DATE � � Qt.YMP1C PiPE I.iNE C4MPANY �, I I � � �'----� s�wrt�t,wRs�ur�toN . � NO.� REVISION � DATE CCHK•C�.�AP�'D.� �L�r /Na/(�� �QRAMING N0. F' �Va j - - -- - _.___ .— __�., , � . � "� . .. � c . � � w • O . � (9�3) RIGHT OF WAY KI-201 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON County of KING FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of che sum of �''ive Hundred Eighty-Six and No/100 --- nollars �� 586.00 )� the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, City of Renton, State of Washington hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR (whether one or more), does hereby grant and convey to OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, with a permit to do business in the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, the rights of way, easements and privileges to construct, maincain, operace, repair, replace, change che size of, and remove in whole or in part, a pipe line 11a[�ip�t��ms, for the uansportacion of oil and gas, and che produccs thereof, wacer, or any other fluid or substance, with the necessary fitcings, fixtures, valves, appurtenances, and cathodic protection devices, and che right to maintain the right of way clear of trees, underbrush, buildings, and other obstructions, along a route to be selected by Grantee, on, over, across and through the following described ptoperry situated in the County of King , State of Washington: Tract 1 - The North 165.00 feet of the South 330.00 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 Esst, W. M. , EXCEPT the East 30.00 feet thereof for road; and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying West of a line which is 50.00 feet Easterly of the Westerly line of the Bonneville Power Transmission Line Right of Way Easement, on which portion a fulfillment deed has already been delivered. , Tract 2 - That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section 9, Township 23 ATorth, Range 5 East, W. M. , described as follows: Beginning at a point 330.00 feet North of the South�ast corner of said subdivision; thence West 660.00 feet; thence North 421.00 feet; thence East 360.00 feet; thence South 102.00 feet; thence East 300.00 feet; thence South 50.00 feet; thence West 300.00 feet; thence South 100.00 feet; thence East 300.00 feet; thence South 169.00 feet to the point of beginning, EICCEPT that portion thereof lyin� within the East 30.00 feet of said subdivision. Tract 3 - Unplatted Tract "B" and that portion of unplatted Tract "A" lying Southerly of a line parallel with and 421.0 feet Northerly of the South line of said unplatted Tract "B" as delineated on Albert Balch's President Park No. 10 as recorded in Volume I''��_ _ E1 of �lat_s1 pa,�e_ 301�.n Kin Countv. Washin�Q�_ _ __ ____ . y: .:;.;.- This ea�ement `is more particularly desc�ri�d as.��i"n:et'rip��of land fifty (50)�,.�ee,t,'•in width, being the Westerly fifty (50) fe��".b£; LhQ i�bbve.,itgscribed prope�'��; .�the'route of the pipe line being located. es delineated on'�st��b��` Drawing No. F-404, �dated • 6-12-64, which is attached to and made a part hereof. The rights of way herein granted are subject to any and all existing easements and rights of way across Grantor's property. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold Grantor harmless from and against all third party claims which may result from the construction, operation and maintenance of said pipe line, including, but not limited to, injuries to or death of persons or animals, court costs and attorney's fees, when due to negligence of Grantee, its employees or contractors, arising out of the rights herein granted, , It is agreed that any payment due hereunder may be made direcc to Grancors or any one of them. � Any pipe line constructed by Grancee, its successors or assigns, across lands under cultivation at the 81�i.t�ico�nstr,►}Ft1�lerhhecov�rh�ai� nO1ef.13�tureSde��endin��3.LboVefe�r�e,Qui�,t1� ordinary cuitivation,, but With �� T e rig�its of way, easements and prtvileges herein grance are eacC divisible and are each assignable or ttansferable, in whole or in part. The terms, conditions, and provisions of this gtant or any conuact resulting from the exercise thereof shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantot has executed this instrument thi� day of , 196 �! OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY CITY OF RENTON By: By: / � " Vice President ��� V By: - y . . � � � � � ' � . � . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CORPORATE GRANTOR , STATE OF WASHINGTON , ss. COUNTY OF On this �iay of . 19—, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeated and to me known to be the President an�i Secretacy, respeccively of , the corporation thac executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said insuument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to exe- cute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal affised the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. ' � �COUNTY OF � On this day personally appeared before me and , to be known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that signed the same as • free and voluntary act and deed, forthe uses and purposes therein mencioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 19�. � Nocary Public in and for the State of Washington, ' residing at - � ' '�' '��3 �(3'�) 1(:3;.<'.z :+�.t�isa '.!���P�!LEDGEM�N�OF INDIVIDUAL . I ' t .�.x' a,. .,� .. . �,t,-"tr. b ,y�• r'�.;,•' ,y, w STATE OF WAS�fINGTON'� r� _ ;,��: . ';� •�:��.. *,�.b.��:.,, •,: . , :�� r.. . . j y i �n w; k'� '� ...t:�'• S3i.��'.�+ir,''�-7�'�% � COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me and , co be known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that signed che same as free and voluntary act and deed, forthe uses'and purposes cherein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 19_. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at `� . i � . , �, - . • , � • , • r • � � ' '� r � � ! , - � � sEc. .�, r z�N, �PSE N!�l. , . . � �tC/N'G CD., f�YRSH. . , . . . . � , , . , , c � , � . N � � � �,. t , G � X? 's'► AVE. N, w � g � > . UNf�. � ' 7� � � M�M : � ' � �.�f I w ,f i � j � . 61� AVE. N. ��..,..�L�T�� -�-_ � � � � I' . �t I � � s'� • � i : ,... �� .. ..:,w� 4 � ' � .i�._ _ _s�'r1',�7'JM � � I � � �,* .�e2,"_ � G � � w _! ,� A�'"1PERTY G+� C?Y A�REN7LtiV I • � $ . S 04�'3Q91'777`M' '� I� ' �«�. �„r „ j r � � t ' � �i�R'J'X.'r� � . ' ' ��� . . � � , EAdT /�K�'�"".-'�`E�'.8.�, I II `, � �. . � � 4 ' RliV TRACT X!-2Vl ' 6�►C3' � d'f.d?RK7LiS i1. s tte. _321 ?8 M.__ ?7_E X? _------ ____ KlNG______ C«rwh►. 3t.r..i ___iYASX.�____ . I � � � �_ _ pESIGN �NGR. p,�p�SfD P�?�Jt�'U�'TS PIr�ELINE � + aa�wr� ST. G/7� 1 � � �____ C,�OSSI�VL� TiYF l°RC�AE�C'TY � CMEGKEI��y���s--� �C 41� / �/� �G�Y/ 4+yY � � � �----• APPROYED OATE Oi,.YMPIC PIPE l.iNE CC?MPANY f � � I ,----- ' ss�Tta.�.wwsNu�+�To� , NO.� REViSfQN � dATE i CMK•O.�APP'C. ���r /Ms�' � �pltAwlNG N0. f'�f�1' � ` . . . - . ' • � ' • � i, -� . ' �l�J� � , RIGHT OF WAY RI-�201 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON County of �I�C' FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Five Hundred Bi�htySix attd No/100 --- i)ollars �� 586.00 )� the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, City of Renton, Stat� of Washington hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR (whether one or more), does hereby granc and convey to OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Delawate corporation, with a permit to do business in the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, the rights of way, easements and privileges to construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, change the size of, and remove in whole or in part, a pipe line �Iiipptk�o0s, for the cransportation of oil and gas, and che products thereof, water, or any other fluid or substance, with the necessary fitcings, fixtures, valves, appurtenances, and cathodic protection devices, and the right to maintain che right of way clear of uees, underbrush, buildings, and other obsauctions, along a route to be selected by Grantee, on, over, across and through the following described properry situated in the County of Ring , State of Washington: Tract 1 - The North 165.00 feet of the South 330.00 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Qunrter (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , EXCBPT the 8ast 30.00 feet thereof for road; and EXCBPT that portion thereof lying West of a line which ia 50.00 feet Easterly of the Westerly line of the Bonneville Power Transaiasfon Line Right of Way Easement, on which portfon a fulfillment deed has already betn deliv�red. Tract 2 - That portion o€ the Southeaet Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section 9, ToWnahip 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. , described as follows: Beginning at a point 330.00 feet North of the Southeast corner of said subdivision; thence Weat 660.00 feet; thence North 421.00 feet; thenca East 360.00 feet; thence South 102.00 f�et; thence Sast 300.00 feet; thence South 50.00 feet; thence West 300.00 feet; thence South 100.00 feet; thence East 300.00 feet; thence South 169.00 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the East 30.00 feet of said subdivision. Tract 3 - Unplatted Tract "B" and that portion of unplatted Tract "A" lying Southerly of a line parallel with and 421.0 feet Northerly of the 5outh line of said unplatted Tract "B" as delineated on Albert Balch's Preaident Park No. 10 as recorded in Volume .��� 61 of �lats� page 30,�in King Cauntv, WashinstQn. __ _ .- x ' This easeme�t "ier.'���,particularly described as a stiip' o�,�� � .d fifty (50) feet� in , ��`:'��� � � . � ,•,,.�:< "�".`'width, b�i`ag="� :�i�e��y fifty (SO) feet of the above des�¢���:Qro���y; the rau��e �.�`�� � � of the pipe line being located �as delfneated on Grantee s 'b��pi�y�.��I►-404, -dated 6-12-64, which is attached to and made a part hereof. The rights of way herein granted are subject to any and all existing easements and rights of way across Grantor's property. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold Grantor harmless from and against all third party claims which may result from the construction, operation and maintenance of said pipe line, including, but not limited to, injuries to or death of persons or animals, court costs and attorney's fees, when due to negligence of Grantee, ita employees or contractors, arising out of the rights herein granted, It is agreed that any payment due hereunder may be made direcc to Grantors or any one of them. Any pipe line construcced by Grantee, ics successors or assigns, across lands under cultivation ac the i s t here f hal buri t such de t as ill no interfere wit ordinary cultivatioq. but with �[ `i�itY�nS[� "�-#.°z�'c� coQvB� W�t�i n� ���`�ure� e�ic�end°�ng a�ove �r�un� The rig ts o way, easements an privi eges erein granted are eac ivtsi6le and are each assignable or transferable, in whole or in part. The terms, conditions, and provisions of chis grant or any contract resulting from the exercise thereof shall eatend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, the Grantot has executed this instrument th�� day of 196 4 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY CITY OF RBNTON By: By: / Vice resident a V By: r . . . . , . , , � . � � . � • � �� 1 ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CORPORATE GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On thi� day of 19—, before me, the undersigned Nocary Public, personally appeared an�l co me known to be the President and Secretary, respeccively oE , the corporation that ezecuted the within and foregoing instrument, and ackaowledged che said instrument to be the free and voluntaty acc and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to eze- cute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and for the Stace of Washington, residing at ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHING'TON ss. COUNTY OF On this day personally appeared before me and to be known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that signed the same as free and voluntary act and deed, forthe uses and purposes therein mencioned. GNEN under my hand and official seal thi� �ay of , 19�. Nocary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing ac A�KNOWLEDGEMENT OF IND�VIDUAL " STATE OF WASHINGTON` '� "^'' �� � �• ss. COUNTY OF � On chis day personally appeared before me and , to be known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrumenc and acknowledged that signed che same a� free and voluntaty act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mencioned. GIVEN under my hand actd official seal this day of 19_, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at � - -- - � - - - - - - - - — � , . 1 � • � � 4 � � + { } ' � . r � � � � , � � , _ SE�C'. 9, T?8�t/, �PSE h!,l�l. � � K!N"G CD., /Y�SH. . � � . � � , , � , , .. . . , � r � # � . I� � � � � . � . . . <: X� '3" AYF. M. � - . tlltlR. ; � : I � � �► ~A~ y I � �A .'..��t II . 9�► avF N � �-.._s�Lr��� � I�� '�,, de I "�' � � � � � � C � •� . i � ' II ..� � i � � °° ' I 4 ir._ _ _,s a�rz'��w - � .�, �87'� � � _ 2 � � i AA�PfRTY Q+� C?Y C�`REN7�tN' � --� --� $ � . �M„ _S �R'�iR�?7'lY +h . /� � . � ' • � � ,�N�� � t . �, �� ��'1` , . EA�fl /At'C�7J4:•SE�8.,� .� , �..._.� _ � . R1N' TR•�iCT K!-7bl , 68G� ' �:6?k?"lAS I N. B. No..,52� ?8 p.__ 27!E K! _------ ____iI�ING---___ St,rr..i ___13'ASX.w---- C«rn�r. � � � �"--_, dESIGN�NGR. Pk'Z'�PI�SED P,QaDU�'7'� PIAFLtNE o��wH S.T. G/2G¢ �aPLTSSIAJ� Tf�F i°RC3,�ERTY' i � � � {"'-___ CH£CKEt��a�:�re-z— 4�rr 4►� VF I�F�V/� I � ( �----- APPROYEO OIIfiE pi.YMPiC PIPE i..lNE CtJMPANY � � � �----- r �!A'TTt�,tlk�iMlM+�tON 1 NO.� REViSiON � DATE �CHK•D.�APP`D. SCALE /M"XX�f �DRAwINti N0. F���'�` , �-- — — - -______ -- —- ..�.�.�.__,._...._____ . ___ - 'k ' , � � . . _ � r , � � � ^ r S ' � . j; Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-13-64 • PLUMBING & HEATiNG PERMTTS (cont.) N0. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF [aORIC 6603 - - - - Hilltop Sand & Gravel 13316 S.E. 116th St. Plumbing Fixtures 04 - - - - Standard Stations 201 - 3rd Avenue Plumbing Fixtures 6605 - - - - Robert L. Boggs 2414 - 9th Ave. P1o. Plu:nbing Fixtures � 06 - - - - Rudy Zaputil llb24 S.E. 106th P1. Plunbing Fixtures 07 - - - - Herb Haclanan S.E. 102nd Street PlumUing Fixtures 08 - - - - Tiffany Homes, Inc. 15516 - 120th Ave. SE PlumUing Pixtures 09 - - - - Arnold Hagen 540 Shattuck Stree� P1uraUing Fixtures 6610 - - - - R�dy Zaoutil 11624 S.E. 106th Pl. Plu�nbinb i'i::tures 11 � A � �3 D. Wa Ballew 1317 "H" Place Gas Install.ation COMMUNICATIOtdS: A letter was read from the Renton-I;ing County Pioneer Association, Paul Houser, Secretary, requesting the City to adopt a Resolution designating Sunclay, Augu�t 23, 1964 as Renton-King County Pioneer Day. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request with ref�rral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper Resolution. Carr-ied. A letter was reaa from City Attorney Shellan advising that P�Sr. �G:nes Gay, of Roberts, Shefelr�an, Lawrence, Gay & Moch, Bond Counsel, has been not:ified of the City Council's action of �lacing a general obligation bond issue, in the sur:� of ��5�,000.00, on the primar;� ballot in September, 1964 for the construction, devela�m?a� Gnd eouipping � of the Lake Washington Beach property. Inquiry was made as to detexm�nation of the ' Council regarding time element for fhe main library bond iss�ze in the suM of $150,000.00 if it is to go on the September ballot. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, that City Attosney Shel3an be adv�.scd that Council has determined that the Lake Washington Beach bond issue t:�ll �e the on1.y one � on the September ballot. Carried. � Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, that t�ze library bond i���ie b� placpd ' on the November ballot, Carried. A letter from the King County Engineer, Walter F. t•]int�r�, U���;� �ea�. advising that upon reviewing the Soil Conservation Service T s Watershed [r]ork Plan fo�• t�� �-re�n P.iv�r Basin, the prQposGl has been approved and the best mode of financin; is r.o;a be�n; determined, the most e�:pedient method presently ackno�oledged to be througii a flood control zone district. It was requested that the Mayor and/o� Counci� m��r'�e-r�� a�tend a meeting on Tuesday, July 14 at 10:00 a.m. in the Kent City Hall Conncil Chamb�2rs. A request from each of the Cities would authorize the Board to commence proce�ding� to create the zone district. A map of the watershed boundaiies w�s attaclied, A letter was read from the V.F.W. Post 1263, Renton requesting consideration of application to again operate a safe and sane fireworks stand in Ren�on in July, 1965. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the communication to the Folice and License Committee with powar to act, Carried. A letter was read from Mayor Custer reporting authorization of Fund iran�fers within budget classifications for the period from Apri� 15, 19h4 to June 15, 1964 as follows: Planning Commission Account #1720 From 417, Mate:�ials and Su�plies, Unto 504, Travel Expense, �250.00 - Ap�il 30, 1964, Plann�ng Comni-±ssion f�ccount ,�1720, From 417, Materials and Supplies, unto 504, Travel Expense, �100.00 - June �, 1964, Police Civil Service Account #1900, From 504, Travel Expense, Unto 417, �faterials & Supplies, $16.34. Application was read from A. & B. Sportsman Headquarters, 317 Main S�re�t, P� Aliment and 0. Bausano, owners, for a dance hall licen�e for the tav�rn s��� of thn premises. Moved by Poli, , seconded by Gianini, to refer the �equest to the solice and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Leo Lazetti called attention to irregular spacing of inercury vapor li�hts on Shattuck Street South between llth Avenue South and J_3th P.venue South and a fourth light ��as recommended for pole located on property line at 1i32 and 11��� Shattuck Street South. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the leti�er to tlie I,ight and Power Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter was read from the Olympic Pipe Line Company, [•'ra, J. Coll�r.^, P.�gh�-Of- Way representative, requQs::ing franchise frcm the City �� ccn��c�=on ��a��ii construction of a pipe line for transpoi�ting refined pet.roleuni prod.ucts frcm refineries �f t�lobil OiI •-2-- � � ' . � - , . � � , T � t . ;�, r � � � � Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 7-6-64 COI�iUNICATIONS: (cont.) Olympic Pipe Line Company request for franchise: � Company at Ferndale, Washington and Shell Oil Company and Texaco, Inc. of Anacortes, Washington, to terminals in Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, Washington and to Portland, Oregon. Certain portions of the route will run along, over, through, across and under public lands and rights of way of the City. Forms were provided for further processing of the application and check No. 2113 in the sum or" $1,023.00 accompanied the application in regard to Easements to be required as outlined therein. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Garrett, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee, the City En�ineer and the City Attorney to investigate and report back. �Discussion ensued regarding the referral and inquiries were addressed to Mr. Collins regarding the proposed installation after which the pending motion carried. A letter read from the Renton City Employees Club invited the Mayor and Council and their families to attend the Annual Club Picnic on August 8th all day at Lake Sammamish - Alexanders Resort, for lots of "picnic fun". A letter from Planning Director Jensen submitted Plannin� Commission recommenda- tion from its meeting of July 8, 1964, that the Final Plat of Talbot Crest be approved at this time and it was moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur, with 'referral to the Law and Ordinance Comcaittee for proper Resolution. Carried. A letter from Mr. Albert J. Meyer, Acting Regional Director, Urban Renewal, of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Box 36003, San Francisco, California, confirmed observations of Code Specialist Harold C. Powell and Field Representative Merrell L. Watts, that the proposed civic center site identified as 4 and 4a, (bounded by Bronson Way, Main Street, Walla Walla Street and Cedar River) did not contain obvious conditions warranting total clearance and therefore eligibility for qualification has not been � established at this time. Under Federal requirements, more than 50� of the primary buildings in a project must be structurally deficient to an extent that warrants clearance. It was suggested that the community consider undertaking a feasibility survey conducting inspections necessary to determine the eli�ibility or lack of it. It was further suggested that abutting properties might be included for the pur.pose of establishing eligibility and subsequently adjusting project boundaries as dictated by the results of the survey. Discussion ensued regarding prior action and proposals for a civic center site, none of which qualify, or would be suitable on the whole for general neighborhood renewal and general clearance. Inquiry was made regarding the contract recently executed between the City and Johnston-Campanella & Associates for a feasibility and site plan which encompassed the 4 and 4a sites and Attorney Haugan advised that the firm had inquired about reducin� the hourly work a few days ago. Mayor Custer pointed out that sites 4 and 4a were not impossible to acquire but their eligibility for getting matching funds was not assured and it was felt that Johnston-Campanella would be amenable to contract changes if needed. It was pointed out that the contract does � generally call for investigation of all City properties in this area however determina- tion is in order if specific locations are to be recommended. Councilman Gianini affirmed his convictions that in lieu of seeking acquisition of additional progerties the City should develop its presently owned lands and Moved that the City Hall and Library be located in Cedar River Park with referral of the recommendation to the Committee of the Whole. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist and dissenting voice vote brought the required request for roll call which resulted as follows: Aye: Poli, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Trimm, Perxy, and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, and Morris. Seven Aye votes and four no votes carried the motion. A letter from HeLnie Nelson, City Clerk reported receipt of Continental National Insurance Group Check #458665 from proceedings against a bond which reQresents payment for work performed in completing city requirements in the development of the Plat of Sandee Terrace. The check was issued to the City and in order to eliminate appropria- tion into the budget for expenditure a Resolution was recommended authorizing the City Treasurer to endorse the check to Valley Cement Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 838, Auburn, Washington, who completed the work. This method of handling the payment was in order according to the advice of the State Examiner. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the recommendation of the City Clerk. Carried. A letter from City Engineer, Jack Wilson, reported that the County Records indicate that the Petition, submitted by Yolanda and Walter Gerber, to vacate that portion of County Road #34 lying within Tract 183 of C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 3, was signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. Garrett then Moved that the matter be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Resolu�ion fixing the date oi August 24, 1964 for hea�ring on the proposed vacation. Carrie . -3- � . NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOA FRANCHISB IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF OLY1�'IC ) PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR THE ) RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE ) TO LOCATE, LAY, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ) ALTER, REMOVE, REPLACE ANU REPAIR ONE OR MORE ) PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND ) , APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVEN- ) IENT IN CONNECTION THEREWZTH FOR THE TRANS- ) PORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ) ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN, ON, ) OVER, OVER, TI�tOUGH, A�CROSS AND 1TNDER CERTAIN ) ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS, ALLEYS, ) DRIVES AND O�IER PUBLIC LANDS AND PLACES OF ) TI� CITY OF RENTON, S�ATE OF WASHINGTON ) WI�REAS, OL'Y1�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Dwlaware Corporation, has heretofore filed in the office of the City Cler1�, of the City of xenton, State of Washington, in the manner and as required by law, an application • for a franchise to locate, lay down, construct, operate, maintain, alter, remove, replace and repair pipe lines for the transportation of oil and any product or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, acroas and ', under certain roads, streets,avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other I � ' pbulic lands and places of the City of Renton, described on the attached list• marked "Exhibit A" and by reference herein incorporated, said franchiae to be for a period of fifty (50) years, NOW TI�REFORE, NOTICE IS I�REBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on such ' applfcation by the City� Council of the City of Renton, State of Washington, at the City Aall, Renton, Washington, on the day of , 1964, at the hour of , or as soon thereafter as such hearing may be had. DATED at Renton, Washington, this day of . , 1964. �.� . . � CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF RENTON . By . . ' � - NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISB IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF OLYME'IC ) PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR THE ) RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE ) TO LOCATE, LAY, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ) ALTER, REMOVE, REPLACE ANU REPAIR ONE OR MORE ) PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND ) , APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVEN- ) IENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH FOR THE TRANS- ) PORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLIN6 OF OIL AND ) ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN, ON, ) OVER, OVER, THItOUGH, ACROSS AND UNDER CERTAIN ) ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS, ALLEYS, ) DRIVES AND O�IER PUBLIC LANDS AND PLACES OF ) THE CITY OF RENTON, S�ATE OF WASHINGTON ) WE�REAS, OT.YI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, a Dwlaware Corporation, has heretofore filed in the office of the City Cleri�, of the City of xenton, State of Washington, in the manner and as required by law, an application • for a franchise to locate, l�y down, construct, operate, maintain, alter, remove, replace and repair pipe lines for the transportation of oil and any product or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streets,avenues, boulevards, alleys, drivea and other I � ' pbulic lands and places of the City of Renton, described on the attached list� marked "Exhibit A" and by reference herein incorporated, said franchiae to be for a period of fifty (SO) years, NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS I�REBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held on such ' applfcation by the City Council of the City of Renton, State of Washington, at the City Hall, Renton, Washington, on the day of , 19b4, at the hour of , or as soon thereafter as such hearing may be had. DATED at Renton, Washington, this day of , 1964. ..� .• �. , � CITY COUNCIL � ' CITY OF RENTON • I By � I . � _� y -� ..-. . TO TI� I�NORABLE DONALD W. CUSTER AND I�1�ERS OF TI� RENTON CITY COUNCIL A P P L I C A T I 0 N OF OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR � TI� RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, AUTHORITY AND FRANCHISE TO LOCATE, LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, MAINTAIN, � ALTER, REI�OVE, REPLA�CE AND REPAIR ONE OR MORE PIPE LINES, T06ETHER WITH ALL EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDLING OF OIL AND ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN ALONG, OVER, THROU6H, ACROSS AND UNDEA CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULSVARDS,ALLEYS, DRIVES AND aTHER PUBLIC I.ANDS AND PI.A�CES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Olympic Pipe Line Company, a corporation, the applicant herein, � respectfully makes application to your honorable body to grant unto it the right, privilege, authority and franchise to uae, cross and occupy herein- after described roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of the City of Renton, State of Washington, for the purpose of locating and constructing one or more pipe lines, to- $ether with all equipment and appurtenances as may be neceasary or convea- ient, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roada, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives snd other public lands and places of said City, as per maps and description attached. Applicant represents to your honorable body that it will at all times comply With the rules and regulationa of the City Council with � � respect to the construction and maintenance of eaid pipe line system under, along, and across said designated roads, atreeta, avenues, boule- � vards, alleys� drives and other public lands and placea in said City, that if requested to do so, it will give and furnish advance notice to the office of the City Engineer, or such other representative as the City Council shall designate, of the intention to construct said pipe line ,• � system prior to beginning any construction work thereon. Applicant further represents that it will so construct the said pipe line system that the construc`tion of the �ama will interfere as little as possible with public travel on said roads, atreets, avenues, boulevarda, alleys and drives; and it has acquired or is acquiring, rights of way across the lands abutting said roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys and drive crossings; and that it will be responsible £or damages arising from the locating, constructing, using, operating, and maintaining of said pipe line. - 1 - � �,�, '. -. Applicant further represents that it will assume the cost of such posting and publication as may be required by law. WHEREFORE, applicant prays your honorable body to make and pass an ordinance hereon authorizing and pes-�aittiag this said applicant to locate, use, operate, and maintain and finally remove a pipe line • ' system in, along, over, through, across and under roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public landa and places of the City of Renton, State of Washington. . OLYi�h'IC PIPE LINB COMPANY By es R. Ball, Vice President I . . - 2 - TO WHQM IT MAY CONCERN: . The following proposed franchise ordinance, publiahed aa required by Ordinance No. 1628, entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", was first presented to and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, the day of I , 1964. City Clerk Copy hereof received by me on the day of . 1964. • City Attorney Copq hereof by the City Attorney preaented to the Mayor on the day of . �964. Mayor Publiehed . - �.• . +'� � � 's ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON GRANTING ) UNTO OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ) HEREINAFTER CALLED THE GRANTEE, ITS SUCCESSORS, ) GRANTEES AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE, ) AUTHORITY AND FRANCSISE TO LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT, ) OPERATE, MAINTAIN, ALTER, REMOVE, REPLA�CE AND ) REPAIR ONE OR MORE PIPE LINES, TOGETHER WITH ) � ALL EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE ) NECESSARY O�R CONVENIENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH ) FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND HANDI:ING OF ) OIL AND ANY PRODUCT OR BY-PRODUCT THEREOF, IN, ) ALONG, OVER, THItOUGH, ACROSS, AND UNDER CERTAIN ) ROADS, STREETS, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS, ALLEYS, DRIVSS ) � AND OTHER PUBLIC LANDS AND PLACES OF THE CITY OF ) RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. � ) TI� CITY OF RENT�N DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to Olympic Pipe Line Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by � virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware and authorized to transact business within the State of Washington, its successors, grantees ani . assigns, for a period of fifty years from the taking effect of this Ord- inance, the right, privilege, suthority and franchise to lay down, con- struct, operate, maintain, alter, remove, replace and repair one or more pipe lines, tagether with all equipment and appurtenancea as may be nec- essary or convenient in connection therewith for the transportation, stor- age and handling of oil and any product or by-product thereof, in, along, over, through, across and under certain roads, streets, avenuea, boule- vards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places of the City of Renton i and as per Grantee's pipe line route Map, Drawing No. S-100, Sheet Nos. 44 - 47 inclusive, and as described on the attached list marked "Exhibit A�� . Section 2. This Franchise is granted upon the express condition . that it shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive Franchise and shall not in any manner prevent the City of Renton from granting other or further Franchises in, along, over, through, across or under any of said roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places, and in no wise prevent or prohibit the City of Renton using any of said roads, streets, etc. o� effect its jurisdiction over them or any � part of them, with full �ower to make all necessary chaagea, relocations, repairs, maintenance etc., of same as they may deem fit. . - 1 - . J . , Section 3. This Ordiaance shall be void, if the Grantee shall not within forty (40) days from the adoption of this Ordinance file its � acceptance of the same with the Clerk of the City of Renton. Section 4. All construction and installation work where crossing roads, streets or alleys within the corporate limits of the City of Renton to be under the supervision and paas the inspection of the City Engineer. Section 5. The grantee; its successors or assigns ahall cam- mence construction work under this franchiae within one (1) year frmn and after the date of passage thereof; if, at the end of five (5) years from � and after the granting of this franchise, the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not have laid, constructed and have in operation upon any of the roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives or public places as herein designated, then in. that event the rights hereby conferred upon the grantee shall cease and terminate sa far as unoccupied roads, streets, avenues, etc, are concerned. Section 6. All surface structures shall be erected and maintained at such places and pogition upon said roads, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, drives and other public lands and places as to interfere as little � as practicable with the free passage of traffic and the free use of ad- joining property, and all pipe lines in, along, through or across aaid roada, streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys or drives shall be located, �. � ' buried and installed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and The Code of General Ordiaances of the City of Renton - Ordinance No. � 1628, as amended, now or hereafter in force, regulating such installation. . Section 7. The grantee, its successors and assigns do hereby _ agree to repair any damages to City roads over which it holds a franchise, � , and all other City improvements caused by the failure of grantees work during the life of this franchise and should it be necessary to make any excavation in any road, street, avgnue, boulevard, alley, drive or other public land or place, in the laying, constructing, maintaining, altering, removing, replacing or repairing of any such pipe line or structure, grantee, ita successors and assigns, shall without delay and at grantee's expense I • restore the surface of said road, street, avenue, boulevard, alley, drive � or other public land or place as nearly as practicable to the same condition - 2 - I • �. it was in before doing such work. Section 8. Should the grade of a road, street, avenue, boulevard, alley, drive or public place in which Grantee's installations may be � constructed and maintained, be altered or changed by Ordinance of the City Council, the Grantee, upon written notice by the City, its repreaent- atives or agents, shall within a reasonable time, raiae, lower, change or reconstruct its installation located thereunder to conform to any such . change in grade without cost or expense to the City. � Section 9. The Grantee, ita successors and assigns, shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from and againat any and all liability, loss, cost, damage or expense which may accrue to the City by reason of the construction, operation and maintenance of the , facilities of the Grantee, its successors and assigns, provided, however, that in case any suit or action is instituted against the City by reason of any such damage or injury, the City shall cause written notice thereof to be given said Grantee and the said Grantee shall have the right to defend any such suit or action. � Section 10. For the purpose of compelling compliance by the Grantee with the terms of this Franchise and the maintenance of said pipe lines and facilities in good condition, a failure to comply with any of the provisions or conditions herein within sixty days after notice to do so, served by order of the City upon the Grantee, shall authorize the City to declare by Ordinance an immediate forfeiture of the Franchise and the City may in such case declare such forfeiture in the manner provided. by laW. Section 11. The City of Renton reserves unto itself the power and right at all times to reasonably regulate in the public interest, the � � exercise of all Franchise rights granted herein. Section 12. The laying, construction, maintenance and operation of said Grantee system of pipe•lines and facilities granted under this franchise shall not preclude the City of Renton, its accredited agents or ' its contractors, from blasting, grading, excavating or doing other necessary road work contiguous to the said Grantee pipe lines or facilities, provided that the Grantee shall have forty-eight (48) hours, writtan notice, of said blaeting, grading or excavating in order that said 6rantee may � protect said pipe lines and facilitiea. - 3 - J Section 13. Whenever the word "Grantee" is used herein, it ahall be construed to mean Olympic Pipe Line Canpany, its successors, Grantee or assigns, and all the privileges herein accorded to and obligations and restrictioas herein imposed upon Grantee shall be conatrued to extend ' to its successors, grantees and assigns as fully and to the same effect as though the words " successors, grantees and assigns " were each time herein repeated fully after the Word "Grantee". PaBsed by the Council of the City of Rentoa this day of , 1964. Approved by me this day of . 1964. , Mayor ATTEST: Published: First presented to and filed, with the City Clerk of the City of flenton, Washington, this the day of A.D., 1964. City Clerk We the undersigned, hereby accept all the rights and privileges of the above granted Franchise subject to all the terms, conditions, atip- . ulations and obligations contained therein. � ATTEST: OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY , BY Asaistattt Secretary Jamea R. Ball, Vice President Dated this day of , 1964. - 4 - __ � . J �- . . , EXHIBIT A OLYI�IC PIPE LINE COMPANY PIPE LINE LOCATIONS - CITY OF RENTON STREETS AND RIGHTS OF WAY STREET DISTANCE LOCATION Acrosa 12th Ave. N. 60' 975' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.E. " llth Ave. N. 60' 200' West of centerline "Q" St. " 7th Ave. N. 60� 730' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.E. " 6th P1. N. 30' 869' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.E. " 4th Ave. N. 60' 1015' West of centerline 132nd Ave. S.B. " 5th Ave. E. 60' 310' West of centerline "0" St. S. " 6th Ave. E. 60' S10' West of centerline "0" St. S. " 160th Ave. S.E. 60' 15' North of North line 160th St. S.E. (Extended) " 180th St. S. 60' 122' West of C. M. St. P. 6 P. RR. mainline track (or 450' East of center- line 72nd Ave. S.) " State Hwy. 5-C 60' 15' North of North Line 160th St. S.E. ` (Extended) " State Awy. 5 (Pro- 242' 45' South of North Line 160th St. S.E. posed) (Extended) " State Hwy. 5 60' 45' South of North Line 160th St. S. E. (Extended) • ♦ - ' _ � - � _ � ' ' � N�vember 27. 19S 5 Renton Citv Council Minutes PaQe 447 THE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ON CASTLE ROCK RESTAURANT & LOUNGE. CARRIED. Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman confirmed that four complaints regarding noise were received on Thursday, November 23rd. That same night, police officers observed approxirnately 30 vehicles parked on the grass. Two noise complaints were phoned in on Friday, and four on Saturday. Councilman Corman commented that the police report for Friday, November 24th characterized this evening as a "slow night" for Castle Rock, although the parking lot was three-quarters full and two noise complaints were received. Citizen Comment Dorothy Bosteder, 520 SW 123rd Pl., Seattle, board vice president for Bosteder - DAWN Domestic Abuse Women's Network (DAWN), thanked Council and the Funding Administration for their continued financial support of this agency. Ms. Bosteder said in the first nine months of 1995, DAWN's 24-hour crisis line received 311 calls from Renton residents, and 33 women with 64 children had intakes with the Renton community advocate. DAWN also provided support groups, childcare, and legal assistance for Renton women, and four women and five children received shelter at DAWN's house, a 24-hour confidential shelter in south King County. In the same period, however, 63 Renton women, many with children, requested shelter but had to be turned away. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Release of Easemen� RE- City Clerk submitted request for release of two easements from Jan-West 95-001, NE 20th/Jones Homes, Inc. (Pohl lot line adjustment), located north of NE 20th and east of Ave NE (Jan-West Homes) Jones Ave. NE (RE-95-001), in exchange for one easement in close proximity. , Refer to Board of Public Works and Utilities Committee. i Zoning: Medium Industrial Planning & Technical Services Division requested a public hearing be set for (IM) Zone Change to l2/11/95 to take comment on a proposed amendment to the Medium ', Ailow Movie Theatres Industrial (IM) Zone to allow motion picture theatres. Council concur. Police: Staff Changes re: Police Department submitted Memorandum of Understanding between the 3/3 12 Patrol Officer City and the Renton Police Officers' Guild representing commissioned Schedule employees; the agreement makes permanent two current temporary sergeant positions and eliminates four corporal positions retroactive to 11/O1/95, as a result of the three on/three off 12-hour patrol officer schedule. Refer to Public Safetv Cammittee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COL�NCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending iJtilities Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the final draft Olympic Public Works: Olympic Pipeline Company franchise renewal, and to submit the ordinance to Olympic Pipeline Franchise Pipeline Company for acceptance. The Committee further recommended that Renewal . the ordinance be presented for first reading and advanced to second and final �� : �L�.... �atq reading after Olympic Pipeline Company has signed the acceptance statement. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Utilities Chair Corman assured him that the franchise renewal involves no new pipelines. November 27, 1995 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 448 ` *MOTION CARRIED. � Solid Waste: Interlocal Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Forum Changes, King concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's County, CAG- recommendation that Council approve an addendum to the solid waste interlocal agreement and forum interlocal agreement for the purpose of substituting the Regional Policy Committee of the King County Council for the Solid Waste Interlocal Forum. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 449 for resolution.) Public Safetv Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the Legal: Firearms Forfeiture forfeiture of firearms. The Committee met on 11/22/95 to consider an Changes ordinance establishing a procedure for the forfeiture of firearms. This procedure provides due process to individuals whose firearms have been seized by the Renton Police Department. The Committee recommended that the full Council read and adopt the ordinance. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. ' CARRIED. (See page 449 for ordinance.) ' Fire: Pumper Truck Public Safety Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending I Purchases approval of stafCs request to enter into an interlocal purchase agreement with the City of Seattle for the purchase of two Fire Department pumper trucks. The contract will be with Emergency One and United Fire of Issaquah. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 449 for resolution.) Plannin� & Develoament Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report �pmmittee recommending that home occupations be allowed as secondary uses in multi- Building: Home family zones, per requirements in Section 4-31-19.G, with written approval of Occupation Permits in the property owner which may be revoked for good cause. MOVED BY Multi-Family Zones STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND FORWARD THIS MATTER TO THE ITY A'TTORNEY FOR PREPARATION OF AN ORDINANCE ON THIS CHANGE. CARRIED. Public Works: Mt Olivet Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Planning/Building/Public Works Landfill/Leachate Facility Administrator Gregg Zimmerman confirmed that the City received a letter from the owner of the Mt. Olivet leachate facility granting the City access to ' provide maintenance services at this location. However, the city attorney has deemed the language in the letter unsatisfactory because it holds the City liable for any acts of omission. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the City does not want to assume responsibility for the operation or maintenance of this � facilit • it merel wants the abilit to access it on an emer enc -onl basis. , Y, Y Y 8 Y Y The City also objects to the property owner's stipulation that he not be billed for any maintenance work performed by the City. ' Franchise: Cable Councilman Stredicke requested specific information on the cable television ', Television Fund; Cable . account, including whether Mr. Rasmussen's salary is paid from this fund. He ' Lines in City also wanted to know how many miles of cable are laid and available in '� Renton. ' Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report recommending ' Budget: 1995 Year-end concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the 1995 adopted budget Adjustments by $1.5 million. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 449 for ordinance.) � � �fune 19. 1995 iton Citv Council Minutes Paae 253 Riparian Forest. Council concur. (See page 254 for resolution.) Building: 1995 Agreements Technical Services Division requested approval of agreements with six firms for Surveying and CAD (W&H Pacific, 'Triad Associates, Ringel & Associates, Penhallegon Associates , Drafting Services Consulting Engineers, Entranco, and Geometrix Surveying) to provide the City , with surveying services, and approval of agreements with three firms (Engineering Graphic Services, Wichai Engineering Services Corp., and Sajan Inc.) to provide CAD drafting services. Council concur. Transportation: WSDOT Technical Services Division recommended adoption of the 1994 Washington Specs for Road, Bridge State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal and Municipal Construction. Refer to Plannina & Develonment Committee. ConstruCtion Streets: SR-900 Transportation Division requested approval of an agreement accepting HOV/Houser Way Project, $397,700 in TIB grant funds for the SR-900 HOV and northbound Houser TIB Funding Way interchange project. Refer to Transoortation Committee. Streets: Main Ave S Transportation Division requested approval of an agreement accepting Improvements, TIB $1,204,800 in TIB grant funds for design of the Main Ave. S. (S. Sth St. to Funding Bronson Way) street improvement project. The City's 2096 cost share is $301,200. Refer to Transportation Committee. Lease: Northwest Transportation Division recommended extension of the lease with Northwest Seaplanes, LAG-91-005 _ Seaplanes, Inc. (LAG-91-005) to 6/30/95 due to delays in finishing the hangar (Extension) currently under construction. Refer to Transnortation lAviationl Committee. Airport Tower Repairs, Transportation Division requested approval of reimbursement to The Boeing The Boeing Company Company for labor and materials to perform repairs to the Airport Tower building; the reimbursement will be provided via an offset in Boeing's monthly rent for 14 consecutive months following completion of the project. . Refer to Transoortation (Aviation) Committee. Public Works: Olympic Water Utility Division submitted proposed agreement with Olympic Pipeline Pipeline Co. Franchise for Company to renew the company's franchise for three pipelines located in the Three Pipelines City of Renton. Refer to Utilities Committee. �,T'� ' � MOVED �Y SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Communitv Services recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authoriae the Committee application for funding assistance in the form of grant funds from the Parks: Springbrook Trail Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the Springbrook Trail IAC Grant Funds project. Matching funds will be derived from Open Space Bond Issue funds, King County Conservation Futures Levy funds, and King County Fee-in-Lieu of funds for this acquisition project in the local parks category. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 254 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claims Vouchers #124390 - 124807; two wire transfers in the total amount of $2,482,511.52; approval of Payroll Vouchers #135293 - 135610; and 414 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,090,170.92.MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ti ! � CITY OF�RNTON COLINCIL AGENDA BILL � AI#: �.� . � subm�mng Daca: Planning�Building�Public Works For Agenda of: vePvn�v�Boara.. Utility Systems/Water Utility June 19, 1995 Staff Contact...... Lys Hornsby, Supervisor Agenda Status J.D. Wilson�x-bt9s> Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing... Draft Olympic Pipeline Company Franchise Renewal Agreement Correspondence.. Ordinance............. Resolution............. Old Business........ I Exhibits: New Business....... I, Issue Paper Study Sessions....... Draft Agreement Information.......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Utilities Committee Legal Dept............ X Finance Dept...... ' Other................... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... NOrie TransfedAmendment....... �I Amount Budgeted.......... Revenue Generated......... Estimated annual fee:$30,735 Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. Summary of Action: The Olympic Pipeline Company franchise agreement for its Ferndale to Portland (16"), Allen Station to Renton (20"), and Renton Junction to Harbor Island (12.75") pipelines expired in November 1989. The ' City of Renton has prepared a draft franchise renewal document for approval by the Utilities Committee. The approved draft franchise renewal will be submitted to Olympic Pipeline Company for negotiation, and then finalized for signing by both parties. Staff Recommendation: • The Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends that Utilities Committee approve the draft franchise renewal and direct the Utilities Division staff to submit it to the Olympic Pipeline Company for negotiation of terms. • Following negotiations with the Olympic Pipeline Company, the franchise renewal will be finalized and submitted to Council for approval and signature by the Mayor. � H:DOCS:95-487a:JD W:ps c > I � i CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 2, 1995 TO: Timothy J. Schlitzer, President City Council Members VIA: Mayor Earl Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator i�� STAFF CONTACT: J.D. Wilson,Water Utility Engineer SUBJECT: OLYMPIC PIPELINE COMPANY FRANCHISE ISSUE: The Olympic Pipeline Company franchise for its Ferndale to Portland (16"), Allen Station to Renton (20"), and Renton Junction to Harbor Island (12.75") pipelines expired in November 1989. The City of Renton has prepared a draft franchise renewal document for approval by the Utilities Committee. The approved draft franchise renewal will be submitted to Olympic Pipeline Company for negotiation, and then finalized for signing by both parties. RECOMMENDATION: • Utility staff recommend that Utilities Committee approve the draft franchise renewal and direct staff to submit it to the Olympic Pipeline Company for negotiation of terms. • Following negotiations with the Olympic Pipeline Company, the franchise renewal will be finalized and submitted to Council for approval and signature by the Mayor. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The original franchise agreement expired in November of 1989. The City and Olympic agreed to an extension of the agreement in January 1990. The extension expired in May 1990. The Water Utility staff and Olympic have had several � � Timothy J. Schlitzer, �ident/City Council Members . ' Olympic Pipeline Company Franchise Renewal Agreement Page 2 preliminary discussions regarding terms of a new franchise agreement. A draft franchise agreement has been prepared and is now ready for review by the Utilities Committee prior to submittal to Olympic Pipeline Company. I Issues covered by the franchise renewal include rights of use of the franchise by Olympic, aquifer protection, permit and reconstruction requirements; protection of City facilities from cathodic protection system over currents, permit privileges for Renton facilities within the Olympic franchise areas, and compensation to Renton. CONCLUSION: The franchise renewal attached to this issue paper is a final draft from the Renton � Water Utility. The issues covered by renewal include those brought forward by the Renton Fire Department, Development Services Division, Transportation Division, Utilities Division, Property Management Section, Personnel and Risk Management Department, and City Attorney. This document has not been submitted to Olympic Pipeline Company for their review. The Water Utility is ready for the Utilities Committee to review and comment on the draft to firm up the City's position with respect to this franchise agreement before submitting it to the Olympic Pipeline Company. H:DOCS:95-487:JDW:ps CC: Lys Homsby Ron Olsen ,` � 3 .. - .... .:�'���t�:�rr=`�;,�:..:;c..:z::''' ;�c.;�_:.:,• .:.�:•.:� - ' . - _ " qr, .1-�..::� .t.»�-•. .'wi'` �.'n_' ..� . � :�� s�r •�: '.C%"•'�, ��} - :'ar' ��?`n•, ��=. `J: .� . •i'• .i:�r'."ti:e ,W.� �:'. :.T '�i� .t,, _ .�f !r:., y t:;C'.;:'. t' .'a ?7;:`� �....5,::'` x:: ,�:' ��i ,�;.. �;:`: .ipd,i�e+ :i': _ <r.. _ � ' � Y '4' ' �.t' :s:.;: - ' >t - . _ 1l.�.t'~� '.J: ,.:i•s " - - . O •i�- . . - • '"r _ . . . � . . . � • - I, +�l . . . .. j�2ENTa� � :C�T� JF:. N� . . . :.. . . . -. _ .� . . - . �. � . . .. - - ,. . : �. : - .. - ' .-. . . 'OfFice of�fhe�Cit .�ttorne • . : , . .; - -.. _ _ Y . ., Y� _. . . :�"Earl Clymei,MaYor :.' " : • - . ' � '.� . , '.. .. . ' .. . � . Lawcence J.Wai�ren.' : �. . . � ,� MEMORANDUM ' � �'�������. � ., �� � . ��.��:, . " , , - : . ::' . � ' � . - . . � -.1UP� 2 iy9� � To:. ., . J.D. Wilson, Water Utility - , . . , Fromt -Lawrence J..Warren,City Attorney _ . ':� Ci i',' aF R�ZTON : . , -, . , . - � �n�ineering Gep�. - . � ;Date: ' . Jurie 1; 1995 _ � , . . . - Subject: . � Olympic Pipeline Franchise Ordinance , � : . After my initial,review of the Olympic Pipeline Franchise�Ordinance you sent me another draft with � changes higtilighted. I have the follow'ing comments: 1. � In section 9.1 on page 6, the next to last line, the last word is now Grantee. That word should�be Grantor. . � 2. In section 10.1.1 on page 8, the words "Fault" defined were added. That does not read well and I think those two words should be stricken. � I think that we will need to slightly reformat the ordinance once it is presented to the Council for adoption. These are all of the additional comments that I have the initial review of the ordinance. Lawrence J. Wa ren LJW:as. cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Jay Covington A8:114.41. n,...• 11FF:,.,. T?..,. !'1� inn c �..rl Ctroat Ao..r..., \�loc}��nntnn oQn�� _ r�n�»ss_R�7R , r _ - - . � ' ' ''F�. _ _ �:1`'"r.,i• _ . . • . - �� _. ;�;�� . . - .1:.:�.;�i ^� .}aMf•' . � �.'�• �.'/'� .. . Y _ , ^%1��..T�' . . .+�t. '',F ' �.i" . 1. �'�:'.' . . ) _ !'�s .. , . . �f�`" Ff - p'. , _ � ... . . . . �.. ,z - =�:°- . - - ��C:IT'i . �F�R�N�TON. . :.�r .�, . -•��- - . , . � . . � - .. � _ . . - - ;�� _ ' - " , . . � , ' . � . Office of the City Attomey �. . - - :�' Earl Clymer,Mayor�. -. . . . � . - . . � .Lawrence J."Warren , . _, _ . . , . : � . � . . � D ��� � �:; � . . .MEMORANDUM .� � . , . � .� - � � � ., ' � . . - . . �_ , � :.1�7AY � G �g � . � . �5 To: � -J:D.Wilsoq Water Utility , C171' -C�F RENTON �- : .From: , La.wrence 7::Wanen, City Attorney Engtneering pept, _ - ,. � - - � ,�Date: . - ' .,May 25, 1995 , . .. � , . � Subject• . Revised Draft of Olympic;Pipeline Franchise Agreement �I have-reviewed tHe .revised_draft of the Olympic Pipeline Eranchise_Agreement and the.attached memo.from Tom Boyns. I have only superficially reviewed Title 49, Part 195, of the Code of Federal Regulations. - . � . With respect to the franchise, I have the following suggestions: . 1.. � � In section 7:2 on page 2, in the second line, is the phrase "...in the manner prescribed by �rdinance." This refers to the manner of obtaining the necessary �ernuf. I am not always ure that our ordinance fully describes the manrier in which one would obtain the necessary �ernut. I therefore su�est that the quoted language be stncken. 2. In section 9.2 on page 7, the fourth line from the bottom, is the phrase "...aforesaid Code." However, there is no prior reference to any Code in section 9.2. Therefore, that reference is confusing. 3. In section 9.4 on page 7, much of the language has been stricken. That language should be removed from the proposed franchise prior to formal adoption. � 4. Section 17 on page 11 refers to recovery of costs for actual administrative expenses incurred by the City for receiving and approving this franchise. This is a very indefinite section and hard to manage. I ��vould suggest that another way of approaching the recovery of these costs would be to build those cost recoveries into the franchise fee . That would result in the franchise fee having two elements: (1) recovery of City costs, and (2) return on the fair market value of the City right-of way involved in this franchise. Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206)255-8678 . 1 _—� �i � • , �,��Y o� CITY OF RENTON � � � HUMAN RESOURCES & RISK MANAGEMENT ��'lv'i'�� DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM �,�� .��� �4d-���� DATE: May 30, 1995 �����; .��- �• ;.,,.�� �{� 5` � ��� , y_ � TO: J.D. Wilson (�±���5 r n r� r r v;` r�IAY � � ���� FROM: Beverly Nelson Glode :.- , ; �� �=, -•�. :'�%ti ;;, � : ��`,pt. L i!L���-� '�1�.�j SUBJECT: Revised Draft of Olympic Pipeline Franchise Agreement I have reviewed the above document; my comments are as follows: �ection 7.9,line 3: add"with an AM Best rating of A�[QI"after the comma following"State of Washington." Exhibit B,page 31: '"CGL-ISO form CG0001 (Ed. 1093) AL-ISO form CA0001 (Fd. 1293)add"or equivalent"after last parenthesis �Delete ISO form information from umbrella and pollution liability sections as these coverages are non-standard(heavily endorsed). Page 33,third paragraph,sixth bullet: Add: "and self insured retention"after"policy limits" Page 33,fifth paragraph,item 1) Add: "with a 'nimum AM Best Rating of A XIP' Page 33,fifth paragraph,item 2) Add: ",exce t where noted" Page 34,first paragraph,following intented quotation� . Line 1: should read"of this"-not"if this" � �fie 3: add"at the City's sole discretion"aRer reduc d for any reason, ��Delete second paragraph Delete all from last sentence so that it begins" erages" � / Page 34,under the AM Ben's Ratings: Replace"Professional"with"Polluuon" �� A$S,OOO,OOQ Pollution liability limit for this project is recommended. �/ contradlp_b�w4it(tysys�pipelne __ . � . �. DG� � Cr� � . CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, GRANTING UNTO OLYMPIC PIPELINE COMPANY, A CORPORATION, THE RIGHT AND NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO USE AND OCCUPY THE STREETS, ROADS, AVENUES AND OTHER PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON TO MAINTAIN, OPERATE, AND REPAIR THE EXISTING 20-INCH, 16-INCH, AND 12.75-INCH DIAMETER PIPE LINES TOGETHER WITH EQUIPMENT AND APPURTENANCES THERETO WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. - Definitions: The following definitions are provided for the sole purposes of proper interpretation and administration of this ordinance: 1.1 Maintain shall mean operating, examining, testing, and inspecting, the existing 20- inch, 16-inch, and 12.75-inch diameter pipe lines, and restoring existing operations incidental thereto. 1.2 Public Properties shall mean present and/or future City of Renton public highway and street rights of way and City owned properties within the present and/or future • corporate limits of the City (as described in Exhibit"A"). 1.3 Administrator shall mean the Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works of the City of Renton, or any successor office with responsibility for management of the Public Properties within the City, or his/her designee. 1.4 Construction shall mean digging and excavating for, removing, replacing, and repairing the existing 20-inch, 16-inch, and 12.75-inch diameter pipe lines. SECTION 2. - Grant of Franchise: 2.1 The City of Renton, King County, Washington, a municipal corporation under the Optional Municipal Code of the State of Washington, ("City" or "Grantor"), hereby grants and gives unto the Olympic Pipeline Company, a corporation, ("Company" or "Grantee"), and its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and non-exclusive franchise to operate, maintain, remove and repair the existing 20- inch, 16-inch, and 12.75-inch diameter pipe lines together with all equipment and appurtenances thereto for the transportation and handling of oil and any product or by-product thereof, under, below and through certain public right of ways and other public lands within the City of Renton. Such maintenance of any and all such pipe lines shall be limited to a width of five feet, centered on the pipeline, under, below, and through said public right of ways and other public properties as listed on Exhibit"A", which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. During construction the grantor may temporarily extend the width up to thirty feet, centered on the pipeline. . f 2.2 This franchise shall not convey any right to the Grantee to use City �owned or leased properties not listed on Exhibit"A". SECTION 3. - Term: The rights, privileges, and franchise hereby granted to, and II conferred upon the Grantee, unless this franchise becomes terminated as herein provided, extends for a term of fifteen (15) years from the effective date hereof as established by signature of the Mayor of the City SECTION 4. - Reservation of Police Power: All the rights herein granted shall be subject to and governed by this Ordinance; provided, however, that the City expressly reserves unto itself all its police power to adopt ordinances necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public in relation to the rights hereby granted not inconsistent herewith. SECTION 5 - Comqliance with Citv Codes: The Grantee shall, in carrying out any autho�ized activities on the Public Properties, comply with all applicable City ordinances, codes, regulations, standards, and procedures as now or hereafter amended, and shall obtain all necessary permits or approvals; provided, however, that if any term or condition of this Franchise and any term or condition of such ordinances, codes, regulations, standards, procedures, permits or approvals are in conflict, the more stringent term or condition shall govern and control. SECTION 6 - Operations and Maintenance: The grantee shall operate and maintain the pipelines in accordance with the standards of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 195 - Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline or any succeeding Federal regulations. SECTION 7. - Construction on Public Proqerties: 7.1 Permits Repuired: Except in the case of an emergency, prior to commencing construction work on Public Properties, the Grantee shall first file with the City detailed plans, specifications and profiles of the intended work as may be prescribed by the City Council and Administrator, and shall receive an appropriate permit or permits from the City prior to commencing such work. Grantee shall comply with all terms, conditions, standards and insurance coverage as may be required under the terms of the permit. Grantee shall pay all reasonable costs of and expense necessarily incurred by Grantor in the examination, inspection and approval of all plans and specifications for, and all details of construction of all facilities involved herein. 7.2 Entrv upon Public Properties: After obtaining the necessary permit from the Administrator, the Grantee may enter upon, dig, and excavate the Public Properties of the City as herein above specified, for the purpose of removing, replacing, and repairing the Grantee's pipe line. All work shall be done in accordance with the terms of the permits and ordinances of the City regulating the opening and breaking of Public Properties, all building codes, fire codes and ordinances of the City, Washington State code and federal regulations governing pipeline systems and the transportation of hazardous liquids by pipelines. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 2 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps i � 7.3 Preference in Installations: The City shall have prior and superior right to the use of its streets and Public Properties for installation and maintenance of its utilities and other governmental purposes, and should a conflict arise with the Grantee's lines, the Grantee shall, at its own expense and cost, modify, adjust or relocate facilities to allow for City uses. The owners of all utilities, public or private, installed in such Public Properties prior to the installation of the lines and facilities of the Grantee, shall have preference as to the positioning and location of such utilities so installed with respect to the Grantee. Such preference shall continue in the event of the necessity of relocating or changing the grade of any such Public Properties. 7.4 Pavment for Avoidinq Damaae to Grantee's Facilities. The Grantee shall, in recognition that there may be additional costs that accrue to the City in the course of the City's public works projects related to avoidance of damage to the Grantee's facilities and the interference of the Grantee's facilities with the construction by the City of street facilities, water, sewer, and other underground utilities, agree to pay the City the full amount of additional costs resulting from the existing Grantee's facilities as shall be identified by the City for projects that occur in those rights-of- way described in Exhibit A. 7.5 Relocation of Facilities: 7.5.1 Whenever the City undertakes or approves the construction of or changes the grade or location of any water, sewer or storm drainage line (storm drainage line of 8" inside diameter or larger, bridge or box culvert) , pavement or other City improvement project (including, without limitation, installation of traffic signals, street lights, sidewalks and pedestrian amenities) wherein the facility so constructed or approved is or shall become, by gift, transfer, dedication or otherwise, a public facility owned, maintained or operated by the City, and the City determines that the project necessitates the relocation of the Grantee's then existing facilities, the City shall: Provide the Grantee, at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of such improvement project, written notice requiring such relocation; and Provide the Grantee with copies of pertinent portions of the plans and specifications for such improvement project so that the Grantee may relocate its facilities to accommodate such improvement project. 7.5.2 After receipt of such notice and such plans and specifications, the Grantee shall complete relocation of such facilities at no charge or expense to the City so as to accommodate such improvement project at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of such improvement project. 7.5.3 If the City requires the subsequent relocation of any Grantee facitity within five years of the date of relocation of such facility pursuant to SECTION 7.5.1 above, the City shall bear the entire cost of such relocation. 7.5.4 As to any relocation of the Grantee's facilities whereby the cost and expense thereof is to be borne by the Grantee, in whole or in part, in accordance Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6l02/95 Page 3 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps ' 3 , , with this SUBSECTION 7.5, the Grantee may, after receipt of written notice requesting such relocation, submit to the City written alternatives to such relocation. Upon receipt, the City shall evaluate such alternatives and shall advise the Grantee in writing if one or more of such alternatives is suitable to accommodate the work which would otherwise necessitate relocation of the Grantee's facilities. If so requested by the City the Grantee shall submit additional information to the City to assist the City in making such evaluation. The City shall give each alternative proposed by the Grantee full and fair consideration. In the event the City determines that there is no other reasonable alternative, the Grantee shall relocate its facilities as otherwise provided in this SUBSECTION 7.5. 7.5.5 The provisions of this SUBSECTION 7.5 shall in no manner preclude or restrict the Grantee from making any arrangements it may deem appropriate when responding to a request for relocation of its facilities by any person or entity other than the City where the facilities to be constructed by said person or entity are not or will not become City owned, operated or maintained facilities, provided that such arrangements do not unduly delay a City construction project. 7.6 Construction Standards: All construction activities shall be performed in conformity with the maps and specifications filed with the City, except in instances in which deviation may be allowed thereafter in writing by the Administrator pursuant to application by the Grantee. All plans and specifications shall specify the class and type of material and equipment to be used, manner of excavation, constn.iction, backfill, erection of temporary and permanent structures, and the traffic control and traffic interference mitigation measures as provided by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or similar standards as may be applicable from time to time. No such work shall be commenced without the Grantee first securing a permit in writing from the Administrator. All such work shall be subject to the approval of and shall pass the inspection of the City by and through its Administrator or other designated official. All such work shall meet the standards set forth in the Control Zone Guidelines promulgated by the State of Washington Department of Transportation for protection of utility objects in traffic hazard areas to the extent the Guidelines are applicable. All design, construction, and hydrostatic testing of construction work shall meet or exceed the standards of Title 49, Code of Federa/ Regu/ations, Part 195, entitled "Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline" or any succeeding Federal regulations 7.7 Supenrision of Installations: Nofinrithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, any excavation or construction activity conducted by the Grantee in any of the Public Properties within the corporate limits of the City shall be done in accordance with such reasonable rules, regulations, resolutions, and ordinances or general application now enacted or to be enacted by the City Council, relating to excavations and construction activities in Public Properties of the City, and under the direction and supenrision of the Administrator. All of the City's actual administrative expenses directly related to such supervisions, shall be paid by the Grantee to the City upon invoice. 7.8 Repair of Citv Facilities: The Grantee shall leave all streets, roads, avenues, lanes, public places and ways, after performing operation and maintenance work, in as good and safe condition in all respects as they were before the commencement of Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 4 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � such work by the Grantee, its agents, or contractors. In case of any damage by the Grantee to said streets, avenues, roads, lanes, public places and ways, to the pavement, turnouts, gutters, ditches, walks, drain pipes, rails, bridges, trestles, wharves or landings, and other improvements, the Grantee shall immediately repair all damage at its sole cost and expense. The City Council may at any time, after giving prior notice to the Grantee, do, order, and have done any and all work considered necessary to restore to a safe condition any such streets, avenues, roads, lanes, public places and ways, or pavement, tumouts, gutters, ditches, walks, drain pipes, rails, bridges, trestles, wharves and landings left by the Grantee or its agents in a condition dangerous to life or property, and the Grantee, upon demand, shall pay to the City all costs of such construction or repair and of doing such work. In the event of any excavation through a paved public property, Grantee shall restore the paved area to a standard and condition acceptable to the Administrator as specified in the permit to be issued for the work. Patching methods approved by the Administrator (e.g., the City of Renton Trench Restoration Standards) to repair the excavation and the surface of the paving to as near the standard of the original pavement as is possible may include the use of a thermal in-place asphalt patch or approved equal and/or the full overlay of the paved area, for asphalt paved streets, and the replacement of the affected portion of the panel nearest existing expansion joints for concrete paved streets. 7.9 Bond: Before undertaking any of the work or improvements authorized by this franchise, the Grantee shall furnish a bond executed by the Grantee and a corporate surety authorized to do a surety business in the State of Washington, with an AM Best rating of A XII in a sum to be set and approved by the Administrator or other properly authorized City official as sufficient to insure performance of the Grantee's obligations under this franchise, conditioned that the Grantee shall well and truly keep and observe all of the covenants, terms and conditions and faithfully perform all of the Grantee's obligations under this franchise; shall correct or replace forthwith, on receipt of notice thereof, any defective work or materials used in the replacement of City streets or property discovered within a two-year period of the date of replacement and acceptance of such repaired streets or property by the City; and shall restore the streets or property within the period of time specified by the Administrator in the permit issued for such work. 7.10 Record of Installations: The Grantee shall at all times keep full and complete plans, plat or plats, specifications, profiles and records showing the exact location, and size of all facilities heretofore constructed in the City, and showing the location of all valves, gauges, and other senrice appurtenances; and such plans, plat or plats, specifications, profiles, and records shall be kept current annually by the Grantee to show the exact location of all replacement and additional facilities . hereinafter installed by the Grantee. These records shall be subject to inspection at all reasonable times by the proper officials and agents of the City, and a copy of these plans, plat or plats, specifications, profiles and records, shall be furnished to the City upon request. The Grantee shall provide to the City copies of all maintenance and pat�ol repo�ts made for the Grantee's use concerning its facilities in the franchise area. Within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days following execution of this agreement, the Grantee shall provide to the Grantor, a copy of as- built plans certified by a registered professional engineer which identify all facilities Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 5 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps , ) including pipelines and appurtenances as well as all interfering utilities, landmarlcs, and physical features. The Grantee shall, upon request by the City, field-locate its facilities in order to facilitate planning, design and construction of City improvement projects. 7.11 Materials: All pipe and other components of any pipe line, and appurtenance ' thereto, to be used in repair and/or maintenance activities within any street right of way or other public property shall be unused products. Furthermore, after repair or replacement of any pipe, the portion so affected of such pipe between sectionalizing valves shall be subjected to a pressure test as provided for in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 195 and within the pressure limitations described therein before such pipe is placed in operation and the results of any , such tests shall be submitted to the City in writing; provided however, that no such ' test is required for any minor repairs which do not require removal of the pipe line from operation. SECTION 8. - Removal of Facilities: The Grantee agrees and covenants at its sole cost and expense, to protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate or remove from any street or Public Properties, any of its installations when so required by the City by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, street vacations, dedications of new right of ways and the establishment and improvement thereof, freeway construction, change or establishment of street grade, or the construction of any public improvement or structure by any governmental agency acting in a governmental capacity, provided that Grantee shall in all such cases have the privilege to temporarily bypass, in the authorized portion of the same street upon approval by the City, any section of pipe line required to be temporarily disconnected or removed. SECTION 9. - Health and Safetv: 9.1 As a condition of this Franchise, the Grantee shall install, at its own expense and cost, groundwater monitoring wells at least every 1,000 feet and soil vapor monitoring wells at least every 1,000 feet along the pipe line corridor and at each valve and bleeder within the Aquifer Protection Area (24 groundwater monitoring wells and 24 soil vapor monitoring wells) within finro (2) years of acceptance of this franchise. The specific locations, sampling depths, and � well design and constructior� plans and specifications shall be based upon the recommendations of an independent hydrogeologic consultant after conducting a hydrogeologic study. The wells shall be designed, constructed, maintained and abandoned (if applicable) in accordance with Washington State Department of Ecology standards for resource protection wells (reference Chapter 173-190 of the Washington Administrative Code). The Grantee, at its own expense and cost, shall arrange for the said study and recommendations. Copies of the study and recommendation reports, as well as the well design report and construction plans and specifications, shall be submitted to the Grantor by the Grantee for approval prior to the construction of the monitoring wells. The Grantee shall provide the Grantor with as-built drawings showing construction details, geologic logs, and locations (Lambert coordinates) for each well. These wells shall be sampled and tested quarterly the first year and annually thereafter, at the Grantee's own cost and expense, and copies of the test results shall be provided to the Grantor. Sampling shall be conducted by a technician certified by the testing laboratory as being Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 6 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps r � qualified to do the same. Testing shall be by a laboratory certified by the Washington State Department of Health to conduct the drinking water quality testing specified. Samples shall be analyzed for parameters (e.g., benzene, toluene, chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 1,2&1,4- dichlorobenzene, meta xylene, and ortho & para xylene) representative of the petroleum products and by-products transported in the pipelines. Water samples shall be tested using EPA Method 524.2. Soil vapor monitoring shall be conducted using the best available technology (to be described in the said recommendation report). 9.1.1 If the results of the analyses for a particular well are above the detection limits for the test procedure, then the Grantee, at its own expense and cost, shall notify the Administrator within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving such results and immediately take action to investigate the cause of the detection. If the investigation leads to the conclusion that the source of the contamination is product from the Grantee's pipeline then the Grantee, at its own expense and cost, shall take immediate action to isolated the leak or leaks and clean-up the contamination. This shall include the Grantee installing additional monitoring wells to determine the extent of the contamination plume; the number and location of such wells shall be subject to the aproval of the Grantor. If the results of the analyses for a particular well are above the detection limits for the test procedure, then monitoring shall be increased to once every three months for that well. Monitoring may be reduced to annually if the results of analyses are below the detection limits for the test procedure for four (4) consecutive quarterly sampling periods. 9.2 The Grantee shall establish and maintain at all times adequate facilities on each pipe line covered under the authority of this Franchise, and elsewhere on the same pipe line, to promptly localize operating troubles and to minimize the effects thereof. As a condition of this Franchise, within two years of acceptance of this agreement the Grantee, at its own expense and cost, shall install remotely controlled block valves on the sixteen (16) inch pipeline: 1) on the south side of the Cedar River valley (near station 3896 - Puget Drive SE and Rolling Hil{s Avenue), 2) on the north side of the Cedar River valley ( near station 3782 - NE 4th Street), and 3) on the south side of the Cedar River (near station 3846 - north line of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 5 East) and on the twenty (20) inch pipeline: 1) on the north side of the Cedar River valley (near station 3802 - NE 4th Street) and 2) on the south side of the Cedar River (near station 3865 - north line of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 5 East) and shall replace the manual block valve on the sixteen (16) inch pipeline near station 3831 (SE 5th Street) with a remotely controlled block valve. Type and location of valves shall be approved by the City. Every portion of each pipe line shall contain adequate cathodic protection, and such pipe line shall further be protected by sectionalizing block valves spaced at no greater distance than prescribed by Title 49, Code of Federal Regu/ations, Part 195 - Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline. If at any time during the term of this Franchise protective or sectionalizing facilities in any pipe line are found to be inadequate, the Grantee hereby agrees and covenants, at its own expense and cost, to make such changes as may be required by the City of Renton. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/06/95 Page 7 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps f � 9.3 The Grantee further agrees to mamtain at all times dunng the life of this Franchise automatic shutoff and safety valves at pumping station locations where adequate maintenance crews shall be available; in addition to which adequate fire protection equipment shall be provided for at all points of Grantee's system. 9.4 Under this Franchise no additional pipe line installations will be allowed. 9.5 Grantee further agrees to submit unto the City periodic reports, at least semi- annually of any pressure tests made pursuant to provision of this Franchise showing the date of the test, description of portion of pipe line tested, identified � with respect to the City's street routes and test data sufficient in detail to permit I analysis of test results and determination of compliance with Title 49, Code of ',, Federal Regulations, Part 195 - Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline. ,i 9.6 Grantee shall submit unto the City all repoRs containing information regarding the �� integrity of the pipelines including, but not limited to corrosion studies, semi-annual !, cathodic protection system surveys, close order cathodic protection surveys, ' maintenance and patrol reports, and nondestructive testing surveys. ' 9.7 Within the Aquifer Protection Area the Grantee shall operate the pipelines at ' intemal operating pressures of no more than 500 pounds per square inch (gauge) '� and at temperatures of no more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. SECTION 10. - Hold Harmless and Insurance: 'i 10.1 Hold Harmless: The Grantee shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the City of Renton, its council members, officers, employees and agents, attorneys and assigns, from and against any and every claim and risk and all losses, damages, demands, suits, judgments, penalties, fines, liens, awards and attorney fees, and other expenses of any kind, on account of injury to or death of any and all persons and/or on account of all property damages of any kind, including pollution of the air, water, or soil, whether tangible or intangible, including loss of use resulting therefrom, in connection with the operation, maintenance and/or construction of the pipelines under this franchise, or caused or occasioned in whole or in part by reason of the presence of the Grantee or its subcontractors, or their property, employees or agents, upon or in proximity to the property of the City or any other property upon which the Grantee is performing any work called for or in connection with this franchise agreement, except for those losses resulting solely from the negligence of the City, its Boards, officers, commissioners, employees and agents. 's iction determine that this a reement is sub'ect to 10.1.1 Should a court of competent�un d g � RCW 4.22.015, then in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Grantee and the City, its Board members, officers, employees and agents, the Grantee's liability hereunder shall only be to the extent of the Grantee's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Grantee's waiver of immunity under Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/06�95 Page 8 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps , c Title 51 of the RCW, Industrial lnsurance, solely for the purpose of the indemnification. This waiver has been mutualfy negotiated by the parties. 10.1.2 If a lawsuit in respect to this hold harmless provision ensues, the Grantee shall appear and defend that lawsuit at its own cost and expense, and if judgment is rendered or settlement made requiring payment of damages by the City, its commissioners, Boards, officers, agents, employees and volunteers, the Grantee shall fully satisfy the judgment within sixty (60) days after the suit or action shall have finally been determined. Upon the Grantee's failure to satisfy the judgment within the sixty (60) day period, this franchise shall at once cease and terminate. 102 Insurance: The Grantee shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Grantee, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be paid by the Grantee. The Grantee shall secure liability insurance as specified in EXHIBIT B, INSURANCE AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS. The limits of said insurance shall not, however, limit the liability of the Grantee hereunder. SECTION 11. - Vacation of Riqht of Way: If at any time the City shall vacate any street or , right of way or other City property which is then used for utility purposes pursuant to the rights granted by this franchise, the Grantor will, at the request of the Grantee, in its vacation procedure, reserve an easement for any existing franchise holder. SECTION 12. - Non-exclusive Franchise: This franchise shall not be deemed to be an exclusive franchise. It shall in no manner prohibit the City from granting other franchises of a like nature or franchises for other public or private utilities under, along, across, over and upon any of the City streets, alleys, or public thoroughfares or properties subject to this franchise, and shall in no way prevent or prohibit the City from constructing, altering, maintaining or using any of the said streets, alleys, draining facilities, irrigation structures or facilities or public places, or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them, with full power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishment, improvement, and dedication of the same as the City may deem fit from time to time, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance and improvement of all new right of ways and thoroughfares and other public properties of every type and description. SECTION 13. - Dispute Resolution; and Remedies: In the event of the occurrence of any dispute between the City and Grantee arising by reason of this Ordinance, or any obligation of either party under this Ordinance, that dispute shall be resolved under the terms of this Section which shall be the sole remedy for resolution of any such dispute. 13.1 Cathodic Protection Claim Resolution Procedure: The parties shall resolve claims befinreen themselves for remedial action on shorts and cathodic protection interference befinreen their respective utility systems under the following procedures: 13.1.1 Each party shall notify the appropriate representative of the other party when a short or interference is located and excavated. Representatives from the City and the Company shall be afforded reasonable opportunity to ' Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/06r95 Page 9 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � . � > witness the condition prior to either party taking action to remedy the condition. 13.1.2.The claim for remedial action by the other party shall include, to the extent known, the street address, date of repair, date of facility installation, nature of condition, and the name of the representative(s) of both parties who observed the condition. The condition of the installation shall be documented with photographs if a representative of the other party cannot be available to inspect the condition. The claim shall include avai�able test data relating to the condition. 13.1.3 Priority for establishing responsibility shall be based on the date of installation or reinstallation, with the latter installation bearing responsibility for remedial action and the cost thereof. 13.1.4 It is understood that as part of the installation of any new distribution systems, the Grantee will be responsible for clearing existing shorts. 13.2 Initial Recourse: Upon request of either party, such dispute shall be first referred to the operational officers designated by the Administrator and the Grantee to have oversight over the administration of this Ordinance. Such officers shall meet within fifteen (15) days and make good faith attempt to mediate a resolution of the dispute. 13.3 Determination bv Administrator/General ManaQer: In the event that the parties are unable to mediate a resolution of the dispute under the procedure set forth above within thirty (30) days, then the dispute shall be referred to the Administrator and the Grantee's General Manager for resolution of the dispute. 13.4 Arbitration: If the dispute has not been resolved pursuant to subparagraphs 11.2 or 11.3, then the matter shall, at the request of either party, be referred to the American Arbitration Association for resolution in accordance with its rules governing commercial arbitrations. An award of the expenses of the arbitration, and the attorneys fees an the arbitration expenses incurred by the prevailing party, as determined by the arbitrator, shall be included as a part of the award. 13.5 Other Remedies: In addition to other remedies provided herein, the Grantor reserves and has the right to pursue any remedy to compel or enforce the Grantee to comply with the terms hereof, and to furnish the service herein called for. The pursuit of any right or remedy by the City shall not prevent the City from thereafter declaring a forfeiture for any reason herein stated after giving the notice required under SECTION 22 below, nor shall the delay of the City in declaring a forfeiture preclude it from thereafter doing so, unless the action of the City shall have prevented, accused, or contributed materially to the failure to perform or do the act or thing complained of. SECTION 14. - Bindinq Effect; Assiqnment: 14.1 Bindinq Effect: All of the provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Grantee, ' Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/06/95 Page 10 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps , t and all privileges as well as all obligations and liabilities of the Grantee shall inure to its successors and assigns equally as if they were specifically mentioned in this franchise wherever the Grantee is so mentioned. 14.2 AssiQnment The Grantee, and its successors and assigns, may not assign this franchise without the prior written consent of the City Council of the City approving the terms of the assignment. If such consent is given and the franchise is assigned, a copy of the assignment shall be filed with the City Clerk. Such consent to assign shall not be unreasonably withheld by the City and shall be granted in the event the State governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover has, after due investigation and notice, authorized such assignment. SECTION 15. - Abandonment of Facilities: In the event Grantee decides to discontinue using and abandons any of its facilities, or the City reasonably determines that Grantee has discontinued using and abandoned any facilities, or no franchise has been obtained therefor upon expiration of this franchise, or within thirty (30) days after any termination of this franchise, Grantee shall, at its sole cost and as directed by the City, purge its facilities of any product and additive substances rendering them completely safe. Abandoning facilities in place shall not relieve the Grantee of the obligation and/or costs to remove or alter such facilities in the event the City determines and requests Grantee, in writing, to remove or alter such facilities as is necessary for the installation, operation or maintenance of any City-owned utility or for the health and safety of the public, in which case the Grantee shall perform such work in a timely manner at no cost to the City. In the event Grantee does not perform such work within a reasonable time following written notice from the City, the City may do, order, have done, any and all work on such abandoned facilities, and the Grantee, upon demand, shall pay to the City all costs of such work. Grantee shall be responsible for any environmental review required for the abandonment of any facility and payment of any costs of such environmental review. SECTION 16. - Emerqencv Response Plan: Grantee shall prepare and file with the City an emergency management plan, satisfactory to the Fire Chief and Administrator, for responding to any spill or other emergency condition. The plan shall designate responsible officials and emergency 24-hour on-call personnel and the procedures to be followed when responding to an emergency. After being notified of an emergency, Grantee shall cooperate with the City and make every effort to respond as fast as practical with action to minimize damage and to protect the health and safety of the public. The Grantee shall inform the Fire Chief and Administrator immediately of any release of product within the City limits and file a written report for each incident describing how and when spill occurred, material spilled, quantity, response, clean up, and follow up. SECTION 17. - Recovery of Costs se a ee s all reimburse an actual costs reasonabl 17.1 Emerqencv Respon . The Gr nt h y y incurred by the City in responding to emergencies, including the detection of contaminants to the air, soil or water, involving the Grantee's facilities. 17.2 Grantee's Work. Nothing herein shall preclude the City from recovering any administrative costs incurred by the City in the approval of permits or in the supervision, inspection or examination of all work by the Grantee in the Public Properties as prescribed Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/O6/95 Page 11 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps .ti , in accordance with applicable ordinances or laws, including updating electronic data bases. SECTION 18. - Road Side Hazard Inventorv and Control: All pipelines and system appurtenances located in hazard areas, as defined by the State of Washington, Department of Transportation, Control Zone Guidelines, shall be relocated, protected or removed within thirty-six (36) months after the acceptance of this franchise by the Grantee. SECTION 19: - Cathodic Protection: 19.1 Impressed Current: Where a Grantee pipeline is cathodically protected by impressed current, the Grantee shall provide a copy of the design report and as-built plans/drawings for review by the Grantor for all existing installations within 180 days of the date of this agreement. For replacement or modifications of portions of existing installations, the Grantee shall, at least 30 days prior to such activity, provide design plans/drawings to the Grantor for its review and approval. In all instances the Grantee shall demonstrate to the Grantor's satisfaction that the cathodic protection system installed on the Grantee's facilities will not adversely affect the Grantor's facilities and shall take such corrective action as necessary to eliminate adverse effects on the Grantor's facilities. The Grantors review and acceptance of a Grantee cathodic protection system does not relieve the Grantee of any and all liability for damages incurred by the Grantor or a third party resulting from operation of the cathodic protection system. Should damage from stray current occur to Grantor facilities, based on engineering judgment and the responsibility to maintain the integrity of Grantor facilities, the Grantor shall take corrective action, repair or replacement, at the Grantor's sole and absolute discretion. All associated costs shall be reimbursed by the Grantee. For the purpose of demonstrating routine monitoring to determine cathodic protection system performance, the Grantee shall submit to the Grantor, on an annual basis, a copy of an inspection report containing rectifier and test station data. Rectifier data shall include settings, DC-amperage and DC voltage measurements. Test station data shall include pipe - to - soil potentials, measurements of potential across isolation joints, and shunt readings at interference/cross bonds. 19.2 Dielectric Isolation: All Grantee pipelines that are cathodically protected shall be dielectrically isolated from Grantor pipelines. Subsequent to energizing or substantial adjustment of a rectifier, the Grantee shall provide a report demonstrating stray current evaluation to include measurement of the potential shift at: the groundbed, at pipeline crossings with critical structures, and where pipelines run parallel and within 25 feet of critical structures. For existing installations, within one year of this agreement, the Grantee shall provide a report demonstrating dielectric isolation from Grantor pipelines and stray current monitoring. SECTION 20. - Annual Franchise Fee: There is established an annual fee for the consideration and granting of this franchise in the amount specified below. The first installment shall be paid at the time of acceptance of the franchise and shall cover the time period from the acceptance date until December 31, 1995. Each succeeding installment shall be paid by January 1 st. In addition, interest shall accrue on any late payment at the rate of 12 percent per annum. The annual fee shall be computed as follows: Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06�06�95 Page 12 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps {. , Annual Franchise Fee is equal to: Weighted Average Value of City Right-of-Way in Dollars per Square Foot; Multiplied by Five Feet (i.e., the width of the franchise area along a pipe); Multiplied by the Average Annual Rate of Return on Rental Properties within the City of Renton, WA; Multiplied by I the Len th of Pi elines Located on Public Pro erties in Feet i.e. those listed in Exhibit 9 P P � , A); Divided by Two (i.e., a factor which accounts for joint use of property); Multiplied by 1.02 (i.e., a factor to recover City administrative costs associated with receiving and approving this franchise agreement). The annual franchise fee shall be calculated by the City once every five years and shall apply for the subsequent five year period until the fee is calculated again. The City shall give the Grantee notice of the new calculated value of the annual franchise fee six months prior to the application of the fee. The annual franchise fee for the first five year period equals [$4.50 per square foot] times [5 feet] times (0.10] times [26,785 feet] divided by [2] times 1.02 equals $30,735.79 per year. SECTION 21 - Acceptance bv Grantee: After the passage and legal publication of this Ordinance as provided by law relating to granting of franchise, and if accepted thereafter within thirty (30) days by the Grantee, the Grantee shall indicate such acceptance by its filing with the City Clerk of the City an Unconditional Written acceptance thereof, to be executed according to law. The failure of the Grantee to so accept this Ordinance within that period of time shall be deemed a rejection thereof by the Grantee, and all rights and privileges herein granted shall, after the expiration of the thirty (30) day period, if not so accepted, absolutely cease and terminate unless the period of time shall be extended by ' the City by proper ordinance duly passed for that purpose. SECTION 22 - Termination: For the purpose of compelling compliance by the Grantee with all the terms and conditions of this Franchise and the maintenance of said pipe lines and facilities in good conditions, in addition to other remedies provided herein, City retains the right to end and terminate and fully forFeit the Franchise herein granted, within thirty (30) days after written notice unto Grantee, whenever Grantee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions .hereof. Upon such forfeiture the City shall have the right to require Grantee to remove any and all of its pipes, appurtenances and equipment within the City of Renton, all at Grantee's cost and expense, and to promptly and timely restore all roads and other public properties to their condition immediately prior to any such forfeiture and termination. SECTION 23 - Severabilitv: If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 24 - Modification of Terms and Conditions: Notwithstanding any provisions of this franchise to the contrary, the City and the Grantee hereby reserve the right to alter, amend or modify the terms and conditions of this franchise upon written agreement of both parties to such alteration, amendment or modification. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/O6/95 Page 13 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps i � SECTION 25- Notice: Any notice or information required or permitted to be given to the parties under this Agreement may be sent to the following address unless others are specified: Olympic Pipe Line Company City of Renton Right of Way/Claims Agent Planning/Building/Public Works Department P. O. Box 1800 Director of Utilities Renton, WA 98057 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 SECTION 26 - Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and legal publication as provided by law, and provided it has been duly accepted by Grantee as herein above provided. All costs of publication in connection with this Ordinance shall be paid by Grantee. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON 199_. Marilyn J. Petersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR ON , 199_. Earl Clymer, Mayor Approved as to Form: Lawrence L. Warren, City Attorney UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE The undersigned, Olympic Pipe Line Company, hereby accepts all the rights and privileges of the above granted franchise, subject to all the terms, conditions, and obligations contained herein. DATED: , 199_. Olympic Pipe Line Company By: Its: Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/06/95 �, Page 14 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps 1 < ! EXHIBIT A Olympic Pipeline Company Public Property Crossings Public Properties means along, below, under, and through the following named roads and streets of the City of Renton, and City-owned properties as shown on those certain maps and drawings, denominated Drawings No. S-100-44 to S-100-46, S-102-1, S-102-2, S- 107-17 to S-107-19, and S-110-29 to S-110-31, received under Clerk's Receiving No. provided, however, that the Public Properties shall also include any area which is annexed to the City which was subject to a franchise granted for a similar purpose to the Grantee by King County at the time of annexation. Ferndale to Portland 16 inch O.D. Pipeline: Drawinq No. Distance 1/4 Sec. TWp. Rqe• Street Name S-100-44 119 ft SE 4 23N 5E N.E. Sunset Blvd S-100-44 63 ft SE 4 23N 5E N.E. 12th St S-100-44 53 ft NE 9 23N 5E N.E. 11th St S-100-44 61 ft NE 9 23N 5E N.E. 10th St S-100-44 588 ft NE 9 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel#092305- 9192) S-100-44 272 ft NE 9 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #092305- 9227) S-100-44 64 ft SE 9 23N 5E N.E. 7th St S-100-44 30 ft SE 9 23N 5E N.E. 6th St S-100-44 69 ft SE 9 23N 5E N.E. 4th St S-100-44 642 fit SE 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel#162305- 9065) S-100-44 120 ft SE 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #162305- 9129) S-100-44 62 ft SE 16 23N 5E S.E. 5th St S-100-44 440 ft SE 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #162305- 9066) S-100-44 65 ft SE 16 23N 5E S.E. 6th St S-100-44 72 ft SE 16 23N 5E Maple Valley Rd S-100-45 50 ft SW 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel#162305- 9014) S-100-45 188 ft NW 21 23N 5E (City Property - Tax Parcel #212305- 9069) Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 15 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps , ► . Ferndale to Portland 16 inch O.D. Pipeline (continued): Drawinq No. Distance 1/4 Sec. TWp. Rqe• Street Name S-100-45 458 ft NW 21 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #212305- 9070) S-100-45 565 ft NW 21 23N 5E Royal Hills Dr S.E. S-100-45 1,005 ft NW 21 23N 5E "Deeded to City of SE 20 23N 5E Renton for Road Declaration of Takings No. 4858, dated July 21, 1959" S-100-45 3,418 ft SE 20 23N 5E Puget Drive S-100-45 84 ft SW 20 23N 5E Benson Road S. S-100-45 180 ft SW 20 23N 5E S. 23rd St S-100-45 120 ft SW 20 23N 5E S.R. 515 S-100-45 1,976 ft SE 19 23N 5E S. 23rd St S-100-46 250 ft SE 19 23N 5E S.R. 167 S-100-46 76 ft SW 19 23N 5E E. Valley Rd S-100-46 80 ft SW 19 23N 5E Lind Ave S.W. S-100-46 240 ft NW 30 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #302305- 9007) 11,410 lineal feet of 16 inch pipeline P BLIC PROPERTY CROSSING DESCRIPTIONS: U An existing 16 inch outside diameter product pipeline crossing street rights-of-way and City of Renton properties lying within the City of Renton boundary limits, in King County Washington, the centerline of the herein described pipe crossings being more particularly described as follows: , 1. NORTHEAST SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR-900): That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 23 No►th, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North , margin of Northeast Sunset Boulevard, approximately 140 feet East of the West line of said subdivision; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 119 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast Sunset Boulevard. 2. N RTH A 2 . That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., AND the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., all in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 12th Street, approximately 330 feet East of the West line of said subdivision; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 63 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 12th Street. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 16 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps f S 3. NORTHEAST 11TH STREET: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 11th Street, approximately 300 feet East of the centerline intersection of Redmond Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 53 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 11th Street. 3. NORTHEAST 10TH STREET: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 10th Street, approximately 195 feet East of the centerline intersection of Redmond Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 61 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 10th Street. 4. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#092305-9192 (Kiwanis Park): That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning at the North property line of Kiwanis Park, approximately 200 feet East of the centerline intersection of Redmond Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 588 feet, terminatin on the North line of the South 165 feet of the Northeast uarter of said Section 9 q approximately 230 feet East of the center of the cul de sac of Northeast 8th Court. 5. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#092305-9227 (Kiwanis Park): That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., AND the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning at the North line of the South 165 feet of the Northeast quarter of said Section approximately 230 feet East of the center of the cul de sac of Northeast 8th Court; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 272 feet, terminating on the North margin of Northeast 7th Street. 6. NORTHEAST 7TH STREET: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 7th Street, approximately 220 feet West of the centerline intersection of Shelton Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 64 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 7th Street. 7. NORTHEAST 6TH STREET: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 6th Street, approximately 245 feet West of the centerline intersection of Shelton Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 30 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 6th Street. 8. NORTHEAST 4TH STREET: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., AND the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., all in said county; said pipe Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 17 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � . centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 4th Street, approximately 1,010 feet West of the centerline intersection of Union Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 69 feet, terminating on the South margin of said ' Northeast 4th Street. ' 9. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#162305-9065: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Tax Parcel#162305-9065, approximately 1,290 feet East of the quarter section line bisecting said Section; thence Southerly and Southwesterly 642 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said tax parcel. 10. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#162305-9129: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Tax Parcel #162305-9129, approximately 895 feet East of the quarter section line bisecting said Section; thence Southwesterly 120 feet, terminating on the Northerly margin of Southeast 5th Street. 11. SOUTHEAST 5TH STREET: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Southeast 5th Street, approximately 280 feet Easterly of the cente�line intersection of Newport Avenue Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 62 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said Southeast 5th Street. 12. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#162305-9066 (Maplewood Park): That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Southerly margin of Southeast 5th Street, approximately 280 feet Easterly of the centerline intersection of Newport Avenue Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 440 feet, terminating on the Northerly margin of Southeast 6th Street. 13. SOUTHEAST 6TH STREET: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Southeast 6th Street, approximately 520 feet Westerly of the centerline intersection of Pierce Avenue Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 65 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said Southeast 6th Street. 14. MAPLE VALLEY ROAD (SR-169): That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Maple Valley Road, approximately 310 feet Northwesterly of the centerline intersection of Maplewood Place Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 72 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said Maple Valley Road. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/02/95 Page 18 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps , . 15. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#162305-9014: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northeasterly margin of tax parcel #162305-9014, approximately 180 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 50 feet, terminating on the South line of said subdivision. 16. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#212305-9069: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of said subdivision, approximately 160 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence Southweste�ly along the centerline of said pipe 188 feet, terminating on the West margin of tax parcel #212305-9069, approximately 140 feet South of North line of said subdivision. 17. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#212305-9070: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of tax parcel#212305-9070, approximately 140 feet South of the North line of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 458 feet, terminating on the West margin of tax parcel #212305-9070, approximately 295 feet South of North line of said subdivision. 18. SOUTHEAST ROYAL HILLS DRIVE: [Description to be developed] 19. SOUTHEAST ROYAL HILLS DRIVE (Declaration of Takinqs No. 4858): [Description to be developed] 20. PUGET DRIVE SOUTHEAST: That portion of the Southeast quarter AND the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter all being in Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Puget Drive Southeast, approximately 75 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe lying within said street margins, a distance of 3,418 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of Puget Drive. 21. BENSON ROAD SOUTH: That portion of the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Benson Road South, approximately 8 feet North of the South line of said subdivision; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 84 feet, terminating on the West margin of said Benson Road South. 22. SOUTH 23RD STREET: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of South 23rd Street, approximately 300 feet East of the West line of said Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance ��� Page 19 H:DOCS:95-012b:JOW:ps . r subdivision; thence West along the centerline of said pipe lying within said street margins, a distance of 180 feet, terminating on the East margin of SR 515. 23. SR 515: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of SR 515, approximately 8 feet North of the South line of said subdivision; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 120 feet, terminating on the West margin of SR 515. 24. SOUTH 23RD STREET: That portion of the South half of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the West margin of SR 515, approximately 8 feet North of the South line of said subdivision; thence Westerly along the centerline of said pipe 1,976 feet, terminating on the South margin of said South 23rd Street. 25. SR 167: [Description to be developed] 26. EAST VALLEY ROAD: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter AND the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter all being in Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of East Valley Road, approximately 45 feet South of the North line of said subdivision; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 76 feet, terminating on the West margin of said East Valley Road. 27. LIND AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the North hal# of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 30 feet South of the North line of said subdivision; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 80 feet, terminating on the West margin of said Lind Avenue Southwest. 28. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#302305-9007: [Description to be developed.] The hereinabove described centerlines have a total length of 11,410 feet; said pipe centerline is also known as the Olympic Pipe Line Company Ferndale to Portland Products Pipeline, shown on alignment sheet drawings S-100-44 through S-100-47. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/02/95 Page 20 ' H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps s � Alien Station to Renton 20 inch O.D. Pipeline: Drawinp No. Distance 1/4 Sec. TWp. Rqe• Street Name S-110-29 119 ft SE 4 23N 5E N.E. Sunset Blvd S-110-29 63 ft SE 4 23N 5E N.E. 12th St S-110-29 53 ft NE 9 23N 5E N.E. 11th St S-110-29 61 ft NE 9 23N 5E N.E. 10th St S-110-29 588 ft NE 9 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel#092305- 9192) S-110-29 272 ft NE 9 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel#092305- 9227) S-110-29 64 ft SE 9 23N 5E N.E. 7th St S-110-29 30 ft SE 9 23N 5E N.E. 6th St S-110-29 69 ft SE 9 23N 5E N.E. 4th St S-110-29 642 ft SE 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #162305- , 9065) S-110-29 120 ft SE 16 23N 5E (City Property , Tax Parcel#162305- 9129) S-110-29 62 ft SE 16 23N 5E S.E. 5th St S-110-29 440 ft SE 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #162305- 9066) S-110-29 65 ft SE 16 23N 5E S.E. 6th St S-110-29 72 ft SE 16 23N 5E Maple Valley Rd S-110-29 50 ft SW 16 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #162305- 9014) S-110-30 188 ft NW 21 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel#212305- 9069) S-110-30 458 ft NW 21 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #212305- 9070) � S-110-30 72 ft NE 20 23N 5E Cedar Ridge Dr S-110-30 69 ft NE 20 23N 5E Beacon Way SE S-110-30 62 ft NW 20 23N 5E Grant Avenue S. S-110-30 67 ft NW 20 23N 5E Eagle Ridge Dr S-110-30 120 ft NW 20 23N 5E Benson Rd S. S-110-30 120 ft NE 19 23N 5E S.R. 515 S-110-30 70 ft NE 19 23N 5E Smithers Ave - S-110-30 1,823 ft NE 19 23N 5E South 14th St S-110-30 175 ft NE 19 23N 5E Lake Ave S. � S-110-30 200 ft SW 19 23N 5E (City Property � Tax Lot#334040-1185) Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/02/95 Page 21 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps . i � Allen Station to Renton 20 inch O.D. Pipeline (continued): Drawinq No. Distance 1/4 Sec. TWp. Rqe• Street Name S-110-30 130 ft SW 19 23N 5E (City Property Tax Lot#334040-0995) S-110-30 160 ft SW 19 23N 5E (City Property Tax Lot#334040-1010) S-110-30 440 ft SW 19 23N 5E (City Property Tax Lot#334040-1020) S-110-30 95 ft SW 19 23N 5E (City Property Tax Lot#334040-1065) S-110-30 365 ft SW 19 23N 5E (City Property Tax Lot#334040-1075) S-110-30 30 ft SE 19 23N 5E S. 19th St S-110-31 250 ft SE 19 23N 5E S.R. 167 S-110-31 76 ft SW 19 23N 5E E. Valley Rd S-110-31 80 ft SW 19 23N 5E Lind Ave S.W. S-110-31 240 ft NW 30 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #302305- 9007) 8,060 lineal feet of 20 inch pipeline PUBLIC PROPERTY CROSSING DESCRIPTIONS: An existing 20 inch outside diameter product pipeline crossing street rights-of-way and City of Renton properties lying within the City of Renton boundary limits, in King County Washington, the centerline of the herein described pipe crossings being more particularly described as follows: 1. NORTHEAST SUNSET BOULEVARD (SR-900): That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of�Northeast Sunset Boulevard, approximately�140 feet East of the West line of said subdivision; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 119 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast Sunset Boulevard. 2. NORTHEAST 12TH STREET: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., AND the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., all in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 12th Street, approximately 330 feet East of the West line of said subdivision; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 63 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 12th Street. 3. NORTHEAST 11TH STREET: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 22 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps . . i . margin of Northeast 11th Street, approximately 300 feet East of the centerline intersection of Redmond Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 53 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 11th Street. 3. NORTHEAST 10TH STREET: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 10th Street, approximately 195 feet East of the centerline intersection � of Redmond Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 61 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 10th Street. 4. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#092305-9192 (Kiwanis Park): That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning at the North property line of Kiwanis Park, approximately 200 feet East of the centerline intersection of Redmond Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 588 feet, terminating on the North line of the South 165 feet of the Northeast quarter of said Section approximately 230 feet East of the center of the cul de sac of Northeast 8th Court. 5. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#092305-9227 (Kiwanis Park): That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., AND the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning at the North line of the South 165 feet of the Northeast quarter of said Section approximately 230 feet East of the center of the cul de sac of Northeast 8th Court; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 272 feet, terminating on the North margin of Northeast 7th Street. 6. NORTHEAST 7TH STREET: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 7th Street, approximately 220 feet West of the centerline intersection of Shelton Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 64 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 7th Street. 7. NORTHEAST 6TH STREET: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 6th Street, approximately 245 feet West of the centerline intersection of Shelton Avenue Northeast; thence Southerly along the centerline of said pipe 30 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Northeast 6th Street. 8. NORTHEAST 4TH STREET: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., AND the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., all in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Northeast 4th Street, approximately 1,010 feet West of the centerline intersection of Union Avenue Northeast; thence Southe�ly Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 23 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps . > along the centerline of said pipe 69 feet, terminating on. the South margin of said Northeast 4th Street. 9. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#162305-9065: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Tax Parcel #162305-9065, approximately 1,290 feet East of the quarter section line bisecting said Section; thence Southerly and Southwesterly 642 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said tax parcel. 10. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#162305-9129: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Tax Parcel #162305-9129, approximately 895 feet East of the quarter section line bisecting said Section; thence Southwesterly 120 feet, terminating on the Northerly margin of Southeast 5th Street. 11. SOUTHEAST 5TH STREET: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Southeast 5th Street, approximately 280 feet Easterly of the centerline intersection of Newport Avenue Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of � said pipe 62 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said Southeast 5th Street. 12. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#162305-9066 (Maplewood Park): That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Southerly margin of Southeast 5th Street, approximately 280 feet Easterly of the centerline intersection of Newport Avenue Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 440 feet, terminating on the Northerly margin of Southeast 6th Street. � 13. SOUTHEAST 6TH STREET: � That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 No�th, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Southeast 6th Street, approximately 520 feet Westerly of the centerline intersection of Pierce Avenue Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 65 feet, terminating on the Southerly margin of said Southeast 6th Street. 14. MAPLE VALLEY ROAD (SR-169): That po�tion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northerly margin of Maple Valley Road, approximately 310 feet Northwesterly of the centerline intersection of Maplewood Place Southeast; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 72 feet, terminating on the Southerly ma�gin of said Maple Valley Road. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance �0� Page 24 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � . 15. CITY PROPERTY -TAX PARCEL#162305-9014: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northeasterly margin of tax parcel #162305-9014, approximately 180 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 50 feet, terminating on the South line of said subdivision. 16. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#212305-9069: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of said subdivision, approximately 160 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 188 feet, terminating on the West margin of tax parcel #212305-9069, approximately 140 feet South of North line of said subdivision. 17. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#212305-9070: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of tax parcel #212305-9070, approximately 140 feet South of the North line of said subdivision; thence Southwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 458 feet, terminating on the West margin of tax parcel #212305-9070, approximately 295 feet South of North line of said subdivision. 18. CEDAR RIDGE DRIVE SOUTH: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Northeasterly margin of Cedar Ridge Drive South, approximately 95 feet Southerly of the North line of the Bonneville Power Administration Relocation of the Diablo-Seattle 230KV Transmission Line Easement; thence Westerly along the centerline of said pipe 72 feet, . terminating on the Southwesterly margin of said Cedar Ridge Drive South. 19. BEACON WAY SOUTHEAST: That portion of the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, � Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe cente�line beginning on the Northeasterly margin of Beacon Way Southeast, approximately 95 feet Southerly of the North line of the �� Bonneville Power Administration Relocation of the Diablo-Seattle 230KV Transmission Line Easement; thence Westerly along the centerline of said pipe 69 feet, terminating on the Southwesterly margin of said Beacon Way Southeast. 20. GRANT AVENUE SOUTHEAST: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Grant Avenue Southeast, approximately 95 feet South of the North line of the Bonneville Power Administration Relocation of the Diablo-Seattle 230KV Transmission Line Easement; thence Westerly along the centerline of said pipe 62 feet, terminatirig on the West margin of said Grant Avenue Southeast. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 25 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps r 21. EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Eagle Ridge Drive, approximately 95 feet South of the North line of the Bonneville Power Administration Relocation of the Diablo-Seattle 230KV Transmission Line Easement; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 67 feet, terminating on the West margin of said Eagle Ridge Drive. 22. BENSON ROAD SOUTH: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Benson Road South, approximately 95 feet South of the North line of the Bonneville Power Administration Relocation of the Diablo-Seattle 230KV Transmission Line Easement; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 120 feet, terminating on the West margin of said Benson Road South. 23. SR-515: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of SR 515, approximately 80 feet South of the North line of the Bonneville Power Administration Relocation of the Diablo-Seattle 230KV Transmission Line Easement; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 120 feet, terminating on the West margin of said SR 515. 24. SMITHERS AVENUE SOUTH: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Smithers Avenue South, approximately 550 feet North of the South line of said subdivision; thence Northwesterly along the centerline of said pipe 70 feet, terminating on the South margin of South 14th Street. 25. SOUTH 14TH STREET: That portion of the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the South margin of Souttt 14th Street, approximately 610 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence Northwesterly, Westerly, and Southerly along the centerline of said pipe, lying within said street right-of-way, 1,823 feet, terminating on the South line of said subdivision. 26. LAKE AVENUE SOUTH: That po�tion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North line of said subdivision, approximately 470 feet East of the West line of said subdivision; thence Southerly and Westerly along the centerline of said pipe 175 feet, terminating on the West margin of said Lake Avenue South. 27. CITY PROPERTY- TAX LOT#334040-1185: ' [Description to be developed] Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/0?J95 Page 26 H:DOCS:95-Ot 2b:JDW:ps ,` , � 28. CITY PROPERTY- TAX LOT#334040-0995: [Description to be developed] 29. CITY PROPERTY-TAX LOT#334040-1010: [Description to be developed] 30. CITY PROPERTY-TAX LOT#334040-1020: [Description to be developed] 31. CITY PROPERTY-TAX LOT#334040-1065: [Description to be developed] 32. CITY PROPERTY-TAX LOT#334040-1075: [Description to be developed] 33. SOUTH 19TH STREET: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of South 19th Street, approximately 40 feet East of the East margin of SR 167 ; thence South along the centerline of said pipe 30 feet, terminating on the South margin of said South 19th Street. 34. SR 167: [Description to be developed] 35. EAST VALLEY ROAD: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter AND the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of East Valley Road, approximately 70 feet South of the North line of said subdivision; thence West along the centerline of said pipe 76 feet, terminating on the West margin of said East Valley Road. 36. LIND AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said-pipe centerline beginning on the East margin of Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 40 feet South of the North line of said subdivision; th ence West alon the centerline of said i e 80 feet terminatin on the West mar in of 9 PP , 9 9 said Lind Avenue Southwest. 37. CITY PROPERTY-TAX PARCEL#302305-9007: [Description to be developed) The hereinabove described centerlines have a total length of 8,060 feet; said pipe centerline is also known as the Olympic Pipe Line Company Allen Station to Renton Products Pipeline, shown on alignment sheet drawings S-110-29 through S-110-31. - Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/02/95 Page 27 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � r 12.75 inch O.D. Pipeline - Renton Junction to Harbor Island: Drawinq No. Distance 1/4 Sec. TWp. Rqe. Street Name S-102-1 240 ft NW 30 23N 5E (City Property Tax Parcel #302305- 9007) S-102-1 1,197 ft SW 19 23N 5E Lind Ave S.W. S-102-1 168 ft NW 19 23N 5E (City Property Tax Lot#334040-0425) S-102-1 1,229 ft SW 19 23N 5E Lind Ave S.W. S-102-1 1,150 ft SW 19 23N 5E S.W. 16th St S-102-1 348 ft SE/NE 24 23N 4E Raymond Ave S.W. S-102-1 200 ft NE 24 23N 4E I-405 S-102-1 627 ft NE 24 23N 4E Raymond Ave S.W. S-102-1 70 ft NE 24 23N 4E S.W. 10th St S-102-2 80 ft NW 19 23N 5E S.W. 7th St S-102-2 107 ft SW 18 23N 5E Sunset Blvd W. S-102-2 1,168 ft SW 18 23N 5E Earlington Avenue S-102-2 658 ft NW 18 23N 5E S.W. Langston Rd S-102-2 73 ft NW 18 23N 5E Thomas Ave S.W. 7,315 lineal feet of 12.75 inch pipeline PUBLIC PROPERTY CROSSING DESCRIPTIONS: An existing 12.75 inch outside diameter product pipeline crossing street rights-of-way and City of Renton properties lying within the City of Renton boundary limits, in King County Washington, the centerline of the herein described pipe crossings being more particularly described as follows: 1. CITY PROPERTY- TAX PARCEL#302305-9007: [Description to be developed] 2. LIND AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, AND the Southwest quarter of Section 19, all being in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the West margin of Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 30 feet South of the North line of the Northwest quarter of said Section 30; thence Easterly and Northerly along the centerline of said pipe 1,197 feet, terminating on the East margin of said Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 227 feet South of the centerline intersection of Southwest 19th Street. 3. CITY PROPERTY-TAX LOT#3340400425: That portion of Block 4 of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition, Division 1; filed under Volume 17 of plats, Page 74, records of King County, Washington, said block lying within that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning at the East margin of Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 227 feet South of the Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 28 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � ti � centerline intersection of Southwest 19th Street; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 168 feet, terminating on the Easterly margin of said Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 35 feet East of the cente�line of said Lind Avenue Southwest, and approximately 59 feet South of the centerline of Southwest 19th Street. 4. LIND AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, AND the Southwest quarter of Section 19, all being in Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the Easterly margin of Lind Avenue Southwest, approximately 35 feet East of the centerline of said Lind Avenue Southwest, and approximately 59 feet South of the centerline of Southwest 19th Street; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 1,229 feet, terminating on the South margin of Southwest 16th Street, said margin being 45 feet South of the centerline of said Southwest 16th Street. 5. SOUTHWEST 16TH STREET: That portion of the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in said county, AND the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., all being in said county; said pipe centerline beginning approximately 37 feet East of the centerline of Lind Avenue Southwest, on the South margin of Southwest 16th Street, said South mar in bein 45 9 9 � feet South of the centerline of said Southwest 16th Street; thence North and West and North along the centerline of said pipe 1,150 feet, terminating on the North margin of said Southwest 16th Street. 6. RAYMOND AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, AND the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., all being in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Southwest 16th Street, approximately 10 feet West of the centerline of Raymond Avenue Southwest; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 348 feet, terminating on the South margin of SR-405. 7. SR-405: [Description to be developed] 8. RAYMOND AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, AND the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., all being in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of SR-405, approximately 10 feet West of the East line of said subdivision; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 627 feet, terminating on the North margin of Southwest Grady Way. 9. SOUTHWEST 10TH STREET: - That ortion of the Southeast uarter of the Northeast uarter of Section 24 Townshi 23 P 4 4 , P North, Range 4 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the South margin of Southwest 10th Street, approximately 10 feet West of the East line of said Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance O6/02/95 Page 29 H:DOCS:95-Ot 2b:JDW:ps � � a subdivision; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 70 feet, terminating on the NoRh margin of said Southwest 10th Street. 10. SOUTHWEST 7TH STREET: That portion of-the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 19, AND the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, all being in Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the South margin of Southwest 7th Street, approximately 5 feet East of the West line of said subdivision; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 80 feet, terminating on the North margin of said Southwest 7th Street. 11. SOUTHWEST SUNSET BOULEVARD: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the South margin of Southwest Sunset Boulevard, approximately 6 feet West of the vacated portion of Earlington Avenue Southwest; thence Northerly along the centerline of said pipe 107 feet, terminating on the North margin of said Southwest Sunset Boulevard. 12. EARLINGTON AVENUE SOUTHWEST: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Southwest Sunset Boulevard, approximately 6 feet West of the centerline of Earlington Avenue Southwest; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 1,168 feet, terminating on the South margin of said Southwest Langston Road. 13. SOUTHWEST LANGSTON ROAD: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter AND the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, all being in Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the South margin of Southwest Langston Road, approximately 6 feet West of the centerline of Earlington Avenue Southwest; thence Northerly, Northwesterly, and North along the centerline of said pipe 658 feet, terminating on the North margin of said Southwest Langston Road. 14. THOMAS AVENUE SOUTHWEST (84TH AVENUE SOUTH): That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in said county; said pipe centerline beginning on the North margin of Southwest Langston Road, approximately 19 feet East of the centerline of Thomas Avenue Southwest; thence North along the centerline of said pipe 73 feet, terminating on the South margin of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipeline Right-of-Way. The hereinabove described centerlines have a total length of 7,315 feet; said pipe centerline is also known as the Olympic Pipe Line Company Renton Junction to Harbor Island Products Pipe Line, shown on alignment sheet drawings S-102-1 through S-102-2. SUMMARY OF PIPELINE CENTERLINE LENGTHS: Ferndale to Portland Products Pipeline (16 inch O.D.) 11,410 lineal feet Allen Station to Renton Products Pipeline (20 inch O.D.) 8,060 lineal feet Renton Junction to Harbor Island Products Pipeline (12.75 inch O.D.) 7,315 lineal feet TOTAL 26,785 lineal feet Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 30 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps r � . s EXHIBIT B INSURANCE AND RELATED REOUIREMENTS MINIMUM INSURANCE COVERAGES AND REQUIREMENTS The GRANTEE shall secure and maintain the minimum insurance set forth below. By requiring such minimum insurance,the CITY shall not be deemed or construed to have assessed the risks that may be applicable to the GRANTEE under this franchise. The GRANTEE shall assess its own risks and if it deems appropriate and/or prudent,maintain higher limits and/or broader coverages. Coverages (1) Commercial General Liability-ISO Form CG0001 (Ed. 1093)or equivalent. Coverage to include: • Premises and Operations • Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards • Products/Completed Operations • Contractual Liability(including ISO Form CG0043 -Contractual Defense Endorsement) • Broad Form Property Damage • Independent Contractors • PersonallAdvertising Injury • Stop Gap Liability(See Note below) (2) Automobile Liabiliry ISO Form CA0001 (Ed. 1293)or equivalent, including all: • Owned Vehicles • Non-Owned Vehicles • Hired Vehicles (3) Worker's Compensation • Coverage A and Coverage B. Must show Washington Labor&Industries Number (See note below) (4) Umbrella Liability: • An Umbrella Liability policy (also referred to as Excess Umbrella Liability) may be used to provide additional Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance to meet the minimum covera e re uirements. When Excess Umbrella Liabili is used covera e shall be as g 9 h' , g broad as the primary coverage. (5) Pollution Liability: • This coverage is to include sudden and gradual coverage for third party liability including defense costs and completed operations. , Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 31 H:DOCS:95-Ot 2b:JDW:ps � � � a EXHIBIT B INSURANCE AND RELATED REOUIREMENTS , (con't) , NOTE: Employer s Liability insurance may be provided by a Stop Gap Endorsement to the Commercial General Liability coverage. Minimum Required Limits The GRANTEE shall carry at least the following limits of liability as required below: Commercial General Liabilitv General Aggregate $ 2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $ 2,000,000 Each Occunence Limit $ 1,000,000 PersonaUAdvertising Injury $ 1,000,000 Fire Damage(Any One Fire) $ 50,000 Medical Payments (Any One Person) $ 5,000 Stop Gap Liability $ 1,000,000 Automobile Liabilitv Bodily Injury/Property Damage $ 1,000,000 (Each Accident) Worker's Comnensation Workers Compensation(Coverage A) Statutory requirements (Show Washington Labor&Industries Number) Employer's Liability(Coverage B) $ 1,000,000 Umbrella Liabilitv Each Occunence Limit $ 10,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $ 10,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $ 10,000,000 Pollution Liabilitv Per Loss $ 10,000,000 Aggregate $ 10,000,000 Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 32 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � � i EXHIBIT B INSURANCE AND RELATED REOUIREMENTS (con't) Related Requirements The GRANTEE'S insurer(s) shall name the CITY, and its officials, agents, employees and volunteers as Additional Insureds (ISO Form CG 2010 or equivalent) on automobile and commercial general liability (and Excess Umbrella Liability, if applicable) insurance coverages for maintenance and construction work performed under this franchise. The GRANTEE shall provide the CITY with (a) Certificate(s) of Insurance (e.g., Standard ACORD Certification Form) with a City of Renton Insurance Information Form attached within ten days of accepting this franchise agreement. The certificates are to be received and approved by the City annually for the term of the franchise. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies,at any time. The Certificate of Insurance shall contain the following information: • Name of insurance company(ies)and policy number(s) • Policy period • Name and address of insured • Name, address,and phone number(s)of producer of the certificate • Description of coverage(s) • Policy limits and self insured retention • Producer's authorized representative's typed name and signature • Issue date The certificate shall specify the CITY as the certificate holder as follows: Attention: DIRECTOR OF RISK MANAGEMENT CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON,WA 98055 Further, all policies for the insurance required by E7��-iIBIT B of this franchise shall: 1) Be issued by an insurer licensed to do business in the State of Washington with a minimum AM Best Rating of A XII 2) Be written on a per occurrence basis,except where noted 3) Be on a primary basis , not contributory with any other insurance coverages and/or self-insurance carried by the CITY 4) Include a Waiver of Subrogation Clause 5) Include a Severability of Interest Clause(Cross Liability) The insurer(s) must give a minimum of 45 days notice to the CITY of cancellation or non-renewal of policies required under this contract without qualification. An example of an acceptable cancellation statement for use on a Certificate of Insurance is as follows: Olympic Pipeline Company Ordinance 06/02/95 Page 33 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps � � t t E3�-IIBIT B INSURANCE AND RELATED REOUIREMENTS (con't) "Should any of the above described policies be canceled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company will ex�eaveF-te mail 45 days written notice to the certificate holder named to the left. , • �� The GRANTEE shall keep all required coverages in full force and effect during the life of this franchise. The GRANTEE shall promptly advise the CTTY in the event any general aggregates are reduced for any reason at the City's sole discretion, and shall reinstate the aggregate to comply with the minimum limits and requirements as stated above and shall provide the CITY with a new certificate of insurance showing such coverage is in force. Coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. Olympic Pipeline Company Ordi�ance 06/02/95 Page 34 H:DOCS:95-012b:JDW:ps M� s • .� CITY OF RENTON INSURANCE INFORMATION FORM FOR: PROJECT NUMBER: STAFF CONTACT: Certificate of Insurance indicates the coverage/limits O Yes O No specified in contract? Are the following coverages and/or conditions in effect? O Yes O No The Commercial General Liability policy form is an O Yes O No ISO 1993 Occurrence Form or Equivalent? , (If no,attach a copy of the policy with required coverages clearly ident�ed.) CG 0043 Amendatory Endorsement provided?* O Yes O No General Aggregate provided on a"per project basis(CG2503)?* O Yes O No Additional Insured wording provided?* O Yes O No Coverage on a primary basis and non-contributing basis?* O Yes O No , Waiver of Subrogation Clause applies?* O Yes O No Severability of Interest Clause(Cross Liability)applies? O Yes O No Notice of Cancellation/Non-Renewal amended to 45 days?* O Yes O No *To be shown on certificate of insurance AM BEST'S RATING FOR CARRIERS: I GL Auto Umb Pollution This Questionnaire is issued as a matter of information. This questionnaire is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies indicated on the attached CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. The CTTY OF RENTON, at its option, shall obtain copies of the policies and/or specific declaration pages FROM awarded bidder/proposer prior to execution of contract. AgencyBroker Completed By(Type or Print Name) Address Completed By(Signature) - Name of Person to Contact Telephone Number �— June 26, 1995 Renton Citv Council Minutes PaQe 265 For the record, Councilman Tanner noted his disagreement that the right of appeal should be restricted simply because the matter under consideration is a policy decision. , OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's CAG: 95-, Rolling Hills recommendation to approve the consultant agreement with RH2 Engineering, Reservoir and Pump P.S., for engineering services for the Rolling Hills Reservoir and Booster Station, RH2 Engineering Pump Station project. The Committee further recommended that the Mavor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement in the amount of $299,889.00. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Utility: Emergency Sale of Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Water to Kent, CAG-95- concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's recommendation to approve an interlocal agreement with the City of Kent for the emergency sale of water. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED.* Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman said the rate to be charged the City of Kent in the event of an emergency sale of water is the same retail rate charged to Renton residents. In response to Councilman Tanner, Mr. Zimmerman said Renton currently sells water to the district of Bryn Mawr/Lakeridge, and has inter-ties for the emergency sale of water to Seattle, Kent and Tukwila. *MOTION CARRIED. (See page 267 for resolution.) Public Works: Olympic Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report approving the draft Pipeline Co. Franchise for Otympic Pipeline Company franchise renewal agreement and directing the Three Pipelines Utilities Division staff to submit the draft agreement to the company for negot;ation of terms. The Committee further directed the Utilities Division C��: staff, after completing negotiations with the company, to report back to the Committee prior to finalizing the agreement. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Transaortation (Aviation) , Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee recommending that Council require Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc., to: Airport: Puget Sound Helicopters 1. Prepare written procedures, as required in their Operating Permit and Agreement with the City, identifying specific operating procedures, take off and landing locations, flight paths and altitudes, methods to be utilized to reduce adverse effects of helicopter flight operations, including ground operations, and methods of resolving community complaints. 2. The operating procedures should address the process for receiving, recording and responding to all complaints concerning the operation of their helicopters on the Renton Airport, including the process for reporting progress to the Transportation Committee. 3. Submit the written procedure to the City Council no later than Thursday, July 27, 1995, which when approved by the City Council will become a condition of the Operating Permit and Agreement between Puget Sound Helicopters, Inc. and the City. 4. T'his matter is to remain in the Transportation Committee for monitoring. t - APPROVED BY a CITY COUNCIL �ate � -��`�S UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT Date: June 20, 1995 �DRAFT OLYMPIC PIPELINE COMPANY FRANCHISE RENEWAL AGREEMENT � (Referred: June 19, 1995) The Utilities Committee approves the draft Olympic Pipeline Company franchise renewal agreement and directs the Utilities Division staff to submit the draft agreement to the Olympic Pipeline Company for negotiation of terms. The Committee further directs the Utilities Division staff, after completing negotiations with the Olympic Pipeline Company, to report back to the Utilities Committee prior to finalizing the agreement. / .,. . Ra�{dy Corman, Chair // �� Toni Nelson, Vice Chair _` .� _ � Bob Edwards, Member�-" H:DOCS:95-515:JDW:ps CC: Ron Olsen Lys Homsby J.D.Wilson , .; Januarv 15. 1990 Renton Citv Council Minutes Paae 17 � I�LD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Utilities Committee Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Franchise: Olympic Pipe, that Olympic Pipe Line Company be granted a six-month extension of their , Line Company Request existing franchise so they might prepare mitigating options for aquifer for Extension protection. Referred ll/13/89) It was further recommended that the Mavor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company for the proposed six-month franchise extension. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE � COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Voicing objection to the extension due to potential hazard to aquifer and failure of Olympic Pipe Line to monitor lines, Councilman Stredicke requested that his "no" vote be recorded. , Release of Easement: The Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Axelrod Company, Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works Sunpointe Apartments, regarding the utility easement release requested by Axelrod Company RE-002-89.a.,b.,c. (Sunpointe Apartments), File No. RE-002-89.A., B., and C. The Board Referred 12/11/89) recommended that all of the easements, i.e. sanitary, water and storm be released as new easements have been secured and recorded. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. �I Communitv Services Community Services Committee Chairman Zimmerman presented a report Committee recommending the contract for the Municipal Building Interior Improvement CAG: 89-077, Municipal Project be awarded to low bidder, Briere Skoegard General Contractors, in Building Interior the amount of $141,070.00 including sales tax. Improvements The Committee further recommended that the Mavor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY ZIMMERMAN, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE ' REPORT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, it was clarified that the low bid exceeded the engineer's estimate by $40,000 since the budget estimate was two years old, market prices have increased, and the scope of work was expanded. Court, Municipal: Councilman Stredicke asked the Administration to prepare a cost estimate to Temporary Structure remove the temporary municipal court facility from the City Hall parking lot. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Wavs and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented the following Committee ordinance for first reading: Finance: Business License An ordinance was read amending Chapter l, Business Licenses, of Title V Ordinance (Business Regulations) of City Code by deleting portions of Section 5-104; adding another subsection to Section 5-801 concerning the gambling tax penalty; adding another fee to Section 5-4102(H) concerning police false alarm violation charges; adding a subsection to Section 5-4102 regarding charges for computer listings; and amending Section 6-2204 increasing the cost for police false alarm violations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK ' TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Finance: 1990 Property Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented a report and Casualty Insurance recommending concurrence in the request for approval of the City's 1990 Plan Property and Casualty Insurance Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fire: Texaco Oil Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented a report Company Settlement, recommending Council concurrence in the request for authorization to sign Gasoline Leak on the release form from Texaco Oil pertaining to the November, 1987, escape Bronson Way of gasoline which occurred at the Texaco station on Bronson Way. Texaco will issue a check for $198,981.75 and in return the City will sign the release. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes was credited for successful negotiations and avoidance of lawsuit on this matter . .` . , UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JANUARY 15, 1990 EXTENSION OF OLYMPIC PILE LINE COMPANY FRANCHISE I' (Referred II/13/89) The Utilities Committee recommends Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department that Olympic Pipe Line Company be granted a six-month extension of their existing franchise so they might prepare mitigating options for Aquifer Protection. It is further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the attached letter agreement submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company for the proposed six- month franchise extension. Toni Nelson, Chair Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Member Nancy Mathews, Member n".�{"�.�r , OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPAfYY 231G LIND AVE.S.W. P.O.BOX 1800 RENTON.WASHINGTON 98037 September 28, 1989 Mr. Ron Olsen Public Works Departinent CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 300 - RIGHT-OF-WAY CITY OF RENTON FRANCHISE RENEWAL Dear Mr. Olsen: Following our meeting of September 28, 1989, we mutually deterrnuled that further negotiations are required to reach agreement for renewing Olympic Pipe Line Compan�s long-term facilities franchise with the City of Renton. As expiration� of our present agreement will occur on November 2, 1989, it seems ap- propriate to extend this term for six months,with the mutual option of additional extensions are necessary, until a franchise is negotiated. This of course would be conditioned on a good faith effort by both parties to reach agreement. Olympic is willing to prepare and present written recommendations or countermeasures which consider the sensitivity of local valley aquifers which are the major source of our communit�s water supply. We share your concern in ensuring the delicate balance of being environmentally responsible in the community while also serving the fuel needs of steadily increasing population. Olympic's niche is both sensitive and necessary and we strive to rernain a good neighbor. ,We look forward to productive talks in the near future and, in the interim of course, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 23507745. This extension tentatively will expire May 2, 1990. All provisions of franchise(s) No. 1921 and No. 2120 will remain in force until that date or as further amended. - •..';--�. . , , Mr. Ron t?Lsen September 28, 1989 Page Twa Please have ane capy af this letter agreement executed and returned in the envelope provided if this approach meets with your approval. Very truly ours, � �, L��,L`�^-' -- - ��..��� w. A. Mullcey RO.�N.�Clain�,s Agent WAM:dnj I � Enclosures I by. � CITY 4F RElVTON its: II � � � I . . � � � I l I , - — - - -- - - „ ..��:.t�_ w � _:,: �'t�:������`�`;��; ?�s.o �. ..� F,��1k s-'�iW♦.�. ,����{1 ” ��+ .'�. ��+.... �� ��, � �. ,����, .11, � �,�, �;�' 'a.�, .,,`:t..� �`�. :, ` ��- ��W � . �- � ������'�� `'��. `= " M`�'� �.1. � '�r' �'flC'O R. $ ,- � �, 1 rr���.�. -,-.� "`i i� '�'�"��'`� (� '�, �`�. Q,,,,,,-�. � N o +� r G.,.����rr; � �e�a` ,r , itiF;�y � S' �-.._,�,Q ' ' a �;; ,,, �',���`,1 i� {'''� ���'::��',�:`��.`.t �t '�,� �� p d �`�tFN�. LL. �. ':4S':d;'iy;.`��� R` C? "� •�� `C'•�+''`+r ,r '�-.. ` �•t�,�� � `V N o ,,, i f,�1 1, ,�a..��: •� ���. , r d � `+�... �'t .:4'`�+:1..� �`!� `"`_ Q d � , �,•..��_ �;.�. ' ^` � ��'`� �2. ,�� � ` G` , � .�r�wt�.,,��;�f�-�' � —' e� ''�`' -- "`� _ � �.?��,'y N;;;••'::,.. 3�� �� � .,.t V .► �i't��..t.�''.1,'`�f�� ��r-' �� _".`� �,,, rT��` ` �' ~ s� kb�k4. \.\ ^��� � �` s , ,, � � �.. � ; ��,��,,��.%;� .. 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UTILITIES COMMITTEE ' COMMITTEE REPORT JANUARY 15, 1990 EXTENSION OF OLYMPIC PILE LINE COMPANY FRANCHISE (Referred 11/13/89) The Utilities Committee recommends Council concurrence in the recommendation of the ' Public Works Department that Olympic Pipe Line Company be granted a six-month extension of their existing franchise so they might prepare mitigating options for Aquifer Protection. It is further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the attached letter agreement submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company for the proposed six- month franchise extension. _ _^ : c� . Toni Nelson, Chair , � ' (�LJ 6'1�1J G�-�-�t,� Q�J��G�Gf' 2..��- Itathy Keo�lcer-Wheeler, Member Na�r ._ �Y�p � pr�EGr nl� November 17. 1986 Renton Citv Council Minutes Paae 3 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Wavs and Means Ways and Means Committee member Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4024 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located Gordon Rezone on the north side of S. 3rd Place at the 200 block from P-1, Public, zone to R-056-86 B-1, Business, zone for Gordon, File No. R-056-86. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4025 An ordinance was read establishing a proposed assessment district for sanitary Honey Creek Interceptor sewer service in the Honey Creek interceptor service area and establishing the Proposed Sanitary Sewer amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY Assessment District HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke requested the Administration provide a report r�flecting projections of costs recovered by fees. City Attorney Warren assured that fees will not exceed the cost of the improvement. ROLL CALL: ALL AY£S. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee member Trimm presented a report recommending the following ordinances for first reading: Tri-Delt Annexation An ordinance was read annexing 13.89 acres of property located on the south side of SE Renton-Issaquah Road, approximately 600 feet east of Sunset Boulevard NE/Duvall Avenue NE intersection to the City of Renton, Tri- Delt Annexation, File No. A-004-85. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Tri-Delt Rezone An ordinance was read establishing G-1, General, zoning classification for 13.89 acres of property located on the south side of SE Renton-Issaquah Road, approximately 600 feet east of Sunset Boulevard NE/Duvall Avenue NE intersection, Tri-Delt. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO GOMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Sewer: Assessment An ordinance was read establishing a special assessment district for sanitary District (LID 295, sewer service in the Adams Vista LID No. 295 service area, SE 99th Street Padgett) between 132nd Avenue SE and 136th Avenue SE, and establishing the amount of charge upon connection to the facilities; total assessment cost: $35,367.80. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Cedar River Park Ways and Means Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report Community Center recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Park Board to Design Consultant select Arai/Jackson Architects & Planners as design consultants for the Cedar River Park Community Center. The Committee further recommended that the Mavor and Citv C:lerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARitIED. s Franchise Agreements MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY TRIMM, CERTAIN FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS BE REFERRED TO PLJBLIC: SAFETY CnMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:56 p.m. �. ��d�.� MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Marilyn Petersen � , - RENTON CITY COUNCIL Abbreviated Meeting November 13, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council Presidenf; THOMAS W. TRIMM, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER TONI NELSON BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Also attending were newly elected Council members Theresa Zimmerman and Robert Edwards. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; BRENT McFALL, Acting Administrative ATTENDANCE Assistant; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; FRED J. KAUFMAN, Hearing Examiner; RUBEN NIE'TO, Personnel Director; DAN CLEMENTS, Finance Director; JOAN PRINGLE, Budget Analyst; IWEN WANG, Deputy Finance Director; CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director; LYNN GUTTMANN, Public Works Director; LT. DENNIS GERBER, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Hall, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 6, 1989. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Vacation: VAC-89-003, Finance/City Clerk submitted petition from Storybook Homes, Kirkland, for NW 3rd Street, vacation of portion of NW 3rd Street, Sundholm's Addition, VAC-003-89; Sundholm's Addition, Public Works Department has certified the petition as valid. Refer to Wavs Storybook Homes and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing on January 1 S, 1990, and to Board of Public Works for review and classification of vacation. Finance: City Code, Title Finance/City Clerk requested City Code revision to transfer Chapters 8, III Bonds, and 9, Salaries, of Title III to Title V, and rename Title V "Finance and Business Regulations." Refer to Wavs and Means Committee. (See Ordinances & Resolutions) Personnel: Labor Personnel Department reported that the joint labor-management task force Management Task Force will review the City's current health plan and develop recommendations for long-term management of employee health related costs for the City; funding in the amount of $9,500 will be derived from the self-insurance account of the general fund. Information. Upon Council inquiry, Personnel Director Nieto explained that funding will pay consultant fees to redesign the City's health plan. Council also asked for a list of task force participants upon selection. Streets: NE Sunset Public Works/Transportation Services Division requested approval to close Boulevard Driveway driveway access to NE Sunset Boulevard east of Duvall Avenue NE due to Access, Duvall Avenue creation of traffic hazard from limited sight distance upon widening of NE (Summerwind) Sunset Boulevard. Refer to Transnortation Committee. Franchise: Olvmnic Pipe :Public Works/Water Utility Division submitted six-month franchise extension Line Companv Itequest ;request to May 2, 1990, from Olympic Pipe Line Company for the operation , for Extension �of a 20-inch and l6-inch high pressure oil product pipeline through the City. ' :Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 89-027, Renton Public Works/Transportation Services Division submitted CAG-027-89, Municipal Airport Renton Municipal Airport Taxiway Pavement Improvements; and requested Taxiway Pavement approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate, commencement Improvements of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $33,849.55 to contractor, M. A. Segale, Inc., if all required releases have been received. Council concur. ` � C,ITY OF REN N COLTNCIL AGENDA BILL � AI �: � SUBMITTING DATA: I FOR AGENOA OF: NOV. 13, 1989 Dept/oiv/Board.. Pub1iC WOiks/ Water Udlity statt contacc.. Dick Anderson/Ron Olsen AGENDA STATUS: cor�sent......... SUBJECT: Olympic Pipe Line Company's vubtic Hearing.. Franchise Renewal Eatension Request Correspondence.. ordinance....... Resolution...... Old Business.... EXHIBITS: Proposed Letter Extension New Buslness.... Agreement from Olympic Pipe study session... I, Line Co. dated Sept. 28, 1989 Other........... RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Refer to Utilities Committee �egat uePt...... Finance Dept.... Other........... FISCAL IMPACT: None Expenditure Required... Transfer/Mrer�nent.. Maunt Budgeted........ Reverx�e Generated... SUMMART OF ACTION: See attached Memorandum to Mayor Earl Clymer from the Public Works Department dated November 6, 1989. � � s . � CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 6, 1989 TO: The Honorable Earl Clymer, Mayor FROM: Lyn tt , Public Works Director STAFF CONTACT: Ronald Olsen, Water Utility Supervisor SUBJECT: Olympia Pipe Line Franchlse Renewal $UMMARY•, Franchise Ordinance #2120 granted to the Olympic Pipe Line Company for the operation of a 20" and 16" high pressure oil product pipeline in the City of Renton, expired November 2, 1989. The Olympic Pipe Line Company has requested a six (6) month extension to May 2, 1990, for the purpose of preparing recommendations to the City for pipeline monitoring and other improvements to protect the sensitive Cedar River Aquifer and to reach agreement on a long-term renewal of the franchise. BACKGROUND: The subject pipelines are major transmission lines for petroleum products. They traverse through the City's designated Aquifer Protection Area, crossing the Cedar River Valley in the area of the Maplewood Plat south of the Maplewood Golf Course (see attached map of location). This location is a short distance upstream from Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area. In the summer of 1986, a significant petroleum spill occuned when a 3/4" galvanized pipeline fitting broke. This resulted in the contamination of a large area in the Maplewood Plat and a significant cleanup effort required by the Olympic Pipe Line Company. Since that time, the City has installed two new water supply wells in the Maplewood Golf Course in near proximity, but upstream of the pipeline. The Department of Public Works is concerned for the long range effects that the pipeline operation may have on the City's sole source drinking water supply. This concern is highlighted by the recent effects that the California earthquake had on utilities in that area. Honorable Earl Clymer, �vlayor November 6, 1989 � Page Two BECOMMENDATION: The Public Works Department recommends that Olympic Pipe Line Company be granted a six- month eatension of their existing Franchise so they might prepare mitigating options for Aquifer Protection. The Dept. also recommends that the Mayor be authorized to execute the attached letter agreement submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company for the proposed six- month Franchise extension. OLYMPIC/RLO:If Attachment .i i OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY 231D LIND AVE.S.W. ' P.O.BOX 1800 RENTON.WASHINGTON 98057 September 28, 1989 Mr. Ron Olsen Public Works Department . CITY OF RENTON Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 300 - RIGHT-OF-WAY CITY OF RENTON FRANCHISE RENEWAL Dear Mr. Olsen: Following our meeting of September 28, 1989, we mutually deternuned that further negotiations are required to reach agreement for renewing Olympic Pipe Line Compan�s long-term faciliries franchise with the City of Renton. As expiration� of our present agreement will occur on November 2, 1989, it seems ap- I propriate to extend this term for six months,with the mutual option of additional extensions are necessary, until a franchise is negotiated. This of course would be conditioned on a good faith effort by both parties to reach agreement. Olympic is willing to prepare and present written recommendations or countermeasures which consider the sensitivity of local valley aquifers which are the major source of our community's water supply. We share your concern in ensuring the delicate balance of being environmentally responsible in the community while also serving the fuel needs of steadily increasing population. Olympic's niche is both sensitive and necessary and we strive to remain a good neighbor. We look forward to productive talks in the near future and, in the interim of course, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 23507745. This extension tentatively will expire May 2, 1990. All provisions of franchise(s) No. 1921 and No. 2120 will remain in force until that date or as further amended. Mr. Ron Olsen = September 28, 1989 Page Two Please have ane capy of this Ietter agreement executed and returned in the envelope provided if this approach meets with your approval. Very mily ours, _ � C! �,,,��'�'`'"".� -- v�.-�,��Vv�..,1 � W. A. Mulkey � RO.W./Claims Agent I WAM:dnj �� Enclosures � ', �y: CJTY OF RENTON I its. I I I � �' - - - . � I� I - _. _. . _ j _ _ _ _ . -- . 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'U�) s ` +�� � � � �.. dg`l.`. •1 �+ � � • ?� J i /� � �.a 'tia.. � x� ,,�^ ,�� ` , � � � �\� ``y�i _ � +� a �. , � '� '� t1 `�. ` 1 •S -\• \•�' `'— '`• � �` 1.' N ' �. � ,.; � ``c �r� �� , �M " , t���,�' �— , �,�s:��. , ,, ;: �.• .w � �� k, r ' �� � � 1 ��„i.... �� y' � T ,u �-tr �r�;-,"�.����� �u �_ ;' ,— / ���� ����,� , r_� � . _�:�� _ , � ��� � �� �� , � • �y . � ��V • .• . . � ,. •� . � �. . � � .• . .•� � •. � � NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY Alexander & Alexander of Texas, Inc. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES Diamond Shamrock Tower COMPANV 19th Floor, Lock Box 8 �ETTER A UNllERWRITERS AT LLOYDS OF LONLION Dallas, Texas 7520Z I COMPANY B LETTER NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED I COMPANY � OLYMPIC PIPE LI13E COMPAI3Y �ErrER P• O. BOX 9OO I COMPANY D Dallas, Texas 75221 `EnER ICOMPANY � LETTER This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement,term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms,exclusions and conditions of such policies. COMPANY TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY � Limits of Liability in Thousands(000) LETTER EXPIRATION DATE I EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABIUTY BODILV INJURY $ 4�OOO $ A �OMPREHENSIVE FORM HR700023 9�]��L� ❑ PREMISES—OPERATIONS �R7OUOZ�C PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ � EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE 4�ODU H AZA RD ❑ UNDERGROUND HAZARD � � - � PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD BODILY INJURY AND ❑CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ � BROAD FORM PROPERTY COMBINED DAMAGE � INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS , ❑ PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY I $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODILV INJURV $ (EACH PERSON) ❑ COMPREHENSNE fORM BODILY INJURY $ ❑ OWNED (EACH ACCIDENT) '�..❑ HIRED I PROPERTY DAMAGE I $ BODILY INJURY AND ,❑ NON-OWNED I PROPERTY DAMAGE I $ COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY ' BODILY INJURY AND A �UMBRELLA FORM HR7�00024 9/7/84 `GS��� L5'0� PROPERTY OAMAGE $ $ �1 OTHERTHANUMBRELLA HR700024C COMBINED FORM WORKERS'COMPENSATION STATUTORV and EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY $ iEACH ACCIDENT) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES ALL OPERATIONS Cancellation: Should any of the above desc�i$ed policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLr�«' (� � City of Renton i� i.� � ��� � DATE ISSUED Q��9��� �J J City Clerks Office O � // 200 Mill Ave. S S�� 2 2� ���;��`� /� U' Renton, T'IA 98055 .' AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE �� C�T Y l.,Lt�'�� Russell H. Or�s ACORD 25(1-79) � • � • (��V � � .• . . � ,. . •. . . �. . � � .• . .•� � •. � . NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCV Alexander & Alexander of Texas, Inc. I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES Diamond Shamrock Tower I COMPANY A 19th Floor, Lock Box 8 �ErrER UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYDS OF LONllON Dallas, Texas 75201 COMPANV B LETTER NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED COMPANV � OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY �ErTER P• O• BOX 9OO COMPANY D Dallas, Texas 75221 `EnER COMPANY C LETTER ` This is to certify that policies of insurance listed be�ow have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement,term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms,exclusions and conditions of such policies. COMPANY TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY i Limits of Liability in Th ousands(000) LETTER EXPIRATION DATE OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE . . ._.__._.. . GENERAL LIABILITY A � Hx7���?3 9�7���f BODILYINJURV $ 4�000 $ COMPREHENSNE FORM H�L7OOOZ.3C ❑ PREMISES—OPERATIONS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ � EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE 4�OOO H AZA RD ❑ UNDERGROUND HAZARD � PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD BODILY INJURY AND ❑CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE PROPERTY DAMAGE E $ � BROAD FORM PROPERTY COMBINED DAMAGE O INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ❑ PERSONAL INJURV PERSONAL INJURY $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 80DILV INJURY $ (EACH PERSON) ❑ COMPREHENSIVE FORM BODILY INJURY $ ❑ OWNED (EACH ACCIDENT) , ❑ HIRED I PROPERTY DAMAGE I b I BODILY INJURY AND ( � NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY � BODILV INJURY AND A �UMBRELLA FORM HR700024 9/7/84 PROPERTY DAMAGE $ 25�OO $ ZS�OO ❑ OTHERTHANUMBRELLA �'TR�IOOO?�FC COMBINED FORM WORKERS'COMPENSATION STATUTORV and EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY $ iEACH ACCIDEN�� OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES ALL OPERATIONS Cancellation: Should any of the above desc�iJ�ed policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail � days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAMEANDADDRESSOFCERTIFICATEHOLDER� 9�19�H3 $'�� DATE ISSUE�� City of Renton City Engineering Dept. �/ ,/� 200 Mill Ave. S. /" G�./Zyr,� Renton, �JA 98055 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Attn: Don Morahan Russell Fi. Orrns ACORD 25(1-79) • • • � . .• . . � . •. � � � �. . � � .- . .•� . •. � . NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCV ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER OF TEXAS, IiN�C. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES DIAMOND SHAMROCK TOWER COMPANY p DALL.AS, TEXAS 75201 LETfER M Underwriters at Lloyds of London PHONE: 214741,5171 COMPANV � LETTER NAME AND ADDRESS OF iNSURED COMPANV � Olymp�c Pipe Line Company `EnER P O BOX 9OO COMPANY D Dallas, Texas 75221 LETTER COMPANY � LETTER This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement,term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms,exclusions and conditions of such poiicies. COMPANV POLICV � Limits of Liabitity in Thousands(000) LETTER TYPEOFINSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE I EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY BODILY INJURV $4�OOO $ �y �COMPREHENSIVE FORM 87D23954 9/7/83 ❑ PREMISES--OPERATIONS 87D23954C PROPERTY DAMAGE $4�OOO b � EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD ❑ UNDERGROUND HAZARD � PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD BODiLV INJURY AND ❑CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ � BROAD FORM PROPERTY COMBINED DAMAGE ❑ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ❑ PERSONAL INJURV I PERSONAL INJURY $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODILY INJURY $ (EACH PERSON) ❑ COMPREHENSIVE FORM BODILV INJURY $ ❑ OWNED (EACH ACCIDENT) ❑ HIRED I PROPERTY DAMAGE I $ I BODILY INJURY AND ❑ NON-OWNED PROPERTYDAMAGE $ COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY BODILY INJURY AND A � UMBRELLA FORM g7D23a55 PROPERTV DAMAGE $ ZS�OOO $ �LS�OOO OTHERTHAN UMBRELLA 9/7/83 87D23955C COMBINED fORM WORKERS'COMPENSATION sraruTORv and EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY $ IEACH ACCIDENT) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES All Operations Cancellation: Should any of the above descSibed policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail •i0 days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER� City of Renton DATE ISSU��' � 9/23/82 , sj j City Clerks Office / 200 Mill Ave. S. �. , i 1� Renton, W�l 98055 UT RIZED RE RESENTATtVE Russell I�'. '�rms ACORD 25(1-79) • • . ► . .• . � . . • •. . . ��do ,. . . � . .� . .-.� . .. .� .� NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES ALDCAI�IDER & l�►LE)CANDER OF TEXAS, I�N�C. DIAMOND SHAMROCK TOWER COMPANY DALLASy TEXAS 75201 LETTER A Underwriters at Lloyds of London PHONE 214741-5171 COMPANY Q LETTER (� NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED COMPANY � LETTER Olympic Pipe Line Company P O BOX 9OO I ETfERNv D Dallas, Texas 75221 COMPANV C LETTER ` This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement,term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain,the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms,exclusions and conditions of such policies. COMPANY POLICY � Limits of Liability in Thousands(000) LETTER TVPE OFINSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE I EACH I qGGREGATE OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY A BODILV INJURV s 4�000 s COMPREHENSIVE FORM 87D23954 9/7/83 PREMISES—OPERATIONS 87D23954C PROPERTYDAMAGE 8 4�000 E � EXPLOSION AND COLIAPSE HAZARD ❑ UNDERGROUND HAZARD � PRODUCTS/COMPLETEO OPERATIONS HAZARD BODILYINJURV AND ❑CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE PROPERTY DAMAGE $ E � BROAD FORM PROPERTY COMBINED DAMAGE ❑ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ❑ PERSONAL INJURV I PERSONAL INJURY I $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODILV iNJURY $ (EACH PERSON) ❑ COMPREHENSIVE FORM BODILY INJURY E ❑ OWNED (EACH ACCIDENT) ❑ HIRED I PROPERTYDAMAGE I b I BODILV INJURY AND ❑ NON-OWNED PROPERTV OAMAGE $ COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY BODILY INJURY AND A � UMBRELLA FORM g7D23955 PROPERTV DAMAGE $ LS�OOO $ 2.5�OOO OTHERTHANUMBRELLA 87D23955C 9/7/83 COMBINEO FORM WORKERS'COMPENSATION STATUTORV and EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY $ cEncHncaoeNr� OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES ALL OPERATIONS Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will endeavor to mail 30 days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: 9�•Z 3�82 �J J DATE ISSUEn� City of Renton City Engineering Dept. 200 Mill Ave. S. L'��`�✓��-� • �'��� Russell H�Ujt{Q��D R�PRES�NIATNE Renton, WA 98055 "11L� Attn: Don Morahan ACORD 25(I-79) , ��. , �� �� : � _ -- , � , � , . .�. . . . -- -- � . �. ' y ! Y ( � • CITY 0�' RENTON, WASHINGTQN RESOLUTIQN N0 . 1987 WHEREAS the City of Renton , Washington, is the awner of certain real property as hereinbelow de�cribed � whi.ch sai.d property had been acquired from the Olympic Pipe Line Cornpany, Inc. , pursuant to agreement dated July 23 , 1974 , and WHEREAS it has now been determined that the City has no foreseeable need or use of said praperty and that same may be declared surplus and disposed of a.n the best and mo�� advantageous manner to the City of Renton, subject to exi�ting easements , �estrictions and reservations o�' record, NOW THEREFORE � � BE TT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCII., OF THE I CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS �'OLLOWS : � SECTION I : The afore�aid findings and reci.tals are hereby f�und to be true in all respects and the belowdescribed property � is hereby declared surplus and no longer needed for any public use I or purpo�e. S�CTION II : The Gi�y ' s Purchasing Agent is hereby au�horized and directed ta ca1.l for bids for the sale af the following idescribed property, to-wi� : � I "SEE EXI3IBIT A" � � � SUBJECT �o all easements , restrictians and reservations a� record The exi.sting dwelli.ng located on thp abave described property � is sold in its "as is" condition and priar ta occupancy for hum�.n , I habitation must be in campliance with existing Ci.ty Ordi.nances and Codes I _�_ �.... _.__. _ _ ._. _._ - -..._ .. ' , - -- _ - -- -�----- I I . . i The Gi�y reserves the right to reject any and aZ3. bids and to waive any irregularities in the forrn of the bid. Such sale shall be on a cash basis, �'urther particulars may be secured from the City Clerk ' s office , Renton Municipal Building , 200 Mill Avenue South, Rentan, Washingtan. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 26th day of �ay , 1975 . D or�. �ad,JC��ty Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 26th day of May �, 1975 . I I � ery Ga ett, ayo Approved as to form: , I � � � � � � Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney � � � � I � � � . . ....... . .. . . , i • I EXHIBIT "A" I The East I55 . 39 feet of Lot 57 , B1ock 7 , C. D. Hillman ` s Earlingtan Gardens Addition �a tne City of Seattle , Division Na. l , accordinq ta the plat recorded in Volume 37 af Plats , page 74 , in Kinq Gounty , ' Washington. . �UB,7ECT TO : Easement over the North 15 feet of the East 172 feet in favar of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, recarded November 27 , 1952 , under Auditor' s File IVo, 5511599 , to construct , 'i reconstruct , operate , inspect , maintain or remave line of telephone and telegraph , ar other signal or communicatzon circuits , cansisting of such underqround conduits , cables , and ather markers , fixtures and appurtenances. , SUBJECT TO : Easement over the 1Vorth 15 feet , less the North 10 fee� a� the East 172 feet , in favar of Washington Natural Ga� Company, recorded I June 20, 1963 , under Auditor' s File No. 5599437 affecting partion of said premises and for the purposes sta�,ed herein , and incidental purposes , fo� a gas pipeline ar pipelines. SUB3ECT T0 : Relinquishment of right of access to State Highway and of light , view, and air , under terms of deeci to .the State of Washington , recorded May 10, 1962 , under Auditor ' s File No. 5424482. � SUBJECT T0 : Easement in favor of 0lympic Pipe Line Company, recorded � October 19 , 1973 , under Auditor ' s File Na. 731p190354. RESERVE : An easement for traii ptzrposes to be retained by the Ci�y I of Rentan over the North 15 feet of the East I55. 39 feet af Lat 57 , Block 7 said Plat , upon sale of said Lot 57 by the City of Renton. I � � ---- --------- __-- , --- --._--— ------ ---- - LETTER AGREEMENT TO • THE CITY OF RENTOIsi O � OWHEREAS, The City of Renton, Washington is the owner of certain lands N more particularly described and same having been acquired from Max � lI') � Farr and Rennell R. Farr, his wife (Grantors) by Quit Claim Deed dated � June 4th, 1974, and recorded under Auditor's File No. 7410090363 of • the Deed Records of King County, Washington. WHEREAS the (Grantors) Max Farr and Rennell R. Farr, now agree ancl approve to the lifting of the restriction pertaining to the above Quit Claim Deed to the.,City of Renton, and allow the City to sell and dis- pose of this property as may be determined by the City of Renton, Wash- ington. In witness whereof, this Agreement is signed, sealed and delivered by Grantors on the ,_.,�,�j� .,�/j day of February, 1975. Witnesses: �y,�, �/ ���� ��� 'ps/.�` _���,,� , Max Farr � �Q����r� �� ������� Q Renn�ll R. Farr INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF KALAMAZOO �ss. On this �� day of February , 1975, before me personally appeared Max Farr and Rennell R. Farr H/W, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their ,C����.��, � ���- lJ-��.��..� Beatrice I. Van Weelden Notary Public Kalamazoo County, Michic�an My Comm.ission Expires 3��f�R Re cordar►s Note: Notaxy se a1. not af fi�e d. . � � � . EXHIBIT "A" The East 155.39 feet of Lot 57, Block 7, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat re- � corded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT �j that portion conveyed to the State of Washington for State Highway No. 1 C'� by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5424482. O CV — SUBJECT T0: Easement over the North 15 feet of the East 172 feet in favor ln of Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, recorded November 27, 1962, � under Auditor's File No. 5511599, to construct, reconstruct, operate, inspect, r. maintain or remove line of telephone and telegraph, or other signal or communication circuits, consisting of such underground conduits, cables, and other markers, fixtures and appurtenances. - SUBJECT T0: Easement over the North 15 feet, less the North 10 feet of the East 172 feet, in favor of Washington Natural Gas Company, recorded June 20, 1963, under Auditor's File No. 5599437 affecting portion of said premises and for the purposes stated herein, and incidental purposes, for a gas pipeline or pipelines. SUB�ECT T0: Relinquishment of right of access to State Highway and of light, view, and air, under terms of deed to the State of Washington, xecorded May 10, 1962, under Auditor's File No. 5424482. ' SUBJECT TO: Easement in favor of Olympic Pipe Line Company, recorded October 19, 1973, under Auditor's File No. 7310190354. RESERVE: An easement for trail purposes to be retained by the City of Renton over the North 15 feet of the East 155.39 feet of Lot 57, Block 7 said Plat, upon sale of said Lot 57 by the City of Renton. . ���' � ����� LOT 5T, BLK. 7 ` C. D. HILLMANS EARLIN�TON GARDEN ADD. � � D/VlSION N0. 1 � �–�-�= EASEMENT RETAINED BY CITY OF RENTON , FOR TRA 1 L PURPOSES N. IS� o f E. 155.39 � '1 ��� � NORTH �'`%;'!•� = PROPERT Y TO BE SOLD BY THE CIT Y OF RENTON Scole I"= 30 ' � � � ,C �, D ��O � � _ �oz.06' � _..�t w�� .. w�._� rn - ��- .;;,:� _ ;•��M a- ,-�,,, 'ys•,.�.':r -:�C�'�'�=,o.`:_...;,...�" , , �. / � �_ �:I .J..:_. � ��. �? -..... ` . = ,,,�e�..' .,�.•,'+ �. - ,L' I � ....... ¢J { .r ,�`...a : � : y- :� S"� ��' :���,A'`�` ,,r�;•� ,E� s� .�`' '� f. r' �'`.�� 1 D` � _— — � �_ .� :w���a_.G^— T-'_'.7`" }-�...` .a^ -�' I � �+"x � �•w;rai�'�.a�..�ai.:-�:.�.u�e�,~:..�ri. K�rsGs''�ao�-_s�s-_�', \ �`fi� _� I — � ���h�snrp�C:d^ �.r �, � _ � ; � . 17 �.. rn * �5.,-"q' ro `,e' �_+' j I•'�'� Fi• �y`` r r�','�t. I � �� ~�� �` .t'y'�t � �� � r� � �O.S ,X�.S X �� •,� A., y3 s J.{ .f. �tf� .i` i � CONC. BULI�'XF_i4 � �� _ � r`� �.� �� ,• .-r' �v *.�' g C ` . � f .,� � � �* ��.`' .f� `,� a ;_� - �;'' �,� rn I\ cND � •� e'` ,''r�,,,'�f'�'�'l,F•�% .�� '�,�"��� � ' - �,� � �4 � �o ���.�d f �` ��`i `�..� : `` t� `. � � � .�' ,,r't,. Cn ��: ��'� � , � � . �; ,�` _ . ', ��"'' _ r��' �,�" :�' _'� �• ; ,� � �,�� _ .�`� �,;-� f'� -��.;�' y � � � �.�.,.. ;..-��55��°� x _ > � , ��' - .. .. . �� .� � �..,,..� �`: , __ _�.�..:,.<.u.r�� � - �.:..-.: ._.� �'��'��73:31"`...,....�_ .. �._.y.... .�� ,��.. _........�... __ .. _�_ .� _ f C-_� = ESMT. PAC. N. W. BELL TELEPHONE ( N. 15� of E. 172'+) , `�D � �0 �' ����= ESMT. WASH. NATURAL GAS ( N. 15� of E. !72�-�-, L ESS N. 10`) ' �.�...::��:J = ESMT. OLYMPIC PIPE LINE, OVER LOT 57 1 3- 2 7-75 a m.h. , � — � , . �. D. Hl L L MA JV S EA RL 11V GTON �A RDEN A DD. D! VlSlC3N N�?. i � ! � � ,!r cc�,a-.� - ��- ' -- i 227.4� � /93.b/" �� i �� � ► � � � lt� ` (� ` . � j �� .�� i ,v h o � � � "� � 236.79' �� ti ..Z02.06' � ��� � �,.._�� �/ ��r���r � h ,� �� �, � 20 . � = .3.�'a9 rn 252.�� - Z 3., � �Y'�• f . � --- — � . ,.. �' � C�' �' � � ' � � 268.63 , , , �`� � 2p5.5�' �� � CZ 1 , � , \ I, N NfJRTH � � SCALE I"= !00' � 22 � 5� � � 284.55' 20?b/ ' C �� � � --� � Nn . � � `! h = Z � ; 3oa.��' 23 Zr�,.s.4a ' S4 i n �. � � 2 4 � �, � � � , 3oi.46' � � ~ � '� 5 3 � 22s. �� � '____ -- � 3a2.,�a �5 � �, �i ti � 52 (.L� 242�Od" � � �„� PF?OPERT Y RETAI NED BY CI TY OF RENTON i � � � I � � ; t���:r���� � = PPT Y. TQ BE SC?L D 8 Y C!T Y of REN TQN � 1 ESM7 FQR fRAlL pJRPC��E`� RE'7A!lUEL1 6Y C!TY ?N lS�O`E: 155.39�) � : �--��� = FSMT. PAC. N.W. BELL TELEPNONE (15') . '`�'-�`-� - E5MT. t�VASN. IVATURAL GAS (5`� L n....r,..�...�� '� ��,. - -- — — ��..�.� = ESMT. QLYMP/C PIPE Ll1VE' Lot 5? I - l � I � ♦ + , ` ` ` �1 1 t_7 � RE�eQ��1�� ,.... .�`�. ;�'" ...,._�;�(�ucS i..`„' �lt � = �.- �,�'"' �— � �� �� ���` �2 a�rt fc� �� �� 1�g"��C�`�i�rY cL���' • � .�� jti ��' p� .xg t�L�j��,�N MUN ,sov�� � ���'��y�tASH' REGGR�JS'�.cE?.�.'...r . , . �.,`� �i,E�� � K iN G C::i.'�r:� � , �. - ;� ��' � c�� �--� �:� �� �:� r' ` � u� 0 c7 :� i' �+ � i � _-� _ C�--��-�-,2.�.��, ����1.�-�-�..�� d�:��� . � . . ; �� �i � v y I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O D ate February 10, 1975 T0: Mr. Warren Gonnason Public Works Director cc: Park Director FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk � SUBJECT: Public Works Committee recommendation to sell surplus property by public bid (1511 Lake Ave. So. , Deeded to the City by Max Farr of Olympic Pipe Line Co. ) Upon referral of the above-referenced matter to the Legislation Committee, the City Attorney reviewed the file noting deed restrictions affecting any sale, grantor having specified property was to be used only for park, playground and other Municipal purposes. " Attorney Shellan indicates'Iit will be necessary, prior to any further action, to get the grantor's approval for authority to lift the deed restrictions for private sale, with an easement to be reserved for trail purposes. We attach copy of proposedresolution. Please advise when the necessary transactions are complete and also provide an exact legal description of the property to be surplussed and portion to be reserved for trail (to be inserted in the document) , at which time we will forward the Resolution to the Legisla- tion Committee for further action. Attachment: Publ i c Works Correnni ttee Report recorr�nendi ng surpl�assi ng i�roposed R�sol;�i;ion bcc: Council Pre�id�n� Legislation Committ�e Ch�irman � Public Works Committee Chairman Public Safety Committee Chairman . � �' �Qe� ,� �Q,`� Affidavrt of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. ........::...................................................................... being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that .......... is the ............................................... of THE RENTON RECORD�HROMCLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and pubiished in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, `�F-- `";"�,;;r,- v iy,*''" .•';". " . .: .,._� Washington.That the annexed is a...................................................:.............. � : �,` ;., �.� ' .�-. ................................................................................................................................. ;. , ; .................... .................... as it was puPlished in regular issuePs (and I;, x��. 5 � ' , not in supplement form of said news a er)once each issue for a eriod � . # ; of ...�,w.,�.................................... consecutive issues, commencing on the �� ......._........ day of....................................... 19 ..........., and ending the � . ......�... day of.....:...........:.............p..P...................g.........y, 19....;.,both dates '� ��I�� �'� I '� inclusive, and that such news a er was re ularl distributed to its subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee � • �.h!�ll�► .i . charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of which ` � $............... `, � has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words ��- , for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each ,�t��r`" . subsequent insertion. �l�.. , �1` —J ..w�:.... .G..- � i w�i�l: � `k': I! ,., . . . ✓ x.� � . '" ���u +'�i Q^ �, ....,.................................................... �;=�;`�;,�, � �a �::z. ��,,�, ���,°��.� ���x Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...................................... day of k - � i _'�`', - „ � .................:3.:.............. ,19....... � '�`` ' ,f r}�S4.vvlg• � i ...... �.-.�....�4�....... .., ....... ...... Notary ub ic in and for the State of Washington, - re iding at Renton,King County. —Passed��the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281,effective 3une 9th,1955. ' —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. � �, r� i�� � �.,���„ � ,.... "_ .i:�'-�� � _ ,�„�?� � - x I �� ,�� • ����<�: .� �4AI�D (3F PUBL I C WORKS I ' � `>.�_ � �;� ,;,, j �`�� . � , l�edne�day, March S, 1975 Rentvn Municipal Building I � „ 9 :Op A. M. 4th Floor Conference Rnom , �� � , I � { A G E N D A ,��23�$�) II � �^�� � �Q I � ����"3 P9T5 ? � 1 . CALL TO 4RDER � R ► ���1 VF� � `�' C�E af RfiVTt7N ,� I 2 . REVIEW AI�TD APPRtJVAL OF MINUTE '�.'� RKs a�`�ICf c; ��`���'���'�4..��'�� - 3. CORRESFClNI3ENCE � 4. REFERRALS FROM CiTY Ct�UNCIL 'I S. REFERRALS F�4M DEPARTMENTS ' 1 a. Reques� fox Permit ta Use Public Ri�ht-of-Way-- � Metra �assen�er Shelter 7U69 b . Request for` Release of Bond for Deferr+�d Utt-Site �mpravements , the Careay�e Corpora�ion 6 . ITEMS UNDER STUDY a. Proposed Street Vacation--Pawe11 Avenue SW � :� ' b . Julian Cohon Request for Under�round Wirin,� Variance, '1431-1439 Maple Va11ev H1 hg waY ?. A�TNOUNCEMENTS � 8. ADJ4URNl+�E�iT 1�. �•� �z1d��A ._. - � . - -- - . � . BOARD QF PUBLIC WORKS Wednesday, February 26 , 1975 Renton Municipal Building � 9 : OQ A. M, 4th Floar Conference Raqm Present : Ilel Bennett , Chairman . � Gene Caul.an, Parks � Recreatian Dzrector Gaxdan Ericksen, Plannzng Director 6�Varren Gonnason, Public Works Directox Gwen Marshall , Finance Director Cheryl Henxy, Secretary � ,� Tom Touma, Design Engineer , Ron Nelsan, Developmental Services Supervisor Ken Bin.dara, El.ectrical Inspectar Frank Jacobs , Olympic Pipe Line Company Henry Wright , C}Iyr�pic Pipe Line Campany � l . CALL TO QRDER- -The Febxuary 26 meeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order at 9 : 00 a..m. by Chairman Del Bennett . 2 . REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTF:S- -It was mo�ed b� WARREN GONNASON, seeanded b� �WE1V MARSHALL, that the minutes of February Z9 be appr�aved as u�ritten. MOfiID1V �'ARRIED. 3. CORRE�PONDENCE: None 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL; None 5 . REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS a. 01ym�ic Pipe Line Company Request for Off-site Impravements Variance , 29�9 East Va7.1ey Road- -The Board xeviewed a request by OZympic Fipe Line Company to defer installatian of off-site impravements until required far the campletian of the Lznd Avenue praject . Tom Touma, Design Engineer, recammended that the deferral be granted subject to execution of an agreement between the City and Olympic Pipe Line (similar to the arrangements made with Va11ey General Hospital for the same purpose) for participation in the improvements at a future date . Frank Jacobs and Henry Wright were present �Go di,scuss the Olympic Pipe Line Company develapment at this site . SubsequentZr� it uras moved by WARREN Gf�NNA,SON, seconded by GWEN MARSHALL, that the deferraZ be grcznted untiZ the canstruction of the Lind Avenue Extension S�ut for a pe�iod nat to exeeed tr�o �ears. MOTION CARRIED. b . Permit Procedure for Use of Excess Fublic Right-of-Way-- Ron Nelson distributed copxes ot proposed application and permit forms for review by �Ghe Board members . After further discussian and severaZ suggestions as to minor changes in format, it was moved bz� WARREN G0�'VNA,SON, seeonded by GWEN M.4RSHALL, thczt these forms be approved as amended and fo�warded �o the G`ity A ttorne� for reviet�. M0�'ION CARRIED. 6 . ITEMS UNDER STUDY ' a. Praposed Street Vacatio�l, Powell Avenue SW- -At last week 's i' meeting the Board re�'erred this matter to the Public Works i Department for coordination with th� State Highway Department I , and the King County Hydraulics llivision. 4 , By letter dated �ebruary 24 , Mr. H. ,T. Semenock , District + Uti�.ities Engineer, WSDH, requested that a perpetual 1Q-�aot easement right-a�-way be reserved alang the east side of the subject street for the maintenance and operation af an existing highway il3umination un.cierground service conduit . The State � -1- .� � �� �� ,� .���,.�����„��.YdW�IrW1r��11111 II111II III I I I I I IIII I I II I I I II I I I II I I II II II I I I I I II II II I I 1 II II �I I� �i/c : o/y��,� P� �� �•v� ���-�Q� � � Renton City Council 5/26/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Martindale Lett�r from City Clerk Mead reported that the Martindale petition Street Vacation for �+acation of a portion of Lake View Boulevard contained only of Lake Yiew Bd. 53% of ���e subject property (rather than the �OJq claimed) , Mr. Martindale was contacted for clarification and reported a real es�ate r.ontract with the fee title owner who resides in Iowa. The letter further r�oted the petition will be referred back to Mr. Martinda]e for further action as the City Attorney advises that the additional signature wi�l be required to validate the vacation petition. Damages Claim Claim for Damages was filed by Patrick A. Nol�n in the amount of P. Nolan $185. 90 for damages allegedly due to sewer trunk backing up flooding house with raw sewage. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, REFER THIS MATTER TO T�iE INSURANCE CARRIER AND CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter �rom Mayor Garrett appointed Edward R. Torkelson to the Data Pr~ocessing position of Director o�' the Data Processing Department effective Director 5/28/75 under provisions of the City Ordinance 2935 establishing E. R. Torkelson the department. MQVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED 8Y DELAURENTI , COUNCIL C�JNCUR IN THE APPOINTMENT BY THE MAYOR. CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Commi�tee Member Clymer recommznded approval for payment of Vouchers 4587 through 4654 in the amount of $140,385.47 which have received departmental certification as to receipt of inerchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers #4580 through 4586 were voided. Voucher No. 4623 in the amount of $524.67 was voided. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURE:NTI , CQUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOM- MENDEQ. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Legislation Camrnittee Chairman Clymer presented report recomme�nding Committee Report first readirrg of an ordinance rezoning property from G-7600 to R-2 known as the Robert C. Jacksori rezone. Following reading of the First Reading_ ordinance rezoning property located on Union Ave. N.E. between Jackson Rezone N.E. 15th and Gienco Subdiv�sion, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED Ordinance BY CLYMER, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.CARRIED. MOVED BY STREQICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE CITY OF RENTON ACCEPT THE RESTRICTIVE COVEN^.NTS AS FILEQ MAY 26, 1975 AND SIGNED BY THE JACKSON'S. ;,u�;4TED. First Readinq The Legislation Committee report recomnended first reading of an Ordinance re ordinance adding a Labor Negotiating Committee to the City's Council Labor Negotiating Committees. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance establishing the Committee committee consisting of the Mayor or his designee, the Chairman of Finance and Personnel Committee, and the President of the City Council ; that in absence af said Council committee member, alternate shall be appointed by such Cauncil member; said comnittee would represent the City in any collective bargaining negotiations with certified Union or Association of employees. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDEQ BY STREDICKE, LABOR NEGOTIATING C�MNIITTEE ORDINANCE BE REFERRED 6ACK TO THE°LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. First Readin4 The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance re ordinance adding Labor Management Committee to the City's Council Labor Management Committees, wrhich would consist of the Mayor or designee, Chairman Committee of the Finance and Personnel Committee and the Personnel Director; which shall be responsible for performing duties specified in exist- ing or future Collective Bargaining Agreements. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION C0�IMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1987 The Legislation Committee report presented a resolution declaring Surplus Property surplus and authorizing sale of property acquired from the Olympic Lake Ave. S. Pipe Line Co. , Inc. pursuant to agreement dated 7/23/74, subject to existing easemer�ts, restrictians and reservations of record. Follow- ing reading of the� resolution re property located on Lake Ave. S. , deeded to the City by Max & Rennell Farr, it �►as MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED ._— �_ _ _j - �� ��,�� �r � � • , Renton City Council 5/26/75 - Page 4 RESOLUTIONS Resolution 1988 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Amendment to of a resolution amending the Six-Year Street and Arterial Construc- Six-Year Street tion Program for the City, (See Page 1 and attachments) . Following Program reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Executive Followinq conclusion of regular agenda business, it was MOVED BY Session CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CWNCIL RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR UPDATE ON NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:55 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened at 9:25 p.m. with four Councilmen present as previ- ouslv listed when Roll was called . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. �CY��i�t�-Q/ Q. �� el� ores A. Mead, City lerk � i � �i - � --- _ __----- :` . �.. _ . ��� � I � . y • �� a9 -� , : - EASEMENT � THIS INSTRUMENT, made this day of 19 ; by and between Olympic Pipe Line Co. , a dnd ; Delaware Corporation and ; � and • c~') � � � O ��� � � � hereinafter called "Grantc�r(s) ," and the CiTY OF RENTON, a �-lunici�al Corporation of �•'� King County, Nlas��in:�tor�, herein�`�er c.all�c� ''Grante2." � T��^ t. e.3 ���.�.JJI.I I7• That said Grantor(s) , for and in consideration of the sum of �1 .00 paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell , convey, and warrant unto the said Grantee, � ,- its successors and assigns, an easement for �.' ' ' -- ' ' , �,;, w ,�� `""J � ., /�`��e s�) wiih necessary appurtenances over, through, across and upon the following ���^ . described property in King County, Washington, more 7articularly descr�bed as follows: The northerly 15 feet of the following described property situated in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. . Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 30; thence South 0°49' i0" West, along the West line of said Section 30, a distance of ' 180.01 feet to an intersection with a line parallel to and 180 feet Southerly, measured at right angles to the North line of Said Section 30; thence South 89°52'O1" East, parallel with said North line, 20.00 feet to an intersection with a line parallel to and 20 feet ', Easterty, measured at right angles to the West line of said Section 30, � said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence South 89°52'Ol" East, parallel and 180 feet Southerly of the North line of said section, a distance of 910.93 feet to a point on a line 70 feet Westerly, measured at right angtes to the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the North- west Quarter; thence South 1°35' 12" West, parallel to said East line, 577.01 feet; thence North 88°24'48" West a distance of g03.21 feet to a point on a line parallel to and 20 feet Easterly of, measured at right angles to the West line of said Section 30; thence North 0°49' 10" East, �' along said parallel line, 554.32 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Together wi th a temporary r.c�rsf.r�;c t�or1 ���sem�n t ��e�;c:��?i.eci a y : .��-"C�Lj1G G'l-•� r�. .�Y`;%G:�i.'N , � c. •- � -i� .. .. � . -! �f , �t _... -• - �� _ I Said temporary construction easement snall remain in fr.�r�c:e c?�;}��'�-;:; :.�;T, , ' :��: � tion and unti 1 such time as the uti 1 �ties and �p�aurte,�anc��s !���:e :��-: �� �_ .. . . : .. for the operation and maintcnanre by t�:s ;r�ar.tee �ut na�; i;t..�r• �:r3��-� � - � � • ■ � . . � f � ' i 5aid heretofore mentioned grantee. its successors or assigns, shall � have the right, without prior notice or proceeding at law, at such times as � , may be necessary to enter upvn said above described property for the purpase � af canstructing, maintaining, repairing, a3tering ar reconstructing said i utility, or making any cannections therewith, withauL incurring any legal , obligations or liability therefar+e, pravided, that such constructian, majn- ' ' taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such utility shall be ' accom�]ished in such a manner that the private improvements existing in the right � right(s)-of-way shall not be disturbed or damaged, or in the event they are ;�.,, disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were � immediately before the property was enter�d upon by the Grantee. �� The Grantor shall fuily use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises, �� i ncl udi ng the ri ght ta retai n Lhe ri ght ta use the surface of sai d ri ght-o€-way i f such use does not interfere wi th i ns tal i ation and majntenance of the uti 1 i ty � r.. line. Hawever, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-of-wa�r. during the existence of such utility. � This easement, 'shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be bind- i.ng on the Grantar, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful, owners of the above proper `es and that they have a gaad and , ,rigt�t,to execute this agreement. � � '},iF•*t -i •~ t�� �..-�••---"_ ' ,f� � � , �, ��t.01.1 .. ri ,��{�' �4 :�� _ .. _ ., � I f ���,`aA �'H��;�c�'4�. V�ce �v�� r. .. l r• ' � s� and tL;. � e A ! :v9 � f`� T ' � . .�, •t9�r =A.; and .;'..•. ; a,.,o'��AW�..r',•�. � �„ •........ r dflt� ''"R.-! � � ! STATE 4F WASHINGTON � ! � SS COUN7Y QF KING ) � � On thie � day af ��'��N'�y , 197.y, bgfore aae, tQe underei ned a� � • Notery Public in end far the Stete of Washfngton� duly commiesianed and swarn , persar.ally appeared �S/�•-�� k%�'yn�`��- end ,J: U, G1JALyr�,�j�.. , to me known �o be the vi�E - �,e'�siD��v7' aad �ss'�: ,S`t�,e�Tr,��'�� re$peetivelY� a: (,���J3�fe ,�£ L.�,v£ �vm�vn��v�/ the eorporetion that executed ttu3 i foregoing inetrament� and ockr�aca2adge@ the said instrumant to be the frae and vo2untary act and deed of said ccrparatian, for ths uses and purgoees tt�erein ,' � t�etttiocied� acul on osth steted thet eutharized to exacute tt�e sefd . instrument and that the eeai efti�red is thp ;�l�,arate see! of seid ccrgoratian, , W21Y+�SS my hand and ofSici[al seal hereta affixed the day and year in � this certif icate abave written. :;�;. ;. ' � ��M�Mtaq����� Y .. � ._.../ ; .�`�� � ��� ��'^ '�'+cL.J,✓'�i i, � -r" r , l (C� � ,,.•`�`��;�;��oNF•�r� � , , Notary �'ubii�'in an or the State af i . ��►. ��i �q:�` I.' t� +�3'r�t10�tZ4�'�'��;;� �� ' Washinqton, resiaing at �y,�v,��lr /���� � � fn r 4.�1 �r+ ��� , i � «i�� t�,.•�, , , u;s�P�&llC�:t ; yr>G 4 *,,. •.�`�.�,r „�9:•- � A4. . ♦ •y� I � Ot- :;. � .. .,._...._ ._. �..� — — — — — � C.��- "`"_ ,� . 0 . � �/l��c/• ��� '. o Renton City Cou cil inutes Meeting of 2/3/75 - Page 4 ' AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continu��+ Ordinance #2907 MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ENTIRE ORDI- Cabaret Ordinance NANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE: DELAURENTI , CLYMER, STREDICKE and Banning Topless PERRY. 2 N0: GRANT and BRUCE. M07ION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. & Setting Dress, (See later action. ) MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Lighting & Stage COUNCIL RECESS. CARRTED. Council recessed at 10:45 p.m. and recon- Standards vened at 11 :00 p.m. wst;h all Councilmen present at Ro11 Call . y � OLD BUSINESS Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report Aviation recommending that the sublease agreement between Air Repair, Inc. and Comnittee Report The Boeir�g Company be a.�pr�oved. The report noted the the one-year agreemenL comnences 2ii/75, that Air Repair, Inc. has been engaged Air Reoair, Inc. in the aircraft interior components business on Renton Municipal Sublease Airport since 1/72 under sublease agreements previously approved by the Airport Board. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN THE RECG���MENDATION OF THE AiIIATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed Airport The Aviation Comnittee Report recomnended the Airport Director be in- Rest�urant structed to inform the airport restaurant developer, Lundberg Enter- Development prises (selected 11/7aj, that 90 days has been allowed to initiate purchase af the leasehuld interests of R.W. Dennis & Associates in order to accomnodate the proposed restaurant development.. The report noted Lundberg Enterprises should be notified that if no action is taken within the 90 day period, the City will entertain proposals from other interested restaurant developers. N�VED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECQMMENDATION �JF THE AVIATION COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. Rate Readjustment The Aviation Committee Report recommended the Airport Director notify TBC at Airport The Boeing Company of tl�e City's intentions to begin negotiations for adjustments in their rental raies on the Airport in acco��iance with lea�,� agreement which schedules readjustment 6/1/75. �'t�VED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Santa Claus Councilman Clymer aske�:i the Santa Clauses be removed from the down- town light standards, Public Works Director Gonnason confirming the request would be taken care of. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce presented committee re�ort Cortmittee Report noted review of Dura Development, Inc. (Honeydew Apts. ) request that condemnation action be held in abeyance regardinq L. I.D. 288, L. I.D. 288 Street acquisition and construction of Whatman Court. The Committee Report Whitman Court & recomnended that no action be taken to slow the condemnation process Dura Developme�nt and the City should proceed in accordance with our present program. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR If� RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Bid Award, The Public: Works Comnittee Report recomnended acceptance of the low LID 286 Sewers bid of Universal Utility Contractors, Inc. of Woodinville in the Kennydale, amount of $157,907.35 for the construction of sanitary sewers in May Creek the Kennydale area under LID 286. The report noted the Public Works Department investigation indicates satisfactory performance on simi- lar type �;rojects in Redmond and Kirkland and recommended acceptance of this cc�ntractor. TF�e Committee Report recommended contract be awarded to Universal Utility Contractors, Inc. and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. Councilman Perry noted 32,000 savings over engineer' s estimate. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Surplus Property' The Public Works Committee Report noted that as no responsive bids were received for the removal of the surplus building at 1511 Lake Specs to note Ave. S. which had been deeded to the City by Max Farr of Olympic Building Defect� P�Pe Line Co. The Committee Report recomnended that the underlying property be also declared surplus subject to an easement for trail access along the Olympic Pipe Line and that the entire premises, including the building, be sold by public bid. As a resolution would be needed, referral to the Leyislation Comnittee was recommended. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. a Renton Ci ty Counci i Mi nutc... . Meeting of 2/317� - Page 3 AUQIENCE COMMENT Cabaret Ordinance Mr. Dennis Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , inquired on status of the cabaret (Topless Dancing) ordinance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY P�RRY, 7NE LEGI5LA�+��N COMMITTEE REPOR7 C�NGERNING TNE CABARET ORDINANCE BE PI.ACED BE�t�t�E THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Legislation Corro�i#�tee Chairman Clyme� �r�sented committee report recammending first rea�i��g of �h� e�tire c�ba�et ordi- nance and noted deletion of two wor�s "after su��s�t'° �rom 5eci.�Qr� 5-3308 requiring certain lightir�g, space and appearance standards. Follawir�g brief history of *he ordinance, �t was hlOVED BY SCNEL�.E�T, SECONDED BY C:.YMER, ORDIf�ANCE BE PLACEp ON FIRST READING AS REC�MMENDED BY THE LEGISLATYON COMMITTr�.. GARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance in its entirety, Mayor Garrett invited Audience Corrr�mments. Mrs. Lana Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , urged passage af the entire ardi- nance banning topless activities. Mrs. Garaline Terry, 516 Pe11y Ave. North, suggested Section G (banning topless} be dropped fr�om the �rdi- rtance as there were no longer any topless cabarets in Renton and with other requirements of this ordinance, topless dancing is no lanQer practical < Mrs. Grace Van Horn, 10814 Farest S.,Seattle, ask City Attarney Shellan whether�r not exposure af the male torso is prnhibited, being advi:5ed Na, that in case of c��oblems the c�rdinance would be amended. Mr. Ron Mann, 3307 N.E. 10th P1 . , noted inter�sting phenome- non with Mrs. Martinez requesting funds for Rape Line and some Cauncil members favaring amendinc� af this ordinance tc� delete the portian ban- ninq topiess which would contribute to the rape; Mann asked ad�ption of the whole ordinance as submitted. h�r. Manr� asked the City Attarney to amend this ordinance so that topless activit�es would be banned in all public establishments not only �hose serving alcoholic beverages. Shellan nrted violation of the Criminal Code by anything lewd or immoral . Mr. Dennis Herre, 12003 156th S.E. , requested adaption of entire cabaret ordinanc� banning tapless. Nirs. Terry felt entire cabaret ardinance shaul:� be reviewed to set noise limits and insula- tion requirements. N4r. i7ennis Fifie, 912 Redmond Rve. N. , asked that Council take action an� ordinance be passed. MOVED 8Y STREDICKE, SEGONDED BY BRUCE, STRIKE PARAGRAPH C OF SEGTION 5-3105 �SEGTI4N BANNING TOPLESS) .* Councilman Stredick� noted it had been ten years since "ga-go" started in Renton and four years since topless started, that this ordinance has been drafted since 1973, that with ttre other changes in the ardinance, he felt top�ess wou?d not be a problem. Others in the audience speaking: Mrs. E.0 Ann Sparks, 1633 Harringtan Ave. N.E. spoke against topless dancing. Mr. Charles Shane, the peopie voted in November 1974 ta allow tapless dancing and felt this should be abided by. Mr. Jack Sparks, 1633 Marrington Ave, N.E, , asked that Council approve this issue and ban tc�pless �nd bottomless exhibitions. Mrs. Phyllis Korn, 3700 N.E. 9th Ct. , inquired of revenue derived from cabarets or topless danc�rs, being a�vised by Clerk ' cabaret license fee $300 per year. Mrs. A1ice K. Dobes, 8606 118th Ave. S.E. , felt Rentan had develaped a beautiful and cultured City and felt this image should not be destrayed v�ith topless dancin�. Mr. Sill Dunham, i1812 140th S.E. , opp�sed topless. P4r. Bob Korn, � 3700 N,E. 9th Gt. , felt cabarets should be charged on cost-factor basis � regarding police calls, as he understood topless cabarets required , more palice time. Upon inquiry, Police Chief Darby reported more police calls an a tavern after it had gone "topless" by 14 to 1 . h1rs. Herre noted opinian that the November election in King County whether or not to allaw topless activities was "croaked" as it canfused the peaple that a No vote meant Yes. Mr. Nenry Jones , 882 Logan, spqke against "topless:' Councilman Perry requested electior► results of the November issue be read inta the record. Cit� Clerk Mead noted total Yes vote for Renton was 2,680 and No was 2,859 for adopting an ordinance prohibit- ing topless female employees. *ROLL CALL VQTE on amendment to Cabaret Ordinance striking Paragraph C which prohibits topless. Councilman Scheilert left the Cauncii Chambers after disqualifying himself because of financial interest on the subject. 3 AYE VOTES: GRANT, BRUCE and STREDICKE; 3 NO VOTES: DELAURENTI , C�YMER and PERRY. 8eing advised by the City Attorney that in case of tie vote by the Council , he cc�uld ' vote on motions but not on adaption of the ordinar►ce itself, MAYQR GARRE7T CAST NQ VOTE, breaking the tie vote. MOTIQN FAILED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FiNAL READINGS. ROLI. CALL: 3 AYE: DELAURENTI, CLYMER and PERRY, 3 N0: GRANT, BRUCE and S7REDICKE. MAYOR GARRETT CAST AYt VOTE. M4TION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance. , � `� . . ,� y � � � � � . v.. �u�'• �;, �' ��enton Planning Commission � �'Meeting January 8, 1475 �,��� � Page Two �J q �N '$� WAIVER (�F OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS $� JAMES P . MC ELROY ; Appl . W-799-75 ; request for waiver of off-site improvements in G-72Q0 zone ; property located on Aberdeen Ave . N. E, and N . E . 12th St . The Planning Director pointed Qut the one-half acre site , which includes two existing residences , on the map , one situated on a rectangular shaped lot and the other on a pipe-ster� lot to the rear. The applicant is subdividing his property into two parcels and is requesting a waiver of off-site improvements along Aberdeen Ave , NaE . It was noted that there are no off-site improve�nents in the area a� this time . 5• ADMINISTRATIVE : A� FI�LD TRIP It was decided to visit sites of the subjeGt public hearing items on an individual basis . . B� COMNII7TEE REPORTS • Vice Chairma►� Seymour called f�r committee reparts . 1 . ZON[N� COMMITTcE ' .REVTSION TO L-1/H-1 ORIJ�NAdNCE Commissioner MOls3 , Ctid13^ffldii , referred th� �0111— I tIlZS514t1 LO th@ ���ilil7l �fi��2 � 5 prelimi �ary (�1^��t � of the L- 1/H- 1 Ordinance r�vision , which had been distribrated . He requested that Commis- sioners be pr�pared to review the draft at the January 22nd meeting . 2 . COMMUNITY SERVICES CUMMITTEE GUIDELINES FOR WAIYER OR DEFERRAL OF OFF—SITE IMPROVElNEN2'S There was discussion regarding the considera- tion of waivers or deferrals of off-site �mpravements �y the Planning Commission . It ' was no�ed that th� s�ibject has k�een under st�dy , by the Community Servi��s Committee and tk�at a recommendation has h�en distributed far � T ub 'ect will be considered Commission rev . ew. h� s � by the �ody as a whole at the January 22nd me�t- ing . �LYMPIC P.ZPE LI'RrE COMPANY CONSTRUCTION OF OIL 3TORAGE TANK r C�mmissioner Scholes , Chairman , advised the ( Commission concerning firrd� ngs of the Committ�e � wi �h regard to certain landfiil activities in the Green River V�lley. Ne r°eferred the C�m- mission to pr•ov� sions ar �he Mining , Excavation and Grading Ordin!ance , which apply to on-site construction , which were reviewed by the Com- mittee and determined to be in need of legisla- tive review by the City Cour�cil . The Chairman stated that another meeting was heid by the Com- mittee with the Council Community Services Committee , the City Rttorney , and members of the L,'�y C�/c�-� . _. , . ., • RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING JANU�RY 8, 1975 MINUTES COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT : Larry Gi �son , Don Humble , Anthane Mola , Arthur Scholes , Patricia Seymour, Jerry Slough , Clark Teegarden , Bylund Wik . COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Norman Ross CITY STAFF PRESENT : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director ; Gary Kruger , Assoc�ate Planner; Willis Roberts , Recording Secretary. • The January 1975 administrative meeting of the Renton Plan- ning Commission was called to order at 8: 03 p . m. by Vice Chairman Seymour, who was acting as Chairman in the absence of Chairman Ross . The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Chairman . 1 • ROLL CALL was taken by Secretary Gibson . All members responded present with the exception of Ross , who was out of town . ACTION: MOVED BY MOLA , SECONDED BY GIBSON, THAT THE ABSENT COMMISSIONER BE EXCUSED. MOTION CARRIED. 2 • APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Chair°man cailed for additions and corrections to the mi �n�tes of the meeting of November 17 , 1974. Inasmuch as there were no additions or corrections offered , IT WR� Mt�VED BY T£�GARDEN , SECONDEt� BY HUMBLE , TNAT THE MINUT�S �F THE MEETING 0�� N(3VEMBER 27 , 1974 , BE APPROVED AS WaITTEN . MOTION CARRIED, 3• INTRQDUCTIQN OF NEW PLANNING COMMISSIONER Newly appointed commissioner , Jerry Slough , was intro- duced to the Planning Commission ar�d welcomed by the members . 4 • �JEW PUBLIC HEARING ITEr1S : The n�w pu�,lic hearing items were � ntroduced by Secre- tary G2bsor� �nd described by the Pianning Department staff as follows : PRELIMIP�ARY PLAi A, KENNYDAL� PARK AODITION ; Appl . PP-800-75 ; applica- tion for preliminary plat approval ; property loca- ted on N. E . 27th St . between Aberdeen Ave . N. E . and Edmonds Ave . N . E . 7he 1 . 14 acre site located in the Kennydale area was painted out on the vicinity map by the Planning Director , and significant development in the area was noted . Plans for five lots in a cul de sac con- figuration were described . Single family residential structures are propos�d for the �-6000 zoned property. The prapose� plat conforms to zoning requirements of the Subdivision �Jrdinance , Following a brief discus- sian with regard ta drainage , it was requested that data be provided relative �o sewer faciliti�s and drainage conditions in +he ar�ea for Commission con- sideration . . , �� �, . , . Renton Planning Commissiar� Mee�ing January 8 , 1975 Page 7hree Public Works Q�p�rtm�r�t t� eff�ct an und2r- st�ndi �g of the �+.�bj�ct ordinanc� , as it app7i �s to th� P1ar�ning Cummiss� on . Mr . Sch�l es r�oted that the C�i ty Counc� 1 n�i nutes of Qes:ember 23 , I97�J , ind�cated �Ghat a builc!-- i ng permi � ha�i be�n � ssued to Ol,y�npi � Pi pe Li ne f'or cor�structinn of a 420 ,OQ0 gallon storage facility . The Commzt�ee ' s review indrocated that a negat�iv��x d�claration of irnpact had been issu�d by the Publ �c t�a�°ks Department . �le a�v; sed that the P�blic Works �irQctar ha� i radi c�ted ta him on thi s datE tha� r�o permits were being issued �y the Pubi � c Works nepartment under the Ordinance until legisla- tive intent has been �s�ablished by ti�e wity Coun�� 1 . Stat� ng that the report was far information only , Schol �s requested further direct� an fr�m the Planning Commission . Vi �e Chair�na� Seymour invited camment fro�n th� Planning Dir�cta�►~ . Noting that �he pur- pa�e of �t�e st�rage tank was for safet,y purpos�s to b� us�d in cor�j�nction with th� 20" pipelin� , Mr. Cricksen �Qscr� bed the propased Olym�i � Pi �,� Lin� o�e�ation . Disci�ssior� �'o•llov�ed with regard ta the ap�licab� li }y of Sect� or� 4-2305 of th� hEining , �xcavation and Grading OrdinanC� �o th� Plar�ni �g Commiss��n , th� role of the Rlar+- ning Commission , and what action th� t�l �nni ;�g Commission may take . I � was the;� , ACT.ZON: MaVED BX TEEGA�DE1�', SECON�ED BY MOLFs , THAT TEIE SIIBJECT OF REVIEW rF LAND FILLS UNDEF.' PROVIS.IOri'S OF THE MItaINr„ Er{�Av7�TIQN AN� �RADING ORD.ZNANCE r?ND TiiE �OiVSTt�UC2'IC3N tJF 1-! PF'�'RO.LFUM STORAGF TANK BY ULYM.DIC PIPE d�INB BF' REF'F.RRED TCJ ?`FIE COMMUh7— _T2'Y SER✓ICES COMPai'TTEE TO STUI�Y i✓ITIi THE FLANN.FNG DEPARTh1E�'VT S7'�!F'� AND TH_E CTTY ATTORt'VEY AN� 12EPORT .BACK TO "lHE' J�1NII�RY 22, 1975 , F'LANtV�IVG C�1FfM1'SSIt�N MEET�N�. M(?TT�N CARRT.ED. Scholes requested� that the Committee be advised of si �nificant 9ind� ngs and recommendati4ns that may be�ome a�ailab� e pri �r t� the January �2nd meet7ng . COMMITTEF I�IEET�'NG Cha i rman Sci�ol es ca 1 1 ed a Comnii tte� meeti r.g f�ar January 15 at 7 : 30 p . m. to revi�w t:he Olymp� c Pipe Line faciliti�s , the Aband�nned Servic� Station C�rdi nar�ce , and Guidel i nes for �Iai ver �r ����rral of �ff�-si �e tmpr�vements . 3. COMPREHtNS?VE Pi.�1N COMMITTEE C�REEPN RIVER VAI LEY LOMPREHENS.TTJ.E PLAN AM�'NDMEIJT Vice Chairman Seymour directed the Commisszon ` s att�ntion to the r�commsndation th�.t had been distributQd by the Comprehensive Plan Commit- �tee with regard to the Comprehensive Plan amendment for the Green R� ver Valley for Plan- ning Cammission review and invited comment from the Pi3nn� ng Director. � . _. :. Renton Planning Commission Meeting �an�ary 8 , 1975 Page F�ur Mr. Erickaen suggested that the recommen�ation be re�i �wed as a preliminary pro�osal , which will require f�rther znput from the p�ablic as well as other ycverr�ment agencies . Ne described the prn- posal briefly. Disc�ssion followed with regard to th� schedul � ng of another public hearing . Commissioner Numble , Chairman of the Committee , r�guested that membprs review the recommendatinn and be prepared to discuss it at a meeting in the near future in orde� that the proposal may have the evaluation of the entire Commission . He advised that the Comprehensive Plan Committee had met with the Zoning Committee to receive their feelings in view of affected zoning regulations . Commissioner Teegarden , member of the Committee , requested an opportunity to make a few general comments regarding the plan . He contrasted the existing Green River Ualley Comprehensive Land Use Plan with that which is proposed and described changes in designatio�s . He noted primary goals of the proposal as follows : • 1 . To reduce intensity of industrial use , in tFie Valley . 2 . To recogni ze tha t the Va1 1 ey i s cam►ni t- ted to industrial development and to encourage good development . 3 . Tfl provide for wildlife ha5itat. Mr. Teegarden then noted the highi � ghts of their recommendations on the map , including a proposal for additional access to the Valley. A brief discussion followPd , parti �ularly with regard to changes and interpretation of land use designatian , access and circu? ation , effect of the Zoning Code , the scopE of the enviror�mentai impact statement , and scheduling of a public hearing . The effect of the proposed revision to the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to the industrial zones , � which � s to be reviewed at the January 22n� meet- ing , was noted by Commissioner 7eegarden , who suggested that the prflposal be studied and then discussed further with the intent of formulating a final proposal for submission to the public at the February adrninistrative me�ting . ACTION; IT WAS MOVED BY TEEGARDEN, SECONDED BY SCHOLES, TG REF E.R Z'HE RECOMlNENDATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLA�Y COMMITTEE IN REGARD TO AN AMENDMENT OF THE CO.a?PREHENSIVE PZ,�lN FOR THE GREEN RIV.E'R i1ALLEY TQ THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE .AND TO THE STAFF AND THAT THE TTEM BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA OF THE FEBRU.xlRY 12TH ADMINI,STRATI�/E MBETIIVG FOR FIJRTHE'R DISCIISSION AND ACTION. MOTION CA.RRIED. \ • ; ��la�- �� °J- G�(j �. s �' ,F R.��; ��-�. � �'u.� ��� � : �1:�.� �� -,Z-7 y �� � � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON � y� � MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 � � 9'ysAo�r o�`��l'o CAPIT�� December 2 , 1974 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Disposition of Property at 1511 Lake Avenue South Gentlemen : The Board of Public Works has studied the City ' s possible interest in property at 1511 Lake Avenue South , deeded to the City by Olympic Pipe Line Company. The property includes a vacant residence which would require substantial repairs to meet minimum housing standards . This matter has also been considered by the Park Department and Park Board. ' Based on our findings , the Board hereby recommends that the house be declared surplus and offered for sale and the property revert to the Park Department for future park purposes . Sincerely , � � .�..�.- � D NETT Chairman cah cc: Public Works Director Park Director City Clerk Building Division �,G ti1 � � � _ , .e RENTON CITY COUNCIL - Regular Meeting December 2 , 1974 � Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Earl Clymer presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES OELAURENTI and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, IN ATTENDANCE Finance Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; GENE COULON, Park Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director; VIC TeGANTV00RT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 1974 dE APPROVEu HS PKEPHftEU. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- 1975 Budget lished accordinq to law, Mayor Pro tem Clymer opened the Public Hearinq to consider the proposed Budget for the City of Renton fior �975• MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL APPROVE THE MAYOR'S PRE- LIMINARY BUDGET WITH LIST OF PROPOSED AMENDP1ENTS AS DISTRIBUTED. Mayor Pro tem Clymer invited audience participation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUSPEND RULES OF ORDER AND MOVE PUBLIC HEARING TO_ FOI.LOW NEW BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that portion of S.E. 13th Place be vacated subject to the payment to the City of the , Appraisal - amount of $357.75 as the fee representing 30X of 1/2 of the appraised Street value. (Public Hearing 10/21/74, Council approval subject to payment; Vacation Spokesperson-Mrs. Norma Jean Wallace, 1324 Lake Youngs Way S.E. ) Gonnason"s S.E.. 13th P1 . letter noted parcel daes not meet area requirements of the Zoning Code near and cannot be considered a building site, that Public Works Department S.E. Jones Way appraisal of fair market value was $.50 per square foot. It was MOVED Tiffany Park BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND R�FER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. House & Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Bennett recommended that the Property house at 1511 Lake Ave. S. deeded to City by Max Farr of Olympic Pipe Line Deeded to City be declared surplus and offered for sale and the property revert to the Park Department for future park purposes. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Discussion followed wherein City Attorney Shellan advised that resolution needed to declare house surplus. Use of the surplus building as fire training facility was also discussed with Fire Chief Williams. MOTION CARRIED. Legal Letter from City Clerk Mead requested authorization to advertise for Publication bids for the City's legal publications for 1975, recommending the Bid Call date of December 19, 1974 for bid opening. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF CITY CLERK. CARRIED. APPOINTMENT Letter from Mayor Garrett reappointed Mr. Royal Loomis to the Renton Fire Civil Fire Civil Service Commission for a six-year term to expire on 12/31/80. Service Mr. Loomis,who resides at 153 Capri Ave. N.E., is employed at Pacific Term Covered Car and Foundry and has served on the Corrnnission since 8/71 . MOVED BY by State Law PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti submitted committee report along with copy of completed Noise Abatement Program Community Question- naire from the Department of Ecola�y which was reviewed and completed by the corrmittee. Chairman Delaurenti noted copy of report on file in the \ Renton City Council Meeting 121�17� Page 2 Old Susiness Continued City Clerk"s Office. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF TNE PUBLIC SAFETY CqMMITTEE. CARRIEO. NEW BUSINESS Upon request of Transportatian Comnittee Chairman Perry:because of manv compiaints received regarding raiiroad crassing on North Third Street RR X' ing near intersection with Sunset Blvd. N. , Public Works Director Gannason N. 3rd St. noted this matter was Na. 1 status, there are na railroad erossing signals, recommended d��� 1Cdt10n ta Federal Highway for crossing protec- tion, better visibility needed and Phillips Station would be contacted re safety factors. Council MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE COUNCIL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE Decorum 8E AMENDED AS FOLLOWS AND REFERRED TO TNE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE: EVERY Revision COUNCILMAN, UNLESS DISQUALIFIED BY REASON OF CONF�ICT OF INTEREST OR AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LAW, SHALL CAST HiS VQTE UPON ANY MATTER PUT TO YQSE BY TNE LEGISLATiVE BODY. ANY COUNCILMAN WHO ABSTAINS FRQM VQTING WITNOUT A VALID REASON FOR SllCN ABSTENTION SHALL BE DEEMED TO MAVE CASI HIS YOTE WITH THE MAJQRITY 4N ANY I5SUE SO VOTED UPON. CARRIEQ. Traffic Councilman Bruce asked the Public Works Directar to look into matter Signals on which complaints have been received regarding blinking of cautian Monterey lights at Monterey Terrace on N.E. Third St. , asking that cautian signals Terrace are activated only when signais are operating, rather than blinking continuausiy. PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing to cansider the 1975 Budget far the City was re- , 1975 Budget opened. SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AMEND MOTION TO ADOPT THE MAYOR'S PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH LIST OF CHANGES PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED, TO INCLUDE ITEM OF RtPAIR TO LIBRARY HEATING SYSTEM Library $4,50Q TQ BE INCLUDED IN CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR BUILDING REPAIRS AND Neating MAINTENANCE. Public Works Director explained the repairs were a partion of recorr�tendatian af study and analysis done by cansulting engineers an the heating and air canditioning. In arder to expedite praject, MOTION CARRIED. Traffic Motion by Grant, Seconded by Bruce,that Traffic Controller position reflect Controller wages listed in signed Police Guild cantract far 1975 Steps A-D $809 to $957, Roll call vote: Aye: GRANT, BRUCE, DELAURENTI ; Na: CLYMER, PERRY, STREDICKE, .>�HELLERT. MOTION FAILEp. MOTION MADE BY PERRY AND SECONDED BY GRANT, TnF C�ASSIFICATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROLLER BE REFERRED TO THE PUB�IC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION AS TO PROPER PAY C�ASSIFICA- TION F4R TNIS POSITION AND TNE AAIOUNT OF $4,000 BE PLACED IN THE CONTIN- GENCY FUND TO PROVIDE ANY FUTURE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS. CARRIED. Branch Library Councilman Schellert noted pilot pragram by �ibrary Director cantracting Maintenance private enterprise for custodial services and graund maint$nance in & Grounds Branch Library facilit,y, with $3,000 transferred f rom Park, facilities and $2,500 from Buildinq Generai Services. � MOVED BY SCHELL�RT, SECpNDED BY BRUCE, IP�CREASE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - �IBRARY FACILITI�S BY $1 ,300, (tatal of $6,8p0. ) Stredicke nated $300 increase over preliminary budget. MQTI4N CARRIED. Further Budget MOVED BY PERRY, SECpNDED BY GRANT, $5,000 TAKEN FROM THE ROADWAY OPERATING Amendments SUPPLIES (Pg. 226E) BE RESTORED. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BRUCE, PLANNING DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCES AND SCHOQLS BE CUT BY $250 RATHER THAN $500 PREVIOUSLY RECOMMENDED. (Vancauver, B.C. lacation of next Planning Conference} CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHEL�ERT COUNCIL ACCEPT FEE SCNEDULE EXCEPT REZONE AND SPECIA� PERMIT FEES BE SET AT $50 EACH. CARRIED. MQYED BY PERRY, SECONDED SY DELAURENTI, SENIOR CITIZEMS' RECREATIQNAL 5ERVICE5 (Lounge Furniture) BE INCREASEQ BY $600 MAKING A TOTAL OF $1 .80Q. CARRIED. MOVEQ BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, REVENUE OF $30,000 TO BE DERIVED FROM PULL TABS, BE PLACED IN GONTIN- GENCY FUND. CARRIEO. �1otion by Grant, Seconded by Bruce, ta budqet $5Q0 from Roadway Operating Supplies for improvement af entries behind Sartori School was ruled impraper by the Chair as City funds can only be spent on City praperty. Mr. Stanley Thanpson, member of the Mayor's Advisary Comnittee and spokesman far Retired Teachers Associatian, advised that the City has alley entering from 4th Ave. south to the point of this particular driveway, �eing public access property for the last 3Q years, utility poles being placed on propertv line; noting agreement between � ' � �� r/\ V� ��D �cvr�,c Ywi� �� t � '��.c' . 01� 3 ��'� ��� - �� � / BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Thursday, November 7, 1974 Renton Municipal Building 9 : 00 A. 1�1. 4th Floor Conrerence Room Present: Del Bennett, Chairman Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director Jim Magstadt , Assistant Planning Director Gwen Marshall , Finance Director Ron Nelson, Chief Building Inspector Cheryl Henry, Secretary Absent : *Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director Gene Coulon, Parks F, Recreation llirc�ctor *excused absence 1 . CALL TO ORDER--The hTovember 7 meeting of the Board of Public works was called to order at 9 : p0 a.m. by Chairman Del Bennett . 2 . REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES- -It was moved bx� WARREN GONNASON, aeeonded by GWEN MARSHALL, that the minutes of October 30 be approved as written. MOTION CARRIED. 3. CORRESPONDENCE: None 4 . REFERRALS FRObt CITY COUNCIL: None S . REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS a. Buildin� Division Report Re: Property at 1511 Lake � Avenue South- -'1'he secretary read Ron Nelson 's memo to Warren �onnason dated October 25 which notc:d corrections to the above structure required to meet minimum housing standards . This residence was deeded to the City by Olympic Pipe Line Co . Mr. Nelson provided a copy of an engirieering survey of the site and noted that the pipeline runs 10 feet to the north of the structure. The property also includes an easement for Washington Natural Gas . Mr. Nelson indicated that the residence , which is currently unoccupied, is 40-45 years old and the required repairs would cost a minimum of $3,000 . It was the consensus of the I3oard that it would not be feasible for the City to repair and rent the house . Mr. Gonnason suggested that the City investigate the possibility of any easements or property which should be retained for access or park purposes . It �uas moved by WARREN CONNASON, seconded by GWEN MARSHALL, that the City 's poasible interest in this property be referred to the Park Department for report at the next meeting. MOTIDN CARRIED. b . Colasurdo $ Munson Request to Delay Off-site Improvements , Proposed Hi-Lands Nirst Addition Plat- -'1'he secretary read the November 4 rec{uest from Dick J . Colasurdo and Eben L. Munson to post a per£ormance bond in lieu of installing off-site improvements . Their proposed Hi-Lands First Addition plat cannot be approved by the Planning Commission until either the off-site improvements are installed or a performance bond guaranteeing installation has been posted. It �uas moved by WARREN GONNASON, secondad by GWEN MARSHALL, that the Board approve the request and require posting of a performance bond �ith a one-year constructiorc period in an amount to be determined by the PubZic Works Depa.rtment. MOTION CARRIED. - 1- _ . r � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS �''� I Page 2 November 7, 1974 c. Proposed Expanded Lease A�reement Between B. A. Porter and the City of Renton- -The s���crEtary read a memo dated Uctober 31 from Don 5tark asking that the Board review Mr, Porter's proposal for an expanded lease agreement with the City of Rentoit. It was moved by WARREN GONNASON and seconded that this matter be referred to the Deputy Director of Pubtic Works for reviera and report at the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED. 6 . ITEMS UNDER STUDY Cable TV Franchisin�--Under study �.z� Traf.fic En�ineerin� Division--It was moved by WARREN GONNASON, seconded by GWSI� MARSHALL, that the eecretary be instructed to send a memo to the Traffic Engine.ering Division requesting report on this matter. MOTION CARRIED. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS : None 8. ADJOURNMENT- -Meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 a.m. . - -�-= - _-�-�=�_-- -���-.� . . �. .�.�+�:_ Del�efinett, Chairman - 2 - � ' .. . . ■ r �s � ;�� ,#... . . ' � b�'t ,�; , ��� �-�b� EX; _ . . , . . .�, �� ., � • , . � >,. ,r,.�:,.,,.:. � � � CITY� OF RET3Z'ON, WASHINGTON � ��� � � RESOLUTION NO. ].9�� .� , �: .. . .. . �' . � .� WHEREAS the City o� Renton is the owner of certain Iands �'° :� � , � , . . ':; a� s�hereinafter, more .particularly, described and same having b��n, • acquired from �he OLYMPIC PZPE LINE CC}MPANY, INC. , as per that, I . �.,�certain "Ag�e�ment" dated Ju1y 23} 1974, further �reference b�ing . ,� hereby had there�o,� and . ; ' WHEREAS i�. has been determined �that the Park Department of ,.� �th� City of Renton assume jurisdietion over said Iarids for purgoses � � of maintenance, deve3.opment and use as inay. be determined by �he �' Park Board fram �Cime to time, NOW THEREFORE � . i � ., , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE GITY COUNCIL 4F THE GZTY OF RENTQN, WASHINGTON AS .FOLLOWS: , . . . - � r � . . , , ' � �- � ' SECTION I. The afaresaid findings and recitals are hereby i - found to be �rue and correct in all respects. , . � . ' : � ' , � . SECT�,C1N II: The following described Iands , ta-wi� : ' � � � See E�ibits "A" and "B" attached, incorporated , he�ein as if fu�.Iy set forth. , ' , � � ' . , � . �, � ; , � ' ,� � . � �'are hereby;xele'ased to the City o£ Renton Park Board far the ' �,-,`�.:�. '� � � " . � � , purposes o.f �use, maintenance, development and like purposes as , , , . , � ,, �,:;� ,,'>;may, be determined by said Park Board from time to �ime. . ' _ ' ' , :�� ' ' . '.�': , � , " . ` '' � �`' � '' . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this �t�iay of December, 1974. � ,.. . " . . . . '3 . . I , , �. " � � � � "i/ ll/ ' .. . _ . ; ' , . •. � , i �j��!!(;��0� t . . , _ , r A. MEz1, t��ty �.erk APPI2QVED BY T�iE MAX4R this stn day of December, 1974.� . ._- . . . .. � � 1 �l.t..OJ�.! , , " . �• � very Garret�" Ma.yor Appraved as to iegal �orrn: t , ' . ' . , �5 . , ' I t' � , �� . ,�� , � . Gerard M. Sh�llan, City A�torttey Form No.w-74s , : (Previow Focm No.468-I)� ' .." � - h� ., ' , ': S � ' _ . ' „_ _ _ _ . . " �� - . . tr''• Si . , . k.. . _ . 7: i �- _ _ - �'"� . � . - ...—....�...__._�x�_, . .. , �. . • . _ .�..__ .�..:-. _.._:�.H..:,...,_:»y,�... ' - __._..... ._. • , , ,. . • 'k., c,r= ���,4�; � ' . , . � e,. 7± r � — ` _ ,. "!'��c'�_.:�.� , " CITY OF RENTON , `r�ASHINGTON _ RESOLUTION N0. 1921 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore passed ard approved Ordinances Nos . 2120 and 2557 on November 2 , 1964 and April 6 , 1970 , respectively, which ordinances are now in full force and effect , and WHEREAS OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY , a corporation , has heretofore made application to the City , pursuant to the aforestated ordinanc�s , for certain additional installations of its pipe line ;aithin the City of Renton , and the City being agreeable to additional installations subject ,however , to certain terms ar.d conditions , and WHEREAS said parties have heretofore entered and executed a certain "AGR�ENiENT" under date of July�3 ,,1974 , a true and correct copy thereof being attached hereto , and WHEREAS such Agreement has been determined to be fair and equitable in all respects , NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The aforestated findings and ,recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . S�CTION II : The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and I directed to eYecute , on behalf of the City of Renton , said °'AGREEMENT" and simultaneously therewith , OLYiIPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY , as Grantee , shall deliver unto the City all of the funds , deeds and conveyances and related documents as more particularly set forth within said "AGREEMENT" . lhereupon the City Clerk is authorized and directed to file for record with the King County Director of Elections and Records , all of said � pertinent documents . PASSED BY THE C�TY CUUNCIL this 22n�? day of July , 1974 . ,��'�,,� �. �;..�� , Delores A. P'Iead , C�ity Clerk 7 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 22ndday of July� 5�74 . �' — ery Gar�ett, Mayor ' � App ed as to form: �'� � "�� Gerard M. Shellan , City Attorney -1-- , . . . � � • . PAG 829-64 � , . , � Suppl . #2-74 AGREEP�IENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this a���day af July , ' 1971� , by and betc�reen the CITY OF REi�TON , a municipal corporation � operat?ng as a non-charter code city under the laws and statutes of the State of Washington , hereinafter referred to as "CITY" , and "ULYi'IPIC PIPELINE COP�PAPIY1° , a corporation , its successors an� assi�ns , hereinafter referred to as "GR.ANTEE" ; W I T N E 'S S E T F�: l. The parties hereto make �eference to that certain Ordinance No. 2i20 passed and approved on Ploverlber 2 , 1964 , and as further amended by Ordinance No . 2557 passed and approved on April 6 , 1970 , pursuant to which GP.AIITEE was granted the right , privilebe , authority and franchise to lay down , construct , operate , maintain , replace , � alter , remove and repair certain pipelines , together with all equipr.!ent and appurtenances thereto ," for the -transportation, storage and handling of oil , and any by-product thereof , within certain designated areas and , right-of-ways of the City af Renton, all as more particularl.y set forth in said Ordinances , and subject to the terms and conditions therein contained. It is hereby acknowledo�d and stipulated that said Ordinances are now in full force and effect. 2 . Pursuant to Section 18 oL Ordinance No. 2120 , GRANTEE r�as heretofore made application unto CITY for certain additional installations of its pipeline within the City of Renton , and CITY is agreeable to authorize such additional installations , SUBJECT T0 , HOWEVER, the terms and conditions and provisions of �this Agreement , all of which shall be concomitant with the author�ty herein :�granted unto GRANTEE to install such additional lines . NOW THEREFORE . in considzratian of the sum of One Dollar and other �ood. and valuable considera-ti.on accruing to each of the -1- • � � • , parties hereto , it is hereby agreed and covenante� as follows : 1. In pursuance of Section 18 oF Ordinance No . 2120 CITY hereby grants and gives unto GP�ANTEE the right , privilege , authority and francllise to lay down , construct , operate , maintain , replace , alter, remove and repair an additional twanty inch C20" ) pipeline under, below and through certain public rights-of-way , all as more particularly identified on Exh�t "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth ; all of such installation shall be in s-�rict compliance with the aforespecified Ordinances and all other Ordinances , Resolutions , Rules and Regulati�ns , including construction co�es , of the City of Renton. In addition thereto , GR.ANTEE shall likewise strictly comply with all standards applicable to such installation and maintenance of the American Petroleum Institute , the U. S. Department of Transportation Pipeline Safety Standards , known as Title 49 CFR, Part 195 . GRANTEE further agrees and covenants to install a total of five (S) block valves within said pipeline to be constructed within the City Limits of Renton , and one Cl) of each such b lock valves to be loc�teci in the Talbot Hill area , two (2) at or near the Cedar River , one Cl) in the Honey Creek area , and One Cl) on the north side oi the May Creek area , �he exact locations thereof to be agreed upon between GRANTEE and CITY. Each such block valve �shall be securely fenced in an area of app. eight feet C8) by twelve feet (12) in dimensions , and at all times prnperly and attractively maintained by GRANTEE. , 2 . It is further acknowledged and stipulated by and between the parties that complete and extensive consideration ha� been �iven to the environmental impact of such proposed construction as hereinabove set forth , and that all pertinent enviroiiinental impact data , reports ., and studies , have been duly undertaken by CITY and GRANTEE , all in � ' full compliance with all applicable State of Washington laws and City Ordinances , Regulati.ons and policies . A prop�r determination has been made by CITY ' s responsible public official , and duly concurred in by its Legislative Body , that a negative environmental impact statement is proper and appropriate under the circumstances herein existing. 3. GRANTE� to execute and deliver un�to CITY a proper Quit Claim Deed in standard form to a certain parcel of property , all as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "B" , which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth ; said Deed in favor of CITY shall be for "park,, playground and othe.r municipal purposes as may be determined by CITY from tirie ta time" . Simultaneously with such delivery , GRA�tTEE shall furnish unto CITY an up-to-date policy of title insurance , i� standard form, free and clear of encumbrances , except as specified on the attached Exhibit '�B" . All costs oi title insurance , revenue �tamps and relat�d expenses , except recording fees for said Deed , shall be borne by GPaNTEE. CPortions of Lots 20 and 2]_ , � B1ock 7 , C. D. Hillman� s Eax,lington Garden Addition to the City of Seattle , Division No. 1) . 4. GRANTEE to execute and d�liver unto C:ITY a proper Quit Claim Deed in standard form to a certain parcel oi properi.y , a1.1 as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit 9t�'+f19 u�hich is incorporated her�ein as if fully set forth ; Said Deed in favor of CITY � �� shall �be for park , playground and other municipal purposes as may I be determined by �ITY from time to time" . Simultaneously with such delivery , GRf�NTEE shall furnish un�o CITY an up-to-date policy of ' title insurance , in standard forrn, free and clear of encumbrances , -3- � 6 . GR�I�TLE further agrees and cov�nants to execute and deliver uiito CzTX per�etual easements for tra�l and related �urposes , over the follovz�ng described �ro�exties �ith such easements to be effective at such time as construction of L�n.d Avenue Southwest, Renton, has been completed �rov�ding �ro�er �ubl�c access to GRATdTLE' s facility and w�th the documents evidencing such conve�ances to be held in escrow by CITX unt�l such construct�on has been completed: (a) An easement for trail and related purposes along the easterly ten (10) �eet of certain property owned by GRAIvTEr, all as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "E" which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Said easement area shall be graded and replanted in the same manner as set forth in Section 5 above. GItANT�E ' s remaining twenty (20) fo�t area located adjacent to such� ten (10) foot strip described in Exhibit "E" shall remain and continue in its natural vegetation, or if disturbed in such natural qrowth, be restored at GRANTEE ' s expense, with appropriate � laridscaping as may be determined by CITY 's Planning Department. All existing vegetation, including trees , to be retained along the westerly edge o� GR.�NTEE 's valley property. Such ten (10) foot easem�nt area shall be available for inclusion as property of GR.P_NTEE for any setback purposes under the zoning or building codes of CITY. (b) An easement for tr_ail and related purposes over property of GRANTEE six (6) feet in width, as znore particularly described on the attached Exhibit "F" which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 7 . AZ1 of the a,£ores�eci..fi.ed conveyances bX GRANTEE unto CITY shall be wi.thout cost to CZTX except �or the necessary recording fees charged by -�he King County Recorder. �SA i 8. G�IITEE further ac��r�es and covenants to promptly pay unto CITX, on or before the first c�ay o� January o� each year during the term o� the �ranchise as set �ori�Yi in Ordinance No. 2120 , an annual a.ns�ect�on �ee Tahi.ch shall be a sum ec�ual to the total number i of li.neal feet of pi�eli�ne located within th� Ci.t� Limits of the City of Renton on the first day of each and every year, multi.plied by the rate of $ . 05 (five cents per lineal foot) , but the m�nimurn sum to be paid to �.he CIiY annually, in any event, to be not less than five hunc�red dollars ($500. 00) . (Reference is here�y made to Sectian 16 of Ordinance No. 2120) . F�arthermore, GRANTEE shall pay unto the CITY simult.aneously with i�he execution of this Agreement , and in consideration therefor, a sum equal to three dollars ($3. 00) per lineal foot as a franchise fee, to wit, the total sum of $13 , 719 . 00 , and such payment �o be made to the Director of Finance, City Hall , Renton, Washington. • 9 . Whenever feasible and permitted, GRAi1TEE agrees and covenants to take all proper and timely steps to re-vegetate and restore all areas owned or controlled by GR�NTEE after iilstallation of its pipeline and ap�urtenances in connection therewith so as to prevent any unsightly appearance thereof. IN WITNESS L9HEREOF the parties hereto set their hands at Renton, King County, Washington, the day and year first above written. GRANTEE: CITY: OLYMPIC PIPELINE COMPAi�1Y, a CIT�,' OF REi�ITON, a municipal corporation cor oration �:.___� Bx .%���-�/.��z� � - ._ B , , _ Yv�c .I,,cQ.�u-Z. _ ' � MaXor ��;�-��/ �. /Yl.e�z.� ' Cz�ty Cler.�c -E�- r . EXHIQIT "A" 1 . Across id . E . 12th St. at a point approxirnately 1010 feet tdest of East line , Section 9 , Township 23 Ilorth , Ranye 5 East , W. ��1 . (60 ' ) 2 . Across i� . E , llth St. at a point approxir�ately 350 fee�: �lest o,f � East line , Section 9 , To��ns��ip 23 (�orth , Range 5 East , t�1. �1 . ( 50 ' ) 3 . Across f� . E . 10th St . in Section 9 , 7o4vnship 23 (aorth , Range 5 East, W. P1 . (not open ) 4. �cross i�d . E . 7th St. at a point approximately 75Q ' West of East i � ne , Section y , fotmship l3 i�orth , fzange 5 tast , ��. P1 . (60 ' ) 5 . Across fl . E . Gth Pl . , Section 9 , Toti�rnsf�ip 23 (lorth , Range 5 East , W. M. (not open) 6. Across Il . E . 6th St , at a point approximately �50 feet L•Jest of East line , Section 9 , To�rnship 23 (dorth , Rar�ge 5 East , l�l. Fi . (60 ' ) 7 , Across 4th Ave . �d . at a point approxir�ately 1000 feet �dest of � East line , Section 9 , To��mship 23 Pdorth , Range 5 East , I�1. P1 . ( 60 ' ) 8 . Across S . E . 5th St . at a pQint approximately 370 feet 4Jest of East line , Section 16 , Township 23 iyorth , Range 5 East , t�J. �1 . (30 ' ) 9. Across S . E . 6tt� S�t. at a point approximately 650 feet 6aest of East line , Section 16 , To�rnship 23 I�orth , Range 5 Eas�: , l�. fl . (30 ' ) 10. Across Beaco►� bJay ( Seattie Cedar River l�later R/t-d) at a point ' approxir�ate7y 1330 fe�t West or East line , idE/4 , Section 20 , I � - • Township 23 (vorth , Range 5 East , LJ. ri . (GG ' ) 11 . Across Grant Ave . S , at a point approximately 970 feet East of � West line , i�W/4 , Seciion 2U , To�vnship �3 i�orth , Rar�ge 5 East , 1�1. (1. (not open ) 12 . Across Eagle Ridge Dr. at a point approxirnately 1000 feet East of West line , idLJ/4 , Section 20, TO�dllSlllP 23 idorth , Range 5 East , 4�1. i� . (not open ) � 13. Across E3enson Rd at a point approximately 440 feet (dorth of E�st=West/4 line , �Jld/� , Section 20 , Tot•�nship 23 idorth , Range 5 East , W. D1 . (120 ' ) 14. Across Pde��� Talbot Dr. ( SR ;�515 ) at a point approxir�ately 440 feet North of East-t�lest/4 line , idE/4 , Section 19 , Toe•rnship 23 (lorth , Range 5 East, 4J. ��1 . ( 113 ' ) 15 . Across Smithers Ave . S . at a point appraximately 530 feet �lorth � of East-West/4 l ir�e , PlE/4 , Section 19 , Tod�nship 23 fdorth , Range 5 East, W.t�i. (40 ' ) • 16. In S. 14th St. ( Frontage Rd ) from a point approximately 700 feet West of East line to intersection of �ake « i5i.h Ave . , �aE/4 Section 19 , To4•�nship 23 (dorth , Rar�ge 5 East , Gd. ��1 . ( 1760 ' ) 17. In Lake Ave . S . to a point approximately 90 feet tJorth of inter- section of Lake & 15th Ave . , SE/4 , Section 19 , Toa�nship 23 iJorth , Range 5 E:ast , W. P-i. ( 130 ' ) � ? - 1 - 18, Across S . 19th St. ( S . 156th St . ) at a point approxi�ately 1200 ' feet West of intersection of S . 156th St . and 96th Ave . , SE/4 , Section 19 , To���nship 23 ��ortf� , Range 5 �ast , W . 1�1 . (not open ) 19. Across East Valley Rd . on S lire , Section 19 , ToVrnship 23 P��orth , Range 5 East, Wohl . (60 ' ) � Streets 2,G39' . Parl:lanc�s 1„�3� ' � . Total 4r573' •. Centerline Uescr� ptien �� 07�rr,�ic P ; �e Lire Crossina Ci ty ot Ren�on Park Lancls � 1 . Kiwanis Par.k - Beginning at a point an the i�ortherly boundary of Kiaranis Park said Point being 60 feet from the (�orthtvest Corner of said Park ; thence South 10°0� ' 48" East , a distance of 44 . 5 feet ; thence South 5°23 ' 24 " 41es�: , a distance of 533 feet ; thenc` South 6°21 ' 35" l�lest, a dista��ce of 279 feet , more or less , to the Southerly boundary of said Parl� , said easenent being approxir�utely 856. 5 feet in lei�gth . � 2 . P�ap7ewood Park - The centerl i ne of easernent 1 i es paral l el ari th and 90 feet Southeaster�ly of the ��aorth��esterly 7ine of the (�laple- wooci Park property, said easement beiny approxirnately 450 �eet in lengti� . 3. Loa•�er Talbot Park - Beginning at a point on the Plorth line of ' Lot 22 , Qlock 7 , C . D,. Hillman ' s Earlii�gton Gardens , Division fio . . 1 as recorded in Volurne 17 of Plats , page 17 , Records af King County , Washington , said point being 106 . 46 feet l�lest of the Pdortheast corner of said Lot 22 ; thence South 36°29 ' 08" lJest , 94 . 78 feet ; tf�erice South 07 ° 2S ' Ol " �Jest , 70. 64 feet to tf�e point af terrninus , said point being 200. 80 feet 6dest of the Southeast corner , as r��easured along the South line of dot 23 , Block 7 , of said plat. 165.429 TOGETNER WITH an easement with the fo11o���ing described center� ine : Beginning at a point on the �lortf� line of Lot 33 , alock 7 , C . D . Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens , Division f�o . 1 as recorded in Volur�e 17 of Plats , page 1'7 , Recards of f:ing County , 4Jashington , said point being 281 . 31 feet !Jest of the Ilortheast corner of said Lot 33 ; thence South Ol °05 ' 44" L�Jest , 389 . 93 feet ; thence South 04°27 ` 03" East to t!�e point of terminus ; said point being 432 . 49 feet �dest of the Southeast correr, as measured along the South line , of Lot 41 , Block 7 of said plat. 462.20� ' • . .. 2 _ . .__ � �xFizBZT ,�8�� Those porti,ons of Lots 20 and 21, �loc�, 7 , C. H. Hillman ' s Earlinaton Gardens Addi.tion to the CitX o� Seattle, Division I1o. l, according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of plats , page 74 , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly of State Highway No. 5, "SR--167" as condemned i.n King County Superior Court Cause No. 588967. EX�IIBIT "B" - - -___ , � _ -r-. ' - EXH�.B�T "C" Lot 57 , Bloc}c 7 , C. D. Hillrnan' s Earl:�ngton Garc?ens Add�.ti.on to the Ci-�y a� Seattle, Divisic�n No, l, accorczi.ng to the p�.at recQrde� in Valume 17 af plats, page 74 , in King Caunty, ��iash.ington,, e�:cept i�hat portian conveyed to the S�ate of C�dashington £or 5tate i�ighway IJa. 1 by Deed recorded und�r Z�udi,tar 's fiie No. 5424�82 . . �XHIBIT "C�� i . " ' . - EXHIBIT " E" �'��� That portion of the northvrest quarter of tf�e north�vest quarter of Section 30, Township 23 IJorth , Range 5 East , W. hi . , in King County , Washir�gton , described as fo11o4�s : Comrnencing at the northwest corner of said Section 30 ; THEPJCE South 0°49 ' 70" West along the 6•Jest line of said Section 30 , a distance of 1 �0 . 01 feet to an intersection with a line parallel to and 18U fe�t Souther]y, measured at right angles to the North line of said Section ' 30; THEfdCE South 89°52 ' O1 " East parallel vvith said �dortli line , a distance of 930. 93 feet to the True Point of 6eginning ; THENCE South O1 °35 ' 12" GJest , a distance of 547 . 01 feet to a point ; TtiENCE Soutt� 8�3°24 ' 48" East , a distance of 30 feet to a point ; TIIENC� fdorth O1 °35 ' 12" East , a di stance of 547 . 77 fee� to a poi nt; THENCE North B9°52 ' O1 " West, a distance of 30. 01 feet to the True ' Point of Beginning ; Said tract cantaining in �.all 0. 376 acres , more or leSs . Subject to : Easements , restrictions and reservations contained in . deed recorded under Auditor ' s File No. 7312270303 . � — - - - - - - - - - _ _ � , M ' ' � . . . - . , , . ��,i' EXfiIQIT " F" Ti7e narth 70 feet of i:i�e northeast quarter of the norti�ti�rest quarter of sectipn 30, to�;�nship 23 north , range � east , 4J.i�9 . , in King County, blashington , EXCEP7 portion conveyed to the State af L�aski- ington for highway purposes by deeds recarded under auditor' s file �so . 3911471 and i081421 [3llT RESERVI �IG to Grantor an easement cver tEle sautf�erly tliirty fee� { 30 ` } of said realty for ingress tQ , and egress froa�, the portion of said nartfzeast quarter of said northt;�st quarter lying immcdiately south of said realty, and which reserved easen�ent includes the rigf�� to construct and maintain a paved r�ad on said thirty foat ( 30 ` ) strip of land; SU�J EGT `!'0 : ' l . Easement for ��aterline �o the City of Seatt? e , � municipal corporation , by instrumer�,� recorded Septemk�er 27 , 1946 under audi tor ' s fi 1 e �Yo . 3�12021 , records of Ki ng County, GJashi ngtan . 2 , Easer,�ent fior e7ectric transn�issian line t;o the City of Seattle , a municipal corporatian , by instrument recorded December 26 , 1961 under aud� tor ' s file No. 5333806, records af King County, ylashington . � � � � � — - - - _ � OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPA�. _ 2750 NORTHRUP WAY, BELLEVUE,WA 98004 �., � � ! �y.'� '1 '� _ �^r �` ���-� ��- ° l � � October 24 , 1974 ` . ''�+� %`}Q_� %�y. �,�r r .� , ; r 1 %� %/ - Frr' '''.�+' ,'� 'I ��,1 � - �'�� i . L-.d C` ' �, ._.�S 1;'i " (`., c, ,,� , , Ci ty C1 erk � ' � ��= � �'�- City of Renton � : �` � � :` '�, . Municipal Building �;��, , - -� .� `_'����'� Renton , Washington 98055 Re : Olympic Pipe Li�re�-'£flmpany Gentlemen : Enclosed for your records and files is Pioneer P�ational Title Insurance Policy P�o . B-990G43 , dated October 9, 1974 at 8: 00 a . m. to the City of Renton , Washington , covering Certain Real Estate Property Deed to the City . of Renton by P�lax Farr and Rennell R. Farr, his wife , under terms of Paragraph (3) , page (3) of a Certain Agreement dated July 23rd, 1974, between City of Renton and Olympic Pipe Line Company. If you have any questions in this matter, please let me know. Very trul,y yours , �� .._.. . . .. �y�� ,���.. ,� / L , f�lax Farr Project Right of Way t�lanager MF:eh Enclosure � � �OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPA� 2750 NORTHRUP WAY, BELLEVUE,WA 98004 � , , , � i I J� /" � :' . `' � � r � October 25, 1974 , �' ��� F• °�"�,+�:'�� . : � :�, ��, , .. .` , �,�� I.�` ._ > � -�` �� �� s r�r ,'r/` ',`, ,r Delores A. P�1ead ` 4 �~ �': s, �,.� . � . Ci ty C1 erk '� � .� � ' ���' , ��; City of Renton ; C �" �Y\'� P�lunicipal Building � __.�.'� �''��� ,_ Renton , Washington 98055 Re : Olympic Pipe Line Co . R/b� File KI -231 Dear Ms . Mead : Enclosed for your records and files is Pioneer National Title Insurance Policy No. B-990644, dated October 9 , 1974 at 8 : 00 a .m. to the City of Renton , 6Jashington , covering Certain Real Estate Property Deed to the City of Renton by Max Farr and Rennell R. Farr, his wife , under terms of Paragraph ( 4) , page (3 ) , of the Agreement dated July 23, 1974, between City of Renton and Olyr�pic Pipe Line Company. If you have any questions regarding this matter , please let me know. � Very truly yours , , �..__. .....,,1 ,�,�%l:4'' �� ��Z' Niax Farr Project Right of 4day Planager MF:eh Enclosure � �� � A � ���- (� - ,---------------------------------------- , Transamerica e Insurance Co - ,PACE PROVIDED FOR RECORDER'S USE: A Service of �����;� , Transameric¢Corporation , v�[i � t � � 1 ' ......,.�1'.A.. ,. . _ �.� � _.. p� ^i r` Filed for Record at Request of :- - ,.=., • _�' �} r ; 997_# C��'.� 9 QR� 10 i i r.t Name. ,L..4'..�f.F-�c,� .._...�f-.°•c. -- -�--�1 ' , , � , � , 7 _. �t' , � ,,, ..._..--•- -._.......•!t -• -r•••-•-•••••••••••-----•................. r_,.� ; � -':� � D1fir.C"i:,;: ' �� Address...--�-----------------------------------------------•---------•--......-------._ � ; -------•----.-..��.� , RECOR�S � ��,.EC1'IGN� � �_�� , \ �µ� � Kt�iG G�JN�Y, V�tiSH. ' �v �_} , , �--; City and State--------------------•-•-•--••-------••-•---•-----------------------�----•-••--•-•----- ' ; . : � � � ;-- , � , �------------------------------------------' ti' il �, U . Quit Claim Deed 0 r�. THEGRANTOR ��AX FARR and RENNELL R. FARR, his t�rife of date acquired `� title and all time since . `f for and in consideration of� G I F T - n o c a s h c o n s i d e ra t i o n � conveysandquitclaimsto CI7Y OF REi�TUN, bJas{�ington ( For park, playground and other municipal purposes as may be determined by City from time to tir�e . ) , the following described real estate, situated in the County of K I f�G State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: Those portions of Lots 20 and 21 , E�lock 7, C. H . flillman ' s Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle , Division PJo . 1 , according to the plat recorded in Volur�e 17 of Plats , page 74 , in King County , Washington , lying Easterly of State Highway No . 5 , "SR- 167" as condenined in King County Superior Court Cause (Jo. 5889G7 . SUt�JECT T0 : Condemnation by the State of 6Jashington of right of access to State Highway and ofi � igni, view ana air, by uecree er�i:ered unuer Case No. 588967 . SUl3JECT TG : Easement in favor of Olympic Pipe Line Company, recorded October 19, 1973 , under Auditor' s File i�o. 7310190353. Dated this ���i day of �,u� , 19 7� �����%���� �- I1a:: �arr y `��y--n.�,e_..� �"�� . �7 G�vtJ Rennell R . Farr STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of h I iJ G On this day�p�`�'r�onall yr appeared before me (�i A X F A R R a n d R E f�P�E L L R. F A R R : � ... ; /y�,; , to me �Cr��a�`�ti�` b��,�t�i��>indi��idual described in and who executed the within and foregoing . � e he same as t h e i r free and voluntar instrur!� n�t•�nd a..kn��ii.iQtlfied that th y signed t Y �,,,� act anc� deQ�, f�� the uses a%x�i purposes therein mention d. - �= .� - .��- GIVEI�i�r�der,my�l;ane�,a�d official seal this ��day of ��L��r� � , 19�� �. 'a• � ��/ �s� �y � 4 ... .. .-�i„_ r,. , , ,,,�'' .- �J ://'il�.<y � !�1".�-�'''� "!"""`��� �Iotnry Public in and f�� State of iUasltifigton residing nt /SfL L-� �'��� I Form No. W-748 (Previous Form No.468-I) � -- — - - - - �_�.�._. �.�_.. �__� /� � ��(,� _�j / ` i � � C + ransamer�ca�`ie Insurance Co ; , SPACE PROVIDED FOR RECORDER'S USE: I � A Service oj ' , Transameric¢Corporation ; N�(�`����u i�._ � r , .._.�.��" i _ .... �i��� = Filed for Record at Request of � �-:� . �� s�r� oc� 9 ��, �� � r ^� /��". ' ��,�t.�� ��-�i t r�-�� ' , Name--------------l-.---'F----------�----�•--�----•----------------------------•-•-•-•--------...----•----• � , . , , ,� � _, ; � Address----------��---------------�---•--.._..----------•-----------.......---------------------....---�---- : D(;:�E:� :;.: � :- REC�RpS & ���C i{�:v5 ; c_:�� City and State-----•---------------------------- ' Kf�IG CCU?aTY, Yi;c;N. � . -------------------------------•-�-----•----.._.._..... , .__� ; \ _ , .-' � � 4 �'----—-----'--------------'--------'---- ' -!'\ . ' �� Quit Claim Deed � , THEGRANTOR P9AX FARR and KEPJfJELL R. FARR, hi s wi fe of date acqui red �;�- title and all tir�ie . since . f?` for and in consideration of G I F T - n o c a s h c o n s i d e r a t i o n � . �, conveysandquitclaimsto City of RE!'JTOtJ, 6dashington ( For park, playground and other municipa] purposes as may be determinecl by City fror� tirne to time . ) the following described real estate, situated in the County of K I N G State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: Lot 57, �lock 7, C . D. Nillman ' s Earlington Garde►�s Addition to the City of � Seattle, Division No . 1 , according to the �lat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , page 74, in King County, Washington ; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the State of Washington for State F;ighway �Jo . 1 by deed recorded under Audi tor' s Fi 1 e i�o . 5424482 . SUBJECT T0 : Easement over the fdortfi 15 feet of the East 172 feet in favor of Pacific (Jorthtivest �ell Telephone Compai�y, recorded idovember 27 , 1962 , ur�aer Nuditor` s �=i le rJo . 55115�y, to construct, reconstruct, operate , inspect , maintain or ren�ove line of telephone and telegraph , or other signal or cumraunicatiori circuits , consistir�g of such ur�derground conduits , cables , and otiier markers , fixtures and appurtenances . SUCsJECT T0 : Easerrent over tl�e PJorth 15 feet, less the �dorth 10 feet of the East 172 feet, in favor of b�ashington iJatural Gas Company, recorded June 20 , 1963 , under Auditor ' s File ido . 5599437 affecting portion of said premises and for the purposes stated i�erein , and incidental purposes , for a gas pipeline or pipelines . SUBJECT T0 : Relinquishment of right of access to State Highway and of light , view, and air, urider terms of deed to the State of Washington , recorded Piay 10, 1962 , under Auditor ' s File No. 54244£s2 . SU�JECT TU: Easement in favor of Olympic Pipe Line Cornpany, recorded ' Uctober 19, 1973 , under Auditor ' s File fdo. 7310190354. Dated this y�� day of ��,.�y , 19 7� �---'� � I�' i�������� �1ax i`ari, ` ~�'. ��,�,a.� - ,� Renr�ell R. Farr STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of I:I I�G On this day personally appeared before me t�t A X F A R R a n d R E N td E L L R. F A R R to me known to be ttie ;�r}�ii�ad�pi , described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowdg`�li,��r_i'_tttat.�'�,k�i�y signed the same as t h e i r free and voluntary act and deed, for thPr t�s�,;;urid pur�;�s�"s:'EHerein mentioned. :'..:�;;� ' _ ", . � / � _ GIVEN under my''�t'an;c� a�cl bfticial:seat �his� da��./ ���'�'� , 19 �� -.°i- .�� ~ ,. r_ 'a,`' '_��� /�� �\l l�i,�,'��x?"�'C'7 - . A� , _ '?/� -�/ r / v � � ' � '�y� ''`- '� Notary I�ublic irr artd for tl�P tate of 6Uashington • residirtg at ,�3"��'-G ,�' �/��==- Form No. W-748 (Previous Form No.468-I) Ir` iL I� . 'a�� R• � ' 't ' � V � � � �. � . .. , . � i`�N� � ' - .�,�,� .}r� w_ , "�'�., . � - ' . . ... x( ' . - ,� 4�. �'�'Y .. . . . . �, � I ' ' ('M�' � . , . . .+:� � °�,' '�`HE CIT�Y �+�1F RENTC3N � � MUNICiPAL BUi�O1NG 200 MiLi.AVE.SO. RENTt3N,WASH.98055 �,".: ,�„ , _ : � i•, � ; � AVEitY GARRETT,MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD ��Y �: +Q�� � CITY CLERK v . .. � � , r�o sEP��� Cto1¢ol�•r 4, 197a ,, � °,�;:-. a�gsp#a �fp� Ll�a+� �te. .. � �. 2?S�i 1t�►s�l��cnp M'a� a�sii�►tns. tr�► $��O�t , • , . : x . l�tt�a+�i�ari e �ts,� ��►ae tass - �iqbt-e���»Ms�,`�ta�isg�r , . � ' � Ass IEnY�ra�rulmal xepaot S�a�i�ssal� � .� � ti�IItliatia i , � -. " - � . =A� fk�ntan Cl.fa� 4o�aua�31, at i�• ��qal"�►�r �s:�iag o! ' Ootsob�s ,l, t!M'f�e. har cc�a�utsssd ia tb*.;, r+�c�a4lR4�►��a�• o� t�b� llisra�.�q' �ap�rt�at a�;ad 1�h� �oo�iwaLti�r 8isvicas Cossl�t�i• ar! !��"'t�tro�o:�l �'bit tb• � s�p�iai��,' ��.lst! +�ritb t�b• � � � Ci�x bp Jo��rs �i�rs�t�►a�s, tac. is nat atl�qna�• to b• i+�+�0'��tltl i� �!s s#1f��qilt�i�'11C�� I���@� ���IG�i�#!�:«',., .'�`li• Co�soail ha• �tl►s��rit+� .tAat t�s• aapaal� �►� ��r1��rataad to xou� oarapanY a�e�o��.��3�!/. (', 1t� s�tv�tn EA* doo�N;+�at b��s��ri�3�, aias� xitch tia��tnq � � � Git�a�ta��n1� isa�cr�taridos oog�c�rnia� 1�hs► ooat+�A�• and oo�a�st�tf � ' �"iTalllt� th�tsl�O'. � ll�+s�ri. aa�taat �d. �sdo�a X. sricka�a, i�.laas�iaq Di�r�otor. i ' !or t'usth+��r !n!'o�rwti��a�► in a�qarlt +�a ���► ra�t�rs o�► �3�-�li50. i, ,� . , � Vsary tru�p yoai�s, � � 4Z'�Y' Qa �!'C?1t I � . > � ! I �� ,,L�'�° I � . D�loar�� #. 1Cr��t � I I� Clk� Cl�xlt � D��l t��. , � � ss��.oati:.i � � � . - . � � C , � � } � � � � � � N � .. , , . . . , �,...� '�''... . .. . ., -. , . ' f,-,:i���� .. .. . �. , �• �7� ���l� �S� j�'�' '`" � , '�,_.,.•- �� , , ,,•, � x , t;,) 1,. $ �_�.'4.i�.�n3 1)F:.. A�.�`;��F:''d'� ea [2k:.'ti �i():ti, 43�`,''�..-?,_I''i"x-r'7iP}^7 � Z � � � Ml°NICIF`AL �3UflD'PJ(; �A NEN7nN. 'J.�S�IStJ(;}(�N 98055 ,� ?zi_Z�SI� �d. �A����F �`���� � ��,�.. �'�'��..����, D s�� , , , , . , September 20 , 1973 T0: Councilman William J. Grant Chairman, Community Services Committee � Councilman Henry E, Schellert, Member � Councilman Richard M. Stredicke, Member FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director SUBJECT: August 14 , 1973 Report Submitted by Jones Associates on Olympic Pipe Line Proposal The Planning Department has reviewed the above report as you requested. It is the opinion of the Department that the report is not adequate to be accepted as an environmental impact statement (EIS) ; however, it would be an adequate environmental assessment. The accepted format for an EIS is not followed. Some pertinent sections of an EIS are mentioned very briefly and others are not included such as unavoidable adverse effects . The information that was presented was usually general and should be quantified in terms that are readily understandable to government officials and lay people. More specific cor,►ments are as follows : • Page Paragraph Comment 1 3 The paragraph should quantify what the demand is and projected to be. Any projected demand should be for a given year or period. This is to help answer the question whether a 20-inch line will be adequate in a few years . What proportion of the market in the Seattle metropolitan area is the pipeline intended to serve? 2 1 A generalized map showing the complete route would be helpful as Renton is only a portion of the project. 2 1 The third sentence should be expanded to discuss the probable range of operating pressure and temperature so a feeling of the use and potential danger of the facility can be determined. � � Councilman Grant, et al -2- September 20 , 1973 Page Paragraph Comment 2 1 The last sentence should s�ecify who will test the facility and their qualifications . Also, whether this is an accepted testing procedure should be reviewed. 2 2 The proposed facility is supposed to be constructed to federal, state and local regulations . These regulations should be reviewed in understandable non-technical terms . 2 2 Item (1) should review what cover requirements are and how the standards are to be exceeded . 3 3 Item (4) should expand of� the type and freguency of detection devices . 3 3 Item (4) in the next to the last sentence should state what the industry standards are and how these standards are exceeded. . 3 4 In the first sentence, it is the responsibility of the City to determine significance. 3 4 The second sentence should cite a percentage of probable risk over a period of time. 4 1 Statistics on spills due to corrosion should be included such as quantity of spill , time to discover and repair, etc. in the first sentence. 4 1 In the second sentence, what is a moderate or large spill should be stated . 4 2 In the first sentence, what is "100o cathodic protection? 4 2 In the second sentence ��hat "past experience" is should be clarified. This should state what length of time and for what projects . 4 6 Item (3) should state what portion of the system will be patrolled. More information should he included on this . There should be some figures on miles of pipeline per employ for patrolling and safety considerations . 5 2 Item (6) , second sentence should expand on the criteria to determine where valves are needed. � � Councilman Grant, et al -4- SeptemUer 20 , 1973 I Page Paragraph Comment I 9 1 In the first sentence, there should be more I' discussion on why certain developments discouraged those portions of the route. ', 9 4 Wasn 't the gas storage facility a factor in ��, the decision to eliminate SR 515 as a route? 9 5 The third sentence should discuss potential , disaster question of completed pipeline I through residential area . ! 9 5 In the last sentence , has the Park Department �I indicated it would accept the land? i 10 1 In the first sentence, comparative statistics II� on the safety of various modes of transportation �� should be presented. . � �� _ o . ,�,�� . . Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee report informed Council that the corrunittee Committee Rpt. met with Mr. John Hayes, Project Engineer Da.strict 1 of the Dept, Re Maple Valley of Highways and discussed the Maple Va11ey Highway construction Hwy. Walkway project, being prompted by recent �mplaints on pede:.trian safety, Mx. Hayes reported progress on project, that temporaxy w�lkway slaould be available by Octc.7er 3, with permanent one available in six weeks, weather permitting. Mr. Robert Butts Committee member Perry, presented Public Works Committee report LCAG 1364-6B recommending five-year extension be granted as reque.sted by Mr. Public Works Robert Butts for Late Comers Aqreement 1364-68 with the City on the Comrni.ttee Rpt. Waterline installation into Newcastle Terrace at S.E. ZOOth P1 . Late Comers Agreement would be extended to 20/1/78 with time exteraded to ZO yrs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOM�fENDATION. CARRIED. Cascade Sewer The Public Works Committee report recommended Council concurrence District Petition in the Board of Public Works report which concurred in the Cascade P-235 Sewer District request to annex City of Renton watershed properties in the Springbrook area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIGIV. OLD BUSINESS Suburban Heights At Councilman Stredicke's request a petition beari�g 22 signatures Highlands Re of homeowners in the Subruban Heights Area of the Renton Highlands Nuisance of whose property adjoins a vacant City-owned public use area, was Motorcycles read, asking the City pass legislation stopping use of the area for zr2otorcycles or motorbikes, and that the area be so posted. Resi- dents being in the 500-600 block of K�rkland and Jefferson Aves�N.E. complained of the noise and dust. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. At Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Finance Directcr Marshall reported the only reimbursements for the recent Municipal Finance Officers Conference in Seattle were for registrations. Renton Historical Corrm�unity Services Committee report submitted by Chairman Grant Society Re recommended that the Renton Historical Society be allowed to use New Location the o1d Highlands Library site in the Highlands Administration Building and that the Park Department be allowed to use the area previously used by the Historical Society upon vacation of the Community ;�ervices totaZ premises by the Engineering Department. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Committee Rpt. SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATIDN. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MATTER OF PREPARATION OF NEW LEASE UNDER TERMS OF PRESENT LEASE FOR HISTORICAL SOCIETY BE REFER- RED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Senior Citizens Councilman Grant reported meeting with Mr. Cenkovich and members of Facility Association of Retireri Persons who have requested larger facility with ample parking. Gi�ant also advised receiving ca11 from Former Mayor Custer, now with Washington State Social and xealth Services, regarding City filing for possible Federal grant for Senior Citizens facility. Administrative Assistant Lynch advised of time limit and that application had been filed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, ��GENERAL SU&TECT OF FUNDS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS BE REFERRED TO BUDGET Olympic Pipeline COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Services report recorrQnended Environmental Environmental Impact Statement submitted by the Olympic Pipe Line Co. be returned Impact Statement as not adequate nor acceptable. MOVED BY ST.REDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Committee Chairman Grant advised the impact statement had been reviewed by the Planning Department and submitted Planning Department report stating the �nadequacies. MOTION CARRIED. Sa1e of Svrplus Councilman Stredicke noted results from sale of surplus vehicles, Vehicles which was authorized at the September 17, 1973 Council meeting, resulted in $7,995.69 net profit to the City as reported by Purchas- ing Agent Church. _ � Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, Z973 Page 6 AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd.S. , and Mr. Lloyd Bowen, 2113 N.E. 6th Pl.,representing Association of Retired Persons asked to be notified of all meetings concerning Senior Citizens. Citizen Reqyest Councilman Grant asked that the Turnbull request, 821 Sunset Blvd. N.E.,be looked into. � ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY 5TREDICKE, COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m. � � J 'F�+��"-t` �.� /f%t�'lr ��`� Delores A. Mead, Ci(ty Clerk r Renton City Council Meeting of 7/15/74 - Page 4 , OLD BUSINESS - Continued . , Goals & Capital Goals and Capital Improvement Comnittee Chairman Grant reported having Improvement met and requested the Mayor's Administrative Assistant to contact the School District Levy Committee prior to recomnendation. Finance Com. Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert reported concurrence Report in request for temporary help in the Planning Department and also requeste� �7ieeting with Mayor's Staff regarding the matter of filling vacancy of Oata Processing Manager. - Transportation Transportation Corrmittee Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee Rpt recommending the City decline offer of Mrs. Regina Putman to lease property for parking purposes on the S.E. corner of S. 2nd and Morris Parking Offer Ave. S. , recommending Downtown Renton Merchants Association be advised Mrs. Putman of offer. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Median Cut The Transportation Comrr;�ttee Report recommended that Mr. Frank Upjohn Request by be advised of the feasibility of his request for left-turn access Frank Upjohn to his property at 3209 N.E. Sunset Blvd. by shortening the existing left-turn lane and that permission for Mr. Upjohn to accomplish this work at his own expense,shall be granted until December 31 , 1974. MOVED BY 'ELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. The Transportation Committee Report recomnended budgeted funds for Renton Hill Grant Ave. S. Extension be allocated for the improvement of streets Street on Renton Hill and that the Legislation Carnnittee prepare legislation Improvement to create local improvement district on Cedar Ave. S. from S. 3rd St. to S. 9th St. , S. 4th St. from Mill Ave. S. to Cedar Ave. S. , and portions of S. 5th St. and S. 6th St. and connecting alley. Upon Council inquiry as to amount of funds, Public Works Director noted $50,000 from 1/2Q gas tax and $30,000 from Forward Thrust, totaling $80,000. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY LEGISLATION. CARRIED. Transit Usage Transportation Comnittee Report recommended that the Legislation Study Committee be requested to prepare resolution authorizing Mayor to sign application for Transit Usage Study funds. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. (See earlier communication) Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report which Committee Rpt. recommended renewal of the Airport's $1 ,000,000 liability insurance Insurance policy through Dan B. Hauff & Associates and the Airport's fire insurance coverage through William F. Davis Insurance Agency which covers buildings X-33, X-4 X-12 X-13 and X-16; policy cost is $1 ,856.87 for fire and $1 ,315 for liability insurance. The Committee Report also recommended the matter of a $5,000,000 umbrella liability cover- age for the City be referred to the Finance Corrnnittee for reconsidera- tion of the extent of liability necessary for the City's overall policy. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE PAYMENT OF AIRPORT INSURANCE POLICIES AND REFERRAL OF THE P�IATTER OF UMBRELLA LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. L. I.D. 286 MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BE REQUESTED TO OBTAIN UP-DATE ON HEALTH DEPARTMENT RATING OF SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD FAILURES IN THE KENNYDALE AREA OF L.I.D. 286. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported notification by the Finance Department that expenditures to date total $1 ,944 out �f Abmulance $2,400 for ambulance service, in the 1974 Budget; balance of $456 Service may be sufficient for August and September payments. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. Councilman Perry asked opinion whether or not Council approved, �egal agreement existed between City and ambulance company for payments on City initiated calls. City Clerk asked to research and forward material to City Attorney. CARRIED. � Water Skiing Councilman Schellert asked Park Director re citizen's complaint on & Other Sheriff prohibiting water skiing in traditional ski areas. Councilman Stredicke inquired re citizen's complaint of ineter at Highland's tennis courts, and noted street light burning continuously on N.4th Extension. r ���� � I Rentan City Cauncil Minutes Meeting of 7f15l74 - Page 3 = � CORRESPONDENGE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Olympic Pipe Letter from Olympic Pipe Line Co. presented supplementary agreement Line Co. to the existing franchise which specifies conditions a�reed upon . for the la.ying of the new 20" pipeline. also noting payment of $13,720 in franchise fees specified in the agreement. Council President Clymer urged completian af necessary legislation in order that Olympic Pipe �ine Co. could proceed with construction. MOVED . I BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TQ THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. . Transit Usage Letter from Public Warks Director Gonnason submitted :far consideration Study an application for Federal Funding for a "Transit tlsage Study" to determine means to imprave transit service. Letter stated application must be submitted ta the Puget Sound Governmental Conference by ' Ju1y 31 , 1974 in order ta qualify far $20,OQ0 al]ocated by the Urban Mass Transportatiar� Administration for this study; total estimated cost to perform study is $30,OQ0 af which the City must contribute $10,00Q and the intent would be to meet this committment, to a large extent, with Public Works Dept. , Planning Dept. , Human Resources Coordinator and Data Processing Personnel , which is possible under Federal matching programs. Moved by Grant, seconded by 8ruce, Council authorize the Public Warks Director ta ►nake applicat�on to Puget Sound Gavernmental Canference. MOVED SY DELAURENTI, SfCONDED BY C�YMER, AMEND MOTION AND REFER THE FtEQUEST TQ THE TRANSPQRTATION GOMMITTEE, CARRIED. (See later report, ) L. I.D. 284 Letter frc��n Walt Wiechmann protested L.I.D. 2$4, sanitary sewers,area Protest of Jones Ave. N. E. between N.E. 40th and 44th Streets. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS QiRECTOR AND PUBL.iC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Municipal Arts Infarmatianal letter f r�xn Rentan Municipal Arts Ca�rnission expressed Appreciatior� appreciation for additional $15Q included in the 1974 budget which was used to provide 54� matching funds for pragrams would would not have been available to the community otherwise; programs included appleheacl doll making, magician, folksinger and puppet shows. Request for Letter from Public Warks Directar Gonnasan requested resolutian Transfer of to accanpiish intra-account transfers fram Street Forward Thrust Funds and tlrban Arteriai Baard Fund to Saiaries and Wages, being necessary as the salary amaunts far temporary UAS e�nplayees were estimated for ' 14 Budget an the basis of several projects being completed by the end of 1973, however, have extended. MQUEQ BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLER7, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TQ THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Claim for Claim for Damages by Mrs. Florence V. Swanson, 115 Wells Ave. S. , Damages was read, aileging broken sewer lines due ta installation af under- �. U. Swansan ground wiring. MOVED BY SCNELLERT, 5ECONDEO BY DELAl1RENTI, REFER CLAIM T4 CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. OLp BUSINESS Public Works Gommittee Chairman Bruce submitted request to attend the 1974 Public 1974 American Public Warks Congress and Equipment Show in Toranto, Works Congress Ontario, from September 14-19, 1974. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE REQUEST. CARRIED. Com�unity Camnunity Services Canmittee Chairman Grant submitted camnittee repart Services Rpt. reeornmending preparation of resolutian ta meet requirements of the fo1- lawing five points as outlined by the Soil Conservation Service: {] � Green River Maintain 110 acres wetland habitat; (2) Development permits with Green P-1 Channel River Flood Cantrol 2one District, require landscape plan, 2� of land Project by involved be industry managed to produce wildlife habitat and that land U.S. Soil not used be managed as wildlife open-space until developed; (3} Pre- Conversation serve or repiace wildlife habitat along affected channels with SCS Service assistance; (4} Provide fish passage thraugh structural measures with SGS assistance; {5) Adapt and enfarce land use plan consistent with policy of Puget Sound Gove�nmental �onference or Regional Planning Author�ty having jurisdiction before Public Law 566 funds are expended for independent system. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDEO BY STREDICKE, REFER COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. . ��_ __,. � t Renton City Council Meet; Minutes af 7/22/74 - Page � OLD BUSINESS - Continued t!.S. Sai 1 Legi s 1 ati an Comni ttee repart noted conmi ttee rev i ew of the Cvmr�uni ty Conservation Services Gommittee recomendations an the Soil Conservat�on P-3 5ervice - Green Channel Project Agreement and recorrmends that a resolution be adapted, River Valley MQVED BY SGHELLERT, SEGONDED BY DELAURENTT, �COUNCIL GQNCUR IN THE REPQRT AND REFER THE MATTER 70 THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. ' Councilman Schellert noted the City Council is in support of terms of the agreement with the exception that no financial obligation sha11 be entered into without the City Council giving authorization, �, and requested the record so indicate. MOTION CARRIED. (See later actian} C.B.D. Praject At Cauncilman Stredicke's inquiry, Fublic Warks Director Gannason nated downtown redevel e � opm nt project would be campleted in three months with � all poles removed and final clean up by 4ctober 22, 1974, and that I Frank King is being retained as Project Manager because of his knowledge � I and background. � I NEW BUSINESS I � Budget Council President Clymer asked Caunciimen to sumbit any suggestions � j Preparation Time or antici.pated expenses for the i975 legislatian budget prior ta I mid August. , I Trees Qbstruct Counci]man Bruce asked that drooping tree limbs be cut to improve � Visian visibi7ity at intersectiQns in the Highlands area. MOUED 8Y CLYMER, � SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MATTER OF FINANCIAL IMPACT QF CARE OF I Future Maintenance TREES BE �EFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR STUDY. � Clymer noted it may be better to be forwarned as to cost in older cities for removal of 1�eaves, unclogging sewers and other preventive maintenance of trees. CARRIED. Gambiing Ordinance Upan Counci] inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised the gambling ordinance would become effective five days after publication, or July 3] , that the ordinance was subject to terms of initiative and referendum clause for 3q days from the date of passaqe af the ordi- nance as pertains to prohibiting activities. Shelian further noted the State would be furnished copy of the ordinance and would be advised of the City's action invaking iocal option and banning _ punch baards. L. I.D. 287 M4VED BY PERRY, 5ECQNDEp BY BRUCE, BEFORE 7HE PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 5. 1974, F'OR SEWER L.I.D. 287 IN TtiE KENNYDALE AREA, REFER TNE�SUB- JECT MATTER QF THE L.I.D. TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FQR STUOY OF COST AND ALTERNATIVES. CARRIED. Caty Landscaping MOVED BY SCNELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE QUESTION OF ES'fABLISHING Nursery A CITY NURSERY BE REFERRED TO THE PUSLIC WORKS CpMMITTEE. Cauncilman Stredicke explained any damaged plants should be reptaced with thase . of same age and character. Schei]ert nated this is po3icy decisit�n. CARRIED. Creative Arts Councilman Stredicke noted over 5,000 people attended Creative Arts Festival Festival and Art Show at Renton Center iast week end and suggested one member from each arganization be appointed ta the Bi-Centennial Committee. Mayor Garrett acknawledged suggestion. �--' . VOUCNERS APPRQVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reccxnmended Councii autharize #5112-5256 Q.K. payment af Vouchers 5112 through 5256 in the amaunt of $129,66Q.Q7 #5Q99-5111 Yaided (#5099 - 5111 vQided), having received departmental certification as to receipt af inerchandise and services. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, , SECONDED BY DELAUR�NTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. i ORDINANCES AND RESOI.UTIONS Legislatian Committee Member Schellert presented an ordinance for first reading appraved by minority of the cammittee, which arders . canstruction and installatian of sanitary sewers in the vicinity of ' Ordinance No. 2$68 p��� Ave. N. , Meadaw Ave. N. & fAI 405 between N. 40th and N. 28th ` L. I.D. 2$6 Sewers Streets in Kennydale. MOVED 8Y SCHELLER7, SECQNDED BY PERRY, THE ���ny���� __ ORDINANCE BE P�ACED ON FIRST READING. Public hearing was held 7/15. Ordering MOTION CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Construction $ECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCI� SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SfCOND AND FINAL READINGS. Upon inquiry, City Clerk Mead noted the L. I.D. was extended over 10 year period far repayment. MOTIqN CARRIED. Foilowing readings, it was MOVED BY SCHEL�ERT. SECONDED BY �UC� COUNCIL ADQPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLl. CALL: �-AYE: CLYMER,SCNELI.ERT BRUCE, PERRY AND DELAURENTI; 2-N0: GRANT AND STREDICKE. CARRIEp. , Renton City �ouncil Minu _, Meeting of 7/22/74 - Paae 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT' Visitors Mayor Garrett introduced Mr. Lowell Smith with Scout Troup 493 of the Hillcrest School . Mr. Smith introduced each scout and noted troop working toward Community Service badges. APPOINTMENTS Letter �f Mayor Garrett appointed Del Bennett to the position of Airport Director for the City effective July 17, 1974. Moved by Airport Director Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, Council concur in appointment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER APPOINTMENT TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Planning Letter ofi Mayor Garrett announced the following reappointments to the Comnission Planning Commission; recent ordinance reduced terms of inembers from 6- years to 4 years: Anthone R. Mola, 516 S. 15th, member since 1/68, term expiring 1/1/78. Don Humble, 360 Stevens, member since 1/70, term expiring 1/1/78. Bylund Y. Wik, 2616 N.E. l�th St. , member since 11/72, term expiring 1/1/77. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ;�UNCIL REFER APPOINTMENTS TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTE.E. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, Mayor Garrett noted that the terms of Planning Commission Members P. Sey��our and C. Teeyarden expire the end of this year. Library Board Letter of Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Jay S. Ford to the Library Board for a 5-year term expiring 6/1/79, replacing Ken Zehm whose appointment expired 6/1/74. Mr. Ford lives at 679 Union N.E. is employed by The Boeing Co. as buyer and is recently received his master's degree at Seattle University. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, APPQINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Mayor Garrett noted the 5-year term was statuatory requirement for the Board. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS � Tne Loop Councilman Clymer noted Channel 4 coverage of the "Loop" resulted in crowd on Saturday night. Discussion ensued on history of "buzzing the Barrel ," alternate activities and traffic computer as means of control . MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, SUBJECT MATTER OF THE "LOOP" BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO INVESTI- GATE RECREATIONAL ALTERNATIVES AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Councilman Grant Councilman Grant noted first reading 10/1/73 of an ordinance regarding Renton Planned Unit Development and requested join+ ;�Q�+�n� ,,,;+h Legislation Committee and Attorney for review of ordinance. Cu�;�;�;; - man Grant asked for review by the Public Works Department of traffic signals, especially between the Highlands and downtown, including the Maple Valley Y; also suggesting the Transportation Comnittee review control of signals on State highways within the City. Mayor Garrett asked Pub1�c Works Director Gonnason to check. Gonnason reported the computer operation on signal systems is partially in operation now. Finance Comnittee Finance and Personnel C;�nv��ittee Chairman Schellert submitted committee Sartori School report concurring in the Finance Director's recarnmendation for Senior Citizens transfer of funds from unused Building Dept. salary ui�to Park & Recr,�?t,,;n Program Senior Citizens ' Recreational Services providingcustodian and e�era�- ing co�ts for Sartori School . Amount of transfer recommended is $7,433. The report recommended referral to the Legislation Comnittee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report Committee Rpt. recomnending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Olympic Pipe Line Company agreement, subject to approval by the City Olympic Pipe Line Attorney. The report recommended a revision be made, adding the Co. Agreement term "finish grade" to the section on "Trails. " MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. Councilmen Schellert noted donation by Olympic Right of Way Agent, Max Farr, of property valued in excess of $10,000 which gives access to the marshland. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant excused himself from the Council Chambers and took no part in this matter. MOVED by SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUSPEND RULES AND PRESENT RESOLUTION GRANTING ADDITIONAL PIPE LINE INSTALLATIONS TO THE OLYI�PIC PIPE LINE COMPANY. CARRIED. Following reading of the resolution authorizing the May or and City Clerk to execute agreement, it was MOVED BY DELAUR Resolution 1921 DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT ftESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. � � �� ' �� . �-/�� � I OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY � 27b0 NORTHRUP WAY,BELLEVUE,WA 98004 July 12, 1974 Legislative Committee Ctty Council C1ty of �enton Renton. �laahington 98055 Attentlon: Richard M. Stredicke Henry E. Schallert George Perry Res O��pic P1pe Line Compan�r - Addittonat Line Gentlemen: Encicaed are three copies .of the form of Agreement prepared by the City Attorn�y in co�sultatio� with our atto rney, duly slgned by Olympic Pipe Line Company. Also enclosed ts our check in the amount of $13,720, payable to the Director of Finance, City of Renton, in pay�ent of the tranchise fee specified in the Agreement. We are also enclosing the executed original of the Deeds to the lots specified fn the Agreement. The AgreemQnfi is supplementary to the existing franchise held� by 41y�ptc, pursuant ta Ordinance No. 2120, and specifles the conditiona agreed upon between our company and the City for the laying of the nsw 20" pipeline pursuant to the basic authorization set forth in that fraachise. At the City Attorney' s suggestion, we have requested that thi s �aatter be placed on the agenda for the Ci ty Co unc i 1 meeti ng of Mondat�, July 15, 1974, for the adoption of an appropriate resolution. We would appreclate your consideration ot this matter. Yery truly yours, OLYPIPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY c ����� �G�__ __'� .. 22J Ma x a rr Right of Way Manager MFarr:b�b cc: City Clerk � , , _ . 1 i <� " , . ' � "r � — __ f -- , . •=' -- � � � z.�w OFF'IGES BOGLE,GATES,DOBRIN,WAKEFIELD � LON� °e�LE ��R�SS I "B04LE SEATTLE" EDWApD G DOBFIN GERHAROT MORRI$ON OI.LE B.KfAMERMAN I STANIEY B IpNG JOHN T.pIPEi1 EDWARD M/.RCMIpAID � R09ERT W.GRAiiAM TMOMAS J MZKEY JAY H.ZUlAUF IA.QSI eH`Z�ESSLSl � CMARLES�.O.SBORN EDWAaO G LOWFY,III BETTINA B.PIEVAN THOMAS I�MORR4W JQHN P.SVlt1YAN STEVAN Q.PHI(,�IPS TELEX: 38-8961 ORl6 B.NELtOGG OVSTIN C.M��REhRY RiCMARD M.CIiNTON MAk ICAMINOi'p RONALD T.SCNAPS MICNAEI S.COVRTNAGE I R09ERT V.+iOttANp MlKC�il[4.3R. ,JAME$C.FAICONEit J.TYCER HVLI. WIILIAM I..PnRYtER J.CARI MUNOi � � ARTNVR G.GpUNN� DAN P.MUNGA7E MARI J.EGE I RONAF.D E.M�NINSTRT }p}�N C,COUGNENOVR GYOBERT S.JAKFE ' EDWAHD C.BIELE PMII.IP I(.SWEIGERT OON J.vOGT A RICMAFb 5�51�RAGUE PETER M.ANDERSON MICNAEI.W,pUNDY 1'�l�� FLOOR N012TON �UILDING � iRWi/i L.�REIY,.EA H.GRafiAM GA�SER J.MICHAEL EMERSON PAVL W.5TEERE K DAVID LINDMEit CHARLES R.BLUMENFELO �i w}� �a OONALD l SOHNSON DAV D�M.SA[iNT NE JAMES A.SMSTN�W�AITE S1iAT.iL.0 DON PAUL BADGLEV THOMAS C.O'HAR� THOMAS C.GORES �y 1-��a+�y{ /y PEtER D.BYRNES ROBERT Q.NAptAN KIMB£RLY W.08EtiBAUCiH WASj��Z,V}VN Clvi1lQ � `o�Ns�` July 12, 19 7 4 i LAWRENCE 80G1E I CLAUDE [.WANEFIE4D M.BAYARD CRUTCHER �i � FRANI[t.M£CHEM �DW.3.FRANK4�N I � � Gerard M. Shellan, Esq. I City Attorney I P. 0. Box 626 I00 Secand Avenue Building , Ren�on, Washington 98055 Re: Olympic Pipe Line Company - Additional I Lines - City of Renton Dear Gexry: ` Thank you for your letter of July llth. We have made the changes in the Agreement suggested in your letter, � as detailed in the memarandum af Ms . Lankford, In yaur absence from the offa.ce an July 12th, we canferred by telephane with �he City Clerk's af�'ice and have delivered a capy af the final revised Agreement �o that i office, with the request that the matter be p3aced on the agenda �or the City Council meeting of Monday, July 15th. We will have the executed Deeds and a check for the franchise fee in hand a�. that meeting and a Ci�y Councilman will be requested ta make the apprapriate motion to adopt a resalu- tian fa�ma7.izing the Agreement. We have deleted �rom sectian 5 , page 4 of the enclosed Agreement the words "and CITY shall be responsible for al1 further construction, maintenance and upkeep af such trail system ance grading has been accom�alished by GR.ANTEE, " ' We have inser�ed the period of sixty days in the blank space in section 5. I � � �,,• � ,_ i BOGLE,�H�r,S,DOBRIN,WAKEFIELD &LONG Gerard M. Shellan, Esq. July 12, 1974 Page Two At Ms . Lankford' s suggestion, we have also deleted the last paragraph of section 10 which eliminates any need to attach an Exhibit G. We believe this matter can now be finally concluded and we have appreciated your efforts in finalizing the Agree- ment. Very truly yours , BOGLE, GATES, DOBRIN, WAKEFIELD & LONG , Richard S. Sprague Enclosures cc: Mr. Max Farr James R. Kinzer, Esq. Ms . Joan A. Lankford City Clerk' s Office - Renton �� I , ., . . .�-- �, i (�'� �1 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY I�� V �y p�,� "�„1"I 2750 NORTHRUP WAY, BELLEVUE,WA 98004 .. •-���f�'J' � �-�7 June 20, 1974 1-; � � � f;� . , �� k+� tR�T TJ �, / � f� , ,� �, ��� a.:l�' k.» ��9�! �r'� �_. i'i '.�..� Ms . Joan Lankford %' City of Renton Planning Dept. Municipal Building Renton , Washington 98055 Dear Joan : Enclosed herewith are copies of Olympic ' s right of way easements show- ing the legal descriptions of our proposed 20-inch pipeline for your information on the following tracts in the City of Renton as shown on our Drawing No. 5-110-30: R/W No. KI -224 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Width of R/W 10 ' R/W No. KI -225 The Sanwick Corporation Open width R/W and lies entirely within the boundaries of .the exist- ing power line easement R/W No. KI-226A Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Width of R/W 10 ' R/W No. KI -226B Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Width of R/W 10 ' R/W No. KI-226C Puget Sound Power & Light Co. �didth of R/W 10 ' R/W No. KI -228A Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Width of R/W 10 ' R/W No. KI -228B Puget Sound Power & Light Co . Width of R/W 10 ' R/W No. KI-234A Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Width of R/W 20 ' R/W No. KI-'L34B Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Width of R/W 20 ' If further information is needed , please do not hesitate to contact. �, _____ S i n c e r e 1 y, OF R�N� � � � aECEIV�� �` ����� —. ; � V Max Fa rr ���y ��ii�7� Right of Way Manager MFarr : bjb � Encl osures '0 '"�w�4+ �9�N'N QP�,� G DE -- � . � , �_ � ' _r_. �' R/W N�. KI-224 ` �� . E A S E M E N T �� w THIS INDF.NTURF, made this�day c,�f ��j.�:�<�y�G�-�/ , 1973, ;y.� betk�een PUGET SOU�vD POZ:�R & LIGHT CO:�A.tiY, a j�'ash�'ngton corporatien, herein called �r• "Grantor.", and GLY:IPIC PIPL LI.�� CO.�PA�dY, herein cal�ed "Grantee". �r � � � � idITNESSETEI: � '. ., _� ---, �- That in cor.sideraticn of the sur� n�1►�����i��� Do].Iars ���w'�+r-iri;iiii_�� in ha�i 1 7 i��. ii_i..�i:�t G{ �n'�l � ( i; ].ti }�?�'P�-�V ��'��_i�(1i,7�('IiJr'(� ; .7i�.� . ��P _ r-r— formance by Grantee or the co��enants hereiiiafrc�r s^t forr.�, Grantor herebq �rants unto Grantee, without warranty of any kind, a right of way not exceeding 5 feet in width on ea h sidz of the center �' ���� _. � y. , ,.1.1�...h.e���x..de.s&�.ii�d, for the construc_- tion, maintenar�c� and operation af a petroleum pipe line within and across the following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington to wit: That portion of the SW4 of Section 16, Township 23 North, � � . Range 5 East, W.M. �'-������ti��� � \ �I The _center line of said facility shall be located as follows: " ` . - -_ � .a - 1 �. . . �� Co�nencing at the SE corner of said SW4; thence N 89°00'48" W along the S line of said Section 23, a distance of 232.60 � � feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N 37°32'36" E, . a distance of 7.03 feet; thence N 52�27'42" E, a distance of 24.00 feet and the terminus of said ten foot tract of land; thence S 83°24'08" E, a distance of 210.65 feet to the SE corner of the SW4 of said Section 16 and the point of beginning. r This easement is granted on the following terms and con�itions: ' 1. Said facility shail consist of a single line of pipe or conduit not over twenty inches inside diameter buried at least three feet below the nat- ural surrac� of ths ground at all poinrs. Grantee agrees to install and maintain substantial perrianent markers at appropriate places on the right of way hereby granted suffici.ent to give notice to all persons of the location of Grantee`s buried facilit}=. 2. Gr«ntee agrees fulJ.y to ir.demn�fy Grantor and save and defend and hold it t�armless against and from all claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabiiiti�s o-� any ef them in any way connected with �he right of way herein granted by GranLor. , 3. Grantee hereby assu:�es all risl: of l�ss or damage includin� damage or injury to person_s or property which may be su£fered by Gru�tee resulting from , Grantor's u.se o� said la^d and any of its equipment thereon, e�cept damage or injury whlch is the proximate resu�t of neg?igence of Grantor. , its servar�ts or agents. 4. The right hereby grantec� shall cease and dEtermine whenever Grantee shall 'na��e permanently abandor.ed the use of said facility and upor_ such abandoi�ment G'ra:�iee sliall remove its iacility ann restore the premises to as goad a coT�ditiez� as they were in prior to the construction of said facility. � � - � , '� '� , � � 5. Grantee shall have reasonable right of ingress and egress over adjacent lands of Grantor, in arder ta exercise the rights herein granted. 6. Grantee agrees to pay any and all taxes assessed against its said facility and shall reimburse Grantor for any increase in taxes payable by Grantor which is based upon an increase in land valuarion accasioned by the installation and maintenance af Grantee's said facility, 7. Grantee agrees to install said pipe line in such a rnanner so as nat to interfere with poles, guys, ar any ather facilities of Grantor. $. Grantor reserves the right ta use said premises far its own gurpases in any way. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grantor reserves the right at any time and from time to time to construct ar reconstruct electric lines (whether AC or DC, whether now existing or hereafter to be con"structed} and related structures, or rapid transit and related facilities, upan the premises, If in the opinion of Grantor, any such structure would be endangered, or inter- £ered with, by Grantee`s pipe line or portion thereof, Grantee shall promptly relocate and reconst�uct said pipe Iine or portion thereaf upan and across said prem�ses to the depth and along the route specified by Grantor, such relocation and reconstruction t� be at Grantee's sole expense and risk. If Grantor's use necessarily damages Grantee's fa�il�t�esi Grantee shal2 have na claim ar right of reimbursement against Grantor for such damage. 9. Granzor reserves the right to grant rights in the premises ta ather persons pravided such rights so granted are not inconsistent with the rights � herein granted ta Grantee; provided, haweve.r, that Grantar may grant ta any such i person a right of access across any part of �aid premises and if Grantee's pipe line or any partion thereof will in Grantor's opinion interfere with tl�e con- structi_on, reconstruction, maintenance ar use of such right of access, then at Grantor�s request Grantee shall promptly relocate and recanstruct said pipe Iine ar portion tt�ereof upon and acrass sai� premises to the depth ar a2ang the route specified by Grantor, such relocatian and recanstruction to be at Granteets sole expense, If the exercise of rights sa granted damages Grantee's facilities, � Grantee shall have no claim or right af reimbursement against Grantor for sach damage. 10. If the Grantee, its successors or assigns makes an excavation � in the Grantor's property, it shall without delay restore the surface as nearly I ; as practicable to the same condiCian as it was in before the doing of such work. I 11. No assignment of the grivileges and benefits accruing to the � Grantee hereunder, by operatian of law or otherwise, shall be valid without the � , grior writterY consent of the Grantar. � � I2. The lacation of said right af way is shown on Map No. F-818 * dated April , 19 73, prepared by ����;��;��ine Comnanv , copy of • wh�ch is attached hereto and by Chis re�erence made a part hereof. IN WZTNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed by the parties hereto as of the day and year first above writCen. PUGET SOUND FOWER & LIGHT COI�'ANY Attest: : By 1�°�� '-,,�..,-. ���"EH-=��� r;����,�����{�23� I GRANTOR � Attes : • 1 , . //fl�x2-�.�r�-C pLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPA2v'Y L �. � C",���1� ��-�..�cE:—��� � � . , —, i � '---�-- -`-- -.,..�t�----� __ � .�,---�"l • `.-..-....... _ 1 Vice President GRANT�E - 2 - = I I I �L � , , w, f � ' ' � ' . . ` � ACK23Q'dL,EDG�IENT OF CQRPORATE GFcA,NTOR STATE OF WASflINGTON , SS. COUNTY OF KING � On this �'_-�/ day af ''.,�� ,%�� , 1973, before me, the under-- signed Notary Public, personally appeared ;�r � � .r � f �^ ti�i;; f. $�� I ta me known to be the.Fti�qS;FR - REAL ESTA�`� ���'���� I ,e�-._ �ee�re�r�;-�e�peeta.-vely of Puget Saund Power and Light I Company, the carporata.on that executed the within and foregoing instr.ument, and ackrtowledged the said instrument ta be the free and valuntary act and deed of said I cor'poration, for the uses and gurpases therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ��e=��-e authorized ta execute the said instrument and-tk��t-tlae-se.,�-�--a-�f�.xed--is-tY�e .�e �per-at}a�-. , WITNESS my hand and afficial seal affixed the day and qear in this certi- ficate above written. , ,,,,! .... ,� ���' �=: `� �` � , � ;�, Natary Public in and f�r Che $tate t�f Washington, residing at --�-�« ��'��.- ACKNOS+TLEDGEMENT qF CQRPORATE GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. C4UNTY OF iCING . . On this o�d � day of /1� , 1973, befare me, the under- signed Notary Public, personal y a�peared I. I. Kamar ��� � J. V. Walmer to me known to be the Vice President and Assistant Secrctary, respecCively of Olympic PIpe Line Campany, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged � the said instrument to be the f ree and voluntary act and deed of said corporatian, for the uses and purpases therein mentianed, and on aath stated that they are § autharized to execuCe the sasd instrument and that the seal affixed is the cc�rporate , seal of said corporat3.on. ,. WITNESS my han.d and official seal affixed the day and year in this. certifi- cate above written. . • , . Notary ub 1 c in and for the State -� of Was ington, residing at %���- � � ' - � � - i4 . _ g _ I - _-�.� ; -- - - *,'Y �..' . �Y � . -. . _ . . . . _ . +N �� � . . . . , . Y , . . _ . N • Y I � . � _ � , � � S�"C. /�, T 2,;��/, R 5 E � fc'/l�lG CO., 6��A SH. _ ,� . � , i--�-, �'H/ q�' iff/� _ \ ��__ �qU�EF -_� ��°AC/FjG. S'T'o'QU� $ -_ Cpqsl.� �'qC/Fj�. '-��, R{y y -�__ ----� _`\ . - �--� �� _ �.,� � `"a '`�� - v�,� Property o,f .� �, � PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGNT CO. D�' �2� h/ , 552� 27'42" lN, 24' i �� �3 ip� � � 2� P. /. 3844 f3/6 � � ,� _ S37'32' 3G'�V, 7.03' �� ���`�_ ��/ Pi-o,00scd 20" Pi;oe Lii�c � +�-��'N89` '48`iY� . � Exisfii�y /6" Pi;c� Lihe�,.._��� 23� `Q�\\\ . � L�� ,�- -- . � 'p \ . � \ • � � DEFENSE PLANT CORP. �, Rl6HT OF WAY �I 3/' _/86 G Roa"s N. B. Ho. ,.-- ------ Pp•---_ _ _ �.__ ____-- �__K��✓G-------- Cou�+tp, 54cte of _�QS�1��LQ�_.� Rr_�er .E:%- 2�4 S-//D-29 i I `'E�'�" ER'c R. ---� T-'�OPOSED PROf�/JCTS /�/PEL l/1�'E � f`--- .�, � �af.av+N ��'j /!,s" j # '"--�--- CR�SSll1/6 THE �ROPERT Y OF — � I.r_�� t C_}iECKf p. - -------1--- PUGET SOUND POWER � LlGHT C0. I I � ._. �__ RI'r'ROVE� UATF _ .� ` � i � OLYMP'!C PIPE L.1NE COMPANY II '— ---""`—`— ' 6EP.TTL[�WA$HiNOTON �----� --- ' •---t— ---— _.._._.._� , . _«..�, s . � � . ._. .,.______,_.__._ _: . , 1 - `� _ � ' KI-225 , _ _ _ R��� No. , . ' �b c9=�3� RIGHT OF WAY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON � Councy of KING O J FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of che sum of ��"'��One HundrP�. � DTO 1��'�'��'� Dollars - - , � �g100.00 ), che receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, C7 C") The S'anw�ck Corporation� formerly the Viking Investment Corpor�.tion �`' :,z200 Sixth Avenue �, �,attle� ��Ia,sinington � �_ ' - ----� ' '- �DA*tiTi�A i--t;-'t-- --- '- ----� ,�,'-- L--'�" -- � .__ � ns Vun��.� �'���.Y,.,' . �'..'•..�..... . •�'... ... ..., �. �. ....� ... ... .��� ....., �.�..� b. ... a.�u �.ia. ..� •'. LINE G4MPAN1', a Delaware corporation, with a permic to do business in cl�e State of Washing[on, its successots • ahd- aesigns, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE, che rights of way, easemencs and privileges to conscrucc, maintain, operace, repair, replace, change the size of, and remove in whole or in parc, a pipe line�#�¢ , for the transportacion of oil and gas, and che products thereof, water, or any other fluid or subscance, wich the necessary fitcings, fixtures, valves, appurtenances, and cathodic protection devices, and the tight to maintain the right of way clear of crees, underbrush, buildings, and other obstruccions, along a route to be selected by Gtantee, on, over, across and chrough che following described propercy situated in the County of�'*��'�'#��'�''�' KING , State of Washingcon: Government Lot 6 a.nd the Northwest tivarter of the �`?orthwest Qu�xter (Ni�� of Nj 4) and the South Half of the rlorthwest �uarter (S-2 of TT;�) lying Northerl,y of the Southerly right of way line of Bonneville Power A.dministration Transmission Line (Rock,y Reach—I�qaple Valley No. 1) Easement, Section 21� Township 23 North, Ran.ge 5 East, ?a.b4. I The rj„�it' � w�.y �,�„ted herein lies entirel,y within the boundasies o�' t.Yi.e ..--.. �..,. .r..._..,._ exis_ tin Bonneville P�t�er Adrr�,ys�,ration_���.�"ss on L�.ne� �D�iahlo—S.e�t.t.l.e) Ea,s� and the proposed pipeline shall be constructed alon� a line design.ated by a survey heretofore na.de� said line being approximately 30 feet Sov.therl,y of and par�,llel with the center line of the existing transmission line structures. The said �rantor reserves� the right to con�truct� maintain a,nd oper�.te domestic roads� sewer lines� gas lines and water lines across the proposed pipeline. Grantee does hereb,y stinulate a.nd a.gree to indemnif,y the lan.downers ancl authorized users and occu.pan.ts a,gainst any liability for loss of life, personal injury and propert,y damage axiaing from the construction, maintenance, occupancy or use of the lands by the applic�.nt� his employees, contractors and their employees� or subcontractors an.d their employees. �lithin a rea...Sonable period of time after the completion of the construction of the pipeline the Grantee rrill provide a pl�.t design.�,ting the location of the pipeline. together with the right of ingress and egress to and from said line,7�� Grantor shall have the right co fully use and enjoy che above described premises, except as to the righcs herein granted. Grancee agrees to pay any damages which may arise to crops, timbet, ur fences of Grantot, re- sulcing from the exercise of the rights herein granted, said damages, if noc mutually agreed upon, to be ascer- tained and determined by three disinterested persons, one thereof tc be appointed by Grantor, one by Grantee, and the third by the two so appointed, and the written award of such three persons shall be final and conclusive. ���+rtc}xixsx�X�.�58C��C1atiiZL�il5�8�tXE��X�iif�C7�:a15�]ft$nY�C��1fYoY� t�igYi4b7CtSi�#y{XI��3l,�� ��j{X1�XXXXYYYXXX'Y'XX'fXYXXY'�'XYXYXXXXX�flfi}�}[�[�Sjyauuiy.��.d. .t�.����'�X�����'�-k"R�'x'� It is agreed that any payment due hereunder may be made direct to Grantors or any one of them. Any pipe line constructed by Grancee, its successors or assigns, across lands under cultivation at the time of construction thereof, shall be buried to such depth as will not interfere with ordinary cultivation. The rights of way, easements and privileges herein granted are each divisible and are each assignable or transferable, in whole or in part. , , • The terms, condicions, and provisions of this grant or any contract resulting from the exercise thereof shall extend eo and be binding uoon che heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties heretq,:-��-•� , PY �u�� �� �;� �r•� . � , '. I4" `'4 ¢'�s�.s� �����"r� �"r .. �,,: �� �;� l,L',�v �����-�.� �n..-�''• '� �3 IN WITNESS WHER�DF,�i1�.Granio�j�i'� ekeyuSpd this instrumenc thi� ' 26 � t�o•.. , t1 �� y� r r��,1, ;�} . day of _ At��'''�.F�� ,'`r,�•�'"'9��•; �`��- ,':.:;� /,j• �,,����,�,v''" ...1���j ';1���=..3 i �.. C.. w`��v���.,` - - r. ,.�,. .,. �y• .•' ATTES'T- �`w�. M� ����JNj� .,?�'9y . . THE SAII'.��ICK CO�jPOR11,�x0'1 . .. . � ` � � , ,-�=>,/'�.-,T� �r 1'� „�:� ..����' � _ �'��ki �,,:�.� .. .. _. ` Zi-na.�, I�Iarshall, Secreta.ry � Robert� Lee� re ,id.e3�t, ;. ;�:i' ��,,� � Y.iP•.�;M'!�� _.'✓.' .! `t;i^ "��i`i' 'S' ' ',� .,..!. , e..:3Tf+S�Ct:�°A t� _^_:'C^?_ r,� � .'� .:�! .''ti'/1 tt'J� f O t�.r 3�C':�F�! .�'ti',`t'r �'' 1 '.t ' - ,.„!�,y�._� ,i.- ���`• ,' .�'i,.. p _ � . _ . . . . _ � - , . , � . . -. . , � , , ., , . . .. .. ..-. .. ',. • . �,<`..x_'. ;a*. ..c.r'`:tir�ic`<, � ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CORPORATE GRAN?OR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF RT�� On thi� 26 day of—�8r�� 19�, before me, the undersigned Necary Public, personally appeared F. Robert Lee and Li nda l'taxshall to me known co be ch� Presidenc and xcretary, respectively of The Sanwick CorAoration , the corporation thac executed the wichin and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary acc and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to exe- cute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and ofEicial seal affized the day and y in s certific ab e ict n. • � , , �� ..�z� /'K> �-'c'7 ry Public in a for c�'Stacc�of Wa�hi.t�gton, ' iding ac Kin County . ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF On chis day personally app�ared before me and ' to be known to be che individual(s) described in and who eaecuted the within and foregoing inscrument and acknowledged chat Signed the same as � � hee and voluntary acc and deed, for the uses and purposes cherein mentioned. , GNEN under my hand and official seal this day of , 19_. • � � Notary Public in and for the Scate of Washington, . . - • tesiding at � � ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL STATE OF WASHINGTON ' • ss. � ' � � COUNTY OF � . • -= On this day personally appeared before mr and to be known co be the individual(s) described in and who execuced che wichin and for�going instrument and acknowledged thar signed che same a� free and voluncary act and deed, for the uses and purposes cherein mencioned. _ _.._ . GIVEN under my hand and official seal chis day of 19—. Notary Public in and for che State of Washington, residing at _ � , ` _ •• • OLYMPiC PIPE LINE C�MPANIA -- ----- - Cl0 JONE3 8 A5�'sGQATE3 t e t O 116tH AVE N.E BELLE'JUE. WASH. 980Q4 r........�� (— - R/W No. KI-�`�b'A I� � � Tract ��1 � � ' E A S E M F N T � THIS INDENTURE, made tnis'���'""d"ay ��f�; �t�'�l� , 1973, between PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO,i.pt1.T1Y, a Washiyrgton 'corporation, herein callad "Grantor", and OLYMPIC PIPE LI:1� CO:iPA,\TY, herein called "Grantee". � � f— ' WITNESSETH: � �T� . . � �°a'�'��'�$A�e-- �: That in consideration of the sum o Dollars `�; ��,t�e�'�� in hand paid, receipt of �tihich is herebv ackno�aled�ed, and the per- - tor�ance ey urantee o= tne covenaazs nzreinazcer set tcrcn, �rantor nere�y granzs �� unto Grantee, without warranty or any kir.d, a rioiit p� Way not rxc�edin,� .: feet � in width on each side of the ce�}t�,r,,.,LiAe hereinafter described, for the construc- . tion, maintenance an�operation of a petroleum pipe line within and across the following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington to wit: . � That portion of the NE� of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. The cent�„1�,�,�,_sa'�,,,,d facilit�,shall be located as follows: I �ommencing at the SE corner of said I3E�; thence N O1°41`33" E along the E line of said NE%, a distance of 1611.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S 71°06'24" W, a distance of 483.20 feet to the terminus of said ten foot tract of land; . � thence S 15°44'02" E, a distance of 1510.43 feet to the point of beginning. L� �:�v`-Jc��t�� f , ,.. _ . . ; . E � . . - ; - ,:; �__:. . . ` i �� _ , _ �: �_�.._ � . ..� ,� , �._.- This easement is granted on the following terms and conditions: , 1. Said facility shall consist of a single line of pipe or conduit not over twenty inches inside diameter buried at lsast three feet below the nat- ural surface of the ground at all points. Grantee agrees to install and maintain substantial permanent markers at appropriate places on the right of way hereby granted sufficient to give notice to all persons of the location of Grantee's buried facility. 2. Grantee agrees fully to indemnify Grantor and save and defend and hold it harmless against and from all claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities or any of them in any way connected with the right of wa� herein granted f`� �=�3I2+:^r. 3. Grantee hereby assun�es all risk of loss or damage including damage or in�ury to persons or property wtaich ma� be suffered Uy Grantee resulting from Grantor's use of said land and any ot its equipment thereon, except damage or irjury which is the proximate result of negligence of Grantor, its servants or agents. 4. The right hereby granted shall cease and determine whenever Grantee sha11 have permanently abandoned the use of said facility and upon such � abandonment Grantee shall re�r�ove its facility and restore the premises to as good a condition as they were in prior to the construction of said facility. - Z - `,�,�.:»..... ' �, _ . _ ,�-, R/W No. KI-����„-,� t�- X Tract 4�2 E A S E M E N T THZS INDENTUI�E� made th�sa���ay of_y� �� 1973 y between PUGET SOUND PO4JER & LIGHT COi�g'ANY, a G+Iashi ton �corparatian, herein called "Grantar", and OLYMPIC PIPE LIN� COP��A:+'Y, herein called "Grantee". r , ) WITNESSETH: . i" `�' �.�.���.�.w►���� � �,;; That in consideration of the sum ot Dol ars '�J �'�'*,,'��} irt hand paid, receipt af which is hereby acknoc.=led�ed, and the per- "M' .�,.,-m....,,,, s.., „v.._.. _ . . . ,. _,. ___�.,.__,.,... .,) ... u11L4L vi �iiC t-Ci`v�i�attl5 ittiC�2lds lCl S£.'L 7.4TLt?� t�rantor h�I�l�y `P.,T23II�S ^ unto Grantee, without warranty of any lcind, a ,�i�ht of wav npt exceeding 5 feet '`"' in w�d h on � h Gid,� of th�__��',,.1�e..„hereinafter described, for the canstruc- tion, maintenance and aperation of a petroJ.aum pipe line within and acrass the ' following described land situated in the County of King, StaCe of WashingCon ta wit: � That portion of the NE� of Section 20, Township 23 North, � . Range 5 East, W.M. The center li x�,,,,g�f r�,aid,facility shall be located as follows. ...._.�,,......-..�.. .....,.. . Cammencing at the SE corner of said NE�; thence N 18°30'24" E, a distance of 150$.17 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S 71°06'24" W, a distance of 659.50 feet; thence S b7°17'22" W, a distance af 150.32 feet; thence S 71°Ob'24" W ... to the Easterly right of way margin of the City af Seattle , Cedar River Pipe Line, a dis�ance af 4$.QO feet to the terminus ` of said ten foat tract af 1and; thence S 48°23`QS" E, a distanc+�'�,�,� of 1721.14 feet ta the point of beginning. '-a�� Q�.��. t., . � ,� .- � ' J ~ � i This easement is granted on the fallowing terms and candit-ians: I . . . . , 1. Said facility shall consist of a single line of pipe or conduit not over twenty inches inside diameter buried at least three feet below the nat- ural surface of the ground at all paints, Grantee agrees to install and maintain � substantial permanent markers at appropriate places on the right of way hereby granted sufficient ta give notice ta all persons of the location of Grantee's � buried facility. �I 2. Grantee agrees fully ta indemnify Grantor and save and defend and I hald it harmless against and from all c2aims, casts, expenses, damages, losses and liaba.lities or any of them in any way connected with the right of way t2erein granted by Grantar. 3. Grantee hereby assumes all risk of loss or dama�e including damage or injury to persons or property which may be suffered by Grantee resulCing from Grantor's use of said land and any of its equipment thereon, except damage or injLry which is the praximate result of negligence af GranLor, its servant� ar aPents. 4. Ttte right hereby granted shall cease and determine whenever Grantee shall have permanently ahandaned the use of said facilit}T and upon such abandonment Gr�ntee sha3l. remove its facility and restore the praml�ses to as good a condition as tl�ey were in prior to the C(7RSt�'llCtlOT2 of said facili�y. � � � � �_ ,, �. . . w � � R/W Pto. RI-��L -L�,,�- t Tract ��3 . � . F. A S E M E N T THIS INDENTUIZE, made this�c��'"�ay of L��„iG'�v , 1973, betw�en PUGET SOUND POtdF.R & LIG??T CO�iPA.'�1Y, a Ldash�ngton �corporation, herein called "Grantor", and OLYMPIC PIFE LiNE CO^�A,�'Y, herein called "Grantee". L�) � `-r WITT7ESSETH: � ,� . � ��L' � - � That in consideration of the sum of y Dollars "' ������`� in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the ner- .ti iormance �y uranLee oi tne covenants nereinarter set torth, C=rantor hereby grants unto Grantee, wit.hout warranty of any kind, a right af w�.y not �xCP_Pd1I1Q 5 feet in wid �n a_ch side of the center line hereinafter described, for�the construc- tion, maintenance and operation of a petroleum pipe line within and across the following described land situated in the County of King, State of_ k'ashington to wit: That portion of the NE� of Section 20, Township 23 North, . Range 5 East, W.M. The center line of said facility shall be located as follows: .�..�--� �„ - � . Commencing at the SW corner of said NE�; thence N Ol°45'37" E � along the W line of said NE14, a distance of 727.24 feet to l` I the True Point of Beginning; thence N 71°O1'09" E, a distance �!"�.��:� ' of 976.24 feet; thence N 71°06'24" E, a distance of 201.80 � . ���,� ' feet; thence N 74°55'25" E, a distance of 150.32 feet; thence N 71°06'24" E, a distance of 35.00 feet to the Westerly right `�`' of way of the City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line and the terminus of said ten foot strip of land; thence S 48°34'18" W, a distance of 1753.41 feet to the SW corner of said NW� and the point of beginning. This easement is granted on the following terms and conditions: . l. Said facility shall .consist of a single line of pipe or conduit not over twenty inches inside diameter buried at least three feet below the nat- ural surface of the ground at all points. Grantee agrees to install and maintain substantial permanent ma.rkers at appropriate places on the right of way hereby granted sufficient to give notice to all persons of the location of Grantee's buried facility. . 2. Grantee agrees fully to indemnify Grantor and save and defend and hold it harmless against and from all claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities or any of them in any way connected with the right of way herein granted by (-rc2IItOr. 3. Grantee hereby assumes all risk of loss or damage including daMage or in�ury to per�ons or groperty which may be suffered by Grantee resulting from Grantor's use of said land and any of its equipment thereon, except damage or injury which is the pr�xi�ate result of negligence of Grantor, its servants or a�ents. 4. The right her_eby granted shall cease and deterr.iine whenever. Grantee shall have permanently abandoned the use of said facility and upen such abandonment Grantee shail remove its facility and' restore the prer�ises to as good a condition as they were in prior to the construction of said facility. i - 1 - .-;��y ' - . . . , �. R/W No. KI-228A ✓"�� . , Tract ��1 I . E A S E M E N T THIS INDENiL'RE, made this�l��day o£ ��f�„�>�.� , 1973, between PUGET SOUIVD PO,,'ER & LIGHT COMFAI�II', a tJashi�igton �corporation, herein called "Grantor", and OLY;IPIC PIPE LIr:� C0.•L"A��;Y, herein called "Grantee". � � ' . �.- WITTiESSETH: � � , . �� \1`►.�.�1\'��,\�►�tt That in consideration of the sum oi �ollars r �^u \����01�_� in hand paid, receipt of cohich is herebv acknowledgPd, and the ger- , -, r_ . __ ..,�u�a.«.� Ly ���a���t:: �i �i�e covenanzs nereinatter set torth, Grantor hereby grants "''� unto Grantee, �ait�cut warranty of snv kind, a righ� of wa� nut �xcPedinQ 5 ieet ~ in on each side of the center line hereinafter described, for the construc- tion, maintenance anu operation of a petr�leum pipe line within and across the � following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington to wit: That portion of the NW'� .of Section 20, Townshi 23 North , � Range 5 East, W.M. P ' �'.��E�� j • � T,,,,,t�,�„�,�}it„�,r, line of said facility shall be located as follows: ' • �_ <�--�� Commencing at the SE corner of said h'[d 4i thence N O1°45'37" E along the E line of said NW4j a distance of 727.24 feet to ' - the True Point of Beginning; thence S 71°OT'04" W, a distance r of 278.23 feet; thence S 71°24'29" W, a distance of 456.96 . feet; thence S 87°23'44" W, a distance of 1338.07 feet; thence S 87°19'S4" W, a distance of 304.40 feet to the terminus of ' said ten foot tract of land; thence S 33°33'S5" W, a distance of 544.68 feet to the SW corner of said NW4. ,�' .. ; �• . . � .� This easement is granted on the following tezms and conditions: .: 1. Said faciiity shall consist of a single line of pipe or conduit not over twenty inches iuside diameter uuried at least three feet below the nat- tiral surface of the ground at all points. Grantee agrees to install and maintain substantial permanent markers at appropriate places on the right of way hereby granted sufficien� to give notice to all persons of the location of Grantee's buried facility. ' . 2. Grantee agrees fully to inde�r.nify Grantor�and save and defend and hold it harmless against and from all claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities ar any ot them in any way connected wjth the right of way herein granted by �rancor. 3. Grantee hereby assur�es all risk of Ioss nr dama�e including damage or injury to persons or property which may be suffered by Grantee resulting from Grantor's use of said land and any of its equipment thereon, except damage or injury which is the proximate result of negligence of Grantor, its servants or agents. 4. The right hereby granted shall cease and determj.ne whenever Grantee shall have permanently abandoned the use of said facility and upon such abandonrr�ent Grantee shall remove its f.ac�lity and restore t�e premises to as good a condition as they were in prior to the construction of said facility. w 1 _ . • . � �= . � R/W No. KI- o�a8,� �_ , �. . Tract ��2 E A S E M E N T THI S INDENTURE, made th i�_'"day ��f .�,y , 19 73, � between PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO�iPANY, a Wash ngton corporation, herein called "Grantor", and OLY;�IC PIPE LINE CO.�A�`iY, herein called "Grantee". . WITNESSETH: � � That in consideration of the su� oi�����_���b Dollars i� ���._t ) in hand paid, recei.pr_ of which is herPby acknn�;Tle��ed, ar.d t�e per- ;�1 torL�arice by Grantee of the covenants hereiziafter set fort:�, Grantor hereby grants ,� unto Grantee, without warranty or uny ki�d, a r�tlht of way not ex.ceed�n� 5 feet �L'' in width on each sid� of the center line hereinafter described, for the construc- ,,� ._...�.�..,....,...., � t�on, maintenance and operation of a petroleum pipe line within and across the .— following described lan3 situated in the County of King, State of Washington to '� wit: �� • � That portion of the NW� of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ' �' �, ��J��' �S ; . ._ The cQnter line�o�s,��.d�„f acility shall be located as follows: . �-� � � �1 � ` �\ Commencing at the SW corner of said NW�; thence N 0°44'25" E alon� the W line of said NW14, a distance of 440.12 feet; thence � � N 87 19'S4" W, a distance of 30.05 feet to the Easterly right � " I of way margin of 100th Avenue S.E. and the True Point of �� Beginning; thence continuing N 87°19'S4" W, a distance of 95.00 feet to the Easterly right of way margin of Renton-Kent High Line Road to the terminus of said. ten foot tract of land; thence S 16°19'29" W, a distance of 464.64 feet to the point of beginning. � - " This easement is granted on the following terms and conditions: 1. Said facility shall consist of a single line of pipe or conduit not over twenty inches inside diameter buried at least three feet below the nat- ural surface of the ground at all points. Grantee agrees to install and maintain substantial permanent markers at appr�priate places on the right of way hereby granted sufficient to give notice to all persons of the location of Grantee's buried facility. . 2. Grantee agrees fully to indemnify Grantor and save and defend and hold it harmless against and from all claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities or any of them in any way connected with the right of way herein granted by Gra..tor. , 3. Grantee hereby assumes all risk of loss or damage including �amage or injury to persons or property which may be suffered by Grantee resulting from Grantor's use of said land and any of its equipment thereon, except damage or in�ury which is the proximate result of negligence of Grantor, its servants or agents. 4. The right hereby granted shall cease and determine whenever Grantee shall have permanently abandoned the use of said fac�lity and upon such abandonment Grantee shall remove its facility and restore the premises to as good a condi.tion as they were in prior to the construction of said facility. - 1 - - - - y -- - - --' - -' t1( M iti V• ���'i-+�'i _i^ �� � � ,� • , " ' Tract A • , � . E A S E M F N T I � _ � � _ � � _ I THIS I�DEtiTC�, �ade this��'day of�!�Gr,�c./.+.La.+ , 1973, I ' between PUGET SOL'�ID POtdER & LIGHT CO.:P:��1Y, a Wash,�ngtan corporation, he:ein called uGrani:or", and €�LY�iPIC PIFE LI��E CO.�u'r'�`IY, herein calied "Granr.ee'". . � � r WITTTESSE'TH: .' �� That in consideratian of the sum o�1'�►�'��1��9�� Dollars �?~• ��,�\��` ) in hand paid, receipt of k�hich is hereby acknawled�ed, and the per- ��., formanr_,� bq �.s1"3?lt"E ? Qf t�"!? C'OVe:1�?3t'4 }?2Te??7�^�t..r'.�' �P,.L` fC.'"��":. .r'i:�.'�:�c�: i11Yr•'ilV VT':���i''u .� unto Gran#.ee, withaut warranty or any kind, a right of way noC exceedin,Q �� feet � in wi.dth on �h�a,„�, af t'ne center line her�inaiter described, far the cottstruc- �,. Lion, maintenance an� operatian of a petroleum pipe I.ine within and across the :^ follawing descrzbed land situated .irt the County of King, Stata af Washington to �" wit: � ' • f�+ ... Tha� portion of the SE� of Section 19� Towtlsh3.p 23 North� , . Range 5 East, W.M. • c:,,�«`�?.C.���`,�� � - � .;�, , • The cente��� of said facility sha11 be located as follaws: �R... , � `''� .,, � ���..-......�...... �. C�ammencing at the SW corner of said SE�; thence S 89°56'S6" W • alang the S line of said SE�k, a distance af 342.59 feet and the . True Po2nt of Beginning; thence N 09°35'46" W, a distance of � -._ _. _ 575.54 feet; thence araund a curve, the center of which bears N 80°2G'14" E having a radius of 5599.60 feet and containing a central angle of 7°49'16", an arc distance of 764.37 feet to the N line o£ the SW4 of the SE14 of said Sectian I9 and • the terminus af said twenty foot tract of land; thence N � $9°51'li" W,. a distance of 138.6I feet ta the W line of said SE4; thence S a2ong the W line of. said SE�, a distance af . I�, 1326.Q3 feet to the point of beginning, II Said centerline .being 14 feet East of the Easterly�right-of- way margin of Washington State Highway ��167. � - I ' This easement is grat�ted an the follawing term� ar�d condit3.ons: I� l. Said facility shall cansist of a sing2e �ine of pipe or conduit nat over tw�nty inches inside diameter buried at least three feet below the nat- ciral svrface of the graund at all points. Grantee agrees to install and maintain ' ial ermanen �arkers at a ro riate laces on the riaht o� way hereby SLI�78L':3I1� � � �� }� p c+ I ranted sufficient to- ive notice to all persons af the location af Grantee's K � I buried facility. � 2. Grantee agrees fully �o indemnify Grantar and save and defend and I hold it harmless a ainst and fram al2 claims costs e enses, damages, losses and g y a XP liabilities or any of them in any way connected with the right of way herein granted I b� �ra^.t�r. 3. Grantee hereby assumes alI risk af ?.ass or damage including da�age I or in3ury ta persons or property whi.ch may be surfered by Grantee resttlting from I + e t ciama e ox in ur ui ment therean exc � y Grantor s use of said larid azzd any of �ts eq p � P � wh3ch is th� pro:�i.mate res�lt of negligence of Graz�tor, its servants or agents. 4. 'The right hereby granzed sha11 cease and determine wheriever . I Gran�ee shall have permanently abancioned the use of said facility and upon �uch I abandonment Grfinte� shall remove its facility and restore the pr�r►ises to ��s I good a condition as they were in prior to the� construction af said faciliCy. j � � � Y ' . ' �. .. �, ' ' � ,• • S . . � � - � 5. Grantee shall have reasonable right of ingress and egress over adjacent lands of Grantor, in order to exercise the rights herein granted. 6. Grantee agrees to pay any and all taxes assessed against its said facility and stiall reimburse Grantor for any increase in taxes payable by Grantor which is based upon an increase in land valuation occasioned by the installation and maintenance of Grantee's said facility. 7. Grantee agrees to install said pipe line in such a manner so . as not to interfere with poles, guys, or any other facilities of Grantor. 8. Grantor reserves the right to use said premises for its own II purposes in any way. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grantor reserves the right at any time and from time to time to construct or reconstruct electric lines (whether AC or DC; whether now existing or hereafter to be constructed) and related structures, or rapid transit and related facilities, upon the premises. � If in the opinion of Grantor, any such structure would be endangered, or inter- fered with, by Grantee's pipe line or portion thereof, Grantee shall promptly relocate and reconstruct said pipe line or portion thereof upon and across said premises to the depeh and along the route specified by Grantor, such relocation and reconstruction to be at Grantee's sole expense and risk. If Grantor's use necessarily damages Grantee's facilities, Grantee shall have no claim or right of reimbursement against Grantor for such damage. 9. Grantor reserves the right to grant rights in the premises to other persons provided such rights so granted are not inconsistent with the rights herein granted ta Grantee; provided, however, that Grantor may grant to any such person a right of access across any part of said premises and if Grantee's pipe line or any portion thereof will in Grantor's opinion interfere with the con- struction, reconstruction, maintenance or use of such right of access, then at Grantor's request Grantee shall prompt?y relocate and reconstruct said pine line or portion thereof upon and acro�s said premises to the depth or along the route specified by Grantor, such relocation a;Zd reconstruction to be at Grantee's sole expense. If the exercise of rights so granted damages Grantee's facilities, Grantee shall have no claim or right of reimbursement against Grantor for such damage. � 10. If the Grantee, its successors or assigns makes an excavation in the Grantor's property, it shall without delay restore the surface as nearly as practicable to the same condition as it was in before the doing of such work. 11. No assignment of the privileges and benefits accruing to the Grantee hereunder, by operation of law or otherwise, shall be valid without the prior written consent of the Grantor. 12. The location of said right of way is shown on Map No. F-863 , dated August , 19 73, prepared by Olympic Pipe Line Company , copy of •� which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has beer_ executed by the parties hereto as of the day and year first above written. PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Attest: . By �����x �ifce Presirti MAI�TpGEi� - r,�__L �S'.piE DIVISI02�. ' GRANTOR Attest ' � / . �,( :' �,li'�-�.�'.r�c=f-<</ OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COPIPADTY (����1 � ��C�"G~� �-��' __ � ; By=--��--� �:�..,._..:_� � Vice President GRANTEE . - 2 - ---------- 1 � ' , �,� ��+ . � � � � . •. �� ' � ACKNOWLEBG�IENT OF CQRPORATE GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON , ss. ' � COUNTY OF KING ji � On this :�.7,. 1<� day o£ C .,� �� , 1973, before me, the unc�er- �i signed Natary Fublic, personally appeared � , ;r�r � !`�:�':4;�",c° -��1 �i to me known to be the�d9j�.��R - REAL ESTI`i���t������ i �}- �=�r�s__respeet��e-�y- of Puget Sound Pawer and Light li Company, the corpnration that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and �� acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of sa3d �i corparatian, far the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that �i ,,.� �-�e�--a� authorized to execute the said instrument a�t�' ���` `�"' """.�--a-€€�ec�—�s--the i te��r�"_� c���-o-�-s�.c�--eo�go�atrorr�- WITNESS my hand and afficial seal affixed the day and year in this certi- �i � ficate above written. , �����Y�i f 1,'i t ..�,�. t,;♦ Notary Public in and far the State of Washington, residing at ,�-�:{ ����=� ACK230tvTLEDGENt�P3T OF CORPORATE GRANTOR STATE OF' WASHINGTUN ss. ' COUNTY OF KING . i ii On this��� day of , I973, befare me, the under- signed Notary Public, persona 1 appeared Z. I. Kamar and �i J. V. Walmer to me known ta be the Vice Pxesident and Assistant Secretary, respectively of Olympic Plpe Line Campany, the corporatian that execuCed the within and foregoing instrument, and ackno�aledged the said instrument to be the fzee and voluntary act and deed of said corporatian, �( for the uses and purgoses therein mentianed, and on oatn stated that they are authorized to execute th:e said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. . WITNESS my hanc3 and official seal affixed the day and year in this certifi- �i cate above written. - � i` i � i �i Nataxy P ' in and for the State �/���, ,� li � of Washingtan, residing at !yA}�lL ti � �i . . • �i - 3 - �i . �� _ � . _ _ _ �._ . ,d. ,�. . "� ' ' - , "L '� i ' � � I i t � �. E !%i Sec 19 T 2.31ct ,�5� �'�' ,��� � � � � � i ' i , � , ,� $ , � ' �i s � � � ! �� ! : I � `---__= .�:k--._~J=�.��-_-.___ ---- -- ___----._ - , � , a � � � ,� ( , ; lY , �� � � � t' ti; , , , � � c -, � � �,L,��j c'.' �r'O�„';�: , ,� � ��: � ��y ; � g I ', �I �t� I �.� � '�` � . � � 4 �� � �s� I ' ' � � , , ���'; I til j '1 ;m;� °, f � � ; II � # �I �.�t r` � �(� I , ` i � � ; `y G'� r';� j ; ` �I ' p �,� t�„y i � l➢`Zy ��`�:. � ` I ' i ,� � t s ; � ` ��yS t.,,� i t l � � ,t �'��n1 � , .� � �.}j�`�i.l a, . � �t�� ��'y � `'•\ _ 4 , ' �, t i I � ' �,`,,, rt C , � '� c,�� ;,, � �� � 1 F �, k � ` � �,� ' �� , ' ' � � i �.c', ! ,.► 1 � , � ; ' � � ` � , "� ��a,00s�d �;�' , i ,� ' f'i�� Li,��,P.O.v ! � � { � � ' � ��t .� � ;:��, � � , �,\J` ; , �� � �-�. � `,, ,� `� 1 t.,`2p' TYP ' , �` � � �. � �:,.�^ i ' 1 ��`� �`7 ' I i I � 11'� � � � i ^' �„7 '�1`, �� � �� � � � � , - : i � ��,�� o .�, ��;;i, , ? 1 �.. �, .� �� �, � ��; T '�.. c��� •' Z `� � �� ,;,:.,, n�. .�_ i n,._ �; _ �=__ _.__ _ __ __ __ _'_..�.� 7��� '� ;��'.Y� '� -- r�sr. ,�,��ti;7 .=; `�_ � ,sT � � j �r-�.. ! .,..'� �5C9°.�5".96`� 76.09 .� ����'• �� � �� ,'. ,,�'d_�+°.�':�9"fv C, .I._..f �� 1���a;�c. > � ;,� ; �h t`�c� � � �� � - ?t1,c 8' N` I � 1' �1N aU (�y o?t� � ?� � ti'� `mN a•Yt' ' `��,, l�?pa ! � o ` � '�) j � �� � l � � � G; p 1 O � , O 1 ��a �� � "� � � n�� ,'� S�c �C� T?3�L� ,�'.5�� f�:',Lr 4 � ` ?'�� I . ?� ,\�—oJ . �— i ,,�, i i � N. F,,. ..�. . - ._ s��, .-- - - �- - _ _ _ _ _____ -- -,=�::�� ------- ca�tY, sf.�� of ,��as;��;f,��.�.��---- � s _..,,, .�„ _,_.�...�._M1..�... ' f ' '-- - -- v`._:.'s.�:_�-�'-R' —____ �/'C✓i�C.''�.i,�LJ �:✓�� :�i�C�-�[./Ci��1�I %"'i�.'`•`,-.......�_,..� � -- - -*-- --+ - ----- A r / � -- i �--- . i � DRAWf. ��� �- •---� l_�/V...� /�(..�c�./Ti.`� L f'C�t/�,`�.�� 1✓i_.j � � � � j — — — ' ' Fy 4!� �/�. �H , : %Y � ...rr y ./"1 �l �'S ,1 ' I i l.�i(lh �. -� � '---_"-' - -- - . � - !_,_-�-' -j'—'- -- _�` ._--- `'e" l".` • �. a.. ���r�� . iG c_ l-L .__ h. .v i � , ^ � i _�__"_ � � + f '. _ _ _ t. . , .r.a__�� . ___.--..-..___ ._.� �PF �E i: JAT:: - ---- + __ .Y. .�.---- --- --_ --- _ ._. . .._ .- - —- �- — -- . . ; - C7 L�' �'.'� "r' 1 C; F�I�F L.1�u i.:. C:J F:���r�t'ti Y ° i~ - -- - -- - ---.__ _ ---- :�r_arr�e, .�r�.sri�t�u ror� ! s ..•r, kc,� f,,.__._._.. _..---- __ _ *� ��. E .�l - t 1C.���C,aR�; , `t!-_____.�+—`.�._._.,___�.. . ? . � ., ----- • . T R/W ho. KI-234 - "� �" � `� , Tract B E A S E M E N T THIS IIv'DENTURE, made this����ay of /��,�i� , 1973, between PUGET SOWD POL,TER & LIGHT CO��iPANY, a IJashi�gton 'corporation, herei.a called "Grantor", and OLY:iPIC PIPE LI:v� CO.L'A.�IY, herein called "Grantee". WITNESSETH: . � Cr• � � That in consideration of the sum of Eighty-two-- Dollars � 82.00-- � ($ ) in hand �aid, receipt of �.�hich is hereby ackno�aledged, and the Fer- . .. v .v-m a. L_ 1 r .__, ' � ' -'"„••� ��� _--�------ �— �~.- .�. .�-..�...-..: .�.ra�iaaui�a_.i :uc'.� tvl�.:l� L'1�11LVt la:LC�:y �tG11L:i `_� unto Grantee, without warranty ot any kind, a riQht �f �a� n�r pX�PP�t' .. . ,.. �._.�._....�.�....�.�.rlA..�e��. c`') in width on,�,,,ea�i, sidP r�f,����,„_,�,,�z�' hereinafrer described, for the construc- r- �.�,.....t�..�..,.. tion, mair.tenance and operation of a petr.oleum pipe line within and across the � follcwing described land situated in the County of King, State of Washin�ton to wit: That portion of the NE� of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ' ' The center line of saYd facility shall be located as follaws: ..�.,..w......�.�,._..� Commencing at the NW corner of said N�4i thence S 89°37'39" E along the N line of said NE4j a distance of 342.59 feet and the True Pcrint of Beginning; thence S 09°35'46" E, a distance of 76.09 feet to the terminus of said twenty foot tract of land; � thence N 77°23'36," W, . a distance of 353.65 feet to the point of beginning. ____w„ ' � Said centerline being 10 feet East of the Easterly right-of- � � . way margin of Washington State Highway ��167. ' � . 11- '., �;�f��e J�� � - ` , ` ��/ . .• , .�`.�. . �` , . "" i ,.:� ' t � This easement is granted on the f�llowing terms and conditions: ' , _ .. - � i 1. Said facility shall consist of a single line of pipe or conduit � � not over twenty inches inside diameter buried at least three feer below the nat- ural surface of the ground at all points. Grantee agrees to install and m3intain sub�tantial permanent markers at appropriate places on the right of way hereby granted sufficient to give notice to all persons of the loca*ion of Grantee's buried facility. . 2. Grantee agrees fully to indemnify Grantor and save and defend and hold it harmless against and from all claims, costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities or any of them in any way connected with the right of way herein granted by ��s..t�r. 3. Grantee hereby assumes all risk of loss or �amaoe including d2?�:2ge or injury to persons or property which may be suffered by Grantee resulting fror� Grantor.'s use of said land and any of. its equipment thereon, except damage or injury which is the proximate result of negligence of Grantor, its servants or ag�nts. 4. The right rereby granted shall cease an� determine �ahenever Grantee sha11 have permanetitl}* abandoned the use of said facility and upon such a�andonment Grantee shall remove its facility and restore the premises to as good a condition as they were in pri.or to the construction of said facility. ' I - 1 - � i i i J I . � � _ �_ � � _ r . � . � - ' , .�;� r .. � ; . . � � 5. Grantee shall have reasonab2e right of ingress and egress over adjacent lands of Grantor, ir. order to exercise the rights herein granted. 6. Grantee agrees to pay any and alZ taxes assessed against its said facility and shall reimburse Grantor far any increase in taxes payable by IGrantar wh3ch is based upan an increase irt land valuation occasioned by the installation a►�d maintenance of Grantee`s said facility. �. Grantee agrees to install said pipe line in such a manner so as no� to interfere with poles, guys, ar any other facilities of Grantor. $, Grantor reserves the right ta use said prem3.ses for its own purposes in any way. Withaut limiting the generality crf the faregaing, Grantar reserves the right at any time and from time ta time to canstruct or recanstruct electric lines (whether AC or DC; whether now existing ar hereafter to be constructed) and related structures, or rapi.d transit and related facilities, upon the premises. If in the opinion of Grantor, any such structure would be endangered, or inter- fered tvith, by Grantee's pipe line or partion thereof, Gran�ee shall promptly relocate and reconstruct said pipe line or portiar. thereof upon and acrnss said premises to the depth and along the rou�e specified by Grantor, such relocatian and reconstruction ta be at Grantee's sale expense and risk. If Grantar's use , necessarily damages Grantee's facil.ities, Grantee shall hava no c2aim or righC ' of reimbursernent against Grantor far such damage. 9. Grantor reserves the righ� ta grant rights in the premises to other persons provided such rights so granted are not inconsistent with the rights herein granted to Grantee; provided, however, that Grantor may grant to any such persaix a right of access acrass any part of said premises and if Grantee's pipe II line or any portion thereof will in Grantor's apinion interfere with the con- struction, recanstruction, maintenance ar use of such right of access, then at Grantor's request Grantee sha11. promptly relacate and reconstruct said pipe lzne ar portion thereof upan and across said premises to the depth or along the route specified by Grantor, such relocation and reconstruction ta be at Grantee's sale expense. If the exercise of rights sa granted damages Grantee's facilities, I Grantee shall have no claim ar right of reimbursement against Gran�or for such , . damage. � , 10. If the Grantee, Its successors or assigns makes an excavatian in the Grantar's praperty, it shall without delay restore the surface as nearly � as practicable to the same candition as it was in before the doing of such work. . a, 11. No assignment af the privileges and benefits accrui.ng to the Grantee hereunder, by operatiarc of law or atYterwise, shall be valid without the prior writ�en consent of the Grantor. 12. The locatian of said right of way is shawn on Map No, F'863 � dated Au�ust , 1973 , prepared by Qlympic Pipe Line Campany , copq of � which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed by the parties ? � hereto as af the day and year first above wri.tten. PUGET SpLTI3D P4WER & LZGHT COMPANY � , Attest: . � I B * �f'r� u►-W+��'�"'+v' � G ����'��:�Q�'1'���V15Z021 � . GREINT�R Atte� � � i �'�` ,�����'r�,��'..-�"'� OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY � �_._.�/"'l�� `/����� .� , __. - _._,.� t�,/� � gy `-___.__... `�_ 1 ��_-._....�,-- ...,_ � � � � Vice President � GRA.IvTEE ` � R . - 2 - � F � ; . � � � , • i � - - - - n . • ♦ �W Y - � � . � ` . � ♦ � • � � � � � ACKNOk'LEDGF�fE'riT OF CORPQR.ATE GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. . I COUNTX OF KING - On this �� ., day of .-... -%- , 2973, befare me, fihe under- signed Notary Public, personally appeared : �-..,L ,,,- ; -,.- J.1 - �; .�rtc� � ta me known to be the,,.�..� ^ RF, ESTA'£E �§�ic�errt an.ci S�e��e���;, ��e�e�3�e� o�u�get Sound Power and Light Company, the carporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and I acknowledged the said instrurnent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of •said cor oration for the uses and ur oses thereim m � ' p , , p p e Cianed, and on oath stated that I �-'���� authorized to execute the said instrument, m�' '-�=�e-seal�-affixed- is-�-the� ce ' -s,,�-rpc�ra�ion. WITNESS my hand and official�seal af�ixed the day and year in this certi- � ficate above written. ..�� � `,�~� �j � /�,fl' •,�-=-�-�'I.;/" _ _ , r.�..� Natary Public in and for the State � , of Washington, residing at.I r«i�L�� AGKNOt,TLEDGEMEP�T OF CflRP4RATE GRANTOR STATE OF WASHINGT�N ' ss. COUNTY OF' KING II �n �hisw��day of , , 1973, be£ore me, the under- signed Notary Public, p$rsonall appeared I. I. Kamar and J. V. Walmer to me known to be the Vice President and Assistant Secretary, resgectively af Olympic Plpe Line Compatiy, the carporation tfiat executed the within and foregoing instrument, and ackno�cleclged the said instrument ta be the free and voluntary act and deed af said corporation, for the uses and purpases therein mentianed, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corpora�e seal of said cozporation. .. WITNESS my hand and affieia2 seal affixed the day and year in this certifi- cate above writ�en. . � I � � Notary bl in and for the State �/ � of Washingt n, residing at /�%1,��'J'L.�` �'�'�"�� I II . � _ 3 _ � I � - - - - — � — -- - - - — � . t a � • r+'� M w .., '�. ` � 1� • '� � ♦ . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . t - � ' ^ ( n�� f ` � � , � � �. L� ��' ��C. ..� / _/..� 1V �� r�, I'.. � � � 1 � � ; � , , �� � � ; i �� ,; �i �, _ ;, , _ .. . , _ . , ; .,�: : , , . . _� �. � _. - -_ __- -----� � �_-_ ___ _ _^____--- --- . - � t . , � � I � ', i � ; ����-� , � !, � ,�c;y��;` .Sc; , ��, r'r= . � I ( /� � ; \�i � i '� 1� ; ! 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W' '��•.SC.9 .a5 46 S� �.. ._.�--�� ;�., s� � 3 ,, _��g�r=?733""js' � ' F h h `��i��� �� �� ?O..'.'B' � i h o � n' ' �� i��� �'� 1 �;1 o �� � R�a o• ti c,,�� � � ' ' � � Y ��� � � � G� p ��O � � D � � _"' 'r � � . �� � ' � t ,��E ,f� SL��. v3 O T��/�,� h�..�7_`y f`1:�,l'1 � �� r� ��� . �� . � � !�. t'. hc,. _ _ _ -- PP.__ !� .���r7� Cavn y, Stc�te o1 �vashir�y-�0/`1_ _� -- - � - -- - - - -- - --- - --�. -- . __ __ _ __ f i _ _ i . � �-_ ___( cr s��;�, { ;.�:�:. ( f�1��.?POS:�� 2�" !-�l.�Q,r�UCTS P�'i�E , __ __ ..__ . .__ _ --- --- - ----- �-._--- � � , , ------ - t----- -- �„�f,�lr�. ,. i- :� -•� / �,( f,c- / /"�/'��. - � ' � + _._ . .�+_ .... -'- -{ L...:/L .._ l"C�(..�U/ � l.. /C"l/+����L�l.._y . � I- _ _ µ � � ' i.t t f . ' "' j '�, .. ._ � ,� � CC C.-t,� � ,.,,J �'7 t - " ,��. ...�. '..�.��i,.�` ,-�-- . - - -- - _ }__ - : _ , ,,,_ �. . � , . .. _ __._.. __. , - , .- _ - _. n i�'f'L t i� . l.r..__...._._ _...���.__..___. ..__.___..._.__. .. _.._�.....__�._�. i:. � � � t'� t,..Y tr�P I C P!t�E l...I N E C O!'J�P A N Y ' t _ . i- - - - ' SEATTLE', Yl4SHItJ(iTON ` �(� :--, .. .`_ _ N . __. .. -c� 1. �,� � i a.,. ` i _.. . . . _.. ,- ._...�W.,. _ r�-�v-7 ' 11 � /� -� � . .. . . t . . '�. f� . - �C.� t i`,°�Ar'SrtC; Nfj. (� - `". 4.^,`' .............,. _..-._.._....... ................. .. ....._..,..». ._.-_ _ � . . .... �. ,.._.,,,.t-,,...-.�.... . � - �---- - - - - --- -- - . _,__ . ,. _ . . .f 5��.�n `„ ^.Y iGs � /� - , .���,• ,. :• 1 � � �*� , a a. rY _. _ .r i 1 � ' ' � � ' � ;r . . ' . ,�� GU�c� 9� ' . � � . ����c'�F��� Y � , r�!'�,?� O ' /r ' � OFFICE O��T��E CITY ATT0�2NEY • RI�.NTUN,�VAt�HINGTON �� � POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILOING, RENTOk, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 ~ QERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY O�A�� ��Q JONN K. �AIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITV ATTORNEY A�111����¢f^ �rF�SEP��� . .Ti3T1� 12, 1,974 q�°�� �► fJ��'� � �UN 1974 � . � RECEl� {� . . �, c1TY of RE'A1 OD �v u j l�ERK���p�,�L�' . Bog�e, G�tes, Dobrin, Wakefield & Lon�; ��'61.������.��'� Attorneys at Law 14�h Floor �arxon Building � Seattle� Wa�hington 98104 � A�tn: Mr. Ri�hard S. Sprague Re: Olympic Pipe L3.ne Company - Additi.onal Lines ' � Dear Dic�� � �� ��� ' _ This is to �aeknowledge receipt o£ your letter dated June 11�, 1974 together �ith enclosures . As previauakp indi�ated to you over the �elephone, we aha2}. � prepare the�;eamenclment to the ex�.sting franchise as soon aa� • we rec��.ve a�.l of the information from our Planning Depa�rtme�at a$ ��ques�ed in our letter of June 4, 1974. , � We pX�sume that the Title Gompany has some kind of clata �rom - Mr_. Max �'ar� evidencing his marital status at the tiime o� �t�quisi�it�rs of title �.x�d sinc�. 6Je woul.d sugge�t that auy �onv�pance to �he City be for "park, playground and other - > . municipal p�s�cpose8 a� mag b� determined by the City" . L�e .presum�e th$C at the time of closing pour client will p�ovid� proper tiCle �,neurance on any conveqance made to the City -s�td w� also wa.nt to be su=e that a11 real e�tate ta�e� are� paid siaee� �� you know, Che City 3.s tax exempt f`rom any �uch a��esgments. �tanking �rou for you� courteous cooperation, we r�main Very truly your�, � � � Gerard M. Sh�llan � � City A�torney 42Sssb�m - � . ' 0 . . ^ i+ _ ' � yy�'"r�� \.�i �v\�' � �(�fJ' � t�'� - INTERAFFICE MEIr10 , I � (.4 � ��v��1,���� e � T0: Miehae l Sr�ith DATE. Ju'ne 4 , 19 7 4 _ Planning nepart�nent , FROM: Gerard 1�I. Shellan SUBJECT: Olymp�.c Pipeline Co. Dear Mike : We have received today copy of Councilman Grant's recommendation regarding an amendment to the existing franchise ordinance #2120 , as amended. A number of amendments have been apparently agreed upon which should be reduced to writing. These include various legal descriptions of donations by the grantee for park purposes , including easements , and landscapi�g requirements . Would your office plea�e furnish us wi�th appropriate and verified legal descriptions and other details so that we • have all the neeessary data to prepare a complete amendment. This , of course , would also require appropriate legal descriptions on areas to be iandscaped. Item 7 of the recommendation imposes a certain fr�anchise fee , plus an annual fee , and "possib�y an insgection fee" . There is , of course , already a franchise fee �.n effect and we presume that the new fee applies to the additional right of way to be used by the Company. If an inspection fee is �to be imposed,. the amount thereof should be set fox�th in order to eliminate any uncertainty unless such inspection fee is already fixed by any existing Code. As soon as we receive the necess y information we shall immediately prep�re the required egal documents . We remaina Y 1zr� very -�tc-3� , Ger�; d M. She11 n GMS•ds REiVTO MU�+��IrAL ����;�i.: S. _ ;..�.: � ITY CLERK'S OFFlCE FILE ODE CLASS. ��i::. CPR FlN ..................... PfR �� ....�............... SVC _ ..................... � PRO ..................... SURIFCT...................................�................................... w � ! {�', a — — —� —� —� �—� — —� -- --— /' .,YY-�'-/!` � ``� �`y � rt � � � � INTEROFFICE MEMO ���,�' � � b� TO: Ma.chael Smith DATE: Ju�ne 4 , 1974 Planning Department � FRQM: Gerard M. Shellan SUBJECT: Olymp�.c Pipeline Co. Dear Mike : We have received today copy of Councilman Grantts recommendation regarding an amendment to the existing franchise ord�.nance #212Q , as amended. I A number of amendments have been apparently agreed upon which should be reduced to writing. These include various legal descriptions of donations by the grantee for park purpases , including easements , and Iandscaping requirements . Would your office please furnish us with appropriate and �I verified aegal deser3.ption� and other details so that we ' have all the necessary data to pregare a complete amendment. I This , of course , would alsa require appropriate l.egal I descriptions on areas to be landscaped. Ttem 7 of the recommendation imposes a certain fx^anchise fee , plus an annual fee , and "p�ssibly an inspection fee" . There is , of course , already a franchise fee �.x► ef�ect and , we presume that the neca fee applies -to the addi-tianal right of way to be used by the Company. If an inspection fee is -�o bs imposed,. the amount thereof should be set fax�th in Qrder ta eliminate any uneertainty unless such inspection fee is already fixed by any existing Code. As soan as we receive the necess y information we shall immediate�.y prep�.re the require egal documents. We remain� � Y �r a very , i Gerr �d M. Shell n � � GMS•ds RE�1T0 MU�����ir�1i. �����3,� S, _ �..:.; ' ITY CtERK'S OFFICE li FlLE Df ClASS. i�::. II CPR ..................... fiN ..................... �PR PER � .................... SYG . ..................... . PR4 ...._............... SU�1 FCT.......................................................,................ . . � - - - �� � ' . RENTON CITY COUNCIL ' Regular Meeting June 3 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, COUNCIL RICNARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attor- IN ATTENDANCE ney; DON STARK, Admin�strative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; KEN W!iITE, Personnel Dir�ec- tor; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; GORDON E�w,CN����, Plarr��ng Director and CAPT. ERNEST TONDA, Fire Dept. Rep. MINUTE APPRQVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MINUT�S OF MAY 27, 1974 BE APPROi/EG AS PREPARED 1�ND MAILED. CARRIED. C�����r�,�u�Fa�r� a. �e��A., .��c�+ ��w'�c �!o�-�s G�re�r�r Gonna o � �_ �� . son r a a_s�,,.� acceptance of ..,, ��� �;�,r ''"�� _ ,,, s;- ,;,.,� ;^.,-�, �;c��`' _.-;u 5���4�) =!^llic+r+ �s �r �;3;?4 and final r<,,;�,-���;�� of $14,i45.29 to Bellevue Bulldozing, contractor. ihe Final Payment letter requested that if after thirty days, no liens or claims are Bellevue filed against this project and proof of payment of tax .liabilities Bulldozing is received, it is re�omnended payment of retained amount of CAG-2070-72 $32,842.20 be made tc� the contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED Rainier Ave. N&S BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIREC- TOR. CARRIED. Rezone R-773-74 Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Commission Washington Jockey recommendation that Washington Jockey Club and Washinqton Horse Club & Wash. Breeders Association, Inc. Application R-773-74 rezone froro G to MP Horse Breeders be approved for 1 .8 acres located southeast of Longacres Race Track Association at the east end of the Track's southerly parking area. The letter stated existing use as grass parking area with proposed use as horse auction facility and permanent general offices and library. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Grant took no part in this matter. Surplus Vehicles Letter from Purchasing Agent Church requested permission to dispose of 13 vehicles within the Equipment Rental Fund which have been re- placed during the past fe�v months; vehicles consist of four Ford & four Dodge sedar,s, station �►agon and four Chevrolet pick up trucks. MOVE�J 8� CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Reception An invitation was extended by the Community of St. Anthony Church Honoring to Mass and Reception in honor of Father Thomas Lane for 25 years Father Lane service as Pastor; P�ass will begin 12:00 noon 6/9/74 at St. Anthony Church, So. 4th and Morris Ave. So. with the reception in the Parish Hall from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. George R. Lee, 711 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , complained of a horse being tied in the neighborhood for over two weeks, that calls to the various departments and visits by the Animal Control Officer and the Building Dept. officials were of no avail . Planning Director Ericksen � advised that this appears to be zoning ordinance violation. Public Works Director Gonnason reported they will proceed with any needed enforcement. Mayor Garrett noted the matter would be investigated. OLD BUSINESS Comnunity Services Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with Comnunity Service representatives of the Olympic Pipeline Co. and the City Planning Committee Department staff along with Councilman Delaurenti on 5/29j74 to fur- Olympic Pipeline ther specify conditions the City has set concerning the additional ���� - � - - y y Renton City Council , �' Meeting of 6/3/74 - Page t • OLD BUSINESS - Continued � Olympic Pipeline 20" line requested 5/7/73. Councilman Grant reported agreement , Request for as follows: (1 ) The donation for park purposes of land through Franchise which pipeline will be routed from Lake Ave. S. to the marshy Amendment land below. (2) Easement for trail purposes along route of pipe- line contained in Puget Power's rights-of-way that are fee-owned by Puget Power. (3) Agreement by Olympic Pipeline Co. to properly revegetate areas disturbed by construction. (4) Agreement by Olympic to add trees as per City recommendation along portion of pipeline adjacent to SR-167. (5) At such time as Lind Ave. is extended to the Pipeline Station in the Valley, the existing access road will be made available to the City by easement or purchase, whichever Olympic desires. (6) A letter and/or restrictive covenants stat- ing that Olympic and Mobil 's easterly 30 feet will be left in its natural state or revegetated suitable for screening to the City's satisfaction if the need arises, the easterly 10 feet of this 30 feet will be donated to the City for trail purposes. (7) $3.00 per lineal foot franchise fee, plus an annual fee, and possibly an inspection fee. Coun�:ilman Grant submitted letter addressed to the Mayor and Council which stated these conditions agreed to by Mr. Max Farr, Olympic Pipeline Right-of-Way Agent. The letter also stated Mr. Farr would prepare Letter of Agreement on these items not added to the franchise agreement. The letter further stated Councilman Grant felt a negative declaration on the project could , be provided. Councilman Grant exolained the environmental imoact statement requested by Council 8/20/73 had been reviewed by the Planning Dept. and Community Services Committee; that the shut-off valves requested by Planning Dept. have been included. Mr. Max Farr of the Olympic Pipeline Co. reported the franchise fee mentioned in Item (7) would amount to $13,719 with annual fee of $830. Mr. Farr reported easements had been obtained for 100% of right-of-way through private property. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, LETTER COUNGILMAN GRANT SUBMITTED.OUTLINING THE SEVEN CON- DITIONS �E MADE PART OF RECORD OF THIS MEETIN6 AND ALONG WITH THE FRANCHISE AMENDMENT BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ACTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY OF RENTON DECLARE THAT OLYMPIC PIPELINE HAS DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AND GO ON RECORD THAT NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF IP1PACT IS RECORDED. Oiscussions ensued wherein the City Attorney advised that no public hearing is required under either Federal or State laws re environmental impact state- ments. Councilman Grant noted that Olympic Pipeline has committed in the range of $30,000 to the City in property donations and f ran- chise fees; that the company is desirous that construction be accomp- lished during this summer. ROLL CALL: AYE-CLYMER, DELAURENTI , BRUCE. NO-PERRY STREDICKE AND GRANT. MAYOR GARRETT CAST AYE VOTE. MOTION CARRIED. In further discussions the City Attorney noted that the franchise matter involving terms, conditions and fees was legislative matter to be determined by the Council ; that the physical work involving public }�ronertv and requiring permit and the aspect of the environ- mental impact statement relationship is an administrative matter and the responsibility of the public official issuing the permit. MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF IMPACT. MOTION CARRIED. Ball Field Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti reported that monies Lighting received for Little League ball field lighting are deposited into Park Fund Acct. No. 101/362. 10, Rents and Royalites (Energy) which is used for all park lighting. Moved by Perry, Seconded by Bruce that the remainder of funds needed to meet added increase to ball park lights, be authorized and the matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Councilman Grant noted $3,750 was added to ball field lighting, $305 having been raised with more promised. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO FINANCE COMMITTEE TO LOOK INTO THE MATTER OF FUNDING BALL FIELD LIGHTING. CARRIED. - •Renton City Council �teeti ng of 6J3174 - Page Z 0l.Q BUSINESS - Continued � 0lympic Pipeline 2Q" line requested 51?/73. Councilmart Grant reported agreement Request for as follows: (1 ) The donation far park purposes of land through Franchise which pipeline will be routed fram Lake Ave, S. to the marshy Amendment land below. (2) Easement for trail purposes along route of pipe- line contained in Puget Power`s rights-af-way that are fee-owned by Puget Power, (3} Agreement by Olympic Pipeline Co. to praperly revegetate areas disturbed by constructian. (4} Agreement by Oiympic ta add trees as per City recommendatian along partiort of pipeline adjacent to SR-167. (5) At such time as Lind Ave. is extended to the Pipeline Station in the Valley, the existing access road wi]1 be made available to the City by easement or purchase, whichever Olympic desires. (6� A letter and/or restrictive covenants stat- ing that Olympic and Mobil 's easterly 3p feet will be left in its natural state ar revegetated suitable far screening to the City`s satisfaction if the need arises, the easteriy ld feet of this 30 feet wi11 be donated ta the City for traii purposes, {7) $3.00 I per lineal foat franchise fee, plus an annual fee, and passibly an inspection fee, Counj.ilman Grant submitted letter addressed to the Mayor and Council which stated these conditions agreed to by Mr. Max Farr, Olympic Pipeline Right-of-Way Agent. 7he letter also stated Mr. Farr would prepare l.etter of Agreement on these items nat added to the franchise agreement. The letter further stated Councilman Grant felt a negative declaration on the project could , be provided. Councilman �rant explained the environmental imaact statement requested by Council 8/20/73 had been reviewed bv the Planni ng Dept. and Ca�ununi ty Services Carr�rti ttee; that the shut-aff vaives requested by Planning Dept. have been included. Mr. Max Farr of the Qlympic Pipeline Co. reported the franchise fee mentianed in Item (7� would amount to $13,719 with annua] fee af $830. Mr. Farr reported easements had been obtained for 100% of right-of-way through private property. MOVEp BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, LETTER COUNCILMAN GRANT SUBMITTED.OUTLINING THE SEVEN CON- DITIONS 13E MADE PART OF RECORD OF THI5 MEETING AND ALONG WITN THE FRANCFfISE AMENDMftVT BE REFERRED TQ TNE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ACTION. CARRIEQ. MOVED BY GRANT, SEC4NDED BY BRUCE, 7HAT THE CITY QF RENTQN QECLARE THAT QLYMPIC PIPELINE HAS DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT AND GO ON RECORD THAT NEGATIVE DECLARATION qF IPIPACT IS RECORDEp. Oiscussions ensued wherein the City Attorney advised that no public hearing is required under either Federal ar State laws re enviranmental impact state- ments. Councilman Grant nated that Olympic Pipeiine has camrnitted II in the range of $30,000 ta the City in property donatians and fran- chise fees; that the company is desirous that construction be accomp- lished during this summer. RQLL CALL: AYE-CLYMER, DELAURENTI , BRUCE. NQ-PERRY STREDICKE AND GRANT. MAYOR GARRETT CAST AYE VOTE. M07IQN j CARRIED. In further discussions the City Attorney nated that the franchise matter involving terms, conditians and fees was legislative matter to be determined by the Council ; that the physical work involving public �rooertv and requiring permit and the aspect of the environ- inental �mpact statement relationship is an administrative matter and the responsibility of the public official issuing the permit. MOTION BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TNE CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DIREGTQR RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPTION OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF IMPACT. MOTION CARRIED. Ball Field Public Safety Gommittee Chairman Delaurenti reported that monies Lighting received for Little League ball field lighting are deposited inta Park Fund Acct. No. 101/362. 1Q, Rents and Royalites (Energy) which is used for all park lighting. Moved by Perry, Seconded by Bruce � that the remainder af funds needed to meet added increase to ba11 park lights, be authorized and the matter be referred to the Finance Committee. Cauncilman Grant noted $3,750 was added to ball field iighting, $305 having been raised with more pramised. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONQED BY STREDICKE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION THAT SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO FINANCE COMMITTEE TQ 1.00K INTO TNE MATTER QF FUNDING BALL FIELQ LIGH?ING. GARRIED. I I t ,, RENTON CITY COUNCIL . ' Regular Meeting ` June 3 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers M 1 N U T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; CHARLES DELAURENTI , GEORGE J . PERRY, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN HENRY SCHELLERT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attor- IN ATTENDANCE ney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; HUGH DARBY, Pol�ce Chief; K�N WyITE, Personnel Dirpc- tor; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agen�; GORDON E��,CNS�y, Plann�ng Directo� and CAPT. ERNEST TONDA, Fire Dept. Rep. MINUTE APPRQVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MINUTE� OF MAY 27, 1974 BE APPRCVEG AS PREPARED �ND MAILED. CARRIED. �{;,�^,4��^�,��C;11!;� w :.�.M4P:^ ¢'^�n N u��;� I�I�wkC �?Y'2C ti��' GO►111a54ln i A'�lls�5 i n� acceptance Of '. ."r"._ -:�;:,' ��� .,� , - ,;� ,^..;�_ �;��y�.. :..�:; JOii�h �r�;��+ ;; �� F/3;?4 and final �:,�;���;;� ;,f $I4,i45.29 to Bellevue Bulldozing, contractor. �'he Fir.al Payment letter requested that if after thirty days, no liens or claims are Bellevue filed against this project and proof of payment of tax .liabilities Bulldozing is received, it is rerorrmended payment of retained amount of CAG-2070-72 $32,842.20 be made to the contractor. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED Rainier Ave. N&S BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CON�UR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIREC- TOR. CARRIED. Rezone R-773-74 Letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported Planning Comnission Washington Jockey recommendation that Washington Jockey Club and Washinqton Horse Club & Wash. Breeders Association, Inc. Application R-773-74 rezone froro G to MP Horse Breeders be approved for 1 .8 acres located southeast of Longacres Race Track Association at the east end of the Track's southerly parking area. The letter stated existing use as grass parking area with proposed use as horse auction facility and permanent general offices and library. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Grant took no part in this matter. Surplus Vehicles Letter from Purchasing Agent Church requested permission to dispose of 13 vehicles within the Equipment Rental Fund which have been re- placed during the past few months; vehicles consist of four Ford & four Dodge se��o�s, station wagon and four Chevrolet pick up trucks. MOVE�J B�' CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Reception An invitation was extended by the Community of St. Anthony Church Honoring to Mass and Reception in honor of Father Thomas Lane for 25 years Father Lane service as Pastor; P4ass will begin 12:00 noon 6/9/74 at St. Anthony Church, So. 4th and Morris Ave. So. with the reception in the Parish Hall f rom 3:00 to 5:00 PM. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. George R. Lee, 711 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , complained of a horse being tied in the neighborhood for over two weeks, that calls to the various departm�nts and visits by the Animal Control Officer and the Building Dept. officials were of no avail . Planning Director Ericksen � advised that this appears to be zoning ordinance violation. Public Works Director Gonnason reported they will proceed with any needed enforcement. Mayor Garrett noted the matter would be investigated. OLD BUSINESS Comnunity Services Committee Chairman Grant reported meeting with Community Services representatives of the Olympic Pipeline Co. and the City Planning Committee Department staff along with Councilman Delaurenti on 5/29/74 to fur- Olympic Pipeline ther specify conditions the City has set concerning the additional ��-- � � � � .-� - � �F ���. �` ��� z T H� R,E I�T'I'OIQT C I'I'Y C��.TI��I I� �w:��- -_�:;:.� Z ' p MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • REt:TON, Y7ASfiINGTON 98C55 • 235 2583 O ,, � � �A � O� �F.e R,.. �TF� SEP��� "��`y'=• � ¢,, �. _ ,- June 3, 1974 ' - - � , , ��.F . ,� •; T0 : Avery Garrett , '�layor , �� , , '�lembers of Renton City Council = ' FROi�i : 19illiam Grant , Chairman , Community Services Committee Rc : Council Community Services Committee �feeting Regarding Olympic F'ipeline �'1t tendance : �, William Grant , Chairman Charles Delaurenti , P•ic;mber :�tax Farr, Olympic Pipeline I Richard Sprague , Olympic Pipeline �, J . Albert Rupf, O1}�mpic Pipcline ' ?�iichael Smith , Planning llepartment Staff �,I ,7oan Lankforci , Planning Uepartment Staff 'i This special meeting, �tay 29 , 1974 , was called to further I specify the conditions that the City has set concerning the proposed twenty (20") inch Oil Proclucts Pipeline . These were to include ; . l . T}1e donation for park purposes of the parcel of land through wh� ch the pipeline will be routed from Lake Avenue South to the marshy land belo�a . 2 . An easemeTit for trail purposes along the route of the pipcline contained in Puget Power ' s rig}its -of-�aay t}tat are fee-owned b}� Puget Power . 3 . Agreement by O1}�mpic Fipeline to properly reveget�ite areas clisturbeci by construction . 4 . Agreement by Olympic Pipeline to add trees as per Cit�� recommenclation along the portion of the1pipeli.ne adjacent to SR- 167 . � ----- - -- - -�----x-�--�-- r------------ ----_- ,- - �: . - --- --- --- . - - �. . . _._._ _ �'� � M � � r 4�' , Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of Renton City Council June 3, 1974 Page Two 5 . When such time as Lind Avenue is extended to the Pipeline 5tation in the Valley , the existing access road will be made available to the City by easement or purchase , which- . ever Olympic desires . 6 . A letter and/or restrictive covenants stating that Olympic and hiobil ' s easterly thirty (30 ' ) feet will be left in its natural state or re- vegetated suitable for screening purposes to the satisfaction of the City if the need arises , the easterly ten ( 10 ' } feet of this thirty (30 ' ) feet will be donated to the City for trail purposes . 7 . `I'hree dollars ($ 3 . 00) per lineal foot franchise fee , plus an annual fee , and possibly an inspection fee . T.9ax Farr of Qlympic Pipeline Company agreed to these conditions , and stated he would prepare a Letter of Agree- ment on these items not added to the franchise agreement . Given the provision of these various mitigating measur. es , I I felt that a negative declaration on the project could be provided. The matter was referred t� the Planning Commission ' at the August 20 , 1973 , City Council meeting . I t _ -t..—r'"�-..."_.�:_:f�-�;�9T_..�.� ..� ��,.i,, . 3.i, �:.:-� - - ....,. -._ _ ..�...�_ r "i .' " a __ . - . _ ,...� _" ' _ '__ _ ' _ --•"_""_ ' ��PY .. �'r,• ��! .,��`v � ;:� :. .:��;-.�r .,.X,r.:n�s;x,:", :y "._�":.Y�,'id,,:^" - .'�=.. .-' . . `�,n .,� ; I^ ;�#''r. �t',,w�� � . :• � ,�J�- ' �.,{ e �. �� .,rt.0 $ f. :.T. ; +�; +;;f:_' ;'�,., A�.J.:°.. � �r .t� :f,Y+ �. ^"M1,, q r' R,n .'�''" Y .i';. .i.'.s". ,a �j �y,� .G:.: ' �?:' �n. I�h'��'I. 'S'.k.: r:�S"k�„}��!'M"•�.� X,��,�.•g;iFi :%'���y-ft+i^,th.'. ..�r ��. 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CALL TO ORDER--The Septerr5er 12 meeting of the Board of Pubiic Works was called to c�rder at 9 : 00 a .m. by Chairman Del Bennett . 2 . REVIEW AND APPROVAL. OF MINUTES--Z�t uta.� mUved by IUARK�N Gt}NNASON, �econdc.d by �1�S CR�{�S, �ha� �'�e m�.nu.te� a� �h.e Augu3� 24 mee��.ng be. a�pnaved a�s wtc.�.�.ten. MU7ION CARRX��. 3 . C�RRESPONDENC�: : None 4 . REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL : Nane 5 . REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENT� City Center Matel Request for Undergro�_nd Wirinq Variance , 122 South 3rd Street--The Board reviewed a request fram City Center Motel for an underground wiring variance to a11aw underground wiring from the street to an existing pole on City Center Motel praperty with internai overhead wiring from that point to the motel units . The pale is iocated 85 feet from the raadway . It was nated that the 8aarr� granted similar variances far the Baxter Matel and the Lee Matel . I.t cu�b mav�d by �U�S CR��US, �secc���ded by t�ARRFN GUNNASON, �haz �h e Boahd gaun.t a va�.iance �ta �the Cti.ty Cen�eh M�ze.� -�o a.�.�aw �env�.ce. a�s bhawn c�n �he p�.an nece�.ved Sep�emben 5 un�t�..2 �5uch �t�.me a6 �the bu.i.�2d�.nyh ane n�.p�2aced arc ne.v��.ned. MOTIUN CARR1��. 6 . ITEMS UNDER STUpY a . Cost far Water Productian and Charges--P�tr . Gonnason reported that Ted Benne�t has been asked ta evaluate water rates . b . Olympic Pipe Line Gompan,y Request far Additional Transmission Line--Gordon Ericksen distributed copies af the Environmenta1 Impact Statement submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company . The EIS will be disc:ussed at the next meeting . 7 . ANNOt1NCEMENTS r� Cancerning the Eastwood Park Annexatio!� , Mr. Er� cksen ' reported that the City has been authorized to submit a Notice of Intention to the King County Boundary Review Board . Ne also indicated there is additiona1 interest on the part of Puget Sound Power & Light Campany in annexation of an area in the vicinity of Apollo School from Unian ta 138th and from 12th to North 4th , 8 . ADJOURNMENT--As there was na further business , the meeting adjourned at 9 : 25 a .m. _ . . I _ �. �.,._,. r.� :.�..� �--=— :�..'_` D��t Ben��ett , Chai rman � -:�:� � _ :- _ .� � ������ ��������_�,������_,� �;� y�� �• �,'�` �`�':�' ���G� / Renton City Council Meetin, __inutes G• August 20, 19i3 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported bid opening on August 14, 1973 for L.I.D. 276, L.I.D. 276 -Phase II Phase II, with six bidders responding. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Sanitary Sewers BY CLYMER, THAT THE BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLZC WORKS COMMITTEE Kennydale FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. (Tabulations attached) . Opening - Highlands The Clerk read letter from Library Director Clark H. Petersen, Branch Library announcing the opening of the new branch library and inviting the 9/16/73 Mayor to accept the Library for the City of Renton and inviting the Councilmen to speak on the occasion as they are introduced. Petition Re SW 16th The Clerk read letter from Chairman of the Board of Public Works St. Improvement Del Bennett recommending that the priority rating adopted by the City Council and a$ included in th� Six-Year Construction Program, which schedules work c5n S.W. 16th in the 1977-1979 construction period, be concurred with. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Olympic Pipe Line Co. The Clerk read letter from the Olympic Pipe Line Co. which trans- Environmental mitted their Environmental Impact Statement for the construction Impact Statement of a new refined products pipe line through the City of Renton. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE STATEMENT TO THE PLANIQING COMMISSION AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. �� Airport Way Land- Letter ��v.« �;�:��iu Works Director recommended for payment the Final �sti- scaping Project mate due Westerra, Inc. in the amount of $3,696.80, work completed and CAG 019-73 accepted 8/10/73, plant guarantee bonds in effect through 8/9/74. If, Final Estimate after 30 days, no liens or claims are filed and proof of tax liabilities� i.s received, retained percentage of $5,397.86 will be paid contractor. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED Surplus Vehicles Letter from Purchasing Agent Vern Church was read listing the eight vehicles within the Equipment Rental fund that have been replaced with new equipment during the past few months. Permission was requested to dispose of the equipment by sealed bid with referral to the Legislation Committee for proper Resolution. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMN}ENDATION OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AND DECLARE THE VEHICLES SURPLUS. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THE COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Claim - J. C. Penney City Clerk read Claim from J. C. Penney Co. , Inc. , 700 S. 3rd St. Co. - Window for damages to plate glass windows by flying rocks. MOVED BY Damage BRUCE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRI�D. Burlington Northern Letter from Burlington Northern was read describing proposed elimina- Proposed Construc- tion of their crossing on Monster Road and requesting like petition to tion - Vicinity of the Wash. Transportation & Utility Commission in connection with it. Longacres MOVED BY DELAiJRENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett submitted a Certificate of Appointm�nt to Housing Mr. Louie Gebenini Authority reappointing Mr. Louie Gebenini as a Con;missioner of 668 Sunset Blvd. NE the Housing Authority of t:�e City of Renton, term to expire 9/10/78. Housing Commission Council concurrence not required for this appointment. OLD BUSINESS The Clerk read the report from Public Works Committee regard- ing receipt of the $95,000 loan from the Economic Assistance Authority EAA Loan - Sani- and requesting that the propo�ed ordinance for appropriating and tary Sewers & transferring the funds to a Capital Outlay Account be referred to Water Mains in the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, N. Renton Indus- TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. TO REFER j trial Area TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. After some ensuing discussion, the MOTION CARRIEDa and it was further MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, i THAT THE SUBJECT OF COST FOR WATER PRODUCTION AND CHARGES BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR FURTHER STUDY. CARRIED. After review by Mr. Gonnason of �onsultant's findings in prior rate study and current costs, i-ieretofore presented to the Finance Committee, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER THAT THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS GIVE YRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE OF 'PFiE WHOLE AS WAS GIVEN TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MATTER FtE:FERRED TG COINMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 20, 1973 Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers M I N U T E S FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES DELAURENTI, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRIICE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPTAIN JAMES BOURASA, Police Department; M.C. WALLS, Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; JACK LYNCH; Administrative Assistant to Mayor; JAME3 C. HANSON, Building Department and KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director. MZNUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRZED. ' VOUCHER APP.ROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of Warrants #7515 through 7664, #7507 through 7514 having been voided� with the total amount $188,031.95, all having received departmental certification as to receipt of inerchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented Committee report RESOLUTIONS recommended that the ordinance extending the date for removal of non-conforming signs over $500 in value be placed on final readings, first Ordinance #2795 reading on August 13, 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, Amendment to Sign THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Code Ordinance After reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Extending Date BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. Roll CS11 V�'te was for Compliance unanimous in approval. MOTION CARRIED. First Reading for The Legislation Committee report recoimnended the ordinance adopting Ordinance Re the powers of Initiative and Referen,dum be placed on first reading and Powers of the date of August 27, 1973 be set as a public hearing date for this Initiative and ordinance. The Committee further recommended that a letter from Referendum City Attorney Shellan, dated August 17, 1973, to members of the Legislation Committee be read prior to the reading of the ordinance. Public Hearing MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT TFIE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE August 27, 1973 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read City Attorney's Shellan's letter which advised that serious considera- tion should be given to the pros and cons of such legislationi adoption of the Ordinance would change our regular procedure in pro- cessing ordinances such as the waiting period of thirty days except for the special types of ordinances listed. The ordinance was read by the Clerk and Public Hearing date confirmed. Ordinance #2796 Relating to Gam- The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of proposed bling ordinance imposing a 7� tax rate for duly licensed, bonafide charitable and non-profit organizations for the conduct of bingo, raffles and amusement games. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CAR.RIED. The Clerk read the ordinance. Councilman Perry recommended that it be placed on second and final reading and asked City Attorney Shellan to explain the ordinance to the rest of the Council. Mr. Shellan explained , that the County Council had passed its ordinance on August 13, 1973, I and, as written the ordinance provides for the imposition of a 7$ tax from bingo, raffles and amusement games, but excluding pull tabs and advised that it would be better not to have a time lag between the County and City ordinances. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL 12EADING. MOTION CARRIED. The Clerk read the ordinance for the tinal time. MGVED BY , SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. P.OLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS, AYE, CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI PERRY BRUCE; NO, STREDICKE AND GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. , , � _ _ _ . A�£N Q� � CITY OF RENTI�N OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Date Auqust 16 , 1973 From: De}I Mead, City C1erk To: Mayor Avery Garrett X Councilman Bruce X Councilman Clymer x Councilman Delaurenti X Councilman Grant X Councilman Perry X Councilman Schellert X Councilman Stredicke X Airport Building Department City Attorney X G. M. Shellan Finance Fi re Library Personnel , Planning X G. Y. Ericksen Police Public Works Purchasing Street Traffic Engineering Uti1i ti es O ther Re: Statement of Environmental Impact - Olympic Pipe Line Co. For appropriate action X For your in formation Remarks : 0lqmpic Pipe Line Co. report, requested by Council at its regular meetinq of July 9 , 1973, was received this date, and wi11 appear on the Council Acrenda of Aucrust 20 , 1973. 8/73 FILE COPY { CITY OF RENTON OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' Date August Z6, 1973 From: rDe� .Mead, City Clerk To: Mayor Avery Garrett X Counc.ilman Bruce X Councilman Clymer X Councilmaa� Delaurenti X Councilman Grant X Councilman Perry X Councilman Schellert X Councilman Stredicke X Airport , Building Department . , City Attorney X G. M. Shellan � Finance Fi re , Library , Personnel Planning X G. Y. Ericksen Police Public Works . Purchasing , Street , Traffic �nqi»eering � Utilities Other Re: Statement of Environmental Impact - Olympic Pipe Line Co. For appropriate action x For your .information � Remarks: Olympic Pipe Line Co, report, requested by Council at its reqular meetin9 of July 9 , 1973, was received this date,, and wi11 appear on the Council Aqenda of Auqust 20 � 1973. , 8/73 FILE COPY v� � � ���F R��'a ~ O'�. PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHIN(3TON U ., 0 � „�� MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • 23b �650 � „ �. �A�RqTfp ���0�� MEMORANDUM SE August 15 , 1973 T0 : Ci ty Clerk � ' Building Department Public Works Department FROM: Mike Smith , Planning Department SUBJ : Olympic Pipe Line Co . Shoreline Management Permit (SM-22-73) Attached is a co of a letter of a roval from the De- PY PP ' partment of Ecology regarding the Shoreline permit for the Olympic Pipe Line Company proposed Second Products Pipe Line , I� If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to con- tact this department. Attachment MS :wr � rr..�� J�/1 � r � / � r4 � •� '� .�,i4 '� �1 August 9, 1973 �,,, ,. � ,,, �, ,,,, e=� � : • ; . . ;? Fr� ' �i 4' . E � . . F�T 1TF� �' _ �P� R' City of Renton ry��,�.4..°'� � Planning Department Municipal Building Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: KING COUNTY ' APPLICANT: OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT ��NW227-17-A (SM-22-73) (INSTALLATION 20' O.D. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PIPELINE) The 45-day review period by the Department of Ecology and Attorney General's Office for the above Shoreline Management Permit will terminate on August 9, 1973. If no notice of appeal is received by the above date, construction pursuant to the permit may then commence provided, however, all other local, state, and federal laws regulating such construction have been complied with. Sincerely, , �- �/��� _ � � . LEIGHTON PRATT Authorization Control and Compliance Section � RLP:11 � cc: Olympic Pipe Line Company P.O. Box 236 Renton, Washington 98055 oF REN�, .� �ECEIUEo �� � AUG 14 1973 ... � r � ---- v � 92��NG DEp P��� � OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPA� bellevue Office P. O. BOX 236. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 �7`��'r 1VOY'thrllp Wav Rellevue , WA 9800�+ August 15 , 1973 The City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave . So . Renton , Washin�ton 98055 Attention : Mr . Maxine Motor Deputy Citv Clerk Dear Mr . Motor : Pursuant to mv letter of July 16th , I am enclosinp herewith four (4 ) copies of our renort repardin� the environmental effects of constructing a new refined nroducts ni*�e line in the city limits of Renton , Washington , for vour further handling . If further information is needed , please do not hesitate to contact me . Yours verv truly , ---,._.-._.... /,'/.•!l-�1• 7 c."�'��'-�l.. .. . Max Farr R/W �;anaQer MF/b�b Enclosures �,���1�16171g,.� ��ti ♦ `'�� o AUG 1973 �, � RECEIVED :� - `� CITY of RENTON '> S� GLERK'S OF'F10E�ti�' ��j'�:;O�E,Z�'i.� � �/ � � . I � � ��� OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY Bnellevue Office P. O. BOX 236, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 L�`�O Nort hrup YY aV Bellevue , WA 98004 I August 15 , 1973 � The City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave . So . Renton , Washin�ton 98055 Attention : Mr . Maxine Motor Deputy Citv Clerk Dear Mr . Motor : Pursuant to mv letter of July 16th , I am enclosing herewith four ( 4 ) coDies of our report rep,ardin� the environmental effects of constructing a new refined nroducts pi�e line in the city limits of Renton , Washington , for vour further handling . If further information is needed , please do not hesitate to contact me . Yours verv truly , �i����� � _. . Max Farr R/W ?�lana�er I ' MF/b�b Enclosures i ����1r�1�14S U�8�9�0 � � o AUG 1973 �, « RECEIVED ;� � cin of aENroN ti-� �S' CLERK'S OFFICE ''� � � ., /�a� �I �. ��,� r,��ti � �vt�"� �t � `�1 I�:G�,F�Zw �'�l.si�11�� ��PH�1c�S �o�t�tcTT� � i ^ n �. _., ,_, � ��/t_ � ..`,�- '� _'�•� ,,rl� , _ ; ' ��• /�'�1 " � � i ' __ , r M..- - , • ■ � /VFS` ASSt�CIATES, INC. 73U3t7 � " CiVtL ENCiINEERS i� � � � August 14, 1973 i The Honorabie, The Mayor and The Cauncit af th� City of Renton I City Hali Rentc�n, Washington 98055 I � � Gentlemen: � I On behalf oF the Olympic Pipe Line Campany, we have prepared � the accompanying repart regarding the environmental ePFects of ', constructing a new reFined products pipe line through the City oF � Renton. This report has been prepared by the staFf of Jones ' Assaciates, Inc., employing accepted procedure�, standards and techniques of tl�e Civil Engineering Profes�ian. The opinions ! and conclusions expressed herein are those bf this firm. We will be happy to conFer with you at any time, if such a can- ference would seem profitable to you and in the public interest. , � Respectfutly submitted, �t�►0 �;_M�Er�� JC7NE5 ASSOCIATES, INC. �• 4 WAsiy�., y �! :'O i,j,,•,..�' ;�K� a: �'� , � • y� :. * � ./ S / � : ''� � / ' a � " - . � � : � �,,�. ,� ���3a o:��„w . �� ��.s j , - .',� ,. � , I '�'••�''ar E'��`' } ' t��s��HA1.�'�6` Harland H. McElhany, P.E. HHM:jr ��� ��171���� Encl: � r, A�G 1��3 •4 � ��G'����'� � I R � f � ��'s�� ��4 S .�,y�� 2750 NORTHRUP WAY � 8EL4EVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 • (20$) 827-9555 w � — 73030 August 15, 1973 REPORT�TO THE CITY OF RENTON CONCERNING THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW OIL PRODUCTS PIPE LINE BY OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY INTRODUCTION At the request oP the Olympic Pipe Line Company, Jones Associates, Inc. has reviewed their proposal to construct and operate a 20" reFined petrol- eum products pipe line through the City of Renton. We have been inFormed by OPL and accounts in the press that considerable concern has been ex- pressed by City OfPicials and local citizens over the potential threat to the safety and well-being of themselves, their property and the community caused by the construction of this pipe line. This report addresses itself to those concerns. THE EXISTING OPERATION Olympic Pipe Line Company is a joint interest �ompany owned by Mobil, Shell and Texaco. As a public carrier, OPL is controlled and regulated in its operations by the U.S . Department oF Transportation, as well as the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. Their operation is also regulated by OSHA and state and local laws. Presently, OPL owns and operates a 16" diameter pipe line from the refineries in Northern Washington to the Renton Terminal and a 14" dia- meter line from Renton to the Portland Terminals. The maximum capac- ity of this line is 170,000 barrels per day. This volume is signiFicantly less than the present demand. To help satisfy this shortage of supply, an average of 1 .0 to 1 ,25 million gallons are shipped by barge on Puget Sound each day frnm the refineries to the Port of Seattle, then via 12" pipe line to Renton. Due to the demand volume in the Seattle Metropolitan Region and the physical limitations of the system, oil products cannot be eFficiently tr•ansported to points south oF Renton at the same time that the Seattle market is being supplied. This circumstance requires that oil products destined Por Portland customers be shipped on a pro rata basis creating a real market demand at the present time in Portland. The in- stallation of the new pipe line From Nbunt Vernon to Renton wi 11 allow impraved simultaneous shipment of products to both the Seattle and Port- land market places and the existing as well as the futvre demand may be satisFied. � . . ■ � t�P L, Renton Report Page Two i � � THE PROP05ED ACTIC?N I � I �� C7PL. proposes th� construction af a 20" diameter, 76-mile pipe line, tying � generally parallel to the existing �'acility between Mount Vernon and Renton. � ' This new pipe line will have a capacity of 75,000 barrels per day and will � transport the refined products af crude oil, which cansist oF the various � . grades of gasoline, kerosene and heating and diesel fuels. Maximum oper- � ating pressure will be 936 P.S.I.G. Maxirnum operating temperature will � be 100°F. The pipe line will be constructed of 1/4" thick steel pipe having � a speciPied minimum yield strength (SMYS) af 52,000 p.s.i. All jaints are � to be weided. The pipe is to be externally coated with glass-impregnated � coal tar enamei and wrapped with 15 lb. asphalt-impregnated Felt. Contin- � I uous cathodic protection will be prrovided along it� length. The pipe line, I after bein iaced in tt�e trench and backfilled will be h drostaticall 9P � Y Y � tested fQr a minimum c�f 24 hours to develop stresses equal to 90% of the � specified minimum yield strength. i i PIF'E t,..INE SRFETY I � I In our review, we have found that tl�e design arid operatiorta! standards oF UPL to meet all Federat, State and Locat Regutatians, ar�d in many cases tr� exceed thase requirements. The foilawing examples of QPL practices are impartant addition� tc� the overall saPety of the pipe line system. i . tJPL exceads earth cover requirements on the buried tine in all terrain. The depth and burial af river ar�d creek crossings, approaches to highways and raiiroads, and along alignments whether tfirough congested areas ar open cauntry, exceeds the requirements of the Departm�nt of Transpartation or other regutatory bodies. 2. Majar creek and river cro�sings are designed utilizing 0.5" wall thicknes� A PI51,C-42 grade line pipe. Maximum system operat- ing p�essures at these crossings will be at a stres� level lower than 50% SMYS. Department of Transportation Regulations altow 72%g. 3. OPL.'s Quality Controt Prograr�n Far exceeds the requirements of the Department of Transportation as shown by the �allawing com- parisons: � � OPL, Renton Report Page Three OPL Specifications DOT Regulations Quality Control Contract For factory None inspection with associated pipe line services, Columbus, Ohio, to wit- ness and provide surveiltance on all " mill tests perFormed by the manufact- urer that are required by API speci- � fications. Pre-testing of river crossing pipes None to 90% SMYS in long sections on the river bank prior to the installatio� , of the pipe in the water crosssing 100% X-ray examination oP all fietd 1 O% testing required welds. for open country. 100% For critical loca- � tions such as river crossings and congest- ed areas. 4. The Oii Movement Headquarters located in Renton, maintains tele- metered supervisory control over all pumping stations and provides 24-hour surveillance and operational control. The dispatcher has command capability to remotely perform all needed functions and both visible and audible status indications are displayed on �e Master Panel, and logged in Renton for normal and emergency oper- ational requirements. All product deliveries in and out oF the sys- tem are metered For both Flow and pressure on a continuous basis. The readings are accumulated in the Supervisory Council at Dis- patch Headquarters. The System line balance is recorded by the dispatcher to monitor product movement and provide volume sur- veillance for possible shortage. To date, the cumulative metering accuracy exceeds industry standards. Detection is possible for even very small leaks having flows of one barrel per hour or less. POTENTIAL OIL SPILLS In our review of this project, we have not been able to identify any signific- ant adverse environmental eFFects, or threats to the saFety and well-being of the community caused by the construction or operation of the proposed pipe line other than the threat to that safety and well-being posed by the potentiality of an oil spill. Any pipe line entails the risk of an occasional r . • � � � OPL, Renton Report Page Four minor leak and of moderate and major leaks �`� rare occurrence. The greatest cause of minor leaks is corrosion. I �act, the OfFice oF Pipe Line Safety in Washington, D.C. , reports that oil spills due to corrosion are respon sible for over 50% of all reportable losses in liquid pipe lines. Accidentally caused mechanical ruptures represent the most probable cause of oil spills of a moderate to major size, and an earthquake would be ttie most probable cause of a major leak. We have Found that OPL has taken responsible and deFinite steps to reduce the risk oF oil spills from all of these causes, or to prevent them altogether. To protect against corrosion, the OPL system is designed, engineered and constructed to have 100% cathodic protection along its entire length, Past experience has proven the reliability of the design, inspection, operation and maintenance procedures to the extent that there has never been a leak which resulted from corrosion. Acci�entatly caused mechanical ruph.�res re�resent the most serious threat e of Failure is usuall caused b to the integrity of the pipe line. This typ y y an uninformed, irresponsible third party who typically is excavating in the area of the pipe line and puncbures it with a piece of heavy equipment. There are a number of steps which are implemented to detect or prevent an oil spill of this nature. rker ro ram consistin of area mile st 1 . An acttve line ma p g 9 P° markers and road crossing signs positioned to catch the eye of the passing traFFic and providing warning of the "Buried Cross- ing" as well as displaying a 24-hour emergency telephone number. 2. Bright orange-colored plastic line marker tape is installed below plow depth and above the pipe line as an additional saFeguard. This tape is imprinted with a warning of the presence of the pipe line below. (See sample attached). 3. A weekly aerial patrol of the system for detection oP right-of-way encroachments, oil spills, construction near the pipe line, and especially, any excavation activity within the vicinity of the pipe line. Congested areas are patrolled on foot or by car. All oper- ating and field personnel are constantly alert for potential pro- ble.rs along the right-oF-way as they perform their daily assign- ments. 4. It is the policy oF OPL to actively solicit enquiries From contractors and other parties doing excavation work in the vicinity of the pipe line and upon request from them will promptly stake its location in the field. r-- , � -- -- - - - _ � � OPL, Rentan Report Page Five 5. The pipe line system maps are exchanged with other pipe line com- panies, public uti�ities, or^ arry other interested person upon their � request ir� an efl�ort to further reduce the possibility oF third party damage. 6, A combination of manually operat�d and remotely contrnlled line block vaives are to be installed in the new pipe line. The location of these valves are determined through the study of tapographic maps and iine prroPiles ta determine drainage patterns for the area traver�ed by the pipe line. Also considered in this determinatian are cangested are�s, population density and the potential effects of oil spill to critical areas. The remoteZy controlled valves are located so as to isolate segments oP the pipe line to permit nearly instantaneous shut-down of the system. The nurnber and placement of these valves are in excess ol= the requirements o� the Department of Trartsportation Regulations on block valve locations. 7. Cantingency Planning and Emerg�ncy Operational Procedures are ' a part of employee training. An "Emergency Manual" outlining the responsibilities and instruction tr� the dispatchsr, field and supervisory personnel has been distributed to ait key empioyees. This ir�formation is kept current and incl�ades detailed instructions and information on leak detection procedures, �ystem shut-dawn and containment actions, correct procedures Por t�andling emer- gencies, maps, tine pro�ile, emergency telephane numbers, block valve tocations, emergency rnaterial description and location, ar�d hydraulic data pertinent to the system. R11 fieid personnei are familiar with the pipe line raute, the ger�eral terrain, dr^ainage and papulation density along the right-of-way, and are instructed in methods and procedures which witl contair� any praduct spill within the minimum time periad. A mobile communicatians sys- tem provides the means to expedite tYte dispatching aP equipment and materiats and per$annel as required to meet ernerget�cy con- ditians. In an emergency situation, should additianat martpawer and equipment be required over and above QPL. personnet, term contractcsrs are emptoyed ta per�arm such necessary services under the direction af experienced Qtympic persannel. These contractors are setected for their capability to pravide ait antici- pated emergency services. In the nearly eight years o� aperatian, oP the existing system, since start-up in September of 19f5, only twa rnain line product spitls have occurr^ed. Both of these spilts were due to third party damage caused by excavatian equipm��nt and resulted in 150 and �60 barrel spi 4ts. Houvever, of the totat of 310 barreis spiti�d, 150 were recovered ar9d the remainder cieaned up by removat and reptacement of the ait-soaked soit and the aeration of the �i spi 11 area. . .. ,,. ..._,...,� —� � � OPL, Renton Report Page Six Seismically induced failure of the pipe line is perhap� the most difPicult contingency to deal with. The entire routing of this pipe line lies within the Puget Sound Basin which is a region of relatively high seismicity. However, the route does not cross any Paults which are known to have a relationship to earthquakes in this area. The prediction of earthquakes is at best a primitive art, yet it is reasonable to expect an earthquake of significant magnitude to occur in the future. It is probable �at such an event will occur during the period oP use of this pipe line. The magnitude and number of unknown factors relating to seismic design for a structure such as a buried pipe line make it diFficult to Arepare defin- itive design criteria. It is apparently impossible, with technology pres- ently available, to design an "earthquake-prooF" pipe line. Accepting this premise, the structural design must provide for the minimization of the threat to the environment caused by earthquake related Failure. Although construction drawings are not completed at this time, it is our understand- ing that special consideration is to be given to each of the following con- ditions should they occur along the alignment: 1 . Whenever an abrupt bend occurs in either the horizontal or vertical alignment: 2. Whenever the pipe line is laid in fill: 3. Whenever the pipe line is laid in soFt ground with unsuitable foundation conditions: 4. Whenever the pipe line passes from soft to firm ground: 5. Whenever the pipe line is laid in the vicinity oF reclaimed areas, or high or steep river banks, along beaches or clifFs: 6. Whenever the pipe lin is laid in an area subject to tandslides, or foundation Paiture. : ��-= Given proper engineering design and properly executed construction proced- ures, pipe line failures caused by seismic activity should not be expected except in the very most severe instances. In the event of any strong seismic activity, operational procedures require that the pipe line be shut down and investigation made to determine what effects, if any, the earthquake had on the pipe line. Should a failure be detected, the emergency operational procedures and contingency plan dis- cussed above with respect to an accidental rupture would be applied. � � OPL, Renton Report Page Seven fr Additionally, in the interest oF total pipe line saFety, contingency planning is reviewed and updated by OPL with special attention to locations where pipe line ruptures would pose special threat to the environment or ta the saFety and well-being of the community. This analysis will determine the maximum possible volume of spill that could occur, the time required to detect the leak and to shut down pipe line and operations, the time required to mobilize and contain the spill, the speciFic effects of the spill and what clean up and restoration procedures should be employed to mitigate any damage. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS During the construction period adverse efFects on the atmosphere may be caused by dust from vehicular traFFic and exhaust emissions oF constrution machinery. These would be temporary in nabure and will have an insignifi- cant effect on the environment. Clean up and restoration oF the rights-oF- way will follow immediately after the backPill and testing operations. Environmental effects caused by the operation of the pipe line are neglig- ible. There are neither noise nor vapor emissions From the pipe line it- selF. A small amount of noise is produced by the motors at pumping sta- tions, and thereFore these stations are sited in areas of low or no develop- ment, generally outside densely populated areas. Furthermore, when the '�i generated noise reaches an objectionable level, appro�riate measures are taken to reduce the sound by housing and insulating the pumping units. These , measures eFFectively minimize any adverse effects upon the environment due to sound emission. It is our understanding that local concern has been expressed that construct- , ion of the proposed pipe line will cause increases in truck traFfic within the ' City oF Renton. It is necessary to exptain that the existing 16" line entering the Renton Station from the north will continue to serve the Renton Terminal distribution requirements together with the distribution oF products to the Harbor Island and Sea-Tac Airport Terminats. No significant increases in the volume of distribution are planned for these outtets. A normal increase in the demand for these products is expected in Renton, consequently truck- ing of reFined products will increase only due to localdemand. This demand is expected to increase at an annual rate of approximately 7%�% resulting in a corresponding increase in traffic delivering to Renton customers. As dis- cussed earlier, a principal reason for the construction of the 20" pipe line is to provide an increased capability oF supplying the Portland Area with oil products and simultaneously satisfying the Seattle market. The trans- portation oF oil products through the Renton Terminal via underground pipe line to Portland will not increase truck traffic in the City of Renton. r � � OPL� Renton Report Page Eight RQUTE CONSIDERRTIC?NS Together with envirortmental aspects, QPL has been concerned with setect- ing the mast appropriate route for the pr^opased products pipe line. Fram tl7e Aller► ta Rentan Stations, including the portion within the City af Rentan, the leading criter�on for route selection has been the devetapment o!= paralist facilities with both the existing 16" line and the proposed 24" line lying within the sxi�ting or adjacent easements. Some al= the reasons for the importance af this criterion are: 1 . Experier�ce fram the design and construetiar► af the ariginal facil- ity supplies valuable inf+�rmatiar► such as soii and tc�pc�graphic data and highlights areas oP speciat concern, such as river and utility crossings; 2. Negotiating for easements across the same properties and in many cases with the same o�vners, facilitates the easement acquisitian � process; 3. Surveiltance and maintenance casts �ar the completed pipe tine are minimiaed. Qnly in areas where substantial development has accurred since tF�e originat line was constructed has deviation Prom the existing atignment been cansidered, A discussion oF the pipe tine route within the City Limits o�' Renton can con- veniently be separated into that portion paraiteting the existing alignment and that portion which deviates. The parallel alignment ties within the City oP Seattle power transmission line easement from the northerty city timits in tF�►e vicinity of N.E. 12th 5treet so�.itherty to a point approximately i/4 mile beyond the crossing of the Cedar River; another sectian of proposed para- liel alignment commences just east oP SR 167 and runs westerly to ti�e QPL Renton Station. Partions of this proposed parallet alignment pass thrc�ugh platted residential developments. Within these developments the power trans- mission and pipe line easements are used in many ways �uch as equestrian and pedestrian waikways, landscaped rear yards, parking areas For auto- mobiles and general playgraunds. Construction of the proposed pipe tine will interupt these uses during the construction phase oniy and post--cc�nstruct- ion restoration will assure thei recovery. 7 • . 3 Jones Associates, Inc. was retained by OPL in early June oF 1973 ta gather data which would allow selection oF the most appropriate of' the routes pre- viously described. Topographic and geologic data, existing utility inform- atian, right-of-way widths, traffic cansiderations, together with a general analysis of the immediate cammunity were part of the in�ormation and ob- servations rnade ta assist in the final route selection. .. , � � OPL.., Rentc�n Report Page Nine Substantial develo�ament southeasterly of Royal Hills Drive, on ei�hPr side oF Puget Drive S.E. and cr�nstru,ction of the Ben��n Apartments discouraye new construction parallel to the existing aiignment through this region. Therefore, beginr�ing at the point where the existing 16" line diverges from the power line easement, a more apprapriate alternate r�ute has been selected, namely, to continue west-southwesterly along the power trans- mission easement to its intersection with Benson Road S. From this point however, several alternative routes have been examined in an efFort to select a pipe line route that will be efFicient in operation, economical in construction, minimally disruptive to the community during the con- str�action stage and most beneficial to the society it serves over its lifetime. The accompanying map shows the routes that have been considered. Route "A" lies in Benson Road S. , between the power transmission easement and the existing OPL alignment. Route "B" would cross under Benson Road S . , progress southerly along the projection of Williams Avenue S. to the inter- section with the existing OPL �lignment. Route "C" would cross both Ben- son Road S. and Talbot Road, along an existing Bonneville Power Adminis- tration and Seatt�e City Light power transmission easement to Smithers Avenue S. , cross Smithers Avenue S. to the right-of-way at South 14th Street, Pol low Sauth 14th Street to Shatbuck Avenue S. , then turn southerly alon� Snattuck ,4venue S. to the intersection oP the existing OPL route. RoUte "D" is similar to Route "C" e�:cept that it continues westerly in South 14th Street beyond Shattuck Avenue S. to the intersection oF Lake Avenue S. , then continues southerly in Lake Avenue S. to private property known as 1511 Lake Avenue, then westerly across this property to a point adjac- ent to the right-of-way of SR 167 where it then moves southerly parallel with the highway right-of-way to the intersection of the existing OPL ease- ment. Although it may appear that a logical alternative route would have been along Talbot Road S. , this possibility was discouraged by the City of Renton, Public Works Department, which was concerned for the potential disruption of extensive existing utility construction lying within that corridor. A disruption of activiY.ies at Talbot Hill Eiemsntary School, Talbot Hill Park, the interFr�rence with traf�ic on a major arterial (Benson Road S.) and being the longest of all the proposed alternatives are all items that urged the abandonment oF Route "A" . Route "B" was dropped from further con�ideration as it would conflict with the proposed construction oF new State Route 51 5. OF the remaining routes, "C" and "D", Route "D" has been recommended as the most appropriate route . Although it is somewhat longer and substantial portions oF it will be constructed without the advantage of established access roads, it does have the advantage oF minimizing the impact on the community during the construction stage. Together with this, we have been advised by OPL that the land purchased parallel to SR 167 will be donated to the City with the intent that this natural region will be developed as a future park. • i ! � � OPL., Renton Report Page Ten C�NCLUSIONS � The National Trans portation Safety Baard has recagnized the liquid pipe � line industry as having the best saFety record an a ton/mile basis of all methods oF transportatian, In terms oF naise, vapar emi�sions, water � pallution patential, visible distractions or other forms of undesirable eFFects, it is the "cleanest" method of transportation oF oil products. This recognition, tagether with the factor� discussed in the faregaing repart and the assurances which we have gained From our review of I OPI._'s proposed construction, as well as their operational practices, I allow us ta conclude that there are no predictable permanent adverse ' environmental efFects to be associated with this project. We also con- '' clude that the most appropriate route has been selected far the Facility r � , � � � _ _ • � _ . • BOARD OF PUBLIC WORI<S Wednesday , July 25 , 1973 Renton Municipal 6uilding 9 :00 A . M. 4tr� Floor Conference Room Preser�t : Del Bennett , Chai rmar�� Wes Crews , Acting Building Director Dick Houghtor� , Utility Engineer Jim Magstadt , Assistant Planning Director Cheryl Henry , Secretary 1 . CALL TO ORDER--The July 25 meeting of the Board of Fublic WorE:s was called to c;rder at 9 : 00 a .m . by Chairman Del Bennett . 2 . REUIE�J AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES--It was moved by WES CREWS, secondcd bz� DIC� HOUGHTUN, that the minutes �:f the JuGr� ZZ an� JuZy Z8 meetings be approved as �vritten. MOTIOIJ CARRIED. 3 . CORRESPONDEtJCE July 19 Request by Rainier Village Company for Off-site Improvement Variar�ce , 520 Rainier Avenue South--The Chairman read Rainier Village Company ' s July 19 letter requesting a temporary variar�ce from off-site improvements ( sidewalks , curbs , gutters , and driveway} adjoining Shattuck Aver�ue South at 520 Rainier Avenue South due to the City ' s planned reconstruction of the Shattuck Avenue underpass . The request was followe�l by a memo dated July 24 from Dick Houghton . Mr. Houghton reported reconstruction of the Shattuck Avenue underpass should begin in 1974 pending final determination of the matcfiing funding and selEction of a consulting engineer . TOPICS funding for the project has been approved . Reconstruction of the underpass would extend southerly and adjoir� the Rainier Village property and wou] d involve a change in grade . Because of the probable constructiori in this area , it was the opinion of th�: Public tJorks Department that installation of off-site improvements may be premature at this time . After further con;ideratior it �,�as moved �y JIM MAGSTADT, seconded by WES CREWS, that the Boarc' vf PubZic Works concur in the PubZic Works Depart:ment 's �•ecomnrendation as stated in Mr. Houghton 's JuZz� 24 memo-- Z) o�f-site improvements (curbs, gutters, si�lewalks, and dri��eway) ad�joiraing Shattuck Avenue South be de�erred subject tu pos�ing of c, performance bond in the amount �f $Z, Z50. 00 to cover costs of the deferred improvements; 2) as an interim measure, the ou�ner be requi.red to prepare the subgrade and pavt: a ZO-foot z�ide area r�est of the existin,r asphaZt roadraay surface betraeen the exist�ing drivewaz� and the raiZroad undereros�ing with 2 inches of Class B asphalt; and 3) the remair,ing area between the propertz� Zine and thc: asrhalt be dressed and covered with Gark. MOTICN CARRIED. 4 . REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL : ��one , 5 . RtFERRALS FROM DEPAR�MENTS : None 6 . ITEMS UNDER STUDY a . Olympic Pipe Line Co . Request for Additional Transmission Line--Jim Magstadt reported that he has received co�ies of Federal safety standards concernir,g petroleum products transmission line installations from the Department of Transportation and will forward copies ta the Board men�bers . The Chairman pointed out that the Board also requested a report of past history of safety problems experienced with such pipelines , and Mr. Magstadt indicated he would contact the Department of Transportation for this information . b . Petition for Street Improvements on SW 16th Street- Dick Houghton read a draft of a report concerning the referenced petition and agreed to forward a copy of the final report to the Board for consideration . _� � ..�� • - : . • BOARD QF PUBI. IC WORKS Page 2 July 25, ] 973 7 . ANNOUNCEMENTS Pacific Northwest Bell Variance Request RO 73 3435 , Rear Lat Lin�s from 221 ta A�O1 Langstan Road--PNB Representatives ta Attend August 8 Board of Rub7ic Works Meeting 8 . ADJOURNMENT--As there was no Jurther business to eome before the Board, i� r�as moved bz� DICK HOUGHTON, seconded by WE,S CREW.�, that the meeting be ad�jaurned. MOTION CARRIED. Time : 9:30 a. m. _ r __� _ __�_ .�! w�... De] Benn t� , Chairman i . . � , , �� �. , Rerr,ton C-i.ty Caunc,i.e Mee.t,i.vr.g M.t:nu,te� Page 2 - Ju,e.y 23, 1973 URDINANCFS AACD R�SOLLfTIONS (Can,t,i.nued) Re�sa�.u,ti.an 1�69 (C.A.G. 3002-72, Re�s�.2u,t,i.an 1&69) , and N. �zh S�t. � Pcvcf� Ave. IJ. Re�sa.�c�,t,i.an 1810 .e,i.�� �S�cLt,i.on (C.A.�. 3004-72, Re�sa.eu�,i.an 1�70) be head and adop�ed. The cUn,ttca.c� ane �an a �en-ye,alc �e�u.ad and cvice on Schedu.ee 40, wh,i.ch wcu de�tehrn.i,ned 6y .the Pub.�i.c Glanh� Depa�c,tm2v�t by a �sujcvey �ta be �h.e ma�s� bene��.c,c;a.e �ta �he Gi,ty and �save� ,the C-i.ty a��nax,i.ma-te2y $900.00 �e1c. yec�.. MUV�D By SCH�LL�RT, S�C�IJ'DFD By BRUC�, TU CUNCUR IN 7H� R�CUMM�NDATIUN D� TN� CUMMITT�� ANU ALITHURIZ� TH� MAyOR AND CITy CL�RK TU SIGN THF R�SOLUTIUN CUNTRACTS. MUTIUN CARRI�D. B�,d Opewi.ri.g C.i.ty C.�etcFz �.e�on.ted b�.d a�eru,ng an Ju,e.y 17, 1973 �vn a.s�ha,�t pav�.ng 7/19/73 �atc ,the Daw►�awn Impnvvemen� Prcajec� w.i.th �c,u�c. b�.dde�us nespandc;ng DawrLtawn Impnave- (�abu2a,�i.on a,t.t.�.ched) and nead .�e,t.telc bhUm �he Pub.P.i.c Glanfz� Depa�c,t- men,t P�c.v�ec,t men� necammencli.r.g �h.at .the cav�t�lc.a.c,t be a.u�a,�cded .ta Gle�� Cacvs�t �.2ecfiJc,i.c Pha�e II Ca. �� Gla.sh,c;ri,gZan, Inc. Th,i�s �no1ec.t .us 6e,i.ng �unded by UAB w.i.tli mcr.tch,i,ng �atcu�a�cd Thhu�,t �und�5. MOV�D BY SCH�LL�RT, S�CUNDED 8y P�RRy TU RF��R T(J TH� PCiBLIC G10RKS CUMMTTT�� �OR R�CUMM�NDATIUN. MOTIUN CARRI�D. C.P.a.i,m �vn Damage� C.�etch nead C.ea,im �on Damage� �nam Mrr�. Le.ea S. McVay, 427 Pcvch Ave. N. , Mr�s. Le.�.a. McVay an June 29, 1973 �atc an a,P�eged �a,P.e an h�.dewa.Qfz �n GI�,,�Q,�.a.m� Ave. S. MUV�D By SCH�LL�RT, SFCUND�D By P�RRy, TO R���R TU CITy ATTURNFy AWD INSURANC� CARRI�R. MOTION CARRT�D. AucGt.ence Cammerr,t M�. Bax,te�c and Mn�. Tudd, bv.th awnetc� a� ma�eP� vn. Rcu.n,i.etc Ave. S. S�.gn C�de cvmp.ea,i.ned �� �he �:e�.tetc� nece�i.ved �r�.am �he Bu,i.�d,i.ng �epafc�newt abau� M�r�. Sa�c.a.h Bax.teh �th.e,i�c �5�.gn.s. 8v�th a� �hem �sct,i.d �ha.t a .eat�ge ��.gv� n�a�cud,i.ng au,t wa� Bax.telc'� M��e.e. �the ane.y way �to a,�t�c.ac.t xhe�. Fund a� bu��.�ie��, becac.�e ma�� a� .i.t wa.s �nam vu,t-a�-�tawn, a,Y�,o �s�-g� vehy ex�e.n.s�ve and .they weh.e u,P,2y M�. La.ea. Tadd �.r►�utc.ed. They had been �hetce �an a ghea.t many yealu,. Caunc,�,eman tUe%�tu�.nd Ma�e,e. Gtc.an.t a�sh.ed Bwi.edi,ng D-i�cec.ton Che_u� �.� �the�ce had been veh.y many cam�.ea.i.v�t�s �s�.nce �the .�e.ttelc� had gane vc.�t. Mn. Cnew� �cu.d �hehe had been a numbesc a� �e,�ephane cvmp.P_a,i.v►�. MOV�D 8y GRANT, S�CUN��D By SCHFLL�RT, TNAT THIS MATT�R B� R���RR�D T� THF CUMMIlNITy S�RVTCFS COMMTTT�F. Caunc,i.�man Gtca.vi,t �.nv-i,ted xhe�se �eap2e wha ab1ect �v �he S�,gn Cade �a a�tend �the Cammun,i�y Setcv�.c�s Camm.i.t�ee mee�.ng and pa.a��.b�.y �they wau,P_d �ahe a ��.e,Qd ,t�u:.�, he w,i.e.e .�e,t .t6te peop�e Ftnow when �he mee.t,i.ny w.i.Q.e �ahe p.e.ace. MOTION CARRI�D. PROCLAMATIUNS Mayvn Ga�vice�tt ��sued a Pn.�c,�.ama,t.c:.an pnac.e.a,imi.ng Augws� 1973 a.s Re►titon Renxan Aetu.e Ae�c.�.e #1722 Fna.te�c.na,e. Onde�c a� �ag�e� M�v�th, za ce,eebna,te �the,vc. 75.th #1122 Fna.tetcna,2 Anv►,i.ve�uscvcy �Gi,i,s yecvc, hav�.ng ��at�ted �.n Sec�t,ee �.n 1898, and zhe Onde�r. a� �ag.2e� Ren,ton Ae�c,ie ce,�.eb�ca.t,c:ng .�.t�5 ��.�ty-��.x,t.h yean v6 gnaw,th and �e�cv�.ce �in Zhe Ci.ty o� Ren,ton. APPUIN7M�NTS May�n Ga�.e.t.t �ubm.i.t�ted a �e�t�tetc. ap�otivr.�i.ng Mn. Rvbe�c.t F. McBe.th, 1632 C.i.t,i,zervs Adv�ony L,i,nca.�n Cawc,t S.F. �.n �.P_a.ce �� M.i�� Debh,a. Gws,tu��on, wha Gca�s adv,i,bed Camm.i.ttee �on xh.a,t due �t� w�nFi �chedu,�e, �5he w,c:.�2 be unab.2e �a acce�.t �the appv�.n�menx. Shane,P.i.ne Mg�. MOV�D By GRANT, S�COND�D 8y SCH�LL�RT, TU RF��R TO TH� COMMUNITy Mrc. R. McBe,th S�RVICFS COMMITT�F. MUTIUN CARRI�D. OLD BUSIN�SS The Camm.i�tee v� .the (Uha2e ne�an,t necvmmended �he �ubjec� a� �he L. I.U. Pnapa�ed L. I.D. 5ah Abe�r.deen Avenue N.�. 8e�ween N.�. 27,th. and N.�. 28�h be ne�e�ced Abe�c.deen Ave. NE bacfz .ta �he Pub.�i.c (UanFr� Camm.i.i-�ee �an �wr.thetc. �,�udy. MUV�D By SCH�LLFRT, SFCUNDFD By CLyM�R TU CONCIIR IN R�COMMFNDATION UF TH� C�MMITT�� AIJD R���R TU TH� PUBLIC GIDRKS COMMITT��. MUTIUN CARRI�D U.�ympti r�:�e �.c.ne�The Camm.i.�tee a� �he wha.�e nepa�r,t necammended �he G1,i.2e,i.am Gnav�t .2etten. negah,di.ng U�.ym��.c P�.pe Li.ne Cc,. be ne�eluced �a Zhe Leg��.a�c:on Camm.i.t,tee. M�V�D By SCNFLL�RT, S�COIV��D By CLyM�R, TU CONCLIR IN RFCOMM�N17A7TUN UF TH� COMMITT�� OF TH� wHULF AND R���R T� TH� L�GISLATION CUMMITT��. Caunc,i.eman Pe�vcy �scr„i,d .the �unpa�e -i.4 .to u�da�e aun otcdi.na.nce� a� ,t� wha,t a Caunc,i,Zman may an may na� da. Counc,i.eman G�can� gave �h.e C.�ehFz a .�e,t,teh Sn.am C.i,ty A.t.tonney She.�,ea.n, da,ted Ju,ey 20, 1973, xa nead, wh,i,ch wa.a addh.e��sed �a �h.e C.i.ty Caunc,i.Q., Re: Cvmm.i.�tee a� �he Who.2e mee,ti.ng an Ju,�y 17�h.. The �2e,t.teJt. �5.ta.ted �'l�r.t he. l�a� F��en rn.i�quated � _� ' � � � R�NTON CI7y COUNCIL Regu.?a�c Mee�ti.ng Ju,ey 23, 1473 Muru.c,i.pa.e. Bu,�.2di.ng Manday, 8:00 P.M. C�unc,i:� Ch.ambena M I N U T � S �LAG SALl1T� AND Maya,�c Ave�c.y Gcvvice�.t, pneh�.d,i.ng, .�ed �the P.�edge o� A.�.Y.eg�i.a.nce and CALL TO URU�R ca,�2ed �he Ren,t�n Ci.ty Caunc,i,e Mee.t,�.ng �a O�cdelc. RUI.L CALL U� �ARL CLyM�R, Counc,i.� Pn.e�stiden.t; GIILLIAM J. GRANT, K�NN�TH �. BRUCF, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STR�DICK�, G�URG� J. P�RRy, H�NRY �. SCN�LLERT. MOVFD By SCH�LLFRT, S�COND�D 8y P�RRy, TO �XCUS� ABSFNT C�UNCILMAN CHARL�S DFLALIRFNTI. MUTIUN CARRI�D. CITy OFFICIALS IN AV�Ry GARR�TT, Mayon; JACK LyNCH, Admi.vu��ica.t,�.ve A��.v��a.vLt �to Mayon; ATT�NDANCF G�RARD SH�LLAN, Ctity �t.t�tanney; GG1EN MARSHALL, Ftinance D,ucec,ton; MAXIN� MUTOR, Depu,ty C.i ty C.2e�cFz; DFL BFNN�TT, A.i�cpa�c.t D�nec.tolc.; DAV I D HAML I N, T�cu���.c �ng�.neeh.; V I C TeGANTVOURT, S-tsc.ee�t Supe�►titenden.t; G�RDON �RICKS�N, P.�.anru.ng D�cec,tan; ARN�LD HUBNFR, Pa.�i.ce �epc�.tmen,t; RICHARD G�ISSL�R, A�s�-i�s�:an,t �-vice Ch,i.e�; RICHARD HUUGHTUN, U�i.�i�i,eJ� �ngtineelc; GI�S CR�GIS, Ac..t.c.ng 8�.�,i.e.di.ng D-vicec�tan. MTNUT� APPRUVAL TheJce be,i.ng na ca�vicec,ti.an�s orc addi.t,i.a►vs �tv �he Caunc,i.2 M-�nc�,te� a� %/16/73 JuX.y 16, 19�3, -i.t wa.s M�V�� By CLyMER, S�CONDEU By BRUC�, CUUNCIL MINIlT�S B� APPROVFD AS PR�PAR�D AND MAIL��. MUTION CARRI�D. VOLICH�R APPROVAL F�.n.a.nee and Pe�vSvnne,e Camr►u,ttee Cha.i�unan Sehe.PY.eJc.t necvmmended �aymev►,t 6 9 31 - 714 3 v� watvi.a�� 6 9 31 .tGvco ug h 714 3, �ta�a.e ama un�t a� $310, 3 9 3. 14, �.�u.b L. I.D. L. I.D. 278 278, Revenue #3, $631 . 80, Ca�h #3, $631 . �0, a.Q,2 hav�,n.g neee.i.ved depah,t- mev�ta,e. eetc.t.i��.ea.ti.an a�s �to neee.i.p�t a� me�c.ehandi�s e and/�n �5 e�cv�.ee� nende�c.ed. MUVF� By SCH�LL�RT, S�COND�D By CLyM�R, THAT CUl1NCI L AL(TNORIZ� PAyM�NT AS R�CUMM�NDFD. MUTtON CARRI�D. ORDINANC�S AND Cammi.t,tee a� �the wha.�e Chcw�man C�ymeh �ubm.i.t,ted Cammi�.tee nepatc,t R�SULU7IONS necammend.�ny adap.t.i.on ab �the w. I .N. Pnagnam O�cdi.n.ance. MUV�D By SCH�LLFRT, S�CUN�O�D 8y P�RRy, TO R�F�R TO TH� L�GISLA7ION COMMITT��. MUTIUN CARRI�D. (Jnd,i.nance 2792 Leg-i�s.�n,t,�an Camm.i.�tee Chcuh.man Pe�vi.y �5ubnu,t,ted �c.e�a�r.t �tha,t �he and,i.nanee w. I.N. Pjc.agha.m -tican.s�e�ch.i.ng $21, SO&.00 �nom ���ti.ma,ted Fxee�� Revenue Fund un,to GIanF� FuncG�ny Ineen,t,i.ve Pnagn.a.m �und, hav�.n.g been p.�aced an �.i�c.s� ne.ad,�ng an Ju,ey ]bZh, be r��.aeed an �eeund and ��.na.e neadi.ng. A�.tetc neadi.ng v� .the. ond,i.nanee, -i,t wa�5 MUV�D B� SCffELL�R7, S�CON��� By CLyh4�R, 7HAT TH� ORDINANC� BF AVOPT�D. RaPX ea.Q.e va�e ne�suX�ed �n ��.ve AyeS, Caunci..�man S.thediefze v��ed Na. MOTION CARRI�D. App��.n,tmev�t The Camm.i t,tee o� �the who�e nepant wa�, n.ead necammencL�.ng �tha.t �he Cvunc.i.� Mrc. Kenne�th G16u:.te eaneeve �.n �the Mayotc'� appa�.n,tmenx a� Mn. Kenne,th GIGi,i.te a�5 Pe�onne.e Pe�c�Sanne,e D,vc.ee�ah D.i�cee�tan. MOV�D By SCH�LLFRT, S�CONIJ�D By P�RRy, TO CUNCUR IN TH� C�MMITT��'S RECOMM�N�ATION. A��e�c �ame e�vsc.ung d.i�ecus�tion be�ween �the Caune�.ernen and �the Adm�.vi,i.6�Jca t,��n negatcc�ng �he qua,e,i.�tiea,t�i.on� o� Mn.. Glh,i.te negand,i.ng .ea.ban neg�.�,i.a,t,i.o�v,, �he MOTIUN CARRT�D. Re�Sv.�.e.�t,�an 1865 7he Leg,i�s.ea.t�i.on Camm.i�t,tee ne���c.t �c.eeammen.ded �tha� �he ne�Sa.�u�i.avc �und Tr�,a.vvS�eJc ,t�ca,n��e�vc,i.ng $7, 136.00 �nam �the Co►�,tc;ngeney �und uvt,ta Peh.�onne,e Sehvtiee�5 Pe�anne,e. D-i�cee,tvn C�vvicen,t �und �an �he puh.�obe a� paymen,t o� �a,e.a�cy and bene�� �on �the Sa.P.cvcy and Pe�usanne,e D-i�cee,to�c. �an �he �c.ema,i_vi,i.ng ��.ve m�n,th� a� 1973 be nead and Bene�tit�5 adop�ed. The C.�elc.fz ne.ad zhe ne�sa�u,t,�an and -i.t wa�s MOVFD By SCH�LLFRT, S�COND�D By CLyM�R, THA7 TH� RFSULUTIUN B� ADOPT�D AS R�AD. MOTIUN CARRIFD. Puge.t Sound Paweh The Ley��.aZi.vn Camm,c.�tee ne�a�c.t neeammended �GuLt �the b�.ve Re,av�.u,t�.�n � L..i.gh.t Con.t�cae,t�s Cow,ticAe� w.�th Puge,t Saund P�weh. and L.t:gh,t Cv. �on pawe�c. ��n �he Re,so.eu,t,c;an 1�66 Mv►vc.ae Ave. N.�. baa�sze�e. pump �5x.a,t,i.vn (C.A.G. 041-73, Re�sa�.u,t.i.an 1866) , Re.�o.�u,ti.on 1�6J LaFze GIa�sGi,i.ng�ton �.�e.ush �sx.a.t.i.an (C.A.G. 042-�3, Re�o�.u,ti,�n 1&b7) , Re,ao.e.u,t,i.an l�bk Lah.e Gla�h,i,ng�an Nan.th .P.i.�.t �s�a.t.i.on (C.A.G. 043-73, Re�sa�u,t,i,an 186�) , we,P� Na. 3 paweh, s e�c,v�,ee u,t Ha c.�e�c lUay and Brca n.s v n G1a y, . .' � � t Renxon C.i.ty Caunc,i.2 Mee.t.i.ng hli.nu,te�s Page 3 - Ju,ey 23, 1913 ULD B(1SIN�SS (Cavi,t.inuedJ U�ymp�.c Ptipe [.,i.ne tin ,the newbpape�. negah.cGi.ng Caunc,i.�man Gn.an.t'� ��.axemen,�s and �h.a t h.i� nemcvch,a a.t .the Comm.�t�ee o� �he (Uha.�e meet.i.ng wehe an,�y gene�ca.2 tin na.tcvi.e. MOTTON CARRI�D. � Si.d Awand pub.e�c wanh� Cam►ru�tee_ Cha,ilcman Bn.uce �ubm.i t,ted a mi.nan,i.ty nepan,t Ttc.a���.c S�.gna,Y,i.za- necammencf,i.ng �tha�t �the .2ow b.id o� Mc,�.P.t,i. San,i.c� Deve.e.vpmen.t Cvnporca.�i.an �i.on �qu,�.pmen.t be acce►��ted �.n �he amaun.t ab $320,975.46 �on Pacfzage II Tfca.���.e S.i.gvia,� Sy�s.tem� be acce��ed. Caunc,i.eman Bnuce exr�.ea,�.n.e.d �ha,t �h,i� ' wa� a m.i.nan,i.ty nepan� vv�.y becawse he wa� ,the on.Y.y membeh a� �he Camm.�t�tee pJc.e�en,t a,t �the mee.ti.ng. The b�.d wc�s wtith,i_n 1. 5 o v� �the �ng�.nee�c'�s e��t.i.ma,te. A��te1�- �5ame di�scu.s�5�an be�iveen ,the C�unc.i.Y,men and Trca���.c �ng�.neen Ham.�,�n ab�u,t �he �echn,ica,?i.t,�e� o� �he b.i.d d�eci.��,cu.t,�an� and xhe de��.ab�i.�i.ty v� PacFzage II, �� wc�s M�V�D 8y SCH�LL�RT, S�COND�D By P�RRY T� CONCUR IN TH� R�COMhd�NDATION UF 7N� COMMITT��. MOTIUN CARRI�D. Pnapa�ed L. I.D. The Pub�P.i.c wanFz� Camm-i.t,tee �c.e�on.t necammended ( J ) �ha,t �the PuQ o.i.c tUa,tehma,i.n� - (Uanh� �Depcvc,tme.h,t pnaceed w.i.th �he L. I.D. pn.acedcvice zo mah�e a �ne- V�.c�n.i�ty a� P.i.m.i.ncvc.y cLs�Se��mev�t and necammend a dcLte �6 heah,i.ng. MOV�D By Sxevev�s N.w. & SCHFLLFRT, S�CON��D By GRANT, TO CONCLIR IN TH� FIRST R�COMM�NDA7ION 7ay�arc N.G1. an 0� TH� CUMMITT�� AND RE��R TO TNF L�GISLATION CUM�'NITT�� FUR ,4 N.G1. 2nd S.t. R�SULU7IUN. M�TION CARRI�D. 7he C.�e�.Fi nead (2) o� �the ne�ant necu�nmencf�.ng �ha.t cancu�vc.e_vi,t,2y �hen.eiu,i�h an anrzexa�:i.an �tcagh.am �.n canjunc,t,�an w,i�th a�theh. nfc.o�e�e.�ie�s �.n �the, anza be cvmmeneed w�i.th zhe P�'ann,c:ng Depalc�nev�t and a pe ti�t,�an be �ner�cvice_d {�c�n �ha,t cvc.e.a �vn an.nexa�ian. I�t wa.6 dee,�ded �:hat ,i.t wa� ►�rt necv_,s3a,ny, a.t �Gu� �t,i,me, �oh �Gie Caune,<..e ,ta t�:cFze any ae.t,�an on �he �eeand nee_ummendu.t.i.vn a� �he Camm.i t,tee. po2�.ee Depcuc.t}nen.t Cuunc,i,Y_man Bnuee, �.n �he ab-5enee v� Pub.e,i.c Sa�e,ty Cvmm-i.t,tee. Cha,i�c.man E,sean.t Senv�.ce De�ccutc.er�ti, �subm.i.t�ted �he -�eep�on,t o� .the Pub.�ic Sa�e�ty C�mm.i.�tee �an �uneh.a� necvmmend,i.ng Zha.t �:he C-i.ty na��.�y u,e,P. �un.ena.e 6tcjme� �tha.t e��ect.i.ve cv5 o� Augu.sx 6, 1973, �the C-i.ty'� Pa�ce Depa��neri,t w�i.�.E n.c� .�vnge�c pn�v�.de e�con.t �e�cv�.ce, bu,t �he �ame �sha.e.Q be pn.ov�.ded by pn,i.va.te bu��.n.e,aa, �h,a.t �he Ch,i.e� a� Pv.P.iee �het�cuce ywi.de.�i,n�3 �a be ada��ed �.n �the ne u,�.cLt�on a unetca.e e�sca� and �t6uc,t zGu�s ma,tten be ne�e�viced zv 9 � � � .the Le ��,a,t,�an Camm.i.t,tee. MUV�D $y GRANT S�CON��D $y BRUC�, TU 9 , CUNCLlR IN TN� R�COMM�NDATIDN 0� Tf�� P(lBLIC SAF�Ty COMMITT�� AN� RFF�R TO TH� LFGISLATION COMMITT�F. A��e1c ��+me c�i.,5ews��.an a.a .tv �he n.e.a�saws �an �he dee,i��on �tv di�eov�.t.i.nue ��w� �e�cv�,ce an.d �the �nepa�ca- .t�i,on a� gu,<'deetin�s �vn rcau.te� t6vtvugh �the Ctity, ete. , MOTION CARRI�D. C-i.t.i.zen�' S6iune.P,i_ne 7he Cammuni�ty Se.nv�ce� Camm�,t�tee -'cepun.t wa.s n.ead by �he C�e�ch rceeommend- Adv-(�Son.y Camm�.�t,tee �-►ig eonc.uah.ence �.n �lie. Mayvn'b a�pv�v�tmen,t� to �he C�,t�zevv� ' ShanePi.ne Ap�a�.n�me�Lt� Adv,i�satc.y Cam►n.�,ttee. a,5 �a�aw�: Mn. Don Numb�e, M-�c. A.eex Cugtin,�, Jn. , hUe. Q�c,thu�c D. Seha�e�s, f�'e� . Do,�.vthy Ne�cb��c.t, ��7. Rvbe,7.t B�i.gnved, Mtc. Rabent w. Seha,�.fz.ee, Mn. Robeht ,McBe�h, M�. S6ia,�on Neg�ay, Mn. S�ewan.t Par�e, 1�U�. w.i.e,�-i.am Gvddcztc.d and Mn. R�betc.�: L. 1'lze�.r3. Caune,i,Yman Gn.an,t �cepo�ed �tlui.t �bieN Gucd me� w-i.th �na�.t ab �Gie comm.i.t�ee membeJc� pnev�.ocv�.�y and zhey nepne�en,ted a bnaad etc���5 eec,t,i.�n �b ei.t.i.zev�s. Cvune,i,e ean- cwvicence ►w� neqwviced. F'alc.t. v� Secc�:t�e Coun�i.Pman GtcarLt ner�an�ted mee,t.i,ng w,�th Mn. �and and �twa v�he� n.epn�e- a evi,ta t�ve� a� the Pu.n� a� Sea�e. A� o� �t�w� da.te, �thene �i�s na ��anned expav�s.ivn w.i�th,i,n �tbie C,i�ty a� Ren.tan. �ame Pne�etcve Caune.i,.�man Gn.a►tit a.P�v 7e��vn.ted me�ti�ng uzi�h ne�ne�en,ta.t�v�s �rcum zhe On.i.Y.�.�a F.�a,t� Ulc,i�,�,i.a F.2a.t� cuce,a. Ma�e ah.ea .i� bei..ng evmm.i.t�ed �un a game ne�se�c.ve (abau,t ��.��y acne�) and the S-t.a.te Depa�c,tme►tit a� Game -i,b gating �to g�.ve e.vs a head-eaun� v� a�u:ma,e ��e tin .the cvicea. Otiym��.e. P�.�e Ltine � Coune�i.eman Sehe,e.ee�.t a�Fzed .the CPetefz ta rcead a �e�te.n �te.vm �the 0.2ymp.ie Y�pe L.i,ne Ca. rhe �e.�te�c �-ta.ted �th.cLt �they wene ��ne.rcv�,i.ng an �nv-ve�n- men.ta.e Im�ac�t S�a,te�nen.t xa caveh �he�. ap�.Pica,t�i,an u� May �, 19�3, �an �th.e pna�o�ed �ecvnd pnvdue.X� ��.�e P.�ne �to be cavv��tnue.ted �.ve �he e.�.ty e.i.m.i��s a� Ren,tan and wou,2d be �an,theam.�.ng tin abvu�t a weeh. ah ba. � � � , • � Ren,tan C-i.ty Counc,i,e Mee,t.i.ng Mi.nu,te�s Page 4 - Ju,ey 23, 1913 OLD BUSIN�SS (Co►a,t,i.nued) Jahn K. Pcu.n, Jrc. Caunc,i.2man Sche.2P.e�c.t �.nqc,�,uc.ed �� Ci,ty A:t,tanney She,e.e.a.n negcvc.ding Ab�s.i,d.tan.t C.i.ty .the candi�,i.on �� M�c. Pcu:n wha had been �,njuh.ed �,n an acc.i.den,t �ve�c. A�tanney .�he �nev�.au� weeFZend. Mn. She,P�an nepalc.ted .tha.t, a� ye,t, �the�c.e wa� na cha.nge �.n h,i� ch,ifi,i.ectk candi.t,i,an. Ren�an H.i.e,e Impnave- Cha,i�cman Pe�vcy v� �the. T1c.a►vspotc,t.a.t,i.an Camm,i.txee �ubmixted .the C�mm.i.t�tee'd men.t Pnognam nepofc.t n.egcvcdi,ng �the Ren.tan H�,?,e Impnave�nen,t Ptcagn.am. The Cvmm.i.t.tee de�.uce�s �ta pne�s en.t �ta .the Camm.i.t.tee o� �the Giha.�e .tw� cr..Zteh.na,te p�2a.n�s �an .the .i.mr�n.avemen,t a� Ren,ton H� .a�cee,t� �.nc,�.udi.ng �the G�r.a.►tit Avenue �x,ten.a�,on. The�s e �.e.a.nd cvice: ( 1 ) a.a necommended b y �he Pub.P i.c Gionh�5 Depcvc,tmevLt �.nc,2udi.ng �an.t,i.c,i.pa,ti.�n by L.I.D. (2) cvs otu.g�.na,2,ey bud- ge.ted -�n �the 1973 budge�. MUV�D By SCN�LL�RT, S�CUND�D� By BRLICF, THAT THF RFPOR7 OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITT�� 8E R�F�RR�D TO TH� COMMITT�� 0� TH� WHOL�. Caunc,i.eman Pe�vc,y �a,i,d �he Camm�i.t�ee had �alunu,P.a�ed zhe -two p.ean.s and wau.e.d Y,i.f�e �o have �the r�he�5en�ta.�".i.�n �ta �he Caunc,i.e. when �he peop.2e vn �the H� can be pneaen,t. MUTION CARRI��. C. Ccvicey Donwon,th MOV�D B� GRAN7, S�COND�D By STR�DICK�, THAT C. CAR�y DUNGIORTN AN'D � A�aac,i.ate� - ,4SSOCIAT�S BF GIV�N THIRTy DAyS NOTIC� U� T�Rti4INATION ON D�C�MB�R 1, Laban Cv►tisu,e�a.►tit� 1973. A��e�c �ame d,t,dcws�5�.vn �n �he -�e�un� o� �he cav�t�cac.t w.i�h �he .eabvn can�su,�,tan,t�s, � wa� MUV�D By STRFDICKF, S�CUND�D BY GRANT, TU TABL� TH� MOTIUN (INTIL TH� N�XT MF�TING. MOTION CARRI�D. Adjvwcv�mer� MUV�D by GR,4NT, S�COMDFD By BRUC�, THA7 Tf�� M��TING ADJULIRN. MUTIUN CARRI�D. The me2ti.ng ad��wcned a.t 10:05. ax,<..ne M�.tan, Depu,ty C.i.,ty C.2e�ck 1� � -- r �� � � M ��y c�- � - , pF R L. S � �� f���. �. G I, � U �. �� OFFICF. O�`T�IE CITY ATTORN�:Y • RE�'TON,�i'ASHINGT0IT � �: � POST OfFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUIlO1NG, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5•8678 �A �� � GERARD M. SHELLAN, C17Y ATTORNEY � �� IONM K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ���F�SEPS��� July 20 , 1973 Members of the City Council City of Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington Re : Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday July 17 , 1973 Gentlemen: The undersigned noticed some remarks in the Record Chronicle dated Friday July 20 , concerning a pending application by Olympic Pipe Line Company and alleged statements by Councilman Grant. Certain statements were attributed to the undersigned which , however, were not made by me . The issue of Mr. Grant 's letter was brought up by Councilman Stredicke who read the letter allegedly written by Mr . Grant and sent out to certain property owners . This is the first time that I had any notice of the contents of such communication. When my opinion was asked on this matter, I made it extremely clear at the outset, especially in view that Mr. Grant was not present at the meeting, that my remarks were of a general nature applicable to legislative bodies and based on recent Supreme Court decisions and were not directed against any one Councilman , including Mr. Grant. Contrary to the newspape� report , I made no comment regarding any particular reference or mention made in Mr. Grant's letter concerning the Olympic Pi.pe Line Company' s request . My �ahole purpose in making any comments at the Committee meeting was � to simply place each legislator on notice that our Supreme Court had ' decided several cases in recent years which imposed certain strict duties on elected officials who were hearing or expected to hear various r.latters submitted by petitions or otherwise . I particu7arly reTer to the case of Skagit County vs Smith (in which former Seattle attorney John Erlichman successfully argued on behalf of the protes�ting property owr.ers) . I stand by the general opinion given by me last Tuesday , without reference to any particulars of Mr. Grant's let-ter or anv cther Coancilman' s comments in regard therefio , but strictly on the proposal that a Councilman is not to express an opinion on the merits o` any given case that has not as yet been decided before the full l�gislative body and prior to any final hearing, public or otherwise , before such bo�y . This for the obvious reasons that each contestant is entitled 1 � � Page 2 � Members of the City Council July 20 , 1973 to be heard, no matter what the merits or lack of inerits of a given petition may be , before a body of unbiased . unpre�udiced elected officials who, at least publicly, have not committed themselves to one position or another before all of the evidence has been considered. As indicated at last Tuesday' s meeting, we are presently preparing an extensive legal opinion on this very subject matter which will include citations of certain Supreme Court cases which will govern the conduct of each and every Councilman. This opinion will be forwarded to all members of the City Council and other public officials and possibly should also be incorporated in our existing Resolutions andlor Ordinances governing the general procedure during Council sessions . We trust that the�above will correct possibly erroneous impressions that may have been created and we shalT'+be glad to answer any other or further inquiries regarding this,_ ger�eral subject matter . � � � We remain ery trul yo , �' , %� l � erard M. She an � City Attorney GMS :ds / �� � :� o,....,, . . . b �� > G: .�.- i' � � � ���"/�,,`` G�'.�,� ��.:t � ��� ��� �- � `��. � r � 1 4FI'ICF t}�TI�E CITI' ATTt)Ri��!:Y • RE:LTTt3N.�'1'ASHINCx'PO:�T '�.' ��`���'" = p pOST OFFiCE BOX 626, 100 2N0 AVENUE 6UiLDING, RENTON, WASHiNG70N 98055 AIPIN£ 5•$678 Ca � .� �� `����,' �• . GERARD M. SHELLA!!, CITY ATTQpNEY � ��i- lONtt X. PAIid, Jit., ASSt$TAN7 CITY ATTORNFV ��T�� sEP���� July 2Q , 1973 I i ' Members af" the City Council Ca.t�r of Renton Municipal. Building Renton, t�lashingtan Re; Camrnittee af the Whole meeting Tuesday July 17 , 1973 Gentlemen: The undersi,gned noticed some remark� in the R.ecord Chronicle dated Friday July 20 , concerning a pending application by Olympic P�pe Line Company and alleged statement� by �ouncilman Grant. C�rtain sta.tem�n�s were attribu�ed ta the undersigned which , however, were nat made by me . The issue of Mr. Grant 's 1.etter was brought ug by Councilman Stredicke wha read the letter allegedly wri-tten by Mr . Grant an.d sen� out to certain proper-ty awners . This is -�he first -time tha� I had any natice c�f the conten�s of such communication. tdhen my opinzon was asked on this matter, I made �t extremely clear at th� outset , especially in view that Mr. Gran.t was not presant at the meeting , tha� my remarks were af a �eneral natu.re applicable to lebislatzve bodzes and based an recen� S.upreme Cour� decisions and were not di.rected agair_st any one Councilntan, including �Ir. Grant . Contrary to the newspape� �epar� , I made no cammen� regardiz�g �r�y particular reference or mentian made in Mr. Grant' s 1e�ter co;�icerning the Olyanpic Pipe Line Companyts request . My whola purpose in making any co;nments a-t the Ca;nmittee meefiizlg was ta si�nplyp�a.ca eacn legisla�ar on na�ic� that our Supreme Cour-t had dec�ded several cases in rec�nt years which imposed cer�ain strzet duties an elec�ed of�icials who c�rer� hearing or expected to hear vari.ous ;natters subrLit�ed by petitians ar othersrrise . I par�ticu�rly r�fer to the case of Skagit County vs Smi�th (in which �ormer 5eattle a�fiarn.ey John Erlichman successfully argued on behal� of the pro-testina property owners) . � stand h�T the gene»al opinion given. by r�e last Tuesday, wa.tho�.zt ref�rence to any par�iculax�� o� r�r. Grant� s letter ar any othe:� Co��ncilmaxi 's con�ents 2n r�gar� �ther��o , but Utrictly on the ��.�o�osal that a CQUn�ilma�-: is not -to exgres� an o�inion on the merits o� any given case that has no-� as y�� ���� decid�d befare -the ft..��1 le�isiative I �a�y and priar ta any �'inal hearing, pubsic or otherwzse , befor� si.�ch j ��ay . This f or the obviou� reasons tha� each cantes�ant i� enti��`d I _ � ' I � ' I . ' � : ` � � �, � Page 2 Members of the City Council July 20 , 1973 ta be heard, no matter what the merits or lack of inerits of a given petition may be , before a body of unbiased , unpre�udiced elected officials who , at least publicly, have not committed themselves to one position or another before all of the evidence has been corisidered. As indicated at last Tuesday' s meeti.ng, we are presently preparing an extensive legal opinion on this very subject matter which will include citations of certain Supreme Court cases which will govern the conduct of each and every Councilman. This opinion will be forwarded to all members of the City Council and other public officials and possibly should also be incor�orated in our existing Resolutions andjor Ordinances governing the general procedure during Council sessions . Gle trust that the�:above will correct possibly erroneous impressions that may have been created and we shall±be glad to answer any otner or further inquiries regarding this, general subject matter . We remain I �� �� � / � ��. ..�/er trul '"" ou'r " ,.� Y Y,�' Y/ � � %'/' �/ � , � �-�� :` � �erard M. She -�an � � � ' City Attorney GMS :ds ,; • � I �"�r^''�� �1 � � i ��i.�"" � CONu�IITTEE OP' THF Tn7HOLE REPORT JULY 23 , 1973 1,:.=y �� J , ���� � ITEM l : The Committee of the Whole recommends that the . �- v i '� Council concur in the P4a or ' s a ointment of .� �, � Y AP ' . " , Mr. Kenneth White as Personnel Director. ; : ; ITEM 2 : The Committee of the Whole recommends adoption � �' �; of the WIN Program Ordinance. t.. , �� -, �.' �- f, , , a .�.!� ITEM 3 : The Committee of the Whole recommends thc � �� � subject of the LID for Aberdeen Avenue N.E. t-'��^ between N.�. 27th and N.E. 28th be referred II '"� back to the Public Works Committee for further ,��.-�� ,-r�'��`i, study. . i , .� ; �' ' , �� � ITEM 4 ; The Committee of the Whole recommends the _ William Grant letter regardinq Olympic Pin� , `" � � �ine Combany be referred to Legislation � : Committee. ' - �. �, '. �/� • _" . ! � , � • � �J . _ . ". � �� �. C- _.C���� �_��.�,�,� C � ', Council Presider�itt Earl Clymer ' �_a EC:mg � � E � � `. � /`,. ����` OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY P, O. BOX 236, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 iQ�/? �����.����f� � ��`�j- July 16 , 1973 ��°, � � �`�� f g 3 •;-� {^ J���"1 �Q `"� � ��. .-- , �� ��'�'����'��c� �-�'� �,���4,�s���:.��-. � ���.� .9.�6,,EZ�'. ��. The City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave . So . Renton , Washington 98055 Attn : Ms . Maxine Motor Deputy City Clerk Dear Ms . Motor : Pursuant to your letter of July llth , we are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement to cover our aAplication of May 7 , 1973 , for the proposed second products pipe line to be constructed in the city limits of Renton , Washington , and will be forthcomin� in about a week or so . Very truly vours , �� i������ ._. . Max Farr R/W Manager MF :bjb � • � '� �``��,�"'�-�-/ L ��� C,���.'' '�*�� / _ , - �.�!_—c,r_,r �_ > t- > >;_.�.-,. �./ �c� l� �r_ c, � C! �<_ � �/. �— ._ G� � ��Y/�P_�_; �� //� , 7-- —�.:����+�—�'� '� '- �-I'i,s �-L.�'= — OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPAN�I P. O. 50X 236. RENTON, WASHINGTON 90055 ,?�11 �- ] h , 1 �73 `I're Ci L�, r�f F+a*1tnr� i°tur,ici�al �u;lr'. int� �OC� h' ill Ave . Sn , I j�eP'tO7? , �i^•TdST?ir:�tor. �Cl��� �.}tr. : t^s . '�1axire P,,otor i�erut�T C i.tv �l�rk ' Dear r.'� , Mntor : Purs�iant t�� •�c�tir lettc�r of �� u1<< 1_Lt}� , v�e are rrerari.n� an Environmental Tr:t���:t Stat:emt�nt- to c�over cur anr. lication of "1�:v 7 . 1.Q7:3 , for `h� nrc�r�os�;j Ge�onc r.rocucts r,ine line r0 },a constructE��i �?1 t};P_, c';] 'r" ]. LI'1] '.S O� F.er:t�t? , Fic1Sti?�_n�ton � �3nd will he forthcom�r.s* in ahc�zt � Laeek cr �•c . Ve�^�� trulv «ours . ,�.1-;�.° _,u`� ,/` f, "9?x FaY'Y' ?% 41 i�acias�e .r MF' : bib OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY P. O. 60X 236. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 "�"' ,� �Sj111$p9�� °�'� �, ` c.�j� '�D` �-�1 � t-�-: � .1�1����3 �<:��:;, .�.. c���v�� �_, J u 1 y 16 , 19 7 3 �� ['�L o� �E,�-���1 �- � �� CI�tY � OFFI����' ��'' GI�R�' c�r, 3��,r_ ��� � � ` ���. � The City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave . So . Renton , Washin�ton 98055 Attn : Ms . Maxine Motor Deputy City Clerk Dear Ms . Motor: Pursuant to your letter of Jul�� llth , we are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement to cover our application of May 7 , 1973 , for the proposed second products pipe line to be constructed in the city limits of Renton , Washington , and will be forthcomin� in about a week or so . Very truly yours , �----,. '' /����C�Z�� ._.__..... Max Farr R/W Mana�er MF :b-jb _ � OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY P. O. BOX 236. RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 �� 1�1�32Q�j�,��� J la 1�• t �, , 1 ��7 :� � � . 3 �.�?, � �,�p�1 ,�,. ;� �� �Q � � � �F{.�� �0�,y � ��. ���� k� a� c���°�S°���' �.. ���4 '� ��`�f��2� The Cit!� of F�r� �,� rluniciral Build � n�* [��' M1?ill Pv2 . :C� . �'F?T-:t+'�Ti , �I���SC:1P.�1-nl^; �_{�-i�, r: r� Attn : [4s• . Maxir.e "f��t�r Dp�ut�;T i:i t�� Ci t:Y'k De�r t�!s . Matcr : P�irsuan t ta votir 1 �� ter of J!11�� l lth , ��e are r. r��yr�ri n�� an F.nvi.ronmentaJ. Imn�er Staternent ta caver cur annlicat ?cn of h�av 7 . 1973 , for thE� nronosec3 5econd �roducts pire line to r-e constructed in the cit�z l�m�ts of Fenton � Was�in;*ton , and will he forthcc�min� in ahout � week or �o . V�r�,� tT'UIV V011T`G , y __. ,�'�' .. , �i ,! i`r� '�'ax Farr F%'v] �'an�s-eY' r•1F' . 1:-ib � �;� � ,� <<---� , , �.�� �;, .� . ,��-:.� --, �_ - . . v"� R�� 1 � .'`► /^ r+. �� � ��k �- 'Z U2�'l�I{'3�; tl}•, •I'tIi�: f'I`I'1" :l't"3`t)3Z\I:1' * iil�_`\'['t)\, ll':ltillitC;`t't):\ ���', �,,� J�"�� -� POST OF�iCE BOx 626. S00 2ND :Tf�EE'" Eili�DiNG. RENTON. WASlHING70N 9$055 AI.P�NE 5•U6�8 � �r.i<i$ ,:Yc � 'rt GEi2ARtl NI. SNEi.LAN, CITY ATTORNEY - ��S�,fRr -AQ,t� ��r'Z'� dOHiV K. AAlN� JSt., ASSIS7ANT CITY AT70RNEY ���� �� '� ��� i�r. G�org+� P�rry, Chai�mara►► Legislation Cor�itte� City H�.21 t�enton,Washing�on � R�: Olyr,ipic Pi.pe Line Co�na.ny, a -- Dela�aa�r�: Corpor�tian Gentl�men: ` �_ TI7� uestion was rai�e�3 at� �h� �ouncil Me�tin on Jul 9 . � b Y � � 1973 �agarciing t:�� r�.��Z�ts o�' t�e 03.;��i� P�.pe Lin� Co�npany : - �.� �sta�alishing o� enlaz��ina n�w or �xistin� �ines thre�ugh- - out the City vis a vis the Ci Ly's righ�s in cc�n.-�ec�ion �,, therewith. , Durir.g the dis�ussi�n it w�s my preli�ninary recol.l�c�ian that t�e Cc�►pany May hau� the �i�ht o� emin�nt dom�in (�^igh-t of co:��;:�nat3.c�n} w�:�ch ha�? b���n 3�sca3��ci at th� time �f th� g��nt�.ng c�f a �ranchis� b,� t�� City -�s� �h�.t Company in 29$4 . : � h�ve c?-;�����d this r:�at�:.r �L� �.nd n� prel��inary opini�n .o�,s corre�t ��at this C�^�a�.y �pp�ar� tQ be a 1te�zn��cn carrier:' whi�h has ��e �i�hfi o� e��.n�s�� d�r�ain �nd�� RC���I 8�. �8.0�0 , to �he ^��� ��t�nt as a �^ailrr��.d camp,an3, b�t li.r�.ited �n th�e ccan�.ern.n.�:-.i�n �a�d a�propriatio�+ �.f nriva�te prop�r�y. 2��y sx�!Q r�:�t�es of S�p�er..ber 1? , 19��, �.ndicaie a meet?ng wi�h the th�� �Iayor a varzaus coun�i?.-nen a.nd a ��ntlernan named C��lins , r��r�senti.n�; tr�� Ol�.�pic �'i�e Lin� Company in ��hich c�ra �xpr�s�ed �he c��inio� �hat rhe ecr�r::�n carrier wauld nat hav� th� ri�ht t� c�nd�i�nn �.nny ��.a��.ic prap�rty owned by �n� Cxty of P.�ntan. �!r a Cw�,�.�.X�J at �he� �:i.�� ap�ardr.ily canc�d�d th�.� point. Th�rr��'ore it uro�al� �� �r.zr o�i�ion th�.-� �he City h3s � right t�a r��u1�t�, �.z�.d�r i�s ge��r�? �olic� p�wer, the tzs� of 3..�� �ub17_c ��c�^e::�:s , a�renu�s and othvr ri�ht oi� ways , �.n�ludin� p�:ks , and �.r�p�s� �s�.s+�nab?e re_�ulat�+�ns in thA u�� o� ��:.�z� . �ik.e Gz�..;�, a� ��urs� , has �o proc�ed ir. a r��.:ona�ale f�shic�� �.n� c��u'��. nz�� a.�b��:�a�ii� d;::�� any use of pu�lic �r�ap�z�ty ��� sa?d c��.:��ton �a.�ri�,4 '.��h� Li-�y c�r�ai�Iy na� �. r�.ah� t+� 1 . - - - - —.--------� �.� ,�r"�`� I ,-' ,;,,-F .-'"'`� ,�r �- � 1.�5z". G��x'„�,� P�2�+'i'y �'a;� 2 �Tu�.;� 3.� ,3��� �nsi�� �hat ��� rou�� �� �i� ��3I���a�d b� � prop�r �.�si , �dv�.n���eous c�ne �.� fih� ��n�ra�. �;,�b3ic caus�.ng tn� Ieast �mount c�c ir���z����en�� �rz;:n �u���.� trav�l ar�d us�ge and �e loca��3 at a poin� ti��� �a,i�.l ���use �:�e ��n��al public �o -�hv least a,-ndtant of c;a:���r, �z any, wnd interru�t�.on. as yc�u ��� unc:�►ubte�?y awa��, °�h� �x��t�rag ���nchise runs �o�* an �.r.i-tia�. �eri�d o.� t��;e�-�y ��.ve �2�? years :nd Ujas ���s�d �nd �ppra�,��ci by th� Ci��y o:� Ainv�mber 2 , 19�4. I� wo�lrl als� �� �sur x�v��nne��atian �:hat c��i�s o� ::;�� a�*�nchia� O�dinan�e N�. 2�2D w�,�^h w� �t�d pr�par�d, should ae ��d� �a��i�.aLle �:� all �� �h� w�;zn�iir:��� so ti�a� they are �w�r� a�f i�s �:�nt�n t� . t1��ou�tad3y th�re r�ay h� �;°�� ��* r��r� p�a�lie h��.ra��;s on �:�:.s v�ry �.ssue i?-a >y:ieh ����� nn::�b�;s c�� �he co�.�,r_zl, ar a cr��i�tee c�z1l s-?� as a r����rQ h��ly. �L wnu�.d -Ch�re�ora �a ��yiWipat�d tha� �12 cc�anc��. m�±nb��s :c��p �-� c���n minc�, and '�� Lnb�.���d , �nfi:il �3.1 �f '�?:e $�i��nc� li�s ����. �ra��radu�a� ��.�3 �onsid�red �� �:�� L��;�.s:y��zv�.���y, As y��: :,n���r our ::�p�em� Ccaurt n�.� :��:�.d �� ��ar�ou� ��c�•�si.��� t�Za` ��a^h ha�rin� �,nd p�c��e�c:wn�s mu.�� ��� u:,�;r b�� .��:i� a�,�� �,��bi����3 but .::as� �i..it�o v��� brib .4�3'�- ��.'�..r:.'�.4 .�.'`�'v d'� LJ'�1.2�� ��s . • :�,� w� ��n �.ns��r �.n� ���*t�xw�* �u�,�t�or�� i�, °�his r.zattar, p��ase ��i�sw. � :�� r�m.�in ��=�rs �-�:r� ��ruiy� ��'a��.sd 3�:. Shel.l�n Ci�Y !?+��?'neJ �:��SS :nd _ � _ i r • � v�.`--i"�- � v� R�l -� a .:. , �► �Y � `, �� �=-° 'Z Ol�'i�I('1•; <)}� '1'lIl�: (.I•[,1. _1.1..1.O12\1:1' • }:1�:\'I'(>�. ��".\�;III\(,'i'O\ � ` �� � _ POST OFFICE BOX 626. 103 2NC STAEET BUI�DING. RENTON. WASl-1NGTON 98055 ALPINE 5•8678 'R' w '� GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY AT70RNEY 9ys.o„ , ���� JONN K. PAIN� 7R., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Ju� 13 1 973 JRr C4P�TP'-`� Y . ! � Mr. George Perry, Chairman Legislation Committee �- City Hall Renton,Washington Re: Olympic Pipe Line Co*npany, a Delaware Corporation +-� Gantlemen: The question was raised at the Council .Meeting on July 9 , 1973 regarding tha rights of the Olympic Pi.pe Line Company in establishing or enlarging new or existing lines through- out the City vis a vis the City's rights in conne�tion � therewith. Durir.g the discussion it was my preliminary recollection that the Company may have the right of eminent domain (right of con�eranation) which had be�n 3iscussed at the tim� of thv - granting of a franchise by th� City to that Company in 196�+ . I have ehecked this matter out and �y pr�liminary opinion was correct that this Cor►pany appears to be a t'eommon carrier" '- which has the right of eminAnt doraain undsr RC4J 81. 88 .020 , to th� ^��A extent as a railr�ad campany, but limited to the condemnation and appropriatio� of private property. My f�.2� r��tes of Septenber 17 , 195�, indicate a meeting with the then Mayor, various counci?.a-nen azid a gentleman named Collins , representing the 01yr,�pic nipe Line Company in which wa expressed the opinion that �he cor�on carrier would not have the right to condemn any public property owned by �he City of Rent4n. ur. C�llin� at that time apparently conc�ded that point. Therefore it would b� our opinion that the City has a right to r�gulate, under its general police power, the us� of its publxc streets , avenues and other right of ways , including parks , and ir�pase re3sonab].e regulations in the use of s�m�. The Cit�r, of course , has to proceed in a reasonable f�shion and could not arbitr�r.ily deny any use of public property for sazd co,nmon ca�riPr. Th� City certainly has a ri�ht to h � ` Mr. George P�r�^y Page 2 �'uly 13,1973 insist th�t th� raute �o b� foll�wed b� a proper a�d advantag�ous one �o the g�nera2 �ublic causing th� least amaunt of interference with public travel and usage and be 2ocat�d at a point tinat w.ill expose the gen�ral public �o the 3east a�-nt�unt of da:��er, if any, and interruption. �s you are undouhted3.y aware, the existing franchise runs for an initial peri�d of t}jenty five {2�a years �nd was passed and appra�red by th� City an November 2 , 198�. Z� would also be our r�c�mman�ati.on that cogies of the Franchise Ordinance No. 2�20 which we had prepared, shou�d be nade available t� all �f ths a�uncilna� so that they are aware af i'�s contentg , j�#ndaubtedly there may be e�na ar m�are publie hearings an �his very isaue i.n �hzch ��.e members o� th� co�.��il, ar a committee will sit as a �:earino body. If would th$refore �e anta.cipated that all counc�.l ��*nb�rs keep an a�en mind, and �e unb:.assd, until all of ':h� �uid�nee li3s be�n �.ntroduced �nd considere� b� the Legislative �ody, As you know aur Supreme Court has held an variau� accasions tha°t �ueh t�earing �.nd procee�ings must not �s�Jly b� �air ar�d uZbi�sed� but :�us� �lso gi.ve the aapear�r.ce a* bsing so. �f we ean answer any further ques-�ions a.n this matter, p].ease ��ivs�. �r1 w rem�,in Yours v:�ry truly, G�ra.��d M. Shell�n City A±t3rneJ C'-��SS snd � � . �� � F ", ��F ��� � - t. .� � . � _P__ �1 � � Z THE CITY OF' RENTON Z � o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 �� �` � AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD- O� �� CITY CLERK �TF� SEPS��� � ,r�.�� sa � a9�� 4 � _ O,I ympf c P1 pe L�n� Co. po aos a 36 � J Renton� wA 98055 �TTN: Max Parr � R�ght-�c�f-Way M�naagc�� �ear Mr. F�rrr � The Renton C�ty Coa�nc�I at �(t� regular r�c���tn� oF Ju1y 9, 19P3, haa raqutsted �hat you F�Ie aen Ens►jron�nerttal Tmpaet Stetmtaent wlth yoc�r applicstion mf t�4�y 9, 397� for �dd��aEonal ptpe 3�n� lnsta.ISat�on. Sf �`urther 3ntormat�on �s needed, do not t�es�tmte tc aontact � u�. , You.�s very trul y, CZTY OF RENTON � ' �'� ' `')'7� ' , ` � ' Na�r�t ra a �ss��ar ' . D�pu�y C�Cy C.Ier�C ._ I MM/8w ' / bcc: Msyor '� ', Counc.i.Zman Gr�nt i Attorn�y Sh�1Xan Counc�.2man Str�d��ke • ��F ���' � P_ �� �� � J � �: THE CITY OF R,ENTON Z `�"` a MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 �A � � AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD �,Q l�,� CITY �LERK �TF� SEP'�E�O .Tra,1y Z3 , 3�9� � 1 = Dlgmp.£c P�pe L�n� C�. - Po aox a 36 • � � Rsn ton� t�A 98055 �TTN: M�g F'sr't' — d3.�ght-°caf-3s�tty M�r��g�� �aas �r. F�rrr � � Th� Rentvn C�ty Co�nc.i1 �s� St� regular :��r�ttng oF Ju�y 9, 19�3, haa raguestea that yo�a f.t�e arx Eta�.�rorasnmrat�l rm��ct sts��meatt �.ith your ��pli,cst�s�n mf t��y 9. 1973 �'a� �dd��t�taraal ptpe 31ne �nsC�,il�t�on. Sf �'urther �nforma�G.fan �e ne�ded, d� no� Ta��2tmte to contmc� � uffi. , Yours ��ry� tar�a�Z s�. C�T 3.'' OF' RENTON , `��l� .�), 7/ . � , Mee�r#�a� fiiaa��s De�paz�y C�fiy C1�.x'.�: ._ A�M/8a� / bcc: Mayor '.j Counc.f�man Grasnt Atto.rn�y Sh�ZXan Counc3lman Str�ci��ka • _ � � � Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 - July 9, 1973 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Olympic Pipe GRANT, THAT AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REQUIRED OF THE OLYMPIC Line Applica- PIPE LINE COMPANY TO ACCOMPANY THEIR APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL FRANCHISE. tion Councilman Grant submitted copy of letter he sent to people living along the proposed pipe line and copies of 35 petitions received from thEm. The letter expressed his concern to them having an additional pipe line put through parallel to existing pipe line on or abutting their property. ' Discussion then ensued as to whether some higher authority than the City of Renton could allow them to go through the City. City Attorney Shellan was requested to pursue the matter of jurisdiction over the City right-of- ways. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Bruce, to refer to the Committee of the Whole. Motion failed. MOTION TO REQUIRE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT � STATEMENT CARRIED. Councilman Schellert abstained from voting. Frontage Road Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the Committee's report Sunset Blvd. NE on the elimination of the Frontage Road, Sunset Boulevard N.E. for the Clerk to read. The Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Frontage Road that extends between N.E. lOth and N.E. 12th Streets on the south side of Sunset Boulevard N.E. be eliminated. They further recommended that the City grant permission to the adjacent property owners to utilize the area for parking until such time as the City may require the area for street purposes. Public Works Director Gonnason gave a presentation with a map showing the designated area and ' what they proposed to do with it, showing that actual access to the shopping area would be improved and certain traffic hazards, now present, would be eliminated. Discussion ensued on various aspects of the responsi- bilities of the merchants for converting the road to parking area and responsibility for landscaping. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Attendance at Councilman Stredicke asked to be notified of all Committee meetings from Committee now on, also Human Rights Commission meetings. He was assured that all Meetings Councilmen would be notified, including the Human Rights Commission meetings. Optional Councilman Stredicke raised the question of the rights of Optional Municipa: Municipal Code Code Charter cities as regards SHB 711 (Gambling) . Attorney General's Cities Opinion that OMC cities did not qualify as Class I cities under this act. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE THE NECESSARY COIIRT ACTION. Councilman Clymer suggested writing letters to legislators asking what their intentions were to exclude OMC cities and ask them to amend the act, rather than going through the courts. After some further discussion with City Attorney Shellan upon recourse, DELAURENTI MOVED, SCHELLERT SECONDED, TO AMEND THE MOTION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION, MOTION CARRIED. MOTZON, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Broadacres Councilman Stredicke brought up the communication from the City Attorney Application regarding the provisions of Substitute House Bill 53 relating to Open Open Space Space Act, remarking that according to this, the Planning Commission still has jurisdiction, and upon their determination will still be referred to the City Council for action. M0�7ED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ON THE SPECIAL ACT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Grant asked that the record show that he left Council Chambers and took no part in any discussion or any action. MOTION CARRIED. Oil Tanks MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE LIMITATION OF OIL TANK FACZLITIES BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MOTION CARRIED. AdjourriIrient MOVBD BY ST?2EDICiCi., �r.i:UNG:;u Y.Y �i.VMr�K, 1'tiA'P 'iH"t; M�;;r.iIiv� r�DJ!�TJA?'1. MOTION �t�futl�D. The meeting adjourned at 11:33 P.M. • i/�+ - % Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt _. — —. —_— � 1 � � I ' Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 - July 9, 1973 ' CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Award Letter from Park Directar Gene Coulon submitted Park Board recammenda- 2 - 1973 lj2 tian far acceptance of hid for twa 1973 lj2 ton pick-up trucks from �on Trucks Younker Motars, Inc. in the amoun�. of $5,346.08, including tax. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOT3DED BY BRLJCE, TO CO1VCiJR IN RECCIMMENDATIQN OF TI-IE PARK BOARD. Upon inquiry, Park Director Caulon responded that the bids had been published according to law in the legal publicatian and also in the Daily Journal of Commerce and in addition, a bid invitation had been extendec� to several lacal and valley dealers wha dealt in trucks . M4TIOI3 CARRIEI3. Petition re The Clerk read a petition submitted by twenty memkaers of the Engineer- Union Member- ing, Traffic, Building and Planning Departm.ents which stated that they ship were happy and content working here without union representatian a,►ra did not want to became members of any union, but that if, in the future, they did need union representation, that they have the opportunity af jain- ing a union of their awn choice. MOVED BY FERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TQ THE LABQR MA.NAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Cauncilmen Stredicke and Schellert, City Attorney Shellan replied that House Bill 53, autharizing the unian shcap, was passed by the 1973 Leqislature and that the Cantract with bargaining unit Lacal 21R states which depar�.ments and divisions af the City have a majority of unian members; and advised that legally the City cannot interfere with the right of union membership. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry of the motian to refer to the Committee, Mr. Shellan advised that a member of the Union be present and a letter be sent to each of the people who signed the petition. MOTION CARRIED. Claim Letter from Mr. Chazles Shane, owner of the Sahara Tavern, requssted and C. Shane re demanded all manies paid to the City af Renton far all �ees not covered Amusement under 4rdinar�ce No. 1659, covered by Qrdinance No. 1628. MOVED BY Device CLYMER, SECQNDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL CQMMITTEE. Licensing MOTION CARRIED. Summons and The Clerk read copy of Summons and Coznplaint No. 768123 from Mr. James F. Complaint Barnia regarding alleged illegal impoundment of an automabile. MOVED BY J. Barnia SCHELLERT, SECONDED BX PERRY, TO REFER TQ THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MC}TION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appain�ed Mr, Gary Kittelson to permanent Gary Kittelson pasition as Patralman in the Renton Police Department, effective 8/1/73, Police Dept. having completed his six-month probationary period. MOVED HY DELAtJRENTI, SECQNDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Bruce inquired regarding removal of harricades placed in �.he lane of traffic in the t3arth Rentan Interchange. Public Works Director Gonnason was requested to loo3c inta the matter. Glacier Park Chairman Grant of the Comrnunity 5ervices Committee presented a repor� on IndustriaZ the a,pplication by Glacier Park Industrial Property for proposed landfill Property for a 56-acre parcel of property which is zaned Manufacturing Park, the Committee has determined that this is a majar action, but there are insigni- ficant effects. Glacier Park Properties has filed an Environmental Assess- ment Statement and have agraed. to wark with the Committee to set aside several acres af property in this area for the preservation af wildiife. MOV'ED BY STREDICKE, SECONI7ED BY PERRY, TQ CONCI3R IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. Letters were read frorc► Mr. Kevin Daniel, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brewster and Mike Brewster which encouraged preservation of marshland. Olympic Pi.pe Community Services Cammittee report concurred in the request of the rLine Applica- Olympic Pipe Line Company ta make a crassing of the Cedar River; however, �� tion acknowledged this will not be a determining factor as to whether a fran- •�� chise is granted at a future date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ,+'', TO CONCT}R IN THE COMMUNICATIflIV OF THE CQMMITTEE. MOTZON CARRIED. MOVED '� � BY GRAIdT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF AN QRDINANCE SETTING �s�� GUTDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 5TATEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY � � SEFtVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECQNDED BY — — - , COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT JULY 9 , 1973 ITEM l : The Community Services Committee , after examining the application by Glacier Park Industrial Property for proposed landfill for a 56-acre parcel of property which is zoned manufacturing park has determined that this is a major action but there are insi�nificant effects due , to the fact that Glacier Park Properties has filed an Environmental Assessment 5tatement and has agreed to endeavor to ��ork with the Committee to set aside several acres of property in this area for the preservation of �,�ildlife. ITE:4 2 : The Committee has concurred in the request of ' ���O1_ympic Pipe Line Company to make a crossing of the Cedar I River; however, the Committee and the Company acknowledge � . that this in no .way will be a determining factor as to � whether a franchise is granted at a future date. � Chairman �+Iilliam J. Grant Henry E. Schellert Richard r7. Stredicke taJG:mq � , � ' �'� O COIrIP�1UNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE P.EPORT JULY 9 , 1973 ITEM l : Tize Community Services Committee , after exar�ining the apnlication by Glacier Park Industrial Property for proposeci landfill for a 56-acre parcel of property �ahich is zoned manufacturinq park has determined that this is a major action but there are insi�nificant effects due to the fact that Glacier Park Pr.operties has filed an Environmental Assessment 5tatement and has agreed to endeavor to u�ork �ait�i ti7e Committee to set aside several acres of propert�� in tl7is �-�rea for tl7e nreservation of �,�ildlire . �` ITE"^. 2 : he Committee has concurred in the request of 1 Ol�.�m�ic Pipe Line Co:apany to make a crossing of the Cedar River; however, the Committee and the Company acknowledge that this in no o�ay �.aill be a determining factor as to �•:nether a franchise is grantec� at a future date . s_�=——-- ------------ ----------- Chairman William J. Grant T Henrv � Schellert Richard �'!. Stredicke ��� t�JG�mc� � ' - - -.. �_���_r �� . �� Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 - July 9, 1973 CORRESPONDENCE AND CUFZRENT BLISINESS � ' Bid Award Letter. from Park Directar Gene Caulon submitted F�ark Board recommenda- 2 - 1973 lJ2 tion for accep�ance of bid far two I973 lj2 ton gick-up trucks fram ton Trucks Yaunker Mators, Inc. in the amount of $5,346.Ot3, including tax. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONI?ED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUFt IN RECOMMENDATION OF THF. PARK BOARD. Upon inquiry, Park Director Coulon responded that the bids � had been published according ta law in the legal publication and also in the Daily Journal of Commerce and in addition, a bid invitatian had ' been extendeci to several local and valley dealers who dealt in trucks , MO`I'IOI3 CARRIED. Petition re The Clerk Zead a petiticsn submitted by twenty zneresbers of thC Eng.izaeer- Unian Member- ing, Traffic, Buildinc} and Planning Departments which stated that they i ship were happy and content working here without union representation a��a did not want to become members of any union, but that if, in the future, they did need union representation, that they have the opportunity of join- ing a union�of their own choice. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ' TO REFER TO THE LABOR MANAGEMENT CCIMMITI'EE. Upon inquiry by Councilmen Stredicke and Schellert, City Attorney 5hellan replied that House Bill 53, authozizing the union shop, was passed by the 1973 Lec3islature and that the Contract with bargaining unit Local 21R state� which ciepartments and divisions af the City have a majority of union memk7ers; and advised that legally the City cannot interfere with the right af union membership. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry of the motion ta refer to �.he Committee, Mr. Shellan advised that a member af the Union be present and a letter be sent to each of the people who signed the petition. MOTSON CARRIED. Claim Letter fram Mr. Charles Shane, owner of the Sahara Tavern, requested and C. Shane re demanded all monies paid �.a the City of Renton for all fees nat covered Amusement under Ordinance No. 1h59, cavered by Qrciinance Nca. 1628. MOVED BY Device CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER TQ THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Licensing MOTION CARRIED. Summons and The Clerk read copy of Summans and Camplaa.nt No. 768123 from Mr. James F. Camplain�. Barnia regarding alleged illegal impaundment of an automobile. MOVED BY J. Barnia SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO TF�E CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIEI2. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Gary Kittelscan to permanent Gary Kittelsan position as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, effective 8/1/73, Police Dep�. having completed his six-month probationary period. MOVED HY DELAUREaNTI, I SECONDED BY BRTJCE, TO CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF 'I`HE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. QLD BUSINESS Councilman Bruce inquired ragarding remaval of barricades placed in the l lane of traffic in the North Renton Interchange. Pub3ic Warks Director Gonnasan was requested to laok inta �he matter. Glacier Park Chairman Grant of the Community Servi.ces Cornmittee pre�ented a report on � Industrial the application by Glacier Park Industrial Praperty for proposed landfill Property for a 56-acre parcel of property which is zoned Manufacturing Park, the Committee has determined that this is a .major action, but there are insiqni- ficant effects. Glacier Park Properties has filed an Enviranmental Assess- ment Statement and have aqreed ta work with the Committee to set aside severa3 acres af property in this area far the preservation af wildlife. MOVEL? BY STREI7ICKE, SECC}NDEi? $Y PERRY, TO CONCUR IIV THE COMMUNITY SERVICES C4MMITTEE REPORT. MC?'TION CAR22IED. Letters were reac3 frorn Mr. Kevin Daniel, Mr. & Mrs. Richarc3 I3rewster and Mike Brewster which encouraged preservation af marshland. .._..� Olympic Pipe Community Services Cammittee report concurred in the request af the Line Applica- Olympic Pipe Line Company to make a crossing af the Cedar River: hawever, tion acknowledged this will not be a determining factor as to whether a fran- chise is granted at a future date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CQNCUR IN THE COMMUNICATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF AN ORCJINANCE SETTING GUIDELINES FOFt ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY ' SERVICES COMMITTEE. Mt7TI0N CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECC7�tT}ED BY I � ( -- - — — s � Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 - July 9, 1973 OLD BUSZNESS - Continued Olympic Pipe GRANT, THAT AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REQUIRED OF THE OLYMPIC Line Applica- PIPE LINE COMPANY TO ACCOMPANY THEIR APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL FRANCHISE. tion Councilman Grant submitted copy of letter he sent to people living along � � the proposed pipe line and copies of 35 petitions received from thEm. The letter expressed his concern to them having an additional pipe line put through parallel to existing pipe line on or abutting their property. Discussion then ensued as to whether some higher authority than the City of Renton could allow them to go through the City. City Attorney Shellar. ' was requested to pursue the matter of jurisdiction over the City right-of- ' ways. Moved by Schellert, Seconded by Bruce, to refer to the Committee , of the Whole. Motion failed. MOTION TO REQUIRE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACi STATEMENT CAR.RIED. Councilman Schellert abstained from voting. , �� Frontage Road Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted the Committee's report Sunset Blvd. NE on the elimination of the Frontage Road, Sunset Boulevard N.E. for the Clerk to read. The Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the Frontage Road that extends between N.E. lOth and N.E. 12th Streets on the south side of Sunset Boulevard N.E. be eliminated. ' They further recommended that the City grant permission to the adjacent property owners to utilize the area for parking until such time as the , City may require the area for street purposes. Public Works Director Gonnason gave a presentation with a map showing the designated area and what they proposed to do with it, showing that actual access to the shopping area would be improved and certain traffic hazards, now present, would be eliminated. Discussion ensued on various aspects of the responsi- bilities of the merchants for converting the road to parking area and responsibility for landscaping. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Attendance at Councilman Stredicke asked to be notified of all Committee meetings from Committee now on, also Human Rights Commission meetings. He was assured that all Meetings Councilmen would be notified, including the Human Rights Commission meetings. Optional Councilman Stredicke raised the question of the rights of Optional Municipa� Municipal Code Code Charter cities as regards SHB 711 (Gambling) . Attorney General's Cities Opinion that OMC cities did not qualify as Class I cities under this act. MUVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE THE NECESSARY COURT ACTION. Councilman Clymer suggested writing letters to legislators asking what their intentions were to exclude OMC cities and ask them to amend the act, rather than going through the courts. After some further discussion with City Attorney Shellan upon recourse, DELAURENTI MOVED, SCHELLERT SECONDED, TO AMEND THE MOTZON AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY AT'PORNEY FOR RECOMMENDATION, MOTION �'.,ARRIED. MOTION, AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Broadacres Councilman Stredicke brought up the communication from the City Attorney Application regarding the provisions of Substitute House Bill 53 relating to Open Open Space Space Act, remarking that according to this, the Planning Commission still has jurisdiction, and upon their determination will still be referred to the City Council for action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ON THE SPECIAL ACT BE FcEFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Grant asked that the record show that he left Council Chambers and took no part in any discussion or any action. MOTION CARRIED. Uil Tanks MOVED BY GRANT, SECO"1DED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE LIMITATION OF OIL TANK FACILITIES BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSZON. MOTION CARRZED. Adjournment MOVFP BY cmn�rJlCriii, �`r.�_��t:ur.i: HY ;.;,YMrrc, 1'titi'� �nL �.r::::�_,_ . '"i'r":. MOTZON ���ttKI�D. Tiie meeting adjourned at iY:33 P.M. ' i�� � Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk jt _ - — --- - _ - � Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4, July 2, 1973 OLD BUSINESS Report on Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented report on use of Plastic Pipe plastic pipe within the City from Acting Building Director Crews, 6/18 referral, recommending no changes in present Plumbing Code and report- ing the use of plastic piping and fittings has given excellent service when properly installed per Code. Opinion Councilman Stredicke requested a City Attorney opinion report �n Attor- Requested on ney General opinion of Optional Municipal Code Cities relative to the O.M.C. Cities new gambling legislation, particularly opportunities available to OMC Cities as opposed to those that are not. Port oi Seattle MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE SUBJECT OF THE PORT OF Expansion in SEATTLE DUWAMISH EXPANSION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Renton and COMMITTEE OF THE COUIVCIL. CARRIED. Tukwila MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF CITY COUNCIL LET- Olympic Pipe Lin TER SIGNED BY WILLIAM J. GRANT RELATIVE TO OLYMPIC PLPE LINE COMpANY $E REFERRED TO THE CONfN1ITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Watermain, etc. MOVED SY �3RUCE, SECONDED 8Y CLYMER, THAT THE SUBJECT OF PROPOSED LID FOR L.I.D. Aberdeen ABERDEEN �VF. N.I:. BFTWE'k,bi N.'r'.. 2.7TH AND N.E. 28TH, BE REFERRED TO Ave, 2v.E;. THr. COMMITTEE GF TH� WHOLE F'OR D75CUSSIUN. CARRIED. Open Space Upon inquiry of provisions of �Sii$stitute House Bill 53 relating to Open Legislation Space Act, City Attorney She'llan aclvised governing authority consist�d of three members of County legislative body and three members s�f the City legislative body. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BX BRUCE, THAT THE PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COi.TNCIL AFPOINT THE THREE MEMBERS REPRESENTING THE CITY �F RENTON IN FcEGA�D TO T:3E OPEN SPACE LEGISLATION. Motion by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce that the matter be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole for discussion, FATLED. Motion to authorize Council President to chose members, CARR.IED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Wayne Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , inquired regarding Shoreline Management Act and was advised Public Hearing schedule for July 9, 1973. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDEU �F BRUCE, MEETZNG AVJOURN. CARRIED. The Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M. � ne.lores A. Mead, City C�erk m Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3, July 2, 1973 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1864 Legislation Committee Chairma.n Perry presented the 6-Year Urban Six-Year Street Arterial Construction Program Resolution reflecting amendments approved and Arterial at Public Hearing this date and attached hereto, recommending adoption. Construction MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Program OF COMMITTEE AND PRESENT RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Funding to MATTER OF FINANCING SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN BE FORWARDED TO THE Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended the City Council surplus the two AND CURRENT structures on the recently purchasad Mill Ave. S. property, having them BUSINESS removed due to failure of the structures to meet City Code, the City "Williams and to use the lots temporarily as a parking area and for future develop- Allen" Property ment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S Mill Ave. S. �COMMENDATION, DECLARING THE FACILITIES SURPLUS AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. In order to determine whether or not one of the buildings could be used by non-profit organi- zation such as the Y.M.C.A. trying to locate in area, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECON�ED BY BRUCE, THIS ITEM BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Frontage Road Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended the City grant Highlands permission to the property owners on frontage road, southeasterly and adja- cent to 2d.E. Sunset Blvd. between N.E. lOth and N.E. 12th StreeLs, Highlands) to utilize the area for parking until requited for street, design changes eliminating need of frontage road for street at prPsent. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLER3', THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION CONL'dITTEE. CAF.RIED. Appropriation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested excess revenue in of Excess the amount of $11,286 from Container Corporation be appropriated into Revenue the Water Utility account $401/534/32/63.80 for watermain construction on Monster Road tie line and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST. CARRIED. Additional Council Presiderit Clymer perused additional items submitted for the Agenda Items Agenda and submitted the following items to the City Clerk for reading: Bid Opening City Clerk Mead presented .7uly 2, bid opening for two '73 1/2 ton 7/2/73 trucks pickup trucks f.or. the Park Depart�nent with one bid received as shown on attached bid tabv.lation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, BID BE REFERRED TO THE PARK FsOARD FUR RECOMMENDATION. CAF2RIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER C�F POLICY ON NUMBER OF BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION CGMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO AMEND MOTION TO REFER MATTER OF POLICY ON NUMBER OF BIDS REQUIRED TO VALIDATE BID CALL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. City Hall Letter from Holm Legal Services representing Mr. Alvina Popke requested Lunchroom settlement by the City wit:h the present operator of the City Hall Contract Lunchroom in order that Mrs. Popke can proceed with the operation of the lunchroom as per agreement. MOVED BY STREDICICE, SECONDED BY CLYMER THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR FURTHER ACTION. CARRIED. Renton Air Fair Letter from Mr. Arnold Hubner and Mr. Bob Anderson requested waiver of July 28 - 29 permit fee for street banner for the Renton Kiwanis first Renton Air Fair on July 28 and 29, 1973 at the Renton Air Port, any monies derived to be used for support of c�mmunity programs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DEI.AUfcENTI, THE FEE BE WAIVED AND REQJEST GRANTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE STf2EET AND POLICE DEPARTMEN7� MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mrs. Jean Musselwhite, 812 Jefferson Mrs. Musselwhite Ave. N.E. , to the Municipal Arts Co:tunission for a three-year term, expiring January 1, 3976, replacing Mrs. Hazel O'Harra, and requested Council concurrence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I �l „� �/y{ //7 �j1 � /� / 1f�/ /� (� J//�j��(/ � �/ � � ' �,.e�l�"�— ' / .�C..^�R../',�1//'''��'/��' �� �✓'�� ! / '"�'�..�J/r1I� �"'i�/"Z...�J � � �^» �. t� ,/ � v����r�.�L/�.�/" W , / v � i �, _ i � � � ,� u J � _ .N , I �' Y F,� � �� I � t � T�-iE RENTC?N �I"��'' ���tJJ�T�II. � p MUNTCIPAL BUILDING • 280 MILL AVENUE SOtSTH • RENTdN, WASHZNGTON 48Q55 • 235 2583 � � Of � 'P� t(�' o,� �,� June 25, 1973 '4T t,�0 ��SEPt� � I � � Dear Neighbar, As your Renton City Councilman, it is my duty to a.nform you of projects in the area which may affect yau and your property, There is presentl�y before the Renton City Cauncil a request by the Olympic P.ipeline Company �o install 20-inch refined petrc�leum _ �roducts pipeline. The proposed request parallels an existing 16-inch line within the h' h - �.g tension pawer line right-of way abutting or on our ro er� . Since this line will be crossin Y P P Y g throuqh the backyards of your residences, I �hink you should be knowleclgeable of this praposed project. My concerns are that this additional pipeline will be ana�her disruption in our community. Along with all of the new streets that have been put in within the City o.f Ren�on, including Sunset Boulevard, additianal streets , yards , and fences ca�.11 i have ta be torn up. I A fuzther concern of mine is that with the already existi,ng pipeline and transmissian lines going thraugh our backyards, the safetv af our neighborhood is placed in a very pre�arious position. If an earthquake or unnatural calamity takes :place as has happened in Califnrnia, whole blocks could be ca�;astrophi- cally damaged, If yau are as concerned as I am abou� this matter, please sign the attached petitian and return it to the undersigned at the , Ren�.an Municipal Building as soon as possible. Sincerely, � G%/��.�rliZ:�G.G , � Gouncilman Wil m J Grant � . . Chairman, Community ,. ervices Commi�tee GIJG:ntq Attachment ' ,....,.._,.__,�I / � _�,,�,_; :; NAME ADDRESS Mrs. R. B. House 1033 Shelton Avenue N.E. N. C. Goudriaa� 1111 Shelton Avenue N.E. Ruch S . Smith 1114 Redmond Avenue N".E. Dennis Fife 912 Redmond Avenue N.E. Thomas E. Carlin 3a13 N.E. 8th Ct. Joe Jarek 3805 P�d.E. 6th Place E. Grace Bartelds 675 Shelton Avenue N.E. John E. Hardebeck 707 Shelton Avenue N.E. Terry E. Stephens 655 Shelton Avenue N.E. Ralph L. Gitchel 1032 Redmond Avenue N.E. Michael F. blecum 3714 I�1.E. lOth Ct. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Swift 3�01 N.E. 9th Ct. Ronald G. Huelner 3715 N.E. lOth Ct. Larry Guiley 1025 Shelton Avenue N.E. George A. Schaaf 3804 N.E. 6th Street Delbert D. Beck 733 Shelton Avenue N.E. Adam A. Goll 672 Redmond Avenue N.E. Earl Gitchel 1006 Redmond Avenue N.E, , Claude Brown 692 Redmond Avenue N.E. Floyd A. Conness 659 Shelton Avenue N.E. Arthur E. Conyac 1118 Redmond Avenue N.E. W. G. Kroetsching 3702 N.E. lOth Ct. , Joseph G. Dugdale 3900 N.E. 7th St. Eldon L. Hiatt 727 Shelton Avenue NE. Mr. & Mrs . Harold F. Buoy 872 Redmond Avenue N.E. Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Fininger 3812 N.E. 7th Street George Ringdahl 711 Shelton Avenue N.E. David K. Erickson 684 Redmond Avenue N.E. Darlene M. Hou�k 1160 Redmond Avenue DI.E. Patricia Froelich 1044 Redmond Avenue N.E. Al Prost 623 Shelton Avenue N.E. Roy E. Arrington 663 Shelton Avenue N.E . Richard E. Cusich 703 5helton Avenue N.E. Clara S . Speegle 3800 N.E. 6th Place J �`,�I!'`'�i/ ,F� /:C:�j,r<:_%j r�;�(; �;'E.,I,I��rU� i%�'�' �J,f �. - ��., r�'".. ..,"' ,� T0: Councilman Wiliiam J. Grant SUBJECT. Protest o� Olympic Pipeline Tnstallation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I wor�ld like to register a protest against the installatic�n by Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum products pipeline on or abutting my prapsrty. (name) ' ^ (address} � . - � I � r_--- �.�.�. �,�� _ ��� .. � . � � _ , �-�-�u-� ���.� � COMMUNZTY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPQRT JUNE 25, 1973 ITEM l: OLYMP�C PIPELINE FR.ANCFIISE The Community Services Committee has requested the Planning Department far capies of existing and praposed franchises far Olympic Pipeline. ITEM 2: GAS STATION INVENTORY SURVEY The Cammunity Services Cammittee requests that the Council apprave an upda�ing of the gas s�ation inventory survey and recommends that the question of monies far . the said survey be referred to the Finance and Personnel � Committee, Chairman William J. Grant . , Henry E. Schellert Richard M. Stredicke WJG:mg , ... . � � . . < < , �� .• i CU' �� �F R��' �, � � THE RENTON CITY COUNCI L � p NUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • REN'fON, WASHINGTON 98055 • 235 2583 O1 O '� �'Op� �� June 25, 1973 �rF�SEP�E�O Dear Neighbor, As your Renton City Councilman, it is my duty to inform you of projects in the area which may affect you and your property. , There is presentl-y before the Renton City Council a request by the Olympic Pipeline Company to install 20-inch refined petroleum �roducts pipeline. The proposed request parallels an existing 16-inch line within the hiqh tension power line right-of-way abutting or on your property. Since this line will be crossing throuqh the backyards of your residences, I think you should be knowledgeable of this proposed project. My concerns are that this additional pipeline will be another disruption in our community. Along with all of the new streets that have been put in within the City o.f Renton, including Sunset Boulevard, additional streets , yards , and fences will have to be torn up. A further concern of mine is that with the already existinq pipeline and transmission lines going through our backyards , the safety of our neighborhood is placed in a very precarious position. If an earthquake or unnatural calamity takes place as has happened in California, whole blocks could be catastrophi- cally damaged. If you are as concerned as I am about this matter, please sign the attached petition and return it to the undersigned at the ' Renton Municipal Building as soon as possible. Sincerely, G��-.��uG , �— Councilman Wil�m J Grant Chairman, Community � ervices Committee WJG:m� Attachment , � .' TO: Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT: Protest of Olympic Pipeline Installation As a concerned citizen of the City of Renton, I would ' like to register a protest against the installation by ' Olympic Pipeline Company of a 20-inch refined petroleum ' products pipeline on or abutting my property. ��I (name) (address) / v �o��o�tn � � R�.r�,� R�N'�il i p. e ingt n 9au55 � O rJ 2oQ M Wasr. \ ' ' t n, � � R�`� � w s :3 r.�.^,r�.` � ;J � �t 1`+-�`` `v� _. � � ��.,�f�,,�,`i�l.�^�' n, �� ��- Q �� N C`�t��,, r �p�'Ao �.�� Mu 1 G�,�. ���'` � -- i '4ATED SEP� RE�' � S \ / s J �.�c�-, ���'ru-�-rc.c.� n ���� �r� . � � , _� NAME ADDRESS _ Mrs. R. B. House 1033 Shelton Avenue N.E. N. C. Goudriaa� 1111 Shelton Avenue N.E. Ruch S . Smit� 1114 Redmond Avenue N.E. Dennis Fife 912 Redmond Avenue N.E. Thomas E. Carlin 3813 N.E. 8th Ct. Joe Jarek 3805 N.E. 6th Place E. Grace Bartelds 675 Shelton Avenue N.E. John E. Hardebeck 707 Sheiton Avenue N.E. Terry E. Stephens 655 Shelton Avenue N.E. Ralph L. Gitchel 1032 Redmond Avenue N.E. Michael F. Mecum 3714 N.E. lOth Ct. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Swift 3801 N.E. 9th Ct. Ronald G. Huelner 3715 N.E. lOth Ct. Larry Guiley 1025 Shelton Avenue N.E. George A. Schaaf 3804 N.E. 6th Street Delbert D. Beck 733 Shelton Avenue N.E. Adam A. Goll 672 Redmond Avenue N.E. Earl Gitche,l 1006 Redmond Avenue N.E. Claude Brown 692 Redmond Avenue N.E. Floyd A. Comness 659 Shelton Avenue N.E. Arthur E. Conyac 1118 Redmond Avenue N.E. W. G. Kroetsching 3702 N.E. lOth Ct. Joseph G. Dugdale 3900 N.E. 7th St. Eldon L. Hiatt 727 Shelton Avenue NE. Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Buoy 872 Redmond Avenue N.E. Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Fininger 3812 N.E. 7th Street George Ringdahl 711 Shelton Avenue N.E. David K. Erickson 684 Redmond Avenue N.E. Darlene M. Houk 1160 Redmond Avenue N.E. Patricia Froelich 1044 Redmond Avenue N.E. Al Prost 623 Shelton Avenue N.E. Roy E. Arrington 663 Shelton Avenue N.E. Richard E. Cusich 703 Shelton Avenue N.E. Clara S. Speegle 3800 N.E. 6th Place �5:,j�o,QA,J ,E'. G,�i���! ��6 �'e��o�o� %��e N,� . ' � JONES ASSOCIATES, INC. 73030 ;, CIVIL ENGINEERS � August 14, 1973 The Honorable, The Mayor and The Council oP the City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: On behalf oF the Olympic Pipe Line Company, we have prepared the accompanying report regarding the environmentai eFfects of constructing a new rePined products pipe line through the City oF Renton. This report has been prepared by the staFf of Jones Associates, Inc. , employing accepted prncedures, standards � and techniques oF the Civil Engineering Profession. The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those oF this Firm. We will be happy to confer with you at any time, if such a con- ference would seem profitable to you and in the public interest. Respectfully submitted, .c�o►� a�0 H:.M�EIy � @�, S .l,y JONES ASSOCIATES, I�JC. �!:��•W p y��'�'•` . •� �� - s',�, o: _ �11 :N Z• t .v• T t � � ,�� po�..q�14330��0;��� C / ��� ,. l�� ` �-L� _ - Fss%p h A�E��` �/ / ��r Harland H. McElhany, P.E, . � HHM:jr Encl: ��,��1617181,g����. '�^`�'� � �.. � ���'19�� '� . � � ������ � cp ���pE�`������. . � ��� ��� p�F� l - , �. �g�� 2750 NORTHRUP WAY • BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 • (2061 827-9555 ��,�'��;�C��Q 73030 August 15, 1973 � REPORT�TO THE CITY OF RENTON CONCERNING THE PRO POSED CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW OI L PRODUCTS PIPE LINE BY OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY INTRODUCTION At the request oP the Ol mpic Pipe Line Co an , Jones Associates Inc. Y mP Y � has reviewed their proposal to construct and operate a 20" refined petrol- eum products pipe line through the City of Rento�. We have been inFormed by OPL and accounts in the press that considerable concern has been ex- ' pressed by City Officials and local citizens over the potential threat to the safety and well-being oF themselves, their property and the community caused by the construction of this pipe line. This report addresses itselF to those concerns. � THE EXISTING OPERATION Olympic Pipe Line Company is a joint interest company owned by Mobil, Shelt and Texaco. As a public carrier, OPL is controlled and regulated in its operations by the U.S . Department oF Transportation, as well as the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. Their operation is also regulated by OSHA and state and local laws. Presently, OPL owns and operates a 16" diameter pipe line Prom the refineries in Northern Washington to the Renton Terminal and a 14" dia- meter line From Renton to the Portland Terminals. The maximum capac- ity oF this line is 170,000 barrels per day. This volume is signiFicantly less than the present demand. To help satisFy this shortage oF supply, an average of 1 .O to 1 .25 million gallons are shipped by barge on Puget Sound each day From the refineries to the Port of Seattle, then via 12" pipe line to Renton. Due to the demand volume in the Seattle Metropolitan Region and the physical limitations of the system, oil products cannot be efficiently transported to points south oF Renton at the same time that tne Seattle market is being supplied. This circumstance requires that oil products destined for Portland customers be shipped on a pro rata basis creating a real market demand at the present time in Portland. The in- stallation oP the new pipe line From Mount Vernon to Renton will allow • improved simultaneous shipment oF products to both the Seattle and Port- land market places and the existing as well as the future demand may be � satisFied. OPL, Renton Report Page Two • THE PROPOSED ACTION OPL proposes the construction of a 20" diameter, 76-mile pipe line, lying generally parallel to the existing Facility between Mount Vernon and Renton. This new pipe line will have a capacity of 75,000 barrels per day and will transport the rePined products of crude oil, which consist of the various grades of gasoline, kerosene and heating and diesel fuels. Maximum oper- ating pressure will be 935 P.S .I .G. Maximum operating temperature will be 100°F. The pipe line will be constructed of 1/4" thick steel pipe having a specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) of 52,000 p.s.i . All joints are ,, to be welded. The pipe is to be externally coated with glass-impregnated ' coal tar enamel and wrapped with 15 lb. asphalt-impregnated Felt. Contin- uous cathodic protection will be provided along its length. The pipe line, aPter being placed in the trench and backPilled, will be hydrostatically tested For a minimum of 24 hours to develop stresses equal to 90% of the speciPied minimum yield strength. PIPE LINE SAFETY In our review, we have found that the design and operational standards oF , OPL to meet all Federal, State and Local Regulations, and in many cases to exceed those requirements. The following examples oF OPL practices are import�nt additions to the overall saFety oF the pipe line system. 1 . OPL exceeds earth cover requirements on the buried line in all terrain. The depth and burial of river and creek crossings, approaches to highways and railroads, and along alignments whether through congested areas or open country, exceeds the requirements oF the Department of Transportation or other regulatory bodies. 2. Major creek and river crossings are designed utilizing 0.5" wall thickness A PI5 L.�C-42 grade line pipe. Maximum system operat- ing pressures at these crossings will be at a stress level lower than 50/ SMYS. Department oF Transportation Regulations allow 72%. 3. OPL's Quality Control Program far exceeds the requirements of the Departrnent of Transportation as shown by the following com- • parisons: OPL, Renton Report Page Three • OPL Specifications DOT Regulations Quality Control Contract for Factory None inspection with associated pipe line services, Columbus, Ohio, to wit- ness and provide surveillance on all " mill tests performed by the manufact- urer that are required by API speci- Fications. Pre-testing of river crossing pipes None to 90/o SMYS in long sections on the river bank prior to the installation oF the pipe in the water crosssing 100% X-ray examination oF all field 1 O% testing required welds. for open country. 100% Por critical loca- tions such as river crossings and co�gest- ed areas. • 4. The Oit Movement Headquarters located in Renton, maintains tele- metered supervisory control over all pumping stations and provides 24-hour surveillance and operational control. The dispatcher has command capability to remotely perform all needed functions and both visible and audible stabus indications are displayed on the Master Panel, and logged in Renton for normal and emergency oper- ational requirements. All product deliveries in and out oF the sys- tem are metered for both Plow a�d pressure on a continuous basis. The readings are accumulated in the Supervisory Council at Dis- patch Head.quarters. The System line balance is recorded by the dispatcher ta monitor product movement and provide volume sur- - veillance for possible shortage. To date, the cumulative metering accuracy exceeds industry standards. Detection is possible Por even very small leaks having flows of one barrel per hour or less. POTENTIAL OIL SPILLS In our review oF this project, we have not been able to identify any signific- ant adverse environmental eFPects, or threats to the saFety and well-being • of the community caused by the construction or operation of the proposed pipe line other than the threat to that safety and well-being posed by the potentiality oF an oil spill. Any pipe line entails the risk oF an occasional � OPL, Renton Report Page Four • minor leak and oF moderate and major leaks of rare occurrence. The greatest cause of minor leaks is corrosion. In fact, the Office of Pipe Line SaPety in Washington, D.C. , reports that oil spills due to corrosion are respon sible for over 50% of all reportable losses in liquid pipe lines. Accidentally caused mechanical ruptures represent the most probable cause of oil spills of a moderate to major size, and an earthquake would be the most probable cause oF a major leak. We have Pound that OPL has taken responsible and deFinite steps to reduce the risk oF oil spills from all of these causes, or to prevent them altogether. To protect against corrosion, the OPL system is designed, engineered and constructed to have 100% cathodic protection along its entire length, Past experience has proven the reliability oF the design, inspection, operation and maintenance procedures to the extent that there has never been a leak which resulted from corrosion. Accidentally caused mechanical ruptures represent the most serious threat to the integrity oF the pipe line. This type oF failure is usually caused by an uninFormed, irresponsible third party who typically is exca.vating in the area of the pipe line and punctures it with a piece oF heavy equipment. There are a number oF steps which are implemented to detect or prevent • an oil spill oP this nature. 1 . An active line marker program consisting oP area mile post markers and road crossing signs positioned to catch the eye oF the passing traffic and providing warning oF the "Buried Cross- ing" as well as displaying a 24-hour emergency telephone number. 2. Bright orange-colored ptastic line marker tape is installed below plow depth and above the pipe line as an additional safeguard. This tape is imprinted with a warning oP the presence of the pipe line below. (See sample attached). 3. A weekly aerial patrol oP the system For detection oF right-oP-way � encroachments, oil spills, construction near the pipe line, and especially, any excavation activity within t1�e vicinity oF the pipe line. Congested areas are patrolled or� foot or by car. All oper- ating and field personnel are constantly alert for potential pro- blems along the right-of-way as they perPorm their daily as����gn- ments. 4. It is the policy oF OPL to actively solicit enquiries From contractors and other parties doing excavation work in the vicinity of the pipe • line and upon request from them will promptly stake its location in the field. OPL, Renton Report Page Five • 5. The pipe line system maps are exchanged with other pipe line com- panies, public utilities, or any other interested person upon their request in an eFfort to further reduce the possibility oF third party damage. 6. A combination oF inanually operated and remotely controlled line talock valves are to be installed in the new pipe line. The location of these valves are determined through the study of topographic maps and line profiles to determine drainage patterns For the area traversed by the pipe line. Also considered in this determination are congested areas, population density and the potential eFfects oP oil spill to critical areas. The remotely controlled valves are located so as to isolate segments of the pipe line to permit nearly instantaneous shut-down of the system. The number and placement of these valves are in excess oP the requirements oi� the Department oP Transportation Regulations on block valve locations. 7. Contingency Planning and Emergency Operational Procedures are a part of employee training. An "Emergency Manual" outlining the responsibilities and instruction to the dispatcher, Field and supervisory personnel has been distributed to all key err�ployees. • This information is kept current and includes detailed instructions and information on leak detection procedures, system shut-down and containment actions, correct procedures Por handling emer- gencies, maps, line profile, emergency telephone numbers, block valve locations, emergency material description and location, and hydraulic data pertinent to the system. All field personnel are Familiar with the pipe line route, the general terrain, drainage and population density along the right-oP-way, and are instructed in methods and procedures which will contain any product spill within the minimum time period. A mobile communications sys- d�s atch�n oF e ui ment � tem rovides the means to expedi�e the t p t g q p � and materials and personnel as required to meet emergency con- ditions. In an emergency si�ation, should additional manpower and equipment be required over and above OPL personnel, term contractors are employed to perform such necessary services under the direction of experienced Olympic personnel. These contractors are selected For their capability to provide all antici- pated emergency services. In the nearly eight years of operation, of the existing system, since start-up in September of 1965, only two main line product spills have occurred. Both oF these spills were due to third party damage caused by excavation • equipment and resulted in 1 50 and 160 barrel spills. However, oF the total oF 310 barrels spilled, 150 were recovered and the remainder cleaned up by removal and replacement of the oil-soaked soil and the aeration oF the spi ll area. OPL, Renton Report Page Six • Seismically induced failure oF the pipe line is perhaps the most difficult contingency to deal with. The entire routing oF this pipe line lies within the Puget Sound Basin which is a region oF relatively high seismicity. However, the route does not cross any faults which are known to have a relationship to earthquakes in this area. The prediction oF earthquakes is at best a primitive art, yet it is reasonable to expect an earthquake of significant magnitude to occur in the Future. It is probable that such an event will occur during the period oP use of this pipe line. The magnitude and number of unknown factors relating to seismic design for a structure such as a buried pipe line make it difficult to �repare defin- itive design criteria. It is apparently impossible, with technology pres- ently available, to design an "earthquake-prooF" pipe line. Accepting this premise, the structural design must provide for the minimization oF the threat to tf�e environment caused by earthquake related failure. Although construction drawings are not completed at this time, it is our understand- ing that special consideration is to be given to each oF the Following con- ditions should they occur along the alignment: 1 . Whenever an abrupt bend occurs in either the horizontal or , vertical alignment: I • 2. Whenever the pipe line is laid in Fill: 3. Whenever the pipe line is laid in soft ground with unsuitable , foundation conditions: 4. Whenever the pipe line passes From soft to firm ground: � 5. Whenever the pipe line is laid in the vicinity oF reclaimed areas, or high or steep river banks, along beaches or cliffs: 6. Whenever the pipe lin is laid in an area subject to landslides, or Foundation Failure. "� Given proper engineering design and properly executed construction proced- ures, pipe line Failures caused by seismic activity shoutd not be expected except in the very most severe instances. In the event of any strong seismic activity, operational procedures require that the pipe line be shut down and investigation made to determine what effects, iF any, the earthquake had on the pipe line. Should a failure be detected, the emergency operational procedures and contingency plan dis- • cussed above with respect to an accidental rupture would be applied. O P L, Renton Report Page Seven • Additionally, in the interest of total pipe line safety, contingency planning is reviewed and updated by OPL with special attention to locations where pipe line ruptures would pose special threat to the environment or to the safety and well-being oP the community. This analysis will determine the maximum possible volume of spill that could occur, the time required to detect the leak and to shut down pipe line and operations, the time required to mobilize and contain the spill, the specific effects oF the spill and what clean up and restoration procedures should be employed to mitigate any damage. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS During the construction period adverse eFFects on the atmosphere may be caused by dust From vehicular trafFic and exhaust emissions of constrution machinery. These would be temporary in nature and will have an insignifi- cant efFect on the environment. Clean up and restoration of the rights-oF- way will follow immediately aFter the backFill and testing operations. Environmental effects caused by the operation of the pipe line are neglig- ibte. There are neither noise nor vapor emissions from the pipe line it- self. A small amount of noise is produced by the motors at pumping sta- • tions, and therefore these stations are sited in areas oP low or no develop- ment, generally outside densely populated areas. Furthermore, when the generated noise reaches an objectionable level, appro�riate measures are taken to reduce the sound by housing and insulating the pumping units. These measures eFfectively minimize any adverse effects upon the environment due to sound emission. It is our understanding that local concern has been expressed that construct- ion of the proposed pipe line will cause increases in truck traFfic within the City of Renton. It is necessary to explain that the existing 16" line entering the Renton Station From the north will continue to serve the Renton Terminal distribution requirements together with the distribution oP products to the Harbor Island and Sea-Tac Airport Terminals. No signiFicant increases in the volume oF distribution are planned For these outlets. A normal increase in the demand For these products is expected in Renton, consequently truck- ing of refined products will increase only due to local demand. This demand is expected to increase at an annual rate oF approximately 7 2% resulting in a corresponding increase in traFFic delivering to Renton customers. As dis- cussed earlier, a principal reason for the construction of the 20" pipe line is to provide an increased capability oF supplying the Portland Area with oil products and simultaneously satisfying the Seattle market. The trans- • portation oF oil products through the Renton Terminal via underground pipe line to Portland will not increase truck traPfic in the City oF Renton. OPL, Renton Report Page Eight • ROUTE CONSIDERATIONS Together with environmental aspects, QPL has been concerned with select- ing the most appropriate route For the proposed products pipe line. From the Allen to Renton Stations, including the portion within the City of Renton, the leading criterion for route selection has been the development oF parallel Facilities with both the existing 16" line and the proposed 20" line lying within the existing or adjacent easements. Some of the reasons for the importance of this criterion are: 1 . Experience from the design and construction of the original facil- ity supplies valuable information such as soil and topographic data and highlights areas of special concern, such as river and utility crossings; 2. Negotiating Por easements across the same properties and in many cases with the same owners, facilitates the easement acquisition process; 3. Surveillance and maintenance costs for the completed pipe line are • minimized. Only in areas where substantial development has occurred since the original line was constructed has deviation from the existing alignment been considered. A discussion oF the pipe line route within the City Limits oF Renton can con- veniently be separated into that portion paralleling the existing alignment and that portion which deviates. The parallel alignment lies within the City of Seattle power transmission line easement From the northerly city limits in the vicinity oF N.E. 12th Street sot,�therly to a point approximately 1 /4 mile beyond the crossing of the Cedar River; another section oF proposed para- llel alignment commences just east of SR 1 67 and runs westerly to the OPL Renton Station. Portions of this proposed parallel alignment pass through platted residential developments. Within these developments the power trans- ' mission and pipe line easements are used in many ways such as equestrian and pedestrian walkways, landscaped rear yards, parking areas for auto- �, mobiles and general playgrounds. Construction of the proposed pipe line � will interu�:`_ these uses during the construction phase only and post-construct- ion restoration will assure t1�Lei recovery. _ ��; Jones Associates, Inc. was retained by OPL in early June of 1973 to gather data which would allow selection oP the most appropriate of the routes pre- • viously described. Topographic and geologic data, existing utility inForm- ation, right-of-way widths, traFFic considerations, together with a general analysis of the immediate community were part of the inFormation and ob- servations made to assist in t:he final route selection. OPL, Renton Report Page Nine � Substantial development southeasterly of Royal Hilis Drive, on either side oF Puget Drive S.E. and construction of the Benson Apartments discourage new construction parallel to the existing alignment through this region. Therefore, beginning at the point where the existing 16" line diverges Prom the power line easement, a more appropriate alternate route has been selected, namely, to continue west-southwesterly along the power trans- mission easement to ifis intersection with Benson Road S. From this point however, several alternative routes have been examined in an efFort to select a pipe line route that will be efFicient in operation, economical in construction, minimally disruptive to the comGnunity during the con- struction stage and most beneFicial to the society it serves over its liPetime. The accompanying map shows the routes that have been considered. Route "A" lies in Benson Road S. , between the power transmission easement and the existing OPL alignment. Route "B" would cross under Benson Road S. , �'I progress southerly along the projection of Williams Avenue S, to the inter- I section with the existing OPL alignment. Route "C" would cross both Ben- � son Road S. and Talbot Road, along an existing Bonneville Power Adminis- tration and Seattle City Light power transmission easement to Smithers Avenue S. , cross Smithers Avenue S. to the right-of-way at South 14th Street, Follow South 14th Street to Shattuck Avenue S. , then turn southerly . along Shattuck Avenue S. to the intersection of the existing OPL route. Route "D" is similar to Route "C" except that it continues westerly in South 14th Street beyond Shat tuck Avenue S. to the intersection of Lake Avenue S. , then continues southerly in Lake Avenue S. to private property known as 1511 Lake Avenue, then westerly across this property to a point adjac- ent to the right-oF-way of SR 167 where it then moves southerly parallel with the highway right-oF-way to the intersection of the existing OPL ease- ment. Although it may appear that a logical alternative route would have been along Talbot Road S. , this possibility was discouraged by the City of Renton, Public Works Department, which was concerned Por the potential disruption of extensive existing utility construction lying within that corridor. A disruption oF activities at Talbot Hill Elementary School, Talbot Hill - Park, the interFerence with trafFic on a major arterial (Benson Road S.) and being the longest of all the proposed alternatives are all items that urged the abandonment oF Route "A" . Route "B" was dropped from further consideration as it would conPlict with the proposed construction oF new State Route 51 5. OF the remaining routes, "C" and "D", Route "D" has been recommended as the most appropriate route . Although it is somewhat longer and substantial � portions of it will be constructed without the advantage oP established access roads, it does have the advantage of minimizing the impact on the community during the construction stage. Together with this, we have been advised by OPL that the land purchased parallel to SR 167 will be donated to the City with the intent that t1�is natural region will be developed as a future park. OPL, Renton Report Page Ten � CONCLUSIONS The National TrarLs portation Safety Board has recognized the liquid pipe ', line industry as having the best saFety record on a ton/mile basis oF all methods of transportation. In terms oF noise, vapor emissions, water pollution potential, visible distractions or other forms oF undesirable effects, it is the "cleanest" method of transportation oF oil products. This recognition, together with the Factors discussed in the Poregoing report and the assurances which we have gained from our review of OPL's proposed construction, as well as their operational practices, allow us to conclude tJ�at there are no predictable permanent adverse environmental effects to be associated with this project. We also con- clude that the most appropriate route has been selected For the facility � � � . � � ' , �-9 *' •' . • • • �/—/a- (o� Olymp�c P�pe Line Company P.O.BOX 733 - BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 � March 8, 1965 ) � � The Honorable Donald W. Custer and Members of the Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washfngton ', Dear Mayor and Council Members: On November 2, 1964, Ordinance No. 2120 was approved by your honorable body, granting to Olympic Pipe Line Company a fran- chise to construct, maintain and operate pipe lines in and along certain designated roadways and public properties or the City of Renton. Section 18 thereof provides for authorization by the Council of additional pipe line installations subject to conditions oi this franchise. By letter dated December 7, we made application for additional pipe line installations under the provisions of the existing franchise, which application was approved by the Renton City Council on December 14, 1964. We have found it necessary to make certain additional devia- ' tions in our pipe line routing and we would now like to make application for the deletion of one segment heretofore approved by the Council on December 14 and add two additional sections as follows: DELETE: STREET DISTANCE LOCATION In 160th St. S. 1357 ' From West line Highway S, �� (Not In) Westerly to the West line �7th Ave. So, ADDITIONS: STREET DISTANCE LOCATION In 87th Ave, S. 1359.4' From South line of 160th Street South (Not In) to North line of 156th Street South (Not In) �,����, Q. W�si- ✓ �",� % 1 + • , � . The Honorable Donald W, Custer and Members of the Renton City Council March �3, 1965 Page 2 STREET DLSTANCE LOCATION Across Renton Jct, Way 112' Along 84th Ave. South extended, Total Distance 1471.4' I am enclosing two copies of Drawing No. S-102-1 which shows the location of the sections of line in streets included in this application. The crossing of Renton Jct. Way was omitted from our previous application because we thought it was under the jurisdiction of the State Aighway Department. We have been informed by them, however, that permission across this roadway should be obtained from the City, since the crossing is within the City limits. In view of the above, Olympic Pipe Line Company hereby respect- fully requests your approval and authorization to include these additional streets under the rights and privileges granted by Ordinance No. 2120. To facilitate processing of our request, we would be pleased to provide any additional information or assistance that might , be neceasary. , Res ectfull submitted, P Y � ames R. Ball Vice President JRB:as Encls. 1 003 ♦I 31rOS ---- -- 03)403H0 Z01• S - pq-1j- .`�r'dj NMvaa Z1 _.t, &cl `F3 .0 N I 'ON SNIMVWO 31110 03�ObddV 'WIDN2 NOIS30 SXOOA 31ON NOlJN1 HSWM `3111d3S I ANVdVY00 3NM 3did OIdVy-k-10 j d W UA_ d W 3N11'. 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K I[ 179! cit � 1 Q - k _ _ Q Z - + c .o � f �� Z - tom. j -- -- 3 �O \I N Q O Q_ Q � (0 I � L- L F� � a 4- 0 1 rT P P .' ' W l S 1 o p T, � �) -- �� C rQ � r � o N1,o . o � J' W O k N d o 6 Q O v _ e -v �? �� c O O oi/JRAi {-� �.o � ,9f � of oo• ( = Q � L� Q -Z! 3 � t i 2 Q w 1I 5� U I( A 2 L- - W I.' O d C °' fi d= 60 _w 7 d o L o _ 'f; ,� w, Q _- -J � __ - I a' > Z a' N I r c� W /K 2 6 v �� h �. 1 -� W � � � W � o k _ W f 4 �n � N -z t� Q I LL >_ ``�k 1: Q'q)Q'N � Q Q Q t� 2 Q Q � ,,� tiZ�� ��'�l., O°� �l°, t� c' to I 3 _ d 0 V � r=-- r- ti � Q = I 3 V `� O 'Q (v � � m c., � cc-, I r $ <0 ►' 0 O 3 � m ccs -+- O L � Q Q co + + + + + + + + + ��- CD E- F-• d o o V �, d --- -- - . --- O _ -P-- k . - � Z m 0)0') Cn ac> + 4 + N N N N N d) w W . O - E-- F- o - O y 2 00 c ^ ►• d3 �t n r- L o 4i a 0 0 0 ti r- r` r` 110 ' dJ (G dJ v v - L O d C) c a p o 2 d C- Q W 0 _ Q +- o Z to r- r' r- r t` r- r- r- r r- r r' r- LN � L o 1cn o R o a J. L K) ���� �CO K)toco CO .-ri c EP _ c Q_ O d�, L W u� �_ 1 j uj --' c d S N G T 5' tL a O L -v °, a o NI- ' L �° � -- Z , d tl f-- N ,---.--- N t .. P 1 C 11 2 . C pL �i ? . ~' cc, - - d O O C r -I a U 0 ,Z o, - - - � C = L � ,0 „ O .. 4 Q V 0 y 70 c C) Q C � S T. ; (- �' 0 1` i° Nu- Q� L 1 1n 0� oaf HI � C i /%/ -' Q -V (0 •nl ,3 '� Ln, [ S -a c- +- a I�- C L V C CVS' ti- N t�1 r- ..t. r, a . I, C .r rt v q W L +_. I -- U � F" } 6� , 10 Q I p � , •_ `7 _ .� - � d m fit' u„1 M c - - e c r_ 1 L 4 �l LL U N p + -1- = to „L „ ml �1 tjl Z + lL aC Z °ter ' �c�) p C '�I� �° .i I - F� civ NI c, of of "f (1J! n1 � (i r °, 'f ., Ant °� cfl r- - V O F- Q c L L. L, of += E� °� =NN�N ;� (4eNoo t01 - Q } ����0 r �,W��t lll�ltJ� O � __.. , L V vSa t. Q + + + + N N ti + Iri + t + + + i� I- r-- F f Z � v m, C ~' v +- � } � , N .. + + + + t� � C LL- d W - � . N N Q 0 m rn-- IQ 0 _m + m l r � ,� .q.l- tj r t(\ rn W\ s (n r- V ll l c tl _ W ✓� Z rn C Q$ O � r- O r- r- I- � � - rc- r- K- I` � � + + +p Lu = �: tl _ Z i L o, �, ° J CCl to tC VCN to IKN ccc- cC� d� 0 cC �.. C< I �' r r-- r` V) +-r ,j_ u 01 \ Q °N N � (O cC N N Q? L rte r- of cIQ . t` I -a. � ccs N "' 4 `p dl d R/W NO. OWNER FEET COVER PERM. R/W R/W N0. OWNER FEET COVER PERM. -R/W ci '. � � N � j � p Z N 1 � Dl N m �' NI KI -t75 Epi r ldd Ie 434 30" O n KF192 W i I I i a~?n H. P3efsh ? 30" 15' p[ �� N' °' �u °o> r1 N N N tn� I i le W, W. LoornI, 176 30" O en K1-193 Hue L. Muz� h 7 . 30" I5_ 01 �`n0') + IN ;":� + + KI -176 Ed dd KI -1767 S.E. 106TI, Sl. Ci of'I�r�f<on 6I - KI.194 Unt ed Ho es Cot- 70 3d 20' N O . +_ �-� 0) 2 4 m 0) � (3 'r m 4 m K!-177 I2� mord J S1 afer 308 48" 30" K1-195 Uniled Homes Cozr�. 70 30' 20' _ ,� ' r` r- r- to ti �- r- r" 1' r" t` cc cn l • 4 tr M � en cel tC� t�' cn eC1 KI -178 John W. Honea 330 30" Open K1-196 Geon e C.l�bison 70 3O' O n ti � KP179 skr! F' Hou ar-d 337 30' O en KI -197 Ciaretnce W. Phi ll i 70 30" Opens ' KI -179.5 P S. Hw . No. Sfa e oc Wasln�• 70 Noled KI.198 T3L�uce W♦ 13r aril 4� 30" O n r`1 f' S KI -180 Leonard Gustafson Jack• L. KI -I99 N. 1'Z. sselI Hall 318 30 20' f Johr,sot� 484 3U" O en loresidezn} loar-k TJevela mens Co. 253 W' 20' . -` KI -180A leu 1 S. Read slnaw 27 30 50' 1-201 Cif 2etzforl p�•it K 594 60' Open R 5 E KI -181 William T. Mead Jack- L . KI -202 Cl2r'zce EDandrL( e iG7 30 50 T 23 Johnson 433 30' Open KI -203 Wed ewood R_e;alf Co. 1,232 30' 20' . IR/W NO. OWNER FEET COVER PERM. R/W f R/W NO OWNER FEET COVER PERM. R/W . i .._ . . / - 1 I- t (o - /oOID I O 0P �� o,Q "`� n 1 �oc � � eQ: CO --- • -- _ t / c/ rr , I d � �y, o � �� � r / [i � F-- / \ C � � C - 00 , / K /� Fro ' F-__ F N Q / � , - ,'• / _ v� .-I�� c? .2 WWO1 I Z �-C:F_c ioCZrnvo �Q'q) IA' 0 o - Q, v N v nm Q �/ P C : � - N - flC � 4 I Q � Y of k Mn0 � � <K 21 24� W v°6J OONN!"r 6)Q . (� �/ zN� ood3rrmCicv � � �.. + ++.+++ ,):' 0 (-,�� <00O-N`c\" N nJ N N N 0 zzo zi)<���� V EXHIBIT W, REVISIONS I NOTE BOOKS N.B. PP J 1C1-18!.11 S.F_ II2T" Sl. Cif of �rZ ori �3I Nosed m.P _ 107.4 TO NAra 110.1 K1-203.11 7T" live, N• Ctf Of`'[2 Aron Cao Noted K1-211 Josephicne Nunn 332 30' OperI KI -220.9 PacificCoast 1�zlroad 127 N1�fe�d - -- IKI -182 EI lis . Cr-uf i 125 48' O en KI -203.11 6T" PJI. N. Crt of �r)+an 30 Nof'ed K1-212 A11oecf 2alch 142 3C Opera KI -221 TZ-a� Char-Iton 53 :30" Opera KI -183 Lawz^eznca 1;3. Wood 73 48" 15' KI -204 lZoberf tom. P eel (Rol�e.tr-1 O. K1-213 Frances J. ChandlE:r 214 30" . Open KI -223 Ti-iornas M. Ta�lor(John L. Lavin 146 30" Onerl IKI -184 Fred G. Forster 73 30' 20 Ar-,dersom) 328 30" 20' KI -214 First T-mveslrnerzi Ccs. I,171 30' Omen KI -223.3 Cedar T� _iver 127 Naled --- KI-185 La>.rr M.-Th<:)m&s 73 w, l5' KI -205 Pr-esideni Turk ©evelo-pmeni Co. 208 30" OP�er?_ KI -216 Ki Counl� 1,507 30" 50' KI -224 Tou,gel Soured Yoower � 1_18hi Co. I6 •42" IO' I KI -186 Har -o d F_ Hof rmsn 73 30' - __ O er1 K1-206 l berf C. Plot Ie_H - 120 30" n KI -217 Maplewood Golf 6 Couni•r� Club, Inc. 757 3�0" 20' KI -187 Uniled Hornes Cor . 73 30 " 20' 1 4207 Florence T. Wend_ i 48 30 Open K1-218 Johzn W• 113obzon 123 36" 20' K1-188 Nicolaas C.Gouclriaan '02 WI. 15: KI -233 Her've, G. CaS eYrson 420 30" Open I(1-218.11 5T",live. E- (Cii� of I2enion� 61 Noted --- KI-188.11 I I T" live. N. Cif of R2tmfon Nosed KI -208.11 4T" Ave• N. Cil cif' Rentor-, Coo Noted K --219 Cif_ti oi' 12!tnfori f��� 437 Coo" Open KI -189 T2. Glen F-iSheI _50 I0S 30" 15' KI -209 : Herve G. Cas�ersQn 1 1 30" Open KI -219.11 (o -T" Ave. E. (Cif of t2ei-)lor�) 65 Nofed • KI -1910 Frank. W. Fisher- 70 30* I5' KI -210 Willis Fit erald Eu ene J. K1-220 Jol-Zr� �+'�'. C)obson 132 36" 20 _ ; , _- K1-191 Utni ted Homes Corp• 70 30" 20' lor; l4her`` 331 30" O en KI -220.5 P. S. Hwa. No. 5 ( Sta+e of, Vd2sh. 81 --'-- Noled - - -� - - , i .._ . . / - 1 I- t (o - /oOID I O 0P �� o,Q "`� n 1 �oc � � eQ: CO --- • -- _ t / c/ rr , I d � �y, o � �� � r / [i � F-- / \ C � � C - 00 , / K /� Fro ' F-__ F N Q / � , - ,'• / _ v� .-I�� c? .2 WWO1 I Z �-C:F_c ioCZrnvo �Q'q) IA' 0 o - Q, v N v nm Q �/ P C : � - N - flC � 4 I Q � Y of k Mn0 � � <K 21 24� W v°6J OONN!"r 6)Q . (� �/ zN� ood3rrmCicv � � �.. + ++.+++ ,):' 0 (-,�� <00O-N`c\" N nJ N N N 0 zzo zi)<���� V EXHIBIT W, REVISIONS I NOTE BOOKS N.B. PP J ALLEN STATION TO RENTON 20" PRODUCTS PIPE LINE LOOP m.P _ 107.4 TO NAra 110.1 ! I ' I OLYMPI � PIPE LINE t.,C !PAN Y SEATTL-E, WASHINGTON JEST N ENGR. APPROVER GATE DRAWING NO. - -� _-_ - _- -- - __- ._- ---- __ _ - _.____ DRAWN A CHECKED _�_ ___._�__ - S_ I I O- 2 7 SCALE I' = 500r� -�`--..___ -, - x". .. « - , . _ .. .. : _ .i 1 I ' -- = _ : _ r oz QO M _ _2" 1E1VT } 1 - , 1 2 vEN r 4., - 2" vENr l 2 CSG. END SEALS 6,6 - 24 . CASING t I 6 PACERS 200' - 26" CA /N -`_ `_ ----- 2 CSG. END SEALS / TEST LEAD UN/r _ / TEST LEAD UN/T I /9 SPACERS 4 2 CENTER/NG CRA L E5 _---- SrHW Y. 5 G M St. . a P. RR E h -� P 2 CENTEIRI�I�r _CRADLES : t AVE E. - i - _ I_ M f tali F-1 Lai oc � I ►ryp V ! - ✓ I _ 20" O.D. x .250 W.T. - 52.37#/Ft. 5L x 52 LINE PIPE YARD COATED s WASHINGTON X48 x$yx ( K I N G d r d COUNTY, 49 AE � 9� '19 a 338 36 151930 O co -'•_cp O +- O I- -c B X �j �- % `� �a h -Q eSS 3 x cg 'E'_ )s o e _-� 1 / Q� F� ,^ e A 3e o/ Iy } S p C -tO ' C 1 `/ '7� ��` /O d/`¢ o'e 4� "g`9 e" d ti 8 �� �� e� ��'. c O 3 sie O/ p s _q� O 3 F 1 aO J ti N C Ol . C Tg '`i 6e�S e Q/ '� P Q./ Com/ c 9 S* Q el - O m N �' �x p Pjc �� w T/1r '`3,c 3 S� 3 `38 S lid �• �o •� Q1� j p�00� ° �d did .� rn / O O 3 x629 /y�Q ^ T O^�e C 39s%�S/4/d2 �Qr� �C - d \'p v v /, 3 �„/ o o <0 9 S �g 6 O�eh- \�,� �► O lz -t- L d >` --a \� 1 /� q�� 6� 5� /7� /1' h- �'o `S/` S/ S o Do er . �`e,� e O ,- !- \ -4 `� m n O Lo b 39`7St o (J S . Pi. �P�c /�� �h2 9S �' $ / y �' �' 7 / , T \F ti m 0 O 0 m c� o \� \: .3 <5/ o' ^ �j 9/ Xs'P S oh- / o -s� 4 N Q �� r c� -r 1�, / 9 06 e B -- o s c y S �' ���� �I--F- �E 1 0 ��� / 493/. f' S // s 3 11 co �, m �,o ems/ / 9 "�S 'P� `mss c� z ti, O �- v/ c �9 �'� ! d N ►� .� . L-��. �<< �, cn + N O O �' ' �3 / B� e, o, , �' (� 9�. �9 6e CT o m N V d �,p\ \ I n + + r + + -{ 2� ` Sl ,c 3 O,� P I rn - C Q cD �t 4 - o '�<' �e O 9 'r -1e ]` ! lLnv, �` \ p °0. t � o., ��� \ 00 'o 0 'O SJ h ` // ' Z -o 3� g� x �9.� o /6 !S'c� co der• c 39 $K 39 oy�. �d9' r �ej1 Ei r / Q x/ .3 3 .o e O- �p rn 6J vG C 1 3 S / �a '7 8 9 0 3 <S /Y w i v, o \ y O u _ m P J 1,� m �, 3.94 x �, 'S' �s '� .� /� ,gyp c' S x o e d 19 45\'�� C `,z 39 SIS x <2 S/ p� 9p /3� 9x o� P/ F.�Q, �o .�src co I c A \ 4 v bo,d r 2, r +� ,co �• /`s / " x /CD .,., u• o o d W W w n s�, F / o .� o a o , x/ tii c s .. = . ., Q \ o. ,> pp r C �icn -A L / - i C rj 9 '` t6 co N o fl ��. �. int z/ °� n. T / O S 3 9C'o �� pr \� �., _ cn (�l of N�� �� << in v -< -� 39 4q Srg cg? /c, d� 9,� 9„ '>>c a/ e^ 6 " �- e oj �- x 9r F 3 9 S P �S C' <, 'S �= W p �� �� , d+ L _---- -_ N cr 9 4 6 s e o o- C '�Q o / ; + + + C �. d �, O�i F`� 1 Y S / 3 �, " /. / • F ��P C/ 3 `9sI V c,( 3 C A ' e rj L O c\I N m C {- `' \ O - v ,p / 39 x S, T '�, ^pia 3 .9g 9 y3 O e� S ESQ �'�c Q^ c t?� 'i \ �\ N i- b O \ 1 O N C b / d3 '0 4 O C o/ �/ `9x CS �� �cr+ X 9 \\�\ ���� v 3 .� E- `\ L O Q / / , 3 S4� x ` '�I Q �,e e� x �� <� A tea/ Q,T� } ? N c� ` � `� M mm !� o (^ O `�tn� 1 x� .3 �`/ , : i, Qo �`(J y 09 O % \r + �\ o_x ,oma y a Q ,6� / P a� �a T -s o - n. o +/ /6 e^ c� /S,� !' >`<5 '"o d? /2,, �� v VAI t -EY N C r` r` 1 ,3 `4`3" NI AP + � ,� 1 A / e ��\ _- UB ..STATION O tiff ' ` /x�j8�/�a/Tre`�;l�LhB.e DWG D 15 m m m �C' �'� 3/� o� ccs 00, ca of �_ q i , /i r co . \ - _ _ \ Gj 0 c -q r o / 19 lqcl I O C aD 3 Q �O Q R co Cli r- 0.18 +- Qom„ Q L �r, d_ d d d d Q[ ..,\ co Q A0, 4>>� o o� N o '-oti I''- --- -_ cp 1' �+: rod` � � �� \ �,P �� \� , -au O 4 Q( I` p(� N - C CIAJ I� \9 mi �i v„ �i w �� o _ 'LO Zi \ C C v vj O (�� `� cD ra O N- N rr�Q M 3 O �}-F- d b \ o '° �� z C�� C CQ O �1� cV J Q ro T � <9 (� L Ql M O L L b E- + +- -.1 i' �lJ m 4 + + t + + + + + 4, rn + + *- + -o O Q o o o o C d E- } N ►- as m 0 mi rn m 0 0 0 rn N N N m a O b V `, 1- C d d -Q d d C C I` d l- c, N O I '�fh ico M m m cn� m m �t + �t d f o LL j d L d 0, L d �0 +� v � (6 d C v° 0) I OD 00 z c � � co � � co co d) Q O rZ- v °v " Q1 Ov 4- � A � Q d d � d C O � M �� � �• cn � O C � , ,� �, , W mol �i !- v � v � � O o C d C _ n i L0 V C O 0 O ml d01 r ml (�� �1 �I m� ti, r, ti on, �L V C of (D 50 d'CV (D ���J�� ��� p �QnpNm� v� _ ��p tisao Or4) n O rn +ccs cn Kl N cCl cn I� 6) C) � �,o r. r- dJ m — O r4) I() t0 r- d� � 6J T1 m 0) m 0) v O N N + �aJJ f 0 y cn cn n O� rt) ro M t \ S x O 'h c •.. d Q � � N ! _ _ _ cy � a a �o o _ EXHIBIT V (i �Cb oo N � � eta �S, �b '00- r`� Q� �� '1 '~'�C b� �� REVISIONS r\ a t /\o �� ,� �; ALLEN S TAT I O N TO R E N TO N �a��Qa.� a°' �,��, 20 PRODUCTS PIPE LINE LOOP c Cu V a 4 N a v "• .�" �� OC �,.^D a V Q p 0) �, .e,�a \a ,, �� ,o,a c oma' �. ��°� ��be M.P. LI0. I TO M -P.__ R5E ' x�0 s'0t�"'. T 23 N ti� � �x cl-0 � � Q � � v o �� �� �i Qa co � 40 � x�� Ov-^ a).K -\ dQ�,, � (00`�� be �t c�d4, OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY ^� ti��h�,Q x� V. V( moi\ K _ 0 '���� /v\ ��� \/\ RENTON,, WASHINGTON c� °) ti cC x OR �`'Co x 47 tii m �6h� (V " �Lr �\ rt ''b�(y x Q '` NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. �0) Ojti p� x x� m x" \ Y" M c�ti v c�j xQ �� DRAWN . -- -- - - ---- --- -- -- - Oj �, 'h 0) m `h CHECKED _ -- _ -- -.-_ S -110-30 ' ---- - � - ---- ----- - ---- ---- - ---------� - 4- SCALE _ 1 4 C_ :'... i..i —.._ 1 ____ _ _.._ _. __—..:_1'_ -- ... ___.. ._.—.__-.._-._.-_.--.. _.. _..- __.. .._...1.J1-._—..Jf:—+-r..wi..-u i � , '.... .• • , iia ..c..t ..--.. a. ".-. .,.Je. � - ,.�._ _ t _" . r . _ _._...•_._.._. -.. - _ - - _ - __ _ _ - ._ .:. -. _ <.. - � � . .. _ _ - - f � ,,�_ .. .. _ vim►►: ___..._ _. ,..... _. . _.y �:. _ ..:-.... _ _ __- - ••- : - - - 4L 59b6 + 39',et 'End /4 Conc . Dri va F'. I . J7 r c t i v . Y c - •, •, •, • • Z b6 Z 2 • - d I v .if 3966 + 37 In S¢ wer T DN Pwr °3972 t /4 O N. Pwr. Ln. � d W � r Z i0 4 �,, � N 4 N p - +/ 4 L Z4 Trona. Ln. Pole rl- v W b �. } 3972 3_ t 3966 +Z7 D- N. Pwr. I N f'41 �� ,.' of X30 �a 0 \ ___. 39bb ,, 24 2t b" Mailbox �� 9972 *02 D.N. Pyvr. - p 1 _ o 397/ + 93 4 Lt 29 Water Valve, Lt 30 Fir¢ I-lyd. N 14 O 41 > 2 ---- F 1.3965+76.1 A-00 57 57 Rt. + + �,, 0,I �, n, 29 3965 *76 Lt San. M.N. 7APaRth -J►� 3970.1,35 Cen. IZ Oray¢t Drive 2t d- � �� KI 239 70 + 05 )et a f Sin o ,S3 Q Q � � � � � N `jccZ W W � / Qv 3965 + bD ,et. 5 S. End /Z Conc . C ul r. .� 39 0 ' �I cn � m :� c "� -I. -►� + 1 1 3 z 1 I v. 3969+95�=01 07 53 Rt_ or flt Ot , 1 1 1 5965 * 56 "et 2 Mailbox P I z at .►, •n w (,� /� 1 1 3965 +4 3969 *95 Lt 5 2 Sen. M. N Depth �. 3969 *81 In Pvm t Busch ©/- O + I 3964 +�33 Int. 5awer T o N 7 tOC� ,2t3 "CatchEmir,CL _ 3964 + 8 / k f4 5 N End /Z Conc . Cul ✓. I 396t 1 1 a� ? I 3967 f 0' Lt. 26 e Fir¢ Nyd f.3asin , , m J963 + 53 2t 4 N. EndI2 Conn. Culv C f 3907+- Ol 2t. 3.2 Iron Ppe Proms. Cor O �0 O �j m \ + s x - 3967 t 0I !2tE. Cor Conc. D/hhd 1 C 0(� f n' 3963 48 �2t. / Ma /bo j GD ! �! 7-&00 L . 66 Mon. Ca.5¢ l 3 63 +Oe3 Int Sewer• T U 9� t 9 � i 5962 + 84 Q l -l. Pwr 2t ! 5 Si n � Cl `� � � 1 d � �� 9 X12 i ,� 3962 + 76 ,21.4 Catch Basin x 1- N 4 C) 10 + 1 + one b/hhd. d ,n 3962 68 2t /5 E.End C _ � � cQ dJ �0 � 3962-65 !Zt36 WatdrMet¢r �l JO `0 N r o 3 Q. 962 j b2 8 L t 22 3 Catch Basin 'V O_ '- _ _ - -- -- 3 CV ' , \ 3962+60 0" Pwr. o M N '� "� �' w_ v P.1.3962+51.3A=01°3328 Lt. co 0 � � o � o � � � b d a RFS _ � �' � -�� - d 5 0 K12X3 -o - - 3962 * 5l L t. 4 b 5torm M.N. 5? pdpth �� o{. L creme _ 0. d o c o KE, i - PS.Pe L.Cv. 3962 +50 Lt /02 50n.M.k bal Wt? �j m tt d I i 123tf fl- •°I d_ ':�7 \ .14�Q� Z 4w d .m -4 �I (KJ: -23:G bZ + 46 ,2t 7 3"Pop/ar Tr¢ ¢ - \ 39 rn r D N. 7 Q > &gym Sub S s. \\ 5-e 3 b2 +42 !Z1 15 Mailbox Q( ,n O IM � , `� o I d- ao r a -I, x - Kr 237 ! i z 1 l c51Si 3962+10 2t 45 W M. .N Ia - { 0 i ° x , A i 3961 +86 2t 5P J+O "Map/ { N + ,2 . b S. End Fnc . + + + , Kl-237 ` x _ . �1 3 / M rn �} 0 O * ,l +- Pwr' Ln_ m 396/ t 42 2t. 4 Mailtbx ►� ti 4- ti ;9— bl *38 Int. S¢war T , m 1 d� w m, 961 + 37 2t. b Conc. Sid¢walh f , m � � � O 0 ' 1 3961 15 O N Power Kt 232.1 �K"I 2� - - ' 1 Z � -._._ -, •� `- __ - _�� � � �` Ki- 235 ..qp � � � ' ` � ...._._ I � - _ - - _ .-._ � . = � _ ; ` - - - - - - -. _ � R/W 1 396/ +00,et. b- NE. Cor. Fnc. 1U-232.�f; 3960+98 Lt 31 Fira Hyd. - -_ WM _ wtzr T ! @ K� 232.7? v ,Sec. Ln. = POWER i �2"LP 1 t 9560 81 /n t. S¢ 2 I. P w/Ca I 1 . r , L /11/E _ 39b0 +85 O.N. Pwr- P SEA T TLE -lit _ Mon_ — Cl T Y -- __ (•OF S I l60TN� ST , Nt? - } /N - �� IU -23G 3960+75 RtIb,l7Conc.Orive 3960133 215 YVatarMet2r - -- - ��4 I .rj 2 j ( 3 ;q z 3960 25 et 3 3 REI TON C} ` �i•. u I I 3960+2/ $ DriVdway �! - - - cmv r {D d �i I .� LONG I I 3960 + 21' D. N. Powa r @'i I l i, . 14 Z Z __ -- -- - -� - s- 4r S. /5 TN L- ST I t 3960 +05 )Zt. 6 E . End 3 3rda wa/h --t- ---, , i 1 __ ___ _� $ =, t r 3959 +99 2f 65 Water MefarCO-OP COAL J Q _� .F— p -- ACRE o I I P 1.3959+62.2 0 = 00°32 00 Rt. — -- l N �� �� Z r v L, i► + h 2t. 3 P. P. a ! Ui 4 t 1 3959 4b Pt 25 Ca tc Pyasrn 3 ki r __ _ _ __ - _ _ -_ . d -- ---- d ', �Q "� 1 ! { ai �- E"' 3959+43 O u. Power u RACE Z) l t 5 , �" �' T� a >° °t AN'S {i Q HENRY a. 3959+ 37 Rt b Storm M.P. Lt.29 storm M.1� I^ CO S ACRD' FRACf Z � �,� O - � Hl L L l�I Z M E A D E R I -.---_-. �.' �(i q i I 5953+25t Pavm t. S. /9 tb St. o `� +} * 6 5 ! f 4 I' D. L. C. I 3959-t 234 Lt bl San. M.N. Dapth 7A o, d afi i°' TRACK I I 3959 +10 2t 134 N. E End 12 Corac. Cult' -- -` I i 3958+9b Qt 11 Wet¢rl/alva 156 THI L 3956 +53 �'t. 92�z4NMapl¢ n 3955+P�3 Of 10- Wafar War 3955+57 Rf. 7Z S.E. Cor. Fnc. ` x/ GARDENS ! ' ' 3955 +29 Lt 6 San. M N 54 Depth I, ; , + EA R� 1VG TON P.1.3955 + 28.9 A = 00 25 02 Lt. l } g 7 �� i ztj 3955 +10 Sid¢ Saw¢r T 1 °� ' ►- �° I _ 3954 * 69 ON. Power 3954+60 2f.5 Wet¢r M¢t¢rI " ' �� 3954 + 3b Lt 273 Fir¢ 4yd. + * I i DI �?`S'10N' 11 C No. /I I } T 23 N R4E 3,954 + 3?6 Lt 263 Water Valve dJ 19 20 3954 +24 Rt. Can. 24 Grav¢I Drive T 23 N R• 5 E REVISIONS 3954 + ZZ int. side S¢w¢r T ,3953 + 8o of 6 Matas M¢far ALLEN STATION TO R ENTON 3953 + 53 2f.. 4? Can.5;�d 25 Conc. S/w 0*145 FEET COVER' R� 20" P ROD U CTS PIPE LINE LOOP -�K -1,32.7 4�. tCpO fh St. (Not In) (in t g Coun.Y) 11345 ount ) - Noted KI 23 .7A al bot Road ( King C Y y KI 292.11 S. ICO fh St. (No f In) (Cit Of 2ent0n) G8_-_0PIPE � LY VP 1 C C 0 NPA N`Y KI -232A Clinton D. Wi;kenson K{ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 234 Puget Sound Power $ Light Co_ 43G 30'; 10' I KI -234.5 T S_ N. 5 (PrOP.) (St. Of Wash.) 244 Noie l _ - - 14 5 1 C7) (Exisf_)(St. Of Wash. i 6o Noted �, y _ --__ --_ _ Kt -234.5A P. S ( __-- r NOTE BOOKS DESbON EN(3R �IPPROWF_D DRAWING N0. I DATE - KI -235 Olympic Pipe Line Co. Fee hlo. 13 1294 3O N. �+ KI 236 Glacier Park Co. 274 30" 48' 3C` ` _ -`----- ." �- __ ..... N. e_' PP 110-31 CHECKED - 2414-� e No. SCALE l KI -237 0l ,c P, Line Co.-- ,,. 1 I 540 y 1 t �-r t C w IN riz° o ti CD ate® •. ., •. ;,, - w - ` , ;� s � tom: a►7 C7� � , r7� I Y/LY,r ` �• son �� ���o ■ WOW ®®!� `f y � .p I/.III ` r, • 4 IL I�•� �, . /�� i�1I� / Ir l X7.7 OF RY 7,g11 �I vw �� 3 S •' ilk � A S KING 105 COU N T Y W A S H I N G TON _ _ = -j Cr- 4. O,d�Q4Oh`�•�., ,,°�pQ``��Cc�h,,m`�h^OVhoC`t', , h�vh nh`�v°�. ,', hO�e`'\�h*�vC1, , hv,"oao,� ,oh�h\``�V`v�.�, NOh`\^vC, __J11 a��r�\o , h�' Oi NM�\C, N^, ;o\. i va\o\,,f, ^RCo+1, dv\', -nhQ . - �.►.`�0� , —rdo, ma-. oC\, Ji . CM0Cv0oO\, NO, '� e�tia 1010, °L1 O�i �J, C4J�a0\, �V r\`� I \ Nrh c V� —DO ' n 4, ] O , - N - �- NVoV 30 I n m1 ` rd S _ h " (D �O0 o^b� `tio4� (DZ 00 O O Jm� o,�p\�' ,^o�.o o,R,\�p.` b`\ -_CJ= ``•o` `"oo, `naO1oO '\'o �b�, 11- X O\ �; ,M - N v NyO d. N f-- N�j` h > d _p �^'�, i►O\��`��pI, :,, V . O_t\_auDO, �\D1�`�i O— foMJr] N 0 O N 0OD aMN I,- 4- 0 NO CD NN M j\ N 0 O O ^ pO °'oN N to - O °O b, ,dO Nl•v � hbQ 0 m a` n O o, \ 0 a(V /Q N ff. O O O O 0 > Q1 . Ca> ii Q 0 �, h, �Q ii U i'vI N OO v \4, , i c �0 yron �am- h c uC O dO V IT Oer 44 'o v 0 (Iwo0On>O)` vcvo� ,e •�Nv cD ' '^o p�a\QoD0 p oCa Q c0 M N �N -3vv 0 0-�n��o�v�� _ N i�nU Qc�iainrtco 0 �v v M �N, k no mrj�HN D Ui��t O+ bvaV \7 O + P6 * + D N++ + 0 -% D>, NO % O + n or t-6 O� ro +h�M ���^* . Q h ht)�' � p � 0 00�0ODN� *� * ~� e D D Qao ^ - N ati\ t� MM O `ba�*b� * * * rD p 00 (0 O 00 °o N nh + m b\ O \o°ti N � 0C. a_ po (D M `OOpOgyDM O 1`0 cp n�lrn (p v) M LOgWv\►V4�o"�,: I _ �� -�-'Y"�� I ' i� I / �'✓ .3l'$i_ �L. S.E ' \` �-c _._ /3��%d L r'�/ s- - - - - - ----- - - - - - -- -- - - !29th _ P�. W. AVE.] LS.WjW p� Q I 9th ----�- I 1 I �; I ! i ;•, , — — _ rr/63.7 1 1 1 � I I' � •Yi-/6s �S'/-/ �t'/-1630 b Ki/ -/69 63A I K/-/64 K/- 6 � 0 1 Irr ,162 ,l6 , O � /64.7 Q i i \,\ K/-/70 `�• OS 45 12' I(I V I r .II I I G; r 0 I 0 1 ,1 _.. /-- ----- o r ,r JC o. o o S 20 05'57"E O p I o , „ S 0 II S 0 12; 6--E -- -- �� -- _.__._ S 00 17 31 -� S 00 01 23 E ---- S 00 18 16 -- -_ S 0 12. 04 E S00 16 20 W I o ,I t1/ ► m l W J ,� �S 200 42' 03" E /55 ✓ //V Morr�:5or�, //?c 1554 /-./ Guoy ,C�/- /55.� Gordor/ � Lcwis 47- 155 C i GUcndei% V Gcovyc el -155 D . /Qcii�r- Cori -co 27th AVE. s Ed/it/ord 4 Ocryc h 4'/-/56G G)oi71e/ 0 4i -17o%/ /ZBfh .4vcl7Uc 5,E � ,E'ir?g c p. /-/5G. 7 O/y/7�o is Pica Z117C Co. rFcc W l,?) K/--1584 �tilcrcer /s/or7d �ioc Linc Fcc� AVE. _ S. E. y � � h �� °' ''' '''IO NOTE- Massive Schist Formation Sta.3638+01.5 to � ►, 'j, M o + � O � Sto. 3637+41.5 Fractured Alteration Zone °�, \� '� o � p �; �� � \� ti � z o► Q) ti o Sta. 3637+41.5 to Sta.3636+23.3 �o+> SINK MIN �`� �I "� O16^7 �� Lj op 0 c o l I M 0 IN CD --------------------------_----------- -20" 0. D. x .250 WT, - 52.37*/FT 5LX 52 LINE PIPE YARD COATED- f _ " + ------------------------------------------------------ -------=_------ ------------=------- 9 04 r` , FOR SOILS INFORMATION SEE DWG. S-100-43 KING 105 COU N T Y W A S H I N G TON _ _ = -j Cr- 4. O,d�Q4Oh`�•�., ,,°�pQ``��Cc�h,,m`�h^OVhoC`t', , h�vh nh`�v°�. ,', hO�e`'\�h*�vC1, , hv,"oao,� ,oh�h\``�V`v�.�, NOh`\^vC, __J11 a��r�\o , h�' Oi NM�\C, N^, ;o\. i va\o\,,f, ^RCo+1, dv\', -nhQ . - �.►.`�0� , —rdo, ma-. oC\, Ji . CM0Cv0oO\, NO, '� e�tia 1010, °L1 O�i �J, C4J�a0\, �V r\`� I \ Nrh c V� —DO ' n 4, ] O , - N - �- NVoV 30 I n m1 ` rd S _ h " (D �O0 o^b� `tio4� (DZ 00 O O Jm� o,�p\�' ,^o�.o o,R,\�p.` b`\ -_CJ= ``•o` `"oo, `naO1oO '\'o �b�, 11- X O\ �; ,M - N v NyO d. N f-- N�j` h > d _p �^'�, i►O\��`��pI, :,, V . O_t\_auDO, �\D1�`�i O— foMJr] N 0 O N 0OD aMN I,- 4- 0 NO CD NN M j\ N 0 O O ^ pO °'oN N to - O °O b, ,dO Nl•v � hbQ 0 m a` n O o, \ 0 a(V /Q N ff. O O O O 0 > Q1 . Ca> ii Q 0 �, h, �Q ii U i'vI N OO v \4, , i c �0 yron �am- h c uC O dO V IT Oer 44 'o v 0 (Iwo0On>O)` vcvo� ,e •�Nv cD ' '^o p�a\QoD0 p oCa Q c0 M N �N -3vv 0 0-�n��o�v�� _ N i�nU Qc�iainrtco 0 �v v M �N, k no mrj�HN D Ui��t O+ bvaV \7 O + P6 * + D N++ + 0 -% D>, NO % O + n or t-6 O� ro +h�M ���^* . Q h ht)�' � p � 0 00�0ODN� *� * ~� e D D Qao ^ - N ati\ t� MM O `ba�*b� * * * rD p 00 (0 O 00 °o N nh + m b\ O \o°ti N � 0C. a_ po (D M `OOpOgyDM O 1`0 cp n�lrn (p v) M LOgWv\►V4�o"�,: I _ �� -�-'Y"�� I ' i� I / �'✓ .3l'$i_ �L. S.E ' \` �-c _._ /3��%d L r'�/ s- - - - - - ----- - - - - - -- -- - - !29th _ P�. W. AVE.] LS.WjW p� Q I 9th ----�- I 1 I �; I ! i ;•, , — — _ rr/63.7 1 1 1 � I I' � •Yi-/6s �S'/-/ �t'/-1630 b Ki/ -/69 63A I K/-/64 K/- 6 � 0 1 Irr ,162 ,l6 , O � /64.7 Q i i \,\ K/-/70 `�• OS 45 12' I(I V I r .II I I G; r 0 I 0 1 ,1 _.. /-- ----- o r ,r JC o. o o S 20 05'57"E O p I o , „ S 0 II S 0 12; 6--E -- -- �� -- _.__._ S 00 17 31 -� S 00 01 23 E ---- S 00 18 16 -- -_ S 0 12. 04 E S00 16 20 W I o ,I t1/ ► m l W J ,� ' R/ W No. �S 200 42' 03" E /55 ✓ //V Morr�:5or�, //?c 1554 /-./ Guoy ,C�/- /55.� Gordor/ � Lcwis 47- 155 C i GUcndei% V Gcovyc el -155 D . /Qcii�r- Cori -co 27th AVE. s Ed/it/ord 4 Ocryc h 4'/-/56G G)oi71e/ 0 4i -17o%/ /ZBfh .4vcl7Uc 5,E � ,E'ir?g c p. /-/5G. 7 O/y/7�o is Pica Z117C Co. rFcc W l,?) K/--1584 �tilcrcer /s/or7d �ioc Linc Fcc� AVE. _ S. E. y � � h ' R/ W No. Owner /55 ✓ //V Morr�:5or�, //?c 1554 /-./ Guoy ,C�/- /55.� Gordor/ � Lcwis 47- 155 C i GUcndei% V Gcovyc el -155 D . /Qcii�r- Cori -co k',I 155E ,dos c oh G Golvri? k'/ --155F Ed/it/ord 4 Ocryc h 4'/-/56G G)oi71e/ 0 4i -17o%/ /ZBfh .4vcl7Uc 5,E � ,E'ir?g c p. /-/5G. 7 O/y/7�o is Pica Z117C Co. rFcc W l,?) K/--1584 �tilcrcer /s/or7d �ioc Linc Fcc� 15 9 Aa-:�-- --- -- -----S. E I , --SO°3el- g6 - I . /281/h I T --------------- I / / 01EY/-/657 / fW --; - - S� /2 .- - KI -1,7;9 _ - 7 I +- LAVE. I / V7 I , 11 60 0 Fj t2 11 �`%I ' �. �� - I �� + ! I I I ► I I I.I I I (b I 6', IS O9 5 /27th �'.' ' ;' I I I I I �I l I I I I 0�/` r /_ �9•, 0 35 Z Z I I I % /rr-r73 696-35 g - - —�— 1\I I r O ' r- - - I — �1 �' ► 1 r �I .� I I ° I I L. t- ---�----�--- I --- _ -- .%Ii I 4-.N _ �Z_� __ ' i , I �� ' .. _ `� , : , ; ��.► �2% % Q�• ,, , \ �► I I a I I i; • I i , ., I • ' . { �� I i i I , . c � E-- I— _ _ _ _ -- I C\j(° r h d I icw I \ vL ' �� cl I 25th -AVE.. - / SJh AVE. • � \J W; Lj24p-- /24th I AVE. -- _ _ --- - ' 1 \ a 13 '�q.+ O � • ; C � a; J0 0 �•g�C VNO N o Nwo, o�ha�, No `_ �l 0 ��^ , NI0- ' N Nm N °' .y a tD to o, 1� .. �. v h o cl �CO Y° e d c o C° .� h ��� C o C o o n- y o �, Cj V p h' .0 a\, J v o o� o� a H d e, 3 �i 3 Q v �. ` 3 a/ O h o'er �, 3 3 �,a ,�N C', 3 °i o, v �� v ��� m� o X30 C rn_�30,�� M c O •- Q°pu o„ '• O °' '�' a, m 1010, o ��1 ti .- U ► ll h n V , O O j v J O 3 `� O P VI � �1 hti y� �I d' ^ �' o•' �' n, �i '?M ^, O �, M , 1( �, h O., `o, ~ C �!•' C.o., ^' a, al hl hi � � � a Q �'�` o` Q. OD p, N +� 1 b O I�i to >, N � n e�• M O Q, \ \ \ a \ \ b 100 0, � N n+ `ti � <t � n op + N ti a . h `til `� � � p `o � \ �• h n Q^ sOs', ti N\ `o + N ^o ` O' N n, N N c^ M M h 4 �o �o �o * ~ x x O O O O+ 0 0 0 0 \000 \\ N ^bi M M 'bh `ti° 'ti° (D Q) M O N M 'h Ih M Mo T24N R 5 E ro T23N R 5 E Feet Cover Perm R/VW R/ W No. Owner - --- BEARINGS SHOWN ARE WASHINGTON Feet Cover Perm R/W R/W No. Owner Feet Cover Perm R/w STATE GRID NORTH ZONE 208 4B" 20 ` .C�/- /Go irg Co�� y !�/o fcr Ors fr/c t 7 /79 4011 20' ,e/- /G 7 ,Piny Cove fy /426 S?B�� ,5O' .336 48" ?0' C�/--/60,4 F1 s7116v/7k IWOn9 yc Coro. 409 48" ?D' ,�/-/G8 4-11?g Co�77/y 48�� 5O, 3 20" 0.250 W T. 5 X60 Yard Coated Line Pipe- TnisSheet:386.89' TIES TO PROPERTY CORNERS /50 48" 20' k'l-/GO. 7 5. E. 7320 P/. leliy Co. J 7Co K/ -/6B, 7 Gc/7s/r�q Avcncic (z-ir� Co 40 G 20" C.250 W.T. 5LX52 Yard Coated Lane Pipejotal This Sheet: 13,042.10 ARE CALCULATED (C) 8/ 48" 20 4. 0/50/7 765 46 20,C�/-16'9 kii�y Counfy 504 4,6" 60/ Total Gate Valves This Sheet: 6.91' REVISIONS 8z 'elf 20' -r-/�2 5ho�roc� 4-IZIfI-,o% //,C 210 4B" 2101 ,�, ,693 ,may C,-cck �sfa�c of 41o,517 /5 80 4BALLEN STATION TO R E N TO N " 20 ' -163 ,-1 0101st Coscadc Bpi/o'ii79 Co. 195/ 48" 20 ' K/ 1G 9 7 5 E 96 fh Sf lkii�� Co. 6O I r 90 4B" 2U' ,el- la 9A ,501st Cpscodc B�iico'ir7y Co. 4B" ?D' K/- /70 ./nincs Vo.7de,-goy s/9 4•e" opc/, 20 PRODUCTS PIPE LINE LOOP 90 48 20 /l/-/630 Boisc 20' k�l-/7/ Rc171017 Schon/ Oisfrict 403 336 46 On '°eY. P. 104.9 TO M.P. 1,07-01 . 959 48" 20' C�/- /�.3, 7 .5.E 80 y. GO 7z •01v�i�e CMof,&/r7 7 p 48 n cn 60 el- /63.74 5.E. 94,V7 5/ �, 112`9Co.% 60 172.7 s 1= 100/10�51 y co.> 7 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY 99 ,E'/- /a4 Lociisq C. 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(ICI fy of RcnIon;' 161-/75A /Vo�cy Thomason 350 " O ��» k-1- /89 4B ,o R G/en F/she/ 72 48" 2O' ,C�/-205 �residcnf Por,; DC VC Co. 329 48" O,oc/7 ,C�/ 2P0 �oh� !ii/ Dobson /3/ fig" ,ocn BEARINGS SHOWN ARE WASHINGTON ; ,�/- / 740 /Vo/7cy Tho�,os on 48" Opcn ,e/-/90 Fran,_ ,wl Fi.9her 70 4�" 2Q' z0G �residcn f Parte l.�cvc%orncnf Co. 4B'' O,oc n ,I 220 5 P,5 !-A,vz /t/o. 5 (S to fc of /it/osh.� 94 STATE GRID NORTH Z0NE ,,Cl- 176,4 Eo'ifh Rida/o 3o IB" O,�n .C�/- /9/ �orsho// .C�/oo/ch 69 4B" 20' ,C'/- k/ 207 RO E Darri�/ on 52/ 20' K/- 220.9 Bur/in9�'on il/oi ihcr-n Rai/ Rated //8 ,C�/- /76. // f 5. E /06 7 Cl rC/ y of RC'n�o/�J I K/- /92 GI/i//ion L. /3ai/e, y / 48 20 �/- 208 4rno/d moi- vigso/� " n C�/- 22/ %�O IB O,� Roy Char//on ,E'/- /77 Ro mond �J/offer 225 y 46" O,ocn C ' - / 93 /-Ivey L . Mci�,oh , 70 48" 20' .�/ 2084 Robed ./ R�•ui/y 2gZ Ia" D�cn K/- 222 ` k-1-177,4 Gcor9c 4. 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E /112 � S f �Ci f of Ren fon) G / y ,C�/- 2Gb �" 20' K/-200.4 Dennis FFfc 4a" 20' K/- 2/3 Frances ✓ Cho�o'/or 202 �8" /oc� OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY i ,�'/- /B2 i G�/c E- E//is /2O 73 IB" 2d ' �/ 200 B Dennis Fi/c 6 5 48" 20' ,�/ - 2/� Fir.S f /r2t/cs fi�cn f Co /234 48" C7pc n I RENTON, WASHINGTON ,C/- /99 ' �/- /B4 Lnwrcr�ce 0 ,/Vbod ,�cC7rrc fh R Tomr�r f z 74 IB" 2d' ,C�/200C A./,� Gustafson 588 48" 46" 20' ,C�/-Z/5 ,e/ 2/6 ,,Ir C04117fJc l /494 48" .50 NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED GATE DRAWING Nc�. ,(�/_/B$ _ W////O/77 Cy FoX 7/ �'� ��' '�� 20/ C/fy O{ RcnfOn 269 48/, K/- 2/7 , ±�/oo%orio�' Gotlfc�' Cour fry Club, /nC 7,30 4B" O,ocn FB ,353, .36/, J62 DRAWN J. 6. 0. C / k /- /B6 //oro/d E ao ffrrmon 74 48" 2�' K/- 2U2 Ci fy of Rem fon 1132 48" 40' loI 2/B ✓oh-) W ,Dobson /22 QB" Open , 326 359 - CHECKED I, S..J� S-110-29 ,e/ lel L/cweryn T Go/C 7,5 48" 20' ,E'/ 203 /,Cl- Sun Cour�fry C/Lib, /ne. 7 f`' 4 /V Cif of •4Cn fon /1 60 �/ 2/8. // �% 5 ,4 ✓ E. lC� o__ f�. . _ ----- - - 6O - _ - - - . . - Or • /„_.500 � SCALE /i /- /RR co6Z - Ni /oos C Gc�dr/ani 4B” fv 203, // - --------- - - - - -- -- , - �c�uC . --- - - - - - -- -- - - --- ---_ _ _ _ _- _ - - -- - - - --- - ---- - - -- - .... - - - - -- _ __ _ _ __ - --- - -- -- - M f i LM E O - / - . ___ __ ___ - ,-- _:__ .- __ - - - ­ --.-.--------.-------- - I - __ - _. . . - __ __ =-=- - - __ - __ __ ___ -7 - _� - ____ - .. ____ _____ I- __ __� .--.- ___ ___ __ - __ - --.-..-, - ­ - ____ ______ -------.-.------.----------..--- ­­ _. . ____ ! 1- - -.-,----- __-­-­­= ---- j:_:_==:= =----* =-- . ­­ : . - -_ . - - ..- - ­ - . . _. - : --- _ ,- - --- -_ -_ � -_ - --- - -_ - - I 1 -7-1 :7 - = -I--: -_ -_ - I ... 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S-110-30 � 1) " , 1 _76/ ­--_ _­­_­_­__ I , (a �� �r,��_) �_�, 1��Co I (�) I 1��) --- __ - ; _:F6 z 11 SCALE /1-r,500' I _____ __ – ___ __ ___ - __ _ - __ __ _____ - .--- _ __ - __ I - __ ___ _ - . ___ . __ - --MICROFILMM ,:;Igll I / eU U.f_UW . 1. -JL-AJr- - Total Gate Valves This S.heet: Owner I Feet 50 - /? 517?/X�CI�5 ,A':�b0al-' - 1;1L111 01',C& IC�9) /20 y Turd Wu 3.50' Cover IV L_ " 1; Fv,lu . I . I -1 Perm R/W �� Cove r Perm R/W R/W No. WgI, /a/ ,C1 -,?2 9, // 4611 0,0c'-7 k11- 2-30 _51,-�,,;,Ic 0,,,�_ /4,��/,�/;��/O/-)` 1 195 dgll /0/ A ---I - Z-30, // 50 IW"'7-51 19-017/0 , ,1C'16,, 071",(2�W71017) 11,639 ,_gc A�� ,1,611 " /0/ k'1-230 114 - -4 ,4V,�_- 5(�-, (L, / O/ ,OC17 / 0,,12) 165 Z a, L/-,,_- / r 'Y BEARINGS SHOWN ARE WASHINGTON 419" /0.1 I(II-291 A__J,�7,k_ ,4-a,--,-- --3&0 "Iell 0 ,0017 STATE GRID NORTH ZONE. I ,C,79// /0/ A-/ - Z91 , 4 4,-7c1,x ,,c0_,--,,-- I � 49 // ope/7 /<1/_ 1?9?4 C/*6/ 0/' ,,��,C/? Aor? 195 481., ,;&// ,�'/- Z920 C// -z" 0;," ,-,?C/7/0/? 462 4ell ,zll /0/ ,-��/ -292 // ,�y �50- . & 0/^ ,47C,-7;�01-7 90 , /9,y7 574 �ICII (6// 4 /0/ /,-/- ,��g O��o A-�' Z C W1,5 `�50 4&// zo / ,k -'1-z-:94,4 /17'a 7' 50U1?cY POW(:fr & _IL�71,v (fo-, 1--f-39 9C 4& // zo / ,:;Igll - (r • L - - . t �__ ...._-,._...._- --_ _.- -----t---�'— � —� 1 --+ iii ttt _ • r 1 { • t I 1 y i r - . .-. e , t 7 + r {}ir J i i i ' i •f -' --- -- `_ --.. ._.. _i-.. +- • r f + I, ; ' I 1 l + ; ----- - - -- - - - - - r I I 6 ' f 1 � -- - -}-- r 1 _ I i , 2 1t j ± ' l a t 1 • { t - - _ f 1 f i , t r j ' � 1 }} i • r �. , r _ .-r. -. a.. - 1 I {� ., E 1 / i + i -'--._ 1.__._. ' —�•---- .._i _-+.. j _ ♦ -} E 4 I i { I ' -4 1' - f I +_ I I l + jj . i 1 - t _... , � IL1 _ - ! / r i L -K1- 3.5 _ - _ _- 1- S I& f e ---t'o c� d- L 1< 1 5 L - KI 3.11 L KI 3. 1 A So.153 nDSf. 84T"eve. So • �~� Ig h Way � Y �+ pac i {l � Coasf Railroad Co. 66.W Inds. 52.67 Rod,3 w No. 1 � v `' ? � Includes 12 e From Mel No. 28 I�od S P Brush Berries It W a s i ure Trees i- I ------ ------ f COUNTY W A S H I N G T 0 kiNr, ',,�NrJr_•NrJ ti 4� I I i 1 NN��Nwr�w� �-fj� _� �Q N N� Clp 001 0 - ---_ C I Cfl �:: _6 (r Dz x-� � N I I 9 qvE.` -+• U y �_ N N C9 7 •C7'1�' b 00 Q. oo i w -�lr- G_ O w -- — ---- 4 co CA co y� — -_ _ I I ro T 2� __ I . , 37 z � I � � � 2 - N —` .paoI -y•SE1/78E DET A, L °I3~ O 3,299� E �6N 39cz =1, 655454.72 L- �.'4R /x9/ 120'r,f .►too x 17 146. 33 29' I � I •O X 1, 655, 452.62 s' �, --- 13' 174 _400-55 BQ T/y ?- — 's • -� +' .t , 6 I I;, 1, 6 5, 5 173 ---� r A1,655,465.72 16i ' ,) i 1, o 27 S 174,591.75 X= 1655,562.6 4f52�wrd 4 y174263.31 21 2oa( Cie4I , 1 655,464. on i p� 30 `S' L-KI3.5 � �I x8.24 r E .2' U '� L -- I JJ 1,655, '80.97 �` ^ �'I �' 2T F Q ��,^• �Cq + C , =174,493 84 �:;, 26r \ .22 I 5i56 rre N p( n 29 I I I ;' X.1,655,533.4 22 n 5 41 s Tele er H Ive 2' j� fLt. „ N v �, -� p 28 5. 21 M. 3 f rL -' cV 1 O 27' 27' I End _ t. \ �` 1 Z 4ft3gspWr �ophalt-Qe9Conc.- f .� b Q =+ n p n o L -K1:5 I 3. �CIL l.� I "'�- N I L k'1 3.1 -SEE TJETAf L /\ ` 4 -� t G W �' t� j pp 0� 1220,18 9 P 'a C� _ -- wr. Vole 3 ' f• 3' _ ! .l'; �.5,�, ` h. 1 � � n o CC L 25 L 11 I N 7 O I -� so — Cz. N ' `►- I G 2627 -� .� 1732153.97 0 I I I X=1, 656, 492.27 -Nail Q _ 0 N I h 4 4_:11'I n n N G I I 19 87TH ~ G N N -_J ~+- _ �,I -4- so. 3? ---I -- Sp• /N,) 1 1 � 1 2 I k I I o L - KI -4 1- 4 pu o f Sound Power � L i.�'h f Co. � I I I I �� 9 ---3.5212vds 2311 I I SECTIONS 19 8� 24 T 23 N , `' R 4 E & R5E 26 5 , - s, R w Line �• -R� w Line ----------_--- __ _ . —_ REVISIONS RENTON JCT. TO HARBOR ISLAND • J O .•••(-'wvr Ln Surve PRODUCTS PIPE LINE , - -12"Water Line . 00 �...,4,.Gas Lir; 0 - m - - - — 1. 2"Gas_lne- _ Surve - - ------ -- -- M P M.P. - - - - - G _ _"C� �— —�-- '` Ilan e Line --- — _ Pvmf. Zan e Linc ---- " --� --- -- OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY �••' w rnf . -._ - Asphalf Avmt. �� SEATTLE, WASHINGTON •- c '`1 ;^-,, ��. `"r'''•' Asphalt Pvmt. � - c� NOTEBOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED- DATE DRAWING -- DETAI -� t� �3 123, PP -12 DRAWN C.R.B. ;-64 S-102-1 -- -- - - - - -- --- '= o' SCALE 1 3 CHECKED 1 � -- DET:' ► L SCALE: 1'-30' — _ SCALE SCALE / 20' _ 0-11 t 1 r r , r ' - - - - -- -- : r +. r r � r . f I I i . f i r I , r . r i + i • I 1 f r I i 1 I r r - ­­ ---- ---- - - i ( ff { 1 1 - --. -- - -- ---- - - — - r f } 1 t { i i t 1 , I I ; t t j + t 1 .. - - r 4- L -KI-5 Pacli-ic Coast railroad Co *Note: Roddy e Shown on _Yqp No.I PaSi ure Grass (Golf^ Course) KING �I . m C: O \y W ~ L10U d c.t L� a C4 �=175,705.4�, _ 1, 655, 495.35 Stone Mon . / N 175, 982 .60- X 1,655,493.18 10; 61 X10 (0 CD f 175,962. 53 \�_ (75626.48 _ 1,655,498-18 > > 1,1655,573 23 ` (L -K1-5) ��NC►� y I l r 4QQQC -000co 0 �l 1 , ! (+.. , 0 00000 U t r u a pp 0 LO ------ • t I • I ' i�--►- m�c`�c�� -moi. 00 � c i t ! 1 r { t h e • i , { t f r , } t 1---------i - - f k _, , o L -k1-6.11 I L -K1 -6.11n =- L -K1-6.7 �arltn fon Sfree i Langston ,-we-84 T" Ave. So. U) 8 .27 0 115.52 IZod8 40.30 Reds J 9 2aJs V L- K; 6.9--- ( ���' P•R Brush Sfreef W PL, �a alackbelrnes P f W Trees i 'm { - - i - I I • r f -lallre �-1 smiled. 32.06 rods L- Kl- 7.7 Trans. Ln. P/W , WAS H i N GTO N N CO UNTY , P- - - - - - ► 40 c ° C o, C''/� ^�, / Tho ,\ l -_ �, !_ - - - I }• / '' i I I cr) r / j / / `�✓ \ \ h z ,+� IL1 C., I tCY axe I ? (L �_o I/ ij t L 2�' Q K1� / / I • �• �F ,: c� I c, ------- 40 100 0 _J, � rt-/ �' x l -176 8t�s.u�a / h U % o .� �, L-� �p) _ f G I i 0 Cl)/ / /, cri rJ.`., 1;4 ..i3 / < (,Cb , f+ r� (� O `` ` l0 ! C /� N �4 •J` , ~ � W 4 29 S / C. �' i' V / a �.J�i i �� 01- 4f_ 84 FH ---- -- 2•G�a 8 water Ln. AVE. SO �• --- - - --- :.4. ;:r '�: -,z•3 _� // ����•Ja- 23 N `+�`�� -- -- –r'— -1 C , "r 2 R 5 E �o f�-- - . • - - -- - - - - - ,.,R4 E - -- -- - _ ;� _ I -T _ -------- 91-� 3 N C �,�. �� Lon �/ v ►� g—f C.!p' q 10' rM i • ; 'J_y, `'•y `+� ~`b� Uf ,j 8'z< �, k // ,''h hr� .�I? U • 2 �r� i prl p ` • f ; Q 4 n. C: a 1 /�- :76,865-74 - � �� ,iV 1, 655, 5.IT �i r'.55 .z l 1 �� t n' Q 4 h 'J t; CUlk• �7� F' I f J ►• 114' 71 o / L l'+.' (V I ` ��i �_ - 1 �, 4 u F 1� 0 Jv I pC' `` \ 3- 2^/Q ���C e� wM f /.�` * !�`� <J \v �V C/ �I I / / o \ ry J r �/ ` .?.G y ` of I ��� -9' 4 {� 3~ \� •1 , -- — — — — — — f Q U`:Fj' 2 + F la �, . 7� (y� i 1?I 3 Zp' 4. � f � � / �. xi i i i h � / / � / Q � � u C/ /uo� ^✓ O; Z `+ v - y � - 9, u i :S c ° . V 00 '00 ----- -- _ Jbp 0//� ��� �f` '� / j o : ce Q COUNTY CIO (3 725 CV :J' p J.,` <ti X' :, 0 6, 09/•03 , o llfl O/• � I < �`.)C) J S, \`�'/ ry d` r:: cu ` �'JG�`'6 3j I N ,� V' I ,6Ty i 01 10 QCIV � , o kO �yA L L / N EDWARDS / ST. ADD. t � v, -- —87TH AVE. — SO. (NOT /N i s , 2 3 N & T \T ,, \ , I} � �• '.� �I � 1 R 4 E R 5 E SECTIONS 13 18' 8� 19i� , Ch r caSJ, A 4 1 i wdutP_e -'f. f Da I'�� ; ; , � �; ,' r Jo1.76 Pods � -- - -- - - - - ---- -- - �_.__- REVISIONS . "_ _. - ---_ --,_•.... .. ,,.......,,_._ - ; `� TM :wenUe s,Jr1t�-t - 4'`� 1o�,�, R E NTON J CT. TO HARBOR ISLAND L -K1 7 ELgene hl. f-_ichard,3 2I r urge t,e - - PRODUCTS PIPE LI N E 5 S Sr. e S',tn_3r: Win. —Asphalt -) (varies in Wid ih - „•.._ .._..... � . y.. , _..,. , .. 4,. _. �. .!`� . ..-. _ ....... m +__. PIPE LINE CIOMF�AN E,12L: NGT0 Lj >I STRE ' SEA"r TLE, WASHINGTON i --- --- --- - — - - - - -- - - _ ; NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENQ R. APPROvEU DATE �,?�A*iN6 NO - rz 'dV I N..g. 123, PP :1-30 ....._.__.___...__. _ �, DRANrh D.R.B. 1f-28-64 , DET;�1 L =� I ..-- -- -- CHECKED S-102-2 SCALES : "= 30' � ___.._._.___....., . _ __—.....__..._. ... . - - -_._. ___ SCALE 1"` 200 f + rt t ! f y I l 1 , ! , J , f ; t r ------ • t I • I ' t t ! ; i t f • ♦ i 1 I t , t f I k , I 4 i t + , a { + tt k I - - - _... -- ---- _ , I _ _... f - - tt - + + t r r f ' i t } i o L -k1-6.11 I L -K1 -6.11n =- L -K1-6.7 �arltn fon Sfree i Langston ,-we-84 T" Ave. So. U) 8 .27 0 115.52 IZod8 40.30 Reds J 9 2aJs V L- K; 6.9--- ( ���' P•R Brush Sfreef W PL, �a alackbelrnes P f W Trees i 'm { - - i - I I • r f -lallre �-1 smiled. 32.06 rods L- Kl- 7.7 Trans. Ln. P/W , WAS H i N GTO N N CO UNTY , P- - - - - - ► 40 c ° C o, C''/� ^�, / Tho ,\ l -_ �, !_ - - - I }• / '' i I I cr) r / j / / `�✓ \ \ h z ,+� IL1 C., I tCY axe I ? (L �_o I/ ij t L 2�' Q K1� / / I • �• �F ,: c� I c, ------- 40 100 0 _J, � rt-/ �' x l -176 8t�s.u�a / h U % o .� �, L-� �p) _ f G I i 0 Cl)/ / /, cri rJ.`., 1;4 ..i3 / < (,Cb , f+ r� (� O `` ` l0 ! C /� N �4 •J` , ~ � W 4 29 S / C. �' i' V / a �.J�i i �� 01- 4f_ 84 FH ---- -- 2•G�a 8 water Ln. AVE. SO �• --- - - --- :.4. ;:r '�: -,z•3 _� // ����•Ja- 23 N `+�`�� -- -- –r'— -1 C , "r 2 R 5 E �o f�-- - . • - - -- - - - - - ,.,R4 E - -- -- - _ ;� _ I -T _ -------- 91-� 3 N C �,�. �� Lon �/ v ►� g—f C.!p' q 10' rM i • ; 'J_y, `'•y `+� ~`b� Uf ,j 8'z< �, k // ,''h hr� .�I? U • 2 �r� i prl p ` • f ; Q 4 n. C: a 1 /�- :76,865-74 - � �� ,iV 1, 655, 5.IT �i r'.55 .z l 1 �� t n' Q 4 h 'J t; CUlk• �7� F' I f J ►• 114' 71 o / L l'+.' (V I ` ��i �_ - 1 �, 4 u F 1� 0 Jv I pC' `` \ 3- 2^/Q ���C e� wM f /.�` * !�`� <J \v �V C/ �I I / / o \ ry J r �/ ` .?.G y ` of I ��� -9' 4 {� 3~ \� •1 , -- — — — — — — f Q U`:Fj' 2 + F la �, . 7� (y� i 1?I 3 Zp' 4. � f � � / �. xi i i i h � / / � / Q � � u C/ /uo� ^✓ O; Z `+ v - y � - 9, u i :S c ° . V 00 '00 ----- -- _ Jbp 0//� ��� �f` '� / j o : ce Q COUNTY CIO (3 725 CV :J' p J.,` <ti X' :, 0 6, 09/•03 , o llfl O/• � I < �`.)C) J S, \`�'/ ry d` r:: cu ` �'JG�`'6 3j I N ,� V' I ,6Ty i 01 10 QCIV � , o kO �yA L L / N EDWARDS / ST. ADD. t � v, -- —87TH AVE. — SO. (NOT /N i s , 2 3 N & T \T ,, \ , I} � �• '.� �I � 1 R 4 E R 5 E SECTIONS 13 18' 8� 19i� , Ch r caSJ, A 4 1 i wdutP_e -'f. f Da I'�� ; ; , � �; ,' r Jo1.76 Pods � -- - -- - - - - ---- -- - �_.__- REVISIONS . "_ _. - ---_ --,_•.... .. ,,.......,,_._ - ; `� TM :wenUe s,Jr1t�-t - 4'`� 1o�,�, R E NTON J CT. TO HARBOR ISLAND L -K1 7 ELgene hl. f-_ichard,3 2I r urge t,e - - PRODUCTS PIPE LI N E 5 S Sr. e S',tn_3r: Win. —Asphalt -) (varies in Wid ih - „•.._ .._..... � . y.. , _..,. , .. 4,. _. �. .!`� . ..-. _ ....... m +__. PIPE LINE CIOMF�AN E,12L: NGT0 Lj >I STRE ' SEA"r TLE, WASHINGTON i --- --- --- - — - - - - -- - - _ ; NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENQ R. APPROvEU DATE �,?�A*iN6 NO - rz 'dV I N..g. 123, PP :1-30 ....._.__.___...__. _ �, DRANrh D.R.B. 1f-28-64 , DET;�1 L =� I ..-- -- -- CHECKED S-102-2 SCALES : "= 30' � ___.._._.___....., . _ __—.....__..._. ... . - - -_._. ___ SCALE 1"` 200 0-9 SEATTLE_ - TAG:�t�l�. �-- i PQ�POSECD j T A IU 1L �=L-1.Qc- NA cn Z I TLP2OPOSE;t� t23,(�� L11._lE L__ V�� v A7, 0 F V--, �lj CA CIO I cz�V--vsF— SYQ.TtOL-. SC�k-�T w-1 laa 1 k -Y-7 EF- Q—C-�--1 /atJ C 7 � -- -N" U�YKA P1Pe-l_1V..5E?. t I � 2 I ' J1 II 0 N -` t Lk i4 f . - - - +4 - _ . _ - - -- --r- _ $ t -._ -- ' - - _ _ . _ - -- - 1 - y �. 1 r • -- ZZ --t-- --- - - , + - - -04 --Z t th/rJs ! - 4 Min ;Boor Er�d # } Min i 1F ft f � i1 It 4 ; - - ~ - •• t-----; -----1--'-- ---t-------r--�~' .- -- -i---__._ ••/- - -- -- - 1 - r _ a r az 4�5 --77 t I t i i i 20 CS To�q of �p t�G1in �1 Bath £fid _- -;//nr - - - - --- -- } p /G !~�! I _�--- � --�--_ - , - --- was y P -i � � _ 7"'- 7 Zm� ----$- t j - - - -- - -- -- --- -- - -- --- + - +- -- - - - .. - - - --- - ' -- ---- --- ..__ - - - - -_ alb asp - - -- -- - - - -- --- - - 1 o en Cu-- --_+--- -_ - --I--- - -� -- -- -- --- + - t -- - _- 1---- - - --- 2/ : 1--=----$--- --�--- - - - -- - --- ---+-- 1 __ _ r } 1 I 1 } � r H � ! 1 � ! i ; I i l - ----+ - -- --- ---- -+ i- - - --*- --- - -- - - - - - (- - - - _ -}- -- I _ t i I r --- $ -- q - _ � - I 1- __ t i t t `IJ 1. } 1, min,- -a- ► <4 V tZ -} - { - 39AA7 •5 in 3 ,My _j r /�3� t 174 4 4 - j _ - -- -- - - -- _ t 1 149 - Ds9 �--- - - -. �7- -C y: t 1 I r r : �e/- b Ems. i G3 -2 S9 I ��' Zo Cs I p - - -- - - - ---- - - -- -- 1 --- - - t - -; - - - -�+- �° �`'/ Linc i°,ac / Pi ale LS - h - - -- s ,R -- -'-' -- - - -, -- + -- -- - - 2-,2 -rt-- -' ! �Zt•`- t - rt - • � s� I ' -- - = N E tt C.S 7- TH . i I el -21911 lel-2Z - - # I - I fi I $ • t I K1-207 - h I N -Kr: �i �i 4� N ,lC/• 203 �c1 ao al cV K/-2/�1 K/ 1� Co p T -T 7 ' C9� to m m W �' m m a� m i S F/orence � /•2/O C'/ 2// N F'� Hues menf Co, Kin Counf �'/" 2/ 7 h W c� o KI -/75 K/ /77 K/-/79 k1-/79 'el K/ ,'g/ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �, �'� 20/ � !�i/edy�waod ,Pea/fy Co, � K/ 2614 � � r. Gi/endf '� � � / sf / f g y Q \ � W �������R���������� \ Q �.���������� z 7�178,?ads 70.Gro ,Pads 93.2/ ,Pat's v Q W kki�; kk;Ital •/714i /79Ki4R�NTDN Z9,?/ Pads Q 1, u K/-/98.7 K/•2D3. // K/•?D3, //A K/•2D8 // FI•�, h /P/VOi /U• � � eeds Brusn weds Brush Par, a RMI Weeds le Brush C/eased P/vr Ln• �P/�'V Qoffom 16 "O 0 x D 312 w i 511_x - 52 L IN E P1 PE LOIJE WRA P COUNTY W A S H I N G T 0 N IQ I N Gj 10 Z p V o i.Q C C ��� ,� �W LZ 8� ��1p c �iS�yQ Q� a�� S S v �v ��'� \� ' W �y ''� �Q a L►���3 ` r,l y� "`� L L 'Z Q �,, ►ai ,�, v, Q h, "w 4. 'Q rn 4c Q it QYu �C 1 �i Q Q( �� Q ' R O\ CV r� C�, W ^ O �► + ti ► 0 O C\1 �. v �V ► ~'ti •, ^r\��� 'ir hhhNN�h �. '+� +. ti. � ti, � O � N M �} �} h h � x N � � � rt �9 L9! � �U � Cp � d• h NM I( (\1 �� bbd t\�N NN N N \ � � � � N � N N N cy N N �� � �h cr on c)) Cj m � Ct � b d d � d It d rt rr a <r rr cS cS 'O h � � �9 (y tom, r\ n r\ ^ � � d ao W Qo `� 0) � � 4) � 0000 O ooOnO Oo 0o OOOOooCG p 000�OOO�opoopOOo�OpO00000pOo 0o OOo 00000 O` o� poo 1-Z" OOOOOo 4 0000000 �� hr EQ UA T/ON -i~ H /OG3f B5 BK. = CQ- Z O /063f 79 AhrO. � N S. E. --- N , Qt AVE. Qz <7 - -- -- ----- - -- - - -- -- - - - O - -- - - _ - 132 ND Lo hl it CR „ „ �j 00 rh I� Y Y h '� U Q 1 \ , V�• h Y' ►, - Y K/ /99 K/2Yb :?02 h R , V a m - Y �i?a9 m g o 0 000 00� p �. �.� �a Q�,o4pp �,. � - - � s,r. o o c � � � o � Q � �o \ S �K/•?03.//,4 W v c !� f` �+ w w � 0 0 `� c\/ Rl Qy/�.�%p 1 1� I ,.'j W UIQ W O w Q U I� \ �� t4 \ V) �� n m O Y Y' Y Y Y r m •, o ,> �7 �? r ''f I rl Q h) h h `� m O ~k� Q Q ly I 8 I gc�,8�r�c�,� q��r� v��o� \ \ p '� K/•/B/.7 1 _ ,. m 1,- �p33 43,{,�N - --_ SGS 3TBOl'N- I /•� II „ �v I p \ (3�k9 k3 tN NNN \ k �0 '�` C?/4 \ �\ 794 ROSE HAVEN _� G• I O -TP, Q Q W * , ��� �. ��� �.�������� o I� , S Q?'/6 3 1 ,s'LOPE 1 SLOPE W - W Q LIJ - o ; ?G�4 1 �� , /?09 I ,�, s Os'3G" , ! \ \ Q ) ST �' a /Y x/74 �F-- W 0 /74.7 K/ /7B s� - t� I T _ p 0. - Z / N i LAU CST. /?0 ► I I• / _� Z` M. MAaX � '/97.3 - � t ( I I ~',---�t�1' - N /-/7-5 I h - I �`- - --- - 1'1' "p-' B S T `rV KI -217 2 IW \� "� - �.43'M i1 / „o „ C/rY pe S'eAT7'L o VERT BANK \I `- lN4 . T MO - } "•.r_ ti , �t/ i rya° S C T Y /o'•g'� ►. a Q N SEE rs o E . wp, r,QA/vs C,v a� , 11r ,a � k1-177 Zt /CqL pETA/L 0 ' �Q I 6.7 Q - -- Qz-. Q Q Q �-- Q - Q - o v '�. (J '- ° y� VERT, BANK - P % Z N8 o P� 4t ) y v Q 4J �c� �� J _ ° LUz�.o � ---m UVEB P00 I� O�It 3 5LJuj K/•?/6 p Zt,%e� 'tee _j �cIAJ 7 / 0 m Q) °° OZ o W W ; --. �C\1 30� 3 \� 5�e ��' o• �0 m �` `�� co LU 7Q c,, h v �' '` = Q v m W �~' ' \ \\D� 0k ACD , t.�;+P �,� 4i [) W 2 (? W i Q co, O C \\ �\ Q,. p? 2 A R 0 �, N � Q �, Fy �, \\ A\k k0`1 �l `° ao '' d 0� 0 t� //5, Q) _ ti � SNE NETS +o�Q �11,5 - d- s T. � c / T Y 2 �\� , KI.21 /15 //5 ST, S T. I--- ---� - NO . 2 f\ R E N T 0N H l G H L A N D S 4r ST ON Edge /P/W �O pipe /line Sur ve --- - - --- -- - - - - -T SfW// Towers Edge ,�P/yY TYp/C,4L DET�4/L - PIv,P, LN. R/w (/0/V29 To /054f 2/ 0/73 Leave Pwr Ln. R/`Y 71334 /ira 1 - fii , I R 5 E 4' ---- N REVISIONS K1 223 \ //5 OO a, Qv �0 ro 0 � � K/•2?�1 l v h FERNDALE TO PORTI PRODUCTS PIPE L Nor - 174 - - //2// 74 Enfer Pwr Ln. R/W M. P. --'-- -- -- _TC M.P.._ -. -- -- _ OLYMPIC PIPE LINE CO h SEATTLE, WASH 1lVGTOI' 05 7,41L „Arr \o NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE k 1 N. S. 28 PP. 2 - 7 N.8. 82 Pe. 27 DRAWN S•T• 0.2.4;4 N.B. 28 , PP. 10-14 CHECKED _ S. -- _--- -� N. 8. 78 PP. 2-7 ' PP. 19-20 SCALE /Y-- 77 -. _ _ ---------- - --- -- N. B. 17 J T 23 N KI -175 Edith Riddle ------- 26.30 Rods KI -189 R. Glen Fishel -- - 6.36 Rods KI -2J6 Robert E. Bailey - - ---- ---- --- 7.58 Rods KI -176 Edith M. Riddle ---- 10.64 Rods KI -190 Frank W. Fisher 4,24 Rods KI -208 Herve G. Casperson - - - 25.67 Rods ` (W.W. Loomis) K I - 191 4,24 Rods KI -209 First Investment Co. 0.64 Rods KI -177 Raymond J. Slater 18.39 Rods KI - 192 United Homes ----- 4.24 Rods KI -210 Willis Fitzgerald - - 19.94 Rods KI -178 John W. Honea ---- 20.06 Rods KI- 193 4.24 Rods KI -211 Josephine Nunn ------- - 20.12 Rods K 1 -179 Larry Houghardy 52.91 Rods KI - 194 United Homes --- -- 4.24 Rods KI -212 Albert Balch ---- ---- ---- 8.67 Rods KI -180 Jack L.Johnson,etal- 28.64 Rods KI -195 4.24 Rods KI -213 Francis J. Chandler - 13.03 Rods KI -181 William I. Mead 26,30 Rods KI - 196 George C. Robinson - 4.24 Rods KI -215 Not Used (Jack L. Johnson ) KI- 197 Clarence W. Phillips - 4.24 Rods KI -217 Maplewood Golf 81 Country Club - 45.52 Rods l KI -182 Ellis R.Cruff ----- 7.88 Rods KI -198 Bruce W. Bryant--- 2.91 Rods KI -218 John W. Dobson - - 7,45 Rods I KI -183 Lawrence B. Wood -- 4.42 Rods KI - 199 N. Russell Hall - - - 18,55 Rods KI -219 City Of Renton ---- -- - --- -- 26.48 Rods KI -184 Frederick G. Forsberg -4.42 Rods KI -200 President Park Dev.Co).-16.48 Rods KI -220 John W. Dobson - -- --- --- 8,00 Rods KI -185 Larry M. Thomas 4.36 Rods KI -201 City Of Renton --- -- 35.52 Rods KI -221 Ray Chariton - ---- - - -- - 3.52 Rods KI- 186 Harold E. Hoffman - 4.42 Rods KI -202 Clarice Dandridge ---- 10.12 Rods KI -222 Not Used KI -187 United Homes -- 4.06 Rods KI -204 Robert A. Peel= - -- 19,88 Rods K1223 Thomas M. Taylor ( John L. Lavin) - 9.09 Rods KI -188 Nicalaas C. Goudriaan- 3.88 Rods - KI -205 Pres. Park Devel. Co.- 12.36 Rods KI -224 Puget Sound Power a Light Co.- 1.03 Rods �O pipe /line Sur ve --- - - --- -- - - - - -T SfW// Towers Edge ,�P/yY TYp/C,4L DET�4/L - PIv,P, LN. R/w (/0/V29 To /054f 2/ 0/73 Leave Pwr Ln. R/`Y 71334 /ira 1 - fii , I R 5 E 4' ---- N REVISIONS K1 223 \ //5 OO a, Qv �0 ro 0 � � K/•2?�1 l v h FERNDALE TO PORTI PRODUCTS PIPE L Nor - 174 - - //2// 74 Enfer Pwr Ln. R/W M. P. --'-- -- -- _TC M.P.._ -. -- -- _ OLYMPIC PIPE LINE CO h SEATTLE, WASH 1lVGTOI' 05 7,41L „Arr \o NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE k 1 N. S. 28 PP. 2 - 7 N.8. 82 Pe. 27 DRAWN S•T• 0.2.4;4 N.B. 28 , PP. 10-14 CHECKED _ S. -- _--- -� N. 8. 78 PP. 2-7 ' PP. 19-20 SCALE /Y-- 77 -. _ _ ---------- - --- -- N. B. 17 J - - i 0-11 - - t ... - - y t t , } } I _ 1 } -- - - _. - - t * — j t , .. -.. -_ .. _ _ .. .. Y--- }} - - - __-_. _- - -, - -- -- $ -- t .� r I t t t bf I--7---- - - - — - -If --- ft__ ► 4-- - -- - - - - --- - to _. t { t #�{} __ ___._ --_y ____ —_.._ _ _ - _ _ -----�--' -i--__+_______ t j # - - + i I - - -- -- ---7---t�. f 1 -- - .... _ i- - -- --- — - — « } ��- � / r- t � "'+4 � T- � r � • I 1 --I i —r----------—'-----•------�-- ----}-"---f-- t I , , t I tl V i + I ` ; I ; ; , , f 1 , r _t'_..� .��. _ _ } ' __ ' ' '� ' i - 4- P, 12 t � t T-7 1. �. - _� � � { � t t # � ..�, -•� _ - � 1 �----•�---' ' - ---+•-�•--gip-� } .gyp f i I ! } t '." f r }, �.a. �......d r•....•., .;..., { I # , t f { j i i — . + r _ i + i 1 _ t I 111 i 44 +— fi � l a I f -- t � 1 , 1 1 � t } -' - _ -- - --- - -- -t --- - - - T t 1 ' t{ I — — + --- — —+ — — --+— — — — — —— — �— — — + -- — — —r ---- —---r — — —� . — — -- — — t-- -- -- --- -- — — + — — — — -- — 1 t � .; . . _ � u 1 �-- -t- - _ _ _ �----- - '- ---{ - - -- --- - -- _ _. -- -__._ �. _ .-- -- _�---' ' i t 1 � ---- I � •--- --- -- �--- t _--t-_ � r - + } t - --�- -1----�---- _+._. r 1 }} I � t I . � {{ I { t � � , 1 r , }_ - � � __ -- _- _' -, --- {{ - - ----' + --__ _— _.—�__... ---i--- ._-._...t --'�-..—Y.— I -- --j- --- +--i-- - - - *-- --+- -�--- - •-i---=- - . .�... t-- - - I-- -1'_. .�.---*� - - - - * -- � - -- 3 - — - --- -- -- - ----+---- -----y} jj( I I r rr 1 • � � _._ } --__ - �. ..{.. _.._. ..._..._.{-_____Y _... _._ ._._-_� __._.- - __"�'.._.._.. .—__ _.—.. ____._.�....._ _+___t____ _y. .._�- ._.� ' -� -F—:-.---i- _._.. _ _ _..— _-_- _--. 1 1 i__._ -t- , � I j ... r._ i. � _* — _ '-Y-. _ _ i -- - ; � � t � t � I � t � ' ` ' # i � ' �a_1...>�., i 1 �.� . 1 I •. _.�,._, i .�..._ i I x s...L....:_l.._.__L___.L. K/- 225 1//king /nvestnment Corperafion /75, .99 Rads Moods e 91-4/5/7 KING ,V-230,7 t1 K/• 23/.5 V K/• 220 K/ - 228 h h K/ • 292 U. S. A, V-229 1<'1-230 K/• 23/ P4get Pnoperfies, /nc. 59.91 Pads 2//, 82 Rads y 77.00 Rods Woods I 91-1-Is17 Woods weds le 91-41sh COUNTY W A S H INGT O N NO ` 6 ! F N p. ARMS � i JsF 3U FARMS\vlve F I s� `°' Zo S KERS KERSp I Q J 3 LQ t.'(9�i St , I,� 'p!4 / w.'F tL /\O ° -P' �y \� "' � • � � h �b /293 f s9 B,1- = q) u `� O a � � Q '�`r` Y' �Q• �\ or � �' LQ , rn � w � v � ry \ E I UA 7/O/V �o p�Q s� ��p c��, c` °° / Q ms'4,4I9 BK. = op a0 Op \\ \� ��„ sr_ _ \• 1192,470 AHD, \ _ - - - - _ X` i �`� ;, ,� ' \h� �� (silstl l 4143 �oZ� - - B, 1014, /Pam _ ` , -_ _ _ _ ` ,` \��(9��k\ 3 \ery I N _ � cA J % a I �� Via\ � B.PA,�oN, %.�210 y/'` �1�' pRI�E__ \�,' �,,�� - \'---�� ,�����c �°�QST` O / �. Q \ `a. �� <<\ \ 574 ` "I —r, , ,,\� ap PUG E r - Q�• \ ' �• 19 �� \ \ k s �J h�9�� I m Q '.�, 1-h _ . - , , /�- = \ � �a Z \ � ' ?� � k ��� � Q� , , � �C•, � /// \� �,°�k kh / � ��p0.p . , '' � II G , %j,. ell X1.111 � Q • O �.� \ _" \ ?s `� 0► •346 T users 1 0♦ V ` / ? i K Lu ��\ � \ \ �9 \ V N �� (,� -f • ? o �� Y to I \ •+�� + i PpxO'`�/���diy Qj /- I 19 �1-21)LQ _rn � - NGT LU lop 00 Sp oUNO� ' ��' CL 0 , _ . , o �F , k J%. /� i T 23 N K/- 227 Cify Of Seaff/e Cedar ,Pive� P, L , �Ri�y) 430 Rocs, pugef K/ - 230 f•�ugh Carney 2.5 .70 Rads K/ - 23/ Vera Kidd rHugh F. Csrney) 38.39 /Pods t i I i R 5 E REVISIONS FERNDALE TO PORTLAND i PRODUCTS PIPE LINE Nofe : Ca/cu/efed Line From //95122 T i M. P. _ __. _ _ _ _ ..TCS M R __ L/1 -v 7b Be 4S S%o" On ,Neo. OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY , SEATTLE, WASHINGTON t I NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR__—_ APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. N.B. /7, Og,20 DRAWN S.77 a-1144 N.B. 70, Pp, /2-/4 ICHECKED -- -- - 1 0 0 - 45 SCALE--�_..— 4 I f I T t A ' i _ r t � I l , , i i i i- _ --- - - + -- - - -- - - t-- - - - - # - - _. i 1 _ ----- //0 -- - - r - J -- - - - I _ w4 - 44 Q tri�- Z --- -- -t--- -- --- r t i v `� w - -- - — l - - L - i=- i � J } __ -------F_ - - _� r -- - - -- -- I sr t/00 - - -- - } + 1 — _ T-rtTo y gin. i" + Zryytk �fae I 1 rifow S - - 7 of /6'Pipe L ung # , , w T i , , { ! Y i I , t PT SLE/ I° fi I # i— w I 5 2 i , REV 11,S�D / A— ME N� DE , , t i103, G - i - JTE.' < Ci ! 1 kT.�4 Y. ;5_ Ti� i T.4 L BOT RD S%Q fi I I i ._ r T I i ' D E' J — - - — - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - -- ' I r , � , 1 ' t ; •�: I ,- , t _ rt J 1 � , , , !- {{ I I I I L -4- -j , - - - - - r { , -- + -- , t - , rt , r {�- //� , , � , f � � ' � j ; , r i' � ' � , I ; �,. �V i''' � it � , � : � _. --- - — __ -= -, ._ --�- , — - ' � ' — - --- -- --- ----- —�--- — - -=--i--_----+_---i•-- :- _.-. _ _ -- ----..--+-- ----�---�--- - I----- --- - -'�-. _ __ _..! -- ` -- i - ' -- + ... ' • , � I f .: � ;: .� � `` r ! i i + , , , ? t I { 1 h ' I � ! , I � r 1 + I � f � ! 1 � I ! - t i - ------ --- -- - _.__' ._-''---- � ` -- - I - -- -- - --� ---• .. � + �_ I _' i ! f , � i ' i I i ' Ii t I I t ' t i t � I- t j - - --�-- -- -- - -- - _ _ + -J i -- 4 - -1 - r 1 11 + i i } + 1 i ' i TLL1' /{��/J� + r I• t r ' 1i I TM i T R• iI ' I Ll -T ,�� • 23, . // �, � m K/•23 � I � ,�l/ • 239 /Penfon c'ify Sf /P/GV Puget Pm,o., /x. ,234 � � Go/den Grain AL1 ca�ani Co. - N G/ac�� Pa�,� Co, Q I a !'uger� mound Power � L �ghf Co. ,P/�'Y 2 /2 78, 29¢. 72 ,Pads /23.33 ,Pct's Thi s Shee t 78.49 ,,Pods � � /Pais oc � K/ -?32.//,4 i`IC/234•.5 h /•23Q5A K/-2. - v K�2. o 9,4 Bush Marsh Corn 5tubb/e Pasfur-e Bush 0/?ah K I N G COUNTY , QD U30 0 O N L pN C.fes• �Qy �� uc U CO QO COCO W W , I � I U o► CVS S 5 t gj a � � 8, o � �c) � ` � � ro � � k/• 235 a K/•23rd °j ��'�' N N �N �tVN�N NNcVNNNN cv N cV nl�n,NN N� TLE 1 /•237// k1ATER d L WE N B9°45'W Of SEATti89"454t' _- — -- --- — 160 r� - - ' i a ST. r- NOT /N)_�I REN Tont o� of I I' e 1 2 I 3 l ' II J_ LS T. I Z Z CO-OP COAL If) M NN I--- F— I II CQ S AI CRE / RACE S z I Ik HILLIVA��✓ S I -I I I I 6 5 1 1 4 �i i �I I�I 11 156 7 I Q I Q I EA RL ING TON GARDENS I �\ 8 7 I Z ZI I �ISIOIV 119 ( DI I NO. /I I 23N R5E T K/•234 /°L/gef SOU/70' /0OwEI- $ Llghf CO, ,e/• 237 041n4qge 0is7' # / 242 ,Pais w 25 P• 5, P, L, CO. PWR, TRANS. L I Q) co ao orz oh WASHINGTON mq , 8 I � I`. 22HO '/4 f Fc . , Mach Ln �1 cc 00,0 i 3 � o ~ a� -� \ 0 (J) U) mH \ c'- o H \\ INC)N ���� 7411 a s3480 I b 19� Z k. \ k' I _N B7.09'f1� 1 `� M "'' r ` M 8 3 tlo3 f` Fiek! kb! \\ -{-x-o- x x x 4. 3162 Wood k. I y'►�o� ,� Pwr �o SNE , - - - - - _3O' +X �-----_�-____-- HENRY LO^NG ACRE RACE TRACK 24 I I ' 1gVv _ 6A EA�g Q I I EQUAT/DSV W �\ 134Cc X59 BACK oc MEADER ti s. D • L • D T23 N R4E NOTE : LIME CALCULATED FZOt4 ST,4- /2.50 f 70 7V STA , .217G - SEE NOTE BOOKS • L /NE 7V BE STAKED AS Sh47/VA/ OW U410• 0 N . /1 REVISIONS FERNDALE TO PORTLAND J PRODUCTS PIPE LINE M. P. _ TCS M.P. OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY i SEATTLE, WASHINGTON r NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. _ APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. ti!B. /R, P?, 9•;4 DRAWN 57. /-//-04 I CHECKED S-100-46 f SCALE Ile f 0 i �sssi� T23 N R4E NOTE : LIME CALCULATED FZOt4 ST,4- /2.50 f 70 7V STA , .217G - SEE NOTE BOOKS • L /NE 7V BE STAKED AS Sh47/VA/ OW U410• 0 N . /1 REVISIONS FERNDALE TO PORTLAND J PRODUCTS PIPE LINE M. P. _ TCS M.P. OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY i SEATTLE, WASHINGTON r NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. _ APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. ti!B. /R, P?, 9•;4 DRAWN 57. /-//-04 I CHECKED S-100-46 f SCALE Ile f 0 i 0 -1 1tl -r F • r t T : I � I I — --- } ----{- /oQ __ - - ---- - - -- ---«� - -.- QTR. _-#A2f6.aEnd. -------�-- : i p , i 1 t ' I , 1 i 1 , t ' I' I ' • , , , I t , i F -T - $_f_..-�_.� . - -1 -- -. _T-+-- F , i , I ; KING �Q N NORTHERN C HSTF 8 P---- -t-+- soloco ----^/ P.S.P. 8 L. J CO. _SEC01V r,)APY =_ \ c \\ \� ,I 0 F y 1 } 1 V - r _ f t r i , _ C I - - - - _ - — -�- -j - - - --+-- - --- — - i I - - - ---- - < -- - -- - } - - - - - ----- 7 ---- - - - - _ I f {{ n I –-- , } } -- - — -- -- --r - - - — - 77 4 f — -- - -- --r-- ---� -- - --- -- r -- r i- — ' - Z --�- - -- - ' i- } - --- - - -- – -- -- t - - -- 1 ; _777 ! I _ r I r , _A_ ! —, – -- 7 V 4 r 7 j l � t- -- -- z- j - - - - - - jj 4 — - - -.f 7_1_ .._ t-- _ - — _- — _ $ j 1 1 r- �— I r 1 r : ! j -.. f � f h _ fifi +- - - - - - -- - 4 -� - - - Jt -- - r - x r Pugf Sound Power LCompan`c� K,'-239 7 95, 45 Rods This Sheet ( Tota/ 265 7.45 Rods EN 9 U �� wW XL4Jcr. X �' Q.I J o0 a C � Q� �, C Q -- fh 00 x t` _ 0 c9LnpACIIFIC 8ru5h Dil ch COUNTY , WASHINGTON - -- -- — -- - 80 TH ------ -AVE. S - - i== U ONO 0- lSE -- - -- -- 503oo2',5'W i... -F. S. F. .Y` L• CC• POwvER E _ 10 X ;ELECTR/ Y-- --_ - ------ -- xRA/LWAY -- - - KEN T ACRES (UNRECORDED) I 1 :r Q' I I OR/L L A -- _- z GARDEN a __ TRACTS I b o �7 I HIGHWAY 1 Z GARDEN N----- — ----- TRACTS I I I I K1-239 irk 0 V 0 o ro a � EN 9 U �� wW XL4Jcr. X �' Q.I J o0 a C � Q� �, C Q -- fh 00 x t` _ 0 c9LnpACIIFIC 8ru5h Dil ch COUNTY , WASHINGTON - -- -- — -- - 80 TH ------ -AVE. S - - i== U ONO 0- lSE -- - -- -- 503oo2',5'W i... -F. S. F. .Y` L• CC• POwvER E _ 10 X ;ELECTR/ Y-- --_ - ------ -- xRA/LWAY -- - - KEN T ACRES (UNRECORDED) I 1 :r Q' I I OR/L L A -- _- z GARDEN a __ TRACTS I b o �7 I �i NI I I - o/ °17 60-W- — -- x * .� R/W TRACTS No v-- ----- � � w N \ 0• r I I 68TH - AVE. __ S. f T22N R4E REVISIONS /.Added Tract NP 6-20-64 CJ FERNDALE TO PORTLAND PRODUCTS PIPE LINE OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. ,V. S. 25, PP. 3-0 DRAWN D. R. B. -- CHECKED S-100-47 SCALE /" 507' I HIGHWAY 1 Z GARDEN N----- — ----- TRACTS I I I I � I �i NI I I - o/ °17 60-W- — -- x * .� R/W TRACTS No v-- ----- � � w N \ 0• r I I 68TH - AVE. __ S. f T22N R4E REVISIONS /.Added Tract NP 6-20-64 CJ FERNDALE TO PORTLAND PRODUCTS PIPE LINE OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. ,V. S. 25, PP. 3-0 DRAWN D. R. B. -- CHECKED S-100-47 SCALE /" 507' 0 -ll - _ , 4 Y � t CN 04 rn (� Min, &th nds,f 4 Mid. ntys % i - - + - -+ - - - +- --- -- -- r - - - - - 1. a 4 M� n. Both Ends , 1C `� t . _ _ , 4 - /f» fid - --- -- \ \ r p, - H/A .. j Mrn.2;.1 3� Min. ' / ---r - -- - - 21 Orin. , 3�Nirr. --t- ----- - I _ I - - - -- - - - -- _ _ -. - t-- � r 5 �'1 _"/ S -� 7�r�rr�7n � 5 r i edl Bo//i Ends 70 of _tom_ S ZOr 3 i(ilir! iLfrn '' --� o F' Cud } j Seal= 6olh Ends r /6 Lines r°pe Tqo -� - - E, , - - -+- -- - a - -- -7714 TN T H- - - STI 75 Y&Y r t , -� � C , , f S P P { i w I W t 1 - ---- _. - - -- - -� - -- 4 - _ e - - - --- - --�-- -�- - -} - -- - - - - > �lv,� i i•{. -_-----+-'- --' -- _i,. v �1 - 'q C (('� 1 - _ -Yt♦��-. -- '� vil.1 _�-_...'--- - ti N -r #- - - ti - I r S t O - ~__-7 �} to fk E y ti i I t ! 1 Z �.. r --� - �i 1 t •4' Ad �d Arm. 3 5� i3�y, ,n nds 9 � 1 8s M - . - . <; --- 1 4'M Boi/i Erx/s 1 - -- - - - t t-- --- -- - - - - --- - - - - ---- -- f' I 5"Min. '--� - Q M } To o/ IS/` /"/;p e zinc r 5A7i�. h - f f' P ,0�0e Zj C : Seal -�Sofh. �}rl9 - - - - �/ 7 c ? I i , c /G "Lime P e e8 - f S - - - ., sln - - i-- - - - - - } ope,7 Cud 1 I 32 POC P G3 Zo Ca g --- - N - - I &1h ��- r ,V rL' Pr Sea! �ofit s -� -- - --- - - - - - - _ _ e �--� �° Find Too A; Sele/-Aotlr Ads j , .oe i V ti../ L.- . r r , l `- > .I • - - t- -i-- - ---- t-- f A / - -- - ♦ ,-7 C - - - 'i - .. ,_ � . ---- y y -- - , C } r , -_......,...,.►.....«..,. _ .. ...._..._„ ,,.�....� ......_:....._......_.__�.,. ..._._.- K, Z/B.// K,i•?,'9,// K/ -?20,9 N tn $Im �! W h ,�C/• 203 K/-207 a C'//77 K'-/'78 k,1-111'79 �C'/-,80 <''/-8/ $ °'Im m ��� rn g K/-20/ � o, / O O SS 1::36 h�������������\ WE wed ?ea�f CO, ,�C/2041 N CV F/O/`Ence �,tj \ p� Ilk yc\; O M `� W Q ,� Q Firs{ /nvesfinenf Co. Kin Counf a N h h oc h �' 7l, 79 Pcds j 7- kveno', j \ 9 / y K/-2/7 N Q �, Q �, a �� 74.7 ``� ` K/•/79.5 �'-/B/• 7 `'� I �` �1 70• Geo �O�'S�00'S a. Q R�N-roN 19,?, ,POds Q j K/•?03, /,� K/•2D3. //'A l�eec's � 3�USh C/eased Pwr- Ln. ,P,'`V K/•ZOB./� R1CNz�N � Feeds Brush wads � B��sh, Park a ,?/!� i BOffom 16 O ,D. x D 312" 11v T 5LX 52 L IN E (JI Pt IJO,rDE- WRA P `�� K ING, W ASHINGTON O� �� f° C 0 U N T Y '�'� � C C ��1 � C us� v �OO� VY: �� S W W �' �� p �i Ali v �. , 6- 111W d (h G� + �, _x + �: + ., ,, ti ti ,► ti +. `> +, x `, �. * �,.' ., ^ �, a0 O vi v) �b1� �'' lC) c, NN��NN�h�rrhh `�� r\���� CV)��' N� ! i O o o O M ���� �t rr ��r� 4�r� rr�r �� h h'n h <9O C9 <5 NN h N Ncn� 0 000no 0o c� 0000000 �oo�p000000000�oo\oo�oo 00 00 000o�000 ��Q, oc�o 000 0000 �'�°)�'�� O o 0Q'I (�� �\C% I E4 41A 7'ioN /OCo3fS-5 BK, = � �-.�J �� C 104;3{ 79 AHO, �•, S 132 ND AVE. _ - --- - _ - - - Z ----------- I L/ M/ T S g° 7 I� -� z j of o Y ° o O/ ' �'/?03•// I '� _ -0, � �,, cn F(li�' 3 / N '3 � � N _ -- --- -- 3 -\t ,C o Q k�4-),- kc) o-J Q (9 CK/•/99 �K/?Q� l• 2 ^ ,q Q, .�. -►� Q - °$ `� .� �O�S h V ( r\ r+ ST h h h h L j ,o t� O ' 'p v h \ \\i(Qi N -Y_ r. o 0 00000 V v S �� ���'�a 4 • Q c�3 QO V b n m e Y 1 /69 AQa , ,R I r,1 -20-f `>r �. �O ^ 11 Y Y Y \ p 1'17.77 i ^ O O. q Y „ ,� « h Q -- -- i'? - - UJ W v Q+ C. f ° f ; v, to Q (� \ '` _j Z \ \ V ._. Q N < �` ` - - , I / I t Q �.1 �U.1 �,IJJ Q U FO 1'. `i �. .k,';'•/B/, 7 F � U 1 -- .� -- i � � ` p33 ��;-- .--- I i•� � i ? ��// h � � ,- 8 r, 0 k �- �• c' �' I /i 79.5 1 i l 1 - - _ •SL3?"Bg' x I /•?/� '� �' ti, �+, `► �► + x v 4, -0 - �.� I � � cv 1 l - - � � p, � _ �� � h � O \ � . r. �+. �+. -,, v \ �, G ROSE HAVEN _ I ! R: Q 2 '2 /.P, I I � N� �\, �, k� _ Q 0 O O �� O O M S i /, /"l. P, , , 8 t `*1 -_ `� \\ \\� X- Q Kl 7 K/ /7B '� / ?C�4 t r \ �1, w i • 1 T Q o) W -p.-„ S T. Q- i �` S p9r S Q�'i/6'/3"E , 1 �t 0 k �" h I N /-/75 c,i' - 1_ \ 1 �_ N Q W 2QL P a - Z 1 �: /?019 ,�, _ 36 p�p� //7 , ` \ SLOPE 1 SLOP j \� hQ k m I ---� �-- •., $ _ _ , ff i/ Kiri P a S r, S T. 1 � _ I 2 sH,ac� . ' /97 3 1 S/o'er �� � I' � 1 C / T Y � , � � iowE, p I` � MON. � k I , , � 2 1, > Q • � Cir p� E VFA BANK' h! o I t /•/77) 11 K/•/75) S ATT Q - �`� 10Z ON 7 P,4,4 S L t! 1 ` �V i w.4T, TANK - 0% m 0' Co Q o _ Q _ o v Q Q .t-, , f. Q� W ! I� ' ' ry �• Q� Q. - . (ll `t. Q o o VERT, BANK - P IAJ ►, _� ►, 1 �- _G „N s r - Q W G C'� G 1 U. W 00 ° l� '+ : c ,; O __j `� W ! �K/•Z/6 �p �e�'; p yet ' ., U Q Q; Q o C � �l�-. ' Lv ! 3Ak rp P r� -� 1�3 k �3 �1 5, m L� �� EQUAT, Oti/ ki)1 0 3 Q I Q ark r4 41 co "�Cc). �+. t(' r IA` k �� �� PJ J=�,� //49,43 BK,= .-v A R N L• I ( , Itp �-� �' C 11A Alk k 5� h w S�('� �` h co d //L5,//33 (Ent. K 223� //52{90 T Q� „„ n 0 M s T. -' C / T Y ��� � - \/ � �' � //.52{93 �pE,vibye 3,-c)L -� �, „L " S r , //52/97 X91 Edge S T- _ - / //53 {97 `Ya1 &9ep -- ------ ------ _ hI O �! (, . 1 �Q ,� t .`^��V�l°4J� v \ J U 1.223 /154/25 7o -,D 39nl I _ o ,v F1 -------------- H H / G H L A N D S W N 0 2 z ) KI -175 Edith Riddle --- -- - 26.30 Rads KI -159 R. Glen Fishel - - - 6.36 Rjtl s I KI -176 Edith M. Riddle --- 10.64 Rods KI -190 Frank W. Fisher ---- 4,24 Rodis KI -211 (W.W.Loomis) - 20.12 Rods KI -191 Albert Balch -- 4.24 Rodls KI -177 Raymond J. Slater - -- 18.39 Rods KI- 192 United Homes ----- 4.24 Rodis KI -178 I John W. Honea - --- 20.06 Rods KI - 193 John W. Dobson - - - - 4.24 Rods KI -179 Larry Houghardy - -- 52.91 Rods K I - 194 United Homes ---- 4.24 Rodis KI -180 I Jack L. Johnson,et al -- 28,64 Rods KI - 195 4.24 Rodls KI -181 William I. Mead - -- 2.6.30 Rods KI- 196 George C. Robinson --- 4,24 Rodss (Jack L. Johnson) KI- 197 Clarence W. Phillips - 4.24 Rodis KI- 182 Ellis R, Cruff - - -- 7.88 Rods KI - 198 Bruce W. Bryant -- - 2.91 Rods KI -183 Lawrence B. Wood -- 4.42 Rods KI- 199 N. Russell Hail --- - 18,55 Rodis ! KI -184 Frederick G. Forsberg -4.42 Rods KI -200 President Park Dev.Co.-16.48 Rodis j KI -185 Larry M. Thomas 4.36 Rods KI -201 City Of Renton ---- 35.52 Rocds KI 186 Harold E. Hoffman- 4.42 Rods KI -2U2 Clarice Dandridge -- 10.12 Rodes KI -187 United Homes -- - - 4.06 Rods KI 204 Robert A. Peel --- 19.88 Rodis j KI -f88 Nicolaos C. Goudrioan- 3.88 Rods KI -205 Pres Park Devel. Co.- 12.36 Rod<.s T 23 N KI -2J6 R,,Dert E. Bailey - 7.58 Rods KI -208 Herve G. Casperson -- - - 25.67 Rods KI -209 First Investment Co. - 0.64 Rods KI -210 Willis Fitzgerald -- -- - ---- 19.94 Rods KI -211 Josephine Nunn - - 20.12 Rods KI -212 Albert Balch -- - 8.67 Rods KI -213 Francis j. Chandler -- 13.03 Rods KI -215 Not Used SCALE /9" KI -217 Maplewood Golf a Country Club - 45.52 Rods KI -218 John W. Dobson - - - - - 7.45 Rods KI -219 City Of Renton - - --- 26.48 Rods KI -220 John W. Dobson - -- 8.00 Rods KI -221 Ray Charlton - 3.52 Rods KI -222 Not Used KI -223 Thomas M. Taylor ( John L. t_avin) - 9.09 Rods KI -224 Puget Sound Power 81 Light Co.- 1.03 Rods Edy R R5E w � I \ REVISIONS - .^ I 4 OI Co/73 LeavePnrLn Q/w - -111"I 1 FERNDALE TO PORTLAND 7/34 ///6O - / -- _=1 � l°ipe/ine Survey -- -- - - , - -- - - � Sty/ T vers � Edge ,P/lN N.B. 28 , PP. 2 - 7 N_8 52 , PG. 27 40 10999 71,41�v; 7 /ro5 S9J 174' �-- V � h 05 7,41Z- "4 � o SC14LE : /"°/Oo, o Ia //2// 74 Enter Pwr Ln. RM PRODUCTS PIPE LINE 710 r% P. _ OLYMPIC -r PIPE LINE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. N.B. 28 , PP. 2 - 7 N_8 52 , PG. 27 _ - --- DRAWN S.77 (o•2•(04 J N B. 29 , PP. 10 - 14 --- - -- -- ----- ----- --- - - CHECKED S-100-44 - - ----- ---- -- --- -- - N,B. 78 , PP, 2 _ 7 N.B. 17 PP. 19-20 SCALE /9" 0-1I + i I f Ir i j I I I i i i i i I 1 1 t i i I j + f 1 � � : .__ I 1 I 1 t .. . � -1 ♦ - _ _ + j f 7 t t-{ _ I —71-7 4- 4 _4 _J T a I 4 1 �- , � (- _• ; , - 1 # ,. , � - .. �. -� �- t - � - - �- �- - I � r i � , 1 t ; — + yt + 1 t 1• } 1 ��- q- I I- , { f ( f � I , } , t I 1 t c i � � , � ; I -? � 7 r � -�•- � /Wy 5 >blrn:'2..-� • + . - r +- _-• --- - jt t_.}_ tt fff _T 4, t-4 + t---- �•- , -�-- ?- � 1 r i � ! f � + � � ; - i- { ' k _f � ' �� � fi T I , . a jB41----�--- , ,. 4 T i — { n -•-- . . - - _ _-_ __�._ �--� ----�--- ----�_ --- --_. ---- -� , �- , �--- - . �_ � _ - � _ - �--- t----- -- - . - - _ __--- +-----�- .----�-- �--- - -_ -- - --_ �_ - s TA TE Hwy 5 c s/ t , r t T _T • i t T_ t f F t , , t # t 1 , k , i T T yy i r. 1 � ' T_ -- ---' f , # H - ' + i � � k � 1 1 ' i I 1 i ' � - i � ', + ' - ( j - � — - � - -- i--_-' - - — — I '— --- -- ` __' I - i �j �. : � � i _ I ' ,• � � � � i � - -- f _ --i--- i -+-- - -*-- - r , - + . --± --- —r �'-- , � • , ! 1 , + t ' t � f , � l , t � ; ; � i ! , I , � 4— , , + t � K/- 225 220/• 22 n K/ • 228 &I -2-W.7 h K/• 23Z s h K/- 232 • _ 1/iking /nvesfinent Co�,ae�afion U. S. A . � Pugef Prvvoe�fies, 117C.K/•229 K/ 230 W K/- 23/ � Puget P�oaerfies, //7C, /75, 39 Ra: s 59.94 Pads � 2//. 82 ,Foe's 77. 00 Ra cls h GI/ODdS e :B/•US% Woods 91-41S%7 WooNO- ds B/'U9h ' KING COUNTY WASHINGTON I Cil I. F FARMS FAM I j .4LQ QL 0 AKERS AKERS i I , <cI11 �-�,o liQL Nt ps p loo ��c , `\691 ! 00 ^ � 'trV. I� � � 1 •\� 'Q h'' � , e0 � �• F /J� /. Ea uA Tio. ti � Pe\'�g'(o 125-P59 6X. p a (5 123-3047 r4fQr� Lu q0. / = IV) -.q, � -co �-ate 11024 70 AHD, '9„r �•,� Or- ' oti i' a -c c. \� oZo B, P. ,4, MOMMOM ` QV \0 / �G .�c� � �, � ��o�¢, \�a /2's c�� B.P,A,h�ON•, ��oti .` -�72/0' � � (1�Ot-.-""��«`� �-\` ^� �'. ('� \� / �•\Grp � `' o\ �\ .�• -� .�� �, sem, ;+I � �/ `Il' \� � pRV\ PuGf IVE_ \0,�J S�a k�� 0 ?`r O N--< \ � `{�,� �• � I � _ .r N \f� � 'moi �I � /'� �J \ ,(1 �y��-�J ` `� __ cn O ' � �,� , ` \ S ��`a ry � �5 /Dirt/,., '``r � ' _ _— � ro 1 �� � � s� '� \ \ � � �• /� � 3/ � \ ' � � y' � � +s - :to Am Ilk 'Q,'' 'fes �• N�s- ,\-, Its ZZ pop 00 b You m �, • �� '00co ls� 0UG�c b' 02 I T 23 N R 5 E j K/ - 227 City � Sea �f/e Cedar ,Pi vee P, L , �,P/!�Y) 430 ,P�s I REVISIONS K�- 229 I P' of So✓nd ,qwr 0 co. 22. X F E R N D A L E TO PORTLAND � 9 � PRODUCTS PIPE K/ • 230 Hvgh Carney 2s 7� Rcds LINE I Ki - 23/ !/era ,�Cioo' �h'ugh F Camey) — 38.39 Pods X/ote � Ca/cu44d Line Frvrn //95t22 To /23359 Bk. � - � C /�v 7v Be Sta,'F� ,4s Shawn On &491 0. � OLYMPIC PIPE L.•iiVE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON I NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. - APPROVED _DATE_ DRAWING N0. N.B./7, R3.24 DRAWN S.T, 6•//•64 NB KED S-100-45 1i .B. /9, Po 3 �- • 7B,//-/5 CAL • 51A0 45 0-I na I � II II I I II I II II II II I , I I I I 20 0.1*1 Q4 v \ ► C.30 \ N , --- - 4 -� - /0 I r 10 /0 Tp10-T of- 16 P/pe Lines _, i D 243? - - - i- - lv2'- "Csg, - D AaDTE = EL EV LASED THIS PeOF/LE Al E HWY. DI EL EV - .. —_ ._ _. _ W_.RD. HWY. 5 , r _ + I , ti. C - ------�- - - - - -- - - --- - - i -. rfit , I Int h1 / I ; � , 1 -- - — -- _ . . .. --+-- -- _ • _ ' , --- - _ _ I � To l� P - JL 232. K/•23a °t La lPenfon C�fy St. �P/�l/ $ Pugef /c/, vvo., /mac, 78 4(9 ROC -16 4t2.12 /pb�s � � I` 78, 0/ Z -V.16 I 29�, %2 .Pads � K/ -232. //A ,C'/234,5 h K/•23Q5A � K/•2.3�;. 9 � � Brush Itilarsh Corn Stubb/e Pas�`vre KING I I Cf v 01 00 m�: X30 �q_ I (;� 1 , U.)III ~ 1 i ~ 1 I I { 0 � �-j Z cry (J) Q / ?33 S - �� H o_ I ' .11_11_ .�On 0, \ rj 11-W � (�, , 7 cy) kj S S< 1 3 41)r `'►� I �`� `v °� "' Q k� ,, Q� �; �,, Q ,,, `� , < `° j \y' K/ -?35 V K/•23e Lr) tN 1�m9rnro�000� � oo h Q0 �' �,fin+ n, �v n, �(V N Cr °N° (\j cn K/ -?32.1/,4 K/?,34,5 1 K/ ?3�, 5A N ' ` ^ \ Cf SEATTLE K/?32,// ;tiA75Z ;� • _i °7( S. /60 ST. r- (NOT /N) I =°'� RE -IV TONo f a I II y - -- -- --s -- I Ih � � I 2 I 3 l l G CO-OP II COAL Q' I I� - S %58 rH J �sr. I Z Z �sl--'---- ------ -- 1 - I►� �;I �� NN COBS ACBE I RA C, z I � I I I I IHILLIVAN�-- - -- -- -- I I I% I 6 5 I I 4 Q I � /56 TH I O I Q Q _ - L f—— EA R I,1/G TON GARDEV3 LJZI Z Oti � ^ I � I� I �19 I zw V/5/ON I I NO. / T23N R5E ('nQ1NTY ,('/- 239 f'Lrgel Sound /°ower L �ghf Co, law /23.33 ,ecus /,/,? Xs .5hee t Brush � 0/fCh WASHINGTON /9 8 r , I� I 221/9,/s F., Makh Ln. I P. 5, P, , CO, PW?, 7QAA/5, L ZI -+.,=J N o �/ 1 �,c� v •239 �1 p ` —.1 72 6 4,54 Fc. \\ \ �� ��hv 3180cv Fc \ Ia �d I o - - - - . _ o _ /V B'"09,iV M N -18 3 t63 25 x -- -x TQ__ x _ X 3152 Wand/ Fc. \ ` s o Y -1 ,� Pwr, /we I 1 ao I I I Lu' 3C �� I LANE _ - _ _ = - _ � ✓� ' x I l�'/•?3Co,9 / ?3Q 9q x � u it LONG � ECZUAT/�'N �� cry !3410 X59 3�1 CSC : � c � I Of00 AhD, � ACRE HENRY RACE II MEADER TRACK �s D• L, C. 24 T23 N - ,C'/•234 Puget Souno' �hwe� � L�gh� Co. 2� 5:9 ,Pct's • i ,ll,�•237 ��-ainage Dish # NOTE : L /NE CAL C1,144 7,60 FQOM 5 74. I 1250 f 70 TO 5 r , 2 t 7G - SEE NOTE I BOOKS- L /A/E /V BE STAKED .4S SHOWA/ ON 44,4,0 I I I L -- — - I R4E REVISIONS FERNDALE TO PORTLAND I PRODUCTS PIPE LINE M. P. - --- - --TO MR_ - ---- -- OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON I, NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. DRAWN/-//- N.41'.15,P.P, 2•-9 CHECKED S-100-46 — SCALE /"15X \ I i L- e Tov4of l# a - �/ � PideLirse I , I , t • 1 1 r REVISIONS FERNDALE TO PORTLAND I PRODUCTS PIPE LINE M. P. - --- - --TO MR_ - ---- -- OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON I, NOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. DRAWN/-//- N.41'.15,P.P, 2•-9 CHECKED S-100-46 — SCALE /"15X r + + rl � —I +`-- -+— -� —; --• — ___ _--_ -.1- _— — —k-- _ —�•_-- _ _—_ � _ -- — — -- _._ � r _ � . _ — — j• - - - -_ 1 t' - . _ r j ; � , 1 , , is + } , _ y 4 ; . ir7, -j. - 7 - - --- - - - - - -- $ . - -- ---- - - - - - - - - -- - - _ -t I t 1 4z t — — — — — — -- � r } tt — 1 t , 1 7_ t 4 _ — — — -- — — — --- — -- — - .. -- — — __ .. _ _ — — - — — • 1 - - -t - - - , -- t _77- -- - - , , 4 j —+ �— — — — r—.. — +— — — — --- ---+-- -- — _4 + , r— — — — — i �-- —-- — — -- —— — — -- --- —— -----I I 1 T -7- + t I - i r - - -- - --- T 4 t _ jdJ -- -- -- -- - -- - - - -� -- -- - --�. - - -- -- -- --- --- KING Sol°O° i SECONDA R Y _ - c \ / 0 q\ $ ( i PuSef Sound Power Ll' hf Company K,'- 239 '19-5, 45 Rods This She& ( Tofa/ 2657.45 Rods) Brush D/•fch COUNTY co V _ U o� NN O I -r nH WASHINGTON v 1<1-239 f 4 1} f , ' o o OR/LLA X� GARDEN I ° o J _ _ _ TRACTS M 14 - .- -- (\J. rn Nrl f � HIGHWAY f z N GARDEN tN f� W W _ lt I C� W m 3 (Duj J '' Q M PACl4FIC p �Z 132", /191 19, A l /4 • � O O cry A y 503'o2'i5 'W -,e " *'?.S• P _� LIQ• ?9E2 LIM to EL ECTR i - - — v 1<1-239 f 4 1} f , ' o o OR/LLA X� GARDEN I ° o J _ _ _ TRACTS M 14 - .- -- (\J. rn Nrl f � HIGHWAY f z N GARDEN tN f� TRACTS i I I _ I R H / L Il H I KENT ACRES (UNRECORDED) f , I �i 5 0 017W W--- KI-233 --K1-239 TRACTS NO 2 v 24 00 L.r) TH AVE. S. T22N R4E REVISIONS X11 1. Added Tract h'9, FERNDALE TO PORTLAND 6-20-64 OJ PRODUCTS PIPE LINE CJI. P._ -_----TCS M.P.________ OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON INOTE BOOKS DESIGN ENGR. APPROVED DATE DRAWING NO. N.8. 25, PP- 3-6 DRAWN D. R. 8. CHECKED S°-100-47 J SCALE r= 500'