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03706 - Technical Information Report
f i � � O � �q �J { �° ` .a��j �F �p } ` o Ci � ' � �;,,�1ir) n`�t� cn x: DESIGN COMPANY � a,��s�c;; � 1' F ^ nq t� �I%1..1 r,��� �- � I U U'C; `.s;j T-%11'�',j%� _ I � `�[I V�.� RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY KIRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES SURFACE WATER TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT February 15, 2013 Updated: July 1 l, 2013 �� � �� � ' I Prepared for: Renton Housing Authority � 2900 NE 10`" Street Renton, Vl-`A 98056 Prepared by: SvR Design Company 1205 Second Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98101 Contact: Pariy Buchanan, PE SvR Project I�o. 1?0?4 � � 7�� RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY KIRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES SURFACE WATER TECHNICAL I�IFORMATION REPORT February 1�, 2013 Updated: July 1 !, 201� �.voN s P A, a� Q� bFWAsti,,�,C�f, ��` pF WASti� C� , � j *� , ' �p-� y �Q � ,'J�,`'�2 � � � �� �-. d � �[ �� � z a "� � � �' `�. � 90�9FGistE���� \ C�0� 9FG���,P� cv� ss�4NAl E�� Fss/�q� �C� � �I I � ti �'' Jrij�:��� G�F'r�� '��'.. . TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................5 1.1 General .................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Pre-developed Condition......................................................................................................5 1.3 Proposed Development.........................................................................................................5 1.4 Proposed Storm Drainage Facilities.....................................................................................6 1.5 Soils......................................................................................................................................6 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................................................23 2.1 Conditions and Requirements....................................................................•--......................23 2.1.1 Core Requirements......................................................................................................23 2.1.2 Special Requirements..................................................................................................24 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................33 3.1 Standard Requirements.......................................................................................................33 3.2 Scope of Analysis...............................................................................................................33 3.2.1 Resource Review.........................................................................................................33 3.2.2 Field Inspections..........................................................................................................33 ' 3.2.3 Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions............................................33 3.2.4 Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems..............................................................33 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN....39 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology.....................................................................................................39 4.2 Proposed Site Hydrology....................................................................................................39 , 4.3 Performance Standards.......................................................................................................39 4.4 Flo��Control Facilities.......................................................................................................44 4.5 Water Quality Facilities......................................................................................................44 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN...................................................47 5.1 Standard Requirements.......................................................................................................47 5.2 Proposed Conveyance System............................................................................................47 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES..................................................................................49 6.1 Geotechnical.......................................................................................................................49 7.0 OTHER PERMITS ................................................................................................................51 7.1 NPDES Permit....................................................................................................................51 8.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ..................................................................................53 8.1 ESC Plan.............................................................................................................................53 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, & DECLARATION OF COVENANT55 9.1 Bond Quantities Plan..........................................................................................................55 92 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flo���Control BMPs ...........................55 ' 10.0 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL ............................................................65 10.1 Maintenance Recommendations.........................................................................................65 RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, S�rR#1?024 Page i Technical Information Report July 11, 2013 � i ' RHA Kirkland Avenue To«�nhomes, SvR#12024 Page ii Technical Information Repon July 11,?013 �, LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 — Site Location � Figure 2 —TIR Worksheet � Figure 3 —Existing Conditions - Drainage Subbasins II Figure 4—Developed Conditions - Drainage Subbasins I, Figure 5 — Soils Map I _ Figure 6—Flow Chart for Determining the Type of Drainage Revie���Required ' Figure 7 —Flow Control Application Map Figure 8 —Groundwater Protection Areas _ Figure 9—Do���nstream Analysis Map Figure 10 —Downstream Analysis Worksheet � Figure 11 —Flow Chart for Determining Individual Lot BMP Requirements Figure 12 —Bond Quantities Worksheet Figure 13 —Maintenance and Operations Manual ' LIST OF TABLES Table 1 —Pre-Developed and Developed Surface Coverage Areas Table 2 —Facility Drainage Basins and Coverage for Pre-Developed and Developed Conditions Table 3 —Flo��� Control Credits Table 4—Model Inputs Table 5 —Model Flo���s Rate Results LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A —Geotechnical Report APPENDIX B — Plans and Survey APPENDIX C — Stormwater Modeling Reports APPENDIX D—Conveyance System Calculations APPENDIX E— Declaration of Covenant for Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMP's RHA Kirkland Avenue To�tinhomes,SvR#13024 Page iii Technical Information Report July 11, 2013 ' I RHA Kirkland Avenue To«�nhomes, SvR#12024 Page i. Technical Information Report July 11. 2013 1.0 PROJECT Ov'ERVIEW 1.1 General The Renton Housing Authority Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes Project (Project) proposes to construct an 18 unit, multi-family residential development, along the east side of the 1500 block of Kirkland Avenue, in Renton, WA (see Figure 1). The development ��•ill include the construction of three, hvo story, tow�nhome buildings, a permeable pavement parking lot, pathways, landscaping, service utilities, and associated right of way improvements along the Project frontage. T���o of the units, located in Building #3, «-i11 be designated ADA units; the remaining units will have accessible entrances along the back side of the buildings. See Figure 2 (TIR Worksheet) for a summary of the Project. 1.2 Pre-developed Condition The Project site is bounded by NE 16th Street to the north, NE 15th Street to the south, Kirkland Avenue NE to the west, and the existing Renton Housing Authority properties of Houser Terrace and Evergreen Terrace to the east. The existing land cover onsite is primarily lawn with a few old concrete building foundations and walkways. The topography is relatively flat, less than 2% average across the majority of the site with a steeper, treed area to the eastern side of the site which has an approximate slope of 10%. There is one existing catch basin � within the site. Stormwater runoff from the existing site is either infiltrated on site, sheets flo���s into the ROW and is collected in the existing ROW storm drainage system, or is collected in the on-site catch basin which is connected to the existing ROW storm drainage system. Figure 3 — Existing Conditions— Subbasins shows existing condition flow patterns. Table 1 - Pre- Developed and Developed Surface Coverage Areas includes a summary of the eYisting site coverage areas. Table 1 - Pre-Develo ed and Develo ed Surface Covera e Areas Pervious Permeable Total ! Basin (Landscape/Grass/Etc.) Pavements Impervious Area ;I (acres) (acres) (acres) �acres) I On-site ROW ' Pre-Developed—Oo 0.797 -- — 0.031 0.828 I Site Develo ed -On Site 0.339 -- 0.222 0.266 0.828 � Pre-Develo ed - ROW -- 0.038 — 0.307 0.344 De��elo ed - ROW -- 0.033 -- 0.312 0.344 1.3 Proposed Development The Project proposes to construct three, t�vo story, multifamily to���nhome buildings. Other proposed site features include pervious concrete patios, both pervious and conventional RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, S��R#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 5 July 1 l,2013 concrete «�alk��ays, a refuse enclosure, a community p-patch, ROVI-' frontage improvements, and associated landscaping improvements. Table 1 Pre-Developed and Developed Surface Coverage Areas includes a summary of the proposed site coverage areas. 1.4 Proposed Storm Drainage Facilities The majority of building downspouts will be tightlined to the ROW bioretention swales for infiltration with some being directed to infiltration galleries located below the pervious concrete pavement parking lot. Runoff from landscape is expected to infiltrate. In the event that runoff from landscape areas occurs, the site has been graded to sheet flow to the bioretention swales in the ROW. Other hard surfaces onsite, including walkways and the parking lot, have been designed with pervious concrete pa��ement which will serve to infiltrate stormwater that falls on it. In the event that an extreme storm event occurs and the pervious concrete pavement cannot manage the stormwater volume, these surfaces have been designed to overflow to either a site catchbasin that is then connected to the City's system or to the ROW bioretention swales. Table 2 — Facility Drainage Basins and Coverage for Pre-Developed and Developed Conditions listed the areas that each facility will receive in the proposed condition. Table 2 also lists the pre-developed surface coverage. Figure 4— Proposed Conditions - Drainage Subbasins shows developed condition flo��� patterns. 1.5 Soils � Based on a geotechnical and intiltration study perforn�ed by Soil and Environmental Engineers, Inc. (see Geotechnical Report in Appendix A) the subsurface conditions of the site consist of appro�imately 6" of topsoil, underlain by 2.5 - 3.5 feet of silty sand and gravel, underlain by glacial till. The City of Renton Amendments (City Amendments) to the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) identifies the site as being underlain by Indianola loamy tine sand (InC), see Figure 5. ln accordance with the KCSWDM, the soils onsite were tested for infiltration rates, soil gradation, organic content, and cation exchange capacity. Infiltration test results provided a 6/7 in/hr rate which yielded a recommended long term infiltration rate of 1.1 inch/hr for design of the Project's infiltration facilities. Soil gradation results are provided in the Geotechnical report, Appendix A. The organic content is between 2-5% up to 3-4 feet where glacial till is encountered. And, the cation exchange capacity was tested to be 131 mEq/100g. See Appendix A for a copy of the Geotechnical Report and supplemental letter re�arding cation exchanae capacity and organic content. RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 6 Julv 1 1. 201� Table 2 - Facility Drainage Basins and Coverage for Pre-Developed and Developed Conditions i Pervious Permeable Impervious Total Area Basins (Landscape/Grass/Etc.) Pavements (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) Pre-Developed Ou-site ROW Fucility Area Totals(3} 0.797 0.038 0.000 0.337 1.172 On-Site Basin 0343 0.000 -- 0.002 0.34� Rain Garden 1 0.022 0.000 -- 0.026 0.047 Rain Garden 2 0.029 0.000 -- 0.032 0.061 Rain Garden 3 0.103 0.004 -- 0.055 0.162 Rain Garden 4 0.033 0.006 -- 0.072 0.111 Rain Garden 5 0.039 0.002 -- 0.034 0.076 Rain Garden 6 0.065 0.007 -- 0.048 0.120 Rain Garden 7 0.037 0.007 -- 0.035 0.079 Rain Garden 8 0.]?6 0.012 -- 0.034 0.172 Developed Facilit}�Area � Torals 3 0.339 0.033 0.222 0.578 1.172 On-Site Basin 0.109 0.000 0.163 0.073 0.345 Rain Garden 1 0.020 0.002 -- 0.025 0.047 Rain Garden 2 0.02? 0.003 -- 0.035 0.061 Rain Garden 3 0.046 0.006 O.Oli 0.097 0.162 Rain Garden 4 0.021 0.004 0.005 0.081 0.111 Rain Garden � 0.022 0.004 0.005 0.045 0.076 Rain Garden 6 0.027 0.004 0.015 0.074 0.120 ' Rain Garden 7 0.026 0.004 0.007 0.042 0.079 Rain Garden 8 0.047 0.005 0.01� 0.105 0.172 RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 7 .lulv 1 1. ?013 PAGE LEFT INTE'�ITIONALLY BLANK � RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 8 July i l, 2013 FIGURE 1 �� SITE LOCATION '` �< �_ � , � � r ����c'?��r�,� �-- .� -- , .r�;,� � •y� � '.F���.�._ � � � � �X� � • f � � E � $ K �+ x `T � :� ' " �r�, �. rt , �; ��, �' � , ,. . : a. -*: . � ,� � _ , u . , �. `- 3 r { . , ' ` ' �' ',# I � � � ii!` � � ?� i , i �$_` , . . . ` � en.wrl:°: ��la+�� `' I � :� _ PROJECT � _ , . :��#,, � �. 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RNA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 9 July l 1, 2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK , i : RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 10 July 1 l,20Li I FIGURE 2 ' TIR WORKSHEET �' tii��c ����t;��rv. ��,�s�ii�<�r���, si�(tF,act: tv,��rt_�t t�t�:sic;v nt���;uni. �i TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR)WORKSHEET r _- ------ ' Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND I Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND _, PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION ,' __ --_.__ _--- � i Project Owner � kr��r E� ��u.�•,�N� .�„�+�, „u ProJect Name �'ll.� 1[.�Kr�.�,.�,-�, �,,,s,v �" l__� � Phone �117 -IL4.� -I F�� DDES Permit# ►U��hr tt�w�t ;' Address llGf� N� I('��i i Location Township (J�, Pr��•tt'r.� f 4`�A �JF''l'Sk` Range z3f�_ Project Engineer i��,�y �I.�✓�,/Ar�it,v Section ��i /% l . Company i.L� L�itie�iy (G•c,�-.rr�,y SiteAddress Ig��' d 15/P: K urrc eNt> "" � , Phone ' ?�'' _ 7C f 7 N t �Ir'k' � � ----- --- -- Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION _ Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS ❑ Landuse Services ❑ DFW HPA L7 Shoreline Subdivison ! Short Subd. I UPD Management __ ' ❑ COE 404 � Building Services ❑ pOE Dam Safety � Structural Mff!Commerical / SFR RockeryNaulV ' ��! ❑ Clearing and Gradi�g � FEMA Floodplain ❑ ESA Section 7 � � ❑ Right-o(-Way Use ❑ COE Wetlands ❑ Other � Other ' Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Site Improvement Plan {Engr.Plans) � ( Type oi Drainage Review Full �1 Targeted / Type(circle one): �Full / Modified I + (circle): Large Site SmaN Site ' Date(include revision Date(indude revision dates): dates): Date of Final: Date of Final: Part 6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS f Type(circle one): Standard ! Compiex / Preapplication ! Experimental/ Bianket !I Oescription:(include conditions in TIR Section 2) � r _ a � - �.��y t�F kr�rvrt'u -a �iNN ��Y�.�Iv ����rC�.lCh�trF�rvlS � �S ,_� Date o(A rovaC �_:' - -__- ---- --- --- � (_ I � � 2009 Sur(ace 1Yalrr Uesign 4lnnunl I%9i2009 1 i RHA Kirkland Avenue To«�nhomes,SvR#12024 Section 1 I Technical Information Report Page 11 '� Julv 11.?Oli FIGURE 2, continued TIR WORKSHEET F.I`.i� i�ul A ; 5V1:A�111AG'!�A. 11 itl �At 1 1A;�1F{C I)1 AIt,A A1,1`.i 1! TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS j � -- _- Describe: Monitoring Required: Yes �rfo � �� ' Start Date Completion Date: ` ! Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASM � Community Plan:_fl�(c�tt��rc 1Y. �pn,r�vr.-���iy J�tr�H iv���� �C�.�4 � � ; Special District Overlays: i ! DrainageBasin: �i,l,v, �ILk/'K �.4s�r�1 Srormwater Requirements C�crE k Er�c,t,t.[��,�.I'� � Fart 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS ; ❑ RivedStream ❑ Steep Slope ` ❑ Lake ❑ Erosion Hazard � ❑ Wetlands ❑ Landslide Hazard ❑ Closed Depression ❑ Coal Mine Hazard ❑ Floodplain ❑ Seismic Hazard ❑ Other ❑ Habitat Protection � ❑ ( Part 10 SOILS Soii Type Slopes Erosion Potential �YI�. �`in l s .�t�,P> ��� �c� �/U L c�w �✓r �1�11 �vndl�'l��� >� !c� �'�. �uui ❑ High Groundwater Table(within 5 teet) ❑ Sole Source Aquifer ❑ Other ❑ Seeps/Springs ----- �.�_-- ❑ Additionai Sheets Attached l — � 2009 Surface\Vatcr Design\tanual I 9�Uu�� 2 RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 12 Julv I1. 2013 � ��� FIGURE 2, continued TIR W'ORKSHEET I:I�G cUt.�lY', N�ASIII�G1c�\, St:Ri :ac t. t�AlEit Dt.sIG� �i:��i �l TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET ! Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIUNS i REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT ❑Core 2-OHsite Analvsis ❑ SensitivelCritical Areas I ❑ SEPA � ❑ Other ' � I i ' o ndd�tionai sneets nttacr�ed _ ---_--___ ___ --- � Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET (provide one 71R Sumr�y Sheet per Ttxeshdd Discharge Area) ' ----- +. rThreshold Discharge Area: ! name or descri tion Core Requirements(all 8 apply) Discharge at Natural Location Number of Natural Dischar e Locations: —____ _---— --------------- : Ofisite Analysis Level: 7 / 2 / 3 dated: i ( Flow Control Level: t ! ! 3 or Exemption Number i incl.faciiit summa sheet Smatl Site BMPs i Conveyance System Spill containment located at: _ _ _ _ _- -- — _. i Erosion and Sedimenf Control ESC Site Supervisoc Tc 1�e ���e+.�+.-�r�� ! Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: � Maintenance and Operation Responsibiliiy: Private 1 Pubiic i(Private.Maintenance L Re uired: Yes /No � --�.____�__ , � Financial Guarentees and Provided: es I No II Liabiliry J � Water Quality Type: Basic:! Sens.Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog I i � (include facilily summary sheet) or Exemp ionNo. ! Landsca e Man ement Plan: Yes / No i Special Requirements(as appilcable) I� � Area Spscific Drainage Type: CDA/SDO i MDP I BP/LMP/Shared Fac.I None i, , Re wrements Name: i FloodplaiNFloodway Delineation � Type: Major ! Mina / Exemption one� 100-year Base Flood Elevation(a range): li I Datum: ! flood ProtecUon facilities Describe: �y�:ti� I ! , Source Co�trol Descnbe landuse: � ' (comm./industrial landuse) Describe any struct�ral controls: � _ .;��,�.�,i,,,,i,;��:itci ;�:..e•.r�� \I.:�.r,i.�.: If9:2009 � i RHA Kirkland Avenue Totimhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 13 July 11,?013 FIGURE 2, continued TIR WORKSHEET �:!\G ('OU�TY. WASIII\GTO\. tiURFACI: \1'A1(:k Uk;SIG\ \IANI :\I TECHNICAL INFORMATION REf'ORT {TIR� WORKSHEET Od Control Hign-use Sde Yes k No Treatment BMP Maintenance Agreement: Yes �PYo � with whom? Other Drainage Structurea __ oescribe: rl� F-■iy,r l�lc i+r r[��t�c..l tt� � �Fr,c�7�Fs uart 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS i MINIMUM ESC RE�UIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION .� Clearing Umits � Stabilize Exposed Surfaces � Cove:Measures � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facifities � Perimeter Protedion � Ctean and Remove All Silt and Debns,Ensure � � Traffic Area Stabilizatan Operation o(Permanent Facilities ; � Sediment Retentwn ❑ Flag Limits of SAO and open space � preservation areas �Surface Water Cotlection , ; ❑ a� � Oewatering Control � Dust Conuol I — j ❑ Flow Control L Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS Note:InGude Facility Summa and Sketch Flow Control T /Descnptan Water Quali T elDescriptbn ❑ Detention � ❑ Biofiltration ' �o.z tr.� 1.�.ti,�i�K. i � InfilUalion t�rrv�u..���G.x�r ❑ yye�ppp� i � ❑ Regional Facility ❑ Media FiNration ❑ Shared Faality ❑ Oil Control fV�7'P../ �C"N Wc � I � Fio�,�corn►a t v���,a, [c.K�r D sp�u ca,troi BMPs ��-eiY v.c �.i-� 7N..). ., � FbwConlrolBMPs Pnv�cr-� <<m.YLr i ❑ Other i ❑ Other 2nn9 tiurfacc\1'atcr Design\lanu�l � � RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 14 July 11,201� � � FIGURE 2, continued �'i ! TIR WORKSHEET �'� h:I�G (uU\Il, 1�ASIII��GIp�, St;RfAcli �1'A7LiR ut.StG� �1A�t �I TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR)WORKSH�ET � ' art 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS ' Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS . _ . __ — .� Drainage Easement ❑ Cast in Piace Vault ..� Covenant ❑ Retaining WaU ' ..� Native Growth Protection Covenant ❑ Rockery>4'High � Tract � � ❑ Structural on Sleep Siope ' � Other � ❑ Other ' - – -- -- -- _ �'art 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGWEER ' cr a civif engineer u�der my supervision,have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were �,rcorpor d into this worksheet and the attached Technicai Infamation Report. To the best of my •,nowled the in mation provided here is accurate. , I ` C t _ � ��� �� , . ' Sr,rned/��!e ' 'u�i`;�:rl,uc tA,:�,: I).,°cn\1_mr,�l I!91J009 RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 15 July 11,2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ' RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1.0 Technical Information Report Page l6 Julv 11.�013 r".---� � — , . , —� � --- . �- . ,- ,-"— �-- �---� .— �.—_- �-- I�1(�URI?3 LSXIS'CWG CONUI'I'IONS—URAINAGh:SURRASINS i � � � } � ���. �. ..�. . �.. . �u����p�q����` �� �Y �.1^y� ��f i� � � � I ' ��`� �t�� �/ � �. ( y t. ' ' � ' ,,,,q .,, }� a` ,! t' / + .a.% � ' � �� �1�'�w� % " � �� �»q�������� /��^P ;� �w, �,��� j �� „ � �.x�- ""\� t�rr / �.,�� f �»�.., • ., . � .. rn r � - F . � � � ?. 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N�- r.,s __ . ___ ILI IA Kirkl;md Avenuc I-o�vnhomcs.SvK#12024 � -�- ---... _. _ �cctiuu I Tcchnical Inlurmatiuu ILc rorL f p;i�c�7 .lulv I I.?013 P�1G1.LF:I l IN I1(NIlON/�I.Ll'131.ANh KI IA kirl.lanJ Avcnuc fu�anhumcs.S��ft!!1_'U'_�I Sccliun I l�echnieal In(nrmalion Reporl Page IK Julv I I.?013 . :. ___ . _---.__.. � . _._.� .... _ . ......._. _.._ . . .... . .. FIGURE 4 nI;VBLOPED CONDITIONS-nRA1NAGF.SURRASINS ,`� � .,�,..���`���������.�,yu.,'+qp yy. �A�..r' �- j �..r�j �,. ,,� , y C �/� �Y\ 1 'E R.0 U'''h ������11�.�111j�, �it�11Y f� � il �� ���� k¢ � � .� �l � �j, f/� ;s� �t i • „.,�,-v; i,A ��� . "�•S „ I i j . . ,�.•:�! ,,,. .r. , r ., '�`, ' , ��. .�. � �,y'� ; � ��....., ,.� `\: � �' �•,�M ..rc.l�. I�F'\\ � `��I�" . . ..� i�:ro..� `� �� j ��� ``� + �� . . � Y - . _ ��� , � � W� ��� ' � � � ���. . ' � "�. . '', - ` ' � I r i i � , i ' , � ���, , .; ' . . . I -'-„-�._.. .._ ....-'--_. y�i'! 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I rehnied Infonn�uion Rcpori Paic I'� luh II._'ul: PnGIi I.L:I'"l�IN�I'GN'IIONnLLY 13LnNK ILIIA Kirkl:md Acenuc Townhnma.St°R NI?01d ScGinn I Icchnical lulbnnatiun Itcpurt Pagc 211 luly I I.?ul� _ { i FIGURE 5 SOILS MAP �� � C.� � PPROXIMATE IOCAT�ON OF � ' `�/ c-=tl � I StTE �_ • / j-�-�.., � ,�-_._-._ -.. I , t._.,; i I ', __._. �� ' ' e � �'1 "'.! I - � _: � i { ��- . � ��.. '.�� ' � ��i .� C' . ' / - � .:- .... �� �? �,. , w� _ � , , . . 1�� -� � ; ..� � ,:.,;. . � � ; ' .. i �� :r ",', , i i . _ i i { ` t � � "f I ' ' i l � �^ ���� City of Renton Soii Survey Map o , _ , ,,. _, Publ��VWrhs -��,,..,...�.,.,,.i-�a„�.�.:��,. � Su!1accVYaterUldny �v-�.�',— 0 OS 1 QMu'a-o�cx«io�<.eszo,��Moo.+fo G DelRosano ._�',� � �Rc.aw�cqiMwa � izzz:zoo9 - � ( M�les 1. From City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual,February 'O10 2. InC: Indianola loamy fine sand,4 to 15 percent slopes (KCRTS equivalent soil:"Outwash") RHA Kirkland Avenue To�nhomes,S�•R#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 21 July 11,?013 PAGE LEFT 1NTENTIONALLY BLANK , RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 1 Technical Information Report Page 22 July ]l,2013 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Conditions and Requirements Stormwater management for the Project will be provided in accordance with the City Amendments and KCSWDM requirements. The flo��� chart in Figure 6—Flow Chart for Determining the Type of Drainage Review Required in conjunction with Table 6— Requirements Applied Under Each Drainage Review Type in the City Amendments, provides the framework to determine which Core Requirements apply to the Project. These figures are provided in the City Amendments as Figure 1.1.2.A and Table 1.1.2.A. The Project will add/replace more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface; therefore, the Project must comply with Core Requirements#1-#8 and Special Requirements #1-#6. 2.1.1 Core Requirements Core Requirement#1: Discharge atNatural Location • Stormwater plans have been prepared; a copy is included in Appendix B. The Stormwater facilities have been designed to infiltrate the majority of runoff onsite through the use of permeable pavements, infiltration galleries and amended soils; and offsite through the use of permeable pavements and bioretention facilities. Any runoff not infiltrated will be discharged at the "natural discharge location", the City of Renton stormwater system. Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis • All projects are required to perform an offsite analysis per Section 1.22.1 of the City Amendment. A Level 1 analysis has been performed and is presented in Section 3.0 of this report. Core Requirement #3: Flow Control • The project is located in a peak flow rate control standard area based on the City of Renton Flo��- Control Application Map, see Figure 7. Flow control «�ill be provided by infiltrating a portion of the site runoff through permeable pavements, amended soils, and in a series of biaretention swales. Permeable pavements and amended soils are utilized both onsite and offsite. And the bioretention facilities are located in the ROW planter strips adjacent to the Project. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System • Runoff from the Project site that is not infiltrated will be conveyed to the existing, piped, storm drainage system in the ROW via piped, onsite storm drainage overflow system or via an overflow structures at three locations in the bioretention swales located in the ROW planter strip. Downspouts and the piped overflow systems have been sized to convey the 25-year storm and the calculations are included in Appendix D. RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 2 Technical Information Report Page 23 July 11,2013 Core Requirement#S: Erosion and Sediment Control • Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plans has been prepared and will be submitted with the Stormwater plans. Additionally, the Contractor will be required to prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill (SWPPS) Plan to comply with Section of the City Amendment. Applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs)will be selected and maintained by the Project Owner to control pollution. Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations • A maintenance and operations manual has been prepared and is provided in Section 10.0 of this report. Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liabilitv • All required bonds will be paid by the Owner prior to permit approval,per Section 1.2.7 of the Manual Amendment. See Section 9.0 of this report for Bond Quantities. Core Requirement #8: Water Quality • As the Pro'ect is a multifamil residential ro'ect, it is sub'ect to the re uirements of the J Y P J J q Enhanced Basic Water Quality Menu; however, this will be reduced to meeting the requirements of the Basic Water Quality Menu as runoff will be infiltrated in accordance ��-ith Section 5.4 of the KCSWDM and by providing bioretention facilities in the ROW per the City Amendments Section 6.1.2 Enhanced basic Water Quality , Menu. Treatment of pollution generating pervious surfaces will not be explicitly provided; a Landscape Management Plan that controls solids, pesticides, and fertilizers leaving the Site will be created for the Project. See section of the City � Amendment for additional information on Water Quality requirements and exceptions. 2.1.2 Special Requirements �� Special Requirement#1: Other Adopted Requirements • No other area-specific requirements apply to this Project. ' Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Delineation • Not applicable. The Project is not adjacent to a flood hazard area. , Special Requirement#3: Flood Protection Facilities • Not applicable. There are no flood protection facilities on or adjacent to the site. ' Special Requirement#4: Source Control • Not applicable. The Project does not require a commercial building or commercial site development permit and the soils meet the soils gradation, cation exchange capacity, and organic content for water quality. - Special Requirement#S: Oil Control • Not applicable. This site is not classified as high-use and the soils meet the soils gradation, cation exchange capacity, and arganic content for water quality. ' RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 2 Technical Information Report Page 24 July 11,2013 Special Requirement#6:Aquifer Protection Area � The Project is located within the Aquifer Protection Area, Zone 2. Infiltration facilities are proposed for the Project; however, as the measured infiltration rate on-site is less than nine-inches per hour, infiltration facility liners are not required (see the Geotechnical Report in Appendix A, Section 1.3.6 of the City Amendment, and Section 6.2.4 of the KCSWDM). A map of the Aquifer Protection Area zones is provided in Figure 8. And, the site soils meet the soils gradation, cation exchange capacity, and organic content for water quality. RHA Kirkland Avenue Tov�mhomes,SvR#12024 Section 2 Technical Information Report Page 25 , July 11,2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ' RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes.SvR#12024 Section 2 Technical Information Report Page 26 July 11, 2013 FIGURE 6 FLOW CHART FOR DETERMINING THE TYPE OF DRAINAGE REVIEW REQUIRED si c iu�. i i i�a,�i.,u�i.ai.vii�� t FIGURF.1.1.2.A FLO\V('11:11tT H�OR UF:TF:RdI1Ni\G 1'1'PE OF DR,UVACE RF:YIF.1\'REQUIRF.D Is the prqett a sJngle/amily res/dentla!pr%ct thal resuNs in>2.000 s(of ti��,��,�,pK�i:Ci pRp�NA�;�. ' new and/or replaced Impervlous saAace w�7.000 sf of land d/slurbJng RF:VIF:11' ' aeNvlty.ANO meets lhe IdioKnng rnlena� Secbon 1 12.1 , � .The pro�ecl resulfs�n<5.000 si of new lmpervlous surlate.and�.35.000 Nofe:The piqecf may also be sf ot new parvfous suiface sub�ecl!o Targefed Drainage Reaew as delemrir�ed beldw Yes , N Ooes Ihe new or iedevelopment Does the prqeel have the charaaeristics of a�e a mae o(Ihe bdowmg , piojecf result m z2,000 sf of new categor�es W pro�eas(see more delaied threshold largu�e on p 1-13)� andlw replaeod lmparvlous suAace or t Prqeqs conlaming w adacent to a lbod,eroslan.or steep slope i ' >35,000 sf W new pervlous sar/ace� harard area or documented dra�nage proWem,projects witlxn a landsfide hazard�rea a landsUde ho:ard dralnsge aroa;a � No prqeds Ihat propose>7.000 sf(1 ac R pro�eU�s m Small Praed ' Dreinage Renew)of land dlsturbing acfNlty 2. Projects proposmg fo construct w modlfy a dramage pipe/dAch Ibat ' is 12'a larger or recerves runoH from a 12"or larger drainage ' p�pe/ditcM j ' Yes No Yes Reassess whetAer I)\RGIi11:D UFtAINAGE RF:VIFiN' drau�age review is SeU�on 1 1 2.2 repuved per Sedion 1.1 1(p.1•8). �Does lhe projecl result�n>50 acres of irewlmpervlous Fl!I.L[)RAI�lAGF.RF.VIf•.N' � sudace vhthm a wbbas�n or multipte subbasms Ihat are o Sedion 7.1.2 3 hydrau6caAy conneUed9 Y2S , i.nieci:rttolect nkn�V:�at � RF.VIF:W ' Sectia�1 1 2 4 � I � I ' . ('it��of Rcnton �. .. ,l.�,i,�. I�� i....��.1 „�. ,�. ,�---- I-lu RHA Kirkland Avenue To�mhomes,SvR#12024 Section 2 Technical Information Report Page 27 July 1 1,?013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ' RHA Kirkland Avenue To�vnhomes, SvR#12024 Section 2 Technical Information Report Page 28 July 11,2013 1 � FIGURE 7 FLOW CONTROL APPLICATION MAP Reference 11-A - �_ �� � • ; . . . � . ; ; .� � - _ ` ; e ��: Flow Control Standards � � � . �� n _ � � � � s- Y �� '�� Peak Rate Flow Conhol Standard(F.i1stlng SNe Co�d�ons) °' - :� > w"� � �E� y xr�Fbw Control Dura6on Surdard(Enisong Srte Condeonsl .ry � ` � �... �,�V iv: � � - �.,�_ — Fbw Control Durabn SlanOaltl(Fotosted Con6liorK) I Y:.i1, -� � �'>� _ � ' � 7 �Renton Cily l�mts P- �i.�r •.�' _ � st�'�., �� ��PderWal AnnaxaUon Area � _ � �,tl. ' 'S s�'.'t . . . '. ' - .. . 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This Project is not exempt from this requirement since the project«-ill add mare than 2,000 square feet of impervious area. 3.2 Scope of Analysis As shown in Figure 9 the offsite analysis study area extends from point 0 to point 11. Point 11 is approximately '/4 mile downstream from the Project site. 3.2.1 Resource Review In preparing the offsite analysis, the following current and historical resources ���ere revie���ed: • Base Map Survey by Benchmark Surveying, LLC, dated July 2, 2012, and updated June 3, 2013. • City of Renton's Storm and Surface Water Utility Systems Map. 3.2.2 Field Inspections The study area was observed on December 6, 2012. Atmospheric conditions «zere cloudy v�ith a light drizzle. No evidence of downstream conveyance issues «�as identified. The site conditions generally appeared to match the surveyed base map. 3.2.3 Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions Figure 9 shows a map of the do���nstream system revie��ed. Figure 10 includes a description of each drainage system element. No downstream drainage issues «�ere identified by the Level 1 do«�nstream analysis. 3.2.4 Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Since no downstream issues were identified no further do�vnstream analysis ��-ill be required. No mitigation measures, in addition to the flo«- control BMP's, are proposed. RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 3 Technical Information Report Page 33 July 11,2013 PAGE LEFT I\TE1�T10'�IALL�' BLANK ' RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 3 Technical Information Report Page 34 July 1 l,20U FIGURE 9 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS MAP . __ ,_,.._. Kirkl�n�l 1 owni�on�es Downstreai��� Analysis i���1�3E:� : .:._.._. . � . • : ..= ,w / , • !• � . � y .. " •. ..• . ' 'I • ��` ! • Y • �• _ � , . �...� ... }I'�' . � � �'���� . . -_- .�.. L . � __._ � '�.�tiite � , '. ' .,.�...,. *' �. -` .. ' ` . ��._. . . <. �.. I.r� � �, � �� S � ., • • � • �.. �..,ow.� .r�q��„� � • � � .� � - .. .��._..�. � . . _,�� ; ,. .__ � ����"Li a'�' = , }` , , � b 'r �_ �w f �, -1 ��. �i �`-` _._ r,�:.,.: � � . �f � . �, �� . �.,,..� , �� � i�.:.;,...�, , , • . .� � -, , �� ,,. �: � , . �. ��`� � � ! 3 .�.. ..... ... ._.. . Wn ' �_ + t � M • �� r � ,% a�,M1��, -�� .. . ,�.....—.w. �rR i n.. `} 3� �{�- ��k�.�y: , �� . •• � T +� $ . „ , ' � � �� C . , �.�..� . . - � � ' .ti '�. . . t` -�--I--.• ._ .._. ..f O . � 1 �� ' . . {I11 � ... . ___-____. __. —__ ____—____ _—�___— ._..' .......... ._ . .. ♦ ..__.l. .. -• _.... . . •�-,�. � �, ... _ ,�,.�, o,a �--�eYlll�n , r�•��r ... �....�._.. .s. „ ,. ..,�.. ._._..,.- , ..-,..... er•ano�.� ��xewvis�o�weeusto�ti�+ruv�wrron FinaniciFlTl>irician kHn Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Scction 3 Technical Information Report Page 35 July I 1,?013 PnGI: LL'FT INTF,NTIONAI,I,Y RLANK REiA Kirkland nvcnue Tow��homes, SvR#12024 Sectiun � Tcchnical Information Report pa�� ;�, July 11, 21)I � � _ _. _-_._. ___ _ _._ .. . __ �._. _.. _.___. . ..____. , - . . -, . i . . .. . . r --_ . i___.._..,. _ '_____ ..--... . FIGURE 10 DOWNSTRF,AM ANALYSIS WORKSHEET � OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINACE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORI: REQUIREMENT#Z Basin: Lake Washington East Subbasin Name: Johns Creek Subbasin Number: Symbol Drainage Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component Type, Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Name, and Size Description discharge reviewer, or resident T pe sheet �o ,s ale, drainage basin,vegetation, constrictions,under capacit ,ponding, tributar area, likelihood o problem, see map ml 1,320 stream,channel,pipe, cover,depth,t pe o sensitive � overtopping, looding, habitat or organism over Io path a s,potential impacts pond i e diameter, area,volume destruction,scouring,bank sloughing, sur ace area sedimentation,incision,other erosion ' 1 Nipcd Flow Ncw'I'ypc II Catchbasin N/A 0 N/n N/A POC from the site to public storm drain s stcm 2 Piped Flow 12"Storm Drain Unknown 0-136' Unknown Unknown 3 Piped Flow Type II Catchbasin N/A 136' Unknown Unknown 5 Piped Flow l2"Storm I�rain Unknown 136'-430' Unknown Unknown 6 Piped Flow Type II Catchbasin N/n 430' Unknown Unknown 7 Piped Flow 12"Storm Drain Unknown 430'-692' Unknown Unknown S Pipcd Flow Typc II Catchbasin N/A 692' Unknown Unknown 9 Pipcd Flow 12"Storm f)rain Unknown 692'-1084' Unknown Unknown 10 Piped Flow Type Il C:atchbasin N/A l OR4' Unknown Unknown RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 3 Tcchnical Infi�rmation Rcport Page 37 .luly 1 l,2013 Symbol Drainage Drainage Slope Distance Existing Potential Observations of field Component Type, Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Name, and Size Description discharge reviewer, or resident T pe' sheet lo ,s ale, drainage basin,vegetation, constrictions,under capacit , ponding, tributar '�area,likelihood a problem, see map � ml 1,320 stream,channel,pipe, cover,depth,t pe o sensitive t overtopping, looding,habitat or organism over lo path ia s,potential impacts pond i e diameter, area,volume destruction,scouring,bank sloughing, sur ace area sedimentation,incision,other erosion 11 Piped h'low 36"CMP Storm Drain Unknown lOR4'-1342' Unknown Unknown End of Analysis RIIA Kirkland nventie Townhomes, SvR #12024 Section 3 Tcchnical In�i�rmatic>n Rcport Page 38 July 1l, '?013 � I___ ♦ � 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIC'� 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology The eaisting project site is generally tlat, sloping from north to south at about 2% «ith a steeper , approximatelyl0%, treed area on the far east edge of the site. The Project site is bounded by NE 16`h Street to the north, NE 15th Street to the south, Kirkland Ave. NE to the west, and the existing Renton Housing Authority properties of Houser Terrace and Evergreen Terrace to the east. The existing land cover onsite is primarily lawn «�ith a few old concrete building foundations and walkways. There is one existing catch basin within the existing site. Stormwater runoff from the existing site is either infiltrated on site, sheets flows into the ROVV and is collected in the existing ROW storm drainage system, or is collected in the one existina on-site catch basin which also is connected to the existing ROW storm drainage system. A y dra«�ing sho�ving existing condition runoff patterns is included in Figure 3. 4.2 Proposed Site Hydrolog� The majority of building do�mspouts will be tightlined to the ROW bioretention swales for infiltration ��ith some being directed to infiltration galleries located belo«� the pe��ious concrete pavement parking lot. Runoff from landscape is expected to infiltrate. In the event that runoff from landscape areas occurs, the site has been graded to sheet flo«�to the bioretention swales in the ROW. Other hard surfaces onsite, including �valkways and the parking lot, have been designed with pervious concrete pavement «hich will serve to intiltrate any storm���ater that falls on it. In the event that an extreme storm event (beyond design storms) occurs and the permeable pavements cannot manage the stormwater volume, these surfaces have been designed to overflo«-to either a site catchbasin that is then connected to the City's system or to the ROW bioretention swales. Figure 4 shows developed condition flow patterns. 4.3 Performance Standards The Project is located in a peak flow rate control standard and enhanced water quality for treating a multifamily site and an aquifer protection zone 2 area and therefore must comply with the Peak Flo«-Control Standard and provide enhanced ���ater quality facilities. Permeable pavements, infiltration galleries, amended soils, and bioretention facilities will be provided to meet the requirement for onsite and offsite flow control BMPs and for enhanced water quality treatment. Figure 11 «-as used to help determine the flow control BMP requirements; this figure is also available as Figure 5.2.1.A in the KCSWMM. Pervious concrete pavement ���ill be designed and installed in accordance with Section C.2.6 of the KCSWMM. In addition to the on-site permeable pavement walk��ays and parking lot, a series of bioretention facilities will be installed in the ROW planter strip adjacent to the Project. Runoff calculations showing that the developed site meets and exceeds the Peak Flow Control Standard are provided in Appendix C. RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Information Report Page 39 July 11,2013 For modeling, permeable pavements and for areas being com-eyed to the bioretention facilities, these area totals were modeled using the credits outlined in Section, Table Flow Control BMP Facility Sizing Credits in the KCSWMM. Table 3 —Flow Control Credits lists the credits used in calculating the areas used in the KCRTS and WWHM models for the project. The resulting areas for input into the models are listed in Table 4—Model Inputs. For water quality,the onsite soils below the permeable pavements have been tested and meet the cation exchange capacity, organic content, and soil gradations requirement for treatment of infiltrated storm��-ater. For runoff conveyed to the ROW bioretention facilities and for street runoff captured in the bioretention facilities, the planter strip bioretention facilities have been designed to meet the City Amendments for enhanced basic ���ater quality treatment. RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Infonnation Report Page 40 Julv 11. 2013 FIGURE 11 FLOW CHART FOR DETERMINING INDIVIDUAL LOT BMP REQUIREMENTS � ,� , ,. � � . , ,i ;��n�w ._, ... _� , F'ICURE 5.2.I.A FI.U�Y CH.�RT FOR DETF.R\IIYG I\DIVIDUAL LOT Q�IP RF:QI'IRF:AIF:\"1'ti Is ihe qqecl on a sifMld � Yes � Is d leasible and i amallar than Y2,000 square loet� r , appi�cable to - �- �-- �mplemenl/uU . Y�'� No fu�her BMPs �/�ppy one or more ot tha idbwing to�mpervious area ' disporslon lor the� �I icqureC Noto. _>10%of slfe/Id la s(fNbl sixes<71,000 sl and i 20%of root uaa as per q�y prappy�y �� s/fMol(a s/fMd SizeS be�+een 11.000 and 22.000 sf(Fa � I Sectqn C 2.t? i cpmection ol rool .:pro�ecls bwled in ai6'cN epuder mdeaige sreas�hew I r damapaAa lo �mpervqus area amounts double): : No y Iocai drangpe i t Umited InNltnHon Sechon C 2 3 � - -- r----- ( ) system must�x• 2 Bask Oispenbe(Seclion C 2.4) I Is d feas�ble via peAorated �.3. Rafn Gardon(SeUia�C 2 5) and applica0k � pipa connxt�on II 4 Permoablo Pavemenl(Seclan G2.6) No ��'�e�O� ��5 � ner Sec9a� ,5 Rafnwator HarvesQng(Seclbn C2�) .f__ �� full Infiltratlon j � �p�� � No 6 Vegalatad Roof(Sectron C 2 8) � o���1e�� I. � I 7 Raducad Impervbua Sonke Cradlt(Settqn C.4 9) j runoN as per � 8 NaUve Growlh Relonlion Credit(��1wn C2.10) � �'o^�Z 2? '. i I thc projec;on a s/(eAoi 22,000 sqwro f� a largar wRh Imp�rvioua suRaca -- -�--�C5 Is it feas�Me aM coverage of 45'/.or loaa? aPPb���a'��'� '... tull dkporslon on au : vcs � fargeflmpervlous . � No IuAher E3Mf��� � suA�ce as per '. reQuir�d Nolo � -- -------- .- � ' �btw w mae oi the folbwing BMPs must bc mplernenlad �� i Seaion G 2.�� a°o°Sed bi Ihal P�pn ol t�rgef7mperviow swf�ee noe addresaed , ...--_- �^�wn of ror.' �vnth tull Wsppsicn or mlh lull�nNVatan of r0o1 naqll. �'�Oownspouls b bcn'� �� NO� dra�nagesystem I1 FWI InfilUation(Sectio�C 2 2 a Seclbn 5.4) ! Is it leasible and applicaMe W I - mvst be via 2. Llmitod Inf0lratlon(SecUm C2.J) I ����t tull InRitratbn d I Aonled o 3 8»fc Dispa�eion(Sectbn C.21) � I � �P 4 Rain Garden(Sediai C.2 5) ��roof runoff as per � eonnaction pe� � j 5 Pormeable PavameM(Section C 2.6) i Setl�on C 2 2 a Seclien 5.�?� �, Sect�r^C 2'� I6 Rainwatar Harvesdnp(SedionC2Jl '�. ves Ves r. ._.....----- ` 7 Vogalated Roof(Sedion C 2.8) � �is�here am remam�ng urget ��� 8 Roducod imp�rvlow Sorvlca Cradit(Sedan C 2.9) !m/wrvlous suA�ca rtot Mo_1 ;9. Nativa Growth Retanqon Crod'R LSeG�on C2 101 � '�.addressed wlMi fWl d�spersan a � ...- -- ------ . . . � � 'vnlh fuli nfillration of rool runoH� � � po7ecl must be a slfeAot 22,000 square ea ; w largor wilh imporvlous tuAaco Is d fcas�bk aoA � cwerapo ot more than 45%? apaicaGe io impMme���i Iull disporsion on all falgOf�111pOIVlW3 sudico as per wilA imperoaus arca grcaici man a5:b ana eQual Io � N� Seaion C 2�� kss lhan 659i o�e a rtrore ol the Ioib�Nng must be app4e0 lo a� irtqervbus area greaMr Ihan or epual l0 20'6 of Itw silo or�0'k d Y� Ihe fuget fmparvloue awi�p HAHdiever a less OR ta po�eUs greater Ihan 65%�mpervian one a more of the IOBow�ng rt�l De rNo funher B"l"�: appl�ed lo an irtperno�s area grealer thao or equal to 10%of sile I �equred Noto a 20%oi b�yef lmp�Mow auAsto.whichevcr is less �� /u�y propose,t � 1 Full inflllratlon(SecGon 5.1) '�comeqlon o�r�.;;,:,� 2 Limlled InlOtratbn(Section C 2�) �y�yP��s�`, � � Basic Dtsparalon(Section C,21) local davia,�• 1 Rain Ga�den(Sedion C 2.5�� system musl cc S Permeabb PavemoM(SeUan C 2 6�� , �po�oroten 6 Ralnwator MarvesUag(SeWon C2 7) .-._ ..-� pipe eonnectio�, '. 7 VageWtod Rool(Sedion C2.8) per Sectic^. B Roducad Imporvlous Sorvko CradN(Sedron C 2.91 C 2.t 1. . 9. NalNo Growth Rotantion Cndil�Sed��,o�C 2 t0) � -- - �.�:?OJ�i ._ .. ., . ..... �. .. , . ..�, ..��. �� I.'. RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Information Report Page 41 July 1 l,?O1� FIGURE 11, continued FLOW CHART FOR DETERMINING INDIVIDUAL LOT BMP REQUIREMENTS til� I lu\I.1 IIR.\IX�,\Gf-.K(VII�.\1' PIGURt:IJ.2.A FLO�V('IiART FOIt DE'ft:1i�11VING't'1'PF;OF Dlt.\IVAGF RF.VIF.\V Nk:QWRED Is the pro�ect a single/amHy reslUenNa!pro/sct thal results�n>2.000 st of SMAI.I.I'ROIG('T DRAINAGE new and/or repNcad Imparvtous sur/aca a>7,000 sf of landWsturbing RI:VII�:W � activlty,AND meels Ihe foMowing uileria� ��q��_�,y,� •Tho pro�ecl resulls�n��5.000 sl 01 new Jmpaivlovs suAxe,and•35.000 Note:TAe piqeCf iney elSo be sl ol now pervlous sui/ace � subject 10 rergeted aainage Review as defermined bebw i � _ Yes II I N � ' Does the new a rodevefqprnont Doea Ihe project have Ihe charaUeristus of one or more of Ihe lollowv�.g pmJoct resu�t�n z2.000 sl ol rrew categones ol prqects(see more deteded threshoW lenguage on p.t•t 3)7 andlor roplaced Impen/ous sur/ace or t prqecls conta�nmg or ad�acent to a ftood,eroslon,a sNep slope -35.000 sf ol new parvbus aurlxe9 hazard area or Oocumented tlrainage problem,pro�ects within a fandsNde hs¢erd a�ea or landsllde hazard dialrrage ana,a No prqects Mat propose>7.000 sl(t ac A prqecl is m Small Projed Drainaqa Review)d land dfsturDing acNvlty -� 2 Pro�acts proposmg to consbuct or modlly a d�ainage plpelditch that is 12'or larger or receives runoX trom a 72"or Wrger drainage pipe/ditcA ves No Yes � Reassesa whether T�RGETEU I)RA INAGG R F V I i:\4 I i Mamage review�s Sedio�1 1 2 2 ; �equired per Settion 1 1.7(p.i-8). � II Ooes the prqed resutt m>50 ecrea of new Imp�rvlous Fl�i I.DR.1fhAGC.RF.VIL\V I'' surface wdhin a aubbasu�a multpb wbbasms 1ha�are Sedion 1 1.2 3 hydraulicaNy tonnecte09 -----_ I Yes '� LARGF.PRUIECT DRAI\Ac�I-. � RPVIf:1Y �. i __._._ _ .. . —______— Section 1 1 2 4 ' � I I i � �,�.'I�� t��. ?rnl')tiurl:�cr l\':ttcr I kcicn\I:mu.i!Amrn:lmrct .. II I In RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Information Report Page 42 July 1 l, 2013 Table 3 - Flow Control Credits KCSVb'M 1.2.3 Core Requiremeot#3 Flow Control Table Flow Control BMP Facilitv Sizin Credits Facility Tv e Facilih°Si�i�� C�-edit Full Infiltration: Subtract impervious area that is fully infiltrated � Rain Garden: Model tributary impervious surface as 50%impervious,�0%grass (Bioretention) Permeable Model permeable pavement area as �0%impervious,50%grass Pavement: Table 4 - Model In uts Basin Lawn/Grass {2 Im ervious 2 Total 4 li Acres Acres Acres �� Pre-Developed- Full Site OJ97 0.�31 0.828 ' Develo ed - Full Site 0.450 Q.377 0.828 Pre-Develo ed- RO�i' 1 0.038 0.307 0.344 Develo ed -ROV4' 1 0.189 0.156 0.344 Pre-Develo ed-Fac�li �Area Totals 3 0.835 0.337 1.172 On-site Basin 0.343 0.002 0.34� Rain Garden 1 0.022 0.026 0.047 Rain Garden? 0.029 0.03? 0.061 Rain Garden 3 0.107 0.05� 0.16? Rain Garden 4 0.039 0.072 0.111 Rain Garden 5 0.041 0.034 0.076 Rain Garden 6 0.071 0.048 0.120 Rain Garden 7 0.044 0.035 0.079 Rain Garden 8 O.liB 0.034 0.172 Develo ed-Facili �Area Tota! 3 0.483 0.689 1.172 On-site Basin 0.190 0.1�� 0.345 Rain Garden ] 0.035 0.013 0.047 Rain Garden 2 0.043 OA18 0.061 Rain Garden 3 0.110 0.051 0.162 Rain Garden 4 0.069 0.042 0.111 Rain Garden � 0.0�2 0.0?4 0.076 Rain Garden 6 0.079 0.041 0.1?0 Rain Garden 7 0.056 0.023 0.079 Rain Garden 8 0.]15 0.056 0.172 ' {1} ROW including planting strip,side��alk,and up to approximately U2«�idth of ROV4`. I {2} Model Input includes flow credit areas per KCSWM 1.23 Table 1.2.3.C. � {3} These areas include road surface runoff contributine to the RO��'bioretention facilities,up to-1!2 of ROV4'. � ,4; Totals may��ary slightly due to rounding. � RHA Kirkland Avenue To�-nhomes,SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Information Report . Page 43 Julv l l. �O13 Multiple inodels ���ere run to demonstrate the eaisting (pre-developed) and proposed (developed) conditions runoff values. Using KCRTS, two models were run, one for the Full On-site area and one for the Full Off-site area. The KCRTS Full On-site models include all area being disturbed and only flow credits as defined in Table 3. The KCRTS Full Off-site includes all area being disturbed by the project (planter strip and sidewalk) plus '/z width of the existing � roadway and only flow credits as defined in Table 3. Neither of the KCRTS modeis includes additional facilities (infiltration galleries or bioretention facilities) that are proposed for the project. The results of these models are provided in Table 5 —Model Flow Rate Results. Another set of models using WWHM was completed for the Project so that the bioretention facilities could be modeled as required by the City Amendments. A full system model, incorporating the on-site and off-site facilities was completed for the Project so that the anticipated discharge from the Project could be determined. This model is titled "Full Site with ROW System Model" in the table below and the WWHM modeling report, titled "RKAT Raingardens + PP" is provided in Appendix C. A separate model was run for each facility so that the anticipated flow values from each facility could be reviewed and the % infiltrated could be seen for each facility. A summary for the flow rates for existing and developed conditions from KCRTS and full site and individual facilities models from WWHM are provided in Table 5 —Model Flow Rate Results and the modeling report are provided in Appendi� C. 4.4 Flow Control Facilities � Flow control is provided for the site through intiltration. The flow control facilities proposed are permeable pavements, infiltration galleries, and bioretention facilities. The pervious concrete pavement parking lot, walkways, and ROW sidewalk, the on-site downspout infiltration galleries with the bioretention facilities in the ROW planter strip collectively work to infiltrate runoff from the developed site and ROW to meet the Projects flow control requirements, Peak Flow Control Standard (matching the existing runoff rates for the 2-, 10-, and 100-year, 24-hour storm peak flows). Table 5 provides the Project peak flows for the existing and developed conditions (Ft.ill Site ivith ROW System Mode�. Locations of pervious concrete pavements, infiltration galleries, and bioretention facilities are indicated on Plan Sheets C3.1 through C3.3 of Appendix B. See Section 10 of this report for facility maintenance requirements. 4.5 Water Quality Facilities Runoff, up to and beyond the water quality design flow rate, from pollution generating impervious surfaces, will be infiltrated through on-site permeable pavement (treatment via native soil properties, cation exchange capacity and organic content) or in biaretention facilities (treatment via engineered and native soil properties) located within the ROW planter strip. The majority of runoff from pollution generating pervious areas will also be infiltrated; however, a Landscape Management Plan that controls solids, pesticides, and fertilizers leaving the Site will be provided, so additional water quality treatment of runoff from these surfaces is not required. Table 5 provides the percent of the stormwater infiltrated for each proposed facility; all exceed 91-percent. � RHA Kirkland Avenue To«�nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Information Report Page 44 July 11,2013 I . Table 5- Model Flows Rate Results 2-year 10 year 25-year 100-year a Basin /o Infiltrated (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Pre-Develo ed- Full Site 1,2 0.044 0.081 0.099 O.183 n/a Develo ed-Full Site 1,2 0125 0148 0.160 0.273 n;a Pre-Develo ed- ROW l,2 0.078 0.094 0.112 0.153 n;'a Develo ed-ROW 1,2 0.052 0.061 0.067 O.114 n/a Pre-Develo ed 3 On-site Basin 0.027 0.051 0.066 0.090 n/a Rain Garden 1 0.009 0.013 0.015 0.019 nla Rain Garden 2 0.011 OA17 0.019 0.023 n/a Rain Garden 3 0.024 0.037 0.043 0.054 n/a Rain Garden 4 0.024 0.033 0.039 0.046 n/a Rain Garden 5 0.013 0.019 0.�22 0.027 n/a Rain Garden 6 0.019 0.029 0.034 0.042 n/a � Rain Garden 7 O.OLi 0.020 0.023 0.0?9 n/a Rain Garden 8 0.020 0.033 0.040 0.051 n/a Full Site with ROVV 0159 0.249 0.297 0.373 n/a ' iSystem Model Develo ed 3 � On-site Basin 0.061 0.090 0.105 0.128 � ' Rain Garden 1 0.008 0.013 0.013 0.013 96J% Rain Garden� 0.036 0.069 0.072 0.073 98.8% Rain Garden 3 0.021 0.033 0.034 0.034 98.0% Rain Garden 4 0.012 0.022 0.025 0.029 95.6% � Rain Garden� 0.001 OA16 0.016 0.017 97.6% Rain Garden 6 0.013 0.023 0.026 0.030 99.8% Rain Garden 7 0.026 0.051 0.053 0.054 99.1% � Rain Garden 8 0.027 0.060 0.064 0.065 96.9% Full Site with ROW Svstem Model 0.097 0.197 0.259 0.366 n.;'a ' {1} These models include no facilities,only flo���credits if appropriate. ;�} These models were completed using KCRTS per the KCSWMM. � ,3} These models were completed using WVI�'HM per the City Amendments. tRHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 4 Technical Information Report Page 45 July 11,20li PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK � I RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes,SvR#12024 Section 4 , Technical Information Report Page 46 July 11, 2013 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.1 Standard Requirements The Manual Amendment states that, "New pipe systems shall be designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain (at minimum)the 25-year peak flo«�." All proposed conveyance systems ���ill meet or exceed this requirement. 5.2 Proposed Conveyance System Roof runoff from the east side of Building #1 will be collected in downspout tightlines and directed to the bioretention facilities on NE 15`h Street (see Figure 4)where the runoff will be infiltrated. Roof runoff from the east side of Building #2 and the south side of Building#3 w�ill be __ collected in downspout tightlines and directed to the infiltration galleries located beneath the on-site parking lot. Extreme event runoff that is discharged into the infiltration galleries, but is unable to be infiltrated, will be collected at an overflo��� structure, located at the southwest ;� corner of the parking lot, and routed via a 12" storm drain to a ne��- Type II catchbasin located in Kirkland Ave. These infiltration galleries are designed per KCSWDM and include a ` catchbasin with a do�vnturned elbow prior to the perforated pipes to collect debris and prevent � it from entering the pipe gallery. ' Runoff from the west side of Building#2 and the north side of Building #3 will be collected in f downspout tightlines and directed to ROW bioretention facilities located in the ROW planter strip. �� t. In general, runoff from the non-building areas w-il1 either infiltrate into the ground through the landscape area amended soils or permeable pavements or���ill sheet flow into one of the ROW '� bioretention facilities. ' Capacity calculations for a 6"PVC pipe at 2.0% were calculated using F1owMaster RO hydraulic modeling software. The full flow capacity (Appendix D) for a 6" PVC pipe at 2.0% is 1.11 cfs. The 25 year runoff rate from the developed site is 0.259 cfs, as determined using WWHM modeling software (see Appendix C). ; , � I RHA Kirkland Avenue Totimhomes, S�R#12024 Section 5 Technical Information Report Page 47 July 1 l,2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK � i RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, SvR#�12024 Section 5 Technical Information Report Page 48 July 11,20li 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 6.1 Geotechnical A copy of the report titled, "Report of Geotechnical and Infiltration Studies Proposed ' Maintenance Building," dated July 25, 2012 and letter titled, "Cation Exchange Capacity & !' Organic Content" , dated May 20, 2013, both by Soil and Environmental Engineers, Inc. are provided in Appendix A 'i � RHA Kirkland Avenue To�i�nhomes, S��R#12024 Section 6 Technical Information Report Page 49 July 1 l, 2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK r � RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 6 Technical Information Report Page 50 Julv I 1, ?OLi �_. 7.0 OTHER PERMITS I 71 NPDES Permit �'�� A Construction Storm�vater General Permit is not required since the Project«-ill be disturbing less than one acre with construction activities such as clearing, grading or excavation. ; '. i ' , i � � � t__ � , ' { � I.a i. I _ � ,. i �� f _; f �. � _, I ; _ RHA Kirkland Avenue Tov�mhomes, SvR#12024 Section 7 Technical Information Report Page 51 < July 11,2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK I ' RHA Kirkland Avenue To��-nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 7 Technical Information Report Page 52 '� July 11,2013 8.0 CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 8.1 ESC Plan A preliminary ESC plan has been provided on Sheet C 1.1 through C 1.3 of Appendix B. A final ESC plan ���ill be prepared by the Contractor according to the Contractor's means and methods and construction sequencing. The ESC plan will be prepared in accordance with Section of the City Amendment. Erosion control measures indicated on the preliminary plan include: marking clearing limits and the use of straw wattles. The site is generally flat (�0-2-percent) and no special considerations for soil erosion have been outlined in the Geotechnical Report, so erosion potential is assumed to be low. Sediment control measures indicated on the preliminary plan include a stabilized construction entrance, catch basin/inlet protection, and a portable storage tank and stormwater treatment system. Interceptor swales around the perimeter of the site ���ill collect site runoff and convey it to the portable storage tank and treatment system. SWPPS Plan A SWPPS plan ��-ill be prepared by the Contractor according to the Contractor's means and � methods. The SWPPS plan will be prepared in accordance �-ith Section of the City Amendment. (�i Ei , - '�. �_ , ; , , ;-. � � � i � � i � , i �� � RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#1�024 Section 8 Technical Information Report Page�3 July 1 l,2013 � PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK � � i � RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 8 Technical Information Report Page 54 July 1 l,2013 9.0 BOI�D QUA�ITITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, & DECLARATION OF COVENA'_�1T 9.1 Bond Quantities Plan A Bond Quantity Worksheet is provided in Figure 12. I 9.2 Declaration of Covenant for Privately Maintained Flow Control BMPs A copy of the unsigned Declaration of Covenant is provided in Appendix E. A furnished copy of the Declaration of Covenant will be provided by the O«�ner at a later time for the permeable pavements and ROW bioretention facilities __,. ' f ' � ��I i i_. � � � ;__- RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical Information Report Page 55 July 11,2013 PAGE LEFT 1NTENTIONALLY BLANK � RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical Information Report Page 56 July 11, 2013 FiGURE 12 BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEF,T Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet �,a,����omo„u�,�.,�sY wme- Patnaa A Buchanan pa�e .iuly t+.;Ut 3 VE Reqi�lr�tion NumW� 40794 r«.r� 206-2230326 c��m w� SvR Des�pn Company AdAreaa 1205 Second Ave,Sude 200,Seattle.WA 9810i v�o�.ci No. Bi 7p079 ROADIMGROVEMENTS d DRAI�L4GF FACIIITIFS FINMlCUI GUARA�ITFF RFC)i.�RFMF�IT`: PERFORMANCE BOfJD"' R18LIC ROAD 6 ORAIWIGE A1.IOlX�T MAINTErNNCE,DEFECT BONp"' Stadl¢aUon�Erovon Sed�ment Control�ESC� (A� 5 43.3857 t��shny RpMobVJay Impowmants �B1 f 18B IXW F, r uture Publw RosA Impovemems 8 Ora�naa Pacn�iK� iC� S 105.355 3 vrrvateimprovements �Di S �29.5i86 �.�....,,,. •..�,f�.,,_,.�:..,,,_,, :..;�... ..., • ;:. �Ti S a6626a t Mirwrn�m oone•amoun�n St000 IB•Clr 1,ia��tena�ce(�Iec�f;��<f' fntai OPO= S 586720 ':ar.�F c�F PERSON PREPARINC BOf�p'REDUCTION ..� 'NOTE�.Tho MorC'Ew�d»uf�0 m IMs dxurrrnt mwm�ny M1roncUi Auorantoo auepado in mo f.M•�r n,�,.• . ..NO7E An q���..mcluAo 1eDor.�WMqnl.m�Mryh.owrMaA anq n,�" c...�.. „�.�.,,..u�..��,.,,,.,�,��,��, �. .�,n, , m� ,�., ,.r li"r��N.�.�i�.o W t�a A fq1 rK►NNA m�M R$IYMMR ditah�'�� uE oui f�l n I�oNI:�a�,a�,ur i r�ARE SUBJECT TO HEVIE W ANO MOO�F'�:.�,.... . . i'dgp 1 017 �� , . . .. ., . . . . Fi��ND OUANTiTv VVORKSHEET_07112013 xlsx Report Date In'�;. '� RHn Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 �,;��i�»> y Technical Information Report Page 57 .luly 1 l,2013 FIGURE 12, continued BONI� QUANTITIES WORKSI IL;L;"I� Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet x�sting Fulure Publ�c Prrvate puantrty Completed Riyhtol-Way Road Improvemenls Improvements (BonA Reduclion)' 8 Dramaqe Facdit�ea Ouant n rkc n w a o uan Completc Cost GENERAl1T MS No. Back6n3Compactwn-embankrnern GI-1 56 CY 000 000 000 OIXl Backl�n 6 Compactwn-trench GI-2 f 8 53 CY 0 00 897 7 65�a� @p2 5.138 82 0 G^� CkanRemovc Brueh.Dy hand GI-3 0�6 SV 000 0 00 0.00 0 a�� i Gcaring Grubb�ng Tree Rerravai Gi-4 S 8.876 16 Acre 0 00 0 I3 I 1�,3 56 0 03 266 28 0('e��� E�cavauon�Dulk GI-5 b 1;A C� 000 600 J00(Xl 373 2 559 80 0 00 E.cavahon�Trench GI�B S 406 CV 000 297 1?p58: 229 92929 000 Fenurg ecdar 6'Mgh GI-7 1855 LF 000 000 000 000 Fenunp.diam Imk.virn/I coeted. 6'hiph GI-8 S 13 44 lP 0 00 0 00 000 0 Ui Fencing.cha�n Imk gatc wnyl coatetl 2 GI-9 1,271 81 Each 0 0 W 000 0 G(i Fcnang.6D������.3'hiflh I�7 E 12 12 lF 000 000 000 000 Fdt�rompact-r.ommon Aartow I-11 22 57 CY 0 00 0 00 0 OC� F�ugcompacl-gravclbau I-1 S 2548 CV 000 480 1:73040 N50pB 21.68004 000 Fdi 8 compact�screened topsoil I-1 S 37 BS CV 0 00 0 00 000 0 C7 Gabion.1:'dcc0 stonc hIIM mesh I-1 S 54 31 SV 0 00 0 00 13 706 03 0(x� Gabion 18`deep sto�e IdkW meah I�1 S 70 85 SV 0 IX1 0 00 0 0 CrJ ,ab�on.76"dcep.stone filled mesh I-1 S 132 48 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 P'� Gradnx7.finc,Ay hand I�1 202 SV OOD 000 0.00 OOC� (:raAing,hne,vn�hpradcr I�1 S 095 SV 000 000 000 00'� Monumcnis,3'lony I-1 E 13513 Each 000 000 000 000 �enutivc Arcas Sgn I� 5 ?88 Eaeh 0 00 0 00 0 00 0(�J ��xltling 1�deeD.�Ped qround I-21 b 7 46 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 OCi Survcy�nq.line 8 qraCc I-:. 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S 833 SV 000 000 000 0(X_� t�ad 4'�topcoursc 1�2 5 819 Sv o00 000 000 O(h'i �:�a�l,retaininp,wncrMc I�2 E 44 i6 SF 0 000 000 000 000 5a� rx cry •����. �. .�.iEt', , „ f� � , - �i,•,�t pn�es upaatca 1i1>'01 Version 4l22/OJ ;�,�x�������.,F�r;��r, �:c;R�.stf�Fi_�:>���.�i'�i���5� ReportDate�7I11120i3 RHn Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical Information Keport Page SH .luly 11,201> FIGURE 12, continueci f3ONll QUANTITIES WORKSHEE'I' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Enslin{� Future ubhc PnvaiP Bond ReducLon' R�ght�f-way RoaA Impwvements Improvemenls 8 Drainay�Faulities Ouant ni r�cc ni ua o uanl ,o uan o Compic�c Coet ROADIMPROVEMENT No. �;�indm9.4'vadc mach�nc<1000ey RI-1 $ 2300 SY 000 0 W 000 OIX! �.�Snndinq.4�vnde machne 1000.2 RI-? ; 5 75 SV 0 00 0 00 000 O Or�i ;nnG�ng.4'vnde machmc>.00Osy RI-3 S 1 38 SV 0 00 0 00 000 0 fX! � Removal�Usposal�Repair RI�4 E 41 14 SV 3144 1:xJ 344 16 0 00 000 0(?0 ��cadc.typcl RI-5 S 3003 LF 000 000 000 OC�Ci H.nr�cade.typelll(Permanonll RI-6 S 4505 Lf 000 000 000 OLYr ����,ftG�Mer.�olletl RI�7 S 132 LF 000 000 000 Oai Cwb.SO�ntcr,vehical RI-8 E 969 Lf 000 525 508725 000 0(x.i CurU and Gimcr.demolit�on aM droposal RI-9 S 13 5A LF 0 00 5:5 7.129 50 0 00 0(N� CurD c�trudcdasphall RI-7 $ 244 LF 000 000 000 OG(1 "�.urA c�lrutlMconactc RI�11 S 256 lF 000 000 000 OOr. 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ReportDate 7/71/2013 RHn Kirklancl Avcnuc'fuwnhomes, SvR#12024 Scction�) Technical Information Report Page 59 July I l.'01 i FIGURE 12, continucd BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Eristinq Fuhu�•Publ�r Pnv.itr Bontl Rrduclion' Riyhlul�way Roacf Imp�ovem�nls linpruvemrnts 8 D�amaqe Facdities Quant nd nce nd uaM ua �wnt o ComplO�o CoN For KCRS'93,(i0ddqml25'02Lf)edd RS-1 3.60 SV 000 0 W 000 OIX! ACOvcriay 15"AC RS-2 S 739 SV 000 000 000 0GO ACUvenay T'AC RS-3 S 875 SV 000 000 000 00(! ACRoatl :" 4�"rcek Fus1:500SY RS-4 S 1724 SY 315 5.43060 000 000 00(�� AC RoaA 7' 4"rock Qty over?SOOSV RS-5 13 36 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 ACRoatl J' 4'rock Rret:5005V RS�6 S 1969 SY 000 000 000 000 ACRoad.3',4"rock,Oty over2500SY R �7 1581 SV 000 000 000 OOCi AC Rwd.5'.Fnt 2500 Sv RS-8 3 14 97 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 O6 AC Road,5'.Uty Ovcr 2�,�00 SY RS- S 73 96 SY 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 AC RoaA,6'.Flret 2500 SV S-1 S 16 76 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 OU AC RoaC,6'. Ovcr 2600 SY S-1 S 16 1 S V 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 OC? AaplwH TrCetCd Babc 4"Ihick S-1 S 9 21 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 OG GravclRoad 4"rocM F�rst:500SY 5�1 1141 SV 000 000 000 00�� G�avclRoad 4"rock O�y over25005V 5-1 S 753 SV 000 000 000 000 PCC Road. " ro basc ovcr:500 SY 5-1 S 21 51 SV 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 OU PCCRoad 6" nobase.ovc�Z500Sv �1 S 2187 SV 000 000 000 000 ��c e gc �'ayi•4 of i S UBTOTAL 5 4?n f17 0 00 0 00 0 O(i i lnit wncPt updah•d 2i'.?i�' Varvon 4/22I0: B��ND 9UANT11v WORKSHEET_07i 1?013.isx Report Data 7I1112013 RHn Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical [nlormation Rcport Page 6Q July 11,2013 � FIGURE 12, contin�iecl L30NU QUANTITIES WORKSHF.F.T Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet E.ititiiicl f Iltili"Fiil�lir f�tiv.�i,• Bc>itd Rt�A�irlio��' Riylilul�way R<�ril li�i{�i��ve�inr�itx Improvements 8 D�ainape Facihties Quanl - n Kc nit a o uarn uan Complete Cost - <<�i C��N��t�vr�< � -•r�l 4 rpver wN�assumM�ssur�e perto�aietl f'V<�in�arM+pr�r,e aF+:���in(�{� �•�<cssRoad.R�D D�1 5 1674 SV 000� 000 000 D(00 li�,��in�ds-6Ked D-2 S 24074 Each 000 000 0.00 000 P,aiartla-removabk �3 S 45234 Each 000 000 000 000 ' ��-Bs include Iramc and IMI '�N7ypcl D-C 51.25764 Each 000 3 3 7292 3 3,77292 0(N7 � �itypciL D-5 57.d3359 Each 000 000 000 0�� -H rypc II 48"d�ameter D-6 5.'.033 57 Each 0 00 a 067 l4 t 3 0 Of.� �or adddional deDth over 4' D-7 S d36 52 FT 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 �:Hiypcl1.54"tliametcr D-8 S?t9:54 Each 000 000 000 000 foradddioruldepthovcr4' D�9 S 48653 FT 000 000 000 000 �Hiypell,fi0"d�ameter D-10 12.35152 Fach 000 000 000 OIXi �or adtlitional depih ovcr 4' D-11 5 536 54 Ff 0 00 000 000 0 00 <�Aiypc11.7Z'A�amctm D-12 3,21264 Each 000 000 000 OOG Ior add�t�onal dcpth wCr 4' D-13 S 692 21 FT 0 00 0 00 0 00 O IX� IhroughcurbinlctF2rtfework�AAd) D�14 S 36G09 Each 000 000 000 OCNi Gcanout.PVC4" D-15 S 13p55 Each 000 000 18 2,34990 OCN) Ci��ar,out.c�VC 6" D-t6 S t7490 Each 000 000 6 1.04940 Oni:� �-:anout PVC 8" D-17 $ 22419 Eath 000 000 000 OG�� .rrt PVC 4"' D�18 5 B64 LF 000 615 53136 4735 0,09104 OOr� ���;crt.pVC.G' D-19 5 1260 LF 000 795 1001 70 2B2 3,55320 OIX� u'�vcrt.PVC. 8" D-20 1333 LF 000 ?4 31992 0 000 DIX; Cutvcrt.PVC.77' D�21 S 2177 LF 000 T3 15F59_1 34 74018 OOG Culvcrt.CMP.B"' D�22 S 172 L 000 000 000 DIX� Culvcrt.CMP,1Y' D�23 S 2645 LF 000 000 000 OOU CWvcrt.CMP.15" D�24 S 32 73 LF 000 000 000 OIX7 Culverl,CMP.18" D-25 5 3774 lF 000 000 0.00 000 CWvcA,CMP.24" D�26 5 5333 LF 000 000 000 OIXi Culvcrt CMP 30' 0-27 S %145 LP 000 000 000 O�N� Culvert.CMP 36" D-28 S �1Z11 Lf 000 000 000 OIX, Culvcrt CMP 4$� D-29 S Ia0B3 LF 000 000 000 D00 G�Ivcrt CMP 6tr� D-30 5 ?3545 LF 000 000 000 OIYi vc i, ' P;�qcSnl�i GU9Ti-�7a1 flf,Yi 11^A^' . . 1'�,�-�C1;'I 1;1�'� .. i4.Vc•rsiOn 4/121�� BOND OUANT�TV WpRKSHLET_07712013 zlsx Report Date 7I712073 RIIA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical Information Rcport pa��(�� July 11.20U FIGURE 12, continued BONU QUANTITIES WORKSHEF,T Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Eaiatmq Future ublic nvate Bond Reductron' Rlghtvl-way Roatl Improvementa Improvemmla DRAINAGE CONTINUED 8 Dra�naqe Facdities puant o nn ncc n uant o uaM ost uant o ComplMe CoN CWvcrt.ConuMc.8" CWvcrt Concrctc.t�' 0-33 $ 3005 lF 0 <7 1?32� 0 0 � Cu��ert.Cancrete.t5" D��34 S 37 3a lF 0 0 0 0 Culvcrt C:onuctc 16� 0-35 E 44 51 LF 0 6 0 0 � Culvcrt.Co�crctc.24" D�3� 5 61.07 LF 0 0 0 0 Cuwen.Conciele.3C1� D-37 5 104 18 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvcrt Cor�c�Mc,36' 0�JB S 13763 LF 0 0 0 0 Cu�vcrt ConcrMc,47 D-39 S �58 42 LF 0 0 0 0 Qdvert.Concrete,48" 0-40 S 775 94 LF 0 0 0 0 Culvcrt CPP.G' p-A1 S tOJO lF 0 0 0 C Cwvcrt.CPP.B" D-d2 S i6 10 LF 0 0 0 0 Cuwen CPP,77' 0-43 $ 20 70 LF 0 0 0 0 Cu1vCrt.CPP,15" D�44 2300 LF 0 0 0 0 CuNcrt.CPP,18" 0-45 $ 27 60 LF 0 0 0 0 C:ulvCrt.CPP,24' O�46 S 3F+FS� LF 0 0 0 () CuNert.CPP,3U' D�47 5 48 30 LF 0 0 0 0 CuWcrt CPP,36' D-48 E 55 20 LF 0 0 0 0 DnCh�r�g D-49 E 8 08 CV 0 0 0 0 Flow[aspr.rtal Trench 11,436 pase•� D�50 E 2599 LF French pram (7 dcpth) D�57 $ 22 60 Lf 0 0 0 G Gcolcrtile laidinirench,polypropylene D-52 5 2.d0 SY 0 0 0 � inlatratwn porW tesUng D�53 5 74 75 HR 0 0 0 0 M�A-tank Acceas Riser,4$'dia. B tleep D� 1, 40 Each 0 0 0 0 Pond Octrflow Spdhvay D-55 E 14 01 SV 0 0 0 D Resh��tor Uil Separator,7Y 0-% S 1,045 19 Each 0 0 0 0 Hesn�ctvr n�i Separator.t5" D�57 5 1,095 56 Each 0 0 0 f Rcstncro�Od Separator 1tY' 0-58 5 1,t46 16 Each 0 0 0 ti Rinrap �dacM D-55 E 3908 CV 0 0 0 Q Tank Fnd RCWucer i36'dlamMer) D�60 5 7.000,50 Each 0 0 0 0 Trash Rack 17' D�67 S 211.97 Each 0 0 0 0 TraSh Rack.15" D�62 5 277:7 Each 0 0 0 D iresh Rack.1R'� D�63 5 :(iE189 Each 0 0 0 0 ras acn .. ac �agc e o�% SUBTOTAI 0 1820,67 0 Unit p�,i<es uUC1a'xd ?ft e'0.�• Vers�on 422I0: BOND(]UANTITV WORKSHEET_Oi 11J.073 xlsx Re rt Dete 7/11l2013 Po RI�A Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical Information Rcnort pagt�,� July 1 l,201:� � FIGURE 12, conlinucd 130ND QUANTITIF.S WORKSHEL''I' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Ex�nling Future Publ�c nvale Bond Reduchon' Rghtof�way Road Improvemerun Improvemenls 8 Ora�naqe FacdiUea Quanl n itc n nu uaM o wn COmpictc Coet PARKING LOT SURFACING '���C 2"'top coune rock 8 4'borrow PL�1 E 7584 SV 0 0 0 0 .'�nC 1 5"top coursc d 2 5"basc cou PL�2 S 17 24 SV 0 0 0 L` a sc�cd Dorrow PL-3 S 455 SV 0 0 0 �: '"��top cour8c rock 8 2 5"Da6c Coursc PL-4 S 11 41 SV 0 0 0 C WRI M iu.h d6 deteM�nn'watc�r c�iiali�y vaulta� Nn-1 ach 0 0 f10 0 0 00 �';�n�roirsConcrctc�Vva�kway WI��2 S 10000 SV 0 0 277 27J0000 378 37.80000 0(K? ���nous ConaMc�Vch�cutar WI-3 S 2500 SV 0 000 592 14,80000 00(.� �n_hie Iron 8" WI-3 S 25.00 LF 0 75 1,875 00 0 00 0 W IM�5 � 0 0 00 0 00 0(N? N�-6 0 0 00 0 00 0 OG WI-7 0 000 000 OOG v�n-s o om o00 orr, vN-s o om o00 oor� �-IR�OTAI. 000 ?5157500 `�,60000 000 SUHTUTA�.�SUh1ALLPAGES�: 1M,81891 B1,OQ.51 9962967 000 30��CnN1�NGENCV x�rqB1UZATION: 43.38567 24,312 75 :988890 000 GRANOTOTAL- 188.ODq 5E3 105.355 26 129.518 57 0�'�i'� COLUMN� B C D E . , � . .. :,�i���.: . . . . �i, 4.. . . �;NUUUANIiIvWURKSHEtI U�t�2013x�s■ ReporiDate %11v1C"�� RI IA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 9 I�cchnical Inli�rmation Keport Nagc 63 July 1 l,2013 PAGF, LET'T 1N"I'LN"I'1ONALLY R[,ANK RH�1 Kirkland Avenue Townhomcs, SvR#12024 Section 9 Technical Information Report Page 64 July 1 l.201; � i � • . � • . • . . . � . • e_ . _. s ._ aa_i�. iti _, _ ._ . . . a. i. '. � . if. � 10.1 Maintenance Recommendations Operation and maintenance requirements for the proposed drainage elements and flow control BMPs have been provided for reference in Figure 13. i, i �-; �_. I � �, RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 10 Technical Information Report Page 6� July 11, 2013 PAGE LEFT II�TENTIONALLY BLANK � RHA Kirkland Avenue To�vnhomes,SvR#12024 Section ]0 Technical Information Report Page 66 July 11, ?013 FIGURE 13 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL NO. 1 POROUS CONCRETE Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed ur ace o oncrete ediment, ebris,or ediment,debris,or moss accumulation is ur ace o porous concrete Moss ccumulation decreasing the in iltration o the porous should be cleaned and concrete.. in iltration restored. General nnual Maintenance nnuall _ ppearance and unction o porous concrete restored. NO. 2 CONVEYANCE PIPES AND CULVERTS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes ediment ebris ccumulated sediment that exceeds 20 o Pipe cleaned o all sediment the diameter o the pipe. and debris. egetation egetation that reduces ree movement o II vegetation removed so ater ater through pipes. to s reel through pipes. amaged Protective coating is damaged rust is Pipe repaired or replaced. causing more than 0 deterioration to an art o pipe. n dent that decreases the cross section P�Pe repaired or replaced. area o pipe b more than 20 . NO. 3 CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Metal Grates nsa e Grate pening Grate ith opening ider than inch. Grate opening meets design pplicable standards. Trash and ebris Trash and debris that is blocking more than Grate ree o irash and debris. 20 o grate sur ace. amaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member s o the Grate is in place and meets grate. design standards. atch asin over over ot in Place over is missing or onl partiall in place. atch basin cover is closed n open catch basin re uires maintenance. ocking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened b on Mechanism opens ith proper ot orking maintenance person ith proper tools. olts tools. into rame have less than inch o thread. over i icult to ne maintenance person cannot remove lid over can be removed b one emove a ter appl ing 0 Ibs.o li t intent is keep maintenance person cover rom sealing o access to maintenance adder adder ungs nsa e adder is unsa e due to missing rungs. adder meets design standards misalignment.rust,cracks,or sharp edges. and allo s maintenance person sa e access. RHA Kirkland Avenue Tov�nhomes,SvR#12024 Section 10 Technical Information Report Page 67 July 11,2013 FIGURE 13, continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL � NO. 3 _-CATCH BASINS ! (CONTINUED) Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When � Component Maintenance is performed ; General Trash ebris Trash or debris o more than cubic oot o Trash or debris located ncludes ediment hich is located immediatel in ront o the immediatel in ront o catch catch basin opening or is blocking capacit basin opening. o the basin b more than 10 . Trash or debris in the basin that exceeds o trash or debris in the catch i 3 the depth rom the bottom o basin to basin. invert the lo est pipe into or out o the basin. Trash or debris in an inlet or outlet pipe nlet and outlet pipes ree o blocking more than i 3 o its height. trash or debris. ead animals or vegetation that could o dead animals or vegetation generate odors that could cause complaints present ithin the catch basin. or dangerous gases e.g.,methane . eposits o garbage exceeding 1 cubic oot o condition present hich in volume. ould attract or support the breeding o insects or rodents. tructure amage to orner o rame extends more than inch rame is even ith curb. rame and or Top past curb ace into the street -applicable. lab Top slab has holes larger than 2 s uare Top slab is ree o holes and inches or cracks ider than inch intent is cracks. to make sure all material is running into basin . rame not sitting �ush on top slab, i.e., rame is sitting lush on top separation o more than inch o the rame slab. rom the top slab. racks in asin racks ider than inch and longer than 3 asin replaced or repaired to alls ottom eet,an evidence o soil particles entering design standards. catch basin through cracks.or maintenance person lidges that structure is unsound. racks ider than inch and longer than 1 o cracks more than, inch oot at the oint o an inlet outlet pipe or an ide at the oint o inlet outlet evidence o soil particles entering catch pipe. basin through cracks. ettlement asin has settled more than 1 inch or has asin replaced or repaired to Misalignment rotated more than 2 inches out o alignment. design standards. ire a ard Presence o chemicals such as natural gas, o lammable chemicals ' oil and gasoline. present. � egetation egetation gro ing across and blocking o vegetation blocking opening more than 10 o the basin opening. to basin. egetation gro ing in inlet outlet pipe oints o vegetation or root gro th that is more than inches tall and less than present. inches apart. Pollution on[ammable chemicals o more than o pollution present other than cubic oot per three eet o basin length. sur ace ilm. RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#12024 Section 10 Technical Information Report Page 68 July 11,2013 FIGURE 1�. ._ .., �I MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL �I NO. 4 C BIORETENTION FACILITIES ' I� Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Recommended Maintenance �I Component to Correct Problem ' ale ection ediment ediment depth exceeds 2 inches : emove sediment deposits in ' ccumulation in �egetation treatment area o vegetation the bios ale. hen inished, s ale should be level rom side to side and drain reel to ard outlet. There should be no areas o standing ater once in 10: has ceased. tanding ater -hen ater stands in the s ale bet een n o ihe ollo ing ma appl ' storms and does not drain reel_ remove sediment or trash blockages, improve grade rom head to 4ot o s ale, remove clogged check dams,add underdrains or convert to a et bio iltration s_ale. onstant ase Io hen small uantities o ater continuall- dd a lo -lo pea-gravel drain io_ through the s ale,even hen it has the length o the s_ale or been dr--or _eeks,and an eroded, mudd b pass the base lo around the channel has flrmed in the s ale bottom. s ale. Poor egetation hen grass is sparse or bare or eroded etermine h grass gro th is overage patches occur in more than 10 o the s ale poor and correct that condition. bottom. e-plant -ith plugs o grass inm the upper slope plant in the s ale bottom at -inch intervals.or re-seed into loosened, Qrtile soil. e ective egetation hen the grass becomes excessiveL tall Mo vegetation or remove greater than 10 inches or hen nuisance nuisance vegetation so that 10 eeds and other vegetation starts to take not impeded.Grass should be over. mo__ed to a height o 3 to inches. emove grass cli pin s. -xcessive -hading Grass gro th is poor because sunlight does _�ossible,trim back over- not reach s ale. hanging limbs,remove brush vegetation on ad acent slopes. , Trash and ebris Trash and debris accumulated in the emove trash and debris rom ccumulation bios ale. bios ale. ' rosion couring roded or scoured s ale bottom due to 10 or ruts or bare areas less than channeli ation,or higher Io s. 12 inches _ide, repair the damaged area b--�i ling ith crushed gravel.The grass ill creep in over the rock in time. _- bare areas are large,generall: greater than 12 inches _ide,the s ale should be re-graded and re-seeded. or smaller bare areas,overseed hen bare spots are evident,or take plugs o grass rom the upper slope and plant in the s ale bottom at -inch intervals. niet utlet : ediment and ebris nlet outlet areas clogged ith sediment emove material so that there is and or debris. no clogging or blockage in the inlet and outlet area. RHA Kirkland Avenue To«�nhomes,SvR#12024 Section 10 Technical Information Report Page 69 July 1 l,2013 �v1AIN1 ENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANU.-1 NO. 5 C GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General _eeds - eeds gro-ing in more than 20 o the eeds present in less than _ - onpoisonous,not landscaped area frees and shrubs onl __ o:3he landscaped area. noxious a et a ard n presence o�oison iv_or other o poisonous vegetation poisonous vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or itter paper,cans,bottles,totaling more than 1 -rea clear o 7itter. cubic oot ithin a landscaped area frees and shrubs onl : 0 1,000 s uare eet. Trees and :hrubs amaged imbs or parts o trees or shrubs that are Trees and shrubs ith less than split or broken hich a sct more than 2_ o_ __ o_total 9liage ith split or the total �liage o the tree or shrub. broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blo n do_n Tree or shrub in place ree o or knocked over. in ur . Trees or shrubs hich are not ade uatel Tree or shrub in place and supported or are leaning over,causing ade uatel supported remove exposure o the roots. an dead or diseased trees. ' RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#12024 Section 10 Technical Information Report Page 70 Julv 11.2013 (- i : � I ! f ; �'�, r-� � � ; i , � F:'�12',12U24 RHA Kirkland',Desien`,Stomr�Drainaee Reportll�IR.doc RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes,SvR#12024 Section 10 Technical Information Report Page 71 July 1 l, �'O1� PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK , RH:a Kirkland:'lvcnue To�rnhomes. SvR#1?0?4 Section 10 Terhnical Int��nnation Report Page 72 July 11. 2013 APPENDICES � li I' i �'I ; � I � � RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, S�R#1?024 Appendices Technical Information Report July 1 1.?013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK , RHA Kirkland Avenue To���nhomes, SvR#12024 Appendices Technical Information Report July 11, 2013 APPENDIX A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT - "Report of Geotechnical and Infiltration Studies Proposed Maintenance Building," dated July 25, 2012 by Soil and Environmental Engineers, Inc. - "Cation Exchange Capacity & Organic Content" , dated May 20, 2013, by Soil and Environmental Engineers, Inc. ll RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes,SvR#1?0?4 Appendices Technical Information Report July ]1,2013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ' RHA Kirkland Acenue To«nhomes, SvR#1202�} Appendices I Technical Information Report July 11, 2013 REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL AND INFILTRATION STUDIES PROPOSED 15TE{&KIRKLAND TOVVNHOVIES RENTON, WA S&EE JOB NO. 1220 Jl1LY 25, 2012 � � I I I iz2o�� S&E E s��� SOIL&ENVIRONMENTAL ENGIIVEERS,INC. , 16b25 Redmqnd Wa�,Suite M 124 Redmond Washington 98052 1425�868-5868 July 2S,20I2 Mr. Mark Gropper(mrg@rentonhousing.org) I Renton Housing Authority Renton, WA CC: Jeff Busby(jeff@schemataworkshop.com) Report of Geotechnical And tnfiitratio►i Studies � Proposed 15"'&Kirkland To�vnhomes RenTon,Wasl�ington ' Dear Mr.Gropper: We are pleased to present herewith our Report of Geotechnical and Infiltration Shidies for the referenced I project. Our services were authorized by you on Jufy 3,2012,and have been provided in accordance with our � proposal dated 3une 25,2012. � We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services. Should you have any question regarding the contents of I, this report or require additional information,please catt. ��, Very truly yours, I G �C SOIL&E�IVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS,INC. O� W�, ,.' s � �-Zs= , L ����� � C.J.Shin,Ph,D.,P.E. President orw, M�. Nd�L� l i �2zo�� ii S&EE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pa�c �.o �;v�rRonuc�rtorv.............................................................................................................................................. � 2.0 SCOPF,OF SERVICES..................................................................................................................................... 1 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS................................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 PUBLISHEDGEOLOGICINFORMAT[ON.....................................................................................................2 3.3 TEST PIT FINDIIVGS.......................................................................................................................................2 4.0 1,\'F(1.'I'RA'I'1()N"I'F.S'I'.....................................................................................................................................3 5.0 I.A130I2A'1'OI2Y'1'ES'I'......................................................................................................................................3 6.0 CONCLUSIO\S AND RECO,�I�IENDATIO.�'S.............................................................................................4 6.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................... 4 6.2 ONS[TE INFILTRATION................................................................................................................................� 6.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT............................................................................................................................... 5 6.4 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ON PERMANENT RETAINING tVALLS....................................................6 6.5 S[TE P[tEPARATION,STRUCTURAL FILL AND DRA[NAGE.....................................................................8 6.6 SLAB SUPPORT..............................................................................................................................................9 6.7 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT............................................................................................................................... 10 6.8 TEVIPORARY ANll AERMAN�N"1'�XCAVA"t'IONS................................................................................... (0 6.10 ADDITIONAL SERVICES.......................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 CLOSURE......................................................................................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 1: SITE LOCAT[ON MAP FIGURE 2: SITE PLAN FIGURE 3: S1TE AND EXPLORATION PLAN � FIGURE 4: EST[MATE OF LONG-TER��I INFILTRATION RATE USING D�oSIZE OF SOIL FIGURE 5: SURCHARGED INDUCED LATERAL LOADS I FIGUItE 6: ACTIVE FAULTS NEAR SITE APPENDIX A: FIELD EXPLORATION LOGS AND KEY APPENDIX B: LABORATORY TEST RESULTS � ^J � ; t22o�� iii S&EE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL AND INI+ILTRATION STUDIES PROPOSED 15T" & KIRKLAND TOWNHOI�IES RENTON,�VASHINGTON For Renton Housing Authority 1.0 INTR4DUCT[ON We present in this ��eport the results of our geotechnical and intiltration studies for the proposed project. The site is located at the northeast corner of NE IS'h Street and Kirkla�id Avenue NE, in Renton. A site location �nap is shown in Figure I whicli is included at the end of this report. As shown in Figiire 2, the project invoives t�vo builciings that house 16 u�vts of 2-story to�v��homes. A surface parking ac�d open space are proposcd in the eastern portion of the lot. We understand that permeable surface in lieu of asphalt is proposed for thc parking area. Grading will be ntinimal. For tl�e purpose of our st�idy, we estimate that thc maximum coliunn and�vall loads will be on the ordei•of 50 kips and 5 kips/ft, respeclively. ' 2.0 SCOP� Or SERVICF,S T}re purpose of our stiidy is to develop geotecluucal reco�iuiiendations regarding site development and foundation support. Specifically,our services included: 1. Exploration of soil a�id gro�uidwater conditions in thc proposed building location by the excavation of 5 test pits. 2. Performance of one o��site uifiltration test; Engineering evaluation and recoirunendations of the infiltration rate. 3. Recommendations regarding type of founc�ation support. 4. Recornmendatio»s regarding active and at-rest earth pressures to bc used for the desig�� of any retaining structures. Also soil resislance and coefficient of fi•iction for the resistance of lateral loads. 5. Reconunendations regarding te�nporary and perma�ient slopes. 6. RecoTrunendations regard'u�g support for siab-on-g��ade. 7. Reconvnc�idations regarding pa�ing design. 8. Recommendations regarding type of soil for seismic design. 9. Reconunendations regarding site preparation, including removal of u��suitable soils, siiitability of onsite soils for use as fill, fill placenient tectuiiques,and compaction criteria. 10. Preparation of this�vritten geoteclu�icat report. i2zo�t S&EE 3.0 SITC CONDITIONS 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS T1ie project site is lacated in a resideF�tia(area. At tt�c time of ou�•report, the site is vacant and Ehe site surface is covered�vith grass la�m and sparse trees. Signs of previous onsite residences, including conc;�etc and asphalt drives, are present near the sireet fronts. The majarity of the site is flat, except in the norihern portion where site grade rises gradually east�vard. Total elevation relief across thc site is aboiit 8 feet. 3.2 PUBLISHED GEOLOGtC 1NFORMATION Publishecl geologic inFormatron (Ge�ter•alized Geologic Map of Northti��estern Ki►rg Corurly, Washiirgton State Depnrinre��t ojNalu�•al Resotn•ces) indicates that tlte site area is underlain by glacial till (Qvt}. Gtacial till is also known as 1}ardpan and the material is a co��solidaled mixtizre of sand, gravcl, silt aud clay. 3.3 TEST P1T FiNDINGS ' The soil conditiw�s underlying the site�vere exptored by the excavation of 5 test pit,TP-1 ttu•ough TP-5 on Jt�ly ' 10, 2012. Ti�e approxiinate tocations of tliese test pits are sho�vn on Figure 3. Detaits of the field exploration . program and the test pit log are uicluded in Appendix A. The test pits encountered consistent subsurface conditions. These include about 6 inches thick of topsoil unde►•lain by a surficial layer �vhicls in turn underlain by glacial till. The su�-ficial layer is a bro�v�i to liglst bro�vn silty fine sand�vith gravel. Tl�e material is loose to medium det�se and about 2.5 to 3.5 feet in thictcness. At TP-2 and TP-3 locations, tt�e upper portion of the surficial soil is mixed with cleb�•is incliiding glass, bc•ick, metal, plastic, ash, etc.. This fill appcars to be the�•esults of the demolition of pi•evious i�eside��ces. The glacial till consists of slightly ce+nented sitty sand �viti� gravel. Tlie material is dense to very dense. Ali otu•test pits�vere tenninated in till at a depth of l0 feet. No gi•ouudwater was enco��ntered in any test pit. The till soii does not conEain any sign of p,�•ound�vater movemeut within the formation. 4 i22o�t 2 S&EE � I 4.0 INrILTRATiO�i TEST We performed one onsitc infillration test at infiltration pit, IP-1, on July 1!, 2012. The approximate test location is shown on Figure 3. The infittratiou pit �vas 24 inches in depth, 2 feet by 4 fcet in plan dimensions, a�ld �vas located about 15 fcet fi-om test pit, TP-5. The infiltraiion test was performed genera(ly according to procedures presented in "Stormwnler Mmrageme�rt nr {Veste►n iV�sl�i�tgton, Volume 111, Hydrologic Analysis aild Flow Corttro! Design/BA1Ps, iVashi�rgto�r S1ate Deparinrent orEcolog}�, Februaly 2005". In swiui�ary, ihe pit was filled �vith �vatei• for about 24 hotirs. Afte�� this saturation period, the time for each inch of infiltration �vas recorded. This falling head test �vas perfonned twice and the averaged infilt�•ation rate was 0.I l incl�es per ininute or 6.7 inches per hour. 5.0 LABORATORY T�ST One 30-�ound soil sample was retrieved from the bottom of the infiltration pit. Tt�e sample�vas transported to our soil laboratory and tested for gradation. Tlie test resi�lt is included in Appe�idix B of this report. The test sho�vs that thc soil is a sitty sand�vidi gravel. i � :, i d i � �-�, � �� t �_ ,. ', I i ' i "' � i I � , �i � I � 1 r—� i2zo�� 3 S&EE 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOi1�1MENDATIONS 6.1 GENERAL 1. It is our opiivon that the proposed devclopment is feasible fi�om a geotectuiical standpoint. We further belicve tl�at conventiona!spread footings ca��be used for founc�ation support. 2. The surficial soils are mostly silty in nature. Tl�ese materials are moisture-sensitive, As such, earth�vork in wet�veather�viEl be c�iffic�Flt. 3. Oi�site debris fill�vere encountered by test pits,TP-2 and TP-3. This material was likely left in placed from deinolitions of previous onsite buildings/houses, and the fill appcars to be covered by soil that has the appeas�ance of nativc soils. The fiil, if left in ptace, �vould inciir excessive settlement of foundation or subgrades (siab, pai•king, or other load-bearing areas). It ts therefore critical that alf load-bearing subgrades Ue inspected by an engineer fi�om our office dw�ing construction. Details of our reco�3unendatior�s are presented in thc following sections. � 6.2 ONSITE INFILTRATION Infiltration Rate Obtained fi•om Onsite Test: Tl�e test result shows an i►�tittration ��ate of 5.7 inches per hour. Based on ou�• esperience and King County Siirface Water Manual, ��e believe that t(�is value should be scaled down by the follo�ving factors: Ftesting= Q.5 �� �. F�«n�,h,=0.5 Fplugging=�•7 Hence, 5caled Infiltration Rate = Measured lnfiltration Rate*F,en;ng'�F�on,�„y*Fpi„�„g � = 6.7*0.5*0.5*0.7 = 1.2 inch/hour Ilifiltration Rate Obtained from Gradation Test: A �•ecent shidy by�iassma�u�, et al. (2003) indicates thal the long-term infiltraEion r�te for a silty soil can be estimated using ihe D,osize of the soil (see Figure 4 at the end iz2o�t 4 S&E� ' of tt�e report). Using Massmaim's method and gradation test results, the infittration rate for the soil is one inch per liotir. � Itecomme��ded InPiltratian Rafe: �3ased on our Feld observation of' t{ie materials, we recotnmend a�i � averaged value bchveet�tlie oi�site test and that fro►n the gradation tcst, thus - Rcco��uncnded Infiltrltion Ratc =Avc(I, 1.2)— 1.1 incl�/hour. Setback fi•am Stn�ctures: Infiltration facilities can cause local mounting of g►�oundwater table. 7'his inouutuig may resiilt in seepage at ground surface in ttte neigt�boring properties or facilities. To mitigate such risk, �ve recoirunend that the infiltration facilities be located at least 20 feet from any structures. 63 FOUNDATION SUPPOR'C ��'e recouunend that the proposed buildings be s�tpported by conve��tional spread footings. All footings st�ou(d penetrate topsoil ai�d fill soil, and be founded on native soils that are at lcast medium clense. Recommendations for footing design and col�struction arc presci�ted below. Allowabie Bearing Loads: Footings inay be designcd using an allowablc bearing load of'2,000 psf(pounds per squ�re feet), This value incliides a safety factor of at least 3, and can be increased by oiie-tl�ird for �vind aiid seismic loads. Settlement: [nterior cofwiui footings designed in ��ccordance �vith the above reco�tunendations are expected to experience approximately 1/2 inch of total settlement. Continuous wall footu�gs should experience settletttent of about 1/4 to 1/2 incl�. Differe��tial settlement behveen adjacent footings is expected to be about 1/4 inch. The settlement �vill occur rapidly, essential(y as the loads are applied, Lateral Resistance: Lateral resistance can be obtained from the�assive carth pressure against ihe footing sides ��� and the friciion at the coi�tact of the footing bottom and bearing materials. The farmer can be obtauied using an equivalent fluid density of 250 pounds per ciibic foot {pc�, and the latter using a coefficient of friction of 0.5. Ttiese values include a safety factor of 1.5. i22o�1 5 S&EE Foolin€;Construction: 1 1) Paoting subgrade will likely be disturbcd by excavation. As such, we recommend that the subgrade be re-compacted to a f�rm and non-yielding conditions usit�g a mechanical compactor. The compactior� shouid be observed by an engincei• fe•om oiu�o�ce. Our engu�eer �vill confirm the bearing capacity of � the subgrade material and provided recoitunendation for subgrade preparation, if necessary. 2) As mentioned previously, debris fill may be buried by soils that appear to be nativc soils. As such, it is critical d�at all Ioad-bearing subg►•ades be inspected by an engineer fi�om our officc during construction. 3} If oiu• test pits coincide witi� the fiiture footing tocations, the upper 4 feet of the backfill in the test pits ', sl�ould be retnoved and the pils backfifled with structura] iilL ' 4) All exterior footings should be founded at least 12 inches belaw the adjacent finished gracie to provide protection agais�st frost action, acid sho�tid be at least 18 nzches in�vidth to facilitate construction. ' 6.4 LA"I'ERAL EARTf{ NRESSl1RES ON PERMANF,NT RF,TAII�WG WALLS � Lateral eardi pressures on pennanent retaining walls, unde�•gro�md vaults or utility trenches/pits, and resistance ', to lateral loads may be estimatecl�ising the reconunended soil para�neters presented in the following table. �'i Coeffcient Equjvalent Fluid Unit Weigl�t(PC� of Fi•iction at Base Active At-rest Pxssive Strttctural fi(1 aud 40 50 250 0.5 nativc soils Note: Hydrostatic press�u•es are not included in the above lateral earth pressures. '1'he at-rest case applies to unyield'u�g�valfs, and �voutd be appropriate for walis t(�at are structuraily restrained fi�om lateral deflection such as basement �valls, utility trenches or pits. The passive eartl� pressure and coefficient of f��iction include a safety factor of 1.5. The active case apptic�s to�valls that are pernvtted to rotate �22o�c G S&EE or translate a�vay fi•om the retained soil by approxi�natety 0.002H to 0.004H, where H is thc t�eight of the�vall. � SURCHARGE INDUCED LATERAL LOADS Adciitional lateral eai•th pressures will result from surcha�•ge loads from tloor slabs or pavements for parking that are located ictunediately adjacent to the �valls. The surcl�arge-induced lateral earth pressures are uniform over the depth of the wall. Surcharge-induced latet•al pressiires for the "active" case may be calculated by multiply�ig the applied vertical pressure (in psfl by the active earth pressure ccefficient(Ka). The value of Ka may be takcn as 0.3. The surcharge-induced iateral presstires for the "at-rest" case are similarly calculated using an at-rest earth pressure coefficient (Ko) of 0.5. For surcharge loads that are not adjacent to the�vall, tl�e induced lateral eartl� pressure �vill depend on the magivtude of the surcharge atid the distance fi•om the �vall. Such induced lateral load can be estimated using the equations sl�o�vn ou Figure 5. The slope-induced lateral carth pressure can be accounted for by increasing tl�e effective height of the �vall by one-half the slope height. Thc tra�c-uiduced lateral earth pressure can be accounted for by increasing the effective �vall heigl�t Uy 2 feet. SF,ISMIC INllUC6D LATERAI,LOADS For unbalanced, seismic induced tateral loads, the dyna�tuc force can be assumed to act at 0.6 H above the�vall base and the magnittide can be calctilated using the follo�ving equation. Pe =10H Whei•e Pe = tmiform pressiire in psf H = �vall heigl�t in feet BACKFILL IN FRONT OP RETAINING WALLS , Backfill in front of the wall should be structural filL The inaterial and compaction requirements are prese�ited in Section 6.5 of this report. The density of tl�e structural fill can be assumed to be 130 pounds per ciibic feet. I i22o�� 7 S&EE BACKFILL BEHIND RETAINING WALLS Backfill behind the�vall should be free-drauvng materials which are typicaliy granular soils containing less than 5 percent fines (silt and clay particles)and no particles greater thau 4 inches in diameter. The backfill material should be placed in 6 to 8-inch thick l�orizo��tai lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maxim�nn � dct�sity in accordance with ASTM D-1557 test procedures. In the arcas �vhere the fill �vill support pavemeut, sidewalk or slabs, the top four (4) feet of the backfill should be compacteci to at least 95 percent of the �naximum density. Care must be takeu wlie�i compacting backfill adjaceiit to retainiog watls, to avoid creatu�g excessive pressure on the wall. DRAINAGE BEHIND RETAINING WALLS Rigid, perforated drainpipes shoutd be ii�stalled behind retaini�ig walls. Drainpipes should be at least 4 inchcs �I in diameter, covered by a layer of uniform size drain gravel of at least 12 inches in thiclu�css, and be connectcd � to a suitabie dischargc location. An adequate numbec of cleanouts should be installed �long die drain line for , fiiturc ittaintenancc. G.5 S1"I'E PIZ�;PAIU�'TION, STRU(;TURAL FILL AN1� DRAINAG�: Site preparation for structural areas i�icluding buildings, s}abs, driveways, �valkways, and pavements sl�oiitd I begin with stripping of topsoil, vegetation, concrete, asphalt, undergrouud utilitics and debris fill. Tlie excavated subgrade sl�ouEci then be proof-rolled with heavy constn�ction equipment. Areas �vhich are found to be loose or soft, or �vt�icl�contain organic soits should be over-excavated. An engineer fi•om our office shouid observc the stripping and proof-rolling to provide si�bgr�de evaluation and over-cxcavatio�� rcqiiire�tient, if necdcd. ARer stripping, over-excavation and cxcavation to the desigii grade, the top i 2 inches of exposed subgrade soils sliould be re-compacted to at teast 92% of their maximum dry ctensity as determined using ASTM D-1557 test proccdures (Modificd Proctor test). Structural fitl can then be placed in the over-excavation and fill areas. 'rhe structural fill materials should meet botl� the material and compaction rcquircments presented betow. Material Requirements: Structiiral fill shoutd be free of orga►uc and frozen material and should consist of liard durable particles, siich as sand, gravel, or quarry-processed stone. The on-site soils are i22o�c 8 S&EE suitable for stri�cttu�al fill. Due fo their silty nature, these soils are moisture-sei�sitive and should be moisture-conditioned to +/- 2% fron�their optimum moisture contents prior to use. Due to the�iecd of moistiire-conditioning, the use of this material ui�vet seasot�s may be difficult. Suitablc itnported st�•uctural fill materials include silty sand, sarid, �iuxture of sanc!and gravel (pitrun), and crushcd rock. I All stritctcu�al fill maTerial s110 il 1 b >>r v ► 'i I' i c e aI� o ed by our e�gi�eer pr�or to use. Place�nent a►id Compaction Requiremenfs: Strtict►�ral fill should be placed in loose horizontal lifts not exceec{ing a thickness of 6 Eo 12 inches, depending or� the materiai type, compaction equipment, and rn�znbe�• of passes made by the equipment. St�•ucttu�al fill sliould be compacted to at least 95% of tl�e maximiiili d�y clensity as determi�ted usir�g tlre ASTM D-f 557 test procedures. SI'I'1;llRA1NAGE '1'he site si►rface stiould be graded so tl�at surface water is dirccted a�vay fi�o»i tlie structural aceas, Staiiding ��ater should not be allo�ved. Fuial site grades should be sioped a�vay from the buitding unless ihe area is paved, or yard drains installecf to coltect surface��i►noff. b.6 SLAB SUYPOR"I' Assunung that tt�e site is prepared pei• recommendatioi�s prGSented above, tlie stab can be soii-siipported. A subgradc reaction modulus of 200 pci(pounds pe��cubic uiches)can be used for slab-on-g•ade design. 1�e envision tl�at the slab subgrade�vill be disturbed a��d loosened by coi�sti�i�ction activities at the time of slab canstruction. We therefore recommend that the slab subgrade be proof-rolled. Any wet and laose areas should be over-excavated aud backfilleci�vit13 structurai fili. In order to promote uniform support and provide a capiflary brcak, �ve recom►nend that bi�ilding slabs be unclerlain by a 6 nut. v�}por barrie��over a 4-inch t}iick layer of free drai►�ing gravel, izzo�� 9 S&EE 6.7 FI,};XIF3LE PAV�Mk:N"I' We recomme�ic� that the subgrade for flexible pavement be prepared in accordatice �vith the recom�nendations presented in SITE PREPARATION AND STRUCTURAL FILL. Based on the subsoil conditions, we be[ieve that the prepared subgrade will have a Californi� Bearing Ratio (CBR) of at least I5. Wc thcreforc recom�Ztend the followinb flexible pavei��ent sections foi� ligt�t a�id medium traffic conditions: Light traffic(Daily EAI, — 5 or less): 2 i�iciies aspltaltic conci�ete over 4 inches base coiu�se Medium traffic(Daity EAL=20 to 80); 3 inches aspl�altic concrete over 6 inches base coucse The base course should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maxunum dry dec�sity as detennined by ASTM D-1557 test method, The inaterial should meet WSDOT aggregate specificatiou 9-03.9(3) and have the following gradation: Sie<<e Size Percent Passink 1 '/a-inch ]00 s,g_�,��h sa_go i 1/4-inch 30-50 US No. 40 3-18 US No. 200 7.5 ntax. % Fracture 75 min. 6.8 "['E;:�1YORARY ANU NI;K�IANEN"I' i:XCAVA"TIONS When temporary excavations are required duriug coi�struction, tl�c contractor st�ould follow the published safety regulations aud he respansible for thc safety of ll�en�persoiu�el and equipment. The follo�vings cut angtes are provided as a general reference. The contractor shall flatten the cut slopes or instail shoring if fi�und []CCCS S ii I"y. Far tempora�-y excavations Iess than 3 feet i�i deptk�, tl�e cut bank niay be excavated vertically. Cufs i«dense glacial till and less than 10 feeE ��i ciepth may be 1/2FI:1V, All permanent slopes should be no steeper ihan 2Ii:1 V. Water should not be allo�ved to flow uncontrolled over the top of ai�y slope. Also, alt permanent stopes shoiild be seeded�vith the app!•opriatc spccies of vegetatio�i to reduce erosian and maintain the slope stability, izzo�� 10 S&F,I; 6.9 SEISi�+1IC CONSIDERATIONS Figure G sho�vs d}at tlie kno�v�i fault closest io the site is Seattle fault zone to the north. (CEOLOGIC rb1AP OI' THE FALL CITY 7 S-MINUTE QUADItANGLE, KING COUNTY, �3'ASHINGTON, hy Joe Li Drogovrch, ,i�fegan L. A�tde�sort, Tinrot{ty J. Walsh, Brerrdon L. Johnso�t, a�tc�Tamara L. Adm�ts, Nove�rrbe►•200�. The � map sho�vs that the site is located�vithin one rlvie Gom tlie southern borcler of Seaftle fault strands. The fatilt is a collective teim for a se�'ies of fouc or Enore east-west-trending, soiEth-dipping fault strands underlying the ' Seattle area. This thrust fault zone is appi•oximateiy 2 to 4 iniles �vide (north-south) and extends &oui ti�e Kitsap Peninsula near Bremerton on the west to the Sanunamish Platcau east of Lake Sammamish on thc east, The four fai�it strands have been interpolated from over-�vatei•geophysicat surveys (Johnson,et al., i999}�nd, consequently, tl�e exact locatioi�s on land have }�et to be detei7nined or verified. Recent geofogic evidence s��ggests that movement on this fault zone occorred about 1,1 QO yeaf•s ago, and the eai•thqi�ake it produced was on t(�e order of a magiutEtde 7.5. Based on tl�is �nap, ►ve believe that thc site has a moderate risk of ground rupture tt�rough tlse site. A site- spccific seismic study for the pi•oject is beyonci the scope of this geotectuuca( investigation. However, based on ' tl�e dense glacial soil onsite, we i-eco►tunend that Site Class C as defined in the 2009 LBC be considered for the ' seismic design. Furthcrmore, as the sitc is tEnderlain by der�se soils, lhe liquefaction potential is negligible. ', 6.10 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additioi�al services tnay be requireci ciuri�ig ttie constcuction of ttie project. We e��visiot� that these additional services may include t3ie follo�ving: l. Mocvtor site preparation, We �vill moiutor the stripping of topsoil, vegetation, concrete, asphalt, undergrounc{ utilities and debris fitl. We will abserve proof-rolling and re-coinpaction of subgrade soils. Our engineer will p��avic�e reconunendatioe�s rega�•ding any over-excavatiou aud re�noval of clebris fill. 2. Mo��itor foundation subgrade preparation, �Ve will confircn the bearing capacity of tl�e subgracfe soits, and �vill assist tlie contractor in evaluating the protection and over-excavation requicei��eiits, if necessary. 3. Monitor tl�e placemezit and coijipactiai of striict��ral fill. We �vill co►ifirm tt�e suitability of the fill tnaterials, perf�rm field density tests, and �ssist the contractor vi mceting tiie coEnpaction rcquire►nents. i 2zo�� I 1 S&EE 4. �lo»itor the i��stallation of subsurface draii�s. �'Ve �vill co►�firn� th�t tl�e drai��s are installed in accordatice tivith our recommendations. 5. Monitor site drainage and erosion cantroL 6. Other gcotcclinical issiies deemed necessa��y, 7.0 CLOSURE "I'hc recoiiunendations presented in this report are providcd for design purposes and are based on soil conditions disclosed by field observations and st�bsurface explorations. Subsurface information presented herein does not , constitute a direct or i�z�plied warranty tl�at tlie soil conditions bet�veen exploration locations can be directly _ intei•polated or extrapolated or that suhsurface conditions and soil variations different from those disclosed by tt�e exploratiot�s�viil not be revealed. Thc recoirunendations outlined in this report a�•e based on the assumption tl�at the development pl�n is consistent with the descriptiott provided in this report. If the de�elopment plan is cl}anged or subs�irface conditions different from those disclosed by i}�e exploration ai•e ohse��ved duru�g � construction, �►�e shotild be advised at oncc so tl�at we can revie�v these conditio»s, and if necessary, reco»side�� our design recouunendations. a2zo��,� 12 S&EI; � Kirkland Ave NE & NE 15th St - Google Maps Page l of 1 Address Kirkland Ave NE&NE 15th St FIGURE 1 SITE Renton,WA 98056 SITE LOCATION MAP _.--__ _. . _— -._....---.._ - - - ,���� -T-- _ _ ( �, CatAcart, l.—•�c P et sr� `. Sou d North Creak I �, i �dmonds I lUnqslon �a�tleke Terrote ' hOreli�e Ke�� Wcod�nviile Collefle Lake ��au u�sbo Suquam�ah K •le ( �^9 W � Lake � �'� Marcel•S1i1�Hater r���.V���'� Bellard Kirkland Redmond ea+Mi.d�;s ' IyanO v ( . Semmom�h Bainbndge CyCe Hdl � Iiiand , I�11On Seallle eellevue . K'esl Uke I f � , rcer 0 S�mm�m�sh , 4►erton 0 13, d. Fan cny � . Manchesler � POA sll• �rchard + I�sequah 0 Snoqualmie � • � � Car�a� I . ShO�vXOOd : ...I - RIc.Nah NoAh Bend I � t� ' Renton Eatt ReMon Tger Rla�n�,,n `' HphlAnds •$�ate for�et , Bunen RNe�bend � (sia i 16 SeaTec � Vashon CASCedO•fiuW00d ��� � • � j Vesncn ' ' HobeA ' rs�s�o i Ea�t 'i; Des Manes H��•MenWen � . ��auna• :4�r�r�n,,:�te, ,, ' Kefll , ._c,• � � iixt.rr . . W&^I tE7 COv�flplon � , . Gip Herbor FedB�81 ! ' Ut� • , ' Morton•8erryd+is Way � ArlonAa�a t` Aubum. . �� c�<�rme:�cn�e,r•: I � �� pq� leAa!and � ' � SOulh' � i.'�' , I Tacoma eaoewooe � Un�versiry _ Fde � Plxe �'�I �_n," � -• t.�we'TtDes mtoti Gooplo� htt s�//ma�;,,�c�c�};Ic.c��mlmans?f=q&soin•ce=s_q&hlen&geocode&qKirkland+Ave+N. . . 7/21/2012 �� __ schemata . wOrkshop - .,;;. .�., D p $ChOff10C1 Wpfl6hpp +rm�zn���uc n � ' :FATiILw�mta ' � � �' - WM�cr%aLw+nurv+ � � . 7NCLQK.b�LWTAMONCl�MCD4 V200�'iS� �e r:oraxso� 4Pr � � � Rerqon hbuvng Autnorry � . _.,;��' POOOc�tG i '.WOKW•Ofw:TA[R �G'fONw�'MO54 .^ C01.TliCf W1R fF0�9[X .� � �i7@.iONFW.i�GOPL e,�6�� %'� c+�e°y�" � �••�� '�,sc� �-" � ��� i I I '� G � .r.�0. � :� i i �" � �' . i � � � �r r. _ i� � j � � � � I ' I � C Ibt � aDo�° ' � ' 15th &Kirkiand ' � �"� � Townhomes i C � A _ ^ � I A 1 y��q � � � r"_"_"—"_"i"J i.o y � � i � c° � —-- -- � I A I I � j � • ��e fO A i� I ^ _ a+L.M0.iU!i0n L j r Y � A I � ' � � " �N�� � � � � .wo, � � a�. __ I A � � i - j � � I I � - �°°� fi� I _ _ � a .i . �..1 "— ' � A; _ � s ne 15th st - sirE Pu,rv ' � — '" SITE PLAN � I'L,.T�1 Figure 2 I , �_ _ - � � �,,,q.�::q....��� � POR'fION OF;SE 7/4 8 NE 7/4 OFTHE SM 7/6.SECTION 04.T.23 N..R OS E,W.M. \ LEGENDMK 0 0 0 �..�ai.� . o0 ��,N,,,� SECTp+ �W �a rsaa Os-23N-OSE �_�� �..����.�.. ..� �`m� m K ♦ G ��[1P O--Tx��R y s4t tM� - �� i/w.�� N O�t1�10CJ sm otw+a :�� fU�i[pll'�T I [lw0� [RIRYU � v11b [/qq.IY p,��/. 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Y"� "�� - � ^ ' m.r,�•.�,-- /� � RECORD LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: Y_ � _ �..��— R �`� ! _ r u�t�mr.�9M�IM�1�eL�iD1[ru� � \ �� �[VrLaYD�eIY[voNM1��i���M���M�. �� � - —-—-—- —-—- - 4 - ��__ � AVF \ �"��,.� r i� {� ,.m..ow.o�....e. �` �—= --- -� --� .r�..vmomrsvr�,rou.a.� i Y R _ _ i •l� -�_ __ '� � / - -— �w..m..��m�.�o�e�.wr.�a.�.�.��u� � � "J� ��� ' �.�...u�no�.a..o...r..+rc.� � _ — __ _} e�r.�.�.+serr.�mse«srs�.war � _ _ _ _ _ � — — i � _ - .�. ms w�o�+h.�.i.�.w.i�u � :� . � . � r _ _ _ ; _ __ _ �_ _ � aiR�..rav��.��oa.�t�r�wc.r � '.��wmu,va� � -�' \ ''. \ ri./ i v�as��r r a• �v er....�r...a m.r.�a��m rs w+• r cc.cwa. ,\� .�..eo-... "^s�.�' :.v"+ao-°y :w�"a�w� .,.. I \ a�b�+.�u Q � � _��: �yVld� j� %PGe�rr ..•\ _ . l Vt�14.�� �O��('A ' \ � \ CRAP}{IC $CA{E k,` �.�.�� � �w —_ � I � 4� y � \ `\ \ _••�oro.� �•n o.srr�.no uav�aura«+w yr,ar� �;.I� a • �. w gj 11' �� � • n.n.umnaz[a rac or y.K.�¢cwan > > rD bFNCHMAkK BCHCNr.uaK SuavE�'u�G LLC '�^' BOUNDARY&TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY vwctr.o. '}•-�I�...� _ . ��,� ,,cvum w o""v`9.ro�e Fa' Rrazo�z.o t Y.Y1T�� � .�� RENTON HOUSING AUTHORT' 7ii:0F — - _ _ ' CiiRVE�irvC: - _ Lo��. 2.n:+.n�.x.�.rt[w*a+��rr�uN�r�o2 �a'yn� (Massmann, et al. 2003) 100 ; � , - - .� Recommended ' - � Characteristic Rales Uppert>ouud: good influent control (rom Stomiwatcr and long-term maintec�nce, moderatc � Management Manual Cor depth to g,�oiuxl water 1Vestem 1VA,2001 L IO _T _ � ; � � --- � \teasu�ed Gom o � I � � � � in611romcicr tcsis at :.:. � / a�, -- - • , , I , •l__� _—I � - beguining ofstudy, � . 1 taken I fl belo�►�pond Q ; �'� � boltom (short-temi) � 0.5 _ � ` ! ; � �;� , , � �lcasun;dlong-tenn � � � ; uifiltr�tion r.ites �- � ► f f � o.i _ - ;_ : : ; , � I ' - . ! : + ; —_ _ ';; Lowerbou�xl: poor u�fluent control ' r . _, ,� and long-term maintei�ance, fine �yeruig, � ; ■ \i�asured long-icnn • , I' shallow depth to ground water intillrjlion r<�ics (finc Q�� i laycring,sudace c1oBg�nB) 0.001 O.O l 0.1 I D�o(m►n) Fiqure 4 i ,Infiltration Rate as a Function of the D10 Size of the Soil for Ponds in Western Washington Refe�ence: Sto�n�wate� Management � , in Weste�n Washington, Volzrme III ', Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control Design/BMPs ', - - ----_ _ -- ---- - 3-78 Volu�ne ll!- Hydrologic Arialysis and Flow Control BMPs February 2005 0 0 � m=o.� � � � � � � az 0.2 m=o.s ` m=0.5��.1 m=o. � m=0,7�` � oA 1 / � m=0.3 z � „ m=o.a N / / �i C c 0.6 0.6 � m R m P� R > J � 0.I .GOH 0.2 .78 .59 H �0.8 � / 0.3 ,60H Os 0.4 .T8 .59H � 0.5 .56H � 0.6 .45 ,48N 0.T ,48N I.00 ,Q .4 .6 .8 I,0 �AO .5 I.0 1.5 VAIUE OF a'N (�L) VALUE OF �H (-�) POINT IAAD Qp Q X=Rl li P ` LINE l.OAD Q� Z-nH � X=mN FOR m � 0.4� � A� ,�. � �H��L�� (0.16+n 12 H H R FOR m;,0.4� , P = 0.350 � �H2�, 0.28n2 Z=nH � N � N �}p {Q���3 � ar FlOR fT1>0.4� FOR m >0.4� H Q. �H �_ 1.28mz1� � (H2 �_ 1.77m2n2 R H � (m2�-n212 H �p (m2+n2)3 � ,�R�SUI.TANT P = 0.64Q� �H '�H�2��•�e) N (m2+1) �N �� PRESSURES FfiOM IINE LOAD Q� � e (BOUSSINESQ EQUATION MODIFIEO BY EXPERIMENT) � /��� X=mN SECYlON A-A PRESSURES FROM POfNT lAAO Qp • (BOUSSINESO EQUATION � MODIFIED 8Y EXPFAIMEPIT) Reference:Poundatlons and Earlh Struotures, Calculation of Surcharge Loads Design Manuel 7.2, Department of Ihe Navy, May 1982 on Subsurface Walls FIGURE 5 � ��� SKA(;I I � SOVly�—_C ' \`+ \(� '.. 'QN � i,.�,�tir h,t ., �,' ;� I ' i�,,, �QBF ' � ! �., ♦� r.,;ti,,,��,s+ 1-. �, ) �,�, ,s�.," .;u����u�.u:,i� � 1, , 9'L� 1 . CI AI I At.1 � �, � 1r `�� 4 r,.r ' '9! I �CFC11 P )�����•. � i C�. 1 �\ OI.1'\ll'I(' I o ,p, ' • � ' � �ti �.�i iu�.v. (?; �'�� �1�\' � �,�..,; .r---. ., r.ut h , ��/,� � '�'� ��`� � � ��� � r� , \\\ ;;;;';:': � �i i i i its��r� �� '�`), , , ; �� �'' , 1�� ',Sll;ll Ipi,+'• , �`� .,.�.ra•-;-: ,;►�"'"';-` T . ' SEA'f1�E�' -.F� �' � • a�n.�hon ..\ ,. . LY E r;, — !,t 7.�� _ , I.�II i m —�—�� tI ',"' .�� � � � Sn��p.Junr <<j� r,i i��n� SITE , } ,t.1A'�utJ I , — �„ul , � Inkl.�tr%, �' � �' � � � . � ". �` �; KlilG • y' :i�� .� � ' � Reu,esna+e 'f . � . Mountdn ' r•l I;t;,�1.'� •� ,�i i� �eun one rigure 6. Map ofthc Scattic arca showing prominent active faiitt systc�»s. Rcd boxes are recently mapped 7.5-muiute quadrangles—Fall City(2007), North Bend (2009), Snoqualmie (coming 2009), and Carnation (coming 2010). APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LOUS Tl�e soit conditions undet•lyuig the project site were explored by the excavation of 5 test pits and one infiltration pit on July l0, 2012. The approximated exploration locations are shown on Figure 3 which is uicfuded at the end of this report. Tl�e pits �vere excavated with a Kubota KX80 trackhce. A representative fi•om S&EE �vas preseut tl�roughout the exploration to excavate the pits and log the subsurface soil conditio►�s. Test pit logs are presented in this appendix. A chart sho�ving d�e Unified Soil Classification Systein is included at the e�id of this appendix. Ap test pits and the infiltration pit were backfilled with the excavated soits, �vhich were placed in one-foot thick lifts and compacted with the tracklioe bucket. i � � ; � � E TEST PIT TP-1 � � a E U $ v�i j So!!DeSCrrptfor► � � ' s� Brown and dark brown silty sand with grass roots(topsoil) � � � � � � � � ; ; ; S� 8rown silry fine sand,trace flne to medium gravet(moist){loose to medium denssj � � � � � � � � �l� � ' � � � � ; � ; � f�) ' ' � ' -Ilght brown below 2 feet � � ' � I�I . � � 3 � f 2.5� � � ; (� � ' � ' ; � ; � I�I � � � ' I � � � � Ili , � � , � � � � � � ; ; s�,q Gray,silty fine sand,trace fine to medium gravel ' � ; � ; (mofst)(dense to very dense)(slighity cemented)(glacfal till) � � il� ; 3 � 1 1 � 1 5 � � � III ; , , , , . � � ' � � � I�I , � , ; , � � � � ° III _ , � � � � ' � ' ` I , � � , � . ; ; � � � � ; III , . , , , , , 7.6� � � � �I� � � � , � , ' ll� , � , , � , � ' : ' I J � I � i I!i a � ' t�� � � ` i i ' � � i � ' � ' ' fll , , , � � � . � , � � � ,o,--- _�--�- Excavation ierminated at a depth of 10 feet. No caving occured,no graundwater encountered during excavation. , Cllent: Renton tiousing Auihorily fxploration Method: t0(080 Excavator Expioretion Dale: Ju}y 10.2012 Ground Elevafion: 379 feet Figure A-1 � S&��E Proposed 15th & Kirkland Tawnhomes i_ � � a s TEST PIT TP-2 m � w � (n � � Q � j $Oi!DASCf1fNl0I1 � � ° � SM Brown an dark brown silty sand with grass roots(topsail) � , � � � � � � � ; � ; S� Brown sllty flne sand,trace fine to medium gravel,trace debris � ; � ; (rubble,glass,metal,plastic){moist){laose to medium dense)(flll) ; � ; � III , � � � ' � ' � I�) � � � � ; � ; � S� Light brown,silty fine sand,trace fine to medium gravel(moist)(medium dense) � � � � 2.6� ; � � II� � � � ; � , sM Gray,sflty fine sand,trace fine to madium gravei ; � ; � (moist}(dense to very dense)(slightiy cemented)(glacial till) , � III � ` � , � � � , � � � ' III � ; , � ; ; � ; � < < ; ; I!1 5 ; ; � : ��I ; � ; ; fl! � � � � III , � : � � ill . � , , ; ; ; ; II1 . , � � , , ' � ' III 7.b� � � � ' � � � � , � � ' III � + � � � � ' � III � , � � � II) � � � � � � � � ' ' � II� � � � , , � ; � � �o,--'---�---'--- Excavation terminated at a deplh of 10 feet. No caving occured,na groundwater encountered during excavation. Client: Renton Housfng Authoriry Exploration Method: KX080 Excavator Facploratlon Date: Juty 10,2012 Ground Etevation: 379 feet Figure A-2 S&E�E Proposed 15th 8� Kirkland Townhomes � Q � TEST PIT TP-3 � � � a � � u��°i j Soi!Dascripr;on � � ; ' S�+ rown and dark brown silty sand with grass roots(topsoil) � � , � , � � ' � ' g�,,� Brown siity fir�e sand,t�ace fine to medium gravel,frace debris(glass,metal,plastic,ash) ; � � � (molst)(loose to medium dense)(fill) � ; � ; 5�,,� Light brown,silty fine sand,trace fine to medium gravel{maist}(medium dense) ; � � � � � � � � � � III � ; � � ' � � � lll , ; , , 2.5� ' � ' III � � � � , � � ' , � sM Gray,silty 6ne sand,trace fine to medium gravel ; � ; � (molst)(dense to very dense){slightly cemented)(glacial till) , � � � ��I � ; � ' � III � � � ' � li! , , � � 6 � , , ' (II � ' � � ' � ; � ' � III ; � ' � III � ' � ' t lil � ' � ' � � , ' � � I!I � � 7.6� ` � � I!I � , ' 1 r II) � ' � � ' � ' , I 1 ( � ' � ' � � � ' � ' ' � � 111 � � ; � , , , ' ' � ' �II , � ; � , � 10�------�--�- - - Excavation terminateri at a depth of 10 feet. No caving occured,no groundwater encountered during excavalion. Client Renton Housing Authority Exploration Method; KK480 Excavator Explorallon Date: Juty'f0,2012 Fl ure A-3 Ground Elevatlon: 381.5 feet g � 3S&EoE Propased 15th & Kirkland Townhomes I�� � � � TEST PIT TP-4 � � a U c�' v� j So1!DBscripUon � � � � ; SM Brown and dark brown silty sand wiFh grass roots(topsoll) � ' � � � � � � ; ; ; ; I sM Brown siity fine sand,lrace fine to medium gravel(moist)(medium dense) , , � i , � , � II ; � ; � f!I � � � � � ' ' �I I ��Ight brown below 1.5 feet � � , , ; � ' � III � � � � 2.6; � � ; I I I � � ' � ' ; � ; � IIl � , . ; , � ' ' ; sr,q Gray, silty fine sand,trace Bne to medium gravel � � � ; (molst)(dense to very dense)(sllghtiy cemented){glacial till) � f � � ��� � ' � , , � � � � I I� I � 1 � 6 � ' ' � !II � � � ' � ' Ilf , � , � � , , � : � , � ' � ; 111 , � , � , ; � � � , ; ; � III , . � , � ; ; ; � !if I � t � 7.b� ; � � �I I � � f ; � ; � II� � � � ' ' � ; � III � � ; : ; : Ifl , � , � ; ; ; : III � � � � ,o�---'-- � - -'-- , _,_ , Excavation terminafed at a depth of 10 feet. No caving occured, no groundwater encountered during excavation. Clienl: Renton Housing Authority Exploration Metl�od: FO(080 Excavaior �xp�orat(on oate: .iuly 10,2012 FI ure A-0 Ground Elevation: 382.5 feet g S8`4E�E Proposed 15th & Kirlcland Townhomes � � � TEST PIT TP-5 � � � 8 � `ya' sotr oescnpibn � 5nn grown and dark brown sfliy sand with grass roots(topsoilj � � � � � � ; ; ; ; S� Brown sflty fine sand,trace fine to medium gravel(mo€st)(medium dense) , � � , � ; � �fl � � � � ' � ' ' -light brown betow 1.5 feet ; � ; ill ; � ; � - � � � ; Iil � , , � � � 2.5; ; ; ; III � . , � ; � ; � III , . , , ; � : IIl , � , ; � � � � � � ; S� Gray, silty fine sand,trace flne to medium gravel � ; � ; (molst)(dense to very dense)(slightly cemented)(glaGal tili) � � � � Ill I 5 � � � . � ��I � � , � � � � � III � � � � � ' � III � � � � � � (�I � � II) � � , � � � � � 7.6� ; � ' I�� � � ! � � III � ' � � � ' � ' ' i ' ' � ' 1 ' ' I�� � � � � ' � ' ' III , � i , � � , � � 1�i_. - -�---`--�-- Excavaiion terminated at a depth of 10 feet. No caving occured,no groundwater encountered during excavation. Client: Renton Housing Aulhority ExploraQon Melhod: KX080 Excavator Exploration Date: Juy 10,2012 Ground Elevatlon: 380 feel Figure A-5 S&SEoE Proposed 15th & Kirkland Townhomes , � UNIFIED SOIL CLASSlFICATION SYSTEM ffi" __ � � DESCRIATION MAJOR DIVISION8 �.:-;: QW WELL-GRADEO GRAVELS OR GRAVEL-SANO MIXTURES, CLEAN ;�__�.�, LfTRE OR NO FINES GRAVELS �z p � *.;��; GP POORLY-ORADED ORAVELS OR ORAVEL-SAND MIXTURES, �in�� J �g? >� J '::�� U T T L E O R N O F I N�S �►r o f�t�e s 7 l i J �z� � � N� GM SIITYGRAVELS,GRAVEI-SANO-SlLT GRAVELS � �y��G, �� � �� MIXTURE3 m- QS v . � WITH F1NES c� �<" }g Z ;�s GC CLAYEY ORAVELS,ORAVEL-8AND-CLAY �y����E �$� w MIXTURES " �+ow+roF�r+es7 �� � �� 1NElL-GRAOfO SAND OR GRAVELIY SANDS, �° �� SW UTiLEORNOFINES CLEAtV ��� S� � �� �� SANDS � SP POORLY•GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, ���� z� Y�> � �w UTTLEORNOFINES NOFINEb) � ���� �� O �� �� SM SILTYSANDS,SAND-SILTMIXTURES SANDS Q � � S� V `�Y WITH FINES g�� �o SC CLAYEY 3AN03,SAN0.CLAY MlXTURES ����E � �C A AMOUNT OF FINES) �� ML INOROANIC S1LTS,VERY FINE SANOS,ROCK FLOUR,S1LTY OR r�� CIAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLlGNT PLASTIClN � ,� �`� tNORGAM(C CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY,ORAVELLY J CL CLAY3,3ANDY CLAYS SIL7Y CLAYS,LEAN CLAYS SIL7S 8�CLAYS p ��' �� ' � uano uM�r�ss nsnN so v3 � �� OROANIC SILTS ANO ORGANIC$ILT•ClAY3 OF LOW O �4°� g PLASTICITY Z ��O i iNORGANIC SILTS,MICACE�U3 OR DIATOMAC�OUS FINE q �3Z ~ , MH SANDY OR S1L7Y SOlLS,EIASTtC SILTS ^ �3 INORCiANIC CLAYS OF HIOH PIASTiCITY,FAT cH c�ys StLTS &CLAYS Z w� ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, uWID UAHT dREATEi2TW1ti50 � �3 ON � ORGANIC SILT5 pT PEATAND 07HER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS � DEPTH OF STANDARD PENE7RA710N 1'EST OEP7N OF UNDI3TURBED SHELBY TUBE 3AMPl� 4 DEPTH OF OROUNDWATER DURING EXPLORATION SOIL CLASSIFICATiON CHART , AND KEY TO EXPLORATION LOG S&EE APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS � � I , I �220�� 5&EE Particle Size Distribution Repor� � 5 s s r � � r � � L � L� � � G i S� e � 100 80 — - - — 80 - 70 - - - w so — - z w Z 50 - U W 40 - a 30 - -- 20 - - 10 -- — 0 500 100 10 1 Q.1 O.Ot 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm ' •A.COBBLE3 ��a�VEL °/.SlWD °A.FINE3 CRS. F(NE CRS. MEOIUM FINE SILT CLAY 0.0 11.4 7.6 6.0 20.0 42.6 12.A SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.' PASS? Matertal descriAtton S1ZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) ('ioldei�Brn,Silty Sand w/Gravel 2 in. 100.0 1 in. 91.0 3/8 in. 85.0 N4 81.0 Atterbera Llmlts #10 75.0 pL= LL= Pf= #16 72.0 l�30 63.0 CoeHicients �0 41.0 �85- 9.52 Ogp= 0.512 D50= 0.372 lI100 22.0 D3p= 0.215 D15= O.d932 D�p= #200 t 2.4 �u' �c- Classiflcation USCS= AASHTO= arks Tested/Calculated/Reviewed by: M.Blackwell Sampl�d-7/l0/12,Received-7/t2/l2,Tesled-7/16/12 Equipment: #53,58. 11 l, 141 (no spxificalian provided) Sample No.: Ol Source of Sample: Renton N1221 Date: 7/l0/l2 Locatlon: Elev.lDepth: A.A.R. c��ent: S&EE Testi ng ProjBCt: Misc.Tesling Laborato Inc. Pro ect No: 12-343 P�ate 233 .�7s�.�-c SOIL& ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, [NC. 16625 Redmond Wav,Suite M 124,Redmond,Washin�ton 98052 (425)868-5868 May 20,2013 Ms. Patty Buchanan, PE SvR Design Company 1245 Second Avenue, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98101 CC: Mr. Mark Gropper(mrg@rentonhousing.org) Cation Eschange Capacity& Organic Content Proposed 15`j'& Kirkland Townhomes Renton, Washington � il Dear Ms. Buchanan: We have performed Geotechnica!and Infiltration Studies for the project in 2012 and the report of which has been submitted previously. Per your recent request, i have review�ed our file and herein recommend a cation exchange capacity(CEC)of 131 mEq/100g for the design of the onsite infiltration system. This capacity was the result of a laboratory test which we performed for a nearby project(Hillcrest Terrace, see attached vicinity map)in 2010. This 2010 project site and the current site are within 1,000 feet from each other. Based on our test pit information at both sites and my knowledge of the soil conditions in the area, I belie�e that the soils at both sites are of the same origin. Based on my estimates,the organic contents of the onsite soils will vary from about 5%to 10%(by weight) in the upper 12 inches to about 2%to 5%below the depth of 12 inches. The organic content will becomes negligible below depths of 3 to 4 feet where the top of glacial ti11 (hardpan)is present. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our continuous services. Should you have any ques2ion regarding this communication,please let me know an}'time. Very truly yours, ', G �Y(� SOIL& EtiVIRON�4ENTAL ET�GINEERS, INC. � � W�,,� A '� 18,� � �� -� �,c��G�� C.J. Shin, Ph.D., P.E. ��� President Attachment: Site Vici � ,vav.�� _ � .... .,.........,.. .......� .....�...y .... .......b,.. .....t.., . ..�.. . .,. . To see all the details tliat are visible on the � screen,use ihe"PrinP'link next to the map. �sUt�`��L' N?!t'R '� . .� 4 L 9E�� � S 1! Z N 1M S . y tE 7M�9 .:.rr 9 i�f k'i N17t�R Q,r � Q T �l�; SEqyq Pk' � �em,n G� � y'�.� � � V/ r{76�� � N iqt�St = n NE�R I � I � � ♦ ;NE asa�s Kefrrpie � SE,aa�:� �' I 'Nw 4 — � � w 1w 5� - � rE xn s L lons v.n +E].n s r+F w.S� � ; .�' ; ac:w�sti fWE714N � � � NF]S�P �i NE 7Y�S� �� I� '� �kne N '� � O � � I � � vE 27M S ; f�E a�a 5� � • 0 i .... � j NF11vy � a�EfUw9 hF71r9 � � H`yr r�zae�s� � � ne xom a ���` i ,,`��S � ...:. ..:.....�' r /+E zor s R i f '. �Ma•oJan Z " ~i � �' � �`17�S[ NE 19n 51 � 'i ' Me'+lonal Q x ^�.� hE tpi g� � . i� 6aaU Part + ,� t— < f _ \E� �.yw�+^ rc ; -..,��� `�,4 � �E��r.5� � � . y NE�le�9 � ' � I �� � � � .. .� .�. - : � �y�� __ �_ 1 s � � � � .�.::a�� �, � � � � 3 � m s T rE�un si � vE•7m o: F �' '. � . + . 'ai. � s L..w.1.0...:• ��i1 � J�� � Z rii h Gw�•n a � 1E•:r;l Y;'.tS' Y ' NE'?T51 F \E1:ff51`� d NEfT.A n , 0 �o��� �4 � �� � � v �pry`Q �f - � � ��.. ,��.�c�A: 1E�in5� ti��..,.., i Kiins� j p � � �410wP r•••GY•�.r .� �n � y � c:rvcn f�� B.tw..n i � NC'OhR �� 0 � � Onol�n �` �e4' J '�'..�wr�:iv-r, t i HaP`P� � �ttan � ��.0 Ilo::. . �.u�,� r4tw�,r �i �H✓._-,., r�. .�.,.r, NE tOT9 1.1 'Dt�:y N h•Ms� v 7nR � �C ! � �EPASI� �� � ';'� � z ` � `�r i � ; � . - V �� T � y � � S � � Q� ltrwa^,� • e '1� f aA� . pp i �.y�p t Z � .�� f i N 80i$t Y L�S' ��Q : lY � �N � � n NE If�St � V A = e ,E�q � � !['S� ��Nd�$+ IF M9 VF'�.9 ; _ _ ��+ a � "'F�a�, �,.,� � =M�tlala 02013 Googye- Hilicrest Terrace Current Project Site i ,�- ; i �- � , i � i , ', � i � � � ; � APPENDIX B PROJECT PLANS AND SURVEY RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, SvR#1?0?4 Appendices � Technical Information Report July 11,?013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ' � � RHA Kirkland.A�enue To��nhomes, SvR�120��1 Appendices Technical Information Report July 11, 20li 1 _ -- - - - �, � PORTION OF: SE 114 8 NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1�4,SECTION 04,T 23 N,R OS E.,W.M. ( �l 1, RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY � -� C13 ; � cza , KIRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES � `�� �'`� - �� � � - - - - :�.--.�-- � � � 1508 KIRKLAND AVENUE NE � � � 1518 KIRKLAND AVENUE NE �� �'� ������;.,��; ,� ��� -I �' ` DESK'iN TEAIA � `% .C22 �I C2.1 � ' 3017 NE 16TH ST �: � � �2-�:�'-` � �,-��;; � � ;. ��;��."° � RENTON. WA 98056 ' .- . �-�- , _ KiRKLMD AVE NE • cnv. `� , :r _.+�.se,.; KEY MAP :..� [+Af'vW�:�,..•,�•, � t.)17f aJ1R � -�^ 3C81p h FeCt � . . , il\:'.: , ,I . . ���^^^ . ��„y � II ,� '��.� . , -.r+9,�onl 2oG � 'I �� � , �,,�;:� SI7E '.' �fJ14u+wu� IiI I` .. . �_'____'JL��_._ ._.�...1�.'�.:�___- L...'� i y.� . l I .r lI , � �T , lr � f .. " . � UU /�� . srr�s�Er nioEx ;�![1.$ul/t IIJ00 `� � ��'� �1� . `e ,�u, �-�� ��_ � ��.�[- �991 , �J � / � . .� ) 1 . ., � i l.i� `�.'� .� �i.� . 11011 �� _ � � �� __ �, r��. 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HI�A NINM!ANl)AVf NUk.- .. ���,.,,�,i„ � ��`s� � C�n�. _' I� � • REN � . , ��_�, �\G .i. . ��` .� ...... � -.I .1 ��._ � •� `J R F�`� �ll J __. _. ... r T�-i� . . . T��.`ay��� . ail t' ....�. .._ r + I _ �� ,_ � � 7- � . I;` POHTION OF: SE ti4 8 NE 1�4 OF THE SW 1/4,SECTION 04,T.23 N.,R.05 E..W.M. GENERAL CONSTAUCTION NOTES TESC NOTES EARTHWORK MD CfiADkJG NOTES ,,, .. �, ,. , �,.. .�. r«E SUND�N65�M.� � . . . „ :. �,� ... . .�. . . ,. � . � i ,. . . . ,. . ., . , _ . . i . . . , . . �.'iDMG/OVBI�C . .. ... i . . .. . . . .... . . .� .... .. " �. • ._ . _. ,.a . ; �.. �F,..... ,. . ..0 . r, . � ,r. .. a.4.� A .{ '»i MSM7/IiPM� �.,��•'.! '•l i.N nN�� i'h"M .1..4 'r!!11� N A:-. . A.. 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' �M`.•.�i1G" Y[Aii a(:1�C�CCiLO Fi�tMC CilV Oi c2yli��.a. � . . ���a'P�.ti�����OH/u4f,tOP�MtMP � . �l;C ��Ciut'.f5 S�ti Bf rtriPCCIC�nul•H1 �NE ire�irt;'•�:' . � �.viutrtC�S i+ECCSSu+r.n ENSVAE t�.r�P rn.�r�n�vEO�1iNi.r,,,r.r: U H CH MSH N iHf`AiFI p�'�-SR 'i�4!. �.. i$Pf If�!Ir Ir�1. C L �reu,�out• N��IP ic.n �rr c wAnw ccwsrr+�,c.ov � PLEASE CALL 811 ` .�r.��� w f� ��,Fuii r rmx�s ,u� ec ciV.v r[ e•rt ur�.,�� � � i .` „u�c iuc�.tulrn�,trt,�5[punir•t u � J Wwklnq D�Y� W `.'"e�c1 p`°"� � .: .�nw..+rRr,tz ni+rrreo m mt�w.i m�r� j BEFORE YOU DIO a $�e'"�'A�Ti ���`'�`'!�� .: 6 t� (,� y,� � �Y�R �.^..1.My:.•.:,M,�� r�__ 'e[�caMtcr�rs ! � . ��r.. � •J i(;,'�; RHA KINKLANU AV6NUt � \�.�t%K ���L';7.6/¢5 I` _ • _. w . � '.�__; � + .. �«....�:.�• TOWNHOMES .a. . �t��� Q1�t'�� l.. v _ . I, FENTON.WA 9Bp$6 �.�s _. �.. .. NOTE3 � � . .._ .. .. P(IRTION 0'r ;F 1 4 R NF 1 w nf i HF;1'J 1 J,>F.CTION 04,L 23 N.,R.OS E.,W.M. � GENERAL SEWER AND DRAINAGE NOTES STOFiM DRAINAGE NOTES WATER SEFlVICE NOTES ! ..�� ,-,. „� . , . ,,..... . . �.�._ .. .. �. ....n,�. g: ,,�w I _ .. _ . ... . ,. ;., - ,. ... � .�... .�,_ .... .� -... .. ,..,, '\-w-�.v�.-�.i�v.%.- . .. . � .. ... � �.., . .�. �uu. „'. . . -., � �' . �. �.,. . , . . . .. . '. . .. :�.... , _ ,� '.,. ;. �..;. . i.: t �:n'f(�M!'r� t1tAl�l�t1G I�fW hn�! : n�� 1 f . ":.!.� A�F . �t��'fi� .'A"/i:� A.��� �4 .I�.��... N ���:�J �I.J�..�r�,�N.. �� .::�:y �', x..:�.�,� Alf WA1FP.S[R�. �rr..'.r .r� IIISCRfoMifYS n.( IiWIMG'S Y�o/r[SG�IfI,IrvF Q ! .�1�.PMIY.0Y OPIYAiC r.��f��'v y.�`�[1t ���V1�.�1; if� u . U�lII`.'+4f.i1CU O'HfFYAy(':b�Pl.WS.�^I�E WfF°Iµ5��lP>N.`iApY'�!(,E % 4 CY,W'1 qf fHE�PRpv[D�RNlLVi 40NiRM.%N!S MU!,i�RI'. (,1��:..) 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' � . . ..' �,,. . . , . ,:,,. .. � cV• 'ifOHM 474f(M A4 A Gi(;n B�ISM UM,f$$OiN[FW�[NplED �� '' ' ' "��' "�'� � �� � � �" . intt5 w�t��lF>5 twan �.A'C(evfc Sw�:�PE�.�CniE�aP+i o,M �r . .., . . .. .. . „� , . [NtNN'wP4'2,� *'.NiI,rV4."�A'ID i,4i�l1..['.��T�Cpi1HCr I,7AA+f��RF fRf,F.fRI(k15 5 1'F(,Wif?!�}'�(;Mj11N('.l7lf1JN(„LENIGUiS�f�N�viNUM I(70�ON CE°�'^- "� '>7��6�'fU upM(U7 AI. W'+nhCi A MiNi4�)N(N +7 MCuCS 0� �ONGE NO�EWEA�i1At!xW0 Pfp$Tp,1,1CTVQF. C07R(liNAiE I.��+''�' ��p/��p Cn M p�p�I �y'�1'FN llM�.. ()!C��t tNN�tif 1'JN A�qkS WITM i11L ON}i�;Ra�1(IiC('�AIAr LNUNEfR lOkiN�(,'i(W SIU�� �����CJ/CI.�WY rC�mR��S CK7CUYf�It A$-PIMi I('1CAlIpN(N IwSiµ.l.[0 CI!'uK3V1!'i{Pi .. . .. .. . ... .. . . �. AEDO�NC�OR P+p(ti/�N�.fR1:li1JR(5 Sn/yt [1E�1 44fOW9Alli.l N't1➢a r(�iRaC/1K'S a5-dVrt15 4�Ir�tA++1 AK-8W1T4 AS WOlht CPOf;�I' .V SiN�WJ+O�A4C Snf C f'�rA},Y,�N; flE WitK:4Mtl4'ui rON nyl Pdy. .� , . � •� �.�� _ .��,: �M.I E4 UFI IIiCI�I� UMRyCiCU t0 95x CK WiiY'JN[IPI OFNSifY !� ACK IX)NN"�i�",HJI 'I�l,'NTI.�I{ES l0lT .S JAMNai[G t�+'yY�G1�d( �� A = .. .„� h + i'�4, � �S Mi'.AiU�fC PY A:T4�!.pB fJ��'$PG.i$!M4l BE�i��N(N�IA4�_"FV".f SLUP�1�P;ifl.4Cl�t ll�f[lE.4'E.WMi1j�.NkVJG1 NI.$M.ery{�iW��'I,f[�15P.1'AAi4Ei1t Uf clC�l.OI.� I�CINN54MAf1 i1C�1p.i�IS i C{kfNt'VINf,SfbHMN4�IN�W�',u tM:!Yl MUNC z fMC C(1NfPKipP IVI.I Sii9Mii A N9*K:1.0!'INYCNf EO C(MAVIY`MTM � 'EE�ON�fN .^ LE>5�rWl }.1'ryfN(F :HAI.I RF �'�+G�AHNrAi(p WNNSM`i4}y SM4�I HE Q�ti�W'lM O�MlE7Fk fM:5Tt1RM(IRMN. � .[!;Lu�k� vioE'E;N G�ri��EW v��Y vniHOu'�+frEf�bRiGt[ti�'CYi � ECOiOGr'S 8uc•5 r�4tCvcCurvC{w�r»rlaDEi aEpurt.ME C�NitRnC10P SHnl.i 9E CO�.NE[�fR ET ClW+E fauiwG kVC)i�F��Bi,E COrw�ECnp1 SEE , ivPL � �wb M"1 ?4AtC+�lU.�M St�`iYt'iUwf'S M'w tHl.Cii�Pf Pi'•��uri ��u� �...P1� a �..f Mn{n,w�tl[HYS n�n�f 5Fi{'�^�li'�Chi 1N5. '�1AN(1AkY'I 6�/,�y,�MN SI*fl'IfYAI1b15 'II�Y�� � N�. .• � i iPl 't f CCx=�NT�" M'� ... . .. � ..-. ',lE Y��t n .., . . �. r.�,, r.r ..,, � n' RfS,f.+11CM 9t5�N CWNECt10N5.aK}[SEMtR';.AN�'.:E�'it'E pANNi � PPfYu1p(A N>.!/iM4�4 Qf Z.d;.N.4�'C xi 4.t UPAttU�C ANp��'.'. . . ..' . �� n'::' •. .:••�f� :'•�U�.� $WyL BE R�,V,[O A�l Y�WYVM$IO�E 0� 7x/�NP��A�i11UY S10�( CUNIN�CIIUN IiNC'�i.Uh�L{��',ryp1[C O�HfR�nSE 0! SOS tINlL:/1iNk"fIW�'�F n�tTCA7Cp NI iry( ?tN1S � pp� � '� P7n�1 ,�!M4 fri W� G{MC N( f f��y(yt' I t 4t SiOUM r.-'+.' '�rx C.�J�n Ci '. SFITv�CE PkN�S AND`.fM _rLWEAS 5�N41 B[ COkNEC'iC�CH ;n�•i�.. •• �•�r..n f n-���; t, nuE �.i.,� .�.., �, � �vv�./'� .. RECC`MnEtTFD�5�coM�vF�Ar te+F/++!n�SOFCtJa . . . � . , .�,,,,, , ,,,, ,,, ,,, �.<: ,,.,.: �.. � '. � � . ��,•�:,- •a ' . .. . . �� . ..... . � . . � . ,�,... . PE��r�v„1nX..CP��CF UW�NS aVU YJf SEwEi+S ip CtFPF u�fp.- .. . .. . . .. 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HHAKINKLANDAVENUE �� . ..\ ���/e •�� �. � 7ts;.� t�r��. ... . . ... �. . . i HOMES � .. . ���11 f� q�:oc,A�j-. ,.,. .....,.». � - __ .: � � ':, _ � ~� � , , ! Rerrrori��eeose I� ....,. -- . . � ,_ ... E_._-�__�____ __ _ � � . P(;N�ION OF_ 5[�4 R NE i 4 pF TNF SW 1 4,SFGTION 04 " ?3 N_R 05 E.W M CfTY OF RENTON GEt�RAL EROSKKV CONTAOL NOTES CfTY OF RENTON t3ENERAL SANRARY SEWER NOTES CffY OF RENiON GENERAL STOFM DRAWAGE NOTES _ , . . . . .. .. .. . , .. . �.. �. .��,. ,.. . � � . . KK� I ... .. . ., �, .. . . . .. . . �,. . .EF4��iR.. �.,.. . ., '� . .. ilONS .:. :�� ; .., 1. A. :, . ,. � ; x K� �' ' ..�.: a ,�', ' ,. -�'v . ..•. L 1`i�. .i.;tr,iRPM1S A �i;��M � � : M:.. i�'!.: .� 4 �,'�:�:•� :�N;�:�. fi• a ...,�l�[ �. '�V'."�. 1d".•�:. k:1.4'���:! 1:I'Ail�1f�I-vf��iR�Ai��'f{`� .FE,�i�::Ai�I.t A'>(.i . 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BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME 512E/SPACING QTY.DETAIL COMMENTS EES + , . o , . �( � ), �. , . , o i�Nf ALL TREES/SHRUBS/PERENNIALS � ,. e ,:ti . ,. u. .�v�_ :�n,.,. u ... ,. .... . , n. . �;(�2.3 . ,., <2•M UJl�55i+�W�SM cowa+uws +Cw/6'�:��. Q 9 4/D2.1 _ CG <7'M r[SMA GW�'+'F'UJAN PIUC' FLWM BIVC RSCVE t G11.;+5'�KINN , d'�i i . P� !il.G CY M N[�N(R1 MCP,WiIy�'PKA('.E�UR%F� CORu Q[LLS I fk,/A$yU7NN ,.. d �..'( � . EG <7'HI 'SFSlER4 hmM ��f51�iXiM GPASS �GK./AS S�OMi .. a:I'�: { � ��� (1�M SEDVY S��7MRKOWY'F[p RdKR' PED RAKP S[W4 1 f�µ./�5 WOMN �a M1 '. ' RVOBfbcu M.D�GF'GOlD51RU4' BLKk-F�T.D iU51N t G4.!�l5 SWMN '.t! 1 ..• . <1'M wwOnu uEWO".1 O/+FGON CR/�PE 1 GM.//S 9qMi� � ' �Y Ht UW fIOM[olliq'BUZIN(::UHXY BLIZMG SUNSf�WEM 1 GK/�l5 SK1MT� � F��+ .. .. <7'M dUGp+'S d00D 5[Uw'NtO�GOYi �MfAN'S BIOW YOIIV �fX/a5 Y�IM+: �r ' ACNHL[�'1[MMw CD77A' YApR'yM 1 f.A�./il5 VKI'M� t.{ EIA�p+BJ f�RKlIMu Y01[f.l(M' RPf GIOW SPVNGF �WL/�S 5W/MN . • .. 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'!i�..�:c�n�r � .. _.__ . .. .. . . . _ � _..._r' � . R 11F � .... � - � �I I L••. . HAKIOWNHOMESFN �`� .•,•�""•"•"•w �1 ,r I - RENTON.WA 98056 .v r�.. rre.e. . ...,.....� �_ � .. -��.y �.. ..,�.�n.� ��..�...� -�� - I-T --------- —�r=.�1 .... � ...,.,.�� I� PLMrtNGLEC�TOMD9d�ulF �.. � PORTION�� ;C 1 4 R NE t J OF THF SbV 1 4.SFCTiQN 04.T ?3 N.R 05 F_W M RIGHT OF WAY PLANTING LEGEND SYMBOL DT NWN EG <2'HT. BOTANICAI NAME COMMON NAME SI1F/SPACING QTY.DETAIL COMMENTS TREES o .. .. . . .. � .. . � ._ .. . . _ , . . � -,,.. . ., � ., . . � ,. . . � ETENTION PALETTE . . . . . �n� r.. .�. �I�..•��Nfl���. ���I .�.�. ., i .N :!' .�._ ',<r, i:u�.. _ ,. . ' - M`AL �iMF: C* Cf. .j'Hl tlPli4 R[OV'CNi 4�NUTlp+[STQ1�ECa0P t'Dpii 12�OC !�5 ijp).1 SSR Ali. 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Kwk�,�� , - - R TON HOUSING AUTHORITY ! rY EN . .r�,� - .___ - _- _ I< tit ?.R�,fii�i�'n7.RtNiUNHir�HLnN1>>N0.7 ����� � ! 1 Pn(;[:L['sPT INT�nTIONAI,LY f31,�NK _ APPENDIX C STORMWATER MODELING REPORTS ' KCRTS Reports - Full On-site (Fullonsite).exc - Full ROW (Fulloffsite).exc �' WWHM Report � - Full Site with ROW (RKAK Raingardens) ' - On-site Basin (RHAK Po�-oars Pm�ement) - Bioretention Facility 1 (Rain Garden 1) - Bioretention Facility 2 (Rain Garden 2) � - Bioretention Facility 3 (Rain Garden 3) � - Bioretention Facility 4 (Rain Garden 4) '�� - Bioretention Facility 5 (Rain Garden S) �� - Biaretention Facility 6 (Rain Garden 6) - Bioretention Facility 7 (Rain Garden 7) - Bioretention Facility 8 (Rain Garden 8) - WWHM Screen Shots of Bioretention Facility Infiltration Results RHA Kirkland Avenue To��mhomes,SvR#12024 Appendices Technical Int��nnation Repon ,luly ] ]. �013 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK � ' RIIA Kirkland Ar�enue To��nhomes, SvR�1202-1 Appendices Technical Infornlation Report July 1 l, 201: I c���I � d ; ��l L ��� -)� (FullOnsite) .exc KCRTS Program. . . File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ T [T] Enter the Analysis Tool.s Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flo►v Frequencies developed.tsf Developed.pks [P] Compute PEAKS and Flotiv Frequencies predeveloped.tsf Predeveloped.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.80 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash �rass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.03 0.00 0.000000 lmpervious Predeveloped.tsf T 1.00000 T [C] CREATE a neva Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.45 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture � 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.38 0.00 0.000000 �mpervious Developed.tsf T 1.00000 T [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies developed.tsf �eveloped.pks [P] Compute PEAKS and F1oUr Frequencies predeveloped.tsf Predeveloped.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] eXit KCRTS Program Paye 1 , lc`� l ✓ 1 �'� � �,� Ir Floc� Frequency Analysis Time Series File :predeveloped. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flo4r Rates--- -----Flot•� Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.079 9 2/09/O1 2:00 0 . 183 1 100.00 0 . 990 0 .043 7 1/OS/02 16: 00 0.099 2 25. 00 0 . 960 0 . 099 2 2/27/03 7 : 00 0 .081 3 10. 00 0 . 900 0 .022 8 8/26/04 2 : 00 0. 079 4 5.00 0 . 800 0 . 044 6 1/05/05 8 : 00 0. 073 5 3. 00 0 . 667 0 . 081 3 1/18/06 16: 00 0 . 0�19 6 2. 00 C . 500 0 . 073 5 11/24/06 3: 00 0.043 7 1 . 3� 0. 231 ' 0 . :83 . 1 /���9%�';; c : �"�C ; . :'�2 Y� , ?�j O . C�� - Com�uted Fea;s n . 15�� ;0 . 00 0. 980 , r-. 1 ,-� 7 � Ul C �i/ �1 �� ���� � Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:developed.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Floc•i Frequency Analysis------- ' Elow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS} (CES) Period 0 . 132 S 2/09/O1 2 :00 0.273 1 100 . 00 0. 990 0 . 101 8 1/05/02 16:00 0. 160 2 25. 00 0 . 960 0 . 160 2 2/27/03 7 : 00 0 . 198 3 10 . 00 0 . 900 0 . 102 7 8/26/04 2 :00 0 . 139 4 5. 00 0. 800 0 . 125 6 10/28/09 16:00 0 . 132 5 3. 00 0 . 607 0 . 139 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0 . 125 '0 2. 00 0. 500 0 . 148 3 10/26/06 0: 00 0 . 102 7 1 . 30 0.231 0.273 1 1/09/08 6: 00 0. 101 8 1 . 10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 0 .235 50 . 00 �, 0. 980 ' li �_.; I 1 ��<�'�v�l lc; � ' (Fulloffsite) .exc KCRTS Program. . .File Directory: C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time Series T [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P) Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies developed.tsf Developed.pks [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies predeveloped.tsf Predeveloped.pks [R] RETURN to Previous N1enu [C] CREATE a ne�v Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.00000� Till Pasture 0.04 0.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0.31 0.00 0.000000 zmpervious Predeveloped.tsf T 1.00000 T [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Forest 0.00 0.00 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.19 Q.00 0.000000 Till Grass 0.00 � 0.00 0.000000 outwash Forest 0.00 4.00 0.000000 outwash Pasture 0.00 0.00 0.000000 outrvash Grass 0.00 0.00 0.000000 wetland 0. 16 0.00 0.000000 Impervious �eveloped.tsf T I 1.00000 T [T] Enter the Analysis T0o�5 Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flotv Frequencies developed.tsf oevelpoed.pks [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies predeveloped.tsf Predeveloped.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [X] eXit K�RTS Prograit� Page 1 j� L' `�I l�c� j Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:developed.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flo:•� Rates--- -----Flow Frequenc� Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0 . 055 5 2/09/O1 2 : 00 0 . 119 1 100 . 00 0 . 990 0 . 042 7 1/05/02 16: 00 0. 067 2 25. 00 0 . 960 0 . 067 2 2/27/03 7 : 00 O . Ool 3 10 . 00 0.900 0 .042 8 8/26/04 2 : 00 0 .058 4 5. 00 0 .800 0 . 052 6 10/28/09 16: 00 0 . 055 5 3. 00 0 . 667 0 . 058 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0. 052 6 2 .00 0 . 500 0 . 061 3 10/20/06 0 : 00 0 . 092 7 1 . 30 0 .231 � 0 . 114 1 1/09/08 6: 00 0 . 092 8 1 . 10 0 . 091 Computed Peaks 0 . 098 50 . 00 0 . 980 ; �. _, 1,,� , , , , �- i i r _ �, , '! i � : I - ! 1 �'l (% �� l� `/ ' ,% Floa� Frequency Analysis Time Series File:predevelopeci. tsf Project Location: Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flo:•� Rates--- -----Flo�:r Frequency Analysis------- Flo��� Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return ° Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0 .078 0 2/09/Ol 2 :00 0 . 153 1 100 . 00 0 . 990 O . Oo8 8 1/05/02 16: 00 � 0 . 112 2 25. 00 0. 960 I 0 . 094 3 12/08/02 18 : 00 0 . 094 3 10 . 00 '�, 0 . 900 0 .077 7 8/26/04 2 :00 0 .092 4 5. 00 0 . 800 0 . 092 4 10/28/09 16: 00 0 . 083 5 3. 00 O . o67 0 . 083 5 1/18/06 16: 00 0 . 078 6 2 . 00 0 . 500 0 . 112 2 10/26/Oo 0 :00 0 . 077 7 1 . 30 G . 231 0 . 153 1 1/09/08 6: 00 0 .068 8 1 . 10 0 . 091 Ccmputed Peaks 0 . 140 50. 00 0 . 9�30 1 I � - �(_�L t. �7 f i � �,,� 4{,l �-��'� ��� , �if ��l � �lr<����= l Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: RKAK Rair,gradens Site Address: City . Report Date : 6/28/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1998/10/O1 Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Scale: 1.17 PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Bas-�n 1 Bypass: No GroundWater: �io Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat . 022 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.026 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . B�s�i�� � Bypass: Vo GroundWater: Nc Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .029 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0. 032 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basir. 3 B�aSS: NO I GroundWater: D]o I�� Pervious Land Use Acres I C, Lawn, Flat .107 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 4.055 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Bas=r: 4 Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres � C, Lawn, Flat .039 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.072 El.ement Flows To: Surface Interf2ow Groundwater Name . Basin � Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .041 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.039 Element Flows To; Surfaae Interflow Groundwater Name . Bas=�n 6 Hypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .071 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.048 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin 7 Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .044 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.435 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Baszn 8 Bypass: :�?o GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .138 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.034 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin 8 Bypass; Nc GroundWater; No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .115 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0,056 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Tranezo=cial Por.d 8, Trapezoidal Pond 8, Name . 8asin 7 I Bypass: �o GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres � C, Lawn, Flat . 056 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.023 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 7, Trapezoidal Pond 7, Name . 1�a s i n 6 Bypass: \o GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .079 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.041 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pcnd 5, Trapezoidal Pond 6, Name . Basin 5 Bypass: rdo GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .052 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.024 1 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 5, Trapezoidal Pcnd 5, I3ame . Basin 4 I Bypass: No ' Ground4Jater: No Pervious Land Use Acres ' C, Lawn, Flat .069 Impervious Land Use Acres � ROADS FLAT 0.042 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater , Trapezoidal Pond �:, TrapezoiQal Pord 4, ' i i Name . Bas:n 3 Bypass: No i ' GroundWater: No � Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat , 11 Impervious Land Use Acres - ROADS FLAT 0.051 Element Flows To; Sur£ace Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Ponri 3, Trapezoidal Pond 3, Name . Basin 2 Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .043 Tmpervious Land Use Acres ROABS FLAT 0.018 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 2, Trapezoidal Pond 2, Name . Basin 1 Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .Q35 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.013 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond l, Trapezoida'_ Por.d �, Name . Trapezoidal Yond �3 Bo�tom Length: 59ft. Bottom Width: 2ft. Depth : l , �ft. Volume at riser head : � .U022=r. . Infiltration On Infil�ration rate : 1 . ". Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4 : 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Heightt 0. 5 ft . Riser Diameter: 29 �.-�. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(£t) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Bschrg(cfs) Znfilt{cfs) 0.000 O.002 0.000 C.000 O.00C O.G12 O.Ou^3 O.00C �.000 O.G03 0.024 0.003 0.000 O.Q00 0. 003 � 0.03? 0.003 0.00� O.000 O.00�3 0.049 0.003 0.000 O.000 0.003 G.Ool 0.003 0.000 O.CO� O.00< C.073 0.003 O.Q00' 0.000 O.003 G.086 0.003 O.G00 0.000 d.00� 0.098 0.003 O.Q00 0, 000 O.00� 0. 110 0.003 0.000 0,000 0.004 c�, 122 0.003 0.000 0. 000 0.004 0. 13� Q.OQ4 0.000 0. 000 0.009 0. 147 0.004 0.000 C.000 O. Q09 0. 159 O.OJ4 0.000 �'.000 O. 009 0. 171 �.004 O.00I 0.400 0.009 0. 183 O.O��s O.OQl 0.40C O.009 0. 196 0.00� 0.001 O.000 O. OGS 0.208 0.004 0.001 O.COC O.00� 0.220 0.004 0.001 0.00� O.aC� 0.232 0.004 0.001 0.000 O.00� 0.244 0.004 0.001 0.000 O.00S 0.257 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.00� 0.269 0.005 0.001 0.000 G.005 0.281 0.405 0.001 0. 000 G.005 0.293 �.005 �.001 0.000 0.005 0.306 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.006 0.318 C.005 O.flCI 0.000 0.006 Q.330 0.005 O.00? 0.�00 0.006 0.392 0.005 0.0�1 O.00t3 0.006 0.35� 0.005 0.001 O.GOfl O.00'u C.367 0.005 0.001 0.000 O.OGb 0.379 0.006 0.002 0, 000 0.006 0.391 O.Q06 C.002 0. 000 O.006 0.403 0.006 C.002 0.000 0.007 0. 416 O.G06 C.002 0.000 0.007 ' 0. 428 O.006 O.d02 0. 000 Q.007 0. 440 0.006 ��.0�2 0. 000 0.007 0.452 0.006 O.OG2 O.OQO O.QO? 0.464 0.006 0.002 0.000 0.007 0.977 0.006 O.002 0.000 O. CO+ 4.989 0.006 0.002 0.000 O. GO'i 0.501 0, 007 0.002 0.001 O.008 0.5?3 O, Q07 0.002 0.430 0.008 0.526 0, 007 0.002 O.C�O O.COS G. 538 O.00i C.GOZ 0 , 143 u.008 G. 550 O.d07 0.003 0.218 0.008 0.562 0.007 0. 003 0.302 0.00$ 0.574 0.007 0.003 0.396 0.008 0.587 0.007 0.003 0. 497 0.008 0.599 0.007 0.003 0. 606 0.008 0.611 0.008 0.003 0.721 0.009 0.623 0.008 O.0O3 0.844 O.OQ9 0. 636 0,008 O.OQ3 0.972 0.009 0. &98 O.G08 O.OG3 1.107 0.009 0. 66d 0.008 G.003 1.247 0.009 0. 672 O.d08 C.003 1.392 �.009 0.684 O.OQ8 0. 004 1.593 0.009 0.697 0.008 0.004 1 . 699 0.010 0.709 0.008 0.009 1.8b0 0.0�0 0.721 Q.008 0.004 2.025 O.O1C 0.733 0.009 0.004 2.195 0. 010 � 0.79& 0.009 0.004 2.370 O.O1G 0.758 0.009 0.004 2.549 O.O1G 0.770 Q.409 0.004 2.733 O.OiC �.782 0.009 0.004 2. 920 0.010 0.794 0.009 0.005 3.112 0.011 0.807 0.009 0.005 3. 308 C.0=1 0.8?9 O.OQ9 0.005 3.508 0.0�1 � 0.631 0.0�9 0.005 3.771 0. 01_ G.893 0.010 0. 005 3. 918 O. O1L G.856 0.010 0.005 4 . 130 0.011 G.868 0.010 0.005 4.344 O.011 0.880 0,010 O.005 9 .563 0.011 0.892 0.010 O.00S 9 .785 0.012 0. 904 O.fl10 0.006 5.010 0.012 0.91? 0.010 0.006 5.239 C.012 0. 929 0.010 0. 006 5.471 0.012 0. 941 0.010 0.006 5.706 0.012 0. 953 0.011 0.006 5.995 0.012 0. 966 0.012 O.00b 6. 187 0.012 0. 978 0.011 O. 006 6.433 0.012 0. 990 0.011 O.007 6.681 0.013 1.002 O.Q11 0.007 6. 932 0.013 1 .014 O.C�1 0.007 7. 187 0.013 1 , 027 0.011 0. 007 7.445 0.013 1.039 0.�11 0.007 7.705 0.013 1.051 0.012 0.007 7. 969 0.013 1. 063 0.012 0, 007 8.236 0.013 ? .076 0.012 0.007 8.505 0.014 i .088 Q.012 0.008 8.777 0,014 1.100 0.012 0.008 9.053 0.019 Name . Trapezoidal Pond 7 Bottom Length: 36ft. Bottom Width: 2ft , Depth : l, �ft. Volume at riser head : 0.0025ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate : 1.1 Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 �0 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0. 5 f� . Riser Diameter: :. . � n. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Staqe(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cPs) Infilt(cfs) o .000 �.00a a.coo o.000 � .000 0 ,012 0.002 O.G00 0.000 0.002 0.024 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.037 0.002 0.000 0.000 0. 002 0.049 0.002 0.000 0.000 0. 002 C.061 0.002 O.00C 0.000 0. 002 C.073 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.08b 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.098 0.002 0.000 O.OG�O 0.002 0.110 O.G02 0.000 4.000 Q.403 0. 122 O.0O2 0.000 0.0^v0 0.003 0. 139 O.0O2 0.000 0.000 C.003 0. 147 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.003 , 0. 159 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.003 I G.171 O.J03 0.000 0.000 0.003 C.183 0.003 O.G00 0.000 0.003 I C.196 O.003 O.000 0.000 0.003 � 0.208 O.003 O.000 0.000 0.003 ' 0.220 0.003 O.000 Q.000 0.003 0.232 Q.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.244 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.257 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 G.269 0.003 0.001 0.0�0 0.009 C�.281 0.003 0.001 0.0�0 0.004 C.293 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.009 C. 306 0. 003 0.001 0. 000 O.00A �.318 0. 003 G.001 0.000 0.004 �.330 0.003 0.001 O.b00 0.00� �.392 O.�C9 6.001 0.000 O.004 ��.354 d.004 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.367 0.009 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.379 0.009 0.001 O.00d 0.009 0,391 0.0�9 0.001 0.000 0.004 0,403 C.004 O.001 0.000 0.004 0.416 0.004 O.Gbl 0.000 0.005 0.428 0.00� 0.001 0.000 0.005 G.49G 0.00� 0.001 0.000 0.005 C.952 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.005 C.969 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.005 �.477 0.004 0.001 0.400 0.005 o. <sa o. 00� o. 00� o. oco c.005 o.sci o.004 0.002 0.001 0.00�� 0.513 0.005 0.002 0.030 0.005 0. 526 0.005 0. 002 0.080 Q.G05 0. 538 0.005 0.002 0. 143 O.COS 0.550 0.005 0.002 Q.218 O. OGS 0.562 0.005 0. 002 0.302 O.00u 0.574 0.005 O. OQ2 0.396 0.006 0.587 0.005 0.002 0.497 0.006 0.599 0.005 0.002 0. 606 0.006 0. 611 0.005 0.002 0.721 0.006 O. b23 0.005 0. 002 0.844 O.00E 0.636 0.005 0.002 0. 972 G.006 0.696 0.005 0.002 1.107 0,00'0 0. 660 0.005 0. 002 1 .297 0.006 0. 672 0.006 0. 002 1.392 O.00E 0. 684 0.006 0.002 '.543 0.006 0. 697 O.006 0.003 1.699 0.007 0.709 0.006 0. 003 1.860 O.007 0.721 a.006 0. 003 2.025 0.007 0.733 0.006 O.OQ3 2. i95 0.007 0.746 0.006 0.003 2.370 0.007 0.756 0.006 0. 003 2.549 0.007 0.770 O.d06 0. 003 2.733 0.00"; 0. 782 �.006 0.003 2. 920 6.007 0.794 O.OQ6 0.003 3. 112 G.00 ; 0.807 0.006 0. 003 3.308 O.OQ7 0.819 0.006 Q.003 3.508 O.OQ7 0.831 d.00"7 0.003 3.711 0.008 0.843 C.007 O.Od3 3. 91B O.Q08 0.856 fl.007 0.004 4.130 0.008 0.868 O.Oc�7 0.009 9 .344 0.008 0. 88Q 0.007 0. 004 4 .563 0.008 0. 892 0.007 0.004 4 .785 O.OQB 0. 904 0.007 0.004 5.010 G.008 0. 917 0.007 0. 004 5.239 0.008 {J. 929 0.007 0.009 5.471 0.008 0, 941 0.007 0. 004 5.706 0.008 0. 953 0.007 0.004 5. 995 0.009 0. 966 0.007 0. 009 6. 187 0.009 Q. 978 0.008 Q. G09 6.933 O.009 0, 990 0.008 O.�OL 6.08� 0.009 1.002 0.008 C.005 6. 932 0.009 1.014 0, 008 4.005 7.187 0.009 1.027 0.008 0.0�5 7.445 O.OQ9 I.039 0.008 0.005 7.705 0. 009 i.051 0.008 0.005 7 .969 0.009 1.063 0.008 0.005 8.236 0.409 1.076 0.008 0. 005 8.505 O.O1C 1.088 0, 008 0. 005 8.777 O.C1G 1 .100 0.008 O.COS 9.053 0.010 Name . Trapezoidal ,o�d 'o Bottom Length: 33�t. Hottom Width: 2f.. . Depth . 1. ].`t . i � , I -I Volume at riser head : 0.0019ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate : 1. � In£iltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 33 To i Side slope 3: 0 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: C.5 ft. Riser Diameter: 24 �n. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table ' Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volucne{acr-ft) Dachrq(cfs) In£ilt(efs) �.000 0. 002 0.000 0.000 C.000 0.0�2 o.00z o.000 o.000 c.o�� 0.029 0.002 0.000 0.000 O.Ofl2 ��. 037 0.002 O.00fl 0.000 0.003 I 0.049 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.003 I 0.061 0.002 0.600 0.000 0.009 ' 0.073 0.002 O.000 0.000 0.004 I 0.086 0.002 O.Q00 0.000 0.004 0.098 0.002 O.Q00 0.000 0. 005 , C. 110 Q.002 0.000 O.00C 0. 005 c. i22 e.002 0.000 0.000 0.005 0. 134 0.002 O.00C 0.000 0.006 �.147 C.002 O.00C 0.000 0.006 0.159 0. 002 0.000 0.000 0.007 0. 171 0.002 0.�00 0. 000 0.007 G. 183 0.002 O.00C 0.000 0.007 0. 196 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.208 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.008 G.220 0.002 0.000 0.400 0.009 C.232 O.Q03 0.000 0.000 C.009 �.244 O.Q03 Q.000 �.000 0.009 0.257 0.003 C.001 C.000 G.O10 0.269 0.003 C.001 C.000 0.010 ��.281 0.003 0.001 C.000 0.011 0.293 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.011 0.306 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.011 0. 318 0.003 �.001 0.000 0.012 0.330 0. 003 �.001 0.000 0.012 O. s42 0.003 J.001 0.000 0.013 0. 354 0.003 0.�01 0.000 0.013 0. 367 0,003 0.001 0.000 0.013 0. 379 0,003 0.001 0.000 0.014 G.391 0,003 0.�01 0.000 0.019 0.403 0,004 0.001 0.000 0.015 C.416 0,004 0.001 0.000 0.015 G. 4?_8 O. Q04 0.001 0. 000 0. 015 0.490 0.009 0.001 0.000 0.016 0.452 O.009 0.001 Q.000 0.016 0.969 �.009 0.001 0.000 0.017 0.977 O.OQ4 a.001 0.000 0.017 0. 489 Q.004 0. 001 0.000 0.017 0.501 0.009 0. 001 Q.001 0.018 0.513 0.009 0.001 O.C30 0.018 0. 526 0.004 0.001 0.080 0.019 0.538 O.Q09 0.002 0. 143 O.C19 G.550 0.009 0.042 0.218 0.020 0.562 0.�05 0.002 0.302 0.020 0.574 0.005 Q.002 0. 396 0.020 0.587 0.005 0.002 0. 497 0.021 ' 0.599 0.005 0.002 0. 606 0.021 0.611 0.005 0.002 0.721 0.022 0. 623 0.005 0.002 0, 844 0.022 0. 636 C.005 0.002 0.972 0.022 0. 698 O.005 0.002 1. 107 0.023 Q. 660 0.005 0.002 1.247 0.023 0. 672 O.OG5 0.002 =. 392 0.029 0. 684 0.005 0. 002 1. 593 0.024 0.697 0.005 0.002 1 . 699 0.025 0.709 0.006 0.002 1 .860 0.025 0.721 0. 006 0.002 2.025 0.025 0.733 0.006 O.Q02 2. 195 0.026 0.796 0.006 0.003 2.370 0.026 0.758 0.006 0.003 2. 549 0.027 0.770 0.006 0.003 2. 733 0.02 ;' 0.782 0.006 0.003 2. 520 0.028 0.794 0.006 0.003 3.112 0.02E 0.807 0.006 0.003 3.308 O.C29 0.819 0.006 0.003 3. 508 0.029 0.831 0.006 0.003 3.711 0.029 0, 893 �.007 0.003 3.918 0.03C 0.856 O.007 0.003 9 .13� 0.03C 0.866 0.007 0.003 4 .349 0.031 0.880 0.047 0.003 4 .563 0.031 ' 0. 892 0.007 0.009 4. 785 0.03? 0.904 0.007 0.004 5.010 0.03� 0.917 0.007 O.OQ4 5.239 0.03< 0.929 0.007 0.004 5.971 0.033 0. 991 0.007 0.004 5.706 0.033 0.953 C.Q08 0,004 5.995 0.039 0. 966 O.008 0.004 6. 187 0.039 0. 978 0.008 �.009 6.433 0.03� 0. 990 O.00B O.009 6. 681 0.03� 1.002 0.008 O.009 E. 932 0.035 1.014 0.008 0.�04 7. 387 0.035 1.027 0.008 0.005 7. 495 0.031 1.039 0.008 0.005 7. 705 0.031 1.051 0, 008 0.005 7. 9b9 0.031 1.063 0.008 0.005 8.236 0.03� 1.076 0.009 0.005 8.505 0.038 1.088 G.009 0.005 8.777 0.039 1.100 �.009 0.005 9.053 0.039 Name . �rapezoida_ Fond � Bottom Length: 25ft. Bottom Width: 2ft. Depth . i. lft. Volume at riser head : C.C�011ft. Infiltration On In£iltration rate : l . i Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 Tc 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 7 Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0. 5 ft. Riser Diameter: 24 in. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg{c£s) Infilt(cfa) �.00G �.001 0.00� C.000 d.000 G, 012 0.001 0.000 O.Q00 O.�C] � 0, 029 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 ��. 037 0.001 O.00O 0.000 0.001 0.049 0.0�1 0.030 0.000 0.001 , G.061 0.�01 0.0�0 0. 000 0.00?_ 0.�73 0.001 O.OflO 0.00� 0.002 0.086 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 C.098 0.002 0.000 O.OGO 0.00?_ �.1'_0 0.002 C.000 O.00O 0.002 o.i22 0.002 �.000 o.oao �.00� 0. 239 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0. =47 0.002 0.000 O.Q00 0.002 0. 159 0.002 O.�OG 0.000 0.002 0. 171 0.002 O.�OC O.G00 0.002 0. 183 0.002 0.000 O.ObO 0.002 0.196 0. 002 0.000 0.000 O.OG2 0.2�8 0. 002 0.000 0, 000 O.002 0.220 0.002 o.coo o.000 o.00� 0.232 c.002 o.coo o. 000 0.002 0.24� c.002 o.coo o.000 0.002 0.257 C.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.2b9 O.OG2 0.000 0.000 0.003 0,281 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.293 0.002 0.001 4.000 0.003 0.306 0.002 C.001 0.000 O.OG3 0.318 0.402 �.001 O.00O 0.003 0.330 �.0O2 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.342 fl.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 G.354 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.367 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 �.379 0 .003 0.001 d.000 0.003 0.39i 0.003 C. CO1 0.000 O. 003 0.9�3 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 G.416 0.043 0.001 0.000 0.003 O.S28 Q.OQ3 0.001 0. 000 0.�03 �.990 O.003 Q. 001 0. 000 0.003 0.452 0.003 0.001 O.00G 0.403 0.469 G, 003 0.001 0.000 0.009 0. 477 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.004 0. 489 O.Q03 0.001 0.00� 0.009 0.501 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.009 0.513 0. 003 0. 001 0.030 O.Q09 0. 526 0.003 G. 001 Q.C80 O.OQ4 0.538 0.003 C. GO1 0. 143 0.004 � 0.550 O.C43 O.00; 0.218 0.004 C.562 0.003 O.00i 0.302 0.004 C.5�4 0.004 0.001 0.396 0.044 - D.587 O.OG4 d.001 0. 497 0.004 0.599 0.004 0.001 0. 606 0.004 C.611 0.009 O.OQI 0.721 0.009 C. 623 0.004 0.002 0.844 0.004 0. 636 0.004 0.002 0. 972 0, 009 0. 648 0.004 Q.002 1. 107 0.004 0. 660 0.004 0.002 i.297 0.�05 0. 672 0. 004 0.002 i.392 O.G05 0. 684 0.004 0.002 1.543 0.005 0.697 0.004 0.�02 1 .599 O.00S 0.709 O.004 G.OG2 1.860 0.005 � 0.721 0.009 0.002 2.025 0.004 Q.733 C. �09 0. 002 2.195 0.005 0, 746 O.OG� 0.002 2.370 0.�0� 0.758 0.004 0.002 2.599 O.005 0.770 0.005 �. 002 2.733 0.005 0.?82 0.005 0. 002 2. 920 0.a05 0.794 0.005 0.002 3.112 0.005 �. 807 0.005 0.002 3.308 O.OGS 0.819 0.005 O. d02 3.508 0.005 0.831 Q.005 0. 002 3.711 0.006 C.843 0. 005 O.QQ2 3.918 0.006 0.856 0.005 0.003 4. 130 0.006 0.868 0.005 0.003 9 , 344 C.006 0.880 �.005 0.003 4.563 0.006 0.892 C.005 0.003 4.785 0,006 �.9C4 O.OGS 0.003 5.C10 0.006 0.91� 0.005 O. G03 5.239 0.006 0. 929 0.005 0.003 5.971 0.006 0.941 0.005 0.�03 5.706 0.006 Q.953 0.005 0.^v03 5.9�5 0.006 0. 9b6 0.006 O.OG3 6.187 0.006 0, 978 0.006 0.003 6.433 Q.006 0. 990 0.006 C.003 6.681 0.007 1.Q02 0.006 0.003 6.932 0.007 1.019 0.006 0.003 7.187 0.007 _ 1.027 0.0�6 0.003 7.445 0.007 1 . 039 0.006 0.004 7.705 0.007 1.051 0.006 O.00A 7.969 0.007 i.003 0.006 0.00� s.236 o.ao7 1.C?6 C�.CG6 0.009 8. 505 0,007 ' 1 . OR8 O.GG6 O, G09 8 .777 O.007 1. 100 0.006 0.009 9.053 0.007 Name . Trapezoid�t �end � Bottom Length: 3?_fr , Bottom Width: 2ft_ , Depth : l. lft. Volume at riser head : O.uC; 4ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate : �. 1 Infiltration saftey factor : � Wetted surface area �n Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 7 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To i Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0. 5 f?. . Riser Diameter: ?�i �n. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 � Pond Hydraulic Table Stage{ft) Area(acr) Volume{acr-ft) Dachrg(cfs} Infilt(cfs) G.000 0.001 0.000 0. 000 O. 000 0.012 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.024 0.002 0.000 O.00O 0.002 0.037 0.002 0.�00 0.000 0.002 0.049 G.002 0.000 0.000 0. 002 � 0.061 C.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 �'. 0.073 0.002 0.000 C.000 0.002 O. C86 0.002 0.000 C.��00 C.002 0.098 0.002 O.000 0.000 0.002 0. 110 0.002 Q.000 0.000 C.002 0. 122 0.002 ' a.000 o.000 o.oc2 o. �s� 0.002 0.000 0.000 o.oc2 0. 197 O.002 0.000 O.OaC 0.002 0. 159 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.00� o. i�i o.002 o.00a o.000 o. 00� 0. 183 0.002 0.000 0.000 O.G03 �. 196 0.002 0.000 0.000 O.G03 �.208 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.220 O.Q03 0.000 0.000 0. 003 0.232 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.249 O.OQ3 0.001 0. 000 0.0�� 0.257 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.00� 0.269 0.003 0.�01 O.�OC 0.003 0.281 0.003 0.001 O.�OC 0.003 0.293 0.003 0.001 0.000 O.G03 0. 306 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.318 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0. 330 O.G03 0.001 D. OGO O, C09 �. 342 �.�J3 G.001 0.��� 0. �04 0.354 0. 003 0,001 0.000 0.004 0.367 0.003 0.001 0.000 �.004 0.379 0.003 0.001 0.000 Q.004 0.391 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.403 0.003 0.001 O.00d 0.009 C.916 0.009 0.001 0. 000 0.009 0, 928 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.009 0.490 0.004 O.CO1 0.000 0.009 0.952 0.004 O.00i 0.000 �.004 C.469 0.009 0.001 O.OQO 0.004 0.477 C.004 C.001 0.000 0.009 0.489 0.044 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.501 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.513 0.004 0.001 0.030 0.005 0.526 0.004 0.001 0.080 0.005 0.538 0.004 0. 002 0.143 0.005 0.550 0.009 0.002 0.218 0.005 0.562 0.009 0.002 0.302 0.005 0.574 O.004 0.002 0. 396 0.005 0.587 0.005 0. 002 0.997 O. OQ5 0.599 0.005 0.002 0. 606 O.00=� C.bll 0.005 0,002 0.721 O.G05 0. 623 0.005 O.0O2 4.844 O.CO� � 0. 636 0.005 0.002 0. 972 O.00� C. 698 0.005 0.002 1. 107 O.006 G.b60 0.005 0.002 1.297 0.006 � 0.672 0.005 C.002 1.392 Q.006 0.684 0.005 0.002 1.543 0.006 0.697 O.OQS 0.002 1. 699 O.G06 0.709 O.005 0.002 1. 860 O.OG6 0.721 0.005 0.002 2.025 O.Q06 ; 0.733 0.005 0.002 2. 195 G. 006 , 0.746 0.005 0.003 2.370 0.0�6 0.758 C.005 0.003 2. 549 0.006 0.770 �.006 0.003 2.733 0.006 0.782 �.006 Q.003 2.920 0.007 0.799 0.006 0.003 3. 112 0.007 0.807 0.006 0.003 3. 308 0.007 � 0.819 0.006 0.003 3.508 0.007 b.831 0.006 0.003 3.711 0.007 , G.�43 0.006 0.003 3. 916 0.007 ' 0,856 0.006 0.003 4. 130 0.007 ��.868 0. 006 0.003 4 .344 0.007 0.880 0.006 O.Q03 4 .563 0.047 C.892 0.006 0.003 4 .785 �.007 0. 904 C.006 0.003 5.010 0.007 0.917 0.006 0.009 5.239 0.007 ��. 929 0.007 0.00� 5.471 0.008 0. 941 0.007 0.004 5.706 0.008 0. 953 0.007 0.004 5. 945 0.008 ' 0. 966 0.007 0.004 6. 187 0.008 0. 978 0.007 0.009 6.433 G.008 0. 990 0.007 O.Q04 6.581 4.008 1.002 0.00? 0.004 6. 932 C,008 '' ? .019 0.007 0.009 7 . 187 �.008 = . 027 O.CO? �.009 7 . 445 0. 008 � � n 1.039 0.007 0.009 7.705 0.006 1.051 0.007 O.004 7.969 0.008 1 .C63 0.007 0.005 8.236 0.009 1.076 0.007 0.005 8.505 0.009 1 . 088 0.008 0.005 8.777 0.009 1.100 0.008 0.005 9.053 0.009 Name . Trapezoidal Pond 3 Bottom Length: 60ft. Bottom Width: 2f�. Depth : l. l�t. Volume at riser head : 0.0025ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate : l. ? Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: G.5 =t. Riser Diameter: 24 in. Element Flows To; � OutZet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(£ty Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft� Dschrg(cfs) infilt(cfs) o.000 0.003 a.000 c.000 o.000 0. �12 O. 0O3 O.OQJ 0.000 0.003 0.024 Q.003 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.037 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.049 0.003 0.000 0.400 0.004 0.061 0.003 C.000 0.000 0.004 fl.073 0.003 0.000 G.00O 0.009 0. 086 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.004 O.C98 0.004 O.00Q 0.000 0.004 0.110 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.004 0. 122 O.Q09 0.000 0,000 0.004 0.134 0.009 C.000 0.000 0.004 0. 147 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.005 0. 159 Q.009 0.001 O.000 0.005 0.171 0.00� 0.001 0.000 �.005 0. ?83 O.004 0,001 O.00C 0.005 O, I96 0.009 C.001 0.000 0.005 0.2Q8 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.220 0.005 O.00I O.000 0.005 0.232 0.005 0.401 0.000 0.005 0.294 O.005 0,001 0.000 0.006 0.257 0,005 C.001 0.000 0.006 0.269 0.005 0.001 0. 000 0.006 0.281 0.005 0.001 O.Q00 0,0a6 0.293 0. 005 0.001 0.0�0 0.006 Q.306 O.OQS 0.001 0.000 O.00o 0.318 6.006 0. 001 0.000 O.006 0.330 0.006 Q,001 O.OQO 0.006 0,342 0.006 0, 001 0.000 0.007 0.354 0.006 0.002 0. 000 O.007 C.367 C.00b 0.002 0.000 0.007 0,379 0,006 0.002 O. 00C 0.007 0.391 0.006 0.002 0.000 0.007 0.403 O.OG6 0.002 C.Q00 0.007 0. 416 d.0�6 0.002 0.000 0.007 0.928 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.008 0. �40 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.008 0.452 0.007 O. 0O2 0.000 O.OQ8 0. 464 O.OG7 0.002 0. 000 0.008 0. 977 d.007 0.0�2 O.OQO 0.008 C.489 0.007 0.002 Q.00C 0.608 0. 501 O.G07 0.002 0.001 O.DO� 0.513 0.007 0.003 0.030 0.008 0.526 0.007 O.003 0.080 0.009 4.538 0.008 0.003 0. 143 0.009 0. 550 0.008 0.003 0.218 0.009 O.�o2 0.008 b.003 0.302 O.00� 0.574 0.008 0.003 0. 396 0.0�9 ' 0. 58? d.008 0.003 0. 497 0.009 0.599 0.008 0. 003 0. 605 0.009 0. 611 0.008 0.003 0. 721 0.01C 0. 523 0.008 0.003 0.894 0.010 � 0. 636 0.009 Q.004 0. 972 0.010 0. 698 0.009 0. 004 i. 107 0.010 4.660 0.009 0.009 1.247 0.010 0. 672 0.009 0.004 1. 392 0.�10 0. 684 0.009 0:004 1.543 0.010 0. 697 0.009 0.004 1 . 699 C.O10 0.7C9 O.OQ9 0. 009 1.860 O,Oli 0.722 O.OG9 0.00� 2. 025 0.011 0. 733 0.009 0. 004 2. 195 0.011 0.746 0.010 0.005 2.370 0.011 0.758 O.G20 0.005 2,599 0.011 fl.770 0.010 0.005 2.733 0.011 0.782 0.010 C,OG� 2.920 0.011 0. 794 O.G10 0.005 3. 112 0.012 0.807 0.0_0 O.d05 3, 308 O.G12 0.819 G.O10 0.�05 3. SC8 0.�12 0.831 0.010 0.005 3.711 C.022 0.843 0.011 0.006 3. 918 0.012 0.856 0.011 0.006 9 .130 0.012 0.866 O.Oil 0.006 9 . 349 0.012 0.880 �.C11 O.fl06 4 .563 0.013 0.892 0.011 0.006 4 .785 G.�i3 0.904 0.011 0.006 5.010 0.013 0.917 0.011 0.006 5.239 0.013 0.929 0.011 O.OGb 5.471 O.Oi3 0.941 0.012 0, 007 5.706 0.013 0.953 0.012 0.007 5. 945 O.C13 0.966 0,012 0.007 6, i87 0.014 0.978 0.012 0.007 6.433 Q.014 0. 990 0.012 C.007 6. 681 0.019 1.002 0.012 �.007 6. 932 0.019 1.019 0.012 �.007 7.187 0.019 1.027 0.012 �.008 7.445 0. 019 1.039 0.013 v.008 7.705 0.019 1.051 0. 013 C.00� 7. 969 0.015 1.063 0. 013 O.Q08 8.236 0. 015 1.076 0.013 a.008 8.505 0.015 1.088 0.013 O.CO� 8.777 0.015 1. 100 0. 013 0.009 9.053 0.015 Name . Trapezoidal Pond 2 Bottom Length: 25ft. Bottom Width: 2f�. Depth : l.lft . Volume at riser head : O.0011ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate : 1. 1 Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 1 Discharge Structure � Riser Height: �, 5 ft. Riser Diameter: 29 in. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Rydraulic Table Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volucae(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) In£ilt(cfs) 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.0�0 0. 000 o.oi2 o.aoi o.000 o.c�o o.00i 0.024 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.037 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.OQ1 0.049 0.001 0.000 0.000 0. 001 0.06i 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.073 0.001 0.000 0.000 0. 002 O.C86 0.001 0.000 O.QCO 0.002 o.a9e o.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 o. iio o.00a o.000 o.000 0. 002 0.122 0.002 O.G00 Q.000 0.002 0. 134 C.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0. 197 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 ' 0.159 C.002 0.000 O.00C 0.002 C. 171 O.002 O.00O 0.�00 0.002 0.183 0.002 O.00O 0.000 0.002 0. 196 0.002 0.0�0 0.000 0.002 � 0.208 0.002 0.000 G.000 0.002 0.220 0.002 0.00o c.000 0.002 a.232 0.002 0.00o e.coo 0. 002 � 0.7;�1 O. 00L O.00O C.000 O.OQ?_ 0.257 0.002 0.000 0. 000 0.002 0.269 O.0O2 0.000 0.000 0.003 o.2ai o. 002 0.000 0.00o a.003 0.293 0.002 0.001 0.000 G,003 0.306 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.318 0.002 0.001 O.Q00 0.003 0.330 0.002 0. 001 0. 000 O.fl03 0. 392 0.003 O.00i 0.000 0.003 0.359 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0. 367 0.003 0.001 0. 000 0.003 0.379 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.391 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.(303 0.903 0.003 O.QO1 0.000 0.003 0.416 0.003 O.001 0.000 0.003 0.428 O.OQ3 C.001 0.000 0.003 0.440 O.OQ3 0.001 0.000 0.003 0. 452 0.003 0.001 0. 040 0.003 0. 464 0.003 0.001 O.00O 0.004 0.477 0. 003 0.001 0.000 0.009 0. 489 0.003 0. 001 0. 000 Q.00� 0.501 0.003 0. 001 0. 001 0,009 C.513 0.003 0.401 C.030 0.009 0.526 O.OQ3 0.001 0. 080 0.009 0.538 O.003 O.Qbl 0. 143 0.004 0.550 0.003 O.00i 0.218 0.009 0.562 C.003 0.001 0.302 0.009 0. 574 0.009 0.001 0.396 0.004 � 0.587 0.009 0.001 0. 497 0.004 0.599 0.004 0.001 0. 606 O.009 0. 611 0.004 0. 001 0, 721 O.004 0.623 0.009 O.0O2 0.894 0.004 i 0.636 0.009 0.002 0. 972 0.004 �I 0. 648 0.004 0.002 1.107 0.004 0. 660 0.004 0.002 1.247 0.005 0.672 0.004 0.002 1. 392 0.005 0.684 0. 004 0.002 1.543 0.005 0.697 0.009 0, 002 1 . 699 G.005 0.709 O.Q09 0.002 1.860 0,005 0.721 0.004 0.002 2.025 0.005 0.733 0.�04 0. 002 2. 195 0.005 0.746 0.009 0.002 2.370 0.005 0.758 0.004 0.002 2.599 0.005 C.770 0,005 C.002 2.733 G.005 0.782 0.005 0.002 2. 920 0.005 0.794 0.005 0.002 3. 112 0,005 0.807 0.005 0.002 3.308 0.005 0.819 0.005 O.G02 3.508 0.005 0.831 0.005 O.OQ2 3.711 0.006 0.843 0.005 O.002 3.918 0.006 0.856 0.005 0.003 4 . 130 O.Q06 0.868 O.OdS C,003 � . 344 0.006 0. 880 O.00S 0.003 4.563 0.006 0.892 0.005 0.003 4.785 0,006 0.909 0.005 0.003 5.020 O.Oa6 0. 917 0,005 0.003 5.239 0.006 0.929 0.005 0.003 5. 971 0.006 0.991 0.005 0.003 5.706 0.006 0.953 0.005 0,003 5. 945 0.006 0.966 0.006 0.003 6. �87 0.006 0.978 0.606 0.003 6.�33 0.006 0.990 0.006 0.003 6. 681 O.G07 1 .002 0.006 0.003 6. 932 0.007 1 .014 0.006 0.003 7.187 0.�07 , � .027 0.006 0.003 7.495 Q.OG7 1 .039 0.006 0.009 7 .705 0.007 1 ,051 0.006 0.009 7 .969 0.007 1.063 O.006 0.009 8 ,236 0.007 1.076 fl.00b 0.009 8. 505 0.007 1.088 0.006 0.004 8.777 0.007 ' 1 . 100 0.006 0.004 9.053 0.007 Name . Trapezoidal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 15ft. Bottom Width: 2ft. Depth . i.lft. Volume at riser head : 0.0006ft. Infi�tration On Infiltration rate : 1. 1 Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0 .5 ft. Riser Diameter: 29 in. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Stage(£t) Araa{acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(cfs) Snfilt(c£s) O.000 G.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.012 G.001 0.000 O.OQO 0.001 0.024 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.037 0.001 G.000 0.000 0.001 0.099 �.001 G.000 0.000 0.003 0. 061 0.001 Q.000 0.000 0.002 0.073 0. 001 C.000 0.000 0.001 0.086 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.COl 0.098 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.COi 0. 110 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.Q41 0. 122 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.00i 0. 13� 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.041 0. 147 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0. 159 O.QO1 0.000 0.000 0.001 v. 171 0.001 G.000 0.000 0.001 0. 183 0.001 0.000 O.000 0.001 G. i96 G.001 O.CO�� 0. 000 C�. 001 e.2os o.00i o.coo o.000 o.oc� 0.220 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.GOl 0.232 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.244 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.25� o.00i o.000 o.000 a.00i , 0.269 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 '� o.2si o.aoi o.00a o. 000 o.00i 0.293 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.306 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.Q02 0.318 0.001 C.000 0.000 0.001 0.330 0.001 0.000 0. 000 0.001 C.342 0.001 0.000 0.000 O.OQI C.354 0.002 0.000 0.000 O.OJ2 0.367 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.379 O.0O2 0.000 0. 000 0.002 0.391 0.002 0. 000 0.000 0.002 0.403 O.002 0.000 O.00fl O.G02 0. 9i6 0.002 0.000 0.000 0. 002 0. 428 0.002 0.001 0. 000 O.q02 0.490 0.002 0. 001 0.000 O.OG2 0.952 0.002 0. 00� 0.000 0.002 0.969 0.002 O.OG'•_ 0.000 0.002 0.477 0.002 0.0�1 0.000 0.002 0.489 0.002 0. 001 O.00Q O.002 0.501 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.513 0.002 0.001 0.030 O.0O2 0. 526 0.002 0.001 0. 080 0.002. 0.538 0.002 O. CO1 0. 143 O.002 0.550 0.002 0. �01 0.218 O.OG� 0. 562 0.002 0.00? 0.302 0.00� �. 574 0.002 0.001 0. 396 0.002 0.587 0.002 0.001 0. 497 0.00?_ 0.599 0.002 0.001 0. 606 0.�02 0.611 0.002 0.001 0.721 O.GOi 0. 623 0.002 0.001 0.649 0.002 0. b36 0.002 0. 001 0. 972 O.00?_ 0.648 C.002 0.001 1. 107 0.002 0. 66Q 0.002 d.00l 1.297 0.002 0.672 0.002 0.001 1.392 0,002 0. 684 0.002 0.0�1 1.543 O.002 0. 697 0.002 0. 001 1. 699 0.00� 0.709 0.002 0.001 1. 860 O.C42 0. 72i 0.002 0.001 2.025 0.002 0.733 0.003 O. CO1 2. 195 O.002 0.746 G.fl03 0.�0� 2.370 0.003 0.756 �.003 O.OG� 2. 549 O.00.s 0.770 O.OD3 0.001 2.733 0.003 0. 782 0.003 C.001 2. 920 �.003 0.794 0.003 0,001 3. 112 0.003 0.807 0.003 0.001 3.308 0.003 0.819 0,003 0.001 3, 508 0.003 0.831 0.003 0.001 3.711 0.003 0.893 0.003 0.001 3. 918 0.003 0.85b 0.003 O. CO1 4.130 0.003 0.868 0.003 O.v02 9 .394 0.003 0.880 D.003 O.002 9 . 563 0.003 0.892 0.003 0.002 4 .785 0.003 C, 904 0.003 0.002 5.010 �.003 0, 917 0.003 0.002 5.239 0.003 0. 929 O.003 O.002 5.471 0.0�3 0. 941 0.003 0.002 5.706 0.003 0.953 0.003 0.002 5. 945 0.003 0.9E6 0.003 O.Ofl2 6. 187 0.003 0. 978 0.003 0.002 6.433 0.003 C.990 0.003 0.002 0. 681 0.003 1 . 002 0.003 0.002 6. 932 0.003 1.014 0.003 0.002 7. 187 O.OG3 1.027 O.OG3 0.002 7. 445 O.OG3 1.039 O.003 0.002 7.705 0, 003 1.G51 O.003 O.002 7. 969 0. 003 1.G63 0.003 O.002 8.236 0. 003 1.076 0.004 O.002 8.505 0. 003 1 .088 O.Ofl� O.002 8.777 0.004 1. 100 0.004 0.002 9.G53 0.004 Name . Basin 9 Bypass: No GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .34 � Im ervious Land Use Acres Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basi.n 9 Bypass: �70 GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .19 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.16 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater MITIGATED LAND USE ANALXSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0. 15976;i 5 year 0.21258i 10 year 0.249152 25 year 0.297?_E;`. 50 year 0.33�,5?<± 100 year G.3730`.��= Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.09752`� 5 year 0. 1538�=,1 10 year 0. 1972i�� 25 year 0.25902", 50 year 0.31022:� 100 year 0.3'0593 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated Year Predeveloped Mitigated ;950 0.178 0.192 1951 0.334 0.24� 1952 0. 195 Q. '_�� 1953 0. 121 0.06-� '� 1954 C.116 C.04? 1955 0.i55 0.0"?"7 1956 0. 165 0. 130 1957 0. 161 0.12C 1958 0.197 0. 157 1959 0.158 O.C78 1960 0. 115 0.072 1961 0. 165 0.129 1962 0. 139 0.073 �963 0. 122 0.050 19E9 0. 139 0.053 1965 0. 159 0.098 1966 0.131 0.062 �967 0.190 0.077 1968 0.212 0.147 1969 0.228 O. il8 1970 0.128 0.088 1971 0. 139 0.098 ?972 0.138 0.088 1973 0.292 0. �99 1979 0. 122 0.062 1975 0. 154 0.057 1976 0.217 0.167 1977 0.133 0.088 �978 0.129 0.05F ±979 0. 197 0.1�: 79�0 0. i ??_ C .073 1981 0. 199 0. 13b 1982 0. 194 0.131 1983 0.295 0.265 "�984 0.166 0.111 1985 0.197 0.056 1986 0. 118 0.078 1987 0.209 Q. 167 1988 0.208 0. 151 1989 0.089 0.05}. i990 0. 101 0.046 1991 C.368 0.336 1992 0.326 0.295 1993 0.192 0.096 1999 0. 086 0.098 1995 0.090 0.039 1996 0. 132 0.077 1997 0.229 0. 189 1998 0.195 0. 133 1599 C. 188 0.080 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated Rank Predeveloped Mitigated ' 0.3680 0.3362 2 0.3344 0.2948 3 0.3262 0.2646 9 0.2951 0.248C 5 0.2922 0.1991 6 0.2291 0. 1894 7 0.2280 0. 167' 6 0.2165 0. �665 9 b.2116 O. i612 iC 0.2081 O. i572 11 0.2043 0. 1545 12 0. 1970 0. 1512 13 0.1969 0. 1475 19 0.1954 0. 1419 15 0.1951 0.1360 16 0.1991 0. �33� 17 0. 1938 0. 1314 18 0. 18E9 0. 1300 19 0. 1783 0. 1269 2J 0.1717 0. 1205 ?1 0.1658 0. 1?76 22 0.1652 O.1i07 ?3 0.1698 0.0981 29 0.1614 0.0977 25 0.1593 0.0963 26 0.1577 0.0884 27 0. 1550 0.0882 2� 0. �537 0.0881 ?_9 0.1473 0.079� 30 0.1421 0.0785 31 0. 1400 O.d775 <2 0. 1393 0.0772 33 0.1397 0.0"1?� ?�_ 0. 1389 0. �76b 35 0.13'/5 0.0739 36 0. �328 0.0731 37 0. 1324 0.0716 38 0.1308 0.0636 39 0. 1293 0.0621 90 0. 1283 C.061� 91 0. 1223 G.C571 92 0.1220 0, 0569 43 0.1206 0.0562 99 0.=i18? 0.0531 45 Q.1165 0.0509 46 0.1150 0.0495 47 0.1014 0.0985 48 Q.0897 0.0965 99 0.0895 C.0464 50 0.0863 0.0390 Blow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail C.C799 859 196 22.0 Pass 0.0825 779 178 22.0 Pass 0.0850 689 167 24.0 Pass 0.0876 634 �59 25,0 ?ass 0.0902 558 145 25.0 Pass C.C927 524 136 25.0 Pass 0.0953 475 128 26.0 Pass 0.0979 448 125 27.0 Pass 0. 1005 407 11� 28.0 Pass 0. 1030 368 102 27.0 Pass 0.1056 353 97 27.0 Pass 0.?C82 320 94 29.0 Pass 0.�108 307 E9 28.0 Pass 0. 1133 279 77 27.0 �ass 0. 1159 260 75 28.0 Pass 0. 1185 240 71 29.0 Pass 0. 1210 222 69 28.� Pass 0. 1236 208 60 28.0 Pass 0. 1262 195 57 29.0 Pass 0. 1288 183 54 29.0 Pass 0.1313 167 52 31.0 Pass 0, =339 159 48 31.0 Pass 0. 13b5 "�49 .s9 26.0 Pass 0. 1390 i38 37 26.0 Pass 0.1416 129 36 27.G Pass 0. 1942 121 39 28.0 Pass 0. 1968 111 32 28.0 Pass Q. 1493 98 30 30.0 Pass 0. 1519 94 30 31.0 Pass 0. 1595 85 29 ?4.0 Pass 0.1571 79 27 34.0 Pass C.1596 75 25 33.0 Pass 0.1622 67 29 35.b Pass 0. 1648 63 24 38.0 Pass 0. 1673 58 21 36.0 Pass 0. 1699 56 20 35.0 Pass �. ��25 51 19 37.0 Pass 0. 1751 51 18 35.0 Pass 0. 17i6 49 16 32.0 Pass 0. 1802 44 16 36.0 Pass 0. 1828 43 14 32.0 Pass 0. 1853 39 13 33.0 Pass 0.1879 36 12 . 33.0 Pass 0.1905 34 10 29.0 Pass 0.1931 33 10 30.0 Pass 0.1956 31 10 32.0 Pass 0. 1982 2E 10 38.0 Pass 0.2008 26 9 34.0 Pass 0.2039 25 9 36.0 Pass 0.2059 24 9 37.0 Pass 0.2085 24 9 37.0 pass 0.2?1? 22 9 40.0 Pass 0.2136 21 9 42.0 Pass 0.2162 19 9 47.0 Pass 0.2188 17 5 52.0 Pass 0.2219 14 9 69 .0 Pass 0.2239 13 9 69.0 Pass C.2265 13 9 69.0 Pass C.2291 12 9 75.0 Pass 0,23:6 11 9 81.0 Pass 0.2342 10 9 90.0 Pass 0.2368 �0 9 90.0 Pass 0.2394 10 9 90.0 Pass 0.2419 10 9 90.0 Pass � 0.2445 9 8 88.0 Pass 0.2471 9 8 88.0 Pass G.2497 9 7 77.0 Pass 0.2522 9 7 77.0 Pass 0.2548 9 7 77.0 Pass 0.2574 9 7 77.0 Pass 0.2599 9 7 77.0 Pass 0.2625 9 5 55.4 Pass C.2651 9 4 44 .0 Pass 0.2677 9 4 44.0 Pass 0.2702 8 4 50.0 Pass 0.2728 8 4 50.0 Pass 0.2754 8 9 50.0 Pass 0.2779 8 � 50.0 Pass 0,2805 8 4 50.0 Pass 0.2831 8 4 50.0 Pass G.2857 8 4 50.0 ?ass G.2882 8 3 37.0 Pass G.29Q8 8 3 37.0 Pass 0.2934 6 3 50.0 Pass 0,2960 6 2 33.0 Pass 0.29$5 5 2 90.0 Pass 0.3011 5 2 40.0 Pass 0.3037 5 2 4�.0 Pass 0.3062 5 1 20.0 Pass 0.3088 5 1 20.0 Pass G.3114 5 1 20.0 Pass 0.3190 5 1 20.0 Pass 0. 3165 5 2 20.0 Pass .�:. �51g� �J .�. l�'.�'1 �dSS 0.3217 4 1 25.0 Pass 0, 3292 4 ? 25.0 Pass 0. 3268 4 i 25.0 Pass 0.3299 3 1 33.0 Pass 0.3320 3 1 33.� Pass 0. 334� 3 1 33.0 Pass Water Quality St� Flow and Volume for POC 1. On-line faci2ity volume: 0.0749 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0.01 cfs. Adjusted for f5 min: 0.1095 cfs. O£f-line facility target flow: G.0619 cfs, Adjusted for 1S min: O.Ob95 cfs. This progran and accompanying documen.aticn is provided 'as-is' withcnt warzanty of any :cind. The entire ris:� regardir:g the perfor:nance and results of this progzaa� is assuned by tl:e user. Clear Creek Sointions ar:d tte washington State pepartment of Ecology disclaims all warrant:es, either expressed or implied, including bzt not limited to implied warrarties of prccrau� and accompanying documentatior.. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions ar.d/or the `rTash_ngton Sta�e Denartnent of Ecology be liab?e for any damages whatsoever (inc�uding withaut limitation to damages for loss o` business orofits, loss of business information, business interruption, ard the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program ever. if Clear Creek Solut_ens or the 6:ashinatcn Sta�e Cegar�m<^nt of Eco:ccy has ne�n ad��ised of tl-ie poss�.bili=y of sucn iia:r.aqes. � i ' 1 ' � i ; 1 i Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: R:iP.iC P���cus Fave:��ent i Site Address: ' ' City . r Report Date : 6/28/2�=3 _ Gage . Seatac '� Data Start . 1998/10/Oi ' Data End . 199�3/09/?C Precip Scale: 1. 1? WWEIIyI3 Version: I PREDEVELOPED LAND USE � � Name . ?a��n 1 Bypass: �:� I � GroundWater: e?o I Pervious Land Use Acres ' C, Lawn, Flat .35 Impervious Land Use Acres � Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Ea s i r�, _ Bypass: �o GroundWater: ^]o Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .19 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.16 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater MITIGATED LAND USE At3ALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods £or Predeveloped, POC #1 Return Period Flow(efs) 2 year 0.026595 5 year 0.04087 10 year 0.051408 25 year 0.065894 50 year 0.077512 100 year 0.089823 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(efs) 2 year 0.060895 5 year 0.078168 IO year 0.089805 25 year 0. 104795 50 year 0.126195 100 year 0.1278?1 Yearly Peaks for Predeve].oped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mi.tigated 195G 0.033 O.Cb6 i951 0.080 0. 112 1952 O.d41 0.06G � 1953 0.029 0.047 19�9 0.015 0.04? 1955 0.026 0.059 1956 0.032 0.�60 1957 0.031 0.059 1958 0.037 0.072 2959 0.029 0.061 �960 0.017 0.045 1961 C.034 0.06I 1962 0.023 �.053 1963 0.015 0.050 1964 0.024 0, 052 1965 0.026 0.060 1 1966 O.Oi8 0.05� 1967 0.023 0.053 '_968 0.038 0. 081 1969 C.039 0.089 1970 0.021 0.049 1971 0,023 0.053 1972 0.024 0.052 1973 0.053 0.084 1974 0.019 0.047 1975 0.027 0.057 1976 O.G43 O.Q78 1977 0.023 0.054 1978 0.012 0. 055 I979 0.030 0.076 1980 O.Olb 0.072 1981 0.036 0.071 1982 0.032 0.079 1983 0.4b1 0. 107 1989 0.022 0.068 1985 0.024 0.056 1986 0.014 0.098 1987 0.042 0.072 1988 0.038 0.085 ', 1989 0.014 0.035 1990 0.012 0.096 1991 0.087 0.129 ' i 1992 0.074 0.112 1993 0.023 0.0�9 1994 0.015 0.033 1995 0.008 0.039 ' 1996 Q.021 0.053 1997 O.G�2 0.079 1998 O.G39 0.070 ' 1999 O.C31 0. 072 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 , Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 O.C872 0. 1240 2 0.0796 0. 1124 3 0.0738 0. 112G ' 4 0.0608 0. 1073 I 5 0.0526 0.0�88 6 0.0519 0.085C ? 0.0432 0.0849 B 0.0425 0.0807 i 9 0.0413 G.0786 I i0 0.0386 C.0777 i ll C.0377 0.0762 li 12 0.0377 0.073? I 13 0.0366 0.0723 19 0.0363 �.C722 15 0.034Q �.C72� I 16 0.0336 �. 0715 17 0.0326 O.C7C9 18 0.0318 0.07C2 19 0.0318 0. 0687 20 0.0311 0.�677 21 0.0309 0.�656 22 0.0299 0.06'1 23 0.0274 G.0609 29 0.026� C.0603 25 0.0255 0.0602 26 0.0243 C.0588 27 0.0241 C.0586 2& 0.0238 0.0571 29 0.0235 0.0502 30 0.0233 0.0546 31 0.0232 0.0544 32 0.0231 0.053A 33 0.0230 0.0533 34 0.0226 0.0532 35 0.02i8 0.0527 36 0.02�0 0.0523 3? o. czc� o.o5i� �a c.o�g� a.osi� 39 0.0186 0.0995 40 0.0182 0.0495 4i 0.0158 0.0487 42 0.0169 0.0482 93 0. 0153 0.04;5 44 0.0151 0.047s i 45 0.0?46 0.046� 46 0.0293 0.0464 47 O. C192 0.0452 �, 48 0.0121 0.0390 I 49 0.011$ 0.0359 ��, 50 0.0�78 0.0333 ' POC #1 ' Facility Ft�ILED duratian standard ior 1+ flows. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail ', 0. 0133 1395 7008 502 Fail 0.0139 1216 6390 525 Fai� G.0146 1Q57 5825 551 Fail ' 0.0152 938 5321 567 Eail 0. 0159 813 4865 598 Fail q.0165 722 4484 621 Fail O.Oi72 635 4149 652 Faii Q.Ci78 562 38�7 677 Fail 0.0185 499 350� 702 Fa-1 0.0191 953 3225 711 Fa�f C.0198 405 3005 791 rail 0.02Q9 361 2790 772 Eail 0, 0211 32b 2590 799 E'ail 0. 0217 295 2�05 812 Fail 0. 0224 261 2218 899 Fail 0. (}230 234 2051 876 Fail 0.0237 205 1902 927 Fail 0.0293 180 1777 987 Fa-1 0.0250 161 IE60 1031 Fail 0.0256 143 1553 1086 Fail 0, 020'3 131 1449 1106 Fail 0.0269 119 1391 112n" Fail 0.0276 =08 1250 1157 Fail 0.0282 98 ll7� 1?98 �ail O. G2�9 89 110i 1237 Fail 0.0295 85 1036 1218 Fail 0.0302 78 979 1255 Fail 0.030$ 71 905 1279 Fai' 0.0315 65 836 1286 Eail 0.0321 60 782 13G3 Fail 0. 0328 58 744 1275 Fail 0. 0334 55 683 1241 Fail ' 0.034� 50 64C 1280 Fail 0.0347 45 593 1317 Fail 0.0354 42 560 1333 Fail 0. 0360 38 528 1389 Eail 0.0306 35 �92 1405 �ail 0.0373 30 465 1550 Fail 0.0379 27 440 1629 Fail 0.0386 26 413 1588 Fail 0. 0392 25 386 '_544 Fail 0.0399 24 362 i508 Fail C.0405 24 343 1929 Fail C.0412 22 33Q 150G Fail O.Q418 21 307 1461 Fail �.0425 2� 293 1L65 Fail 0.0431 17 281 1052 Fail 0.0438 16 264 1650 Fail 0.0449 16 250 1562 Fail � 0.0451 16 235 1968 �ail 0.0457 15 229 1993 cail O.G464 14 216 1542 cail O.C470 12 205 1708 �ail 0.�477 12 193 16a8 Fail 0.0483 12 186 1550 Eail 0.0490 11 18Z 1645 Fail Q.0996 =1 170 1595 Eail 0.0503 �l 157 1427 Fail 0.0509 11 151 1372 Fail 0,0516 11 149 1309 Fail 0.0522 10 141 1410 Fail 0.0529 9 134 1488 Fail � 0.0535 9 125 1388 Fail C.0542 9 116 1288 Fail G.0598 9 103 2194 Fail 0.0�55 9 100 �112 Fail �,0561 9 97 '077 �ail 0,0568 8 93 1162 Fail 0.0579 8 84 1050 Fail 0.0581 8 78 975 Fail 0.0587 8 74 925 Fail 0.0599 7 71 1014 Fail 0.0600 7 67 957 Fail O.C6C6 7 63 900 Fail O.OE13 6 58 966 Fail 0.0619 6 56 933 �ail C.0626 6 53 883 �ail 0.0632 6 52 8b6 Fail 0.0639 6 51 850 Eail 0, 0645 6 51 850 Faii 0. 0652 6 49 816 Eai' 0.0658 6 97 783 Fail 0.0665 0 45 7S0 Fail 0.0671 6 43 716 Fail 0.0678 6 40 666 Fa�l 0.0684 5 39 ?80 Fa=1 O.Q691 5 36 720 �ail �.0697 5 35 7p0 Fail 0.0704 5 34 680 Eail 0.0710 5 32 b40 Fail 0.0717 5 31 620 Eail 0.0723 5 28 56G Fail 0.0730 5 28 56G Eail O.GJ3c 5 2� 500 �ai1 0.0743 4 27 675 Fail 0.0749 4 25 625 Fazl C.0756 4 25 625 Fail 0.0762 3 23 766 Fail �.0�69 3 23 766 Fail 0.0775 3 22 733 Fail The development has an increase in flosr durations from 1/2 predeveloped 2 year flow to the 2 year flosr or more than a 10� increase from the 2 year to the 50 year flow. Wate= Quality Bi� Flow and Volwne for POC 1. On-line facility volume: G acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 0 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Off-line facility target £low: 0 cfs. Adjusted for I5 min: C cfs. Perind and Impind Changes Tcta1 of ? changes have beer: made. Impind changes. �Iame Property Originai C�apg�d ROADS eLAT ENGL 61 27 — — � ^his E;rogram and accc:np�nfing 8ccurr.entation is p_ovided 'as-is' without �:�rranty cf ar;� :�inc. ?he entire risk reqarcing the parfo�m.ance and resalts of this program is �ssumed by the user. Clear Creek Solutions and the washington State Department of Ecclogy disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited Co inplied warranties of program and accempanying dccwmentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions and/or the :Vashington State Department of Ecology be liab_e for any danages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business nrofits, loss of ousiness inforraatioa, business interruption, and the iike) arising cut of the use of, or inabiiity to use this program even if Clear C�eek Solu�ior.s or the Saashington State Department of Ecology has been advised of the possibility cf such damages. ���C�}-'� T!t IY�TI C` P � F �C �! l 7 �� � Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rain Garden 1 Site Address: City . Report Date : S/22./2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1948/10/O1 Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Scale: 1 . 17 WWHM3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Basin 1 Bypass: �]o GroundWater: r]o Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .022 Zmpervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.026 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin 1 Bypass: ilo GroundWater: �Jo Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .035 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS ELAT 0.013 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond l , Trapezoidal Pond l, Name . Trapez�idal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 15ft. Bottom Width: 2.ft. Depth : i. lft . Voiume at riser head : 0.0007ft. Infiltration On Infiltration rate : i.l Infiltration saftey factor : 2 Wetted sur£ace area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To i Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side siope 9 : 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Heigh�: 0. 5 ft. Riser Diameter: 24 i�. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outle� 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Staqe(£t) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(efs) Infilt(cfs) O. OGO 0.001 �J. v^00 O.00O C. 000 0.01� O.Odl O. �OQ O. 00O C. CC�1 0.029 Q.001 0.00� O. J00 C.OG1 0.037 0.001 O.OGO 0. 000 O.00: 0. 049 0.001 0.000 0.000 0,0^' 0. 061 0..001 0.000 G.G00 0.00". 0.073 0.401 0.000 �.000 0.001 0.086 0.401 O.00v 0.000 0.001 Q.098 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 ' o.�io �.00� o. coo o.000 o.ao1 0. 122 0.001 O. 000 O.GCO 0.001 0. 134 0.041 O.�GO O.G00 0. 001 0. 147 0.001 0.000 O.COG O. COl C.159 0.001 O.00O 0.�00 O.001 0. 171 0.007. Q.O�d O.00v O.001 D. 183 0. 001 C.000 Q.000 0.001 0. 196 4.001 C.GO� 0.000 0.001 G.208 0.001 0.00� 0, 000 0.001 0.220 G.001 O.00C1 0.000 0.001 0.232 C.001 ��. �00 0.�00 O.CO1 0.244 0.002 O. �GO 0.000 o.ao� !'�.257 0.001 O.OGO 0.000 0.002 C.269 0.001 O.00O 0. 000 0.002 C.281 0.001 O.00O 0.000 0.002 �.293 0.001 0.0�0 d.00Q 0.002 0, 306 0.001 C.QOCC 0.000 0.002 �. 328 0. 002 C.O��C O.OQO 0.002 0.330 O.Od2 C.04� 0.000 G.002 0.3�2 0.002 0.000 0. 000 C.002 0. ?�9 G.002 0.000 0. 0��0 C.002 ' 0. 357 �.C�02 0.000 O. 001G G.002 0. 379 �.002 Q.nUO C .000 O.002 0. 39; ��. �0?_ 0. �QO ^.�.n,� ,-; n,�,� 0. 4G3 O. CO� O. CGO 0. 000 �.��02 0.�716 O.Q02 �.CGl 0.000 �J.002 G.428 0.002 O.OGl 0.000 O.0O2 C.440 0.002 O.�JOl O.00Q O.00i J.452 O.OQ2 0.00= 0.000 O, OG2 J. �64 G.002 O.00= 0.000 0, 002 0.477 C�.002 0.00= 4. 000 0, 002 0.489 G.002 0.001 0. 000 0.002 0. 50]. G.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.513 �.002 0.001 0.030 0.00?_ 0.526 0.002 0.001 0.080 0.002 0. 538 J.002 0.001 0. 143 O. 003 0.550 0.002 4.001 0.2I$ O. OG3 0.562 O.Q02 Q.001 0.302 0. 003 C.574 O.0O2 0.001 0. 396 0.003 0.587 0.002 0.001 0. 497 C.003 0. 599 0.002 O.OG1 Q. 50b v.003 0. 611 0.002 0.001 Q.721 0.003 0. 623 0.002 O.00i 0.84� 0.003 0.636 0.003 O.00_ 0. 972 O. 00� 0. 598 0.003 0.40i 1 . 107 0.003 0. 660 d.003 0.001 1. 2�7 O.003 0. 672 0.003 0.001 1 . 392 0.00� 0. 6��1 C.003 0.001 1 . 543 0.003 0. 697 0.003 0.001 1 . 699 0.003 C .709 0.003 0.001 1 .860 O.G03 C.721 O.003 0.001 2.425 O.CG� � �.733 0.003 0.001 2. 195 O. CG� 0 .746 0.003 O.GOl 2.370 0.003 J. �JH 0.003 ^u.001 2.549 O. 003 o.�?o 0.003 �.coi 2. 733 o.oc_s 0.782 0.003 O.OGl 2. 920 G.�J03 0.794 0. 003 O.00_ 3. 112 �.0�� 0.8G7 0.003 0.00� 3. 308 G.O�� 0.819 0.003 0.0�2 3.508 �J.Ov"v 0.831 0.003 0.002 3.711 �.004 d. 843 C.003 0.0�2 3. 918 O.00S G.856 0.003 0.002 4 . 13Q O.00�i C.868 0, 003 0.402 9 . 349 0.004 0.8Fs0 O. 003 0.002 9 .553 O.00�� 0.892 0, 003 . 0.002 4 .785 O.QG� Q.909 O.Q03 0.002 5.010 O.GG4 0. 917 O.G04 O.GG2 5. 239 O.00L 0. 929 0.004 O.G02 5. 471 O. 004 0. 94� 0. 009 O.OG2 5. 7d6 O. OG4 0. 953 O. OQ4 0.002 5. 945 0. 004 0. 956 O. J04 O.OG2 6. 1�? 0.004 0. 978 6.004 O.002 6. 433 0.00� G. 99Q 0.004 O.002 6. 6Q1 O.00v 1 .�J02 0.00�] 0.002 6. 93?_ 0.00� 1.019 0.009 0.002 7. 187 0.005 1 .027 0.004 0.002 7. 445 0.005 1 .039 0.004 0.002 7. iG5 0.005 1. 051 0.004 0.002 7. 909 0. 005 1 . 063 0.004 0, 002 8. 236 0. 005 - 1 . 076 0.004 0. 002 8. 505 0.00� 1 . Q8�S 0 , 0�'4 O. Cn�2 8. 7i� C. 00: � . �oo o.00� o.00? g.c53 o.oa5 ' MITIGATED LAND USE A,tiAI,YSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year O.CC92�6 5 year 0.0117i6 10 year 0.013355 25 year O.Oi5999 50 year 0. 01703 100 year O.OI8632 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year C. 008273 5 year 0.0:1939 10 year 0.0-2858 25 year 0.013286 50 year 0.013395 100 year 0.013938 � Yearly Peaks foz Predeveloped and tiitigated. POC #1 Year � _ Fredeveloped Mitigated �9so o. c�o a.o�� �951 O. �i6 O.008 i952 G.O10 O.005 1953 ?.007 O. �Oi 195�1 0.0�7 0.000 1955 0, 009 0.001 19�6 0.005 C.004 1957 O.GO° 0.004 1958 0.0�1 0.005 1959 0.009 0.002 1960 0.007 O.OGi 1961 0.009 G.004 =962 0.008 C.001 �903 G.008 G.000 1964 �.008 �, 301 196� �.009 0.002 1906 O.008 0.001 1957 0.008 O.00C 1968 O.d12 0.005 1969 O.Q�9 0.002 1970 O. 007 0.003 1971 0. 008 0,003 1972 0.008 0.002 1973 0.012 0.007 197�1 O.007 O.001 i975 O. 009 O.00O 1976 O.Ji2 0.005 1977 0.007 0.002 1978 0. 009 O.00fl 1979 0. 012 0.005 1980 0.011 G.000 1981 0.011 C.005 1982 0.011 G.003 1983 O.Oi6 0.009 1984 0.011 0,003 1985 O.OQ9 0.000 1986 0.007 0.002 i987 0.011 0.006 i988 0.013 0.005 1989 0.006 0. 000 199C 0.0�8 0.000 1991 0. 018 0.013 1992 0. 016 0.�11 1993 0.008 0.003 1999 0.005 0.001 1995 0.006 C.000 1996 O.G08 0.002 1997 O.Cil 0.007 1998 O.C10 C.009 1999 O. Cil C. 002 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 C, 0179 O,C126 � 2 0, 0163 O.C10� 3 0.0162 0.�094 4 0.0160 0. 0080 5 0.0136 0.0072 6 0.0132 O.OG68 � o.ci2� o.ocsa s o.oi22 0.00�5 9 0.0116 0.0�55 � 10 0.0115 0.0059 11 0.0115 Q.0054 i2 0.0113 0.0052 13 0.0112 0.0051 i�� a.olo8 o.004s 15 0. 0108 0.0097 16 0.0107 0.0093 17 0.0106 O.0092 18 0.0105 O. Od41 19 O.Q109 0. 0041 20 0.0101 0.0031 21 O.CC98 0.0031 22 0.0093 0.0030 23 0.0092 0.0029 24 0.0092 0.0026 25 0.0091 0.0023 26 0.0089 0.0023 27 6.0088 0.0022 28 0.0086 0.0021 � 29 0.0086 0.�01� 30 0.0085 0.0017 31 •1 �I`''4 i J, �'':?1 . 32 0.0�82 G.GOi6 33 0.0081 0.0015 39 0. 0081 O.COi5 35 0. 008C 0.001's 36 0.0079 0.0012 37 O.OQ79 0.0010 38 0. 0078 O.0009 39 0. 0077 0.0008 40 0.0075 O.0007 �1 O.0075 �.000�3 92 O. 0075 0.0�03 43 0. �075 O.�OC3 44 0.0074 O.00OC 45 0.0072 0.0000 96 0.0072 O.GOQO 97 0.0069 0.0000 48 r.pp62 O.00�G 49 0.0056 O.00�C �0 0.0052 O.00OC Poc #i The Faciiity PASSED The Facility PASSED. � Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0046 9&2 �E 4 Pas� O.GO�?8 899 9=i 9 Fass O.00d9 827 �'_ 4 Pass O. 00�0 793 38 5 Pass 0. �051 693 37 5 Pas� G.0053 b38 s5 5 Pass C.0054 586 31 5 �ass 0. 0055 538 26 4 ?ass O. 0055 485 26 5 Pass O.0058 95� 26 5 Pass 0.4059 �}25 23 5 Pass ^v. 006� 391 21 5 Pass 0. 0061 363 21 5 Pass 0.0063 340 21 6 Pass O.G054 319 17 5 Pass O. 006� 293 �6 S Pass 0.0066 272 15 5 Pass 0.0068 248 16 6 Pass 0.0069 �30 19 6 Pass 0. 0070 212 13 6 Pass 0. 0071 204 ls 6 Pass • 0.0073 190 i2 S Pass 0.0079 189 12 6 Pass 0.0075 174 12 6 Fass 0.0076 159 12 7 Pass O. OG78 149 11 7 Pass G.0079 139 11 7 Pass G.Q08C 127 9 7 Pass G.0081 119 9 7 Fass I �� C. 0083 l�� y 8 P�se O.0084 103 8 7 Pass O.00Sa 98 8 8 Pass 0.0060 88 7 7 Pass C.0088 8' 7 8 Pass 0, 0089 74 7 9 Pass �, 009� 70 7 10 Pass 0.0091 66 7 10 Pass O. GC93 57 6 10 Pass 0.0094 52 5 9 Pass 0.0095 52 4 7 Pass G.a090 51 4 7 Pass Q.0098 45 4 8 Pass G.0099 45 4 8 Pass 0.0100 94 4 9 Pass 0.010� 39 4 10 Pass 0.0103 37 4 10 Pass C.O10� 37 9 �0 Pass �, 0105 36 9 il Pass 0. 0106 33 3 9 �ass °�,0108 31 2 6 Pass 0.0109 29 2 6 Pass O.G110 28 2 7 Pass 0.01J.1 27 2. 7 Pass O.G113 26 1 3 Pass Q.Oi14 29 1 9 Pas� 4.0115 23 1 9 Pass G.0116 20 1 5 Pass � C.0118 18 1 5 Pass 0.0119 18 ] 5 Pass 0.012d 17 1 5 Pass 0.0121 15 1 6 Pass O.OI23 13 1 7 Pass O.OI24 il 1 9 Pass 0.0125 =1 1 9 Pass 0.0126 11 0 0 Pass O.Q128 li 0 0 Pass 0. 0229 1� 0 0 Pass 0.0'3d 11 0 0 Pass G.0131 11 0 0 Pass C.0133 10 Q 0 Pass �.0134 10 0 0 Pass �. 0135 10 Q 0 Pass 4.0136 8 0 0 Pass Q.0138 8 0 0 Pass �.G139 8 0 0 Pass O.G140 8 0 0 Pass O. C14; 8 G 0 Pass 0. �143 8 C 0 Pass r�,01�4 7 0 0 Pass 0.0195 7 0 0 Pass G.0196 7 0 0 Pass C.019� 7 0 0 Pass 0.0149 7 0 0 Pass 0.015�� 7 0 0 Pass 0.0152 7 0 0 Pass 0.01�3 6 0 0 Pass 0.01�4 6 0 � Pass 0.0155 6 0 0 Pass 0.0157 5 0 0 Pass 0.0158 5 0 0 Fass 0.0159 5 C 0 Pass O.G160 A C 0 ?ass O.C'_62 9 0 0 Pass 0.0163 2 0 0 Pass �.0164 1 0 0 Pass 0.0165 1 0 0 Pass � 0.0167 1 0 0 Pass 0.0168 1 0 0 Pass 0.0169 1 0 C Pass 0.017C 1 0 � Pass Water Quality HMP Flow and Volume for FOC 1. On-line facility volune: �.00�7 acre-feet On-line facility target flow: 6.01 c£s. Adjusted £or 15 ain: O.00�9 cfs. Of£-line Pacility tarqet flow: 0.00�3 cfs. Adjusted £or i5 min: 0.0044 cfs. Perind and Impind Changes ic�al of � c�a�ges :�ave been r,-,arie. Ir1p:°_.�, chanr_.e>. �Iar.:e Prooerty Original Changed �c��ACS FL.�T ENGL 61 27 Tiiis prccra:n ar.d accomoanying documentat=on is provided 'as-is' without h•arranty of an� kir.d. The entire risk regarding the perfot�ance ard resu�ts of this prcgram is assumed by �he user. Clear Creek Solutions aad �he Wzshington State Deoartmen: o� Ecelogp cisclaims all •.rarranti2s, e_t:�er expressed or implied, iacladir.g but not '_imited to i:npiied orarranties of program and accompanying docu�ertar_on. In no event shall Clear Cree:�i So'_itiors and/or the ilashingten State Deoartment of Ecology be liable for any damages w'�atsoe��et (ir,clud_ng :uitnout li:nita:ion to dar�aaes for loss o` business profits, `_oss of b•�sine=s infor:nation, business interr�pt�cn, and the likei arising out cf the use of, or inabi'•ity to use this oroqran even if Clear Creek Solutions or �he 'r7ash_ng�on S�a�e Department of Ecologl has been ad��ised of the oossibil:ty of such damages. �./(��c Fc / {t/�l //l 't�/ t .�)L ( � / � �� � Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rair. Garden ?. Site Address: City . ' Report Date : 5/22/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1998/10/O1 Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Scale: 1. 17 WWHM3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Basin 2 Bypass: �Io GroundWater: �lo Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .029 Impervious Land Use Acres , ROADS FLAT 0.032 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin 2 Bypass: :io GroundWater: �Io Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .043 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLP,T 0.018 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal P�tld l, Trapezoidal Pond 1 , Name . Trapezoidal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 25ft . Bottom Width: 2f�. Depth : l . lft. Volume at riser head : 0. 00]lft. Infiltration On Fnfiltration rate : 2 . 1 Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1 : 3 mo 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 Tc 1 Side slope 4; 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: C.S �t. Riser Diameter; 241 in. Element Flows To: dutlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table ' Stage(ft) Area(acr) Volcune{acr-ft? Dschrg{cfs) In£ilt{c£s) I o. coo o.coi c. o�a � .00a o. co�o b.J12 O.CGi O.00C 0.000 �, 00= G.029 0.0�� 0.000 0.000 O.00� C.037 O.00l 0.000 0.000 0.0�] �. 049 0.001 O. Q04 0.000 0,00� �. 061 G.001 0. 060 O.00Q O.002 0.073 0.001 0.000 O.00G O.00� G.08'o 0.001 0.000 0.0'JC O.Ou2 0.09E Q.002 O. 000 O.G00 0.002 0. 110 O.Cd2 O. G00 0.000 0.002 ��. 122 0.002 O.��GO 0.000 0.00% 0.139 0. 002 O.OGO 0.000 4.GC?_ 0. 1�7 0.002 G.000 0.000 O.G02 0. 159 0.002 C.00Q 0.000 O. 0O2 G. lil O.0O2 0.000 O.Q00 O.00� C. 183 O.002 0.000 0.000 O.00� C. '96 0.002 0.000 Q.000 C.OG� 0.208 0.002 0.000 O.00O C. OG2 0.220 0, 002 0.000 O.00Q O.002 0.232 O. Od2 O.000 0.000 O.002 0.249 C.002 O. 000 0.000 0.0�2 0.257 O.0O2 0. �00 0.000 0.002 0.269 0.002 O.�GO O.fl00 J,003 0.281 0, 002 O.00G 0.000 �.003 0.293 0.002 0.0�1 4.OQC O.003 0. 306 0.002 0.001 O.00C 0.003 0. 31� 0.002 0.001 0. 000 0.003 0.330 �.CC2 0.001 0.000 0.003 C.3�2 �.QC3 O.00i 0.000 0.003 C. 35� 0.003 O.00i C.000 O.GO:s 0. 367 O.O�J3 0. 001 o.aao a.003 0. 379 0.003 C.001 O.00G 0.00? 0. 397 C+.003 r,. 001 O.00O G. OG3 �.903 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.4"_0 0. 003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0. 428 O.OG3 0.001 0.000 �.0�3 0.940 Q.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.952 O.OG3 0.001 0. 000 0.003 0. 464 Q.0�3 0.�01 0. 000 O.bO� �.977 C.0�3 O.00l 0,000 O.G09 0.�89 C.003 O.00i 4.000 0.009 0. 50� 0, 003 0.00;� 0.0�7 0.004 0 . �13 0.003 O.00"� 0.301 0.004 O.j26 0.003 O.QO1 0.799 0. 004 0.538 O.OG3 0.001 �.436 fl. 004 0.550 Q.0�3 0.001 2.i$7 0. 004 0. 562 0.00"s 0.001 3. 036 0. 00� 0. 574 0.004 O.Odl 3. 973 0.404 G. 587 0.009 O.00I 9 . 990 0.404 0. 599 0.009 O.aGI 6. 082 0.004 r'. b1= �.009 O.00� 7 .24µ 0. 004 O.n'23 0.044 O.002 8. 472 O.G04 i 0.53b 0.00� 0.002 9.762 0. 004 � 0. 6�8 0.00� 0.002 11. 11 O. 004 �' 0. 66C O.00� 0.�02 12. 52 0. 005 '� G. 672 O.004 0.002 i3.98 0. 005 G. b84 0.00� 0.002 ?5.49 0. 005 G. b97 O.G09 0.002 i7.06 0.005 ,�.709 �.0�9 O.OQ2 18.67 O.Q05 C.72� ��.Od9 O.002 2Q.34 0.005 0.733 0.004 O.002 22.05 0.005 , :;�.?40 0.004 Q.002 23.80 0.005 I, C�. 758 0.004 0.002 25. 60 0.005 � C�. 77G 0.005 0.002 27 , 94 0.005 G.782 0.005 0.002 29,32 O.005 ^.794 0.00� O.J02 3L 25 O.005 �.847 0.005 O.J02 33.22 O. �GS �.819 0.005 0.002 35.22 0. 005 0. 831 0.005 O.OQ2 .s±.2� 0.006 0. 843 0.005 0.002 39. s5 G.�06 G. 85o 0.005 0.0�3 41 , 47 Q.d06 � .868 0.005 0.003 43. b2 0.4C6 �.880 0.005 O.G03 45.82 �.006 � .892 0.005 O.J03 48.05 0.006 0 . 909 0. 00� 0.003 5G.31 0.006 0 . 917 0.005 J.003 52. 61 0. 006 � "_ . 1_�0 O. ���c , .00 . °0. 9i; O. OC MITIGATED LAND USE ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Floor(cfs) 2 year 0.011529 5 year G.01�63� 10 year C. 0167��� 25 year 0. 0193�8 50 year 0.021363 100 year C.G2339i Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. PCC kl Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year C.036,�� 5 year C.C61582 10 year O.Oo859� 25 year 0.0719�' 50 year C.C72?7? 100 year �. C73'_Sl � Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1950 O. �i2 0.005 19�1 0.020 O.OG" 1952 4.013 O.OG6 �953 G.009 O.COG "_954 C. 009 0.000 i955 0.011 O.OQO ' 1956 0.011 0.005 1957 O.Q11 0.004 1958 0. 014 0. ���6 1959 0.012 0.002 1960 Q.009 0.000 1961 C.O11 0,005 ';962 �.010 0.000 i963 0.010 v.CCO 1964 0.010 �.CCO 19b5 0.011 O.COd 1965 0. 010 0. 001 1967 O.O1J 0.000 1908 0.025 0.006 1969 0.017 0.000 1970 Q.009 0.002 1971 0.010 0.001 1972 0.010 C.00O 1973 0.016 �.CC9 1974 0 ,009 O. 000 1975 0.011 0, 000 1976 0, 01� 0.006 1977 0.009 0.001 1978 0.011 0.000 1979 0.014 0.005 1980 0.014 0. 000 1981 0.013 0.004 1982 0.019 0.001 1983 0.020 O.dll 1989 O.C13 0.002 1985 0.011 O.Q00 1986 0.009 0.000 1987 0.013 0.007 1988 0.016 0. 006 _989 0.007 0.000 1990 0.009 0.000 1991 0. 023 O.G?6 1992 0. 020 O.C?3 1993 0.010 0.002 1999 0.006 O.000 1995 0.008 C.00O 1996 0.010 O.002 1997 0.014 0.008 1998 0.013 0.0�5 "_999 0.019 O.GOG I Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.0226 0.015E• ? 0.0205 0.0135 3 0.0209 0.011� 4 0.0200 0.0088 5 0. 0169 0. 0081 6 0. 0164 0.0068 7 O. C155 0.0067 B C.0153 O.00E4 9 C.0145 0.0063 1C 0.0144 0.0061 11 0.01�4 0. 0059 ?2 0, 024C 0.0057 ?3 0.0139 0.0054 14 0.0135 0.005? 15 0.0135 O.COS": 16 0.0134 O.OG�` 17 0.0133 O.OG�? 18 0.0131 0.0038 19 0.0130 0.0036 20 0.0127 0.002u 21 0.0123 O.G023 22 0.0116 O. 0O23 23 0.0115 O. 0O2'� 24 0.0115 O.OG"'_9 25 O.Cll�] O. 00" 3 26 0.0111 O.00" 2 2� o.oiio o.oco; Zs o.oio� o.00�� 29 0.0106 O.Orc:� 30 0. 0106 O. GGU3 31 0.0103 0.0002 32 O. Oi02 0.0001 33 0.0101 O.G000 39 0.0101 0.0000 35 G. O1G0 O.G000 36 0.0099 C.0000 37 0.00°8 0.0000 38 0,0097 0.0000 39 0,0095 0,0000 4� 0.0093 0.0000 �1 0.0093 0.0000 42 0. 0093 O.0000 �.3 O, C092 G.0000 4� 0.0092 O.Q000 4� 0.009Q �.00CO 4'0 0.0�89 �.00CC � 47 0.0�86 O.�OCC 98 0.0076 O.00OC 49 0.0069 0.000� 50 O. GOES 0.0000 PQC #1 The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED. � Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail �. 0058 975 3� 3 Pass �.0059 893 29 3 Pass ��.C�61 817 26 3 Pass O.0062 ?39 29 3 Fass 0.�064 b85 21 3 Pass 0.0066 634 21 3 Pass d.0067 576 19 3 Pass O.00o9 530 =8 3 Pass C. 0070 483 �8 3 Pass O.0072 451 i8 3 Pass 0.0073 417 16 3 Pass O.Q075 379 10 4 Pass C.0077 358 l�l 3 Pass �, 0078 337 12 3 Pass 0,0080 308 12 3 Pass O,C081 289 12 4 Pass 0.0083 270 11 9 2ass 0. 0064 244 11 � Fass 0.0086 230 11 4 Pass 0.0088 213 11 5 Pass 0.00�9 2Q1 10 4 Pass 0.0091 187 IO 5 Pass 0.0092 183 10 5 Pass O.009�f 170 9 5 Pass 0. 0095 1�5 9 S Pass 0.0097 145 9 6 Pass 0.0099 is? 9 6 Pass C.O100 126 9 7 Pass 0.0102 119 9 7 pass 0.0103 1G6 9 8 Pass 0.01�5 103 9 8 Pass 0,0106 95 8 8 Pass 0.0108 86 8 9 Pass 0.0110 80 8 10 Pass O.O�li 72 6 8 Pass 0.0113 70 0 8 Pass 0.0114 66 6 9 Pass 0.0116 55 5 9 Pass 0.021$ 52 4 7 Pass 0.0119 52 9 7 Pass Q.0121 51 9 7 Fass 0.0122 98 9 8 Pass 0. 0124 9S 4 8 Pass 0. 0125 �4 4 9 Dass 0.0127 39 s 7 �ass 0.0129 37 3 8 Pass O.Ot30 37 3 8 Pass 0.0?32 35 3 8 Pass 0.0133 33 3 9 Fass 0.013� 31 1 3 Pass ' 0.0136 29 1 3 Pass 0:0138 28 1 3 Pass 0. 0140 26 1 3 Pass 0.0141 25 1 4 Pass 0.0143 24 1 9 Pass 0.014� 22 1 4 Pass 0.0146 20 1 5 Pas� � 0.0147 18 1 � Pass Q.0199 18 i 5 Pass �.0151 17 1 5 Pass 0.0152 15 1 6 Pass 0, 0159 12 1 8 Pass ' 0.0155 11 1 9 Pass � O.G2�7 11 0 0 Fass ��I O.C158 11 0 0 Pass 0. 0_60 11 0 0 Pass I� 4.0162 11 0 0 Pass ' 0.0163 :.1 0 0 Pass � 0.0165 10 0 0 Pass �I 0. 0166 10 0 0 Pass I, 0.0168 10 0 0 Pass �I 0.0170 9 0 0 Pass I O.Oi71 8 0 C Pass 0.0173 8 0 0 Pass 0.0179 8 0 0 Pass 0.0176 8 0 0 Pass O.Q177 8 0 0 Pass 0. 0179 8 0 0 Fass 0. 0181 7 0 0 Pass 0.0182 7 0 0 Pass 0.0184 7 G 0 Pass 0.0185 7 0 0 Pass 0.0187 7 0 0 Pass 0.018� 7 0 0 Pass 0.0190 7 0 0 Pass 0.0192 6 0 0 Pass .. �� - :a� iJ _ :'355 C. Oi95 b 0 v^ Fass 0.0196 S 0 0 Pass 0.0198 5 0 0 Pass 0.0199 5 0 0 Pass 0.0201 9 0 0 Pass 0.02C3 9 0 0 Pass 0.0209 3 0 0 Pas� 0.0206 1 G 0 Pass O.G2Q7 1 0 0 Pass 0.0209 1 0 0 Pass 0.0210 1 0 0 Pas:: d.0212 1 0 C Pass Q.0214 1 0 0 Pass Wate= Qua2ity HMP Flow and Voluxe £or POC 1. Cn-line facility volume: O.0049 acre-feet Cn-line facility target flow: O.C] c£s. Adjusted for 15 min: 0.0114 cfs. 0£f-line facility ta=get flow: �.0��? cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0.0059 cfs. Perind and Impind Changes _.,�a'� c�` 1 chances �ace beer. r^a•��. � Ir�p-_nd c:�a~ges. �iaTe P:�r.ert..✓ Oriqiral C;:��rged Ri;:�.�, r�--._ Ei:�_ , . � , This erograr.i and acco:naanyir.g decumer�Catier. is provided 'as-is' w;thou= �,:arrant7 e` any !c-__�:c. l'1�:� entire risk regard`_ng the per�ormance ar,d results of this proqram is assutr�ed 'ny tne user. Clear Cree:: Solutions and tne 67ashinqtcn State Department c` Ecolagy disc�aims all xarranties, eitner expressec or implied, '_ncluding but not limited to imc2led .�arranties o_` orogram and accon.panying documentaticn. In no e��er.t shal_ Clear Cree;c S�lutions and/cr the �:ashington State Departmeat cf Ecoloqy be liabie - for any dar.iages •.i�a:soever (ircluding ai�rout 1'_nitation to Qa�tages fcr l�ss of business profits, loss of business information, business inter_uotion, and the iike; arisinq out of the use of, or �aabili�� to use tn_s proqraR. even __ Cleat �cee4 Soiutions cr �:�e i;ashington S�ate Cepart:nent of Ecolog�; ha� �een advise� ot Lhe �ossihii'_ty oY s:ch da:naye�. ! � ' hl0 � k ��s-�� ��< �/ t�.i�� !l 1 1 `1 _ ,-, ._� Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: R.a'_r. Garde.^. 3 Site Address: City . Report Date : 5/22/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1948/10/01 Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Scale: 1. 17 WWHM3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Basin 3 Bypass: �lo GroundWater: �Io Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat . 107 Impervious Land Use Acres � ROADS FLAT C.055 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . 8asin 3 Bypass: �lo GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .11 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.051 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 1, Trapezoidal Pond 1, Name . Trapezoidal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 6Cf�. Bottom Width: 2ft . Depth . l . �f�. Volume at riser head : 0.0025ft. Tnfiltration On • Fnfiltration rate : 1. 1 Infiltration saf tey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: C To 1 � Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0. 5 �t . � Riser Diameter: 24 ir.. � Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table ' Stage{ft) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft� Dschrg(cfs) Znfilt(cfs) , O.00G 0.003 0.600 0.000 G.00O I, �.012 0.003 O. QOQ 0.000 G. 003 0. 024 0.003 0.000 C.Q00 G.003 0.037 0.003 Q.000 0, 0�0 O.00? � 0.049 C•.003 O. OflO 0. 000 �.OG3 Q.06� 0. 003 0. 000 O.G00 0.003 0.073 G.003 0.000 O.000 0.009 0.08n O.0O3 0.400 fl.000 0.00�? � 0.098 �.004 0, 000 0.000 O.004 0. 110 O.OG4 �. 000 0.000 t1.00�1 0. 122 O.004 0.000 O. 00C O.00y 0.134 0.009 O.G00 O.00�J O.OG4 0. �47 Q. 004 O.CCO Q.000 O.QG« 0. 159 O.OQ4 G.00i G.000 C. 00�] 0. 171 Q.009 0.001 �.00O O.00�: 0.183 0, 004 O. OQ1 0.0�0 O.004 0.196 0.004 0.001 O.000 O.O�J9 0.2C& O.Q05 0. 001 0. �00 0.00� 0.220 0.005 0. 001 �. 000 O.G05 G.232 0.005 0.001 0.000 O.005 C.29�1 0.005 0.001 0. 000 O.�GF �,257 0.005 O. GO1 0. 000 0.00� 0.209 0, 005 0. 00� 0.000 O.QG5 0.281 0,005 O. CO= 0.000 a.ac� 0.293 0.005 O.001 �.000 0.005 0.3C6 0.005 G.001 �. 000 C.00� 0.318 0.005 G.O�J1 O.00O 0.00� 0.330 O.J06 �.001 O.G00 0.005 0. 392 O.00b 0.001 O. 000 0.�0� 0.359 Q.006 0.002 O.COfl 0.005 C.367 0.006 0. 002 0.000 0.006 0. 379 0. 006 O.OG2 0.000 0,006 C.39"' C.C,06 O. GC2 O. GOC O.CCo' O. �Os O.006 0.002 G. �00 U.006 0. 916 O.G06 0.002 0.000 0.006 0. 928 0.006 0.002 0.000 0.006 0. 940 0.007 0.002 Q.000 0.006 0.452 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.006 0.46� 0.007 0.•�02 0.000 0.006 0.477 0.007 0.002 O.000 0.006 � 0. 489 0.007 O.002 0.000 O.CQ6 0. 501 0.007 0.0�2 0. 001 O.007 0.513 0.007 0.003 G. 030 0. �07 0. 526 0.007 0.003 0. 080 0. 007 0.538 O.Od7 0.003 O. i93 0.007 0.550 0.008 O.Oa3 C.218 0.007 0.562 O.OG8 0.003 �. 302 O.007 0. 574 0.008 0.�03 0. 396 0.00? 0.587 0.008 0.003 0.997 O.00r 0.599 0.008 0.003 0. 606 O.00; 0. 611 0.008 0.003 0.721 0.007 0. 623 O.OQ8 O.OQ3 0.899 O.OG"? 0. 636 0.008 0.003 0. 972 0.008 0. 698 O. 008 0.004 1 . _�07 O.CO� 0. 660 O. �CB 0.004 1.297 0.008 0. 672 G.OG9 0.004 1 . 392 O. COB 0. 684 0.009 0.009 1 .�93 O. 00E C. 697 Q.009 0.009 1 .699 0.00� v.709 0.009 0.004 1 .860 0. 008 � C. 721 0.009 0. 004 2.G25 0.00� u. 733 0.009 0.004 2. 195 0.008 4. 746 0.009 O.004 2 . 37G 0.008 G. 758 0.009 -O.005 2. 599 O.00S 0.770 O.009 0.005 2. 733 0.00� C.782 C.O10 0.005 2.92C 0.009 0.799 0.010 0.005 3. 112 0.009 0.807 C.O10 0.005 3.308 0.00: 0.819 0.010 0.005 3.508 0.009 0.831 0.010 0.005 3.711 0.009 0.893 0. 010 0.�05 3. 918 0.009 C. �56 0.010 0.�06 � . 13Q 0. 009 0.868 0.010 0.006 4 . 34� O.00� C.880 C.O10 O.006 9 . 563 O.Q09 0.892 0.011 0.006 4 . 785 0.009 0. 909 0.011 0.006 S.O10 O.Oi�� 0. 917 0.011 0.006 5.23° O.Gi�� 0. 929 0.011 0.006 5. 971 O.OiG 0. 9�1 0.011 0.006 5.?OE O.G:G 0. 953 0.011 0.00? 5. 9�5 O.Q�� 0. 966 0.011 0.007 6. 187 0.0?C 0. 978 O.011 0.007 6.433 O.��C 0. 990 0.011 O.OQ7 6. 681 0.01� 1 .002 0.012 0.007 6. 932 0. 010 1. 014 0.012 0.007 7. 187 O.O1C 1 .027 0.012 0.0�7 7.945 0.011 2 , 039 0. 012 0.008 7.7�5 O.Oli i . 051 0,012 0.008 7 . 969 0.011 1.063 0.012 0.008 8.236 O.Oli 1.07E 0.012 0.008 8.505 0.017 _ .088 O.Gi2 0. 00� 8 . ?77 p.0' 1 � . ioo o.oi2 c . 00a �.c�3 ��.oli MITTGATED LAND USE ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.02399 5 year 0.031592 10 year 0.036729 25 year 0.093494 50 year 0.098706 100 year C.054068 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #il Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year U. 021369 5 year 0.029996 10 year 0.032659 25 year 0.03�217 50 year 0.03�173 100 year O.G39986 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 � Year Predeveloped Mitigated 195C 0.026 0.019 1951 0. 0<18 0.031 1952 0.029 0.021 1953 0.018 O.007 195�1 0.018 0.00� 1955 0.023 0.008 I '_956 0.029 0.017 1957 0.029 0.016 ' 1958 0.029 0.021 '_959 0.02� 0.010 :960 0.017 0.008 1961 0.025 0.016 1902 0.021 0.006 1963 0.019 0.000 1969 0.021 0.006 '�965 0.029 0.008 1966 0.020 0.00� 1967 0.021 O.Oi. 1968 0.032 0.0;�� 1969 0.035 0.0: 1970 0.019 0.01� '_971 0.021 0.013 _972 0.021 0.013 '-973 0.035 0.027 i974 0.018 0.008 1975 0.023 0.005 � ���r�. n. n�� n. r,?� ia�; o.ozc ��.c�2 i�7s o.o2c o. coo 1979 0.030 0,021 1980 0.027 0.001 1981 0, 029 0.019 1982 0,029 0.014 1983 0.044 G.035 1984 O.G26 0.019 I I985 O.G22 0.005 I 1986 O.C18 0.010 ', 1987 0.030 0.022 ' i988 0.032 Q.020 1989 0.013 G.007 1990 0.016 0.000 1991 0.053 0.045 1992 0.047 0.039 1993 G.021 0.013 -. 1994 0.013 0.006 1995 0.014 O,C00 � 1996 0. 020 0.010 1997 0.033 0.025 1998 0.029 0.020 1999 0.028 0.011 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 I� Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 �.0530 0.3450 2 0.048i 0.0391 3 � 0.0473 0.0347 4 0.0936 0.0314 5 0.0353 0.0265 6 0.0345 0.0249 7 0.0332 0.�222 8 0.0321 0.0214 9 0.0319 0.0209 10 0.0318 0.0207 11 0.0299 C.0204 12 6. 0298 �.0202 13 d. 0292 O. G200 ?� 0.0291 O, C198 15 Q.02$7 O. G190 �E o.oa8� o. cisa l� o.c2�6 o.oi?� 18 O.G283 0.0161 "!9 0.0267 0.0159 20 0.0265 O.OI43 21 0.0256 0.0141 �2 0.0245 0.0134 23 0.0244 0.�129 ?_� 0.0239 0.0127 25 0.0238 G.0122 2_6 0.0238 0.0120 ?.7 0.0233 0.0106 >� 0.0229 C.O100 29 0.0221 C.0099 3C� O. G213 C.GG96 �i o. c21c o. 00�5 32 Q.0210 0.0083 33 0.0209 0.0080 39 O.G208 0.0079 35 0.0205 0.0079 36 0.0203 �.0076 37 0. 0202 0.0069 38 0. 0199 0.0065 39 0.0198 0.0062 40 O.Ci93 0.0061 91 o.ciaa o.ao�� 42 0.0185 0.0052 43 0.0182 0.0047 49 0.0181 0.0096 �5 0.0178 0. 0037 46 4.0175 0.0009 97 0. 0150 0.0000 98 0. 0142 0.0000 49 0.0135 �.0000 50 0.0129 O.00OG PCC #1 The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail G.0120 874 127 14 Pass 0.012�] 791 121 15 PasS 0. 0127 700 119 17 Pass 0.0231 634 110 17 Pase 0.0135 589 105 17 Pas:� 0. 0138 537 97 18 Pa�s 0.0142 991 90 18 Pas:; O.QZ96 455 82 17 Pas� 0. 0150 420 79 18 Pass 0. 0153 388 79 "�9 Pas� O.d157 358 68 18 Pas� C.0161 328 63 19 Pass 0. 0169 309 58 18 Pas� 0.0168 283 57 20 Pass O.G172 259 55 21 Fas: G.C176 295 51 2G' Pass 0.0179 23? 51 22 Pass C.0183 218 96 21 Pass G.0187 206 94 21 Pass 0. 0190 189 38 20 Pass 0.019�1 172 36 20 Pass O.d198 164 35 21 Pas� 0.0202 153 33 21 Pass 0.0205 143 30 2D Pass 0.0209 131 29 22 Pass 0.02i3 12� 26 20 Pass. 0.0216 118 25 2_ Fass 0.0220 104 25 24 Pass ��. �?2�I '�� ?_4 2d Pass O.u22? :2 23 2� Pas� 0.�231 81 22 27 Pass O.C235 72 21 29 Pass 0.02.s9 67 19 28 Pass 0.0242 63 16 25 Pass 0.024b 58 16 27 Pass 0.0250 57 �4 24 Pass 0.0253 59 12 22 Pass 0.0257 52 11 21 Pass 0.0261 51 11 21 Pass �.C265 99 11 22 Pass 0.0268 93 1J 23 Pass � �.0272 9i 10 24 Fass 0.0276 39 10 25 Pass 0.0279 36 10 27 Pass 0.0283 35 IO 28 Pass 0.0287 33 -0 30 Pass 0.029I 29 10 3� �ass d.0294 2E 10 38 Pass 0.0298 25 10 40 Fass 0,0302 25 l�J 41 Fass 0.0305 24 10 91 Fass 0.0309 24 10 41 Pass 0.0313 23 10 43 Pass 0.0316 22 8 36 Pass - 0.0320 17 S 47 ?ass O.C324 15 7 46 Pass � 0.0328 13 7 53 Pass �.0331 13 7 53 Pass 0.0335 12 7 58 Pass ' 0.0339 12 6 50 Pass 0.0342 11 6 54 Fass 0.034b 1C 6 60 Pass 0.0350 1C � 40 Pass O.G354 9 9 49 Pass O.C357 9 4 4�? Pass C.0361 9 4 44 Pass 0.0365 9 9 44 Pass 0,0368 9 9 49 Pass O.O.s72 9 � 99 Pass 0.0376 9 �1 44 Pass 0.0380 9 9 44 Pass 0.4383 9 3 33 Pass 0.0387 9 3 33 Pass 0. 0391 8 3 37 Pass 0,0399 8 2 25 Pass 0.0398 8 2 25 Pass 0.0402 8 2 25 Pass 0. 0405 8 2 25 Fass 0. 0409 8 1 12 Pass 0.04i3 8 1 i2 Pass 0.09:7 8 1 12 Pass ^u.0420 7 1 19 P3SS 0.042v 7 1 14 Pass 0.0928 6 1 16 Pass 0.0931 6 1 16 Pass 0.0435 6 1 16 Pass ��. V�JJ � � ��� �C�JJ 0.0493 5 i 20 2ass 0.0446 5 i 20 Pass 0.0450 5 i 20 Pass 0.0954 5 0 0 Pass O.fl457 5 0 0 Pass C.0461 5 0 0 Pass 0.0965 9 0 0 Pass 0. 04'09 4 0 0 Pass Q.0472 4 0 0 Pass 0.0470 3 0 Q Pass 0.0480 3 0 0 Pass O. C483 1 0 0 Pass � G. 0487 1 0 0 Fass Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume for POC 1. On-line facility volume: O.C1?4 acre-feet On-line facility tarqet flow: �.01 cfa. Adjusted for 15 min: 0.02�19 cPs. Of£-line facility target flow: O.G19 cfs. Adjusted £or 15 min: 0.0195 c£s. Perind and Impind Changes ^otal of 1 chanaes have aeer: r�ade. - Impind changes. � Nc?I12 �"OD2_'"�-1� �:)t��C.l;i3� i,;l�i:C?� �c��s �r�aT Er�c� Gz �1 � This �rogram and accc;npanyinq docanentation is pro��ided 'as-is' without warrant� of anp kind. :he entire ris:K recarding the perfornance aad results of tn'_s program is assumed by the user. Clear Cree:< � Solntions anc the vlashington S�ate Department of Ecolcgy d'_sclaims all o�arranties, eitY,er expressed or implied, inclnding bu� not li:nited ro implied warranties of program and accomoan�ing doc�.unentation. ` In no e�Tent shall Clea� Creek Solutions and/or t�e r7ashicqton State Cepartment of Ecolcay be liable for any damages ahatsoe��er tincluding •rrithout l�ritation to damages for loss of business prefits, loss of business ir:formation, business ir,terruption, and tne like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this prooram e��en if Clear C:eek Sclvtions or the +fashington State Depar�ment of Ecology has been advised of the possibility of such ca:nages. ; r �, f. - .` . � � i l r � ,�,' �� �, ; �� � � Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rain Garden 4 Site Address: City . Report Date : 5/22/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1948/10/O1 Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Scale: 1 . 17 WWE-R13 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Basin �1 Bypass: �Io GroundWater: �lo Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .039 Impervious Land Use Acres � ROADS FLAT 0.072 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin �1 Bypass: `Io GroundWater: �lo Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .069 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.042 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 1, Trapezoidal Pond l , Name . Tra�ezoidal Pond : Bottom Length: 32ft . Bottom Width: 2ft. Depth , l . ift . Volume at riser head : 0.0014ft. Infiltratian On Infiltration rate : 1. 1 Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 mc 1 Side slope 4: 3 Tc 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0.5 ft. Riser Biameter: 2� ir.. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydrau2ic Table Stage(ft) Area{acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschzg(cfs) Trfilt(cfs} � Q. ��� Q. ��1 �. ��� Q.d C� �,Q r n �.��2 fl,��2 �.OGfl �.��� �.d�L 0. 029 C.0O2 C. 00� 0.000 G.002 � 0.037 0.��62 0.000 0.000 �. 00� 0.049 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.0�� 0.061 0.�02 O.G00 .O.Q00 0.002 0.073 G.G02 C.00O 0.000 0.002 0.086 �.0O2 C. 000 4.000 O.C�2 0.098 O.002 0.000 0.000 O.OJ2 0. 110 O.OJ2 O.00O O.00O 0.002 0. 122 0.002 O.OGO 0.000 0.002 0.13� O.G�02 C, OGO 0.000 0.002 0. 197 C.�02 C.000 0.000 O.CG2 O. 1S9 O.OG2 0.000 0. 000 O.003 0. 271 0.002 O.000 0.000 0.0�3 0. 183 0.002 O.OGO C.000 0.003 0.196 G.0O2 0.000 a.000 O.G03 0.208 0. �02 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.220 O.003 O.G00 0. 000 0.003 0.232 0.003 O.OGO 0.000 C.003 0.24� O.G03 O.001 0.000 0.003 0.257 G.0O3 0.001 O.00O O.Q03 0.269 0.003 0.001 0. 000 0.003 0.281 O.G�3 O.CO1 0.000 0.003 C.293 0.003 O.OG? C.000 C.003 0. 306 0.003 O.001 U. D00 0.003 0.318 C.0O3 0.001 O.00O 0.0�3 0. 330 �. �03 0.001 O.COd 0.009 0. 342 O,OQ3 0.001 0.000 b.009 G.359 0.003 0.00� 0.000 Q.004 0.367 Q.003 O.OGl �, 000 0.004 0.379 O.0O3 0.001 O.G40 G.004 0. 391 C.003 0.001 O.COd 0.009 0. �03 0.003 a.00i o. 000 o.ao4 0. 916 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.604 � ' 0. 42� O.Q04 0.001 0.000 0.004 . 0. 940 O.Ofl4 O.001 O.OGO 0.00� 0. 452 0.004 0.001 O.OGO 0.004 0. 404 0.0�4 0.001 4.OG0 O.00v 0. 477 0.004 0.0�1 0.000 fl.004 0. �89 0.004 0.001 0.000 �.005 0.501 Q.004 0.001 0.001 0.005 0. 513 0.004 0.001 0.030 0.005 , O. S2E O.OQ4 0.001 C.Q80 0. 005 G. 538 O.004 0.002 0. 143 0.005 r�. 550 O.00� 0.042 0.2_8 0.005 0. 562 O.OG� 0.002 0.302 0.005 C. 574 0.004 O.�G2 0. 396 0.405 C.587 0.005 O.OG2 0.497 0.005 �. 599 0. 005 G.OQ2 0. 606 0.005 0. 611 O. OQ5 0.002 0.721 C.005 0. 623 0. 005 �,002 0.894 C.Q05 �. 63E 0. 005 0,002 0. 972 0.��05 0. 6�6 0.005 O.0O2 l. '07 0.006 G. 660 0.005 O.G02 1 .247 0.006 G. 672 O.OG5 O.0O2 1 . 392 0.006 G. 684 v^.045 0.002 1.543 0.006 C.697 C.405 d.002 1. 699 O. OG6 O. i09 0.005 0.002 1 .860 O.CG6 0. 721 0. . ` G.002 2.02� O.OG6 G. 733 0. 005 G.002 2. 195 O. OG6 G. 7�6 O.005 C.003 2.37G 0. 006 ��. 758 Q.005 O.OQ3 2.5�9 G. 006 0. 77� d.006 0.003 2. 733 G. O�b 0. 782 G. �06 0.603 2. 920 C. 00? 0.;94 G.006 0.003 3. 112 0.007 0.80? C.006 0.003 3. 308 0.007 �. 815 C.006 0.003 3.508 0.�07 ��. 831 0.006 0.003 3.71'_ O.G07 0. 843 O.G06 O.G03 3. 91� O.G07 �'). 856 O.006 0.003 4 . 130 0.007 G. 868 G. �06 0.003 �3 .394 0. 007 0. 880 G. �06 0.003 4 .56s 0. 007 C.892 G. 006 0.003 4 , ;�5 0. 007 0. 9�� C.406 0.003 5. O1Q 0. 007 �. 917 ^v.006 0.009 5.239 0. 007 0. 929 0.007 0.004 5.471 0. 008 G. 991 O.b07 G.00� 5.7Q6 O.aO� G. 953 O.007 0.004 5. 9�5 0.008 0. 966 O.007 O.G04 6. 187 O.G08 G. 978 G. 007 0.004 6. �133 G.G08 C. 99Q 0. 007 O.U04 6. 68� 0.008 '_ .002 0. 007 0.004 6.932 0. 008 '_ .G14 0. 007 O.G04 7.187 0.008 : . 027 0. 007 0.004 7.445 O. GOS ; . 039 0. 007 0.004 7.705 0. 008 ' . OSl 0.007 0.004 7 . 969 0. 008 i . Q63 0.007 O.Q05 8.236 G. 009 1 . 076 0.007 O.OQS �.505 0. 009 1 . GII8 O. GO� O.G05 8 . 777 G. 009 1 . �00 O.008 0. 005 9.053 0.009 MITIGATED LAND USE ANALYSZS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(c£s) 2 year 0. 02907� 5 year 0.03�C�5 10 year 0.033984 25 year 0. 03897�� 50 yeas 0.092717 1d0 year 0.046488 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.012�751 5 year O.C1889 10 year 0.02207� 25 year 0.02504 50 year 0.02E6�1 100 year 0. 02766 Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated i950 C. 025 0.01� 1951 0.090 0.028 1952 0.025 �.C' � 1953 0.020 O.00� i959 0.019 Q.00� 1955 0.023 0.00'; 1956 0.029 O. Ci3 1957 0.023 0.��1� 1958 0.02E G.0'b 1959 0.024 G.O�� 1960 0.018 C�.G08 1961 0.024 O.G":j 1962 0.021 O.GQ� 19'03 0.020 0. 004 19b4 0.02C O.00� 1965 0.024 0.0":2 1966 Q.021 O.00o 1967 0.021 0.01�� 1968 0.032 0.01� 1969 0.036 0.012 ' 2970 0.019 O.COy 1971 0.021 0. 01: 19?2 0.020 0. 010 1973 O.C32 0.�20 1974 0.019 �J.00E 1975 0.022 �.00: i97E� 0.029 G, 017 1 9�]? :� , 019 C .OlG 1978 0, 023 �.002 1979 0.031 0.01? 1980 0.030 O.OGS 1981 0.027 0.015 1982 0.029 0.016 1983 0. 041 0.027 1984 0, 028 0.012 2985 0.022 0.004 1986 0.02C 0.009 2987 0.027 �J.016 1988 0.035 0.015 ].989 O.G15 0.005 1990 O.G21 0.002 1991 0. 044 0.032 1992 0. 041 0.028 1993 0.022 0.011 , 19°A 0.01� 0.�05 � 1995 0.017 0.�00 ' 1996 O.Q22 O.OdB 1997 0.028 O.O18 199E O.J26 0.0=5 1999 d.C28 0.008 Ranked Yearly Feaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated, POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated � C.C�42 O. C�322 2 0.0408 D.0285 3 0.0406 O.G282 4 0.0400 G.0267 5 0.0355 Q.0198 6 0.0351 C.C183 7 0.0318 O.Oi"17 8 0.0310 0.0168 9 0.0310 0.0166 10 0.0303 0.016� 1: 0.0292 0.0100 12 0.0290 O.C1�8 13 0.0285 O.C15:, 1� 0.0282 C.C15� 15 0.0279 0. 0152 15 0.027b �.0147 17 C�.0271 0.0146 "�$ G.C269 0.0130 19 C.02E4 0.0129 20 Q.0254 0.0122 21 C. �251 0.0122 ?_2 0. 0292 0.0122 23 0, 0291 0.0118 24 0.0236 0.0107 25 0.0236 0. 0105 2b 0.0232 0. 0103 27 0.0231 0.0100 28 0.0230 0.0097 29 0.0221 0.0091 30 0.0221 0.0088 31 0.02�7 Q.0087 32 0.0216 C.0�86 33 0.0211 0.0083 3� O.Q210 0.0082 35 4.�208 O.G079 3E Q.0208 O. 0079 37 0.02d7 O.OG79 38 0.0204 O.0078 39 0. 0203 O.00o3 40 0.0200 0.0058 41 0.0200 0.0054 42 7.C199 0.0052 �3 0.0192 Q.0050 44 0.0191 0.0047 95 0.0189 0.0046 46 0. 0188 0.0041 97 0. 0182 0.0035 �fII �.v167 0. �018 99 C.G=55 0.�015 ' 50 0. G;4fl 0.0000 _ POC #1 The �'acility PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail � G.0120 1030 79 7 Pas:: C.0123 949 7i 7 Fass 0. 0127 865 63 7 Fass 0.0'30 809 58 7 Pass 0.4�33 747 52 6 ?ass 0.0136 b8J. 50 7 Pass 0.0139 625 98 7 Pas� 0.0142 584 9�1 7 Pass 0.0195 539 ��1 8 Pass 0. 0148 ��8 38 7 Pas� 0. 0151 �5g 3E 7 Pass 0.015� 423 35 8 Fass 0.0158 398 32 8 Pass C.0161 369 30 8 Pass C, Olo9 344 30 8 Pas= 0, 01'07 315 25 7 Pas� 0,0170 292 29 8 Pass O.G;73 276 21 7 Pass 0.0176 247 20 8 Pass 0. �179 232 18 7 Pass 0.•�182 215 15 7 Pass 0.018� 2d5 13 6 Pass G.0189 192 13 6 ?ass 0. 0192 184 13 7 Pass 0. 0195 175 13 7 Pass 0. 07.98 160 11 o Pass 0.0201 148 10 6 Pas� O.C204 135 10 7 Pass �.0207 1%8 1Q 7 Pass �.G210 11� 1� 8 p355 0.0213 1C8 10 9 Fass 0.0215 103 10 9 Pass 0. 022C 5E 10 10 Pass 0.0223 90 10 11 Pass 0.0226 65 10 11 Pass O. C229 80 10 12 Pass 0.�232 73 1C 13 Pass 0.0235 72 9 12 Pass C.0238 64 9 19 Pass 0.0241 59 9 15 Pass 0.02�f 4 54 9 16 Pass 0.0247 51 9 17 Pass 0.0251 �7 9 19 Pass 0.0259 45 8 17 Pass 0, 0257 91 7 '_•7 Fass 0.0260 39 7 17 Pass 0.02b3 38 7 18 Pass 0.0266 35 7 19 Pass 0. 0269 35 6 17 Pass G. 0272 33 6 18 Pass O.Q275 32 5 15 Pass O.C278 30 5 16 Pass O. C282 28 4 1� Pass 0. 0285 27 2 7 ?ass G.0288 25 2 $ Pass G.0291 2�1 2 8 Pass � � . 0299 23 2 8 Pass 0. 029? 23 1 9 Pa�� 0. 0300 2i 1 4 Pass C.0303 19 1 5 Pass C.0306 _8 1 5 Pass 0.0309 �7 1 5 Pass 0.03I3 19 1 7 Pass 0.03�6 13 y 7 Pass 0.�319 12 ? 8 Pass 0.0322 12 1 8 Pass 0.0325 12 0 C Pass C.0328 12 C 0 Pass 0.0331 11 0 0 Pass O. C334 11 0 0 Pass 4.0337 lI 0 0 Pass 0.0340 10 0 0 Pass C.0393 10 0 0 Pass 0. 0347 1C 0 0 Pass 0. 0350 �0 0 0 Pass 0.03�3 9 0 0 Pass 0.0356 7 0 0 Fass O. Q359 7 0 0 Pass 0.036< 7 0 G Pass 0.0365 7 0 0 Pass 0.4368 7 0 0 Pass 0.0371 7 0 0 Pass 0.0374 7 0 0 Pass 0. 0378 7 0 0 Pass 0. 0381 7 0 �J Pass C�.CI?�9 ., C 0 ?ass 0.0?�7 _� 0 C Pass O.C390 5 0 0 Pass 0. 0393 5 0 0 Pass 0.0396 5 0 0 Pass 0.0399 5 0 0 Pass Q.0402 3 0 0 Pass 0.0405 3 0 C Pass 0. 0909 1 0 0 Pass 0.0912 1 0 0 Pass O.C�15 1 0 0 Pass 0.0918 1 0 0 Pass 0. 0921 1 0 0 Pass 0.0929 1 0 0 Pass 0.0427 1 0 0 Fass Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume foz POC 1. On-line facility volume: 6.O13 acre-feet On-line #acility target £low: 0.01 cfs. Adjuated for 15 min: 0 cfs. Of£-line facility tarqet flow: O.0097 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Perind and Impind Changes Tcral of ' changes rave bee^ made. Tr�pinc c'r.anges. � i?c:,:te Pr-Opa''tv C''i c:i r�1 C!'d^qr'd KI:P.L,. .. _..'_ '•i.I'.�__ ., __ This program and accompanyina documentation zs provided 'as-is' witnout �arranty of ar.y ki�d. T:ne er.tire risk regarding the performance and results of this orogram is ass•�med 'o/ .he user. Clear Creek Su;uticr.s and the :4ashington State Cepartment of Ecc?ogy disclaims all warranties, eitner e:cpressed .,r '_a,plied, including but not limited to implied orarzanties of orogram and accompanying documentation. 'r. r.o ever.t shal� Clear Creek So�utions and/or the �Iashington State Departnent of Ecology be _iable `or an� damaqes ;�hatsoever (inc2ud:ng without limitation to damages for loss of busiaess profits, loss oE c�s�ness infornation, business interruption, and the like) arisir.g out of the use of, o� inability to cse �his p�c:�ram e�;en __ Clea: Cree.: Solu*_ons cr !re S•7ashir.qton S�a.e �epartm,en' c` E�clo��_� has ceen a�sised .._ _�e ccs.<._.._Li , �f such .i�:naua;z>. , , i i i , i � ' '� f-�/C'k Fi ��I��/'�r /lc�'�`� � -�d C lL l I `� _ � Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rair, Garden 5 Site Address: Ci ty . Report Date : 5/22/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1948/10/Ol Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Sc.ale: 1. 17 WWHI�I3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Basin 5 Bypass: PIo GroundWater: `)o Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .041 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.034 � Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin 5 Bypass: `!o GroundWater: �]o Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .052 I�ervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.024 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Ponci 1, Trapezoidal Pond l, Name . Trapezoidal Pond 1 y Bottom Length: 2Sft . , Bottom Width: 2fL. I, Depth : l . lft . Volume at riser head : C.uGilrt . Infiltration On Infiltration rate : i . : Infiltrati.on saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To ' Side slope 4: 3 Tc i Disaharge Structure Riser Height: 0.5 ft . 12iser Diameter: 24 _:i. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Out:tet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Staqe(ft) Area(acrj Volume(acr-ft) Dschrg(c�s) Infiit(c£s) o.�o� o. 00i o.oao c.cco �. coc o. oi2 0.001 0.00o c.coo �. 00_ a.��z� o.aol o.000 �. 000 o.oc_ c�.o3� a.001 o.aoo �.oao o.oc_ J.099 o. oai a.000 o.oao o.00i 0. 061 0. 001 0.000 O.COG 0.002 0.073 0.001 0.000 0. 000 0.04� 0.086 0.001 0.000 O.00Q O.GO% O.C98 C.002 O. 000 G.000 O.CO� Q. 110 0.002 O.00O O.00Q O.CC�2 C. 122 0.002 0.000 0. 000 O.00� C.134 0.002 C�.0�0 0.000 �.0�� 0. 197 0.002 G.O�JC 0.000 0.00?_ �. i59 0.002 C.Ot1� 0.000 0. 002 0. 171 O.0O2 �.G00 O. OGO 0.00� 0. 183 O.G02 ��. OQ� O.00O O.GC� 0. 196 0. 002 0. 000 O.OGO 0.002 0.208 0.0�2 O.00O �.�OG 0.002 G.220 0.002 U.00G 0.00� G.Ou2 0.232 0.0��2 0.00� O.QO� C.002 0.244 0, 002 C.000 Q.000 O.G02 0.257 O.G02 0.000 C, 000 O.GO� 0.269 0.002 0.000 0.000 O.CC� 0.281 G.0O2 0.000 �,400 O.003 0.293 �.002 O. OQI 0.000 �.0�3 0,306 O.002 0.001 O.004 0.00? 0. 318 0.002 O.00i 0. 000 0. 00� 4.33C 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.00� 0. 392 0.003 0. 001 O.00O 0.0�3 0. 359 0.003 0. 001 O.�CO O.00� 0.367 0.0(l3 O.00i O. 00C� �.003 0. 379 0.003 O.OG1 O.00C �.003 0.39' b.Q03 0.001 0.000 ��. 003 0. 403 G.0^vs G.00� O.O�G C.C�03 0. 41E C.003 0.001 0.000 O.G03 0. 428 0.003 0.001 0.000 O.G03 0.440 0.003 O.QOl 0.000 O.C(?3 0.452 0. 003 a.001 0.000 0. 003 0.964 0.003 G.001 0.000 Q. OG9 d. 477 O.003 0.001 O. OQO 0. 009 0. 489 0.003 C.GOl 0. 000 O.009 O. SQ1 O.003 0.001 0.001 O.OG� �.513 O.003 O.GO1 0.030 C.004 0. 526 Q.003 0.001 0.080 O.QJ� 0.538 C.003 0.001 0. 143 0.004 4.550 0.003 0.001 0.218 0.004 G.562 0. 003 0.001 0.302 0. 009 0.574 0. 004 �.CO1 0.396 O. CO� �. 587 0,004 0,001 O.u97 Q.00� 0. �99 0.004 0.001 0. 606 0.009 �. 61� 0.004 �.001 Q. 721 O.OG4 �. ti2� a.00� c.002 o. s�� o.00� 0. 63n 0.00�1 C.002 0. 972 0.`JC4 ' ��. 648 0.004 C.002 i. 107 O.004 ' 0. 66Q 0.009 0.002 � .2�7 O.��CS �. 672 0.009 0.002 1 . 392 C.00S �. 684 0. 004 0.002 1 . 543 C.005 C. 697 0. 004 O. OQ2 1 . 699 C.0�5 0. 709 0.004 O.OQ2 1 .860 C.0�5 0. 721 0. 004 O.GQ2 2.025 C.005 G. 733 0.004 O.Q02 2. 195 C.005 � G.746 0.004 O.0O2 2.370 �. 005 0.758 0.004 O.0O2 2.549 �, 005 G.770 O.G05 O.0O2 2.733 0.045 G.782 O.G05 O.0O2 2. 92C 0, 005 - C.794 O.G05 O.0O2 3. 112 J.005 C.807 O. CdS 0.002 3. s08 0.005 0. 819 0.005 O.OQ2 3.50� 0.005 0. 831 0. 005 0.002 3.7�1 0.006 ��. 893 0.005 0.002 3.9'B O.00b �,856 0.005 0.003 9 .1.s0 O.00b r.8'o$ Q.005 O.003 9 .3�9 0.005 C. 880 0.005 0.0^v3 4 .553 0.006 � .892 0.005 0.003 �1 .785 0.006 � . 904 O. GOS 0.003 5. 010 0.006 �. 917 0. 005 0.003 5.239 0. 006 0. 929 0.005 0.00? 5.471 0. 006 0. 99� 0.00� Q.003 5.7C6 0.006 0. 953 Q.00S O.OQ3 5. 945 0.006 0. 966 O.00o 0.003 E, 187 0.006 0. 978 O.00o 0.003 6. 933 0.006 0. 990 O.00o 0.003 6. 581 0.007 "�.002 O.006 0.003 6. 932 0.007 "_ . 014 O.00o' G.003 7. 187 O.Q07 "_. 027 O.00o O.Q03 ?. 445 0. 007 '_ . 039 0.0�6 0.009 7.70� 0. 007 � . 051 O,OJ6 C.00�I 7 . 969 0. 007 ? .063 �,006 C.009 8.236 0. 007 1 .076 �. 006 0.009 8.505 0.007 1 . ��88 0 . 0��6 � .004 �. +?7 0. GO? � . _OC O , nGS O. G�v 9, r�3 0 ��, MITIGATED ZAND USE ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. PCC #1 Return Period Flow{cfs) 2 year 0.01298� 5 year 0.01608 10 year 0.019?;1 25 year 0.02238"� 50 year 0.024823 100 year 0. 027312 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.0098�6 5 year 0.019456 10 year O.G1572 25 year 0.01636� 50 year 0. 0�6539 100 year 0.016o1i Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1950 C. 014 O.00° 1951 0.029 G.0��4 1952 O.OiS C.O�S+ - �9�3 O.C10 C.00� 195�1 0. 010 O. 00- 195� 0.013 O.0O3 1956 0.013 0.CC��° 1957 O.C�13 O. CC? 19�8 0.015 O. 009 1959 0.013 0.0�� 1960 C.O1G O.G03 1961 �. 013 O.GC7 1962 0. 011 O.003 1963 0.0'_1 G.00C 1964 O.C'_� C.002 3965 O.G13 C. OQ�= 1966 0.011 0. 003 1967 0.011 O.Q02 1968 O�.OI� d.009 1969 0.039 0.00�: 1970 d.010 3.005 197i 0.01� J. 006 1972 d.011 O.00�� 1973 C.018 O.C•"�2 1974 0. 010 O.CC�3 ia�� o.oi2 o.ce- 1976 0.017 (1. p��; 1977 0. 011 O. CQS "i9%8 0. 012 0, 000 1979 0. 0�6 G. C10 198C 0.0�5 0.000 "_°81 O.GiS 0.008 "_982 0.016 0.007 i983 d.023 0.016 1989 0.�1� 0.006 ?985 0.�12 0.001 �986 G.O10 0.004 "�-987 0.015 0.010 1988 0. 01� 0.009 ].989 O, OGB 0.002 1990 0.010 0.000 'y91 0.026 0.021 �992 0.024 0.018 i993 0.012 C.005 1994 0. 007 0.002 1 �95 0.008 O.OQO "!996 0.011 0.004 �� 997 0.017 0.021 ''_998 0.015 0,008 1999 0. 015 0,004 • Ranked Yearly Peaks far Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated � 0.0265 0, C�207 �' 2 0.0240 0, 0179 3 0.0239 0. o15a 4 0.0229 0.0140 5 0.0189 0.0122 6 0.0181 0.0114 ? 0.0180 0.0099 8 G.0172 0.0096 9 0.0168 0. �045 10 0.0166 0.0094 1i 0.0162 0.0�93 12 C.0257 0.0090 13 0.0154 0.0087 _4 0.0159 G.0084 =5 O.OI59 G.0082 i6 0.0253 G.0075 17 0.0151 0.0075 18 0.01�0 0.0071 '�9 0,0147 0.0070 20 0.014� 0.006fi �1 �.0140 O.G063 <2 0.0130 O.00�b ?_3 0. 0130 O.ObS� 2y 0. 012.9 0.0051 %� 0.0128 O.QGSQ 2b 0.0125 O.CC9S 27 0.0125 O.0095 28 0.0122 O. 0041 i9 0.012Q 0. 0091 30 0.011b 0. 00�� 31 O. Oilo O.OG�9 32 0.0114 0.0039 � 33 O.d119 G.0036 3� 0.0113 �.003� 35 0. 0122 0.0030 36 0.0112 0.�030 37 p.0I10 O.0O27 38 �. Q310 0.0025 39 O.C106 0.0023 �0 O. OldS 0.0022 41 0. 010� 0.0020 92 Q.�103 0.0019 93 Q,O101 0.0014 4� 0.0101 G.0007 45 0.4099 G.0306 �v 0.0099 O.00G2 4? 0.0095 0. 0000 98 0. 0083 O.00CG 49 O.d075 0.40�G 50 �.00�1 C.00��� POC #1 The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail O.d065 944 80 8 �ass 0.0067 852 80 9 Pass 0, 0069 775 7C 9 Pas� � 0. 0070 710 63 8 Pass O.OQ72 E96 58 8 Pass 0.0074 5�� 57 9 Pass O.OQ76 54C 52 9 Pass O, OG78 497 51 i0 Pass 0.0080 462 48 10 Pass 0.0082 426 �5 10 Pass 0.0083 391 40 10 Pass 0. 0085 359 38 10 Pass 0.008? 338 35 10 Fass 0.0089 313 39 10 Pass 0.0091 292 33 ll Pass �, Ofl93 273 33 12 ?ass ��. 0095 253 2� 11 Pass 0.0096 232 27 11 Pass O.G098 227 25 11 Pass Q.G_00 209 24 11 Pass 0.0102 191 23 12 Pass 0, 0104 183 22 12 Pass 0.0106 I72 22 12 �ass O.Q108 256 19 12 Pass O.Q1G9 196 16 10 Pass O.C111 191 15 10 Pass 0.J113 13�1 15 11 Pass 0.0115 i23 13 10 Pass 0.011? '�3 12 l � Pas; 0.0119 99 12 12 Pass 0. 0120 95 12 12 Pass 0.017_2 84 11 13 Pass 0.0124 77 11 ?4 Pass 0.012E 72 I1 15 Pass 0.0128 69 "�1 15 Pass 0.01"s0 63 11 17 Pass O.G132 So 11 19 Pass 0.0133 53 11 20 Pass 0.0135 51 11 21 Fass 0.0137 53 11 21 Pass C.0139 99 10 20 Pass C.0141 96 8 17 Pass 0.0�43 95 8 17 Pass 0.0145 40 7 17 Pass 0.01�6 39 7 17 Pass 0.0148 35 7 20 Pass 0.0150 34 7 20 Pass 0.0152 32 7 21 Pass 0.01�4 30 7 23 Pass O.G1�6 2$ 6 2'_ Fass 0. 0158 27 S 18 Pass 0.0159 25 5 2C Pass 0.0161 2� 9 16 Pass 0.0163 23 9 17 Pass 0, 0165 22 9 18 Pass 0 . 0`!67 2C 4 20 Pass � 0.0169 17 4 23 Pass 0.0170 16 � 25 Pass 0.0172 :3 9 30 Pass 0.0174 i3 9 30 Pass 0.0176 13 3 23 Pass 0.0178 12 3 25 Pass O.C180 12 2 i6 Pass 0.�182 10 2 20 Pass � 0.018s 10 2 20 Pass 0.0185 1Q 2 20 Pass 0.0187 10 1 ld Pass ' 0, 0�89 1G 1 10 �ass O.Oi91 9 1 11 Pass 0.0193 9 1 11 Pass 0.0195 9 _ 11 Pass � 0. 0196 9 1 i"t Pass 0.0198 9 1 li Pass C.0200 8 1 12 Pass 0.0202 8 1 12 Pass 0. 0204 8 1 12 ?ass . 0.0206 8 1 12 �ass 0.0207 � 0 0 �ass 0.0209 8 0 0 Pass 0.0211 7 0 0 Pass 0.0213 7 0 0 Fass 0. 0215 7 0 0 Pass C.0217 7 0 0 Pass u.02i9 7 0 0 Pass �.0220 6 0 0 Pass 0,0222 6 0 0 Pass 'I t_., 0.^v229 6 0 0 Pass 0.0226 6 0 0 Pass 0.0228 6 0 0 Pass 0.023G S 0 0 Pass 0. 0232 9 0 0 Pass 0. 0233 4 0 0 Pass 0. 0235 � 0 0 Pass 0.0237 � G 0 Pass 0.0239 4 � 0 Pass O.G291 1 0 0 Pass 0.0293 1 0 0 Pass 0.0245 1 0 0 pass 0.0246 1 0 d Pass 0.0248 1 0 0 Pass Water Quality EMP Flow and Volume for POC 1. On-line Facility volwne: �.0078 acre-°eet On-line faciiity target flow: C.O1 c£s. Adjusted £or 15 min: O.O:iB c£s. Gff-line facility target £lox: 0,0068 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: O.GJ71 c£s. Perind and Impind Changes Tc�al of 1 char._��s ha��e :�eer: r:ade. Imalnd chances. ��arr,e :rcpe-r`y G�ic`na- �rar_qed RCACS FLAT ENGL 61 2? Tni= �:cgrai� ai:d �_�c:r:o,_r;��nc dccui,.er.�_a._icr. is �;c�videc as-'_s' ;,i..�cv� a;arranyo u_` acy i;r.d. _'*:e eat�-e ris� regard�r.g the �erformance arci resu_ts of L.115 o�ograrr: is assumed by the UseZ. Clear Cree:; Sclutions and the :9ashingtor State Depart:nent o� �coloql disclaims ali �:arranties, eitner expresseci or imo�ied, including but no= limited to inplied h�arrar.ties cf program and accomQanjzr.g doc�men�at_or.. Zn :�o e��ent snall Cleaz Creek Solutior�s and/or the ;�lasnir,gton Sta�e Department of Ecolog� :�e liab;e fcr any camages wnatsoever (including �aithout limi�at_cn to danages for Ioss of business pzaf�ts, lcss of busir.ess iafo�:natian, b�siness interruDtion, and the 1_.'<e) a:isir.q out of �h� use of, or icabi'_i�y to use this proqram e�Jer. if Clea� Creek Solutions o_ �_^e 'r:�si�:�q:.o� S:.ate Ceoar��r.e;t oo- �c�logy ras ceen ad�r_sec of the pcssibi'ti_, o* snc:� damages. ��/Ci��f�=T�'r�`t�G''/`� �":;;}C_.�'�.i �I `, C� Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rain Garrien 6 Site Address: City . Report Aate : 5/22/2013 Gaqe . Seatac Data Start . i948/10/O1 IIata End . 1998/C9/3�J Precip Scale: 1. 17 WWHM3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . 8asin 6 Bypass: �Io GroundWater: No Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .071 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.048 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Gsoundwater Name . Basin n Bypass: No GroundWater: �o Pervious Land Use Acres C, I,awn, Flat .079 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 9.041 Element Fiows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoida�� Pond l, Trapezoidal Po��d l, 13ame . Trapezoidal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 33ft. Bottom Width: 2ft. Depth : � . lft. Volume at riser head : 0.0014ft. Infiltration On Znfiltration rate : l.l Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4; 3 To 1 Discharge Structure , Riser Height: 0. 5 ft. Riser Diameter: 29 in. Element Fiows To: dutlet Z Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Staqe(ft) Area(acz) Volume(acr-ft) Dschrq{cfs) Infilt(cfs) 0.000 0.002 C. 000 0.000 G.000 0.412 0.002 0.000 C.000 C, Q02 G.429 0.002 0.000 C.000 0. 002 . C.037 O.Ofl2 0.000 0.000 0. 002 �. o�a c.00a o.000 o. 000 o.oc2 n.06� 0.002 O.d00 0.004 0.002 0.073 0.�02 0.040 0.004 0.0�2 0.086 O.G02 a.oao 0.000 0.002 I 0. �98 O. 0O2 0.000 0.000 0.002 I 0. 110 0.002 0.000 �.00O 0.002 0.122 O.OG2 0.000 O.00C 0.002 0.134 . 0.0�2 0.000 O.00C 0.�02 I C. i97 0. 002 O.00G 0.000 0.003 0. 159 0.002 G.00C 0.000 C.003 0. 171 O.G02 0.0�0 G.000 C. 003 0. 183 0.002 �.00•� O.000 C. 003 0. 196 0.002 O.G00 0.000 0.003 0.208 0.043 0. �00 �.000 0.003 0.220 0.003 G.�00 O.OQO O.003 0.232 0.003 O.00O 0.000 0, 003 0.294 0. 003 C.00i 0.000 0,003 0.257 0.003 G.001 0.000 0.003 0.269 0.003 0.001 Q.Q00 �.003 0.281 0.003 0.001 O.00G O.00s 0.293 G.003 0.001 O. 00C 0.�03 0.3G6 �.003 �.001 O. 00C 0.003 0.318 0.003 0.041 0. 000 0.00� 0.33G 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.342 O.G03 0.001 0.400 O.00v 0.354 O.G03 U.001 0.000 O.OG4 0. 367 O.G03 Q.001 G.000 O. OQ9 0. 3�9 0.003 �. CO1 C, 000 0.^Ov r.3�i o. ��o� �. �o_� o. o��C o.00� ; �� � i C. 9G3 u . 009 0.0��1 � .CO� O. GO� 0. 410 0.004 0.001 �.000 O.CG�1 0. 428 0, 009 0.001 G.000 O.009 0.44G 0, 004 O.Od2 O.G00 O. OG4 0.452 0.004 O.JOI �.000 O.�G9 0.464 0.004 0.001 0.000 G.EC� 0. 477 0. 004 0.041 0.000 O.00S 0. 489 0. 004 0.�01 0.000 O.OG� 0. 501 0. 004 O.�Q2 O.CO1 0.00� 0. 513 O.�J09 0.�01 0.034 O. OGS 0, 526 G.004 0.002 0.080 O. OG5 0. �38 0.004 O.OG2 O. 143 0. 005 0. 550 0.004 0.002 0.218 O. OG5 0. 562 G.004 O.OG2 0. 3C2 O.OG5 0.574 �. 005 0.002 0.3�ao O. CQS 0.58? p. J05 O.OG2 0.497 0. 005 0 ,599 �i. 005 C.002 0.6�0 0. 005 0 , 61i 0. 005 C.002 0.72� O. CO� 0. 623 a. 005 G.002 0.844 O.CGE 0.636 0. 005 0.002 0. 972 0. 006 C.698 0. 005 C.d02 i. 1�7 0. 006 O. E60 d. 005 G.002 1.247 0.005 G. 672 O. 00�S 0.002 i.392 0.006 �. 684 0. 005 C.002 1 .543 0.006 �. 697 0. 005 G.OQ2 1.699 0.006 �.709 0. 005 0.002 1 .860 0.0�6 "721 0.005 0.002 2 .025 C.006 �.733 0.045 0.003 2. 195 0.006 C .7�6 0.006 0.003 2 .370 C.0�6 �' .7�� 0.006 0.003 2 .5�9 C.007 v.770 O.Od6 0.003 2 .733 C.007 I, 0. 782 0.006 0.003 2 .92� 0.007 I J.794 0.006 0.003 3.112 C.007 ;�.807 O.00o 0.003 3.308 J.007 ' O. �i9 O.006 0.00? 3.508 C.00� ' 0. 831 O.00o 0.�43 3.711 0.007 ' v. ���3 O.006 0.�03 3.918 0.007 , G, �56 O.00o 0.�03 4 . ;3C 0.007 G. 668 0.006 0.�03 4 .3y� 0.007 ' 0, 880 0.006 0.003 4 .�63 0.007 O,gg2 p,OQ6 O. OG3 9 .785 0.007 , � . 904 0.007 O.OG�1 5.OiJ 0.008 G. 917 0.0�7 O.QG� 5.239 0.008 �. 929 0.007 0.�7C4 5.��1 0.008 G. 941 0.007 O.004 5.706 0.008 0. 953 0.007 O.00� 5.995 0.008 �. 966 0.407 O.�C� 6. 187 0.008 0. 978 0.007 O.004 6.433 0.008 3. 990 0. 007 �.004 6. 682 0.008 = .oaz 0.007 O.004 6.932 0.008 � .oi� o.00� �.oc� � , ls� o.00s 1 .C27 0.407 O.OG�: 7.4�5 0.008 `�. .C39 0.007 �.00� 7 , 705 0.009 _ .CS1 0.007 0.00� 7.969 0.009 _ .063 0.008 O.OG5 8 .236 0. 009 "_ .076 0.008 0.00� 8 . 505 0. 009 _ .C88 O.00R �.00S 8 . 777 0. 069 l . lOC' 0,008 0.0;�5 ';. 0`�3 �. 005 MI�'IGATED LAND USE ANAI,YSIS RESLJLTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period FZow(cfs) 2 year 0.019282 5 year 0.�2502'_ 10 year 0.02892 25 year 0.033979 50 year 0. 037839 100 year 0. 04179� Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. PCC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.012727 5 year 0.019E99 10 year 0.0231 ��i 25 year 0.0264"' 50 year 0.0282':? 100 year C.029c2;; Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and i�titigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated i950 O.G21 O.C� `� 1951 0. 037 0. 03� 1952 0. �`J22 O.Olh 1953 G.015 0.0��� 1959 0.015 0.00` 1955 0.019 O. OG; 1950 0.019 0.0"�3 1957 0.019 O.G"_3 1958 0.023 O.CIb 1959 0.019 O.OG�� 1960 Q.014 O.GO� 1961 0.020 O. C"-3 1962 0. 017 O. 00? 1963 Q.015 O.00�� 1969 0.017 0.00_; 1965 0.019 C.Ol?_ 1966 0, 016 O.00c• 1967 0.017 O.Oi�) 1968 0.026 O.OiB 1969 O.C28 Q.OIl 1970 0. 015 O.OG9 1971 G.017 0. 01' 1972 O.Olb O.G'_0 1973 0.027 0.02i 1G79 O.Q15 O.CG�� 19i5 0.018 O. 006 �970 0.025 O.OlS's i9:' , G.O16 G.u10 1978 G.O1? Q.GOl 1973 0.024 C.C1"i 2980 0, 022 C.GO� i981 0. 023 O.C1� 198? 0.023 0,016 1983 0.034 0.02� 1984 0.021 0.012 198� 0. 018 0.009 1986 0. 015 0.009 198? 0, 023 O.C1` 1988 0.026 0. 01'0 1989 0.011 0.0�� 199� O.Oi9 O.00� 1991 0.041 0.0��; 1992 O.C37 0.03G � 1993 O. Di7 0.0".1 � � � 1999 0.010 0.005 1995 0.012 O.OG� � "�996 C.017 O.OG� 1 , '99? 0.025 0.019 • �998 0, 023 0.015 1999 0, 023 C.�08 � Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 � Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.0907 0,0341 2 0.0369 0.0300 3 �3.0365 0.0298 4 0.0345 0.0276 '� ' S 0.0280 O.b208 6 0.0274 0.0193 7 0.026� O, G179 8 0. 0257 0. 0175 '. 9 0. 0250 0.0172 �� 0.0250 0.0171 � "�1 0.0241 0.016� i 12 Q.0239 O.Oi63 ' 13 G.0234 �.0162 14 �.0231 0. 01'02 15 �.0227 0.0158 16 ��.0227 C.0152 17 0.0226 0.0152 18 0.0223 0,013� 19 0.0223 0.0334 20 0.0211 0.0127 L1 O.OZlO 0.012� 22 G.0195 0.0122 23 0.0193 0.0114 29 C_0192 0.0109 25 0.�192 0.0109 26 0.0188 0.0104 27 0.0187 O. C103 28 0.0182 0. 0101 ?_9 Q.0178 0.0093 30 0.0172 0.0090 31 0. 0169 G.009C 32 0.0169 0.0086 33 0.0169 C, 0085 39 0.0167 0.0083 35 0.0166 0.0080 36 0.016o O.CO80 37 �.Olb4 O.0079 38 0.0162 O.0079 39 0.0158 0.006� 90 0. 0155 0. 0060 91 0.0�5� 0.005? 42 0.�150 0.0051 43 0.0149 0.0098 94 0. 0146 0. 0047 95 O.d146 0.0047 46 0.0192 O.G041 97 0.0139 O.CG36 48 0.0119 O.0015 49 0. 0110 O.00<<� 50 0.01�3 O.00GO POC #1 The Facility PASSED The F'acility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail O.0096 910 1�6 l / Pass 0.0099 826 1�9 1� pass 0.0102 797 192 29 Pass 0.0105 671 �29 19 Fass 0.o108 624 i23 19 Pass C.O111 567 li8 20 Pass �.�113 �2� 1�8 L� PdSS 0.0116 480 97 20 Pass 0.0119 444 9� 2� Pass I 0.0122 4�0 8b 20 Pass 0.0125 377 77 20 Pass 0.0128 393 71 2C Pass 0.0132 32� 65 20 Pass O.C133 297 6� 20 Pass 0.0136 277 55 19 Pass G.0139 257 52 20 Pass �.0142 243 50 20 Pass 0.01�5 226 99 21 Pass 0.0148 213 49 20 Pass 0.0251 199 42 2i Pass Q.0?53 188 38 20 Pass 0.0156 177 37 20 Pass 0.0159 165 35 21 Pass 0. 0162 199 3� 23 Pass 0.0165 142 3C 21 Pass 0.016� i32 3� 22 Pass 0.017Q i22 29 23 Pass 0.0173 111 26 23 Pass 0.0176 109 24 23 Pass O. C179 97 23 23 Pass 0. �182 87 20 22 Pass 0.�1�5 79 19 24 Pass C.O1$8 74 18 29 Pass 0.0190 67 I5 22 Pass 0.0193 61 14 22 Pass 0.0196 57 13 22 Pass 0.0199 56 12 21 Pass 0.0202 53 12 22 Pass 0. 0205 52 �1 2i Pass . 0, 0207 50 11 22 Pass 0.02�0 47 1G 21 Pass 0.0213 �4 10 22 Pass 0.0216 41 10 24 Pass 0.0219 38 ZO 26 Pass 0.0222 38 i0 26 Pass 0.0225 36 i0 27 Pass 0.0227 30 10 33 Pass O.C230 30 10 33 Pass 0. �233 28 l� 35 Pass G.0236 26 10 38 Pass G,0239 26 10 38 Pass 0.0242 24 10 91 Pass �.0295 23 10 43 Pass ^v. 02�7 22 9 4Q Pass G.0250 21 9 42 Fass G.0253 17 9 52 Fass • �.0256 16 9 56 Pass �� �.0259 13 9 69 Pass I v. 0262 13 9 69 Pass 0. 0269 13 8 61 Pass 0 ,0267 11 8 72 Pass �. 0270 Ii 7 63 Pass �.0273 il 7 63 Pass 0. 0276 1C 7 70 Pass 0.0279 1C 6 60 Pass ��.0282 9 6 6o Pass 0.028� 9 6 6o Pass C.�287 9 6 5n Pass G. 0290 9 5 55 Pass :,�.02G3 9 � 55 Pass 0.0296 9 4 �74 Pass .^, .0299 9 3 33 Pass 0 , 0301 9 2 22 Pass 0.030�1 � 2 25 Pass � ,0307 8 2 25 Pass 'i. 0310 $ 2 25 Pass �.0313 8 2 25 Fass 0.0316 8 1 12 Pass 0, 0319 8 1 ?2 Pass 0. 0321 8 1 =�2 Pass �'.0329 7 1 14 Pass `��.�i?L ! 7 � 14 pdSS �:�.0330 7 i 14 Pass 0, 0333 7 1 14 Pass 0. 0336 b 1 �5 Pass C.0339 0' 1 16 Pass i ii a.o3�i � o c Pass 0.034�1 6 0 0 Pass 0.0347 5 0 0 Pass 0.0350 5 0 0 Pass 0.0353 5 0 0 Pass 0.0356 9 0 0 Pass 0.03�8 9 0 0 Pass 0.0361 4 C 0 Pass Q.0364 4 0 0 Pass 0.03&7 3 0 0 Pass 0.0370 1 0 0 Pass 0.0373 1 0 0 Pass 0.0376 1 0 0 Pass O.Q376 1 0 0 Pass Water Quality Br� Flow and Volume for PC�C _. Cn-iine facility volume: O.Qi37 acte-feet On-line facility ta=get £low: 6.Oi cE9. Adjusted £or 15 min: C cfs. Of£-line facility tazget flow: 0.0101 cfs. Adjusted Poz 15 min: 0 c£s. Perind and Impind Changes Tctal of _ c�a^:ces 'r.ave r:Fe;, ria�e. Impl�d char.ges. �;ame Frc;;e� �1r �r'_g.:_r,a ! C:�ar�::>�i ROADS FLAT ENGL 6� 2 ` _ __--_ _ __ _ ^i.> , cgraz. a;:d acc�r!car.;;icr, de,.:c,er.tati.,:-� �s pro�,_ded as-is' .._ _�,ou= ..��-ant, :f an;� ,._r.d. "he entire ris}: r�qam:ir.q �;:e oe__cc�ar�ce and �esul�s c� ::�is pregran �s assu:ned s:, 'ne user. Ciear Cree'c Soiut'_ons and Lhe Wasnington State Deoartr�ent of Ecology disciaims all �r�arrant:es, either expressed or imo`_ied, including but not limited to implied warranties of orogram and accempanying docuir,entatier:. in no event shall Clear Creek Solutions and/or the 'r7ashinqton State Depart�?nt cf Ecology be iiable fcr an� damages �rhatsoever (including without limitation to da;nages for loss of bus�ness profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the li'r.e) arising out of the use e`, or inabili'.� to use tnis program even if Clear Creei: Solutions or r_ne :•i�.s:ington Stat� Cenartr.�ent c_ =�ciog•; t,os i;een ad-r_sed of the coss_b�lit, of sucr damaces. �,�C' I" /r � ri i� / � �/�`/' / t . .',' �� ! � 1� `/ Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rain Garden 7 Site Address: City . Report Date : 5/22/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 1948/10/O1 Data End . 1998/09/30 • Precip Scale: 1.17 Y7��3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . E�a s i r: 1 Bypass: '�lo GroundWater: ,io Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .049 I Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.035 '� Element Flows To: I Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Basin 7 I Bypass: ilo GroundWater: Llo Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .o56 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0.023 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond 1, Trapezoidal Pond 1, � Name . Trapezoidal Pond 1 Bottom Length: 3of:= . Bottom Width: 2f�. Depth ; 1 . 1ft. Volume at riser head . U. �Ci�it_ , Infiltration On Infiltration rate : 1 , � Infiltration saftey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 Tc 1 Side slope 2: 3 To = Side slope 3: 3 To '_ Side slope 4: 0 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height: 0.5 f� . Riser Diameter: 24 i-.. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Ta.ble Stage(ft) Area(acr} Volume{ac=-£t) Dschrq(cfs) Infilt(cfs} O.000 0.002 O. 000 O. 00G O.OG'� O. OI2 0. 002 0.000 C.000 O.GG2 G.024 0.402 C.00O O.000 O.CC2 C.037 0.002 �.000 0. 000 O.COL 0. 049 0.002 O.00Q 0.000 C.OG? 0,061 0.002 0.000 0.000 C. OG2 O.C73 0.002 0.000 0.000 �J. GG2 O.C86 O.0O2 0.000 0.000 O.OG2 0. 098 O.002 O.00Q 0.000 O.002 0. 110 O.002 O.G00 O.Q00 0.0^v2 o. i22 0.002 o.coo o.coe o.00� 0. 134 0.002 0.000 G.000 O.002 o. l�� 0. 002 0. 00o a.000 o.ao� 0. 159 0.002 0. 000 0.000 O.003 C, 171 0.003 0.000 0.040 0,003 0. �83 0.003 C.000 0.000 O.G03 0. 196 0.003 0.000 0. 000 O.COs 0.208 C.003 0.000 O.OQO 0.00? 0.220 C.003 0.00� 0.000 C.OG: 0.232 O.003 0.�01 O.000 C.003 0.244 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.003 0. 257 0.003 0.001 4.000 0.00� 0.209 0. 003 0.001 0.000 O.003 0.281 0.003 0.001 0.000 O.OG"j C.293 0.003 0.001 O. 00C 0,003 �. 306 0.0�3 O.002 0. 000 0.00< �,318 0, 003 Q. 00i G.000 O.00� 0. 33a 0,003 0. 001 0, 000 O.00;'s 0.352 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.0�3 0.35� 0.004 0.001 O.00C 0.003 0. 367 fl. 004 0.001 0.000 0.003 4. 379 O. 004 O . 00i 0 .000 G. 00S r �ql 0. C:O� �,i. 0��1 0 . G��O ;�. �04 �oo �a �c�• � �oa�o aoo�o 880' l L00'0 SOS '8 5�0'0 800'0 9L0' t L00'0 9�Z '8 S00'0 800'0 E90' ? LOQ'0 696 'L S00'0 L00'0 �SO' T L00'0 SOL 'L SCO'0 L�0'0 5E0' T L00'0 S66 'L SGO'0 �00 '0 Lz0' � L00'0 L8I ' L 6C0'0 L00'0 6I0' I L00'0 Z£6 '9 b00'0 L00 '0 Z00' : 900'0 T89 '9 500'0 LDO '0 C66' � 900'0 �E6 '9 600'0 L�0 '0 3LE '� 900'0 L�T '9 600'0 L00'Q 996 'C 900'0 S�5 'S 600'0 L00'C zS6 '� 900 '0 90L'S �00'0 L00'� T�6 '� 900 '0 iLb'S 600'0 L00'0 6Z6 '� 900 '0 6�Z'S 600"Q L00'G LT6 '� 900 '0 0��'S 400'0 L00'0 b06 '� 900 '0 SSL' 6 400'0 L00 '0 Z68'� 900 '0 �9S' � 600'0 900 'G �88'� 900 '0 4�E' 6 E00'0 900 '0 898'� 900 '0 O�L' 6 �00'0 900'0 9S8'� 90C '0 8T6 'i £QO'0 900'0 E48'� 90G '0 IZL'i �00'0 900'0 I£8'� 90G'0 805'i �00'0 900'0 6T8'0 gOp'0 80�'� �00'0 900'0 L08'r� SOG'0 ZTI 'E £04'0 900'0 h6L'0 SOC'0 �Z6 'Z E00'0 90Q'0 Z8L'0 SOQ'0 �EL 'Z £Od'0 900'0 OLL'0 SOQ'0 66S'Z E00'0 900'0 8SL'0 SCO'0 OL£'Z �OQ'0 900'Q °6L'G SCO'0 S6I'Z �00'0 40b'0 �£C'0 SCO'0 SZO ' Z E00'0 900'0 TZL'� S00'0 C98 '� �00'0 SOd'0 50L'0 �GO'0 669 ' T Z00'0 saa•o L69 '�� SGO'0 �bS ' T Z00'G �CO'0 689 'G S00'0 ZE� ' t Z00'C 5G0'0 ZL9 'G S00'0 L�Z'I Z00'G 5G0'0 099 'G S00'0 L0�' T Z00'C S00'0 869 "v 500'0 ZL6'0 Z00'0 500'0 9�9 '0 S00'0 b�8'0 Z00'0 S00'Q FZ9 '0 S00 '0 IZL'0 Z00'0 S00'0 TT9 '� S00 '0 909'0 Z00'0 �00'0 56S'� 600 '0 L64 '0 Z00'0 S00'0 L8S '0 60C'0 96�'0 Z00'0 S00'0 �LS'0 60d'0 Z0�'0 Z00'0 500'0 Z9S '� �oo•a $�z•o zoo•o soo'o ess•o 600'0 �6L '0 Z00'0 S00'0 8£S'� 600'0 080'0 Z0� '0 600'0 9ZS'G b00'0 0�0'0 ZOv^ '0 6fl0'0 �IS '� 600'0 T00'0 j00'0 6�0'0 IOS '0 �G0�0 C00 '0 i0C'0 600'0 E86 '0 I �00'0 000 '0 i00'0 600'0 LLb 'Q 600'0 C00 '0 iQ0'0 600'0 496 '0 ' 600'Q 000 '0 i00'0 6�0'0 ZS6'G 600'4 C00 '0 Id0'0 "v0�'fl Ob6'0 b00'0 000'0 T00'0 �00'0 8Z�'� �00'0 000 '0 T00'0 �00'� 9T7 'G bG�'C� OOG '0 IGO '0 :GO'G �C�;� 'C � 1.100 0.00$ 0, 005 9.053 O, OC7 MITIGATED LAND USE ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frsquency Return Feriods for Predeveloped. PCC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.013497 5 year Q, 017371 10 year 0. 01998? 25 year 0.02330": 50 year 0.0259?l 100 year 0.�285�2 Flow Frequency Return Periods for ;�iitigated. POC �1 Re�urn Period Flow(cfs) 2 year J.026"_8�� 5 year 0.04535�:� 10 year 0. 0506�<1 25 year 0. 0532�� 50 year 0.053�88 100 year 0.05�11� Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1950 ��. 015 O.OG? 1951 0.025 O. JGB 1952 0.015 O. 009 1953 0.010 O.O�v 1959 d.v10 O.00C 2955 C.013 O.00C 1956 0. 013 O.007 1957 0. 013 0.00? 195E 0.016 0. 009 1959 0.013 O. G04 1900 0, 010 O.000 '�961 0.014 O.CO� i962 0.012 O.00� 1963 O.u21 O.QCO 1969 O.Oi2 O. 000 1965 G.013 0. 000 1966 O.Oli O.00� 1967 0.012 0.0�0 1968 0. 018 0.008 1969 0.020 O.O��C ls�o c.oil o.ac� i��, 0.012 o.ao� 2972 0.011 O.007 1973 O.Q19 0. 012 1974 0.010 0.0�'"_ 1975 O.Q13 0.00_� 19 %6 0. 017 O. CG9 1977 0.011 0.001 1978 C.012 0.000 1979 G.017 0.007 1980 Q.016 0.000 1981 C.016 0.006 1982 C.016 0.002 1983 0. 024 0.015 i989 0.015 C.G09 �985 0.012 C.000 1986 0.011 0.000 19$7 0,016 C.020 1988 0.019 0.009 1989 0.008 C.000 1990 �.010 0.000 1991 �.028 0.021 1992 0.025 �.018 1993 0.012 0.003 1999 0.007 0.000 1995 0.009 0,000 1996 0.012 0.003 1997 0.018 0.011 1998 0.016 0.007 1999 O.bi6 0. 000 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 � Rank Predeveloped Mitiqated 0.0277 0. 02C'o i 0.0251 0, 0180 3 0.0250 0. 0152 � 0.0239 0. 0120 S C.0197 0.0112 6 0.0188 0.009'0 7 0.0188 0.009_ 8 0.0179 0.0090 9 0.0176 0.0088 20 O.Gi73 0.0080 11 O.C169 0.0084 12 O.Q164 0.0084 13 O. G:61 4.0073 14 O. C'61 0.0073 ' 15 O.C",59 0.0072 16 O.u^'•59 Q.0071 17 0, 0:58 0.0069 18 0. 0_56 0.0067 19 O.C�53 C.0059 20 0.0�49 C.0037 21 �.0�9E 0.0037 22 0. 013E 0.0037 23 0. 0135 C.0032 24 0.0134 0.0028 25 0.0133 0.0020 26 0, 0130 0.00�7 27 0. 0130 O.00i7 2� 0.0127 0.00?6 29 0.0125 0.00"�9 30 0.0120 O.OG"�2 31 O.C120 0.0005 32 0.01?8 O. 0009 � 33 �.0118 O.00O3 34 0. 0117 d.0003 35 0. 0117 O.00G2 36 C.0'16 0.0001 37 C. Ci14 0.0000 38 0.0119 0.0000 39 �.0110 0.0000 40 O. O1Q9 0.0000 �� o.aiea o.0000 �2 a.o�o6 0.0000 93 0.0105 0.0000 44 0.0105 0.0000 45 0.0103 0.0000 46 O.OlQl 0,0000 97 O.C1Q0 0.0000 98 0.0086 O.Q000 49 0.0078 0.0000 50 O.OQ73 O.0000 POC #1 The Facility PASSED The F3cility PASSED. Flow(CFS) Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail � 0.C067 937 69 6 Pas:; �.0069 895 58 E Pass O.0071 714 53 6 Pass 0.0073 702 97 6 Pass , 0.0075 643 42 6 Pass 0.0077 577 9C 6 Pass 0.0079 539 38 7 Pass C.0081 �I92 33 6 Pass C. 00E3 459 31 6 Pass 0.0085 920 25 5 Pass 0.0087 385 24 6 Pass 0.0089 356 21 5 Fass 0. 0091 333 20 6 Pass 0.0093 31C 19 o Pass G.0095 292 19 o Pass 0. 0097 258 18 0' Pass 0,0098 250 18 7 Pass O.OlOQ 233 �7 7 Pass O.C:02 216 ?6 7 Pass 0.0109 206 i6 7 Pass 0.0106 190 14 7 Pass 4.0108 182 12 6 Pass 0.0110 169 12 7 Pass �. 0112 I�J IZ � PdSS 0.0114 147 11 7 Pass Q.0116 141 11 7 Pass G.0118 132 11 8 Fass 0.0120 123 11 8 Pass 0.0122 103 10 9 Pass 0.0124 99 10 10 Pass 0.0126 95 10 10 Pass 0.012� 82 10 12 Pass 0.0129 76 10 13 Pass C.013i 71 1� 19 Pass ' C.G�33 68 ld 14 Pass O.C135 60 10 16 Fass 0.0137 55 9 16 Fass O.C139 53 ; 13 PGss 0, 0191 51 7 13 Pass 0.0143 51 7 13 Pass 0.0145 99 6 �2 Pass 0.0147 46 6 13 Pass 0.01�9 45 6 13 Pass O.OISi 40 6 15 Pass G.�153 38 5 13 Pass C.015j 36 5 13 Pass 0.0157 34 5 1� Pass C.0159 32 5 15 Pass 0.0'6G 30 9 13 Pass 0.0-62 28 4 14 Pass O. Q�c4 26 4 i5 Pass 0. 0166 25 4 16 Pass O. Olo� 25 � 16 Pass 0.0170 23 4 17 Pass 0.0172 22 c l� Pass � 0.�179 20 4 20 Pass G.J1?o 17 3 17 Fass u. C178 16 3 18 Pass 0. �180 13 2 3� Pass 0.�182 13 2 15 Pass G.0184 12 2 16 Pass 0.0��6 12 2 16 Pass 0.0_68 11 2 18 Pass 0. 0�9G 10 1 10 Pass 0. 0191 10 1 10 Pass Q.0193 1Q 1 10 Pass O.G195 10 1 10 Pass 0.019? 9 � 11 Fass 4.G199 9 = 2= Fass � 0. 020i 9 i L Fass 0.020.s 9 1 11 Pass 0.02�5 9 1 ll Pass 0.02�7 9 � 0 Pass 0. 02�9 8 0 0 Pass 0. 0211 8 � 0 Pass 0. 0213 8 0 0 ?ass 0. 0215 8 0 0 Pass 0.02I7 8 0 0 Pass O.Q219 8 0 0 eass J.0221 ? 0 0 Pass �.0222 7 0 0 Pass 0.0224 7 0 C Pass 0 . 0226 7 0 0 Pass 0 . 0228 7 d � Pass 0.0230 6 0 0 Pass 0.0232 6 0 0 Pass 0.0234 6 0 0 Pass 0.0236 6 0 0 Pass 0.0238 6 0 � Pass 0.02a0 5 C 0 Pass 0.0292 4 � 0 Pass 0.0294 4 0 0 Pass 0.02�0 � 0 0 Pass 0.0248 4 0 0 Pass a.0250 4 0 C Pass 0.0252 1 0 0 Pass C, 0253 1 0 0 Pass 0. 0255 1 0 0 Pass 0.0257 1 0 0 Pass 0.4259 1 0 0 Pass Wate= Quality BMP Flow and Volwce for POC i. On-line facility volusae: O.OQ73 acre-feet Or_-line facility target flow: 0.01 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: C cfs. Off-line facility ta=get flow: 0.0073 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0 cfs. Perlr.d and Impind Changes TOt.f31 Cf 1 Cj1dr.QeS I_C3�In r:ea�. .T,GCc. Impind chailges . � Name . ��pe`ty 0:-: ,=n�:� Cnar:gec ROAGS FLA'T E�JGL 'ol 27 This program and accc:noanyir.g documentation is provi�ed 'as-is' orthout wa�rar.�y of an� kind. The enti�e risk regarding the perfcrmar.ce and results of this prcgram is assumed by tne user, C1ear C=eek Solutions and tne 4iashington State Department of Ecoloq/ disclair,is all warranties, either exnressed or imalied, inc2uding bu� not '_im'_ted to implied�aarraaties e_ program and acconoaayir.g documenta`icr.. 'n zo e��ent snall Clea* Creeic Solutions and/or the :vashing�on State Deoartment of Ecoloay be liable for aZy damages whatsoever (including �..�ithout lir�itatior. to damages for icss of business profits, loss o� bvsiness information, business ir:terraption, ar�i the lize} ar_sing out of the use of, or inabil_ty to use this program even �f Clear Cree:t SolUticns or t�e .�iashingtor. State C�eoartment of Ecology has been advised of the possibilit� of such da�r:ages. � �� �;��•� i�� � � ��%�,�� I ��� 1� 1 � - ,lc� � ( � 7 �/ � Western Washington Hydrology Model PROJECT REPORT Project Name: Rain Garden 8� Site Address: City . Report Date : 5/22/2013 Gage . Seatac Data Start . 19�}8/10/O1 Data End . 1998/09/30 Precip Scale: 1 . 17 WY7HIvI3 Version: PREDEVELOPED LAND USE Name . Basin 8 Bypass: No GroundWater: �lo Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .138 Impervious Land Use Acres � ROADS FLAT 0.034 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Name . Bas-�� Y Bypass: �Ic GroundWater: �lu Pervious Land Use Acres C, Lawn, Flat .115 Impervious Land Use Acres ROADS FLAT 0. 056 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Trapezoidal Pond l, Name . T��znez_o-d,:l Por��i _ Bottom Length: 54ft. Bottom Width; 2ft. Depth : l.lit. Volume at riser head : O.0022`t. Infiltration On Tnfiltration rate : l. l Infiltration saf tey factor : 1 Wetted surface area On Side slope 1: 3 To 1 Side slope 2: 3 To 1 Side slope 3: 3 To 1 Side slope 4: 3 To 1 Discharge Structure Riser Height; 0.5 ft. Riser Diameter: 24 '_n. Element Flows To: Outlet 1 Outlet 2 Pond Hydraulic Table Stage{£t) Area(acr) Volume(acr-ft) Dschzg(cfs) Infilt(cfs) o.000 o.00a o. 000 o. 000 o.cco o.oi2 o.co3 o.00c o.aoo o.00,5 o.o2a o. 003 a. 00a o.000 o.00� 0.037 O,OG3 0.000 O.Q00 O.0O3 O.C99 0.003 O.OQO 0.000 O.G�s O.Obl G.003 0.000 0.000 O. �G3 0.073 0.003 0.000 0.000 O.003 0. 086 0.003 C.00Q 0.000 0.0�4 0.098 0.003 C, 000 0.000 0.004 O. lIO 0. 003 0. 0�0 0.000 G.Q09 0. 122 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.00� 0. 134 O.009 0. 00^v 0. 000 O.00w 0. 147 C. CG� O.00J C.000 O.00�i 0. 159 0.004 0.000 O.OQO O.GO�i o. l�i o.004 o.oQi o. 000 o.co4 0. 183 0.00� 0.00� O.00C O.00�i 0. 196 0.004 O.00i O.COC O.OG5 c.2o� o.00� a. 00i o. 000 o.oc�, 0,220 C.004 C.001 0.000 O.OGS 0.232 0.004 0.001 O.00C 0.00� 0.249 0.00� 0.001 O. 000 0.005 0.257 0.005 0. 001 0. 000 0.0�� 0.269 0.005 0. 001 0.000 0.00� 0.281 O.J05 0.001 C.000 0.005 G.293 O.00S O.QO1 0, 000 0.005 C.306 0.005 0.001 0. 000 O.UU6 0. 318 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.006 0. 330 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.006 0.392 0.005 0.001 O.OQO 0.�06 0.354 0.005 C. 001 O.00O O,C06 0. 367 0.045 C,0�1 O.GOC 0.006 0,379 �.006 0,002 O.000 0.006 0. 391 i).006 �.002 0. 000 O.00u i C. 9C3 C�.00o 0.�02 G.000 0. 00"% 0. 916 0.0�6 0.002 0.000 0, 00"� 0. 428 Q.005 G.Od2 O.000 O. OG7 0. 440 C.006 0.002 0.000 0.007 0. 452 J.006 0.002 0.000 0.00; Q. 464 fl.006 0.002 0.000 0. 00; 0.477 0.006 0.002 0.000 O. 007 0. 489 O.Q06 C.002 0.000 0.007 0. 501 0.007 0.002 0.001 0. 008 C. 513 0.007 0.002 0. 030 0.008 C.526 0.007 0.002 D. 080 0.008 G.538 O.G07 0.002 0, 193 O.COS 0.550 d.Q07 0.�03 0,218 O.008 0. 5b2 O.007 �.003 0.3G2 O. G08 0. 574 O.Od7 0.003 0.39b 0.�08 0.587 0.�07 O.b03 0.4G7 0.�08 0.599 0.007 �.003 0. 606 0.008 0. 611 0.008 0.003 0. 721 Q.�09 0. 623 Q.008 4.003 O. B99 0.009 O. o'36 0.008 O.Q03 0. 972 G.009 O. o'48 0.008 0.003 1 . 107 0.009 0. 660 O.Od8 O.0O3 1 .247 C.009 0. 672 0.008 0.003 1 . 392 0. 009 0. 68� 0.008 0.004 1 .593 �. 009 7 0. 697 O.00B 0.004 i . 699 0. 010 0. 7��9 0.0�8 a.ao� 1. 860 4.010 c. �zi o.o�s o.oc� 2 . o2s o.oio �.�3? c.o��9 o.ao4 z. �9� o.oio �.796 �.009 0.009 2 .37p 0.010 0.758 0, 609 0.004 � 2.599 0.010 0.770 0.009 0.009 2.733 0. 010 0, 782 0.009 0.004 2. 920 0. 010 0.79� 0.009 0.005 3. 1�2 0. 011 0.807 0.009 O.OQ5 3. 308 0.011 0.819 0.009 0.005 3.508 0.011 0.831 O. OQ9 O.G�S 3.711 O.d11 O. Su3 O.OIO 0.005 3. 918 0.011 0. 856 d.0i0 0.005 4 . 130 0.011 0.858 O.OiO 0.005 4 . 349 O. 011 0.880 0.010 Q.005 4 . �63 0. 011 0.892 0.010 O.005 9 . 785 0.012 G. 904 d.010 �.006 5.010 Q.022 0. 917 0.010 0.006 5.239 C.0�2 0. 929 Q.O10 0.006 5. 47i 0.012 0. 941 ^u.010 0.406 5. 706 �. 012 0. 953 0.011 O.Q06 5. 945 0.012 0. 966 0.011 O.006 0. :87 0.012 0 , 978 0.011 0.006 o. u33 0.012 0. 990 0.011 0.007 6. 681 0.013 _ .002 0.011 0. 007 b. 932 0.013 � .014 0.011 O. J07 7. 187 0.013 1 .027 0.011 0.007 ?.445 0.013 1 . 039 O. 011 0.00? 7.705 0.013 1 , 0�1 0.012 0.0�7 7 , 969 0. 013 1 . 063 0. 012 O.O�J7 8.236 0. 013 1 .076 0.012 0.007 8.505 0. 014 1 .088 0.012 0.008 8.777 0.014 1. 100 0.012 0.008 9. �53 0.014 MSTIGATED I.AND USE ANALYSIS RESULTS Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. PCC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year O.G2Q�8 5 year 0.42758� I 10 year O.G32824 �� 25 year 0. 039829 �, 50 year d. 045322 100 year 0.051065 ' Flow Frequency Return Periods for Nfitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(c£s) 2 year G.027s-"- 5 year C.052o03 10 year G.0601i2 25 year 0, 063731 50 year 0.064E�=: 100 year 0.065G� ----- _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ I Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveioped � Mitigated �9�� a.oa3 c.o�; 1951 C.04& 0.02d 1952 0.026 O. Oi7 1953 0, 015 0.0��� 1954 0.014 O.00�� 1955 0.020 0. 0��5 1956 0. 022 0. 0:�_ 1957 O. G2"� 4.01� Z958 6.�26 0.018 1959 G.02b O.GOe 19'00 0. 019 O.Ob� 1961 0. 021 0.01� 1962 0.018 O.00i 1963 Q.Q15 O. O�C 1959 0.018 O.OuO 1965 0.020 0.01,� 296b 0.016 O.00O "�967 0.018 Q.0�2 '_968 0.027 0.015 1a69 0.02�? 0.0��8 1970 O.C16 0.00 , 1971 G.J18 O.G1� 1972 G.018 O.QOy 1973 �.033 d.029 197� 0.015 O.OG: 1975 0, 020 0.00`;� _9?6 0.029 0.019 19"7�? p. Gl r 0.�C2 1978 0.015 O.OGO 1979 0.025 0.021 �980 0.020 O.CGG '981 0. 025 O.Oi3 li 1982 0.025 O.OL" I 1983 0.039 �.63� I 1984 0.020 O.Oi3 ', "_985 O.Cla O.00G 1986 0.014 0.008 19g7 0.027 O.Oi7 1988 0.025 0.016 1989 0.011 0.000 ?990 0.012 6.OG0 "�991 0.051 O.G43 �992 0.044 C.C36 1993 0. 018 0, 010 1994 O.Oli �J. 000 1995 0.010 0.000 �i99o" 0.016 0.006 i997 0.031 0.020 1998 0, 026 0.010 � 1599 0. 024 0.009 Ranked Yearly Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 G.0507 0.0430 2 C.046i 0.0361 3 G.094� • 0.�338 4 0.0388 0.0243 5 0.0326 0.0242 6 0.0312 d.0206 % 0. 6286 C.0�96 � Q.0282 �.Q�87 9 0.0272 O.OI81 _G 0.0267 O.Oi7� il 0.0261 0,0168 12 0.0257 Q.0166 �3 0.0256 C.C158 '4 0.0252 O.G154 ;5 0. 0249 �.0136 16 O. Q245 0. 0134 1? 0.0245 0.0132 "'_8 0.0238 O.G130 ".9 0.0231 0.0116 ?_G 0.0215 0.0111 21 0.0212 0.0101 22 0.0211 0.0099 23 0. 0202 0.0099 2�= O.Q199 0.0098 2� 0.0198 O.00fi3 26 Q.p197 0.0079 %7 G.0197 0.0074 28 0. 019b 0.0061 29 O, G186 0.0055 ?� O. CI?G 0. 0052 31 C.0177 0.0099 32 0.0176 0.0091 33 0.0176 0.0038 34 0.0176 0.0019 35 0.0175 0.0015 3b 0.0170 0.0011 37 0.0162 0.0009 38 0.0160 O.00O3 39 0.0160 Q.OQC;s �0 0.0152 O.00C?_ 9_ 0.0?52 O.00OC 42 0.0199 0.0000 43 0.014E 0.0000 9�1 0.0141 O.00CO 45 0.0141 O.00OC 46 0.0192 0.000� 47 0.0121 O.G00� 98 0.0113 0.0000 49 0.021� O. 00OG 50 0.0101 O.0000 POC #1 . The Facility PASSED The Facility PASSED. Flow(CFS} Predev Dev Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0101 813 82 10 Pass G.0104 738 75 10 Pass G.0108 670 68 10 Pass 0.0112 607 63 10 Pass 0.0115 591 6J. 11 Pas:= 0.0�19 9�1 60 12 Pa=_� 0.0122 443 54 12 Pass 0. 0126 909 52 �2 Pass 0,0129 370 51 13 Pass 0.0133 349 47 13 Pass 0.0136 325 42 12 Pas� 0. 0140 302 39 12 Pas,: 0.0194 281 37 13 Pass G.0147 259 37 14 Pass 0.0151 238 37 15 Pass 0.0154 222 37 16 Pas:: 0.0'_58 208 35 16 Pass 0.0161 191 3i 16 Pas� 0. 0165 179 30 f6 Pass 0.0169 165 28 �6 Pas:> 0.0172 154 27 17 aass 0.0176 149 26 18 Pas:> 0.0179 132 2E 19 Pass Q. J183 122 23 18 Fass 0.0186 113 23 20 Pas�; C.0190 I09 20 19 Pass C.0193 99 20 20 Pass 0. 0197 89 19 2? �ass �, r�2p1 79 i 9 24 Pass 0. 02C�v 74 18 29 Pass 0.420� 72 l� 19 Pass 0.0211 67 14 20 Pass 0.0215 65 ?4 21 Pass 0.0218 57 14 24 Pass C•.0222 53 14 26 Pass O.C225 51 14 27 Pass 0.0229 49 13 26 Pass I 0.0233 4E 12 26 Pass 0.0236 9� 12 27 Pass ', 0.0240 3g 12 30 Pass ! 0.0243 38 9 23 Pass � 0.0247 39 9 2b Pass 0.0250 30 9 3G °ass 0.0254 29 5 31 Pass 0. 0257 27 8 29 Pass 0.0261 27 8 29 Pass 0.0255 25 8 32 Pass 0.0268 23 8 39 Pass 0. 0272 23 8 34 Pass 0.0275 21 8 38 ?ass 0.0279 21 8 38 �ass 0.0282 20 7 35 �ass 0.0285 16 ? 43 Pass 0.029Q 14 7 50 Pass 0.0293 13 6 �6 Fass 0.0297 13 6 46 Fass � 0.0300 12 6 50 Pass � 0. 0304 12 5 91 Pass 0.0307 I1 5 �5 pass 0.0311 11 5 45 Pass 0. 0319 10 5 50 Pass 0. �318 10 5 50 Pass 0.0322 10 5 50 Pass 0.0325 10 5 SO Fass 0. 0329 9 � 55 Pass d, 0332 9 5 55 Pass 0.0330 9 5 55 Pass O.C339 9 4 4� �ass 0. 0343 9 9 9� Pass 0.��346 9 3 33 Pass 0.0350 9 s 33 Pass 0, 0359 9 3 33 Pass 0. 0357 9 3 3s Pass 0.0361 9 3 33 Pass O.Q36� 8 2 25 Pass O. C368 8 2 25 Pass 0. �3i1 8 2 25 Pass 0.0375 8 2 25 Pass 0.0378 �3 1 12 Pass 0. 0382 8 _ 12 FdSS 0. 0386 8 1 12 Pass � Q.Q389 6 1 15 Pass O.d393 6 1 16 Pass O. G390 6 1 16 Pass 0. 09C0 5 1 20 Pass 0. �903 5 1 2� Pass �. ,. 0.0907 5 1 20 Pass C.0411 5 1 20 Pass �.0414 5 1 20 Pass 0.0918 5 1 20 Pass 0,0921 5 1 20 Pass 0.0425 5 1 20 Pass 0.0428 5 1 20 Pass 0. 0932 5 0 0 Fass d.0935 5 0 0 Pass G.0�39 5 0 0 Pass , C.0493 4 0 0 Pass 0. 0446 3 0 0 �ass 0.0450 3 0 0 Dass 0,09�3 3 0 0 Pass Water �:ality SMP F2ow and Volume for POC 1. On-line facility volume: 0.0?lo acre-feet On-line facility target flow: O.Q1 cfs. Adjusted £or 15 oin: 0.0303 efs. , O££-lina facility target flow: O.G159 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min: 0.0165 cfs. Perind and Impind Changes To*al oi 1 changes have been made. Impind ct�a�qes. Name �roperty Originai Changed • ROADS FLAI' ENGL 61 27 � This proqram ar.d acco�roanying documentation is provided 'as-is' M1ithout srerrant7 of any kind. The entize risk regazding the performance and results of this program is assumed 'ay tne user. Clear Cree:ti Solutions end tne 'riashington State oepartment o` scology disclaims ail warraaties, either e:ipressed � cr imolied, including but not limited to implied warranties of �roqram and accompany'_zg documer_tat�on. ' Ir. no event shall Clear Creek Solutions and/or the :•7ashington Sta:e Department of ccolcc� be liable , for an� damages whatsoe�:er (including without 2imitation to damages for loss of business profits, _oss I of business information, b�siress interYuption, ar.d the likeJ arisirq out of the use of, or inability ' to use this progzam e��en if Clear Creek Solutions or the �7ashington State Cepartment of Ecology has ', been advised of the possibility of such damages. � , ilc Edd �'iew 2oo�n 11dD . . ... . . . .. .. . .... . .._ . . ... . . . . . . ._.. . .. .. � Gi���� ,i. -��. � � �,� � � �� chemat�< lal p.T�aprta��dai Pond 1 M�ngnted �,Q, $GFNt�Fi�OS �,�j.�.1'"�!!^•��"!}.; +��'"� i• �- FaciliyNemo Ti.aemide�Pord 1 �..�..�, .� �f L.�.,� r R�� ' ,p�t, '�".a�i:v4�;u e��a y4M�4, ��•- ' ou�loc 1 ourle�2 O�Uw 3 Oownatreem Connotriona o 0 0� �F iainoy.a+ �. � I � Faolrty Typ• h.r..zad.�Pa�e f AecbAeeontpdiea�oFxWy lv�oPontl I ��irKp�nd I ��a n ' � �.. .... . ... ��---� I �'E�eoor�lon�coMed io F+qMy ...., FI FMhNI�. .. ,...._._._. ._........ ........_. N �m �� . ... . I�ndl Hotlom tlwolwa 0 �L`x_'"J�� � . � A-{ - �� �A�� Faalny D�menciuna ���� f ___ Bdbml,enpU�ll11 15 OutlolSlru�iuru BonamWdh�hl f+ NnaHoiqN�ll� (p.��-� ���-�-,��! EMa9rro Dept�lkl �i 7n�,•�•, �r O�n(nl :r4� J..:.JW �.nsdeSbaMM �7 R�miyy� �"-!`� �i7 Npkh Typp .�' —�� �-- earam Sde sbps INM 3 ,.... i � npht Sde Skpe MM 3��� �, TopSde51ope1HN� � �i � Feol�y pime�amn D�aqram I �� ����� ����,� (,y,.,� ��; ��� Orilieo Oiemotor Hoighl OMeuc �I 'aV�- ,�lrt� "` i InClUetion v[:: �'f Numbor (In) (FQ (da). � M.�.aredlrJiLiMbnRr�fn/hil .aJ r1-1� 1 �':'��-'.`� 0 I � � RehxlunF.cIMNIn.Ua) �i �'`.� : �'`•'��—'�"� � uNw�vas���.i,�ae«a�,l res �-1 3 �0.,y�—�i o � � ; fddVolume�n�Nie4fAaaeacl �.716 ...._.,..... _..,...._... �-..,__.., _.._.__.. PondVcLmeNRlx�llsedlxo-n) C.T M.NeEiameni: fadVouneTlvwghkaala�eai� 0.�58 �� ,. A � faelVd�m.TMwpNF.cRry�aue�nl �b8 �I""`"r'°M O10 -`{ ��� 'Pn��'�nrdueiee yh�q Snow Pond Teble Gce,'.m+ -`{ s � �r J i, ! 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Q i�Gharg� � �ar�ning'� Formula � hr1 anning� Coefficienk: 0.0� 0 • Flo� Area: � 0.� ft� � . + 1�lekked Perim�k�r: 1 .�7 ft Channel S Iop�: 0.0�0000 fklfk T o �Iidkh: 0.00 ft P D�pth: 0.�0 fk Crikical D epkh: 0.�$ ft Percenk Full: � 00.0 � Q iameter: 6.0 in Grikical S lope: a.�173�0 fk�ft �i�Gharg�: 1 .03 �f� VeloGiky: 5.2� ft�s ��IoGiky H ead: 0.�3 ft 5 peGifiG E n�r�}►: 0.�� ft Froud� N umb�r: 0.00 �1�ximum Q i�charge: 1 .11 Gf� Discharge Full: 1 .0� Gf$ S lope Full: a.��0000 fk�fk Flow T}�pe: S ubGritical S Qlve R�port • Clo�e H�Ip .� � -�–._ — __ —- File Edit View HFIp ❑ tz � � __ _ ___ _ _ � �� - � � "�� il , = '� Id ,<ne„�";�„ ra Basin 1 Mitigated SCENARIOS i - ! �� Subbasin Nnme Basin 1 Desiynate as 8ypasafa POC: ' Predeveloped i ; � Surface Inteiflow Groundwater ! — _.�.__ .. --I r- -- � --_ __ �,.�°`�,,,iv Mingated _ _ FIOWS To : _ _. _--. �� �� Area in Basin Show Only Sebcted i Run Scenario Available Perv�ous Available Impervious �„ . _. __... _. � ����-*�� L- _ I AIB,Forest,flat � �0� � FiIA�SIFIAT ,���d, _�I FI FMFNTS � �� _ AIB Facst Mod ��� � ��� A/B,Forest,Steep-- � �p � ROADS/ST�E�EP �� �0 _ � ���� � � � �� � � �--� ��� A; _-__ _'•_- A/B.Pasture.Flat ' Ip--� ROOFTOPS/FLAT _� �__�I ---- _— __ �� �1 ! A/B,Pasture Mod� L�O� DRIVEWAYSIFLAT � �__� �.-�![-1���,f�,i ' i A/B,Pasture Steep � �0 � DRIVEWAYS/MOD � �� '�''��:J 4rd ' ___ '__. _� A/B,Lawn,Flat � �0� DRIVEWAYS/STEEP � �i � � ; A/B,Lawn,Mod � �0 —� SIDEWALKS/FLAT ' �0 ; ___ _. -- - - I ; A/B,Lawn Steep_ j �0 � SIDEWALKS/MOD i0 � _ _.i _._ .. � f- C,Faest,Flat � I0_� SIDEWALKSISTEEP ' ��� I_ .__ ` — f-- C.Faest.Mod -_---- � ____ __ 0 PARKING/FLAT �p � -- -, � C Faest,Steep _ � �0 _� PARKING/MOD ; i0 � ---- - � i C,Pasture Flat � ip � PARKING/STEEP � � *___ __._.r _. --' �0 __� :_. _-� ,IO _, � _ � � C,Pasture Mod POND I _-- --- I C,Pasture Steep _f �_ _--.. ! . C.Lawn,Flat � Q i � C,Lawn,Mod � r0— I Move Elements -- - ;, I , .�f- C,Lawn,Steep � Lp __ ' �� i _.._ . _._B otal , - ��� � I cies Impervious T�tal 0.078 Acres ���� �, F'erviousTotal p A _ I � 0 07�- ,Acres . Save x,y Load x,y ,� � ,� - -- -� i J X-l-_—��—---- Y � � _ . -- - Deselect�ero RPIPr.f Rv � GO � . � �I1 d '� ,4� � _ _, �_ � _ � � � �� ���< <dit VICW rlelp D r� � � k ���� '1 � �� k. �iw' '�Analysis ��� �_;� _._. ___.__ __. __ _._ . __ __ !■ 501 POC 1 Predeveloped- IFlo�v E'reqaency � l0E 1 �� (� 801 POC1 MdigatedflowJ Flow(CFS) Predeveloped Mitiqated 2 Yenr = 0.0231 0.0231 � 5 Year � 0.0280 0.0280 � �) 10 Year = 0.0312 0.0312 '� 25 Year � 0.0352 0.0352 I, � 10E 0 b0 Year = 0.0382 0.0382 i � 100 Year = 0.0412 0.0412 I O ___ �� Yearly Peaks j j J 10E-1 1949 0.0233 0.0233 --- , � 1950 0.0337 0.0337 , 1951 0.0226 0.0226 � oapeQsnoaea°�nnnad 1952 0.0205 0.0205 � �QQfl ppppOQSLII�Q���°O° 1953 0.0186 0.0186 1959 0.0219 0.0219 � I l 0E-2 -�-i 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99 1955 0.0233 0.0233 � 1956 0.0227 0.0227 , � Cumulative Probability i9,�� 0.0255 o.os55 '!� I --- ' 1958 0.0233 0.0233 --j Durations Flow Frequency Water Quality �Hydrograph Wetland Fluctuation 1959 0.0178 0.0178 � -.�------- 1960 0.0220 0.0220 _� Analyze datasets 1961 0.0196 0.0196 � ��r - �� ,,� �I 1962 0.0203 0.0203 ----- � : •� �. .: -.� 1963 0.0193 0.0193 ' 1964 0.0224 0.0224 1965 0.0203 0.0203 1966 0.0201 0.0201 1967 0.0303 0.0303 1968 0.0394 0.0344 1969 0.0182 0.0182 � Acres All Datasets Flow Stage Precip Evap pp�7 1970 0.0201 0.0201 - - I--- 1971 0.0197 0.0197 1972 0.0278 0.0278 1973 0.0181 0.0181 1 O'7A !1 (17l1G (1 117flf. ,.. � � if I I" � ... .. ._. ..._ .__.. _-" __-__ -._'_ ___"__ -.____"_-..____'_`-_� ___.. �»ai�m� 1�•nQ n� _ � All Report abel orkshee ischarg epth hannel Mannings iamete elocit lo T pe c s t lope oe icien in t s T pe ii o nspout " ircular 0.3 0.331.020000 0.010 .0 01 o nspout " ircular 1.03 0. 01.020000 0.010 .0 2 Porous Pavement ischar ircular .0 1.00 1.020000 0.013 12.0 1 ; r � '` I f 1 Pro ect ngineer patt b ...design storm kat-conve ance calc.m2 SvR Design Company lo Master v A .000 02 1 13 02 02 PM O aestad Methods. nc. 3 rookside oad aterbur , T 0 0 1-203- -1 Page 1 0 1 - -.. � `:': cr�::hcct : Circular ChannEl - 1 o Cl F3 S ol�re for: � Q i�Gharge � M anning'� Formula �l �1 anning� Coefficient: 0.O10 •� Flo� Area: 0.� ft� 1�l�tt�d Perim�ker: 1 .�7 ft Channel S lope: 0.020000 fk�fk T op 1�lidkh: 0.00 ft D�pth: 0.�0 ft Crikical D epkh: 0.�8 ft ; Percenk Full: 100.0 � �iam�t�r: s�.0 in Crikical S lope: a.�� 73�0 fk�fk D i�Gharge: 1 .03 cf� V�IoGiky: 5.�5 fk�� �lelocity H ead: 0.�� ft , S pecific E ner�y: 0.�3 ft � Froude �J umb�r: 0.00 �1 aximum D i�Gharg�: 1 .11 cfs D ischarge Full: 1 .03 cfs S lope Full: a.��0000 fk�fk Flow Ty�p�: S ubcrikical � r � S Qlve R eport • Clo�e H�Ip � � � � rnc �dR 'view rlelp —.J ..�i — `— -- � — — — — — — — — — � � � � i �i - � � �� I� � _ � �� ..: �, ��� �: Basin 1 Mitigated SCENARIOS� ��, ��� ; _- I I ' Subbasin Name�Basin 1 ! Designate as Bypass for POC: , ___— - `' Predeveloped i i — Surface Interflow Groundwater � _ -- _ i .�"� ��Ailiyater� `::..-. FIOws TO : ;_ � � � _—� ___ _ __. ._-- �J Area in Basin i Show Only Selected Run Scenario ' � ` Available Pervious Available Impetvious FI FAAFNTS -__.-____.. . �' A/R.Fnrert.Flal LQ i�j ROAD$lFL4T �t;,f r:`� -------- --- _ -_�_ A/B,Forest,Mod ' IO_� ROADS/MOD � �0 � � __.__ . —_ �� �1�� AlB,Forest,Steep ; i0_� ROADS/STEEP f �I j ,''�- �l�l A� _ , L __�..__.. ____ _� �. A/B,Pasture,Flat �� ROOF TOPS/FLAT � �� ; I A/8,Pesture,Mod 0 DRIVEWAYS/FLAT � 0 ::::�'� .� , �__--� �_ � � � A/B,Pasture,Steep 1, �� DRIVEWAYS/MOD � � -- -- I _ I__ A/8,Lawn,Flat �0-� DRIVEWAYS/STEEP � 0� �� � A/8,Lawn,Mod I I0 � SIDEWALKS/FLAT � LQ� - _._ _ _- --- -- - - I I' AlB,Lawn,Steep � I0� SIDEWALKSlMOD � 0� __. _ __ � C,Forest,Flat ] r0� SIDEWALKSJSTEEP � �p � __ _-- --J ----- I- C,Faest,Mod ��0� PARKINGJFLAT � 0� -- _ — i C,Forest,Steep � � PARKINGlMOD� � , - -� -- _ _------ � - — _._----....___.._._. 1- C,Pasture Flat . �_--------_-- ] l0� ( PARKING/STEEP� � � --- _ _�_ —— --- (" C,Pasture Mod � C� r PON� �� __ ---- _--...._._._--- , (- C,Paslure,Steep —] � ; C,Lawn,flat --] 0 _ . _- --- - � � I- C,Lawn,Mod 0�1 Move Elements -- - - .)i- C,Lawn,Steep� Ip � � �\ . � FerviousTotal �� Acres Impervious Total 0.078 Acres --� Y��, � I Basin Total 0.078 Acres i � �ave x,y Load_x,y� �� J x-IQ� Y fo—'�. _-------- - -- DeseleG Zero }'ic!IPrt Rv'� GO ' � __ __-- --- -------._ .---- --.. _ _ �»a��n�� ���nR n� � PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK n�c c�lt r�cw r�t�P _�. __....a ._ � �- i = I.� � � � � � � � � ❑ f.i � � ��, � � �� � "�- �1 � _ � '�Analysis � o �� O �� � _ --- _ __ _ _ �� l0E 1 I� 501 POC 1 Predeveloped' Flow Freqaency � I �. 801POC1MRigatedflowi �'loa(CF5) Predeveloped Mitigated 2 Year = 0.0231 0.0231 ---� � 5 Year = O.U280 0.0280 � �J 10 Year = 0.0312 0.0312 � 25 Year = 0.0352 0.0352 � l0E 0 50 Year = 0.0382 0.0382 _� , � 100 Year = 0.0412 0.0412 __ � 0 -- ii Yearly Peaks i J 10E-1 1949 0.0233 0.0233 "-- j � 1950 0.0337 0.0337 ---I 1951 0.0226 0.0226 __; ofleaeQQ6°naao 1952 0.0205 0.0205 � o e a o o u a n o Q o uao ennmoe�n° aaeQQ 1953 0.0186 0.0186 -- 70E-2 1954 0.0219 0.0219 -I __.___.__ � , 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99 1955 0.0233 0.0233 I Cumulative Probability 1957 0.0255 0.0255 --' 1936 0.0227 0.0227 � --- ---- - 1 , 1958 0.0233 0.0233 - Duialions Flow Frequency �Water Qua6ry � Hydrograph J Wetland Fluctuahon ` 1959 0.0178 0.0178 1960 0.0220 0.0220 -=-i Analyze dataset: 1961 0.0196 0.0196 � •, 1962 0.0203 0.0203 -�� ... _..... . :+� � ._ -. . 1963 0.0193 0.0193 -- 1964 0.0224 0.0224 1965 O.U203 0.0203 1966 0.0201 0.0201 ', 1967 0.0303 0.0303 ! 1968 0.0344 0.0344 1969 0.0182 0.0182 Acres �-� 1970 0.0201 0.0201 All Datasets i Flow; Stage; Precip Evap pOC 1 � i-- 1971 0.0197 0.0197 1972 0.0278 0.0278 1973 0.0181 0.0181 � �ovn n n�na n nona 9'� ,., � .. � � �. , � ,�� �v, � .y; � � � .. _. . ... . . ... . _ .. . . .. .... . ... .... . .. � , ^, �.. ti ', .�.".: W,.. . .,,�. . . d.. . . .. . >.. _ . ... . .. .. . , � ,:.. .-_ ....._ .___. _ ��� ' ........ . rn ._----- - � _ ___ ?li dl?fli� 11•f1R,4NA PAGE LEFT INTENT'IONALLY BLANK r. APPENDIX E DECLORATION OF CONVENANT RHA Kirkland Avenue To��nhomes, S��R n 120�4 Appendices Technical Information Report July I 1,2013 . PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ' RHA Kirkland Avenue Trn�nhomes, SvR�12024 Appendices Technical Information Report July 11, 201� . �� �< .�rJr! RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 DECLARATION OF COVENANT � FOR NiAINTE�ANCE AND INSPECTION OF FLOW CONTROL BNiPS Grantor: Grantee: Citv of Renton Legal Description: Additional Legal(s) on: Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City of Renton(check one of the follo�a-in�) ❑ residential building permit, ❑ commercial building permit, ❑ clearing and grading permit, ❑ subdivision permit, or ❑ short subdivision permit for Application File No. LUA/SWP relating to the real propem�("Property")described above,the Grantor(s), the owner(s) in fee of that Property,hereby covenants(covenant)«°ith City or Renton, a political subdivision of the state of Washington, that he./she(they)will observe, consent to, and abide by the conditions and obligations set forth and described in Paragraphs 1 through 8 below with regard to the Property. Grantor(s) hereby �rants(�rant). co�enants(covenant), and agrees(agree)as follows: 1. Grantar(s) or his/her(their) successars in interest and assigns ("O�vners") shall retain, uphold, and protect the stormwater management devices, features, pathways, limits, and restrictions,kno«-n as flo« control best management practices("BMPs"), shown on the approved Flow Control BMP Site Plan for the Property attached hereto and incorporated herein as Ethibit A. 2. The Owners shall at their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the Property's BMPs as described in the approved Design and Maintenance Details for each BMP attached hereto and incorporated herein as E�hibit B. 3. City or Renton shal] provide at least 30 da�s ��ritten notice to the Ou ners that entry on the Propert} is planned for the inspection of the BMPs. After the 30 days,the Owners shall allow the City of � Renton to enter for the sole purpose of inspecting the BMPs. In lieu of inspection bti the Cin-, the Owners may elect to engage a licensed civil engineer re�istered in the state of VVashington �-ho has ' expertise in drainage to inspect the BMPs and provide a«�ritten report describing their condition. If the engineer option is chosen,the Owners shall provide written notice to the City-of Renton within fifteen days of receiving the City's notice of inspection. Within 30 days of giving this notice, the Owners, or the engineer on behalf of the Owners, shall provide the engineer's report to the City of Renton. If the report is not provided in a timely manner as specified above, the County ma� inspect the BMPs without further notice. 4. If the City determines from its inspection,or from an engineer's report provided in accordance «-ith Paragraph 3,that maintenance, repair, restoration, and/or mitigation work is required for the BMPs, The City shall notify the Owners of the specific maintenance,repair,restoration, and/or mitigation work (Work) required under RMC 4-6-030. The Ciri- shall also set a reasonable deadline for completing the �'ork or providing an engineer's report that verifies completion of the Work. After the deadline has passed, the Ow°ners shall allow the City access to re-inspect the BMPs unless an engineer's report has been provided verifying completion of the Work. If the work is not completed properly«-ithin the time frame set by the City, the City may initiate an enforcement action. Failure to properly maintain the BMPs is a violation of RMC 4-6-030 and may subject the Owners to enforcement under the RMC 1-3, including � fines and penalties. 5. Apart from performing routine landscape maintenance, the Owners are hereby required to obtain written approval from the City or Renton before performing any alterations or modifications to the BMPs. 6. Any notice or appro��al required to be given by one party to the other under the provisions of this Declaration of Covenant shall be effective upon personal delivery to the other party, ar after three (3) days from the date that the notice or approval is mailed���ith delivery confirmation to the current address on record��-ith each Party. The parties shall notify each other of any change to their addresses. 7. This Declaration of Covenant is intended to promote the efficient and effective management of surface water drainage on the Property, and it shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s), and Grantor's(s')successors in interest and assigns. 8. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a written agreement by the Owners and the City of Renton that is recorded by King County in its real property records. L � —+ �_J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Declaration of Covenant for the Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs is executed this day of , 20 GRANTOR, owner of the Property GRANTOR, owner of the Property STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING )ss. On this day personally appeared before me: ,to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, far the uses and purposes therein stated. Given under my hand and official seal this day of , 20 I Printed name � Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at I �ly appointment expires � � _ _ �` � ae� cih or �, 1--, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY f - ..�..���;.�° � e. �;�`'� ��� ���: l ;�-; AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ��+�' ` � �-<�� �`- ,.�-= �'�-�� ADMINISTRATIVE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT & DECISION � REPORT DATE: August 19, 2013 Pro1ect Name: Kirkland Avenue Townhomes Owner/Applicani: Renton Housing Authority;2900 NE 10th St; Renton,WA 98056 Contatt: Schemata Workshop[nc; 1720 12`n Ave#3;Seattle,WA 98122 File Number: LUA13-00020b,SA-A,VA-A, MOD, MOD Project Manager: Rocale Timmons,Senior Planner Project Summary: 1'he applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review for the construction of three multi-family structures containing a total of 18-townhome units. The applicant is also requesting an Administrative Variance in arder to reduce the front yard setback;a modificatian to eliminate the bicycle parking requirement; and a modification to speciaf distance requirements for the refuse and recyclab{e standards. Environmental Review was conducted as part of the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS(LUA10-052).The subject property is located on the east side of Kirkland A�e NE between NE 18th and NE 26'''St. The project site tota(s Q.78 acres in area and is zoned Residential Multi-Eamily(RMF). Surface parking, in the amount of 18 stalls,is being proposed on the eastern portion af the site.Access to the site is proposed via new curb cuts along NE 15'"St that would extend north -, and connect to the property to the east(Houser Terrace). The proposed site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection area. Project Locotion: 1508 Kirkland Ave NE Srte Area: 33,665 (0.77 ac} � ; T ,�y . � _. � , � — � -- ��-�� �.� �:e ��� �� � �� -� T �: �"�1 @ �� '� -� �' �' t �, �� � '� :� ..�e - � �`Y.� . •� . � � . _ �y. ' ` � �. �.. ��._; ' ..� _ ."p _ _�'` '�._�' ..r � . �r� ....v�'� ��a r'tt:.. .. � �c�_. �� ?!� � '_ � � T� � �'�y«-, �:: � �9�, 's-3'k�t. . �""�'�' A +�`�' $ � ��� � �� �r-w-'`_"+�.Y � � _ x'-- -�� �' .� '2F'� �:.�"+ -'� 9��' . �_ <- t : �' . -:.� '`�� '��;. . ._��� w e��' �`r` `. W , r� � � . �� � �� � � � � J � ,�"...�.'s�-�` ..�� �� �. „ _ e � � � ��� & �� �� � Y!` � y t� �-�x� eb�5 �`' ni � � ,�� � �„ .� �., � �--� � ���� �- '� ��-a :,.,:.,...�;.�:...�� w� " .,�`�� � � ��� ' � �'. � � �•T'�.�+�",� "�� �4-3�.- �� t�-� r-.-,��� �-0' � �..h . f� '� �� �- , ,� '�5_.�� . �:�'c'� �� � .. z z, a�7 � F ,���L .r� i � . a� x �1 �'� .'G� ,+�- j1�4`��'S �. 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KIRKLAND AVENUE TOWNNOMES CUA13-D00206,SA-A, VA-A,MOD Report of August 19,2013 Page 2 of 24 A. EXHIBlTS: Exhibit 1: Kirkland Avenue Townhomes Site Plan Report and Decision [xhibit 2: Neighborhood Detail Map Exhibit 3: Site Plan Exhibit 4: Landscape Pfan Exhibit 5: Elevations ' Exhibit 6: Elevation Perspectives Exhibit 7: Aerial Photograph Exhibit 8: Drainage Report prepared by SvR Design Company,dated February 15, 2013 I Exhibit 9: Geotechnical Rep�rt prepared by S&EE, Inc.,dated July 25,2012 ' Exhibit 10: SEPA"Planned Action"Memo I Exhibit 11: Sunset Planned A�tion Area Map , Exhibit 12: Stormwater Adjustment Approval ' � 8. GENFRAL 1 NFORMATION: ' Renton Housing Authority 1. Owner(s}of Record: 2900 NE 10th St Renton,WA 98056 2. Zoning Designation: Residential Multi-Family(RMF) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Center Village (CV) 4. Existing Site Use: Vacant 5. Neighborhood Characteristia: The subject property is primarily surrounded by commercial and office uses which include: a. North: Dup/ex and Triplex(R-14 zone) b. East: Residentia!Mu1ti-Family—Nouser Terroce(CVzoneJ • c. South: Dup(ex and Four-plex(RM-F zone) d. West: Duplexes(R-14 zone) 6. Site Area: 33,665(OJ7 ac) ' C. HISTORIG4L/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Comprehensive Plan N/A 5099 11/Ol/2004 Zoning N/A 5100 11/01/2004 Annexation N/A 3401 02/25/1980 Sunset Area Planned LUA10-052 5610 06/13/2011 Action FIS Site Plan Repori ti Ci,y nf.�er.[on Drpa;tmrn[of Communi,ry&Fco�nm�c Drvcd��nment AdmrnistrativeSite Plan Report&Uedsron KIRKL4ND AVEMUE TOWNNOMfS LUA13-0002Q6,SA-A, va-a,MOD . Report of August 19,2013 Page 3 of 24 D. PUSLfC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities a. Water: Water service wili be provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 10-inch water main in Kirkland Ave NE, a IQ-inch water main in NE 16th and an 8-inch water main in NE 15th Street. AvaiEable maximum fire flow from this system is 2,500 gpm.The project is located in the 565 pressure zone.The static pressure at ground elevation 380 is about 80 psi. b. Sewer: Sewer service will be provicied by the City of Renton_ There is an 8-inch sewer main ir� Kirkland Ave NE,and NE 15th Street.There is a private sewer main in NE 16th Street. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are storm drainage improvements in Kirkland Ave NE and in NE 16th ' Street. 2. Streets:There are street improvements in Kirkland Ave NE and in NE 16th Street. 3. Fire Protection:City of Renton Fire Department - - --- - -- -- - —--- —,_. _ _ .. - —- -----� E. APPLICABLE SFCTlONS OF THE RENTON MUNlCIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Qistricts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070:Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-110: Development Standards for Residential Zoning Classifications 2. Chapter 3 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-3-100: Urban Design Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060_Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria a. Section 4-9-200:Site Plan Review b_ Section 4-9-250:Variances,Waivers, Modifications,and Alternates b_ Chapter 11 Definitions F�. ADMlNSTRATIVE SITE PLAN REVlEW F(NDlNGS OF FACT: � 1. The applicant, the Renton Housing Authority, is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, Administrative Variance,and two modifications in order to construct 18 multi-family residential units. 2. The proposal is the second of a group of projects collectively knotivn as the Sunset Area Planned Action and Environmental fmpact Statement (Sunset Area PA/EIS) and is part of the Renton HousinP Authority's redevelopment ofthe Sunset Terrace community. 3. The proposed 18 residential units would be divided amongst 3 structures. Fourteen of the units �vould be two-bedroom uniis within Buildings#1 and#2. Building#3 would contain four three-bedroom units. 4. The site is located on the southeast corner of Kirkland Ave NE and NE 16`h St. 5. The property is zoned Residential Multi-Family (RM-F} and is within the Center Village (CV) land use designation. Site Plan Report _ _ � Ciry of Renton Department of Communrty&£conomic Developmen, Adminisfra[ive Site P1an Report&Decision KlRKL4N0 AVENUE TOWNNOMES LUA13-000206,SA-A,va-a,MOD �' • Report of August 19,2013 Page 4 of 24 ' 6. The buildings would be constructed using factory assembled modular units. The units would be craned onto a site built foundation and crawlspace. The roof, awnings, siding and exterior trim work j I would be buift on site. � ' i � 7. The building materials vary and would be a combination of cement board siding and steel details at the � entry canopies(Exhibit 5). 8. The proposed structure would be 28 feet and 2-inches from finished flaor elevation, at the tallest point of the pitched roof. 9. The building raof lines would vary through articulation for each unit(Exhibit 6). 10. All unit entrances are proposed to be located along Kirkfand Ave NE or NE 16`h St. . il. The site is currently vacant. ; 12. A total of 18 parking spaces are proposed on the site within a surface parking area located on the eastern portion of the site and on the adjacent property to the east. 23. The applicant is requesting a modification from the Refuse and Recycling standards RMC 4-4-040 in order to locate the refuse and recyclables area within 40 feet of a residential structure; 10 feet less ' than the required 50-foot distance. Additionally,the applicant is asking for a deviation on the clearance requirement of 15 feet. The proposed refuse and recyclables structure would have a height�f 9 feet. 14. Per RMC 4-4-08dE the applicant is required to provide 0.5 bicycle parking spaces per dwelling unit or 9 bicycle parking stalls within a bicyc{e shelter. The applicant is requesting a parking modification in order to not provide any bicycle parking stalls on site. 15. The applicant is requesting an Administrative Variance from RMC 4-2-110A in order to encroach five feet into the 20-foot required front yard setback for proposed Building#3. 16. Access to the site would be provided via existing curb cut along NE 16th St on the neighboring property to the east(Houser Terrace). i 17. The sife is primarily flat sloping from the north to the south. ; 18. The soils on site include approximateEy 6-inches of thick topsoil underlain by a surficial layer. The surficial layer is brown to fight brown silty fine sand with gravel. The glacial surficial layer is underlain by glacial till consisting of slightly cemented silty sand with gravel which is dense to very dense. 19. Approximately 1,210 cubic yards of material are proposed to be excavated from the site and approximately 560 cubic yards of material would be brought into the site. 20. There are a total 35 protected trees located on site of which 17 are proposed to remain. 21. The applicant is proposing the use of portions of the 8-foot planter strips, located within the right-of- wGy, for stormwater bio-retention ponds which would also be filled with vegetation. 22. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed devefopment.These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. Siie Plan Report ` C�ry of R�nton Depa�tment of Community&fconomic Uevelopment Adminisba[rve Site Pfan Report&Decision KIRKLANDAVENUETOWNHOMFS LUA13-000206,SA-A,VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19,2013 Page 5 of 24 23. The proposal requires Site Plan Review. The following table contains project elements intended to �,��rr�. .:;rh `,it�� r'I„n N��viewdecisior� ,_ri;� t,,�. �. ,���u?lin���:l iri Rf��.'l� -a `+ '�'J_E� � SITE.PLAN REVIEW CRiTER1A; ' �. COMPREHENSNE PLAN COMPItANCE AND CONSISTENCY: The site is designated Center Villa;e(CC)on the Comprehensive Pfan Land Use Map. Thepurpose of the Center VillaPe fs to provide an opportur�ity for redevel�pment of urbar� niixeci and residentizl uses that are pedestrian-crier�ted. The pro�osal is consistent with the folfowing Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Community Design Element policies as long as all conditions of approvaf are complied with: Policy LU-Z44. Encourag2 rn��e urban style desig� ani; ir�t�rzsity of develop�t�en: je.g. ✓ building height, bulk,lancfscaping, parking)wilhin Center Villages than with land uses outside the Cen[ers. � Policy LU-247. Prohibit new garden style multi-family development. Policy CD-17: Development should be designed (e.g_ building orientation,setbacks, � landscape areas and open space, parking,and outdoor activity areas}to result in a high quality development as a primary goal,rather than to maximize density as a first consideration. � PoEicy CD-21: Development should have buildings oriented to,ward the street or a common arca rather than tov��rd parking {ols. _ _ t _ _ _ b. ZONtNG COMPLIANCE AND CONSISTENCY: ' __ : '': ": ` - ..__` _ �' =' ! 1he �uk:je.t �ite i; clas�ified Residential Mutti-Family (RM-F) on the City of R•zntonZoning P�1ap. Retail s�les are permitted provided that tt�ey meet the size'restrictions of RMC 4 2-liOR. �[ie followir; deyelo�ment standards are applicable to the proposal:` ----- -- _ __ -- -- --- — - -- --- Density:Per RMC 4-2-110A ihe allowed density range in the RM-F zoning classification is a minimum of 10 dwelling unrts per net acre (du/ac) up to a maximum of 20 du/ac. Per RMC 4-9-065 up io maximum of S additiona!dwelling units per net acre are ollowed as a density bonus if the following ; criteria is mei: 1. The applicant shall first provide 1 affordable housing unit either for sale or renta! (per net acre). Additiona!bonus un�ts(per rret acre)moy be ochreved on o 1:1 r�tio for eiYher: (i)Affordable housing units, either for sale or rental, or (ii) Units burlt to Built Green 3 Star(at minim�m) buildinq stondards. Higher Built Green standards are allowed and moy receive a greater density bonus upon review and opprova!of the Planning Director. Net density is calculated after public rights-of-way, private access easements, and critical areas are deducted from the gross ocreage of the site. After deducting 1,203 square feet for right-of-way dedications,from the 33,665 gross square footage of the site, the net square footage would be 32,462 square feet (0.745 net acres). The 18 unit proposal would arrive at a net density of 24.15 dwelling units per acre (24.16 units/0.745 acres = 24.16 du/ac), which falls within the permitted density range for the RM-F zoning designation as the applicant is proposing affordable housing for all 18 units complying with the criteria for five additional bonus units{per net acre). Lot Dimensions: Per RMC 4-Z-110A the minimum !ot width required is SO feei and the minimum !ot depih required is 65 feet. Not applicable. Site Plan Report . Criy o,i Reninn f)eoartment o,*Co.^��n�n��.'�:o^n'v.^.�ic De�ielo�rnerrt .;dminist;atrve Site Pior,Re{x��t&Df�r�sron KIRKLANQ AVENUE TOWNNOMES LUA13-000206,SA-A,VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19,2013 Page 6 of 24 � Setbacks:Per RMC 42-110A the RM-F zoning clossrfication requires a minimum front yard setback of ZO feet, rear yard setback of 15 feet, 20 feet for side yard setbacks along-a –street, and a 12 foot setback for an interior side yard setback. The following table contains setbacks for the proposed structures at the closest point: Bidg Front Yard Side Yard Side Yard Along-a- Rear Yard Setback Setback StreetSetback Setback 1 22 feet 5- N/A 20 feet 18 feet � inches � - — -a 2 22 feet S- N/A 29 feet 92 feet � inches 3 15 feet 12 feet N/A 100 feet j Proposed Building #3 does not comply with the minimum front yard setback. The applicant has applied for an Administrative Variance in order to encroach 5 feet into the required 20--foot required ' front yard setback. Section 4-9-2508.S.a. Lists 4 criteria thot the CED Administrator is asked to consider, along with alf other relevant rnformation, in making c� decision on an Adniinistrative Variance application. These 1 include the fo!lowing: a. That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of specia! circumstonces applicabre to subject property, rncluding s'rze, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strrct applicatron of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subjed property owner of rights ond privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identrcal zone dassrfitafion: The applicant contends that special circumstances exist on the subject site,which imposes limitations on the siting o#proposed Building#3. Specifically,the applicant indicates that the location of existing trees which would prohibit the relocation of the proposed structure out of the setback without the removal of the trees. Additionally,the applicant contends the preservati�n of the trees benefit the community and environment beyond their own enjoyment. Staff has reviewed ihe proposed variance request and concurs that a hardship exists on the subject property due to the location of existing vegetation and its value to the community,environmeRt,and the future residents of the site if retained_ The mature trees warrant the approval of the proposed projection into the 20-foot firont yard setback. b. That the granting of the variance wif! not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicrnity and zone in whkh subject property is situated: The applicant contends that the requested reduction in the required front yard setback would not be rrzaterially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity in that there is more than adequate space from the street. Staff supports the proposed location of Buifding t#3 and has determined that it would not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone because the building is located far enough from the street to provide for adequate light and air. c. Thar approval shal! not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with ihe timitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinrty and zone in which the subject property is situaied: The approval of the variance request would not be a grant of special privilege as the variance would ' be allowed for a new structure without the removal of a very mature vegetation which benefits the Site Plan Report , City of Rerttnn Depar,men,of Corn.^�uniry&Econom.ic Deveiopmer.t 4omiristreLiveSi[e Ftan A,epor:�Per�sian KfRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMFS LUA23-000206,SA-A, VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19, 2013 Pagc 7 ot 24 greater community. Other requests under similar circumstances would likely be supported. d. Thot the approva!is a minimum variance that will accompirsh fhe desired purpose: The applicant contends that the request is the minimum variance needed in order to construct the ; building and preserve the mature vegetation on site. Staff has reviewed the request and concurs ' that the proposed variance is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose of i constructing Building#3 and preserving the mature trees. Building Height:Per RMC 4-2-IIOA building height is restrrcted to 35 feet and three stories. The proposed structure would be 28 feet and 2-inches from existing grade to tallest point of the pitched roof. The proposal complies with the height requirements of the zone. euilding Standards:Per RMC 4-2-110A the allowed!ot coverage is 35 percent and impervious cover is � limited to 75 percent. The proposed buildings woufd have a footprint of 7,917 square feet on the 33,665 square foot commercial building pad resulting in a building lot coverage of approximately 23.5 percent. Following ; development, impervious sur(ace co�erage will be approximately SO percent. � Landscaping: Per RMC 4-4-Q70 ten feet of on-site landscaping is required along o!1 public street frontages, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways or those projects with ( reduced setbacks. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project application (Exhibit 4). The applicant is proposing a 20-foot onsite landscape strip along Kirkland Ave NE and NE 16t�`St with the exception of the area in front of Building#3 which wou{d be mociified to 15 feet through the requested variance. The landscaping proposed contains substantial plantings which provides residents with visual privacy. + The landscape plan includes a planting plan;the proposed tree species largefy consist ofjacquemontii ; birch, shore pine, and vine maple trees. The shrubs proposed largely consist of_ common camas, � 1 sword fern, Elijah blue fescue, nest moor grass, black-eyed Susan, Bevan's variety geranium, inside � out flower and many more. Groundcover would consist of feather reed grass and littfe blue stem. ' Underground sprinkler systerns are required to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas if not drought tolerant. The sprinkler system shall provide full water coverage of the planted areas ' specified on the plan. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant submit a landscape maintenance surety device for a period of no less than three years in sufficient amount as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to temparary occupancy permit. Refuse and Recyclables: Per FiMC 4-4-090 for residential multi faniily uses require a minirrium of 1.5 square feet per dwe!ling unit shall be provided for recyclab(e deposit areas and a minimum of 3 square feet per dwell;ng unit shall 6e provided for refuse deposit areos with a tota!minimum area of 80 square feet. Based on the 18 units proposed the applicant is required to provide a total of 81 square feet of the refuse and recyclable area. The applicant has proposed a 134 square foot area to be dedicated to refuse and recyclables. As proposed the refuse and recyclable area exceeds the minimum size requirements. The applicant is proposing a refuse and recycle station that would be constructed of concrete walls with metal doors and include a sloped roof for weather protection. The appiicant is requesting a modification from the Refuse and Recycle standards RMC 4-4-090 in order to locate the refuse and recyclables area within 40 feet of a residential structure; 10 feet iess than the required 50-foot distance. The applicant is proposing to locate the facility on the east end Site Plan Report _ _ , Gry of Renton Depc�Ymen t o;Communiry&fconomic Development Administra[ve Site F!an Report&Decisior, KIRKIAND AVENUF TOWNHOMES LUA13-000206,SA-A,VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19,2013 Page 8 of 24 of the site off of a private access roadway. Additionaliy,the applicant is asking for a deviation on the clearance requirement of 15 feet. The proposed refuse and recycfables structure would have a height of 9 feet. Sectron 4-4-D90.F allows the Adminrstraior to gront modifrcotions from the refuse ond recyclable ' standards for individua! cases, provided the modifrcaiion meets the following criteri❑ (pursuant to RMC 4-9-250.D.2J: a. Substantially rmplements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plon Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modificatron is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives;and b. Will meet the objectives and safety,function, appearance, environmenral protection and mointainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineerrny judgment;and c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies)in the vicintty;and , d. Conform to the intent ond purpose of the Code;and I e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended;and f. Wil!not create adverse impacts to other property(ies)in the vicinity. 7he applicant has minimized the negative impact to the street and tenants by locating the refuse and recycle station in the rear yard area alongside the vehicle access aisle and next to the parking area. The location is easily accessible and provides adequate screening from the public. Due to the single story height of surrounding structures if the applicant were to compiy with the 15-foot requirement the structure would be more prominent than adjacent buildings_ The requested modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the parking regulations by providing sufficient refuse and recyclables with minimal impacts on the surrounding properties. Staff supports a modification to the special setback of 50 feet and the 15-foot clearance requirement. Critical Areas: Not applicable. , Porking: The parking regulations require a specific number of off-street parking stalls be provided based on the amount of square footage dedicated to certain uses. The following ratios would be , applicable to the site: ' Use Num6er of Units Ratio Repuired Spaces ; Low Income 18 Min: 1 space/4 units Min:5 Attached I Max:1J5 spaces/unit Max:32 Residences Based on these use requirements, a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 32 parking spa�es would be required to meet code. The applicant proposed to provide a total of 18 spaces which is within the allowable range. The parking conforms to the minimum requirements for drive aisle and parking stall dimensions and the provision of ADA accessible parking stalls. c. DE5lGN REGULATlON COMPLIANCE AND C�NISTENCY: The site is located wrthin Desiun Districi `B=:= To ensure that birr(dings ure located rn relation to stYeets anrt other builctings so that ti�e 'frsi�n of it;e City. o�r�ertan can be rearize,�ii�r � high-density urba.� en��iro;�mer�t; so tt�at busirtesses erajoy visibility;rom �iubticrighcs=�f.ivoy; ord to encouraae peciestriQn activiiy ihroiirhoui rhe disirict. �s dei��onstr�ted rr; �the tab!e belavJ the proposa!meets the interrr of the De_igrr f;egula�ioi3s on_t�he bas�s o�_i�idividuo!�nerrr if a1J con,diticns of approval are.�r�et_ `;. _ - - _ = _ - - _ - _= Site Plan Report , Ci,ry of RenYon Depar;nrent o;Com.r�ar;ty R Eror.omx Deve/op��nent Adr^.inistrct�ve 1�fe�'lo�,5'ep:�n&Cecisron KlRKL4ND AVENUf TOWNHQMES LllA13-DOD206,SA-A, VA-A,MOD � Report of August 19, 2013 Page 9 of 24 i.SITE DESlGN AND BUILDING iOCATION.• ; lntenfr To ensure ttiat buildings are located in relation to streets ond other buildinys so thdt the Vision of the City of Renton can be.rea!ized for a high-density urban envrronmenr•so thot,6usinesses enioy visibility from public rights-of vvay;and to encourage;pedestrian ac�ivity: '1.'Building Location and Orientation: lntent: To ensure visr6itity of 6usinesses and to esiablish active, lively uses along srdewalks and pedesfrian pathwQys. To organize buildings for pedestrian use and so''rhat naturaf lighr is available to ather=structures and open space. To ensure an appropriate transition between buildings, porking areas, and other lond uses;and rncrease privacy for residentiol uses. Guidelines Developments shalt enhance the mutual relat�onshiq of buildings�,�✓ith each otner, as well as ', with the ronds, open space, und pedestrian amenifies �.�vnile working, to create o pedestrran orientec� ! environment. Lots shall be conf,%gured to encourage variety,and so that natura! 7ight is avairnble to buildings and apen space. The privcicy of indivrduals in residentia!uses shalf be provided for. i — -- __ _ -— -- --- -- _ _ Standard: The availability of natural light(both direct and reflected)and direct sun `� exposure to nearby buildings and open space (except parking areas}shall be considered when siting structures. '� Standard:Buildings sha!!be oriented to the street with clear connections io the sidewatk. ,� Standard:The front entry of a building shall be oriented to the street or a tandscaped pedestrran-only courtyard. ' Standard:8uildings with residential uses located ot the street level sha!!be set back from � � the sidewalk a minimum of ten feet(20'J and feature substantia!landscaping between the sidewalk and the building or have the ground floor residentia!uses raised above street level ' ror residents privacy. I . , , . _,_ - . i 2.Burlding Entries: ' lnteni: To make building entr�nces convenient to Iocate and edsy to access, and ensure thot building entries;urther the pedestrian nature of the,fronting sidewalk and the urban character o,f the district. ' Guidelines: Primary entries sho!! face the streer serve os a focal point, and allov✓ space for social � interaction. Aii entrres sha!! include features that make them 'easily-identifiable while reflecting ,the; architectural character of the building. The primary entry shr�!! be the most vrsua!!y prominent entry.; Pedestrian access to the buildrng frorn the sidewalk, parking lots, and/,or other areas shalt be provided` and shall enhance the overall quolity of the pedestrian experience"on the site. Srandard: A prrmary entrance of each building shal! be located on the facade facing a '� street shall be promineni; visible from the sireei, connected by a walkway to ti►e public sidewalk, and include human-scale etements. Standard:A primary entrance of each building shall be made visibly promineni by '� incorporating architectural features such as o fatade overhang, trellrs, large entry doors, and/or ornamenta!lighting. ✓ Standard Building entries from o street sho�!be clearly marked with canopies, architectura! e(ements, ornamenta!lighTing, or landscaping and incfude weather protecrron aT teast four and one-hatf feei(4-3/2'J wide(i!lustratron below). 8uildings thar are taller than thirty feet (30'J in height sF►all also ensure that the weather protection rs proportionol to the distonce above ground level. ✓ Standard: Bullding entries from a parking !ot shaA be subordinate to those reloted to the street. NjA Standard: Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows sha!! be oriented to a street or pedestrran-oriented space; otherwise, screening or decorative features shoutd be incorporated. Stondard: Mulriple burldings on the same site sha!! direct vrews to buNding entries by ' '� provrding a rontinuous network of pedestrian paths and open spoces that incorporate landscaping. 5ite Plan Report , City of Renfon Deportment nJ Community&EConomit Developmert[ Admir.rsUative S+te Plan Report&Decision ' KIRKL4NAAVFNUE TOWNHOMfS LUA13-000106,SA-A, VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19, 2013 Page 10 of 24 Standard: 6round floor resident;al units that are directly accessible from the street shal! '� ir,clude entries from front yards to provide transition space from the srreet or entries from an open space suc�as Q courtyard or garden that is accessible fram the street. 3. Transition to Surrounding Development: I Intent: To shape redevelopment projects so that tne tharacter and value of Renton's long-established, existing r�eighborhoods are preserved. I , Guidelines: Coreful siting and design t�eatment sha!! be crsed to achreve a compatrble transition where � � new buildings differ from surrounding development in terms of building herght, bulk and sr.aJe. Standard: At least one of the following design elements shall be considered to promote a transition to surrounding uses: (aJ euilding proportions, including step-backs on upper levels; (bJ Building articulation to divide a larger archirectura( element rnto smaller increments;or �, '� (cJ Roof Iines, roof pitci►es, and roof shapes designed to reduce apparenr bulk and , transition with existing development. , Additionally, the AdminisLrator of the Department of Communiiy and Economrc Uevelopment or designee may require rncreased setbacks ot ihe side or rear of a building in order to reduce the bulk and scale of larger buildings arrd/or so that sunlight reaches adjacent and/or abutting yards. 4.Service Element tocotion and Design: lntent: To reduce tne poteniia! negatrve impocts of service elements (i.e., waste receptacles, loading, docksJ by locating service and loadir�g areas away from high-volume pedestrian areas; and screening i them,frnm vietiv in high visibility areas. Guidelines:Service elements shall be concentrated and located so that impacts to pedestrians and other abutting uses are minimrred. The impacts_of service elements shall be mitigated with landscaping and an enclosure with fencing'that is made of quality materials. Standard: Service elements sholl be locoted and designed to minimize the impacts on the '� pedestrian environment and adjace�t uses_ Service elements sha!! be concentrated ond located where they are accessible to service vehicles and coilvenient for tenant use. Standard:In addition to standard enclosure requirements, garbage, recyding collection, and `� ut;lrty areos shall be enclosed on all sides, inrluding the roof and screened around their perimeter by a wal!or fence and have self-closing doors. � Standord:Service enclosures sha!!be mode of masonry, ornamenta!meta!or wood, or some combination of the three(3). ' N�A Standard:!f rhe servrce aren is odJocent to a street,pathway, or pedestrian-oriented space, a landscoped planting strip, minrmu�n 3 feet wide, shall be located on 3 sides of such faciliry. ii. PARKING AND VEHICUTAR ACCE55: °� 7ntent;To provide safe, convenien�r�ccess to the Urba,-� Center and the Center Vilfaye; �ncorporate various modes of transpo,rtatio.n, inciuding public mass transit, 1n order to reduce trnffic volumes and other ur�pacts from vehrcles; ensure suffrcient parkir�g is provided,`while encoliragi:�g creottvity in reducinq the> 7mpacts of parking areas; allow cn artive pedestrian erzvironment,by maintai.�ing contiguous street frontages; without pprking Jot siting aJong sidewqlks and b��ildir,g Jacodes; minimize the visual7mpact o,f parking lots;and use'access s[reets and pqrking to maintain an urban edge co the district. 1. Surface Pvrking: Intent:To maintain active pedestrian environments along streets by plocing parking lots primarrly in back ojbuildings. Guidelines:Surface parkingshall be located and designed so as to reduce the visuol impact of the parking area and associared vehrcles. Large oreas of surface parking sha!!also be desrgned to accommodate future rnfilt devefopment. Site Plan Report � � Gty of Ren[on De�ar,menf of Community&Fconomic Development Adminrstrative Si[e Plon Report&Decision ' KlRKL4ND AVENUE TOWIVH�MES LUA13-000206,SA-A, VA-A,MOD ,_,.-- -- --- -- . Report of August 19, 2013 Page 11 of 24 Siandard: Parking sha!!be located so that no surface parking is located between a buildrng '� and the front property line, or the buildrng and side property line, on The sireet side of a corner lot. � Standard: Parking sha!! be located so that it is screened from surrounding streets by buildings, landscaping, and/or gateway features as dictared by location. 2. Structured Parking Garages: Intent: To promote more efficient use of land needed�or vehicle parking;encourage the use of structured parking;physically and visually integrate parking qara_qes with other uses;and reduce the overof!rmpact of parking garages. Guidelines:Parking garages sha!!not dominote the streetscape;they slra?l be designed to be con�plementary with adjacenT and abutting buildings. They sha�l be sited to complement, not subordinate, pedestrian entrres.Similar forms,materials, and/or detdils to the primary buildrng(sJ should be used to enhance garages_ N/A Standard: Parking structures shall provide space for ground floor commercial uses along street frontages ot a minimum af seventy frve percent(75�J of the building frontage width. Standard:The entire facade must feature a pedestrian-oriented facade. The Administrator of ', ' ihe Department of Community and Economic Development may approve parking structures I that do not feature a pedestrian orientation in limited circumstances. lf allowed, the N/A structure shall be set back ot least six feet (6')from the sidewotk and feature substantia! landscoping. This Jandscaping shall include a combination of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and ground cover. This setback shal!be increased ro ten feet (10'J when abutting a ; primary orteria!and/or minor arterial. ��A Standard:Public facing facades sha!!be arTiculated by arches, lintels, masonry trim, or other I� architectural elements and/or materiais. ' N/A Standard:The entry to the porking garage sholl be locored away from the primary street, to ', either the srde or rear of the building. Standard: Parking garages at grade shall include screening or be encJosed from view with N�A treotment such as waJls, decorative qrilles, trel/is with landscaping, or a combination of treatments. Standard: The Administrator of the Department of Cammunity and Economic Development or designee may allow a reduced setback where the applicant can successfully demonstrate that the landscaped area and/or other design treatment meets the intent of these standards and guidelines. Possible treatments to reduce the setback include landscoping components plus one or more of the following integrated with the architectura!design of the buildrng: ' (aJ Ornamenta�gri!lwork(orher than vertical barsJ; ' ��p` (bJ Decorotive ortwork; ' (c)Display windows; (d)Brick, tile,or stone; (eJ Pre-cast decoratrve panels; (f) Vine-covered trellis; (g)Raised landscaping beds with decorative materials;or (hJOther treatments that meet the intent of this stondard.. 3. Vehicular Access ' Intent: To mainiarn 'a contiguous and uninterrupted sidewalk by minimizing, consolidating; and/or eliminating vehicular access off streets. Guidelines: Vehicular access to parking garages and parking lots shall not impede or inierrupf pedestrian mobility. The impacts of c�rb cuts to pedestrian access on sidewalksshall be mrnimized. � Standard: Access to pQrking tots and garages shall be from a!leys, when available. If nor avoilabfe, access sha!!occur at side streets. '� Standard: The number of drivewoys and curb t�ts shal! be minimized, so that pedestrian Site Plan Report � Gry of Renton Depertment e;Cemmanriy&Economic Develoomrnt Adminisfrotn�e�i.'e P1on N,e,00rt&Decrsion KlRKLAND AVENUE TOWNNOMES LUA13-000206,SA-A,VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19,2013 Page 12 of 24 crrculation along the sidewalk is rt�inimally impeded. 3. Pedestrian Amenities: Jntent: To create attractive spaces that unify the building and street envrronments ard are invifing and comfortab;efor pedestrrans; and provide pub(ir.ly occessible areas thaf function for a vorrety of activrtres, at aU times of the year, and under typical seasonal weather conditions: ' Guidelines: The pedestrian envrronrnent shall be given priority and importance in the design of projects. Amenities that encourage pedestrian use and enhance the pedestrian experience snatl be inciuded. ---- -____ ____ � Standard: Architectural elements that incorporate plants, particutarly at buifding entranres, in pub�icly accessible spaces and at facades along streets, shal!be provided. Standard: Amenities such as outdoor group seating, benches, transit sf�efters, fountains, , and pubfic art shal!be provided ' (aJ Site furniture sha11 be mode of durable, vandal-and wevther-resistant materials ' '� that do not retoin rainwoter and can be reasonably maintained over on extended period of time. (b) Site furniture and amenrties shall not impede or block pedestrian access to public�p�ces or bc�ildrnq ent+ar,ces. iv. RECREATION AREAS AND COMMON OPEN SPACE: Intent:.To ensure that arecs for both passive and octive recreafion are avnilable ta residents, workers; and visitors and that these areas are nf sujficient size for ihe rntended acti��iry and rn convenient locations. To create usable and ir�viting open spaee tilat is'accessible to the public,• a,-�d:to pramofe pedestrian act�vity on stre2ts particular/y at street corners. Guidelines: I�evelopmen,ts toctrted aY street intersectiorrs st�ouid prov�de;pedestrian-orienred space at tFie stre�t cor,�er to emphc�sire�e�estridn activrty (iilustrati�,� belo�v). Recreatron ar�d cornmon open space areas ore ir.tegra! Qspects of quatity development that encourage pedestrians ond users. These areas shal! be prQvrded in an arrtount tliai is adeqi�ate to be f�rncUonal ar�d usoble; they sf�all also be landscaped and located so thirt thEy are appealing ta users and pedestriaras ---- -- --- ; � Standard:A(t attacf�ed housing developments sha!!provide at least one hundred frfty(150J ' square feet of private usable space per unit. At leost one hundred(10QJ square feet of the ' prrvare space shal!abut each unit. Private spoce may include porches, balconies, yards, and , decks. Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing outdoor private space for Units 1-14 in the artiount of 125-150 square feet.Approximately 50-foot square foot baleonies are proposed Partialiy for units 17- and 18. The applicant is proposing for Units 15-16 to utilize common open Compliant space, provided in the community garden on site, in place of private open space. The applicant contends due to the ne�v and very large fully-accessible playground to be located approximately two blocks from the site there is adequate space availab{e for passive and active recreation in the immediate viciniry. Staff concurs; the proximity of the fully accessible playground in combination with provided private recreation space and the community garden on site are of sufficient size for the intended activity and in convenient locations. v. BUILDING ARCHITECTURAL DfSlGN: ' "` lntent: To encourage buitding desrgn rhot is un;aue and urban in ciraracter, comfortable on a human scnle, and uses appro�riate btilirling materials rhat are suitoble for the Pacifc n'orthwest climate. To drsrouroge frcncfiise retai!arcJ�itecture. � 1. Buifding Character ond Massing: lntent: To ensure that buildings'are not 61and ond vrsually appear to be at a human scale; and ensure that all sides of a buiJding, that can be seen by the public, are visua!!y interesting. Guidelines: Building fncades shall be modulated and/or articulated' ro reduce the apparent size of bui�dings. break Up long blank walls, add visuaf interest; ond enhance the character of the neighborhood. Articulotion, modulation, and their rntervals _shauld create a sense of scole important to residential Srte Plon Report � Gty of Renton Deportment o(Communify 8 fconomic Develop.ment Admir,rstrative Site Ptan ReporY&Decision KIRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES LUA23-000206,SA-A, VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19, 2013 Page 13 of 24 buildings. — - - -------- _ _ -- __-- --- —- - Standard: All burlding facades shall inciude modulation or articulatiorr at intervals of no , '� more than twent y feet (ZO'). Modulations shal!be a minimum of two feet(2') in depth and four jeer(4')in width. Standard: Buildings greater thon one hundred sixty feet (160 J in length shal! provide a N�A variety of modulotions and articufations to reduce the apparent bulk and scale of the facade; or provide an additionpl special feature such as a clock tower, courtyard,fountain, or public _qathering area. 2. Ground-Leve!Details: Mient: To ensure that buildings are visualiy interesting and reinforce the intet�ded human-scate character �j the pedestrian environment; and ensure Yhai alr sides of a building wichin necr or distanL public vietv have visual interest, Guidelines: Ti�e use af materiai variations such as colors, brick, shingles, stucco, and horizontal wood , siding is encouraged The �rimary burlding er�trance should be made visibly prominent by incorporating architectural features such as a facade overhang, trellis, large entry doors, and/or ornamental lighting (iI(ustrotion belowJ. Detai!features shnuld also oe used, to indude tl�ings such as decorative entry paving, streetfurnrture (benches, etc.J, and/orpublicart. ,� Standard: Numan-scaled elements such as a lighting fixture, trellis, or other landscape fearure shall be provided along the facade's ground floor. Standard: On any facade visible to the public, transparent windows and/or doors are ' requrred to comprise at Jeast 50 percent of the portion of the ground floor facade that is between 4 feet and 8 feet above ground(as measured on the true elevationJ. Partially Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing approximately �4%a glazing of the ground floor Compiiant and contends they are unabfe to meet the 50% standard due to structural constraints. The applicant is however proposing the use of a unique landscaping palate,entry canopies, and lighting in order io ensure that the buildings are visually interesting and that human scale is reinforced. 7herefore the proposaf is meeting the intent and guideline of this standard. Standard: Upper portions of building facades sha!!have clear windows with visibility into N/a and out of the buitding. However, screening may be applied to provide shade and energy efficiency. The minimum omount of light transmrttance for windows shall be 50 pertent. N/A Standard: Display windows shall be designed for frequent change of inerchandise, rather than permanent displays. N�A Standard:Where windows or storefronts occur, they must principally contair�clear glazing. N�A Standard:Tinted and dark glass, highly reflective(mirror-typeJ glass and film are prohibited. Standard: Untreated bfonk walls visible from public streets, sidewalks, or inferior pedestrian pathways are prohibired. A wall(rncluding building facodes and retaining wa!!sJ is considered a blank wall if.� (a)!t is a ground floor wa!!or portion of a graund floor wall over 6 feet in height N/A has a horizontal length greater than IS feetJ, and does not include a window, door, b�rlding modulatron or orher architecturol detailing;or (e�Any poriion of a ground floor wal! has o surface area of 400 square feet or greater and does noi include a window, door, building modulation or other architectura!detailing. Siandard:!f blank walls are required or unavoidable, blank walls sha!!be ireated with one or more of the following: N/A (a)q planiing bed at least five feet rn w;dth containing trees, shrubs, evergreen ground cover,or vrnes adjacent to the blank wall; (b) Trellis or other vine supports with evergreen dimbing vines; Site Plan Report � Gry nf.4ertton Department of Community&Economic Developmenf Administrative Site Pian Rrpori&Decrsion KlRKLAIVD AVENUE TOWNHQMfS LUA23-000206,SA-A, VA-A, MOD . Report of August 19, 2013 Page 14 of 2�. {cJ Archirectura► detailing such as reveols, contrasting materials, or other sper.ia! detoiling that meets the intent o�this stondard; (d)�rtwork,such as bas-relref sculpture, mural, or sirnilar, or ', (el Seating area with specia!paving and seasor+al planting. 4. 8uildinq Materials: ' Intent: To ensure hiqh standards of quality and effective maintenance over time; encourage the use of materiais that reduce tire visua( bt�lk of large buildings; and e�ncourage the use of mat2rials that add visua!interest to the neignborhood. Guidelines: Buildrrag maferials are on importartt and integra!part of the architectural design of a buildir,g that is attractive and of high qualiiy. Ivloteria! variation shall be used to create visual appeal and eliirtinare monotony of farodes. Thrs shal! occur on al! facades in a tonsistent monner. High quality materials sha/l pe used. Jf materials Irke concrete or 61ock wa!ls are used they shaN be erhanced to create variation and enhonce their visuQ!oppeal: - ' - ._ - -- - _- -- Standard:All sides of buildings visible from a street pathway, parking area, or open spoce '� '� shal! be finished on all sides with the same building materials, detailing, and color scheme, or if drfferent, with materials of the some qua(ity. � Standa�d:AI!bui/dings shall use material varia�ions such as cofors, brick or meta!banding, patterns or texturo!changes Standard:Materrals shall be durable, high qualiry, and consistent with more troditiona! urban development, such os brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre finished metal, Partially stone, sieel, gloss ond cast-in-ploce concrete. Compliant Staff Comment: !n order to ensure that quaiity materials are used, staff recommends the appiicant submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. N/A Standard:!f concrete is used, walls sha11 be enhanced by techniques such as textur;ng, reveals, and/or coloring with o concrete coating or admixture. . Standard:!f concrete block wa/ls are used, they shall be enhanced with iniegral color, , N/A textured blocks o�d colored mortar, decorotive bond pottern and/or shall incorporote other , rr�asonry materic'c. d. PLANNEQ ACTION"ORDINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMEN7 COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: Pvct appEicab(e. _ ' _- -- - — - - -- - -- -- -- -- _� __ _ - -- ✓ The proposat is located within the Planned Action area identified in Exhibit 11. ✓ The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action ElS and Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of the Plar�ned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations ✓ The proposal's significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS. � The proposal's impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures identified in Attachment B of Ordinance#5610, and other applicable City regufations,together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required. � The proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and regulatians, , and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these constitute adequate m itigation. Site Plan Report � Ciy Of Renton DeporUnen;e;�orn,mun,';y&fconomrc De��e:aomen, Ad�rinrsrracrve S�e Firr,Repr.rt&Decis.�c.v KlRKLAAfD AVEIYUE TOWNHQMES LUA23-00020b,SA-A, VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19, 2013 Page 15 of 24 � —--_ __ __ -- The proposal is nat an essential public fa�ility�s defined by RCW36.70A.2a0(1). e_OFF S2TE 1MPACTSt �� ' �:' . ` :, ; ��-- _ :::��: ...._��.. �.__: -.__ , ., ., _ : - - — _ �. � _-�,.._. .� � .:-:: :- . . �_ Struetures: Restri�cing overscale structures and overconcentrotion of development on a particular portion of the site. There wouid be three separate structures located on the site. All of the buiEdings are of sirriilar scale ! to surrounding development. Buildings modufate at each unit and are different colors. The materials on each building change at the upper levels. The covered porches, at each entryway, provide visual interest as well as weather protection. The proposed structure has been designed to break up large wali planes with windows and the required building articu(ation. The scafe, height, and bulk of the proposed buildings are appropriate for the site, and are anticipated to be architecturally compatible with future development in the project vicinity. The visual character of the proposed structures would change from its current state to a pedestrian- oriented community. 7he construction of new multi-family, on the under-utilized vacant site, would resuft in an overall improvement of the visual environment. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, sireets, wolkways and adjacent properties. Frontage improvements are required to be constructed in the right-of-way fronting the site. Street lighting is also required to be installed along the frontage of the site. The applicant is required to demonstrate compliance with the street and lighting standards outlined in the Renton Municipal Code at the time of construction permit application. Access ta the site would be provided via existing curb cut along NE 16`h St on the neighboring property to the east(Houser 7errace). ' In addition, pedestrian sidewalks along the new pubfic right-of-way, as well as private pedestrian connections at the perimeter of the property are proposed to provide safe and efficient pedestrian access throughaut the site. The front yards also contain entry walks, to each indi�idual unit. The proposed development is expected to maintain safe and e�cient pedestrian and vehicle circulation on tF�e site. � Loading and Storage Areas: Locatrng, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyctables to minimize views from surrounding properties. Landscaping has been thoughtfully incorporated into the site plan in order to screen refuse and recyclable areas. Views:Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual uccessibility to attractive natura!features. There are no large attractive natural features on or near the site for which to maintain visual accessibility. Therefore, the proposed height of the structure is appropriate for this situation. The applicant has proposed to limit the height of the proposed structures to 28 feet and two inches which mitigate view impacts from surrounding properties. Landscnping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, moinrain privacy, and genera!!y enhance the appearance of the project. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project application (Exhibit 4). The proposed '� landscaping would provide visual relief, define areas of pedestrian circulation, and add to the ' aesthetic enjoyment of the area. Lighting: Designing and/or plpcing exterior lighting and gfazing in order to avoid excessrve brightness �I Site Plon Report II � �iry of Ner.on Dea�rG^?�:nt of Com+*;unity&Fconomic DevelopTer,t 4o^�ir,.�s.rat�ve Ste Pran Repori&Decision KlRKLAND AVENUF TOWNNOMES LUA13-OOQ2Q6,SA-A,YA-A,MOD • Report of August 19, Z013 Page 16 of 24 or glare to adjacent properties and streets As stated above a lighting plan was not provided with the project materials. Staff recommended,as a condition of approval, the appiicant be required to provide a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit review. f ON-S[TElMPACT�S , ' : , - � �-g- _ . : �:, _��_.,.___..��.:�� __.,_.: . - .�,�=� - --_� __. ......._._..,. - - - -�,._ _ _ -- - � _ _ _.�_.., ._.. .:, .,,.. S[ruciure Ptacemenf: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by build+ng placement, spacing and orientation. The project is located in an area of residental uses. All the surrounding parcels are zoned R-14, RMF, or CV. Residential uses are abutting/adjacent to the subject site in all directions. The buildings will meet all required setbacks from property lines with the exception of the minimum front yard setback along NE 16t"St for proposed Building#3. The building tvould encroach 5 feet into the minimum 20-foot front yard setback. However, City staff is in support of the requested variance due to needed right-of-way dedications on site and the applicants propsoal to save existing vegetation on site. The remainder of the buildings maintain a 20-foot setback from the street in which the applicant was able to provide substantial plantings of verying heights to proivde residents wiih visual privacy. Additionally, to pravide more privacy the applicant placed the structures so that from the front they i would have to be accessed by a few steps up to the front door. I All units are perpendicular to either Kirkland Ave NE or NE 16-h St with individual walks from the I�i public sidewalk to each entryway. ! The proposed residential use is anticipated to be compatible with future surrounc3ing uses as �' permitted in the R-14, RMF,and CV zones. ', Structure Scale:Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to naturol �', characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities,sunlight prevaiJing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle '�, needs. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed buildings are appropriate for the site. The roofs are articulated with steep pitches that scale down the building size. Front porches contribute to the human scale of the building. Exterior light fixtures are also proposed in order to enhance the unit entries. The scale and bulk of the buildings are also reduced through the use of differing materials. The buildings are comprised of cement plank and board siding, vinyl windows and metaE canapies. 7he , panel siding would be used on the front and rear facades in conjunction with window piacement in order to enhance the surface design. The primary entrances woulcf be located along the street fa�ade. Each unit has a private entrance separated by landscaped front yards. The applicant has designed the site so that all ma�or living spaces, within the units, are oriented to provide as much daylight as possi6le. Additionally;the massing of each unit has been modulated, so every unit has at least one bedroom with south facing glazing and cross ventitation. 7he proposed structure would not have a significant impact on light access or air movement on adjacent properties. The use of the project is not influenced by factors of light or air. The design of the structures would not result in excessive shading of the property. In addition, there is ample area surrounding the building to provide normal airflow. Natural Features:Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetaiion and soils, USIJ7g topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces. Site Plan Report � Crry of Ren[on Deportment of Ccm.o u^i,y&eicr,omic oevelopmerf Administrative Site Pfan Report&Dec�sfon KlRKLAND AVENUE TQWNHOMES LUA13-000206,SA-A;VA-A,MOD • Report of August 29,2013 Page 17 of 24 The site contains 35 trees. The applicant is proposing to retain 17 of the existing trees on site. As a result 18 existing trees would be removed from the site. The applicant is also proposing the remov�al � of 7 trees on the adjacent properry to accommodate the proposed surface parking area. Topographicalfy, ihe site is primarily flat, except in the northern portion where site grade rises ', gradually eastward. Totaf elevation relief across the site is about 8 feet. A geotechnica! report for � the site was submit#ed (Exhibit 9). Information on the water table and soil permeability with I recommendations of appropriate f{ow control BMP options were included. ' The applicant is proposing the excavation of approxirr�ately 1,210 cubic yards of an-site material. The amount of fill is anticipated to be 560 cubic yards. Following development, impervious surface coverage will be approximately 50 percent. , Landscaprng:Use of fandscaping to soften the appeorance of parking areas, to provide shade and privacy v✓here needed, fo define ar�d enhance open spaces, and generally to enhanee the apper�ronce af the project. Landscaping also includes the design and proiection of planting areas so that they are less suscept�ble to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project appEication {Exhibit 4). The proposed landscaping would provide visual relief, define areas of pedestrian circulation, and add to the aesthetic enjoyment of the area. i'g �1��E5�5 ��; � _ � � � r:'___..-r__r.�__, ._. = =- - __.._.. ___. _ _ t - ..._ . ._.__._....._.__.. .. .._. _____ _..__--•- ----..... .._.._..�__.�.�._.._.__ _ _...._----.. a. Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rarher than ' directly onto arteria� srreets and consolidation of ingress ond egress points on the site and, when feasible, witir adjacent properties. The site has three public street frontages; Kirkland Ave NE, NE 15`"and NE 16th Streets. The applicant � is proposing to access the proposed parking lot from NE 26`"St through the adjacent property to the east(Nouser Terrace}via a shared fire access road. An existing fire gate would be relocated just beyond the parking(ot entrance. Staff recommends,as a condition of approval,the applicant record ' an access easement in order to establish the joint access drive for the benefit of the prQposed site_ TMe easement shall be appro�ed by the Current Planning Project Manager,and recorded prior to ; building permit approval. lnrernal Circularion:Prornoring safety and e�rciency of the internal crrculation system, including the location, desigrt and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways. The site devetopment would include 18 parking stalls (2 ADA accessible, 12 standard and 4 parallel stalls) within the surface lot, which comply with the parking requirements for the proposed use. The applicant has proposed 90 degree head-in parking using a two way circulation pattern and has an aisle width of 24 feet which complies with the aisle width standards of the code. Internal pedestrian : connections to the existing public sidewalk network are proposed in order to provide safe and efficient pedestrian access throughaut the site. Loading and Delivery:Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas. Not Applicable Transit and 8icytles:Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access. Per RMC 4-4-OSOF.11 the number of bicycle parking spaces shall%:space for each unit. Based on the proposal for 18 residential units,9 bicycle parking stalls are required to be provided. Bicyc{e facilities are also required to include a rack that is permanently affixed to the ground that that is centrally located. The applicant is not proposing any bicycle parking on site and as a result is requesting a Site Plan Report � G:y of Ren[on Departmert oJCo.mmun��y�s Fco,vomic Developmen[ Ad.ministrntive Si[o F?c�Repart&Derrsron KIRKl11ND AVfNUE TOWNHOMES LUA23-000206,SA-A,VA-A,MOD • Report of August 19, 2013 Page 18 of 24 parking modification from RMC 4-4-080F.11. Section 4-4-OSO.F.10.d allows rhe Administrator to grant modifications from the parking standards for individuol coses, provided the modification meets the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9- 250.D.2): g. Wil!meet rhe objectives and safety,function, appearance, environmenial protect;on and maintoinability ;ntended by the Code requirements, based upon sound enqineering ' �udgment;ond h. Wrl!not be injurious to other property(iesJ rn the vicinity;and � i. Conform tn the intent and purpose of the Code;and � j. Can be shown to be justified and required for ihe use and srtuarion rntended;and k. Wi!!not creare adverse impQcts to ofher property(iesJ in the vicinity. The applicant contends there is not an appropriate area on site for the bicycle shelter unless significant open space is removed and/or existing trees. Additionaily because of site constraints the applicant contends the maneuverability of bicycles around a possible location would impede pedestrian traffic. In addition,the applicant contends that bicycles for the RHA residents are typically used for children and not commuters and they are concerned that the bicycie shelter wouid not be used as designed. Due to the physical constraints on site staff supports a modificati�n to remove the requirement for the bicycle shelter. However, nothing would preclude the appiicant from providing a bicycle rack for at least five bicycles. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant revise the site plan to include bicycle parking, in the form of bicycle racks, for at least five bicycies. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Pedestrians:Providing safe and ottractive pedestrion connectrons between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties. Internal pedestrian connections to the existing public sidewalk network are proposed in order to provide safe and efficient pedestrian access throughout the site. h_ QPEN SPACE: l.ncorporating o�ien Spac�s to ser�e �s drstinctive project foca! poitit> and to provide ,adequate�arens for passr�e and active recreation by�the occupanis/users of xhe stte:� _ � � ��- � ��� _.:-- - -: , _ _ -- _ . _ The applicanl is proposing a large community garden at the intersection of Kirkland Ave NE and NE 16rn St. The public areas would provide additional space for pedestrians and passive recreation use. The , applicant is proposing the use of a metal bench, raised planter beds and brick pavers. Additiona�ly,there � is a large fully accessible playground located within two blocks and would provide ample room for ' outdoor play for children and walking adults. i. VlEWS�ND PUBL(CACCESS: When poss�ble, pros��ding yiew corrrdorst'ashorelines nnd Mt Rainier, an� incarpordtinc�pub;ic nccess io shorelines� �'` - - ;_ - _ _.. "-_ _ _ __ _ _ _- - - -- 5 = - - -. --. T'` The proposed structure would not block view corridors to shorelines or Mt. Rainier. The public access requirement is not applicable as the site is not adjacent to a shoreline. j�iV#�3R�1Y'�1'STEIylS Artrtr�r�r�������zrr�n�s�op�xo�ee��ex�s_'���tt���ts#e��i�-�p�� - � ��:.:Y- : �_�:: �_�---.. __.ti_..____ �,r�._.��� �r-_ ... ._,. ....__,. .:�.,fi�_:�� �_ �- . . -- t:<;�:�--._:.: There are no natural >ystems loc�ted on site�vith the excep�ion of drairia;e flows. k. SERVKFS AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Making avai;abte public services and faci!�ties to accorrirnodate the �rt,��osed use. � _ _- _ - -- _� -" - = - - --- = Police and Fire: Fire and Police Department staff has indicated that existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal. The proposal is considered relocation housing. Therefore, impacts fee would not be imposed for the project. SiCe Plon Report � City?'Re��tor1 n��prtment ofComrnunity&Economic Ue��efopme�: Adm�n�ctrocrve;ite Plan?eport&�edsio.7 KlRKL4ND AVENUF TOW(VHOMES LUA23-0002D6,SA-A, VA-A,MOD • Report of August 19,Z013 Page 19 of 24 Parks and Recreation: The proposal is considered relocation housing and therefore, would not be required to pay parks impact fees. Drainage: A drainage plan and drainage report dated February 18, 2013 was provided by SvR Design Company with the site pfan applicatian. The report generally complies with the 2Q09 King County ', Surface Water Manual. The site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Controt Standard, Existing Site Conditions. The project proposes to const�uct an onsite infiltration facility underneath a pervious � pavement parking lot to capture the majority of the roof runoff from the new two story townhome buildings.The remaining runoff from the roof areas would be routed to stormwater bioswales to be located in Yhe right of way within new 8 foot planting strips to be built by the developer in Kirkland Ave NE and NE 16th Street.The 2009 Surface Water Manual does not allow onsite runoff created by a new development to be routed, collected and treated to a facility in public right-of-way. The ' appficant submitted a request for an adjustment to locate privately o�rmed and maintained drainage facilities in the City right-of-way. ' 'I The City of Renton completed its review cf the adjustment request submitted by the Renton Housing , �I Authority fior the Kirkland Avenue Townhomes development in accordance with City adopted 2009 ' King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and City Amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM. ' The applicant's engineer requested an adjustment from the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual to core requirement #3, Fiow Contro! {Section 1.23), and core requirement #6, Maintenance and Operations to locate privately owned and maintained drainage facilities in City right-of-way. A review o#the information provided by the applicant engineer on May 29, 2013, with , conditions of approval (Exhibit 12). Staff recommends as a condition of approvaE the applicant be required to camply with all conditions of approval stated in the letter dated May 29, 2013. Transportation: All adjacent right-of-ways need to be fully improved in conformance to the current street standards. Existing right-of-way widths in NE 16th, NE 15th and Kirkland Ave NE is 6Q feet ; These streets have been identified as residential access streets. To meet the City's new camplete street standards,street improvements along all frontages of the site will be as follo�vs: Kirkland A�e NE-Frontage improvements are to include 32 feet of pavement, an 8-foot planting strip and 5-foot sidewalk with parking. NE 16th Street — Frontage improvements are to include 32 feet of pavement,an 8-foot planting strip and S-foot sidewalk with parking NE 15th Street— Frontage improvements are to include 32 feet of pavement,an 8-foot planting strip and 5-foot sidewalk with parking , LED street lighting is required on all frontages to meet the lighting requirements specified in RMC 4- ', 4-0601. A lighting plan will be required to be submitted with the civil drawing. Current traffic ; mitigation fees are $75 per new additional generated daily trip as determined by from the current ' addition of the fTE trip generation manual. A fee increase is expected in January 2013. Schools: The Renton School District has provided assurance that students living in the proposed residences can be accommodated at existing facilities.Students wauld attend Kennydale Elementary, McKnight Middle School and Hazen High School. The proposal is considered refocation housing and therefore would not 6e required to pay school impact fees. Water and Sewer: Preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development as determined by Renton �ire Marshal is 2,500 gpm with the use of an automatic fire sprinEcler system and 3,500 gpm without the use of a fire sprinkler system. Enstallation of additional fire hydrant(s) as required by Renton Fire Dept. A hydrant is required within 5Q feet of the fire department connection to the building fire sprinkler system. Separate side sewer stubs are required for each building. Site Plan Report � City o/Renion Deportmeni o;CommuNry&Econamrc Deveiopmeni Administrat��.�e Si:e Y'on Repo!t&Der.ivon KlRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES LUA13-00010b,SA-A, VA-A,MOD . Report of August 19, 2d13 Page���of">4 l: PHASING:The applicant isnot requesting aRy addit.ional phasing request. - — --- - —=---- -- _ _ __ _:_ --- - ._ __ �G. CONCLUSIONS: � --- ; 1. The proposal complies with the Site Plan Review Criteria if all conditions of approval are met. 2. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans, policies, regulations and approvals. 3. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on surrounding properties and uses as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. : 4. The proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with existing and future surrounding uses as permitted in the RM-F zoning classification. 5. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed structures are appropriate for the site. 6. Safe and efficient access and circulation has been provided for all users. 7. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use. 8. The proposed site plan ensures safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and has mitigated potentia)effects on the surrounding area if all conditions of approval are complied with. 9. The proposed development would not generate any long term harmful or unhealthy conditions. Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use have been evafuated and mitigated if all conditions of approval are complied with. 10. Landscaping has been provided in all areas not occupied by the building or paving. Add+tional landscaping has been provided in order to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects � of the proposed use. 11. The proposed front yard setback, for Building#3, meets the four criteria to be considered in making a decision on a variance request as specified in RMC 4-4-250B.5.a provided that conditions of approval are complied with. H. DECISION: The proposed Site Plan,Adminirtrative Variance, Parking (Bicycle), and Refuse and Recyclable Modifications for the Kirkland Avenue Townhomes, File No. LUA13-000206,SA-A,V-A, MOD, MOD are approved. The proposal is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a landscape maintenance surety device for a period of no less than three years in sufficient amount as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to temporary occupancy permit. 2. The applicant shall submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit appr�val. 3. The applicant shall revise the site plan to include bicycle parking, in the form of bicycle racks, for at least five bicycles. The revised site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approvaL Site Plan Report , Ci[ti r.r nrnto.^Department of Commur,ry&Fconorric De��2�epmen[ 'vdminls[rof;ve Si;e P,''un Re��i G!)ec�srnr: K1RKL4NDAVENIIETOWNNOMES LUA13-Q00206,SA-.4, VA-A,MOD • Report of Augwt 19,2013 Page 21 of 24 4. The applicant shall record an access easement in order to establish the joint access drive for the benefit of the proposed site. The easement shail he approved by the Current Planning Projeci Ivlana�er, ar�d recorded prior to building permit approval. 5. 7he applicant shall be required to comply with all conditions of approval stated in the letter dated rv'ay 29,2013. � � . � � 20 2.at 3 C.F. "Chip"Vi�cent, CFDAdminrstrator Date TftANSMlTTED this 19`°day of August 2013 to the Contact/Applicartt/Owner. Contact: Owner/Applicanf: Schemato Workshop!nc Renton Nousing Authority 172012th Ave#3 2900 NE IOth St Seattle, WA 98122 Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMlTTED this 19�'day of August 2013 to the Porties of Record: None ' I TRANSMITTED this 19�'day of August 2013 te tne fn!loNring: ' Nei!Wo[ts,DevelopmentServices Director Kayren Kitirick,DevefopmentServices lennifer Hen,ning, Curreni Plonnirtg Fire Marsha! Renton Reporter tond Use Action Appeals,Reguest for Reconsideration, &Expiration The Environmental Determination and the Administrative Site Devel�pment Plan fteview decisions wiC� bec�me final if the decisions are not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. Administrative Site Development Plan Approval Appeal:Appeals of the administrative site development plan ', review decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Exarniner on or before 5:00 p.m.on August 28, 2013. ' I Administrative Variance Approval Appeal:Appeals of the Administrative Setback variance decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m.on August 28, 2013. Parki�Modification Approval Appeal:Appeals of the parking(bicycle)modification decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m.on August 28,2013. Refuse and Recyclable Modification Approvaf AppeaL•Appeals of the refuse and retyclable modification I decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m.on August 28, 2013. APPEALS:An appeal of the decision(s)must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); ' WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals ', Sife Pton Report I , Crty o(Rencon Uepartment of Comm�niry&ETonomic Develoernent Adminis[rative Site Plan Report&Decision I KlRKLAND AVEAfUE TOWNHQMES LUA13-00020b,SA-A, VA-A,MOD I • Report of August 19,2013 Page 22 of 24 must be filed in writing together with the$250.00 application fee to Hearing Examiner,City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hafl-7th Floor,(425)430-6510. RECONSIDERATION:Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that a decision be reopened by the Administrator(Decision-maker).The Administrator(Decision-maker}may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact.After review of the reconsideration request,if the Administrator(Decision-maker) finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision,there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe. EXPIRATION:The Administrative Site Development Plan Review decision will expire two{2)years from the date of decision. A singEe two(2)year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-200. THF APPEARANCE OF FAIRIVE55 DOCTRINE:provides that no ex parte {private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADV150RY NOTFS TO APPLICAIVT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information onJy, they are not subject ro the i 4 appea�process for the land use actions. Plannin�: � I, ; l. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 {imits hauls hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise , � approved by the Development Services Division. 2. RMC section 4-4-130 provides proTection measures in order to preserve and proted the two trees during utility and building construction. The trees shall be fenced around the drip line and a sign posted that the tree is to 6e preserved, and the location of the trees shatl be indicated on all utility construction plan sheets. The fencing shall be in place prior to the issuance of any utility construction permits and shall remain until the final inspection. Water: 1. Preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development as determined by Renton Fire Marshal is 2,500 gprn with the use of an auiomatic fire sprinkler system and 3,500 gpm without the use of a fire sprinkler system. 2. Installation of additional fire hydrant(s)as required by Renton Fire Dept. A hydrant is required within SO feet of the fire department connection to the building fire sprinkler system. 3_ Water system development fees will be based on the size of the domestic�vaters, irrigation meters and fire services that�vill serve this proposed projed. This is payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. See fee schedule attached. 4. A separate utility permit and separate plans will be required for the instaffation of all double detector check valve assembly for fire sprinkler system_ DDNA installations outside the building shall be in accordance with the City of Renton Standards. Fire service system development fees will be based on the size of the fire service line(s). See fee schedule attached. I 5. If the buildings exceed 30 feet in height, a separate backflow device {DNA) will need to be installed inline of each domestic water meter. 6. Separate water meter and backflow prevention assembly(DCVA)is required for the landscape irrigation system. 7. A separate domestic water meter is required for each building. The water meter(s)and service lines shali be sized per the Uniform PlumbingCode. Sewer: Z. Separate side sewer stubs are required for each building. 2. System development fees for sewer are based on the size of the new domestic water to serve each new building. Surface Water. ' Site Plan Report � o Renfon De ortment o Conrmuni &fconomic Deve!o ment :�'ministrntive Site P7an Re &Decrsion � � ��S' f A f �Y � P� KIRKLAND AVENUE TOWNNOMfS LUA23-000206,SA-A, VA-A,MOD . Report of�ugu5t 19, 2013 Page 23 of 24 � 1. A drainage plan and drainage report dated February 18,2013 was provided by SvR Design Company with the site plan � application.The report generally complies with tl�e 2009 King Counly Surface Water Manual.The site falls within the � Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Site Conditions. The project proposes to construct an onsite infiltration facility underneath a pervious pavement parking lot to capture the majority of the roof runoff from the new two story townhome buildings.The remaining runoff from the roof areas would be routed to stormwater.bioswales to be located in the right of way within new 8 foot planting strips to be built by the developer in Kirkland Ave NE and NE 16th Street. The 2009 Surface 1Nater Manual does not allow onsite runoff created by a new development to be routed, collected and treated to a facility in public right of way.The applicant submitled a request for an adjustment to locate private[y owned and maintained drainage facilities in the City right-of-way. 2. The City of Renton completed iis review of the adjustment request submitted by the Renton Housing Authority for the Kirkland Avenue Townhomes development in accordance with City adopted 2009 King Counry Surface Water j Design Manual {KCSWDM) and City Arnendments to the 2009 KCSWDM. 11�e applicanYs engineer requested an ' adjustment from the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual to core requirement ri3, Flow Control (Section , 1.2.3), and core requirement #6, Mairttenance and Operations to locate privately owned and maintained drainage ' facilities in City right-of-way. A review of the information provided by the applicant engineer on May 29, 2013, ' provides the following findings: a.The Renton Housing Authority(RHA)is a governmenta(non-profit organization with the mission to provide qualiry, affordable housing in a safe environment to people with low incomes who make Renton their home. b.The project proposal is to construct an 18-unit multifamily development at Kirkland Avenue NE and NE 16th Street for low and moderate income families. c. The project proposes to construct drainage facilities needed to mitigate for onsite improvements{bui{ding runoff) as required by City code in public City right-of-way. The project will collect building runoff and route it into bioretention facilities {rain gardens) located within the right-of-way planter strip. The remaining project runoff will be mitigated through an infiltration facility located beneath the onsite parking lot. 3. Based on these understandings, findings, and Sections 1.2.3 and 1.2.6 of the 2009 Surface Water Design Manual as amended by the City,the adjustment to allovr the privately owned and maintained drainage facilities to be located in City right-of-way was approved on June 13th,2013 with the following conditions: 1. The bioretention facilities in the right-of-way shall be designed and constructed to provide a public benefit by providing surface water quality treatment for street right-of-way runoff, in addition to meeting the Cit}�s 5urface Water Design standards required for the RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes project. The tributary half right-of-way width along project site(see attached figures)shal[ be directed into the proposed bioretention facilities in the right- of-way to provide water quality treatment for the City street and stormwater runoff from the RHA Kirkland Avenue To�vnhomes project. The bioretention facilities in City right-of-way will need to be sized to accommodate stormwater runoff from the RHA Kirktand Avenue Townhomes project site and the City right-of-way. 2. The project proposal shall be revised to include the implementation of porous concrete sidewalks in the City right- � of-way. 3. The facility shall be designed and constructed lo avoid utifity conflicts_ Adequate separation and cfearances in accordance with applicable City standards shall be maintained. RHA will be responsible for coordinating with private franchise utilities for adequate separation and clearances between proposed drainage facilities and private utilities. � The Renton Housing Authority will be responsible for the cost associated with relocation of existing utilities to accommodate the bioretention facilities in Ciry right-of-way, if needed. RHA will be responsible for the cost of relocating bioretention facilities, or providing equivalent replacement in the event of future improvements in the � City right-of-way, as part of a City project, requires them to be relocated (i.e., City street improvements, City utility j improvement projectsJ. �!, 4. The Renton Housing Authority is responsible for maintaining the bioretention facilities and associated storm ' system conveyance pipes located in the City right-of-way to City maintenance standards to ensure that they function as designed and permitted. Foflowing construction,the bioretention facilities in the right-of way and any onsite flow control and water quality treatment facilities, will be included in the annua! private stormwater facility inspection, maintenance, and reporting program, as required by the Ecology National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Municipal Storrnwater Permit(Section S5.C.4.c.iii�. ' S. RHA will need to submit a Dedaration of Covenant for inspection and maintenance of stormwater facilities and BMPs for the bioretention facilities in the right-of-way and the other drainage facilities located on the RHA property that are constructed as part of this project. The DecEaration of Covenant can be found in Reference 1 of the City of Renton Amendments to the 2�Q9 King County Surfa�e Water Design Manual. A site plan showing the location of the storrnwater facilities and BMPs must be included as Exhibit A with the declaration of covenant. 6. Proposed drainage facilities shall be sized in accordance with Sections 1.2.3 and 1.2.8 of the City Amendments to Site Plan Report � �y of Ker.ron Department oJCommuriry&F_ccr.omir_Deve%oprner,i .;dmi.��stra[iveSite o�cr Report ti L?ec�sivrt KlRKLAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES LUA2 3-0 001 06,SA-A, VA-R,MOD — -- --- —__ . Repart of August 19, 2Q13 Page 24 of 24 the 2UU9 KCSWDM using reference 11-A to determine existing site conditlons applicable to the project. The drainage report shall include output files of the anafysis performed inciuding how discharges at the paint of compliance will not result in an increase greater than O.lc(s from pre-developed and deveEoped condition. The hydrograph for the pre-developed condition will be existing site conditions (as it exists today) for the entire site. The developed '• condition wiU include allowable flow control BMP facility sizing credits as specified in the 2009 KCSWDM applied to al� j surfaces mitigated through flow control BMPs. 3. The final project Technical Information Report must be revised to include the use of the bioretention facilities in City right-of-way to mitigate for onsite runoff,offsite runoff and the street runo(f as part of this adjustment approval. 4. The approval af this adjustment does not relieve the applicant from other city,state,or federal requirements. 5. This adjustment approval applies only to the RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes project. The use of City righY-of-way ' by the RHA to mitigate for project stormwater impacts from future projects wi{I require a separate review and adjustment request. 6. A geotechnical report dated July 25,2012 was submitted by Soil and Environmental Engineers. Severat test pits were i performed at 24 inches in depth. Results of ttte soils tests indicate thaF infiltration is feasible at a recommended rate ; of 1.1 inch/hour. No ground water was encountered in any test pit. � 7. Surface Water System Development fees of $0.448 per square foot of ne�v impervious surface wifl apply. This is payable prior to issuance of the construdion permit. ! ! 8. Applicant will be required to submit separate structural plans for review and approval under a building permit for the i ' stormwater vault.Special inspection from the building department is required. ': 9. A Construction Stormwater Permit from Department of Ecology is required if clearing and grading of the site exceeds ? one acre. Transportation: 1. All adjacent right-of-ways need to be fully improved in conformance to [he current street standards_ Existing right- of-way widths in NE 16th, NE 15th and Kirkland Ave NE is 60 feet. These streets have been identified as residential access streets.To meet the Cit}rs new complete street standards,street improvements along all frontages of the site . will be as follows: Kirkland Ave NE - Frontage improvements are to include 32 feet of pavement, an 8-foot planting strip and 5-foot I sidewalk with parking. ( NE 16th Street – Frontage fmprovements are to include 32 feet of pavement, an 8-f�ot planting strip and S-foot � sidewalk with parking I ; NE 25th Street – Frontage improvements are to include 32 feet of pavement, an 8-foot planting strip and 5 foo# , sidewalk wiih parking 2. LED street lighting is required on ali frontages to meet the lighting requirements specified in RMC 4-4-0601.A lighting plan wiil be required to be submitted with the civil drawing � 3. Current traffic mitigation fees are $75 per new additional generated daily trip as determined by from the current ( � addition of the ITE trip generation manual. A fee increase is expected in July of 2013. I 4. Paving and trench restoration will comply with the Cit�s Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. General Comments: 1. A separate permit to cut and cap existing utilities to existing structures on site will be required as part of the demolition permit. � � Site Plan Report ` �---- -----C� - 33 124�T RSE V`J 1/2 ' . \. � f : -- : R-S � �� `� ' -- _ Y" �� - I . ; , ; : � ti� -: , _. - � : }��� : : - ___ --V . __ - _ __ -- _--_ .� __ � -- - "R-$ R-1 F - ---- ��+'� _ —_ - . . �� � SE9�'P Y` _ � _ ' � � '`�'.Z . - ' ___ SE9AIi R : i ` ; _ � : ' -1=95yg '�; . _ "0.. . ME zr,T St RC� - >'�,'/ . . ' { _ . _ - _-__ � / � -�._ y�� " ` T__ / N� � � � i _4. ._ ' �4e� ' r.Ezsna ' ' p 3EMA3� i ��_ __ — — i - , �4 8�`�� _ . -- � ef sa a -.. RC � � \\ �- �f�-g`, .�ft 8 � ��:��.��sae' � ��. � -- �zms� -�---- \ ' ' — — - _ -'§-- � \.. � �l q � - � � I -' — __ R 8 �L _ � ~ '�i ME a�s s� sE topn ' � �.. . �!E2lN$' ..._ �n i �. 14 31e�St — S ' �•~ - lEYtip , �'' � � � _ -R-3 - _ _ -3?g : ��1- t s � �r�aas�� 4+ �C --'r, � --- ` . �� : : ..i � R'8 . ! i �R8 R ' �� i - `'i ' II . � -- �, . , _ ,�`yd �.,.c � i . 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'���J � 6 i�13 �c��., �_ ,;}, _ ; � r,`-= _^�`_`�r�'V1 j �� �`/ ��I!� � ' i � � RENTO�,T HOUSING A UTHORITY �' KIRKLAl�Tp ,A,VENUE TOWNHOyIES � SURFACF ���ATER TE � CI�i I�IC,AL I�IFOKMATIOI�T IZEPOR"I, � February 15, 2013 ' L'pdated: July 11,2013 '� , � , , Prepared for: Renton Housing Authority 2900 NE I O`� Street Renion, VVA 9SO�E , � Prepared by: S��R Design Company 1205 Second Avenue, Suitz 200 Seattle, WA 98101 � Contact: Pariy Buchanan, PE SvR Project Lo. 12024 � � � . _ EXHIBIT 8 ; � �==,_ -_ , . ` . i REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL AND II��'II,TRATION ST�,'DLES PROPOSED 15�`�`&ILIRILL,AI��TOWNHOMES RENTON,WA S&EE JOB NO. 1220 ! � JULY 25,2012 �:!$� �fi �2��€�i�i '�! PlGnning Di�•isinn FEt� i�+ 'i��.g 1229rpt EXHIBIT 9 ��������'�EE - �. -� -, . , _ . ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNiTY �"`�`�°t "� AND ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT �� `����'�� ��%��� ; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMiTTEE MEMO APPLICATION NUMBER: LUAl3-d00206, SA-A,V-A, MOD, MOD I APPLICANT: City of Renton and Renton Housing Authority � PROJECT NAME: Kirkland Avenue Townhomes ' I DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review for the � construction three multi-family structures containing a total of 18-townhome units each. , Environmental review was conducted as part of the Sunset Area Planned Action EIS (LUA10-052). The subject property is located on east side of Kirkland Ave NE between NE 18th and NE 16th St_ The project site totals 0.78 acres in area and is zoned Residential Multi-Family (RMF). Surface parking, in the amount of 18 stalls, is being proposed on the eastern portion of the site. Access to the site is proposed via new curb cuts along NE 15th St that would extend north and connect to the property to the east (Houser Terrace�. The proposed site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection area. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL`. 1508 Kirkland Ave NE LEAD AGENCY/RESPQNSIBLE ENTITY:City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community& Economic Development Upon determination by the City's Environmental Review Committee that the proposal meets the criteria outlined in the Planned Actiort Ordinance {Ordinance#5610) and qualifies as a planned action,the proposal shall not require a SEPA threshold determination, preparation of an EIS, or be subject to further review pursuant to SEPA. , The City's Environmental Review Committee designates the proposal as a "planned action", pursuant to RCQ 43.21C.030, as it meets all of the following conditions: ' ✓ The proposal is located within the Sunset Planned Action Area. � The proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action EIS and Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of ttte Planned Action Qualifications. ✓ The proposal is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and applicable zoning regulations. ✓ The proposal's significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS. � The proposal's impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures identified in Attachment B of Ordinance#5160, and ot regulations,together with any modifications or varian� that may be required. EXHYBI"�' 1� , 'City of Renton Department of Community& Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Memo „ Kirkland Ave Townhomes 1UA13-OD0206,SA-A,V-A,MOD,MOD August 19,2013 Page 2 of 2 � ✓ The proposal complies with all applicable local,state and/or federal laws and I regulations, and the Environmental Review Committee determines that these ' constitute adequate mitigation. ✓ The proposal is not an essential public facility as defined by RCW.36.70A_200(1}. SiGNATURES: y � � �-c� 1l �' � i/�? _ � C 15 - Gregg Zirni elr�man Ad inistrator Da�e Ma�k Peterson,Administrator Date Public Wo s�rtment Fire & Emergency Services l ��j�-- �------' d���1 �3 , � �' �z�, 7erry Higashiyama,Administrator Date C.E. Vincent,A ministrator Dat Community Services Department Department of Community& Economic Development cn�.���� ��i ��n;viin�o �tm. �•���R--�- �� ��� , f y' � "�' + a� �Jt,.y ,� � I s f A� +� ,�;; � � a ,K-; � a .�{ y. �h�' ��� k�'�T; „"1�`,�7�� {� t"c' , �.. � t""; �� "� <, � ' a v d� , g(�" ;�n�. 1 �'' ��^���i� � M,i`,��.i �� li ;'��� ` U�� n� i S�N��`� 4��1\i���15��.�����.N���:w� ..'� � y'"a^r{ �o.�f iL� .jL'J�d'i[* 3.�rifj2�ti� .,fl'll�e U . _ {f1 �� (� ^� y � q �r e s ► •S(J/v wa'm�`�'..'".�,i_It[/2DEEN,AVL- Nf t'.' �,.;•, r C = S'�j,��'•{>�t f��lri��a�x�im�k��F�� '� w� r . ,S( r �, �� 1 � ta.;�� �#� 4,��.1n7.(i[ �t�ykwi� s� �T "�;�, ��v, t M E * r A w K�.F I ' i. . . 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Ji8'1 r`.:>:�z .d.�.., . li.,,:� p�, n. �r���. r°-3 ��, -i;i., f�,, -• h�rm''�i Z��+��n}q' , ..fii i� � ; :d '� �. 7'+4�y;,�'� .: ��IO �m� �., fi �� ..:i.� j' w ,,H� � .� �,v � � r ry� � S^�.alr�k4�y�.i' �,Y^.�,: � D y.,� .t�. ma2l,CdLJ1,�I��'�f�.�F� .����-1Ti.imim'4".a��m6 [+'t�.iA{�' a 5 .,,,�,,���-1''��.t zi?r ..� II f�f.y�n�a�.iaY9 ..e...,::.�C�.1 L`� ��+�.�t'..� �1.Y1'�i'_._.{.�.�'� ��, J ,�,�"�.-����� °' c� [=G"r(�yp,"�'�'"�'�'i k"�' �� rP{ g, 4 ,..;vI�iES'� �is r ,,, r9r=t���9��'J�'w';��� '�ti��, " F4 `r;�i' •all�'�hl���':�;7 ,� ��'rM]" � ...r�<l%��5�� ��.:.:r. ],� ..k�Aq.�R��:t��Rr'c, s�r..,�Ma ....�� +°�v����..{���C�M��`"d ' �i,� ��� ,1'';" A ,.�-�� .:��!,in � � �'�� m�l�.I t,,��','.��i!.,, z O b ;��r�P le�...u�=���� V .P:.r ' ��y�=Sn��-�t�3wP���',.<"�i�i�,t.' s � x � �;r��a� ;�'"�' �g�,� ��� �.��iY �„�+41' t�rr, m � �-�' yri.,7., cn m,..'.�.t�3L''r .�'ik .:5� , i � r'� x'�'�� t:��.i,�J� s�. ,1�1� ��f �"r,136�t.T,� P..:1��n� .* J� 6�,C �^,. ,y��r �!1p� ¢� g�1� .� �y, C�, �y��j�� a v+ "� sdt sy�� � � �,,���V�' n � ,e. � �*a D ,-�+ n I �.�"�':.��u�,��;"G.��Ib%��:.�,t.��d11��Sii;N��aH«�7�f6°�Y1 a.�M,::JSi7i��L..�9��,?k�'�..�I � `L�.���,:��� �k� �.�,� �)�'�'.,. + � �,, , ��d;�. �.,i' �,.�'",s���'��,��';:;� ��.�"�.MW�,' i..� r� wr.':ti':''� r+� r:"i6F. '�?OLY1VIf'IA�'AV�GFNC „"LL f'"t,.;�m tl' .��"y.° '� y� - ..yv,�-�., r,�v:.,m,�i�� a v, ,.. � asa t�},n ,Fs � ,- �- i���y �..�',�' �ss P 4,�F�� g �,rzv, _ °@'�C;.':�ia u+k���; ��..::�! �P v�,,n �, - �,;` �3�«w�4� '9�'�@�-J 9.� ��..,�-i0�5.,,;n� ;�,"'�' ��3 . m � � .L�::�tiFi�'�� �E '.fi.;v�,.�L{�}iPYif`��,.��:.,T �_ ,�.. ��+�Tf w..,..,:Tt � �S�;s.... . I..,-. 4 L..1�'a".nw.E.Sl:,;'C�n��r� ��Y� .,� �i,.. r � � �-"�i•�''�k�..X`'��iR�.., , i����,1�1�T a � a E � i , f ' � f;f� �'o E a. �� � v :��� ��� �_ � id� _ �;.��, . .:_.. �,� ' � � � � ,, � D D � - , � � m "� �„ o�i D . Denis Law - - Clt T df. � i� o Mayw � � «`t � t `d$ ���` _� g ' 4 � �:� � � �� �`.� �� � ��,�� � ��_. � ��'�:��.�'� ��;� n. PubticWorks Department-Gregg Zimmerman,P.E.,Adrrzinistrator � June 13,2013 Mr. Mark Gropper, Executive Director Renton Housing Authority 2900 NE 10�'Street P.O. Box 2316 Renton VUA,98059-0316 RE: K1RKlAND AVENUE TOWNHOMES PROlECT ADIUSTMEIVT 2013-02 Dear Mr. Gropper: The City of Renton has compieted review of the adjustment request submitted by the Renton Housing Authority for the Kirkland Avenue Townhomes cievelopment in accordance with City adoptetf 2009 King County SurFace Water Design Manual (KCSWDM)and City Amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM. We understand that the applicanYs engineer is requesting an adj�stment from the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manua)to core requirement#3, Flow Control (Section 1:2.3), and core reguirement#6,Maintenance and Operations to locate pri�ately owned and maintained drainage facilities in Cify right-of-way. Our review of the information provided by the applicant engineer on May 29,2013,provides the following findings: 1. The Renton Housing Authority(RHA)is a goti�ernmental non-profit organization v�ith the mission to provide quality,affordable housing in a safe en�ironment to people with iow j incomes who rinake Renton their h�me. I 2. The project prapasal is ta construct an IS-ur,it multifamily developmer�t at KirkEand Arenue !�E ar�a ���i�ti�Str2et€oi iatu anci mo�erate i,;�oan�famil�es. 3. i#��2 pro;�c:�+apases�c ccrs;�r;�ct��ain�ge��cf(i�ies�ee��cf to r��itigate for o;�:i��= imp rc?vemFn*s f huil�fir;�runoff)as �eqtiir�eci�y CExv cc�cl�� i;�puhlic City rig�:�-�oi-�,ray �:.�� p;�oject��i'i zc�4fect h��idirg runoff�r�a;-c�ut�it i€rto b�nreF.�ritian fac'slities{rain�aru-����� �OCr3$�:}'v�1��1i7"� �i1�- iIG�1i-i:'�-VV3�/��t'�T?t'c.'t SCi'i.,'��: �3���£=t"(?<"t�ts:i�}ii"Uj`v�'��fl3iifi3�i?r �e s:�: � iiTitP�UC�ii� i,� at: �..� 1:�...�.t,J��a�t���y ����a��r{ #�. , .�_. . �},_G+1�1,. ����._:l� �%�. Iiased on these unci�:rs�an;�i;�gs,fir„�ir�gs,ar;d Sec[iei�s 1.2.?a;-s� 1."<.�a,the 20;��S�.;riac�i��s��t�s l7esign Ntanua!as amendp�by the City,the adj�!stment to alloti���he privately�wned an� main[ainecl drainage facilities to be lacated in City right-cf-u�ay is ap�roved vrith#he Tollcivs�in�; canditians: EXHIBIT 12 ' =..�n�t_' -�_. �, �c ,.�i:'��c.�a�ti+' .. ��;t;pf',1'"'...SEI� 'to,'i �_�..�. ._t11Gna�:'2.�0`: : � �. Mr.Mark Grcpper Page 2 of 3 lune 13,2C13 1. The bioretention facili#ies in the right-of-way sk�all b2 tlesignec!and constructed to ' provide a public benefit by providing surface water quatity treatment for street right-of- ' way rUnoff,in addi#ionto meeting the Cit�,�s Surface 1+Vate�Design standards required for the RHA Kirkland Rvenue 7ownhomes project, 7he tributary halfright-of-way width along pro}ectsite(see a#tathed figurzs)shall be directed into the proposed bioretention facilities in the right-of-wayto provide�vater quality trea#ment for the City street and. stormwater runoff from the RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes project. The bioretention facilities in City right-of-way will need to pe sized to accommodate stormwater runoff fram the RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhbmes project siie and the City right-of-way. 2. The project proposal shall be revised to include the implementation of porous concreEe sic3ewalks in City right-of-way. 3. The facility shall be designed and canstructed to avoid utility conflicts. Aiiequate separation and clearances in accordance with applicabEe City standards shall be maintained: RHA will be responsible fior coardinating with private franchise utilities for adeqtaate separation and clearances between proposed drainage facilities and private utifities. The Renton 1-iousing Authority will be responsible for the cost associated wiih relocation o#exisfing utilities to accommadate the bioretention facilities in City right-of-way,if neetled. RHA wilf be responsible for the co5i of relocating bioretention facilities, or providing equivalent replacement in the event of future improvem2nts in the City right-of-way,aspart of a Gity project, requires#hem to be relocated (i.e.,City sfreet improvemer►ts,Cify utility improvement projects). 4. The Renton Housi�g Ai�#hority is responsibfe i`or maintaining Ehe bioretention facilities and associatec!storm system conveyance pi�es located in the City right-of-way to City maintenancz standards to ensure that they funciion as designed and permitted. Fcl(owing construction,tne biflretEnti�n facilitiEs in ti1�rigl�t-af U�ay and ar,y or,site f1Lo^.+ car�troi and water quali�y treatment facilities,will be incfude�i�th� anr�ua! private scorn�4vat�r faciiity insp�cticr�,r;3ain�er,ance,and reG�rting p�cgran�, a�re;u:rF�by t17� Lcafogy Nationat PoJiu#ant u�����a-:���li��;ina;;on SystQ�i:� ?tia�e � "���us-,ic����i 5 +„���n�at2� Pzrmit(S�ctson S5:C.4;c.iiij. :i, a,�li L'1;��1]�E'{��Q 5llLliilli.a ��CL�v"!%�C!)ii C�s`1�'L'.JF�I�i�� ��i'I�1�,G"L':�I'��' ;1':� rit;#i;3icr�c?;lty'^v� S#C3riTlVv'3LEr?iiCli![iE'S 3il[i ��t�F'3�G� Y�1:-,;�i;�i�.t;�tlU31��Cil:ti�S iY4 CiiN i=�`-,i;-{,�i-l��F�}�i���i3:,_ a�her cirai�a��faciliti�5lac�te�i on th� ftNA�rci�riythai are constr«cted as part c,f;�-,i� p��oject. 7he�wcl�r�tior c�i C�ver,an[csn �e foi�nd in:R�f�rence;t c�`t���:�"sty�of f�eri;v�: Amendr,ien�s to the 2009 King Caunty Surface 1hlater f�esign ivtanual. A site�la� s����Iing€he loc�tion of#he 3torma�ater facilities and BiViP� m.�st he ir��f��dec a; Exhibit A witF the declaratior,of covenant. 6. Fro��sed drairiage facilitie;shal;be sized in a�r_Qr�ar�ce��lit!-,Se�F,nn� 7 � � �nc' j.�.8 or the C:ty Arnendmenfs tc?ihe 200�KCS�'�D!Vl�ising ref�rence 11-A i�det�rmine existing site tonditians applicabfe td the:proje�t: The drainage report shal! inclucs`e autput iil�s of the ari�lysis p�r€arrried i;�c(uding ho�aJ discha,ges at the poi�t of compliance ti��ill nat H:\Fiie Sys�SWP-5urface Wate�Projects\SWP-27-Surface 4Vater>Projects(CIP)\27-3129 kec�tcr 5tormwater Pfanua!',.4D1t,�STM�NTS\2013\2Q13-2 Kirkfand ToLvnhemes_RG in ROVV.doc\HCBtp . r ' ' Mr.Mark Gropper Page 3 of 3 June 13,2023 result in an increase greater than 0.1cfs from pre-developed and developed condition. The hydrograph for the pre-developed condition will be existing site conditions(as it exists today)for the entire site. The developed condition wiA include allowable flow control BMP facility sizing credits as specified in the 2009 KCSWDM applied to all surfaces mitigated through�low control BMPs. The final project Technica!Information Report must be revised ta indude the use o#the bioretention facifities in City right-of-way to mitigate for onsite runoff,offsite runoff and the street runoff as part of this adjustment approval. 7. The approval of this adjustment does not relieve the applicant from other city,state,or zederal requirements. 8. This adjustment approval applies only#o the RHA Kirkland Avenue Townhomes project. The use of City right-of-way by the RHA to mitigate for project stormwater impacts from future projects will require a separate re�iew and ad}ustment request. If you have any questions about this adjustment, please contact Ran Straka,Surface Water '� EJtility Engineering Supervisor,at(425)430-7248. Sincerely, ' �' �� � ),�' { �r� �' y` ', � ` � �! l��,r�;��� �'� //[ff���jT��l�r� � C� _ _*.� i + � tti % _ <� �;. V Y�_ ,� t , Gregg k.Zimmerman, P.E, C.E. "Chip"Vincent Public tR�orks A�ministrator Community ard Economic Deve!opment!'ldministrator Att�='�mer.ts r:::: u�uglacobson,D9Flt[`jGUuIIEWorksAdm:n�stra:or--iranspuia:icr; .s Ncrosby;P:E.,Uiiiity��lstems Oirec:�.r . ...e StenSou�e.Mai�tenance 5fl�vices�irector '�!e±�R.WattS;De•J:Ip�m�ntServiC�s Girectof ::a�•iren tti,irick,Geveio�,r�iet�t Engineering S�:p�:�•isc�r �or:�t�aka,P.E.;'su�sace i+�atzr Uti(i:y�nginerrinE SupetvisOt �o:ale 7immo�s,�!anner � Jan lilian,Plan Reviewer 4zbe S�rnarda,Surfa�e 4Vater Uti!i:y Engine�r ; Fi:�Fil�Syst54'v'�-Su.-face'+Vater?rcjectsjSWP-2;-�..race Vlater PrOjects(CIP}\37-3129_P.�ntOn Stormwdt2T � P�1an�lal`tAD1USTNtENTS\2013\2013-2 Kirkland�o�n�nhcmes_RG in P.OW.doc\HC$kp _. .__ ._ ., � ��.' � � 1 �i.�.�.. .....,.. .. .. _�.�_�.� ...��� � � .�_..` �.��...,..�....�.�............__....... ...-._.,._,.....�..� ' .: .. .. � . . . .. . � - J � '" .. *�� �:-: •n.... .1 .f . �6.L� .p �� �I . � ...i .1� � -w l � � � � �:.. ..:. . . �.. . .... . , . 4 � r' ' ,^ '" .�. k� . . . .-�. ........_ � f � ... �.� .:� ..v'_ ...:•.�. ,. .{ '1 . .. :�' ` , ... � , ... . ,... .. , . , . �:. ,..�� . .�. 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