HomeMy WebLinkAbout03187 - Technical Information Report - Final Corrected � Sw ►�-z� - '' � � 7 � -� Sha m rock �� King County Final Corrected Technical Information Re po rt � Prepared for Camwest FINAL CORRECTED T.I.R. DATE; _,,�,. ,_ ,_ � . APPROVED, - . ,� � :- ' Triad Job No. 01-159 ,� � � �' , . � . Y: . '�� /'�"'��" "7 Prepared For: CamWest Real Estate Development, Inc. 9720 NE 120`h Place, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98034 Issued March 10, 2004 Revised May 26, 2004 Final Corrected June 11, 2008 z 0 � � a o Q �OZ�oo � � � > � z � � w � � � � � � Q 4� A. TO ,�,4► og w� ti�� r� r Prepared By: �o� z� Ben Rutkowski ,� Tyson Wentz sea, 4�� �,��oN Tg�d�� Reviewed By: EXPIRES: 8/4/t7& Rick Tomkins, PE �I i t I o� Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report TABLE OF CONTENTS lPROJECTOVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY(AREAS TRIBUTARY TO THE NORTH POND)..............1-3 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY........................................................................2-1 2.1 HEARINGCONDITIONS......................................................................................... ..............2-1 ............... 2.2 CaRE REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................2-10 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................3-1 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY DESIGN.....................................................................4-1 4.1 NORTH POND....................................................................................................................................4-2 � 4.2 SOUTH POND...................................................................................................................................4-11 � 5 COIYVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS& DESIGN............................................................................5-1 5.1 PIPE SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................................5-1 5.2 SWALE SYSTEM................................................................................................................................5-7 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES...................................................................................................6-1 6.1 WETLAND RECHARGE.......................................................................................................................6-1 6.2 WEST WETLAND DIREC7'IONAL FLOW ANALYSIS.............................................................................6-9 6.3 NORTH POND DETENTION COMPARISON.........................................................................................6-13 6.4 SOIL MANAGEMEtv"I'PLAN..............................................................................................................6-15 7 OTHER PERMITS..................................................................................................................................7-1 8 TESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN..........................................................................................................5-1 9 BOND QUANTITIES,FACILITY SUMMARIES,AND DECLARATION OF COVENAIVT.......9-1 9.1 BOND QUANTITIES............................................................................................................................9-I 9.2 FACILITY SUMMARIES.......................................................................................................................9-1 9.3 DECLARATION OF COVENANT...........................................................................................................9-1 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE..............................................................................................10-1 OO 6/11l2008 1 Job#Ot-159 � T=aRIAD � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical information Report 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Shamrock is a 34.5 acre site spanning both King County and the City of Renton jurisdictions. The total proposed project will contain 129 lots. The King County portion of the project proposes to create 118 single-family lots (74 lots will utilize Low Impact Development) on an approximately 29.8 acre property. This Technical Information Report (TIR) is for the King County and Renton portions of the project. The Vicinity Map below shows the City of Renton boundary. The part of the site outside the City of Renton boundary is subject to King County DDES review. The site is north of 128`�' Street SE, west of 148't' Avenue SE. The properiy is within Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Please see the Vicinity Map below. � � 5 �'-vs- TO �—`�� 900 �'9C� � MAY VALL F� OUN7Y PARK 'At"Z �1 T� � ti �S � v`"i s`qOU � �O Q SE 116th 5T � s£ »>rn W — vW, � sr � 900 � � Q � � D s£ �2otn o � Q N S T c� Q � v t � SE `O 124fh � � COALFfILO PARK t t y � �' K!N U1�T p��� � ` TO (-4 5 RE TON ��—�— —� � r `' PARK� h �n s P.� & NE 4 th S r ' RrDE �Sl TE � Q � � I SE 132ntl ST SE 13Jrd C7 Q T t m � I � � � VICINITY MAP Not to Scale 06/11/2008 � Page 1-1 Job#01-159 /T�� ASSO:IATES � Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report Site visits were performed on July 2, 2001, July 15, 2002 and July 14, 2003. Refer to the Level 1 Downstream Analysis in Section 3 for description of the site under predeveloped conditions. The portion of the site between SE 124th Street and the northern boundary will incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) measures. These measures include: use of amended soils throughout the project; use of open channel conveyance elements (vegetated swales) in lieu of pipe systems where feasible; use of flow dispersion trenches and perforated stub-outs to ' manage roof and footing drainage from individual lots; and the incorporation of a rain I garden. �' The portion of the site between SE 124`� Street and the southern boundary will be designed assuming standard development methods. See Existing Conditions Exhibit(Figure 3) and soils maps (Figure 4) in Section 3. 06/11J2008 Page 1-2 Job#01-159 /TR�D ASSOCIATES � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report �.1 Low lmpact Development Methodology (Areas Tributary to the North Pond) Low Impact Development practices help to reduce developed site runoff using distributed source control and treatment practices. Native vegetation, landscaping, and small-scale stormwater controls capture, treat, infiltrate, evaporate, and transpire rainfall at the parcel or subdivision level. This section will highlight the specific designs used to achieve this goal. Amended Soils Amended soil is the result of tilling compost in with the natural soil. By doing so, the amended soil has more capacity to treat, store and infiltrate water. This is turn will reduce runoff, promote plant health and decrease the need for landscape watering and fertilization. This project will incorporate 8-10 inches of amended soil on top of 4 inches of scarified soil. Lot Drainage Lot drainage will be addressed in three different ways throughout the site. Runoff from some lots will bypass the proposed detention pond and provide rechazge to the wetland areas. This will be accomplished by connecting the roof and footing drains to a backyard dispersion trench designed to discharge overflow runoff to the wetland in sheet fashion evenly back into the wetland. Other lots will discharge roof and footing drainage to an open swale via a gravel-encased perforated pipe. This "perforated stub-out" will provide increased opportunity for infiltration. These lots will be graded to promote sheet flow across the yard and toward the open swale. All yards will contain amended soils to increase attenuation. The lots where an open swale is not accessible will discharge into the street conveyance system via perforated stub-outs and perforated connecting pipe. The driveways will be sloped towards the access roadway. 06/11/2008 � Page 1-3 II Job#01-159 /T�D ASSOCIATES � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Open Swales Open swales lined with vegetated and amended soils are used wherever possible as a means of surface water conveyance. This maximizes the opportunity for water quality treatment and infiltration. The open swales are designed as wide as possible and as shallow as feasible to provide a natural appearance, while still providing adequate conveyance capacity. Slopes are designed to be less than 5%, with flatter areas and shallow berms provided to encourage ponding. Some swales will be designed as bioretention azeas with additional depth of amended soils. These areas will provide additional runoff storage capacity and further help to attenuate flow rates. Underdrains will be incorporated to prevent ponding for an excessive period of time. Where feasible, swales are provided to convey runoff from the access roadways. Runoff is introduced to these swales either by using a series of narrow curb drops, or by using shallow curb inlets and connecting pipe. The open swales will be located in private tracts and will be maintained by a home owners association. Please see the illustration below. � O o � LOT OPf1Y SPACf/OQAlNACrE TRAC7 LOT +10'-30' � ° d o � s s v LJ e ' � o O Q � � a � � � a VARLiBLE SOIL , MOlSTU2E TOLERANT PCAIVTINC, ZONP r ' i. i , � i �, � � �%�%�� � , ���y��� '�••\•\�.. . .�\ \�j •���'' i •CROSS SECTION • AMElYOED 50IL M!X � NA7NE 50IL MIX DRA/N LlNE fOR ROOF \ c4 FOOTINCr OQAINAGE BIOR�rENT10N 50lL UNDEQ ORAIN BIORETE�I TION SWALE Nof to Scd/e - . _ — 06/11/2008 � Page 1-4 Job#01-159 /T�� �SSOCIATES — Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Rain Garden Rain gardens are small depressions constructed near stormwater flow sources. They consist of different layers of gravel, amended soils and mulch beneath a vegetation cover. Rain gardens collect and soak up rainwater, capture pollutants, and detain or infiltrate standing water. This project will incorporate a rain garden located in the open space near the northeast intersection of 145�' Avenue SE and SE 124�' Street. The grading in the north east portion of the site will direct most of the runoff to this feature via open swales. The rain garden will be planted with native species that aze wet and dry tolerant and will add to the biodiversity of the area. Please see the illustration below. 0 a � ° n o Q q a s a 4 � a a b a � a �A v a a ° � a 9 3 ,6 ' � A + 6 0 � y = : � . OQNAMENTAL PUN11N4 ZONE �ARGIBtE MOlSTURE — — — � �i��/i/�{ P(AN71NCr ZONP � �\�/v� \ �!� ��/\�\ �i,���;yi�\�\� �� \/�/�. � AMMENDED SOIL MIX , ��\�����/�j�! �/� \ ; NATNE SOIL M/X � ���/������ \ � � TEMPOQAKY 570QM � �/� � , . /� ORA/NAC�f ZONE 810QETENPON 50/L MIX UNDER ORAIN RAIN GARDEN No� fo 5cd/e 06/11/2008 Page 1-5 Job#01-159 � T,o�� ._-- King County Department o! Development and.Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Fa�#.t:� PRQJECT O�NER AND - Part 2 PROJE�T LOCATION AN�` PREyJECT ENCIMEER . DES.CRIPTtON= : Project Owner Project Name Cam West Real Estate Shamrock Address Location 9720 N` 120th P1 #100, Kirkland Township 23 N Phone�425) 825-1955 Range 5 E ProjectEngineer ••••�••••••••Section 1� RPhPrra ;'i ishman� PF Company T ;ad Associa . � Address/Phone�425) 821-8448 �ParE 3: TYPE OF PERMIT � PaK 4. .�THER REV.IEWS-AND PERMITS APPLICATION � X Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subdivision COE 404 X Rockery Gradin � 9 DOE Dam Safety Structural Vaults Commercial FEMA Floodplain X OtherKeystone Wall Other COE Wettands ' Part.S' SITE COMMUNITY-AND�DRAIIJAGE BA51N Community �lewcastle Community Planninq Area Drainage Basin Cedar River Drainaqe Basin/ I�ay Creek Drainaqe 9asin Part 6 SfFE-GHARACTERISTfCS: ' River Floodplain X Wetlands Stream SeepslSprings Critical Stream Reach X High Groundwater Table Depressions/Swales Groundwater Recharge Lake Other Steep Slopes Par�7`::SOIL`S , .. > , - _ , . : - _ Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potentiai Erosive Velcoties " Alderwood 0-b� Slight. S1ow Additional Sheets Attached Patt'8_� UEVELOPMERtT LINftTATJOldS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Ch. 4-Downstream Analvsis Additional Sheets Attached �Rart 9 ESE:REQ[11REMENTS _ , MINIMUM ESC REC2UIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REC2UIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION XSedimentation Facilities X Stabilize Exposed Surface XStabilized Construction Entrance X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities �erimeter Runoff Control X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris XClearing and Graing Restrictions X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities xCover Practices X Flag Limits of SAO and open space XConstruction Sequence preservation areas Other Other Part 70�''SURFRCE_1NATER°SYSTENt . X Grass Lined Tank Infittration Method of Analysis Channef K�RTS Vauft Depression XPipe System X CompensatioNMitigati Energy Dissapator Flow Dispersal on of Eliminated Site O en Channel X P X Wetland Waiver Storage Dry Pond . Stream Regional xWet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation On-site conveyance system (Pipe/swale) will convey runoff to the Detention/Water quality Ponds Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation Part-.11' S�RUCTUHAL A1V�4Ll�SIS- �Fart�12` EASEMENTSFfRAGTS Cast in Place Vault X Drainage Easement X Retaining Wall Access Easement X Rockery>4' High Native Growth Protection Easement Structural on Steep Slope XTract Other Other I Part,13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my k e the information provided here is accurate. �� Si ned/Date Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY '�� 2.1 Hearing Conditions DECISION: The preliminary plat application for Shamrock, as revised and received on February 13, 2004, is APPROVED, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19A of the King County Code. CondiNon Noted. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. Condition Noted. 3. The plat shall comply with the base density and minimum density requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-4 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Condition Noted. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended(1993 KCRS). Condition Noted. 5. The Applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer , certifying the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow to meet the standards of ' Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Condition Noted. 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval, which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. The drainage plans and analysis have been provided in compliance to the 1998 KCSWDM and applicable updates. 06/11/2008 \ Page 2-1 Job#01-159 /T�D J�SSOCIATES / Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. The current standard plan notes and ESC notes have been provided on Sheets 10 and 26. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DDES I and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted �I with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." Condition Noted. 7. A surface water adjustment(L04V0003) is approved for this subdivision. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met upon submittal of the engineering plans. Note that this adjustment allows the use of low-impact designs for the stormwater facilities on the north portion of the site. The stormwater facilities shatl be constrvcted in general conformance with the preliminary grading and storm drainage plan received February 13,2004;unless otherwise approved by DDES. The final amended soil design shall be reviewed and approved with the engineering plans. Condition Noted. 8. The stormwater facilities shall meet at a minimum the Level 2 flow control and basic water quality requirements in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The north stormwater detention pond shall be placed in a separate tract dedicated to King County for maintenance. The stormwater facility has been designed to a Level 2 flow control and basic water quality per the 1998 KCSWDM and is shown in a tract. The south stormwater detention facility is within the City of Renton. Engineering plans for the construction of this facility shall be approved by Renton. Condition Noted. 9. The 100-year floodplain for any onsite wetlands or streams shall be shown on the engineering plans and the final recorded plat per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The 100 yearJloodplain has been shown on the engineering plans. 10. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards(KCRS): a. SE 124�' Street from 146`�'Ave SE to148`�Ave SE shall be improved to the urban subcollector street standard. SE 124t6 Street from 146th Ave SE to 148th Ave SE has been designed to the urban subcollector street standard. 06/11/2008 Page 2-2 Job#01-159 /T�D ♦SSOCIATES _ Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report b. 144"'Place SE; 146`�'Ave SE, 146°i Ct. SE(from SE 124"' St. to SE 1215` St); SE 12151 St.(from 146�'Ct.to 148'�Ave SE); 144�'Ave SE/SE 124`�St.(from the145`n Ave SE extn. to 146�'Ave SE); shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. These streets have been designed to the urban subaccess street standards with the approved Road Variance conditions. c. SE 125`� Sd147�'Ave SE; 146`�Ct. SE( from SE 12151 St. to end); 145`h Ave SE (from SE 124'�' St. to 144`�'Ave SE); 144�'Ave SE(from 145`h Ave SE extn. to end); shall be improved to the urban minor access street standard. These streets have been designed to the urban minor acces street standards with the approved Road Variance conditions. d. FRONTAGE: The site's property frontages along 148`�Ave SE(west side)shall be improved to the urban collector arterial standard with sidewalk. The property frontages(tax lots 9021, 9026, 9170 and 9259)along 148th Ave. SE shall be addressed at engineering plan submittal,to either provide for a paved shoulder or thickened edge section. Off-site property owners shall be contacted for design and construction coordination. The final frontage proposal shall be reviewed and approved by DDES at engineering design review. The frontage improvements shal I be evaluated at engineering plan submittal for safe walking conditions per the KCRS. e. Tract N shall be improved to the private access tract standard per Section 2.09 of the KCRS. T'his tract shall be owned and maintained by the owners of the lots served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the final recorded plat. Tract N has been designed to the private access tract standard. f. Tracts D,J,and M shall be improved as joint use driveways per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. These driveways shall be owned and maintained by the owners of the Lots served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the final recorded plat. Tracts D,J and M have been designed to the joint use driveway standard. g. That portion of Lot 35, lying within the 30-feet existing easement for ingress and egress, shall be dedicated as R/W. A R/W radius shall also be provided at Lot 35 (SE quadrant 144`�PL SE)and at Lot 42(NW quadrant 146`�Ave SE). The area in question will be dedicated as R/W and a radius has been shown on Lots 35 and 42. h. Tracts P and Q shall be dedicated as public R/W. Sixteen feet of right-of-way shall be provided along the northerly portion of lot 35. Tracts P and Q will be dedicated as public R/W. i. Right-of-way radius shall be provided as follows—SE corner of lot 42; SW corner of lot 34;NW corner of lot 35; SE corner of lot 26. Radii have been provided on Lots 42,34,35 and 26. j. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance procedures in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. Condition noted. 06/11/2008 Page 2-3 Job#01-159 T�D .�SSOCI�TES /_ Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report k. Tracts A and C shall be included within the right-of-way. Tracts A and C contain right-of-way language. l. Road Variance L04V0004 is approved for this project. All conditions of approval for this variance shall be incorporated into the engineering plans. Condition Noted. m. Details for waiting area for school children along 148`h Ave SE shall be determined by the Applicant and the Issaquah School District,prior to or concurrent with the engineering plan submittal. Details of this waiting area shall be shown on the engineering plans and accompanied by corcespondence from the School District. A waiting area will be shown on the plans and correspondences with the school district will be submitted once obtained. 11. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. Condition Noted. 12. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The Applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of piat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75,Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. Condition Noted. 13. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent(50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. Condition Noted. 14. Except as modified below in condition no. 15,the proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in King County Code 21A.24. Permanent survey marking shall be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their buffers (for example,with bright orange plastic construction fencing) shall be shown on the engineering plans and placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. Permanent signs identifying the sensitive areas shall be shown on the engineering plans and installed as part of the plat construction activities. Condition Noted. 15. Wetlands a. Class 2 wetlands shall have a minimum 50-foot of undisturbed or enhanced native vegetation. Wetlands and their buffers shall be placed in sensitive area tracts. A 06/11/2008 \ Page 2-4 Job#01-159 /T�D , SfOCIATES _ Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report minimum 15-foot building setback line shall be required from the edge of all sensitive area buffers. The onsite wetlands have been provided with buffers. Tracts and building setbacks are shown on the engineering plans. b. Buffer width averaging may be allowed if it will provide additional protection to wetlands or enhance their functions, as long as the total area in buffer does not decrease. Buffer averaging in conformance with the Code and administrative rules is proposed as shown on the preliminary plat plans. Buffer reductions of about 6,670 square feet would be compensated for by providing additional buffer area of about 23,400 square feet. Additionally, much of the buffer has been degraded by prior activities on the site, and the project would enhance the native vegetation of these wetland buffers. The enhanced wetland buffer must provide equal or greater biologic functions, including habitat,and equivalent or better hydrologic functions. Buffer averaging has been shown on the plans as well as 6uffer enhancement. Please see the Landscape plans for t6e enhancement plan. c. Post-development wetland hydrology for the smaller, more frequent storm events shall match pre-development wetland hydrology to the maximum extent feasible. Calculations, graphs and text shal( be included in the Technical Information Report with the engineering plans to show how this condition will be met, to be reviewed by DDES Environmental Scientist. Seasonal volumes have been provided for maintaining post-development hydrology. See Sections 4 and 6 in the TIR for details. d. Approved alterations to wetlands or their buffers including removal of wetland fill and enhancement of buffers shall require that a detailed mitigation plan shall be submitted for review along with the engineering plans. The mitigation plan must include final grades, hydrologic calculations showing how the mitigation feature will function, and a planting plan showing plant species, sizes, quantities and locations. The plan shall list goals and objectives, construction and installation notes, performance standards,and monitoring and maintenance measures. The mitigation plan has been submitted. Please see the Landscape plans. The details of the re-connection will be coordinated in the field with the KC Environmental Scientist. Final Constructed plans will contain the details of the grading and the calculations of function. e. A conceptual mitigation plan shall be submitted for review along with the engineering plans for the proposed wetland reconnection area west of the stormwater facility in Tract H. The conceptual mitigation plan must include proposed grades, hydrologic calculations showing how the mitigation feature will function, and a planting scheme showing plant species, sizes and quantities. The plan shall also list goals and objectives, construction and installation notes, performance standards, and monitoring and maintenance measures. This plan shall be conceptual to allow for in- the-field location of a few channels through the northern fill area where a young alder forest has grown, leaving some areas of alder forest to mature. This mitigation area will be shown on the engineering plans as a concept, with notes requiring field location of the channels in order to protect the larger and healthier alder trees. An as- built mitigation plan shall be submitted for this wetland reconnection area west of the proposed stormwater pond in Tract H, following construction. 06/11/2008 \ Page 2-5 Job#01-159 /T�D A590CI�TES _ Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report The miHgation plan has been submitted. Please see the Landscape plans. The details of the re-connection will be coordinated in the field with the KC Environmental Scientist. Final Constructed plans will contain the details of the grading and the calculations of function. f. Approval of the project wetland mitigation plans will include the requirement for posting financial guarantee(s) to insure installation and success of the plan. Monitoring for up to five years from the date of installation shall be required, prior to a final inspection of the mitigation plan. Monitoring will commence upon a field inspection and approval of the installed mitigation areas by DDES Environmental Scientist. The financial guarantee(s) will be released when the performance standards have been met. If the performance standards have not been met at the conclusion of the monitoring period, a contingency plan will be required to remedy the situation,and the monitoring period may be extended. Condition Noted. g. The western half(wet pond) of the stormwater facility pond sho��vn in Tract H on the '�, plans may be located within the wetland and wetland buffer restoration area, and will '� be considered restored wetland and wetland buffer as well as a stormwater facility. I The wet pond shall be landscaped using native species at densities recommended in '' the Sensitive Areas Mitigation Guidelines to restore both wetland and buffer habitat. The plan for the wet pond shall be reviewed by DDES Engineering and Environmental Scientist staf� The planting plan shall be part of the wetland mitigation plans for the site, and meet the criteria for those plans specified above. Condition noted. h. Post-construction monitoring of the wet pond in the stormwater facility in Tract H will inciude monitoring the water quality in the wet pond to evaluate its toxicity to wetland-dependent wildlife. Post-construction water level fluctuations will also be monitored along with observations of impacts on amphibians. Monitoring methods and schedule shall be included with the mitigation plans required above. The monitoring plan will be submitted under separate cover. i. The Applicant shall prepare an operations and maintenance manual for the wet pond of the northern stormwater facility, including the vegetation,to provide to either King County Facilities Maintenance or the Homeowners' Association, depending upon which group has ownership of the stormwater wet pond. This Manual will be reviewed and approved by King County DDES Engineer and Environmental Scientist at the time of engineering plan review. The maintenance manual will be submitted under separate cover. j. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITNE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tracdsensitive area setback area eonveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/setback area. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and 06/11/2008 Page 2-6 Job#01-159 � T,o�� ._— Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report animal habitat. The sensitive area tracdsetback area imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tracdsetback area the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/setback area. The vegetation within the tracdsetback area may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency,unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the sensitive area tracUsensitive area setback area and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a property subject to the sensitive area tract/setback area. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area and buffer are completed. No building foundations aze allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. This note has been placed on S6eet 26 of the final engineering plans. 16. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s],benches,etc.). a. An overall detailed recreation space plan shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES, prior to or concurrent with the engineering plans. This plan shall include location,area calculations,dimensions,and landscape specs, equipment specs,etc Condition noted. b. A perforrnance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. Condition Noted. 17. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of DDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). Condition Noted. 18. Street trees shall be provided as follows(per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21 A.16.050): a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. . b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. 06/11/2008 Page 2-7 Job#01-159 /T�D ASSOCIATES _ Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of- way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, I or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. �, £ The Applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approvaL g. The Applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at 684-1622 to determine if 148`h Ave SE is on a bus route. If so,the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. h. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. Conditions Noted. 19. The following have been established under SEPA authority as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The Applicants shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. a. To mitigate the significant adverse impact the plat of Shamrock will have on the intersections of SR 900/148'�Ave SE and SR 900/164�'Ave SE,the Applicant shall install,either individually or in conjunction with other development projects in this area,the following improvements at the SR 900/148`h Ave intersection: • A traffic signal,and • Eastbound and westbound left turn lanes The design for the SR 900/148`�Ave intersection improvements shall be approved by the Washington State Department of Transportation (and by King County to the extent such improvements are located in County right-of-way). In addition, at a minimum, the existing entering sight distance looking east for the north and south legs of the intersection (602 feet and 386 feet, respectively) shall not be reduced as part of the intersection improvements. Documentation shall be submitted to show this requirement is met. All construction work associated with the intersection improvements shall be completed between April 1S` and September 30"'. This seasonal restriction shall be clearly shown on the final engineering plans. 06/11/2008 Page 2-8 Job#01-159 � T,o�� ! Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report In lieu of the installation of the above-noted intersection improvements prior to final plat approval, the Applicant may post a financial guarantee with WSDOT which assures the installation of these improvements within two years of the recording of Shamrock. In this event, intersection improvement design must be approved by WSDOT prior to King County approval of the engineering plans for Shamrock. If the above-noted intersection improvements have already been made by others prior to the recording of Shamrock, or a financial guarantee has been posted by others which assures the installation of these improvements, then the Applicant for Shamrock shall pay a pro-rata share dollar amount to the developer who has made the improvements or "bonded" for the improvements, in an amount proportional to the impacts of Shamrock. The pro-rata share dollar amount to be paid shall be set by WSDOT, and documentation shall be provided by the Shamrock Applicant to the King County Land Use Services Division to show this payment has been made, prior to final plat recording. The pro-rata dollar amount to be paid shall be based on the following: • The final Shamrock lot count • The trip distribution for Shamrock • The total trips contributed to the intersection of SR 900.148`�Ave by the plats of Aster Park(LOOP0024), Stone Ridge 9L99P3008), East Renton(L02P0005), Shamrock(L02P0014),Rosemonte(aka Ironwood—L03P0018)and any future land use applications submitted to King County for which compliance with the King County Intersection Standazds(KCC 14.80) is required at either the SR 900/148`�Ave intersection,or the SR 900/164`�Ave High Accident Location. In the event that either King County or WSDOT adopts a formal "latecomer's" system prior to final plat recording, that system may be followed in lieu of the approach described above,at the discretion of the Applicant,as long as at a minimum there is a financial guarantee which assures the above-noted intersection improvements will be installed within two years of the date of recording of the plat of Shamrock. [Comprehensive Plan Policy T-303 and King County Code 21 A.28.060A] Condition noted. b. Documentation shall be provided to demonstrate to the satisfaction of WSD07 that stopping sight distance(360 feet)is available on the east leg of the SR 900/148`h Ave intersection. The intersection shall be modified by the Applicant, if necessary, so that this stopping sight distance requirement is met on the east leg. In addition,the Applicant shall clear vegetation within the right-of-way along SR 900, east of 148`h Ave.,to maximize the entering sight distance for the north and south legs of the intersection. [Comprehensive Plan Policy T-303 and King County Comprehensive Policy T-303 and King County Code 21A.28.060A] Condition noted. 21. The northerly portion(north of SE 124�' St.) shall comply with the Build Green requirements of Ordinance 14662 (Low Impact Development). Applicable notes, as necessary shall be shown on the engineering plans and final plat. Condition Noted. 06/11/2008 \ Page 2-9 Job#01-159 /TR�D �`�SSOCIAiES / � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report ' 2.2 Core Requirements 2.2.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location Runoff from the existing site naturally discharges to three different places. Please refer to the Level 1 Downstream Analysis in Section 3 for a description of each sub-basin. In the developed condition, a portion of the flow will be routed to two onsite ponds (the southern pond is located within the City of Renton boundary) and a portion will be allowed to bypass the detention facilities as wetland rechazge. The northern pond releases to the adjacent wetland. The southern pond releases to the existing conveyance system located along S.E. 128�' Street. Also see the Drainage Adjustment#L03V003. 2.2.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis Please see Section 3. 2.2.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control See Section 4. A level 2 detention standard has been applied. 2.2.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System '�I See Section 6 —Conveyance System Analysis and Design. I 2.2.5 Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control I See Section 8 —Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Analysis and Design. 2.2.6 Core Requirement #6: Operations and Maintenance This is a publicly maintained system. 2.2.7 Core Requirement #7: Bonds and Liability See Section 9 — Bond Quantity Work Sheet, Retention/Detention Facility Summary, and Declaration of Covenant. 06l11/2008 Page 2-10 Job#01-159 � T,��� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 2.2.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality See Section 4-This project will use the Basic Water Quality Menu and will utilize the "Dead Storage" method. 2.2.9 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements Critical Drainage Areas Not applicable. Master Drainage Plan Not applicable. Adopted Basins or Community Plans According to the King County Basin Reconnaissance Program, the site is located within the May Creek and Lower Cedar sub-basins of the Cedar River Basin. Lake Management Plans Not applicable. Shared Facility Drainage Plans Not applicable. 2.2.10 Special Requirement #2: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation � The limits of this project do not lie in a 100-year floodplain. i 2.2.11 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities ', T'his special requirement is required for projects with a Class 1 or 2 streams with an existing ��� flood protection facility. The site does not contain the above-mentioned items. 06/11/2008 \ Page 2-11 Job#01-159 /T�D . . SSOCInTES � Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report 2.2.12 Special Requirement #4: Source Controls Not applicable. This project is not a commercial, industrial, multifamily or a redevelopment of a commercial, industrial or multifamily project. 2.2.13 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control Not applicable. This project is not proposing to develop or redevelop a high-use site. 06/11/2008 \ Page 2-12 Job#01-159 /T�D ASSOCIATES � ' , - � T A S S O C 1 A T E S _- January 19, 2004 � I 1814 I I Sth Avenue NE Kirkkind,WA 98034-6923 Mark Bergam azs.s:�.sa+a Kin Count DDES 425.8213481(ax g Y 800.488.0756 to1 free 900 Oakesdale Ave �„�,�r�d�ssoc c«Y, MS 1 B Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: Sharru-ock KC Project # L02P0014 Triad Job No. O1-159 Deaz Mark: This request is to approve the following adjustments to the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 1. Allow stormwater uantit and water ualit treatment controls to be rovided in an 9 Y 9 Y P offsite facility(Adjustment to Core Requirement#3). And requesting permission to utilize the offsite facility as a shared facility within City of Renton jurisdiction (Special Requirement #1). 2. Allow modification to Land Cover assumptions used in modeling runoff for the Low Impact Development(L.I.D.)portion of the project. (Adjustment to Core Requirement #3). To assist in the review of the adjustment request, please see the enclosed project description, preliminary Technical Information Report, Preliminary Plat Map submittal and a Low Impact Development Demonstration Project Repori. Project overview: The project proposes to create 118 single-family lots on an approximately 34.5 acre property. Approximately 30.5 acres will be developed, with the remainder left as protected wetlands and associated buffers. The site is north of 128th St. SE, west of 148th Avenue SE in King County, 1�Vashington. The portion of the site between SE ]24th Street and the northern boundary will incorporate Low Impact Development(L.I.D.) measures. The portion of the site between SE 124th Street and the southern boundary will be designed assuming standard development methods. , � � � � • • Page 2 ��� 4 Mark Bergam King County DDES January 19,2004 Two detention/water quality facilities are proposed; one located centrally onsite (referred to as the North Pond), the other located within the City of Renton Jurisdiction at the southernmost property line (referred to as the South Pond}. The North Pond receives runoff from those portions of the site designated as L.I.D. only, where the South Pond serves the remainder of the project which has been designed following tradition standards. Both ponds have been designed to a Leve12 flow control standard with Basic Water Quality. Adjustment Discussion: The first item requested for adjustment is to provide an offsite facility. In addition to the request for an offsite facility, permission is being requested to utilize the offsite facility as a shared facility. Core Requirement#3 states that all proposed projects must provide onsite flow control facilities to mitigate the impacts of increased storm and surface water runoff generated by the addition of new impervious surface and any related land cover conversion. Special Requirement #1 states that shared facility drainage plans shall be approved by King County to allow two or more projects to share drainage facilities required by this manual. This request is for the "South Pond" only. The location of the pond is at the natural discharge point for the entire area proposed to be developed utilizing"standard development methods"within the site(non L.I.D. poriion). The parcel containing the proposed offsite facility lies within City of Renton jurisdiction. The developer has applied to the City for a subdivision permit for this parcel to be developed concurrently with the King County parcel. In the event that engineering plan approval within the City of Renton is delayed, a grading permit or eyuivalent will be obtained to construct the pond and conveyance lines. The City of Renton has adopted the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual with the same Level 2 detention standard and basic Water Quality standard for the site. The assumed land cover for the design of the pond has been calculated based on maximum zoning impervious coverage. An existing drainage pond is located at the south east comer of the south parcel. The area tributary to the existing pond has been accounted for in the new design. In addition to the designed volume, a conservative factor of safety has been applied. The flow control facility was analyzed and designed using KCRTS as approved by King County and the City of Renton. Water quality will be provided using a basic wetpond design. Benefits to the public are as follows: Page 3 Mark Bergam King County DDES January 19,2004 • Maintenance costs for a single facility are lower than maintaining two facilities. � The existing detention pond in the south east corner will be incorporated into the design of the shared facility with upgraded detention standards. • In addition to savings in pond maintenance, the conveyance system maintenance will be streamlined since less pipe and appurtenances will be required. Also, a bypass system to a second pond is eliminated. The second item requested for adjustment is to utilize modified land cover assumptions for the Low Impact Development portion of the site. This request may be broken down into three subtopics. A. Effective impervious assumptions used in modeling roofs. � B. Modeling of landscape as "pasture"in sizing detention volume (due to use of amended soil). C. Utilization of a modified land cover runoff coefficient in the water quality volume calculation (V�)- A. The average proposed lot size within the portion of the site is 5,000 square feet. The maximum impervious coverage allowed per zoning is 55%, providing 2,750 square feet of impervious area per lot. Of this azea, driveways and patios account for an estimated 500 square feet. Runoff from the remaining roof area(2,250 sf/lot) is proposed to be modeled using modified land cover assumptions. The 1998 KCSWDM allows the use of"effective impervious area" in modeling existing rural residential development, or where dispersed flow paths exceed 50 feet in urban residential development. In addition, the manual cites use of projects utilizing roof downspout controls as a flow control BMPs. Standard subdivisions with this size lot typically include only a perforated stub averaging ten feet in length and are not able to utilize any flow control credit. 1'his project's roof drains have been designed with perforated pipe having lengths of 25 to 40 feet. The perforated pipe will be encased in an envelope of drain rock and amended soii,which will increase the soil/water contact area providing additional opportunity for infiltration. The majority of the perforated pipes will be directed to bioretention swales to increase the flow path significantly over traditional closed pipe conveyance systems prior to entering the detention facility. The lots that do not have their roof runoff directed to bioretention swales either discharge to a wetland providing • Page 4 � - Mark Bergam King County DDES January l9,2004 recharge with dispersion facilities located at the end of the perforated pipe, or are provided with additional length of perforated pipe to connect to the grassed swales conveying street drainage. Given the increased opportunities for infiltration and lengthened flow travel times Yesulting with this proposal, modeling the roofs as 50°/a till grass/ 50% impervious is an appropriate cover assumption. Benefits to the community are as follows: • Increased soiUwater contact time to mimic the natural function of the pre-developed watershed. • Increased areas of open space between back yards with a more naturalistic appearance. • Increased time of concentration for the storm water to reach the detention facility, therefore reducing th�peak flow and decreasing the size of the facility to be maintained. B. This project is requesting approval to model the required detention volume for the norih pond using a modified developed land cover classification for pervious areas. The current cover of the site is a pasture condition. In the developed condition, pervious areas are typically modeled as "grass". This project proposes to utilize the King County Runoff Time Series to model the pervious areas as "pasture"due to extensive soil amendment. Amended soils I promote runoff absorption, storage and infiltration. Soil amendment has been documented to decrease peak runoff rates and volumes by increasing the time of concentration,thus justifying a decrease of the curve number for a given hydrologic soil group when modeling runoff. Given the depth and degree of soil � amendment proposed, the developed pervious condition of the site more closely simulates a pastured condition than that of a grassed condition. Amending soil to decrease runoff has been studied and documented not only in the Puget Sound Area,but throughout the nation. Hydrologic Response of Residential Scale Lawns on Till Containing Various Amounts of Compost Amendment, by Kosti,Burges, and Jensen, 1995 showed that�beneficial effects on rufloff response behavior was observed from test plots containing compost amended soils. The plots generated 53% and 70% of the runoff volume observed from un-amended control plots; thus showing a reduction of runoff from standard practices of residential lawn construction. • Page 5 Mark Bergam King County DDES January 19,2004 Several Jurisdictions throughout the United States have adopted Low Impact Development Requirements. Island County,Maryland Surface Water Ordinance provides special performance requirements for mimicking pre-development runoff volume and peak runoff rates by using specific retention and/or detention BMPs (e.g., rain gardens, open drainage systems, and amended soils) throughout the site. These methods assist in providing equivalent runoff curve numbers (C'rT) and increasing the time of concentration to pre- developed lengths for reduced detention volumes and peak flows. The EPA published Innovative Uses of Compost, October 1997 stating that soil amendments provides storm water quantity control with attenuation of peak flows and decreasing runoff; maintenance of base flows; increases groundwater recharge; increases soil structure and stability and increases infiltration capacity. The publication cites results from a Richmond, Washington, 1995 study showing that compost amended soils consistently had longer 1ag times to response, longer times to peak flow, higher base flows,higher storage and smaller total runoff than un-amended soils. Benefits to the Community are as follows: • A more naturalistic appearance to the backyard conveyance areas. • Providing a media that supports vigorous plant growth without added fertilizers. • Decreased imgation costs due to the moisture retentive properties of composted soils. • Retaining the existing soil on site, reducing the amount of export thus reducing th� amount of wear to surrounding infrastructure. • Reducing the amount of surface area required for a"standard pond" thus reducing maintenance costs. C. The project proposes to utilize a modified land cover runoff coefficient in the water quality volume sizing calculation (V�). The project is providing basic water quality treatment per Core Reyuirement #8 utilizing a wetpond. Equation 6-13 in the 1998 KCSWDM provides a weighted coefficient specific to four soil cover types depending upon their generation of arnounts of runoff. Impervious cover is the most heavily weighted area (0.9)where outwash grass or forest is the least weighted area (0.01). The two remaining coefficients between impervious cover and outwash forest are for till grass (0.25) or till forest (0.1). The • Page 6 Mark Bergam King County DDES lanuary 19,2004 coefficient proposed to be used in sizing the water quality portion of the facility is 0.20. This coefficient is a hybrid between grass and forest, consistent with a pasture condition as described in Table 3.2.1.A of the 1998 KCSWDM Runoff Coefficients— "C" Yalues for the Rational Method. Many studies have shown that amending soils with compost decrease peak runoff rates and runoff volumes (see studies cited above). Additional studies show that compost has benefits in providing water quality as well as water quantity controls. Innovative Uses of Compost; EPA,October 1997 states that soil amendments break down potential pollutants; immobilize and degrade pollutants by holding them in place so that soil microbes can decompose them; increases soil stability, leading to less potential erosion; and reduces thermal pollution by maintaining runoff in the soil and on-site longer. The EPA also cited studies showing that composted soils had 10% less total Phosphorus, 58% less soluble reactive Phosphorovs, and 7% less total nitrate. This citation was obtained from Harrison, R.B.,M.A Grey, C.L., 1997: Field Test of compost Amendment to Reduce Nutrient RunoJJ`: It should be noted that for these reasons, use of a hybrid coeffcient to size the water quality treatment facility is appropriate. Although additional water quality enhancing L.I.D. measures are proposed (bioretention swales,perforated pipe,rain gardens), additional facility sizing credits are not requested. Taking credit for these measures would reyuire redundant conveyance systems in order to separate"treated" storm water from the"untreated"road runoff. The project is providing the additional L.I.D. features, however, the water quality calculations have been conservatively provided in a single detention/water quality facility. Benefits to the public are: � A more naturalistic appearance to the conveyance features located in the rear yard areas more commonly landscaped with grass only. • Providing a media that supports vigorous plant growth without added fertilizers. • Decreased irrigation costs due to the moisture retentive properties of composted soils. • Retaining the existing soil on site, reducing the amount of export thus reducing the amount of wear to surrounding infrastructure. • Reducing the amount of surface area required for a "standard wet pond"thus reducing maintenance costs. � , . r-- � Page 7 't � , Mark Bergam King County DDES January 19,2004 Please review the supporting material provided to assist you in your decision. Let me know if you require any further information for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, TRIAD ASSOCIATES Rebecca . Cushman,P.E. ���`� '• �� . � Kin�County Road Services lllvision Dc�r�rtmcnl of"frans��orlafion 20l SoulhJ:i�lcson Slrcrcl s�•:�ui��,WR 9FS104-3!)Ci6 March 19, 20O4 Camwest 9720 NE 120'h Place, #100 Kirkland, WA 98034 RE: Road Variance L04V0004— Shamrock—Relateci File L02Y0014 Dear SidMadam: Thank you for submitting your application for a road variance from the King County Road Standards(KCRS). You requested a variance from Section 2.03 of the KCRS concerning the requirement for a crowned road cross-section. The Shamrock project is a demonstration project that King County Ordinance 14662 approved as a low-iinpact development. We have reviewed the one d'uectional road cross-slope that is proposed for minor access and subaccess classification roads. The one direction cross slope on these local access streets will allow for an alternative drainage design with discharge to adjacent water quality swales. I approve a variance to al(ow the one-directional road cross slope on minor access and subaccess classification roads with the condition that slotted drains be utilized in the vertical curb to direct tlows to the water quality swales. A copy of the staffs analysis, findings and conclusions is enclosed. If you have any questions, please call Craig Comfort,Road Variance Engineer,Traffic�ngineering Section,at 206-263-6109_ Smcerely, �� Paulette Norman, P.E. County Road Engineer PN:CC:kc cc: James Sanders, P.C., Uevelopment Engineer, Land Use Services Division(LUSD), Department of Development and Environmental Services(DDES) Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, LUSD, DDES Linda Dougherty, Director, Road Services Division(RSD), Department of � Transportation(DOT) Norton Posey, P.E., Acting County Traffic Engineer,Traffic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Fatin Kara, P.E,, Supervisuig�ngineer, TraE�ic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Kris Langley, Senior Engu�eer, Traf�ic Engineering Section, RSD, DOT Craig Comtort, P.F;.,Road Variance rngineer, Tr�c}��ngineering Section, RSD, DOT gc9 � King County Road Services Division Department of 1}ansporLltion Trat6c�ngineering Section � MS KS(:-TR•0222 201 South Jackson Street Seattle,WA 981M March 19, 2004 TO: Variance File FM: Craig Comfort, P.E., Road Variance Engineer,Traf�ic Engineering Section RE: Road Variance L04V0004—Shamrock-Related File L02P0014 AQplicant's Presentation: 1. Shamrock is a preliminary plat Low Impact Demonstration(LID) Project with 118 lots located on the west side of 148�' Avenue SE at the 12400 block. The variance request is to apply a one directional cross slope for subaccess and minor access streets within the Low Impact Development�rtion of the project. The King County Road Standards requires a crowned road at 2% cross-slope. A vaziance is also requested for curb drops(notches)that convey surface water flow from the one directional cross slope pavement to the roadside grass-lined swales. 2. The design with one-directional road cross slope and notched curb.wiil allow for swales in lieu of closed pipe and provide increased contact of runoff with soils, facilitating opportunities for infiltration and water quality treatment and resuiting in increased traveI time and time of concentration. The natwal function of the watershed is more closeiy mimicked resulting in reduced detention pond size and thus helping to minimize the impacts of development. The project will utilize vertical curb on the roads and the sidewalks will be on the upper side of the one-directional roads so that drainage will not run across the sidewalks. The grass-lined swales will be in privately maintained tracts. 3. The variance approval will not result increased County maintenance costs because the swales are in private tracts and fewer drainage appurtenances will be maintained by King County. Staffs Findings and Conclusions: 1. Concuirence with the applicant's presenta.tion. 2. 'The one-direction cross-slope on these low classification roads(minor access and subaccess)would not compromise the traffic or maintenance functions of the roads. 3. The proposed notched curb should be replaced with slotted drains that extend through the vertical curb. Slotted drains�vill allow for a continuous top of vertical curb and no notching. , • � King County � Deparbnent of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton,WA 98055-1219 March 25, 2004 � Sara Slatten Rebecca Cushman, P.E. CamWest, Inc. Triad Associates 9720 NE 120`h Place 11814— 115`�'Avenue NE . Kirkland, WA 98034 Kirkland, WA 98034 RE: Shamrock Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment and Shared Facility Plan Request (File No.L04V0403� Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment and shared facility plan approval request for the Shamrock subdivision. You are requesting an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), Core Requirement No. 1, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location for an on-site diversion, an adjustment from Section 3.3,Hydrologic Design Procedures and Considerations and Section 6.4, Wetpool Facility Design, concerning modification of hydrologic coefficients in acknowledgment for low-impact design (LID) enhancements and mitigations. You are also requesting approval for an adjustment from Core Requirement No. 3, Section 1.2.3 to utilize an off-site storm water facility and formalize its shared use tfirough Special Requirement No. 1, Section 1.3.1, Shared Facility Drainage Plans with the Shared Facility Plan Guidelines published in a memo dated September 15, 1999. Our review of the info�nation and a site visit provides the following findings: 1. The proposed Shamrock subdivision is located between approximately SE 120`� and 125`h Streets on the west side of 148`h Avenue SE. The 118 lot, 29.8 acre,proposed Shamrock subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L02P0014. 2. The runoff from the northern edge of the site, tributary to both the northern part of Wetland B and the north-central wetland(Wetland C), flows north to the Honey Creek subbasin of the May Creek basin and is subject to Level One flow control. The remaining majority of the site is located in the Maplewood subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin and is subject to Level Two flow control. The entire site is subject to the Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. The Shamrock subdivision is included as one of the three demonstration projects listed in King County Ordinance 14662, signed June 2, 2003, to promote low impact development techniques. � Shamrock Subdivision/L04V0003 March 25, 2004 Page 2 of 5 4. Approximately two acres adjacent to the north property line are tributary to Wetland C and the northern portion of Wetland B which both drain north to Honey Creek. See Exhibit 1, Existing Conditions. The remainder of the site sheetflows in a west to southwest direction toward the southern portion of Wetland B and other hydraulically- coru�ected wetland areas to the west and south of the site. A wetland hydrology report indicates that for significant storm events (greater than the 1.I year storm event) Wetland B drains to both the north and south. It is assumed that the southern wetland camplex eventually drains to its natural discharge location at the southern property line and crosses under 128�'Avenue SE through a 42-inch culvert and continues south. Flows from the Honey Creek and Maplewood subbasins do not recombine. 5. From the SE 124�' Street entrance road north,the Shamrock subdivision proposes 76, low-impact lots to be tributary to a reduced-volume North Pond shown at the southern end of Wetland B. Please see Exhibit 2, Developed Conditions. Although most of the rooftop and backyard lot areas surrounding Wetland C will be utilized for hydraulically rnaintaining Wetland C, the proposal is to collect most runoff from the remaining Honey Creek subbasin area to be developed and divert it to the North Pond located in the 1Vlaplewood subbasin. The North Pond will be a combined detention and water quality facility and is intended to be designed with a stormwater wetlana. The allowed release would then outlet to the southern end of Wetland B. Because wetland areas south of Wetland B were filled, the wetland mitigation plan will require hand digging out the fill material so that Wetland B will reestablish direct hydraulic connectivity to the wetland complex to the south. 6. Site areas south of the SE 124'h Street entrance road will be directed to the South Pond. Sheetflow to the west will be intercepted by standard conveyance and diverted to the South Pond. Some nuisance sheetflow will be reduced along the western site boundaries in the south half of the site. Frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. Flows from the South Pond are released into the storm drainage system of SE 128'h Street. 7. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversions. 8. The Level One Downstream Analysis identified no restrictions or problems associated with the proposed discharge location. 9. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long term maintenance. 10. As previously mentioned, the northern 76 lots are being design to incorporate low impact best management practices (BMPs). The proposal includes all lot and common landscape areas to contain amended soils, that roof downspout perforated pipe lengths within the amended soil be 25-40 feet long and that nearly all pervious and impervious drainage will be directed to grass-lined and bioretention swales which will � ' Shamrock Subdivision/L04V0003 March 25, 2044 Page 3 of 5 signif cantly increase the flow path length to the stormwater facility. In addition, a rain garden is proposed for additional pre-storage and treatment before runoff is directed to the North Pond. 11. The proposal is to allow the cumulative benefits of the low-impact designs to translate into reduced North Pond stormwater facility size based on modest reduction of key hydrologic parameters used in the KCRTS model. T'his precedence is already established in the 1998 KCSWDM through Core Requirement No. 3 which allows peak flow exemptions for flow control BMPs and in Section 5.2.2 for BMPs that can reduce facility size. Specifically, the applicant is asking that a)the roofs be modeled as 50%till grass and 50%impervious,b)the amended soil landscape areas be modeled as `pasture' instead of`grass', and c)the coe�cient associated with the `area of till soil covered with grass' in equation 6-13 used for wetpool sizing be reduced from 0.25 to 0.20. The applicant cites studies where extended use of amended soils has significantly reduced post-development runoff volumes. 12. South of the SE 124`h Street entrance, two ad hoc parcels compose the southern 42 Iots of the King County Shamrock development proposal. Adjacent immediatety to the south, is another 11 lot development within the City of Renton also referred to as Shamrock. Both the southern portion of the King County 3hamrock development and the contiguous City of Renton Shamrock development are to be served by conventional conveyance and detention in a shared facility along SE 128�' Street referred to as the South Pond. This parcel is owned by the applicant and the proposed shared facility will be dedicated to the City of Renton. An existing pond along the eastern edge of where the South Pond will be constructed appears to be an abandoned pond which now passes existing flows from the City of Renton Shamrock site to SE 128`h Street. This pond will be expanded within the limits of the City of Renton Shamrock parcel to accommodate the southern portion of the King County and Renton Shamrock subdivisions. The City of Renton has adopted the 1998 KCSWDM for its storm water drainage standards, simplifying the design of the South Pond. �i 13. The applicant has submitted to the City�of Renton a subdivision permit to develop the I parcel and expand the cunent drainage facility. It is acknowledged that the City of ' Renton has review and approval jurisdiction over the South Pond drainage I modifications. This shared facility plan approval by King County is to acknowledge the accommodation of a King County subdivision's runoff by a Renton stormwater facility and the design assumptions used for the facility's expansion. The assumed land cover for the design of the King County's portion of the pond is to be calculated based on maximum zoning impervious coverage. The developer of the King County Shamrock subdivision will expand the facility to its final configuration. Both the North and South Ponds would utilize the Level Two flow control and Basic water � quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM since they both drain south to the Maplewood subbasin. Based on these findings,we hereby approve this adjustment to allow a)the diversion of runoff to two facilities ultimately draining to SE 128`h Avenue, b) modification of hydrologic � Shamrock Subdivision/L04V4003 IVlarch 25,2004 Page 4 of 5 modeling coefficients used in the wetpool and KCRTS facility sizing methodology for the North Pond whose tributary area utilizes low impact BMPs, and c) use of an off-site, shared facility in the City of Renton with the following conditions: 1. The release rates for the North Pond detention facility will be based on the tributary area being directed to the facility including the area of diversion. The release rates for the South Pond detention facility will be based on the tributary area being directed to the facility and the area within the City of Renton that the city deems appropriate. 2. The volume for both detention faciliries will be based on all flows directed to the - facilities at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rates will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities as specified in the 1998 KCSWDM. The detention volumes shall be sized using the Leve1 Two flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The ' design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. The North Pond drainage facility to be maintained by King County must be located in a public right-of-way,recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. The City of Renton will deternune tract requirements for the South Pond. 5. Amended soits will be used throughout all non-impervious, developed area tributary to the North Pond. Gravel encased perforated pipes shall be a minimum of 25 feet long and be designed to meet Figure 5.1.3.A in the 1998 KCSWDM for all tots intending to use the 50% impervious/50% rill grass credit. 6. All amended soil areas shall be located on private property and be privately maintained. 7. The attached "Guidelines & Resources"Manua12002 shall be used as minimum standards for implementing amended soil depth and quaIity for the Low Impact Development portion of the King County Shamrock site. This manual was established to implement Washington State's Department of Ecology guidelines for soil quality to � improve stormwater retention. 8. The accompanying "Field Guide" will be used to facilitate field inspection of the amended soil areas. 9. To document the impact of low impact development design; the North Pond's outflow stage/discharge shall be continuously monitored for three years starting at 75% buildout of that portion of the site. The data and interpreted results shall be presented � Shamrock Subdivision/L04V0003 March 25, 2004 Page 5 of 5 to King County WLRD Stormwater Services Section at the end of each full year of monitoring. 10. The developer of the South Pond facility is responsible for aIl costs associated with the implementation of the shared facility plan. Engineering plans for the King County Shamrock subdivision shall note this approved shared facility plan. 11. The South Pond shall be expanded/built to full facility size during development of the south portion of the Shamrock development. 12. Any proposed modification to the existing storm water facility adjacent to SE 128`h Street will require approval of a valid land use permit from the City of Renton. A note on the engineering plans shall state that on-site construction south of SE 124`� Street� shall not commence without an approved land use permit from the City of Renton. 13. The South Pond facility shall be inspected and receive approval for operation by the City of Renton prior to recording of the King County Shamrock subdivision. 14. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEPA or the plat hearing will apply to this project. Any additional storm drainage requirements identified by the City of Renton will apply to the South Pond. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements,please contact Mark Bergam at(206) 296-7270. Sincerely, James Sanders, P.E. Jim Chan, P,E. Development Engineer Supervising Engineer Engineering Review Section Site Engineering and Planning Section Land Use Services Division Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Kim Claussen, Project/Program Manager III, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD � . :„ r � � i � Surface Water Design Manual KingCounty Requirements / Standards Dcpartmeat of Development and Enviroamental Services 9000akadaleAvenueSouthwat Ad'ustment* Ren uest Renton,Washington 98055-1219 � y Projed Name: DDES Project File No.: DDES Engineer/Planner Name; � *'1 �(_ O� L02P�14 ���J��t Projed Address: Design Enginaer. hone: �3 C1.15�7Tt`�1 �-��-�1�18 AppqcanUAgent: Phone: Date: t 425-8�.�-1955 /-/�.p� Signatu . Date: ng �i me: �� � Triad A_ssociat�s Address: City,Stale,Zip ode: Address: City,State,Zip Code: I�E 120th Place Kirklarrd, 1�K1 98034 11814-115th Ave f�E Ki�cland, WR �034 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Piease be sure to inGude aM plans(T.LR.,if available),sketches,photos a�d maps thal may assist in complete review and consideration of This adustment 7equest. Falure to provide all pertinent in(amation may resutt im delayed processing or denial of your request. Please submit hvo com�lete cooies d C�is reauest.aoolication fortn.and aoolicable fee to the DDES Intake Counter,at 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest.Renton,Washington 98055-1219. For additional in(ormation,phone Randall Parsons,P.E.,at(206)296-7207. RBPSR TO SSCPION 1.4 IN CHAPTBR 1 OF TfiB SIIRFACB WATBR DSSIGN MANUIIL FOR ADJIISTMHNTS DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST: �Standard ❑Complex O Experimental ❑Blanket O Pre-application 1. Provide an offsite-shared facility 2. Land caver ass�nptiars fas la,i inpact developr�t cmditions APPLICABLE VERSION KCSWDM: ❑ �990(t��95)' C�1998(9/98) o '(Note: the term'variance"replaced by"adjustment") APPLICABLE SECTtON(S)OF STANDARDS: C�e F�irana�t �f 3; Special Req.�irar�+�t ;`�'I JUSTIFICATION PER KCSWDM SECTION 1.4.2 I � See attachments listed below. Preliminary Tedniql Inf'ornatim Report �o v e r L e t t e r Preluninary Plat I�p Laa Irpect Oievelcpra�t Pro ject F�port AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: DETERMINATION: �Approval �Conditional Approval(see bebw) ❑Denial O DNR/WLRD Approval Signed: Date (Experimental 8 Blanket variances only) DDES Staft Recommendalion Sgned: ' � Date: 7�� Condltions of Approval: O See attached Memo Dated: ' �� DDES DIR CTOR/DESIGNEE: DDES,Land Use Servfces Div.,Englneering Revlew Supervlsor: DDES,Bldg.Serv.Dlv.,Site Engineering 3 Planning Superv(sw: gned: Signed: ate: oate: L D �C�[��d� D F99!Eo5!SMOM-AOJ.�o� ��� � � ���• F96iERSf�OM3-S.co�•."2.doc 11;�1"+'S? cic ' K.C. D.D.E.S. Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report ' 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS Please refer to Level 1 Downstream Analysis prepared by Triad Associates and dated July 29,2002, revised January 19, 2004 enclosed. I � , ,i I � 06/11/2008 Page 3-1 Job#01-159 /TR�D � ASSOCIaTES �_ i Shamrock � Level 1 Downstream Analysis King County, Was6ington i Date: 1/19/04 Job # O1-159 Revision Date(s) �', 6/29/2002 9/12/2003 5/26/2004 Prepared By: Ben Rutkowski Schwin Chaosilapakul Reviewed By: Rebecca Cushman, PE Shamrock LEVEL 1 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS King County, Washington Prepared For: Prepared For: CamWest Real Estate Development, Inc. Issued July 29, 2002 Revised September 12, 2003 Revised January 19, 2004 Revised May 26, 2004 CCA S US F �w�; o ,ti�y w f� - z .� 7359 �' 1S'I'ER�� ��;V �/ S��NAL tiNG �0`1 �iREs»n Prepared By: Schwin Chaosilapakul Ben Rutkowski Reviewed By: Rebecca Cushman, PE Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................1 2 SITE....................................................................................................................2 3 UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS.................................................................2 , 3.1 Upstream Basin.................................................................................................................. 2 4 DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS...........................................................3 4.1 Onsite Runoff...................................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Offsite Runoff...................................................................................................................... 4 4.3 Downstream Capacity........................................................................................................ 4 4.4 Downstream Drainage Problems...................................................................................... 7 5 RESOURCES USED FOR ANALYSIS...............................................................8 5.1 Sensitive Areas Folio......................................................................................................... 8 5.2 King County Basin Reconnaissance Program................................................................ 8 5.3 Soils Survey for the King County Area ............................................................................ 8 5.4 King County Community Planning Area.......................................................................... 8 6 DRAINAGE CONCEPT.......................................................................................9 Appendix..................................................................................................................A Existing Conditions Exhibit Developed Conditions Exhibit Downstream Drainage Exhibit Tributary Areas Exhibit Soils Map and Legend, Hydrologic Soils Group Table Sensitive Areas Folio King County Basin Reconnaissance Program King County Community Planning Area Complaints Excerpt from Sienna Improvement Plans (6 Sheets) Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 1 INTRODUCTION Shamrock is a 34.5 acre site spanning both King County and the City of Renton jurisdictions. The total proposed project will contain 129 lots. The King County portion of the project proposes to create 118 single-family lots (74 lots will utilize Low Impact Development) on an approximately 29.8 acre property. This Technical Information Report (TIR) is for the King County and Renton portions of the project. The Vicinity Map below show�s the City of Renton boundary. The part of the site outside the City of Renton boundary is subject to King County DDES review. The site is north of 128`h Street SE,west of 148`h Avenue SE. The property is within Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Please see the Vicinity Map below. ��q I I ` � 70 I-qp5 9oC ''!� � MAY VALL Fy � OUNTY PARK �t^2 A l� o 2� _ S � SqOU �u �p0 Q SE 116th ST � Sf i!7(h W � � P ST � 90�; y � Q � � � D SE 110th o � ` � e h Sr � Q t o t 0 � SE COALFfILO � " 12<th y pARK ��<`�Y �� _ K! U,�LT ` '-^ � ` TO I-4 5 RE TO.N s`—`— —�h =� PARI(' � � � NE 4th SI R�0£ � `-Sl TE � � 4 � 5[ ��7�e sr I I ,,. Sf 7JJ10 CT I I � I I � i L I I I I VICINITY MAP Not to Scale Site visits were performed on July 2, 2001 and July 15, 2002 and July 14, 2003 to observe the upstream and downstream drainage conditions. The following analysis is based on these site visits and related research of available records. May 26, 2004 Page 1 Job#01-159 /TRIAD r-, � Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 2 SITE The existing site is a wholesale nursery with two residences and several outbuildings that will be demolished (see Existing Conditions E_xhibit, in Appendix). The site generally slopes from the east to west. An onsite wetland exists on the northwestern portion of the site. Slopes range from 2-12 %with pasture ground cover. The site exists within two basins. 3 UPSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS 3.1 Upstream Basin There are several upstream areas that are tributary to the site. Areas 1 and 2 are tributary to the portion of the site that is within the May Creek sub-basin. Please see Section 5 in the Technical Information Report (TIR) for detention/water quality issues. Area 3 is tributary to the Lower Cedar River sub-basin portion of the site located in both King County and the City of Renton. Please see Section 5 in the TIR for detention/water quality issues. Area 4 is tributary to the wetland only and will not affect drainage. Areas 5 and 6 were previously assumed to be tributary. However, additional topography revealed that it is not tributary. Upstream from the southeast section of the site is a development called Morgan Place which contributes approximately 3 acres. The site contains slopes ranging from 2-10%, predominately in the westerly direction consisting primarily of pasture, some light forest, wetland and two existing houses. Refer to the Tributary Areas Exhibit at the end of this report. I � I May 26, 2004 Page 2 Job#01-159 .\ T, ,RI,AAD � Shamrock— Level 1 Downstream Analysis 4 DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Refer to the Downstream Drainage Exhibit and Upstream Tributar}� Map from the Loken/Johnson Report, Sheets 1 and 2 from the approved King County Project L02SR037 and Sheets 10, 11 and 15 from the approved City of Renton Project of Sienna at the end of this report. 4.1 Onsite Runoff North Approximately 17.0 acres of the northern portion of the site slope from east to west. Slopes range from 2-12 %. This northern portion of the site is tributary to two onsite wetlands located in the northwestern portion and north-central portion of the site. The northwestern wetland discharges to the north and south, whereas the north-central wetland discharges to the north only. South The remainder of the site drains in a southwest to south direction over gentle slopes. Runoff is collected in an existing detention pond located north of the intersection of SE 128`h Street and 146'h Ave. SE. Specifically, at the southeast corner of the southernmost parcel of the site. Runoff from the pond discharges south offsite beneath SE 128`h Street through a 42- inch pipe. May 26, 2004 Page 3 i Job#01-159 IT ,� ��� ...= __ Shamrock— Level 1 Downstream Analysis 4.2 Offsite Runoff North Discharge from the north half(+/-) of the onsite northwestern wetland flows offsite to the north through a 12-inch CMP and a 6-inch concrete culvert and into a pond in the adjacent property. The pond discharges north into a wetland, then to Honey Dew (Honey) Creek which, according to the December 1990 King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio, is an unclassified stream in the May Creek Sub-Basin. The north-central wetland discharges to the north and connects with the off-site wetland described above. Honey Dew Creek combines with May Creek over two miles downstream (north) of the site. May Creek is in the Cedar River Drainage basin and ultimately discharges into Lake Washington. South Runoff to the south flows through a 42-inch pipe then into a ditch behind a residence at 14415 SE 128th St. The ditch ranges from 2 to 3 feet deep and then travels under a driveway via an 18-inch culvert. The storm water enters the north property line of a new development (Sienna). The flow is then picked up by the 36-inch bypass conveyance pipe within the Sienna development and continues in a southerly direction until passing the quarter-mile downstream point at its intersection with SE 132nd Street. From there, the flow continues to travel in the 36-inch pipe approximately 200 feet west on SE 132nd Street before changing course to the south on 144`h Avenue SE. The flow then travels south on 144`h Avenue SE for approximately 600 feet where it connects to a 24-inch cross culvert. The flow then continues to the west in a defined stream channel. 4.3 Downstream Capacity The Sienna project included the design of an upstream bypass conveyance line. The sizing of this pipe system was based on assumptions made of the upstream basin. These assumptions were made based on limited topography. As a result of more detailed topography, it is found I� that the original assumptions are conservative. Please see the Tributary Areas Exhibit I located at the end of this report. May 26, 2004 Page 4 Job#01-159 ITs� :....—�� Shamrock-Level 1 Downstream Analysis The following is an excerpt from the Final Corrected Technical Information Report provided to King County under Permit#L02SR037 dated September 16, 2002. Begin Excerpt Conveyance for Upstream Flows The KCRTS 1 S-minute time step was used to determine the ot�er�all flox,s tributary to the pipe system conveyance. 67.2 acres upstream area has been recently developed. Those areas pertaining to new development were modeled using the information obtained from previous Technical Information Reports. The remaining areas were modeled using approved Technical Information Reports, Aerial maps and actual st�rvey. All of NE 4`h Street right-of- way was assumed impervious. An additional 7.81 cfs from the 100 year outflow of the detention pond from the City of Renton approved project of Sienna was added at CB 4 making the total flows piped at 75.41 cfs. Please see the upstream tributary map. The following is the ground cover breakdown of the 159.43-acre tribi�tary area upstream and the KCRTS 1 S-minute time step printout. Till Forest: 74.94 acre Wetland: 4.81 acre Till Pasture: 9.76 acre Imperti�ious: 36.06 acre Till Grass: 33.86 acre Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:jan28. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- � Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob , (CFS) (CFS) Period I 20.50 6 2/09/O1 12:30 67. 60 1 100.00 0. 990 ', 14.40 7 1/05/02 15:00 44.13 2 25. 00 0.960 � 44.13 2 12/OS/02 17:15 25.62 3 10. 00 0.900 , 13.82 8 8/23/04 14:30 24.49 4 5.00 0.800 ' 25.62 3 1I/17/04 5:00 21.65 5 3. 00 0. 667 ' 21. 65 5 10/27/OS I0:45 20.50 6 2. 00 0.500 24.49 4 10/25/06 22:45 14.40 7 I.30 0.231 67.60 1 1/09/08 6:30 13.82 8 1.I0 0. 091 Computed Peaks 59. 78 50. 00 0. 980 This conveyance system has been designed to convey flows up to the 100 year storm without overtopping. May 26, 2004 Page 5 Job#01-159 IT ,� =- Shamrock-Level 1 Downstream Analysis Freeboard Tables from Storm Sewer Output Upstream Tributary Pipe System Catch�asin Rim Elev. HGL E/ev._ Freeboard outfall-1 410.00 409.08 0.92 1-u stream 410.00 409.10 0.90 2 415.80 409.96 5.84 3 420.10 411.96 8.14 4 421.84 419.37 2.46 5 428.50 423.27 5.23 6 430.65 424.72 5.92 7 431.32 425.43 5.88 8 432.52 429.49 3.02 9 433.00 430.17 2.82 10 431.25 430.88 0.37 End Excerpt Additional survey and analysis of the onsite wetland located on the west property line of Shamrock determined that approximately 22 acres of assumed tributary area to the bypass conveyance system flows to the north as apposed to the south. Therefore, the designed flows to the bypass conveyance system are more conservative with less tributary area. ' � � May 26, 2004 Page 6 Job#01-159 �T,�,� J Shamrock—Levei 1 Downstream Analysis 4.4 Downstream Drainage Problems i North � According to King County Water & Land Resources Division, there have been no recent problems downstream of this project. The complaints that have been documented are associated with downstream properties near the East Renton project. These complaints are over 12 years old. King County suggests not following up on any complaints before 1990 due to their age, development that has occurred, etc. Additionally, no complaints have been documented at those addresses for 12 years, so the problem most likely has been corrected. The complaints are linked to a private home drainage system and a private road washout due to no drainage system rather than flooding, or erosion of the large drainage course that our site will discharge to. Since no complaints have been documented at this location in the last � 12 years, it is assumed that corrections have been made as a result of subsequent development. South According to complaints compiled by the King County Water and Land Resources Division, several instances of flooding have been reported in areas near the downstream drainage path of the site. Problems of flooding and drainage in these areas seem to have been alleviated � with the recent installation of a 36-inch pipe system shown in the Downstream Drainage Exhibit. Details of complaints are included at the end of this report. i Since the installation of the 36-inch conveyance system there has been one downstream �I complaint. This complaint comes from the resident at the address of 5511 NE 2nd Street. The resident complains of the roadside ditch overtopping. Per conversations with Ron Straka with the City of Renton, this is not considered a major issue and the City currently does not have plans for maintenance. In addition, available topography suggests that potential over- flows from the Sienna project would flow east along 3rd Street to Lyons Avenue, then south along the west side of Lyons Avenue rather than further east to the subject property. A copy of this complaint along with photographs can be found in the Appendix. Also see the Downstream Drainage Map #2 included at the end of this report. May 26, 2004 Page 7 Job#01-159 �T ,RIAD � Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 5 RESOURCES USED FOR ANALYSIS Refer to the appendix for a copy of the following maps and figures. 5.1 Sensitive Areas Folio Maps from the King County Sensitive Areas Folio, dated December 1990, show that the site is not in a sensitive area with regards to seismic hazards, coal mines, landslide hazard, erosion hazard, streams or wetlands. 5.2 King County Basin Reconnaissance Program According to the King County Basin Reconnaissance Program, the site is located within the Lower Cedar River sub-basin of the Cedar River Drainage Basin and the Honey Creek sub- basin of the May Creek Drainage Basin. 5.3 Soils Survey for the King County Area The site is underlain with Alderwood gravelly sandy loam according the Soils Survey for the King County Area. 5.4 King County Community Planning Area The site is located within the Newcastle Community Planning Area. May 26, 2004 Page 8 Job#01-159 'I'RIAD „���. �. � Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis 6 DRAINAGE CONCEPT The proposed drainage system will consist of road and ditch section to convey the street runof£ Roof and footing drains serving individual lots will be directed to swale systems which will increase travel times, convey runoff, as well as provide water quality treatment. All conveyance, detention, and water quality systems will be designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual. It is anticipated that there will be two detention facilities. One facility will be near the western border of the site at the end of SE 124`h St. The second facility will be located south of the site on the Bales Property (reviewed under the City of Renton jurisdiction). A public storm drainage easement will be required to convey site runoff across the Bales Property to the detention facility. This facility will be sized to accommodate both the Shamrock Plat and the Bales Plat. The portion of the site between SE 124`h Street and the northern boundary will incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) concepts. The LID concepts utilized are amended soils for increases infiltration, open swales used for the conveyance system to attenuate flow rates and roadways slopes in one direction to decrease the need for cross culverts. Roof and footing drains will drain to open swales or dispersion trenches via a perforated drain pipe. This will increase the time of concentration to the proposed pond. Additionally, the public right-of- way has been narrowed and private drainage tracts have been created to reduce the need for public maintenance. The portion of the site between SE 124`h Street and the southern boundary will be designed using standard development methods. May 26, 2004 Page 9 Job#01-159 IT� _,�..rE� Shamrock—Level 1 Downstream Analysis � Appendix May 26, 2004 Page A Job#01-159 IT� �s�,��..�. = � rcusnmon, n�rr•�� tv, tuv4 — ��:<<torn I E: APROJECT� 159\ONJGFiles���nginee�ing Exhibits�LE'✓�'_ 1 ��G,'1-�9 i_% � r :,.��r,�,, P� , _ _. : : -- �* ` � � ���'�i ; - � � � � ' ___. �.._._.. � ' I i , , A� r...Lr��� _ '��� � � . . . - ` ' ..�.. .- . ��!/'� �'�� �+ .� �_ 1��.� 1 1 S�-:1�-T_"`T�;�� .�. .;,_ 1 ....._......... , . .� ��� � . , 1` i . -r- r-- c- � p; ,` '� � 9 ����� �• � �� �` �w�, �5 `, `:� l� 1 ' n E �� � �� 4 I' � � , � � ;,.__- � ;T �� ��w� �� ���NL� ; ;� � �. � ' 1`. . � ; I; � � ,�' �y „�� � �, ' �', , , � . �� �. � � � . ...... . :�.�. ;� �,' � ._ - -, Z�j� ���� '�'+�� ��,��t,`,It; ". >`��s\ Yt + 4` ' � ' 1 � I . . /. ' ;\ � \1 �� '�1 1 t��t 1 � , �1 ;�j a� � � t� `� } f : '�� . t y.s , � , , f;, , ,:;ti ,�, , ,,.� s � , a .•.���� � t � � ' _€ � r t � � 1 1� tt � � i t.� � i / /� � t �,. Q � � � � ` �� � E � j �. 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E���. '� ' �- . . t t � ' p .f . . '� —__ - - .II� � ' � � ____ ___:__ � . .', Icr . . A: ' 1-EvEi � _ ' 1- : • I �: �I ' . " � � • .� 1 l�p�. _ . . �� g :� ' I � • • • n . �T 3 42S ... - ��r;�;.+Er;r ��FAr,r:iri!� ruF�F SEkvn7iUr� SERVICE KI��tGCC�iIiJTYl1RE,A, ',vl+Sl{INC;I� SOiL LEGEND 7he I:rse<op:�ol lenei ;s rl.e:�:+�ol o..c ci d,e so.l..ome. A se o.+d co���ol Ic�+e., A, B.C. D, E, w F ��d-.<o�<: ��e closs ol �lot.e. Symbcls..���tio.n„ >I��,. t.�rs. rne�bose ol.+eo.lr le.rl so�ls. SYMGOL nnME �w..�o.,. .�,.�.,o� � �'7B nid....00d II so.,d lou..�,Q�o G Srb�e_........._... 9ro+e r Y pe�ce.+�slopes ---� nqC nld�,..00d qr�.�11r so.,dr lo�,..,,6�0 15 p.�«..�slopes Cw�rr, Po.;>A, aqU Alde.wood g.o�e��y so..dy loo�., 15�o JO a«<�� slo�s tt F PIA�r..00j o.,d K�,sop so�l,, e�y.irrp C:..:1�o....sA:p, � n�.,g a��..�e,nid�...00d..�o+s.�ol,O�o 6 r,.�ce���lopes• t.�.�C t.,r•,�s,Aldr.`.00d�+n�.�iol, 6 ro IS�Y.<e.�r sloces• �^cav�o�<d c�.r nn ..,...�s, E�e,en �no r �ol• Rr,<. o �o , ..o�. BeC B.ovs��e g�o�rlly so�+.1r Iwl,,,6�o )S pe�cr.��zlo�es Smoll po.4, �_n,r - BeD Eeov���r g�o.elly so�dr �oom, 15 ro JO perce.���looes E�.F B.o .q�o�.ny so�dy Ioo ,�O�o.5 c+•<..�r,�oo.+ •,•:.3y .,... ... Un 8.��..yw........ ...o... p. d�� sJ� �«��., 7�....s�:�,, o�a� 8� 8�<�I.y ;ii loo.., . .,—. . . .. .^ Cb Coos�o�O.o�hrs Sen:w G,.e, ly.:r.� , � ��< .c�I:..e. acno. f� Ecl,..cn�s.l� loom EJ Edqe�-.aL L.,e eo..dy loom 7e�^^���o��^e,no� f.B E••�.��9'0 •Ilr ao.,dy loo , O�o 5 re•cr.� slove� E�,C E�.��.��q.o .n� ,o.,dy �ro , S�0 1��.�<..,��ioc�s S�. o..b., , o� U.. t -D E-.�.0 g.o..n� so.,dy IM.+., �S�o JO n.�<..�� slcDei �.o.� w S« . . �o..� f --C E•e.ru.pid..�-ood9.o•rlly so.�ly ieoms. C�o IScY�ce�� alop'e � Bov�dar^o..v� � i..r. i.,d�.o�olo �o.,..,�I,... ao�d. 0�o a�,�e..� s�open � � i..�.o..oi� im , �..,< .o...f a ro IS r< <<..�,i..�..: V...�d S�o ea ......�,. .,li l.d.o..olo �mm.I...e so�d. Iti�0 30 e^�r�� :�c�.rs ;r�, r.�. . •�I. 4�,..,. o B��.c., s�o�»� 6,.:�d�..y>Id_en..,a r:. K�.��op s��l� Ict.�. R ro tS c��«••r e Icp.s �[.I' Y.� 00 s.l� Iw 1S�0 30 De�<�n� �lo�.�� 5�Aool <i.w<A. vr.d '. r ..- Klo',s a .•Ilr Iw,=y no..d.6 ro lt p..�... :loc»s - 8v�1C:..?n{L�w.., o .., h+bed oll� ol lo.+d � r. o o.- Po— ..y..,�yy'� ..(.. Il��iron.e�>9'ov�lly Ir�n..•Y s�nd. ���- IS De•�e �s�r�p�., T�Iro�.r�r I... . r•rK . tlr..be.y s.i� loo.•. lr�ll� .��A.. �b.•..-o. .�_ tloc4ao<l >.1� la�m '�:. No�..�o ao�d� I�,o�.. lo � o:l, ..o e e s; . '- C>c s �ea l«a�ed a �o�dTo•� � . P�d.o s�h loo�+ � r..0 O-o11 g�o.elly loo�., 0�o IS tx�cr..r .loves �•�O O�vll g.o�ellr Im�., IS ro 7S�xr�rnr:lopez e. �< Ha�[o^�o�o�d � f�.F Q+�oll g�o.ellr loom, d0�0 75 n.�e..r ;Iey�s Tebl��, sn:�:� I<�. 1�. F�1<1.vc4 loomr I,.re so..d 1'. P�t<hvcl.I��.�e >o.+d� loo.�. C�/.�.,.c.,�e.o�le � {�,. P.gn>�I.y<lor Iw�,. �. Hw::o�+�alio..r.ol � f�. P.,ro�l.•p 1�..� so�dr loom 4or .ec��e.ob�e �.. ��-�C Ro9�o����ne so.dy loo...,6�0 15�e�cen�slrpc. RoD Rog�oi line so�dy Ioo.�., IS�o?ScK,c�••� ��•.t�«: v�.�;cot cM��ol s+or: RdC Rogno��lnd�onolo oss«:o�:m, slop��g• pd.�.�ew �.oble. {:dE Rog.+o..i.d�,o.wlo ossoc;o��a.., n,cde.orely srrrp• Pe Rs.++on vl� loom - CFe<4ed npo�e le�o�.. Fh Rc..<r..o�A U�c tic<4ed s oor •le.c ..o Solol sili loom `.1. �m.nom:ah s�l� loom 44 Y.ortl.I.wcG ...� $ho Ic w mvc G ,. Si s�h loom .,�, S�oho.���sti s�h lo�.o . .+ Snol.om�sh s+lt loom, rhfck w�ioc< •orto..� �, Sv�+o�s��� �oom ��.• To7....�lomvc4 t b . �,bbo.,lond W�• Wood���:lle �tl� loom • Tti• ompos�tio..o��tiese u���s :s more v :ob1e�hon d,oe e��he o�M�s . ..,rh. .e . b:a ��Fo. FY..,co�v clifd r�ll.��..;6 io.,i .�,<� }-��. �h• _.��� od��.. �I �, . ,�J. �� l�:�1,I i�: t_ �F3�I;(1UI V.SI,Lti�T 13I'I Z�I�I:N �C S'S(}I1 ��I`�PE_S."�iND kC RTS�SOIL_'I�k P£S �'�� j `'•CS Soil Type SCS KCRTS Soil �Jotes tiydrol�gic Group 5oi1 Group -� ai.i�-��.��o�i {,��Q.��c, n��� --- G T��i Arents, Alder.vood Material (AmE3, AmC) C Tiil Arents, Everett Maieri�il (An) B Outwash 1 Beausiie (QeC, QeD, E3eF) C Till 2 E3eliinyham (E3h) D Till 3 Enscot (E3r) D Till 3 BucN:ley (Qu) D Till 4 Earlmont (Fa) D Till 3 Edgewick (Ed) C Till 3 Everett (EvB, EvC, EvD, EwC) f11B Outwash 1 Indianola (InC, InA, InD) A Outwash 1 Kitsap (KpB, KpC, KpD) C Tili Klaus (KsC) C Outwash 1 fJeillon ��JeG) A Ouiwash 1 Netivberg (fJg} B Till 3 PJocks�ck (Nk) C Till 3 ��lcrma (Nv) D Till 3 Orras (Or) D Wetland Oridia (Os) D Till 3 Ovall (O✓C, C�vD, OvF) C Till 2 Filchuck. (F'�') --- --- C' .. . -Till 3 F't�qet (F'ui -- ------- — D Tiil ----- 3 -- � ---------- - -- --- i i'uyallup (f'y) -- B Til{ 3 � Raynar (RaC, RaD, RaC, RaE) _ E3 Ounvash 1 � fZenton (Re) D Till 3 f Salal j:�.a} -- — C T�II 3 � Sammarrnsh (Sf�) D Till 3 � ; �atile (`•k) D Wetland — — Shalcar (Sm) D Till 3 `�i (Sn) C Till 3 Snohornish (So, Sr} D -�ill 3 Sultan (Su) C Till 3 iukwila (Tu} D Till 3 b'Voodinville (LVo} D Til! 3 Nctes 1 Where out�:rash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depih (<5 feet) by glacial till, they should be ireated as till soils. 2 These are bedrock soils, but calibration of HSPF by King Councy DNR sho�vs bedrock soils to have similar hydrologic response to tiil soils. 3. These are aliuvial soils, some of which are underlain by g►acial till or have a seasonally high�vater table. In ihe absence ot detailed siudy, Ihese soils should be Ireaied as t�U soits. _ 4. Euckley soils are formed on ihe low-permeability Osceota mudllow. Hydrofogic response is 3ssumed to t.�e �imilar to ihat et till soils. )998 Surfare lVaFer Des,en P•9an�.�al 911198 _ ;_LS �T ; rw.,.?'17\.Shww :1� ���k�• �,;�_� 1'9"".- _rv� 'tiT���`N"� . � '�`�'��I _ . _ _... - �... ~ � ~ � � � � /�./r j%.y n � 1 �r 7l �r'�1 ��,.� : �', � T-7 �.. y / r�i r��� i�� '� � d� � \�� `; �, .� � 1�'��t , y�, . .a � _,r1_\ ;� L �..����, ��\ v � I. � �' 't`,� '�`: � Ne �.;. � �+ � ,f �.. `� 11/.. �/'�. �� l � ir �n�i� ���r \�'�y�' r �'' � � �.'o _ �� �'�1�'",l� ��� ,�, �t�, L � .�� ���i�+�,,,;,, % y- � ;� t .��� {l�r;�, � l`" ��'�' i �--�_-°r � '� �� I �'� - �'v i y f'"y il i • ,� P. 7,i'� ,,1• ' , � �r }�,� ��� .�.,,,�. �!� � ,������ ,�(�si� ' � �4�1 �`*���" p�y � ��r:� � i �� 'l/?,�' E�`�� �'� - , ` � �%} � �,, '�!` ,rW ,1 �i�-�}f� v� ��t. `' .����l.`\� ¢� � '"�" `�_ � J�,.� � �� �'��� �r�� �i � ` � \� �}� �, .'��Nv���lf��r �S �f�' r t.1.,:� 1�� 11\.. ��4 �,�.�!i 'l �� •�. n�t'� � / I /1 � .�� �<a_�.;���r�'��' . 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KI�JG COU�dTY 's : r+��,��i�►��T� v r��A1�1l�1!'' �L7L�AC �f= " t.v Ivl�vl Iv� � r �'��. .�.i r�b..r-,.a King County �+►r ,�� � 1985 Y -%�� o � 2 3 s s 6 � e ►,�n.� 1: 300,000 Kinp Gounty Wator and[and Aesources Dtvig(on- Stormwator Se�Ylcos Sectlon Gomplalnt 8oarch F,�Inted 7l18i2CO2 n�10:45 PM �ialnt Type Type oi Prnbinm Addtvss�f PraNem CafNf18I1I8 �IU'DS PSOB rer Code 1993-0224 C PONDING 12217 148TH AV SE POSSIBLE SAO VIOLATIONlDITCH ENCRO 658J1 1995-0788 C DISCNARG 14328 SE 128TH ST COMPIAINT REQU NO INV(�,D THIS T1ME 656J1 1995-Q891 WQC DUMPING 12516 142ND AvE SE aPPARENT PROPERTY DISPUTE 656J1 1996-0880 WQC EROS�ON 14328 -SE 128TH ST 656J1 1996-1�01 C FLDG `-SE 1287H 8 142ND A 5E MAINTENA.NCE OF EX{5TlNG CHANNNFL 656J1 1997-1625 V�JOA BMP'S 14413 SE 128TH ST 656J1 Page 1 of 1 � King County Water and l�nd Ras�urces Dlvlslm�-StnrmwAter Soruir�s Sectlon �nlnpl8{�TI S88T'�Il Printed: 7/2?/2002 2:14'22 PM lelnt TYDe Type ot ProWem Addree�of Probkm Comm[�rrts Tbras PaQB .._er Cade 1975-�135 C FLDG 13921 SE 136TH PL SWAMP/SE 13BTN PUHIDEWAY HTS 656J2 1981-0197 C DRNG 13832 SE 131ST 57 BLKED 656J2 1982-0341 C FLDG 14005 SE 133RD ST 656J2 1982-0386 C DRNG 12608 138TH AVE SE 8 FLCG 656J2 1982-Q491 C FLDG ;4009 SE 128TH ST MIAPLEWOOQ HTS 656J2 1982-0525 C DVR 16935 116TH AVE SE @ SE 132ND/144TN AVE SE 656J2 1983-0353 C FIDG 13224 1447H AVE SE g56J2 1984-Q221 C DVR 140XX SE 132ND ST FLDG 656J2 1985-1010 C DRNG 14100 5F 132ND ST SEE 84-1005/TO ROADS 650J2 1986-01 D9 C D�NG 14011 SE 132ND ST ;URFACE WATFR �56J2 1986-0256 C 656J2 1986-0256 F 656J2 19�6-0256 S1 COMMIT�ED OkTE:1 ST QTR 1989. G56J2 1986-03A4 C DRNG 138TH AVE cE SYSTEM SILTED G56J2 i986-03A4 E PROB CRTD. 656J2 1986-0739 C FLDG 13323 146TH Av� SE WATER FROM SCHOOL 65fiJ2 1987-0255 C FLDG 14F39 SE 132tvD ST STANDING�^✓�TER S r�1U[) 658..�2 �Q�7-o32C� C DRNG 53323 146TNAVE ;E CO GIVERTED DRNG ONTO PROFE?TY 6r6�7 '-�405 C FLDG 13025 138TH i+VE SF �EE 87-0463 OVER STRECT 6�6J2 445 C FLDG 13837 SE 128TH 5T FILUfJG OF l0T 656J2 �_�/-0445 ER �LDG 13837 SE 128TH ST SEE 86-03A4 PENTON. 97 0707 656.12 1987-0463 X FLDG 13025 138Ti-1 AVE �E ON 136TH AVE SE 656J2 1988-02A0 C DRNG 14106 SE 135TH ST STRORM DRI�tN FAILURE 656J2 1989-003G C DEBRIS 14003 SE 132�ti�D ST DEBRI ON RD TO dET PO��lD 656J2 1969-0113 C DRNG �3852 SE 128TH,Av�. DRAINAGE OF NEIGFiBORS FILLlROAD CO 656J2 1989-0200 C SETTLING 13120 138TH AVE SE SINK HOLE IN YRRD G`6J2 i989-0461 S2 FLDG/DVR 14011 SE 132ND ST SEE:86-0256 YAHN FH I 656J7_ 1989-0472 X INQUIRY 14105 SE 133RD ST STATUS OF STUDY(YAHN STUDY} 656J2 1989-0636 X DRNG 14103 SE 732ND ST YAHN STUDY COMPLAINTS 656J2 1990-0209 C FLDG 14639 SE 132ND ST DITCH OVERFLOW/S70RM EVEN7 656J2 199Q-0388 C DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST FLOODING IN NBRHD E56J2 1990-0512 C DRNG 13600 138TH AVE SE CROSS PIPE ERODING RAVINE 656J2 1990•0556 C DRNG 13323 148TH AVE SE DITCH ENDS/DIVERTED WATER 656J2 �990-0556 ER DRNG 13323 146TH AVE SE XPfPE AND POND/DITCH ENDS 656J2 990-0804 X FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST COMPLETION OF STUDY 656J2 990-1511 X FLDG 14105 SE S33RD ST CAPACIT`f OF PLAT DRNG 656J2 991-0081 SR DRNG 14105 S 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 Page 1 01 3 _ _ Cornplatnt Type Ty�of Pr�hlnm Addresa of Prablfrn Camrrr�ts Nambor Cndo �P� �i-pp81 X DRNG 14105 S 133RD SF CCF#191-32/YAf�N STU(�YlFLOODED YAR 656J2 -0098 SR DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#SWM0124 PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 ��-0098 X DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#SWM0124/CEVELOPEP:IEIVT 656J2 1991-0246 C DRNG 14013 SE 133RD ST PLUGGED 656J2 1991-024Ei SR DRNG 14013 SE 133RD S7 Pi.UGGED PUGET COI.ONY HOh1ES 656J2 � 1991-0315 C FLDG 14011 SE 132ND DIVERSIONlCUL'✓ERT OVERFLOVV 656J2 1991-0619 NDA DRAWAGE 10403 147TH AVE SE STORM EVENT- D/4v FLOODING E35BJ2 7991-0636 NDA FIDG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCFf1491-32 NOT NDA PUGET COLONY H 656J2 1991-0636 X FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#l191-32IPL.aT DRAINAGE 656J2 1991-0650 NDA D�NG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCFi/591-2 NOT NDA PUGET COLONY HO 656J2 1991-0650 X DRNG 14105 SE 133RD ST CCFt#591-2 SAME OLD PROB E356J2 'l991-0682 C� FLDG 14105 SE 133RD S7 CCFtt 591-2 DUE JULY 656J2 1991-0712 NDA DRNG 14103 SE 132ND ST CCF#SWM 0520 NOT NDA ?UBET COLON 656J2 1991-0712 X CRNG 1�4103 SE 132ND ST CCF#SWM 0520 tY1ANY COh-1P 656J2 1991-0715 C DRAINAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST NEIGH�CRHOOD FLOODRJG 656J2 1991-�7�5 SR DRAINAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST FUGET COLONY FfOPAr_; 656J2 7991-0723 5R DRAINAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF� 59�-37 PUGET cOi_O!vY HorJIES 658J2 1991-07?_3 X DRAfNAGE 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#591-37 656J2 1991•0732 C DRAINAGE 14024 SE 133RD ST /LAh4B (CLA{R-1} 656J? � 1991-0732 SR ORAINAGE 14024 SF 133RD S� /LAti18(Ctlilh^) NOT �1L`r.F 6�6J2 1991-0739 SR DRNGlFLD 14103 SF 132ND ST CCF� Sb'V�:1-4610 i�JciT Npr,P �56J?_ I-0777 t�10A FLOODING �4?C3 SE 132ND ST CCF# 591-39 h'Ol fJGA PUGEi COLCNY 656J2 777 X FLOODING 14103 SE 132ND ST CCF� 591-39 656J2 , � v8'12 C DRAINAGE 14639 SE 132ND S� 656J2 1991-0868 SR DRAINAGE 14010 SE 134TH ST CCF� S�NM0279 hOT NDf�P 656J2 1991-0868 X DRAINAGE 14010 SE 134TH ST CCF# SVVhiC27?IPUGEI COLOt�1Y 556J2 1991-OSBS X FLOODING 13405 142ND AVE cE CCF#SWM•0854/QRA�NP.G� Ifv1Pf�OVEME 6ri6J2 1991-0882 SR FLOODiNG 13800 SE 128TH S7 CCFt�SVVM-OH52-NOT �\+DA-FUGET COLON 656J2 1991-0888 X FLOODING 13800 SE 1287H ST CCF# SWh9-0852WETL.��JD FROBLEMS 656J2 � 1991-0946 X DRAINAGF 14105 SE 133RD ST CCF#: 91-0822�GRANTING F�45Eti1Et�lTS 656J2 1991-1214 X DRAINAGE 14105 SE 133R0 CCF#SWM 1217/PROJECT SCHEDULE 656J2 1993-0179 C DIVERSON 137XX 144TH AvE SE POSS CLEARING VIOLATIOU 656J2 1993-1b64 C FLDG 14400 SE 136TH ST GROUND WATER UNDER ROAD'NAY 656J2 1993•1085 E DRNG 14600 SE 132ND ST CHKSTATBYCMDT 056J2 �993-1085 ER DFNG 14600 SE 132ND ST 656J2 997-0055 C FLDG 14105 SE 133RD ST PUGET COLOM'HOMES 656J2 997-Q055 NDA FI.DG 14105 SE 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 997-0055 R FLDG 14145 SE 133RD ST PUGET COLONY HOMES 656J2 998-0360 C DRAINAGE 1q454 SE 132ND ST APPEARS PRE GRADING ACTIVITY NO PE 65G12 996-0534 WQC WnSHWAT 1322a 144TH AVE SE APPARENT GREY WATER DISCHARGE 656J2 Page 2 0!3 ; � � CrmpleU►t Type �Y�of Problem A�iress of Problerrt f Comma�ts Number Code � ��P� `8-0534 V'JQR WQI 13224 144TH AVE � S� APPARENT GREY�"JATER pISCHARGE 656J2 0609 C CONSTRUC 14606 SE 136TH ST � CONCERNS RE NEW DEVELP CITY OF RE 656J2 0625 C STND H20 13741 746T}i PL � S� SOGGY E3ACKYARD SOURCE OF W.4TER 856J2 � 2401-0697 C DDM 13309 146TH AVE 5� 656.12 � i I � i � I ' ` � I I �i il I I � � 1 � � � i . � � � ' � i ; Page 3 of 3 I a I � - — — `� : � f?�ACE WATER i�1�lNAGcr�1ENT DIVI�IGN = ' � � O COMPLAINT {f�VESTIGATION REPOR�' � ,� � � De�e Fc+:'0: � IF OF COMPLAINT: r �(-xi l i�J1�- �= i � '- �n - ?J SEC LiTWP 23 RG� � LOCA710N: '-- ------ —_- `KROLL PG. COMPLAIr�t�7: �� ���'� ►���`-� �UNCI�DIST. _�__� . . ['f+Or%E NO. Address l 3 �-3 T � _ `r`�� }� Clt State Z� r HOME: ��J � ��-1 � -'l �— Y , P--- I WORK ��G�— /2/�_ , DETAIIS OF COMPL.dINT: '`�j'.-��1 ,-3 -�� +m S r i Z�' �c- .. �� �r. "� �-�r�_ � h.r,- �-� c.ti-��o._--•._T7 v� �-�.•.- , l� �` 1.� ,.., �.—}- l�-.� c �-.,.:.s�_ _-- I� � ,u-�2 �,._��Q 1.� �_ �r►-�- � � , . � �z�� �P� �,�� �� � �:���. �.� �-� �.�}---- � 1�..�-� �,-�� �,W�.,�_ ' E��� G�,� �,,.�-s � � .���� . �-��x � -�...- �� � y--� ; ��,-� 1�..9 �_-� �.� �-�---� L � t�.i t l (._a-.t_ I�-ti _ C��cL.� CCv G.,1�_C-� .._c_ ' r�- �.._ J . ' . -� � �l ..J-- 7 - ?; 3 v. G..l� ��{�t. _���� •c `t`-' �.._._�-�r.. �J.���j-� �o� �C c , �- �C (° c3 +� • ����'r�� � ��,..� �,„ �� ��„-_ , Ia� ! � ���! �' /)l.l���� "'! � \-�/ .C.�� __ � 7���` !�/'C�(���,�"-l.f,-�/ �. —_� / �O'�1PLAINT PECEIv- >- `'�",�-� ;,�J >�-.� n-.-✓---- EO EtY:---_-- �_----------------------------- LS OF It1VE571GAT10��: Sketch on reverse slde:Yes [�"No❑ Photo�:Yes i�_(Q__No C i - , o:.,�,�i•., - site 3-8-90. . - _ ___. . . . had been raining earlier in the da� and there� ti��as considerable r;�n eff at the time. Topo- yraphir. maps for this area indicates run off should flov� to�•;�rds the blofford property, and ditches direct tf�e flow in this direction. t�loffe'rd ha; approx 30 laads of fill in the north east corner of his lot. 7he lot to the north has� a ponded area adiacent to the fill _ Part of that pond drains to the west and part ove� tops .the drive to bJoffords house and drains to the east into the newly cleared area (photo 4) . �1 titi�as told hy Wofford that fill had been brought into the back portion of the cleared lot and the owner ditched run off to the south (photo 5 8� 6) , diverting it frorn the oriyinal drainage direction , southeasterly. �Ihis im- pacts t�lofford' s 5 acre parcel to the south of the nerrly clea►-ed area, and to other parcels in that area . Photo 1 } Looks south on 146th from SE 132nd. 2) Shows fill at the northeast corner of Wofforts 1ot. 3) Shows culvert outlet on east side of 146th at cleared lot_ 4 ) Cleared lot, Area beyond gravel is said� to have been a 3 'por�d before fill with out- let in s��aled background. , 5 Said to be diverted drainage f1ow. ' 6 Diverted flow into blofford' s acreag�_ �- - -- � �-o- , -- _ _.. _. .__ � -q )MPIAINT INVES7IGATED BY; ���C �4/ i DATE; � � ! 'C�� TION TAKEN: c k�La�, __Qa� a � Co tr...w--a>��� � � O�j ' � ani advised ot actlon possible or taker, by. Phor�e O Leiier � Personal Contact � __ _ .___--�------�-_..._._— - - --- .. . / nplaint Actlon Nandled By ' ' Closed: ps /2�C �� � OK'd: Neme Da�� Inldalr _ - - _ _ -_ _ -- — ----------------- I . . � � � h�� �`! t . � --- � _ r y `Y �� ' � F'1�41 t � � � "'"� �!1 ti ` , ti /�� � �'rS b �.B� ti � .� —;� _ _'� � ,l,�/ � '"'. l�i f -— _ -- --���,_ � — � -- r,i::\�� : ---- — --- -- � : l�_ �.��,,8�- '='� ,� --- ____ �r> . . •� `—�' � /� � �"L% l� �`�a / � � \---� J � � ��. �_�- i ' � � i � � � i � � � � ,_��,,2�1 � i�� ___�'=-- --�--- - ___r - _ � t __�__--__� ��„e' --� � � -�-- --- �� �� z� � ys ;;� �7; � , � � �— —_=-.- � , �� �- � � -- - - -_ - � '' v�.s� � < � �. `' —s � �f � � �' _ �l , �t � e�� ���d� �S ��}�1 ���/ .r.c�,t i (. � . � , I ���1��1� r.�D?ZAINAGE INV�STIGATIOI�T REPO`�� � L �� � I Pa�e z: iPJvEST�6�7�Or� RLDUE57 �, PROBLrM f�/1�}/,z/fl��G TYPF L/� I F Ned by. � �j�7"'lZ-� Dale: ��-/�� %3 OKd by. FUe Na ��� _. /��S- I; po lrDm: {PS.as. print Plainly iof at.�nninp)- (C�Y1 I��) Ntia.�E- ,B��L Q Coti.�n2 P�-�oNF ��G-���� .SDDR=SS- �p�9-3� /��/`1'%t�r Ciry S.ate 7�p Locac;�n of pro5lem, H d�tferent: / ' �// � �CNP.P.�E T SG—r ����✓d ��s7 : �/ ��`C�-� Je f� Details ol Frob/nm: �r� �7��f�—� �� L-��%/'Lii'/,�/.1J n.J% �f��o y ",c./ /'�"�7"z�'�'�-f � ��(o .� I Sc �3��/�/ ����-J3 9� ; � ��� � ,+v�=;U �7 �� � � �' �__ l / /�/ i((l ��i G L� F� /'v�QT�f �����-� G� �` � � , J�'� �f`'i l' '�_T� O�J�1 �?� ��_T �� � ��-��� d � � �-� i3z,� � - , _ , _� � �� �,r_J7 �,*� -��J�°/��/�c.'� j/ � �I C llf�l'lj S��� L� 7 � ����_� %�,P. C[I� '��� � TG �� o�he�- ager.cies invol�.�ed : (Give det�i��) ; 'e�;or,cdlmpecrs' � ?!O^Pni�C: Dc_�L'SliiPGtiF'7�:'�' (`` :`CCUrY�7�CES : ri DTT1 e ACC�SS r02d _ 5ep�i� system _J �utbuildings, gzraae _ � _ YzrdJlandsczping - _ O�her propert� _ S�Yea�, lake, ve�lar,d om.m cn ts: , t , i. . + ,� r�J1!�C��:�,�`.'�in���1.`7�h1�;Pr=rJ6�Yl'S7i.zr.:.�..-. .. : .:� .:.. ..:c,::::�.:.�-- ,_.�.,r,�:��.....�.�,� -..�.:.....,:�ir.ra a.l'�'�_�.�_;��;..'i.:.._ .._.._, . .. . .. - .. _�m:_r;��...a•_. � . - „->,7:L�..,..---..-i'.=.:Ea_�_.�:�a�l,'2���:�':,c.�r3'�+.b.. �cavon�rack�ng Jnfo: �v� 1/d S��F'? R�j Parcel No. p��?j/i� —v�•�;� i�•pe ( �A I'_o L�.n� PErc/'s�v � — ��sin �L/Z Councl Qisc�� Dln Ref/Chg No: � C�j�_ Field invest�caiion neeoed? 'I�t �zme: 6��1CK- L-Or?�r� r�v� -- 1���'�= -�F:.S 51o�ic No: Lot No: i rAkBn. �ssione� �o: iurned to on j : / Inh�ais: KROIL � I f 8ROS E�E�= (�� 3Z DA7= CLOSEL?: / ; / OK'd: OLD: .�� �s- I��Z.�I�'.�.GE I�VESTICJ�1"I�ION REYC)RT ~ F'���e ?: 1`JvES'IG,�.�IONRrQUFST T},Pe �_ PROBLEI�1:��}1�it���: -_ - RECE[VED BY: ��.� -- -- ----Date: �'I_2� 2_ OK'd by: I�! �-FrLE Np. ���- C��Cr( � Rcceil�ed from: (Day} �Z� (��'�) �� Nar.tE_ CGt-t Q( !J�'�P�ti'� _ : PNONE 7�► -LvIQ� �1 ��`� 2°�Lf' - -1 �l c4�� `�-__ �' -'7.����`__ ri�<.� - q 8��� ADDRESS: � h� �� � �r , Ci 1,"�h"i�L, Statc I�P I ocation of problem, if different: i Reported Proble�n; C�1_L F1RST � ('�'ould Like To Bc Piescnt) • ��f �-�r-t ti 1� ti1,ti,�� Yl� �' f o�- 1��s �c �� -�-,�I �n� , irU h[�� �5 nau� a. �-v`� ( � � -� � P�t� tivC�t-fr t,— �P �-f- {'l�G l.E �- �S�fc' �S b'�C�y �'�PII (,I �77L,t . � d,��i r✓1�� G-� `� ? � �-,t��� Ca�� ���-��. �lo +� �f��• t� j�tx�d� C�t-b }-t�,� ��-c f� . t�l . � Ir� �Gt r;"��% �'L ,� c,t�i'?«� ti�iDu4 c� a rSD l r lCe 5�n�u.�- �irr�rr�t�c=t���;-� � U(,- e n-r-� � �-�°^-''�- �il!-1 �-, i�� f�i� - ;t name- F3C:�.0�. l.cu r.-� �-� ��.e_ Lo[ No: �7 Rlock i�To: Jther a�encies int�ol��ed: No fielc3 investi�ation rcquired _ 1 .23 C�� _�-, � (irii��s) —_.:� _-,.- - , �-------�---��--r- --- -_�-- -----�---- � __ IO GF, CO?13'LETED Rt'COI»PLAI:`iT F'ROC,F.A�t ST:1FF , -- -- --- - --— - - �--- --_�.� - •--- - - - --, , - - -- ___ - ----- �,- ---�� ��- - ��j L`--'- --' _ - -- - %4 S T R i arccl No. C�`z'. `�� (t7 -Ot?'�•�" Kroll d10 E 7�7�.Pros: Ncw ��r"?� ��'1�•� 01 d 3 ��i� `� Basi►�-�L= __ Council District G' Chargc No. _ RESPONSE: Citizen notified on _ �-�� by: 1� phone ]etter in person �en"t ' ta � D E S - C?ra. d : r,� . Co n-�-o.�_� ; ,e�ti� d � ��.., �l: ,-7 , �10 . p�r�-Y, t s -F ' a �,, ., d -�� r g r a � ; ,-, � �..�o r �� P�s s - I�1� � „--�p U �-�' �o rv�e��� �,r o�zr�`,y. : DISPOS1TJ01��: Tumed to on 1 I by : OR: No further action recommended because: /� Lead agency has been notificd: � � �����.z-�/�>>c.--�� �n����-� S �,��3� Probiem i�as been corrected. �_ No problcm has b�en identified_ Priot investigation addresses probJem_ S�e Ftt,E q Private problern -NDAP u-i1] n�t consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WLRD Serv� ea _Other (Specify): , liATE CLOSED: ��T� I�� By: , ����C��c�� Complaint 98-0360 Meyer ' Investigata3 by Kobert I��fanns on 5-2�-98 ; roxima�el 1/2 acre.An e�cisting depr��si�n�vith I found tbat a larp,e area had been cicared, app y water is Iocsted at the south side of T�.Y parcel 08471�-0045,next to �4cyer's property. Some dirt and debris has becn pushcd into the watcr from the gr�ading work being done on parec•.1 --0045. I checked Sierra and found no pernvts for the grading lvork_ Clarence Weyer is tbe property ow�ner of this parccl. His house is on the adjoining parccl; hcuse # 1�i602. Iviey�er's property is not impacted by ihe «ork.,becai)se of the hi�er e1e��ation abo��e the grading. - �'r ,�' E�raded are�� � y ,^�.Q �^�..S_'r'�-c c� :� y� i��3 i���`.! 4'a '�, .� ,��s.'�}ttisir�. �Pe £��y �,i ,���, f `, t}�t�y� ks ��' i � — t ' Y > 4 ,d � 'X 1� r H, �t x`` 2�?� ��t �n 4c } �� . �4z� N i . �e.4y�+�K ��; J��,t r �� L I } .`� �.e �, s'f� € C'���.�� � £ � : C 5 � ;y �.)�. f �f t �.. ��` Ti..��*y 1 ,..�� �1f71 � 8, � � ...� �,- 4-� t t-,�� y} t r v �r� �. � . i �7i `9 . �! .���9 �� A-2 9,!''C � ` � �� ��> : f � �. �Y s �:� � � �g� R �,c � 11 y � } x ' ' ti i t�� �{� � n i � + � " ��}�� — y i� \ y "�`?Y } �� �.F .�'/, . �� �k \ ----- ---- G37a gt � , � � ,. � � � ,x , _ e�, Tax Lot � � � � . • ti '�'• ��2 r-,. � O84"f10-�1�1� /, LT� ,._,�,,«�"3 ..v,. i r ���n � __ � -- - - ` � -- �- — - - ------ - - -- __ -- - � `. 'e}'e� !Frop. Lines 1dF,02 � + — � `•Sc-�c r 1�1�53 � �v�rs � �2�� «n�. 12" conc. I8" conc. SE. 132nd ST_ J �_ _._ 1�"conc.. 1 1 i � 146th A�f: SE_ t t � t � y * L:�:�t��v:�cTt: i�ti � �,� � i��.� i ivi�c i�r.ru�t� �T`�,, � �P�g� t: I;�r.Tsn�,�noN RLc�t�sr rYpc `���-, FROBLE?�l;�V�=_�(�.��=F�<'`�. ' `,,i' �'�� /7��; � � r F�r���'ED f3Y: \�,�,0_L__�*�-�p/�A D3ie' � v l;� ��'d �V' FJ1 F �'O. ��. C�t�� :ci�'ed from: . "��� �` ,!' � (DaY) i��--_� C��'e) r--�1 rTA�1E: �� �� �-- � ,P ,�_ ,p}�o� ��s--a���� � , / / �_�- ADDRESS: � �p���f' ` ��ff��� ���Q�-ity G�/�J�� , Statc� Zip Location of problem, if diffe:ent: . Reporfed Probtenr: C.aLL FIRST ❑ (',�'ould Lac To k�e Presenc)�� �B�t� �i �c�u�2�Q���� . � �:��yoau- �vz�r �.��1cu���C�ce �i_��'r1 G��/l�G t�/2, �1v� C� :�-��`.��y' ��' L�k��?�C�t "���u��B �c-� "���� /Z� � L �� �C1 Lf�L� ��P`c3 Y� ,Cy�ua��. �-�v n s ���_� ��. � � f / � �, Q ,D ' ,�,�G� ���.� (��,^ `l�U�_ ���L� G�G��C%d'"� �f�L`P C2,�E' �� �-��'�� �'r, � l� c� �'� ���ftp���� ������� /�L2c:% L L �, �� ��-rrp �y���� � `-,� �f-v-� f�L��c�" �CI�IG� ��;:Gf �'�>� � . � � r c_, , (�-L,���' <r,�'�E �Qi2�����. `l�- ��k� l-Cd �cv� � f" ,��1� �C1sr 1��.� �J - /, �,�.����=.'-�v /�Q���� • �J:�� _ ��'i l %'-��'�t_ �� /C-�7�'�t� '�� - � /� ��_ �" ;�7- D s + i.{ —>c<>� �� �� ��� _ ��L�c�i��Fr � 9�-?C,U �����--� ! , Lot No. Block No_ f�-�� <`��,�!� -'�f�"� C�✓i � ll -me: � � , � ��encies i:i.ol .cd�t �� � � � � �'`!� k `��'��?{� No ficle3 imc;'i�a?ic�n required � (initiafs) _-_:_---- -_�-._ � _��--_ __��T--_ �r- -_ .�,-- _�- --- —- - �I 0 BF. CC'i1frLE7�f.p BY C'G11E'LtiNT T'ROGiZ4i�t STAFF -. -_�- - • � .� - -- — _ -- -=_--�- _ ,�_, -�_ . -_ _ � ---- _ :-�-- - —: i� C, � . ti 1,z ��_ —S / ��� S �r I'. Parccl i Jo. /��I �II _� r�3 Kroll �� Th.Iiros: Ncw ��C��� . Old �JCO� � R�cin l��'�l Counctl llish-ict �;� Charge No. Fs�or'SE�: Citizennotifed on ____ _ by: _ phonc ___ ]etter i���er�on tsPOSITrOrt: Turned to on _ ! / _ �y _ OR: No fiirther action recorrun�nded because: _ Lead agency has been notified: � Problem has been.correctcd. No problern has been idcntified. Prio{ investigation'addresses problem: SLE FJLF. M _ Private ptob)em -NDAP`Yvill not consider because: r Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Location is outside WL.RD Service Area. Other (Specify)_ �_ � �LOSED: _ � / �y: — ✓_ •- �_ . KING COUNT�"�TER AND LAND 12ESOURCE$DIVISION �/�� DR.AINAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT Y . INVESTIOATION REQUEST Tyge �� .._ deLEM: . . . .. � , � ,� , h' - VED BY� �te: O ' b ���`� Fi No, �. , . _ Received from:' " . . � /� , � �.�.. /� ' J: �t`, , . . ' (DaY) (�/�1 " �GVB��' ���. NAMI.._nl..�rf_1rL" 1��L�'�r ' r 170NE (���� ' , ' ADDRESS: � y� �!'3 . � ' State' '�� � � .� �'. �� Cli}/ Zip • � . . , _,. _ � , ., . , . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. ,. _ . , LOCA770N OF PROBL,F,M,_IP DIPPERENT: . ��� ! l� �7..5.� � ���'Lh � - , �=r- 1��� � .:. ; rr4ecess Perm�ssion Granted ❑ Call'�irst (would L,ike To Be preseoc)� ,f��2� � 3'a°P� i� 2a�D� . � � �� � ��/ . �,G�.2 � ,C�e.� �9-�� arr,� . � a� 4-- �� . Sh-� � �^^-�t- . �� � �� , , a�c� �� �-en� � tu ev r�� -��„� � �. , Plat name: I,ot No: Block No: Other agencies involved; No field investigation required � � �r �:i r�-�� � •nr' .r{-,: -r' f . .1` y ��4 �E�1._.,l�' � � i t •'y�._I�:�� f `*� � � _�.�._ ..�_ 1/a S T R Parcel No. (D�L�_ Kroll�/D Th.Bros: New �S� Basin LCi�2 Council District� Charge No. RESPONSF: Citizen notified on � by; plione letter in persun r��s��ss � t..� /�«tc G�-��,�� nss , l� /� /�.�--,,� i,� Cs�-r� w� G,� c� �� �� �� /��.r�.��o �'yn--r� . DISPOSIT[ON: Tumed to on / / by OR No further action recommended because: Lead agency has been not'tfied: � Pmblem has been corrected. No probiem has been identified. _� Prior investigation addresses problem: SEE Fn.�# Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcei. Locallon is outside WLRD` Se ice Area_ Other(Specify): na� cLOSED: � j !o/ By: /���Ps.s Complaint No 00-0763 N� , Investigated By;VirgiI PacampFu�a Datec o , ,, • DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION � - , T went to the residence of Mrs.Lola Archer on 11/29/00 at 3:00 PM, She was not honne at time of the visit.-I.vas . able to spoka with Mr_Rene Treadweil (qeighbor of Mrs.Archer)who lives at# 14005 SE 133`�S�He is also - concerre on the daraaged gate and people entering/using the eavement as a 4aiUaccess which is locaud at the backhear side of his proporry. Mr.'IYefldwe�I showed me the damaged/torn down gate.He informed me that the Kin�county has installed the fence gate and showed me also drainage catch basm alon�g the undeveloped n�i�. Investigation shows that the gate is located at the south end of the culdesnc of SE 132 St The gste is made of aluminum grilU round bar and ettached to a wooden post(4"by�4"by 6 feet), �e gate is at the comer of 140`�Ave. SE and SE 132°d Ave. S�The fence gste is deteched from the yi!aoden post and bent Inquiry revesls that the accass road is not included in the list of KC maimained road. It is a dirt road and undeveloped and no street vehicular access, ,� TO RJD POND Trail Gravel Road N ■ ■ Damage Pence Gate DNTS ��. '�3ZPD� i'�'. � I -e__ ] 2 3 �fi a �� 15 14 Archer i �14004 � ��. �!33 R� �'�. �,�, Treadwelt � #14005 @° 1 S `' � 31 � 32 � �FL. ��T�1 !"�'. ' 33 � II i � � KrNG CDUN?Y WATER AND LAND R�SOURCES DIVISTON• DRAI�TAGE INVESTIGATION REP4RT � ��=-�� MVPSTIGATION REQt1�ST • TYPe 3 KECEIvED BY: � Date:�� OK'd b : T[.1�No. 2��1 - Received from: ( a ) (Eve) L__� N,4ME_ � PHONE �5 / � ADDRE : City State Zip (/ LOCAT�ou or• �ROBLEM, 1F DtFFERENr: Access Permrssio�t Granled � CQII F17st (Would Like 7'o Be Presont) � � � �� ' � C� � �����-'`-"' � , �� , � � Go .� l,o ��� �� � _ J / V, ��'� �/���' � r���� �� G� , 11./�'�/'c� �i3��--��/�,1•��� n�vl� .��� ' �� Ct�Y O � t � �. _ F �� � coPY Plat name: �,�5� � 3''T � �ps' �;'G?,,_�_ ��� Lot No: 3 - . :Bl�ck Na::. . ►��� Othet agencies involved: � SQ,�� �S :�'o fi�ld inv�;.stig�tion required _ ;5`'„:; �i: ,� - - - 3,��^+� v:.r..�` `l ..J.: � +t�' t /._�h� � � � � -___.-.�- -- - __ i/a S T R Parcel No.D��� j afl b'�7 Kroll�� Th.Bros: New '� RDP Basin ��. Council District�,2= Charge No_ RESPONSE: Citiae noti�on by: phone letter in person DISPOSI710N: Turned to on / / by OR: No fuithe�action rocommarided because: - Lead agei�cy itas been notified: � � ' Probiem has beeit corrected. No problem has bcen identified. Prior investigation addresses pr�blem: STsE F[LE# , 'rivate problem - NDAP will not consider because: , Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel. Other�(Specify): n4TF ��.�srn: � � By: : i-t.��jl�A�r, ttvv���1�iGATION KEPORT . tNVESTtGATiON REQUESt Type C L_ P Le ' Ei �av; �-$� Date: OK`d b : FILE No. 20�2 -Q e ived from: ��f'� �G'�T (DaY) { 2�) (Eve) �� NAME: �i(��f/� .f.¢Y C'Oo� PHotvE �s.�-SZ�a ZZ6-/�3� ADDRESS: � �_���� S� (3.��� City ��=�r�y State �� Zip p�Q� LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIPFEP.EN7: Access Permission Granted � Call Ftl's[ (Would Liko To Be Present) ❑ � ,SC� /�Ti���ED C C.��� � ,�D�'oz ���G-�T�o . �O /� �iC�� �%L C./itiG Q�C/ /1iJ.�. G�Oc�� :S ��yC C- ��� E C Op �t ( �� � � • �e= � "���� L.at No: Block No: ��� Other a encies involved: • No field investi�ation r uired ' �� /� s �r{,�y� �y� ' s. ♦r_��p.. . t� r �h[ta.1n� � � � , � .. �.. {;��. E�1'�:����t!P:� �� i0.! Y J '��-'�±':�';°�4K.r J�ey� #�'t:t �� J'r�. _�Y ��r• . - 4_..� `�`i'.i/.t.. �k`l�t'�-I. . � S� �/4 S T R ParceI No._�p�a.$(����56 Kroll,�_ Th.Bros: Nsw RDP,� Basin f�_ ^ Council Dis�ict��_ .Charge No. � RESPONSB: Citizea notified on � by; phone letter in person . � � . . � • ' . • ,.�.,�� . , ,�..�.�. . . . • , _ . ':f,a;�.;:.'�:.• ' - : , . . (�, fiT���,� �irl� s . 11SPOSTTION: Tumed to on / / b ' OR No fuither action ieeommended becausec�:�„� = - `,,, Lead agenc has be y - , . ,. _'.��`Jf�^ ��. y en not�od: . �"' �;���. ,:, _ Problem has been comectad. Na problem has been identified. Prior invcstigstion addreS,se"s problom: '_ • . _. . � . SEEFII.E# .t,:;:,�t:rL�;,�,J�, ` •°;��;'_ '. - ct < �r. :.:. Private roblem _ - . - � � ,_���'`"�j ;�,:. ;�+� . _ p -NDAP will not consider because: � �, ; '," ;, . . r-;;; �r .. . . . ,�_., . �, �.,;,_...,,..::.: ,, � � � W.atec originates onsite attd/or on neigIiborictg parcel.�. . . ;`".��`. r . �� . • . . . . � . . '. .(�}� :►`�.p;�.���R N� ''Y+'+' . ��i .�'f�.T �c . • . ... . . .: ....l,�,i., .,,�Jr'.'. , • : . �. • ,. .. � . �;��"�"iPir�SY^,��'�f'4t5�{�4'.::�)~ • . �*, � D: ;�• '";;y �,� N : ��.�. �.•`' � ' „ .., . , ,. :•,x �s' y,�;,��3>-,;.�:, , , • . �a..�./►SE ��'��c:'�-r�•:=;'�.�By. , :,,.�:�:a; •,�,,.",F��,''.�`'t.,�. ....*'. ; •t �•y��r;: `��,. .,t ` - 1 � -•y 'T . • , .. . .�r� �'f�' ,�'i�� , . � . .. .'�:' r..z�..��'� .�: ^ . . '` . q.': .` _ f,�'", ; .�••«. '.► -�i -,, . . ... �J „-n��.:1p�'t.' � , . ... r.. ;J:�� `�i• � 'P'� .�" ' ' ��' .. ' ' ' . � � l��.f. � �.. . . • . �=.r. . ':t . 'Y����'.�• :i� •• ���� 1• i`� .':�i1�� �T�� - .. •• . .; .�. 'Y� ',{� . j�F'�.���. . . . . . , i �`.;`�. . . . ' �. ' • • . ' . . � . �•.�• ':� � • : • ,��� r.. 'i•` r�. ..� � ' Drainage Problems Start Date problem strladdr eross street 1��23;'ZU03 >j]I NI? 2nd St L�.�ons rlve N1� Category minor Description frum Mr. Brad Pugsley:it 551 1 NE 2nd Sireet: �(he comer lot JE of the intersection�aith Lyons Ave NE. Reportedly the open ditches to the South of the intersection have capacity problems. The property at 551 1 NE 2nd St.has experienced floodin�. }Ie was not payine sturm��-atcr hill bccausc ofditch iloaling Investigation Status ', active First Name Last Name House number Address Street I3rad Pueslc� �51 I NF.2nd S� City Rcntc>n Fricla��,.Ianuar`� 16,2004 Page 1 of 1 � �• .•..a• ,' r.:.�'`:: � as.,� �-Y ,.�4�� C�����q°�iS�.�R ��d. �v'� �.��•, i� � .y ! Y" i � �r - �.+�„r:.. � w�`� s �f y t�+ _'y'eN �.�'.p � � 41� �1:�},W,'E� f . s t f� .' r ^::.... t ro:<.s �, , � � 'r .+. �"'n' k. _'; " -1".id�•r e� �t+aa 1.��fc^lY �Y � llr� � � � • . a �"r. i ♦ • `�lr ''it�wy Eii�:;:'� ti.�., ti.. a 4 �. �..,. 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GRlVARY COVIRQ POW fS M:D A/'•�ccewvr YQMJ1KNf FOAACWS YfXE c /MG KAYAPm V771ILNG QOBAL PQDA0�6�C SYSILY(CPS)SIdPLfY - i t[�oou[s usNt�[ru 9r asau[aw�vr. rnvui¢rn rosianvs w�r King County ConearvcUon Dls4kt ME]Pf A1DT 0.9£C7YEMSE7PKD(/fiNG LFS SVRKY/FOWX7lCS IK7�'7YD N o t i c e R e y u i r e d _ } � lYIO CK CYXITR�0.A7N75 U�l[ID.YG IOCA QfCiR�'lC IOlAI SGiN.WS i➢P fiE Y£ASVALI/A'I(Y BOM ANGlL3 MtD pSTM'(IS R45 F/Rl2l' . �ItFrs ov[z¢iDs nn sr.v:u.WnS 5[7 9r wuc su-r.to-osn canvact»a�w7,war ov��.eo man�dn werlyowa uuur nnw In Matarlds Englnex M.a..e a wwo.ea..ea.oew�>ew.�a ot i.o.�ao w.m..�aor,w� 3 . not mar+tlw�ten+^rl.f'N da1+Wlor eo oommnonwnt er�.co�aUm x aa�aui ecnxw�.wK: a«�w.e�w,ti a�..+u�we�nu.,a ra...aa��.vh �• ahe. � y am cr�nw-�ur-�s-i/a'a�awco ee�ss asc ww�nx+a or w.�.,oe«;"`or�na.rwa.r�emr��,..ti nu.��i 000w wo. Q F . �Lw�c av ccNvee�r srRcrr s.ar.KY�r wt mvsmucrto m.«.unb«.�.w d.e b.w.a ta,.rv.N a,.mra.�<r ow�aw+.. _ NIFRYLAOY A�NE ITH SI71fET(Sf IHM SIPEE»t/IOA/A1[1121E SE. HEY.�J%519 �W�kW. 7 srcdaurr e&vaau�vcs urr or�rcwra/a�w��ur acMw tv��z-mn on�n awemvrrw � U LEGEND �-A-iG^(X A RNlROAO SA'KE 1.20'AB01£4R07M77 W 1hE IESI WA1FR dl1111CT N0.IO 1MATFq wo,�....,�y..F�wr« v.wc��w�cu axc N/�nt nta�c mc¢wsr soor s.ucan s..�a wa.. i a,,,�,,,�,,,F�,.,�,,,�,„�,„„m��„�„". APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION Y --ea.�nwr �wrs mr sw�awis Po�ex ro nars�I��wa owfer arw artar scn►r r��iwo Dept. Development k Eavironmenlal Servlcoa eer ue ..—..—siruc av aTa+ �-�� rd,p.a,. man-o�-iwr —•---rwro mv�-rcra��Ru.eaos�oc�r.ar�eararana�rncwaam- King County, Washington cvrmt na[�tua uc ..-�rnw�n ec►rrx FASi fA/Z fY A AOMQ F'QfE LQG/fD N A£9WIH Mf57 ---t7FHiB1 Ud C�OO ROiOK/IY OUMFAvi[I�11Q or&.RSE�naY c1�SE�.taD SrR[FI• L�T�aw e'iwar t� � ---� � v�va�as[o au�c r�u�x �a�asssc �rxr I.nnp u�ssac cw aa�a�y o 3 --n�o----w'�TMo an'^xnts�� ��ouo r�exo• ��_-•.re..r_av� . -�����s{��,,,,—� - � O ----ns----t aosw+v aa+wua Q msmr a��n r oo�w�r y� � Date � aturo O O awen.uo � oasmrc www.r SNEET INDEX ea e.ror.rw oi9 a,u-n-ac t-eao-w�-nss :i � u`� � ��m�� � MG^OffO ASiINIT VAIEIfFHT 1 COVER SHEET � 2 STORM ORA/NAGE ANO ROADWAY Notes °' °' 3 � �O�� IMPROVEMENT PLAN � � Z 3 TRAFf/C CONTROL PLAN �,in.o.y.i�..i...yurw e,n,ary u»u�w u..a.n�c«w�abn, g� cawO�v xoyes CawvANY lu6l�ss-a2lo � � � PRQPOSED sTQRIf ARM�fA6F tana uw Yap.cum 3�ctin wrM OaP Mbr b tlw wMMrq a�^^�b^ o e o Mane Phone z z - - -----s��w snac�m►rr�x K/Y+'scxwcc 1 DETAlLS AHD NOTES ���ow..�o.�a w«a�wr�w••c x.v«aw+ � � SE1Bf SERIK'E �Od.9E MR1P ME7FR M/I•SFANQ A In�td6iy o!Mtdlon aN�wlen con4al mnwn� ���S IN fOIfH AYE l�9ufl�YQt,RQLEW/� WA DBOOI T U T NOTE YOU IKlST CALL 1-800-4P4-5S55 a a.a�ey�e y�,�eetia ❑�u Aaer��W pv Coa� '> � c -----s)nwr aP.w npc � .uejwe ae�ur iae.�r NOT L£SS 1HAN�8 NOl1RS BEFQR£BEpNNINC a ww�pb�a���ar�o�.w w�r rpaa ' � � q -II00�f WOINB ORAN KOI O'F EXCAVA7IQN IMIERF ANY lX�IERQQOUA�UTlU71ES F.N�tatle0en oi any t�m�'u r W�9 a7 ww�t� ❑A P�arinarahfp Q Ci U g • snvr wwaE N aa w�uc AIAY 8f LOCATED. 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N01E CATGI��A9NS HAVf B£FN S/ZfD t0 C,1Tpl @AS�N R/MS AR£Q10'OEPRESSED JN FLOW ORIYFWAIS 10 B£lNSTAlL£O. � MEff CU�fNT CYIY AND WSDOi A!lNfM!/M WALL UHE AS R£QWR£D BY 7H£p1Y OF RfNTON. . 1HICKNESS REOUIREMENIS USfNC ADS N-11 PIP£. � . , �: SEE SNEET 19 FOR TYPfGIL _ � � OADWAY 5£CDON. '� �' ��0 _ � . � � NOlE.• SEE SNEt'i 17 fCW APOHIAGE NOIE SEE SN£ET 2 FOR TIES TO �af W'�a6 fi� � � � � MIPRO�IS QY f�?NO SS�'Ei HQ070NTAL AND Y£R1/CAL CqJIRC�L ALL CATCH BASkYS SffAL1 BE . - ITPE I UNLESS 01l�RNf$E NOJER ALL I.VL£75 SNALL B£PER dlY e • � �iRnr.u.M�Wit-�uW Ba/HpP¢.Iu0/YDl A�RfNTON STANDMD OVETiUL 8-YG � iw b ? I p�YOfREN�HORVAPCIlE7Mptl! PB���lfALs�`r i g NIXDFG PlY G''RFNTON A(Q'kAKNiS G61P./�G57(eASE PCYWTJ NA GGRpa51 OIe Att S7aRM 02WJACE WPE g� �� . - - �� ATER/AL 37lALC BE P£R P!P£A s 4° owawc erHaw,vuc cnrcH e�sav sa�aFrcanavs L��/� e�s qi:vm � . . ' . ` .. � . I2.:`.'L•. 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The 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) does not require the use of a factor of safety, yet one will be applied as a conservative measure. A combined detention/wet pond will be used for water quality treatment. The facility will be designed using sizing criteria from the 1998 KCSWDM. The King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) program was developed as a h}drologic modeling tool for western King County. The runoff files have been pre-simulated for a range of land cover conditions and soil types for different regions of King County using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's HSPF10 model. The HSPF10 model was calibrated with regional parameters developed by the U.S. Geologic Survey and King County Basin Planning. The KCRTS program simulates the project hydrology through the scaling, summing, lagging, and level-pool routing of runoff files. The KCRTS program includes a group of analytical tools to provide statistical data on the generated time series files. The KCRTS Level 2 standard requires the project to maintain the developed peak release rates at their pre-developed peak runoff rates for the 2-year and 10-year storm events. In addition to matching peak runoff rates, durations to pre-developed durations for the range of predeveloped discharge rates from 50% of the 2-year peak flow up to the full 50-year peak flows will be matched. The KCRTS modeling is summarized in the following sections. ', The scale factor for the site is SeaTac 1.0 (See KCSWDM Figure 3.2.2.A - Rainfall Regions I and Regional Scale Factors, at the end of this Section). There will be two separate detention/water quality facilities. The detention facilities are designed per Section 5.3.1 - Detention Ponds, of the KCSWDM. The onsite conveyance ', systems will be tributary to the ponds. The proposed detention facilities will also contain I basic water quality treatment with the use of a constructed wetland for the north facility and a I� basic wetpond for the south facility. The water quality is designed per Sections 6.4.1, 6.4.3 I 06/11/2008 Page 4-1 Job#01-159 � Ts��� � � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report and 6.4.4- Wetponds Basic and Combined Detention and Wetpool Facilities and Stormtivater wetlands. 4. 1 North Pond The North Pond receives runoff from the portions of the site depicted on the Developed Drainage Basins Exhibit, located at the end of this section. This includes the out parcels located on the west side of 148`f' Avenue SE. In the developed state, there aze two areas that are allocated to provide wetland recharge. These areas are labeled as Rechar�1 and Recharge N2 on the exhibit. Recharge N1 includes the entire area of lots 80-81, 85-88 and 100-104. Recharge N2 includes lots 72-79 and will direct runoff to the wetlands to the west, with the exception of the drivevvays, which will drain toward 144`h Avenue SE, then to the detention pond via the conveyance system. In both cases roof and footing drains will collect runoff and convey it to a backyard dispersion trench. The runoff directed to the wetland areas will be used as wetland recharge. ', Predeveloped North Basin �', The predeveloped condition has been modeled based on the existing conditions of the site. I The onsite existing ground cover is Till Pasture. The portion of 148`h Avenue SE that will be improved has been modeled as impervious in the predeveloped condition. The land cover associated with the out parcels has been calculated based on zoning regulations for maximum impervious coverage. The existing ground cover characteristics and resulting flow is listed in the following table. Existing Impervious Pavement(148�h Ave SE) 0.19 acres Existing Structures 0.23 acres Till Pasture 17.38 acres Total 17.80 acres 06/11/2008 Page 4-2 Job#01-159 /TR�D , �SSJCIATES � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report The following is the KCRTS Output Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exist.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.27 2 2/09/O1 18:00 2.29 1 100.00 0. 990 0.523 7 1/05/02 16:00 1.27 2 25.00 0. 960 1.20 3 2/28/03 3:00 1.20 3 10.00 0. 900 0.161 8 3/29/09 19:GC 1 . 12 4 5 .00 0.800 0. 672 6 1/05/05 8:00 1 .08 5 3.00 0.667 1. 12 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.6'72 6 2.00 0. 500 1.08 5 11/29/06 9 :00 0.523 7 1.30 0.231 2.24 1 1/09/08 6:00 0. 161 8 1. 1C 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 92 50.00 0. 980 Allowable Release Rate Qz = 0.67 cfs Qio= 1.20 cfs The North Central Wetland has been excluded from the calculations due to the drainage flowing to the north and offsite. The drainage combines with the large wetland located along the western property line. Discussions with King County staff and the enclosed drainage adjustment provide an agreement to combine the developed areas of the North (LID portion) into one detention pond. Recharge to the wetland is provided to prevent the depletion of the wetland. The area utilized as recharge has been modeled as bypass to the pond. Developed North Basin LID methods have be incorporated in the developed condition of the area tributary to the north pond. The soils will be amended and plantings will be used to decrease compaction. In addition to the soil amendment, bioretention swales and open channel conveyance systems will attenuate the drainage to the pond. This will result in an absorption time similar to that of the predeveloped condition, which is Till Pasture. The ground cover conditions for the lots in the developed condition have been calculated based on an average lot size of 5,000 square feet. The maximum impervious coverage allowed is 55%, which is 2,750 square feet for the average lot. Since the roof drains will be routed through perfarated pipe, the actual time of concentration will increase. As a result, the I''� roofs have been modeled as 50% impervious and 50% lawn. The driveways were modeled 06/11/2008 Page 4-3 Job#01-159 � T,a��„� � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report as impervious with an assumed size of 500 square feet. The following table shows the breakdown of ground cover associated with each lot. Impervious (Driveway) 500 square feet Impervious (Roo fl 1,125 square feet Till Grass (Roo fl 1,125 square feet Till Pasture 2,250 square feet Total 5,000 square feet This information has been used to calculate the ground cover for the entire developed basin, minus the bypass areas. The following table shows this breakdown. Impervious 5.71 acres Lots 2.15 acres Roads and Sidewalks 2.73 acres , Pond Surface 0.61 acres i Existing Structures 0.23 acres �I Till Grass 1.44 acres Till Pasture 10.56 acres Total 17.71 acres The followin is the KCRTS Out ut Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CES} (CFS) Period 2.09 5 2/09/O1 2:00 4 .28 1 100.00 0. 990 1.56 7 1/05/02 16:00 �. 46 2 25.00 0. 960 2.46 2 2/2�/03 7:00 2.25 3. 10.00 0. 900 1.50 8 8/26/09 2:00 2 . '_9 4 5 .00 0.600 1.81 6 10/28/09 16:00 2 .G9 5 3.00 0. 667 2.25 3 1/18/06 16:00 1.81 6 2.00 0.500 2.14 4 10/26/06 0:00 1 . 56 7 1.30 0.231 4.26 1 1/09/08 6:00 1.5C 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 3.67 50.00 0. 980 06/11/2008 Page 4-4 Job#01-159 /-r�D ASSOCIATC) � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report As Constructed North Pond Facility Output The resulting facility summary is shown below. Please refer to the end of this section for the complete KCRTS Output. Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 3.23 H:1V Pond Bottom Length: 214 .35 ft Pond Bottom Width: 107 .00 ft Pond Bottom Area: 22935. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 34308 . sq. ft 0.788 acres Effective Storage Depth: 3. 98 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 945. 10 ft Storage Volume: 108602. cu. ft 2. 493 ac-ft Riser Head: 3. 98 ft Riser Diameter: 18. 00 inches Number of orifices: 2 Eull Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) {CFS) (in) 1 0.00 3.06 0.475 2 1.?2 3.56 0.459 6.0 Top Notch Weir: Rectangular Length: 2. 40 in Weir Height: 2. 48 ft Outflow Rating Curve: None Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev {Cu-Et) (Ac-Ft) 1 4.28 ***`*** 1. 62 3.79 948.89 102541 . 2.354 , � 2 2.09 ******* 1.25 3.37 948. 47 89724 . 2.060 � 3 2. 14 1.20 0.91 2.89 947. 99 75354 . 1.730 � 4 2.25 *****�* 0.82 2.72 447.82 70960. 1. 618 , 5 2.46 ******* 0.79 2 . 66 947.76 68622. 1.575 ' � 6 1.34 0. 67 0.55 2.03 947. 13 51034 . 1. 172 7 1.56 ******* 0.31 1 .51 446. 61 3i179. 0.854 ', 8 1.50 ******* 0.23 0.80 445. 90 18974 . 0.436 ' Note that the as-constructed release rates from the north pond are (0.55 cfs for the 2-year and 0.91 cfs for the 10-year) and are less than the predeveloped runoff rates (0.67 for the 2-year and 1.20 for the 10-year). The proposed facility therefore also satisfies the KCRTS Level 1 peak flow requirements. The required detention volume for live storage is 89,724 cubic feet, based on the 25-year � storm event with an elevation of 3.37' or 448.47'. The as-constructed detention volume is � 108,622 cubic feet with a depth of 3.98', which provides a 21% fact�r of safety. � 06/11/2008 Page 4-5 Job#01-159 T�D . �SS�CI+T=S � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report Due to limitations of running the KCRTS program with reduced runoff record files, information for the 50-year duration curves is not available. Because of this, the upper limit of the target duration curve is based on the 25-year existing design storm event. Based on discussions with King County personnel responsible for creating the KCRTS program, the difference in volume of a detention facility sized using the 25-year duration curve versus a facility sized using the 50-year duration curve is negligible. Through several iterations, both the detention facility size and flow restrictor configuration were adjusted until the required flow duration and peak outflow criteria were met for the facility. Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exist.tsf New File: pond.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS � -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New $Change Probability Base New oChange 0.336 I 0.83E-02 0.70E-02 -15. 4 � 0.83E-02 0.336 0. 327 -2.? 0.419 I 0.57E-02 0. 96E-02 -19.4 I 0.57E-02 0.919 0.360 -14 .2 i0.503 I 0. 93E-02 0.39E-02 -9.5 I 0.43E-02 0.503 0.447 -11. 1 i 0.586 I 0.30E-02 0.29E-02 -3.3 I 0. 30E-02 0.586 0.580 -l. l i 0. 670 I 0.22E-02 0.20E-02 -9. 6 I 0.22E-02 0.670 0. 650 -2. 9 �� 0.753 I 0. 15E-02 0. 11E-02 -23.6 I 0. 15E-02 0.753 0.716 -9 .8 I 0.836 I O. 10E-02 0.60E-03 -41.3 I O. 10E-02 0.836 0.�71 -7.8 'i 0. 920 I 0. 68E-03 0.33E-03 -52.4 � 0. 68E-03 0. 920 0.820 -10. 9 1.00 I 0.39E-03 0.23E-03 -41.7 I 0. 39E-03 1.00 0.899 -10.4 � 1.09 I 0. 18E-03 0. 16E-03 -9.1 I 0. 18E-03 1.09 1.07 -1.2 �, i 1.17 I 0. 98E-04 0.98E-09 0.0 I 0. 98E-04 1. 17 1. 17 0.2 I �I 1.25 � 0.33E-04 0. 16E-09 -50.0 � 0. 33E-04 1.25 1 .24 -0.8 � Maximum positive excursion = 0.031 cfs ( 2.6�) �� occurring at 1 .20 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf ', and at 1.23 cfs on the New Data:pond.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.065 cfs (-15.2$) occurring at 0. 430 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.365 cfs on the New Data:pond.tsf Note: Since the proposed North Pond will discharge into the wetland located on the west � portion of the property (to maintain a natural drainage path), the bottom of live storage (live/dead interface elevation) will be set at the 100-year water surface elevation of the west wetland. This elevation is 445.00' (as-constructed pond outlet elevation 454.10). Refer to Section 6.1 for complete wetland analysis. 06/11/2008 Page 4-6 Job#01-159 � , T s o�RIAD � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Water Quality Facilities Sizing Calculations (North Pond) The stormwater runoff that is tributary to the North Pond will be treated by a storm��ater wetland. A stormwater wetland is a shallow man-made pond that is designed to treat stormwater through the biological processes associated with emergent aquatic plants. It is designed to meet the Basic Water Quality goal of 80% TSS removal and the Resource Stream Protection goal of 50% total zinc removal. The design of the stormwater wetland occupies about the same surface area as a wetpond. In a stormwater wetland, the dominant treatment process is the pollutant removal mediated by aquatic vegetation and the microbiological community associated with that vegetation. Therefore, the primary concern regarding stormwater wetland is not water volume, but factors that affect plant vigor and biomass. The following steps are outlined in the 1998 KCSWDM (Section 6.4.3 — Stormwater Wetlands) for the design of the stormwater wetland. The areas utilized for wetland recharge are not tributary to the detention pond. However, these areas will be taken into account when sizing the stormwater wetland. Steps 1 through 5: Determine the volume of a basic wetpond. The calculations for the wetpond volume are shown below. Vb =f Vr where: f = Volume Factor(3.0 for "basic" wetponds) V,= Volume of runoff from mean annual storm (c� V,_ (0.9A;+ 0.25 A�g+0.10 A,f+ O.O lAo) x R where: A; =Area of impervious surface (s� ' A,g =Area of till soil covered with grass (s fl A,f =Area of till soil covered with farest (s� ' Ao =Area of till soil covered with outwash (s fl , R =Rainfall from mean annual storm, (feet) �! (0.041' for all facilities see Figure 6.4.I.A in the I Appendix)Total Area= 17.71 acres I A; = 5.71 acres (248,728 ft2) j A,g = 12.00 acres (522,720 ft2) I� i V,= 14,536 cubic feet Vb =43,608 cubic feet 06l11/2008 Page 4-7 Job#01-159 /T�� ASSOCIATES _' Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Step 6: Calculate the surface area of the stormwater wetland. The surface area of the wetland shall be the same as the top area of a wetpond sized for the same site conditions. The minimum surface area is the required volume, Vb, divided by an average depth of 4 feet. 43,608 = 10,902 square feet 4 Required Surface Area = 10,902 sf As-Constructed Surface Area =22,711 sf Step 7: Determine the surface area of the first cell of the stormwater wetland. The first cell should contain the volume of runoff from the mean annual storm, V� = 14,536 cubic feet, assume depth of 4 feet. 14,536 = 3,634 square feet II 4 Step 8: Determine the surface area of the wetland cell. Subtract the surface area of the first cell (step 6} from the total required surface area required (step 7). 10,902 - 3,634 = 7,268 square feet. , Required Surface Area = 7,268 sf ' As-Constructed Surface Area =8,272 sf Step 9: Determine water depth distribution in the second cell. Two options are provided for grading the bottom of the wetland cell. Option A, an evenly graded slope has been , chosen. The maximum depth of the second cell is 2.5 feet. Step 10: Chose plants. Table 6.4.1.A in the 1998 KCSWDM lists recommended plants for wetpond water depth zones. Please refer to the landscaping/wetland mitigation plan for plant selections. Please see the pond details included in the plan set for stormwater wetland cross sections. Emer�encv Overflow In the event the control structure fails, back-up overflow devices are in place to ensure the pond discharge direction is controlled. The primary back-up is an 18-inch stand pipe 06/11/2008 Page 4-8 Job#01-159 � Ts��� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report structure. The secondary back-up is an overflow spillway. Each back-up measure is designed to convey the 100-year, 24 hour storm event of 4.28 cfs. Overflow Structure The 18-inch stand pipe structure is designed to convey the developed 100-year, 24-hour peak flow in overflow conditions. The head above the top of the riser is 0.5 feet, providing weir flow conditions. The weir equation below shows that flow capacity for the riser exceeds that of the 100-year flow. Please refer to Figure S.3.4.H- Riser Inflow Curves at the end of this section. Qwe�r = 9.739 D H3�2 where: D = diameter(feet) -� 1.5 feet (18-inches) H = head above riser(feet) � 0.5 feet Qweir= 9.739 (1.5') ��.5)3�z Qweir— $.16 Cfs Qrequired —'�•28 CfS � Qprovided —5.16 cfs 06/11/2008 Page 4-9 Job#01-159 /T�D , �SSOCI�TES �_ Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Overflow Spillway Calculation An emergency overflow spillway is provided in the event that the overflow structure becomes obstructed. The spillway is sized according to equation 5-3 of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCS�'DM) using the 100-}ear developed flo�v and a height of water over the spillway to be 0.7 feet. Equation 5-3, King County Surface Water Design Manual: L _ Q,00 31z -2.4H 3.21H where: L= length of spillway (ft, minimum 6 feet) Q�oo = developed 100 year, 24-hour storm event (cfs) � 4.28 cfs H = head (ft) -� 0.7 feet L = 4'28 -2.4 x 0.7 = 0.60 �Actual length will be 15 feet 3.21 x 0.73"` Emergency Overtlow Spillway Length = 15 feet 06/11/2008 Page 4-10 Job#01-159 T�� . �SSOCIATES � Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report 4.2 South Pond The South Pond receives runoff from the portions of the site depicted on the Developed Drainage Basins Exhibit, located at the end of this section. An existing stormwater pond is located in the south east corner of the parcel located within the City of Renton. Upon revie�� of available information, it appears that this pond was constructed to provide detention for the NE 4`l' Street improvements and areas located north and east of the pond. When Morgan Place was developed, drainage from NE 4`h Street was directed to the Morgan Place pond located closer to the intersection of 148`�' Avenue NE and NE 4cn I The existing areas shown on the Developed Drainage Basins Exhibit have been included in the modeling of the proposed pond. The backyards are modeled as grass and the portion of i the parcel located north of Morgan Place that is tributary to the site is modeled as pasture. Due to the South Pond's location residing in the City of Renton, a drainage adjustment was applied for and granted. See Section 2 for a copy of the adjustment. Predeveloped South Basin The predeveloped basin has been modeled based on the existing conditions of the site. The resulting predeveloped flows will be the maximum discharge rate in the developed condition. The existing ground cover characteristics and resulting flow are listed below. The offsite parcel north of Morgan Place and west of 148`h Ave SE is included in the offsite calculations and is shown below as having a Till Pasture ground cover. Impervious 0.30 acres (NE.5'�'St, A�forgan Place, 148'h Ave SE,portion NE 41h St) Till Pasture 14.09 acres Offsite 2.96 acres Remainder of site 11.03 acres Till Grass (back halflors 40-46, ,�torQan Place) 0.56 acres Total 14.95 acres 06/11/2008 Page 4-11 Job#01-159 � T="RIAD � Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report The following is the KCRTS Out ut Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:pre.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rar.k Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.09 2 2/09/O1 18 :00 1. 96 1 ?00.00 p. 990 0.460 7 1/05/02 16:00 1.G9 2 25.00 0. 960 1.04 3 2/28/03 3:00 1.04 3 10.00 0. 900 0. 198 8 8/26/04 2 :00 0. 974 4 5 .00 0. 800 0.580 6 1/05/05 8 :C0 0. 931 5 3.00 0. 667 0.974 9 1%18/06 16:00 0.580 6 2.00 0.500 0. 931 5 11/24/06 4 :OG 0. 460 , 1.30 0.231 1. 96 1 �/09/08 6:00 0. 148 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 67 50.00 C. 980 Allowable Release Rates QZ =0.58 cfs Qlo= 1.04 cfs The South Wetland has been excluded from the calculations due to the drainage flowing to the ��vest and offsite to the south. Recharge to the wetland is provided to prevent the depletion of the wetland. Developed South Basin The following has been used to determine the peak developed flows for the south basin. Impervious coverage has been calculated base on the maximum zoning, which is 55°/a impervious (non-LID assumptions). The 3.15 acre upstream parcel was assumed to remain undeveloped or will provide its own detention pond for future development. Impervious 6.46 acres Lots 3.20 acres(roofs considered rmpervious) Roads and Sidewalks(inc. Morgan Place, NE 41h St) 2.76 acres Pond Surface 0.SO acres Till Pasture (upstream parcel� 3.15 acres Till Grass (including back ha�lots 40-�16 ,1lorgan Place) 5.51 acres Total 15.12 acres 06/11/2008 Page 4-12 Job#01-159 T "RIAI� � Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 2.23 5 2/09/O1 2:00 4 . 60 1 100.00 0. 990 1.72 8 1/05/02 16:00 2. 68 2 25.00 0. 960 2. 68 2 2/27/03 7:00 2.50 3 10.00 0. 900 1.73 7 8/26/04 2:00 2.37 4 5.00 0.800 2. 10 6 10/28/04 16:00 2.23 5 3.00 0.667 2.37 4 1/18/06 16:00 2. 10 6 2 .00 0.500 2.50 3 10/26/06 0:00 1.73 7 1.30 0.231 4 . 60 1 1/09/08 6:Q0 1.72 8 1. 10 0.091 Corr.puted Peaks 3. 96 �O. CO C. 98� Wetland Recharge The roof and footing drain from lot 38 will be utilized as wetland recharge. Therefore it will not be accounted for as areas tributary to the south pond. It is assumed that this lot will have a maximum of 55% impervious (0.10 acres total). 06/11/2008 Page 4-13 Job#01-159 /T�D ,,,�:�,rEs �� Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report As Constructed South Pond Facility Output The resulting facility summary is shown below. Please refer to the end of this section for the complete KCRTS Output. Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 2.50 H: 1V Pond Bottom Length: 390.00 ft Pond Bottom Width: 127.40 ft Pond Bottom Area: 43315. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 51801. sq. ft 1. 189 acres Effective Storage Depth: 2.50 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 435. 93 ft Storage Volume: 115721. cu. ft 2. 657 ac-ft Riser Head: 2.50 ft Riser Diameter: 18.00 inches Number of orifices: 3 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS} (in) 1 0.00 2.88 0. 356 2 1.20 3.75 0. 435 6.0 3 1 . 60 2.00 0. 103 4 .0 Top Notch Weir: Rectangular Length: 1.50 in 64eir Height: 1. 95 ft Outflow Rating Curve: None Hyd Inflow Outfiow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft} 1 9 . 60 ******* 2. 15 2. 68 438.61 129458. 2.857 2 2.23 ******� 0. 96 2.93 438.36 112209. 2. 576 3 2.50 1.04 0.77 2.08 438.01 95035. 2. 182 4 2.37 ******* 0. 67 1.86 437.79 89563. 1. 941 5 2.68 ******* 0. 66 1.84 437.77 83780 . 1.923 6 2. 10 0.58 0.43 1.45 437.38 65339. 1. 500 7 1.72 ******* 0.24 1. 18 437.11 52890. 1.219 8 1.73 ******* 0. 19 0.75 936.68 33001. 0.758 Note that the post-developed peak rates of runoff(0.58 cfs for the 2-year and 1.04 cfs for the 10-year) are less than the predeveloped peak rates of runoff(0.43 cfs for the 2-year and 0.77 cfs for the 10-year). The proposed facility therefore also satisfies the KCRTS Level 1 peak flow requirements. Due to limitations of running the KCRTS program with reduced runoff record files, information for the 50-year duration curves is not available. Because of this, the upper limit of the target duration curve is based on the 25-year existing design storm event. Based on 06/11/2008 Page 4-14 Job#01-159 � T,o�RIAD � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report discussions with King County personnel responsible for creating the KCRTS program, the difference in volume of a detention facility sized using the 25-year duration curve versus a facility sized using the 50-year duration curve is negligible. Through several iterations, both the detention facility size and flow restrictor configuration were adjusted until the required flow duration and peak outflow criteria were met for the facility. Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: pre.tsf New File: pondout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New aChange Probability Base New oChange 0.266 I 0. 98E-02 0.89E-02 -10.1 I 0.98E-02 0.266 0.259 -9 . 3 0.390 I 0. 62E-02 0.99E-02 -21.5 I 0. 62E-02 0.340 0.309 -9. 1 0. 414 I 0.46E-02 0.36E-02 -23.0 I 0.46E-02 0.419 0.345 -16.5 0.488 I 0. 31E-02 0.30E-02 -3. 6 I 0.31E-02 0.488 0. 481 -1.9 0.562 I 0.23E-02 0.22E-02 -6.3 I 0.23E-02 0.562 0. 548 -2.5 0. 635 I 0. 15E-02 0. 15E-02 -4 .3 I 0. 15E-02 0. 635 0.632 -0.5 0.709 I O. 10E-02 0.77E-03 -25.4 I O. 10E-02 0.709 0. 664 -6.9 0.783 I 0. 68E-03 0.33E-03 -52.9 I 0. 68E-03 0.783 0.729 -6. 9 0.857 I 0. 44E-03 0.21E-03 -51.9 I 0. 44E-03 0.857 0.761 -11.2 0.931 � 0. 18E-03 0.82E-04 -54 .5 I 0. 18E-03 0.931 0.87? -5.9 1.01 I 0. 11E-03 O.00E+00 -100.0 I 0. 11E-03 �.01 0. 917 -8.7 1.08 I 0. 33E-04 O.00E+00 -100.0 i 0. 33E-09 '�.08 0. 95� -11.8 Maximum positive excursion = 0.006 cfs ( 1.0$) occurring at 0. 617 cfs on the Base Data:pre.tsf and at 0. 623 cfs on the New Data:pondout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.075 cfs (-17. 6�) occurring at 0. 428 cfs on the Base Data:pre.tsf In addition to the pond providing detention for the areas tributary to it, an extra 3,070 cubic feet has been added to the live storage volume to account for the existing detention pond. Since the areas north of NE 4th Street and likely tributary to the existing pond have been included in the proposed pond modeling,this may be viewed as an additional factor of safety. Therefore the total required detention volume is as follows: Detention required for areas conveyed to pond 112,209 ft3 Detention required compensating for existing pond 3,070 ft3 Total Detention Required 115,279 ft3 06/11/2008 Page 4-15 i Job#01-159 � , TRIAD , SSJCIA'.ES � -' I Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report The required detention volume for live storage is 115,279 cubic feet, based on the 25-year storm event with an elevation of 2.43' or 438.36'. The as-constructed detention volume is 115,762 cubic feet with a depth of 2.50', which provides a 0.4% factor of safety. Water Quality Facilities Sizing Calculations (South Pond) The proposed water quality facilities were designed to comply with the KCSWDM's Basic Water Quality Menu requirements. This menu provides several options for ��ater quality facilities, which are designed to remove 80% total suspended solids for flows or volumes up to and including the WQ design flow or volume. The combined detention and tivetpool facilities option was selected for the project's facility, and �vas designed per sections 1.2.8, 6.4.1, and 6.4.4 of the 1998 KCSWDM, as applicable to the combination detention and wetpond facility. A summary of the water quality facility sizing calculations is provided below�. Section of the KCSWDM specifies that the following equation be used when sizing wetpond facilities. The areas utilized as wetland recharge are not tributary to the detention pond. However, these azeas will be taken into account when calculating the required water quality volume. Vb =f V� where: f = Volume Factor(3.0 for"basic" wetponds) V, =Volume of runoff from mean annual storm (ft3) V,= (0.9A;+ 0.25Alg+ 0.l0Arf+ 0.OlAo) xR where: A; =Area of impervious surface (ft2) Atg = Area of till soil covered with grass (ft2 Atf = Area of till soil covered with forest (ft�) R = Rainfall from mean annual storm, (feet) (0.041' for all facilities see Figure 6.4.I.A in the Appendix) Total Area= 15.12 acres A; = 6.46 acres (281,398 ft2) A�g = 8.66 acres (377,230 ft2) Vr= 14,250 cubic feet Vb = 42,750 cubic feet Required Water Quality Volume= 42,750 cubic feet As-Constructed Water Quality Volume= 54,070 cubic feet 06/11/2008 Page 4-16 Job#01-159 � Tso�� ,— Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Redundant Overflow Measures In the event the control structure fails, back-up overflow devices are in place to ensure the pond discharge direction is controlled. The primary back-up is an 18-inch stand pipe structure. The secondary back-up is a birdcage overflow structure. Each back-up measure is designed to convey the 100-year, 24 hour storm event of 4.60 cfs. Stand Pipe Overflow Structure The 18-inch stand pipe structure is designed to convey the developed 100-year, 24-hour peak flow in overflow conditions. The head above the top of the riser is 0.5 feet, providing weir flow conditions. The weir equation below shows that flow capacity for the riser exceeds that of the 100-year flow. Please refer to Figure 5.3.4.H—Riser In�low Curves at the end of this section. QWe1C= 9.739 D H3�2 where: D =diameter(feet) � 1.5 feet(18-inches) H =head above riser(feet) � 0.5 feet Qwe�r= 9.739 (1.5') (0.5)3� Qweir— 5.16 CfS Qrequired=4.60 cfs Qprovided —5.16 cfs 06/11/2008 Page 4-17 Job#01-159 � T=o�� .-- Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Birdcage Overflow Structure The 48-inch overflow structure is designed to convey the developed 100-year, 24-hour peak flow in overflow conditions. The head above the top of the riser is 0.7 feet, providing weir flow conditions. The weir equation below sho�vs that flow capacity for the riser exceeds that of the 100-year flow. Please refer to Figure 5.3.4.H—Riser Inflotiv Curves in the Appendix. Qweir= 9.739 D H3�2 where: D =diameter(feet) � 4 feet H =head above riser(feet) � 0.5 feet Qwei�= 9.739 (4') (0.5)3;z Qweir— 13.77 CfS Qrequired =4.60 cfs Qprovided — 13.77 CfS 06/11/2008 Page 4-18 Job#01-159 � T:���ra� � i � - ; ; � � � � � � . .� � ', � ; --<-- . _r_ _ _ i�: ;,� = _. ' �l�w,+, -�.. .. �:. � . . . . . . . . n ��:t ..,.. . � . ,.r . . : . ,..,.'.,..,, ..... ....� .. :..... ;,... I :._ . .� . . . . . \ � _ - . ' t '. �.;.�..�. �. ,'.. ..t� ...... ,.1 ti .•�._ . . .� . .� , � . s�; �.�.; ; ;: ��: 1 �}� t , � � . ,. �, i " .u'. Rl ,' `' _ _ • L'.y1':`t:t..�.:.�. t 1 \ � { ' i `�„ �, . . p � � �� � � � ' .. , . . . . .J. .. ._- . --�-�, i . . . �, rni . �` t �1�. .�:�:: , ' �� �. 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FIGURE 5.3.4.H RIS�R INFLO�i' CURVES 10o i I 72 54 48 � — — — — i 42 i � ss ! i , --- 3 3 I I � i 30 ; � . ' ` !� � � 2� ' � J -- � I I 24 i , , I i � � ; I — - — - 21,--I�i I � � I � � ; ' 181 W � i �' j s� I j I � � ` � I i � � 1 0 � ' I — ----- - —� ' — I� -- � 5 - d ' - � -- - —•- -- --�—i- ��- � i � f v ! - --- - - -+- CL ! � i ; 7 � --- � --,: � 1 O i ! ' i ' Q I �_ � 2 _—_._ i t � i i f � i -i—I i --- I - i' —�---- --- �I— - --T i I � 1 � Q I —i —---- — � I i i I � 1 I � i i I . � � ��� HEAD IN FEET (measu�red from crest of riser) �� �weir=9.739 DH3/� 2 �iz Q o�;�;«=3.782 D H o in cfs, 0 and H in teet Stope change occurs at weir-orifice transition 911/98 1998 Surface Water Desi�n hlanua} $-SQ �, , ; : ;; r:lis—n:asic��raL��:,Ez�;E:—.trETNODS i�F :a:�iALS�IS - - ---- _----- --- - - - - -- _-- - - - FI('I�KT 6-1�1..1 f'R[ (7f'[�1'.�flOI� I�OK �lE��h .�Ntili �1 S l�OK1�1 Iv INCHI � tI•�I F:T1 � _T 1 . 0;� i _ " 1 ;i I-.A 1 -, ..� �, .:_ , -------- :` ST 1 . 1 _ LA 0. r ; .. . ... . . C . -- -- - - - �_ , ; � :, � � ,-- `1-,,;srL- - -. - i' `� � f' `� �I� L� � �: � .�1- � - 1 �l - r � . � � - _ l , - � �,I �. �'�� . `J .i__�.. ; . � .�' - � `\, .�� _ .�� � • _ �` 1 � `�y' i , ���� '�5 ' tii - - --_ - l f � (�(�4 � , � \\� . � I}- I � �; � ' --_ - /} , � ��' �' 3 �`./��. L / •f��I � � -r.- 1� �, :ui�a ! : . .-. � i . 'y , '�t.�,m � �! I -- '`�_. . '� �il } � _' i . -- -_�' . ' • '-y � y . 1 I V �.� �� f' � I _ �i �`C., ��`� � - v -.. i. �Z� r ' C • � - s � . �=�. � I' �\ � } ' � .' _ -� � ; � � '� ._,_._m '..� � �, > � _ � �; ��, , ��• - _ �_ 1 � � � �1' ���� �, � � , a -�� o - i p .,_ , , s�., O � O � � O � 1 O. , o � � , � i --- �---- ---- '� . . ,l � , � Incorperared A:r.� _ _.__� River�LaM.e �11 �. _ --- Major Road (G.0 3 9 ' ) p ��,.. `"�-� � � r.�. . NOTE: Areas east ot the eastemmosl isopiwial should use 0.65 S��09 3 U . 5 6" � , _ ��9 � �nrhes unless rainfail dala is available for ihe bcation of interest (a p 9 7 , � `'The mean annua�siom+is a conceptual storm Ic�nd try divrding Ihe annual Dre6pdaGon by Ihe lotal number _��storm evems De�year result. generates lar�e arnounts of runoff. For this app)ication. till soil types include Buckle�• and hedrock soils. and allu�ial and outwash soils that ha��e a seasonallv hieh�vater table or are underlain ai .: shallo�v depth (less than S feet)by �lacial ti1L U.S. Soil Conservation Ser�ice (SCS) htidmlo�ic soil ,�roups that are classified as �ill soils include a few B. most C. and all D soils. See Chapter � fcr classification of specific SCS soil types. 19.58 �:�riace W::ter Dcsicn Ntanual i ; 6-69 Nort1� hs b�;lt P�nb F.etention/Detention Facili�•y Type of Facility: Detention Pond � Side Slope: 3.23 H: 1V I Pond Bottom Length: 214 .35 ft Pond Bottom Width: 107.00 ft I Pond Bottom Area: 22935. sq. ft ', iop Area at 1 ft. FB: 34308. sq. ft i 0.788 acres ' Eftective Storage Depth: 3.98 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 445.10 ft Storage Volume: 108602. cu. ft 2.493 ac-ft Riser Head: 3.98 ft Riser Diameter: 18.00 inches tlum'r�er of orifices: 2 Full Head Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft} (in} (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 3.06 0.975 2 1.72 3.56 0.959 6.0 Top Notch Weir: Rectangular Length: 2.40 in Weir Height: 2.48 ft Cutflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevatior. Storage Discharge Percoiatior. S��r= Area {ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) {sq. ft) 0.00 445. 10 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 22935. 0.03 445. 13 689. 0.016 0.095 0.00 22998. 0.06 945. 16 1380. 0.032 0.064 0.00 23060_ 0.10 945.20 2304. 0.053 0.079 0.00 23143. 0.13 445.23 2999. 0.069 0.091 0.00 23206. 0.16 445.26 3696. 0.085 0. 101 0.00 23269. 0.19 445.29 4395. 0. 101 0. 111 0.00 23331 . 0.22 445. 32 5096. 0. 117 0. 120 0.00 23399 . C.26 445.36 6034. 0.139 0. 128 0.00 23478. 0.36 945. 46 8392. 0.193 0. 151 0.00 23688. 0.46 445.56 10771. 0.297 0. 171 0.00 23899. 0.56 445. 66 13172. 0.302 0. 189 0.00 29111. 0.66 445.76 15599 . 0.358 0.206 0.00 29324 . 0.76 445.86 18037. 0.919 0.221 0.00 24537 . 0.86 495. 96 20501. 0.471 0.235 0.00 24752 . 0.96 446.06 22987. 0.528 0.296 0.00 29967. 1.06 446. 16 25494 . 0.585 0.261 0.00 25183. 1 .16 446.26 28024 . 0. 643 0.273 0.00 25900. i .26 446.36 30574. 0.702 0.285 0.00 25617. i .36 946. 96 33147. 0.761 0.296 0.00 25836. 1 .46 446.56 35742. 0.821 0.306 0.00 26055. 1.56 946. 66 38358. 0.861 0.317 0.00 26275. 1.66 496.76 90997. 0.941 0.327 0.00 26496. 1.72 496. 82 92590. 0. 978 0.333 0.00 26629. 1.76 496. 86 43657. 1.002 0.340 0.00 26718. 1.79 496. 89 44460. 1. 021 0.353 0. 00 267B5. 1.83 446.93 45533. 1. 045 0.372 0. 00 26874 . 1.87 446. 97 46610. 1.070 0.397 0. 00 26963. 1.91 497 .01 47690. 1.095 0. 428 0. 00 27053. 1.94 44? . 04 485C3. 1. 113 Q. 962 0. 00 2?�2� . 1. 98 947. 08 99569. 1. 138 0.532 0.00 27209. 2.02 447. 12 50680. 1. 163 0.548 0.00 27299. 2. 12 447.22 53421. 1.226 0.586 0.00 27524 . 2.22 447.32 56189. 1.290 0. 620 0.00 27750. 2.32 447.92 58971. 1.354 0. 652 0.00 27976. 2.42 497.52 61780. 1.418 0. 682 0.00 28204 . 2.48 447.58 63476. 1.457 0.700 0.00 28340. 2.58 447. 68 66321. 1.523 0.795 0.00 28569. 2. 68 447.78 69190. 1.588 0.800 0.00 28799. 2.78 447.88 72081. 1. 655 0.854 0.00 29029. 2.88 447. 98 74996. 1.722 0.902 0.00 29260. 2.98 448.08 77933. 1.789 0. 966 0.00 29492. 3.08 448. 18 80894. 1.857 1.030 0.00 29725. 3.18 448 .28 83876. 1.926 1. 110 0.00 29959. 3.28 448.38 86886. 1.995 1. 180 0.00 30193. 3.38 498. 48 89917. 2.064 1.260 0.00 30429. 3.48 948.58 92972. 2. 139 1.390 0.00 30665. 3.58 948. 68 96050. 2.205 1.430 0.00 30902. 3.68 448.78 99152. 2.276 1.510 0.00 31140. 3.78 448.88 102278. 2.348 1. 610 0.00 31379. 3.88 448 . 98 105428. 2.920 1.700 0.00 31618. 3.98 449.08 108602. 2.493 1 .800 0.00 31859. 9 .08 499. 18 111800. 2.567 2.280 0.00 32100. 4 . 18 449.28 115022. 2. 691 3. 140 0.00 32342. 4 .28 949.38 118268. 2.715 9 .250 0.00 32585. 4 .38 449.48 121539. 2.790 5.560 0.00 32829. 4 .48 449.58 124834. 2.866 7.050 0.00 33073. 4 .58 949. 68 128153. 2. 942 8.490 0.00 33319. 4 .68 499.78 131498. 3.019 9.030 0.00 33565. 4 .78 499. 88 134866. 3.096 9.540 0.00 33812. 4 .88 449. 98 138260. 3. 174 10.020 0.00 39060. 9 .98 450.08 141678. 3.252 10.970 0.00 39308. 5.08 450. 18 145122. 3.332 10. 900 0.00 34558. 5.18 450.28 198590. 3.911 11.310 0.00 39808. 5.28 450.38 152083. 3.491 11.710 0.00 35060. 5.38 450.98 155602. 3.572 12.090 0.00 35312. 5.48 950.58 159146. 3. 653 12.460 0.00 35565. 5.58 950. 68 162715. 3.735 12. 810 0.00 35818. 5. 66 950.78 166310. 3.818 13. 160 0.00 36073. 5.78 950.88 169930. 3. 901 13. 490 0.00 36328. 5.88 450.98 173575. 3. 985 13.820 0.00 36585. 5.98 451.08 177247. 4 .069 19 . 190 0. 00 36842. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 4.28 ******* 1.62 3.79 448 .89 102591. 2.359 2 2.09 ******* 1.25 3.37 448.47 89729 . 2.060 3 2. 19 1.20 0.91 2.89 447. 99 75359 . 1.730 4 2.25 ******* 0.82 2.72 447.82 70460. 1. 618 5 2.46 ******* 0.79 2. 66 997.76 68622. 1.575 6 1.34 0. 67 0.55 2.03 947.13 51034 . 1.172 I 7 1.56 ******* 0.31 1.51 996.61 37179. 0.854 8 1.50 ******* 0.23 0.80 995. 90 18974 . 0. 936 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:pond Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 9 .28 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: i. 6� CFS at �1 : �0 on Jan 9 ir. Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 3.79 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 448.89 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 102541. Cu-Ft . 2. 354 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Anal;sis Time Series File:pond.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Ra_es--- -----F�c•.a rre��en�y ��a�l�sis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 1 .26 2 2/09/O1 20:00 1.62 3.79 1 100.00 0. 990 0.312 7 12/28/O1 18:00 1.26 3.38 2 25.00 0. 960 0.789 5 2/26/03 7:00 0. 910 2.89 3 10.00 0. 90G 0.226 8 8/29/04 0:00 0. 824 2.72 4 5.00 0.800 0.553 6 1/05/05 15:00 0.789 2.66 5 3.00 0.667 0.824 4 1/18/06 23:00 0. 553 2.03 6 2.00 0.500 0. 910 3 11/24/06 8 :00 0. 312 1.51 7 1.30 0.231 1.62 1 1/09/08 11:00 0.226 0.80 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.50 3. 66 50. Q0 � . �80 Flow Duration from Time Series File:pond.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probabi�ity C FS �S $ � 0.018 93230 70.999 70. 499 29.501 0.295E+00 0.053 4303 7.017 77.516 22.484 0.225E+00 0.088 4099 6.603 84 . 119 15.881 0. 159E+G� 0.123 3115 5.080 89. 199 10.801 0. 108E+00 0.158 2265 3.699 92.893 7.107 0.711E-01 0.194 1474 2.404 95.297 4.703 0. 470E-G1 0.229 992 1.618 96. 915 3.085 0. 309E-C1 0.264 658 1.073 97. 988 2.012 0.201E-01 0.299 452 0.737 98.725 1.275 0. 128E-01 0.334 394 0.561 99.286 0.714 0.714E-02 0.369 102 0. 166 99.452 0.598 0.548E-02 0.404 37 0.060 99.512 0.988 0.988E-02 0.439 31 0.051 99.563 0.437 0.437E-02 0.975 19 0.031 99.594 0.406 0.406E-G2 0.510 16 0.026 99.620 0.380 0.380E-02 0.595 27 0.044 99. 669 0. 336 0.336E-C2 0.580 25 0.041 99.705 0.295 0.295E-C2 0.615 22 0.036 99.791 0.259 0.259E-C2 0.650 24 0.039 99.760 0.220 0.220E-G2 0.685 25 0.091 99.821 0.179 0. 179E-02 0.721 23 0.03B 99.858 0.192 0. 142E-02 0.756 19 0.031 99.889 0.111 0. 111E-02 0.791 14 0.023 99.912 0.088 0.881E-03 0.826 15 0.029 99.936 0.064 0. 636E-03 0.861 10 0.016 99. 953 0.097 0.973E-03 0.896 5 0.008 99. 961 0.039 0.391E-G3 0.931 6 0.010 99. 971 0.029 0.294E-03 0.967 2 0.003 99. 974 0.026 0.261E-03 1.00 2 0.003 99.977 0.023 0.228E-Q3 1.04 1 0.002 99.979 0.021 0.212E-03 1.07 1 0.002 99.980 0.020 0. 196E-03 1.11 2 0.003 99. 984 0.016 0. 163E-03 1.19 2 0.003 99.987 0.013 0. 130E-03 1.18 3 0.005 99.992 0.008 0.815E-04 1.21 2 0.003 99.995 0.005 0.989E-04 1.25 2 0.0�3 99. 9y8 G. OQ2 O. i63E-G9 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:pond Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 9 .28 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year �3 Peak Outflow Discharge: 1.62 CFS at 11:G0 on Jar. 9 =�r. Year 9 Peak Reservoir Stage: 3.79 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 498.89 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 102541. Cu-Ft . 2. 354 Ac-Ft Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series Eile:pond.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (C FS) (ft) Period 1.26 2 2/09/O1 20:00 1. 62 3.79 1 100.OG 0. 990 0.312 7 12/28/O1 18:00 1.26 3.38 2 25.00 0. 960 0.789 5 2/28/03 7:00 0. 910 2.89 3 10.00 0. 900 0.226 8 8/29/09 0:00 0.824 2.72 9 5.00 0.800 0.553 6 1/05/OS 15:00 0.789 2.66 5 3.00 0. 66� 0.824 4 1/18/06 23:00 0.553 2.03 6 2.00 O.SCG 0.910 3 11/29/06 8:00 0.312 1.51 7 1.30 0.23� 1.62 1 1/09/08 11:00 0.226 0.80 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.50 3.67 50.00 0. 980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:pond.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probabili*y CFS $ � $ 0.018 43232 70.502 70.502 29.498 0.295E+C0 0.053 9300 7.012 77.515 22.485 0.225E+00 0.088 9049 6.603 84 . 118 15.882 0. 159E+00 0.123 3116 5.082 89. 199 10.801 0. 108E+OG 0.158 2265 3.694 92.893 7.107 0.711E-01 0.194 1979 2.904 95.297 4.703 0.970E-01 0.229 991 1. 616 96. 913 3.087 0.309E-01 0.269 658 1.073 97.986 2.019 0.201E-01 0.299 953 0.739 98 .725 1.275 0. 128E-01 0.334 345 0.563 99.287 0.713 0.713E-02 0.369 101 0. 165 99.452 0.596 0.598E-02 � 0.404 37 0.060 99.512 0.488 0.488E-02 ' 0.439 31 0.051 99.563 0.437 0.437E-02 0.475 19 a.031 99.599 0.406 0.406E-02 0.510 16 0.026 99.620 0. 380 0.380E-02 0.545 27 0.094 99.664 0.336 0.336E-02 0.580 25 0.041 99.705 0.295 0.295E-02 0.615 22 0.036 99.741 0.259 0.259E-02 0.650 24 0.039 99.780 0.220 0.220E-02 0.685 25 0.041 99.821 0.179 0. 179E-02 0.721 23 0.038 99.858 0.192 0. 142E-02 0.756 19 0.031 99.889 0. 111 0. 111E-02 0.791 19 0.023 99.912 0.088 0.881E-03 0.826 15 0.024 99.936 0.069 0.636E-03 0.861 10 0.016 99.953 0.047 0.473E-03 0.896 5 0.008 99. 961 0.039 0.391E-03 C. 931 6 O.OiO 99. 971 O.C29 0. 294E-03 0. 967 2 0.003 99. 979 0.026 0. 261E-03 1.00 2 0.003 99. 977 0.023 0.228E-03 1.04 1 0.002 99.979 0.021 0.212E-03 1.07 1 0.002 99.980 0.020 0. 196E-03 1.11 2 0.003 99.984 0.016 0. 163E-03 1.14 2 0.003 99.987 0.013 0. 130E-03 1.18 3 0.005 99. 992 0.008 0.815E-04 1.21 2 0.003 99. 995 0.005 0.989E-04 1.25 2 0.003 99. 998 0.002 0. 163E-04 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: exist.tsf New File: pond.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New �Change Probability Base New oChange 0.336 I 0.83E-02 0.70E-02 -15.9 I 0.83E-02 0.336 0.327 -2.7 , 0.919 I 0.57E-02 0.96E-02 -19.4 � 0.57E-02 0.419 0.360 -14 .2 0.503 I 0.43E-02 0.39E-02 -9.5 I 0.93E-02 0.503 0.447 -11 . 1 0.566 � 0.30E-02 0.29E-02 -3.3 I 0.30E-02 0.586 0.580 -1 . 1 0. 670 � 0.22E-02 0.20E-02 -9. 6 I 0.22E-02 0.670 0. 650 -2. 9 0.753 I 0. 15E-02 0.11E-02 -23. 6 � 0.15E-02 0.753 0.716 -9 .8 0.836 � O.10E-02 0. 60E-03 -91.3 I O. 10E-02 0.836 0.771 -7.8 0. 920 I 0. 68E-03 0.33E-03 -52.4 � 0. 68E-03 0.920 0.820 -10. 9 1 .00 I 0.39E-03 0.23E-03 -41.7 I 0.39E-03 1. 00 0.899 -10. 4 1 .09 I 0. 18E-03 0. 16E-03 -9. 1 � 0. 18E-03 1. 09 1.07 -1.2 1 . 17 I 0. 98E-04 0. 98E-04 0.0 � 0.98E-04 1. 17 1.17 0.2 1 .25 I 0.33E-09 0. 16E-09 -50.0 I 0.33E-09 1.25 1.24 -0.8 Maximum positive excursion = 0.031 cfs ( 2. 6�) occurring at 1.20 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 1.23 cfs on the New Data:pond.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.065 cfs (-15.2$) occurring at 0. 430 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0. 365 cfs on the New �ata:pond.tsf sovfih �s t,�; �+ Pond Ret2ntion/Detention Eacil�t; Type of Facility: Getention Pond Side Slcpe: �.50 H: i'J Pond Bottom Length: 390.00 ft Pond Bottom Width: 127 .90 ft Pond Bottom Area: 43315. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 51801. sq. ft I 1.189 acres �� �ffective Storage Depth: 2.50 ft ��i Stage 0 Elevation: 435.93 ft i Storage Volume: 115721. cu. ft ' 2.657 ac-ft ' Riser Head: 2.50 ft ' R.�ser Diameter: 18 .00 inches �dumbe� o{ orific�s: � Full Head Pipe Gri�ice � :3eight �iameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 2.88 0.356 2 1.20 3.75 0.935 6.0 3 1. 60 2.00 0. 103 4 .0 Top Notch Weir: Rectangular Length: 1.50 in Weir Height: 1.95 ft Cutflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation Surf Area (Tt) ift) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) (sq. ft) 0.00 435. 93 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 43315. 0.03 435. 96 1301. 0.030 0.039 0.00 43385. 0.06 435. 99 2603. 0.060 0.055 0. 00 93455. 0.09 436. 02 3908. 0.090 O.a67 0.00 43526. G.12 436. 05 5215. 0.120 0.078 0.00 43596. 0. 15 436. 08 6524 . 0. 150 0.087 0.00 43666. 0.18 936. 11 7835. 0. 180 0.095 0.00 93736. 0.21 436. 14 9198. 0.210 0. 103 0.00 9380?. 0.24 936. 17 10963. 0.290 0. 110 0.00 43877 . 0.34 436. 27 19863. 0.391 0. 131 0.00 94i12. 0.44 936. 37 19286. 0.493 0. 149 0.00 44348. 0.54 936. 47 23732. 0.545 0. 165 0.00 44584 . 0.64 936.57 28202. 0. 647 0. 180 0.00 44821 . 0.74 936. 67 32696. 0.751 0. 199 0.00 45G58. 0.84 936.77 37214 . 0.854 0.206 0.00 45296. 0.94 436.87 41756. 0. 959 0.218 0.00 45539 . i.04 436. 97 46321. 1.063 0.229 0.00 45773. 1.14 437 .07 50910. 1. 169 0.290 0.00 460'2. 1.20 437 . 13 536�5. 1.232 0.296 0.00 96155. 1.24 437 . 17 55523. 1.275 0.259 0.00 96251. 1.28 437 .21 57375. 1.317 0.269 0.00 96347 . 1 .32 437 .25 59231. 1.360 0.290 0.00 96943. 1.36 437 .29 61091. 1. 402 0. 31� 0.00 96540. 1. 40 437 .33 62959 . 1.945 0. 351 0. 00 96636. 1. 43 437 .36 64359 . 1.977 0. 389 0. 00 967C8 . 1. 47 437 .40 66225. 1.520 0. 473 0.00 96804 . 1.51 437 . 49 68099. 1.563 0. 490 0.00 96901 . 1. 60 437 .53 72329. 1. 660 0.526 0.00 97118 . 1.62 43? . 5� 732�2. 1 . 682 0. 535 O. GO 4�1F? . 1.64 437 .57 74216. 1.704 0.545 0.00 4?215. 1.66 437.59 7516i. 1.725 0.55� 0.00 97263. � 1. 68 437. 61 76107. 1.747 0.570 0. 00 97312. I 1. 70 437. 63 77053. 1.769 0.585 0. 00 97360. � 1. 73 437. 66 78475. 1. 802 0. 601 0.00 47933. �� 1. 75 437. 68 79424 . 1. 823 0. 617 0. 00 47981. I 1.77 437.70 80375. 1. 845 0. 630 0.00 47530. �', 1. 87 937.80 85140. 1. 955 0. 675 0.00 477?3. I 1. 95 437.88 B8969. 2. 042 0.709 0.00 47967. 2. 02 437. 95 92333. 2. 120 0.?42 0.00 48138. ' 2. 09 438.02 95709. 2.19� 0.777 0.00 48309. 2. 16 43B.09 99096. 2.275 0.810 0.00 48480. 2.22 438. 15 102009. 2.342 0. 844 0.00 48626. 2.29 438 .22 105419. 2.420 0. 881 0.00 48798. 2.36 438 .29 108841. 2.499 0. 918 0.00 48970. 2.43 438 .36 112275. 2.577 0. 957 0.00 49141. 2.50 438 . 43 115721. 2. 657 0. 997 0.00 49314 . 2.60 438. 53 120669 . 2.770 1.490 0.00 49560. 2.70 438. 63 125633. 2.884 2.360 0.00 49807 . 2.80 438.73 130626. 2. 999 3.480 0.00 50055. 2.90 938.83 135644. 3. 114 4 .800 0.00 50303. 3.00 438. 93 140686. 3.230 6.300 0.00 50551. 3. 10 439.03 195759 . 3.346 7.750 0.00 50800. 3.20 439. 13 150896. 3.463 8.300 0.00 51049. 3.30 439.23 155964. 3.580 8.820 0.00 51299. 3.40 439.33 161106. 3. 698 9.300 0.00 51550. 3.50 439.43 166274 . 3.817 9.760 0.00 51801. 3. 60 939.53 171966. 3. 936 10.200 0.00 52052. 3.70 439. 63 176684. 4 .056 10. 620 0.00 52304 . 3.80 439.73 181927. 4 . 176 11.020 0.00 52557. 3. 90 939.83 187196. 4 .297 11.410 0.00 52809. 4 .00 939. 93 192989. 4 .919 11.780 0.00 53063. 4 . 10 440.03 197808. 4 .541 12. 140 0.00 53317 . 4 .20 440_ 13 203153. 4 . 664 12.500 0_00 53571 . 4 .30 440.23 208522. 4 .787 12.890 Q.00 53826. 4 .90 440.33 213918. 4 . 911 13. 170 0.00 54082 . 4 . 50 440.93 219339. 5.035 13.490 0.00 54338 . Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft} (Ac-Ft) 1 4. 60 ******* 2. 15 2. 68 438 . 61 129458. 2 .857 2 2.23 ******* 0.96 2.43 438 .36 112209. 2 .576 3 2.50 1 . 09 0.77 2.08 438.01 95035. 2 . 182 4 2. 37 ******* 0.67 1.86 437.79 89563. 1 . 941 5 2. 68 ******* 0.66 1.84 437.77 83780. 1. 923 6 2. 10 0. 58 0.43 1 .45 437.38 65339. 1 .500 7 1.72 ******* 0.24 1. 18 437. 11 52890 . 1 .214 8 1.73 ******* 0.19 0.75 436. 68 33001. 0.758 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:pondout.tsf Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 4.60 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 ' Peak Outflow Discharge: 2.15 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 2.68 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 438.61 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 124458. Cu-Ft 'i . 2.857 Ac-Ft � � Flow Frequency Ana�iys�s Time Series File:pondout. ts` Project Location:Sea-Ta�� ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Fiow �requency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft} Period 0.956 2 2/09/O1 20:00 2. 15 2. 68 1 100.00 0. 99G 0.294 7 12/29/Ol 10:00 0. 956 2. 43 2 25.00 0. 96G 0.662 5 2/28/03 7:00 0.770 2.08 3 10.00 0. 90G 0. 195 8 8/26/04 7:00 0. 670 1.86 4 5.00 0.80G 0.433 6 1/05/05 16:00 0. 662 1.84 5 3.00 0. 667 0. 670 4 1/18/06 23:00 0.433 1.45 6 2.00 0.500 0.770 3 11/29/06 8:00 0.294 1.18 7 1.30 0.23'� 2. 15 1 1/09/08 10:00 0. 195 0.75 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 75 2. 63 50 . 00 C . 9�0 Flow Duration from Time Series File:pondout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probabili�y CFS a s $ 0.019 39041 63. 668 63. 668 36.332 0.363E+p0 0.091 4222 6.885 70.553 29.497 0.294E+00 0.067 4816 7.854 78.407 21.593 0.216E+G0 0.099 3709 6.049 89 .455 15.595 0. 155E+p�� 0. 121 3143 5. 126 89.581 10.919 0. 104E+00 0.198 2173 3.594 93. 125 6.875 0. 688E-01 0.175 1457 2.376 95.501 4 . 999 0.450E-01 0.202 1017 1 . 659 97. 159 2.841 0.284E-01 0.229 723 1. 179 98.338 1. 662 0. 166E-01 0.256 424 0. 691 99.030 0. 970 0. 970E-02 0.283 128 0.209 99.238 0.762 0.762E-02 0.310 88 0. 144 99. 3B2 0. 618 0. 618E-02 0.336 72 0. 117 99. 999 0.501 0. 501E-02 0.363 52 0.085 99.589 0.416 0. 416E-02 0.390 24 0.039 99.623 0.377 0. 377E-02 0. 917 15 0.024 99. 648 0.352 0.352E-02 0.994 11 0.018 99. 666 0.339 0.339E-02 0.971 9 0.007 99. 672 0.328 0.328E-02 0.498 23 0.038 99.7i0 0.290 0.290E-02 0.525 21 0.034 99.744 0.256 0.256E-02 0.552 18 0.029 99.773 0.227 0.227E-02 0.579 13 0.021 99.795 0.205 0.205E-02 0.605 17 0.028 99.822 0. 178 0. 178E-02 0.632 16 0.026 99.898 0. 152 0. 152E-02 0.659 26 0.042 99.891 0. 109 0. 109E-02 0.686 19 0.023 99. 919 0. 086 0.869E-03 0.713 7 0.011 99.925 0. 075 0.750E-03 0.790 10 0.016 99.941 0. 059 0.587E-03 0.767 13 0.021 99. 962 0. 038 0.375E-03 0.799 4 0.007 99. 969 0.031 0.310E-03 0.821 3 0.005 99. 979 0.026 0.261E-03 0.898 2 0.003 99. 977 0.023 0.228E-03 0.874 2 0.003 99. 980 0.020 0. 196E-03 0.901 9 0.007 99.987 0.013 0. 130E-03 0.928 3 0.005 99. 992 0.008 0.815E-C4 0.955 9 0.007 99. yy8 C .002 0. 163E-C� Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: pre.tsf New File: pondout.tsf Cu�off Units : Dis�har�e in ��S -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Checx of To�erance------ Cutoff Base New �Change Probability Base New �Chan,e 0.266 I 0.98E-02 0.89E-02 -10. 1 � 0.98E-02 0.266 0.254 -4 .3 0.340 I 0. 62E-02 0. 49E-02 -21.5 I 0.62E-02 0.340 0. 309 -9. 1 , 0.419 I 0.46E-02 0.36E-02 -23.0 I 0.46E-02 0.414 0. 395 -16. 5 ' 0.488 I 0.31E-02 0.30E-02 -3. 6 I 0.31E-02 0.488 0. 481 -1. � 0.562 I 0.23E-02 0.22E-02 -6.3 I 0.23E-02 0.562 0. 548 -2. 5 0.635 I 0. 15E-02 0. 15E-02 -4 .3 I 0. 15E-02 0. 635 0.632 -0. 5 0.709 I O. 10E-02 0.77E-03 -25.9 I O. 10E-02 0.709 0. 664 -6. 9 0.783 I 0. 68E-03 0.33E-03 -52.9 I 0.68E-03 0.783 0.729 -6. 9 0.857 ( 0.44E-03 0.21E-03 -51. 9 � 0.44E-03 0.857 0. 761 -11.2 0.931 I 0. 18E-03 0.82E-09 -54 .5 I 0. 18E-03 0. 931 0. 877 -5.8 1.01 I 0. 11E-03 O.00E+00 -100.0 � 0. 11E-03 1.01 0. 917 -8.? 1.08 I 0.33E-04 O.00E+00 -100.0 I 0.33E-09 1.08 0. 952 -11.R Maximum positive excursion = 0.006 cfs ( 1.Os) occurring at 0. 617 cfs on the Base Data:pre.tsf and at 0. 623 cfs on the New Data:pondout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.075 cfs (-17. 60) occurring at 0. 428 cfs on the Base Data:pre.tsf and at 0.352 cfs on the New Data:pondout.tsf Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report ' 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN �I All conveyance systems will be designed in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface '' Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). All systems will be analyzed during the 100-year design storm event and show that no catch basin or swale system overflows or floods at any point. , 5.1 Pipe System The KCBW program sums the flows tributary to each reach (pipe) and then performs a standard step backwater analysis on the network. The steady state energy equation (Bernoulli equation) is used along each reach in the network. The friction slope is calculated by averaging Manning's equation at the upstream and downstream ends of the pipe. The hydraulic grade line is calculated from do��nstream to upstream. Flows to each catch basin have been determined using the KCRTS 100-year developed storm event. To be conservative, for pipes that empty into swales, the tailwater elevation is assumed to be at the crown of the pipe. The following tables show the flow tributary to each catch basin or swale as well as the areas used to determine the flows. The tributary area (time series file) corresponds to the Catch Basin/Swale Tributarv Area Exhibit located at the end of this section. 06/11/2008 Page 5-1 Job#01-159 /TR�D . ♦SS�'ICI+TES � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report North Pond -Tributary Areas Tributary Areas(acres) Flows (cfs) Area (time series 2- 10- 25- 100- file Im . Grass Pasture Total ear ear ear ear n c1.tsf 0.26 0.18 0.49 0.93 0.14 0.18 0.34 0.50 n c2.tsf 0.52 0.36 0.91 1.79 0.27 0.35 0.66 0.98 n c3.tsf 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.15 n c4.tsf 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 n c5.tsf 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.14 n c6.tsf 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 n c7.tsf 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.12 n c8.tsf 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 n c9.tsf 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 n c10.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 n c1l.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 n c12.tsf 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.07 0.09 0.13 0.17 n c13.tsf 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.09 n c14.tsf 0.41 0.29 1.54 2.23 0.27 0.29 0.62 0.95 n c15.tsf 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.18 n c16.tsf 0.39 0.00 0.44 0.83 0.19 0.25 0.41 0.55 n c17.tsf 0.18 0.00 0.25 0.43 0.09 0.12 0.19 0.26 ' n c18.tsf 0.11 0.08 0.55 0.74 0.08 0.08 0.19 0.28 ' n c19.tsf 0.19 0.13 0.92 1.23 0.13 0.14 0.31 0.48 n c20.tsf 0.22 0.00 0.15 0.37 0.11 0.14 0.22 0.29 n c21.tsf 0.19 0.13 0.52 0.83 0.11 0.13 0.26 0.40 n c22.tsf 0.07 0.05 021 0.34 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.15 ' n c23.tsf 0.43 0.18 2.04 2.65 0.27 0.30 0.68 1.02 n c24.tsf 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.24 n c25.tsf 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.09 n c26.tsf 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.15 0.20 0.28 0.37 �! n c27.tsf 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 n c28.tsf 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.12 0.16 0.23 0.30 n c29.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 n c30.tsf 0.15 0.10 0.33 0.58 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.30 i n c31.tsf 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.12 06/11/2008 Page 5-2 Job#01-159 � T,��� � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical information Report South Pond-Tributary Areas Tributary Areas(acres) Flows (cfs) Area (time series 2- 10- 25- 100- file Im . Grass Total ear ear ear ear s cl.tsf 0.36 0.21 0.57 0.17 0.24 0.37 0.53 s c2.tsf 0.17 0.15 0.32 0.08 0.12 0.19 0.28 s c3.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 s c4.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 s c5.tsf 0.23 0.00 0.23 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.12 s c6.tsf 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 s c7.tsf 0.19 0.14 0.33 0.09 0.13 0.20 0.30 s c8.tsf 0.30 0.18 0.48 0.14 0.20 0.31 0.45 s c9.tsf 0.37 0.29 0.66 0.18 0.25 0.40 0.58 s c10.tsf 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 s c11.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 s c12.tsf 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 s c13.tsf 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 s c14.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 s c15.tsf 0.26 0.18 0.44 0.12 0.17 0.27 0.40 s c16.tsf 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 s c17.tsf 0.17 0.14 0.31 0.08 0.11 0.18 0.27 s c18.tsf 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 s c19.tsf 0.19 0.16 0.35 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.31 s c20.tsf 0.12 0.03 0.15 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.16 s c21.tsf 0.27 0.13 0.40 0.13 0.18 0.27 0.38 s c22.tsf 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.11 0.14 0.20 0.26 s c23.tsf 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 s c24.tsf 0.33 0.19 0.52 0.16 0.22 0.34 0.49 s c25.tsf 0.38 0.25 0.63 0.18 025 0.40 0.57 s c26.tsf 0.24 0.13 0.37 0.11 0.16 0.25 0.35 s c27.tsf 0.24 0.09 0.33 0.12 0.16 0.24 0.33 s c28.tsf 0.22 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.15 0.22 0.32 s c29.tsf 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.08 s c30.tsf 0.37 0.24 0.61 0.18 0.25 0.39 0.56 s c31.tsf 0.13 0.07 0.20 0.06 0.09 0.13 0.19 s c32.tsf 0.33 0.16 0.49 0.16 0.22 0.33 0.47 s c33.tsf 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 s c34.tsf 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 s c35.tsf 0.38 0.28 0.66 0.18 0.26 0.40 0.59 s c36.tsf 0.09 3.25' 3.34 0.13 0.26 0.48 0.78 *spc36.tsf includes an undeveloped offsite area. The 3.25 acres has been modeled assuming the current ground cover of pasture and not grass. 06/11/2008 Page 5-3 Job#01-159 � T, :RIAD � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report The following tables show the freeboard at each catch basin. For catch basins with a single cross culvert draining into it, the sum of the flows has been assumed to be the inlet flow. For example, the in-flow at CB S-12 includes the flow tributary to CB 5-13. The hydraulic grade line elevation is calculated using the 100-year, developed storm event. Nortb Pond-Freeboard Table Rim HGL Elevation Elevation Freeboard CB# feet feet feet N-2 450.04 449.27 0.77 N-3 450.04 449.30 0.74 N-4 450.10 449.27 0.83 N-5 451.25 449.28 1.97 N-6 453.00 450.55 2.45 N-7 453.89 451.04 2.85 N-8 453.33 450.67 2.66 N-9 454.77 452.06 2.71 N-10 455.18 452.37 2.81 N-13 456.39 455.25 1.14 N-14 458.60 455.74 2.86 N-15 452.50 450.73 1.77 N-16 454.81 452.65 2.16 N-17 455.64 455.05 0.59 N-19 473.09 469.54 3.55 N-22 497.33 496.91 0.42 N-23 471.43 469.56 1.87 N-24 477.99 475.63 2.36 N-25 479.79 476.54 3.25 N-27 484.12 481.42 2.70 N-28 490.02 487.29 2.73 N-29 508.33 506.09 2.24 N-30 509.98 507.24 2.74 N-31 475.85 472.57 3.28 N-33 477.29 472.59 4.70 N-34 475.58 472.81 2.77 N-35 512.60 509.93 2.67 N-36 518.15 515.41 2.74 06/11/2008 Page 5-4 Job#01-159 � TRIAD � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report South Pond-Freeboard Table Rim HGL Elevation Elevation Freeboard CB# feet feet feet S-3 439.45 438.73 0.72 S-5 439.03 438.92 0.11 S-7 440.78 439.12 1.66 S-8 441.95 439.17 2.78 S-9 441.96 439.21 2.75 S-10 439.36 439.19 0.20 S-11 439.36 439.19 0.20 S-12 440.04 439.41 0.63 S-14 443.12 441.07 2.05 S-16 447.24 445.26 1.98 S-18 455.11 453.41 1.70 S-19 460.71 458.38 2.33 S-20 467.19 463.27 3.92 S-23 454.77 453.69 1.08 S-25 457.32 454.54 2.78 S-25 456.93 455.03 1.90 S-26 457.86 455.49 2.37 S-28 459.36 456.79 2.57 S-30 460.52 458.03 2.49 S-31 463.82 461.28 2.54 S-32 471.70 469.15 2.55 S-33 483.37 480.52 2.85 S-34 494.39 491.49 2.90 S-37 463.27 459.47 3.80 S-41 467.19 463.27 3.92 S-42 478.45 475.88 2.57 S-43 479.91 477.28 2.63 S-44 482.31 479.65 2.66 S-45 490.05 487.15 2.90 S-49 475.34 472.37 2.97 06/11/2008 Page 5-5 Job#01-159 � T=,�-� ! Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report In places where a curb break is not applicable to drain the street flow into the street side swale, an open grate catch basin is used. The largest flow entering such a catch basin is at the northwest corner of the intersection of 148`t' Avenue S.E. and S.E. 124`h Street. This catch basin could potentially receive 0.24 cfs during the 100-year storm event. The KCBW program has been run on this pipe assuming the tailwater is 1-foot above the do�vnstream invert of the pipe. For an added level of safety, the culvert has been analyzed assuming an 8- inch diameter pipe. The hydraulic grade line at the upstream invert of the pipe is 396.91, which is 0.91 feet above the invert elevation. Therefore, any single culvert with a tributary flow less than 0.24 cfs will not overtop as long as the rim is at least 0.91 feet above the invert. 06/11/2008 Page 5-6 Job#01-159 � T=,RIAD � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 5.2 Swale Sysfem , Open swales lined with vegetated, amended soils, are used wherever possible as a means of I surface water conveyance. The open swales are designed as wide as possible and as shallow as feasible to provide a natural appearance, while still providing adequate conveyance capacity. Slopes are designed to be less than 5%, with flat areas and shallow berm to encourage ponding. Where feasible, swales are provided to convey runoff from access roadways. Runoff is introduced to these swales either by using a series of narrow curb drops, or by using shallow curb inlets and connecting pipe. A theoretical swale section has been analyzed to ensure adequate capacity. This theoretical swale will use the narrowest cross section and the flattest slope to show that all swale sections have adequate capacity. The swale is rock lined in sections where high flow velocity could cause erosion. Please refer to the swale cross section below. V"ARI�$ a"-O" 6'-0" , . AIIN. � �:i ORIGWAL GROUNOUN£ ?�� }:� GITCH IS iJCATLL'; aFTOECF �2C OVFR £XCAI�ATE 7G � ACCOMMOOATE RCCK �a ��. o; m? Swale Section Not to Scale 06/11/2008 Page 5-7 Job#01-159 � T=„RIAD .:= Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Check dams are placed every 50-feet. This will create areas where ponding will occur. The flow over the check dams is analyzed using a weir equation. The check dams are assumed to be 6-inches high and 3-feet wide. To be conservative, the side slopes are assumed to be 2:1 on both sides. Equation 5-1 from the KCSWDM is used to calculate the maximum flow over the check dam. Q_C�2g���i(2 3 LH3rz + g 15�tan B�HS'21 � 1 where: Q =peak flow(cfs) C = discharge coefficient (0.6) g= gravity (32.2 ft/secz) L= length of weir (feet) � 3.0 feet H =height of water aver weir (feet) -� 0.5 feet 6 = angle of side slopes � 2:1 Q=(0.6X2 x 32.2�'�z��3 x 0.53�2 +�5(2�0.55r�'� Q = 4.31 cfs The maximum flow over the check dam is 4.31 cfs. The highest 100-year developed flow that will flow to any ditch is the section east of lots 92-94, which is 3.41 cfs. Therefore all other swales with lesser flows will have adequate capacity. 06/11/2008 Page 5-8 Job#01-159 /T�D ASSOCIATCS � — brutkowski, Moy 26, 2004 — 2:36pm � E:\PROJECTS\01159\DWGF�Ies\Engineer�n7 �bits\Conveyance\01159Conveyonce.dwg, Model , _ � _ � 9 -�---- _ _ __ T ' _ _ w..................__ � �. � .�, ,� �•.. � .. __, � � ,o, ,� � � l ' � ' ° : � ;.., � � � �� � --� � a ��e : � ' � 1 . , :_ . . � • ....... � � �I� � ...__no ...�.. \ � I • 1�..•.� •...• � ' �+��� ; �p— -. -- � ,o� � 1° ` ' � , .---. --� ,o, �, _ /�'+ �, / � 1 li I Q � '� <\ ' =\��-rn7 Nf I � I 1 ;� �I�� � -� .. mr . � ..--- �� ev ei e. � � � m �w � ios � ��� �. _... O I �� ' n� I (�Q� , � r � I e� � ..—...._.....— �N rm � � \ I I • � ...•�I � " • _... .....1......� - _ �I , _ ____ •�� ��� 'I I D9 1` � ♦ • ��� Ir� � � � )7 i 1 ••• ___. __------ �- � . ,.._.._. _.. _ � �� � / , I � • —;� ! ,; • ,"'.••..A9.... oe � (7 � I / II II/. _.I.__—:I__ � ,c �____._ n� n.f n� I ry � nv I . I I I �II I � � M ___.� vo 9J ,v T � I 'r, � I � � ' I � 6f � � � 9r Z �� •�����• II \ � D! 1 ` / 1�I�1��� II I �69 .......� !! l�_-.._.... � � Af jf • I � 1 / ���I bl • • • �� � S� ■ 91 v ta»au ��� ��rM�ti���r� ` //�� �� r Ea , � � I � � ,t � � I lllir I� i na �� � � p� . � �� 1\ III\� e� � � ` ����i � � � ._._T �� � � I I ,.. � �I�i I 6J '? ` ' °' � '� � : � �J v � -`._ �ll� � 6Q i----- � ll � � I I .�.�� � s� ___� �� I . 6. „ ' 31 • � , ` e, . .� , � � �.�. ti , • , ('�� i � i� �—___ •.�� � 2 �b i J �I w� - ___-�� . � r-� � �' , �, m, — — � � rr i� r��� �\ r ,..• rr A, /1 '''� ae1\ 1\\— _ CL��'�---_� �1 \ I /Y li�o V (7 ����0•••� • I I� � � ' --- -_- _______________-',� i � .y .a Pe�s 6 � ...••••' � z--- - - _ �' --- .. ..-•• � =�- ----. - • .. ����`�. � SP�?3 SPC2 .1� � ' . � _ — ., � '� I ' � I z' I N u �� (� s e � �.. � � � .� _" � �. C?� � �.� s �rz � � .\ _ " P� 2� �" . I . � ie r� re .S b 1, � I --- � ` ..... • i v SPCa 6 I . 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(/� � , {�( . ►v -___ � �� 41 6 '�J 1 � \ . � ' " �r f ; ,I, U ��� � a � , o , , ------ � � N ,,- \ I ,o o� cn ( � ���"--- --, ---- _....,.....,..._ � D e �' � � ' � \`(�� � � .e I f I� � m � + 1C,''...,... � \��� I I � � �� as 1 � ���V o = N � , r �,� � �— i I _..._._ �� i � � D � 'Ms ' � C \ � � I � O � � � • �---' � .e � � � _ — _ � _�_ D ] rn _.' _' _ —i - r� � � m ��q ��� � �o. o�n ALVISION BY cr CATCH BASIN/SWALE � ' TRIBUTARY AREA EXH/BlT �` � H � � � . �� �� �� �� CAMWEST � ��N �' q� � ` � � > ., � �� �� � � SHAMROCK 4g�+ �� ; V � o � i �� m � TECHNICAL INFORMAT/ON REPORT ; N � � K/NG COUNTY, WASH/NGTON BACK.WATEF. COh1PUTER PROGR_�s�l FOR P:PES Pipe data from file:pl.b;��p Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:449. feet Discharge Range:5 .9 to 5 . 9 Step of 1. (cfs] Overflow Elevation:455.54 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity: 3 . feet;`sec OIITFALL N-15A '� CB N-15 PIPE NO. 1: 46 LF - 15"CP �3 11.41� OUTLET: 444 . 00 INLET: 449.25 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 452 .50 BEND: 30 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: O . OE Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********,r***********************************************************�****�**�*� 5. 90 1.46 450.71 * 0 .012 0. 99 0 .43 5.0a 5 . 00 0 . 99 ***** 1 . �6 CB N-15 � CB N-16 PIPE NO. 2 : 130 LF - 15"CP � 1.58% OUTLET: 449.25 INLET: 451 . 31 INT`sP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 454 . 61 BEND: 60 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 01 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **+**********************:**#*«***************************+*******�#+*******.*� 5 .48 1. 34 452 .55 * 0 . 012 0 . 95 0. 72 1 .46 1 . �5 O . yS *`*** 1 . 3-� CB N-16 � CN N-17 PIPE NO. 3 : 40 LF - l2"CP 2 . 70E OUTLET: �51 . 56 I"dLET: �15? . 6-� IPdT'i?: _ Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ****************************�*****************************,r*********�********** 5.42 2 .41 455.05 * 0 .012 0 . 94 0 .72 1. 09 1.09 0 . 94 ***** 2 .41 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:p2 .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:449. feet Discharge Range:1.76 to 1. 76 Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:451.25 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3. feet/sec OIITFALL N-2A � CB N-2 PIPE NO. 1: 70 LF - 12"CP C 4 .20� OUTLET: 444 .00 INLET: 446.94 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 450.04 BEND: 15 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 6 .04 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ***,r********:***************************************�**********,r*************** 1.76 2 .33 449.27 * 0.012 0 .57 0.33 5 .00 5 . 00 2 .21 2 .33 0 . 82 CB N-2 '� CB N-4 PIPE NO. 2 : 21 LF - 12"CP � 0.48$ OUTLET: 446 . 94 INLET: 447 . 04 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 450.10 BEND: 5 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.79 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV". * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI , *���*************************+*********************************�*************** II 0.25 2 .23 449.27 * 0. 012 0 .21 0 .21 2 .33 2 .33 2 . 23 2 .23 0.28 CB N-4 � CB N-5 PZPE NO. 3 : 117 LF - 12"CP � 1.03� OUTLET: 447 .04 INLET: 448 .25 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **��****************************************+********************************** 0. 14 1.03 449 .28 * 0. 012 0 . 16 0.13 2 .23 2 .23 1 . 03 0 . 89 0 . 13 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:p3 .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:449.27 feet Discharge Range: 1.36 to 1 .36 Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:450.04 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB N-2 '� CB N-3 PIPE NO. 1: 23 LF - 12"CP C 0.43� OUTLET: 446. 94 INLET: 447 .04 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ***,r**************�************,r*********************************************,r* 1. 36 2 .26 449.30 * 0.012 0.50 0.53 2 .33 2 .33 2 .26 2 . 19 0.57 BACKWATER COh1PUTER PROGRAM FOR ?IFES Pipe data from file:p4 .bw� Surcharge condition at inter�.ediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:450.47 feet Discharge Range:0. 54 to 0 . 54 Step of 1 . [cfs] Overflow Elevation:455.1E Feet Weir:NONE Upstream 1,�elocity:3 . feet%sec CB N-6A "� CB N-6 PIPE NO. 1: 106 LF - 12"CP C 0 .50% OUTLET: 449 .47 INLET: 450 .00 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. l: OVERFLOW-EL: 453.00 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.42 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ************************,r****************************************************** 0.54 0.55 450. 55 * 0 .012 0 . 31 0 . 31 1 . 00 1 . 00 0 . 50 0 .55 0.42 CB N-6 -� CB N-8 PIPE NO. 2: 32 LF - 12"CP a� 1.03E OUTLET: 450 .00 INLET: 450 .33 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW-EL: 453 .33 BEND: 5 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2. 7 Q-RATIO: 0.41 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **********�***********,r****,r******,r*.:******+******++************************** 0. 38 0. 34 450 .67 * 0 .012 G . 2E 0 .22 0 . 55 0 . 55 0. 26 ***** 0 . 34 CB N-8 -� CB N-9 PIPE NO. 3 : 142 LF - 12"CP _ . G1% OUTLET: -��Q . 33 INLET: 451 . ?7 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 3 : OVERFLOW-EL: 454 .77 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.35 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *****************************,r****************�******************************** 0.27 0.29 452 . 06 * 0 .012 0 . 22 0 . 18 0 . 34 0 .34 0 . 22 ***** 0 .29 CB N-9 � CB N-10 PIPE NO. 4 : 21 LF - 12"CP y 1. 95% OUTLET: 451 .i7 INLET: 452 . 18 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ************************************�****************************************** 0.20 0. 19 452 .37 * 0 .012 0 . 19 0 . 14 0 . 29 0.29 0. 19 ***** 0. 14 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRI�M FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:p5 .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:450.6? feet Discharge Range:0.12 to 0 . 12 Step of 1 . [cfs] Overflow Elevation:453 .89 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB N-8 � CB N-7 PIPE NO. 1: 35 LF - 12"CP @ 1 .60� OUTLET: 450. 33 INLET: 450 .89 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******�*********************************************************************** 0. 12 0. 15 451 .04 * 0 .012 0 .15 0.11 0.34 0 .34 0. 15 ***** 0. 11 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:p6.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:455.24 feet Discharge Range:0 .2 to 0.2 Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:458 .6 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB N-13A � CB N-13 PIPE NO. 1: 30 LF - 12"CP @ 0.50� OUTLET: 454 .24 INLET: 454 . 39 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 456.39 BEND: 45 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.82 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********�*******************************************************************+** 0.20 0. 86 455.25 * 0.012 0. 19 a.19 1. 00 1 .00 0.86 0. 86 0.25 CB N-13 '� CB N-14 PIPE N0. 2 : 113 LF - 12"CP @ 1.07$ OUTLET: 454 . 39 INLET: 455.60 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **:****************************************************,.*,r********.*.********,+* 0.11 0. 14 455.74 * 0. 012 0. 14 0. 12 0. 86 0 .86 0.14 ***** 0 . 12 I� BaCK�4ATEF. COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:p7.bwP Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:468.59 feet Discharge Range:1.26 to 1 .26 Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:471.43 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec OIITFALL N-19A � CB N-19 PIPE NO. 1: 69 LF - 8"CP @ 0 .49% OUTLET: 467.59 INLET: 467 .93 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 473.09 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3 .0 Q-RATIO: 1. 63 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 1.26 1.61 469. 54 * 0.012 0.54 0 .67 1.00 1 .00 1.30 1. 61 0 . 97 CB N-19 � CB N-23 PIPE NO. 2 : 99 LF - 12"CP � 0 . 51% OUTLET: 467 . 93 INLET: 468.43 INTYP: S Q l CFS) HI•7 f.FT) HP7 ELEV. * N-��.0 DC DN TP7 DO DE HWO HWI �t<***�+***:r*********************************************,r*******����**.*��*�** 0 . 48 1.13 469. 56 * 0.012 0 .29 0.29 1 .61 1 .61 1. 13 1.00 0.25 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:pe .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:475 . feet Discharge Range: l. 3 to 1 .3 Step of 1 . (cfs] Overflow Elevation:490 .02 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB N-24A � CB N-24 PIPE NO. 1: 29 LF - 12"CP @ 3 .41% OUTLET: 474 .00 INLET: 474 . 99 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 477 .99 BEND: S DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ****************************�************************************************** 1.30 0.64 4�5 .63 * 0. 012 0 .49 0.29 1.00 1 . 00 0. 49 ***** 0 . 64 CB N-24 '� CB N-25 PIPE NO. 2 : 54 LF - 12"CP C� 1.59� OUTLET: 474 .99 ZNLET: 475. 85 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 479.79 BEND: 5 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 2 .25 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******�****�*********************************************�*:r***«************** 1.30 0.69 476.54 * 0 .012 0.49 0.36 0.64 0 .64 0 .49 ***** 0 .69 CB N-25 � CB N-27 PIPE NO. 3 : 46 LF - 12"CP :� ll .46% OUTLET: 475 .85 INLET: 481.12 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 3 : OVERFLOW-EL: 484 .12 BEND: 5 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ,r***************,r********��******..********,r****,r�*****�*****************,r***** 0.40 0 . 30 481 .42 * O . Q12 0 . 27 0.13 0 .69 0 .69 0 .27 ***** 0 . 30 CB N-27 -� CB N-28 PIPE NO. 4 : 45 LF - 12"CP 'a 13 . 11� OUTLET: 481. 12 INLET: 487 . 02 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******************,r,r*********�#*******:******************************,r******** 0.40 0 . 27 487.29 * 0 . 012 0 . 27 0 .12 0 . 30 0 . 30 0 .27 ***** 0 . 15 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:p9.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:506.07 feet Discharge Range:0.46 to 0.46 Step of 1. [cfsJ Overflow Elevation:516.15 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec OIITFALL N-29A � CB N-29 PIPE NO. 1: 52 LF - 12"CP � 0.50� OUTLET: 505 . 07 INLET: 505.33 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 508.17 BEND: 3 DEG DIAjWIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 24 Q(CFS} HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******+********************************+************************************** 0.46 0.76 506.09 * 0.012 0.29 0.28 1. 00 1 .00 0.75 0.76 0. 38 � CB N-29 � CB N-30 PIPE NO. 2 : 35 LF - 12"CP Q 4 .71$ OUTLET: 505 .33 INLET: 506.98 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 508 .42 BEND: 3 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ****************************************************�************************** 0.37 0.32 507 .30 * 0.012 0.26 0. 15 0. 76 0 .76 0.26 ***** 0 . 32 CB N-30 � CB N-35 PIPE NO. 3 : 89 LF - 12"CP @ 2.94� OUTLET: 506 . 98 INLET: 509.60 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 3 : OVERFLOW-EL: 512 .60 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********************************************+***«******+***********�********.** 0. 37 0.33 509.93 * 0.012 0.26 0 . 17 0 .32 0. 32 0. 26 ***** 0 .33 CB N-35 � CB N-36 PIPE NO. 4 : 255 LF - 12"CP @ 2 . 18$ OUTLET: 509_60 INLET: 515. 15 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN Tt4 DO DE HWO HWI ***************************+*************************************************** 0.37 0.26 515 .41 * 0.012 0.26 0 .18 0. 33 0.33 0.26 ***** 0.19 � - I BACKL4ATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:pl0_bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:472 .44 feet Discharge Range:1.36 to 1 . 36 Step of l . [cfs] Overflow Elevation:475 . 58 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet%sec OIITFALL N-31A � CB N-31 PIPE NO. 1: 35 LF - 12"CP � 0.49� OUTLET: 471.44 INLET: 471.61 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 475.85 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 3 . 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******+*********************************************************************�+ 1.36 0. 96 472 .57 * 0.012 0 .50 0.51 1.00 1 . 00 0 . 87 0. 96 0. 72 CB N-31 � CB N-33 PIPE NO. 2 : 91 LF - 12"CP 0 0.49% OUTLET: 471.61 INLET: 472 .06 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 477.29 BEND: 35 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3 .0 Q-RATIO: 0. 13 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *.*,r**:****************�*******�*.***********,r*****,r*************«************* 0 . 34 0. 53 4?2 . 59 * 0.012 0 . 25 0 .24 0. 96 0. 96 0 . 52 0 .53 0 .32 CB N-33 -� CB N-34 PIPE NO. 3 : 105 LF - 12"CP `a� 0 . 50% OUTLET: 472 _06 INLET: 472 .58 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********+r**************«********************,r***********************�,r********� 0. 30 0.23 472 .81 * 0.012 0 .23 0.23 0.53 0.53 0.23 0 .20 0 . 16 , BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:pll.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:496. 9 feet Discharge Range:0.24 to 0.24 Step of 1. [cfsJ Overflow Elevation:497.33 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec OIITFALL N-22A -� CB N-22 PIPE NO. 1: 20 LF - 8"CP @ 0 .50% OUTLET: 495 . 90 INLET: 496. 00 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************�*************+******�*************************** 0.24 0.91 496 .91 * 0.012 0.23 0.24 1 .00 1.00 0. 91 0 .78 0. 17 j� BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PT_�ES Pipe data from file:spl.bi.� Surcharge condition at interme�.iate junctions Tailwater Elevation:438.5 feet Discharge Range:9.37 to 9.3? Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:494 . 39 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocit�.�: 3 . feetisec OIITFALL S-3A � CB S-3 PIPE NO. 1: 83 LF - 24"CP �;� O .SlE OUTLET: 432 . 75 INLET: 433 . 17 I?1TYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 439.45 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3 .0 Q-RATIO: 0 .07 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *********************************�****�**********,r******************,r********** 9.37 5 . 56 438 ."'3 * 0.012 1 . 10 1.05 5 .'75 5 .75 5 .46 5 . 56 1 . 5]. CB S-3 � CB S-5 PIPE NO. 2 : 85 LF 24"CP � � . 51 � OJTLET: -133 . 17 INLET: 433 .0'0 Ii7:'rP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 439. 03 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3 .0 Q-RATIO: 0 . 07 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **,r,r************.****+******************,r**,r********«**,r**************,r*#****** 8.78 5 . 32 438 . 92 * 0. 012 1 .06 1 . 01 5 . 56 5 . 56 5 .24 5 . 32 1 .45 CB S-5 � CB S-7 PIPE N0. 3 : �05 LF - 24"CP � 0 .50% OUTLET: -�33 . b0 INLET: 434 .43 Ii7T�P: 5 JUNC NO. 3 : OVERFLOL^1-E"L: 4-�0 .%9 BE2dD: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 3 . 0 Q-RATIO: 0 . 30 Q(CFS) HW(FTI HW ELEV. * id-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******+�*�**�**.*«*+*.*****.+**��*��„*�:r.+****�**+**«+*.***���*******«***������ 8 . 19 4 . 59 -�39. 1: * G . 012 1 . 02 0 . 9? 5 . 32 5 . 32 4 .58 4 . 69 1 . 33 CB S-7 � CB 5-12 PIPE N0. 4 : 91 LF - i8"CF Q . 51% OUTLET: 434 . 93 INLET: 435. 39 IidTiP: 5 JUNC N0. 4 : OVERFLOW-EL: 440.04 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 12 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ***************�***,r*****************+****,r*,+*******,r*,r***********,+*******,r**** 6.28 4 . 02 439.41 * 0. 012 0 . 97 1.00 4 . 19 4 .19 4 .01 4 .02 1.22 CB S-12 � CB 5-14 PIPE N0. 5 : 179 LF - 15"CP � i . 35$ OUTLET: 435. 64 INLET: 439. 64 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 5: OVERFLOW-EL: 443.12 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 .23 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********************+********************************************************** 5.61 1.23 441.07 * 0 .012 0. 96 0 .65 3 .77 3 .77 0.96 ***** 1.23 CB 5-14 -� CB S-16 PIPE NO. 6 : 200 LF - 12"CP @ 1.505 OUTLET: 440 .09 INLET: 443 .09 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 6 : OVERFLOW-EL: 447.24 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******************************************.*****************************�***** 4 .56 2 . 17 445.26 * 0.012 0. 90 0.79 0. 98 0 . 98 0 . 90 ***** 2 . 17 CB S-16 � CB S-18 PIPE NO. 7 : 231 LF - 12"CP @ 3 .68% OUTLET: 443 .09 INLET: 451.60 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 7: OVERFLOW-EL: 455. 11 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.41 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************+*+********************************** 4 .56 1.81 453 .41 * 0 .012 0. 90 0.57 2 . 17 2 .17 0. 90 ***** 1. 81 CB 5-16 � CB 5-23 PIPE NO. 8: 12 LF - 12"CP y 0.50°s OUTLET: 451.60 INLET: 451.66 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 8: OVERFLOW-EL: 454 .77 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 0. 09 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI � **���*********************:*********+*******t*�******************************** 3 . 23 2 . 03 �53 . 50 + � n�? � _ ^a _ . �c = . 3' 1 . 81 1 . 83 � . �= 1 . 14 CB 5-23 � CB S-25 PIPE NO. 9: 92 LF - 12"CP y 0.71s OUTLET: �51 .66 ZNLET: 452 . 31 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 9: OVERFLOW-EL: 457 .32 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 . 7 Q-RATIO: 0 . 90 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI �************+***************#**************+******#.�************************* 2 .97 2.23 454 .54 * 0.012 0 .74 0.76 2 .03 2 .03 1 . 93 2 .23 1. 20 CB S-25 -� CB 5-26 PIPE NO.10 : 46 LF - 12"CP � 5.30% OUTLET: 452 .31 INLET: 454 .75 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO.10: OVERFLOW-EL: 457 .86 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 . 7 Q-RATIO: 0 .72 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *********:*****,r******�**+***�**�**�*�*,r�*�***�****���+.�*�*******�****�**�**** 1. 56 0 .?� �55 .49 * 0 . 012 0 . 5� � . 29 2 . �3 2 . 23 0 . 54 ***** 0 . ?4 CB 5-26 -� CB 5-28 PIPE N0.11 : 129 LF - 12"CP �s� 1. 16% OUTLET: 454 .75 INLET: 456 .25 INTYP: 5 JLTNC N0.11 : OVERFLOW-EL: 459.36 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 13 Q(CFS) HW{FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **�*«************************************.**,r****,r**************,r*,r************ 0. 91 0 . 54 456.'79 * 0 .012 0.40 0 . 32 0 . ?4 0.74 0 .40 ***** 0 .54 CB 5-28 � CB S-30 PIPE N0. 12 : 86 LF - 12"CP � 1.48� OUTLET: 456.25 INLET: 457 .52 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 12 : OVERFLOW-EL: 460 .52 BEND: 70 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-P.ATIO: 0 .05 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******:************************************************************�********** 0. 80 0.51 458.03 * 0.012 0.38 0.29 0.54 0 . 54 0.38 ***** 0. 51 CB 5-30 � CB 5-31 PIPE N0. 13 : 39 LF - 12"CP @ 8 .46$ OUTLET: 457.52 INLET: 460 . 82 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 13 : OVERFLOW-EL: 463 . 82 BEND: 40 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2.7 Q-RATIO: 0 .09 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **************************�*************************+***************�********** 0.77 0.46 461.28 * 0.012 0.37 0. 18 0 .51 0.51 0.37 ***** 0 .46 CB 5-31 � 5-32 � PIPE N0.14 : 100 LF - 12"CP @ 7 .88� OUTLET: 460.82 INLET: 468 .70 INTYP: 5 JtTNC N0.14 : OVERFLOW-EL: 471.70 BEND: 20 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 4 .83 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ************************.*****#*****************************+#******�********** �. 70 0 .�5 469 . 1� * 0 . 012 0 . 35 � . 1R 0 .4E Q .46 0 . 35 ****` O .YS CB 5-32 � CB 5-33 PIPE N0.15 : 122 LF - 12"CP �� 9.57% OUTLET: 468 .70 INLET: 480 .3% IPJTYP: S JUNC N0.15: OVERFLOW-EL: 483 . 37 BEND: 20 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .? Q-RATIO: 1 .40 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************�************************************ 0. 12 0 . 15 480.52 * 0.012 0. 15 0.08 0.45 0 .45 0. 15 ***** 0 . 14 CB 5-33 � CB S-34 PIPE N0.16: 169 LF - 12"CP � 6.52� OUTLET: 480.37 INLET: 491.39 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *****************«***************�********************************************* 0.05 0 . 10 491 .49 * 0 .012 0 . 10 0 .06 0. 15 0 . 15 0 . 10 ***** 0 . 06 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:sp2 .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:439.12 feet Discharge Range:0 .64 to 0.64 Step of l. [cfs� Overflow Elevation:439.36 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB S-7 -� CB 5-10 PIPE NO. 1: 166 LF - 12"CP @ 0.50$ OUTLET: 436.36 INLET: 437 .21 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 439.36 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 7 .00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI **********«***********************�******************************************** 0.64 1. 98 439.19 * 0 .012 0.34 0.33 2 .74 2 .74 1. 96 1.98 0.46 CB 5-10 -� CB 5-11 PIPE NO. 2 : 31 LF - 8°CP :� 0 . 48`s OUTLET: 437 .2i INLET: 437 .36 INTYP: 5 Q(CFSj HW �FTi HW ELE�.'. * td-FA_C DC Dtd TW DO DE HWO HWI **�******�******�*��*********�*******�+***��,.***��*�***��********************* 0 . 08 1. 63 439. 19 * �� . 012 0 . 13 0 . 14 1 . 98 1 . 98 1 . 83 1 .69 0 . 03 ! BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:sp3 .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:439.12 feet Discharge Range:0.51 to 0. 51 Step of 1 . [cfs] Overflow Elevation:441 .96 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec cs s-7 � cs s-s PIPE NO. 1 : 26 LF - 12"CP �s� 9. 31% OUTLET: 435 .43 INLET: 43� . 85 INT`iP: 5 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 441 .85 BEND: 90 DEG DIA%WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0. 1? Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *************************+*�*************************************************** 0.51 1 . 29 439. 14 * 0 . 012 0 . 30 0 . 15 3 . 69 3 . 69 1 .28 1 . 29 0 . 3E CB S-8 � CB S-9 PIPE NO. 2 : 31 LF - 12"CP � 0.48% OUTLET: 437 . 85 INLET: 438. 00 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 441.85 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 . 41 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO Ht•II ***********�****���**�*****...**********.#****.*.***�**�*****�************��++. 0.43 1 . 16 439. 16 * G . 012 C .�B 0 .29 _ . �9 �� . 29 �i . 15 1 . 15 0 . 3? CB S-9 � CB S-9A PIPE N0. 3 : 68 LF - 12"CF _- 2 . 94% OUTLET: 438 . 00 IC1�E:: �40. 00 IP1TY'P: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ***,r***�*****�*�********+���+�*�*+**�**�«***+*,r********+**�*,r#*�*,r*****.,r****** 0. 31 0 . 23 440 .2� * O . C=2 Q . 23 0 . 15 1 . 1C l . lc 0 . 23 ***** 0 . 15 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAt•t FOP. FIPES Pipe data from file:sp4 .bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:453 .41 feet Discharge Range:1.31 to 1 .31 Step of 1_ (cfs) Overflow Elevation:490.05 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB S-18 -� CB S-19 PIPE NO. 1: 241 LF - 12"CP �a 2 .54% OUTLET: 451. 60 INLET: 457 .71 INTYP: S JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW-EL: 460. 71 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/L9IDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.31 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *****************************�***�**��***�************************************* 1.31 0.67 458 .38 * 0.012 0 .49 0 .32 1. 81 1.81 0.49 ***** 0.67 CB 5-19 � CB 5-20 PIPE NO. 2 : 126 LF - 12"CP @ 3 . 95°s OUTLET: 457.71 INLET: 462 .69 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 467 .19 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 .35 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ***:************************�*��*���****�**,r********�*****�*�*+*****.********** 1. 00 0. 58 463 .27 * �. 012 0 .43 0 .25 0 . 5% � . E� 0 . 43 ***** 0 . 58 ' CB 5-20 � CB 5-41 PIPE NO. 3 : 67 LF - 12"CP t� 15 . 54% OUTLET: 462 . 69 INLET: 473 . 10 INTYP: 5 JUNC N0. 3 : OVERFLOW-EL: 478 . 10 BEND: 45 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *+*****,r********************���***********�************�*********************** 0 . ?4 0.41 4?3 .51 * 0 . 012 G . 35 0 . 16 0 . 5B 0 . 58 0 . 36 ***** 0 .41 CB 5-41 -� CB 5-42 PIPE N0. 4 : 18 LF - 12"CP @ 13 .06% OUTLET: 473 . 10 INLET: 475 .45 INTY"P: S JUNC N0. 4 : OVERFLOW-EL: 478.45 BEND: 50 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 .57 Q(CFS} HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 0.74 0.43 475 .88 * 0 .012 0 . 36 0 .16 0.41 0 .41 0. 36 ***** 0 .43 CB 5-42 � CB S-43 PIPE NO. 5 : 46 LF - 12"CP @ 3 . 17% OUTLET: 4?5 .45 INLET: 476. 51 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 5 : OVERFLOW-EL: 479. 91 BEND: 45 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 . 7 Q-RATIO: 0.02 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *************************************��,r,r*************�*****,r�******,r********** 0.47 0 .37 47?.28 * C .012 0 .29 �. 18 0 .43 0.43 C .29 ***** 0 .37 CB 5-43 -� CB 5-44 PIPE NO. 6 : 28 LF - 12"CP Q 8.57� OUTLET: 476. 91 INLET: 479.31 INTYP: 5 JLTNC NO. 6 : OVERFLOW-EL: 482 .31 BEND: 30 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 6 .66 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *******************�*************************************:********************* 0 .46 0. 34 479.65 * 0.012 0.29 0.14 0. 37 0 . 3? 0 .29 ***** 0.34 CB 5-44 � CB 5-45 PIPE N0. 7: 106 LF - 12"CP Q 7 .30� OUTLET: 479.31 INLET: 487 .05 INT1'P: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************:*#*******+************.**+*********�************ 0.06 0. 10 487. 15 * 0.012 0.10 0.06 0.34 0 .34 0 . 10 ***** 0. 06 BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIFES Pipe data from file:sp5.bwp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:454 .91 feet Discharge Range:1.39 to 1.39 Step of 1. [cfsJ Overflow Elevation:475.34 feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec CB 5-25 � CB 5-35 PIPE NO. 1: 34 LF - 12"CP � 0 . 50$ OUTLET: 452 .31 ZNLET: 452 .48 INTIP: 5 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 456 . 93 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 0 . 96 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI *****************************************************************************+* 1.39 2.55 455.03 * 0.012 0.50 0.51 2.60 2 .60 2.48 2 .55 0.72 CB S-35 -� CB 5-37 PIPE NO. 2 : 165 LF - 12"CP � 3 . 95$ OUTLET: 452 .48 INLET: 459.00 INTYP: 5 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 463.27 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 .7 Q-RATIO: 6 . 10 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ********:**********,r*,r*�*,r,r,.*,r*********,r**,r**,r*,+*********************,r*******�* 0.71 0.47 459.47 * 0. 012 0 . 36 0.21 2 .55 2 . 55 0 . 36 ***** 0 .4% CB 5-37 � CB 5-49 PIPE N0. 3 : 134 LF - 12"CP �� 9.gg% OUTLET: 459. 00 INLET: 472 .24 INTYP: 5 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******.,++r********,r,r***********************«*,r********,r*****,r*****************,r* � 0 . 10 0 .13 472 .37 * 0.012 0 .13 0 .07 0.47 0.47 0. 13 ***** 0 .07 � I Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Note: There is an un-permitted fill being addressed separately from the analysis provided in this section. The remediation will consist of a re-connection of the west wetland described below to another wetland located south of the proposed pond. The "south" wetland to be re- connected should not be confused with the wetlands described in the "Wetland Recharge" or "West Wetland Directional Flow" analvsis as follows. 6.1 Wetland Recharge West Wetland The King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has developed guidelines for managing wetland hydro periods during post-development. The guidelines categorize the wetlands analysis into two groups; basic and high value. The wetland areas associated with this site require a basic analysis. The basic analysis does not model the wetland hydraulics, but instead matches the project's hydrologic contribution to the wetland. In other words, the area to provide wetland recharge will have similar runoff flow characteristics as the area that was tributary to the wetland in the pre-developed condition. The primary storm events of concern are the events which occur most frequently. The most frequent storm event calculated by KCRTS is the 1.10 yeaz event. In addition, the primary season of concern is spring, which is typically the wettest season. For the purpose of the KCRTS analysis, spring is defined as February 1 through May 30. Procedure The following is an outline of the procedure used to determine and compare the hydrological contribution to the west wetland in the pre-developed and post-developed condition. 1. The area tributary to the wetland in the pre-developed and post-developed condition is determined. 06/11/2008 \ Page 6-1 Job#01-159 /T�D . 55�C�.1�5 __ Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report ! 2. Using KCRTS, a Time Series File is created and the peak flow rates for each storm I event are determined. The peak flow rate of the pre-developed condition for the 1.10 I year storm event will become the focal point of the analysis. (The 1.10 year event is the most frequent storm event that KCRTS calculates.) 3. For the pre-developed and post-developed condition, a Probabiliry of Exceedence table for values that window the 1.10-year storm event peak flow is created. (This will show the probability that the particular peak flow will be exceeded) A separate analysis should be conducted for each season. The seasons are defined by the ' following dates: Spring, February 1 through May 31; Summer, June 1 through August 31; Fall, September 1 through November 30 and Winter, December 1 through January 31. The analysis of the fall season is not allowed by the KCRTS program since it spans two hydrology years. 4. The probability of exceedence for the pre-developed and post-developed conditions is compared graphically as well as analytically in the form of the percent change in probability. For background information on the KCRTS program please refer to the KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manual published by the King County Department of Public Works. � The west wetland will receive discharge from the north pond along with runoff from an area designated to provide wetland recharge. Approximately 15.2 acres of onsite land in the , existing condition is tributary to the west wetland. The wetland itself covers approximately I, 3.0 acres and within it, are topographically two separate sub-wetlands, a north and a south wetland. These sub-wetlands are connected by an inter-wetland ditch. Discharge for the entire wetland flows north and south in all storm events except for the 1.10-year event. During this low event, the flows discharge to the north. The north discharge location for the wetland system is through a 12-inch CMP and a 6-inch concrete pipe into a man-made pond located in the adjacent property to the north. The south discharge location for the wetland flows is through a V-ditch offsite into another wetland. 06/11/2008 Page 6-2 Job#01-159 � Ts��� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report In the existing condition 15.2 acres are tributary to the wetland located near the west property line. The land cover is as follows: 0.9 acres impervious (driveways and roofs with �0% ' effective impervious multiplier) and 14.3 acres till pasture. The resulting time series file is shown below. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:w-predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----F'ow Frequency :vnalysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.16 2 2/09/O1 15:00 2. 16 1 100.00 0. 990 0.572 7 1/05/02 16:00 1. 16 2 25.00 0. 960 1. 15 3 2/28/03 3:00 1. 15 3 10.00 0. 900 0. 292 8 8/26/04 2:00 1. 10 4 5.00 0.800 0. 657 6 1/OS/05 8:00 1.04 5 3.00 0. 667 1.10 4 1/18/06 16: 00 0.657 6 2 .00 0.500 1.04 S 11/24/06 4:00 0.572 ? 1 . 30 0.231 ' 2. 16 1 1/09/08 6:00 0`.�����:�'"�''� 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.83 50. 00 0. 980 To maintain the hydrological contribution to the wetland, runoff from the backyards and roofs from lots 72-79 (0.90 acres total) will be allowed to drain directly into the wetland to provide recharge. The land cover of this recharge area is as follows: , 0.48 acres Till Pasture, 0.21 acres Till Grass 0.21 acres Impervious. 0.90 acres Total I 06/11/2008 Page 6-3 Job#01-159 � TS����.� � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report The KCRTS time series file is shown below. Flow Frequency Analysis ':'ime Series File:wrchrg.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.096 5 2/09/O1 2:00 0.202 1 100.00 0. 99C 0.067 � 1/05/02 16:00 0. 114 2 25.00 0. 960 0.114 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.103 3 10.00 0. 90C 0.059 8 8/26/04 2: 00 0. 096 9 5. 00 0.800 0.072 6 10/28/04 16:00 0. 096 5 3.00 0. 667 0. 103 3 1/18/06 16:00 0.072 6 2.00 0.500 0.096 4 11/24/06 3:00 O. C67 � 1 .30 0.231 0.202 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.459 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0. 172 50. 00 C. 98G The time series file for the recharge area is combined with the time series file for the pond control structure release rate. This time series is shown below. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:pond+wrchrg.tsf ; Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period I 1.42 2 2/09/O1 19:00 3.08 1 100.00 0. 990 I 0.347 7 12/28/O1 16:00 1. 42 2 25.00 0. 960 0.894 5 2/28/03 7:00 1.09 3 10.00 0. 900 0.253 8 8/23/04 23:00 0.984 4 5.00 0. 800 0. 636 6 1/05/05 19: 00 0. 894 5 3.00 0. 667 0. 984 9 1/18/06 22:00 0. 6?6 6 2 .00 0.500 1.09 3 11/24/06 7: 00 C. 34? 7 1.30 0.231 3.08 1 1/09/08 10:00 0.253 8 1.10 0. 091 Computed Peaks 2. �3 50.00 0. 980 For the duration analysis, please see the tables and graphs located at the end of this section. The comparison of the annual flow rate at the 1.10 year storm event (0.29 cfs) shows that the duration of the runoff tributary to the wetland during the developed condition is approximately 46% more than that of the predeveloped condition. This also includes the discharge from the detention facility. The excess in duration will be utilized as recharge to other conn�cted wetlands located offsite and not analyzed in the predeveloped condition. The annual flow is an average of all the seasonal flov�rs. 06/11/2008 Page 6-4 Job#01-159 � T=����.� � Shamrock— Finai Corrected Technical Information Report The analysis of the same storm event for the spring season sho�vs that the duration of the runoff tributary to the wetland during the developed condition is approximately 35% more than that of the predeveloped condition. The analysis of the winter season showed the runoff from the developed condition to be 55% more than that of the predeveloped condition. Since the summer season receives relatively little rainfall, it was not useful in this evaluation. However, the probability of exceedence table and chart are included at the end of this section. The comparison of the flow durations for the predeveloped and post developed wetland tlo��-s varies dramatically from season to season. This is due to the various rainfall characteristics associated with each season. The winter season contains fewer storm events but a higher peak flow rate per event. The spring season contains more frequent storm events that last a longer period of time, but have a lower peak flow rate. There is relatively little rainfall during the summer season making the analysis of summer insignificant. As mentioned before, the fall season spans t���o hydrology years and is not possible to evaluate. North Central Wetland Analvsis The analysis of the North Central «-etland has been conducted differently than that of the West wetland. This is because the majority of this wetland is located offsite. Since we don't have control of the land that is tributary to the other parts of the wetland it would not be possible to model the durations. Instead, the total volume of flow during the Spring Season (February 1 - May 30) has been evaluated. This has been done by analyzing the full historical record for the predeveloped and developed conditions from 1948 to 1998. The following is a summary of these findings. 06/11/2008 Page 6-5 Job#01-159 � Tso��,.� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical information Report Predeveloped Land Cover In the existing condition 2.25 acres of the site is tributary to the wetland located near the north property line, approximately 600 feet west of 148th Ave SE. The following is a breakdown of the land cover. 0.10 acres Impervious (driveways and roofs ���ith 50% impervious multiplier) 2.15 acres Till Pasture 2.25 acres Total Total flow for all Spring seasons (1948-1998) � 1,670,959 cubic feet Average flow for per Spring Season � 33,419 cubic feet Developed Land Cover(lots 80-81, 85-88, 100-104) These lots will utilize a backyard dispersion system to provide wetland recharge. The driveways will drain to the in-street conveyance system. Therefore, based on the assumptions made in Section 4.1, the land cover is assumed to be 25% impervious, 25% till grass and 50% till pasture. The following is a breakdown of the total land cover associated with these lots. 0.39 acres Impervious 0.39 acres Till Grass 0.76 acres Till Pasture 1.54 acres Total Total flow for all Spring Seasons (1948 — 1998) -� 1,534,575 cubic feet Average flow per Spring Season � 30,692 cubic feet From this analysis it is found that the average flow from the developed condition is 8% less than that of the predeveloped condition. Since this wetland is also fed by a much larger offsite tributary area the 8% reduction in spring flow volume should not have an affect on the wetland. 06111/2008 Page 6-6 Job#01-159 /T�D ' 1SS�CIa'ES __ Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report South Wetland Analvsis The south wetland will be connected to the west wetland by a manmade wetland hydraulic connection as a corrective measure for an un-permitted wetland fill from the previous owner of the property. The onsite areas that are tributary to the south wetland are shown on the South Wetland Recharge Existing Conditions Exhibit located at the end of this section. The size of the onsite wetland and the onsite tributary area is too small to evaluate using the previous analysis methods. Instead, the peak flow rates for the 1.10 year storm event for the developed condition will be matched to the predeveloped condition. In the predeveloped condition, 2.18 acres of onsite pasture are tributary to the wetland. The following is the KCRTS output for the Predeveloped Wetland Tributary Flow. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:s-predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peaic - - Peaks - - Rank Return ?rob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0. 159 2 2/09/O1 18:00 0.263 1 100. 00 0. 990 0.057 7 1/05/02 16:00 0. 154 2 25.00 0. 960 0. 190 3 2/28/03 3:00 0. 140 3 10.00 0. 900 0.015 8 3/24/09 19:00 0. 131 4 5.00 0.800 0.078 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.126 5 3.00 0. 667 0. 131 9 1/18/06 16:00 0. 078 6 2.00 0.500 0.126 5 11/29/06 4 :00 0.057 � 1.30 0.231 0.263 1 =/09/08 6:00 0:015 . 8 1.10 G.091 Computed Peaks 0.227 50.00 0. 98C The peak flow rate for the predeveloped 1.10 year, 24-hour storm event is 0.01� cfs. In the developed condition, 0.10 acres of impervious (rooftop from lot 38) ��-i11 provide recharge to the wetland. 06/11/2008 Page 6-7 ', Job#01-159 /T�D i � SSDila1E5 __ Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report The following is the KCRTS output for the Developed Wetland Tributary Flow. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:s-dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CES) (CFS) Period 0.024 7 2/09/Ol 2:00 0.047 1 100.00 0. 990 0.021 8 1/05/02 16: 00 0.036 2 25.00 0. 960 I 0.029 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.029 3 10.00 0. 900 � 0.025 6 8/26/09 2:00 0.029 9 5.00 0.800 0.029 9 10/28/09 16:00 0.026 5 3.00 0. 667 0.026 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.025 6 2.00 0.500 0.036 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.029 7 1.30 0.231 0.047 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.�21 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0. 044 50.00 0. 980 The peak flow rate for the developed 1.10 year, 24-hour storm event is 0.021 cfs, compared to 0.015 cfs for the predeveloped condition. Due to the relatively small flow rates for the predeveloped and developed conditions, the difference between the two conditions is negligible. 06/11/2008 Page 6-8 Job#01-159 /TRIAD . . SSC�CIaTCS /_ Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report 6.2 West Wetland Directional Flow Analysrs , The Directional Flow Analysis was conducted during the preliminary design phase. Therefore the elevations listed for the pond design are not necessarily the actual final pond design elevations, but are relevant to determining the directional wetland flow. Apnroach Since the primary discharge for the entire wetland drains to the north, tail water elevations are established by ponding conditions in the downstream pond to the north. Currently the pond to the north discharges through a 12-inch CMP (443.48') [1] at an elevation higher than that of the discharge point of the subject wetland (443.4') [2]. Therefore, the starting tail water elevation for the analysis is governed by the discharge point of the downstream pond. To be conservative the maximum tail water surface has been set at the overflow elevation of this pond (top of berm, approximately 444.5'). Considering the elevation for the inter- wetland ditch connecting the north and south wetland is 444.45' [3] (slightly below that of the assumed tail water elevation}, it is assumed that there will be no contributing storage volume from the north wetland betow elevation 444.5'. Given these assumptions, the south wetland will be analyzed with the primary outlet as the inter-wetland ditch discharging north from the subject wetland. Tributary flows and volumes for the south vvetland are presented below. Analvsis The King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) program was used to calculate flows and surface water elevations for the south wetland. Peak runoff calculations were determined using Sea-Tac scale factor of 1.0 and Till soils. Areas tributary to the south wetland are given below. Refer to the Wetland Basins Exhibit at the end of this section for basin delineation. Impervious (roof and roads) 1.78 acres Till Pasture 12.79 acres Till Forest 0.81 acres Wetland 1.23 acres Total 16.61 acres 06/11/2008 Page 6-9 Job#01-159 /T�D . ♦SSOCIA'ES � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report Inflow The following table shows the peak flo��� tributary to the south ��etland in e�isting conditions. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:exst-sw.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Erequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 1.42 3 2/09/O1 15:00 2.53 1 100.00 0. 990 0.751 7 1/05/02 16:00 1.50 2 25.00 0. 960 1. 50 2 2/27/03 7:00 1.42 3 10.00 0. 900 0.500 8 8/26/04 2:00 1.27 4 5.00 0.800 0.773 6 1/OS/05 8:00 1.20 5 3. 00 0.667 1.27 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.773 6 2. 00 0.500 1.20 5 11/29/06 3:00 0.751 7 1.30 0.231 2. 53 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.500 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 2. 19 50.00 0. 98C Reservoir The following table shows the 2-outlet reservoir file. Discharge A is the tlow rate for the inter-wetland ditch to the north. Discharge B is the flow rate for the V-ditch to the south [4]. Refer to Ditch Flow Calculations in the end of this Section for ditch cross sections and calculations. South Wetland 2-Outlet Reservoir Data Tcao Outlet Reservoir Routing Eile Stage Discharge Storage Perm-Area (Ft) (CFS) (Cu-Ft) (Sq-Ft) A B 0.00 0.000 0.000 0. 0. 0. 10 0. 110 0.000 1704 . 0. 0. 15 0.210 0.000 3962. 0. 0.20 0.350 0.000 5329. 0. 0.30 0.730 0.040 9393. 0. 0.40 1.230 0. 140 13907 . 0. 0.50 1. 930 0.340 18881 . 0. 0.60 2.770 0. 650 24324 . 0. 0.70 3.800 1 . 100 30248. 0. � 0.80 5.030 1.710 36661. 0. 0. 90 6. 460 2.490 43572. 0. 1.00 8. 120 3.460 50991 . 0. 444 .50 Ft : Base Reservoir Elevation Q.0 Minutes/I�ch: Averace Perm-Rat� 06111/2008 Page 6-10 Job#01-159 � T s�;�RIAD � Shamrock-Final Corrected Technical Information Report Outflow North The following table shows the discharge from the inter-wetland ditch to the north. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:n-ditch.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft} Period 1.16 2 2/09/O1 19:00 1.90 0.50 1 100.00 0.990 0.388 7 1/05/02 18:00 1. 16 0.39 2 25.00 0. 960 0. 972 3 2/27/03 9:00 0.972 0.35 3 10.00 0. 900 0. 184 8 8/23/04 20:00 0.970 0.35 4 5.00 0.800 0.593 6 1/05/05 9:00 0. 952 0.34 5 3.00 0. 667 0. 952 5 1/18/06 21:00 0.593 0.26 6 2.00 0.500 0. 970 4 11/29/06 5:00 0.388 0.21 7 1 .30 0.231 1.90 1 1/09/08 10:00 0.189 0. 14 8 1. 10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1. 65 0.96 50.00 O. aBG Outflow South The following table shows the discharge from the V-ditch to the south. Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:s-ditch.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period � 0. 126 2 2/09/O1 19:00 0.330 0.50 1 100.00 0_990 � 0.009 7 1/05/02 18:00 0. 126 0. 39 2 25. 00 0. 960 0.088 3 2/27/03 9:00 0.088 0.35 3 10.00 0. 900 � 0.000 8 8/23/04 20:00 0.088 0.35 4 5.00 0. 600 I 0.026 6 1/05/05 9:00 0.089 0.39 5 3.00 0. 667 I 0.084 5 1/18/06 21:00 0.026 0.26 6 2.00 0.500 j 0.088 4 11/24/06 5:00 0.009 0.21 7 1 .30 0.231 � 0.330 1 1/09/08 10:00 0.000 0. 14 8 1. 10 0.091 i Computed Peaks 0.262 0.46 5�.00 0. ?8n � Results The tail water elevation for the above out-going flow rates is 444.50'. The surveyed elevation of 444.45' of the inter-wetland ditch was assumed as the primary outlet of the south wetland. The water surface elevation for the south wetland for the 2, 10, and 100-year storm are as follows: 2-yr: 444.76' 10-yr: 444.85' 100-vr: 445.00' 06/11/2008 Page 6-11 Job#01-159 � T SRI,.AD � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report � The water surface elevation for all three storm events is above both discharge elevations of the south wetland (444.45' for inter-wetland ditch and 444.64' for the V-ditch to the south). Therefore water travels in both directions in all storm events except for the 1.10-year event which flows only to the north. The predicted storm event water surfaces are conservative. Conclusion The 100-yr water surface elevation for the onsite wetland was determined to establish the bottom of live storage elevation (live/dead interface) for the proposed detention pond. Only the South Wetland was considered for the analysis since the tail water elevation (conservatively determined from downstream conditions) is higher than both discharge points for the North Wetland. From the KCRTS reservoir modeling the 100-year water surface elevation of the wetland was determined to be 445.00', therefore the bottom of live storage elevation has been designed at 445.00'. 06/11/2008 Page 6-12 Job#01-159 /T�D . ♦SSJCIaiES � Shamrock- Final Corrected Technical Information Report 6.3 Nor�h Pond Detention Comparison Low Impact Development (LID) reduces the amount of impervious surface on a development site using distributed source control and treatment practices. Native vegetation, landscaping, and small-scale stormwater controls capture, treat, infiltrate, evaporate, and transpire rainfall at the parcel or subdivision level. A comparison of the required detention volumes for LID methods and standard development (non LID) has been conducted. In each scenario the same amount of bypass area has been considered. However, each scenario has unique land cover assumptions. The following table shows the land cover and required detention volume for each scenario. The detention volume does not include a factor of safety. These values should only be used for compazison purposes and may not reflect final engineering calculations. Percent Coverage Per Lot Required Detention Im ervious Till Grass Till Pasture Volume (cubic feet) Scenario A 55% 45% 0% 140,100 Scenario B 32.5% 22.5°/a 45°/a 90,200 Scenario C 0% 55% 45% 54,000 Scenario A - Scenario A uses traditional stormwater management methods using a piping system and a large detention facility to collect rainwater. In addition, the maximum impervious coverage per zoning regulations is assumed. For this site, the maximum impervious coverage per lot is 55 percent. The remaining lot coverage area is assumed to be Till Grass. � Scenario B - Scenario B assumes the site to be develo ed usin LID conce ts. Because of II P g P these concepts (listed above and also in section 1.1 of this report) the impervious area created ; by the building footprint is modeled as 50 percent Till Grass and 50 percent impervious. The ' driveway is estimated to be 500 square feet and is modeled entirely as impervious. The total I'I actual impervious coverage per lot remains 55 percent. The remaining landscaped areas are ; modeled as Till Pasture due to the soils being amended. �i 06/11/2008 \ Page 6-13 Job#01-159 /T�� ssoci.it[s /_ I Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report Scenario C - Scenario C assumes the site to be developed using LID concepts, similar to Scenario B. The Scenario C modeling assumes complete infiltration of all impervious areas associated with each lot. The 55 percent impervious coverage per lot is modeled as Till Grass. The remainder of the lot is modeled as Till Pasture due to the amended soils. Scenario B is the condition that was applied to the site. It conservatively assumes the building footprint to be 50 percent impervious and 50 percent Till Grass. Please see section 4.1 in this report for the actual land coverage areas. 06/11/2008 Page 6-14 Job#01-159 /TR�D . .♦SSJCI�TCS � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report II 6.4 Soil Management Plan Included in this section aze the soil management plan and the Guidelines & Resources for Implementing Soil Depth & Quality — BMP T.5.13 in WDOE Western Washington Stormwater. �I I 06/11/2008 Page 6-15 Job#01-159 � T sRIAD � rcushmon, � "+ 2003 - 5:32pm __ � w E� \PROJECI ` OWCFiles\Engineering Exhibits\LEVEL 1\01159 L 1-EC.dwg, , � �*- _ �� �����II 1�1 �II � . � ; ; � ` �..�;. .�... ;_,_.��� , �` . 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S ., . .. . . . , . _ � �.. . . _ . . � . :,G.: +p{�:'f. 3.F - _ .. � . � . , � . ��S� _ _ . . . . - - . . . . i - � . .. . . _� . .. .. .. . _ . . � .: . .. ':, . . . "�.'v _ - . �. . . ... ... ... .� � . . .. . .. _ � . � ; .r . � �, . . . .... .., .. 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F, 1 T = ?'; O. i .. . .. . . �I I , . . . . .. . , .. I. � 03 � � _ . - _ ,� - - — _---- -- - __ `� �=r.,. ' � . � I � � _._� y�_� ��''. - . . �{` 1 .� _ , � - . , . _ . �$ . � ' ' I I ; � � _ _ 03 , ; i , , � � ; , 5 - --- _ --- ------_ _ - ___ - __ _ _ _-- -- 02 � � --- � � � i � i ! --- Predev ' , � _ � 0.2 , y ; --- i Dev ; , , -�- , o � ; ; I.i.. ! , _ _ �. � 5 � � i - -=-=--- _ -- - - -- ----- --- ---- _ _ _----_ ____ _--- - -- -- _ __ _ -------- - -_ ---__ ____ ___- -- _ , 0.1 { _ . - - : I ! - - - - - _ .� _ ., _ . - � ..- . . - _.. . , . . : . _ . ---- ------ - -- . _ - --- --- - _ ----_____— � —.._-------- --_--` 0:0� � � --- - ,- . _ - �. �-�- i _ � : � — . �•. . . � .. i t_r -.� � -�� .f d ' . . . � . ii . . . . � ' � . . i . �.. . . . . . . I �. , i � , , ,�. ., _ �: .:'_. � � . . . ' ' .. . . .' ... ,. . .�. � � ' � � � . : � 1 .00 E-02 1 .00 E-01 1 .00 E+00 Probability of Exceedence , Triad Associates 01-159 Shamrock b^v'etlarn� Recharge 5;26/2004 Annual Daia Flow Duration from Time Series File: w-predev.tsf Flow Duration from Time Series File: pond+wrchrg_ann.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability Percent CFS % % % CFS % % % Change 0.01 44191 72.07 72.07 27.934 2.79E-01 0.01 40771 66.489 66.489 33.511 3.35E-01 16.72°ro 0.02 4018 6.55 78.62 21.381 2.14E-01 _ 0.02 3164 5.16 71.649 28.351 2.84E-01 24.65% ', 0.03 2500 4.08 82.70 17.304 1.73E-01 _0.03 1298 2.117 73.765 26.235 2.62E-01 33.97% � 0.04 1879 3.06 85.76 14.24 1.42E-01 _ 0.04 1079 1.7G 75.53 24.475 2.45E-01 42.04% 0.05 1422 2.32 88.08 11.921 1.19E-01 0.05 882 1.44 76.96 23.037 2.30E-01 48.26% 0.06 1110 1.81 89.89 10.111 1.01 E-01 0.06 1097 1.79 78.75 21.248 2.12E-01 52.36% 0.07 876 1.43 91.32 8.682 8.68E-02 0.07 1049 1.71 80.46 19.537 1.95E-01 55.49% 0.08 695 1.13 92.45 7.549 7.55E-02 0.08 12G7 2.07 82.53 17.471 1.75E-01 56.86% 0.09 579 0.94 93.40 6.605 6.60E-02 0.09 1018 1.66 84.19 15.811 1.58E-01 58.23% C� 0.1 498 0.81 94.21 5.793 5.79E-02 0.1 815 1.33 85.52 14.481 1.45E-01 60.07% � 0.11 323 0.53 94.73 5.266 5.27E-02 0.11 875 1.43 86.95 13.054 1.31 E-01 59.77°/a � 0.12 381 0.62 95.36 4.644 4.64E-02 0.12 655 1.07 88.01 11.986 1.20E-01 61.33% - 0.13 325 0.53 95.89 4.114 4_11 E-02 0.13 878 1.43 89.45 10.554 1.06E-01 61.23% � � 0.14 262 0.43 96.31 3.687 3.69E-02 0.14 581 0.95 90.39 9.607 9.61 E-02 61.60% � 0.15 234 0.38 96.69 3.306 3.31 E-02 0.15 676 1.10 91.50 8.505 8.50E-02 61.06% � 0.16 199 0.33 97.02 2.981 2.98E-02 0.16 593 0.97 92.46 7.538 7.54E-02 60.48% Q 0.17 175 0.29 97.30 2.696 2.70E-0� 0.1 l 399 0.65 93.11 6.887 6.89E-02 60.81% � 0.18 161 0.2G 97.57 2.433 2.43E-0�' 0.18 468 0.76 93.88 6.124 6.12E-02 60.29% � 0.19 136 0.22 97.79 2.211 2.21 E-0�_ 0.19 325 0.53 94.41 5.594 5.59E-02 60.47% � C6 0.2 123 0.20 97.99 2.011 2.01 E-02 _ 0.2 405 0.66 95.07 4.933 4.93E-02 59.23°% +, 0.21 103 0.17 98.16 1.843 1.84E-02 0.21 283 0.46 95.53 4.472 4.47E-02 58.84% � 0.22 84 0.14 98.29 1.706 1.71 E-02 0.22 285 0.47 95.99 4.007 4.01 E-02 57.36% � 0.23 104 0.17 98.46 1.536 1.54E-02 0.23 221 0.36 96.35 3.646 3.65E-02 57.81% � 0.24 79 0.13 98.59 1.407 1.41 E-02 0.24 260 0.42 96.78 3.222 3.22E-02 56.21% � 0.25 67 0.11 98.70 1.298 1.30E-02 0.25 252 0.41 97.19 2.811 2.81 E-02 53.74% > 0.26 71 0.12 98.82 1.182 1.18E-02 0.26 160 0.26 97.45 2.551 2.55E-02 53.73% � 0.27 55 0.09 98.91 1.093 1.09E-02 0.27 157 0.26 97.71 2.295 2.29E-02 52.40% 0.28 49 0.08 98.99 1.013 1.01 E-02 0.28 136 0.22 97.93 2.073 2.07E-02 51.21% 0.29 39 0.06 99.05 0.949 9.49E-03 0.29 179 0.29 98.22 1.781 1.78E-02 46.69% 0.3 39 0.06 99.11 0.886 8_86E-03 0.3 96 0.16 98.38 1.624 1.62E-02 45.31% 0.31 31 0.05 99.17 0.835 8.35E-03 0.31 118 0.19 98.57 1.432 1.43E-02 41.61% 0.32 27 0.04 99.21 0.791 7.91 E-03 0.32 119 0.19 98.76 1.238 1.24E-02 36.21% 0.33 28 0.05 99.26 0.745 7.45E-03 0.33 134 0.22 98.98 1.019 1.02E-02 26.96% 0.34 26 0.04 99.30 0.703 7.03E-03 0.34 89 0.15 99.13 0.874 8.74E-03 19.57% 0.35 26 0.04 99.34 0.66 6.60E-03 0.35 57 0.09 99.22 0.781 7.81 E-03 15.49% 0.36 26 0. 4 99.38 0.618 6.18 -03 0.36 57 0.09 99.3 0.688 6.88E-03 10. 7°0 Triad Associates 01-159 Shamrock Wetlantl Recharge 5i26l2004 , ,i111U"I' [J�f��: — --- �------- ------------�� ---— ------------ ----------------- ------ —0.4 ' I I I , � � _ �� ,ti : _ ' - - --- -- — -- _ __ 4:35— , ,� _ _ - - �r- - �� � ` � � � - �� � �� � � � � � � ��, ! _ _ ------- --- —=-=--__. - _ __ ; ___ - _ --- - ---------_------- _ _ a�� ; i , : I i . � _ � --- ------ ------ __ _ --0.-25 - , ; � � � ; —�-- Predev � � � - - ----_ _._ --- -- � __ __ _ _ - �"2— ' �— Dev ! � _ --- __ 3 _ o ; �t , u. � � . � _ _ --- --- - - - __ -- - - 0.�5- � � � � ,,, , : ; - ; : : — -- - - -- - - --- ---___ -- - - = _ _ --_ __ _-_ - - - �... _--- --- ----- --- -------- - - -� � _ . r. :. : . o. __ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ . ,� . _. . �_ . � - ; _ � ; .�.� �, � � - -T�� - � - � � - �� � - �=}�-�� . . : . � .. � � . . .� ,- �. :��. _ - - - � - - - - - - -- -- - ---- - -- _ a:o�- ; - - - — — ,. . .; . � : �. ;. , . . _ . 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I 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1 .00E+00 Probability of Exceedence � � Triad Associates III 01-159 Shamrock 1Netland Recharge 5/26/2004 Shamrock Property Soil A�Ianagement Plan Description CamWest Development Niay 18,2004 2002 Guidelines&Resources for Implementing Soil Depth&Quality BMP T.5.13 in WDOE Western Washington Stormwater Option#1 Amend Existing Soil In-Place Procedure 1) Mobilize, install silt fence,construction entrance and other TESC measures as required. � 2) Clear and Grub 3) Construct North Pond. 4) Disc entire site to break up vegetation in topsoil layer 5) Strip and pile topsoil. i) Topsoil to be used for lot fill to be stockpiled on various onsite areas to allow efficient placement on lots after structural fill is completed. ii) Topsoil to be used for replacing mined structural material in Tract B to be stockpiled on lots 1-6 6) Cut/Fill onsite native structural material and import su�cient additional struchual material to rough grade roadways to subgrade and lots to two feet below finish grade. In addition to importing structural material,native structural material will be mined from Tract B and replaced with native strippings. 7) Place balance of s�ipping material that is not used for replacement of mined structural material,along with imported common fill,on lots to bring grades to one foot below plan finish grades. 8) After houses are constructed on each lot,rotorill composted material into native soil @ pre-approved rates for planting beds and turf areas prior to landscaping. (Guideline&Option 1: Amending Existing Soil In-Place) k Shamrock Property Soil Management Plan Option 1 Amend Ezisting Soil In-Ptace Onsite Topsoil Calculations Descri tion Qt Unit Notes Total Stri in s 43,316 bc Native topsoil Qt re uired for lot fill 26,770 bc Qty required for mined material replacement 11,000 bcy Qty required to restore Tract B to existing grade after mining of structural material is mined Qty available to fill park from existing to finish grades 5,546 bcy 15,046 bcy required to fill park from existing to finish grades Cut/Fill Calculations Descri tion Q Unit Notes Total onsite cut availab�e after stripping 34,812 bcy ROW to subgrade and tracts to subgrade, lots to 2' below plan finish grade Total onsite fill required 102,927 bcy ROW to subgrade and tracts to subgrade, lots to 2' below plan finish grade Total material deficit 68,115 bc Total common fill re uired in ark after minin is re lace 15,046 Structural material mined onsite 11,000 bc Material mined from Tract B Total structural im ort re uired 42 069 bc Total common fill import required 9,500 bcy Material required to grade Tract B to plan finish grade , j � , _ , , _ . I , . . . ;: ... VERIFYING SOIL SITE INSPECTION SUPPUES DEPTH ft QUALITY IN • A eopy of the approved Soil Manogement Plon(SMP)for tht 4 N EW LAN DSCAPES : .K�..z. site,with site dnwing. • ,� • A sturdy shovel I • Tape mnsure or 12'ruler � � • 3�8 inch diometer 3-4 foot st�inless steel'rod penetrometer" wfth�1/t'bevel eut into the tip�t 30 degttes from the side, ond�90 de9ret bend�t top to form�h�ndle. '" ''�' '_'' ..�. � _-- • Field Verific�tion Form to record retults � •��r• :' °' , This guide is provided to help professional „r • � � Y ` ` inspectors verify implementation of { ;. .,,.,�.. : � soil improvements to fulfill BMP T5.13 { '"�'*' '`'� �' - Soil Quality and Depth in the Western What should be attached to the Soil Monagement Plan? ,z.;;�,,,.Z4 } •r. - �'� ,: •• � i • Scaledrawingsshowinglnyoutofmdandplantingbeds,and � �;� ��? ��, ' Washington Sto�mwater Manual. identifying when soil trcatrnenu described in the SMP wll be applied � . c:�.':�'.';•. � , , ",q,.�w. ' • Copies of compost and topsoil test results deroonstrating that 1 - " � � ; products contain adequate organic mattec,and meet carbon to � nitrogen rario and stability standards. ` • Where cuatom calculated amendment ntes are used,indude , labontory analyses of the soil and otganic matter sources plus calculuions by a qualified professional showing that tht organic � mattcr reqirirement will be achieved. ' ` � � 1 . The following steps may be completed at multiple visits as a d�c�ertluaunomcndedsoilbelowandparticlesofoddedaganicmatterarelilcdy project progresses or in one final project approval inspection, tobevisible.Claysoilthathasbeensatuwtedandthendriedmaycequirejumping Check Mulch Depth. depend i ng on locai practices. on the ahovel steP to penetnte,but tt�e soil s6ould yield asily whm moist.So�7 Use a shovd to scrape away and reveal surface mulch t6ickness.A two mches that aqujrea rigorws c6ipping with a shwel to penetratc probably does not meet deep►aya o{organic matecial au�u mmpoated sawdust,wood�ips,a gcvund the specifiadon. buk sbauld bc diuinguiabed�om the undeclying sofl on all ptandog beds. Four Inch Depth of Sc�rified Subsoil.Tt�e ncrt four-inch dept6 of soil should be Com pa re site conditions with loose enongh to penetrate with a ahwel. !t may be rodry,and the loouned dcpth approved Soil Management Plan (SMP). mayv�+ryduetothepattemofuarifyingequip-ment—butwmesectionsofsubsoit The SMP a roved with the sitc crmit describes soil treatmenta a roved �a one foot square hole should be loose fout inches deep. ��oa pcn�vaxter is�lao�io�y.ale i�a ia.�.e�awem sts:*ss steei�od PP P PP �iM�90 degrce 6end five ixhes fiow the tap W n�ate�lundk.sed��de9ree for each area.Make sure site ronditions match these details in the SMP: nevN w ile�ncn«3 ns�.ro me siee ac uK av. Test hdes should bt •Sitc loc�tion and permit holder. °1K��-'�" fint xnping r.ry • Turf and planting�reas match approved drawings. mr■��.�� • Areas ta remain as undisturbed nativt soil and vcgebtion have been fenced MULCH °"`r°°'�"""`. MULCH off during construction to prevent soil tompaction or damage to planls. I LOOSE SOIL LOOSE SOIL with visible Aark with visible daric Inspect detivery tickets for compost,topsoil �nd mulches. organicmatter organicmatter Permitce must provide original ddivery tickets for all wil and mulch produMs. LOOSE OR L00SE OR Compare deGvery tickeu with ttie SMP to match the following informadon: FRACTURED FRACTURED • DNirery loation. SUBSOIL SUBSOIL • Tot�l qu�ntitits for each soil product and mulch. • Product deztriptions and sources. If materials other than those listed'w the SMP Were ddiveted,labontory test nsults must be provided to con5cm dut dKy arc equivalmt to approved productc. Check Soil Depth in Serer9l Spots. Useasimple"rodpenetrometer•��t�scraao�>>o�onfirmd,accl,�:auu�o�om- y�hat If A Site Does Not Meet the SMP Requirements? Verify Depth of Amended Soil and Scarification pacted twelve inchu dcep at tcn lontions per acre—with a minimum of ten on ��spemon indiptes that an insnllarion does not fulfill thc approved SMP, smaller sites.To loate test spots,imagine a line dividing the site(ot eac6 acre) Use a shwel to dig at least one tcst hote per acre for turf and one per acre Eor t6e permit hdda or t6eir agent should be notified of what steps ue netded planting beds to vcrify ei�t inch topsoil dcpth(bdow mulch laycr), in half lengt6wiu,then divide nch half iato five andy equal sections.Conduct =o mmply.W6en results are uuclear or d'uputed,an indcpendrnt consult�nt incorpontion of ammdmcnts,and four inches of nncompacted subsoiL tesu near the middle of nch xction. should rnnduM sampling for analytical of testing ocganic matter u dacribed • Rod penetrometer should enter the soil twelve inches deep,driven sdely by the in the projecc specificatiom.QualiSed consultants inclade Certificd Soil Eight Inch Depth of Amended Soil.The top eight inchn of soil should be easy inspeccor's weig6t.lrregular scarification or rocks in che lower Uycr may require �eutiau,Crop Advisocs or Agronomisu;or Licensed I�ndscape Arc6rtccts, to dig using a garden spade driven soldy by your weight.Tt�e soil should be Probing a few spou at each location to reach the full depth. Civil Engineers or Geologisu. . , i - � � � , • _ . i . _ _t, _ , - . .. ' -. .t. .. . :,3 � -��-Ci 4�-.,.. . , _ . . _. .I� . . : _' . , .ra • � '�3.ft ..1 A i. ] . , f; �:F� _ u �L� .T l .�-Wtz ._ . .. . .- : ��,�i . x �� ... _ ti.,�, :�M i'.'�y�T 1 '3'C._t���0_..,p�i��`��"t,� +� 6 � . " ' g� Y�t�a�#? ��-f �� �.. .i S ...�S'tf . .: -L '1 C .� '�-'`.' 4f��.-vlc . �.i��a�y�i 4�J}K��� i` ._ �.�_. i jy ''TY..-.�.• ��rR s�r�§`�t �> t ' �.' '���-"-� � �� g� ` � -,� -. ec. . . :..Y. 'h� ��' a� � p�'5..::.. , � .,;'����. _ � ; - � _ t_� ,,-;��-{- �';�*�;F��- � �. ,,y.. -•�. . .�.� _�_ �y.�+Crl }� �Y �.'{.4-.�` "Y- . .. . ���]JC�. . - 0-K y � ;pc�,1�.�� . � .4:fS�.� ..,. .. . . .. .,.<y-, � , ~•����4'�"'joiy`�J�.��.'��LY"='F '_'i ��� � �^.' '��K.YJ ~t' ��:�- :��;� �� , ��' MANUAL 2002 ���:�._ _ . �_ �:, •F '��w� ' ' ' , � 1.. > ��=� '+'�'-,���.``����-����� FOR IMPLEMENTING `""��` ������'``�����ti � _ - K- SOIL DEPTH �t QUAUTY `:{`����T���`�`�-� = ��`: :..�.� . � �-,:, r�� �E.t - B M P T.5.13 I N W D O E =:��'�-- �Y-T s��-�`�����.� :���'-�.�'�*��a�.p� =- WESTERN WASHINGTON tr�t `r f°g�����'�� STORMWATER � �—��� � �'� `����� : r � ',' ;? ��s4.�'�;t..�_t 'i �Pyy ;,:. k,:. '? #,r.�.�r��sY'Y-�- - :��.-;•-�;:,,�„:;-.r;x_�:_'�:'.'..a�t��E._,"�:; ,'r.:,�'.r . ;:-..m�,a'.s.�r.�,�:::�r�aF';;� ,y:,._ �.=:,+e?i�',�:oif;::� � ... . • . - , � � .... . ... � .. . .. .. �`.'iZ:;k . a.'... � .. '.�'S�:t��ti•- �;cl� .:�.. .. . .... 1� .. . '.4:.. ..� 4 ._ � _. . .. - , . ...vs. . � �.. .. . . � . . .. . _: .. .. � ,6. .""��. 'F�:. �..-f' . .. . ' . � . •� .. . . ;i . �';; �cT���a�+,oJ`�_:# E,�.+�.vi � . - '.r'3F Y ',:R',i. . . . . . .°..'..' :ti�.�jy -r.;..- • � .` , � � .. � . . � . � ;a... _ _ . _ 'i:��.., i,,,R,���.. . .. .^ .:G't . ... , . ... , ._ . � t� . ... . ... �' . � . . . � This publication is provided to help professionals in the land development and landscape industries understand and �'I implement new Washington State guidelines for soil quality designed to improve stormwater retention and quality. The specifications, procedures and forms contained in this manual were developed by a team of landscape professionals, municipal inspectors, soil scientists and public agency staff. They are provided as examples of the tools needed i to implement the guidelines. However they are not officially ! sanctioned methods to meet the guidelines. CO NTENTS sEcr�or,oNE _ Healthy Soil and Stormwater Management SECf10NTW0 BMP T5.13 Soil Quality and Depth SECf10NTHREE Summary of Steps for Implementing BMP T5.13 SECTION FOUR Outline of Amendment Options SECTION FIVE Developing A Soil Management Plan 'Soil Management Plan' form (for permit applications) sEcr�or,s�x Field Guide to Verifying Soil Depth and Quality 'Field Inspection Form' SECTION SEVEN Resources Permitted Composting facilities in Puget Sound Basin Soil and Compost Analytical Labs Serving Wcstern Washington Amendment Rate Calculation Spreadsheet �I Additional Resources on Compost Quality, and The Role of � Soil Quality in Stormwater Management Model Soil Amendment Specifications:APWA and ICS Formats CREDITS FUNDING:Snohomish County PuDlic Works Department PROlECf MANAGER:kgo Jackwn,SnohomisA County Public Works Departmrnt MANUAL AUTHOR:Howard Sttnn,Stenn Design.Vashon,WA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE-AMENDMENT CALCUTATIONS:Dr.Crai9 Coggtr,Washin9tan Statt University-Puyallup TECHNICAI ASSISTANCE-SPECIPICAiIONS:Jcff Ginin:The Berger Pertnership,Seattle,WA GRAPHIC PRODUCTION:Partners In Design,k�ttle,WA ADDR10NAl GRAVHICS:Courtesy of King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks 1 1 THE ROLE OF SOII QUALITY IN STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The Benefits of Healthy Soil RapidurbanizationofforestandfarmlandinthePugetSound Healthy soil provides important stormwater management basin has severely degraded soil capacity to absorb,filter � functions including efficient water infiltration and storage, and store rainwater;and support vigorous plant growth. adsorption of excess nutrients,filtration of sediments,biological Common development practices include removal of topsoil decomposition of pollutants,and moderation of peak stream during grading and clearing,compaction of remaining soil, flows and temperatures.In addition,healthy soils support and planting into unimproved soil or shallow depths of i vigorous plant growth that intercepts rainfall,retuming much poor quality imported topsoil.These conditions typically � of it to the sky through evaporation and transpiration. produce unhealthy plants that require excessive fertilizers and pesticides,further contaminating runoff. Native Soil Disturbed Soil _ ::.. ~ � Y,�'.� ; , " .. .w.:�.� r:�:_.=: +w wr � ±: ' t� � �� ��� '..�:....�� �� ��V tN �� ..�� �\ I /� •....�.. ,� \ ;/ � i �a-�" � � t F 3 y'� �,-`s�'j f`„�ti.-+. a �. i�.�#'�N�,,-.. t �i f � �, r�:�a���:a`"at�r�w•, `��'iJ" _ .. . .. . �3. i � i. i �� � � I., 1� c.� ..� .r � i . „r. ii � i� � r. .li � � �i � •-i � � vl rA I � �� � �' 1� � 1 �1- �� � ' �1 l I'. 1' I I� Y. � 11 t 11 I 1 1 \ 1� - M� I� � 1/ �\ . .1 II '. 11 � �' � !� 2 ��;eal(�•, j�_��I an� SturTv,ate� '�'an;ce�T�eni � � These changes, plus thc listing of some Puget Sound salmon runs as 'threatened' under the Endangered Species Act, has stimulated examination of alternative practices to preserve and restore the soil's stormwater and water quality functions. Best development practices that improvt on-site management of storm water runoff include minimizing impervious surfaces, preserving native soil and vegetation, and establishing minimum soil quality and depth standards in landscaped areas. � W � Utilization of Best Management Practices for Soils •.., _ ,, �;, . , i ri 1� �i.�. � � i' - �.,��. � , . r. i .1 � i � r� • i i r � '� r �' � � i.� -�1..�.n:'�>�-, %�.�', _ �. ❑ �a �� .i� �' -.`.'x - . � . � � � � , -� � � ��r � .�� � . � � .� I' �..3+-��{���r' �� � r. u The Regional Impact of Urbanization on Stormwater Flows l OQ916•-- � � - ---�. . .----� 90% --- _ — —_ �" - �j, �Y _ 7�p9e' - — —-- � ----- -- 50�- -- ao% --- --- -- — �4� 20'91, -- — —-- --- 10`J►� , --- — -- - Q`� . - _ _ k+r�ri�. - Forest Pasture Suburban Ci#� � EVAPOTAANSPIRATION � INTERFLOW' � GROUNOWATER � SURFACE RUNOFF 'water that travels just below the surface lllustmtions(or this section werc crcoted b�the King County Deportment of Nafurol Rewurces and Porkc 3 1 1 BMP T5.13 POST-CONSTRUCTION -- SOIL QUALITY AND DEPTH fxttrpte0 from the Woshington Stott Deportment of Ecology's Stormwatcr Manogement Manuol for Westtm Washington,Vol.V:Runo(f lreatment BMPs,August 2001,pµ5-12,5-13. This volume can be found online ot www.evc.wo.aw/nubs/9915.�d(.BMPT5.13 is on poqa 101-10?of thot pdf file. Purpose and Definition formulationsaspresentedinBI�IPT5.35,Engineered Naturally occurring(undisturbed)soil and vegetation provide Soil/Landscape Systems.However,establishing a minimum important stormwater functions including:water infiltration; soil quality and depth will provide improved on-site nutrient,sediment,and poliutant adsorption;sediment and management of stormwater flow and water quaGty. pollutant biofiltration;water interflow,storage and trans- mission;and pollutant decomposition.These functions Soil organic matter can be attained through numerous are largely lost when development strips away native soil and materials such as compost,composted woody material, vegetation and replaces it with minimal topsoil and sod. biosolids,and forest product residuals.lt is important that Not only are these important stormwater functions lost,but the mater�als used ro meet the soil quality and depth BMP be ' such landscapes themselves become pollution-generating appropriate and beneficial to the plant cover to be established. pervious surfaces due to increased use of pesticides,fertilizers Likewise,it is important that imported topsoils improve soil and other landuaping and household/industrial chemicals, conditions and do not have an excessive percent of clay fines. the concentration of pet wastes,and pollutants that accompany roadside litter. Design Guidelines Establishing soil quality and depth regains greater stormwater functions in the post development landscape,provides 1.Soil retention.The duff layer and native topsoil should increased treatment of pollutants and sediments that result ��etained in an undisturbed state to the maximum extent from development and habitation,and minimizes the need for P���cable.ln any areas requiring grading,remrne and stockpile some landuaping chemicals,thus reducing pollution through the duff layer and topsoil on site in a designated controlled prevention. area not adjacent to public resoiuces and'critical areas,to be reappGed to other portions of the site where feasible. 2. Soil quality.All areas subject to clearing and grading that Applications and Limitations havenotbeencoveredbyimpervioussurface,incorporated Establishing a minimum soil quality and depth is not the same into a drainage facility or engineered as structural fill or slope as preservation of naturally occurring soil and vegetation.lt shall,at project completion,demonstrate the following: also does not maximize the stormwater functions that could be attained through greater soil depth and more specialized • Retention or enhancement of the moisture infiltration rate and soil moisture holding capacity of the original 4 E!���F T5.13 S�I ��al�t•� =rc '�e^;h 1 1 undisturbed soil native to the site.Areas which have been � � compacted or have removed some or all of the duff layer or � underlying top soil shall be amended to mitigate for lost moisture infiltration and moisture holding capacity;and ' ' �� � � �� ��� � � ,� ., � �;,, ���. • �, • A topsoil layer with a minimum organic matter content r � i_ �� �. � of ten percent dry weight and a pH from 6A to 8.0 or matching , i �: the pH of the original undisturbed soil.The topsoil layer shall , ,, ,,-r, , . � � � � have a minimum depth of eight inches except where tree roots ' limit the depth of incorporation of amendments needed to meet the criteria.Subsoils below the topsoil layer should be scarified at least 4 inches with some incorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers,where feasible. • These criteria can be met by using on-site native topsoil, incorporating amendments into on-site soil,or importing blended topsoil.lf blended topsoil is imported,then fu�es shotild be limited to twenty-five percent passing through a 200 sieve. • The resulting soil should be conducive to the type of vegetation to be established. Maintenance 1.Soil quality and depth should be established toward the end of construction and once established,should be Protected from compaction,such as from large machinery use,and from erosion. 2.Soil should be planted and mulched after installation. 3.Plant debris or its equivalent should be left on the soil sudace to replenish organic matter. 4.It should be possible to reduce use of irrigation,fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.These activities should be adjusted where possible,rather than continuing to implement formerly established practices. 5 � ' - SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SPECIFICATION� PERMITTING AND INSPECTION TO IMPLEMENT BMP T5.13 POST-CONSTRUCTION SOII QUALITY AND DEPTH The following approach to implementation Morc than one treatment may bt used on different portions of the same site. Soil that alrcady meets the depth and of BMP T5.13 in the Department of organic matter quality standards, and is not compacted, does ECO�O9Y's Stormwater Manual has been not need to be amended. developed with expert input and review. • Compacted subsoils must be scarificd at Icast 4 inches It is proposed as a practical methodology below the 8 inch decp amcnded layer (for a finished uncompacted depth of 12 inches). to implement the State�5 BMP 9UIdeI1C1eS. . Planting btds must be mulched with 2 inches of organic material. Proposed Soil Specifications • �uality of compost and other matcrials used to meet organic content. •Th�sc specifications arc designed to achieve an 8 inch depth I of soil with 1096 organic content in planting beds, and 596 1.Theorganiccontentforthe'pre-approved"amendment organit contcnt in turf artas. rates can be met q.pjx using Grade A Compost as defined by Detailed amendment rates and procedurea are described in WDOE lnterim Compost Quality Guidelines(or the definition Section IV and in the specifications included in section seven. for"composted materials"in WAC 173-350). • The compost must also have an organic matter content - • Devclopers may select from the f�llowing methods to mcet of 35%to 65%,and a carbon to nitrogen ratio below 25:1. tht rtquircmtnts. • The carbon to nitrogen ratio may be as high as 35:1 for plantings composed entirely of plants native to the Puget Option 1. Sound Lowlands region. Lea��e undisturbecl nati��e vegeiation and soil,and pmiert frc,rn compaction during construction. 2.Calculated amendment rates may be met through use Option 2. of composted materials as defined above;or other organic r�mend existing site topsuil or subsc�il either a�drl:�uli'pre- materials amended to meet the carbon to nitrogen ratio a��proved'rates,ur at custom calculated raies hasecl on requirements,and meeting the contaminant standards of specifiers�es�s uf�he soil and amendmem. Grade A Compost. Option 3. tii�ckpile rxis�in�iops�i!durim,,,rartin�,and rr��lacc�it �rior planning and Permitting to plai�ling.S�ockpiled iupsuil must alsu be ameiiJed il needecl �o ineet the or;anic maurr ur�Iep�h rryuirrments.rither at a A sitt specific Soil Management Plan (SMP) must be approved �lrfault"pre-appro��rd'rate or at a custom calcul:,ied r:�ie. as part of the clearing and grading or construction permit application.The SMP includes: Option 4. • A scale-drawing(11"X 17"or larger)identifying area I m�mr�topsoil mix of suflirien� ��r�anir contrn�and dr�xh t�� where native soil and vegetation will be retained undisturbed; inert�he reyuirrments. 6 Ciimm;ry .-�=S;e�s `^r I�FI^me��in; E�.iP T= '_ � and which soil treatments will applied in landscape areas. were delivered,submissions by the supplier should verify that • A completed SMP form identifying treaments and they are equivalent to approved products. products to be used to meet the soil depth and organic content • Check soil for compaction,scarification and amendment requirements for each area. incorporation by digging at least one 12 inch deep test hole • Computations of compost or topsoil volumes to be per acre for turf and at least one per acre for planting beds. imported(and/or site soil to be stockpiled)to meet"pre- Test holes must be excavated using only a garden spade driven approved"amendment rates;or calculations by a qualified solely by inspector's weight. professional to meet organic content requirements if using • Test 10 locations per landscaped acre(lO locations custom calculated rates.Qualified professionals include minimum)for compaction,using a simple"rod penetrometer" certified Agronomists,Soil Scientists or Crop Advisors;and (a 4 foot long 3/8th inch diameter stainless steel rod,with licenced Landscape Architects,Civil Engineers or Geologists. and a 30 degree bevel cut into the side at that goes in 1/8 inch • Copies of laboratory analyses for compost and topsoil at the tip). Rod must penetrate to 12"depth driven solely by products to be used,with organic matter contents and carbon inspector's weight. ro nitrogen ratios documented. Mulch Verification. • Verify placement of two inches of organic mulch material Inspection and Verification Procedures on all planting beds. Inspection and verification should be performed by appropriate jurisdiction inspectors. Some verification may be made by Secondary Verification For Failing Sites. supervising Landscape Architects or Civil Engineers,who 1f inspector believes the installation does not meet the approved submit signed certification that the approved SMP had been permit conditions,additional testing may be ordered to implemented.The following is an outline of a preferred determine whether remediation steps are required prior to insoection schedule and tasks.Depending on local resources final occupancy and payment. An independent consultant and procedures,the inspection tasks may be consolidated into (Certified Soil Scientist,Crop Advisor or Agronomist;or fewer visits. Licensed Landscape Architect,Civil Engineer or Geologist) should conduct additional sampling and analysis: Pre-Grading Inspection. • Organic matter content should be verified by an • Verify delineation and fencing ofTof native soils and independent soil testing service,using the Loss On Ignition I� vegetation to be left undisturbed,per the SMP. method. • Review the SMP with the general contractor to ensure • If necessary,the percentage of fine particles(less than that topsoil stockpiling and other specified measures are #200 mesh)should be confirmed by a certified Soil Laboratory incorporated into the work plan. using a wet sieve test. ' • At present,an analytical method for verifying Grading Progress Inspection. scarification has not been identified.Verification may be a • Verify that proper erosion control methods are being matter of professional opinion. implemented. • Verify that excavation and stockpiling of native soils follows the SMP. • Verify that subgrades are consistent with the SMP. Post-Construction Inspection. Preferably prior to planting, so omissions can easily be corrected. • Verify that compost,mulch,topsoil and amendment delivery tickets match volumes,types and sources approved in the SMP. If materials other than those approved in the SMP � 1 1 ' AMENDMENT OPTIONS Select the soil preparation options that best suit specific areas of the project site. Choose either a "default" pre-approved amendment rate, or a qualified professional may calculate a custom rate based on soil and amendment tests described in the specifications (included in the Resources Section VII). OPTION -1: Amend Existing Soil In-Place Scarification:Scarify or till subgrade to 8 inches depth(or to depth needed to achieve a total depth of 12 inches of uncompacted soil aker calculated amount of amendment is added).Entire surface should be disturbed by scarification. Do not scarify within drip line of existing trees to be retained. A. Planting Beds B. Turf Areas i.PRE-APPROVED RATE:Place and rototill 3 inches of i.PRE-APPROVED RATE:Place and rototill 1.75 inches of composted material into 5 inches of soil(a total amended composted materiat into 6.25 inches of soil(a total amended depth of about 9.5 inches,for a settled depth of 8 inches); depth of about 9.5 inches,for a settled depth of 8 inches); ii.CALCULATED RATE:Place and rototill calculated amount ii.CALCULATED RATE:Place and rototiU calculated amount of composted material or approved organic material into depth of composted material or approved organic material into of soil needed to achieve 8 inches of settle soil at 10%organic depth of soil needed to achieve 8 inches of settled soil at 5% content organic content. Rake beds to smooth and remove surface rocks larger than 2 Water or roll to compact soil to 85%of maximum. incties diamecei:� --�- — — - Mulch planting beds with 2 inches of organic mulch. Rake to level,and remove surface woody debris and rocks larger than 1 inches diameter 8 l.�u;l-,-c Ot Ar�?numer'; !_1��1 Cr; � � OPTION 2: Stockpile site topsoils prior to grading for reapplication. Amend with organic matter or add topsoil if necessary to achieve required organic content to 8 inches depth. Scarification:If placed topsoil plus compost or other organic material will amount to less than 12 inches:Scarify or till subgrade to depth needed to achieve 12 inches of loosened soil after topsoil and amendment are placed. Entire surface should be disturbed by scarification. Do not scarify within drip line of existing trees to be retained. Stockpile and cover soil with weed barrier material that sheds moisture yet allows air transmission,in approved location,prior to grading. Replace stockpiled topsoil prior to planting. A. Planting Beds B.Turf Areas i.PRE-APPROVED RATE:Place and rototill 3 inches of i.PRE-APPROVED RATE:Place and rototill 1.75 inches of composted material into S inches of replaced soil(a total composted material or into 6.25 inches of replaced soil(a total amended depth of about 9.5 inches,for a settled depth of 8 amended depth of about 9.5 inches,for a settled depth of 8 inches); inches); ii.CALCULATED RATE:Place and rototill calculated amount ii.CALCULATED RATE:Place and rototill calculated amaunt of composted material or approved organic material into depth of composted material or approved organic material into depth of replaced aoil needed to achieve 8 inches of settled soil at of replaced soil needed to achieve 8 inches of settled soil at 5% 10%organic content organic content. Rake beds ro smooth and remove surface rocks larger than 2 Water or roll to compact soil to 85%of maximum inches diameter. Mulch planting beds with 2 inches of organic mulch or Rake to level,and remove surface rocks larger than 1 inches stockpiled duff. diameter. OPTION 3: Import topsoil meeting organic matter content standards. Scarify or till subgrade in two directions to 6 inches depth.Entire surface should be disturbed by scar�cation. Do not scarify within drip line of existing trees to be retained. A. Planting Beds B.Turf Areas Use imported topsoil mix containing 10%organic matter Use imported topsoil mix containing S%organic matter (typically around 4096 compost).Soil portion must be sand or (typically around 25%compost).Soil portion must be sand or sandy loam as defined by the USDA. sandy loam as defined by the USDA. Place 3 inches of imported topsoil mix on surface and till into Place 3 inches of imported topsoil mix on surface and till into 2 inches of soil. 2 inches of soil. Place 3 inches topsoil mix on surface. Place 3 inches topsoil mix on surface. Rake beds to smooth,and remove surface rocks over 2 inches Water or roll to compact soil to 85%of maximum. diameter. Mulch planting beds with 2 inches of organic mulch. Rake to level,and remove surface rocks larger than 1 inches diameter. 9 1 - GUIDE TO DEVELOPING A SOIL MANAGEMENT PLAN � I i This section outlines steps for professional specifiers to prepare Option 2. Areas where topsoil or subsoil will be amended a Soil Management Plan(SMP)to meet the provisions of BMP in place, T5.13 Soi!Quality and Depth in the Department of Ecology's ' Option 3. Areas where topsoil will be stripped and stockpiled I Stormwater Manual for Western Washington. The main steps prior to grading for reapplication,and I to creating the SMP are: Option 4. Areas where imported topsoil will be applied. Step 1 : Review Site Landscape Plans and Grading Plans. Step 2: Visit Site to Determine Soil Conditions. Examine all areas that will not be covered by structures, impervious surfaces,o� stormwater detention� infiltration Working with plans, check the soil in each area to identify structures;ta assess how grading will impact soil conditions information outlined in the chart below. Identify compaction and determine areas where different soil treatments may be of subgrade in each area by digging down to a level that applied. Thost allowed soil treatment options are: wi11 be 12' below finished grade. Use a shovtl or 'rod Option 1.Areas where native soi!and/or vegetation will be penetrometer' driven solely by the your weight, as described in the Specification and 'Field Guide to Verifying Soil Depth retained in place, and �uality.' I � AREAS ASSESS CONDITIONS INCLUDE INFORMATION ON SMP , , _ .:- .. . , _._ . , _ . __..._._ . . :.. Native vegeqtioa f •Estabtish native planfs. •Areas to be lek undisturbed and fenced during consttnction. undisturbed soil to be •Undisturbed topsoil and duff layer. preserved. __.:-. _ _ . _ _ _ .__ . _ . .: ToPsoit not requiring �Depth of compaded layers leas than 12 inches deep. •Will scarification be needed.4Vhat depth uui6cation , grading,but cleared of •Presence of organic matter that may make required to allow compost inmrporation and achieve 12 inches native vegetation. amendment unnecessary or allow calculation of uncompacted depth. rcduced amendment rate. •Will area be amended with compost or topsoil at'pre- •If planning to use calculated amendment rate, approved"rate,or at custom calculated rate. sample and test soil as described in Step 4. •Can areas be protected from compaction during construction. Areas to be eut duringr;. •Quan(itx of topsoil thaccan be stockpiled u►d •W ill uarifiration.be neede� 1Nhat depe6 scarification.< , grading reapPl'ied. required to allow compost inrnrporation and achieve 12 inches •Depth of any compacted layer less than 12 inches uncompacted depth. btlow ultimate finished grade. •Will topsoil be stockpiled during grading and reapplied. •Presence oforganic matter at subgrade that may Will it require supplemental topsoil or compost to achieve 8 make amendment unnecessary,or allow calculation inches at specified organic content. of reduced amendment rate. •Will area be amended with compost or topsoil at'pre- •If planning to use calculated amendment rate, approved"rate,or at custom calculated rate. sample and test soil as describe in Step 4 Are�s to be fiUed •Escimate what subgrade conditions will be when •Will scarification be needed. What depth scarification during grading fill is in place. required to allow compost inco�poration and achievt 12" •Depth of any compacted layer less than 12 inches uncompacted depth. below ultimate finished gnde. •Will area be amended with compost or topsoil at"pre- •Presence of organic matter in fill soil that may approved"rete,or at custom calculated rate. make amendment unnecessary,or allow calculation of reduced amendment rate. •If planning to use calculated amendment rate, sample and test soil as in Step 4. �� Dcveloping a Soil Managcmcnt Plan � Step 3: Select Amendment Options: Sampling and Testing for Custom The most convenient and economic methods for achieving Calculated Rates the Soil Quality and Depth guidelines depends on site soil Soil and amendments submitted for testing should be a conditions, grading and resu�ting subgrade compaction, composite of samples taken from several spots on a site or practicality of stockpiling topsoil during grading, and site in a pile of amendment. access issues. Use of Pre-Approved amendment rates may simplify planning, however custom calculated rates can save Soil: substantial effort and expense—easily repaying the expense Gather samples from soil that will be the subgrade after all of testing and calculations.Often existing pasture or woodland soils have adequate organic matter if existing organic layers grading operations are completed,before placement of are preserved. Also,compost products will frequently provide �mported topsoil or amendments. the desired soil organic matter content at lower applications than • Take samples from 10-12 spots in each area. Imagine a line '' the Pre-Approved rates(which are based on 'average' conditions) dividing the area in half lengthwise,then divide each half into �� � � � five near equal sized widths. Take samples near the middle of • Identify the areas where each each subsection. , amendment option will be applied • At each sampling spot dig a spades-width hole at least 8 , ., , , ;t .., ,, by outlining each on site plan with inches deep,then use shovel to shave a 1 inch thick soil slice a dark,thick-line pen. from the side of the hole to use in composite. • Assign each area an identifying • Thoroughly mix the 10-12 samples from each turf or planting number or letter(A,B,C...)on the area together in a clean plastic bucket or bowl. Place 2 cups plan and on the Soil Management of the mix into a sealable plastic bag for testing(some tests Plan form. may require more soil,ask laboratories). • Label the bag with the site information,area of sample;plus Step 4. Identify Compost, Topsoils and yourname,addressandphonenomber. Other Organic Materials for Amendment and Mulch Amendment: ' • Amendments for Pre-Approved rates must be Uass A compost producers of composts and manufactured topsoils can usually per WDOE Interim Compost Quality Guidelines("composted provide test results for their products. If tests are nonexistent materials"defined in WAC Chapter 173-350 Section 220)or or incomplete,conduct necessary tests on each proposed topsoil manufactured from these composts plus sand or sandy amendment. soil Products must be identified on the Soil Management Plan form,and recent product test sheets provided showing that • Take samples from 10-12 spots in pile of material. lmagine they meet additional requirements for organic matter content a line dividing the pile in half lengthwise,then gather samples and carbon to nitrogen ratio.See specifications. from five spots equally spaced along the length of each side of the pile. • For custom calculated amendment rates,organic matter may • At each sampling spot,dig a spades-width hole at least 8 be provided by Grade A Compost or other organic materials inches deep.Use a clean cup or trowel to collect a cup of with a carbon.to nitrogen ratio under 25:1(35:1 for native amendment from the bottom of each hole. plantings),and contaminant levels equivalent to Grade A • Thoroughly mix the 10-12 samples from each pile together Compost.These products must be identified on the Soil in a dean plastic bucket or bowl. Place 2 cups of the mix into Management Plan Form,and recent test results provided a sealable plastic bag for testing(some tesu may require more showing that they meet these requirements. compost,ask laboratories). • Label the bag with the product and supplier information; plus your name,address and phone number. (see table on nat pagc) 11 1 Dcvtloping a Soil M�nagcment Plan TESTS TO CONDUCT FOR CUSTOM CALCULATED AMENDMENT RATES: Soil Compost Bulk density Bulk density Percent organic matter Percent organic matter (loss on Ignitian method) (loss on Ignition method) - - _ -,:, -- --. _ . :_r; Moisture content as is Carbon to nitrogen ratio Heavy metals analysis� per WAC 173-350 Section 220 Step 5. Calculate Amendment,Topsoil and Mulch Volumes on SMP Form • For Pre-Approved amendment rates,figure the square footage of each area and complete the simple calculation to convert inches of amendment into cubic yards. • To compute custom calculated amendment rates,use soil and amendment test results and the Modcl Amendm�nt Rate Calculator Sprendshat and/or the Equation Jor Calculatrng Compost Application Rates to achieve a target soil organic matter content. � 2 Dcveloping�Soil Managcmcnt Plan � MODEL "SOIL MANAGEMENT PLAN" FOR BMP T5.13 1►fODEl•SOIL MAKAGEMENT PL�N' P(Nt BMT T't1.1 PRCx1[Cf lI�FOR]►UTl01i PsR�b� of„� P�n � C►�plti�a�iwfu�nalio�o�page 1.uwl� sile sJJras�ad perail ���ber��iJJilionil p�� I s;k .��en�,� �o� N.._ i'er�wlt T t: Nermil lVomber. Pcra�it Hold�r Pboee: I Msilias Add�caa� Co�tact P�r000: Pbose: Pt�� Pnpared Br: ATT4Gli�►1F.1Y75 REQIRRED(Cbcck off itcros sttachad mec�in6 roqninmcot9) Site plan sher�ioR. to icalr. AlCss�f pn�fl�tu��11�1livC vt�Cf1A1o6{Ov�[1Wl�fiYC11t fcqO1T0� _�CW Pt88110g bQd.R�!►d 111lf afCiS(sOfCD�1CD1 fY�LtltEd� _Typc ot saif im�rovemcot prvpoasd for uch vu � i ea roaulte re uired i1 rs asin tu�ta� sieendment nfe� Prodret tesl rcidlb tor ro std tr�todate�t� AREA� Pt.A'Y7'WC 7YPLr __ Turl _ Undesturlxd aative vega�rtion PlantioE Bads Ot�sr� �1;��FppTACB- SCARIF7CA7lOK inch scarification 000dod[o achieve 6nisbod totnl 12'looaeued depd►. Subeod vrip be x�r+f.ed YitE�Al'1'RO�'LU _ I�nchcs composi os�mported iopaoil) PRODUCT: AMEfYDA� �,j ro�;� ��P� -�o. y�:r �.000�y, n. ouArrr- cv. Yna. �Amead w-i1L canpoad a�,OOd sq.� 5�ockpile ao►d Rma►d -cpb►t yA�ks�n�odrueai ds.scoc► - . C.l1bTOM AMENDME1vT Attseb teat resalts�nd calculstiws. PRODUCT: Topsoil impwt 1 i�cbes ory4. roalter or tc�il imptxt) Topaoi! � campo�t lifl �,,3.i QUANT= Cll. YD6. _Amend =a� yud�I I.00Q sq. �, _5tockpile�d�mead J(,.000 sqH ( vd�►. �ckpikd) �cebic yuds amtad�ntal MUI�Cl1 �,OOp sp.fl PRODUCT: �i.4� -tnbdc v�uch uMddt QI.JANT: CU. YIIB. TOTAL A3►1EKUMENTI�'Ol'S�D11JlNtll�t'll PnR ALI.AR�.AS ntAl I O lr.duti�►1• _ D Qw�r�Ny: cr.y�i. O 7t+�Re��Na: �L o a�ic m�1er C:N ntio QS:1 <35:1 kx �' "s " C7 hMde�1�l• D �ef111tity: t�.yir. O lla' �iG O � S- (Cf "w�!!M ~b 1Rslk� a rwera n.� o q...w,. �.,�.. M � 'ri o a11ic Irlstltr C:N ntb�5:1 535:1 k!�'lusttvf lh1�b `esde�st M'ti•aYv stakkr Da1o: Inspacbr. App*art�i: Rtuldo�i Aeq�ire�: D�Ir. Ins cror: A �e�: Rrri ' 13 . . - 1 FIELD GUIDE TO VERIFYING SOIL DEPTH AND QUALITY I N N EW LAN DSCAPES This guide is provided to help professional • Site location and permit holder. inspectors verify implementation of • Turf and planting areas match approved drawings. soil improvements to fulfill BMP T5.13 • Areas to remain as undisturbed native soil and vegetation have been fenced off during construction to prevent soil Soi! Quality and Depth in the Western compaction or damage to plants. Washington Stormwater Manual. � The main conditions to be confirmed are: � Inspect de�jvery`t�ck�ts �o�;eompo��F . `4? , 1.Provision of eight inches of ropsoil containing 10%organic " ' " ` � ' '�: topsoii and mulches�. matter in planting beds,or 5%in tud areas. Permitee must provide original delivery tickets for all soil and 2.Scarification of compacted subsoil four inches below the � mulch products.Compace delivery tickets with the SMP to topsoil layer(for a total uncompacted depth of 12 inches). match the following information: 3.Placement of two inches of mulch on all planting beds. • Delivery location. Site Inspection Supplies • Total quantities for each soil product and mulch. • A copy of the approved Soil Management Plan(SMP) for the site,with site drawing. • Product descriptions and sources. If materials other M�n those listed in the SMP wert delivered, • A sturdy shovel t�boratory tat results must be provided to confirm th�t they • Tape measure or 12"ruler �re equiv�lent to approred products. • 3/8 inch diameter 3-4 foot stainless steel"rod penetrometer"with a 1/8"bevel cut into the tip at 30 degrees hom the side,and a 90 degree bend at top to form a handle. • Field Verification Form to record results MUICH I The following steps may be completed at multiple visits as a project progressa or in one final project approval inspection, LOOSE SOII depending on local practices. u�lt���ul+lr�tk nrenni�ryullrr C � L.OQSE OR .0.Compare �ite con�ditionsl with �approi�ed FR�C7URED ;�_ _ _ Sail Managemen# P.Ian (SMP). SUBS4« -� ��� � -�—� �� The SMP approved with the site permit describes soil 1e�+�n�s«,w cc c�=oo�.�-am��r��.� treatments approved for each area.Make sure site conditions ���Mtl n�h,A�n�i4aut Wt�APi M��rr match these details in the SMP: 14 Vuifying Soi� Depth and �uality � � Verify Depth of Amended Soil and Scarification Use a shovet to dig at least one test hole per acre for turf and one per acre for planting beds to verify eight inch toPsoil depth �U LCN ' � �x (below mulch layer),incorporation of amendments,and four :; f s s�'��p������`! inches of uncompacted subsoil. � « L005E SOIL Eight Inch Depth of Amended Soil.The top eight inches of �'';`'�""�'�` ';:'` �;;= r•r�cir�.ir�r�:��irr .'� soil should be easy to dig using a garden spade driven solely � �`�= bM. by your weight.The soil should be darker than unamended �OOSF OR soil below and particles of added organic matter are likely to FRaCTURE D -H.: . _ _ __ be visible: Clay soil that has been saturated and then dried SUB5UIL " v '``� -""' '�' - ' f.. may require jumping on the shovel step to penetrate,but the --,_ -_ ,��_ + �-`�,�«. 'I soil should yield easily when moist.Soil that requires vigorous y x,N R'KSrprrr����.t71 tc^7-Z�E m[h m lir►n chipping with a shovel to penetrate probably does not meet o,,,.n�,�„�,ie„�:er,o�.,n,w sg,a�:,�n.- ��iq�Irm IM 1m h Ai�[a Rn1ii ni�1h�kq+r the spftlflcation. y�+�u s(� ,r•,;,i.M trt,:tne tar�t t�i lit. Four Inch Depth of Scarified Subsoil. The next four-inch depth of soil should be loose enough to penetrate with a shovel. It mayberocky,andthelooseneddepthmayvaryduetothe What should be attached to the Soil ! pattern of scarifying equipment—but some sections of subsoil !, in a one foot square hole should be loose four inches deep. Ma�a9ement P�an� ' •Scale drawings showing layout of turf and planting beds, � � . , and identifying where soil treatments described in the SMP _ � : r.�� > a � �- � ,: ; : < <=; will be applied. Ch�eck Soif'Depfif in Severat Spots � .CopiesofcomPostandtopsoiltestresultsdemonstrating Use a simple"rod penetrometer"(illustration)to confirm that that products contain adequate organic matter,and meet the soil is uncompacted twelve inches deep at ten locations carbon to nitrogen ratio and stability standards. per acre—with a minimum of ten on smaller sites. To locate •Where custom calculated amendment rates are used, test spots,imagine a line dividing the site(or each acre)in half include laboratory analyses of the soil and organic matter lengthwise,then divide each half into five nearly equal sections. sources plus calculations by a qualified professional showing Conduct tests near the middle of each section. that the organic matter requirement will be achieved. •Rod penetrometer should enter the soil twelve inches deep,driven solely by the inspector's weight.Irregular scarificationorrocksinthelowerlayermayrequireprobing What If A Site Does Not Meet the SMP a few spots at each location to reach the full depth. ReqU I Cer►1 e 11t5� If inspection indicates that an installation does not fulfill the � � approved SMP,the permit holder or their agent should be . _ , noti6ed of what steps are needed to comply.When results are �',Ch e Ck �N U I C h U e p th unclear or disputed,an independent consultant should conduct Use a shovel to scrape away and reveal surface mulch thickness. sampling for analytical of testing organic matter as described A two inch deep layer of organic material such as composted in the project spec�cations. Qualified consultants include sawdust,wood chips,or ground bark should be distinguished Certified Soil Scientists,Crop Advisors or Agronomists;or from the underlying soil on all planting beds. Licensed Landscape Architects,Civil Engineers or Geologists). 15 . , i Vcrifying Soil Dtpth�nd Uuality - -- — -- - _ -- -MODEL uFIELa �VERfFICATI�iV FORM" FOR BMPT5.13 MUDEL'FiLLD VLRIY)CATION FUAM^F'OR BMT'I�5,1J rxou�cr�Fv�v►Twir ra�__ot_r,�s C�rupitit a�:.te.,..fi....p.�e l..,t�,ile,aa,n.,d per�it....re.sa.dait�wr p.pq. 3i!!Ad�Ar1!!n: _ hrrN Nr�l�r. 11��it Heider rls�Addr�na: A !ti� l7ae �rs! VIS�1'RECOSD D.�a 1.�.: l�ess w��n+�d:_Fswd�ofT wd�wr�d arw _S�il'npatli� M D� Idpiet� l�e�n A►M'�++eQ:_�erchj dt rsA'sarrbwl�rers _SW�repar.t�� M Ot►er: Drat t�pecur; l�w/yps.�di_Ys.cb��R�i�od anar _80��rqar�RiN 1N■Ic� D�1.(VERY'JiC1►Z'f8 FOR COM�05T.TOPSO[L!�tULClL C�eck iit�,eeY a�8oi A1amt r4e. Toot rd�!r�II rer n. �. 0 tr�1�[i Ili o r�.c�w� x..�.k.� c�r�.�.�:� -..a�,��a'�n.e,�ar wx n...� .. cr. ��. s:l air a�ire..rla m mu� D t..d.cy Rc 0 Tea Res.le�tc_x«p.ic..tea _C:l�r�QS:� _,__"'w«de+�s�d�"�.'1ra��tslM� _QS%tiw�R2M O ca ��. S:i£oc n�i3ve.No1 tn nnrcb [] hsd�et�: 0 7w�_%�■k w�tMs L`.To rMi�4'S:1 _„_~a�deratey"e�'lery�aMe"' _CS�c S�es v3e� O r ca S�1 AR�A s TLAN'TfNtG TY� TsM Bdw R�?e�t Uod'o�ubed ve�rioo lY�Q Tat Ades Rq�ind� N��1�r i�d T�ab Re�+� TLd jafni�muir 1 Lob h�ae) t�10 tau h�ra) _��B� 8�1 A���l�cMr Deet!Y/N A�d pe.dr+�es 12:�cles!e�i.,�ue�f a� A�esd.e.���Ie�Soi111t�p.1.T4.i Y J P Y/N D Top�oit lrobd t �►��� D Aaaod�et Yia3M 4 lR.Mal lw�fd�ariliai 111 I Mr1e�I Mricl twr i�i�eel►! Y/p CLslrs M.UrTtriG'IYR 7'at Ndea R+�i Ted Un�mtbad ve�t�tian lr�1a Tec H�la Rq�ir�+� i�w��A�T��q�ind: 71u! (�irienm.l hole l.rae) {,�imum 10 taq hao) —����� B�ii Awie�d�1�e�p DetpT Y!N lt�d pereltrle3 i2 i�c4i Oeep i�/are�T a� Aa�t�dr�e�l]1�slc!9�M�rt.�T Y I N Y 1 H � D Top�oB Produei 4 �Y���. D Ameodmeat V'�s3M 4 ' 3�Mal L,o�sd8orifiei!2 lsc4sT Y I M�rlt�!Mrk�t�a bc!des�!Y�t�t �i �6 �- 1 R ESD U ReES : MODEL SOIL AMENUMfNT SPECIFICATIONS:_ � _ .,:. APWA AND ICS FORM��S LOCATED IN THE BACK '- - � � � � ' � - � � : . � � Compost froni m�ny of thest hcilitics is wid�nd mixcd into topsoil products through numerous retoil outlets. County Facility Name Contact Telephone City Feedstack Materials Clallam City of Port Angeles Jeff Young (360) 417-4845 Port Angeles Yard Waste�8iosolids Jefferson City of Pt.Townsend John Merchant (360) 385-7908 Pt.Townsend Yard Waste Compost Facility King Cedar Grove Compost Katie Bach (425) 432-2395 Maple Valle� Yard Waste Sawdust Supply Co. (106) 622-4321 Seattle Yard Waste�Biosolids Wood By-products Livestock Manure Soos Creek Organics lohn Sinclair (253) 639-0055 Covington Yard Waste Kitsap Emu Topsoil Ron Phillips (360) 779-5614 Poulsbo Emu�Horse M�nure Lcwis Little Hanaford Farms Dennis Felt (360) 736-6673 Centralia Yard Waste� Livestock M�nure Mason No Permitted Compost Facilities Pierce LRI Compost Factory Carrie�regory (253) 875-2104 Puyallup Y�rd W�ste Wilcox Farms� Eric Heunisch (425) 664-1645 Roy Chicken ManureJ NW Organics Y�rd Waste Skagit Skagit Soils John Zeilstra (360) 424-0199 Mt. Vernon Y�rd Wastc Dkystra Farm Douwe Dykstra (360) 157-6376 Burlington Yard Waste� Livestock Manure Hi-Q Howard Koozer (360) 856-4770 Sedro Wooley Chicken Manure Snohomish Bailey Compost Don Bailey (360) 568-8826 Snohomish Yard WasteJ — - - -- - - Dairy Manur� , Pacific Topsoils, Inc Vikki Henry (425) 337-2700 Mill Cre�k Yard Waste Riverside Topsoil Tina flagstead (425) 379-9933 Snohomish Yard Waste/ Dairy Manure ' Thurston (Pending Response) Whatcom IMS Frank Moscone (360) 384-1051 Ferndale Dried Poultry/Straw 17 � FPSCUfCfS SOIL AND COMPOST ANALYTICAL LABS SERVING WESTERN WASHINGTON A copy of OSU Bulletin EM 8677 "A List of Analytical Laboratories Serving Oregon" is located in the back of the manual. This bulletin identifies labs serving Washington and Idaho and can be viewed as PDF file at eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/Em8677.pdf. EQUATION FOR CALCULATING TOACHi�vEATARc�soi� ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT COMPOST APPLICATION RATES Equation to calculate compost application rates to achieve a target organic matter content for a soil with a given bulk density and organic matter.The spreadsheet on the next page illustrates how the equation is applied on typical soils using common compost and materials.The actual spreadsheet tool is available for download. SBD (SOM�/o - FOM�/o� CR = D (X) SBD (SOM�/o - FOM�/o) — CBD (COM�/o - FOM�/o) W h e r e: Assumption:This equation calculates compost rate using an additive approach. For example,a 3-inch compost rate CR = Compost application rate (inches) incorporated to an 8-inch depth will be a final mix consisting D = Depth of incorporation (inches) of 3/8 compost and 5/8 soil by volume. SBD = Soil bulk density (Ib�cubic yard dry weight)' SOM46 = Initial soil organic matter (9b) 'To rnnvert soll bulk densiry In g/cm3 units to Ib/yard,multiply by 1697. 4 To mnvert compost bulk densiry from lbs./yard'az is"to Ibs./yard dry FOM9b = Final target soil organic matter (96) Wei�nc.multiplyDyw6dscontmG CBD = Compost bulk density (Ibfcubic yard dry weight) M COM9b = Compost organic matter (9b) 18 Reso��r;cs 1 MODEL AMENDMENT RATE CALCULATOR SPREADSHEET WITH EXAMPLES Excel file available for download Sandy Soil sbd somgb fom9�b _ cbd comaib D CR Soil bd=1.3 g/cm3 • 2206 1 10 660 60 ,: 8 :3.0 --- -- - - - -- 2206 � 2 10 ' 660 ; 60 :.8 ��2.8 ; " 2206 R 3 10 ; 660 : 60 ��f 8 ':;3 2.6 -� ',� ;,� � 2206 f 4 '; 10 z 660 � 60 �8 +:�2.3 i :{ '. _� :5 ,!, � � 2206 T S : 10 -� 66� 6� �-i. 8 r�..� .�F f'� � t� � � � � 22U6 `,, 6 lU ;lf 66U � 6U '�` O �1.! N � �: � ;� �� :� -� ;� ,� 2206 ,� 7 } 10 � 660 "�'y� 60 �;8 � �1.3 -� - �re :Y � a2os a s � io _� sso �� so .�s '., ..�o.s � y ':� r� .� .� � � �:d 3 `'�� � _' _ ` �' � � �.'1 � � • Clay Soil :3 1697 � 1 `i 10 j 550 :� 50 �8 3.3 � � � Soil bd=lA g/cm3'� 1697 :s 2 ; 10 � 550 50 �8 �3.1 < : � �,, < � ' 1697 -c� 3 10 � 550 � SO .�8 ;� �2.8 �`� ` ' :� � 1697 ;� 4 �� 10 � 550 � 50 ,�8 �,'�� �2.5 :� .f . � � h� T� _� 1697 'j 5 10 � 550 " 50 :'' 8 � ;�2 2 4� �; t_ �=; : � � . 1697 '� 6 � 10 � 550 SO � �� � ,,� � "'�8 3 �1.9 0� ! �� 1697 � 7 � 10 ,� 550 ;?�, SO ��8 ; �1.5 � _� 4,a :� .� :� -i 1697 � 8 : 10 ��� 550 �� 50 '� 8 ` �:�1.1 '� =3 " :� :� ' ;a :Z _. .. . „ 'S a� ,'.l �'� sbd=soil bulk density(Ib/yard dry wt) som9b=initial soil organic matter(%) � .:�� fom96=target final soil organic matter(%) -�—zbd-=-cum�attattrdensity(Ib/yddrywt� - -- - � _ �� com46=compost organic matter(96) D=depth of incorporation CR=calculated compost application rate 19 � Fesuurtcs . B a c k g ro u n d S c i e n c e —�Compost Utilization for Erosion Control"from U.GA • Proceedings of the 1998 Salmon in thc City conference: Cooperative Extension, devts.washinQton.edu/cuwrm/UW Center for Urban Water ►vw►vices.uQa.edu/pubcd/61200.htm Resources Management website.Look under"Links"to —"Erosion Control and Environmental Uses for download conference proceedings.Site also includes many Compost"by Rod Tyler et al other research papers on the effects of urbanization,stream N'�'�+'•P2Pays.orR/ref/11/1015810.pdf restoration techniques,trials of permeable paving products, —"Compost Coverage"in Erosion Control journal, and related topics. May/]une 2001 • TheRelatronshrp Between Soil and Water:How Soil Amendments wN'h'•forester.net/ec_0105_comvost.html and Compost Con Aid rn Salmon R�covery,a multi-agency report —�Restoring Soil Health To Urbanized Lands"Oregon available on the King County website at DEQ esp.pp14-19 on compost berm and blanket trials, dnr.metrokc.g_ov/swd/ResRecy/Soil&H2O.pdf and p.26 for specifications www.deq.state.or.us/wmc/solwaste/documents/restor ingsoilhealth.pdf —"The Use of Compost in Highway Construction"Texas Co m p ost Q u a I i ty a n d U se DOT website includes photo examples and specifications • WA Dept.of Ecology,Solid Waste&Compost information: www.dot.state.tx.us/insdtdot/orrtchart/des/landscape/ www.ecy.wa.Aov/proRrams/swfa/swhome.html compost/topsoil.htm • Proposed WAC Chapter 173-350 on Compost Facilities and Quality:www.ecy.wa.�ov/laws-rules/wac173304/p9924a.pdf • See the/ntrrim Gurdr(inrs fot Compost Quality at: S O I I B I O I O �/ a n d S o i I F u n c t i o n s. www.ecy.wa.Aov/biblio/94038.htm1 9 1 • Washington Organic Recycling Council/Soils for Salmon, W h y S o i I L i f e M a t t e rs www.compostwashinAton.ocA/Background and up to date • Soil Biology Primer.US Dept.of Agriculture,NRCS Soil information on Soils for Salmon initiative,and links on compost Quality Institute Download this excellent illustrated guide use and soil restoration. at soils.usda.�ov/sqi/soil_biolo�y.htm.or order print copies • Guidelines for Landscaping with Compost-Amended Soils, from 1-800-THE SOIL City of Redmond Public Works.A useful study including soil • Washington State University"Soil Biology"2001 conference amendment costs/benefits. Follow link at bottom of web page proceedings,slideshows, www.ci.redmond.wa.us/insidecityhall/Dublicworks/environ �����Uv.wsu.edu/soilmgmt/Soilbiolotiy PPT slides.htm ment/education.asp • Soil Foodweb Inc.site provides good basic information and j updates on soil organisms and their functions,soil biological ' analyses,compost tea,and more.www.soilfoodweb.com/ Compost Berms and Blankets for Erosion Control For More Information Contact: • Biorydc joumal at www.biocycle.net/ Search the index for various articles,especially"Compost Filter Berms and Blankets Washington Organic Recycling Council Take on the Silt Fence"by Rod Tyler,Biorycle:Vol.42;No.l, �+'�+'•compostwashinAton.orp,/ (360)754-2085 January 2001 info@compostwashington.org • Search the internet for"Compost berms and compost blankets". Go�d online articles include: 20 � I � � � N N � �+ � Z Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report 7 OTHER PERMITS 06/11/2008 Page 7-1 Job#01-159 /\5oT ���� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 8 TESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Flows for onsite areas to be disturbed during construction will be detained in an onsite TESC pond. The site will utilize Appendix D of the September 1998 KCSWDM for the erosion and sedimentation control design. Onsite flows will be directed to the projects two permanent onsite detention facilities. In addition to these facilities, a temporary sediment pond will be constructed southwest of the intersection of 146�'Avenue SE and SE 125�' Street. Temnorarv Sediment Pond Surface Area The surface area for the temporary pond had been calculated using the following equation. SA= 2Q►o Vsed Where: SA = Surface Area(ft2) Q�o =Developed peak flow for the 10 year, 24-hour storm � 0.812 cfs VSed = Settling Velocity(0.00096 ft/s) SA = 2x0.812 =1,692ft 0.00096 Required Surface Area= 1,692 ft� Provided Surface Area = 1,758 ft2 06/11/2008 Page 8-1 Job#01-159 � /T so�l,�res - Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report Dewaterins Orifice The dewatering orifice is designed per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The orifice size is dependent on the surface area of the pond, which is calculated based on the developed 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Required Area of the Orifice: AS�2h)o.s A° 0.6 x 3600Tgo.s where: Ao =orifice area(ft2) AS =pond surface azea(ft2) h =head of water above orifice (height of riser in feet) T =dewatering time(24 hours) G =acceleration due to gravity(32.2 f't/sec2) Convert the Required Area to Orifice Diameter: D=24 A° � where: D =diameter of orifice(inches) , Ao =required area of the orifice �I Permanent North Detention Pond Assumptions: 9-feet of head (pond bottom to design water surface elevation) 33,338 ft2 of pond surface area A _ 33,338�2 x 9.0�°5 - 0.48 ft2 ° (0.6)(3600)(24)(32.2)os D =24 0.48 = 9.38" � Diameter=9-3/8 inches 06/11/2008 Page 8-2 Job#01-159 IT=o�� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Temporary Sediment Pond Assumptions: 3.5-feet head 1,758 ft2 of pond surface area A _ 1,758�2 x 3.5�0�5 — 0.0158 ft2 ° (0.6)(3600)(24)(32.2)o.s D=24 0.0158 = 1.70" � Diameter= 1-3/4 inches Permanent South Detention Pond ' Assumptions: 4-feet of head 49,875 ft�of pond surface area A _ 49,875(2 x 4.0�°5 — 0.480 ft2 II ° (0.6)(3600)(24)(32.2)os D = 24 0.0189 = 9.38„ � Diameter=9-3/8 inches Principal Spillway A riser pipe will be used as the principal spillway. The diameter has been sized to pass the developed site flowrate. For the two permanent facilities, the chosen developed flowrate is the 100-year storm event. For the temporary sediment pond the developed flowrate will be the 10-year storm event. The size of the diameter has been determined using Figure 5.3.4.H from the 1998 KCSWDM. 06/11/2008 Page 8-3 Job#01-159 ITsa�� � Shamrock— Final Corrected Technical Information Report li Permanent North Detention Pond I�, Assumptions: Q1� =4.36 cfs � H = 1-foot '� D = 36-inches (3-feet) Qweir= 9.739 D H3n where: D =diameter(feet) H=head above riser(feet) Qweir= 9.739(3')(1.0)3�2 Qweir=29.22 cfs � Qrequired=4.36 CfS Qprovided =29.22 cfs , Temporary Sediment Pond Assumptions: Q�o = 0.81 cfs H = 1-foot D =24-inches (2-feet) Qo�fce= 3.782 D2 Hln where: D=diameter (feet) � H =head above riser(feet) �', Qwe�r= 3.782 (2')2 (1.0)�n ' Qwe�r= 15.12 cfs ', Qrequired—�•81 CfS I Qprovided = 15.12 cfs Permanent South Detention Pond Assumptions: Qi� =4.55 cfs H = 1-foot D = 24-inches (2-feet) Qorifce= 3.782 Dz H��z where: D = diameter(feet) H=head above riser(feet) Qw�eir= 3.782 (2')2 (1.0)v2 06111/2008 Page 8-4 Job#01-159 /�,=07' �RI,AD � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report Qweir= 15.12 CfS Qrequired = 4.55 cfs Qprovided — 15.12 CfS Redundant Overflow Measures The permanent north pond will utilize the permanent overflow spillway that has been designed to accommodate the developed 100-year storm event. For the sizing calculations of this spillway please refer to Section 4. The temporary sediment pond and the permanent south pond will utilize a type two catch basin with a birdcage riser. Please see Section 4 for the sizing calculation for the permanent south pond overflow structure. The overflow structure has been sized using Figure 5.3.4.H from the 1998 KCSWDM and the calculations aze shown below. Assumptions: Q�o = 0.81 cfs H = 0.5-feet D =48-inches (4-feet) Qweir= 9.739 D H3� where: D=diameter(feet) H=head above riser(feet) Qweir= 9.739 (4') (0.5)3n QW,e�r= 13.77 cfs Qrequired— �.81 cfs Qpro�idea= 13.77 cfs 06/11/2008 Page 8-5 Job#01-159 IT3o�� � _ _ _ _ I Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantities The site is constructed, no bond quantity worksheet will be provided. 9.2 Facility Summaries Provided. 9.3 Declaration of Covenant Not applicable. 06/11/2008 Page 9-1 Job#01-159 �T„=o�� � Shamrock—Final Corrected Technical Information Report 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The ponds will be publicly maintained systems, whereas the swales and rain gardens will be privately maintained. 06/11/2008 Page 10-1 Job#01-159 /,s oT���D ' � � � � � � � � Sha m rock King County, Washington Operations and Maintenance Manual = � � Prepared for CamWest Real Estate Development, Inc. 4 Triad Job No. 01-159 � ;; � � � t , ; ; Shamrock Operations and Mainteance Manual This operations and maintenance manual is in accordance with the Conditions of Approval, Section 15i as received on February 13, 2004. The condition reads as follows: "The applicant shall prepare an operations and main£enance manual for the wet pond of the northern stormwater facility, including the vegetation, to provide to either King County facilities maintenance or the homeowner's association, depending upon which group has ownership of the stormwater wet pond. This manual will be reviewed and approved by King County DDES engineer and environmental scientist at the time of engineering plan review. » Job#01-159 October 24, 2008 � Tta�� � � � KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACL- �'JATER DESIGN MANUAL _ i � I �i ;� i : � ' - z � a �rrENDIX � 3 I�i MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES - � N0. 1 -DETENTION PONDS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Performed General Trash 8�Debris Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site. per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal io the amount of trash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage can). In general, there should be no visual evidence of dumping. Poisonous Vegetation Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation which may No danger of poisonous vegetatio� or Noxious Weeds constitute a hazard to County personnel or the where County personnel or the public. public might normally be. Coordination with Seattle-King County Health Department Contaminants and Oil,gasoline,or other contaminants of one gallon No contaminants present other than Pollution or more,or any amount found that could: a surface film. (Coordination with 1)cause damage to plant,animal,or marine I'rfe; Seattle/King County Health 2)constitute a fire hazard;or 3)be ftushed Department) downstream during rain storms. Unmowed if facility is located in private residential area, When mowing is needed, Grass/Ground Cover mowing is needed when grass exceeds 18 grass/ground cover should be inches in height. In othe�areas,the general mowed to 2 inches in height. policy is to make the pond site match adjacent Mowing of selected higher use areas ground cover and terrain as long as there is no rather than the entire slope may be interterence with the function of the facility. acceptable for some situations. Rodent Holes Any evidence of rodent holes if tacility is acting Rodents destroyed and dam or berm as a dam or berm,or any evidence of water repaired. (Coordination with piping through dam or berm via rodent holes or Seattle/King County Health other causes. Department) Insects When insects such as wasps and homets Insects destroyed or removed from interfere with maintenance activities. Mosquito site. Mosquito control: Swallow complaints accompanEed by presence of high nesting boxes or approved larvicide mosquito larvae concentrations(aquatic phase). applied. Tree Growth Tree growth threatens integrity of berms acting Trees do not hinder maintenance as dams,dces not allow maintenance access,or activities. Harvested trees should interferes with maintenance activity(i.e.,slope be recycled into mulch or other mowing,silt removal,vactoring,or equipment beneficial uses(e.g.,alders for ��--- . movements). If trees are a threat to berm firewood). integrfty or not intertering with access,leave - trees abne. 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/24!2005 A-1 � 3 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES � i N0. 1 -DETENTION PONDS ; 5 Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When � Component Maintenance Is Performed ; Side Slopes of Pond Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where cause Slopes should be stabilized by using - of damage is still present or where there is appropriate erosion contro! � potentiai for continued erosion. measure(s);e.g.,rock y Any erosion observed on a compacted berm reinforcement,planting of grass, � , compaction. : embankment If erosion is occurring on compacted ; berms a licensed civil engineer � should be consulted to resolve = I source ot erosion. '� , Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10%of the Sediment cleaned out to designed � designed pond depth. pond shape and depth;pond � reseeded if necessary to control � erosion. Liner Damage Liner is visible and has more than three'/.-inch Liner repaired or replaced. '- (If Applicable) holes in it. i Pond Berms(Dikes} Settlement Any part of berm that has settled 4 inches lower Dike should be built back to the ; than the design elevation. Settling can be an design elevation. indication of more severe problems with the bertn or outlet works. A licensed civil engineer should be consulted to detertnine the source of the I settlement. Emergency Tree Growth Tree growth on emergency spillways create Trees should be removed. If root OvemowlSpillway blockage problems and may cause faitu�e of the system is small(base less than 4 and Berms over 4 berm due to uncontrolled overtopping. inches)the root system may be left feet in height. in place. Othenvise the roots should i Tree growth on berms over 4 feet in height may be removed and the berm restored. I lead to piping through the berm which could Yead A licensed civil engineer should be to failure of the berm. consulted for proper bertn/spillway restora6on. Emergency Rock Missing Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design standards. OverflowlSpillway area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native soil at the top of out flow path of spillway. Rip-rap on inside slopes need not be replaced. i a ; i 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A A-2 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQtiIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILIT[ES NO.4-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When �., Component Maintenance is Performed - Generai Trash and Debris Distance between debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. (Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1.5 feet. Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole Structure securety attached to wall wall and outlet pipe structure should support at and outlef pipe. least 1,OOU Ibs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright position(allow up to Structure in correct position. 10°k from plumb). � Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outiet pipe are water show signs oi rust. tight;structure repaired or repiaced and works as designed. Any hdes�ther than designed holes—in the Structure has no holes other than structure. designed holes. i Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as ; designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easity and maintenance person. is watertight. - Chainlrod leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50%of its surtace area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructions Any trash,debris,sediment,or vegeta6on Plate is free of all obstructions and � blocking the plate. works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstruc6ons Any trash or debris blodcing(or having the Pipe is free of all obstruclions and potential of blocking)the overflow pipe. works as designed. Manhole See"Detention Tanks See°Detention Tanks and Vautts"Table No.3 See"Detention Tanks and Vaults" and Vaults" Table No.3 i i i 2005 Surface Water Design?vlanual–Appendix A 1i24/2005 A-5 � APPENDiX A MAINTENANCE REQUIR�MENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACtLITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Mairttenance is performed - General Trash&Debris Trash or debris of more than'/z cubic foot which No Trash or debris located (Includes Sediment) is located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by opening. " more than 10%. t Trash or debris{in the basin)that exceeds'!3 the No Vash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin fo invert the basin. lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and outiet pipes free of trash or more than'!3 of its height. debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). li Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would - volume. attract or support the breeding of II insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more tlian'/.inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top curb face into the street Qf applicabie). � Slab I Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches Top slab is free of holes and cracks. or crecks wider than'/.inch(intent is to make sure all material is running into basin}. Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. � separaiion of more than'/,inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in Basin Cracks wider than Y:inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to design Walis/Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch standards. : basin through cracks,or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracics wider than%:inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than'I4 inch wide at at the joint of any inleUoutlet pipe or any the joint of inleUoutlet pipe. evidence of sal particles entering catch basin through cracks. SettlemenV Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to design Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. standards. Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas,oil No flammable chemicals present. and gasoline. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more No vegetation blocking opening to than 10°/a of the basin opening. basin. Vegetation growing in inleboutlet pipe joints that No vegetation or root growth is more than 6 inches ta11 and less than 6 inches present. apart. Pollu6on IVonflammable chemicals of more than'/:cubic No pollution present other than - foot per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any Catch basin cover is clased open catch basin requfres maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on Mechanism opens with proper tools. Not Working maintenance person with proper tools.Bolts into ; frame have less than'/:inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove appiying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. ' sealing ofF access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing nmgs, Ladder meets design standards and � misalignment,rust,cracks,or sharp edges. allows maintenance person safe access. — 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A A-6 � i APPLNDiX A MAINTEI�TANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILIT'(ES NO.5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect or Probfem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When # Component Maintenance is pertormed = i Metal Grates Unsafe Grate Grete with opening wider than'/e inch. Grate opening meets design � (If Applicable) Openir,g standards. j a Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. � of grate surface. � Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. 3 t � NO.6-DEBRIS BARRIERS (E.G.,TRASH RACKS) '; Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resufts Expected When � Component Maintenance is Performed. 3 General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% Barrier clear to receive capacity - of the open9ngs in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends m�re Bars. than'/.inch. 8ars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% Repair or replace barrier to design deterioration to any part of barrier. standards. NO.7-ENERGY DlSSIPATERS Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. Extemal: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design standards. Rock area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native sal. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Accumulated sediment that exceeds 2d%of the Pipe cleaned/flushed so that it Sediment design depth. matches design. Not Discharging �sual evidence of water discharging at Trench must be redesigned or Water Properly concentrated points along trench(nortnal rebuilt to standards. condition is a"sheet flow"of water along trench). intent is to pre�ent erosion damage. Perforations Plugged. Over'/:of perforations in pipe are plugged with Clean or replace pertorated pipe. debris and sediment. Water Flows Out Top Maintenance person observes water flowing out Facility must be rebuilt or of'DisUibutor"Catch during any storm less than the design storm or redesigned to standards. Basin. its causing or appears likely to cause damage. - Receiving Area Over- Water in receiving area is causing or has No danger of landslides. Saturated potential of causing landslide problems. ' ; I ntemai: ; ManholelChamber Wom or Damaged Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to Ys or Replace st�ucture to design � Post.Baffles,Side of original size or any concentrated wom spot standards. ; Chamber exceeding one square foot which would make sVucture unsound. �.--- �. : 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/24/20U5 A-7 APPLND[X A MAiNTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONV�YANCE,AND WQ FACILTTIES NO.8-FENCING Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed - General Missing or Broken Any defect in the fence that permits easy entry to Parts in place to provide adequate � Parts a facility. security. � Erosion Erosion more than 4 inches high and 12-18 No opening under the fence that inches wide permitting an opening under a fence. exceeds 4 inches in height. Wire Fences Damaged Parts Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. Post piumb to within 1 Y�inches. Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than � � 1 inch. � i , I Any part of fence(including past,top rails,and Fence is aligned and meets design � � fabric)more than 1 foot out of design alignment. standards. i Missing or loose tension wire. Tenslon wire in place and holding � fabric. Missing or loose barbed wire that is sagging Barbed wire in pface with less than � more than 2Y�inches between posts. '/.inch sag between post. Extension arm missing,broken,or bent out of Extension arm in place with no � shape more than 1 Y:inches. bends larger than'/.inch. Deteriorated Paint or Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling Structurally adequate posts or pa�ls Protective Coating condilion that has affected structural adequacy. with a uniform protective coating. dpenings in Fabric Openings in fabric are such that an 8-inch No openings in fabric. diar�eter ball could fit through. NO.9-GATES Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Pertormed General Damaged or Missing Missing gate or locking devices. Gates and Locking devices in place. Members Broken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Hinges intact and lubed.Gate is be easily opened and closed by a maintenance working freely. person. Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical. more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Missing stretcher bar,stretcher bands,and ties. Stretcher bar,bands,and ties in place. : Openings in Fabric See"Fencing"Table No.8 See"Fencing'Table No.8 � 1124/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A A-8 APPENDIX A MAMTENANCL-REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES N0. 10-CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed - Pipes Sediment 8 Debris Accumuiated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment and diameter of the pipe. debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50°/a deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the crass section area Pipe repaired or replaced. of pipe by more than 20%. - Open Ditches Trash 8 Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris Geared from square feet of ditch and siopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch cleaned/Flushed of all design depth. sediment and debris so that it � matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. through ditches. Erosion Damage to See"Detention Ponds"Table No. 1 See"DetenUon Ponds"Table No. t Slopes Rock Lining Out oi Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design standards. Place or Missing(li the rock lining. Applicable). N0. 11 -GROUNDS(LANDSCAPING) ; ' Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 209�0 of the Weeds present in less than 5%of (Nonpasonous,not landscaped area(trees and shrubs only}. the landscaped area. noxious} Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation present in vegetation. landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,bottles,totaling more than 1 cubic Area clear of litter. foot within a landscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than 5% broken which affect more than 25°�of the total of total foliage with split or broken foliage of the Vee or shrub. limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free oi injury. knocked over. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately Tree or shrub in place and supported or are leaning over,causing exposure adequately supported;remove any of the roots. dead or diseased trees. t ? � i 2005 Surface VVater Design Manual—Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-9 APPENDIX A h1AINTENANCE RLQUIREMENTS FLOW COT�TROL,CONVL-YANCL,AND WQ FACILITIES � N0. 12-ACCESS ROADS Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When � Component Maintenance ts Performed = General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of debris which could � square teet(i.e.,trash and debris would fitl up damage tires. } one standards size gafiage can). - Blocked Road�vay Debris which could damage vehicle tires(glass Roadway free of debris which could � or metal). damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet � road surface to less than 14 feet. high. � Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10-to Obstruction removed to allow at 12-foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet least a 12-foot access. � or any point restricting access to less than a 10- � foot width. Road Surface Settlement,Potholes, When any surface defed exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth with - Mush Spots, Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area. in general,any no evidence of settlement,potholes, sur(ace defect which hinders or prevents mush spots,or ruts. = maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface that are more Road surface free of weeds taller Surface than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches tail and than 2 inches. less than 6 inches apart within a 400-square foot area. Modular Grid Buiid-up of sediment mildly contaminated with Removal of sediment and disposal Pavement petroieum hydrocarbons. in keeping with Health Department recommendations for mildiy contaminated soils or catch basin sediments. Shoulders and Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erasion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the suRounding road. Weeds and Br�sh Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches in hinder maintenance access. height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. . 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A A-]0 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUiREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES N0. 16-WETPOND ,� `� Maintenance Defect or Problem Condition When Maintenance is Needed Recommended Maintenance to Component Correct Problem - Pond Area Water Level First cell empty,doesn't hold water. Line the first cel!to maintain at least 4 feet of water. Afthough the second cell may drain,the first cell must remain full to control turbulence o( the incoming flow and reduce sediment resuspension. Defective Vegeta6on Vegetation such as gress and weeds need to be Vegetation should be mowed to 4 to mowed when it starts to impede aesthetics of 5 inches in height. Trees and pond.Mowing is generally required when height bushes should be removed where exceeds 18 inches.Mowed vegeta6on should be they are interfering with pond removed from areas where it could enter the maintenance activities;that is,at the pond,either when the pond level rises,or by inlet,outlet and near engineered rainfall runoff. structures. Algae Mats When algae mats develop over more than 10% Algae mats that cover more than of the water surface,they should be removed. 10%of the surface of any cell Also remove mats in the late summer before fall should be removed. A rake or rains,especially in Sensitive Lake Protection mechanical device should be used Areas. Excessive algae mats interfere with to remove the algae. Removed dissolved oxygen content in the water and pose a algae can be left to dry on the pond threat to downstream lakes if excess nutrients slope above the 100-year water are released. surface. Trash and Debris Accumulation that exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1000 Trash and debris removed from square foot of pond area. pond. Sediment 5ediment accumulations in pond bottom that Removal of sediment from pond Accumulation exceeds the depth of sediment zone plus 6 bottom. inches,usually in the first cell. Oil Sheen on Water Prevalent and visible oil sheen. Remove al from water by use of oil- absort�ent pads or by vactor truck. Refer problem to locaie source and correct. If chronic low levels of al persist,plant wetland plants such as Juncus effusus (soft rush)which can uptake small concentrations of oil. Erosion Erosion of the pond's side slopes and/or Slopes should be stabilized by using scouring of the pond bottom,that exceeds 6 proper erosion control measures, inches,or where continued erosion is prevalent. and repair methods. Pond Dike/Berm Settlement Any part of these components that has settled 4 Dikelberm is repaired to inches or lower than the design elevation,or speafications. � inspector determines dike/berm is unsound. Internal Berm Concentrated Flow Berm dividing cells should be level. Build up low areas of bertn or lower high areas so that the berm surface is level and water flows evenly over the entire length of the berm from i the first cell to the second. InIeVOutlet Pipe Sediment and Debris Inlet/Outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/or No clogging or blodcage in the inlet ' debris material. and outlet piping. Overtlow Spillway Rodc Missing Rock is missing and soil is exposed at top of Replace rodcs to specifications. , spillway or outside slope. ' i : E � 4 � � 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendix A 1/24/2005 A-l3 � APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQt;IREMENTS FLOW CONTROL,CONVEYANCE,AND WQ FACILITIES NO.24-CATCHBASIN INSERT � 'I Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Mafntenance is Needed Results Expected When � - ', Component Maintenance is Performed = Catch Basin Inspection Inspection of inedia insert is required. EfFluent water from media insert is ' free of oils and has no visible sheen. ; � Sediment When sediment forms a cap o�er the insert No sediment cap on the insert - � Accumulation media of the insert and/or unit. media and its unit. i 1 Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulates on inseR unit Trash and debris removed from � Accumulation creating a blockage/restriction. insert unit.Runoff freely flows into � , catch basin. 3 i Media lnsert Water Saturated Catch basin insert is saturated with water,which Remove and replace media insert # ' no longer has the capacity to absorb. ; Oil Saturated Media oil saturated due to petrofeum spill that Remove and replace media insert. � drains into catch basin. - ; • Service Life Exceeded Regutar interval replacement due to typical Remove and replace media at � average life of inedia inseR product. regular intervals,depending on - insert product. z � 3 � ; � . 1 { � ; E � 3 � � l � a i � , I i � t ; l 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual—Appendiz A A-20 i � � �I K[NG COUNTY, Vl'ASHINGTON, SURFACE Vb'ATER DESIGN MANUAL STORMWATER FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET Development Shamrock Date 6/11/08 ' Location NW intersection of NE 4`� ST and 148�'AVE NE ENGINEER DEVELOPER Name R.ick Tomkins Name Jennifer Reiner Firm Triad Associates Firm CamWest Address 12112 115 AVE NE Address 9720 NE 120 PL#100 Kirkland, WA 98034 Kirkland, WA 98034 Phone 425-821-8448 Phone 425-825-1955 Developed Site: Acres 34.5 Number of lots 129 (includin� Renton) ' Number of detention facilities on site: Number of infiltration facilities on site: 2 ponds ponds vaults vaults tanks tanks ' Flow control provided in regional faciliry(give location) ' No flow control required Exemption number Downstream Draina e Basins Immediate Ma'or Basin North Basin A- Hone Creek Ma Creek South Basin B Lower Cedaz River Cedar River Number&type of water quality facilities on site: ', biofiltration swale(regulaz/wed or sand filter(basic or large?) continuous inflow?) sand filter, linear(basic or large?) 2 combined detention/WQ pond sand fi(ter vault(basic or large?) (WQ portion basic) filter strip combined detention/Wetvault 2 stormwater wetland compost filter 2 wetpond (basic) X flow dispersion flow-splitter catchbasin , farm management plan wetvault X landscape management plan oiVwater separator(baffle or coalescing plate?) catch basin inserts: Manufacturer pre-settling pond pre-settling structure: Manufacturer DESIGN INFORMATION INDIVIDUAL BASIN North South C D Water uali desi n flow Water Quality treated volume or wet ond Vr 22,711 CF 54,070 CF 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 1 K[NG COU�iTY, G1'ASIIINGTON, SGRFACE W'ATER DESIGN I�1AI�UAL DESIGN TOTAL INDIVIDUAL BASIN INFORMATION, cont'd Drainage basin(s) North South C D Onsite area 17.80 AC 11.13 AC Offsite area 3.52 AC Type of Storage Level 2 Pond Pond Facili �� Live Stora e Volume 108,622 115,762 �i Predeveloped Runoff 2-year 0.67 0.58 'i Rate 10- ear 1.20 1.04 ' 100- ear 2.24 1.96 Develo ed runoff rate 2- ear 0.55 0.43 10- ear 0.91 0.77 100- eaz 1.62 2.15 T e of restrictor Size of No. 1 3.06" 2.88" orifice/restriction No. 2 3.56" 3.75" No. 3 2.00" Notch 2.40" 1.50" FLOW CONTROL&WATER QUALITY FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET SKETCH All detention,infiltration and water quality facilities must include a sketch per the following criteria: 1. Heading for the drawings should be located at the top of the sketch(top right-hand corner). The heading should contain: • North arrow(point up or to left) • D9# • Plat name or short plat number •Address(nearest) • Date drawn(or updated) •Thomas Brothers page,grid number 2. Label CBs and MHs with the plan and profile designa[ion. Label the control structure in writing or abbreviate�vith C.S. Indicate which structures provide spill convol. 3. Pipes—indicate: Pipe size Pipe length Flow direction Use s single heavyweight line 4. Tanks--use a double,heavyweight line and indicate size(diameter) 5. Access roads • Outline the limits of the road • Fill the outline with dots if the road is gravel. Label in writing if another surface. , 6. Other Standard Symbols: • Bollards:• • • • ■ ■ ■ ■ • Rip rap o00000 000000 Fences --x--x---x---x---x---x--- • Ditches —D-�--GD--CD--CD 7. Label trash racks in writing. 8. Label all streets with the actual street sign designation. If you don't know the actual street name,consult the plat map. 9. Include easements and lot lines or tract limits when possible. 10. Anange all the labeling or writing to read from left to right or from bottom to top with reference to a properlv oriented heading. 11. Indicate driveways or features that may impact access,maintenance or replacement. 9/1/98 1998 Surface V6'ater Design Manual � SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TWP. 23N., RGE 5E., W.M. "�"'`�"°� r''e`E T RIAD �� . � � � � �: � SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TWP, 23N., RGE 5E., W.M. TR.IAD �, . , _ . ,.F �,��,.,�A����.. .tr^E'.1 B-iE t ,.j. .t.. , I ... n��_�._.._�. � _ Q ti � � � 2 _ y ! '; I 3 t ( .... . ..______'__"__-___�__-'-___'_'___'-____'� '— ._____'-'_"-__'___ __—__-_______�___ " _____ � .__ .. . .. I � W 6_ '_ I j 6 � I � 1�p��NY i ,. � RP p�HIUI I Q � 1 EL U430 ..___.. .. . . ... ...._ _.._ . _..._-- _ . . .______ _ . ___ . ._.__.._ ... . -- _ __ __ t '_- _ .._... __ _ � . 0.URSQ. . - Ir ______—__—__—__—'_____"—'_— ' '_—"— '—' S��SR�NEf9Nl.OR _ ___ _ _�--��--- —__ I , "_ ! _ ^ 2 � 2 -- -- ------ � p Q -- ---- -- - - V � --- - -- -- 4 a���------------- ` ' � 2 -- ---- --- ----- --------- u�c�n[�o t�aat,ea��i�o -----------raneorrWa.-��.—oo=.izs v.urs--- ------------------D�-- ------------` � i� O4�! � -���� W � ��.��a_ � � I� Q 3 U �0 � � � � O Q � � 7� ZO Hp4lICNVT � U � O 1"� S'I£R nCAL NORTH POND SECTION A-A O -i T(�Y F.rcV . _. __. . _'__"_.. _.___" _ ��.� _ 4 Q � � 2 1 � � � ; i o _ -- -- -- -- -------__ — ------- ---------- --- - ____ _ .___-- - _ 2 > ti j O U ' (9 2 Y � ���� m ��i n A�f Y R e ��C `"o%Rv�� 6�1 f� .� ' ��� +cp or arav � e r �.� '�_.xisa --- ----- . � > >k T0.�i EL N4l9NIIm o i��� �4 �'� a g 1 = ' �4 F __-__-�____ _________ '__ '_ . ] _�._ _-------_.`_-._- ._'__- UK/L�EAD EL MSd9 NS IO . �--- � �' k Y L` vovp Bonw n.�...00-..xs � 5 o R�?� _�}�.<'}�K1�!t'`'<f�K}'� I�0 4I0 a.Nc�.��.� w..+.cve u PHOJd.T SUHY[Y07 �KO�S O9�ur(K . P9p1ELT LYCfIl� 11rlEr t aic�A/ 1. IIOMZCM'7 . � . . . ARCfl ��� S'FE'R1/G4 flRST SUBMI1ThL DAtE J/IO/M NORTH POND SECTION B-B �`"'E '°'�'''�° '�'-'''z' OAifi✓F:1'1' '. -___ _.- -______..- "_____ _"_._. !."4'Ou __-____-_-_ __- _ _.- _ -._--- __— NOIE: . STCWYWAIEN ME1L.W0 PLANRHC PfR 7HF! AP'PROY£D UNOSCAPE PC.WS , S�AYP XOT YAIID ` P J097 8 2 • .-•,. .•.. �. .. .� LIiIFSS SIGNBD ANU DA77D 7� "s AS-CONSTRUCTED PLANS �OB A0 01-159 (SfE SHEET 1 FOV7 SfAiEMENTJ ? ..._... : SNECT N0. ZSDP�Z � Q200B iRi.��S�C!'it-5 6� SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TWP, 23N., RGE SE., W.M. TRIAD �� , � . �.S 9i'dJ4Y 0 -'y'- 1� ��4o�x u.�wr<H�nrr.r_css er.na.vc'. i"'?OSS dA45!p � '�{R��A(B�5 AS 9ICIh. +wGE UPPER ENDS INM 11AM75/B�[IS.WO ry�n rI Q".TE_YCIip'/Sn�:: ¢����^, ? .vONCf COCXWG 1KpI.wSW(WM PAQLQPtI dC 9IpGM[J WK(YE'AL PV� ?� _ ph(OM[R(1/0.CQ�Af[(Ap7FR S�EPS LIIlFCRY M�h WIAX pAlIEIER 1/1' y o-"-Cn i(55 IH.W wSCK p�WC�ER Q' � � CJX,ECi�.YC h=� � A 1 1 Y� I I 1 I� k �'I�`9., EOI�'A�'.C�-v�O � QG YAXI ��/ 9�"SnCM WlF M OCW IRCY W Of'i FQQ QEAHq/l/MAAV. rTES,'fiCiOP I� s""OMG I-OI6 � rs(rra� . � 'w A_Afls EKltrr / 5Ec NoIE r � `�� SOAC£0.SEE 5'M'OA4J S�EP$ I lr O -- -- � Z cc,.uc aeza. PLAN V/EW - �� � — �I Q � Q '�KR S�EE:9�/.n J."iF/Of��" �. . 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RW LL. �IO]5(MI J ' �� �cMscws ro r.v�r.�,:.s-,wac ar�txnau-e�v+s�+m r cc �., �.-,.�,� � �a5!N?..�_OK4 SR22 BM'0 � � ~ . u � c�a'S ^GFaC97!RYS'S'IMI. cl[F PM�S.'..4✓Iy:i:J -. :i�=dir7Y 2 ' ' =•O�avn.'E r--.��• / m^•O�1'xrSEN i: _:rt!-�,}¢�J O OVERFLOW STRUCTURE 19w � ' ` ._ �;" '�°:`°"°"�°-^°`4� � .'t0Y lRUL/GRA fE � EI �lY�� NOi I�SCI(E ='�I�HC�(L��C � � � ',iL 0��A)C _. .. . �/ / ��/�-�lb Ul. 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CWPE'NSA71Qv wa w�w,m.Rs �JSO �410➢ �7.OS0 101.71Y S�QQAGE NAS BEE7J A�D i`��E. r _1' %IWLLT S�MIYOI u,.� .. �xs .vu� s ��e i ei� �O ACCOVNT Fp9 iHE ,�p�,�S qy�T ExIS nNC PQ�D. . . .. . . . . .o�er.� .t.. PROJOR IANDSCA¢AiC!IZCT P06T SUBIQITAL DAR�J/70/(H SGIE: w�w/ �vt_n/� souM�,�s-aRr sra��a�T�etE auo s�aR� c�r. � aac: tz wa� e�a �a s,e .uee� e Kx. wi. x.e �or�u s mr.0 rr 4 ar) mc� rs w�. rs eo�rov cru� ro^.uPu[Nr(au� �.0 ieao - - - - - - gprrpv C[tt 7 ' ' - ' - �Yp�Etv�(f�ti 7 �L 1Mf 100.1 100./ 4799 ' _ U/ 47t! .�A.1, RlJ7 7.N7 4!n Rall CLfARlNG 0�7 CRIQWG$MAL! N07 CCWNENC£QV PARCF( SOUM CY NNG gClvpr ei9pc IJS SIK 1.ltf,7 I1.6YI 0.0A Q0119 �49ri ev+a wrsa us ,,a� wvao�rs w n+F a�r a� cativrr�arr or aE�vrav sa�ro,wr IC1^P�OfAO U3Y! 075 )OOi / t97 1A0 �N ]7] 07o RENTLri ARF PRONOED FL14 WMIXfT AN APPROVEO L�NO USE PfR1A'i REfFRENLi U'4Y. FROu R�IE pIY OF RENTGW �S�� AS-61,Rr U1£.� rrS,767 Cf � . .. .. . . _..._....:. ....... ._. .... . tt .ar� e wi. ror,u r sr ff �ca. cr AS-BULr NQ� S�.o70 Cf �U°P�OEAO 411A1 1I.A3 - - . _ , . . . �.�E�K PAR7S COPR090v 1K451AN/NOv-LACVAYlEU 1 F 14(�l LLREI lWC COvIC�S 10 R1KM7 COM7�4 n°C: TUIP NOT YA110 ` �.16 ..A370 i.D�9 1.919 � i�Ar��.WLVAN2[D a'E vAR�S TO HI1E ASMAtI ��pp[�Ip ti��f SrOt�ih OD.EQ/Al ID CUIIOF7C q^E P�.3097 C/j E � INI�TS=1GNm A.VD DATFD 9 u� .a��e ...env .s.eia e .� .�� .'.°" '...� _.`""`"°`"�`"�5""5°''�,� . "'°""""`"�'°""•. °9°w��""�" A S-CONS TRUC TED PL ANS ; ,UB N0. O 1-159 �� wr iu aJE.0 �07 7i J07 �� M1 �.[tt.wWr G�C 6 M96tL iM.v RP N+OVG4[D ro Cd�08C�F wvl.lw���v J'-0'�EtPnfx�AC+IAc) � B CL6-DOM/9�ACF HAS 7'QIM!d{FRqu L�PDCN ! C�RA1E 5 C1LN2 O�GiAB i LOCAIE ELBOw l�SIA[R%YS)AS NFCFSSARY�O FwONPF 1wvM�r .. __-.. - - ? acur,wa�s 9+v� ; (Sf£ SHEET 1 FQR STAIEAlfNr) �g�ho , _.-_ .. � 29a32 �� . f_ ._- . _ � _ ���,.� .5�.�5 5 SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TWP. 23N:, RGE SE., W.M. � TRIAD � , �� �..... �,�����5=� .IZ`�.B['.&t»8 � 0 ti � _ Z h � i � 3 � � � � — -� _ _---__ _.___ , W } � ' � ' � `��� � a � �o _ ---___ ��/� o Q I:1 YAL RpI � ._.. -'____ . �__._. .. —_' -_ T{/ ._ _..... ...__ - -- — --- _ .aksa.+a:�.xu_—=_+-------=__-_ -- ��'9so� Q � 4 i� _________ �D SIYAA' ' --- ----"".u�n.+�s..ns�------ ~ O W gorrov o�va+v -—--— -- v � � F� E� �o � � 3 � �.r.�S-z N/�i�A$M RAfX � � � �e•�.,5� � V � O �.70 '_,' t.30 0 Pwc�xE scA[E :°""�g«c ca s-z� ,_�r V s c !� Mp4lIA4fA R[SlRKip?fB.xE � Q l'� S'�£RT1C.�t �� ar.a s+rrr:�.: rw SOUTH POND SECT/ON GC Z `�+ 2 : —�—-- � j � � I O � �: � j 0 U C9 2 Y � ���� � g�Ce q ��� ' ' I � r�� ! ' �'ec , � ���r ... .__.--- ------�-- —1-------....-------?---- ------ .. . .. � i � I .. . ;; ze� � E1v51wG E ( r��y ' � o G � ,. ��------ ��8 410 � � .�� —_ ----- — —�_ z -- --- _____ _ � ------ _ ---__--_------ —