HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1032 r-+ � <^ + � Y � � tf `C 4 � . � c ' _ . r # ., .- ��� �. ` RESO�,tTTI{1N Nt}, 1�:�, W'H�REAS a certain petition �"ar the vacation o�" portion of a street has been submitted to the City Co:�ncil on or about November 17, 1959� signed by a11. af the property oc�ners abutting said str+aet� sa�.d street b�ing knc�,m as Mildrer3 �.vez�r;zea and also knowu as a partian of S. E. 3.t?Oth Stree�, and this matter h�v3.�g heretofore been consider�d b� the Planning Gonm3issi.on of the City of Ren�ton and the City �aw�ciZ dee.�ni.ng i� in the best public iriterest ta hold a public hearing on said matter of vacatian� NOW 2HER;.'EFORE� BE IT RESOI��TED BY T[�E i�YOR ANI3 THE CITY tX)I3NCIL t3F �'EIE �'TT�' OF �TQN AS FC�ZLaWS: � �E'CTION I: That certain petition for the vacation of a portion af 2�,ildred Avenue, also known as S,.:�. 100th Street�, located in the Plat o�' Eldon Acres, as hera tofore subm3.tt,�d by 1t3t3� of the abutting proper�ty own�rs a.s hereb� �o;and ta be in order azid a gublic k�aririg thereon is hereby fi.�ced ' far Apx•i.l �: 1960 at 8:00 P.M�, in the C3.ty Ca��nci7, chambers. SECTIf�N I2: The �ity Clerk is hereby int�tructed to give the req�i..red notice of the pendency of this petitian in tl3ree o�` the most publ�e plaee� in the �ity and a �.ke notice in a consg�.�ious place on the strest sought �o be vacated, Said natice sha11 aontain a statement that the petitiox� h�s been f�.led to vacate the sub�eet street as described in the natice� together with a statem�n� af the time and plflce fi�ad far the hegring af the petition. Said �otices shall be pos#.ed at lea�st txenty {20� days pr�.or �Go the date ot h�aring. FASSED BY THE CITY COtIN�IL this _��� ,�f Marah� 1960 , 1 � / , , �. l� 1�'�� iS� ��1�---z��,;) 'Verz� H. Morris3�C'�.�y �lerk APPROVEIJ BY THE MAY4R this � ` day of March, 19� �"..� � ` ��., J R. Baxter, �ayor ,�PPI�'3VEI3 AS TO �'t?RM Gerard M. �hell.�ni Gity �.ttort�ey � �