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(Resolution cf Inte�ion - Sanitary Sexer, 112th Avenue S.�'.�
Suaset Boulevard to 12th Avenue Narth)
Wfi�,S a petition has been clul.y presented to the City Connc3.1 0� tl� Ci�y of
Renton, filed vith �he �3.ty Clerk petitianing �or the i.mproee�en� o� the araa hartia-
beipw described, to-�it: t,he oons truct3.on of a sani�ary se�rer system, which petitien
also se�ts fc�th the natwce and ter�itorial extent of stzch proposed improv�ments�
togcther with all incidental w�rk tha� may be necessar� ia com�ecti.oz� therewith
st�ting that the mocle of payment be b� assess�ents against t�e property be�P3.ted�
the �ost to be based ou �he $one and ter�aai method; s�ating the �'act that the s3.gners
thereof are the oraners of prope��y in said described territo�y as set out and des�ri.bed
3.ti said peta,#3.o�n and a13. of said araa and �srritor� be3.ng si�ated �r�.th3n the City
of xenton' Kir� Cc�unty� 1�Tashingt,on; the signers of sa.id peti�ion bei�lg the aar�ars
according to the records in t� ogf`ice of ths Conaty 1�vdi.tor of property to an
agg�cegate ama�trt ot a ma jo�S.ty of the ],ineal. Frontage upoa the imprn�emeat to tb
made and ot the area �r1.th3n th� a�aessment di strict te be created the reior; ar�. the
�it� Er�li.rie er aad t�he Cit� Couaa#.1 having a�certair�e d that the f acts �et �orth in
the said petitian are trne and having ca�sed an eatima�,e of the cost aond ex�ense of
such ia�rove�neat �o be made, transm3.tt�ed to� and filed stitM �he C�,ty Coancil of
Rent�on �ogetY�er with all papers and infor�at3.�n in posses�on of said offieers
touching such im�rarement� vith tl� estirrsted cost t�sreof� and the;r �ecommenc'i�tiaal�.�
therefor, �ogeth�er �ritl3 a descripti.on of the bo�.ndaries of the praposed d3.strict and
a prel3.minary esti.ma.ted assess�ent roll and statement of proportianats amr�at ot the
cost ar�d e�ense af sucl� ianprovem�ent whieh shatl be bor�e by �moperties w�I.thin the
proposed assessment d3.a�tri.ct� together srith a statea�t a4 the aggregate assessed
�raluatiaa of the rea1. e���,e (includiag t�entp••�`ive per cent (25�� of the actval
valvation of the imprc�vegnents thereon� withl.n �the distr3.ct accor.d3ng to tl� valuation
]ast placed upon it for the purpose of general taxatic�n; and said petition laaving
'been fou�d saf�'i�ien� ar�t suEh officers having also transmitted to and fi.led �i.t�a
tbe Ci.ty Conneil a d3,agra�� drawl.ng or pr3.nt showing thereon the ].ots� traets er
pareel�t of ]aad and otlier prvper��r which tirili be speEially benefited �hereb�r� end
the estinated ataoaat o� the cost aad e�pease oY auah i.n�proven�exit to be borrie by each
I . . � �, � . � , . .
, . ,
su+ch lot� traCt or parael of lar�d or other propertg; and it havirig been determi.ne d I
that said petiti.on is signed by the owrbers of more than fS.ftq per cent (50�) of �he
�.ineal fraritage npon the i�nprevement to be made at�d more �hsa fif�y per cent (50�) I
of the area x�.thi.n fihe ].ia�its of the praposed improv�ment c'6.atrict, aald tk�a.t t�e I,
costs and e�enses of �he proposed improvement and the assegs�ents which may be �
as�esaed agains� the p�ope�ty s�ti.thin such improver�snt dtstxi:ct t�31 no�e�oceed t2ye 'I
as�essed valuatiort of' the real estat�e� toge�her xith tw�ex�y f3.tre per cent (25%) �I,
of the actval ealnatioa of the improvements thereon; and I
WHERF'�S tY�e City Couneil has �de investigat3.on and study o� sa3@ �tx�ton and
of said proposed local i�provement district and of the benefits acera.i�g �h�refrou
to the r eapsetir►e lots, traets� pa�eels a�l real est�te and other property, arid
of the fair and p�per mode and �thod af assessment and paymant tor �e sam�e� al1 as
hereinafter resol�red� and it beir� advisa}al� for t�e City Caaaail �o Bold a.•heariug
th�reon afttgrr rioti.ce thereo� to all �he ownera of property �ri.thin the pr�pose$
d3strict� as prov3.ded by 3.a�►; N�T rnr�n�ruxue,
FOLL(�T5 t
I. That i� ig the intention of th�e �ity Counc3l of� t� City oP Renton� acting
upon its c�wn itritiative� findings �. detez�nwaation afaresaid and also ac�ing upon
and in acaordance �ith tha e onte�ts and zequeat of �aid petition heretofore s�abm�.tted
to the�Ci'�q by the p�operty aKners wi.thia t�e pro�osed distaric� to order the i�ove•. i
ment o�' ths area� terri�ory a�d properties anci streets hereinafter ment3.oned by I'
constr�ncting and installing thereiu sa�ar�r s�ers� s�ith all mar�holes, accessor3.es� '�,
.equip�ea�L appropriate thsreto, and the daing of all such otl�er �rk iacident �k�ereto
a� may be nee�ssary� er apprapx�i,ate in co�necticn �herda3.th� all in aaeordance with
the plffis prep�rred bg the C3.ty Engi�eer and filed in his of.�ice and 3.n the office
of the City Cl�rg� and in accx�r�anee �i.�h any altera�iaa�s� changes aud eala�gemea�s
�hich �oay ?�ereafter be made or adopted; the area, terri�ory and property h�re�.nabove
mentioned and rartes of such improvemen� beir�g situated within the ei�y limi�s of
the �ity ot Renton and embraced �i.th3.n the follcn�ring description thereof� to�its
� , � �, � ' • ` + �
- . !1
Beg�ing at a point ori the sauth line of S. E. 112th Street said
point bei� 150 �eet �rest of the �.T, corner of Tract 2b of garriea
Garden �ome �racts as recorded in Yolmne 3?� o� P].ats� Page 38� recc�t�ds
K C iaT in thence souther arallel with aaQ 0
oi ing ountYs a� �3 a-9' P �
feet �est of tY�e west,erlg right o� Way Line of 172th Avern;e S.E, to th�e
soutbsrly 1.ine of �ract 15 0� said add3.tiott; theaca E�st along aai.d
soutMerly ].iue and said line eateaded east to the east,erly Right of .
Way �e of 112th ,�venue S. �.; thenee goutherly alcyr�g said l�,ight c�
�ay Line to the no�thwesterly �ight of Way of Sunset Highway; tt�ence
nr�theasterly along said Right of i�Tay L3xye to a 13.ne wha.ch is para7.le1
with aad 15t3 feet east cf the easterly Right of T�7ay �ine c�f 112th �,venue
S.E.; then�e northerl� along said paratle3 line to �he southerly Right
a�f �Tay Ir�ne of S. E. 1]2th Street; thence �resterly alosg sa3d �ight of
Way Li.ne to the poin� af beginning•
Sa3.d sanitary se�er and installation to be located on the following deseribed routes
Conaaenaing at the iaters�et3.on of Sn�xset Bou].e�nard Eaat at or r�ear 9� Avenue Nrncth
and extending aloag and r�3.thin ll�th l�n�enne 5.�. �p �o the int�ersect3on of S. E.
112th Street, also kno�n as 12th Aven� North.
2. 'That aIl person� who ma�r desire t,� ob�ect there�o are hereb,q notified to
appear and preseat �uch ob�ections at & meet3ng o� the City �ouacil to be held in
the �City Go�nci.l Chambers in �e C3.ty Ha7.1 in the +�ity of Renton at 8:W o�elock P.�I.
on the�day of t?ctaber� 1960; �lxi.ch time axid place is hereby fi�oed for heari�g
, all ma�ters relating ta said pro�sed ia�c�vemer�t� and all ob�ectiaais or p��rotests
�hereto, and for deter.�ining the met�od aad mode ef pa�t for said i.�pra�veanents.
3. That the �ity �g m aer sha7.1 in the rnanuer pr+av3.ded by laR submit t a the
City Co�uaici]. at or prior to ss�3d date of Y�a�i.ag� ali data and infor�ation requirrd
by law to b� suxmit#sd.
�t. �hat the eost and e xpen�e o� sa3�d. 3mpa�ove�e�ts �all be borne by and
assessed against the propertiea 3iable therefor as pra�rl.ded by laWs and in the mode
and �e�hod prwided bg law. g'he City of Ranton shal7. not be liable in any maaaer
t'er any of the cost and •a�pemse of st�ch i�traTen�en�s. Th�e �ale ana method ot'
asseg�noe� to be l�ried against the properties as t3ere3.nabove prov3.ci�ed sha13 be by
assess� agai.ns� the pa�operties special].�r beneYited�by such i�ove�e�rta� as such
benefita may be determined by the City Eng3rBer ani �he Ci�y �anncil� and sad.d m�de
fi,o be based on the sone and tex�i.ai method,
5. Al], property inclnded yrit�i.n �e abave described limits af' and far such
locsl i.mprovemeat dtstrict� as �e same may be l�ereaf�er alt,ered� modified ar
.. � ' „ � . .. � � � ^ � .
� y
en2arged shaZ1 be c�onsidersd and �sld t.o be the p�operty anl aZl the pxapertiss
speaiaLly benefited by sfarch imprc�eements and shall be the praperties ta be asses�sed
to pay the costa �nd eapenses thereof as l�re3nabove pravided, as may be c,d�argeable
againa� the propert�es spee3.a21y benePited by sach �mprove�n�s.
PASSED AND AD�PTID by t,he Ci�► Ccruacil �his�2'7 jZday o� Septemb�r� 19b0.
� Ve�n H. Morris �it� Clerk
' ,�PPftUVID by t2�s l�yor this ` ���of September� 3.9b�.
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Gsrard M� Shellan� City �f.ttcar�ey