HomeMy WebLinkAbout03029 - Technical Information Report - , � �,:>,� �: z �,: �� ;.:.��;. �,. ��f I I I� � � �� F ` ` _ G�:. . . -. . _. �...:. - ENGINEERING REPORT ,��� `_ ` �= � = Drainage Technical Informr�tion Report �� ��. Odegard Renton Highlands � � .�- Pro essiona P aza . �'t } Juty i6, Zoo2 0�q � " `z�. �� ':i: � I PREPARED FOR: Elizabetlt Odegar�t P.O.Box 165 '��iedina,1�VA 98039 � PREPARED BY: Cottghlin Porter Li�nrfeelc 217 Pine Street,Suite 300 _ �� C, p Seattle,Washington 98101 4� c��h O,� Phone: (206)343-0460 ����. 1'� Contact: Nick Lenington,P.E. � y � � A �FCISTE4�� 4 ti � ��SSI�NAL�� �\ �� D(PfRES O1/23/2004 , DRAINAGE TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR: Renton Highlands Professional Plaza Coughlin Porter Lundeen Project No.C01-0040-01 July I6,2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I Overview 3 SECTION 11 Preliminary Conditions Summary 4 SECTION III Off Site Analysis 6 SECTION IV Site Hydrology 7 SECTION V Conveyance System Analysis and Design 9 SECTION VI Special Reports and Studies 10 , SECTION VII Basin and Community Plan Areas 10 SECTION VIII Other Permiu 10 SECTION IX Erosion/Sedimentation Control Design I I SECTION X Bonds II SECTION XI Maintenance and Operations Manual I I Standard Maintenance XI-I FIGURES COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 1 Figure I -TIR Worksheet Figure 2-Vicinity Map Figure 3A-Topography Map Figure 3B-Proposed Site Grading Map (I I x 17 Plan Sheet) Figure 3C-Proposed Site Drainage Map (I I x 17 Plan Sheet) Figure 4-Soils Map CALCULATIONS Detention Water Quality Conveyance 100 year flood analysis APPENDICES Appendix'A'—Sensitive Area Folio Maps Appendix`B'—Minor Flood Plain Analysis Figures - Basin Coverage's COUGHLIN POP.TER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 2 PROJECT OVERVIEW The following Technical Information Report(T�R) provides the background technical information for the design analysis required to develop the TESC and drainage plan. The design for Renton Highlands Professional Plaza was based on the requiremenu set forth in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and all updates.(See Figure I —TIR Worksheet) The Odegard site is a 2.27 acre site located at 1620 Duvall Avenue Northeast in Renton,Washington. The site is bounded to the north by a daycare center, to the west by a private residence, and to the south by a commercial/retail building(see Figure 2-Site Vicinity Map).The proposed project will construct approximately 21,500 square feet of commercial space and 30,000 square feet of surface parking. The project will provide water quality treatment in accordance with the I 998 KCSWDM. Due to site constrainu,a wet pond will be used to treat water from paved areas subject to vehicular use in lieu of biofiltration swales. In addition all conveyance will be designed per the 1998 KCSWDM. Existing Drainage and Site Conditions The entire project site lies within the Cedar River drainage basin (See Figure 3A—Topographic Map). Although the total project site is 227 acres,the amount of developable land is approximately 1.06 acres, consisu of one 0.91-acre parcel and one 0.15-acre parcel. The entire 0.91-acre parcel will be developed with building and parking. Additionally,some of the wetland buffer will be used for construction of the building and facilities. The entire existing site is pervious surfaces consisting of compact earth,grass,and blackberry,with a few trees and will be classified as pasture. The entire site drains into an existing tributary creek that divides the site into two parcels. This creek also conveys runoff from the drainage basin upstream of the site. This drainage basin includes roadway runoff as well as site runoff. The City of Renton has adopted by ordinance the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (1990 KC Manual}with some amendments(RMC 4-6-030.A). The City uses this manual for all surface water management. However,the City of Renton is in the process of adopting the more recent I 998 KCSWDM. It has also been indicated to us that we should be using the more recent design manual. The 1998 King County Manual defines,but is not limited to,detention controls and standards,required water quality treatment alternatives,designs,and maintenance,and temporary erosion and sediment contro) procedures. Proposed Site and Drainage System Surface runoff from new parking areas,roadways,walkways and the building roof will be collected by catch basins and conveyed through the site to a detention vault and wetpond before discharging into the onsite wetland which eventually discharges into the Cedar river and is conveyed to Lake Washington. COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEI�T Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 3 II. PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS This section will address the requirements set forth by the Core and Special Requiremenu listed in Chapter I. Also listed are the requiremenu of the most recent Sensitive Areas Ordinance (SAO) pertaining to the project. Surface Water Management Design Manual Core Requirements: I. Discharge at ihe Natural Laation (1.2.1)—Stormwater currently discharges into the existing onsite creek. In the proposed condition the discharge will be at the same location 2. Of�Site Analysis(l.2.2)-The off-site analysis sections of this report will elaborate on both the upstream and downstream off-site basins. 3. Runof�'Conuol(l.2.3)- A. Peak Rate Runoff Control:As previously mentioned, detention will be required for this projea. A level 2-flow control has been assumed for initial calculations. B. Biofiltration: This project will not provide a bioswale due to site constrainu. Instead,a basic wet pond designed in accordance with 1998 KCSWDM criteria is proposed to address the water quality requiremenu for impervious areas subject to vehicular traffic. 4. Conveyance Facilities(l.2.4)-This project will be designed in accordance with City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual Criteria The system has been designed to convey the 25 year—24 hour event with 0.5 feet of free board and the 100 year—24 hour event without overtopping roadways. 5. Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan(1.2.5)-This project will install a series of temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs(Best Management Practices) related to specific conditions on the site. 6. Maintenance and Operation(1.2.6)—The proposed storm drainage system will be owned,operated,and maintained by the owner. 7. Bonds and Lia6iliry(1.2.7)—The owner and contrattor will obtain all necessary permiu prior to the beginning of construction. 8. Water Quality(I.2.8)—A Basic water qualiry pond is being provided to meet the water quality requirements Special Requirements I. Critical Drainage Areos(I.3.1)—There are no critical drainage areas located on-site. 2. Compliance with on Existing Master Droinoge Plan(1.3.�)-There are no master drainage plans covering the project site. 3. Conditions Requiring a Master Drainoge Plan (1.3.3) -The project does not require a master drainage plan. 4. Adopted Basin or Community Plans(1.3.4)—The project site is located in the Lower Cedar River Basin which will require the project to cross reference the I 996 Proposed Lower Cedar River Basin and Non-point Pollution Action Plan. COUGHLIN POKTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , � 5. Special Water Quoliiy controls(1.3.5)—A water-quality wet-pond will be provided for water quality. 6. Coalescing Plote oil/water seporators(1.3.6)-The proposed site does not anticipate over I 00 vehicies per day per I OOOsf of office space and therefore will not require oil control beyond the standard water quality treatment. A wet-pond is being provided for water quality control. 7. Closed Depressions(1.3.7)—The project site does not discharge to a closed depression. 8. Use of lakes,wedands or dosed depressions for peak runoff control(1.3.8)—The site is providing level 2 detention modeled with a continuos storm model. 9. Floodplain Delineation(1.3.9)—This site is not within the I OOyr flood plain,however it contains a stream.A minor flood plain analysis to identify any impact to the area including adjacent properties and onsite structures has been done.In analyzing the impacts of a 100-year storm event over the entire upstream basin show that the high water elevation would be at approximately 394.87.The proposed building finished floor elevation is at elevation 401.0. This flooding will not impact the proposed building. During a flooding event the finished floor will be 6.13 feet above the flood stage. The proposed building will impact the flood storage volume. We proposed to add additional volume on the southeast corner of the site to mitigate this displaced volume. A portion of the existing landscape and soil will be regraded and re- vegetated to provide the additional storage volume. See appendix B for analysis and mitigation proposal. 10. Flood Protection Faalities(1.3.10)—There are no existing or proposed flood protection facilities for Class I or 2 streams within the project.Additional storage volume will be provided on the southeast corner of the site to mitigate all storage volume displaced as part of the construction. I I. Geotechnical analysis and report(1.3.!I)—the proposed project does not intend to construct a berm higher than 6 feet or on a slope steeper than I 5%. Additionally there is a geotechincal engineer available if there should be any questions that arise. 12. Soils Anatysis and report(l.3.!2)—The proposed site has been mapped per SCS and also investigated by a professional geotechnical engineer. Please see the attached report. I 3. Source Conuols—The project consists of a commercial site,however it is not anticipated that water quality source controls will be required 14. Shared Facifrty Droinoge Plons—The project site has a local stream running through the site that conveys runoff from basins upstream. It is anticipated that this will not change in the future. Sensitive Areas Ordinance Requirements: The project is not within or adjacent to any sensitive areas. Refer to the King County Sensitive Areas Folio Maps in Appendix A. III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Task I The Drainage Sub-Basin Map(See Figures 3B,3D,and 3E)depicts the sub-basins used in the analysis. COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza ■ 5 Task 2 - Resource Review a) Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports: See downstream analysis b) Critical Drainage Area Maps: Project site is not within a CDA_ c) Floodplain/floodway(FEMA) Maps: Project site is not within Floodplain d) Sensitive Areas Folio: Project site is not with or adjacent to any Sensitive Areas. e) Drainage Investigation: No major drainage complaints over the last 5 years. � U.S. Department of Agriculture: For Soils Map see Figure 4. g) Wetland Inventory Maps: Project site does contain wetlands. Task 3 - Field Investigation Several site visits have been made to the site to gather additional information including level I Downstream Analysis and off-site conveyance system inspection. Task 4 - Drainage System Description and Problem Screening U�stream Various areas contribute to the wetland stream upstream of the site. There is a grass-lined ditch that flows from the north along the east side of Duvall Avenue NE. This ditch is feed from a culvert that crosses Duvall Avenue NE form the west and receives runoff from a property located to the North and South of NE 6`" Street(developmenu called the"Orchards"). The aforementioned grass lined swale discharges into an I 8-inch culvert that connects with a 24-inch culvert discharging into the Odegard site via a 36-inch pipe. The 24-inch pipe collects runoff from the north of NE 6`�and east of Duvall Avenue NE(See Figure 3D—Existing Drainage Basins). The entire contributing upstream basin consisu of approximately I 58 acres. A thorough upstream analysis has been done(See the minor flood plane analysis Appendix B). pownstream Investi tg�_ion: This portion of the analysis is included to address Core Requirement#2. From the Odegard site,the wetland stream flows to the west through the backside of two residential (4526, and 4502 NE 4'"Street)and one retail properties. The stream-bed consists primarily of a slightly sloping grass lined swale and two 24"CMP culverts under private gravel driveways.Once the stormwater traverses these properties it enters another 24"CMP culvert that discharges into a Storm system in Bremerton Avenue NE. Within Bremerton Avenue the pipe increases to a 30"concrete pipe. From Bremerton Avenue Northto the east,the storm system then enters a private property with an Apartment(Winsor Apartments 433 Bremerton Avenue North East)complex occupying the site. The apartment site discharges it's runoff into the system at this point.The storm drainage facility continues west into a retail site development. The storm drainage facility continues to the west connecting with the discharge pipe of the retail site's detention pond. Downstream of this connection the storm drainage facility discharges into another 36-inch pipe and water is conveyed underneath NE 4�'and discharges into a small creek (Maplewood Creek)that continues south to the Cedar River which eventually discharges into Lake Washington. Poten i I i , COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 6 The adjacent properties to the west have low-lying areas but there are not inhabitable structures that are at risk to any sort of flooding. If the existing 24"outlet structure were to plug these properties would have some standing water. Beyond a small amount of ground water the only other potential damage would be to a small storage shed that currently is located approximately 5 feet from the shore of existing creek. Adjacent properties to the south have had ponding probiems in the past. Our development has analyzed the entire flood plain and as part of the development we wili be providing additional flood storage volume. Beyond the properties immediately to the west there is no potential for flooding. Storm drainage is conveyed underground about 10 feet down. Task 5 - Mitigation A new conveyance system in conjunction with a detention vault will be installed providing controlled runoff leaving the site. During the site investigation there was no evidence of overtopping or other capacity problems. In addition,this site does not anticipate that any existing drainage problems will be increased due to the insignificant flow increase from this project. IV SITE HYDROLOGY __.__ This section describes the conditions that contribute to the runoff values for the site. Part A- Existing Site Hydrology Pasture land that is covered in blackberries and compact soil,with a few stray deciduous trees. Part B - Developed Site Hydrology The developed conditions will increase the total amount of impervious area on the site. The surface runoff will flow into catch basins and be retained on site in a detention vault which will then be conveyed to a water quality pond and discharged at a predeveloped rate at the existing discharge point Parts C and D - Hydraulic Analysis and Detention System Standard Req�iremenu�hased on KCSWDM and SAO�: I. Flow rates must release flow at or below existing 2 and 10-year peak rates,the volume to reduce flow to these rates will be increased by 30%. The system will then be evaluated for the 100-year storm event to identify if there will be adverse impacu downstream,or if additional mitigation may be required (I.2.3-2&3). Existing conditions are those that were present in May I 979 (I.2.3- I). The detention was based on the 1498 monuaf for a levef 2 analysis. This is considerable more stringent design and wifl con(orm to boih siandards. 2. Detention Ponds are to be open unless there are no practical alternatives and it may be combined with wetponds(1.2.3-3). Because of site constraints the detention will be provided with a underground vault 3. Retention facilities must be evaluated for the seven day 100-year event and downstream overflow path evaluated(I.2.3-4)(I.3.7-I). The detention has 6een sized for level 2 retention and the downstream analysis has addressed and downstream concerns. COUGHLIN PORTEK LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 7 4. Wetlands shall not be used for detention unless there is no alternative,it is a type 3 wetland with iu only major function is storage,and the facility his regional in nature. [54(91.C)] No wetfonds will be used for storage. 5. Flow control is not required ff there is less than 5,000 sf of new impervious surface,flow increase is less than 0.5 cfs for the 100 year storm event,or discharges to the Cedar,Green,Duwamish, Sammamish,Skykomish,Snoqualmie,White or Stuck rivers;Lake Sammamish or Washington,or Puget Sound(I.2.3-5). Flow Control is also not required if discharging to a lake,wetland,or closed depression if the increase of floodplain is less than 0.1 feet and permission is secured from the affected property owners,water quality treatment is provided before discharge,and there is an outlet that may need to be modified to retain existing 2, 10 and 100 year flow rates (I.3.8-I). Flow control is being provided. 6. Bypasses may be permitted if discharge is to same sub basin and flow rate is compensated for at the detention facility(I.2.3-6). N/A 7. Off-site flow greater than 50 percent of the I 00-year on-site flow must be carried in a separate system around the detention system (I.23-6). All upstream runo�'is by�ossed through the site in the exisiing creek bed. Part E -Water Quality The project will provide water quality treatment in accordance with the King County Stormwater Management Design Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. Due to site constrainu,a wet pond will be used to treat water from paved areas subject to vehicular use.See section IV of this report. Note the pond has been sized to accommodate the entire site because it is downstream of the detention facility. COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 8 i V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This section discusses the criterion that was used to analyze and design the proposed storm conveyance system. Existing Drainage Subbasins: The project site is located within Maplewood tributary of the Lower Cedar River major drainage basin. Standard Requirements: 1. Facilities must convey the 100-year flow without overtopping the crown of the roadway,flooding buildings, and if sheet flow occurs it must pass through a drainage easement The on-site system will contain the 100- year storm evenL 2. New pipe systems and culverts must convey the 25-year flow with at least 0.5 feet of freeboard.(I.2.4-I) The on-site rystem will convey the 25-year flow with 0.5 feet of freeboard. 3. Bridges must convey the 100-year flow and provide a minimum of two feet,varying up to six feet,of clearance based on 25%of the mean channel width. (I.2.4-2)(43.5-6). A 48"CMP pipe is proposed for the for the entrance of the sice. The exisoing stream is conveyed rhrough a 36"cubert upstream from the new culvert Which has been analyzed for the upstream basin and will not af f'ecc the flow of the stream. 4. Drainage ditches must convey the 25-year flow with 0.5 feet of freeboard and the 100-year flow without overtopping. (I.2.4-2) There are no new droinage ditches associated with the construction of'this project 5. Floodplain Crossings must not increase the base flood elevation by more than 0.01 feet[41(83.C)]and shall not reduce the flood storage volume [37(82.A)]. Piers shall not be not be constructed in the FEMA floodway. [41(83.F.I)] There are no�loodplain crossings ossocioted with the construciion of this project 6. Stream Crossings shall require a bridge for class I streams that does not disturb the stream or banks. For ' type 2 and 3 streams,open bottom culverts or other method may be used that will not harm the stream or inhibit fish passage. [60(95.B)] There is one type 2 stream on this srte. We are proposing to use design methods to ovoid changing ihe current stream in any way. 7. Discharge at natural location is required and produce no significant impacu to the downstream property (I.2.I-I) The project will follow natural drainage paths thereiore the discharge will be at a natural location. Deuiled information and calculations area contained in Appendix A Special Requirements (based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations): There are no special requirements for the site. On-site Conveyance (See Figure 3E — Proposed Drainage Basins} The on-site conveyance system will consist of,type I and II catch basins,and 8 to 12-inch conveyance lines. The capacity of the conveyance lines was evaluated using the Rational Method. Calculations showing the sizing of the on site conveyance system have been provided during building permit submittal. The peak flows for the associated hydraulic design will been determined by using the KCRTS Method for the detention and the rational method for conveyance.The proposed drainage system has been designed to convey the 25-yrR4-hr design storm event for piped conveyance. COUGHLIN PORT'ER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 9 r i , VI SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES See Geotechnical Analysis submitted separately as part of this permit plan submittal. See Sensitive areas Study submitted separately as part of this permit plan submittal. VII BASIN AND COMMUl�lITY PLAN AREAS Basin Plan (1.3.4-I) The project site is located in the Maplewood creek basin and is a tributary of the Lower Cedar River Basin. Critical Drainage Areas (I.3.I-I) This project is located in the Maplewood creek basin and is a tributary of the Lower Cedar River Basin. VII1. OTHER PERMITS No other permits are required for this project that are related to or impact drainage design. � COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 10 �X EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DESIGN _ ____ This section lisu the requiremenu that will be used when designing the TESC plan for this site. Standard Requirements h fll in . Erosion/Sedimentation Plan shall include t e o ow g I. Facilities required include;stabilized construttion entrance,sedimentation pond,interceptor swales,filter fabric fencing.(1.2.5-I) The project will provide o wheel wash,f her fabric fencing ond caich bosin protection 2. Timing- For the period between November I through March I disturbed areas greater than 5,000 square feet left undisturbed for more than 12 hours must be covered with mulch,sodding,or plastic covering. A construction-phasing plan shall be provided to ensure that erosion control measures are installed prior to clearing and grading.(I.2.5-I) Notes addressing each o f these items have been ploced on ihe civil engineering plans. 3. Planning-Plan shall limit tributary drainage to an area to be cleared and graded. Delineate dimension, stake and flag clearing limiu (I.2.5-I) Notes addressing this item will 6e provided on the civil engineering plans. 4. Revegetation-Revegetate areas to be cleared as soon as practicable after grading.(I.2.5-I) Notes oddressing ihis item will be provided on the civil engineering plans. SRecial Reauirements(4ased on P-suffix,�asin or communitv�lans,and critical des�nations�; There are no special erosion and sedimentation control requirements for the site. To avoid erosion and sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site,a silt fence and wheel wash's will also be used to minimize silt-laden water from leaving the site. There are no additional calculations required for these features. ZC. BONDS A A bond Quantity worksheet has been included in the calculations appendix. XI MAINTENANCE AND OPERATI4NS MANUAL Standard Maintenance The owner per the standards set forth in the Surface Water Design Manual will maintain facilities according to the attached Maintenance and Operations guidelines. COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Penton Highlands Professional Plaza , 11 FIGURES � � I i ` � ( � j ! ' i , i COUGHLIN PORTER LiJNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza � 12 FIGURE I - TIR Worksheet COUGHLII`T PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 13 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET _ _-.r_ Pa�t 1 `PROJECT OWNER AND - Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION ANDt;_ . ` . "` � PROJECT ENGINEER `'� � " DESCRIPTION ss. �> , , . _. _ ,, , , . _ -- I _ _ Project Owner: Project Name: Elizabeth Ode ard Renton Hi hlands Professional Plaza Address: Location P.O. Box 165 WA 98039 Phone: Township: 23 N 425 452-9186 Range: 5 E Project Engineer: Section: 10 Nick Lenin ton, P.E. Com an : Cou hlinPorterLundeen In.c Address/Phone: 206 343-0460 Part3 TYPE OF PERMIT '- � �part 4 OTHER'REVIEWS'AND PERMITS = APPLICATION - ' I ❑ Subdivison ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Management ❑ Short Subdivision ❑ COE 404 ❑ Rockery ❑ Grading ❑ DOE Dam Safety ❑ Structural Vaults � Commercial ❑ FEMA Floodplain ❑ Other ❑ Other: ❑ COE Wetlands Part 5_;SlTE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community: Ma lewood Creek and The Cedar River ' Drainage Basin: I East Lake Washington _ __ __ '', Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS - l II, ' I � ❑ River ❑ Floodplain � Stream Tributary of Maplewood Creek � Wetlands Small Creek Throuqh the site ❑ Critical Stream Reach ❑ Seeps/Springs I ❑ Depressions/Swales ❑ High Groundwater Table I�� � Lake Lake Washinqton ❑ Groundwater Recharge ❑ Steep Slopes ❑ Other , I�, Part7_ SOILS '�n��-�-� � � _ - _ - _ � ��. _ � �� � E.�� � - ���:� � Soil Type Siopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties SCS AgC 0%-5% Slight to Moderate Slow to Medium ❑ Additional Sheets Attached �m _ L� � - REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Ch.4—Downstream Analysis ❑ Additional Sheets Attached � Part 9� ESC REQUIREMENTS , . MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION � Sedimentation Facilities � Stabilize Exposed Surface � Stabilized Construction Entrance � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities � Perimeter Runoff Control � Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris � Clearing and Graing Restrictions � Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities � Cover Practices ❑ Flag Limits of SAO and open space � Construction Sequence preservation areas ❑ Other ❑ Other , , t�� : ;. _ . _ E2F,ACE:V1tATER SYSTEM ; ,-- - ❑ Grass Lined ❑ Tank ❑ Infiitration Method of Analysis Channel � Vault ❑ Depression KCRTS Level 2 ❑ Pipe System ❑ Energy Dissapator ❑ Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigati ❑ Open Channel on of Eliminated Site ❑ Wetland ❑ Waiver Storage ❑ Dry Pond ❑ Stream ❑ Regional 142 cv � Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation Detention Vault with basic waterquality pond Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation _ :_ -_ - , � _, _. : , Part-1'(`STRUCTURAL ANACYSIS.; ,. Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS : - .' � Cast in Place Vauft ❑ Drainage Easement � Retaining Wall ❑ Access Easement � ❑ Rockery>4' High ❑ Native Growth Protection Easement I ' ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Tract ❑ Other ❑ Other -,�.< ` - = Part 13�SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGiNEER �-� �;_ ;�� .� — - - .:.� - . . _ . _ I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of I my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. ,,� /6 o Z Si n Date � I , � Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet King County Department of Development& Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale AvenuQ Southwest Renton,Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: Renton Highlands Professional Plaza Date: 15-Ju1-02 Location: 1620 Duvall Avenue NE, Renton WA Project No.: Activity No.: Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. yes X no If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of 9 Unit prices updated: 12/97 Version:11/13/O 1 BondQuantity.xls Report Date: 7/15!2002 r �i��� �rnpr�v�men� Sor�d �uantity Worksh�e� j Unit � #of � Reference# Price Unit ; Quantity, Applications •�- Cost EROSIONISEDIMENT�CONTROL� � :��- �� .` � � : � _:� ;�, , _ .> �,.,. a �<- — ., � � , _.;, . ;.. , , . ,,. _ . ,.. ,. . ��. ;, ,. _ y ;. f3ackfill &compaction-embankment � $ 4.89 CY Check dams,4"minus rock SWDM $ 58.70 Each 10 1 587 Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minus WSDOT 9-03.9(3) $ 74.30 CY 10 1 743 Ditching $ 7.03 CY 75 1 527 Excavation-bulk $ 1.30 CY 785 1 1021 Fence, silt SWDM $ 1.20 LF 1050 1 1260 Fence,Temporary(NGPE) $ 1.20 LF 720 2 1728 Hydroseeding SWDM $ 0.51 SY 7500 2 7650 Jute Mesh SWDM $ 1.26 SY Mulch, by hand, straw, 3"deep SWDM $ 1.75 SY 150 2 525 Mulch, by machine, straw, 2"deep SWDM $ 0.46 SY 1000 2 920 Piping,temporary, CPP, 6" $ 9.30 LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 8" $ 14.00 LF Piping,temporary, CPP, 12" $ 18.00 LF 32 1 576 Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbagged SWDM $ 2.00 SY 780 1 1560 Rip Rap, machine placed; slopes WSDOT 9-13.1(2) $ 33.98 CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' SWDM $ 1,273.34 Each Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' SWDM $ 2,546.68 Each 1 1 2547 Sediment pond riser assembly SWDM $ 1,695.11 Each 1 1 1695 Sediment trap, 5' high berm SWDM $ 15.57 LF Sed.trap,5'high,riprapped spillway berm section SWDM $ 59.60 LF Seeding, by hand SWDM $ 0.44 SY 100 1 44 Sodding, 1"deep, level ground SWDM 5.42.5 $ 5.24 SY Sodding, 1"deep, sloped ground SWDM $ 6.48 SY TESC Supervisor $ 65.00 HR 30 1 1950 Water truck, dust control SWDM 5.4.7 $ 85.00 HR 50 1 425U WRIT -1N*-'ITEMS 9 . Each ESC SUBTOTAL: $ 27,582.54 COLUMN: A Page 2 of 9 Unit prices updated: 12/97 Version:11/13/01 Bond�uantity.xls Report Date: 7i 15/2002 � �ite improveme�t �ond Quantit,� VVorkshe�t ," =a = ' ' ' Existing Future Public Prlvate Bond Reduction` � � Rfght-of-Way . Road Improvements Improvements �.c M &Drainage Facilities Quant. ' ;R ,.µ � . ,. �' " � n� � � Unit Price .' �Unit � ��Quant: C� , � � � � � �� t � � ,9 K�"�:.,. � �� � :� ost� ' �� Quant. � ��'�I Cost� ��� �Q�uant:;� _ �'.�,'Cost ,��'��' � Complete COst,:. _ .r� � r,x�� , ,�,�� F 1�+�'.x.f ,n��.,,t�c. � Backfiil 8�Com action-embankment $ 4.89 CY 1111 5,432.79 160 782.40 Backfill&Com action-trench $ 7.42 CY 350 2,597.00 50 371.00 Clear/Remove Brush,b hand $ 0.31 SY 150 46.50 Clearin /Grubbin /Tree Removai $ 7,718.40 Acre 1.2 9,262.08 0.5 3,859.20 Excavation-bulk $ 1.30 CY 650 845.00 Excavation-Trench $ 3.53 CY 1111 3,921.83 160 564.80 Fencin ,cedar,6'hi h $ 16.13 LF 200 3,226.00 Fencin ,chain link,vin I coated, 6'hi h $ 11.69 LF Fencin ,chain link, ate,vin i coated, 20' $ 1,105.92 Each Fencin ,s lit rail,3'hi h $ 10.54 LF Fili&com act-common barrow $ 19.63 CY 500 9,815.00 Fili&com act- ravel base $ 22.16 CY 250 5,540.00 Fill�com act-screened to soil $ 32.91 CY 50 1,645.50 Gabion, 12"dee ,stone filled mesh $ 47.23 SY Gabion, 18"dee ,stone filled mesh $ 65.09 SY Gabion,36"dee ,stone filled mesh $ 115.20 SY Gradin ,fine,b hand $ 1.76 SY 150 264.00 Gradin ,fine,with rader $ 0.83 SY 3300 2,739.00 Monuments,3'lon $ 117.50 Each Sensitive Areas Si n $ 2.50 Each Soddin , 1"dee ,slo ed round $ 6.49 SY Surve in ,line& rade $ 685.44 Da 2 1,370.88 1 685.44 Surve 'n ,lot location/lines $ 1,353.60 Acre 1 1,353.60 Tra�c controi crew 2 Fla ers $ 74.07 HR 40 2,962.80 40 2,962.80 Trail,4"chi ed wood $ • 6.60 SY Trail,4"crushed cinder $ 7.24 SY Trail,4"to course $ 7.12 SY Wall,retainin ,concrete $ 38.40 SF Wall,rockery $ 8.25 SF 100 825.00 Page 3 of 9 SUBTOTAL 51,846.98 9,225.64 Unit prices updated: 12/97 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version:11/13/01 Bond�uantity.xls Report Date: 7/15/2002 � Site lmprovement Bond Quantity Worksheet ,• • - Existing Future Public Private Bond Reductlon* ..., ,,. ..: : ",- . . , ,; •: ' � a' � Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvements -, ..., .. , .. _ , ., .. ._, _ :_. - - &Drafnage Facilities Quant. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost QuanL Cost . Quant. Cost Complete Cost,;'. ,'�� ... ,. , AC Grindin ,4'wide machine< 1000s $ 20.00 SY 25 500.00 AC Grindin ,4'wide machine 1000-2000s $ 5.00 SY AC Grindin ,4'wide machine>2000s $ 1.20 SY AC Removal/Dis osal/Re air $ 35.77 SY 80 2,861.60 Barricade, e I $ 26.11 LF Barricade, e III Permanent $ 39.17 LF Curb&Gutter,rolled $ 11.54 LF Curb&Gutter,vertical $ 8.43 LF 860 7,249.80 360 3,034.80 Curb and Gutter,demolition and dis osal $ 11•81 LF Curb,extruded as halt $ 2.12 LF Curb,extruded concrete $ 2.23 LF Sawcut,as halt,3"de th $ 1.61 LF 360 579.60 Sawcut,concrete, er 1"de th $ 1.47 LF Sealant,as halt $ 0.86 LF Shouider,AC, see AC road unit rice $ - SY Shoulder, ravel,4"thick $ 6.55 SY Sidewalk,4"thick $ 26.54 5Y 220 5,838.80 Sidewalk,4"thick,demolition and dis osal $ 24.11 SY Sidewalk,5"thick $ 30.38 SY Sidewalk,5"thick,demolition and dis osal $ 30.13 SY Si n,handica $ 74.16 Each Stri in , er stall $ 5.06 Each 64 323.84 Stri in ,thermo lastic, for crosswalk $ 2.07 SF Striping,4"reflectorized line $ 0.22 LF 720 158.40 Page 4 of 9 SUBTOTAL 7,573.64 12,973.20 Unit prices updated: 12/97 'l:CC 27,4 a�ithorizes on!y one bond reduction. Version:i l/13/01 P,ondQuartlty.xls Report Date:7/15/2002 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet _,. ;. Existfng � Future Pubiic Private Bond Reduction* . . . ,.: . . ... ., � ., _ . Right-of-way Road Improvements Improvoments _ -_ ; -:.:. :. &Drainage Facflities '- Quant: "'` " �" ' ' Unit Price Unit Quant.: Cost Quant. Cost : ' 'Quant. ` Cost =',: Compiete Cost s� ,r:,..�,�.. ; h.:'..� ,�..:�.� � �..� e r .i...,. � � .: � � ..6, �".`�.:: '•._ For KCRS'93, additional 2.5"base add: $ 3.13 SY AC Overla , 1.5"AC � 6.43 SY AC Overla ,2"AC $ 7.61 SY 400 3,044.00 AC Road,2",4"rock,First 2500 SY $ 14.99 SY AC Road,2",4"rock,Q .over 2500SY $ 11.62 SY AC Road,3",4"rock,First 2500 SY $ 17.12 SY 2500 42,800.00 80 1,369.60 AC Road,3",4"rock,Qt .over 2500 SY $ 13.75 SY 800 11,000.00 AC Road,5",First 2500 SY $ 12.67 SY AC Road,5",Q .Over 2500 SY $ 12.12 SY AC Road,6",First 2500 SY $ 14.57 SY 30 437.10 AC Road,6",Q .Over 2500 SY $ 14.02 SY As hatt Treated Base,4"thick � 8.01 SY Gravei Road,4"rock,First 2500 SY S 9.92 SY Gravel Road,4"rock,Qt .over 2500 SY $ 6.55 SY PCC Road,5",no base,over 2500 SY $ 18.70 SY PCC Road, 6",no base,over 2500 SY $ 19A2 SY � Thickened Edge $ 5.99 �F I Page 5 of 9 SUBTOTAL ' 56,844.00 1,806.70 , I Unit prices updated: 12/97 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version:ll/13/01 E3ondQuan6ty xis Report Datc: 7;'15;2002 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Existing Future Public Private Bond Reduction* i , , �. Right of-way Road Improvements Improvements � � r �' " '� �� •`=x "'� ' 8�prainage Facilitfes � � ��Quant: � . u� � , ` : ; .�> �. � .e �: � ;"�"�;ri ��" ;,�,� ,; �� �':- Unit Price. �.Unit ` Quant. • Cost s�, . : ' Quant; Cost Quant: � Cost Complete Cost I� r , -. � : � ,�, , . , ,, „ . . � �. , • �S. , s' u , , ;�y .��, Access Road,R/D $ 14.56 SY Bollards-fixed $ 209.34 Each Bollards-removable $ 393.34 Each " CBs include frame and lid CB T e I $ 1,093.60 Each 7 7,655.20 3 3,280.80 CB T e IL $ 1,246.60 Each CB T e II,48"diameter $ 1,768.32 Each 2 3,536.64 for additional de th over 4' $ 379.58 FT 5 1,897.90 CB T e II,54"diameter $ 1,906.56 Each 1 1,906.56 for additional de th over 4' $ 423.07 FT CB T e II,60"diameter $ 2,044.80 Each for additional de th over 4' $ 466.56 FT CB T e II,72"diameter $ 2,793.60 Each for additional de th over 4' $ 601.92 FT Throu h-curb Inlet Framework Add $ 318.34 Each Cieanout,PVC,4" $ 113.52 Each 2 227.04 Cleanout,PVC,6" $ 152.09 Each 13 1,977.17 Cleanout,PVC,8" $ 194.95 Each 2 389.90 Cuivert,PVC,4" $ 7.51 LF Culvert,PVC,6" $ 10.96 LF 20 219.20 Culvert,PVC, 8" $ 11.59 LF 349 4,044.91 Culvert,PVC, 12" $ 18.93 LF 130 2,460.90 223 4,221.39 Culvert,CMP,8" $ 15.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 12" $ 23.00 LF Culvert,CMP, 15" $ 28.46 LF Culvert,CMP, 18" $ 32.82 LF Culvert,CMP,24" $ 46.37 LF Culvert,CMP,30" $ 62.13 LF Culvert,CMP,36" $ 97.49 LF Culvert,CMP,48" $ 122.46 LF 55 6,735.30 Culvert,CMP,60" $ 204.74 LF Culvert,CMP,72" $ 263.11 LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL 31,050.72 7,502.19 Unit prices updated: 12/9? 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version:�1/13/O i E3ondQuantity.xls Report Dat�� 7/15/2002 _ Site improuement Bond Quantity Worksheet - •- ' Existing Future Public Private Ciond Reduction* S1� �.. � ��. ,;�� � ....�.. �. . , �. . . . �. f ' #� �,�.�?'� ` y `' �;, ` :._ , Right-of-way Road ImprovemQnts Improvements 'h., ... ,.. sf..�� . -.�t,.:� : . , .. DRAINAGE CONTINUED�` :�y``�,� . .'. ,;- r ..�- , .. .;; .... �--- .-. " . &Dralnage`Facilitie's Quant. , y ..�,. �, .. - -,. . .. � "'' ° ��' "�� ' " "' '"`"? UnitF'tice�` '.,:Unit" `Quant `'Cosf Quant;` "Cost :Quant.� -Cost ' Complete ' " Cost " - ---------- -- T- --- - -__------ -- ---- Culvert,Concrete,8" $ 18.28 LF Culvert,Concrete, 12" $ 26.13 LF I Culvert,Concrete, 15" $ 32.47 LF Culvert,Concrete, 18" � 38.70 LF Culvert,Concrete,24" $ 53.10 LF Culvert,Concrete,30" $ 90.59 LF Culvert,Concrete,36" $ 119.68 LF Culvert,Concrete,42" $ 137.76 LF Culvert,Concrete,48" $ 152.99 LF Culvert,CPP,6" $ 9.30 LF Culvert,CPP,8" $ 14.00 LF Culvert,CPP, 12" $ 18.00 LF Culvert,CPP, 15" $ 20.00 LF Cuivert,CPP, 18" $ 24.00 LF Culvert,CPP,24" $ 32.00 LF Culvert,CPP,30" $ 42.00 LF Culvert,CPP,36" $ 48.00 LF Ditchin $ 7.03 CY Flow Dis ersal Trench 1,436 base+ $ 22.60 LF French Drain 3'de th � 19.65 LF Geotextile,laid in trench, ol ro lene $ 2.09 SY Infiitration ond testin $ 65.00 HR Mid-tank Access Riser,48"dia, 6'dee $ 1,396.00 Each Pond Overflow S illwa $ 12.18 SY Restrictor/Oil Se arator, 12" $ 908.86 Each Restrictor/Oil Se arator. 15" $ 952.66 Each Restrictor/Oil Se arator, 18" $ 996.66 Each Ri ra , laced $ 33.98 CY Tank End Reducer 36"diameter $ 870.00 Each Trash Rack, 12" $ 184.32 Each 1 184.32 2 368.64 Trash Rack, 15" $ 206.32 Each Trash Rack, 18" $ 233.82 Each Trash Rack,21" $ 266.82 Each Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL 184.32 368.64 Unit prices updated: 12/97 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version:11/13/01 BondQuantity.xis Report Datc: 7/15/2002 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet , ' Existing FuWre Pubiic �Private Bond Reduction" �c�': r4 �� � ' " r Rfght-of•way Road Improvements Improvements . ry ^ X » ,„�, , b .,z , ,, , : &Drainage Facllitfes '.. , � Quant �, ,. . ,,�, r- ' . �,-�E��"`,,�,�y;�t� ��.';�,4,.,.�"1�'�;x�,:�; ""�,k;��'�i;' Unit Price -.; Unit Quant. Price , Quant. � ; ' Cost : �`.Quant.�3 ,��' �, "tCost�a;;;; , C,omptete ry'�' . Cost�+�. ;:,� 2"AC,2"to course rock&4"borrow $ 13.77 SY 2"AC, ?.5" to course& 2.5"base course 3 14.99 SY 4"select borrow $ 3.96 SY 1.5"to course rock&2.5"base course $ 9.92 SY Detention/Water Quali Vault $90,000.00 EA. 1 90000 EA. LF EA. EA. EA. LF SF LF LF SUBTOTAL 90.000.00 I SUBTOTAL(SUM ALL PAGES): 237,499.66 31,876.37 30%CONTINGENCY R MOBILIZATION: 71,249.90 9,562.91 G RAN DTOTAL: 308,749.56 41,439.28 COLUMN: B C D E Page 8 of 9 I Unit prices updated: 12/97 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. VBrSi0n:11/13/01 F3or,dOuantity.xis Report Date: 7/15/2002 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Nick Lenington for Date: 16-Ju1-02 PE Reglstration Number: Steve Porter 26577 Tel.#: (206)343-0460 Firm Name: Coughlin Porter Lundeen Inc. Address: 217 Pine Street,Seattle WA 98101 P B A IMPR VEMENT PERFORMANCE &DRAINAGE FACILITIES Column BOND'AMOUNT MAINTENANCE/DEFECT Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control(ESC)Plus 30% (A) $ 35,857.3 BOND'AMOUNT Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (B) $ 308,749.6 Future Public Road Improvements&Drainage Facilities (C) $ 41,439.3 (B+C)X 0.25= $ 87,547.2 Private Improvements (D) $ - (A�g+C+D) =TOTAL(T) $ 386,046.1 PERFORMANCE BOND AMOUNT Minimum bond amount is$1000. SITE RESTORATION BOND""' (A) $ 27,582.5 (First$7,500 of bond shall be cash.) RIGHT-OF-WAY DOND (B) $ 308,749.6 TOT.4L RIGHT-OF-WAY&SITE RESTORATION BOND" (A+B) $ 344,606.9 (First$7,500 of bond shall be cash.) PERFORMANCE BOND TOTAL AFfER BOND (T-E) REDUCTION"' NAME OF PE�SON PREPARING BOND REDUCTION: Date: "NOTE: The word"bond"is used to represent any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. "NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes bonds to be combined when both are required. "'NOTE: Per KCC 27A,total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30%of the original amount. "`"NOTE: The restoration requirement should include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum,not a maximum. In addition,corrective work,both on-and off-site need to be inciuded. Quantities should reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example,if a salmonid stream may be damaged,some estimated costs for restoration Page 9 of 9 need to be reflected in this amount. The 30%contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. Unit prices updated: 12/97 Version: 11/13/01 C�ondQuantity.xls r-'�2eport D�te: 7/15/2002 OPERATIOI�S A'�D b4AI'�TEN.AtiCE�1.A�l.-�L OPERATIONS AN D MAINTENANCE MANAUL OVERLAKE SCHOOL GYMNASIUM NO. 1 -CLOSED DETENTION SYSTE�VIS (VAULTfTANKS) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Storage Area Plugged Air Vents One-half of the cross section of a vent is blocked at Vents free o`debris and any point with debris and sediment sediment Debris and Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10%of the All sediment and debris Sediment diameter of the storage area for Y�length of storage removed from storage area. vault or any point depth exceeds 15%of diameter. Example:72-inch storage tank would require cleaning when sediment reaches depth of 7 inches for more than Y�length of tank. Joints Between Any crack aliowing material to be transported into All joint between tank/pipe Tank/Pipe Section facility sections are sealed Tank Pipe Bent Any part of tank/pipe is bent out of shape more than Tank!pipe repaired or replaced Out of Shape 10%of iYs design shape to design. Manhole Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partialiy in place.Any open Manhole is closed. manhole requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Mechanism Not person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less toois. Working than Y=inch of thread(may not apply to self-locking lids.) Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed and Remove applying 80Ibs of lift. Intent is to keep cover from reinstalled by one maintenance sealing off access to maintenance. person. Ladder Rungs King County Safety Office andlor maintenance person Ladder meets design standards Unsafe judges that ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, allows maintenance person safe misalignment,rust,or cracks. access. Catch Basins See"Catch Basins"Standards No.3 See"Catch Basins"Standards N o.3 NO.2-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Distance between debris buiid-up and bottom of AII trash and debris removed. (Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1-1/2 feet. Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole wall Structure securely attached to and outlet pipe structure should support at least wall and outlet pipe. 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright position(allow up to 10% Structure in correct position. from plumb). Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outlet pipe are show signs of rust. watertight;structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes--other than designed holes--in the Structure has no holes other structure. th,ar,designed holes. 1998 Surface��'ater Design Manual June 6,200? 1 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL i NO. 2 -CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR(CONTINUED) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Cleanout Gate Darnaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one maintenar Gate moves up and down easily person. and is watertight. Chain leading to gate is missing or damaged. Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50%of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing ConVol device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed. Obstructions Any trash,debris,sediment,or vegetaGon blocking Plate is free of all o5structions the plate. and works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the potential Pipe is free of all obstructions of blocking)the overflow pipe. and works as designed. Manhole See"Closed Detention Systems"Standards No. 1 See"Closed Detention Systems' Standards No. 1 Catch Basin See"Catch Basins'Standards No.3 See'Catch Basins"Standards No.3 NO. 3-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed General Trash&Debris Trash or debris of more than 1!2 cubic foot which is No Trash or debris located (Indudes Sediment) located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of qtch opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by basin opening. more than 10% Trash or debris(in the basin)that exceeds 1/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest basin. pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and outlet pipes free of more than 1/3 of its height. trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or�egetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present wi`hin the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which volume would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Corner of frame extends more than 3/4 inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top Slab curb face into the street(If applicable). Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks wider than 1/4 inch(intent is to make sure cracks. all material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e.,separation Frame is sitting flush on top of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. sl2b. 1995 Surface Water Design Manual June 6,200? � OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE'�1A�1U.AI. � NO. 3 -CATCH BASINS (CONTINUED) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Cracks in Basin Walls/ Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin design standards. through cracks,or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch at the joint of any inleU outlet pipe or any evidence wide at the joint of inleUoutlet of soil particles entering catch basin through pipe. cracks. SedimenU Basin has setUed more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. design standards. Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas,oii and No flammable chemicals gasoline. present. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than No vegetation blocking opening 10%of the basin opening. to basin. Vegetation growing in inleUoutlet pipe joints that is No vegetation or root growth more than six inches tall and less than six inches present. apart. Poilution Nonflammable chemicals of more than 1/2 cubic foot No pollution present other than per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partialiy in place.Any open Catch basin cover is closed catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Not Working person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less tools. than 1/2 inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,misalignment, Ladder meets design standards Unsafe rust,cracks,or sharp edges. and allows maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design (if Applicable) standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20%of Grate free of trash and debris. grate surface. Damaged or Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate. Grate is in piace and meets Missing. design standards. � 1998 Surface Water Design Manual June 6,200? 3 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE M.4NU.4L NO. 4 DEBRIS BARRIERS (E.G.,TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed. ' General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20%of Barrier clear to receive capacity the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/Missing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Bars. � than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50%deterioration Repair or replace barrier to to any part of barrier. design standards. NO. 5 -ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed. Extemal: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Repiace rocks to design Rock area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of standards. native soil. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned/flushed so that it Sediment design depth. matches design. Not Discharging Visual evidence of water discharging at Trench must be redesigned or Water Properly concentrated points along trench(nortnal condition rebuilt to standards. is a"sheet florJ'of water along trench).Intent is to prevent erosion damage. Perforations Over 112 of perforations in pipe are plugged with Clean or replace perforated pipe. Plugged. debris and sediment. Water Flows Out Maintenance person observes water flowing out Facility must be rebuilt or Top of"Distributo�' during any storm less than the design storm or its redesigned to standards. Catch Basin. causing or appears likely to cause damage. Receiving Area b'Vater in receiving area is causing or has potential No danger of landslides. Over-Saturated of causing Iandsiide problems. Internal: 1 Manhole/Chamber Wom or Damaged Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to 1/2 or Replace structure to design Post. Baffles,Side original size or any concentrated worn spot standards. of Chamber exceeding one square foot,which would make structure unsound. Other Defects See"Catch Basins"Standard No. 3 See"Ca?ch Basins"Standard No. 3 ■ 1995 Surfxcc Water Design Manual June 6,2UO2 <1 OPERATIOtiS AtiD MAI�lTET�ANCE�(AVL.�L NO. 6-FENCING Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed General Missing or Broken Any defect in the fence that permits easy entry Parts in place to provide adequate Parts to a facility. security. Erosion Erosion more than 4 inches high and 12-18 No opening under the fence tha: inches wide permitting an opening under a exceeds 4 inches in height. fence. Wire Fences Damaged Paris Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. Post plumo to wi`„tiin 1-1/2 inches. Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of berds greater than 1 inch. Any part of fence(including post,top rails,and Fence is aligned and meets design fabric)more than 1 foot out of design alignment. standards. Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and hoiding fabric. Missing or loose barbed wire that is sagging Barbed wire in place with less than more than 2-1/2 inches between posts. 3/4-inch sag between post. Extension arm missing,broken,or bent out of Extension arm in place with no shape more than 1 1/2 inches. bends larger than 3/4 inch. Deteriorated Paint or Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling Structurally adequate posts or Protective Coating condition that has affected structural adequacy. parts with a uniform protective coating. Openings in Fabric Openings in fabric are such that an 8-inch- No openings in fabric. diameter ball could fit through. NO.7-GATES Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Damaged or Missing Missing gate or locking devices. Gates and Locking devices in Members place. Broken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Hinges intact and lubed.Gate is be easily opened and Gosed by a maintenance working freely. person. Gate is out of piumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical. more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Missing stretcher bar,stretcher bands,and ties. Stretcher bar,bands and ties in place. Openings in Fabric See"Fencing"Standard No. 8 See"Fencing"Standard No. 8 � 1998 Surface��'ater Design Manual June 6,20u2 5 OPERATIONS .AND'vIA[NTENANCE MANUAL NO. 8 -CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS (PIPES & DITCHES) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment&Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment diameter of the pipe. and debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50%deterioration to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. pipe by more than 20%. �pen Ditches Trash&Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cleared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of all design depth. sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water Flov:s freeiy through through ditches. ditches. Erosion Damage to See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design Piace or Missing{If the rock lining. standards. Appiicable). Catch Basins See"Catch Basins:Standard No. 3 See"Catch Basins"Standard No.3 Debris Barriers See"Debris Barriers"Standard No.3 See"Debris Barriers"Standard (e.g.,Trash Rack) No.4 NO. 9-GROUNDS (LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20%of the landscaped Weeds present in less than 5% {Nonpoisonous) area(trees and shrubs only). of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,boriles,totaling more than 1 cubic foot Area clear of litter. within a landscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than broken which affect more than 25%of the total 5%of total foliage with split or foliage of the tree or shrub. broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of knocked over. injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported Tree or shrub in place and or are leaning over,causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported;remove any dead or diseased trees. 1998 Surface Water Dcsign Manual June 6,20U2 6 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL NO. 10 -ACCESS ROADS/EASEMENTS Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of debris which square feet i.e.,trash and debris would fill up could damage tires. one standards size garbage can. Blocked Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires(glass Roadway hee of debris which or metal). could damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway overhead clear to 14 feet road surface to less than 14 feet. high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10 to Obstruction removed to allow at 12 foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet least a 12-foot access. or any point restricting access to less than a 10 foot width. Road Surface Settlement,Potholes, When any surface defect exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth Mush Spots,Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area. In general,any with no evidence of settlement, surFace defect which hinders or prevenis potholes, mush spots,or ruts. maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface that are Road surface free of weeds taller Surface more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches than 2 inches. tall and less than 6 inches apart within a 4�0- square foot area. Shouiders and Erosion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the surrounding road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches hinder maintenance access. in height or cleared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. NO. 11 -WATER QUALITY FACILITIES .)Wetponds Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Perfortned Wetpond Vegetation Vegetation such as grass and weeds need to be Vegetation should be mowed to mowed when it starts to impede aesthetics of pond. 4 to 5 inches in height. Trees Mowing is generally required when height exceeds and bushes should be removed 18-inches.Mowed vegetation should be removed where they are interfering with from areas where it could enter the pond,either pond maintenance activities. when the pond level rises,or by rainfall runoff. Trash and Debris Accumulation that exceeds 1 CF per 1000-SF of Trash and debris removed from pond area. pond. InIeV Outlet Pipe InIeU Outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/or No clogging or blockage in the debris material. inlet and ouUet piping. Sediment Sediment accumulations in pond bottom that Removal of sediment from pond AccumulaGon in Pond exceeds the depth of sediment zone plus 6-inches, bottom. Bottom usually the first cell. Oil Sheen on Water Prevalent and visible oil sheen. Removal of sediment from pond bottom. Erosion Erosion of the pond's side slopes and/or scouring of Slopes should be stabilized by the pond bottom,that exceeds 6-inches,or where using proper erosion control continued erosion is prevalent. measures,and repair methods. Settlement of Pond Any part of these components that has settled 4- Dike/berm is repaired to Dike/Benn inches or lower than the design elevation,or specifications. inspector determines dike/berm is unsound. Rock Window Rock window is clogged with sediment. Windov;is free of sediment and debris. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual June 6,2002 7 OPERA.TIOi�S.AND A4AIT�TENANCE MA�lU.AL I Overflow Spillway Rock is missing and soil is exposed at top of Replace rocks to specifications. spillway or outside slope. 19)fi Surface Water Design Manual June 6,2002 8 i �LGURE 2 -Vicinitv Map COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza 14 COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURALAND CML ENGINEERING CORPORATION ti = --1---�--%-�—�—L- �� —.�`� � =- � —�- t ' o. �.I ME Glll i.�Ti Y: b �„ W M �� z� 7 EU'A h� L� �_ �� r 6n� W� =�IIF z �I: � Z 6TH ^��1�vin� �"r�% �S� �C� - Z t .sru r'r-',' �S:N< 'c snu �5T ^Y 11Jix si � �. �, }�lM-. �1 ` , .'�ni;�-r Vl � �e I S. < ,6:`,t, �E '. ��5 _` y ��v i�[ -•I�l�" �� E 57H S ",�� � � �_ i7_,� m, ��ir b,Y-Ti1:; ':l ��....��si, a T � �� � �z � /C� NL �w ., �'. ,I Y �P \ �i M; St:!� �- � � �sn�stS Rr<��,. 12oThJi / \Z u:.,r: lSi��d I �`TT i�_ C rxs�^� � ST �` �, ���� �\. �� ` E � � .� --- - -� � � N=; L = w, � � > f�r.'li I � M N J r �"�^i �0.Nfh'0$CRQ ,;aa�_E' .'-,. a T�GC;iA1 i ;. � - � �I.sr �v� , . �szirrics r�a, , „_.� -L->i' P!E p rouc�� �` 4TFI � - o ST �Tx: ,�� ;-rlrr� _ �n a _ , _ .. * _ ��-.� ::� I.1fir, -- `I dr ;�rr cl-:i vi I I GFEflC100D ci r. w � :I' p o w � S� � �I Nt IORIAL � N: 3RD LT 5(� �, V, �SE 1%i��FL i � .,�•. , c xl .,...L .-�, ___Si1 "`. �. __ ��---2_ _-1--W �___ �S� ' �. � ��.,� 9T J 1 �= i��.ti PARX Nm��n r.zr<snti I = � a � � -— - -� �� ��.�j ..� '�� �._� �i J4E _L 211D ST _� �2N� CL�c �� SE L�lisr�_ 1 ?7U _� S: , --- ,.,.� —--J---- -- _ CTH _ h'r f�s=�f J$�P � �I 1 JC J���l�po I Sr _. � � 1 LE15U�c � Q�C � `'�� t 7a��i� _ . , r�u��r ts�,���s � ��j ��' I OLIVCT 1(_� F,!, �. 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Figure 4 SCS Soils Map - King County Area Sheet 11 ■ ?17 Pine Street • Suite 300 • Seattle, �ti'A • Phone (206) 343-0460 • Fax (206) 343-5691 I� � J J I Calculations Bond Quantity Detention Water Quality Conveyance I 00 year Flood Analysis Tesc COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza , 19 PROJECT INFORMATION/KCRTS ITYDROGRAPH INPUT SHEET : PRO.IECT: Renton Hqhlands Technical Plaza DATE: sivo2 PROJECT LOCATION: SEA7AC Scale Fador 1.00 Piedpation: 0.47 in. SOIL TYPE: SCS TYPE: C sa�Group rn AREAS: Existing: Tn Forest Ac�es Oeveloped: Ti��Fo�est /+aes Tdl Pasture 1.17 Ac�es 'fdl Pastura Acres �. Tilf Grass Acres TDI Grass 021 Acras Outwash Forest Acres Ouhvasl�Fo2st Acres � Outwash Pasture Acres Ouhvash Pasture Ac�es Outwash Grass Acres OuM�ash Grass Acres � Welland Aaes Wetland Aaes Impervious Aaes /mpervious 0.96 Ac2s _ 1.17 TOTAL 1.f 7 TOTAL ExisGn Develo PEAK VALUES AND RETURN PERIODS: Rank Raturn Perlod O(hou ) q(15-min) Raturn Perfod q(hour ) Q{15�nin) 1 100 o.ta1 100 O.a98 � 100 Year Flow(cis)= 0.357 2 25 0.082 25 0.354 3 10 0.075 10 0.302 Frst Interval wloff=W%of 2 yr Bow= OA27 4 5 0.07 5 029 Interval size=(50 yr flow-50%2yr flow)/35= 0.002857743 5 3 0.068 3 0.268 6 2 O.Oa2 2 0252 7 1.3 0.031 1.3 0243 8 1.1 0.008 1.1 0214 50 0.121 50 0.45 Time Step': Houny Date Type: Reduced DETENTION Req'd? ves •F«ts++Nn�m ome srep.spec;ry nax caa+ Len tli Slo Pervious LEVEL OF DETENTION: 2 Impervous WATER QUALITY TREATMENT: (cneck one) Req'd? Yes Type? Basic LANDSLIDE HAZARD DRAINAGE AREA: No Filenames used: Addi�ionai Key info: Existing Runoft Exist , Developed Runofl De� Vautt discharge rdou� I, basin. exc KCRTS Program. . .File Directory: C: \KC SWDM\KC DATA\ [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Forest 1 . 17 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Pasture 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Grass 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Forest 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Pasture 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Grass 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Wetland 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Impervious exist .tsf T 1 . 00000 T [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Forest 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Pasture 0 . 21 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Grass 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Forest 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Pasture 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Grass 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Wetland 0 . 96 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Impervious Dev. tsf T 1 . 00000 T [X] eXit KCRTS Program II Page 1 , I rdout .pks ' Flow Frequency Analysis I Time Series File:rdout .tsf ', Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis-- - --- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0 . 078 2 2/09/Ol 20 : 00 0 . 355 5 . 09 1 100 . 00 0 . 99 0 0 . 018 7 1/07/02 3 : 00 0 . 078 5 . 00 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 0 0 . 061 4 3/06/03 22 : 00 0 . 070 4 . 54 3 10 . 00 0 . 90 0 0 . 016 8 8/26/04 7 : 00 0 . 061 4 . 11 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 0 0 . 028 6 1/05/05 16 : 00 0 . 053 3 . 78 5 3 . 00 0 . 66 7 0 . 053 5 1/18/06 23 : 00 0 . 028 2 . 99 6 2 . 00 0 . 50 0 0 . 070 3 11/24/06 7 : 00 0 . 018 2 . 78 7 1 .30 0 . 23 1 a . 355 1 1/09/08 9 : 00 0 . 016 2 . 34 8 1 . 10 0 . 09 1 Computed Peaks 0 . 263 5 . 06 50 . 00 0 . 98 0 Ex�sT 2y�t =o. oq.2 � vAv�r�H*¢4,E =o.0 2g,✓� ��� �b� � a. cr'I� 7 �Ewc.r o�s��4E = o.o'lo �orC Page 1 exist .pks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File :exist . tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis--- -- - Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0 . 082 2 2/09/Ol 18 : 00 0 . 141 1 100 . 00 0 . 99 0 0 . 031 7 1/05/02 16 : 00 0 . 082 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 0 0 . 075 3 2/28/03 3 : 00 0 . 075 3 10 . 00 0 . 90 0 0 . 008 8 3/24/04 19 : 00 0 . 070 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 0 0 . 042 6 1/05/OS 8 : 00 0 . 068 5 3 . 00 0 . 66 7 0 . 070 4 1/18/06 16 : 00 0 . 042 6 2 . 00 0 . 50 0 0 . 068 5 11/24/06 4 : 00 0 . 031 7 1 . 30 0 . 23 1 0 . 141 1 1/09/08 6 : 00 0 . 008 8 1 . 10 0 . 09 1 Computed Peaks 0 . 121 50 . 00 0 . 98 0 Page 1 Dev.pks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File :dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis- - -- - - Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0 . 252 6 2/09/Ol 2 : 00 0 . 498 1 100 . 00 0 . 99 0 0 . 214 8 1/05/02 16 : 00 0 . 354 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 0 0 . 302 3 12/08/02 18 : 00 0 . 302 3 10 . 00 0 . 90 0 0 . 243 7 8/26/04 2 : 00 0 . 290 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 0 0 . 290 4 10/28/04 16 : 00 0 . 268 5 3 . 00 0 . 66 7 0 .268 5 1/18/06 16 : 00 0 . 252 6 2 . 00 0 . 50 0 0 . 354 2 10/26/06 0 : 00 0 .243 7 1 . 30 0 . 23 1 0 .498 1 1/09/08 6 : 00 0 .214 8 1 . 10 0 . 09 1 Computed Peaks 0 .450 50 . 00 0 . 98 0 Page 1 _ Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Vault � I�j� 2ooCF �EQ� 15,700cFP¢�,pg,o Facility Length: 152 .00 ft Facility Width: 20.00 ft Facility Area: 3040. sq. ft Effective Storage Depth: 5.00 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 393 .00 ft Storage Volume: 15200. cu. ft Riser Head: 5.00 ft Riser Diameter: 12 .00 inches Number of orifices: 3 Full Aead Pipe Orifice # Height Diameter Discharge Diameter (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 0.63 0.024 2 2 .80 0.94 0.035 4 .0 3 3 .50 0.75 0.019 4 .0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0 .00 393 .00 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 .01 393.01 30. 0.001 0.001 0.00 0.02 393.02 61. 0.001 0.001 0.00 0. 03 393.03 91. 0.002 0.002 0.00 0. 04 393.04 122. 0.003 0.002 0.00 0 .05 393.05 152. 0.003 0.002 0.00 0 .15 393 .15 456. 0.010 0.004 0.00 0 .25 393.25 760. 0.017 0.005 0.00 0 .35 393.35 1064 . 0.024 0.006 0.00 0.45 393.45 1368. 0.031 0.007 0.40 0.55 393.55 1672. 0.038 0.008 0.00 0.65 393.65 1976. 0.045 0.009 0.00 0 .75 393.75 2280. 0.052 0.009 0.00 0 .85 393.85 2584. 0.059 0.010 0.00 0 .95 393.95 2888. 0.066 0.010 0.00 1.05 394.05 3192. 0.073 0.011 0.00 1. 15 394.15 3496. 0.080 0.011 0.00 1.25 394.25 3800. 0.087 0.012 0.00 1.35 394.35 4104. 0.094 0.012 0.00 1.45 394.45 4408. 0.101 0.013 0.00 1.55 394.55 4712. 0.108 0.013 0.00 1.65 394.65 5016. 0.115 0.014 0.00 1.75 394.75 5320. 0. 122 0.014 0.00 1. 85 394.85 5624. 0.129 0.014 0.00 1.95 394.95 5928. 0.136 0.015 0.00 2.05 395.05 6232. 0.143 0.015 0.00 2 .15 395.15 6536. 0.150 0.016 0.00 2 .25 395.25 6840. 0.157 0.016 0.00 2.35 395.35 7144. 0.164 0.016 0.00 2.45 395.45 7448. 0.171 0.017 0.00 2.55 395.55 7752. 0.178 0.017 0.00 2.65 395.65 8056. 0.185 0.017 0.00 ' 2 .75 395.75 8360. 0.192 0.018 0.00 � 2.80 395.80 8512. 0.195 0.018 0.00 2.81 395.81 8542. 0.196 0.018 0.00 2.82 395.82 8573. 0.197 0.018 0.00 2.63 395 .83 8603. 0.198 0.019 0 .00 2.84 395.84 8634. 0.198 0.021 0 .00 2 .85 395.85 8664. 0.199 0.022 0. 00 2 .86 395.86 8694. 0.200 0.024 0. 00 2.87 395.87 8725. 0.200 0.024 0.00 2 .88 395.88 8755. 0.201 0.025 0.00 2 .98 395.98 9059. 0.208 0 .028 0.00 3 .08 396.08 9363. 0.215 0.031 0.00 3 .18 396.18 9667. 0.222 0.034 0.00 3 .28 396.28 9971. 0.229 0.036 0.00 3.38 396.38 10275. 0.236 0.038 0.00 3.48 396.48 10579. 0 .243 0.039 0.00 3 .50 396.50 10640. 0.244 0.040 0.00 3.51 396.51 10670. 0.245 0.040 0.00 3 .52 396.52 10701. 0.246 0.041 0.00 3 .53 396.53 10731. 0.246 0.042 0.00 3 .54 396.54 10762. 0.247 0.043 0.00 3 .55 396.55 10792. 0.248 0.044 0.00 3 .56 396 .56 10622. 0.248 0.045 0.00 3 .66 396.66 11126. 0.255 0.049 0.00 3.76 396.76 11430. 0.262 0.052 0.00 3 .86 396.86 11734. 0.269 0.055 0.00 3.96 396.96 12038. 0.276 0.057 0.00 4.06 397.06 12342. 0.283 0.060 0. 00 4.16 397.16 12646. 0.290 0 .062 0. 00 4.26 397.26 12950. 0.297 0 .064 0. 00 4.36 397.36 13254. 0.304 0.066 0.00 4.46 397.46 13558. 0.311 0.068 0.00 4.56 397.56 13862. 0.318 0.070 0.00 4.66 397.66 14166. 0.325 0.072 0.00 4 .76 397.76 14470. 0.332 0.074 0.00 4 .86 397.86 14774 . 0.339 0.075 0.00 4 .96 397.96 15078. 0.346 0.077 0.00 5.00 398.00 15200. 0.349 0.078 0.00 5.10 398.10 15504. 0.356 0.387 0. 00 5.20 398.20 15808. 0.363 0.952 0. 00 5.30 396.30 16112. 0.370 1.680 0. 00 5.40 398.40 16416. 0.377 2 .4B0 0. 00 5.50 398.50 16720. 0.384 2 .760 0.00 5.60 398.60 17024. 0.391 3 .020 0.00 5.70 398.70 17328. 0.398 3 .250 0.00 5.80 398.80 17632 . 0.405 3 .470 0.00 5.90 398.90 17936. 0.412 3.680 0.00 6. 00 399.00 18240. 0.419 3.870 0.00 6.10 399.10 18544. 0.426 4.060 0.00 6.20 399.20 18848. 0.433 4.240 0.00 6.30 399.30 19152. 0.440 4 .410 0.00 6.40 399.40 19456. 0.447 4 .570 0.00 6.50 399.50 19760. 0.454 4 .730 0.00 6.60 399.60 20064. 0.461 4 .880 0.00 6.70 399.70 20368. 0.468 5.030 0.00 6.B0 399.80 20672 . 0.475 5.180 0.00 , 6.90 399.90 20976. 0.482 5 .320 0.00 7.00 400.00 21280. 0 .489 5 .450 0.00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0.50 ******* 0.35 5.09 398.09 15472 . 0 .355 2 0.25 0.08 0.08 4.96 397.96 15077. 0.346 3 0.26 ******* 0.07 4.54 397.54 13803 . a.317 4 0.30 ******* 0.06 4.11 397 .11 12502. 0.287 5 0.27 ******* 0.05 3.78 396.78 11494. 0.264 6 0.16 ******* 0.03 2.99 395.99 9098. 0.209 7 0.21 ******* 0.02 2.73 395.73 8302. 0. 191 8 0.24 ******* 0.02 2.34 395.34 7101. 0. 163 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf �� Outflow Time Series File:rdout '���,,,,t, Inflow/Outflow Analysis r,N�►`�`�� Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.498 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.355 CFS at 9:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 5.09 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 398.09 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 15472. Cu-Ft . 0.355 Ac-Ft ' Flow Frequency Analysis I�I Time Series File:rdout.tsf � Project Location:Sea-Tac '� ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- �y��n- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob I ��''"U' (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period I, -.,M� 0.078 2 2/09/O1 20:00 0.355 5.09 1 100.00 0.990 � 0.018 7 1/07/02 3:00 0.078 5.00 2 25.00 0.960 -�� 0.061 4 3/06/03 22 :00 0.070 4 .54 3 10.00 0.900 �VA�t.-� 0.016 8 8/26/04 7:00 0.061 4 .11 4 5.00 0.800 0.028 6 1/05/05 16:00 0.053 3 .78 5 3.00 0.667 .,•�✓ 0.053 5 1/18/06 23:00 0.028 2 .99 6 2.00 0.500 0.070 3 11/24/06 7:00 0.018 2 .78 7 1.30 0.231 a.355 1 1/09/08 9:00 0.016 2 .34 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 0.263 5.06 50.00 0. 980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability V��C� CFS � % % ���� 0.001 31335 51.101 51.101 48. 899 0.489E+00 0.004 6722 10.962 62.063 37. 937 0.379E+00 �'��� 0.006 6285 10.250 72.312 27.688 0.277E+00 ��S 0.008 4422 7.211 79.524 20.476 0.205E+00 0.010 5524 9.008 86.532 11.468 0.115E+00 0.012 2652 4.325 92.857 7.143 0.714E-01 0.014 1823 2.973 95.830 4.170 0.417E-01 0.017 1285 2.096 97.926 2.074 0.207E-01 0.019 796 1.298 99.224 0.776 0.776E-02 0 . 021 31 0.051 99.274 0.726 0.726E-02 ' II 0.023 26 0.042 99.317 0.683 0.683E-02 �I 0.025 30 0.049 99.366 0.634 0.634E-02 �I 0.027 72 0.117 99.483 0.517 0.517E-02 0.029 59 0.096 99.579 0.421 0.421E-02 0.032 32 0.052 99.631 0.369 0.369E-02 0.034 23 0.038 99.669 0.331 0.331E-02 0. 036 28 0.046 99.715 0.285 0.285E-02 ', 0.038 19 0.031 99.746 0.254 0.254E-02 � 0.040 31 0.051 99.796 0.204 0.204E-02 0.042 6 0.010 99.806 0.194 0.194E-02 0.045 4 0.007 99.812 0.188 0.188E-02 0.047 11 0.018 99.830 0.170 0.170E-02 0.049 15 0.024 99.855 0.145 0.145E-02 0.051 7 0.011 99.866 0.134 0.134E-02 �.053 11 0.018 99.884 0.116 0.116E-02 0.055 4 0.007 99.891 0.109 0.109E-02 0.058 9 0.015 99.905 0.095 0.946E-03 0.060 11 0.016 99.923 0.077 0.766E-03 0.062 11 0.018 99.941 0.059 0.587E-03 0 .064 6 0.010 99.951 0.049 0.489E-03 0 .066 7 0.011 99.962 0.038 0.375E-03 0.068 5 0.008 99.971 0.029 0.294E-03 0.070 5 0.008 99.979 0.021 0.212E-03 0.073 3 0.005 99.984 0.016 0.163E-03 0.075 4 0.007 99.990 0 .010 0.978E-04 0.077 3 0.005 99.995 0 .005 0 .489E-04 Discharge Volume Discharge Volume from Time Series rdout.tsf between 10/O1/00 00:00 and 10/30/00 23 :59 19234. Cu-Ft or 0.442 Ac-Ft in 30.0 days Duration Comparison Anaylsis FRE4�E.�'�( ��� CDN"P��S°N Base File: exist.tsf �� ���,,�Ci QuNoFF Z VAur.T �1S�N�4F New File: rdout.tsf , Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time----- ---------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New �Change Probability Base New �Change 0.022 � 0.81E-02 0.69E-02 -14.6 � 0.81E-02 0.022 0.018 -17.5 L p��-- 0.027 I 0.59E-02 0.55E-02 -7.2 I 0.59E-02 0.027 0.026 -3 .1 0.031 I 0.47E-02 0.38E-02 -19.6 I 0.47E-02 0.031 0.028 -10.3 0.036 I 0.35E-02 0.29E-02 -18.2 � 0.35E-02 0.036 0.033 -9.0 0.041 I 0.27E-02 0.20E-02 -26.5 � 0.27E-02 0.041 0.037 -9.5 0.045 � 0.20E-02 0.18E-02 -9.1 I 0.20E-02 0.045 0.042 -8.1 0.050 � 0. 14E-02 0.14E-02 -3 .4 � 0.14E-02 0.050 0.050 -1.2 0.055 � O.10E-02 0.11E-02 9.7 I O.10E-02 0.055 0.057 2 .9 0.060 � 0.67E-03 0.77E-03 14 .6 I 0.67E-03 0.060 0.061 2 .0 0.064 I 0.41E-03 0.47E-03 16.0 I 0.41E-03 0.064 0.066 2.3 0.069 I 0.21E-03 0.26E-03 23 .1 � 0.21E-03 0.069 0.071 2.1 0.074 I 0.15E-03 0.15E-03 0.0 � 0.15E-03 0.074 0.074 0.0 0.078 � 0.65E-04 O.00E+00 -100.0 � 0.65E-04 0.076 0.076 -2.8 Maximum positive excursion = 0.002 cfs ( 3.8$) � In�o ✓ occuring at 0.054 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.056 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion = 0.004 cfs (-17.7�) occuring at 0.022 cfs on the Base Data:exist.tsf and at 0.018 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Ta�� W.�n�p� oF �K��es�o�..5 �►aov�. t.�� _ � L �zte� e�e.�csu�r-�s =`� �a{G 1998 K/NG COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MAUAL WETPOND CALCULATIONS Cover categories are based on existing U.S. Department of Agriculture soil survey data or site specific data where available. Vr = (0.9Ai + 0.25Atg +0.10Atf+0.01Ao) x (R/'(6-12) where, Vr = volume of runoff from mean annual storm (cubic feet) Ai = area of impervious surface (sq ft) Atg = area of till soil covered with grass (sq ft) Atf = area of till soil covered with forest (sq ft) Ao = area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (sq ft) R/12 = rainfall from mean annual storm (feet) Calculate wetpool volume Vb. Use the results of the previous steps to calculate the required wetpooi volume according to the following equatior Vb =f x Vr (6-13) where, Vb = wetpool volume (cu ft) f = volume factor from Step 1 Vr = runoff volume (cubic feet)from Step 1 Vr = (0.9Ai + 0.25Atg + 0.10Atf+0.01 Ao)x (R/12) Ai = 41817.6 Sq. Ft. 0.96 acres Atg = 9147.6 Sq. Ft. 0.21 acres Atf = 0 Sq. Ft. acres Ao = 0 Sq. Ft. acres R = 0.47 R/12 = 0.0392 Vr = 1563.64065 VbNr= 3.0 For Basic Wetpond Vb/Vr= 4.5 For Large Wetpond Use Basic Wetpond with VbNr= 3 Vb = 4691 Cu. Ft. Water Quality Volume Proiect: Renton Hi_qhlands Pro Plaza May 1, 2002 o! � 1Niqi L/E- - � o b zw,w -, .ion�s oF consrauc�nv I i � � " ��,�ov[xiY u�+E C8N F54 � � ��o --�---�s--�___� _ _ ,rx cF ti�lur:n x�. . � � ew=J59.o0 � � ( � CIVL SI$�FDEX 01NNER b@fOfC O�U � �n �I�� 'q. � .�;�L F e'-� #5�.�.-a�c " - �+.a, _ .�tlLt7 �. . ^e � � �SifsR3 E=59437J0'M)D(� '� Y � " > z{�. � � a �t '-'r ,� E=�s3��u'� t + • t t�f ��� � � _� � c�t.o ��aw� ���x ic�s�7� � - I :( .� � i y � F�.'r 4� � + �.. .�(� ti -$�L� 1� •�� � � D�9. 1 �L f '.as.�`-��� � ��. . .•+<<� �F�'t'+ �.�J�� f�'`� �.:� � r4j, � y ¢4Yi)�*fi{�..�-, n-� �! -:�F;� C1.1 iESCDETAlS YEWiqMA49NGip1?E�:59 � � �� � r I��'. tyP � � ic � .�� { .. -�. ,_.;P I ! - ti3� 1�,". � 'E 3J'C� 39l*;. � I : � �;� �?� � ,yN� ����� j, s�t� �' -��� � ;� �" *��r"� i ` , 5b o sp• � I czo cw�or+c r�.µ pzSN52-9�ss corrn:e�Uar�ooc� 1-800-424-5555 J OO JVL;RatptMJ t�iN�E(li�) �r. -r S i� �:y �-.� � . � �:�.� � >a � �'i rr� � � . i 1 � ' CLl qNALL AYJ�lE NE � �. _.l"�, �.Nt �t , y F � , - -I�.r ?t�` �R7l 39'a.3.. 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Slope Q(F) V V L Tt %c1/D Basin (ac) C'A (min.) (c.f.s.) (in.) n (ft.ft.) (pipe (pipe (at (R.) (min.) From(Upstrcam) To(Downstream) Number full full) Q(R)) CB-8 CB-7 8 0.15 0.63 0.097 0.097 G.3 0.80 2.73 0.2G 8 0.014 0.88% 1.06 3.04 2.48 120 0.8 34.50% CB-7 CB-6 7 0.23 0.88 0.205 0302 7.1 0.74 2.53 0.7G 8 0.014 I.00% 1.13 3.24 3.46 25 0.1 60.50% CB-6 CB-5 G 0.15 0.79 0.119 0.421 7.2 0.74 2.50 1.05 12 0.014 0.50% 2.35 2.99 2.86 50 0.3 47.50% CB-5 CB-4 5 0.14 0.76 0.109 0.530 7.5 0.72 2.44 1.29 12 0.014 0.50% 2.35 2.99 3.02 60 0.3 53.50% CB-4 Vault 4 0.18 0.87 0.158 0.688 7.8 0.70 2.37 1.G3 12 0.014 0.50% 2.35 2.99 3.25 20 0.1 61.00% 8.0 CB-3 Vault 3 0.18 0.82 0.146 0.146 6.3 0.80 2.73 0.40 8 0.014 I.00% 1.13 3.24 2.9G 20 0.1 41.U0% 6.4 CB-2 Vault 2 0.13 O.GS 0.084 0.084 6.3 0.80 2.73 0.23 8 0.014 1.00% 1.13 3.24 2.60 12 0.1 30.00% 6.4 Vault Pond Vault 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.918 8.0 0.69 2.35 2.16 12 0.014 1.00% 3.32 4.23 4.47 30 0.1 59.U0% 8.1 i � Projcct: Renton IIighlands 1 Total arca= 1.17 R= 25 yr P(R)= 3.40 in. Calcs by: NDL )ob No: CU1U040-01 Location: Rcnton Datc: 7/IS/2002 Page 1 of 1 r �� �,� �,� w,�. Backwater Analysis Table Renlon Htghlands Professional Plaza Proposed Site Conditions-25 Year Storm Mannings Cce[ficient OA�12 ('.nl.(1) COL�1) CUL(3) COL(J) COI.(� C'OI.(]� WL(tl) C'OL(9) COL(10) ('nl.(11) C'(JL(12) l'OL(13) fOL(1�) 15 c:tJL 116) COL(1� COL(1P) �nl.(lv) CVL(�) CVL(31) fOL(2]) rnl.Rl) CUL(2�) lVL II51 COI.17��1 t()1./1� c:UL 13N1 COL 1147 �tll.lYl� Localion Q L Pipe Oullel Inlel Darrel Barrel Velocity F.xccl Ciitical 'IW FricHon TiGi. Entry Entry Euit OvUrt Hdwtr lnlel Appr iiend Bend Junc Hdwtr Rim Free O.K.? Dnstrm Upstrm (cfs) (FI') Dia in. F.lev Llev Area Velociry Head (7�eck De lh Elev Loss Llev Coef Loss Loss Contol De th Control Hrad Coeff. Loss Loss F.Irv Board � i L D ELV ' GL I cc oss e ENLoss� Eloss Eoc ic v unc im ___ I_-_. I I -_.. i ___i I ._ __I � I � I ._ ___ __.... __ _.. Vault CB-4 1.63 20 12 393.65 393.75 0.785 2.078 0.087 1.00 0.54 798.00 0.0354 398.04 0.50 O.OJ3 0.087 998.136 0.71 ]94.48 •0.042 0.02 0.001 0.00 a98.10 400.00 1.90 yes C04 CR-5 1.29 60 12 393.75 394.05 0,785 1.844 0.042 1.00 0.40 788.10 0.0885 398.18 0.50 0.021 0.042 398.225 0,64 394.69 •0.028 0.02 0.001 0.00 ]9820 400.01 1.81 yes CA-5 CB-6 1.05 50 12 394.05 394.30 0.7&5 1.340 0.028 1.W U.43 398.20 0.0388 3�JB.2J 0.50 0.014 0.028 3�J8.278 0.80 384.90 -0.074 7.34 0.097 0.00 39824 399.76 7.52 yes CB-6 CO-� 0.76 25 8 344.67 394.88 0.349 2.188 0.074 1.00 0.41 ]9824 0.0842 398.92 0.50 0.037 0.074 9B8.435 0.90 395.48 •0.009 7.94 0.100 0.00 308.53 399.76 7.27 yes CI3-� CR-8 0.26 7IA 8 394.88 396.08 O.J49 0.759 0.009 1.IX7 024 398.5� O.O4B8 398.57 0.50 0.004 0.009 398.588 O.G2 J96.49 -0.020 0.02 0.000 0.00 998.57 399.10 0.53 yec vault CD-7 0.40 20 S 397.13 397.33 0.349 7.744 0.020 1.00 0.29 398.00 0.0189 J98.02 0.50 0.010 0.020 998.049 0.72 a97.81 0.000 1.00 0.020 0.00 398.07 400.00 1.93 yes VaWt CO-2 0.23 12 8 397.68 397.80 0.349 0.655 0.007 1.00 022 398.00 0.0036 398.47 0.50 O.00J 0.007 798.477 0.85 J9823 0.000 0.02 0.000 0.00 998.08 400.2 1.72 ycs � {! �•'/ FEG�6DAQD d�. � ONSITE CONVEYANC�SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SIZING"I'ABLE USING THE RATIONAL METHOD Location Sub Area C C"A Sum Tc i(R) I(R) Q(R) Pipc Typ. Slope Q(F) V V L Tt %d/D Basin (ac) C*A (min.) (c.f.s.) (in.) n (ft.ft.) (pipe (pipe (at (fl.) (min.) From(Upstream) To(Downstrcam) Number 1'ull fulQ Q(R)) CB-8 CB-7 8 0.15 0.63 0.097 0.097 G.3 0.82 3.19 U.31 8 0.014 0.88% 1.06 3.04 2.64 120 0.8 37.00% CB-7 CB-6 7 0.23 0.88 0.205 0.302 7.1 0.7G 2.97 0.90 8 0.014 1.00% 1.13 3.24 3.64 25 0.1 66.50% CB-6 CB-5 6 0.15 0.79 0.]19 0.421 7.2 0.75 2.94 1.24 12 0.014 0.50% 2.35 2.99 3.00 50 0.3 52.U0% CB-5 CB� 5 0.14 0.76 0.109 0.530 7.5 0.74 2.87 1.52 12 0.014 O.SU% 2.35 2.99 3.16 60 0.3 59.00% CB-4 Vault 4 0.18 0.87 0.158 O.G88 7.8 0.72 2.80 1.93 12 0.014 0.50% 2.35 2.99 3.3G 20 0.1 G8.50% 7.9 CB-3 Vault 3 0.18 0.82 0.146 0.146 6.3 0.82 3.19 0.47 8 0.014 1.00% 1.13 3.24 3.06 20 0.1 45.00% 6.4 CB-2 Vault 2 0.13 O.GS 0.084 0.084 6.3 0.82 3.19 0.27 8 U.014 1.00% 1.13 3.24 2.60 12 0.1 33.50% 6.4 Vault Pond Vault 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.918 7.9 0.71 2.78 2.SS 12 0.014 1.00% 3.32 4.23 4.67 30 0.1 (5.50% 8.0 Projcct: Renton Highlands] Total area= 1.17 R= 100 yr P(R� 3.90 in. Calcs by: NDL Job No: C01004U-U1 Location: Renton,WA Date: 7/15/2002 Pagc I of 1 � Backwater Analysis Table ��� Y(L +/�d✓M�` Rrnton Highlands Protessiona]Plaza Propoaed Site Candilions-100 Yeaz Storm Mannings Coefficient 0.012 COI.(1) l(JL(Z) COL(3) COL(d) ['ni.(S COL(7) CVL(ti) COL(9) COL(70) rol.(11) Wl.(12) �IJL(13) COL(1J1 15 WL(16) lroL(1� COL(l X) ('()1.(19) CUL(2U) COL(ZIl COL(77) rOi.(2t) c:UL(Z�l LUL(25) l ltL(2/•1 �nl.(IJ) (X)L l�) IIJL(Nl C(t�(1p I.ocallon Q L I'ipe Outlet Inlet Barrel Bazrel Velority Lxcet Critical '1W Friction I[GL Entry Enlry Fxit Outlet IIdwh Inlel Appr Bend Bend Junc HAwtr Rim Free O.K.? llnslzm Upstrm (cfs) (FI) Diain. F.Icv Llev Area Velodly Head Q�eck De lh Elev Loss Llev Coef Loss Loss Control De th Conlrol Head Coeff. Loss Loss Elev Board L D ELVU ELVI V c oss e ENLoss F.loss Eloc Ilc v I unC H im - __ . __.-. _.. .. ._- ___. _ _� . . _ _ . .. ._�---___ : i � I I I � � �, vauh CB-4 1.93 20 12 393.65 393.75 0.785 2.451 0.093 1.00 0.59 398.00 0.0493 398.05 0.50 0.047 0.083 398.189 0.78 �94.59 -0.058 0.02 0.002 0.00 998.13 400.00 1.87 yes Cn-a CB-5 1.52 60 12 393.75 394.0.5 0.7&5 1.998 0.058 1.00 0.52 J98.13 0.0823 398.23 0.50 0.029 0.058 398.313 0.69 394.74 •0.039 0.02 0.001 0.00 99828 400.01 1.73 yes CD-5 CB-6 1.24 50 12 i94.05 394.30 0.7&5 1.579 0.07D 1.00 U.47 398.28 0.050�J 398.JJ 0.50 0.079 0.039 398.984 0.84 994.94 -0.103 1.34 0.Q52 0.00 998.33 399.76 1.C3 yes CI3-6 CRJ 0.90 25 8 544.63 3�{.RA 0.949 2.572 0.109 1.00 0.45 998.9J 0.1183 398.45 0.50 0.051 0.109 998.801 O.UB J�J5.5J •0.012 1.34 0.138 0.00 709.79 39Y76 1.03 yrs CB-7 CD-8 0.91 120 8 394.88 39G.08 0.349 0.886 0.012 1.00 0.2f1 398.73 O.OfC>3 J9B.B0 0.50 0.008 0.012 398.811 0.84 398.50 -0.028 0.02 0.000 0.00 398.79 399.10 0.31 no Vauli CB-3 0.47 20 8 397.13 39733 0.349 1.338 0.028 1.00 0.72 598.00 0.0251 398.03 0.50 0.014 0.028 398.087 0.74 397.82 0.000 1.00 0.028 0.00 998.09 400.00 1.91 yn Vault CB-2 0.27 12 8 397.68 397.80 0.349 0.7&5 0.008 1.00 0.24 J98.00 0.0049 398.47 0.50 0.005 0.009 998.480 0.85 398.23 0.000 0.02 0.000 0.00 398.48 400.2 1.72 yes � 3.2.1 RATTONAL METHOD FIGURE 3.2.1.D 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLLIVIALS 3���!— - - --- ---- --- ---- --- -- .__ ,� �o _ �o�,.�,� ']�� ' .-V .J .,. f! COUNTV 3`� �` �\�.. ��� .g � _ i 3 - �� `�S �:- ...., ��.$ .�.�., . .., � .. , _�,_ 4 r,\ • `�� '_� ::.:,��' �l _ -� 43 � � - ' , . , - AQ :r,��� .�.,. ",,^ ' s • R�� _ �;`, �A• t Q � •� � , . i' .��.�.,.� � � (-_ ..,,o \ •_ ``� f-'--! \".S ... .. .Q � --- - _�.. _% � '.\ �.�.., � � _._ _m � - - � -- S�TE � � . JJ , - � : ; � ' �_ Z,� . �� � � .�., -- - �-� � . , . � �• � � � ' � - yo JU'�"�� �- . • ....._,. . . . . . S° _ .. .. : `� - S ' , p o � � . . : � -- \ � � . � .,.....� .... • � \ . `\'• .�.� �� l�l��, �<�� __.__/.� �, � . � `� � �' ...... � � . 1 _ __•_ - K� a cou�rrr'-��. � v1E Gl counrY - WESTERN � `� � '�� `�� 6.5 KING COUNTY � ,� ,Y,' �- --- ��= , , s.o h o�• �, - 5.5 `, 100-Year 24-Hour _ � - � 0` ���� �- -- �'��' Precipitation ' �h -� ,--.�,���.� ��' in Inches ° 2 4�"�es �� � � ��.� i_—� �'J , 1995 Surface 1\'atcr Dcsi�n h1r:r.ua'. 9/1/98 3-17 SECTIO\3.2 RUiVOFF CO�tPUTATIOti A:�1D A;�fALYSIS I�l�'I'HODS FIGURE 25-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS � �S '--'- �- -- _ _ SM HOYI511 COVNTY 2 � �� r —_ - _—•- _—_—_ _-- -- KING COJHTV S .r��• .�_ i�. 2� =._..:_, � �.,, 28 � . � r � u?� m , � -�n--. — � .._ �� �� ..,. � , . \ --ti � u'4� !� �pt.. . tI O •S , , _ _ � , y. <' � �� , �- - ,.p - - '---. -r. . .. � � �Ilis�t .. • •" �. ' .. _"'_ . ��.' .� _ _ .\ � _.. _ � ' ��� � ' �• � \1 ,� ,� i - r � 5.0 „ . ��r_ �= - . _ . _ , .�.. -�--� � _ ?� � . _ _ �� ��- ; . - m_.� ��cm \ _ � �.�-_ ..�: .. ...,.� _� _ I w,. � � . , sirE - - "� `' _ �--� o _ � _ � _ _ _ - . - ,�., . � , � � ' . � � / ,__-"_ �.__ . -f `�/''' � . . J � � `�L� •�. ...., i ,` � �, .�... ...�,�• r*f�t � � o'>� 0 � � � � ' ..,....� _ _ �: � - � r. � ^ � \ m_" � m ,� , i: �• co \ � ; �. ^�. �� :"� :Y . . '� 1 :. : � _s�_y,___'_1_-KiNGCOUNTY �- GIEqCE CD1,'.vTY �• WESTERN � �== , � KING COUNTY �,�;�� -- --- ` ss � .... 5 0 �, � 4.s 25-Year 24-Hour ��- �• � � � �� ,��.- � _i� , Precipitation � � � � � -�� ,-_�;,��.� in Inches °---�:.--4����5 �•�. � �� � I;]/y� lu9S Surface Water Desi�n I�4ar,.i:il 3-1C, �l �� GULV'�� 5�Zf NCc o�/0l/02 Manning' s Equation for Uniform Flow in a Circular Pipe Input Quantities Diameter: � 48 . 0000 in Manning' s n: 0 . 0240 Slope : 0 . 6000 % Calculated Flow Rate : 60 .2689 cfs Calculated Velocity: 4 . 7960 ft/s Calculated Depth: 48 . 0000 in Calculated Quantities Area Of Flow: 12 . 5664 sf Wetted Perimeter: 150 . 7960 in Hydraulic Radius : 12 . 0000 in d/D Ratio: 1 . 0000 parts Velocity Head: 0 . 3572 ft Critical Depth: 28 . 0704 in Full Capacity: 60 .2705 cfs �fd'D 53.8� CFS. � Max Capacity: 64 . 8333 cfs HHCalc, Version 7 . Os Eagle Point, 4131 WestMark Drive, Dubuque, IA, 52002, 1-800-678-6565 � ■ SEC7'ION 4.2 PIPES,OL?FALLS,AND PUMPS , FIGURE 4.2.1.i' NOMOGRAPH FOR SIZING CIRCULAR DRAINS FLO�i'I'iVG FULL I 1,000 900 800 .0001 I 700 2.0 soo .0002 5�0 .0003 Minimum 400 .0004 .0001 Allowable .0005 Velocity p� .0�06 (Flowing� 3.0 �� ) 300 120 .0�06 .Q002 Full c`�v .001 ti 108 � .0003 200 �! �g � .0004 0 � .002 .0005 4.0 84 � .0006 �a O .0�3 .0008 72 u- � 66 � .005 .001 5.0 100 � � ` SO O .QO N o 90 � , 54 cn .008 .002 o O 80 ` ` .01 .003 � / W 6.0 � 70 = 42 � � .004�� W 7.0 cn U � , 2 .005 O u' 50 ? 36 u- � U z 33 .03 .08� w 8.0 z 40 .� W 3� .04 .010 � � � � LL w �l � 27 .06 � � 9.0 _ � 30 � 24 .08 .020 � 10.0 a / � 21 .10 ~ U � .030 v � 20 W 18 ,040 � � w .050 W � 15 .OoO � ¢ .OBO � .100 12 70 10 9 SAMPLE USE 8 � 8 24"dia.CMP � 2%slope yields 20-0 , g 77cfs @ 5.4 fps velocity 5 6 (n=�.024) ' 4 Values per Manning's equation , Q_ � 1.49 � AR2/sso/2 3 � 30A , This table can be converted to other"n"values by applying 2 formula: 40.0 Q1 n2 � Q2 nt 1 � 9/1/48 tq9S Surf�c.A<<'atcr Desi�n A�1a��i�:�l 4-20 IOZ MODERN SEI�'ER DESIG:i' �� : ----- ��; � 7ABLE 4.9 Values of Coefficient of Roughness(n)for Standard siun t � Corrugated Steel Pipe'•S6(Manning's Formula)' [h�c;i __ with t Annular Heh�al cli.�mi :� � / All 1 In P!z x V,in 2�1�x V�in ����1C t, CorrugaGons Diameters 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. 18 in.24 in.35 in.48 in. 60 in.and Larger 1 u I I. Un avetl 0.024 0012 0014 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.018 0020 0.021 . ave 021 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.019 _ �.sco Annular Helicai-3 x 1 in. �yf�l�'1 S 3 x 1 in. 4g in.54 in.60 in.66 in.72 in. in 1ta�v� �•�0 �" Unpaved 0.027 0.023 0.023 0024 D.025 002F O.C2i B� �( ✓�IvE 2545 Pa�ed 0.023 OA20 OA20 0021 0.022 0022 0023 �_ l Annular Heiical-5 x 1 i� sct- 5 z 1 in. 5;in.60 in.66 in. m r�arGe �0°- Unpaved 0.02� 0.022 OA23 0024 OA25 3�- 254o Pav>d 0022 0.019 0.020 0021 0.022 zw-. A!I pipe wilh smoo!h All Diameters ' interior" n=0.012 ! 'AI51 i`o=� � "Includes lully paved,concrete lined,spiral rib 8 doubie wall pire A,� �a_. T 50 TABLE 4.10 Values of n for Structural Plate Pipe ,� for 6 in. x 2 in. Corrugations(Manning's Formula) � 40- a 30 Corrugations Diameters : � zo - 6 x 2 in. 5 ft. 7 ft. 10 ft. 15 tt. rn C O - ;. Plain-unpaved 0.033 0.032 0.030 0.028 •E io 259'o Paved 0028 0.027 0.020 0.024 �; e o, � 6_ � t u 5 - N 0 4 1 Figure 4.5 provides nomographs for estimating steady uniform flows for `� 3- - pipes flowing full,using the Manning eyuation. In cases where conduits are - ' flowinD only partly full,the corresponding hydraulic ratios may be deterniined Z - - from Figures 49 and 4.10. - � �o _ Kutter Equation o.a �� The Kutter Equation is used for opcn channcl calculations in certain areas 06 "� I of the United States. It is an empirically derived relation betwecn thc Chez�� os oa � coefficient`C'and the Manning roughness coefficicnt`n.'As stated the equa- °+- - ob tion is intcndcd for usc with U.S. Customary (Lnperial) units. 03 - °S -- oa Q = �•C•R'`�•Sf r� o.z o3 .00251 1.811 o�s o� ��rh�r� C = 4 I.6S + n + n 1 -� (-�1.(u -f 0.00281) n S t� �R Figure 4.8 PJ --- .z:, :.t,- 41 .�-+--�^�^-�"!v^�Ar�"" - - � .-;', , - - + - �f. � - "r -.�4 ....-J= �`•�„ t � t �� '4�n�t J-�� .7 YF f r+-S �` * N����Y�� � T.1 � � �-. - . �� � `^� �� :a��( ��'�� I .. .��, ;� J I . . . ' ' _ f����S��j ,},. }�}' t k S. 1��`�f� '/'a� t - . .. . ;f ti FE.. �'� i'� -:.y+�y` t .'�i'-'. . . ��!' .� N t �.. L �:�h � � ,y», c''.. �^. �� ' � ,�y�� l .. . . . � _ 'i�:S�: R�� . • './ a �\r� 4� n '! - ..�- f ' � �( r . � j w�R � ,}��� � �� T . ..;S �''L�'r�l {f �� F..i:" . . . ...�� r� _ ��.� :f:�� -.. �-rt ti . ' ���� 1 ��` '.�K�rS�.. 'a' � �a .� �� '`-e,�"'���4,.���'�''�` .. �i�'',,x.. ��,"-.:. y�`.+"'_?'� o+.��a ' 1 .. C . '� �;` . . e K- _ �L / F � ; .- � . . n�� o? �`[.. � Y� . � "'l�� ' .. ��... �' .� � Flood. pks Flo�r Frequency Analysi_s � Time Series File : flood. ts: Project Location : Sea-Tac -- -Annual Pea}: Flo�•� Rates- - - - - - - -Flo�•� F'requency I,�.::lysis- - - - - - Flow Rate Rank Time oT Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 26 . 73 6 ?./09/O1 2 : 00 53 . F32 1 100 . CO G . 99 21 . 71 � 1/05/02 16 : 00 33 . 73 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 J 31 . 85 3 2/27/03 7 : 00 31 . 85 3 10 . 00 0 . 90 J . 23 . 27 7 8/26/0�1 2 : 00 2Q . 53 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 27 . 93 5 10/28/04 16 : 00 27 . 93 S 3 . 00 0 . 66 ?_n . 53 4 1/1B/06 1.G : 00 26 . 73 6 ?. . 00 0 . 50 , 33 . l3 ?_ 10/2G/06 0 : 00 ?.3 . 2.7 7 1 . 30 0 . ?.3 53 . 82 1 :l/09/0£3 G : UO 21 . 71 8 ]. . 10 0 . 09 �mputed Pea)cs �7 . 12 50 . 00 0 . 9E3 /G� YR 5��r �k ,�v�v oFF .��v 7trE �� �i� oP F�.= �'Tt�ti� qt�+�'S rsq.gc� � �I � . . I � ; I � I � I � � . � � � t .. : , � P��ge 7_ � � I I 7-1/2"x 1/4" Height-of-Cover Limifs for Corrugated Sfeel Pipe H 20, H 25 Load and E 80 Live Loads Maximum Cover,Feet Minimum ------- -��---�--- Diameter, Cover, _ Specified Thickness,Inches Inches I�ches 0.052 0.064 6 12 I 386 486 -- 8 I 12 291 365 10 � 12 233 292 2-2/3"x 1/2" F{eigh�-of-Cover Limits for Corrugated Steel Pipe H 20 and H 25 Live Loads H 20 and H 25 Live Loads, Pipe-Arch DiameterMinimum Maximum Cover,Feet Size Minimum Maximvm or Span, Cover, Specified Thickness,Inches Round Structural Minimum �over,feet_ Inches Inches 0.052 0.064 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168 Equivalent, Span x Rise, Thickness, Cover, 2 Tons/Ft.�Corner 12 12 198 248 310 Inches Inches Inches Inches Bearing Pressure 15 158 199 248 15 � 17 x 13 0.064 12 16 18 132 166 207 18 ! 21 x 15 0.064 15 21 1 13 142 178 249 21 24 x 16 0.064 24 99 12�' 155 218 i 24 28 x 20 0.064 30 79 99 1 124 174 30 3�x24 O.Od4 36 66 83 I 103 145 186 36 42 x 29 O.C64 42 56 71 88 124 160 195 42 49 x 33 0.06�' 48 � 62 77 I 109 140 171 46 57x38 0.064' 5d � 66 93 122 150 54 64 x 43 0.079' 60 79 104 128 60 71 x 47 0.109' 66 68 88 109 66 77 x 52 0.109' 72 75 93 72 63 x 57 0.138' 12 15 -' 78 79 -- 84 12 66 ���� -- -- - E 80 Live Loads, Pipe-Arch E 80 Live �OaC�S 51Ze Minimum Maximum Round Struct�ral Minimum �over,Feet _ DiameterMinirtiurt� Maximum Cover,Feet Equivalenf, Span x Rise, Thickness, Cover, 3 Tons/Ft.�Corner or Span, Cover, Specified Thickness,Inches Inches Inches Inches (nches Bearing Press�re Inches Inches 0.052 O.OG4 0.079 0.109 0.138 0.168 15 17 x 13 0.079 2�' 22 12 12 198 248 I 310 r 18 21 x 15 0.079 15 158 199 248 21 24 x 18 0.109 1 P '. 132 166 207 24 28 x 20 0.109 2I 113 142 178 249 30 35x2� 0.138 � 2:1 99 124 155 21 B 35 42 x 29 0.138 i�� 30 79 99 124 174 42 49x33 0.138' I 36 66 83 103 145 186 48 57x38 0.138' � 4? 56 71 88 124 160 195 54 64x43 0.13�' 48 12 52 77 109 140 171 60 71x47 0.136' 24 22 54 i 18 66 93 122 150 ' These va�ues ore based on the AI51 Flexibility Faclor limit�0.0433 x 1.5� 60 79 104 126 for pipe-arch. D�e to voriotions in orching equipmen', tF�ick=_r cauces 66 6� 8B ��� ��y he reqcired Io prevent triT:p'cg of t�e heurc��s. 72 18 � � 75 93 78 24 79 --gn --��---•--- -- �— �f Heights-of-cover notes 1.These lables ore(or lock-seam or welded-seam conslrudion.They are nor b.7ne H 20 cnc Fi 25 p pe-o�;i,I��'es are basec on 2 lons per square f_�c' for rive�ed consl;uclion.Consull your CONTECH Sales Engineer for comer bearing pressures. heiyhf-o(-cover tables on riveled pipe. 7.The E 80 pipe-arch tables minim�m and moximum covers are 6ased or. 2.These values,wh=re opplicoble,were colculated using K=0.86 as ihe corner bearin�pressures shown.These volues may increose or adopleJ in Ine AISI Hand'000k,FiAii Edilion, 1994. decrense with chonges in a'Ie�vcble co:rer becrng pressures. 3.The haunch oreos of a pipe-arch are the mosl critical zone for 6.0.052"is 18 gau�e. bock(illing. Extra care should be token to provide good material ond 0.064" is 16 gauge. -��� compacfion to o point obove tne spring line. 0.079"is 14 gnuge. � 4 E EO minirnum cover is measured(rom top of pipe lo boltom of tie. 0.109" is 12 gauge j 5. H 20 and H 25 minimum cover is measured(rom top of pipe lo bottom 0.136"is 10 gauge I of f'exib!�p�veci�nt or lop o(rigid paverne�l 0.168"is 8 gccge. I 9. �cr a ns!r.c'ion 1�-»ds, __Pc��_�. , COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPANY I ICMi��`� c>�c4��Er.rC CQN'tYLol T�w1t� S2�c N� ���N�I X D KC�+tQl� �O�M Ea�'n TRq.-p AQEr4 �'bN fR t bU t��' l 5 � �ftc 2€S D�e��� ��� �nw d? b. 30ZcF5 ��SER-vA�-ld'� S/g = F S �G?2 /vs� � 5� �. ����..E r�� �wl�• Kcas`' FS = 2 f�d^'` �Z =�'�o � a. .�z��5.�� �5 = G . �oo�� '�'f�S�'�, �H = 2. 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Any development that �curs '-2��� � - . �.����` �� cpm^_nt proposzl site. VJhere tlifferences aajacent to these areas should be preceded ���� ���..�q, -_ �xcur b�tween what is itlustrated on these �y a thorough study to contirm or deny the - - ='� n a�s and `he si'�conditions,t?ie actual pre- existence of additional subsuriace tunnets. 5 '' sen�c or absence on the si!e c!tl�e se��sitive � - rea - as defined in ihe Sensitive qrea '�'.._ ��-� O�dinance-Is the!egai controL 'sz.-�_�. -� � �-��- -- .�. __ . _.. .. _.-... ... ._._..-.. - ._..�,_.--�� .-..--..rs n.�.......,.. F.-....�. --- - - �1I� - '-- . ' . .. _ . - - .. ;��.a.:y+'C. �bsrts3�-�r.7�l�t:.... e:i.; , . - ..._.. 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C% Project: Designed By: Date _ � Project No: Ciient: Checked By: Sheet____ of ___ 217 P�NE STREET• SUITE 300• SEATTLE,WA 98101 • P:206!343-0460• F:206/343-5691 COUGHLINPORTERWNDEEN I Level Pool P.outing ' 217 PINE STREET • SUITE 300 SEATTLE,lti`A 98101 � P:20E.�343-0460 � F:20o`343-5891 APPENDIX B - (Minor Flood Plain Analy_sis)________ , � � I COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN Renton Highlands Professional Plaza ■ 21 COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURALAND CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 100� Pr-r�•► �3•SZ�s 5�� � � �-. 9 � m � Q M W K �, � �, h W 2,4 c.,��Eer �, � � � W � � L � � � � L � � � � �------_ �_______ �--� � `;e Pt o�� �.oz � � � Sroe��E ���cJ � u �� � C�FFS�tE R�svn.�ED � C��S�TE n�E�s�eF-� `' 47�2 f1�3v�c-c`� �C2 ���J E� � � J �.�S. :J Project: Designed By: Date _ , Project No: Client: Checked By: Sheet of _ _ 217 PINE STREET• SUITE 300• SEATTLE,WA 98101 • P:206l343-0460• F:206/343-5691 COUG HLINPORTERLUNDEEN Level Pool Routing ■ 217 PINE STFZFET SU;TF 3QU SFP.1-1 LE,VJA 98�0 i P:?_OF,/343-0=l6:� F:'l_06%343-5591 Outflow.pks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File :outflow.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- - ----Flow Frequency Analysis----- - Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 23 . 68 6 2/09/Ol 4 : 00 38 . 02 5 . 88� 1 100 _ 00 0 . 99 � 18 . 66 8 1/05/02 17 : 00 25 . 63 3 . 13 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 0 25 . 63 2 2/27/03 9 : 00 25 . 29 3 . 07 3 10 . 00 0 _ 90 0 19 . 30 7 8/26/04 3 : 00 24 . 99 3 . 01 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 0 24 . 27 5 10/28/04 18 : 00 24 .27 2 . 90 5 3 . 00 0 . 66 7 ' 25 . 29 3 1/18/06 17 : 00 23 . 68 2 . 81 6 2 . 00 0 . 50 �I 0 24 . 99 4 10/26/06 1 : 00 19 . 30 2 . 15 7 1 . 30 0 . 23 1 38 . 02 1 1/09/08 10 : 00 1f3 . 66 2 . 05 8 1 . 10 0 . 09 1 Computed Peaks 33 . 89 4 . 85 50 . 00 0 . 98 0 ��t/EG fooG f��TJiv�j �I��A-e-�G �,,n ,�C�'Tj� C�4Lcuc.�76n3 � t�EA� F1.�✓�,-�ot�l 5.�'8 3ffi.9�I +5.gg` � ��`-.�7 �/f d K �on�o�N S� ELGr��4i7o� av•Zc�J�' �GY�Yr= STaen�c �s��i Page 1 � Channel . rsl One Outlet Reservoir Routing File Stage Discharge Storage Perm-Area (Ft) (CFS} (Cu-Ft) (Sq-Ft) 0 . 00 0 . 000 0 . 0 . 1 . 00 4 . 295 6142 . 0 . 2 . 00 18 . 335 31914 . 0 . 3 . 00 24 . 945 57687 . 0 . 4 . 00 30 . 139 119730 . 0 . 5 . 00 34 . 562 181774 . 0 . 6 . 00 38 .497 288924 . 0 . 7 . 00 42 . 033 396074 . 0 . 8 . 00 45 . 308 541774 . 0 . 9 . 00 48 . 363 687474 . 0 . 10 . 00 51 . 236 861724 . 0 . 11 . 00 53 . 955 1035974 . 0 . 12 . 00 56 . 545 4129361 . 0 . 0 . 00 Ft : Base Reservoir Elevation 0 . 0 Minutes/Inch: Average Perm-Rate S1�'`tE S�e.P-�,E �a..vti.l �C�,� Page 1 � COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Stage Storgage Pond Calculations ■ 217 PINE STRFFT SUIT� 3:�0 SEATTLE,V�F� u8101 P:206'343-0460 F:2��6%:i43-5591 � Renton'Highlands Professional Plaza . . , Basin Sta e Stora e areas� '. , .� A;:., .: . Total Offsite Area Onsite Measured in Cad Total Basin Elevation Area`* Elevation Area Elevation Area SF SF SF 389 200 389 0 389 200 390 11970 390 113 390 12,083 392 33622 392 5840 392 39,462 394 58725 394 25900 394 84,625 396 64575 396 65100 396 129,675 398 75825 398 85900 398 161,725 400 88875 400 97900 400 186,775 '`*See attached calculations f �,h U'S�D '� 5�'� � ��� 5�r��� ����� w w,�o��5 4/9/02 10 : 53 : 28 am Coughlin, Porter, Lundeen Inc . page 1 Renton Highlands Flood Analysis STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE INLET CONTROL CULVERT ID No . 24outlet 24",� Lu`U�r Description: 24 inch outlet pipe Co,�ti,�.�►�4 � Diameter (ft) : 2 . 00 Entrance type : 4 ����� f��►��� Length (ft) . 17 . 00 Invert Elev : 388 . 99 � Slope (ft/ft) : 0 . 0097 No. of Clvrts : 1 $�+-� a�. m� �t3�,��- Mannings n : 0 . 0240 Max Ponding e1 :404 . 00 i����oa �o Stg-Dis Increment : 0 . 10 �+�1 u S� 1'U C�Q<Z��`, D�-,`�,,�,� STAGE <-DISCHAF?^vE---> STAGE <--DISCHARG:---> STAGE <--DISCHARGa---> STAG3 <--DISCiiA3Gn---> (Et) --cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- __________________________________________________--_______________--------------- I - �- 386.99 0.0000 392.70 28.6B0 396.50 43.701 400.30 54.745 i ��369.00 0.0067 _ 392.80 29.175 396.60 44.027 4G0.40 55.006 I 389.10 0.0741 392.90 29.E61 396.70 44.351 400.50 55.265 389.20 0.1415 �393.00 30.139 396.80 44.672 5D0.60 55.524 389.30 0.5599 393.10 30.610 396.90 54.992 90G.70 55.781 389.40 1.0015 393.2D 31.074 Q 397.00 45.3D8 4D0.80 56.036 389.50 1.4687 393.30 31.531 397.10 95.623 400.90 56.291 389.60 1.9644 393.40 31.9E2 397.20 45.935 �401.00 56.555 389.70 2.4919 393.50 32.426 397.30 46.246 401.10 56.757 369.80 3.0532 393.60 32.864 397.40 46.554 401.20 57.099 389.90 3.6533 393.70 33.297 397.50 46.860 401.30 57.299 �(:390.00 4.2950 393.00 33.724 397.60 47.165 401.40 57.555 390.10 4.9817 393.90 34.145 397.70 47.467 401.50 57.790 390.20 5.7158 �394.00 34.562 397.60 47.768 401.60 58.0�3 390.30 6.4983 394.10 34.973 397.90 43.Oo6 401.70 58.289 390.40 7.3277 394.20 35.390 � 39d.00 48.363 401.80 58.5�4 390.50 8.1994 394.30 35.7Q2 398.10 48.658 901.90 58.775 390.60 9.1053 394.40 30.179 399.20 48.951 402.00 59.021 390.70 10.034 394.50 30.573 398.30 49.242 402.10 59.202 390.80 10.972 394.60 36.962 395.40 49.532 402.20 59.503 390.90 11.907 399.70 37.347 398.50 49.820 402.30 59.753 (;?� 391.00 18.335 394.80 37.728 398.60 50.106 402.90 59.5?2 391.10 19.099 394.90 36.105 398.70 50.391 402.50 60.22.� 391.20 19.634 C395.00 36.479 398.60 50.674 402.60 60.45% 391.30 20.542 395.10 38.949 358.90 50.955 402.70 60.E9-; 391.40 21.227 395.20 39.215 �,�C� 399.00 51.235 4C2.80 60.9<5 391.50 21.891 395.30 39.578 399.10 51.514 502.90 61.=G_ 391.60 22.535 395.40 39.938 399.20 51.791 403.00 61.39; 391.70 23.161 395.50 40.295 399.30 52.066 9D3.10 61.629 391.8D 23.771 395.60 40.649 399.40 52.340 9D3.20 61.86'_ 391.9D 24.365 395.70 50.599 399.50 52.613 4D3.30 6?..G�2 � 392.00 24.945 395.80 41.346 399.60 52.684 503.40 62.32� 392.10 25.512 395.90 41.691 399.7G 53.154 403.SD 62.551 392.20 26.067 O�96.OQ 42.033 399.60 53.423 403.60 62.775 392.30 26.610 396.10 42.371 399.90 53.690 403.70 63.GC<_ 392.40 27.143 390.20 42.708 C�_400.00 53.955 403.B0 63.233 392.50 27.665 396.30 43.041 400.10 54.220 403.90 63.459 39?.6C 28.177 3yc"�.40 -_�.3?� :^p.2G Si."c3 4G7.0� __,.6E� ■ 4/9/02 1 :20 :28 pm Coughlin, Porter, Lundeen Inc . page 1 Renton Highlands Flood Analysis STAGE STORAGE TABLE S�E S��A4� o� C�FFs�r� � S�TE , Cf�ct���o CUSTOM STORAGE ID No. Site us�� w�o�� ��� Description: Onsite-offsite stage storage b� �.�����sr+�.��- STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORRGE----> STAGa <----STORy.GE----> (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) --cE--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-FL- (�369.00 0.0000 0.0000 392.10 63891 1.4667 395.20 310354 7.1247 398.30 739749 16.982 389.10 614.15 0.0141 392.20 70095 1.6092 395.30 321069 7.3707 398.40 757174 17.362 389.20 1228 0.0282 392.30 76300 1.7510 395.40 331784 7.6167 398.50 774599 17.782 389.30 1842 0.0423 392.40 82504 1.8940 395.50 342499 7.6627 398.60 792024 18.182 389.40 2457 0.0564 392.50 88708 2.0365 395.60 353214 6.1087 398.70 809449 18.582 389.50 3071 0.0705 392.60 94913 2.1789 395.70 363929 8.3546 398.80 626874 18.982 389_60 3665 0.0846 392.70 101117 2.3213 395.60 374654 8.6006 398.90 844299 19.382 389.70 4299 0.0987 392.80 107321 2.9638 395.90 385359 9.8466 �399.00 661724 19.782 389.80 4913 0.1128 (�392.90 113526 2.6062 �395.00 396074 9.0926 399.10 679149 20.182 389.90 5527 0.1269 f�Ij93.00 119730 2.7486 396.10 410544 9.4271 399.20 690574 20.582 u+ 390.00 6142 0.1410 393.10 125934 2.8911 396.20 425214 9.7616 399.30 913999 20.9E3 390.10 6719 0.2002 393.20 132139 3.0335 396.30 439764 10.090 399.40 931424 21.383 I 390.20 11290 0.2593 393.30 138343 3.1759 396.40 959354 10.431 399.50 948949 21.783 390.30 13873 0.3195 393.40 149547 3.3184 396.50 466925 10.765 399.60 966274 22.183 390.40 16451 0.377� 393.50 150752 3.4608 396.60 483494 11.099 399.70 983699 22.533 390.50 19D26 0.4368 393.60 156955 3.6032 396.70 498064 11.434 399.80 1001124 22.983 390.60 21605 0.4960 393.70 16316D 3.7456 396.80 512634 11.768 399.90 1016549 23.363 390.70 24162 0.5551 393.80 169365 3.6681`` 39G.90 527204 12.103 C%400.00 1035974 23.763 7 - - 390.8D 26760 0.6143 393.90 175569 9.0305��397.00 541774 12.437 400.10 1345312 30.834 � 390.90 29337 0.6735 '-394.00 181774 4.1729 397.10 556344 12.772 400.20 1654651 37.966 �j?�391.00 31914 0.7326 394.10 192489 4.4189 397.20 570914 13.106 400.30 1953990 45.087 391.10 34491 0.7918 394.20 203204 4.6649 397.30 505484 13.441 400.40 2273329 52.188 391.20 37009 0.8510 394.30 213919 4.9109 397.50 600054 13.775 400.50 2562667 59.29G 391.30 39646 0_9101 394.40 224634 5.1569 397.50 614624 14.110 400.60 2B92006 66.391 391.40 42223 0.9693 394_50 235349 5.4029 397.6� 629194 14.444 400.70 3201345 73.493 391.50 44800 1.0285 394.60 246064 5.6488 397.70 643764 14.779 400.80 3510685 80.59= 391.60 47376 1.0876 394.70 256779 5.8948 397.60 658334 15.113 500.90 3620022 87.69c �jf', 391.70 49955 1.1468 394.80 267495 6.1408 (� 397.90 672904 15.448 'i.iSG1.00 4129361 99.797 391.80 52532 1.2060 394.90 278209 6.3868 l„��398.00 667474 15.722 ;�391.90 55109 1.2651 �?395.00 288924 6.6328 398.10 704899 16.1�c2 -''3i2.C'S 57687 1.32•13 395.10 295c`�9 �.E?RR i9?.20 7i232y 10.53: , COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPORATION AssuN�.�p�����s o ��rGFT t�i%T a� �( PjYr- L' tj�rr_m�2ra,i f���7 � ��•� �S�v�c.T 51-�T �'.� �Jrr,(So,, ���`c,� �t'ht�i�✓�_,��� � �� � �t��Rrro.✓ �Sr, �'r/ CQ�l� .C��I��NY� C6Nd�L�S�ca+� � /1�E�cl Ik"�'Z/.r�r .� '�" �,'?�7' �-r- r� - � -4/ t �.�8 �, _ ��,99 �,E � Tr{c: r��a���r'!_�ni�:. �D. �d ��v nlEu� .��'-7�n�f d�S,�NG� .8��.���� ��u����r A����� � ���:�. 1�.�� 4�� GF � � �G ' ��l �_ /� �c•-�..d��fU� _ -r = 0.00'.� �b , G,��a 13n��� {°''� f�i�-hluc� a� °� = 3��f . • J O I t�C) — 3p�r�L 2 fi o v _ ��t>t,�1 .� . 3rov _ �gg , E� u `� fUO � jSGi Sv � 1��jS0 �- t�JoP Li:3� J'(�, o� .� � c 0 a u, U K C C y Q O C_7 Project: f�E,v.TOfJ N�,;�,��F�.IL.� _ Designed By:�,'QG Date _ _ ■ Project No: Client: Checked By: Sheet of_______ 217 PINE STREET• SUITE 300 •SEATTLE,WA 98101 • P:206!343-0460 • F:206!343-5691 COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEtV A CONSULTING STRUCTURALAND CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPORATION �pti �� e '7�C,�� �}" I �a-' ''"T'�f3v'�`.2��a N (`� � �V E �:��_. 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Desi ned B : Date , Pr�ct Na _ _ _ _Client: _ Checked gy: She�t �of � _ 217 PINE STREET • SUITE 30p • S�ATfLE,WA 98IU I • P:?Oo?3�?3-0460 • F 206!343-5591 COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Upstream 100yr runoff calculation Back up , 217 PINF STREET� SUITE 300 • SEATTLE,WA 98101 • P:206/'343-04b0 r:20B!�-^.3-559 i �'`�::�5''"'y - " ..^.,,.--• =i'� II - _:, Flood. exc II , � KCRTS Program. . .File Uirectory: C : \KC S4�7DP�1\KC DATA\ (C] CREATE a ne��; Time Series I Jr 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Forest 36 . 84 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Till Pasture 31 . 61 0 . 00 0 _ 000000 Til]. Grass 0 . 00 0 . 00 O . U00000 Outurash Forest 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Outwash Pasture 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Out�eash Grass G . 00 0 . 00 0 . 000000 j�letland 90 . 34 0 . 00 0 . 000000 Impervious flood. tsf T 1 . 00000 T [T) Enter the Analysis TOOLS P�Iodule [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies flood. tsf flood.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu Pac�c� 1 , �':�;� .��;;;�:_;; :��a. ,� � �:, .,;� F1ood.pks :�;� Flo��� Frequency Analysis " Time Series File : flood. tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac - - -Annual Pea}: Flo��� P.ates--- - - -Flo,�� Frequency Analysis- - - - - - Flow RaLe Ran}c Tim� of Peak - - Peaks - - Ran�: Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 26 . 73 6 2/09/Ol 2 : 00 53 . 82 1 100 . 00 0 . 99 0 21 . 71 8 1/05/02 16 : 00 33 . 73 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 0 31 . 85 3 ?_/27/03 7 : 00 31 . 85 3 10 . 00 0 . 90 0 23 . 27 7 8/26/04 2 : 00 28 . 53 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 0 27 . 93 5 10/28/04 16 : 00 27 . 93 5 3 . 00 0 . 66 7 28 . 53 4 1/18/06 16 : 00 26 . 73 6 ?. . 00 0 . 50 0 33 . 73 2 10/26/U6 0 : 00 23 . 27 7 1 . 30 0 . 2.3 1 53 . 82 1 1/09/OII 6 : 00 21 . 71 8 1. . 10 0 . 09 1 Computed Peaks �7 . 12 50 . 00 0 . 98 0 /!� f� � �Eak ,�vtioF� �,�t� �+E 5rF €� o�F a�= ��`� Ae�S ra4.3� Pa_ye 1 , ; Renf���E��gh"i n'dr_ cofesional�P1�'`i � � � ,r�'� ;s'�. �� . - _� Area Cb�era e Break.Dowrr �-�;. .�.� � �:'�-'� �.���� ���:��s ,:-.~''""'' ,.,._� . '��-:-� All areas have been measured by hand using an electronic planimeter. Zoneing Location A-P 25,420 CS B-P 38,440 CS C-P 148,802 R14 D-P 52,700 RM1 E-P 139,501 R14 F-P 366,423 R8 G-P 46,500 R4 H-P 35,340 R8 I-P 246,143 R8 J-P 91,761 R8 K-P 36,581 R4 L-P 40,300 R4 M-P 383,164 R4 100% Imp 118,421 R4 Church Parking Lot Net Area by Zoning %IMP %PER CS 65.00% 35.00% R14 90.00% 10.00% Assumed RM1 75.00% 25.00% R8 75.00% 25.00% R4 55.00% 45.00% Areas in SF Total Pasture 100%Imp Net Imp Per CS 436,481 63,860 372,621 242,204 130,417 R14 1,450,748 288,303 1,162,445 1,046,201 116,245 RM 1 554,433 52,700 501,733 376,300 125,433 R8 2,817,671 739,667 2,078,004 1,558,503 519,501 R4 1,657,313 460,045 118,421 1,078,847 593,366 485,481 Total SF 6,916,646 1,604,575 118421 5,193,650 3,816,573 1,377,077 Total Acre 158.78 36.84 2.72 119.23 87.62 31.61 � _ � I , �, �.. ,. ,�.�.... ZONING 21A.12.030 A. Densities and dimensions- residential zones. REStDENTIAL - Z RURAL URBAM URBAN O N RE- - RESIDENTIAL E SERVE � S STANDARDS RA•2.3 RAS RA-10 RA-20 UR R-t R-4 R-0 R-0 R-12 R-1B R•24 R�8 �») Base Density: 0.2� 0.2 D.1 0.05 0.2 1 4 8 E 12 18 24 48 Dwelling dulac dulac dWac dulac du/ac du/ec dulec du/x dWac dul�c du/ac dulac du/ac UnIUAcre � (2�) (61 `15, Maalmum Densiry: 0.4 0.4 6 9 •, 12 18 27 38 72 Dwelling UnIUAcro dufac du/ac dulac dWac dulrc dulac dulac du/ac du/ac I�) (20� (20) �Zz� Mlnimum Denslty: BSy. 85X BSX BOX 75X 70X 65X (2) (�z) (72) (�z) l�e) (�e) (�s) (te) (�8) ��8) (�8) �2J) Mln)mum Lot Area 1.875 3.TS ac 7.5 ac 'IS ac (13j ac Mlnlmum tot 1��ft 135 tt �35 ft 135 tt 35 ft 35 fl JO R 30 tt 30 ft 30 ft 30tt JO R 30 R Width (7) (7) . (3) Mlnlmum SVeet 3D tt 30 tt � 301t 30 h JO R 20 tt �0 ft 1D ft �o rc to n 10 Tt 1Qtt i0 tt Setback �9) (9} �9) {9) (�) (T) I8� ;�8) �g) (e) (8) (8) �8) (3) , Minimum Interlor 5 tt 10tt 10 ft 'JO tt 5 R 5 tt 5 R 5 tt S tt 5 ft 5 R 5 tt 5 ft Setback (9) (9) .I9) (9) (/) (7) (10) (10) (10) (10) (3)(16) Base Helght 40 tt - 40 tt 40 tt 40 tt 35 tt 35 R 35 ri 35 h . 35 ft 80 R 60 ft 60 tt BO R {4) 45 ft 45 tt 80 tt 80 tt 80 ft (14) (14) (14) (14) (14) Maximum 25% 20% 15Y. 12.5% 30': 30% 55% 70�L 75X BSX 85X 85X 90% Impervious (�i� ���� ���� ���� �i�� ���� SuAace: (�9j (19) (19) �19) Percentaga(5) B. Development conditions. 1. This maximum density may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.34 or transfers of density credits in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.36 or 21A.55, or any combination of density incentive or density transfer. Maximum density may only be exceeded in accordance with K.C.C. 21A.34.040F.1.g. 2. Also see K.C.C. 21A.12.060. 3. These standards may be modified under the provisions f�r zero-lot-l+ne and townhouse developments. : (King County 3-2001) 21A-104 � ?n t k'� 'MY� 1G� k�i$a,� �'�,"' � 1;�� � � � .s J�, i�G i 5 � � � �, �;`.���� +..__,.o r �; .iw_,. ��_� � ; . .�.l :� � �...� '�'�. . r � . . +,��y"��.' d l . . `•y ♦.�\�`t�h:w � .� w��r��l ,�`. .��'•,, . ,' ,f�„�J. �"a:i�T.��riti',�1�� r� �`,.�. f ;r �1.� ,� I. .��. !'�— �; • + ,.. � +�� • '`: i , ��+a? �'ft1t t;�'+ ��f i •.wt �.:s �:� Ce � r' ;���;��r • f,' ..�� , y.. .�"ssi f��r .i'.•��"��.y;r'.. ��,..'.'�:��• s•�t {;� � �. ,i �.M�1 . •y' '��ti+��'+� � �•y� '� ,���, ��� . yrr�' `�,�i'..+�,�. �.���S9�r. :I ��� ���'��f ,�t ���i•..Y- . �('•'.�A� e 'r hQ�,��: A•r�,�•. � �� �s•�'7� �;� �• Z,r`�F�,4�t �,t�. • . .J �:"►/„� ,t,'�"Y.1�� � ,f:a, ; ,��..y��.�i j:.�+d ' �� � .,"jE'�'.4�y;it+:':it.;:� ;•-•. 7 ,. . 4 :�s ;. .:.s+,�.;e=;:. r� �y tii � ..,,�..;,: �. r.... •���4 � t( � ::�� _ e. �r...`r� ..'�� � :w.��� �J •'.� ���� � ��Y'r 7: } .�;!, �. q.E#: ;y�.. •�,_.��.. :.",:;',.�. 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'':ti'�t'`' �ry`11;' �'�'. y�:�..:.sw . :i:.,• ����•�•^•'y ''i�7'�?'�• ���'�'�• �, ���;• � ! �ji• :. ��yy�'•' .� '•: 1 � �`-' �':►♦� � ��; 1 A� !'�, �:..:.'. � �/1 �1���„ �� �I��� .:l ti��N 1��'�M ' • .� • 1.\,j•V. � IR� '�'L .�� �� �8 y '�!� O�s�� �E•'.��•;�I ..�'��'•` . �i i�x '� y�1,; �.. � • � 1 ? � . . .� ��.. � + ,� �5�� 1��,' �r ��.• . \ ���..��>.`�d���fp• o •.�(.� .:::��� �. %k1r. �,(ci � �'�. . � �� � . � ,''a'1��'>�µj������•����r•r'�, _ � .�' � ,� " �;�;w►.- `�.�' :�,�qy�:��' :; �'� r. .. � .. .'� ;;, ?;.t�,•. i• �', . .;� ,�;,;, . ��y '�' C�UGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEI� A CONSULTING STRUCTURALAND CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPORATION � � u Z� �� � � S< � cG � _ C � �� ^� �� —J z � � . � ' /Z2 L F .A -�"� 1� � � � N $ � C�" c � �> . " &1V Y � � � � � � � .. C � ._ '� N U � � �� � Z ,} `� � �rn b - �S' � v � � � � L' � � O �N� � ' �j ��')� s � �'�IE�To�.l � . Js � Project: J��,.,tTa•.l Ni�rrt,4r-�os 1�0��y SflL�►-� S►�T�e-� Designed By: Date __.__ _ , Project No: Client: Checked By: Sheet of 217 PINE STREET• SUITE 300• SEATTLE,VdA 98101 • P:20o�343-0460• F:206/343-5691 Dowr�ts�.�n,. Co,.»��,tc� �Na��s�s BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES Pipe data from file:dwnstrm.bvrp Surcharge condition at intermediate junctions Tailwater Elevation:380. feet Discharge Range:l. to 10. Step of 1. [cfs] Overflow Elevation:400. feet Weir:NONE Upstream Velocity:3 . feet/sec FIPE NO. l : 10 LF - 36"CP Q 3 .00s OUTLET: 380.00 INLET: 380.30 INTYP: 2 �UI::' PdO. � : O',iEPPL0�1-E�: SC0. 00 BE_ID: 90 DEG DIA/„ID^N: -. .0 Q-RATIO: 0. 96 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * P7-FAC D: DN Ti�7 DO DE HWO HWI **�*****************************�********************************************** 1. 00 0.37 380.67 * 0.012 0.31 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.31 ***** 0.37 2 . 00 0.55 380.85 * 0.012 0.44 0.27 0.00 0.27 0.44 ***** 0.55 3 . 00 0.68 380.98 * 0.012 0.54 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.54 ***** 0.68 � . 00 0.80 361.10 * 0.012 0.63 0.37 0.00 0.37 0.63 ***** 0. 80 5 . 00 0.91 381.21 * 0.012 0.71 0.41 0.00 0.41 0.71 ***** 0. 91 6 . 00 1.01 381.31 * 0.012 0 .77 0.45 0.00 0.45 0.77 ***** 1. 01 7 . 00 1.10 381.40 * 0.012 0.84 0 .49 0.00 0.49 0.84 ***** 1.10 II . 00 1.18 381.48 * 0.012 0. 90 0 .52 0.00 0.52 0.90 ***** 1.18 9. 00 1.26 381.56 * 0.012 0. 95 0.55 0.00 0.55 0.95 ***** 1.26 10 . 00 1.34 381.6� * 0.012 1. 01 0.58 0.00 0 .58 1.01 ***** 1.34 PIPE NO. 2 : 74 LF - 30"CP � 1. 073 OUTLET: 379.58 INLET: 380.37 INTYP: 2 JUNC IvO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 500.00 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/47IDTH: 4 .0 Q-RATIO: 0. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* 0.51 0.37 380.74 * 0.012 0.24 0.19 1.09 1.09 0.32 0.37 0.30 1 . 02 0.54 380.91 * 0.012 0.33 0.26 1.27 1.27 0.48 0.54 0.43 ] .53 0.67 381.04 * 0.012 0.41 0 .32 1.40 1.40 0.61 0.67 0.53 "1. . 04 0.79 361.16 * 0.012 0.47 0.36 1.52 1.52 0.72 0.79 0. 62 � . 55 0.91 361.28 * 0.012 0.53 0.41 1.63 1.63 0.83 0.91 0.70 3 . 06 1.00 381.37 * 0.012 0.58 0.44 1.73 1.73 0.92 1.00 0.77 3 . 57 1.10 381.47 * 0.012 0.63 0.48 1.82 1.82 1.01 1.10 0. 83 4 . 08 1.19 381.56 * 0.012 0.67 0 .51 1.90 1.90 1.10 1.19 0. 90 == .59 1.28 381.65 * 0. 012 0.71 0.54 1.96 1.98 1.16 1.28 0.96 5 . 10 1 .36 3B1 .73 * 0.012 0.75 0.57 2.06 2.06 1.25 1.36 1. 01 P1I�:' Id��. . . �28 �,F - 3G"CP @ -0.30a OUTLET: 380.76 INLET: 380.37 INTYP: 2 ��Ci`dC NO. 3 : OVERFLO�d-EL: 500.00 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.0 Q-RATIO: 0.00 � (CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TFJ DO DE HWO HWI �t Y l:�t*�k*Y�'*1k*ic*'k*i�-:F*****:F**�k****�F**ir*ir*********'k**tk'*****�[*****tk**�l'****ic*ic**aFtk**** �;. . 51 0.93 381.30 * 0.012 0.24 0. 00 0.00 0.24 0.93 0.93 0 .31 s . 02 1.09 3B1.46 * 0.012 0.33 0.00 0.15 0.33 1.08 1 .09 0 .44 1 .53 1.17 381.54 * 0.012 0.41 0.00 0.28 0.41 1.16 1 .17 0 . 55 = . 04 1.26 381.63 * 0.012 0.47 0.00 0.40 0.47 1.24 1.26 0.63 2. . 55 1 .33 381 .70 * 0. 012 0.53 0.00 0.52 0.53 1.31 1 .33 0. 71 � . 06 1 .38 381."7� ' 0. 01� 0 . 5� O . GQ U . 61 O . o'� 1.3�: �. 3� 0 . 78 , 3 .57 1.42 381.79 * 0.012 0 .63 0.00 0.71 0.71 1.38 l.�? 0 . 85 4 .08 1.48 381.85 * 0.012 0 .67 0.00 0.80 0.80 1.43 1.48 0 . 91 4 .59 1.55 381.92 * 0.012 0.71 0. 00 0.89 0. 89 1.49 1.55 0 . 97 5 . 10 1 . 62 381 . 99 * 0. 012 C . 75 O . CO 0 .97 0 . 97 1 . 5� '� . 62 � . 03 PIPE NO. 4 : 291 LF - 30"CP � 0.21% OJT��T: 380 .93 INLET: 38i .�3 IPITYP: 2 JUNC NO. 4 : OVERFLOW-EL: 500.00 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4 .0 Q-RATIO: 0. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TVI DO DE HWO HWI **********************************x******************************************** 0.51 0.35 381.88 * 0.012 0.24 0 .28 0.37 0 .37 0.28 0.35 0.31 1.02 0.49 382 .02 * 0.012 0.33 0.39 0.53 0.53 0 .39 0.49 0.44 1.53 0.60 382 .13 * 0.012 0.41 0.47 0.61 0.61 0.47 0 .60 0.54 2 .04 0.70 382 .23 * 0.012 0.47 0.54 0.70 0.70 0.54 0.70 0.63 2 .55 0.79 362 .32 * 0.012 0.53 0.61 0.77 0.77 0.61 0.79 0.71 3 .06 0.87 382 .40 * 0.012 0.58 0.66 0.82 0.82 0.66 0. 87 0.76 3 .57 0. 94 382.47 * 0.012 0.63 0 .72 0.86 0.86 0.72 0. 94 0.84 4 .08 1.01 382.54 * 0.012 0.67 0.77 0.92 0.92 0.77 1.01 0.91 4 .59 1.07 382.60 * 0.012 0.71 0.82 0. 99 0_99 0.82 1.07 0.97 5 .10 1.14 382 .67 * 0.012 0.75 0. 86 1. 06 1. 06 0.86 1. 14 1 .03 PIPE I�'O. 5 : 107 LF - 30"CP G 0. 06% OUTLET: 381.78 INLET: 381 .84 INTYP: 2 JUNC NO. 5 : OVERFLOW-EL: 500.00 BEND: 90 D�G DIA/PIIDTH: 4 .0 Q-RATIO: 0. 00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ****,�************,�*****�***********�*�***************************************** 0 .51 0.41 382 .25 * 0.012 0.24 0.38 0.10 0.24 0.38 0.41 0.31 1.02 0.57 382.41 * 0.012 0.33 0 .53 0.24 0.33 0.53 0 .57 0.44 1.53 0.70 382 .54 * 0.012 0.41 0 .65 0.35 0.41 0.65 0.70 0.54 2 .04 0.81 382 .65 * 0.012 0 .47 0.75 0.45 0 .47 0.74 0. 81 0.63 2 .55 0.88 382.72 * 0.012 0.53 0. 64 0.54 0.54 0.79 0.88 0.71 3 .06 0.94 382 .78 * 0.012 0.58 0.93 0.62 0.62 0 .83 0.94 0.78 3.57 1.01 382 .85 * 0.012 0.63 1.01 0.69 0.69 0.88 1.01 0.85 4 .08 1. 07 382.91 * 0.012 0.67 1.09 0.76 0.76 0.93 1.07 0.91 4 .59 1.14 382 .98 * 0.012 0 .71 1.16 0 .82 0.82 0.98 1.14 0 . 97 5 . 10 1 .20 383 .0� * 0.012 0 .75 1.23 0 .89 O . B9 1. 03 1 .20 1 . 03 PIPE NO. 6 : 28 LF - 30"CP O 0.98% OUTLET: 382 . 14 INLET: 382 .42 INTYP: 2 JUNC NO. 6: OVERFLOW-EL: 500.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4 .0 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HPJ(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN Ti4 DO DE HL90 HWI *�***********�*r*****************************�***************x****************x 0.51 0.30 3B2 .72 * 0.012 0.24 0.19 0.11 0.19 0.24 ***** 0 .3G 1.02 0.43 382 .85 * 0.012 0.33 0.27 0.27 0 .27 0.33 ***** 0.43 1.53 0.53 382 .95 * 0.012 0.41 0.32 0.40 0_40 0.41 ***** 0.53 2 .04 0.61 383 .03 * 0.012 0.47 0.37 0.51 0.51 0.47 ***** 0. 61 2 .55 0.69 383 .11 * 0.012 0.53 0.41 0.58 �.58 0.53 ***** 0.69 3 .06 0.76 383 .18 * 0.012 0.58 0.45 0.64 0.64 0.56 ***** 0.76 3 .57 0.82 383 .24 * 0.012 0.63 0.49 0.71''. 0.71 0.63 ***** 0. 82 4 .08 0.88 383 .30 * 0.012 0.67 0.52 0 .77 0.77 0.67 ***** 0. 88 4 .59 0. 94 383_36 * 0. 012 0.71 0.55 0_84 0. 84 0.71 ***** 0 . 94 5 .10 0 . 99 383 .41 * 0. 012 0 .75 0.58 0 . 90 0.90 0.75 ***** 0 .99 � PIPE NO. 7: 56 LF - 30"CP C� 0.80$ OUTLET: 382 .42 INLET: 382. 87 INTYP: 2 JUNC NO. 7 : OVERFLOW-EL: 500.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4 .0 Q-P.ATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HP7 ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE H'd0 HWI ******************************************************************************* 0.51 0.30 383.17 * 0.012 0 .24 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.24 ***** 0.30 1.02 0.43 383.30 * 0.012 0.33 0 .28 0.43 0.43 0.33 ***** 0.43 1 .53 0.53 383.40 * 0.012 0.41 0.34 0.53 0.53 0 .41 ***** 0.53 2 . 04 0 .62 383.49 * 0.012 0.47 0.39 0.61 0_61 0.47 ***** 0.62 2 .55 0.69 383.56 * 0.012 0.53 0.43 0.69 0.69 0.53 ***** 0.69 3 . 06 0.76 383 .63 * 0.012 0.58 0.47 0.76 0.76 0.58 ***** 0.76 3 .57 0.83 383 .7� * 0.012 U.63 0.51 0.82 0.82 0.63 ***** 0.83 4 . 08 0. 69 383 .76 * 0.012 0.67 0.55 0 .88 0.88 0.67 ***** 0.89 4 .59 0 . 94 383 .81 * 0.012 0.71 0.58 0 .94 0.94 0.71 ***** 0 .94 5 . 10 1 . 00 383 . 87 * 0. 012 0.75 0 . 61 C . 9S 0 . 99 0 .75 *�*** 1 .00 PIPE NO. 8 : 178 LF - 30"CP � 0. 83s OUTLET: 382 .87 INLET: 38Y .35 Ii�TYP: 2 JUNC NO. 8: OVERFLOW-EL: 500.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4 .0 Q-RATIO: 0.00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ***x***�*********************,r************************************************* 0 .51 0.30 384 .65 * 0.012 0.24 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.24 ***** 0.30 1 .02 0.43 384 .78 * 0.012 0.33 0.28 0.43 0.43 0.33 ***** 0.43 1.53 0.53 384 .88 * 0.012 0.41 0.34 0.53 0.53 0.41 ***** 0.53 2 .04 0.62 384 .97 * 0. 012 0.47 0.39 0 .62 0.62 0.47 ***** 0.62 2 .55 0.69 385.04 * 0.012 0.53 0.43 0_69 0.69 0.53 ***** 0.69 3 .06 0.76 385.11 * 0.012 0.58 0.47 0.76 0.76 0.56 ***** 0.76 3 .57 0.83 385_18 * 0.012 0.63 0.51 0.83 0.83 0.63 ***** 0.83 4 .08 0. 89 385.24 * 0.012 0.67 0.54 0.89 0. 89 0.67 ***** 0.89 4 . 59 0. 94 385.29 * 0.012 0.71 0.57 0.94 0. 94 0.71 ***** 0_94 � . 10 1. 00 3E5 .35 * 0. 012 0 .75 0. 60 1 .00 1. 00 0.75 ***x* 1 . 00 PIPE NO. 9 : 60 LF - 30"CP G 1. 03% OJTLEi: �8= . 35 Ii�:LET: 38� . 97 IP7T'iP: 2 Q (CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TF7 DO DE HWO HWI *'k*******�k**lkir******k*'ktFtF******'k*�'�t*#'***#'**tY**�ciclktk**#'****1k*********�k�k*******tk�[�t 0 .51 0.24 385.21 * 0.012 0.24 0.19 0.30 0.30 0.24 ***** 0.19 1 . 02 0.33 385.30 * 0.012 0.33 0.26 0.43 0.43 0.33 ***** 0.29 1 .53 0 .41 385.38 * 0.012 0.41 0.32 0.53 0.53 0.41 ***** 0.39 ?. . 04 0.48 385.45 * 0.012 0.47 0.37 �.62 0.62 0 .47 ***** 0.48 ?. . 55 0.55 385.52 * 0.012 0.53 0.41 0.69 0.69 0.53 ***** 0.55 3 . 06 0.63 385.60 * 0. 012 0.58 0.45 0.76 0.76 0.58 ***** 0.63 3 .57 0.69 385.66 * 0.012 0.63 0.48 0.83 0.83 0.63 ***** 0 .69 _ . 08 0 .75 385.72 * 0.012 0.67 0.51 0 .89 0.89 0.67 ***** 0.75 , .59 0.81 385_78 * 0.012 0.71 0.54 0.94 0.94 0.71 ***** 0. 81 5 . 10 C . II7 385. 84 * Q.O1?. 0 .75 0 .57 1 . 00 1. 00 0.75 ***** 0. 87 '��L�uA�. ►7v�-�r T8 S�O.._...�g'SY�.�nn�-FC-0.,� _ ,� � • . � l�P �a ���- �nJ c.,�� Co n->;�t�c-�-�. , fl�,4-ex„n�.,� Q,�,,�oF� kc2r5 winsorhourpeaks .pks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File :winsorhour. tsf Project Location: Sea-Tac - --Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis--- - -- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - - Peaks - - Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 2. _ 11 6 2/09/O1 2 : 00 4 . 27 1 100 . 00 0 . 99 0 1 . 73 8 1/05/02 16 : 00 2 . 74 2 25 . 00 0 . 96 Q 2 . 54 3 2/27/03 7 : 00 2 . 54 3 10 . 00 0 . 90 0 1 . 89 7 8/26/04 2 : 00 2 . 27 4 5 . 00 0 . 80 0 2 . 27 4 10/28/04 16 : 00 2 .25 5 3 . 00 0 . 66 7 2 . 25 5 1/18/06 16 : 00 2 . 11 6 2 . 00 0 . 50 0 2 . 74 2 10/26/06 0 : 00 1 . 89 7 1 . 30 0 . 23 1 4 . 27 1 1/09/08 6 : 00 1 . 73 8 1 . 10 0 . 09 1 Computed Peaks 3 . 76 50 . 00 0 . 98 0 gq�p vPo►-� ��, Zp ({uGE�, 7 Zg Intir-�E�c.ViovS .3.�Z i"�eJ�ous P ci0� i , �� �i51����` �.��,,������� MAR � 5 2002 �Q ��� �.� ar- TEC'��NICAL INFORMATI�N REPORT Cough��� p�rlE�Lunde en, lnc, for � . Sa-��.���..� c'�o �.J o. ��� located at tJ,�. ,� . ��;o�. A��., �l. � . � �1,� , �`�`^ ST. . �2���, uJ e�s�.� ,�� -��-. ' fox �j o�-� vJ o.� �s�.co r Por d`�� bv BUSH,ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 MINOR AVEI�UE EAST SEATTLE,WASHTNGTON (206) 323-4144 s�F �r�-� �+� B� JoB rro. �� l'18. 01 Fo¢_ �oo Y►'L MA�x o�1�,0� 38��FS DATE ��'�"'. l��7j � 5�=., 5(-�-�� � I� - 4 x�s ����I�/�� � /oo Ye rr��,c o�, r--�� �� p� I' /�ot- 5u eE w tkCr+ 1 S CO2�� r u�Y �LQ 1g1�� ur�ECO . . �S F .L f�2SEe � �.�-5�=-�-5 � � I �� Pf r-R��,oNNiNG ' �-- ��� �,� ��� �� - r � Q � 26876 �W � ��IB'f`E4� 4' �NAL� �j/Z�1 g 3 , i"'""r`p(P!R ES 12/1/ 9 3 , II ri I, i r � �s� . . N�-.- - r . __...� �:�;� --�� .ic,r ';°° �,. t *, ,� ,� I a--. . `� . �i a ' '_.t. . � __ a : . +mvw' ` v� � , �SL . . .� i �� ��'zL� i a..:• �. KIRK 0 • ' AV H� z � m ��� � E v� �7 � 'l ` � �;> N.��{� � ��IYHMCX�O AV � ` x � MF�E AVj'� r.$ � i.l3�I Np'Il�E , �:i..AY:,. 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' � . _ . 1 „ � ,. � � ��_.i: � I .-. :..,.. .... < ; ; ; ,. —�=r x � � r� I � � � II � .�.. ■.wr `. - i ox-SIZ`E STORH WATSR �NIlLYSIS There are two sources for storta water discharge from the site. The first is from the Windsor Place Apartments and the second from onsite storm water run-off . The storm water discharge from the Windsor Place Apartments currently flow onto the site through a 30 inch diameter culvert and then is conveyed across the site within a ditch. The ditch bottom is approximately 5 foot wide. A gravel driveway crosses the ditch within the Safeway site. At this location two culverts, a 12 and 10 inch CMP, convey the , stor� water beneath the driveway. From this point the storm water is conveyed in a southc��esterly direction across the site until it is collected by a 48 inch culvert located just west of `� the Water District 90 pump house. This culvert conveys the storm �t' water run-off from the Windsor Place Apartments and the subject �-; � site to the downstrear� system. � �i' The open drainage ditch across the Safeway site will be tight �a � lined. This concept was discussed with Neil Watts when we first � � stated researching the site. It was Neil's opinion that a tight h line system could be installed. Since no additional storm water f $� will added to the tight line pipe within the Safeway site, the �� � � pipe size will be based on the connection point pipe size. Tight e� line conveyance of the Windsor Apartments will not impact the � � � downstream capacity. Therefore only onsite storm water run-off mitigation will be required. . �Y � The storm water run-off from the developed Safeway site will be ��� conveyed to a storm water detention/wet vault combination. The �, design of the facility is according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual . A water quality vauZt was selected because the site is within the aquifer protection zone. The vault will have better containment potential than an open pond with a 40 mil liner. Storm water will be discharged from the � < «�� � vault at the pre-developed peak rate into a biofiltration swale.� �,��Z The biofiltration swale will convey the storm water to the 48 � inch diameter culvert which discharges into the downstream sys- ten. DC1Wt�STRE�IQ ��L�SI� 'T�" Storm water run-off from the Safeway site and the Windsor Apart- ments will be conveyed beneath Northeast 4th Street within a 48 inch coi�crete culvert. The inlet of tlle culvert is located just west of the Water District 90 pump house . The culvert inlet pro- jects out o£ 6 to 7 foot high ecology block wall . The proposed development would set a �anhole at this location for connection of the Windsor Apartments tight line pipe. A smallex- inlet pipe would be connected to the manhole for the Safeway biofiltra�C�- swale discharge . , z �� On the south side of Northeast 4th Street the 48 inch culvert discharges into an open ditch. The ditch has a 5 foot wide bottom and is approximately 4 to 6 feet deep. Within the banks of the ditch there is a thick growth of grassed and blackberries. The ditch conveys the storm water southward for approximately 100 feet and then turns west. The ditch flows westward for approx- imately 100 feet and then turns southward again. The ditch con- tinues southward until it flows into what appears to be an open detention system for a residential subdivision. The detention facility has a 42 � n�h o_ Ltlet pipe which conveys the storm water beneath Bremerton Place Northeast just north of Northeast lst Place . �� n ���-�=� C'�-���- ,� - v��- � �The proposed development of the Safeway store will not signifi- � � cantly impact the downstream system. Both water quantity and \� quality controls will be constructed at the source. The Safeway �� site represents only a minimal portion of the area tributary to the open ditch. Design standards iriplemented by the City of Renton will adequately protect the existing downstream course. TEKFO�RY �ROSYO}{ CON�ROL Erosion control measures will be implemented during site grading. A temporary sedimentation control pond will be installed in the vicinity of the proposed detention system. The pond will be sized to accomidate the construction of the detention vaults and biofiltration swales . Therefore the storm water volume will be excess of the 100 year volume for a developed site. Interceptor swales with rock check dams will be constructed on the perimeter of the site. The interceptor swales will convey the storm water to the sedimentation control pond. Filter fabric fence will be installed along the western boundary and along Northeast 4th Street from the pump house south. In these location the onsite grades will be approximately the same as the adjacent property. The interceptor swales along the boundary will collect the drainage. Therefore the primary func- tion of the filter fabric fence will be to deter vehicular traf- fic from entering the site . The sedimentation and erosion control measures will be designed in accordance with the BMP's outline in the King County design manual . Installation of the sedimentation and erosion contral �acilities will minimize the amount of silt laden storm water run-off leaving the site . file 93178 .dsa , � K' � COUNTY AREA, WASHINGTO� (P.ENTON QUADRANGLE) io, � 6800� F<<T i22°°��°�3a UAN!7 MI. .. _ � I � ,�� . .. M - .1 - - ^ -;s .... . _ yF! „ • � ' �. ' : T y '�'" .f,-`�. ,:�;'. .: _ =�=�;.':- o �- 1 ' -c' r • .r� �:�•'��:� ' ;' " •r-a • o -.. - I, �-. ':L(� i: { - ',l �. - . `�•^ � + • � .1mC _'.z. ���i• � . 'I .. . 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I �`�i� � � AgD �;�Y` I �r�C.. �_� Py ,_ I h • Pc` v 4kF -- ,` ` . •I: n nN C M A�' d ,nNg I � �� '_ Fy Ma J - - ap • �` �° " I•f �� ., _=- ' � 'f: v. �U ,_ . �. . � 2� `�, , �� ur n 'ut.-_-E� IOL ' P�. •Rh W ��. I�'(� � ii --- �., JJ� 1 Fv � ', PgC ��1� AkF I ;. --- `\ >_ �o J� I� Ur _ �r � ` � ``i I �ain AkF Park� Ne� ��- F'i' 'H \�0.,\ ,I AeC ° � -1 ' rw� 169 ' I '��� \��y� �, F�C I � I ;��_v� �c^�� 1.�` EvC I 1�`�� u I � AEp AhF ',� �;��n >.. M � a . , I _\� , -- d`''3" ' 2 - �-'_= y� �---_ _.--p_ -_ --- --_- - -------- II �� �I � -�` ' - -j- --- -___ �-�-- o . ,, ,, ` �-11 -� ._ -_-"�_._:=�-'---•-- -•-�-- �--- -- _-- _erio--•-.__ eM 27'30" I 4So-`--- 'i 1 1 �� � � n e I '- -•--=_�82-.,_, i _� 1 — r �` I �r'�� I �c ' _ --°--'� I � � i I _;� A�D —�� _ �_ � _� -\—��� - AgC AgD . ��\ ��. � � AkF I^� � • BM� � � \ � � ; � � � a2e i �_ ', . � n � P/PEC/N[ "�� ' � I � qgg�� �mp � F. - -- ---- ��!' — � � 2� , ��', 2�------. .— u� � a9z I � � � -. � .� � _ i -_ - : No •V: �� �i'� ,'l.S k� �I •�Ro�o ti �- � � . __—'� �� •�..�` �-,:a .�i ' '�`,�f���.' \ Ji�y-�=-= . � �V�'AEC "- � .�„� �" . � tt�f .. _ '�'�� �\�•\\ti i . . I � �'� -..�.. � '�_�' ���� � i ♦ �!�� �� '�� � � I KING COUNTY, WASf NGTON, SURFACE WATE � 'DESIGN MANUAL (2) CN values can be area weighted when they appiy to pervious areas of similar CN's {w;thin 20 CN points). However, high CN areas should not be combined with low CN areas {unless the low CN areas are less than 15°� of the subbasin}. In this case, separate hydrographs should be generated and summed to form one hydrograph. FIGURE 3.5.2A HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP OF THE SOILS IN tiING COU?VTY HYDROLOGIC HYDROLOGIC SOIL GRQUP GROUP' SOIL GROUP GROUP' . ;Aiderwood C Orcas Peat D Arents, Alderwood �.lateri�i C Oridia D Arents, Everett ti1aterial B Ovali C Beausi:e C Pilchuck C Bellingham D Puget D Briscot D Puyallup B ' Buckley D Ragnar B Coastal Beaches Variab�e Renton D Earlmont Silt Loam D Riverwash Variable Edgewick C Safal C Everett A B 'Sammamish D Indianola A Seanle D Kitsap C Shacar D }Qaus C Si Silt C Mixed Aliwial Land Var'�able Snohomish D Neilton A Sultan C Newberg B Tukwila D Nooksack C Urban Var'�ab1e • . � tvormal Sandy Loam D Woodinvl{e D . HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROU° CLASSIFICATIONS A_ (Low runofi potentiaf). Soils having h:gh infiltration rates, even when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chietiy of deep, wel(-to-excessively drained sands or gravels. 7hese sols have a high rate of water transmission. B. (Moderately low runoN potential). Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughiy wetted, and consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse texiures. These sols have a moderate rate ot water transmission. C. (P,�oderately high runoH potentiai). So�s having slow infittration rates when thoroughly wetted, arxi � consisting chiefiy oi soils w�th a layer that impedes downward movement of water, or so�7s with moderately fine to fine textures. 7hese sols have a slow rate of v:ater transmission. D. (High runoN potenti�l}. Soi�s having very slow inf,itrztion rates when thorougtily wette� arxi consisting chiefly oi clay sols with a high swelling potential, sols with a permaneni high water table, so�s w�th a hardpan or clay layer at or near the surface, and shaltow soils over nearty impervious material. These soi(s have a very slow rate of water transmission. • From SCS, TR-55, Second Edition,June 1986, Exhibit A•1. Revisions made from SCS, Sod Interpretation Record, Form �YS, September 19&3. ,'`� 3.5.2-2 11/92 , � KING COUNTY, WASH : GTON, SURFACE WATER ' ES1GN h4ANUAL TABLE 3.5.2B SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUI�4BERS SCS YYtSTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS (Published by SCS in 1982) RunoH curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban and urban lar�d use for Type tA rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. CURVE NU!�'BERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LAND USE DESCRIPTION A B C D Cultivate:i land(1): w;nter condition 8.5 91 94 95 � Mountain open areas: low growing brush and grasslands 74 82 89 ° 92 �X���'�,,, � Meadow or pasture: 65 78 8� 89 ���-��� . Wood or forest land: undisturbed or older second growth 42 6� 76 8t Wood or forest land: young second growth or brush 55 �2 $� 86 Orchard: with cover crop 81 � 92 94 Open spaces, lawns, parks, gol( courses, cemeteries, landscaping. good condition: grass cover on 7596 or more of the area 68 &0 86 90 tair condition: grass cover on 50°�6 ` �� �Q�� l��� to 75°,6 of the area 77 85 ( 90 ) 92 ` i. � �-0���c.^� Gravel roads and parking lots 76 85 89 9t '� Dirt roads and parking lots � 72 82 87 � 89 �� � Ilmpervious surfaces, pavement, roofs, etc. 98 98 98 98 Open water bodies: lakes, weilands, ponds, etc. 100 100 100 100 Single Family Residential (2) Dwelling Unii/Gross Acre X Impervious (3) 1.0 DU/GA 15 Separate curve number 1.5 DU/GA 20 shall be selected 2.0 DU/GA 25 for pervious and 2.5 DU/GA 30 impervious portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 oi the sfte or basin 3.5 QUJGA 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 4& 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA b4 7.0 DU/GA 56 Planned unrt developments, 96 irnpervious condominiums, apartments, must be computed commercial business and industrial areas. (t} For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbe�s refer.to National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrolflgy, Chapter 9, August 1972. (2) Assumes root and driveway runoH is d+recteti into streei/slorm system. (3} The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. � 3.5.2_3 11/92 . � ,� I `'\ \ �'-�---�'-'� i � Ecse_c^. � �� I \ ''` �` '.t "l_--�. , � �/� � �\ ��, �,� �� ` ,�, ; / ' � � 1 't I;�l ; ,�v I � i I I i ' ; j � J�� � �, ��\ � . -- - ��_ � ��� ' 1 � f \ � . ; ;� :i ,J ;� � � - , .�, /' j � � I! y�__J , i � i �\ ' �a��� ��lD J � � � �� �C .\ \ I 1 � � <•� � � 1 I --- ., �' ` , �'� 1 S-1 ,�� �', , � � � —�--- L�1 \� � � � --------- - _ ; ` ti ; .� . < <' I *a:�_. ,., � `/ ' ,' ,�_i I � �cX -- (� % H � Ir' % � ' ' � ,:J�. I I � � l.. // ' I � 396 ��— L 3941 I /� / r a�� ( . . : �., ` � � ` r�fr , ' ' � ' �� � �F %� __ '__"__. I f ~ -- I .:,. h � -� � I ��'�-- � , . 1, �, . I � I h ' _'"_'.. I ,y� c' ��\ ' {� •`-''.rl i I ,` \ `� `\ ��.� I I f . i 1 � �\ <�i� � f 'I \ y`99 \` \ �\ \ _ ' _ � _. __J_".____ �___"._"._'_.__ Yl ; � I �\ \ . _-._ I I `�..: . ' _'______ � \\ � `\ �I -�,_ � �' �' � � s'r � `\\ `�� . � �.\ � �II�'_'_ _:f\r � I �tb�.-�� . . \\�1 � t�;' \ 39?. � I \_ \�.___. � .��� Oeroif) � \ \ � _ '�� �,r— �— �� . \ ��;i�� �,t �..�F� ' \ _I :�-'\� M�, �-•- �, . , ---------_ ...,_ . . ,, ., . iterce to. Dlt h 5 � y• --`�- 5= 0.b07 ..�\ ��----- ( � \ � `-` I`�I; Rock Check Dcrrt�(Typ) � See'Detai! : � ,�_�---�----_..-- I \ �`-'��--------— � 1 �� --._ -- � i �}' • _._.� r •,, __...__/ f �._----._... �_..--- -- � `! � ' , •..� . � ' SIc 6��0— �'-..:, � �. 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C�3 zTyA° I-5S� / �! � x � o '� f- � �'!' = ::•.l`'Rim- 95.5 � � � / M \,,N�,I " 'N 1 >"-��' I.E.=3r31.50 ' i } Exfend Ex 6��Sid� Server � �. i� i j�.•���_.,__�� .{- ll (`-` / x i^���� ' � ' 1 u���30��CC��r,C/- / i, IA � � � LE 3:9a7� � I/ � \� y . \ � � i �� � E .I_ � %� 5' L`, '1 ,I I i '.�9%, .,/i � �, �� � 1 � - � C,?;>�!= _�;' --- +n 1�`*- �y ' l�� " � � ; � t , _� _ � i`•• .. ac:a� _-— ��� � /i;.�', ^J'� .-_.J �\�� -` . � � .�---\-�1-.��/.` ��..LC4= _I � .. �_ 1 1, —^.�-��-�`-�J Lf- .`�'rC;:y�,��.TJ.. _.� � ��?�-.�� _ ��� - - - -�-�==�r �` �. ���;�� _ � ` ,-. -�; _ � - ., ;�, ,__���_�_ 1---�_� _—�_« ,_.=r----� -��1� :� _. . �� , � . co�� .� � � _.. . t y_•_ .. .��.�,. �� \� "'. .� �~ - . , PnGc�'rs �C . -�� � ��� � StxmSewe+ �' �.� . .�-�` � -� „ / /:J,�.�..^.C^ o �, J ���•y - — _ ,. � Ease�ml � �Remova F+f151/!19 : f:' �c . � ..�✓ � ir r " , �� ______..S10 N09 18"Gonc 8 CB i �Ro,se Rlm. ol exlsflr� • . ..�..�,�,..,_,,,,... � a �. j Scn;iary Sewe� 1dN C.,'1=TypTM I!-.5 r-: ...__.._ ___. , , � _._ _.._..--- --.._.._ _._to motch li^Ished Rim=3F3G.0 •,•�' ;• r ___ . :, .� _....__. ...... _ � I E.=3gn�, �, qro a - - - - 1� BRH Job No. : q� 1��,01 Date: �i - "1 -Q �i H Y D R 0 6 R A P N I N P U T W 0 R K S N E E T Project : ��.�Q�� � S`�� Basin Identification (5 char): X �— ( � X I O } Description (30 char): � xlSl � ��� � 2 �I'f Z�" ��Y' v Total Area: �. �� � � � Precipitation� 2yr '�•0 5yr 10yr 2•q � 25yr 50yr 100yr Nydrograph NuMbers : 2yr I 5yr 10yr 2 25yr 50yr 100yr Time of Concentration: length slope surface type "n" value tiMe . � � �o ' 1.S °% _ r s ': 24- (�o. q ` � . . . O' l o�/� �r �� �03 S 1,05 4�0 ' , 4� � !��a>S , 03 1� , �� Total Travel Ti�ne: 24. � � Pervious Area' ��`�0 Land Use: �:�C.�J-v� l ` �QS� � ?�'.�:': � �� Soi 1 Type: Q � � `-JDOc� Hydrologic 6roup: � Curve Number: �q 1 dfJ S �n ` �(ASS 1 � � HYD. INP , � ' BRH Job No. : q � I � �. � I Date: q -r1 ��1� H Y D R 0 6 R A P H I N P U T W 0 R K S H E E T � r � � . P r o j e c t : '"��. � Q��=�. '� �� Basin Identification (5 char ): � 2- ( � � �•`•� � � l ✓O� � Descript ion (30 char): �Q� • ��� �'`'�`r � G' � r . Total Area: g . �� � � Precipitation: 2yr 2..G� Syr_ 10yr't. •q � 25yr 50yr 1�Dyr 3�� Hydrograph Numbers: 2yr � 5yr 10yr �" 25yr 50yr 100yr � Tir�e of Concentration: . � length � slope surface type � "n" value tiMe 200 l . 5 % J�-- � .o i l 2 . ��� S� � q5o ' o.�°% ,o ��- S • � 3 �. , d S � d t a- Total Travel TiMe: g• � � Pervious Area: IS9�o = � . 2 � ,� Land Use: �J��� Soi? Type : � � ��_. )A�� Hydrologic Group: �i Curve Nurober: � � ( '�^� SC.� D �.�.c� — 1� ^ r ._ � �• Gl�S �•-� �.� � � �� � � HYD. INP , �,U riie �asin hyorograph 5iorage uiscnarge Level pooi _ . _ _ . _ . . . . 3�iririi-iri'rii�ii�riririi�ii�ii�rii�iririririi�'rii�i�ifi�ii-ii�irii-iri�ii�iri�i'ri'ri'ri'rit�iri�-ii�('ri'rii�iri'ririririi�irii�iririnrii�i-ii��iririri'ririi-iri�-i��rii-jrii-irii�i�t � 1(`!YU I , f'IUUlF'1 UK tSt(U415t Ufi I YI � � tSfi5lf� lU ICL JtSU1-I t-ITUKUbttfiF'Ff � ;j 3ut5�niriiuiv : EXIST. C�ND. LTRIZ4HR 3 JtiFttfl lacres J • 2S.af10 itF111'i`HLL �tiUll;tJ 3 �xt111V YKtL'lY lin ) - L.b{� 1 . IYYt lf1 3 JI11'1t 1NItKVNLtMin ): 110.�7b L . IYYt 1 :} JI11'tt Ur l:U1Vl; tM1n ): L4. l.5 .�. 1YYt 11 � JFtfi11VF=HLL StLtL I lU1V: b 4. I TYt l lf1 � �fit55lKt1l;I L:VtrY • 10.Lb �. IYYt � ,� ��ti�t 1=LUW l C i 5 1 • b.IOIOI� b . UStK 1 � J51 UF(f'1 UU1-( t Clf 5 ) • L4.4�1040 ! . t(l: f U`1Y � � ti. I;UJ I UI'i ;� �YtYtlJ1UU� Yt11-(l:tL li'IYtK1JlUl.1J Yflttl:tL ,� 3tltftfl: l .tsbb acres fiRtfi: �7.�Ll10 acres 3 �LiV • LSy.IOtO ' LIV . ytf.IOta � J � � �l.li`ii"ItiFtY Uti I ti � 3YtfitC 1-f Y UKUbKF1YFi 1 ii�t: 8,bb nrs 3 :�YttiTf 11 Y UT(Ubt(f1Y1-I 1-LUW: � .54�3( C f 5 � J I U I FiL YfYUYtUbt(t1Yfi tiUL: 47. Ibi51 ac-f t 3 J t-IUfit tiVU t- 1 :Yind rL�tVew Y,�:bet r4: lc-�alc t=S:Uelete 3 3 Yg�p Ygan Yb:l:oMpute Y!: rtS�T'lethod t=y� lemplate r117:t�it 3 --._..._..._._._._._._...---._._..._. _._._. .. . •-•-•-._ ._._._...,. i ni�r�nMi�rtr�i�r�nr�ini�r�r�nr�rfi�rii�riri�ir�nr�rii�r'�ri'rin�inririririi�i�r�rtr�rii-�r�r�nr�nFii�rir�ii��ii�nrii-iriri;i'rii-ii-iriririririririri� 1=iie tsasin 1-lydrog�aph 5iorage �lischar.ge Lcvel pooi _ .. 3 rii-i i�irii�rii��iri rii-ii-i ririi-ii-iri riri ririi-i'riririri ririi�iri i�irii-iririririi-ii-1�iririririri'ri�i ri i-i riri riri i-iririririri ririi-iri ri�iri ri ri i-ii-ii�ri'ri'riri'ri�s J 11VYU I , 1'IUUlYY UF( tSFtUWS� UH I H ,� J 3f1511V lU X1� StiUl-1 T-tYUltUbtttlYF1 � .� �ut��Kiri 3uiv : �XISi, CGND. 1aY�i�Z4iir� 3 . .�tiKtfi t acres ) • 8.10 f�7 KAllVrfiLL L;f-1011;tJ � :�tit111V YKtt;lY l lfll • L.yl 1 . IYI't !tl J �I lt�t 11VIthtVHL{roinl� lb.bb L . IYYt 1 .� .�I1I'lt Ut= I:UNI: lMlTl )� L4. l� �. IYYt 11 � �KfillVrfil.L JtLtL' I lUfV: b 4. I Yt't 1 Sti .� JtitSS 1 Kt1l;l l�Uti'F' . Ia.Lr0 5. I YYt .� � JttflSt rLUW l Ci5 ) • l�.l'1I010 b. UJtY 1 .� ,3J I UK19 UUK l nrs ) • L4 .fDb� � . K� 7 Uf1Y 3 ,j 25. I;VJ I UI'f _� .�YtKV1VUJ Yfittl;tL lI'IYtK�J1UlJ5 YfiTil.tL J JfiKth� ! .23VJb ac�es fiKtfi� k:.L 110 acres :� �l;N . LS:i.YJ10 l;fV • �tf.1710 �� � � J J lJ f'1I'1 t11t Y U t1 I fi =' �Ytfitf I1YUY(UbF(FiYli I lf'lt: tS.�LI� hr'S .. ,�YtfiK t-tYUKUbHt1YH rLUW: Z.�z�S CT6 =� J I U I f1L 11YUtcUbFttit'Ft VUL � i ,L4L4 ac-i L .� � 1iUftt tNU t- i :rind rL�tVew YJ:�et t4: IC-l:alc rS:Uelete J � rgup YgOn t-b:�or�puie r!: rti�rieihod Y�: Itr*iplate YIIO:txlt .� --•---..._.....--- -•- -•--- -�--,.--....._...�................ ._. i nnnnni-�n�n'riFii-i~ii��rii~�i-i~ii�i-ii�i-i�irii��'�ir'��i�inriri^ir��rii�ni��n�iririrnrii-i;-i�ii-irii-innn,�n�nn:�,:�nnn^��nr,rii�rihnnn� , �� r11e �asin Hyorograpn �iorage Uiscnarge Levei pool . 3��riri���n�����n����n����ri�n�Mri����i������ri�ririMri�ri�ri�n���ri�ri��ririnMri���riri���M��M�� � LNYUI , MUG1rT UK �KUWSE Uhih � 3 �h�i� iu �Z SBUN HY�KUbKNY� � � �ut��niriiu�� : DtV. C��D. ZYR/24HR J 3HHtH IacresJ � $.�10 KH1NrHLL �HU1�tJ � JKH1N Ynt�lY lin ) • L.�d 1 . IYrt I� � Jll�t 1NItKVnLlroln )� Ib.ab L . ITYt 1 � �I1Mt Ur LVNL (mini : a.J� J. IYYt 11 j �KM1NrhLL JtLtL11UN� b s. IYYt !!h � �H�S I Kf�L;I LUtr r . b.Lb 5. 1 T rt J � �ti!15t F-LUW l C T 5 ) • b.IOi949 b . UJ�K 1 � �51 Ut(fi UUK ( hrs ) • L4.IObb !. KC ! UtiY � ,� ii. 1;L15 1 Ul'1 � .�Yttt111 Ul.1J YtiKt;tL 11'IYtFtIJ 1 UUJ YfitSl:tL ,5 311Ktr1: 1 .L 1 b acres fitttll: b.tibb acres 3 �L(V . yl�.IfJ10 l;i`7 . yti.{Oa � � � ,� 5Uf'li'1hFtY UH I F1 � ,�YtfiY 1-ITUF{UUKt1YFi I 11`It: iS.bb hrs ,� .�Yttitt 1-1YUKl1bF(tiF'Fi tLUW: J.�a�t� C{a J �IUIfiL I-tYUKUbF(fiF'ti VUL� 1 : 1L�! dc-tt � 3 i-IUi'it tivU rt :Yind rL :NeW tJ:bet t-4: 1c-Calc FS:Uelete � 3 Ygup Ygdn Yb:�ompute r!: Ytf:i'letnod Y5� ler�plate Yl{O:txit 3 --•-•-•.............................•---...,._._._._._ _..._._..._.,.-•-•-•---•-._._._._.-•-•-.-•-..... ,._._..._._._._._.-•-•--.. 1('ll'li'll'll`ll'll'll'1("ii'li'll'll'lI'1191`II'lfll'lt'll'll'lf'1T11"Ifll'�I'll'll`If`il'll'li'lT1f'1f'll`1f1M1'll'1CIT'll'lf`li'lfll'll'li Il'If'ifli1l'lI'll'll'll'I('ll'll`I�ll'1('1T'If'il'll'll'll"11`tl'll`1T1� t=iie tsasin . f-iydrograph 5iorage uiscnarge Level pooi ' . _._. ....:.............:..._..._._..._._._._._..:_._:_....._._._. ..._.-.-•-... _._..._... ..._._..:_._..._._ 3'ri'rii•ii-ii�i-irii�r�i-innrii-ii-ir�r�nr�r�r�ni�r�nnnnnr�r�r�nnnnnnnr�nnnr�i��ii�nnnr�nr�'rii-iri'rinnnnr�ri'ririi�ir(i�rni7nr�nnnts , J 1NYU1 , {'{UUlF'1' UK tiKVl+15t Ut11f1 ,� � tif1511V lU U1�0 Jtil)ti 1-1YUN,UbKHY1-S � ,� �UtSl;Ft1F'I1VTV : �lt�. Ll�f`7t�, jI�YK%L'��-1H ,� �fitttf-1 lacre5l • ti.i�/b KH1iVr11Lt l:l-IUIl;tS 3 �KtilN YHtI:lY ( ln i • L .yi i . I YYt 1H 3 �111'It 1fVltt(VfiLlln]f1J : 1�7.L�ID L . IYYt 1 � ,�Ill'lt UF I;VNL ((*tlfl ): ti..�� J. IYYt 11 � �Kfi1T`lrfiLl_ JtLtL I lUt`J� b 4. I TYt l lfi � �t1ti5 I t(ttl;I l;Ut_t=1= • 10.Lb 5. I YYL= 5 � JtSfiJt NLUIJ l C T 5 ) • b.17i71� b. L15tFt 1 .5 JJ I UYtI'I UUFt l Tlt"5 ! • L�+.171�Y1 l. 1f1: '( Uf'lY J 3 �t. �U�i u'ri 3 ,5h'tFtV1Ul15 F'f1lil;tL !1'It'ttt1/1U115 Yfittl:tL ,� ,�f1Y(t11: i .L 1 iD acres f1KtH: b .2ib�0 acres J .�l:fL' . �l�.�Ok� l:N . ��.�Ol� J j J ;� :�U I'l f'1 t1 K Y U F1 1 t1 � ;i!'tHtC t1�YUKVbKI1Y'Fi I lT'It= tS.101'� hf 5 J �r'tf1T( 1-1'(U1�UbF(f1t'H 1'LU4J: S.�L6� Ci5 J J 1 U I HL ti�Y Ut(Ubt(rtt'H \7UL: 1 . f L.�10 dC-i I .� J NUf'tt tNU FI :F-1nd rL �IVew r�:bet r4 : lc-l:a1C rS�Uelete J � rgup YC�On rb��oMpute Y !: t'23:MeLhOC] ry: ler�piaie F' 110:tx1T :� •--- --�•---� --....-•-----�---•-----� -- -•-•-•- -•- ._._._ i i�ii-ini��ni-iririi-ii-i�-iri�i�ii-irir��rii-inn��i-ii���r�����i�ri�lr�ri7r�ni�n�i�i�iFinr�nr�r�nnr�r�nr�nnn��nririnrii�nnnr�r� il f'I('li'll�) , . / l �- rile �asin Nydrograpn 52orage uischarge Levei pool -.................... .._..._.-•---._._..._._._._._._....._....-- -•-•-•-._._...___._._.-•-• -..._._..._..._... �nr�nr��nnr�nni�ii�ii�iriri'rii�riririr�r�r�r�r�r��r�r�r��r�nnnnnr�n��nri�inr�nnnt�nr�r�r�nnni�i-i'rir�nnnnr�nr�ni�irii�iri'riririri8 � 11VYU 1 , I'iUl71F'Y Utt ti1�1�415t Ufi I f3 � � titiJllV lU U110b StiUFi h1YUKUbRf1F'1-1 O ,j �UtJI:KlYI1UiV : t�tV. CO�I�. i00YRiZ4HR 3 ,�titttfi tACf'es ) • iS.lOfb KH11Vtf1LL l;F1Ull;tS ,� .�t(fi1iV YKtl;1Y t 1Tl ) • J.��O I . I YYt 1h ,j Jllf�it 11VitFCV11LtMin1: 110.bb � . IYYt 1 � J 1 11'lt Ur I;UNI; t f*I 1 fl 1 � ti.�.� .�. I Y Yt 1 1 � JKfilTVYfiLL JtLtl:l lUIV: b 4. 1 Yt't 11F1 � JfitSS I Kftl;I l;Utt=F= . b.L�J 5. I Yt't J � JtSf15t r LUW l C i 5 ! . b.�bl� b. UStF( 1 � �5 I UFCI'1 -UIJK t Ilr's ) . L4.IOIDb ( . Kl; f UF1Y ,� � tf. I:UJ!Uf'1 � ,�i'tK\11UU5 t'fit{LtL 11'IYtY(111UUJ t'f1'tl:tL � OHF(tfi: I .L147 acres NHtti� b.tibi0 acres 3 .�1:1V . yt'1.l'1!0 1;1V . �ti.{'010 .� � � .� SIJI'11'1f1ttY Uti l h � .� 3YttitC 1-IYl1FtUbfifiYF-t I lf'It� if.b10 hrs � JYtfitf I-IYUHUbKHYIi YLU41: '7.3�4i CfS J J I U I F1L 1-IYUTiUbKtiYti 11UL: L.32iaL ac-T t 3 3 FiUt'it tiVU t=1 :tina t=L:IVew 1-3�bet F4: lc-l;alc i-S:Uelete J J Ygup rgan hb:l;ofnpute r!: rtS:FtethoO r�: IeMplate Y110�t:tit 3 i ri"ririririri'riini�r-ii�i�i�ii7ririi�ririi-(i-iriririi��ii�iririi�iri�irii�ri'riri'riiii-iri"rii-i'ririi-ii�ri'rii�i�iririririi�iii�ii-i'ririi�ii-i'riri'rii-i'ririririMi-ii-i'rii7� Yile t�asin 1-iydrograpn 5iorage uischarge Level pooi - - ..._..._.......-•-._._._...-•---•-•--.._._._..._._._._._._........ ........................._._..._._._._._._._._._._...---._...--- 3"ririri'ririi-fi-i'ririi�nMr�t�i�nnr�nr�r�r��r�nnr�r�nnr�r�r-tir�nr�nr�nr�nnnrfi�nnrtt���r�nt�r�nnnr�r�nr�r�r�r�r�t�r�r�nr�rtnr�nr�r�ts . j 1NYU I , f1UUlt Y UK t3KU475t Ufi I fi � J J tSt1511V lU ..�.�UL JtiUl-I I1YUF(UbtttlYl-1 �'Y'T �Q.r POHci � 3ut51:1(lY l lUl`� � l��`1E-IT-111�U uEv. ��Y'r�/2dHR � JHKtH lacres ) • 2f.blYJ t(H11VrHLL l:rlUll;tS 3 �ttF111V Yt(tl:lY f in ! • IO.bf i . 1Yt't 1H � J 1 1 I'1t 11V I tFfl1F1L l f*11 tl!: 1 tG.101�1 L . I�Y I't l ,5 31 117t Ur �,UNI; l f�in i: iS.3� 3. I TYt 11 � �Ytr11(VrfiLL StLtI:IlUN� b • 4. IYYt 11F1 � Jf1tS5 1 Ktil;1 l:Utl-Y • Ia.Lb 5. I YF't .� � JtSHJt F=LUL7 l C i s J . 10.bbb b. UJtK 1 � ��1 UKFi UUtt l nrs 1 - L4.bb+0 I . K� % UfiT .5 3 8. �u�iuri 3 .�Y'tttlllUUS YFiHI;tL 11'IYtK1JlUUJ YfiN.LtL :� �fil<t11� ! .L I 10 dCf e5 f1F{tfi� b.YSb�O dCt'e5 � �I:IV . �b.V1t0 LIV . ytt.�10 .:� � � ,5 �Uf'tt'lfit{Y Uti I fi � ;iF'tt1K Y1YUliVl�h(t1YFi I lfit� ti.10�0 tlf's .> JY'ttiK T1YUttUbt(f1Yl-1 rLUW: 10•25l5' CTS J ,�I U I fiL 1-f Y UY(Ul�Kfit'ti 1/UL: k�.�8d6 dC-f t - �2- � �� � • �� G� � ,� tiui�it tfvU 1=� �t-1na YL�IVeu Y.S:bei rd:ic-�aic YS:Uelete .� � Ygup Ygcin t=b:l:or-�pu:e r!: rts:Method 1=y= leMplate r Ie:txit � ----�-�---•--...................................................... ... .... ..............•-•=--._._._...-•---......._._..._._....._ ....._.._... I f�'�f'�("f-I1'�Pll`'ilfi;^�fii'lll�ll^�'ll"1:'i.'�^lilf"'�-"."ii�-�����r��nMi-ir�M�nri�nr�r-��r�n�r�nn-�nn�n�iT1('1�1�'lrli�"11'll"�f1'�fl(1i ll�f i�`Ii , (� J riie �asin Hyarograpn 5iorage uiscnarge �cvel pooi • �ri��ririri��n�nri�ri��n�ri������ri�ri�������ri����ri���ri�������ririn��riririn��nri�� J �ULISYLt Un1r1Lt � � U15LHhKbt 51HULIVKt lU:rnMH � J j 3fVar�e� F-LVW }tt511-(1l:lUtt I'1t1fVF1ULt ,j 3rea}c USgn KC1Ed5z tcate: b.1a10 Ci5 Uf 1 t / i lOW/elev ,� JUf1i1Ce I:OCif1C1Er1L . . . b.bL Uld ( 1T1 )/Cis/ iT ,j � 3Lowest Uritice Uia iin1. . : b.5! b.5! L.JS cis � ' Jhl : UULlet LO LTItl Ur'li1Ce� 1 .2510 ,�ti�.ill9 i2 � ,�Jeco7d UriTlcz Uia llni . . : b. f� b. l� I .SL cis j �i1L� �Lnd Lo Jrd Urliice. . . � IO.faU ,� �IrtlrO UriTice Uia ( in1. . : IO.l��O ,� 3n,�: 3rd to 4th Urifice. . . : b.l�d ,� JYOU('ttl U�'1ilCe Uld llfl). . : �O.IOIa ,S Jh4: 4tll LO 5LT1 Uf 1T1CC. . . � 10.101� � 3iop Uriiice Uia ( ini. . : b.loa � J � 3tlevation oi Lowesi Urifice. . . . : 32iL.bYJ 3 JUutlet tlevation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �liL.lOb 3 --- -- • .�Max tlev fibove Uutlet . . . . . . . . . . : Jtib.ab 3 __ _ .��tage-Uisch lncreMeni . . . . . . . . . . : b. 11o 3 3 � hv�YbUt' rbUiV 1=•J: bet tb: Ueiete Ylb: txit 3 �u i i-i"rii�ii��i-ii-iririri'rii-irii�ii-irii�i-ii-iriririi-ii�i-if-ii-ii�ii�ii�i-iriii'ririi-iririi-irir-iri'rii�iririririi-irii-iririririririi-iri'ri'riri'ri'ririi-iri> t-iie �sasin tiyarograpn �forage Uischarge Levei pool • - •-. •-••-•-•-•-...-•-•-•............. ..........._ tsush , F(oetl 6 �.1112L1'VT�P1�1f1t�MMT`IMT�f1T11'lt'11�1'1�11�t�t1l�tS Fcelease 3 _ � _ 3rroporiional weir 3 3v-i•�e i r 3 ,�1'ii'it"IT'1T'ii'11`It"1r1f11'119I'1('ll'irl('1t'll"ii'll'11'If'll'li'11ii 11'll'ITiI'lt'i�T'11'If'IT'lT'li'If 11'it'll'ii'lt�ii'itf i r ,� 3 Kl�tti 1NYLVW SiliUClUttt 3esfed weir 3 � U1J1;1-IFiKbt �IhttJl:lUi(t lU: UVtK �design j 3 3riow 3 3Ut5l:Klt'I lUPI:UVtKrLUW F(15tK 3r1 culvert � �K 15tK U 1 lil'it I tK l 11V1:1-ItJ J: 1'L.�Oba .� � ,�41t11( l;Utt-r1L1tTVl . . . . . . . � y. /.�y 3ion 3 ,�UK1F-1l:t LUtF=rll:ltiVl . . . . � �.'fiSL �ile � � �-Stf UCL ,� �K15t1( tLtVH I lUIV t F' 1 l. . . � �25b .IDitj � � .�T'1tiX 11'IU('1 tLtVti I 1 U1V l Y I ). � Jtib .1�10 �f1T'�I'�('II'li'll'1!'li'If'll'li'll'1('1� �('1f1X l I'lUi'1 l iVI;F(tl'1tIV 1 l t I ). : l�. 1�0 � J .� ,�YbU� Y�UIV rJ: �et rb� Uelete r110: tr.lt � .................•- I('I('ll'If'Ifit'11'lf'iI'If'li'll i�'1('lf'II'll'1T1flTlflf'lf'Iflflfll'lf'll'll'lf'll'If'If'li'llii'tl'li'1!'11'1�'ll'1Pli'il"1) ftva�.iabie i-ier�ory remain�ng� i3��0u byies l;urrent Uata Jet Nar�e� U: �\lJUtttCJ\JAL\yJI li5 , �� rile 8asin Hydrograpn 5torage uiscnarge Levei pooi , - •-•.............•-•-•-•-•-•-._._..._......._ , csusn , �i�r�nnnnnr�nnr�r�nnnnnnnnnnts ,� J 3Keciangular vauii 3 3lrapezoiciai basin 3 3i.lncier9rouna pipe 3 .35So 11sL .� 3i-irii-iriri�irii-ii-ii-iriririi-iririi-irii��iririi-iriririi�irfi�l�ii�i�irii�iri'riririi-iririi-ii�iri�i8 3 � FStL I fifVblJLt1F{ 11f1UL 1 J � � J 1 UKfibt 5 I KUL I 11}-(t 1 U� Vf1l.1L I .� ,� ,� �T'It"li`IC11'1� JTVar�e. : Ut I tIV I lUIV Vf1i.1L I � .�L C Tl 9 L n l i t ). . . . . . . . � tS 5.l��0 ,� JW1dLh i ti 1. . . . . . . . . 4l�.lal� J �SLariing tievaiion. : 3ts[.be 3 .�1'iaY tlev of Vault . . : JtSb.bb � �5tage-�Lo lncremeni = a. lb 3 ,�5tructure tJol lci 1. � �JbblO.al� 3 � f1C-tt . : b.�l � J .� 3Y�l.lY YbU1V YJ: bet F=ti� Uelete Yib� txit 3 _.....................................................................................•-•-•- I 1'1 Pl f'1�T7 f`I I'i 1'll'1 f1T11'1 i'l l'll`I Pl f1Tl i'1 T'I I'I11 PlT'l l`li'll`11'li'I fl f1 i'1 T'l i'1 fl l'i l`l l'IT'f T'i 1'IT`I J'1I'!i�� fivailable rier�ory rer�aining: i3�eets oyies �urrenf Uaia 5et TVaMe� U� \iaUKKJ\JHL\�31l23 F=iie tiasin 1-iyarograpn 5iorage uischarge tevei pooi tSush , Koe[3 � t-liichings , lnc Li�iriririril'1f'li'tr11'li'li'lriririril'Iti 3r�i�ii-if�rii�i�i'ri'rii-ii�iriririi-irii�iri'ri'ri'riri�i�i�ir�irii�iririi-ii�i�i-i'riririi-iri'ri'ri'ri'rii�rii�iri�iriri'ri'rii�ii�it-iriririi�ii�iriririi�rii-i`ri'ririrlriri'ri�s � 1(UU I 1TVb LUi 1Yf'it{15U1V I H�Lt ,� � 1'1f1 l 1;11 1iVr LUW S I U �J 1J t'tf1K F'ttltt UU l .5 i � Ut�LFilYI lUTV t'tfitt YtFiIC TVo. IVO. 51b UI.JI 1-ITU � ,�--------------�a�______________�--------------==��=a�»_____---- - -------- -------------- ----�______�_ � .�L YK I .55 .�.51 Vf-1VLl l;fllitj �ti�. l4 1 .55 I 1 .� �110 Ytt L.yL 5..�.� VY1UL1 L1'1Htl J2S4.%� L .yL IL ,� .�(�ONJ YK �7.IDk7 1 .Jb VfiUL I l,l'1Ht 1 .�tf5.yb ,�.iS�+ 1 J .� �- � � � � � � � � ,� J � � 1� �� � � �� � � � A�X � N� J � .._... ......................... .. ...................... .._._.."'........ "' ........... i ri^irii-�ri-i'rinnn'ririnrir�;���r,�nn�;�nnr�nnr-�r��nrii-�rli-innnnr�r�nni�n� 1'lflf'li 1f1I'If'lI'li'li'li'lI'if'll')1'li'll'1P71'1�'ll'1T11'1('1f'11 , tivaiiable 1'i^.^�ory rer;aini����� IJl�i�ts bytes l:urrent Uata J�t Na^�e : U: \WUKK�\1HL\yJl /ti (J riie Basin Hydrog, n �ioragc uischarge 'Leve ioo! L��������M��M��tiush , KoeO 6 hitchings , lnc 3���ri��ri�ririri��riri���ri��ri��ri�rin�i�����ri����ri�riri�ri��ri������ririririri��������riririri� � U11Ch �thLH 1hYUl YUH� � � Keach lU� alUSWALt J � � JU1LCh Lengih 1i21 . . . . - Lbb.bb �ributary Hrea lHC1 � tl.�! � JUitch Wlath lttJ. . . . . : 1�.@a reaK U lcTsl. . . . . . . : 1 .45 � �Jitle Jlopet (N� 1V). . . : 3.bb YeaK Uepth lit1. . . . � b.JJ � -- -- - - -- - - - • - • - -- J�lde J1opeL lH: 1V1. . . : �.IDb YeaK Vel lips ). . . . . : b.Lf 3 .�UlLCh 51ope l f�/ t[ ). . : �O.t�L10�0 Up W.J. elev l it ). . : ,� .�1'iannings fl l;0ei i . . . . . � Ia..�j101� .� �l:onfrib tias]n. . . . . . . . � � .�U T15 tJ'e 8I*1 1 .e. t i t ). . . � .�25 1 .{O la � .�Unsirea� W.S. t ii ). . . � 1�.10� :� � Jt oT 5teps. . . . . . . . . . . 110 3 ,�tirrows t=1 :t=ind rL:l;lea��H F=J�bet r4�Mann r110: txit 3 i i�ririririri�ii-iFii-iri�ii�irii�i'ririi-i'riri'ri'riFii�iri'ri'riririririri'rii�iriri'rii-iri"ri'rii-irii-iririi�ii�ii�ri�irii�iririi-ii-i'ririi-irii�ririri'riririi-ii-ii-i� Yipe 5atety Yacto�. . . . . . = 1 .10�0 f1Va11ablE 1'1eMory reMaining� llla�b bytes l:urrenf Uata �et IvaMe: U: \41UtS1C5�JfiL��31 ftS � � i �, ' � � �� 1.� � , �y���.wl���. SPECIFY STORM OPTION: 1 �N � �'J S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION EP�TER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) 2,24,2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******�**'�********** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION *******�********�*** *****X*�* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.00" TOTAL PRECIP. �******** --------------=--------------------------------------------------=---- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN N0. 1 8.07,85,0,0,24.7 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES} A CN A CN 8. 1 8. 1 85.0 .0 .0 24.7 . PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK{HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 1 .01 7.83 23210 � ENTER [d: ] [path]filenamej .ext] FOR STORAGE pF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: , � f � ( � - lG Y� z���� �� / r�--<- � l L SPECIFY STORM OPTION: G!�z �� 1 S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) 10,24,3.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *********�`******"*** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION *�****************'�* ********* - 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.40" TOTAL PRECIP. **�****** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN N�. 1 8.07,85,0,0,24.7 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) � A CN A CN 8. 1 8. 1 85.0 .0 .0 24.7 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 2.94 7.83 56276 ENTER [d:] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: � I� � l5-O y"'� ��l �✓ �/�e '(1�-v-°- ""� G�,� � S 5' 100,24.,3.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION **'�***��`************ ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM ***� 3.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN N0. 1 8.07,89,0,0,24.7 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 8. 1 89.0 .0 .0 24.7 PEAK-Q(CFS) � T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 4.45 7.83 79488 ENTER :] [path]filename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: d:\rons junk FILE AL EADY EXIST; OVER4lRITE (Y or N) ? n ENTER [ :] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: (OD c� �t�4�c , � I`� . • .. /� `,� � � J",/LO LrJC� L�(��C� c r � t � SPECIFY STORM OPTION: � ��i � �� ', S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION �' ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR), PRECIP(INCHES) , 100,24,3.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- X**'�**�*****�******* S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION **********�`**'�****** ********� 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM ***x 3.90" TOTAL PRECIP. 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PLAIN , i — __ 9ATiLF,WAA310� f:](Ml313�5691 --_ _—_' _-' "__-_'"_ _----' _-' � COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ANO CIVIL ENGIN�ERING COMFAN� �qpaEo �o�umE 1� ►`��1�4a� DiSP�'9GE.�� �/n1umE �c�-�oc.� C� —4 J,-- _ _.� _ � � 39�- . /���ll// . , . !Z' � 2.�1 �2 k . �7 .� 7.�( X .87 � (o.3(o SF A�a� 3`t� Z 2 �C.c�oN R`� °a� � \� ' �� �— J�� — � _ `� 7 i T �� , , I�l �� b'� ( 2`�� � a4 X , a 7 �..�— = 12.�Z s� 2 b�la� 3�`� �' x, 83 2 07 S� - �--- _ _ Z J L X� 7 O U C a O V Project: �_�� �,��+�os F�� �„��;ZG�or-� Designed By: �(� Date �„�� I� � -Z , Project No: �D!— 0040-0/ Client: t�Ey'�rieo Checked By: Sheet 7 of / 217 PINE STREET• SUITE 300•SEAITLE,WA 98101 •P:206/343-0460•F:2D6/343-5691 COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPANY �¢�N SS ,- - � . � � J� _f . � .� ' . �� t�_ � � ��5� ; ,��u E 3q �� 3� x ,� = 7. �3 �F ¢�co..v 34� 1� X. 03 _ ,__, _ 2.o� Z �fi� `fT �� �� � �� ���-- s�i4 /// /��/� ' ` l , \ � tlee✓� ��. 42--7 _ l`�.2� S C-" z 8r�--�w 3R 4, a J__��-_ � I 9.5 sr= � Z � � � G 1� C �J 'li Pro�ect: ��,an( f�t 5 f���p,�u# �(,�pp /��(n Sq!-2a,�f Designed By: /I�OL Date �f v�ti l yr'� 2GID Z , Project No: ('Dl_�o-o/ Client �(�'g,QD Checked By: Sheet g of ��- 217 PINE STREET• SUITE 300•SEATTLE,WA 98101 •P:206/343-0460•F:206/343-5691 COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND GVIL ENGWEERING COMPANY ��N UU � � � � , � t �- � �. —.� � � _ �� _.� � r.r� , � ,=� � /j�-� I � ���� � . .. . ,. ,�� ,�;�� � � �\\� \\��\\� � �o , l� X,87 �4�6 x .S�> �}eg r� R��E ��- C Z l �-� ' �a,(I SF l ��` �-� 391{- 6A u �, \ � J : � 5� Z 5��no�t UV __ ----- __ — _ — -- ___--- �5 � �.2 EA h"}30�� -�� _ �' c�---� = 3L..�7 sF � 2 � t � a -0 'c c' c � ', c � c L Project: J�F-,�lrnn/ �iy ffL,�os Designed By: �A� Date Jv(� �-rj, �`�- , Project No: Lb/ —oa 4D-D( Ciient po�S�p Checked By: Sheet `� of 1� 217 PINE STREE7• SUITE 300•SEATTLE,WA 98101 •P:206/343-0460•F:206/343-5691 COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTWG STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERI;VG COMPANY ��o►�I 1f-��� � i i .-- 3`I�} � � . / .,�� s . � Z — 391.50 I S�I ► 7 `-� 8 r�Q�.a �o.,� �d- �� x zs 1 2 J � ��,�5 SF ��cA �'�vF ��F � �S k , ��`� _ 13,D5 sF �T7a�/ �C X � � l� � ,� � � ` �� � i _ �1�� �3, t 0 a ,f ��b�J _1� = 20 � ..�i � Z � �.�5� /9�3av� ��v � ,� X, � ? 0 r � 0.5� ,� �S�Z _ 3.�5 =!Z-� 0 � Project: ���/�,�/ ���,�,�� �ppv t�//7�h,7atJ Designed By: �/[,Y Date ,�r"'/6 /o Z- �- , Project No: L'O�Ga.¢d_d/ Client: �C,,4iej� Checked By: Sheet /(> of f� 217 PINE STREET• SUITE 300•SEATTLE,WA 98101 •P:206/343-0460•F:206/343-5691 COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERI�G COMPANY �(p� -1 �— — — — / / � � � I �/ �}Z . 31( �oo g' Z�x 2�7 18 s�z> 26 r Z � � � � r9, �I s� � �, z �� � o, 8o sF ! � 2 Z�,t I 5� � , ��ST�.E �v�7�i-l. �'Et-T1oh15 � -� ?ZLF � -5 27 c-F S-T' 3e c-F r—� �5�- �F U—V ��� L�l -- X �Z` X —� 2� " C C a 'o :� c' P � � G C L.' 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