HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1212 - - - -- - - � �RtGt�tii '" . ` . , •V l . � , :`�!, rv . � • „ y' • _ • i t t, . ` ' ' ��sp�.u�c�r� �o. �/�„ ' WHEitEAS Chapter 195 af the 1961 Session Laws of the State of UTashington re- c�aires the CITY OF RII�TON to prepare end adopt a comprehensive street progr�am for i che ensuing six years, an� I tdHE12EAS Chapter ?, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 0£ the State of Washington provides �e�ns for the construction, ir�pravenent and rep�ir of arterial �treets, and t�HER�S the CI'IY OF RF.�iTON has heretofore duly prepared such a comprehensive s�reet plan duiy �pproved by i,ts Planning Co�ission and its City Council , af ter F:�blic hearing thereon, on Dece�tber 12, 1951 , whzch co�grehensive street pZ�n has h�retofore been duly a�ended under d�te of January 2£', 1963, and 6iHERP�.,fi the CITY has �lso hereto£ore �dopted its car�prehensive p12n Eor t.ze canstruction, iQprovec�ent and repair af �rterial hi.ghways, after a publ ic hearing t:zLreor►, Gnd � WHERE�S it has beco�e necessary and advisable to amend and modif y said S-x-Ye�r Comprehensive Street Plan and Arteri�i Street Plan and a public hearing �aving been held relative ta said 2mendment, after public notice thereaf ha� bean � g�aen as prsavided by law, and a public hearing having been held thereon on October 28, � I 1�53, and WHERF�S there were na written or oral abjections to the ��tend�ents or �odi- f ic��ions af said eazprehensive plans as heretafore 2dapted; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVID BY 'I'I�� MAY4R AND THE CFT'Y' C�UNCIL OF �IE CITX OF REN�lI�, AS F�?.Lt7G7S a SECTION I: The cocaprehensive street prograr� for the ensuing six years, as ar�ended, and the CITY OF RL�TTQN'� �rterial street progra�, as heretofore adapted, be �nd the sa�e are hereby a�ended �nd �odif ied as set f orth in the attached Exhibit l�belled "Exhibit A" which is incarpor2ted here.in and made 2 part hereof as if full.y set £orth. Said amendment consists pri�arily of the establishment and addition of II a ::ew roadway and �rterial street tcnawn as "Puget Drive" S ECTION II. The City Clerk �nc� the City Engineer �re hereby authori�ed and c;_'�~ected to file s�id zmendrnent with the Directar of Highu�ays for thr� State of t•?�shingtan, t��ether vJith a certified copy of this Resolutian. P�15SID BY THE CI'I� COUI�TCIL this Gth day of i�ovember, I963, I �i�� , „�� _ ��'r Helciie Nel son, City Clerk , I APPRQVID BY TI� MAYOR this 4th day of Novec�ber, 1963 ` , l���ROVED AS 'TO FORNI: ��� -� I �� ,_ ��.ru i�l, Shelian, City �ttarney r nk Ali:�ent, Mayor # `� � .r � � ' • < • I� �ITY OF RENTON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS AND ARTERIAL �'�REE",�S RESOLUTION I�Oo 112� DATEa Deco 2b� l9bl E�TIBTT 'rA�� REVISID BY RESOLUTIQl�I NOa 1212 PASSED Notrol.�.� 1.�63 _ DESIGNATION OF STREETS: II The fo7.lcwi.ng str�eet� and po�tians thereof between the po�nts named and at the I points named are hereb�r designated as arterial highways and arterial street� within the C�ty af Rent�ano �1) Ra�..ni�r Avenue {'P,S�Ho Noo �)s From the Wes� G�ty Limits �o th.� South �zty L�sn�.ts> ' (2) Sunset Highway West� CFeS„ Ho NOo 2): From the West City L�.mits to Ra�nier Avenue �PeSoH, Noo �)< (3) Third Avenuea Fram Rain3er Avanue (P4SoHo IVao �) to Main S�treeta (l�) Ma�..nn Street,a From the intersectifln of Grady Way and Bensc�n Raad � �SvSeHo �mC� to Branson Wa�o (5� Bronsnn Way and Bronson Way 1Vor�th: From the intersection of Main Street and Second Avenue to the intersectidn of Sunset Highway .r/�"' �P.�oHo Noa 2) and the Map1e ValZey Highway �PSH NooS��. f II �b) Map2e Valle� Highway {Po�oHa Noe�} : Fram the intersection of Bronson Way Nos°th and Sunset Hi.ghway (PeS,Hs No42} ta tha East Gity I,7.mits 9 I ' c7) Sun�et Ha�ghway (PoS>Ha No,2� < From the intersection af Bronson Way North and the Maple �alley Highway CPqSaHo NaoS) to the .Northeast City �zrrxits, , II (8} Airport Wayo Fram Rainier �venue {P,S<H. Noo �) ta Lagan S-�ree�, �9� Second Avenuef From Rainier Avenue {P,S>H> Noa �} �Go Bronsan Wayo (10� Logan S�reeta k`rom Third Avenue to Sixth Avenue Northa �11} S�xth Avenue Nar°ths Fram Logan S�,reet to Park Avenue (Lake Wash�.n.gtan Baulevard}, � �12} Park 5�reet �Lake Washington Blvdd} . From Bronsan �`ay to the North . Gity Limitsa - �13) Seventh Avenuea Fram Rainier Avenue (PeSeHo Nao ,�� ta Grady Way, � � II �_ - - - - - - � .# � ♦ �•-- „ . 1 '_ Page 2 � (14) Grad�r Way (SoSaH> 1Voo 1-L)� �om intersection. of Rainier Avenue (P<SoHe Noo 5� and Renton Jzznction Way to the intersection of Mair� Sts°eet and Bronson Road (SeSeHo 5mC)o (l�) Renton Junction Way CSoSoHo I-L): From the West City Limits to the i.ntersection of Rain�.er Avenue �PoSoH< Noo 5) and Grady Wayo (16) Benson Road (S,S,H, 5-C)s From the intersection. of Grady Way and Main Street to the South City L�mitso (17) Talbot Roade From Benson Road (S<SoH, 5-C) to the South City Lim�.tso (18) South 1.80th Str°eets From Rainier Avenue (Po5oHo Noo 5) to the West Valley Highway (SoSoHa 5 M) o �19) West Valley H�ghway (SeSoHo 5 M)a Fom South 180th St�eet ta �he North Gity' Limitso c2Q) Fourth .�venue Northo From Logan Street to the inter�sectior. of Factory . Street and Third Placeo (21) Third Places From the intersec�ion of Factory Street and Foux°th A�renue North to Third Avenue IVorthe (22� Third Avenue No�th< Fram t�Tilliams Street North to thE intersection of Monterey Drive and Four°th Avenue Northe c23� Williams St,reet and W�1liams Street North> �om Grady Way to Sixth Avenue North, C24) Wells Street and Wells Street Northo From Grady Way to S�t.h Avenue Nor°th, (25} Thi.s°d Avenue E�ten�ions From the intersection of Monterey Dx°ive and Fourth Avenue North to its terminus vrith Four°th Avenue North and "M" Street,_ (�26) Four�th Avenue North o �°om Sunset Highway (P�S,H� P10 0 2) to the East City Lirr�ts o (27} '!Ms' Streeto From �ourth Avenue North to 12th Avenue I�orthe ,C28�, 12th Avenue Northo Sunset Highway (Po�eHa Noo 2) to �'MFt Streeta � � I1 � •� v . i i ,. I • � . . r a • I Page 3 (2q} llbth Avenue Sn E, o �''`rom its intersection w.ith the Suns�t Highway (Fo Sa Ho Noo 2� to So Eo 97th Streeto (.�0� 112th Avenue S, EQ s From its intersection with the Sunset High��ay �Pa So H. �Zoo 2) to S. E. 97th Street. �3�-) �o �� 97th Streets Fr�om 1.16th Avenue S� E« to the Nor�;h City . I�a..mits. 2 S, E, `th Streeto F om h �v S � C° � �3 � 9� r 1tJOt enue . Ep to the �ast ity i Lim3.ts o I �33) y1CXJth Avenue S, Eo e From Park Avenue (Lake t�ash.�.ngtan Blvda) UQ u['a L'a T�t tih S'�rT°��"ti o � (3l�) Talbot Road E�ensionn From Grady Z�ay t� '�'albot Roado (35) Langs�on I�oad: From Sunset Highway {Po So Ho No.2} to the West City Lun�.ts, �3�} Ren�on Avenuez From ftaa.nier Avenue (Pa SQ H> No.,�} to tr�e West City L�nits, (37} 12th Av�nue IVortha From 116th Avenue S. E. to Sunset Highway I (Pe S< H, �top 2) �3�} 90th Ave nue South: F�om Renton �venue ta Sauth 128th Street� �39) 88t,h Place Sou�ha ��°om �outh 128th S�rest ta the West C�.ty Limits, (1��J) Burnett Streeta From Grady �rJay to proposed connection t�.th Logan Street. {}��.} Walla Walla Avenue: k�s�am Ma�.n Street ta Mill St�eeto I (i�2} M�.11 Stree�.. �'rom Walla Walla Avenue ta Brr�nson Way. Cl�.3� `Pu�et Drive: From Talbot Hoad to Cedar River F.ipelin� Ri�htwof Way�, I iI 1f �`;� i, ` - ' _ _ . � �q� _ - - � - . . R�SOLt1TIt�N I�Q. �.120 • ' , . S]7C I�AR � �ROC�I _ � P�S.� �g �SS CIT� COt�CIL I?�c. �2¢ �.3b1 _ � -; • � C� � �9 ������ REVTSED BY RESOLUTTON N0. 1183 PASSED jan. 28,1963 , �a�e��g ��� REVISED BY RESOLUTSON N0. 1212 PASSED Nov. 4, 1963 . �� I. ]�A'�BIiLS _ - . - _ _ ; ',;'�' ' P�i�t?.I�T Y�ID�I�N : � 0�` I�2� �S'F��D f�OS�' _ � ' - . . + , � ��w:: . . , (1)�.. �•A�.�Ctemsi�on �- S'�set to ?�tb� Avea�ue �orth (,�ua�b a� t�atfi�r S�. Pa� . . . ;:�: .. . •t� . � . _ ...,:: . ,., � __. .. � _ �ad�g right-o��Y��9 se�.��rs' �: , � �3b'OocJ.00_ .. , :�� : � " .;� .. - - aati TraffLc Coa�ol - ' - i .. t2) �tb. l� �to�h � surnett street to Pask s`tr�et �aag � C,u�s a�d �a�, 32,500.t1t3 _ _ - ; _ P�triag aad T�aPP� �t�ro� � . - ; �►3) �i� � � Rai.nier Av�e�ue to I.oga� Street ��rb aad (�t'6er�s Side�ar.lks aad ]A,000.00 � Pav3�tg - - _ � � i�t) - i�ain stseet to xainie� Avea�e cur� an� C�atter Favin - - � . �Y � StAa�a Se�rers aad ��atrol gs �s�.� � � . {5) 3rd g� — s'�att�k street to xai.nzeP Av�e 4�b an� c�atterf s�s, raving, ��3,5ocf.ao i . stas�n se�ts �aa. �c�aft'3,c co�tirol _ ' . i � - (G� �,: �.��,��.:�.: 3� - l�a St�t to Park S�.reet �raS�ic �a��ral lf?,000.0� . . . _ �7� �k Str+e�e� - B���a i�ag ta3 12th ��aue I�o�tfi �fic Contrs��. 2�,OOt}.f� .,�`� y . , � � RESOLUTION NOe 1120 PASSED llec< 129 1°6:�, _ R.EV'ISED BY RESOLUTION N0. �.i33 P�.ss� Jan, 28,�!,9C3 REVISID BY R�SOLUTION NOo 1212 PASSED Nov, 1�, 1.y63 _ T, MAJOR ART�.IAIS �Continued- Page 2) , Exhibt "r�" PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OI' IMl'ROVENIENT ESTIMA.TED C05T (8) 2nd Avenue - l�ainier Avenue to Bronson Way Traffic �ontrol $ 1530�J0.00 �9) Main Street - Grady Way to Bronson Way Traffic Control and Storm Sewers 28,5�J0.00 (10) �.th Avenue North - "M'� Street to East City Limits Curb and Gutter, Sidei�ralks, Paving, 639000,0� , and Storm Sei•rers (11) Cemetery Road - 3rd Avenue North to r'E" Str�et Storm Sewers 2,50�Je00 (12) Burnett Street- 2nd Avenue to Ltth Avenue Curb and Gutter, Paving, Storm , Sevaers, Acquistion of �ight of Way and Traffic �ontrol 30900�J.00 . �13) Puget Driv� - Talbot Road to S, S, H # 5-C Curb and Gutter, Paving9 Storm (Benson Highway) Sewers, and Traffic Control 659000,fJ0 TOTAL COST ESTITZATE MAJOR ARTII3.IAI,S $ 1�79,O�J0 e O�J .' ; � IIo �iECONDARY AATERTAL�,_ � ,.. . . . j; . - � E�h�kSi� rtg« � . . . PROJ�'�CT LOCATION _ . 7.'YPE OF SA�ROVEi�N� ESTIMA� COS� { . . {1,) 3rd. Avenue North � Burne�t Str�e-t to ��e� B�.�s C�b and Gutte�°9 Si�.e�a1k�� P�va.ng9 � �.£Q0�,0� S�tox°m ���r� and Tx°�.�fa�� Contro� (2a r�T�l�r Stree� = ltth Aver�ue Nc�a�h ta �.2th �,venue No;�t� ��a�°t� and Gutte�E Sa.de�ralY.�9 Pa�3.ng� �26S.s00,U0 azid Stos�n Se�re�� (�} 12th A�►enue Nox�th v 5�12th SoE, ta �aNiYe St,�ee� Curh and Gutte�9 Side��.kss Paro�.ng� 958�O�opQ Storm S�r� and ��ff�,c Control (�.� 116th Aven�.e SaEa � Sunset -to SoEa 96t�, S��°ee-� Gux°b and Gutt��°9 S3cl�walk�� Pa�.r°.�ng� 1L2b�000,t?0 a.nd Sto�n S�w��� � (5� �2th Avenus SaE� � Sunset �o SaEo 97th St�^ee� Cuz� and Guttc�°� Sidesaaik�e Paving� �.lESS�OOoQO and Storm Se�rs , (5) 7th Avernle � Grady Way to Rai.nier Avenue Gurb and Gutterg Sidewa.lks, Paving$ 3�9500,00 � Storm Se�rs and Traffic Control . (?) 9�th A�renue South � Renton Avenue to 88th Place South Curb and Crutter9 Sidewalks, Paving, 319500p00 �� - and Storm Se�rers (8 88th Pl.a�e South = Oth Avenu Sou h So n � I ) 9 e t to uth 122nd Sto Curb and Gut ter9 Sldewal�:se �av�ng9 32,o00v00 . and Storm Sewers �1 .. �,� . 7 ' , • TI, ST,xOTr1DARY ARTERIALS � (Cont�.nued � Page 2) � F�c'11�b�.t ��Arr 7 ' � PROJECT I,C)CATTON '.i'Y�PE �F` �'I?PRUi1EN''iEN�.' ES`I'.T�.N1A.'I`ED COST (9� Loga� St�°eet m 3�`� �venue t� 6th Avenue Nox^th Traff�.c Cont�°a�, � 1.��QOOa00 (1.�) aoEo 9lth St�ee`t � 116th A.�rea SoEo to Czty I,�nit� Cu.�� axad �utte�°�� S�d.€;��a.�k�� �.�S50G�� Pa�ring �d Stc��rn Se�re�°� �1�.; ��JOth AFenue �,Ea � Pa�°Y. Avenue tn S�Ee 9��1� S�o Curb anr� Gutt��.�s,, 52.�.e��a.:�k��:, 28��GCoOC� �a�r�g a.r�d S�o��n Se�ea�� �12) �a��o 9�.'�h St�°eet <_ �,GOth I�v�nue SoE, t�a C�t� L-imit� Gu�� an� Cu.��e�=s� ��.c��x�,:�s�-;� 2�.nOQ�,00 Pa�aa,ng a,nd S�c�:�rra Se�e�� ��,�1 I�a.ng�ton Auer�ue � aunset to City Z�m��s Cux°b anci Gu�tc7:°s,, Sii3��.�.�.k�� �.7���Oa�JO Pa�ring anr�. S�to�n �S��,reb� , TOTAL COST EST�tATE SE�ON�ARY' ARZ'ERIALS � ?86�,�00,00 � i�. iy . + • - II�, ACCESS STREEtS � , • Es�a,ba.t crA QF (Gon��nuecl o) PROJECT I�UCAT��N TYPE OF T.MPRO���EN� ESTI��7ATEI� �OST :�,� Fac�t�� St�°ee� G B��r���n Way to l��h A�renue Nox�t�. Pa�a.ng �nd Sto�m Se�ex°� � 1.89000m00 , �2) "eKet St:�eet � 1l�.�h A�e�aue Nao �0 12.�th A.venu� No�th Stox�n Sew�r� 31���00,00 C3) 'oE" St�eet � �.�h A�renue Nos°th to Sux��et Cux°b a.nd Gut�eg°� Si����a1s��, Pa�.��� �268500o0G , and S�a� SP r�e�� ��.) �RKt' Str�eet � Suns�t to 10th Avenue No�th C�a.�°� aaad G�ztte��, ��.�.���.�.i��� pa�r�ng� 1�A000,00 and Sta�m Sewer� ' (5) I�'th P3ac� = Shattucl.s Street �to Rainier Avenue Curb and Gutte�Q Sidev�aa:L�:s, :�av.�.ng9 6�000,00 - and Storm Sewers (6) Pelly Street m ist Avenue No. to 6th Avenue North Paving 159000e00 (7) 7th Avenue idor�h � Sunset to ��M" Stx°eet Paving 2900Q,00 (8) Ed�rax°ds Street � Sunset to Ra.inies� Aver�ue Curb and Gutter9 Sidet�a,�ks� �.nd l�6s000.00 ' Paving � (9) 7th Avenue � Edwards Street to Rainier Avenue Curb ar�d Gutte�°9 Side�alYsS Pa�ng� 9�000,00 and Traffic Contro7. ?:9:;; ,..>,t: \1 .y . � I2�, ACCESS STR�'�'TS (Con�t3.n�zed m Page 2) ' ' • - � -. - - E�h.il�it raA FF PRO�TECT �IJC�ITION TYPE OF IMPRO�I�T ESTIMATID COST (].0) lOth Avenus horth m Sunse� to '�AT" �ts°eet C��°b and Gut�e�°8 Si�ewalk�9 Pavingg � l�7��OOaUO and Storm Se�rex°s {�} Harris Pla�e � Rainier Av�nue to Hard.ie St�eet Cur� and Gutt,ere Sidewa].k�� Pav�ngs b9500o00 and Sto�rrs Sewer� (32) South 153rd = Ra.iniex° Avernxe �0 75�n Ave, S�. Cux°b and Gutte�� Side�alks� Pavings 809000,00 arid Stox°m Se�ae�s (13) Garcien Street m �.th Avenue N�a, tc� 8th A�rs. No, �urb and C'ru�t�s Sic��aa�.ks9 Pav�ng9 l���,�ppe0p and Storm SeTaeers � (1l.�) 6th Anenue �?orth - Ga.rden Street to Park St�eet Curb and Crutter, Sidewalks, Paving9 7,500000 and Storm Sewers , (15) Shatt�ick Street � 3rd Avenue to 1�th �lace Curb and Gutter9 Sidewallcs, Paving9 1la.s000,00 ' : and Storm Sew+ers . (16) Lake Street - Airpoxt Way to 2nd Avenu3 C�b and Gutter, Sideraalks� Pav�ng, 379�0.00 . Storm Sewers9 Right=of�way and 2`raffic Gvntrol (17) Morris Stree� - 3rd Avenue �o ?�th Avenue CurT� and Gutter9 Paving9 a,nd 7,500@00 Storm Sewers v . .� _ - � 7 ` � CITY OF E�.ENTqN RESOLUTIQN Nt�o 1120 Dec, 12, 1962 ; SIX_ YEAIt STREET PROGRAM AI�IENDED BY RESqLUTION J.1�3 Janm 28, i96� ANff�.�TDED BY RESOLUTION 12I.2 Nov. �,t.�, lgb� IIIe ACGESS STREETS E�ibt "A�r PROJECT LOCATION TYPE OF SMPROVEN�NT ESTTMATED C�:�T (18} Whitwarth Street-3rd Avenue to �.th Avenue Gurb and Gutter, Paving, and $ 79�pC�i�}(} 5torm Sewers I (lq� Smi.th.ers Street-3rd Avenue to �th Avenue Curb and Gutter, Paving, an�l ?9.�OQ,00 I Storm Sewers TOTAL COST ESTIMATE ACCESS STI�.E�TS - $ �265Q�J�J,Qp � GRAND TQTAL COST ESTTMATE FOR SIX Y:EA�i, SZREET PRQGRAM�$1.,791g�iJ�},�JO ,