HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2191 _� a � ' ; � - � ' C��tlGlNJ�I. . , , � � ORDINANCE N0. 2191 I ' AN QRDINAI�CE OF fiHE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTt3N ORDERING TH� CONSTRUCTIQN AN13 INS11�iLLATION OF CER'I19IN SANi�:RY SEWER LZNES AND APPURTENANCES '1'EIER�TO ON SCN'TI� 153rd STREFsT ZN TAE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTflNr ALL IN ACCORDANCE WI'i�i RES(7LtITIflN N0. 13�9 0� THE CITY Ct�,TNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASRINGTQN; ESTABLIS�i ING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 255, PR{}VIl32NG 'I�tE MET`�OD 4F A3SESSMENT IN SAID DZSTRICT; PR4VIDING T��A'T PAYMENT FOR SA3I1 IMFROVEMEI�t'� BE MADE BY SPI�CZAL ASSESSMENTS UPON PROPER'I'X IN SA3D DI.STKTCT� PAYA:.LE BY 'THE MODE OF "PAYMENT BY BOI�'?S�OR NC}TES IN LIEU 'I'iiEREOF AS UETERMINED BY TNE CZTX COUI�IL; AND PR4VZDING F4R THE ISSUANGE AND SALE QF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WARRAI3TS REDE�.fABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IMPRflVEMENT DISTRICT BflNDS QR N4TES� WHEREAS by Resaiution No, 1329 adopted Octaber 4, i965, the City Caun�il of the CI3.'Y QF 1tENTON declared its i.ntention to construct and insfial.l cerLain sanitary sewer 2ines, together with appurtenances thereto, an a cartain portion c£ Sottth I53rd Street, Renton, King County, Washington, and f i�ced the 25th day of October, 1965 in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Rentan, Washington, as a time and p2ace fnr hearing �I1 matters relating to said proposed improvement and al2 objections thereto and £or determining the method of payment far said i.mprovemr�nts, and WHEREAS Jack Wai.2son, City Engineer, has caused an estimata ta be made of the cast and exgense o� the proposed i�.provement and has certified said esti.mate ta the City Council, together with all papers and informatian in his possessiaz� touching I upan the proposed improvement, a description of the boundaries of the Di,strict, a ' statement of what portion of the cost and expense shauld be borne by the properties within the praposed District, a statemenfi in detail. of the LocaZ Imgr�vement assess- ments outstanding or unpaid against the property in the proposed Di;strict, and a statement ef the a��re��te actual valuatian o£ .the rea2 estate, including 25% of the actua3 val.uatian of the impravements in the praposed Distriet, accordiag ta the valu- ation 2as� placed upon it for the purpose af general taxation; and I WHEREAS said estimate i� aecampat�ied by a diagram of the proposed improvement shcwing thereon the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other praperty which will be specially beneEi�ed by Lhe praposed improvement, and the est.+.c�tq::� amaunt of the cost and expense thereaf to be borne by each lat, tract and parcel of Iand or ather property -.,;.*.hin said District; and - - WHEREAS due notice af the hearing upon said Reso2utian Ne.1329 was given in i the manner provided by Iaw, and said hearing was duly held by the City Counei2 at its I regu2ar mee�.ing on t}ctc#er 25, I965, at the hour of 8.00 P.M., and alI protests entered having been duly Eansidered and the tatal amouc�t of said protests nat exceeding 13.25 qa I of the total estimated assessment; and _�,� II - - - - . ` � ' �. . ' WHEREA� at said hearing� the Ci�y Coancil has given due considerationtto the special benefits ta be rec�ived from such pr•dposec3 i.mprevement by all of the properti.�s to be i�cluded within th� praposed Lsaeal IIIiprOv@�rit DI.8�TiCtr and WHEREAS the City Cc�uncil deems it in the best interest af the City and �f the pwners oE the property within the propased L�cal Impravement District that said I impr0'�ement as he�ceina�ter described be carried aut and that a Loca� Imgrovement Distric� be created in connection therewith; 1VOW 'xHEREFORE BE IT ORI)AINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUIaCIL OF "THE CZTY pF RENTON, WASHIi�TON AS FC}LLOWS: SECTZ�N I: The follawing sanitary sawer Iines an po�tions of South 153rd street in the City of Rento�, Ki.ng Caunty� Washi:r�gton, sha31 be eonstrueted and instai2ed, ta—wi,t: APP�tt7X. S TZE P IPE ON FRt�M T4 , � I gr' �, 153rd �t. 80th Ave. �o. 77�h Ave. Sa. I' There sha32 be inctuded in the foregoing the acquisition ancl installatian csf ail nec� essary valves,. fittings, cc�uplings, c�nnections, equigraent and agpurtenances, and fihe acquisition of any easements, rights of way and land that may be required; and there shall be included the performance of such wark as may be incidental and necessary I � to the f oregoing constructi.on and installation. The City Counc il may �tpd if y the de ta il s of the £�regaireg de scribed improvement where in its judgment it appears advisable, provided such modifications do not sub— stantia l Iy alter the plan of sa a.d impravement. A11 of the f oregaing si2a2.1�.be in accordance with the plans and epecificat�,ons therefor to be prepared by the City Engineer* SECTIaN II: There is hereby established and ereated a Loeal Improvement Distsi�t to be called "Local Improvement District No. 255 0£ the City af Renton, Washingtcon", the boundaries af such Lacal Improvement District being described as follows: I Al2 that portion o� the Cit of Rentan 1 in Southerl of FAI Hi hwa No. 405 Y Y � Y � Y � Nartherly of �outh I53rd St, Westerly af 84th Avenue South, and Ea�terly of a iine 210 �eet Westerly of the We�ter]�y Margin of 7'��th Avenue Sauth. SECTION IIZ: The estimated ec*st and expense af said �mprovement is hereby deelared tc be $ 9,384.Q0� .. The entire cost and expense of said ic�provement, includin� I ,,� the cost and expense of all engineering, l.egal , inspection, advert�si:ng, gu�licatifr� of � I notices and other expenses incidental thereta, shall be borne by and sssessed against .,x� . i � � - ' the praperty specia2ly benef ited by such improvement include@ in the Lacal Improvement District established, embracing, as near as may be, a32 property speciaily benef ited by such improvement, SECTION IV: The nature of the improvement provided £or herein is such that the special benef its conf erred nn the property are fairly reflected by the use of the statut�ry termini and zone method of assessment, and it ia hereby provided and ordered that the assessment shall be made against the praperty of the I3istrict in accordance with sa id method. A13 praperty ineZuded within the lituits of the Local Improvsment District above created shall be cansidered to be the praperty speciallq benef ited by such Local Improvement and shall be ttte property to be assessed to pay the cast and expense thereof as hereinabova specified. SEC1"�4N V: Local Improvement District warrants sha�I be is�ned in payment cf the cost aad expense of the improvement herein ardered. 3uch warrants shall be gayable out of said "Local Improvement Fund, District No, 255" ta bear int�rest from the date thereof at a rate to be f ixed hereafter but not to exceed 6% per annum and to be rede�€�ed in cash, andfor by Local Improvecnent District bands herein autharized to be � issued, said interest�bearing warrants to be herea�ter referred to as "revenue warrants". Sach bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be hereafter fi.ued but not exceeding fi% � per annum; shall be payable on or bef ore twelve years f ram the date of issuance, the 1 ife af the improvrament ordered being not less than twelve years, and shall be issusd in exehai►ge f or and in redemgtion of any and alI revenue warrants issued hereunder and nat redeemed in cash w3.thin a period not to exceec� sixty days aftar the £irst publication by the City Treasarer of notice that the assessment roll for Local Improvewent District No. 255 is in her hands f or collectian. The bonds sha12 I be redeemaed by the cal.:.�ction af special assessments ta be leviad and assessed upon I the property WIt�112! said District, paYab}.e in ten equa2 anaasl installments, with I interest at a rate to be fuced hereafter, but not exceeding 6% per annum, under the mode of "payment bq bonds" or by "Notes in lieu thereof", as definr�d by law and the � ardinances crf the City af Renton. In case af default in the payment of aay assessment when the sa�te sha12 becaaae due, there sha2i be added interest at a rate to be hereafter fiacefl but not to exceed 5% per annum, and a perialty of 6�e which st►a21 �2so be colleeted. T'he exact fraim, amount, date, interest rate and denomination af said warrants and � bonds, shall be hereaftar fixed by ordinane�: cf the Ci,ty Counei� ; however, the Ci.ty � Council may, in lieu of the issu�nce af sueh boads issue insta2lment nates paqable out of the Lccal Improvement District Fund as pravided by 3aw, specsal reference b�ing '"�' , I� I � � ...... .. .. , , . • .. • . .. ' _ I made to RCW 35.�+5.150. Said warrants and bonds, or nates in lieu of said bonds, shali be sold in such manaer as the City Cquncil shall hereafter detexmine�. S�CTION 'VI: A21 t�e woric necessary to be done in ecsnneet�ion with ttze making of said impravement sha21 be dane by and made by contract ugon competitive bias anii the City shall have and reserves the }right to reject anp and all bids. The ca11 for bids for wark authorized pursuant to this Ordinance shall include a statement ttaat payment for said work will be made in eash warrants drawn upan the "Lacal Impravement F'und, District No. 255", I SECTiON VII: There is hereby created and established in the effice of the 'Cit� 3'reasurer of the City o£ Renton, for Lxal Improvement Di.s�.rict No. 255, a special fund to be kncwn and des%gnated as "Laca2 �mpravement Fund, District Na. 255t' into which fund shall be flegasited the proceeds from the sa2e af revenne warrants drawn against said fund which may be issued and sold by the City and col].ecttons gertaining to assessment, and against whictt fund sha21 be issued cash warrants to the contractor or contractors in payment for the w,nrlc to be done by them in connection with said impro�vement, and ag�;i�i�twhich fand cash warrants sh�]1 tae issusd in payment af aI2 other items of expense in cannection wath said impravement, SECTIpN VIII: 'The City Engineer is hereby authorized �nd directed to ca12 far bids, in the manner prov3.ded bq law, for the canstruction and installation of the improv�— ments �uthorized herein. SECTION IX: The City reserves the right to issue, in 2ieu of bonds and warrant� in payrnent of the cost and expense af the afaresaid Local Improvement bistrict install— ' '� I ment note or notes peyable out of the Lecal Improvement District fundwhenever such II nc�te or notes �a�t.,�old. ��3Et��vrely� to en�tlrRs �t�n�! c# E�� City ee �a irsv+est��t thereof, � and as furthsr pravi.ded by law, Such inst���`t r►ote or nates may be issued any time after a thirty day period ailowed bq law for the payment fl£ assessments of said District without penal.ty or interest, and such note or notes may be uf any denomination or denaminatians, t�.e aggregate af which shall represent the balance of the cost and , expe�se of the Local Icnpravement Distriet which is to he b�►rne by the property c�wners therein, and as further prova.ded by law. . ti-`-1` -�..1 PASSED BY T�3E CI'IY C(�tJNCIL this lst day of November, 1965. , . ``i���� f �, `��,, ,�, �i�.��.,,� .//��a�.�/ ��- Helm% Nelsc►n, Caitq C�`erk s�-- - "y �. a, APPROV;�D BY THE MAY4R this 2st day o Navembe �I,9�'�v. - � `' . , f ��"1✓. J` ,.` _ � � .. Donald W, Custer, Mayor " Approv a s to f orm������� �� � � i Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney � Date of Publicatian: .�� �l j� �� _