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QRI?�I�ANCE N0. dY�, / ,
WHEREAS uad�r th� provisions af R.C.W. 35.13.�.3{3, as amended, a peCition in
Variting requestin� that certain territory contiguous to the Ctty Lfmits af the City oi
Rentan, as hereinafter moreparticularly described, be annexed to the Gity of Rentor►
was duly presented and filed with the Ci�y Clerk on ar about April 25, 1966; a�d
W�iEREAS priar to the fi2ing and circulation of said petitian for anuexaCion,
I the get3.tianin� owners had duly notified the City Cauncil of their intention to cor�ence
such proceedings as pravided by law, as Qore particularly speci€ied in R.C.W. 35.13.125,
and upan public hearing therean, iC �avin�, beeci determined and the petiCianiag owners
having so agreed to assume Che pre-existin� bonded indebtedczess of the City of RenCon
as same pertains ta the territory petitianed to be annexed; and
WF�.EREAS the City Engineer has duly e�mined and verified the signatures on
said petitian for annexation and determined tlie assessed valuation of a11 the propertie�,
the same being in excess of 35� of the area to be annexed, in value, as provfded by 1z°�,;
wlich petitioa also sets forth the legal description of Che praperties accarding to
government leg,aZ subdivisioa or plat, and the Planning Commission of the City of Ren�v�
having duly considered and recommended Che annexing af eaid property ta theCitp; and
�REAS the Mayor af the City of Renton duly convened a Baard of Review
Meeting, as provided by 3aw, and said Board, upon pu�Iic hearing, having duly made
its determination that sai.d praposed annexatfon is in the public interest and for the
public welfare, and in the best interest of the Cf.tp, County an� other political sub-
divisions affected thereby and such findings being in writing, and a11 such proceedings
bei.ng in full campliance with R.C.W. 35.13.173; and
WHEREAS the City Con�cil fixed 3'une 13, 1966 at the City Council Chambers
in the CiCy Hall as the ticae and p2ace for public hearing upon sa�d peCition, notice
thereof having been da2y given as provided by law; and
WIiERFAS pursuant to said notice, a public hearing has been held at the time and
place _specified in the aforesaid natice a�zd the C�ty Counci� hav3.n� duiy considatrp+� ��_�
rQatters in connection with said peCitfou �nd further detera�ined Chat all legal
requirewents artd proceduzes of the law applicable to the petition meChod for annexation
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as s ecified in . W 35.I3.130 et se have b�en full com lied w#.th NOW THEREIrORE I
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SEC�I{�N Z: �'he afc��cesaid �i:nd�.ngs, �ecitals and de�e�ainati�ans are hereby faund
to be true and correct in all respects; a31 requirements of tha law in regard ta the
annexati.on bp petition method, including the requirements af R,C.�T. 35.13.125, 130, l�fl (
171 andl73, have be�an fu�ly complied with. It is further c3etermined that the above
mentioned peCition far annexation ta the Ci.ty af Renton af the property and territo�q
hereinb�low described be anci the same is herehy approved and granted; the fol�awing
described praperty being coatiguaus ta the City Limits of the Gity of Renton, be and
the same is hereby ann�exed ta the City of Renton and such annexation to be effective ot1
and after the approvai, passage and publication of �his Ordinance; and on and after sawd
date said praperty shail be and canstituee a part af the Citq o€ Renton and shall
be subject ta a21 iCs laws ared Ordinances then aad thereafter in force; sai.d progerty
being described as �ollows:
All that partion of the north or�e•ha2f of Sectian 16, Township 23 North,
Range 5 East, W.M. described as follows;
The Ptartheast o�e-quarter af the northwest one-quarter of Sectian 16,
Township 23 North, Ran�ge 5 East, W.M. ; less �he north 3£� feet;
Together with the �arth one-half of the nartheast ane-quarter o€ said
Section 16; leas the north 30 feet;
Aiso togeCher with the southeast one•quarter of the narCheasG qne-quarter
of said �ection 3.6; less the east 435.5 feet, except the aorth 3d £eet
thereof, and except the narth 200 feet af the south 32i feet thereof.
{property adjoining 4th Avenue North between 4'I" Street an@ 132nd Ave. 5.8.}
and the owners af the afaredescribed property shall assume the pre-existing bcandec!
indebtedness of the City of RenCon as same pertains to the above described prapertp as
set forth in R.C.W. 35.13.125.
I' SECTION IT: This Qrdinance shall be in fui2 fvrce and effect from and a€ter
I its assa e r a and ub icatian as ravfded h law. A certified co of this
P € � �PP ov 1 p 1 P Y' FY
i Ordinance shall be filed with the Board of �ounty Commissioners of Kiag Cout►ty, State af
Washington, and as further provided by law.
$ECTION IIi: The abo?ue descrii�ed annexed property CBCit�.gt34118 to Precinct No.
22 of the City of Rer�ton shall be and constitute a part of Precinct No. �2 af said
City. . .
PASSED BY THE CITY C�3fi1�CIL �his 20th day o€ Sune, I966.
" '" � - ''7�,�f��"^c't'/ I
". �ielmie NelsBn, City Clerk
APPROV�D IiY T�lE MA�UR this 24th ciay af June 19 6.
� G%i,'•(�� �C.
I Donald W. Custer, Mayor '
Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorne3r
�ate o� Pub3.ica�ion: ��jN 2 2 ��6�i
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