HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2269 �r � - - - J' t
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SECTION I: Certain wvrds and terms t�sed zn this ordinanc�, ualess c2ear2q
inconsi�tent with their context, sha21 mean the fo2lowir�g: ....
AIR CONTAMINANt. Any air�bor�e soli.d, 2iquid, er gaseous matter, exaepfi air
or uncombined water.
AIl2 POLLLiTIt3N, The placing p= presence in the air of air contaminaats in
cancentration suff ici.er�t to cause sa anreasonable a.nterference with the
eam€orts and s�fety and hea2th of man; or �he reasanable use and enjaya�ent
of his property.
DUST, An air cantaminant consisting of salid gartieles, capable o� be�i.c�g
FUEL BURNING EQUIPMENT. Cammereia2 or industri$I fuacn�ce� �ar eampar��STe
�devices, the pri.ncipa3 purgose rf whictt is waste dispo�al, or ttce praductiati
of hot air, hot w�ter, or steam. i
I HEAT' PROG�SSSING �SptiZPMENT. Indastr�al furnaces ar compareb2e deviees, tha I�
� grincipal purpose cf which is the processing of material through t�e use of heat.
PROCESS WEIGHT PER Hi�UR. The tatel wei.ght c�f anp material, excegt 2iqaid,
or gaseous fueZ or ur�contaminaLed water, intraduced into anp pracese in one {11
hour; or, for cyclieal pracesses, the total weight ef any such matter intre-
dacec3 fnta any pracess during one tI� comp2ete cycle or aperatian af such
proc�ss, diva,ded by the number af hours in such cycie. �
SMOKE. An air corctaminant eansisti:�g af a visib2e air-borne cac�centration
of combusti.an pro�tzced sclid partic3es and ather matter,.
CONTROL OFFZCER, Means the Air Pa2lution Contral Officer of the City.
PERSt3N. Means and includes an indiviaualr ffrm, public o�r private carporetiont
�assocfatian, partnership, politica2 subdivisian, municipa�ity or gavernmental
S�CTIQN ZI: DECIARATI�N OF PC?LICY, it fs h�ereby deelared to be the publi.c
policy o£ the Citp to maintsin the highest practical standards af purity of the air �*►
order ta rocnote and iEurther {
g public enjoym�nt and use of the C�ty's natnral scenie �and
otttdoar recreatianal re�ources, ta fmprove publie health, and to facilitate the growth
cf desirable, netura2, agrfcult+�r�I, pl�nt and �n�ma3 iife� all corrsisteat w�.th maximuffi
employment �nd fuXl i.adustrial dev�iopment a�' the C�.ty and its e�viarons. It is �ecessary
and required ta the health� safety and wei��re of the peopie of the G�.ty of Itentot� to I
provide a�eans far r.,�uction, control and preventiqn af Air Pollutiot�, It Ss furt�ex �
realized that the prabiems vf air pol.lutian are not 1oca3, but usua2ly pr�marily �egianal
in nature, ared ta that extent, ths Citg �ha21 cooperate with ather. muniefpsli�fes,
districts �nd cauntie� and ta eater inta egreement for the garpase of effee�u��ing z
the provisions af this Ordiriance. I
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UNLA�AFUL ACTS.A.It is unlawfc�l to csuse, suf€er or allow emissions nf smqke
..�,.�......ti�...�.�..t, ` . I
fram any source ather than heat processing equipment, the capaeitp of which is equal to I
or more than �'orty percent (4t�°lo}, exce��;8s ft�llawse -.
1. For a total o� nat mare than faur (�} minutea in az�y siacty �6t33 minutes,
when it shall be sixty gercent 460°�? or less.
2. When building a new fire, for a total of not more than twelve (12) minutes
in any sixty (60) minutes, wh�n it shall be sixty percent (60%) or less.
3. Tecnpaarzly, due to breakdown af equipment, and provic�ed that repairs are
prompt2y made.
4. During a time f ar compl iance with thi,s ordinance f iaced by the Cantro2
Officer as provided herein. i
The percent of capacitq of emissians a� smake shall be measured by methods
equivalent to fihose set fcarth in Znf ormation Gircular 7718, ^Ringelmann Smoke Chart", I
editioa of August, 3955, pub2ished by the Uni���. States Bttreau of Mines (C.F.241089?,
a ccspy of which is fi2ed wi�h the City Clerk. I
IB. Dust frt�m Fue3. Burning Eqe�ip€�nt: It is un3awfu2 to cause, atzf;Eer ar allow
� emissions of effluent frou► any €uel burning equipment the dust content of whi.eh is more
than eighty-five hundreths (0.85) pounds af dust per one thousand t10Q0) pounds of �
i efflu�nt, adjusted to fifty perc�nt (50%) excess air for products af coxabtzstion, except i
as follows:
1. Where the dust content af the e€f3uent is controlled through the use
af dust separ�ting equipment and provided that such equipment sh�ll
collect seventy-five pereent <75%),: if installed priar ta the effective
date of this ordinance, or eighty-five percent (95%) if �herea£ter
installed, of all dust in the effluent From the fuel burning eq�ipment.
�. 'I'etitpor$'1C'21yr dt�e to breakdawn of equipment and pxovided that zepairs
�re pramptly made.
3. During a time for c+o�np3iance with this ordinance fi�ced by the Gontra�
Officer as provided herein.
C. Dust from H�at Processia� Equipm�nt and _Other Sources: It is un;lawf u2 ta cause,
suffer or a21ow emissians af dust from any heat processing equipment ar from the mi2ling,
grinding, brushing or handling af any material ir� quantities e�ceeding that set forth in
the foZlowing table, except as fcsllocaa:
1. When the precessing equipment has been instal2ed priar to ths effective I
date of this ordinance, and where emissions of dust are in excess of
those set f orth in said table but are cantrollei3 �through the use of dust
separating equipment, provided, that such dust aeparating equipment �
shai2 co27.ect nat 2ess thatt ninety-eight and two tenths percent (98.2%a)
of a32 dust zn the effluent from the process.
I 2. Temporari2y, due to breakdown of equigment, and provided that repairs are
promptlq made.
i3. During a time £or compliance with this ordinance f i�ced by the Cantrol
� Officer as prov%ded herein.
Pracess Weight Per Haur Max�.mum Allqwable Dus� �
� (Pounds) Emission Per Hour
I EPaunds}
l00 0.60
1,QOd 2;95
�,��� 4.75
3,OOd 6.35
4,040 -2�, 8.00
i` e '
� Process 4�eight Per Hour Maximum A2loiaable ?3ust
(Pounds) Emission Per Haur � , '
� S,�OQ 9.65.
6�000 �.�.*��}
7,Oq0 12.90 I
$,000 14.30 I
9,OQ0 I5.50
IO,OOd I6.65 I
I2,{?00 38.70
�r�,00a �o.ko
16s000 2x.so
18,000 22.SQ
20,000 24;OQ
25,000 27.40
� 30�000 34.90
40,On0 3'7.QQ
50,400 42.50
60,OQO �8.{30
70,444 52.5t�
,C�L7�V0 f�eVv
iso,000 ��z.5a
zoo,000 zsa.00
250y000 I87.50
34d,000 225.00
[��here the process we ight per hour is between two Iisted f igures, such pracess
-���-+ �nd �naximum allawable dust emissic�n per hactr shall be interpol�ted ae�or8i.ngly.
��� .
D. Traceatale Dust, Generally: it is unlawful for anyone ta cause, suffer or a11oE,�
I the discharge of dust particles which become depasite8 upon the real propettyt of others, (
, and which are of such size and nature as to be readily recognizable and traceable to thei:
S4L2�CC.'3 2XC£'.i}'� au� �4��CSG7S 2
1. Dust as specif ied and when regul.ated as set forth in Sections 'i2 C8 � C} I
af this ordinance.
2. Tecnpararily, due to bre��wn of equipmen�C, and provided that repairs
�re promptly made. I
3. During a time f or compliance with this ardinance fixed by thr� Control
0€f icer as provided here ir�.
SECTION III: There is hereby established and created an A ir Po2lution Cantrol
Adv:_�ory Cot�ncil which shall consist of five (5) members who are residents of the City
and who are knowledgable, skiiled and experienced in the f ield af air pollutio� and
two of its members sha2Z serve as representatives of industry. The Mayor shall serve I
as ex--officio member of the Council and be its chairman. Such Ccauncil members shall I
serve wi.thout compensation but may be allac��ed their aetnai expenses i.ncurred in
diseharge of their duties,
SE�TION IV: There is hereby established and created the office of ControT
Off icer whose duty shall inc2ude, amcsng others, the enforeer�ent af tha provisions of
this ordinance and all other orders, ordinances, resolutions, rules and ragulation6 , I
of �he Cit ertainin ta the cont
Y P g rol and prevention af a�r pnllution, The Control
Offi.cer sha12 b� appointed by the Nlayqr with the concurrence o€ the City Council and 'I
shall se�ve at th� pieasure af the appointing authoacity.
, . � , ,
Such Carctro� t�fficc:r, together with the �ir Polltition Control Advisciry .
Council m�y, for the purposa o� controlling �nd preventi.ng air pollutie►n: �
1. Advise, consult, cooperate and cantract with a�her �gencies and
educati.onal institutions of the Statc, political subdivisions, ittditstries,
other states, the federal government ar ather effective groups snd �
2. Encourage and eonduct studies, investigatians and researrh relat�z�g to
�ir pollutzon, i.ts causes, controZ and prevention.
3. Receive moneys£rom any source and use and disburse such Eunds for th�
study, determination o£ edueatianal inform�tiaan, and control �nd �re vention
of air pollution, a� may be authorixed by the City Council.
4� Deve2op a comprehensxve pZan and pragram f or the prevent ion and can�rol
of air pc,3lution within its jurisdzetzon.
SECTI4N V: Enforcement. The City's Control Officer shall enfarec: this ardire-
ance and rnay adagt ruZes and regulations pursuant thereto; h�e may enter aay building
or premisea at any reasonab7.e ti.me to per£oarm any of the du�fes imposed o�n him by this
orcl�anee, and he shall inspect �ny pretnise� which he ntay reasansb2y believe ta he a
source of a ir �ollution,
SECTTON VI: l�o�ice, If tk�e City's Gontrol Ofticer f in�ts a violatian of this
. __._.. �,,.a..,
I ord inance, he sha21 give parfi icular written natice, by tnail or by posting on the premises,
tcs the awner or op�ratar o� the equfpment or premises the sC�'c� ttsereoE, to compiy with
this ordinaz�ce within a reason�ble tf.me by h3.m f isced,
SECTION VIIs_ The Owner or Op�ratar oF equipmen� or grema.ses f ound by the Ci.ty
Control Officer t� be the saurce o�° � vio3atian of this ardinance �zap request an extension
of comp2 iance time. and i.� sa id Con�rai o�f icer sh�Il f ind tha t a.mmed iate compl iance
with tP�:s ordinance is unreasonahle, he shali th�n gr�nt an exte�asian of compliance time,
� for not mare than qns (!) year for any one tl) such extension, In considr�ring a request
I� �Ear an exterasi.on a� ccmplfance t�.nse, sai8 �pntrol Qf�icer st�li take into account such
factors as practicabi.lity, evaail�bility o�` equ�pmeat and relative benefits to t.�.e coararunity.
SECTZOI�t ViIi� He�� '1'�a owner or ap�rator y£ the equigment or premises
concerned may request a h�,aring be�'ax� the Coitfirt?I 4£'ficex and the Air Po2lution Control
Advisory Council within ten -C10? d�ys s£t�r d�t� taf nt��ice af a finding by said t7@��ek��
th�t a vialation of this ordxn�nce ex$atQ, or rtot Ies� than thirty C30} days befqre '
expiration of a tic�ee for c�npl�.ane� wa.th th�.s ordin8nce fi�ced by the said Cantrol Of£ieer
as provided herein, and, within -a reasoztaHle timey such hearing shal3 be h22d.
SECTION L�:: �fter Hearin�, Fifter a heari�g as grc�vided in this ordinance, the
I Contrp2 t3fficer may find that a cond�,titm auch as ta cause violatian of this ordinance
no 2onger exists, or he may reaffircn hi.s �ing of a violation of thi.s ardinanc�, and he
m�q or c�ey not grant an exte�sion of ticne for camp2�.ance herewi.th as pravided i�erei,n,
( but he sha11 do so within ten (ZO? days after date.
. +, ^ ' f � ' �
• SECTIt?rd X: Postin� a�nd S+calin�# If, upon �xpirat�an of a12 time for compli�rnce
` witYc this Qrdinance fi.�ced as provid�d herein, the Control Of£icer sha12 �ind tttat a vio- �
Iation o£ this ordinance then exists, he sha21 so notify the awner or operator, and if,fifteen��
I tI5}. ��ys after date of se�ch notica tihe c��c3iticin yet ex$sts he shall designate the
equigment or premises the eouree thereof by a€f ixing hia aeal i postit�g a notiee, or
otherwise, as unlawful to ogerate or accupy t�ntil such time �s this ordinance may be
compl ied with; provided that within sa id •g�g��e�Jdays, the awner or operator of such
equipment or premises may appeal �a the Citq Cuttncil Fz�m t?te� �'i�dii'tig of the. Cofntrol
Officer, and said cosnmittee shall hold a hearing an such appeal and may affirm, reverse
or modify the finding of s�id Control flfficer; and, pending a deciss.on by said cammzttes
on such appeal, said ContraZ Officer �rhall take no action ta de�ignata such equipment or
premises as unlaw£u2 to oper�te or accupy.
SEGTI4N XZ: Uniawfu3 Use. It is unlaw€ul to 4gerate any equipment, c�r to
occupy any gremises, designat+�d as unlaw£ul to operate ar accupy by the Control t}f'ficer
as provided in this ordinance, except upon his wri.tten authority so to do.
S�CTION XIZ: Outdaor Fires. It is unlawful to cause or a12ow a�e�y outdeer fire
except the folZ�scaing: I
1. Fi.res for p2es�sy�re, religiotts, ceremonia2w coaking ar like social
2. Fire from fia�rea, torchea, waate ga� burners, incenate burners and ins�et gats. I
3. A fire authorized by the Fire Chief far the prevention o� a £ire hazard,
provided na alternate e►e�an� of prevention is reaaon�bly ava�ilab1�.
4. A f ire autRariz�d by the Fira Chief for the dispo�al of dangerous m�tterials�
provided na altarnate means of di�pasal is ra�asonably availab2e,
5. A f ire authorized by the Fire Chief for instructian in the �n�thods of
fighting £i.res.
6. A f ire for the d isposal a€ waste nnateria2, when an alternate means af dis-
posa2 is aot re�sonably available; provided, the person responsible� for
sttch f�re shall have certif ied to the Control t�€ic.er that such f ire wi12
be controlicd so as to minimize sir po2lution; said Contro� Officer
sha11 havc: agproved ttie �ame and a permit ttiere�or sh$23 have been issned
by the Fire Chie€.
SECTIOIV XixI: Exemptiores. This Qrdinance doec nat applp to smr�ke from fires �,
set by or per�nitted bp any pubZic nfficer i£ such fire is sc�t or per�ia�sion given in the
performance af the officiai c3uty of such officer, for the parpose o� weed abatement, the
greventio�t of a f ire hstzard, or thm i�t�truct_ian of publ ic empToyees in the �Lhads of
� fighting fires wfiich is, in the opinitsn of sueh 4�f2.C8T� naces�ary, o� fram fires set
pursuant to per�nit an praperty used for indtrstri.al purposes for the purgase of instruction I
l of emp2oyees in methods of fighting fire, This Ordinance dces not app�y to smolce ;�t'�..t�,. . �
� agricaltural fires �et bq, or persitted by, the count� agricultur�2 age�nt of any county,.
_5_ I
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if such fire i:s set or pernission givan in the performance of the of8icial duty of s�ch
county agricultural agent for the purpose of disease prevention; or to such fires �ahich
are set in the course of any agricultural or forest harvest operation,
SECTION �IsJ; Variances. The City Council, on its own motion, may, or upon
patition of an interested person sha11 hold a hearing to determine to what extent, if
an,�, and under what conditions a variance from the requirements established herein, or by
an�� ordinance, resolution, rules and regulations, or order of the City Control Off icer.,
will be permitted. Ten days notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be give�
�� the pefitioner and to the Control Officer, If the City Council finds, because of
conditions beyond control, compliance with requirements established herein or the boiiy's
resolut�ons, rules and regulations or orders would result in an arbitrarS� and unreasonable
taking of prar�erty., or in the practical closing or elimination of any l.awful business,
occupation, or activity, in e ither case without suff icient corresponding benef it or
advantage to the public in the control or prevention of air po�.lution, it shall prescribe
other and different requirements app2icable to plants and eqt�ipment operated by nac�ed
classes of industries or persons, or separate persons.
The City, on hearing any such petition� shall exercise wide diseretion in
weighing the issnes involved and the advantages and disad'vantages to thexesidents o� the
area and to any lawfttl business, occupation or activity involved resulting from requiring
coarpliance with tI-ie specified requirements �r resulting fran granting a variance. In the
e��ent of any change in conditions, resultie�� in substantial changes in the equities
a_n•�olved and in the advantages and disadvantages existing at the time of granting a
variance, the City Council may revok.e, or can modity or amend the order permitting the
var?ance by a written order after pub2ic hearing he1.d on 30 days notice to the pe rson
or person affecte@.
SECTIOP? XV: Penalty; Anyane vial&ting or failing to comply with this
Ordinance or any of the terms or conditions thereof shall, upan conviction, be punished
b;� � fine of not more tfian Five Hundred Do21Qrs C.v500,00? or by imprisonment for not
more than 90 days, or by both such f ine and imprisonment, att� each day that anyone shall
continue to violate or fail to comply with this ordinance, sha23 be a separate offense.
SECTION XVI: Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph,
sPntence, clause or phrase of this ordinance be deelared unconstitttiona2 or invalid
f or any reason, such decisfon shall not aftect the validity of 'tha remaining portions
o" this ordinance,
i 4 . . . .
. . . } -
BECTI4I� �VIIi This crdinance sha22 be in full fcirc� at�d effect f�cm a�nd after
it� p�ssage, ap�roval and legal publicatian,
I �
y��C I
I P�SSED BY TI� CTTY COUI�CIL fiHIS ��,�,D�.Y dF J , I9b6.
�G%C Ilrc.��"n✓
Helmie �?e3son, City C2erk
I l��'PROV�D BY THE i�?AYOIt THYS /�2�DAY OF�E 1966:
I ������ �
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27ona1d t•�, Custe�� Mayor
,�gproved es ta forms I
Gerard M. She32an, City Attorney
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