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02�1INANCE N4. ��-y4
tnt�iEREAS under the provisions of R.C.�1. 35.13.134� as amended, a petition ia
writing requesting that certain territory contiguous ta the CiLy Limita of the City of
Renton, as herein�fter mare particularly described, be annexed to the City of Renton
was duly preser►ted and filed with the City Clerk on or about September 26, 19b6; and
I 4JHEREAS pri.ar to tha filing and circulation o€ said petitian for annezcation�
the petitioning owners had duly notified the G ity Council of their intention to comu�ence
such proceedings as provided by law, as more particularly specified in R.C.W, 35,13,125,
and upan public hearing thereon, it'ha�ving been deteruiined and the petitioning awners
�, having so agreed to assume the pre-existing bondad indebtedn�ss of the City of Rentan
as same pertains to the territory ge�titioned tfl be annsxed, a�
WHEREAS the City Engiaeer has duly examined and verified the sigrtatures on
said petitioa fcrr annexatian and determined the assessed valuation of all the propertiea,
the sama beiag in excess af 75� of the area to be anne�ced, in value, as pravided by law;
c:hich petitiQn also sets forth the legal description of the propertiea accordiag to
gavern:aent legal subdivisian or plat, and the Pl.anning Commissitin 4f the City of Rentoa
having duly considered and recoarmended the annexing af saic3 property tc� the Cit}�; aad
WHE2EAS the Mayor af the CS.ty of Rentan duly canvened a Board af �eview Meeting�
as provided by law, and said Board, upt�n publi.c hearing �nd natice� ltaving duly made its
determination that said propflsed $nnexation is in the publ.ie interest ant2 for the public
welfare, and in the best interest of the City, Connty and ott�er political subdivisions
a£fected thereby and such fim3ings being in writing dated October 6, 1966� and all such
proceedings being in full compli.ance with R.C.W. 35.I3.273; and
WHEREAS the City Cauncii fixed November 14, 19fi6 at the City Council Chambers
in tt�e City HaZl as the time and pl.ace for pub�ic hearing upon said petition, notice
thereo� having been duly givean as �rovided by law; and
t�iEREAS pursuant to said notice, a public hearing has been h�►�d at the time and
place specified ia the a£oresaid notiee and the City Cauncs2 havirtg duly considered all
matters in connection with said petition and. furthes determined that a21 legal require-
ments and procedures of the law appli.cabl�; to the petition �nethod for annexation as spe-
cified in R.C.W. 35.13.23(} et seq have been duliy connp2ied with, NOi�J THE�k�URE
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SECTION I: The aforesaid €indings, recitals and determinations are hereby �I
found tfl be true and correct in a21 respects; all requirements af the Iaw in re�ard ta
the annexation by petitiot� method, including the requirem�nts �f R,C.W. 35.13.125� 13fl, I�
150, 171 and 173} have heen fully complied with. It is further determin�d that the ;
zbove mentioned petition for annexation ta �.he City of Renton of tl:e prop�r�y �nd tei::i-
tory hereinbelow described be and the same is hereby approved ara3 grunted; the follo;a-
II ing deseribed prt�perty being contiguous ta the City Limits af the City af ?tenton, b�
�nd the same is hereby ar►nexed ta the City of Rento� and �uch ant��xation to be efftic�ive
on and after the approval, passage and publication o£ this Ordinance; and on and aiter
�aid date said property shall be and canstitute a part of the City o� Renton and sh�3.l
be subject to ali its laws and Ordi.nances then attd thereafter in force; said �rop�rt�
b�ing described as fs�liows:
The Southwest ot�e-c}uarter of the Southwest one-;��-rter
of Sectian 10, Township 23 �Torth, Range 5 East, G7.Y�. ,
King County, t�ashington.
Generally located at Corner of 132nd Avenue S.E. and
S.E. 328th Street {�torth side of 4th Avenue Plorth)
�nd the flUmers of the aforedescribed property shal l ass??�� the �re-�<•i.rt;^� ':u:�^�
in�ebtedness of the City af Renton as same pertains to the abcve described pro�er�y �s
set farth in R.C.W. 3S.I3.125.
I S�CTION II: This t3rdinance shall be in fuZl force attd e�fect fram �nd 2fter
its passage, approval and publication as pravided by 2ata. A certified copy of tt�is
Ordinance shall be f iled with the Board of County Com�issioners s�f ICing Courtty, 5tate
of �Jashingtan, and as further provided by law.
SECTION III: The abave described annexed property cantiguous to Precinct Iva.
�.v of the City of Rentoct shall be and constitute a part of Frecinct No. ,�.y�of said
PASSED BY THE CITY WtJNCIL this 21st day of Nove:�ber, 1966.
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, Helmie Nelson, Ci'�y Clerk
APPROVED BY Z'HE MAYOR this 23st day of November, 2966.
G��� f. ,�', �C.tJ ,.
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Donald E�7. Custer, Maycrr �
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Approved as to form: �
Ger�rd I�, Shellan, City Attorney �
Date of Publ ication: ���� � �' ��u��