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SECTION I: Defiaitioas;
For the ur ose of this rdinaace the followfn terms words aad hrases
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shall have the following meaaings and defiaitions:
(a) "M,assage &isiness" shall mean ac�y place where massages or other trear�^�.�
� to the body of aaothar persoa by rubbiag, kneading, hitting or any other mauipu2atio:�
are given ar f uraished, includiag the use of equipmenC, machinery or sppliaaces in
connection with the foregoing.
(b) '�Health S�lon'� shal.l mean any place or facility where various devfces
aad equipment are used for the treatment of the hdman body including reducing devices,
athletic equipment, mas�e tables, various types of steam and similar bath facilities,
or any combfnation of the foregoiag for the purpose of weight reductioa, physical
fmprovement or as a beauty aid.
(c) "Public Bathhouse" shall mean any place or facility where baths or
f acilities for baths of any kiud whatever are given or furnished aad the term shail
inciude bat aot be lim4ted to the following: Ffanish baths; Russian baths; Sauna
baths, Swedish baths; Turkish baths; baths by hot air; steam, vapor, water or electr.{c
cabiaet or a combination of anq o€ the foregoing PRiOVIDED, HOWEVER, that such term
shall aot include ordinary tub or shower baths where an attendant is aot required.
(d) The term �'facility" as used in this Ordinance shall meaa aay of the
foregoing definitions or aay combination thereof.
SECTION II: Exemptions:
The terms of this Ordinaace shall not applq to any mass�ge treaCment,
baths. or any other equfpment or appliances givea in a family home wherein only
members of such family are treated or to any such treatmeats givea in aay hospital,
dulq licensed aursiag or couva�escent home or by physical therapists, duly licensed,
oho treat paCients onZp upon written prescription of a licensed doctor of inedicine,
or by as►y ather person licensed by the State of Washington to treat the sick, iajured
or iafA:rm, or by any nurse uader the direction of apersoa so liceased.
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SEC�3:�;i �7.7: It Sha2I. b�: u��.a�aful. to r.o:zduct, oP^rate or r,aintafu a
'��iassa�e Busine,;s.., '.��ea.ls:�i Salac�'• ar "Publ�.c Ii:�t�ho�ase`• unless such estab�ishutent ar
pren�isE:s be lice^nsed as hereinafter providecl. The fee for such a licer_se shall be
�.d is 2icrchy fixecl in tlie su�� of $25.00 per ��:��tiT;� . .
ST�CTZON xV: A�plicat9.on for and rE�-!e�a�l of Lice;.se.
fio license ox renewal of license Co coz:cluc� a massa�e �usiness, health salan �
o� a pt,sb2ic bat�ihousc shall be issucl or reuer�ied except upon the writCe:� app2ication
ta �.1�e City Glerk af t2�e Cir..y oS l:enton c.hich sli�ll be sigr.ed ard si�orn to by tt�e � �
. perso�i caho intencl�; �o conclt�ct, c�perate oa- ra ainz�i� such a �acilz�y. Such app2f.cat3.on
s.ia11 co.��a:in, arcoi�.� o�h�rs, the �oll.a�r�iz�; informatio�:
(a) 7.'he true nt me, hotne cdclress �nd tel.ephone number of thc appli.cant. I
t{i} Tiie bu�,i.i�ess r�my, business audre.s a�.ct telephone number of the j
establi.st:r��nC or praposed est�bl.i.st�mr_nt.
{r} �;hethnr t��s ��zppl.icanr_ is a sc�le praprie�orstzip, Fartnership or
ca,:pox�ri�tin. If a gaztr�ers2�i,P, �;ive �ta.mes ox a21 persons, whether
gcne�t�l or l�.miteci partners, sl7aring in the profi�s of said busin�a�;
ii corporaL•i_on, give tl�e names of i�� a£ficers, di_recCors and share-
ho].clezs, their ti.tile, resictei7ce acldzess aL1d telepho�le nUmb�r of � each,.
(d) Stat� ho;�� lon� the appl.icanr li�ts becn a reslder_t of King Caunty
and i.n c�se of a corporation, the le-��Ch of res�de:�ce of such
O�f1.CGi"S. �
(e) If � uole propri.etc�rship vr partnership, staCe calie�her the applicanC
is af le�al a�e.
(f.) SL-a�.e (ILICLII£l" such ��p��_i.caz�L or any one ocanir�o an fntc�rest in, the
Uusiness or proj�osecl L�tsi�zess h..� ever l�een convir.i:ed ai any crim�,.
excludin� n:in�r. tzaifi.c offen�es. Xf so, sta.te c•�1�aL- cr,ime, tl2e
� datc af c.oi�v�.ci.i.on, ci_rcumfitan�c�:: arad di.uposi.tion o� case.
(�) Togethcr. e�:tr.t� suc}i other rel.ev�att and pertinent• inform�ti.on as the
� Gity Cierk n:ay reasonably requ3.r�.in co:�.necti,ui�c �Jith such applicaCian.
' SECi�.OkI V: �.t suct� time �zs an 3�p1?ca�I4n is� tilect far the issuance or
re.n.et.;c�l ox a�?y �icer�se �s here���abovc statec3, t2�e Cfty Clexk shall for�hcait'h re£er
s uch ri;��C1t7QX1 to tlic Ch�.e; o£ �'�li.ce of: thc CiL.y c��Itti L-t�c� requhst to favestigaCe
the srs:�tc.rn4nts co,'�L-a�.itecl ict sttic� appl�.caC�.a�. ai�.d �o furn�sh � wr.�tten report �hereo£
ca�it,.-�iz�.i.n�; t1�e resutts oi hi.� i.nve�i::i�At�.017 and �ny oL'her a�atters �ohich c�ay aid the
I Ci.ty �.t.t cic�.er,c,ining cJ:�e�her .`'illC�2 �.I.CC1l;E'. sl�c>>�l.cl. i�r., issued. Ti�e C3,i-y CI:e�'1: sha1.1 �'�l�o
icie�� ,�t�c:ii <�};}>1-;cs��.3o�z to tl-�c: CiLy's l:ea3.ti� :f.z�s��r.tar or to th� Di�:ecCor. o� th� Kin;
I CiC�i'�7i_�' �'.^.%?�.L]'1 �:���:i=t;ir<�;)"ti: [•II.Y.tl �}1? IG'.C�iS�:�.` �02' �,t�ci)f�£.�:J.i?II L�� ��1£' �Z'f.'.ITtl:i�'S DI' pX0�14.^.CL�
Y.,t:.-crn:i.�rs tio d�F:�i���iric �.t� �;u�t�ah�li.::y and <<'c.c,uc�c;� zs to s;nitary 121C� �Il�.;ical
I CC�'7�:i.i':i(il?S c7TtC't {::O :iU.�li�l�_t c1 �v'L'7,�t'.('tl 1'Cj?C1Y�,: ttiCl'Gt'�i1 i1i1�0 4:t7� Ci.Ly Glerl:• UPC7X1 �'G'G�C�.�:��
a�i i:��-� fc>rc�v:i3�; c-c}�c�?_i;:-� t:��c C�ty Cic,-ic st�.�i.l. :�..;�.��.�:= a. l.�c^•lsc. i.f: t;�,.� (;i.t:y�C�.ex'k
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All applicants for a license as specified under this Ordinance, who are
presently licensed under the City of Renton Ordinance No. /!9 9 , shall receive
a credit for the current year based on such license fee paid for calendar year
1968 and which credit shall be applied on the license fee required herein.
SECTION VI: Inspection of Premises:
Any facility required to be licensed hereunder �s above set forth shall at
all reasonable times be open to inspection as to sanitary and moral conditions by
the Cit�s Health Inspector or a duly authorized employee or agent of the King County
Health pepartment or the Chief of Police or his duly authorized agent.
SECTION VII: Records to be KepC:
Any facility licensed herein shall keep a record of all persons utilizing
ehe services given by or at such establishment. Such records Co sliow the date given,
the customer's name and address, the type of services rendered, and the name and
address of any employee or agent actually rendering such services. Such records shall
be at all reasouable times open to inspection, for good cause sho�an, by the Health
Inspector, Che King County flea2th Department aad the City of Reaton Police IIepartment.
SECTION VIII: Unlawful to Employ Persoas under %� years of Age:
It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager or person in
charge of any facility as herein defined to employ in such establishment any person
who is not �years of age and of good moral character.
SECTION IX: Uala�ful to Advertise without License:
It shall be unlawful to advertise the giving of any treatmeat or service
a s her�aabove defined by a person or in an establishment not licensed or otherwise
qualified pursuant to the terms of this Ordinaace.
SECTION X: Unlawful to Admit Certain Persons:
It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager or person in
charge of anq facility as herein defined, or for any employee or agent of such establish�
ment to knowing2y harbor, admit, receive or permit to be or remain in or about such
premises, atty p.rostitute, lewd or dissolute person or any drunk or boisterous person
or any person under the influence of auy narcotic drugs, or any persoa wha by his
conduct on such premises tends in aay way to corrqrpt the public morals.
SECTION XI: Licease Required for Facilit� Operator or Attendant:
It shall be unlawful for any person to give a massage or other treatment
to the bady of another by rubbi�g, kneading, hitti�g or aay other maaipulation in any
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massage busfness, health salon or public bathhouse without an op�rator's licease. The
fee for such an operator's license sha12 be and is hereby fixed in the sum of $6.Q0
per annum.
It shall be unlacafu2 for any person to operate, to as�ise ia the operation
of, to start or to stop any mechanical device used by another for health, physical
well-being, or c��eighC reduciag purposes, or to position auother using such a device
in any such facility without a massage business atteadaat's license or a massage
operator's liceuse. The fee for a massage business attetndant's license shall he aad
is hereby fixed in the sum of $6.00 per annuw.
SECTION XII: l�pplicatioa for or Renewal of Licease:
All applications for issuance or renewals of licenses raquired under
Section XI aforesaid shall be made to and be filed with the City Clerk on forms
' fur.nished by him for such purpose and the same shall state the true name and address
of the applicaat, his age and shall iaclude proper references as to the �ood morai
character of such applicant from at least three reputable citizens of King County,
which latter requirement aeed aot be complied with in case of an application for a
license reaewal. Upon filing of such applicatioa an+d if the City Clerk finds the
applfcation to be in propex form and references to be authentic, he shall refer Che
same to the Police Department of the Ciey of Renton with tlie request to investigate
the statements contained in said application and for him to furnish a written report
containing the resulCs of the investigation. The City Clerk shall also refer the
application Co the City Heslth Inspector or the Director of the Seattle-King County
He�alth Department with the request to examine the applicant physically to ascertain if
said applicaat is free from contagious or infectious diseases and Co make a written
repart thereon. Upon receipt of the foregoing reports and if the City Clerk deems
the applicant to be a fit and proper person, then a license shall be issued by the
City Clerk to such applicant, or same shail be renewed as the case may be.
The City Clerk may issue a temporary permit to any applicant, in case of
in�tial applica�ion, to be effective for not more than th�rty {30) days, for goad cause
shown or if such applicaat has a valid, e€fective license issued by any other jurisdiction
for anp of the aforestated position or positfons. In any such case, howeve�, a prelimi.nary
investigation shall be made by the Police ancl Hea2th Department prior to the issuance of
such temporary permit.
SECTION XIIi: Requisites for Acceptance of 13ppifcation:
Any application for issuance or renewal of iicense pursuant to the terms I
of this Ordinance shall not be accepted by the Cfty Clerk uniess accompanied by the
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appropriate license fee. In the event an application for license is refused, the
amount tendered as a license fee shall be returned to the applicant. All licenses
so isaued shall be oa a caleadar year basis.
SECTION XIV: Suspension or revocation of License:
In addition to other penalties provided herein or by law, the Cfty Council,
afCer due notice of hearing is given to the licansee of not Iess than ten days,
and a hearin is conducted shall have the ri ht to sus end or revoke an license
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issued pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance.
, SECTION XV: Standard of Premises :
Prior to the issuance of any license for any faciiity as hereinabove defined
and prior to the operation of any business therein, it shall be the duty of the
, City's Building Department, the City Health Officer and the King County Health
Department Co inspect the premises or proposed premises to determine if the following
staudards and requirements have been met and it shall be the duty of the operator or
owaer of such facility to meet such requirements and to maintafn same at all times
in a clean, safe aad sanitary manner, to-wit:
(a) Adeguate lighting, heating aad ventilating to be fnstalled
and maintained in ail parts of the facility in full compliance
with the City's applicable building, mechanical, plumbing,
electr3,ca1 and related codes.
b All floors withia the faciiit shall be constructed of im ervious
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easily cleanable material with approved floor drain.
(c) Each patroa using such a facility sha1Z be furaished with an
individual clean towel or disposable paper mat by the operator
thereof; towels shall noC be reusec3 until they are washed and
sanitized. There shall be adequate facility for Cowel and mat
s�orage. ,
(d) All toilet and handwashing facilities sha11 be available as
, required in the City's plumbing code applicable to p2aces of
public assembly.
(e) All plumbing shall be installed according to the City's plumbing
code and shall be free of potential croas connections.
(f) Ef aay faciiity contains any swirliag water pools where more than
one person is immersed, such pools shall be maintained under the
same restriction as any public or semi-public pool. Bacterial
� quality shall be such that not more t�ian 15� of any series of samples
nor more than two consecntive samp�.es in any series of samples
collected at times when the pool is in use shall ailocv the
presence of coliform bacteria in any of the 5 t�n ml. portions
examined. Chlorine residual of .4 ppm in aIl parts of the
pool o�hile in use will assure acceptable bacteriological staadards.
(g) Chl,pXine and PH test kit should be used routinely to check
the chemical make up of pool water and results to be recorded
on a daily log sheet and be kept current at all times.
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(h) Any stool or benches in any bath facility should be easily . � '
cleanable and soundly constructed. They should be covered .with j
single service towels when in use.
(i) All exercise equipment and appliances shall be routinely
checked for possible structural weaknesses and shall be inaintained
in a safe and sanitary manner at all times.
(j) Gytn mats with an easily cleanable surface shall be used only,
These should be cleaned and disinfected each day.
(k) All pools must be provided w:i.th recirculation and filtering
I equipment which equipment shall include a rate of flow i.ndicator
and a loss of head gauge for the backwash filter.
(1} Al1 shower and dressing fac�,lities shall be available outside
the pool area. Such area must be well lighted and ventilated
with non-slip floor finish provided on floors sloping to a
floor drain.
(m) A safety bar or hand rail shall be installed in the pool easily
accessible to users in every area of the pool. The rooms housing
the swirl pool and saun.a shall have adequately sized wi.ndows for
observing users of said facilities.
{n) Any sauna bath or si.mi.lar facility shall duly post a maxirm�ra
exposure time ta,ble as suggested by the manufac�urer thereof.
(o) Slanted or sloped ceilings shall be used in the sauna area to
prevent dripping of hot water on users.
(p) Any facilities using ultra violet exposure rooms in their
establishment sha1Z post maximum exposure ti.me which shall not
exceed three minutes for any individual.
SECTION XUT• Viola.tions - penalties:
Ever9 person, whether as principal, agent or otherwise, who fails, ne�1P^'-
or refuses to comply with any proeisions or texsns of this Ordinance or violates the
same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
in ar�p sum not exceeding $500.00 nor more than ninety (90) days in jail or by
both such fine and jail. Each day of such failure, neglect or refusal to comply
with the provi.sions of this Ordinance or the vioZa,tion of same shall constitute a
sepa,rate offense hereunder. -
, SECTION XVII: Repeal of Ordi.nances in Conflict Herewith:
Any and all Ordina.nces or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
SECTION XVIII: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and
after September 1, 1968 and after its passage, approval and legal publication.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this -��day of �"/,/,/�, 1968.�.
/R'�"'���/L�6�1-�c..uJ ��'t%�.�j� �/
� He � 'e A�e�son, City Clerk
APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _1' ,�nc daY of ; .
Approved For�►; � '
�� � v Don�1d .W:. Custer, Mayor
Gerard M. SheLZan, City Attorney lu1 �� '�958
Date of 1'ublication: J ��
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