HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2415 • s,. � f � �... • � ,s ��( • �-. ���2t'�� ' a I di�ir�zve� �tbl �.�/� AN ORDINFINCE �' T'HE CiTY OF RENTOAT� 47ASflII�TON� AMENBING �PTER 7 � TITL� I (ADMINZSTRATIYE) OF ORDINANCE N0, 1628 .�NTZTLED "CODE OF GEN£RAL ORDII�'1I��ES OF T'H� CITY OF RENT�ON" I2EIATING TO EXISTII� VOTER PRECINCT BOUNf]ARI�S AND ESTABLLSHII�; Ni�W PRECZNCTS. BE IT ORDA INLD $Y THE MElYOR AND TH£ CITY COUNC3L OF TI�3E C17Y OF 1ZENTON AS FOLbQ�S: SECTION I: E`xisting Sections 1-716, 1-718, 3-72I, 1-722, 1-728, 1-732, 1-738, 1-740, /1-�45, 1-746 and 1�749 of Chapter 7, Title i, of Ordinance No. 1628, are hereby amended to read as f ol l oxaa: a. 1-716: As Amended+ PRECINCT N0, 14; Beginning at the interseetion of lOth Avenae North and "M" Street; theace soutte oa "M" Street to 7th Avenue North; thenee west on 7th Avenue North to "K" Street; thence north along "R" Street to 8th Avenue Piorth; thence westerly along 8th Avenue North to "J" Street; thence north elong *'J" Street to Sth Place North; thence westerly elong Sth Plece North to "H" Street; thence northerly along "H" Street to Sunset Baulevsrd East; thenee northeasterly along said Bot�levard to lOth Avenue North; t��ace esst on 20th Avenue North to "M" Street, the true point of be�.nning. b. 1-718: As Amended. PRE�INCT N0. 16: That portion o� the City of Renton ' lying south of the north line of Windsar Hills Addition; esst of the center3 ine of Sunset Bouleverd Eaat; north of the centerlines of 3rd Avenue North, Bronaon ta�y North; end west of the centerl ine o€ t'E" Street. � c. 1-721: As Ae�ended. PRHCINCT N0. 29: All that portion of ti�e City of Benton lyi.ng aouth of the centerl iae� of 7th Avenue North, 4th Avenue North and Bronson Way North; east of the eanter2irces of 3rd Avenue North, Mt. Ol ivet ��1ay and the south 2 ine of fihe north t - 7 3 North ane-helf of he north one ht�lf of Sections 16 aad 1 , Townsh:p 2 , Range 5 Eest, W.M.; and west of the centerlines af "H" Street, Renton Avenue, snd the east line of Lhe Northwest Qu�rter of the Northwest Quarter oE said Section 36. d, 1-722: As Amended. PRECTNCT N0. 20: A21 thet portion e� the City of Renton lyiag seuth of the t�Aterlit� of 8th P1ace North, 8th Avenue North �nd 7th Avenne North; e8st of the centerli.ne of "H" Street, "I" Pl�ce end "L'• Street; north of the centerlines, of ?th Avenue Narth, 5th Av�nue Nerth aad 5th Place North; �nd west of the ceaterlines of •'J•' 3treet, "K" Street and "M" Streat. e. 1.•�28; As AmQnded. PRECINCT N0. 26= All that portion of th,e City o€ Rentan lyfng southerly of the Cedar River Pipe2ine R' ht-of-we ead the center].ine ag Section 20 Towaahi. 23 North � Y � P . Range 5 East, �I.M.; e8st�erly of Jones Avenue South end its production southerly, �nd 106th Avenue Southeast; and northeriy ef Puget Drive. f. Z-7�2: As A�aended_ PRECINCT N0. 30: AlI th�t portiea ef the City of Renton lying south of the eenterline ot Seutheest 96th Street; east of the Intar Harbor Line end the eenterline of the Nortt►ern Pacif£c R�ilroad Ri.ght-of-t,tsy; north of the centerline of 8th Avenue North and the north 1 ine of Sectfon 8� Tocariship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; and west of Primary State Highway No. I (FAI 4053 g. 1-738: As Am�ended. PRECINCT N0, 36: A33 that portion of the City of Renton lying nortRerly of Southeast 92nd Street and the existing Cfty Li.mita; and westerlq of the �cietfng City Limits. h. 1-740: As Amended: PRECIIQCT NO„ 38: Al2 that porifon of the City of Renton lying westerly and southerly of the existing ' City Limits; nertherly of the existing City �,imits and 12th Aveaue North, and easterly of the existing City Limits and 132r►d Avenue Seutheast. - 1 - I ° ; - � . , . ,� ,� _, . ( � � �. I i, I-�45 As Amende�9. �RHC�NC�` t�t�. 4�*:. A�� �tte� po��fon ot the CSi�ty af Renton lying easterly of "M" Stre�at� narth�2�'lp of the narth lines of Aibert Ba2ch's President I'�rk Na. 9, Rackman Addition to Rentan, ?depes lst Addition and the saEsterly produetfon - thereaf; westerly of "p:, Street; and sauther2y of 32th Avenue Narth. j. I-?46 As Amended,, PRECINCT N0, 44; AlI that portion af the City of Renton lyicig east of "�t" Street; north ot 7th Pl�ce North; west af "N" Street; and southerly of 9th Avenue Alorth.. k. 2--749 As Amended. PRECII�3CT Nd. 4'7: 1�13 that portion e� the C#.ty of Renton lying easter3y af "A�'� Street; norther2q af 9t'h Aven�ze North and its production easterly; westex2y ot' 232nc] Av��txe Southe�st; and souther2y a� the souther2y baundr�ry o� �rentwaod Adc3itians No. I and 2, tttri narth lines of A2bert Ba2ch's Presic3ent Patrk No. 9, Mapes lst Addition, Hack�an Addition, �nd Lheir wester2y Qroductians. i 3ECTION II: There are hereby cre�ted and establishc:d the foilaaing additional Sections ander Chapter 7, Title I, of 4rc3inance Na. I628, rel�ating to new preci.ncts as €allows: e. 1-?52: PRE1CIIti�T N0. 50: A23 thet pertian ot Lhe City of Rentan lying southarly ot South 180th SLreat :nd Carr Rosd and the existing City Limits Line. b. ].-�53: PRECiNCT N0. 5I: Al2 that portidn ot the Gitp ot Renton lying southerly af Southeast 9�nd Straet and Sautheast 93rd Street; easterly of the Inter Rsxbor Lirte; northerly of Southeast 95th Street; and westerlg of IOOti� and I04t2� Avettties �ouths�st, c. 1-�54: PRECIPICT NQ. 52s All that portien of the City o� Rentan lying easterZy ot' "P" Streett northeriy of the aoutherl�Z lines of Brentwoac3 Additfans No. 1 �nd No. 2; a�esterlq of 232fnd Avenue Southesst; and southerly o£ ltth Av��nu� Nerth. d. �,,;,y�,�: PRECINCT �TO. 53: A21 tlrat partiat� af the Citq af Renton 2ying easterly o� Bet�san Highwa�r� st�t�therlq csf Ptfget Drive; northerly af exi��ing City Lfz�its� �oest�r2y o� the existing City Limits and the nor�her3y produ�tion o� 208th Avertete S.E, e. 1-756: PRECIT�'CT N0. 54: A11 tltat partion o! tl�e Citq o� Rentor► lying easterly o�' "H" Street sad Renton Avenue; northerly�o£ 4th A,�enue North� weaterlq �t "I" Plaee, "L" Street and "M" Stxeet; atul sau�.herly of 9th Aventte North� 5th Avenn� �Iorth, 5th Place Narth. f. 1-757: PR�GiNGT Nd. 55: AlI th�t gOrtiOt� of the City of "'�'�' Rentan 2yi.ng eastezly o� Benson H£ghway{ north�r2y of Puget Drive; �resterly of 1Q6th Avenue Soe�thesst; and aautherly ot 12th Place Sauth �nd its production westerly, g. I-758: P&ECINCT N0. 56: All thet pert�ox Of the City o�' ' Renton Iying e�esterZy of Hex4nn Hfghw�y� northerly of the c�ster2y produetian af 22th Pl�ce South �nd the eenterlitta of Section 24, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.� westerlq of the northerly-productiorc af 146th �venue Soatheast and th0 sotttt�esriy production of Jones Fiv�enue South; and southerly of Seuth 7th Street, Sauth 8th Street, Sau�h 9th Street and South 20th Street„ h. 2--759: PRECIIVCT N0. 57: A21 that portian of the C£Cy af Renton lying southerly of Puget Drives eaeterly c£ production northerly of I08th Avenue Sautheast; �nc� nor�herly �tnd westerly af the existing City �imits. SEC'T`I4N III: AlI other ordina�nces or parts of ordi�anees in con�lict herewith �.�� t+ereby repealed, .. � » i = . . _ , . _ . _ � SECTIOIV IV: This Ordinance shail be in full force �nd e££ect, from and after its passage, approvai and legal pub3icaticn. PASSFsD BY T�'s CITY COUNCIL this i�t� aay of June, f968. �� �� �, H�lmie _ 3Son� City Clerk APPRdV�D BY 'I�E MAYOR this 17th day af �e; 19458. �� . . ���� � ��'Z/ �,�' , �' Don�ld 61. Custer, iN�iyor l��praved es ta gorm: � ,, _, , ' ; .` l )ff . /�/, !/ F / , �J F • ` i�� ' 'f �� � ,_ �� .� .fj . .-<<�.r��. ._,;rd M. Shellan, City Attorttey ��� � ����� � 1� � � 3 _ ,