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ORD 2498
1 r � � I . • • • • _ '-A t,. . . � �}�iti:=)i���.: r �_ . ORDINANCE N0. ;��j� ! ' ' _ . i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF REN.TON, WASHINGTON, ORDERII�IG THE CONSTRU.CTION AND INSTALLATION .OF CERTAIN WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES. THERETO ADJACENT. SO RAINIER AVENUE. BETWEEN A POINT 160 FEET SOUTH OF REN.TON AVENUE EXTENSION AND. THE EASTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF BLK.. 6 , WOODYGLEN ADDITION, IN RENTON,WASHINGTON, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY. �F RENTON RE.SOLUTION NO-. 1638 ; ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRI.CT N0. '268 ; PROVIDING THE METHOD OF ASSESSMENT IN SAID DI.STRI.CT; PROVIDING THAT PAYMENT FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT. BE MADE BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. UPON PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT, PAYABLE BY MODE .OF "PAYMENT BY BONDS" OR "NQTES'� IN LIEU. THERE,OF AS DETERMINED. BY. THE CITY COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE AND ISSUANCE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WARRANTS REDEEMABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRI.CT BONDS OR NOTES. WHEREAS by Resolution No . 1638 adopte.d .July 14 ,- 1969 , the City C.ouncil :of the C.ity of Renton declared. its intention to construct and install cer.tain water tnains and appur.tenances. thereto, within certain territory in .the City of Renton as hereinafter more parti.cularly described , which Resolution was passed and approved in support of a certain Petition, filed with the City of Renton on or about June 12 , 1969 , req.uesting the creation of a Local Improveme.nt District, and WHEREAS the City Council fixed August .25 , 1969 �in t.he City Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for hearing all matters relating .to. said proposed improve- ments and all obj.ections t.hereto and for determining the .method of payment, for said improvements; and WHEREAS Jack Wilson, City Engineer has caused an estimate to be made of the cost .and expense of the proposed improvements and has certified said estimate to the. City Council, tog.ether with all papers , data and information in his possession relating to th.e proposed improvement , description of. the b.oundaries of the District, a .statemerit in detail of the Local Improvement assessmerits :out- standing or .unpaid against .the property within the proposed District and a statemerit .of the agg.regate actual valuati:on of the real estate, including twenty five .per cent (2.5%) of the actual va.luation of the improvements in t.he proposed Distr;ict, according to. t.he valuation � -1- i . . . , ' • , � - ''' � �'l:iG1N�L last placed upon it .for the purpose of general taxation; and WHEREAS said estimates are .accompanied by a diagram of the proposed improvements showing ther.eon the 1ots, tracts , parcels of land, and oth.er property wYiich will be specially benefited by th.e proposed improvement, and the estimated amount ;of the costs I and ex.pense :th.ereof to: be. borne by each lot,. tract and parcel of ' land or other property. within said Distr.ict ; and ' WHEREAS .due notice of the. .hearing upon said Resolution No. 1638 was giveri in the manner provided by law,. and said hearing ' was duly held by. the City. Council at .its. regular meeting on August. .25 , 196.9 at .the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. , and the; following wri.tten protest having .been received at said hearing, to wit : N O N E and said total protest as of the date of said hearing amounting ' to approximately �7vor�e _ of the t.o.tal cost of. th.e proposed improvements; and WHEREAS .at said hearing the City Council. has given due consider.a.tion to the special beriefits. to be recei.ve.d. from such . proposed improvement by all of. the properti.es. to. be included wi.thin the proposed local improvement distr.ict; and WHEREAS the. C.ity Gouncil deems it in th.e be-st inte.res.t of the City and of the owners of. th.e. property wi.thin the proposed Local Impr.o.vement District .that said impravement .as .hereinafter described be carried out, and that a Local Improvem.ent District be created in connection therewith; NOW. .THERE.FORE BE .IT ORDAINED BY. THE MAYOR AI�ID. THE CITY COUNC.IL OF THE CITY. OF RENTOI�I,. WASHTN.GT�N,. AS FOLLOWS : SE'CTI.ON I : The following water mains and appurtenances ther.eto shall be. constr.ucte.d and installed as herein,af.ter more particularly described, and all located inside .th.e corporate . ', limits. of th.e: City. of Renton, Washington, as fallows , to-wit: �2- � ' ' �a��t����.V AAProx. Pipe Size . ON FR.O�. � Tp. 12" Ducti.le Iron Rainier Avenue N. 160 ft. south to the east- of Renton A.ve..erly product- Ex.t, ion of the northerly line of Block 6 , Woody Glen Addn. and .ther.e .shall be. 'included in the. foregoing th.e acquisition and installation of all nece.ssary pipes , manholes ,. val.ve.s:,; f.i.ttings , couplings , conriecti:on equipment and appur.tenances, to_g.ether with th:e acquisiti.on of any easements , rights of way and land .that may ' be required; and there .shall be included the performance of such work �� as may be 'incidental and necessary to. the foregoing construction and installation. Th.e City Cauncil may modify the details of the, foregoing described impr.o.vements wher.e ,. in its judgment, it appears advisable , pr;avi:ded .s.uch modificatians do not :substantially alter. the plan of said improvement. All of the, foregoing shall be in acco.rdance with th.e. plans and spec:ifications the.reafter. to. be prepared by and � through .the City' s. £ngineering Department. ' SE'CTION :II : . There is hereby established and create.d a Loca1 Improvemerit D.istrict to be. called "Local Impr.ovelnerit District No. 268 of the City. of Renton, Washington" , the. boundar.ies :of such Local Improvement Distr.ict .being described as, .shawri .`on the att.ached Exhiblt "A'f which is incorporated: herein as th:ough, :fully set forth. SECTION IT'I: The estimated total cost and ex.pense of , said impro.vemerit is hereby .declared to. be approximate.ly $54 ;043. 55 . The entire cost and expense .of said improvemerit , including. the cost and expense of all engineer:ing, legal , inspection, advert.ising, publ.ication of noti.ces and other expenses incidental the.reto, shall be borne by. and assessed against .the properties speciall.y ben.ef.itted by such impro.vemerit included in the Local Improvemerit District established, embracing, as near as may be , all property specially benef.itted by such improvement. , � � , I -3- � f � T - rv __ -4- --- - - - — - - ------ - . -- _ _ - -� � V ! �, • • � � __ _- - -_ - -_- . . *.+ ._ ` ' • •Y' . ` • I + � t"�9�t��r�`�.r I be is.sued any time after a thir-ty C3.0} day periad allowed. by law far the payrnent of assessmen-ts of �aid Distri.ct wztho_ut .per�alty or in-teres-t, and such note or notes may be of any denomina-�i:on or denominations , the aggrega�e of which sha11 rep�esent the bal,ance of the cast and e�perise of �he I.�ocal Imp.r.o.vemerit .D.istrict which is ta be borne by. the property owners th_er.ezn, and as, �urther provided by law. --� 1'A�SED. BY. THE CTTY GOUNCIL thls � ''�day of Sep.tem;ber, 1969 . � �������. . nelm�.e .�elson, C�.ty. .C.lerk. I �� APPRQ.VED. BY .THE MAYOR .this `��� . day of .Septe:rriber., 1969 . � ,�''/ �� ..�� Llf�nald �r7.. Cu�ter, Mayor Approved as �a. Farm: I �. . I ���. �era,rd 1n. �tf�ll.an, (;.ity. .x.ttarney. � � Date af �'ubla.catzon:. ��P � � � I I � f � I � � -6- ..�.:..M- •� -� - � - M•,� . ., ....... _. , , .., . fr,; , . -- --� + _ . . .� 'r, `e,,.,..:• . , ,. • . — .- - ,.. I ...�t `.,� . . . - . , - � . i '"!'�'�. ' . , ' . ' . . . :� , r ' .: ` � � • ' Yr i �,�,t n� ;%;. .r;.> ' _ :.t ._ . F .- , , � ' . ' ' � ' . ' _ . . � . �t.;:.:,: , � _ .. . ' _ . �I"�{�+�t/�ri�)�[ ':�;ka'- '�s. . . . �'" � �. _ � r ��.XSTf�.7EfrtP'4 . v„�,,: '3�';., . . , . . . , � _ � ,� , , . •4, " . ,. , _. . "' . . ' " ' . . . " l}p _, ��e . _ , .. ' . , ,� _ � . . . ' ' !. � _ . . . . _, . . , . F,, � �'� �� - ,i�� - �. Y ., ' ��i� • '.frvU A i`� " . � . , ._ / , . . . . . . . � 7�;y�����' ��'"^ " ' -" . � � � ��.f�����V♦ �ZVV j / , �jf /�.��/'�. . � � , . a' ' " ' `+� `.�y^ ' ' ` ' ' / ���j % U . '�t. i� - ._�.a,, -- . . ., ., , . 4/�'� ! . . . . � •-� S a.� - _ _ . j � . � . 4f`��� ^k�.,. . . . . ��$,. _ .,x� '',x``'.`- ,;p.;' ' ' , '..'L`,X,I;�1t�,��T� ti�tt �c ;.�::`r _ �;; - - _ - _ � .. .� _ . , �= :�;-. . . � � . �� -j;_,; .. «�<.4>, - t�:';;_` ::�';.�_ _ ' , . -r ,. �, ��� �= _;�„`._ :-{� 'r: , l.i�. 1l_, D�SCRIP�`iQN , � � . , t ' �� _ : -�:F:� `?�:` - . . , � . � �:�; "t:�-�'_:}�' - �_;:' �,'�., _ � . , . � '-,_�.�-' �-- _ ;:>. :'�: .t, :.'-.�.. . . RA 1 N I ER'AVENEIE-W�TER ��A�N� . : . � . ��: ,=' -- '�;; _,.�,.;:�..;_ - ;:- ., - .. ���.,r. ::�::.�;:: ::�' - _ _ , _ � . _ - .,�n,;���:f:� '" �:�,. . . . . � , �^'*' �,4;`"j}.'tYk'i+'E' „-f; - :�y.t} . . . . .' '_ - - ' , . ' ' , , , . S'. ,_{�� ' " _ ' ' ' ' .. . ' - . . .. �� r " . . .. . -�4:�` _ �}�' ' . . . ,� �j� �-.: :.y . .. . _.. .. . . .. . a . . �:L;:;;' �,� - tl�c>:-7c Eic�rti�cins ra�f �Fh�;� SrtW. ' �c�i��;�quarter nf Ser,tion. "'7 arid `th . � ' � _;::. 'Al.'1 '� • ;,��..; c,t,' `'`;:�.::~ - - r - . i' ��'' ' �';�� •t�:i E;� ' _ . . , . . '- ,. � - � . . . � ' . . . � j I :�ju�';`:�" - �� '�� Pir�rth�v�st �n�- u t .�r';��;� "� � i ' 1 Tawnsh "�� N : ; : . � <, .`° ;,:;:�:'''"� ;:.: q a r �:, �f. �ect on 8; i p 3 or�-h, :F�ange'S:, E, W,M. � � �..:_'�""�:�.;',,�',a.����T� . ' , . . • ' i �_•; . ;� "'t5:=�yir�� �w�s'i�Ur►y afi Rainier�,Avcn,ue 'N.W, tS1-�t�:•�Highway No. 2? desGribed as �, 3�M P�'I A•,.t + . ' � . . ' a ' ' . I � . . . �:. • ' : .t:^'s.':� _ ,7Jtic:,�- , _ � , , .• � . ..�'" . . . . • , � �.. _ . . � , � �, I _' •�f.it.i- _ _ �•��� 1 dV�J ' . _ , ". . . ' . t: •��t '''{�j: ? �.,��. . . ' -' . , }• . . . - ' . . - , � , f� �, - ,.=��:ri.`;�',�i; ��w:; �iWt..: ' -, .. . ,z�_ - . . . ' '- . '£'`�.;`- - �'- SBec�innis�g at a poViril'-~on` the westerly mat�gin of Raini�r` Avenu� N. . - f.`y;°;.;.-., ' r;�: ,�: : �_ 's� r__ ��4� �i� ^�i:'^ ' . - . . _ ' . . „ I ' '�:4�. ',t.n.:....•.<<^:�r 7 - . . . . � � - , � . _. . � r �. . . ;�''` "",, tSfiate �Highw�ye�No. 2) ,'. 150 fe�t soul-herly af the soufiheriy margin o� F � �..u�K:` t� �:�.. ;:��.: :-��}.�`' - - - ;;.��. , _ t>:t . . <- :�`".,_,: ` - .�_. .. . . : �.. ��:_ :y�' .,_ .��,�_A' .Renmhor� Av�nuc� �xtUn�'icin; thence norfheasl�rly atong 'a i ine clr��wri �aerpen-`. . �,; '�. = >;,���, `'�":: . � � F��''�k'f" ^4�i..e,hi.f�: �,�v_t: � . ' ��.., . ' : , , r ..' . � . , , �I �, ; dic:�.�l�r�'ij�; •f�r_� .��id w��tc�rly m�rgin a dirs-I��i�c,c c�f. %`� -�c��;i- �i�� �� ���,inf� �n � � . _ . ' ;� `.;�_r .�'�,�,' {"" = .:�Fto c�tt�'�:r ( itt�G .c�f :>�id Raini�r-�livt:n�,t�; N. (S.�-�`t�t� f;��r� if?_) , ��5 f�c�' rr���^e ,• .�=�'a�'°�.�;'; i.y° ' �, `o�f" 1�5� ,��?�.�•11�t�1�C y f t`���n 1'fi'� I n,'I�c.�r��s�.c:��`i on w i�P lt `i�l�t� r��r��i��r! i r�ca c�f }�t�i,�t�:�n " , ,�;.' ',�;. :'. �.:�" . _, : . ,r:3 :.,:,; .�: ..:�$:,:� _ ;'._. , : ' � `':_ �:�.;-� :=l�venu�.�xtensiori; .�T�hence northwesterly alor�g`"1-he centerline �f Ftaini�r� ., :,�.. . � . � . . , . .�� -* l �:�lvenue N± a distana� �f 2,�6i3 fee1�, more or tess, fic� an interseetian with t} `�''' . .; s. .' . 4 � . . '-�.,. : . . ' . . , . ' . . ��.;; `���-':�`,� `�`�-,.i'``:t� ;`�hc� ���1°c.rly ��r�;7dur"�ic,n <,��f -1-ti� nor��l7erly i in� ot �r -��:r7 foa�i' ��idr� walkway '£i . " _a� f�4':...;�` � --t . � ' - , _ ' , - , , �.r'�y�4r f_L� �.(*_�4,�'t. �_� • �,� � , . .x y .' ' ' . , � � ,� .f;` ���. �,;:- 'tiq�'w���i E3�c�t.1<� `� -z:a��rc� �i, Wc�c�dy �1t��� lidtfl�t•1c�n, �c,�:c�r'c.lfr�c� -#r.7'��-he !"�1a�i� r�;�ordeci ` � :f: . - - . ' . � - . . ' . . . , � �` '`� '�'���-3rt Vr��u�n� 47 c�-f I'kai-� (��ge4 ��I and 92 r�:c:ords o�C King Co�.�r�-ty, Wa�hinytc�n; .. ik.�. �';*r'"' , ) k�, I . �:3'..� -f.. _ ., .:.. . .r . , . . ,r.�,:F�,�'•�fL.� :.�4�z^.f°,A,:� % �, � . .: . . . , , � _ � �'-��+�`�:�}hence southwes-I�r{y an a 1 ine drawn perpendiculariy �fc� the wes-feriy margin �l `-'`�`-� :Js., ,.,�' , " ' ' '..: � � . ' :, ,:of Rainier Avenue N. tSfiafie Road No. 27 a disl-ancc; o-( i00 fee�, mc,t�e or fess, ;.,, �� - �;': ': w�-` ;, : ;`: �-'��� - � . .,�`.- .�'c�. ��id wcsterly m�rgin; 1-hence sc�u�Fh 58° f6' QI" vre;si� �(ong the northerly " -3..r:, �:,.y�"� � . w�� . ���f . : �nar'�in o�F 45�ic1. (Q fc���t' w,ide: wafl.way, �a disl-�nc� af �8.31 {ec1�; 1-h�nr�e nnt-th . :��P.;fY�l 'Y:�. � ` ;_. ' - • • - ' �. zM1•;.. _ $", _ - . - =fi,;, .-, �-8Q° '��! 0" �r�rsi� � d i si<�nce o� 74.61 �f�e1� ta rjn i n1-ersect ion wt-t�h the wesfier= yy -.,�� - .;�.�.,�.; � . ��ti;e _ ,y t4' . _ . . _ t4 T 1 t t' . . , r � "�,,, '- ._.�:` � ° -`` .M<ly l inc: c�f C31ock .a, Wuody (:�i�n Additian,- lhenc� �ou1h 1& 7 0 wcst c�long th� .�, `^; .j. �''.'`'. � :� ` . Sr�uth�r iy prc��au���i ie�r7 c7f thc� wcs'i�;r-Ey I in�-,s c�i s<zid ESloc.k�; `� � �> 1��� �fl�c :rs, - .����''•"� - � north�rl y n;arq i n of Northwe:sl- �1-h St�t'eei� {forrnerl y Snu�Fh 12�tk� S1-reet) ; �rhent;e -��;. �:,, _., _ � .. .. '. �r . . . - ;';;;,,t-;:`;y.�sr�''�;.=' ' �_:` st>u`�hwe�;1-���1y �� c�is�t�artce o� 7� fe:;t, more or Iess, to the north�,�rest cc�r-ner of i =�',� � _ . �. Block 21 , (._ratirnur's l.rake� �=',�rk Addii�ion, �:,ccor�Jinr� 1-�, 1�he ('ia1� rcr��deci in `} :t;, .., `: �.�`�:. . , Volum�: 18 oF i'(�:; hs, PE�c��. t;3, rc:cc�rcis af (:inq Cn�.in�y, Wasiii��g�ton; i�h�nc� �{.. ij . ' y_i" �, . ._ . , . . � . ' . ., _ ' . . . .._ " . ( �:.'-•A - ' ' . ` � ' , • _ ._ ` . ' I 8' ' ' ��a� _ . ., ' , , . � .. . � ' . � 4 . . . . . : . .... .: ; .�.. . ,. :_ ... h . � . � � � - - _ � � �������� . :x . fi: .x * ' � � � � � . I ,� . ' ' t . . , ' I ., �� ,�,�, � ;�f. . � ' - :. .i . . . .. _ ' , III � •;�. `�ft� � . . ' , :t'"^ . . . . . . . �. '� � - f . . � � �, ��$��'*- . . , � .7��� ,r , ' ' . , . 2 ' , y lY � i`�'�,,t•� `SQU���1Bi"l � c2�CS1t� i'�1�� '.lt'.S?�t-,!"[ � I!'1C� C�s a<ilf� ���C;�( 1 =3 L�t � � t�' r� 1 . . 1 st nc. o{ I � f„�t• - Y I , '�'� I 1� '- ._r . _. _.. .c.'- '�' ' -- I . _ _ _ - - - " t . .. . ! .- . _ �iL�< . r:s _ ._ .. t.rn _ � . � , t r � 'r _ I - _ .� „ .i�herzee t�.c,:�l=:, t ;, _;f �i}c7 ��,e ,,..s;c. (y E_roc��,cl �-�,� �.�i 1he nrar(�he� 1 ; line of Lot M" �t . , _ I _- , � a�*•:; . .� . - r. 7 .��a -{- •r., s �j 1 .�_ +r _ - � , . 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