HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2523 .� �... - , • � .. . .. � � •� y . . - , y � ,. « ��tlC�:ii�t�+ ti _�' � , ORDINANCE N0 . 2523 Gx���.3�, AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, I ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET .FOR THE YEAR 1970. BE :IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF REN.TON, WASHIN.GTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: That the Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the .year 19�O .heretofore prepared and filed with the City Glerk, as modified and approved by vo.te of t.he City Council of. t.he City of .Renton on December �rid , 19 69 , af.ter due notice and hearing .thereof as provided by law, be and the same is hereby . in all res.pec:ts, ratified, adopted and confirmed as such Annual ' �udget for the .year 1970, and same by reference. being incorporated herein as if fully set, forth, and a comple.te and accurate copy . of said B.udget being attached hereto and_ label.ed Exhibit '�A" . Ordinance No . 25p7 has .heretofore been p.as.sed and adopted fixing the estimated amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1970 . SECTION II: The following tota.l sums for expenditures are hereby allowed and established in each of the f�ollowing classifications in said 1970 .Bt�dget, to-wit: (A) Salaries and wages $ 3,353,496 Maintenance and Operation 2,065,850 i Capital Outlay 4,O1�1,940 Cumulat.ive Reserve Fund 1689 (Parks) 40,400 �Cumulative Reserve Fund 1698 (Fire .Dept) 78,000 Cumulati.ve .Reserve Fund 1894 (Municipal Bldg) 29,796 Cumulative Re.serve Fund 1990 (Bal,lf.ield Lights) 3,765 Cumulative Re.serve Fund 21D4 (Park Equip. ) 32,3�5 Cumulative .Reserve Fund 2283 (Beautification) -- Cumulative .Re.serve Fund 2-373 (Underground Wiring) 10,000 Interest and Bond Redemption Fund 209,990 Cumulative Reserve Fund #1975 3,4-96 `` Total Ordinary Expenditures (A) $ 9,86q�p3g ; � � . . ... - ' ,, • � _ � • . . . . • ., � . • ` (B.) Receipts from sources. o.ther than Taxat.ion $ 6 p5g��+$� I � Add Surpluses. carried over from previous year 769,083 Total .to. .be raised by taxati:on 3,041,�69 T.O.TAL BUDGET for Expenditures (A) and .Receipts (B) 9,869,�3g SECTION III: . A copy of the Budget as. herein adopted ' shall be trarismitted to. the Office of the Sta_te Auditor of Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. SECT.ION `IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and ef.fect fxom and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY .THE CITY. COUNCIL .this 2nd day of December, 1969 . . ,, '� . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APP.RQVED BY. .THE .MAYOR this 2nd day of Deceinber, 1969 . ( +������. f�very ar.rett, Mayor` APPRQVED. AS TO. FORM: Gerard M. .Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: December -��-=P 1969 . �,2_ . � I