HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2665 ?�' ; �� � ` }. � ,� Amended by Ordinance #4208 �-�,��r -t;;, ' . .� � . �• � .�.,� ,,` .. •' • , �'•T ' ' Repeals 3-703, 3-704, 3-7Q6, 3-707 � � .-'��'' °�, = • • i ' �;�' �� . . - � , ` ' �. _ _ - --_ _ _W� . __ �... ���=� , � 7 0 � QRDINANCE NQ. �,. � � � Portions Repeale�_�y Ordinance� No. 4016, 4293 � AN ORDINANGE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, TnIASHINGTON li ESTABLISHING A "DEPARTMENT OF PINANCE" , PROTIIDING � FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A DIREGTOR THEREOF, SPECIFYING DUTIES , RESPONSZBILITIES AND QUALIF`TCA- TIONS, PROVIDIN� FOR TKE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATIONS � 4F DIVISIQNS WITHIN SAID DEPARTMENT, AND APPOINTMENT 4F SUPERVISQRS AND MATTERS RELATING THERET4 , AND i REPEALING ANY AND ALL ORDINANCES IN CON�'LICT HEREWITH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAZN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: There is hereby created and e�tablished a "DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE" which shall be under the supervision af the Director of Finance as hereinaf�er �e� forth, and said Depar�ment shall cansi�t af and be divided in�ta �he following divi,sions , and each to have a �upervisor thereof, to-wit : A. Records Di.vision B. Budget and Acounting Divisian C. Purchasing Division ` The Director of the "DE�'ARTMENT OF FINANCE" shall be res�onsible for , and supervise all divis�.ons and shall have the fallawing duties , I�' among others , together caith those assigned ta him by the Mayor andlor . Ci�y Council frozn time �o time , to-wit: II A. Compile the annual budget and all �ork incidental �Izereta. f B. Supervise and be responsible �ar �he disbursemen� 4 of all monies and have cantral over all expenditures � to ensure -�hat budge-t appropriati.on� are not exceeded and as otherwise provided by law and the rules � and regula�ion� of the State Audi�or' � office relating � to Muni.ci.pal Corporations. , C. Maintain a general accoun�ing system for -the City � government and each of its af�`ice� and departments ; D. Prepare a month3y �tatement af all receipts and disbursements in sufficien-� detail to sh ow the '� exact financial condi-�ion of the City; �, E. Prepare , as af the end of each �'iscal year, a �� camplete fi.nancial statement and report; �' F. Supervise �he callection of all taxes , special I assessments , license fees and other revenues of � the Gi-�y; � G. Supervise inve�tment of City funds ; H. Supervise the purchase of alZ sup�iies , materials , equipment and other articles used by anyt�fice or departmen� of the City gavernment , i � _ � _ ' i % ' �� . � • . Y � . , - • : ' ; ~ ' , .3,,. . �l . • • . ' . i f . • ♦ SECTION II : The Records Division under e I , th supervision of the City Clerk, shall perform the following functions and duties : I� A. Serve as clerk of the Council during regular and special public meetings of said body and perform such other duties of a like nature as shall be required by that body. B. Be responsible for the recording, filing, indexing and safekeeping of all proceedings of the City Council. C. Record in full , uniformly and per�anently, all ordinances , resolutions and other public documents I and authenticate same as provided by law. D. Publish, in the regular course of business , all adopted ordinances of the City Council, together with i, all legal notices required by law or ordinance. E. To perform the duties of Deputy Registrar of Voters ! and to register qualified persons . F. Prepare , attest and report on all vital statistics of the ��cords'�I�iy. and pertaining to its activities . G. Notify the Mayor' s office of the pending expiration of the term of office of the member of any Board, Agency or Commission and said notice to be given, in writing , at least 30 days prior to such expiration. A copy of such notice shall also be forwarded by the City Clerk to the President of the Council. , H. Be the custodian of the official seal of the City, and be responsible for. mail distribution and printing services. SECTION III : The Budget and Accounting Division, under the supervision of the Division Supervisor , shall perform the following functions and duties : A. Pre-audit all purchase�• orders , receipts and disbursements ; B. Prepare payroll; C. Prepare and issue all warrants ; D. Keep general accounting records ; E. Maintain inventory records of municipal property; F. Assemble budget estimates and assist Director of Finance in preparing budget documents ; G. Collect all taxes , special assessments , utility bills and other revenues ; H. Maintain custody of all City funds ; �I I. Disburse City funds on proper vouchers or warrants ; �I 1 Il�i � ' . - 2 - , , .� ' � . ' - s ' • „' � ` .• � _ ' � � � �' ,. , . + • • , , `;��r = ` , • , J. Maintain detailed records of investments ; K. Maintain detailed records on Local Improvement Districts ; L. Maintain detailed records on all general obligation, revenue and oth�r bond issues . SECTION IV: The Purchasing Division, under the supervision of the Purchasing Agent , shall perform the follocaing functions and duties : A. Purchase all materials , supplies and equipment for the City except the services o� specialists or consultants , upon properly executed requisitions . B. Establish standards and pre�are specifications. C. Test and inspect material and supplies purchased by the City and store all supplies and materials not otherwise delivered to the various Departments o� the City. D. Maintain control and a running inventory of all stock�part� : c��`� �____ "':i��,, . E. Maintain warehouses and store system. F. Administer and control the City` s insurance program and make recommendations fro.m time to ti.me regarding any changes therein. G. Perform such other services as may be required by law �� as,may,`_be assigned to the Purchasing Agent by the Di,re��o� �o�J��F�n�r�ce.��May�� and./or�Ci.ty Council. SECTION v: The Director of the "DEPARTMENT OF �'INANCE'� shall i be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the City Council. The salary of the Director of the "DEPARTMENT OF �'INANCE” shall be as determined and provided for in the Annual City Budget and as otherwise provided by law. SECTION I7I : Qualifications of Director of "DEPARTMENT 0�' �'INANCE".: � Such Director shall have a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of � � modern methods and techniques in governmental accounting, together �,rith a thorough knowledge of State laws , ordinances and rul�s�=.and regulations governing the financial administration of city government. Such . - 3 - • • � ' r� . , _ . . , 4 _ ,. . . ' . , �� .',' : . . � - .. w .. . . . '. . J , Direc�or �hall have a college degree in either finance, public admini.s-�ration, accounting, busine�s administration ,_:.. � .. � . _:. �toget.he�;u:�J3�h.�not : '�e�,��_�h�n.�Qu� ��} years of supervi.sary experience with �he �edera3 , state or any lacal government relating �o the duties hereinabove deseribed. Such Director must have the ability , experience and training to develop sound accounting system� and procedures , ta plan , assign and direc� �he work of his division.s. In additi.on thereto , such Direetor must have the ability and praetical experience to establish and mair�tain effective and e�ficient worki.ng rela-�ion�hips wi.-th subardina�es , other city o�`fici.als and members af the general public. SECTION TTII : Appointment and Qualificatians af Supervisors The Direc�or of the "DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE" shall appaint the supervisors of the three divisions , namely, the Records Division, Budge� and Accounting Divisian, and Purchasing Division, subject to prior concurrence therein by the Mayor. SECTION VIII : Qualifica-�ian� af Supervi,sors : The qualifications of the supervisars hereinabove men�ianed shall include but not be limited to -�he fallowing: A. Supervisor o� Budget and. Accounting Division. To ha.ve a thorough knowledge o� the madern princzples and practices of public �inance ad.mi.ni.stration with particular reference ta budgeting and accounting; ta have a thoraugh knowledge of the ordinances and state laws , rules and regulati.ons governing the financia3. administration of Ci,ty gavernment, as well as a genera.l knawledge of the �unetions , orga.nization, staffing operatian procedures o�' the variou� City departments. � To have the ability to ar��lyze budget e�timates , and detect improper or unrealistic requests , and to estimate �ax revenues within reasonable limits . The ability to establish and mai.n�ain effective working rela�ionships with subordi.nates , other City officials and members af the general public. Desirable education and experience. Such super- visor to be a graduate from a four year college or universi�y with specializ�tion i.n public admi.nzstra-tion, business administration or accoun�ing, or in lieu thereof, to have practical experience o� not 1ess. than five C5) years in a �upervisory capaci.ty i.n .�i.nancial �I administratian. f - 4 - � . � � ' ', ' : Y . •� n �1 � . • � • � ��. s . .�.f . • � � � r . ., , • . . ' B. Supervisor of Records Division (City Clerk) . To have a thorough knowledge of the legal requirements relating to the recording and preservation of City Council Minutes , records and matters incidental thereto. To have a thorough knowledge of the election laws of the State of Washington. A thorough knowledge of office practices , procedures and equipment. The ability to plan and direct the accumulation, collection and dissemination of data necessary for periodic reports and statements. The ability to plan, assign and supervise the � work of a group of specialized clerical employees . , The ability to maintain records and prepare reports from such records . Desirable education and experience. Graduation from an accredited college with a degree in either business administration, financing, public administration or accounting , or in lieu thereof , not less than four (4) years of supervisory experience in the abovedescribed nature of work. C. Supervisor of Purchasing Division. Said supervisor to have a complete and thorough knowledge in the methods of purchasing or contracting for all supplies and services needed by any Department of the City ; To be thoroughly acquainted with all laws and regulations affecting bidding , preparatinn of contracts , specifications and bid forms ; To take all steps and procedures to obtain as full and open competition as possible in all purchases and sales ; � To keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing , prices , marketing conditions and new products , and to secure for the City the benefits of research done in the field of purchasing by other governmental jurisdictions , national technical societies , trade associations and by private businesses and organizations ; , Prepare and adopt a standard purchasing nomenclature for City agencies and suppliers ; � To explore the possibilities of, buying. "in bulk".. or in conjunction with other governmental agencies , so � as to take full advantage of discounts . Desirable education and experience. Graduation from an accredited college with a degree in either public or business administration, accounting, or related field , or in lieu thereof not less than four (4) years of supervisory experience in the field of work hereinabove i described with a federal , state or municipal government agency , or alternately, in a supervisory capacity in a purchasing off�ce of a public or private corporation. SECTION IX: Salaries of Supervisors . The salaries of super- visors shall be as determined and provided for in the City' s annual budget and as otherwise provided by law. - 5 - . +. ,r;�j� f.,. .'� ;,,I . `, � . � . ' " .�.� � 'sr •; - . ,.> > � ' SECTION X: Any and all ordinances or parts o� ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION XI : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the first day of January, 1972 , and upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. , PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this �7�h day of , 1971. ^ � t - Helmie Nelson, City Cl�rk APPROI7ED BY THE MAYOR this '�"� day of � � , 1971. ! sC .f 1C�'I 1�� �k/(�I Ds� Kvery GArret�� , Mayor ' " Approv d������ m� �'�' Gerar�T M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication:pCT 15 1g� ,` i - 6 - i