HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2684 i�� ' �� , • � , ,� . t , `� ' . � � � �' • , ° • „ ". , � f � �� . � ORDINANCE NO� a 68 y � AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I ESTABLISHING AND CREATING A REVOLVING FUND TO MAKE ADVANCE PAYMENTS OF TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES AS P'ROVIDED FOR IN CHAPTER 74 , 1969 SESSION LAWS ; SUCH REVOLVING FUND TO BE MAINTAINED IN A BANK AS A CHECKING ACCOUNT, PROVIDING SUBMISSION OF ITEMIZED TRAVEL EXPENSE VOUCHERS AND IMPOSING PENALTIES . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOGdS : SECTI�N I : There is hereby created and established, pursuant to Chapter 74 , Session Laws of 1969 , a revolving fund to be used solely II for the purpose of making advance payments of travel expenses to elected or appointed officials or employees of the City of Renton. Such revolving fund to be hereafter known as an "ADVANCE TRAVEL EXPENSES I REVOLVING FUND" and said fund to be maintained at a local bank , as a checking account , and shall be initially established by a City Treasurer' s check in the sum of $1 ,000 . 00 . The account shall be in the name of the City and be entitled "Advance Travel Expenses Revolving , Fund Account: Mayor-.�, Custodian" . Such fund shall be replernshed by warrant from time to time. The City Treasurer or such other City I official as may be designated by the Mayor, is hereby appointed and named as the Custodian of said fund. � SECTION II : All such advances made for travel expenses shall �� be subject to the appropriate rules and regulations as heretofore prescribed by the State Auditor, Division of Municipal Corporations , and as said rules and regulations may be hereafter amended from time to time� Saic� rules and regulations are hereby incorporated herein as if fully set forth, special reference being hereby made to Bulletin No. 94 , issued July 15 , 1969 , by the State Auditor , Division of Municipal Corporations , a copy thereof being attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION III : The City of Renton shall have a prior lien against and a right to withhold any and all funds payable or to become payable by the City to such officer or employee to whom such advance has been - 1 - . . . � . , . '. . , " • , , _ . � � . . , , � • . � , . . • �; • . made, up to the amount of such advance , together �rith interest at the rate of ten percent (l00) per annum, unti.l such time as repayment has been made or justification for such expenditures has been furnished unto the City. No advance of any kind shall be made to any officer or employee at any time when such officer or employee is delinquent or has .`_. ._ failed to timely account for or repay any prior advance. � On or before the lOth day following the close of the authorized travel period for which expenses have been advanced to any officer or employee of the City, he or she shall submit to the custodian i hereinabove named a fully itemized travel expense voucher, for all ' reimbursable items legally expended, accompanied by the unexpended portion of such advance , if any. Any advance authorized hereby , or any portion thereof, not repaid or accounted for in the time and manner specified herein, and as further specified in the rules and regulations of the State Auditor, Division of Municipal Corporations , shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of such non-payment or default until paid. SECTION IV: Any and all advances authorized hereunder shall be � considered as having been made to such officer or employee of the City i to be expended by him as an agent of the Cit,y �ox official municipal purposes only, and specifically to defray the necessary costa and ex enses while er i form n his or her official duties as su:ch a ent. P P g g No such advance shall be considered at any time as a personal loan to such officer or employee and any expenditure thereof, other than for official City business purposes , shall be considered a misappropriation of public funds. SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this aOd ay� of ��-e���'Z-, 1971. �.�/'���.-�:� ��.�.��-�- Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this c,���day o� ,(��,�,��.6�.e�,, 19 71. .: .�f�t,�'�--'1 �!/�a n n �.�t� �� 1�very Ga�ett, Mayor �ove s to form: _ ., , Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney �AT� pF P�Bt�I��IaN , ��C � �: t��.. - 2 - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ I , , • , __' : . . . ' ' - i� � . �.��'��� RO�ERT V.6ftAff/�M „?�w:'V �jv I AQRiAN W£BfTBR STA.TE AUt7fTOR �' 1 F.. � :;rii�F E:!CAM{NC1i i RICHARD L:tiU'SK �' r' J.FRANK LOREE•COvwTiES �n� � ASSSSTANT 57ATE AUO�fG}p }tIr,RRY A.gITES•C�s�ts . � WARREN V.SINCl.A4R•SCNOOLS .J+�... j�. i MOWARO E.YARNROUGM �r.��F .1����� �� ����•�i�ryy�/` VTtLit�fS � !,, A$$IST�INT CNIE�E%AM7NEQ5 OF'FiCE OF STATE A�JDITOR ptViS�ON Q�' MUNIC��t+4 COFtF`ORATIONS ��[12�1�I ` � I � Ju1y 15 , I969 i BULLETIN 10. 9� ' i ians and State Lxami�ers To: All Palitical Subdiv s From: Adrian Webster, Chief Examiner, Division o'f �lunicipal Corporations Subject: Advance Travel Expense Revoivin� Fund Pursuant to the pravisians of Chapter 74, Laws of 1969, the following rules and regulations are hereby prescribed for the establishment and contrel of Advance Trav�l Expense Revolvin� Futtds authorized salely for the purpase of making advances far travel expenses to officers and em�loyees of municipal corpo- rations and other political subdivisions, � l. A revalving warkin� fund to be known as the Advance Tt'avel Expense Revolvin� Fund sha12 be created in the manner that loca2 Zegislation is officially enacted, which sr�a13 indicate the name of' the custodian, the amount to be provided and any other lacal xegulations which deal with the �oveznmental u�it's policy an such travel. The custadian of the fund must be a bona fide member of the municipal corparatioa or ather palitical subdivisian autharizing the fund. 2. Advance travel expense revo2vinp £undsl'may be established Uy Treas- urer's check ar, under certain conditions, by warrant`. If bv warrant, the trans- actioa shall t�e a nan-budgetary item and recorded only by �overrtmental units �hich are on a double entry basis. In such cases, the disbursement sha12 be debited to a l�alance sheet asset account entitled 'Acivance 1'ravel Expense Revolvin� Fund. A concurrent entry shall be m�,de char�ing Unappropria�ted Surplus and crec3itfn� a balance sheet liability account entitled "Reserve for� Advance Travel Expense Re- volving Fund.�' In those cases where estabZished by Treasurer's check, the [otal amount of such revolving £und shall be shown separate�.y in the local entity's statement of current assets. The Treasurer or other disbursinR afficer will retain i a copy af �otlz the iegislative authorization and rece�ipt supporting h�s transfex of such cash to the custadian of the revolvin� fund. ' 3. U on recei t of the moneys, the custodian will ooen a checking P P account in a local bank in the name of the governmental unit entitied "Advance Travel Expense Accaunt--John U'v� , Custodian." ?loneys �received from the follow- ing sources kill be deposited to the account : � �� --- - - - � ! - i ��J � . - • . . . I , ' ' . i�ulleti.n Pdo. 94 , Page .2 of 3 , � � I �rr�m rhe 'freasurer ar other disbu.rsin� of.fi�er in Che total amouat orig- ina�lly establt�hins; th� revr�lvir�� fund or subsequently added thereto; from officers �nd �rnployces r�preseritir��; refunds cf a�y unexpended advances; and fxom the warrant- issuin� of£i�cer reimbursing the custodian for travel expensee allnwed in the aettle- ment of employ�e �dv�nces. 4. A che�k regisc�r wil.l �e m�intained in w�hich will be recorded all trans- acCions of the fund , includin� d�pasits, di�bursements� and bank service ch�rgea. A reconciliatfon sha11 be t�adc ;aith th� b.a�k st�tement at the end of ee�ch raonth. When possible, thc reconciliation should be made by somearie, otihex than tt�� cuatodian. The balance remainir►� in the checkin� �CCOtlrit es of a �ive'�n d�te, �ogether with any out- standing advences and travel expense cla�rns an h�nd but not �et reimbur�ed, shauld always equal che ��n�unt esC�b].ished by th� �taverning bedy for the revolving fund. �, 5. �r�ployee advances for travel expenses wi��1 be mad'e by the issuance of checks drawn nn tihe special bank a�ceunt, p�yable to the�,appl��cant. Approved re- quests will be r�esined in the files of Che cus5odlan ��o� supp�Yt suc3� advanceg until final settlement is rnade and claim for re.imbursem�nt has been eubmitted. Requests for such advances shall be reasonKble estimates of the applicants' Cravel expense requirements and shall eontain as � mtn.imum the following informaCinn: �fate of rEquest :�ame of applicanC � Destination Purpose of Cravel Anticipated departure and return daCes Amount requested . i . , 52�n�ture of applicant dfficial approval of trip � ^ Ch�ck number, amount �nd date (to be previd�d by the custodiar► wh�n advance is made) 6. Sertlement nf advance� will be macle on or l�efore the tenth day fallow- ing the clase af the tr��vel neriod by fil�,n� wiCh the cusCodian an expense voucher as required by kCW 42.24.090� The custodi�t� w�il.l v�rify ehe amoun� shewn on such form as having been advanced to th� �tnpldyee. In Che ev�nt tl�e tr�veler's �ctual expense is less than the amount of the �dvance raceived , h�.s expense voucher will be accom- panied by the u�expendec nortinn nf the �dvanc�. �'he expense vnucher �nd original request for Che advance wi11 then b� ueed Lo supporC the Custodian's ciaim for a coarrant replenishing his revnlving fund for tr�avel �xpenses re�nrt��. Expense vauchers containin� expenses in exc�:ss of the amount ad�vaaced will be submittad in duplicaCe to Che custodlan at tt�e tim� of fin�l s�ttlemenC. The or3ginal copy of the ex�ense claSm �nd the traveler's requesC for �n adv�nc�' will then be used to support the custodian's. claim for g wc�rrant replenishSn� his revolr►is� fund. The other eopy i of the ex�ense claim will be submitt�d to the warran� i�ssuing o£f3cer for reimburse- ment of the excesa to ttie applic�nt. Claims for reimbuYsement to the fund shou�d be ', submitted by the cu�tod�an periodically as n��ded and ot th� end of Che fiacal ye�r Sn order that all expenses incurred will be chaxged aRa�i�st t}�e appropriatians for the period then end4�rg. " II II Bulletin Nn. 54 ' Pa�e 3 nf 3 7. Any default in accaunt�ng for ar reoaying an advance shall render the fu11 amounC which is unp�i.d immediately due and payable with interest at the rate of 10% per• annum fror� the daGe af cle£ault until 'repaid. To protect a�ainst any losses on account of advances ehe �overntn� body �shall have a prior lien against and a right to withhc�ld any and al.l funcis p�yable or to become pay�ble to such officer or employee to whom 511CN �dvance has been �iven. No adva�ce o£ any kind may be made to any officer o� employee at any Cime wher► he is delinquent in �ccounting for� or repaying a prior advance. Na �uch advance shall be c�onsidered for any puYpoee ae e • personal loan te such officer or emplayee anci any unauthoriz�d expenditure of such funds shall be considered a mts�pprc�p�iation of publtc funds. (].�69 Chap. 74, New Sec. 3, 4, and S) � , 8. Upon ter�rin�tion o£ gn ind�.vidual's appointment �s custodi��•, ttie authorization w111 ve rescinded and Che fund turned over to tl�e Treasurer ot other disbursing offic�r afte� being properly phased out, �hasin� out shall mean takinA thos� steps �ecessa�ry to brir�g the revolving fur�d bacl to th� ori�inel amount pr��- vfded. � I � , ' � ' I � � I i ��.�.:�...,�:,� _ - . . � . _, � . . . ,.. . . . . .�. ,.. • .,i �. ` ,. �. V � ��"� t �g�.'Xi�� .. - '_ . .�.._ . ..___ .. ' _ . .. ..... . .� '� s , � . �� ';{'�} �:��;`� � . CHAPTER 74 i , , ��;' �,.. _ . ; : , �.�.` r .�- � ����,.��� � [House Bill No. 264] i � ;�``;' ��. T,OCAL GOVERNt{iENT-- � • � �"� " •' ' '� ;� � . , TRAVEL EXPENSES--ADVANCES' � , , ''' � r . ' , i . ������;� :� Y,.»:..#'., .. , ; . ,. . . i , _ . _ ' .�?(�'. � � , � � � zy �'AN ACT Relating ta the.�advaneement of travel expenses ta officia�s of '�f.�.'f . . ,�. � �: � C ���'„ � ` . , municipal corporations and other politicallsubdivisions; de- �` , �'' " ; finin$ crime; and adding new sections to chapter 116, Laws of ���" � + i ; �` . � 1g65 and ta chapter 42.24 RCW, j �(J ! � . � . BE IT ENACTED BY.THE LEGISLA.TURE OF THE STATE OF' WASHINGT4N: . ''' '' , NEW SECTION. Section 1. There is added to chapter i16, Laws ,, u � w: . ��`"`"j'�, oP_1965_and to chapter.�2_.24 RCW a new section_to� read as follaws; ___ ' Whenever it becomes necessary for an elected ox appointed af- ` '+ � ', ficia3 or emp2ayee of the municipal carporation ir poli�ical subdivi- . .. sion to travel and incur expenses, the legisiative body of such mu- �`Y" � ' nic3pal corporation or political subdivision may provide, in the mr�n- ��_. • ; ���' :`' - � ner that 2ocal legislatian is officia2iy enacted, reasonab].e allow- �» -� . � � �,,, � ' . , ances to such offieers and employees in advanee of expendittzre. 51.ieh ��+" .•" , ` i'�' ;,'. advance shal2 be.made under appropriate rules and regulations to be ( K�`>;� � . ' ,. t'ts � prescribed by the state auditor. � ' ' ,� 1 ' 2�E47 SECTIflN. Sec. 2. There is adde@ to chapter 116, Lavrs of E4 � � � 1965 and to chapter �t2.24 RCsrll, a new sectian ta reafl as follows: f, .> ; The legislative bady of a municipal corporati.on or palitical �;�� ' .. subdivision wishing to make advance payments af travel expenses to , ' " j officials and employees, as grovided in sections� 3 thxou�h 5 0£ this M = act, wi.11 establish, in the manner that lacal le�is3.ation is officiai- -:; I �h . , 1y enacted, a revolving fund to be used solely flar the purpose of mak- � :�,. �,,:� ing advance payments af travel e�cpenses. The revolving fund will be � ��. • �;s� , _ ' • mainta3ned in a.:bank as a cheeking account a.nd advanees to officials � �,� .,.. , f� ' Ar 8m�ployees w`ill b8 by Check. The fundwill be r�.plenished bywarrant. � �� , i ��, ; '- NEW SECTION. Sec, 3. There is added to �chapter ].16, Laws of � , . 1965, and to chapter 42.24 RC�J a new section to �re"ad as follows: � G,;.' � � . .. �Ta protect the municipal carporation or po2itical subdivision , from any losses on accaunt of advances made as providad in sectians � 1 through 5 of this act, the municipal. corporation or political sub- � divislon shall have a prior lien against and a r�ight to withhold any � , ; and a21 Eunds payable or ta become payable by tle municipal cor- I poratian or po2itica3 subdivision to such office's or employee to � i whom such advance has been given, as provided inlsections 1 through ' i , 5 of this act, up to the amount af such advance and interest at the rate af ten percent per annum, until such time als repayment or justi- r fication has heen madeo No advance of any kindj ay be made ta any , �" off3.cer or employee under sections 1 thraugh 5 0�£ this act at any I time when he is delinquent in accounting for or �repaying a prior I advance under sections 2 through 5 of this act. l I � y . [222] _ 4 . _ , , I. , . ,,.. � ,� . .- . .� 4 -*� - �j? . , . •------- - -3 - . . � ; ,::' �., .. ..," . + . „ _ , --- -- - - ' ' , s�� � � J '`rc'' �t. �.. . . . , � .- - S � _`---J—..-, -- -- , .--�, , .. ' ^-- � • . ' • � . � , . � . � � .. � ' . � . ,. ' , . ' , ; I � `, , WASHINGTON LAWS 1969 Ch, 74: - : '� .., NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. There is added to chapter 116, Laws of ' 1965 and to chapter 42.24 RCW a new section to read as follows: � On or before the tenth day following the close of the autho- � � rized travel period for which expenses have been advanced to any � "officer or employee, he shall submit to the appropriate official a � fully itemized travel expense voucher, for all reimbursable items legally expended, accompanied by the unexpended portion of.such ad- . -� "'-' vance, if any. ,� _ � Any advance made for this purpose, or any portion thereof, not 'I ! :, � I' repaid or accounted for in the time and manner specified herein, shall �I �� . i` � bear interest at the rate of ten percent per annum from the date of default until paid. , , ; ' NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. ThEre is added to chapter 116, Laws of ' � 1965 and to chapter 42.24 RCW a new section to read as follows: �. An advance made under sections 1 through 5 of this act shall - be considered as having been made to such of£icer or employee to be ;� � expended by him as an agent of the municipal corporation or political subdivision for the municipal corporation's or political subdivi- � " sion's purposes only, and specifically to defray necessary costs ' i while performing his official duties. No such advance shall be considered as a personal ;loan to such '�t , _ ' officer or employee and any ex_penditure thereof, other than for offi- t� ,,.�. � cial business purposes, shall be considered a misappropriation of �;: - , �� " publ ic funds. ';�"' � _ Passed the House March 12, 1969 ' � Passed the Senate March 10, 1969 �T' Approved by the Governor March 24, 1969 ' , ' '_ Filed in office of Secretary of State March 24, 1969 � s _ : ' I - , � - - ----— - -- _. _ ' ��� � '` - �.' .:;� ` . �s;' r � .�».�r+, , 'xo,