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i'.i�3OLUTI0111 NO. f�-5��
I �Jf��A� Titl� IX C�f the Huus ir►g and Urban I)evelap�►ent Act of 1965 amer►ds
� Title VII ot the Housing Act of 1961 snd pravidea for the making of grants� by the
II Department af Housingtnnd Urban Development to 3tates ac�d local public bodies to
I ass is t �hem in the beaut it'icat ic� a�nd imgrave.�ettt of op�n-�pace and ather pubi ic
� urbaa l:ad w!►ere such assis�.ance ia needed for carryi�tg aut a local program which is
important to the campreheaaively planned developme�;t of the lacality; aad
II E�7HEREAS ths CI7"Y OF RENTON dasires to beautify and ;i�rov� ogaa.space .end
ather gablie urbsa 2snd to f:ciiitate their inareased usa and ea3�Y�rit; and
WHEREAS Titla VI og the Civil �ights Act of 1454 snd Lhe regulatie�s a#
, the Department o� Houaing and IIrban Developmeat e�lecCuzttiag that Tit2e prohibit
dis�rimi.nation at the baais of raca. creed� c�lor, ar national origin in the use
, a� a3� �aci3itiea aad iaigrovemcnts prcvicl�d by Bedt�ral assist�nce; and
' WHEREA3 TH� CITY QF �tEN3'O�I ia cogniasat ag the cojnditioaa that are
impased irt the undertaking a�nd carrying ou� of progrsms :s�isieGd uader Title YII of
the Hausing Act of 1961� aa amencl�d. includiag thoae relatirg ta+ is�bor standards
#na equa2 s�iaycaen,t oppartunicyt and j
t�RBAS it ia esti.nutcd that the ccat of the acxivities gropaaed to De
'' caer ied out in per�ormattc�e. o� beautif ication and impravement o� open-aps�ce a�d other
I public �and �xce�da the u�ual expenditurea of the CYTY OF �tEDri�ON �or cwnparable I
��t iv it ies by $2 7.5�0.00� N�� 1'�tEREFO�E
A3 FOLLp[�T3:
SECTION I: 'That an applieation be atade to the Depactment af Housing ac►d I
tirban Deveir�xnent far a grant in an arnouat authorized bp T�tle VII of the Rousing Act
uf 1962, a�s amen@ed, £flr urban beauiifieatian and improvement af apea-space ar�d
other public urban yar�d* which amaurnt is praset�t}.y esti.mated to be $17,SOi7.40, and
that the CIZ'Y QF RENTON will provide the balance o! the cost.
SECTION II: That the Ma�ar is hereby authoriaed and directed to execute
and La f ile such apg3ication with the Departmer�t of Hausing aad Urben Uevelopm�n�,
to provide additional informati.on a�nd tp �u=ai�eh s�e� documeret� as may be required by
l said Department� to execute auch contracts as are r�quired by said Dep,artm�ent. and
to aet as the authoriaed carrespondent af the CITX 4F RENZnN.
38CTI{kl III: That the progtssed urban beautification s�tiviCies are in
accprdance with the beauti�icatian program prepared by R�11'dN. of imgortance to the
comprehsnsively plaaned development of the lacalityr and that. should said grant
� application be approv�d, the CITY OP RENTU�d will undertaker carry out, and ca�mplete
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said urban beautificatioa activities designated in said appiication and approved
by the Department of Housi.c�g and tIrhan 17eve2o�unent.
SECTION IY: That the United St�tes uf A�nerica ,at3d ttie Secretary of
Housing and Urban Dev�lapment be� aad thep hereby are, assured of ful2 compliance by the
CITY Q1� R�NTpN with regulations af the Department of Housing and Urban Development
efEectuating Title VI of the Civil �ighCs Act of 1964.
PASSED $Y THE CITY COUNCIL this 22nd day of I�iay, 1957.
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�'�'�.l.k���fJ ��L-C��:.�., Lc.,�' E �
G�{n E. i-3arsha3l, Deputy City Clerk I
APPi20YED BY THE Ti�YC?R this 22nd day of I�lay, �967. ' . �
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Thomas T,•V. Tt i.nin►, A�tipg rii8ya�`
Apprcved as ta f orcn:
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'Gerard i1. Shellan, Gity Attorn�y