HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1480 � ' p�{iGtNA►- . • . ' ,� , . . . . . . RBSOLUTZON 1�0. �_ J��Q WAERSAS a petition for the approva2 of a final plat for the subdivisioa of a certaia tract of laad as hereinafter more particulazly described, lxaeed wlehia the City of Renton, hss heretofore beeu presented to aad filed �ith tbe City Couacil and the City Planning Coa�oissioa aad iC appearing that the preliminary plat has heretofore been duly approved by the Plaqalog Commission efter public heariog th�reoa as provided by law, and WHERBAS after du� investigation tbe Plannfng Commisaion has considered snd recommended the approval of ssfd #iaal plat, aad said attter having come on #or revisw before the Planniag Commission of the Clty of Rentou st its pub�ic meetiag o� or about August 9, 1967, and the Citp Ccuncil haviog duly approved said fitul plat at ita regular meeting on August 21, 1967, a� such approvai bei� deemed proper aad advisable and in the public interest, I�iOW �iBRI�ORB BS IT ItESOLVED BY T8E 1�(AYOit A11D '!8S CI?Y C001�CIL OZ T8E CItY Ot R$dl�ON AS FOLIAWS: SECTIODT I: The final plat beretofoze suba+itted aad �pproved bq Che P1�n$ Commfssion, pertsining to the followiag described realty. tt��it: This plat of Victoria Park eaibraces th�t portiou o� the tsorthea�t quarter of Section 30, ?ows�hip 23 ltorth� R��$e 5 E+tst W.H., deseribed as followa: begiuning at the northesst cor�er of said Sectioa 30; thence SOl°41'07'� W 663.26 fett; thsace 1i 89°S3'41" W 395.12 feet to the true point of beginniag; thence contiauiag �1 89'S3'41" W 270 leet; th�ce SOl'43'�11'� W 180 feet; thetace N 88'16'49" W 450 feet; thet►ca N 43°lb`50�' W 291.20 feet to the easterly R+srgiA ot Talbot $osd; thesce S 02'15'37" W along aaid road margia 323.85 faet; the� e sloo�g � curve eo the left having a radius of 1402.50 feet an �rc distsece of 237.60 feet; thence S07°26'46" E 24.05 feet; that►ce �lattg a curve to the riaht haviag a rsdius of 2895 feet ut arc di�taace of 70.43 feet; thence �89°31'28" E 129.10 feet; thenee S 59'34`3i" � 67.89 feet; tbeace N 89°3I'18" E 104.74 feet; thence S 00'28`42" 8 37.40 faet; theoce N 89°31'18" E 231.75 feet; thence S 33'13'45" E 85,55 teet; thence S 45°30'26" E 85.55 feet; thence S S1'39'22" 8 70.08 feet; thefce S 38'08'24" E 62.40 feet; thence l� 59'08'46" 8 I00.00 feet; t�eoce N 13°47'06�� E 72.15 feet; theetce K 54'S0'00�' E 103.79 feet; theace N 35°10'00" W 25.00 feet; theuce �T 54'SO'00+' B 75.00 feet; GheaeQ N 33°55'S1'� E 64.05 feet; theRce lt 19'S8'29" W 382.54 fest; eheo�se N 00°06'19'° S 97.54 feet; thepce 11 43'S9'14" E 69.37 feet; thetice N 00°06'19°' E 100.00 feet to the true point of l�mgi�it�; a11 situated in Renton, King County, Washingtoa (Also knowa as Victoria park Ko. 1) � Located geaerally in the Southeast ares of 14th aveaue South snd lalbot Road, Renton, Kiag County, Waah iagton. be and the same is hereby approved as such plat� sqb3ECt CO �he lawa sqd oxdiqancea o� the City of Reatoa. PASSBD BY TBE CITY COt11�CIL this �.�it dsy pt ���9i'T ' i'� '.`"���'��_,�,�.L�/ //� e i�elson, Cft�► rl�sk AP�80�tED SY THE MAYOR this 3� day of � 9.b7� � � � Approved as o urm: ,r •��/�� � Gaard M. Shellan G � L_ ',:. �es*e�'s�-r�.