HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3099 ... . . . ,� ,,�, •- , �• � � ' . � ,r • F � - • . • � I Amend� Ord. #2521 AMEP�jDED gy ��o�3515 ' CITY, OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I ORDINANCE N0. 30�s ; AN ORDxNANCE OF THE CITY QF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING � CHAPTER 20 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULA.TIONS) OF � ORDINANCE N0. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY. OF RENTON" RELATING TO FEES UNDER THE � CITY'�S MOBILE H4ME FARK ORDINANGE GTON DO ORDA�N II THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASt3N , AS FOLLOWS: � SECTION I: Existing Section �-2003 1. A. df. Title IV {Building Regula�ians? �f Qrdinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of �he Ci�y of Renton" is hereby amended to 2^ead as fallows : Section 4-20.03 l A.�, as� amerided. l. Review and Can.struction: � A• _;�;�i�ativ'e'� Procedure arid Fea. For adviee and assistance ri _ befare .the preparation of the Preliminary P1an, the developer shauld cansult early and informally with the Planning Departmen-�, Depar`tment of Public Works , the Fire Department and the Traffic Engineering Depart- men-t. By abserving this prelimina.ry procedure, the develaper may beca�ne informed of �he Comprehensive Plan requirements or any por-�ions thereof, and may obtain any expl.anation of the regulations and standards herein cantained as may be necessary and related to the praposed mobile home park. ' P:��i:ta:on.er-ap�li:cant :sha:.11 pay a �ee: for the processing af the initial plan in the .�um of �ifty Dollars ($.50 . 007 plus One Dollar I C$1. 00) per acre which said fee sha1.1 be paid �o the Ci-ty Clerk at the � time �th.e initial documents for sueh p2an are submitted to. �he City. C i SECTION II: Exzsting Sectlon 4-.2004 1 of T�tle IV (Bua.ld ng Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1b28 erititl:ed "Code of Gerieral Ordinances of the City of Reri�on" is hereby amended. tc� read as follows : � Sectiori 4-2QOS� l, as `arrierided: PRELIMTNARY. PLA�' REQUIREMENTS . I� l. Prapased Mob'ile HOme 'Park Application arid Fees . The � � application an.d plan shall be �submitt.ed in at least e'ight t8) copies to the Plannin.g Department who sha11 a.f�'ix thereto a file number and � _�_ ., . . .. ,r . .. " • • ` 7` • M1 { � • the. date .it is received. Applicati.on forms are available from the Planning Department. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as follows : (1.) �.�.minimum�-fee:�:of-.:Orie•�Hu:ndred:_ �o�.lars . C�$.I00 . 00) together with. the .sum of Five Dollars ($5 . 00) for each lot as contained in said application. SECTION III: Existing Section 4-2005 2 of Title IV (B.uilding REgulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4-20.0`5 �� .� as amerided: FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS . 2 . Firial Fees . The Final Plan application shall be accom�anied by a fee of Fifty Dol.lars ($.50 . 00) plus the sum of Two Dollars and fifty cents ($.2. 5D) per lot. SECT.ION .IV: Any and all Ordinances or parts. of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. on .and..after January l, 1977, and SECTION V: ThisOrdinance� shall be effective./upon its � passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17thday flf January, 1977 . ����,0��.�:� C�' Delores A. Mead, ' City C�erk APPROVED BY THE. MAYOR this l�thday of January, 1977 . , ������:�/��� � . .f� ,G��L(/ - Charles/�. Delaurenti, Mayor � Appr ed as to for • ��� . . . . . . � �� ,� � Ger�rd M. Sh�11an, City Attorney Date of Publim.tion: 1-21-�7 -2-