HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3108 /�� •,.. ~:''t . ' .^ , _ ,�: , . _ . ` r • , , . , CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 3io8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON. WHEREAS under the provisions of RCW 35.13 .130 , as amended, a petition in writing requesting that certain territory contiguous to the City of Renton, as hereinafter more particularly described, '�f' � be 'annexed to the City of Renton, was duly presented and filed � with the City Clerk on or about October 6 , 1976 , and � � WHEREA� prior to the filing and circulation of said � petition for annexation to the City of Renton, the petitioning= owners duly notified the City Council of their intention to commence such proceedings as provided by law, and as more particularly specif ied in RCW 35.13.125 and upon public hearing ,thereon, it having been determined and the petitioning owners having so agreed. to assume the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton as same pertains to the .territory petitioned to be .annexed; and to accept that portion of the Cityts. Comprehensive Plan as same pertains to the .subject territory including the applicable zoning code relating thereto, and WHEREAS the Planning Department has duly examined and verified the signatures on said petition for annexation and determined the assessed valuation of all the properties , the same .being in excess of 750 of the area to be annexed, in value, as provided by law and said petition also setting forth the :legal description of the property according to government legal :subdivision or plat,, �i'�� �.��x�l��x����I�i���x��t������]�x�t�x���x�3���tx��x��I�c�1�x�1���n�x��1�� , ����������x���x�������€���x���x�����x�t�x��x����x��������x-��x��t� ����x��x���a����x��� WHEREAS the City Council fixed �NoVemb.er:_l, 1976, at i 8: 00 P.M. as the time and place �or public heari�g :in the City Council Chambers , City Hall, Rentan, Washi;ngtan, upo:n said petition and notice thereof having been duly given as provide�d by law, and � � I . . . .. �. - , � �.` - ''�,�� , ' • , + � ' . ,_ .j, `. • + � WHEREAS pursuant to said notice a public hearing has been held at the time and place specified in the aforesaid notice and the Council having duly considered all matters in connection with said petition and further determined that all legal re.quirements and procedures of the law applicable to the petition method for annexation as specified in RCW 35.13.130 et seq: have been duly �, complied with, and � � WHEREAS a proper "Notice of Intention" having been f iled with the King County Boundary Review Board as required by law, � � I '� thereover as er its let p ter dated Januar 27 1977 �. Y � � NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON �.DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION� �I: The aforesaid findings, recitals and determinations ' are hereby found to be tr.ue and correct in all respects ; all requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by petition method, including the provisions of RCW 35 .13.125 , 130 , 140 , 150 and Chapter 189 , . � Session Laws of 1967 , have been duly complied with. It is further determined. that the abovementioned petition for annexation to the Cit of R y enton of the ro ert and territor hereinbelow r r Y y described be and the same is hereby approved and granted; the following describe.d property being contiguous to the City Limits ' of the City of Renton, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City o� Renton and such annexation to. be effective on and after the approval, ,passage and publication of this Ordinance; and on and after. said date said property shall be and constitute a part ' of the City of Reriton and shall be subject to all its laws and ordinance.s_ then and thereafter in force and effect; said property being .described as follows.: Lots 1 through 7, Olympic View Terrace as recorded in Valume 64 of Plats , page 69 , records of King County, Washington; and Lot 6, Hilltop Heights Addition as recorded in Vo.lume 75 of Plats , pages 79-80, records of K' in Count Washin ton g Y� g I To.gether with the south. 30 feet of S.E. 164th Street (S. 27th St..) lying easterly of the Ely line,. extended Nly, of a 20 foot utility easement known as 106th Place S .E. and Wly of the Nly extension of the east -2- II 1 'r �• � ' �. . � � . . . �i . . - , � � , � � line of Lot 1, said Plat of Olympic �iew Terrace. As situated within the NW 1/4 of Section 29 , Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. . (Property located betweeri S .E . 164th St. (S . 27th St. ) and S .E . 165th St. ) and the owners-petitioner.s of the aforedescribed property shall � assume th.e pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City of Re.nton � � as prescribed in RCW 35.13.125 as it pertains to the abo.ve described �'"3. '~" property, and said property to be likewise subject to the Cityts. �� Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. � SECTION I�I: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days �after its publication. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed wi.th the King County Council, State of Washington, .and as otherwise provided by law. SECTTON III : The above described annexed property contiguous to Precinct No. 53 of the City of Renton shall be and constitute a part of Precinct No. 53 of said City. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL th'is �4th day of February, 1977 . , 1976. .Q. ��y��. . .. Delores A. Mead, C:ity�Cl•�r7<�•.,`<, �; � , . � , • J -- , �. ,,` - . .„ _ _ � ,,. . ..«..:..y. � . .� �vy .../ 4� s ... ��.....-.,..w...L..�:...y. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of Fel�xuary�, .197'7." : �� .�� , � ., .. � � ,�, J� , ��_.i������i_`i—�/7- �V , •I r' 1 - - � CharlesGd. Delaurenti, Mayor ; APP OVED��S t m: ,,-r� � , Ger r�fl M. '���.V ,�'�j.#�l�ttorney Da e of Publication: 2-20=77 -3= � (' - ---------- --------- � ` ' � .'` . ` - --- � . . - < . • . � p � ` 4 + , - « ,�, PR4�QSEp pLYNiPl� VIE V � � TERRACE ANNEXATipN u� � : � t . �- I � � � � � � � � . . � ti+ ....., - , , �� �. r � � - RFNTON CITY LIMIT'S � � . , ..*.ti f;� i� ,•,,,."? " . , " • � .�; S ' ! : � ' , _ _ •.,,,, �- . i �j ; . . ; '` + ' � - �tt � . Q? -�' s� r*, I �~�' � � '. AR�A Tp BE AN '"= zoo' . NEXED , � � � ( S.E. f f 4 TN �?: � - � S 27TH ST � - � . _ . .:..... �.__.. � , �� 'r ��,..�• , . . t.. � ttl. ;.� ': : t. 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