HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3120 t K � f • � , / ♦ � t .�+ • � , R ' � • � .� • . CITY� OF. RENTON, WASHII�G�'ON ORDIN.ANCE NO'. 312 0 AN ORDINANCE QF THE CITY. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND. TRUNK LINES AND APPURTENANCES THERETO IN AND NEAR HEATHER .DOWNS PLAT, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION N0. 2Q87 PROVZDING THAT PAYMENT FOR SAID IMPROVEMENT BE MADE BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS i UPON PROPERTY IN SAID DISTRICT, PAYABLE BY THE MODE OF "PAYMENT OF BONDS" , or "NOTES" IN LIEU THEREOF AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WARRANTS REDEEMABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT• DISTRICT BONDS OR NOTES. (L.I.D. 297) j WHEREAS by Resolution No. 2087 passed and approved on January 24, 1977 , the City Council of the City of Re.nton declared , its intention to construct and install certain sani�ry sewers and I trunk lines and appurtenances within certain territory in the vicinity of Heather powns Plat as hereinafter more particularly described, and fixed the 7th day of March, 1977 in the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for hearing all matters relating to said improvements i and all objections th.ereto and for determining the method of payment for said improvements, and WHEREAS the Director of Public Works has caused an estimate to be made of the cost and expense of the proposed improvements and has certif ied said estimate :to the City Council, to.gether with all papers , data., and information in his possession relating to the proposed improvement,. description of the boundaries of the District, a statement of what portion of the cost and expense should be borne by the properti.es withi:n th.e proposed District, a statement in detail of the Local Improvement assessment outstanding , or unpaid against the property in the proposed District, and a statement of the aggregate actual valuation of the real estate, including 25% of the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed District, according to. the valuation last piaced upon it for the purpose of general taxation; and -1- �� ' ' • - I � . 1 . I � . •� + • • . ' • • I WHEREAS said estimate is accompanied by a diagram of the proposed improver�ent showing th.ereon the lots, tracts., parcels of land, and other property which will be s.pecially benefited by the proposed improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense thereof to be borne by each lot,. .tract and parcel of I land or ot�.er property wi.thin said District; and WHEREAS due notice of the hearing upon said Resolution No. 2087 was given in the manner. provided by law, .and said hearing was duly held by the City Council at its regular meeting on March 7 , 1977 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. and the. following protests having been f iled and duly consider.ed, to-wit: � Name• `of Protestant Address ! Mr. and Mrs . Donald Greenwalt 13237 S .E. 1S8th, Renton, Wn. Mr . and Mrs,. Francis T. Hart 13225 S .E . lS8th, Renton,Wn. Mr. and Mrs . Daniel F . Mark 13238 S .E. 138th, Renton, Wn. Frances I . Taylor 13�557 S .E. 138th, Re.nton, Wn Mr. and Mrs . Marion L. Howell 13551 S .E . 138th, Reriton, Wn Mr. and Mrs . H. D: Rober:son Marie Gunn 13231 S .E . 138th Pl. ,Renton,Wn Mr.. and Mrs . Ste.ven D. Johnson 13219 .S .E. 138th Pl. ,Re.riton,Wn I Joyce Marvitz Mr. and Mrs'. D. A. Bates 13.534 S .E. 140.th Pl . ,Renton,Wn Carolyn Dunham P.O . Box 177 , Freeland,Wn. Frances G. Capponi 13902. 137th Ave .S .E . ,Renton L. H. Taylor 13924 137th S .E. , Reriton, Wn Mr. and Mrs . E. L. Lindsley 13528 S .E . I40th. P�,Re.riton,Wn Mr. and Mrs . John J. Kalmbach ` 13537 S.E. 140th Pl. ,Renton,Wn George B . Jones and said total prote.sts not exceeding 8 .120 of the: total co_st bearing owner.s within said District; and WHEREAS at said hearing the City Council has given due consideration to the special benefits to be received from such proposed improvement by all of the properties to be included within the proposed Local Improvement District; and � -2- . , • . � � ' _ ' , � . � � ;� • . .. > WHEREAS the City Council deems it in the be.st interest � ( of the .City and of the. owners of the property wi.thin the proposed Local Improvement District that said improvement as hereinafter i described be carried out, and that a Local Improvement District be created in connection therewith.; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS.: SECTION I: The following sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto shall be constructed and installed in the vicinity of Heather I� Downs Plat, .� , King County, Washington, as more particularly I described hereinbelow, to-wit: See Exhibit 'rA" .attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. which said property. is located outs.ide the City Limits of the City of Renton. and there .shall be included in the foregoing the acquisition and installation of all necessary pipe, manho.les, valves , fittings, couplings, connection equipment and appurteriances, to.gether with the acquisition of any easements , rights of way and land that may be required; and there shall be included the performance of such work as may be inciderital and :necessary to. the foregoing .con- str_uction and installation. The City Council may modify the details of. the foregoing describe.d improvement where, in its judgment, it appears advisable , provided such modifications do not .substantially alter the plan of said improvement. Al1Yof the foregoing shall be in accordance � -3- � . , ' . ,. , . ' ' Y � • ' •,• � . �, • - � I � with the plans and specifications therefor to be prepared by the Director of Public Works. SECTION• II : There is hereby established and created a - � ' Local Improvement District to. be called '�Local Improvement District No. 297 of the City of Reriton, Washington" , the boundaries of such Local Improvement District being described as follows: See Exhib 'it "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set for� herein. SECTTON II�I: The .estimated cost and ex.pense of said improvement: is�.;heneb.y.�.de�lared to be approximately $531 ,900.00 The entire cost and ex.perise of said improvement, including the cost and ex.pense of all engineer.ing, legal, inspection, advertising, publicati.on of notices and o.ther expenses incidental thereto, shall be borne by and assessed against .the proper.ty. specially benefited by such improveriient included in the Local Improvement District No. 297 established, embracing, as near as may be, all property specially benef ited by such improvement. SECTION IV,: The nature of the improvement provided for herein is such that the special benef.its conferred upon the property. are fairly r,ef lected by. the use of the mode of equal pro-rata share � of assessment,. and it is hereby provided and ordered that the assessment .shall be made against :the property of the District in accordance with .said methods. Al1 property included within the limits of the .Local Improvement District abave created shall be. considered to be the property specially benefited by such Local Improvement and shall be. the property to. be assessed. to pay the cost and expense :thereof as hereinabove specified. SECTION V :� Local Improvement District warrants shall be issued in payment of the cost and expense of the improvement I, ' -4- I . . , , � . . . , , , • - � �.. . . � herein ordered. Such warrants shall be payable out of said 'rLocal Improvement Fund, District No. 297" , to bear interest from the date thereof at a rate to. be fixed hereafter, but not to exceed � o per annum and to be redeemed in cash, and/or by. Local Imp- rovement District bonds herein authorized to be issued, said interest- bearing warrants to be her.eafter referred to as "revenue warrants" . Such bonds sha11 bear interest at a rate to be. hereafter fixed but not exceeding � o per annum; sha11 be payable on or before 12 years from the date of issuance, .the life of the improvemerit ordered being not less than 10 years,and shall be issued in eXchange.:�for and in reaemption of. any an�. all revenue warrants. issued hereunder and not redeemed in cash within a period not to exceed sixty days after the f irst publication by_ the Director of Finance .of notice that the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 297. is in her hands for collection. The bonds shall be redeemed by. the .collection of special assessments to be levied and asses:sed upon the proper.ty within said District.,. payable in I 10 equal installments , wi.th interest at a rate to be fixed hereafter but not exceeding " g per annum, and a penalty of 3_ 9 which shall also be collected. The exact form, amount, date, interest rate and denomination of said warrants and bo.nds shall be hereafter. fixed by. Ordinance .of the City Council. SECTTON :VI: All the work necessary to be done in connec.tion with the making of said improvemerits shall be done by and made by contract upon compet.itive bi:ds and the City shall have and reser.ves the right to. reject any and all bids. Th.e call for bids for work authorized pursuant to. this Ordinance -shall include a statement that .payment for said work will be inade in cash warrants drawn upon the "Local Improvement Fund, District No. 2-97"�. -5- � . . . , ' M♦ • . . SECTION V`II: There is her.eby created and established in the Finance Director1s. Office of the City of Renton, for Local Improvement District No. 297 , a special fund to be known and designated as "Local Tmprovement Fund, District No. 297" , into which fund shall be depos.ited the proceeds from the sale of revenue warrants drawn against said fund whi:ch may be issued and sold by the City and collections pertaining to assessment, and against which fund shall be issued cash warrants for the contractor or contractors in paymerit for the work to be done by them in connection with said improvement, and against which .fund cash warrants shall be issued in payment .of all o.ther items of ex.pense in connection with said improvement. � SECTI4N VIII�: The .Public Works Director is hereby authorized and directed to call for bi.ds , in the manner provided by law, for the construction and installation of the improvements authorized herein. . ., . : . . yS�CTZON IX: The City reserves the right. to issue, in lieu of bonds and warrants in payment of the: .cost and experise of the aforesaid Local Improvement District.,. installment note or notes payable out of the Local Improvement District Pund, pursuant ' to RCW .35.45.150 , whenever such note. or notes are .sold exclusively to another fund of the City as an investment thereof, and as further I provided by law.. Such installment note or notes may be issued any ti.me after a th'irty.-day period allowed by law for the payment of assessments of said District without penalty or interest, and such note or notes may be of any deriomination or deriominations, -6- . -, . , • • . ' . � , ` • . . �� . . . the aggregate of which shall represent th.e balance of the co.st and expense of the Local Improvemerit District which is to be borne by. the property owners therein, and as further provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 28th day of Marc1�, 1977 . . �� :���add�r�. . . Delores . Mead, ��.�� Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 28th day of MarcI-i, 1977 . � c������ f. . .._-� i Charles/y�. Del.aurenti, Mayor �l Approved as to form: �� ,��� , . . . . . . , . _ Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 4-1-77 -7- II ', _. , - • , ° . . _ , .. ; � . ���� �4� � , I L.I.D. N�. 297 - HEATHER D(7WN5 � „ EXHZBZT "A" All that portion of the plat of xeather powns Da,visican r:a. 1 as, = recoxded in Val. 62 bf Plats, page 28, record� of King County, � � Washinqton, and - A31 th�tporti.an of the plat of Heather Dawns Divisian �to. 2 as re- � eordec3 in Vol. i4 of P2ats, pages 3 and 4 records af King County, , Washa,ngtan, � Lying xai�hin the :i 1/2 0� the SW lJ4 of Section 15, Tw�p. 23 N. , � Rng. 5 E. , W.M. � i � , , � � . . . . . . . ,.. �.f��' , . ' � ,� . . . � - - .:�=�'f., I � � " .. � - ' � "#-.��' �a � I I II , i 1 .. ... -: .. . _.�: .,. ..... _ �_:.'__' .- .... - _ ._. • _ ". ... ._ . . � I � , . LID 297 - HEATHER DOWNS EXH I B I T "B" PIPE SIZE 8" S. E. 136th St. 132nd Ave. S.E. 660' e/o 132nd Ave. S.E. 8" S.E. 136th St. 720' w/o 137th Ave. S.E. 137th Ave. S.E. 8" 133rd Ave. S.E. 150' s/o S.E. 136th St. 300' s/o S.E. 136th St. 8" S. E. 137th Pl . 135th Ave. S.E. 133rd Ave. S.E. $" 35th Ave. S.E. S.E. 137th P1 . S.E. 136th St. 8" Utitity Easement across Lots 4 � 52, Blk 2, Div 1 133rd Ave. S.E. 132nd Ave. S.E. 8" S.E. 138th St. 132nd Ave. S.E. 250' e/o 135th Ave. S.E. 8" S.E. 138th St. 530' w/o 137th Ave. S.E. 137th Ave. S.E. $" S•E• 139th St. 132nd Ave. S.E. 137th Ave. S.E. 8" 133rd P1 . S.E. S.E. 139th St. S.E. 140th St. 8" S.E. 140th P1 . 230' e/o 135th Ave. S.E. 133rd P1 . S.E, 8" S.E, 140th P1 . 350' e/o 135th Ave. S.E. 137th Ave. S.E. 8" 137th Ave. S.E. S.E. 136th St. S.E. 140th P1 . 8" 132nd Ave. S.E. S.E. 136th St. S. line Lot 1 , Blk 5 Div. 2 8" Utility easement across Tax lot 91 Sec. 15-23-5 N. line Tax lot ql S. line Tax Lot 91 8" Utility easement across Tax Lot 187 Sec. 15-23-5 N. line Tax Lot 187 40' s/o N. line Tax Lot 187 8" Utility easement across I Tax Lot 187 Sec. 15-23-5 40' e/o W. line Tax Lot 187 W. line Tax Lot 187 8" Utility easement across Tax Lot 18 Sec. 1b-23-5 E. line Tax Lot 18 ]025'+ w/o E. line T.L. 18 8" Utility easement across � Tax Lot 18 Sec. 16-23-5 � N. line Tax Lot 18 W. line Tax Lot 18 (270'+ e/o NW cor.thereof) (200'+ s/o NW cor.thereof) 8" Utility easement along � E. line City Light Trans. W. line Tax Lot 18 S.E. 5th St. Line Easement (Sec. 16-23-5 200'+ S/0 N.W. cor. thereof) 8" S.E. 5th St. 23b'+ w/o Pierce Ave. S.E. 125'+ w/o Pierce Ave. S.E. (exist. m.h. )