HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3124 : . x � N _ � AMENDS ORD. #1074 �� , , . , . CITY. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 3124 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHING.TON, AMENDING SECTION 6-154 OF TITLE VI (POLICE REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE N0. 1628 ENTITLED `pCODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES pF THE CITY OF RENTpN°1 RELATING TO DANGEROUS WEAPONS I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: Existing Section 6-154 of Title VI (Police Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances � co � f the Cit of Re.nton is hereb amended to read as fol ow : Y y 1 s Sectinri 6=154, as amended: DANGE"ROUS WEAPONS: EVIDENCE : It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell or dispose of or have in his possession any instrument or weapon of the kind , usually known as sling shot, sand club or metal knuckles; or any wea on stick chai t , , n, clu�, •r c�myination th�reof9 including a d�vice usually known as Nun-Chaka Stick, or any like device having the same or similar components or parts , whether or not connected by a rope, chain or other device; or to furtively carry,or conceal any dagger, dirk, knife or other dangerous weapon; or to use any contrivance I or device for suppressing the noise of any firearm. SECITON TI: Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SE.CTION III : This Ordinance shall be ef.fective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY. THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of April, 1977 C:C.. ' Delores A. Mead, Cit�y Clerk �' APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 4th day of A ril, 1977 . �' � ���� . CharlesGd . Delaurenti� Mayor App ed as to 0 �� �� �eriard M. 5hellan, City Attorney Date of Publication. � : 4-$-7 7