HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3153� . ' ' . , �; -` , `r • � . � ' i � , .� �, � �:" '' � ' ' - ' ' .. a ." � . � .�> • • � O . . CITY 0�' RENTON, GIASHINGTON � • I ORDINANCE N0. 3153 � AN ORDINANCE .OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHZNG.TON,. P.ROVIDING FOR APP�tOPRIATION OF �'UND.S - , WHEREAS the City of Renton, Washi:ngton �has heretofore rec.eived certain excess revenues from. the: Housing and Community Dev.elopment Block Grants for certain projects, and � . _ � � • 4�IHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to appropriate and transfer. from such excess revenue into the be.lowmentioned funds and such. appropria#i�n be.ing necessary and in the public interest and for th.e _public benefi.t, NOW THEREFORE mH� Ci'P�' CO�i�C�L l3�' THE Ci�� fl�' �£NmON D0. ORDAIN AS POLLOWS ; SECTI'ON :'.I;: The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to provide for the following appropriation and transf�r: Excess Revenue $394,252.00 FROM: See. ��lia:bit :"A" attached her.eto and made a part here.of as if fully set: forth $394,252.00 UNTO: See Exhibit "A" att.ached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth � SECTTON:II�-:This Ordinance. shall be effecti.ve upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. � � PASSED BY. THE CITY. COUNCIL this 15th day of August, 197.7 . ��X,���AF'�l.4,� /,/ • ./�//����. ' . Del�res A. Mead, C;ity Clerk � , � APPROVED BY THE MAYOR th.is 15 th day of August,. 19'7 7 . . i � � ; � ����� ���� � ' ` Charles J�l/Delaurenti., Mayor ' (/ , ' App ed as to f m: . ,�',���...,� ence . ar , r-�ss�r. - t;i�y''1�ttorney , � 'i Date of Pub.lica a.on: s-19-77 i � ' . ' i .. , w` • + � . 1 i f h� � I , Y • � w� � � ' ^�� ' ORDINANCE N0. ,�Jc�.3 . # �� -a . � �IBIT "A" Appropriation of excess revenues from Hotising and Community Development Block Grants for the following projects: APPROPR,IATE FR,OM EXCESS R,EVENUE ------------------------------------------ $394,252.00 APPR,OPRIATE UNTO FOLLOWING DNISIONS OF PLANNING DEPARTMIIVT/CURR.ENT FIJND: CD-24'3 '76 PLANNING & INIPLEMII�TTATION Unallocated 1976 Population Monies� - 000/000/0'7.538•31.11.00 �Salaries & Wages� ----------------- $ 809.00 CEDAR. RIVEH, TRAIL (CD-476-77� New Division 000�000�0'7.538.37.00.00 PLANNING�CEDAR RIVER. TR�GRANT 10.00 Personal Services 11.00 Salaries & Wages ---------- � 13,655 ' 12.00 Overtime ------------------ --- I'I 13.00 Personnel Benefits -------- 2,345 13.01 Retirement 13.02 FICA 13.03 Prepaid Medical 13.05 Industrial Insurance 13.06 Life Insurance 13.09 Prepaid Dental 20.00 Supplies 22.00 Operating Supplies -------- 250 30.00 Other Services & Char�es 31.00 Professional Services 31.01 Consultants�Plan Grant --- 2,050 32.08 Communication�Plan Grant -- 2,000 II 33.00 Transportation ------------ 300 � 33.01 Conferences & Schools ---- 500 35.00 Printing & Binding -------- 50 39•00 Rentals 3g.01 Other Rentals ------------ 50 42.50 Misc�Planning Grant ------- 600 60.00 Capital Outlay 61.00 Land --------------------- 128,200 000�000�07.538.37.00.00 TOTAL PLANNING�CEDAR, RIVER, TR�GRANT �150,000.00 CIDAR CENTER, PAR� �CD-488-?7� New Division � 000�000�07.538.38.00.00 PLANNING�CIDAR, CTR PARK�GRANT 10.00 Personal Services 11.00 Salaries & Wages ---------- � 6 731 � 12.00 Overtime -=---------- 13.00 Personnel Benefits -------- 1,269 13.01 Retirement 13.02 FICA 13.03 Prepaid Medical 13.05 Industrial Insurance 13.06 Life Insurance 13.09 Prepaid Dental 20.00 Supplies 22.00 Operating Supplies -------- 300 30.00 Other Services & Char�es 35.00 Printing & Binding -------- 200 60.00 Capital Outlay 61.00 Land ---------------------- 20,000 65.00 Construction Projects ----- 122,500 I 65.01 Other Constr�Ced Ctr Pk --- 9.000 000�000�07.538.38.00.00 TOTAL PLANNING�CEDAR, CTR PAR��GR,ANT $160,000.00 -1- 1 , �• • . . , . , u `� � ,. • r ORDIATANCE N0. �)� � "� • � ♦i r�• l. A ��4.�'R�T'BIT "A" - Cont. � ' PLANNING & IMPI�NfENTATION �CD-507-773 New Division 000�000�07.538.39.00.00 PLANNING�PLAN & IMPLENIII�T�GRANT '' 10.00 Personal Services 11.00 Salaries & Wages -�-------- $ 27,731 12.00 Overtime ------------------ --- 13.00 Personnel Benefits -------- 5,671 13.01 Retirement 13.02 FICA 13.03 Prepaid Medical 13.05 Industrial Insurance 13.06 Life Insurance 13.09 Prepaid Dental 20.00 Supplies 22.00 Operating Supplies -------- 2,000 30.00 Other Services & Char�es 31.01 Consultants/Plan Grant ---- 44 32.08 Communication�Plan Grant -- 2,000 33.00 Transportation ------------ 300 33•Ol Conferences & Schools ---- 500 35.00 Printing & Binding -------- 1,000 38.00 Repairs & Maintenance ----- 500 39•00 Rentals 39.01 Other Rentals ------------ 50 42.50 Misc�Planning Gra,nt ------- 500 000�000�07.538•39•00.00 TOTAL PLANNING�PLAN & IMPLENIII�T�GR,ANT $ 4o,2g6.00 SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY CENTER, �CD-508-77� New Division 000�000�07.538.40.00.00 PLANNING�SR CIT ACTN CTR�GRANT 10.00 Personal Services 11.00 Salaries & Wages ---------- � 6,731 12.00 Overtime ------------------ --- 13.00 Personnel Benefits -------- 1,269 � 13.01 Retirement 13.02 FICA 'i 13.03 Prepaid Medical i 13.05 Industrial Insurance 13.06 Life Insurance 13.09 Prepaid Dental 20.00 Supplies 22.00 Operating Supplies -------- 1,000 30.00 Other Services & Char�es 35.00 Printing & Binding -------- 1,000 60.00 Capital Outlay 61.00 Land ---------------------- 18,147 000�000�07.538.40.00.00 TOTAL PLANNING�SR CIT ACTIV CTR�GR,ANT $ 28,147.00 PREVENTIVE HEALTH SER,UICES (CD-5o9-77) New Division 000�000�07.53s.41.00.00 PLANNING�PREV HEALTH SV�GRANT 30.00 Other Services 8c Char�es 31.01 Consultants/Plan Grant ---- $ 14,700 60.00 Capital OutlaY 64.00 Machinexy & Equipment ----- 300 000�000�07.538.41.00.00 TOTAL PI�AI�TNING�PREV HEALTH SV�GR��NT $ 15,000.00 G�t,t�ND TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF AUD BLOCK GRANTS ---------- $394,252.00 � -2-