HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3179I' . . . ��� ' . ; . � ,. � � , , . -F � • . ti . r , • �. '. OR,'DINANCE NO. 3179 CTTY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AN ORD�NANCE OF THE CITY pF RENTON, WASHINGTpN, CHANGTNG THE ZONING CLASSTFTCATION OF CERTAIN PRO�ERTIES WI.THIN THE C�TY OF RENTpN FROM R£SIDENCE S�NGLE FAMTLY DISTRICT CR�l) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT CR-3) WHEREAS under Chapte� 7 , Title ZV' (Building Regulations) o� Ordi.nance No. 1628 known as the "Code o.f General Ordinances o� the City of Renton" ,. ,as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith:,: the property hereinbelow described has I heretofore been zoned as Residence Single Fam,ily District (R-1) ; and I WHEREAS a proper petition for change of .zone classification of said property ha.s beesi �iled with the �lanna,ng Department on � or about July 28 � 1977.. wlia�.ch petition was duly referred to the Hea,ring Examiner for inVestigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing ha,vi,ng been held thereon on or about September 6 , 1977 , and said mattex ha;ving been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in. conformity with the City' s Comprehensi,v� �lan? as a�ended, and the City Council having duly con�idere.d �11 matters relevant _thereto, � and all parties �iaving been heaxd a�peax�ing i,n �uppoxt 'thexeo,f or in op�osition thereto, NOW THEREFQ�E , , . . . . � THE CITY CpUNCZI� 0�'' THE CITY �QF �ENTON, WASHINGTON, � DO ORDATrd ,AS FpLLOWS ; SECTION I ; The �all.owing described property in the City of R.entan is hex�eby rezoned to Residence Distx�ict (k2�-3) as hereinbelow specified; subject to the findings, conclusions and decisi.on dated September 12z 1977. o� th.e City' s Hearing Examiner; the Planning Dixector is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps o� the Zoning Q�dinance,� a,s amended, to evidence said rezoning, to- �r � wit: � k Lots 14 a-nd'T5, Bl ock 19, Town�of�'Rer�toa�'=P�l at: , � , � ,,�._ .. . .. :���_._ , .—.. ► � -1- � y r ..� _ , }i, y R + . , � • ...�_ J . � � ' a , , CSaid property located midway between South 5th Street and South� 4th Street on the west side of � Wells �venue Squth directly across from the � _ Renton School A,dministration Building) SECTtQN T�-; This prdiriance shall be effective upon its passage, appr.oval and. ��,ve C5� days a�"ter its publication. ' . , �ASSED BY THE CT�'Y COUNCTL this 28th day �of November, 1977 . � . . . , _ . a: -��i�a.�C ' Delo�es� A`{• Mead, City. Cgerk . � . AP�RQVED BY, THE MAYOR th'is 28th day ,o� Noyember ?. 1977, �. . ,-�-`-����Y.��\ � �"� . � ��t'` ��Jiir� . Chax�les%yY, Delaure.nti, Mayor � �/ . , ApproVed as to foxm,: • j � . . . . �I I V�M1.(I�^rc/l �11;���� . . . Law`�'e:nce�J�� C�Iar�n� Act�,ng Ca.ty Attorney . Date of �'ublica�tion; 12-2-77 r . - t . �.�,. • ° ' � . ' • � . " ' , , ., . . . ,• . .� , . � - r , � , + , .. . . 3 . , . .��:. ,