HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 3182 ��� • ' ` . ` . . . , - - . ' 1 , ' f. M y,' . _ . .. � v . � CTTY OF RENTQN� WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. � 3182 ` AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WA,SHINGTON, � ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION AND TN.ST�ILI,�TTON OF CURBS AND GUTTERS , ASPH�LT �AVING , ALL UNDERGROUND UTTLITIES , WATER? STORM� SANITARY� SEWER� POWER TELEPHpNE AND S'�REET ILLUMINATIpN7 TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY �P�URTENANCES THERETQ QN RAYMOND AVENUE S.WL RUNNING �IN A SOUTHERLY' DIRECTION FROM SW 16TH _ STREET, SCUTHERLX �iT" �PPROXIMATE:' DISTANCE OF 120� FEET� RENTON? KING COUN'�Y, WASHZNGTON� .ALL ZN ACCORDANCE WTTH RESOLUTION Nos 2140 OF THE CITY COU�ICIL OF TH� CITY OF RENTON; ESTABLISHTNG �OCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRZCT N0,_ 307 ; PR.OVTDING ASSESSMENTS UPON PRO�ERTY IN SAID DISTRICT� PAYABLE BY THE �"IODE OF "PAYMENT OF BONDS�' , OR «NOTES!! IN LIEU THEREOF. AS DETERMTNED BX THE CITY COUNCIL: pROVIDZNG FOR THE. ISSUANCE AND SALE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DTSTRICT WARRANTS REDEEMABLE IN CASH AND LOCAL IM�k�OVEMENT DTSTRICT BONpS OR NOTES . WHEREAS by Resalution No. 2140 passed and approved on October 24, 1977 , the City Council of the C.ity of Renton declared its intention to construct and install certain curbs and �utters , asphalt pa,ving , all underground utili-ties , water�, storm, sanitary sewer, power, telephone and street illuminati.on, to.gether with all necessary appurtenances th.ereto, within certain terr.itory in the vicinity of Raymond Avenue S ,4�1� running in a souther],y direction from SW 16th Street, southerly an approximate distance of 1200 feet, as hereinafte� more paxticularly described, and fixed the 14th day of November? 1977 in the City Counc�l Chambers in the Municipal Building , Rentan, Washington, as the time and place for hearing all matters rela,ting to said im,provements and all objections thereto nd r - a, �'o determining the method of payment. for said improve ments , and � WHEREAS the Director of Public"Wo�ks. has caused.ap. e'stimate to be m,ade of the cost and expense .o.� the proposed i�nprovements E , . T . - • . , and has certified said estimate to the City Counc�l, together with all papers , data, and info�mation �in his' possessa�on relating '�to • the proposed improvement? description of the boundaries of the District, a statement of what portion o� the cost and expense should -1.- • , . I . � t . � , . � � � , ' . "' . . , � . . . '� . . ' � • . • � ... , - r �� , I . � , � • � � be borne by the p�opex�ties within the proposed District, a .statement in detail pf the I�ocal Improvement assesszn,ent outstanding or unpaid against th.e property in the pro�osed District, and a statement of the aggrega,te actual valuation of the real estate, including 250 of the actua,l valuation of the improyerrients in the pxoposed District, according to the valuatian last p�aced upon it for the purpose of genera�l taxation; and � WHEREAS said esta:mate is accompanied by a diagra�n o�' the proposed improyement showing thereon the lots, tracts , parcels of land, and other pro�erty which will be specially benefited by the prapased improvement, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense. thereof ta be box'ne by each. lot, tract and parcel of land or other property withi.n said District; and WHEREAS due notice of the hearing upon said Resolution No. 2140 was given in the ma�nner provided by law, and said hearing raas duly held by the City Council a.t its regular meeting on November ' 14, 1977 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. and the following protests having been fi,led and duly considered, to-wit; � Name of Prot�estant Address NONE � � and said tatal protests not exceeding NONE �ex'cent o,f the tqta,l cost bearing owners with�.n said District; and . � � � . ; - . � ' f • � � , • , t WHEREAS at said heax�ing the :Ci,ty .Cpuncil has gi.Ven due considera,tion to the special benefi.ts to be �ecea.Ved �rom such -2- . � • ^ . + , � II . . • ' ' ' . . proposed improVement by all of the properties to be included within the proposed� Loca,l z�provement District; and � WHE.REAS the City Council deems it in the best interest of the City dnd o� the q�nTners of the property �wi.thin "the propo.sed � Local Tm�ravemerit District that said .improvemerit as he�einafter � descx�ibed be carried out, and that a Local 2mpravement District ` be create.d �,n connection therewith; NOW THEREFORE THE CTTY COUNC�L OF THE CTTY 0�' RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOL,LOWS ; . � SECTTON I : The fo�lowing curbs and gutters , asphalt paving all underground .util.iti.es � water, storm� sanitary sewer , power, telephone and street .illumination� together with all necessary appurtenances thexeto shall be constructed a�d installed in the vicinity o� RaymQnd ,Ayenue S ,W. running in a southerly dix�ection from SW 16th Street, southerly an a�proximate distance of 1'200 feet� Renton, King County, Washington, as more particularly described hereinbel.aw, to-wit: � See Exhibit "A�' attached hereto and made a part hereo� as if �ully set forth herein and thex�e shal.l be included in the foxegoing the acquisition and insta.l,lation of a11 necessa,ry piQe, manholes , valves , fittings , cou�lings , connection equipment and appurtenances , together with th.e acquis�tion of any easements , rights of way and land that may be required? and there shal.l be included the performance of such wox�k as may be inciderita,l and necessary to the foxegoing construction '� and installation, , , The City Counca.l may m,odi�y tT�e details of the foregoing descri,bed impx�ovement where, i.n its judgment� �,t appea�s advisable, -3- . � . � . • .. ' . . - • . �rovided such modi�ications do not .substantially alter the plan of said improvement. All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plans and speci�ications therefor to be prepared by the Director of Public Works. � SECTzON I-I: The.re is hereby. establis.hed and created a Loca,l Tm.�rovement Da.str�.ct to be called "Local Tmproveme.nt District No. 307 of the City o� Renton, Wash°ing-ton" , the bouridaries of such Local Tm�pro�ement Distra.ct bei:ng :described as , follows : . . Y . � 1 - See Exha.bit l�B't .attached hereto and made a part � ' h.ereo� as a.f �ully set forth he.rea�n* SECTTON TII; The estimated cost and expense of said improvement is•�.he�eby declared to be approximately $ �2g7,352.18 The entire cost and expense of said irnprovement, including the cost and ex.�en.se of all engineering, legal, inspection, advertising , publi- cation o� notices and pther expenses incidental thereto, shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improveme.nt included in the Local Tmprovement District No. 307 establ�shed, embracing, as near as may be , a11 p�operty specially bene�ited by such improvement. � SECTI"ON TV: The nature of the improvement provided fox herein is such that the special bene�its con�ex�red upon the property axe fairly reflected. by the use of the front foot of assessment, a,nd it is hereby provided and ordered that the assess� ment. shall be made against the property of the District in accordance with said methods . All property included within the limits of the Lacal Im,provement Distri.ct above created sha11. be considered to be the property specially bene�ited by such Loca1 Tmprovement and shall be the prope�ty to be assessed to pay the cost and expense thereaf as hereinabove spec�,�ied. -4- � . i' • . � � I SECT�ON V : Loca1 Tmprovement District warrants shall be issued zn pa�rrtent o� the cost and expense of the improvement herein ox�dered. Such. warrants shall be payable out of said "Local Impx�.ovement �'und, Distrzct No. 307" , �o bear �interest �rom the date thereof at a rate to be. �ixed he�ea�ter, but not to exceed 8 0 � per annum and to be �edeemed in cash, and�or by Loca1 Improvement District bonds herein autharized to be issued, sa,id interest-bearing warrants to be hereafter refe�red to as t'revenue warrants" . Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be herea�ter �ixed but not exceeding g o pex� annum; shall be payable on or before twelve years �rom the date o� �ssuance, the li�e of the improvement ordered � being not less than lo years ? and shall be issued in exchange for-- anc� in�:redemption of any and all revenue wa�rxants issued hexeunde� and not redeemed in cash withi.n a pexiod not to. ex.ceed sixty days after the �irst publication by the Director of �'inance of notice that the assessment ro11 fox Loca1 Tmprovement Distx�ict No. 307 is in her hands for collection. The bonds shall be redeemed by the collectiQn o� special assessments to be levied and assessed upon the propex�ty within said District, payable in lo equal installments , with intex�est at a rate to be fixed he�eafter but not exceeding 8 % pe� annum� and a penalty of 9_ o which shall also be collected, The exact form, amount,. date, interest rate and 'denomination of said warrants and bonds sha11 be hereafter fixed by Ordinance of the City Council. . " . : , . � , , � . � � +. a . • , ` � ` , i . SECTION VI.: All the work necessary to_ be done in connection with the ma,king of said �mp�ovements shall be done by and made by contract upon coinpetitive bids and the City shall haye and reserves the right to re�ect any and all bids . The call, .for bids for work authorized pursuant ta this Ox�dinance sha17, include a statement -�5- ` -- - � . • . � , . . _ that paym.ent for sa�d work will be made in cash warrants drawn upon the '�Loca1 •Tmprovement Fund, District No. 307". . SECTTQN �1��: There is hereby cxeated and established in the Finance Directox���s O�fice of the City o� Renton, for Local Improvement Distr�ct No, 307, a special fund to be known and designated as '•'Local Tm�roveme.nt Fund, Distric�t No, 307" , ,into which fund shall be deposited the proceeds from the sale of revenue war�ants dxawn against said fund wh�.ch may be issued and sold by the City and collections pertainin� to assessment, and against which fund shall be issued cash warrants fox the contractor or contractors in payment for the work to be done by them �.n connection with said improvement, and against which ,fund cash warrants sha11 be issued �n payment o� all other items of expense in connection with said improvement. SECTTON V'TT�:- The Public Works Directox� is hereby authorized and directed to call �or bids? in the �nanner provided by law, for the construct�on and insta,lla,tion of the improvements authorized he.rein. S�ECTIpi�t TX; T'rie City reserves the righ.t_ to issue, i,n lieu o�' bonds and wax�a,x�ts in payment of the cost and expense of the aforesaid Local Zmprovement Distxict, installment note or notes payable out o� the Local �mprovement District Fund, pursuant to RCW 35.45.150 , whenever such: note. or notes are sold exclusively to another �und of the City as an inyestment thereof, a.ndxas` further proVided by law. Such insta,ll�ent ,note or notes �may, be is.sued any ti.me after , . � a thirty-day period allowed by law for the payment o�' assessments o� saa,d Di.strict with.out penalty o� intexest, and�� such note ' or notes . � - s . - may be of any denomination or derio�inations, the aggregate of which shall represent the bala�nce •of the� cost and expense of the Local Improvement Di.stri.ct which is to be borne by the pxoperty owners . T6�. therein, and as further proyided by 1aw. � � � . _ , . �ASSED BY THE CZTY COUNCIL this 2sth day of Nov.erriber? 1977 . . _...����` �: . - Delores A, Mead, �ity C�erk ���'ROVED BY THE MAYOR thi s 2 8 th day of Novernber , 19 7 7 . ' ��h \( �J/ .j? �. ��sa6'Gl1r�Y��.�` .-� .�'� . . . . . . . , Chaxle�/y�. Del.aurenti, Mayor �f Approved as to �orm: \��IG-�r��,.. . , . , Law�nce. J. Wax��n� �cting City �ttorney Date of Publication; 12-2-77 � , . ��� � _ _ '„• -- . ; � - -� � . , L. I . D. No. 307 II DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS RAYMOND AVE SW E X H I B I T "B" The improvements to Raymond Ave . S .W. running in a southerly direction from S .W. 16th Street, south an approximate distance of 1200 feet, consists of the installation of curbs and gutters , asphalt paving, all underground utilities , water, storm, sanitary sewer, power, �elephone , and street illumination , together with all necessary appurtenances . . :, , . . L. I . D. No. 307 RAYMOND AVENUE SW STREET IMPROV�MENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION " E X H I B I T A " A parcel of land situated in the SE 1/4 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. ' . � 4 E. , W. M. and the SW 1/4 of Sec. 19, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 E . , W.M. being all that portion of C. D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Division No. l, as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , page 74 records of King Coun�y Washington , subsequently vacated on 10-16-1939 by Commissioners Journal Volume 38, page 8 records of said county, described as follows : Beginning at the NE corner of Lo� 58, Block 31 said vaca�ed plat; thence southerly along the easterly lines of Lots 58 thru 30 inclusive of said Block 31 , to an intersection wi�h �he nor�therly Righ��of-way line of SW 19th Street (S . 156th St. ) ; Thence Westerly along said Righ�-of-way line ex�ended westerly, to the SW corner of Lot 39 , Block 32 , of said pla�; ' Thence northerly along the westerly lines. of I,ots 39 thru 63 inclusive , Block 32 of said plat, to �the NW corner of Zo� 63; Thence continuing in a northerly direc�ion along the West line of �he East 1/2 of Lo�t 7, Block 32 , to the southerly Right-of-way line of SW 16th Street (S . 153rd S�ree�) ; 'Thence easterly along said Right-of-way line �to �he NE corner of Lot 58, Block 31 of said pla�, and the point of beginning. � {w „ , • .� r�'" �� '(,()� ` - j j } , , � '� i' � j' I .,e.�� . . . '4��"��,��`` �a S:f�l f �,--. . — `{ —...�...._...__ _�_ .. . .. � � � �.": -� �� 4�.�/ � Y I Q i�I , .� ` ,, `� �� ^ '� .n.�+w.�W� � �` l 1�� ' . 'l�Y� ' , � � `��\� • I _ �Ln _+r�.���a�+ � �,�i I �' 1 ' � � �. . _ '�M ,++W � • rK'r_ ` .'�... � ., � � t �h 1 i�� I � � , �,. Q � a I , � ., . ...;�; :,�. � .. � , z i =�� = . •::,.,'r1..;..'; ;.:.,, � .:, :.� ..; •.:;:: . � � � :.. •;•� .+.,:�:;... '� �. s• �`�'�� � �. � . t � • ��,;� .1. ..•/� � � Q ..r! � ��„�' ., �I Lt1 � ��,.Z O , � '��,, , �,.-�'"g�' �/�'`� � a � , , . -- --- �— �" .__._ F t p`'� �,. �_�V.�-�� � i � � � '�"`r �2'"{ �1NI' �p,Y~ I � . .–''"._.--- '� �AG�"���r.�,t,/1�--`'—_ GRA�'� • ; �� �,. � �,R.'N , .,CRp' ` ¢ `' I � � �pR„��A.,�-���':. �,�` � � =r � , � -� t J ; I , u� -� -t,.T. �(► � j ».' 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I � �i1.11 >_� r1L�_xr . �� E� W � � � � ___d — � iull � I �� _..�_ !—— —_ „r,( � ( � � i>i � r; �– �_-- PROPOSEf7 4�# --���-�= �- . _ i � ; � � -ry:_�':�`�� ;��._ . � � STREET 1MPRQVEMEY�tt L.I.Q. � ;.. �" _. . .. _ I # RAYMONQ AVE, S. W. ; Q; .� a l--- -_ �--�-—_ � ! i i / � � r . __ -#-__ =_Q i � ��{ i -_=rt-�� � � � i �;�, ; � �-��s 1 I ��� �� � ��--�r � i � i �>� � ` 1 � � ; i , NC?RTN � � � � � � � a � � � 1 1 I � �� � 1 { � � � ._, -�--,..----_ � NO. 4E � - - $.W.. I�T"'� � � 3Z - + ' f � � '"._'T_'"___��r}� ! , �-- - =-=__� -_--_-:�_ __.� � �' . - ' ; �-----��-� � � ¢; .� }--------�--_-_---� ;__--� �--- i ,� � "_—_ —; +- �� � , i �,� � _ = l , . i � i --.--1 - I � � :t � ; � �_� � . a " i i � ��' I � u . . �--...---�-�-----�4, � ��_ �f� j,,,__, t7(ib I � 1? 1 i6 _ I � � () , r'�y'.W- 2.i 5? _ � zeli I L._ zeli i I � F ' ' W . ; . �----�-�-�-� �_—:_� _ ;i � � �� f i i � i i � ' ' � D - � ! � � i � � � � � W i �Y ja ( `� 1 ' I 1h1 i �' -. �_ � �� . � i !(�11 ! W - .. � z twP. 23 N., RNG.4 E.,Vl! . T WP. ,23 N., RNG. 5 E.,W.M. �j j - lri-- a i . � i is ►w � I �s iaa � ` ;� ~ '�� . _ .._. -.._.,_..�_.._-,.�._� .._� _ . �._. _._• _._...._ _ � ..._.___���..__......_.2—�A4 �.,_�_ ;:+. _ . - . r �� :��. . _ -� �:�:.. {--�; . . .. . � � � . � _ � - . : �� .., __ ,