HomeMy WebLinkAbout03194 - Technical Information Report - �� I � I � � ��� �•� Schweikl& Associates, n� ! P Civil Engineering, Project Management, & Consulting ' TECHNICAL IN � URMATIO �T REP � RT FOR THE SHORT PLAT C� F I! CA11� AS ESTATES � SEPTEMBER 2404 ! PREPARED F4R: BRAD OLSCHEFSKI ARCARIUS HUMES, LLC 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY, #257 i NEW CASTLE, WA 98116 I PREPARED BY: BRANT A. SCHWEIKL, P.E. � SCHWEIKL AND ASSOCIATES, PLLC. i 1945 SoUTx 375'�H STREET ', � FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 I�� (253) 815-1700 ', TEC�[l`TICAL INFCIRMATI4N REPURT FUR THE SHURT PLAT UF CAMA� ESTATES Renton, �Vashington September 2Ua4 Prepared for: BRAD OLSCHEFSKI ARCARIUS HOMES, LLC 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY, #257 NEW CASTLE, WA 98116 Prepared by: Brant A. Sc6weikl, P.E. REPORT #04014 "I hereby state that this Technical Information for Camas Estates has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meets the standard of care and expertise which is usual and customary in this community of professionat engineers. I understand that the City of Renton dces not and will nat assume Iiability for the sufficiency, suitability or performance of drainage facilities prepared by me." This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to, or obtained by, Schweikl and Associates, pllc. These documents are referenced within the text of the anatysis. The analysis has been prepared utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the ' industry. �S� �♦�,'�o� w�. ��w � ti�� �. , , � ;� � 32223 ' �G.t� FCISTER�� i �SjpN� E�G � �' �� ExrIkES: 8/20/ I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TECHNICAL INFORMATtON REPORT FO CAMA5 ESTATES..................................................................1 1. TIR SECTION I—PROlECT OVERVIEW................................................................................................. 1 2. TIR SECTION II—PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS.......••-•--•...................................................................... 1 3. TIR SECTION III—OFF-SITE ANALYSIS.............................................................................................••-3 4. TIR SECTION IV—RETENTIONlDETENTION ANALYSIS....................................................................3 5. TIR SECTION V—CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN................................................5 6. TIR SECTION VI—SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES..........................................................................5 7. TIR SECTION VII—BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLAN AREAS..............................................................6 8. TIR SECTION VIII—OTHER PERMITS....................................................................................................6 9. TIR SECTION IX—TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ANALYSISAND DESIGN.........................................................................................................................6 10. TIR SECTION X—BOND QUANTITY......................................................................................................6 11. TIR SECTION XI-MAINTENANCE AN OPERATIONS MANUAL........................................................6 12. SUMMARY...............................................................................................................................................6 Appendix A Storm Water Calculations Storm Shed Computer Analysis Printouts........................................................................A-I Appendix B Basin Eahibits VicinityMap...................................................................................................................B-1 Developed Basin Map,8 1/2"x 11"..................................................................................B-2 Soi(s Map and Descriptions.............................................................................................B-3 Soii Hydrologic Group Table...........................................................................................B-4 Curve Number Selection Table .......................................................................................B-5 Design Storm Precipitatioa Isopluvial Maps...................••-•••••-••-•....................................B-6 Geotechnical Engineering Study......................................................................................B-7 TECHNiCAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR CAMAS ESTATES 1. TIR SECTION I—PROJECT OVERVIEW This Technical Information Report (TIR) has been prepared for Arcarius Homes, LLC, by Schweikl and Associates, PLLC, {New Engineer of Record), for the purpose of replacing the previous TIR submitted by Mr. Richard E. Stuth, PE, RESCO, Inc. that is no longer available to the client for his use due to contractual matters. The Ciry of Renton has approved the RESCO, Inc. storm drainage plan and the TIR. I have spoken to Ms. Jan Illian, Engineering Specialist, City of Renton, to explain the circumstances of the preparation and resubmittal of the TIR by Schweikl and Associates, PLLC. It was agreed that the Schweikl and Associates, PLLC, (SA), TIR can be modeled after the structure and content of the original approved TIR, recognizing the differences from the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) TIR requirements listed in Section 2.3.1 of the manual. The Short Plat of Camas Estates is located at 1160 Camas Avenue NE, in Renton, Washington, east of SR 405 and just north of Park Avenue. The existing project site is a 0.90 acre previously developed parcel with existing house and ancillary structures (now removed). The project is located in the southern portion of the East Lake Washington Basin (King County Water Features Map) and the surface stormwater drainage if any is generally flowing towazd the south and the Park Avenue right-of-way and then conveyed westwazd down Park Avenue storm drainage system enroot to Lake Washington, The proposed plat will consist of 5 lots served by a 20 foot wide private road with hammerhead turn azound, public sanitary gravity sewer and public domestic water service. Lot 1 of the proposed short plat, adjacent to Camas Avenue NE on the western edge of the parcel will be designed for two dwelling units(duplex). T'he design of the project will be in accordance with the Office of the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, Report and Recommendation dated May 18, 2004. The storm drainage system sl�all be designed utilizing the 199Q King County Surface Water Design Manua.l (KCSWDM) computed with the StormShed 2"d Generation software, by Engenious Systems, Inc. 2. TIR SECTION II—PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS The proposed project is eomprised of one 0.90-acre parcel that was formerly occupied by a residential structure. The parcel has been graded and Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control facilities installed as part of a previously approved grading plan. The existing basin size is 0.90 acres with little offsite runoff entering the proposed project site. The offsite slope to the east of the project may direct some surface runoff westward toward the project, but this would be only under extreme rainfalUthunderstorm conditions since the e�sting soils are so extremely permeable. It is likely that there would be little or no surface water runoff from this slope during normal rainfall patterns. Generally the existing surface grades aze gentle, between 2% and 5% and aze to the south toward the e�.sting Pazk Avenue right-of way. It appears that the existing project site does not C:1Land Projects 2004',04014�Stomi Report 04014.doc 1 generate little if any surface water runoff and that a vast majority of the precipitation enters the shallow ground water table through surface infihration. SOILS The soil is described in the attached Subsurface Soils Investigations, by Spears Engineering & Technical Services, as predominately Coarse Sands to Medium Sands with some fine sand. Test holes were excavated to a depth of five feet below the proposed invert elevation of the infiltration tank/gravel bed and found the sands were consistent with strata above and most likely e�ctended further below the excavations. The soiLs are very well adapted to the use of onsite infiltration for the purposes of dissipating storm water runoff. The soil is Ioamy and features roots and some biological degradation to a depth of about 3 feet. From 3 feet to 6-8 feet the soils are pure sand, free of stones and cobbles and brown in color, a possible indication of oxidation. Below the 8 to 9 foot depth the soils were found to a pure gray medium to coarse sand. The USGA Soils Map lists the soil in the immediate area as Indianola Series (InC) loamy fine sand, 4 to 15% slopes. The site was previously classified as Everett Series (EvC) by the previous engineer of record. There are some Everett soiLs pocketed in and azound the Indianola soils encompassing the project site. Both soil classifications are Hydrologic Soil Group"A" soils. As previously documented in the original approved TIR there were three percolation tests performed that demonstrated that the percolation rate was less than 1.5 inches per minute or >60 inches per hour. The KCSWDM design methodology for infiltration systems incorporates a Factor of Safety (FS) of 2.0. Applied to our field tested actual infiltration rate of 60 inches per hour if would yield an infiltration rate of 30 inches per hour. The KCSWDM Table 4.5.2 allows a maximum infiltration rate of 20 inches per hour for coarse sands; therefore the proposed project infiltration system will be based upon the 20 inches per hour rate. The previous engineer of record had incorporated a 30% volume over sizing on tap of the design volume calculated for the project. The KCSWDM clearly states in Section 1.2.3 Runoff Control, pagel.2.3-4, "that a 30% volume oversizing is not necessary because the factor of safety is already incorporated into the infiltration design calculations with the incorporation of the FS of 2.0 on the actual field tested percolation rates". The calculations azea as follow: 20 in/hr= 1 in/3 mins (1 min/60sec) (1 ft/12 in) =0.00046 ft/sec Since the proposed infiltration bed bottom surface is 32 ft x 8 ft =256 sf The infiltration rate shall be: 256 sf x 0.00046 ft/sec =0.12 cfs The stormwater infiltration calculations assume that only the bottom surface azea of the gravel bed will be the only surface azea of the entire wetted perimeter of the gravel bed that w-ill be considered 'm the calculations. Therefore considering the ea�isting coarse sand soils the design should be of a conservative nature. C:1Land Projects 2004�04014\Storm Report 04014.doc 2 3. TIR SECTION III - OFF-SITE ANALYSiS I There are existing stormwater collection and canveyance systems offsite and adjacent to I' the project. To the south WSDOT has an asphalt lined conveyance ditch at the top of the bank that canveys runoff to the east and a tightlined conveyance system within the Park Ave- Sunset Blvd right-of-way and there is a tightlined conveyance system located within the Camas Ave NE right-of-way the collects and conveys stormwater runoff from the properties to the north of the project to the before mentioned Park - Sunset conveyance system. Since the project is proposing to dispose of its stormwater runoff via an underground infiltration pipe and gravel bed there shall not be a change in the flow patterns that affect the above offsite systems as a resutt of the proposed project improvements. 4. TIR SECTION IV-RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS RETENTION DESIGN The pmject proposes ta use the excellent infiltration capacities of the onsite coarse sands to address the stormwater runoff generated by the onsite improvements. The basin areas utilized in the infiltration Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph (SBUH) methodology calculations performed were as follow: Existing Basin: 0.90 acres Meadow/pasture CN=65 Type A Soils Developed Basin: 0.59 acres Lawn(Fair Condition) CN=68 Type A Soils 0.31 acres Plat Road (SOQ4 sfl Houses(6@ 1200 sf(7200 s fl Driveways�18' (1296 s fl ' �lL Total 13,000�'� �� � CN=98 Methodology: � -� / SBUH Rainfall Distribution: Type lA Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph(SBUH) King County 24 hour storm event for infiltration Runoffparameters: Soils-Indianola(InC) Type "A" Rainfall intensity: 2-year, 24-hour = 2.00 inchesl24-hour 10-year, 24-hour =2.90 inches/24-how 100-year, 24-hour= 3.90 inches/24-hour C:�Land Projecu 2004\04U 14lStorm Report 0401�i.doc � The fornier existing residential structure and associated ancillary structures were not incorporated into the analysis and are not of importance other than to note that the site was previously developed. The existing stormwater runoff flows are not utilized in the infiltration calculations since the project must address the peak developed flows independently of the e�usting peak flow of the site. As previously mentioned the actual infiltration rates per percolation test were found to be >60 inches/hour and after applying the FS of 2.0 and consider the maximum infiltration rate allowable in the KCSWDM of 20 ins/hr the true FS for the project is>3.0. The calculations utilizes the StormShed 2"d Generation software, by Engenious Systems, Inc. using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph(SBUH)with a 10 min time interval for the 2 year, 10 year and 100 yeaz King County Type IA 24 hour design storms as required per the 1990 KCSWDM. The calculated infihration rate used in the analysis is dependent upon the bottom surface are of the design gravel bed. It was found by trial and elimination that the optimal length of 8 foot wide gravel bed was 32 lineal feet of 48" diameter CMP pipe and gravel bed, this is equivalent to a bottom surface area for infiltration of 256 square feet. This in turn translates into a design infiltration rate of 0.12 cfs (See Section II Soils for ca�culations). The infiltration rate assumes that the rate remains constant at any stage within the system and does not take in to account any affect of static head pressure nor the side infiltration capabilities of the gravel bed. The calculations demonstrate that a 32 lineal feet of the 48" diameter CMP retention pipe ; with '/z" wide, 12" long slots @ 12" OC on both sides of the tank above the dead storage at elevation 267.50 (dead storage water surface elevation) and a minimum gravel bed 8 foot wide by 5 foot deep is capable of handling the maximum design event, the 100 year 24 hour King County Type 1 A SBUH event. The maximum design storage volume is � 637 cubic feet at the maximum stage of 271.00. The proposed storage does not consider ' the available volume of either of the Type 2 CB's at either end of the 48" diameter CMP pipe and the storage vohune available in the water quality facility above the dead water quality storage water surface elevation of 268.U0. Therefore there is ample excess volume available that has not been considered as part of the required design volume and the proposed system is therefore conservative in nature. Six inches of dead storage is provided in the bottom of the retention pipe for sediment collection. The emergency overflow path will be due south of the proposed Type 1 Catch Basin #4, Overflow would flow towazd the existing asphalt lined ditch in the Park Ave right-of way. Prior to reaching the overflow elevation the stormwater runoff could pond approximately I 0.34' (4 inches prior to exiting the project. All of the proposed structures will be substantially above (>1.8 feet) the possible overflow elevation, therefore there will be no property damage even if the system was not proposed and installed. Note: This explanation is provided tv show the redundancy and safety of the stormwater design. It is not presumed that the existing coarse sandy site soils and the installation of the infihration pipe could ever allow the occurrence of such an event. i C:�Land Projecis 20(h�U)-t014'Storm Keport 04U I S.doc 4 WATER QUALITY DESIGN The project proposes to add over 5000 sf of impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic (6300 s fl, therefore a water quality treatment facility must be included as part of the stormwater design. The project proposes to utilize an underground water quality 8'-2" x 5' -9" CMP arch pipe. The water quality design event is the 2 year 24 hour King County Type lA storm event. The required water quality volume is 1/3 of the volume of the design storm event: WQ Volume Required=2279 cf/3 = 760 cf WQ Volume provided= 773 cf The required design water surface is 1% of the total proposed imperious surface total: WQ Surface Required=0.01 x 13,000 sf= 130 sf WQ Surface Provided= 193 sf The water quality design surface is set at elevation 268.00 tha.t is controled by an interior concrete wall installed in CB#2. The water quality pipe also incorporates an 8 inch drain pipe and pivoting sheaz gate for the ease of cleaning and maintenance of the water quality arch pipe. The entire CMP water quality and retention pipe system shall receive Treatment 1 asphalt coating or better. 5. TIR SECTION V—CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The project proposes to install one Type 1 catch basin (CB#4} as the primary collection point for the projects paved impervious surfaces. The conveyance system connecting the Type 1 CB to the infiltration pipe is proposed as a 12" diameter PVC pipe @ 2.13% that will convey 5.21cfs in the full Rational condition. The proposed maximum 100 year 24 hour King County Type lA storm event generates a maximum peak flow of 0.35 cfs for the entire basin, therefore the 12"diameter pipe exceeds the design flow. The roof drain lines are designed as 6" diameter PVC at a minimum slope of 0.50% with a m�imum of three structures on one 6" line. The maximum capacity of the 6"pipe is 0.40 cfs, which is greater than the Rational peak runoff flow for the 100 year 24 hour King County Type lA event (0.35 cfs) for the entire project basin, therefore the pipe exceeds the design flow. 6. TIR SECTION VI—SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES The following reports have been prepared for the design and permitting of the project: GeotechnicaUSoils - 3ubsurface Soils Investigation, Spears Engineering & Technical Services, Dated 09/09/03 C:�L and Projects 2004\0401415torm Report 04014.doc 5 __ i 7. T1R SECTION Vll—BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLAN AREAS The project is located in the southern portion of the East Lake Washington basin. The Community Plan would be the City of Renton Community Plan. 8. TIR SECTION VIII—OTHER PERMITS The project will require approval of the civil engineering plans of which this report is part and associated City of Renton building permits. A grading permit has already been issued to the client for the cleazing and installation of the TESCP facilities. 9. TIR SECTION IX—TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The parcel has been graded and Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control facilities installed as part of a previously approved and issued City of Renton grading permit. The facilities are in place and appear to be functioning properly. This submittal does not propose to resubmit a TESCP plan since the installed facilities address all features that would be praposed for a plan for the construction of the project, except for the catch basin inlet protection inserts that are noted on Sheet C2 of the design plans. 10. TIR SECTION X—BOND QUANTITY Previously submitted and approved as a portion of RESCO, Inc, TIR. 11. TIR SECTION XI - MAINTENANCE AN OPERATIONS MANUAL The maintenance and operation of the proposed private infiltration system shall be per Appendix A, 1990 KCSWDM. 12. SUMMARY In summary the stormwater infiltration and water quality treatment system as pzoposed for the Short plat of Camas Estates meets and/or exceeds the design requirements of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual(KCSWDM). Schweikl and Asso ' te , P C . v Brant A. Schweikl, PE Managing Member C'�Land Proiects 2f10-�'�0401-1'Storm Report 0401d.doc b APPENDIX A Storm Water Calculations StormShed Computer Anatysis Printouts A-l Running C:\\Program Filesl\StormShed2G\\Ezample\�N-003 Report.pgm on Monday, September 13, 2004 Summary Report of all Detention Pond Data TYPE IA KING COUNTY PRECIPITATION Event Precip (in) 2 year 2.0000 other 10 yeaz 2.9000 5 year 100 year 3.9000 � 25 year - � [DEV] Using [TYPEIA] As [2 year] [DEV] Using [TYPElA] As [10 year} [DEV] Using [TYPE 1 AJ As [100 year] INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area BasinID Event �cfs) (6rs) (ac-c� (ac) Method/Loss Raintype DEV 2 year 0.1466 7.83 0.0554 0.90 SBUH/SCS TYPE 1 A DEV 10 year 0.2241 7.83 0.0973 0.90 SBUH/SCS TYPE 1 A DEV 100 0.3500 7.83 0.1509 0.90 SBUH/SCS TYPE 1 A Y�' I - --- _ _� I i � i f- i _ _ I � �- I- �-��f �� � �-I��(- (� (� ����- � � ����- � � DEVELOPED BASIN: DEV Basin Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA _ _ Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00 i Abstraction Coeff i 0.20 Pervious Area 0.59 ac DCIA 0.31 ac Pervious CN 68.00 DC CN 98.00 Pervious TC 16.56 min DC TC � 1.52 min Pervious CN Calc Description SubArea Sub cn Open spaces, lawns,pazks(>75% grass) 0.59 ac 68.00 �� Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 68.00 Pervious TC Calc Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT Sheet Short prairie grass and lawns.: 0.15 160.00 2 09% 0.1500 ?�50 15.86 ; ft in min '� Shallow Short grass, pasture and lawns 65.00 ft 2.09% 0.0300 0.70 min (n�.030) Pervious TC 16.56 min _ _ __ __ ' � Directly Connected CN Calc � �- Description SubArea Sub cn � Impervious surfaces(pavements, roofs, etc) � , 0.31 ac 98.00 �- DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 ' Directiy Connected TC Cak Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ' Sheet Smooth Surfaces.: 0.011 68.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 2.50 in 1.01 min Shallow Paved 98.00 ft 1.00% 0.0100 0.51 min Directly Connected TC 1.81min LEVEL POOL ROUTING TABLE HydID Peak Q (cfs) Peak T(hrs} Peak Vol (ac-ft) Cont Area (ac) 2 year out 0.1200 8.00 0.0554 0.9000 10 year out 0.1200 8.33 0.0972 0.9000 100 year out 0.1201 9.33 0.1508 0.9Q00 32 LF STAGE/STORAGE Descrip: 32LF Increment 0.10 ft Start EI. 266.0000 ft Max EI. 271.0000 ft Stage Volume I Stage(ft) Volume(cfl _ ._- , 266.00 0.0000 2b6.50 38.4000 � �- --267.00 -�- 76.8000 -- � 267.50 � 106.5600 � 268.00 � 179.5800 r 268.50 � 259.5200 269.00 342.2700 � 269.50 ; 425.0200 � 270.00 � 504.9600 � 270.50 � 577.9800 r 271.00 -�--636.8600 D32 STAGE/DISCHARGE - INFILTRATION RATE Descrip: Prototype Structure Increment 0.10$ Start El. 266.0000 ft Max El. 271.0000 ft ; Stage (ft) Discharge(cfs) � 2b6.00 � 0.0000 � 266.01 0.1200 271.00 O,l 201 Licensed to: Schweikl &Assoc PLLC Appended on: Z3:00:16 Monday,September 13, 2004 LPOOLCOMPUTE [N-003] DETAILED using Puis Start of live storage: 266.0000 ft Event Match Q (cfs) Peak Q(cfs) Peak Stg(ft) Vol (c� Vol (acft) Time to Empty 2 yeaz 0.1466 0.1200 266.3855 29.61 0.0007 25.33 10 yeaz 0.2241 0.1200 267.9159 167.30 0.0038 25.50 100 year 0.3500 0.1201 271.0329 640.73 0.0147 25.67 INFILTRATION SYSTEM VOLUMES CAMAS ESTATES PROJECT #04014 9/12/2004 DESIGN PIPE L= 32 FT VOID RATIO = � 30 % _ STA(3E PIPE AREA!8F) ROCK AREA(8F} PN�E VOLUME ROCK VOLUME____CUMULATIVE VOL VOLUME�STAQE 271. . 3.1 9. 9J . 8 636.86 270,50 1.55 2.44 49.60 23.42 73.02 877.98 270.00 1,85 2.16 59.20 20.74 79.94 504.96 289.50 1.98 2.02 83.38 19.39 82.75 425.�2 269.00 1.98 2.02 83.38 19.39 82.75 342.,.:. 268.50 1,85 2.16 65.20 20.74 79.94 Z69.:;� 288.00 1.55 2.44 49.60 23.42 73.02 179.58 267.60 0 3.10 0.00 28.76 29.76 106.56 287.00 0 4.00 0.00 38.40 38.40 76.80 266.50 0 4.00 0.00 38.40 38.40 38.40 266.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 .86 0 • . �� �, f -� �� . , � '�i'I� i■ � � ■ ��� . � ` �� /� .�� �.�� �► .�►� ��� � �• � �� ���� � � ����r � ��� �. � _ .,•�-- ■ ■ �� �. - , �� � � ���r!���� �� '�'�. 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Water Features �V ���-����� ��� `� �� � C Rh�W�w'sMJ � .�+.K+ .��. •`r`1•.� ��� �` N .../'^ Watenhed Bountlery 1rti� ��^'"'��'� � � r. / .� J � .- Basin Bowdery �••`�••" '-i� ILvar ••� •••f_,•� 0 2 4 BLIIWs $IfBOT ` `���= ` J Mqja Roed `..��.�'� Apra 2000 cr-� ie�, ���c�bo coo.t: � RMwd G5 a Yrr ConnMnt aan UM�. �a��� pp��a N.rrp Nraur� Il1Cd})OfBfRUAfRO rwN.m.: ou,a�w�rzroe.as WG Storage Characteristics Table for 2 year node Stage (ft) Increm Vol(acft) Stor�ge(acft) Flow(cfs) Infil (cfs) S-Odt/2 S+Odt/2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.1000 0.0002 0.000176 0.120002 0.000000 -0.000650 0.001003 0.2000 0.0002 0.000353 0.120004 0.000000 -0.000474 0.001179 0.3000 0.0002 0.000529 0.120006 0.000000 -0.000298 0.001355 0.4000 0.0002 0.000705 0.120008 0.000000 -0.000121 0.001532 0.5000 0.0002 0.000882 0.120010 0.000000 0.000055 0.001708 0.6000 0.0002 0.001058 0.120012 0.000000 0.000231 0.001884 0.7000 0.0002 0.001234 O.I20014 0.000000 0.000408 0.002061 0.8000 0.0002 0.001410 0.120016 0.000000 0.000584 0.002237 0.9000 0.0002 0.001587 0.120018 0.000000 0.000760 0.002413 1.0000 0.0002 0.001763 0.120020 0.000000 0.000937 0.002590 1.1000 0.0001 0.001900 0.120022 0.000000 0.001073 0.002726 1.2000 0.0001 0.002036 O.12Q024 0.000000 0.001210 0.002863 13000 0.0001 0.002173 0.120026 0.000000 0.001346 0.003000 1.4000 0.0001 0.002310 0.120028 0.000000 0.001483 0.003136 1.5000 0.0001 0.002446 0.120030 0.000040 0.001620 0.003273 1.6000 0.0003 0.002782 0.120032 0.000000 0.001955 0.003608 1.7000 0.0003 0.003117 0.120034 0.000000 0.002290 0.003943 1.8000 0.0003 0.003452 0.120036 0.000000 0.002625 0.004279 1.9000 0.0003 0.003787 0.120038 0.000000 0.002961 0.004614 2.0000 0.0003 0.004123 0.120040 0.000000 0.003296 0.004949 2.1000 0.0004 0.404490 0.120042 0.000000 0.003663 0.005316 2.2000 0.0004 0.004857 0.120044 0.000000 0.004030 0.005683 2.3000 0.0004 0.005224 0.120046 0.000000 0.004397 0.006050 2.4000 0.0004 0.005591 0.120048 0.000000 0.004764 0.006418 2.5000 0.0004 0.005958 0.120050 0.000000 0.005131 0.006785 2.6000 0.0004 0.006338 0.120052 0.000000 0.005511 0.007164 2.7000 0.0004 0.006718 0.120054 0.000000 0.005891 0.007544 , 2.8000 0.0004 0.007098 0.120056 0.000000 0.006271 0.007924 2.9000 0.0004 0.007478 0.120058 0.000000 0.006651 0.008304 3.0000 0.0004 0.00785� 0.1200b0 0.000000 0.007031 0.008684 3.1000 0.0004 0.008237 0.120062 0.000000 0.007411 0.009064 C - - Rauting Table for 2 year Event Time Inflow AvgI Stg S-Odt/2 S+Odd2 Stg Outflow ' � (min) (cfs) (acft) (ft), (acft) (acft) (ft) (cfs) � 0 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0A000 I r 10 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0024 0.0028 20 0.0036 0.0000 0.0024 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0026 0.0032 30 0.0050 0.0001 0.0026 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0042 0.0050 ' 40 0.0062 0.0001 0.0042 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0049 0.0059 50 0.0071 0.0001 0.0049 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0059 0.0071 , i 60 0.0084 0.0001 0.0059 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0068 0.0082 ' �70 0.0094 0.0001 0.0068 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0078 0.0094 80 0.0101 0.0001 0.0078 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0083 0.0100 j 90 0.0108 0.4001 0.0083 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0090 OA108 100 0.0114 0.0002 0.0090 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0095 0.0114 110 0.0120 0.0002 0.0095 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0099 0.0119 � - 120 0.0125 0.0002 0.0099 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0104 0.0124 130 0.0129 0.0002 0.0104 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0107 0.0129 140 0.0134 0.0002 0.0107 -0.0001 O.OU01 0.0111 0.0133 150 0.0144 0.0002 0.0111 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0119 0.0143 160 0.0151 0.0002 0.0119 -0.0041 0.0001 0.0126 0.0151 170 0.0153 0.0002 0.0126 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0127 0.0153 180 0.0172 0.0002 0.0127 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0140 0.0169 190 0.0181 0.0002 0.0140 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0151 4.0182 200 0.0182 0.0003 0.01 S 1 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0151 0.0181 210 0.0202 0.0003 0.0151 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0165 0.0198 220 0.0211 0.0003 0.0165 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0176 0.0212 230 0.0211 0.0003 0.0176 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0176 0.0211 240 0.0232 0.0003 0.0176 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0190 0.0228 250 0.0241 0.0003 0.0190 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0201 0.0242 260 0.0241 0.0003 0.0201 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0200 0.0240 270 0.0261 0.0003 0.0200 -O.OQOI 0.0002 0.0215 0.0258 280 0.0271 0.0004 0.0215 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0226 0.0271 290 0.0270 0.0004 0.0226 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0225 0.0270 ; 300 0.0308 0.0004 0.0225 -0.0001 0.0003 0.0251 0.0301 -- 310 0.0325 0.0004 0.0251 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0272 0.0326 ', 320 0.0320 0.0004 0.0272 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0267 0.0320 330 0.0379 0.0005 0.0267 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0307 0.0368 340 0.0403 0.0005 0.0307 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0338 0.0406 350 0.0395 0.0005 0.0338 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0329 0.0395 � 360 0.0465 0.0006 0.0329 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0377 0.0453 , 370 0.0494 0.0007 0.0377 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0414 0.0497 i 380 0.0483 0.0007 0.0414 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0402 Q.0483 390 0.1151 0.0011 0.0402 -0.0003 0.0009 0.0862 0.1034 400 0.1466 0.0018 0.0862 -0.0006 0.0012 0.2358 0.1200 4l0 0.131? 0.0019 0.2358 -0.0004 0.0015 0.3855 0.1200 ' 420 0.0857 0.0015 0.3855 -0.0001 0.0014 0.2976 0.1200 430 0.0557 0.0010 0.2976 -0.0003 0.0007 0.0670 0.0804 ; 440 0.0720 0.0009 0.0670 -0.0004 0.0004 0.0443 0.0531 450 0.0499 0.0008 0.0443 -0.0003 0.0006 0.0550 0.0661 460 0.0488 0.0007 0.0550 -0.0004 0.0003 0.0321 0.0385 470 0.0507 0.0007 0.0321 -0.0002 0.0005 0.0476 0.0571 480 0.0416 0.0006 0.0476 -0.0003 0.0003 0.0326 0.0391 490 0.0380 0.0005 0.0326 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0336 0.0403 500 0.0407 0.0005 0.0336 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0323 0.0388 510 0.0372 0.0005 0.0323 -0.0002 0.0003 O.Q326 0.0391 520 0.0369 0.0005 0.0326 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0298 0.0357 530 0.0376 0.0005 0.0298 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0319 0.0382 540 0.0349 0.0005 0.0319 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0291 0.0350 550 0.0339 0.0005 0.0291 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0283 0.0340 560 0.0348 0.0005 0.0283 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0288 0.0345 570 0.0327 O.Q005 0.0288 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0277 0.0333 580 0.0322 0.0004 0.0277 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0266 0.0319 ' S90 0.0327 0.0004 0.0266 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0273 0.0328 600 0.0318 0.0004 0.0273 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0266 0.0319 610 0.0316 O.OQ04 0.0266 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0263 0.0315 620 0.0320 0.0004 0.0263 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0266 0.0319 630 0.0311 0.0004 0.0266 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0260 0.0312 640 0.4308 0.0004 0.0260 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0256 0.0307 �I � - 3.2000 0.0004 � 0.008617 0.120064 0.000000 0.007790 0.009444 - 3.3000 0.0004 0.008997 0.120066 0.000000 0.008170 O.Q09824 3.4000 0.0004 0.009377 0.120068 0.000000 0.008550 0.010204 � 3.5000 0.0004 0.009757 0.120070 0.000000 0.008930 OA10584 3.6000 0.0004 0.010124 0.120072 0.000000 0.009297 0.010951 ! 3.7000 0.0004 0.010491 0.120074 0.000000 0.009664 0.011318 � 3.8000 0.0004 0.010858 0.120076 0.000000 0.010031 0.011685 � 3.9000 0.0004 0.011225 0.120078 0.000000 0.010398 0.012052 I 4.0000 0.0004 0.011592 0.120080 0.000000 0.010765 0.012419 4.1000 0.0003 0.011928 0.120082 Q.000000 0.011101 0.012755 � 4.2000 0.0003 OA12263 0.120084 0.000000 0.011436 0.013090 4.3000 O.Q003 0.012598 0.120086 0.000000 0.011771 0.013425 � 4.4000 0.0003 0.012933 0.120088 0.000000 0.012106 0.013760 4.5000 0.0003 0.013269 0.120090 0.000000 0.012442 0.014096 � 4.6000 0.0003 0.013539 0.120092 0.000000 0.012712 0.014366 4.7000 0.0003 0.013809 0.120094 0.000000 0.012982 0.014636 4.8000 0.0003 0.014080 0.12009b 0.000000 0.013253 0.014907 ' 4.9000 0.0003 0.014350 0.120098 0.000000 0.413523 0.015177 ' -- i - , 650 0.0312 0.0004 0.0256 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0260 0.0311 ' - 660 0.0302 0.0004 0.02b0 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0253 0.0304 670 0.0299 0.0004 OA253 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0249 OA299 680 0.0302 0.0004 0.0249 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0252 0.0302 ; 690 0.0293 0.0004 0.0252 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0245 0.0294 700 0.0289 0.0004 0.0245 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0240 0.0289 710 0.0292 0.0004 0.0240 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0243 0.0292 � 720 0.0292 0.0004 0.0243 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0244 0.0292 730 O.Q294 0.0004 0.0244 -0.4002 0.0002 0.0245 0.0294 740 0.0296 0.0004 OA245 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0247 0.0296 � 750 0.0287 0.0004 0.0247 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0240 0.0289 7b0 0.0283 0.0004 0.0240 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0235 0.0282 , 770 0.0286 0.0004 0.0235 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0238 0.0285 ' 780 0.0286 0.0004 0.0238 -0.0002 O.Q002 0.0238 0.0286 790 0.0287 0.0004 0.0238 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0239 O.Q287 ' 800 0.0288 0.0004 0.0239 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0240 0.0289 810 0.0279 0.0004 0.0240 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0234 0.0281 � �" 820 0.0274 0.0004 0.0234 -0.0002 0.0002 OA229 0.0274 ' �` 830 0.0277 0.0004 0.0229 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0231 0.0277 � 840 0.0277 0.0004 0.0231 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0231 0.0277 850 0.0278 0.0004 0.0231 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0232 0.0278 860 0.0279 0.0004 0.0232 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0233 0.0279 870 0.0270 0.0004 0.0233 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0226 0.0271 880 0.0265 0.0004 0.0226 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0220 0.0265 890 0.0267 0.0004 0.0220 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0222 0.0267 900 0.0266 0.0004 0.0222 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0222 0.0267 910 0.0268 0.0004 0.0222 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0223 0.0267 920 0.0268 0.0004 0.0223 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0224 0.0269 930 0.0269 0.0004 0.0224 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0224 0.02b9 940 0.0270 0.0004 0.0224 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0225 0.0270 950 0.0271 0.0004 0.0225 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0226 0.0271 960 0.0262 0.0004 0.0226 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0220 OA263 970 0.0256 0.0004 0.0220 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0213 0.0256 980 0.0258 0.0004 0.0213 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0215 0.0258 990 0.0257 0.0004 0.021 S -4.0001 0.0002 0.0215 0.0257 1000 OA258 0.0004 0.0215 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0215 0.0258 1010 0.0259 0.0004 0.0215 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0216 0.0259 1020 0.0249 0.0003 0.0216 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0209 0.0250 1030 0.0243 0.0003 0.0209 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0202 0.0243 1040 0.0245 0.0003 0.0202 -O.00OI 0.0002 0.0204 0.0244 1050 0.0244 0.0003 0.0204 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0203 0.0244 I 1060 0.0245 0.0003 0.0203 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0203 0.0244 �� 1070 0.0245 0.0003 0.0203 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0204 0.0245 1080 0.0235 0.0003 0.0204 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0197 0.0236 1090 0.0228 0.0003 0.0197 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0190 0.0228 I100 0.0230 0.0003 0.0190 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0192 0.0230 1110 0.0229 0.0003 OA192 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0191 0.0229 I ll20 0.0230 0.0(?03 Q.0191 -0.0(?O1 0.0002 0.0191 0.0229 1130 0.0230 0.0003 0.0191 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0192 0.0230 1140 0.0230 0.0(?03 0.0192 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0192 0.0230 1150 0.0231 0.0003 0.0192 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0193 OA231 1160 0.0232 0.0003 0.0193 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0193 0.0231 j 1170 0.0232 0.0003 0.0193 -0.0001 0.0002 OA 193 0.0232 ':. 1180 0.0233 0.0003 OA193 -0.0001 0.0402 0.0194 0.0233 I i I 1190 OA233 0.0003 0.0194 -0.0001 0.0002 OA194 0.0233 ,, 1200 0.0234 0.0003 0.0194 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0195 0.0234 ' 1210 0.0234 0.0003 0.0195 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0195 0.0234 i � 1220 0.0235 0.0003 0.0195 -0.0001 0.0002 OA196 0.0235 �'I , 1230 0.0236 0.0003 0.0196 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0196 0.0236 1240 0.0236 0.0003 0.0196 -0.0001 0.0002 OA197 0.0236 � 1250 0.0237 0.0003 0.0197 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0197 0.0237 1260 0.0226 0.0003 0.0197 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0190 0.0228 ' i 1270 0.0219 0.0003 OA190 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0183 0.0219 � � 1280 0.0221 0.0003 0.0183 -0.0001 0.0002 OA184 0.0221 ' ' 1290 0.0219 0.0003 0.0184 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0183 0.0220 ' 1300 0.0220 0.0003 0.0183 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0183 0.0220 ! 1310 0.0220 0.0003 0.0183 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0184 0.0220 ' I 1320 0.0221 0.0003 0.0184 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0184 0.0220 � 1330 0.0221 0.0003 0.0184 -0.0001 0.0002 0_O184 0.0221 '; 1340 0.0221 0.0003 OA184 -0.0001 0.0002 4.0184 0.0221 1350 0.0222 0.0003 0.01$4 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0185 0.0222 - 1360 0.0222 0.0003 0.0185 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0185 0.0222 1374 0.0223 0.0003 0.0185 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0186 0.0223 � 1380 0.0098 0.0002 0.0186 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0100 0.0120 1390 0.0036 0.0001 0.0100 -0.0001 0.0000 0.0027 0.0032 ' 1400 0.0019 0.0000 0.0027 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0020 0.0024 1410 0.0010 0.0000 0.0020 -0.0000 O.00OQ 0.0000 0.0000 I420 0.0006 0.4000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0011 0.0013 ' 1430 0.0003 0.0000 0.0011 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1440 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 � 1450 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3torage Characteristics Table for 10 year oode Stage(ft) Increm Vot(acft) Storage(acft) Flow(cfs) Infil(cfs) S-Odt/2 S+Odt/2 o.oaoa o.0000 o.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.1000 0.0002 0.000176 0.120002 O.OU0000 -0.000650 0.001003 0.2000 0.0002 0.000353 0.120004 0.000000 -0.000474 0.001179 0.3000 0.0002 0.000529 0.120006 0.000000 -0.000298 0.001355 0.4000 0.0002 0.000705 0.120008 0.000000 -0.000121 0.001532 0.5000 0.0002 0.000882 0.120010 0.000000 0.000055 0.001708 0.6000 0.0002 0.001058 0.120012 0.000000 0.000231 0.001884 0.7000 0.0002 0.001234 0.120014 0.000000 0.000408 0.002061 0.8000 0.0002 0.001410 0.120016 0.000000 0.000584 0.002237 0.9000 0.0002 0.001587 0.120018 0.000000 0.000760 0.002413 1.0000 0.0002 0.001763 0.120020 0.000000 0.000937 0.002590 1.1000 0.0001 0.001900 0.120022 0.000000 0.001073 0.002726 1.2000 0.0001 0.002036 0.120024 0.000000 0.001210 0.002863 1.3000 0.0001 0.002173 0.120026 0.000000 0.001346 0.003000 1.4000 0.0001 0.002310 0.120028 0.000000 0.001483 0.003136 1.5000 0.0001 0.002446 0.120030 0.040000 0.001620 0.003273 1.6000 0.0003 0.002782 0.120032 0.000000 0.001955 0.003608 1.7000 0.0003 0.003117 0.120034 0.000000 0.002290 0.003943 1.8000 0.�03 0.003452 0.120036 0.000000 0.002625 0.004279 1.9000 0.0003 0.003787 0.120038 0.000000 0.002961 0.004614 2.0000 0.0003 0.004123 0.120040 0.000000 0.003296 0.004949 2.100U 0.0004 0.004490 0.120042 0.000000 0.003663 0.005316 2.2000 0.0004 0.004857 0.120044 0.000000 0.004030 0.005683 2.3000 0.0004 0.005224 0.120046 0.000000 0.004397 0.006050 2.4000 0.0004 0.005591 0.120048 0.000000 0.004764 0.006418 2.5000 0.0004 0.005958 0.120050 0.000000 0.005131 0.006785 2.6000 0.0004 0.006338 0.120052 0.000000 0.005511 0.007164 2.7000 0.0004 0.006718 0.120054 0.000000 0.005891 0.007544 2.8000 0.0004 0.007098 0.120056 0.000000 0.006271 0.007924 2.9000 0.0004 0.007478 0.120058 0.000000 0.006651 0.008304 3.0000 0.0004 0.00'7857 0.120060 0.000000 0.007031 0.008684 3.1000 0.0004 0.008237 0.120062 0.040000 0.007411 0.009064 3.2000 0.0004 0.008617 0.120064 0.000000 0.007790 0.009444 3.3000 0.0004 0.008997 0.120066 0.000000 0.008170 0.009824 3.4000 0.0004 0.009377 0.120068 0.000000 0.008550 0.010204 3.5000 0.0004 0.009757 0.120070 0.000000 0.008930 0.010584 3.6000 0.0004 0.010124 0.120072 0.000000 0.009297 0.010951 3.7000 0.0004 0.010491 0.120074 0.000000 0.009664 0.011318 3.8000 0.0004 0.010858 0.120076 0.000000 0.010031 0.011685 3.9000 0.0004 0.011225 0.120078 0.000000 0.010398 0.012052 4.0000 0.0004 0.011592 0.120080 0.000000 0.010765 0.012419 4.1000 0.0003 0.011928 0.120082 0.000000 0.O11101 0.012755 4.2000 0.0003 0.012263 0.120084 0.000000 0.011436 0.013090 4.3000 O.OQ03 0.012598 0.120086 0.000000 0.011771 0.013425 4.4000 0.0003 0.012933 0.120088 0.000000 0.012106 0.013760 4.5000 OA003 0.013269 0.120090 0.000000 0.012442 0.014096 4.6000 0.0003 0.013539 0.120092 0.000000 0.012712 0.014366 4.7000 0.0003 0.013809 0.120094 0.000000 OA12982 0.014636 4.8000 0.0003 0.014080 0.120096 0.000000 0.013253 0.014907 4.9000 0.0003 0.014350 0.120098 0.000000 0.013523 0.015177 Rauting Table for 10 year Event Time Intlow AvgI Stg S-Odt/2 S+Odt/2 Stg Outflow (min) (cfs) (acft) (ft), (acft) (acft) (ft) (cfs} 0 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10 0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0026 0.0031 i 20 0.0056 0.0001 0.0026 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0041 0.0050 � 30 0.0079 0.0001 0.0041 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0065 O.Q079 40 0.0096 0.0001 0.0065 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0077 0.0093 50 0.0118 0.0001 0.0077 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0097 0.0116 60 0.0135 0.0002 O.OQ97 -0.0001 0.0001 OAllI OA134 �� 70 0.0147 0.0002 0.0111 -0.0001 0.0001 0.4122 0.0146 j 80 0.0167 0.0002 0.0122 -O.Q001 0.0001 0.0137 OA164 90 0.0182 0.0002 0.0137 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0151 0.0181 100 0.0189 0.0003 0.0151 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0157 0.0188 110 OA199 0.0003 OA157 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0165 0.0198 ! 120 0.0205 0.0003 0.0165 -O.Q001 0.0002 0.0171 0.0205 ' _i 130 0.0212 0.0003 0.0171 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0176 0.0211 140 0.0218 0.0003 0.0176 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0181 0.0217 150 0.0223 0.0003 0.0181 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0185 0.0223 160 0.0228 0.0003 0.0185 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0189 0.0227 ' 170 0.0243 0.0003 0.0189 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0201 0.0241 i , � 180 0.0252 0.0003 0.0201 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0210 0.0252 r ' 190 0.0254 0.0003 0.0210 -Q.0001 0.0002 0.0211 0.0253 200 0.0282 0.0004 0.0211 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0231 0.0277 i � 210 0.0296 0.0004 0.0231 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0247 0.0296 220 0.0294 0.0004 0.0247 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0245 0.0294 ' 230 0.0324 0.0004 0.0245 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0266 0.0319 � 240 0.0337 0.0005 0.0266 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0282 0.0338 250 0.0335 0.0005 0.0282 -O.OQ02 0.0003 0.0279 0.0335 260 0.0366 0.0005 0.0279 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0301 0.0361 � 270 0.0379 0.0005 0.0301 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0317 0.0380 ' � 280 0.0376 0_0005 0.0317 -0.0002 O.OQ03 0.0313 0.0376 ; ;' � 290 0.04Q7 0.0005 0.0313 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0335 0.0402 � _ � 300 0.0420 0.0006 0.0335 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0351 0.0421 310 0.0417 0.0006 0.0351 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0347 0.0417 320 0.0474 0.0006 0.0347 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0387 0.0464 330 0.0499 0.0007 0.0387 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0417 0.0501 ' 340 0.0489 0.0007 0.0417 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0408 0.0489 350 0.0576 0.0007 0.0408 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0467 0.0561 360 0.0612 0.0008 0.0467 -0.0003 O.Q005 0.0513 0.0616 370 0.0597 0.0008 0.0513 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0498 0.0597 380 0.0702 0.0009 0.0498 -0.0003 0.0006 0.0569 0.0683 ' 390 0.0743 0.0010 0.0569 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0623 0.0748 400 0.0725 0.0010 0.0623 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0604 OA725 410 0.1729 0.0017 0.0604 -0.0004 0.0013 0.2670 0.1200 ' 420 0.2241 0.0027 0.2670 -0.0004 0.0024 0.8804 0.1200 430 0.2116 0.0030 0.8804 0.0007 0.0037 1.6353 0.1200 440 0.1496 0.0025 1.6353 0.0021 0.0046 1.8841 0.1200 450 4.1050 0.0018 1.8841 0.0029 0.0047 19159 0.1200 460 0.1322 0.0016 1.9159 0.0030 0.0047 1.9119 0.1200 � 470 0.0995 0.0016 19119 0.0030 0.0046 1.8947 0.1200 � 480 0.0961 0.0013 1.8947 0.0029 0.0043 1.8032 0.1200 490 0.0979 0.0013 1.8032 0.0026 0.0040 1.7086 0.1200 500 0.0827 O.00I2 1.7086 0.0023 0.0036 1.5866 0.1200 510 0.0753 0.0011 1.5866 0.0019 0.0030 1.2989 0.1200 520 0.0781 0.0011 1.2989 0.0013 0.0024 0.8930 0.1200 530 0.0719 0.0010 0.8930 0.0007 0.0018 0.5411 0.1200 540 0.0705 0.0010 0.5411 0.0001 0.0011 0.1597 0.1200 550 0.0711 0.0010 0.1597 -0.0005 0.0004 0.0429 0.0515 560 0.0665 0.0009 0.0429 -0.0003 0.0007 0.0667 0.0800 570 0.0643 0.0009 0.0667 -0.0004 0.0005 0.0466 0.0559 580 0.0652 0.0009 0.0466 -0.0003 O.00Ob 0.0587 0.0705 590 Q.0617 0.0009 0.0587 -0.0004 0.0005 0.0491 0.0589 600 0.0604 0.0008 0.0491 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0520 0.0625 610 0.0610 0.0008 0.0520 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0496 OA595 520 0.0593 0.0008 0.0496 -0.0�3 0.0005 0.0504 0.0605 630 0.0587 O.Q008 0.0504 -0.0003 0.0405 0.0484 0.0580 ;'� ` ; 640 0.0591 0.0008 0.0484 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0496 0.0595 ss�o�o �s�o�o �000�o �000�o- �6�0�0 9000�o SSbO'0 06b IL�O'0 £6£0'0 b000'0 £000'0- £Ot�O'0 L000'0 89i�0'0 086 t�8b0'0 £Ob0'0 fi000'0 £000'0- Z0�0'0 L000'0 b8b0'0 OL6 £8�0'0 ZObO'0 �000'0 £000'0- IOi�O'0 L000'0 Z8b0'0 096 t8�0'0 t0�0'0 �b000'0 £000'0- 00�0'0 L000'0 IS�O'0 OS6 08�0'0 OObO'0 �000'0 £000'0- 66£0'0 L000'0 08�0'0 Qt�6 8L�0'0 66£0'0 �000'0 �000'0- 86£0'0 L000'0 6Lt�0'0 0£6 8Lt�0'0 86£0'0 t�000'0 £000'0- b6£0'0 L000'0 LLbO'0 OZ6 6Lti0'0 66£0'0 t�000'0 £000'0- L6£0'0 L000'0 6L�0'0 OI6 LL1�0'0 L6£0'0 b000'0 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ti000'0 £Q00'0- lSbO'0 L000'0 I�SO'0 OZL it�SO'0 iS�O'0 5000'0 £000'0- Z9tr0'0 8000'0 S£SO'0 OIL SSSO'0 Z9t�0'0 5000'0 £000'0- 85�0'0 8000'0 SSSO'0 OOL OSSO'0 85�0'0 S000'0 £000'0- 89b0'0 8000'0 iSSO'0 069 Z9S0'0 89ti0'0 SOQO'0 £000'0- LL1�0'0 8000'0 8SS0'0 089 ZLSO'0 LL�O'0 S000'0 £000'0- 9Lt�0'0 8000'0 �LSO'0 OL9 TLSO'0 9Lt�0'0 S000'0 £000'0- 08t�0'0 8400'0 OLSO'0 099 9LS0'0 08b0'0 S000'0 £000'0- 46b0'0 8000'0 9LS0'0 059 1000 0.0460 0.0006 0.0381 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0383 0.0460 i010 0.0458 0.0006 0.0383 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0382 0.0458 - 0 4 9 � 0. 459 0.0006 0.0382 0.0002 0.0004 0.0382 .0 5 , 1020 0 1030 0.0459 0.0006 0.0382 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0383 0.0460 ' 1040 0.0443 0.0006 0.0383 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0372 0.0446 1050 0.0433 0.0006 0.0372 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0361 0.0433 ; 1060 0.0434 0.0006 0.0361 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0361 0.0434 I 1070 0.0432 0.0006 0.0361 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0360 0.0433 1080 0.0433 0.0006 0.0360 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0360 0.0432 i � 1090 0.0433 0.0006 0.0360 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0361 0.0433 , 1100 0.0417 0.0006 0.0361 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0349 0.0419 ' ' 1110 0.0405 0.0006 0.0349 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0338 0.0406 1120 0.0407 0.00(}6 0.0338 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0339 0.0406 1130 0.0404 OA006 0.0339 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0337 0.0405 1140 0.0405 0.0006 0.033'7 -0.0002 0.0003 0.033� 0.0405 1150 0.0405 0.0006 0.0337 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0338 0.0405 i 1160 0.0406 0.0006 0.0338 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0338 0.0405 1170 0.0406 0.0006 0.0338 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0339 0.0407 1180 0.0407 0.0006 0.0339 -OA002 0.0003 0.0339 0.0407 1190 0.0408 0.0006 0.0339 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0340 0.0408 1200 0.0409 0.0006 0.0340 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0341 0.0409 1210 0.0410 0.0006 0.0341 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0341 0.0410 i 1220 0.0410 0.0006 0.0341 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0342 0.0410 � 1230 0.0411 0.0006 0.0342 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0343 0.0411 1240 0.0412 0.0006 0.0343 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0343 0.0412 1250 0.0413 0.0006 0.0343 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0344 0.0413 1260 0.0414 0.0006 0.0344 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0345 0.0413 ' 1270 0.0414 0.0006 0.0345 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0345 0.0414 1280 0.0397 0.0006 0.0345 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0334 0.0400 1290 0.0386 0.0005 0.0334 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0322 0.0386 1300 0.0387 0.0005 0.0322 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0322 0.0386 1310 0.0384 0.0005 0.0322 -0.0002 0.4003 0.0320 0.0384 1320 0.0385 0.0005 0.0320 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0320 0.0384 1330 0.0384 0.0005 0.0320 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0320 0.0385 1340 0.0385 0.0005 0.0320 -0.0042 0.0003 0.0320 0.0384 � 1350 0.0385 0.0005 0.0320 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0321 0.0385 1360 0.0386 0.0005 0.0321 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0321 0.0386 1370 0.0386 0.0005 0.0321 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0322 0.0386 1380 0.0387 0.0005 0.0322 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0322 0.0387 ' � 139Q 0.0388 0.0005 0.0322 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0323 0.0388 r 1400 0.0192 0.0004 0.0323 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0188 0.0226 ' ; 1410 0.0078 0.0002 0.0188 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0063 0.0076 � 1420 0.0042 0.0001 0.0063 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0041 0.0050 I 1430 0.0022 0.0000 0.0041 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0017 0.0021 i 1440 0.0012 0.0000 0.0017 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0012 0.0015 � j 1450 0.0006 0.0000 0.0012 -0.0000 O.Q000 0.0000 0.0000 �460 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 � 1470 0.0002 O.OQ00 0.00(}0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1480 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Storage Characteristics Table for 100 year node Stage(ft) Increm Vat(acft) Storage(acft) Flow(cfs) Infil (cfs) S-Odt/2 S+Odt/2 0.0000 0.0000 O.Q00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.1000 0.0002 0.000176 0.120002 0.000000 -0.000650 0.001003 0.2000 0.0002 0.000353 0.120004 Q.000000 -0.000474 0.001179 0.3000 0.0002 0.000529 -0.120006 0.000000 -0.000298 0.001355 0.4000 0.0002 0.000705 0.120008 0.000000 -0.000121 0.001532 o.s000 o.000z o.000ssa o.i2ooio o.00000a o.0000ss o.00i�os 0.6000 0.0002 0.001058 0.120012 0.000000 0.000231 0.001884 0.7000 0.0002 0.001234 0.120014 0.000000 0.000408 0.002061 0.8000 0.0002 0.001410 0.120016 0.000000 0.000584 0.002237 , 0.9000 0.0002 0.001587 0.120018 0.000000 0.000760 0.002413 1.0000 0.0002 0.001763 0.120020 0.000000 0.000937 0.002590 1.1000 0.0001 0.001900 0.120022 0.000000 0.001073 0.002726 1.2000 O.OU01 0.002036 0.120024 0.000000 0.001210 0.002863 1.3000 0.0001 0.002173 0.120026 0.000000 0.001346 0.003000 1.4000 U.0001 0.002310 0.120028 0.000000 0.001483 0.003136 1.5000 0.0001 0.002446 0.120030 0.000000 0.00162Q 0.003273 1.6000 0.0003 0.002782 0.120032 0.000000 0.001955 0.003608 1.7000 0.0003 0.003117 0.120034 0.000000 0.002290 0.003943 1.8000 0.0003 0.003452 0.120036 0.000000 0.002625 0.004279 1.9000 0.0003 0.003787 0.120038 0.000000 0.002961 0.004614 2.0000 0.0003 0.004123 0.120040 0.000000 0.003296 0.004949 2.1000 0.0004 0.004490 0.120042 0.000000 0.003663 0.005316 2.2000 0.0004 0.004857 0.120044 0.000000 0.004030 0.005683 2.3000 0.0004 0.005224 0.120046 0.040000 0.004397 0.006050 2.4000 0.0004 0.005591 0.120048 0.000000 0.004764 0.006418 2.5000 0.0004 0.005958 0.120050 0.000000 0.005131 0.006785 2.6000 0.0004 0.006338 0.120052 0.000000 0.005511 0.007164 2.7000 0.0004 0.006718 0.120054 0.000000 0.005891 0.007544 2.8000 0.0004 0.007098 O.I20056 0.000000 0.006271 0.007924 2.9000 0.0004 0.007478 0.120058 0.000000 0.006651 0.008304 3.0000 0.4004 0.00'7857 0.120060 0.000000 0.007031 0.008684 3.1000 0.0004 0.008237 0.120062 0.000000 0.007411 0.009064 3 2000 0.0004 0.008617 0.120064 0.000000 0.007790 0.009444 3.3000 0.0004 0.008997 0.120066 0.000000 0.008170 0.009824 3.4000 0.0004 0.009377 0.1200b8 0.000000 0.008550 0.010204 3.5000 0.0004 0.009757 0.120070 0.000000 0.008930 0.010584 3.6000 0.0004 0.010124 0.120072 0.000000 0.009297 0.010951 3.7000 0.0004 0.010491 0.12Q074 0.000000 0.009664 0.011318 3.8000 0.0004 0.010858 0.120076 0.000000 0.010031 0.011685 3.9000 0.0004 0.011225 0.120078 0.000000 0.010398 0.012052 i 4.0000 0.0004 0.011592 0.120080 0.000000 0.010765 0.012419 4.1000 0.0003 0.011928 0.120082 0.000000 0.011101 0.012755 4.2000 0.0003 0.012263 0.120084 0.000000 0.011436 0.013090 i 4.3000 0.0003 0.012598 0.120086 0.000000 0.011771 0.013425 4.4000 0.0003 O.Q12933 0.120088 0.000000 0.012106 0.013760 4.5000 0.0003 0.013269 0.120090 0.000000 0.012442 0.014096 4.6000 0.0003 0.013539 0.12Q092 0.000000 0.012712 0.014366 4.7000 0.0003 0.013809 0.120094 0.000000 0.012982 0.014636 4.8000 0.0003 0.014080 0.120096 0.000000 0.013253 0.014907 ' 4.9000 0.0003 0.014350 0.120098 0.000000 0.013523 0.015177 5.0000 0.0003 0.014620 0.120100 0.000000 0.013793 0.015447 5.1000 0.0003 0.014891 0.120100 0.000000 0.014063 0.01571 S 5.2000 0.0003 0.015161 0.120100 0.�00000 0.014334 0.015988 5.3000 0.0003 0.015431 0.120100 0.000000 0.014604 0.016258 5.4000 0.0003 0.015702 0.120100 0.000000 0.014875 0.016529 5.5000 O.OQ03 0.015972 0.120100 0.000000 0.015145 0.016799 5.6000 0.0003 0.016242 0.120100 0.000000 0.015415 0.0170b9 5.7000 0.4003 Q.016513 0.120100 0.000000 0.015686 0.017340 5.8000 0.0003 0.016783 0.120100 0.000000 0.015956 0.017610 5.9000 0.0003 0.017053 0.120100 0.000000 0.016226 0.017880 6.0000 0.0003 0.017324 0.120100 0.000000 0.016497 0.018151 6.1000 0.0003 0.017594 0.120100 0.000000 0.016767 0.018421 6.2000 0.0003 0.017864 0.120100 0.000000 0.01703? 0.018692 6.3000 0.0003 0.418135 0.120100 0.000000 0.017308 0.018962 6.4000 O.OQ03 0.018405 0.120100 0.000000 0.017578 0.019232 6.5000 0.0003 0.018675 0.120100 0.000000 O.OI7848 0.019503 6.6000 0.0003 0.01894b 0.120100 0.000000 OA18119 0.019773 -- 6.7000 0.0003 0.419216 0.120100 0.000000 0.018389 0.020043 6.8000 0.0003 0.019486 0.120100 0.000000 0.018659 0.020314 6.9000 0.0003 0.019757 0.120100 0.000000 0.018930 0.020584 7.0000 0.0003 0.020027 0.120100 0.000000 0.019200 0.020854 7.1000 0.0003 OA20297 0.120100 0.000000 0.019470 0.021125 7.2000 0.0003 0.020568 0.120100 0.004000 0.019741 0.021395 7.3000 0.0003 0.020838 0.120100 0.000000 0.020011 0.021665 7.4000 0.0003 0.021108 0.120100 0.000000 0.020281 0.021936 7.5000 0.0003 0.021379 0.120100 0.000000 0.020552 0.022206 7.6000 0.0003 0.021649 0.120100 0.000000 0.020822 0.022476 7.7000 0.0003 0.021919 0.120100 0.000000 0.021092 0.022747 7.8000 0.0003 0.022190 0.120100 0.000000 0.021363 0.023017 7.9000 0.0003 0.022460 0.120100 O.00t}000 0.021633 0.023287 8.0000 0.0003 0.022730 0.120100 0.000000 0.021903 0.023558 8.1000 0.0003 0.023001 0.120100 0.000000 0.022174 0.023828 8.2004 0.0003 0.023271 0.120100 0.004000 0.022444 0.024098 8.3000 0.0003 0.023542 0.120100 0.000000 0.022714 0.024369 8.4000 0.0003 0.023812 0.120100 0.000000 0.022985 0.024639 8.5000 0.0003 0.024082 0.120100 0.000000 0.023255 0.024909 8.6000 0.0003 0.024353 0.120100 0.000000 0.023525 0.025180 8.7000 0.0003 0.024623 0.120100 0.000000 0.023796 0.025450 8.8000 0.0003 0.024893 0.120100 0.000000 0.024066 0.025720 8.9000 0.0003 0.025164 0.120100 0.000000 0.024336 0.025991 9.0000 0.0003 0.025434 0.120100 0.000000 0.024607 0.026261 9.1000 0.0003 0.025704 0.120100 0.000000 0.024877 0.026531 9.2000 0.0003 0.025975 0.120100 0.000000 0.025147 0.026802 9.3000 0.0003 0.026245 0.120100 0.000000 0.025418 0.027072 9.4004 0.0003 0.026515 0.120100 0.000000 0.025688 0.027342 9.5000 O.00Q3 0.026786 0.120100 O.00OOOQ 0.025958 0.027613 9.6000 0.0003 0.027056 0.120100 0.000000 0.026229 0.027883 9.7000 0.0003 0.027326 0.120100 0.000000 0.026499 0.028153 9.8000 0.0003 0.027597 0.120100 0.00�000 OA26769 0.028424 Routing Table for 100 yesr Event Time Inflow AvgI Stg S-Odt/2 S+Odt/2 Stg Outflow (min) (cfs) (acft) (ft), (acft) (acft) (ft) (cfs) � 0 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 r 10 0.0047 0.0000 O.OQ00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0041 0.0049 ,' 20 0.0080 0.0001 0.0041 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0060 0.0072 '' 30 0.0119 0.0001 0.0060 -0.0000 0.0001 0.0097 OA117 ; 40 0.0153 0.0002 0.0097 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0124 0.0149 � 50 0.0173 0.0002 0.0124 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0144 0.0173 60 0.0205 0.0003 0.4144 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0167 0.0200 � j 70 0.0227 0.0003 0.0167 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0189 0.0227 ' � 80 0.0240 0.0003 0.0189 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0198 0.0238 90 0.0267 0.0003 0.0198 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0220 0.0264 100 0.0285 0.0004 0.0220 -0.0001 0.0002 0.0237 0.0284 110 0.0293 0.0004 0.0237 -0.0002 0.0002 0.0243 0.0292 120 0.0303 0.0O04 0.0243 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0252 0.0302 130 0.0310 0.0004 0.0252 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0258 0.0310 ' 140 0.0318 0.0004 0.0258 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0264 0.0317 150 0.0323 0.0004 0.0264 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0269 0.0323 160 0.0329 0.0004 0.0269 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0273 0.0328 170 0.0333 0.0005 0.0273 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0278 0.0333 180 0.0354 0.0005 0.0278 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0292 0.0351 190 0.0366 0.0005 0.0292 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0305 0.0366 200 0.0365 0.0005 0.0305 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0304 0.0365 210 0.0404 0.0005 0.0304 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0331 0.0398 220 0.0422 0.0006 0.0331 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0353 0.0424 230 0.0418 0.0006 0.0353 -0.0002 0.0003 0.0348 0.0418 240 0.0459 0.0006 0.0348 -0.0002 0.0004 0.0377 0.0452 250 0.0476 0.0006 0.0377 -0.0002 O.Q004 0.0398 0.0478 � 260 0.0472 0.0007 0.0398 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0393 0.0472 270 0.0513 0.0007 0.0393 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0422 0.0506 280 0.0530 0.0007 0.0422 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0443 0.0532 29Q 0.0525 0.0(?07 0.0443 -0.0003 0.0004 0.0438 0.0525 300 0.0567 0.0008 0.0438 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0466 0.0560 , 310 0.0584 0.0008 0.0466 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0488 0.0585 , 320 0.0578 0.0008 0.0488 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0482 0.0578 330 0.0656 0.0008 0.0482 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0535 0.0642 i 340 0.0689 0.0009 0.0535 -0.0003 0.0006 0.0577 0.0692 ; 350 0.0674 0.0009 0.0577 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0563 0.0675 � 360 0.0794 0.0010 0.0563 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0644 0.0772 � 370 0.0847 O.00II 0.0644 -0.0004 0.0007 0.0710 0.0852 ' 380 0.0841 0.0012 0.0710 -0.0005 0.0007 O.Ob99 0.0839 i 390 0.1010 0.0013 0.0699 -0.0005 0.0008 0.0818 0.0981 400 0.1100 0.0015 0.0818 -0.0005 0.0009 0.0919 0.1103 410 0.1112 0.4015 0.0919 -O.00Q6 0.0009 0.0923 4.1108 420 0.2617 0.0026 0.0923 -0.0(?06 0.0020 0.6472 0.1200 ' 430 03500 0.0042 0.6472 0.0003 0.0045 1.8741 0.1200 I� i i� 440 0.3436 0.0048 1.8741 0.0029 0.0077 2.7280 0.1201 ;�450 0.2574 0.0041 2.7280 0.0060 0.0101 3.3821 0.1201 'i� �� �460 0.1885 0.0031 3.3821 0.0085 0.0116 3.7641 0.1201 �' , ' � 470 0.2191 0.0028 3.7641 0.0099 0.0127 4.0860 0.1201 � �480 0.1699 0.0027 4.0860 0.0111 OA137 4.3918 0.1201 I 490 0.1606 0.0023 4.3918 0.0121 0.0144 4.5959 0.1201 �� 500 0.1605 0.0022 4.5959 0.0127 0.0149 4.8000 0.1201 510 0.1372 0.0021 4.8000 O.O133 0.0153 4.9465 0.1201 i 520 0.1241 0.0018 4.9465 0.0136 0.0154 5.0000 0.1201 ' 530 0.1263 0.0017 5.0000 0.0138 0.0155 5.0260 0.1201 540 0.1166 0.0017 5.02b0 0.0139 0.0155 5.0329 0.1201 550 0.1136 0.0016 5.0329 OA139 0.0155 5.0075 0.1201 560 0.1139 0.0016 5.0075 0.0138 0.0154 4.9750 0.1201 570 0.1068 0.0015 4.9750 0.0137 0.0152 4.9252 0.1201 580 0.1029 0.0014 4.9252 0.0136 0.0150 4.8475 0.1201 590 0.1037 0.0014 4.8475 0.0134 0.0148 4.7621 0.1201 600 0.0985 0.0014 4.7621 0.0131 0.0145 4.6653 0.1201 610 0.0961 0.0013 4.6653 0.0129 OA142 4.5492 0.1201 620 0.0965 0.0013 4.5492 0.0126 0.0139 4.4420 0.1201 630 0.0939 0.0013 4.4420 0.0122 0.0136 4.3398 0.1201 640 0.0928 0.0013 4.3398 0.0119 0.0132 4.2301 0.1201 650 0.0932 0.0013 4.2301 0.0115 0.0128 4.1189 0.1201 660 0.0909 0.0013 4.1189 0.0112 OA124 4.0038 0.1201 670 0.0897 0.0012 4.0038 0.0108 0.0120 3.8918 0.1201 ; 680 0.0901 0.0012 3.8918 0.0104 0.0116 3.7787 0.1201 ' 690 0.0878 0.0012 3.7787 0.0140 0.0112 3.6619 0.1201 700 0.0865 0.0012 3.6619 0.0095 OA107 3.5384 0.1201 ,' 710 0.0869 0.0012 3.5384 0.0091 0.4103 3.4161 0.1201 ' 720 0.0844 0.0012 3.4161 0.0086 0.0098 3.2913 0.1201 730 0.0831 0.0012 3.2913 0.0081 0.0093 3.1597 0.1201 � i� 740 0.0834 0.0011 3.1597 0.0076 0.0088 3.0263 0.1201 � 750 0.0832 0.0011 3.0263 0.0071 0.0083 2.8931 0.1201 760 0.0835 0.0011 2.8931 O.Q066 0.0078 2.7602 O.1201 770 0.0837 0.0012 2.76Q2 0.0061 0.0073 2.6281 0.1201 780 0.0816 0.0011 2.6281 0.0056 0.0068 2.4924 0.1200 790 0.0802 0.0011 2.4924 0.0051 0.0062 2.3456 0.1200 800 0.0805 0.0011 23456 0.0046 0.0057 2.1968 0.1200 810 0.0803 0.0011 2.1968 0.0040 0.0051 2.0482 0.1200 820 0.0806 0.0011 2.0482 0.0035 0.0046 1.8902 0.1200 830 0.0807 0.0011 1.8902 0.0029 0.0040 1.7285 0.1200 840 0.0786 0.0011 1.7285 0.0024 0.0035 1.5627 0.1200 850 0.0771 0.0011 1.5627 0.0018 0.0029 1.2286 0.1200 860 0.0774 0.0011 1.2286 0.0012 0.0023 0.8429 0.1200 870 0.0771 0.0011 0.8429 0.0007 0.0017 0.5086 0.1200 880 0.0773 0.0011 0.5086 0.0001 0.0011 0.1741 0.1200 890 0.0774 0.0011 0.1741 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0545 0.0653 900 0.0752 0.0011 0.0545 -0.0004 0.0007 0.0695 0.0834 910 0.0736 0.0010 0.0695 -0.0005 0.0006 0.0571 0.0686 920 0.0738 0.0010 0.0571 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0642 0.0771 930 0.0735 0.0010 0.0642 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0595 0.0715 940 0.0737 0.0010 0.0595 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0625 0.0750 950 0.0737 0.0010 0.0625 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0607 0.0729 960 0.0739 0.0010 4.0607 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0620 0.0744 970 0.0741 0.0010 0.0620 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0614 0.0737 980 0.0742 0.0010 0.0614 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0620 0.0744 990 0.0719 0.0010 0.0620 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0602 0.0722 1000 0.0703 0.0010 0.0602 -0.0004 O.00Ob 0.0587 0.0704 i 1010 0.0705 0.0010 0.0587 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0587 0.0704 1020 0.0701 0.0010 0.0587 -0.0004 4.0006 0.0585 0.0702 1030 0.0703 0.0010 0.0585 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0585 0.0702 1040 0.0703 0.0010 0.0585 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0586 0.0703 1050 0.0679 0.0010 0.0586 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0569 0.0683 1060 0.0662 0.0009 0.0569 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0553 0.0663 1070 0.0663 0.0009 0.0553 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0552 0.0663 1080 0.0659 0.0009 0.0552 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0550 0.0661 1090 0.0661 0.0009 U.O550 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0550 0.0660 1100 0.0660 0.0009 0.0550 -0.0004 0.0006 0.0551 0.0661 �, 1110 0.0637 0.0009 0.0551 -0.0004 0.0005 0.0534 OA640 ' 1120 0.0619 0.0009 0.0534 -0.0003 0.00(?5 0.0517 0.0620 1130 0.0620 0.0009 0.0517 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0516 0.0619 1140 0.0616 0.0009 0.0516 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0514 0.0617 1150 0.0617 0.0008 0.0514 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0513 0.0616 ' 1160 0.0616 0.0008 0.0513 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0514 0.0617 1170 0.0617 0.0008 0.0514 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0514 0.0616 1180 0.0618 0.0009 0.0514 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0515 0.0618 1190 0.0619 0.0009 0.0515 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0515 0.0618 1200 0.0619 0.0009 0.0515 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0516 0.0619 1210 0.0620 0.0009 0.0516 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0517 0.0620 ; , 1220 0.0621 0.0009 0.0517 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0518 0.0621 ' 1230 0.0622 0.0009 0.0518 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0518 0.0622 1240 0.0623 0.0009 0.0518 -0.0{?03 0.Q005 0.0519 0.0623 1250 0.0624 0.0009 0.0519 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0520 0.0624 1260 0.0625 0.0009 0.0520 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0521 0.0625 i 1270 0.0626 0.0009 0.0521 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0522 0.0626 1280 O.Ob27 0.0009 0.0522 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0522 0.0627 ' 1290 0.0603 0.0008 0.0522 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0506 0.0607 1300 0.4585 0.0008 0.0506 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0488 0.0585 1310 0.0585 0.0008 0.0488 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0487 0.0585 � 1320 0.0580 0.0008 0.0487 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0484 0.0581 1330 0.0581 0.0008 0.0484 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0484 0.0580 ' 1340 0.0580 0.0008 0.0484 -0.0003 0.0005 0.0484 0.0581 0000�0 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0 0000�0 0000'0 0000'0 OOS 1 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0 Z000'0 06bt '� 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0- 0000'0- II00'0 0000'0 £000'0 08bI bI00'0 II00'0 0000'0 0000'0 0400'0 0000'0 9000'0 OLbi 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0 0000'0- OZ00'0 0000'0 I i00'0 09�I t�Z00'0 OZ00'0 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' SHORT PLAT QF CAMAS E8TATE8 ILUA04-0391 , g � ° A PORTION OF TNE 1� V4 OF TNE ME 1/4 OF SEC.8�TMfP 2SN., RQE. 6E, W.M. �' CITY OF RENTON, KNa COUNTY,INASHNiOTON � N e ' � � i r i ; i i �1C�" o �' � „* � , � a� �_ ; ., � , �, : a�, �� . .. � � 1 1 I S(7��IQ M �� � ro.o�•M��as Ha m�c. � G ; �� a�ow acn maxu i � . , ��� o��rsr t aor R k •a.1 i ,ao� rwrn� �'j�� /'A� /rJ ' �� � i� ', i C � L�a-�L�� �� � �xhllnq �� � ., '� �� � ��, ^,�as x=,,p �(,,.» X�� ,�,�,o x= �n � eM'i7'��"t(C[[D) � m.» t � � �� �' �� ` mw r�.„',wm1 � � �»av 4CALE 1" � 20' �i a. �� �' n.w' xim' x a�dwT ,soo. x• a w u R �� 9 y ��a+i i n.ro .�+1� xn..re �� y,� u � � 1- '� � a ` y�].m � p� �p �, , �► �,. �, �1 PAO►IYpw =°�9 � ,»Ji u� N 27 I• 9a. 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M'f) II•'!{7!D IM(CI �.7!l.9D,17'Otl7M n.q� k 4 7fi, M(N) .� N ES70.�50 GIC.�N5l610.9�7 CITY Of p(Nipl , � � A k',qyp � _ S9M/1N(Nq � `4 e3 �� E l60BR�lV CMC. • C]D6�27.l29 dTr 01 RCMON � ��� _ � `�'� ' y. 1 � �' ,e t I I � Z �� ' s,�.,s.00� S.R, `�� '� VERTICAL DATUM . � 4� '` - `�` � . �.ro w�w-ee raein weme�n KRneK u�r,un a�we � ..1��--.- i01M nl1 G MM�'Ya'�•1�Y— b� �,��p� Q�P; PCR WNG COIMTY p[PM1Y[N7 Of�UOIIC MMlff �' ! (Kf!0. S0.11N tl CKC P09M?l � � i siti u.0o �� ``?S`�4h:0o� �w.w fLOqIINE RETURNS � 1 M j I �tF��(� �� � 47V ! F6 Nr -��4a � Q �i.�.r ; rauHo nc�owr/c�v l�eoa+ • �(� g,{bAcuA ,��.�.�,�..a� � ) un t ar�w a cKc,ronna �x+ � O Y � � � �� . � �IIcc�Sr��— �i/�°'�� �_"� wacKco►on cowru�Ncc aa�r�rw�ar�rr � � ��q$ TO CIiY STANOUtDS „„,e,.,>,,.�„�, r az.s.�m ORE YOU DIQ o.a_ �,«...�, '••,..,..:;: � � �-eoo-�a.6sss De1i— A–N N a�.— � _ _ _ _ . � ...•.•� ��._ .r.y„_.. � � .. �� � t• ..��,:. J y+ ,. . . �..le�„F.� f �j •, �,� ry�. ' .� . . 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Y 'f� rt; ' . 1 t i � :� � � ` r � :�r . . � 4 -!''t5 ,�K•�v ..` �:� �y�,�,y,�( �'y. .i N� '\ �1:: F.V� •• ;M I r ��� , � ' � � Y �t;l`�'(i".�!%'f `. • �I�•/` • rat� 1• t `tJ � a7 h �- . . �AC'�: ' � �f . � r• .i .. �'�;I��'Y`}�'��#� vr;,it� "`''�'`.�"."�'},�'k � .,� •Y� �,�� . �� �tli n AkF '�� ; 1�� -, , ? r 9�+.$i�+� �.r ��nr�� �i � •� �• . •r , �i.�`'�" . r � � � . f. ^WiW. r •- � '-y+� ' " /m�'.'� � �. 4 ,. �� . : t� „�, �y��?S'' „ 'X�. �� j,.{� , t.�: ' ,AmC �i �„ �, �tii� ,, �finY ��t . �'J .'t}q!. Ci .G4 �' � R► � .S�' !, � 'F• � .� ti.. ',� •������ � ..� i �� � , w + , J ?�;,P} � yr • • • �it'�.i� .� , rt� : ��"` n�' .. � .. ; R � � ,, .• + , ��. ��• • . , � N• �• y,',�..7 .i�'��iL� r.� } $j�r' � %n��� 4'".�r'�. �� . ` . n�'� �� ,� ' 4 �t = .�� 1 P aq y�.iix J r��9.'� '� i d t . . 0� r +. ��}��f�1'N''vTi't��� �y{ f i�t���'G��.. x $� ' ? � ' r��. .* �'�fr: ��ti .� �� � i�� !6l �l��t�.. ��-`�'c�'� ��X�FT' � ' :r ,,,' , �� . !. ',a� �• � „ T' ` •'� u �� � � .�• � s r . 'p x,,1� • '?,�' '� � � , h ' . ~ ���, +i 4 .� �p • � �_ �• Ur T :;�J'' '� �h•� ` y ' �+':� " �• , . ,ti. � � � :a.r � •�� � `v r '�` � ' V •- �t �r fi� q c^'H;.E�_ ' � �C,i�e ` �i' 1 ��7"a ''� ; ' '. , �d},L� s L�.4,� k ; i� � �, c .�ti �'; ; .�..• � � ��1 r , r. •d 238 _' � �' r i -,� _ •DY �, .d : �, � a 's', , • ' ��f �� � • .1. r • ` '� •. . s. 'h.: .,� �' Pl�rft -t� r�'• '� � . � a1 �' !�;� - �. f „r� ,� Y•.. � � , an. I � _ � � •V� �+;,� �M'.� �/ ♦ � ;l{. � �1. , y .t, ��"^'^ ,'. � � ' • • �, �+ ,�,c � ♦i , . .. , ..� .. i ,��� � �i � R.4 E. R.5 E. aanrtoN 1.�M�, !2'30'� Joins sheet T 1) � • • . . RENTON!J M � �� ia Scsle 1:24 000 1 �S i.� ' l 2 Miles 50 4000 00 �1000 5 1 000 Feel in�s inea n oe�W�s�t W?C. KING COUNTY AREA, WASHINGTON Np. 5 � W �ravellr coarse sand to very grarelly lam�y sand, th�e pseseaoe of a eaasolidatea sucs�rs�u. .� � ..�r.... pepth to the IIC hariza► raages froa 18 to 36 of 7 to ZO feet. 7his snbstrat� is tbe sase �as�- iac�s. risl ss thut fa the Aldaa++ood soiis_ Sa�e ar�s are up to 5 pescent included 111dea+rood �Soae areas axe.� to 5 perc�nt inclnded idor�a, w31s, oa th� �ore rollin� �d �latin� parts of Seattle, aad It�lo►ila soils, tll of Which are poorlv Che ladscape; swe are about S percant tl�e dsep, draiaed. saady Indiaaoia soils; and, sa■e srs vp to 25 prtcant �moff is slar to aed�us, and the e=osiaa hazird lreiltaat very grrelly loa�r sands. Alsa inclnded is sligbt zo �aoderate_ in s�ap'Pi� s=e arsas �+here caa.salidatsd gluial tiil, lbat of the acrea�e is used for tiaber_ Capabil- Mhich 'all�mderlies Aldesveod soils, itp mit Yis-1; roodlaad �rcup 3f3. is at a depth of 5 to 15 feet. ' _ Peraesbility is rapid. Zhe effeetire rootiag dapth is 60 ind�es a� a�re. Arailable vater ea�pac- Iadiae4L Series _ ity is lw. lt�moff is slw, and the�aansiaa i�zird is slight. - ?he Indianola saries is ade uip of saos+rhat � Ihi.s soil is nsed for tiaber aad psstn�a and for e�ocessively drsiaed soils thzt far�ed �ader co�ifen na�au develop�ent- Ca�bilit�► tnit ris-2; roodl�d ia sadp, raoessicoal, stratified gl�r.ial ds3ft. stcup Ef3. lhese iwdulstjen�, rolli�g, snd �Soek� soils us a� • tsrraces. Slopes ue 0 to 3Q pexc�t. 11se a�I "'� Eva�rett ell s loa� S �0 1S pzedpitstiaa is 30 to 55 iaches, aad the aeaa S�rre sz in shaQe, hare : caarez gs�aface. su�raa�e fres sessoa�Q days. II•erstt'w r�es- froa 25 aeres 'to a�or� th� 200 acres in si=e. �- froa sbont sea Ietrel to 1,000 feet. _ o�f is slw � aediu�, aod ffie ssosi�on hasa:d is In a rapresa�tati�re prnfile, the �per 30 imd�es sli�ht to aoaerste. is b�wn, darlc pelloris6�rraMn, and ligbt olirc- Soils included �dth"titis soil in �sppi��aice np bram loaty fiae saad, 'lLis is_�ad�lain by alive ao sors tLan 25 pe:cent o� ths total acrrs;e. So�e saud that w�teads to z depth af�60 inches or sore areas are np Lo S pezceat Aldetwod soils, �ieh (pl. I, ri�t). overlie caasolidated slacul till; so�e m tq m In�i�mola soils are nsed for tiaber md faoc arban 20 percent Neilta► �rery gravelly loaqr smt; md develupa�t. � sa�e sav abo�t 15 perceat includ�d a.rws of B�erast sosls dtase slopea ars ao�e gentle thm 5. per�catt Iadimola loa�r fine ss�d, 4 m 15 ent sla�es aad vbeze thap are ste�per th� 13 pe=caert_ (I � .-�i-i s�ulati� an ro la� sat ao�nsz lhis Everett soil is used for tiabe� aad pasturs slvpes. It is near the odges of uplasrd terraces. aod for �aban deirelap�eat. C�bilit�► tmit iRs=1; 11ra:s range frat S to aare th� lOQ acres in siu. wodland gratsp 3f3. �sstire psofile of Indismola loasy fiae �sand, 4 !0 15 perdnt slopes, in forast, 1,000 fsst fiverett 11 loa� 15 tio 30 west a�d 900 feet sqrth of tbn na�theast c�o�asr of sl��s -- soi oc�aoocs as , narsw sec. 32, T. 2S �i., A. 6 E.z asas, �ostiy aloas dr�iaa�sMa�s o� aa sba�t slages bttweea terrace Dendtes. . It is siaiLr to Evera�Lt O1--3/4 inCh to 0, Ieaf littez. arsvelly sa�dy lo�, 0 to 5 percant slopas, baet iu B21i.r--0 to 6 indNs, bro�at (lOYR 4/3� la�pr fine ■ost plaees is stmier ad �are �rs►elir. s�d, bra�m [10TR s/3� dry; aissine; soft, Soils iaclu�dad with this soil in �ia��dce ap resp friabls, aonaticl7, �Plastic; �aay no �e thas 30 pa�ceat of the tatil acre�,ee. Sa�e x�ots; sliglttly acid; clear, �ooth bouudaty. areas are ap to 30 pezoaat Aldars++ood soils, �iateh � to S iadees shick. arerlie coasolidato� �Iac�al till; sa�e are ug to S aZ2ir--6 Lo 1S ind►es, dasi� pellwisii�rwn (lOYR pss�ceat tl►c deep, saady I�xliaaols soils; sa�e arc �/43 lea�r fiae saad, ba�as (lOTR 5/� drY; up to 10 pescent Ii�iltat vcry �lly la�spr s�d; aassire; soft, ver� friable, noostidqr. aon- aad sa�t are about 15 percest iscluded areas aE pisstic; ca�on roats; s��ir �a; r1a�r, �rsrett soila �a�s slo�s a� less � 35 pe�rc�at. saovth bo�mdsrjr. 6 to 15 in�es thick. IEimoff is �edi�a to r=pid, a�d sh�e �rosioa hu C1--15 to 30 3ndus, li�►t olive-brown (2.5Y 5/4) is aodsrata s,a �vars. loaq fiae sad, �►ellwish bz�cwa [l0Ylt 6/4) lbst af the acraage is nsed for tiaber: Capa- - �7; *�si�; �, rary friable, aa�stiekY, bflity► �mfit VIs-1; woodlaad gxovp 3f1_ no�plastic; cw�oa� roots; cli�htl7► acid; S�s �� �rY. 12 to 17 indies Lvezett-J►ldernood 1 ssndy loas 6 to 15 thiek. ep_rcent sl es .-- �app3ng imst ss Q--30 to"60 incbes, olire (SY 5/4) saM., liaht e4 parts verett a�d /1ldezyood soils. 'if� so�2s bro�mish sray (2.5Y 6J� de7; sin61e Sr�; as rollina. Slapas are do�einantly 6 to 10 perceat 2oose, ao�nstickp, nonPlastic; feM roots;, bitt range fsa� �eIItla to steep. liioct sreaa are sli�htl7 add. M�n�► feet t]tidc. irre�al� in ahape a�i raa�c frca 15 to 100 acses ' ar so�e ia size. In areas clissified as brerett '1ltere is a tfiin, ve=y aarlc bsvWn A1 horizon at soils, field ea�natian smd jeologic �aps indicate tLe surface in so� places. 1he B ho�izaa rm��es 16 ��� fTOR V92'�► d8I'�C gSiylS�t blQMR LC b!'CMR �11d daI'�C iaC ZAe =Qai� aunt�aa au �w�.c�n....... ... ....___ __ " ' � ,, relloviah bso�. Ybe C horizan :aases froa dark The #rost-fret Season is 150 to aa�e �ax� 200 days. =a�ay►ish brown to pale olive aad fra� lott fiae saad Eleratim ra�es fraa abo�st sea level to 500 feet. to saad. Zhin lenses a� silty attrrial ars as • In a represantatite prafile, rhe surfaee laper depth of 4 to 7 fess in sa�e places. aad snbsoil m very dark bra�ai and dark �*ellarish- I Soils included rith tl�is sofl £n aapgias aaka up broMn silt loaa that estands to a depth of about 24 no �as.e than 25 peremt a� thi total �creage. gaie iadies_ The sabstrat� is olive-grap silty clay areas are up to 10 perca�t 111d�rwod soils, on the l�. It e�cta�ds to s deptb of 6o inches or �wre. aa�e solliag and �alztiiig p�ts o� dte l:adscape; xit3aQ soils ara used for tiabtr aad pasture. • so�e as up to 8 percent the �eeg, ¢avelly Ererett' " aod Neilton soils; sa�e are nP �0 15 pesomt LitsiP Lits silt lo� 2 to 8 agt sl (XpE)•-- sails, Mhich luve platy lake sediaeau in the SnD- 'lhis nn aung so is ou la� te�rrzces o th� �aja� sail; and so■e � ug to 15 pcscmt R�gnar sai.ls, valleys of the Area. �Aress ru�e froa 5 aac�s to �id► have a saody snbstrat�a. aora thsa 600 acres in size asd sre aearlr cirealar Prr�eability is rapid, lhe effeetive soo�tias to irra6uisr ia sl�ape. Sa�e =xaas are one-eig�th to depth is 50 ind�es ar avr�. Availablo vater ca� a ha2f sile vi�e aad np to 3 or 4 siles long. itq is aoderate. R�moff is slar to �di�a, aed the AeQ�resmtati�ra psofile of Litsap silt loas, 2 to erasian hazard is sli�t to aodarata. 8 pestent slopes, in gastQre, 8Z0 faot �est sad 330 Yhis soil is vsed for tiaber aad for mbm deevel- feet sat�th of eist qasrtar co�ner of sec. 28, T, T5 epaeat. Capabilitr �mit IYs-2; �eoodiaod �rvup 4s3. N., R. 7 E.: Iadiaao2a 1 fiaae a�ad, O ta 4 sl /1p--0 to 5 ia�as�, verp•d:xic bra+n (10Y1t 2/2} silt (IM .-- s s 1 occupzes urraces a►g � lw�, dark. �rayish hra�rn (lOYR 4/2) �'Y: �od- . na,rroK tra,cts adjao�►t to strea�a. Areas ran�a erate, �edi�a, eraauiar strnct�ae; sli�l►tly abotrt 3 to 70 acres in size. . - ' hard, ver�• friable, monstidcp, �waPlasric; 5oils included xiTh shis soil iu aappin� aake ap fony roots; aedit� acid; abnip�t, saooth baatd-' no aare thm 20 peromt c� tlu total ursa�e. Sa�e arp. . asess are'np to S pes�cxut Aldes�ood soi.�s, o� the 82 3 Lo 24 ind�es, dart �lloai.s�-bra+n (lOYR 3/4) sore roilin� mrd ia�Iating pasts o� tlse landse4pe; silt loaa, brarn {lO.TR S/� dty; 2 perceat sg�e are abaut i0 percent the d�eep, �ravsl2y Evere iran eo�tretivas; .�ea1�, cosrse, prisaatic aaid liaiitm sails; saoe aa n� to 10 prrceat Indiaa:- stmct�ca; slightly h�cd, friable, slightly ola io�y fi� sand tbat Las stxanges slopes; and stidq►, sli�tl� plzstie; aasry roots: slisbtly so.e �reis are np to lo p�x.ee�t-d►e poorlr alrainea acid; sbiapt, rsr�r boundarr. la to�zl inchss Nonea, Shalcar, 7Wnrils soils. - thiek. R�moff is slor,.a�d s� erosian hazard is sli�t. IIC--24 to 60 ind►es, olive-grar (SY 5/T) silty clay This soil is used for ti�Ler. Capabi3isy m�it loa�, li�t �rar (5Y 7/2) dr�►; �, a�� IYs-2; roodl�nd group 4s3. , aad cosrse, pxatine�t ac�ttles of dark �rellarish . browa a�d strong bsoyn {10'YR 4/4 and 7.SYR Indiaaoia 1 fiae s�d, 15 to 30 aat 5/S); aodasate, thin aad �edimi, platy siruc- sl s InD .-- soa is along � t�ae; Iwrd, �fia, stidry, Plastic; ferr =oots Soils included ++ith this soil in aappiu� aste np to a dep� of 36 inches, pan�s belaw; stxoaQly ' n� aore tha► 25 pe:r�nt of tbe total ser�e. Sa�s acid. � aeas ere np to 10 pescrat Aldextiood soils; saae about S perceat the deap,•grmeliy Ereratt md lleil ?6e A korizm raag�s fra� ray dark brarn !o dat'k to¢� soils; s�e m np to 15 perceat 1Citsap soils, tiratia_ '[he E harizaa rsnges fi� dsrk �rellarish ' whicb have plat�►, silty lake sediseats ia d+e s�- tsrorn to �rk bram aird f1ca� silt loa� to silt�► clay soil; affi so�e a�e up to 15 percmt Indiaals lw�q► loa�. '!he platp IIC horiza� ra,�es fra� grapish fine sm�d that has silde� slopes: bram to oline grap and fra� si1L loa to siltp c�ay t�noff is sadiu�, aad the erosioa hazard is aod lom ffiat has thin leases of loaq► fine saad ia - ate to severe. ' places. Daor�ish �ttles art ea�w� �n tlie upper lhis soil is nsed for tiaber. Capabilitp mit part af ffie IIC horizon. VIe-1; wuadland grou� ts2. Saae areas are up to 10 pesceat i�luded Alde�ood _ gr�relly ssadq los; sa�e are up to 5 percent the - - . � ver�►. de�p, sari�► Indi�nola soils; and sase are• up to Kitsap Saries 5 perceat the poorly drained Bellingh�, 1Lkvila, � amd Seattle soils. - 1be Xitssp series is a�de a�r of ��lp �+e21 llatrr flws am tap of the substratn■ in viuter. - ds ained soi ls that foi�ed in glacial lake daposits, Pta�eabi Iity► is �oierate above the, wbstratn� and �der a conrer of cw�ifers and sitaubs. These soils �ery slar xithin it. The effeetive rooting depth is ara an serraces aad stzon�ly dissected terrace sbont 36 fnches_ Ilrailable water capacity is woder- fironts. Thep are gant2r m�dulatin� aad rollin� and ats to aodarately hish. �ff is slw to aediva, . n�ratelr steeg. Slapes an 2 to 70 perceat. aad t�e erasion liazard is sli�et to �oderate. Platy, silty sedia�ats are-at a aepth of 18 to 10 2his sail is used for tiaber and pasture. Capabii- inches. 'iT�e amwal preeipitatian is 35 to 60 inches, itp �mit IIIe-1;-wodland group 2d2. • . 27 V � KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL (21 CN values can be area weighted when they apply to pervious areas of similar CN's {within 20 CN pointsl. However, high CN areas should not be combined with low CN areas (unless the low CN areas are less than 1596 of the subbasin). In this case, separate hydrographs shouid be `� generated and summed to form one hydrograph. ' FIGURE 3.5.2A HYDROLOCIC SOIL GROUP OF THE SOILS IN KIiVG COUNTY HYDROLOGIC HYaROLOGIC SOtL GROUP GROUP* SOiI GROl1P GROUP* qlderwood C O�cas Peat D Arerus,Alderwood Materi� C Orida D Are�s, Ev�erett Mate�iai B OvaM C Beauske G Padwdc C� BeNingham D Pug� O Briscoi D Puyaqup B• SucMey D Ragr� 8 Coastal Beaches Variade Rerrton D Farimo�x S�t Loam D Riverwash Variable Edgewick C Satai C Everett A B 'SarrKnamish O trxiianola A Seattle O ICFtsap C St�r D Kiaus C Si Slt C Moced Allwial Land Variade Snd�ondsh O Ne�ton A Suttan C Newbe�g B Tt�cwia D � Nooksack C Ufiar� Varia6ie � NoRnal Sandy Loam D Woodin+�e O II HYDROLOGIC SOtI GROUP CIASSIFlCATIONS A. (Low tUnOft pote�. SoHs tta�rk�g t�gh inEitration rates.eve�when thorougNy wetted.At►d Co�sting chie8y of deep.well-to-e�vely drained sands or gravels. These sois trau�e a high rate d water tca�missbn. B. (Moderately low rtmdf poter�ai). Sois having moderate�tration rates when thoraughly vw�ed.arxi c�sistin9 chi�►OF�ely fine to mOdErately t�o3t5e ie�dur�es. These SOYS h8ve a mOdetBte rat8 of water Varumission. C. (ModeratelY t�igh rundf potentia�• Sois having slow k�tration rates wtien 1tw�oughiy wNted.arxl ��9�Y of sods w�h a layer that i�npedes dowt�a�d rtwv�erne�t d wat�.or sds wiah moderately fine to fine textures. These sois have a slow rate d water transmission. D. (High runoB Potesxiatl. Sois handny very slav�itration rates wt�►�y wetted and t�resisting c�eay o�day�s w�n a r�,swe��na poce�.so�s wan a��n�n�caa�,�M►�cr,a hardpan or day lay�at or nasr the s�xiaoe.and st�llow sals a�ver nearty�npe�vjot�s material Ttrese so�s have a very siow rate d water transn�ssioa • From SCS,TR-55, Second Editbn,June 1986, Exhiba A-i. Revisions made irom SCS,So�Ir�erpretafton Record, Form #5, S�tember 1988. � � 3.5.2-2 1 I192 TABLE 3.5.213 SCS�'VESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS �� SCS VYESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF tXJR1lE t�JMB�i3(Pubiished by SCS in 1982) Rundf curve rnunbers for selected agricultwai. sutxxban and ufian land use for Type tA rainfadl distnbtAion,24-hour stom�duration. CURVE NUMBEHS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LAND USE DESCRlPTlON A B C D (�liivated iand(1): wintet c�e�dition 86 91 94 9S Mountain open are+ns: bw��g brush and grasalands T4 82 89 92 Meadow vr pasttae: 65 78 85 89 Wood a fwest land: undisturbed or dder SeCond growth 42 64 76 81 Wood or fo►est Iand: young second growth or brush 55 72 81 86 Orc,hBrd: yy��p�y,g��p� 81 88 92 94 OPen speces.lawns. Parks.9olf caxses.oemeteries. �P�9- � good cond�ion: �oo+r�ot�75% a rtwre d the area s6 80 86 90 fair Conditfon: Qtass conrer on 5096 w 7596 d tne area n as so s2 Csravel roads a�d parking bts 76 BS 89 91 Dirt roads and parking Ids 72 82 87 � �mpecvbus stxfec.�a. P�vemer�t. noofs, �c. 98 98 9� 98 -- open wacer bod'�es: lakes,weda�ds, ponas,etc. �oo �o0 100 �o0 Sin�le FarNY Resid�al(21 Dwe�ing Ur�t/Gross Aae 96�rtiPeNious C3) 1.0 DU/GA 15 Separate curve twmber 1.5 DU/GA 20 shaN be seleded 20 DU/GA 25 for pervious and 25 DU/GA 30 impervfott5 portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 d the site or basin 3.5 DU/t3A 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 S.0 OU/GA 4B 5.5 DU/GA 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA �4 7.0 DU/GA 56 Planned un�de�elopme�nts, %i�t�pervious condomktitHr�s. apartments. mtut be cbmptted oommercfal business and h�dtts�areas. (1) Fo�a more detaied descxiption d ayria�ctral fand use axve numbers reter a Natio�ai Fngineering HandbOOk. SeCiiOn 4.Hydrolo9Y� �Ptet 9.August 1972. (2) Asstxr�es roof a�d drivaway nxa(f is directed into street/stom�syst�n. (3) The remainin9 Pervious areas(fawn)are co�e�ed to be in good conditia�for these cunre numbers. � 3.5.2-3 . 11/92 I � . � . + , � � :-,; " .— ' t '`�t�'r��i��� ��� ` � � - ���.;:3•A� ':������1�,����i , "�l ���t�:�� �. `�`�, � �s�r� �/ � L� � � �T�� �'`�� , � E , �Ej���. ��r��a '� s �� � wA�� r �. ��-�! - � ����� ��. ��. ��,�;rl!��` � � �I. � _ � 0 '��E���Er-= E �� �` \ ����� ��il��� �" �� �.��� �1 ���� , � .�i _ ���Ir ��,����' �� �,1 .'�`-11w.��'�1� �'r.w ������ � - — �;;�F���--- �� I�,�.���-��� � � . . 4� ������ti',��� _ �,r��. � !�� • �� �� �r ��� •~ � ` :il:�.���� ����i'�/���� 1'� �I'� �� `�. �i� i ����� � 1.i�i�.. .� �'`i� � ��•�r:`. .1� ',�-1,��� � ��.'�� i �"' _.. , j=��ys���� - � J�..� � ���r � � � � .s� • �'� � ��� ���� �f�rplW � ��� , .�R' �,,,.��� � �' ��- ` �;����t" ��` ,��� ��i'''` �+_.��''�i! , r��'i ,��.1 1�t,( �-� � -► � � f ,1 '�"'3t��.� i ,u1��s ��u.s , � ! 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APPENDIX C Street Modification Approval � c�T� o� �rl�rolv � � �� — Grqg?�er�P�»A�ter S�hy Keolber-R►beelaG W�wc — � - 3une 9.2004 Brad Olschefski Arcarius Homes 6947 Coal Cceelc Parlcway SE - Newcastle,WA 98059 SUBJEGT: CAMAS ffiTATffi SHORT PY.AT RF,QiTE3P FOR MODIFICATION Deaz Mr.Olschefsld: � The City of Reatan has reaeivcd yau strxt modificati�roquest associsted with the proposed S- lot single�amily resideatial plat loca�d g�rally at the int«sectio�n af Camas Avenue NE and Snnset This is aa urfitl developmeat in an existamg neighba�ood with aae access fi�am Camas Avenne NE. The proQo�ed modificatian�to allaar the pro�Osed new hnntage road cross section be teduced to a comb�ed 25 foot wide atreet pavemeat and pedest�ian walkway, with drainage and safety ameai�e,t�o allow t�vo large traes Lo remsm in the existing rigiit-of-way. The St�eet Modification nequest is he,�eby appro`r�ed snbjact t�foar c�onditia�s. City Gode 4-b-O50(S�nxt Stsndacds)tequires fuu street" far aIl adjaceat rights-of- way for,witbin and ae�dicaced by a plat. The C;'ity can modify street for new plats if dx:c+e ate practical difficulties in carrying oat the provisions of the Stzeet I�rovemcat Ondinanoe. 'Ibe Modificatian Proced�+es as defined in Sectioa 4A-250D ckarly states t�e crit+cria f� ap�mval by the Deparm�ent Adininistrator. In ader for a modif�catiaa to be approved, the I�partmeat Administ�ator must "6nd that a sptcial individual reason mabGs tbe strict Ietter of this Ordiu�aaoe impr�xical,that the modification is in �ty w►ith t6e mt�eat and ptupose of this� Ordinance, and d�at such modification: . (a) Will meEt the objedives and safr.ty, fimctia�, a�pearance, cavironnoental p�o�ection and main�.b�it�'int�bY this O�dinsna.based upcxi so�md�in�81nd�m�t;aad (b) Will not be injurioos to otha p�ertp(s)in the vicinity,and (c) Confa�m to the inteat and ptupoce of the Code;and {d) Can be shown to be justified and i+equired far the use and situati��od;and (e) Wi11 not create adverse impacts to other pra�peities in ti�e vicinity." Mests objectives and safety,functian: The intent of public and emergency access and pedesirian amenit�cs is mct witb the�l,as there is no t+ednctiaa in the travel Ianes, and a pedestrian W�►y � �rn►iaca. ('.amas Av�ue NE is a �-ead at dris lacati� with no possib�lity of extension. �� t�l�l� Y ur� xr;� i�ulv .,u PlanninP,Bu�dingJPublicWorks Department � Gre�7�mmerman P�.,Adminlstrator x�rny�.on�-w�ta,�yor Not injurious or adversely_�apact adjacent propecties: Adjacent properties are not injuied nor adversely iinpacted as all construction occurs within existing right-of-way. Conforms to the intent of the code: The intent of providing for the city street network is met with the installation of pavement and a pedestrian walkway in the frontage of the short plat along Camas Avenue NE. Justified and required for use and situation intended: The zoning of this parcel is R-8, Single Family. The modifications as requested allow the maximum density and number of lots that still meet the various setbacks and access criteria. The plat providcs the minimum necessary for full use for access,emergency and domestic,as well as pedestrian amenities. T6e Street Modification is annrnved subiect to the following condidon: 1. "No Par�ng" signage slwll be imrtalled on both sides of the right-of-way prior to recordiag of the plat, 2. A pedestiian walg way shall be delineated along the east side of Camas Avenne NE to tLe satisfaction of the Development Services Divisioa 3. The access road shall conform to C�ty of Renton standards. Any ea�sting damaged or sub-standard roadway sh�ll be fully repaired or replaced. A full overlay is required. 4. TLe road pavement design s6all remain on the westerly half of the e�nsting right of way to avoid as much impact as possible to the eaisting 8-inch madrona tree and 24-inch fir tree as identified on the tree-cutting plan. This decision to approve the proposed Street Modification is subject to a fourteen-(14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeats of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Fxam;n�T by 5:00 p.m.,September 18,2003. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required 575.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner,City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are govemed by City of Renton Mnnicipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional inforn�ation regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)4�510. Jt�t� Itl,a�•• 7oZlto If you have any questions,ptease contact at(425)430-'�. Sincerely, �' � �. ���`" I� Kayren Kittrick Develop�nt Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections&Permits cc: Land Use Fk , Neil Wms Lacry Rude ioss s��,�,�ay way-x�wn,w�� 9soss R E N T O N ,-. - m: Brad Olschefski <brad@arcariush�mes.com> ' <arcarius(e�comcast.net> Subject: Fwd: No Subject I Date: Wed, 28 Jul 20D4 01:50:12 +0000 �� ---------- i From: Brad Olschefski <_b_rad@arcariushomes,com>, brad_@arcariushom_e_s.com Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 14:31:55 -0400 (BST) To: kkittrick@ci.renton.wa.us Cc: jillian@ci,renton.wa.us Subject: No Subject Ms. Kittrick, Per our discussion 5/14/2004 I would like to request a modification of the transportation improvements for the Camas Estates short plat. The hearing examiner and concerned neighbors wished to save an 8\\" Madrona tree and a 24" Fir tree which is on the City right of way. Saving these trees will necessitate a modification of the normally required improvements i.e. Paving width,Lighting, Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk aiong the frontage of Camas Estates. The present width of paving along Camas South of 12th to the point it dead ends at SR-90fl is 25' +/- 6" and is currently lighted which shoutd offer sufficient width for vehicles and safety for pedestrians on this very fightly traveled street. —' is request is to forgo the transportation improvements until such time that City of Renton impro�es the remainder of Camas Ave. from 12th South to the �v�th end of Camas Estates frontage. As per suggestion the current raadway will be a ful�y overlaid for the 25'x 101' +/- frontage of Camas Estates. Brad Olschefski Arcarius Homes, i.LC tBack ] ttp://maiIcenter.comcast.net/wmc/v/wm/41070684000404A300003D7D22007374789C9A079DOEOC9... 7/27/04 APPENDIX D Technical Information Report & Storm Draina e System Approval For the RE�CO, INC. TIR From: Ronald Straka To: Jan Illian Date: 07/28/2004 2:54:36 PM Subject Camas Estates -Stormwater system sizing approved The re�Camas Estates Storm system report,which indudes the in�ltration aystem and wa�quaNty treatrnent facilit�r sizing cala�lations is approved. i assume that you w�wrfiy the plans s�sfjr the normal pian revie�w requirements for the storm system and other Civi!plans. CC: Allen Quynn .;� ��� � �r.�... �. �� � I . '' • r yr; '- . . . �i ..b� . '�"2 `� , +ie��,� �l Z :�'i /.__.. , . ' . . �__.:'� � � . ti_ , �-? ; 1NSPECI'ION&T�.STING SERVICES SPEARS I� G�cxivic�.Er�nvEEwivG ! � CONSTRUCT'ION MATERIALS ENQIIQEERING ENGINEERING & i CONSIRUCfION/PROJECT MANA(3IIafENT TECHNICAL SPECIALIZING IN ROADS 8t BRIDGES frrrr:nwww.SPEARS—ENGINEERING.coM SERVICES ARC�us HoMEs 6947 Coal Creek Parkway SE. #257 , Newcastie, WA.98059 Fax: 425-746-5471 Cell:206-794-5556 Attn: Brad Olschefski Re: Subsurface Soils Investigation Project: 1160 Camas Ave N.E. Renton,WA. Report Date: 09/09/2003 Gentlemen As per your reque�, we have oonducxed a soils exploration and foundation evaluati�for the above mentioned additioa. The res�ilts of this im�estigation,togetber with our recommendatiions,are to be found in the following report. We have provided four copies for your review and distribution. Duiing our exploration,Wrae test pits wene ex�rvated a�d soil�subtaitted for l�oretory testing from the project site. The data has been car�fuliy anaty�ed to determine soils bearing capacities and footing embedment depttis. 'ihe res�ilts of the explocadion and anatysis indic�te that oomentional spc+ea�d amd oontinu�s wall footings appeaz to be the most s�itable type of faudatia�n for the svpport of the proposed stmdures_ Some varia�ility was e�ered in comparing the soil profiles of the site. Net allovvab�e�oil -�res�u�es,embedment depth,and total expected s�tlements have been poesented for tbe site,later in the r�eport. vften, because of design and consriuction details that occur on a P�l� 9�ions arise conceming soil conditia�ns. We would be pleased to contim�e a�r mle as geotechnical enS��g� P�l��Ptem�tation We appreciate this oppordu�ity w be of seivice to you and we look forward to working with you in the futune_ If yar have wl'questions conc�rning the above items, the procedures u�ed,or if we can be of any forther assistanoe please call us at(253)833-7967. Respectfally Submitted, SPEARS ENGINEERING&TECHNICAL SERVICES ., � � �C�"�E W�f/���'� .T8S0 .C.BCII,P.E. r r� �'� Associate ` �'t'• ' z p � � � ��'PF 37343 �4 ` �'• ='�sT [�.� _� SS�ONAL E��` IXPIRES 09/03 D� P.O.Box 1007 Pxor�: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 Austrx�, WnsEi[c�Urorr 98071-1007 P,vc: (253)735-2867 P�ge i of 14 , , ' INSPECTION&T�SPIlVG SERVICES SPEARS GEo�cxrrtc�.Etv�n�Exnva - CONSTRUCCTON MATERIAL3 EN(3INFERING ENGINEERING & CONSTRUGTION/P1tOJECT MANAGEMENf TECHNICAL SPECIALIZQ�JG IN ROADS&BRIDGES �r�r:i/wwa'.s��nxs-�nv��nvG.00M SERVICES Table Uf Contents Table Of Couteots 2 Sabsurface Inveatigation 3 Introduction: ; Authoriution: 3 ��� 3 ��= 3 Cienaal: 3 GeoloBY Of�►*ea: 3 Climate Of A�a: q I�ield E=pbrition 4 Gemnl Notes: 4 Dn7ling�Sampting Pra�xdiaes: 4 LaborataY Te�inS ProB�am= 4 Project Description 4 Sub�rface Conditions 4 Genaat Naes: q Description Of Foundation Materials: - 5 Fonnd�tioa Di�ia�n Aad R�000mmendations . 5 G«ival Ndes_ S Fo�ud�tion Desip Reeou�tia�s: S Slope Stab�7ity Amlysis: 6 'onstraction Considerations 6 Earthwaic: 6 Stiuctural Fi1L• .- . ._ 6 Excavations: 6 Latelal Earth Press�ues: 7 Floor 31ab�0u�['snde: 7 Cnowtdwater Co�trol• 7 Geaeei�ic Seuing: 7 Liquefa�tion Pde�!_ 8 Summary 8 Geotecheicsl Geseral Na�es 9 Soil Propaty Symbols 9 Iki(ting And Sampliag Sytnbols 9 Relrtive Da�y And Con�ste�y Classi5c�ion 9 Paztide Stiu 9 $ite LocatioII 10 Site Plsu with Boring Log Locations i l Bor;.g I.og#1 iZ Boring LOg#2 12 Boring Log#3 13 Site P6otos 14 P.O.Box 1007 PHot�: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 Ausutu+t, WASHINGTON 98071-1007 Fn�c: (253)735-2867 Page 2 of 14 , � , INSPECITON SC TESTING$ERVICES SPEARS G������G ENGINEERING & � CON3IRUCTION MATERIAL3 ENOINEERIN�3 CONSTRUGTIOI�/PROIECT MANA(3EMENT TECHNICAL $PECIALIZIIJ(3 IN ROADS$G BRIDGES � x�rre://www.sPEnxs-Excnv�xn�rc.00M SERVICES � , Subsurface Investigation � IIVTRODUCI'ION: 'I7tis repo�t presents the r�sults of a soils explorakion ud fw�ation atratysis for the �opose� new residential oonstruction. This � imvestigation was oonducted for Brad Olschefsld of Arcarius Homes. Au�oiuzai�oN: II Authorization to perform this explaation and analysis was in the form of a writte�authorization to prooeed from Brad OLschefski. PURPOSE: The purpose of this foundation exploration and analysis was to determine the various soil pmfile components, the engineering characteristics of the foundation materials and to provide criteria for use by the design engi�ers and architects in preparing or verifying the suitability of the foundation design. SCUPE: The scope of the exploration and anatysis included a review of geological maps of the area and a review of geologic and related iitera�nre;a reconnaissance of the immediate site;the subsurface exploratioq field and laboratory testing; and an engineering analysis and evaluation of the foundation materials. 'Ve were not requested to pmvide an Environmental Site Assessment for this property. Any comments conceming onsite conditions nd/or observations, including soil appearaitces and odors, are provided as general information Information in this report is not intended to describe, quantify or evaluate any environmental concern or situation. GErrEx�,: The exploratioa and analysis of t6e faundatian oonditia� r�ted herein are oonsidei�ed sufficient in detaii and scope to form a reaso�le basis for dre faund�tion desi� A�y revision in th�e plams fot tbe p�oposed�iu+e from those enam�ed in this report should be braight to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may d�ermine if changes u►the foundatioa recommendati�s are raquiced. If deviations from the noted subsvrface conditioffi ar�e encountered during constmctioq they shaild also be bronght to the attention of t�soiLs engineer. Tbe soiLs enginaer wuranLs that the findings, r�oommendarionsy specific�tians, or professional advice oontained herein, have bcen P��� � � P� ��S � B�IY �� P�essional �ing p�adioc in the fiel� of foundalion en�ncering,9oi1 mechanics�d engineering gaology. No a�hex wananties are implied or ex�ressed- This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Arcarius Homes and their retained design cansultants. Findings and recommendations within this report are fvr specific application to the proposed projed. All recommendations are a000rding to generally acxepted soils and foundation engineering practices. GEOLOCY OF AREA: The geology of the site and sunounding area as takeu from the USDA Soil Cansecvation S�vioe Survey oonsists of(InC)Indianola la�my 5ne sand,4 to 15 peroent slopes. 17�Indiamola sexies is made of 9omewhat exoessavely dcained soits t�formed uoder oon�'ers in sandy,recessional,stratified glacial drift. This u�ularion and rolling soil has oomex slopes. It is near the edg�es of apland temaoes. A typical profile consists of brown loamy fin�e sand,dry,9nft,fiiable,non-sticky,�n-p�astic for the top 6 to 8 inches. Layers b W 1 S inches are dark yellowish brown, loamy fine sand,dry,soft,friable,non-s�y,non-plastic a�many roots. Ai 15 to 30 incties the �il is light oli�+e�brown loamy 5ne sawd and sligi�tty acidic,dry,soft,friable,non-stic�c}'>non-Plastic and many coots. At layers 30 Go 0 inc�res t�e soil is olive sand,lig�brownish graY,�Y,��8�41o�e,�n-stidcY,non-�as�C,f�ew roots aud slightty acidic.T6is .ayrr is n�any fe�ttuck. The�e is no s�al high wat+er table within a depth af S f+eet. P�erm�bility is tapid,av�ailable water� is modeiate. Runoff is slow to medium,a�d the erosion hazard is sligt�to moderate. P.O.Box 1007 Pxox� (253)833-796? R�port# 03001-090 AuBu[trr,Wns�t�'t+oN 98071-1007 Fnx: (253)735-2867 Page 3 of 14 • � INSPEClION&TESfIIVG SERVICES Sp�� � • GEOTECHNICAL ENGWEERIN(3 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCITON MATERIAI.S ENGINEERING CANSTRUGTION/PROIEGT MANAGEMENf TECHNICAL SrEcw.izn�rc�nv RonDs&Bx�Es � HTIP://WWW.3PEARS-ENGINFERING.00M SERVICES C[.nviai'rE OF Aitr.A: The climate of the site a� surrounding area as taken from the USDA Soil Conservation Service Survey consists of annual precipitation of 30 to 55 inches,mean annual temperature is about 50 degrees F. The frost free season is about 150 to 210 days. Field Exploration GErr�xnL NorrEs: The field explocation to detennine the engineering characbe�istics of tt�foundation tnaterials included a reoonmissance of the projed site, excavating the test pits,perfomting field penetrometer and vane shear tests and rxoveriag dishubed gab samples. A total of 3 test pits were plac.ed on the site. Test borings were advanced 6 feet below the exi�ting grou�surface. Test pits wene located by the field crew near as possible to the midpoint of the proposed building walls. A site plan supplied by Arcarius Hames wais used to locate the proposed building orientarion and position the excavations. The test borings were located by the field technician by means of normai taping and pacing procedures and are presunned to be acxvrate to within a few feet. After oompletioq the test bor�i�gs were bacl�illed with excavated soils and the site cleaned and leveled as required. DRILLING&SAMFLING PROCEDURES: The soil test pits were perfoimn�with a comTenti�al track excavator. Representative samples were obtained from the pits at various soii i�tervals. The samples obtained by this procedure were classified in the field by a soils techniciaq identified according to test pit nwmber and deptt�plaoed in plastic bags to protect a�inst moisture loss and transported to the laboratory for additional testing. LABORATORY TESfING PROGRAM: Along with the field investigatioq a supplemeutal laboratory testing program was canducted to determine additional pertinent engineering chazacteristics of the foimdation ma�teeriaLs necessary in analyzing the behavior of t�proposed bnilding struchu�e. 'I1►e laboraiory testing program inctuded supplementary visual classification and water content deteiminations on all samples. In addi�ion, selected samples were subjected to Atterberg I,imits Tests-ASTM designation D�318,and Grain Size Analysis-ASTM designati� C-i i7, C-i36. Aii phases of the labaratory testing progiam were conducted a000rding to ap�licable ASTM Specifications anci tl� results of these tests are to be found on the accompanying Logs located in the Appendix. Project Description The purpose of this section is to enumerate details of the proposed stn�riu�e. The following information was provided by the pmjed stnxx�ual engineer. The building will be a one story brick veneer structure. No basements are piaaned Conventional sPread faorings and slab-on-�ade floors are contemplated. Differential sett�ements ars limited to'/,inc�. A paveme�t section has not been requested but has been pravided within this report The site of the proposed building addition upon which this soils exploration has been made is located at 1160 Camas Ave N.E. in Renton, WA. The site topography cansists of mostly flat terrain with slopes less than 5 percenL TLe site drainage consists of connection to city storm system. The site vegetation is mainly blackberry bushes and midsize deciduous trees. Subsurface Conditions riENERAL NOTES: 'he types of foundarion materials aicountered have been vis�ally class'died and are desaibed in detail on the test boring logs provided in the Appendix. The res�ilts of the field penetrometer and vane shear tests,moistuce oontents and other taboratory tests are presented on the logs. It is reoommended that the logs�t to be�sed for estima�ing quantities due to lughly interpretive results. P.O.Box 1007 Pxor�: (2S3)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 Aua[71trt,WASHINGTON 98071-1007 Fnx: (253)735-2867 Page 4 of 14 . , IN3PECTION 8L TES'IIIdG SERVICES SPEARS GFATECHNIC,AL ENGIIdEER1N(3 ENGINEERING & CANSTRUCTTON MATERULS ENGIIVEERIIV(3 CONSTRUCITOIV/PRO�CT MANAGEMENf TEC�irTICAL $pEC1ALTZQV(}II+I ROADS 8t BRIDGES �m�e:Nwww.srEnxs-�an�r��nv�.00b SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF FOUNDATION MATERIALS: The soil profiles er�countered were very consistent among the two borings. The surface of the proposed oonstruction site is covered with 6 to 12 inches of topsoil tLat shaild be removed prior to the start of any constniction due to the tugh compressibility of these soils. Silt to silty Ioam layers were enoounterad be�ath the elcisti� tc�psoil and extended to depths beyond the s�o�pe of this im�estigation. Lines of demarcation re�the appmxia�ate boundazy between the soil types,but the t�ansition may be gradu�. It is to be not�ed tbat,wher�s the test borings were placed and sampled by an experienoad technician,it is sometimes digicult to reooid changes in stratification within narrow limits. 1n tbe absence of foreign substances, it is also di�icult to distinguish between disoolored soils and clean soil fills. It is r�commended that the logs not to be used for estinnating q�antities due to lugWy interpretive r�esults. Foundation Discussion And Recommendations GFn��As NarEs: Varia�.s founda6on types have been oonsidered for the support of the p�oposed building�rucaue. Two requirements awst be falfilled in the design of foundations. First, the load must be less than t1�e ultimate bearing c�pacity of the foundation soils to maintain stability;and secondly,the differential settlement must not exoeed an amount tlr�t will produce adverse behavior of the superstruchire. The allowable settlement is usually exceeded before beazing capacity consideialions become importan� t�►us,the aliowable bearing pre�re is normally controlled by settlement oonsiderations. ".onsid�ing the s��bb��rface conditians and the proposed constnx*ion, it is recommended that the structure be founded upon �m+eutional spread and cantinuous wall foaring foun�ions. Settlements sho�uld not exceed tolerable limits if the following design and oanstruction reoommendations a�e obsecved Excavation equipment may disturb the bearing soils and ioose pockets can vccur at the bearing level that were not disclosed by the soits borings. For this reason, it is reoommended that the bottoms of the excavations be compacted in place by vibratory compactors. The upper 12 indies should be�ecompacted to achieve an in-place density of not less than 9S%�f the[naaruuum dry density as determined by A.STM D-1557. FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS: On the beisis of the data obtained from the site and the test results from the various laboratory tests perforn�d,we recommen�d that the following guidetines be used for the net allowable soils bearing capacity. ➢ Al!foorings are to be excavated at least 2 fcet� Surface soils are loose and satutated and oontain or�nic material thai will d�egrade and leave voids under a new foundation Organic cnaterial shall be remaved from under the footing areas. Some amas may require 3 feet of excavation or more due to im�asive roox systems from�arby trees. The excavation should be twice the width of the fo�ings for continuous wall footings and an additional 2 feet wider for ail spread footings (i.e. a minimum of 2 feet out from the side of the spread footings). ➢ Continuous wall footings should be a minimum of 2 feet in width and any slab for the proposed building should be suitably reinforced and c�nneded to the footings so as to limit the effeds of differential settlement and to provide some deg�ae of uniform settlement ability for the building shoiild die site undergo liquefadion during a major seismic event Net ADowable Footing ASTM D 1557 Soila Beuing Dept6 Snbgrade Campution Capuity 24 i[tChes 95% 2,SOO lbsfft "'be footings shrnild be pmportioned W meet the stated bearing capacity and/or the Uniform Building C.ode 1997 minimum �quiremevts. Total settlement should be limited to I inch total with diffetential settleme�of'/,inch Any excessively loose or so8 spots or areas that do not meet the compaction requiremerns that are enoou�ered in the footing subgiade will require aver-excavation and backfilling with at least 1 foot of shudutal fill. In order to minimize the effects of any slight differe�iai moveme�tt�at mary P.O.Box 1007 Pftot�: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 AUBURx,Wws[�tG'Pox 98071-1007 F�►x: (253)735-2867 Page S of 14 . , IN3PECITON�G TESI'II�TC�SERVICES SPEARS • G�o�cxx�c�u.�nv�Ex�o ENGINEERING & CONS'fRUCTION MATERIALS ENGIIdEERIIV(3 CoxsrRvcriowPxo�c�r M�vnc��Errr TECHNICAL SPEQAi.IZUVG IN ROADS 8G BRID(}ES HTTP://W W W.SPEARS-ENGINEERIIV(3.coM SERVICES occur due to variations in the characters of the supporting soils and any variations in seasonal moislure conteuts, it is recommended that all co�ntinuous footiu�s be suitably reinforoed to mgke them as rigid as possible. SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSLS: we�n�oc anticipa�e tl�r the pmposea resia�iat�ncx�e ana�iaa af t�e projecx w;u h�aroe any off-sitie impads. on-site c�+e shwld be taken dmin�oanshudion to make sare that nma�cau9ed by wet weather be dinected away from all open excavations.The site is stable eno�ugh to sapport the r�al c�onstroction within the made herein. 'Ibere were ao signa of previous slope instability or failu�es�on-site drainage( f drains at c�ch basins foa�pav�areas)should be oolleded and tightluied away from t}�e propeity into c�tY d�si�e systems� Construction Considerations ��o�: Exoessively orgamc top soils g�ally und�ergo high wln�changes when subjecte�to lo�s. 'Ihis is det�ime�al to the beLavior of paven�uts, 800r slabs, s�dual fills aod fo�mdations plaoed upan tL�em It is raoommended thai�'e�l}' arganic ta'P soils be stripped&nm these areas to�a�6-12 inches and wa�ted or stodcpiled f�later use. Ex�ct depths of�ripping should be adjosted in the field to assnre that the entire root zone i� remwed. It is recommended that the final exposed subgrade be inspacted by a representative of tl�e soils en�eer. Thiis ias�tion shouW verify th�all orgamc m�ial bas been�. Aay soft spots or d�ecting areas should be iemoved W soun�d bearing and replaced with�1 fill. `lnce t�►e e�risting soils are caccavated to the design�"ade>pc�oper oontrol of tbe�grade c�ons(ie.,moist�ue o�i)and th�e laoement&oompaction of new fill(if required) should be exencised. The recomme�lations for stn►dival fill p�sented within this rcport,can be utilized to•••�o;,n���the vdume changes and differential settIements t�are detrimental to t�behavior of footings,and floor slabs. S'ritUcr[�L Fu.i.: S�ral fill should oonsist a�a 3 inch minus seled,ckan,granular 9oi1 with�more tt�5°�fines(-#200). Suirabk�511 sho�uld oo�ist of material Wat maets o�e of the following specifications, WSDOT Section 9-03.10 Agg�+egate for Gcavel Base, WSDOT Section 9-03.14(1) Gravel Borrow, WSDOT Sedion 9-03.14(2) Select Borrow, WSDOT Secaion 9-03.9(3) Crustred Snrfacing (Base Course Spacs), WSDO'T Sedion 9-03.9(3) Ciust�ed Stufacing (Top Caursc Spxs), APWA C�ass A Fit Rrm, � APWA class B Pit Run. Material tlrat does not mcet one of the spacificafions should be sabmit�ed with sieve analysis res�ilts fvr ap�val Prior to Pl�ent 'Ibe fill should be plaoad in lifts not t�ea�ceed 12 inches in drickness. F.ach layer of�uial fill should be com�pacted to a mimm�m , �ensity of 95'Yo of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM desig�tion D-1557. For stivclural fill bciow footings,the area '� of the oompac;ted b�lt must e�end outside tLe peri�r of the fou�ion for a distance at least equai to the thiclmess of the fill � betw+een the bottom of ihe foundati�and ti�e u�erlying soiLs. If it is elect�d to urili�ee a campacUed bacicfill for the support of fou�ons, the�p�ation and the placing af t�e backfill slauld be monitored oon�m�a�sly by a quatified engi�eer ar his r��r�ntative so thai tl�e work is performed a000rding to these recommendatia�ns. The use of on-site soils as stnx�ual fill is nat. ' reoommended. EXCAVATIONS: ' Shaliow excavations reqaired for constnuxion of foundations thai do not e2cceed four feet in depth may be const�ucted with side slopes approaching vertical. Below this depth it is raoommended thai slopes not exoaed o�e veAicat m o�horizontal. For deep excavations, the sals presert cannot be expeued to r�main in position. T'hese m�a�rials c�n be expacted to fail,a�d oollapme into azry elccawa�ion the�+und�mining the u�per soils�ials. This is especially trne when working at de.pthc near the water table. Proper cane�st he taken to Pmtect Pe�o�l and equiPmeat- C�e �be takea so tLat all excavatiaos made for � fau�dations are FmQedy ackfilled with suitable material com�aocordiug to the pr000dures out2ined in this report. Bcfare the bac�Cfill is plaoed,a!1 wrater ..nd lo�e debris sho�ild be remaved from these exc�+ations. P.O.Box 1007 P�ot�: (253)833-7967 Repcxt# 03001-090 Ausvxrt,WASHINGTON 98O71-1007 �nx: (253)735-2867 Page b of 14 , � INSPECTION&TESTING SERVICES SPEARS • GEOTECHNICAI.EI�iGINEERlNt3 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCiTON MATERIALS ENOINEERING ' CONSTRUGTION/PROJECT MANA(3II�NT TECHNICAL SrEct.a,t.tznvG nv RoAns&Btt�Es HTTP://W W W.SPEARS-ENGINEERIIVG.COM SERVICES This infom�ation is provi�d for Pl�wnit�g Puc�p�- It is�r opinion that mait�taining sa�'e working oondifions is the respqnsibility of the oontractor. Jobsite condirions soch as soil moishue oontent, weather oondirion, earth mwements a� equigment type and aperatio�n can all affect slope stability. All excavations should be sla�ped or braoed as raiair+e�by applicable local, state and federal �quic�ements• LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES: Lateral eartl�pressures aze depe�de�upan the bacld'ill maierials and their configuration and moisture conte�t. 'I�ree inch minus sand and gravel mixtures tl�at are &ee drauiing are recommended for bacldilling walls gteater than four feet tall. There are below grade rehaining walls or walls designed for retaining ea�then fills on this project. The following vah�es may be used for this site. Earth Pres�re Ccefficients Earth Preswre Active,K,: 0.390 Active: SO lbs./ft' At Rest,ICo: 0.562 At Rest: 70 lbs./ft3 Passive,KP: 2.561 Passive: 310 Ibs./ft3 Coefficient of Friction: �.40 FLOOR SLAB-ON-GRADE: Before the placing of co�rete floors or pavemetrts on the site, or before any floor supporting fill is placed, the organic, Ioose or obviously compressive materials must be removed. 1Le subgtade should then be proof rolled W confirm that tl�subgrade contains no soft or deflecting areas. Areas of excessive yielding should be eaccavated and bacld'illed with�uctucal fill. ►ny addi6onal fill used to increase the elevation of the floor slab should meet the requitemeat for structural fill. Sriuctural fiIl should be placed in layers of not more than 12 inches in tluicl�ss,at moisture conteirts at or above optimum,and compacted to a miuimuu� density of 95%of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM designation D-1557. A granulaz mat should be pmvided be�ow the floor slabs. This sho�ild be a minimum o�'four inches in thiclmess an�d pcoperly oompacted TLe mat shauld�nsist of sand or a sand and�mixture with nan-plastic fines. The material should all pass a'/.inch sieve and should oon�in less than 10%gassiog the ff200 sieve. Bec�use groundwa�r can be expoctod to be at si�allawer depWs during the wint�months a moisture bamer should be placed beaeath all floor slabs. GROUNDWATER CONTROL: Groundwater was not encount�ed beneath tLe existing gt�ade at the time tbe field exploration was conduded. GroundwateF is nM expected to cause aay difficulties dwing oonstnxxian of this project. It is recommended�cunoff causad by wet weather be dirocted away from all open excavations. The on-site silty soils can be expected to become soft and p�unp if subjected to excessive tiaffic after becoming wet during periods of bad weather.'This can be avoidod bY const�udinS temporu7'or permaneat driveway sedions sLould wet weather be foracast. GEosE�c S�rrnvc: T11tS p[+OjC�SItC 1S�OCd10d vYt�11II a�ZAi1C 3 APf'd"aS pE.7 t� 1997 C�lOil U�thC UDLfOtIIi B1111d1IIg r.OdC. Al�blri�ltig St[Ddi1[�CSS OIi thiS projed shauld be designed as per the UB.C.Reqoireanen�t for such a seiscnic classifirdtia�. Addrtionatly,the on-site sals s6oald , be classified as type Sgper tl�e 1997 U.B.G Table 16-J. 'I�ese types of soils have a sheaz wave velocity in the range of less than 600 ' ft/sec and an undrained shear strength of less tl�► 1,000 psf with blow counts of less than 15 blows per foot The following may be ' usod for the seismic ccefficients. Seismic Coefficient Z=0.3 Ca 036 G, 0-� ', P.O.Box 1007 PxorrE: 253 833-7967 # 03001-090 I Atrsu�tt�t,WASHING'['ON 98071-1007 Fn�c: (253)735-2867 P�of 14 INSPEGTION 8t TESI'IlVG SERVICES SPEARS � G�ct�cai.Favcin�Exn� CONSTRUCI'ION MATERIALS ENGIIVEERING ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION/PROJECT MANAdEMIIVT TECHNICAL SPECIAI.I7ING II�t ROAD3�G BRIDGES x�e://www.sr�ves-Excnv�xnva.00a� SERVICES LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL: In our�eview we found no evidence of liquefaction of the soils in the immediate area from the i949 and 1965 earthquakes. The site is located within the category III region of the Renton quadrangle lique�'action susceptibility map (GM-41) which has a low suscephbility rating for fiquefaction. This c�egi�includes all Pleistooene glaciai and non-giaciai deposits. Summary When the plans and specifications are complete, or if significant changes are roade in the character or locadon of the proposed stiuctures, a consultation should be atranged to review them regarding the prevailing soil oonditions. Then, it may be neoessaiy to submit supplementary recommendations. It is reoommended that the services af au firm be engaged to test a�d evatuate the soil conditions durmg the construction p�ase of the pmject. Th�e design vaiues and recommendations mac3e herein are valid only insomuch as tbey are followed during the construction phase. Additionally, monitoring and testing during the construction phase needs be performed to verify the subgrade�nditions and that suitable materials are used and that they ate properly piaced and compac�ed. While the recommendations made herein are considered sufficient in detail for the constiuction of the proposed project, there are many alter�tive methvds of constn�chion which are available. We can disc�s various other options for construction at your request. P.O.Box 1007 PxortE: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 AusUttx,WASHIIdGTON 9807 1-1 007 FAx: (253)735-2867 Page 8 of 14 INSPEGTION&T�SfIIVG SF.�tVICES SPEARS • GEOTECHNICAL EN(iINEERING ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCITON MATERIAL.S EN(31NEERINC CONSTRUCCION/EROJECT MANA(iEMENT TECHNICAL SPECIALIZQJG IN ROADS 8t BRIDGES SERVICES HTTP://W W W.SP EARS-ENGINEERIIVCi.OOM Geotechnical General Notes SOIL PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Standard"N"penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 paund hamm�falling 30 inches on a 2 inch O.D.split-spoon Q.: Unoonfined compressive strength,tons/ft2 Qp: Penetrometer value,unoonfined compressive streatgth,tonslft2 V: Vane vatue,uhimate shearing strength,tons/ft� M: Water content,% LL: Liquid limitt,% PI: Plasticity index,% DD: Nahual dry density,lbs/ft3 WD: Natural wet density,lbs/ft3 WT: Apparent groundwater level at time noted after oompletion DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS SS: Split-Spoon-1 3/8"I.D., 2"O.D., except where noted. ST: Shelby Tube-3"O.D., except where noted. AU: Anger Sample. GB: Grab Sample. DB: Diamond Bit. CB: Catfiide Bit. WS: Washed Sample. RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION Terms(Non-Cohesive Soila) Stsmdud Penetration Resistance Very Loose 0-2 Loose 2-4 Slightly Compad 4-8 Medium Dense 8-16 Dense 16-26 Very Dense Over 26 Terms(Cohesive Soils) Standard Penetration Resistance Qo-(tonslft2) Very Soft 0-2 4-U.25 Soft 2—4 0.25-0.50 Firm(Medium) ' 4—8 0.50-1.00 Sti$ 8—15 1_00-2.00 Very Stiff i 5—30 2.00-4.00 Hard Over 30 4.00+ Pax'[`icc.E S� Boul�rs 8 in.+ Cos�rse Sand 5 mm-0.6 mm Silts 0.074 mm-0.005 mm Cobblea 8 in. -3 in. Medium Sand 0.6 mm-0.2 mm C7s�ya 0.005 mm&Smaller Gravel 3 in-5 mm Fine Sand 0.2 mm-0.074 mm P.O.Box 1007 Pgot�: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 Ausc�tv,WAS[IQdGTQN 9HO�1-IOO� FAx: (253)735-2867 Page 9 of 14 INSPEGTION&TES'CING SERVICES SpEARS . GEo�cxi�r�c,nt.Bx�u��atuaG CON3TRUGTION MATERIAI.S ENGINEERIIYG ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCITON/PROIECT MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL SFEQALIZING IN ROADS�L BRIDGES K,Tr:iiwww.SPF.ARS-ENGINEERING.COM SERVICES � Site Location ' � -- �r� S�',Jt�r � :�- , � �.'��� -� .�. �ir..k __.-y'��-� \* (� `�8�-y� 'i _��� l�^ 8�E:3�� �' `i f �� �'°' � ��� ��._ � � � \�� _ ;,-�]E '�_!�'- �. ���� �, ��� : �i-- ``_; �JG(I' c �``; -�_ � ��\— -'� �r-- , �'[, �, J�� -r � - �� � '�->t�„� �5�, ((-;� �� ,�+'�{' �� ', �_;� a �}�t�-';,.- iL 71 2�.=;�C�,f j t` �i� 1 ;,'�1 J�' '' i�„ %.�t=�='� '�- l��....,. . �.�, � -+ ;-� , ��..,' iwec��a�.� Ir .'�, I�_;Ui�l � I� w�.,�,�. r-, � � � - -,— L � 1 � �L.� _� � �-;� _� �; ��-'�� ,__ , ��� j--�� --- � ,, • � � � /%'-� �C I `i�� � ' `=�1 ; _._� ' C � �Zl� � �� �►.�r.-.�.�... ;`'� �'`:, ���� �t-�� i ,��: ;�.� ; � — Gr, l,4 1 �� � ��� — `.� J �, �"x � � ' ' � ; --`� � � . � �� �_ � ��� ��� :� t � ,;,�1 :� . � � � tt ;?;�' ��'' f���- ��� �'�� �-��� � � ;; ���� f� � '��-� - _ ,� � ; � , J�r�, �. 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C'iFATECHIYICAL ENt3INEER[Nd CONSTRUCI'ION MATERIAIS ENGINFERING ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCITON/PROIECT MANAGEl1�NT TECHNICAL � SPECIALIZING IN ROADS 8i BRIDGES H1TP://W W W.SPEARS-ENGIIVEERIIVG.O�M SERVICES Site Plan with Boring Log Locations sae�2'4r'E {a�oy n.�a� saoar ���.4� ts.o�' Test p� Test pit 3 � � ''' Test prt 1 �4 g � � W $ � M g N � LOT 3 `a,p'�� � � z I.OT7 � g ^ tge � �. µ z � �y �'1'`Z W J..�./1 V e� N L72 �7��. , $ � 7T•� N �'���5�� N �+ �.�p��W � gf.�, "� a ��oQ. � � � � � STar� LOT 5 �g � 43t�p� °� _ . e �pas��CArive P,O.Box 100T Pxor�: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 AUa[7RN,WnsxII�rcTON 98071-1007 Fax: (253)735-28b7 Page 11 of 14 . . IN5PEC1'ION 8G TESTIN(3 SERVICES SPEARS GE0IECEIIVICAL ENCiWEERIIYQ CONSIRUGTION MATERIALS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING & CONSTRUGTION/PROJEGT MANAGEMENf TECHNICAL SPECIALIZING IN ROADS 8i BRIDGES HTTP://W W W.SPEARS-ENGIIVEERIlYG.COM SERVICES Boring Log #1 � D�e: 9/8/2003 P9e#:03001-096 ���L�L#: 1 C7fs� �rad Os�e�ki Borhq Tyre: Ttack F.�ocavator Deph D�ei: 7 fi�et Deplh FieM C�e (Ft) De�iP'tim in Soi7a ?G M N %j/." X.-#4 %-#200 Cam�s _ __ . __ __ _ _. _ _ _... ...__. .__..... _. . . 1.0 Topsa7 _ 2.0 . _ _ . _ _ . _ 3.Q Sihy Swd,3M 4_9'Ni IOMG 95�ifi 13'�G sane orgutiCa,dry _ 4.0 _ modum dense .. _ ._. . . __ ... . . 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GEo�c�-nvtc.ni.ErrGuvEEwiva CONSTRUG"fION MATERIALS ENGINEERING ENGiNEERING & CONSIRUGT[ON/PROJECf MANAGEMENT T 1��ICAL SPECIALIZIl�IG IN ROADS 8t BRIDGES �rrre:irwww.SPEARS-EN(iINEERING.coM SERVICES Boring Log #3 Da�e: 9/8/2003 B8e#: 03001-090 �K�!#: 3 C71e� �sd Oar�e6ki Bo*�'ly'PG TcacY F.�cavata De�&D��ei: 7 feet De{Nh Fidd q�mge (Ft) Dexxiptian in So�7e Y.M N '!.�/s" %-fi4 `R-#Z00 Ca�arnea� _ _ ___ _ __. _... ... _. _ ._._... _ _ _ _ _.. _.. 1.0 Tapeoil . 2A _ _ _ _ . . 3A S�7tY Sand,SM 6.0'K 100'JG 98% 229G sotnc a'�.drp _ . ..... .... _ _ _. .. 4.0 tnediom dea�e _ ........ _ _ . _ . .. _ SA . _ . _ ._... _. .. ._ . _ .. _._ _. _ _ 6.d � • . , .. .. . .__..-..__.... 7.0 ... __.. ..._...... . ..... ... ..... _ ._.. ... ..:.. ...._._ 8.0 _ . _ 9.0 10.0 ead Baing P.O.Box 1007 P[�or�: (253)833-7967 Report# 03001-090 � AuBuiw�WASHINGTON 98071-1007 Fnx: (253)735-2867 Page 13 of 14 � . . r � � � . . � . . . � i ' • � � M • ' � I 1 1 ----_ ----------- - --- --- - -- -- ----_ ' � _ ." f � �"�\ 1Rt' - ' J' -�a. � , ` � - �1 i + i�- � . - ! `�� t � y ��` �__ ._ � �.�ir- / ` :�.M . �� _. -i . ���4• �,r'_ � �/`:... t i �! i . � _ �� � <:. :'S�. i �._ _. . �_, I � " � I - - =� ' ;. 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